Police Academy Recruit Officer Handbook New York Police Academy 2005.pdf
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POLICE ACADEMY RECRUIT OFFICER HANDBOOK JANUARY 2005 James J. Fyfe, Ph.D. Deputy Commissioner, Training Deputy Chief Diana L. Pizzuti Commanding Officer, Police Academy Inspector Raymond Spinella Executive Officer, Police Academy Inspector Steven J. Silks Commanding Officer, Firearms and Tactics Section Deputy Inspector Scott T. Loos Commanding Officer, Recruit Training Section MISSION OF THE NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT The mission of the New York City Police Department is to enhance the quality of life in New York City by working in partnership with the community to enforce the law, preserve peace, reduce fear, and maintain order. The Department is committed to accomplishing its mission to protect the lives and property of all citizens of New York City by treating every citizen with courtesy, professionalism, and respect, and to enforce the laws impartially, fighting crime both through deterrence and the relentless pursuit of criminals. VALUES OF THE NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT In partnership with the community, we pledge to: • Protect the lives and property of our fellow citizens and impartially enforce the law. • Fight crime, both by preventing it and aggressively pursuing violators of the law. • Maintain a higher standard of integrity than is generally expected of others because so much is expected of us. • Value human life, respect the dignity of each individual and render our services with courtesy and civility. MISSION OF THE TRAINING BUREAU The Training Bureau is committed to protecting the lives, rights, property and dignity of all New Yorkers and visitors to our city by providing all members of the service with the best training possible. The Training Bureau is committed to the task of ensuring that all members of the Department benefit from training, maximizing their professional and personal development and well-being. Training is aimed at instilling and fostering a level of confidence and knowledge that allows the finest Police Department in the world to meet the daily challenges associated with an ever changing and complex environment. The Training Bureau continually conducts research to ensure that programs are contemporary and pertinent. Certified instructors are utilized to provide training for all new police officers and civilian employees. Training is designed to focus on continuing in-service education, to prepare those assuming supervisory, managerial or executive responsibilities, and for those being assigned to specialized duties. The Training Bureau assists other Departmental units in developing and providing training and seeks out educational opportunities for members of the service. SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION 1-1 GREETINGS Welcome to the New York City Police Academy. You have been chosen to undertake one of the most rewarding careers available. Over the course of the next several months, you will receive the training necessary to become a service-oriented, community minded, public servant. Our training courses are designed to integrate the ideals, needs, and desires of those we serve with the tools, knowledge, and expertise needed to get the job done. This training will produce a police officer that is able to work in partnership with the community to achieve desired goals and expectations. The Academy curriculum consists of a variety of subjects that include police science, law, behavioral science, firearms, tactics, physical education, and driver training. Upon graduation from the Police Academy, you will have earned college credits that are recognized by most state and city universities. A college education is required for all Civil Service promotions. Therefore, if you haven’t already completed your college education, we encourage you to do so after leaving the Academy. The Department offers undergraduate and graduate scholarships. Your training does not end when you graduate from the Police Academy. Through Precinct Level, In-Service Training, Specialized Training, and Leadership Development police officers are continually trained and educated regarding developments in law, tactics and Department guidelines. The Police Academy staff is committed to helping you succeed. You have to make a commitment to do what is required to be successful. Resources, such as tutoring, are available to help every recruit successfully complete Academy training. Tutoring is available to every recruit to reinforce all aspects of training. Recruit training at the New York City Police Academy is the most extensive program of any police department in the United States. 1-2 SETTING THE EXAMPLE As a police officer you must present a good example to the public by being diligent in obeying laws, traffic regulations, ordinances, and rules and regulations. As a representative of the City’s authority, you must conduct yourself impartially, ever aware that the Department is judged by the acts of its individual members. Recruit officers are prohibited from using, buying, possessing or selling marijuana, dangerous drugs or other controlled substances, or from frequenting places where these substances are being sold, used, or possessed. During the training period at the Police Academy, each recruit will be tested for drug use. In addition, recruit officers are not permitted to patronize - AT ANY TIME an unlicensed premise (including dance clubs, social clubs, after hours clubs, etc.) where alcoholic beverages are being sold or dispensed illegally. Any of the above violations will result in termination. Furthermore, a member of the service who has any interest in or association with premises where illegal gambling operations take place, or which is being used as a smoke shop, an after hours club, or for other similar illegal activities, will be terminated (Reference: Patrol Guide 20310 sub 10, 206-07 sub 2f; 3e). You must avoid behavior that may bring adverse criticism to the Department. Your conduct, whether on or off duty, shall merit the confidence and respect of the public as well as your fellow officers. 1-3 POLICE OFFICER STATUS As a probationary police officer, you are a uniformed member of the service. Therefore, you are subject to all lawful orders of the Police Commissioner, and all ranking officers. Orders of a supervisor of any rank or Police Academy Instructor - including a police officer - must be obeyed. If you become involved in ANY police-related occurrence or witness a crime or other police emergency, you must report it and await the arrival of a trained police officer. When remaining at the scene is inappropriate, the MOS may leave the scene; however, said member must immediately report facts to the Desk Officer of the precinct concerned (or the Operations Unit 646-610-5580, if outside NYC). The recruit officer must obtain the page number of the Command Log entry for the incident. This would also include circumstances where you may be personally involved. Recruit officers must comply with Patrol Guide procedure 212-32. Reporting an emergency or criminal activity to the Police Department requires calling 911. When a police operator answers: • Give your location. Be specific. • Identify yourself as a probationary police officer assigned to the Police Academy, and specify whether you are on or off duty. • Give details of the incident, including a description of suspicious persons at the scene. • If you are reporting a crime or suspicious occurrence, give a description of yourself and your clothing – you do not want to be mistaken for an offender or criminal suspect. At the first opportunity, you must notify the Police Academy of the incident. Do this by calling the Recruit Operations Unit at 212-477-9790 or 212-477-9721. Upon your return to the Academy, notify your Official Company Instructor (OCI) and prepare a report for the Commanding Officer, Police Academy. An example of the format for a Department report can be found in the appendix of this handbook. YOU WILL RECEIVE FURTHER DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING YOUR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES AS AN UNARMED RECRUIT OFFICER DURING YOUR ACADEMY TRAINING. 1-4 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY STATEMENT The New York City Police Department is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Our current Police Commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly, has reaffirmed the Police Department’s strong commitment to maintaining fair employment practices for all of its members. Federal, State and/or local laws prohibit employment discrimination based on: • Age • Alien Status • Race, Color, Creed • Marital Status • National Origin • Prior record of arrest or conviction (under some circumstances) • Disability • Gender • Religion • Sexual Orientation In addition to those persons who fall within one of the protected groups, those that are “perceived” to be within one of the categories or who have a “known relationship or association” with someone who is, or is perceived to be, within one of the categories, are also protected. The laws prohibit discrimination in: • • • • • • • • • • • Hiring Assignments Working Conditions Salary and benefits Evaluations Promotions Training Transfers Discipline Termination Any other terms and conditions of employment The law requires that reasonable accommodations be made for employees with disabilities. The law also requires that reasonable accommodations be made for employees’ religious observances. All employees are directed to comply with both the letter and the spirit of these laws. All personnel should work to maintain an atmosphere of appreciation of the diversity reflected in our staff, and to promote understanding among our co-workers. Managers and supervisors are directed to make all employment decisions in accordance with the Police Department’s EEO Policy, and to ensure compliance with the policy in their areas of responsibility. If any employee feels that a manager, supervisor, or another employee has discriminated against them, he or she should contact the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer or an Equal Employment Opportunity Counselor. The office of Equal Employment Opportunity may be contacted at 646-610-5330; it is located in Room 1204, One Police Plaza. A list of the Equal Employment Opportunity Liaisons and where they may be contacted is provided in the EEO Policy Booklet available from the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity. The Equal Employment Opportunity Officer has the authority to recommend to the Police Commissioner that disciplinary action be taken against any employee who has committed an unlawful discriminatory act. All complaints will be handled in confidence. No employee may retaliate against or harass any person for filing a complaint or cooperating with the investigation of a complaint. Such retaliation or harassment is unlawful and will be cause for disciplinary action. Note: Complaints of Sexual Harassment or Discrimination can be filed with the Police Academy Human Resources Unit located in Room 820. 1-5 SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY STATEMENT Sexual Harassment that affects one’s job is a form of employment discrimination prohibited by law. All New York City Police Department employees should familiarize themselves with the guidelines in this policy statement so that they will understand what type of conduct is prohibited, and know the remedies available to anyone who has experienced sexual harassment. Guidelines issued by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission state that unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when: 1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment; 2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or 3. Such conduct has the effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. These guidelines are not meant to interfere with voluntary social relationships between individuals in the workplace, but they do prohibit those actions and behaviors that are unwanted and unwelcome and/or which create an intimidating and hostile work environment. There is a broad range of conduct by supervisors and co-workers which can, in certain circumstances, be considered sexual harassment, and this includes, but is not limited to, sexually suggestive remarks, sexually suggestive pictures, sexually suggestive gesturing, verbal harassment or abuse of a sexual nature, subtle or direct propositions for sexual favors, and any unnecessary touching, patting, or pinching. Any manager or supervisor who knows of a sexually intimidating or hostile work environment or who becomes aware that the terms and conditions of an individual’s employment are based upon submission to sexual conduct must consult with the EEO Officer immediately. Any employee who has a complaint about sexual harassment is urged to contact the EEO Officer or an EEO Liaison. The office of Equal Employment Opportunity Officer may be contacted at 646-610-5330; it is located in Room 1204, One Police Plaza. Complaints of sexual harassment will be handled in accordance with the Police Department’s Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint Procedure. All complaints will be handled in confidence. No employee may retaliate against or harass any person for filing a complaint or cooperating in the investigation of a complaint. Such retaliation or harassment is unlawful and will be cause for disciplinary action. 1-6 FRATERNIZATION POLICY Recruit officers assigned to the Police Academy are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to fraternize with instructors or with other Police Academy staff, of either gender, while on or off duty. For the purpose of this policy, fraternization is defined as: • • • • • • Dating Socializing (attending outside functions: parties, dinners, etc.) Car-pooling Unauthorized tutoring Taking meals or coffee breaks Any form of outside communication (telephone, E-mail, etc.) Recruits and staff members must maintain a professional relationship at all times. Any semblance of inappropriate behavior, favoritism, or sexual harassment damages our training efforts, and the credibility and reputation of this command and of the New York City Police Department. Such conduct will not be tolerated. Violation of the fraternization policy is a serious offense that will result in disciplinary action and/or termination. SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS 2-1 GENERAL The New York City Police Department is a paramilitary organization. The Department maintains rules and regulations similar to the military. These rules and regulations instill discipline and maintain uniformity. You are responsible for knowing all of the rules and regulations described herein. You must also familiarize yourself with the Department’s Patrol Guide, particularly as it pertains to General Regulations (Patrol Guide Section 203). Any recruit officer that disobeys the lawful order of a ranking officer, or who is otherwise found lacking in the performance of duty, will be disciplined and/or evaluated for suitableness of continued employment as a police officer. 2-2 FITNESS FOR DUTY You must be fit for duty at all times, except when on Sick Report. As a recruit officer you are on-call 24 hours a day. Your uniforms must be cleaned and pressed; your equipment must be maintained and available at all times; and you must be prepared not only for class but also for emergency police duty. It is not uncommon for police academy recruits to be called upon to perform police services during emergency situations. Therefore, you must carry equipment issued by the Department as well as equipment that you are required to purchase. This equipment includes, but is not limited to: • • • 2-3 Department issued traffic vest Authorized flashlight Raincoat, etc. ATTENDANCE Attendance is mandatory for each day that you are scheduled to perform duty. Absences from training will be detrimental to your success at the Academy. The Department recognizes that in limited circumstances recruit officers may become sick or injured during their assignment to the Academy. While the Department maintains a sick leave policy, utilization of sick leave will be closely scrutinized. Abuse of the Department’s sick leave policy will lead to disciplinary action and possible termination. As probationary police officers you are required to notify the Department of your whereabouts. If you are absent from any training (the Police Academy, Driver Training, Firearms Training, Field Assignments, etc.), and your absence is not accounted for, an investigation will commence and you may be subject to disciplinary action. This means that if you are unaccounted for, the Department will send supervisors and police officers to look for you. Absence without authorization is a serious infraction and may lead to suspension and/or termination. 2-4 DAYS OFF (AUTHORIZED LEAVE) Recruit Officers, while in attendance at the Police Academy, will not be authorized to take days off, other than regular days off (RDO’S) unless authorized by the C.O., Recruit Operations Unit. 2-5 PUNCTUALITY You must be punctual in reporting for training and other assignments. Repeated lateness will be considered a lack of capacity to perform police service. If you are going to be late, you must call the Police Academy Recruit Operations Unit at (212) 477-9721 or (212) 477-9790. Inform the Supervisor of your reason for delay, and upon arrival, report to the Recruit Operations Unit, Room #523. If you are one (1) hour or more late, you will be issued a Command Discipline. If there are circumstances beyond your control (i.e., you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, there is a power outage while you are using public transportation, etc.) and you produce DOCUMENTATION that can be verified, the incident will be given consideration regarding any disciplinary action. 2-6 CONDUCT Police officers are expected to maintain self-discipline and present a positive image to the public. A recruit’s behavior, conduct and ability to conform to the rules and regulations of the Police Academy are under constant scrutiny and evaluation by the staff. You are responsible for knowing – and strictly abiding by – the rules and regulations of the Academy and the Department. 1. You must perform all duties as directed by a competent authority. You must obey lawful orders and instructions of supervising officers. Your Academy instructors, regardless of rank, are considered supervising officers. 2. RECRUIT OFFICERS SHALL NOT SOCIALIZE WITH ANY MEMBER OF THE POLICE ACADEMY STAFF, EITHER ON DUTY OR OFF DUTY, IN PERSON OR BY ELECTRONIC MEANS, WHILE ASSIGNED TO THE POLICE ACADEMY. VIOLATION OF THIS RULE WILL LEAD TO DISCIPLINARY ACTION AND / OR TERMINATION. 3. You must be familiar with the contents of the Patrol Guide and must periodically update it as necessary. 4. You must maintain a current New York State Driver’s License and notify your Commanding Officer with pertinent details if your license is suspended, revoked or not renewed. 5. Eating in the Academy is permitted only in the Cafeteria located on the third floor. No eating is allowed on the Campus Deck or Muster Deck. No food or drinks are allowed in locker rooms or classrooms. Recruits are responsible to properly hydrate themselves in preparation for strenuous physical activity during warm weather. When in uniform, you will not eat in public view other than in bona-fide restaurants. You will restrict your meal location to the Cafeteria or any of the eating establishments in the area. However, eating in a licensed premise (i.e., a location that sells alcohol for on-premise consumption) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Before leaving the Cafeteria, you will dispose of your trash in a proper receptacle. 6. Recruit officers, while in uniform, will not smoke in public view. The Police Academy is a smoke-free environment; SMOKING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED IN THE POLICE ACADEMY. 7. You are required, on a daily basis, to check all official information, orders, and schedules that are posted on bulletin boards on the third, fourth, and fifth floors of the Academy. You are responsible for complying with all posted directives. 8. When addressing or being addressed by a ranking officer or an Academy staff member, you must stand at attention. A recruit officer must give his/her name, company number, and shield number if issued, to anyone who requests it. 9. Attention in ranks is mandatory. Talking in class or in formation is prohibited. Inappropriate, unprofessional, or raucous behavior will not be tolerated. 10. Upon issuance of an identification card, you must carry it on your person at all times. a. when required to sign Department reports or forms, sign with full first name, middle initial, and surname. 11. Recruits are NOT permitted in any area of the 6th floor of the Police Academy, to the right of the elevators, unless expressly directed by a supervisor from the Recruit Operations Unit. Recruits are only permitted in the library. 12. You must enter and exit the Police Academy building through the main entrance on the Campus Deck. When entering the Academy, recruit officers will comply with any instructions and/or demand for inspections made by members of the Police Academy Staff or Security Unit. At no time will recruit officers block any entrances or exits to the Academy. Recruits will exit the Academy expeditiously; congregating on corners or blocking sidewalks will not be tolerated. Other than authorized meal, Recruits are not allowed to leave the Police Academy. Should circumstances arise requiring your presence outside the Police Academy, permission to leave must be obtained from a supervisor in Recruit Operations. 13. Recruits are not authorized to use any elevators without an elevator pass. 14. A Line-of-Duty injury, if one occurs, must be reported immediately. Failure to report a potential Line-of-Duty injury promptly may result in disapproval of Line-of-Duty designation. Denial of a line-ofduty designation may result in the loss of benefits associated with such designation. 15. Recruit officers may not consume intoxicants while on duty whether in uniform or in civilian clothes, or while off duty and in uniform. Intoxicants will also not be consumed en-route to or from the Police Academy. Recruit officers will not enter premises serving intoxicants, while on duty or in uniform. Authorized meal locations are bona-fide restaurants (those without bars) within the confines of the 13th Precinct, and the Police Academy Cafeteria. After completing a tour of duty at the Police Academy, Recruit Officers are not to remain within the confines of the 13th Precinct. The boundaries of the 13th Precinct include 14th Street, north to 30th Street, from the East River to 7th Avenue. Recruit officers, in uniform or civilian clothes, on or off duty, may not enter any licensed premise with an on-premise consumption of alcoholic beverages permit in the following situations: • • • • Within the confines of the 45th Precinct when assigned to the Outdoor Range, Within the confines of the 63rd Precinct while assigned to Driver Training, or The 84th Precinct while assigned to training classes in Brooklyn. Within the vicinity of John Jay College 16. Recruit officers may not congregate in public places while in uniform nor obstruct sidewalks when walking to or from the Academy. 17. You may not patronize street peddlers/vendors, or eat food or refreshments in public, while in uniform. Recruit officers, while in uniform, may not eat when on streets, in parks, on private stoops or in public conveyances. 18. You may not play cards or games of chance in the Police Academy or in any Department facility. You may not engage in illegal gambling anywhere at anytime. 19. Whether on or off duty, you may not use vile or indecent language and you may not be loud or boisterous or engage in raucous conduct at any time. This also applies to situations that may arise between recruits. You will maintain a professional, controlled demeanor at all times, respecting the rights and dignity of every individual. Recruit officers that voluntarily engage in any type of physical and/or verbal altercations will be severely disciplined. 20. Recruit officers must not congregate or talk in the corridors or stairwells. Halls will be inspected periodically to insure compliance. You must keep to the right whenever possible when using stairways and corridors in the building. You must not stand or congregate on stairways or in corridors in such a manner as to obstruct the passage of other persons. Stairway entrances and doors shall remain clear AT ALL TIMES. If circumstances arise where recruits are blocking free passage of stairways or hallways, and a non-recruit is approaching, the first person to observe him/her will loudly state, “Make way recruits,” or “Make way.” All recruits will immediately move to the right until the non-recruit passes. If recruits are waiting on line to use any vending machine, and an instructor also desiring to use the machine approaches, all recruits will take two (2) sidesteps to the right and remain so positioned until the instructor departs. 21. Recruits will not chew gum or hold toothpicks in their mouths while in uniform. 22. You must respect the rights and property of others at all times. 23. You must not tamper with building equipment such as firefighting equipment, audio-visual aids, lighting fixtures, or electrical outlets. Immediately notify an instructor or staff member of any equipment disturbance or breakdown. Do not attempt to repair any item(s). The destruction, defacement, damage, or abuse of Department property will not be tolerated. 24. While preparing for roll call on the third floor Muster Deck, recruit officers will not congregate within 6 feet of any of the four (4) perimeter walls on the Muster Deck. Recruits will not throw any objects off the Muster Deck. Under no circumstances will a recruit lean over the Muster Deck ledge. Recruit officers will refrain from making unnecessary noise near - or peering into the windows - of the apartment houses on the East 21st Street side of the Muster Deck. 25. You are prohibited from knowingly associating with any person or organization: a. Advocating hatred, prejudice, or oppression of any racial or religious group. b. Disseminating defamatory material. c. Reasonably believed to be engaged in, likely to engage in, or to have engaged in, criminal activities. 26. Police officers are permitted to use City of New York public transportation free of charge. A recruit officer will use his/her identification card to gain free passage on public transportation in the City of New York. Until I.D. Cards are issued, recruits will pay for public transportation. Not all transportation is free for police officers. When issued to you, identification cards will be carried in a shield case affixed to the belt with a chain (see page 20, step 17) to prevent loss. When traveling on public transit, do not occupy a seat to the exclusion of paying passengers. In the event of a conflict with Transit Authority employees, such as bus drivers or token clerks, recruit officers should record the identification of the transit employee and report the facts of such incident to a supervisor in the Recruit Operations Unit. 27. Recruit Officers may obtain free passage on the Long Island Rail Road and Metro North Train Systems only after applying for, and receiving train passes. Recruit officers must comply with the restrictions noted on the rear of the pass. Specifically, the privilege to ride at no cost does not provide for members of the service to sit or utilize additional seating to the exclusion of paying passengers. 28. Use of pay phones inside the Academy building is prohibited. Recruits may use the pay phones on the Campus Deck. 29. Privately operated/owned recruit vehicles must comply with all safety, equipment and registration regulations set forth in the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York (e.g. properly registered in N.Y.S., insured, in good repair, etc.). 30. Registration information of private vehicles used by recruits for transportation to and from the Police Academy must be supplied to the Recruit Discipline Unit as soon as possible. Registration information must be updated with the Recruit Discipline Unit when any information regarding the vehicle changes. 31. Recruit officers will NOT use, wear or carry Walkman-type radios, compact disk (CD) tape players, portable televisions or electronic games while on duty or in uniform. This includes possessing these items in the recruit bag. 32. Recruit officers will NOT use, carry, or wear cellular phones, beepers, or pagers while on duty or in uniform. 33. Recruit officers will not read any unauthorized material while in the Police Academy building. Authorized materials are those assigned or given to recruits by Police Academy staff. 2-7 CONDUCT WHILE TRAVELING IN PUBLIC On or off duty, while in uniform, or wearing or carrying any item that may identify you as a member of this Department, utilizing any type of public transportation, or any type of transportation that is in public view, recruit officers will not engage in the following conduct: 1. Using loud, offensive, or profane language; 2. Discussing or physically demonstrating department training or policy in a manner likely to be overheard or observed by the public; 3. Occupying entire sections of train cars or buses with groups of other recruits; 4. Eating, drinking or sleeping; 5. Blocking exits, placing bags or other items on seats, in aisles, or blocking pedestrian traffic; 6. Changing into civilian clothes or removing uniform items; 7. Failing to abide by customs and courtesies common on certain modes of transportation (i.e., remaining quiet on trains, consideration for sleeping passengers, etc.); 8. Any other conduct which may be deemed prejudicial to the good order of the department. As a recruit officer, you represent the department, whether on or off duty. Your conduct reflects upon the entire department. 2-8 THE SALUTE The salute is a traditional gesture of greeting and mutual respect among military and police personnel. All recruit officers are required to render a hand salute under the following circumstances: - When entering the Police Academy or other Department facility, a hand salute must be directed to the front desk. - When walking past and saluting a uniformed member, it is not necessary to halt. - Recruits will render a salute to any ranking member of the service wearing a uniform (police officer and above) when the recruit is wearing his or her hat within any Police Academy training facility. A recruit who reports directly to a ranking member of the service will render a salute whether or not the recruit is wearing a hat. In addition, recruits will salute the Police Commissioner and the First Deputy Commissioner in civilian clothes at all times. The Deputy Commissioner of Training will be saluted at any Department training facility. - When reporting to a ranking officer, recruit officers will approach, halt at the position of attention, and render a hand salute and appropriate greeting. It is not necessary to halt while passing a ranking officer. The salute will be rendered approximately six (6) paces away, and held while the recruit continues to walk. - Recruit officers will come to attention when an instructor enters the room at the beginning of a class. The Company Sergeant will render a hand salute and report the company’s readiness for the class. Recruits will remain at attention until the instructor directs them to take their seats. - All salutes will be accompanied by the greeting: “Good morning, (afternoon or evening), Sir/Ma’am.” When the salute and greeting are returned, the recruit officer will lower his/her salute smartly. An acknowledgement and greeting “Good morning, (afternoon or evening), Sir/Ma’am.” will also be rendered to all civilian-clothed personnel while recruits are traveling about the Police Academy building. 2-9 2-10 REPORTING TO ANY UNIT / OFFICE WITHIN THE POLICE ACADEMY 1. Wear your uniform hat. 2. Knock loudly on the door if closed; on the door-jamb if door is open. 3. Wait for the order to enter room. 4. Enter and stand at attention. If in the office of a member in the rank of captain or above, remove hat and secure on belt and remain at attention until directed otherwise. 5. When you get the attention of the person-in-charge, state your title/rank, name, company and your business in a courteous manner. 6. At the conclusion of your business, come to attention, salute, and leave when dismissed. PROCEDURE FOR REPORTING TO POLICE ACADEMY STAFF When reporting to an instructor, or if you wish to speak to an instructor, you will, at all times, address them as “Instructor or Officer,” e.g. “Instructor Jones” or “Officer Jones.” At no time will an instructor or staff member be addressed by his/her first name. Use the term “sir” or “ma’am” in any conversation with instructors or clerical staff. 2-11 DISCIPLINE Recruits are expected to conduct themselves professionally at all times. Recruits are expected to be in compliance with the Rules and Standards of the Police Department and the Police Academy. The Police Academy staff is responsible for enforcing the Department’s Rules and Regulations. The Recruit Discipline Unit, located in room 523-A, is responsible for identifying those individuals who do not meet disciplinary standards. RECRUIT OFFICERS SHOULD BE AWARE THAT DISCIPLINARY PROBLEMS ARISING WHILE ASSIGNED TO THE POLICE ACADEMY ARE INDICATIVE OF BELOW-STANDARD PERFORMANCE. CONTINUED DISCIPLINARY PROBLEMS WHILE ASSIGNED TO THE POLICE ACADEMY MAY LEAD TO TERMINATION PRIOR TO GRADUATION. THE COMMANDING OFFICER OF THE POLICE ACADEMY HAS DETERMINED THAT: ANY RECRUIT OFFICER WHO HAS THREE (3) “SUBSTANTIATED” COMMAND DISCIPLINES MAY BE RECOMMENDED FOR TERMINATION. NOTE: THIS POLICY DOES NOT PRECLUDE THE COMMENCEMENT OF TERMINATION PROCEEDINGS AT THE DISCRETION OF THE COMMANDING OFFICER, POLICE ACADEMY. Recruit Deportment Cards are official records of minor violations committed by recruits. You are required to carry two (2) of these cards, properly completed with your tax #, company #, and name, while on duty or in uniform, during training at the Police Academy. If you are observed committing an infraction or minor violation of procedure, you will be ordered to surrender one or more cards. It is your responsibility to report to your company sergeant when you have had a card taken. Your company sergeant will provide you with replacements. An accumulation of Deportment Cards will result in the issuance of a command discipline. Command Discipline is a report of a serious violation and therefore more damaging than a deportment card. If you receive a command discipline it will be adjudicated at an informal hearing with the Commanding Officer of the Recruit Training Section or his designee. You will be afforded union representation. The penalties that may be imposed range from a warning to the forfeiture of vacation time. • • Lateness of one (1) hour or more = Command Discipline Late three (3) times under one (1) hour = Command Discipline Charges and Specifications will be filed against a Recruit who commits serious misconduct. Charges and Specifications become a permanent part of an officer’s employment record. Charges and Specifications may result in an Official Department Trial, at which time a full hearing will be conducted regarding the misconduct. If you are afforded a hearing and found guilty of misconduct, the penalties may range from the forfeiture of vacation days to TERMINATION from the Department. However, as a probationary employee, you are not guaranteed the right to a formal Departmental hearing. Instead, at the discretion of the Police Commissioner, serious misconduct may result in your immediate termination. Deportment Cards, Command Disciplines and Charges and Specifications may all lead to DISMISSAL or TERMINATION. Continuous disciplinary incidents will result in “Special Tracking” designation. Those recruit officers placed on Special Tracking may be considered for termination. 2-12 UNIFORMS, EQUIPMENT, APPEARANCE Your uniforms, equipment, and appearance identify you as a member of the New York City Police Department and must be exemplary at all times. The following regulations MUST BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO. 1. While you are assigned to the Academy, you will be required to purchase recruit uniforms, patrol uniforms, leather goods, etc. The total amount of these purchases will be approximately $1600.00. The Recruit uniform, determined by the Commanding Officer of the Police Academy, includes: - Blue, military type, collapsible cap with hat pin affixed to left side of cap; Light gray Department issued shirt with collar insignias attached; Navy blue regulation duty trousers; Black shoes, smooth leather, plain toe, lace-type oxfords, which can take a high gloss shine; Black socks. Note: Each piece of equipment must be marked with the recruit’s name and company number. Equipment to be marked includes, but is not limited to: leather goods, bags, hats, ties, etc. 2. You will wear the prescribed uniform of the day when on duty unless otherwise directed. Seasonal uniform changes, such as jacket and gloves, will be made as directed by the Commanding Officer of the Recruit Training Section. However, the cap is only required to be worn while you are in the confines of the 13th Precinct (14th Street - 30th Street, FDR drive to 7th Avenue) or when assigned to details or field trips. Once in the Police Academy, the cap is only worn when on the 6th floor, when reporting to rooms 523 or 523A, when leaving the building for meal or at the end of your tour. At the end of tour your cap and jacket will be put on prior to leaving the classroom. The uniform jacket will be worn over the recruit uniform and will be zipped up to at least the third button from the collar on the uniform shirt. The recruit jacket will not be worn on the 6th floor. Recruits may wear sweaters or thermal garments under the jacket, over their uniform shirts, however these articles may not be visible and must be removed with the jacket. (A dark blue dickey may be worn and may be visible above the jacket collar.) The cap will be worn squarely on the head, the front no more than (2) finger widths above the brow. In addition, no hair will show from the front of the hat. 3. Do not order or purchase regulation Police Officer uniforms until directed to do so by the Police Academy. Dress uniforms may only be purchased from authorized tailors. Do not purchase a dress uniform until directed to do so by Police Academy staff. 4. Regulation dress uniforms must not be worn until inspected and stamped by Police Academy staff. 5. When ordering dress uniforms, prepare Department form CERTIFICATION AND ACCEPTANCE OF ORDER-INSPECTION REPORT OF EQUIPMENT SECTION (P.D. 169-062), and have it signed by the tailor. The form must be delivered to your company sergeant without delay. 6. Wearing eyeglasses with tinted lenses, and sunglasses - both prescription and nonprescription - is prohibited inside the Police Academy. Outside the academy, while in uniform, conservative vision wear may be worn. 7. You must keep your uniforms clean, pressed, and in good condition at all times. Shoes must be shined. 8. When directed to wear civilian clothes, you must dress in business attire. (Dress shirt with a tie, shirt/slacks, blouse, or dress, etc., and dress shoes.) When leaving the academy at the end of tour, recruits will be in uniform or proper business attire. 9. At no time will recruit officers dress or undress in public (e.g. parking lots, garages, etc.). A situation may arise where a recruit feels that traveling to and from the academy in uniform will present a problem or personal hardship. Any safety issues or hardships regarding this policy must be brought to the attention of the Platoon Commander in room 523 immediately. 10. Recruit Officers must wear their hair so that it is neatly groomed and conforms to the shape of the head. All regulations regarding the appearance of Recruit Officer’s hair applies equally to male and female members of the service. When in uniform, regardless of whether or not the cap is worn, hair will not be worn so that it falls over the eyebrows or reaches the collar. The length and bulk of the hair should not interfere with the wearing of any uniform headgear, including emergency equipment. The hairstyle should allow for the uniform cap to be placed squarely on the head, without visible bulk. Necessary hair holding devices (such as, but not limited to, rubber bands, clips, barrettes, pins) if used must be unadorned and plain, and be transparent or similar to the color of the hair. All such devices must be unobtrusive, and concealed as much as possible. Hair scarves, beads, bows, large or decorative fabric covered elastic bands, large plastic clips, or other ornamental items are prohibited. Keep sideburns closely trimmed and not extending below the bottom of your earlobe. Have mustache neatly trimmed, not extending beyond, nor dropping below the corners of the mouth. Do not grow beards or goatees except under the following circumstances: (1) When required because of a medical condition and with written approval of the Chief Surgeon. (A copy of the written approval will be in possession of the member of the service whenever in uniform.) (2) When required because of religious accommodation and with approval of the Deputy Commissioner, Equal Employment Opportunity. (A copy of the written approval will be in possession of the member of the service whenever in uniform.) (3) When assigned to perform duty in uniform, members granted the aforementioned exceptions will conform, to the extent possible, to the provisions of this procedure. (For example, long hair will be gathered and secured closely to the head above the collar.) Keep fingernails neatly trimmed and extending no more than ¼ inch from the fingertip. Nail polish may be worn only if it is clear, or of a natural, conservative color. Any designs or decorations on nails are prohibited. Only those cosmetics that are of conservative color and amount shall be permitted. Eyewear will be of conservative style and color. No neon or brightly colored frames may be worn. Eyeglass frames will not have adornments, such as stones, studs, beads, etc. Eyeglass straps may be worn, but must be black. While in uniform in public, do not chew gum, use tobacco in any form, or hold toothpicks in your mouth. HARDSHIPS REGARDING THE POLICE DEPARTMENT’S POLICY REGARDING PERSONAL APPEARANCE MUST BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE PLATOON COMMANDER, RECRUIT OPERATIONS IMMEDIATELY. REQUESTS FOR ACCOMODATION MAY BE MADE THROUGH THE HUMAN RESOURCES UNIT. 11. You are required to purchase one authorized combination lock (without a serial number or keyhole on rear) to secure uniform and equipment. This can be purchased at the Police Equipment Section. 12. You must purchase from the Equipment Section a black bag, which will be used to carry personal items. Any packages or articles you are required to carry must fit and be secured in your authorized bag. You are only authorized to carry the recruit bag while in uniform. At no time will the recruit bag be carried over the shoulder. The recruit bag MUST be carried in the non-shooting hand except if a documented medical condition exists that would prevent this. The recruit bag will be carried below the belt of the duty trousers. 13. You must immediately report to the Recruit Operations Section, the loss of, or damage to any Department equipment, through your official Company Instructor or his/her supervisor. 14. You must wear a wristwatch that is in good working condition. It is suggested that this watch not be an expensive piece of jewelry. The wristwatch should be conservative in color. NOTE: Wristwatches that make an audible sound are not allowed. 15. By the end of the first week in the Police Academy, all recruits will be required to purchase current copies of the New York State Penal Law. It is suggested that you purchase a non-bound, ring-type book that can easily be updated. 16. Additional garments may be worn under the uniform. If garments are worn under the uniform shirt, no part of the garment should be visible above the shirt collar. If sweaters or jackets are worn over the uniform inside the building, you will be considered OUT OF UNIFORM. 17. Shield cases and suitable chains must be purchased for the security of I.D. cards. The shield case should be carried in the nonshooting side pants pocket. A chain, which is affixed to the shield case and the belt (not belt loop) by a metal attachment, will be purchased. 18. The following may be utilized and brought to the Academy in inclement weather: A. B. C. Umbrella - black, collapsible or folding type that can be placed into the recruit bag. Overshoes - black only. Official Department raingear. 2-13 MUSTER Muster is a military formation for the purpose of inspection and roll call. Muster is used to monitor uniformity, punctuality, and discipline. Your adherence to the rules and regulations of the Academy will help accustom you to the demands of the Department. While in muster areas, unnecessary noise and/or conversation is prohibited. Location of Muster at the Police Academy 1. Companies scheduled for physical training as the first assignment of the day shall muster in the gymnasium unless a classroom is specified. Other companies shall muster on the Muster Deck (3rd fl.), Campus Deck (1st fl.), or classroom as specified in the daily schedule. Recruit officers shall fall in for muster at the time indicated on the official schedule for the day. During inclement weather, companies scheduled for muster on the Muster Deck will muster according to the inclement weather Muster Schedule. Your company sergeant will inform the company when an inclement weather muster will take place. 2. Company sergeants will call the roll and prepare Absentee Forms. 3. On command, company sergeants will deliver Absentee Forms to the instructor mustering the company. 4. On command, company instructors will march their companies to their assignments. 2-14 CLASSROOM REGULATIONS 1. Recruit officers must be prepared for scheduled lessons and are required to bring all necessary books and material to class. Student curricula should be kept in a loose-leaf binder. In addition, notebooks must be maintained. 2. Newspapers, books, periodicals and similar material not related to classroom instruction will not be brought to classrooms. 3. Upon arrival to your classroom, immediately take your assigned seat and refrain from unnecessary conversation. Sit upright and be alert and attentive at all times. You may not leave the classroom without permission. When required to leave class prior to the arrival of a Police Academy Instructor, inform the Company Sergeant of reason and destination. If you are required to leave the room during instruction, request permission to leave from the instructor. Sleeping on duty will not be tolerated. 4. A recruit class will come to attention when an instructor enters the classroom at the beginning of each class. Thereafter, the instructor will call the class to attention when a ranking member of the service enters the room. In the absence of an instructor, the company sergeant, assistant company sergeant, or other designated recruit will call the class to attention. 5. When classes are in session, recruit officers will speak when called upon or after receiving consent of an instructor. Recruits having questions should first raise their hand, and wait to be acknowledged by the instructor before asking a question. 6. Recruit officers must not roam about or leave the building, or loiter in lavatories during class recess. Recruits will take breaks in classrooms and refrain from making excessive noise. Disturbance of other classes will not be tolerated. Halls will be checked periodically to insure compliance. During breaks from the classroom, the third floor and cafeteria are off limits. 7. Recruits will not leave their classrooms until 10 minutes before the end of their tour. Company sergeants will be responsible for adherence to this rule and will report any officer who refuses to comply. Upon dismissal, recruit officers shall not loiter in or around the Police Academy building or area, which is defined as both sides of 20th Street, including the corners of 2nd and 3rd Avenues. Recruit officers may remain in the building to use the library, for tutoring, or when authorized. When leaving the building, recruit officers must leave the area quietly and expeditiously. Recruits will not have families or friends wait for them on the academy block, nor will recruits enter or exit a vehicle on the academy block. 8. At the end of their tour, recruits will not leave coats, books, bags etc., in classrooms unattended. When leaving a classroom, all windows are to be closed, trash removed, lights extinguished, and shades pulled down evenly. The company sergeant shall make sure the room and all department property is secured. 9. Recruit officers are responsible for completion of all assignments given. 10. On examination days, no recruit is permitted into the Police Academy unless authorized. Prior to entering the building, authorization will be obtained from the Platoon Commander in Recruit Operations Unit via the security desk on the first floor. 2-15 DUTY CHART The Duty Chart or working schedule will vary from class to class depending on the number of squads needed to accommodate the size of the present recruit class. Notwithstanding the assigned chart, recruit officers are subject to tour changes or chart changes at the direction of the Commanding Officer of the Police Academy (COPA), or his or her designee to satisfy the needs of the Department. 2-16 RESIDENCE REQUIREMENT To be employed as a New York City Police Officer you must reside within the City of New York or in Westchester, Rockland, Orange, Putnam, Nassau or Suffolk counties. Failure to establish residency will result in termination. 2-17 HOME TELEPHONE You must provide your Commanding Officer with a telephone number for emergency notifications. A cell phone number is not considered sufficient. Immediately notify the Recruit Operations Section of any change of your telephone number. Additionally, notify the Recruit Discipline Unit and your investigator at the Applicant Investigation Unit. 2-18 CHANGE OF RESIDENCE OR MARITAL STATUS Immediately notify the Recruit Operations Unit, of any change of residence or marital status. Additionally, notify the Recruit Discipline Unit, Room 523A, and your investigator at the Applicant Processing Unit. SECTION 3 - RECRUIT TRAINING 3-1 CURRICULUM AND RELATED PROCEDURES Your performance as a probationary police officer will be carefully monitored. Training will be conducted in two stages. 1. Knowledge and Fitness Term. The Academic and Physical Training portion of your training will take place during the first half of your assignment at the Academy. During this time recruits will receive training in law, police science and behavioral science. Additionally, intense physical training will take place. At the end of this initial training period only qualified candidates will continue with training. Any recruit who fails to meet the standards of the Department during this period will be recommended for termination. 2. Skills and Abilities Term. The second half of training in the Academy will encompass the application of the knowledge and skills learned in the Recruit School, as well as firearms training, courtroom testimony and driver training. During this phase of training, recruits are expected to satisfactorily apply the knowledge and skills learned in the Recruit School to various scenarios, become proficient in the use of firearms and proficient in the operation of emergency vehicles. Failure to meet the minimum standards set forth by the Department will disqualify a recruit from graduation. 3-2 YOUR INSTRUCTORS Police Academy classes are taught by Recruit Training Section instructors. Instructors are chosen according to their patrol experience, time with the Department, and specialized skills, and education. Instructors are uniformed members of the Department in the rank of police officer and above. 3-3 OFFICIAL COMPANY INSTRUCTOR An Official Company Instructor (O.C.I.) is designated for each company. This instructor is responsible for the overall administration of the recruit company. The O.C.I. must be informed of any incident, situation or problem that could affect either your training or the training of the entire company, including arrests, summonses, auto accidents, etc. Your O.C.I. will also monitor the training activity of the company as a whole to ensure that there are no problems or deficiencies. When in doubt as to what incidents are to be reported, confer with your O.C.I. Your O.C.I. will constantly evaluate the performance of recruits assigned to his/her company. At the completion of training at the Academy, the O.C.I. will be responsible for making recommendations regarding a recruit’s eligibility for a field assignment or termination. 3-4 COMPANY SERGEANT A recruit will be appointed as Company Sergeant. The Company Sergeant is selected on the basis of prior military and/or academic experience. The Company Sergeant is the liaison between the Academy staff and the recruit officers. His/her primary task is to convey important information to and from the recruit officers. The Company Sergeant will assume control of the company when no staff member is present. (In order to assist the Company Sergeant, an Assistant Company Sergeant will also be designated.) 3-5 RECRUIT ACADEMIC SCHOOL While assigned to the Recruit School you will receive intense academic instruction regarding various aspects of law enforcement. The curriculum draws on the three main traditional areas of police training: law, police science and behavioral science. Police officers are expected to play the role of social worker, crime fighter, mediator, first responder, teacher and role model, to name a few. As such, police officers are required to learn and be able to apply the law and Patrol Guide procedures, and to possess the emotional competence to carry out their roles effectively. During training, you will receive your Department Patrol Guide. The Guide is a comprehensive set of rules and procedures governing the conduct of all Department members and specific methods of performing various police services. The training objective is to enable each Recruit Officer to understand rules and regulations, policies, and procedures of the Police Department. A variety of approaches will be used to teach recruit officers. Aside from the traditional classroom format, instructors will also employ role-plays, socio-dramas, simulations and assessment exercises, moot court, team teaching, one-on-one tutoring, and other student-centered methodologies. This will help bridge the gap between theory and practice and to afford the recruit officers the opportunity to practice their newly acquired knowledge and skills. 3-6 COMPUTER TRAINING The Computer Training Unit will conduct hands-on computer training for each recruit company. This instruction includes training on the use of Department systems such as Mobile Data Client (MDC), On-Line Booking System (OLBS), and Livescan fingerprinting. Department policy regarding the integrity and authorized use of NYPD computer systems is stressed during these components. 3-7 STUDYING In order to achieve academic success, it is important for the recruit officer to devote several hours each day to reading and studying the material. Recruits are responsible for knowing all the material provided in the student curriculum- whether or not it is covered in the classroom. Recruits are required to come to class prepared, rested, and motivated to learn and participate. Listen attentively to the instructor, take notes and most important don’t be afraid to ask questions. Find a quiet place where you can study for several hours with limited distraction. Read the study material carefully, use a highlighter to accentuate important points, make certain to write down questions or subject matter that is unclear or difficult to grasp; the instructor will clarify it the next day in class. You may want to transcribe laws, procedures, policies, etc., onto index cards. Writing reinforces what you have learned, and material that is on index cards is easy to read on a train, bus or in a restaurant. These suggestions are offered in order to assist you in developing a studying routine or technique that will ensure you accomplish your academic and career objectives. 3-8 TUTORING SERVICES Tutoring for the Academic Program, Physical Education, Driver Training and Firearms, is readily available for all recruit officers. Academic tutoring classes are conducted on a daily basis. Although attendance is voluntary and on the Recruit’s off duty time, it is strongly encouraged that you attend. There is no overtime compensation for attending tutoring. Weekly Academic Tutoring schedules are given directly to each recruit company and posted in the cafeteria and on the fourth and fifth floors. Regular attendance at tutoring sessions provides many benefits. Repetition of subject matter results in increased comprehension and retention. Difficult material can be clarified and individual problems can be addressed. 3-9 HUMAN RESOURCES SECTION The Human Resources Section is an informational, assessment and referral service for police recruits and all Police Academy staff. The Section’s primary goal is to provide or obtain whatever support services a recruit or staff member may need in order to resolve personal problems before those problems impact the employee’s job performance. If you are interested in arranging an appointment with a counselor, or learning more about services provided, the section is open Monday through Friday, 0800 x 2400 hours in Room 820 and can be reached at (212) 477-9223. All appointments and calls are confidential with the exception of homicidal or suicidal ideation or misconduct. All Members of the Service (MOS) must call to schedule an appointment. 3-10 TESTING The academic program is an intensive college-level curriculum that requires a great deal of effort both in and out of the classroom. Even the most academically proficient recruit will find it necessary to spend many of his/her off-duty hours absorbing unfamiliar topics. The Academy’s goal is to turn out highly motivated, competent, service-oriented Police Officers. The testing process is an important evaluation tool in determining a recruit’s ability to achieve these objectives. Remember, a police officer often has to make quick decisions without having access to a book. You will have to rely on your training and the knowledge you have acquired while in the Academy. The testing process seeks to determine how well you are prepared to make those decisions. The Exam Appeal Procedure • Recruits who believe that their Official Answer Sheet was incorrectly graded and wish to appeal may do so by submitting a written appeal to the testing unit within two (2) business days (scheduling permitting) of receiving their test scores (from the official printout). A recruit can only appeal a question that he or she incorrectly answered. • All appeals must be submitted on an official Academy Appeal Form, or on official letterhead. • All appeals regarding “grade discrepancies” or “question content” will be brought to the attention of the Curriculum Development Unit. • There must be a basis for an appeal. Arguments, examples, supporting documentation, etc. must be clearly stated to justify the appeal. 3-11 GRADE STANDARDS Graduation from the Police Academy will require recruits to pass both terms of the curriculum, as measured through the following: 1. A minimum grade of 75.0% on each of three written examinations administered during the Knowledge and Fitness Term. Recruits who fail a written examination will be permitted one additional attempt to demonstrate mastery of the subject matter by taking a make-up exam within seven days of the original exam or as scheduling permits. A second failure of any written examination will result in immediate recommendation for termination. 2. Successful completion of all components of the physical strength, agility, and fitness examination administered at the end of the Knowledge and Fitness Term. Recruits who fail any components of this examination on their first test will be permitted one additional attempt to pass. 3. Successful completion of the Firearms and Tactics component of the Skills and Abilities Term, as measured through standards and tests developed by the Firearms and Tactics Section. 4. Satisfactory evaluation by Recruit Training Section official instructors and platoon commanders on the practical exercises administered during the Skills and Abilities Term. 5. A minimum grade of 75.0% on the final written examination administered upon completion of the Skills and Abilities Term. Recruits who fail the final written examination will be permitted one additional attempt to demonstrate mastery of the subject matter by taking a make-up exam within seven days of the original exam or as scheduling permits. A second failure of the final written examination will result in immediate recommendation for termination. 6. A score of 100.0% on the written Justification for the Use of Force examination administered during the Skills and Abilities Term. Recruits who fail the Justification examination will be permitted one additional attempt to demonstrate mastery of the subject matter by taking a make-up exam within seven days of the original exam or as scheduling permits. A second failure of the Justification examination will result in immediate recommendation for termination. 7. A record of adherence to Departmental and Police Academy disciplinary standards. 8. Satisfactory overall evaluation by Recruit Training Section official instructors and platoon commanders. 9. Upon a Recruit’s Failure to Meet any of These Standards: The Commanding Officer, Recruit Training Section shall cause the recruit to be notified orally and in writing that the recruit has failed the training program, and that termination procedures will be initiated. Note: Recruits who possess a valid vehicle operator’s license but who fail, or do not have the opportunity to complete the Driver Training Program of the Skills and Abilities Term, shall graduate with their class, so long as they have met all other standards. They shall not, however, be certified as qualified vehicle operators until they successfully complete this program. 3-12 RECRUIT EVALUATIONS Near the end of the training period, each recruit’s overall performance will be evaluated by his/her instructors and supervisors and recorded on a Performance Evaluation Form. The evaluation is based on a recruit’s examination scores, disciplinary record, and behavioral characteristics such as communication skills, self-discipline, judgment/decision making, appearance, attitude, police ethics, comprehension skills, interpersonal skills, drive/initiative and sick record. An unsatisfactory sick record will have an adverse effect on a recruit’s evaluation; therefore, you should report sick only when you are too ill or injured to perform your duties. Keep in mind that your day-to-day performance is extremely important in attaining a good evaluation. A poor evaluation may result in your termination. 3-13 ACADEMIC PROBATION If a recruit fails to achieve a minimum grade of 75.0% on any one of the trimester examinations, he/she will be given a second exam on the relevant subjects and placed on “Academic Probation” during the next trimester. Probation is a warning to the recruit that his/her academic performance must improve. It also alerts instructors that the recruit is experiencing difficulty and requires special attention. During the period of Academic Probation, a recruit’s performance will be closely monitored to ensure tutoring attendance, satisfactory completion of assignments, increased class participation, as well as utilization of Academy resources. A recruit will remain on Academic Probation until he or she successfully passes an academic examination on the first attempt. 3-14 AWARDS At your graduation ceremony, those who have demonstrated outstanding performance during their Academy training will receive awards. There are awards for the following achievements: • First and second highest overall performance o Academic average plus overall physical fitness score • Highest academic average • Highest physical fitness score • Highest in firearms proficiency • Outstanding Company Sergeant • Exceptional Community Service. Individual awards are presented by the Mayor, the Police Commissioner, the First Deputy Commissioner, The Chief of Department, Deputy Commissioner of Training and outside benefactors. The highest overall performer is selected as the class valedictorian. The class valedictorian will present a speech at the graduation ceremony. Notice of an award remains a part of your personnel folder throughout your career. Note: Academic average is determined by the average of three trimester exams and one final exam. All four exams are assigned a 25% value for the purpose of computing the average. Failure of any exam disqualifies a recruit for any consideration for an award. 3-15 TERMINATION As Probationary Police Officers, recruits may be recommended for termination for any of the aforementioned reasons stated in this manual, or for any other reason that the Commanding Officer, Police Academy deems the recruit unsuitable for the position of Police Officer. 3-16 RESIGNATION If, during your training, you choose to resign from the New York City Police Department, you must report to the Police Academy Recruit Operations Unit, Room 523, with your Identification Card, Patrol Guide, and all Department-issued equipment. NOTICE TO RESIGNING PROBATIONARY POLICE OFFICERS: IF YOU ARE RESIGNING THE POSITION OF PROBATIONARY POLICE OFFICER AND WERE EMPLOYED IN A CIVILIAN TITLE WITHIN THE NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO BEING APPOINTED, YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR RESTORATION TO YOUR FORMER TITLE. TO CONFIRM YOUR ELIGIBILTY FOR RE-INSTATEMENT TO YOUR FORMER TITLE, CONTACT THE EMPLOYMENT SECTION IMMEDIATELY AT 646-610-6813, DURING BUSINESS HOURS. IF RESIGNING DURING NON-BUSINESS HOURS, YOU SHOULD CONTACT THE EMPLOYMENT SECTION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. IF ELIGIBLE, YOU WILL BE GIVEN AN APPOINTMENT TO REPORT TO THE EMPLOYMENT SECTION, ROOM 1014, 1 POLICE PLAZA DURING BUSINESS HOURS. YOUR FAILURE TO CONTACT THE EMPLOYMENT SECTION OR APPEAR AT THE APPOINTED TIME MAY NEGATE YOUR ABILITY TO RESUME YOUR FORMER EMPLOYMENT. YOU MUST BRING A COPY OF YOUR RESIGNATION FORM, SIGNED BY A SUPERVISOR, AS WELL AS SUPERVISORY VERIFICATION OF THE LAST TOUR PERFORMED. 3-17 POLICE ACADEMY LIBRARY The library maintains a collection of training and law enforcement publications specific to the needs and objectives of the New York City Police Department. The collection includes books, periodicals and nonprint materials in the fields of Behavioral Science, Criminal Justice, General Reference, Health, Law, Nutrition, Police Administration, Police Science, and Sociology. Internet access is provided for further academic research. The library staff is available to recommend resources for your research. Membership in the library is free of charge for members of the Department. The library provides you with a place to conduct research and study. It is not for social or personal conferences. Loitering, sleeping, eating and drinking in the library are strictly prohibited. Cell phone use in the library is prohibited. You must comply with library rules and regulations. The library is located on the 6th floor of the Police Academy and is open from 0730 hours through 1900 hours, Monday through Friday. The telephone number is (212) 477-7508. Recruits are not permitted in any other area of the 6th floor unless expressly directed by a supervisor from the Recruit Operations Unit. SECTION 4 - PHYSICAL TRAINING AND TACTICS MISSION STATEMENT Through physical fitness and skill development, the recruit officer will be prepared to meet the needs of the Department and the communities we serve. 4-1 INTRODUCTION A typical physical training class is divided into two segments: physical conditioning, and instruction on subject matter from the PTTD Recruit Training Manual. You are required to read the manual to ensure your proficiency in these areas. 4-2 GENERAL REGULATIONS The following general regulations have been designed to maximize the benefits of your training, insure the security of your personal belongings and to minimize the risk of injury to you and your fellow recruits. The general regulations must be strictly followed. 1. You are not permitted to physically assist another recruit officer during any portion of the physical training or testing, except in an emergency. 2. Dismissals from physical education classes will be orderly. You will not run through hallways or stairways when dismissed. 3. You may not wear jewelry (wristwatches, earrings, necklaces, etc.) during physical education classes - with the exception of wedding bands. 4. Eyeglasses or hard contact lenses may not be worn during training sessions. Only soft contacts may be worn. 5. Makeup may not be worn during physical education classes. Fingernails are not to extend more than ¼ inch beyond fingertips. 6. You may not sit on hallway floors or stairs while waiting to enter a physical education training area. Once in the gym, you may not sit on mats, the platform, or any other equipment. 7. Entering or exiting the gymnasium is always at double time. After physical education class, companies may not be dismissed without the permission of the instructor. 8. Do not enter any physical training and tactics department training area prior to the scheduled session without proper authorization. During day tours, recruits will not enter the basement hallway or locker room prior to 0700 hours, unless they are attending early morning tutoring. When performing 4 x 12’s do not enter same area before 1530 hours, except if attending afternoon tutoring.. During the tour, do not enter the locker room until the previous class has exited. 9. You are prohibited from using any physical training and tactics department equipment (weights, treadmills, ring buoys, etc.) without proper authorization. 10. Any items of value found in a physical training and tactics area must be promptly delivered to a physical education instructor for safekeeping. 11. You are not permitted to leave any physical training and tactics location or company formation without the permission of a staff member. Recruit officers who walk off the gym floor without authorization will be subject to Command Discipline. 12. Any unusual occurrence that takes place during a Physical Training and Tactics session, whether in the hallway, locker room, or main gymnasium, must be immediately reported to a P.T.T.D. supervisor (i.e. injury, verbal altercations, destruction of Department property, etc.). Recruits who witness any incident and fail to report it are subject to disciplinary action. 4-3 HYGIENE 1. Showers must be taken after each session and before and after each water safety class. Recruits are required to bring their own soap, hair-care products, etc. Water conservation is everyone’s concern. Turn the water off after your shower. 2. Time spent in showers must be reasonable. Unnecessary conversation, personal contact, and “horseplay” are prohibited. 3. Showers will not be used to wash gym gear, swimsuits or any other personal items. 4. Street shoes are not permitted in the pool or shower areas. Shower shoes are required for both the pool and shower areas. 4-4 LOCKER ROOMS 1. At the beginning of each gym session both male and female recruit officers will be assigned as locker guards. Locker guards are assigned numerous duties but their primary function is to ensure the security of your belongings. Also, of critical importance is protecting the lockers and the entire facility from intentional damage. These goals will be accomplished by taking your post within the locker rooms and not in the hallway. The locker guards will keep the lockers under constant surveillance and identify and record the presence of all persons who enter the locker rooms. Recruits performing locker guard duty will be in gym uniform unless otherwise directed. Locker guards will physically pull on each lock to ensure the locker is secured. In the event that a locker is not secured, an instructor will be notified. 2. Your locker must be secured at all times! Lockers are routinely inspected by Physical Education and Recruit Discipline supervisors. If a locker is found unsecured the contents will be secured and a Command Discipline will be issued. 3. Recruit officers will secure their lockers with an authorized Department combination lock. Your surname and company number MUST be marked on the rear of the lock. If you must replace your lock for any reason, it must conform to Department standards. The lock must be a combination type lock (without identifying serial numbers) that conforms to Equipment Section specifications. 4. All lockers are Department property. Only authorized equipment may be secured in your locker. Lockers are not to be used for any other purpose. 5. Lockers will be emptied after every physical training and tactics session. Recruit officers may not keep lockers overnight. Do not discard refuse into empty lockers. 6. Recruit officers will keep the locker rooms clean and orderly. No food or beverages are to be consumed in the locker room. 7. Recruit officers will dress and undress in the locker rooms. No other location is authorized. When you are outside the locker room you are expected to be in full uniform. 8. Any recruit officer found intentionally damaging a locker or any other Department property will be subject to termination and/or may be subject to criminal prosecution. 9. Recruit officers will record the locker number used during each gym session in their activity log. 4-5 UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT Only approved gym uniforms and equipment will be worn when attending physical training and instruction classes. Uniforms are inspected daily. The following uniforms will be worn: 1. Recruit Gym Shirts – minimum of five (5) a. b. c. d. 2. Company Sergeant Gym Shirts a. b. c. d. 3. Crew neck tee-shirt Light steel grey in color 50% cotton / 50% polyester Surname and Company number placed on the shirt at chest level on both front and back of the shirt; the letter and numbers placed on the shirt will be two inches high and navy blue in color. Crew neck tee-shirt Light blue in color 50% cotton / 50% polyester Surname and Company number placed on the shirt at chest level on both front and back of the shirt; the letter and numbers placed on the shirt will be two inches high and white in color Gym Shorts for all Recruits – minimum of two (2) a. Solid navy blue color (no logos are allowed on gym shorts) b. Nylon mesh c. Length of shorts to reach below mid-thigh to above the knee d. No pockets or slits 4. Long sleeve sweatshirt - minimum of one (1). 5. a. Crew neck b. Light steel grey in color ( company Sgt’s will be light blue in color) c. 2-inch navy blue lettering designating surname and company number on front and rear, centered as on gym shirt ( company Sgt’s lettering will be white in color) Navy blue sweatpants 6. Navy blue knit hat ( no lettering, stripes, insignia, etc…) 7. Only solid white athletic socks extending one (1) inch above another will be worn. No stripes, insignias, etc. 8. Athletic sock requirements: a. low cut running shoes white, gray , or conservative in color. AND b. cross training shoe white gray, or conservative in color 9. Recruit officers are required to be equipped with a water bottle meeting the specifications provided at the time of hiring. 10. Recruit officers will take water safety classes in the pool. Males will wear a solid colored boxer type swimsuit. Bikini type swimsuits are prohibited. Females will wear a one piece, solid colored, racing type suit. Bathing caps must be worn by recruits whose hair exceeds one inch in length. Shower shoes are required for the pool area. 11. All male recruit officers must wear an athletic supporter when attending physical training classes. All female recruit officers must wear a bra while attending physical training classes. A sports type bra is strongly recommended. Recruit officers may wear compression shorts under their shorts to assist their performance or make exercising comfortable. However, the compression shorts will not be longer than shorts worn. 12. Recruit officers are not permitted to alter any part of their gym uniform without the permission of a Physical Training and Tactics Department Supervisor. 13. All uniforms and equipment must be marked with your last name and company number so that they can be redeemed if lost. 14. Recruit officers are responsible for the proper care and maintenance of their gym uniforms and equipment. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. 15. You must have all physical training and tactics uniforms and equipment available at all times. 4-6 PHYSICAL TRAINING AND TACTICS DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS To satisfy the Physical Training and Tactics Department requirements, a recruit officer must: 1. Attain an overall grade of 75% or above, and 2. Attain a passing score in the post assessment that will be introduced during the first week of class (or as scheduling permits) by the Physical Training and Tactics Department 3. Failure to meet the physical education requirements (overall grade and fitness components) will result in recommendation for termination. . 4-7 INJURIES Injuries that occur during physical training classes must be promptly reported to a Physical Training and Tactics Department supervisor. If you do not wish to report sick nor request a line-of-duty designation, you are to request that your injury be documented in the “injury log.” If the injury becomes bothersome and you later wish to request a line-of-duty designation you must notify a Physical Training and Tactics Department supervisor within two (2) working days of the original injury. Failure to do so may lead to the line-of-duty designation being disapproved and may result in disciplinary action. Any recruit officer who is assigned to “Restricted Duty” or “Limited Capacity” may not take part in any physical activity in the physical training classes unless approved by Department Surgeon. You must promptly notify Recruit Operation personnel and a Physical Training and Tactics Department supervisor when assigned to such status. Each recruit will be responsible for class material and must wear gym attire unless otherwise directed by a supervisor. Most injuries are caused by carelessness, poor physical conditioning or “horseplay.” Your training is a serious matter and you should not risk your career being careless or ill-prepared. 4-8 REMEDIAL TRAINING Recruit officers who have dropped out of the run, or have to achieve a passing score during the pre-assessment, must report for additional training at the end of each physical training and tactics department session. Recruit officers who fail to attend these training sessions without excusal from a Physical Training and Tactics Department supervisor will be subject to disciplinary action. 4-9 VOLUNTARY TUTORING The physical training and tactics department’s tutoring schedule is as follows: Monday thru Friday Morning Session 0600-0700 Afternoon Session 1400-1530 1535-1635 NOTE: 4-10 Weekend tutoring will also be available. Schedule to be announced.) PHYSICAL PROBATION The Physical Training and Tactics Department requires all recruits to meet certain standards prior to graduation. Recruit officers will be assessed upon entry into the academy and failure to obtain a passing score will result in being placed on PHYSICAL TRAINING PROBATION. An interim assessment will be conducted for recruits placed on Physical Training Probation. Recruits who pass this interim assessment will be removed from Physical Probation. SECTION 5 - FIREARMS AND TACTICS SECTION 5-1 GENERAL INFORMATION Firearms Training is conducted at the Department’s fifty-four (54) acre facility at Rodman’s Neck, located in the northeast section of the Bronx. Much of the training is conducted outdoors. Therefore, although uniform dress code and appearance requirements reflect those mandated for attendance at the main campus, exposure to the elements necessitates outer garments and footwear commensurate with prevailing weather conditions. Clothing should provide protection to the officer without restricting freedom of movement and access to firearms. Recruits are responsible for their own transportation to the Firearms and Tactics Section. It is recommended that recruit officers form “car pools” to facilitate traveling to the range. Ample time should be allocated for a punctual arrival, especially on the first day of training when the recruit officers are unfamiliar with the site. Lateness will not be tolerated. Recruit officers will muster in company formation in front of building #7 at 0630 hours on the day tour and at 1500 hours on the 4x12 tour. Company Sergeants will line their companies consecutively beginning with the lowest numbered company (Co. #1,2,3, etc.). Recruit officers must notify the Administrative office in Building #8 (718-885-2500) if they are going to be late. This notification is to be made in addition to the required notifications to the Recruit Operations Unit. Recruit officers are not permitted to leave the training facility during the course of the day. Meals can be purchased in the Mess Hall, or brought from home. Smoking and gum chewing are not permitted anywhere on the base. No beepers or cell phones are allowed. No knapsacks or backpacks are allowed. Pay telephones located on base are not to be used without the permission of a Firearms and Tactics Section Supervisor. After muster, recruit officers are prohibited from entering the Range parking lot without the permission of a firearms instructor. During meal, the recruit officer is permitted to go to her/his car to retrieve their meal, but must then exit the parking lot immediately. At dismissal, recruit officers are prohibited from loitering within the confines of the Range, including the Range parking lot. If a recruit officer is injured during any phase of firearms training, he/she will immediately notify the firearms instructor assigned who will then report the injury to a Firearms Section supervisor. A report will then be filed in Building #8. Proficiency with a firearm requires a certain degree of hand strength and digital coordination. If the recruit officer wishes to avoid experiencing hand fatigue while at the range, it is recommended that the officer engage in exercises designed to increase hand and grip strength. There are a number of commercially available devices designed for this purpose. Exercises should be initiated prior to range attendance. 5-2 THE FIVE DAY BASIC FIREARMS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION: SESSIONS 1-5 The Five (5) Day Basic Firearms Training Course is designed to provide the recruit officer with a working knowledge of the basic principles of marksmanship and firearms safety. It consists of five (5) training sessions that include both classroom instruction and range-firing exercises. Classroom instruction covers a broad spectrum of topics ranging from basic shooting fundamentals to justification. Range-firing exercises are designed to develop a novice shooters’ proficiency with the nine-millimeter (9mm) service pistol. TESTING: 1. A final exam will be given to recruits based on the material presented in the classroom. It is strongly recommended that recruit officers take notes. 2. All recruit officers MUST achieve minimum scores of seventy-eight percent (78%) with their 9mm service pistols on their qualification day (session #5) and their off-duty weapons during session six (6). Each recruit officer will fire three (3) Pistol Qualification Courses (PQC’s) on their qualification day and they must achieve scores of seventy-eight percent (78%) or better on at least two (2) of the three (3) courses in order to be qualified with their firearm. During this course of fire, each recruit officer will fire fifty (50) rounds of ammunition at a basic silhouette target at distances of seven (7), fifteen (15), and twenty-five (25) yards within a prescribed period of time. Recruit officers will only receive credit for rounds striking grey shaded areas of the target with each round having a value of two (2) points. Additionally, recruit officers will fire one hundred (100) rounds with their off duty weapons, fifty of which will be for qualification purposes. 3. Recruits may qualify for the Lt. Francis J. McGee Award. In order to qualify for this award a recruit officer must achieve scores of 100 on the following qualifying course of fire: Two Pistol Qualification Courses (service weapon) One Pistol Qualification Course (off-duty weapon) Close Combat Course Exertion Course Multi-Target Course - FIREARMS TUTORING: Any recruit officer who fails to achieve a minimum score of seventy-eight percent (78%) with his or her service pistol and off duty, will be issued a tutoring form. This form will give the recruit officer access to the Police Academy range (if available) on their own time (RDO, meal, etc.) to improve their firearm proficiency. As their proficiency improves, they will be afforded the opportunity to re-qualify with their service pistol and off duty pistol at the Police Academy range (if available). 5-3 ATTIRE WHEN ATTENDING THE FIVE (5) DAY BASIC FIREARMS TRAINING COURSE • • • • • • Uniform grey shirt, blue trousers, tie, and tie clip Authorized grey gym shirt with the officer’s name and company number on the back must be worn underneath the uniform shirt Black oxford shoes/boots or sneakers. Since firearms training occurs outdoors, footwear will, at times, be determined by the prevailing weather conditions. For example, if it is raining, galoshes are permissible. If it is snowing, heavier insulated boots are permissible. Female officers may not wear high heels. Academy issued blue Recruit jacket (if conditions warrant, a raincoat - dark in color - which will not interfere with the safe drawing & holstering of the pistol), may be worn in addition to - or instead of - the academy jacket. On extremely cold days, an insulated coat/jacket may be worn. The coat/jacket must be plain black or blue in color. A navy blue baseball style hat bearing the letters NYPD must be worn. Authorized recruit carry bag will be carried only on session one. 5-4 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED DURING THE FIVE (5) DAY BASIC FIREARMS TRAINING COURSE • • • • • • • • • • • 5-5 Regulation gun belt and service holster Magazine pouches and belt keepers Black ballpoint pen Activity Log Regulation traffic whistle and holder Regulation handcuffs with case and key Safety goggles issued by the Police Academy only Gun cleaning kit (everyday), toothbrush and toothpicks Notebook Flashlight Student Guide THE FIVE (5) DAY TACTICAL TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION: SESSIONS 6-10 Since 1969, the Firearms and Tactics Section has monitored and evaluated armed confrontations. Information acquired through analyzing these confrontations has been an invaluable aid in developing a comprehensive tactical training program. During the five (5) day tactical training course, the recruit officer is instructed in methods and techniques designed to increase the officer’s chances of surviving armed confrontations. NO RECRUIT OFFICER WILL ATTEND THE FIVE DAY TACTICAL TRAINING UNTIL SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETING THE FIVE DAY BASIC FIREARMS COURSE SESSION #6 - consists of four (4) courses of fire, all are qualifying. The following is a brief description of each exercise: Off Duty Pistol Qualification Course This is a Pistol Qualification Course. All recruit officers must achieve a minimum score of 78% to qualify. Close Combat Course Fifty (50) rounds of ammunition are fired at an advanced silhouette target from distances of three (3) and ten (10) feet, utilizing Close Combat firing techniques/position. The recruit officer MUST strike the target thirty-nine (39) times in order to qualify. Exertion Course This course is designed to simulate the mental and physical fatigue an officer might encounter during an armed confrontation. The recruit officer will be required to perform a series of physical exercises that include jogging, running and push-ups. After each set of exercises, the recruit officer will fire a series of exercises from the seven (7) and fifteen (15) yard lines. Fifty (50) rounds of ammunition will be fired, thirty-nine (39) of which MUST strike the target in order to qualify. The recruit officer MUST also complete ALL required physical exercises. Multiple Target Course Fifty (50) rounds of ammunition are fired at two (2) targets situated seven (7) and fifteen (15) yards away from the recruit officer. The officer MUST strike the targets a total of thirty-nine (39) times in order to qualify. SESSION #7 SIMULATOR TRAINING / COVER AND CONCEALMENT EXERCISES During the first part of this training session, each recruit officer will receive training on a firearms simulator machine where he or she will be subjected to a series of judgment exercises using a video screen and laser-equipped service pistols. The second part of this training session will be a range exercise in which each recruit officer will fire fifty (50) rounds of ammunition from behind several pieces of cover that may be available while they are on patrol. SESSION #8 CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION The recruit officer will receive classroom instruction and view videotapes on the following topics: • • • • • • General Patrol Tactics Identifying Members of the Service (M.O.S.) in Civilian Clothes Off Duty Situations Dog Encounters Soft Body Armor Pepper Spray • • • • • Accidental Discharges Armed Confrontation / Post Shooting Tactics Safeguarding Weapons Gun Retention Terrorism Awareness SESSION #9 TACTICS HOUSE The recruit officer will receive training in the Tactics House where each recruit officer will be put through a series of simulated field encounters. SESSION #10 TACTICAL TRAINING EXERCISES USING “SIMUNITION FX” MARKING CARTRIDGES During session 10 of tactical training, each recruit officer will be subjected to a series of judgment exercises utilizing modified weapons designed to fire marking cartridges. 5-6 ATTIRE WHEN ATTENDING THE FIVE (5) DAY TACTICAL TRAINING COURSE • • • • • • • • 5-7 Uniform grey shirt Uniform blue trousers Uniform tie and tie clip Authorized grey gym shirt with officer’s name and company number on back (to be worn underneath the uniform shirt) Black oxford shoes or sneakers. Since firearms training occurs outdoors, footwear will, at times, be determined by the prevailing weather conditions. Female officers may not wear high heels. Academy issued blue Recruit jacket (if conditions warrant, a raincoat - dark in color - which will not interfere with the safe drawing & holstering of the pistol), may be worn in addition to - or instead of - the academy jacket. On extremely cold days, an insulated coat/jacket may be worn. The coat/jacket must be plain black or blue in color. A navy blue baseball style hat bearing the letters NYPD must be worn. Authorized recruit bag EQUIPMENT REQUIRED DURING THE FIVE (5) DAY TACTICAL TRAINING COURSE • • Regulation gun belt and service holster Magazine pouches and belt keepers • • • • • • • • • • 5-8 RANGE POLICY REGARDING ABSENCES A. B. C. D. 5-9 Black ballpoint pen Activity log Regulation traffic whistle and holder Regulation handcuffs with case and key Baton Regulation flashlight Safety goggles or Department issued safety glasses Gun cleaning kit, toothbrush, toothpicks and Q-tips Notebook and Student Guide An old sweatshirt/T-shirt that can be worn over recruit uniform shirt for protection during “Simunition FX” marking cartridge training If a recruit officer is absent for any session of the five (5) day Basic Training Course, he/she must report to the Police Academy the following tour. The recruit officer will not be allowed to complete the remaining training sessions. A recruit officer who is absent for any session of the five (5) day Basic Training Course, or fails to qualify on “day five,” will not be permitted to attend the five (5) day Tactical Training Course with his or her company. The recruit officer will instead report to the Recruit Operations Unit (room 523) at the Police Academy and will perform the same tour their company is performing at the Outdoor Range. If a recruit officer is absent for any session of the five (5) day Tactical Training Course, he or she will be allowed to attend the remaining sessions. A recruit officer who is on “Limited” or “Restricted” duty cannot attend the ten (10) day Firearms Training Course. WEAPONS SECURITY A. B. At the beginning of each training session, the recruit officer will receive his/her service pistol. The service pistol is to be kept secured in the holster by the recruit officer. AT NO TIME AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will the recruit officer remove his/her pistol from the holster unless specifically directed to do so by a Firearms Instructor. At the end of each training session, the service pistols will be collected, boxed and returned to the Range Armory. Recruit officers are strictly prohibited from leaving the range with ammunition in their possession. Any unused ammunition is to be returned immediately to the recruit officer’s Line Instructor. SECTION 6 - DRIVER EDUCATION AND TRAINING 6-1 GENERAL INFORMATION The Driver Education and Training Unit program, conducted at Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, is a four (4) day low speed defensive driving course which serves as a self awareness program for Recruit Officers. While it will enhance the driving skills possessed by Recruit Officers, it should be noted that this course cannot provide the officers with the necessary experience that can only be attained by the frequent operation of a motor vehicle. Therefore, to supplement this program, RECRUIT OFFICERS WITH LIMITED DRIVING EXPERIENCE MUST ATTEMPT TO GAIN AS MUCH DRIVING EXPERIENCE AS POSSIBLE, PRIOR TO ATTENDING THIS PROGRAM. Recruit Officers who fail to apply themselves may have a difficult time successfully completing the required qualification course. Tutoring will be available only to those Recruit Officers who have difficulty with the operation of a motor vehicle. Appointments must be made through the Company Sergeant by calling (718) 377-6510. 6-2 REGULATIONS FOR RECRUIT OFFICERS 1. The reporting time at Driver Training is 0637 hours sharp. You must be prepared for muster and inspection at that time. Lateness will result in negative discipline. 2. Private vehicles will not exceed the base speed limit of 25 miles per hour. There will be strict enforcement of this regulation. 3. Recruit Officers will park only in the parking area adjacent to the east side of the building. There will be no parking in the front of the building. 4. Recruit Officers will carry their New York State driver’s license on their person at all times. 5. Recruit Officers will wear the same uniform that is normally worn while attending Police Academy training. Recruit bags WILL NOT be carried. 6. The program will be in effect during all weather conditions and officers may be exposed to the elements for extended periods of time. During frigid conditions (below 32 degrees), it is suggested that gloves, insulated underwear and heavy socks be worn. It is also permissible to wear dark blue or black headwear and/or ear protection during these conditions. Clothes should never interfere with the operation of a vehicle. 7. Black insulated work-boots may also be worn during frigid conditions (below 32 degrees) or during snow or rainy weather. Boots must not interfere with the safe operation of a vehicle. High-heeled boots or sneakers should never be worn. 8. Notifications for sickness, lateness or other reasons should be made by calling: (718) 377-6407 or (718) 377-6369. These notifications are to be made in addition to those made to the Police Academy. 9. No food is served on the base. You may either drive off the base for meal or bring your own meal. 6-3 TESTING The Driver Education and Training Unit tests recruit officers in three areas. The first is a written test administered on the third day of training and is comprised of the material covered in the classroom as well as the Student Guide. The second area is the offsite testing which is designed to evaluate the student’s ability regarding the basic operations and control of Department vehicles (Radio Motor Patrol or “RMP”). This procedure takes place on the first and third day of training (or as scheduling permits) and requires the proper execution of maneuvers such as parallel parking, merging on highways, three point turns, etc. The third testing requirement, which is also given on the third day of training (or as scheduling permits), is the successful completion of the Emergency Vehicle Operator’s Course (EVOC). EVOC provides an evaluation of a student officer’s ability to control a vehicle under simulated emergency conditions. It is a timed test in which penalties are incurred for each traffic cone that is knocked down. Two (2) practice runs are allowed prior to a maximum three (3) test runs. Only recruits who qualify on RMP’s are eligible to receive subsequent van training. 6-4 TUTORING PROGRAM The Driver Education and Training Unit offers remedial instruction for any recruit officer who may feel that he/she does not possess the skill level necessary to successfully complete the required testing procedure. Tutoring is offered from Monday to Friday, 1500 hours to 1730 hours. Daytime tutoring hours are posted each week at the Police Academy. Unless a recruit is in attendance at Driver Training, appointments are necessary and can be made by having the company sergeant call (718) 377-6510 or 6369. 6-5 VAN QUALIFICATION PROGRAM This program qualifies officers to operate the Department’s twelve (12) passenger vans. It is offered to those officers who have successfully completed the three-day RMP qualification. These candidates must successfully be tested on a city street, the highway and on the Emergency Vehicle Operator’s Course prior to becoming authorized operators. SECTION 7 - SICK LEAVE AND EXCUSALS 7-1 SICK LEAVE Your presence in good health throughout the training period is important. You should report sick only when suffering from an illness or injury that prevents the proper performance of duty. Abuse of the sick leave policy will result in disciplinary proceedings and/or possible termination. If you report sick you must do so in compliance with Police Department and Police Academy regulations. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. NOTE: It would be wise to advise members of your immediate family of these regulations so that in the event you are unable to report sick personally, they will know what to do. 1. Reporting Sick A. To report sick, call the Sick Desk, (718) 760-7600, at least two (2) hours before the start of your scheduled tour of duty, unless disability occurs within this 2 hour period. If you are certain that your illness will prevent you from performing your next tour, you should call the Sick Desk and Recruit Operations in advance of the mandatory two (2) hours. Record in your memo book the time you called the Sick Desk, the member of the service that you notified at the Sick Desk and obtain the SICK LOG SERIAL NUMBER from the person receiving the report. Then call the Police Academy Recruit Operations Unit at (212) 477-9790 or (212) 4779721 at least one-half (1/2) hour before the start of your tour. If the illness or injury prevents you from making these calls, you should designate a responsible person to do so. B. When reporting sick you must obtain from the Sick Desk the name, address, phone number, and next office hours of the assigned police surgeon and all other pertinent information, e.g. name of the person with whom you spoke. Police surgeons are medical doctors employed by the Department and are responsible for determining, among other things, a member’s ability to return to duty. A recruit who reports sick will not return to duty until he/she has visited the Police Surgeon and received a Sick Report Return slip from the surgeon. 2. 3. While On Sick Report A. Visit the police surgeon at the next scheduled office hours. If unable to travel you must call the surgeon and comply with his/her directions. B. Remain at your residence or place of confinement at all times except to visit your own doctor or the Police Surgeon. If you leave your residence or place of confinement to visit a doctor, you must call the Sick Desk and request permission prior to leaving and call immediately upon your return to your residence or place of confinement. Keep in mind that Police Department employees receive full pay while out sick and have unlimited sick time. This is a tremendous benefit; be certain to follow the sick procedures and under no circumstances abuse the policy. C. While on sick report you are under the jurisdiction of a police surgeon and must comply with his/her instructions. Return To Duty A. Only the police surgeon can return you to duty. B. Report for duty when ordered to do so. C. When returned to duty, recruits will call the Recruit Operations Unit office (212) 477-9790 or (212) 477-9721 and report the time and date of such return. D. Deliver original Sick Report Return Form (PD 429-131) or “Assignment to Limited Capacity” (PD 406-050) obtained from the Police Surgeon and two (2) photocopies to the Recruit Operations Unit BEFORE muster. Enter the Recruit Company Number in the upper right corner of the original form before making copies. E. While assigned to limited capacity, the recruit officer concerned will NOT participate in daily muster. In lieu of muster, the recruit officer concerned will report to Recruit Operations (room 523) prior to the scheduled muster time, sign in the “Recruit Movement Log” and then report directly to the assigned classroom location. It is incumbent upon each recruit officer to notify his/her Company Sergeant that he/she is on limited capacity. 7-2 DEATH IN FAMILY When a member of an officer’s immediate family dies, the Department excuses him/her from four (4) consecutive tours of duty with full pay. The Department’s definition of “immediate family” includes one’s spouse, natural, foster or stepparent, child, brother or sister, father-in-law, motherin-law, or any relative residing in household. (See Patrol Guide 205-25 for the procedure and more detailed information concerning persons whose death entitles a recruit to bereavement leave.) Upon return to duty, documentation for verification purposes will be presented to a supervisor in the Recruit Operations Unit Office. 7-3 CHILD CARE LEAVE Following the birth of a child, any uniformed member of the service may take an unpaid leave for a continuous period not to exceed one (1) year (365 days), commencing no later than one year after the birth of the member’s child (natural or adopted). Member must request this leave a minimum of six (6) weeks prior to date when member wishes to commence leave of absence. Should a recruit decide to take a leave of absence without pay for childcare he/she should contact Recruit Operations for additional information and instruction. 7-4 MILITARY LEAVE Many of the Department’s active and former service persons are subject to specific types of leave. Reservists, for example, may receive up to thirty days paid annual leave to attend meetings and training camps. In addition, honorably discharged former active members of the armed forces are entitled to excusal on Veterans Day and Memorial Day. Finally, former peacetime reservists are entitled to excusals from duty on Independence Day (see Patrol Guide 205-24). Proof of service is required. Two (2) copies of separation (DD214 Form) and two (2) copies of Honorable Discharge must be submitted to the Recruit Operations Unit. These forms are forwarded to the Military and Extended Leave Desk for Department approval. Reservists are to submit two (2) copies of standard military order to attend drill and three (3) copies of Leave of Absence Report (PD 433-041) to a supervisor, Recruit Operations Unit, at least two (2) weeks prior to commencement of leave. After the leave period has been completed the reservist will submit two (2) copies of Enlistment contract and two (2) copies of drill schedule (an advance schedule of appearances for the fiscal year beginning in October) to a supervisor, Recruit Operations Unit. 7-5 PREGNANCY-RELATED INFORMATION Whenever a female recruit becomes aware that she is pregnant, she will notify her district surgeon and the Platoon Commander in room 523, with or without written certification from her private physician. The district surgeon will interview the member regarding her condition and previous medical history. After consultation with the member and her private physician, the district surgeon will determine the appropriate duty status. The member concerned will be under the medical supervision of her district surgeon while on sick report, prior to and after delivery. Department guidelines are contained in Patrol Guide 205-27. 7-6 BLOOD DONATIONS During your training at the Police Academy, New York Blood Services will be present requesting your participation in a blood drive. Donations are made on a voluntary basis. Recruits who are able to give blood are encouraged to do so. SECTION 8 – MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 8-1 AMBULANCE SERVICE/BLOOD As a recruit officer, you are eligible for Department ambulance service, blood, oxygen therapy, and/or medical appliances under certain circumstances. Your immediate family is also eligible. In general, ambulance service is available on a non-emergency basis only. Oxygen and medical appliances (including hospital beds, walkers, wheelchairs, etc.) are also available on a non-emergency basis. Call Emergency Medical Squad of the Emergency Service Unit at (718) 626-9320. In an emergency call 911. Procedures are outlined in Patrol Guide 205-04. 8-2 EMPLOYMENT VERIFICATION All NYPD recruit officers are directed to refer any inquiries for employment verification to the Employment Management Division (646) 610-6813. 8-3 FIRE AND FIRE DRILLS All recruit officers should familiarize themselves with the escape route map posted in each classroom. Follow the orders of your instructor or company sergeant in evacuating the building. Remain orderly. Fire drills are conducted periodically. 8-4 LOST AND FOUND Lost property discovered in the Police Academy building will be safeguarded in the Recruit Discipline Office, room 523A. 8-5 OFF-DUTY EMPLOYMENT Recruit Officers, while in attendance for training at the Police Academy, are not permitted to engage in off-duty employment. A probationary police officer with less than one (1) year of service may engage in off-duty employment after the P.P.O. has completed training in the Police Academy and with permission of the Department. However, he/she must comply with all provisions of Patrol Guide Procedure 205-40. 8-6 SHIELD REQUESTS Any recruit officer who has a relative - past or present - in the New York City Police Department may request the shield number of that relative if that shield number is not in use. Every effort will be made to have such shield issued to the requesting recruit. Those who wish to make such requests will do so by completing the Appearance Information Form as directed. 8-7 SHIELD/IDENTIFICATION CARD The shield, when issued, must be worn or carried as per Patrol Guide 20415 when in uniform. Attach it over the left breast on the outermost garment. When present, in civilian clothes, at the scene of an emergency, attach shield over left breast on the outermost garment. When not displayed on outer garment, the shield and identification card must be placed in an appropriate case and attached to the belt (NOT the trouser loop) by a chain. When identification cards are issued, there is a control number located on the rear of the card. You will record and store this number in a safe location. In the event that your identification card is lost or stolen, the control number is required for the preparation of reports and the issuance of a nationwide alarm. 8-8 SUBPOENA/ ORDER OF PROTECTION If you receive a subpoena of any kind or are the Respondent in an Order of Protection, report directly to a Recruit Operations Supervisor. * Recruit officers will refer to Patrol Guide Procedure 211-01, “Duties and Conduct in Court,” for specific instructions concerning court appearances and Patrol Guide Procedure 208-37 “Family Offenses and Domestic Violence Involving Uniformed or Civilian Members of the Service,” Additional Data. 8-9 TRANSPORTATION Recruit officers are requested to use public transportation when traveling to and from the Police Academy. The use of private autos is discouraged. Private autos should only be used in car pools and when the autos can be legally parked. No opportunity will be provided for officers to move their autos once training for the day has begun. If vehicles are illegally parked, they will be summonsed and towed. There is no parking of private vehicles in the vicinity of the Academy. Spaces designated for police parking are for staff members only. Recruit officers are prohibited from on-street parking in the restricted parking area (see appendix for map of restricted area). Recruit officers will not park within the confines of Stuyvesant Town. Recruit officers are not allowed to be discharged or picked up on the Police Academy block and adjoining corners. Motorcycles are not allowed to be parked on the campus deck. Recruit officers who park or who are passengers in recruit driven autos that are parked in restricted areas will be subject to a command discipline. 8-10 WEAPONS AND FIREARMS Recruit officers are not permitted to possess firearms or any weapon listed in section 265 of the Penal Law until such time as authorized. Any hand weapons possessed must be surrendered in accordance with the orders of the Commanding Officer, Applicant Processing Division/ Recruit Operations Unit. 8-11 REPORT WRITING A recruit officer will be required to submit a written report when he/she is involved in a police related incident, an unusual occurrence, or when directed by a ranking officer. Effective report writing is an integral part of police work and its importance cannot be overlooked. Officers should make every effort to ensure that their written reports are clear, concise and free from grammatical and spelling errors. Each recruit will be required to purchase a pocket dictionary to assist in achieving this goal. The ability to gather facts and transpose them into an accurate, coherent report is a reflection of you as a professional. Remember, police reports are considered public records; as such they are often introduced as evidence in criminal and civil court. Be cognizant of these facts; work hard at improving your writing skills and take pride in your performance. 8-12 NYPD POLICY REGARDING GIFTS The New York City Police Department’s policy regarding the acceptance of gifts by members of this Department is documented in Patrol Guide Procedure 203-16. Recruit officers must become familiar with the contents of this procedure. Gifts to instructors must conform to the provisions of P.G. 203-16; they may be tokens of appreciation (e.g., plaques, pen and pencil sets, etc.), however cash or personal gifts such as wristwatches, electronics, clothing, and alcohol are strictly forbidden. 8-13 USE OF CELLULAR TELEPHONES / PAGING DEVICES New York City Police Department general regulations prohibit the “wearing or carrying of an unauthorized beeper or pager and/or cellular telephone while on duty.” (Patrol Guide Procedure 203-06) SECTION 9 - CONCLUSION 9-1 WHAT MAKES A GOOD POLICE OFFICER? There are a number of desirable qualities that are essential to the making of a good police officer. First, and foremost, is a genuine willingness and desire to serve and help others. The Police Department is a serviceoriented organization; a good police officer is committed to working closely with the people of this City, helping them solve their problems and correct conditions that exist in their neighborhoods. A good police officer enforces the law fairly and impartially and would never violate the rights of others or abuse his/her authority. A good police officer values all human life, respects the dignity of all individuals, is flexible and willing to adapt to the changing demands of a contemporary police department. All of us in the New York City Police Department, working as a team with the people of this City, can most certainly make a difference in the quality of life for all New Yorkers. Use what you learn to become a good police officer; you possess the ability, we will give you the training. 9-2 TELEPHONE NUMBERS OF IMPORTANCE Please note the locations and telephone numbers of the following Academy units: RECRUIT OPERATIONS UNIT ROOM 523 (212) 477-9721, 790 COLLEGE LIAISON ROOM 418 (212) 477-9212 HUMAN RESOURCES ROOM 820 (212) 477-9223 RECRUIT DISCIPLINE UNIT ROOM 523A (212) 477-9229 LIBRARY ROOM 639 (212) 477-7508 LOST AND FOUND ROOM 523A (212) 477-9229 P.A. SECURITY DESK LOBBY SICK DESK (212) 477-9757 (718) 760-7600 The Police Academy Outdoor Range is located at Rodman’s Neck in the Bronx, telephone number (718) 885-2500. The Police Academy Driver Training Unit is located at Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, telephone number (718) 377-6323. The general information number for the Police Department is (646) 6105000; and the Police Academy is (212) 477-9700. APPENDIX ON-STREET PARKING RESTRICTIONS FOR RECRUIT OFFICERS NOTE: RESTRICTIONS APPLY TO BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET ON DESIGNATED BOUNDARY STREETS.