Police Report - Suspect Arrest, Santa Ana PD CA, September 30, 2009
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Santa Ana Police Department 60 Civic Center Plaza M-97 P.O. Box 1981 Santa Ana, Ca. 92701 (714) 245�8019 (714) 245---8281 FAX FAX COVER To� Alex Friedman Fa:x: From: Cmdr. Tammy Franks Pages. (4) including cover 714 245-8019 Date: 9/30/2009 Phone: Re; Requested Information CC: �essage: As requested Tammy Trani?§, Commander <E.J{fcutive Officer to tfi.e CliiefofPo{i.ce Santa)I.na Pofice ([)epartment (714) 245-8019 P.Frankf@sant.a-a.na. org WARNING This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communiQ:ltion is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone, and return the original message to us at the above address by U.S. mail. Ct..-n.e",/)n;y Ifllorrl'~1l1"" .... <"";01,\1 x.. IMvt lIi1i -Ar!~'.!t c(1fI"I8. .. ·~ ...,......:. ..... ,,": . , ... • '-,"'-'""'I-.-" ••'•• ~" ••••"" ......-.\_" CNr~"'''' &""p",.,' IN & I 3!»&l1 ) ~ • ( CRIME SUMMAR.". ~-~~ ., I. • • • • _ · · .· . ·_r=~~l.··: .•,~·~f=''".!).'~. :~. ._ ..... .... ,-...-.-,... " ~ "~.~ .-:~~-~~~.=.:'--~~-~:~:::~.:.".·u··. . ~_.l..l..-~ __ ,;;;:;;==;;;::;;;:;;';:~:;:;-;:::-~-;::::;:::::::;::::::~:.-::'::.-:: ~ ,~:.; I .{ ,~~, "1, ........................._ " ••• _ •••••• .).............-.;.-"'---,~- ~ !' ~m~F~~.~,~~:;,.· ~_~~ w /.. ., ~~~-,,·~,,··----~·""·"-f6~r"B(~~~fj-Pi~' ~ .. -.._... ~l...- ,." - - .... ••. '-..~~_: ....._..~· ": ~' \~ " . __ __ "_.~ _ _,, .::'.j . ~·,j.;w:·~R"~, _~~-_···_--""- _~. ~ N·~~·--7:7~---7~: 'fU': ~d!..iiJil~. c.~., I ,..y..,7~~: C?~.,.~. I ',: , I" ,., '. " " ............... !~~ ~_~............... _ ...... '" AC(il(~tf1' ~ ANIM,I\~ (":(l4'('("F\QI. AUTO THIln ~ .' ~ S AC-"o.!N..<;l Pfl'lSOO , ~. f'f\I;.\lf;;~TIo('::'; C~.: INH1..I,~N.:;I2:\"~·:~ v"'Llf HW~' f....Tf*:)t . .... 1""'! I ~'l(.~I'l;'~ O'IM~;"",Lf..'V . PACff.l'IPI , SN:C!J!.L P-o.'l.flc.ClTl('S ....." ' ..lI.JVEN/l,.f: HAi.I l:;iiAfr> ~--~---~-~-~~---~~ ...-....._~----~~~.- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...101. ~~ ~~..l.-,.~_~......,..-~ _-.-"I.'l"I-. ~~~ ~~--~~......--.-, OltITlHI.lltoH II'tltl,\,l{i ..- .. -~--('flANr:lf'M.X~) i r .. r .---.'-"-'-'-.. _ _ ......:..............._........... ~I'" •• '~---"- 1'Q1:fol.._COI'I'lt'.~_ • . ;., :;. . ~._.... . _....~_ --~--...,_~_.. _: _COUl'l"f UMI"':)N l;I$TI'roI!Jl'IOl!l.", .. \~l . -- ,~.IUY ... l. s..'~- "'~_,_ _~.~- ~ . f~~iW f'()l.t{.ING (.ITHt:fl,,_._._,~_""'._~"~~,~.··, T~ ... i"f"J('. . n:U,~mA·!·")/I.I Uh«!'1 ...",.. " OIHLl:< (f:'H(R ~ __...._.", .• ~_ OT'<>I .." .._." ._,,_~ ---~--~~,~------~._-----' '\j ~ ~~_ . - - , , - , - , - - _..--" .'7': ...•• " s~;u~:r ~ . ANI'. . POLlCE DEPARTr\iir-NT '~.~l'~F<t; 1",' f CONT1NUA110N "" .,.'.".",- ..• .,f "":;-no- , , .1 .... ' - . . . . . , . . . •• _ . , l ~., - ............. rY..... _ . _ ........... _ . _ . _ _ ,.~. -,.,'"(o" d~·~'-- 7- 'I" " , , ...... _ . _ . , _ ••• _ _ 1__ -- -- .• ,,,,...... ,'.....,.. .. . _, .... ''''.'_ "_.'I"~"~.,,,,.,,,, U \ ~.11"0 •• '".,' , '.'1" '". /._. _.",_ /'""· ••• 0' ..........·_-, _._,.......,/"Y'I"............... ,'-~I--------rT'"o..-_--............._.~~_. 'O·~ ' I,. _, ._ •.,' ," ~ _ ~ - - . -•..."..,..,.....,..... " -.~--.w-:- :~-.:'\owI - .. - """:""""" . . I' . f', ,': . • "_,,,,,,,- __ . ..... _ - . - . _ ',.'~N." ••• • -.-,-_10"0"._,__ ._..-.•,-"-_...__.__ ' ......... _-r_."N"'I"'".,,~ ..... _.I"_'-.-....-... ,........_ . _...................._ _-....-. _ _~ ....-..~' ., '.':',,', j I L..__ • _ ..".. ._.,,"~ . .._ __ , • _ _ __ . _ -.",.,.'~ '_'_'_'_"_'_~". ~ .. ._.,.._ ·.t ,',:"..4 ,~ ~ ~ :' :'" ,.... • 'I if' ,.., , _~ .. " , POLiCE SUftPeCT/ARREST CONTINUATIoN - UEPAR"TMENl , . I I I ._i .L.J~'m:~j ::~~\ ~1'<'> "i:;c?C~iiij(-~~~ii"Ai)f~SR ..... (~f!€J;·I~)I<""'·l''.Io:~1 j f·n j~C L·~-:~~-·~ m_··~···~I~~m~~~__~~~~. ';ll\.~l ... r~ , HI)i,Ii~ 1 1" . 'lii_lii'~-"-"--"'~' -'"-~-- - =~i-i~-:~~-~~F~:"~:;",.J-~i~i=~~~:t';~~~~:~7=---iAi-'~iiJ;,1"""- . -~." IftL4f·ii€-.-ti~·l;·t~.>$:.tT~,<t;""i\:) ,. ·t--~iitifi."iiOii·~·Ntri~(ir~~ "":~~:;"""""";;;;"':'_.iM;.: : ~: :- ~_.: -;.;--:roo;;,;,...~. \'Mf.l=~:~:.~;;::~:.~•o.:."::::~.:,::_~::'_;;"::_;:"'_:;'" ::.-=-:;:-;:::_;.;m~L;"~;;_~._;:.;__;._:;.~"..:;--=::;;;;;::;;:::;::-;;-;::M;;;:'::::::-:==;:= ----.. L...... r loIM!! \ '" • 't ~r,--?;:;;;:ilij{---'-'-' 4 ~~ . '-"'-"'~"-'''''''''''''''''''-'''-'----- 1 • II