Press Release Ca to Allow Domestic Partners Conjugal Visits Resnick 2007
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'chae ~ck E79732 e Creek state Prison Post Office Box 409020 lone, Cllifornia 95640 PCl2-, "-JT PaUl. Wright, Etlltor Prison legal News 2400 NW 80th street, No. 148 seattle, Washington 98117 ~pri 1, 2007 RE: PRESS ~. RELFASE-CALIFORNI~ 'ID l\Lt.CM tD-fESTIC Pl\~S (l)'.lJU~L VISITS. Wright, The purpose of this correspondence is to inform your office that the Cali forma Department of Corrections & 'Rehabilitation has amended regulations, to permit O:xJestic Partners to have cxmjugal visits. 'n1e text of the proposed press release is as fa ows. "On March 23, 2007, as a result of C'a i forma ~sembly 'II 205, and the resulting amend'oent to california Family Code Section 297. 5( a), the Cali forma Department of Corrections proposed an amendment to the California Code of Regulations, to permit conjugal visits with <bnestic partners. ~ding to the Inltia staten:ent of Reasons, the a:x:::R finds that I fm any Californians have formed sting, coumi.tted, and caring relationships with persons of the same sex. (~1 This amend'oent "'Ould extend the rights of persons registered as domestic partners such that, registered partners of inmates 'NOuld be g1Yen the same rights as those provided to spouses. I II For your reference, please find a ropy of the prop::>sed rule chanCje, entitled Notice of Change to Re9Ulations, ~umber 07/04. Any revisions made to this can be viewed at You my find this very interesting, in the progressive state of California. Should your office have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please cb not hesitate to contact lie at the address listed at the top of this page. I am subscriber number 3755. Very truly yours, MJR/pf Enclosures