Taser Ata to Install 2001
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ATA plans toinstall ·.• Taser guns ,'. in cockpits .Weapons not yet OKd by FAA produce a 26-watt jolt that can subdue Intruders. By CII1I O'MaO., STAFF""",," Amertcan Trans .Air' plans to " 'put Taser guns aboard all 60 '.. aircraft Iri Its fleet, but the de- .' ployment of such weapons to . -~, -stop hijackers has yet to receive ." federal approval. -:' The IndianapoUs-based airlbte ,J. has ordered 200 of the devices Taser International of - Phoenix. The manufacturer will conduct a demonstration for pnots next week and is putting toge1her a lralnlng program, said :;' from James W. Hlavacek, executive • 1- 'vice president and chIef opeI'-:: ating officer of ATA parent Am- tran Inc., .",'. "I thlnk the only \saue for us is how soon the FAA Is going to allow us to put them in." ': A Taser gup shoots a pm of i darts trailing wires that fire a :; 26-watt jolt of electrtclty that .\ contracts muscles and tempora,;, rlly sttulS the nervous system. "The nice part about this is It ,','.' Is nonlethal. and it does not inJure the victim. As soon as the ,\' electricity Is tume~, off, there Is '." no further damage. said Hlava'f ':' ,'" 0;: , " k cek. Executives were concerned about Inadvertent contact with crew members or peaceful passengers in the event the devices were used to repel an attack. Hlavacek said Tasers have been tested on heart patlents and ,"" children as young as 6. , "That's why I liked it. ram not in favor of lethal weapons in the ~4 cockpit," he said. The devices - one for the pt.!" lot and one for the copUot - will be installed only in the cockpits. inside boxes that require crew members to punch in a security code to open. ;'" Tasers are the latest security ,~;~ measures that ATA and other ,r~ airlines are implementing. _To i, prevent an intruder from defeat, ing the flimsy lock mechanism " on cockpit doors, a steel bar has : been installed inside the cockpit ,,: of each plane that bars the door 'i from the inside. securely latch':' 1ng the door to the door frame. " Earlier this month. ATA also ,~, hJred a firm to strengthen cock",i pit doors and the entire bulkhead that separates the cockpit from the passenger area. "' '"We think the Tasers are the '< final piece of the puzzle 50 that ,< SleATA ..... B Indll1lpglil, IN Star Indltn,".111 Mil Ar.. D247,201 F'ld" NOV 16, 2001 ATA·· CorlhJed from Both measures are subject to Page 1 our -ctIstomers are- completely se- cure so that noIhlng !II goIng to happen and that the alrcraft will inake It from poInt A to poInt B. It is reassuring to our customers as Well lis our Crew members," said Hlavaeek. He would not say how much money ATA Is spendIng for T...... ATA also has been looking at ways to Imprmte ground securi1y. On ThW'Sday, two addttional aecurtly checkpoInts aervIng ATA and other airlines- were installed in federal govenunent approval. The Federal Aviation AdmIn1strotIon has been revIewIng Its IU1e proh1bIlIng liny deadly or danger_ ous weapon on scheduled passenger tllghts. Congress. wI1lch has been worldng to lighten aJrlIne atcurtty sblce the attacks. also could overndelt. Other alrlInes also have been consIderlng stun guns. Meaa AJr Group, wh1ch operstea America West Express and US AIrways Ex- . 'presS, announced 1astmonth it plans to traIn tts pilots to use them:llntled pI10l Herb Hunter" a spokesman for the AlrUne PIlots _ation. endoraed theslun' gun plan as "a good _ step." Concourse Band,S, at Indianapo· lIs International:AltpOrt; , . "We thlnk tha,l'. goIng to IlIlow "We have supported a three- _ the [aecurlly teams) to spend allt- pronged approach: Keep the ball tle more time screentng beCause guys off' the Jets [through there were treritentlous pressures lightened aecurllyj. strengthen to move th08c crOWds;" Hlavacek and ......lualIy replace the cockpit sald. doots and put defensive systems ATA's annqtJilcemen1tame' em for pIIols In the cockpit," Hunter the same thly' tl1at united AlrlIn"" sald. said 1l plans to In8lsll Taaer'guns In the COCkpIts. Untted also said 1l Is atartJng a lralnlng program for pUots and tllght attendants, _ed at both self-protection. and assistIng pasaengers.