Taser Boca Article 2001
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• 4 BOCA RATON TIMES, September 5, 2001 BTP NEWS Stun ning((~ontrol Bocapolice to arm officers' greatest of stun, ~ns and the most effectiv~;" Boca Police Chief Andre\'\ZScott said. ,'.. /}}' For $60,790,tl'IedepartIIlent. will rec~hre,. ,• 8§ lJ1odel...M~~·A.pvanced TASERs, Ina.nufactur~d by Arizona-based TASER International. ByCHRISTINESELVAGGI. . The model, resembling TIMES STAFF WRITER a ., semi-automatic handCriminals runrtingaW'a¥ gun;' is only sold to law from the law may soon be enforcement, said Steve. getting ajoltof reality. 1:'uttle, director of governThe Boca Raton·· Police ment affairs. Boca Police Department ,•• will· begin purchased the M26s .•• in arIIling its uniformed black with yellow striping, ' patrol offic:ers with hoping; subjects dO.nC?t TASER stun guns. mista.keit for a gun.. ...•. The gun, which can be IntroPllcepin 19~~, m~ 'used to. subdue ,unrul¥ 1\1126 " Advanced ,••·Tt\.s§E suspects, from 21 . • feet' ()ffers 26 watts (50,090 away, is •. considered ,' the .volts) with a low amper~ hottest non-lethal item on age rate that will not cause the law enforcement mar- heart problems or effect keto pacemakers. It does leave "This is the latest' arid a small, red mark on the withTASER stup.guns· skin Where the two probes carrying the voltage make contact, Tuttle said. Older TASERs administer seven to 14 watts and are sometimes unable to inhibit stronger,more focused subjects, he added. "This was designed to stop goal-oriented, focused individuals," Tuttle said. "It does not use pain to stop the bad guy." Considered an 'electromuscular disruption weapon, the TASER will "overwhelm the central nervous system and cause muscles to lock" for about five seconds, Tuttle said. Chief Scott said that it's enough time to take a subject into custody safely. "We can subdue a violent subject at a safe distance," he said. The gun also keeps a TASER POWER: The Boca Raton Police Department will soon be receiving 85 model M26 Advanced TASERS for its officers to carry for protection. Submitted photo log of the date, time and number of times fired something useful in police litigation. Currently, Boca police officers are equipped with handcuffs, two extra bullet magazines, pepper spray, an expandable baton, and a firearm. Scott said the stun guns could replace the pepper spray or baton. "This is just another tool for the tool box," Tuttle said. More than 100 law enforcement agencies in Florida use stun guns, including half of all sheriffs' offices. Boca officers will receive eight hours' of training on the guns and if requested, can be stunned by the. TASER. Tuttle said most officers walk in skeptical of the results, and walk out as believers. "[Police] are not looking for toys or gadgets. They are looking for weapons that put people down," he said. "It's not a magic bullet, but it's as close as you can get."