Roger Barrett Wa Pab Medical Discipline)appeal and Case File 1999
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... cc~c<!... ~t't:{\ H-. 2828 upi.ol Slvd. ICE (360) 586-1481 FAX (360) 7SJ.Ot39 PO SOle oW91} Olympia. WA 98504-0911 E-MAIL info-pab@pa& STATE OF WASHINGTON PERSON NEL APPEALS BOARD RECEIVED HOME PACE JUN • 2 1999 June I, 1999 RE: Bruce Barrett v. Department of Corrections, Suspension Appeal, Case No. SUSP-97-0031 Dear Nlr. Barrett: Enclosed is a copy of the order of the Personnel Appeals ~oard in the above-referenced matter. The order was entered by the Board on June 1, 1999. Sincerely, Don Bennett Executive Secretary DB:mt Enclosure cc: Elizabeth Van Moppes, AAG Jennie Adkins, DOC 0740 o -' . . ...--:~ BEFORE THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD STATE OF WASHINGTON 2 3 ) 4 BRUCE BARRETT, s Appellant, 6 vs. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, 7 Respondent 8 9 ) Case No. SUSP-97-0031 I ) ) ) ) MOTION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL ) ) ) ) The Appellant, by and through the undersigned Personal Representative of the Estate of Bruce 10 Barren, hereby notifies the Personnel Appeals Board that he wishes to withdraw the above-entitled 11 appeal. 12 DATED ~~//$aAA£6·. 6/;7/CJ? 7 I P rsgnal Representative 13 This matter came on regularly before the Personnel Appeals Board on the consideration of the 14 request of the Appellant's Personal Representative to withdraw the above-entitled appeal. The 15 Board having reviewed the files and records herein, being fully advised in the premises, and it 16 appearing to the Board that the Personal Representative of the Estate of Bruce Barrett has requested to withdraw the appeal, now enters the following: 17 ORDER 18 19 20 NOW, TriEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the request to withdraw the appeal is granted and the appeal is dismissed. DATEDthis IS-/- day of JUA1..L~_~, 1191 21 22 23 24 2S 26 0741 Personnel Appeals Board 2828 Capitol Boulevard Olympia. Washington 98S04. , , 2 STATE OF WASHINGTON 3 4 5 ~. ) ~ NOTICE OF SCHEDULING Appellant, 6 7 ) Case No. SUSP-97-0031 BRUCE BARRETI, vs. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, 8 ) RespondenL ) ) 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 ) ) ) Notice is hereby given that pursuant to WAC 358-30-010(3), a hearing on the appeal before the Personnel Appeals Board has been set for Wednesday, April 28, 1999, beginning at 9 a.m. The hearing will be held in the Personnel Appeals Board Hearing Room, 2828 Capitol Boulevard, Olympia, Washington. The parties shall arrive at the hearing location thirty (30) minutes before the hearing time for the purpose of exchanging copies of, and when possible, stipulating to exhibits. The parties shall bring sL"( (6) copies of the premarked exhibits which they intend to offer into evidence. Whenever possible, the parties should exchange wimess lists prior to the day set for the hearing. If the services of an interpreter are needed, notify Personnel Appeals Board staff at least two weeks prior to the hearing. The hearing site is barrier free and accessible to the disabled. 17 18 DATED this 16th day of September, 1998. 19 20 WASHINGTON STATE PERSOl'l"NEL APPEALS BOARD 21 22 Teresa Parsons, Hearings Coordinator (360) 664-0479 23 24 cc: 25 26 Bruce Barren, Appellant Louis Baker, WPEA Elizabeth Van Moppes, AAG Jennie Adkins, DOC 074Z Personnel Appeals Board 2828 Capitol Boulevard Olympia. Washington 98504 vKvpp--e..v-- R E C E. \ 'J E 0 2 S~p 181998 . c; 6liecUcr.s O?:;:;;~~mal\ R~u~EFORE THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD STATE OF WASHINGTON 3 4 ) Case No. SUSP-97-0031 s BRUCE BARRETT, ~ NOTICE OF SCHEDULING Appellant, 6 7 ) vs. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, 8 Respondent 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 ) ) ) ) ) ) Notice is hereby given that pursuant to WAC 358-30-010(3), a hearing on the appeal before the Personnel Appeals Board has been set for Wednesday, April 28, 1999, beginning at 9 a.m. The hearing will be held in the Personnel Appeals Board Hearing Room, 2828 Capitol Boulevard, Olympia, Washington. The parties shall arrive at the hearing location thirty (30) minutes before the hearing time for the purpose of exchanging copies of, and when possible, stipulating to exhibits. The parties shall bring six (6) copies of the premarked exhibits which they intend: to offer into evidence. Whenever possible, the parties should exchange witness lists prior to the day set for the hearing. If the services of an interpreter are needed, notify Personnel Appeals Board staff at least two weeks prior to the hearing. The hearing site is barrier free and accessible to the disabled. 17 18 DATED this 16th day of September, 1998. 19 20 WASHINGTON STATE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD 21 22 Teresa Parsons, Hearings Coordinator (360) 664-0479 23 24 25 26 cc: Bruce Barrett, Appellant Louis Baker, WPEA Elizabeth Van' Moppes, AAG Jennie Adkins, DOC Personnel Appe:l1s Board 2828 Capitol Boulevard Olympia. Washington 98504 0743 ce:MlC~ .(arU\t/ 2828 capitol Blvd. PO Box 40911 Olympia, WA 98504-0911 VOICE (364) 58~1481 FAX (364) 753.0139 &MAIL STATE OF WASHINGTON PERSON NEL APPEALS BOARD HOME PAGE April 27, 1999 RE: Broce Barrett v. Department of Corrections. Suspension Appeal, Case No. SUSP-97-0037 Dear 1'1r. Barrett: Enclosed is a copy of the Order Granting Continuance in $e above-referenced matter. The order was entered by the Board on April 27, 1999. Sincerely, Don BeIlllett Executive Secretary DB:mt Enclosure cc: Elizabeth Van Moppes, AAG Jennie Adkins, DOC 0744 o BEFORE TIIE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD STATE OF WASHINGTON 2 3 BRUCE BARRETI, 4 Appellant, s v. 6 ) ) ) Case No. SUSP-97-o031 ) ) ORDER OF CONTINUANCE ) ) ) ) DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, 7 8 Respondent. ---=------------ 9 This matter 10 11 ~e before the Personnel Appeals Board, WALTER T. HUBBARD, Chair, and NATHAN S. FORD JR., Vice Chair, on consideration of the Board's motion to continue the hearing. Due to the Board's inability to contact Appellant's heirs and after consultation with Respondent, the Board determined that the hearing scheduled for April 28, 1999, should be 12 continued. The Board having reviewed the files and documentation and being fully advised in the 13 premises, now enters the following: 14 ORDER IS NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the hearing scheduled for April 28, 1999, is 16 continued to a date to be detennined. 17 DATED this {)1 fk day of 18 ¥J ,1999. WASHINGTON STATE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD A/tv$r( Jt~ 19 " 20 Wal~~r7Hybbird,C ~t;;':1 • . ....-T....' / / ~(, '. ".. L '("" , 21 /..... ,,: ·Z',',?'/ '~ • ~ Nathan S. Ford J '., Vice Chair,'-: .. 22 23 24 2S 26 Personnel Appeals Board 2828 Capitol Boulevard Olympia. Washington 98504 a74~ . ",Ph..(Q.n c. .wi.(Q.J.t , (. . , '" ('::::iifI1J43.;:;:wt;;; ii .w..3.Q,"";.3.w::i«!iQ«!i 'p.o,:;,(QI(.WJ.C.Q.c •. Gt.. Q .v.6.iO.OiJi,,,Jm. ce~ MlCev .(aruV 2828 Capitol Blvd. PO Box 40911 vOla (360) 586-1481 fAX (360) 753-0139 E-MAIL info-pab@pab.state.w~ Olympia, WA 98S1)4.{)911 STAle OF WASHINGTON PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD HOME PAGE April 27, 1999 Bruce Barrett -RE: Bruce Barrett v. Department of Corrections, Suspension Appeal. Case No. SUSP-97-0037 Dear Mr. Barrett: Enclosed is a copy of the Order Granting Continuance in !he above-referenced matter. The order was entered by the Board on April 27, 1999. Sincerely, Don Bennett Executive Secretary DB:mt Enclosure cc: Elizabeth Van Moppes. AAG Jennie Adkins, DOC 0746 BEFORE TIlE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD 1 STATE OF WASHINGTON 2 3 4 BRUCE BARRETT, ) ) Appellant, ) Case No. SUSP-97-o031 ) v. 6 ) ORDER OF CONTINUAi"lCE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, ) ) ) _ _...;;R;,;;,;e~sp~o;,;;;n_de;;,;;;n;,;;,;,t. ) 7 8 9 This matter tame before the Personnel Appeals Board., WALTER T. HUBBARD, Chair, and 10 NATHAN S. FORD JR., Vice Chair, on consideration of the Board's motion to continue the 11 hearing. Due to the Board's inability to contact Appellant's heirs and after consultation with 12 Respondent, the Board determined that the hearing scheduled for April 28, 1999, should be continued. The Board having reviewed the files and documentation and being fully advised in the 13 premises, now enters the following: 14 ORDER' 15 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the hearing scheduled for April 28, 1999, is 16 continued to a date to be determined. 17 DATED this 18 19 20 21 22 91th-day of ~J ,1999 WASHINGTON STATE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD /{JtV1t r ;.L-M~ Walt~r T;"'HUbb3rd,~U;0" /~ - , ,. / / .~.1 ~, ,.;.1.,,/ . ",-. , t/y, / __ I! ~ / ~ .t:-. r • Nathan S. Ford J '., Vice Chair.. ··:·( . 23 24 25 26 PetSonnel Appe:l1s Board 2828 Capitol Boulevard Olympia. Washington 98504 0747 cc~c~ - I6l rcn H-. ~)S86-1481 2828 Capitol Blvd. PO Box 40911 Olympia. WA 98504-0911 FAX (360) 753-0139 E-MAIL STATE OF WASHINGTON PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD RECEIVED HOME PAGE JUN· 2 1999 oeo.tmentol Con~ 0i'S ~ , ICl8IS June 1, 1999 Roger Barrett RE: Bruce Barrett v. Department of Corrections, Suspension Appeal. Case No. SUSP·97-0031 Dear Mr. Barrett: Enclosed is a copy of the order of the Personnel Appeals Board in the above·referenced matter. The order was entered by the Board on June I, 1999. Sincerely, Don Bennett Executive Secretary DB:mt Enclosure cc: Elizabeth Van Moppes, AAG Jennie Adkins, DOC 0748 o :. SiVQiQIDii vAM"ii!,( . .. . . . .. . :.V::V.;;'~"~:;NtzAW".t ... ~'. BEFORE THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD STATE OF WASHINGTON 2 3 ) 4 BRUCE BARRETT, s 6 7 ) ) Appellant, ~ vs. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, MOTION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL ) ) ) ) Respondent 8 9 ) Case No. SUSP-97-0031 The Appellant, by and through the undersigned Personal Representative of the Estate of Bruce 10 Barrett, hereby notifies the PersOIU1el Appeals Board that he wishes to withdraw the above-entitled II appeal. 12 DATED _/ 0/17/99 7 '. 7 (//$a~ P,rso al Representative 13 This matter came on regularly before the Personnel Appe;l1s Board on the consideration of the 14 request of the Appellant's Personal Representative to withdraw the above-entitled appeal. The IS Board having reviewed the files and records herein, being fully advised in the premises, and it 16 appearing to the Board that the Personal Representative of the Estate of Bruce Barrett has requested to withdraw the appeal, now enters the following: 17 ORDER 18 NOW, TtIEREFORE IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the request to withdraw the appeal is 19 granted and the appeal is dismissed. 20 DATED this / Sr day of J UA'l.L,-=-__,J!ffl 21 22 23 24 25 26 074 Personnel Appeals Board 2828 Capitol Boulevard Olympia, Washington 98504. .., ceo. M lC.C.V Ka\'U'\v/ .- - R r;:Ci=Jv~r -;..., 2828 ~pitol Blvd. PO Box 40911 . VOICE (360) 586-1481 FAX (360) 753-0139 E·MAll Olympia. WA 98504-0911 Ds;:anmr)::l( '.;'f ••• ~.-.~ .Ln';:;.~ STATE OF WASHINGTON DiviSjcr.oi~';!l'l1;P'ERgOONEL APPEALS BOARD HOME PAGE September 23, 1998 PROPOSED LIST OF CUT-OFF DATES Broce Barrett v. Department of Corrections Case No.: SUSP-97-0031 (Suspension appeal) This statement is issued to record dates controlling the subsequent course of the proceedings in the above-referenced appeal. In lieu of a pre-hearing conference, the following dates for completing discovery, exchange of lists of witnesses and exhibits and other prehearing matters are proposed. 1. Discovery is to be completed by March 29, 1999. Requests for discovery must be served with sufficient time for responses to be completed by March 29, 1999. 2. Witness lists and exhibit lists are to be exchanged on or before April 21, 1999. The parties reserve the right to supplement the lists. 3. Pre-hearing briefs, if prepared at the discretion of the parties, will be filed on or before April 23, 1999 in accordance with WAC 358-30-045. 4. The hearing in this matter will be held on April 28, 1999 beginning at 9:00 Ai\1 in Olympia, Washington. _ The pre-hearing conference is scheduled for 9:00 Ai\1 on April 21, 1999. At that time, the Executive Sc:cretary or designee will initiate a conference call with the parties' representatives to discuss possible stipulations on witnesses, exhibits, and the issue to be presented for determination by the Personnel Appeals Board. The parties shall arrive at the hearing location thirty (30) minutes before the hearing time for the purpose of exchanging copies of exhibits and., if possible, stipulating to admission of exhibits. The parties shall bring six (6) copies of the pre-marked exhibits which they intend to offer into evidence. 07~O .~.- o \. Statement ofResu1ts ofPre-.....dring September 23, 1998 Page 2 ADy objections or corrections must be filed with the Executive Secretary Within 20 days of the date of this statement aDd shall, at the same time, be served upon each of the participants named above. This statement becomes part of the official record of the proceedings, and the stipulations wiD be binding on the parties, unless this statement is modified for good cause. PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD BY:~~ Don Bennett Executive Secretary .' . 0751 j :;;;t§ ...:::;:::;:;;:: _ ( . .i .. w.v. ......dtt.t.d.i ..0P.... :'(GUm.. ,~" h (.( .2... Q..Q.Q" •••• w&t.ti..c.:x......= ..'M:dQl)(Q&( ,(, iJ%%Uiii", .....,X..J..(Q.£.v.?:;.Q.Q...C..P.Q...&...: ;im...... ..$..4,6..,w..&,! :W:::W;;;Uih£ji"';;;;:P;+.· ce·· M \Cc.V Ka~t/ 2828 capitol Blvd. PO 80.40911 Olympia, WA 98504-6911 ~~~ '.I ... , ,.... .' ,I VOICE (360) 586-1481 FAX (360) 753-4139 E-MAIL 1QQC 1,. . . "., STATE Of WASHINGTON D3;;3nm";7ri C' .;,;:: ;·:ut:·:~.~ ~i.,isicr oi '':HfTi'PE~SOO N EL APPEALS BOARD HOME PAGE September 23, 1998 PROPOSED UST OF CUT-OFF DATES Bruce Barrett v. Department of Corrections Case No.: SDSP-97-0031 (Suspension appeal) This statement is issued to record dates controlling the subsequent course of the proceedings in the above-referenced appeal. In lieu of a pre-hearing conference, the following dates for completing discovery, exchange of lists of witnesses and exhibits and other prehearing matters are proposed. 1. Discovery is to be completed by March 29, 1999. Requests for discovery must be served with sufficient time for responses to be completed by March 29, 1999. 2. Witness lists and exhibit lists are to be exchanged on or before April 21, 1999. The parties reserve the right to supplement the lists. 3. Pre-hearing briefs, if prepared at the discretion of the parties, will be filed on or before April 23, 1999 in accordance with WAC 358-30-045. 4. The hearing in this matter will be held on April 28, 1999 beginning at 9:00 AJ.\{ in Olympi~ Washington. The pre-hearing conference is scheduled for 9:00 AM on April 21, 1999. At that time, the Executive Secretary or designee will initiate a conference call with the parties' representatives to discuss possible stipulations on witnesses, exhibits, and the issue to be presented for determination by the Personnel Appeals Board. The parties shall arrive at the hearing location thirty (30) minutes before the hearing time for the purpose of exchanging copies of exhibits and, if possible, stipulating to admission of exhibits. The parties shall bring six (6) copies of the pre-marked exhibits which they intend to offer into evidence. 0752 ··,.. .::::rR;::;;IiJ:;::;;,:.;;:;::;:::g:::;s: 666iJiJ. 'Statement of Results ofPre-.-uing September 23,1998 Page 2 Any objections or corrections must be IDed witlt..the Executive Secretary within 20 days of the date of this statement and shall, at the same time, be served upon each of the participants named above. This statement becomes part of the official record of the proceedings, and the stipulations will be binding on the parties, unless this statement is modified Cor good cause. PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD BY:~~ Don Bennett Executive Secretary STATE OF WASHINGTON 2828 Capitol Blvd. PO Box 40911 Olympia. WA 98504-&911 PERSON NEL APPEALS BOARD August 21, 1997 Kenneth F. Brett. Washington Public Employees Association 124 - 101lI Avenue SW Olympia. WA 98501 RE: Bruce Barrett v. Department of Corrections. Suspension Appeal, Case No. SUSP-97-0031 Dear Mr. Brett: This letter is to acknowledge receipt of the above entitled appeal by the Personnel Appeals Board on August 21, 1997. Sincerely, Q4/:c,-Lh;...~I'-L I .~ L~tsch r Kenneth J. Executive Secretary K1L:lh cc: Bruce Barrett Linda A. Dalton. AAG Jennie Adkins. DOC 0754 l:'.lhlncwappl\bllnClt.doc . loW l1uJ..,AA:;;:::;g;:;:;;:: . c .. QiQ.QiQ.Q.Q.Qi.W.Qi .............M:LJ.Q.Q.h»lLJ»( ............: ;;:;::;:;:::';;;:;::;:::::::;:":M. we, .. :; 'H.'. .. : PW((( «A,:;..M.0X.Q.?.',:x',O!Mil ;..4 3 .. J..,.O.h.,OiQ •. (.d.. Q(e,t,t,t,; :::::::;;:;:;~........,~, .. WPEA HQ OLYMPIA FAX NO. 3603577627 P. 02 WS1'-'\"1 ~003 \ APPEAL FORM PH: FAX: SCAN 321-1411 (360) 586-148\ (360) 753-0 DC] PRINT OR TYPE· SIGN ON PAGE 2 APPELLANT IDENTIFICATION PART I. NAME;,_~8A-Uf:1L _ g~lLA=:~- lUSt name. rU111l0lmC,lltid4IC iAilia!) ~MEADD~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WORKt.~ S8'8-Q~ PHONE NUMBERS: (Include ~:l cuclcl 1L...-_ _ HOME:, EMPLOYING AGENCY OR rNSl111JTION:,_ _ _ ~D~o~q:s=f-...:.M~L:...:C::::.=::c...----------- AGENCY OR rNSTITUTION THAT TOOK ACTION YOU ARE APPEAUNG:,~Q~f)~c...._,.t~M.lf.I.( I ....C"""----- TYPE OF APPEAL PART III. CHECl< ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TO lNDICA TE THE TYPE OF APPEAL YOU ARE fiLING: ~ a. Discip1in3r'Y: (c;n~k :I.ppliC:J.ble action(s). _ Dismiss'll. VSuspension. _ _Demotion, b. Dis~ility ~. Rul~ d. Reduc::ion in Fure::b.yoff(compl.:tc: ?:m IV. of this form): ~. 1\II(lc~[h:Jn (position ':!J.Ssific~on) (complc:t~ _ _Reduc;tion in Salary; S.:parution: Qr Law Violation (c:omplo:te Pm rv. of this form): P:trt V. afthis form); 0755 ___ ~ E.,{'::Tl~~ion or ?osililJn. AU~21-97 THU 12:28 WPEA HQ OLVI1PIA FAX NO. 3603577627 P.03 .. PART LV, RULE \flOtATION OR RfDUCTION-IN·FORCE APP£ALS ONLY Wbat RWe(s) or U\II(s) do you believe wc:re violated? Erplain the particular cirannstanccs of the 3Jleged 'Itolation: How were you ad'i'ersely affected by rhe :111~cd violation? What remedy are )Iou requesting in this 'PARTV. e:ue~ ALLOCAnON APP£.~LS ONtY What is your present c:las3ific::mon? _ To which class do you think your position mould be alloc:41ted? _ Has there been 1 detennin01tion m:uic by lhe Director ofth.: Department ot'Personnel or designl:c? Ye!_ No_ (fso. when and by whom?, _ Ple:sse identify the specific: eXC:ildoas you are ::lking to the Dirl:ctor's determination and th~ portions oCdIe dete:mination to which you _ d~crrec:, PIc:LSC! :utacb:a copy o( the Direc[Qr's detc:r'minDtion to this rorm punu:Jnt to WAC 358-~O-t)40(:1. f{e,.UJC!"l'H-~. t~· SIGNATUItE ~~-R-R.E-PR""E""5~CN-."'T-A~n~V~E------'- 075S ___~~~~~97 DA : :: :lKll ED AOG-21-97 THU 12:29 !-lASE RIVELANO Seaciliry WPEA HQ OLYMPIA FAX NO. 3603577627 P.04 A ., STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS McNEIL ISLAND CORRECTlONS CENTER P.O. 80x 900 • Steilacoom. ~shi"cron 98388-0900 July 28, 1997 Bruce Barrett PERSONAL SERVICE •• CONFlPENTIAL . Mr. Barrett: .. This is official notification of your suspension in your position as a Correctional Health Care Specialist 2 with the qepartment of Corrections (DOC). McNeil Island Corrections Cemer (MICC) Range 59 Step K at .$4,315 per month effective August , 7, 1997 through August 24, 1997. This disciplinary action is taken pursuant to the authority of the Civil Service Laws of Washington State, Chapter 41.06, RCW, and the Merit System Rules, Title 356 WAC (MSRL Section 356-34-010 (1) (a) Neglect of duty, (h) Gross misconduct and (i) Willful violation of published employing agency or Department of Personnel rules or regulatio ns, and 356 -34-03 O-Suspension-Duration--Procedure. Specifically, you neglected your duty, committed gross misconduct and willfully violated departmental policy when on March 14, 1997, b~ur own admission, you were improperly masked when you accompanied Inmate~OC No.~ho was possibly infected with an active case of Tuberculosis (TB), to the Washington Corrections Center (WCC).. You have a full beard, which does not allow the HEPA mask to form a proper seal. This incident is described in detail in the Employee Conduct Report (ECR) completed on June 10,1997 (Attachment 1). As an employee of this department, you have a duty to fallow all departmental and institutional procedures and to perform your duties safely. Also. as a Correctional Health Care Specialist", you act as a role model for other staff to follow. When they see you blatantly disregarding established procedures, you re'f1ect the poorest of examples. You admitted being aware that you were violating policy. You knew that because you wear a full beard, the HEPA mask cannot be fit tested on you. Despite this knowledge, you dismissed the precautions as being a "farce," Even when a nurse told you that you were not properly masked, you disregarded her warning and chose to accompany the inmate. You knew what you did was wrong, but felt you were. above following the appropriate protocols. 0757 AUG-21-97 THU 12:29 WPEA HQ OLYMPIA FAX NO. 3603577627 P, 05 Bruce Barrett July 28, 1997 Page 2 of 4 On September 10, 1993, you signed an ~cknowledgment of Receipt of DOC Employee Handbook" stating that you agreed to become familiar with and have a thorough knowledge and understanding of its contents (Attachment 2). By your actions, you failed to follow the Department Expectations outlined on Page 3 of that handbook (Attachment 3), which states in pertinent part: U "'DEPARTMENT,.EXPECTATIONS As a representative of the Department of Corrections, you will be expected to: • Conduct yourself and perform your duties safely;" By your signature on a memorandum entitled, "Responsibility for Operation Instructions/Policies and Procedures" (Attachment 4), on March 1, 1993. you acknowledged your responsibility to become familiar with and follow MiCe Operational Instructions. Policies andlor Procedures. You failed to comply with MICC Field Instruction 890.61 0 ~ Employee Tuberculosis &. HEPA Respirator Program (Attachment 1, pages 12 - 23), which states in pertinent part: "4. Respiratory Protection - HEPA Respirator Program g. Facial Hair - Individuals assigned to wear HEPA respirators shall follow manufacturer's recommendations regarding facial hair that interferes with the seal of the HEPA respirator. '" The manufacturer's recommendations (Attachment 5) state in pertinent part: "Q: Is there a different protocol to be follo·wed when Fit Testing an Employee who has facial hair? A: No; however, OSHA will not allow a person with facial hair to be fit tested for a respirator if the facial hair interferes with obtaining a facial fit. " 14, 1997, you' took it upon yourself to diagnose Inmate _DOC No. hom you were accompanying with the transport CorrectionaT"Officers to , s not having active TB and wore the HEPA mask over your full beard during the trip. In fact, you fit tested the correctional officers who made up the rest of the transport team. It is inconceivable to me that you took the time to ensure other staff were properly fit tested and then modeled opposite behavior. Additionally, AN Nancy Armstrong confronted you, telling you that you could not be properly masked n M _ 0758 WPEA HQ OLY11P IA FAX NO. 3603577627 P.06 Bruce Barrett July 28, 1997 Page 3 of 4 with your full beard and should not accompany the inmate. You continued your poor judgment and disregard.ed her warning as being an overreaction. You are not a physician. It is not your responsibility to independently diagnose a patient and arbitrarily decide that the precautions that were put in place could be disregarded based an your opinion. Yet, that is exactly what you did. Only a physician can make the determination that a patient does nat have TB. That confirmation did- not occur until March 17, 1997. By flagrantly disregarding the above cited procedures, you not only potentially put your awn health at risk, but that of your fellow staff members and the inmates you are charged to medically treat. '. Your failure to perform your duties safely and per established policy also contributed to a $2,000 fine being levied against MICC by the Department of Labor and Industries. By your actions, you neglected your duty as a health care professional and DOC employee. By your own admission, you were familiar with the above cited policy but willfully choose to violate it and accompany the inmate to WCC. As a Health Care Specialist you have contact with inmates and staff throughout the institution, and your unrepentant disregard for policy carries a higher degree of potential to adversely impact MICC's ability to safely treat inmates and protect staff members and inmates from unnecessary infections. Your actions are so egregious that they rise to the level of gross misconduct. As a health care professional with over 19 years of experience, I am disappointed in your lack of judgment and egotistical attitude. You are not above policy. I expect you to follow established policies and practice your profession safely. The policies you arbitrarily ignored are established for your and others' protection. Had your "diagnosis" been wrong, not only would you have possibly infected yourself with TB. but you would have needlessly secondarily effected countless staff members and inmates. You put yourself above medical protocol that is designed to not only protect you, but others as well. Your actions are inexcusable and this institution paid for your arrogance with a $ 2,000 fine. The role you modeled was contradictory to the actions you took ensuring accompanying staff were properly fit tested and protected during the transport of the inmate. Sending a 'Do as I say, nat as I do' message is completely unacceptable and below the standard of professional performance required of any DOC employee. Based on your actions and your inabilitY to see the ramifications of your actions, I conclude that the sanction described in the first paragraph of this letter is appropriate. Attachment(s) one through five are attached hereto and by this reference, made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein. 075~r . AUG-21-97 THU 12:31 WPEA HQ OLVl1PIA FAX NO. 3803577627 P.07 Bruce Barrett July 28, 1997 Page 4 of 4 Under the provisions of WAC 358-20-010 and 368·20-040, you have the right to appeal this action OR to file a grievance per Article 1 0 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Department of Corrections and the Washington Public Employees Association. If you file an appeal, it must be filed in writing at the Office of the Personnel Appeals Board, 2828 Capitol Boulevard, Olympia', Washington 98501, within thirty (30) days after the effective date stated in the first paragraph of this letter. The Merit System Rules, WAC's, Department of Corrections policies and the Collective Bargaining Agreement are available for your review upon request. ~J;fIJ;JJJt- Belinda D. Stewart, Superintendent McNeil Island Corrections Center Attachment(s) : cc: Tom Rolfs, Director, Division of Prisons Jennie Adkins, Director, Division of Human Resources Donna Grazzini, WWC Area Personnel Manager Rose Mattison, MiCe Personnel Officer Linda Dalton, Sr. Assistant Attorney General Employee Perso,,:,nel File (\76.0 . . .t.J.nt.. dt.J. ..#,Ut.t... .¥.t,d., .'C c .. ..J.b.v.3i«wiP< . . . . . . . . . .0. . . A0,:;.&W«!iiJX!( . .<!"':"':"":':<.... :OW•. Q, • "'&0X!( i . .. ... %.&V.b.4.o.((i:::;:::X'«, ... ! ."C" . . ,USiJi:;c:ag:;;;;:::;;·::;:;::"k· 2828 Capitol 81vd. PO BoIC.$0911 Olympia. WA 98504-6911 STATE OF WASHINGTON PERSON NEL APPEALS BOARD August 21, 1997 Kenneth F. Brett. Washington Public Employees Association 124 - tOlII Avenue SW Olympia, WA 98501 RE: Bruce Barrett v. Department of Corrections, Suspension Appeal, Case No. SUSP-97-0031 Dear Mr. Brett: This letter is to acknowledge receipt of the above entitled app'eal by the Personnel Appeals Board on August 21, 1997. Sincerely, hJ:.-/l-'- ~e, ""'£~eth 1. LJ1tsch Executive Secretary KJL:lh cc: Bruce Barrett Linda A. Dalton, AAG Jennie Adkins, DOC 0761 z:'.Ihlnc\V:lppl\b:IITClI.l!oc AU~21-97 THU 12:27 WPEA HQ OLYl1P IA FAX NO. 3603577627 P.02 ':YuS1' -'\"1 ~oo 3 \ APPEAL FORM PH: SCAN 321-1481 (360) 586--1481 FAX: P.-\RT I. APPELLA1~T (360) 7SJ-olj9 PIUNT OR TYPE· SIaN ON PAGE 2 IDENTIFICATION ieJXE: _ NAME:,_---:BtiU£lL lUst :lame. flNlll:llllC. IJadalc iAidai) HOMEADD~R~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ WORl<~ S]'8-Q~ 11...--__ PHONE NUMBERS: (IDellIdc :1te3 cuclcl liOME: _ D~QrL.c/~~M~l EMPLOYING AGENCY OR lNSllTUTION:,_ _ C.=.=::c:.._· _ AGENCY OR INSTITUTION THAT TOOK ACTION YOU ARE APPEAl.ING:,---:O~<J~C"'4!-/M~( C...!!' I _ TYPE OF' APPEAL PART 1Il. CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWfNG TO CNDICATE THE TYPE OF APPEAL yOU ARE FILING: ~ a. Oisciplin3ry: (l;h~k 3pplicable ac:oon(s). _ Dismissal. l,../'Suspensicn, _ _Demotion. _Reduction in Salary; b. Disability S~p:lr.1tion; 1:. Rul~ d. Rduc::h>n in Fure=:1.3yoff(complttt Part IV. afmis form): 0:. AlInc::tion (?()sitiun c!,JSsifiC::1C:on) (compl¢t~ P:lrt ()f Law Vil)lulion (complete Part IV. oi this fonn): v. of this form): 0762 ___ ~. :.'(.::n;:::on or ?oSII1,.,n. ---------_._- --- WPEA HQ OlYt1P IA Al:Kr-21-97 TIm 12:28 P,03 FAX NO. 3803577627 .. .. PART IV, RULE VIOLATION OR R£DUCTION-IN-FORCE APPEALS ONLY What RuJe(s) or uw(S) do you believe were violated? E:tplain the particular circumstances of me 3Jlegcd violation: How were you ad"ersely affeacd by the 3J1~cd ..iolation7 WhOlt remedy are you requesti.og in this e:ue ~ ; PARTY, ALLOC,~TION What is your present APPE.ALS ONLY _ c:lassifi~on? To which chw do you think your position should be aUoQted? HilS mere been a determination m:ufe by dt~ Director oimt Depanmcnt ot'Persounel or design~e? _ Ve!_ No__ (fso, when and bywltom?, _ PIe:1Se identify th~ specific ex~ptions you at!: =skin; to th.: Oirc:c:or's determination and !be portions of~c dttmninatiun to which you disagTft:, _ Ple:l.SC! aet3cb :I copy of the Director's determinution to this rnrm pursu:1nt to WAC J~8·!O-:)40C:1, itef'lJJ~,..t4- ~. ~~. SIGNATURE ~~R. REPRE5CNTA nVE A~21-91 THU 12:29 iASE RIVS.AND Secretary FAX NO. 3603511621 WPEA HQ OLYl1PIA P.04 • STATE Of WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS McNEil ISLAND CORREcnONS CENTER P.O. 80x 900 • Steilacoom. ~sh;ngron 98388-0900 July 28, 1997 PERSONAL SERViCe -CONFIP ENTIAL Mr. Barrett: # This is official notification of your suspension in your position as a Correctional Health Care Specialist 2 with the qepartment of Corrections (DOC). McNeil Island Corrections Center (MICC) Range 59 Step K at $4,315 per month effective August 17, 1997 through August 24, 1997. This disciplinary action is taken pursuant to the authority of the Civil Service Laws of Washington State, Chapter 41.06, RCW, and the Merit System Rules, Title 356 WAC (MSR), Section 356-34-010 (1) (a) Neglect of duty, (h) Gross misconduct and (i) Willful violation of published employing agency or Department of Personnel rules or regulations. and 356-34-030-Suspension-Duration--Procedure. Specifically, you neglected your duty, committed gross misconduct and willfully violated departmental policy when on March 14, 1997, ~our own admission, you were improperly masked when you accompanied Inmat~DOC No.~ho was possibly infected with an active case of Tuberculosis (TBI, to the Washington Corrections Center (Wec).. You have a full beard, which does not allow the HEPA mask to form a proper seal. This incident is described in detail in the Employee Conduct Report IECR) completed on June 10, 1997 (Attachment 1). As an employee of this department, you have a duty to follow all departmental and institutional procedur~s and to perform your duties safely. Also, as a Correctional Health Care Specialist, you act as a role model for other staff to follow. When they sea you blatantly disregarding established procedures, you reflect the poorest of examples. You admitted being aware that you were violating policy. You knew that because you wear a full beard, the HEPA mask cannot be fit tested on you. Despite this knowledge. you dismissed the precautions as being a "farce." Even when a nurse told you that you were not properly masked, you disregarded her warning and chose to accompany the inmate. You knew what you did was wrong. but felt you were above following the appropriate protocols. 0764 Ab1i-21-97 THU 12:29 WPEA HQ OLYMP IA FAX NO. 3603577627 P.OS Bruce Barrett July 28, 1997 Page 2 of 4 On September 10, 1993, you signed an "~cknowledgment of Receipt of DOC Employee Handbook'" stating that you agreed to become familiar with and have a thorough knowledge and understanding of its contents (Attachment 2). By your actions, you failed to follow the Department Expectations outlined on Page 3 of that handbook (Attachment 3), which states in pertinent part: "DEPARTMENT EXPECTATIONS As a representative of the Department of Corrections, you will be expected to: * Conduct yourself and perform your duties safely;" By your signature on a memorandum entitled, "'Responsibility for Operation Instructions/Policies and Procedures" (Attachment 4), on March 1, 1993, you acknowledged your responsibility to became familiar with and follow MICC Operational Instructions, Policies and/or Procedures. You failed to comply with MICC Field Instruction 890.610 - Employee Tuberculosis & HEPA Respirator Program (Attachment 1, pages 12 - 23), which states in pertinent part: "4. Respiratory Protection - HEPA Respirator Program g. Facial Hair· Individuals assigned to wear HEPA respirators shall follow manufacturer's recommendations regarding facial hair that interferes with the seal of the HEPA respirator." The manufacturer's recommendations (Attachment 5) state in pertinent part: "Q: Is there a different protocol to be followed when Fit Testing .an Employee who has facial hair? A: No; however, OSHA will not allow a person with facial hair to be fit tested for a respirator if the facial hair interferes with obtaining a facial fit... On March 14, 1997. you· took it ~pon yourself to diagnose Inmate. DOC No. whom you were accompanying with the transport CorrectionarDfficers to ~ not having active TB and wore the HEPA maslc over your full beard during the trip. In fact, you fit tested the correctional officers who made up the rest of the transport team. It is inconceivable to me that you took the time to ensure other staff were properly fit tested and then modeled opposite behavior. Additionally. RN Nancy Armstrong confronted you, telling you that you could not be properly masked _ 0'765 .W@S1 ,6..01 nt ~ <.' c. .'W.Q.W. . d ... &...,;u;,W.Q.Q( ... hw.s.c..:;, .......... 4,Q' ( , .. ..:.:.. l~ .... .t.vmu;:::::;o:w;. ; ( ;; M- AUG-21-97 THU 12:30 WPEA HQ OLYMPIA FAX NO, 3603577627 P,06 Bruce Barrett July 28, 1997 Page 3 of 4 with your full beard and should not accompany the inmate. You continued your poor judgment and disregard.ed her warning as being an overreaction. You are not a physician. It is not your responsibility to Independently diagnose a patient and arbitrarily decide that the precautions that were put in place could be Only a disregarded based on your opinion. Yet. that is exactly what you did. physician can make the determination that a patient does not have Ta. That confirmation did- not occur until March 1 7. 1997. By flagrantly disregarding the above cited procedures. you not only potentially put your own health at risk, but that of your fellow staff members and the inmates you are charged to medically treat. -- Your failure to perform your duties safely and per established policy also contributed to a $2,000 fine being levied against MICC by the Department of Labor and Industries. By your actions, you neglected your duty as a health care professional and DOC employee. By your own admission, you were familiar with the above cited policy but willfully choose to violate it and accompany the inmate to wce. As a Health Care Specialist you have contact with inmates and staff throughout the institution. and your unrepentant disregard for policy carries a higher degree of potential to adversely impact MICC's ability to safely treat inmates and protect staff members and inmates from unnecessary infections. Your actions are so egregious that they rise to the level of gross misconduct. As a health care professional with over 19 years of experience, I am disappoir.ted in your lack of judgment and egotistical attitude. You are not above policy. I expect you to follow established ~olicies and practice your profession safely. The policies you arbitrarily ignored are established for your and others' protection. Had your "diagnosis" been wrong, not only would you have possibly infected yourself with T8, but you would have needlessly secondarily effected countless staff members and inmates. You put yourself above medical protocol that is designed to not only protect you, but others as well. Your actions are inexcusable and this institution paid for your arrogance with a $2,000 fine. The role you modeled was contradictory to the actions you took ensuring accompanying staff were properly fit tested and protected during the transport of the inmate. Sending a 'Do as I say, not as I d?' message is completely unacceptable and below the standard of professional. performance re'quired of·any DOC employee. Based on your actions and your inabilitY to see the ramifications of your actions, I conclude that the sanction described in the first paragraph of this letter is appropriate. Attachment(s) one through five are attached hereto and by this reference, made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein. tl76G AL~21-91 THU 12:31 WPEA HQ OLVl1PIA FAX NO. 3803577621 P.01 Bruce Barrett July 28, 1997 Page 4 of 4 Under the provisions of WAC 358-20-010 and 358-20-040, you have the right to appeal this action OR to file a grievance per Article lOaf the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Department of Corrections and the Washington Public Employees Association. If you file an appeal, it must be filed in writing at the Office of the Personnel Appeals Board, 2828 Capitol Boulevard, Olympia', Washington 98501, within thirty (30) days after the effective date stated in the first paragraph of this letter. ., The Merit System Rules, WAC's, Department of Corrections policies and the Collective Bargaining Agreement are available for your review upon request. ~ Belinda D. Stewart, Superintendent McNeil Island Corrections Center Attachment(s): cc: Tom Rolfs, Director, Division of Prisons Jennie Adkins, Director, Division of Human Resources Donna Grazzini, WWC Area Personnel Manager Rose Mattison, MiCe Personnel Officer Unda Dalton, Sr. Assistant Attorney General Employee Personnel File 0767 CHASE RlVaANO Secretary RECEIVED .- AUG 5 1997 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS McNEIL ISLAND CORRECllONS CENTER P.O. Box 900 • Steilacoom, Washington 98388-0900 .July 28, 1997 Bruce Barrett PERSONAL SERVICE -CONFIDENTIAL Mr. Barrett: This is official notification of your suspension in your position as a Correctional Health Care Specialist 2 with the Department of Corrections (DOC), McNeil Island Corrections Center (MiCe) Range 59 Step K at $4,315 per month effective August 17, 1997 through August 24, 1997. This disciplinary action is taken pursuant to the authority of the Civil Service Laws of Washington State, Chapter 41.06, RCW, and the Merit System Rules, Title 356 WAC (MSR), Section 356-34-010 (1) (a) Neglect of .duty, (h) Gross misconduct and (i) Willful violation of published employing agency or Department of Personnel rules or regulations, and 35 6-34-030-Suspension--Duration--Procedure. Specifically, you neglected your duty, committed gross misconduct and willfully violated departmental policy when on March 14, 1997, by your own admission, you were improperly masked when you accompanied Inmatell DOC No. ~hO was possibly infected with an active case of Tuberculosis (TB), to the Washington Corrections Center (WCC) .. You have a full beard, which does not allow the HEPA mask to form a proper seal. This incident is described in detail in the Employee Conduct Report (ECR) completed on June 10, 1997 (Attachment 1). - As an employee of this department, you have a duty to follow all departmental and institutional procedures and to perform your duties safely. Also, as a Correctional Health Care Specialist, you act as a role model for other staff to follow. When they see you blatantly disregarding established procedures, you reflect the poorest of examples. You admitted being aware that you were violating policy. You knew that because you wear a full beard, the HEPA mask cannot be fit tested on you. Despite this knowledge, you dismissed the precautions as being a "farce." Even when a nurse told you that you were not properly masked, you disregarded her warning and chose to accompany the inmate. You knew what you did was wrong, but felt you were above following the appropriate protocols. (:769 Bruce Barrett July 28, 1997 Page 2 of 4 On September 10, 1993, you signed an "Acknowledgment of Receipt of DOC Employee Handbook" stating that you agreed to become familiar with and have a .thorough knowledge and understanding of its contents (Attachment 2). By your actions, you failed to follow the Department Expectations outlined on Page 3 of that handbook (Attachment 3), which states in pertinent part: "DEPARTMENT EXPECTATIONS As a repr~sentative of the Department of Corrections, yoYwillbe expect~d to: * Conduct yourself and perform your duties safely;" By your signature on a memorandum entitled, "Responsibility for Operation Instructions/Policies and Procedures" (Attachment 4), on March 1, 1993, you acknowledged your responsibility to become familiar with and follow MICC Operational Instructions, Policies and/or Procedures. You failed to comply with MICC Field Instruction 890.610 - Employee Tuberculosis & HEPA Respirator Program (Attachment 1, pages 12 : 23), which states in pertinent part: "4. Respiratory Protection - HEPA Respirator Program g. Facial Hair - Individuals assigned to wear HEPA respirators shall follow manufacturer's recommendations regarding facial hair that interferes with the seal of the HEPA respirator." The manufacturer's recommendations (Attachment 5) state in pertinent part: "Q: Is there a different protocol to be followed when Fit Testing an Employee who has facial hair? A: No; however, OSHA will not allow a person with facial hair to be fit tested for a respirator if the facial hair interferes with obtaining a facial fit. " On March 14, 1997, you' took it upon yourself to diagnose Inmate"DOC No. ~hom you were accompanying with the transport Correction~fficers to ~ o t having active TB and wore the HEPA mask over your full beard during the trip. In fact, you fit tested the correctional officers who made up the rest of the transport team. It is inconceivable to me that you took the time to ensure other staff were properly fit tested and then modeled opposite behavior. "Additionally, RN Nancy Armstrong confronted you, telling you that you could not be properly masked 076~ Bruce Barrett July 28, 1997 Page 3 of 4 with your full beard and should not accompany the inmate. You continued your poor judgment and disregarded her warning as being an overreaction. You are not a physician. It is not your responsibility to independently diagnose a patient and arbitrarily decide that the precautions that were put in place could be disregarded based on your opinion. Yet, that is exactly what you did. Only a physician can make the determination that a patient does not have TB. That confirmation did not occur until March 17, 1997. By flagrantly disregarding the above cited procedures, you not only potentially put your own health at risk, b4t that of your fellow staff members and the inmates you are charged to medically treat. Your failure to perform your duties safely and per established policy also contributed to a $2,000 fine being levied against MiCe by the Department of Labor and Industries. By your actions, you neglected your duty as a health care professional and DOC employee. By your own admission, you were familiar with the above cited policy but willfully choose to violate it and accompany the inmate to WCC. As a Health Care Specialist you have contact with inmates and staff throughout the institution, and your unrepentant disregard for policy carries a higher degree of potential to adversely impact MICC's ability to safely treat inmates and protect staff members and inmates from unnecessary infections. Your actions are so egregious that they rise to the level of gross misconduct. As a health care professional with over 19 years of experience, I am disappointed in your lack of judgment and egotistical attitude. You are not above policy. I expect you to follow established policies and practice your profession safely. The policies you arbitrarily ignored are established for your and others' protection. Had your "diagnosis" been wrong, not only would you have possibly infected yourself with TB, but you would have needlessly secondarily effected countless staff members and inmates. You put yourself above medical protocol that is designed to not only protect you, but others as well. Your actions are inexcusable and this institution paid for your arrogance with a $2,000 fine. The role you modeled was contradictory to the actions you took ensuring accompanying staff were properly fit tested and protected during the transport of the inmate. Sending a 'Do as I say, not as I do' message is completely unacceptable and below the standard of professional performance required of any DOe employee. Based on your actions and your inability to see the ramifications of your actions, I conclude that the sanction described in the first paragraph of this letter is appropriate. Attachment(s) one through five are attached hereto and by this reference, made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein. 0770 Bruce Barrett July 28, 1997 Page 4 of 4 Under the provisions of WAC 358-20-010 and 358-20-040, you have the right to appeal this action OR to file a grievance per Article 10 of the Collective Bargaining. . Agreement between the Department of Corrections and the Washington Public Employees Association. If you file an appeal, it must be filed in writing at the Office of the Personnel Appeals Board, 2828 Capitol Boulevard, Olympia, Washington 98501, within thirty (30) days after the effective date stated in the first paragraph of this letter. The Merit Sys~em Rules, WAC's, Department of Correc:tions policies and the Collective Bargaining Agreement are available for your review upon request. ~../irJJIJJrt Belinda D. Stewart, Superintendent McNeil Island Corrections Center Attachment(s) : cc: Tom Rolfs, Director, Division of Prisons ,/'Jennie Adkins, Director, Division of Human Resources Donna Grazzini, WWC Area Personnel Manager Rose Mattison, MICC Personnel Officer Linda Dalton, Sr. Assistant Attorney General Employee Personnel File 0771 .. ' Suspension:_ _1,-W~e;.;e~k-:S~u;-;:s;.<:p..;:.e;.;,ns;;.;io~n..;.....I=S:-:-~:----:-_ (length) (Total Sloss) MICC Employee's Job Location -' Dismissal: Rose Mattison .-: ----......","""""--:--------~effective) _-:----/-11 ' ~ Assigned Personnel OfficerlPhone #. Date completed farm faxed to PO The attached disciplinary action has been reviewed as noted below. "This information is provided under the attorney/client relationship and invokes that privilege. It should be considered CONFIDENTIAL in nature: InitialslTitle DHR Director Date Approve Disapprove ........ Comments / / . -." .. .- ..... ..:.. " . '0 :- ...>"~'. ' , , ;·..... ··>t~ - . '"I' .ia..... ", ...", .. e hand deliver to all re iewers and return to Leslie carrigg, DHR , 8th Floor, upon completion. .) .- : A.·• .: .. ; •. -. # ~:> ,0' RECEIVED DEPARTMENT OF CORREcnONS I, ,lIol C) n EMPLOYEE PROFILE Page On. of Two -. &rr. tkaJ-IJ1 c1ztL ~a.fI V 1t'lCl7 Name Classification &re:tt.J &f-U.<. . Slatus DepartlTlent at CamlC1lons Clvision af Human Resources. Amount Current RangeJStep P-trYn PROPOSED AcnON: Sq/K PIO Date (Affects?) , _-..!.J-.!lN~c"<W:l!!i-k",--..:5~l.lld.aOlS'l-oeo5LnlJ,s~il"-Oo4,jOt..l- ;RANGEISTEP _ TOTAL LOSS I.D80 ($) ($) To From ~ ._-- JJ lfi- .:It I.JJ '31$ No.o~OJ ! i A. PERSONNBJPAY AcnONS IInfonnatjpn obtained fmm P-2 Oocyments): Original date 01 hire. date(s) of agencyflllStitution transfer(s), date(s) of promotion(s), date(s) of pay change(s) due 10 disciplinary actlon(s). etc. Ust only information which ;s fe/evant to the action being proposed. EFFEcnVE DATe 1 3-1-" ~ TYPE OF AcnON DATE OF HIRE CISCIPUNARY7 PA-·c. --_.- 2 '--- .~--- 3 4 ·l-···· - 5 -, 6 D Above Sadien continued on Page Two B. EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUAl10NS CATES (MCllYr) From To ~~3 to ~S to Ratings • Far Exceeds 3-'lLl F3 3-ct{p Ratings • Excaeds Ratings • Normal PrJ' T),e C- A.AD Ratings • Minimum Ratings • Falls MIn. Type rmments (Note If EPE Is par •• of Disciplinary Lettar) It E ff to to 10 . to 10 to D .- Above section continued on Page Two • Ust PerlormsnCII Dimensions: A'. Accampllshment of Job Requirements B • Job Knowledge and Competence C • Job Reliability o • Personal Relalions E • Communications SkiDs F • Perlormance as SupelVisor • Indicate Typs of Evaluation: P • Probationary A • Annual T - Trial S • Special 0773 EMPLOYEE PROFILE hge Two of Two c. otHER DOCUMENTAnON DATE 1 (Chronological Order) CODE- 3-'3.-~ "1 t- DESCRIPllON (Note he,.. If Included as part of previous discIplinary letter) l~----' ,- -I6em~-~ '/1 '- '-' 2 3 .. 4 5 6 - 7 . 8 o Above ~ion continued beloW..". posmve (letters of commendation, ele.) . ( ~) • NEGATIVE (Latters of reprimand. elc.) ( ;.) • NEUTRAL DOCUMENTS (Training certilicates. ele. - only if felevanl) * CODES: (+) • "" COMMENTS ANDIOR SECTIONS CONllNUED FROM PAGE ONE ANDIOR PAGE TWO (If needed) •••• -------------------------------------_. -'---, -------------------------------'---_._-_._-- THIS PROALE PREPARED BY, c6<L ~ J Slgnatura 0774 60 DAYS = 8/10/97 WPD = E 1 WEEK SUSPENSION June 17, 1997 PERSONAL SERVICE CONFIDENTIAL Mr. Barrett: This is official notification of your suspension in your position as a Correctional Health Care Specialist 2 with the Department of Corrections (DOC), McNeil Island Corrections Center (MICC) Range 59 Step K at $4,315 per month effective July 20, 1997 through July 26, 1997. This disciplinary action is taken pursuant to the authority of the Civil Service Laws of Washington State, Chapter 41.06, RCW, and the Merit System Rules, TItle 356 WAC (MSR), Section 356-34-010 (1) (a) Neglect of duty, (h) Gross misconduct and (i) Willful violation of published employing agency or Department of Personnel rules or regulations, and 35 6-34-030--Suspension-Duration--Procedure. Specifically, you neglected your duty, committed gross misconduct and willfully violated departmental policy when on March 14, 1997, by your own admission, you were improperly masked when you accompanied Inmatell DOC No ho was possibly infected with an active case of Tuberculosis (TBl, to the Washington Corrections Center (WCC). You have a full beard, which does not allow the HEPA mask to form a proper seal. This incident is described in detail in the Employee Conduct Report (ECR) completed on June 10, 1997 (Attachment 1). As an employee of this department, you have a duty to follow all departmental and institutional procedures and to perform your duties safely. Also, as a Correctional 077~ Bruce Barrett June 17, 1997 .Page' 2 of 6 Health Care Specialist, you act as a role model for other staff to follow. When they see you .blatantly disregarding established procedures, you reflect the poorest of examples. You admitted being aware that you were violating policy. You knew that because you wear a full beard, the HEPA mask cannot be fit tested on you... Despite this knowledge, you dismissed the precautions as being. a "farce." Even when a nurse told you that you were not properly masked, you disregarded her warning and chose to accompany the inmate. You knew what you did was wrong, but felt you were above following the appropriate protocols. On September 10, 1993, you signed an "Acknowledgment of Receipt of DOC Employee Handbook" stating that you agreed to become familiar with and have a thorough knowledge and understanding of its contents (Attachment 2). By your actions, you failed to follow the Department Expectations outlined on Page 3 of that handbook (Attachment 3), which states in pertinent part: "DEPARTMENT EXPECTATIONS As a representative of the Department of Corrections, yoy will be expected to: 0776 Bruce Barrett June 17, 1997 .Page 3 of 6 Conduct yourself and perform your duties· safely;" • By your signature on a memorandum entitled. "Responsibility for Operation Instructions/Policies and Procedures" (Attachment 4), on March 1, 1993, you acknowledged your responsibility to become familiar with and follow MiCe Operational Instructions, Policies and/or Procedures. You failed to.comply with MiCe Field Instruction 890.610 - Employee Tuberculosis & HEPA Respirator Program (Attachment 1. pages 12 - 23), which states in pertinent" part: "4. Respiratory Protection - HEPA Respirator Program g. Facial Hair· Individuals assigned to wear HEPA respirators shall follow manufacturer's recommendations regarding facial hair that interferes with the seal of the HEPA respirator." The manufacturer's recommendations (Attachment 5) state in pertinent part: "Q: Is there a different protocol to be followed when Fit Testing an Employee who has facial hair? 0777 Bruce Barrett June 17, 1997 .Page 4 of 6 A: No; however, OSHA will not allow a person with facial hair to be fit tested for a respirator if the facial hair interferes with obtaining a facial fit... On March 14, 1997, you took it upon yourself to diagnose InmateliDOC No. ~hom you were accompanying with the transport Correctional Officers to wee, as not having active TB and wore the HEPA mask over your full beard during the trip. In fact, you fit tested the correctional officers who made up the rest of the transport team.zJt is inconceivable to me that you took the time to ensure. other- staff were properly fit tested and then modeled opposite behavior Additionally, RN Nancy Armstrong confronted you, telling you that you could not be properly masked with your full beard and should not accompany the inmate. You continued your poor judgment and disregarded her warning as being an overreaction. You are not a physician. It is not your responsibility to independently diagnose a patient and arbitrarily decide that the precautions that were put in place could be disregarded based on your opinion. Yet, that is exactly what you did. By flagrantly disregarding the above cited procedures. you not only potentially put your own health at risk. but that of your fellow staff members and the inmates you are charged to medically treat. '(our ta"llure to perform your duties safely and per established policy ()'l11!. - Bruce Barrett June 17,1997 'age 5 of 6 also contributed to a $2,000 fine being levied against MICC by the Department of ..abor and Industries. 3y your actions, you neglected your duty as a health care professional and DOC !mployee. By your own admission, you were familiar with the above cited policy but Nillfully choose to violate it and accompany the inmate to WCC. As a Health Care Specialist you have contact with inmates and staff throughout the institution, and (our unrepentant disregard for policy carries a higher degree of potential to adversely mpact MiCe's ability to safely treat inmates and protect staff members and inmates' from unnecessary infections. Your actions are so egregious that they rise to the level ::3f gross misconduct. As a health care professional with over t 9 years of experience, I am disappointed in your lack of judgment and egotistical attitude. You are not above policy. I expect you to follow established policies and practice your profession safely. The policies you arbitrarily ignored are established for your and others' protection. Had your "diagnosis'" been wrong, not only would you have possibly infected yourself with TB, but you would have needlessly secondarily effected. countless staff members and inmates. You put yourself above medical protocol that is designed to not only protect you, but others as well. your arrc~a\'\ce with Your actions are inexcusable and this institution paid for a $2,000 fine. The role you modeled was contradictory to th; .. {J779 Bruce Barrett June 17, 1997 .Page 6 of 6 actions you took ensuring accompanying staff were properly fit tested and protected during the transport of the inmate. Sending a 'Do as I say, not as I do' message is completely unacceptable and below the standard of professional performance required of any DOC employee. Based on your actioris and your inability to see the ramifications of your actions, I conclude that the sanction described in the first paragraph of this letter is appropriate. Attachment(s) one through five are attached hereto and by this reference, made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein. Under the provisions of WAC 358-20-010 and 358-20-040, you have the right to' appeal this action OR to file a grievance per Article 10 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Department of Corrections and the Washington Public Employees Association. If you file an appeal, it must be filed in writing at the Office of the Personnel Appeals Board, 2828 Capitol Boulevard, Olympia, Washington 98501 , within thirty (30) days after the effective date stated in the first paragraph of this letter. The Merit System Rules, WAC's, Department of .Corrections policies and the Collective Bargaining Agreement are available for your review upon request. Belinda D. Stewart, Superintendent McNeil Island Corrections Center A ttachment(s): cc: Tom Rolfs, Director, Division of Prisons Jennie Adkins, Director, Division of Human Resources Donna Grazzini, WWC Area Personnel Manager Rose Mattison, MICC Personnel Officer Linda Dalton, Sr. Assistant Attorney General Employee Personnel File 0780 OEPi\ATMarr OF CORRECTIONS EMPLOYEE CONDUCT REPORT THIS FORM TO BE USED IN COMPLIANCE WITH POLICY DIRECTIVE NO. 857.005 INSTRUCTIONS AND TIME UMITS: 1. The person making the report shall provide a clear description of the incident under "Description of Incident" and. with any witness(es) or person(s) having knowledge. shall sign in the space provided and submit to the supervisor of the involved employee within fourteen (14) calendar days after the date of discovery of an employee's alleged misconduct. ~ 2. The form shall be submitted to the employee involved who shall complete the "Employee's Statement" and return the report to his I her supervisor within seven (7) calendar days following the date of receipt 3. The appropriate supervisor shall review the facts of the incident. complete the "Supervisor's Report" and submit the report to the Office Head within seven (7) calendar days following the date of receipt. 4. The Office Head or designated representative shall review and within thirty (30) calendar days following the date of receipt determine whether misconduct has occurred. This shall be reported under "Administrative Comments" and shared with the employee. When the supervisor and Office Head are the same per.son. the supervisor's supervisor shall complete the Administrative Comments. EMPl.oyu_ll\.vm I QAGANZAnc»w. UHT Health Services Bruce Barrett PQ5ITlQHnlU DATIl C1" IHCDEHT I3-14-97 P sicians Assistant TIME Cl' IHCDEHT I11:30 DESCRIPTION OF INCIDENT: On Aoril 2, 1997, I became aware that you placed yourself at risk for possible exposUre to 'IE in the transport of i n m a t e _ Your facial hair did not allow the Heoa mask to orovide a protective seal for you. ~llfully 890.610 Emoloyee Tub~cu1osis You disregarded MICC Field Instruction and Heoa Rest>i..rator Program. INITlATCD BY: lWoIE ll'I.l!AU-n iartin L ons WITNeSS(ES): J'an AI:ms tron ATTACHMENT ..!... PG .L OF :it. () 7. 81 RECEIVED ,;23 APl2. '11 \'A:'!e:l11Wld c.c. DATCDELIVEREO TO EMPLOYEE "",it:' )YEE'S STATEMENT: Signature of Employee: ~VISOR'S REPORT: DATe RECEIVED BY SUPERVISOR .\ &Tilte '-th . Signature 0' Supervisor: Dale: IIsnAnveCOMMENTS; CATe RECElVec BY OFFICIO HeAD raZe met on May 19. 199 7 to di SC l l SS Persannel OffiGer RQse MattisQa, available to me. I 1:' ha~e '0' BY: Also present was tbi 5 EeR &asQd OR tee information determined that miseeeeaet aid eeSQE. '1:' acLicIt will follow ttnder separate cover. A~CHMarrl-PG~OF~ S~."IW··'6kr4fJ~ OffIce Head: _ 0782 oate:Ho :917 -J: E'AHR ;~A;:~';~R'!E MCNE!!.. !~:_AND ~ cr::r::.. i40~ COMMERCiAL STE~LACOOM ~ROM: S: ~:JC-DP-r~-M::' ~6:.:;6~~9 ~T-01 W~ y8388- STEwART BELIND~ MCNEIL ISLAND C.C. ·35 SETTLER STREET STEILACOOM ~·;'.'-97 GT;:;. DOC-DP-ri-BS~ 7-MAY-97 15:48:04 WA 96388- :uaJECT: RE: EXTENS!ON DOC-DP-~i-MB6/HA~62294~e --------------------------------------------------------------------------STEWAF:T BELINDA DOC-DP-I1-BSD :RGM: 3AHR MARJORIE Doc-n:='-ri -MB6 )ATE: WEDNESDAY 7-MAY-97 AT 2:~SPM ;UBJECT: EXTENSION :N 4/25 I ASKED FOR AN EXTEN;ION ON NANCY ARMSTRGN~:S ECR !NVEST!G~T:GN. ~ARrLYN SA!D SHE WO!lLD GET IT TO YOU. i HAVE NOT REC~!VED THE 'JRITTEN WORD. : Ar~ZD FOR THE EX7~NS!CN 3ECAUS~ I CCULD NOT !NTERIIEW THE STAFF INVOLVED BEFQR~ GOING ON VACATION. I WILL HAVE THE :NVES7IGATION COMFLETE BY 5ii2. MESSAGE AMENDED BY: DCC-DP-!i-MB6 BAHR ON: WED MARJJRI~ 7-MAY-97 AT: 3.07PM . ~.'4&._ •. MESSA;E AMENDED BY: ~!M ... _- DQC-DP-~1-MB6 BA~R MARJORIE ON: w~~ 7-MAY-97 AT: J:07?M SCRRY! THE EXiENZrON wAS ON ER~CE BARRET;. ..... _ .. RQUTED eN: W~~ 7·-MAY-?7 AT FROM: DGC-DP-I1-MB6 BAH~ MARJORIE ~Q: DOC-DP-I~-BSD STEW~RT B~L!NDA D~C-DF·-:1-B=D .. -. :"1;, :;~G. YOUR EXTENTION IS ST~WA~T BELINDA • ~PPRGVEJ. ON: wED 7-MAY-97 A7: DOC-DP-li-BSD STEWART BELINDA TO: DOC-DP-I1-ME6 BAHR MARJCR!~ RO~TED 3'48P~ FF=:rJM: -----------------~------------------------------------------_._------------! ~ END OF MESSAG~ ~ ~ PRINTED GN 7-MAY-97 AT 16:06:25 MA* 8229423 078: ATTACHMENT .l- PG 2.... OF l....lf ~se RIVElANO S8a'sCllly STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS McN8L ISLAND.CORRECTIONS CENTER P. o. Box 900. St8ilaccom. WashingtDn 983SS-lJ9OO May 12,1997 TO: Belinda 1>. Stewart, Superintendent FROl\tI: Marg Babr, CPM SUBJECT: ECR ON BRUCE BARRETT. INITIATED ON APRIL 1S, 1997 iiiIiIed I have investigated the ECR issued to Bruce Barrett on April 15, 1997. The ECR alleges that Mr. . himself at risk for possible exposure to TB in the transport of~ .... The following staff were interviewed: Bruce Barrett, PAC; Marty Lyons, acting HCM; and Nancy Armstrong, RJ."\(. During my investigation, I • • • • • • • r~viewedand considered the following attachments: MICC Field Instruction 890.610, Employee Tuberculosis and Hepa Respirator Program. Medical Records Report by Dr. Baker, Cpt. Surgeon at Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, Washington. Written statement by Dr. AIdan Huff, acting Medical Director at MICe. Written statement by Dr. Kenneth Ritter. E-mail from Bruce Barrett written on March 18, 1997 to Marty Lyons, acting He~I. Addendum submitted by. Bruce Barrett on May 9, 1997. Order written by Bruce Barrett dated March 14, 1997. Mr. Barrett was interviewed on April 28 ~ 1997. Also present was' Dale Reed, Chief Shop Steward. Mr. Barrett bad the following statement to add to his response submitted on April 22, 1997. Mr. Barrett maintains that there was no risk to himself when he accompanied imnate _ t o wce on Match 14, 1997. Mr. Barrett states it was his clinicaljudgmem (which is supported by three physiciaos) that ~d not have active TB. Mr. Barrett continues to mainrain that the only reason inma~as placed in isolation was to alleviate the fears of the nursing staff and not based on the diagnosis of inma~vingactive TB. Mr. Barrett states when he received' a telephone call from Mr. Lyons, acting HCM, on March 14, ATTACHMENT \ .PG tf. OF 3Y- 0784 :- Belinda D. Stewart, Superintendent Page !. ~y 12,1997 _to 1997, directing him to get inmate wce, it was decided that a nurse would not accompany the inmate. Mr. Barrett felt at this time it was up to him~ done the best way he could. When Mr. Barrett decided he would ~ ~ _ wce, he did take the following precautions: he wore a Hepa mas~ • ore a mas~ the van bad a solid shield, and the windows of the van were kept open. ~~ns was intet1liewed on May 7, 1997. Mr. Lyons stated the decision to place inmate ~ isolation was made to alleviate nursing fears and to avoid the complications of the problems incurriieedith . te Cruz. Mr. Lyons also stated that he called ~rr. Barrett and told him to get inmate transferred to WCC and that a nurse ~accompany him. ~rr. Lyons states he no ecify who should accompany inma~he left that up to Mr. Barrett. _0 Nancy Armstrong, RN, was interviewed on May 7, 1997. Also present was Bob Hall.~Union Rep. Ms. Armstrong stated when she found out Mr. Barrett was going to accompany inmate .' wce, she told him it was inappropriate because he bad a beard and could not be fit-· tested with an N95 TB mask. Findin~ of Fact inmate_CO Bruce Barrett, PAe, wrote the order to transfer wee on March 14, 1997. Item #3 scates full respiratory precautions en route. Mr. Barrett was aware that with a full beard the Hepa mask would not seal properly. Nancy Armstrong reminded him that it was inappropriate for him to accompany inmate_WCe because he bad a full beard and could not be fitted properly for a Hepa mask. Mr. Barrett made the decision to accompany iIuna~to wec based on clinical judgmentthat was supported by three physicians and that ~ a s in isolation to alleviate the fears of nursing staff, not that he had active TE. . MB:ksf cc: Bruce Barrett, .PAC Personnel Officer Attachments 0785 - - ATTACHMENT I PG S OF 3U - RECEIVED ;1'; Aflft. q 1 TO: MARTIN LYONS, ACTING HCA FROM: BRUCE H. BARRETT. PAC AE: ECA DATE SIGNED BY YOU 04115/97 As you are already?-ware, Inmate_ ~(not 973123) sustained a stab wound to the upper abdomen on or about o'l/25i97. The stab wound penetrated . the abdomen, the mediastinum and the pe ricardium necessitating evacuation to Madigan Army Medical Center. There he underwent emergency surgery because of hemorrhage in the mid chest. Following surgery, he developed severe life threatening complications including intractable atrial'fibrillation that required electrical defibrillation and adult respiratory distress syndrome that required specialized pulmonary interventions. A common complication of surgery this extensive and sequalae this severe is postoperative pneumonia due to the patients inability to effectively breathe deeply and clear secretions from the lungs. Inmate_evelcped such a . pneumonia as documented on an xray taken following his return to MICC. Though Or. Arkless commented on TS in that repert it in no way means that this patient had TB. In fact the films were classic for postoperative pneumonia and that was the conclusion of myself, and Drs. Huff and Ritter. Films taken in the trauma unit at Madigan showed no· evidence of any TB or preexisting pneumonia TB does not develop in that short a time frame. There is an old axiom in medicine that states" When you hear hoof beats, think of horses, not zebras". That kind of thinking leads to correct diagnosis and cost effective treatment. This information was shared with you en several occasions including the pre-transfer teleconference With staff at WCC. A chest xray taken immediately prier to the transfer to WCC was read as almost complete clearing of the pneumonia as expected. It was understood by all medical staff i~ Drs. Huff and Ritter. that the first xray had been "overread" and that Inmat~ had postop pneumonia and not TS. This was understood even before the second xray was taken. Given the recent history of outside investigations and the ~rvasive in certain nursing staff, a decision was made to isolate inmate~his was strictly as administrative admission meant, not to determine if the inmate had T8, but rather to keep certain nurses from creating further problems. You were fully aware of this as the admission was discussed with you at length. Regarding to the transfer, it was done with your full knowledge. support and encouragement. If you recall, LPN O'Connor had volunteered to attend the inmate on the transfer. This was discussed with you telephonically with Nancy Armstrong, RN. Infectious Disease, Tracy Rich and myself. We all agreed that sending LPN O"Connor was not in the best interests of the institution and was simply asking for trouble. ATIACHMENT -L PG ~ OF ~ 078 S You stated that you we~e sitting with Steve Ramsey, CPM and Selinda Stewart, Supt and that they wanted this transfer facilitated immediately. This was in response to a missing logbook that was used to record entries into the inmate's negative pressure room. It was felt that there was mischief afoot and that it was prudent to transfer this inmate. This transfer was done for purely administrative purposes, not for any compelling medical reason. It was decided that I would accompany the inmate on this transfer to mitigate any further problems with the supposed level of care he had been receiving. I did so with your full support, knowledge, encouragement and thanks. . The diagnosis of TB is not made radiographically. Xrays are but one smaIl part of a total assessment of a patient The diagnosis is made by carefu~sing the patient's history, physical findings, laboratory and xray. Inmate~ad none of the historical facts to support a diagnosis nor any physical findings to support a diagnosis' of TS. He had no persistent cough, nighttime sweats, low grade fever or weight loss. He had all the classic signs and symptoms of postoperative pneumonia. My assessment, along with Drs. Huff and Ritter, were confirmed by James Billingsley, M.D., pulmonologist, who reviewed the films. Dr. Billingsley's 30 years of experience as Pierce County's TB medical officer speaks for itself. We have relied on his exp.ertise several times in the past as your may recall. My 20 plus years as a double board certified physician assistant should count for something. Those of us who have practiced along time know that we treat patients and not lab slips or xray reports. Not all abnormalities found on xray or lab slips are factual or important They are scrutinized acted upon according to other data To do otherwise would put malpractice and extraordinarily expensive. That is what you pay us for...correct. conscientious and cost effective diagnosis and care. and In short, it was clear to all intimately inVOlved, that this inmate did not have TB and never did. He had uncomplicated postoperative pneumonia His admission and subsequent transfer were purely administrative. The admission was a charade to prevent certain nurses from creating more trouble and to mitigate any second guessing that they might attempt. Nonetheless, they seem to have done it anyway. Personally, I am stunned and hurt by any accusation that I would put myself, (and ultimately my children), or anyone else for that matter at risk for any disease process. am also hurt by the sudden and unexpected reversal of support by you for the care I have dutifully delivered here at MiCe for the past 4 years. I dare say, I go beyond what is expected of me in my current position. While we lack a medical director in the formal sense, I have done What I can to hold the medical staff together and allow us to continue to deliver that high-quality of medical care that you have every right to expect ATTACHMENT _l PG ..J.. OF . 0787 1::1 RECEIVED "-3 AP~ q, '::"eillsland c.c. KJIOitaI I suspect that this ECR action was generated at a higher administrative level and most likely did not originate in yo.ur office. It would ~e intere$ting to I<now Wt'Jo i$ J'1andiing the L&.I investigation that this all has come out of. I am also aware that I am not the only one who has been ECR'd over this transfer. I also suspect that this action was taken to appease the investigator of me Dept. of Labor and Industries. it is a sad statement indeed that line staff are made scapegoats to cover for administration's inability to effectively deal With a nursing department that is in chaos and rebellion; a department that lacks leadership, solidarity of purpose or directIon. it is increasingiy clear that a few nurses feel that they have authority over the medical staff from whom they should rightly be taking orders. That may not be entireiy their fauit as there has been no effective leadership in the department of nursing for several years. There are far too many personal agendas at work there. [t is time the whole truth of the department of nursing at MiCe be known. It is beyond the scope on this ECR response but there is ample evidence of Willful disregard for patient care, ethics. authority, statutory and regulatory law as well as outright coercion. I pray that someone i'las U'le courage and fortitUde to act and act soon before we have another Purdy fiasco. All this has taken its toll on the confidence that medical staff has in this administration. it appears that MiCe Heaith Services rlas become an increasingiy hostlie work environment where staff lie in wait for each other to stab them in the back. usurp authority, confuse and contradict. maiign and siander, steal and iie. I will be represented at the hearing by Dale Stewart. Chief Stewart. WPEA. cc: file WPEA Dale Stewart. Chief Stewart Exhibits: Various xray reports Letter irom Arden Hun, MD Letter from Kenneth Ritter, MD Letter from James Biilingsley.MD Memo to Marty Lyons, Acting HCA -VaFiol:ls et=\af't Retes from the file Personnel file copies 0_ .,. 0788 ATTACHMENT -L PG .1. OF -3 Lf TO: BARRETT BRUCE DOC-DP-Il-BBR 18-Mar- 9 l-Q9:30:1S MCNEIL ISLAND CORR. CNTR. RECEIVED P.O. BOX 900 MS: WT-Ol .;l,3, APe- q., STEILACOOM WA 98388" FROM:' 'BARRETT BRUCE /fq DOC-DP-Il-BBR 18-Mar-97 oV~r~$ MCNEIL IS~ CNTR. P.O. BOX 900 MS: WT-Ol STEILACOOM WA 98388SUBJECT: _ _ DOC-DP-Il-BBR/MA~78~3a13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------To : LYONS MARTIN .h.. From: BARRETT BRUCE~ Date: Tue~Mar-97 at Subject: _ DOC-DP- Ii-MLl DOC-DP-Il-BER 9:2~am I just spoke with James Billingsley, MD, St. C are Hospital. He reviewed the films t~~en here and stated that inmate id have a pneumonia on the first film that has complete y reso ved on the second taken eight days later. He sees no evidence of tuberculosis. He does not feel that the inmate needs to be isolated. He does believe that given h~s recent conversion of his PPD he should be placed on a supervised INn program for six months per the DOC ~,d DOH protocols.,' He will dictate or handwrite a consultation note and mail it to me today. Please notify those involved. th~~~ you. hard copy to follow. --------------------------------------------------------------------------* * End of Message * * Printed on 18-Mar-97 at 09:30:25 MA# 7843813 ...... 07~ ATIACHMENT I PG Cl OF 3 tt TO: BARRETI' SRUCE OOC-DP-I1-BBR MCNEIL ISLAND CORR. CNTR. P.O. BOX 900 MS: WT-01 WA 98388STEILACOOM FROM:" SARRETT SRUCE MCNEIL IS.LU">.I''''~ ORR. CNTR. P.O. BOX Q 0 MS: WT-O~ STEILACO M WA 98388- SUBJECT: _ _ 12:24:50 ~4-Mar-97 RECEIVED 23 "~x=.. q, OOC-OP-I~-BBR 14-Mar-97 12:04:03 ...: .. Island c.c. ~ ~:::s::aw DOC-OP-I1-BBR/MA~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------ITO LYONS MARTIN IFROM BARRETT BRUCE IDATE Fr~Mar-97 at 12:04:pm ISUBJECTIIIIIIIIIII DOC-DP-I1-MLl OK DOC-OP-I1-BBR OK OK OK ! was informed by Tracy Rich, Health SerJices Secretary, that Judy Lobdell, RN and Barbara olcon~r N ere making inquiries resarding the proposed transport of inmate Specifically, Barbara O'Co~.ner had concerns rega=ding the inma e's psychiatric status in view of his cast historY of suicide attemcts. Ms. Rich told me she told her that if she had problems or questions-regarding the transfer to address them to me. This occurred at approximately 10:45A. I proceeded to go to the . Inpatient ~~it where I was immediately confronted by Nurse OICop_~er who stated she had concerns about this tranfers. I informed her that these" decisions were made by administration ~~d medical staff and that they were none of her concern. I also informed her that she was noe to meetle in this transfer any further. Later I ran into James McQuire,Me who had been called by Judy Lobdell. ! explained the situation to him and he said thathe would just say 'good bye' to the irJmate. Later, during a conference call involving you, myself and Tracy Rich, Nurse O'Conner entered Ms. Rich's office and tried to start a conversation. I informed her that this was not a good time and she was interr~pting. She continued to stand in the door for several seconds as if she wasn't going to leave. I again told "not now, this is not a good time n • She then left. I CC RICH TRACY Icc ARMSTRONG NANCY DOC-DP-I1-TRJ OK DOC-DP-Il-NAE OK --------------------------------------------------------------------------* * End of Message * * Printed on 14-Mar-97 at 12:24:56 MA# 07!)O ATIACHMENT ...L PG .lQ. OF ~ . TO: BARRETT BRUCE DOC-DP-Il-BBR MCNEIL ISLAND CORR. CNTR. P.O. BOX 900 MS: WT-Ol .STEILACOOM WA 98388- FROM: LYONS MARTIN MCNEIL IS CORR CTR P.O. BOX 900 STEILACOOM DOC-DP-Il-MLl 4-APr-?lE~~tv4~D J3 Ft/'(Z. '1} 3-Apr-97 !1n~U=rJ;Cf32 WA 98388-0000 SUBJECT: (EMS) Return receipt DOC-DP-I1-BBR/MA#7976999 --------------------------------------------------------------------------MAIL DELIVERY NOTIFICATION Your message MA# 7976711 entitled _ _ Created on 3-Apr-97 at 11:02:18; sent on 3-Apr-97 at 15:58:00 Destination: DOC-DP-I1-ML1 LYONS MARTIN The message was READ on 3-Apr-97 at 16:15:32 ......... Routed on: Thu 3-Apr-97 at: From: DOC-DP-I1-ML1 LYONS MARTIN To: DOC-DP-I1-BBR BP~~TT BRUCE 4:15pm. --------------------------------------------------------------------------* * End of Message * * Printed on 4-Apr-97 at 11:54:47 MA~ 7976999 87-91 ATIACHMENT t_ PG LL OF ~ . .. ~ '.~. TMENT OF CORRECTIONS Mice 890.610 ISION OF PRISONS u.£CTIIIt ll£Tl 10-21-94 PAGE 1 of 11-21-94 12 Employee Tuberculosis & HEPA Respirator Program AUTHORITY: DOP S90-DHR.610 PURPOSE: 'To establish guidelines to assist employees in the prevention, control, and treatment of tuberculosis (TB), consistent with Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Centers for' Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) .regulations and recommendations of the Washington State Department of Health (DOH). APPLICABILITY: All McNeil Island Corrections Center (MICC) employees, volunteers and individuals providing services under contract to McNeil Island Corrections Center as specifically defined herein. DEFINITIONS: Active TB Disease: The infectious stage of pulmonary TB based upon clinical diagnosis in which small droplets containing bacterium are produced in the lungs or la"rynx and can be broadcast into the air when infected people cough, sneeze, sing or talk. Assessment: Activities conducted by DOH TB Control to ensure that surveillance and containment measures are carried our effectively. BCG: A type of tuberculosis vaccine used in some parts of the world, but only rarely in the United States. Containment: Actions taken to diminish the transmission of tuberculosis infection. Health Care Unit: Any physical space designated by the superintendent where medical .treatment/services or health care is provided. Health Care Unit Employe~: Any DOC employee who is a health care provider and any other DOC employee who is assigned full-time, part-time, or on a regular and recurring basis to a DOC health care unit. D79~ ATIACHMENT _\._ PG ,;I.. OF 3lf MENT OF CORRECTlONS MICC 890.610 SION OF PRISONS PAGE 2 of 12 Health Care Provider: Thos~ DOC employees who, consistent with state law, provide health care or related services to offenders. This includes, but is not limited to physicians, dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, nurses, psychologists social workers, x-ray technicians, physician assistants, medical technicians, mental'health counselors, and nurse practitioners. . High Efficiency Particulate Air' (HEPA) Respirators: Respirators used in medical applications to assist 1n the prevention of infection airborne pathogens such as tuberculosis. High-Risk Occupation: Health care provid~rs and employees who transport offender(s) . with acti've or suspected TB disease. Induration: A raised, palpable ,area of hardened tissue. Intracutaneous: Within the substance of the skin. C.. Isoniazid (lNH): The drug most commonly used in the United States for preventive therapy of tuberculosis. . ' Mantoux Test: An intracutaneous. (skin) tuberculin test used to identify individuals infected with the tubercle bacillus. Mid-Level Provider: A physician assistant or nurse practitioner. . Occupational Exposure: An expos~re incident requiring an investigation and follow-up activities. Positive Skin Test: A reaction within 48 to 72 hours due to an intracutaneous injection of PPD in which the area becomes indurated. Purified Prot~in Derivative (PPD): The non-infectious'test material used in tuberculin skin testing. Surveillance: The identification and reporting of all tuberculosis cases. Suspected TB Disease: Individuals with at least three of the following signs/symptoms a productive cough of two ~eeks or more, coughing up blood, night sweats, loss of appetite, lethargy, weakness, anorexia, fever and/or an otherwise unexplained weight l o s s . ' . 079"3 • I, ATTACHMENT L PG ..!i OF ~ -- . _---- _ r::-:---~----,--_ ENT OF CORRECTIONS MICC 890.610 ON OF PRISONS l\WfOAlt UftCTM DArr 10-21-94 PAGE 3 11-21-94 of 12 Tubercle Bacillus: A microscopic organism that causes tuberculosis lesions in humans. Tuberculin: A soluble cell substance prepared from the tubercle bacillus which is used to determine the presence of a tuberculosis infection. This substance is· r:lot infectious. Tuberculin Test: A test to determine the presence of ~ tuberculosis infection based on positive reaction of subject to tuberculin. The local indurated reaction is observed in individuals after 48 to 72 hours. Tests do not distinguish if status is TB infection or disease. . Tubercuiosis (TB): A bacterial infectio~ which generally involves the lungs, usually .transmitted by the inhalation of droplets in the air which contain tubercle bacillus. FIELD INSTRUCTiON: The Health Care Manager shall manage the Employee T8 Control Program, and develop a process of documentation/inf~:m"ationcontrol with the DOH TB Control. Office. The Division of Human Resources, Safety and Occupational Health Section shall monitor the implementation of this field instruction. PROCEDURE: A. General 1. The possibility of airborne transmission of infection by the tubercle bacillus is high in an institutional setting therefore, the prevention and control of tuberculosis must be regarded as a priority health issue. 2. The control of tuberculosis fn a correctional setting is based on identification, assessment, surveillance, and containment. 3. A previous history of BCG vaccination, whether or not documented, shall not constitute a ~asis for deviating from the policies pertaining to prevention; control, and treatment as outlined elsewhere in this field instruction. 0794 ATIACHMENT.l... PG lL OF ~ . ITMENT OF CORRECTIONS I~SION MIce 890.610 OF PRISONS urrcnvf DAFf 11-~1-94 "WfOATt 10-21-94 PAGE B. 4 12 of ."-"1 ( .....: '. Prevention ofTB Transmission 1. Education. and training is a key factor in promoting occupational health. . . 2. a. Training shall be conducted for all MiCe employees, volunteers and individuals providing services under contract to MICC. b. Annual refresher training shall be conducted for those outlined in item a, above to provide updated information about occupational exposure issues. . The transmission of tuberculosis can be minimized by early identification of indiviauals with TB by use of a Mantoux Test. . a. All employees, volunteers and individuals providing services under· . contract to MiCe who wo~k in high-risk occupations and new individuals hired and assigned to a high-risk occupation shall . . 'submit to a baseline Mantoux test. C,' The Superintendent shall ensure that an adequate number 'of tested employees are available in the event of an emergency. b. Tuberculin testing shall be completed within. two weeks of employment or transfer to the work site and shall be provided at . no cost to the individual. Employment is not contingent upon test results, however new employee~'with a positive result may be required to undergo further testing and/or treatment prior to continuing work. . The only exceptions to this testing practice include the following: 1) Individuals granted a written waiver by the DOH TB Control Office. . . a) . To request a waiver from DOH, the employee must: 11 2) Complete the MiCe Request for Waiver of Tuberculin Testing (attached). Requests should include supportive medical information. 0\7 95 Submit the original request to .the DOH TB _ Program Coordinator and a copy of the request to the Mlee TB Km~Em'~~r·ISOF # 'MENTOFCQRREcnoNS Mice 890.610 SION OF PRISONS urrcnv, DArr "WI DAft 10-21-94 PAGE b) 2) 5 11-21-94 of 12 The employee must provide a copy of the response from the DOH to the MICC TS Program Coordinator. This information will be maintained in the Employee's Occupational Health Record. , Individuals documenting a positive Mantoux test result in the past and who are not exhibiting signs/symptoms of rS. c. Employees, volunteers and individuals providing services under contract t~ MiCe are not required to be tested in accordance with the provisions of this. field instruction, but shall be offered skin testing annually at no cost to them. d. All new employees, volunteers and contract service providers shall be offered baseline TS screening withif1 two weeks of employment· . and at no cast to them. . e. DOC.form 3-220, Tuberculosis Scree~ing Acknowledgement and Appointment Record must be completed whenever an employee' is offered or scheduled for a T8 skin test. Employees shall complete testing at the date, time, and location noted on the form and return a completed Tuberculin Screening form (DOC 3-216) as directed. f. Those who have a positive T8 skin test, or who submit documentation of a previous positive skin test, shall s'ubmit a physicians statement as to their T8 status within seven working. days. ' g. If an employee, volunteer or contract service provider is suspected of or has a confirmed case of active T8 disease, monitoring shall be provided by the DOH T8 Control Office. The individual shall be required to submit to and complete the prescribed treatment regimen. The individual shall submit a physiCians statement indicating they are not infectious before being allowed to return to the work place. Treatment shall not be conducted at MICC. 0796 ATTACHMENT .l.. PG JJpOF 2:\ .1ENT OF COAREcnONS ilON OF PRISONS 6 PAGE 3. of 12 h. Employees, volunteers or contract service providers who fail to complete diagnostic procedures or comply with the prescribed treatment regimen shall not be 'allowed access to the worksite until a physician clears them to return to work. 'Such individuals shall ,be subject to disciplinary action, up to' and including dismissal. i. All tuberculin tests shall be recorded on DOC Form 3-216, Tuberculin Screening. When completed, forms shall be filed in the employees Occupational Health Record. Respiratory Protection - HEPA Respirator Use &. Employees, volunteers and individuals providing services under contract to MICC who work in high risk occupations shall be responsible for· . knowing, understanding and complying with all policies, requirements and guidelines for the use of HEPA respirators. a. Prior to entenng medical/respiratory isolation in which an offenqer with active TB disease is under treatment. CDC guidelines with regards to wearing HEPA respirators shall be followed. b. When Health Care Unit Employees perform high hazard procedures, e.g. bronchoscopy, sputum induction,-endotracheal intubation, and suctioning procedures, on individuals who have .su~pected or confirmed TB disease, HEPA respirators shall be worn. c. . When emergency medical response personnel or other staff must move or, transport individuals with suspected or confirmed TB . disease, HEPA respirators shall be worn. When feasi~le, the rear windows of the vehicle shall be kept 'open and the heating and air conditioning system set on a non-recirculating cycle. d. To prevent contamination, HEPA respirators shall be used, handled and disposed of according to CDC standard medical practice, including the use of Universal Pre~autions when applicable. 0797 ......... ATIACHMENTl.. PG iJ OF ~ MENToF CoRRlCTlONS SION OF PRISONS 4. Respiratory Protection - HEPA Respirator Program a~ . b. Program Administration - The Health Care Manager is responsible for the respirator program implementation, administration and evaluation• Physiological and Psychological Umitations • The Health Care Manager shall ensure the appropriateness of HEPA respirators for each wearer is evaluated, using DOC Form 3-219, HEPA Respirator Medical Evaluation. When the appropriateness of respirator use is in question,. a physician's release shall be obtained at no cost to the employee before respirator issuance, testing or use will 'be authorized. The medical status of all . wearers shall be reviewed annually. c. Approved Respirators - Only HEPA respirators approved by the· National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the Mine Safety aIld Health Administration (MSHA) shall be used. Modification{s) of an approved respirator that is not authorized by the approving agencies is prohibited. d. Respirator Selection - HEPA respirators have been selected for preventing the spread of TB based on CDC guidelines and WISHA requirements. e. Training - Individuals required to wear respirators shall receive .training such that they become knowledgeable and proficient with respect to the respirator to' be worn. Training shall include the following elements: . 1) The reason for the need for respiratory protection; 2) The nature, extent and effects of respiratory hazards, to which the person may be exposed; 3) An explanation of why engineering controls are not adequate; o1eNT OF CORRECTIONS ilON OF PRISONS 5) An explanation of the operation and capabilities and limitations of the HEPA respirator; 6) Instruction in inspecting, donning, checking the fit and wearing the HEPA .respirator; 1) An opportunity for each respirator wearer to handle the respirator, learn how to don and wear it properly, check its seal, wear it in a safe atmosphere and wear it in a test !3tmosphere; 8) An explanation of how to properly store the respirator; 9) Instructions in ho'w to recognize and cope with emergency situations; and 10) Regulations concerning respirator use. Refr"esher training shall be given annually. "AU training shaU be acknowledged and recorded on DOC Form 3-217, Medical HEPA Respirator Fitting and Training Record. In addition, all respirator training shall be ~ocumented using HROIS code 01-07-SL~B~ If f. Respirator Fit - Each respirator wearer shall be fitted in accordance with WAC 296-62-07113 (3). Each wearer shall check the se~1 of the respirator by procedures recommended by" the manufacturer. Fit testing and checking shall be recorged on DOC , Form 3 - 2 1 7 . " g. Facial Hair - Individuals assigned to wear HEPA respirators shall . . follow manufacturer's recommendations regarding facial hair that interferes w~ the seal of the HEPA respirator. h. Issue of Respirators - Only the following two HEPA respirators are authorized for the" prevention of TB: - .. 1) UVEX HEPA-Tech 3010 - Approval No.:. TC-21 C-604; and 2) 3M Model 9970 - Approval No.: TC-21 C-437. ATIACHMENT l PG n G~"9 OF 3'--\. •• "MENT OF CORREcnONS SION OF PRJSONS i. Respirato~ Inspection - Respirators shall be inspected by the wear~~ pnor to each use to ensure that it is in proper working condition. If found to .be damaged, soiled or grossly contaminated, the respirator shall be discarded in accordance with Universal Precautions. . . . j. c. Ntonhoring Respirator· Use - Supervisory personnel shall periodically monitor the use of respirators to ensure they are used, worn properly and are in good working condition. k. Evaluating Respiratory Hazard - SurveilJance of work area conditions (Le. negative pressure room, etc.) requiring use of a HEPA respirator shall be conducted by supervisory personnel to ensure safe ,work practices. I. Medical and Bioassay Surveillance - Health Care Unit Employee screening data shall be used to assist in determining if respirator wearers are receiving adequate respiratory protection. m. !=lespirator Maintenance - Respirators shall be inspected as outlined in item i, ~bove. When not in use, respirators shall be placed in a clean paper bag to promote drying and stored in an appropriate locker or storage area. Storage bags shall be labelled to identify the wearer. n. Respirator Program Evaluation - An appraisal of the effectiveness of the respirator program shall be carried out annually by the MICC . Health Care Manager. Appropriate action shall be taken to correct defects found in the program. Protocol for Determining Frequency of Testing The frequency of TB testing for health care unit employees shall be determined based on the following assessment: 1. 2. o1ENT OF CORREcnONS Mice 890.610 ION OF PRISONS urrCTlllf DArr I1WfOATf 10-21-94 PAGE 3. 10 of 11-21-94 12 In the case of" an exposure incident, follow-up skin testing shall be conducted 10 to 12 weeks after the incident. Semi-annual skin testing shall commence six. months after follow-up skin testing. . 4. D. E. If, after the second round of semi-annual testing, MICC has not had a case of active TB disease during the previous year, annual skin testing . shall be scheduled. If MICC has had a case of active TB disease during that year, semi-annual skin testing of health care unit employees shall continue until no cases of active TB disease have been experienced . during the previous one year period. .' Employee Exposure to TB - TB Investigations 1. When a case of active TB disease is diagnosed and an employee, volunteer or contract service provider has had unprotected exposure to . the source-person, the DOH TB Control Office shall be immediately' notified. . . 2. DOH TS Control will conduct an investigation to ascertain the nature and extent ·of the exposure and recommend a proper course of action, treatment and follow-up. 3. Every employee, volunteer or contract service provider who has been exposed to ~ctive T8 disease shall comply with diagnostic procedures (xray and sputum ex~minations). 4. Testing immediately after exposur~ and re-testing shall be conducted as required by the DOH TB Control Office as part of the investigation. 5. Only thos~ who meet the criteria set forth' above (See Section S.2.b) shall be excluded from testing. Documentation and Record Keeping 1. Employee Screening and Evaluation a. Tuberculin test results shall be recorded in millimeters of induratioo'(diameter of tf)e test area). ~ w :;E .' . 08·G~ (QS o~ the screening results, med\ca\ eva\uatlons and "-~ "eCO . h \\ b intained in accordance 0.=: 01 'no -J treatment fe:amm:~_~~~\~~:~\n~~e ~~~oatiana\ Hea\th Records. 8 .tENT OF CORREcnON$ ION OF PRISONS ,. . .... ' MICC 890.610 urrcnv. DA" 11-21-94 ,PAGE 2. F.' 11 of 12 OSHA 200 Log a. When an employee, volunteer or contract service provider has a positive Mantoux Test, the incident shall be recorded on the OSHA 200 Log unless it is documented that this occurred prior to employment or that it occurred from .a non-work-related exposure. . . . b. If an individual's TB infection, which was entered on the OSHA 200 Log, progresses to TB disease within the five year maintenance period, the original entry for the infection shall be updated to reflect the status change. Relationship with the DOH Control Office The DOH TB Control Office provides the following s~lVices to the Department... of Corrections: 1. Provide medical and nursing consultation in assisting in the development of TB treatment protocols. . 2. Review and respond to written reques~s for waiver of Mantoux test requirements submitted by DOC employees. 3. Conduct on-site TB investigations when an exposure incident has occurred. REVIEW: This field instruction shall be reviewed biennially by the Superintendent/designee. Any changes or modifications shall be approved by the Command Manager. REFERENCES: ' DOC Infection Control Handbook; DOC Policy 670.001; RCW 70.28; WAC 246-318-. 040, 296-62-07113(3)~ 0802 AlTACHMENT ~ PG J20F .251 .teNT OF CORRECTIONS ilON OF PRISONS 8 - ....... Mice 890.610 PAGE 12 of 12 S.UPERSESSION: . None. Date , . l a:\wardwin\80OSER\ t 8 ·Oetaber 1994 0883 '.- { ..,.... .. : " STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS' McN8L ISLAND CORReCTIONS CENTER SteiJa=am. Washington 98388-0900 P.o. Sox 88900 • McNEIL ISLAND CORRECOONS CENTER .ReQuest for WaiVer ofTubemdin Temn: Kay Anqerson TB Control Program Coordinator, DOH 1511 3rd Ave Suite 201 MS: Kl717 To: Seattle, WA 98101 _-----a--I~_S«urily_Na.; ---,--1-__ -I.. 11...-"- I_CIIl::. I am requesting a waiver for tuberculin testing for the foUowing reason(s): NOTE: Supportive medical inf'onnation must be attached to this request. Employee Signature Date 08 Q"J Distribution: Original· DOH tB Control Program Coordinator .Copy· MIce TB Control Coordinator AITACHMENT ..!- PG ~~ OF .2.4 .. -.. ._.'. :" '" ,--,: -- -:--. AOM!'!"I'ED : :BRIEP J.9 February .gISTaR~/~ek 1:997 D!5CHA.~GED : POR ADMISSION: The patient is a 57:-year-old whit~ ~bo was flown from his correctio~ faci*ity holding area. ac.M~te~l Ielaad where he was found down Jon a rest room having· sustained a stab wound to the subxiphoid. L"'"'ea. He was Doted to be surrounded by a large amount of blood but was conscious at the scene.' . -Rei was emer.gently flown to Madigan A:rmy Medical Center Bmerg-enCy Room for ,treatment of his inj1.1.l.-y. BRIEF ~~y OF F.OSPITAL ca~, 'rnBATMENT AND S!GNtE'!CAN'r FDmINC=s: In the emergency reom tee patJ.e.nt wa,s. a.oted to have a single st:ab wound. in the subxiphoid and e.pigastric a=ea, with ongoing bleeding' . which was not c01;1trollable., He was. hemodynamically stable t hcwever and was' semi-urgently consented and prept:led for an operative , I . exploration. The patient underN'ent an upper midline abdominal incision iz:!. the . ope:=.tiIlg' =cern a:ld a bleeding left internal mammary arte:::-:! was noted, controlled ligated. The peric:a=dium was ooenec. ~d a sic:1ificant amount of blood was ncted.. The~g=ore he",e!:t a med.ia=. ste~otcmy to furthe= explor: his mediastinum for ongoi~g bleeding. The e~lcratioIl was' essentially ne-=ati'/e a."1d he was closec. and taksm" to the-Intensive Care Unit: where recovered initially without , .' h.e .. event. On ncstoce~ative dav 2 his chest'x-=av was essentially no~al ~~d r~s s~gle mediastinal ~hest tube was r;~oved. Oc ~ostope~ative day 3,' he developed an increasing oxygen r:quirern~~t without ~y evidence of carbon dioxide ret~ai~i~g pathology and bis chest x-ray rat~e= acutely cha~ged t~ reveal pulmona~! edema almost of the adult respirat.ory c..istres~ syndrome (ARDS) picture ty:se. Eis cX~lS'en ~~'C'ClementatioIl reauired high flows a:d maximal a~~ocrt wit~ CPAP to malntai~ a.saturation L"1 the low 90s. -on postonerative day 4 ha also went i~to aerial fibrillation with a rapid ventricula= response his hemcdyna.~c parameters remained stable he became more difficult: to a~e~ately oxygenate. ,Ee was started on Oiltiazam bolus ~~d d:ips without control, was Digoxin nleaded" anc tried on high dose esmclol without ccnt~l of his rate. Due to the unstable rss~i=atory nature associated with the atrial ~ C~G~-'JN•. fi',~ TI-.~:': u..~ poo.4""dV\~" u.• -'- ;.; ~ • r':"~'.'" HISTORY & ( P~tS!CAL ( j , 01?BR..~rICN REPORT (SC' 51.6) RXAMnrA'l'ION (SF 504 t 50S t &: Sa6) CONSULTAT tON SEEE'! (5= 513) (X] Ni\R..tLa..TIVEi SUMMARY REGISTER (S2502) 6328514 c::F_"tON RBCo..1ID OF ( ] MED!~~ ~\RE-(SF 1 PROGRESS NOTS (SP 509) 50,15'102. AOTO~SY (SP 503) 600) [ 1 PROTOCOL ~ N\ _ _ _ C!' a. ~, _ . - . . . .=-------------~w~ ON!'!" GENER-liL SURGERY DATE DrCT 2-!-Peb-1597 IDATE TYFED 25-?eb-1997 ~1 080~ '. . "-' . ~. . . "- fllJrillai:±on, he was c~d.ioverted X 1 with 50 Joules. This was . successful and the pat~ent has remained in. sinus rhythm ever since , . the cardioversion. His o~en. requ.irement, thereafter, gradually declined and the f9 1lowing morn;ng he was on 5 liters ttasal cannula with o:cyg'el1 saturat;iot;1s of ap~~imat:eiy 92% and he was transferred to the Ward. The pataent remaJ.J:1ed an Ward 7 -North surgical recovery unit for another ~-1/2 days and remained stable. Ere was tolerating a regular diet and his wounds were bealing without evidence of infection. His sternum was stable on examinatiOll and cl:teat x-ray were gradually improving. FINAL DIAGNOSES: 1. 2. 3. Steib wound to the subxiphoid region with' tianssecticn of the left internal mamma--y artery and pericardial inj ury. Atrial fibrillat ion. Sick sinus synd=ome fo~ which he has a pacemaker. OPERATIONS AND SPECI..~ PRO~...DUR3S: 1. Elme:genl:. exploratozy lapa"=,otomy and median ste~otomy fo:: exploration of injuries sustai~d from the stab wound, 19 Pebrua...--y 1997. 2. E'd!oc:ardiocrra.m, 22 S'ebrua.='"J' 1997. 3. Cardicversion procec.':U"=, 23 February 1597. CONDITION ON DISOiARGB: oxyge~ to mai~t:.ain his Stable t however, reqi.liri!!.g' some 8~;plemental in the low,90 percentile. sa~uraticns INSTRUCTIONS: The patient is bei.::.g released bac.~ to bis prison· site at M~~eil Islanc whe=~ he will be watched by medical perso~~el in' the ~irma--y there to maintain him on supplem~tal oxygen as long as reaui=ed.. He is to f~llowup eithe:: with Gen.e==.l Surge::::-.f at Madigan Army Medical Canter or witC cis care provider at the prisco. to have his sta~les remcved.w~tr~n cne week. Discha=ge meCications - Tylox 1-2 tabs a 4 h as needed for pain; Vasotec S mg ~ce a day; P~~l 80 mq once a day; i:!:'cn sulfate 325 mg t'",ice a day; Colacs t~h'ice a day; Digoxin 0.25 mg once a day. ~ ~ o ~\ C.!:S c.. -\ ffi MAT'I'HETN' T. B.A.~R, CPT, Me MADIGAN ~"4Y MEDICAL CTR., TACOMA, WA MTB: sgm/STAT ~ '";'(-l;--a~I~S~TO=R~v"""_-&-=l?'==E":-::~:=S"::I-::CAL:":"·-:r---;0(""""']--;:O:-;::l:l;;:s..;;:·::ti~i\-;;T:'::!:"::O:::'~T:-.-:RE=l?:"::O:-:R::'::X:-l-::::-:-:::~------------. ~ EXAMINATION CSF 516} ~ (SF 504/ 50S, & SOG) ( l CONSULTATION SB3'r [X] SOMMA.~y REGISTER. NO. ~ (SF 513) {SF 502} 6329514_ ( ] amON RSCORD OF MEDICAL r ] C&~-(S= PROG~SS N'OTE (SF 509) [ ] AUTOPSY PROTOCOL 600) (SF 503) ( ] ON!T GENERAL SURGERY DA'!'E D!eT DATE 'I'"'!'PSD 24-Feb-1997 25-Feb-lS97 AUTOHATE~ QPTr~~AL 06 FCRM 215-=(1Z·77) ATTACHMENT -L PG 11:. OF -?}-/ 88J~ .- ... t STATE OF WASHINGTON CHAsE F;l1VELANO S~CRerAAY .. . .' DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS , .' MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: . SUBJECT: 1. /-;) / /~ / C i 7fy~.." 7 ?-~ r ~- - ~---.L.-/ ~-<--../'. . ptP.. ~.,.... tr ../-....L-/ ~/Z. ~ ~ ,.e~. e- lJ , 'r-~L~ #~~ '" /27- /""'./.t~ L.-~. ~--7 ~ ~~~. • • /C--~ . /'7 1 ... ~_-- _) / <YI7~' /"~ . . ...- ... ..... 083~ ATTACHMENT .L PG .ll. OF 3 ro: BARR.ETT BRUCE DOC-DP-I1-BBR 18-Mar-97 09:30:15 MCNEIL ISLAND CORR. CNTR. P.O. BOX 900 MS: WT-01 STEILACOOM WA 98388- ~OM: BARRE-r-F. BRUCE .• ·" ./f8 MCNEIL IS~ eNTR. P.O. BOX 900 MS: WT-01 STEILACOOM WA 98388- ." DOC-DP-I1-BBR 18-Mar-97 Oi;24:0a. '.~ ... '--$. SUBJECT:_II DOC-D~-I1-BER/MA~784J813 ---~----~----------------------------~------------------------------------DOC-O~-li-ML1 To: LYONS MARTIN :rom : SAR..~1"l' BRUcE./'P ::late: 'I'ue~-97 at 9:24am Subject: _ _ OOC-OP-I1-BBR I just spoke with James Billingsley, MO, St. Clare Hospital. He reviewed the films taken here and stated that inmate~id have a 9neumonia on the first film that has co~let~ed on the second taken eight days later. He sees no evidence of tuberculosis. He does not feel that the inmate needs to be isolated. He does believe that given h~s recent conversion"of his ~~D he should be placed on a supervised INH p~ogram for six months per the DOC and DOH protocols.' He will dictate o~ handwrite a consul~ation note and mail it to me coday. ~lease notify those involved, th~~~ you. hard copy to follow. --------------------------------------------------------------------------* * End of Message * * Printed on 18-Mar-97 at 09:30:25 MA~ 7843813 ., 0810 AITACHMENT -L PG ?JJ OF 2Y * May 9. 1997 TO: MARG BAHR. CPM FROM: BRUCE H. BARRETT". PAC SUBJECT: ECR DATED 4/15/97 ~ Addendum to my response of the above ECR: Please consider t.he following facts and documents: 1) Letter from Kenneth Ritter, MD stating that the inmate in question had a patchy right middle lobe infiltrate that rapidly resolved after developing postoperative ARDS. This is not characteristic afTS. 2) Letter from Arden Huff. MD stating that the inmate in question developed pulmonary edema postoperatively that cleared before his return to the institution. Also that he felt the radiologist overread the x-ray because of lack of full history and comparative x-rays. He also states that the chances of this inmate haVing any active. TB is 0%. 3) Discharge summ~ry from Madigan Army Medical Center dictated by Mathew T. Baker, CPT, MC in w~ich he states that on the second postoperative day the x-ray was '"essentially normal" and that on postop day 3 he rapidly develope~ pUlmonary edema and the clinical picture of ARDS. He also states that on day 4. his chest x-ray Was gradually improving. Again this is uncharacteristic of active TB. 4) My email to Marty Lyons. Acting HCA dated 18 March 97 in which I relay to him that I had spoken with James Billingsley, MD and that he felt there was no evidence of T8 either. I contact~ pro Billingsley but he was unable to retrieve the letter he wrote from his computer for some reason. I was also unable to locate the original letter and after a search of the inmate's medical record at WCC-Shelton they were also unable to find the original. ATIACHMENT I p~ ~ I m: ~U 0811 ~ ..... 1.. 5) In the Field Instruction in question, 890.610, it does not specifically state that the wearing of a mask with facial hair in prohibited but rather directs you to follow the manufacturers recommendations: These recommendations are not readily available and I was unable to find any such recommendations. 6) Also, in the citation served on the institution by the Dept Of 'Labor and Industries dated 4/25/97. it states that the Field Instruction is incorrect and should have stated clearly that "No matter what the manufacture states, a respirator cannot be worn if facial hair comes between the sealing surface of the face piece and the face." Further." A similar statement needs to be change in the "Employee Tuberculosis and '" HEPA Respirator Program." All of this makes it clear from several views that this inmate did not ha T8 and we" knew it before the transfer. Also that the Field Instruction does not give clear direction . regarding .the use of the HEPA masks. Thank you for your time and consideration. 0-8-1~ ATIACHMENT .L PG II OF34 ~erit ofComp~anC8 Labor and Indus' Services fa:ion and ax 4.4604 3. Issuanca Oale ~Ia WA 98504-4004 04/25/91 :ATlON & NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT . i~1lPID . REC,:EIVED k7lj60021'j OJ2lfanal Ae;part No. MAY 0 1 1997 11. ~~~Ccnter 1nspec:lCil~: 6. J~~l S. PageNo. 2 el P'nall.. A~~. 2 WlhlaU DIYIQ' RICt 9t 10. Insgec:lcl'i Oate(s) /dcHeB Island ('"..........._ 01 Seriow 14.115262131 rns~an Nu be m r 04/01197. - 04/02/91 otTlU HotiIbtlota . Unlta Mc.l\ieil Island Steilacoom. WA 983sa :.l: AflPtI/td ;orrections, ijept oflMcNeil Island Corrections Ctr ?O Bo~ aa900·Wt-01 w~ 98386 3teilacoom. &; Notice af A3se.s:sment mu~ be prominently posted immedIately upon l'8ceipt at or near each a viola[fon oo:urred or at a location where employees nonnally rac:aive posted information (RC'N 49.17. t 20). It must , posted until all violatJons cited lherein are cotTGC:ed, or for lhree (3) wor1<ing days, whichever period is lon~ar. I of this CitatIon . Jven AND EMPl.OYEE: SEE REVERse sloe OF nus FORM FOR ON. Nonce OF . RIGHTS AHO CUTIes REGARCING nilS ·JRE OF ALLSCEO VlOUTlONS 08senve:J CURING IHSI"ECilOH. UNW$S 01rlE.'nYlSE NOTED ALl. CtiAilOHS ARE TO 1'TTU: 296 WAC ,5. Oalll by Whic:l VIctaGcn MI= 16. P~l'f I . k.umltlt a.At:alld %%%%% INFO~~TrON MESSAGE xxx%~ l.qe 9 of 10· of DOC policy ~890. 090, 'nRe~piratory Protection ~a.'ll", paraqraph· vii, B "Facial He; r" it states that the .rator user can "follow manufacturer' 3 reccnmelldations reqarclinq u hair ... , n. No matter what the manutacture states, a respirator )t be worn if facial hair comes bet-..Teen the sealinq surface of :acepiece a.l'ld the face. A similar statemen.t needs to be changed ~e "Employee Tuberculosis and REP! Respirator Proqra~n. I I I I I I I I I I I .. I I I I sls=nr Clroc::r ret l~Q4C11 & Canllllanc:a M!l~~ A. SILVEPSTEIN, I I ASSrST~~ DI'~CTOR PROOF OF CORRECT10N IS REQUIRED FOR ALL VIOLATIONS NOT CORRECTED AT THE TIME OF INSPECTION \ aTrAr.HMENT 18. $laCO .u· I ..... a-jJ813 I w-yc..w ...~IO: PG,30p-3t~ ... ORDERED tIIoI4 DAll! IUL l'oM. .:~ ~ 1~ ..::.; ~1/1'7'/~ 'TY~LI ~ ,) ;; W c,t'J - n '.~'~ W' .. : I ~ .- ... ;"J;·4 ::.' . " 1 \ .-o\;~'., ~ -.:.':.... .s;.~ .... ~ '''_'"ofT ... ~; ~~~:~..~ . ... . ~ ~n{}- 1\~ \' 1.,.1 \ . - ..., . .-'-. ~ '.' : .~. 'r<:~ -,:. f~ :~-' ~.:. ."" ......'f", ~ :~ ~ ~ 1 - / /. ,\ I.i\ \ ,,'):J ~ I \V G ( . ,y ~f ( . j-:: ~ . ORCEMED }:f _., 0At= ~ ':-1, L ,."" I lULl EXECUTED lTJoU! fl1"- nMe PLEASE SIGN AU. ORDERS AJolI ;oJ.&. ::'i~ I I I I I I . :.~ .-:,'. ."", .•.. ,~ -- .... : ,~ .•! I I I I -i ...:w W~ .r I I . I I I I I ~ _" ~ . .__ . -,... "~~'f."..~~.: :'; . .... :--. ~ ..,. BY 'MlO1oI I :-. :;:..:i .J I I :~ '.:~ ~ wtlQU P.M. \J - . ~ ~ A 1 """- . AJol d AI" f! I/J~. AI- B;;., C.I!t! I"_~ #;A-f.4. ;:7 /~ - ,_I ~ 4./- ~cc 3 ~ .A-d. A,_ .- f/..._~_ ~ .M...I. ~,,,-:77. ,.~~: / J ~ ~ I. V' lY f5~ .( • l. i.I 11'1" llJ.IE Pt.EASE SIGN All. ORDERS .?-!'\C',:• ,""I'~ .... ~ ~~ .~~"., .: ...;;r~:::G ORDERED OAt= lTJoU! AN. pJot.- I Pt.:ASE SIGN AU. ORDERS EXECUTED BY 1lloIE AN. fI."'- WHO'" " ~ •.- ,':a .... :s r . - ••• -:.- 0-. til . ......... ;~ ~~ ~. -.:~: to·:':;;:~ ~ ,:!,~~ ,... . ...... --.:~ ""'" .:~ ..;-.; !; I l '- :'.,,"..:. ~ ~~-. f" U~ -- - ·,· ....\rT \ .n~- . . J ,,,.... ' ~ '"2.1 ~ ~ ~ Employee Name (please Print) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF DOC El\'.IPLOYEE HANDBOOK I acknowledge receipt of the June 1993 Washington State Department of Corrections Employee Handbook and agree to become familiar with and have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the contents. Original - Personnel File 08t~ ATTACHMENT :1 PG } OF_l ~NTI~{)IJUCTION I ' • Provide for restitution: • ne accountable to tile chizens ot the stnte; .• Meet the national standards appropriate to the ~tale or Washington. conE OF ETIIICS :'f. : ,:,": ~ j"' ":. ~ ~" '.: IIlgh moral and ethical standards among correctional employees arc , essentinl ~or the success of the department's progra~, The Depart; ment of Corrections subscribes to a code of unfailing honesty, ,.respect for dignity and individuality of human beings. and B cbmmit· to proressionBI and compassionate service. ,. ' f,~~\ ~ ~ , I ,f.)!t I , 'i 1"': :.t'j).t . I,~' J;!f" ! t"' 'r:'. iU·r ',~Il', rod, , ~'!t." f·i· i_J!~h~ U'l;) if"or, ~l' '-"':. fJ.t~i':i ~'~f~l~" . !,Jll' ~', learn. not the least of which will be the expectations or your supervisor. your co-workers, the agency as a whole. To assist you with and thIs responsibility, following is a list ~f some departmental expecta- tions for your study. Familiarize yourself with the list so that you may understand and fulfill the duties of your position. AI a representative of the Department of Corrections, ygu will be .. ,.peeled 10: . • Positively represent Washington State govemmenlto everyone you nlcct. You are our best public relations Igenl; • Dress appropriately for your job classification and dUlles. Clothing may nol have mottot. logos, or advertIsements thot may be offensIve or In conDict with the goals or'the Department: • Well is'sued unlfonns only as authorlied; I~: ,.~ • De I good citizen, obey laws while on Dnd off-duty. Your conduct orr duty may renect on 'Your fitness for duty; .~ tl'- \.1'" :t,~,,}, , '. t ' , • As a new employee of the department, you will have many things 10 \ -,i h~ G;' r~f':' I ' ,.;..": . 'It '.]" "I' ,.' '~r,r: ' .- ~~l~'!~" ·t·•• " ,), . ':" . • Treat fellow staff with dignity and respect: . • De Impartial, understanding and respectful to offenders; f 'f'If;' ~.~.:. t~'e' .' !~~:'iJ,' ~:lt • Serve each offender with appropriate concern for their welfare and , with no putpose of Pen~na1 gain; ~~~,... ' , t' · ';'; i -: " ,oo I u_. '.' ~.. '1[""''': t ~ • , :;" ,r.." ····:F " '~, ~Ii'! • Report through the proper chain of command an,y cornlpt or' unethicnl behavior wbicb could arreel an orrender or the department's integrity; " : ',~:, :::= • Custody starr: remain at your job/post until property r~lieved; ·... '\,": ':;tj" ,: , r, l.., : .. ~ ':: .. "" " "1:~d:J~~ • .Let your supervisor know about any personal. emergency usc of ::., ~rf. equipment or phones: I~, ) , :, I; ~ Remain constantly alert in all situations; IV.: .:', ~cnt l If:iL D~I'ARTME.NTEXI'ECTATlONS 1, . ":i'~l .-.f , Report"Allpersonal contact from orrenders, their rlll1Ulies. or known associates. outside your job in accordance witl.' departm~nt procedures: '.,,1 .. ""f 1·J;' :~':~.\ ~ it - t.,., I, '. ~~': .1;t~;H~· . '.':..,,l',[f J ;. ;.~., ~~" t. t~"?;'." • Obtain approlninte permis!;ion before removing any stBte property from stntc premises: ~ : 1 '\~". :, ~."'. '~}~I~' .\ "':"1: ,.'t.,:,~ : Conduct yourselr Bnd perfonn your duties safely; " '~J"'I'. ,t I, ,~ ~ 'f I ' f1 ",: 1lo • Smoke only in designated smoking are~. ..~ , ", j~:~"~ ... " , t.I'~ I N'.!,L. :.' J "fJ;'i~ '" i . ':~. , ·"HHu. 1 ·~':'.i~·"l.·o:,1 • Discriminate ngainst any offender, employee. prospective em·, ployee. or volunteer on the basis of race, color. reUglon. gender.... ~ l i~'~-~' t1.~:. t ',~! .'~·~lf'·U~' 1 '''''' . .1.... J ' li sexual orientation, age, creed. national ~nigln, marital status, veternn status or disability; ' 1 1 "t 4~' ",.~;. t!J \ 'j.':;',:: H~4h.Q.1 • Use proranity or Innammatory remarks whh orrenders or incJividu'. Dis with whom you work; ," ·\·····Jl'·'H~ .... :, ,I fl! - ' : /J;(:a:j , • Report to work under the InOuence of alcohol or drugs; .. , '''JlI''m " . '., .' Trafnc or bring any article of contraband in~o an institution. facility or office; . . :)i~' :~'::e J '~':J: ··!';·o ... '!CC .. • Darter or make personal dents with offenders. offender families or visitors; .~ ~ • '.;CC . • Engoge in personal relationshIps with offenders. their fomily R.~socintes; .. · :1 : ..:;). allowed Co: members. or close personal ~fN, i" ,) ~ ::. :f·:: It is also In~portnnt 85 R new employee. thal you und~rslnnd some of the specific prohibitions thaI the department must enforce. You are IIOC , • ' ':'.:. " .......,-f ' .•I~,i ~: ~ ~IU(I -. '0 )s e. REED eaeuty STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT 'OF CORRECTIONS MEMORANDUM )M: ALL STAFF DATE: SffiEMBER 1990 MR. WIllIAM L. CALLAHAN SUBJECT: RESPONSIBLITY FOR OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS/POLICIES ANV PROCEDURES file- 0 I UJlC!.e;r./li:aJtd tJta;t I am Itupon/li.ble. 601t ltea.d.iJtg and 60Uow.i.n.g aU I/llcutd COltlte.c.tLon/l CeJt,te;r. Ope;r.a.ti.on.a1. IndJ:Ir Uc.:ti..oM/PoLi.c1..u tmd Pltoc.e.dLLltu. I be.e.n. 1:.old, pe;r. .th1.A me.molttmdum, whe;r.e.:the. Ope;r.a:ti.on.a.l. IndJ:JU.Lc..ti.on Me. ma.i..n:ta.i.rte.d. tmd lte.a.UZ e. i:.ha.J: I am e.xpe.c.i:.e.d., lId palti:. 06 my job, J:o be. 6a.rn.i.J..i.a.J cuLdt :the. mtmuaJ. a.nd J:o h.e.ep c.tvtlte.nJ: on :the. Ope;r.a.ti.on.a.i.. I1I.d1:.ltuc.;t).ond/ a.n.d .- Pltoc.e.d.Ultu. ra OJ(. I any qu,U.tLoM, I u.n.d.eIt~J:a.n.d .th.a..t I am 1:.0 <;.on.ta.c..t my i.mme.dJ.a.:t2. dupe.Jtviiolt VeptLJttm en;t fI ead • Me. no.t 1:.0 hlIve. a.c.C.Ud .to :the. Ope.lta.tion.a.i.. In~.tltu.c.ti.on MtmuaL 1312itcc.. ft· /31/.e~£ T i ~~PLOYEES NAME (PLEASE PRINT) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OP.ERAT!ONAL INSTRUCTION/POLICIES AJlD PROCEDURES IU.NUALS ARE LOCATED IN~THE-:FOLLOOJING - A~: SUPERINTENVENT SUPERINTENDENT, CUSTOVY ASSOCIATE SUPERINTENVENT, TREATMENT ASSOCIATE SUPERINTEN1JENT, ANNEX ~SSOCIATE CAPTAIN SHIFT LT. BUSINESS MANAGER PLANT MANAGER CLASSIFICATION!.AND PAROLE SUPERVISOR CORRECTIONAL UNIT SUPERVISOR, CASCAVE HALL EVUCATION . PERSONNEL '. SERGEANT, STEILACOOM VOCK CORRECTIONAL UNIT SUPERVISOR, 1 CH - OLYMPIC flALL 2 CH CORRECTIONAL UNIT SUPERVISOR - 3 CH CORRECTIONAL UNIT SUPERVISOR - 4. CH 3/4 CH VESK TRAININGQEFICE": LF:?;~:5rCOPIES ANNEX . INVESTIGATIVE LT. FAR-I,( INlJUSTRIES INSTITUTIONAL INVUSTRIES I . 'rTRAINING ATTACHMENT 1.. PG ..L OF L .- • 0817 . TECNOL RECEIVED JUN 111997 7201 llldulllta1 Padc BM1 FaIt WOIlI1, Texas 76180 1-8llOoTECNOL·1 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q: What new· regulation was made that required a change in respirator certification? A: NIOSH published a new regulation 42 CFR Part 84 for particulate respirators. This new regulation replaced the DustlM:ist, DustJNfistIFume, and HEPA certifications with nine new classes of respirators. Each class (N, P, R) is tested against a su~micron particle and filtration eflicien~y is measured throughout the test. Each class had three levels of efficiency 95, 99, and 100. The "N" series is tested against sodiwn chloride and the N95 has been named as the product with the level necessary for use in the health care !parket. OSHA states that the new N95 respirators meet the latest NIOSH regulation for filtration and is the minimally acceptable level of protection for TB exposure control. Q: What type of training must I have before conducting fit tests? A:. OSHA requires that the person perfonning the tests be qualified to do so (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1028). Although no formal training is required, the person administering the test should be thoroughly familiar with the test protocol and proper use of the respirators tested. This knowledge can be obtained by studying materials and information provided in the Tecnal Qualitative Fit Test Kit. ~ Q: Who is responsible for conducting the fit test? A:. OS:H:t\ states that it is the employer's responsibility. ATTACHMENT .5.. PG .L OF • ••• ....... . .• •• . . --. . . • • • • I • •• •• • •. •• ·"...".,..;._::c A=, i """;\11<0,""'~ \11<0 .. ""'..z.JJ!F!II'.JMUWi!l\li!JWU:A.sxa_."..!ll!l'!.mw_"'x_,l!llllIllI!!!! 'i!!I!;;! """'..""'..w.~ q M.M.. M.a!ll!l'!A._.:_ _ q4•.#!!!~3~._. . • ..d\ll<Ot.t.w !i::.. .081~. -".. :.: ._ii.(..\II<O.&U.i.&i3..':. :_..u.£•.u:&%%%_.uQ_6@C_;J)jU_i.&.Q""","~i- Q: Who can perform a tit test? A: Anyone the employer selects who has knowledge of the fit test protocol, and understands the proper application for the respirators being tested. Q: Will the TECNOL PFR95TM fit everyone? A:. We offer the PFR95™ in regular and small size to fit the population. Although no respirator will fit 1000/0 of the population with. one size, Tecnol's PFR95™ design accommodates a greater range of facial sizes and characteristics than traditional cup-shaped respirators. Facial fit test studies have concluded that the regular size PFR95™ fits more than 90% of the population. Our small size respirator should fit the remainder of those with a small face who cannot pass the qualitative test. OSHA requires the employer to provide an alternative respirator to those who do not pass the test with a particular respirator. Q: Is there a different protocol to be followed when Fit Testing an employee who has facial hair? A: No; however, OSHA will not allow a person with facial hair to be fit tested for a respirator if the facial hair interferes with obtaining a facial fit. Q: Do I need more protection than a 950/0 efficiency mask for TB? . ,. A: Although there are masks with better absolute filtration efficiency, such as HEPA respirators, any of the new NIQSH certified respirators (there is a total of nine classes) far exceed CDC performance requirements for filtration efficiency with far greater comfort and less cost. .. ... Q: How is 'a respirator different from a mask? A: A respirator is certified by NIOSH and exists primarily to provide the wearer respiratory protection from certain airborne contaminants. OSHA requires NIOSH-certified respirators. 081~r - ... ATIACHMENT 2..PG ~ OF .:l. Q: Can I still use a dust/mist respirator forTB? A:. N0 current OSHA policy states that the newly certified N95 respirators are the minimal acceptable protection for TB as s~ted in the . September 6 directive. Q: How do I fit check the PFR 95TM? A: By using the lECNOL Respirator Fit Check Device, catalog # 47119-900. Q: Can I use irritant smoke or banana oil for Fit Testing the N95 Respirators? A: No, currently the only method acceptable by either NIOSH or OSHA is the saccharin qualitative method as stated in the Federal Guidelines 29 CFR 1910.1028. A: Does the TECNOL PFR95TM contain any latex? Q: No, this respirator does not contain any latex of any kind. Additionally, all masks manufactured by TECNOL are latex-free products. Q: Is saccharin dangerous? A:. 7 Although OSHA acknowledges that ~ccharin is a suspect carcinogen, they say it is highly unlikely that an annual exposure of 10 minutes, _ during most of which time a respirator is wo~ could constitute any measurable risk. OSHA considers such an exposure to be minimal. Therefore for the present time, OSHA will allow the use of saccharin as a test agent for respirators in the absence of an acceptable aItematlve for testing disposable respirators. 7 Q: How long can I wear the PFR 95TM respirator? A:. As long as the respirator maintains its structural and functional integrity and the filter material is not physically damaged or soiled. ATIACHMENT ....- .. ,s J¥ . .. _:m:;;::x:;GJ1 t; .J.,s.&QZ3J.QiQ::tV.=,$ I un. . . u. d.M...z.z.t.##$GMt ....J J.t.J.J&&&(G. 0820 2. PG.2. OF .1 . Q.k.Q.i.d..££.&Q&Il 7'!.(. . . i %AA, A&lii!!( Q: Do I need to fit check the respirator before fit testing? A No, but you must ensure that you have a proper facial seal by performing a negative pressure test (inhaling 'and exhaling sharply checking for blowby). Q: How is the TECNOL PFR9STM Respirator different from other N95 respirators available? A:. TECNOL'S PFR95™ Particulate Filter Respirator was designed specifically for the Health care worker. The PFR95™ wit;h FluidShield® protection adds a special fourth layer of loncet® breathable film. This layer reduces fluid penetration and meets OSHA . standards for blood borne pathogens. The TECNOL PFR95™ also is . a soft moldable mask that allows the wearer a more cool, comfortable alternative to a cone style product. ." . 0821 .- .... . ATIACHMENT..2. PG ;L OF .!:L