SOP Manual - Identification Division, Fort Bend Co Sheriff's Department, 2015
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Fort Bend County Sheriff's Department Identification Division Preface This manual was written in an attempt to standardize the aerations and procedures of the Identification Division of the Fort Bend County Sheriff's Department, Support Services. With the understanding that not every situation is exactly the same, nor can it be s olved exactly the same way every time, an attempt has been made to cover as many of t!1e job tasks taken on'by the Identification Division as possible. These suggested procedures are not set in stone and are open co change as new techniques are proven in the fields chat we work. In no way should this material be misconstrued in its content or meaning to be in direct conflict with or supersedence of any of the policies or regulations of the Sheriff's Department .Employee Rules Manual issued by this department. Should you have any questions or suggestions in regard to this manual and its material, make them known to the d�vision supervisor for classification. Sergeanc Larry L. Spillers Identification Supervisor Fort Bend County Sheriff's Department I Fort Bend County Sheriff's Department Identification Division Standard Operating Procedures Manual Job Description I. PURPOSE A.ND SCOPE A. To provide a standardized, uniform response to crime scenes for the purpose of collecting evidence. B. To provide a standardized, uniform method cf conducting required job .::ask::; •t1il...i1.i.11 1.i1t::: Jivisi,:;r1. II. RESPONSIBILITIES supervisor on .::a.1..l. UL c..ue :-;c:2,nt.:.; ·Jf 2u .=h =rime =.:::ene::�. ;:.u1:1c::- v ... ;;,v.,_ vu '-"c. 1 ,,.,_ ......,.....-4-.-.""'-..i-�,....-,ll,, . ' ..l ._. - --�··�- - - - - - - ,-,""'llor+- r�f""nrrl nrl'Jroct� �nrl pr�serv'? physical ':'VidencP .::it" snr:h c:::-1-me scenes bv the use of photography, measu:::-ement, and induction �f evidence inco :h� departments evidence storaae f;:ir: 1 i t-y. C. To be in care, custody and c!·1e depac:men1=s evidence storage facility including che �nduccion and release of saia property, and che destruc:ion OI property properly ordered by a court order. D. To process any �hysical evidence in the departments care, custody and control, for the presence of latent or patent impressions. �)To photograph any latent prints developea off any � physical evidence, that are of value for the Afis system. F. To classify che photograph �fa latenc 9r�nt that is to be placed �nto che Afis system. r .:, . To maintain, file of che submission forms thac relace to all latents ?Ut into the Afis System. With fol�ow up month to month on major latent cases on the Afis System. To operate and maintain a photographic laboratory for the purpose of developing photographs of �rime scenes, department functions and filing "mug" photos. 1