Senators Emanuel Cleaver and Luis Gutierrez - Letter re Private Prison Campaign Contributions, 2017
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EMANUEL CLEAVER, II http: //WWW.HOUSE.GOV/CLEAVER FIFTH DISTRICT, MISSOURI TWITIER.COMIREPCLEAVER FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMITIEE FACEBOOK.COM/EMANUELCLEAVER II HOUSING ANO I NSURANCE SUBCOMMITTFE OVERSIGHT ANO IN'IESTIGATIONS SUBCOl.U.llTTEE ([ongr.esg i~ousr itf tlrr ! § nf iRrprr.s.enfatiur.a March 2, 2017 Damon Hininger CEO CoreCivic 10 Burton Hills Blvd., Ste. 200 Nashville, TN 37215 George Zoley CEO The Geo Group, INC. 621 NW 53rd St #700 Boca Raton, FL 33487 Dear Messrs Hininger and Zoley, As Members of Congress who represent districts comprised of a large number of AfricanAmerican and Latino residents, we write to express our concern regarding the recent news that your companies donated over $350,000 to campaign, transition, and inaugural accounts aimed at supporting the current administration, which acted swiftly after installing the newly appointed Attorney General to reverse the well-studied decision of the Department of Justice to end the use of private prison facilities in the federal system. Your organizations have often publicly said that you do not support positions that lead to enhanced incarceration, but in supporting a President who is implementing policies designed to increase the populations of individuals in both criminal and immigration detention, you are advocating for policies that deprive people of their liberty in order for you to increase your profits. We believe this is immoral and unjust, and believe that if your organizations are sincere about trying to enhance public safety, you should be advocating as strongly as possible for criminal justice reform and comprehensive immigration reform as you were advocating for President Trump s election. Until we see an actual commitment from your organizations to improve the lives of those individuals detained at your facilities, we will continue to view your business mode with skepticism and grave concern. 1 ~~-v~ {/V:U~s. v.~~ Member of Congress PLEASE REPLY TO: 0 2335 RAYBURN HOB WA SHINGTON, DC 20515 (202) 225·4535 (PHONE) (202) 225·4403 (FAX) 0 101 W EST 31ST STREET K ANSAS CITY, MO 64108 (816) 842·4545 (PHONE) (816) 471·5215 (FAX) 0 ~·· PRIN TED ON RECYCL(O PAPER 211 WEST MAP LE A VENUE INDEPENDENCE, MO 6 4050 (816) 833·4545 (PHONE) (816) 833·2991 (FAX) 0 1923 MAIN STREET HIGGINSVILLE, MO 64037 (660) 584· 7373 (PHONE) (660) 584·7227 (FAX)