Taser Airlines Consider Taser 2001
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Santa Ana, CA ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER Anaheim 8anla Ana Garden Grove M.t Arl' D353,334 S.lurd.y NOV 17, 2001 1111111111111111111111111111111111 /1111 I1IDJrill'iiI L!I P 1472 L!lU!lPRESS CLIPPINGS ,, , New plans for U.S. air safety , Congress approved abill for increased aviation security friday, The bill now goes to President George W, Bush for his promised signature, What the feds are lJoilKJ to do ••• AIIJIOlt scrtellln9 OVenlljht , Alrpl.nes , Fee. The federal government will take: Anew Transportation ' ~ There will be increased safety over control of airport baggage : Department agency will have , measures including screening, All baggage . jurisdiction over : strengthened cockpit doors. screeners will be federal transportation security. ,video cameras in the cabin, additional employees. , Technology . federal air marshals. ahijacking alert Checked bo s ' . sWitch foreabln crew. and posSIbly the 9 , ~ Adatabase will be set up for. use of weapons in lhe cockpit Airports will use improved' cross-checking names on . delection systems for explosive. , watch lists with passenger . biological and chemical lists.' weapons. : , ' ' ~ A$250 passenger fee with amaximum of $5 per trip would pay for the increased security. 'L1.bIUty Owners of the World Trade Center and others harmed in the Sept. 11 attacks will have limited liability. l:] ••• and what the airlines are considerllKJ Effective tanJet zones Airlines are now considering arming their pilots and flight attendants with the M-26 Advanced Taser. a hand-held remote stun system. The Taser runs on eight standard AA batteries and costs about $400 per weapon. nil: laser Mace. Firearm and sprays A shock to the system When aperson is hit by the Advanced Taser. electric pulses override the body's central nervous system. This causes uncontrollabie muscle contractions. bringing the person to the fetal position. The initial burst lasts five seconds and can be readministered at least 30 additionai times. SOIJf(e~: T~$er Intrrnational. The Associated Press Yellow Disposable color distinguishes M-26 from other weapons. cartridge uses compressed nitrogen to launch. probes up 10 ~ feet Se. related story on News 14 Insulated Wires transmit 26 watts of electric pulses through up to 2 inches of clothing. The Register