Pace Law School Jones Research Paper a Cruel and Unusual System Problems With Outsourcing Prison Health Care 2007
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A Cruel and Unusual System: The Inherent Problems of the Practice of Outsourcing Health Care of Prisons and Jails Doug Jones∗ I. INTRODUCTION The prison and jail population in the United States is enormous, and is growing larger every day. The United States has about 2.1 million people behind bars, a larger proportion of its population than another nation in the world.1 Such a large correctional system costs more than $60 billion a year, up from just $9 billion two decades ago.2 In 2004, the rate of incarceration in the United States grew to 726 persons per 100,000.3 In comparison, the United States’ closest competitor in this field is the Russian Federation, whose imprisonment rate is 550 per 100,000.4 Prisons and jails in the United States are over-crowded and many strain to handle the vast number of inmates they detain. As of June of 2002, state prisons operated between 1% and 16% above capacity and federal prisons operated 31% above capacity.5 Also, the inmate population has grown an average of 3.8% each year from 1995 to 2002.6 In fact, the increase in the rate of imprisonment in America far exceeds the rate of increase in the general population.7 ∗ B.A., Washington University in St. Louis, 2003. J.D., Pace Law School, 2007. Editorial, Death Behind Bars, N.Y. TIMES, March 10, 2005, at A26. 2 Id. 3 See The Sentencing Project, New Incarceration Figures: Growth in Population Continues 5 (Nov. 2005), 4 Id. 5 Paige M. Harrison & Jennifer C. Karberg, Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dep’t of Justice, Prison and Jail Inmate at Midyear 2002 1 (2003). 6 Id. at 2. 7 See MARC MAUER, RACE TO INCARCERATE 17 (The New Press, 1999). 1 1 Electronic copy available at: Additionally, the majority of inmates are black or hispanic.8 The impact of the growth of imprisonment has been most severe on black men.9 Almost three in ten black males will be incarcerated at some point in their lives. That figure is three in twenty for Hispanic men and less than one in twenty-five for white men.10 Not only is the prison population in America vast and rapidly expanding, it is also the sickest population in our society.11 In fact, “the prevalence of chronic illness, communicable diseases, and severe mental disorders among people in jail and prison is far greater than among other people of comparable ages.”12 Specifically, the “[s]ignificant illnesses afflicting corrections populations include coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes, asthma, chronic lung diseases, HIV infection, hepatitis B and C, other sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis, chronic renal failure, physical disabilities and many types of cancer.”13 Some have argued that the high concentration of the very sick in prisons and jails presents a public health opportunity. For example in New York City some argue that “[t]he vast jail complex at Rikers Island [is] New York’s crucible of public health, where doctors have a chance to treat some of the city’s sickest and most troubled people before they return to the street.”14 8 See Paige M. Harrison & Allen J. Beck, Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dep’t of Justice, Prisoners in 2003 9 (Nov. 2004), 9 See Thomas P. Bonczar & Allen J. Beck, Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dep’t of Justice, Lifetime Likelihood of Going to State or Federal Prison 3 (March 1997), 10 Id. 11 RE-ENTRY POLICY COUNCIL, REPORT OF THE RE-ENTRY POLICY COUNCIL: CHARTING THE SAFE AND SUCCESSFUL RETURN OF PRISONERS TO THE COMMUNITY 157 (2005). 12 Id. 13 Id. 14 Paul von Zielbauer, Evaluation of Medical Care Provider in City Jails is Questioned, N.Y. TIMES, Dec. 26, 2005, at B1. While no one in their right mind would argue that minorities’ disproportionate population in prisons and jails is a good thing, it is, for the time being, a fact. See Bonczar & Beck, supra note _, at 3. However an unfortunate a fact it is, it is a fact that could be taken advantage of by advocates for minority health care. These advocates could implement health education programs in prisons and jails which would be ensured of reaching their target audience because the target audience is, in a very literal sense, a captive audience. 2 Electronic copy available at: Throughout the country, health care costs have skyrocketed in recent years.15 The correctional system has not been immune to the rising cost of health care. In the last decade, State and local government spending for inmate health care has tripled to approximately five billion dollars a year.16 Not only are the costs of prison health care rising quickly, but many correctional systems find it difficult to find qualified and experienced medial staff because prisons and jails are not viewed as prestigious places to work and tend not to pay very well.17 In response to these fiscal and staffing dilemmas, many correctional systems outsource prison medical services to for-profit medical services corporations who claim that they can reduce the costs of prison health care.18 These for-profit companies, in addition to claiming that they save tax-payer money, “claim to provide many advantages over government-run correctional health agencies by offering, for example, reform of on-site health care operations and reduction in the need for hospital visits.”19 Additionally, these for-profit corporations argue that “[p]rivate contracts allow easier prediction of costs and provide an available pool of doctors, nurses and other workers who can address gaps in staffing more quickly than “’government bureaucracies.’”20 Interestingly, there is a long history of prison privatization in this country. The practice developed as early as the eighteenth century when government-appointed jailers ran jails for 15, Health Costs Skyrocket, Sept. 22, 2003, 16 Paul von Zielbauer, Harsh Medicine: First of Three articles – Dying Behind Bars: As Health Care in Jails Goes Private, 10 Days can be a Death Sentence, N.Y. TIMES, Fed. 27, 2005, at A1 [Hereinafter Zielbauer I]. 17 Id. 18 CHADWICK L. SHOOK & ROBERT T. SIGLER, CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUES IN CORRECTIONAL ADMINISTRATION 118 (2000). 19 Richard Siever, HMOs Behind Bars: Constitutional Implications of Managed Health Care in the Prison System, 58 VAND. L. REV. 1365, 1378-79 (2005) (citing William Allen & Kim Bell, Death, Neglect and the Bottom Line: Push to Cut Costs Poses Risks, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Sept. 27, 1998, at G1.). 20 Siever, supra note _, at 1379 (quoting Allen & Bell, supra note _, at G1). 3 profit.21 While many kinds of prison services, such as security or meals, can be contracted out, the most commonly outsourced prison services are medical and mental health care.22 Supporters of the outsourcing of prison services claim that the major advantage of the practice is that it lowers costs.23 For example, one study examined a privately run prison farm, and with conservative estimates, concluded that the private operation saved the local government between four and fifteen percent annually.24 One of these for-profit corporations is Prison Health Services, Inc. (“PHS”). PHS is based outside of Nashville, and its self-stated purpose is “to provide quality, cost-effective healthcare services to prisons and jails at the local, county, state, and federal levels nationwide.”25 PHS holds a contract with New York City’s Rikers Island and claims that it has held increases in medical expenses below the national average and that it has saved the city hundreds of thousands of dollars.26 However, despite all the benefits that corporations like PHS claim they bestow on state and local governments, critics of the practice of outsourcing prison health care claim that the industry “takes advantage of the public’s ill will toward inmates to give poor care while making a profit.”27 There is a dark underside to the practice of outsourcing prison and jail health care. Despite the public relations façade that corporations like PHS put forward, there are numerous horror stories which bespeak the true nature of the practice of outsourcing prison and jail health care. 21 David Yarden, Prisons, Profits, and the Private Sector Solution, 21 AM. J. CRIM. L 325, 326 (1994). Id. at 326-27. 23 Id. at 327. 24 Id. 25 Prison Health Services, Inc., Company Overview, (last visited March 19, 2006). 26 Paul von Zielbauer, Harsh Medicine – Second of Three Articles: Lost Files, Lost Lives: Missed Signals in New York Jails Open Way to Season of Suicides, N.Y. TIMES, Feb. 28, 2005, at A1 [hereinafter Zielbauer II]. 27 Allen & Bell, supra note _, at G1. 22 4 In general, inmates’ complaints about medical treatment received from these for-profit corporations have included “claims about the adequacy and nature of the medical care received, allegations of a total denial of medical care, improper medical care, [and] inadequate care . . . .”28 The story of PHS’s treatment of Brian Tetrault is illustrative. Brian Tetrault was confined in a county jail in Schenectady, New York in 2001. The former nuclear scientist had been charged with taking skis from his ex-wife’s home.29 Despite the fact that he had long struggled with Parkinson’s disease, the jail’s medial director, an employee of PHS, cut off all but a few of the 32 pills he took each day to quell his tremors.30 Over the next ten days, Mr. Tetrault’s condition rapidly deteriorated. He was less and less able to move, he was constantly soaked in sweat, and sometime in his own urine.31 Shockingly, jail nurses dismissed Mr. Tetrault as a faker, and he never saw the jail doctor or psychiatrist again.32 After ten long days of being under-medicated, Mr. Tetrault died of septic shock.33 In an effort to avoid responsibility, correctional officers at the Schenectady jail altered records to make it appear that Mr. Tetrault died after he had been released.34 Unfortunately, Mr. Tetrault’s death is not an isolated incident. Two months after Mr. Tetrault’s tragic death, Victoria Williams Smith was booked into a Duchess County jail.35 This jail’s health care services were also outsourced to PHS.36 Ms. Smith was the mother of a teenage boy and was charged with smuggling drugs to her husband in prison.37 She complained of chest pains to the jail’s medical staff, but her complaints were dismissed as a ploy to get drugs. The 28 JOHN W. PALMER, CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OF PRISONERS (5th ed 1997). Zielbauer I, supra note_, at A1. 30 Id. 31 Id. 32 Id. 33 Id. 34 Id. 35 Id. 36 Id. 37 Id. 29 5 only things she was prescribed was Bengay.38 Ten days later, Ms. Smith suffered a heart attack.39 It was at this point that the jail medical staff called an ambulance, but it would arrive too late to save her life.40 Later, New York state investigators concluded that the blame for both of these tragic and unnecessary deaths lie with PHS.41 PHS moved into the business of providing jail health care in upstate New York with a proposal that seemed too good to be true, to “take the messy and expensive job of providing medical care from overmatched government officials, and give it to an experienced nationwide outfit that could recruit doctors, battle lawsuits and keep costs down.”42 Michael Catalano, the chairman of PHS, has stated “what we do, is provide a public health service that many others are unable or unwilling to do.”43 Enchanted by the prospect of curbing jail heath care spending, state and local governments nationwide decided to outsource their jail heath care systems and award PHS contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars.44 However, in the wake of the tragic deaths that occurred in upstate New York, PHS no longer works for most of the jails in upstate New York.45 The New York State Commission of Correction, which is appointed by the Governor to, inter alia, investigate every death in jail, has repeatedly criticized PHS for its refusal to admit or rectify deadly mistakes.46 The commission has faulted company policies or mistakes or misconduct by it employees in 23 deaths of inmates in New York City and six in upstate 38 Id. Id. 40 Id. 41 Id. 42 Id. 43 Id. 44 Id. 45 Id. 46 Id. 39 6 counties.47 Fifteen times in the last four years the commission has recommended discipline for PHS doctors and nurses.48 In very strong language, one Commission report described PHS as “reckless and unprincipled in its corporate pursuits, irrespective of patient care.”49 The report continued that “[t]he lack of credentials, lack of training, shocking incompetence and outright misconduct of the doctors and nurses . . . was emblematic of PHS’s conduct as a business corporation, holding it self out as a medical care provider while seemingly bereft of any quality control.”50 New York is not the only state that has had problems with PHS. Georgia and Maine prisons replaced the company when its contract ran out, complaining of understaffed prison clinics.51 In Philadelphia’s jails, state and federal court monitors reported dangerous delays and gaps in treatment and medication for inmates.52 However, despite all the criticisms and controversies surrounding the company, it is still alive and well. PHS now serves more than 310 jail and prison sites around the country, covering approximately 214,000 inmates in 37 states.53 In fact, even though New York state investigators faulted PHS for the deaths in the upstate jails and even though the State Commission of Correction has regularly criticized PHS, in January of 2005, PHS renewed a three year, $254 million contract with the Rikers Island jail complex in New York City.54 The aim of this paper is to show that at a systemic level, the outsourcing of health care in prisons and jails has or will soon provide such a paucity of health care that the level of care could 47 Id. Id. 49 Id. 50 Id. 51 Id. 52 Id. 53 Prison Health Services, Inc., Company Overview, (last visited March 19, 2006). 54 Zielbauer I, supra note_, at A1. 48 7 be considered cruel and unusual punishment and thus be unconstitutional.55 This result is inevitable considering the race to the bottom that occurs when several for-profit companies compete for a correctional system’s health care contract, and considering that the prison population has little or no power as a social or political constituency. Section II will examine the legal standards under which inmates may bring actions alleging paucity of health care. Section III will argue that the practice of outsourcing prison and jail health care inexorably leads to a violation of inmates’ Constitutional rights. Section IV will suggest ways to improve correctional institutions’ health care systems. II. LEGAL STANDARDS REGARDING INMATE HEALTH CARE Generally, for a federal court to adjudicate an inmates’ complaint about medical treatment, the inmate must alleged that a federal right was implemented.56 A common right that inmates allege in medical treatment cases is the right to due process of law under the Fifth or Fourteenth Amendments.57 The due process right has been interpreted to guarantee the inmate’s right to be free from abuse of discretion on the part of the prison’s administrators.58 Another common right that inmates allege to be violated in medical treatment cases is the right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment as guaranteed by the Eighth Amendment.59 In general, courts find a violation of Eighth Amendment rights when there is an intentional denial of needed care, or when a prison official’s conduct indicates deliberate indifference to the medical needs of an inmate.60 55 But see, Siever, supra note_, at 1404 (analyzing whether outsoursed prison health care is unconstitutional and concluding that it is unlikely that a court will ever find the practice unconstitutional). 56 Palmer, supra note _, at 184. 57 Id. 58 Id. (citing Shannon v. Lester, 519 F.2d 76 (6th Cir. 1975); Derrickson v. Keve, 390 F. Supp. 905 (D. Del. 1975); Nickolson v. Choctaw County, Alabama, 498 F. Supp. 295 (S.D. Ala. 1980); Lareau v. Manson, 507 F. Supp. 1177 (D. Conn. 1980), modified in, 651 F.2d 96 (2d Cir. 1981). 59 U.S. CONST. amend. VIII. 60 Palmer, supra note _, at 184. 8 However, there are limits as to what inmates can expect to accomplish through the courts.61 In Priest v. Cupp, the court held that the constitutional prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment does not guarantee an inmate that he will be freed from or cured of all real or imagined medical disabilities while he is in prison.62 Instead, all that is required is that the inmate be given such care, in the form of diagnosis and treatment, as is reasonably available considering the circumstances of the inmate’s confinement and medical condition.63 Considering this standard, a balance must be struck between the reality of the inmate’s confinement and her need for medical attention.64 Accordingly, much of the litigation in this area has focused on the “nature of so-called adequate or reasonable medical care.”65 Additionally, some courts reason that a certain amount of deference must be given to prison administrators and hold that what constitutes an adequate prison health care system, in the absence of allegations of intentional negligence or mistreatment, must be left to the medical judgment of the prison physician.66 Whether a prison’s medical system is adequate or not depends upon the facts and circumstances of each case.67 Therefore, there are many cases that explain in detail what an adequate prison health system is and is not.68 It is worth noting that most cases hold that a prison’s lack of funds is neither a defense nor an excuse for failure to provide adequate health care.69 61 Id. Priest v. Cupp, 545 P.2d 917 (Or. Ct. App. 1976). 63 Id. 64 Palmer, supra note _, at 185. 65 Id. 66 Id. at 186 (citing United States ex rel. Hyde v. McGinnis, 429 F.2d 864 (2d Cir. 1970) (emphasis added). 67 Palmer, supra note _, at 185. 68 Id. 69 Id. 62 9 In Gates v. Collier the Fifth Circuit reviewed the prison health system of the Mississippi State Penitentiary.70 For over 1,800 inmates, the prison’s sparse health system included one fulltime physician, several inmate assistants, and what the court referred to as a “substandard hospital.”71 The court held that to raise the prison’s health system to an adequate level, the prison would have to implement numerous changes.72 First, the prison would have to increase the medical staff to at least three full-time physicians, one of whom must be a psychiatrist, two full-time dentists, two full-time trained physician’s assistants, six full-time registered or licensed practical nurses, one medial records librarian, and two medical clerical personnel. Moreover, the prison was ordered to obtain the consulting services of a radiologist and a pharmacist.73 Next, the court required the prison to comply with the general standards of the American Correctional Association relating to medical services for prisoners.74 Additionally the prison hospital would have to be brought up to state licensing requirements, and the prison would not be able to use inmates to fill any of the above required medical staff positions.75 However, if an inmate was qualified to perform health care services, that inmate could be used to supplement the required staff.76 In contrast, the court in Miller v. Carson found the health care system of a Florida county prison, with a maximum capacity of 432 inmates, to be adequate.77 There, the medical staff included only one full-time physical, a licensed physician’s assistant, and 13 nurses.78 The court found it significant that the medical staff’s work schedule allowed for a crisis intervention desk 70 Gates v. Collier, 501 F.2d 1291, 1300 (5th Cir. 1974). Id. 72 Id. at 1303. 73 Id. (emphasis added) 74 Id. 75 Id. 76 Id. 77 Miller v. Carson, 401 F. Supp. 835 (M.D. Fla. 1975). 78 Id. 71 10 to be staffed 24 hours a day, and that either the physician or the physician’s assistant was on call 24 hour a day.79 Additionally, the court reasoned that the prisons’ proximity to a university hospital made such sparse staffing adequate.80 The landmark case in the area of prisoner’s constitutional rights to health care is Estelle v. Gamble.81 The standard which Estelle sets forth is the lens through which all issues of prison health care must be viewed. In Estelle, the Supreme Court held that for there to be a violation of the Eighth Amendment prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment, the inmate must prove facts and evidence that show a deliberate indifference to serious medical needs.82 Simple negligence is insufficient; the lack of medical treatment must be intentional.83 Later cases clarified that the deliberate indifference standard encompasses both objective and subjective prongs.84 The first, objective prong is that the alleged deprivation must be, in objective terms, sufficiently serious.85 This objective prong has also been formulated as requiring the inmate to demonstrate a “serious medical need,” which is a standard not so high as to embrace only lifethreatening situations but not so low as to include minor medical conditions.86 The second, subjective prong was laid out in Farmer v. Brennan.87 This prong requires that the prison official charged with violating an inmates’ rights must be shown to have acted 79 Id. Id. 81 Estelle v. Gamble, 429 U.S. 97 (1976). 82 Id. 83 Id. 84 Palmer, supra note _, at 186. 85 Wilson v. Seiter, 501 U.S. 294 (1991). 86 SUSAN L. KAY, THE CONSTITUTIONAL DIMENSIONS OF AN INMATE’S RIGHT TO HEALTH CARE 4, n.43 (1991) (citing Gibson v. McEvers, 631 F.2d 95, 98 (7th Cir. 1980); Golf v. Bechtold, 632 F. Supp. 697, 698 (S.D. W. Va. 1986)). 87 Farmer v. Brennan, 511 U.S. 825 (1994). 80 11 with a sufficiently culpable state of mind.88 A sufficiently culpable state of mind requires more than mere negligence or malpractice, but less than conduct undertaken for the very purpose of causing harm.89 Specifically, “a prison official cannot be found liable under the Eighth Amendment for denying an inmate humane conditions of confinement unless the official knows of and disregards an excessive risk to inmate health or safety; the official must both be aware of facts from which the inference could be drawn that a substantial risk of serious harm exists, and he must also draw the inference.”90 In Farmer, the Court expressly rejected an objective, recklessness standard, because recklessness is not a self defining standard and can not answer the question about the level of culpability that deliberate indifference requires.91 The Court continued that the subjective standard was adopted because the Constitution does not outlaw cruel and unusual conditions; it outlaws cruel and unusual punishments.92 Therefore, by adopting a subjective prong to the Estelle analysis, the Court refused to impose liability on prison officials solely because of the presence of objectively inhumane prison conditions.93 More specifically, Farmer requires consciousness of the risk in addition to the objectively inhumane or risky conditions.94 Ultimately, the Court defined the subjective second prong by stating that a prison official may be held liable under the Eighth Amendment “for denying humane conditions of confinement only if he knows that inmates face a substantial risk of serious harm and disregards that risk by failing to take reasonable measures to abate it.”95 In explaining how the subjective second prong is to be applied, the Court stated that a claimant need not show that a prison official acted or failed to act while believing that harm 88 Id. Id. 90 Id. at 837 (emphasis added). 91 Id. at 836. 92 Id. 93 Id. at 838. 94 Id. at 839. 95 Id. at 847 (emphasis added) 89 12 would actually come to an inmate.96 Rather, “it is enough that the official acted or failed to act despite his knowledge of a substantial risk of serious harm.”97 For example, if an inmate presents facts and evidence that a substantial risk of inmate harm is “longstanding, pervasive, well-documented, or expressly noted by prison officials in the past,” and the evidence suggests that the official has received information relating to the risk and therefore “must have known about it,” then such evidence is “sufficient to permit a trier of fact to find the defendant-official had actual knowledge of the risk.”98 In a concurring opinion, Justice Blackmun stated that Farmer “sends a clear message to prison officials that their affirmative duty under the Constitution to provide for the safety of inmates is not to be taken lightly.”99 A case where this two prong test was applied was Ancata v. Prison Health Services, Inc.100 There, the court considered a county’s policy of requiring inmates to obtain a court order before referring them to a non-staff medical specialist.101 The court held that this practice could constitute deliberate indifference.102 The court reasoned that “if necessary medical treatment has been delayed for non-medical reasons, a case of deliberate indifference has been made out,” including where defendants place “financial interests . . . ahead of the serious needs [of an inmate].”103 Another case where this two prong test was applied is Hathaway v. Coughlin.104 There, the court held a prison doctor deliberately indifferent to an inmate’s serious medical needs when 96 Id. at 842. Id. 98 Id. at 842-32. 99 Farmer v. Brennan, 511 U.S. 825, 852 (1994) (Blackmun, J., concurring). 100 Ancata v. Prison Health Services, Inc., 769 F.2d 700 (11th Cir. 1985). 101 Id. 102 Id. 103 Id. at 704. 104 Hathaway v. Coughlin, 37 F.3d 63 (2d Cir. 1994). 97 13 the doctor knew of and disregarded an excessive risk to the inmate’s health.105 Specifically, the doctor discovered that the inmate had two broken pins in his hip, but waited two years until recommending that the inmate be re-evaluated for surgery.106 The first prong was satisfied because the deprivation of care was sufficiently serious in objective terms.107 The second prong was satisfied because the doctor demonstrated sufficient culpable mental state in waiting two years for recommending that the inmates be re-evaluated for surgery.108 III. OUTSOURCING PRISON HEALTH CARE IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL If an inmate were to show that the practice of outsourcing prison health care is unconstitutional, he would have to satisfy the two prong test discussed above.109 Specifically, the inmate’s injury would have to be, in objective terms, sufficiently serious, and the inmate would have to show a culpable mental state in the prison official. In other words, the inmate would have to show that when the prison chose to outsource health care, the prison official was deliberately indifferent in that she knew “that inmates face a substantial risk of serious harm and [disregarded] that risk by failing to take reasonable measures to abate it.”110 In essence, the inmate would have to show that prison officials intentionally chose to implement a system which they knew would lead to such a degradation in health care, that the act of choosing to outsource health care was a deliberately indifferent act. The first, objective prong will not be hard to satisfy. The Supreme Court has specifically held that the Cruel and Unusual clause protects against future inmate harm.111 The Court has given the example that “a prisoner could successfully complain about demonstrably unsafe 105 See id. Id. 107 Id. 108 Id. 109 See Siever, supra note_, at 1401. 110 Farmer, 511 U.S. at 847. 111 Helling v. McKinney, 509 U.S. 25, 32-33 (1993). 106 14 drinking water without waiting for an attack of dysentery.”112 Therefore, an inmate could bring an action alleging that the practice of outsourcing health care in prison is unconstitutional without waiting around to be injured by the dangerously sub-standard care. Although an actual injury may not be necessary in theory, however, considering the number of inmates who have actually been injured by the sub-standard care provided by PHS and corporations like it, it would not be hard to find a sympathetic plaintiff with a sufficiently serious injury.113 The second, subjective prong is more problematic. No court has ever found that the practice of outsourcing prison health care violates the Eighth Amendment.114 However, courts have found health care delivery systems within specific prisons to be deliberately indifferent.115 Fortunately, it is not a far jump from finding that a specific prison’s health care system is deliberately indifferent to finding that prisons outsourcing to for-profit, health care corporations is deliberately indifferent.116 The case of Todaro v. Ward is illustrative.117 There, the Second Circuit held that the entire health care system of a prison was deliberately indifferent and therefore violated the Eight Amendment.118 The prison’s health care system relied on antiquated and malfunctioning equipment and employed screening and intake procedures that caused unnecessary and dangerous delays and denials of care.119 The court found that existing prison procedures resulted in interminable delays and outright denial of medical care to suffering inmates.120 112 Id. See, e.g., Zielbauer I, supra note_, at A1. 114 Siever, supra note _, at 1393. 115 See, e.g., Todaro v. Ward, 565 F.2d 48 (2d Cir. 1977). 116 But see Siever, supra note _, at 1395, 1404 (discussing that a plantiff could make this argument and concluding that she would be unlikely to ultimatly prevail). 117 Id. 118 Id. at 52. 119 Id. 120 Id. 113 15 In reaching its holding, the court found not only that the prison committed individual acts of deliberate indifference, but that the act of adopting such a dangerously sub-standard health care system was deliberately indifferent.121 The prison officials knew that the system they adopted delivered dangerously low levels of heath care, and by knowingly adopting that system, the officials were deliberately indifferent.122 Specifically, the court reasoned that “[w]hile single instances of health treatment denied or delayed may appear to be the product of mere negligence when viewed in isolation, ‘repeated examples of such treatment bespeak a deliberate indifference by prison authorities to the agony engendered by haphazard and ill-conceived procedures.”123 In fact, a series of incidents closely related in time “may disclose a pattern of conduct amounting to deliberate indifference.”124 Using strong language, the court stated that the Constitution “does not stand in the way of a broader attack on the adequacy of an institution’s entire health care system which threatens the well-being of many individuals.”125 Todaro was decided before Farmer, but its facts and holding can still be analyzed under the objective and subjective two prong analysis. As to the objective prong, the delays and denials of care caused by the inadequate system were objectively sufficiently serious harms.126 Specifically, the prison’s medical intake system was deficient.127 Under this system, a single nurse listened to inmates’ medical requests and dispensed medication.128 To prevent theft of drugs, the nurse was locked in a small room, and observed inmates through a small, locked and barred cashier’s window.129 Observing inmates in this way completely prevented the nurse from 121 Id. Id. 123 Id. 124 Id. 125 Id. 126 See Wilson v. Seiter, 501 U.S. 294 (1991). 127 Todaro, 565 F.2d at 50. 128 Id. 129 Id. 122 16 performing any physical examination.130 To make matters worse, intake sessions lasted only between fifteen and twenty seconds.131 Under this system, inmates often waited months for the medical care they required, and some never received it at all.132 The court found that this intake system caused delays and denials of medical care which in turn caused sufficiently serious inmate harms.133 The second, subjective prong of the analysis is satisfied because prison officials knew that implementing an inadequate health care delivery system would create a risk of serious harm to inmates. They also knew that they could have implemented a system without this risk. Finally, they chose to implement the inadequate system anyway. While this case did not specifically deal with the practice of outsourcing health care in prisons, it does clearly show that prison health care is vulnerable to a systemic attack.134 Todaro shows that a prison official can be deliberately indifferent when choosing to adopt a dangerously inadequate prison health care system. Outsourced health care in prisons and jails, as a system, is plagued by fundamental and inherent problems which make the system dangerously inadequate.135 Furthermore, these problems are so “longstanding, pervasive, [and] well-documented” that prison officials either knew or should have known of the substantial risks of serious harm that outsourcing health care to for-profit corporation poses to inmates.136 A. Profit as the First Priority When a prison outsources its health care, it gives the contract to a for-profit corporation.137 The New York State Commission of Corrections is the organization that investigates every death in jails whose health care in run by PHS, and is a very outspoken critic 130 Id. Id. 132 Id. 133 Id. 134 See Siever, supra note _, at 1395. 135 See, e.g., supra notes 29-41 and accompanying text. 136 Farmer, 511 U.S. at 842-43. 137 See, e.g., Zielbauer I, supra note_, at A1. 131 17 of PHS.138 The Commission has said that “[o]ur sense was that what we were dealing with was not clinical problems but business practices.”139 Specifically, the troublesome business practice was that PHS would run the prison’s health care system at as low a cost as possible in an effort to make a profit.140 In fact, the commission noticed that low level employees were routinely doing work normally done by better credentialed people.141 For example, nurses were making medical decisions and pronouncing people dead.142 Additionally, one study performed by the Commission in 2001 found that the doctor overseeing care in several upstate jails regularly overruled the doctors at the jails and regularly refused drugs and treatments.143 Amazingly, this doctor was not licensed to practice in New York and he did his job over the phone from Washington.144 The simple fact of the matter is that the first priority of a for-profit corporation is to make a profit. By definition, the priority of providing decent health care will always be subservient to the corporation’s drive to make a profit. In this way, the system of outsourcing health care in prisons encapsulates an inherent conflict of interest, where the entity charged with providing health care to inmates serves its own best interest by providing as little care as possible. Indeed, one could reasonably speculate that all of the specific problems inherent in the system of outsourcing prison health care stem from the fact that PHS’s motivation is not to provide decent health care to inmates, but is to simply make a profit. B. Poor Checking of Doctor’s Credentials 138 Id. Id. 140 Id. 141 Id. 142 Id. 143 Id. 144 Id. 139 18 In 2001, the New York State Commission of Correction issued a report stating that PHS was practicing dangerously substandard medicine by hiring doctors and nurses with questionable credentials.145 Specifically, PHS employed five doctors with criminal convictions, including one who sold human blood for phony tests to be billed to Medicaid.146 Also, at least fourteen doctors who have worked for PHS have state or federal disciplinary records, including a psychiatrist who is forbidden to practice in New Jersey where state officials have held him responsible for a patient’s fatal drug overdose.147 Additionally, doctors who have worked for PHS have stated that they make more money by working less hours with other employers.148 Accordingly, it is not hard to see why PHS employs less desirable doctors, and why PHS may be less than thorough when checking the credentials and background of the doctors it ultimately hires. C. Understaffing In New York City, government officials and monitors have repeatedly complained about PHS’s understaffing on Rikers Island.149 For example, the New York City Board of Corrections found that PHS severely understaffed psychiatrists on Rikers Island.150 For the entire jail compound, PHS employed only 10 psychiatrists, all of whom had foreign medical degrees.151 Additionally, the company failed to fire them when they failed to pass necessary licensing tests.152 PHS shuffled these 10 doctors from building to building on Rikers Island to avoid city fines and to create the illusion that each building was properly staffed.153 The mental health staff 145 Id. Zielbauer II, supra note _, at A1. 147 Id. 148 Id. 149 Zielbauer I, supra note_, at A1. 150 Zielbauer II, supra note _, at A1. 151 Id. 152 Id. 153 Id. 146 19 at Rikers even had a name for this practice: floating.154 The rate of suicides in jails is seen as a barometer of how the jail’s psychiatric services are performing, and in 2003, when PHS was providing psychiatric services to Rikers Island, there were six suicides in just six months.155 By way of comparison, mental health staff at Rikers Island has shrunk by almost twenty percent since PHS took over the job of providing prison health care from it predecessor.156 PHS is always looking for more psychiatrists, and is often forced to plug gaps with part-time staff or with staff from temporary agencies.157 More than one third of the mental health staff on Rikers is part time.158 This problem becomes more acute considering that one in four of the 14,000 inmates in New York City jails is in need of mental health care.159 Adult inmates were not alone in receiving severely understaffed medical care. In 2000, PHS had only one full-time doctor for 19 separate juvenile detention centers scattered across New York City.160 5000 children passed through these 19 centers each year.161 D. Poor Training of Staff In 2001, Aja Venny was booked into a Bronx jail where PHS ran the health services.162 She was six months pregnant, but she never saw the jail’s obstetrician.163 The only concession to her condition was to put her in a maternity unit of the jail.164 One night, Ms. Venny was woken by severe cramps and she called for a guard to get a nurse.165 The nurse who responded, Donna 154 Id. Id. 156 Id. 157 Id. 158 Id. 159 Id. 160 Paul von Zielbauer, Harsh Medicine – Last of Three Articles: Mistreating Tiffany: A spotty Record of Health Care for Children in City Detention, N.Y. TIMES, March 1, 2005, at A1 [hereinafter Zielbauer III]. 161 Id. 162 Zielbauer I, supra note_, at A1. 163 Id. 164 Id. 165 Id. 155 20 Hunt, found Ms. Venny sitting on the toilet with “blood everywhere.”166 The nurse later said that she assumed Ms. Venny had miscarried and saw no reason to check the toilet.167 However, when ambulance technicians arrived they checked the toilet and found an infant lying in the bowl.168 Three days later, the infant died.169 The State Commission of Corrections investigated this incident and found that this tragedy arose from a deep seated failure to train prenatal staff.170 Apparently, the prenatal training for the nurse working at that jail consisted of e-mail messages with instructions copied from a university web site.171 E. Error Hiding In an attempt to avoid fines and criticism, PHS and other corporations often hide the medical errors they make. For example, Dr. Douglas Cooper, PHS’s former assistant supervising psychiatrist on Rikers Island, stated that an unwritten policy of the company was to “[p]ut your best face forward, hide as many problems as you can and hang on to the contract for as long as you can.”172 Some former employees of PHS alleged that to sidestep an understaffing fine, PHS employees would sign in at one jail and then work at another.173 Additionally, the policy of hiding errors is evidenced in a practice where PHS supervisors fix errors and omissions on inmate medical forms to avoid fines.174 No doubt, PHS believes that hiding errors will help its bottom line in the short run by avoiding fines. However, in the long run, this policy may be detrimental to both inmates and to the corporation. If errors are not reported, no lessons will be learned from mistakes. If no 166 Id. Id. 168 Id. 169 Id. 170 Id. 171 Id. 172 Zielbauer II, supra note_, at A1. 173 Id. 174 Paul von Zielbauer, Evaluation of Medical Care Provider in City Jails is Questioned, N.Y. TIMES, Dec. 26, 2005, at B1. 167 21 lessons are learned, then system will remain stagnant, and the level of care will not improve. Clearly this stagnant level of care is detrimental to inmates, but it is detrimental to the corporation as well. If the corporation did not hide errors, and attempted to learn from its mistakes, then it could find more efficient ways to deliver health care. This would help the bottom line by reducing the cost of providing health care, and by reducing the costs associated with providing inadequate health care, like fines and legal fees. F. State and Local Government Quick Fixes It is easy to imagine a legislator in a love hate relationship with the practice of outsourcing health care in prisons and jails. They love the company’s promise that it will save tax payer dollars, but they hate the scandals that occur when newspaper reporters discover just how awful prison health care actually is.175 In response to these scandals, many politicians attempt to put superficial, quick fixes on the system. The problem with these quick fixes is that they are not effective. The real remedy is to stop the practice of outsourcing prison health care to for-profit corporations. For example, the New York State Commission of Correction has urged the New York Attorney General to halt PHS’s operation in New York. The Commission claims that PHS has no legal authority to practice medicine in New York because business executives are in charge of the company.176 New York, like most states, requires for-profit corporations that provide medical services to be owned and controlled by doctors.177 This ensures that business calculations of profit do not drive medical decisions.178 Requiring that PHS, and companies like it, be run by doctors is at best a superficial and ineffective remedy. As PHS is a for-profit 175 See, e.g., Zielbauer I, supra note_, at A1; Zielbauer II, supra note_, at A1; Zielbauer III, supra note_, at A1. Zielbauer I, supra note_, at A1. 177 Id.; N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 10, § 600.9(c) (2005). 178 Id. 176 22 corporation, at the moment the corporation stops making a profit, the corporation will stop providing health care to prisons. Therefore, by definition, every decision that a for-profit corporation makes will factor in cost, profit and the bottom line. This will be true regardless of whether the company is run by business men or by doctors. Either way, a for-profit corporation’s goal is to make a profit. Therefore, merely requiring that these companies must be run by doctors will not fix the system. Instead, the system should be scraped, or changed on a much more fundamental level. Indeed, the ease with which PHS by-passed this requirement shows how ineffective a remedy it is. In New York, PHS set up two corporations, run by doctors, which handle the medical care for prisons and jails in New York.179 State investigators have called these corporations shams.180 G. A Deliberate Indifference to These Problems Farmer explained that a prison official may be held liable under the Eighth Amendment “for denying humane conditions of confinement only if he knows that inmates face a substantial risk of serious harm and disregards that risk by failing to take reasonable measures to abate it.”181 A prison official who chose to implement a system of outsourcing prison health care could be held liable under that standard. First, in choosing whether to implement a system of outsourced prison health care, a prison official would know that implementation of such a system would expose inmates to a substantial risk of serious harm. No prison official would arbitrarily choose one prison health care system over another. In the act of choosing a system, the official would research the various options. Even cursory research on the various corporations that contract for prison healthcare 179 Zielbauer I, supra note_, at A1. Id. 181 Farmer v. Brennan, 511 U.S. 825, 847 (1994). 180 23 services reveals a litany of fines, lawsuits, and deaths attributed to these corporations and the paucity of health care they provide.182 Therefore, as in Farmer, the evidence of the risk of outsourcing health care to a for-profit corporation would be “longstanding, pervasive [and] welldocumented” such that a jury could find that the official had actual knowledge of the risk.183 Thus, in choosing to implement a system of outsourced health care, the prison official would know of the horrible reputation for-profit prison health care providers. Because of this knowledge, the official would know she is exposing inmates to a substantial risk of serious harm. Second, if the prison official chose to outsource the prisons’ health care anyway, she would be disregarding the substantial risk of serious harm, and would thus be deliberately indifferent. The standard set forth in Farmer requires the prison official to take reasonable steps to abate any substantial risk to inmate health.184 By simply choosing to outsource prison health care, even though the official knows of the risk, the official would fail to take reasonable steps to abate the risk. If the officials know of the risk, and disregard it, they could be held liable for providing such a paucity of care that it is a cruel and unusual punishment. A counterargument to this position could be that despite salacious media stores about health care in prisons and anecdotal horror stories, corporations that provide health care in prisons are taking on a difficult job, and doing the best anyone could do given the realities of the correctional environment. No one would concede that PHS and corporations like it are doing a perfect job, but critics of my position could argue that they are doing the best anyone could under the circumstances. 182 For example, on April 2, 2006 the author entered “Prison Health Services” into the Google search engine, and 4 of the first 10 resulting links dealt with some kind controversy in which PHS is involved. 183 Farmer, 511 U.S. at 842-43. 184 Id. at 847. 24 This counterargument could hold water if, at the very least, the level of health care behind bars gets no worse. The problem with this counterargument is that the nature of the system of outsourcing health care in prison ensures that the level of health care behind bars will inexorably decline. H. Race to the Bottom There are only around half a dozen companies who offer outsourcing for prison health care, and they often compete with each other, “jockey[ing] to underbid each other to promise the biggest savings.”185 The bids get lower and lower, but the prison population rises.186 The inevitable result of this is the level of care drops further and further. Additionally, the infinitesimal power of inmates as a social or political constituency makes this problem even worse. Normally, service providers competing with each other results in consumers receiving the best quality service at the best price. However, achieving this result presupposes an informed consumer who can make an informed choice. This presupposition does not stand in the correctional environment. Prisoners have no choice in who provides their health care, instead that choice lies with prison officials. Prisoners must rely on elected officials or prison officials to look out for their best interest in this area. The problem is that because prisoners have little to no power as a social or political constituency, prison officials or elected officials often do not look out for the best interests of prisoners. Simply, because prisoners have little to no political power, politicians have no incentive to look out for their best interest. Outsourcing health services to the private sector makes sense only if there is a strong constituency that cares deeply about the people receiving the service and if the enterprises 185 Zielbauer I, supra note_, at A1. See, e.g., Paige M. Harrison & Jennifer C. Karberg, Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dep’t of Justice, Prison and Jail Inmate at Midyear 2002 2 (2003). 186 25 involved are held accountable for service quality.187 The problem is that such accountability does not exist for prison inmates.188 One glaring example of this lack of accountability is the system New York City uses to monitor PHS’s performance. New York City creates a report card for PHS every quarter where it judges PHS’s performance, and can fine PHS if its performance is lacking in any area.189 The city bases this report on a review of inmates’ medical records.190 The problem is that “the city lets PHS pull the charts itself, a practice that has allowed company employees to fix errors or omissions before city auditors could see the files.”191 Additionally, some see a potential conflict of interest in that the city agency that monitors PHS’s performance is the same agency that awarded PHS its contract in the first place.192 This conflict is evident when considering that at least 19 times since 2001, the city’s medical director has excused enough deficiencies in PHS’s report card so that a failing score became a passing one, allowing PHS to avoid fines.193 Another problem with the practice of outsourcing prison health care is that there are few corporations that provide such services, while the demand for a corporation that offers low cost prison health care is very high. About 40 percent of all inmate health care in America is now contracted to for-profit companies.194 The largest is PHS, followed by it closest rival, Correctional Medical Services and four or five others.195 Thus, there are only a handful of companies whose business is to contract with state and local governments for the outsourcing of prison and jail health care. Nevertheless, the field is very competitive as these companies 187 Letter to the Editor, For-Profit Health Care Penalizes Prisoners, N.Y. TIMES, March 13, 2005. Id. 189 Paul von Zielbauer, Evaluation of Medical Care Provider in City Jails is Questioned, N.Y. TIMES, Dec. 26, 2005, at B1. 190 Id. 191 Id. 192 Id. 193 Id. 194 Zielbauer I, supra note_, at A1. 195 Id. 188 26 compete with each other to offer the lowest bids and win contracts.196 In this field, it is a regular practice for companies to move from “jail to jail, and scandal to scandal – often disliked but always needed.”197 In fact, because the field of corporations that provide prison health services is so small, it is not uncommon for a government to hire the same corporation that they fired for cause years earlier.198 This revolving door effect is made even worse considering that many states have legislative mandates requiring prisons to accept the lowest bidder.199 These mandates provide few incentives for quality and contribute toward the frequent turn-over of contractors because of poor profitability.200 Therefore, the combination of a race to the bottom, a small field of competitors, high demand for their services, and complete lack of inmate social or political power ensures that if the system of outsourcing prison health care does not change, the level of care provided to inmates will continue to get worse and worse. If the level of care is not already at the level of a cruel and unusual punishment, then, absent a significant change in the system, it will be someday soon. IV. SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT It is time to face facts; America has the largest prison population in the world and it is getting larger.201 Moreover, our prison population is the sickest population in our society,202 and rare is the politician who is not tough-on-crime.203 If we are going to live in a society with a 196 Id. Id. 198 Id. 199 Harold Pollack et al., Health Care Delivery Strategies for Criminal Offenders, 26 J. HEALTH CARE FIN. 63, 64 (1999). 200 Id. 201 Editorial, Death Behind Bars, N.Y. TIMES, March 10, 2005, at A26. 202 RE-ENTRY POLICY COUNCIL, REPORT OF THE RE-ENTRY POLICY COUNCIL: CHARTING THE SAFE AND SUCCESSFUL RETURN OF PRISONERS TO THE COMMUNITY 157 (2005). 203 See, e.g., Issues2000, George W. Bush on Crime, (last visited April 2, 2006). 197 27 tough-on-crime attitude, then the simple fact of the matter is that we as a society are gong to have to pay for our prison system. We are going to have to pay a lot. One commentator has argued that the humanitarian basis for prison reform, to treat prisoners better simply because they are people and it is the right thing to do, is the morally correct view.204 However, if the free population is to “open its purse stings for the benefit of prisoners” it must have a pragmatic argument directed towards the free population’s selfinterest.205 Luckily, there is such a pragmatic argument; “treat prisoners well and we all benefit by avoiding the personal health and financial consequences of releasing sick prisoners into the community.”206 Considering that there is both a humanitarian and pragmatic argument for spending more on prison health care, it may be possible for advocates to convince state and local governments that society no longer wants sick prisoners released into the community. Therefore, advocates can argue that the practice of outsourcing prison health care, which inevitably leads to sicker prisoners, must stop. Amazingly, some prison officials have stated that despite slashing the level of care given to inmates, for-profit corporations like PHS save prison systems little money in the end.207 Indeed, when one factors in the attorneys fees and the costs of settlement and judgments against prison systems when inmates are injured by substandard care, it may be that outsourcing prison health care is more expensive than if the state or local government simply provided it itself. Therefore, it may be more economical to find another way to deliver health care to prisons and jails. 204 John V. Jacobi, Prison Health, Public Health: Obligations and Opportunities, 31 AM. J. L. & MED. 447, 463-64 (2005). 205 Id. 206 Id. 207 Zielbauer I, supra note_, at A1. 28 Some large city hospitals and other non-profit enterprises has entered the arena of providing health care to inmates, and many consider them to have provided the best care to inmates.208 They often cost more than the for-profit corporations like PHS,209 but it is in society’s best interest to provide better health care to its prisoners. Some New York lawmakers have called for a change to the system. New York Assemblyman Richard N. Gottfried has pressed state lawmakers to create a public corporation, like the city’s Health and Hospital Corporation, that would be responsible for health care for prison inmates.210 Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, New York City’s health commissioner, has stated that he would prefer to have a public hospital provide inmate health care, but that none bid for the job despite his personal appeal to hospital executives to do so.211 The practice of outsourcing prison health care to for-profit corporations is fundamentally broken. The financial incentive for these corporations to provide inadequate care to prisoners is huge, and because prisoners do not have any political clout, these corporations can profit off the public apathy towards prisoners. Therefore, the type of organization best suited to provide health care to prisons and jails is a government created non-profit organization. With a non-profit organization, the driving motivation would not be profit, but a sense of mission to provide health care to a vulnerable population. Unfortunately, the goal of completely ending the practice of outsourcing prison health care to for-profit corporations may be a bit ambitious. Keeping that in mind, if a prison system is going to outsource its health care to a for-profit corporation, there is a responsible way to do it. One vital element of a responsible outsourcing system is a comprehensive monitoring process. 208 Id. Id. 210 Paul von Zielbauer, Investigators Called Rikers Medical Contract Illegal, State Panel Says, N.Y. TIMES, Nov. 22, 2005, at B1. 211 Id. 209 29 For example, New York City health officials set up an elaborate performance evaluation system to monitor the effectiveness with which PHS provides health care to inmates on Rikers Island.212 There is a quarterly report card with 35 standards that the company must adhere to.213 If they do not, they are subject to hefty fines.214 For example, during the first year the company ran health services on Rikers they failed to meet thirty-nine percent of the standards on the report and were fined $568,000.215 An essential component of the monitoring process is to make sure it is done objectively. The medical reports on which the corporation is graded, should be pulled by state employees, not employees of the corporation. Additionally, to avoid conflict of interest, the state entity that carries out the grading should be separate from the entity that awarded the contract to the corporation. Finally, it would be prudent to require the entity that does the monitoring to rank the corporation’s performance on some kind of standardized scale and to make this rank readily available. This way, other prison systems who are shopping around for a corporation to provide health care will be able to compare different corporations on the standardized scale. This will place market pressure on the corporations to provide better care and at a more efficient price. V. CONCLUSION The practice of outsourcing health care in prisons and jails to for-profit corporations is fundamentally broken. The level of care these corporations provide inmates is dangerously inadequate and considering the race to the bottom that occurs when several of these corporations compete for the same contract, the level of care can only get worse. 212 Zielbauer I, supra note_, at A1. Id. 214 Id. 215 Id. 213 30 Because prison officials know of the substantial risk to inmate health that outsourcing prison health care can cause, when a prison official chooses to implement a prison health care system that is outsourced to a for-profit corporation, that prison official is deliberately indifferent to the health care rights of inmates. Therefore, that prison official could be held liable for violating the Constitutional rights of inmates by implementing a prison health care system that is the equivalent of a cruel and unusual punishment. Correctional systems must stop the practice of outsourcing prison health care to for-profit corporations. It is proposed that a practicable alternative is to place the responsibility of providing inmate health care on government created, non-profit organizations. This would eliminate the dangerous conflict of interest that is fundamentally encapsulated in the practice of outsourcing prison health care to for-profit corporations – simply put it is in a for-profit corporation’s best interest to provide as little care as possible. In the alternative, it is proposed that if the practice of outsourcing prison health care to for-profit corporations can not be completely halted, that independent entities closely, and frequency scrutinize and evaluate the performance of these for-profit corporations. The results of these strict evaluations should be made readily available. This will place market pressure on these for-profits corporations to provide quality health care to inmates at a reasonable cost. 31