Records Retention and Disposotion Schedules, Orange Co Sheriff's Dept. 2014
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‘V / Orange County Sheriffs Department h,tho,’a by: t(i)t)l 1;t,i :1.vl.c11nt iIU17’iS /)1,’LrI! Suppit Cs t)i1ivern , Ity ---- CONTENTS • • • • BOARD RESOLUTION INTRODUCTION CAUTION ABBREVIATIONS & ACRONYMS GUIDE RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSTION SCHEDULES: ADMINSTRATIVE SERVICES COMMAND • COMMUNICATIONS & TECHNOLOGY DIVISION • FINANCIAL/ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION • RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT DIVISION • SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION Section Section Section Section 1 2 3 4 CUSTODY & COURT OPERATIONS COMMAND • CENTRALJAIL COMPLEX • COURT OPERTATIONS DIVISION • INMATE SERVICES DIVISION • MUSICK FACILITY • THEO LACY FACILITY Section Section Section Section Section 5 6 7 8 9 FIELD OPERATIONS & INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES COMMAND • AIRPORT OPERATIONS DIVISION • EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DIVISION • HOMELAND SECURITY DIVISION • INVESTIGATIONS DIVISION • NORTH OPERATIONS DIVISION • SOUTH OPERATIONS DIVISION Section Section Section Section Section Section 10 11 12 13 14 15 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMAND • CORONER DIVISION • OC CRIME LAB DIVISION • 5.A.F.E. DIVISION • TRAINING DIVISION Section Section Section Section 16 17 1$ 19 DEPARTMENT-WIDE (OCSD) Section 20 COUNTY-WIDE (ALL COUNTY AGENCIES) Section 21 INDEX REVISION GUIDE Section 22 Section 23 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA December 16. 2014 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors may authorize a Department head to destroy County records as permitted by law in accordance with approved Records Retention and Disposition Schedules; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff-Coroner requests that the Board approve revised and new Records Control Schedules for the Sheriff-Coroner Department, and approve the rescission of certain Records Control Schedules in accordance with the California Government Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board does hereby: 1. Find that the subject activity is not a project within the meaning of’ California Environmentat Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378 and is therefore not subject to review under CEQA. 2. Approve fourteen (14) revised Sheriff-Coroner’s Department Records Retention and Disposition Schedules: 56C, lO4B, 1138, 1 l4C, 123C, 124D, l25B, 163C, 1648, 352A, 353A, 354A, 356A, and 357A to supersede existing schedules SA, 9A, 258, 28A, 184A, 563, 104A, tl3A, t143, 1238, 124C, 125A, 1638, l64A, 352, 353, 354, 356, and 357. 3. Approve seven (7) newly created Sheriff-Coroner’s Department Records Retention and Disposition Schedules for the following divisions/bureaus: Communications & Technology Division (No. 366), Criminal Investigation Division (No. 367), Emergency Management Division (No. 369), Field Training Bureau (No. 370), 1-[omeland Security Division (No 371), S.A.F.E Division (No. 372), and Departmentwide (No. 36$). 4. Approve the rescission of three (3) Sheriff-Coroner’s Department Records Retention and Disposition Schedules: $8B, 351A, and 355A. 5. Authorize continuing disposition of the records in accordance with the Schedules. Resolution No. 14-113, [tern No. 15 Records Retention and Disposition Schedules for Sheriff-Coroner Department Page 1 of 1 The foregoing tas passed and adopted by the following vote of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, on December 16, 2014, to wit: AYES: Supervisors: NOES: EXCUSED: ABSTAINED: Supervisor(s): Supervisor(s): Supervisor(s): TODD SPITZER. LISA A. BARTLETT. JOHN MW. MOORLACH SHAWN NELSON. 1y / .-/ :;tz’ CHAIRMAN < S fATE OF CALIFORNIA (‘OUNTY OF ORANGE ) I, SUSAN NOVAK, Cterk of the Board of Orange County, California, hereby certify that a copy of this document has been delivered to the Chairman of the Board and that the above and foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the Orange County Board of Supervisors IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and seal. SUSAN NOVAK Clerk of the Board County of Orange. Suite of CaliIrnia Resolution No: 14-113 Agenda Date: (2/1612014 Item No: 15 -. i)4 I certify that the foresoing is a true and correct cops it the Resolution adopted by Llie Board of Supervasor 0rane Counts. State olCalifornia , ,o cii’ Susinrlst’cs - INTRODUCTION This document is intended for Orange County Sheriff’s Department fOCSD) personnel to use when managing the records in their offices. It can also serve as a helpful tool, providing both OCSD personnel and legal counsel with a roadmap for finding information in case of internal investigations, audits, disaster recovery, or litigation. The Records Retention and Disposition Schedules contained in this document apply to records that are maintained by OCSD. They are the only Board-of-Supervisors-approved Records Retention and Disposition Schedules; no other schedules shall be adhered to. If a record is not on a Board-approved Records Retention and Disposition Schedule (and arguably is not part of any category listed on other Board-approved OCSD schedules), then OCSD is obligated to retain the record permanently because only the Board may authorize the destruction of a government record. Retention periods listed in the Records Retention and Disposition Schedules are required minimums. Retention periods can and shall be extended when necessary to comply with audits, civil and criminal actions, and any other matter requiring the continued retention of the records, in accordance with OCSD’s Legal Hold Policy. The following retention periods apply only to the “agency official record copy” as designated by each agency. Any duplicate copy of the same record retained by the agency may be destroyed at any time without regard to the stated retention period if the agency determines there is no administrative need to retain the duplicate copy. Destruction of duplicate copies is authorized pursuant to Government Code § 26201. CA UTION - flu: _a-frun-ur A record, in any format, whose retention period has expired, may not be destroyed if the record is relevant to pending or potential litigation, or other official action; its destruction shall not occur until the action is resolved. A record, in any format, whose retention period expires during pending or potential litigation, or other official action involving the record, may not be destroyed until the completion of the action and the resolution of all issues that arise from it. failure to preserve or produce records that are considered evidence is generally known as “spoliation.” It is legally defined as “the destruction or significant alteration of evidence, or the failure to preserve property for another’s use as evidence in pending or reasonably foreseeable litigation.” This area is the most critical for the “legal hold” decision. See OCSD’s Legal Hold Policy, No. 215, located on the Intranet via Lexipol. ABBREVIATIONS & ACRONYMS GUIDE :-T: — ALEA Urr v Airborne Law Enforcement Association — AV Station — Aliso Viejo Station ADA—Americans with Disability Act ACHS AJS Automated Criminal History System — Automated Jail System — ALPR—Automated License Plate Reader AWSS — BOLO BGB — CLETS CCW CJX — — California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System California Public Records Act Carry Concealed Weapon — Central Jail Complex — CMJ Be On the Look Out Brad Gates Building — CPRA Automated Warrant Service System Central Men’s Jail — CWR—Central Warrant Repository CFR CD Compact Disk — CAD CPT Community Work Program — Correctional Program Technician — GuS Computer Aided Dispatch — CWP CIA Code of Federal Regulations — Criminal Justice Information Services — Criminal Intelligence & Analysis — CORI —Criminal Offender Record Information CNT — CRM DOB DOl Crisis Negotiation Team — — — Customer Relationship Management Date of Birth Department of Justice DMV— Department of Motor Vehicles DVD DAFN DA Division of Records — EMPG ESI Disability, Accessibility and Functional Needs — District Attorney — DR Digital Video Disk — — Emergency Management Performance Grant Electronically Stored Information — EOC— Emergency Operations Center ELETE FBI Enhanced Law Enforcement Telecommunication Emulator — Federal Bureau of Investigation — FCC— Federal Communications Commission FEDLA — FEDSA FTB Identification Immigration & Customs Enforcement — ICED IS IT Health Care Agency — — ICE General Educational Development — HCA ID File Control Number — GED Federal Court Santa Ana Field Training Bureau — FCN — Federal Court Los Angeles Immigration & Customs Enforcement Detainee — Information Systems — Information Technology — ISD — Inmate Services Division IRC—lntake Release Center IU Integrated Law & Justice — JAMF—James A. Musick Facility JPU—Judicial Protection Unit UMS LE Law Enforcement — LARS — MART MOU MS Laboratory Information Management System — — Local Arrest Record System — — Major Accident Reconstruction Team Memorandum of Understanding Microsoft MCM NTSB — — Mobile Content Management National Transportation Safety Board OHR—Operational Hazards Reports Orange County Communications and Technology Services Orange County Emergency Management Organization Patrol Video System — — OCCL— Orange County Crime Lab OCCATS — Portable Document Format Personal Computer — OCEMO — PVS PC PDF — — Records Management System Public Record Act P&E—Property and Evidence Unit PRA RMS - SONGS San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station — Stolen Vehicle System SWAT— Special Weapons and Tactics SVS Subpoenas and Administrative Services Unit SQL—Structured Query Language — Supplemental Type Certificates — Theo Lacy Video Court Teletype — Sub/Admin — STC U TLVD TLF—Theo Lacy Facility — — — Video Home System Underground Storage Tank Uniform Crime Reporting TC—Traffic Collision UCR UST VHS RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT DIVISION SHERIFF-CORONER COMMUNICATION & TECHNOLOGY - tem No. 1 SECTION OFFICE Retain until obsolete. - 2 FCC LICENSE Various files related to frequency coordination and FCC licenses. 3 SERVICE CALLS, WORK REQUESTS Retain 2 years. Forms and correspondence relating to sereice requests throughout the dMsion. - - EFFECTIVE DATE 12/16/2014 RISION DATES APPROVAL Board Minute Order PAGE RETENTION TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL CUSTOMER FACILITIES Technical Reference Library Blueprints and manuals for all facilities and equipment. UNIT Retain permanently. RECORDS CTR. DISPOSITION Destroy after administrative N/A value ends or record is obsolete, HEDULE NO. 366 1 of 1 TYPE OF RECORD TYPE ESI and Paper FORMAT PDF, Word, Excel, CAD drawings C[TATION LOCATION PCs, email, GoIt Code § 26205.1. Office files, Division library N/A Permanent retention ESI and Paper PDF, Word, Excel PCs, email, Office files N/A Destroy after 2 years. 651 and Paper PDF, Word, Excel, MOM PC5, email, Office files, MOM NOTE: Records, in any format, that are evidence in a claim or pending litigation must be preserved ontil the claim or litigation is resolved. Govt Code § 26202. RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION SCHEDULE .. k j Item - 1 L r DEPARTMENT DIViSION SHERIFF-CORONER FINANCLL]ADMINISTRAT6/E DIVISION COST APPLIED AND NON-CONTRACT COST STUDIES Record of cost studies, cost estimates, statistical data and supporting documents. UNIT COSTIAUDTT EFFECTIVE DATE 07107/1987; Resolution 87-959 REVISION DATES 01/2912008; 12116/2014 APPROVAL Board Minute Order PAGE RETENTION TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS ° 1 SECTION OFFICE Retain 1 year. DISPOSItiON RECORDS CTR. Retain 4 years. Destroy after 5 years. SCHEDULE NO. 1649 1 of 2 TYPE OF RECORD TYPE ESI and Paper NOTE: Records, in any format, that are evidence in a claim or pending litigation must be preserved until the claim or FORMAT CflATION LOCATION GoJt Code § 26202. litigtItt)Il is resolved. C C V V V C. E C C C V C. L. C E V V V C V V I V C I C p. C ui° .cO 0 0 Cl) Q) 0 jzUi I I E V 1 C.. E V Cs V V V C.. I Cs V C RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION SCHEDULE Item No. DEPARTMENT DIVISiON SECTION SHERIFF-CORONER RESEARCH&DEVELOPMENT FACILFY PLANNING UNIT EFFECTIVE DATE 0112912008 REVISION DATES 12/16/2014 APPROVAL Board Minute Order PAGE OFFICE PUBLIC WORKS RECORDS FOR OCSD CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Records documenting entire construction project including, but not limited to: EIR documents, bid advertisements, bids, proposals, change orders, contracts, permits, submiftals, warranties, notices of completion, test reports, transmiftals and all supporting documentation for the project. ECORDS CTR. N/A TYPE OF RECORD DISPOSITION TYPE ESI and Paper FORMAT PDF, Word, Excel, digital audio, digital and analog video, Power Point, MS, Project, Visio LOCATION Plans room, Share drive, PCs, email, Office files, ZIP drives, CD, DVD, VHS tapes - 2 a. Above-referenced records of projects with a total cost of $75,000 or less Retain until expiration of contract + 4 years. Destroy 4 years after expiration of contract. b. Above-referenced records of projects with a total cost of more than $75,000 Retain until expiration of contract + 10 years. Destroy 10 years after expiration of contract. -— 2of 3 RETENTION TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS SCHEDULE NO. 356A CflATION Govt Code § 26202. BUILDING DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL SHERIFF’S Retain until obsolete, but DEPARTMENT FACILITIES not less than 2 years. N/A Destroy after obsolete, but not less than 2 years. ESI and Paper PDF, Word, Excel Plans room, Share drive, PC5, email, Office files Gov’t Code § 26202. 3 RECORDS FOR OCSD STUDIES PERFORMED Records documenting entire study including notes, reports, drawings, correspondence, and photos. Retain until obsolete, but not less than 2 years. N/A Destroy after obsolete, but not less than 2 years. ESI and Paper PDF, Word, Excel, Power Point, MS, Project, Visio Plans room, Share drive, PC5, email, Office files, ZIP drives, Govt Code § 26202. 4 RECORDS OF WORK REQUESTED Work requests Retain 3 years. N/A Destroy after 3 years. ESI and Paper 5 SAMPLES OF APPROVED HARDWARE Samples of hardware with architect’s stamps showing approval or acceptance. Retain until obsolete, but not less than 2 years. N/A Destroy after obsolete, but not less than 2 years. Hardware PDF, Word, Excel, Microsoft Dynamics CRM N/A 6 PHYSICAL PLANT CONFIGURATION DATA Retain until obsolete, but Drawings, data, audits and assessments related to the configuration of not less than 2 years. facilities owned by the Sheriffs Department. N/A Destroy after obsolete, but not less than 2 years. ESI and Paper - - - - - PDF, Word, Excel, Power Point, MS, Project, Visio Go1t Code § 26202. Warehouse, offices GoIt Code § 26202. Plans room, Share drive, PCs, email Office files, ZIP drives, CD, DVD Go1t Code § 26202. NOTE: Records, in aity format, that are evidence in a claim or pending litigation must be preserved until the claim or litigation is resolved. RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION SCHEDULE . G ‘ DEPARTMENT DIVISION SECTION SHERIFF-CORONER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT c’ Bern UNIT EFFECTIVE DATE 01/2912008 REVISION DATES 12/16/2014 APPROVAL Board Minute Order PAGE RETENTION TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS 3 of 3 TYPE OF RECORD RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORED GRANTS AND GRANT REPORTING UPDATES OFFICE Retain current FY years. 2 ASSET PROCUREMENT RECORDS Records pertaining to the Federal 10-33 Excess Property Program, Retain 2 years minimum. N/A Destroy after 2 years. ESI and Paper 3 I’LEET MANAGEMENT RECORDS Retain for 2 years after sale or disposition of vehicle. N/A Destroy 2 years after sale or disposition of vehicle. ESI and Paper I - - - Records documenting Fleet Management operations including, mileage reports, audits, repair records, vehicle inventory reports, + 5 RECORDS CTR DISPOSItION N/A Deslroy after current FY +5 years. SCHEDULE NO. 356A TYPE ESI and Paper CITATION LOCATION R&D Granls Govt Code § 26202. Office, Office files, PCs, Share drive, email PDF. Word, Asset Govt Code § 26202. Excel, Access, Procurement Intranet Offices, Office files, PC5, Share drive, email FORMAT PDF, Word, Excel PDF, Word, Office files, Excel, Access, PC5, Share Remedy drive, email NO’fE: Records, in any format, that arc evidence in a claim or pending litigation must be preserved until the claim or litigation is resolved. Govt Code § 26202. V V I V 1 V a V C = V V I C C L. C Cs Cs I.. CC CC C Cs Cs Cs Cs Cs Cs C C CC C C ‘5 ‘5 CC C Cs CS C Cs Cs Cs CC CC Cs C CC Cs Cs RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT DIVISION SECTION SHERIFF-CORONER SUPPORT SERVICES PROPERTY& EVIDENCE UNIT . Item No 1 REVISION DATES SCHEDULE NO. 12116/2014 352A APPROVAL Board Minute Order PAGE 1 of 2 RETENTION TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS ALL AGENCY GENERATED PROPERTY DOCUMENTS Covers all documents that record the case disposition information from the DA Automated Case Tracking System and ELETE, disposition authorization from the Property/Evidence supenAsor, and release information documenting who took possession of the properly at time of release (owner, finder, officer, etc.), EFFECTIVE DATE 01/29/2008 OFFICE RECORDS CTR. DISPOSITION Retain ESI permanently. Permanent retention of ESI N/A - TYPE OF RECORD TYPE ESI and Paper FORMAT CITATION LOCATION Systems Server Destroy paper copy within 2 years from scan date. GoJt Code § 26202. 2 AUCTIONED ITEMS Lists of Items sent to auction, ledgers of items sale prices, records of revenue deposited to Financial Retain 3 years from date of auction, N/A Destroy after 3 years from date Paper of auction. PDF, Excel P&E Govt Code § 26202. 3 CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE BURN FILES Forms, Court Orders and Case Items Reports related to the destruction of narcotics. Retain 10 years. N/A Destroy after 10 years. Paper PDF, Word, Excel P&E Govt Code § 26202. 4 i9NANCLL RELEASE FILES Ledgers and Case Items Reports related to unclaimed funds transferred to Financial for deposit to the General Fund Retain permanently. N/A Permanent retention Paper PDF, Word, Excel P&E 5 FIREARMS CONVERTED TO DEPARTMENT USE Retain for 3 years after Forms related to firearms that have been retained for Department use, destruction date, These weapons are required to be returned to Property & Esidence for disposal when the Department deems them to be no longer needed. N/A Destroy 3 years from destruction date. Paper PDF, Word P&E Govt Code § 26202. 6 FIREARMS DESTRUCTION FILES Forms, Court Orders, case items reports and documentation related to the destruction of firearms. Retain for 3 years after destruction date, N/A Destroy 3 years from destruction date. Paper PDF, Word, Excel P&E Gos’t Code § 26202. 7 LAB REQUEST LEDGERS Hand Written Ledgers documenting items that have been transferred to OCCL and when they are returned Retain permanently. N/A Permanent retention Paper Hand Written P&E 8 MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS Covers old file cards and log books. Retain permanently. N/A Permanent retention ESI and Paper Hand Written P&E 9 ‘JON-OCSD DOCUMENTS Covers any documents outside of OCSD documents, such as court orders, appeals, certified letters, or outside agency reports that can be filed with an OCSD DR in the DR Records File. Retain ESI permanently. N/A Permanent retention of ESI ESI and Paper 10 - - - - - - - - NON-WEAPON ITEMS CONVERTED TO DEPARTMENT USE Forms related to items retained for department use, Case Items Reports Systems Server Destroy paper copy within 2 years from scan date. - Retain permanently. \OTE: Records, in any format, that are evidence in a claim or N/A pending Permanent retention Go’It Code Paper PDF, Word, Excel P&E litigation must be preserved until time claim or litigation is resolved. § 26202. z C E C 2 V C E C C C V V C E V C, = V C V V V C, C, E V C C C, I.’ C V V RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE DATE ‘ Item 1 2 DEPARTMENT DIViSION SHERIFFCORONER SUPPORT SERVICES SECTION OFFICE Retain 2 years. 828 JUVENILE PETITION Petition to Juvenile Court for juvenile records ACTIVE WARRANTS IN AUTOMATED WARRANT - - RECORDS CTR. DISPOSfl9ON Destroy after 2 years. N/A Retain original warrants until served, recalled, or purged from AWSS. N/A ACTIVE/SERVED OUT-OF-COUNTY WARRANT HOLD FILES CWR places out-of-county holds on active OCSD warrant subjects, Retain until warrant files are closed + 2 years from last update. N/A 4 ACTIVE/SERVED PRISON HOLD WARRANT FILES CWR places holds on OCSD warrant subjects that are in-custody at State Correctional Facilities, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES TRACKING LOG a. Clearance Letter requests b. DA Discovery Requests c. Local Arrest Record requests d. Juvenile 828 Petitions e. Subpoena Ledger-log of all Federal, Criminal and Civil Subpoena Duces Tecum and a log of all Pitchess Motions, Preservation of Evidence, and Summons, Retain until warrant files are closed + 2 years from last update. Retain 5 years. N/A 6 7 1 of 4 TYPE OF RECORD TYPE Paper FORMAT Hard Copy Paper Hard Copy purged; original, hard copy, warrants ate returned to court of issue. Destroy file after 2 years from last update. LOCATION Sub/Admin Unit 8GB, 5th CtFATION Gost Code § 26202. Gout Code § 26205.1. Floor, CWR Paper Hard Copy 8GB, 5th Floor, CWR Goult Code § 26202. Destroy file after 2 years from last update. Paper Hard Copy 8GB, 5th Floor, CWR Gout Code § 26202. N/A Destroy after 5 years. ESI Server, BGB Gout Code § 26202. ADULT SEALED RECORDS Retain 3 years from date Records sealed by petition or court order. Includes reports, fingerprint of arrest cards andlor digitized fingerprints. Booking photographs, jail records, palm card, property card and petitions or court orders. Adult sealings contain all Sheriff-Coroner records pertaining to the individual adult case, N/A Destroy 3 years from date of arrest. Paper Hard Copy Sub/Admin Unit Penal Code § 851.8. AUDIT TRAILS Records that show the date, time, and who requested a copy of a report and the employee that released it. NIA Retain ESI permanently. ESI and Paper Excel spreadsheet PDF Imaging Server, BGB - - - - - 8 AUDITS. DOJ AND FBI a. ACHS access b. CORI access c. CLEFS d. UCR 9 Retain ESI permanently. Retain paper copy 2 years from scan date. Retain 5 years. Destroy paper copy 2 years from scan date. Gout Code § 26202. N/A Destroy after 5 years. Paper Hard Copy CALIFORNIA PUBLIC RECORDS ACT (CPRA) REQUESTS Retain ESI 10 years. Original request. Sheriff-Coroner response, any related interdepartmental memos, emails, copies of certified mail receipts and Retain paper copy 2 all responsive documents. years from scan date. N/A Destroy ESI after 10 years. ESI and Paper PDF and Hard Imaging Server, BGB Copy CLEARANCE LETTER REQUEST Retain 2 years. N/A Destroy after 2 years. Paper Hard Copy Sub/Admin Unit Go/t Code § 26202. 3 years. N/A Destroy after 3 years. ESI Excel Shared Drive BGB Section 707(c) of the California Code of Regulations and CLETS Policies, Practices and Procedures 1.7,1 A. - - - Issued for: Mmdcan hunting licenses, 11 Warrants are removed from SCHEDULE NO. 113B PAGE AWSS when served, recalled or 3 10 REVISION DATES 01/29/2008; 12116/2014 RETENTION Active warrants of arrest, bench and civil warrants, 5 07/0711981; Resolution 81-1034 APPROVAL Board Minute Order RECORDS NO INFORMATION SERViCES TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS SERVICE SYSTEM (AWSS) UNIT - Destroy paper copy after 2 years from scan date. VISAs, and Adoption Petitioners CLETS INQUIRY TRACKING LOG Log of requests for CLETS inquiries and updates. Retain 0GB O’fE: Records. in an format, that are esidence in a claim or pending litigation must be preserved until the claim or litigation is resolved. Go/t Code § 26202. Go/t Code § 6250-6270, Gout Code § 26202 and Gout Code § 26205. 0, C U) o a) 3 o oo 0) C .9 9 15 .9 9 a) a) a!) C E a) a.? a) a) a) a) .9 a) a.. C. a) a) .9 C E a, a) a!) C. a) .9 a) a.. C C a) ‘I a) a) C.? a) a) a) .9 a a) C, a) .9 E a a) a) a) a) a) a) I- .9 V V Cd C, Cd E C? C? C? V I E C, V C C, Cd Cd V C, CC C, Cd C C Cd C Cd C V 1 V I I V = V = V V V I V V V RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION SCHEDULE 10/09/1979 Resolution 79-1493 REVISION DATES 1211612014 APPROVAL PAGE EFFECTIVE DATE C) . Item No. DEPARTMENT DMS1ON SHERIFF-CORONER CUSTODY&COURTOPERATIONS SECTION UNIT 1 of 9 Board Minute Order TYPE OF RECORD RETENTION TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS OFFICE RECORDS CTR. TYPE DISPOSITION 1 24 HOUR LOG Electronic log of reportable and notable incidents throughout the facility. Retain 3 years. N/A Destroy after 3 years. 2 Retain 2 years. ACTIVITY ROSTER/IN-CUSTODY LIST Ust of inmates scheduled to be released to another city, state, agency or institution. Also known as an ActMty Roster. N/A Destroy after 2 years. 3 ADA LOG Log of ADA inmate aetiaties within the facility, Retain 3 years. N/A Destroy after 3 years. 4 ADA/PIERCE DEPARTMENTAL TRAINING All custody personnel are required to attend training, Retain for term of employment + 2 years after employee terminates/separates from OCSD. Retain 2 years. N/A Destroy 2 years after employee terminates/separates from OCSD. N/A Destroy after 2 years. Paper Retain 3 years. N/A Destroy after 3 years. ESI Retain 5 years. N/A Destroy after 5 years. Paper Retain 2 years. N/A Destroy after 2 years. ESI and Paper 5 - - - - ADMINISTRATIVE SEGREGATION LOG - SCHEDULE NO. 56C FORMAT ESI Paper Hard Copy Hard Copy CITATION LOCATION CJX; TLF; JAMF Go/t Code § 26202. Inmate Records Govt Code § 26202. Govt Code § 26202. C]X; TLF facility storage room - Training Facility PIERCE VS. COUNTY OF ORANGE. C]X; TLF Case No. SACV 01-981 Govt Code 5 26202. Gosft Cede § 26202. CJX; TLF Go’it Code § 26202. CJX; TLF Go’t Code IRC Govt Code § 26202. CJX; TLF Govt Code § 26202. Log of Administratise Segregation inmate actisities within the facility. 6 ATTORNEY/OFFICIAL AGENCY VISITATION LOG Database of visiting attorneys and outside agencies, and the - inmate/detainee they are visiting. 7 BOARD OF STATE AND COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS - Hard Copy § 26202. Facility inspection report generated by the Board of State and Community Corrections. 8 BOOKING REGISTER - Ledger maintained in the Receising Guard Station that tracks the arrestees name, booking number, time of arrest, expiration time and when the Probable Cause Declaration was signed. 9 BRIEFING LOGS Briefing items announced during the pre-shift briefings. Retain 2 years. N/A Destroy after 2 years. Paper Hard Copy 10 BUSINESS LICENSE California State Board of Equalization issued Sellers Permit for the sale of Commissary items. Retain permanently. N/A Permanent retention Paper Document Inmate Services, issued by State Board of North Office Equalization 11 CHEMICAL CONTROL LOGS Monthly logs used to account for chemicals used in security areas. Retain 2 years. N/A Destroy after 2 years. Paper Hard Copy ICE Govt Code § 26202. 12 CHOW HALL TIME LOG REGISTER Ledger that tracks time allotted for inmates dining in the Retain 2 years. N/A Destroy after 2 years. Paper Hard Copy CMJ Gos’t Code § 26202. - - - - Central Men’s Jail chow hall. NOTE: Records, in any format, that arc evidence in a claim or pending litigation must be preserved until the claim or litigation k resolved. RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION SCHEDULE . :- - . DEPARTMENT DIVISION SHERIFFCORONER CUSTODY&COURTOPERATIONS SECTION UNIT EFFECTIVE DATE 10/09/1979; Resolution 79-1493 REVISION DATES 12/1612014 APPROVAL Board Minute Order PAGE SCHEDULE NO. 56C .- item No. 2of9 TYPE OF RECORD RETENTION TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS OFFICE Retain 2 years. DISPOSITION RECORDS CTR. Destroy after 2 years. N/A TYPE ESI and Paper FORMAT 13 CIVIL FIELD LOGS Tracks daily activity of civil field personnel. 14 CLASSIFICATION/HOUSING REVIEW BOOKING CHECKLIST FORM (J-1 12) (BOTTOM PORTION) Inmates with mobility or dexterity impairments must be physically accommodated during the booking process. These accommodations are tracked on the J-112 form. Retain for duration of litigation + 2 years. 15 COMMUNITY FEEDBACK REPORTS Cards filled out by the public rating their experience of visiting the facility. Retain 1 year. N/A Destroy after 1 year. Paper Hard Copy CJX; TLF 16 COMMUNITY WORK PROGRAM ROSTERS Retain 2 years. N/A Destroy after 2 years. Paper Hard Copy CJX; TLF - - N/A - Retain 3 years. N/A Destroy after 3 years. ESI CONSERVATEE TRANSPORTATION LOG Records transportation of conservatee inmates from the mental institution to court and records the return trip. Retain 2 years. N/A Destroy after 2 years. Paper 19 COUNT SHEET (MASTER) Usting of facility population broken down by housing areas. Retain 2 years. N/A Destroy after 2 years. Paper 20 COURT ACTIVITY ROSTER/COURT LIST List of inmates scheduled for court appearances Monday Friday. Retain 2 years. N/A Destroy after 2 years. 21 COURT DRESS-OUT LIST List of inmates allowed to dress in civilian attire for court and signatures of those inmates declining the clothing change. Retain 2 years. N/A Destroy after 2 years. Paper 22 COURT FACILITY LOG Electronic log of reportable and notable incidents throughout the Retain 2 years. N/A Destroy after 2 years. ESI Retain 2 years. N/A Destroy after 2 years. Retain 2 years. N/A Destroy after 2 years. 18 26202. Gov’t Code § 26205.1. Gout Code § ]AMF Gout Code § 26202. COURTS Govt Code § 26202. CJX; TLF Gout Code § 26202. Inmate Govt Code § 26202. CJX; TLF GosH Code § 26202. LOURTS Gout Code § 26202. Inmate Records Govt Code § 26202. - 26202. stored in CWP office Daily list of inmates on the Community Work Program. COMPOUND SAFETY CHECK LOGS § PIERCE VS. COUNTY OF ORANGE. CJX; TLF Destroy 2 years after termination of litigation. Gout Code Case No. SACV 01-981 Golt Code 5 26202. - 17 CICATION LOCATION COURTS - - - - Hard Copy Records - - - Hard Copy facility. 23 COURT ORDER LOGS Manual log maintained by Inmate Records to track the Court Orders - requiring the facilities Watch commanders signature. 24 CUSTODIAL STATISTICAL REPORT (DAILY) - (also known as STAR report) Daily breakdown of inmate numbers within the facility and inmates entering and leaving the facility. U I L: I{CCOrOS Ill ally format, tEat are evilleflec iii a claim or penuing litigation must ne ESI Govt Code § 26202. CJX; TLF; JAMF stored in facility room preserved until the cIam or Iitgation is resolved. RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION SCHEDULE .. <) DEPARTMENT DIViSION SHERIFF-CORONER CUSTODY&COURTOPERATIONS SECTION UNIT , ‘ Item REVISIDN DATES 12/16/2014 APPRDVAL Board Minute Order PAGE OFFICE Retain 2 years. RECORDS CTR DISPOSITION Destroy after 2 years. N/A SCHEDULE NO. 56C 3of9 TYPE OF RECORD RETENTION TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS No. EFFECTIVE DATE 10109/1979 Resolution 79 1493 TYPE Paper FORMAT CITATION LOCATION COURTS Govt Code § 26202. ICE Gov’t Code § 26202. ICE Govt Code § 26202. 25 DAILY DETENTION FILE Contains the following: Inmate Court List, Inmate Arrival Verification check-off list, Booking Forms, Release Forms, Property Forms, Cell Check Logs, Attorney Visitation Log. 26 DETAINEE INCIDENT REPORTS Excel spreadsheets detailing incidents at the facility that involve detainees. Retain 3 years. N/A Destroy after 3 years. ESI 27 DETAINEE MESSAGE SLIP REQUESTS Forms submitted by detainees to OCSD for various requests. Retain 3 years. N/A Destroy after 3 years. Paper 28 DETAINEE POPULATION SPREADSHEET Monthly Excel spreadsheets used to track daily detainee system-wide population. Retain permanently. N/A Permanent retention ESI ICE 29 DETAINEE VOLUNTARY WORK AGREEMENT COMPENSATION Retain 3 years. ROSTERSExcel spreadsheets that are emailed to OCSD Financial Services daily to report detainee workers who should be credited $1.00 for a day’s work. N/A Destroy after 3 years. ESI ICE Govt Code § 26202. 30 DETAINEE VOLUNTARY WORK AGREEMENT FORMS Forms signed by detainees to document receipt of training materials and work program rules. Retain 3 years. N/A Destroy after 3 years. Paper Hard Copy ICE Govt Code § 26202. 31 DISCIPLINARY ISOLATION AREA INSPECTION LOGS Log of Disciplinary Isolation checks by housing area, Retain 3 years. N/A Destroy after 3 years. Paper Hard Copy CJX; TLF stored in facility room Gout Code 32 DISCIPLINARY ISOLATION LOGS (BY INMATE) Log of inmate/detainee activity in Disciplinary Isolation, Retain 3 years. N/A Destroy after 3 years. Paper Hard Copy CJX; TLF stored in facility room Gov’t Code § 26202. 33 ELECTRONIC MONITORING PROGRAM COUNT Retain 5 years. Daily roster of inmates starting on and getting off Electronic Monitoring N/A Destroy after 5 years. ESI CIX; TLF Govt Code § 26202. N/A Destroy after 5 years. ESI CIX; TLF Gout Code N/A Destroy after 6 years. ESI and Paper - - - - - - - - Hard Copy § 26202. status. 34 Retain 5 years. LIECTRONIC MONITORING PROGRAM ROSTER Daily roster of inmates assigned to the Electronic Monitoring Program. 35 FINANCIAL RECORDS Budget reconciliation, utility reconciliation, hygiene costs, records supporting budget submissions, Inmate Welfare fund audit records, spreadsheets on shared salaries, revenue reports, vending records, cost studies, audits, research projects, sales reports, inventories, - - Retain current FY years. + 5 Inmate Excel Spreedsheets, Services, North Office Word, Scanned Copies reversal of orders. .s I l: isecorus. in any lormar, mat are evidence in a claim or penuing iiugauon must ne preserveu tin/H the claim or litigation IS resolved. § 26202. Govt Code § 26202. _______________ ________________________________________ RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION SCHEDULE RISION DATES EFFECTIVE DATE - Item No DEPARTMENT DIVISION SHERlFF-CORON CUSTODY & COURT OPERATIONS 104)9/1979 UNIT SECTION Resolution 79-1493 PAGE APPROVAL Board Minute Ordet 4 of 9 TYPE OF RECORD RETENTION TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS FIRE DRILL EVALUATION FORMS Documentation used to record fire drills conducted throughout the facility. RECORDS CTR. DISPQSrCION Destroy after 3 years. N/A OFFICE Retain 3 years. SCHEDULE NO. 56C 12116/2074 FORMAT TYPE CITATION ATION ESI ICE Gout Code § 26202. ICE Go’t Code § 26202. CJ) TLF; JAMF hard copies stored in fire life safety office Gout Code § 26202. - FIRE DRILL PARTICIPATION ROSTER Rosters used to identify staff members who have participated in a facility fire drill during a fiscal year. Retain 3 years. FIRE/LIFE SAFETY INSPECTION REPORTS Scheduled safety equipment inspection reports. Retain 7 years. FOOD SERVICES Menus, inventories, invoices, and purchasing documents Retain 5 years. GRAND JURY INSPECTION REPORT Grand Jury generated inspection report of the facility. Retain 5 years. GRIEVANCE FILE Database of inmate/detainee grievances and their resolution, Retain for 3 years afti’ inmate/detainee is released. HANDHELD CAMERA FOOTAGE Footage captured by handheld cameras on miscellaneous Jail incidents or events such as: a. uncooperative bookings/arrestees b. cell searches C. inmate interviews d. inmate escorts e. Emergency Response Teams f. medical emergencies Retain 2 years. N/A Retain 5 years. HEALTH CARE AGENCY INSPECTION REPORT Health Care Agency generated inspection report of the facility medical N/A - 38 - — — — — N/A Destroy after 3 years. ESI N/A Destroy after 7 years. ESI and Paper N/A Destroy after 5 years. ESI Eel Spreedsheets, Word, Scanned Copies Hard Copy — - 40 ‘T” - - - - T N/A — - N/A — — — Gout Code § 26202. Inmate Services Server at 0GB - CJX; TLF; JAMF Gout Code § 26202. CJ),TLF Got/t Code CJX; TLF; JAMF Gout Code § 26202. and Gout Code § 26202.6. CJX, TLF Gout Code § 26202. ESI C]X; TLF ]AMF G&t Code § 26202. CIX; TLF Gout Code § 26202. Destroy after 5 years. Paper Destroy 3 years after inmate/detainee is released. ESI Destroy after 2 years. ESI Destroy after 5 years. Paper Destroy after 3 years. — Hard Copy § 26202. areas. Z• HOSPITAL GUARD ROSTER Roster of Deputies on hospital duties, areas working, and inmates/detainees being supervised. Retain 3 years. N/A HOUSING/FLOOR LOGS (GUARD STATION) Log of actiutties and security checks in various housing and holding areas. Retain 3 years. N/A Destroy after 3 years. ESI N/A Permanent retention ESI and Pai — - - ICE DETAINEE FILE Retain permanently. Detainee files are green and filed by booking number. Contents include ICE booking packet, 1203,1213, Detainee Hand Book form, Pre-Booking, inmate History Card and other miscellaneous documents related to the detainees period of custody. — - NO’f’E. R101 J,,. a.., fin napl, H1. hi. u a,, idtna .. ad ‘ii. a.. yt..Jng—I gatuu •.,ust Lw pa cat, acab ri—ti. - -L’-u— Inmate Records I I. E = = I ‘a = = Ct = I., C Ct C C ‘a I Ct Ct Ct 1 = F. I V V V V V = V V V I = RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION SCHEDULE - . i No. 72 73 I I -.Q ‘-& II. DEPARTMENT DIVISION SHERIFF-CORONER CUSTODY&COURTOPERATIONS F SECTION - EFFECTIVE DATE 10/09/1979; Resolutjon7g-1493 REVISION DATES 12116/2014 APPROVAL BoardMinuteOrder PAGE OFFICE Retain 2 years. 7of9 DISPOSITION RECORDS CTR. N/A Destroy after 2 years. Retain 2 years. PIERCE CLASS QUALIFICATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RIGHTS/PROGRAMS FORM Pierce class members are offered specific programs and housing by their classification. The Inmate signs an acknowledgement form and is given a receipt. N/A PIERCE GRIEVANCES Medical Grievances N/A SCHEDULE NO. 56C TYPE OF RECORD RENTION TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS PIERCE ADA INMATE LIST Weekly updated list of all Active ADA/Pierce class members. UNIT TYPE FORMAT LOCATION C]X; TLF CJX; TLF Destroy after 2 years. CITATION PIERCE VS COUNTY OF ORANGE. Case No. SACV 01-981 GoVt Code 5 26202. PIERCE VS. COUNTY OF ORANGE. - 74 75 7 Retain 2 years. - PIERCE INMATE TRACKING LOG Staff are to track Pierce class member “activities” which include programs, visits, shower, dayroom and recreation. These logs are to be submitted monthly. Retain 2 years. Case No. SACV 01-981 GoVt Code 5 26202. NIA CJX; TLF Destroy after 2 years. CJX; TLF Destroy after 2 years. N/A PIERCE TRANSPORTATION SLIPS Transportation is responsible for tracking the times Pierce Class Members leave and return from each facility. N/A Retain 2 years. C]X; TLF Destroy after 2 years. Destroy after 2 years. CJX; TLF Paper PROBABLE CAUSE HEARING LOG A receipt from court services documenting which Probable Cause Declarations were received. Retain 2 years. N/A Destroy after 2 years. 7 PRO-PER INMATE LOGS Log of Pro-Per inmate activities within the facility. Retain 2 years. N/A Destroy after 2 years. 80 jROPERTY ROOMS INVENTORY LOGS Yearly log used to track the dates and results of monthly facility property room inventories. Retain 3 years. N/A Destroy after 3 years. ESI PROTECTIVE CUSTODY LOG Log of Protective Custody inmate activities within the facility. Retain 3 years. N/A Destroy after 3 years. Paper RECREATION/ROOF LOG Log of housing areas sent to outdoor recreation and the number of inmates/detainees participating. Retain 3 years. N/A Destroy after 3 years. Paper 82 - PIERCE VS. COUNTY OF ORANGE Case No SACV 01-981 GoVt Code 5 26202. 78 i Case No. SACV 01-981 GoVt Code 5 26202. PIERCE VS. COUNTY OF ORANGE. Case No SACV 01-981 GoVt Code 5 26202. PIERCE INTERVIEW ACTIVITY LOG Retain 2 years. The assigned ADA/Pierce Compliance Deputy will interview the Pierce class member upon notification by medical. The Deputy will also conduct bi-weekly interviews. Information is typed and saved. - PIERCE VS. COUNTY OF ORANGE. NOTE: Records, in any format, that are evidence in a claim or pending litigation must he preserved until PIERCE VS. COUNTY OF ORANGE. IRC Case No. SACVO1-981 GoVt Code 5 26202. GoVt Code § 26202. C]X GoVt Code § 26202. ICE GoVt Code § 26202. Hard Copy CJX; TLF GoVt Code § 26202. Hard Copy CJX; TLF GoVt Code § 26202. Hard Copy the claim or litigation is resolved. RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION SCHEDULE C) item No. DEPARTMENT DIVISION SHERIFFCORONER CUSTODY&COURTOPERATIONS SECTION UNIT EFFECTIVE DATE 10/09/1979; Resolution79-1493 RISION DATES 12/16/2014 APPROVAL BoardMinuteOrder PAGE 8of9 RETENTION TFtLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS OFFICE Retain 2 years. RECORDS CTR. DISPOSITiON N/A Destroy after 2 years. TYPE OF RECORD TYPE Paper 83 SAFETY CELL LOGS Log that documents completed welfare checks for inmates in Safety Cells. 84 SEARCH LOG Report of housing areas searched, what contraband was found, and the disposition of the contraband. Retain 3 years. N/A Destroy after 3 years. ESI and Paper 85 SECURITY CLEARANCE APPLICATION Application generated by non-departmental people wishing to work in or enter the facility in various capacities. Retain 3 years. N/A Destroy after 3 years. ESI and Paper 86 - - - SCHEDULE NO. 56C FORMAT Hard Copy LOCATION IRC CITATION Govt Code § 26202. CJX; TLF; JAMF Gov’t Code § 26202. CJX; TLF; Govt Code § 26202. JAMF SENTENCE ENDING ROSTER (StE ROSTER) Retain 2 years. List of inmates scheduled to be released from custody. Processed on - N/A Destroy after 2 years. Inmate Govt Code § 26202. Records a daily basis. C]X; TLF Govt Code § 26202. CJX Govt Code § 26202. ESI and Paper COURTS Govt Code § 26202. Destroy after 5 years. ESI and Paper COURTS Govt Code § 26202. N/A Destroy after 1 year. Paper Hard Copy IRC Govt Code § 26205.1. N/A Destroy after 3 years. Paper Hard Copy CJX; TLF; Gout Code § 26202. 87 SERGEANTS ACTIVITY LOG Retain 3 years. Log of Sergeants activities and security checks throughout the facility. N/A Destroy after 3 years. ESI 88 SHELTERED LIVING LOG Log that documents completed welfare checks for inmates housed. Retain 2 years. N/A Destroy after 2 years. Paper 89 SHERIFF’S CIVIL ACTION FILES (REAL ESTATE CASES) Forms, Correspondence and legal documents pertaining to Civil actions turned over to the Sheriff for service. Includes instructions to Sheriff, Writs, Register of Actions. Sheriff’s service log sheet and various civil generated forms such as Notice of Sale, Notice to Judgment Debtor, Certificate of Sale of Real Property. Retain 7 years after case is closed, N/A Destroy 7 years after case is closed. 90 SHERIFF’S CIVIL ACTION FILES (SINGLE PROCESS CASES) Retain 5 years. Forms, Correspondence and legal documents pertaining to Civil actions turned over to the Sheriff for service. Includes instructions to Sheriff, Writs, Register of Actions, Sheriff’s service log sheet and various civil generated forms such as Notice of Garnishments, Notice to Judgment Debtor, Certificate of Sale of Personal Property. N/A 91 SOBERING CELL LOG Retain 1 year. SOURCE OF INFORMATION File documenting information received from an inmate. Retain 3 years. SPECIAL HANDLING JACKET OR FILE Retain 3 years. - - - - - Hard Copy Log documenting completed welfare checks done every 15 minutes for inmates placed in Sobering Cells. 92 93 - JAMF - Classification file containing information about Administrative or N/A Destroy after 3 years. ESI and Paper C]X; TLF; JAMF Protective Custody inmates. Nt) I L: Kecorvis. in any lormat, that are eviaence in a claim or peniing litigation must be preservea unto the claim oi’ litigation is resoivea. Govt Code § 26202. E V .0 0 0 V 0. V 0 .0 E 0 C 0 V = 0. I = V 0 V ‘0 V V I = .0 C 1 = C F V 1 = ci E V = ci V ci = = = = V ci E C ci V V ci V ci ci ci C C C I V E C = = V V C ‘C V C V I S C, C V C ‘C C V C C 1 Item No. - SHERIFF-CORONER EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS I k DIViSION GRANT SECTION SECTION APPROVAL Board Minute Order EFFECTIVE DATE 12/16/2014 DISPOSITION RECORDS CTR. Destroy 3 years after formal NIA close of grant. RETENTION UNIT TYPE PAGE FORMAT LOCATION SCHEDULE NO. 369 TYPE OF RECORD 2of2 REVISION DATES SOTE: Records. in any format, that are eyidence in a claim or pending litigation must be preserved until the claini or litigation is resolved. OFFICE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT Retain 3 years after formal close of grant. FOLDERS Contains documents relating to each grant (grant guidance, application, Board of Supereisors resolutions, fiscal reports, transfer agreements, correspondence and work papers that support grant actisHies). ‘“ ij )A DEPARTMENT RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION SCHEDULE Govt Code § 26202. CITATION E V V E V E V V V V V V V V V C CJ C Ct C? C C Ct C C? C? C? 1? C E C C, C C? C. C? C C C? C, C C? C C? C? S C C C? C, C C? C HOMELAND SECURITY SHERIFF-CORONER 3 - N/A - Paper, Share drive, Access Employee Health Services Employee Health data system, Excel electronic Destroy 5 years after employee Paper, terminates/separates from OCSD. files PC5, office Office flIes, Share drive, PC5, email LOCATION Word FORMAT Retain for term of electronic 2 of 7 TYPE OF RECORD SCHEDULE NO. 371 employment + 5 years after employee terminates/separates from OCSD. Destroy after 11 years. Destroy 2 years after retirement Paper, electronic or death of canine, TYPE PAGE REVISION DATES NO’FE: Records, in any format, that are esidence in a claim or pending litigation must be preserved until the claim or litigation is resolved. Pass/Fail test of mask used in Bomb Squad work, MASK FIT TESTING 10 years. Retain current FY year + Incident card (yellow index), calls from various law enforcement agencies, investigator’s activities meetings, training, - INCIDENT CARDS 2 - N/A ECORDS CTR. DISPOSITION APPROVAL Board Minute Order BOMB SQUAD RETENTION EFFECTIVE DATE 12116/2014 UNIT Retain 2 years after retirement or death of canine. OFFICE SECTION CANINE TRAINING RECORDS Date, time, location, aid type, placement and result, TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS DIVISION DEPARTMENT p RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION SCHEDULE I item No. ““ A Gout Code § 26202. Gce’t Code § 26202. Gout Code § 26202. CITATION HOMELAND SECURITY DIVISION SO’I’E: Records. in any format, N/A - FEDERAL TRAINING DOCUMENTATION Including rosters, assignments, equipment test. 4 - that Permanent retention Permanent retention DestroyS years after employee terminates/separates from OCSD. ESI ESI ESI TYPE PAGE FORMAT LOCATION SCHEDULE NO. 371 TYPE OF RECORD 3 017 RISION DATES are evidence in a claim or pending litigation must be preserved until the claim or litigation is resolved. Retain permanently. after employee terminates/separates from OCSD. N/A N/A RECORDS CTR. DISPOSITION Destroy after 2 years. N/A EQUIPMENT LIST Retain permanently. Documentation related to the purchase and maintenance of equipment utilized by CNT Retain for term of employment + 5 years EFFECTIVE DATE 12/1612014 APPROVAL Board Minute Order RETENTION CREIS NEGOTIATION UNIT 3 - OFFICE Retain 2 years. SPECIAL ENFORCEMENT SECTION BASIC NEGOTIATOR TRAINING 40-hour basic negotiator training, Documentation of CNT activations and action taken. - TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS SHERIFF-CORONER AFTER ACTION REPORTS - DEPARTMENT RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION SCHEDULE 2 I Item No. f ‘ . Govt Code § 26202. Govt Code § 26202. CITATION Gd C Gd C C Gd C Gd Gd C = Gd Gd Gd Gd C = C C C Gd C. Gd C E Gd C, = Gd Gd C Gd Gd Gd Gd C, C, = Gd C C, C Gd C Gd Gd z 0 a) N LU N U), a) V 0 0 U 0 0 d z D LU -J a) a) LU D Or, a) 0 0 a) a) U a) D 0 .1 U 0 U, 0 LU I-. a a) >H a) a) a) z 0 a) U, w C, U -J D -a) U V z D 0 U) z 0 I U) 0 a) a) U D I 0 U 2 > 00 Wa) I)-- 0 I ± U U, C, z a) 0 a) a) a) at 0 a) -a) a) a) C a) a) z a) a) a) a) a) I U I— U a) F’ 0 z F’ z a) 0 z z CD a) Lt 0 a) -a) a)’ a)’ 0 U) z I a) z 0 I-’ 0 U) U) + a) U >LI a, 0 U) z F. U, U) LI. LI. C 0 a) U C a) V a) -a) a) a) a) 0 a) 0 U z a) 0 — U) o 0 — a) z a) 0 z a) a) ‘a) U) a) C) 0 0 C U .0 V C a) U- 0 F’- zU w a) a) z 0 0 9 U 0 0 a) U -J H I- V a) 0. F U) z -a) a) a) C” z 0 H 0 a) a) a) za IC —I .2 U)a) I- zo > U _J a) QV 02 U-LI Cd C, I- = Cd Cd Cd 1_ C C, Cd C, C Cd Cd C V Cd C, Cd C CC C Cd C Cd C 2 No. Item j ‘ 4 HOMELAND SECURRY DIVISION TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS SHERIFF-CORONER DEPARTMENT - Retain 2 years after warrant served. Misdemeanor . N/A TYPE PAGE FORMAT LOCATION SCHEDULE NO. 371 TYPE OF RECORD 7 of 7 REVISION DATES must be preserved until the claim or litigation is resolved. Destroy after 2 years. Destroy 2 years after warrant served. Destroy 5 years after warrant served. litigation RECORDS CTR. N/A DISPOSITION APPROVAL Board Minute Order RETENTION APPREHENSION TEAM TACTICAL UNIT SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE DATE 12116/2014 DISPOSTION “O’[E: Records. in any format, that arc eidencc in a claim or pending WARRANT FILES AND RECORDS Retain 2 years. Related warrant files and records, including return to court lists, clerical phone logs, Serna Motions, directed message logs, investigatorfield logs, CLETS check, 1028/4P, forwarding logs, out of county folders. Retain 5 years after warrant served, Felony OFFICE SPECIAL ENFORCEMENT SECTION RETENTION AND . - SERVED INVESTIGATIVE WARRANT WORKSHEETS AWSS generated warrant worksheet with warrant information and investigator notes. ... J’ RECORDS Gost Code § 26202. Govt Code § 26202. CITATION C, C = Ca CS Ca = C, = = Ca C C E CC Ca C, Ca Ca C Ca Ca Ca C, C, C Ca C C, C Ca Ca Ca C — .S..,.... :NI.J I I,: cnat are eviaence in a Retain Current FY year years. 5 + m fl N!A ...... . oe . Destroy after 6 years. Destroy after 2 years. Destroy after 2 years. IIIILH tile Destroy after claim or complaint has been fully satisfied. ESI cinim or ittigation is .flkI GovN Code § 26202. WATCH COMMANDER LOG Information regarding significant calls for service. 14 - Go/t Code § 26202. Retain 2 years. rEPORTS 90 DAY FILE Copies of all DR reports. 13 - Code of Federal Regulations Title 47, 80.409(b)(1). Retain 2 years. U. All other station logs. Code of Federal Regulations Title 47, 80.409(b)(1)(i), 80.409(b)(1)Ci), 80.409(b)(1)Cii). CITATION Retain until claim or complaint has been fully satisfied. Destroy after authorized in writing by FCC. 551 LOCATION c. Station logs incident to or involved in any claim or complaint in which the station licensee has been notified, N!A FORMAT TYPE OF RECORD Retain until authorized in writing by FCC. Destroy 3 years after date of entry. ESI TYPE b. Station logs which include entries of communication incident to or involved in an investigation by the FCC and in which the station licensee has been notified. NIA RECORDS CTR. DISPOSITION PAGE APPROVAL Board Minute Order 2 of 2 REVISION DATES SCHEDULE NO. 0512711986; 0112912008; 1211612014 114C EFFECTIVE DATE 07/07/1981; Resolution 81-1034 RETENTION UNIT Retain 3 years from date of entry. RADIO LOGSOperators log for coastal marine stations. OFFICE HARBOR PATROL HOMELAND SECURfl•Y SHERIFF-CORONER TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS SECTION DIVISION DEPARTMENT a. Station logs involving communications incident to a distress or disaster, 12 Item -: L RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION SCHEDULE C I C I E C = V C C E C CL C C V C C V V C V V V -C C V C I I E Cs Cs Cs Cs - = E = = = Cs Cs Cs V Cs Cs Cs Cs CC CC CC Cs = CC I.. © V = V C, = = C. C, V = V C. C, C, = I = C, = C F C E V r V I E C C C C V C. C C V C V C V V C, C, E C C C, C C C V C z c’ 0 0 C.’) CD -o CD C’> 0, a) -D C) C) C0) a) 0 0 0 0 CD CD 0 0 C 0 CD CD z 2 w -J 0 C? 9 C a> U a: 0 C) U a: C U a) 0 a) U 8 0 0OC >H 0. 0 -J D H a) 0 I 0. C V V z 0 0 0 a) 0 C’) 0. CD a> 0 I- 0 a) a) 0. C’) CD a) a) •0 C. .0 C a) C U I Ci o a)’ a)’ 0 0.’- Co a) <a) U LL 0 0 z 0 C CCC a) a) U x 3L’ z U 0 H 0 D F 2 a) 2 0 I CD 0. H____ I.___ ii U 0 a) LL. 0 0. 0 U) a) a) C a) C a) C a> Ci C a) Ci C a) a: a:a) C’ a> Ca) a> C a) .0 z 0 ci C C V a) D a) I— 0 a? a: D z C H U 2 w I w V .0 a) 0. a) a) CC 0 0 I- U CD •0 w I ci 0 z U) C U 2 w ____ 0 U) U 2 > 0 CO a) a) a) z o o CD U O w C) a: 0. 0 U a) a: F LI. 08 z C)a) D 0 U, 0 0 a) C DC C 0 z a), 0. 0 C) 0 C0 a) 0 C I- z U Z 0. CD CC Ci C) CD -J a) U U U a: U U 0 z U 1 H H a) 0 C C V a> 0 H a) C C. -C - F. 0 z. WU _J 0a)o, H>a) CDCQ U 0CD_ Wa, >C o - U 0 a) 0. CD0. Za) HoC <a)0 H . LI. LI. a) 0 D <2 a> a, 2 No. °‘ 1I CORONER TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS SHERIFFCORONER DEPARTMENT DIVISION - Retain ESI permanently. b. Non-homicide Files N/A N/A NIA RECORDS CTR. Destroy after 100 days. Destroy paper copy 3 years after case closed. Permanent retention DISPOSITION APPROVAL Board Minute Order EFFECTIVE DATE 07/07/198; Resoluhon8l 1034 RETENTION UNIT ESI HEDULE NO. 104B FORMAT PDF, Excel LOCATION Plans room, Share dri, PC5, email, Office files TYPE OF RECORD 1 of 1 TYPE ESI and Paper PAGE RISION DATES 01/29/2008 12/16/2014 NOTE: Records, in any format, that are evidence in a claim or pending litigatioII must be preserved until the claim or litigation is resolved. RECORDINGS OF TELEPHONE CALLS TO AND FROM CORONER Retain 100 days. DMSION Retain ESI and paper copy permanently. a. Homicide Files - OFFICE SECTION RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION SCHEDULE CORONER’S INVESTIGATIONS Case files for determining manner, cause and circumstances of sudden, tolent and unexplained deaths. Includes investigator’s work record and reports, copy of death certificate, todcology report, preliminary autopsy report, autopsy record, facility history, order for release, case amendment review form and criminal history. Files become closed when a final death certificate is issued. (j ; Government Code § 26202.6. Govit Code § 27491.4, 27463.5, 26202 and 26205. CITATION * -c U) -c U E 0 z Ca I Ca CC Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca E CC = = Ca E (a = Ca V = Ca Ca Ca Ca CC CC CC Ca CC C S A.F E. DIVISION - NOTE: Records in ally Retain 5 years. Retain for duration of employment + 5 years. Retain current Pr’ + 4 years from last revision date. N/A N/A N/A N/A Destroy after 5 years. Destroy after employee’s separation from service + 5 years. Destroy 5 years from last revision date, DestroyS years after employee’s separation from service. Destroy 5 years after employee’s separation from service. Destroy 5 years after employee’s separation from service. Destroy after 5 years. Destroy 5 years after closed. Destroy 5 years after employee’s separation from service. ESI and Paper ESI and Paper ESI and Paper ESI ESI and Paper litigation Word, PDF Word, PDF Word, PDF CRM Secure file room, CRM Intranet, file folders Worker’s Comp Office Share Drive, email, secure file room LOCATION Share Drive, email, secure file room, CRM is resolved. Word, Excel, POP format, that are evidence in a claim or pending litigation must be preserved until the claim or USE OF FORCE REVIEW Supervisory analysis, managerial review, secondary review packets, which include use of force documents and a memo highlighting criteria for second review. 7 - TRAFFIC COLLISION REVIEW BOARD Board determination 6 Retain for duration of employment + 5 years. f. Worker’s Compensation - Retain for duration of employment + 5 years. e. Traffic Collisions POLICY MANUAL Lexipol and historical policies Retain for duration of employment + 5 years. d. Risk Management Claims 5 Retain 5 years. c. Use of Force 5 Retain until closed years. b. Complaints + Retain for duration of employment + 5 years. a. Commendations - PERSONNEL HISTORY INDEX N/A Destroy 5 years after employee’s separation from services. PDF, Word, Excel, Video Destroy 2 years after litigation is ESI and Paper resolved. Retain for duration of employment + 5 years. 4 - DRUG TESTING RECORDS Acknowledgement forms, clinic forms, bills listing everyone tested, notification of negative dilutes which are sent to PSD. N/A SCHEDULE NO. 372 TYPE OF RECORD 1 of 1 FORMAT PDF, Word, Excel, Video PAGE REVISION DATES TYPE ESI and Paper .ECORDS CTR. DISPOSITION Destroy after litigation is N/A resolved. Destroy after 2 years if there is no litigation. 3 APPROVAL Board Minute Order EFFECTIVE DATE 12116/2014 RETENTION UNIT If no litigation, retain 2 years. Retain for duration of litigation + 2 years. - CRITICAL INCIDENT REVIEW BOARD Action Items and responses, synopsis, PowerPoint presentation - 2 SECTION CIVIL LITIGATION UNIT Documents related to civil litigation against the Sheriffs Department TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS SHERIFF-CORONER DEPARTMENT RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION SCHEDULE OFFICE Retain until litigation is resolved, Item No. ‘ ‘1’ ‘:‘‘ . Govt Code § 262D2. Gorlt Code § 26202. GosH Code § 26202. Govt Code § 26202. Gov/t Code § 26202. Govt Code § 26202. Govt Code § 26202. Govt Code § 26202. Govt Code § 26202. Govt Code § 26202. Govt Code § 26202. GoIt Code § 26202 and Goit Code § 26205.1. CITATION C 0 V C z 2 I 2 Ct 2 V I.. Ct Ct I Ct b ITEM NO. I SECTION ADMINISTRATION TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS ALL DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES DEPARTMENT / DIVISION The term “agency” refers to an agency, department, or similar major unit of County organization. “Agency Accounting Copy” refers to records maintained by the accounting unit assigned to the agency, whether or not the accounting unit reports directly to the Auditor-Controller. If any of the following records are also included on a separate agency Records Control Schedule, the retention period on the agency schedule will apply. regulatory/funding auditors. “Audit” refers to all required audits, including audits by external Retention periods shall be extended when necessary to comply with audits, civil and criminal actions, and any other matter requiring the continued retention of the records. If a law, contract, grant, County policy, etc., requires that a specific agency file and preserve a record for a period longer than that stated on this schedule, the longer retention period will apply. References to a ‘County official record copy” refers to the single copy that is kept to meet retention requirements pursuant to law, contract, grant, County policy, etc. References to this official copy are made only when a single agency (such as the Auditor-Controller) maintains the official copy for all other County offices. The following retention periods apply only to the agency official record copy” as designated by each agency. Any duplicate copy of the same record retained by the agency may be destroyed at any time without regard to the stated retention period if the agency determines there is no administrative need to retain the duplicate copy. Destruction of duplicate copies is authorized pursuant to Government Code Section 26201. OFFICE II I RECORDS CENTER RETENTION May24, 1977 Board Resolution 77-847 ORIGINAL APPROVAL DISPOSITION I REVISION DATES 9-14-99 RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE This Records Control Schedule applies to standard administrative records that are maintained by all County agencies. Notes: -‘ I I PAGE OF 10 PAGES 16 B REMARKS 1 SCHEDULE NO. TRANSITORY ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS Contains records which may be destroyed at any time due to their temporary and nonessential nature. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: Preliminary drafts of correspondence, reports and other documents; notes, worksheets and other materials not kept in the regular course of business; duplicate copies of documents used for reference only; transmittal letters and routing slips; notices of meetings and other events; brochures, newsletters, and other publications. CORRESPONDENCE FILE Routine correspondence issued and received by the department. GENERAL REFERENCE FILE Various records generated or received by the department, including reports, studies, statistical analyses, policies, and correspondence. REFERENCE LIBRARY Contains published and non-published materials, including manuals, codes and regulations, catalogs, journals, and other materials. EMPLOYEE PERSONNEL RECORDS, AGENCY PERSONNEL COPY Forms and correspondence pertaining to each employee’s personnel history. May include copies of performance evaluations, correspondence, and other documents. 2 3 4 5 TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS ADMINISTRATION 1 ITEM NO. ALL DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES DEPARTMENT / DIVISION / SECTION Retain until employee termination from agency + 5 years. Retain until obsolete. Retain 2 years minimum. Retain 2 years minimum. Retain until administrative value ends. OFFICE I I RECORDS CENTER RETENTION May24, 1977 Board Resolution 77-847 ORIGINAL APPROVAL I I Destroy after employee termination from agency + 5 years. May destroy after obsolete. May destroy after 2 years. May destroy after 2 years. Destroy after administrative value ends (no minimum retention period). DISPOSITION I I REVISION DATES 9-14-99 RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE OF 10 PAGES 16 B REMARKS PAGE 2 SCHEDULE NO. CEO/Human Resources retains County official record copy. I I ADMINISTRATION SECTION_RECORDS I OF 10 PAGES Auditor-Controller retains County official record copy. Destroy after 5 years, or after audit providing 2 years have elapsed. Bl-WEEKLY ATTENDANCE REPORTS, AGENCY COPY Contains all attendance information for department employees. Includes biweekly timesheets, report of absence slips, and overtime slips. 10 Retain current FY 5 years, or until after audit providing 2 years have elapsed. LABOR DISTRIBUTION REPORTS ISSUED BY THE AUDITOR-CONTROLLER, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY Includes various labor distribution reports. 9 + Retain until administrative value ends. MASTER POSITION CONTROL REPORT, AGENCY COPY Report includes all authorized positions. 8 Auditor-Controller retains County official record copy. Retain until administrative value ends. EMPLOYEE REVIEW NOTIFICATION REPORT, AGENCY PERSONNEL COPY Report indicates dates of employee reviews. 7 Destroy after administrative value ends. Retain until date eligible list abolished + 2 years. Retain until administrative value ends. REMARKS 3 CEO/Human Resources retains County official record copy. PAGE 16 B Destroy after administrative value ends. I SCHEDULE NO. Information is available on-line through Intranet Data Warehouse. DISPOSITION 9-14-99 REVISION DATES Destroy after administrative value ends. RECORDS CENTER RETENTION May 24, 1977 Board Resolution 77-847 ORIGINAL APPROVAL At end of retention period, all records relevant to a charge or action against County under EEOC regulation (Title 29, CFR, 1602.14) must be retained until final disposition of charge or action. I I Destroy after eligible list abolished + 2 years. OFFICE PERSONNEL RECRUITMENT RECORDS, AGENCY PERSONNEL COPY Includes personnel requisitions, certification lists, interview questions and interview notes for agency specific recruitments. TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS I 6 ITEM NO. ALL DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES DEPARTMENTI DIVISION CONTROL SCHEDULE El-WEEKLY PAYROLL REGISTERS, AGENCY COPY Payroll information for all department employees. INJURY AND ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM RECORDS, AGENCY COPY Various safety program files maintained for each agency, including the Log and Summary of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, safety inspection sheets, inspection reports, and safety meeting logs. Records are maintained for reference and availability during Cal/OSHA inspections. WORKERS’ COMPENSATION CLAIM FILES, AGENCY COPY Includes claim forms, employer’s report (5020), and various investigative and legal reports. Retained by agency for reference only. PURCHASING RECORDS, AGENCY PURCHASING COPY Various documents relating to the acquisition of office supplies, forms, equipment, and services from vendors, Includes purchase orders, invoices, correspondence, and supporting data. [Note: Requisitions are described below] PURCHASE REQUISITIONS, AGENCY PURCHASING COPY Requisitions for supplies, equipment, printing services, and other materiel and services, 12 13 14 15 TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS + OFFICE Retain current FY ÷ 3 years. Retain current FY 4 years. + Retain until administrative value ends. Retain current FY 5 years. + Retain current FY 5 years, or until after audit providing 2 years have elapsed. RECORDS CENTER RETENTION May 24, 1977 Board Resolution 77-847 ALL DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES ADMINISTRATION ORIGINAL APPROVAL DEPARTMENT/ DIVISION / SECTION 11 M 0 REVISION DATES Destroy after 3 years. Destroy after 4 years. Destroy after administrative value ends. Destroy after 5 years. Destroy after 5 years, or after audit providing 2 years have elapsed. DISPOSITION 9-14-99 RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE OF 10 PAGES 16B Government Code Section 25501.5 requires 3-year retention of requisitions. Code of Civil Procedure Section 337 limits actions to 4 years. Auditor-Controller and CEO/Purchasing retain copies of some of the records. CEO/Risk Management retains County official record copy. Medical records retained by Employee Health. Auditor-Controller retains County official record copy. REMARKS PAGE 4 SCHEDULE NO. OF 10 PAGES PF&RD/Facilities Operations retains County official record copy. CEO/Telephone Systems retains County official record copy. Auditor-Controller retains County official record copy of inventory list for 5 years, pursuant to Govt. Code Sec. 24051. Auditor-Controller retains County official record copy. Destroy after 3 years. Destroy after 3 years. Destroy after updated list is received (2-year minimum). Destroy 5 years after final disposition of fixed asset. Retain 3 years Retain until updated list is received (2 years minimum). Retain until final disposition of fixed asset + 5 years. TELEPHONE SERVICES RECORDS Includes telephone service requests and related records. FIXED ASSET INVENTORY RECORDS, AGENCY COPY Inventory of all departmental fixed assets. List issued by Auditor-Controller. FIXED ASSET RECORDS, AGENCY COPY Records relating to the control of fixed assets within the department. May include copies of fixed asset documents, disposition orders, and related records. 18 19 20 + Code of Civil Procedure Section 337 limits action to 4 years. Retain current FY 3 years. Purchasing and AuditorController retains copies of some of the records. REMARKS PAGE 5 16 B WORK REQUESTS, AGENCY COPY Forms and correspondence relating to requests for alterations, repairs, improvements, and construction through Facilities Operations. I I 17 DISPOSITION 9-14-99 SCHEDULE NO. Destroy 4 years after end of final action or expiration of contract. RECORDS CENTER RETENTION I May 24, 1977 Board Resolution 77-847 REVISION DATES Retain until end of FY of final action or expiration of contract + 4 years. OFFICE I I ORIGINAL APPROVAL SCHEDULE CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS RECORDS, AGENCY PURCHASING COPY Records documenting purchase, rental, lease, maintenance, service, and construction agreements with vendors. Includes bids, proposals, change notices, contracts, and other supporting documents. TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS ADMINISTRATION I CONTROL 16 ITEM NO. ALL DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES DEPARTMENT I DIVISION I SECTION RECORDS I I OF 10 PAGES Auditor-Controller retains County official record copy of deposit orders and deposit receipts. Government Code Section 26907.2 requires 5-year retention of deposit permits or deposit receipts by AuditorController. Destroy after 5 years and after all scheduled audits. Retain current FY 5 years and until after all scheduled audits. Retain current FY 5 years and until after all scheduled audits. DEPOSIT ORDERS AND DEPOSIT RECEIPTS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY May include supporting documentation that is not retained by the Auditor-Controller. 23 + Auditor-Controller retains County official record copy of invoices. Government Code Section 26907 requires 5year retention of claims, checks and vouchers by Auditor-Controller. Destroy after 5 years and after all scheduled audits. + INVOICES PAID, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY May include supporting documentation that is not retained by the Auditor-Controller. REMARKS PAGE 6 16 B 22 I SCHEDULE NO. Auditor-Controller retains County official record copy. Government Code Section 26907 requires 5year retention of claims, checks, and vouchers by Auditor-Controller. DISPOSITION 9-14-99 I Destroy after 5 years and after all scheduled audits. RECORDS CENTER RETENTION I May24, 1977 Board Resolution 77-847 REVISION DATES Retain current FY 5 years and until after all scheduled audits. + OFFICE I I ORIGINAL APPROVAL REQUESTS FOR CHECKS AND VOUCHERS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY May include supporting documentation that is not retained by the Auditor-Controller. TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS ADMINISTRATION I 21 ITEM NO. ALL DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES DEPARTMENT! DIVISION / SECTION RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE DIVISION I SECTION ADMINISTRATION PETTY CASH RECORDS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY Includes check requests, cash advances, and vouchers. May include supporting documentation that is not retained by the Auditor-Controller. 27 Retain current FY 5 years and until after all scheduled audits. + Retain current FY 5 years and until after all scheduled audits. CASH REGISTER TAPES AND RECEIPTS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY Records pertaining to monies received for various departmental services. 26 + Retain current FY ÷ 5 years and until after all scheduled audits. RECEIPT BOOKS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY Receipt books for monies received for various departmental services. 25 . Retain current FY 5 years and until after all scheduled audits. + OFFICE RECORDS CENTER RETENTION May24, 1977 I Board Resolution __77-847 ORIGINAL APPROVAL JOURNAL VOUCHERS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY May include supporting documentation that is not retained by the Auditor-Controller. TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS ALL DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES DEPARTMENT/ 24 ITEM NO. ! I I Destroy after 5 years and after all scheduled audits. Destroy after 5 years and after all scheduled audits. Destroy after 5 years and after all scheduled audits. Destroy after 5 years and after all scheduled audits. DISPOSITION I REVISION DATES 9-14-99 RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE PAGE OF 10 PAGES 16B REMARKS 7 SCHEDULE NO. Auditor-Controller retains County official record copy of check requests, cash advances, and vouchers. Government Code Section 26907 requires 5year retention of claims, checks, and vouchers by Auditor-Controller. Auditor-Controller retains County official record copy of journal vouchers. Government Code Section 26907 requires 5year retention of claims, checks, and vouchers by Auditor-Controller. I I ADMINISTRATION 10 PAGES Auditor-Controller retains County official record copy of notice of checks returned. Government Code Section 26907 requires 5year retention of claims, checks, and vouchers by Auditor-Controller. Auditor-Controller retains County official record copy of warrant requests and vouchers. Government Code Section 26907 requires 5year retention of claims, checks, and vouchers by Auditor-Controller. Copies of invoices maintained with check copies by AuditorController. Destroy after 5 years and after all scheduled audits. Destroy after 5 years and after all scheduled audits. Destroy after 3 years. Retain current FY 5 years and until after all scheduled audits. Retain current FY 5 years and until after all scheduled audits. Retain current FY 3 years. EXPENSE ACCOUNT RECORDS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY Includes warrant requests and vouchers May include supporting documentation that is not retained by the Auditor Controller. TRAVEL REQUESTS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY Includes all supporting documentation. 30 31 + + + NOTICE OF CHECKS RETURNED, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY May include supporting documentation that is not retained by the Auditor-Controller. REMARKS OF 16B 29 DISPOSITION PAGE 8 SCHEDULE NO. Destroy after 5 years and after all scheduled audits. RECORDS CENTER 9-14-99 REVISION DATES Retain current FY 5 years and until after all scheduled audits. + OFFICE RETENTION May 24, 1977 Board Resolution 77-847 ORIGINAL APPROVAL CANCELLED CHECKS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS ALL DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES DEPARTMENT! DIVISION I SECTION 28 ITEM NO. , Z;FO c, I’ 0 RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE OF 10 PAGES Destroy after 3 years. Destroy after 5 years. Destroy after administrative value ends. May destroy after 2 years. Retain current FY 3 years. Retain current FY 3 years. Retain current FY 5 years. Retain until administrative value ends. Retain current FY 2 years. Retain until administrative value ends. TELEPHONE BILLS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY Copies of paid bills. AUDIT REPORTS ISSUED BY INTERNAL AUDIT DEPARTMENT, AGENCY COPY BUDGET MONITORING ACCOUNTING REPORTS ISSUED BY THE AUDITOR-CONTROLLER, AGENCY COPY Various accounting reports, including encumbrance reports, expense reports, and revenue reports. Reports may be issued semi-monthly, monthly, or annually. BUDGET RECORDS, AGENCY COPY Documentation collected for budget preparation. COUNTY COUNSEL OPINIONS, AGENCY COPY Opinions on legal mailers. 35 36 37 38 39 + + + County Counsel retains County official record copy. Auditor-Controller retains County official record copy. Destroy after 3 years. + POSTAGE RECORDS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY Records of postage added to postage meter, postage refunds, and postage usage. 34 Destroy after administrative value ends. Clerk of the Board retains County official record copy. Destroy after 3 years. + Retain current FY 3 years. REMARKS PAGE 9 16 B MEMBERSHIP RECORDS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY Includes invoices, authorizations, and payment method. I SCHEDULE NO. 33 DISPOSITION I I Destroy after 3 years. RECORDS CENTER RETENTION 9-14-99 REVISION DATES Retain current FY 3 years. + OFFICE I May 24, 1977 Board Resolution 77-847 ORIGINAL APPROVAL SCHEDULE MILEAGE CLAIMS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY Records of employee mileage claims requesting reimbursement. Includes claim forms and supporting documentation. TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS ADMINISTRATION I CONTROL 32 ITEM NO. ALL DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES DEPARTMENT/ DIVISION / SECTION RECORDS 1.3 ADMINISTRATION Retain until revised and administrative value ends. Retain until administrative value ends. Retain until updated. Retain permanently. AGENCY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES DESK/APPOINTMENT CALENDARS QUESTIONNAIRE/SURVEY FILE Includes questionnaires, surveys, and similar records used to gather data for reports and studies. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE LIST FILE, AGENCY COPY Signatures of employees authorized to sign purchasing, payroll, personnel, and other forms. RECORD DESTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION Records documenting the routine, periodic destruction of departmental records. Includes authorizations to destroy records and other supporting information. DATA INPUT DOCUMENTS Records used only as data input sources for a computer system. 41 42 43 44 45 46 Retain until administrative value ends. Retain until administrative value ends. Retain until administrative value ends. OFFICE RECORDS CENTER RETENTION May 24, 1977 Board Resolution 77-847 ORIGINAL APPROVAL BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MINUTES AND AGENDAS, AGENCY COPY TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS ALL DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES DEPARTMENT/ DIVISION I SECTION 40 c .q 9z ° REVISION DATES Destroy after administrative value ends Permanent. May destroy after updated. Destroy after administrative value ends. Destroy after administrative value ends. Destroy after revised and after administrative value ends. Destroy after administrative value ends. DISPOSITION 9-14-99 RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE OF 10 PAGES 16B Clerk of the Board retains County official record copy. REMARKS PAGE 10 SCHEDULE NO. M ‘ P3 q ADMINISTRATION TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS ALL DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES DEPARTMENT/ DIVISION I SECTION OFFICE RECORDS CENTER RETENTION May 24, 1977 Board Resolution 77-847 ORIGINAL APPROVAL RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE DISPOSITION REVISION DATES PAGE PAGES 16B REMARKS OF SCHEDULE NO. INDEX OF RECORDS -- -: 24 HOUR LOG 30-DAY BLOTTER RECORDS 82$ JUVENILE PETITION 911 AND SHERIFF BUSINESS LINE TELEPHONE AUDIO FILES A ACTIVATION AFTER ACTIONS INTERNAL MEMOS AND DESK REPORTS ACTIVE WARRANTS IN AUTOMATED WARRANT SERVICE SYSTEM (AWSS) ACTIVE/SERVED OUT-OF-COUNTY WARRANT HOLD FILES ACTIVE/SERVED PRISON HOLD WARRANT FILES ACTIVITY ROSTER/IN-CUSTODY LIST ADA/PIERCE DEPARTMENTAL TRAINING ADA/PIERCE LOG ADMINISTRATIVE SEGREGATION LOG ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES TRACKING LOG ADULT SEALED RECORDS ADVANCED OFFICER TRAINING FILES AFTER ACTION REPORTS AGENCY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES, 1GB, No. 41 AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE TIME AJS DATA IN CRM AJS MAINFRAME DATA ALARM BILLING RECORDS ALERTOC ALL AGENCY GENERATED PROPERTY DOCUMENTS ALL SERIALIZED INVENTORY LOGS ANTEMORTEM TOXICOLOGY ENVELOPES (11550 H&S) ANTEMORTEM TOXICOLOGY REPORTS (11550 H&S) ASSET FORFEITURE FILES (DAG form 71) ASSET PROCUREMENT RECORDS ATTORNEY/OFFICIAL AGENCY VISITATION LOG AUCTIONED ITEMS AUDIO RECORDINGS AUDIT REPORTS ISSUED BY INTERNAL AUDIT DEPARTMENT, AGENCY COPY, 1GB, No. 3G AUDIT TRAILS AUDITS fDOJ AND FBI) AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE LIST FILE, AGENCY COPY, 16B, No. 44 AVIATION SAFETY FILES AVIATION SAFETY TRAINING AVIATION TRAINING BINDERS B BAIL BOND RECEIPTS BASIC ACADEMY RECRUIT CLASS TRAINING FILES, REGULAR AND RESERVE BASIC NEGOTIATOR TRAINING BI-WEEKLY ATTENDANCE REPORTS, AGENCY COPY, 1GB, No. 10 BOAD OF SUPERVISORS MINUTES AND AGENDAS, AGENCY COPY, 1GB, No. 40 BOARD OF STATE AND COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS BOAT ACCIDENT REPORTS (State form) BOAT AUCTION PAPERWORK BOLOS BOOKING REGISTER BRIEFING LOGS BRIEFING MATERIAL BUDGET MONITORING ACCOUNTING REPORTS ISSUED BY THE AUDITOR-CONTROLLER, AGENCY COPY, 16B, Item No. 37 BUDGET RECORDS, AGENCY COPY, 168, No. 3$ BUILDING DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT FACILITIES BUSINESS LICENSE BUSINESS LICENSES AND PERMITS C CALIFORNIA PUBLIC RECORDS ACT (CPRA) REQUESTS CANCELLED CHECKS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY, 1GB, No. 28 CANINE TRAINING RECORDS CASE MANAGEMENT CASH BAIL RECEIPTS CASH REGISTER TAPES AND RECEIPTS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY, 1GB, No. 26 CHEMICAL CONTROL LOGS CHOW HALL TIME LOG REGISTER CITATION INFORMATION FILE CITATION LOGS CITATIONS CIVIL FIELD LOGS CIVIL LITIGATION UNIT CLASSIFICATION/HOUSING REVIEW BOOKING CHECKLIST FORM CLEARANCE LETTER REQUEST CLETS INQUIRY TRACKING LOG COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION RADIO AUDIO FILES COMMUNICATIONS LOG COMMUNITY FEEDBACK REPORTS COMMUNITY WORK PROGRAM ROSTERS COMPOUND SAFETY CHECK LOGS COM PUTER-Al DED DISPATCH (CAD) SYSTEM CONCEALED WEAPON PERMIT FILE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT FILES CONSERVATEE TRANSPORTATION LOG CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS RECORDS, AGENCY PURCHASING COPY, 1GB, No. 16 CONTROL CENTER LOGS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE BURN FILES COPIES OF JUVENILE MINUTE ORDERS COPLINK COPLOGIC CORONER’S INVESTIGATIONS CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 168, No. 2 COST APPLIED AND NON-CONTRACT COST STUDIES COUNT SHEET (MASTER) COUNTY COUNSEL OPINIONS, AGENCY COPY, 1GB, No. 39 COURT ACTIVITY ROSTER/COURT LIST COURT DRESS-OUT LIST COURT FACILITY LOG COURT ORDER COURT ORDER LOGS COURT TRANSMITTAL SHEET CRIMEMAP DATABASE CRITICAL INCIDENT RESPONSE TEAM LOGS CRITICAL INCIDENT REVIEW BOARD CURRENT MOORING PERMIHEE FILES CUSTODIAL STATISTICAL REPORT (DAILY) CUSTOMER SERVICE SURVEY CARDS D DAILY DETENTION FILE DATA INPUT DOCUMENTS, 1GB, No. 46 DATABASE REGISTRATION FORMS DEATH CASES DEPOSIT ORDERS AND DEPOSIT RECEIPTS, AGNECY ACCOUNTING COPY, 168, No. 23 DEPUTY DAILY ACTIVITY LOG DESK/APPOINTMENT CALENDARS, 1GB, No. 42 DETAINEE INCIDENT REPORTS DETAINEE MESSAGE SLIP REQUESTS DETAINEE POPULATION SPREADSHEET DETAINEE VOLUNTARY WORK AGREEMENT COMPENSATION ROSTERS DETAINEE VOLUNTARY WORK AGREEMENT FORMS DISASTER COUNCIL ACTIVITIES DISCIPLINARY ISOLATION AREA INSPECTION LOGS DISCIPLINARY ISOLATION LOGS (BY INMATE) DISCOVERY REQUESTS DIVE TEAM TRAINING LOGS DIVISION OF RECORDS (SHERIFF REPORTS CRIME/INCIDENT) DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL CUSTOMER FACILITIES DRUG TESTING RECORDS E EARLY OUT ROSTER (E/O ROSTER) ELECTRONIC MAIL (E-mail) ELECTRONIC MONITORING PROGRAM COUNT ELECTRONIC MONITORING PROGRAM ROSTER EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT FOLDERS EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOC) ACTIVATIONS EMERGENGY MANAGEMENT DIVISION AND EOC SIGN-IN SHEETS EMPLOYEE DROP FILE EMPLOYEE PERSONNEL RECORDS, AGENCY PERSONNEL COPY, 1GB, No. 4 EMPLOYEE REVIEW NOTIFICATION REPORT, AGENCY PERSONNEL COPY, 1GB, No. 7 EOC TRAINING RECORDS EQUIPMENT LIST EXPENSE ACCOUNT RECORDS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY, 1GB, No. 30 EXTRADITION, RENDITION, GOVERNORS WARRANTS F FCC LICENSE FEDERAL TRAINING DOCUMENTATION FICHE FILES FOR RECORD SEARCH FIELD INTERROGATION CARDS FILES FROM MAINFRAME TO SUPPORT AJS DATA LOADS FINANCIAL RECORDS FINANCIAL RELEASE FILES FINGERPRINT AND PALM CARDS FINGERPRINT BILLING RECORDS FINGERPRINT EVIDENCE FIRE DRILL EVALUATION FORMS FIRE DRILL PARTICIPATION ROSTER FIRE/LIFE SAFETY INSPECTION REPORTS FIREARMS CONVERTED TO DEPARTMENT USE FIREARMS DESTRUCTION FILES FIXED ASSET INVENTORY RECORDS, AGENCY COPY, 1GB, No. 19 FIXED ASSET RECORDS, AGENCY COPY, 1GB, No. 20 FLEET MANAGEMENT RECORDS FOOD SERVICES FORENSIC ALCOHOL FTB MENTORING PROGRAM WEEK BREAKDOWN G GENERAL REFERENCE FILE, 1GB, No. 3 GRAND JURY INSPECTION REPORT GRAND JURY RESPONSES GRANT AWARDS AND GRANT REPORTING UPDATES GRIEVANCE FILE GST AVL FOR UNITS H HANDHELD CAMERA FOOTAGE HEALTH CARE AGENCY INSPECTION REPORT HELP DESK/SERVICE REQUESTS HOSPITAL GUARD ROSTER HOUSING/FLOOR LOGS (GUARD STATION) ICE DETAINEE FILE ICE DETAINEE LOG FOR STATIONARY GUARD SERVICES ICE ROSTERS IMAGES INCIDENT ACTION PLANS INCIDENT CARDS IN-CUSTODY DEATH LETTERS IN-CUSTODY DOCUMENTS INFORMAL DISCOVERY REQUESTS INJURY AND ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM RECORDS, AGENCY COPY, 16B, No. 12 INMATE FILES/US MARSHALS INMATE JAIL RULES ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM INMATE LABOR SUPERVISORS, KEEPER CUSTODIANS, GRAND JURY AND SECURITY CLEARANCE PERSONNEL FILE INMATE PROGRAMS -DOCUMENTED CPT CONTACT IN MATE TRACKING FORM INMATE TRANSFER ROSTER INSPECTION/MAINTENANCE RECORDS OF THE AIRCRAFT INTERNAL TRAINING MEMOS INVOICES PAID, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY, 16B, No. 22 IS AUTHORIZATION REQUESTS ITTRAINING SCHEDULING j JAIL INCIDENT REPORTS JOURNAL VOUCHERS, AGNECY ACCOUNTING COPY, 16B, No. 24 JUDICIAL PROTECTION UNIT (JPU) CASE FILE JUDICIAL PROTECTION UNIT (JPU) LOG JUVENILE CITATIONS & CASE REPORTS JUVENILE SEALED RECORDS K KEY CONTROL INVENTORY L LAB REQUEST LEDGERS LABOR DISTRIBUTION REPORTS ISSUED BY THE AUDITOR-CONTROLLER, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY, 16B, No. 9 LARS DATA IN CRM LARS MAINFRAME DATA LAW LIBRARY LOG LEGAL MAIL LOGS LEGAL VISIT DENIAL LOGS LIGHT TOWER PERMITS LI N EU P5/6-PACKS LINK CHARTS LI NX LOCAL ARREST RECORD LOCAL ARREST RECORDS REQUESTS LOST AND STOLEN LICENSE PLATE RECORDS M MAINTENANCE SLIPS MAJOR ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION TEAM (MART) MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE FORMS MAPS/CELLULAR PHONE ANALYSIS MAPS, DRAWINGS, EXHIBITS AND PHOTOS MARINE COASTAL WEATHER LOG, COASTAL STATION MASK FIT TESTING MASTER CONTROL LOG MASTER POSITION CONTROL REPORT, AGENCY COPY, 16B, No. 8 MASTER NAME INDEX/ALPHA INDEX CARDS MEAL TRACKING LOGS MEMBERSHIP RECORDS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY, 1GB, No. 33 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDINGS MENTORING PROGRAM FINAL EXAM MENTORING PROGRAM PRE-TEST MILEAGE CLAIMS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY, 16B, No.32 MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC COUNTER DOCUMENTS MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS MOBILE DATA LOGS MONEY LOG MONTHLY CRIME ANALYSIS REPORTS MONTHLY REPORT OF ACTIVITY MONTHLY STATISTICAL INFORMATION MOORING PERMIHEE CARDS MOORING PERMIHEE HISTORY FILES MUTUAL AID INCIDENT LOGS MUTUAL AID PLANS, STRATEGIC PLANS & STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES N NO SHOW LEUER-CWP NO-SHOW LETTER-JAIL BOOKING NON-DEATH CASES NON-OCSD DOCUMENTS NON-WEAPON ITEMS CONVERTED TO DEPARTMENT USE NOTICE OF CHECKS RETURNED, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY, 1GB, No. 29 NOTICE OF CORRECTION 0 OCATS JOURNALS OFFICER INVOLVED CASES OFFICERS DAILY ACTIVITY REPORT ONLINE TC REPORTS OPERATIONAL MEMOS ORANGE COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION (OCEMO) OTHER AGENCY GENERATED DOCUMENTS OUTDOOR RECREATION LOGS OUTSIDE AGENCY REPORTS OVERTIME LOGS AND STATISTICS p PATROL “HOT SHEETS” PATROL SCHEDULES PATROL SERGEANTS ACTIVITY REPORT PAWN HEARING FILES PAWN SLIPS PERMITS, PERMIT RENEWALS PERSONNEL FILES, SHERIFF-CORONER PERSONNEL FOLDER, SHERIFF-CORONER NON SELECTS PERSONNEL HISTORY INDEX PERSONNEL INVESTIGATION, CITIZEN INITIATED COMPLAINTS PERSONNEL INVESTIGATIONS, DEPARTMENT INIATIATED COMPLAINTS PERSONNEL RECRUITMENT RECORDS, AGENCY PERSONNEL COPY, 16B, No. 6 PERSONNEL WORK SCHEDULES/WATCH LISTS PEHY CASH RECORDS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY, 1GB, No. 27 PHOTOGRAPHS fEmerg. Mgmt./Not Case Related) PHYSICAL PLANT CONFIGUARTION DATA PHYSICAL PLANT MAINTENANCE DATA PIERCE ADA INMATE LIST PIERCE CLASS QUALIFICATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RIGHTS/PROGRAMS FORM PIERCE GRIEVANCES PIERCE INMATE TRACKING LOG PIERCE INTERVIEW ACTIVITY LOG PIERCE TRANSPORTATION SLIPS PIN MAPS PITCH ESS MOTION POLICY MANUAL POSTAGE RECORDS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY, 1GB, No. 34 POSTMORTEM TOXICOLOGY REPORTS (Homicide) POSTMORTEM TOXICOLOGY REPORTS (Non-Homicide) PRESERVATION OF EVIDENCE REQUEST PRIVATE PARTY IMPOUND VEHICLE ENTRIES PROBABLE CAUSE HEARING LOG PRO-PER INMATE LOGS PROPERTY ROOMS INVENTORY LOGS PROTECTIVE CUSTODY LOG PUBLIC WORKS RECORDS FOR OCSD CONSTRUCTION PROEJCTS PUBLIC EDUCATION MATERIALS PURCHASING RECORDS, AGENCY PURCHASING COPY, 16B, No. 14 PURCHASING REQUISITIONS, AGENCY PURCHASING COPY, 16B, No. 15 PVS VIDEO RECORDINGS Q QUALITY ASSUURANCE DOCUMENTS QUESTION OF IDENTITY LETTER QUESTIONNAIRE/SURVEY FILE, 1GB, No. 43 R RADIO CODE / STATION ACRONYM TEST RADIO LOGS RAMEY WARRANTS (Probable Cause Warrants) RECEIPT BOOKS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY, 16B, No. 25 RECORD DESTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION, Pg. 16B, No. 45 RECORDINGS OF TELEPHONE CALLS TO AND FROM CORONER DIVISION RECORDS FOR OCSD STUDIES PERFORMED RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM fRMS) RECORDS OF WORK REQUESTED RECOVERED STOLEN VEHICLES RECORDS RECREATION/ROOF LOG REFERENCE LIBRARY, 1GB, No. 4 RELEASE (S/E) ROSTERS REMEDY ELECTRONIC DATABASE REPORT OF ABSENCE FORMS REPORTS 90 DAY FILE REQUESTS FOR CHECKS AND VOUCHERS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY, 1GB, No. 21 REQUESTS FROM OUTSIDE LEAs AND OCSD FOR THE PURPOSE OF PC 13300 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORED GRANTS AND GRANT REPORTING UPDATES RESPONSE TO CRITICAL INCIDENTS RESTRAINING ORDERS (Teletype Unit) RETENTION SCHEDULES (Outdated) RIDE-ALONG FORMS S SAFETY CELL LOGS SAMPLES OF APPROVED HARDWARE SCORECARDS SEARCH LOG SECURITY CLEARANCE APPLICATION SENTENCE ENDING ROSTER (S/E ROSTER) SERGEANTS ACTIVITY LOG SERVED FUGITIVE WARRANT FILES SERVED INVESTIGATIVE WARRANT WORKSHEETS SERVED WARRANT FILES SERVICE CALLS, EMERGENCY REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE REQUEST SERVICE CALLS, WORK REQUESTS SHELTERED LIVING LOG SHERIFF SPECIAL OFFICER ACADEMY CLASS TRAINING FILES SHERIFF’S CIVIL ACTION FILES (REAL ESTATE CASES) SHERIFF’S CIVIL ACTION FILES (SINGLE PROCESS CASES) SIGN IN/OUT PROGRAM SOBERING CELL LOG SPECIAL EVENTS BILLING RECORDS SPECIAL REPORTS STANDARDS AND TRAINING FOR CORRECTIONS CLASS TRAINEE FILES STATE PRISON LOG STATISTICAL UNIFORM CRIME REPORTS fUCR) STAY LIST SUBPOENA LOG SUBPOENAS SUMMONS SUPERVISOR/COMMITMENT SUPERVISOR LOG SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATES (STCs) SWAT OPERATOR TRAINING FILES T TASER DOWNLOAD LOG TELEPHONE BILLS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY, 16B, No. 35 TELEPHONE SERVICES RECORDS, 1GB, No. 18 TEMPORARY CLASSIFICATION REQUESTS TIME LINES TOOL CONTROL TOOL CONTROL LOGS TRAFFIC CITATIONS TRAFFIC COLLISION REVIEW BOARD TRANSITORY ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS, 1GB, No.1 TRAVEL REQUESTS, AGENCY ACCOUNTING COPY, 1GB, No. 31 TROUBLE LOG BOOK U USE OF FORCE USE OF FORCE REVIEW V VEHICLE ABATEMENT RECORDS VEHICLE LOG VIDEO RECORDINGS VIDEO SURVEILLANCE TAPES VISITOR LOG VOLUNTEER RECORDS VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION FORMS w WARRANT FILES AND RECORDS WATCH COMMANDER LOG WEAPONS RELEASED TO OUTSIDE AGENCIES WEBSERVER LOGS (Audit Trails) WORK REQUESTS, AGENCY COPY, 1GB, No. 17 WORK ROSTERS (SCREENING) WORKERS’ COMPENSATION CLAIM FILES, AGENCY COPY, 1GB, No. 13 REVISION GUIDE Summary of Changes - Based on feedback solicited from OCSD division personnel and consultation with County Counsel, the following revisions have been made: • Seven (7) new schedules were created for the following divisions/bureaus/units: o Communications & Technology Division (366) o Criminal Investigation (367) o Department-wide (368) o Emergency Management (369) o Field Training Bureau (370) o Homeland Security Division (371) • Aviation Support • Bomb Squad • Crisis Negotiation • Mutual Aid/Grants • OCTA Transit Police Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) • Tactical Apprehension Team o S.A.F.E. Division (372) • Three (3) existing schedules were rescinded: o Central Warrant Repository f351A), combined with Records & Information Services f113B) o Court Operations ($8B), combined with Jail Operations (56C) o West Operations f355A), exact duplicate of North Operations/N, Patrol (124D) • Fourteen (14) existing schedules were revised: o Airport Operations Division (357A) • Changed retention period on the following record category: • Audio Recordings from 1 year to 2 years • Removed the following record categories: • Briefing Material, moved to Department-Wide Schedule • Traffic Collision Reports, listed under Records and Information Services Bureau o North Operations (Patrol Bureau) (124D) • Changed retention period on the following record category: • PVS Video Recordings from 1 year to 2 years • Removed the following record category and moved it to Department-Wide Schedule: • Briefing Material Professional Standards Division (123C) o • Removed the following records categories: • Employee Injury Files/Worker’s Comp. Files, listed on 16B, Nos. 12 and 13 • Personnel Requisitions and Extra-help Requests, listed on 16B, No. 6 • Position Authorization Control Report, listed on 16B, No. 8 — — — o o o o o o • Recruitment Files, listed on 16B, No. 6 Financial/Administration Services Division (164B) • Removed the following records categories: • Receipt Books, listed on 16B, No. 25 • Added the following records categories: • Cost Applied and Non-Contract Cost Studies Emergency Communications Bureau (1258) • Removed the following records categories and moved them to Emergency Mgmt. Schedule: • Emergency Management Counsel/Operational Area Executive Board Agendas/Minutes • Emergency Operations Center Activation Documentation • Emergency Operations Center Sign-In Sheets • Orange County Emergency Management Organization Sign-In Sheets • Changed Retention Period on the following record category: • 911 and Sheriff Business Line Telephone Audio Files, from 1 year to 2 years South Operations Division (163C) • Removed the following records categories and moved them to Department-Wide Schedule: • Briefing Material • Discovery Requests • Added the following records category: • Pawn Slips • Changed retention period on the following record category: • PVS Video Recordings from 1 year to 2 years Coroner Division (1048) • Removed the following record category: • Investigator Sign-Out Log OC Crime Lab (354A) Moved record category to Department-Wide Schedule: • Information Technology (E-mail) • Added record categories: • Antemortem Toxicology Envelopes • Antemortem Toxicology Reports • Fingerprint Evidence • Postmortem Toxicology Reports (Homicide) • Postmortem Toxicology Reports (Non-Homicide) • Changed retention period on the following records: • Forensic Alcohol, changed to permanent retention • Non-Death Cases, changed to permanent retention Homeland Security/Harbor Patrol (114C) • Removed record categories: • Boat Accident Report (OCSD form) • BoatStopCards • Court Transmittal Sheet • Field Interrogation Cards • RadioRepairLogs • Moved record category to Department-Wide Schedule: • Briefing Material — — — — — — o o o • Citations • Notice of Correction Research and Development (356A) • Removed record categories: • Correspondence File, listed on 16B, Item No. 2 • Injury and Illness Prevention Program Records, Agency Copy, Listed on 16B, Item No. 12 • Record category name change: • “Research and Development Authored Grants” to “Research and Development Authored Grants and Grant Reporting Updates” • “Work Requests, Agency Copy” to “Records of Work Requested” • Added record categories: • Fleet Management Records • Physical Plant Configuration Data • Physical Plant Maintenance Data • Records for OCSD Studies Performed • Samples of Approved Hardware • TholControl Records and Information Services Bureau (113B) a Removed record category: • Active/Served Out-Of-County Warrants from CWR’s schedule • Added record categories: • Audit Trails • Customer Service Survey Cards • Informal Discovery Requests • Monthly Statistical Information • Restraining Orders (Teletype Unit) • Retention Schedules • Scorecards • Moved record categories to Department-Wide Schedule: • Electronic Mail • Employee In-House Drop Folder • Subpoena Duces Tecum Property & Evidence Bureau (352A) • Added record categories: • Auctioned Items • Controlled Substance Burn Files • Financial Release Files • Firearms Converted to Department Use • Firearms Destruction Files • Lab Request Ledgers • Non-Weapon Items Converted to Department Use • Pawn Hearing Files • Remedy Electronic Database • Weapons Released to Outside Agencies — — — o o Information Systems Bureau (353A) • Added record categories: • AJS Data in CRM • AJS Mainframe Data • ALPR System • Coplink • Coplogic • Fiche Files for Record Search • Files From Mainframe to Support AJS Data Loads • GSTAVLfor Units • Help Desk/Service Requests • IS Authorization Requests • IT Training Schedules • LARS Data in CRM • LARS Mainframe Data • LinX • OCATS Journals • OnlineTCReports • Puma • Records Management System (RMS) • Sign In/Out Program • Webserver Logs (Audit Trails) Custody & Court Operations (56C) • Record category name change: • “Shakedown Logs” renamed “Search Logs” • Moved record category to Department-Wide Schedule: • Use of Force Reports (Statistical Summary) • Removed record categories: • Board of Corrections and CYA Inspection Reports • Budget Records, listed on 16B, No. 38 • Correspondence Files, listed on 16B, No. 2 • Juvenile Justice Commission Inspection Reports • Juvenile Logs • Served Investigative Warrant Worksheet from Court Operations’ Schedule • Summary of Occupational Injury/Illness, listed on 16B, No. 12 • Warrant Files and Records from Court Operations’ Schedule • Added record categories: • Activity Roster/In-Custody List • ADA/Pierce Log • ASA/Pierce Departmental Training • Attorney/Official Agency Visitation Log • Board of State and Community Corrections • Booking Register • Briefing Logs • Chemical Control Logs • Chow Hall Time Log Register — — • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Civil Field Logs Classification/Housing Review Booking Checklist Form Community Feedback Reports Compound Safety Check Logs Conservatee Transportation Log Count Sheet (Master) Court Activity Roster/Court List Court Dress-Out Log Court Facility Logs CourtOrderLogs Daily Detention File Detainee Incident Reports Detainee Message Slip Requests Detainee Population Spreadsheet Detainee Voluntary Work Agreement Compensation Rosters Detainee Voluntary Work Agreement Forms Early Out Roster Electronic Monitoring Program Count Electronic Monitoring Program Roster Fire Drill Evaluation Forms Fire Drill Participation Roster Grievance File Handheld Camera Footage Hospital Guard Roster Housing/Floor Logs (Guard Station ICE Detainee File ICE Detainee Log for Stationary Guard Services ICE Rosters In-Custody Death Letters Inmate Jail Rules Acknowledgement Form Inmate Programs-Documented CPT Contact Inmate Tracking Form Inmate Transfer Roster Judicial Protection Unit Case File Judicial Protection Unit Log Key Control Inventory Law Library Logs Legal Mail Logs Legal Visit Denial Logs Light Tower Permits Maintenance Slips Meal Tracking Logs Money Log Outdoor Recreation Logs Overtime Logs and Statistics Pierce ADA Inmate Tracking Log • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Pierce Class Qualification Acknowledgement Pierce Grievances Pierce Interview Activity Log Pierce Transportation Slips Probable Cause Hearing Log Property Rooms Inventory Logs Protective Custody Log Safety Cell Logs Security Clearance Application Sentence Ending Roster Sergeants Activity Log Sobering Cell Logs State Prison Log Stay List Supervisor/Commitment Supervisor Log Taser Download Log Tool Control Logs Trouble Log Book Vehicle Log Video Surveillance Tapes Visitor Log Watch Commander Logs Work Rosters (Screening) If changes were minor (defined below), they were not considered a revision and are not listed in this revision guide. • spelling corrections; • removal of redundant or unnecessary words