Punishing Protest - Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech, National Lawyers Guild, 2007
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fold My neighbors told me the agents who had come to our building said that they were investigating a “domestic terrorism” situation. Upon hearing this I felt shocked, then sickened. This was the beginning of the most frightening and painful days of my life... What I didn't expect was what [my husband] was facing, what we were all facing. During the hearing, the prosecution uttered three words that made my heart stop — “Life in prison.” Government JENNY SYNAN Wife of activist Daniel McGowan May 20, 2007 Tactics That Suppress Free Speech N at i o n a l L a w y e r s G u i l d 132 Nassau Street, #922 New York, NY 10038 www.nlg.org HEIDI BOGHOSIAN a n d t h e N at i o n a l L a w y e r s G u i l d 2 Punishing Protest Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech Punishing Protest Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 3 4 Punishing Protest Punishing Protest Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech By Heidi Boghosian Research and writing assistance: Greer Feick Editing: Rachel Coen, Devon Kearney, and Erica Smith Special thanks to Cecilia Amrute, Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, Ian Head, Michel Martinez, Sherm Sitrin, and Zachary Wolf © 2007, National Lawyers Guild Marjorie Cohn, President • Judy Somberg and Paul Gattone, Executive Vice Presidents Teague Briscoe, Student Vice President • Roxana Orrell, Treasurer This report was made possible through the generous support of the CS Fund and the Maverick Lloyd Foundation. A copy of this report is available for download at www.nlg.org Cover design: Pat Burton Cover photo: Fred Askew Layout: Ian Head Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech Table of Contents Introduction Protest—A Maligned Tradition Police Violence Aimed at Protesters .............................................2 Journalists Not Exempt from Assault and Arrests ........................3 Normalizing Police Violence: The Power of Negative Media Depictions ..........................................................5 Post-Protest Reporting ..................................................................8 A Proud History of Civil Disobedience ........................................9 Applying the “Terrorist” Label to Activists Domestic Terrorism Defined .......................................................12 How Environmental and Animal Rights Activists Became the Top Terrorism Priority .............................................12 Federal Legislation Aimed at Activists—The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act .............................................................14 State Legislation Aimed at Activists ...........................................16 The SHAC 7................................................................................17 Operation Backfire and Grand Jury Roundups ...........................21 A Catalogue of Unlawful Government Tactics Content-Based Exercise of Discretion in Issuing Permits ..........23 Paying for Permits and Liability Insurance ................................25 Pretextual Searches and Raids of Organizing Spaces ................26 Using the Charge of Conspiracy to Prosecute 5 6 Punishing Protest Political Activists ........................................................................27 Checkpoints and Metal Detectors ...............................................28 Free-Speech Zones ......................................................................29 Pop-Up Police Lines ...................................................................30 Mass False Arrests and Detentions .............................................31 Snatch Squads .............................................................................32 Containment Pens .......................................................................32 The Rush Tactic and Flanking and Using Vehicles as Weapons ...................................................................35 Crowd Control Using Less-Lethal Weapons ..............................36 Unprecedented and Unconstitutional Bails for Perceived Leaders .......................................................................38 Intimidation by FBI Questioning and Grand Jury Subpoena .....39 Police Lies, Tampering, and Videotape I-Witness Video...........................................................................46 Discovering the Tampering—The Dennis Kyne Arrest ..............46 The Alexander Dunlop Arrest .....................................................47 Damaging the Integrity of the Criminal Justice System .............48 Members of Congress Call for Investigation ..............................50 Court Settlements and Decrees to Protect Free Speech and Political Activity Washington, D.C....................................................................................53 Los Angeles, California ..............................................................54 Albuquerque, New Mexico .........................................................55 Oakland, California .....................................................................57 Denver, Colorado ........................................................................58 Columbus, Georgia .....................................................................58 Governmental Reversals of Constitutional Gains .......................59 The Handschu Consent Decree in New York City......................59 Chicago’s Red Squad Consent Decree........................................61 Detroit, Michigan ........................................................................62 Portland, Oregon .........................................................................62 Case Study: Bicyclists Under Fire Police Abuse of Bicyclists ..........................................................66 More Police Perjury and Assaults ...............................................67 Police Department Proposes Parade Regulations .......................68 Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech Infiltration and Surveillance........................................................70 Police Hostility Around the Country ..........................................70 FreeWheels Support for Bicyclists .............................................71 An Onerous Parade Permit Law .................................................71 New York City Police Department Enacts Burdensome Parade Regulations ................................................72 Assemble For Rights NYC .........................................................73 A Brief History of the National Lawyers Guild Conclusion Notes 7 8 Punishing Protest Police at an anti-war demonstration on February 15, 2003 in New York City. PHOTO: HEIDI BOGHOSIAN Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech i Introduction T he idea that citizens are free to dissent is ingrained in the American mythos, a concept even older than the Declaration of Independence itself. Equally important in this value system is the conviction that no nation state can survive as a democracy unless it safeguards political expression and activity. Where does the right to dissent stand today? Throughout our history, the foundation on which dissent stands has shifted, becoming stronger or weaker in relation to a host of political and social contingencies. Today, this most fundamental democratic right is under attack. The government has exploited public fears of terrorist violence, aggravated by its own scare tactics, to enact changes to law enforcement and to crack down on a host of forms of protest and free speech. Such government tactics compel individuals into surrendering their rights. For example, since the 1999 World Trade Organization protests in Seattle, law enforcement has aggressively used a range of tactics to intimidate protesters and to silence lawful expressions of dissent in the United States. In 2004 the National Lawyers Guild issued the report, The Assault on Free Speech, Public Assembly, and Dissent, cataloguing these tactics. One is unwarranted collective punishment of individuals who peacefully exercise their First Amendment rights. Police routinely make unfounded mass arrests and detentions to keep people off the streets and out of the eye of the media. Another trend is police-initiated violence at demonstrations, notably the use of so-called less-lethal weapons against peaceful protesters. Despite their name, such weapons—among them chemical sprays, impact projectiles, and electroshock weapons—are often associated with fatalities. This police practice has been acknowledged and condemned by several independent panels investigating police actions, and by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.1 Regardless of condemnations by investigatory commissions, when the press reports on protests it devotes little coverage to continuing police misconduct and the excessive and unnecessary use of force. Rather, the visual images and written words rely on stereotypes to describe protesters as “anarchists,” “extremists,” and “radicals.” Such depictions affect the way others perceive protesters and often deter people from participating in pre-planned events because of concern over the potential for confrontation or even violence. Negative media portrayals of protesters, and protest in general, pave the way for a broad hierarchy of threats to the First Amendment. On one level, police are arresting demonstrators and others without probable cause and then committing perjury and altering evidence that would otherwise both exculpate those arrested and reveal patterns of gross police misconduct. Such actions can be ruinous to the ii Punishing Protest arrestees who are forced through the court system, often at great personal expense and inconvenience. And such actions are detrimental to the integrity of the criminal justice system and corrosive to public confidence that the system works. At the top of the hierarchy, the Justice Department is routinely applying the emotion-laden designation of “terrorist” to activists in order to intimidate them, to levy higher charges and penalties against them, and arguably to influence the outcome of trials. At the next level, local and state governments show disdain for free speech by passing legislation punishing certain offenses more severely if committed for political reasons. For example, the New York Police Department enacted regulations clearly aimed at bicycle activists who ride as a group once a month through the city streets. At the same time, many cities and states are loosening or even removing decades-old restrictions on police spying on political activists. These restrictions were originally enacted after it became clear that law enforcement, from municipal police to the FBI, was being used as a tool to persecute political dissidents.2 At the top of the hierarchy, the Justice Department is routinely applying the emotionladen designation of “terrorist” to activists in order to intimidate them, to levy higher charges and penalties against them, and arguably to influence the outcome of trials. The FBI is issuing subpoenas to activists to testify in front of grand juries in an unlawful attempt to engage in political intelligence gathering. Environmental activists are now the Justice Department’s primary target, called “domestic terrorists” for acts of civil disobedience aimed at drawing attention to spoilage of the environment. Animal rights activists are also being targeted, evidenced by the recent passage of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, a law that treats as terrorism certain activities—many protected by the First Amendment—if committed on behalf of animal rights. Moreover, federal and local legislation is being enacted that punishes crimes more seriously if committed to protest governmental policies or corporate practices that benefit government. These highly-coordinated federal tactics are unrelated to legitimate law enforcement efforts. Incentives for Targeting Domestic Activists? Federal law enforcement is facilitating the persecution of activists by local police. After September 11, both the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security devoted over 500 million dollars to bolstering local and state intelligence operations.3 Many communities across the country have applied for and received generous federal counterterrorism grants. To qualify for the federal grants, the Department of Homeland Security requires states to create strategic plans Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech iii with statistics on the number of “potential threat elements” in their state.4 The Department’s definition of such “threat elements” is so broad—groups or individuals who might use force “to intimidate or coerce” with a “possibly political or social” goal—that they could be easily read to encompass activists. That seems to be what has happened. For example, a U.S. News & World Report inquiry found that “federal officials have funneled hundreds of millions of dollars into once discredited state and local police intelligence operations.”5 As a result, as David E. Kaplan wrote in U.S. News, police are devoting great time and money to following ordinary Americans: “U.S. News has identified nearly a dozen cases in which city and county police, in the name of homeland security, have surveilled or harassed animal rights and antiwar protesters, union activists, and even library patrons surfing the Web.”6 One thing is certain: the government is targeting individuals based on political affiliation with the same sense of urgency, and using the same tools, traditionally employed to target gangs and “terrorist groups,” and is doing so with a high rate of misinformation. In 2003 the Justice Department exempted the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database from the Privacy Act requirements saying that “it is impossible to determine in advance what information is accurate, relevant, timely and complete.”7 And the Office of the Inspector General in its June 2005 Audit Report said that the Terrorist Screening Center could not ensure completeness or accuracy of its information, finding instances in which the database both omitted names that should have been on it and included inaccurate data on persons listed in the database.8 For example, a file created in 1995 to track individuals associated with gangs and terrorist organizations now includes domestic activists. The Violent Gang and Terrorist Organization File (VGTOF) is a component of the Terrorist Screening Center. It is also queried by local, state and federal law enforcement officers because it is part of the NCIC,9 and includes records of individuals of interest to law COSTLY TECHNOLOGY FAILURES In an effort to improve coordination of intelligence, the federal government has expended millions of dollars to link law enforcement databases on the state and local levels. Despite the investment of this significant amount of money, the many information systems still cannot communicate with one another. Some efforts have even failed completely, such as the Matrix system that used data mining technology and that was terminated in 2005 due to privacy concerns. iv Punishing Protest enforcement due to suspected or known ties to international or domestic terrorism.10 Among other information, the VGTOF now includes names of individuals with no criminal history who are being investigated as being politically active or connected with politically active organizations. A 2002 FBI memo stated that the file will include, among others, “Anarchists, Animal Rights Extremists, Environmental Extremists, and domestic extremists.”11 Officials never have to justify the decision to place someone on the list, a list that can be accessed by virtually every law enforcement official with whom the person comes into contact, even during a routine traffic stop. The VGTOF contains a high rate of error.12 The Supreme Court has unambiguously rejected claims that the president has inherent power to engage in spying on his critics. In establishing this principle over thirty years ago, in United States v. United States District Court, the Court rejected the Nixon Administration’s claim of “inherent power” for the president. Setting the standard for this hierarchy of threats to the First Amendment is the President of the United States. The decision by President George W. Bush to authorize warrantless spying on Americans stands as the supreme example of government disregard for the First and Fourth Amendments, as well as for the rule of law. The Supreme Court has unambiguously rejected claims that the president has inherent power to engage in spying on his critics. In establishing this principle over thirty years ago, in United States v. United States District Court,13 the Court rejected the Nixon Administration’s claim of “inherent power” for the president. In a unanimous opinion, Justice Powell, a Nixon appointee, wrote in concurrence in that case: That ‘domestic security’ is said to be involved here does not draw this case outside the mainstream of Fourth Amendment law. Rather, the recurring desire of reigning officials to employ dragnet techniques to intimidate their critics lies at the core of that prohibition. For it was such excesses as the use of general warrants and the writs of assistance that led to the ratification of the Fourth Amendment.14 Current presidential excesses render this decision all the more timely. Three decades later, the Bush administration employs unlawful dragnet techniques to intimidate critics, under the guise of national security, as did the Nixon administration. Current government spying patently contravenes the Foreign Intelligence Security Act, Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech v Hierarchy of Government Attacks to the First Amendment Chilling Free Speech in the Streets ● Arresting demonstrators en masse without probable cause ● Using so-called less-lethal munitions against passive protesters ● Altering evidence or committing perjury about false arrests and police-initiated violence Chilling Free Speech at the City and State Levels ● Regulations aimed at bicycle activists in NYC ● State legislation, punishing actions more severely if motivated by a particular ideology ● Loosening or removing restrictions (consent decrees) on police spying on activists Chilling Free Speech at the Federal Level ● Government surveillance and data gathering on Americans based on political ideology ● Terrorist sentencing enhancements for activists convicted of property crimes ● Federal legislation (Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act), and related state legislation, punishing actions more severely if motivated by a particular ideology ● Using grand juries to gather evidence of political affiliations and other personal information ● Threatening harsh prison sentences to intimidate activists to inform on others vi Punishing Protest enacted to allow monitoring of unlawful foreign agent activities while protecting the civil liberties of Americans after the FBI’s COINTELPRO.15 Further leaks have hinted at other practices that undermine free expression and privacy rights, such as tracking and recording millions of telephone calls and e-mails, disclosing telephone and airline customer information, and demanding financial information from United States banks.16 Knowing that communications may be secretly monitored has an allpervasive and chilling effect on free speech. It is this chilling effect that the First and Fourth Amendments were designed to avoid. In examining these multi-level government abuses, an unsettling snapshot emerges of the Bush Administration’s agenda to sidestep these constitutional protections and to criminalize dissent. Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 1 Protest—A Maligned Tradition “Welcome to Miami motherf----r, this is what you get when you f--- with us,” is what one of them said to me as the van pulled off. I was handcuffed behind my back and laid out on my stomach; my feet dangled out the back of the van—there wasn’t enough room with all the cops. The police officers gave each other high-fives and proceeded to drive around looking for another Legal Observer, all the while arguing whether they could fit her in the back of the van with me. Minutes earlier, three of the cops had jumped out of the white nondescript van and attacked me. They were all wearing ski masks and dressed as anarchist black bloc protesters. I threw up my hands and offered no resistance. They punched me and I fell to the ground and attempted to protect myself. They kept punching me, kicking me, and then they dragged me into the back of the van. They told my two friends to get the f--- out of there or they would get it too. They eventually took me to a small windowless room in the police station where they proceeded to interrogate me about my political affiliations, schooling, and friends. They never took off their ski masks. The moment that white van pulled up next to me, my stomach dropped. I knew exactly what was coming. When they had me in the back of the van, I laughed a little bit. Were they serious? Complete panic and fear then set in because they were, indeed, serious. They threatened to kill me. Looking back, it was all very surreal and so very absurd. Today, when I relate the story to other people and listen to their reaction. They usually respond with “I had no idea,” or “How could this happen in the United States?” The truth is that it did happen because this government is scared. That is what this whole experience has made me realize. Our organizing in the streets and in the courts is a threat to this government, otherwise they would not pay us so much attention. Ultimately, that realization has strengthened my resolve to keep fighting. T – Miles Swanson, Legal Observer at the FTAA meeting in Miami, 2003 he word “protest” has a negative connotation in the mass media. Although most significant social movements have used protest to propel their issues into the public’s consciousness, as a form of political process protest is largely viewed as problematic at the time it occurs.17 Those who participate in acts of protest are frequently depicted as deviants, lawbreakers, or the “other.” When pictures of protests appear in the press, more often than not they focus on confrontation with police in an effort to suggest that protest is criminal. 2 Punishing Protest In hindsight, victories gained through protest are often viewed much more favorably, such as Martin Luther King’s 1963 March on Washington. Several trends serve to reinforce a negative image of protest and to discourage it: the negative media depiction of protesters, the institutionalized use of disproportionate police force against peaceful assemblers, and the levying of higher penalties for minor infractions, to name a few. One sociologist, Brian Martin, explains the negative portrayal of protest, and protesters, thus: most forms of protest are considered threatening when the theoretically less powerful members of society—women, low-income people, persons of color—ask the state to take some form of action.18 The more powerful, authoritarian groups generally hold that problems with their social structure are better left to the experts.19 Martin writes: “To many people, protesters have a bad image: the rabble in the streets. Although the vast majority of protest activity in liberal democracies is nonviolent in reality and intent, an aura of actual or potential violence commonly accompanies media presentations and popular perceptions of protest.”20 Martin says that negative portrayals of protests derive from an entrenched fear that many people have of engaging in protest. Those few who do become involved are labeled the “fringe” elements.21 Police Violence Aimed at Protesters Police treatment of protesters reflects the negative light in which activists are viewed. Deployment of police in riot paraphernalia and weaponry at mass assemblies not only increases the chance of causing serious injuries and even fatalities, but also changes the flavor of a protest and may actually incite violence. In the words of Boston Police Superintendent James Claiborne, the Incident Commander for all American League (baseball) Championship Series: “…if you come in geared up for a fight you certainly will encounter a fight, whereas if you come in with soft clothes, your regular everyday uniform, it’s just regular everyday business.” He went on to cite experiences in Northern Ireland where they have learned that “when officers come dressed in tactical equipment, it incites the crowds and they almost always ended up with a major foray…. [T]he way the police officers are attired has a lot to do with how people react to the police officers.”22 Use of less-lethal munitions accompanies an increased coordination among local and federal law enforcement agencies, and even the military, including the National Guard. This heightened level of interagency cooperation, with military force, is reminiscent of the police response to civil disturbances in the 1960s and 1970s. However, even then the government acknowledged that “the use of the armed forces against a civilian population is an important symbolic act that raises the strongest emotions; and it is a major terroristic objective to produce just such a reaction.”23 Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 3 By deploying the military, or military-type munitions, police send a highly visible message to the public at large, and to protesters and would-be protesters, that demonstrators’ lawful activities are likely to be violent and dealt with in much the same manner as the government would respond to terrorists. “[W]hen officers come dressed in tactical equipment, it incites the crowds and they almost always ended up with a major foray….[T]he way the police officers are attired has a lot to do with how people react to the police officers.” - Boston Police Superintendent James Claiborne Human rights organizations and civil liberties groups have condemned the use of less-lethal munitions against the citizenry. Several commissions investigating injuries and fatalities from such weapons have called for changes in the way they are used, or for their complete abolition for use on domestic populations.24 The commission investigating the death of Victoria Snelgrove, a student killed by an FN 303 projectile impact weapon after a Boston Red Sox game in 2004, recommended the creation of national standards for certification of less-lethal weapons, as well as a testing and evaluation program to provide national certification to weapons meeting those standards.25 Journalists Not Exempt from Assault and Arrests Journalists have also become a government target, especially on the occasions when reporters try to present an objective view of events, such as instances of police misconduct. In recent years, journalists reporting from political hot spots have faced increasing levels of interference, including arrest and sometimes deadly violence. Reporters were beaten by members of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Metro Division at an immigration protest on May 1, 2007. Telemundo anchor Pedro Sevcec was pushed to the ground with his cameras as he was broadcasting on live television from a tent that Police Chief William J. Bratton acknowledged was “clearly [for the] news media.”26 Another reporter for Telemundo, Carlos Botifoll, was hit by a baton, and seven other news reporters and staff were injured: four from KVEA-TV, one from KTTV-TV, a camerawoman (whose wrist was broken) and a reporter from KPCC-FM radio. 27 In an April 20, 2007 letter to the New York Times, Athens Banner-Herald columnist Ed Tant wrote that he was arrested while taking notes and photographing a peaceful 4 Punishing Protest 226 DAYS IN JAIL: Record for Longest Sentence Served by a Journalist In 2006, independent video journalist and blogger Josh Wolf was jailed for refusing to comply with a federal judge’s order to turn over his video of a protest at the 2005 Group of Eight Summit to a federal grand jury investigating the torching of a police car and the assault of an officer during the protest. In February 2007, he broke the record in this country for the longest sentence served by a journalist. The National Lawyers Guild believes that the grand jury was improperly used to obtain materials which would normally be protected under California’s Reporter Shield Law. Jose Luis Fuentes, of the Oakland based firm Siegel & Yee, represented Wolf on behalf of the National Lawyers Guild. In a June 8, 2006 press release Fuentes said: “My client’s political activity and free speech activity in the Bay Area as a journalist and this subpoena, with its associated threat of jail time for noncompliance, has an incredible chilling effect on his and other journalist’s freedom to gather and disseminate information of groups who espouse dissident beliefs.” On April 3, 2007, Wolf was released after reaching an agreement with the United States Attorney’s office to submit raw footage from the 2005 protest. Wolf said that there is nothing of value on the tape. In addition to securing his release from prison, Wolf did not have to testify before a grand jury in the investigation. demonstration in front of the New York Public Library during the 2004 Republican National Convention. He described being trapped by New York City police officers when they surrounded scores of protesters and bystanders in nets, in what he called “a pretext for crushing dissent and silencing antiwar voices during convention week.”28 A record number of journalists were killed or jailed in 2006, with at least 110 journalists killed, according to a 2007 annual survey of press freedom by Reporters Without Borders (RWB).29 In addition, new dangers have emerged as the Internet has become a key tool for activists: some countries are targeting Internet publications and using technology to spy on and censor dissent often with help from U.S. firms.30 Congress has made little headway in regulating such actions. RWB recommends “Internet neutrality” legislation to protect freedom of expression by requiring Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 5 telecommunications companies to treat internet broadband content alike and to move information at the same network speed, regardless of whether the customer is an individual blogger or a major commercial website.31 The Senate, however, rejected legislation to do that in February 2007. Recent police interference with journalists has encouraged supporters of free press to provide help to reporters. For example, during the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York, attorneys from the firm Levine Sullivan Koch & Schulz, working with the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, established a 24-hour hotline for credentialed journalists covering the convention. Police and other officials cooperated with hotline lawyers to minimize problems for journalists arrested or detained during demonstrations or who were affected by other disturbances that occurred during the convention. Normalizing Police Violence: The Power of Negative Media Depictions The media is an important factor in political protest, both in educating others about the issues at hand and in attracting additional supporters.32 Generally, protest movements begin with small numbers and in a condition of relative isolation. Accurate and ongoing media coverage of such activities is essential to help attract others with similar viewpoints so that the movement can grow. Indeed, this is one of the reasons that mass actions are organized. One of the first measures in silencing dissent is to deter people from attending demonstrations altogether. The media plays a pivotal role in helping accomplish this by depicting protesters as violent and showing striking images of weapon-bearing police officers in riot gear well in advance of given events. As sociologist Daniel Myers writes, “television has the ability to make the events it reports on more real to the watchers by showing footage of actual rioting, damages, the behavior of the police….These images can work to both agitate those who view them or to suppress further action by showing the negative outcomes.”33 More often than not, news reports portray protesters as disrupters or deviants, especially when their actions are aimed at holding corporations or politicians accountable.34 In the late 1980s, researchers found that consistent negative media portrayal of protesters in Minneapolis-St. Paul “unfairly prejudice[s] their audience against the issues and ideas raised by protestors.”35 Other research shows how press coverage of protest activities can actually increase public antagonism toward the cause at issue.36 Coverage of mass demonstrations, when it happens, further distorts the truth by frequently downplaying attendance numbers. Reporters either rely on estimates of attendance provided by police or do not conduct independent research to ascertain accurate counts. 6 Punishing Protest When events are reported on, the media focuses on any incident of protester violence, even if it is an isolated act among thousands of peaceful protesters. Such selected coverage emphasizes the exceptional instances of protester violence while entirely discounting the more frequent use of violence by police. When protestors occupied U.S. Congressional Representative Frank Riggs office in October 1997, police subdued them with pepper spray. The encounter was captured on film and a protester explained the reasons for the protest. The television news cut that portion from the report.37 As well as demonstrating how activists’ messages can be silenced or distorted in the media, such incomplete reports “normalize police violence against protestors, which is dangerous for all involved in peaceful protest.”38 For example, the New York print media engaged in hyperbolic coverage months before the 2004 Republican National Convention. The cover of the May 17, 2004 issue of New York magazine promoted companion articles, accompanied by a photograph of a protester wrapped in a U.S. flag. One headline taunted: “Cops to Protesters: Bring It On.”39 The other read: “The Circus is Coming to Town: A Bush-hating nation of freaks, flash-mobbers, and civil-disobedients is gathering to spoil the GOP’s party.”40 Nearly the entire front page of the July 12, 2004 edition of the New York Daily News contained an exaggerated proclamation: “ANARCHY THREAT TO CITY Cops fear hard-core lunatics plotting convention chaos.”41 Inside the paper, a two-page headline announced: “FURY AT ANARCHIST CONVENTION THREAT. ‘These hard-core groups are looking to take us on. They have increased their level of violence.’—Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly.”42 The Daily News reported how “Kelly and company have to combat a shadowy, loose-knit band of traveling troublemakers who spread their guides to disruption over the Internet.”43 Although the New York Daily News is a tabloid, and prone to sensational headlines, it has the largest circulation and readership in the New York market. Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, co-chair of the National Lawyers Guild’s Mass Defense Committee, notes that in addition to chilling participation in protests, and justifying harsh police tactics: Such misleading news coverage is part of an effort to get the activists and the legal community to buy into the police line that there are ‘good protestors’ and ‘bad protestors’ and therefore agree that there is a real threat that then necessitates police response to protest. Take action against the fictional bad protestors but don’t trample on the rights of the ‘good’ kind of response, which diverts from those who are the real violent actors over and over—the police.44 The media played a large role in shaping police treatment of protesters, acknowledged an independent review panel investigating the actions of the Miami- Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 7 Examples of hyperbolic news coverage before the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York included this July 12, 2004 New York Daily News front page headline and story portraying protesters as angry anarchists and even “lunatics.” FROM GUILD ARCHIVES. Punishing Protest 8 Dade Police Department and the Miami-Dade Corrections and Rehabilitation Department during the FTAA conference. In its September 2004 FTAA Inquiry Report, the review panel wrote that “[m]edia coverage and police preparation emphasized ‘anarchists, anarchists, anarchists’ and this contributed to a police mindset to err, when in doubt, on the side of dramatic show of force to preempt violence rather than being subject to criticism for avoidable injury and destruction based on a reserved presence of police force.”45 In addition, the report found that police were trained to address massive civil disturbance because “intelligence indicated some groups might attempt to ‘violently disrupt the FTAA conference and cause damage to both private and public property.’”46 The review panel found, in fact, that there were no large disturbances. Attorney Mara Verheyden-Hilliard notes that “misleading news coverage is part of an effort to get the activists and the legal community to buy into the police line that there are ‘good protestors’ and ‘bad protestors’ and therefore agree that there is a real threat that then necessitates police response to protest.” In an extreme example of government overreaction to anticipated protests, Governor Sonny Perdue of Georgia declared a state of emergency before the June 2004 Group of Eight (G-8) summit on Sea Island. Prominent media coverage, both local and national, was given to the Governor’s declaration. Perhaps not surprisingly, only a few hundred protesters actually appeared, and the small number of arrests that took place were mainly for blocking traffic. Post-Protest Reporting The mass media does not routinely provide coverage of domestic protest events. When it does, reporters usually report extremely low estimates of attendance. In a detailed study of 287 peace demonstrations across the United States on February 15, 2003, Yvonne Kimmons and Bryan Williams analyzed low and high attendance estimates and then examined how the media reported on the events.47 They found that: ● journalists fail to research accurate attendance numbers, or fail to mention estimates entirely, ● college newspapers are generally doing a better job reporting on local antiwar events than other local newspapers, Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 9 ● television reports are much more likely to underreport crowd sizes than print media, and ● most print journalists report numbers as if there are “two sides”—police and organizers—and fail to conduct their own counting or to explain how police counted. Kimmons and Williams mention the example of a CNN reporter in Los Angeles reporting that she was in a crowd of 15,000, a number half the size of the police estimate. “Not a single article we came across described the police methods of counting crowds, while journalists often described the organizers’ counting methods. Do the police have methods?”48 The researchers praised reporters Anne Saker and Molly Hennesy-Fiske of the Raleigh News & Observer for including their own estimates by calculating the number of people who passed by a point outside their newspaper building each second, in addition to explaining how the organizers reached their own estimate of 7,000.49 A Proud History of Civil Disobedience As mentioned above, in retrospect notable mass demonstrations have been deemed honorable actions. Similarly, many acts of civil disobedience have been considered noble acts throughout United States history. National Lawyers Guild member Lauren Regan, executive director of the Civil Liberties Defense Center (CLDC) in Eugene, Oregon, explains that recent government targeting of environmental and animal rights activists includes harsh penalties for actions (such as property destruction) that have in the past been seen as acts of civil disobedience: The incidents alleged in these indictments are acts of sabotage. Even many of our famed historians have mentioned that acts of sabotage were deemed a form of civil disobedience historically. This type of sabotage has been used in resistance movements since the birth of this nation’s democracy. For example, the Boston Tea Party in 1773 was probably one of the most famous examples of an act of sabotage done for a noble purpose, the resistance of tyranny. In the 1850s there were a number of instances where anti-slavery activists stole property, meaning slaves, and broke into police stations to steal slaves escaping from their masters, due to the fugitive slave law of 1850. In many of those incidents, the defendants were acquitted by a jury of their peers. Even though government and prosecutors deemed them crimes, the laws of society deemed them to not be crimes. The role of civil disobedience, of which sabotage is one such tactic, has played a pivotal role in the formation of our democracy. Even Punishing Protest 10 Thomas Jefferson said, ‘the spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive.’50 While leaders in government frequently revere the ideologically-prompted actions of early civil disobedients, here and in other parts of the world, recent acts of conscience have been met with disdain, and severe criminal sanctions. Conclusion Although the act of protest in this country has played an integral part in effecting systemic social change, both protest and protesters evoke negative responses for many. Acts of civil disobedience that have historically earned a mark of honor are not only viewed in a negative light, but are also being recast as acts of “terrorism.” Such negative perceptions are reinforced by coverage in the mass media. When talking about the use of violence at protests or during mass demonstrations, the media rarely focuses on the fact that police are the frequent instigators of violence aimed at passive participants. There exists a natural bias on the part of both police and the media to downplay the positive aspects of issue-oriented protests while exaggerating negative portrayals of people taking to the streets to propel their message into the social conscience. The practice of using harmful, often lethal, munitions against peaceful protesters is not only excessive and inappropriate, but it also inflames mass public assemblies. Police know that they dramatically alter the tenor of a public event when they appear attired in full riot gear often with horses, motorcycles, and even helicopters in attendance. Despite the fact that significant injuries (including the death of Victoria Snelgrove in Boston) have occurred as a result, and despite the findings of several independent review commissions urging against the use of so-called less-lethal weaponry, police continue to treat protesters as combatants in war. As long as this occurs, protest will continue to be cast in a negative rather than as a constitutionallyprotected right. Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 11 Applying the “Terrorist” Label to Activists On December 7, 2005, I was sitting at my desk at work and received a phone call I will never forget. I was told that Daniel had been handcuffed and taken away by federal agents from his job. I instantly went into a panic. I had no idea what was going on at the time, but I knew it was serious. That night I went home to an apartment turned upside down, many of our personal things taken, our privacy blatantly invaded. I went from room to room to survey the damage and take a mental note of everything that was now missing. Both of our computers were taken, some of my own personal things were taken that had nothing to do with Daniel— photographs, audiotapes, bank statements, tax returns, medical records. All of Daniel’s activist work was taken—fliers, magazines, paperwork, books. They pretty much went through the whole place and just took whatever they wanted. My neighbors told me the agents who had come to our building said that they were investigating a ‘domestic terrorism’ situation. Upon hearing this I felt shocked, then sickened. This was the beginning of the most frightening and painful days of my life. The following day dozens of us anxiously poured into federal court in Brooklyn. The only thing on my mind that day was that I needed to see Daniel and see that he was OK. What I didn’t expect was what he was facing, what we were all facing. During the hearing, the prosecution uttered three words that made my heart stop—”Life in prison.” At that moment I honestly questioned whether what I was experiencing was real. How could this be possible that this person I love, this person I share my life with, may disappear from my life forever? More unbelievably, how could someone being accused of property destruction face a potential life sentence and be called a terrorist? A – Jenny Synan Daniel McGowan’s wife May 20, 2007 t a higher level of government, First Amendment protected activities are chilled by applying the label of “terrorist” to activists. The government started using this term shortly after launching its broad “war on terror” after the criminal events of September 11. This labeling, when used by federal law enforcement, is often a precursor to more repressive tactics, including the misuse of grand juries to intimidate activists and to pressure them into informing on others. Those who end up in this dragnet face the possibility of being charged with conspiracy, which requires a low standard of evidence to convict, and frequently results in harsher sentences than the underlying crime.51 If criminal charges are filed, 12 Punishing Protest labels like “terrorist” that play upon jurors’ fears may preclude the possibility of a fair and just trial. In addition, the stigma of serving a longer sentence under the federal sentencing guidelines’ terrorism enhancement52 (which can add years to a sentence) is enormously damaging and may haunt those released from prison for the rest of their lives. They may be prohibited from opening a bank account and from traveling outside the United States, not to mention having an even more difficult time than others convicted of felonies in securing employment. Once labeled a terrorist, regardless of the validity of the accusation, one is assumed to be, in Donald Rumsfeld’s words, “the worst of the worst.”53 Domestic Terrorism Defined The path was widened for broadening the definition of terrorism to include First Amendment-protected activities with the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act in the emotion-laden days following September 11, 2001. Section 802 of the Act creates the federal crime of “domestic terrorism.”54 Defined in very broad terms, it includes “acts dangerous to human life” that violate the criminal laws, if their goal “appear[s] to be intended…to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion.”55 This expansive definition has given federal law enforcement great latitude to conduct surveillance of activists and organizations that draw attention to and challenge government policies, especially because the essence of protest is to influence governmental policies.56 In addition to the broad language of the PATRIOT Act, many different definitions of terrorism exist among government agencies. Some, such as the FBI definition, include “violence against property,” which can lead to the criminalization of such First Amendment activities as flyer distribution and “inundating computers.”57 In contrast, both the State Department’s and the UN Security Council Resolution 1566 (2004), which helps codify international law concerning acts of terrorism, do not include violence against property.58 How Environmental and Animal Rights Activists Became the Top Terrorism Priority Environmental and animal rights activists are considered by the United States government to be a top domestic terrorism threat, largely due to the efforts of U.S. Senator James Inhofe (R-OK), Chairman of the Environment and Public Works, with the support of FBI Deputy Assistant Director John Lewis. Inhofe has stated that the difficulties in prosecuting underground environmental activists means that aboveground environmental organizations should be targeted for abetting their work.59 On May 18, 2005, Inhofe addressed the Senate: “As a country, we must not only condemn terrorism, but we must also condemn the support and acts in Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 13 furtherance of terrorism. It is time to take a look at the culture and climate of support for criminally based activism like ELF (Earth Liberation Front), and ALF (Animal Liberation Front), and do something about it.”60 In response, the FBI launched an orchestrated campaign of issuing subpoenas, conducting large-scale round-ups of activists, creating a climate of fear in which Congress levies unprecedented penalties for property crimes, and uses threats of severe sanctions to force individuals to turn state’s evidence. (Even the term “ecoterrorism” is believed to have been manufactured by a public relations firm working with the government.)61 Groups having little mass support are targeted first because they are most vulnerable, and curtailment of their rights is unlikely to trigger widespread social resistance. However, once these groups have been successfully targeted, and once the legal and psychological precedents have been established, the government may begin to use these methods more broadly against the mainstream critics of the government.62 The discussion which follows will show how the government has identified a small number of politically marginalized groups, mischaracterized their activities, and is using laws intended for international terrorism to intimidate and suppress them. Some of the actions punished constitute protected speech, and some constitute at worst crimes of vandalism against property. On April 13, 2006 the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued an assessment of the eco-terrorist threat, highlighting tactics such as organizing protests, flyer distribution, inundating computers with e-mails, tying up phone lines to prevent legitimate calls, and sending continuous faxes to drain the ink from company fax machines as primary corporate security concerns. The DHS further claimed that “Attacks against corporations by animal rights extremists and eco-terrorists are costly to the targeted company and, over time, can undermine confidence in the economy.”63 Some believe that the government is changing the terminology from acts of civil disobedience to acts of terrorism because they can show concrete results by arresting domestic activists. Sociologist Tony Silvaggio says, “The government’s guilty-byassociation and divide-and conquer approach has really succeeded. They’ve targeted this movement because it’s an easy target; Al Qaeda is…hard. They need to show the American people that ‘There are terrorists out there, and we caught them.’”64 Several civil liberties organizations have helped to expose the fact that the FBI engages in warrantless and illicit surveillance programs against environmental activists. For example, the ACLU forced the FBI to admit in 2005 that it had collected over 2,400 pages of information on Greenpeace, an outspoken critic of the Bush administration’s environmental policies.65 14 Punishing Protest Federal Legislation Aimed at Activists—The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act In a stealth move, late on Friday, November 10, 2006 the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (HR 4239, S3880) was added to the House Suspension Calendar for the following Monday, November 13. The Suspension Calendar is reserved for noncontroversial bills which are voted up or down by voice, and without discussion and debate on the Senate floor.66 The legislation had been drafted in 2002 by the Republican-based lobbyist group American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in association with the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance.67 Four years later, on November 27, 2006, the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA)68 became law. “The government’s guilty-by-association and divideand-conquer approach has really succeeded. They’ve targeted this movement because it’s an easy target; Al Qaeda is…hard. They need to show the American people that ‘There are terrorists out there, and we caught them.’” - Sociologist Tony Silvaggio The AETA expands the Animal Enterprise Protection Act of 1992.69 Supporters say it is meant to stem illegal actions taken against controversial animal enterprises, or any company that does business with an animal enterprise. But its sweeping language goes much further. The Act spells out penalties even if “(A) the offense results in no economic damage or bodily injury; or (B) the offense results in economic damage that does not exceed $10,000.” 70 The AETA could be read as making it a crime to cause any business classified as an “animal enterprise” (e.g., factory farms, fur farms, vivisection labs, rodeos and circuses) to suffer a profit loss—even if the company’s financial decline is caused by peaceful protests. Over 160 organizations, including the Natural Resources Defense Council, the New York City Bar Association, and the National Lawyers Guild, opposed passage of the AETA. Points of criticism include the following: ● The AETA appears to be a test case before targeting other political movements. Animal rights activists tend to be one of the more marginalized groups and vulnerable to selective prosecution.71 Enacting such legislation sets a precedent for targeting other speech based on its content. ● It is unnecessary legislation because existing federal and state laws already protect animal enterprise industries from criminal activity, and carry sufficiently harsh penalties. Some of the criminal charges that may be Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 15 brought include trespass to land, vandalism, property destruction and arson. In addition, conspiracy, criminal mischief, riot, racketeering, theft, disorderly conduct, and many other equivalents exist within each state. ● The AETA sets out harsher penalties for defendants seeking to convey specific, disfavored viewpoints. While a variety of individuals and organizations might protest corporate activities, those sitting in front of a sweatshop to protest unfair labor practices will not be sanctioned (yet). However, those sitting in front of a puppy mill (a kennel with substandard conditions) in support of animal rights may be deemed domestic terrorists. ● With its broad language “interfering with operations of an animal enterprise,” the AETA may violate the First Amendment. Such language can be used to label as terrorism a wide range of lawful expressive conduct such as protests, boycotts, public speeches, picketing, e-mail campaigns, media campaigns, undercover investigations, and whistle-blowing. ● The AETA may likely deter people from advocating for reforms in the treatment of animals and may also halt Internet organizing. ● Application of the term “terrorist” to certain groups may pressure individuals into informing on innocent activists in order to avoid harsh sentences. It exploits past tragedies and the current climate of fear, while providing a diversion from effective investigative efforts. Will Potter, a journalist who testified before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee on AETA, said this is the greatest threat of the legislation. At GreenIsTheNewRed.com he writes: Even if we buy the rhetoric of industry groups and lawmakers that this legislation won’t directly target First Amendment activity, the damage is still done. This legislation will impact animal activists, even if they never enter the courtroom. It will add to the chilling effect that already exists because of ‘eco-terrorism’ rhetoric by corporations, lawmakers and law enforcement. Through my interviews with grassroots animal rights activists, national organizations, and their attorneys, I have heard widespread fears that the word ‘terrorist’ could one day be turned against them, even though they use legal tactics. This legislation will add to this fear and distrust, and will force Americans to decide if speaking up for animals is really worth the risk of being labeled a ‘terrorist,’ either in the media or the courtroom. That’s not a choice anyone should have to make. 16 Punishing Protest State Legislation Aimed at Activists Several states have also passed legislation to limit the rights of environmental activists, as well as animal-rights activists, often punishing crimes more severely if it can be proven that they were committed for a political purpose. Courts in some states have found the laws to be unconstitutional. On April 14, 2006, Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell signed House Bill 213, which defines and adds acts of “eco-terrorism” to the state crime codes. Under the bill, if someone commits a misdemeanor or second or third degree felony that falls under the category of “eco-terrorism,” the offense is automatically considered to be a degree higher than it otherwise would be. The bill also mandates that a person convicted of “eco-terrorism” pay restitution to property owners—in some cases up to triple the value of the original damaged property. Utah passed House Bill 322 in March 2000. The Act created a special offense of commercial terrorism and modified the criminal code in that state by enacting provisions with enhanced penalties for offenses committed against animal Testimony given by ACLU of Pennsylvania Legal Director Larry Frankel Before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, June 6, 2005 In testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee in opposition to HB 213, the ACLU of Pennsylvania’s Legal Director Larry Frankel explained how the statute operates as viewpoint discrimination. He cited the Supreme Court’s decision in R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul72 in which Justice Scalia held that the right to proscribe “fighting words” was not license to regulate the use of words based on the state’s hostility to or preference for the message. Mr. Frankel said: Even if this bill were deemed to be consistent with the First Amendment, we cannot understand why Pennsylvania would want to characterize as terrorist individuals who engage in conduct that only amounts to summary offenses or misdemeanors….Imposing harsh sanctions on people who commit civil disobedience is a ploy that was used against civil rights protesters. It is a coercive tactic that one would not expect in a society that not only considers itself free but also holds itself out as a model for other societies. Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 17 enterprises. It specifically prohibited picketing and demonstrations in front of businesses (with the exception of labor unions). In 2001 the ACLU of Utah filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the statute on grounds that it was vague and chilled First Amendment speech. On October 10, 2001, U.S. District Judge Bruce Jenkins held that the law was unconstitutional and permanently enjoined it from taking effect. 73 Missouri lawmakers have also tried to punish those who take pictures of puppy mills in an effort to highlight animal abuse by deeming the taking of such photographs a felony offense under bill H.B. 666. According to Brett Huff, an investigator for the Missouri Humane Society, the bill’s definition of “animal facility” is ambiguous enough to hamper other criminal investigations as well. He specifically cited a group of methamphetamine dealers who used a horse breeding farm as a cover-up operation.74 In spring 2006, the Maine House passed LD 1789 originally named “An Act to Deter Environmental Terrorism in the State,” (amended to “An Act to Amend Aggravated Criminal Mischief”) which converts misdemeanor criminal mischief (vandalism) into a felony if the “primary purpose” of the vandalism is to protest “the practices of a person or business with respect to an environmental or natural resource issue.”75 The new bill enormously broadens what is considered a felony if anything seen to be tampering with property is also seen to damage a business’s profitability or reputation. The bill singles out a particular political ideology for harsher treatment. For example, an anti-abortion protestor who sprays paint on a healthcare center would not be implicated under the bill, while an environmental protestor who sprayed a similar message on the wall of a corporation could be prosecuted. This content-based legislation is patently unconstitutional. The Maine chapter of the National Lawyers Guild issued a statement on June 14, 2006 to the Maine State Attorney General and Governor Baldacci condemning a state pattern of laws and police actions that deter the basic constitutional rights of free speech and political dissent.76 The SHAC 7 A case that has troubled First Amendment lawyers and scholars, activists and civil libertarians alike is that of the Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty Seven (SHAC 7). The case has broad implications for First Amendment jurisprudence: it reveals a de facto censorship of the activist communities’ First Amendment rights by attempting to criminalize the use of the internet by activists, something that the Animal Enterprise Terrorist Act may also accomplish. The SHAC 7 are six animal rights activists, Kevin Kjonaas, Lauren Gazzola, Jacob Conroy, Joshua Harper, Andrew Stepanian, and Darius Fulmer, and the corporation, 18 Punishing Protest Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, USA. The defendants were convicted of conspiracy to violate the 1992 Animal Enterprise Protection Act,77 and were charged with operating a website that listed protest activity against the Huntingdon animal testing facilities.78 The activists reported on legal demonstrations and direct actions, including picketing of companies and persons employed by those companies, and distributing lists of companies and employees, with home addresses and personal information posted on websites.79 The prosecution presented no proof that anyone had actually engaged in direct action as a result of reading the website. The government premised its prosecution on two narrow exceptions to the First Amendment: (1) the defendants used Internet websites to incite others to participate in a campaign to close Huntingdon Life Sciences, and, (2) the words on the websites and the language of the campaign constituted a true threat.80 Their “speech,” however, was protected under well-established First Amendment standards. According to National Lawyers Guild member Andrew Erba, one of the defense attorneys, statements made on the web postings did not constitute true threats, and the direct threat doctrine is inapplicable since the postings did not intimate direct violence by the speakers. Finally, the government’s alternate theory that the web posting incited violence failed, as the government failed to prove that any of the actions were provoked by web postings.81 The website did not post targeted threats against specific individuals, as did the website in the so-called Nuremberg Files Case. (The Nuremberg website posted personal information about abortion providers, and the names of doctors who were murdered had lines through them, crossing them off.)82 None of the SHAC activists was accused of causing physical damage to property or persons. The website in question was sponsored by SHAC, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which posted information about underground animal rights activism in solidarity with their various causes. SHAC did not endorse the tactics used by such radical eco-activist groups. It merely disseminated information. The six defendants received sentences ranging from three to six years. Andrew Stepanian received the maximum sentence of 36 months in prison and one year probation and joint restitution, and became the first person in the United States to serve time under the Animal Enterprise Protection Act. Andrew Erba describes his personal involvement with conspiracy charges throughout his years as an attorney, noting that “This isn’t new for the federal government. They’ve been doing this for years, and they’re very good at it. I think that the bottom line lesson is that the Federal Government is committing Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 19 Despite the court’s questioning the strength of the government’s case against Darius Fulmer at the end of trial, he was convicted of conspiracy to violate the Animal Enterprise Protection Act (AEPA) and was sentenced to one year and one day in prison. According to National Lawyers Guild member Andrew Erba, the government in this case misconstrued the AEPA, which proscribes a narrow range of activities, such as entering an animal enterprise to set free an animal, and incorrectly found that mere internet organizing (which may lead someone to organize against an animal enterprise) rises to the level of a prohibited action. PHOTO: AARON ZELLHOEFER 20 Punishing Protest The Principled Plea of Daniel McGowan Daniel McGowan is an environmental and social justice activist who was indicted in a multi-state sweep of over fourteen eco-activists allegedly involved in incidents that occurred in Oregon in 2001. On December 7, 2005, the FBI began the Operation Backfire roundup of alleged environmental arsonists. In a coordinated seven-state sweep, they separately indicted six people, including McGowan. The government also indicted three who remain at large. The charges included possession of an incendiary device85 and use of an incendiary device in connection with a crime of violence.86 Many of those indicted faced recommended minimum sentences exceeding life in prison. McGowan plead not guilty on all counts, and after paying $1.6 million bond raised by family and friends, was released on February 8, 2006, and released from house arrest on September 11, 2006. On November 9, after months of negotiations, McGowan and three of his co-defendants plead guilty to some of the many charges, with the understanding that they would not implicate or identify anyone else. In a letter to Judge Ann Aiken at the plea hearing McGowan stressed the importance of the plea because it allowed him to accept responsibility for his actions while remaining true to his strongly held beliefs.87 Weeks before the sentencing, Jenny Synan, Daniel McGowan’s wife wrote: Thankfully, ‘life’ is no longer in the equation, but a number of years still are, as well as the government’s desire to apply the ‘terrorism enhancement’ and possibly send him to a special restrictive control management unit for so-called ‘terrorists.’ Daniel is a loving and compassionate person, certainly not a terrorist. Now we wait, but not even that much longer. Sentencing is right around the corner. Daniel’s fate and our future will be announced in a courtroom June 4, in Eugene, Oregon. Terrorism enhancement or no enhancement. Five years, eight years, or more. I can only hope that time will pass swiftly, our wounds will heal completely and we can make it through this together.88 The government sought a sentence of eight years, while McGowan’s lawyers sought a sentence of no more than 63 months. The government also argued for a terrorism enhancement in Daniel’s case which his legal team vigorously fought. On June 4, 2007, Daniel was sentenced to seven years in prison. Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 21 considerable resources to these prosecutions. I suspect that this is the first of many similar conspiracy indictments.”83 Operation Backfire and Grand Jury Roundups Operation Backfire is the name the FBI gave to the 2004 merging of seven independent investigations from its Portland, Oregon field office.84 Its focus is to investigate acts of “domestic terrorism” allegedly perpetrated by the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and the Animal Liberation Front (ALF). In connection with Operation Backfire the government has issued—improperly— grand jury subpoenas. (Grand juries are authorized to decide whether or not to bring indictments, not to gather evidence or apply pressure to inform on others.) Many of the individuals who appeared have cooperated with the government, while many others have refused to appear. Several have been incarcerated for refusing to testify, after being held in contempt even though they were charged with no crime. Conclusion Increasingly, the government is using domestic terrorism laws against activists, targeting individuals and groups in part because of their political point of view. Eric Rudolph, whose string of fatal bombings included abortion providers and a gay nightclub, did not face terrorism charges. Environmental activists charged with property crimes, however, are being given “terrorism enhancements” in increasing numbers. When the label of terrorist is applied, it affords law enforcement wide latitude to spy on activists, to improperly subpoena them, to threaten harsh penalties, and in doing so, to intimidate many into naming other activists—frequently innocent—out of fear of what may happen to them. The government’s investigation of environmental and animal rights activists raises a host of issues concerning a fundamental component of criminal law: that of intent. One aim of environmental activists, for instance, is surely to influence government policy, and it is because of this intent that some eco-activists have been investigated and prosecuted under terrorism statutes. But there are crucial differences between the aims of these dissenters and clear-cut cases of terrorism such as, say, the Embassy bombings in East Africa or the Oklahoma City bombing perpetrated by Timothy McVeigh. The acts for which environmental activists have been tried were planned carefully to avoid any harm to human life; in most clear cases of terrorism, the perpetrators plan carefully to maximize death, injury and destruction. If the term terrorism is to have any meaning, it must make this distinction, between acts whose very purpose is to create fear in the populace through violence intended to harm human life, and those where every effort is made to mitigate the violent potential, and minimize the risk of injury. 22 Punishing Protest But in many ways, the emotional power and political expedience of the terrorism label make it too tempting to misapply it, to use it as a tool for repression. In using terrorism statutes, rather than the many adequate laws that punish property crimes, the government increases the chance of conviction, raises the risk of harsh prison sentences—both in length and in the conditions of confinement. This may have two purposes. First, it creates the illusion of progress in winning the ‘war on terror,’ and deflects accountability for its efforts to protect Americans from terrorist attack. And second, it has undermined dissident movements—the environmental and animal rights movements—that threaten the political status quo. These efforts have a chilling effect on free speech for all activists, especially those who have witnessed the coordinated efforts by law enforcement at the local, state and federal levels. Increasingly, participation in political movements poses great risks, from false arrest at street demonstrations, and conviction on altered evidence, to being called before a grand jury to testify against other activists, and convicted and sentenced to as much as life in prison for a small-scale property crime that posed no threat to human life. Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 23 A Catalogue of Unlawful Government Tactics Lines of police blocked the crowd from moving in any direction. As a Legal Observer, I kept asking different officers, “How can people leave from this situation?” “Officer, are we being arrested?” I received a slew of contradictory responses: We could leave out of the back of the line. We were definitely not being arrested, don’t worry about it. We were just being detained. I saw police rolling out orange nylon nets and begin stretching them around us and soon all of the 227 people that were on the sidewalk were trapped in the nets, still not knowing what was happening. One by one we were handcuffed and brought to the detention center in an old bus depot they had set up just for the protestors they were expecting to arrest. It was huge and filthy. From the oil-coated floor of the pen we were held in, I watched for hours as police brought in and processed over 1,100 people—mostly young people—that were arrested in the streets that night. I was proud of my generation—fed up enough to take a stand about the war, poverty, racism, the president, the environment, and so many other issues. But I remember also being angry that young people voicing dissent would be targeted and vilified in such a way, despite the fact we weren’t doing anything illegal. In the end, what hit me the hardest was what came out in the ensuing lawsuits—that activists and organizers had been under intense surveillance for over a year before the protests. That to me felt even more invasive than the actual arrest. O – Laura Raymond, on her arrest while legal observing at Fulton Street, New York during the 2004 Republican National Convention ver the past decade there has been a noticeable shift from reactive to preemptive law enforcement. Preemptive policing includes conducting mass false arrests and a range of other activities designed to stop individuals before they engage in associative activities. Other pre-demonstration tactics include police infiltration, passing unconstitutional ordinances in advance of specific demonstrations, and denying permits based on content. Content-Based Exercise of Discretion in Issuing Permits Permit schemes must be content-neutral regulations authorizing reasonable “time, place, and manner”89 regulations (such as traffic-control considerations) to prevent licensing officials from discriminating against groups or speakers with whom officials disagree.90 Written ordinances or regulations by which local police 24 Punishing Protest departments issue permits for street parades or large demonstrations should contain specific and narrowly defined standards, such as the expected size of the gathering, which may require increased police security measures. Further, the regulations should include a clearly explained process by which the permits are granted, and all permit applicants should be subjected to the same process. Unwritten policies directing officials to deny permits based on applicants’ dress, for example, are unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination.91 Despite these constitutionally-mandated requirements, cities around the country are passing ordinances placing unreasonable or undue restrictions on marches and public demonstrations. Some are denying permits altogether. After New York City denied a permit for a rally in Central Park during the Republican National Convention, claiming that it would damage the grass, lawyers from the Partnership for Civil Justice in Washington, D.C. filed a lawsuit challenging the decision as unconstitutional. In March 2007, Federal District Judge Pauley held that the case could proceed to trial. A New York Times editorial on the case, noted in part: The Great Lawn, with 13 acres of open space, is the most suitable site for large rallies in Manhattan. It has been the site of some spectacular events, like the 1982 “No Nukes” rally and the 1995 Mass with the Pope, both of which drew more than a hundred thousand people. Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to put an end to such gatherings. Since around the time of the 2004 Republican convention, when the city repeatedly denied protesters the right to gather in Central Park, his administration seems to have had a wild fixation on saving every blade of the Great Lawn…. The lawsuit also calls attention to the uneven way the city applies its rules. It’s telling that while the New York Philharmonic and its wellheeled subscribers have had no problem securing the Great Lawn for concerts, there hasn’t been a rally there in years. Classical music fans are just as capable of flattening grass as critics of the White House. With Central Park off limits, the city has proposed that rallies of more than 50,000 people be held on the Parade Ground in Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx or the Long Meadow at Brooklyn’s Prospect Park. It’s an interesting suggestion from a mayor who wanted to build a professional football stadium right in Manhattan because he thought the other boroughs were too remote. Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 25 The mayor’s solution might make tending the grass in Central Park easier. But turning Manhattan into a rally-free zone is too high a price to pay.92 On April 30, 2007, a settlement was reached in a National Lawyers Guild lawsuit challenging Fort Lauderdale ordinances that afforded unconstitutionally broad discretion to city officials to control political expression on city thoroughfares. The ordinances allowed restrictive definitions of what constitutes a public assembly, by restricting protestors’ rights to carry items demonstrating their point of view (with an exemption for religious groups), and by setting no time limit on the approval of parade and other permits, allowing officials to effectively prohibit events through inaction. The settlement imposes stricter and fairer standards on the City, protecting political expression from undue restriction. Fort Lauderdale laws were copied by Miami in 2003, before anticipated protests at the Free Trade Areas of the Americas meetings, but were quickly repealed when the Guild filed suit. Most liability-insurance provisions are unconstitutional because they permit unfettered government discretion to impose financial burdens based on the content of the speech. Often there is no way the sponsoring groups can afford the thousands of dollars such insurance costs. Paying for Permits and Liability Insurance Municipalities can assess certain nominal administrative charges for costs related to issuing a permit, but cannot charge for ordinary services such as police services. It is important to know what, specifically, a municipality wants to charge, and how it arrived at that fee. It is also important to know what the permit scheme requires: If one needs a permit for anybody to lawfully “parade” on a sidewalk or congregate in a park, regardless of the number of people or whether traffic laws will be obeyed, one can probably challenge the entire permitting scheme.93 The requirement that liability insurance be taken out by demonstrators before a permit is granted is another way that authorities make it costly or difficult to secure permits for constitutionally protected events. Most liability-insurance provisions are unconstitutional because they permit unfettered government discretion to impose financial burdens based on the content of the speech. Often there is no way the sponsoring groups can afford the thousands of dollars such insurance costs. 26 Punishing Protest Weeks before the March 17, 2007 March on the Pentagon, Mara Verheyden-Hilliard of the Partnership for Civil Justice met with officials at the Pentagon to discuss the government’s demand that the rally organizers pay several thousands of dollars in fees. According to Verheyden-Hilliard, the discussion was brief. After she suggested that the Partnership would sue to enjoin imposition of the fee, the Pentagon backed down, stating that the many thousands of dollars was not significant in the context of the Pentagon budget, and that they did not want to spend the next week or two litigating emergency injunctive relief in Federal District Court. They said they would waive the fees.94 In California, the City of Los Angeles has been barred from requiring liability insurance or assessing any department service charges for parades or other demonstrations. This is a result of the litigation brought by the National Lawyers Guild before the Democratic National Convention in 2000.95 Pretextual Searches and Raids of Organizing Spaces Sometimes police, accompanied by a building inspector, will show up at a building where activists are known to be staying or meeting to either: ● conduct a warrantless search of the premises under the guise of an administrative search, or ● find a housing violation as a pretext to close down the premises. The Supreme Court has held that administrative searches such as fire and building inspections may not be used as a pretext for a criminal investigation.96 Police in Washington, D.C. closed a protesters’ “convergence center” under the guise that it was a fire hazard. Human Rights Watch sent a letter of concern to D.C. police chief Charles Ramsey in April 2000 questioning, among other matters, the police’s claim that it was a fire hazard, and asking what the exact nature of the fire-code violation was and whether the property owners had previously been cited for preexisting code violations.97 Litigation by the Partnership for Civil Justice revealed that the closure of the protesters’ convergence center was initiated by the intelligence division of the police department, and not initiated by the police department. The police department initiated the closure after they applied for, and were denied, a search warrant. The Los Angeles chapter of the National Lawyers Guild successfully enjoined such administrative searches before the 2000 Democratic National Convention (DNC). The Guild and the ACLU sent a letter to the Los Angeles police and fire departments demanding that they stop harassing DNC protesters at their organizing space, by making visits without a warrant, demanding to see the lease, or asking to conduct a fire inspection: Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 27 The repeated attempts to enter the Convergence Center, without warrants, is a clear infringement of the right to be free from unlawful searches…. The City may not circumvent the constraints of the Fourth Amendment by substituting other city employees for Los Angeles police officers. The same Fourth Amendment protections apply to the execution of administrative search warrants. Absent legitimate exigent circumstances, which do not exist here, no government agent may enter the building without a judicial warrant…. Supreme Court cases ‘make it very clear that an administrative search may not be converted into an instrument which serves the very different needs of law enforcement officials. If it could, then all of the protections traditionally afforded against intrusions by the police would evaporate, to be replaced by the much weaker barriers erected between citizens and other government agencies.’98 Using the Charge of Conspiracy to Prosecute Political Activists A common charge brought against political activists is conspiracy, which requires relatively little evidentiary support.99 In 1925 Judge Learned Hand referred to conspiracy as the “darling of the modern prosecutor’s nursery.”100 Eight decades later this charge still invites abuse by the government. In 1925 Judge Learned Hand referred to conspiracy as the “darling of the modern prosecutor’s nursery.” Eight decades later this charge still invites abuse by the government. Conspiracy is much easier to prove than an actual criminal act because it only requires that the conspirators have agreed to engage in a certain unlawful act; the act need not have actually happened. Conspiracy can be proved by the coerced testimony of co-conspirators. Prosecutors can win a conviction by intimidating an innocent individual into testifying falsely against someone else by threatening to charge that innocent person with conspiracy. And conspiracy charges significantly increase sentence time. For instance, a federal arson charge carries with it a minimum prison sentence of five years, while a conspiracy charge on top of an arson charge can easily result in life in prison. Civil rights attorney Daniel Meyers, president of the National Lawyers Guild New York City Chapter, describes how the government has used the charge of conspiracy to target political movements throughout U.S. history: 28 Punishing Protest Our groups and organizations are infiltrated with many forms of intimidation or psychological propaganda, divisions, playing on people’s fears. And what is in the hands of the government that’s been their tool to criminalize groups and members of groups? What do they have? They have 18 United States Code 371 and some of its spin-offs, which is the conspiracy law. It is a charge that is the most easily brought and the most easily proved. It creates within it the circumstances of people becoming internally frightened by the way that the law operates, and invariably, and often in political cases, there are people who flip. Invariably there are going to be one or more informers. There is going to be surveillance. There are going to be wiretaps—legal and illegal. There is going to be the whole range of collection of information and evidence under what is an agreement to do something wrong. Under U.S. law a conspiracy, an agreement to do something wrong, is often times punished more severely than doing the actual harm. 101 Conspiracy charges were used, for example, in 1968 to indict Dr. Benjamin Spock and three other activists protesting the Vietnam War for hindering administration of the Universal Military Training and Service Act. And Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were never actually charged with espionage, just conspiracy to commit espionage. They were convicted on the testimony of their alleged “co-conspirator” who the government threatened with execution unless he provided evidence against the Rosenbergs. More recently, charges of conspiracy to commit murder were brought (thirty-five years after the offense) against eight men with ties to the Black Liberation Army for a 1971 killing of a San Francisco policeman.102 Checkpoints and Metal Detectors Police checkpoints, also called screening checkpoints, are a relatively unprecedented security measure at protests in which all bags are subject to search at a designated checkpoint. In addition, protesters’ banners and signs are inspected to disallow large poles that police allege may be used as weapons. Checkpoints can create bottlenecks, slow down the process of getting to the protest site, and discourage would-be protesters from attending. Word that checkpoints will be employed can in itself have a chilling effect on First Amendment activities. Some would-be demonstrators may choose not to attend upon learning of possible personal inspection by police before reaching the demonstration. This is particularly true for people from communities that already feel scrutinized, such as people of color, immigrants, and religious and ethnic minorities, including Muslims, Arab Americans, and South Asians. Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 29 “We cannot simply suspend or restrict civil liberties until the War on Terror is over, because the War on Terror is unlikely ever to be truly over. September 11, 2001, already a day of immeasurable tragedy, cannot be the day liberty perished in this country,” - 11th Circuit Court For two years there was a metal detector checkpoint at the School of the America Protests (SOA) in Columbus, Georgia. In response to litigation for which National Lawyers Guild member Bill Quigley was co-counsel, in 2004 the 11th Circuit ruled unanimously that subjecting political protesters to metal detector searches was unconstitutional under the First and Fourth Amendments. The detectors caused long lines and prevented people from getting to the assembly site in a timely fashion. The 11th Circuit’s decision addressed the City’s assertion that the Court should find that preventive measures of a metal detector was constitutional in the aftermath of September 11, 2001. The Court replied: The City’s position would effectively eviscerate the Fourth Amendment.… [T]he Fourth Amendment embodies a value judgment by the Framers that prevents us from gradually trading ever-increasing amounts of freedom and privacy for additional security. It establishes searches based on evidence— rather than potentially effective, broad, prophylactic dragnets—as the constitutional norm.…We cannot simply suspend or restrict civil liberties until the War on Terror is over, because the War on Terror is unlikely ever to be truly over. September 11, 2001, already a day of immeasurable tragedy, cannot be the day liberty perished in this country. Free-Speech Zones Free-speech zones are the designation of a particular area for speech—generally while restricting protected expression in otherwise appropriate portions of traditional public fora. They are an unconstitutional limit on the First Amendment. Also referred to as secure zones or protest zones, these are areas established by law enforcement for protesters to stand in. They are often fenced off and at some distance from the event being protested so that protesters’ signs and presence may not even be noticed. An example of an especially restrictive protest zone arose before the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston. The zone was completely enclosed by netting, razor wire and a chain link fence. In July 2004, the First Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston rejected an appeal by the National Lawyers Guild and the ACLU 30 Punishing Protest to force the city to redesign its free speech zone outside the Democratic convention hall. The federal judge, Judge Douglas Woodlock, who heard the challenge on July 22 stated in open court: “I, at first, thought before taking the view [of the site] that the characterizations of the space as being like an internment camp were litigation hyperbole. I now believe that it’s an understatement. One cannot conceive of what other elements you would put in place to make a space more of an affront to the idea of free expression ...”103 Despite that, Judge Woodlock denied the challenge to the conditions, ruling that they were justified by safety concerns of the delegates. Four years prior to the Boston event, activists were much more successful in their efforts to have deemed invalid regulations that were designed to suppress speech. A lawsuit brought before the 2000 Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles resulted in an injunction striking down a secure zone of more than eight million square feet around the convention site, striking down the City’s parade-permit ordinance, and striking down the City’s park-permit regulations. Following the Court’s issuance of a preliminary injunction, the City stipulated to a permanent injunction. The Los Angeles Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild was a plaintiff in SEIU v. City of Los Angeles,104 with Guild lawyers as counsel. The court granted the injunction, finding that “the sidewalks and streets contained within the designated ‘secure zone’…are traditional public fora for the exercise of First Amendment rights.” There was no secure zone at the event. Free speech zones are also established when President Bush travels. Secret Service agents visit the venue in advance and give orders to local law enforcement to establish free-speech zones. Protesters opposing the President’s policies are then quarantined in those zones, far from sight of the President and out of view of the press. Pop-Up Police Lines Pop-up lines are rapidly deployed lines of police officers that block the movement of protesters, misdirecting them and splitting up groups, and/or detaining and arresting the protesters. Police lines can alter the flow of a march or literally trap people and prevent them from moving along or leaving the march. When police surround a group of people in this fashion, mass arrests often follow. In February 2007 the Partnership for Civil Justice reached a settlement with the District of Columbia over pop-up police lines, trapping and detention of protesters, Guild Legal Observers, and passersby that occurred in 2002 at a protest against the IMF/World Bank, and the then-threatened war in Iraq. The settlement provides that police will be trained in new restrictions on the use of pop-up lines and detentions, among other restrictions. Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 31 Pop-up lines have been documented at many large, and not so large, demonstrations. At an April 7, 2003 protest outside the New York office of the military contractor The Carlyle Group, approximately 200 protesters attended. According to attendee Liv Dillon, as police began to make arrests, “two lines of police suddenly came charging onto our side of the street,” penning supportive bystanders into a corral.105 Mass False Arrests and Detentions Another way in which police prevent people from protesting is to conduct mass false arrests—any arrest not based on probable cause—so that segments of demonstrators are literally removed from the area and detained. This practice usually results in extensive media coverage and sends a message of intimidation to would-be protesters. The Independent Review Panel (IRP) investigating the 2003 FTAA demonstrations in Miami cited a statement in the Miami-Dade Police Department After-Action Report that substantiates that police conducted mass arrests and detentions with the goal of keeping protesters away from the event location: “The courts assisted by staggering bond hearings and releases so that arrestees were not able to quickly return to the conference site.”106 The IRP was unable, however, to find support for this statement when questioning the Administrative Office of the Courts.107 Police in Washington, D.C. conducted mass arrests on September 27, 2002. Of a total of 647 demonstrators arrested that day, approximately 400 were arrested in Pershing Park. Findings from a February 27, 2003 confidential report revealed that Mayor Williams and the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department engaged in a coverup of the lack of lawful justification for the mass arrests. Barham et al. v. Ramsey, et al., the class-action lawsuit filed by the Partnership for Civil Justice, charged the District of Columbia and federal agencies with falsely arresting hundreds of demonstrators, observers, and passers-by on September 27. “D.C. and federal lawenforcement authorities executed n illegal and unconstitutional coordinated plan to sweep the streets of political activist and place them in preventive detention,” said attorney Carl Messineo.108 On January 13, 2006 the D.C. Circuit ruled that the Washington D.C. Police Chief may be held personally liable for the mass arrests at Pershing Park: The Court of Appeals ruling rejects the appeal by Chief of Police Charles H. Ramsey, in which Ramsey claimed that he should not be held personally liable for these sweeping constitutional rights violations, clearing the way for a trial on Ramsey’s responsibility. The Court also upheld the District Court’s denial of qualified immunity to Assistant Chief of Police Peter Newsham who also commanded the arrests.109 Punishing Protest 32 Snatch Squads Snatch squads are routinely used in other countries and are making their way into the lexicon of U.S. law enforcement. A snatch squad is a group of police officers, often in plainclothes, who identify a particular person or persons for arrest, then isolate and surround the person(s), and make an arrest, often whisking the person(s) from the scene immediately. Or, police may push parts of the crowd aside with nightsticks or horses in order to more easily snatch someone. Police snatch squads were visible at the 2003 FTAA protests in Miami, often many blocks away from the rallies in unmarked vehicles. National Lawyers Guild member Andrea Costello, co-counsel in one of the lawsuits against the Miami Police Department and other local, state, and federal law-enforcement agencies, described “[undercover] police in full body armor, wearing ski masks, with no identifying tags, jumping out of vans and dragging protesters off.”110 Guild Legal Observer Miles Swanson was extracted by ski-masked police officers in an unmarked van as he walked on a side street near the Miami protests. Weeks earlier, a photo of Swanson wearing a Guild Legal Observer hat was featured in a PowerPoint presentation that police showed to local businesses in preparation for the FTAA protests.111 On November 21, 2003, Laura Raymond, from the National Lawyers Guild National Office, traveled to Miami to work in the legal office during the FTAA meetings. She sent an e-mail report about this police tactic: Random people are being pulled behind police lines that may be three rows thick and Legal Observers can’t access them for names and descriptions [of arrestees], nor can medics access people who are hurt in the process. Also, undercovers are snatching random people in the crowds and pulling them away. Unmarked ‘snatch squads’ patrol the city and grab people off the streets. Three Guild Legal Observers have been picked off this way in separate incidents, and witnesses report that the Legal Observers were beaten by the police.112 Singling people out for arrest based on their perceived political ideology—in this instance targeting people perceived by their manner of dress to be, or to associate with, anarchists—is unconstitutional. Containment Pens A pen is a containment instrument that places unconstitutional limits on the First Amendment. Police often erect pens out of wood or metal barriers at demonstrations as a means of containing protesters within a narrowly confined area with no freedom to move about. The establishment of Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 33 barricaded pens makes it easier to conduct mass arrests. They also create safety issues, such as the possibility of panic on the part of demonstrators who wish to leave but are trapped within the often tightly packed confines of the metal barricades. The use of pens also sends a message of intimidation. In an analysis of the New York Police Department’s use of demonstration pens, Brooklyn College sociology professor Alex Vitale notes that “the use of heavily policed choke points at the entrances to the pens creates the clear impression that the police are in control of access to what is supposed to be a public event. Visual inspections and questioning by officers enhances the appearance of police intimidation.” He also writes that “[one] of the effects of using pens in this way is to make the demonstration appear dangerous to those who feel vulnerable to police action.”113 On March 20, 2003, people in Chicago tried to march in protest against the Iraq invasion. Police herded both protesters and bystanders into pens so that they could not leave.114 The National Lawyers Guild filed a class action lawsuit challenging unlawful arrests made without probable cause at this protest. The suit contends that police penned approximately 800 bystanders and protesters into an area on Chicago Avenue Between Michigan Avenue and inner Lake Shore Drive. There, the police detained the group for three hours before arresting them all for reckless conduct, charges which were later dropped. “The use of heavily policed choke points at the entrances to the pens creates the clear impression that the police are in control of access to what is supposed to be a public event.” - Alex Vitale, sociology professor at Brooklyn College In a letter to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg before a March 2004 antiwar demonstration, several litigators outlined some of the problems with the practice of establishing barricades to pen in demonstrators and expressed concern about the then-upcoming event: The City should allow demonstrators to assemble, move along their route, and disperse in an ordinary fashion, because allowing the crowd to flow in a natural way is the safest form of crowd control. The purposeful creation of bottlenecks by penning in groups of protesters is an ill-conceived policy that has proven to be dangerous in the past. 34 Punishing Protest Attorney David Rankin of the National Lawyers Guild’s New York City Chapter negotiates with members of the New York City Police Department outside the federal courthouse in Manhattan. Hundreds of supporters were gathered at the October 16, 2006 sentencing of attorney Lynne Stewart who was convicted on charges of aiding terrorism. PHOTO: MICHEL MARTINEZ Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 35 Tension, anxiety and fears are heightened for the protesters who are contained by the pens and unable to move along the route normally. Protesters with disabilities, medical needs, small children, or special needs will not be accommodated. Bathrooms will not be accessible. Families, friends, and associates will be separated. Verbal exchanges with police officers controlling the pens are often unpleasant, exacerbating the tensions of being held in a pen. The use of pens heightens both the perception and the reality that people may be emotionally or physically hurt. Not only is this practice unsafe, but dividing the demonstrators also interferes with the right of free expression….115 The Rush Tactic and Flanking and Using Vehicles as Weapons The rush tactic involves police officers, usually on horseback, motorcycles, or bicycles, charging and assaulting a group of demonstrators. On April 13, 2004 the Partnership for Civil Justice filed a federal lawsuit against the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department seeking an injunction against police use of the rush tactic, and against the use of motorcycles and bicycles as weapons against pedestrian demonstrators. The suit also sought to enjoin police use of lines and vehicles to flank marchers and prohibit individuals from leaving or joining demonstration activities. The case is still pending. In a tactic known as “flanking,” at the FTAA demonstrations in Miami on the morning of November 15, 2003, police used their bicycles to form a circle and entrap a group of about 50 people for approximately two hours.116 Whenever demonstrators asked if they were being detained, the police said no. When demonstrators asked if they were then free to leave, they were also told no.117 This entrapment prevented the group from joining a large, nonviolent march through downtown Miami. When the group finally received permission to walk, the police flanked them, walking their bikes in lines on all sides of the group. The police used their bicycles to push demonstrators off the sidewalk and into the street. After an hour of herding the demonstrators in this fashion, the police formed a line in front of them with their bicycles and proceeded to shoot them with tasers. About five people were arrested, and many more were tasered. One demonstrator was arrested after being knocked to the ground when a police officer rammed his bicycle into the demonstrator’s back.118 In November 2006 Partnership lawyers announced a settlement with police of a suit stemming back to President Bush’s inauguration. At that event police used force and violence to surround on all sides, trap, detain and falsely imprison hundreds of protestors who had been marching to get to the parade route. The settlement includes 36 Punishing Protest changes in department policies for handling demonstrations. The Metropolitan Police Department agreed to make sure requirements that officers report the use of force remain in place during public protests, requirements that had been suspended during mass assemblies. Under the settlement, officer training will be changed to reflect that mandate, and training will include restrictions on the use of police lines against protesters and instruction that no one can be arrested for parading without a permit. Crowd Control Using Less-Lethal Weapons In the United States, collective punishment of protesters has also taken the form of firing so-called less-lethal weapons into crowds. Law-enforcement agencies describe as less-lethal a range of often high technology weapons that have in fact been associated with fatalities in the United States. These include tasers, projectile weapons, and chemical weapons like CS2 (tear gas) and oleoresin capsicum (pepper spray.)119 The United Nations Commission on Human Rights condemned the use of such weapons by the Oakland Police Department in 2003,120 as did an independent review commission investigating excessive police force at the FTAA demonstrations in Miami.121 The National Lawyers Guild, with attorneys from the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), filed a class action lawsuit in federal court in Los Angeles on May 9, 2007 on behalf of the community groups who organized a May Day immigrants rights rally at MacArthur Park in the city’s heavily Latino immigrant community. The suit seeks changes in how the Los Angeles Police Department responds to demonstrations, as well as damages for all of the peaceful participants in the rally who were beaten and shot by the police (many in the back) and chased from the park. According to the lawsuit, riot-gear clad Los Angeles Police Department officers swept through the park without warning and ordered everyone to leave the park.122 A dispersal order was given from a helicopter hovering several blocks away from the park. The announcement was largely drowned out by the noise of the helicopter and was given only in English, despite the fact that the MacArthur Park community is largely Spanish-speaking immigrants. There was no warning and opportunity to leave before police began shooting people with less lethal munitions and beating anyone in their path with batons.123 “This was nothing short of a police riot,” said Carol Sobel, President of the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild and one of the attorneys on the class action. “The police shot munitions at anyone in the park. It was sheer luck that more people were not injured and that no child was seriously harmed by the lawless action of the LAPD on May 1.”124 Lawyers for the class action estimate that Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 37 they have received reports from dozens of individuals injured that day as they were chased from the park, including reports of broken bones, concussions, and other contusions. Several individuals suffered injuries from head strikes with batons, a serious categorically lethal use of force according to the LAPD’s own training. The original police estimates, provided in the days immediately following May 1, were that 10 people were injured and 50 to 100 “agitators” prompted the police response. Since then, the number of injured reported by the police has risen to 24 and the number of “agitators” dropped to approximately 30. To date, videos of the rally and police action have failed to substantiate the police claims of provocation for the massive and brutal police response. Since the early 1990s, the City has paid out over $9,000,000 in damages for police abuse at demonstrations, including approximately $5,000,000 for the police actions at the Democratic National Convention in 2000.125 The Oakland Police Department fired directly at people’s heads and upper bodies, despite the warning printed prominently on each wooden bullet shell casing: “Do not fire directly at persons as serious injury or death may result.” In addition to six organizational plaintiffs, individual plaintiffs include: Kevin Breslin, who was serving as a Legal Observer on behalf of the National Lawyers Guild. He was struck at least five times on his legs by at least two officers and then hit in the chest. Luis Galvez tried to help people escape from the park and, as he did so, was hit on the head, neck and back multiple times, and knocked unconscious by a baton strike from behind. Jorge Lopez was with friends eating snacks when he heard yelling and shouting and saw people running. He was shot with a rubber bullet in the chest. When he tried to retrieve the ball that hit him, he was shot two more times in the leg. Leopoldo Ortiz is a 76-year-old veteran who was walking in the park when the police attack began. One officer hit him multiple times in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He fell to the ground and was kicked two times in the backside.126 According to Carol Sobel, the Los Angeles Police Department violated two settlement agreements from Democratic National Convention litigation in 2000 where members from the Metro Division used similar violence. One agreement required the police to set aside an area for the press (which they did not do for the afternoon march on May 1, 2007), and one dealt with protocols for how police conduct crowd control. (See page 54 for details). 38 Punishing Protest On April 7, 2003, Oakland police broke up a nonviolent antiwar picket at the Oakland docks using a panoply of less-lethal weapons, including large wooden bullets, “sting ball” grenades filled with rubber bullets and tear gas, and shot-filled beanbag projectiles. The Oakland Police Department fired directly at people’s heads and upper bodies, despite the warning printed prominently on each wooden bullet shell casing: “Do not fire directly at persons as serious injury or death may result.” The police thus used lethal force when nothing had occurred to justify any force as demonstrators were attempting to comply with police orders. Three people suffered broken bones, and one woman had such a severe crush injury to her leg that she had to receive a large skin graft.127 The use of excessive force violates not only state and federal law but also international human rights law as contained in treaties to which the U.S. is a party. Once ratified, treaties are part of our domestic law under the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution and are binding on all levels of government. Excessive police force is prohibited by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), ratified by the U.S. in 1992. Similar protections exist in the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which the U.S. ratified in 1994. Unprecedented and Unconstitutional Bails for Perceived Leaders The Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides that bail shall not be excessive. The purpose of bail is to allow an arrested individual to be free until he or she has been convicted. Theoretically the amount of bail should not exceed what is reasonably necessary to prevent that individual from leaving the jurisdiction until the case has concluded. Standard bail schedules specify bail amounts for common offenses, but judges frequently set extremely high bail in the case of certain offenses—such as rape—in order to ensure that the defendant remains in detention until the trial has concluded. Although this practice of preventative detention is inconsistent with the Constitution, the Supreme Court has yet to rule on the issue. It is unconstitutional, however, to set bail high based on the fact that someone may be a “leader,” especially when that person has been charged with a nonviolent misdemeanor, lives in the jurisdiction, and is not a flight risk. Setting bail based not upon what he or she is charged with but upon other, uncharged activities is clearly a political tactic to intimidate dissenters. Animal-rights activist Nick Cooney was arrested on March 14, 2006 by several police and FBI agents who searched his house and questioned his roommates—all for misdemeanor charges for allegedly making “terrorist threats” months earlier at a peaceful demonstration. The FBI, on behalf of the prosecution, requested bail of $50,000, arguing that Cooney was affiliated with the Animal Liberation Front. His attorney secured reduction in the bail to $15,000. Cooney believes the FBI pursued Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 39 him because they believe he was a leader in a campaign to close Huntingdon Life Sciences, especially given that the arrest was less than two weeks after the verdict in the SHAC 7 case.128 At the 2003 FTAA protests in Miami, bail for misdemeanor charges was set from $1,000 to $20,000. (Typically standard bail for disorderly conduct, or resisting arrest, in Dade County is $500.) Bail was set at $10,000 for several activists charged with felonies that were later dismissed. Attorneys with the Miami Public Defender’s Office, which provided assistance during the mass arrests, expressed concern at the excessive bails. Over-prosecution of protesters, especially those whom the government labels as “ringleaders,” occurred at the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia on August 1, 2000. An unprecedented $1 million bail was set for two demonstrators there whom police identified as leaders: John Sellers, director of the Californiabased Ruckus Society, and Kate Sorensen, a leader of Philadelphia Direct Action Group. Sellers was charged with aggravated assault on a police officer—a charge that was later dropped—and eight other charges, including obstruction of a highway, failure to disperse, obstruction of justice, and conspiracy to commit all of the above, for a total of 14 counts. Also identified by law enforcement as a leader was Terrence McGuckin of both the Philadelphia Direct Action Group and Philadelphia ACT UP. He was arrested on misdemeanor charges of using his cell phone as an “instrument of crime” (evidently encouraging others to block an intersection). For his cell phone crime, he received a disproportionately high bail of $500,000. The trial judge dismissed most of the government’s charges, and McGuckin was found guilty of disorderly conduct and sentenced to probation. He prevailed in a subsequent lawsuit against the city of Philadelphia. Intimidation by FBI Questioning and Grand Jury Subpoena Other methods of protester intimidation include FBI questionings and the issuance of grand jury subpoenas. The use of these methods has occurred regularly especially in connection with environmental and animal rights activists. The National Lawyers Guild received a surge of reports of FBI agents questioning activists in many states about plans to attend the Democratic National Convention in Boston in 2004. Federal agents questioned 20 activists in Lawrence, Kansas, as well as in Kansas City, Missouri. The FBI asked these questions: (1) “Do you know of anyone planning violence at the DNC?” (2) “If you found anything out, would you tell us?” and (3) “Do you know that lying about the first question is a felony?” Many of the activists indicated that they preferred to answer only with an attorney present; the FBI instructed them to get one and return. Agents located the cell phone number of one person and called him four times in a 30-minute period. FBI agents called the parents of another activist. The Guild received a communication from activists in 40 Punishing Protest Kansas dated July 28, 2004 suggesting that the Topeka, Kansas City, Columbia, Fort Collins, Kirksville, and St. Louis FBI investigations might be the work of an illegal “red squad” operating in Lawrence, Kansas. The agents had identified themselves as working with a Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF).129 In fact, the activists appear to have been correct, based on revelations that the New York Police Department conducted broad spying in the United States and Canada before the Republican National Convention. In another instance, after being interviewed by the FBI, three men in their early twenties from Missouri cancelled their trip to Boston to participate in DNC protests in order to respond to a subpoena. Their lawyer said that other people who had planned to go with them decided not to once they heard of the FBI questioning. Two individuals interviewed in Colorado—Paul Bame from Fort Collins and Sarah Bardwell with the American Friends Service Committee—said they had been asked similar questions and had refused to answer.130 More recently grand juries are being convened to investigate animal-rights and environmental activists. They were convened to investigate activist Rod Coronado’s speech in which he allegedly instructed a room full of people how to build a “destructive device.”131 The FBI also investigated Earth Liberation Front-related arsons in San Diego in 2003. Approximately eleven people were subpoenaed to appear in front of this grand jury. One man who appeared was asked to provide DNA samples, including hair and saliva. When he refused to comply, the prosecutor told TWO SEPARATE FINDINGS ON PRE-RNC INTELLIGENCE-GATHERING Office of the Inspector General Report 2006: No substantiation of allegations that the FBI improperly targeted protesters New York Times, March 25, 2007: New York City Police Department questioned activists openly and conducted broad undercover spying, in the U.S. and Canada. Police posed an activists and infiltrated meetings, made friends, exchanged emails and reported back daily to NYPD Intelligence Division. The NYPD kept covert records of antiwar groups, artistic organizations, church groups and New York elected officials. Undercover activities spanned at least 15 sites outside New York, from California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Oregon, to Texas, and other spots. Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 41 him he would be held in contempt, so he told them he would consult and return with a lawyer. He returned a week later with an attorney who watched as a federal agent took hair samples, saliva, extensive hand and finger prints.132 A year later he was subpoenaed again by the same grand jury, as was his cousin, and two others. They ended up canceling his grand jury appearance, without an explanation. He believes it was because they couldn’t grant him immunity, and they knew he would not testify voluntarily. His cousin did testify, evidently fearing jail after he was intimidated by police detectives who visited him at his home.133 In 2006 the Office of the Inspector General issued a special report on a review of the FBI’s activities concerning potential protesters at the political conventions. It found no substantiation of allegations that the FBI improperly targeted protesters in an effort to chill First Amendment rights and that such interviews were conducted for legitimate law enforcement purposes.134 But on March 25, 2007 the New York Times reported that the New York City Police Department (NYPD) not only questioned activists openly but also conducted broad undercover spying, in the United States and in Canada, before the Republican National Convention.135 New York police officers posed as activists and attended meetings of political groups, made friends and exchanged email messages, and then reported daily with the NYPD Intelligence Division.136 Since 2003, the NYPD kept secret records of church groups, artistic companies, antiwar organizations, and even three New York elected officials. Police records indicate that in addition to sharing information with other police departments, New York undercover officers were active themselves in at least 15 places outside New York—including California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montreal, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas and Washington, D.C.—and in Europe.137 In its preparations, the [police] department applied the intelligence resources that had just been strengthened for fighting terrorism to an entirely different task: collecting information on people participating in political protests. In the records reviewed by The New York Times, some of the police intelligence concerned people and groups bent on causing trouble, but the bulk of the reports covered the plans and views of people with no obvious intention of breaking the law.138 In October 2003, the National Lawyers Guild’s national office received word from a member in Des Moines, Iowa that local authorities had told her that her e-mail was likely being monitored. Four months later, on February 3, 2004 that same member, Sally Frank, a law professor and an advisor to the Guild chapter at Drake University, called to say that the authorities had issued subpoenas to appear before grand juries to four antiwar protesters in Des Moines. Federal forces also subpoenaed Drake University for records of its National Lawyers Guild chapter, including names of 42 Punishing Protest officers, information relating to an antiwar training in November 2003 entitled “Stop the Occupation! Bring the Iowa Guard Home,” and reports dating back two years. The government also issued a gag order on employees of the University. These actions puzzled the locals, mobilized the Guild, and quickly attracted national attention because they seemed to target individuals based on their political activity. Former Guild president Bruce Nestor filed a motion on behalf of the NLG, as an interested party, to quash the Drake subpoena. The Guild prevailed on the motion and the national press devoted significant coverage to the issuance of the subpoenas. In The Nation, constitutional lawyer David Cole noted that this was not just an isolated incident of prosecutorial discretion but rather was part of then-Attorney General Ashcroft’s view that monitoring political dissent is a central component in the so-called war on terrorism. Cole noted that Ashcroft said that those who engage in dissent “erode our national unity and diminish our resolve. They give ammunition to America’s enemies, and pause to America’s friends.”139 Likely in response to the media attention and the outpouring of public condemnation, the U.S. Attorney’s Office first took the unusual step of issuing a statement confirming its investigation, and then the next day abruptly withdrew its subpoenas. However, if the government was only looking into the actions of one person, one must ask why it also subpoenaed National Lawyers Guild records dating back two years. And why force a gag order on Drake University? Marjorie Cohn, now President of the National Lawyers Guild, wrote at the time that “The gag order slapped on Drake employees before the subpoenas were withdrawn confirms the government’s intention to conduct its witch hunt in secrecy.”140 The Des Moines subpoena, the environmental activists’ subpoenas, and subpoenas for pre-political convention attendees are not the first time that grand juries have been improperly used to badger political dissenters, especially during wartime. In response to this subversion of process, in the late 1960s and early 1970s Guild members represented Vietnam War draft resisters and antiwar protesters subpoenaed to appear before grand juries.141 And Guild member Robert J. Boyle, in conjunction with the Grand Jury Project, Inc. of the National Lawyers Guild, wrote the legal treatise Representation of Witnesses Before Federal Grand Juries.142 Its introduction explains that prosecutors have great freedom of access to grand juries, which in turn have virtually unlimited subpoena power and can essentially hold hearings in secret. It also makes clear that: “Grand jury activities and investigations have targeted political dissenters, escaped slaves in the 1850s, movements involving causes deemed anti-American, and, more recently in the 1970s, the Vietnam Antiwar and Women’s movements.”143 Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 43 Conclusion After the attacks of September 11 and the United States invasion of Iraq, the Bush administration has applied its policy of aggressive preemptive warfare against domestic dissenters. Although the beginnings of a well-orchestrated campaign of unlawful regulation by law enforcement on free speech were seen at the 1999 World Trade Organization meet in Seattle, the Bush administration has used the threat of terror attacks to implement an expedited drive to silence its opponents. Legitimate First Amendment activities suppressed by legions of police and government agents suited in body armor and engaged in paramilitary tactics has a terrifying effect on demonstrators. One consequence of such a multi-level aggressive crackdown is that many individuals are afraid to voice their views, the result of the “chilling” effect that the First Amendment was designed to avoid. Would-be protesters or entire communities frequently targeted by the police may decide it is not worth the risk of encountering police violence and possible arrest. None of these often violent practices has made this country safer, and some have in fact resulted in injuries and even deaths. Equally troubling is that such actions by law enforcement and government broadcast the message that the very act of protest is unlawful. Both results are dangerous to democracy. 44 Punishing Protest Officers from the Technical Assistance Response Unit (TARU) followed and videotaped a group of protesters on subway cars during a silent “die-in” at the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York. TARU provides investigative technical (surveillance) equipment to all bureaus within the police department and also provides assistance to other City, State and Federal agencies. TARU officers continue to videotape protesters at most New York City demonstrations. PHOTO: CODY DORAN Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 45 Police Lies, Tampering, and Videotape I saw the officer who was driving the bus, and I asked him, ‘Could you take a look at these [handcuffs]? I think they might be too tight. It’s cutting off the circulation.’ And as I turned around to him, he cinched them tighter. And I turned around, and I said, ‘Why did you do that?’ And he said, ‘Well, because you might attack me.’ And I was still so astonished, I couldn’t—I couldn’t even process that I was being arrested, and that the police were treating me this way. It just didn’t make any sense to me. 144 A – Alexander Dunlop, bystander arrested and detained on his way home from a restaurant during the Republican National Convention t the local and state level, police officers are threatening political expression by using a range of aggressive tactics during political demonstrations. Instances of police lying about events, and even altering physical evidence, have occurred when police are tasked with implementing illegal and unconstitutional strategies. Most of the practices described in this report stem directly from the Bush administration’s policies. Police are responsible for implementing the repressive apparatus of the current administration—it is impossible for them to do so legally or ethically. Perhaps the most egregious example, discussed below, of unlawful activity by law enforcement occurred in New York City during the 2004 Republican National Convention. Police actually doctored video evidence to secure the unjust convictions of activists.145 By altering videotapes of their unlawful arrests of peaceful bystanders and protesters, and by giving those altered tapes to defense attorneys and the courts, police engaged in perjury and evidence tampering. Such illegal conduct not only interferes with the First Amendment, but it also diminishes the public’s trust in the criminal justice system. Altering of videotape evidence by police has previously been used largely to target communities of color, notably in cases of excessive police force. For example, Rickey Jones, an African American photographer, was beaten by police and arrested while videotaping a family birthday party as police were breaking it up. Police reports conflicted with his video of the incident. The city attorney’s office showed one version of the videotape to Mr. Jones’s defense attorney Jill Clark, but provided a different version during discovery. When the lawyer viewed a copy of the original videotape, she saw “A clear image of an officer…moving his arm toward Jones, who held the camera…The camera dropped to the ground, but landed on its side and continued to film what [the lawyer] 46 Punishing Protest said appeared to be police officers in leather jackets “whaling on someone [who the lawyer] believes to be Jones.”146 Jill Clark asked the City Attorney’s office for a copy of the tape. When she received it two weeks later the tape scenes had been edited out. The City Attorney’s office denied that the tapes had been tampered with. Evidence tampering is being used in a larger context to impede free speech. Innocent people are being charged and tried using doctored evidence, in part to create a chilling effect on the right to express opinions unpopular with the government. Clear examples of this happened in New York in 2004. I-Witness Video A volunteer-based group of videographers in New York City, I-Witness Video, has been videotaping protests for years. Their work gained national acclaim in the aftermath of the 2004 Republican National Convention (RNC). Over 200 I-Witness volunteers were trained to document arrests and police activity at the protests that ensued, making sure that their video evidence would be usable, if needed, in later court proceedings. They worked in conjunction with legal observers from the National Lawyers Guild who monitored most of the RNC demonstrations.147 I-Witness Video founding member Eileen Clancy explains: “There needs to be a strategy to having cameras at demonstrations, from collecting the video, to holding on to it, maintaining it with integrity, identifying the material on it, and putting it together with the attorney, the defendants, photographs, and other information of the story. That’s what’s really powerful. If we can keep the basic information, we can bring it into the courtroom.”148 In fact, it was that careful process of watching hundreds of hours of arrest scenes on video that led to the uncovering of doctored tapes. The I-Witness videos played a key role in vindicating several individuals who were falsely arrested on disorderly conduct charges. Videos were used in the defense of approximately 400 of the 1,806 people arrested during the Convention. Discovering the Tampering—The Dennis Kyne Arrest After the RNC, Eileen Clancy discovered a discrepancy between I-Witness video coverage of the protests, and the police testimony regarding events caught on tape. Clancy noticed differences between a video of an arrest sequence of Dennis Kyne, the first of the 1,806 protestors arrested during the convention to have his case brought to trial, and the same sequence of events on a tape provided by the police department in the discovery phase of a civil litigation. Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 47 CUT BY CUT, SIDE BY SIDE Eileen Clancy said that it had not occurred to I-Witness Video that the police were editing tapes. “When we had to put these two tapes on monitors next to each other and run them at the same time, and we sat there when we saw the cut…I was astonished that this happened… They took out the parts that basically prove he’s innocent.” (Interview with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now!, April 14, 2005). Police claimed that Kyne refused to walk down from the steps of the New York Public Library, and as a result multiple officers had to carry him down to Fifth Avenue. The arresting officer, Matthew Wohl, testified at Kyne’s trial that, consistent with the allegations he swore to in the criminal complaint on which the prosecution was based, he had observed Kyne engage in certain allegedly unlawful conduct, and then arrested him. Defense attorneys turned over a videotape created by an independent filmmaker (showing Kyne descending from the library on foot, with Officer Wohl nowhere in sight) to the District Attorney and the District Attorney dropped the case the next day.149 Clancy explained that in light of this discovery I-Witness will have to look at all the police tapes for which they have their own recordings of the same event, and will have to set the two tapes up side by side for laborious examination to see if other edits were made. “These are tapes that came from the state, from the government, that are handed over to defense attorneys and they are supposed to be for a particular case. So, does that mean that the tapes then are going to be tailored in such a way for each defendant? That they’re looking for each defendant and they’re just going to give you certain bits that they deem useful to their side? And that’s really not how it’s supposed to work.”150 The Kyne arrest was not an isolated incident. The Alexander Dunlop Arrest Alexander Dunlop was arrested during the convention when he found himself in the middle of a Critical Mass protest while riding his bicycle to pick up sushi from his favorite restaurant. Dunlop was handcuffed, forcefully detained overnight, and charged with two misdemeanors. When offered the opportunity to plea-bargain, he refused, saying of a plea: “It really restricts what you’re able to do, and what job you can get, the travel you can do. It might have ruined my life. It really might have.”151 48 Punishing Protest When Eileen Clancy discovered that she had a police videotape documenting Dunlop’s arrest, she compared it to the same tape police officers had released of the arrest, and found that crucial scenes were edited from the police copy of the tape turned over in discovery. Clancy’s tape showed Dunlop peacefully submitting to arrest, while the police tape panned to a shot of a stop sign instead, flashing back to an image of Dunlop standing with other arrestees a few moments later. An image of the police officer who detained Dunlop was also missing from the police tape, blurring the identity of those who were responsible for Dunlop’s arrest. Manhattan District Attorney representatives claim that a lab technician accidentally cut the tape and removed the missing scenes, but no lab technician has been identified in connection with the editing mistake. Clancy commented on this explanation: “I have no idea how this could happen accidentally. People who work with these kinds of materials understand that it’s actually a very complicated set of things you have to do to make an edit like that. You have to find and locate this man who’s a stranger to you in this chaotic scene where it’s very dark, and he’s only in the scene for a fleeting moment. To make an edit is not a one-button operation. There are multiple, multiple steps. You do it intentionally. Perhaps if you accidentally take out one piece, though I don’t understand how this would happen, I don’t understand how you take out another piece that is several minutes later.”152 The second police videotape provided by I-Witness Video afforded ample evidence to dismiss all charges against Dunlop. In another instance, Josh Banno was accused of setting fire to a dragon float at an August 29 protest, and was one of the few protesters at the RNC to face felony charges and spend a week in jail on $200,000 bail.153 Mr. Banno’s defense team turned over a videotape to the District Attorney in November or December that showed Mr. Banno was standing away from the fire. After prosecutors claimed the tape was not completely exculpatory, the defense team found a series of photographs—in time sequence—that showed conclusively that Mr. Banno could not have set the fires.154 The case was subsequently dismissed. Damaging the Integrity of the Criminal Justice System Former district attorney Michael Conroy represented Alexander Dunlop in his criminal case. During the trial the District Attorney made a statement that the arresting officer was backing down from her affadavit statement—in other words the District Attorney had withheld potentially exculpatory information. Conroy noted that providing doctored tapes has done a disservice to the entire criminal justice system. Having served on the board of the National District Attorney’s Association and as a former Assistant District Attorney, Conroy knew first-the risks when the Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 49 Long-time video archivist and political activist Eileen Clancy of I-Witness Video has been monitoring police activity in the United States and Ireland since 1997. Clancy’s documentation was instrumental in having charges dropped in several criminal cases against protesters. PHOTO: IAN HEAD 50 Punishing Protest defense, prosecution and police do not cooperate: “The police, the prosecutors should be open when they have a case. They should be open with discovery. They should be open with their evidence and work hand in hand with the defense to make sure that an innocent person is not convicted. It certainly threatens the basis of trust that should exist in the courtroom between D.A.s and defense attorneys; and the comments that were made later with regard to the police officer that I never heard about, I should have heard about from the District Attorney’s office.”155 Members of Congress Call for Investigation In response to the New York Times coverage of the police-alteration of evidence, members of Congress156 raised concerns in April 2005 about police misconduct and perjury at the Republican National Convention. Calling reports of misconduct “credible and troubling,” they urged the Justice Department to investigate criminal deprivations of rights under color of law and civil violations of the police pattern and practice laws. 157 A year later, on May 17, 2006, civil liberties organizations learned that in fact such an investigation had been launched. They learned of it when the New York Times reported that as part of the FBI’s criminal civil rights investigation of the New York Police Department, it was seeking to interview jailed activists whose charges were later dropped. The NYPD’s chief spokesperson Paul J. Browne said an internal investigation had been opened into Mr. Kyne’s arrest in September 2005, working with the F.B.I. and the Manhattan District Attorney’s office.158 A week before the New York Times reported on the investigation, the Civilian Complaint Review Board, the city agency that monitors reports of police abuse, criticized two deputy chiefs for their performance during the convention, saying that because the chiefs did not use bullhorns, some of the arrests of 240 people at two demonstrations on August 31 were unnecessary. 159 Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly has defended the chiefs, asserting that hundreds of thousands of demonstrators dissented freely and openly in the streets during the convention as the police kept public order and fulfilled their antiterrorism duties. Conclusion Police doctoring of evidence that would exonerate innocent individuals, accompanied by police perjury to justify false arrests, was exposed in New York thanks to the diligence and perseverance of independent videographers. Although many of the criminal charges brought during the 2004 Republican National Convention against protesters and bystanders were dropped as a result, a question Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 51 remains about how many other illegal actions by police were not documented and exposed. When the very branch of government charged with enforcing the nation’s laws breaks the law, the integrity of the police and prosecutors is significantly damaged. Such actions reflect poorly on the judgment of police as a whole. And they call into question how officers exercise discretion, and whether they can be trusted to respect lawful First Amendment activities. Expression cannot be truly free unless police can be relied on to act with honor. 52 Punishing Protest During the 2000 Democratic National Convention, Los Angeles police fired rubber bullets at Carol Sobel, co-chair of the National Lawyers Guild’s Mass Defense Committee. PHOTO: ROD GORNEY Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 53 Court Settlements and Decrees to Protect Free Speech and Political Activity I went to the 2000 DNC prepared for trouble. I saw then-LAPD Chief Bernard Parks brandishing his new toys—an arsenal of “less-lethal” weapons—cavalierly pledging there would be no replay of the Seattle WTO in his city. That’s why, along with pens, paper, and other tools of legal observing, I had a hockey helmet in my backpack. Not that it did much good. It didn’t protect me from the pepper spray in my face or the club across my back. And it certainly didn’t help when I got shot. The rubber bullet hit me on the thigh as I tried to run away, knocking me off my feet and leaving me helpless. Fortunately, someone helped me up and dragged me away. The bruise lasted several weeks, the tissue damage for weeks longer, and the psychic scars to this day. Since then, I’ve been to demonstrations with huge, menacing police presence, and it makes me angry, and more than a little frightened. As I watched the LAPD beat peaceful demonstrators at the Immigrant Rights march on May Day [seven years later] I wasn’t surprised. Disregard for the demonstrators’ rights seems to be ingrained in the LAPD, no matter how much settlements, consent decrees or court judgments cost them. They’ll do it again. P – Dave Saldana, Assistant Professor of Journalism at Iowa State University, attorney, and NLG member olice misconduct litigation around the country has resulted in several settlements to help restrain over-reaching law enforcement and faciliate the exercise of free speech. Washington, D.C. On November 21, 2006, attorneys from the Partnership for Civil Justice (PCJ) announced a settlement of its lawsuit against the District of Columbia and the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) that arose in connection with the demonstrations at the 2001 inauguration of George W. Bush.160 As a result of this federal litigation, the MPD will institute significant changes in its police practices and training programs with regard to demonstrations. The lawsuit uncovered and exposed the MPD’s long-term domestic spying operation in which undercover officers were sent to infiltrate protest groups absent any allegations of criminal activity. This led to a D.C. Council investigation and efforts to reign in police spying, incorporated into the First Amendment Rights and Police 54 Punishing Protest Standards Act which became effective in January 2005. The lawsuit also revealed that felonious attacks on lawful protestors along the parade route were carried out by MPD plain-clothed detectives on an undercover counterintelligence detail. The MPD initially denied that these men were their officers until PCJ established it in the litigation. These attacks gained national attention including on NOW with Bill Moyers and in the movie Unconstitutional. A critical change as a result of this litigation concerns the use of force against demonstrators. The Washington Post reported that the litigation uncovered evidence that the police had suspended rules requiring officers to report on the use of force against demonstrators, and “had pressed undercover officers to infiltrate protest groups and sought to provoke protesters and uninvolved bystanders by attacking them with batons and pepper spray.”161 Carl Messineo, attorney and co-founder of the Partnership for Civil Justice stated, “In other words, the police had been given a green light to assault protestors knowing that they would not have to report their actions or acknowledge that force had been used.”162 Under the settlement, the police department will revise its police handbook, and training, to provide protections for protesters, including a requirement that officers report use of force during mass demonstrations and forbid arrests without evidence that a crime was committed. It will include restrictions and prohibitions on the use of police lines against protestors and will instruct officers that parading without a permit is not an arrestable offense. D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams, at the request of the Metropolitan Police Department, announced that he would refuse to sign the bill. Nonetheless, it became law over their objections. Los Angeles, California In June 2005, the City of Los Angeles entered into a settlement agreement in National Lawyers Guild, et al. v. City of Los Angeles, et al., an action arising from the use of unlawful force and disruption of lawful assemblies during the 2000 Democratic National Convention, as well as at a demonstration on October 22, 2000. The settlement provided for six changes in the policy and practices of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) as applied to demonstrations. The terms of the settlement provide that demonstrators participating in lawful assemblies are not to be prevented from using public sidewalks adjacent to a lawful march route. The terms also provide that LAPD officers are not to use their motorcycles as a weapon of crowd control against peaceful demonstrators. Less-lethal munitions may only be used on “armed suspects or individuals showing aggressive or combative actions. Less-lethal weapons are not to be used on a lawfully dispersing crowd or individual.”163 The settlement provides that before declaring an unlawful assembly the LAPD Incident Commander should evaluate the feasibility of isolating and Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 55 Among the changes adopted by the D.C. Council, the First Amendment Rights and Police Standards Act: ● Prohibits use of police lines to encircle participants engaged in First Amendment protected assembly as a general matter. Police lines may only be used against groups engaged in First Amendment activities where there is probable cause to arrest individuals and the decision has been made to arrest those particular individuals. ● Requires that police give notice and the opportunity to leave and specifies warnings and content of warnings that must be given, including location of exits so that people can leave. ● Requires that MPD members wear or display their nameplates and badge, and not remove or cover identifying information. ● Requires that officers wear enhanced methods of identification at First Amendment assemblies including greater visibility on riot gear. ● Prohibits use of riot gear as a general matter at First Amendment assemblies, without greater showing of cause. ● Requires that persons arrested in connection with First Amendment assemblies be given written notice of all their release options. ● Requires that persons arrested at First Amendment assemblies who are eligible for release be released within four hours of arrest. ● Requires that the MPD provide documentation and justification for each arrest made in connection with a First Amendment assembly. arresting individuals responsible for unlawful conduct, and should pursue such action if feasible. Albuquerque, New Mexico Albuquerque lawyers brought a joint National Lawyers Guild and ACLU sponsored lawsuit against the Albuquerque Police Department in 2004. The lawsuit stemmed from suppression of First Amendment rights of protesters after the U.S. government invaded Iraq. 56 Punishing Protest Civil rights attorneys Mara Verheyden-Hilliard (right) and Carl Messineo are co-founders of the public interest legal organization the Partnership for Civil Justice in Washington, D.C. The Partnership’s success in representing hundreds of activists and political organizations has won wide acclaim. The Washington Post called Verheyden-Hilliard and Messineo “The Constitutional Sheriffs for a New Protest Generation.” (David Montgomery, “Stirring a Cause,” May 12, 2003.) PHOTO: COPYRIGHT 2003, THE WASHINGTON POST. PHOTO BY DUDLEY M. BROOKS. REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION. Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 57 Following the filing of the lawsuit, the mayor’s office realized that the ordinance on the books was unconstitutional. In negotiations separate from the protest lawsuit, National Lawyers Guild and ACLU attorneys negotiated a new ordinance entitled the Albuquerque Free Expression and Parade Ordinance. The ordinance provides that if a demonstration begins on the sidewalk but attracts an unexpected number of participants such that the demonstration begins to occupy a portion of the street, the Albuquerque Police Department shall accommodate the protest by closing a segment, lane or portion of the street where so doing will not jeopardize the demonstrators or unreasonably inhibit the flow of traffic on a major traffic route. Oakland, California In 2004, the Oakland Police Department (OPD) agreed to implement wide reforms to stop the use of less-lethal weapons against protesters as a result of class action litigation. Two lawsuits had been brought by the National Lawyers Guild, the ACLU of Northern California and several civil rights attorneys, after police opened fire on peaceful antiwar protesters at the Port of Oakland in April 2003. Nearly 60 people, including dockworkers from Local 10, ILWU, were hit by wooden bullets, sting ball grenades and shot filled bean bags, resulting in numerous injuries. The new crowd control policy forbids the indiscriminate use of such weapons, as well as rubber bullets, pepper spray and police motorcycles, to move or control crowds. With this agreement, Oakland became the first city in the country to establish a policy banning the use of less-lethal weapons for crowd control. In a statement announcing the settlement, National Lawyers Guild attorney Rachel Lederman said, “The recent death of a 21-year-old college student in Boston, after a baseball game, serves as a tragic reminder of the serious injuries that can result when so-called less-lethal weapons are used against crowds. Hopefully, this settlement will prevent future tragedies and will serve as a model for other police departments throughout the nation.”164 The settlement agreement includes a new “Crowd Management Policy” that strictly limits the use of force, and mandates that a primary goal of the Oakland Police Department in their planning for and management of demonstrations must be the protection of the right to assemble and demonstrate. It forbids the use of crowd dispersal methods that create a risk of hurting protesters and bystanders (stun guns, tasers, dogs, and stinger grenades, for example), and forbids the use of bean bags, aerosol pepper spray and batons against crowds of passive resisters. The agreement also provides a comprehensive framework for policing First Amendment activity and other crowd events, including requiring the police to give clear and audible orders to the crowd and to allow time for individuals to comply 58 Punishing Protest before taking enforcement action. In addition, officers are to arrest individuals who refuse to follow legitimate police orders, rather than using weapons or other force to move them. Oakland was also forced to pay more than $1.5 million in damages, fees and costs to the injured demonstrators and dockworkers. Denver, Colorado In violation of a city prohibition against collecting First Amendment related intelligence, from the early 1980s until 2002, the Denver Police created files on over 200 organizations and over 3,000 individuals. In 2002, the ACLU filed American Friends Service Committee v. City and County of Denver,165 a lawsuit charging that, beginning in the early 1980s, Denver police were monitoring lawful protest and First Amendment activities. Some of the groups monitored were the American Friends Service Committee, Amnesty International and many others with no history of criminal activity. Police intercepted e-mails, recorded license plate numbers of vehicles at demonstrations, and even infiltrated advocacy group meetings. A settlement reached in May 2003 provides that Denver police must have a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity in order to collect such First Amendmentrelated information. Columbus, Georgia Each November the School of the Americas Watch holds a protest on public property immediately outside of Fort Benning. Their nonviolent protest seeks to pressure the federal government to stop funding to the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, known as the “School of the Americas.” In November 2002, just a week before the protest, the City of Columbus instituted a policy that all protesters must pass through a metal detector at a checkpoint a few blocks from the protest site. If metal was detected, police would search the person and his or her possessions. Police calculated that protesters need arrive 90 minutes or two hours ahead of time to get through the checkpoints. The School of the Americas Watch sought a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction, saying that the searches violated their First and Fourth Amendment rights. The court dismissed the complaint, and the City conducted the searches. On appeal, and after the City conducted metal detector searches at the 2003 protest, the Eleventh Circuit ruled that the searches did indeed violate the First and Fourth Amendments to the Constitution. Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 59 The Court found that “the ability of protesters to avoid the searches by declining to participate in the protest does not alleviate the constitutional infirmity of the City’s search policy; indeed, the very purpose of the unconstitutional conditions doctrine is to prevent the Government from subtly pressuring citizens, whether purposely or inadvertently, into surrendering their rights.”166 Governmental Reversals of Constitutional Gains While these, and other, court settlements are positive developments, they come in a disturbing context that suggests they merely slow the ongoing erosion of the right to dissent. Some cities, such as New York and Chicago, are reversing longstanding consent decrees in response to police or city attorney requests. Other cities’ legislators are rewriting earlier restrictions, guidelines that were often created based on the New York Handschu consent decree. The Handschu Consent Decree in New York City In New York City, police investigations of individuals or groups engaging in political activities are governed by a consent decree from the lawsuit Handschu v. Special Services Division.167 Known as the Handschu Settlement, it was agreed to in 1980 by a plaintiff class numbering in the millions and the New York City Police Department along with other municipal defendants.168 The decree took effect in 1986, and has since been loosened in response to the City and police department’s assertion that it hindered terrorism investigations. The Handschu case was originally filed in response to increased surveillance by the New York City Police Department (NYPD) during the era of 1960s activism of organizations and individuals who were critical of the government. The plaintiffs in Handschu (including Guild member Barbara Handschu) alleged that the NYPD deterred them from First Amendment activity by using informers, infiltration, interrogation, surveillance, summary punishment, and by creating a fearful atmosphere at public gatherings. The settlement created a set of court-ordered guidelines that the police had to follow in conducting investigations of political, religious and associational activity. The decree also established an “Authority” within the police department to oversee the police Intelligence Division’s activities, which had a civilian member appointed by the Mayor.169 The NYPD was prohibited from investigating political activity, and was only allowed to investigate after the police department determined that there was specific information that a person or group carrying out political activity was engaged in or about to engage in criminal activity.170 The settlement prohibited creation of files on groups or individuals based solely on their political, religious, sexual or economic preference.171 60 Punishing Protest The settlement established a means for individuals believing they were subjects of surveillance to obtain confirmation of such surveillance. It also contained a “cure” provision where even an attorney chosen by an individual class member could ask the police to cease an activity proscribed by the guidelines as a condition precedent to moving to hold the police in contempt of the consent decree. In 2002, twenty-two years after the settlement was signed, the NYPD asked to modify the consent decree, claiming that the agreement was too restrictive, would inhibit the investigation of terrorism, and jeopardize the safety of New Yorkers. U.S. District Court Judge Charles Haight agreed with the NYPD that the threat of terrorism since the attacks of September 11, 2001 warranted modification of the consent decree.172 The modification to the guidelines substantially weakened the decree. As a condition to obtaining the modification, the federal court required the police to adopt additional guidelines modeled on the Justice Department’s 2002 guidelines for political investigations by the FBI. At first, these were not formally part of a court order, but after the police were caught conducting political interrogations of antiwar demonstrators only days after the court approved the modification, the court re-incorporated the additional guidelines in its decree.173 Since early 2004, the plaintiff class and police have been in repeated litigation about the meaning of the additional guidelines. The police department took the position that they are not under a court-ordered obligation to follow the new guidelines, and that the new guidelines and the decree are no longer enforceable in court. In June 2006, Judge Haight “clarified” that the new guidelines are indeed part of the modification of the original consent decree.174 That ruling came in the course of a pending motion by the plaintiff class that the new guidelines, like the original guidelines, prohibit police photo surveillance of class members participating in lawful demonstrations and First Amendment activity. Judge Haight’s ruling on a motion to enjoin police photo surveillance of lawful demonstrations was released on February 15, 2007. He wrote: “The videotaping or photographing by the NYPD of any individual or individuals engaging in political activity must be conducted in accordance with the Modified Handschu Guidelines, and in a manner consistent with this Opinion.”175 However, the modified decree opened the door for widespread investigations of political groups across the nation and the world before the 2004 GOP Convention in New York, and once again included tactics like infiltration and surveillance. On March 25, 2007 the New York Times reported that the New York City Police Department conducted broad spying before the Republican National Convention. The article quoted David Cohen, the deputy police commissioner for intelligence and a former senior official at the Central Intelligence Agency as saying that in Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 61 combating terrorism it was necessary to spy on domestic political activists, and of writing in an affidavit dated September 12, 2002: “Given the range of activities that may be engaged in by the members of a sleeper cell in the long period of preparation for an act of terror, the entire resources of the NYPD must be available to conduct investigations into political activity and intelligence-related issues.”176 On June 13, 2007, Judge Haight reversed his February order limiting New York police videotaping of individuals at public gatherings, saying that he alone lacked the power to enforce the guidelines. The Court found that “the ability of protesters to avoid the searches by declining to participate in the protest does not alleviate the constitutional infirmity of the City’s search policy; indeed, the very purpose of the unconstitutional conditions doctrine is to prevent the Government from subtly pressuring citizens, whether purposely or inadvertently, into surrendering their rights.” Chicago’s Red Squad Consent Decree In 2001 the Seventh Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals modified Chicago’s Alliance to End Repression Consent Decree. Also known as the Red Squad federal consent decree, it had been signed in 1981 and prohibited police from spying on, gathering information on, or disrupting the constitutionally protected activities of political groups.177 Mayor Richard Daley sought modification of the consent decree in federal court in 1997, claiming that it was impeding investigations of gang activity. The City asked permission to return to the practice of videotaping and spying on street demonstrations. The ACLU and the Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights contested the City’s request. After District Court Judge Anne Williams denied the City’s claim, the City appealed to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, and in January 2001, a three-judge panel of the 7th Circuit Court stripped the consent decree. The 2001 modification came after Chief Judge Richard A. Posner wrote that the decree “rendered the police helpless to do anything to protect the public.”178 The court approved a modified decree permitting police to spy on demonstrators 62 Punishing Protest and other groups. The modified decree provides that intelligence gathering must be documented and also calls for both internal and external audits to monitor compliance with the consent order. The police rewrote the regulations covering political dissent, and no longer claim that they wanted to videotape demonstrations for training purposes. They now admit that they videotape with the express purpose of identifying individual protesters for later action. After several groups threatened to disrupt the Trans-Atlantic Business Dialogue—a meeting of international business leaders held in Chicago in 2002—according to an internal police audit obtained in February 2004 by the Chicago Sun-Times, police infiltrated the meetings of five protest groups in 2002 and a year after began four other spying operations.179 Undercover officers attended meetings, rallies and events of the Chicago Direct Action Network, the American Friends Service Committee, the Autonomous Zone, Not in Our Name, and Anarchist Black Cross. They videotaped and audiotaped the protests. These groups, along with the National Lawyers Guild, held a press conference on February 25, 2004 at the Chicago Police Department headquarters to address disclosures that they were targets of infiltration and spying by the CPD. Detroit, Michigan The Detroit Police Department entered into consent decrees in 2003 aimed at the department’s use of force (and treatment of prisoners). On May 16, 2007 the Police Department asked a judge to relax the steps needed to comply with the court orders, saying that the federal monitor should trust the department rather than requiring police to demonstrate compliance. The court had appointed the New York consulting company Kroll Inc. to serve as the police department’s federal monitor. The April 2007 quarterly monitoring report noted that of 86 requirements looked at that quarter, the department had complied with 14, and failed to comply with 49. The other 23 were still being evaluated as of this writing.180 The consent decrees were reached aver a 30-month federal investigation into dozens of fatal police shootings in Detroit, and how the police department handled them. Over $100 million had been paid to settle lawsuits against the police.181 Portland, Oregon Since 1981, under Oregon law, police are not allowed to gather or maintain information on the political, religious or social views or individuals or groups unless such information relates directly to a criminal investigation and reasonable grounds exist to believe that such individuals or groups may be involved. Despite this law, Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 63 the Portland Police Bureau has continued to engage in gathering and maintaining such information. Police files that should have been destroyed in 1981 were kept until 2002. They contained surveillance records showing that police kept files on political activists from the 1960s until the early 1980s. In April 2005 Portland became the first city to withdraw from its local Joint Terrorism Task Force agreement with the FBI. The agreement gave unfettered discretion to Portland police to not only investigate, but also obstruct, political activities of Portland. Local officers assigned to the JTF are deputized and act much like FBI agents, supervised only by the FBI.182 Conclusion Police misconduct litigation around the country reveals a striking similarity of tactics being used by state and local governments to silence the rights of assembly and free speech. Tactics include denying permits based on the content of speech, creating “free speech” zones, using pop-up police lines to trap protesters and conduct mass false arrests and detentions, and using less-lethal weapons on passive assemblers. The uniformity of approach and the relentless application of aggressive policing tactics suggest a highly organized threat to civil liberties. Court settlements and consent decrees arising from litigation by the National Lawyers Guild and other groups have helped to hold in check the unfettered abuse by police of First Amendment freedoms. Nonetheless, while progress made by such settlements has been steady, at the same time several cities such as New York are diluting or dissolving important limits on police spying that were enacted after the government’s counter intelligence program (COINTELPRO) of decades ago. Important restrictions were placed on FBI spying on political and religious organizations after a U.S. Senate Select Committee disclosed the longstanding and wide-ranging surveillance and infiltration program that targeted antiwar activists, religious and political organizations and thousands of other organizations and individuals. Current intelligence initiatives, and measures to dissolve longstanding consent decrees, are rapidly undoing the reforms put in place three decades ago. 64 Punishing Protest San Diego Critical Mass bicyclists in a 2004 ride. PHOTO: MICHEL MARTINEZ Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 65 Case Study: Bicyclists Under Fire ‘Smolka tackled Adrienne!’ gasped the voice on the other end of the telephone line. I was answering incoming calls from Legal Observers monitoring the monthly Critical Mass bicycle ride in New York, and was helping to track police arrests of riders around Manhattan. The caller was upset and sounded frightened as he watched and reported on events unfurling before his eyes in busy Times Square on a Friday night. I knew immediately that he was referring to police chief Bruce Smolka who had a reputation for heavy-handedness when dealing with protesters. I also knew that the victim of his aggression was one of the National Lawyers Guild’s regular Legal Observers, Adrienne Wheeler. I was instantly alarmed and recall thinking that this time the police had really crossed the line by singling out one of our Observers. I was sure that the police officers knew who she was and went after her for her visible role. I felt so helpless sitting in the office, away from the fray. C – Grainne O’Neill, Legal Observer Dispatcher, National Lawyers Guild NYC Chapter ritical Mass is an event that occurs on the last Friday of every month in cities around the world. Originating in San Francisco in 1992, Critical Mass events have expanded to over 200 cities in fourteen different countries. Lacking a formal leadership structure, the Critical Mass movement is coordinated entirely by its participants, who ride together through city streets once a month for what many call a “celebration of cycling.” The philosophy of Critical Mass is encompassed in the motto “We’re not blocking traffic; we are traffic.”183 Because the Critical Mass movement does not have a specific agenda, bicyclists attend the events for a variety of reasons. Some come to show support for alternative energy sources, and to protest the effects of automobile pollution and traffic congestion. Others do not come to oppose any specific policies but view Critical Mass as a social event where they have the ability to cycle safely with others. Critical Mass provides a case study of several ways in which government action has a chilling effect on free association and free speech. At the local and state government levels, First Amendment violations occur when legislation is enacted that targets specific individuals for activities that had previously been permissible or occurred with lesser punishment. In some instances, proposed regulations are being put forth by law enforcement, rather than legislators. This presents two distinct problems. One is that after identifying individuals and groups it deems a threat to national security, the government has been conducting false arrests and misusing grand juries for investigative, and intimidation, purposes. Punishing Protest 66 The other is that the legislative function is being usurped by a small part of the executive branch. An examination of police response to Critical Mass rides in New York illustrates both of these problems. Police Abuse of Bicyclists In recent years Critical Mass events in the United States have become targets of domestic spying and surveillance. The movement has been subject to the same patterns of police overreaching used at other demonstrations around the country. Critical Mass rides had taken place largely without incident in New York for over ten years before the police dramatically changed their response to the events in 2004. Days before the Republican National Convention, on August 27, 2004, police arrested 264 bicyclists for allegedly participating in that night’s Critical Mass ride.184 Because the ride preceded the convention and was linked to protest of the convention itself, the ride attracted more participants than usual; approximately 5,000 cyclists were estimated to have attended. The police based the arrests that day in part on the fact that bicyclists were blocking side streets to keep the mass together, just as the police had done during previous Critical Mass events. While some bicycle riders may have committed traffic violations, there was no constitutional basis for arresting them for such minor infractions—automobile drivers who commit similar infractions usually receive a warning or traffic ticket. Before the convention’s end, almost 100 or more bicyclists were arrested for allegedly participating in, or being near, protests involving bicycles. Nearly all were charged with parading without a permit and disorderly conduct. While some bicycle riders may have committed traffic violations, there was no constitutional basis for arresting them for such minor infractions—automobile drivers who commit similar infractions usually receive a warning or traffic ticket. Bicyclists reported being pepper-sprayed and assaulted by both uniformed and undercover police agents. In October 2004, five Critical Mass participants in New York filed a lawsuit against the NYPD, challenging its seizures of their bicycles on the night of the September 2004 Critical Mass ride. In what Federal Judge William Pauley III characterized as a “reflex action,” the City counter-sued, seeking an injunction against them and “all others acting in concert with them” that would have Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 67 Chasing Fish in a Barrel A New York Times editorial of December 29, 2006 commented on the vast police resources devoted to Critical Mass: “The New York police, who deem Critical Mass an illegal parade and have drafted a law that would essentially ban it, have seemed obsessed with the rides since one coincided with the Republican National Convention in August 2004…. An amazing array of police resources—scooters, vans, unmarked cars and helicopters—chase a quarry that looks like fish in a barrel. Police vehicles race the wrong way and on sidewalks, posing a greater public danger than the bikers.” prevented future Critical Mass rides, or pre-ride gatherings in a City park, from proceeding without permits. In October and December, Judge Pauley ruled in the bicyclists’ favor, finding that whether the City’s parade permitting scheme applied to Critical Mass rides as a “novel and complex question of state law,” and rejecting the City’s injunctive bids.185 More Police Perjury and Assaults High level police officers in plain clothes have engaged in singling out and assaulting several bicycle riders since August 2004. Another officer committed perjury by saying he had witnessed a traffic infraction when he had not, saying later that his lieutenant had ordered him to say so.186 At the February 2006 Critical Mass ride, an NYPD chief tackled graduate student and Guild Legal Observer Adrienne Wheeler as she rode her bicycle, bringing her to the ground and resulting in several injuries. The plain-clothed officer who attacked Wheeler was Assistant Chief Bruce Smolka, the borough commander of the Manhattan South precinct. He did not identify himself as a police officer, nor did he ask her to stop her bicycle before bringing her to the ground. Bruce Bentley, a lawyer with the National Lawyers Guild, commented dryly on the incident, “I’m not aware of drivers in cars being pulled from their cars and thrown to the ground as part of being issued a traffic ticket.”187 As was proven later in court, a police officer lied about what he saw Ms. Wheeler doing. NYPD Officer Alfred Ortiz said that he personally saw Wheeler ride her bicycle the wrong way on a one-way street. In September 2006, a traffic court judge dismissed charges against Wheeler after Ortiz admitted he gave false statements when he swore that he personally saw Wheeler riding the wrong way. The National Lawyers Guild New York City Chapter provided videotapes of the incident to the 68 Punishing Protest Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) in March showing clearly that Smolka did not identify himself as an officer nor issue any warning beforehand. This was not the first incident in which Smolka physically assaulted a female bicyclist. In a federal lawsuit, Cynthia Greenberg alleged that Smolka kicked her repeatedly in the head, “accompanied by graphic verbal invective—an obscenity, combined with a scatological reference,”188 as he tried to arrest her at a May 5, 2003 rally outside 26 Federal Plaza in Manhattan.189 A videotape shows that the Assistant Chief’s left knee hit Greenberg’s head with enough force that she grabbed her head, visibly in pain. In another incident on the night of the April 2005 Critical Mass ride, Smolka tried to remove a woman “straddling her bike and walking it.” Other officers joined him in pushing her into a police van.190 In late April 2007, the city of New York reached a $150,000 settlement in Greenberg’s lawsuit accusing Smolka of kicking her in the head. National Lawyers Guild member Jonathan Moore was one of Greenberg’s attorneys; he noted that the amount of the settlement indicated that the city and the police department knew they would have a difficult time winning a trial.191 “The fact they are willing to pay that amount of money is a de facto admission, if you will, that they knew what Smolka did was wrong,” Moore said. “They didn’t want to risk showing that video to a jury.”192 Police Department Proposes Parade Regulations In 2006, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) proposed a set of restrictive regulations requiring permits for a host of mundane activities such as riding bicycles and gathering with friends on sidewalks—all prompted by an increased suspicion of bicycle activists. Creating laws targeting specific groups is unnecessary when regulations already exist to address the proscribed behavior. And such laws are usually found unconstitutional by reviewing courts. In Washington, D.C., for example, a ban on demonstrations on Capitol grounds was held to be unconstitutional. Saying that security concerns do not outweigh the right to free speech, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the 30-yearold ban.193 Litigation challenging the regulations began in 1997—well before the 2001 attacks—when Capitol Police arrested artist Robert Lederman for distributing leaflets in the no-demonstration zone. Security concerns infused the case, however, after September 11, as the government argued that it should be afforded additional latitude to prohibit demonstrations. Citing what has been dubbed the “tourist standard,” the Court rejected the notion that demonstrators pose a greater security risk to the Capitol building and its occupants than do pedestrians, who may travel in groups of any size, carry any number of bags and boxes, and stay as long as they Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 69 At the February 2006 Critical Mass ride, a high-ranking New York Police Department chief attacked graduate student and Guild Legal Observer Adrienne Wheeler. The plain-clothed officer who tackled Wheeler was Assistant Chief Bruce Smolka, the borough commander of the Manhattan South precinct. He did not identify himself as a police officer, nor did he ask her to stop her bicycle before wrestling her. PHOTO: IAN HEAD 70 Punishing Protest wish—all anonymously. While the government may restrict the size and manner of protests, the appeals court held that it cannot ban them outright from a public place.194 Such targeted legislation curbs individuals’ free speech rights, and in singling out certain kinds of actions, denies other non-activist bicyclists equal protection under the law. In attempting to penalize groups for actions that have a political message, resulting regulations are usually so broad in scope that they encompass others lawfully engaged in similar activities—in the case of the New York bicyclists the laws would also affect recreational riders, school groups, and tourists. Infiltration and Surveillance In addition to devoting enormous resources to openly monitoring and making arrests at Critical Mass rides, the police have also engaged in covert surveillance of the monthly events. Unidentified police are often planted by the NYPD to obtain video footage of the cycling events, and surveillance is conducted without warrants. The New York Times helped to expose the fact that plain-clothed police officers actively participate in Critical Mass events to manipulate the outcome of the rides.195 National Lawyers Guild member Gideon Oliver, a civil rights attorney who has represented many of the hundreds of bicyclists arrested in connection with Critical Mass rides in New York between 2004 and 2006, commented on the increased police surveillance at these events: “Undercover officers have been a regular fixture at Critical Mass rides since at least August 2004. They interact with bicyclists. Some undercover officers participate in rides. Other undercover officers take Polaroid pictures and video footage. In some cases they are even fake-arrested—handcuffed, placed in vans, and later set free.”196 Police Hostility Around the Country Police harassment of Critical Mass participants extends beyond New York. In Spokane, Washington in November 2005, less than ten minutes into a ride, police officers used excessive force to tackle and arrest several participants. In Reno, Nevada in January 2005, bikers were handcuffed and threatened with jail time for minor traffic violations.197 On April 28, 2006 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Critical Mass bicyclists claimed to have been chased by city police. One participant, Nichali Ciaccio noted, “The police had a distinct, intended plan to shut down the bike ride whether or not laws were broken. For most of us, this is no contention at all: it is strikingly obvious. If you’ve been on any one of the [Critical] Mass shut downs by police, it’s clear that the crackdown is predetermined and part of a systematic plan to destabilize the Critical Mass movement.”198 The Milwaukee police chase culminated in six unlawful arrests, and 15 other bikers were unlawfully ticketed. At a 2006 Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 71 Critical Mass event in Denver, Colorado, nearly half of the 150 riders were given traffic tickets199 and their bicycles confiscated.200 Larry Hildes, a National Lawyers Guild member in Washington state who represents Critical Mass riders, said, “We had a supervising officer in Berkeley insist that Critical Mass was only protected by the First Amendment when they were standing still. They have two rights at play, the First Amendment right to protest and to symbolic speech and free expression in a traditional public forum (the streets), and the right of bicyclists to be considered traffic equal to cars even though they move slower, for a variety of public policy and environmental reasons.”201 Guild member Carol Sobel further noted, “It seems to me that there is frequently a conflict between the exercise of expressive rights in traditional public forums and ‘public convenience.’ The health of our democracy demands that free speech be given greater respect than convenience.”202 FreeWheels Support for Bicyclists In April 2005, a group of activists, including National Lawyers Guild members Dave Rankin and Mark Taylor, founded the non-profit organization FreeWheels to provide support for Critical Mass cyclists who were targets of police harassment in New York City. At each Critical Mass event since the organization’s founding, FreeWheels affiliates have offered arrestees food and water, loaner bicycles, and legal advice and assistance. FreeWheels has also initiated the FreeWheels Bicycle Defense Fund, which helps to alleviate the financial burden of court costs for Critical Mass participants. Dave Rankin notes: “As long as there are police on the streets and folks who want to ride, FreeWheels and the Lawyers Guild will be there.” “Undercover officers have been a regular fixture at Critical Mass rides since at least August 2004. They interact with bicyclists. Some undercover officers participate in rides. Other undercover officers take Polaroid pictures and video footage. In some cases they are even fake-arrested—handcuffed, placed in vans, and later set free.” - Gideon Oliver, civil rights attorney An Onerous Parade Permit Law In January 2006, New York City Criminal Court Judge Gerald Harris in People v. Bezjak, et al.,203 declared the City’s parade permit law to be “hopelessly overbroad” and one that “constitutes a burden on free expression that is more than the First 72 Punishing Protest Amendment can bear.”204 The written verdict dismissed the “parading without a permit” charges against all of the eight individuals who were arrested at a January 2005 Critical Mass bicycle ride, but held each guilty of disorderly conduct.205 Part of the reason the permit law is unconstitutional, Judge Harris found, is that if a bystander unknowingly partakes in a permit-less march, he or she may be arrested or even imprisoned. Gideon Oliver noted after the verdict that under the parade law, a law that the court clearly found unconstitutional, the NYPD has arrested and prosecuted hundreds of people since August 2004. New York City Police Department Enacts Burdensome Parade Regulations Even though Judge Harris called the New York parade permit law burdensome and overbroad, in late August 2006 the NYPD proposed parade regulations that were even more impractical. The proposed regulations could have resulted in arrest for parading without a permit for any group of two or more cyclists or pedestrians traveling down a public street, who violate any traffic law, rule or regulation. Every group of 35 of more pedestrians planning to walk on the sidewalk, such as school children, would have been required to obtain a permit and approved route from the NYPD or would be subject to arrest. And any group of 20 or more cyclists would have had to obtain a permit and approved route from the NYPD or would be subject to arrest.206 The rules would have essentially eliminated spontaneous gatherings, as people would be required to file for permits months in advance. The burden of having small groups try to navigate the complex police bureaucracy and negotiate the particulars of their events: which sidewalk they will be on, where they will make turns, how long they will be there, is an overly high burden on rights to assembly and free speech. The rules were so cumbersome in terms of who they would impact that school field trips, site-seeing tours, funerals, and school walks to the park would take place under risk of arrest. According to a New York Times editorial, The department’s proposed parade law—which would greatly restrict the right of assembly for even small groups—goes overboard and isn’t likely to stop the monthly rides anyway. Considering that more than 200 cyclists have died in traffic in New York over the last decade, including two hit by motorists on a bike path recently, the department should have better priorities. The police should pay more attention to the real problems—everyday cyclists who ignore red lights and one-way street signs, and motorists who crowd and cut off bikers.207 Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 73 Many New Yorkers objected both to the content of the proposed regulations and to the fact that they were being drafted by the NYPD and not the City Council. Great concern existed that the regulations would afford the police the power to selectively arrest and detain people for things as common as walking and bicycling. Uniform enforcement of this law would be both impractical and financially detrimental to the City. What if a walking tour unexpectedly attracts 36 people? It seemed that the intent of the parade rules was to explicitly facilitate content-based enforcement. Assemble For Rights NYC Shortly after the NYPD proposed new parade regulations, a coalition of activist groups formed to protect First Amendment activities in New York. Assemble for Rights NYC has as its mission making New York City a model of both security and free expression. Partially due to pressure from Assemble for Rights, the Police Department withdrew its initial proposal. Months later the Police Department promulgated a new parading rule targeting Critical Mass riders. The new rule outlaws gatherings of 50 or more bicyclists without a permit. Several bicycling groups sought a preliminary injunction to bar the City from enforcing the new regulations on large-scale bicycle rides, which provide that 50 or more bicyclists must obtain parade permits. On April 17, 2006, Judge Lewis A, Kaplan of the Federal District Court denied the groups’ motion for an injunction. Assemble for Rights asked the New York City Council to take charge in this matter. The coalition’s website reads, in part: NYC needs new public gathering rules. The city’s current rules are not effective in protecting civil liberties nor do they give the NYPD clear guidelines for policing public events. …[O]nly the New York City Council, as the representatives of the people, have the authority to make laws that affect our fundamental freedoms. We call on the City Council to pass legislation that both safeguards the full expression of our Constitutional rights and ensures the public safety. The new parade rules, established by the NYPD rather than the New York City Council, indicate that there is still much progress to be made in making New York a model of both security and free expression. Assemble for Rights NYC has put forward legislation called the NYC First Amendment Act, based largely on Washington, D.C.’s First Amendment and Police Standards Act of 2005. Punishing Protest 74 Conclusion The treatment of Critical Mass bicycle riders by police encompasses the host of illegal tactics that all levels of law enforcement have been using on protesters around the country, in the streets, at the city and state level, and at the federal level. Such practices have a chilling effect on free speech. They include: ● stigmatizing an identifiable group, ● enacting unnecessary and overbroad legislation aimed at curtailing their activities and mode of expression, ● engaging in excessive and unnecessary violence as well as mass false arrests, ● conducting infiltration and surveillance, and ● diverting important law enforcement and intelligence resources from real threats. None of these tactics has a place in a democracy. Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 75 A Brief History of the National Lawyers Guild F ounded in 1937, the National Lawyers Guild was the nation’s first racially integrated bar association. In the 1930s, Guild lawyers helped organize the United Auto Workers, the Congress of Industrial Organizations, and supported the New Deal in the face of determined American Bar Association opposition. In the 1940s, Guild lawyers fought against fascists in the Spanish Civil War and World War II, and helped prosecute Nazis at Nuremburg. Guild lawyers fought racial discrimination in cases such as Hansberry v. Lee,208 the case that struck down segregationist Jim Crow laws in Chicago. The Guild was one of the nongovernmental organizations selected by the U.S. government to officially represent the American people at the founding of the United Nations in 1945. Members helped draft the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and founded one of the first UNaccredited human rights non-governmental organizations in 1948, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL). In the late 1940s and 1950s, Guild members founded the first national plaintiffs personal injury bar association that became the American Trial Lawyers Association (ATLA), and pioneered storefront law offices for low-income clients that became the model for the community-based offices of the Legal Services Corporation. During the McCarthy era, Guild members represented the Hollywood Ten, the Rosenbergs, and thousands of victims of the anti-communist hysteria. Unlike all other national bar associations, the Guild refused to require “loyalty oaths” of its members and was unjustly labeled “subversive” by the U.S. Justice Department, which later admitted the charges were baseless, after ten years of federal litigation. This period in the Guild’s history made the defense of democratic rights and the dangers of political profiling more than theoretical questions for its members and provided valuable experience in defending First Amendment freedoms that informs the work of the organization today. In the 1960s, the Guild set up offices in the South and organized thousands of volunteer lawyers and law students to support the civil rights movement, long before the federal government or other bar associations. Guild members represented the families of murdered civil rights activists Schwerner, Chaney and Goodman, who were assassinated by local law enforcement-Ku Klux Klan members. Guild-initiated lawsuits brought the Justice Department directly into Mississippi and challenged the seating of the all-white Mississippi delegation at the 1964 Democratic National Convention. Guild lawyers defended civil rights activists and established new federal constitutional protections in Supreme Court cases such as: Dombrowski v. Pfister,209 enjoining thousands of racially-motivated state court criminal prosecutions; Goldberg v. Kelly,210 establishing the concept of “entitlements” to 76 Punishing Protest social benefits which require due process protections; and Monell v. Dept. of Social Services,211 holding municipalities liable for brutal police-employees. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Guild members represented Vietnam War draft resisters, antiwar activists and the Chicago 7. Guild offices in Asia represented GIs who opposed the war. Guild members argued U.S. v. U.S. District Court,212 the Supreme Court case that established that President Richard Nixon could not ignore the Bill of Rights in the name of “national security” and led to the Watergate hearings and Nixon’s resignation. Guild members defended FBI-targeted members of the Black Panther Party, the American Indian Movement, and the Puerto Rican independence movement. Members helped expose illegal F.B.I and C.I.A. surveillance, infiltration and disruption tactics (called COINTELPRO), that the U.S. Senate Church Commission hearings detailed in 1975-76 and which led to enactment of the Freedom of Information Act and other limitations on federal investigative power. The Guild supported self-determination for Palestine and opposed apartheid in South Africa at a time when the U.S. Government called Nelson Mandela a “terrorist,” and began the ongoing fight against the blockade of Cuba. Members founded other civil and human rights institutions, such as the Center for Constitutional Rights, the National Conference of Black Lawyers, the Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute, the Peoples College of Law and others. In the 1980s, the Guild pioneered the “necessity defense” and used international law to support the anti-nuclear movement and to challenge the use of nuclear weapons. In a case argued by Guild lawyers, the World Court declared that nuclear weapons violate international law. The Guild’s National Immigration Project began working on immigration issues, spurred by the need to represent Central American refugees and asylum activists. Legal theories for holding foreign human rights violators accountable in U.S. courts, based on early 19th century federal statutes, were pioneered by Guild attorneys. The Guild organized “people’s tribunals” to expose the illegality of U.S. intervention in Central America that became even more widely known as the Iran-Contra scandal. The Guild prevailed in a lawsuit against the FBI for illegal political surveillance of legal, activist organizations, including the Guild. The NLG Sugar Center for Social and Economic Justice was established in Detroit and the Guild published the first major work on sexual orientation and the law, and the first legal practice manual on HIV/AIDS. In the 1990s, Guild members mobilized opposition to the Gulf War, defended Haitian refugees, opposed the U.S. embargo of Cuba and began to define a new civil rights agenda that includes the right to health care, employment, education, and housing. Members authored the first reports that detailed U.S. violations of human rights standards regarding the death penalty, racism, police brutality, AIDS discrimination and economic rights. The Guild initiated the National Coalition to Protect Political Freedom to focus opposition to “secret evidence” deportations Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 77 and First Amendment violations after passage of the 1996 Anti-Terrorism Act, and established the National Police Accountability Project to address police misconduct. Long before the 1999 World Trade Organization demonstrations in Seattle, the Guild was analyzing of the impact of globalization on human rights and the environment and played an active role opposing NAFTA. As the 20th century drew to a close, the Guild was defending anti-globalization, environmental and labor rights activists from Seattle, to D.C., to L.A. Guild members were playing active roles in encouraging cross-border labor organizing and in exposing the abuses in the maquiladoras on the U.S.-Mexico Border. Today and Tomorrow At the turn of the 21st century, globalization of information and economic activity is a fact of life, but so is the globalization of extremes in wealth and poverty. The American people are facing inescapable trends that will require vast restructuring of our entire society, if we are to avoid the social chaos that is already overtaking life in our major cities, or the militarized imposition of social peace that we see in other unstable societies and that is embodied in post-9/11 laws and policies. Guild members have long recognized that neither democracy nor social justice is possible, internationally or domestically, in the face of vast disparities in individual and social wealth. In short, it has always seen questions of economic and social class as inextricably intertwined with most domestic and international justice issues. The Supreme Court’s decision in Bush v. Gore213 has made clear that the struggle for democracy in this country is far from over. The intertwining of governmental power with the influence of corporations, epitomized by the ENRON debacle, are major challenges in 2007 and beyond. The seizure of increased executive power, the buildup of military might and the attack on civil liberties after the 9/11 tragedy, along with the scapegoating of Muslims and the recreation of McCarthy-esque “antiterrorism” measures, demonstrates that the Guild must, once again, play the role for which history and experience has prepared its members. Guild members lobbied Congress and worked with the House Judiciary Committee in a failing effort to repeal the worst aspects of the 2001 USA PATRIOT Act. Members also filed the first challenges to the detention of prisoners from Afghanistan and to the use of military tribunals. As well, the Guild is collaborating on a campaign to restore habeas corpus, which applies to non-citizens in the United States as well as detainees in Guantanamo Bay. Guild members are defending activists, representing immigrants facing deportation, and testifying in federal and state legislatures against civil liberties cutbacks. They are using their experience and skills to help build the 21st century grassroots movements that will be necessary to protect civil liberties and to defend democracy now and in the future. 78 Punishing Protest Police searched a National Lawyers Guild Legal Observer at the 2000 Republican National Convention in Philadelphia, as another helmuted officer clenched his nightstick. The Legal Observer had not done anything to warrant the search, and was wearing a lime green Legal Observer hat denoting her affiliation with the National Lawyers Guild. PHOTO: HEIDI BOGHOSIAN Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 79 Conclusion T he National Lawyers Guild’s 2004 report on government violations of First Amendment rights discussed the relaxing of guidelines governing spying on domestic activists and said that there was compelling evidence of an ongoing, national drive to collect intelligence related to protest through local law enforcement. Since 2006, Guild members’ suspicions have been confirmed. Revelations surface regularly of widespread programs to spy on and interrogate protesters about their political viewpoints. Law enforcement engaged in a multi-state interrogation program of protesters planning to attend the Democratic and Republican National Conventions in 2004, illegally gathering information about individuals’ political viewpoints, and absent any information that such individuals were planning to engage in unlawful activities of any kind. Decades ago, government spying, infiltration and disruption tactics of the FBI and CIA against domestic political groups (Counter Intelligence Program, or COINTELPRO) led to the establishment of guidelines limiting federal investigative power. Under the Bush Administration many of those guidelines are being loosened or abandoned altogether as the government engages in the same surveillance and infiltration activities through advancing a policy of preemptive “warfare.” And once again, the executive office, working in close coordination with all levels of federal and local law enforcement, is engaging in what Justice Powell called “dragnet techniques” to both intimidate and silence its critics, the very practice that led to the Fourth Amendment and its protections against overreaching government searches and seizures. By characterizing those who speak out as “enemies” or “terrorists,” as the government is increasingly doing, those charged with upholding the constitution are defying it in a cowardly fashion. The administration is creating a false illusion of national security, when in fact its many intelligence databases contain misinformation as well as names of individuals whose only infraction is that they have been active in expressing the First Amendment right to criticize government policies. Such squandering of limited resources and engaging in dangerous and illegal practices to intimidate many Americans from exercising their First Amendment rights is both patently illegal, and patently undemocratic. As formidable as the government’s attack on civil liberties has been, the National Lawyers Guild has seen some positive responses to these tactics. Many animal rights and environmental activists are still abiding by their convictions, either refusing to testify before grand juries or entering in to plea agreements that contain 80 Punishing Protest provisions stipulating that they will not identify or testify against others. Groups and individuals in New York are challenging newly-enacted ordinances created to punish groups of bicycle riders because of the monthly Critical Mass rides. Independent videographers and journalists, such as Josh Wolf, are refusing to turn over their videotapes when subpoenaed by police and are continuing to document mass events even in the face of aggressive police tactics including confiscating photographic equipment in public places and at public assemblies. And groups like the National Lawyers Guild are filing suit when police departments violate their consent decrees or court agreements not to engage in excessive use of force against peaceful protesters, such as when the Los Angeles Police Department unleashed a violent attack at the May 1, 2007 immigration rally. Guild members are scoring legal victories in the courtroom as challenges to crackdowns escalate on First Amendment-protected activities. The Guild shares information with its member practitioners and documents demonstrations and related police-misconduct litigation in order to contextualize new government trends and police tactics. Individuals and grassroots organizations rely on the National Lawyers Guild to monitor large, national assemblies as well as smaller, local gatherings and to help ensure that infringements of First Amendment liberties do not go unchallenged. In large part this trust is the result of the Guild’s history of working for nearly 70 years to challenge governmental infringement of the rights of individuals. Its unique Legal Observer program sends trained observers to monitor law enforcement at rallies and marches, in an effort to create a safe atmosphere for people to express their political views as fully as possible without unconstitutional disruption or interference by police. Building on The Assault on Free Speech, Public Assembly, and Dissent, issued in 2004, this report has attempted to demonstrate the ubiquity of efforts to stifle free speech, and the similarity of tactics employed by state and local governments. Vigorous attacks on free speech have led to lawsuits by the National Lawyers Guild and others in Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Oakland, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, and Portland. Defendants in these cases have targeted all manner of progressive political activists, from mass demonstrators to small, spontaneous gatherings. But the same tactics appear again and again: pretextual searches, restrictive ordinances, refusal to grant permits, and mass arrest and violence against demonstrators. The uniformity of approach and the zealous and relentless application of such tactics suggest a much more serious and organized threat to civil liberties than many may realize. This report has sought to create a fuller picture of the threat, and the ways that actions at all levels of government are collectively undermining First Amendment rights. The National Lawyers Guild will work to address these perils, gathering more information, conducting outreach to activist communities, and litigating as necessary to defend free speech. Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 81 PHOTO: MICHEL MARTINEZ 82 Punishing Protest Notes UN Commission on Human Rights, Promotion and Protection of Human Rights: Human Rights Defenders, submitted by Hina Jilani, Special Representative of the Secretary General on the status of human rights defenders, E/CN.4/2004/94/Add.3, 23 March 2004, p. 151, par. 476, http:// www.unhchr.ch/pdf/chr60/94add3AV.pdf. 2 In the 1970s, restrictions were imposed on FBI spying on religious and political organizations after a U.S. Senate Select Committee disclosed a longstanding and wide-ranging surveillance and infiltration program (Counter Intelligence Program, or COINTELPRO), of antiwar activists, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Black Panther Party, and thousands of other organizations and individuals. 3 David E. Kaplan, “Spies Among Us,” U.S. News & World Report, May 8, 2006, 41. Also available online at http://www.usnews.com/usnews/news/articles/060508/8homeland.htm. 4 Ibid. 5 Ibid. 6 Ibid. 7 Fed. Reg., 14140.200568. 8 U.S. Dept. of Justice, Office of the Inspector General, Review of the Terrorist Screening Center, redacted for public release, Audit Report 05-27, June 2005, 6. Also available online at http:// www.usdoj.gov/oig/reports/FBI/a0527/final.pdf. 9 NCIC is a nationwide information system the FBI maintains which provides the criminal justice community with immediate access to information on various law enforcement data, such as criminal history records and missing persons. The FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division (CJIS) manages the NCIC database. 10 U.S. Dept. of Justice, Office of the Inspector General, Review of the Terrorist Screening Center, redacted for public release, Audit Report 05-27, June 2005, 6. Also available online at http:// www.usdoj.gov/oig/reports/FBI/a0527/final.pdf. 11 Ibid., 6. 12 FBI, Law Enforcement Sensitive: Violent Gang and Terrorist Organization File (VGTOF), available at: http://www.aclu-co.org/spyfiles/Documents/20382.pdf (last checked March 3, 2006). 13 Norman A Pattis, “Why Government ‘Watch Lists’ Should Not Be Tolerated,” Hartford Courant, January 14, 2006. 14 407 U.S. 297 (1972). 15 Ibid., 327. 16 The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 prescribes procedures for requesting judicial authorization for electronic surveillance and the physical search of persons engaged in espionage or international terrorism against the United States on behalf of a foreign power. 17 Eric Lichtblau and Mark Mazzetti, “Military Expands Intelligence Role in U.S.,” New York Times, January 14, 2007. 18 Brian Martin, “Protest in a Liberal Democracy,” Philosophy and Social Action, Vol. 20, nos. 1-2 (January-June 1994): 13-24. 19 Ibid. 20 Ibid. 21 Ibid. 22 Ibid. 23 Donald K. Stern et al., Report of the Commission Investigating The Death of Victoria Snelgrove, May 25, 2005, 26-27, http://www.ci.boston.ma.us/police/pdfs/report.pdf. 24 National Advisory Committee on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, Disorders and Terrorism: Report of the Task Force on Disorders and Terrorism, Washington 1976, 57. 1 Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 83 UN Commission on Human Rights (see n. 1); The Free Trade Area of the Americas Inquiry Report, (see n. 44); Report of the Commission Investigating The Death of Victoria Snelgrove (see n. 23). 26 Stern et al., Victoria Snelgrove. 27 Richard Winton and Matt Lait, “LAPD Cut Back Forces at Park Rally,” Los Angeles Times, May 4, 2007. 28 Anna Gorman and Stuart Silverstein, “Police Acton on Journalists at Melee is Assailed,” Los Angeles Times, May 3, 2007. 29 Ed Tant, Letter to the Editor, New York Times, April 30, 2007. 25 Reporters Without Borders, Freedom of the Press Worldwide in 2007: 2007 Annual Report, 2007, 1, http://www February 2007, available at 222.rsf.org/IMG/pdf/rapport_en_bd-4.pdf. 30 Ibid., 3-4. Ibid., 64. 33 Daniel J. Myers, “Media, Communication Technology, and Protest Waves” (paper presented at the Social Movement Analysis conference, Loch Lomond, Scotland, June 22–25, 2000), 16, http://www.nd.edu/~dmyers/lomond/myers.pdf. 34 Ibid. 35 Michael Barker, “Conform or Reform? Social Movements and the Mass Media,” ZNet, February 7, 2007, http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?ItemID=12072. 36 Ibid., citing J. K. research of Hertog and D.M. McLeod “Anarchists wreak havoc in downtown Minneapolis: A multi-level study of media coverage of radical protest,” Journalism and Mass Communication Monographs 151 (1995). 37 Ibid., citing D.M. McLeod, “Communicating Deviance: the Effects of Television-News Coverage of Social Protest,” Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 39 (1995): 4–19; D.M.; McLeod and B.H. Detenber, “Framing Effects of Television News Coverage of Social Protest,” Journal of Communication 49 (1999): 3–23; and P.J.; Shoemaker, “The Perceived Legitimacy of Deviant Political Groups: Two Experiments on Media Effects,” Communication Research 9 (1982): 249–286. 38 Ibid., citing A. Opel, “Punishment before Prosecution: Pepper Spray as Postmodern Repression,” in Representing Resistance: Media, Civil Disobedience, and the Global Justice Movement, ed. A. Opel and D. Pompper (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003), 58. 39 Ibid., citing FAIR, “Action Alert: Media Missing New Evidence about Genoa Violence,” January 10, 2003. 40 Craig Horowitz, “How To Care for an Angry Mob,” New York, May 17, 2004. Also available online at http://nymag.com/nymetro/news/rnc/n_10370/. Ibid. 41 Logan Hill, “You Ready To Rock? Cries the Not-in-Charge Person. Twinkle, Twinkle, the Crowd Roars,” New York, May 17, 2004. Also available online at http://nymag.com/nymetro/ news/rnc/n_10376/. 42 Patrice O’Shaughnessy, “Fury at Anarchist Convention,” New York Daily News, July 12, 2004. 43 Ibid. 44 Ibid. 45 Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, email to NLG, July 13, 2004. 46 Jorge E. Reynardus et al., The Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) Inquiry Report, September 20, 2004, http://www.miamidade.gov/irp/Library/FTAA_Report_09_20_04.pdf. 47 Ibid. 48 Yvonne Kimmons and Bryan Williams, “How Many Americans Said No to War? A detailed study of 287 demonstrations for peace in the United States on February 15, 2003,” March 14, 2003, http://available at www.liberaloasis.com/peacereport.htm. 49 Ibid. 50 Ibid. 31 32 84 Punishing Protest Lauren Regan, speaking at “What Lawyers Need to Know About the Green Scare,” a symposium sponsored by the National Lawyers Guild (Cardozo Law School, New York, NY, June 26, 2006). 52 For a discussion of the underlying rationale for punishing conspiracy more harshly, as well as critiques of the theory, see Neal Kumar Katyal, “Conspiracy Theory,” Yale Law Journal, Vol. 112 (April 2003): 1307. 53 U.S. Sentencing Commission, Guidelines Manual, §3A1.4 (a) (Nov. 2006). Also available online at http://www.ussc.gov/2006guid/gl2006.pdf.). 54 In 2002, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld referred to Guantánamo prisoners as “the worst of the worst.” William Fisher, “The Worst of the Worst,” Truthout, 30 April 2006, http://www.truthout. org/cgi-bin/artman/exec/view.cgi/59/19448. “As recently as June 2005, Rumsfeld said, despite massive and incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, ‘If you think of the people down there, these are people, all of whom were captured on a battlefield. They’re terrorists, trainers, bomb makers, recruiters, financiers, [Osama bin Laden’s] bodyguards, would-be suicide bombers, probably the 20th 9/11 hijacker.’” Ibid. 55 USA PATRIOT Act, §802, amending US Code, vol. 18, §2332 (5) (2001). 56 Ibid. 57 Nancy Chang, Silencing Political Dissent: How Post-September 11 Anti-Terrorism Measures Threaten Our Civil Liberties (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2002), 44. 58 Department of Homeland Security, “Preventing Attacks by Animal Rights Extremists and EcoTerrorists: Fundamentals of Corporate Security,” April 13, 2006. 59 UN Security Council, 5053rd meeting, S/RES/1566, on 8 October 2004. 60 Friends of Jim Inhofe Committee, “Inhofe Investigates Eco-Terrorism,” May 18, 2005, http:// jiminhofe.com/cgi-data/news_doc/files/106.shtml. 61 Center for Media & Democracy, “Eco-Terrorism,” http://www.sourcewatch.org/index. php?title=Eco-terrorism 62 Center for Media & Democracy, “Ron Arnold,” http://www.sourcewatch.org/index. php?title=Ron_Arnold. 63 Sherm Sitrin, e-mail to Heidi Boghosian, March 13, 2007. 64 John E. Lewis, Deputy Assistant Director, FBI Counterterrorism Division, testifying before Federal Bureau of Investigation before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, 18 May 2005, http://epw.senate.gov/hearing_statements.cfm?id=237817. 65 Kera Abraham, “Is Eco-Sabotage Terrorism?,” Eugene Weekly, December 21, 2006, http:// www.eugeneweekly.com/2006/12/21/webextra1.html. 66 Ibid. 67 Ibid. 68 For more detail on the proceedings, provided by journalist Will Potter, see http://www. GreenIsTheNewRed.com. 69 See the ALEC website at http://www.alec.org/. ALEC has the support of over 300 large corporations, including those in the tobacco, petroleum, pharmaceutical and transportation areas. It forges working relationships with right-wing entities such as the National Rifle Association, the Family Research Council and the Koch, Scaife, Bradley, and Heritage Foundations in an attempt to further its agenda and to influence legislation so as to benefit its big business members and contributors. 70 Pub.L.109-374, 120 Stat. 2652 (codified as amended at 18 U.S.C. § 43 (2006)). 71 Pub.L. 102-346, 1992. 72 18 U.S.C. § 43. 73 Joshua Frank, “The Role of Radical Animal Activists,” Animal Liberation Philosophy and Policy Journal 2, no. 1 (2004): 10. 74 505 U.S. 377, 112 S. Ct. 2538 (1992). 75 ACLU, “Court Declares Utah’s ‘Commercial Terrorism Statute Unconstitutional,” press 51 Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 85 release, October 10, 2001. 76 Jacob Luecke, “Animal Protection Groups Blast Farm Photograph Bill,” St. Louis PostDispatch, March 29, 2005. 77 Lynne Williams, e-mail to NLG, June 12, 2006. 78 See http://www.mainecommonwealth.com/node/141. 79 Animal Enterprise Protection Terrorism Act of 1992, 18 U.S.C. § 43. 80 Huntingdon Life Sciences was founded in the United Kingdom in 1952, but relocated its financial headquarters to the United States in 2002 due to the persistence of British protesters. 81 Andrew F. Erba, “A Discussion of the Issues in United States v. Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty USA,” 2006 (on. file with National Lawyers Guild, National Office). 82 Andrew F. Erba, “Discussion.” 83 Ibid. 84 See Planned Parenthood v. American Coalition of Life Activists, 23 F. Supp. 2d 1182, (D. Or. 1998). 85 “What Lawyers Need to Know About the Green Scare,” a symposium sponsored by the National Lawyers Guild (Cardozo Law School, New York, NY, June 26, 2006); Andrew Erba, e-mail to the NLG, March 9, 2006. 86 Department of Justice, “Eleven Defendants Indicted on Domestic Terrorism Charges,” press release, January 20, 2006. 87 18 U.S.C. §SC 844 (i). 88 18 U.S.C. §SC 9244 (c )) (1)) (A)) (i),) and (B)) (ii), and (C)) (ii.) 89 See http://www.supportdaniel.org. 90 Jenny Synan, e-mail to Heidi Boghosian, May 20, 2007. 91 Cox v. Louisiana, 379 U.S. 536 (1965) (establishing the “time, place, and manner” doctrine.) 92 Ward v. Rock Against Racism, 491 U.S. 781 (1989); Clark v. Community for Creative NonViolence, 468 U.S. 288 (1984). 93 Sammartano v. First Judicial District, 303 F.3d 959, 963 (9th Cir. 2002). 94 Editorial, “The Perfect Lawn, Mowed and Muted,” New York Times, March 12, 2007. 95 Carol Sobel, e-mail to NLG, April 15, 2003. 96 Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, e-mail to NLG, March 1, 2007. 97 Service Employees International Union v. City of Los Angeles, 114 F. Supp. 2d 966 (C.D. Cal. 2000). 98 See New York v. Burger, 482 U.S. 691 (1987); Scott v. United States, 436 U.S. 128 (1978). 99 Allyson Collins, Washington Associate Director, Human Rights Watch to police chief Charles H. Ramsey, April 25, 2000, http://www.hrw.org/press/2000/04/ramsey425.htm. 100 ACLU, “ACLU Warns Los Angeles Police Department: Stop Harassing Protestors,” press release, August 7, 2000, http://www.aclu.org/FreeSpeech/FreeSpeech.cfm?ID=8061&c=86 (citing Alexander v. City and County of San Francisco, 29 F.3d 1355, 1361 (9th Cir. 1994)). 101 For a justification of the legal prohibition against conspiracy, see Katyal, “Conspiracy Theory,” (see n. 52). 102 Harrison v. United States, 713 F.2d 259, 263 (2d Cir. 1925). 103 Daniel Meyers, speaking at “What Lawyers Need to Know About the Green Scare,” a symposium sponsored by the National Lawyers Guild (Cardozo Law School, New York, NY, June 26, 2006). 104 Marcus Wohlsen, “Eight Arrested in 1971 San Francisco Cop Killing Tied to Blank Panthers,” San Diego Union Tribune, January 24, 2007. 105 Judge Douglas P. Woodlock. See Coalition to Protest Democratic Nat’l Convention v. City of Boston, 327 F.Supp.2d 61, 74 (D. Mass 2004), aff’d sub nom. Bl(a)ck Tea Society v. City of Boston, 378 F.3d 8 (1st Cir. 2004) (“The overall impression created by the DZ is that of an internment camp.”). 106 114 F. Supp. 2d 966 (C.D. Cal. 2000). 86 Punishing Protest Ann Fagan Ginger, ed., Challenging U.S. Human Rights Violations Since 9/11 (Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2005), 153. 108 Reynardus, FTAA Inquiry Report, 5-6 (see n. 46.) 109 Ibid. 110 Partnership for Civil Justice Legal Defense and Education Fund, “Mass Arrests Used for Intelligence Gathering by FBI” 2003, http://www.civil-rights.net/readmore/s27filed.htm (August 2, 2004). 111 See http://www.justiceonline.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=5183&news_iv_ ctrl=1002. 112 Christopher Getzan, “Infamous ‘Miami Model’ of Protest Clampdown, Coming to a Town Near You,” The New Standard, June 17, 2004, http://newstandardnews.net/content/ ?action=show_item&itemid=488&printmode=true. 113 Miles Swanson, telephone conversation with Heidi Boghosian, NLG, September 2003; Andrea Costello, e-mail to NLG, December 1, 2003. 114 Laura Raymond, “NLG Update from Miami—New Tactic of ‘Snatch Squads’,” e-mail to Heidi Boghosian, November 21, 2003. 115 Alex S. Vitale, “Analysis of the NYPD’s Use of Demonstration Pens,” NYC Criminal Justice Activism, March 2004, http://home.earthlink.net/~alvgc/justice/id33.html. 116 Ann Fagan Ginger, ed., 148 (see n. 107). 117 New York City Policing Roundtable Letter to Mayor Michael Bloomberg and police commissioner Ray Kelly, March 12, 2004. The New York City Policing Roundtable is a coalition of civil rights litigators, public interest attorneys, community organizers, researchers, and academics seeking to reduce police misconduct in New York City by fostering research, litigation, community organizing and public education. 118 Steckley Lee, e-mail to Heidi Boghosian, June 29, 2004. 119 Ibid. 120 Ibid. 121 Denver Copwatch, “Less Lethal Weapons,” 2003. 122 UN Commission on Human Rights, Promotion and Protection, p. 151, par. 476 (see note 1). 123 Jorge E. Reynardus et al., The Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) Inquiry Report, September 20, 2004, http://www.miamidade.gov/irp/Library/FTAA_Report_09_20_04.pdf.). 124 Complaint, Multi-Ethnic Immigration Workers Organizing Network, et al. v. City of Los Angeles et al., May 9, 2007. 125 Ibid. 126 NLG press release, “Class Action Filed For May Day Action, May 10, 2007. Available at http://www.nlg.org. 127 Ibid. 128 Ibid. 129 UN Commission on Human Rights, Promotion and Protection, p.151, par. 476 (see note 1). 130 Steven Best and Anthony J. Nocella, II, “Clearcutting Green Activists: The FBI Escalates the War on Dissent,” www.impactpress.com/articles/spring06/bestspring06.html. 131 See JTTF Enhancement Act of 2003, H.R. 3439, 108th Cong. Sec 2 (2003): “Joint Terrorism Task Forces: (1) JTTFS Required—The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall carry out a program under which the Director maintains, in such regions and localities of the United States as the Director considers appropriate, task forces of law enforcement agents to combat international terrorism (known as joint terrorism task forces.).” 132 Ibid. 133 Subpoenaed activist [name withheld], e-mail to Heidi Boghosian, NLG, January 20, 2007. 134 Ibid. 135 Ibid. 136 Ibid. 107 Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 87 U.S. Dept. of Justice Special Report, Office of the Inspector General, A Review of the FBI’s Investigative Activities Concerning Potential Protesters at the 2004 Democratic and Republican National Political Conventions, April 2006. Also available online at http://www.usdoj.gov/oig/ special/s0604/index.htm. 138 Jim Dwyer, “City Police Spied Broadly Before G.O.P. Convention, New York Times, March 25, 2007. 139 Ibid. 140 Ibid. 141 Ibid. 142 David Cole, “Spying on the Guild,” The Nation, March 1, 2004. 143 Marjorie Cohn, “Government Withdrawal of Drake Protest Subpoenas Targeting National Lawyers Guild is Victory for Free Speech,” Jurist, February 17, 2004. 144 The FBI tried for years to pin the “subversive” label on the National Lawyers Guild. The Guild sued the FBI, and in 1989, when settling the lawsuit, the Bureau acknowledged that it had conducted surveillance of the Guild from 1940 to 1951. 145 The Grand Jury Project, Inc. of the National Lawyers Guild, Representation of Witnesses Before Federal Grand Juries, (New York, Clark, Boardman, Callaghan, 1996). 146 Ibid. vii-viii. 147 Andrew Dunlop, interview by Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!, April 14, 2005. Also available online at http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=05/04/14/1349256. 148 For a series of news articles on this, see I-Witness Video, http://iwitnessvideo.info. 149 David Chanen, “Judge Reviews Claim of Evidence Tampering,” Star Tribune, August 16, 2003. 150 The Legal Observer program was established in 1968 in New York City in response to protests at Columbia University and citywide antiwar and civil rights demonstrations. That same year, Guild students organized for the defense of people swept up in mass arrests at the Democratic Convention in Chicago. Legal Observers are individuals who monitor law enforcement activities at rallies and marches to create a safe atmosphere for people to express their political views as fully as possible, without unconstitutional disruption or interference by police. 151 Eileen Clancy, interview by Greer Feick (NLG intern), July 30, 2006, on file with interviewer. 152 Gideon Oliver, e-mail to Heidi Boghosian, May 18, 2007. 153 Eileen Clancy, interview by Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! April 14, 2005. Also available online at http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=05/04/14/1349256. 154 Alexander Dunlop, interview by Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!, April 14, 2005. Also available online at http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=05/04/14/1349256. 155 Eileen Clancy, interview with Greer Feick, July 30, 2006. 156 Josh Banno and Sabrina Schroff, Democracy Now!, April 19, 2005, Also available online at http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=05/04/19/1348231. See also Sabrina Tavernise, “Student’s Arrest at G.O.P. Convention Puts His Life in Limbo,” New York Times, April 15, 2005. 157 Interview with Josh Banno and Sabrina Shroff, Democracy Now!, April 19, 2005. 158 Michael Conroy, interview by Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!, April 14, 2005. 159 John Conyers, Jr., Jerrold Nadler, Robert C. Scott, Melvin Watt, Sheila Jackson Lee, and Linda Sanchez to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, April 25, 2005. 160 Ibid. 161 Al Baker, “Two Top Officers Are Criticized for ’04 Arrests,” New York Times, May 10, 2006. 162 Ibid. 163 The lawsuit, International Action Center, et al. v. United States, was filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. 137 Carol Leonnig, “Lawsuit Alleging Abuse During 2001 Inauguration Is Settled,” Washington Post, November 22, 2006. 164 88 Punishing Protest Ibid. See Complaint, Multi-Ethnic Immigration Workers Organizing Network, et al. v. City of Los Angeles et al., May 9, 2007. 167 NLG, “In Landmark Agreement, Oakland Prohibits Less Lethal Weapons for Crowd,” press release, November 10, 2004. 168 American Friends Service Committee v. City and County of Denver, 02-N-0740, United States District Court, District of Colorado (2002). 169 Roy L. Bourgeois, et al. v. Columbus, Georgia, No. 03-1688 (11th Cir. 2004). 170 Handschu v. Special Services Div., 787 F.2d 828, (2d Cir. 1986). 171 605 F. Supp. 1384 (S.D.N.Y.1985). 172 Handschu, 787 F.2d. 173 Ibid., §1V.C. 174 Ibid., §VII.D. 175 273 F. Supp. 2d 327 (S.D.N.Y. 2003). 176 288 F. Supp. 2d 411 (S.D.N.Y. 2003). 177 2006 WL 1716969 (S.D.N.Y. 2006). 178 Handschu v. Special Services Div., 2007 WL 635056, No. 71 Civ. 2203 (S.D.N.Y. 2007). 179 Jim Dwyer, “City Police Spied Broadly Before G.O.P. Convention, New York Times, March 25, 2007. 180 Alliance to End Repression v. City of Chicago, 1992 WL 296388 (N.D. Ill. 1992). 181 Frank Main, “Police Infiltration of Protest Groups Upsets Rights Activists,” Chicago SunTimes, February 19, 2004. 182 Ibid. 183 Paul Egan, “Cops Say Federal Oversight Too Strict,” The Detroit News, May 17, 2007. 184 Ibid. 185 Desiree Hellegers, “Portland Versus the FBI,” Counterpunch, June 24, 2005. 186 The Critical Mass website is http://critical-mass.org. 187 Dara Colwell, “Riding to the Rescue: Sympathetic European cycling activists jump into critical mess to say, ‘Free NYC Cyclists,’” Village Voice, August 29, 2005. Also available online at http://www.villagevoice.com/news/0535,colwell,67297,5.html. See also Jonathan Walk, “264 Arrested in NYC Bicycle Protest,” CNN.com, August 28, 2004. 188 Editorial, “Cyclists, the Police and the Rest of Us,” New York Times, December 29, 2006. 189 NLG, “Court Clears National Lawyers Guild Legal Observer After Cop Admits He Was Ordered to Make False Written Statements,” press release, September 12, 2006. 165 166 190 Lou Young, “‘Critical Mass’ Bike Ride Gets Dangerous,’” WCBSTV.com, Mar 7, 2006. 191 Rocco Parascandola, “Did He Do It? Let’s Go to the Video,” Newsday, February 6, 2007. Rocco Parascandola, “Key NYPD Chief Ready to Retire,” Newsday, January 24, 2007. 192 Kareem Fahim and Jim Dwyer, “At Least 18 Arrests Made in Tense Night of a Monthly Cycling Protest, New York Times, April 30, 2005. 193 Rocco Parascandola, “City settles excess-force suit,” Newsday, April 17, 2007. Ibid. 196 Lederman v. United States, 291 F.3d 36 (D.C. Cir. 2002). 197 Editorial, Washington Post, June 5, 2002. 198 Jim Dwyer, “Police Infiltrate Protests, Videotapes Show,” New York Times, December 22, 2005. 199 Freewheels press release, December 23, 2005, available at http://nyc.indymedia.org/ en/2005/12/62432/html. 200 Michael Bluejay’s Critical-Mass.info, http://critical-mass.info/police.html. 201 Nichali Ciaccio, “Critical Mass Crackdown: A Personal Account,” Indymedia, April 5, 2006. 194 195 Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 89 Katherine Crowell, “Bicyclists Tie Up Rush Hour, The Denver Post, April 30, 2006. Michael Bluejay’s Critical-Mass.info, http://critical-mass.info/police.html. 204 Larry Hildes, e-mail to NLG, March 9, 2006. 205 Carol Sobel, e-mail to NLG, March 9, 2006. 206 812 N.Y.S.2d 829 (N.Y.City Crim.Ct. 2006). 207 Ibid. 208 Ibid. 209 Transportation Alternatives, “Action Alert: Stop the NYPD’s Bid To Require Everyday Walkers and Bikers To Obtain Onerous ‘Parade Permits’,” July 25, 2006, http://www.transalt. org/e-bulletin/2006/July/20060725paradeactionalert.html. 210 Editorial, “Cyclists, the Police and the Rest of Us,” New York Times, December 29, 2006. 211 322 U.S. 32 (1940). 212 380 U.S. 479 (1965). 213 397 U.S. 254 (1970). 214 436 U.S. 658 (1978). 215 407 U.S. 297 (1972). 216 531 U.S. 98 (2000). 202 203 90 Punishing Protest Government Tactics that Suppress Free Speech 91