Saguaro Correctional Center Inmate Handbook 2008
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INMATE HANDBOOK CCA/Saguaro Correctional Facility 1250 E Arica Road Eloy, AZ 85231 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 Table of Contents Page 2 Administrative Staff Page 3-4 Staff Duties/Descriptions Page 4 Introduction Page 5 General Rules & Procedures Security Information/Count Page 6 Types of Searches Emergency Evacuation Special Work Assignments Facility Clothing Responsibility Property Losses Property Page 7 Legal Mail Correspondence/Letters Page 8 Outgoing Mail/General Telephone Procedures Packages from approved vendors Grievance Procedures Page 9 Religious Items Laundry Services Commissary Appliances Meals Page 10 Receiving/Sending out Funds Indigent Status Barber Services Page 11 Work Program Visitation/Video Legal Visits Inmate Programs Recreation Page 12 Medical Services Page 13 Sick Call Procedures for inmates unable to write Page 14 MRSA Pill Call Page 15 Drug/Intoxicant Testing Disciplinary Page 16-19 List of Offenses/Penalties Page 19 Appeals process Page 19 Criminal Misconduct Page 20 Inmate Rights & Responsibilities Page 21-26 Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Page 27-29 Housing Rules & Regulations 1 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF TITLE NAME Warden Mr. T. Thomas Assistant Warden Mr. J. Bradley Assistant Warden Mr. B. Griego Chief of Security Mr. M. Lopez Assistant Chief of Security Mr. S. Meiner Chief of Unit Management Mr. N Carrier Classification Supervisor Ms. C. Frappiea Principal Ms. K. Sell Chaplain Mr. C. Miller Health Services Administrator Ms. P. Sells Business Manager Ms. D. Baker Grievance Coordinator Mr. J. Valenzuela Shift Supervisors Mr. Guilin Mr. Isen Mr. Balderrama Mr. Sanchez Ms. Olson STG Lt. Mr. Kalani Unit Managers Mr. F. Garcia Ms. B. Worden Mr. T. Dobson Mr. J. Henson Mr. Keesling Mr. Betrus Food Service Manager Mr. J. Johnson Maintenance Supervisor Mr. F. Lopez Jobs Coordinator Ms. Moss Approved ______________________________________________________________ Warden’s Signature 2 Executive Staff Warden: He is the final authority on all matters with the facility. His decisions are based upon guidelines established by CCA, Contracting authorities and sound correctional management. He is responsible for the total operation and has delegated certain responsibilities and duties to his staff. The Warden is vitally interested in the overall welfare of the individuals at CCA/SCC (both staff and inmates). You may see him at various places throughout the facility, as he makes his daily rounds. He makes rounds to meet with both staff and inmates. Please do not abuse this privilege. If you have a legitimate complaint, address it with your Counselor, Case Manager, Unit Manager, Chief of Unit Management or Security Supervisors before continuing with your request to the Warden. Assistant Warden: They are primarily interested in the overall welfare of the individuals at CCA/SCC (both staff and inmates). You may see them at various places around the facility, as they make their daily tours. They are available to handle the matters that cannot be resolved by the appropriate staff members. They should be the ones you consult your problems with before approaching the Warden with formal complaints. Chief of Security/Assistant Chief of Security: They are responsible for maintaining the security of the institution and are in charge of correctional services. Chief of Unit Management: He/she is responsible for the units and Inmate programming opportunities. Programs include case management, classification, programs and jobs. Classification Supervisor- She reviews all classification documentation. Coordinator and Records Supervisor. Supervises the Jobs Shift Supervisor: They are responsible for the supervision of the administrative and operational security activities on a specific shift. Assistant Shift Supervisor: They assist the Shift Supervisor in the supervision of the administrative and operational activities in a correctional facility. Unit Managers: They are supervisors who work in the living units. They hire workers for their area of responsibility as well as coordinate workers for the other departments such as Education, Maintenance, Food Service, Medical Department, etc… The Unit Manager is also responsible for bed/unit moves. They will help you with your “inmate requests” and answer your questions. The Unit Manager will order and ensure hygiene items are handed out according to the posted schedule. Your personal issues should be directed to the Unit Manager before it reaches Administrative staff. Case Managers: They will help you with questions about your classification, custody, court hearings, detainers, and pending transfers/releases. They will work closely with your arresting agencies and the Courts to help answer your questions. Case Managers are charged with the responsibility of keeping your records in order while you are at the Saguaro Correctional Center. Upon arrival, each inmate will be interviewed to determine program needs, and develop a program plan. Correctional Counselor: They come from a security background and has experience as a corrections officer, is part of the unit team with the primary responsibility for resolving daily inmate issues before they become significant matters, incidents or grievances. Principal: She will help you with your educational programming needs. He/she will explain the types of classes that are available both academic and vocational, and will help you register for classes. Other programs supervised by the principal are Library and Law Library. 3 Health Service Administrator: She is responsible for all matters pertaining to medical, dental, and mental health care. Clinical Health Supervisor: She will assist the Health Service Administrator on medical care. Food Service Manager: He is responsible for the ordering and proper preparation of food by the staff. Inmate jobs are available, but inmates must be medically cleared before consideration for work. Maintenance Supervisor: He and his staff construct, repair and maintain the entire facility. Grievance Coordinator: and procedures. He administers the inmate grievance process in accordance with policy Business Manager: She is responsible for all financial management for both institution and inmate monies. The Business Manager supervisors both Commissary and Warehouse. Commissary: They are responsible for assisting in operation of facility commissary. Warehouse Manager: operation. He directs and coordinates the activities of the warehouse/commissary Introduction Saguaro Correctional Center (SCC) is a multi-level security facility owned by Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). SCC is not a local, state or federal institution. It is a correctional facility for Hawaiian State inmates. SCC does not have the power to release you, other than by orders of the State of Hawaii or a court of competent jurisdiction. SCC provides a safe and secure environment for Hawaiian inmates. The institution is located halfway between Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona on State Highway 87 in Eloy, Arizona. All housing units have a Unit Team (Unit Manger, Case Managers, Correctional Counselors and Correctional Officers) to address legitimate inmate problems. The Correctional Officers assigned to housing units are responsible for your safety, sanitation and security of the units as well as enforcement of rules and regulations. Communication is encouraged. If you approach staff with a legitimate problem they are expected to be responsive and if unable to provide an answer can provide proper direction to address your issue. Orientation is given to all Hawaiian inmates by SCC staff. If an inmate speaks another language other than English or Spanish interpretive services will be provided. When orientation is complete there is a question and answer period where any inmate may ask questions on a one-to-one basis. The question period is also for the inmate that cannot read or write. Staff will make every effort to ensure that all inmates fully understand the hand book. General Rules and Procedures Admittance: Upon entering the facility, you will be required to submit to a strip search and dress out into a clean CCA uniform. A medical, dental and mental health screening will be conducted by medical staff. You will also be provided with a picture ID. Privileges will be restricted if ID is altered 4 or destroyed. All inmates must wear their ID badge on their shirt pocket with the picture showing at all times when outside their assigned living area. When you arrive in R&D for processing, a set of clothing, bedding, and hygiene items will be issued to you. Medical staff and Unit Staff will each do an intake screening on you, while reviewing your transfer information. This is done to identify your medical needs and concerns, and to ensure proper classification. Your Unit Team will issue up to three stamped envelopes to you as long as you are considered “indigent status”. In order to be considered indigent, you must have had $3.00 or less for a period of 30 days. During the booking process, SCC employees will attempt to obtain specific information about you in order to ensure that your entry into SCC is adequately documented. All personal property and valuables that you bring with you to this facility will be inventoried and accounted for on a Personal Property form. Those items, which you cannot take with you to your assigned living are, will be locked in the property room for thirty days. You will be required to send your property home within that time frame or it will be considered abandoned and must be destroyed or donated by the facility. SCC is designated a tobacco-free environment for all inmates, visitors and staff. Basic Responsibilities: It is the policy of this facility to treat inmates with dignity and respect while maintaining a safe and secure environment. It is expected that staff will receive your full cooperation while you are in this facility. Obey all safety, security and sanitation rules and policies and procedures. Obey all orders as given by staff members. Respect staff and other inmates at all times. Keep yourself, your clothing and living area clean at all times. This handbook will provide specific rules and regulations, which inmates will be expected to follow and comply with. It also provides general information about the operational aspects of the facility. Inmates will be held accountable for their conduct while housed at this facility; therefore it is the inmate’s responsibility to become familiar with the contents of this handbook. It is impossible, however, to cover every possible situation in this handbook and occasionally changes will be necessary. Any policy or rule changes that might affect you will be posted in your assigned living area. This facility does not tolerate discrimination. Discrimination based on race, sex, national origin, religion or disability will result in disciplinary action. Security Information/Count: In order to maintain proper accountability of inmates at this facility, official counts are conducted. It is your responsibility to be ready for count when the time nears. Count is important and necessary to the security of the facility. Should you delay or disrupt the count, you will be subject to disciplinary action. Staff has been instructed to count a body only if they see exposed skin. Therefore, to avoid disruption to your sleep, ensure that you expose some portion of your body during count. When the officer announces “count” you must: *Stop what you are doing and go directly to your assigned cell with all your personal property. The officer will instruct you to either sit on the bed or stand next to it. Standing Count Procedures: During a standing count you need to be standing at your cell door with your ID card. Frequent, unannounced searches of inmates, cells and other areas of the facility are conducted as often as necessary to promote the safety and security of the facility. Searches are conducted to detect and prevent the introduction of contraband, to recover missing or stolen property and to prevent escapes and other disturbances. Searches are to be conducted in a manner, which avoids unnecessary force or embarrassment to the inmate. The inmate’s presence during the search is not required. Refusal to submit to a search of your body, belongings or living area when requested by a facility employee is a major offense. Contraband is any item or items possessed by an inmate or found 5 within the facility which are not issued, sold in commissary, approved by the Warden or authorized by written facility policy. If any contraband is found disciplinary action may be taken. Shakedown: A physical or a visual search of a specific area of the facility. Emergency-Evacuation: Per local, state and federal laws, the facility is required to perform practice evacuation drills. These drills are not designed to inconvenience you, but rather to ensure that you know where the exits are located in cases of actual danger such as fire, gas leak or other dangers. From time to time you will be required to participate in drills to allow you to have a better understanding of what can transpire during an actual emergency. Fire exit diagrams are posted throughout all buildings. If a fire or other emergency in the living area occur, notify the officer assigned to your housing area immediately. Follow his/her instructions quickly and calmly. Special Work Assignments: Inmates will be provided special clothing for food service and maintenance and any other special work assignments/details, to include work boots and gloves. Facility Clothing Responsibility: You are responsible for keeping CCA/SCC issued clothing, in your possession, cleaned and maintained in good condition. To exchange clothing, you must return the item you wish to exchange by submitting an “Inmate Request” to your Unit Team who will set up the appointment for any exchanges. All exchanges will be one for one exchange. Depletion Process: Property loss claims will be determined upon reflection of value of approved article claimed lost or stolen. To find the property loss limit, please refer to CCA/SCC policy 14-6 available to all inmates in the law library. Total losses will not exceed $200.00 (two hundred dollars). Property: After your arrival at CCA/SCC and housing assignment has been given, your allowable in cell property will be issued along with CCA/SCC issued property. You will have the option of mailing out, donating or destroying all property that is not approved by the SCC allowable property list. You are responsible for the safety and security of the property that you have kept. CCA/SCC will not be responsible for any lost or stolen property. A list of allowable, non-CCA issued, in-cell property will be available for all residents to view in CCA/SCC policy, which is available in your unit, with your Unit Team or posted on your dayroom housing bulletin board. A list of approved property that may be retained in the living area will be made available by your Unit Manager and updated as needed. This list will be posted in the pods. Facility Issued Clothing Total I.D. Card Pair of Pants Shirts Canvas shoes (pr.) Towel Socks (pr.) Pillow Case Wash cloth Bed Sheets Blankets Shower Shoes (pr.) Under shorts T-shirts 1 3 3 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 5 5 Personal clothing (sweats, undershirts, shorts) will be solid gray or white only. No other colors, stripes, designs, logos, zippers, or personal graffiti are allowed. 6 Inmates transferred from other CCA facilities may not retain “Grandfathered” items. Inmates will be allowed to keep items which are approved according to the SCC approved property and commissary list, and must show proper inventory/documentation which proves ownership. Any item in your possession, which has been altered or not been issued or approved for retention through regular channels will be considered “contraband” and will be confiscated-no exceptions. Legal Mail: Legal and special mail from government officials, attorneys, and other agencies may be opened and checked for contraband only in your presence. The envelope must be marked “Legal Mail/Material” and must be marked by sender with proper seal or identification information. It must be properly addressed as shown in this handbook. Mail not properly marked and addressed will be returned to sender. Mail marked “Legal Mail” and found to be other than legal mail could lead to closer consideration in the future and could result in disciplinary actions. EXAMPLE John Doe, Attorney at Law 11111 one way One Way, USA 11111 LEGAL MAIL Inmate John Doe A000000 1252 E. Arica Rd Eloy, Arizona 85231 Correspondence/Letters: Authorized staff has the authority to open all general correspondence before it is delivered to you in order to check for contraband. If you choose not to have your general correspondence opened before it is delivered to you, it will be returned unopened to the sender. All incoming mail will be processed within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt, with the exception of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. You must inform your family and friends of the proper way to address your mail so it can be delivered. If the address is improper or incomplete, it will be returned unopened. Correspondence with any staff member is strictly prohibited. Correspondence with former staff requires the prior approval of the Warden. Whenever an item is received that cannot be searched or examined without destruction or alteration i.e.: electronic musical greeting cards, padded cards, double faced Polaroid photos, etc.), it will be returned to sender at your expense. Facility will not accept deliveries from FedEx, UPS etc. Outgoing Mail/General: All outgoing mail must be left open and placed in the mailbox, which will be located next to the dining hall. Telephone Procedures: All non legal telephone calls will be subject to monitoring. You must submit a list of phone numbers to be added to your approved phone list. This list may be updated every six months. Three-way calling is prohibited; violation can result in the phone number being restricted. Packages from approved vendors: A list of approved vendors will be provided by your Unit Team. Requests to receive packages must be submitted to a member of your Unit Team and approved by Chief of Security and/or Chief of Unit Management. Packages not approved in advance will be returned to the sender at your expense. No items will be accepted from home. Grievance Procedures: Inmates will attempt to resolve problems informally, prior to filing a grievance. Formal Grievance forms can be obtained from your Unit Manager or Grievance Officer ONLY. Inmates are provided timely, fair and decisive grievance responses to complaints which may otherwise cause an unnecessary burden on the courts. No harassment, punishment, or disciplinary action will result to an inmate who seeks resolution of legitimate complaints in good faith. However, 7 if an inmate demonstrates a pattern of abuse of the grievance system, resulting in unnecessary burdens at the expense of legitimate complaints, grievances may be limited by the Warden/Designee per policy. SCC has an informal resolution process in place. Inmates are required to utilize the informal resolution process, through the Unit Team, concerning questions, disputes or complaints prior to the submission of a formal grievance. If an inmate does not receive resolution in the informal process, he may file a grievance and must document on the grievance that an informal resolution was attempted. An informal grievance form is available from any CCA staff member. A formal grievance will not be issued without first having filled out an informal form the only exception to this would be if you have an “Emergency Grievance”. An emergency grievance is one that places the complainant at risk of personal injury or irreparable harm. Furthermore, grievances are considered special correspondence if placed in a sealed envelope and labeled “Grievance” and addressed to the facility grievance officer, it will not be opened for inspection unless there is reasonable suspicion to believe the sealed envelope contains contraband. Non-Grievable Matters -State and Federal court decisions -State and Federal laws and regulations -Final decisions on grievances -Contracting agency policies, procedures, decisions or matters -Disciplinary hearings or appeals -Classification (must utilize the appeal process) -Property Claims (must use the appeal process) If you do wish to pursue a formal complaint, it is important that the procedures outlined below be followed in order to ensure that your grievance is promptly addressed. Grievances filed improperly may be returned without being reviewed. You shall never be subjected to retaliation, reprisal or harassment for use of or participation in the grievance procedure. The Warden will promptly and thoroughly investigate any allegations of this nature. Formal Grievance forms are available from your Unit Manager or Grievance Officer ONLY. Procedure: The grievance form must be completed within seven (7) days of the alleged incident and placed in the box labeled for grievances located at the entrance to the dining hall. -Within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the grievance, the Grievance Officer will conduct an investigation of the grievance and render a written response to the inmate. Upon proper notice to the grievant, the time limitation may be extended up to an additional 30 days to allow for a more complete investigation of the claims contained in the grievance. -If the inmate wishes to appeal the response, he has five (5) days to complete the section in the grievance form which requests that you “State Reasons for Appeal” and place it in the grievance box. -Within fifteen (15) days of receipt, the Warden will render a written decision on the grievance appeal. The decision of the Warden is final and terminates the inmate grievance procedure. Religious Items: You will be permitted to retain one (1) religious medallion (approved by Chaplain) and chain, with no stones, valued at not more than $50.00. You may not receive these items from home or your church. Personal religious property may be purchased only from Commissary stock or from a Chaplain-approved catalogue using the proper form and with prior approval from your Unit Manager. Pending final approval by the Chief of Security or Chief of Unit Management. 8 Approved, Religious headwear, will only be permitted to be worn during religious ceremonies in the designated area or in cells. Other requests must be submitted to the Assistant Warden Programs. Laundry Services: SCC has centralized laundry services. The schedule will fit the 24-hour building schedule so that everyone will have the opportunity to have their clothes and bedding washed. It will be your responsibility to make sure that the laundry bag does not open during the washing cycle. If two or more bags open in the machine during the laundering procedure, the inmates assigned to the empty bags will be brought in and the clothes will have to be identified. A Laundry schedule will be posted in your unit. Commissary: The commissary provides a wide choice of food and personal use items. A schedule and the weekly spending limits will be posted in all of the housing areas. Excess property purchased from commissary that cannot be stored properly will be considered contraband. Appliances: Appliances that are authorized on the allowable in-cell property list will remain in your cells at all times. They will not be brought to recreation or to work for any reason. They will remain in possession of the owner at all times and will not be loaned out for any reason. The appliances will be engraved with the owner’s name and number. If this procedure is not strictly adhered to, the appliances will be confiscated and dealt with according to CCA/SCC confiscated property policy. Meals: Meals are served three (3) times a day. Each meal will be prepared in accordance with established health standards and meet daily nutritional requirements. Medical diets must be approved by the Health Services Unit and religious diets by the Chaplain. It is not permissible to remove any food and take it into your sleeping area. Horseplay is not permitted in the serving line. Be advised each inmate is given one (1) tray per meal. Do not attempt to take an extra tray. To do so will result in disciplinary action. You will enter the Dining Hall single file and first pick up your beverage at the beverage bar. Then you will pick up your tray and proceed to the rice bar (the rice bar is available at the evening meal only). Once you have been seated you cannot return to the rice bar or beverage bar. All items such as cups, condiments and eating utensils will be provided for you at each meal. Do not bring any of these items with you. Receiving/Sending Out of Funds: All money orders will be deposited through a bank processing center instead of this facility. Family and friends must send money orders separate from all correspondence to the processing center. The processing center will NOT forward or return any letters, cards, and/or packages sent with a money order. All money orders must be sent in an envelope that contains ALL of the information shown on the sample envelope below as the information appears on your Inmate ID Card. If the envelope does not contain ALL of this information, processing your deposit may be delayed. *Personal checks and cash are not accepted. First & Last Name Return Address CCA INMATE TRUST Inmate First & Last Name (as it appears on your ID card) Inmate Commissary Number __ _ _ _ _ _ FACILITY: SUARO P.O. Box 933488 Atlanta, GA 31193-3488 9 Further instructions can be obtained through unit teams. Indigent Status You are considered to be on indigent status if your account has a balance of $3.00 or less for a period of 30 days. Barber Services: Free barber service is available in each Unit. Barber schedules will be posted in each unit. Dress-Laundry-Barber Inmates are required to keep themselves clean by showering regularly, wear proper clothing/footwear during all activities and maintain a proper appearance. Upon entry you will be issued three. (3) clean CCA uniforms, five (5) underwear and five (5) pair of socks. They will be in good condition and you are expected to keep them that way. A mattress, pillow and clean linen are provided to include two (2) sheets and one (1) each; towel, wash cloth, pillowcase and blanket. You will be held accountable for clothing and bedding assigned to you. Laundry services will be available five (5) days a week. You will be issued (1) laundry bag for your clothing to be sent to the laundry. The laundry schedule is posted in your assigned living area. Clothing exchange shall be provided annually on a scheduled basis. Barber services are available in your unit. Schedules are posted in your living area. All issued clothing shall be worn only as specified below. These requirements are essential to ensure compliance of safety and security: -clothing must be clean and untorn. -under garments may only be worn without outer garments only while inside the sleeping quarters or showers. No exceptions. -shower shoes may be worn only inside the housing pod. -shoes will be worn at all times when outside the housing pods. Hat/ball caps may be worn outside the living unit if they are purchased through the commissary. The chaplain must approve religious headgear. It may only be worn at in cell religious services or going to and from religious services. Other than recreation-inmates will wear a complete uniform (shirt, pants, shoes and ID) at all times while outside the housing unit. This includes the serving line, medical, court, religious services and all visitations. Work Program: Work is encouraged in all Departments. If you wish to work in a specific department or field, contact your Jobs Coordinator/Unit Team. Video Visitation: Please have your family contact the Mainland Branch to schedule video visitation. Visitation: Visitation for general population inmates will take place on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Wednesday is reserved for Special Management Inmates (Segregation, SHIP and P.C.) If you wish to have visitors, it is your responsibility to meet with your Unit Team and have your visitor approved. If your visitor is not on your approved visitation list, your visitor will not be allowed into the facility. CCA/SCC reserves the right to deny any visitors that may cause a threat to the security or orderly operation of the facility. No jewelry or any personal property will be allowed into the visitation area. Full khakis must be worn at all times. CCA/SCC reserves the right to suspend or cancel visitation for any reason. Visitation rules, regulations and procedures are available to all inmates/visitors. Special visit requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis and will only be for immediate family. Upon 10 showing need due to distance traveled, etc. requests must be submitted to your Unit Team at a minimum of 15 (fifteen) days in advance. SCC will not accept cash, checks or money orders at visitation. Please instruct family members to send money orders using the lockbox procedures Facility Address and Directions 1250 E Arica Rd. Eloy, Arizona 85231 Directions to the facility from the Phoenix area are as follows: Take I-10 south towards Tucson and exit on 211B. Travel east on Hwy 87 approximately 4 miles. The facility will be on your left. Directions to the facility from Tucson area are as follows: Take I-10 North towards Phoenix and exit on 211. Travel east on Hwy 87 approximately 4 miles. The facility will be on your left. Legal Visits: Your attorney is required to contact the Mainland Branch Office @ 808-837-8020 in order to set up any attorney telephone calls. You will need to meet with your Unit Team in order to arrange an attorney visit. Inmate Programs: SCC is a program-intensive facility, providing comprehensive programs that emphasize counseling, substance abuse treatment, education and vocational opportunities to prepare inmates for a successful re-entry into society. This facility shall support academic development through Adult Basic Education (ABE) program and GED testing. Inmates will be able to participate in a wide range of religious and recreational activities and programs sponsored by SCC staff and local volunteers. SCC will provide Level 2 and 3 Substance abuse treatment, life skills and various vocational programs. To participate in programs please send an inmate request form to the principal. SCC provides a residential substance abuse treatment program in the form of a Therapeutic Community for prisoners who need this intense level of addictions treatment along with a residential Faith Based program. Recreation: Recreation is a large part of Programming at CCA/SCC. Our inmates at SCC participate in recreational activities (7) days a week. All inmates are randomly pat-searched before and after their recreation period. Weight Lifting, basketball and jogging are some of the activities available to the inmate population on a daily basis. The recreation schedule is posted in every pod. Special events for recreation are posted in each pod, along with a sign-up roster. Our recreation department will be productive, safe and one that considers our inmates’ heritage and various backgrounds. Walkman radios with headphones may be worn while on Recreation Yards. Inmates will not be allowed to take personal cups or water bottles on Recreation Yards. No appliances or shower shoes will be allowed. MEDICAL SERVICES Health Services: Full-time and contract health care professional are employed by the institution to provide a full range of comprehensive medical, dental, and mental health services. Medical services are provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A clinic is operated for sick call, scheduled appointments, and emergencies. An observation bed is available for in-patient care as needed. Should you require service at a hospital, you will go to the nearest hospital. 11 All newly admitted inmates will receive a physical as part of the intake/reception process. Inmates who refuse to allow the intake physical will not be classified into general population for health and safety reasons. Medical offers testing for HIV and Hepatitis C. Put in a medical request if you would like this test. Special diets are offered if it is medically necessary. All inmates will be tested yearly for TB either by a skin test or by a chest X-ray. Initial visits and equipment will cost $3.00 as per Hawaii policy “Inmate Medical Co-payment Plan”. Access to Care: Sick Call: Sick Call = 7 days/week Doctor Services = 5 days/week Dental Services = 4 days/week Psychologist = 5 days/week Emergencies = will be handled as the need arises, at any time. To obtain an appointment to see a medical, dental, or mental health provider you must fill out an inmate sick call request form, which is available in the housing unit. Fill the form out completely and be very specific about your request. This will ensure prompt response to the request. Your signature is required on the sick call form. Place the completed sick call request form in the sick call box located in the housing unit. Medical staff collects these daily. You will receive your sick call form back with a response and/or a separate appointment slip. You must have your appointment slip and ID with you at the time of your appointment or you will be sent back to your housing unit to get it. You will be sent an appointment slip with the time and date for the Doctor and Dental or Psych Appointments. If you are late for your appointment, your appointment can be canceled and you will have to resubmit an Inmate Sick Call form to be rescheduled. If you do not show up for a scheduled appointment you will be called to medical to sign a refusal form. It is your responsibility to ask to reschedule your appointment time. **You will be charged for any missed appointment. Inmates who are not sick or in need of sick call services, but want to request an appointment, must complete and submit an Inmate Medical Request to the Health Service Department. The request should be specific about why an appointment is needed, as it will assist the Health Service staff in scheduling the appointment with the correct health services provider. Sick call and medication schedules are posted in each housing unit. Medical request forms are available in the housing unit Sick Call Procedure for Inmate Unable to Write: Any inmate desiring medical treatment will seek help in the following manner: 1. 2. 3. Report to a security officer and explain that they are unable to read or write English or Spanish and needs assistance. The officer will obtain a sick call request slip and fill out the following: a) Inmate’s name b)Inmate’s number c) Housing assignment d)Write “HELP” on the form The officer will then sign the form. 12 4. 5. Immediately the inmate places the request in the sick call box. Medical personnel, upon reviewing the request slip will schedule the request on the Nurse Sick call line for evaluation. ******For confidentiality reasons, security will not ask the inmate the nature of their problem***** Sick call is conducted seven days per week, excluding Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years. If an inmate’s custody status precludes his attendance at sick call, arrangements will be made to provide sick call services in the inmate’s housing unit. The system separates daily sick calls from scheduled medical appointments. It allows inmates who need appointments to be scheduled in a timely manner with the appropriate provider. The system also allows for emergency care. In case of a medical emergency, notify the staff member assigned to your housing area. He/she will ensure that the medical personnel are immediately notified and appropriate medical attention is provided ASAP. Pill Call: Only medication that you receive on a routine basis will be dispensed during pill call. If you have a prescription as needed or pain medication that has been ordered by the physician for you, contact the unit officer or area supervisor if you are not in your housing unit. If you are prescribed an over the counter medication that comes in bulk form, you will have to come to pill call at the prescribed times for this medication Keep on Property (KOP) medication is given out at the a.m. pill call for inmates that last name starts with A – L, inmates whose last name starts with M-Z need to come to the p.m. pill call to receive their KOP medication. Make sure you bring the empty card or tube to exchange with you to pill call. You will have to sign for the new medication when you pick it up. You are only allowed one month’s supply of each medication in your possession. When you have taken all the pills up to the last row that is marked in blue, it is your responsibility to notify medical that you will need a refill. The inmates will be fully dressed with shoes, will have their I.D. badges. If you do not have your I.D. badge with you or if it has been damaged you will not receive your medication. Make sure that you get with your Case Manager to receive a new badge. A visual search of mouth and hands will be conducted after you have swallowed the medicine. Upon instruction from the officer, you will return to your housing unit. The exact times may vary slightly. Pill call is completed twice daily at the breakfast meal around 5:00am and the evening meal around 5:00pm. It is the inmate’s responsibility to be alert for instructions from the housing unit officer concerning the pill call. If you miss your scheduled pill call time due to a court appearance or other staff mandated reasons, you may request your medicine as soon as you are available to take it. However, inmates may not substitute one schedule pill call for another. If you are on an anti-psychotic, HIV, Hepatitis, TB, or seizure medication you will be called down after each missed pill call to either take the medication or sign a refusal. Tips in How to Stay Disease Free 13 THE NUMBER ONE WAY TO KEEP FROM SPREADING DISEASE IS TO WASH YOUR HANDS. I know your mom told you this everyday, and hey guess what? IT WORKS! With all our technology and knowledge washing your hands AFTER GOING TO THE BATHROOM, eating, working, sneezing, coughing, scratching, etc. is still the best way to NOT spread disease. If someone with a cold sneezes on their hand and grabs a door knob, and you walk up and grab the same door knob and rub your eyes or pick your nose guess what? You’ve just caught their cold. All kinds of organisms, such as, bacteria, parasites (lice, crabs, worms, etc) and viruses can cause disease. The main one we worry about today are viruses because the medicines we have for viruses don’t normally seem to work as well as medications for parasites and bacteria. It’s like the old saying, “if you have a cold and let it heal on it’s own it will last about two weeks, but if you take medicine it will only last for 14 days”. The main viruses we worry about are HIV (the human immunodeficiency virus-the virus that causes AIDS) and viral Hepatitis. HIV-this virus is very dangerous because it attacks the cells that fight infections. If enough of these cells are destroyed then our bodies cannot fight off any disease, even a cold. This virus is most generally transmitted through sexual contact or direct exposure to another person’s blood or other body fluids. THIS IS NOT A HOMOSEXUAL DISEASE. Having sex with a person of EITHER SEX or SHARING A NEEDLE with a person that is infected can spread the virus. If you become infected with HIV you will experience a short flu like illness including nausea, vomiting, fatigue, etc. that will normally resolve quickly. After the disease has established itself and done damage to your immune system then you won’t be able to fight off infection of any kind. MRSA: Staph is a type of bacteria. It may cause skin infections that look like pimples or boils. Skin infections caused by Staph may be red, swollen, painful, or have pus or other drainage. Anyone can get a Staph infection. • • • • Wash your hands often. Report to Medical any open cuts or sores, especially if they do not heal. Keep your cuts and scrapes clean by washing with soap and water and cover them with bandages Do not touch other people's cuts or bandages • Do not share personal items like towels or razors. Drug/Intoxicant Testing This facility operates a drug/intoxicant testing program that includes the following; when facility staff has a reasonable suspicion that an inmate has used drugs/intoxicants; when the inmate is found to be in possession of suspected drugs/intoxicants, or when suspected drug/intoxicants are detected or found in an area controlled, occupied or inhabited by the inmate; when the inmate is observed to be in possession of/or using drugs/intoxicants, but facility staff are unable to obtain a sample of the substance; and on a random basis. A random testing program will not be used for the purpose or have the effect of harassing or intimidating any inmate or group of inmates. If the inmate refuses to submit, he will be informed that to do so will result in a disciplinary report for refusal to submit to drug or intoxicant test. If the inmate is unable or unwilling to provide a urine specimen immediately, he is to be detained until he is able to provide a urine specimen. Staff will offer the inmate water to drink. Inmates unable to provide a urine specimen within two (2) hours of being ordered to do so are to be considered as refusing to submit to a urine specimen and charged with a disciplinary infraction. If a test result is positive a disciplinary report for unauthorized use of drugs or intoxicants will be issued. 14 Disciplinary Offences MINOR OFFENSES 1. DISORDERLY CONDUCT: Behavior such as loud talking or yelling, pushing, which creates a disturbance and/or disrupts the orderly running of the facility. 2. FAILURE TO MAINTAIN PERSONAL HYGIENE: Not having a clean body and clothes. 3. POSSESSION OF GAMBLING PARAPHERNALIA: Having in one's control, items for use in operating or acting in any game of chance involving betting or wagering of goods or other valuables. 4. PRESENT IN AN UNAUTHORIZED AREA: Being in an area that is designated through verbal, written or posted orders as "off limits" to a specific inmate or inmates in general. 5. SELF-MUTILATION: Inflecting injury on one's self. For example, cutting on one's own body or tattooing. 6. SMOKING IN RESTRICTED AREA OR AT A RESTRICTED TIME: Smoking of any form in an area or at a time designated verbally or through written post orders as a no smoking area. 7. UNEXCUSED ABSENCE FROM PLACE OF ASSIGNMENT: Being away without authorization from an appropriate supervisor, from the place of assignment such as dorm, work area, recreation area, infirmary, etc. 8. UNSANITARY AND DISORDERLY HOUSING CONDITIONS: Not keeping a clean, neat living area. The area should be kept in a manner so that all possessions are stored in an organized manner in areas designated for such. The area should be free from dirt and clutter. 9. USE OF VULGAR, ABUSIVE OR OBSCENE LANGUAGE: Use of words and/or phrases that are vulgar, abusive or obscene. MAJOR OFFENSES 1. ARSON: Starting or causing to be started a fire, which could or does cause damage to person(s) or property. 2. ASSAULT: An attack upon the body of another person. This includes rape. 3. ATTEMPT/CONSPIRACY: This is an offense for inmates who do not actually commit the offense but participate in the following ways: 4. a. Attempts to commit the offense; b. Solicit another or others to commit the offense; c. conspires with another or others to commit the offense; d. facilitate the action of another or others in committing the offense. COUNTERFEITING, REPRODUCTION: FORGERY OR UNAUTHORIZED counterfeiting, forging or reproducing without 15 approval, any document, article, identification, money, security or official paper. 5. DEATH OF ANY PERSON: Any act of which the end result is the death of any person including inmates, staff or civilians. 6. DESTRUCTION, ALTERATION OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY: Destroying, changing or hurting property of CCA or any other person. 7. DETAINING A PERSON AGAINST HIS WILL: Keeping a person in or removing from an area without the agreement of the person who is being kept or removed. Example: Taking of hostages. 8. ESCAPE: Leaving the grounds of an institution or from the custody of an employee outside the facility without permission or failure to return from a furlough or pass. 9. FAILURE TO FOLLOW VERBAL OR POSTED RULES AND/OR ORDERS: Not following specific rules and/or orders which have been designated for the clean, safe, orderly operation of the facility of which the inmates have been told of in advance through posting or verbally by an employee of the facility or person who has charge of the inmate at the time. This includes failure to follow the facility procedures for taking count. 10. FIGHTING: Engaging in physical conflict with another person. 11. GAMBLING: Operating or acting in any game of chance involving betting or waging of goods or other valuables; or possess gambling paraphernalia. 12. HINDERING AN EMPLOYEE IN THE PERFORMANCE OF HIS DUTIES: Acting in such a way to interrupt an employee during his work time such as causing delays, giving false information. 13. INSURRECTION: Participation or encouraging others to participate in unauthorized activity such as rioting or a work stoppage. 14. POSSESSION OF CONTRABAND: Having in one's control any item which has not been approved by the facility including weapons or any item which has been altered for use as a weapon, intoxicants, drug paraphernalia. 15. POSSESSION OF STOLEN PROPERTY: Having in one's control any item, which is stolen from any other person. 16. REFUSAL TO SUBMIT TO A DRUG OR INTOXICANT TEST: Not giving a urine sample for use in testing for drug usage or refusing to submit to a breathalyzer. 17. REFUSAL TO SUBMIT TO A SEARCH: To refuse to allow a search of your body, belongings or living area when requested by a facility employee. 18. REFUSAL TO WORK: When a person refuses to perform an assigned job. 19. REPEATED VIOLATION OF MINOR RULES: Obtaining three or more minor rule violations within a 30 day period, said 30 day period starting from the date the first minor rule violation occurs and ending on the 30th day after that date. 20. SEXUAL MISCONDUCT: This includes, but is not limited to, the following acts: a. Taking part in sex act(s) where all parties agree to take part. 16 b. Exposing the genitals or buttocks to an employee or visitor. c. Masturbation where an employee, visitor or other inmate can see the act. 21. THEFT: Unauthorized taking of something that belongs to someone else. 22. THREATENING ANOTHER WITH HARM: actions or words, that harm will come to him. 23. UNAUTHORIZED RECEIPT OF ANY ITEM OF VALUE: Receiving an item that has any value through false pretenses, threats or stealing. 24. UNAUTHORIZED SALE, TRANSFER OR RECEIPT OF PROPERTY: Any unauthorized sale or giving to another person or receipt from another persons any belongings or property. 25. UNAUTHORIZED USE OF DRUGS OR INTOXICANTS: Use of any drug or intoxicants, which has not been prescribed or approved for the inmate to use. 26. UNAUTHORIZED USE OF MAIL OR TELEPHONE: Using the mail or telephone to commit fraud, theft or against posted times and uses. 27. VIOLATION OF ANY FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL LAW: Any act, though not specifically listed in this policy, that would be either a felony or misdemeanor under federal laws or under the state laws in which the inmate is housed will constitute a major or minor violation. Telling someone, through PENALTIES 1. MINOR OFFENSES The Disciplinary Board or Hearing Officer may impose up to two (2) of the below listed penalties after a determination of guilt on a minor offense: a. Reprimand, written or verbal; b. Living area restriction for a maximum of 15 days; c. Loss of one of the following privileges for a maximum of 30 days d. - Canteen - Special activities - Work program (where applicable) Extra duty up to four (4) hours 2. MAJOR OFFENSES The Disciplinary Officer or Board may impose up to two (2) of the following penalties for a major offense: a. Any penalty which may be imposed for a minor offense; b. Extra duty up to eight (8) hours c. Restitution d. Cell or dorm restriction for a maximum of 15 days; 17 e. Loss of accumulated good conduct time, where applicable; f. 1-30 days Disciplinary Segregation per offense, a maximum of 60 days for all offenses arising from one incident. Confinement past 30 days requires review and approval of the Facility Administrator; g. Parole rescission or retardation, where applicable. Appeals An inmate may appeal the decision of the disciplinary officer to the Warden. The time guidelines are as follows: -the inmate is to be advised of their right to appeal the decision of the disciplinary officer at the time they are provided the decision. The inmate has up to fifteen (15) days within receipt of the decision to file an appeal. -the Warden is to respond to the appeal in writing affirming or reversing the decision with fifteen (15) days of the appeal. The Warden is to review the disciplinary report to determine: • -that there was compliance with the procedures set out in policy. • -that there was sufficient evidence for finding of guilty. • -that the penalty imposed was appropriate to the rule violation. The Warden, after review may: • -concur with the findings and penalty. • -void the report. • -decrease punishment. • -send back for a new hearing to correct any error in procedure, but not for an increase in punishment • -in no case will the Warden make a finding or impose a penalty that increases the category of the offenses or penalties. Expungement: If an inmate is found not guilty of an offense, major or minor, either after the hearing or the appeal, all reference to that offense will be removed from their file. Criminal Misconduct: If the designated supervisor reviewing the report or disciplinary officer thinks the conduct for which the inmate is being disciplined is a crime, they will notify the Warden who will contact the appropriate law enforcement agency. Any disciplinary hearing for this alleged offense will be conducted following the procedure set out herein and the inmate will be advised that they have the right to remain silent in the hearing and that anything they say during the course of the disciplinary hearing may be used against them in any subsequent criminal proceeding. Inmate Rights and Responsibilities You have the right to: -expect that as a being you will be treated impartially and fairly by all personnel -be informed of the rules, procedures and schedules concerning the operation of the institution -freedom of religious affiliation and voluntary religious worship -health care which includes nutritious meals, proper bedding and clothing and a laundry schedule for cleanliness of the same, an opportunity to shower regularly, proper ventilation for warmth and fresh air, a regular exercise period, toilet articles and medical, mental and dental treatment -visit and correspond with family members, members of the news media and in keeping with the State of Hawaiian rules and facility guidelines -unrestricted and confidential access to the courts by correspondence on matters such as the legality of your conviction, civil matters, pending criminal cases and conditions of your imprisonment 18 -legal counsel from an attorney of your choice by interviews and correspondence -participate in the use of the law library reference materials to assist you in resolving legal problems -receive help when it is available through a legal assistance program You have the responsibility to: -treat others, both employees and inmates in the same manner -know and abide by the rules, procedures and schedules concerning the operation of the facility -recognize and respect the rights of others religious affiliation and worship -not to waste food, to follow the laundry schedule, to maintain neat and clean living quarters, to keep your area free from contraband and to seek medical care as you may need it -conduct yourself properly during visits, not to accept or pass contraband and not to violate the law, Hawaiian or facility guidelines through your correspondence -present honestly and fairly your petitions, questions and problems to the Court -use the services of an attorney honestly and fairly -use the law library and its resources in keeping with the procedures and schedule prescribed and to respect the rights of the use of the materials and assistance 19 PREA/Sexual Assault/Sexual Abuse Handbook SEXUAL ASSAULT/ABUSE HANDBOOK Maintain Your Rights and Your Dignity PREA THE LAW: PREA supports the elimination, reduction and prevention of sexual assault and rape within correctional systems. PREA applies to all federal, state and local prisons, jails, police lock-ups, private facilities and community settings such as residential facilities. Section 10 of the Prison Rape Elimination act define the term rape as: “…the carnal knowledge, oral sodomy, sexual assault with an object, or sexual fondling of a person, forcibly or against that persons will; or not forcibly or against that persons will, where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his or her youth or temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity; or…the carnal knowledge, oral sodomy, sexual assault with an object, or sexual fondling of a person achieved through the exploitation of the fear or the threat of physical violence or bodily injury. What sexual acts are forbidden? The following sexual acts are forbidden at Saguaro Correctional Center: Disruption – Violence Rape or forcible sexual act Example: Rape is defined as the penetration, however slight, of the oral, vaginal or anal opening for the purpose of sexual arousal, gratification, or abuse when the victim is incapable through any unsoundness of mind, whether temporary or permanent of giving consent; the victim resists but resistance is overcome by force or violence; where the victim is prevented from resistance by threats of immediate and great bodily harm, accompanied by apparent power of execution; where the victim is prevented from resistance by the use of any intoxicating, narcotic or anesthetic substance administered by or with the privities of the accused; or where the victim is at the time unconscious of the nature of the act. Sexual Activity Engaging in sexual activity with another person. Example: Has active or passive contact or fondling between his/her genitals, hand(s), mouth, buttocks, anus, breast and the genitals; hands, mouth, buttocks, anus, or breast of another person 20 who expressly or impliedly consents to the accused offender’s conduct. Contact can be with or without clothing being worn by one or both parties. Bestiality Example: Any sexual contact with an animal. Indecent exposure Example: Every person who willfully and lewdly either: exposes his or her genitals in any public place, or in any place where there is present another person or persons who are offended or annoyed thereby; or procures, counsels, or assists any person so to expose his or her genitals where there is present another person or persons who are offended or annoyed. Making sexual proposals/threats or sexually harassing another person. Example: Subjecting another person to sexual contact through physical action and/or verbal or written statements without sexual intercourse, and the other person does or does not expressly or impliedly consent to the accused offender’s conduct, or the other person is unconscious or otherwise physically incapable of resisting and has not consented to the physical contact. Inappropriate physical contact Example: Lingering touching, physical contact or inappropriate kissing. The acts listed above are prohibited by CCA/SCC policy and violators will be subject to disciplinary actions. Are there other sexual acts that are forbidden? Yes. Staff sexual misconduct is forbidden at SCC. Staff sexual misconduct is sexual behavior between any SCC staff member and any offender under the care of SCC. This includes contractors and other agents of the contracting agencies. Staff sexual misconduct is forbidden even if it is consensual. What are my rights? While you are incarcerated, no one has the right to pressure you to engage in sexual acts. Rape and sexual assault are violent acts. Regardless of your age, race, size, ethnicity, or sexual orientation, offenders should have the opportunity to serve their sentences with dignity. You do not have to tolerate sexual pressure, harassment, manipulation, or assault. Every offender has a responsibility to eliminate sexual assault and sexual activity. If you are approached, pressured, or assaulted–report it immediately. To ensure that your environment is safe, if you are aware of another offender being sexually assaulted or involved in sexual behavior, report it immediately. I can see why rape and sexual assaults are against the rules, but why is sexual activity forbidden? If both people consent, what’s the big deal? There are many reasons why sexual behavior is inappropriate in prison. None of them involve moral judgments regarding sexual preferences. In a prison, sexual relationships, including those that are consensual, foster violence. Some offenders may disapprove of same-sex relationships and attack 21 inmates involved in sexual activities. Fights often occur when a “couple” breaks up, or one partner discovers the other is “cheating.” Eliminating sexual assault and sexual activity promotes a safer environment. In addition, the elimination of sexual activity and sexual assaults promotes an atmosphere where people can concentrate on making the changes in their lives that are necessary for success upon release. What about confidentiality? SCC staff members have been trained to limit the sharing of information regarding sexual assault and sexual activity to personnel who make decisions about the victim’s welfare and for investigation/prosecution purposes. What if I know someone who was sexually assaulted or know of someone involved in sexual activity? Report it to a staff member immediately. It is every offender’s right to serve his or her sentence with dignity. When others infringe upon that right, they release you from any bond of silence. Prison rape can be eliminated best when people who live in the facility refuse to accept it under any circumstances. If you fail to report this type of behavior, you erode your own safety. Support others who take the initiative to report this behavior and keep the facility safe. How do I avoid being assaulted? You can take steps to protect yourself from being sexually assaulted. • ¨ Do not accept gifts from others. Gifts and favors usually have strings attached. • ¨ Do not gamble or enter games of skill or chance. • ¨ Does not use, possess, trade, purchase, or hold drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products. • ¨ Do not become indebted to anyone either monetarily or for favors. • ¨ Choose your associates wisely. Do not become involved in gangs or hate groups. Look for people doing positive things to change their lives such as education, programs, religious activities, etc. • ¨ Do not accept another inmate’s offers to protect you. • ¨ Stay in well lit areas where staff can see you. • ¨ Carry yourself in a confident manner at all times. Do not permit your emotions such as fear and anxiety to be obvious to others. • ¨ Trust your instincts. If a situation seems dangerous, it probably is. If you fear for your safety, report it to a staff member. What do I do if I’m assaulted? Report it immediately to a staff member who will offer you immediate protection from the assailant and will get you medical attention. Because reporting sexual assault can be difficult, it is important that you understand there are several ways that you can report it. 22 The first and best choice is to report it immediately to a staff member. You can also report using one or more of the following: • ¨ By submitting a medical concern form and reporting to a medical staff member during sick call • ¨ Call someone outside the facility who can contact facility administrative staff • ¨ In a medical concern form • ¨ In an “Inmate Request Form” to security staff • ¨ In a letter to the facility head sealed and marked confidential Remember any method that you use other than reporting directly to a staff member delays you getting help. Do not shower, wash, drink, eat, change clothing, or use the bathroom, until after you have seen a medical professional trained to examine victims of sexual assault. (There will be a strong desire to clean up after a sexual assault, it is important that you do not.) What will happen to me when I report a sexual assault? Medical staff will examine you for injuries, which may not be readily apparent to you. They will also test you for sexually transmitted diseases and collect evidence. To collect evidence, you will be asked to consent to a sexual assault examination. A medical professional will do this exam. Although, you have the right to refuse the exam, it is critical to collect as much evidence as possible. You can receive medical attention without submitting to a sexual assault exam. It is important to understand the difference between the sexual assault exam and a medical care for the treatment of injuries and keeping you healthy. The evidence gathered in the sexual assault exam will be used to prosecute the perpetrator. The evidence can include hair, skin, and body fluids of the perpetrator. However, the medical care you receive during treatment is confidential, unless you sign a medical release form to allow medical information to be used as evidence in the prosecution of the assault. Do I have to reveal the assailant? No. However, you are strongly encourage to name the assailant if you know who it was, or do your best to help staff identify the assailant. That is the only way to protect yourself and others from future attacks. If I am a victim of a sexual assault, where will I be housed and what will happen to my property? First, you will immediately be protected from the assailant and receive medical care. Beyond that exact answers are difficult because every facility and situation is different. However, here are some general things you can expect. Sexual assault in the community or in prison, is a traumatic and difficult experience, which is often exacerbated by the investigation. Fortunately, the criminal justice system is getting better at helping victims through this experience. Designated Facility Victim Services Coordinator. 23 Saguaro Correctional Center has designated P. Sells, H.S.A. as the Facility Victim Services Coordinator. The Facility Victim Services Coordinator’s role is to support you as a victim. It is likely that you will also work with a victim service coordinator that works in the community. The Facility Victim Service Coordinator will not do certain things like advocate for your release on parole, reduce your custody level, or grant you special privileges. However, they can help you cope with a difficult situation. Handling a sexual assault in a prison facility presents unique challenges that are not present in the community. The perpetrator must be isolated, the victim must be protected, evidence must be collected, and medical attention must be given. Staff must remain neutral and ensure that all possibilities are considered, for example, false allegations or a perpetrator who claims to be the victim. In a prison, once the evidence is collected and the statements are taken, the victim can’t just go home and alternative housing options are scarce. The unit team will make housing decisions. • ¨ Safe housing at the appropriate custody level • ¨ Isolation from the perpetrator • ¨ Isolation from friends of the perpetrator • ¨ Housing in the least restrictive environment possible Your past behavior can limit the options available for housing. For example, an offender housed in administrative segregation will remain in administrative segregation. What if I’m falsely accused? First, remember to avoid situations that put you at risk. • ¨ Do not accept gifts from others; • ¨ Do not gamble or enter games of skill or chance; • ¨ Do not use, possess, trade, purchase, or hold drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products; • ¨ Do not become indebted to anyone either monetarily or for favors; • ¨ Choose your associates wisely; • ¨ Do not accept if another inmate offers to protect you; • ¨ Stay in well lit areas where staff can see you • ¨ Carry yourself in a confident manner at all times; • ¨ Trust your instincts; and • ¨ Don’t engage in sexual activity. False accusations usually arise from vendettas, indebtedness, and gangs & hate groups, or rejection of sexual advances. 24 If you are falsely accused, cooperate with staff. Do not make threats. Don’t attempt to harm or have others harm the person making the allegation. Keep your wits about you. Becoming verbally or physically abusive will add credibility to the allegations and weaken your own credibility. Tell the truth. Even if you might be held accountable for your behavior. Lies will only further erode your credibility. Anyone found to have made a false allegation will be disciplined and/or prosecuted. What if I’m involved in consensual sex, but later feel that I was manipulated? Most cases of sexual activity in prison involve manipulation, pressure, or other coercion. It is common that one person who has no history of inappropriate sexual activity is involved with one who has a history of several different partners on many different occasions. When this happens, one is usually a perpetrator, and the other is a victim. Avoid getting into the situation in the first place. Remember, if you are involved in consensual sexual activity, you are subject to disciplinary action. However, by coming forward, you are taking responsibility for your behavior, which is an important step toward developing the attitude and skills necessary for success in the community. But the most important reason to come forward is to stop a sexual perpetrator from manipulating more victims into destructive behaviors. Recovering from sexual assault. Any form of coerced or manipulated sexual activity is degrading. Victims of rape and sexual assault may be eligible for victim’s services. However, some of these services may not be available until after you are released from prison. Contact your Facility Victim Services Coordinator for more information. REMEMBER ¨ SEXUAL ASSAULT IS A CRIME” • ¨ ALL SEXUAL ACTIVITY BETWEEN OFFENDERS IS PROHIBITED • ¨ ALL SEXUAL ACTIVITY BETWEEN STAFF AND OFFENDERS IS PROHIBITED IF YOU ARE A VICTIM OF A SEXUAL ASSAULT, REPORT IT IMMEDIATELY. Allegations of sexual assault will be thoroughly investigated. Perpetrators of rape and sexual assault will be prosecuted and subject to disciplinary action. Sexual perpetrators will be considered for administrative segregation. It is never appropriate for a staff member to make sexual advances or engage in sexual activity with an offender. Even if the offender wants to be involved with the staff member, the staff member is not allowed to respond. It is never appropriate for an offender to make sexual advances or comments to a staff member, and such behavior will result in disciplinary or corrective action. MAINTAIN YOUR RIGHTS AND YOUR DIGNITY!!!!!! 25 CCA/Saguaro Correctional Facility Housing Rules and Regulations 1. All inmates are responsible for knowing and following these rules. Any infraction of these rules is a violation of the Offence and Penalty Code (Policy 15-1), #C-9 – Failure to follow a verbal or posted rules and or orders and/or #C-14 Possession of Contraband. 2. You must wear your I.D anytime you are outside of your pod. I.D. badges will be worn on the upper left chest area, picture facing out. 3. Each inmate is responsible for the sanitation and cleanliness of their immediate sleeping and storage areas. 4. There will be nothing hung from the bunks or anything placed in your cell windows. There will be a designated area for posting pictures on your cell wall, no pictures or items may be hung outside of this area. Do not write on the walls. No magazine cutouts can be posted. No offensive material shall be displayed anywhere in the cell. 5. Shoes will be lined neatly along your wall or under your bed. Shoes other than tennis shoes will need prior approval from the Warden or his designee. Shoes will not be placed outside your cell. 6. Cardboard boxes are not permitted. 7. Nothing will be hung on the pod railings or window bars. 8. Nothing will be stuffed in the cell vents or under the cell doors to block the flow of air. 9. Cleaning supplies will not be stored in your cell. 10. Nothing will be placed on the top of light fixtures or used to cover the lights or intercoms in the cells. 11. Each inmate is responsible for picking up after themselves in all areas of the pod. 12. During formal count all inmates will be in their cells and visible to the officers. During stand up count, all inmates will stand with their ID’s at their door. (No Exceptions) 13. Inmates are not allowed to enter other pods unless authorized by a staff member. 14. Inmates are not allowed to be in other inmates cell. 15. All inmates entering and leaving the pod will move only during authorized periods as directed by the staff. 16. Movement on the walk ways will always be on the right side, single file and at a walk (no running). 17. Sunglasses and head coverings (baseball caps) may be worn on the recreation yards only. 26 18. Doo rags/Shower caps may only be worn in the cells or dayroom only. (Doo rags, shower caps will not be allowed in the dinning room.) 19. Inmates will not receive, give or loan anything to another inmate. 20. When leaving the pod for any reason other than recreation, proper attire must be worn (khaki uniform and shoes). Proper attire, which consists of a full set of khakis and appropriate footwear, will be worn outside the housing units at all times. Any combination of sweats and khakis is not allowed. Exceptions to this would be when moving to and from your recreation yard only. All tshirts will be tucked in regardless of attire. Underwear are not to be worn as outer garments outside of the housing unit. Socks must be worn with all footwear outside the housing units at all times. No shower shoes are allowed outside of the unit. Id’s must be worn at all times when you leave your housing unit and displayed on the upper left chest only, with the photo facing forward. 21. Pants will be pulled up at all times. Inmates are allowed to wear gym shorts and an undershirt out to recreation. 22. Haircuts are allowed in designated areas only. 23. Inmates must wear shirts, khaki pants or shorts (sweats), shoes or shower shoes, while in the dayrooms. 24. All clothing, issued or purchased, will remain in its original form. Any altered clothing will be considered contraband and will be confiscated. 25. Any altered items including but not limited to food and drink containers radios, appliances will be considered contraband and will be disposed of accordingly. 26. Inmates are not allowed to sit on the tables, shower wall or phone wall at any time. 27. No standing or sitting on the stairways. This will also include no hanging on the stairs, such as exercising on the stairways or loitering or gathering on the top tier. 28. Commissary will be delivered to the Units; Inmates waiting for commissary will remain in their cell until called by staff. An I.D. badge is required to receive commissary. Only one inmate will be called at a time to receive commissary 29. There will be no loitering in housing sally port areas or walk ways. 30. Inmates will eat at the tables in the dinning room. Only one tray per inmate per meal is permitted. Trays will not be allowed outside the dinning hall. All trays must be returned after each meal. 31. Each inmate may be issued two (2) property boxes. Property that cannot be stored safely and properly will be considered excess property and will be disposed of accordingly. 32. Radios are not allowed in the dayroom or recreation area, they must remain in the cell. If the cell door is opened, you must use headphones. If the cell door is closed the volume must be at a level so that the radio can not be heard outside the cell. Any violation of this rule may result in the confiscation of your radio. Playing of musical instruments in cell will be done with the door closed. If the cell door is open, you must use your headphones to listen to your T.V. If the door is closed the volume must be set so as to not be heard outside of the cell. 33. Personal Storage or issued property boxes are not to be taken into the dayroom. Only authorized writing materials, dominoes, board and card games are authorized in the dayroom. 27 34. No make shift cloth lines are allowed in the cells or housing units. Hanging of cloths lines from bunks, railings or shower walls is not allowed. No blankets, sheets or other items are to be hung off the top bunk to obstruct the view of the bottom bunk or the outside window. Nothing is to be hung inside the cell obstructing the view of any part of the cell. Nothing is to be hung from the sprinkler head. 35. Lava Lava’s may only be worn in your cell and will be used for their intended purpose and nothing else. Any violation of this rule will resultin the confiscation of your Lava Lava. *Sheets can not be used as a Lava Lava. 36. Nothing will be hung on the cell walls except in designated areas. Any damage to a cell you occupy can be charged to you to include paint, holes, etc. 37. Blankets and towels will be used for their intended purposes only. Any other use will result in their confiscation. 38. As of November 1, 2007, tobacco products will not authorized at this facility. 39. During any lock down you must return all of your personal property to your cell. Any items left in the dayroom will be subject to confiscation. 40. Photos with any nudity may not be placed on the walls or be in plain sight within the cell. 41. The unit microwaves/phones are not authorized to be used for extended periods of time. Phones, microwaves will not be used 15 minutes prior to lockdown or counts. 42. All food must be consumed before leaving the dining hall. Any food that you attempt to take outside the dining hall will be considered contraband. 43. The act of tattooing or the possession of paraphernalia and equipment is prohibited at this facility. 44. Inmates will not attempt to have a social/personal relationship with any staff member or volunteer. Inmates are not allowed to correspond on a personal level through writing or the use of the telephone with any current staff member of volunteer. 45. The call buttons located in the cells are for emergency purposes only. If you abuse the use of the emergency call button you will receive a disciplinary report. 46. No jackets in the dayroom (Seasonal) Approved ________________________________ Approved___________________________________ Chief of Security Chief of Unit Management 28