SGWASA Notice of Water Standards, Sept. 2017
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'IMPORTANT INFORMATION A,BOUTYOUR DRINKING WATER SGWASA HAS LEVELS OF TOTAL TRIHALOMETHANES ( TTHMs ) ABOVE DRINKING )IVArER STANDARDS Our water system-recently violated a drinking water stand~rd •. Although this is not an emergency, i:!S our customers, yo1,.1 have a right to know what happened, wh* you should do, and what we are doing to correct-this situation. i ,l , We routinely monitor for the presence of ~rinking water contaminants. Testing results for water samples collected during the time period ending September 30,2017 show t~at the contaminant concentration from one or more sampling locations exceeds the standard or maximum co?taminant level (MCL)for TOTAL TRIHALOMETHANES (TTHMs).Tt:ie standard for TOTAL TRIHALOMETHANES 1is 0.080 milligrams per liter (mg/L). Over the referenced coi:npliance period. the sample location with the highest a!,,erage level of TOTAL TRIHALOMETHANES had'a concentration ;of 0. 090 mg/I. I .. What·should·l-do? -~ not · ------ You do heed to use an alternatla(e (e.g., bottled) water supply. However, if you tiave specific health concerns, con~ult your doctor. / i What does this mean? This is not an immediate risk.- If it had been, you would have been notified immediately. However, some people Who drink the water containing Total Trihalome:thanes (TTHMs) in excess of the MCL over many years may have an increased risk of getting cailcer. ·• I . What hap'i;,ened? What is being done? When will the problem be corrected? Test results for-SGWASA's TOT-AL TRIHALOMETHANES (TTHMs) samples taken on August 23,2017 had a quarterly cbncentration of 0:077 mg/lat this location. Th~ latest test results received for the s·ample :tar.~n· on August 23, 20170 show the running annual average at thi;; location to be 0.090 mg/L .The running annual· average MCUs 0.080 mg/L, however the latest quarterly test res~lts indicates that th_e water·at.this location is 0.077mg/L, , which rpeets the standard. An investigation as to the cau~e of the elevated (TTHM) level is ongoing and will _ continue until-system compliance is achieved. Please sit are this information wil/1 all the otlzer people who drfnk tl,is water, especially those who may not ha1•e received this notice directly (for example, people in apartment.~, nursing homes, schools, and busillesses). You can do tlris by posting this 11otice in a public place. or distribut(ng copies by hand or ,nail· 1 For more 111 . fcormat1on, p ease contact: S_ystem Name . SGWASA ; I Responsible Person Fred Dancv ..!?hone .Number ·-· 919-575-3] 18 .. System Address (Street) -c-S)'S(CJl~WS.lDii___ ··--···· 02-39-107 . .. 415 Central Ave. Suite B ~System Address (Citv,~State, Zip_L Butner, N.C. 27509 Violation Awareness Date: October 27, 20.l 7 Date Notice .Distributed: November 20, 2017 Method of Distribution:_ Mailing Publi.c Notification Certification: The public w~ter system named above hereby affirms that public notification has been provided to its consumer:. in.accordance with 3II delivery, content, format. and deadline requirements specified in 15A NCAC 18C .15~3. . Owner/Operator: (Signature) i .j Lindsay .L. Mize (Print Name) Novem_ber 2, 2017 (Date) .. -· EiThlillDi#l#li!l =t ! ti I IMP~RTANT INFORMATION ABOiLJT YOUR DRINKING WATER V'v'.U.:TON·WATER.& SEWER HAS LEVELS Of TOTAL TRIHALOMETHANES ( TTHMs) .. ABOVE DRINKING WATER STANDARDS I '. Our'water system recently violated a drinking· water staRd*d. :Although•this ts notan emergency,.·:as our •.. c~sto_m_er:,, you have a right to know what happened, what/you should do, and what we are doing this s1toat1on. ! to correct ~ . . We ~outinel~ monit~r for the presence of drinklhg water contarj,inants. Testing results for water samples collected during the time pe~tod endrng June 30,2017 show that the cohtaminart concentration from one or more sampling locations exceeds the standard or maximum con·taminant level (MCL)for TOTAL TRIHALOMETHANES (TTHl'vis).The standard for TOTAL TRIHALOMETHANES is 0.080 milligrams per liter tmg/L). Over the referenced compliance period, the sample locatiori with the highest average level of TOTAL TRIHALOMETHANES had a concentration of 0.086 mg/I. •. I • What should I do? You do not need to qse an alteniati--te (e.g.j bottfecl) water supply. However, if you have specific health concerns, consult your doctor. What does this mean? . This is n~t an immediate risk. If it had been, you would hav~ been notified immediately. How-ever, some people who drink the water containing Total Trihalometh;anes (TTHMs) in excess of the_ MCL over many year~ mpy have an increased risk of getting eancer. · What happened? What is being done? When will the problem be corrected? Test results for SGWASA's TOTAL TRIHALOMET-HANES {TTHMs) sampie fo.r the sample taken on May 24, 2017 show · the quarterly concentration at this location to be 0.086 mg/L. An investigation as to the cause Qf the elevated (TTHMs) level is ongoing· and will continue until system compliance is achieved. Please sltare tltis information witlt ult the otlter peopfe who drink th/$ water, especially those who may not have receiired this nhfice tlirecily (for example, people in apartments, 11ursh1g homes,_ schools, .and b11sinesses). You ea,r do tlti'i by po!>ting tlii5 nntice in a public place.or tfittri11J1ti11g cople:1 by htmd or mull. For more inforn1:~ti~!.1.1..elens<" contnct: .- - - - - - - - - - - , - -----.,....-c---~=------------------ ! R.:~pnnsible Person System Name System Address (Street) WlLTON 4 J5 Central Ave. Suite B Phone Number I System PW SID# 919-575-31U 40-39-004 System Address (City, State, Zip) Butner;N_C_ 27509 ---- - l Fred Dancy Violation Awareness Date: ~~!Y. 20, 2017 Date Notfoe Distrihuted; Am?ust 19. 20 I7 Method of Distribution: Mailio.g r-Public Notification Certification: ' The :public water system named abo~e hereby a:.firms "th~t public noti~cation ~as be.en ~rovid~d, ~Q i~s .. consumers in accordance with all dehvery, content. fom,at. and deadline requIrernents specrfted m 16A : NCAC 18C .1523. . Lindsay L. Mize Owner/Operator: (Signature) (Print Name} August 15, 2017 (Dat-e) _______ _