Re Application of Us Obligations Under Article 16 of the Convention Against Torture 5-30-2005
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0000011 / ; " U.S. Department of Justice Office ofLega! Counsel Offi~ of the Principal Deputy Assistent Atto1l1ey ~l May 30, Z005 MEMORANDUM FOR JOHN A. RIZZO SENIOR DEPUTY GENERAL COUNSEL, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Re: Application of United States Obligations UnderArtick<I6r;;fthe Convention Against Ttmure toCer/ain Techniques that May Be Used in theInterrogation o/High Vallie at Qaeda Detainees You have asked us to address whether certain "enhanced interrogation techniques" employed by the Central Intelligence Agency ("CIA") in the interrogation of high value at Qaeda detainees are consistent with United States obligations under Article 16 of the United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruei, !hhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Dec, 10, 1984, S, Treaty Doc, No. 100-20, 1465 UNTS. 85 (enteree into f,)fCe fOf US. Nov 20, 1994) ("CAT") , We conclude that use ofthcsc techniques, subject to tbe CIA's careful screening criteria and limitations and its medical safeguards, is consistent \'lith United States obligations under Article 16, I By its terms, Article 16 is Hmite,d to conduct v.1thin "territory under [United States] jurlsdiction." Wecondude that territory under United States jutlsdiclion includes, 'at mosf,areas J Our analysis and cOllcllJSfons are lintHCl:! to the specifich:ga! issues W(( address in memQrandUliL We note thllt we haveprev'iousiy concluded tlUll use of these techniques, subject to the limits and safeguards required by Ute interrogatiol11i1cogram, does not violate the federal prohibition on torture, codifie& at 18 US,C, §§ 2340-2340A. See Memorandum for John A Ri2.zo, Senior Deputy General Col.lnsel, Centra1lntelIigence Agency, from Steven G. Bradbury, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, Re: Application of18 U.S. C §§ 2UfJ-234GA (0 Certain Techniques that Afay Be Used in the Interrogation a/a High Value al Qaeda Detainee (May 10, 20(5); see alsQ MemoranduUl for 10hn A ruzzo, Senior Deputy General Counsel, Central Intelligence Agency, from Steven G. Bradb\ll)', Principal Deputy Assistant Attomey Genera!, Office of Lega! Counsel, Re: Applicafion of18 U.S,C. §§ 234fJ·214(}A to the Combined Use a/Certain Techniques in the Interrogation a/High Value 01 Qaeda Detainees (M3)' W, 20(5) (concluding t!i;,t the anticipated wl1lbincci use of these tedmiquc.s would tlQl violate the fedemprohibition on torture), The legal a.cJvlcc provided in lhis memorandum does not represent the policy views of the Department ofJustice concerning the use ofany interrogation meU,oos, TOP;-tCRBTf over whic1i the United States exercises at feast de facto authority as the government. Based on CIA assurances, we unders~and that the interrogations do not take place in any such areas. We therefore conclude .that Micle 16 is inapplicable to the CIA's interrogation practices and that those practices thus cannot violateArticie 16. Further, the United States undertook its obligations under Article 16 subject to a Senate reservation, which, as relevant here, explicitly limits those obligations to "the cruel, unusual and inhumane treatment ... prohibited by the Fifth Amendment, .. to the Constitution ofthe United States:';! There is a strong argument that through this reserVation the Senate intended to limit the scope of United States obligations under Artide 16 to those imposed by the relevant provisions of the Constitution. As construed by the courts, the FiahAmcndment does not apply to aliens outsjd~ the United States. The CIA has assured us that the interrogation techn.iques are not used within the United States or against United States persons, including both United States citizens and lawful permanent residents. Because tb~ geographic limitation on the face of Article 16 renders it inapplicable to tbe CIA interrogation program in any event, we need not decide in this memorandum the precise effect, if any, afthe Senate reservation on the geographic reach of United States obligations under Article 16. Forthese reasons, we conc!ude in Part n that the interrogation techniques where and as used by the CIA are not subject to, and therefore do not violate, Article 16. ( Notwithstanding these: conclusions, you have also asked whether the interrogation techniques at issue would violate the substantivesiandards applicable to the United States under Article 16 if, contrary to our c.onclusiQuinPart Ii, those standards did extend to the CIA interrogation program. Ai> detailed below in Part ill, the relevant constraint here, assuming Article 16 did apply, would be the Fifth Amendment's pronrbitkm 'ofexeeuti ve conduct that "shod'-s the conscience," The Supreme Court has emphasized that conduqt "shocks the, conscience" is a highly context-specific and fact-dependent question. The Court, however, has not set forth with precision Ii specific test for ascertaining whether conduct can be said to "shock the conscience" and has disclaimed the ability to do so. Moreover, there are few Supre,rne Court cases addressing whether conduct "shocks the conscience," and the few cases ttlcrc are have all arisen in very different oontc"-isfrom that which we consider here. we For these reasons, cannot set forth or apply a precise test for ascertaining whr:.-ther conduct can be s.aidto "shock the conscience." Nevertheless, the Court's "shocks the con;;cience" cases do provide some signposts that can guide our inquiry, Inparncular, on b;J.[apc.e the cases are be,st read to require a determinaHon whether the (.enduct is '''arbitrary in theconstltutiOll.alsense,''' County ofSacramcnto v. Lewis, 523 U.S. 833, 846 (l998)(citation 1 TIlercservatiOI1 provides in fall: w:--_.··~~_'~~;;;·,~atc.ilJ~1t~:Stat~m--m-~lf~uffiffftnri~~cr AitiSfc1~;-~~;··=:;···==:::i:='= i..nh\J.luan,or degrading treatment or P\lJtist,,'nent,~ only insofar as thetenn "cruel inhuman Qr ... . __ qe..g:~:n.ellt.J:)CP\.l1ljshrnent;Lmeansi.he~l;umr~WrMumar;C'tI~nent~'-' --pUll.ish.tnOOt prohibitedhy the FLfth,Eighth, andlof Four1eenth Amendnients to the Constitution of the United States, 136 Congo Rec. 36198 (1990). As we explain below, the Eighth and FOllileenth Amendments arc not applicable in this context. . TOP~RET 2 omitted); that is, whether it involves the "exercise ofpower w'ithout any reasonable Justification in the service of a legitimate governmental objective," id. «rqonduct intended to injure in some way unjustifiable by any government interest is the sort of official action most !ike!y to rise to the conscience-shocking leveL" ld. at 849. Far from being constitutionally arbitrary, the interrogation techniques at issue here are employed by the CrA only as reasonably deemed necessary to protect against grave threats to United States interests, a determination that is made at CIA Headquarters, with input from the on-scene interrogation teaIU;c pursuant to careful screening procedures that ,et1."llre tbattne techniqueswHl be used as little as possible on as few detainees as possible. Moreover, the techniques have beencarefuHy designed to minimize the' risk of sti.fferjng or injury and to avoid inflicting any serious or lasting physical or psychological harm. Medical screening, monitoring, and ongoing evaluations further lower such risk, Significantly, you have informed us that UleerA believes that this program is largely responsible for preventing a subsequent attack within the United States Because (heClA interrogation program .is carefully limited to further a vital government interest and designed to avoid unnecessary or serious harm, we conclude that it cannot be said to be constitutionally arbitrary. The Supreme Court's decisions also suggest that it is appropriate to consider whether, in light of"traditional executive behavior, of contemporary practice, and the standards of blame generally applied to thenl," USe oHM techniques in the ClA interrogation program "is so , egregious, so outrageous, that it Inay fairly be said to shock the contemporary conscience," ld. at 847 n. 8. We have not found evidence of tr:aditional execuli vo behavior or <:ontemporary practice either condemning or condoning an interrogation program carefully limited to further a vital government interest and designed to avoid unnecessary or serious harm. We recognize, however, that use of coercive interrogation techniques in other contexts-in different settings, for other purposes, or absent the CIA's safeguards-might be thought to "shock the conscience." Cl, Rochin v. California, 342 U.S. 165, 172 (1952) (finding that pumping the stomach oCa crimina! defendant to obtain evidence "shocks the conscience"); U.S. Army Field Manual 34-52' Intelligence Interrogation (1992) ("FieldManuaf 34-52") (detailing guidelines for interrogations in the context.of traditional warfare); Department of State, CountryReports on Human Rights Practices (describing human-rights abuses condemned by the United States). We believe, however, that each oftbese other c.ontc)i;ts, which we describe more fully below, differs critically from the CIA interrogation program in ways·that would be tlrrreasol1abJc,to ignore in examining whether the condqct involved ill the CIA program "shock[s] the contemporaryconsclence." Ordinary criininaJ irrvestfg~tions within the United States; for example,involve fundamental] y different government inter¢.sts end implicate specific c.onstitutional guarantees, su~h as the privilege against self-incrimination, that are not at issue here. Furthermore, the CIA interrogation techniques bave all been adapted from military Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape ("SERE") training. Although there are obvious differences between training exercises and actual interrogations, tue fact that the United States uses sirnilar techniques on its own troops =~~=-~·······~g=ptn"p~rtmg:lrst!:ggests=t£at=IDese--t~".arecn{}~eg~ond=th~·~-=:::: pale. Given that the CIA interrogation program is carefully limited to further the Government's paramount interest in protecting the Nation while avoiding unnecessary or serious harm, we conclude that the interrogation program cannot "be said to shock the contemporary c.onscience" /' TOPplfCRET 3 wh;;n considered in light of "traditional executive behaYior" and "contemporary practice." Lewis, 523 U.S. at 847 n.8. Elsewhere, we have described the CIA interrogation program in great detail. Sec Memorandum for John Rizzo, Senior Deputy Gener;'!1 Counsel, Central Intelligence Agency, Steven G. Bradbury, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, Re: Application oj 18 Us.c. §§2340-2340A to Certain Techniques (hatMay Be Used in the Interrogation ola High value af Qaeda Detainee at 4-15, 18-45 (May 10, 2005) ("Techniques"); Memorandum for John A Rizzo, Senior Deputy General Counsel, Central Intelligence Agency, from St.even G. Bradbury, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office oftegal Counsel, Re: A.pplication of 18 U.S.c. §§ the Combined Use oj Certain Techniques in the Interrogation ojHigh Value at Qaeda Detainees at 3-9 (May 10, 2005) ("Combined Use"). The descriptions ofthe techniques, including an limitations and safeguards applicable to their use, set forth in TechnitJ1.tcs and Combined U,se are incorporated by reference herein, and we assume familiarity with thosedescnptions, Here, ive highlight those aspects aftlle program that arc most important to the question under consideration. Where appropriate, throughout this opinion we also provide more detailed background information regarding specific high value detainees who arerepresentative ofthe individuals on whom the might be used.:! J The CIA has R'Yiewed and confirmed the accuracy of our description of the interrogation program, inclUding its purposes, methods, limitations, and results. 4 Tops6ETI ,/' based. on available inteHigcnce, conclude that the detainee is an important and dangerous member ofan aI Qaeda·affiIiated group. The CIA must then determine,8.t the Headquarters level and on a case-oy-case basis with input from the OIHcene interrogation team, that enhanced interrogation methods are needed in a particular interrogation. Finally, fheenhanced techniques, which have been designed and implemented to minimize the potential for serious or unnecessary harm to the detainees, may be used only if there are no medical or psychological . contraindications. a detainee who, until time ofcapture, we have reason to believe: (1) is a senior member ofat.Qai' da or an at-QaPda associated terrorist group (Jemaah Islamiyyah, Egyptian Islamic Jihad, al.Zllrqawi Group, etc.); (2}has knowledge of imminent terrorIst threats against the USA, its miHtary forces, its citizens and organizations, or its allies; Of thathaSlhad direct involvcrnentin planning and preparing terrorist actions against the USA or its allies, or assisting the al-Qai'da leadersbip in planning and preparing such terrorist actions; and (3) if reIeased, constitutes a dear and continuing threat to the USA or its allies. , Acting Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, from sistant General Counsel. Central InteHigence Agency at 4 (Jan. 4, 2005) '''). The CIA.., therefore, must have reason to believe that the detainee is a senior member rather than a mere "foot soldier") ofal Qaeda or an associated terrorist organization, who likely has actionable intelligence concerning terrorist threats, aod who poses a signifiMnt threat to United States interests. . The "waterboard," which is tbe most intense ofthe CIA interrogation techniques, is subject to additional limits. It may be used on a High Value Detainee only if the CIA has "credible intelligence that a terrorist attack is imminent"; "substantial and credible indicators that the subject has actionable intelligence that can prevent, disrupt or delay titis attack"; and "£oJther interrogation metbods bave failed to dicit the information [or] CIA has clear indications tbat other.. . methods are unlikely toelicit this inf~ml~on within thep§rceiyed ti uxfL!illJ1!jor ._.. . . ===» . ==;""~. C.'":··--pre17rmimg-ttre mt&15k:""'ufter-=rroffi:Jo1in-A:~zio=-,-xcting Generil Counsel, Central Intelligence " Agency, tol?a:;iel ~vin,.A~~!n~ ~=~LGe.Il2t~!t,Om~e,9fLeg?lQoun$~Lgt.l. .~ -"(7\1J'g:'2;-2UO~ T:')fitgust TRJzzo Letter ') (attachment). stody of94 detainee ld has employe.d e In ues to tbe interrogations of28 of these detainees. We understand that two individuals TOP#RETI 5 techniques have the CIA tookcustody 0 whom the erA e concerning the pre-election threat tothe United States. See Associate General Counsel, Central futclHgence Agency, to General,· Office ofLegal Counsel at 2'(Aug. 25, 2004) , . e connections to varlousal Qa Intelligence indicated that prior to his capture, "perfom1(ed] critical facilitation and finance activities for al-Qa'ida," inc!udipg '<transporting people, funds,and documents," Idsmith,m, Assistant Attorney General, Offmc ofuga! Counsel, fro Assistant sel, Central futelIigence Agency (1\1:arch 2 The . e part in planning attacks agaittSt United States force e;..ielisive contacts "'1tft key memhers of al Qaeda, 'd Sh~ykhMuhamml;l.d ("ICS ' ubaydah. See fd. captured whUe on a mission from e establish conta - arqawL See CIA Directora.te ofInteHigence, US Efforts Grinding Dmvn al-Qa'ida 2 (Feb. 21, 2004). Consistent v,'ith its heightened standard for use of the waterboard, the CL-\ has used this technique in the interrogations of only three detainees to date (KS!vt; Zubaydah, and'Abd AI- Rahim Al-Nashiri) and has not used it since the March 2003 interrogation of KSM. See Letter from Scott W. Muner, General Counsel, Centra! Intelligence Agency, to Jack L GoldsmiUl m, Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counselaf 1(June 14, 2(04). We understand that Abu Zubaydah and KSM are representative of the types of detainees on whom the waterboard has been, or might be, used. Prior to his capture, Zubayda11 was "one of Usama Bin Laden's key lieutenants." CIA, Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn ABU ZUBAYDAH at 1 (Jan. 7, 20(2) ("Zubaydah Biographj'), Indeed, Zubaydah -was al Qaeda's third or fOLlrth highest ranking member and had been involved 'fin every major terrorist operation carried out by al Qaeda." Memorandum for John Rizzo, Actirig GenetalCounsel, Central InteHigence Agency, from Jay S, Bybee, Assistant Attorney Genera~ Office ofLegal Counsel, Re: Interrogatjon ofal QaedaOperative at 7 (Aug, 1, ZOO.2) r'lnterrogation ,\{emorcTl1dum"); Zubaydah Biography (noting Zubaydah's involvement in the Sept~mbe[ll attacks). Upon his capture on March 27, 2002, Zubaydah became the most senior member ofal'Qaeda in United States custody. ,'i'ee Report at 12, KS!\l, "a mastennind" oftbe September 11,2001, attacks, was regarded as «one of ai~.....~, .~."--" ~ :r'h1a"'1;"i't1'0st"tl angertHIsl1Ttdi-e:SOUrc ' ' Bf lor to IS. capture, the CIA atiena! leaders ... based on his TOP~ 6 "~"...,.~.,,., ( close relationship\vith Usarna Bill Laden and his reputation among the -a1-Qa'ida rank and file. n Id. After the September 11 attacks, KSM assumed '1he role ofoperations chiefror aI-Qa'ida around the world," CIADirectorate ofIntelligence,Kha!idShaykltMuhammad:Preem.inent Scmrce on AI..Qa'ida 7 (July 13,2004) ("Preeminent Source"). KSM also planned additional attacks witbin the United States b<>th befOre and after September II. See id. at 7-8;.ree also The 9/11 Commission Report: Firla/Report ofthe National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States 150 (official gov't ed. 2004) ("9/11 Commission Reporf'),( 2. Even with regard to detainees wao satisfy these threshold requirements, enhanced techniques are considered only if the on-scene interrogation team determines that the detainee is withholding or manipulating information, Tn order to make this assessment, interrC?gators conduct 81'1 initial interview "in a relatively benign envIron twio, Acting Assistant Attorney General, Office ofLega! Counsel, fro Associate General Counse~ Central Intelligence Agency, Re: Backgrmm aper on 'fA's Combined Use ofInterrogation Techniques at.3 (Dec, 30, 2004) ("Background Paper"). At this stage, the detainee is "normally clothed but seated and sbackled for security purposes," and the interrogators take "an open, non-threatening approach," Id. In order to bejudgedpartioipatory, however, a high value detainee "would h~ve to wHlingly provide information on actionable threats and location information on High-Value Targets at iarge--.-not lower level information." Jd, If the detainee fails to meet this "very high" standard, the interrogation team develops an interrogation plail, which generally calls. for the use of~nhanced techniques only as necessary and escalating fashion. See id. at 3·4; Techniques at 5, Any interrogation plan that involves the use of enhanced techniques must be reviewed and approved by "the Director, DCI Counterterrorist Center, \\'1ththe concurrence of the Chief, Lega! Group." George J. Tenet, D i ' . nducled Pursuant to th t 3 (Jan. 28,2003) ("Int anon uide.Jinei' approva lasts for a pena fat most 30 days, see id, at 1-2, although enhanced interrogation techniques are genera[Jy not used for more than seven days, see BackgromrdPaper at 17, example, after medical and psychological examInations found no oontraindications, interrogation team sought and obtained approval to use the following techniques: attention grasp, walling,' cial slap, wall standing, stress pcsitions,aI1os1eep deprivation. See August 2 etter at 2. The interrogation "carefully analyzed Qui's responsi veness to different areas of inquiry" during this time and noted that his resistance incre.ased as questioning moved to his "knowledge of operational terrorist activities." Jd. at 3, ~~~:~'~~~-:=::""'~---":::=:::'::"::':::::::=:;;'::-':-_-:::':=:;:::'::~:-:::'.:==:.:::::::::::::::.~-=:::::::.:.::;,;,;:~.:..~::::..~._:.::.:::::::.:-.~-,~~-=::,::;:.;:-~::::::::::::::::;;,;;., .. --,-~ .....-~=::':::-:::::::~::::=:::::::':::--"":::-"::;::::::::::::::-..:.."::..~;;':::;;:~~:=:''':'= , Al·Nashiri, the only other detainee to be subjected to the waterroard, pl:mn.ed the bombing ofthe U,S.S. -~-"""-'~""-==etll'e:trnQ"t1;aS''S~quenfly~ffiWiasUle:'c1ITeronr"Qaeaa-operntIon:slnan:if'aroUh~ianperunSii13."'~~--' 9/11 Commission Report at [53, 5 You have infonned u.s that tIte current pmC!ice is for the Di!:ectcr of the Central Intelligence Agen<ry to make thi.s dettrinin.ation p<;.'fSonally. " TOP sgtRET '" 7 TOP~CRET /' 'gned memory problems (which CIApsycnofogists ruled out through mteHigence and memory tests) in order to avoid answering questions. Id At that point, the interrogation team believed 'maintains a tough, Mujahidin fighter mentality and has conditioned rumselffor a p nterrogation," [d. The team theretibre concluded that "more subtle interrogation measures designed more to wea physical ability and mental desire to resist interrogation over the long run are likely to be more effective." !d. For thes~ reasons, the team sought authorization to use dietary manipulation, nudity, water dousing, 8n':I'abdominal 4-5. In the team's view, adding these techniques would be especiaily helpful ecause he appeared to have a particular \veakness for food and also seemed especially modest. See id. at 4. The CIA l!;slXl the waterboard extensively in the interrogations of KSM and Zubaydah, but did so only after it became clear that standard interrogation techniques Were not working. Interrogators used enhanced techniques in the intertogation of al-Nashiri with notable results as as the first day. See 1G Report at 35-36. Twelve days into the interrogation, the CIA subjected a!~Nashiri to one session ofthewaterboard during which water was applied two times, See id, at 36. 3. Medical and psychological professionals from the CIA's Office ofMedIcal Services ("OMS") carefully evaluate detaInees before any enhanced technique is authorized in order to ensure that the detainee "is not likely to suffer any severe physical or menti;1 pain Of suffering as a result of interrogation." Techniques at 4; see OMS Guidelines on Medical and Psychological Support to Detainee Rendition, Interrogation and Detention at 9 (Dec. 2004) (HOMS Guideline.f'). In addition, OMS officials continuously rnonitorthe detainee's c·ondition throughout any interrogation using enhanced techniques, and the interrogation team will stop the use of particular techniques or the interrogation altogether lithe detainee's medical or psychological condition indicates that the detainee might suffer signWcant physical or mental harm. See Techniques at 5-6. OMS has, in fact, prohibited the use ofcertain techniques in the interrogations of certain detainees: .See 5. Thus, no technique is used in tbtlinterrogation detainee----no matter how valuable the information the CIA believes the detainee has~if medic·a! andpsychologica!evall.lations or oIigoing monitoring suggest thafthG detainee is to suffer serious bann. Careful records are kept bfeach interrogation, which ensures accountability and allows for ongoing evaluation of the efficacy of each technique and its potential for any unintended or inappropriate results. See id, """_~ '_~"_'''MY~~rotfJ;e hasinformoo_ uS,t!lat the CIA believes that "the inteHigenceacquired from rilled to hiunch a spec&cu1arattaclt·-~"'"''''''''· these interrogations hast;e'en~i key reaSonwny'al~Qa'idahas in the West since 11 September 200 I." Memorandum for t Attorney General, OtfJce of Lega! CounselJrom cr CounterterrorlstCenter, Re: Elfectiveness of the ounterintelligence nterrogation Techniques at 2 (j\{ar. 2, 2005) ("EjfectivenessMemo") In particular, the CIA TOP Sp.CRET 8 ,believes that it would have been unable to obtain critical information from numerous detainees, including KSM lind Abu Zubaydah, withouttbese enhanced techniques, Both KSM and Zubaydah had "expressed their the general US population was 'weak/ lucked resilience, and would be unable to 'do what was necessary' to prevent the terrorists from succeeding in their goalsY ld. at 1. Indeed, before the CIA used enhanced techniques in its interrogation of KSh1, KSM resisted giving any answers to questions about future attacks, simpiy noting, "Soon, you will know." Jd. We understand that tneuse of enhanced techniques in the interrogations ofKSrv!, Zubaydah, and others, by contrast, has yielded critical information. See fG R.eport at 86, 90-91 (describing increase in intelligence reports attributable to use of enhanced techniques). As Zubaydah himself explained with respect to enhanced techniques, "":"brothers who are captured and interrogated are permitted by Allah to pro\ride information when they believe they have 'reached the limit Qf their ability to withhold ie in the face of psychological and phj'sicaI hardships." Effectiveness )"iemo at 2. And,indeed, we understand that since the use of enhanced. teohniques, "KSM a.flo Abu Zubaydah have been pivotal sources because Qfthcit ability and \viUingness to. provide their analysis and speculation about the capabilities, methodologies, and mindsets ofterronsts," Preeminent Source at 4. Nevert11cless, current CIA threat reporting indicates that, despite substantial setbacks over . . au have lnfonned us 11it t e CIA ,elieves that enJmnced interro mques remain essential to obt~jning vital Intelligence necessary to detect and disrupt such eme.rging threats. In understanding the effectiveness oftlle interrogation program, it is important to keep two rdated points in mind. First, the total value Qfthe program carmot be appreciated solely by focusing on individual pieces of information. According to the CIA Inspector General: eTC frequently uses the information from one detainee, as \vell as other sources, to vet the informa.tion of another detainee. Althoucll lo\.ver-Ievel detainees pro\~de less information than the high value detain~ee$, information from these "".,....,~~~,~~";-,_ ~"=~~~~~~~~~~_~as} on many..?~ons!. Ued the information needed to probe the ..·_···..·_..........·.· -·-·ntglffi1ue aaumces Yurt er. . . on 0 liiIeiIJgenceprovldes-a __..,._,~ . ~ . ,_~~. ~_~=. fuller kno?::i~~~e~A.I-Qa'~~a activities. .than would be possible from a single detainee. ....... .. . - '...~-~ =_.---,-=~-~-,-_ . to Report at 86. . ,... =.,.,,,-.,-~_.- As illustrated below, we understand that even interrogations ofcompararivety lower-tier high value detainees supply information that the CIA uses to validate and assess information. elicited in other interrogations and through other methods. Intelligence acquired 9 .•_,,,.. . TOP~T/ ftom tbe' interrogation program also enhances other intelligence methods and has helped to build the CIA's overall understanding ofal Qaeda and'its affiliates. Second, it is difficult to quantify with c.Qnfiden~ and precision the effectiveness of the program. As the fG Report notes, it is difficult to detemline conclusively whethednterrogatiollS have provided information critical to interdicting specifidmminent attacks. See id. at 88. And, b:ecause the CIA has used enhanced techniques sparingly, "there IS limited data on which to assess their individual effectiveness," fd. at 89. As discussed below, however, we understand that interrogations have led to specific, actionable intelligence as well as a general increase in the amount ofintelligence regarding al Qaecla and its affiliates. See hi. at 85-91. With these caveats, we tum to specific examples that you have provided to us. You have informed us that the interrogation ofKSM.....-,Ql1ce enhanced techniques were employed-led to the discovery of a KSM piot, the "Second Wave," "to use East Asian operatives fo crash Ii hijacked airliner into" a building in Los Angeles. Fjfectiveness Memo at 3, You have informed us that infoffiJation obtained from KSM als-o led to the capture ofRidl.ltil1 bin Isomudditl, better known as Hambali, and the discovery of the Guraba Cell, a 17-member lemaah Islatniyah ceil tasked with executing the "Second Wave," See/d. at 3-4; CIA Directorate ofJIltellige.l1ce, AlQa 'ida's Ties to Other Key Terror Grotlps: Terrorists Links in a Chain 2 (Aug. 28, 2003), More specifically, we understand that KSM admitted that he bad . " a of money to an a1 Qaeda associate. See Fax fro C1 Counterterrorist Center, Briefing Notes on the e Reporting at 1 15,2005) ("Briefing Notes'). Khan subsequently identified the associate (Zubair), who was thcncaptured. Zubair, in turn, provided jnformation that led to the arrest of Hambali. See id The infor.n1ation acquired from these captures allm'lcd CIA interrogi.1Jors to pose more specific questions to KSlvf, which led the CIA Hambali's brother, al-HadL Using information obtained from multiple sources, al-Hadi "vas captured, and he subsequently identified the Guraba cd!. See id at 1 With the aid oftbis additional information, interrogations ofHambali confirmed much of what was learned from KSM 6 Interrogations of Zubaydah-again, once enhanced techniques were empfoyedfurnished detailed information regarding a( Qaeda's "organizational structure, key operatives, and modus operandi" and identified KSM as the mastermind of tile September 11 attacks. See Briefing Notes at 4. You have informed us that Zubaydah also "provided significant infonnation on two operatives, [including] Jose Padilla-[,] who p.Iaruied to build and detonate a 'dirty bomb l in Wasbington DC area." Effectiveness Memo at 4. Zubaydah and KSM have also supplied important information about al-Zarqawi and hisnetv.'ork dsmith.m, Assistant Attorney Ge ' General Counsel, CI TOP~RET 10 from ClA dellilnees approximately Report at 86 3,000 intell substantial 1 n,c,'~,";,,, As with we discuss of the intclligi:J",cc through interrogations of Zubaydah. /' / TOP Sf(CRETI NOFORN / / 11 ,/ O,bRN TOP)ECRET c. There are three categories ofenhanced interrogation techniques: conditioning techniques, corrective techniques, arid coercive techniques. See Background Paper at 4. As noted above, each anne specific enhanc.ed techniques has been adapted from SERE-training, where similar techniques have been used, in some form., for years on United States military personnel. See Techniques at 6; JG Report at 13-14. L Conditioning techniques Conditioning techniques are used to put the detainee in a "baseline" state, and to "demonstrate to the [detainee] that he has no control over basic human fiC\.."dS:' Background Paper at 4. This "creates _.. a mindset in which [the detainee] learns to perceive and valuebis personal welfare, comfort, and immediate needs rnoretl1an the information he is protecting." ld. Conditioning techniques are not designed to bring about immediate results. Rather" these techniques are useful in view oftheir "cumulative effect _.. , used over time and in combination other interrogation techniques ami intelligence exploitation methods." ld. at 5. The specifio conditioning techniques are nudity, dietary manipulation, and sleep deprivation. . Nudity is used to induce psychological discomfort and because it a.Hows interrogators to reward detainees instantly with clothing for cooperation. See Techniques at 7. Although this technique might cause embarrassment, it does not involve any sexual abuse or threats of sexual abuse. Se.e id. at 1~8. Bec.ause ambient air temperatures are kept above 68'"F, the technique is at most mildly physically urlcomfortahIe and poses 110 threat to the detainee's health. Ie/, at 7. Dietary manipulation involves substituting a bland, commercial liquid meal for a normal diet. \Ve understand that its use can increase the eitectivcness of other techniques, such as sleep deprivation. ,\5 a guideline, the CL-\ uses a formula fOf caloric intake that depends on a detainee's body vveight and expected level of activity and that ensures that caloric intake will always be set at or above 1,000 kcaVday. See ttl. at 1 & nJO. H By comparison, commercial weight-lOSS programs used within the United States !lot uncommonly limit intake to 1000 kcaVday regardless of body weight. Detainees are monitored at all times to ensure that they do not lose more than l'O%oftheir starting body weight See id. at 7, The CIA also sets a minimum fluid in,take, buta detainee undergoing dietary manipulation may drink as much water as he pleases, See id. detain;ee _. _" Sleep deprivation involves subjecting a detainee to an extended period of Interrogators employ sleep deprivation in order to weaken a detainee's resistance, Although up ~c:J!g2~:!-~s n~E-Xbe~o~~~.9rize~,Jhe, CIAJ1~~i~E~.<:t_ Slt~tt£ted finly thr~~, detame e$ tQfl1:0re t,:=_n:=an=== ~~~,-= .. _,.__" . __.#,..~,."_",,~~,~?,£1.a.m~4jf!]'_!phlJ1E:!Le.£: <1l!~,9AJ;~!Jylpll..QJ~as.agu~qU,~~1JAW.~~ __-~....~." kcallday + 10 kcallkglctay. ThJs quantity is multip!ied by L2 for a sedentary activity level or 104 for a moderate activit]' level. -Regardless of this fommla, the recommended minimum calorie irttake is 1500 kcatfday, and in 00 even! is the detainee allowed to reo:ive less than 1000 kcal!day" Jd.. at 7 (footnote omitted). The gUIdeline caloric'" intake for a <le!2inee who weighs 150 pounds (approxinlJtely 6& kilog.'<l1llS) would therefore be nearly 1,?OQ k<;a1!day for scdent,'uy activity and \vould be mor<: th2.n 2,200 kcal/day for moderate activity_ . / oFORN TOP/ SBtRET /t' 12 f \ 96 hours of sleep deprivation. GeneraHy, a detainee undergoing this technique is shackled in a standing position with his hands in front ofhis body, wbich prevents him from falling asleep but also aHowshim to move around within a two· to three-foot diameter. The detainee's hands are generally positioned below his chin, although they may be raised above the head for a penod not to exceed two hours. See id. at i 1-13 (explainingtlie proceauresat length). As we have previously noted, sleep deprivation itself generally has few negative effects (beyond temporary cognitive impairment and transient hallucinations), though some detainees might experience trartsient "unpleasant physical sensations from prolonged fatigue, including such symptoms as impairment to coordinated body movement, difficulty with speech, nausea, and blurred vision:' Id. at 37; see also id. J7<H~. Subjects deprived of sleep in scientific studies for longer than the I SO-hour i!11posed by the CIA generally return to normal neurological functioning with as little as one night of norma! sleep. See id. at 40. In light aftne ongoing and careful medical monitoring undertaken by OMS and the authority and obligation ofall members ofthe interrogation team, and of OMS personnel and other facility staft: to stop the procedure if necessary, this technique is not be expected to result in any detainee experiencing extreme distress. See id. at 38-39. 9 With respect to the shackling, the procedures in place (whichinciude constant monitoring by detention personnel, via closed-circuit television, and intervention if necessary) minimize the risk that a. detainee will hang by his wrists Qr otherwise suffer injury from the shackling. See id. at 11. Indeed, these procedures appear to have been effective, as no detainee has SUffered allY' lasting harm from the shackling. See id. Be.cause releasing a detainee from the shackles\vould present a security problem and would interfere with the effectiveness of the tcdmi . oing sleep deprivation frequently wears an adult diaper. See Letter fro Associate General Counsel, Central Intelligence Agency, to Dan Lev! tAttorney General, Office of Legal Counsel at 4 (Oct 12, 2004) ("October 12 n). Diapers ar'e checked and vhanged as needed so that no detainee would be ali to remain in a soiled diaper, and the detainee's skin condition is monItored. See Techniques at 12. You have informed us that diapers are used solely for sanitary and health reasons and not in order to humiliate the detainee. 2. Corrective techniques Corrective techniques entaiJ some degree of physical interaction with the detainee and are used "to correct, startle) or to achieve another enabling objective with the detainee." Background Paper at 5. 'nlese techniques "condition a detainee to pay attention to the interrogator's questions and . dislodge expectations that the detainee ,vill not be touched." Techniques at 9, . addition, as we observed in Techniques, certain studies indicate that sleep deprivation might lower pam thresholds insomede131nees SeeTecJur aUG 0.44. 111e Q ' ' •• is therefo -=='~~~"W=especi3ny{mP<Jrlanrwlieninteungat'ors'''eroJl , IncouJunctiDnlVl.l ined ~-~-~ Use at t.H4 &. fl.9, 16. In this regard, we note onceagairtlhat the CrA has "infurmeaus that the int~rrogatlOl1 techniques at issue woltld not be used during a course ofexlended sleep depriYationwlth suchfrequeocy and intensity as to induce in the deL1inee a persistent condition of exrreme physica14istress such as m;ly constitute severe physical suffering. ..· fd. at 16, I TOP~~TI This category comprises the foUoVt'ing techniques: insult (facial) slap, abdominal slap, facial hold, and attention grasp, Seef!ackground Paper at 5; see also Techniques at 8,-9 (d~ilcribing these techniques), III In tbe facial hold technique, for example, the interrogator uses hIS hands to immobillze detainee's head, The interrogator's fingers are kept closely together and away fronl the detainee's See Pre-Academic Laboratory (pREAL) Operating Instructions at 19 ("PREALManuaf'). The technique instills fear and apprehension with minimal physical force. Indeed, each ofthese techniques entails only mild uses of force and does not cause any significant pain Of any lasting harm. See BackgroundPaper at 5-7. 3. Coercive te(J}utiques Coercive techniques "place the detainee, in more physical and psychological 'stress" than the other techniques and are generally "considered to be more effective tools in persuading a resistant [detainee] to participate \\>1th CIA interrogators," BackgroundPaper at 7. These techniques are typically not used liiimuHaneously. The Background Paper lists walling, water dousing, stress positions, waH standing, and cramped confinement in this category, We will also treat the waterboard as a coercive technique, WalHng is performed by placing the detainee against what seems to be a normal waH but i,s in fact a ftexibleJalse wall. See Techniques at 8. The interrogator pulls the de.tainee towards him and then quickly slams the detainee against the false walL The false wall is designed; and a c""Collaror similar device is used, to help avoid whiplash or similar injury. See id, Thetechnique is designed to create a loud sound and to shock the detainee without causing significant pain. The CIA r~gards walling as "one of the most effective interrogation techniques because it wears down the (detainee] physically, heightens uncertainty in the detainee about what the interrogator may do to him, and creates a sense of dread when the detainee) knows he is about to be walled again" Background Paper at 7.A detainee "may be 1-valled one time (one impact with the 'rvall) to make a point or twenty to thirty times consecutively when the interrogator requires a more significant response to a question," and "will be waHed multiple times" during a session designed to be intense, ld. At no time, bov'/ever, is the techni9ue employed in such a way that could cause severe physical pain, See Techniques at n n.38. 1 r In the wat~r duusing technique, potable cold water is poured on the detainee either fmma container or a hosev.~tho\1t a nozzle, Ambient air temperatures are kept above 64"F. The --------_.-10 N;. noled in our previous opinions, the slap tech.mquesafC not usp,A in a way that could cause seyere pairt See, e.g., lechniques at g·9, 33 & n.39; Combined Use at 11, !I - Although walling "wears down the [del'linecj physiwlJy. ~ Background Paper at 7, and undoubtedly may --.::===~art1~j,mdV<!J!nctQt~m41l:!a1dt:is.JlQtcSi.gnifu;an1ly.;;p.alnfub:dJ:le.~:£lex:iblda4e:w;ili~igned4g::=:.::c:::..~ ..-._.. ."..:..:::, create a loud sound. when the indiyidual h..its it and thus 10 cause shock a..1dsurprise, See Combined Use at 6 !lA, _'._m_,. _~ __ El,P!,=Ll,e ~~~inee' s he'~alt~ n~,~"a:e '. . .S9 with~ !?ll.e1hoc:dQt!&~L!hat PJ9xi~£~;gill~~~~--,,-, prevent Wh1prasti;11 IS the detunec' s oulder blades that hil tile walt and the detainee is allowed to rebonnd from the flexible wall in order to reduce the cbances of any injury, Said' YQU have illftlrnJ.ed us that:l detainee is expected to fed "dread" at the prospect of waning Ot.'C1'luse of the shock and surprise caUSeD by the technique and because of the of powerlessness that <::QnJe$ from being roughly handled by the interrogators, not because the technique causes significant pain. See id. TOP v~n, ........Ll 14 TO~RET maximum permissible duration of water exposure depends on the water ternpernture~ which may be no lower thap; 41°F and is usuaUy no lower than Soop. See id. at 10. Maximum exposure durations have been "set at two-thirds the time at which, based on extensive medica! literature and experience, hypothermia could be expected- to develop in healthy individuals who are submergc<;Vlll water of the same temperature" in order to provide adequate safety margjns against hypothenilia. Id. This tee-hnique caneasity be used in cornbination',l,'it11 other techniques and "is intended to weaken the detainee's resistance and persuade him to cooperate with interrogators:' !d. at 9. Stress positions and waH standing are used to induce muscle fatigue and the attendant discomfort See Techniques at 9 (describing tocbniques); see also PI?EALManuaf at 20 (explaining that stress positions are used "to create a distracting pressure" and "to humiliate or insult'') The use of these techniques is "usually self-limiting in that temporary muscle fatigue u5l1aHy leads to the [detainee'sJ being unable to maintain the stress position after I.l. period of time." Background Paper at 8. We understand that these te,chniques are used only to induce temporary muscle fatigue; neither of these techniques is designed or expected to cause severe physical pain. See Techniques at 33-34. Cramped confinement involves placing the detainee in au uncomfortably small container. Such confinement may last up to eight hours in. a relatively large container or up to two hours in a smaller container. See BackgroundPaper at 8; Techniques at 9. The technique "accelerate[sJ the physical and psychological stresses of captivity." PREALManual at 22 In OMS's view, however, cramped con.l:1neillcnt "ha(s] notprovcd particularly effective" because it provides "a safehaven offering respite from interrogation." OAfS Guidelines at 16. The waterboardis generally considered to be "the most traumatic of the enhanced interrogation techniques," td. at 17, a conclusion with which \ve have readtly agreed, see Techniques at 41. In this technique) the detainee is placed face-up on a gurney with his head inclIned do\vnward. A cloth is placed overhis face on which cold water is then poured for periods of at most 40 seconds. This creates a barrie/' through whicb it is either difficult or impossible to breathe. The technique thereby "induce[s] a.sensation of drowning." Id. at 13. The waterbO?J'd may be authorized for, at most, one 30-day period, during \vhich the technique can actually be applied on no more than f i ' . cribing, in detail, these and additiol1allimitations); sec also Letter fro ASsociate General Counsel, Central Intelligence Agency, toDan Levi tan! Attorney General, Office ofLegal Counsel at I (Aug:. 19, 20(4) ("August 1 elleT Further, there can be no more than rno sessions in any 24-hour period. Each session-the time during which the detainee is strapped to the waterhoard-Jasts no more than two nours. There may be at most six appll cations of water lasting 10 seconds or longer during any session: and ',.'later may be applied ='.':;:;;;.'-="='" -~~=. =.='"=-=tfor atoful~ofi1r5':moreilffin~Tmnure£l1ulingimf1iFH6jjrp~6fiW7W8fmtquesiff;f':=-:·=-=--=-=·-==·· ···-'~-=~~~·~~~ravei;.:qnal~'ffiese'1rmrrai!6nS nav'eoecrresratj1.fS11'&t=wi11re~lnpuf from· ~.-. "".,.,.-- 01v1S, based on experience to date with this technique and OMS's professIonal judgment that the health risks associated vvith use of the waterboard on a healthy individual subject to these limitations would be' medically acceptable.''' Jd. at 14 (citing OMS Guidelines at 18-19). III addition, although the waterboard induces fear and panic, it is not painful. See id. at 13. ~ORN 15 TOPS~T II. We conclude, first. that the CIA interrogation program does not implicate United States obHgations under Article 16 ofthe CAT because Article 16 has limited geographic srope. Byits terms, Article 16 places!lo obligations on a State Party outside "territory under its juris'diction." The ordinary meaning afthe phrase, the llseofthe phrase elsewhere ill the CAT, and the negotiating history of the CAT demonstrate that the phrase "territory under its jurisdiction" is unde:rstoodas including, at most, areas where a State exercises temtory·based jurisdiction; that is, areas over which the State exercises at least de facto authority as the government. As we explain below, based on CIA assurances, we understand that the Interrogations conducted by the CIA do not take place any "territoryunder [United St?1esJ jurisdiction" within the meaning of Artide 16. We therefore conclude that the CIA interrogation program does not violate the obligations set forth in Article 16. from the term~ of Article 16 as stated in the CAT: the United States undertook its obligationstmder the CAT subject to a Senate reservation that provides: "[T}he United States considers itself bound by the obligation under Article 16 ... only insofar as the term 'croel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment' means the crucl. unusual and inhumane treatment or punishment prohibited by the Fifth, Eighth, and/or Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States," There is a strong argument that in requiring this reservation,' the Senate intended to limit United States obligations under Article 16 to the existing obtigations already imposed by these Amendments. These Amendments been construed by the courts not to extend protections to aliens outside the United States. The CIA has also assured us that the interrogation techniques are not used within the United States ot agitinst United States persons, illcluding both U.S. citizens and lawrul permanent resident aliens A. "[W]e begin with the text of the treaty and the context in which the written words are v. Floyd, 499 U.S. 530, 534 (991) (quotation marks ornitted). See also Vienna Convention on the Law of TreaUes, May 23, 1969, art J1(1), 1155 U.N.T.8 331, 340 (1980}("A treaty shall be interpreted in good faith in accordanoe with the ordinary meaning to be given rothe terms of the treaty in their context and Inligbt ofits object andpufpose.,,).12 Article 16 states that ''(eJach State Party shall undedake to prevent in cmy territory tmder its jurisdictio;l.othet acts of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment which do not amount to torture." CAT Art. 16(1) (emphasis added).13 This territoriallimitatioll is confirmed used." E:Istem Airlines, 11 ~""""" _ _ _.n>"'--_._" .. ."!! TIle United States is not a party to the Vienna Cotwen!Jon and is therefore 110t bound by it. r{~erfu..£~......P;rtis:~) l.a)~~~r~2i§ 0J1.tyxtuaL3nalpi.s..r~~.inl;:e,.,~T4,gi';::':=:'-:::':--:::::" =~::::: ltlli:101fBe~ Interpretation lnfutemauonal Law," in 2 Encyclopedia o(Puhfic1nremationa! Law 1416, 1420 (1995) ("According to the prevailing opinion the starting point in wy IIcaty:intcrpretation is tllc trc3ty text a.1.d the -'~~·-""·'~'~"-=n(}m13J'OT"'(jrd1m\l),nemUllg--ofjtsTC1'!lfS-;"r~"~·-""-"·"·"'$ 13 ... . ~.=. ',""'"_.~'~''' _ ._ .~~~~ .. "'~- .."..... '""~_.'".~~-"-'_ ......".~--'"-_ .. PJtjdc 16(1) provides in full: Each State party undert..akcs 10 prevent in allY territory under its jurisdiction other acts of crud, inlu..unan or degrdding treatment or ptmislunent which do not ll.lnounl to torture as defined En 16 TOP~CRET by Article exptication ofthis basic obligation: "In particular, the obligations contained in artides 10, i 1, 12 and 13 shaH apply with the substitution for references to tocture ofreferences to other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment" Id Articles 11 through 13 impose on each State Party certain specific obligations, each of which is expressly limite.d to "territory under jurisdiction." See infra pp. 18~19 (describing requirements). Although Article 10, which as incorporated in Article liS requires each State party to "ensure that education and information regarding the prohibition" against crne~ inhuman~ or degrading treatment or punishment is given to specified government personnet, does not expressly limit its obligation to <tterritory under [eaoh State'sJjudsdiction," Article lO'sreference tothe "prohibition" against such treafrnentorpunish,ment can only be understqoG to refer to the territorially limiteq obligation set forth in Article 16, The obligations imposed by the CAT are thus more limited with respect to' cruel, inh.uman, or degrading treattnent or punishment than "with respect to torture. To be sure, Article 2, like Article imposes an obligation on each State Party to prevent torture "in any territory under its jurisdiction.nArtide 4(1), however, separately requires each State Party to "ensure that aU acts oftorture are offenses under its criminal law." (Emphasis added.) The CAT imposes no analogous requirement with respect to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment. H Because the CAT does not define the phrase "territory under its jurisdiction," we tum to the dictiona.ry definitions ofthe relevant terms. See OfympkAinvays v. Husain, 540U,S, 644, 654~55 (2004}(dra\ving on dictionary definitions in interpreting a treaty); Sale v. Hai#cm Centers Council, Inc" 509 U.S, iSS, 180.81 (1993) (same). Common dictionary definitions of "jurisdiction" indude"[tlhe right and power to interpret and apply tbe law£; a]uthority or control(; and tlhe territorial range of authority or control" A.merican Heritage Dictionary 711 (1973); American Heritage Dictionary 978 (3d cd. 1992) (same definitions); see also Black's Law Dictionary 766 (5th eo. 1979) ("[a]reas of authority") Common dictionary definitions of "territory" include "[a]n area of lanar; or tJhe land a.nd ,vaters under the jurisdiction of a state, nation, or sovereign." American Heritage Dictionary at 1329 (1973); American Heritage Dictionary at 1854 (3d ed. 1992) (same); see also Black's Lmv Dictionary at 1321 ("A part ofa country separated from the rest, and sUbject to a particular jurisdiction. Geographical area under the jurisdiction of another counttyor sovereign powee"); Blac}c's LawDictiOrtary at15 12 (8th ed. 2004) ("[aJ geographical inducted within a particular government's jurisdiction; the portion ofthe earth's surface that 15114 a state's exclusive possession a.mi control"). Taking these article I, when such acts are Comrnitt~ by Of at the instigation of or 1<hthe oonsent or acquiescence of a puhlic official or other person aq,illg in an official capacity, In partiC\llar, tIle obligations conlained in "moles lO, 11, 12 and 13 shall apply wIth the S'Jbstitutionfot rcfereuoes to torture of references to oilier forms of mel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. exoCj:i! cirCUIllStanccs whatsoever, whether _. ~~ __~_~:~:~~~~~~:~~~~~;~~r~~nth~'~~~ 'I, ora'~~~ua &~grndIn7"U:;"'imeni ~-=,=.~~" ••._- or punislt.rncIlL Because we conclud.e !.ha.t the etA. interrogation program does not implicate United States obligations under Article 16 and that the program would conform to United Smtes obligations under ArtiCle l6 even if that provision did apply, we Deed not conside.r whether tllC absence of a provision ar..alogous to Article 2(2) implies that State Parties could derogate from thcir obligations under A..'lide 16 in eX!.notdinruy circumstances. 17 TO~RET /' o/ORN definitions together, we conclude that the most plausible meaning of the tenn "territory under its jurisdiction" is the [and over \vruch a State exercises authority and control as the government. Cf Rasul H Bush, 124 S. Ct. 2686, 2696 (2004) (concluding that "the territorial jurisdiction of the United States" subsumes areas over which "the OoiLed States exerdses complete jurisdiction and control") (interna] quotation marks omitted); Cunard Ss. Co. v.Melton, 262 US, 100, 123 (I923) ("It now is settled in the United States and reco~zed elsewhere tl1at the territory subject to its jurlsdiction includes the land'areas under its dominion and oontroirT), This understanding ofthe phrase "territory under its jurisdiction" is confirmed by the way the pm-ase is used in provisions throughout the CAT. See Air France v. Saks, 470 U.S. 392,398 (1985) (treaty drafters "logically would ... useD the same word in each article" when they intend to convey the same meaning throughout); r Herrhan Burgers & Hans Danelius, The United Nations Convention Against Torture: A Handbook on the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 53 (1988) ("CAT Handbook') (noting that was agreed that the phrase 'territory under its jurisdiction' had the same meaning" indit1:erent articles of the CAT). For example, Astide 5 provides: Each State Party shall take such measures as may be necessary to estabflsh its jurisdiction oVer the offences referred to inartkle 4' (requiring each State Party to criminaHze all acts of torture] in the following cases: \\inen the offences are committed in any territory under its jurisdiction or on board a ship or aircraft registered in that State; (a) (b) \:V'hen the alleged offender is a national ofthat State; (c) \\711eo the victim is a national oftlJat State appropriate. considers it CAT 5(1) (emphasis added). The CAT therehy distinguishes jurisdiction based on territory from jurisdiction based on the nationality of elthenb,e victim or the perpetrator-Paragraph (a) also distinguish¢s jurisdiction based on territory from jurisdiction based on registry of ships and aircraft. To read the phrase "territory under its jurisdiction" to subsume these other types of jurisdiction would e1imimrte these distinctions and render most of Article 5 surplusage. Each of Article 5'(; provisions, however, "like all the other words of the treaty, is to be given a meaning, if reasonably possible, and rules of construction may not he resorted to to render it meaningless " n _ _=_=~c~~=."~1<:£.tic!e~ .. th rougllJ.2.. EKJrl?Qyer,l:!g: t~hrase, '~~rrim!1. under:jt~jlJrL~.~li.Q1iQ..u::~,~._~~_= that presuppose thattne relevant State exercises the traditiot!'aJ authorities ofthe government in such areas. Article 11 requires each State to "keep under systematic review ... arrangements for ~be custody and treatment persons subjected to ~y form of arrest, detention or imprisonment m any territory under its jurisdiction" .Article 12 mandates that "[ e]ach State Party shall ensure that its competent authorities proceed to a prompt and impartial investigation., wherever there is Top~r RN 18 TO reasonaOle ground to believe that an act of torture has been committed in any territory under its: jurisdiction." Similarly, Article 13 requires "[e)ach State Party [to] ensure that any individual who alleges he has been subjected to torture in any territory under its jurisdiction has the right to complain to, and to have his case promptly and impartialiyexaminedby, its competent authorities." These provisions <is~um e that the relevant Stateex-ercises traditional governmental authority-including the authority to arres~ detain, imprison, and investigate crime-within any "territory under its jurisdiction." other provisions underscore this point. Article 20) requires each State Party to "take effective legislative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent such acts of torture in territory under its jurisdiction." "Territory under its jurisdiction," therefore, is illDst reasonably read to refer to areas over which States exercise broad governmental authority-the areas over whlch States could take legislative, administrative, or judicial action. Article 5(2), moreover, enjoins H[e]ach State Party.. toestabJish its jurisdiction over sucb offences in cases where tbeaHegoo offender is present in a.ny territory under its jurisdiction and it does not extradite hIm." Article 7(1) similarly requires .Parties to extradite suspects or them to "competent authorities for the purpose of prosecution." These provisions evidently contemplate that each State Party has authority to extradite and prosocute those suspected of torture in any "territory under its jurisdiction." That ls,cach State Party is expected to operate as the government in "territory under its jurisdiction."lS. This understanding is supported by the negotiating record. SeeZicnerman v. Korean Atr Lines Co., 516 U.S. 7,226 (1996) ("Because a treaty ratified by the United States is not only the law of this land, see U.S. Const., Art. II, § 2, but also an agreement among sovereign powers, we have traditionally considered as aids to its interpretation the negotiating and drafting history Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, art. 32 (permitting recourse to "the preparatory work and the circumstances ofits conclusion" inter alia "to confirm" the ordinary meaning aftlle text). The original Swedish proposal, \vJuch was the basis for the first draft of the CAT, contained a predecessor to Article 16 that would have required that "[e]ach State Party undertake[) to ensure that (a proscribed actl does not take place withill its jurisdiction" Draft International Convention Against Tonure and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, submitted by Sweden on lanuary 18, 1978, arts. :2.;3, EJCNA/1285, in (J1T Handbook app. 6, at 203 (emphasis added); CAT Handbook at 47. Franoe objected that the phrase "within Its jurisdiction" was too broad. For ex:ample,it was concerned thilt the phrase might extend. to signatories' citizens located in territory belongirigto other nations. See Report ofthe Pre-Sessicma! Worldng Group, E/CNA/L.14'70 (1979), reprinted in IJ Artide 6 may suggest an intcqiretation of the phrase "territory uncler lts juris-diction" !hat is potentially ·!~ireG1sca:S~)~h~etri~:"": ...~·~=:::,:==·~·······~ alleged to fhwe cOl11mllied (certain offenses) is present' to take the susp<xted offender into custody. (Emphases added.) The use aftile word "territory" in Article 6 rather than dIe I' . . , ...."..=.....-. _····_-~"'1!:m'titeTeffilS1raVe-lfi5tlnctTnearmjgs.~cror;··2~"1J1t tlng iliat treaty language should not be construed to render cenain phrases "meaningless or inoperative"). A!1ide 6 may thus ~pport the position, dl$CUsseQ ~IQw, that "territory ul1derits jurisdiction" may extend beyond sovereign temtory to encompass areas where a State exercises de fiJ·:;t.o authority as the govemmen~ such as {KMJpiedtemtory. See infrd p. 20. Article 20, which refers to "the territory of a State Party" may support the same inference. -~-=_ . ·····m a / /' TOP;1!CRET iC*'ORN / 19 TOP Report ofthe Unite4NationsCommission on Human Rights, EICNA/134135, 40 (1979); CAT Handbook at Although France suggested replacing Hwithin its jurisdiction" with "in its territory," the phrase "'any territory under itsjurisdictioll" was chosen instead. See CAT Handbook at 48. There is some evi dence that the United States understood these phrases to mean essentially thing. See, e.g., Exec. Report 101~30, 101st Cong,! 2d Sess.! 23-24 (Aug. 30, 1990) (Senate Foreign Relations Commtttee Report) (sugga.~ing that the phrase "ill any territory under its jurisdiction" would impose obligaJions on a State Party with resped to conduct committed "in its territorY' but not with respect to conduct "occurring abroad"); Conv~ntionAgainst Torture: Hearing Before: the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, S. Hrg. Wl-71 13 at 7 (Jart 30, 1990) (prepared statement ofHon. Abrabam D. Sofaer, Legal Adviser, Depalintent ofState) (stating that under Article 2, State Parties would be obligated "to administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent torture within their territory") (emphasis added) Other evidc!lCe, however, suggests that the phrase {{territory under its jurisdiction" has a somewhat broader meaning than "in its territory." According to the record of the negotiation relating to Articles 12 and 13 ofthe CAT, "[i}o response to the question 011 the scope oftIle phrase 'territory under its jurisdiction' a.s contained in these articles, it was said that it was intended to cover, inter alia, territories still under colonial rule and occupied territory." U.N. Doc. E/CNAI1367, 5, 1980, at n. And one commentator has stated that the negotiating record suggests that the phrase "territory under its Jurisdiction" His not limited to a State's land territory, its territorial sea and the airspace over its jand sea territory, but it also applies to territories lmdcr miHtar}' occupation, to colonia! ferritoriesand to any other territories over which a State has factual control." M at 131. Others have suggested that the phrase would also reach conductoccuning 011 ships and aircmft registered in a State, See CA T Handhook <it 48; Message from the President ofthe United States Transmitting theCof1vention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman ot Degrading Treato1ent orPunishrnent, S. Treaty Doc. No. 100-20, at 5 (1 (Secretary of State Schultz) (asserting that "territQry under its jurisdiction" "refers to all places that the State Party controls as a governmental authority, including ships and aircraft registered in that State,,).t6 , Thus, although portions oftne negotiating record oEthe CAT may support reading the phrase "any territory under its jurisdiction" to include not only sovereign territory but a1soareas subject to de facto government authority (and perhaps registered ships and aircraft), the negotiating record as a whole tends to confirm that the phrase doe,s notex'tend to places where aState does not exercise authority as the government. The CIA has assured us that the interrogations at issue here do not take place within the _ = _=.,~~:~rei~n£~l2i~~!yors!J~~iallef:!:!!Ln..leand t,9.rr.itoriaJ i!:llill!ifJjQQj:~M'Tr).oftb.YJllli~,~~llF~."_",.....,... --.~ .._-- ---Seel Eu:S:C1) C GC1i11T'ri if"'OiiiTedS'tates");7a:-§'i'(Ocl1nfiigS'&rrJ). As rei evallthere,we-" --=-~-'="'<""::'~~"""""<=;;""1t""~~~~--":=~" ,.---, "..~:==-"=~'~~=-'~-=-=-=-=-:=«_~""~. This suggestion is in tension withilietext of Article 5(1)(a), which seems to distinguisll "territory under fa SUte's] jurisdiction" from "shipfsl or aircraft registered in that Slate." See Chan v. Korean Air Lines, lid., 490 U.S. 122, 134 n.5 (1989) (noting tltatwbere treaty text is nat perfectly "ll:l(tiral meaning" ofthe text "could properly be contradicted only by clear drafting history''). Because the CIA has llssured us that its interrogations do no! take place on ships or aircraft registered in the United States, we need not resolve this issue here. /' TOP~RET 10 TOP SJtClRETI believe that the phrase "any territory underitsjurisdietlon" certainly reaches no further than the sovereign territory and the S~ITI ofthe United States. 11 Indeed, in many respects, it probably does not reach this Although many provisions oftheS1YffT invoke territorial bases of jurisdiction, other pn:rvisions .assert jurisdiction Ott other grounds,including, for e(':ample, sections 7(5) through 7(9), which assert jurisdiction over cert\ offenses committed by or against United States citizens. AccoroinglY, we conclude that the interrogation program does not take place witbin "territory under (United States] jurisdictionn and therefore does not violate· Article 16-everl the Senate's reservat~on limiting United States.obllgations under Article 16, which we discuss in the next section. As a condition to its advice and consent to the ratification of the CAT, the Senate required a reservatitm that provides that the United States is bound by the obligation under Article 16 to prevent "cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment," only insofar as the term "cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment orpui1ishment" means the cruel, unusual and inhumane treatment or punishrncntprohibited by the Fifth, Eighth, andlor Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution ofthe United States. Congo Rec. 36,198(1990). This reservation, which the United States deposited with lts instrument ofratifi.zation, is legally binding and defines the scope ofUnited States obligations under Article 16 ofthe CAT. See RelevClllce ofSe.nate Ratification History to Treaty Interpretation, 11 OL.e. 28, 33 (1981) (Reservations deposited with the instrument of ratification "are generally binding ... both internationally and domestically ... in ... subsequent interpretation of the treaty. ,,).18 Under the terms of the reservation, the United States is obligated to prevent "cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment" only to the extent that such treatment amounts to "the cruel, um.lsuai and inhumane treatment· or punishment prohibited the Eighth, and/or :Fourteenth Amendments." Giving forc;c to the temts ofthis reservation, treatment thaj. is not 17 As we hav<l explained, there is an argument Ul.3t "territory under [a Stat<l'sj jurisdiction" might also include occupied territory. ACtXlrdihgly, alleast absent the Senate's rcse.rvation, Artide 16's obligations might extend to oo.."1.lpied territory Because the United States is not currently an occupying power within the meaning of the laws ofwarw)'Wherc in the worJd, we need not decide whether occupied terriwry is "territory under [United States! jurisdictiQn." l.t "The Sermte'$ right to ~u.aIDy its C<Jusentto ratification by reservations, afll'mdmen!S and interpretations 1m!' C$!@I}fu;~lhm~L.l:.OJ:h~ty~U.:J9.4;.Qum~V.~~t1t~f~metiearr.{7O:l"eigrt""-.-=---=,= Relations 253 (1921), tll1dll:lS lieen frequently exercised since then. The Supreme Court has indicated its acceptance of this practice. &e Haver v, Yaker,76 U.S. (9 Wall.) 32, 35 (1869); UnitedStcfes V. SChOONer Peggy, 5 U.S. (l Hl3, HI? (I 801). See also Constitutionality a/Proposed Senafe Consent to the Interim ConveNtiOn on the Conservation afNorth Pacific FurSea{s, [0 Op_ O.L.C 12, 16 (1986) ("mhe Senate's practice of conditioning its consent to particular treaties is well-established"). 21 "prohibited by" these amendments would not violate United States obligations as limited by the reservation. Conceivably, one might read the text of the reservation as limiting only the substantive (as opposed to the temtorial) reach ofUnited States obligations under Article 16. That would not be all unreasonable reading ofthe text. Under this view, the reservation replaced only the phrase "cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment orpunisrunent"and left untouched the phrase "in any territory under its jurisdiction." which defines the geographic scope aftne Article. The te.'{t oftne reservation, however, is susceptible to another reasonable reading........-oResuggesting that the Senate intended to ensure that the United States\1wuld, with respect to Article 16, undertake no obligations not already imposed by the Constitucioh Under tlus reading, the reference to the treatment or punishment prohibited by the constitutional proVisions does not distinguish between the substantive scope ofthe cons.titutional proh1bitions and their geographic scope. As we discuss below, this second reading is strongly supported by the Senate's ratification history of the CAT. The Summary and Analysis oftile CAT submitted by the President to the Senate in 1988 expressed concem that '~Article 16 is arguably broader than existing U.S. law." Summary and Analysis of the Convention Against Torture and Other or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Doc. No, 1.00-20, at 15. "In viel\' the ambiguity ofthe terms." the Executive Branch suggested "that U.S. obligations under this article [.i\rtide16] should be limited to conduct prohibited by the u.s. Cohstitution." S. Exec. Rep. NQ. 10I~30, at8 (l990} (emphasis added); see also id. at 25-26. Accordingly, it proposed \vlwt became tbe Senate's reservation in order "[1]0 make dear that the United States construes the phrase ["cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment"] to be coextensive with its constitutional guarantees against cruel, unusual, and inhumane treatment!' Id. at 25.26; S. Treaty Doc. No_ 100-20, at 15 (same). As State Department Legal Adviser Abraham D. SofaerelCplained, "because the Constitution of the United States directly addresses this area of the law ... [the reservation J would limit our obligations underthisCotlventiotl to the proscriptions already covere<;i in our Constitution." COt/vention Against Torture: Hearing Before the Senate Comm. on Foreif!ll Relations, lOIst Congo II (1990) (prepared statement), The Senate Foreign Relations Committee expressed the same concem about the potential scope Article 16 and recommended same reservation to the Senate. See S. Rep. 101<30, at 8, 25-2.6. of Furthermore, Senate dedaredthat Articles 1 through 16 offhe CAT are not selfexecuting, see Congo Rec. 36,198 (1990), and the discussions surrounding this declaration in the ratification history also indicate that the United States did not intend to undertake any obligations under Article 16 extended beyond thosealrcady imposed by the Constitution. The Administration expressed the view that "as indicated in the ~_:,,:''''''' o[igin·a.l Presidential transmittalJ.; _ ' _ '__ A,..,.,..."".......",_~~;""'"'-vp, '--extsttlJIr~'e7a1UnG·Srat"e1aw appe.ars surncrentlo'implemenrTIie Convention/' except that "new federal legislation \vouJd be requiredon{y to establish crhninal jf{risdiction under Article 5." "';;n', ,"'" __. " . ' . , ' , ' .. "",',' ":','.' "., ,.' ' __ __ -_·_,_·~-=·-t'etterfur~1l'attf('Pre"Ssf~l1et·l'Vlulrms:ASs~ecretaT)i; .:'< --.... :.:.,.. l..cglSlaiive Affairs;~~--=--=- Department (April 4, i990), in S. Exec. Itep. No. 101·30, at 41 (emphasis added). It was understood that majority of the obligations to be undertaken by the United States pursuant to the Convention rwereJ alre.ady covered by existing law" and "additional implementing legiSlation Lwould] be needed only with respect to article 5." S. Exec, Rep, No. 10 i -30, at to TOP~T 22 TO~RET ( 1 (emphasis added). Congress then enacted 18 US,C, §§ 2340..2l49A, the only "necessary legislation to implement" United States obligations under the CAT, .noting that the United States would «not beoome a party to the Convention until,essary implementing legislation is enacted." S. No. 103·107, at 366 (1993). Resding Artiole 16 to extend the substantive standards oftne Constitution in contexts where did not already apply would be difficult to square with the evident understanding of the United States that existing law would satisfy its obligations under the CAT ex.cept with respect to Article 5, The retification history thus strongly supports view that United States obligations under Article were intended to reach no further~substantively, territorially, or in any other respect-than its obligations under the Fifth, Eighth,aud Fourteenth Amendments, The Supreme COUit has repeatedly suggested in various oonte>;,ts that the Constitution docs not apply to aliens outside the United States. See, e.g" United States Y. Belmont; 301 U.S, 324, 332 (1937) ("(O}ur Constitution. laws, and policies extraterritorial operation, unless in respect of our Q\.'l11 citizens,"); United States v. Curtiss-W"jght Export Corp" 299 U.S, 304, 3113 (1936) ("Neither the Constitution nor the laws passed in pursuance ofit have any force in foreign territory unless respect of our ovmchizens , . , "); see also United States v. VerdugoUrquidez, 494 U.S. 259, 211 tI 990) (noting that cases relied upon by an allen asserting . constitutional rights "establish only that aliens receive constitutional protections when they have come withil1 the territory aftne United States and developed substantial connections with this country"). courts of appeals, in turn, have held that"[tJhe Constitution does not extend. its gu arantees t.o nonresident aliens Hving outside the United States," Vancouver Women's Health Collective Y iI. A.H. Robins Co., 820}<'.20 1359,1363 (4th Cit. 1987); that "nonresident aliens ... plainly cannot to the protection oftbe Constitution Of laws of the United States," Fauling v, McElro~', 278F.1d 252,254 (D.C. Cif. 1960) (per curiam); and that a "foreign without property O[ presence in this CDuntry bas no constitutional rights, under the due c,lause or othernise;' 32 County Sovereign{y Comtn v. Dep" ofState, 292 F.Jd 797, 799 (D.C. Cir, 2002l (quoting People 's Org. (,,:1Iran v, Dep't olState, 182 FJd 17,22 (D,C. 1999»),9 As \ve explain beto\'1, it is the Fifth Amendment tbat is potentially relevant in the present context. With to that Amendment, theSuprcrne COLlrt has "rejected the claim that aliens are entitled Amendment rights outside the sovereign territory oftbe United States:' Verdugo-Urquidez, 494 U.S. at 269, In Verdugo-Urquidez, 494 U.S. at 2159, the Court noted its "emphatic" ofe>cttaterritoriaI application ofthe Fifth Amendment" in Johnson v, Eisentrager, 339 U.S. 163 (1950), which rejectedH[tlhe doctrine that the term 'any person' iatbe Fifth Amenchnent protection overalicn enemies anywhere in the world engaged in hostilities against us," id. at Accord Zadvydas v, DaVis, 533 U,S, 678, 693 (20Ql}(citing Verdugo-Urquidez ... Eisentrager . . Dotingtllut "[ilt .isweH established that" Fifth.. . =----'·~"A'rnenaffierrfpF01ecnons~"afetfria\>allaEre to alTe"i1TOUE1<rC:ofow'geographic borders"). Federal -~ 19 'Inc Restatement (Third) of Foreign Relations Law asserts that the has not been authoritatively adjudic",ted, at least some actions by the United States in respect to fordell nationals outside the country also subject to constilutiona1limillltions." !d. § 722, emt. m, Tl1is statement is contrary to the authorltiescitcd in !lIe text 23 courts ofappeals have similarly held that "non·residentaltens who have insufficient contacts with United are not entitled to Fifth Amendment protections." Jtfry v. F.A.A., 370 F.3d H14, 1182(D,C. Cir. 2004}; see also Horbury V, Deutch, 233 FJd 596, 604{D.C. Cit 2000) (relying on Eisentrager and VeraugtJ.-Urquich to' conclude that arr alien,could not state a due process claim for torture allegedly inflicted by United States agents abroad), rev 'd ON other grounds sub !lom. Christopher v. Harbury, 536 U.S, 403 (2002); CubanAm. Bar Ass~n, Inc. v. Christopher,43 FJd 1412, 1428-'29 (1 lth Cir. 1995) (relying on Eisentrager and VerdugoUrquidez to wnclude that held at Guantanamo Bay lack Fifth Amendmentrights).:'Hl required by the Senate as a condition of its advice and consent to the ratification of the thus tends to confirm the territoriaHy reach ofU.S. obligations under 16.. Inde.ed, there is a strong argument that, by limiting United States obligations under Article 16 to that certain provis.ions ofille Constitution already impose, the Senate's reservation limits territorial reach of Article 16 even more sharply than does the text of Article 16 standing alone. Under view, Article 16 would impose 110 obligations with respect I'p(,pn,,·'Ifi.An 2(l TIle Court's decision in Ramfv. Bush, 124 S. Ct 2686 (2004), is not to the C{Jiltrary. To be sure, \he Court stated in a fQ0UlOle that: Petitioners' allegation.s~t, although they have engaged neither in combat nor in acts of terrorism against t.he Ul1itedStztes. they 112\'e becnhdd inE.'l.ccutive detention for morc than tW9 yeam interritorysubjed to thelong-tenn, exdlJSive jurisdiction and control of:tlleUnited States, WmlQl.ll access to counsel and without being charged 'with any wrong4oing-unquesUonably describe in violation ofth~ Constlttlllon or laws Of tre.aties ofthe United Stat¢s," Jd. at 269& n,15. Webe[ievc this foomer!e is best1mdcrstood to settled understanding of the Fifth Amendment. the CQurt limited its holding to the issue before it whether the fClieral courts have statIttoryjurisdidion petitions brought by such. aliens hdd at GU2.nti!Iklmo llSene,l11y combatants, See fd. at 2699 ("Whether and what furtherprO¢.Cedings rnaybecome necessary ... arern:l.tters ti13t.we need not ad.dress now, \'Vbat is presentIyat sta.l<;e is only whetllet theJederalcouns have jurisdiction to detennine the legality of the Ex:W1Jive's potentially indefinite detention of individuals woo claim to b0 \'ikolly in.'1e<::ent of 'ovrongdoing."), Indeed, the Court granted the petition for writ of certiorari "limited to the follOWing Question: v,'he\her United States courts lack jurisdiction to consider d12iJenges (·0 the legalil')' of the detenuollcfforcigunaliona)$ captured abroad in connection with hostillties and inC<'lJ't;'.erated at the Gwmtmamo Bay Naval Base, Cuha," Rawl v. Blish, 540 tJ.~L 1003 (20Q3), Second, the footnote relies on a portion of Justice Kennedy's, concurrence in VerdlJgo~Urqr.tidez "and the cases ci t~ therein ," Rasuf, 124 S Ct at 1698 n.l5. In this portion ofJusUce Kennedy' 5 Verdugo-Urquidez concurtencc; Justice-Kennedy discusses the 1l1Sular Cases. These cases stand for the proposition that although not every provision of the Constitution applies in United States temtory overseas, certain core constitutional protections may apply in certain ins\J1ar t"mtories of the United Slates See also, eg, Reid Y, Covert, 354 U:8. I, 74-75 (19571 (Harlan, T., concurring injudgmcnO (discussmglnsular Cases); Bolnu: v. Porto Rice, 258 U.S, 29& (l922). Given ~-~~"l:1ldnhI;U1Jtt~ltrRtJS'iit"5~~\J1'l\10·~·~{tlS1iS"TcIfilory· and control of the Unik~ $UojecrtO:'lli§long,:.fernrcxc!uslvejUrisolcUoo···_ _··_....... " Rami, 124 S, Ct. at 2698 11.15, in the vcry sentence that cited Justice Kennedy's _-===~~~moce..". itiS.roI\~1..eJ1),JtiQlJJ.ll.OieJ.SIllighLtcllc.ct,At..m~illi.n~s.:tQ...GOfl$itk-r~~lef.Q:J:MG4S=-=-,_·,-" similar in significant respects to the territodes at in the Insular Cascs. See elso id. at 2696 (lioting that under the agreement with Cuba "the United States exercises complctcjurisdicuDll ar.1 contro! over tile Guantanamo Bay Nave,! Base") (internal quotation l11Mks omitted); id. at 2700 (Kennedy, l, (asserting that "GuantanamQ Baris in every practical respect a Unite.d. States territorY' and expbJ1vng thatU(wlhal matters is the unchallenged and indefinite cOhtrol that I,he United St2tes b,1S tong exercised over Guantanan1:O Bay"). 24 ( aliens outside United 21 And because the has informed us that these techniqueS are not authorized use against United States persons, or within the United States, they would not, under this view, violate A.1icie 16. Even if the reservation is read only to confirm the territorial in Article 16, bowever, or even if it is read not to bear on this question at aU, the progra.m\vould still not violate Article 16 for me reasons discussed in Part ItA. Accordingly, we need not decide the precise effect, if any, of the Senate reservation on the tp geographic scope of U.S. obligations under Article 16. 22 ffi. You have alsollsked us to consider whe.ther the CIA program would violate the substantive standards applicable to the United States 16 if,c<;>otrary to the conclusions reached Part IT above, tllose sta.ndards did to the CIA interrogation progra.m. Pursuant to the Senate' oS reservation., the United States is bound by Article 16 to prevent "the cruel, unusual and inhumane treatment or punishment prohibited by the Fifth, Eighth, and!or Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States." As we explain, the relevant test Is whether use ofthe CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques constitutes government conduct thaL"shooks dlC conscience." Based on ounmderstanding of the relevant case law and tbe CIA's descriptions ofthe interrogation program, we conclude that use ofthe enhanced interrogation techniques, subject to all applicable conditions, limitations, and safeguards, does not "shock: the cO.l1science." We emphasize, however, that this analysis clills for the application somewhat subjective test with only limited guida.nce from the Court We therefore cannot predict withconfidenc,e whether a Court \''/0111d agree with our conclusions, thoug.h, as discussed more fully below, we believe the interpretation of Article 16's substantive standard is unlikely to be subject to judicial inquiry. 21 Additional flnn!ysis BUy be require.d in the case of aliens entitled to Ja\\iul permanent residen.t status. Compare KH'ong Hoi ('hew v. Ci)fdJllg, 344 U,S. 59G (1953), with v. United States ex reI. Met.e!, 345 U.S. 2% (1953). \'ou lmve informed us llw.t the CIA GO<:s not use U1CSC on 1m)' United States: persons, induding lawful permanent residents, and we do not here aooress United StntesooHgat1QllS under Article 16 with respect (osuch aliens. .. n Our analysis. is not affected by the rec:entctl4ctment aHne Emergency Supplem<:nta.J Appropriations Act for Defense; tl\C Global War on TClT()l.', and Tsunami Relief, 2005, Pub; 1. No. 109·13, 119 Stat. 231 (2005). Section 1031.(a)(1) law provides that [n]one funds appropriated or olbenvise made available by this Act s1ul.ll ~ obligated or expend<::d to subject any,lX':fson in the custody Of under iliG phySlcc.r control of the Umted Sbltes to torture or inhuman, or or pu.nishment that is prohibited by the __~_~~"....ll? S,tat,il1256 . :t3.~~.n·~!).!£~!i.Q~j)Q~j1G1Ll'(itU.l.\LQ1J.ite>i.statc.s.Jn.s~<of..J:.<ti1icatiOll,~,-.--",-~ defines United States obligations under Article 16 anne CAT, this statute does not prohibit the expenditure offunds for conduct tml does not violate United Slates obligations under Mide 16, asl1mited by tIle Senate reservaUor.. F'urthermore, this statute itself defines ;'cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment" as "lhe cruel, unusual, and jrJtUmane treatment or pLtllishrncnt prohibited by lhe fillh amcndrntnt,eighth anlcl1dment, or [ourtce.nth amendment to the COilstiU.J1.ion of the Unlted States." fd. § 103 !(b)(2). TO~RETI 25 A. Although, pursuant the Senate'sreservatton, United States obligations under Article 16 extend to cruel, unusual and inhumane treatment or punishment prohibite-d by the Fifth, Eighth, and/or the Constitution of the United States," only the Fifth Amendment is potentially relevant bere. The Fourteenth Amendment provides; in relevant part: ('No State shall ... deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, withQut due process of law," (Emphasis added.) This Amendment does not apply to actions taken by the fedeq( Government. See; e.g" San Francisco Arts & Athletics, Inc. v. United States Olympic Comm., 483 ns. 522, 542 n.21 (1987) (explaining t,ljat the Fourteenth Amendment "does not apply" to the federal Government); Bolling v. Sharpe, 347 US. 497,498-99 (954) (noting that the Fiftll Amendment rather than the Fourteenth Amendment applies to taken by the District of Columbia). TbeEignth Amendmel1tprQhibits the infliction of"cruef andunusuaJ punishments:; (Emphasis added.) SupremeCoult has repeatedly held, the Eighth Amendment does not apply until there has been a formal adjudication of guilt. E.g., Bell v, Wolfish, 44111.S. 520,535 n.16 (] 979); Ingr4ham v. Wright, 430 U.s. 651, 671 nAO (l977) See also lti re Guantanamo Detainee Cases, F. Supp. 20 443, 480 (1}D.C. 200S) (dismissing detainees' claims based on Eighth because "the Eighth Amendment applies ontyaft:er ,In individual convicted of a crime") (stayed pending appeal). The same conclusion concernin.g the limited applicability oftlle Eighth Amendment under Article 16 was expressly recognized by the Senate and· the Executive Branch during the CAT ratification deliberations: is The Eighth Amendment prohibition of cruel and punishment is, of the three [constitutional cited in the Senate reserva.tion}, the most limited in scope, as this amendment ha.s consistently been inte,rpreted as protecting only "those convicted of crimes." Ingraham v.Wright, 430 U.S. 651, 664 (l977). The Eighth Amendment does, however, afford protection torture and m· treatment of persons in prison ahd similar situations of criminal punishment. Summary and Analysis of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment orPunishment, in S. Treaty Doc. No. 100-20, at 9 (emphasis added). Because the high on whom the CIA use enhanced interrogation techniques ha ve not been convicted ofan}' crime, the substantive requirements of the Eighth Amendment would not be relevant here, if we assume that Article 16 has application to tbe CIA'.s interrogation program,2J - The however, is not to these same limitations As potentially relevant U1C . due process component oftbe Fifth Amendment protects against __~_~._.~ecuti:Y~ actign.Yl?~."sho~~$ th,,~C2_f!~ience, '~J!.ochin~y. Caljfortlj~142q.S. J65) 17~(1252)~~. .___'-"" see also Coun~v c1Sacrmnento Y. LClfJis, 523 U.S. 833,846 (1998) eTo this end, for haIfa n To ~ sure. Ue.'1tn1Cnt amounling to punislm1eut (let alone, cruel and UtlU$11a.! punishment) generally carmot be imposed on individuals woo have not lJetu COnvicted of crimes. prohibition flows from theFlfth AmendrnCl1trailier 111;t.'1 the Eighth. See Wolfish, 441 U.S. at 535 rd6; United States \I. Salerno, 481 U.S. 139,74641 (1987). See a{:;'o infhJ note 26. /' TOP%GRET #' 26 century now-we have spoken aftne cognizable level of executive abuse of power as that which shocks th~ conscience. "),14 B. We must therefore determine whether the CIA interrogation program involves conduct that"shocks the conscience." .The Court has indicated that whether government conduct can be said to "shock conscience" depends primarily on whether the conduct is "arbitrary in the constitutional " LeWis, 523 U.s. at &46 (internal quotation marks omitted); that is, whether it amounts to of pO'\ver without any reasonable justification in the service of a legitimate governmental objective," id. "(CJonduct intended to injure in some way unjustifiable by any govemmMt interest is the sort Qf official action mOst likely to rise to the conscienceshocking level," id. although. in some cases,deliberate indifference to the risk of inflioting slIch unjustifiable injury might also "shock the conscience/' id. at 8$Q-$1. The Court has also suggested thatit is appropriate to considerwhether, of"traditional executive behavior, of contemporary practice, and ofthe standards of blame generally applied to them," conduct "is so egregious, so outrageous, that it may fairly be said to shock the contemporary conscience." Id. at 847 n.B.") Several considerations complicate our analysis. are relatively few cases in ",111ch the analyzed whether (xmduct"shocks cOIlscience," and these cases involve conte>.:'ts that differ dramaticallyftom the CIA interrogation program. Fttrther, the GOtm has emphasized that "no calibrated stick" with which to determine whether. conduct «shocks tbe conscience." ld at 847. To the wntrary: "Rules of due propess are not " . 'subject to mechanical application in unfamiliar territory:' Id, at 850. A claim that government conduct "shocks the c.onscienpe," therefore, requires "an exact analysi 13 of circumstances." Id. The Court has explained: of 24· Because yvhat is at issue l.lllder the text the Senate reservation is the subset of"cruet, inhuman or degrading .. that is "tbe C!1le1, un\ and inhumane treatment. , . prohibited by the Firm. AmendmcntD," we do not that the pt\X:.Cduml aspects of thefillh Amendment are relevant, at least in the contextof interrogation tedmiqu~s unrelatcdto fuCcrintinaijustio;; system. Nor, given tllc language of Article 16 and the merva!.i.on,.Qo that UniLedSj.a'tesobligatiousunderthis Article inclU4¢ other tispects ofthe Fiful AmendJ.:\lcut, such or the various privacy rights that the SupremeGoilli h;isfoundto be ptOtectedl;W the Due ;l$ It appears that cor,duct is a necessary but pernaps not sufficient condition to establishing that executive subst2ntive due process. See U'oI'iS, 523 U.S. at 847 n:8 ("Only if tile necessary condition of egregi{)us behavior were satisfied would there be a possibifily of recognizing a substantive ~·_··_-~·_-':tl~oe~sfi-g!;+:-lJ),be-:f~f,.sooh·'tx~ve:a~ll:;Mfl-onIY'ht'.'Lmjght-ih.e."e~a::deltate4tbout'"l.he-su.ffiereney~f~--· _,_"~~~=.~ . historical examples of CnfQfc-ernent oHile iigfot claimed, or its fl:l:.'Ognitionin other ways.") (emphases added); see also e 975 978 n.18th cir 2005 'To violate SS, the conduct of an executive () .aIm tng and must 'r./ck v. Hoj;;=_w 346 F.3d 1 1181 Cir. 2003).rt is therefore arguable that conscienc.e-shocking behavior wouIdnot violale the Constitution if it did a fundamental right or ifi! were narrowly tailorced. to serve a compelling state interest See, e.g., Washington P. Gfucksberg, 521 U.S. 102, 721 (L997). Because we conclude that fu.cCIA interrogation program not "shock the conscience," we ue,;d nof<ld4resstheze issues here, 27 _._.. _.".~ The phrase [due process oftaw] furmulates a less rigid and more fltljd than those envisaged in ot4er specific and particular provisions cftIle Bill of Rights, application is tess a matter ofrule. Asserted denial is to be tested by an appraisal of the, totality of facts in a given case, That which may, in one setting, constitute a denial of tiuldamental faIrness,shockiog to the universal sense ofjustice, may, in other circumstanceS, and in light of other considerations, fall short adeniat Id. at 850 (quotlng Betts v. Brad,:,', 316 US. 455,462 (1942» (alteration in Lewis), Our task, therefore, is to Supreme Court if! a novel context a highly fact-dependent "villi Httle gnidance from the 1. We whether the CIA interrogation involves conduct that is wefrnd no' evidence of in some way unjustifiable by ailY government interest," id. at 849} ()~ 'I1rlif'f'.rp,,\,,p to the possibility of such unjustifiable see td. at 853. "constitutionaHyarbitrary:' We conclude that it does an initial maHer, the Court has made clear that ,vhether conduct can be considered to be constitutionally arbitrary depends 'litany on whetherlt furtbers a govemmebl: interest, and, if it does, the nature and importance afthat interest. The test is not merely whether tbe conduct is "intended to injure," but ralherwhether it is "intended to injure in some wtryJ unjustifiable by any government it/terese' Jd. at 849 (emphasis added) It is the "exerclse of power without any reasonable jusfijiiXftiofl in the service ofa fegitimate governmental objective" that can be said to "shock the conscience." at 846 (emphasis added). in United States v, Salama, 481 U.S. 739,. 748 (1987), for example,the Court explained that the Due Clause "lays down [no] , , . categorical imperative," and emphasized ihat the Court has "repeatedly held that the Government's regulatory interest in community safety cau, in appropnatecircumstances, outweigh an individual's liberty n See also Hamal v.Rumqeld, Ct. 263J, 2646 (2004) (plurality opinion) {explaining that t:heindividuul' s interests weighed against the governmet,t'sl The gQvernme~t'sinterest is thus an importantpatt ofthe context that must be carefully considered il1evaluating an asserted violation of due process Z5 16 TIle pfGtrial detelltioncontext is inIornlS!l;'c. AnalYStS of the government's interest Ill1dpl1J1XJ$e in impo,~ing a condition of c.onfil10mCn! is esS{nful to determining whether there is II ....tjolation .ofdue process in 1his context See &11:1710, 481U,S. at 1}1e governtuenthas a legitlll.lJite interest in "effe0tuat(ingj lh[e] delention," Wolfish, 44] U,S at which supports govermnent action that "UlS rntiorolI beco1.U1ecte<i" 10 the .....,..",.-,.......,......... ----.-_.-'~--",,~~~etltijj!t;£t!ihe~8ti;!:S?'<l:t'1l!'r(lnJ:e;11ml·qu6tlf10h·ffi3:r£foiili'~I1ilid'~iilir-' punishment au streb detainees would violate due l;ecau.s¢ the govemment hzs no legiUt113te intefGst in In addition, Lewis suggests that the Court's Eighth Amendmentjurisprude:nce sheds at least some light on the due process inquiry, &e 523 tIS. at 852·53 (1ll1::l1ogizing the due inquiry to the Eighth Amendrnent context noting!h3t in !xJlh cases "[tabilirj should tum on 'P/hetber ivasapplittd in a good faith effort to maintain, or restore discipl ine or nmliciously and sadistically for t.he vCJ:)' purpose of Glusing haml ,n) (quoting Whitley vu4lbers, 415 U. S. 3 320·21 {19&6}), The interrogation program We consI.dcr does not involve or allow 2& AI Qaeda's demonstrated ability to launGhsopnisticated attacks causing mass casualties within the United against United States: interests worldwide, as well as its. continuing efforts to pian and to such attacks, see supra p. 9, indisputably pose a grave and continuing threat. "It is 'obvious and unarguable' that no governmental interest is more compelling than the security ofthe Nation." Haig v. Agee, 453 U.s. 28Q, 301 (1981) (citations omitted); see also Salerno, U.s. at 748 (noting that "society's interest is at its peak" "in times Qfwat or insurrection"). It is this paramount interest that the Government seeks to vindicate through interrogation program. Indeed, the, which the CIAbelieves "has been a k~y reasOIl al-Qa'ida has faiied to launch a spectacular attack in the West since 11 September 2001.," E.:!jecfivel1essMemo at 2, directly furthers that lnterest, producing substantial quantities of otherwisell.navailableactionabie inteUigence, As detailed ahovG,ordinary interrogation techniques had little effect on either KSMor Zubaydah. USe of enhanced techniques, however, led to actionable intelligence such as the &scoveryofthe Guraba Cell, wbichwas ,,,4th executing KSM's planned Second attacksagail1st Los Angeles. Interro 'neesand oomparativelylo~'er"tier high value detainees ve also greatly increased the CIA's understanding 0 our As evidenced by our in Part I, the CIA goes to great lengths to ensure that the techniques are applied only as reasonably necessary to this paramount interest in "the security oftne Nation." Various aspects ofthe program ensure enhanced techniques wiHbe used ohi}' in the interrogations oHhe detainees who are mOSt likely to have critical; ac.tlonable intelligence. 'the CIAscreeuingprocedures, which tbe CIA imposes in addition to the standards applicable to activities conducted pursuant to paragraph fouf of the Memorandum of Notification, ensure that tbe techniques are not used unless the CIA reasonably believes that the detainee is a "senior member ofal~Qai'da or [its affiliates}," and the detainee has "knowledge of imminent terrorist against the USA" Of has directly involved in Hle planning of attacks. Jonuaty 4 ar at 5; supra p. 5, The that enhance.d techniques have been used to date in the of only 23 high value detainees out ofthe 94 detainees in CIA custody demonstrates this se!l:x:tivit\, Use' ofthe waterboard is. limited further, requiring inteUigence that a terrorist attack , .. substantiai and credible the subject hasac.tionable inteHigcnte that disrupt or delay thisatt~ck; (a detemlination thato]ther interrogatioh methods to elicit theinfOrrliatiol1 [ami . other ... rnl3thods are unlikely to elicit informatkm withjn the perceived arne limit for preventing the attack." August 2 Rizzo Letter (attachment), Once again. the efA' spractic.e confirms the program's selectivity. used the waterboard detainees to date-KSM, the !nalicious or sadistic iuiJktiol1 of harm. Railier,ils di.x~ in the text, mterrogation teclmique$ are userl only as reasonably d~med necessary to f11rther a government interesl¢f ihe h.igllcslorder, and !lave been carefully designed to avoid irtfJicting or suffering or any other lasting or slgJuficant hanll and to muumb:e the risk of any llann that does not further this government interest, See infra pp. 29·31. 29 /" TO~ECRET Moreover, enhanced ~~hniques are ooRsidered only when the on-scene interrogation team considers tnemnecessary because 11 detainee is withhoJdingotl11anipulating importan~ actionable intelligence or there is insufficien~ !imc to try other techniques. For example,as . recounted above, the CIA used enhanced te<\hniques in the interiogatiollsofKSM and Zubaydah only after ordinary interrogation tactics had failed. Even then, CIA Headquarters must make the decision whether to te.cfmiques in IDlY interrogation. Officials at CIA Headquaners can assess the situation interrogation team's reports mid intelligence from a variet)' of other sources are therefore weU positioned to assess the Importance ofthe information sought. approved, techniques are used only in so that it is uuUkety that a detainee would be subjected to more duress than is reasonably necessary to eHcit the information sought.· Thus, no is used on a detainee unless technique at that time appears necessary to intelligence. And use of enhal1ccD techniques ceases "ifthe detainee is judged to be consistently providing accurate Intelligence of if he is no longer believed to have actionable ,., Teohniques at S. Indeed, use ofthe teclmiques usually ends after just a few days \-'{hen th~ee begins paltlcipating. E,1j}anced techniques, therefore, would not be llsed on a detainee not reasonably thought to possess important, actionable intelUgence that oould not be obtained rdhpn";~,, ot'lIY is inte.ffogatiopprQgram closely goyc.roment interest ofthe highest order} It is also designed, through its Qafefi,ll limitations and criteria, to avoid causing any severe pain orsuffertng' or Infl.ictingsignificantor As the OMS Guidelines explain, t'[i]n an instances the general goa! of these . . is a. psychological impact, and not some physical a specific goal of'dislocate[ing] expectations regarding the treatment believes be will receive.'" OA·1S at 8~9 (second alteration in original). techniques can be used on.!y if there are no medical or psychological contraindications. Thus, no is ever used iftbere is reason to believe it will cause the detainee signit1c.ant or harm. 'Vhen enl1,mced techniques are used, OMS closely monitors the detainee's condition to ensure that he does experience severe pain or suffering or sustain significant or lasting harm, Tilt.s facet our analysis. bears emphasis. We do not that any oonduct, uo matier how extreme, could justified by Ii sufficiently weighty govern.m.ent ihterest coupled with appropriate Ratber, our is limited to the under consideration, in which the techniques do not a;ount to torture CDhsidercd or in contbinutioo. See Techniques at Use at 9-19. Torture is categorically prohibited both by the CAT, see art. 2(2) ("No circumstances whatsoever. . . be invoked asa justification of torture. . . Theprogram, moreover, is designed to rl1inimizeth.s~s~ty-9LguY=liJj~ri11gJh!\tis"=--~, =-amn:ende:rclJrdtJ~sllU1;ruvanc·e "the"purpose"()nhe progfam, }orexample, in dietary mampu!atJOlI, the .. . caloric intake is set . levels used in commercial weight•. loss programs, thereby avoiding tbepos.sibitity of signiikant In nudity and water lemperatufes high enough to guard against hypoth¢rmia. and a C-coHar (or device) to help avoid dousing, interrogators set The walling technique ? 30 whiplash. See against the possibility at 8 Viith respe~t deprivation, constant monitoring protects detainees might injure themselves by hanging from their wrists, suffer from acute edema, or even experience ncm~transienthalludnations. See Techniques at .1 I-I3. With waterb03rd,. interrogators u~potable5aHnerather th.anphrin water so that.detainees nots\.dler from hyponatremia and to minimjzetheriskofpl1eurnon~a. See.fd. at 13-14. The board is also desi.gned to aUow i.nterrogators to place the detainee inahea.d-up position so that will water may be cleared very quickly, and medical personnel afldequipment are on hand should any unlikely problems actually develop. See td. 14. All enhanced t(fChniques are conducted only as authorized and to medical guidelines and superv'ision,21 As is clear from descriptions and the discussion above, the CIA uses enhanced techniques only as necessary to obtain information that it fef..son~bly views as vital to protecting the United from further terrorist attacks, The techniques are used only in the interrogation ofthosc are reasonably believed to be dosely associated with al Qaeda anti senior enough to actionable intelligence concerning terrorist threats. Even then, the techniques only to the extent reasonably believed to be necessary to obtain otherwise unavailable intelligence, In addition, the techniques are designed to avoid inflicting severepaio or suffeting, and no technique w'ill be used iftnere is reason to believe it will cause significant harm. Indeed, the techniques have been designed to minimize the of injury or any suffering that does not Government's interest in obtaining actionable intelligence, Tbeprogram is dearly not intended "to injure in some way unjustifiable by any government interest." Lewis, 523 U.S, at 849. can it be said to reflect Hdeliberate indifference'i to a substantial risk of sucb unjustifiable injury. &851 28 Z7 TIle CtA. 'S erc genlcral:Jy t;XjflsuHs with llie of ( Counsel (which in tum lIla)' collSlll.t with this Office) novel cirCllmswlccs. cOfliSul,rnu'J!l fl.1.tthet reduces an)' possibility that CIA interroglltorsC0vld be [llieir} power, it as an instl1..lluent of oppression," Lewis, 523 lIS, at 840 omit1ed; :illeraOor see also Chavez, 538 U.S. at 774 (opinion of Thomas, &0 as 10 rcnder their conduct constitutionaUy al"'Ualj. is not to say Utat the inlerrogatiohprogra1l1 has worker! According to llie 1G Reporr, the CiA, at could not distinguish delainees who had iW:lmtau<m but were successfully resisting inlem:Jgatlon from who did not actually have the lnfommtion. at 33-85. On at least one occasion, this may have resulted in what rnight be deem..:d the unnecessary use of enhanced On aliliough theofH;cenc ru.terro ~··~-~~~TlriS'tGlmple;1mwe'l'ef;-dccs~nfrb<j-tow·GrA:-~({,tllcioot.{{hat-4s1,intend~4o,kIjUfeJrl~v.a¥~~,,~ by any government " or "deliberate indifference" to the p{)ssibiJity of such.ll.!1jl1stifiable lnjury. lAt'ls, 513 -~~.J.L.S~,,at.S.:t;),J&L>.'lDltlhLh!l~l,~~:;:yna1ili'believed that ZubaJdah continue-diG wit.hl.wld sufficiently important infomuUon, use of the watcrboard was sUP~GoY;;~mer:i'S1Uieresr4'1 prot.cetingffie'tiilUon rrol1l'--'-~-"~ subs:xtuent terrorist attacks. TIle of a rea~onab!e, good faith iJ.~!ief is /tot negated because the factual pre{jlcates for that belief are delermined (Q be false, in the Zubaydah exarlljJle, CIA Headquaners diSfl:ltc.hed offIcials (0 observe the last waterboani These officials reported enhanced techniquC6 were flO needed. E'-ee IG R.eport at 85. Thus, llie did not simply rely on what appeared to be credihle intelligence out rather cea:;ed cllha.nced techniques despite tlUsin.tdligwce. 31 2. We next address C()osidered in light of "an understanding of traditional ex:ecutive behavior, of contemporary practice, and of the standards ofblamegeneraHy.appIied (0 tbern/' ofllie enhanced interrogationtechciques constitutes govern.meat bebavior that "is so .egregious, so outrageous, may fairly be said to shock the cDntempOr8ry conscience." Id. at 847 nJt have not evidence oftraditional executive behaviQr or oonternp'orary practice either condemning or condoning an interrogation program carefully limited to further a vital government and designed to avoid unnecessary or serious harm.29 However,in many, there is a strong tradition against the use of coerclveinterroga.tklntechniques. ' Accordingly, tills analysis poses a morc difficultquestiot!. eXBminethe traditions surrounding criminal investigations within the United States, t.he military's tradition. of not employing tec!lluques in i lltelligence interrogations, and the fact that the United States regularly condemns conduct l.wdertaken by other countries that bears at 'least some resemblance to the tochniques at . These tradition? provide significant evidence that use of enhance.d interrogation teclm1ques might the.contemporary conscience" at some contexts. ld. As we have explained, the due process inquiry depends critically on setting and circumstance, see, e.g., id at 847, 850, and each ofthese contexts differs in important ways from the one we consider here consideration ofthe underpinnings standards of conduct expected in these other moreover, demonstrates that standards are not controlling here, Further,as.explained belo,'.", enhanced techniques are ail adapted from techniques used by the United States 00 albeit under significantly different conditions. At a minimum, this confirms use ofthe' techniques cannot be considered to categorically impermissible; is, in some circumstances, use ofthese techniques is consistent with "traditional executive behavior" and "contemporary practice," ld at 847 fl,8. As expLained belel'll, we believe are present here. Domestic Use of interrogaHonpracticeslike those we consider here in ordinary criminal investigatiofls might well "shock the conscience." InRochtn v. mterTOllatii:m practice appears to have varied over Tile 10 Report explainsthatlhe. CIA "1J.aS had intcmliHent in the L'1ten:ogationofindividlJ3)s whose inlef¢>1.s are opposed to those ofthe United Stntes." JG R:ejXJrt at 9. 19805, fOf exa.rnplc, tile CIA initiated HmnanResource Exp!oicioon ("limn, train foreign liaison scrvi ~ . es," Id; The CIA ~;:H.lse of allegations OfhUlT rics, See id.<Jt 10. 32 Califomia, Supreme Court reverseda criminal conviction where the prosecution againsHhedefemidfit that had been obtained by the forcible pumping ofthe defendant's stomach. The Court concluded that the conduct at issue <'shocks the .conscience' and was "too close to tnemck and the screw." Id. at t12. Ukewise. irrWilliams v. United States, u.s. 97 (1951), the Court considered a cony/cHon under a statute that criminalized au individual· of a constitutional right uncle.r color of law. The defendant suspected ofcommitting a particular crltne. He then over Ii period took fuur men to a paint shack. . and lJsed brutal methods to obtain a confession from each ofthem A moper hose, a pistol, a blunt a cord and other implement were was beaten, threatene,d, and unmercifully Jd. at 98-99. The against himself," in the project. ... several hours until he cnarac·tenze.a this as lithe dassic use afforce to make a man testify would render the confessi 011$ inadmissible. Id. at 1\)1. The Court concluded: take matters in their own hands, seize;v1ctims, beat and pound But ,vhere C(U1LeElS, there cannot be the slightest doubtthat the police !:lave them until under the Constitution. It is the right ofthe accused deprived constituted court, not by a kangaroo court to be tried bye. Id. at 101. lviore in IJ. Alar-tinez, 538 760 the police had questioned the plaintiff, a gunshot wound victim Yvho was in severe pain and believed he was dying. At issue was whether a section could be maintained the the police despite the fact that no had ever brought against the Court rejected the plaintiff s Self-Incrimination Clause claim, see id. at (opinion of Thomas, concurring in judgment), but remanded for consideration of whe~her the the plaintiff's substantive due process rights, see rd. at 779-80. Some ofthe . coerclveinterrogatioTts. See the view that the Constitution categorically prohibitli such at. 7e3, 788 (Stevens, concurring in partandcliss.enting in part) (descrihingthe i!lterrogation at issue as "torturous" and asserting that interroglltion "is a classic example ora constitutional right implicit in concept of ordered Uberty") (internal quotation at 796 (Kennedy, 1., cDncurring In and dissenting in part) ("The Constitution not countenance the offici at imposition of severe pain or pressure guarantees of the Due Process Clause, issue in these Of botb."). COflSlderablv less invasive or extreme much of the conduct. at the government interest at issue. i.1:1 each of these cases was the general interest (and, in doubtful). That government interest is strikingly different from what is at stakethenationa.i security-in particular, the protection of the United and its attacks that may result in TOP~Ti · _ " , , . ~V/""J, ,,1 tl04Z9900 P 36 massive civilian casualties. Sp~ciflc constitutional constraints, suclt.M the}{ifth Amendment's Self-Incrimination which providestnat 'Tn)D person. ... shall be compelled in any criminal to be a witness against himsel(" (emphasis apply when the government acts to further its general interest in law enfotcemenfand reffect explioitfuudamentallimitauol1s on how may further that interest Indeed, mostoftheCourfs pOnce interrogation cases to be rooted in the policies behind $eSeif-Iucrimination Clause and concern for the fairness integrity (Jf the trial process, In. Rochilf, for exampLe, the Court was concerned use obtained by coercion to bring about a criminal conviction, See, e.g., 342 US. at 173 propess of law, as a. historic and generative principle, precludes defining, and thereby these standards of conduct more precisely than to. say that convictions cannot brought about by methods that offend' a sense ofjustice.''') (citation omitted); itl. (refusing to hQld that "in ordertQ convict a man police cannot eJctraet by force what is in rus but can extract what is in his stomach"), Se? also Jackson v. Denno, 378 U.S. 368, 377 (1964) (characterizing the interest at stake in police interrogation cases as the "right to be free based upon a coerced confessiorf'); v. Oklaho'!l14, 322 U.S. 596, 60S that "~raj c.oerced confession is offensive to basic standards of justice, not because has a legal grievan.ce against the police, but because declarations pfGcured torture are not premises from which a ;;::lvilized forum wi!! infer guilt"). Even Chavez, ,vhich might the Court's receptiveness to a substantive due process claim based on coercive police interrogation practices irrespective ofwhether ~he evidence obtained was ever used against the individual interrogated, involved an interrogation implicating ordinary law enforcement i"!'~"'A<·t< Courts have long the government's ordinary law enforcement from other -government such as nationaisecurity. Tbe Foreign IntelHg.ence Surveiliance Court ofRevievi recently explain.edthat, VYitll respect to the Fourth Amendment, "the [Supreme] , Court distingutshe[s] crime control programs and those that have another particular purpose, such as against specia.l hazards or protection orour borders," In re Sealed Case, 310 d 7, (For. InteL Ct Rev. (discussing the Court's "special needs" cases and distinguishing "FISA's general programmatic purpose" of "protect(ing] the nation and espionage threats by foreign powers" from general crime control). "special needs'; doctrine, Court has approved of wiArantless and even searches that serve "special beyond the normal. need for la·wenforcement." Dis!. 4i]v. Acton, 5 646, (t995)(quotation marks and citation omitted). although the Court has explained that it "cannot sanction [automobile] justified only by the" "generalinterest in control," IncfjaJiapolis v. &fnlOnd, 531 44 (2000) (quotation marks and citation omitted), it suggested that it mIght appro'Vc set to thwart an imminent id See also ~.,. ~w,lv~~2E!9s!un~JorJ<l11t~s B. CC?·tJlj;l.J).e~tl,GUlq.V~.G~!.',~a.l~ffl~!~~t$~istJJr~cputr AssisfantAttomey deliCTa!, Office of Legal Counse~ Re: FFhether OFAC lvfay Without _~~ g.E!E!!!!!!lLCf Jud,[claL'rrarr..flLl{ Enff.Lt!Je. ColJIlllei.tiaUxemises'*Jj4~$:'jgnaied...fjntity,.yTr8er:unT'-~~· nijijeriiThat Has Been Pursuant to IEEPA (April] 1, 2005). Notabty, in the due process ;;;ontext, Court distinguished the Government's in detaining megal aliens generally from its in detaiJting suspected terrorists. See Zadvyd../f.5', 533 US. at 691. Although the Court concluded that a statute permitting the indefinite detention of aliens subject to a final order of removal be removed to other countries would raise _ •• " L 34 . " •.• substantiq.i constitutional ~. 0'01 ?"VO 1 '7 :US/ST. 17: SO/NO. 6160429S00 P 37 it suggested that its reasoning might not apply to a statute nanrowlv to a sman segment ofparticulady dangerolls individuals, say, suspected (quotation marks and citation omitted). Accordingly, for these reasons, we do not believe that the tradition that emerges from the context provides contromng~yidence ofa relevant executivetradition prohibiting USe techniques in the quite diff(;rent context ofintel1ogatiQus undertaken solely to prevenHoreign tehonst attacks against the United St.ates and its interests. police United States l",filitary Doctrine. Army Field Manual 34--52 sets forth the military' $ basic approach to intelligence interrogations. It lists a variety ofinterrogation techniques that generally involve omy and emotional tactics. In the "emotional love approach," for example, the exploit the love a detainee feels for his feUow soldiers, and use this to motivate [d. at 3~ 15. In the "fear-up (harsh) appmac:,n," "the interrogator behaves in an overpowering manner with a loud and threatening voice (and} may even feel the need to throwobjeets across the room to heighten the [detainee's] implanted feelings oHeaL" ld at 3-16 The Field Manual counseJs .that"[g]reat care must betaken when [using this technique] so any actIons WQuld oot violate the prohibition on coercion and threats contained in GPW, 17." lei. Indeed, from the outset, the Field Manual explains that the Geneva Conventions US policy expressly prohibit acts ofviolcnce or intimidation, including physioal or mental torture, threats, insults, or exposure to inhtHtlane treatmcnt as a means of or to interrogation," Id, at 1-8. A$ prohibited acts of physical and mental torture, tbe Field A1dnual "(flood deprivation" and "[a]bnormal sleep deprivation" respectively, ld, The Field Manual evidence "oftraditional executive behavior[ and] of oontemporarypmctice," LeWiS, 523 U.SL at 847 n.S, but we do not it dispositive for several reasons. biost as the FiefdManual make;; clear,approach it embodies is designed for traditional lRparticular, conflicts by the Geneva Conventions. See Field Manual see Interrogations must comply with the Geneva Uniform Code ofMUitary Justice). The United States, however, has long resisted efforts to extend the protections of the Geneva Conventions to terrorists other unlavtful combatants. As President Reagan stated when the United States rejected I to the Geneva Convelltions, the position ofthe United States is that it "must not, and recognition and protection to terrorist groups as a price fOf progress in. humanitarian Ronald Reagan, Letter of Transmittai to the Senate ofProtoco! rr additional to ofl2 August 1949, concluded at Geneva on June 10, 1977 (Jan. 29, 1987). moreover, has expressly determined Geneva ConventiOn Relative to the Treatment ofPrisoners of War ("GP\V") not apply to the ~_~.,-J4IDfiicLwt~~4..Qaeda,,-,.$e~>4~rolldlinHft)m~be-f'remti'l31rt~'7'imm Z171!.? TrealmerTlo"] ilT--------Qaeda and Tahoan Detainees at 1 (Feb. 7, 2002); see also Ivkmorandum for Alberto R. .-._~~~~4t~......cm1il$ii,1DJheJ~resid{ktt,.aHd-Wi·IHafll+Raynesi1;'t:J-~~errernt=et:mt1set,-"Deparmieirror-'-~-' Defense, from Jay S. Bybee, Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Couflsel, Rc: Application of Treaties . to at Qaeda and Taliban Detainees 9-10 (Jan. 22, 2002) (explainlng GPW to Don-state actors such as al Qaeda). ;t 35 We think that a policy pren1ised on the of'tbe Geneva Conventions and not purporting to bind eLl;,. does notoonstitute controlling evidence of eXe¢titive tradition and contemporary practice with respect to untraditional armed conflict wl1ere those treaties do not apply, where the enemy flagrantLy violates the laws of war by secretly attackirtg civilians, and where the United States cafu'10t identifY the enemy or prevent its attacks absent accurate intelHgence. State EJch year) in the State Department's Country Reports on Human Rights States CQndernnscoerciveinterrogation techniques and other practices employed by other Certain ofthett;ehrtiques the United Sfates has condemned appear to bear some resemblance to some .ofthe CIA interrogatlontechniques. In their discussion for example, the repo"rts Ii st as "W]sychological torture" conduct that involves ands[eep deprivation," but give no specificinform!ltkmas to what these techniques ofEgypt,.the reports as of torture" "stripping and suspendIng victims from a c.eiHng or doorframe with feet just touching the floor; victims (\vith various objects}; ... and dousing victims with cold water." e.g" (describing the "chiffon" method, '.",hieh involves "placing lnag drencheJ in water in s mouthH ); Iran (counting sleep deprivation as either torture or severe prisoner (discussing sleep deprivation and "having cold water thrown onu delainees as either or "in.treatment"). The State Department's inclusion ofnudity, water . dousing, sleep fooa deprivation aInong the conduct it condemns is significant ~Tld provides some of anexecLltiveforeign rdations tradition condemning the use of these teclmiqucs. 3o To that the reports provide evidence the "shocks the contemporarycoDsc1ence." The reports do not generally focus on or provide precise interrogatioll techniques. Nor do the any de.tail the contexts in techniques are used. From what \-ve however, it appears that the techniques ale often part of a course that techniques and is undertaken in ways that bear no resemblance to the CIA program. Much of the condemned conduct goes far beyond the tcchniques and \vould almostcertainly cqnstitute torture under United States law.. See, (discussing doorn-arne with feet just touching finger crushing electric shock)' " Uzbekistan conduct,moreover, is ofter! undertaken for unlike the CIA';;. security forces apparently use their obtain confessions, to puniSh, and to extort money. as a flUtter of cUplol11aev, the United Slales may for various reasons in various circumstances call another nation fa account for practic:esthtll in some couduct in which thc Um~ed States nu!;ht III some cirCumstances engage, covertly or relations with ref,l1rd tQ foreign ofUnltedStates executive may be of ()lLly Hmite-d < relevance here, 36 TO~ used only asnecessaryprotecfagainst grave terrorist threats or ,1tlY similarly vital government interests (or indeed for any legitimate government interest}. Oil th~ contrary, much of tbe aUeg$td abuses discussed in the reports appears toil1voivee:ither the indiscriminate use of : force, see, e.g" ofcritics see, e,g" Liberia, Rwanda. And is thattheseco!.mtries apply' careful screening procedures, medical monitoring, other safeguards required by the CIA interrogation program, relationstradltion ofcondernl1ing torture, the indiscriminate use against the government's political opponents, or the \..lse of force to obtain criminal cases says litt! e about the pro.pnety of the CIA's interrogation practices. CIA's careful screening procedures are designe<l to ensure that . enhanced techniqu¢:sare in the relatively few intelJogatlol1s ofterronsts who are believed to possess vital, actionable tnat mJgtit avert an attack against the Uoited States or its ifltere~ts, 'The CIA techniques only to the extent reasonably befleved necessary to obtain the informath;m great care to avoid inflicting severe or suffering or any lasting Or short, the CIA program is designed to subje.ct detainees to no more duress than is justifie.d Government's interest in the United States from furtber In these essential respects, it differs the conduct condemned in the State Department A of force, SERE Training. is evidence that usc of thesetechrtiques is in some clrcumstarle-es consistent with exc.ctltlve tradition and practice: Each ofthe CIA's enhanced interrogation has a:oaptedfrommilitl1ry the techniques have on oUr own troops, See Techniques at 6; at 13~ 14. fnsome instances, the form oftnetech.niquc than dousing, as done in SERE training, complete immersion may See Techniques at 10, is done outside with air temperatures as low as 100F. See contrast, the water that is never belo'iIl41 o F and is Further, ambient are never below MOF See are undeniably more extreme as applied in the CIA interrogation notably, the wat.erboard is used quite sparingly in SBRE trainingat most two times ona for almost 40 seconds each time. See id. at 42. Although the CIA program waterboard use only in narrow circumstances (to d(jte, the CIA has used the waterboard detainees), where authorized, it may be used for two "sessions" per day up to two a sessioa, water may be applied up to six times for ten seconds or longer (but more 40 seconds). a 24~hour period,a detainee may subjected to up to twelve minutes application. Sec id. at 42, Additionally, wa ay be used on as many as during a 30~day approval period. See J etter at 1~2, CIA J::t~9f!4:: .'~---"'" wtefrO!:;atl,}h ofKSM, see lei, at 91. In as we Individuals lm,~"'rn"';h<'r training are obviously in a very different situation from detainees under'gomg interrogation; SERE it is of a 37 a real-fife interrogation regime, they presumably know it and they presumably have assurances that they will not significantly hB.nne<i by training. training will last only a Techniques at On the other hand, the interrogation program we consider here furthers the paramount interest offhe United States in the security ofthe Nation more immediately and direetly than SERE training, which seeks to reduce the possibility that Uruted States military personnel might information that couldhanl1 the national security in theevenf they are captured. oftne due process question mustpay cafefulattentloo to these differences. least one conclusion from the existence of SERE training. Usc of the tecnnlql.lCs . . interrogation program {or at least tnesttriilar techniques from which these have been adapted) CAnnot be considered to be categorically inconsistent with "traditional executive behavior" and "contemporary practice" regardless of context3l It follows that use ofthese techniques ootshock the conscience in at least some circumstances. \Ve believe e;dst here, where the techniques are used against unlawful combatants who deliberately a,nd secretly attack civilians in an untraditional armed conflict in which is difr1cultorimposslble to colrectby other means and lsessentiaHo the protection of the States and its interests, where techniques are used only when necessary and only of key terrorist leaders reasonably thought to have actionable and where every effort is made to minimize unneoessary suffering and to avoid inflicting or lasting harm Accordingly. \Ve conclude that, in of "an understanding of traditional executive behavior, of contemporary practice, and of standards of blame generally applied to them," the use enhanced interrogation techniques in the CIA interrogation program as we understand it~ does not constitute government behavior that "is so egregious, so outrageous, that it may fairly be said to the contemporary conscience." Lewis, 523 U.S. at 847 n8, For the reasot\$ we conclude that the ClA. interrogation techniques, \\1tl1 their careful scr,eentng lJIl")'i)edIJres medical monitoring, do not conscience." Given the pfecedent applying thisataH, atone in anything as the context-specific, facf-dependent, and spmewnat SUbjective'lf/"x predict with court would agree \\.1th believe however; that thequestio!1 \vhether the eLA.'s enhanced the substantive standard of United-States obligatioIls under subject to judicia! inquiry. 16 imposes no obligations on the,tht;;..Clf&,.\ll.elvd)f,thebngu.{ifi'~:f~-l6jts~f~ _ _~..~-=,._ 11 In ""'U."'V", the fact that individuals voluntarily undergo !lIe techniques in SERE training is probative. See Breilhoup! v. U.S. 436-37 (]957) (noting that people regularly voluntarily allow their blood to be drawn and that lllvolunta.ryoIO<Xi testing docs not "shock the conscience"). 38 independently, Senate's reservation. But eveniftllis \",eteJess clear (indeed, even ifit were' false), p..rticle 16 itself has no domestic legal effect because the attached a uon~self~ . execution to its resolution of ratification. See Congo Rec. 36,198 (1990) ("the Umt~d States declares provisions ofArtides 1 through J 6 oftbe Convention are flot self.. executing"). It is that non-seIf~executingtreaty provisions <'can only be enforced pursuant to legislation to carry them into effect" Whitney v. Robertson, 124 U.S: 190, 194(Ig8S);seealso Foster iT•. Neilson, 21 U,S. (2 Pet) 253,314 (1829) ("A treaty is in its nature a contract between two nations, not a legislative act. It does not generaHy effect, of itself, the . object to .. , but is carried into execution by the sovereign power of the respective parties to the instrument."). One implication aftne fact that Article 16 is non~self· executing is that, to Artie! e 16, "the courts have nothing to do and can give no redress:' Head Money ! 580, 598 (1884). As one court rec-ent!y explained in the context the CAT that are not not create judiciallyenforceable rights they arc given effectby bnptementing legislation." Auguste v. Ridge, 395 13211.7 (3d ek. 2005) (citations omitted) Becaus.e (with perhaps one narrow 16hasnot been legLslatively implemented, dm lnterpretation orits suhstantive to be subject to judicial inquiry,33 '" Based on does not implicate its careful we understand that the IwderTUnited progrands not " and that it is not we oonclude that the program 16. We also concfude that CIA interrogation program, subject to and medical monitOring, would not violate the substantive standards conducted in the United States or autbolized tor use against United Jl As noted Section 1031 of Public Law 109-13 prU'Yides thal "(njone of the funds appropriated or othen,'isc 111ade il\!ll!lablc Act shall be obligated or eXf~t1ded to subject any person in thectlstody or under the ph)'sicalconLml ofthc to. cruel, in.human, or treatment or punishment tlUlL is prolribiled by the or treaties of rIle United Stntcs, To extent this appropriations rider impfemems Article 16, it creates a narrow domestic law obligaLioll not to expend funds appropriated under Public Law W9-13 for CDnduct ArIlcle 16. This appropriations rider, hcrwevcr, is unlikely to result injudicial interpretation of Article i6's stand.:lrds since it ik~s not cre.:<te a private right of ae:tlon, See, e,g., Ale:.:anc/er v, Sandoval, ZZ6 (2001) ("Like subsU'illuve fedCrallawitself, private rights of action to enfo~CIl feder.allaw must CoIl~S,"); Resider;f CounCil ofAlterrParlol'oy VilE. v, Dep" ofHous, &: UrbM $ISO F.2d 1043, CiT. 1993) C'courl~ been reluctant to ir.fefcongressiona! intent to create appropriations rneasu.res") (citing v. Sierra 451 UB, 287 (19&1)). prCi $CCl1t!{)11 were b-rough t under the spendillg restr1ictIe.n Section 53 AlUlOlHcf1 the interpretation of Article 16 is unlikely to be subject inquiry, it is conceivable court might attempt to address substantive questiorrs under the FUth.Amendmttit if, for example, tl1e United Slates criminal of a high value del! lnee ill an Article ill courtln. the United States using evidence ilinth3d bt.'i3n obtained from/he detainee through til() use of en113.J1 <x>:l'ln terroga !ion teclutlques, that:l 39 tbe United States under ArticleJ6ifthose standards extended to the erA Giventhe paucity ofrelevant precedent and the-subjective nature ofthe c~nnot prOOict with confidcl1 ce whether acouri would agree witb this thcTe.1Sonsexplained, thequestiol1isunHkely be subject to judicial • of further assistance. Please let us know if we l1iay be Steven G. Bradbury Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General 40