Speaking Truth to Power - Testimonies from prisoners in US, Prison Watch Program, 2014
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Speaking Truth to Power A collection of testimonies from prisoners in United States prisons, documenting uses of physical, chemical, and no-touch torture, among other human rights abuses Sent to: Human Rights Task Forces on the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, as well as the Universal Periodic Review American Friends Service Committee Prison Watch Program 89 Market Street, 6th Floor Newark, NJ 07102 Bonnie Kerness, Program Director Casey Diaz, Intern Ashiera Jones, Intern Summer 2014 SOLITARY CONFINEMENT Derek Shaw, #1444224 Newark, NJ The captive informed of is unjustly placed in solitary confinement prior to any attempt to substantiate the allegations against him/her, depriving them of access to school/religious programs, commissary, property, and visitation privileges. Johnathan Williams, SBI 476388C New Jersey State Prison Trenton, NJ I was beaten in Northern State Prison then shipped to Trenton. The officers, 2 of 6, who attacked me had a hearing I learned that nothing was done. This happened November 2011. The shipped me out and threatened me with street charges. There were over 50 witnesses to me attack. I was brutalized! During this 6 month period I suffered numerous anxiety attacks due to the long term torturous isolation. I’ve been in isolation for 6 months. I had to be placed on anxiety medication. While in solitary here at Trenton, an officer planted a federally controlled drug in my cell. He claimed on a “Blue Sheet” that the drugs were in a white envelope I challenged the “Blue Sheet” and had a cross examination confutation at the hearing with a Sargent who was involved and the clearly mendacious employee. I wrote an extensive statement in my defense outlining and listing relevant case law. The “committee” illegally agrees to hand down orders to have me drugged by force. A Government Psychiatrist who met with me stated that she didn’t agree with that order and expressed ethic concerns. She quickly removed/ reversed the orders to drug me up. Shortly later Dr. Voutto moved on. She no longer works here, perhaps she’s seen too much corruption. Michael Caropresso #W83857 Massachusetts Correctional Institution Shirley Shirley, MA My urine sample has been in lab awaiting testing, meanwhile I’ve been kept in solitary. I was told it will likely be a year before they get to my sample. I have been in DDU (Disciplinary Detention Unit) for 30 months, I‘ve witnessed inmates kill themselves, hang themselves, brutally cut up, cut major arteries, and tendons. I have been a part of illness and beaten up, often being gassed by “move teams” “SRT” extractions. Duane Haley #1788854 William P. Clements Unit Amarillo, TX My cell door has not been opened for any reason since I arrived at this facility on 4-24-13. There are no windows, no sunlight, no nothing, no way to know the time or if it is night or day other the changing of guard shifts. Harry Lee Boggs #1000672581 Hays State Prison Trion, GA 1. I’ve been raped 16 times by Hays State officials 2. My incoming mail is being held in unit… Manager Reed’s office for no lawful reason 3. 22 beatings and placed on 24-hour cell S.M.U. behind a two room glass and a reinforced steel door where you can’t see any sunlight 4. Use of force by using chemical agents as a form of punishment on inmates 5. Deprived medical care, religious freedom, our food, placed butt naked and placed in a cell with nothing for 3 to 4 weeks at a time. Killing inmates and covering it up so that the outside world knows nothing at all. The following state officials are just a few that belong to the KKK as they state to inmates after raping or beating them… Second letter: • G-1-Unit and G-2-Unit are 24-hour lockdown 7 days a week, subjects me to punitive conditions of confinement, without due process, and on many occasions, simply for speaking out on violations of my rights • Since I’ve been in SMU for 24 hours a day, the practice of instilling fear and using force for speaking out is common, where I’ve had physical force used against me without any justification and false reports created to cover up all their corrupt acts against me • I have stayed in G-wing 7 months without property, physical exercise, denied food most of the time, mail destroyed or held in Unit Manager Reed’s office, deprived showers for weeks at a time due to mold and black/green mildew on the ceiling and walls • Ordering maintenance to spray paint the back window in and out, along with steel boxes over it, blocking all sunlight 24 hours a day at a rate of 365 days a year… • The cell has extremely bright lights, too bright even to read and write in, which is proving to cause damage to my eyes • …The defendants [prison officials]… have ordered food service to decrease food portions significantly to the point of death to some inmates and long term digestive problems • SMU/ ASU are deprived of all and any environmental or sensory stimuli Gregory Thompson #C08011 Taylor Correctional Institution Perry, FL I’ve been in solitary confinement here at Taylor since Jan 9th 2014… They even went so far as to sexually harass me, in which I filed a report on the officer and was told that it was sent to inspector general Jeffery Beasley but I yet have not heard any kind of response back. That was almost two months ago. Roy Talley #J-73098 Corcoran State Prison Corcoran, CA This term [solitary confinement] I have been in a little over 4 years straight, but overall most of the past 15 years… After doing a substantial amount of time inside alone, then being released is shocking. It is a blast for a few days then the people, colors, sounds, touching, movement, kids, cars, and social interactions become way too much, kind of like over-stimulation of the senses, it gets really uncomfortable around everyone and everything, so much that it usually takes alcohol or drugs to ‘feel’ comfortable. David LaCouture #11884 Plymouth County Correctional Facility Plymouth, MA They called it a 23 hour lockdown, but during the hour out, you had no other human contact- not even staff… As you are aware we are made to eat and sleep in a concrete and steel bathroom…In my particular case they never turned off the light. My window was covered on the outside with some type of white plastic so that we could not attempt any type of visual communication with whatever may have been out there. Patrice Daniels #B-70662 Pontiac Correctional Center Pontiac, IL Up until April 17th of this year, I’d spent a total of 17 years in disciplinary segregation (solitary confinement)… I am freakishly severely scarred on my arms, thighs, and even my calves and genitals from the years of self-mutilation… I was routinely retaliated against by not being feddue to my “assaultive” behavior (which led to severe malnourishment)… I grew to loathe physical contact. It hurt to be touched. Or in the reverse- any physical contact with anyone would provoke the urge to be extremely violent… It’s not conducive to identifying with others humanely. Christopher Gerlach #DB-5261 State Correctional Institution Greene Waynesburg, PA I am currently in solitary confinement here at SCI Greene (since 2005). I have been repeatedly sexually harassed/ threatened by guards here multiple times… Col Moore who is the leader of inmate brutality (brags about “finding” by himself 4 inmates hanging dead- has to be a record!) here at SCI Greene, repeatedly has threatened to hang me in my cell with a “black bag over my head” in front of the whole block… Also, Col Moore told the whole block that they needed a good “beat down” and he’d march us all to yard naked in our socks and he’d start sodomizing inmates… He threatened to “execute” all the long term inmates… Guys here getting fingers, wrists broken by guards too- legs too- I have already been assaulted by another C.O for reporting abuses. Second letter: We are forced to be totally naked in front of staff constantly as well as other inmates- there are also some inmates who work for the staff of whom we are threatened with rape and forced to be naked in front of them when we dress, wash, do bodily functions… I had Nurse Fleming and Srg. Champman on 6-22-14 smear feces inside a nasal medication and laugh “he just blew shit up his nose.” Edward Campbell #AT2982 North Kern State Prison Delano, CA [After being released from solitary confinement the first time] I didn’t like to be touched or hugged. Socializing for the first few months was pretty much a no-go. Just opening up to people in a conversation was hard, sometimes I would just clamp-up… It’s more of them (the administration) trying to break us down mentally. Xavier Clark #1138318 Hays State Prison Trion, GA It’s 5 of us back here and our cell has feces, bug/insect infested, toilet bowl filthy, feces on door and walls, showers are extremely hot, showers are bug infested [and] unclean, cold food, locked in cell 24 hours 7 days a week, no yard-calls at all, not allowed to buy hygiene off store, insect and bug infested vents of heat in rooms that give off a distinctive smell, very few cell clean outs, and no cleansing just straightening up by cart team and etc. Marlon McCarthan #N03096 Florida State Prison Raiford, FL Sleep deprivation, paranoia, fear, and mild hallucination I deal with daily. Gilbert J. Pailotta #46244 Ely State Prison Ely, NV I have been in solitary since 1998. From 1998-2005 I was held on “High Risk Potential”… which in part includes zero staff and/or inmate contact, no group activities, no program participation, stripped of privileges (e.g. phone, canteen, contact visits, hobby craft, inter alia), and escorted with arm and leg restraints that have a dog leash attached to them during any movement. In 2005 I was removed from the “HRP” status and Disciplinary Segregation, but placed on Administrative Segregation. I’m still stripped of privileges, staff and/or inmate contact, no group activities, no program participation and in-cell confinement for 23 hours a day. I also only get to shower every 3 days. James Watkins # 01702234 Clements Unit Amarillo, TX First off I’m in Segregation Lockdown 23 hours a day… The officials here commonly use chemical agents on inmates with documented asthma then leave you in your cell naked, no property at all, no blankets, sheets, or mattress for 24 hours and no shower or soap to wash off the tear gas or pepper spray. Just last summer in 2013 an inmate named Wolverton, I think, here the ECB High Security Seg building died of chemical agents. He was left on his cell floor covered in feces, he had a colostomy bag, and he was found dead the next day after several counts… We are woken up at every count, every 1 to 2 hours round the clock for count. You can never sleep more than 2 hours at a time. Charles Morton #198189 Staton Correctional Center Elmore, AL First and I feel most importantly is the solitary confinement at the last prison I was at. It is a dungeon like setting. Dark, no windows, you go weeks and months sometimes not seeing light. These are dangerous and unsupervised for the most part. Men are put in these cells with other men which fight and get injured without anyone knowing for hours on end… I have seen several times inmate getting beat while in cuffs or ganged up by a number of officers… Last is I work in the infirmary and while there are lots of times men go weeks with broken bones, the worse is I reported that one of the men had died and it was almost an hour before anyone came and checked on him. Randy Watterson #0427985 Central Prison Raleigh, NC I was frequently stripped naked and searched for no reason… I have been maced, beat, and sustained emotional tortures by prison guards in way I cannot semantically voice on paper… In there [solitary] and after weeks, months, or years, your body begins to hurt in places all over from laying around so much and the depression sets in like a disease… We eventually don’t seek normal communication, we interact with violence that has been bred from aloneness… I watched a man brutally stabbed to death right before my eyes… I’ve had my share of being stabbed and robbed. Glenn E. Conroy, Jr #447096 Waupun Correctional Insitution Waupun, WI I have basically been in seg housing unit and while being here the guards have tormented and encouraged me to cut myself and even specified jugular, carotid arteries, and have taunted me every time I have cut my wrist arteries, saying that I did not do it to their satisfaction and have threatened to beat me to a pulp. Daniel Alvarez #73277 Central New Mexico Correctional Facility Los Lunas, NM A suicide attempt. That’s what happened to me during my time in solitary. A serious, legitimate suicide attempt. I suffer of schizophrenia and while I was in segregation all I had to talk to was the voices in my head… While in solitary I was electrocuted due to faulty wiring. After that everything just went downhill for me. Every day I talked to delusions more and more. It got to the point that I did whatever the voices told me. Eventually I decided that was no way to live and chose to try to kill myself. I was found in my room passed out and cover in blood. The next morning I went right back into trying to kill myself as soon as [I] woke up. I tried to kill myself by diving into a metal stool… I suffer of brain damage… If I would [have] had daily conversations with other people, I would have not interacted with delusions. Delusions that led me to try to kill myself. Ismael Acevedo Ortiz #FY3422 SCI Frackville Frackville, PA Solitary Confinement Conditions: Well it’s basically like living in a gas chamber. No fresh air, gaseous smells and mold and other horrible smells coming out of the ventilation system, making myself and others sick and loss of appetite. Flies in all cells and on the unit bugs all around as if living in the open mountains. The water is a very light brown and bubbles when you pour in a cup and with the nastiest taste… Constantly being sexually harassed by numerous of strip searches in which one I have to bend over and spread my glutes to show them my rectum and this can happen 2 to 3 times in one day Mon-Fri… Cell lights on all day and guard flashing flash light in face when sleep. Jeffrey Mondell #445502 New Jersey State Prison Trenton, NJ They offer a yard every 2-3 days and that is for about 2 hours and you go by yourself in a caged in area no larger than a large dog pen without any ability to walk or get proper exercise… I witnessed firsthand a female officer SCO Mason-Watts having sex with inmate Julian in the control booth on my previous unit… She still works here, and has inappropriate relations with inmates still. Jeffrey Gardner #1122076 Pocahontas State Correctional Center Pocahontas, VA Sometimes inmates die due to neglect… During that week in the strip-cell, I received no shower, no soap to wash my hands, wasn’t allowed to brush my teeth, write a letter, make a phone call, and I was given 21 squares of toilet paper… Sometimes K-9’s were picked up by the handler and thrown onto inmates… I make $4.05 a week at $0.27 an hour for 15 hours. Joseph Hall Jr. #1139963 Hays State Prison Trion, GA None of the locks on cell doors work which resulted in the death of 5 prisoners in one month… We are supposed to get an hour a day outside our cell but that’s not true in Georgia. We gone months without seeing the sunlight with nothing to read but a bible. Prisoner suicide has tripled and it’s a medical fact that everyone has lost weight in this program. Tony L. Mutschler #FK9033 SCI Frackville Frackville, PA In this housing unit the windows are welded shut… They had one fire and used CO2 gas twice. The fire, we were taken out one by one and when they sprayed the gas we went nowhere. The hole unit was forced to breath it and it made a lot of guys feel sick including myself. And there is no fire suppression in this unit so we were forced to breath in smoke because windows don’t open. Khalid Awan #50959-054 FCI Mendota Mendota, CA During said 11 months, one time I was placed at the end of the SHU cell for 6 weeks. I can’t see anyone except CO, who come to give a food and all SHU windows also shut, you can’t see outside. Pontell Bryant #311381C New Jersey State Prison Trenton, NJ I was assaulted four different times by correctional officers (excessive force) once in 2008, 2009, 2012, and 2013… I have endured consisted of sleep deprivation, screeching sounds, extreme silence, extreme cold and heat, intentional situational placement, humiliation- a systematic attack on all human stimuli… Prisoners are constantly being bitten and could possibly become infected with diseases such as MRSA. RACISM Gilbert J. Paliotta #46244 Ely State Prison Ely, NV Administration is biased and racist towards me, a Polynesian inmate. They (Ely State Prison Administration) have continuously re-classified former “HRP” [High Risk Potential] inmates back to general population- all white or Hispanic inmates. Marion Singletary, SBI 484723D South Woods State Prison Bridgeton, NJ A white guy that came into the trailer at 12 a.m. drunk with a distinct odor to his body, he was yelling at us, calling us dumb ass niggers for not eating… I still have nightmares from my experiences and I still live with the fear of being sent back there and beat or killed just for being black Thomas Dudley #K02759 Santa Rosa Correctional Institution Milton, FL I tried to explain the cuffs were extremely too tight and that my hands were numb, he [Sgt. Broughton] laughed and stated something akin to “I thought you niggers were used to shackles by now”… He stated something akin to “you haven’t felt pain yet faggot Write another grievance against me and the next time I’ll stick my key up your black ass nigger”… As he locked the cage he again threatened me that “next time I’m going to say ‘stop resisting’ then slam your punkass on your head. So if you even think about writing this up or to report me to Lt. Mitchell again I’ll have my boys take care of your nigger faggot ass!” Cesar Martinez #1195387 Crossroads Correctional Center Cameron, MO …they both slammed me into the corner of the door, causing undue pain and suffering. They did this one more time. Then they picked me up and carried me to the cell I was assigned to, all the while tormenting me with racial slurs such as “we should have hit this piñata harder” and “I think we cracked this taco shell.” Ismael Acevedo Ortiz #FY3422 SCI Frackville Frackville, PA The racism, well even though I was born in Brooklyn, New York, my parents are form Puerto Rico so I’m called names like “bean eater, spick, dirty Mexican, immigrant” and other nasty words. Mykeal Rowland #1227589 Crossroads Correctional Center Cameron, MO There are also several acts of racism towards inmates at the facility. Whenever violations are given, the inmates of color are guaranteed to get a worse range of punishment than the white inmates. Tony L. Mutschler #FK9033 SCI Frackville Frackville, PA I’ve been threatened by staff (COs) and I’ve heard them threaten others as well or torment inmates about their crime, race, mental urges, and religion. Kenyon Smith #243134 William E Donaldson Facility Bessemer, AL COs refer to us Asiatics, Europeans with racial slurs i.e. nigga, cracka SEXUAL ABUSE Jose Santos, SBI 107218B Northern State Prison Newark, NJ On June 11, 2013 I was sexually abused and rob by another inmate in S.S.C.F. Delmont, NJ. On June 12, 2013, I was in such a RTS and this Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which was cause by the RTS i.e. Rape Trauma Syndrome took me into a point where I really wanted to kill myself. When I told Sgt. Thomas, he called me a “freak” and I was placed in psychiatric watch. I continued to report the abuse to Dr. Glassermen, Sgt. Gel Dr. Gracias and Officer F. Martinez. The Medical Team i.e. mental health team, reported the abuse to SID and documented. Now I find myself housed in isolation unit heavily medicated for RTS and PTSD. Juan Garcia #09A5409 Southport Correctional Facility Pine City, NY Officer Wheoton and Chopman touch my genitals, I file complain they take away my insulin for three days. Roy McMahon AKA Rachel Anne #1103546 Mark W. Stiles Unit Beaumont, TX He [Sgt Briscoe] constantly harasses gay and trans inmates…There have been three counts in which Sgt. Briscoe has harassed me, and the third account, he threatened to hit me with his fist, while I was in cuffs. Then [he] pulled out the gas (pepper spray) and starts shaking it up. Did I shut up? No, I kept on, and on, reading him. He sprayed the whole can right in my face –account from McMahon’s friend, another trans prisoner. Gertavia Thompson #1008525 Mountain View Unit Gatesville, TX My bodily privacy was violated. Every day I was watched shower, use my toilet, and at any time I was naked not only did officers watch, but make comments, “I bet that pussy tight, clean that asshole good, or fat nasty body.” Mykeal Rowland #1227589 Crossroads Correctional Center Cameron, MO Us offenders are also punished for inappropriate reasons. For example, I was sexually harassed by a female guard here at Crossroads Correctional Center. The officer told me to “uncover my window,” I then told her that I was “using the bathroom” and she gave me a second directive so I uncovered the window. Then I asked “why do you want me to uncover the window? Are you trying to see my genitals or something?” And then she stated “well I am a girl, ya know.” Shi’Quon Fowler #215978 Union County Jail Elizabeth, NJ In or about April 2012, Former Detention Center Officer Sherrie Brown-Braswell began to sexually assault and demand sexual acts from me which were non-consensual and against my will. Braswell threatened me with physical abuse should I resist her sexual assaults or report this activity to another employee. Braswell continued the sexually assaults and threats until approximately November 2012… This is humiliating considering the fact I was raped at the Detention Center. Brian Turner #15686-078 FCI Mendota Mendota, CA All this started with letters from the staff member… which she insisted on trying to get me where no cameras to perform oral sex on me… I woke up one night with her next to me fondling my penis and looking at me. I tried to sit up but she pushed me back down and I didn’t know what to do… She began to suck on my penis and then when she was done she tried to kiss me and I turned my head… The second time I was awake and I told her through the door window to please don’t come in. She unlocked the door again and pushed me onto the bed and pulled my pants down again and began sucking my penis, at the end giving me the same threats. BRUTALITY Maurice Gay, #512588B New Jersey State Prison Trenton, NJ These people have taken me hostage with some serious abuse and torture. I am crying out for some help in getting a free form this state of bullying and suffering I can’t even rest without some officers creeping in my cell hitting me upside my head and mouth. William Thomas, #267620C New Jersey State Prison Trenton, NJ I have to beg for water and food. We are being killed slowly. If you were to come here you would find us in this “dry cell” naked, cold and hungry. We are being cut off from all avenues of recourse. I was removed from special needs and placed here. Please can you get somebody, anybody to get us out of these torture chambers? We are doing nothing wrong and have no intention of doing so. I’m having serious problems with the staff and administration here. I’m getting threatened to be physically assaulted by staff as well as other inmates, I don’t eat much either, this started after I filed my lawsuit. I don’t feel safe, I don’t eat or sleep, nothing. The staff wants me to withdraw my complaint. They won’t even give me paper to write on any more. It’s two other people on this Unit scared for their lives due to staff misconduct and misinformation. They will kill us. Marion Singletary, SBI 484723D South Woods State Prison Bridgeton, NJ I was shipped to BSP [Bayside State Prison] in September 2010, upon entering the prison that day I witnessed a prisoner being beat while in handcuffs in the intake area… On the compound there is a red line called the “Baker Line.” If you step a foot on this line or cross this you will be beat… It was no secret that the helicopter would airlift someone to the hospital at least once a week due to the severe beatings. In 2011 I personally was involved in an incident where an officer assaulted an inmate on the walkway in the blind spot… Inmates were beaten to death, inmates were refused medical treatment because the medical staff were a part of the problem… Female COs would lie on inmates and say an inmate pulled out his penis, grabbed his crotch area, or made sexual advances at them. Then they would laugh while that inmate was beat viciously… By this time it was evident the only resolution to the COs was to beat us into submission… I watched 7 COs run into an inmate’s room and beat him until they broke his arm… He beat an Indian guy at night then the next day the guy was beat right in the day room space. James Lindsey #256676 Baraga Correctional Facility Baraga, MI My A-wing C/O officer intentionally deprived me my breakfast and lunch meal due to retaliation of numerous complaints I’ve filed on him recently. James Dehler #489703 Waupun Correctional Institution Waupun, WI I got cuts on my face scars from a electric shock taser gun that shoots wires (2 wire shoot, each 20 seconds long) and O-C burn spray with gases in my eyes. Thomas Tanner #100396 Lansing Correctional Facility Lansing, KS I was severely beaten by the black suits here in March 2014 for no good reason- they didn’t have to beat me- I wasn’t threatening them, nor was I aggressive or resisting them. Now I have permanent injuries to my left hip and left rotator cuff… Black suit Gill repeatedly hit me with his fists over and over again, yelling “Stop resisting! Stop resisting!” I wasn’t resisting- I froze up when they rushed me. One guy was in the infirmary here at LCF not long ago and as he fell to the floor in his cell, clutching his chest in severe pain of a heart attack- nurse Suzy told him to shut up, quit whining, and get off of the floor and up on his bunk. The poor chap died on the spot, right then and theredue directly to nurse Suzy’s neglect. My good friend Miguel Jiminez was put “in the hole” on around June 15th, 2013 for no good reason and he hanged himself and he died. Donald A Lock #13119 Pendleton Correctional Facility Pendleton, IN Male and female guards helping me out of my wheelchair and trying to life me by hand, in my full trip, hand cuff, belly chain, black box, pad lock and leg iron trip gear actually did cause my left arm to be hurt as well as my back and both legs to suffer great twisting pain to be fitted into said 4 x 4 x 5 stainless steel 18” van box. Goes on to repeatedly describe the pain resulting from this trip in a non-handicapped van, despite him being in a wheelchair for several years. G.D. Escalante (Gilbert Daniel) #569711 Alfred D. Hughes Unit Gatesville, TX In the early morning of Friday 11-23-12 the inmate in the “seclusion cell” next to me, I heard, covered himself in feces. And they left him like that for around 5 hours. On 11-26-12 Monday, at around 5:35 p.m., 3 C.O. brought me mattress. 1 of them pinned me to my bunk, punched me at least twice in right side of ribs, semi-choked me, while the other 2 watched… Afterwards, before lunch, 3 C.O. entered my cell again, pull me off bunk, punch on me, but intentionally avoid punching my face. Sheldon Simmons #1588486 William P. Clements Unit Amarillo, TX On 8-21-13 I was beaten by a Lieutenant and his 5 man team. The Lt. actually suited up and ran in with the team which is very rare and shouldn’t be legal. They tried to gouge my eyes out and everything. Alton D. Brown #DL4686 State Correctional Institution Graterford Graterford, PA I was attacked while in restraints approximately 30 days later after a transfer to the “receiving center”… They jumped me time I stepped off the bus, took my dentures, glasses, property, and placed me in a strip cell, where I was denied everything (including food). Jon Cox #R23562 Menard Correctional Center Menard, IL I was physically beaten without justification by three cook county deputy sheriffs while another deputy simply watched. John T. Vance #923106 Wabash Valley Correctional Facility Carlisle, IN At age 16, I was sent to Indiana’s most notorious, maximum security prison. I was placed into the general population and into an open dormitory… During my 23 years of incarceration, I have been beaten, raped, and robbed. I have been slandered and ostracized by both staff and prisoners… I have watched as guards have allowed prisoners to be killed. I know of instances in which they have caused prisoners to be beaten and killed too. Mark Teas #09964-010 Federal Correctional Institution, El Reno El Reno, OK I was being extradited from AR to WV and locked in the back of a van in a cage for 13 days straight by a private transport company called PTS (Prisoner Transport Services). 13 days (only 1 time day 8) was we allowed out the van to sleep and shower. The rest of the time we had to urinate, defecate, and vomit on ourselves, 8 of us in a 6 ft by 4 ft cage. Below freezing temps, the water was freezing inside with us, no heater, no medications, they gave everyone cigarettes to “stay calm.” Handcuffed, shackled, belly chained 13 days. 90+ mph the whole time my head was swollen up, it was so rough. I about died. William Krieg #1366694 Ellis Unit Huntsville, TX In 2004 at the Smith Unit I was sexually assaulted by a Crip Gang Member… Upon receiving a custody change I was sent to the Robertson Unit in 2010 and upon being placed back into General Population where I was again harassed by the Mexican population and the Crip Gang members. I decided to pay the required extortion payments to a white Crip gang member for the protection I need to keep from harm. Then I was sexually assaulted and physically assaulted by this same Crip, and forced to perform sexually for his other Crip homeboys… They were going to place me back into the General Population of the Robertson Unit when I attempted to take my life… In November 2011 while at the Montford Unit Psychiatric Hospital I reported that my life was in immediate danger from one of my cellmates whom had been refusing his psychotropic medications for 3 weeks and was psychotic, and TDCJ did not remove me from the cell. That night I was severely beaten, and have sustained tremendous brain injuries. I have been diagnosed with Traumatic Brain Injury, which I am told there is no cure. I have a loss in hearing, vision, the sense of taste and smell, severe headaches, severe ear ringing that is very painful, the loss of equilibrium to where I am falling down several times a day, I have a loss of the ability to think properly, to formulate sentences, answer questions in a timely manner or at all. Things seem to be getting worse, but I am receiving absolutely no type of treatment for any of these ailments… In October 2013 I started receiving sexual harassment in my workplace by a TDCJ Food Service Manager. It was ongoing until I had had enough and refused to continue to perform homosexual acts to shame me for his pleasure. James Lindsey #256676 Baraga Correctional Facility Baraga, MI On 6/12/14 Thursday…Hyatt took me to the floor and Wartanin [?] started kicking me in the face on my left side and splitting my eye open and blood began to spill no the floor. Next he began on my right eye hitting me 3 times and began to spray my face with gas while saying, “this will teach you to write a grievance on me, little bitch!”… On 6/13/14 Friday Wing Officer Wartanin deprived me my lunch… On 6/14/14 Saturday Wartanin deprived me breakfast and ripped up 2 of my medical kites… Later C/O Clement deprived me lunch… On 6/15/14 Sunday Wartanin deprived me breakfast and lunch and influence RN Casper to deprive me morning and afternoon meds… On 6/16/14 Monday Wartanin deprived me lunch and unfluence RN to deprive me meds. Randy Lee Sherrouse #1748502 Stiles Unit Beaumont, TX I’ve seen from inside the chowhall, looking outside and seeing the Sgt. Brisco hit an inmate in the mouth with the pair of big brass keys they have. Billy R. James #92847 Ely State Prison Ely, NV I too was a victim of retaliation, solitary, push down on stairs by officer, and medical malpractice in the High Desert State Prison and Ely State Prison. I was retaliated against and sent to a maximum prison due to filing grievances about unfair due process in the prison AR and OP regulations… The prisons are covering up murder, contraband, coercion, staff beating inmates, and illegal funds taking. Thomas Dudley #K02759 Santa Rosa Correctional Institution Milton, FL I am an openly gay African-American who for the past several months or so have been subjected to hate crimes, physical abuse, sexual harassment, and ethnic and sexual discrimination, am treated unfairly, being singled out, and am in constant fear of what Sgt. Broughton will do next, or have done to me next… In my situation specifically, Sgt. Broughton has been relentlessly retaliating against me by way of some of the aforelisted tactics not to excluding antagonism, bigotry, harassment, verbal, and physical assault with the realistic threat of physical and sexual abuse… The words “DIE FAG” were written in toothpaste on the cell floor which clearly constitutes a hate crime and sexual discrimination and those same words Sgt. Broughton has told me several times… Several inmates were gassed with chemical agents and moved out of the dorm that day… While he (Sgt.) begrudgingly escorted me to rec on Lt. Mitchell’s orders, his right hand vised gripping my left bicep, he maliciously dug his fingers into my bicep causing me severe and acute pain throughout my arm. When I told him he was hurting me not only did he dig his fingers in even harder causing my whole arm to go numb but he stated something akin to “you haven’t felt pain yet faggot… write another grievance on me and the next time I’ll stick my key up your black ass nigger!” Derek King #1286300 Jester IV Unit Richmond, TX My cell mate started to beat me and stomp on me about October and he beat and rape me for 11 days and he broke both sides of my jaw, deformed my left ear and swole my nuts 2 times their normal size. Then he shoved a plastic spoon up my ass… Now I suffer from paranoia and constant fear of others and always feel that people are going to hurt me or kill me. Now I am a victim of rape and a brutal beating and suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Cesar Martinez #1195387 Crossroads Correctional Center Cameron, MO As I was kneeling down to submit to leg restraints, CO Baker grabbed me around my neck in a choke hold position and pulled me, attempting to get me into the cell out of the view of cameras and witnesses. The cuff strap prevented this, and in addition to being choked, my wrists were cut from the cuffs being unable to move from the door. CO Baker then proceeded to hide, still having me in a choke hold position, slammed my face and forehead into the ground, causing severe excruciating pain and a brief blackout. While I was on the floor, CO Best struck me forcefully in the testicles and CO Baker struck me in the head with this hand, both causing severe pain and suffering to the areas being struck… The other unknown CO twisted my leg and CO Pashel stomped on my knee, both causing severe pain and suffering to the areas and impaired walking… I attempted suicide by trying to hang myself and I was found by CO Godley and Pashel, hanging with a pants around my neck. After spraying me with chemical agent, removing me from the cell and cuffing me to the bench… I was then placed in cell 1.A.130 without being given a shower to wash off the chemical agents. I was made to walk naked all the way to cell 130. In addition the cell was filthy and had fecal matter smeared on the walls and floor. I was left in this cell for three days without being allowed to wash off the chemical agents… Baker lunged at me, grabbed me by the wrists and twisted so hard I was forced to stand due to the pain. He then slammed me into the wall, knocking the wind from my lungs, which CO Best then entered, took hold of one side of my body while Baker had the other side and they both slammed me into the corner of the door, causing undue pain and suffering. They did this one more time. Marvin Hernandez-Lopez #18783380 Federal Correctional Institution 2 Butner, NC While been at the Val Verde County in Del Rio, Texas I was harassed, sexually harassed, spitting on my food, and really tortured by mostly all the staff… Just a few days ago I got beat up by a Lt. R. Wright and one of his officers name: J. Delossantos. They came to my cell and told me and my cellmate to come to the door so they can put hand cuffs on me and him. Well they started threatening me and cellmate. That today was our day and that we were going to learn messing with them. So as soon as they put the hand cuffs on my cellmate, they told me to put hand cuffs too. But I told them no because you are going to do something to me. So once I did not want to put the hand cuffs they supposed to bring a video camera. But instead they open the door and put my cellmate outside the cell. Then the officer J. Delossantos came into the cell while I was just sitting on my bunk bed, without making any aggressive moves. He just pull me off the bed from my right arm and put his arms around my neck really hard. Then he lifted me off the ground while his arm was around my neck. He pick me up off the ground and was choking me… Then he slam me against the concrete wall of the cell… They handle me really bad. Then he put hand cuffs on me and the ranking officer punch me on the right side of my face with force. Eric Payne #1000800105 Autry State Prison Pelham, GA 7/10/14 Robbed by 4 Crips gang members on Thursday night… 7/12/14 Assaulted and robbed at knife point at approximately 10:30 a.m. Richard Molnar #12710698 Two Rivers Correctional Institution Umatilla, OR The cell was covered in spots of blood, fecal matter, urine, spit, snot and boogers, old and rotten food remnants… Every fifteen minutes or when I fell asleep, whichever came first, the COs would yell and kick the door making threats of using a shock shield or pepper spray. This deprived me of sleep along with the bright lights being on all along. Keith Powell #292553 Northern State Prison Newark, NJ This sgt. Put his hands on me and told me why did I make false accusations on him while he was beating me in the back and choking me. Prisoner wishes to remain anonymous Sing Sing Correctional Facility Ossining, NY I’ve witnessed an inmate get beat up by a gang of officers for allegedly sticking his mirror out his cell to look at a nurse. He was sent to a hospital where he died. I’ve witnessed an inmate get denied medication for his heart, threatened by an officer if he didn’t stop complaining, and returned to his cell. He died in his sleep that very night. Just recently I witnessed an officer physically abuse an inmate during a routine pat frisk. When the inmate fought back, at least twelve other officers came running to restrain him, and then kick him while he lay on the floor with handcuffs on. The sergeant was overheard yelling, “Break his arm!” The inmate went into a coma. Kenyon Smith #243134 William E Donaldson Facility Bessemer, AL Staph infection, scabies, spider bites, TB, hepatitis (A, B, C) is present among the brothers… I’ve witnessed COs beating other incarcerated citizens unjustly (excessively). Louis Rimmer #093789 Santa Rosa Correctional Institution Milton, FL I’ve been assaulted by prison officials which resulted in my left hand and forefinger partially impaired… I was assaulted by prison official smashing smashing my hand in the food trap. Jimmy Harris #184624 Oaks Correctional Facility Manistee, MI As I looked to one [OC] to try to comprehend what was occurring, the other one shot me with a taser twice for no reason known to me. John Vance #923106 Wabash Valley Correctional Facility Carlisle, IN The guards stopped the elevator in between floors and beat me while I was in handcuffs… The men in segregation are often on a leash, which the guards can pull. The shackled prisoner falls face first to the floor… Prisoners are often sprayed with chemical agents because they are being loud and arguing with stuff. Despite the fact that they are secured in a cell and pose no threat or danger, they are sprayed as a means of control and as a display of power. James Calhoun-El #160083 Western Correctional Institution Cumberland, MD Upon my arrival on August 8, 2013, I was beaten and pepper sprayed when I asked for my cane. I was placed in cage for 55 minutes without decontamination and proper ventilation… I was then forced out of the cell and taken to the same area that does not have videotape recording and beaten into semi consciousness… When Warren Fletcher refused to double cell staff broke one of his teeth and beat him… I witness him being taken to the isolation cell beaten where staff broke his left leg… Numerous inmates have been pepper sprayed and medical providers refuse to clean the pepper spray. Inmates are placed into hot shower causing a burning sensation. CHEMICAL TORTURE Brian Keith Barnett #AS-7182 Wasco State Prison Wasco, CA The lead building seven officer was not satisfied with the normal squat and cough procedure and decided that he wanted me to bend over at the waist and “spread my cheeks” as he called it with his smirk on his face so I simply stood my ground and looked at him like he was a pile of mule excreta so he pulled out his MK 9 oleo resin capsicum spray and emptied it in my face where I stood passively while the control booth officer covered me though the gun port with this mini-14 as the other correctional staff stood by watching. However I withstood stubbornly the effects of the officer’s MK 9 so I obtained each can from each officer in succession and emptied a total of 4 MK 9 canisters into my face and due only to my glasses the substance did not get into my eyes. This enraged the officer and he then decided to pull his expandable baton to hit me with however the tower officer activated the building alarm so I dropped to the floor so that overzealous responding officers would not misconstrue the situation. Yet I was still hit multiple times with the officer’s expandable baton. When the sergeant arrived, staff as is typical followed the rogue officer’s lead and became bobbleheaded yes men to the scenario that was painted while I was cuffed and shackled and carried to the patio with a canvass “spit bag” over my head even though no one had been spit on but I had a head and face full of “orange crush” MK 9 which the canvass bag held inside. While on the patio a water hose was directed at the canvass bag on my head and I being handcuffed, shackled with a strap tied to the chains effectively hog tying me. Water and canvass over one’s head was nothing nice. This was the CDCR’s new form of torturous waterboarding without the board. I could not breath through the pepper spray and water mixing on canvass bag over my head and if not for the arrival of another supervisory staff arriving and directing first the building 7 officer who started the problems in the first place to remove the canvass off of my head to which the officer refused, so one of the facility S+E’s removed the bag and I was then able to breath. Christopher Campbell #R52448 Northwest Florida Reception Center- Annex Chipley, FL I began logging, with times and staff names, the rampant chemical treatment that took place while I was back there [solitary confinement]. I personally witnessed 7 men, 2 of whom were handcuff in back as well. Danny Shaffer #K43077 Pleasant Valley State Prison Coalinga, CA I was sent to ad-seg and on 2/4/10 I was given a six month SHU term, which I guess wasn’t so bad. But apparently along the way someone decided that was not enough. I was taken back to committee on 4/29/10, about the time that six month SHU was to come to an end and given an “indeterminate” SHU term for the same write up… While I was doing the above mentioned SHU term, I and other inmates were routinely paraded naked from our cells to the “dog run” cages that serve as our “yard” while guards did cell searches. I was once left in one of these cages soaked in OC spray for hours. I would have rather had them beat me with their night sticks that to have been left covered in that stuff. I burned for 4 days after that, I had blisters on my face, I think from the spray and the sun… I have seen prisoners get all of their teeth knocked out for the high crime of speaking to the guy next to him on the bus while being transported to another prison… I mean I have seen a guy get beat to the ground and stomped on because he kept asking the guard for a bar of state soap. Telly Royster #EL2245 SCI Mahanoy Frackville, PA After beginning my hunger strike it was noted that administration made a “mistake” when they removed my z-code (single cell status) but this problem that took less than a week to create took approximately (45) forty-five days to correct while I was on a hunger strike and eventually being forced fed by order of the county court. During this time there were ripple effects from this “mistake” that adversely affected me and because of my hunger strike I wasn’t receiving my medication for my mood swings and the voices I hear… I was ordered to have my hands placed in cuffs to be placed in the restraint chair for my evening force feeding and I didn’t comply. I was then sprayed with “OC.” The OC was all over my body and within minutes began to burn, the worst being my testicles and penis… When the officers finally returned I allowed my hands to be cuffed and without placing me in the shower or otherwise washing the OC off my body I was placed in the restraint chair, force fed by the nurse the left in the restraint chair inside a cell with the heat blasting about 95 degrees on July 1, 2014. I remained in the restraint chair for about (6) six hours with the OC burning my entire body as the hot air blew directly on me. Once I was removed from the chair I still was not provided a shower or otherwise allowed to wash off the OC and I was placed back into the cell with the heat still blasting at 95 degrees. The pain is indescribable and there’s nothing you can do for relief. I was forced to endure this excruciating pain and it was non-stop as there was no chance of taking a nap to get relief. I was awake the entire night despite being dead tired. So along with the pain there was sleep deprivation. In the morning after my force feeding I was finally given a shower… a hot shower which only intensified the pain I was already feeling. Christian McMillan #1651635 Polunsky Unit Livingston, TX Major uses of force when conducted in cell-extraction: excessive chemical agents used in confined area, crowd-control dispersing canisters of OC or OC/ CS blend, sometimes used in contradiction to manufacturers’ directed use, applied at close range directly to exposed skin, inadequate or no ventilation, over-exposure by excessive application- over-saturation, majority of time prisoner is extracted using gas is placed back into undecontaminated cell with no decontamination of body if over-exposed (i.e. when drenched head-to-toe while naked or wearing boxers or paper gown only), use of violent force by extraction team on prone incapacitated prisoner, major use of force when conducted in dayroom or rec yard, excessive chemical agents used even on prone unarmed prisoner- crowd-control spray, 37 mm CS teargas, teargas grenade, pepperball launcher all used consecutively before extraction team uses violence to extract prisoner, no decontamination if grossly exposed, even though dictated by policy… If they say you’re not eating, put you on suicide watch, psych comes to interview, you say they’re starving you, they say you’re not eating, psych says you’re playing games or are in with the ones starving and know what’s going on, this happens repeatedly for weeks meanwhile gassed, naked, starving, sometimes beaten. Some kill themselves, some self-harm serious enough to go to hospital, some get through it barely sane if that… Being gassed, beaten, stripped naked, left burning without decontamination, hour later they return to gas, beat, drag out, “search” cell, drag back in cell in puddles of gas on floor, unchained, hour later they return. Fred D. Douty #43219 Mount Olive Correctional Complex Mt. Olive, WV On September 2, 2013, I witnessed two inmates being sprayed with chemical agents, both mentally ill, in solitary confinement, after their water supplies were shut off, for requesting to speak with medical- one did try to commit suicide the next day by cutting his wrist… Guards shut off the entire pod’s water supply and when I questioned this I was sprayed with chemical weapons and left in that state for 40-50 mins with only toilet water left in the bowl to help wash my face and body with. As I remained in pain and pleaded for help guards threatened to shoot me with a 37 mm riot control gun. I was securely locked inside a single man cell the whole time too as I was sprayed, etc. I did sustain first degree chemical burns from the amount of spray and the length of time it covered my body. MEDICAL CARE Kofi Bay-e-te, #47542A Northern State Prison Newark, NJ Administrators Michelle Rice and Donald Mee gave an order that during the lock down NO inmates can be let out of their cells for any reason. The lock down has lasted about three weeks now. I came down with a bacterial infection of the skin call cellulites. If this remains untreated it can cause septicemia, a potentially fatal condition. Now, I was sick with cellulites in my foot for three weeks. After three weeks the cellulites got so bad that the Prison had to call 911, I was taken to St. Francis Hospital for 7 days with one day in the ICU. Matthew Goforth #07B2008 (most recent) or #92B0147 Green Haven Correctional Facility Stormville, NY I am currently in a control special housing unit. I have a tumor in my body that was supposed to be removed by 10-18-13 through surgery, then suffered retaliation threats and harassment by guards and civilian personnel for standing up to prison abuse. I still have this tumor and no operation and care isn’t being provided by this medical personnel at Southport. I am due to leave the SHU Febuary21, 2014 but I am in pain and nothing is being done. Nakiea Sutton #R4655 Eastern Mississippi Correctional Facility Meridian, MS Around 2006 I witness also other inmates witness a inmate name Thomas Lee going to the protocol med. station standing in line in the hallway. Once his turn, he inform the nurse that he was having heart related pains- so the nurse told him (in so many words) she couldn’t do anything to fill out a sick call form, so later that night after lockdown time, Thomas Lee died inside his cell. Presently I have 2 heart related medical conditions, I’ve been misdiagnosed as having high cholesterol, a Dr. Faulk says I don’t need no meds- where I’m having health complications from taking 600 mg of Lopid twice a day- for 9 years. Also I’ve been misdiagnosed as having high blood pressure, but a Dr. Edwards do no have me on no meds… When I have a history of abnormal blood pressure readings, also complaints of heart pains where presently I’m having needle sharp pain inside my heart going on 2 weeks, I’ve filled out numerous sick calls, ARP asking to call me to medical or send me to the hospital, still this medical staff here at EMCF would rather show negligence towards me similar to my testimony in the beginning of this letter. James H. Guss #97327 Cummins Unit Grady, AR 1. In January 2014, without being seen by any medical person, APN Griswold discontinued my Propranolol 20 mg. Notefully, at that time, the Unit did not have an actual doctor assigned to it. According to a Physician’s Desk Reference, a beta blocker, such as Propranolol, must not be stopped suddenly as I was because there can be severe medical complications (e.g. a heart attack) 2. In February/ March of 2014 an inmate laid in the infirmary complaining of severe pains on his right side. They did not send him out to a hospital but let him lay in the infirmary. There he died of appendicitis. 3. In April of 2014 inmate Eugene Lilly went to the infirmary complaining of chest pains. They gave him aspirin and sent him to his barracks. He went to his barracks, laid down for a nap and died. Two nurses were fired for falsification of records. 4. In May of 2014 inmate Ridling fell out in the exercise yard. Infirmary staff finally responded, however, it was inmates who brought him back from his heart attack. He was taken to the infirmary and there he died. Robert Knee #083581 Cummins Unit Grady, AR Over the years that I have been here many people have died here that had gone over a month without their heart medications. It is a shame that I and many others in here cannot get any medical treatment for our medical problems. The infirmary nurses are fond of saying “you are not worth the cost.” Sherrie Stevens #1112083 Florence McClure Women’s Correctional Center Las Vegas, NV On 4-9-14 I suffered my 2nd seizure since being incarcerated here on 12-9-13. My first seizure was on 1-22-14. Upon my arrival to FMWCC the staff were notified of the severity of my condition and that I also suffer from Relfex Sympathetic Dystrophy which can cause a number of my seizures. On both occasions 1-22-14 and 4-9-14 medical took 8-10 minutes to respond and the latter day it took 15 minutes to figure out how to operate the g???? … Medical is not giving all medications or proper doses that I have been on for years to treat my conditions. Kenneth Lee Taylor #J-89634 Pelican Bay State Prison Crescent City, CA On 2-14-2013 I was rushed to the community Sutter Coast Hospital in Crescent City, CA to prevent my death of “years of internal bleedings” my PBSP and prior prisons medical staff neglected and refused to treat, refer, correct, repair, and cure as required and needed for me to “sustain life.”… I’ve developed a deadly and vital heart abnormal rhythms conditions to sustain daily life, from my untreated years of internal bleedings… I have deadly high blood pressure and cholesterol conditions. I’m becoming physically paralyzed day by day as my spinal injuries worsen day by day due to my daily 22 ½ -24 hours daily solitary confinement. Antonio J. Williams-Bey #0705543 Alexander Correctional Institution Taylorsville, NC First incident is death of an inmate name Michael Kerr, 53 years old. Died at this prison in a holding cell waiting to be transported to another prison… I cleaned up blood, piss, feces in cells. Another example of a mental health patient smear blood or feces on cell walls. I clean it up. I make 1.00 dollar a day off this job… It was [????] throw on floor with food all over the floor. It was a puddle of piss on the bed, feces smeared on wall and bed. It look like Michael Kerr mental health illness got the best of him. Being locked up in a cell, his mental state deteriorated. You either turn into a claustrophobia… or you turn paranormal schizophrenia… Another prisoner name Daniel East 57 or 58 years old. He died an unexpected death. Me and other inmates who was housed with him was witnessing how he kept falling out in the dayroom and outside. You get to be alert around him cause he was fainting anywhere and this was his 12th time fainting on the mental health unit. He died in prison infirmary without being rushed to public hospital… Another mental health prisoner committed suicide up in these cells… I received a black eye from prison officials, guards stomped me while I was on the ground cause I wouldn’t let them take my finger prints… Sensory deprivation was going on at that prison. Tina Iozzo #847332 Crain Unit Gatesville, TX The medical care is bad here and the heat kills several people (inmates) a year… Back in 2001 I had a stroke on Father’s Day after getting a shot in the back of my head for chronic headaches. The medical staff ignored me and didn’t get me to hospital till Tuesday. Mark Brock #10554-084 USP Terre Haute Terre Haute, IN I suffer from a rare form of benign tumors called Aggressive Fibromatosis… At my sentencing my primary care physician Timothy McBride testified that without proper medical care my health would deteriorate and could eventually lead to death if I was forced to do a lengthy sentence… I was sent to USP Big Sandy in Inez, KY. While there I continuously complained of a tumor in my chest and the Avascular Necrosis in the left head of the humerus… It took 14 months from the time I first reported these tumors until they were finally removed… I had a clinic with prison physician Dr. Roger Jones. On this date I reported another knot in my chest. I suffered through 27 months of misery before this tumor was removed. The tumor was so big it looked like a softball in my chest… If I’m forced to stay here and not sent to a proper federal medical center I may not survive those 8 years. Dennis Giddings #1490002 Neal Unit Amarillo, TX There was one guy in my dorm a few months ago that had been taken to the civilian hospital, then brought back. He complained of chest pain early on a Saturday morning, we called for the guards and finally they came and got him and took him to medical, but brought him back after about 30 minutes and laid him on his bed and left him unattended. He died within another 30 or so minutes.