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mm UOroAN, DTG 191831ZlUN03 FROM .,..".-~ '_"""',-L ... _._ _- . : -_ _ ... LI TO TO RHEFDIAJDIA WASHING~~ RHEFDIAJDIA WASHINGTON .' -..-.J·/(b)(2),(b)(3):10 USC 424 I '. ::1 .,," , .. , ........ .... ...... . ,.,,,.' .......... " ..... , • *" • " •• -, (b)(2) RUCNFBIFBI WASHINGTON Or:! RHEBAAAJDEPT OF ENERGY WASHINGTON Dd RUEAHLAJDEPT OF HOMELAND SECURITY WASHINGTON DC CONTROLS Ii Ii "IHlT 118F8Rll [SECTION 01 OFO: (b)(2) . ~ (b)(2),(b)(3):10 USC 424 (b)(1 ),(b)(2),(b)(3 ):10 USC 424 BODY LW!'RY: em PjKJSTAN (PK):AFGHANISTAN (AF). . ·f SU8J:L. . ' •.......... DETAINEE PRESENTED WITH PHOTO LINE·UP OF KNOWN AND SUSPECTED AL·QAIDA MEMBERS (U) WARNING: (U) THIS IS AN INFORMAnON REPORT, NOT FINALLY EVALUATED INTELLIGENCE. REPORT ebJIC881f lEe 3 E e J( fI J 1,610RI4. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DOl: (U) 20020401. (b)(2) . . . I . ,"" -, . .. " . (b)(1 ),(b)(2),(b) (3):10 USC 424 SUMMARY:~) INFORMATION ON A PHOTO LINE· UP, CONSISTING OF 62 page 9 Rayner v. DoD 2019 NO'bkN, (b)(1) . (b)(1) . (b)(l ) KNOWN AND SUSPECfED AL-QAIDA MEMBERS, SHOWN TO A DETAINED SUSPECfED AL-QAIDA MEMBER, TO INCLUDED LIST OF NAMES PRESENTED, RESULTS AND COMMENTS. TEXT: I. t!lI'I'MP) ,OJ< • HAS IDENTIFIED AL-QAlDA MEMBERS FROM PHOTOGRAPHS, TO INCLUDE ABU «ZUBAYDAH». KHALID SHIEK«MOHAMMED», ANDAMMAR «(AL.BELUSH»: .....n PROVIDED WITH 62 NEW PHOTOGRAPHS OF KNOWN AND SUSPECTED AL-QAIDA MEMBERS AND SUSPECfED MEMBERS. 2.' (SIINFlI· IpOSmVELY IDENTIFIED THE FOLLOWING FOUR INDIVIDUA I··q·······: . . I J f· (b)(l ),(b)(2),(b)(6) . (b)(1) . . """,,. ,," " " " . ' . ...................,.~ A NEGATIVE RESPONSE TO THE FOLLOWING 58 INDIVIDUALS FROM THE PHOTO LINE-UP: - ABU «FIDA», AKA BASHIR NASIR ALI «AL MARWALAH))I (b)(l ),(b)(2),(b)(6) . ~" .. .,•• e • • ' · ' · , · · · · · · · , . ' '"' ,-' .. " •••• . page 10 Rayner v. 000 2020 X1}.(b)(2).(b)(3):10 USC 424.(b)(6) , ~, : :", ." Rayner v. DoD 2021 .)(1),(b)(2),(b)(3):10 USC 424,(b)(6) Rayner v, DoD 2022 @8HFlIH1H'fIAb (b)(2),(b)(3):10 USC 424 COUNTRY: (U) ALGERIA (AG); BANGLADESH (8G); KUWAIT (KU); PAKISTAN (PK); SAUDI ARABIA (SA); SYRIA (SY); TUNISIA (TS); YEMEN (YM). (b)(2) ." . , SUBJ:Iti1:;1f!\'l!t1ii;,j:t'!fSii:;rilk!Gj.ji~- AL QAEDA MEMBERS (b)(2),(b)(3):1' INCARCERATED IN PAKISTAN (U) o USC 424 WARNING: (U) THIS IS AN INFORMAnON REPORT, NOT FINALLY EVALUATED INTELLIGENCE. REPORT Sh/tBBIfI155 e e If I' I I5l! 14 I I A L. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE 001: (U) 20020101. (b)(2) .... '+"li;;"O"(b)( 1),(b)(2),(b)( " ::\,$' 3):10 USC 424 SUMMARY: (U) AN UNDATED LETTER LISTS 68 PROBABLE AL-QAEDA MEMBERS INCARCERATED IN PAKISTAN. TEXT: 1. (etBACKGROUND. THIS HANDWRITTEN LETTER WAS ··RECOVEREDALONGWITHMATERIAJ,S LINKED TO AL-QAEDA, BY (b)(1 ) (b)(2) . 2. (U) IN AN UNDATED LETTER, 'SALAH' SENDS AN UNIDENTIFIED ASSOClATE A LIST OF ARABS INCARCERATED IN PAKlSTAN. HE ENCOURAGES HIS CORRESPOND I E PEOPLE AGAINST 'fHEIPAKISTAN]GOVERNMENT . . "'; THESE ARABS ARE PROBABLY AL-QAEDA MEMBERS.) G LISTS THE NAMES OF THE INCARCERATED ARABS AND THEIR ALIASES AND COUNTRIES OF ORIGIN IF RECORDED-- """'"""'"'" '(b)(6) Rayner v. 000 2023 . (b)(2) '(b)(6) 3. (U) SALAH ALSO MENTIONS TIIAT TIIERE ARE ALSO AT LEAST TEN (b)(2) .... .~TURKISTAN'S.+;",3!1\;7'::~t~f~· PROBABLY NATIVES OF TURKMENISTAN) IN PRISON. (b)(1 ),(b)(2),(b )(3):10 USC 424 Rayner v. DoD 2025 BT 88liFIBBHTIAls ···(b)(2).(.)(3):10 usc 424 ... '(0)(2),(b)(3);10 USC 424 . "'(0)(2) "(b)(2) (b)(2) .•... U) ALQAEllA.M;llM!l!2!l:S INCARCERATED ,., ".._". ·(0)(2).(b)(3):10 usc 424 WA NIN : (U)THIS IS AN INFORMATION REPORT, NOT FINALLY EVALUATED INTELLIGENCE. REPORT CLASSIFIED 8 Elli FIB I! II 'P I i\ t. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ........(b)(2) '..··1.)(2) SUMMARY: (U LE FOUND ON A COMPUTER USED BY SUSPECTED AL• •A MEMBERS CONTAINS A LIST OF 78 ASSOCIATES INCARCERATED~O~·· ,·· . ' ..(b)(2) TEXT: I.~ BACKGROUND, THIS INFORMATION WAS FOUND ON A COMPUTER SERVER HARD DRIVE REC~£allti~iWiit&i!}ipNNEL IN A SUSPECTED ~~\9:;~ti~~~~:; ~iifIiiii~Ai~~~~~~i'~Millhy..·(b)(l) .7QQ•.".~~ THIS INFORMATION IS ALSO FOUND IN HARMONY (.)(2) .... DOCUMENT NUMBERED AFGP.2002.8042SS, THlS INFORMATION WAS FIRST REPORTED IN HARMONY DOCUMENT NUMBERED AFGP-200;l·803956.) 2. (U) THE FOL E·MAILED COpy OF A LIST OF ARABS IN.<::,,.ll-CERAT IRSTNOTED ~1.!lUER WHICH (b)(2)" 'SALAH' SENT A ASSOCIATE.~ESE ARABS ARE SUSPECTED AL-QAEDA MEMBERS,) BASED ON THE CLARjTY'OFTHE-"(b)(2) TYPED E-MAIL COMPARED TO THE HAND·WRITTEN ORIGINAL, THIS LIST IS A CORRECTED RECORD OF THIl NAMIlS OF THIlINCARCERATIlD ARABS AND THIlIR ALIASES AND COUNTRIES OF ORIGIN, IF RECORDED-1- MOUSSA BIN 'ALI SA'IlED AL OMARI; MASLAMA ALANSARJ, SAUDI ARABIA -.- 'ABD AL-RAHMAN 'UWAID MOHAMMED AL-JU'AID; QODAMMA AL-TA'EIFI, SAUDI ARABIA -3- 'ABD AL-RAHMAN MA'AAZAH AL-OMARI; ANAS AL-NlEGlRI, SAUDI ARABIA -4. MAlEC ABDULLAH HUSSEIN AL-HARBI; ABU AVABBAS AL-BADAWI. SAUDI ARABIA -5- SALEH 'ALI ZUHYED AL-KHAT'AMI;IULAIBIB AL-JANOUBI, SAUDI ARABIA -6- MOHAMMED HAMID AL QAR'AI\.NI; ABU DUIANEH PAGE 6 RHEFSNG0710 e 8 N P JB 81fT!.\ b -1- KHALED SULIMAN . ·8- 'ABD AL-RAHMAN ABDULLAH 'ALI AL-SHABATI; YEMEN -9- 'ABDULLAH MA1ED; SAUDI ARABIA -IO-AHMED . -11- KHALED RADHWAN -12- MOHAMMED BENMOJAN -13- FAWZI KHALED AVOUDAH; KUWAlT Rayner v. 000 2027 -J4- 'ABDULLAH KAMEL 'ABDULLAH KAMEL; KUWAIT -15- 'ABD AVAZIZ SAYER UWAIN AL-SHAMMERI; KUWAIT -16- MOHAMMED FONAYTEL AL-DIHANI; KUWAIT -17· KHALED 'ABDULLAH MESH'AL AL-MUTAlRI; KUWAIT -18· IBRAHIM MOHAMMED AL-NASER; ABU KHALED, SAUDI ARABIA -19- 'ABD AVAZIZ MOHAMMED AL-NASER; ABU 'AYED, SAUDI ARABIA -20- 'ABO AL-'AZIZ 'ABO AL-RAHMAN AL-BATI'AH; ABU REEM; SAUDI ARABIA -21· ANWAR HAMDAN MOHAMMED AL-SHAMMERI; ABU HAMZA, SAUDI ARABIA -22- 'ABDULLAH MOHAMMED SALEH AL-GHANMI; ABU AL-HARETH, SAUDI ARABJA ·23· ZIYAD SALEH MOHAMMED AL-BAHOUTH; ABU SALEH, SAUDI ARABIA -24- ABDULLAH 'ABD AL-MO'EEN AL·WAFI; ABU ZIYAD, SAUDI ARABIA -25- FARED 'OMAR EL-SHARlEF; SAUDI ARABIA -26- TAREQ SHALLAH HASAN AL-HARBI; ABU TALHA, SAUDI ARABIA -27- 'ABO AL·RAHMAN NASH! BADI AL-'OTAIBI; ABU 'AMER, SAUDI ARABIA -28- KHALED MOHAMMED 'ALl AL-ZAHRANI; IBN AL·JARRAH -29- MOHAMMED KHANTOMANI; SYRIA -30- 'ABO AL·NASER KHANTOMANI; SYRIA -31- MO'AMMAR DUKHAN; SYRIA -32- BIN BADRI DUKHAN; ABU ABDULLAH, SYRIA -33- KHALED HASAN AL-BARAKATI ALSHARlEF; ABU FAISAL; SAUDI ARABIA ·34- AHMED YASLEM KOUMAN; YEMEN -35- RAMI BIN SNAD: ABU SA'AD, SAUDI ARABIA· ·36· RASHED 'AWAD KHALAF AL-GHAMDI; ABU ZIYAD, SAUDI ARABIA -37- MOHAMMED 'ABO AL-RAHMAN AL-SHAMMERI-AL MUGHEERAH AL-ANSARI; SAUDI ARABIA -38- FAHED SALEH SULAIMAN AL-JUTAILl; HAMZA AL-'AQElDEH, SAUDI ARABIA ·39- MAZEN SALEH MUSNED AL.OWFI; AWS AL-ANSARI, SAUDI ARABIA -40- JABER JUBRAN 'ALI AL.FIFI; ABU JA'AFAR AL·ANSARI, SAUDI ARABIA -41- MURTADA ALI SAID MUKRAM; ABU AL-BURAA' AL-HADHRAMI, SAUDI ARABIA -42- MOHAMMED JABER AL-SUBAIE'; HAIDAREH AL·NUMAIRJ, SAUDI ARABIA -43- IBRAHIM SULAII,lAN AL-RUBAISH; ABU MOHAMMED, SAUDI ARABIA -44- TURKI AL-'ASEERJ; AL-MU'TASEM AL-MACCI, SAUDI ARABIA -45- BAKR AL-SHAMRANI; YEMEN -46- GHARIB AL-SAN'AANI; YEMEN -47- ABU RJHANEH; BENGALI, BANGLADESH ·48. ABU SHU'AIB AL-TOUNUSI; TUNISIA, DISAPPEARED -49- ABDULLAH AL-KURDI; IRAQ, MAY BE KILLED -50- ELIAS; YEMEN, MAY BE KILLED -5 I- ISMAEEL; ALGERIA, KILLED ·52- HAMZAH EL-SHAMALI; SAUDI ARABIA -53- ABU AL-HARETH; ALGERIA -54- BAROOD; SAUDI ARABIA -55- MOHEBULLAH; ALGERIA, DISAPPEARED IN PRISON -56- 'ABD AL-QAHAR; ALGERIA, RELEASED -57- SHAFIQ AL·BADRI; ALGERIA ·58· MORSEN AL·TA'AZI; YEMEN -59- SA'EED AL TNAZI; YEMEN -60-ABU RAYAN;ALJAZIRA -61- HAMMAM; AL JAZIRA -62- DUJANEH AL TURKI -63- 'ABO AL-RAHMAN AL TURKJ ·64. HAMZA AL·TURKI -65- DEJANEH AL-TOUNSI ·66' MUGHIRA AL-YEMENI -67· 'ASEM AL-YAFI'IE -68- MUS'AB AL-SIiARIEF. Rayner v, DoD 2028 3. (U) SALAH ALSO MENTIONS THAT THERE ARE AT LEAST TEN ADDITIONAL NATIVES OF TURKMENISTAN IN PRISON. COMMENTS: I. ~THlS INTELLIGENCE REPORT IS DERIVED FROM HARMONY DOCUMENT NUMBERED AFGP· HARMON ATABASEC '(b)(2) ·····(b)(1).(1>)(2).(b)(3)' 10 USC <$24 ...... '(1))(2) DRVFRO DECL="t'lEND OF MESSAGE Rayner v. 000 ....... · ....(b)(2).(b)(3)"0 usc 424 . ".. """.. '''' ... ·(b)(2) ...ef!<el'l!ltf!frl'lll'Je~EIH'l'It'lH""l'!""b 2029 eeNFIBENllAL ,,,, . COlIN Y; (U) AFGHANISTAN (AI"); P AN (PK); SYRIA ($V); lJNlTED KINGDOM (UK); lSlAEL (IS); IRAQ (I'Z); l!OYl'T (EO): SAUDI A1l,AIllA (SA); UNrmD AIVJl EMIRATES (TC); GlllNEA (OV). COlli taZh t BtL (b)(2f ~!€!!!!l~~~'"i' MJSCI'.1',l-AMOOSDOCllMltlmlJOUNDllf At ~lIIIlMIlli3l."R1IIlII)IJICIt ttl) . ""WAlN!NO: (l]) TIDS IS AN INI'ORMAnON RE.l'ORT. NOT I'IN.'lLLY IlV-'1.UATllI) (b)(2),(b)(3):1 rNTl!u.IGENCE. REPORTeI>(Ill8H Illlllle Ii. 16 1!1I11lt t. oUSC 424 ---------------.----.-••- . OllPARTMENTOFDEPENSE . ~~i1!tI. '(b)(2) 'l,":;.', (b)(2),(b)(3):ft1iii~:~:C~~~:i~~~~~~-gN~ro oUSC 424 ACCESS THE lIARMONY OATABASIl. VIAJWICS OR SlPRNETIHOCNET. SEE COMMENTS SECTION BllLOW. S'O!oIMAB.V: (Ie) mrs 001LllCl'1ON QlI MIllCliI:.l.AN1 I:Bt11lIlS AND01BBll.,APBaS IUMlALSACr1VIl1IlS QlI AI,.QAllDA M!lM'BllP.ll AND CORRllSI'ONIlll CONalIlNlNO PlJBUC RlllJ.noNS. ,TEXT: l.tQlBACKOROUND. mrllINF01lMATlONWASltllCO\'EIUlI):lJY'A1LIllPl.'lIll8ONNllt, INSUllPIlCl1lDAI,.QAllDAMllM'BJl:aABUHAFS'HOUSBIN'J(A1I!'IuP+P AlpuN!!!T4J:!, • eer4FJBENTIAL Rayner v. DoD DMO Exhibit Z~ Page 1of2 2030 @ • e 11 P I I!l elf 'I' I 1\ l', SECTION 01 OF 02 SERIAL: (U) I I R _ ·(»(2).(b)(3):10 usc '2' .. ··..(b)(2) SUBJ: 1~.LlST.OFMUJ.AH1DIN . FIGH11l.RS···············"'(b)(2)(b)(3)' NAMES, ALIASES, AND FAMILY PHONE NUMBERS CAPTURED IN PAKISTAN 10USC.24 (U) WARNING: (V) THIS IS AN INFORMATION REPORT, NOT FINALLY EVALUATED INTELLIGENCE. REPORT E1eA881F11<1l EI 8 Ii F I 8 Illl 'F I A i. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DOl: (V) 2001 1214. REQS: (U~IIIII!lllllIllllllllr ····(b)(2) .11f (b)(2),(b)($):1 INFORMATION FROM TIllS REPORT WAS o USC 424..::rAINED FROM HARMONY DOC NT NUMBER AFGP-2002-807467. FOR '" '(b)(2) .. ··(b)(1) TEXT: I. ~BACKGROUND. TIllS 79 PAGE DOCUMENT WAS PRINTED FROM THE ALNEDA - INTERNET SITE ON 20 JULY 2002. IT CONTAINS INFORMATION REGARDING THE CAPTURE OF TALIBAN AND AL-QAIDA FIGHTERS WHO HAD CROSSED TIlE BORDER IN NANGARHAR PROVINCE AFTER THE 11 SEPTEMBER 2001 RETALIATION. 2, ~ DOCUMENTS ASAB.LE to CAPTURE SUPPOR . ERS OF'(b)(I) AFGHANISTAN CROSSED THE BORDER IN THE AFGHANIS N PROVINCE OF NANGARHAR 14 DEC 01 ..... Rayner v. 000 ~ ··(b)(I) 2032 (b)(l) '~THE HOST CONVINCED THE MUJAHIDIN BROTHERS TO SURRENDER THEIR WEAPONS WIDLE LEAVING AND RETURNING TO THE ~~~~~~6~_~~~~~ . THEIR PRESENCE. THE HOST CONVINCED THE BROTHERS THEY HAD TO "(b)(l) (b)(I) .... MOVEFAST·rn;~~=_'(b)(l) THEM IN LARGE TRUCKS TO PREPARE FOR TRANSPORT AS ATTACKED A ED BY A SAUDI, EFORE ARRIVING (b)(l) •.. (b)(I).(b)(2)"" (b)(I)· ..• '(b)(1) (b)(l) • 3.~) THE NAMES, HOME COUNTRY, AND IF KNOWN, ALIASES, AND ~~~~~E~~~~~~~O':~t~~sg~~~S~ .. · ..(b)(l) )~ THE PRISONERS. THIS WAS DONE, AS IT IS NOT ONLY THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE FAMILIES OR THE MUJAHIDIN TO PRESSURE THE GOVERNMENTS TO RELEASE THE PRISONERS BUT OF ALL MUSLIMS YIELDING TO THE PROPHETS. THE FOLLOWING IS THE PUBLISHED LIST OF 84 NAMES: -- ABDUL-AZIZ BIN ABDUL-RAHMAN AL.DABBAH (ABU·REEM) FROM MECCA,SAUDIARABIA;CONTACTHISFATHERATPHONENUMBER 0096655505578 OR HIS BROTHER SAUD AT NUMBER 0096655643526 OR 0096625571096. -. ABDULLAH BIN MOHAMMAD BIN SALEH AL-GHAMDI (ABU-AL-HARITH) FROM RABIGH, SAUDI ARABIA: CONTACT HIS FAMILY AT PHONE NUMBER 024223787• •• ABDUL-RAHMAN BIN ABDULLAH BIN ALI AL-SHIBATI FROM SANAA, YEMEN; CONTACT HIS FAMILY AT PHONE NUMBER 1200431. - FAHAD BIN OMAR AL·SHARIF FROM MECCA, SAUDIA ARABIA: CONTACT HIS FAMILY AT PHONE NUMBER 0096625739893. . .- TARIQ BIN SHALLAH BIN HUSSAIN AL-HARBI (ABU-TALHAH) FROM MEDINA, SAUDI ARABIA. -' ZIYAD BIN SALEH BIN MOHAMMAD AL-BAHOUTH (ABU SALEH) FROM QASIM, SAUDI ARABIA; CONTACT HIS FAMILY AT PHONE NUMBER 063242600. _. KHALID BIN MOHAMMAD BIN ALI AL·ZAHRANI (ABU-AL-JARRAH) FROM KHARJ, SAUDI ARABIA; CONTACT HIS FAMILY ON MOBILE PHONE NUMBER 05455813. Rayner v. DoD 2033 -- ANWAR BIN HAMDAN BIN MOHAMMAD AL-SHAMMERI (ABU-HAMZAH) FROM AL-JOUF, SAUDI ARABIA; CONTACT HIS FAMILY AT MOBILE PHONE NUMBER 054864911. -- MOUSA BIN ALI BIN SAID AL-UMARI (IBN MASLAMAH AL-ANSARI) FROM SAUDI ARABIA; CONTACT HIS FAMILY AT PHONE NUMBER 027455066. -- ABDUL-RAHMAN BIN UWAYED BIN MOHAMMAD AL-JOAID (QODAMAH AL-TA 'IFI) FROM SAUDI ARABIA; CONTACT HIS FAMILY AT PHONE NUMBER 027451352. •- ABDUL.RAHMAN BIN MAAAZAH AL-UMARI (ABU-ANAS AL-NAIGIRI), RESIDES IN TABUK, SAUDI ARABIA; CONTACT HIS BROTHER SALEH AT PHONE NUMBER 0072214319 OR 0055700884, AND OR HIS RELATIVE AT NUMBER 026940515. - MAJID BIN ABDULLAH BIN HUSSAIN AL-HARBI (ABU-AL-ABBAS AL-BADAWI) FROM JEDDAH, SAUDI ARABIA; CONTACT MEJDI ALI AT PHONE NUMBER 026231763 OR 053609561. .- SALEH BIN ALI BIN ZUHAID AL-KHATAMI (JULAIBIB AL-JANOUBI) FROM SOUTHERN SAUDI ARABIA; CONTACT HIS FATHER AT PHONE NUMBER 055827705. -- RAMI BIN SAID (ABU-SAAD) FROM RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA; CONTACT HIS FAMILY AT PHONE NUMBER 00965575312. . .- ABDUL-RAHMAN BIN NASHI BIN BADI AL~UTAIBI (ABUCAMER AL-AFGHANI) FROM DAMMAM, SAUDI ARABIA; NATIONAL ID NUMBER 38201 ; CONTACT HISFAMILY VIA HIS RELATIVES AHMAD AL·UTAIBI A3 PHONE NUMBER 034815629 OR NAWWAF AL-UTAIBI AT PHONE NUMBER 038205415, •• MOHAMMAD BIN HAFIZ WAMANI FROM ALEPPO, SYRIA. -- (HIS BROTHER) ABDUL-NASIR HAFIZ WAMANI FROM ALEPPO, SYRIA. _. KHALID BIN HASAN BIN HUSSAIN AL-BARAKATI AL-SHARIF (ABUFAISAL) FROM MECCA, SAUDI ARABIA. -- AHMAD BIN YASLAM BIN SAID KOMAN (ABU-AHMAD) FROM HADRAMOT, YEMEN. -- KHALID BIN SULEIMAN, CONTACT HIS FATHER AT PHONE NUMBER 053634667. -- ABDULLAH BIN MAJID FROM BAHRAIN; CONTACT HIS BROTHER NASIR AT PHONE NUMBER 009739454557 OR 009739670003. -- AHMAD BIN AYMAN BIN MOHAMMAD FROM SAUDI ARABIA; CONTACT HIS FAMILY AT PHONE NUMBER 0096626613825. •- KHALID RADWAN FROM FRANCE; CONTACT HIS FAMILY AT PHONE NUMBER 003348681878. _. MOHAMMAD BIN MOJAN FROM AMERICA; CONTACT HIS FAMILY AT PHONE NUMBER 022608079 (THIS NUMBER WITHOUT COUNTRY CODE). -- FAWZI KHALID AL-OADAH FROM QURTUBAH, KUWAIT; CONTACT HIS FAMILY AT PHONE NUMBER 5322660. -- ABDULLAH KAMIL BIN ABDULLAH AL-KAMIL FROM SABAH AL-SALEM, KUWAIT; CONTACT HIS FAMILY AT PHONE NUMBER 5510364. -- ABDUL-AZIZ SAYER UWAIN AL-SHAMMARI FROM AL-RRIQA, KUWAIT; Rayner v. DoD 2034 (b)(1) .-- CONTACT HIS FAMILY AT PHONE NUMBER 3965185, •• MOHAMMAD BIN FUNAITIL AL·DIHANI FROM SABAH AL-NASIR. KUWAIT; CONTACT HIS FAMILY AT PHONE NUMBER 4886958, -- KHALID BIN ABDULLAH MISHAL AL·MUTAIRI FROM AL-FARWANlYAll, KUWAIT; CONTACT HIS FAMILY AT PHONE NUMBER 4712827, -- MOHAMMAD BIN HAMID AL-QARAANI (ABU-DOJANAH) FROM MEDINA, SAUDI ARABIA; HE WAS CAPTURED WHILE CARRYING A FAKE PASSPORT IN THE NAME OF YOUSEF ABKAR SALEH. AND HE IS KNOWN BY THIS NAME, CONTACT HIS FAMILY AT PHONE NUMBER 048245160, -- RASHID KHALAF AWAD AL·GHAMDI (ABU.ZIYAD) FROM SOUTHERN SAUDI ARABIA; CONTACT HIS FAMILY VIA IBRAHIM AT PHONE NUMBER 077226315, .- MOHAMMAD BIN ABDUL-RAHMAN AL-SHAHRANI (AL·MOGHlRAH ALANSARI) FROM SOUTHERN SAUDI ARABIA, -- FAHAD BIN SALEH BIN SULEIMAN AL-JOTAILI (HAMZAH AQIDAH) FROM QASIM, SAUDI ARABIA; CONTACT HIS FAMILY VIA HIS BROTHER SULEIMAN AT PHONE NUMBER 06381 1877, -- MAZIN BIN SALEH BIN SAID AL-OWFI (AWS AL-ANSARI) FROM SAUDI ARABIA; CONTACT HIS FAMILY VIA TAtAL AT PHONE NUMBER 048313445, _. JABIR BIN JOBRAN BIN ALI AL-FIFI (ABU-JA AFAR AL·ANSARI), -- MORTADA BIN ALI BIN SAID MOGHRAM (ABU-AL·BARAA AL-HADRAMI); CONTACT HIS FAMILY VIA RIYADH OR RASHID IN RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA AT PHONE NUMBER 014462161. -- IBRAHIM BIN MOHAMMAD AL-NASIR (ABU-KHALID) FROM MECCA; CONTACT HIS FAMILY AT PHONE NUMBER 0096655643562 OR 0096655536726 OR 0096625582522. - MOHAMMAD BIN JAYED AL-SOBAII (HAYDARAH AL-NAJDI); CONTACT HIS FAMILY VIA ABU-THIB (ZI 'B) AT PHONE NUMBER 054127255, - IBRAHIM BIN SULEIMAN AL·RUBAISH (ABU·MOHAMMAD) FROM QASIM, SAUDI ARABIA; CONTACT HIS FAMILY VIA HIS BROTHER MAHMOUD AT PHONE NUMBER 055 I40729 OR HIS BROTHER ABDUL·RAHMAN AT PHONE NUMBER 055174039. -- TURKI AL·ASIRI (AL-MOATASIM AL-MECCI); CONTACT HIS FAMILY VIA ABU-ABDUL-MELIK AT PHONE NUMBER 054134197. -- ABDUL-AZIZ BIN MOHAMMAD AL~NASIR (MBID) FROM RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA; CONTACT HIS FAMILY VIA SULTAN AT PHONE NUMBER 055536726, OR SAUD AT PHONE NUMBER 055643562 OR 014829325, -- ABDULLAH BIN ABDUL-MOIN AL.WAFI (ABU-ZIYAD) FROM MECCA, SAUDI ARABIA; CONTACT HIS FAMILY AT PHONE NUMBER 054505933 OR 035431663. -- FAHAD FOWZAN AL-FOWZAN (BAROOD) FROM RIYADH. SAUDI ARABIA, _. IBN AL-SHAYKH AL-LLIBI FROM LIBYA (HE IS ACCUSED OF BEING ONE OF AL-QAEDA LEADERSHIP. THIS BROTHER NEVER WAS A MEMBER OF AL· QAEDA, BUT HE WAS ONE OF THE VETS OF THE AFGHANI WAR. HE HAS T TO HIS BROTHER BY REJECTING A~"'" 0 RELEASE HIM BY PAYING THEM AN AMOUNT OF Rayner v. DoD ""'(b)(1) 2035 MONEY HE WAS CARRYING. HE INSISTED ON RELEASING HIM ALONG jT . RYONE H DETAINED WITH _ HIM. . TIlEY THREATENED Tollllllllll'(b)(l) ~ .• ~ _,.ANDFINALLYWAS RETURNED TO KANDAHAR WITH 10 OTHER BROTHERS)•. •• ABU·BAKR AL·SHAMRANI FROM SAUDI ARABIA. •• GHARIB AL·SANAANI FROM YEMEN• •• ABU·RlHANAH AL·BANGLADESHI, FROM BANGLADESH, •• ABU·ABDULLAH AL·KURDI FROM KURDISTAN, IRAQ• •• ILYAS AL·YEMENI FROM YEMEN. ··ISMAIL AL·JAZAIRI FROM ALGERIA. •• ABU·TURAB AL-KURDI FROM KURDISTAN, IRAQ. •• ABU·BASIR AL·KURDI FROM KURDISTAN, IRAQ. .. ABU·AHMAD AL:SOURI FROM SYRIA. •- ABU-AL·HASAN AL·SOURJ FROM SYRIA. -- HAMZAH AL·SHAMALl FROM SAUDI ARABIA. •- ABU·AL·HARITH AL·JAZA IRJ FROM ALGERIA. '- ABDUL-QAHAR AL·JAZA IRI FROM ALGERIA. - MOHIBBULLAH AL·JAZA lRI FROM ALGERIA (HE IS ONE OF THOSE WHO ESCAPED FROM THE TRUCKS DURING THE STRUGGLE WITH THE SOLDIERS AND HIS WHERE ABOUT IS UNKNOWN NOW). •• ABU·SHUAlB AL-TUNISI FROM TUNISIA (HE IS ONE OF THOSE WHO ESCAPED FROM THE TRUCKS DURING THE STRUGGLE WITH THE SOLDIERS AND HIS WHERE ABOUT IS UNKNOWN NOW). ". AWWAM FROM SAUDI ARABIA (HE IS ONE OF THOSE WHO ESCAPED FROM THE TRUCKS DURING THE STRUGGLE WITH THE SOLDIERS AND HIS WHERE ABOUT IS UNKNOWN NOW). •• MOSLEM AL·BUKHARI FROM SAUDI ARABIA (HE IS ONE OF THOSE WHO ESCAPED FROM THE TRUCKS DURING THE STRUGGLE WITH THE SOLDIERS AND HIS WHERE ABOUT IS UNKNOWN NOW). ··IDRJS AL·JAZA IRI FROM ALGERJA (HE IS ONE OF THOSE WHO ESCAPED FROM THE TRUCKS DURJNG THE STRUGGLE WITH THE SOLDIERS AND HIS WHERE ABOUT IS UNKNOWN NOW). •• ABU·SHAHID AL·JAZA lRI FROM ALGERIA (HE IS ONE OF THOSE WHO ESCAPED FROM THE TRUCKS DURING THE STRUGGLE WITH THE SOLDIERS AND HIS WHERE ABOUT IS UNKNOWN NOW). •• ABDUL·RAHIM AL·JAZAIRI FROM ALGERIA (HE IS ONE OF THOSE WHO ESCAPED FROM THE TRUCKS DURING THE STRUGGLE WITH THE SOLDIERS AND HIS WHERE ABOUT IS UNKNOWN NOW). _. SARIM FROM SAUDI ARABIA (HE IS ONE OF THOSE WHO ESCAPED FROM THE TRUCKS DURING THE STRUGGLE WITH THE SOLDIERS AND HIS WHERE ABOUT IS UNKNOWN NOW). •• ABU·ABDULLAH AL·SHAMI FROM SYRJA (HE IS ONE OF THOSE WHO ESCAPED FROM THE TRUCKS DURING THE STRUGGLE WITH THE SOLDIERS AND HIS WHERE ABOUT IS UNKNOWN NOW). " ABU·AHMAD AL·SOURI FROM SYRIA (HE IS ONE OF THOSE WHO ESCAPED FROM THE TRUCKS DURING THE STRUGGLE WITH THE SOLDIERS J a l l j . (b)(l)'· Rayner v. 000 2036 AND HIS WHERE ABOUT IS UNKNOWN NOW). •- SHAFIQ AL-BADRI FROM SAUDI ARABIA. -- MOHSEN AL-TAAZI FROM YEMEN. -- HABIB AL-TAAZI FROM YEMEN. •- SAID AL-TAAZI FROM YEMEN. -- ABU-RAYYAN FROM SAUDI ARABIA. -- ABU-HUMAM / HAMMAM FROM SAUDI ARABIA. '- ABU·DOJANAH FROM TURKEY. -- ABDUL-RAHMAN FROM TURKEY. -- ABU-HAMZAH FROM TURKEY• •- TALOUT FROM SAUDI ARABIA (HE WAS WITH CHECHEN MUJAHIDIN FOR - MONTHS BEFORE COMING TO AFGHANISTAN). •- MASAAB AL-SHARIF FROM MECCA, SAUDI ARABIA. _. DOJANAH AL·TOUNISI FROM TUNISIA. •- AL-MOGHlRAH AL-YEMENI FROM YEMEN. -- ASEM AL-YAFIl. FOR T H O S E W H O S T R U G G L E D _ ' - ( b ) ( l ) (b)(1r'~'~WHOMWE PREVIOUSLYMENTIONED THEIR STORY, SIX OF THEM (b)(lr'l~p~~~~:~i~Yo~~:iii~~M. THE -. OMAR AL-FAROUQ FROM SAUDI ARABIA (HIS PHOTO WAS NOT CLEAR BUT HE WAS IDENTIFIED FROM IT). -- ABU·AL-HARITH AL-GHAMDI FROM SAUDI ARABIA (HIS PHOTO WAS NOT CLEAR AND THERE IS A BIG PROBABILITY IT IS HIM). -- ABDULLAH AL-KURDI FROM KURDISTAN, IRAQ (HIS PHOTO WAS NOT CLEAR AND THERE IS A BIG PROBABILITY IT IS HIM). COMMENTS: I, (U) THIS INTELLIGENCE REPORT IS DERIVED FROM HARMONY DOCUMENTN -0 - 07467 TH DATABASE CAN B '(b)(2) .. '(I»(l).(b)(2).(1»(3):1 ousc 424 ITS Rayner v. 000 T THE REPORTED INFORMATION BE EVALUATED FOR 2037 (b)(2) UPPORT~"'."'(b)(2) . PAGE 11 RHEFBIMOl44 e elf f I '5 !Jf'P) J\ fs ENCL: (U) TO FOLLOW. I ENCLOSURE. I. NON·PHOTOGRAPHIC • PARTIAL TRANSLATION OF HARMONY DOCUMENT NUMBERED AFGP·2002·807467 (U), I COPY,20020720, II PAGES, IN ENGLIS ACQ: ( U " ' ( b ) ( 2 ) DISSEM W Rayner v. DoD 2038 \b)(I) Rayner v. DoD 2039 Rayner v. DoD 2040 -1FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION OS/2/2002 Dateof :b2 per DOD On 5/22/02, _ ~,t:ILRAHMl\N OUN AL RAFEH ALSHEMRANE, Internment Serial N~er 0019~QP ;:'a~;'p;~~rj 9r,'Qd Lb1 at Guan,t~narno Bay, ,Cube;. by Sp~c,lal gen ::: .b6 r;mJ:~ TtJTe~;J;3~J on .?J?~....:...?g~.....(CID}~ (5 ~ =:::-::=: ~:: ~ .• ny. : ._ ~=,," _ _ l.A1SO~I ~ L O i l ~rn~w ..J'The J.ntervJ.ew was conducted J.n b'lC __ __ Arabic and trans a e accor ln~ y. All Arabic words herein are spelled phonetically_ After beJ.ng advised of the nature of the interview and the J.dentities of the interviewing agents, ALSHEMRANE provided the following information: m w.. b7A A~SHEMRANEwas photograph o~ [ shown § lineup containing the rid not recognizel 1 be pbot~graphic EMRAN~ w:: ;h::; a Photooran: ::- jc ) j J rom fiL S ,E onlY.r lnformatlon on __QQiiL_1 _ DkTE: 10-02-2007 CLASSIFIED BY 65179DMH/BJk/EH 0::1: :: I Cam eJ. a and had no r'" kLL INfORHATION co~rrAINED HEREIN IS ur,CLASSIFIED EXCEPT P.USON: 1.4 (C) DECLkSSIFY ON: 10-02-2032 \lllERE SHaIDl OTHER1JISE FOIPA # 1092529-000 Inv,.,;g.tion 00 5 I 2 2 / 2 0 0 2 __ l"te# 265A-MM-C99102 1~ ~'6 a' Guantanamo Bay, Cuba' ~((C~;)--b7C--------------- Date dlaall:d5/22/2002 This doamtenr contains neither recommendations nor conclusions olthe FBI [till the property ()fd!c FBI and is lmtqcd toyam agency; it and its wnttn,1S are not to be distn"btitCd omside YOut agency. Rayner v. DoD --- 2041 .~ 265A-MM-C99102 SNC:snc 1 On 5/22/2002, MOHAMMED ABDUL~MAN ~~ AL RAFEH ALSHE ANE, Internlent Serj a] Nllf0er 00195DP'l was~6 interyiewei by SA (CID and Specialist b;,C·. I (DHS) . ,),", per DOiJ r Rayner v. DoD 2042 106 265A-NY--259391, 265A-MM-C99102 t;::;7C I ;::1.::0:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-_. 0 , _ 03/26/02 _' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-=10_ Con 0 f F D - 3 0 2 0 r Military EXp: 1 month training in the Saudi Arabian Army Released on reserves due to being,only 15 Prior Arrests: none '0. S. Contacts: none presently Former U. S . COltacts: unknown losatiOD _~-:--I (aunt) ~uncle) Foreign Travel:Saudi Arabia - place, of birth Syria -.summer 2000 vacation, 1 week Turkey -- summer 2000 vacation, 1 week U.A.E. 1999, shopping trip, 4-5 days Pakistan August/2001 enroute Afghanistan Afghanistan - August/2001 b6 Family: Father: Mother: Brother: Sister: Sister: Brother: Sister: Sister: Brother: Rayner v. DoD lb7C "------I MOHAM>!IED, age 37, deceased HAMDIA, deceased rried,. resides in -Jeddah ried, resides in Al DAMMAM 2043 Brother: Sister: ' Rayner v. DoD ~ b6 b7C 2044 PO·30la (Rev. 1l04.9!) 265A--NY--259391, 265A-MM-099102 ib6 b7C continua emxa JLrI"II---------------..- 03/26/02 b6 b7C ib7A b7D Raynerv. DoD ~ 2045 ALL IMFOI1[ATIOM COMTAIMED HEREIM IS UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT UHERE SHOmE OTHERWISE DATE' 10-02-2007 CLASSIFIED BY 65179DMff/BJA/EH REASOM: 1. 4 (C) DECLASSIFY OM: 10-02-2032 101 FOIPA #1092529-000 b2 per [,"..)1) lb6 -1FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of !b7C en 04/15/2002 On 04/15/Q2, MQ~AMMED ABDULRAHMAN OUN AL RAFEH AL SHEMRANE (ISN number1r"",.............t00195DP, GTMO 38) detained ,at Guantanarno Ba Naval Base, r -' . resent fo ' , S (Sl ; ;i~";:';' ' ~' ~;';' ~,; j' ' ~'~fir"i'v~'i~ef,':w;l''tw~ai'<s""''':'r~ai1'n;;;s:''T'!la:t'Pe:rrt'rro~mmArlir:~~r.c::''''1tr,o:zJE::;n:;';g;''l~ir:s~h:;-,'S;:iHEmMRAN:iRiooE;:O-;:w;';a:':s;-' advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and thereafter, provided the following information: ~D7A h7A toG b7C I h7A lb6 h7C ~============j b7A 04/15/02 at ----------------Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Fil)i 265A-NY 2593,9155A-MM-C99102 S bJ - D... ",,,.,,. 04 / 15 /02 my CIO) S 106 b7C 1'h:ls doeume:nt c:ont:a.fDs.l'ldther zeonntt"en"at:lo.taa nor emebnlpnt; olthe m.lt .. the poperty altha FBI and is Io&Ded to )'OU1' ageDCyj Jt and lOl .........." " ' _ ... bedlotdbuted-l"lW'_. Raynerv.DoD 2046 .~ 1,'1 -JOb. v.l0~6453 265A-NY-259391, 265A-MM-C99102 c ABO U L OUN AL RAFEH AL SHEMRANE 04/15/02 2 f b7A. b7:A. I b6 L- Raynerv.DoD _ ~ , Jb7C 2047 ->4 1'--- Rayner v. DoD 107 1 Sl:]~i - 2048 .0. FD~302a (Rev.1o.&.) 265A-NY-259391, 265A-MM-099102 c lao ED ABDULRAHMAN OUN AL RAFEH AL .""MRAIIE, OU _ 04/15/02 7 !l::>7Jl.. 1071\ 'b6 1b7C b7Jl.. I07.'\ lb6 I 07('. b7.l\ b 71'. lb 6 10 7C !b7}\ ~:' f07C ----------------Rayner v. DoD - S~l(Ei - 2049 b7C Rayner v. DoD 2050 FD·30Za (Rtv. 10·6·95) 265A-NY-259391,265A-MM··C99102 cmdIRRNMED ABDULRABMAN OUN AL RAFEH AL SHEMRANE, OD _ _ 04/15102 _P.g' _ 8 ,7.n. 107 A lb7l\ "-·'r-' )DI"" !b7C I b7P. ~========;I~b7A Rayner v. 000 2051 r-- ~~j:T~_....,._----....., b7A b6 b7C Rayner v. 000 _S~T- 2052 FD·302a (Rev. 10.6·95) 265A-NY-259391, 265A-MM-C99102 ABDULRAHMAN OUN AL RAFEH AL SHEMRANE,o, 04/15/02 9 .PaPC ib 7" b6 !b7( \0 7A I.. 06 .!b7C Jb7A b6 b7C \o'1A \06 b7C n Rayner v. DoD ..z[ry'1~r . 2053 265A-NY-259391, 265A-MM-C99102 ABDULRAHMAN OUN AL RAFEH AL SHEMRANE 04/15/02 page 10 b7A bi: b7 A Jt;7 C bll A 0 6 7A ,,'7C ~=============;::,b6 f 1b7C b7F. ~===========_....._-=======--==, b7A 106 to7C J J ) : J~ 1-- Rayner v. DoD _ -s~r I"'" 2054 265A·NY .259391, 265A·MM.0991 02 ca "' M""D - ABDULRARMAN OUN AL RAFER AL SHEMRANE on 04{ 15{02 --- 11 b71\ 107'A 1===--------------=========l'b 7A b6 lb7C b7l; 106 b7C Rayner v. DoD ~ 2055 11>-302. (<<v.10-6-95) ~ ""': 265A-NY-259391, 265A-MM-C99102 b7A o 12 b7A b7A Rayner v. DoD ~Iil;gr 2056 ~T DATE: 10-03-2007 CLASSIFIED BY 65179Dflli/BJA/EH PEASOll: 1.4 (CI DECLASSIFY ON: 10-03-2052 \:.1 FOIPA # 1092529-000 b2 per 106 -1FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT ~RE SHOIW OTHER~ISE 04/11/2002 DOD On 04/10/02, MOHAMMED AL RAHMAN AL SHEMRANE aka AL b7C :::::::U ~nterv~ew W1QE,B\ {in Afghanistan, ABU BASHI (in Saudi Arabia) (ISN number I (3 00195DP) Age 27, POB Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, detained at Guan~anam~ Bay N~va~:~::), '. nt~::r::: ?iS~~t T~or I :ng;~;. The [1 HuY C 0 was advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and thereafter, prOVided the following information: ::an SHEMRANE advised that he is unmarried and formerly resided with his parents at Abed Al Rahman, Ibn All Bj yad, :::rl;;;r;;ia village of Wasareth, telephone number cell IHis other address in southern Saudi Ar ~a is Malik Najran, Saudi Arabia, in the village of Khaleedia. He noted that he uses the above cell number at both addresses. I ~z~z, Ireslde b6 1o'iC ~HEMRANE noted that his f~bPr. I I; I and mother, I both at the above Riyadh address.e as four brothers and five \:.6 sisters and they are the following in order by birth: D, b7C brother age 37 deceased, HAM~DIA sister deceased, ister married residin~dah' bro her marr' reSl i~' detainee, , ter, ister, brother brother, an sister age 7. Except or his marr~e s~ ~ngs, the rest res~de in Riyadh. Q SH~E's educational background consisted of completing college in 1998 Or 1999 with a Bachelor's degree in Religion at the College of Imam Mohamed Ibn Saude Al Islamia located in Riyadh. He worked two years as a teacher of Islam at the high school, Al AnUr Khaled Ibn Ahmed Asedere Medressa, located at Karnes Street, Najran, Saudi Arabia in: the village of Malek Fahed, SHEMRANE is Muslim and has gone on the Haj ten times. s~ It:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::I.. ...n"'c""e,......,h..,.e-,w..,.a...s....,o-n...ly..,.1 JnvestIptbn on 04110/02 asGuantanamo Bav, Cuba FlIe~ll YSA--NY--2S9391, 265A-r~6-C991QL byS~ !Jllb,_04/11/02 ~:c:b~7~C Thls doc:ume!It<Oll1Dlns _~"",CllI1C1uoIo>ls oCtile FBI. It ill tile popertyoCthc maodla _ aodils~_lIQttobe _ _ yoor_. ~ Rayner v. 000 b7Jl. _ to,..,.._1t 2057 265A-NY-259391, 265A-MM-C99102 Conl;....Io. of Ffl.302. o f _ MOHAMMED AL RAIIMAN AL SHEHRANE 04/11/02 , Page_ 1 ,on 15 or 16 years old at the time, he was too young to enlist in the Army, whose minimum age was 21. As a result, he was released to his home. He noted that since he was interested in the Army at a young age, they trained him as a Reserve. He also noted that since Saudi Arabia is a holy area, it is their duty to defend it and was happy to see the Americans come to help Saudi Arabia against Iraq. SHEMRANE has no prior arrests. S ~ advised that has traveled to several countries in the Middle East. He was born in Saudi Arabia. He traveled on vacation to Syria and Turkey during the summer of 2000, staying one week in each. He saved enough money for his vacation from working as a teacher and traveled during his summer break. He also traveled to the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E;) in 1999 and stayed 45 days for the purpose of shopping. His also traveled to Afghanistan via Bahrain and Pakistan in August 2001. SHEMRANE has never been to t~S aDd GJltrept] J~ bas P~~n67C., q s. r; Q~I~ actmother's s; howe vesister, r, his and a unt unc , ~lis e ~_;;:::;;:;;:;:;;:;;::;::;:;::;_::;::;:::;::_". I used toive in an unknown state in the: . and now res~des in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He noted that his uncle is deceased. . rl !J:,IA lb6 b7C I I b7A =======::::::::!"I ;:::=r b7/\ i He dw not kriow the leader of this group and , Rayner v. 000 2058 g~ET t . nk that it was USAMA BIN LADIN Rayner v. DoD 2059 ID302a. (Rev. 104-95) . / . SECRET / 265A-NY·259391,265A-MM-C99102 eoDtnuotlonoliv-302of_ _ MOHAMMED AL RAHMAN AL SHEHRANE .On04jllLQa 3 p b7l\. b,/,\ b6 1)7(-; b7A b6 b7C I L...- _ SHEMRANE was always thinking about Jihad and was also thinking about getting marrled to his finance in Aden, Yemen. He realized that weddings cost a lot of money, -$20,000 U.S. Since he . I b~A }nt) .!b7C / . SECRET '" Rayner v. 000 2060 FD-JG2. (Rev. IO-6-?Sj _ J SECRET , " 265A-NY-25939l, 265A-MM-C99l02 c 0 u I () n ?FD-302a MOHAMMED AL RAHMAN AL SHEMRANE M/1JI02 On 4 did not have that much money, he decided to postpone the wedding and go to Afghanistan for the summer of 2001 then return to Riyadh. SHEMRANE advised that his purpose for going to Afghanistan was to fight Jihad with the Taliban since Islam depends on Jihad. He wanted to go to Bosnia but his parents would not let him go due to fact that it was too dangerous. His father did allow him to go to Afghanistan because it was safer. ~ ..!b7C b71\ b71\ b "iF. . / / .... SECRET Rayner v. DoD 2061 •~, FD·302a (Rev. 106.95) ,,/ . SECRET ,. 265A-NY-259391, 265A-MM-C99102 MOHAMMED AL RAHMAN AL SHEHRANE Con ;hmallon of FD·302 of 04/11/02 5 , o n ,Pap b"iA lb7P-. 107 r. b7l\, J F. 106 b7 c h7'!\ b7 Rayner v. DoD 2062 ...... -:>·c:ECRET... , ...., b7A , / SECRET I' Rayner v. DoD 2063 FD·302a (R,I: v 10.6·95) 265A.NY.259391,265A.MM·C9?102 , MOHAMMED AL RAHMAN AL SHEHRANE C rOil 0 f ~ /' SECRET 04{11{02 fD~3{):t of "' °9 r,RI I 107A SHEMEANE begged to fight on the front line and got his wish because he wanted to die in a bunker. He was fightin9 against MASOOD and DOSTOMs people and was not fighting agalnst the Americans. After one month, SHEMBANEheard on the radio about the attacks on the U.S. He noted that he felt bad since the people who died were civilians and they were not at fault to anything. SHEMRANEheard about USAMA BIN LADIN's (UBL) Fatwas against the u.s. and the U.S. military from fellow fighters. He added that UBL is not a Sheik or reli~ious figure but is a Mujahideen and will get killed and is kliling others. He noted that Muslims can not take a Fatwah from a non-religious figure. In Islam, Muslims should do the right thing; however, not everyone does the right thing. Any Fatwah that says otherwise is outside the truth. SHEMRANE noted that the U.S. came to help the Saudis against Iraq and there is an agreement between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia that if Saudi Arabia wants the U.S, to leave than the U.S. would leave since the problem is resolved. ..... ,. ",.. SECRET Rayner v. DoD ~ 2064 ~ ", SECRET /' 265A-NY-25939l, 265A-MM-C99l02 FD-J02a Continuation MOHAMMED AL RAHMAN AL SHEHRANE , on 04/11/02 7 of , Page_ Ib Ib ib '7"-' "- oiA !b'll\ loG lb'?C Ib 71\ lo 71\ When SHEMRANE and the others arrlved in Pakistan, they surrendered their weapons to unknown people of an unknown village then the Pakistani military took them to an unknown Pakistani prison, where he stayed two weeks. He and the others were then transferred to the American prison in Qandahar, where he stayed another two weeks. Then he and the others were transferred to Camp X--Ray (GTMO). SHEMRANE advised that he has recognized detainees here at Camp X~-Ray (GTMO) that he saw in the Pakistan and Qandahar prisons and could recognize their photograph. SHEMRANE stated that he has recognized detainees here at Cam? X-Ray (GTMO) that he knows are Taliban that he saw in the Paklstan and Qandahar prisons and could recognize their photograph ... / SECRET , ... Rayner v. 000 2065 SECRET SHEMRANE advised that he has not heard of any future . attacks on the U.S. and does not know anyone who has knowledge or was involved in past attacks on the U.S. to include the U.S. Embassy bombings in Africa and the bombing of the USS Cole in ,j SECRET I • Rayner v. DoD 2066 FD-302a (Rev.llJ.6.!l5) \ .SECRET\ 265A-NY-25939l, 265A-MM-099l02 ContinuoliollofFlJ.302of_ _ MOHAMMED AL RAHMAN AL SHEHRANE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .on ....... 04/11/02 _ t p.... 8 -,bo7A __;bo6 _Y~e:;!m.!!le:;!n:L·:..LI .. 1b7C SHEMRANE stated that the conversations in Camp X-Ray (GTMO) consist of talking about family and "small talk" general conversation. No detainee is telling the others detainees not to talk to the investigators or telling them what to say. He noted that some unknown detainees are not talking in retaliation to an incident where a guard kicked the Koran. SHEMRANEnoted that no detainee is planning to attack the guards at Camp X-Ray (GTMO) or planning to escape from Camp X-Ray (GTMO) .. SHEMRANE explained that if he was released from Camp XRay (GTMO), he would go back to Riyadh, get a teaching job and live with his family .. Although he was proud that he went to fight Jihad, he would not do it again not even in Chechniya because his mother and fiance would not be approve. ~/ SECREf / ~ Rayner v. DoD 2067 "- "SECRET'" SHEMRANE agreed to talk in any future interviews and agreed to mform the interviewers about anything that he sees or hears that we should know about . .. J ,. SECRET Rayner v. DoD 2068 FD.30Za (Rev. JO.6~9~) - . SECRET 265A-NY--259391, 265A-M4~C99102 MOHAMMED AL RAHMAN AL SHEHRANE 04/11/02 _________________ ,on _ 9 Pale SHEMRANE is described as follows: MOHAMMED AI., RAHMAN GUN AI., RAFEH AI., Name: SHEMRANE AKA: AL MUGERA in Afghanistan AKA: ABU BASHI in Saudi Arabia DOB: 27 years old POB: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Passport: Status: single, no children Address 1: Abed Al Rahman Ibn Al Hasan Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Village 0lf Wasareth parents Telephone: Malik Abdu Al Aziz Address 2: Najran, Saudi Arabia Villaqe of KbaJeedja Telephone: celli I _ lb6 b7C I Education: Occupation: Employer: Religion: Mosque 1: Mosque 2: NGO 1: NGO 2: NGO 3: NGO 4: Bachelors Degree in Religion 1998 or 1999 College of Imam Mohamed Ibn Saude Al Islamla in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Teacher or Islam for 2 years High School (medressa) Al Amir Khaled Ibn Ahmed Ascedere Karnes Street Najran, Saudi Arabia Village of Malek Fahed Muslim MOHAMED IBN IBRAHIM village of Khalidea MAJID HADEM AL HAREMAN AI., SHEREFEN Imam - HASSAN AL JALLED AL EGATH AL ISLAMIA (or ILAMIA) BIR AI., HmiA AI., OOI.NA LESALIH NOUSIMIN AI., BOSNIA WAL HERSEK WAL SUMAL Imam -- AL EMERE SAI.MAN IBN ABD AI., AZIZ AI., SUD AI., NADWA AI., AI.,IMAY AI., SHABIB AL ISLAMIA KAET SECRET. Rayner v. DoD K 2069 , Hal lOx ~ -SECRcr, /, SECRET .... Rayner v. DoD 2070 Investigative Technology Division Cr i~S"'!"~~s"""""l~e~s~p~9~n~s~e~j';"::n~i~t=-- Miami Hector M. Pesquera ASAC Ricardo Martinez ~~ ~ c: ~iJ ASA'P-~"""~l.OQ,"""""I;;,W,_.., SSrr------......_--J SA AS .......';J~[i!ir;ri:J=::~....IoJiiWiloiloolAloiO .. l CSSA L _ _-----"'t 1-49 New York From: I Miami GTMO Proj ect con..t_a_c_t_=__ S_S_RA ......_ _....- : - : : - - - - - - (304)1.- to 6 lb7C _ }b6 Approved By: 1:l7C Drafted By: Case ID #: Title: bl (S ) PRQ,TECY (S) Synopsis: (U) ()() (U) GTMO Situation Report (SITREP). ~ ified By: G-3. E Reason: 5~ ssify O ~ a/wlihir (0) The following is a summary of significant activity which has occurred at GTMO for the period of Monday 10/14/02. Details: SIGNIFICANT EVENTS: ~ The next scheduled arrival of new detainees is projected for November. Specific details of the pending (U) ..lirr~ Rayner v. DoD 2071 S9~?PN To: Re: ~~)nI~e~r~t~e~r~r~o~r~j~s~m~~E~r~Q~m~'~!r'amtl . !b7A arrival have yet to be released. ~ . a t ransltlon " b There is un d erwayto com'lne TF 160 and TF 1 0 under one command group. Task Force GTMO will become operational on 11/01/02. MG Dunlavey will be the Commanding Officer (CO) until 10/31/02. MG Miller will be the CO of TF GTMO beginning 11/01/02. (U) (U) ~) FBI GTMO is working with 000 to secure permanent FBI space in the Joint Intelligence and Information Facility (JIIF) to improve FBI operations. CONTINUING MATTERS: None. DETAINEES: J~?, (S/NF) There are currentlOetainees being held at Camp Delta or the Fleet Hospital. !bl DETAINEE OPERATIONS; OCTOBER 14, 2002 b"JI\ b6 ~~ 7(' ., ~ 4• f'AUD MUHAMMED ABDULLAH AL FOUZAN I,N a"~_nr'?1 Q J)p lb 7 ,:; ib6 h),;,c b7D b7Jl.. b6 !b7C t:.7D Rayner v. DoD 2072 To: Re: '-' toG b7C b7D ml b7A !b6 ib7C 1b7D [Ull b7A b6 to7e b7D IT" b7A b6 b7C b7D Rayner v. DoD 2073 _SECR~~e!~ From. To: Re: I fJ\ lbl b'7A I b7Jl, b6 Jt,7C b7D (U) ISNI I00218DP, FAHD MUHAMMAD ABDALLAH, aka AL- FAWZAN,- On 10/14/02, AL-FAWZAN was interviewed at Camp Delta, U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba by JTTF Detective Sean b2 Markey. AL-FAWZAN had requested through the Military Police guards, to talk to interviewers. When interviewed, AL-FAWZAN stated he wanted to be moved into an isolation cell to get away from other detainees on his block. When questioned about his story, AL-FAWZAN was uncooperative, and refused to answer any questions or say anything. {In Rayner v. 000 per DOD lb7A lb6 lb7C b7D 2074 ~ Erpm· To: Re: T('<Sf!: I M .. ami 10' ' ... 1071'. b7A I06 b7(' Ic7D Ip7A I06 Io7C IeTD n7A ib6 b7C o7D i fJ\ {[J\ I t'17A be; b7C b7D I ~)'il\ bEl lb'lC b7D Rayner v. DoD 2075 ~~epeN' To: Re: from- bl !b7F.. b71\ b6 b7D I ml b7A b6 b7c b7D I ml b7A b6 b7C b7D 1m J b'll'. b6 b7C b7D "1\1 b7A b6 tr>7C lb7D -Rayner v. DoD -.... 2076 To: Re: FrOID- Mj "l i lb 71\ b7A b6 07'b7,D (U )1 b7A b6 b7C b7D 1fT' lb71\ b6 b7C !b7D DISTINGUISHED VISITORS (U)~~ Visit by Defense HUMINT Service Commander, Major General Dayton, 10/15/02 through 10/16/02. CURRENT ON SCENE BUREAU VISITORS: (S)I·················......, I Q and DOJ personnel will arrive on G-5 aircraft Tuesday 10 as part of the GTMO task force,.......I.ll.e. task force personnel are scheduled to leave on 10/16/02~ personnel may remain until the following week. , "FBI'," CURRENT AND FUTtnu: DELEGATION VISITS: Rayner v. DoD 2077 P~!/-liElFElmf To: Re: ~~~1(erterrQrism ,q m.,\ 1b1 Jb7J\ I 1:>1 (S/NF) , b:l (S/NF) (S/NF) (" /N1<'\ I PERSONNEL Ir-..l.(,,","/~NJ""F"'\loLlll -----l--I -.J <01 (S) tol b6 b7C Rayner v. DoD 2078 ~/NepeliQi To: Counterterrorism Re: (S Fromi )1 l.c1 b7A --~F=:=::::'-----.." (5) (U)~ Currently, FBI GTMO, has a total of twenty-four (26) personnel in plf'Ge ~. PG:JJ~:';~ jifteen j p~erJ1J' ewing personnel. SSAL _and SS~from the b6 Behavioral A n a l y s l s n l ) are ass~s lngawnforcement b7C Interview Teams with interview analysis and background on the current FBI investigation. (J:l (U) ~ On 10/15/02, three (3) interviewing agents and a motor vehicle operator will arrive GTMO by Bureau aircraft from Fort Lauderdale for 45 and 30 day rotations. TECHNICAL ISSUES: (U) ~ I E" All technical equipment issues will be coordinated ~;c tnrough the Miami' ... FBI Miami POC for technical assistance is SSA r--.......- r - -..... (U) ~ SA will arrive Of 10/16/02 to advise on 16 technical iss!l"u:!:'el!'s-a~~a':'::m~p;-l,. SAl will depart the following ~.;c week. NEW 1\DMINISTRATIVE MATTERS: None. ONGOING 1\DMINISTRATIVE MATTERS: None. Rayner v. DoD 2079 To: Re: from. (LEAD) (s) : Set Lead 1: (Adm) ALL RECEIVING OFFICES (U) Read and clear . •• Rayner v. DoD 2080 ~ FO·302 (Rev. 10·6·95) ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED .I. HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION LJlIERE SHOW OTIlER1JISE Date of transcription Investigation on at File /I ~_ ' Date dictated ~ vI This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions oftile FBLh 6 he property oflhe FBI and is loaned to y"rageney; 10 7C it and its <;ontents are not (0 be distributed outside your agency. b2 per DOD DATE: 10-03-2007 CLASSIFIED BY 6S179DI1ff/BJA/EH REASON: L 4 (C) DECLASSIFT ON: 10-03-2032 FOIPA # 1092529-000 08/03/2002 (5) I FAHD MUHAMMAD ABDALLAH AL fAWZAN, also known as (aka) FAHD MUHAMMED ABDULLAH AL FOUZAN, Interment Serial Number (ISN) ~00218DP, was interviewed at Cam Delta Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Pr n in the ' terv' w w e SA FBI~ I Civilian Linguist provided Arabic/English translation. AL FAWZAN voluntarily provided the following information: AL fAWZAN provided the above correction to his name. AL FAWZAN said he would not submit to a polygraph, because the only person who would know if he is lying is God. At various times through out the interview, AL FAWZAN became uncooperative and did not want to answer questions, but after a short time, he would continue to answer new questions. During'the interview, AL FAWZAN was given a break for prayer. AL FAWZAN has a laundry business in Saudi Arabia with five (5) other men. He went to Pakistan, with his father's blessing to urchase laundr machines for his business. He was loG rm~e",e.:;to:i""n;;;;...:w:.;io;t:o:h.u._"'I!rr."''lrnmm'"''''''''I'r.''''~~:;-mI'l'IPr-''I''I';p-ml''Ji'1r;;;nl'''pp'''''''TT~_...J''' e guaran ee 0 s u c u n er 7 c fAWZAN s at er. AL FAWZAN met t a hotel in Peshawar, Pakistan. AL FAWZAN wanted to pure ase the laundry machines in Pakistan, because they were locally made and brand new. The machines were also less expensive then the ones in Saudi Arabia. It would be cheaper for AL FAWZAN to purchase the machines in Pakistan and have them shipped to Saudi Arabia, then buy the machines in Saudi Arabia. He saved approximately $5,000 in Riyal by purchasing the machines in Pakistan. AL FAWZAN brought $15,000 Riyal to Pakistan. He saved approximately $10,000 of the money himself, but his father gave him approximately $4,000 Riyal. AL FAWZAN paid for the entire trip. b6 including transportation and lodging costs for himself andl b7C He stayed approximately two (2) weeks in Karachi, Pakistan at a hotel. Prior to arriving in Pakistan, AL FAWZAN flew through the airport at Bahrain. While at the airport, that is the first time he heard about the bombings in the United States (US) on September 11, 2001. He was in Bahrain for approximately two (2) days at a I 08/02/2002 Guantanamo Bay, Cuba 265A-MM-C99102 SAI.... Rayner V. 000 lrlm b6 08/03/2002 lb7C 2081 On , Page Continu"ffi'leI?i30~"S) ~ the information regarding the above us bombings on jj'Al:I!irl!ltl!lAMMi"ll'lsABfiA~L!Hgllhl"A'illil~NDubia €l.&idOKli:t€HlBi. 2 FD.302aF6Ifi.l!l~-BIl9$IlQ AL FAWZAN left Pakistan on a Pakistani airlines and flew to Quetta. He then drove to Kandahar withr----lbnd took another b6 fight to Kabul. He stayed in a hotel, cal~saf, located 30 b7C minutes from the Kandahar airport, in which he arrived at by bus from the airport. AL FAWZAN financed the above transportation and lodging for himself andl I AL FAWZAN's home telephone number was 01-4210282. He resided on the top floor of his parents residence. He is mar~ j~h : sm~ll baby. His father's cellular telephone number is , JAL FAWZAN's family has moved and he does not know t e new e ep one number or address. The old address is Riyadh AI-Shafa, Shara AI-Madaris, ~52 House Villa. His laundry business is located approximately 300 meters from his residence. b6 : b7C AL FAWZAN made approximately $5,000 to $6,000 Riyal a month profit from his business. This is approximately $1,500 in US currency. He does not have many personal expenses, only a vehicle and gas. He will usually deposit his profit into a bank account, then withdraw money when he needs it for personal expenses. The money he makes as profits is also his fathers. AL FAWZAN considers the money made by himself and his father to be the same, interchangeable. f);' AL FAWZAN and r1traveled to Kandahar together and to Kabul. They fle~ on. an ~ane, Whict to S :0 b:JJ~ aM ;Od enSlve. Whlle In Kabul, they met. . _ _ _ . _, d toPe s hawar and AL FAWZA ~c~o:':'n:-:t"ll~n~u""e=~'!"l '=s""'~r~a":'v~e~s""'w"'l"'t"..,.l had convinced Al FAWZAN to go to Afghanistan to ~~~~~~l~n~expensive and exotic leathers. Prior to leaving for his trip, AL FAWZAN spoke to his brother-in-law about purchasing leather goods for his brother-in-Iaw's boutique in Saudi Arabia. AL FAWZAN stayed approximately one and half (1 ~) months in Kabul at , Iresidence. While in Kabul, JdZAN stayed in the district of Wazlr Akbar Khan. AL FAWZAN and traveled to various cities in Afghanistan visiting shops, frien s and family ofr-----land sight seeing. He traveled by taxi to the different ~ns. AL FAWZAN spent approximately two and half (2 ~) months total in Afghanistan. AL FAWZAN went to various leather shops to check samples. He put a down payment of $1,000 Riyal, on the items he was going to purchase. The shops told him it would be ready in two (2) weeks, so AL FAWZAN traveled throughout Afghanistan, then planned to return to pick up ,his merchandise. The remainder of the cost would be billed to AL FAWZAN. AL FAWZAN also spent money on food during his travels. From Kabul, AL FAWZAN went to Khowst, where he stayed one (1) week. ve:r ib6 lh7C AL FAWZAN said if he was released he would go back to Saudi Arabia to continue his laundry business and raise his family. Interviewers asked AL FAWZAN about the location of his passport and the remainder of the money he had with him during travel. He refused to answer any questions regarding the whereabouts of his Rayner v. DoD ..s~i- 2082 ~Ee!i\E jHe further stated that all information FD-302'#ffi'6~t:C!iftillOli\is money. On , Page Contin''WIlel'f'd 30b'l! iRAllJi)sMIIlIilAMMADNABIJAUJ!lllrAquliiAliZAMs werel9!id6::l':ell!'l€lil.. Rayner V. 000 3 2083 'I.I~A H," I'n'l~l~ll ...,J. / ....',~~1.. FP·302 (R<Y !006-9S) J • FlID'BRALBlJREAU OF INVESTIGATION (ht<ot mw:s-rlptlorl em Ill: Detc<l~\lCcd fflt:J11 l>y This 40cwnent CMtatM: lIeitllllt l'ttt:lnltt'leDlll!II2~ act ccmd.U$lQns of AI;. PBl t\ is 'the prop~ of tlc FBI ~d is 1oa»cd to yotaragtnc)\ it W itfl toMellbm tIOl: to be dl$ln'bufed 0_1: )lovrlliClt~. 08/03/2002 ~HD ,AHD MtlHAlo'.MAD ABDALLAH AL FAWZAN, also known as laka) b2 per MUHAMMED ABDULLAH AL FOOZAN, Interment Serial Number (!SH) 0218DP, was interviewed at Cam Delta Guantanamo Sa Cuba. transla"Cion. informacion: DOD provided Arabic/English AL FAWZAN voluntarily provided the following At various times through out the interview, AL FAWZAN became uncooperative and did n01: want to answer questions, but after a short time, he would continue to answer new %IiiII0ns. lU. I!'AWZAN hae a laundry bueine$$ in SlJudi Arabia with five (5) other men. He went to Pakistan, with his :father's blessing to urchas d w meet;in with s sn lU. s atner. AL FAWZAN L Pakist.an. lU. FAWZlIN wanted t"o"""'p"'w:=c=a..s::::e;;'""'l=e::'"""1===-:-:===;::::' in Pakistan, because they were locally made and brand new. The machines were also less expensive then the ones in Saudi Arabia. I~ would be cheaper for AL FAWZAN to purchase the machines in Pakistan and have them shipped to Saudi Arabia, then buy the maohines in Saudi Arabia. P.e saved approximately $5,000 in Riyal by purchasing the machines in Pakistan. b6 h7C lU. FAII'ZAN brought $15,000 Riyal to l'akil;tan. He saved approximately S10,OOO of the money himself, but his fa~her gave him approximately $4,000 Riyal. AL FAWZAN paid for the entire~' including transportation and lodging costs for himself and He stayed approximately two (2) weeks in Karachi, Pakistan a hotel. Prior to arriving in Pakistan, AL FAWZAN flew through the airport at B~rain. While at the airport, that is the first time he heard about the bombings in the Onited States (US) on September 11, 2001. He waS in Bahrain for approximately. t1of9 (2) days at a 08/0212002 b6 h7C Guantanamo Bay, Cuba 08/03/2002 OMOExhIbil11.. ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATI 02-12-200e BY 6S179/DI~/HEGfVTA Rayner v. DoD Page.l....cfL 2084 FARD MUHAMMAD ABDI\LLAIl 1\1. fAWZAN 08/0212002 2 FD-JD2.(ll<> 10"\-95) C¢atllW.lIf,1)fI, of'PD-302 of O. ,P'f!l' hotel. He saw the information regarding the above US bombings on three (3) separate occasions, in Bahrain, Dubis and Karachi. AL FAWZAN left Pakistan on a ?akt:J airlines and flew to Quetta. He then drove to Kandahar with and took another fight to Kabul. He stayed in a hotel, cal e nae!, rocated 30 minutes from the Kandahar airport, in which he arrived at by bus from the airport. AL F~WZAN f j Da\lced che above transportation and lodging for himself andL J b6 b7C He resided on the top floor of his lIarents residence. He is ~rr~eg with a small baby. II • • • • At FAWZAN' s family has moved and he does not know the new telephone number or address. The old address is Riyadh Al-shafa, Shara AI-Madaris, l52 House Villa. His laundry business is located approximately 300 meters from his residence. AL FAWZAN made approximately ~5,OOO to $6,000 Riyal a month profit from his business. This is approximately $1,500 in as currency. He does not have many personal expenses, only a vehicle and gas. He will usually deposit his profit into a bank accoun~, then withdraw money when he needs it for personal expenses. The money he makes as profits is also his fathers. AL FAWZAN considers the money made by himself and his father to be the same, interchangeable. IlL FAI'IZAN and IItraveled to Kandahar together and to ~abul. !hey fle~ on an~anef Whict was ;n h;U: fliaht ;nd v@:~1 rU'.....>i'ens~'<te. Wh:l.le in Kabul, they met _ ~ __ ~~_ ret r d to Peshawar and At fAWZA conE nue :LS trave s w~t • 0 Afghanistan to purchase prior to leaVing for his trip, AL FAWZAN spoke to his brother-in-law about purchasing leather goods for his brother-in-law's boucique in Saudi Arabia. AL lltaYed approldmately one and half (1~) months in Kabul at r;esidence. While in Kabul, At FAWZAN stayed in the district o azu Akbar Khan. IlL FAWZAN and .---rtJ:aveled to varotQl¥l cities in Afghanistan visiting shops, frien~d family ~nd sight seeing. He traveled by taxi to the different ~oca~:Lons. AL FAWZAN spent approximately two and half (2 ~l months total in Afghanistan. AL FAWZAN went to various leather shops to check samples. He put a down payment of $1,000 Riyal, on the ite)lll!l he was qoing to purchase. The shops told him it would be ready in two (2) weeks, so AL FAWZ~~ traveled throughout Afghanistan, then planned to return to pick up his merchandise. The remainder of the cost would be billed to AL FAWZAN. AL FA'iiZAN also spent money on food during his travels. From Kabul, AL FAWZAN went to Khowst, where he stayed one (1) week. ~ Rayner v. DoD b6 b7C oft 2085 f oJ:. SyffiET FOUOIILES I) Memorandum To Date Depa~tment of Defense 02/03/2006 ottice for the Administrative Review of the Detention Of Enemy CombataIlts J. M. McGarrah, R.ear Admiral Federal Bureau of Investigation From Counterterrori~ Division T.J. Harrington, Deputy Assistant Director Subjoot : Mmin:l.strative lteview of Enemy COmbatant 10002:l.8DI? b2 per DOD I Administrati.ve In accordance with the ARB assessment dated 01/17/2005 from FBI/CTD to DOD/01lRD£C, FAHD MOllAMMAD JUllJALLAH AL FAWZAN, !ntermuent Serial Number (ISN) I 100021SDP, was assessed to b2 pose a continued threat to the nat10nal security of the united States and it~ allies. (Numerical rating quantifying the severity of this detainee'~ threat to the national security of the United States was not assigned until MarCh 2005.) per DOD The below summary is baSed solely on information derived from FBI investigations and is in response to a DOD request (Cycle 2, Round 6} dated 01/03/2006. I Investigative summary FAHD MOHAMMAD ABDALLAH AL FAWZAN, ISN:...,..,..--=100 0:21SDP, is a Saudi national currently detained at the U. S. Naval Base, Guantanamo aay, CUba. b2 per DOD AL FAWZAN advised that his father'li' WLcle (his 9teat uncle) is the Director General of CUStoms in Saudi Arabia. ISIIL· -:----:- --:-_--:-::_ _ -:-:-~- bi AL FAWZAN has been uncooperative and ha.s provided little information to the FBI. The information he has provided is largely limited to some biographical info~mation and tne events which led to his detainment and transport to GTMO. AL PAWZAN has failed to full:¥, disclose his cOl:lZ1eetiotlS It is hkely J;hat he, ha,s more to the Taliban and al-Qa' ida. DATE: 02-12-2008 CLASSIFIED BY 6S179/DMH/HEG/VTA REASON: 1.4 (D) DEC~l:tryn~t etf}6tT s~ FOUOIILES ALL INFOlUiATION CONTAINED HEREIN 15 UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT WHERE SHOWN OTHERYISE 2086 --=wrrc _ FOUOI/LES Mtlmorandum from FBX to PoD Re: Administrative Review of Enemy Combatant, 02/03/2006 infoxmation pertaining to al-Qa'i&' fitlatlciug that would be of interest to the intelligence cOllllllunity. PJ: Int.enllt. The FBI has a. current investigative ~etl..in th19 detainee, PMID I!!OH1lMM1iD ABDALLAH AL FAWZAN, ISJilL- I'00218DP. h2 per DOD I IL--__- - - - - - ' - - - - AL I?AWZM has failed to fully to the Taliban and aJ.-Oa I ida. I dil"lQ!j!~}rl-" connections ...I.iili PAWZAl!l is h7E -2- FOUOI/LES Rayner v. DoD ~ 2087 i' ., UNCLASSIFIED Memorandum To Department of Defense D.,. 02/22/2006 Office fo~ the Administrative Review of the Detention of Enemy Combatants From FBI GTMO Coun terterror ism Dll-"""ilJs.,;;UO>lV'"-Asst. Gen. Counsel. S..bje"", b6 :b7C I REQUEST FOR REDACTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION ISN 218 ONC~SSIFIED SUMMARY Pursuant to the Secretary of the Navy Order of 14 September 2004, Implementation of Administrative Review of the Detention of Enemy Combatants at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba, the FBI requests redaction of the information herein marked.' The FBI makes this request on the basis that said information relates to the national security of the United States.' Inappropriate dissemination of said information could damage the national security of the United States and compromise ongoing FBI investigations. CERTIFICATION THAT REDACTED INFORMATION DOES NOT SUPPORT A DETERMINATION THAT TlIE DETAINEE IS NOT A TliREAT TO TliE U. S. OR ITS ALLIES. The FBI certities that withheld information is not relevant to the determination as to whether an enemy combatant should continue to be detained because he is a threat to the United States or its allies or whether there are other factors bearing upon the need for continued detention such as his intelligence value, and any law enforcement interest. The following documents relative to the referenced ISN have been redacted by the FBI and provided to the OARDEC: FD-302 dated 08/03/2002 ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 02-12-2008 BY 65179/DHH/HKG/VTA 'Redactions are blackened out on the OARDEC prOVided FBI document. lsee Executive Order 12958, as amended by 13292. UNCLASSIFIED Rayner v. DoD 2088 \F[}.302 (Rev. .. .. ~ 1O.(i~95) • lnwstiption on at File II Dale dicwed by This: do¢un:lentcontams neither "commendations I'Q conclu,iom oftbe FBI. It i$ the property ofthc FBI and is loaned to )'OU'''ll''''''r. itand It! COJ'It.cItI. are net IG be distributed ou.tside ~ lliCl'lC}'. 08/03/2002 b2 per DOD information: AL FAWZAN voluntarily provided the following AL FAI'lZAN provided the above correction to his name; AL FAWZAN said he would not submit to a polygraph, because the only person who would .know if he is lying is God. At various times through out the interview, AL FAWZAN became uncooperative and did not want to answer questions, but after a short time, he would continue to answer new questions. During the interview, AL FAWZAN was given a break for prayer. AL FAWZAN has a laundry business in Saudi Arabia with five (5) other men. He went to Pakistan, with his father's blessing to . . , meetin with AL FAWZAN's bUlpine:s under ~he QlIAraotee Of All b6 b7C AWZAN's at er. AL FAWZAN metL . Pakistan. AL FAWZAN wanted to p"'u"'rc::c:.:c::a"'s"'e-=t"'h':'e......':'au"'n=dry=-ma="'ch=in=e"'s...,.."in Pakistan,. because they were locally made and brand new. The machines were also less expensive then the ones in Saudi Arabia. It would be cheaper for AL FAWZAN to purchase the machines in Pakistan and have them shipped to Saudi Arabia, then buy the machines in Saudi Arabia. He saved approximately $5,000 in Riyal by purchasing the machines in Pakistan. AL FAWZAN brought $15,000 Riyal to Pakistan. He saved approximately $10,000 of the money himself, but his father gave him approximately $4,000 Riyal. AL FAWZAN paid for the entire~ b6 inclUding transportation and lodging costs for himself and b7C He stayed a roximatel two (2) weeks in Karachi, Pakistan a a hotel. . akistan.;.:Ar;.:FA.,~\fl_;,' . ' ..•.. - . ai;~~. 1il!e?~~l;Port i t;l'llli~'is t " . . l;e"h"eat't$' 11g8 .in the,'/Onited St~· (US 11, 2001. He was in Bahra,in:1;or approximately'tMo' (2 t: 08/02/2002' Guantanamo Bay, Cuba fOtlOIllES ALL 08/03/2002 CONTAINED IS UNCLASSIFIED I~FORHATIO~ HEREI~ DATE 02-12-2006 BY 65179/DHH/HKG/VTA Rayner v. DoD 2089 On' •Page AL FAWZAN left Pakistan on a pakc'st 'airlines and flew to Quetta. He then drove to Kandahar with nd took another fight to Kabul. He stayed in a hotel, cal e Insaf, located 30 b6 minutes from the Kandahar airport, in which he arrived at by bus b7C from the airport. AL F~financed the above transportation and lodging for himself andl----J He resided on the top floor of his parents residence. He is married with a small baby. • AL FAWZAN's family has moved and he does not know the new telephone number or address. The old address is Riyadh Al-Shafa, Shara Al-Madaris, #52 House Villa. His laundry business is located approximately 300 meters from his residence. AL FAWZAN made approximately $5,000 to $6,000 Riyal a month profit from his business. This is approximately $1,500 in us currency. He does not have many personal expenses, only a vehicle and gas. He will usually deposit his profit into a bank account, then withdraw money when he needs it for personal expenses. The money he makes as profitil is also his fathers. AL FAWZAN considers the money made by himself and his father to be the same, interchangeable, AL FAWZAN and Dtraveled to Kandahar together and to Kabul. They flew on an airplane, which was an hour flight and very ensive. While in Kabul, they metl I "==""'::eturned to Peshawar and AL FAWZAN continued his travels with b6 b7C AL tayed approximately one and half (1 *l months in Kabul at esidence. While in Kabul, AL FAWZAN stayed in the district o WaZlr Akbar Khan. AL FAWZAN and r1traveled to yarjQljS cities in Afghanistan visiting shops, frien~d family of I and sight seeing. He traveled by taxi to the different locations. AL FAWZAN spent a roximatel two and half (2 *l months total in Af hanista Q AL FAWZAN said if he was released he would go back to Saudi Arabia to continue his laundry business and raise his family. Interviewers asked AL FAWZAN about the location of his passport and the remainder of the money he had with him during travel. He refused to answer any questions regarding the whereabouts of his passport and his money. He further stated that all information would be in his file. No further questions were addressed. FOUO//iES Rayner v. DoD 2090 I FD-lO~ 0. ' FOUO/lllS CCnl".ia~ MUHAMMAD lIBDALLAH AL FAWZAN 08/02/2002 3 , Page FOUO/ILES Raynerv. DoD 2091 ,r ('" ~T 'A' ~ fOOO/llES (I Memorandum To Ode Department of Defense Office of Administrative Review for Detained Enemy Combatants J.M. McGarrah, Rear Admiral 01/17/2005 From Federal Bureau of Investigation Counterterrorism Division T.J. Harrington, Deputy Assistant Director Subject : Administrative Review of Enemy Combatant .. -000218DP Adm1niauati"'. This threat assessment is based Solely on information derived from FBI investigations and is in response to a Department of Defense request dated 12/10/2004. Invostiqativo summary FARO MUHAMMED ABDULLAH AL FOUZAN, a.k.a. FAHD MUHAMMAD AL FAWZAN, Internment Serial number' -0002l8DP, is a Saudi Arabian national. otten uncooperative during interviews conducted throughout his detention, FOUZAN has admitted no connection to any terrorist organization and claims to have been in Afghanistan following the 09/11/2001 terrorist attacks to purchase leather goods for re-sale in his brother's boutique in Saudi Arabia. Prior to traveling to Afghanistan, Fouzan claims he was in Pakistan to purchase, washl' og :aCbi ~Qr b J aJlndr: Ss in Saudi Arabia., FOUZAN'S. ~ _ _ _ sugges hey go to Afghanis an 0 purc ase lea her goo s. ZAN and raveled from Karachi to QUetta and then to Kandahar, lly to Kabul. In Kabul, they met a friend of who then traveled with FOUZAN to Khost whi e e urne 0 akistan. FOUZAN has not elaborated on his time in either Pakistan or Afghanistan and has refused to undergo a polygraph examination. De: Q i: I b6 b7C bl b7D (SilL' i -~;""Mwr:.... -:--;===:::;- _ ~t----'1-!"'1- - - - - - - - e ,.jBllilBJ;.ltt;.j,.llL 1 - 315N-HQ-C1406946-P 1 - 3l5N-MM-C99102-AA246 b6 b7C JRH: jrh ALL INfORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASZIFIED EXCEPT WHERE ZHomN OtHERUIZE Rayner v. DoD fOUO/IlES DATE: OZ-12-2006 CLASSIFIED BY 65179/DMH/HKG/VTA REASON: 1.4 (D) DECLASSIFY ON: 02-12-2033 2092 ... -_ . _. . . ~~~effi:T/FI- nOD/iliS Memorandum from Federal Bureau of Investigation to Department of Defense Re: Administrative Review of Enemy Combatant, 01/17/2005 bI ISJ'lL' _ b6 b7C Xntelli.gence Value bI b6 b7C OX :Ini:erest (5)\·1 (s)1-·_ _-lBl.aJa S!..eled:l...J°QJlD...Ilh.l.Sis-t::Il:>fOSWSi~::.e..e ...J.Jl:I.nJDk<.S..S..J:.lt:"-'t::.tl.G>.b j? 1 '---I FOOZA~ is potent~ally or rur€fier ~nves ~gat~ve value to the FBI. bI b6 b7C Threat A88eS8ment Despite his repeated protests to the contrary, FOUZAN is believed to have associated with known a1 Qaeda members and is also affiliated with a NGO suspected of supporting international terrorism. For these reasons FOOZAN is believed to pose a continuing threat to the national security of the United States and its allies. -2- fODel/liS Rayner v. DoD 2093 • UNCLASSflEO Memorandum Department of Defense Office of Administrative Review To for petained Enemy Combatants I Dale 03/15/2005 • h6 I b7C FBI GTMO Counterterrorism D!·L:l''''d''SUiLlo",n_-,~. ~~~~c ABst. Gen. Counsel _ _ _.....J Prom IU Subject REQUEST FOR REDACTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION 00218DP Pursuant to the Secretary of the Navy Order of 14 September 2004, Implementation of Administrative Review of the Detention of Enemy Combatants at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba, the FBI requests redaction of the information herein marked'. The FBI makes this request on the basis that said information relates to the national security of the United States'. Inappropriate dissemination of said information could damage the national security of the United States and compromise ongoing FBI investigations. CERTIFICATION THAT REDACTED INFORMATION DOES NOT SUPPORT A DETERMINATION THAT THE DETAINEE IS NOT A THREAT TO THE U. S. OR ITS ALLIES. The FBI certifies that withheld information is not relevant to the determination as to whether an enemy combatant should continue to be detained because he ia a threat to the United States or its allies or whether there are other factors bearing upon the need for continued detention such as his intelligence value, and any law enforcement interest. The following documents relative to ISN 218 have been redacted by the FBI and provided to the OARDEC: FD-302 dated 8/3/2002 'Redactions are document. black~ned out on the OARDSC provided FBI 'See Executive Order 12958 ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 02-12-2008 BY 65179/DRH/HKG/VTA UNCLASSIFIED Rayner v. 000 2094 .• UNCLASSIFIED b6 I Memorandum from . Re: REQUEST FO -'RSrm1'DrlrA1'"\;'r""rr1'oil'1'N-,.....O~37/1"5~/~2~OOI'l'!5:--------- k Coupa If! ''P'' I","G_ep_--r ~ ~I peed edd! t i anal ::Sf:: 1;:;:;: b7C rnce , please contact Asst. b6 !!iE~J]j aenee Zlne)""t I I b7C b6 b7C .....J 1 - SLC:slc -2- UNCLASSIFIED Rayner v. DoD 2095 • FEDE~aJUf;,vESTlGAIN FD..302 (Rev. 10-6·95) ., transcription Investiglltion on FiJe# by r 'UU//LfSDat,.r Om dictated This document contains neither recommendations nor ((Inclusions of the FBI. II is the property "fthe FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are net to be disbibuted oUt3ide your agency. (S FAHD MUHAMMAD ABDALLAH AL FAWZAN, also known as (aka) FAHD MUHAMMED ABDULLAH AL FOUZAN, Interment Serial Number (ISN) , was interviewed at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Present durin: the interview FiI, and II ClvlIldJi were:::: ::::: L111g0 sc translation. information: , P v eo b : lingri bi n AL FAWZAN voluntarily provided the following AL ~AWZAN provided the above correction to his name. AL FAWZAN said he would not submit to a polygraph, because the only person who would know if he is lying is God. At various times through out the interview, AL ~AWZAN became uncooperative and did not want to answer questions, but after a short time, he would continue to answer new questions. During the interview, AL FAWZAN was given a break for prayer. AL FAWZAN has a laundry business in Saudi Arabia with five (5) other men. He went to Pakistan, with his father's bles~ing to u chase aun r m c in s f s uc b6 b7C un er e guaran ee 0 FAWZAN sather. AL FAWZAN met at a hotel in Peshawar, Pakistan. AL FAWZAN wanted to se the laundry machines in Pakistan, because they were locally made and brand new. The machines were also less expensive then the ones in Saudi Arabia. It would be cheaper tor AL FAWZAN to purchase the machines in Pakistan and have them shipped to Saudi Arabia, then buy the machines in Saudi Arabia. He saved approximately $5,000 in Riyal by purchasing the machines in Pakistan. AL FAWZAN brought $15,000 Riyal to Pakistan. He saved approximately $10,000 of the money himself, but his father gave him approximately $4,000 Riyal. AL FAWZAN paid for the entire~ including transportation and lodging costs tor himself andl----J He stayed approximately two (2) weeks in Karachi, Pakistan at a hoteL Prior to arriving in Pakistan, AL FAWZAN flew through the airport at Bahrain. While at the airport, that is the first time he heard about the bombings in the United States (US) on September II, 2001. He was in Bahrain for approximately two (2) days at a 08/02/2002 Guantanamo Bay, Cuba ------ Fouol/lt DATE: 02-12-2008 CLASSIFIED BY 65179/DMH/HEG/VTA REASOII: 1.4 IC) DECLASSIFY 011: 02-12-2033 Rayner v. DoD ALL IIIFORllATIOII COlITAIIlED HEro:III IS UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT lm3ERE SHOWN OTHERWISE ~ S Exhibit--fl.::] (:<:J I of"' 3 2096 FD'30~. FOUO//L£., Contin",~ MUHAMMAD ABDALLAH AL FAWZAN 08/02/2002 On hotel. He saw the information regarding the above US , Page bombings on three (3) separate occasions, in Bahrain, DUbia and Karachi. 2 AL FAWZAN left Pakistan on a Pak~ airlines and. flew to Quetta. He then drove to Kandahar withL---Jand took another fight to Kabul. He stayed in a hotel, called rnsaf, located 30 minutes from the Kandahar airport, in which he arrived at by bus from the airport. AL F1wZAN financed the above transportation and lodging for himself and b6 b7C AL fAWZAN's home telephone number was 01-4210282. He resided on the top floor of his parents residence. He is married with a small baby. AL fAWZAN's family has moved and he does not know the new telephone number or address. The old address is Riyadh AI-Shafa, Shara ~l-Madaris, i52 House Villa. His laundry business is located approximately 300 meters from his residence. AL FAWZAN made approximately $5,000 to $6,000 Riyal a month profit from his business. This is approximately $1,500 in US currency. He does not have many personal expenses, only a vehicle and gas. He will usually deposit then withdraw money when he needs money he makes as profits is also the money made by himself and his interchangeable. ~L FAWZAN and 0 his profit into a bank account, it for personal expenses. The his fathers. AL FAWZAN considers father to be the same, :0 traveled to Kandahar together and to Kabul. ~hey fle~ on. an airplane, whiclt was h:lJ: fJ jaM ;Dd VP:" nex ens~ve. Wh~le ~n KabuL, they met I _ __ _ _J retprPjd to Peshawar and AL FAWZAN cont1nue 1S trave s w~ t ________~~~.had convinced ~l FAWZAN to go to Afghanistan to purchase inexpensive and exotic leathers. Prior to leaving for his trip, AL FAWZAN spoke to his brother-in-law about purchasing leather goods for his brother-in~law's boutique in Saudi Arabia. AL fAWZAN stayed approximately one and half (1 ~) months in Kabul at I Iresidence. While in Kabul, 1L FAiZ~N stayed in the district of Wazir Akbar Khan. AL FAWZAN and traveled to various cities in Afghanistan visiting shops, friends and family ofl land sight seeing. He traveled by taxi to the different locations. AL FAWZAN spent approximately two and half (2 ~) months total in Afghanistan. AL FAWZAN went to various leather shops to check samples. He put a down payment of $1,000 Riyal, on the items he was going to purchase. The shops told him it would be ready in two (2) weeks, so AL FAWZAN traveled throughout Afghanistan, then planned to return to pick up his merchandise. The remainder of the cost would be billed to AL FAWZAN. AL FAWZAN also spent money on food during his travels. From Kabul, AL FAWZAN went to Khowst, where he stayed one (1) week. E b6 b7C AL fAWZAN said if he was released he would go back to Saudi Arabia to continue his laundry business and raise his family. Interviewers asked ~L fAWZAN about the location of his passport and the remainder of the money he had with him during travel. He FOUOJ/j-~) Rayner v. DoD 2097 F1).30''- 0, . Page • ~OlJOff:'./~· Co"j"",~ MUHAMMAD ABDALLAH AL FAWZAN W 08/02/2002 3 refused to answer any questions regarding the whereabouts of his passport and his money. He further stated that all information would be in his file. No further questions were addressed. FOUOI/ L£5 s~ Rayner v. DoD 2098 Memorandum • • Department of Defense Office of Administrative Review for Detained Enemy Combatants To I FBI GTMO Counterterrorism Diyis;on Asst. Gen. counsell~, From Subject I I Dale .-r·;';f' 09/21/2004 b6 b7C ~~ b6 b7C REQUEST FOR REDACTION OF SECURITY INFORMATION 0218DP b2 per DOD NATI~ Pursuant to the Secretary of the Navy Order of 29 July 2004, Implementation of Combatant Review Tribunal Procedures for Enemy Combatants Detained at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba, Section D, paragraph 2, the FBI requests redaction of the information herein marked'. The FBI makes this request on the basis that said information relates to the national security of the United States', Inappropriate dissemination of said information could damage the national security of the United States and compromise ongoing FBI investigations. CERTIFICATION THAT REDACTED INFORMATION DOES NOT SUPPORT A DETERMINATION THAT THE DETAINEE IS NOT AN ENEMY COMBATANT The FBI certifies the aforementioned redaction contains no information that would support a determination that the detainee is not an enemy combatant. The following documents relative to ISN 218 have been redacted by the FBI and provided to the OARDEC: FD-302 dated 08/03/2002 'Redactions are blackened out on the OARDEC provided FBI document .. 'See Executive Order 12958 ALL IMFOrolATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 02-12-2006 BY 65179/DMH/HKG/VTA Rayner v. DoD 2099 Memorandum from[ Re : b6 REQUEST Fok"""'RB""b"'AIrIC""1""!7'O",",N-,-'O'l"lgr.j"l2"'"17j 2'TO""O"'4r------ ~ n e • b7C • ~ If you need add.\·~·ma~~da~~e. please contact b6 ~~5s::=:Jb7C or ence a n e i ence Anal s t -2- Rayner v. DoD 2100 b2 per DOD FOUOI/LES -1- Ji'EDERlu. 'a"lJREAU Oli' I1'IVmS'!:tGA'1':tON ~~b ~. 04/11/2002 noted.~~j:; fa:he~ I )$HEMRANE and mother,L 1both I ...r..e...s... w..e....a...£-the above Riya ess~e s four brothers ana five b6 siste~s and they are the following in order by bi~HAMED' b7C brother age 37 aeceased, HAMDIA, sister deceased, sister married residin~dahJ::: I brother marrie res din~n Danunam detainee istet-;I I sister, ALI, brother r 1 I brother, an sister age 7. Except for his mar,ne siblings, the rest resi e in Riyadh., I S~'? eduC?tioria;L background"consisted' of completing college in '1998' or .1999 with a Bachelor's degree in' Religion at the Coll""'6 of J:ma)n MOhained Ibn. saude ro. Islam:ia 'l6Catea: in R:i."~'~""He work~ab;rQ e~"s 'as a teacher of,.Is:!;am at ,t;liehign' s.cli06~,~ ",~f.*r Rhaled :llin,~ 1'isedere:Medtessa, located at Karnes Street,.. j~a·ran, Saudi Arabia in: the Village of Malek Fahed. SHEMRANE is Muslim and has gone on the Raj ten times. ====================11"S;]lJ'1fi Oe~e-:nme~wna[l s" 'onr I~yr It\ b7A DMOExh~ PAGE \ '---fft.OlJQI.4.di&ll'III...... TIIliI _ _ IIIItlIor_ _...... oad.. <D1doalll_uotlabe _ _, . . . . _ . m:.&. _fDJ'I"I'_1l ALL INFOrotATION COlllTAIll!:D HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 02-12-2008 BY 65179/DHH/HKG/VTA Rayner v. 000 2101 FOUOI/LES 04/11/02 ,on 15 or 16 years old at the time, he was too young to enlist in the Army, whose minimum age was 21. As a result, he was released to his home. He noted that since he was interested in the Army at a you~ age, they trained him as a Reserve. He also noted that since SaudI. Arabia is a 001::( area, it is their duty to defend it and was happy to see the Amer~cans come to help Saudi Arabia against Iraq. SHEMRANE has no prior arrests. S ~ advised that has traveled to several countries in the Middle East. He was born in Saudi Arabia. _litiia~eled:;-6ti vacation to Syria arjd TUikey· during: thl;l ~:I;' o"f 2000;' staYing one week in each. He saved enough money for his vacation from working as a teacher and traveled during his summer break. He,~s4 traveled to the United Arab Emirat~s ,(U;~.E.) "i;1 199,9 and stayed 4'; 5 days for the pu.rpose of shopP.lnq. H.lS also traveled 'to Afghanistan via Bahrain and Pakistan in August: 2001;· SHEMRANE has never been to the U. S. and currentl has no co{tacts; however, his aunt, mother's sister, and une e, I.~hiS use to ive in an unknown state in the . Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He noted that his !J ~ b6 b7C b7A b7A ~r---------I He did not not think that it was did FOUOI/LES Rayner v. 000 I know the leader of this group and USAMA BIN LAIlIN UBL the Taliban or At b7A PAGE"::::.JJF..12- 2102 FOUOflLES b7A b7A b6 b7C b7A b7A b7A b6 b7C b7A b6 b7C SHEMRANE was always thinking about Jihad and was also thinking about getting marned to his finance in Aden, Yemen. He realized that weddings cost a lot of money, -$20,000 U.S. Since he -- PAGE!> OF J() FOUOI/LES Rayner v. DoD 2103 FOUOI/LES did not have that much money I he decided to postpone the wedding and go to Afghanistan for the summer of 2001 then return to Riyadh. SHEMRANE advised that his purpose for going to . Afghanistan was to .fight Jihad with the Taliban since Islam depends on Jihad. He wanted to 90 to Bosnia but his parents would not let him go due to fact that it was too dangerous. His father did allow him to go to Afghanistan because it was safer. h7A h6 h7C .b7A =======================I·" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 b7A FOUOIILES Rayner v. 000 2104 FOUOIILES MOHAMMED ALRAHMAN AL8HEHRANE C••;hmolb. of FD.302 of 04/11/02 5 , o n ,Pap _ _ I =================================;- b7A I"" ;==========-1 "M b7A b7A b7A b6 b7C b7A b7A FOUOIILES Rayner v. DoD 2105 FOUOIJ1,ESALBAHMANAI.SHEHBANR b7A b7A begged to fight' on the front lliie ai1d qot his he wanted t;o, die in a bunker. He was,fighj;i!1g a9'~nst and, OOSTOMs people and was' not fighting against t~e wish because ~SOOD SHEME'ANE l!iroerieans .. Aft,er one month, !!HIlMI!ANEheard, on' the' raQ,io about the attacks' qn the ,u.$. He noted that he felt bad since the people who died were civ~lians and they were not at fault to anything. SHI!MBANRheard about OSAMA BIN LADIN's (UBL) Fatwas against the U.S. and the U.S. military from fellow fighters. He added that OBL is not a Sheik or reli~ious figure hut is a Mujahideen and will get killed and is k~lling others. He noted that Muslims can not take a Fatwah from a non-religious figure. In Islam, Muslims should do the right thing; however, not everyone does the right thing. Any Fatwah that says otherwise is outside the truth. SHEMRANE noted that the U.S. came to help the Saudis against Iraq and there is an agreement between the u.s. and saudi Arabia that i f Saudi Arabia wants the U.S. to leave than the U.S. would leave since the problem is resolved. b7A L- _ FOUOI/LES Rayner v. 000 I'" PAGE~OF~ 2106 FOUOI/LES I'W02a .011 04/11/02 1 Continuatiart of I ' " ============================================ I"" :=========================================~ b7A b7A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 b7A When SHEMAANE and the others arrived in Pakistan, they surrendered their weapons to unknown people of an unknown village then the Pakistani military took them to an unknown Pakistani pri$on, where he stayed two weeks. He and the others were then transferred to the ~erican prison in Qandahar, where he stayed another two weeks. Then he and the others were transferred to camp K--Ray (GTM01. SHEMRANE stated that he has recognized detainees here at X-Ray (GTMO) that he kn0jw.s.a.r.e.T.a.lli.i.baaiiiln.thiia.t.hie.s.a.W.in.t.hiei Pakistan and Qandahar prisons Camp ~.tiq~i~ed that hE[!,has"not h,eard of. any futm,e attaCks on-uieU; $,•. and dOes not" know anyooe who" has: :knoWled'ged:: ~s involved in past attacks· on· the:U.s. to inc~ude the U.S. FOUOI/LES Rayner v. 000 2107 1i1mbassy bombings in AfrtPJJPt~~ing of t~~ U,gS Cole· i~ FOUOIILES Rayner v. 000 2108 FOUOI/LES COIl.....Ii>.orl'lJ,llllll!'_ _ MOHAMMED AL RAHMAN At. SHEHRANE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • OD, 0"/11/02 _ I Pa.. 8 I I_ Yemen ._, SHEMRANE stated that the conversations in Camp X-Ray (GTMO) consist of talking about family and "small talk" general conversation. No detainee is telling the others detainees not to talk to the investigators or telling them what to say. He noted that, some unknown detainees are not talking in zetaliation to an incident where a guard kicked the Koran. SHEMRANEnoted that no detainee is planning to attack the guards at Camp X-Ray (GTMO) or planning to escape from Camp X-Ray (GTMO) •. SHEMAANE explained that if he was released from Camp XRay (GTMO), he would go back to Riyadh, get a teaching job and live with his family •• Although he was proud that he went to fight Jihad, he would not do it again not even in Chechniya because his mother and fiance would not be a rove. SHEMRANE a reed to talk in an future interviews FOUOI/LES Rayner v. 000 2109 b7A b6 b7C FOUOI/LES c...,.."...rfD->oz.1_ _ MOHAMMED AL RAHMAN AL SHEHRANE 04/11/02 ________________ ' on _ ..... 9 SHEMRANE is described as follows: Name: IroHlHlED AL RAFJMll.N OUN AL lW"&H 'AL AKA: AKA: OOB: AL MUGERA in Afghanistan ABU BASHI in Saudi 'Arabia 27 years old Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia si~gle, no, children Abed Al Rahman Ibn Al Hasan Riyadh, Saudi 1lJ;abia Villa e of Wasareth POB: Passport: Status: Address 1: SHEMRANE Malik ADdu Al Aziz Najran, Saudi Arabia Vi~e of I<haleedia l~u~cl!!latI!!l1"io~n~:!II.Ba~=ors Degree l~ Religion 1998 or 1999 College of Imam Mohamed Ibn Sauoa Al Islarn1a in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Teacher or Islam for 2 years occupation: High School (medressa) Employer: AI l\mir Khaled Ibn Ahmed Ascedere Karnes Street Najran, Saudi Arabia Village of Malek Fahed Muslim Religion: MOHAMED IBN IBRAHIM village of Khalidea Mosque 1: MAJID HADEl'[ AL AAREMl\N AL SHEP-EFm Mosque 2: Imam - HASSAN AL JALLED Address 2: NGO 1: NGO 2: NGO 3: NGO 4: Hal KAET AL EGATH AI. (or !LAMIA) AL ImwA AL OOWA UlS1tLIH NOUSIM!N AL BOSNIA WAL HERSEK WAL SUMAL IlMI1\ -- AL mERE SA1Ml'.N IBN ABD AL AZIZ AL SUD AL NADWA AL ALIMAY AL SHABIB AL ISLAMIA lOx f'A~OFIO FOUOI/LES Rayner v. DoD !SLA~UA ErR - 2110 FOUOI/LES Memorandum To Dale • Department of Defense 98/31/2006 Office for the A~~inistrative Review of the Detention of Enemy Combatants Frank sweigart, Director !'rOM b2 per DOD E'edElral Buraau of Investigation counterterrorism Division Joseph Billy, Jr., Acting Assistant Director Subject ~strative L.-}000195DI? Review of Enemy Comcatant b2 per 000 1ldminiat:.rati-ve b7A b7E The below summary is based solely cn information derived from FB~ investigations ip response to a pepurant of Defense (DoD) b7A request I . _ Investj,g"..t:.ive S\lJl1lIl3.%y MOHAMMAD ABO AL-MIlMAN At. SHllMRANI, INTERNMENT Serial Number (ISNH 1000195Dl?, is a saudi national currently detained at tile O.S. N"val St"Uon, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. AL SIiUMRANI .edded in ~iyadh, Saudi Arabia, with his parents. During the first Gulf War, AL SHUMRANI received one month of military training as a reservist. ~L SHU~RANI was only 16 years old at the time and was not permitted to enlist in the Saudi Arabian army until he .eached the age of twenty-one. AL SHUMRANI completed college in 1999 and received a Bachelors degree in Religion. Thereafter, he worked as a teacher of Islam at a high school in Riyadh. In August 2001, AL SHUMRANI admitted to traveling to Afghanistan to fi~h~ ;i02" with the Taliban. AL SHUMRANI paid for his own traveL I b7A ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED lll:REIJiI IS UlICLASSIFIED DATE 02-12-2006 BY 65179/DHH/HKG/VTA Rayner v. DoD I I OF J.... DMO Exhibit FOUO/ILES -- PAGE 2111 FOUOl/LES Memorandum from FBI to 000 Re: Administrative Review of Enemy Combatant, 08/31/2006 b7A Intol1igence Value b7A FIlI Intarost IMtlHlOOlAtI ABO. At-RAHMAN ~h:eat At SHUMJlANI, ISNI __-,="""''''''',.,,~lo001~50~, lb2 per DOD b7A Assessment b7A b7E -2- -1. PAGE.LOF FOUOI/LES Rayner v. 000 2112 UNCLASSIFIED MemoraJldum To ~ Subjo"" ~. Department of Defense 1 Office of Adrnini$trati~~eview for Detained Enemy Combatants rnI~O DIle: 9121/2006 ~b6 Counterterrorism DiVisionl Supervisory Special Agent, .~ ' b7C REQUEST FOR REDACTION OF ------'/.';-" NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION l! lSN 1~5 UNCLASSIFIED SUMMARY Pursuant to the Secretary of the Navy Order of 14 September 2004, Implementation of Administrative Review of the Detention of Enemy Combatants at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba, the FBI requests redaction of the information herein marked. 1 The FBI makes this request on the basis that said information relates to the national security of the United States. 2 , Inappropriate diss~ination of said information could damage the national security of the United States and compromise ongoing FBI investigations. CERTIFICATION THAT REDACTED INFORMATION DOES NOT SUPPORT A DETERMINATION THAT THE DETAINEE IS NOT A THREAT TO THE U.S. OR ITS ALLIES. The FBI certifies that withheld information is not relevant to the determination as to whether an enemy combatant should continue to be detained because he is a threat to the United States or its allies or Whether there are other factors bearing upon the need for continued detention such as his intelligence value, and any law enforoement interest. The following document relative to the referenced ISN has been redacted by the FBI and provided to the OARDEC: FD-302 dated 04/11/2002 ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DAtE 02-12-2006 BY 65179/DMH/HKG/VTA I Redactions are blackened out on the OARDEC provided FBI document. 'See Executive Order 12958, as amended by E.O. 13292. OMO Exhibit :J.... UNCLASSIFIED Rayner v. DoD -- PAGE I OF 4 2113 UNCLASSIFIED Memorandum from Re: J REDACTION, 9/21/2006 1 b6 b7C REQUEST FO b6 b7C f ~'-- _ b6 b7C UNCLASSIFIED Rayner V. 000 2114 ·. UNCLASSIFIED Memorandum ~ Department of Defense . Office of Administrative Review for Detained Enemy Combatants To from ; Sul>j.CO FBI GTMO Counterterrorism DiViSionl Supervisory Special Agent • DIIO: 9/21/2006 [t\i . b6 b7C ----.,..,.. U REQUEST FOR REDACTION NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION ISN 19:> CLASSIFIED SUMMARY Pursuant to the secretary of the Navy Order of 14 September 2004, Implementation of Administrative Review of the Detention of Enemy Combatants at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba, the FBI requests redaction of the information herein marked.' The FBI makes this request on the basis that said information relates to the national security of the United States.~ Inappropriate dissemination of said information could damage the national security of the Onited States and compromise ongoing FBI investigations. CERTIFICATION TllJIT ll.EDACTED INFORMATION DOES NOT SUPPORT A DETERMINATION THAT THE DETAINEE IS NOT A THREAT TO THE U.S. OR ITS ALLIES. The FBI certifies that withheld information is not relevant to the determination as to whether an enemy cOmbatant should continue to be detained because he is a threat to the United states' or its allies or whether there are other factors bearing upon the need for continued detention such as his intelligence value, and any law enforcement interest. The fOllowing document relative to the referenced ISN has been redacted by the FBI and prOVided to the OARDEC: FD-302 dated 04/11/2002 ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 02-12-2008 BY 65179/DHH/HKG/VTA 'Redactions are blackened out on the OARDEC provided.FBI document. 'See Executive Order 129~8, as amended by E.O. 13292. UNCLASSIFIED Rayner V. 000 PAGE~OF...i. 2115 UNCLASSIFIED b6 ! Memorandum from Re: l REQUEST FO . If b7C I 9/21/2006 ~~~~~. REDACTION, you need add~tiQnal aSSist5 l\s,:ustant Genera] cOllose1l 1 - t - --,,-,-- Pl;;se CQPttct . nte ~~.,. ~gence nalyst b6 b7C b6 b7C 1 - UNCLASSIFIED Rayner v. DoD 2116 fOUO//LES -1FEDERAL IilUlUl:AU OF INVESTIGATION 04Iil/200.L On 04/10/02, MOHAMMED AL RAHMAN Ai SHEMRANE aka AL MUQERA (in Afghanistan, ABU BMHI (in Saudi Arabia) (ISN number US9SA-00195DP) Age 27, .POB Riy~, Saudi Arab~~, detained at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base Cuba was re-interviewed. Present for the interview was SHEMRANE advised that.~e is unmarried and:formerly resided with his parents at Abed Al Rahman, Ibn Al· Hasan Riyiad, is~au~di~'~Ar~·~ab~ia, . village· of· Wasareth, telephone number _ , cell '!' • His other address in southern Saudi ArabJ.a J.S Malik Abdu Al AZJ.z, Najran, Saudi Arabia, in the village of Khaleedia. He noted that he uses the above cell number at both addresses. ~ notet:~i5 f~bP'" and mother, I both I resJ.de at e above Riya ess' nas four brothers and five sisters and they are the following in order by bi . OHAMED, brother age 37 deceased, HAMDIA, sister deceased, sister married residing in Jeddah,~ I br~her mar i resJ.dinbJ· detainee, ~ I sIster, sister, brother, rother, and sister age . Except or his marrJ.6 SJ. J.ngs, the rest reside in Riyadh. a e b6 b7C Q SHEMlWlE's educational bt.ckground consisted of ~~J9 college in .1998 or 1999 with a Bachelor' s ~. j,n.. fffll! ~on at . Colleqe of In1am Mohamed Ibn Saudei Al Islamiil l~tei;1 trt'N-~~, !'Ie workea two yearlll as a teacher of Jslam at the high schOQI, .lU Rhaled Ibn Al:lml!d Asedere Medressa, loCated at Karnes Street.. ·~jran, Saudi Arabia in: the villaqe of Malek Fahed. SHEMRANE is Mutjlimand! has gone on the Raj ten I '-- ....;.- ___________ mUD 111......, _•••101';.."",. i _ . ._ •• _ ... Illltll>...· _. . _ • timjas. I I"'S"'J."=n"=ce="""'h::":e="""w"'a"=s-o:cn:::"rr-=y"'" DdO~Q4/11/Q2 us .crllloJIILltlolllo _clIboJIII_Io_lil _ _ It ALL INFOIUIATION COlJTAIlIED HEREIN IS UIlCLASSIFIED DATE 02-12-2006 BY 6S179/DnH/HKG/VTA Raynerv. DoD 2117 b7A fOUO//lES 04/11/02 ,on 15 or 16 years old at the time, he was too young to enlist in the Army, whose minimum age was 21. As a result, he was released to his home. He noted that since he was interested in the Army at a youn9 age, they trained him as a Reserve. He also noted that since Saudi Arabia is a holy area, it is their duty to defend it and was happy to see the Americans come to help saudi Arabia against Iraq. SHEMRANE has no prior arrests. ~ANE advised that has traveled to several countries . in the Middle East. He was born in Saudi Arabia. He trawJ,.ed on vacation to· Syria ang Turkey during the ~ of 200Q,siaylng one week in each. He saved enough money for h~s vacation from working as a teacher and traveled during his summer break. He also traveled to the iinit!'l<i Arab.l!l1nirate~ (U.Jl..E.) in 1999 and stayed 45 days for the purpose of shopping. H1S also traveled to Afghanist1-Ul via B~rain .!llld.l'aki~an.in Auqust; .2001. . . :S SHEMRANE has never been to the U S.· and currently ~as co tacts; however, his aunq I his mother's sister, and uncle, us:; to live in an unknown state in the and now resJ.es Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He noted that his uncle is deceased. lJ,!'l 5.:. ~n b6 b7C b7A 1:>6 b7C I~==================================;I ~r---------I d~d He b7A b7A not know the leader of this group aJ fOUfi//lES Rayner v. 000 2118 fO~~/Il~i ,did not think that it was I Oaeda USAMA BIN ""DIll lUBU the T9Jj~r Ai I fOUOllLES Rayner v. DoD ~ Page, 3 b7A of..LL 2119 ........_ _ of _ _ MOHAMMED AL RAHMAN AL SHEHRANE .OA04/11LQ~ • 3 h7A h7A h6 ; h7C I"" !=========================================;-" b7A h7A h6 h7C h7A b6 .b7C SHEMRANE was alwa¥s thinking about Jihad and was also thinking about getting marned to his finance in Aden, Yemen. He realized that weddings cost a lot of money, -$20,000 u.s. Since he fODS/IUS Rayner v. 000 2120 C G u: I o. !FD~302a MOHAMMED AL lURMAN AL SHEMIIANE fII/IlIf1l o. . 4 did not have that much money, he decided to postpone the wedding and go to Afghanistan for the S\lllI!ner of 2001 then return to Riyadh. SHEMRANE advised that his purpose for going to Afghanistan was to fight Jihad with the Taliban since Islam depends on Jihad. He wanted to go to Bosnia but his parents would not let him go due to fact that it was too dangerous. His father did allow him to go to Afghanistan because it was safer. b7A b6 b7C b7A ~I =====;1"1 IL-I b7A Rayner v. DoD 2121 .. _---------------- fi'!' FD-3tl2. JIlI'I. lH.95) Con;hmalion of Fo.:!U of MOHAMMED AL RAHMAN AL SHEHRANE ,on 04/11/02 5 ,Pap _ _ b7A I b7A b7A I b7A bTh I b6 b7C '\============'-, b7A b6 I b7C b7A b7A Rayner v. DoD 2122 b7A Rayner v. 000 2123 MOHAMMED AL RAHMAN AL SHEHRANE C ron 0 f 04/nJQ2 FD~301 of • On .t"' :==1====================~I 11..--- b7A 1 SHWEl\NE peggeci to fightPn the front line and. got hU wish because he wanted to die in a buJker. He was fightincf 4aeJ.Mt MASOOD and DO.STOM liipeqple <;lnd ....a« I:l.~t;,fightingaga:[n~t.the, . lunericans", After one month, SHBM!!ANlIhtard. 0,[1 ,t:he;'!id:l.Q sPout" the attacks on the U.S. He noted that he felt bad since the people who died were civilians and they were not at fault to anything. SHRMRANEheard about USAMA BIN LADIN's (UBL) Fatwas against the U.S. and the U.S. military from fellow fighters. He added that DBL is not' a Sheik or reli~ious figure but is a Mujahideen and will get killed and is k11ling others. He noted that Muslims can not take a Fatwah from a non-religious figure. In Islam, Muslims should do the right thing; however, not everyone does the right thing. Any Fatwah that says otherwise is outside the truth. SHEMRANE noted that the U.S. carne to help the Saudis against Iraq and there is an agreement between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia that i f Saudi Arabia wants the U.S. to leave than the U.S. would leave since the problem is resolved. b7A b7A ~r::r,~~ I n r:(~ ;i '$).;',,)/ t ll,:1.,~· Rayner v. 000 2124 7A 1.0"'(01 -!to- ~"""(.' rJ~~li~~a .OD 04/11/02 7 of Pa b7A :b6 b7C b7A b7A b6 b7C b7A =======1I b7A L-- When SHEMRANE and the others arrived in Pakistan, they surrendered their weapons to unknown people of an unknown village then the Pakistani military took them to an unknown Pakistani prison, where he stayed two weeks. He and the others were then transferred to the American prison in Qandahar, where he stayed another two weeks. Then he and the others were transferred to Camp X--Ray (GTMO). . SHEMRANE advised that he has recognized detainees here at Camp X--Ray (GTMO) that he saw in the Pakistan and Qandahar prisons and could recognize their photograph. SHEMRANE stated that he has recognized detainees here at Camp X-Ray (GTMOl that he knows are Taliban that he saw in the Pahstan and Qandahar prisons and could recognize their photograph PagIt...L.d Rayner v. DoD /3 2125 f~;··"·:I{ ll~ i:~ eJ.., . Ilto~¥I SHEMro\NE advised that hehal$ not heard of any fUture attackS on the U.S. and does not ]mow Ilnyone who has knowleda'eoi was involved in past attacks on the~.S. to include the ~.S. Embassy bombwgs in Africa and the I:!l>mbing of ~he USS CQle in Rayner v. DoD 2126 C_......rFBa02OC_ _ MOHAMMED AL RAHMAN AL SHEHRANE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,OD 04/11/02 _ , pa.. 8 J Il....-veme_D I SHEMRANE stated that the conversations in Camp X-Ray consist of talking about family and "small talk" general conversation. No detainee is telling the others detainees not to talk to the investigators or telling them what to say. He noted that some unknown detainees are not talking in retaliation to an incident where a guard kicked the Koran. (GTMOl ~noted guards at Camp X-Ray (GTMO) •• that no detainee is planning to attack the or planning to escape from Camp X-Ray (GTMO) SHEMRANE explained that if he was released from Camp XRay (GTMO), he would go back to Riyadh, get a teaching job and live with his family •• Although he was proud that he went to fight Jihad, he would not do it again not even in Checlmiya because his· mother and fiance would not be approve. Rayner v. 000 2127 b7A b6 b7C SHEMRANE agreed to talk in any future interviews and agreed to ~nform the interviewers about anything that he sees or hears that we should know about. f.: ':("~"". ~ t1 ~-:::,. ~';"":"'~:J l.. .:.a Rayner v. DoD 2128 c••".......f.D-3 •••f_ _ MOHAMMED AL RAHMAN AL SHEImANE 04/11/02 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , on _ 9 SHEMRANE is described as follows: Name: MOHAMMED AL RAHMAN OON AL RAFEH AL SHEMRANE AKA: AL MUGERA in Afghanistan AKA: ABU BASHI in Saudi Arabia DOB: 27 years old POB: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Passport: Saudi Arabia Status: single, qp children Address 1: Abed Al Rahman Ibn Al Hasan Riyadh, Saudi Arabia V~f Wasareth _ parents Telephone: Address 2: Malik Abdu Al Aziz Najran, Saudi Arabia Villageilio.f.I<h.ai1iie.edii' a Telephone: ·cell Education: occupation: Employer: Religion: Mosque 1: Mosque 2: NGO 1: NGO 2: NGO 3: NGO 4: Rayner v. DoD Bachelors D;gree in Religion 1998 or 1999 College of Imam Mohamed Ibn Saude Al IslamLa in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Teacher or Islam for 2 years High School (medressa) A1 Amir !<haled Ibn Ahmed Ascedere Karnes Street Najran, Saudi Arabia Village of Malek Fahed Muslim . MOHAMED IBN IBRAHIM village of Khalidea MAJID HADEM AL HARE1>1AN At SHEREFEN Imam - HASSAN AL JALLED KAET AL EGATH AL ISLAMIA (or ILAMIA) BIR AL IWGI. AL cmNA. u:sro:.m NOUSIMIN At BOSNIA WAL HERSEK WAL SUMAL Imam -- AL EMERE S1'IIMI\N IBN ABD AL AZIZ AL SUD At NADWA At AtlMAY At SHABIB At ISLAMIA 2129 f8U811lES Memorandum To Department of Defense 09/09/2005 Office for the Administrative Review· . of the Detention of Enemy Combatants J.M. McGarrah, Rear Admiral From Federal Bureau of Investigation Counterterrorism Division T.J. Harrington, Deputy Assistant Director Subject: ,.&lmJ..n.l,strative Review of Ene~y CCllllbatant L-..J000195DP b2 per DOD Adlllinisb:ative The below summary is based solely on information derived from FBI investigatiols and is in reSponse to a _ Department of Defense request L...- b7A InvElstiqative Summary MUQABD Al.-RAHMAN AL-SRUMaANT, INTERNMENT Serial b2 per DOD Number (ISN) 000195DP, is a Saudi Arabian national currently deta1ne at the U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. AL-SHUMRANT resided in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, with his parents. During the first Gulf War, AL-SHUMRANT received one month of military training as a reservist. AL-SHUMRANT was only 16 years old at the time and was not permitted to enlist in the Saudi Arabian army until he reached the age of twenty-one. ALSHUMRANT completed college in 1999 and received a Bachelor's degree in Religion. Thereafter, he worked as a teacher of Islam at a high school in Riyadh. b7A b6 b7C b7A ALL INFO!U'!ATION COIITAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DA~ QZ-1Z-Zooa BY 65179/DHH/HKG/VTA Rayner v. DoD tSDO//liS 2130 F8UD//lES Memorandum from FBI to DoD Re: Administrative Review of Enemy Combatant, 09/09/2005 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I"" .b7A 1L.,=::-r.:~_,:;:l'Im= ....._;r;:;;:;_;~=;u;:;:;_;;_:_;rn;;=_~_:;_;; ~__ detaInee, MUHAMMAD ABP Al.-MllM1IN AL-SHUMRANT, ISNlL_ _ loo019S0P. .b2 pe r b7A b7A b7E -2- FIUU/IlES Rayner v. DoD 2131 DOD ·. Memorandum UNCLASSIFIED Department of Defense ~ Office of Administrati~ Review for Detained Enemy Combatants To Dam 11/15/2005 FBI GTMO Counterterrorism 0j'ViSiOn ~ Asst. Gen. Counsel _ _ _ _ _ _---1 From SubjfJc% b6 b7C REQUEST FOR REDACTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION ISN 195 ~ursuant to the secretary of the Navy Order of 14 september 2004, Implementation of Administrative. Review of the Detention of Enemy Combatants at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba, the FBI requests redaction of the informtion herein marked'. The FBI makes this request on the basis that said information relates to the national security of the United States·, Inappropriate dissemination of said information could damage the national security of the United States and compromise ongoing FBI investigations. CERTIFICATION THAT REDACTED INFORMATION DOES NOT SUPPORT A DETERMINATION THAT THE DETAINEE IS NOT A THREAT TO THE U.s. ITS ALLIES. OR The FBI certifies that withheld information is not relevant to the determination as to whether an enemy combatant should continue to be detained because he is a threat to the United States or its allies or whether there are other factors bearing upon the need for continued detention such as his intelligence value, and any law enforcement interest. The following document relative to ISN 195 has been redacted by the FBI and provided to the OARDEC: FD-302 dated 04/11/2002 ALL INFOl1HATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 02-12-2006 BY 65179/DHH/EKG/VTA 'RAd&<:tions are blackened out on the OARDEC providad ll'BI doCWll4lut. 'See Executive Orda.: 1295 b6 If Yon need additional assistance Gen. counsell PJrase contact Asst. -l. b7C b2 UNClASSIFIED Rayner V. 000 2132 - -. UNCLASSIFIED - I Memorandum fromr Re: REQUEST FO~ REDACTION, 11/1572005 ~~c -----------5- IAnalyst! I _ or Intelligence ~~C b6 b7C HC:hc -2- UNCLASSIFIED Rayner v. DoD 2133 • Fl).302 (Rev. 10-6-95) transcription Investigation on File II by your agency; • • 1• FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Dele or " /{:xtllt? f Dllfe dictated This document contains nt:itber recommendations nor oonc:lusions of the FBI. It is the property ofthe FBI and is loaned to il Bi\d iu contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. 05/15/2003 On 5/15/03, MUHAMMED ABD AL·RAHMAN AL·SHUMRANT, ISN# ~nterviewed at Cam Del!i&uantanamo BaiilCuba by Special Agents BI) and CIS). W translation. AI·Shumranl provided the following information. provided ArabiclEnglish b7A b7A b7A b7A b6 b7C r b7A b7A _"~·~,,umran!.ao.esnot consl~er lIlmselt a part of Al Qaeda or any other Muslim party. His duty is 10 fight on behalf of Muslims wherever there may be a need. ALL INFORMATION fOMTAIMED HEREIM IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 02-12-2008 BY 65179/DHH/HKG/VTA 5/15/03 - Guantanamo Bay, Cuba EXhibil1l.-T- pC"'/(/!{ (_ ... l. Rayner v. DoD $0.\ Itll 2134 I 1'0.302 (Rev. 1Q.6.9S) • -------__w_ -1-. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION O'te<)f transcription Investigalion on File# //(/(//t (J " ~y Date dictated This document contains neither reoommcndalions nor conclu.sions of the FBt It is !he property of the FBt .nd is k:laned to your agency; it and its contenl.s are not to be dillltibutcd outside YOllr llgCIJCY. OS/21/2003 On OS/21/2003_ MUHAMMED ABD AL-RAHMAN AL-SHUMRANT, Internment Serial Number (ISNj • was interviewed at Camp GTMO, Cuba, by Special Agents (NelS), and ( F B I ) . . provided EnglisblArabic translation. AL-SHUMRANT provided the following infonnation. I Dell b7A b7A b6 b7C I b7A ._·1 i\F'{'.L=================1 b7A 5/21/03 Guantanarno Bay, Cuba EXhibilR.8ALL IIIFOFHATIOIl COIITAIIlED HEl1EIII IS U!ICLASSIFIED DATE 02-12-2008 BY 65179/DMR/HKG/VTA Rayner V. 000 l.i \. ~ 2135 fOoJO"'11I 0, Conl~:;J Ion 0 h:,uJti .5 MUHAMMED ABD AL RAHMAN AL SHUMRANT . Page • 5/21/03 2 b7A b7A Rayner v. DoD 2136 Memorandum Department of Defense Date 09/23/2004 Office of Administrative Review b6 ,for Detained Enemy combatantj. b7C To FBI GTMO Counterterrorism Dl'Yision Asst. Gen. Counsel From Subject I b6b7C ----- REQUEST FOR REDACTION OF ~ATTOijAL SECURITY INFORMATION 1_ -.J00195DP l:>2 per DOD Pursuant to the Secretary of the Navy Order of 29 July Implementation of Combatant Review Tribunal Procedures for Enemy Combatants Detained at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba, Section D, paragraph 2, the FBI requests redaction of the information herein marked ' . The FBI makes this request on the basis that said information relates to the national security of the United States'. Inappropriate dissemination of said information could damage the national security of the United States and compromise ongoing FBI investigations. 2004, CERTIFICATION THAT REDACTED INFORMATION DOES NOT SUPPORT A DETERMINATION THAT THE DETAINEE IS NOT AN ENEMY COMBATANT The FBI certifies the aforementioned redaction contains no information that would support a determination that the detainee is not an enemy combatant. The following documents relative to ISN 195 have been redacted by the FBI and provided to the OARDEC: FD-302 FD-302 FD-302 FD-302 dated dated dated dated 05/15/2003 OS/21/2003 OS/24/2003 OS/29/2003 'Redactions are blackened out on the doc.ument. OARDS~ provided FBI 'See Executive Order 12958 ALL IIlFOIUlATION COIlTAIm:D HEREIN IS UIlCLASSIFIED DATE 02-12-2008 BY 6S179/DnH/HKG/VTA EXhibit~ I/Z Rayner v. 'DoD 2137 • Memorandum fromJ Re: REQUEST PO b6 ItoJ h7C REDACTION, 0 fTl"'23"'1""'2mO"'O~4-------' I f you need addit- ; ,."'~ 1 "0•• -~ Ie, please conta_c_t_--, lor Inte 1 i, .~",.~ r I h6 h7C n I -2- Rayner v. DoD 2138 fOUO/llES Memorandum To Department of Defense 09/1.2/2906: Office for the Administrative Review of the Detention of Enemy Combatants Frank Sweigart, Director From Federal Bureau of Investigation Counterterrorism Division Joseph Billy, Jr., Acting Assistant Director Subject: . Administrative Review of Bnemy Combatant ISNI IOO1.4S3DP b2 per DOD Administrative b7A b7E The below summary is based solely on information derived from FBI investigations and is in response to a Deptrtment of Defense (DoD) request b7A '------------- Investigative Summary ISNr-!0001453DP,. SANAD YISLAM AL KAZIMI is a Yemeni b2 national curr~etained at the U. S. Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, CUba. b7A b7A ~LL coo ExhItlIL1.- !NFORMATION CONTA!NED !N IS UNCLASSIFIED E ATE 02-12-2008 BY 65179/DMR/HKG/VTA Rayner v. DoD PAGE J OF 1._ fllllllES --2139 Memorandum from FBI to DoD Roe: Administrative Review of Enem Combatant 09/:12/2006 b7A b7A FIlI Interest SANAe flsLAM At KAZIMI,I~ ~~014530P. I ---------------------:-b2 per DOD b7A Threat Assessment b7A b7E -2- f8UOlllES Raynerv. DoD 2140 UNCLASSIFIED DMO·2 is Reserved for FBI Redaction Memorandum (No Redaction Memorandum Required for this ISN) ALL INFORHATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 02-12-2008 BY 65179/DHH/HKG/VTA DMO Exhibit 2 Page 1 ofl UNCLASSIFIED Rayner v. DoD 2141 FOUOIILES Memorandum To Oepactment of Defense 10/24/2005 Office for the Administrative Review of the Detem:ion of Enemy Combat.ants J.M. McGarrah, Rear Admiral ~'" Fede4al Bureau of Investigation Counterterrorism Division T.J. Harrington, Deputy Assistant Director A<lndnistrative Review of Enemy Combatant ISNI 10014530l? b2 per DOD Adrrdniatrative The below summary is based solely on information derived from FBI inve5ti~atio1s ~ Department of Defense request and is in response 1....- to a _ I b7A InvQS'ti9ative $UIIlIIIary SANAD ¥ISLAM AL KAZIMI, ISN 1I0001453DP, is a Yemeni national currently detained at~S. Naval Base, b2 per DOD Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. b7A b7A 1 '" 1...---- ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 02-12-2006 BY 65179/DHH/HKG/VTA Rayner v. DoD FOUOlIlES DMOExhibit~ Page-Lof~ 2142 FOUOIILES Memorandum f~orn FBI to DoD Re: Administrative Review of gnemy Combatant, 10/24/2005 1St rnton.t L....,d:-e"'""ta""'i"'"n-e-e-,""'S"'ANA='="D"",:Y""I"'S""J,AM=""':AL:-::-":':KAZ="='I::'M:::I:-,"' ....:_-::.:0:":0'""1-:4'='53"'D""1':-.------b2 " per DOD b7A b7A b7E •• -2- FOUO/ILES Rayner v. DoD 2143 H5L UNCLASSIFIED FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION REDACTION MEMO FOR ISN14S3 IS NOT PROVIDED ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 02-12-2008 BY 65179/DHH/HKG/VTA UNCLASSIFIED Rayner v. DoD DMO Exlnllit~ Page 1 ofl 2144 l112326ZJMI 02 ~BN ff GOI\I)(JN GNIW<l<-osDI1 ~ iAL-QAll)A SAFEHOUSE IN KANDAHAR(lJ) b2 QTE: (0) I I b2 Saw.: (lJ)1t-..=b=.2_ _ PAGE4IWMIIlGRD~ PASS: (lJ) DlA//r:Jrt-6/I. COUNTRY: (0) AfGHANlSTAN (Af); PAKISTAN (PIC); SAUDI ARAllTA (SA). I b2 IPSP: (lJ)1 ~ ~ 'l1AAA- AI.rQfilDA SAR!MOUSI! SUBJ:1lf IN~(U) WAANlNG: (0) THIS IS AN INFl:lRMAiION IlEl'ORT, NOT FINAI.l.Y EVALUATED INTEUJGENCI!. REPOR.TC1ASSIFIED~. 001: (OJ 20010900. REQS: I (UJI:::::::::~b2[:::::::::::::::::::::=-;::'-:"-=--_- -J" b2 PAGE SIWMIIlGR0065~ l&"cm:.fC1bI..-1-..!!.!b1!....--------1 b1 b1 bl b1 b1 DMO Blch1111t18 . Pqolo!2 Rayner v. DoD ... _--_ _-•.. /5 '--21"45""'--- b1 b1 B. ~I b1 b1 COHHEIlTS: fFlELD COMMENTS)- 1.~ b1 ~. b1 I 3. (U) DIRECT QIJESTll)HS OR COMMEN'lS TO CHI.CC:lACe 010 AT DSN 31lH38-4681. Paa-eZo(2· Rayner v.-oo-o----···· . . . .. _-._...--··----..·..·---2)"f·1?t46~--