Taser Article Mira Costa Univ Deploys 2001
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CA NORTH COUNTY TIMEI ElCond~o, I'" Diogo M.l AtIt o~u~., JUL D2D,341 21. 2001 Sturi-gun decision receives backing • MiraCosta vice president takes 50,000 volts to show support for campus police decision to wield new weapon ERIN WALSH STAff WRITER OCEANSIDE - A [Op l\1iraCosra College administrator put his body on the line Friday (Q show his support for the campus p0lice's decision to carry Stun guns. Vice Presidem of Student Services Dick Robertson, who pushed to arm campus p0lice with the guns last spring. was srunned and temporarily paralyzed Friday evening with the high-voltage weapon. He was mak- ing good on a promise to officers that he would be the first to volunteer to be shot with the gun. All 10 campus police officers were re- quired to undergo stunning several weeks ago as pan of a mJ.ining program. "I want them to know I wouldn't wish on them anything I wouldn't do myself," Robertson, 58, said before he was srunned. Robertson's department oversees the campus police force. "TIus way I will literally be able to say, 'I feel your pain.' " )- STUN, 8-2 JAMIE SCOTT LYnE I StAFf PHorcc.lwHER MI..costa College _ PresIde01t DIck R-.· son Is IleIped by MlraCosta Ponce Chief Robert Norcross and Officer Kevin segaua after he was zapped wtth a stun gun on Friday. Robert· son volunteered to be stunned to show his sup. port of the campus police, who began carrylne stun guns last month. >- STUN ConUnutd fl"Olll B-1 The weapons look and feel similar to handguns Police started carrying the weapons, which shoot 50,000 \'Olts of eleariciry and immo- bilize a persoll for SE:\1!ml sec· onds, about a month ago, said campus Police Chief Raben Norcross. The squad originally wumed to carry handguns, but the college's board of trustees vetoed the idea after a heated debate and approved Ute st\m guns instead. TIle weapons look and feel similar to handguns. To use the gun, an officer points it at and shoots a suspect from up to Z1 feel away. When the nigger is pulled, two tiny needle- like probes shool out. When the probes hit their target, electricity stuns the person for about 4S seconds - long enough for officers to hand· cuff him. 80th Norcross and a spokesman for TASE/lnc., the company thaI rna es the weapons, said the shock is safe and has no lingering effects, except for a slig,ht bum on the skin where the probes hil. "It's nOi fun and ii's nOI a toy .. ii's meanl 10 put a violenl person on the ground long enough to apprehend him," said company spokesman Steve Thttle. "But it is safe, and I commend this ~y Robertson for being willLng to take a little diswmfort to show people that." Campus police Officer Roger Randall said he reo spectS any administrator who would get "down in the trenches" with his troops. "That's the mark of a good leader," said Randall, who has been on the force aboul 10 years. 'Jeepersl' Robertson was stunned with the gun in front of eight officers and a few spectatOrs - including his wife, Pat - at the campus Police Depart· ment on Friday evening. Standing in khakis, a blue ~firaCostaT-shirt, argyle socks and moccasins, Robertson looked more like a goofy grandfather than a hardened criminal. Officers anned him wilb a robber knife to make the scenario more realisric. "Let'S gel this over with," he said as he handed his wife his glasses Robertson said he is healthy, with no heart con· ditions. He had not checked with his physician before the stunning, he said. Thule and Norcross said the shock is so small that a person's age,and health should not affecl their reaction to the stun gun. Inslead of shooting the probes at Robenson, officers anached them to Robertson's shirt and activated the highvoltage TASER. Officers would normally shock a larget for about five seconds; they shocked Robertson for only one second. II was enough fO make Robertson collapse and then moan in pain. "jeepers, oh man ... Ihal hurt," he said as officers helped him to his fool. "That definitely would StOP me if I was a criminal.·' Robertson's reaction was a common one, l\mle said. Pet> pie shol with Ihe weapon sometimes stiffen and freeze, others collapse, he said. Some scream, he said. Less than 10 seconds after the shock, Robertson was on his foot and coherent again. "That's one of Ihe advan· lages over batons or pepper spray," Norcross said. "You in· capacitate a person without lasting injury. Had r hit rum with something to stop him from coming at me, he could have a broken bone." Campus officers now caJl)' the stun guns, nunchakus, pepper spray and handcuffs. Mosl officers snll would suppori carrying fireanns, NorQ'OSS said. "These aren't a replace. ment for handguns, but Ihe board has said guns are nOI an option," he said. "nus is the next best thing." COf1taCt staff...mer EriIl 'Nals/l at (760) 901-4090 or ewalstOnctmBs.oom.