Taser Hospital Security
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i.,..m".'i1'fi 9ij'UMP'M' Immobilized Hospital's secu.rity personnel using 'Advanced Taser 'on violent visitors I)' \'10:1 GIlEL'i[ '-'J!/JII# ........ A1n....,..,jTlIKI'~tbl&IOr~·· ....T...,..~~riIf<1Sof lhcT&lCf ... _ofthe~icrp..s.H..... pitoIcrnp~'.., ..hD,.i1lusctheAd\'V1CCIl I.F.XOIR-A_~IGedb)· TlISCf must be aniflCl!. mllSt ~ ItIc ~·Slafl'lICCaJd.,.'dI~~IHosp;_ IIlcorwro1s«Jll1b:!li'-candVlO!nllbeh:ll';o,. "c:apoo oolI r~1 its effect> Ihflmcl.~ In,i,ilors"il~stuming.ffects Cald ....11 .\l.morial .nlplo}'~ Doug Tilt, =uril)' .xpMment a1 C8Id....11 JOOn.Ioo ".oI:S beld ~p by C<>-\-I'OI\Cf$ d~ring hI' Iulf·sccond <hock, AfI.",,~rtl. he said ~1tJTlOl'l.1IIr.>1.'S"h.:IlilC"IIs"lhcnKlSlfXl"· hehadbmlpcppcrsprnycd:ln<lLJ;scd.:ln<l he ><oukl prmr 10 be laSed. fi ~Yah,)ou .. ill hi! the floor. .Johnson cular diSl1lplion IcchnDlogy. A<h-anccd TBr.!.ffm ItIc cennlnmlOU!S ')'SICm b! ~'11lmill""pain..I·mjuslnumb.1 only wuId hr.. hit ItIc floor. You dan·1 ~dcctricII~IISJl'IlIll«lllt _,.'llhinIflcIuNn"""'· J.na,r,.uilftlslik• ...rilyou~ HospiiaIoffici1lIsA)1his~~ it.h..wldpll: .... ~ ....... the ~~=~~;:",,~~.e=~: bc1lcrLlanhllk1s,5pfI)I<I'!ihllldnicn.. ~~~~.~.orocauily....,th ... - Th:Roill.-.lfor_t«hrologyin Hospital head of security says weaPOll cannot kill Martin: 'There is no medical implication other than the possibility ofa small seizure' ·T,\SUtr..... 1A sn~.""""''''''''' '1ho,."""",,on.,,*"""'in~ ....-.;JWI.;tnd~II>\"~ ... pnlpcw'~"<lIX.fi"J.lImo». lilt Ad\-...d TIlCfS -.l b. "'" ~Il ,"""'" ~i11 l'U - M.vlul od. "II ru/'Ib<r ~nif, P'''I' ,. fru", lht ........, lui ~"" ,rlOU a poR .. :<lrWW:bc''''' ......,k.jlOY ...... ,U"""'11Ia\.,hol"'·.. 1.000I'-,,· ",.....,,... ........... IT""""'-J.Thcn: ........... Thrn:,,:IiIlnlk ...... ""' ..... jII'CQI>' .........,,·s•• ir:al~ oI fi lhm ... r-ibiI"l' _aHooper..-fal "l'n lois leis 1Ief d>c p>< "3)' hrtIr:ah Ilia Ik ... foramcnI.wr"","~"-.Jboi.1a:- . Tbclasa,Iw,cl ........ lhtbodyllll'" sllock ..~ ........ hcrcfl.liaJ< . . . . lricil), ..... ..,dftai...... 101Ilftt. """lhcr,'lalpu<II~ _. T.......,.·' lhi..... reI! lh<.fl<:d Mr ""If (",.W.od ~knoori:ll iiospl.1I .... r'o!o~ .~.I!~lhelCl""lle<1I:Ih()recn..r""l~r."t.> .. n<t'in""... . OJ,,, ,,,., i, ~" ••,:<000:<, fO<""'-"l~t "'''''''''''. ~t ~)~I~~c:f~,~~~~II:;;i~~:r ~~,.'~~;~Jrr~~ri~'~~: tJtJ~n;:~~~~ ,:.'~ to inm..,ruIi7",,,.. ~lhc'"'I,-'imc"'...oullill\< ..... is Of!~•• ~ pm<ln If);nc l<>;"jUI\' pgl..-..wl'ot ~fi <aid Man.... fiWe<b ... ...,Kita~.. ~ fi\\'hen1lo.'!tricdit 1tlooo&Ill1 .... Id"';llfdllllhcnlh-ol"~misul· =1bi<"'lhchosllO<~''',..",wj.v'''" '''1''''" ..'....110 "".. 1.1ll 1'<""" 111:11 I'", " ... ,.,...: Ioolid ~bnin Sir"" J.1IW''). ('~Id","11 Mcrnori.1 "'.I.:l>b<I...J ..... "..,'l"ni<if"'l,"ii'n Ik»f'>iW""'ll'h.:o$$U«C$ilully u....'CIlhr Ih< lr~inil\:><»"'" 3Ild lull ~ lo«tI T-',",l\o"inJi.·id~:lI""looo>{liUI. ~bnin~ intoolh<:asc>1hcinJio,'it!...b o.h,..r~ ......·lltNd. One bod...-lItd a .\b!inp,,,Hooper.rubbcrknire,,, ._ :osi;N"'lOpaendllclooJl JlCll""orr d>cocbcr awdtd v.=..,.., Pl"J'.'ftlo.llI<_~a<_"",," JI<>Ooll"IIoc""",,,_~bm:._ ~«.bift.-. \J . . M"inpullrdlhtlri",",lOlOl'e- _bilom "'IV< dooK .",.- . l!he Ad,....,.., T....) IIalrof.:i<amd.ll<"'P'f·.ann~" .. hccaroc"Pl')·... JlCJlI'Cf<pay~ lnireald .... ~c;augII;himbc"'.. 1:c """"'lhc """'_"'"l"afIC>:l palin1s ond$llllf.~ "'"' MUlin. fill tal., abouI Mlhcground .~.r.pIace." ,.. "I c",,'d1~ ha""hun""l-"",,:I~"'I. ""cM..-lOl"';n.!"-"""'wlloh:l:lba:ol .TheAJvallced TOSCf 's .aId I" ,n~n<>o c< said.lau;:hi"l!T..... ~.. 'P"')',) "ilh 1'<'1'1'" 'l""~'. but \lSi", the bil,," pc<>pI" 100 rcrc"~l of lilt I,.l<' HOOf'<I ... id he w.. r"""lOU,Ju",,~ Ta."'rm.iU"'~Il<"""ciUll>cpulinlhe Ah"''''l¢'"",,,<.pon.''h'''h~'ml>b" Ihco'rcri'TIC•. "ndhc<o\lS(I",,,,,,,,~ palrulcar .. "-.:o>a.llch:lsbl."nc...... '''''I.c"''.PI.,'''k.''')·... ,l>oWIJobJ~"..........·hi>bodv'''''''ld ......,lObci.'II uollo.....• ... donclOlbcp........ ':"irlt!>=d l;OW.h:lJ~1yhcpol .. PI'llt1or ~Uninloaioll"""''';.bc .... lj SomcIimo:sthellwenroramemilbul.y 1tIIII_·I~h<..-nghi"",'"Y_"·".""1l)'. ;"lIll""".(".'''''cfl~'.....,...lll''''''l ",hal',.