Taser Ft Worth First Use 2001
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ft. Wn. 11 JlI)RMlllllUR -lEUIRAM DII,,-FtltW"-M1" 1101 .... '.lId" DnUll ..u.. \7. 21'1 ....... 1IIU1IHil IW lUI """ WIJI~. ~J....DH-Wti'5 I .... T ~ l _ Sgt. KriIn Morton I.... 10 the lJTOOOd s""," blIong sIloI ...." .... AdYttro:ltId ~M2tl ~ a bllir*'!g sessO:in Monday New stun weapon offers safer option Fo... t Wo...lh acquins guns that polict' say will reduce the likelihood of inju...ies to suspects and officers, 8Y NIOOU! Guu. _ ,,",·t FOII:I' WORTH _ Twenly-si. wailS of .,l«trici'y <tory<! throush Jorge Rosa" ~ ~ joI'ins him ifMo the air. "II was mu.,h. much wane than. charley hone: he .."id alter land'''ll na' on his face. IltK it was much bette. than being.boe aI with a .llkaliber handcun. The Fort Worth f'oI"" l)epartmenI • the r.l'$I in the Mttroplea to pure...... If) slun lIun. that don't .eleue a lethal eharg\" of tlttlTicity. Polk., Hid th., lIun. called the .... dv• ....,td Ta..,r M26. will reduce lhe possibility of itliur)' '0 suspte!, .lId olf!.. an at crime """nes. l1>c charge incapac, itl'u .he ,u.ptet's .k.,leul n,uKlu, police Slid. Introduced by a company eal10ed noser In'crn;lItion.a! in t999, ~ «Un +;'..-1 by IlllO bw n,for,:o,ment nationwkk. police Slid. "It·, an alte.nuive '0 'he balon o. .prayiDj\l: Lr. Paul N. Iwanow,kl said. "When you 5lrib: _.-.ne wilh • baton. )'OU """Id do lome ..... ious datDall"'o" During a ttSl Monday at the Fort Worth l'oIice Academy. ofl"ocen alt:ached tWO IonIC topper wi,.." to Jorge Ilo$a,' belt .nd ankle. Rou,. a ""porler with radio otation KRLD/I080 AM. re~ h'. glass"" and Sgl. Slephen Hadley aimed and fired, I'ourt<"en North Tens pol.... olTtottn. includinll to from Fort Worth. ......, pari or an 'n"rueto•• ..,minar .nd demon strat,on un huw to u.e Ihe M26. They psped .,oJ walched aile. Rosas, the..., to ""port II.. stOl'}'. volunteered to he ,,-Rosas said lhe initi.ol pin·prick,.,_ tion that he ""It from the shod s~ad in If:ss than One M'COnd 10 render complete ....,en I S9l-S' ,·.,t-,olOllo_.Mz..p"I . " '. . . . 1 • •iltl M2tl The shod<. HaiIfy 1IIOId. can ~ ~ '" ~ IrocMs of cloIwlg inunobiUty, Duri"8 lhe nul few weeks, poha: said, "'" otrlttl'$ III: the -ina will leach other otrlCe'n how 10 ..,., ,he gun. When an offi"". point. lhe batttr)''' powtrcd _apoll at • <u,pte! standins as far lIS 21 fffI: away, a rcd bser shrnoes on "'" -...pm's body, Two ~ wires...., shot, lhe fin!: .nxb.$ .. the I....,.·. mark, lht "'cond bnd, at an R d.,g.ec angle b<'low the laser, <aid Hadley. a mormb<'r of the f'oIir:,e [)ep;or'mml in GImcWe. Ariz., and master ;l15lrvdor for T-. Int"",,· .eoAdwloo::«l-r- hurt the suspea. Thj, j, slmr!y .,ins ..... skdrIaI_"'- n.. .. why.1_nowski said, lhe M216 i, an attncli"" opl;"n for "Iual,Of1S in which the ,u'pect is partk:ularly combat ive.,uch as dorD6tk: distlUl~ OfI'"o«r 1>,,(., Hntz. ""'" """"'" in Fort Wurth pol~ r=no;t tnmir>& .."id lhe ,iShl of Ih., r.,d In.,. i, ,omttime, enoush 10 maR the ,uspeet comply. "!t., kmtI of a "'ental tlllng: lle~ said. "It says. 'rm about 10 II" shot.. The <kparl_"I', 10 T~ls will .... distributed to t.... SWAT unit, lhe fugit,.... l1>c ohotk, Hooley Slid, Can penetrat., unit. ,,,cidellt c01nmanders .,"d other up to 2'~ inches of clothing, ImmobiHu er,,,,e .upon,., uniu ,.",on town. lhe luspcd ,n If:ss 'b.an a half-secund If1d 1_n<>WSk.i san lasl for five ..,condo. No ,niuriu are "II', toilll 10 he. good "Ii...- H<-= incuned,.nd lhe gun doesn) affect pa:e- said, noti"ll that he wi<hed he had an maun or hellJ'l conditions that the JUS- M26 in the 3 Yi yean he spent on bike I"'trol. "With the T»e•. l dOfl·tlhink anypte! may have. lIadley said. -r waves replicale tloe brain waves body wid "IO~ ho5pital" thai teU your musdes wh:lt 10 do: saXI Hadley• ...,ferring 10 the elect.icity pr0duced by the gun. "We IlO> not tr)'itlll to ..... , FI. Worth, TX MORNING ITAR- TELEGRAM Ollas- For1 Worth - Arllnglon Mil Ar.. D239,327 WednlldlY JUL lB. 2901 ~1I11111111111111111111111111111111111 mfJruss CLI::/~: I Fort Worth area Fort Worth police use stun gun to subdue suicidal man FORT WORTH - Hours after learning bow to use a new weapon that leaves people temporarily immobilized by a nonlethal charge of electricity, a Fort Worth police lieu· tenant put the lesson to use. ll. Ed Daniels fired the Advanced Taser M26 at a combative 30-yearold man threatening suicide late Monday at his family's northwest Fort Worth home, said It. Duane Paul, a police spokesman. The officers then sulxiued the man, who was taken to John Peter Smith Hospital for psychiatric evaluation . It was the fIrst time the Taser was used by Fort Worth police. Family members called police to the home in the 10100 block of Buffalo Grove Road about )J:03 p.m., saying the man was tearing up the home and threatening to kill himself. They also told officers the man would probably fight officers. The officers called Daniels after seeing the man clutching two butcher knives, one to his stomach, before he slammed a door in their faces, Paul said. When officers went into the house, the man was holding a knife in one hand and a telephone in the other. When he refused to drop the knife, Daniels fired the Taser at the + man, Paul said. TIle so-called stun gun reduces the possibility of injury to suspects and officers at crime scenes, police say.