Medical Safety Information - Taser M26, Taser Intl, 2000
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P. 1 ADVANCED TASER M26 Less-Lethal EMD Weapon Medical Safety Information 7860 E. McClain Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 * (480) 991-0797 * Fax (480) 991-0791 CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 2 CONTENTS Introduction Letter p. 3 Investigative Animal Studies p. 6 Quantitative Verification of Electrical Safety p. 9 In-Depth Animal Studies p. 10 Human Subject Studies p. 12 Letter from University of Ottawa Heart Institute p. 44 CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 3 INTRODUCTION TO THE ADVANCED TASER PROJECT From Rick Smith, President, TASER International DEVELOPING A LESS-LETHAL WEAPON WHICH CAN STOP FOCUSED COMBATANTS In 1995 we introduced our first less-lethal weapon: the AIR TASER 34000 stun system. This 7 watt stun system was designed to improve upon the features and usability of the original TASER which had been marketed since 1974. Our goal back then was to retain the same power settings and performance. Shortly after the introduction, we were invited to demonstrate the AIR TASER 34000 in Prague in the Czech Republic. The demonstration did not go very well. The demonstration was held at the police academy and was hosted by the training staff. When the time came for us to get a volunteer, the close quarter combat trainer selected a volunteer and proceeded to yell and scream at him in the Czech language. This young man was so “pumped up” that when we shot him with the 7 watt stun system, he managed to fight his way through the effect, and walk forward to grab the shooter. I was amazed to see this happen, so we asked for another volunteer. The same thing happened. Leaving the facility a bit confused and certainly dismayed at the results, we set out to determine why these people were able to fight through a system which is shown to be quite effective in field use. Since that time, I have come to learn that this problem is not unique to stun systems. It is a problem faced by all less-lethal technologies. They all rely upon some sort of pain compliance, distraction, or impairment. But no system I came across was able to stop someone who was focused, combative, and ready to fight through pain, discomfort, and distraction. So, in early 1996, we set out to create a system that would reliably stop even these focused subjects. So began the ADVANCED TASER Project. Our goal was to develop a system which would accomplish two simultaneous goals: i. ii. The system must be sufficiently effective to cause a physical debilitation in the target sufficient to render the target incapable of complex motor skills required for aggressive behavior. The system must be sufficiently safe that the risk of injury or death should be less than that for current less-lethal technologies such as impact munitions (bean bags, rubber bullets, etc.) In attacking the problem, we chose to follow the same approach to research as is used in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. Before the FDA will approve a new drug, it must undergo testing to ensure it is safe (has no unsafe side effects) and effective. These tests almost always occur in animal models first, then in human subjects. We broke the ADVANCED TASER development project into 4 phases: Investigative animal testing, Quantitative safety verification against mathematical safety standards, In-depth animal safety testing and sensitivity analysis, and finally human subject effectiveness testing. I. Investigative Animal Research p. 6 The first phase of this program was to investigate the bioelectric effects of these weapons on mammalian subjects. Humans were ruled out for both safety and ethical reasons. In this phase, we created a test apparatus which would enable us to test a variety of key variables of the TASER Wave output such as amperage, power, and pulse duration. The results of the testing were dramatic. The key variable in the output was the energy in each pulse. We started with a standard 0.44 Joule pulse (from a 0.22uF capacitor) as used in the AIR TASER model 34000. Applying this output to the chest of an anaesthetized animal, we saw almost no physical reaction. There was some minor twitching during the pulses, but nothing too significant. As we increased the power to 0.88 Joules (delivered from a 0.44 uF capacitor) the twitching increased. At 1.32 Joules per pulse (0.66 uF capacitor), the twitching was severe. The result at 1.76 Joules (0.88uF capacitor) were incredible. Even though the animal was completely anaesthetized and could feel no pain, the muscles of the body went into a complete, uncontrollable contraction. We had achieved the effect we were looking for: a weapon output that could directly cause the muscles to go into an uncontrollable contraction. CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 4 It is this effect which lead us to develop the terminology of distinguishing between the low power stun systems and the higher systems, which we termed Electro-Muscular Disruption (EMD) systems. It was clear that at the low power, we could effect the sensory nervous system as exemplified by the fact that human volunteers frequently found stimulation from these stun systems overwhelming. However, the fact that focused people can fight through these effects coupled with the fact that the anaesthetized animals showed almost zero physical response validated that these stun systems were not greatly effecting the motor nerves and muscles. Once we increased the power up to the 1.76 Joules per pulse level, the muscles were being contracted completely and involuntarily. Hence, the term Electro-Muscular Disruption. We had found what we were looking for: the ability to directly disrupt neuro-motor control. Further, these tests were conducted using a variety of different electrode placements to assess whether there were any adverse cardiac effects. There were none. The animal recovered without aftereffect. II. Quantitative Verification of Electrical Safety p. 9 The work from Phase I would establish the effect we were looking for, Phase II validated the safety results from Phase I to ensure we were within acceptable electrical safety levels for humans. Both UL levels and IEC levels were used for this validation. As shown on the graph on Page 9, the ADVANCED TASER is well within internationally accepted electrical safety levels. III. In-Depth Animal Safety Studies p. 10 Performed at the University of Missouri, this is the most extensive medical safety testing of any less-lethal weapon known to me. During these tests, two leading experts in cardiac safety tested the ADVANCED TASER under extreme circumstances to evaluate if the system could pose a medical threat. Under none of the applications simulating potential real world use of the weapon was a dangerous interaction found. Not only did the researchers test the ADVANCED TASER by placing the probes on the surface of the chest in the locations which are known to have the greatest probability of cardiac interference, they used hypodermic needles inserted into the chest to directly stimulate the surface of the heart. They used drugs such as epinephrine, Ketamine, and isoproterenol to see if the ADVANCED TASER would have an effect on a person under the influence of drugs known to sensitize the heart to stimulation. They even simultaneously applied the shock from two ADVANCED TASERS (over 52 Watts of power) directly to the chest regions where the cardiac affect would be greatest. Even under these extreme circumstances, they were unable to cause a dangerous cardiac fibrillation. Over the course of three days of testing, in 192 discharges of the ADVANCED TASER, these researchers administered over 14,000 of the 26 Watt ADVANCED TASER Wave pulses to five animals all of which are significantly smaller (and hence more susceptible to electrical fibrillation) than humans. Two leading experts in cardiac safety, purposefully attempting to cause fibrillation by using drugs, implanted needles to the surface of the heart, and even simultaneously applying two ADVANCED TASERS to the chest were unable to cause fibrillation with the ADVANCED TASER. I think it becomes apparent that the chances of a random situation occurring in the real world where the ADVANCED TASER would pose a risk to the heart is miniscule. IV. Human Subject Studies p. 12 Starting on page 12 is listed a verified registry of over 900 human volunteers who have been hit with the ADVANCED TASER. I am included in this list myself having taken a hit from shoulder to hip. The list shows the location of the probes, which vary all over the body from hip to foot to chest, etc. Most of these volunteers had the probes taped to them, but several were shot with the probes in either the front or back. There are two things which are consistent about every one of these volunteers. First, they were all incapacitated – not one of these volunteers could perform aggressive actions while being hit with the ADVANCED TASER and all had been instructed to try. Second, everyone recovered fully within seconds. There were no after effects noted other than slight surface irritation on the skin similar to sun burns. This data strongly supports that the ADVANCED TASER will continue the results of historic TASER technology CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 5 in that the injury rate to both suspects and officers will be close to 0% (and will certainly be less than blunt force trauma techniques). However, the ADVANCED TASER brings a quantum leap in stopping power. V. Letter from University of Ottawa Heart Institute p. 44 This review letter from Dr. Hendry, Co-Director of the Pacemaker Clinic is a good, common sense overview from a leading expert on cardiac safety that while there’s nothing in life without risk, the risk associated with the ADVANCED TASER is certainly less than for many common alternatives in widespread use today. In summary, we have tested the ADVANCED TASER in a very thorough manner with basic animal studies, quantitative analysis, in-depth worst case animal testing, and human effectiveness testing in over 200 volunteers. While this human testing was primarily geared at testing the effectiveness of the system against aggressive subjects, it further validated our animal results that the ADVANCED TASER does not leave lasting harm. Given the level of testing involved, not to mention the supportive opinions from leading medical safety experts, and after being hit with the unit personally, I can state unequivocally that the ADVANCED TASER is a safe, effective means to bring potentially violent confrontations under control quickly and with minimal risk to police officers and suspects. I hope this introductory letter helps to illuminate the thought process and philosophy which has guided our team in developing what we believe is a major advancement in less-lethal weapon technology. If you have any questions, please contact me directly at and I would be more than happy to answer any questions. Sincerely, Rick Smith President, TASER International CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 6 CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 7 CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 8 CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 9 ADVANCED TASER PROJECT Electrical Output Safety Measurement 105 UL Limit for Ventricular Fibrillation Body Current, I (rms mA) IEC 479 Threshold for Ventricular Fibrillation AIR TASER 34000 ADVANCED TASER M26 104 103 ADVANCED TASER M26 102 10 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 Pulse Width (s) Underwriters Laboratory (UL) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) have published electrical safety standards for rms current levels for periodic pulse trains and for single capacitor-discharge type pulses. The first standard for periodic pulse trains is directly applicable to pulse wave devices like the Sticky Shocker, while the second standard would apply only if a person broke open a Sticky Shocker projectile and stuck their finger into the circuit. The UL and IEC safety standards for periodic pulse trains are based on the rms current, defined as the square root of the average of the square of the current. For a series of discrete pulses of arbitrary or complex pulse shape this is most easily calculated from the measured energy per pulse into a load [ Irms = E( J ) * Rep Rate ( Hz ) / R (ohms) ]1. The UL and IEC safety standards are shown in Figure 2.4- 1, along with the measured values for a number of commercial stun gun circuits2. The UL limits for ventricular fibrillation have a built-in safety margin of x2-x5, based on a 2-year old child, while the IEC thresholds are actual thresholds which would induce ventricular fibrillation in 50% of the population. Typical stun guns have a safety margin of at least x100. Basically, the short pulse duration of stun guns have very little effect on heart operation which uses much longer electrical pulses. Aside from minor irritation or burning where the arc contacts the skin, or extended application which could interfere with breathing, there are no electrical safety issues associated with pulse wave devices. Special thanks to Jaycor Corp. for providing safety levels data in graphical form. 1 An alternative and equivalent definition is Irms = [I2peak * Pulsewidth * Rep Rate]½. The safety standards are for Irms versus pulse duration, which is poorly defined. UL and IEC Publication 479 specify three time constants as the duration of an exponentially decaying waveform, and the method for defining the duration of nonexponential waveforms is even less clear. UL has reserved the right to analyze pulses as they see fit and decide acceptability on an individual basis. For the figure, we have chosen to plot Irms versus effective pulsewidth, where Irms = [Energy per pulse * Rep Rate / Resistance]½, and PWeff = [Energy per pulse / Peak power]. 2 CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 10 Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery Research section DC119.00 One Hospital Drive Columbia, Missouri 65212 (573) 882-4168 FAX (573) 884-0437 January 6, 2000 Mr. Rick Smith TASER International 7339 East Evans Road Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Dear Mr. Smith: This letter is a preliminary report on our initial studies evaluating the safety of the AIR TASER and ADVANCED TASER M26 less-lethal weapons, developed by TASER International. Our test protocol, which was approved by the University of Missouri Animal Care and Use Committee, involved the administration of 236 shock discharges from either an AIR TASER or ADVANCED TASER to anesthetized canines (n = 5, 54.2 ± 5.2 pounds). The goal in testing these devices was to estimate the risk of inducing ventricular fibrillation (a cardiac rhythm disturbance which is fatal without treatment) via the external application of these TASER devices. The primary emphasis was placed on testing the newly developed ADVANCED TASER. The shock bursts from the TASERs were administered using carefully controlled "maximum susceptibility" experimental scenarios in every animal. To accomplish this goal, the TASER probes were placed in and on areas of the thorax, which should maximize the potential for adverse cardiac electrical interactions. The TASER units tested were full power devices intended for use on average sized human subjects, even though they were tested here on subjects considerably smaller than adult humans. In justifying this selection, we reasoned that the use of a smaller experimental model should maximize our ability to observe any adverse effects of the TASERs on the mammalian heart. The overall results of this testing were as follows: 16 Air Taser discharges through external electrodes in multiple configurations, induced 0 episodes of ventricular fibrillation; 192 Advanced Taser discharges through external electrodes in multiple configurations induced 0 episodes of ventricular fibrillation In our testing, the TASERs did not induce ventricular fibrillation with any external application of the TASER discharge. Electrode configurations tested were either the direct mode of contact (wherein the darts are placed just under the skin to produce a conductive contact) or the arcing mode of contact (wherein the darts are placed a centimeter or so above the skin to create an arcing contact). In addition, to test an even more extreme and similarly unlikely external application, we also simulated the possibility of the probes being inserted to the point of making direct contact with the heart. We did so in 3 animals, by inserting a separated pair of sterile 20 gauge hypodermic needles through the chest wall, to CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 11 a depth of 2 to 3 cm such that their sharpened points just contacted the surface of the beating heart. Such contact was demonstrated in each animal by observing the creation of ectopic beats of the heart by slightly nudging one or the other of the needle hubs by hand. The two TASER probes were then connected electrically to the metallic needle hubs. Ventricular fibrillation was not induced via any of the 13 applications of the ADVANCED TASER in these animals. We also tested the effects of the ADVANCED TASER while the subjects were under the influence of adrenaline type sympathomimetic drugs. Such drugs are known to sensitize the heart to various stimuli including electric shocks. Specifically we tested both medium and high doses of epinephrine (which elevates heart rate and profoundly elevates blood pressure) and of isoproterenol (which lowers blood pressure and profoundly elevates heart rate). No combination of drug or dose was associated with the induction of ventricular fibrillation via external application of the ADVANCED TASER. Finally, in one animal we attempted to sensitize the heart to the effects of electric shock by the intravenous administration of toxic doses of Ketamine. This drug is used in veterinary medicine as a mild anesthetic. It is chemically similar to, and has a similar toxicity profile (though less potent) to the notorious street drug PCP. In addition to PCP's tendency to precipitate seizures and bizarre psychotic breaks in humans, abuse of this class of drugs is known to sensitize the heart to various stimuli as well as to cause sudden cardiac death in some cases. The Ketamine dosed animal was subjected to multiple applications of the ADVANCED TASER, and again no untoward cardiac effects were observed. The use of any device as a less-lethal weapon carries with it a degree of risk to the subject being controlled, but this risk must be compared to the risk associated with the use of traditional firearms. With the application of a TASER weapon, the principal risk had been thought to be the induction of ventricular fibrillation in the subject. Here we purposely attempted to create the highest risk scenarios we could envision in real-life field settings, and still failed to induce ventricular fibrillation with external application of the TASER emissions in experimental animals much smaller than adult humans. Therefore, it may be inferred that the risk of inducing ventricular fibrillation by the surface application of an ADVANCED TASER to a human is very small. The results of these tests are consistent with, and expand upon, early stun gun research done at the University of Nebraska in the 1980s. We hope this work will serve as a stimulus to further research in this important field. Respectfully submitted: Robert Stratbucker, M.D., Ph.D. Wayne McDaniel, Ph.D. Health Technology Corporation Research Assistant Professor © 1999. Do not reproduce without the express permission of the authors or TASER International. CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 12 HUMAN VOLUNTEER DATA (Actual text from submissions – may contain typographical errors) Total Volunteers: % of injuries from TASER: % secondary injuries: 915 0.00% 0.11% (1 individual bruised shoulder during fall) % Incapacitated: % Severely Impaired: Date Sex 04/01/1999 M Age Location 35 Chandler PD 99.78% 0.22% (1 individual able to remain standing, although severely hunched and impaired) (1 individual knocked to ground, but able to crawl on one hand and knees) Upper Probe Lower Probe Chest - Lower Thigh # shots Duration Notes 3 1.5 sec Subject able to withstand 34000, dropped by M26 04/01/1999 M 30 Chandler PD Back - Mid Hamstring 2 1.5 sec Subject able to withstand 34000, dropped by M26 05/01/1999 M 37 Chandler PD Chest Stomach - Lower 2 1.5 sec Severe upper body contractions noted. Recovery in Approx. 510 seconds. 06/01/1999 M 49 Austin DPS Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with plastic pellet gun. 06/01/1999 M 32 Austin DPS Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with plastic pellet gun. 06/01/1999 M Austin DPS Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with plastic pellet gun. 06/01/1999 M 25 TX DPOA Back - Upper Back - Kidney 1 1 sec 06/20/1999 M 29 Nashville, TN Right Leg Left Hip 1 0.75 sec Subject able to withstand 34000, dropped by M26 06/20/1999 M 26 Nashville, TN Right Leg Left Hip 1 0.5 sec "That bad boy smokes ya!" 07/01/1999 M 45 Denver Sheriffs Shoulder Hip 1 1.5 sec Subject able to withstand 34000, dropped by M26 07/01/1999 M 35 Denver Sheriffs Shoulder Hip 1 1 sec 07/01/1999 M 24 Minneapolis Chest Stomach - Lower 1 0.5 sec Told to attack with Baton -- unable to attack. Instant Drop. 07/01/1999 M 33 Minneapolis Hip Thigh 1 0.5 sec Told to attack with Baton -- unable to attack. Instant Drop. 07/01/1999 M 45 Baltimore Hip Ankle 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 07/01/1999 M 25 Baltimore Hip Ankle 1 1 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with plastic pellet gun. 08/04/1999 M 35 Scottsdale Buttock Calf 1 1 sec Subject able to withstand 34000, dropped by M26 10/01/1999 M 50 NYPD Thigh Instep 1 0.5 sec 10/01/1999 M 50 NYPD Chest - upper Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with gun. 10/01/1999 M 38 Marion County FL Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Instant drop Instant drop Instant drop 10/01/1999 M 35 Marion County FL Hip Instep 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 10/01/1999 M 32 Marion County FL Chest Thigh 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 10/01/1999 F 35 Lakeland, FL Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with gun. 10/01/1999 F 35 Lakeland, FL Hip Thigh 1 0.5 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with gun. 10/01/1999 M 20-50 Lakeland, FL Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with gun. 10/01/1999 M 20-50 Lakeland, FL Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with gun. 10/01/1999 M 20-50 Lakeland, FL Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with gun. 10/01/1999 M 20-50 Lakeland, FL Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with gun. 10/01/1999 M 20-50 Lakeland, FL Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with gun. 10/01/1999 M 20-50 Lakeland, FL Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with gun. 10/01/1999 M 20-50 Lakeland, FL Hip Instep 1 0.5 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with gun. 10/01/1999 M 20-50 Lakeland, FL Hip Instep 1 0.5 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with gun. 10/01/1999 M 20-50 Lakeland, FL Hip Instep 1 0.5 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with gun. 10/01/1999 M 20-50 Lakeland, FL Hip Instep 1 0.5 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with gun. 10/01/1999 M 45 Tallahassee Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 10/01/1999 M 45 Tallahassee Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 10/01/1999 M 28 IACP Hip Instep 1 0.25 sec Instant drop 10/08/1999 M 30 Ottawa Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 13 10/08/1999 M 33 Ottawa Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec 10/08/1999 M 33 Ottawa Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop Instant drop 10/08/1999 M 20-50 Ottawa Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop 10/08/1999 M 20-50 Ottawa Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop 10/08/1999 M 20-50 Ottawa Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop 10/08/1999 M 20-50 Ottawa Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop 10/08/1999 M 20-50 Ottawa Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop 10/08/1999 M 20-50 Ottawa Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop .25 sec Instant drop 10/09/1999 M 32 Montreal Left Leg Right Leg 1 10/09/1999 M 20-50 Montreal Right Leg Right Leg 2 10/09/1999 M 20-50 Montreal Right Leg Right Leg 1 10/09/1999 M 20-50 Montreal Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop 10/09/1999 M 20-50 Montreal Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop 10/09/1999 M 20-50 Montreal Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop 10/09/1999 M 20-50 Montreal Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop 10/09/1999 M 20-50 Montreal Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop 10/09/1999 M 20-50 Montreal Left Upper Leg Left Lower Calf 1 .25 sec Instant drop .25 sec & .75 Instant drop sec .25 sec Instant drop 10/09/1999 M 20-50 Montreal Left Upper Leg Left Lower Calf 1 .25 sec Instant drop 10/09/1999 M 20-50 Montreal Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop 10/09/1999 M 20-50 Montreal Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop 10/23/1999 M 52 Forest Grove, OR Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop 10/23/1999 M 25 Forest Grove, OR Right Leg Right Leg 1 0.25 sec Instant drop 10/23/1999 M 26 Forest Grove, OR Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop 10/23/1999 M 35 Forest Grove, OR Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop 10/23/1999 M 33 Forest Grove, OR Right Leg Right Leg 1 .5 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 45 Torrance Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 35 Torrance Hip Instep 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Suisun City Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Suisun City Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Suisun City Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Suisun City Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Suisun City Thigh Instep 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Suisun City Thigh Instep 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 F 35 Suisun City Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Suisun City Thigh Instep 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Washoe County Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Washoe County Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Washoe County Thigh Instep 1 0.5 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with gun. 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Washoe County Thigh Instep 1 0.5 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with gun. 20-50 Douglas County Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with gun. 11/01/1999 11/01/1999 20-50 Douglas County Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate drop - unable to return fire with gun. 11/01/1999 20-50 Douglas County Thigh Instep 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 20-50 11/01/1999 Douglas County Thigh Instep 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 F 28 Milipol Wrist Hip 1 0.25 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 F 33 Milipol Hip Instep 1 0.25 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 45 Milipol Shoulder Hip 1 1 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 30 Milipol Shoulder Hip 1 1 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Milipol Shoulder Hip 1 0.25 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Milipol Shoulder Hip 1 0.25 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Milipol Shoulder Hip 1 0.25 sec Instant drop CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 14 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Milipol Shoulder Hip 1 0.25 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Milipol Shoulder Hip 1 0.25 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Milipol Shoulder Hip 1 0.25 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Milipol Shoulder Hip 1 0.25 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Milipol Shoulder Hip 1 0.25 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Milipol Hip Instep 1 0.25 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Milipol Hip Instep 1 0.25 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Milipol Hip Instep 1 0.25 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Milipol Hip Instep 1 0.25 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Milipol Hip Instep 1 0.25 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Milipol Hip Instep 1 0.25 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Milipol Hip Instep 1 0.25 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 20-50 Milipol Hip Instep 1 0.25 sec Instant drop 11/01/1999 M 48 Munster Shoulder Hip 2 0.5 sec Also took a shot with a cartridge through level II Kevlar vest from front. Darts hit chest and stomach. 11/01/1999 M 35 Munster SHOT IN BACK Hip 2 0.5 sec Also took shot with cartridge into back through T-shirt. Instant drop, no complications 11/01/1999 M 35 Munster Shoulder Hip 2 0.5 sec Took second shot through level IIIA vest. The vest was made of a spectra shield laminate which did stop the electricity. 11/17/1999 M 25 Riverside, CA Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop 11/17/1999 M 25 Riverside, CA Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop 11/18/1999 M 25 Riverside, CA Upper Left Thigh Lower Left Calf 1 .5 sec Instant drop 11/18/1999 M 25 Riverside, CA Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop 11/18/1999 M 25 Riverside, CA Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop 11/18/1999 M 25 Riverside, CA Right Leg Right Leg 1 .25 sec Instant drop 12/02/1999 M 30 Prague Shoulder Hip 2 0.5 sec On second shot, subject given unloaded gun. With hammer cocked and gun aimed at shooter, subject was unable to pull trigger when hit by M26. Immediately dropped gun. 12/02/1999 M 30 Prague Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 12/10/1999 M 30 Pineville NC Waist Knee 1 0.5 sec Instant drop - 6 foot 8 inch subject, 275 lbs. 12/15/1999 M 25-30` Rock Hill SC Waist Knee 1 0.5 sec 12/15/1999 M 25-30` Rock Hill SC Waist Knee 1 0.5 sec Instant drops--8 officers participated. All tried to make an aggressive move. Each officer was instantly incapicated. I had 2 officers hold hands, put 1 probe on one officer's belt and other probe on other officer's belt. 0.5 sec shot. Both officers down immediately. Instant drop 12/15/1999 M 25-30` Rock Hill SC Waist Knee 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 12/15/1999 M 25-30` Rock Hill SC Waist Knee 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 12/15/1999 M 25-30` Rock Hill SC Waist Knee 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 12/15/1999 M 25-30` Rock Hill SC Waist Knee 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 12/15/1999 M 25-30` Rock Hill SC Waist hand 1 0.5 sec Connected to next officer. 12/15/1999 M 25-30` Rock Hill SC Waist hand 1 0.5 sec Connected to previous officer 12/30/1999 M 24 Scottsdale, AZ Right Leg Left Hip 1 0.5 sec "Totally differnent than the other one. I don't know how anyone could 5 seconds. I feel totally fine now." 01/12/2000 M 40 ASLET Conf Right pocket Top of Shoe 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 01/12/2000 M 25 ASLET Conf Right pocket Top of Shoe 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 12/30/1999 M 26 Scottsdale, AZ right hip Upper Calf 1 0.25 sec "Unbelievable." Dec 12/12/99 F 20-50 Amarillo SHOT IN BACK 1 0.5 sec Shot wearing bullet proof vest. Dropped to ground immediately. Dec '99 M 20-50 Amarillo SHOT IN BACK 1 0.5 sec Shot wearing bullet proof vest. Dropped to ground immediately. Dec '99 M 20-50 Amarillo SHOT IN BACK 1 0.5 sec Shot wearing bullet proof vest. Dropped to ground immediately. Dec '99 M 20-50 Amarillo SHOT IN BACK 1 0.5 sec Shot wearing bullet proof vest. Dropped to ground immediately. Dec '99 M 20-50 Amarillo SHOT IN BACK 1 0.5 sec Electricity did not penetrate the bullet proof vest - electrodes were then taped to the individual and he went down. Dec '99 M 20-50 Amarillo Shoulder Stomach 1 0.5 sec Probes taped on front from the shoulder to mid line stomach -subject dropped immediately. Dec '99 M 20-50 Amarillo Shoulder Stomach 1 0.5 sec Probes taped on front from the shoulder to mid line stomach -subject dropped immediately. Dec '99 M 20-50 Amarillo Shoulder Stomach 1 0.5 sec Probes taped on front from the shoulder to mid line stomach -subject dropped immediately. CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 15 Dec '99 M 20-50 Amarillo Shoulder Dec '99 M 35 Hialeah, FL SHOT IN FRONT Dec '99 M 25 Hialeah, FL Mid Torso Stomach Thigh 1 5 sec. 1 0.5 sec 1 0.5 sec Probes taped on the vest -- subject went into a crouched position but was able to prevent himself from falling. If he had been hit with another 5 seconds it appeared he was ready to fall and was completely incapacitated. There is a possibility that the darts on the vest were not achieving full electrical penetration of the bullet proof vest. "I feel Fine -- a little Dizzy. But there's no way someone is going to walk through that!" Immediate drop Dec '99 M 30 Hialeah, FL Upper Chest Thigh 1 0.5 sec "That's Strong, man!" - immediate drop Dec '99 M 35 Hialeah, FL Upper Chest Thigh 1 0.5 sec Dec '99 M 35 Hialeah, FL Upper Chest Thigh 1 0.5 sec "I don’t want to get up. . . Once you zap, I couldn't move" Subject tried to assault shooter but dropped to ground immediately. 350 lb. Subject "Felt like I got a good shot (punch) right to the midsection" -- Locked up and dropped immediately while trying to assault shooter. Dec '99 M 35 Hialeah, FL Upper Chest Thigh 1 0.5 sec Tried to draw unloaded gun, immediately dropped gun and fell to ground. Threw gun - down immediately. Dec '99 M 40 Hialeah, FL Upper Chest Thigh 1 0.5 sec Dec '99 M 30 Hialeah, FL Upper Chest Thigh 1 0.5 sec Subject could walk through a 7 watt system -- dropped immediately by 26 watt system. Dec '99 M 29 Los Angeles Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Company president Rick Smith. Dropped immediately. Dec. 13 M 20-50 Glastony, CT Hip Foot 1 0.5 sec "Totally disabled my right side / fell to ground, released gun" Dec. 13 M 20-50 Glastony, CT Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec "I took a 1/2 second hit. The device was on my right hip and my right shoulder. Once I was hit, my entire right side went dead. I had no control at all and fell to the ground. I became a true believer of the system. Very Effective!" Dec. 13 M 20-50 Glastony, CT Hip Foot 1 0.5 sec Dec. 13 M 20-50 Glastony, CT Right Hip Left Hip 1 0.5 sec "I felt current path from shoe to hip -> felt complete "shock" muscle spasm. Dropped gun in strong hand -> slight burning sensation on right hip." "I lost control and dropped to the ground. I felt a burning sensation on my right hip. Suffered no lasting effects." Dec. 13 M 20-50 Glastony, CT Left Hip Right Foot 1 0.5 sec "Knees buckled, unable to maintain standing position. Slight burning sensation to waist area." Dec. 13 M 20-50 Glastony, CT 1 0.5 sec Dec. 13 M 20-50 Glastony, CT Foot 1 0.5 sec "I felt severe / intense pain and I was also unable to focus on anything other than the pain. The TASER definitely caused chaos in my thinking process." "It felt like I had no control over my body. Very Effective" "Immediately had no control" Shoulder Dec. 13 M 20-50 Glastony, CT Left Shoulder Right Hip 1 0.5 sec Dec. 13 M 20-50 Glastony, CT Upper Chest Back Pocket 1 0.5 sec "Body went rigid, curved backward, then dropped." Dec. 14 M 20-50 Hempstead, NY Hip Foot 1 0.5 sec Loss of left leg - muscles didn't work Dec. 14 M 20-50 Hempstead, NY Right Shoulder Left Hip 1 0.5 sec "I felt like I lost complete control of my body. I fell right down and did not realize I dropped my weapon. I felt dizzy and disoriented for a couple of minutes after being hit." Dec. 14 M 20-50 Hempstead, NY Hip Foot 1 0.5 Dec. 14 M 20-50 Hempstead, NY Chest Dec. 14 M 20-50 Hempstead, NY left side torso I felt like I was hit with a bas on the hip area. 1 0.5 sec Felt like someone hit me with a sledgehammer in the chest. Right Foot 1 0.5 sec "Inability to move, burnign, loss of time frame, completely distratced from any goal." Dec. 14 M 20-50 Hempstead, NY Shoulder foot 1 0.5 Dec. 14 M 20-50 Hempstead, NY Hip Foot 1 0.5 sec "I went right down" "Extremely effective -- would have knocked out any fight I may have had in me." Dec. 14 M 20-50 Hempstead, NY Left Hip Righ Shoulder 1 0.5 sec Dec. 14 M 20-50 Hempstead, NY Hip Foot 1 0.5 sec Dec. 14 M 20-50 Hempstead, NY Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec "Could not move body, mind felt focused, gun dropped from right hand. I've been hit w/ stun guns and M26 is much more powerful and faster." "Left leg tightened up and right leg shot out, causing me to go to ground" "Immediately dropped gun, fell on left knee to floor and was totally disoriented and in pain." Dec. 14 M 20-50 Hempstead, NY Right Shoulder Left Foot 1 0.5 sec Dec. 14 M 20-50 Hempstead, NY Left Shoulder Left Hip 1 0.5 sec Dec. 14 F 20-50 Hempstead, NY Left Shoulder Left Hip 1 0.5 sec "Had weapon in right hand - felt like I grabbed weapon stronger but had no control over it. Almost immediately fell to ground without any control at all." Dec. 14 M 20-50 Hempstead, NY rigth hip Left Hip 1 0.5 sec "Felt like I got hit in the stomach with a baseball bat." Jan '00 M 25-40 Victoria Shoulder Hip 1 0.25 sec. Instant drop Jan '00 M 25-40 Victoria Shoulder Hip 1 0.25 sec. Instant drop Jan '00 M 25-40 Victoria Shoulder Hip 1 0.25 sec. Instant drop Jan '00 M 25-40 Victoria Hip Calf 1 0.25 sec. Instant drop Jan '00 M 25-40 Victoria Hip Calf 1 0.25 sec. Instant drop "Didn't hurt at all -- come back again and we'll try it all over." (sarcasm) "Complete incapacitation to left side in particular. 1/2 sec knocked me down." CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 16 Jan '00 M 25-40 Victoria Hip Calf 1 0.25 sec. Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Edmonton Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Calgary Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Calgary Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Calgary Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Calgary Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Calgary Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Calgary Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Calgary Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Calgary Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Victoria Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec Nov - Dec '99 M 20-50 Nov 1, '99 M 25 Oct 21, '99 M Oct 21, '99 Oct 21, '99 Instant drop Victoria Hip Calf 1 0.5 sec IACP Right thigh Hip 1 0.5 sec Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. 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Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Offered prize to advanced 5 feet to a case of beer -- no one could. Instant drop 20-50 Austin SWAT Shoulder Stomach - Lower 1 0.5 sec Instant drop M 20-50 Austin SWAT Shoulder Stomach - Lower 1 0.5 sec Instant drop M 20-50 Austin SWAT Shoulder Stomach - Lower 1 0.5 sec Instant drop Oct 21, '99 M 20-50 Austin SWAT Shoulder Stomach - Lower 1 0.5 sec Instant drop Oct 21, '99 M 20-50 Austin SWAT Shoulder Stomach - Lower 1 0.5 sec Instant drop Oct 21, '99 M 20-50 Austin SWAT Shoulder Stomach - Lower 1 0.5 sec Instant drop Oct 21, '99 M 20-50 Austin SWAT Shoulder Stomach - Lower 1 0.5 sec Instant drop CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 17 Oct 21, '99 M 20-50 Austin SWAT Shoulder Stomach - Lower 1 0.5 sec Instant drop Oct 21, '99 M 20-50 Austin SWAT Shoulder Stomach - Lower 1 0.5 sec Instant drop Oct 21, '99 M 20-50 Austin SWAT Shoulder Stomach - Lower 1 0.5 sec Instant drop Oct 21, '99 M 20-50 Austin SWAT Shoulder Stomach - Lower 2 5 sec Oct 21, '99 M 20-50 Austin SWAT Hip Instep 1 0.5 sec Instant drop Oct 21, '99 M 20-50 Austin SWAT Hip Instep 1 0.5 sec Instant drop Oct 21, '99 M 20-50 Austin SWAT Hip Instep 1 0.5 sec Instant drop Oct 21, '99 M 20-50 Austin SWAT Hip Instep 1 0.5 sec Instant drop Oct 21, '99 M 20-50 Austin SWAT Hip Instep 1 0.5 sec Instant drop Oct 21, '99 M 20-50 Austin SWAT Hip Instep 1 0.5 sec Instant drop Oct 21, '99 M 20-50 Austin SWAT Hip Instep 1 0.5 sec Instant drop Oct 21, '99 M 20-50 Austin SWAT Hip Instep 1 0.5 sec Instant drop Oct 21, '99 M 20-50 Austin SWAT Hip Instep 1 0.5 sec Instant drop Oct 21, '99 M 20-50 Austin SWAT Hip Instep 1 0.5 sec Instant drop Oct '99 M 30 Ft. Dix Shoulder Thigh 2 0.5 sec LARGE Individual -- 260 lbs +, Defensive Tactics Instructor. Tried to attack -- fell down immediately. Then tried again to see if he could overcome it. Again, dropped to ground instantly. Subject able to remain standing for full 5 seconds, upper body contracted. Subject was able to remain erect and partially mobile by contracting opposing muscles. However, severly impaired. Right side was locked up completely. However, subject was hit with pre-production unit which was operating at approx. 80% power without high throughput battery magazine. Oct '99 M 35 Ft. Dix Shoulder Thigh 1 0.5 sec Instant drop 01/21/2000 M 36 Wisconsin Rigth Breast Bone Right High Thigh 1 5 secs "Went to the floor immediately. Seemed like 8-10 seconds, but it was only the 5-second discharge. He went down fast. He's been much quieter ever since." 01/24/2000 M Costa Mesa PD ?? ?? ?? 01/24/2000 M Costa Mesa PD Left Shoulder Left Hip 1 .25 sec. The man was standing (without the need for a wheelchair). A WI DOC Captain opened door 4-5 inches to show M26 w/o cartridge and used verbal judo to explain what the M26 was. Lots of FUs replied. He sparked the M26 and aimed the laser. More FUs. Air Cartridge loaded and fired at right shoulder/breast bone area and near upper right thigh from 7-8 feet away. "Went to the floor immediately. Seemed like 8-10 seconds, but it was only the 5second discharge. He went down fast. He's been much quieter ever since." 01/24/2000 M Costa Mesa PD Right Belt Line Right Shoulder 1 .25 sec. 01/24/2000 M Costa Mesa PD Left Leg Left Rear Pocket 1 ..25 sec. 01/26/2000 M 40 Taser Int'l Right Foot Right Hip 1 .25 sec 01/26/2000 M 38 Taser Int'l Right Foot Right Hip 1 .25 sec "Totally disabling. Went Black! Great!" 01/27/2000 M 30 Phoenix PD Right Foot Right Hip 1 .5 sec. (Shorted on metal cleat -- 1/2 power. Still disabled him.) 01/27/2000 M 35 Phoenix PD Right Shoulder Right Buttock 1 .5 sec. "It felt like sledgehammers pounding on me. No way I could fight." 01/28/1999 M 20-55 UC Riverside Hip Foot 1 0.5 sec 01/28/1999 M 20-55 UC Riverside Buttock Foot 1 0.5 sec 01/28/1999 M 20-55 UC Riverside Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec 02/03/2000 M 25 KZZP 104.7FM Buttock Foot 1 1.5 sec. 02/03/2000 M 23-45 Akron PD Hip Foot 1 .25 sec Gave Shotgun - dropped it immediately 02/03/2000 M 23-45 Akron PD Hip Foot 1 .25 sec Gave Shotgun - dropped it immediately Gave Shotgun - dropped it immediately "Felt like a punch in the hip -- no way to react." 02/03/2000 M 23-45 Akron PD Hip Foot 1 .25 sec 02/03/2000 M 23-45 Akron PD Buttock Heel 1 .25 sec 02/03/2000 M 23-45 Akron PD Shoulder Hip 1 .25 sec Gave pistol - couldn't react 02/03/2000 M 23-45 Akron PD Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Individual was running in demo. Subject fell hard to the ground instantly -- hit ground on point of shoulder. Doctor confirmed deep bruise from impact of fall. 02/07/2000 M 23-45 Philadelphia PD Shoulder Hip 1 .5 sec. 02/07/2000 M 23-45 Philadelphia PD Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate stop 02/07/2000 M 23-45 Philadelphia PD Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate stop 02/07/2000 M 23-45 Philadelphia PD Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate stop 02/07/2000 M 23-45 Philadelphia PD Hip Foot 1 0.5 sec Immediate stop CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 18 02/07/2000 M 23-45 Philadelphia PD Hip Foot 1 0.5 sec Immediate stop 02/07/2000 M 23-45 Philadelphia PD Buttock Foot 1 0.5 sec Immediate stop 02/09/2000 M 29 15 .5 - 3 sec. 02/08/2000 M 20-50 Montgomery Cnty Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Blaine is a RCMP member with two years of service. He is 29 years old, 5'10", 225; he is big into weights and pushes 405 for his max bench press. For this test he was wearing a standard Tshirt. One probe was taped to his chest about 3" above his right nipple. The second probe was taped to his lower left abdomen about 2" from his belly. The distance between the probes was about 13-15". A knife was placed 3 metres (10 feet) from Blaine and he was told to attempt to pick up the knife as soon as he felt the current come on. Wanting to give him a true point of focus and motivation, I offered him three days of paid leave if he was able to get to the knife and pick it up. Upon getting "hit" Blaine doubled over and fell to his knees however, he kept one hand out and crawled on "all threes" to the knife and was able to pick it up. I estimate that it was at least a 3 second burst before I shut down the unit. Two other "hits" on Blaine (1 -shoulder and butt; 2- Chest and thigh) were successful in dropping him immediately. Immediate stop 02/08/2000 M 20-50 Montgomery Cnty Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate stop 02/08/2000 M 20-50 Montgomery Cnty Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate stop 02/08/2000 M 20-50 Montgomery Cnty Hip Foot 1 0.5 sec Immediate stop 02/08/2000 M 20-50 Montgomery Cnty Hip Foot 1 0.5 sec Immediate stop 02/08/2000 M 20-50 Montgomery Cnty Hip Foot 1 0.5 sec Immediate stop 02/08/2000 M 20-50 Montgomery Cnty Buttock Foot 1 0.5 sec Immediate stop 02/08/2000 M 20-50 Montgomery Cnty Buttock Foot 1 0.5 sec Immediate stop 02/08/2000 M 20-50 Montgomery Cnty Buttock Foot 1 0.5 sec Immediate stop 02/08/2000 M 20-50 Montgomery Cnty Shoulder Foot 1 0.5 sec Immediate stop 02/08/2000 M 20-50 Montgomery Cnty Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate stop 02/08/2000 M 20-50 Montgomery Cnty Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate stop 02/08/2000 M 20-50 Montgomery Cnty Hip Foot 1 0.5 sec Immediate stop 02/08/2000 M 20-50 Montgomery Cnty Hip Foot 1 0.5 sec Immediate stop RCMP 02/08/2000 M 20-50 Montgomery Cnty Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 sec Immediate stop 02/08/2000 M 20-50 Montgomery Cnty Shoulder Hip 2 0.5 sec Officer was shot with darts while wearing bullet proof vest. Vest was a non-breathable laminate (Spectra) -- electricity did not penetrate vest. Probes were removed and taped on individual who was immediately dropped. 02/23/2000 M 25 Buttock Foot 1 0.5 02/23/2000 M 34 Rt. Waist Rt.Foot 1 0.5 I could not fight back and could not move my body. I lost all will to fight Could not do anything, It works Buttock 02/23/2000 M 39 Rt.Shoulder 02/23/2000 M 34 Lft.side 02/23/2000 M 35 Lft. Foot 02/23/2000 M 61 Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Total Effect wanted by instructor. Could not move. 02/22/2000 M 35 Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Felt a shock.Tingling from half second shock from Taser. 02/22/2000 M 58 Lt.Waist Lt.Foot 1 0.5 None movement Buttock 1 0.5 Stopped my movement 1 0.5 Very good weapon. I could not move for the time the taser was on my side. Did not hurt when removed 1 0.5 Pounding on my feet.Rt.leg incopaciated,muscles seized, I had no control.Leg wouldn't bend as I fell 02/23/2000 M 33 Rt.Shoulder Rt.Side 1 0.5 Lost will to fight.No control of muscles 02/23/2000 M 43 Lt.Hip Lt. Foot 1 0.5 Shock caused me to drop knife during the demo while stttempting to stab Instructor 02/23/2000 M 37 1 0.5 I was totally disabled-temporaily-recovered quickly 02/23/2000 M 54 LtShoulder Lt.Foot 1 0.5 Could not fight back-The shock made me drop the weapon 02/24/2000 M 41 LtShoulder Lt.Foot 1 0.5 This was one of the most effective Tasers I have ever seen 02/24/2000 M 31 Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 02/24/2000 M 42 Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 I knocked my feet out from under me. Like getting hit by a hammer Numbness-inability to move-unable to resist or fight 02/23/2000 M 43 Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 02/24/2000 M 50 Rt Waist Lt Hip 1 0.5 02/24/2000 M 51 Rt.Waist Rt.Foot 1 0.5 This an effective weapon is with ono-lethal ability to deter aggression. I was shot with M-26 I am a believer. 02/24/2000 M 55 Rt.Shoulder Rt.Buttock 1 0.5 I was holding a ASP baton and was unable to drop it or control my movement-It was instant disabliity I felt more effect in foot which caused me to fall forward. The effect on foot was like being struck. The upper probe was placed over an old hernia scar the pain was after charge was over. Fell to mat-Could not fight back CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 19 02/24/2000 M 48 Lt.Waist Lt.Foot 1 0.5 It felt bad very bad I couldn't fight back or anything 02/24/2000 M 32 Rt.Shoulder Rt.Foot 1 0.5 The Taser was very effective on subduing me-It felt like a large hammer striking me. 02/24/2000 M 50 Lt.Side 1 0.5 02/24/2000 M 33 Rt.Shoulder Rt.Leg 1 0.5 02/24/2000 M 43 Rt.Hip Lt.Foot 1 0.5 The application to the left front side of my body caused my movements to be disabled=It felt like a blunt blow that was held temporaily It felt like I had been stabbed in the shoulder and thigh. I could also feel my neck and jaw tighten up. There was no way I was able to fight back. It felt like I was electrocuted for a second. I felt heavy hammering on my right foot. It was only a second kind of discomfort. 02/24/2000 M 33 Rt.Shoulder Lt.Foot 1 0.5 Could not fight back, Vision instantly lost. Lost use of left side immediately 02/24/2000 M 32 Rt.Shoulder Rt.Calf 1 0.5 Right side of body shut down, fell directly to floor no control of hands while shot 02/24/2000 M 33 Rt.Top Leg Rt.Foot 1 0.5 02/24/2000 M 41 Rt.Shoulder Lt.Foot 1 0.5 I could not fight,walk,talk. I did not know if I was moving around. It took me several minutes to gain my surroundings again. I felt as if I was hit by load of bricks 02/21/2000 M 32 Rt.Shoulder Lt.Foot 1 0.5 02/22/2000 M 47 Rt.Hip Lt.Foot 1 0.5 02/22/2000 M 41 Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Could not move or fight back. Very Impressive highly recommend it. This weapon is very effective-you cannot fight back once the weapon is discharged. It felt like someone removed all nerve in that part of the body. Upon being hit with the system,even though I was in a forward motion. My body totally shut down. My right leg locked up and I was down on my back within a second. That was from a half se burst. Strong Effect. Could not even think about fighting back. 02/22/2000 M 40 Lt.Chest Lt. Upper Back 1 0.5 02/22/2000 M 32 Back Rt.Shoulder Back Rt.Hip 1 0.5 02/22/2000 M 25 Lt.Foot LtButtock 1 0.5 Radiating Electric feeling between darts. 02/17/2000 M 35 Lt.Hip Rt.Foot 2 0.5 Immediate incapability, muscles contracteed -would have fallen if not spotted. Took second hit from 34000. Immediate muscle jump clearly not as strong . 02/17/2000 M 46 Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 02/17/2000 M 26 Rt.Foot Lt.Back Waist 1 0.5 Sharp disabilitating pain, numbness. I could not do anything but fall down and I was interested in doing wharever the instructor wanted Counld not fight back. Felt like hammer crushed my leg, alittle burning I could not move at all. 02/17/2000 M 40 Rt.Foot Lt.Back Waist 1 0.5 My leg was paralized and could not remain standing. Could not attempt to fight back or remain standing. Jolt of electric volts went threw out the enter body 02/17/2000 M 49 Rt.Foot Lt.Hip 1 0.5 02/17/2000 M 43 Rt.Shoulder L.Top Leg 1 0.5 Completely disabled, could not have fought back. Verry, very impressive Could not have fought back. 02/17/2000 M 37 Rt.Foot Lt.Hip 1 0.5 02/17/2000 M 37 Rt.Hip Lt.Ankle 1 0.5 02/17/2000 M 26 Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 02/17/2000 M 37 Rt.Thigh Rt.Foot 1 0.5 02/17/2000 M 48 Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Immediate effect rendered all capabilities useless. Could no have fought back. Complete Surpirse w/o injury Slight burning to left hip ares. Wouldn't have been able to fight back Total incapacitation w/ short burst Couldn't move leg, intense cramp. Do not believe I could fight back afterwards. It felt a little hot. All I could think about was making it stop. Contact points-under sole of sole of shoe and right front pocket. Air Taser activated, very slight electrical charge felt on pocket area only. No charge felt on foot. Rick then used M-26 as stun gun held on right thigh area. Charge felt through right leg fromfoot to hip. Could not right back-impulse up through leg-warm feeling on top of foot during application & a minute or so after 02/17/2000 M 31 Rt.Ankle Lt.Hip 1 0.5 Leg did give way and there was no way to fight back at all 02/17/2000 M 57 Rt.Foot Lt.Back Hip 1 0.5 02/17/2000 M 36 Rt.Foot Lt.Back Hip 1 0.5 Knocked leg out from under me. Hit in the hip putting me down in the back, felt helpless=Could not have fought back or use a weapon Slight burning to hip. Bending of knee and loss or leg control 02/17/2000 M 30 Rt.Thigh Lt.Back Waist 1 0.5 A burst of heat feeling which causes you to loose all movement, and collasped. With a hit by the advanced taser you will not be able to fight back. 03/08/2000 M 27 Univ of Cinc. PD Rt. Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Dropped instantly. "Could not fight back at all. Burning sensation 10 minutes later." @ UCPD training 03/08/2000 M 30 Univ of Cinc. PD Rt. Shoulder Rt. Hip 1 0.5 "I took hit from the ADVANCED TASER (M-26). I tightened up and now way could I stand on my own. 03/08/2000 M 40 Univ of Cinc. PD Rt. Shoulder Rt Foot 1 0.5 Dropped instantly. 03/08/2000 M 30 Univ of Cinc. PD Lt Hip Lt Thigh 1 0.5 "Dramatic reaction. Electro shock. Not much pain, could not resist, could talke immediately afterwards." 03/09/2000 M 35 Knox Co Sheriffs Lt Foot Lt Hip 1 0.5 "Unable to fight or agress any further." Failed to be able to use plastic gun or hold on to it. 03/09/2000 M 40 Knox Co Sheriffs Rt Foot Rt Hip 1 0.5 "Very Effective" CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 20 03/09/2000 M 45 Knox Co Sheriffs Rt Shoe Rt Buttock 1 0.5 "Like punches to hip and foot - down to floor. Up in 30 seconds. Could go back to work. 03/09/2000 M 30 Knox Co Sheriffs Rt Boot Rt Buttock 1 0.5 "I was totally incapacitated. Very, very effective." 03/09/2000 M 50 Knox Co Sheriffs Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 Sampled 34000 & M26 each "Big difference between these two units, M26 put me down immediately." 03/09/2000 M 35 Knox Co Sheriffs Lt. Hip Lt Foot 1 0.1 M26 stun mode: "Could not fight back." 03/09/2000 M 30 Knox Co Sheriffs Lt Toe Lt Hip 1 0.5 Fell immediately. "Works good" 03/09/2000 M 35 Knox Co Sheriffs Lt Foot Lt Hip 1 0.5 Held gun but dropped it immediately. "When hit dropped gun. Was unable to fight." 03/09/2000 M 35 Knox Co Sheriffs Lt Foot Lt Hip 1 0.5 Dropped immediately. "Very painful and numbing." 03/09/2000 M 35 Knox Co Sheriffs Rt Buttock Rt Foot 1 0.5 Dropped immediately. "Painful." 03/09/2000 M 40 Knox Co Sheriffs Rt Shoulder Rt Hip 1 0.5 Dropped immediately. "There was no way I could be resistive. I came in a doubter; but I'm convinced!" 03/09/2000 M 40 Knox Co Sheriffs Rt. Hip Rt. Toe 1 0.5 Dropped immediately. 03/10/2000 M 35 German IAWA Rt. Toe On floor 6 in away 1 0.5 The one probe hit was excellent and the spark jumped immediately in to subject who fell to the floor. Could not have fought back in a million years 03/16/2000 M 33 Safford P.D. Rt.Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 03/16/2000 M 36 Glendale P.D. Lt.Foot Rt.Hip 1 0.5 Great less than lethal weapon 03/16/2000 M 48 AZ DPS Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Total Muscle control loss=Would have fallen down w/o classmate holding me up=Excellent Device 03/16/2000 M Payson P.D. Rt.Hip Rt.Shoulder 1 0.5 Couldn't fight back=Good Tool! 03/16/2000 M 29 Chandler P.D. Rt.Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 Very surpriseingly, even though I thought I was ready 03/16/2000 M 31 Mesa P.D. Lt.Hip Lt.Shoulder 1 0.5 For the short time I received the shot from the Taser the 03/16/2000 M 43 El Mirage P.D. Rt.Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 Could not fight back Very impressive 03/16/2000 M 34 Phoenix P.D. Rt.Shoulder Rt.Hip 1 0.5 My mental focus was lost and I had no control as well as 03/16/2000 M 32 Glendale P.D. Rt.Shoulder Rt.Hip 1 0.5 Very Effective last thing I wanted to do was fight in extreme pain. 03/16/2000 M 43 Tolleson P.D. Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 03/16/2000 M 31 Az.DPS Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 No way I could have fought through the charge Lost focus, extreme tunnel vision=Icy Hot on thigh No burns 03/16/2000 M 34 Chandler P.D. Hip Foot 1 0.5 Totally incpacitating 03/16/2000 M 31 Gilbert P.D. Hip Rt.Leg 1 0.5 Great effect which drew my focus away from my objective 03/16/2000 M 32 Gilbert P.D. Rt.Hip Foot 1 0.5 Could not fight=Straighted right leg out=Great Experience 03/16/2000 M 45 Phx. P.D. Rt.Shoulder Rt.Leg 1 0.5 I have Atrial Fibrilation=I notes no reaction to pulse rate or any other side effect. 03/16/2000 M 36 Peoria P.D. Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 03/16/2000 M 28 Glendale P.D. Rt.Shoulder Rt. Hip 2 0.5 & 1 sec 03/23/2000 M 32 TREXPO Show Rt. Hip Rt Calf 1 1 sec. Locked up right leg and began to tumble but was caught by Rob Cook. He had been hit with REACT stun belts in the past, buthe said he had never been stunned like that in his career. .5 sec. Throw fake yellow gun immediately to ground, rt leg locked up and fell to ground with .5 secs. The system works well Unable to attack with rubber knife whatsover. "That works." 03/28/2000 M 32 LAPD Rt Hip Rt Shoulder 1 03/28/2000 M 30 LAPD Rt. Toe Rt. Thigh 1 .5 sec. Leg locked up and began to fall but stopped by other officers 03/31/2000 M 22 Victoria PD, Canada Upper Rt Ctr Chest Lt Hip 1 5 secs. 04/10/2000 M 40 Minneapolis Spec Rt Shoe Rt Belt 1 .75 sec Police were dispatched to attended the Psychiatric Intensive Care unit of a local hospital for a report of a Section 28 Mental Health Act patient (male 22-yrs-old) who was totally out of control and extremely violent due to the fact that he was off his medications. Police were advised that this male was martial arts trained and had faught with police a week before, and on this date he was kicking his metal security room door so hard that the locking mechanism was bending. Upon police arrival, members attempted to obtain voluntary compliance with the male without success. In fact, this male stated several times that he wanted to fight with police and was not afraid of being hurt. It should be noted that this male had in fact faught with the police one week prior to this incident where he was sprayed with o.c. and struck with an ASP baton several times, both of these force options had no effect. It took a total of five officers on that occassion to swarm this male to finally control him which resulted in a Immediately looked up to ceiling, yelled and fell to the ground CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 21 03/30/2000 M Ops Tran Assn of Upper Midwest Tonawanda P.O. Lt.Shoe Rt.Pocket 1 0.5 It felt like a jackhammer hitting my foot. Immedialtely incapacitated-Fell on Back 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.O. Rt.Foot Lt.Chest 1 0.5 03/30/2000 M Erie Co. Central P Lt.Foot Rt.Hip 1 0.5 Dropped on back right awway-felt like sledgehammer hit 03/30/2000 M Niagara Co. Sheriff's Lt. Hip Rt.Hip 1 0.5 It caised me to loose ability to stand. It felt like somebody was taking a hammer to each leg. Very Effective 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Pocket Foot 1 0.5 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Lt Hip 1 0.5 Resulting in extreme pain in entire body unable to concentrate on attack. Probe was placed on left hip, I stood next to my brother Bruce linking arms. When activated I fell backwards unable to move 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Rt. Shoulder 1 0.5 I was the other half arm to arm. Impulsting shock immediate incapacition,fell to ground. Felt Terrible!! 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Lt.Foot Rt.Shoulder 1 0.5 Lost Balance and Equilibream 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Rt.Foot Rt.Pocket 1 0.5 Instant muscle failure in right leg. Fell to ground, leg locked up 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Belt Rt.Thigh 1 0.5 The probe under belt hurt for quite some time. 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Ribs Ribs 1 0.5 Felt like I was punched in the ribs. Knocked me to the ground. Slight burning of the effected area. 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Lt.Pocket Lt.Thigh 1 0.5 Left leg locked and I fell to the floor. 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Rt.Chest Rt.Hip 1 0.5 I went to the ground immediately 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Rt.Pocket Lt.Foot 1 0.5 Pocket arear was a very sharp pain==Lifted foot off the ground. Painful as if being kicked. 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Shoe Belt 1 0.5 Down like ton of Bricks 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Rt.Shoe Lt Hip 1 0.5 Immediate incapaciation due to involuntary muscle reaction, intense pain I fell backwards 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Hip Shoulder 1 0.5 Locked up side of body could not fight 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. RtShoulder Lt. Hip 1 0.5 I felt a building intensity of muscle contraction & immobliization as the shock went on. 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Lt.Foot Lt FrtPocket 1 0.5 Felt like half a dozen swift hits with a hammer but with no effects==Very Painful 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Shoulder Hip 1 0.5 Stiffened Joints, extreme pain & disorientation fell to ground 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Frt.Pocket Bk.Pocket 1 0.5 Doubled over at the hipss. Ould not feel or move my legs. Pain across mid-section 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Top of Foot Back Pocket 1 0.5 Pounding electrical shock fell to ground through lt leg 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Rt.Hip Lt. Toe 1 0.5 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Lt.Foot Rt.Pocket 1 0.5 The impulse caused muscle and balance failure in my lower body Made my legs give out from under me. With no pain at all after about 10 seconds. 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Rt.Shoulder Lt.Pocket 1 0.5 On charge=left knee locked, right leg gave out and fell uncontrollably to left. 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Lt.Hip Rt. Foot 1 0.5 Totally incapacitated 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Rt.Foot Lt.Thigh 1 0.5 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Rt.Foot Lt.Foot 1 0.5 Like being hit with sledge hammer pulling my right leg out from under me. Felt like feet were violently being driven into the ground straight down. Unable to remain standing 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Lt.Foot Lt.Thigh 1 0.5 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Rt.Hip Lt.Hip 1 0.5 03/30/2000 M University P.D. Rt.Hip Lt.Hip 1 0.5 Intense pain,immediate muscle contraction, couldn't think to react. Both legs locked up and I fell straight backeard= I felt like a numbing feeling(pulstating)slight nmubness for 5-10 minutes after= Great Product. Could not move, fell on back 03/30/2000 M Niagara Co. Sheriff's Hip Shoulder 1 0.5 Lost balance was completely stuned 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Rt.Shoulder Lt.Hip 1 0.5 It felt like my body below the probes disappeared (painfully) 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Rt.Hip Lt.Hip 1 0.5 I had no control over my body 03/30/2000 M Tonawanda P.D. Rt.Hip Lt.Hip 1 0.5 Felt like a pulsing like a sledge hammer, extremely effective 03/30/2000 M Niagara Co. Sheriff's Rt. Shoulder Rt.Hip 1 0.5 Could not point gun or stand=At all totally effective 03/29/2000 M 40 Bartow P.D. Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Pain over all of body=unable to walk haad to go to ground. COULD NOT FIGHT BACK. 03/29/2000 M 24 Bartow P.D. Rt.Foot Rt.Butt cheek 1 0.5 Pain and overwhelming feeling. On impact yur body contracts and all you can do is fall and hope it is over soon. 03/29/2000 M 21 Bartow P.D. Rt.Shoulder Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Immediate reaction was paralysis. It was surprising to see how quickly I was incompasitated. 03/29/2000 M 31 Bartow P.D. Rt.Foot Rt.Butt cheek 1 0.5 Totally incapacitatingin under one second, was relatively pain free but caused me to become totally incapable of sontrolling or directly my extremities. While my desire to fight was still there, my ability to was destroyed. An awesome capability for law enforcement. I for see this weapon saving counties lives on both sides of the fence. Keep up the research. CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 22 03/29/2000 M 38 Bartow P.D. Lt.Foot Lt.Hip 1 0.5 I could not fight back I was able to step with right leg and then locked up and fell. No control over my body the M-26 sent an intense wave through the muscles. The Unit did not cause extreme pain it felt like pressure from inside that you could not resist. Temporary numbness 03/29/2000 M 45 Bartow P.D. Rt.Shoulder Rt.Foot 1 0.5 04/05/2000 M 41 Buena Park P.D. Rt.Shoulder Rt.Hip 1 0.5 No desire to fight back. I tries to focus through. I thought the time duration was two to three seconds in reality one second befor I felt forsed to go down on one knee. Tingly sensation to hand after able to function normally directly after being hit. 04/05/2000 M 38 Buena Park P.D. Rt.Shoulder Rt.Hip 1 0.5 Could not fight back. Hit very hard and fast and stiffened me up. Also felt llike I was being pushed backwards. When turned off I came back to normal except for a slight head rush 04/05/2000 M 36 Buena Park P.D. Rt.Thigh Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Paralized right leg-Fell to the ground could not fight back. 04/05/2000 M 42 Buena Park P.D. Rt.Thigh Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Right side paralized fell to my left-burning pain to hip (contact point)=Was filmed on local TV station 04/05/2000 M 34 Buena Park P.D. Rt.Shoulder Rt.Hip 1 0.5 Could not fight back felt like a shock through body. Totally incapacitated me. 04/05/2000 M 33 Buena Park P.D. Rt.Thigh Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Locked up my right leg immediately overwhelmed me 03/31/2000 M Rohnert Park P.D. Rt.Foot Rt.Thigh 1 0.5 Lost immediate control of leg. Hurt like Hell. Tingling feeling lasted lots of minutes. 03/31/2000 M San Jose P.D. Rt.Foot Rt.Hip 1 0.5 Immediate pain in right foot which made rt leg shoot to rear. Extreme pain until turning off. 03/31/2000 M Rohnert Park P.D. Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 I was able to move a short distance dragging my Rt.Leg 03/31/2000 M San Jose P.D. Rt.Foot Lt.Foot 1 0.5 Instant lose of ankle control fell to mat. 03/31/2000 M San Jose P.D. Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Very Effective! 03/31/2000 F San Jose P.D. Lt.Hip Lt.Foot. 1 0.5 Before I conpleted the very thought of attacking, I was down right now felt like a hot wire fence jolt. Pain ceased immediately after termination but muscles felt weird for about 20 minutes 03/31/2000 M Presidio of Monte Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Felt numbness and was not able to move right leg effect after lasted about 5 minutes 03/31/2000 M San Jose P.D. Lt.Ankle Rt.Hip 1 0.5 Immediately disabled intital jolt caused severemuscle spasm dropped me like a ton og bricks 03/31/2000 M San Mateo Sherrifs Rt.Foot Rt.Hip 1 0.5 04/09/2000 M 28 Albuquerque, NM Rt. Chest Rt. Beltline 1 5 secs SWAT officer responded to a violent, suicidal, male, 190 lbs., 28, 5'11, subject who was threatening to jump off of a two story roof. The subject was also armed with a large butcher knife and on unknown types of drugs. He was not complying with officers orders to drop the weapon or to move away from the roof. The subject was delusional and without warning, he stood and walked towards officers and stated "Here take it" and pointed the knife at the officers. Officer XXX shot the subject from a distance of 7-10 feet with the M-26 ADVANCED TASER and delivered the full five second burst. Probes hit subject near right chest and right beltline. The subject immediately dropped to the ground and yelled "Get off, get it off!" He was handcuffed and probes were removed on scene at that time with no injuries and without further incident. Subject's final comment: He asked what had just happened. This product earned my respect 04/10/2000 M 50 Albuquerque, NM Upper Chest No Probe 1 5 secs SWAT officers were activated in reference to a domestic dispute with a male, 50 yrs old, subject armed with a firearm and shots fired. The subject came out of the house and a police K-9 was deployed to subdue the subject. The dog took the subject to the ground, however he was kicking the dog and was not complying with the officers orders. The M-26 was then deployed at 7-11 ft with one probe striking and penetrating him in the upper chest area. The second probe did not penetrate his clothing and bounced off to the side. The M-26 delivered a 5 sec charge that was able to render the subject's upper body incapable of continuing with his aggressive behavior at which time he was taken into custody. 04/21/2000 M Union Co. Sheriff's Lf.Shoulder Lf.Foot 1 0.5 Subject received moderate injuries from dog bites as a result of the use of a K-9 however there were only the probe wounds as a result of the use of the TASER. Probe was removed by "medical" staff. Could not fight back at all, very impressive 04/21/2000 M Union Co. Sheriff's N/A N/A 1 0.5 After being hit, there was no will to fight back 04/19/2000 M Davenport PD Lf.Foot Rt.Shoulder 1 0.5 I felt the elec.crwling thru my body. I did no have any control. 04/19/2000 M Scott Co. Sheriff's N/A N/A 1 0.5 Dropped to floor, burning and slight loss of balance. Effective in disablingsubject quickly with out permanent damage Immediate motor dysfunction. I would recommend use to my dept. The weapon was extremely effective causing total loss of muscular control. It felt as though someone stuck me with a needle but effects were short term. 04/19/2000 M DesMoines PD N/A N/A 1 0.5 04/19/2000 M West BurlingtonPD N/A N/A 1 0.5 CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 23 04/19/2000 M D.M.P.D. N/A N/A 1 0.5 Affected my nervous system & muscles. I immediately dropped. I feel that it’s a lot better than our Tasertron. 04/19/2000 M Scott Co. Sheriff's N/A N/A 1 0.5 Stunning effect on shoulder, hot pin prick traveled through hands, then fell to knees. 04/19/2000 M Rock Island Co.Sher N/A N/A 1 0.5 Shot himself in hand Hans took care of it. 04/19/2000 M Univ.of Iowa DPS N/A N/A 1 0.5 04/19/2000 M Spring Lake ParkPD Foot Rt.Shoulder 1 0.5 Felt pain in right hip and right shoulder, along with a burning sensation and sharp muscle contraction of my right leg. I was not able to hold the weapon in my right handor remain standing. This all took place at the same time. I was surprised w/ how effective this weapon was w/ such a short hit. The M-26 is a remarkable difference. I see the M-26 as being a much more reliable non-impact weapon. 04/19/2000 M West BurlingtonPD N/A N/A 1 0.5 04/19/2000 M Univ.of Iowa DPS N/A N/A 1 0.5 04/19/2000 M Univ. Heights PD N/A N/A 1 0.5 04/19/2000 M Univ.of Iowa DPS N/A N/A 1 0.5 This weapon took total ontrol of my body and I was unable to do anything but fall to the ground. 04/19/2000 F Univ.of Iowa DPS N/A N/A 1 0.5 When I was being hit with the Taser, it felt like my muscles were being pounded on. After it was turned off, my muscles tingled for a while like when a limb falls asleep. 05/01/2000 M Clay Co. Sheriff Rt.Shoulder Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Painful-Disorienting. Could not fight back 05/01/2000 M Clay Co. Sheriff Rt.Shoulder Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Completely Disabling=Muscle lock-up=Could not fight 05/01/2000 M Clay Co. Sheriff Rt.Shoulder Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Could not fight back, felt pulsing sensation on right side of body. 05/01/2000 M Clay Co. Sheriff Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Disorientation=Hammer like feeling especially in major muscle groups felt helpless 04/27/2000 M N/A Rt.Shoulder Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Immediate complete incapacilation 04/27/2000 M Hernando Co.Sher Rt.Shoulder Rt.Butt cheek 1 0.5 Small amount of pain=Great I feel from this course that this weapon would and can be a good option for officers to have. The instructor of this course did a very good job. I felt a elec. Sensation to the contact points. Then a tension to the side of my body. After when I only felt a muscle to contract areas. I feel this is a excellent weapon. I was shocked and it felt like a hammer repeatedly hitting your body. I was very impressed. 04/27/2000 M Hernando Co.Sher Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Extreme Discomfort 04/27/2000 M Hernando Co.Sher Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 04/27/2000 M Hernando Co.Sher Rt.Butt cheek Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Felt like being hit by jack hammer= Could not fight back. Very effective. Incapaciated me totally=impressive 04/27/2000 M Hernando Co.Sher Rt.Shoulder Rt.Butt cheek 1 0.5 Tremendous vibration, entire body locked up severe pain, No way could fight back or continue the threat 04/27/2000 M Hernando Co.Sher Rt.Shoulder Rt.Hip 1 0.5 Muscle Tightness Pain=Dropped to ground 05/12/2000 M Sacramento Sheriff Lt.Foot Lt.Hip 1 0.5 Immediate Muscular Contracting+Sensation but no lingering pain+Slight pain @probe location 05/12/2000 M Sacramento Sheriff 2 0.5 I was shocked twice it felt like a sledge hammer hit me and I lost track of my surrounding temporarily 05/03/2000 M Manchester CT P.D. Lt.Shoulder Rt. Foot 1 0.5 Stinging pain throughout body. 05/03/2000 M Hartford Police D. Lt.Chest Rt. Chest 1 2.5 Jolts to Chest muscles 05/03/2000 M Berlin Police Dept Foot Hip 1 0.5 Being hit with a hammer 05/03/2000 M South Windsor P.D. Chest Chest 1 0.5 CAVED 05/03/2000 M Vernon P.D. Rt.Forearm lt.Knee 1 0.5 My goals were to remain standing and hold a red gun. I didn't accomplish either. 05/03/2000 M Vernon P.D. Rt.Shoulder Lt.Hip 1 0.5 Shocking+Loss of Muscle Control. 05/03/2000 M Vernon P.D. Rt.Forearm LtLower Leg 1 0.5 Felt Shock and pain in pelvis and groin area the most. I was unable to function in holfing gun or standing 05/06/2000 M Manchester P.D. Lt.Shoulder Lt.Foot 1 0.5 Pain and the inability to stand 05/03/2000 M Manchester P.D. Rt.Foot Lt.Foot 1 0.5 When Taser was activated it felt like several nails being jammed into my feet and leg muscles constricted 05/03/2000 M CREST Rt.Foot Lt.Hip 1 0.5 05/03/2000 M Vernon P.D. Lt. Shoulder Rt.Leg 1 0.5 05/03/2000 M Manchester P.D. Rt. Shin Lt.Shin 1 0.5 The charge through my right foot was most notable and caused me to immediately lift my foot, hop and fall to the ground in to a prone position. When it was activated, it sent a shock wave through my shoulder and chest An overpowering numbing effect on both legs 05/03/2000 M Hartford P.D. Lt Thigh Rt. Hip 1 0.5 05/03/2000 M Avon Foot Hip 1 0.5 Felt as if leg was not able to move, very tense. Burning sensation on hip Could not move or function 05/03/2000 M CREST Rt.Hip Lt.Hip 1 0.5 Current went through to each probe laterally 05/03/2000 M Hartford P.D. LtBicept RtThigh 1 0.5 Felt like muscle contracting 05/03/2000 M R.J. Dept Correction Lt.Foot Rt.Hip 1 0.5 05/03/2000 M CREST Rt.Butt cheek Lt.Butt Cheek 1 0.5 Stopped me in my tracks. I could not move unexplainable feeling Stinging pain muscles constricted+dropped gun CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 24 05/08/2000 M 34 Lafayette CoSheriff Rt.Shoulder Rt. Back Hip 1 0.5 I could not fight back. I could not focus enough to fight through it. It seemed as though it took much longer then it actually did 05/08/2000 M 54 Lafayette CoSheriff Lt.Shoulder Rt. Back Hip 1 0.5 Could not move 05/08/2000 M 28 Lafayette CoSheriff Rt.Shoulder Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Total loss of control, no way to fight back. Excellent Weapon 05/08/2000 M 35 Florida State Patrol Rt.Shoulder Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Total shut down of muscular function. All thoughts on the shock effects. A very effective weapon and no way to fight against it. 05/08/2000 M 37 Lafayette CoSheriff Rt.Shoulder Lt.Butt Cheek 1 0.5 I am impressed. I was completely incapacitated. Initially it was worse then a mule kick but there was no injury or lasting effect other than the memory. I for see this technology changing police policies in dealing with many situations. 05/10/2000 M 36 Madison Sheriff's Center Back Lower Back 1 0.5 I was physically shot by the instructure in the back. The m-26 was VERY AFFECTIVE". As soon as the probes made contact, I had no control over my body. Observing my back in mirror I observes no physical injury to my back nor pain from probes. Lt.Shoulder Ft.Foot 05/08/2000 M 33 Franklin Sheriff's 05/08/2000 M 37 Franklin Sheriff's 05/08/2000 M 27 Franklin Sheriff's Lt.Shoulder 05/08/2000 M 36 Franklin Sheriff's Lt.Shoulder 1 0.5 The Taser had complete control over me. 1 0.5 Could not fight back. Lt.Foot 1 0.5 I was unable to move or fight back Lt.Foot 1 0.5 The Taser froze my left side where I could not move. 05/08/2000 M 29 Franklin Sheriff's Lt.Shoulder Lt.Foot 1 0.5 I was unable to do anything except fell to the ground 05/08/2000 M 36 Franklin Sheriff's Lt.Shoulder Lt.Foot 1 0.5 It paralized all muscle control 05/08/2000 M 27 Franklin Sheriff's Lt.Shoulder Lt.Foot 1 0.5 My body felt numb, didn't hanve any control over my body 05/08/2000 F 53 Franklin Sheriff's Lt.Shoulder Lt.Foot 1 0.5 05/09/2000 M 37 Lt.Hip Lt.Foot 1 0.5 I could not move . I dropped my weapon and could not have fought back The instructor told me to try and reach a weapon on the ground. Unexpectedly for him I tried to reach him instead. I made one step in his direction. I felt a tremendous flow of a shocking electric wave repeatedly through my body and I went straight to the ground. I couldn't get to the ground fast enough. 05/09/2000 M 40 Daphne P.D. Lt.Shoulder Lt.Foot 1 0.5 It made me feel like I had no control over anything. I could not fight back. I tried to resist and was not able to. I fell to the ground. This is a very effective piece of equipment. 05/09/2000 M 43 Mobile P.D. Rt.Back Shoulder Rt.Lower Bk 1 0.5 Extreme pain= Total muscle lock up= could not move much less fight back. 05/09/2000 M 30 Rt.Shoulder FrtCentChest 1 0.5 One dart was not a problem, when gun contacted chest I had no control over my muscles. 05/09/2000 M 21 Mobile P.D. Rt.Shoulder Rt.Foot 1 0.5 05/09/2000 M 32 Mobile P.D. Lt.Shoulder Lt.Foot 1 0.5 05/09/2000 M 49 Mobile P.D. Lt.Chest Lt.Foot 1 0.5 05/09/2000 M 35 Daphne P.D. Rt.BkShoulder Lt.Bk.Foot 1 0.5 It was like grabbing an electric cord that you could not let go of there was no pain, but the shock incapacitated me. You don't think about fighting back, only getting away from the shock or complying with the officer Extreme electrical shock mostly on the left side of the body, totally incapacitated me. No lasting effects and I could not fight back. A strong surge started in the foot where the probe was attached. A strong hit was then applied that knocked me to the ground. This is an ideal weapon for less lethal force. This will definitely save lives. It's all over. The will to fight back goes away. Very effective. Seems to be the most advanced form of restraint. 05/09/2000 M Mobile P.D. Rt.BkShoulder Rt.Bk.Hip 1 0.5 Total incapacitated felt as if my whole system was locked up. Unable to do anything No! I could not fight back. It felt like I had worked out, did heavy squats. I had no control. I lost control but did not feel a lot of pain, it was over quickly. My leg went limp and I could not function. I tried and could not do anything but hit the ground. Very effective. I was immediately incapacitated after being struck by the darts. I could not use, and immediately droppeed, the JASP baton I had in my hand. I lost all desire to resist, but had no after affects. Ihave a lot of confidence in the M-26 Taser as an imtermediate weapon and as a means of stopping aggravated physical resistance. Immediate-could not fight back. Recovery was complete within minutes. I felt a sudden jolt of electricity throughout my body. Body tensed up I had no control over motor skills M 37 Saraland P.D. Rt.Shoulder Rt.Foot 1 0.5 05/10/2000 M 40 Madison Sheriff's Center Back Lower Back 1 0.5 05/10/2000 M 38 Madison Sheriff's 1 0.5 05/10/2000 M 25 Rt.Shoulder Rt.Foot 1 0.5 100 percent incapacitated. Fighting back was the last thought 05/10/2000 M 46 Madison Sheriff's Rt.Shoulder Lt.Foot 1 0.5 Felt like someone nailed my foot to the floor and hit me in the shoulder. I could not respond or resist. 05/10/2000 M 28 Madison Sheriff's Rt.Shoulder Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Could not move or do anything that I wanted to do. I wanteed to fall but could not, but evenually fell at the end. Never remembered that I had a baton in my hand 05/10/2000 M 26 Madison Sheriff's Rt.Shoulder Rt.Foot 1 0.5 There is no way that you could continue to be combative after hit with the Taser. 04/14/2000 M 38 Winston P.D. Lt.Butt Cheek Rt.Bk Calf 1 0.5 Very intense. Takes every thought of ever wanting to resist. Highly recommeded. CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 25 04/14/2000 M 29 Lane Co.Sheriff's Lt.Butt Cheek Rt.Bk Calf 1 0.5 04/14/2000 M 47 Central Point P.D. Lt.Butt Cheek Rt.Bk Calf 1 0.5 My legs stiffened and completely tightened there was no way I could fight back. I didn't even think about it after words. I was fine though. Very Effective. 04/14/2000 M 43 Central Point P.D. 1 0.5 Very Effective. 04/14/2000 M 41 Lane Co.Sheriff's Lt.Butt Cheek Rt.Bk Calf 1 0.5 Extremely effective! Couldn't do anything. 04/14/2000 M 37 Lakeview P.D. Lt.Butt Cheek Rt.Bk Calf 1 0.5 04/14/2000 M 34 Lakeview P.D. Lt.Shoulder Lt.Butt Cheek 1 0.5 Couldn't fight back. Felt muscles pusing without control very intense. Absolute pain with no ability to control my body no after effects. 04/14/2000 M 48 Medford P.D. Lt.Butt Cheek Rt.Bk Calf 1 0.5 04/14/2000 M 44 Medford P.D. Rt.Hip Lt.Bk.Calf 1 0.5 04/14/2000 M 31 Shady Cove P.D. Lt.Butt Cheek Rt.Bk.Calf 1 0.5 My leg went stiff and pulstated into my lower back. I could not do anything but yell and want to lay down 04/14/2000 M 30 Klamath Falls P.D. Lt. Shoulder Rt.Bk.Hip 1 0.5 04/14/2000 M 45 Klamath Falls P.D. Lt.Bk.Hip Rt.Bk.Calf 1 0.5 Major construction of back muscles with the M-26. I was unable to move & felt it wanted to go to the fetal position w/ my legs and threw my arms out. Incapacitaed unable to do anything except scream 04/14/2000 M 31 Ashland P.D. Lt.Butt Cheek Rt.Bk Calf 1 0.5 After getting hit I had no desire to fight back let alone ability to fight. Lower body immobilizied muscle on right leg immobilizied 04/14/2000 M 29 Dept. of Public Safety Rt. Shoulder Lt.Bk Thigh 2 0.5 The M-26 made it hard to fight back. I would like to see how it works on a deteremined intoxicated threat. Rt.Butt cheek Rt.Bk Calf 04/14/2000 M 36 Jackson Co. Sheriff's Lt.Butt Cheek Rt.Bk Calf 1 0.5 04/14/2000 M 38 Phoenix P.D. Lt.Butt Cheek Rt.Bk Calf 1 0.5 04/14/2000 M 42 Ashland P.D. Rt.Butt cheek Rt.Bk Calf 1 0.5 04/14/2000 M 37 Jackson Co.Sheriff Rt.Hip Lt.Frt.Calf 1 0.5 Could not fight back with M-26 total stun. Could not even walk. 04/14/2000 M 52 Jackson Co. Sheriff's Lt.Bk.Shoulder Rt.Butt cheek 1 0.5 Been stunned with contactors before. The M-26 bites hard. Too short a hit, but I would not want a longer hit. A perfect less lethal tool for the New Millenium. Every Agency shoul have them. 04/14/2000 M 36 Wash. Cc. Sheriff' Lt.Butt Cheek Rt.Bk. Calf 1 0.5 Could not move. 04/14/2000 M 48 Deschutes Sheriff's Lt.Butt Cheek Rt.Bk. Calf 1 0.5 No way very intense 04/14/2000 M 47 Josephine Sheriff's Lt.Butt Cheek Rt.Bk Calf 1 0.5 04/20/2000 M 37 Glendale P.D. Rt.Bk.Shoulder Lt.Bk.Hip 1 0.5 Was kneeling and went to floor when activated. I could not get up and would not have been able to fight. 04/20/2000 M 30 Glendale P.D. Rt.BkShoulder Lt.Bk.Hip 1 0.5 Muscles locked. Felt like I was being struck where the points contacted unable to fight back 04/20/2000 M 46 Glendale P.D. Lt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Loss of total control. No I could not fight back. 05/08/2000 F 23 Lt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Not able to fight back. Instatn drop to my knees, tingling sensation afterwards. Felt like shock/heat pulsing 05/08/2000 M 36 Scottsdale P.D. Rt.Bk.Shoulder Rt.Back 1 0.5 05/08/2000 M 37 Scottsdale P.D. Rt.Hip Lt.Butt Cheek 1 0.5 Very Intense, unable to move voluntarily 05/08/2000 M 46 Scottsdale P.D. Rt.Hip Lt.Foot 1 0.5 Total Muscle locked up. Could not fight back. 05/08/2000 M 46 Scottsdale P.D. Rt.Shoulder Lt.Hip 1 0.5 Worked outstandingly well. A great improvement over the original Air Taser Could not fight back. Saw sparks in my vision. I wanted to go straight up. I could not fight back. Actual time of activation was 1/4 seconds. It seemed much longer & I actually remember thinking "TURN IT OFF ALREADY" My legs stiffened & I could not walk. I can feel a burning sensation on the contact points 0.5 Tightened up could not move. No, I would not be able to fight back. Unable to move. I could not fight back the effect was not long lasting. It did NOT feel good. Just a little sore afterwards, kind of like getting a flu shot. 05/08/2000 M 41 Scottsdale P.D. Center Back Ctr.Lower Bk 1 0.5 Tried to assault, but was unable, no problem afterward. 05/08/2000 M 34 Scottsdale P.D. Rt.Shoulder Lt. Foot 1 0.5 Could not fight back. Unable to hold onto gun I was holding 05/08/2000 F 39 Scottsdale P.D. Rt. Hip Lt.Thigh 1 0.5 Was very effective, I could not fight back. Excellent course. 05/08/2000 M 39 Scottsdale P.D. Rt.Shoulder Lt.Hip 1 0.5 Excellent program 05/08/2000 M 42 Scottsdale P.D. Rt.Hip Lt.Foot 1 0.5 Could not fight back. This was exactly 1 year to the week, after a heart attack and double bypass surgery. Able to walk just a few seconds after hit. 05/08/2000 M 33 Scottsdale P.D. Rt.Shoulder Lt.Butt Cheek 1 0.5 Immediate panic contracted muscles all over body flet like jack hammer punding throughout back mass area during hit. After hit tingle in lower back & upper hamstring, soreness in lower lumbar region & loreness in jaws from cluching teeth. Rt.Shoulder Rt.Thigh 05/08/2000 M 35 Scottsdale P.D. 05/08/2000 M 47 Scottsdale P.D. 1 0.5 Not able to fight back, overwhelmed. 1 0.5 Received a sudden jolt to the body. Slight tingle effectie a short period of time. 05/08/2000 M 33 LAPD Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Immediately incapacitated, held up by two police officers. 05/08/2000 M 35 LAPD Rt.Shoulder Rt.Hip 1 0.5 Immediately incapacitated, held up by two police officers. CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 26 05/16/2000 F 37 LA Sheriff's 05/16/2000 F 37 LA Sheriff's Rt.Shoulder Rt.Hip 1 0.5 With Bulletresistant Vest: Fell down immediately, but did not experience muscle spasm, mild tingling sensation @ top "contact" only. Did not hurt as much. No where near as much Hit #2: Without Vest: Fell backwards instantly, could not fight back. Burning sensation @ contact points. Flet very rigid. Could not move. Incapacitated, right side locked. Could not move, let alone fight back Could not fight back. Felt stiff loss of control. Just wanted it to stop. Involuntary muscle contraction, distracting pain, I am convinced that this weapon system will work in an actual encounter. 05/16/2000 M 52 LA Sheriff's Rt.Bk.Shoulder Rt.Bk.Hip 1 0.5 05/16/2000 M 42 LA Sheriff's Rt.Neck Rt.Hip 1 0.5 05/16/2000 M 32 LA Sheriff's Rt. Shoulder Rt.Hip 1 0.5 05/16/2000 M 37 LA Sheriff's Rt.Hip Rt.Ankle 1 0.5 You could not fight back. You alsoo could not stand for more then a second, not able to move the area being shocked 05/16/2000 M 41 LA Sheriff's Rt.Hip Rt.Ankle 1 0.5 05/16/2000 M 38 LA Sheriff's Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 The pain was intense. My muscles locked up. I could not react and certainly could not fight. I have tased myself many times with the Tasertron unit. This was much more intense. The pain was off charts in comparison. Felt instant pain and motor nerve disfunction. Could not fight back, could not stand. 05/16/2000 M 52 LA Sheriff's Rt. Waist Rt.Ankle 1 0.5 Intense pain, muscle contraction/spasm. Would not do it again. 05/16/2000 M 43 LA Sheriff's Rt.Hip Rt.Ankle 1 0.5 05/11/2000 M San Francisco S.O. Shoe Hip Pocket 1 0.5 I tried to focus and walk forward. Once applied it felt as if the muscles contracted in my legs not allowing me to move (or walk). It did not feel painful but a tingly electrical jolt like grabbing an electrical wire. The jolt though it is enough to knock me to the ground. I felt each intense heat all down my leg. I felt each pulse. The pain and heat seemed to build with each pulse. My leg seemed to lock out and then fold under me. I could not help but yell out. 05/11/2000 M San Francisco S.O. Rt.Shoulder Rt.Foot 1 0.5 05/11/2000 M San Francisco S.O. Rt.Shoulder Rt.Leg 1 0.5 05/11/2000 M San Francisco S.O. Rt.Foot Rt.Waist 1 0.5 Definitely interrupts any muscle control. Residual pain (more like hot sensation) on top of foot where probe was placed. Lasted 10 minutes. The things work. Every cop should have 'em. 05/11/2000 M San Francisco S.O. Rt.Shoulder Rt.Foot 1 0.5 05/11/2000 F San Francisco S.O. 05/11/2000 M San Francisco S.O. Rt.Foot Rt.Hip 1 0.5 Foot Sensor most noticeable. Definitely more pain and for longer duration. Very hot sensation Shoulder wanted to collapse away from jolt caused me to ball up or bodily contact extremely effective. I could see from the expression & reactions of my other classmates that it works. The Air/Advanced Taser should be used on a violent individual in a situation. Once it is established into the Depts. Use of force guidelines it shall be at each facility, in the Policy & Procedure Manual. Hurt Like Hell, Dropped like a stone. 05/11/2000 M San Francisco S.O. Rt.Foot Lt.Foot 1 0.5 The effect was immediate and effective, the muscles in both legs were rapidly contractred and numbed. My feet felt as if they had a thousand pounds dropped on them. 05/11/2000 M San Francisco S.O. Bk.Shoulder Upper Thigh 1 0.5 Shoulder felt like a knot/knuckle pressure point thigh/knee flet like it was locked out unable to bend leg. It felt more of a contraction or pressure on the points of contact then actual pain. 05/11/2000 M San Francisco S.O. 1 0.5 05/11/2000 M San Francisco S.O. Rt.Foot Rt.Shoulder 1 0.5 I felt like I had no control over my body. My body muscle was pulsating with great amount of pain. It did effect most of my body, but the most pain was focused where the two point were located. After it was over, I did notice my heart rate was much faster, but felt no real pain and revery time was almost immediate. Very Effective: It make me an instant believer 05/11/2000 M San Francisco S.O. Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 05/11/2000 M San Francisco S.O. Rt.Foot Rt.Hip 1 0.5 It was very effective. I felt three strong pulses on my right leg. 05/11/2000 M San Francisco S.O. Rt.Bk Shoulder Rt.Foot 1 0.5 It was powerful jartring and jolting feeling. You absolutely lose all muscle control. 05/11/2000 M San Francisco S.O. Rt.Foot Rt.Hip 1 0.5 Shock felt like a series of rapid punches at contact points. Right leg became numb and weak. Not very painful 05/11/2000 M San Francisco S.O. Rt.Foot Rt.Hip 1 0.5 Unable to act or attack after system turned on. The shock sensation went down the entire right side of my body. I was unable to remain standing. The effect of this less lethal weapon are extremely incapacitateing. Although though a short cycle was administered. It felt like forever. A 5 second cycle is hard to imagine. This is definitely a useful tool for the law enforcement. I felt like a hot iron hwas placed on my foot and my shoulder, felt like someone placed an iron rod on my shoulder. The charge immediately dropped me to the ground. The feeling was impending doom!. CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 27 05/17/2000 M 63 Suwannee County Sheriff 05/24/2000 M 25 Los Angeles Co Sheriff "A 63 year old subject involved in a domestic dispute fired shots outside of his girl friend's house, returned to his residence and barricaded himself inside of his house. The subject refused to come out of his house after numerous negotiation attempts. The subject came out onto his front porch with a .22 cal revolver in his hand and stated that we were gonna have to come in and get him. The subject then went back inside and locked all doors. The SWAT team and SRT team members were notified and arrived quickly at the scene. SWAT and SRT members made entry at the rear of the house. The subject was in bed with the .22 cal revolver in his hands. SWAT and SRT members with ballistic shields swarmed the subject after deploying a flashbang grenade. The M26 Advanced Taser was used as a touch stun device and was very effective in incapacitating the subject long enough to remove the revolver from his hands. No member of the entry team or the suspect were injured during this incident. The .22 cal revolver was loaded and . . . Upper back Lower Back 1 2.5 - 3 secs Lt. McDermott of LA County Sheriff's Office just called regarding a 6:00 am 5/24/00 the first use of M26. A man suspected under the influence of PCP held his wife hostage while standing behind an open refrigerator door. An officer trained by Rick Smith demonstrated the sparks of an M26 to get attention of suspect. He then added the Air Cartridge and turned the laser sight on to the man. The man asked, "Why are you pointing a gun a me?" The officer then deployed the M26 firing into the back for 2.5 - 3 seconds. The suspect instantly froze and went in to a fetal position. His arms were "Jell-O." The suspect was handcuffed and taken to a hospital (SOP). The hospital staff informed the suspect that two probes had to be pulled out. The suspect had no clue that he had two probes in him and didn't remember what had happened. The officer reported that despite his training, he was somewhat reluctant to fire the M26 as he was the first to deploy the M26. He also said he shut the unit of early to let the area . . . 05/23/2000 M Springfield Police D Rt.Shoulder Rt.Hip 1 0.5 Daisy Chain arms locked=could not move 05/23/2000 M Springfield Police D Rt.Shoulder Rt.Hip 1 0.5 Just locked up completely, then slumped to the ground (2) Daisy Chain both arms locked, strong pain point of contact, pulse felt in head. No after effects. 05/23/2000 M Springfield Police D Rt.Shoe Rt.Hip 1 0.5 05/23/2000 M Nixa Police D Rt.Shoe Rt.Hip 1 0.5 Muscles locked up in rt. Leg, flet fire going up leg. Felt fine afterward. Locked up my rt.leg couldn't move or function. Lt.Hip 05/23/2000 M Springfield Police D Rt.Shoe 05/23/2000 M Springfield Police D Rt.Hip 1 0.5 Both legs felt like they went to sleep. Numb sensation in legs 1 0.5 Probe in right pants pocket holding hostage & a probe in his right pocket=I had burning senation & tingling. Also did daisy chain arm to arm I had probe in lt. Pocket. 05/23/2000 M Springfield Police D Rt.Shoe Lt.Shoe 1 0.5 Incapacitated, fell to floor=Felt slight burning on Lt.Ankle, feet tingled=Daisy Chain, connected to other officers by linking arms together slight burning sensation on lft. Arm. 05/23/2000 M Springfield Police D Lft.Hip Lft.Shoe 1 0.5 Left leg lockedout, couldn't move. Foot tingled for about 30 minutes. Daisy Chain, right hip attached to other at elbow thrust forward dull feeling right hip. 05/23/2000 M 05/23/2000 M Springfield Police D Rt.Shoulder Rt.Waist 1 0.5 Springfield Police D Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 5 Could not move, slight burn afterward, muscle control some pain. Unable to move. Pulsing feeling through out right leg=Daisy Chain, Unable to move chest pulse through arms & chest. 05/23/2000 M Springfield Police D RtPants Pocket 1 0.5 Right pants pocket in Troys rt. Pants pocket, Very intense pulsating feeling-Couldn't move=Daisy Chain too. 05/23/2000 M Springfield Police D Rt.Shoulder 1 0.5 Felt pulse through body. Could not move. Daisy Chain at elbows. Right arm tingle & burn right leg slightly numb total incappapcitation. Contracted=right side towards rear to ground right leg became immobile=Daisy Chain middle, arms locked, lurched forward. Rt.Hip 05/23/2000 M Springfield Police D Upper Back Lower Back 1 0.5 05/23/2000 M Springfield Police D Rt.Bicep Rt.Shoulder 1 0.5 05/23/2000 M Springfield Police D Rt.Foot Lt.Foot 1 0.5 05/22/2000 M Lt.Shoulder Lt. Foot 1 1 sec. May-00 M West Hollywood Rt.Shoe Belt Line 1 0.5 Very Effective May-00 M West Hollywood Back Chest 1 0.5 I was incapacitated by it. May-00 M West Hollywood Rt.Foot Rt.Hip 1 0.5 Excellent Tool- It worked great! Easily used, the best tool I've seen in many many years May-00 M LASD Rt.Foot Lt.Foot 1 0.5 Extreme Pain=complete incapacitation May-00 M West Hollywood Vest Rt.Chest 1 0.5 Works extremely well=extreme pain. May-00 M LASD Rt.Shoulder Rt.Elbow 1 0.5 Contracted upper body and it hurt a lot. 30 Numbing of feet, legs cand tail bone, about I hour later still numbing in feet When activated: It caused severe contractions and was only able to sustain for 1 second. Prior to this the M26 was applied as a touch stun on his back and although it caused severe contractions thoughout his body, he was able to stand through the stun gun portion, but not when probes were applied. CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 28 May-00 M LASD Rt.Foot Lt.Foot 1 0.5 I attemped to continue to stand. After tasing started I found it impossible to stand, my leg muscles contracted and I loss my strength and ability to stand. After effects: I felt like I had just ran 6 miles and worked out for an hour on them May-00 M LASD Rt.Hip Rt.Shoulder 1 0.5 Incapacitated. May-00 M LASD Rt.Leg Lt.Leg 1 0.5 What a ride!!!!! May-00 M LASD Rt.Shoulder Rt.Rear Pock 1 0.5 May-00 M Pico Rivers Rt.Foot Rt.Bk.Pock 1 0.5 Dibilitating muscle reation and extreme sharp pain when deployed. Very effective tool. Tingling for about 15 minutes. No other after affects. I felt a strong jolt of electricity, initally on the right side of my body. It completely stopped me. May-00 M Pico Rivera Rt.Shoulder Rt.Elbow 1 0.5 Total loss of control of muscle functioning. Rt. Side muscles constructed causing me to stop and drop. May-00 M Pico Rivera Rt. Sock Rt.Rear Pock 1 0.5 I could not walk forward. My leg felt numb, I had no muscle control. The aftermath, I have a small amount of muscle tightness, but no pain. Incapacitated May-00 M Rt.Foot Lt.Foot 1 0.5 May-00 M LASD Rt.Foot Rt.Rear Pock 1 0.5 Incapacitated May-00 M LASD Rt.Shoulder Rt.Bicep 1 0.5 Incapacitated May-00 M LASD Rt.Shoulder Rt.Frt.Pock 1 0.5 Incapacitated Incapacitated May-00 M LASD Rt.Foot Rt.Thigh 1 0.5 03/30/2000 M 26 Bibb County Sheriff's Rt.Foot Rt.Butt Ck 1 0.5 Excellent 03/30/2000 M 31 Bibb County Sheriff's Rt.Foot Rt.Butt Ck 1 0.5 Knock down, no way could I fight back 003/30/00 M 39 Wilkison Co.Sheriff Rt.Foot Rt.Butt Ck 1 0.5 I had an ASP Baton and was crunched in a fighting stand. With only l/4 second jolt I immediately dropped the baton and could do nothing. My right leg and arm were totally incapacitated. However after the shock and couple of minutes I was fine. I've been sold and we're going to purchasse several. 03/30/2000 M 53 Lt.Hip Lt.Foot 1 0.5 I was on the ground as soon as I was hit. It was very painful. 03/30/2000 M 52 Lt.Hip Lt.Foot 1 0.5 03/30/2000 M 42 Rt.Shoulder Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Did not want to fight back, very, very effective. We will buy some. Could not fight back, felt like spasms in arm and leg, put me on the ground instantly. 03/30/2000 M 28 Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 It felt like I blacked out for a few seconds and I could not fight back. If I could fight back I wouldn't. 03/29/2000 M 1 0.5 Incapacitated 03/29/2000 M 45 Rt.Shoulder Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Temporary Numbness 03/29/2000 M 21 Rt.Shoulder Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Immediate reaction was paralysis. It was surprising to see how quickly I was incapacitated. 03/29/2000 M 31 Rt. Foot Rt.Butt Ck 1 0.5 Totally incapacitatiing in under one second, was relatively pain free but caused me to become totally incapable of controlling or directing my extremeities. While my desire to fight was still there, my ability to, was destroyed. An awesome capability for law enforcement. I foresee this weapon saving countless lives on both sides of the fence. Keep up the research. 03/29/2000 M 38 Lt.Foot Lt.Back Hip 1 0.5 03/29/2000 M 40 Rt.Foot Rt.Hip 1 0.5 I could not fight back. Iwas able to step with rt. Leg and then locked up and fell. No control over my body. The M-26 sent an intense wave through the muscles. The unit did not cause extreme pain, it felt like pressure from inside that you could not resist. Pain over all of body unable to walk, had to go to ground. Could not fight back. 03/29/2000 M 24 Rt.Foot Rt.Butt Ck 1 0.5 Immediate pain and overwhelming feeling. On impact your body contracts and all you can do is fall and hope its over soon. 04/17/2000 M 57 Desoto Sheriff's Lt.Bk.Shoulder Lt.Heal 1 0.5 Most affect was in the lower leg and foot area. I just wanted to sit down and get off of it. I couldn't fight back at the time. Fifteen minutes later I don't feel any discomfort. 04/17/2000 M 27 Hardee Sheriff's Rt.Shoulder Rt.Hip 1 0.5 First no muscle control like I was carrying a truck load of people and couldn't move to put then down. Then there was stingy feeling afterwards. I had an elephant on my shoulders. Feeling in my waist. Wilkinson Co.Sheriff 04/17/2000 M 36 Hardee Corrections Rt.Shoulder Rt.Waist 1 0.5 05/26/2000 M 34 Salt Lake Sheriff Rt.Shoulder Rt.Wrist 1 0.5 My only objective was to get as far away from the pain as I could. I had a slight amount of burning between the contact that went away in minutes. I also had slight swelling (like a bug bite) on my forearm. I could not have fought back in any way. 05/26/2000 M 41 Salt Lake Sheriff Rt.Foot Lt.Foot 1 0.5 05/26/2000 M 24 Salt Lake Sheriff Lt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 The effect caused by the advanced taser was an electrical pounding sensation. This caused total incapacitation of my legs from my mid shins to my toes. I was totally unable to move or offer any resistance. Once the M-26 was off I could not resist attempt to be taken into custody. After a brief 3-5 minutes I was fine. Tremendous muscle contraction, disorientation, burning & tingling. Collaspe no way to fight back was perfectly fine 30 seconds later. CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 29 05/26/2000 M 26 Salt Lake Sheriff Lt.Hip Lt.Bk.Should 1 0.5 Overwhelming= Could not fight nor think of fighting back 05/26/2000 M 34 Salt Lake Sheriff Rt.Bk.Shoulder Rt.Bk.Waist 1 0.5 I was able to remain standing only for about 1-1 1/2 seconds. I was not able to move my feet & my muscular skelton was completely rigid & locked up. Minor typical pain afterward. Recovery within seconds after unit was turned off. 05/28/2000 M 37 Amarillo PD Lt. Arm Lt. Arm 2 5 secs EMOTIONALLY DISTURBED & SUICIDAL WITH KNIFE: At approximately 12:50 am on 5/28/00 I heard a call go out at XXXX Mesa Verde on a suicidal subject with a knife. I arrived at that location at approximately 1:06 am along with Officer Chadwick, Anderson, and Ulch. We approached the residence and the front door was ajar. Upon Officer Chadwick getting to the front door he advised there was a person in a chair with something in his hand, and then Officer Chadwick advised it was a knife. Sgt. Ottoson arrived a couple of minutes later. I got upon the porch along with Sgt. Ottoson. I could see that a white male, 5'10", 210 lbs., who was sitting in a chair had a small knife in his right hand and had it pressed against his wrist. The white male was saying "make them stop" and was getting agitated and started to press the knife against his wrist harder. Sgt. Ottoson deployed his ADVANCED TASER M26 but one of the darts missed the subject and struck the chair he was sitting in. The other dart hit the subject in th . . . 06/05/2000 F 43 Phx. Police Dept Rt.Hip Rt.Ankle 1 0.5 I could not of fought back. You feel thingling, then your muscles thighten up. Afterwards there is a burning sensation of the points where the probes were applied. The burning and pain remains for about 10-15 minutes later (at least). 06/05/2000 M 23 Phx. Police Dept Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 I hurt and if I could haven given up I would have. I felt burning in my hip and hot numbness in my ankle. Everhting in between contracted, tingles and hurt. It sucked. 06/05/2000 M 48 Phx. Police Dept Rt.Hip Rt.Ankle 1 0.5 Very painful, unable to fight back 06/05/2000 M 37 Phx. Police Dept Lt Hip Lt.Hip 1 0.5 2 guys locked arms=Extremely effective. More incapacitating than I had envisioned. I was locking arms with a second officer and the M-26 immediately caused us to dislodge. 06/05/2000 M 37 Phx. Police Dept Rt.Hip Lt.Butt cheek 1 0.5 06/05/2000 M 38 Phx. Police Dept Rt.Shoulder Rt.Elbow 1 0.5 2 guys locked arms= Immense pain, thought process went out the window. Unable to function, I returned back to normal quickly I could not fight back. On application, my arm immediately became useless & felt extreme pain & a burning sensation. I fell to the ground incapacitated unable to continue any aggressive action as soon as the taser was turned off I immediately recovered. 06/05/2000 M 46 Phx. Police Dept Lt.Butt Cheek Lt.Bk.Heal 1 0.5 Muscles constricted couldn't move very effective. Great Tool for the right situation 06/05/2000 M 33 Phx. Police Dept Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 No I could not fight back very effective, the effects, pain. Unable to move, unable to think about moving 06/05/2000 M 31 Phx. Police Dept Lt.Waist Lt.Foot 1 0.5 06/05/2000 M 44 Phx. Police Dept Rt.Hip Rt.Bk.Calf 1 0.5 Tingling in leg near ankle, and opposite, left arm, left side neck, brief tense of body muscle in leg anf left arm. Impossible to fight back at anytime during activation of weapon or shortly after deactivation. Could not resist or have ability to think about resisting 06/05/2000 F 29 Phx. Police Dept Rt.Hip Rt.Bk.Ankle 1 0.5 06/05/2000 M 35 Phx. Police Dept Rt.Hip Rt.Ankle 1 0.5 06/05/2000 M 45 Phx. Police Dept Rt.Hip Rt.Ankle 1 0.5 Could not fight back. 06/05/2000 M 45 Phx. Police Dept Rt.Hip Rt.Calf 1 0.5 I cannot accurately describe the sensation. I had no control over my response. I could not fight back 06/05/2000 M 45 Phx. Police Dept Lt.Shoulder Rt.Hip 1 0.5 Immediately put down on the floor with no ability to fight back. 06/05/2000 M 37 Phx. Police Dept Rt.Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 It worked. Couldn't fight back. 05/18/2000 M 31 Groveport Pol. Dept Rt.Shoulder Rt. Foot 1 0.5 Intense pain at contact points. Lingering,burning sensation at contact points w/red marks. 05/17/2000 F 42 Groveport Pol. Dept Rt. Shoulder Lt. Hip 1 0.5 Burning senstion on contact. Loss of control of movement. No lasting effects except burn marks. 05/18/2000 M 35 Groveport Pol. Dept Rt. Shoulder Rt. Foot 1 0.5 total muscle lock up.No way to continue to fight had gun in hand and couldn't raise it or drop it. Didn't even think about the gun. 05/18/2000 M 42 Groveport Pol. Dept Rt. Foot Lt. Foot 1 0.5 Felt as if I was hit with a electronic hammer. Lost all control and ability to perform. Was going down! 05/18/2000 M 35 Groveport Pol. Dept Rt Shoulder Other Person 1 0.5 05/18/2000 M 38 Groveport Pol. Dept Rt Shoulder Lt Foot 1 0.5 Probe was taped to rt. Shoulder. Other probe was pated to rt. Thigh of my sgt. Did a gostage situation with me as terrorist & he as hostage. I had gun to his head. We were both hit and fell backwards & had no control of gun Good shock took place very happy with effects. Outstanding weapon.Kept me from aiming gun & shooting. 05/18/2000 M 47 Groveport Pol. Dept Rt Hip Other Person 1 0.5 05/18/2000 M 39 Groveport Pol. Dept Rt. Shoulder Rt Hip 1 0.5 I felt muscle contraction down my right leg no I could not fight back. One word "impressive". Could not fight back. Hostage/Victim scenerio. Suspect had left arm around neck & I had his arm with both hands. When we were hit felt extreme sensation in both arms & leg where probe was attached.I immediately fell and was imobilized. Muscular contraction,loss of coordination,tunnelvision.Nerve pain in shoulder & lower back fro short period of time. Couln't CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 30 fight back. 05/18/2000 M 25 Groveport Pol. Dept Lt. Shoulder Lt Foot 1 0.5 Couldn't fight. Uncontrollable muscle contraction to point of falling over to left, which I was unaware of. Great tool for law enforcement. Coun't have fought back. Uncontrollable contraction of the muscles & immense pain. Only hit for 1/2 second. The police would get instant compliance out of me! 05/18/2000 M 29 Groveport Pol. Dept Lt. Shoulder Rt Foot 1 0.5 05/18/2000 M 43 Groveport Pol. Dept Rt Shoulder Rt Foot 1 0.5 Very sharp feeling of pounding to areas where probes were placed. I threw my handgun down, I thought if I got rid of the gun he'd stop zapping me. I couln't fight back! 05/18/2000 M 29 Groveport Pol. Dept Rt Shoulder Lt Foot 1 0.5 There is no real memory of pain. I couldn't have done anything consciously, no way that I could have fought back. 05/18/2000 M 34 Groveport Pol. Dept Rt Shoulder Lt Hip 1 0.5 Felt like all muscles in body concentrated with no fine motor skills. Couldn't even point firearm or fight back 05/18/2000 M 28 Groveport Pol. Dept Rt Shoulder Rt Hip 1 0.5 05/29/2000 M 20-30 SDSU Police Chief Demo Rt Shoulder Rt Belt 2 1 sec 05/29/2000 M 30-40 SDSU Police Chief Demo Rt Bicpe Rt Thigh 1 1 sec 05/29/2000 M 25-35 SDSU Police Chief Demo Rt Shoulder Rt Hip 1 1 sec Disabling jolts of pain, unable to focus on original goal to shoot gun. 1st Shot: Ran and immediately fell. 2nd Shot legs locked and stood up. Incapaciated quick, but very nonchalently. Slight discomfort where the probes were taped. No other residual effects. Defensive Tactics Inst. Screamed and fell immediately to the side. Shooter asked: "You weren't going to get me?" Mike said, "No. (jokingly) I was just looking for a place to fall." He had been hit with a stun gun in the past and was able to come after the applicating trainer. Vertigo and slight headache for several hours. Slight discomfort at probe locations. (Retired from GSW disability/medically retired) Police academy DT instructor/martial arts expert w/ several black belts and owns a dojo. Likes to be OC'ed and leave it in to see if it gets worse. Immdiately incapacitated and fell to the mat. "That works bitchin!" Prior to the SDSU demo, Chief of Police said that the pepperball and beanbag weapons were enough and that we don't need TASERs. Afer the demo, he said, "Let me find some way money so we can one in each car. Believer. 06/02/2000 M 20-30 UCSD Police Chief Demo Rt Thigh Rt Ankle 1 1 sec Fell down quickly to the mat while trying to run. "I didn't intentionally fall down." Recovered instantly. No residual pain. 06/02/2000 M 50 UCSD Police Chief Demo Rt Belt Rt Ankle 1 1 sec 06/06/2000 M 28 Georgia Police Acad Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Attempted to attacker the M26 shooter with flashlight in a run. Was stopped mid-way through the run and through down the flashlight and fell to the mat. "I couldn't hold onto the flashlight. It hurt." No residual pain. Burning Sensation, complete lack of muscle control on right side almost immediately. 06/06/2000 M 40 Georgia Police Acad Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Total drain of power from body 06/06/2000 M 42 Georgia Police Acad Rt Shoulder Rt Foot 1 0.5 Muscle contraction, pain running from right foot through shoulder. Couldn't fight back. 06/06/2000 M 36 Georgia Police Acad Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Couldn't fight back. Felt like a burst of heat going through my right leg. Couldn't control any of my muscles. 06/06/2000 M 54 Georgia Police Acad Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Couldn't fight back nor did I want to. Slight redness on rt. Foot and upper rt. Buttocks from contact. Temporary reddness. 06/06/2000 M 27 Georgia Police Acad Rt Hip Lt Hip 1 0.5 Totally incapacitated. Unable to fight back. 06/06/2000 M 36 Georgia Police Acad Rt Shoulder Rt Hip 1 0.5 Very Effective 06/06/2000 M 39 Georgia Police Acad Rt Shoulder Rt Foot 1 0.5 Muscle contration on right side. Burning sensation on hip. Cramping in neck on right side. 06/06/2000 M 39 Georgia Police Acad Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 It immediately incapacitated me. I was unable to respond in any manner. I couldn't fight back. 06/06/2000 M 29 Georgia Police Acad Rt. Hip Rt. Foot 1 0.5 Unable to fight back. Immediate incapacitation.Felt like constant contraction of the muscles. 06/06/2000 M 48 Georgia Police Acad Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 06/06/2000 M 36 Georgia Police Acad Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Total loss of muscle control. Couldn't freely move with any direct intent. Couldn't fight. Felt heat then loss of movement. I wanted to get down on the floor. 06/06/2000 M 37 Georgia Police Acad Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Fast burst of high electro energy on rigth side causing me to become unimobile. Felt burning effect several minutes after shot. 06/06/2000 M 39 Georgia Police Acad Rt. Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Immediate pain in my right side causing me to fall.I was totally incapacitated. The farthest thing from my mind was to attempt to fight anyone CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 31 06/11/2000 M 18 WI Dept of Corrections Lower leg Upper leg 1 5 Capt. Molnar: Last evening, I had another occasion to utilize the M26 to cause incapacitation of an unruly offender that had been dousing Correctional Officers with urine. The youthful (approximately 18 years old) offender was within a segregation cell and continued to be disruptive and defiant of staff orders to comply with restraint procedures. Because of the offender's continued disobedience, the M26 was utilized to cause incapacitation so that staff could safely enter the cell and apply mechanical restraints. The target subject was anticipating the ADVANCED TASER use and made a feeble attempt to block the projectiles using a pillow. When the laser was raised, subject raised pillow exposing lower extremities allowing for target acquisition. The M26 was discharged at a distance of about 12 feet and struck the subject in the lower extremity causing immediate dysfunction. The target subject was anticipating the taser use and made a feeble attempt to block the projectiles using a pillow. When the laser 06/13/2000 M 40 Gahanna Police, OH Upper Rt Thigh/Hip Mid Rt Ches 1 5 Suicidal heavy 40-yr-old male, 5'11" holding a boxcutter to his throat threatening to kill himself. He was sitting in the drivers seat of a van with the windows down. The driver's door was open and window of the passenger door was down. Negotiations were not progressing with subject becoming more and more agitated. Subject would not lower or rid himself of the knife. Decision was made to use the M26. Officer speaking with subject was given a visual cue that M26 was to be deployed, he moved out of the way. ADVANCED TASER The discharging officer then fired the M26 through the open window of the passenger door. M26 was deployed from 6 feet away causing subject to drop the boxcutter and to be taken into custody without injury to officers or subject. Probes hit subject and penetrated skin on right mid-chest line and right hip. The subject dropped the boxcutter as he reacted to the discharge. Subject was then moved onto the ground during the discharge. No injuries from penetration. After deployment, subj 06/14/2000 M 30 M 50 Rt Shoulder & Upper Thigh Lt Hip Lt Shoulder & above groin Lt. Shoulder Double Shot 1 Both 5 Secs 06/05/2000 India Protective Services (New Delhi) Phoenix, AZ 06/20/2000 M 55 Mobile, AL Rt. Hip Rt. Foot 1 0.5 05/08/2000 F 35 Mobile, AL Rt. Shoulder Rt. Foot 1 0.5 06/20/2000 M 38 Mobile, AL High Back Lower Back 1 0.5 06/20/2000 M 45 Mobile, AL Rt. Shoulder Rt. Foot 1 0.5 06/20/2000 M 43 Mobile, AL Rt. Hip Rt. Foot 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 I felt tremendouds pounding, feeling in large muscle groups in my leg. Could not fight back-lost awareness of how I got on the ground. I couldn't fight back. Felt like hit with hammer. Extreme Muscle Contraction. Sharp pain from electricity which terminated upon discontinuing current. The sharp pain & incapacitation was definitely a deterrent for future violence/threat. Like I got hit by a truck. I had no fight in me. Stunned/ unable to maintain balance or think clearly at time of application. Appears to be the best less than lethal us of force method available. Felt charge on foot first then experienced dysfunction and fell on ground. Pain during cycle, very intense. Lasting effect was bee sting pain in foot and hip for 10-15 minutes. 06/20/2000 M 41 Mobile, AL Rt. Hip Rt. Foot 1 06/20/2000 M 54 Mobile, AL Rt. Hip Rt.Foot 1 0.5 Couldn’t fight. Unable to move until current turned off. 06/20/2000 M 32 Mobile, AL Rt Hip Rt. Foot 1 0.5 I couldn't fight back. Felt like someone drove a truck over me. 06/20/2000 M 43 Mobile, AL Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Felt like a bolt of electricity on both foot and hip. I couldn't stand or fight back. 06/20/2000 M 41 Mobile, AL Rt. Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Totally incapacitated. No way to fight back. Hurt like hell immediately, but the pain left as quickly as it came on. 06/20/2000 M 40 Mobile, AL Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 The effect of the TASER was a total "shock". The effect totally incapacitated my bodily functions. Excellent tool. 06/20/2000 M 50 Mobile, AL Lt Hip Lt Hip 1 0.5 06/20/2000 F 35 Mobile, AL Rt. Shoulder Rt. Hip 1 0.5 Numbness, burning sensation, uncontrollable, loss of muscular movement. Overwhelming confusion.Pain on right side of body with complete lack of muscle control. I couldn't fight back. 06/20/2000 F 51 Mobile, AL Rt. Hip Rt. Foot 1 0.5 Bad feelings. Couldn't fight back. 06/20/2000 M 35 Mobile, AL Rt. Hip Rt. Foot 1 0.5 06/20/2000 M 31 Mobile, AL Rt. Hip Rt. Foot 1 0.5 Immense pain. Couldn't concentrate on anything other than the pain. Was unable to move. I wouldn't have been able to fight back. I couldn't fall to the ground fast enough. My right leg and hip felt like it was going to explode. However, there was no effects after power was turned off. 06/20/2000 M 30 Mobile, AL Rt. Hip Rt. Foot 1 0.5 Completely incapacitated. Felt like being hit by a truck. 06/20/2000 M 33 Mobile, AL Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 06/20/2000 M 31 Mobile, AL Lt Shoulder Lt. Foot 1 0.5 Contraction of muscle. Slight burning feeling at probe. Couldn't fight back. No control of my body. I couldn’t fight back. CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 32 06/20/2000 M Phoenix, AZ Upper Back Lower Waist 2 5 secs ea On June 20 at approx 0430, SAU was called out to a Circle K at 67th & McDowell in reference to a male, slight build, mid 30-s, 140 lbs. (There was a report of gunfire being shot in the air, also.) Upon arrival the information relayed was the hostage was possibly a girlfriend due to the fact that on several occasion she chose not leave when the opportunity presented itself. Police were also told that the suspect had pointed the .380 semiautomatic gun at both himself and the femal on a couple occasions. At 0500 a scout team consisting of OfficerS;pitler adn Gonzales was sent out to relay information from the scene. By 0515 SAU was taking over the inner perimeter. Three snipers were deployed with varying shots from 25 to 45 yards. Two arrest teams were also assembled and deployed. One of the teams was placed behind the Circle K, only 10 yards from the suspect, but out of sight. The second team was set up 25 yards away, in view of the subject, but behind a police car. As SAU was continuing to set, th 06/22/2000 M 38 Perry, FL Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 I was unable to move or hold onto anything. Muscles locked up until unit was turned off. 06/22/2000 M 35 Perry, FL Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 I couldn't fight back. I tossed the gun & went to the ground. I couldn’t understand why anyone would need a 2nd shock. 06/22/2000 M 41 Perry, FL Rt. Shoulder Rt Hip 1 0.5 Went to the ground and was unable to fight back 06/22/2000 M 35 Perry, FL Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Couldn't fight back. Rt. Leg locked & I fell over to the left. Muscle pain at first then just discomfort afterwards. 06/22/2000 M 39 Perry, FL Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Couldn’t fall fast enough. Couldn't & wouldn't fight back 06/22/2000 M 38 Perry, FL Lt Shoulder Lt Foot 1 0.5 0.5 Immediate incapacitation. Control of my action through verbal commands. Complete Immobilization, thrown to ground. I couldn't fight back. 06/22/2000 M 48 Perry, FL Rt. Arm Lt Hip 1 06/22/2000 M 35 Perry, FL Rt. Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 I was unable to control my movement and fell to ground 06/22/2000 M 34 Perry, FL Rt. Hip Rt. Foot 1 0.5 Put me straigth to the ground, Couldn't fight back. 06/22/2000 M 30 Perry, FL Rt. Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 06/22/2000 M 43 Albuquerque, NM Upper Chest Lower Chest 2 5 secs No ability to react. Lots of pain down right leg. Mild irritation to right hip & foot. An excellent weapon. Should be the only intermediate weapon. APD Field Officers pulled a male suspect, 43,175 lbs., over for traffic violations and during their investigation suspect refused to cooperate. Suspect believed Police had no authority and was anti-government. At some point during the initial investigation suspect rolled up his windows on his camper truck and officer's observed a handgun and two bayonets. Officer's at the scene then moved to a position of advantage and attempted to make P.A. announcements to try and get the suspect to exit his vehicle and surrender. After the suspect ignored all commands given and began moving about in his camper causing a great safety concern the SWAT team was activated. The SWAT team was called for a barricaded armed subject and upon arrival team members took their positions. After several attempts to negotiate with the subject he attempted to drive off into the neighborhood where he was stopped. As his vehicle went forward his tires were flattened by a spike belt and gas was deployed into the camper. The vehicle did s 06/27/2000 M ? Ottawa, Canada Upper Chest Waist 2 2 Secs ea At approximately 21:36 hrs, officers attended an attempted suicide call involving a knife. On arrival the roommate of the subject met officers in the lobby of the apartment building. The roommate stated the subject was upstairs in the apartment stabbing himself with a knife. Officers made their way to the apartment, opened the apartment door and observed the male standing in the washroom. The floor of the apartment was covered in blood. Officers told the male to drop the knife. At this time the subject started to stab himself in the neck with a 7 inch bladed knife. Cst Mark Barclay deployed the ADVANCED TASER M26 at the subject. The subject dropped the knife and was immediately incapacitated. The M26 was activated for aprox. 2 seconds and fired from a distance of 7 feet. The top probe struck him in the chest area, bottom probe in the waist area. Two follow-up activations were required as the subject was noncompliant. Once the subject was controlled, the full extent of the selfmutilation was I had immediate involuntary muscle spasms. At first it was a slight sting. I wouldn't have been able to concentrate on something enough to make a logical decision. 06/12/2000 F ? La Grange, KY Lt Hip Lt thigh 1 0.5 06/12/2000 M ? La Grange, KY Lt Shoulder Rt Thigh 1 0.5 The shock incapacitated me almost immediately and took me straight to the ground if not for being caught by other officers. 06/12/2000 M ? La Grange, KY Abdoman Lt Chest area 1 0.5 The sensation I received was similar to touching the prongs of a light in a wall socket. The muscles in my chest and stomach contracted drawing my arms in toward my chest. 06/12/2000 M ? La Grange, KY Lt Thight Abdoman 1 0.5 Within 1/2 second after the application of electric current and fell to my knees. CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 33 07/04/2000 M 39 Ottawa, Canada Lf Armpit Lt Hip 2 5 secs. At 20:45 hrs, Tues 4 July 2000, Officers attended an attempt suicide call involving a knife. Two constables made their way to an apartment, opened the apartment door and observed the 39yr-old, male subject sitting on a couch in the livingroom. He was holding a 12" filet knife and had a pillow across his lap. The subject had been drinking and was depressed over the fact he had recently experienced a stroke. The subject would not put down the knife and started poking himself in the chest area (over his heart) and along his throat. He asked officers where he should cut himself. The pillow blocked a clear front shot, officers had to reposition themselves to obtain an angled shot. The ADVANCED TASER was fired from a distance of 15 feet. The top dart struck the subject in his left forearm, the bottom dart struck the pillow. The circuit was completed momentarily until the subject moved the pillow. The M26 shooter reloaded a second cartridge. At this time, the subject started using the pillow to block Locks muscles up, couldn't fight, works well 07/10/2000 M 36 Homewood, AL Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 07/10/2000 M 31 Homewood, AL Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 Immediate cotnraction of muscles, unable to stand. Definitely unable to fight back. 07/10/2000 M 26 Homewood, AL Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 If felt like being hit with 100 baseball bats in the chest. I couldn't fight back.I just wanted the pain to go away. 07/10/2000 M 36 Homewood, AL Rt Shoulder Lt Mid Back 1 0.5 Couldn't fight back. Complete incapacitation. 07/10/2000 M 31 Homewood, AL Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 07/10/2000 M 26 Homewood, AL Lt Ribs Rt. Foot 1 0.5 Numb. Short bursts of pain. Left side was locked up. Unable to react. Felt horrible. Couldn’t fight back. 07/10/2000 M 43 Homewood, AL Neck Lt Hip 1 0.5 Immediately disabled. Intense Pain. 03/21/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 03/21/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 03/23/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 03/23/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 03/23/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 04/06/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 04/06/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 05/04/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 05/04/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 05/04/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 05/04/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 06/15/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 06/15/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 06/18/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 06/18/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 06/18/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 06/18/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 06/18/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 06/18/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 06/18/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 06/18/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped 06/18/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 1 Dropped Rt Quadrant 06/18/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant 06/25/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Upper Back 1 0.5 1 Stun Stunned/ Fell Forward 06/25/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Upper Back 06/25/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 06/25/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant 06/25/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC 06/25/2000 M ? Lethbridge, BC 06/25/2000 M ? 06/25/2000 M 06/25/2000 07/11/2000 Dropped 1 Stun Stunned/ Fell Forward 1 0.5 Dropped Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped M ? Lethbridge, BC Lt Quadrant Rt Quadrant 1 0.5 Dropped M ? Sacramento, CA Rt Leg Rt Hip 1 0.5 Instant incapacitation CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 34 07/11/2000 M ? Sacramento, CA Rt Leg Rt Hip 1 0.5 Instant incapacitation 07/11/2000 M ? Sacramento, CA Rt Leg Rt Hip 1 0.5 Instant incapacitation 07/11/2000 M ? Sacramento, CA Rt Leg Rt Hip 1 0.5 Instant incapacitation 07/11/2000 M ? Sacramento, CA Rt Leg Rt Hip 1 0.5 Instant incapacitation 07/11/2000 M ? Sacramento, CA Rt Leg Rt Hip 1 0.5 Instant incapacitation 07/13/2000 Male 45 Jacksonville PD Several Several 3 Unknown Officers were dispatched to a EDP, suicidal, violent, 45, male, 200 lbs., 5’11”, who was or already had taken some type of drugs. As officers were attempting to reason with the suspect, he jumped up into the contact officer face and started to take a fighting stance. The cover officer then unholstered the M26 ADVANCED TASER and as the suspect became more combative, cover officer then brought the M26 on to the target. As the TASER came onto the target, the suspect started to charge the cover officer. The cover officer fired the first M26 at the suspect and the top probe struck the suspect in the chest and the bottom missed the suspect. The contact officer then unholstered and fired the second M26 at the suspect striking the suspect in the back and left arm. The suspect managed to tackle the cover officer. The cover officer then made contact with the M26 to the suspect's back. As the suspect and the cover officer went down, the contact officer then made contact to the suspect's buttock area. The contact o 06/27/2000 M 59 Danville, IL Ctr upper chest Ctr Lower Belt 1 ? Suicidal, male, 5'9", 200 lbs., manic depresive subject made threats of bodily harm to officers and himself and obtained a large steel pipe, attempting to batter officers. M26 fired from 711 feet hitting subject in center chest and center beltline penetrating skin. Use of the M26 was immediate success subject dropped item and dropped himself. According to the report, suspect was only momentariliy down and was easily controlled after one M26 shot. Probes removed at medical. No injuries to suspect or officers. 07/14/2000 M 35 Camp Verde, AZ ? ? 1 1 sec Dropped him immediately (shot by Bud Clark of AZ DPS) ? Camp Verde, AZ ? ? 1 1 sec Dropped him immediately (shot by Bud Clark of AZ DPS) 07/14/2000 07/14/2000 ? Camp Verde, AZ ? ? 1 1 sec 07/14/2000 M 51 Sacramento, CA Rt Knee Rt Foot 1 0.5 The pain felt like the worst cramp I've ever had, and also felt like someone was twisting the leg bone. It really hurt! All I wanted to do was to have the pain stop. There was no way that I could have fought back or resisted in anyway. Within a few minutes after the application ended, I was fully functional. Dropped him immediately (shot by Bud Clark of AZ DPS) 07/14/2000 M 30 New Orleans, LA Mid Chest upper inner right thigh 1 5-secs. New Orleans SWAT responded to a barricaded suicidal male subject, 30, 5’9”, medium build wearing no shirt armed with 12gauge shotgun. Subject was ex-Marine sniper who had just broken up with girlfriend. After several hours of dialogue with negotiators, subject exited the garage where he had barricaded himself to speak with a friend. The subject requested water at which time a bottle of waters was thrown to where the subject was. 12-gauge sawed-off shotgun was 10 feet away. As he moved forward to retrieve the water, the ADVANCED TASER officer deployed the M26 from a concealed position from 8-10 feet away. The TASER immediately took effect causing subject to fall to the ground, screaming as if in pain. Originally combative and belligerent, but became submissive after M26 application. The apprehension team moved in and took subject into custody without injury. Probes penetrated skin at the midchest and the upper inner right thigh. Incident began at 3:28 am and subject was apprehended at 10:42 am. 07/11/2000 M 37 Calaveras County SO Rt Shoulder Rt Foot 1 0.5 I was immediately disabled. I would not or could not have fought back in anyway. It left me totally disoriented and submissive, I could have been easily arrrested. 07/18/2000 M 30 Fayetteville, NC Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 Couldn't fight back.Fell over backwards to ground.Nothing I could do with weapon. 07/18/2000 M 33 Fayetteville, NC Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 I was completely incapacitated & put on my back. I couldn't fight back or do anything. It felt like I had stuck my finger in an electrical outlet and couldn't get away from it. 07/18/2000 M 32 Fayetteville, NC Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 Lost all control of my functions. I couldn't fight back at all. 07/18/2000 M 39 Fayetteville, NC Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 It hurt like hell and NO I couldn't have fought back! 7/18/2000 M 47 Fayetteville, NC Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Felt like someone was hitting me in the side 07/19/2000 M 27 Florence County,SC Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 I lost control over muscle functions and mental functions. I couldn't fight back. 07/19/2000 M 39 Florence County,SC Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 No control , intense pain from muscle contraction after cycle. Just a burning sensation at affected spot. 07/19/2000 M 42 Florence County,SC Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Felt like 110 volts going through body.Couldn't fight back. Dropped weapon, immediately fell to ground. 07/19/2000 M 35 Florence County,SC Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 Totally incapacitated,couldn't fight back. 07/19/2000 M 40 Florence County,SC Rt Knee Rt Foot 1 0.5 A burning feeling with good contraction. CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 35 07/19/2000 M 36 Florence County,SC Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Rhythmic pulsations at mentioned areas.Muscle tightening & soreness at areas. 07/19/2000 M 50 Florence County,SC Between Shoulder Low Back 1 0.5 Took Physical hits with probes.Couldn't fight back.Felt like upper back torso inside an electrical outlet 07/20/2000 M 30 Richmond County,GA Lt Hip Rt.Ankle 1 0.5 Loss of all muscle control.Couldn't move my legs or arms.Couldn't fight back if I wanted to.Would do anything you told me just as long as you didn't zap me again. 07/20/2000 M 46 Richmond County,GA Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 Shook uncontrolably, knees went out from under me. Hit floor with loud thump. Couldn't fight back. 07/20/2000 F 39 Richmond County,GA Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Couldn't fight back at all. Hurt like hell! Legs gave out immediately. Excellent Weapon! 07/24/2000 M 41 Escondido, CA Rt Shoulder Rt Hip 1 0.5 It hurt, couldn’t move, extreme muscle contraction. 07/24/2000 M 30 Escondido, CA Rt Hip Rt Leg 1 0.5 Complete incapacitation, couldn't fight back. 07/24/2000 M 36 Escondido, CA Lt Shoulder Lt Hip 1 0.5 I was completely incapacitated during the application of the advanced TASER. The pain, chock and muscular contraction that I experienced totally and completely took the fight out of me. 07/24/2000 M 39 Escondido, CA Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Convulsed and fell forward, extreme brief pain. 07/24/2000 F 25 Escondido, CA Rt Arm Rt Hip 1 0.5 07/24/2000 M 32 Escondido, CA Rt Shoulder Rt Hip 1 0.5 Upon feeling the effects I felt as if I was paralyzed. I couldn't move much less fight back. All I could do was scream like a baby! A few seconds after the conductivity was released I recovered quickly. Completely incapacitated me. Unable to fight back. 07/24/2000 M 32 Escondido, CA Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 07/24/2000 M 41 Escondido, CA Rt Arm Rt Hip 1 0.5 07/24/2000 F 38 Escondido, CA Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 07/24/2000 M 56 Escondido, CA Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Kicked my butt! I was immediately knocked down. 07/24/2000 M 32 Escondido, CA Rt Shoulder Rt Hip 1 0.5 Burning sensation. I was unable to fight and I was unable to fight. I had in my mind before hand that I was going to hit my partner. One the M26 was activated, there was no chance of that happening. Left red burn mark on hip. Very minor. 07/24/2000 M 31 Escondido, CA Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 My right leg locked up, a shooting pain generated up and down. Profanity spewed forth my filthy mouth. I started to move and my entire right leg locked. My entire body started to fall. I couldn't control my body. I wanted the pain to stop. After, I felt a great sense of relief. Small dot like burn, red mark on ankle and upper thigh. I am a believer! I can't wait to have this tool in the field. I tried to stand up but fell immediately. I had no control of my muscles. Sharp pain throughout body. Concentrated pain between probes. Couldn't move and had to be supported by others. Body became rigid. Body relaxes quickly upon stopping of conductive energy. 07/24/2000 M 37 Escondido, CA Rt Leg Rt Foot 1 0.5 Cramping, loss of body control. Didn't want to fight back. 07/24/2000 M 42 Escondido, CA Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Immediate immobilization of leg. Couldn't move limb. Caused me to fall due to loss of control of leg. Full recovery within 30 seconds without lasting effects. I couldn't move or fight back. 07/24/2000 M 42 Escondido, CA Rt Shoulder Rt Hip 1 0.5 Tingling, then numbness, couldn't fight back 07/24/2000 M 31 Escondido, CA Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Painful, incapacitating. 07/24/2000 M 43 Escondido, CA Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Incapacitated. 07/24/2000 M 36 Escondido, CA Rt Shoulder Rt Arm 1 0.5 Very effective. Full contraction on right bicep. Felt total incapacitation in the rest of my body. 07/24/2000 M 53 Escondido, CA Rt Shoulder Rt Hip 1 0.5 07/24/2000 M 34 Escondido, CA Rt Hip Other person 1 0.5 07/28/2000 M 27 Glendale, AZ Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 Burning sensation. Total contraction. Much pain. Couldn't fight back. I was in a hostage situation with wire in my front right pants pocket, second wire wasin suspects pocket who was behind me. Suspect had me in a bar arm hold around my neck. I could feel it in my hip and my neck. Strongest at contact points. Seems like current got stronger between pathway. Thought I was yelling "Oh God Stop!" All I remember hearing is stop. Couldn't fight back. 07/28/2000 M 30 Glendale, AZ Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Instructor challenged me not to fall. My left leg remained still and my right leg came straight up off the ground. I focuse on not screaming. I didn't scream but I did say "God!" I couldn't have performed any neuromuscular function and afterwards my whole right leg hurt and I limped for several munutes. 07/28/2000 M 32 Glendale, AZ Rt Shoulder Rt Hip 1 0.5 Locked muscles, felt like blunt jabbing at contact points. Tingleing afterwards. Light burn on hip. 07/28/2000 M 35 Glendale, AZ Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 This was my second experience with the Advanced TASER, and just as my 1st experience,"Awesome." I yelled like a girl. 07/28/2000 M 29 Glendale, AZ Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 No possible way to control my body or movements. Took leg right out from under me. Excellent tool! 07/28/2000 M 31 Glendale, AZ Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 The M26 was completely incapacitating during the contact but left no affects. During contact was unable to move or keep from yelling as asked. Very good product! 07/28/2000 M 31 Glendale, AZ Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Cussed and tensed up, hurts a lot! 07/28/2000 M 37 Glendale, AZ Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Was trying to stand up, leg immediately tightened and lost control of it then began to fall backwards. CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 36 07/28/2000 M 33 Glendale, AZ Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 The front of my leg hurt the worst. Felt numb for a couple of minutes afterwards. I couldn't fight back! 07/28/2000 M 29 Glendale, AZ Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 It felt like a barrage of hits on the outside of my left hip. I was unable to fight back. 07/28/2000 M 34 Glendale, AZ Rt Shoulder Rt Hip 1 0.5 07/28/2000 M 40 Glendale, AZ Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 07/28/2000 M 25 Glendale, AZ Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 It is an undescribable pain that I have never felt. Totally incapacitates. I couldn't move. Right leg curled up and to the left. I would have fallen if not held up. Most painful I have ever felt for so short a time. It completely made my right leg stiff and painful. I was not able to walk towards the instructor. 07/28/2000 M 34 Glendale, AZ Rt Shoulder Rt Hip 1 0.5 At no time during th time I was shocked did I ever feel that I caould advance towards the subject holding the M26. It completely took the fight or any further will to fight or resist out of me. I lost total control of my right side and completely locked up. 07/28/2000 M 51 Glendale, AZ Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 07/28/2000 M 44 Glendale, AZ Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Sharp overwhelming pain from left ankle to left side of hip. Totally over whelming. Have never felt anything like that. You have sold me on the M26! Intense vibrating, more pain in pocket than foot intense muscle contraction. Unable to fight back. 07/28/2000 M 33 Glendale, AZ Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 I couldn't do anything. I have never felt anything like that in my life & never want to again. "That Sucked! 07/28/2000 M 30 Glendale, AZ Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 Very incapacitating. Thumping on foot, cussed. 07/28/2000 M 31 Glendale, AZ Rt Shoulder Rt Foot 1 0.5 07/28/2000 F 36 Glendale, AZ Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 07/28/2000 M 31 Glendale, AZ Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 07/28/2000 M 44 Glendale, AZ Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 It didn't really hurt but it's something I never want to experience again. Felt the pain mostly in hip, it stiffened my right leg, tingling sensation throughtou my right leg. After the test was over, I felt the tingling sensation and numbness in my right ankle. Instructor challenged me not to scream and I cussed. It felt like forever being hooked up to the M26. I thought I was focused, This surprised me. I couldn't concentrate on continuing to be focused. Great Product! Great class! It just locked me up! Pain, yelled, had no ability to resist, deep muscle contraction. The most intense fast pain I have ever felt. 07/28/2000 M 45 St. George, UT Upper Mid-Chest Lower Mid-Chest 1 3 secs. 08/03/2000 M 43 Paradise Valley, AZ Lt Hip 1 0.5 Lt Ankle St. George PD officer detained a male subject, 45, 5’6, 150 lb., that was a convicted/deported felon sex offender who had reentered the U.S. Subject resisted detention and was verbally non-compliant while officer waited for a response from INS and walked/ran away from him. Officer pursued and pushed the subject down, but lost control of his flashlight in doing so. The subject gained control of the officer’s flashlight and used it to effectively blind the officer. Giles retreated and tried to deploy OC spray. OC deployment was not successful and the subject advanced, still using the light. The possibility of unseen weapons existed and the subject also had an effective impact weapon in the flashlight. Giles deployed his ASP Baton and tried to strike the light and/or subject's hands and arm. The strikes landed, but not effectively and the subject still advanced toward the officer. Giles deployed his OC spray again, this time with better success. The subject stopped advancing, but still held the light a "Electric jolt, muscle collapse at applied area. Could not fight back. Quick recovery with no after effects." 08/02/2000 M 40 Billings, MT Rt Shoulder Lt Shoulder 1 0.5 08/07/2000 M 20 Goodyear, AZ Upper Mid-Back Lower Mid-Back 2 5 secs At about 1907 hours Avondale Police Units responded to assist Goodyear Police Units with a violent male, subject, 5’7, 140 lb., who was in possession of a knife and syringe. Subject was wanted for felony charges and refusing to drop the knife. Subject was verbally non-compliant, violent, resisting arrest, assaultive to officers and on heroin. OC spray was deployed and ineffective. The ADVANCED TASER M26 was deployed on the subject, he immediately dropped a syringe he had in his possession and began walking backwards. Fire from 7-11 Ft with probes hitting upper middle back and lower middle back. One probe penetrated skin and the other to clothing. Probes were removed at medical. No injuries to suspect or officers. A fivesecond burst was given to the subject after he did not drop the knife. Goodyear Police also fired two beanbag rounds striking the subject in both legs. Subject then went to his knees and subject was taken into custody. (Officer’s Note: Batteries in the M26 were not fully charged and Incapacitated. Couldn't fight back. 07/12/2000 M 20 Jail Middle Back Right Buttock/Thigh1 5 secs A violent, male suspect, 20, 5’11”, 200 lb. was attacking another inmate in a cell. He ignored repeated verbal commands to stop fighting. The M26 was fired from 3-7 feet for 5 seconds and dropped him in mid-punch. The probes hit him middle of the back and right buttock/thigh pentrating skin. Medical staff removed probes. No injuries to inmate or officers. Comment: The suspect was interviewed on tape after the incident. Ironically he stated that he worked as an electrician on the streets. He said it felt like he grabbed a live 110-Volt wire. CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 37 07/18/2000 M 45 Grants Pass, OR Upper Mid-Back Lower Rt Back 1 5 secs 07/16/2000 M 32 Washington Co Jail, OR Upper Rt Chest Mid-Lt Chest 06/03/2000 M 34 Abbotsford Jail ? 07/03/2000 M ? Abbotsford 07/12/2000 M 26 06/29/2000 M 06/29/2000 Report of a suicidal subject with a knife. Male, 45, 6’2’’, 225 lb., subject was sitting in his truck with the door open. Would display a knife when we got close to him and was verbally noncompliant. When we backed up he would put the knife away. We were able to talk him out of the cab of the truck. However, we were unable to get him to leave the truck. Subject turned his back to me and reached in to the cab of the truck. I thought he was getting the knife, so I deployed the TASER from 7-11 feet away striking the subject at upper mid back and the lower right back for five-second cycle. Medical personnel removed probes. Suspect had minor injuries with skinned knees from fall to the ground. No officer injuries. Subject’s comment: “I was just getting a cigarette.” A male, 32, 6-ft, 180, suspect was arrested for Assault 4 Felony/Resist arrest and assaulting a Police Officer. Suspect become assaultive and disruptive once placed in holding cell. Suspect began yelling, kicking and punching cell door. Suspect refused to comply with orders given to stop. Suspect was danger to self. Sergeant on duty authorized the ADVANCED TASER M26 and CERT team called out. Suspect was given one last opportunity to comply with verbal orders but refused and continued punching and kicking cell door. Cell door opened and the ADVANCED TASER was deployed to center mass of suspect from 7-11 feet away striking the subject in upper right chest and mid-left chest. Suspect received two cycles of 5 secs. CERT team entered and restrained suspect. Medical staff saw suspect and probes removed. No other injuries to suspect or Deputies involved. Officer’s comment: Suspect was passive and non-combative. Suspect was on cocaine, alcohol and meth. Event was videotaped. No injuries occurred with 1 shot (2 cycles) 5 secs ea ? 1 5 secs Subject was violent, actively aggressive and resistive was shot by ADVANCED TASER with a full 5-second applications which was very sucessful. No injuries to suspect or officers. Upper torso Lower torso 1 5 secs Officers received a 911 disturbance call to a house trailer. The subject’s mother requested removal of an emtionally disturbed subject who was intoxicated with cocaine and dying of AIDS. Officers on scene found male subject, 34, located in living room / kitchen area. Upon refusing to comply and walking away and towards the hallway and bedroom area the ADVANCED TASER was activated but unfortunelty the air cartridge malfunctioned. Air cartridge was removed and replaced with same bad cartridge but subject retreated to the bedroom. The subject did not respond to negotiations and was verbaly noncompliant. Other officers arrived on scene including one with a second M26. Negotiations were unsuccessful with subject. Officers made entry with the M26. The second ADVANCED TASER and a beanbag officer simultaneously deployed the second M26 with the addition of the beanbag whith very successful results. Subject immediately went into a fetal position during the 5second cycle while other officers arrested him. AD St. George, UT Lt Shoulder Rt Hip 1 0.5 33 St. George, UT Lt Arm Lt Shoulder 1 0.5 "It felt like a sledge hammer to area where contacts were placed. I was hit for about 1/4 to 1/2 a second. I was totally out of commission while unit was on. Effects after were minor after a minute I was fine "Knocked me to my knees. I lost motor control of my muscles. It was painful while it was on. But the pain stopped when the unit was turned off. I would not have been able to fight back." M 42 St. George, UT Rt Shoulder Rt Hip 1 0.5 "After contact I went right to the ground. I had no control over my body parts." 08/11/2000 M 42 Concord, CA Lt. Hip Rt Arm 1 0.5 "End of chain in group of 15. Sharp tingling sensation at contact point. No other effects. Powerful impact. Having been stuck with 7 watt system, there is no comparison." 08/11/2000 M 34 Concord, CA Arms Connected Arms Connec 1 0.5 "Group shot, 15 at once. Arms numbed, felt like grabbing a powerful auto coil wire." 08/11/2000 M 34 Concord, CA Arms Connected Arms Connec 1 0.5 "Jiggle type shock, only in forearms at first. 5-10 minutes later, my triceps felt tired." "I was not able to fight. I felt like a shock like putting finger in receptical." "Couldn't resist or fight back." 08/11/2000 M 42 Concord, CA Arms Connected Arms Connec 1 0.5 08/11/2000 M 43 Concord, CA Arms Connected Arms Connec 1 0.5 08/11/2000 M 51 Concord, CA Arms Connected Arms Connec 1 0.5 "Linked arms with group, took hit and fell on floor. Couln't fight back, felt the jolt/ shock in forearms, could have went right on duty, no doubt it's an excellent less lethal device." 08/11/2000 M 21 Concord, CA Arms Connected Arms Connec 1 0.5 "Fell down immediately. It just felt like a strong long shock." 08/11/2000 M 30 Concord, CA Arms Connected Arms Connec 1 0.5 "It was a blunt pounding feeling." 08/11/2000 M 34 Concord, CA Arms Connected Arms Connec 1 0.5 "Only felt the current running through my arms. Felt exactly like I grabbed a sparkplug wire" 08/11/2000 M 36 Concord, CA Arms Connected Arms Connec 1 0.5 "Arms linked in chain- immediate tingling in both arms inside elbows, no pain or after effect. 08/11/2000 M 45 Concord, CA Arms Connected Arms Connec 1 0.5 "Part of 15 officer group. Strong sensation in arms, unpleasant but not painful." 08/11/2000 M 49 Concord, CA Arms Connected Arms Connec 1 0.5 " Similar to being shocked by vehicle engine or T.V. Could feel the muscles in my arm begin to cramp, like a charley horse. A longer exposure would have locked up my arms." CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 38 08/11/2000 M 44 Concord, CA Arms Connected Arms Connec 1 0.5 07/29/2000 M 30 Longmont, CO Upper Rt Shoulder Upper Rt Shoulder Blade 1 5 secs A 5’8 (heavy to medium build) DUI suspect became upset upon learning of his arrest. The suspect became verbally and physically aggressive in a dark parking lot. Officer was alone for seven minutes until assistance arrived. Confided area and family members came into the area. Subsequent to handcuffing subject became verbally aggressive and wanted to know why he was being arrested. The ADVANCED TASER was pointed at the subject with the laser sight on his chest. He became more aggressive and threatened the officer. He became more aggressive and the officer put the M26 in his pocket and grabbed the suspect’s right arm and wrist. Subject tensed up and resisted arrest by struggling. Another officer used knee strikes to leg using PPCT on common paronial area without success. Wrist locks and arm bars were also unsuccessful. Suspect continued to struggle and was not able to place under arrest. The officers backed off and activated the M26 from 18 inches away. Suspect immediately slumped to the ground duri 08/11/2000 M 22 Longmont, CO Upper Middle Chest Near belly button 1 2 secs A 5’8, medium build renewed his fight with another male subject. Suspect was thought to originally be the aggressor of an assault per witness. An officer got between the two fighting males. The ADVANCED TASER M26 was deployed and pointed at one of the suspects and ordered to get on his knees. Suspect ignored verbal commands and balled his fist up and stepped toward the officer. At 10 feet away, the officer shot the advancing suspect. Both probes struck the suspect, one in the middle of his chest and the other in his abdomen near the belly button. The suspect screamed and his hands shot upwards. The suspect tangled the wires with his upward moving hand. The officer let the M26 cycle for 2-seconds, but feared the suspect would break the wires by accident. He then “speed loaded” a 2nd Air Cartridge in the event another shot was required. The M26 was pointed at the suspect and told not to move or he would be fired upon again. The suspect cried out, “No mas, no mas! (meaning no more). The suspect was 08/12/2000 M ? Los Angeles Earlobe Upper back 5 5 secs 06/28/2000 M 21 Los Angeles Lower Lt Back Groin 2 08/18/2000 M 30 Nassau Co, FL Jail Upper Mid-Chest Stomach 1 " It felt like grabbing a coil wire on a car engine." A suspect was under the influence of PCP. An ADVANCED TASER was fired at him. One probe hit in the earlobe and the other in the back. Two activations were cycled without knocking him down and then he pulled it from his earlobe. Suspect took three more activations with one probe in his back and he was noticeably impaired until he fell and was arrested without further incident. No further injuries reported. 5 sec+2 sec The 5’9, 21-yr-old, 160-lb., male inmate in question was drunk on pruno and gassing sworn personnel. (Pruno is jail made alcohol. The inmates hoard fruit and then allow it to ferment. Gassing is a legal term in CA and is a crime. Any time an inmate throws fluids or substances on a deputy, usually his own waste, this is considered a gassing.) Inmate also had access to a shank. Two short bursts of Deep Freeze (CS/OC) blend were directly sprayed on him. This failed to gain compliance. The ADVANCED TASER M26 was fired through the cell bars from 711 feet away. Both probe probes penetrated skin: one in his groin and the other in his back. The inmate experienced a full 5second cycle, but the configuration of the cell caused him to be propped up. It was obvious that his left side locked out and he cried out in pain. When the cycle completed the M26 was activated again prior to the cell extraction teams entry. A 2second burst was applied and was discontinued when the team approached due to concern that 3-secs. Due to overcrowding at the County Jail, a 30-yr-old male 5’11, 180 inmate was instructed to put on handcuffs and shackles so that he could be transferred to another facility. The inmate then stated that the only way he was going to leave the jail was to be unconscious. This inmate has been in several altercations with correctional officers, other inmates and has known to resist arrest with violence on the streets. The inmate was told twice to put on the shackles and handcuffs twice and refuse, taking a defensive stance. He was then shot with the ADVANCED TASER M26 with both probes penetrating the skin in the middle chest and stomach. He immediately fell. The M26 was only deployed once and it was estimated that it cycled app. 3 seconds. There were no injuries to the inmate or the correctional officers that were involved. Probes were removed on scene. This was the day after we had nine officers trained as instructors. Inmate’s comment: “What the hell did you do that for? All you had to do was tell me CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 39 08/18/2000 M 45 Nassau PD, NY Upper Mid-Chest Abdomen 1 3 secs. Responded to assist Glen Cove City PD with call of a violent emotionally disturbed person locked in his private residence. Police Officers at scene could not control subject (he is a former boxer attempting to knock out anyone who would challenge him). Emergency Service Unit deployed two teams with a supervisor and entered the residence. The 46 yr-old. 275 lb., 6'3 male, subject resisted control techniques and physically overpowered the teams. At this point the ADVANCED TASER M26 was deployed from 7-11 feet away. Both probes penetrated skin, one in the upper mid-chest and the other in the abdomen. The subject bent over and fell to the floor. The M26 cycled for the full 5-seconds. It got his attention anyway. the subject was then handcuffed and removed to an ambulance. In route to the hospital the subject was escorted by an ESU officer with M26 probes in place if further control was needed. By the officer and ambulance paramedics own words, this subject stayed calm knowing he could get TASERed again. 07/15/2000 M 22 Westminster, CO Stun to upper mid chest N/A 2 5 secs At 0200 an officer arrived on scene where two officers were actively struggling on the ground to arrest a 5’9, medium build, 22 yr-old male who had been stopped for a traffic violation/fight. The subject actively resisted as the officers attempted to place him in cuffs and a hobble restraint. While the subject was on his stomach, the ADVANCED TASER officer removed the cartridge, yelled clear and made contact with M26 stun gun on the upper mid-back. Although the officer could hear it activated, it did not appear to have any effect. The officer activated the M26 touch stun again and it did not appear to have any effect as the subject continued to fight. Officers were able to get the cuffs on the subject and place hobble restraints on him. Even in this position the subject continued to struggle and curse at the officers. It was necessary to carry the subject to the patrol car and into the booking area. While on the floor of the booking cell, the subject continued to curse at and threaten officers while b 08/21/2000 M ? Reno, NV ? ? 1 5 secs 08/15/2000 M 24 Jail Lower Lt Back Lt side stomach 3 5 secs An intoxicated male sliced his wrists with a piece of glass and ran from police. Covered in blood, the man his in some bushes and refused to obey police commands. An officer stood 4 feet away and fired an ADVANCED TASER at the subject. The man fell immediately to the ground during the 5-second cycle. Officer’s comments: “He was very non-compliant and very drunk. Even in that state he wanted no more. He said, ‘I’m not going to move. Don’t electrocute me again.’” The man was taken to a medical center where a doctor examined him and found no injury. The man was given a CAT scan to determine whether the darts and electricity caused any tissue damage. Subject suffered cuts from suicide attempt but no injuries from the TASER. At 1600 a male, 6’1 294-lb. 24-yr-old inmate demanded recreation time. Inmate was improperly dressed to go outside for recreation as he had ripped his uniform to shreds and had rags draped on his body. His genitals were exposed. His bed was overturned on its side and was feces on the floor where he had urinated. Inmate complied officer directions after six officers were present in a forceful authoritative state. Inmate was transferred to new cell so his bed could be bolted down and room cleaned. While in the new cell, the inmate was instructed to dress in another jumpsuit. The inmate failed to comply and the ADVANCED TASER was used in the stun mode on the inmate’s lower back. Inmate tried to move away but the officer followed him with the M26 so the full 5-second cycle would be felt. Inmate broke contact only briefly. Inmate again refused to dress in the jumpsuit and the M26 was applied. The inmate quickly dressed and was instructed to sit with his back to the door and place his hands on his head. T Jul-00 M Reno, NV 07/23/2000 M Reno, NV 2 Upper chest Shorts 1 Volunteered twice. First time was with a low battery and was able to move during the test. The second time was with fully charged batteries. 5'9, 205-lb. "I went down like a tree. The test was to see if I could poll my weapon and fire. I was determined not to fall down, but it became apparent real quick I was going to the ground. You literally freeze. I couldn't have put my hand out to catch my fall. Ifelt 100 percent. I was pretty confused about something that powerful. But as soon as it was over, it was completely over with I was not a believer. I'm a believer now." From Reno Gazette-Jrnl Aug 24, 2000 0.75 secs During a media demo, Nutall grunted loudly and began to collapse before another officer caught his fall. He seemed distoriented for several seconds afterward but soon was walking around as if nothing had happened. "I feel where it burned a little," showing a red mark on his chest where the electrode was taped. "(Other than that) I don't feel anything at all." From Reno Gazette-Jrnl Aug 24, 2000. CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 40 08/31/2000 F 45 Columbus, OH Upper left side Left Hip 2 5 secs A stout, 185-200 lb., 45-yr-old, female subject was served a warrant for transport to a mental health facility. When deputies were in the apt. to put her in custody, she suddenly went very violent and physical force was tried. She threw 2 officers against the wall. She broke away from 2 officers and ran to kitchen area. After trying to grab a kitchen knife, the officers backed off and sprayed the women with pepper spray. She laughed. She continued to go for a knife, when an officer fired a M26 from 3-7 feet away at her while she was turning to get to a knife in a drawer. The probes hit her near her left side and the other near her left hip area. The spread was 6-8" apart and both had penetrated through clothing and into skin. During the first 5-sec cycle she did not go down, said, "turn that damn thing off,” and was not subdued. When the cycle ended she tried to pull out one of the probes while reaching for a knife with her other hand. A second 5second burst was applied at which time she went to h 08/21/2000 M 24 St. George, UT Upper Rt Chest Mid-Rt Chest1 1 5 secs. Officers responded to a male suspect's house on report of a suicidal subject. Officers found the 26-yr-old, 195-lb., 6’4 subject had destroyed the interior of the house with a baseball bat. Subject was under the influence of alcohol and retained access to the baseball bat. He drank rum as the incident progressed. Subject was extremely emotionally as he recently had his wife, then his girlfriend leave him. The house he destroyed had been repossessed. Glass and broken items were strewn all over the house. This created a risk of injury to the subject and officers if they tried arrest control tactics, due to possible injury on the broken items if the fight were to go to the ground. The subject still had access to the bat, which negated use of a baton, and too much distance for use of OC spray. After an hour (+) of negotiations, the subject turned his back on officers and he was shot with the M-26 in the back from 7-11 feet away. The M26 cycled for 5-seconds. He was not wearing a shirt and both probes pe A mentally disturbed 34-yr-old, 175-lb., 5’11, male inmate became combative after a visit. He was located inside a locked visiting booth. After all efforts to talk the inmate out of the area failed the M26 was deployed. The inmate was standing on the visiting seat. The M26 was inserted through the pass through in the door several feet below where the inmate was standing. The deputy used the laser sight only from 1-3 feet away. The first Air Cartridge was fired. The top probe of the first cartridge struck the inmate in the middle chest, but the lower dart missed. A second cartridge was fired. This second shot struck the inmate in the right mid-back and the right mid-arm. After the first fivesecond cycle the inmate stepped down off the seat and put one hand out the pass through to be handcuffed. The inmate was slow placing his second hand through so another five-second cycle was applied. He was fully lucid and totally cooperative after this point. No injuries to inmate or officers and the two prob 08/31/2000 M 34 Los Angeles County Jail Upper Rt Back Mid-Rt Arm 2 2 cycle of 5 08/21/2000 M 44 Pueblo, CO Below Pec Muscle Beltline 5 5 secs Police officers made contact with a violent 44-yr-old 5’10, 170lb., male intoxicated with cocaine and alcohol. Suspect was threatening several persons with a large piece of plate glass. Suspect became combative and was shot with ADVANCED TASER from 6 to 10 feet away. One probe hit below the pectoral muscle. The bottom probe hit above the belt line. Both probes penetrated skin. The probes were 6-8 inches apart. Sparks were heard according to the shooter. Suspect retreated back but was able to break leads from probes. He then attacked officers in a fistfight. The officer pulled out the Air Cartridge and used the M26 as a contact stun device. The officer hit subject in the lower back with the stun contact - it was immobilizing him, but as soon as he released the unit, he started fighting again. The suspect was physically subdued by the officer who got the contact stun on the subject for 5 seconds after being stunned 4 to 5 more times in stun gun application, finally gaining compliance. The probes fir 08/06/2000 M 20 Pueblo, CO Left mid-back Mid-lower back 2 5secs. A violent 20-yr-old 5’8, 165-lb., male on alcohol was assaulting female with a golf club. First officer intervened with baton strikes. The baton strikes to suspect had no effect. The suspect shot once with ADVANCED TASER M26 from 3-7 feet away and immediately fell to ground during the 5-second cycle. The probes hit the suspect’s left mid-back and middle lower back with only one probe penetrating skin. The suspect refused verbal command to stay down and was subjected to second 5-second discharge, which gained full compliance. Suspect’s comment: Did not know what hit him. Suspect sustained moderate injuries with swelling to back of hand from other tactics and a minor entry wound from the point of probe. The one probe was removed at scene. CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 41 09/12/2000 M 39 Manmouth Lakes, CA Upper Rt. Back Mid-Rt Back 2 5 secs. A 5’10, 170-lb., 39-year-old male suspect under the influence of alcohol had assaulted his girlfriend sending her to the hospital to be stitched up. Suspect fled the scene prior to officers arrival but returned several hours later. Suspect attempted to hide in a nearby parked car and initially refused to exit when ordered. Numerous verbal directions at gunpoint finally led to suspect exiting the car. Suspect was Verbally abusive/assaultive and continued his non-compliance. Suspect wore a heavy hooded sweatshirt which concealed waist area etc. (The suspect was not known to be armed but nobody assumed that he wasn’t armed.) Suspect fairly well contained between two parked cars. Only two officers available to handle situation: one armed with a handgun and OC spray, (water based) the other with and ADVANCED TASER. The suspect was OC sprayed twice with no apparent effect. The laser sight was also directed at the suspect’s chest and he was verbally advised of the pending TASER shot. This had no impact alth 09/13/2000 M 37 Akron, OH Mid-Chest Upper Rt. Thigh 2 5 secs EMS called to "Man Down." When EMS arrived, the 37-year-old, 5’7, 180-lb. male was bleeding profusely from a two-inch gash in his forearm where he had cut himself deeply. Suspect was under the influence of alcohol, emotionally disturbed and violent. The suspect kept stating that he wanted to die. He held a straight razor to his own throat. EMS called for a TASER Officer. Officer arrived shortly and tried to talk to suspect. Suspect would not talk to him. Officer moved close enough to deploy ADVANCED TASER. Suspect stated, "Are you going to shoot me with that?" Officer responded "Yep," and in fact did. After 5second current suspect was still very verbal but not aggressive. The M26 current caused immediate incapacitation. The man fell backwards to the ground, stiffened up and made the razor drop from his hand and far enough away from him that officer could secure it before handcuffing suspect. Top probe penetrated the skin exactly where laser was pointed. The M26 was fired from 10-15 feet away a 09/10/2000 M 28 Pueblo, CO Stunned over body 3 5 secs 09/09/2000 M 17 Pueblo, CO Stunned over body 1 5 secs Police were called to a large bar disturbance. A violent, 28-yearold, 5’8 180-lb., drunk male suspect was one of the combatants. Actively resisted when placed under arrest. Officer locked in wrestling match and deployed first stun application of the ADVANCED TASER that caused the suspect to stop resisting but continued after stun stopped. Suspect was stunned 2 more times with the last cycle being 5 seconds, which gained complete compliance. Officers and suspect sustained no injuries. Police contacted a suspect abandoning his vehicle. The 17year-old, 5-7, 170-lb., male suspect was combative, suicidal and under the influences of alcohol and marijuana. OC spray was ineffective. At one point, suspect was wrestled to the ground. Suspect continued to fight and was stunned with a contact deployment. Suspect immediately complied and remained cooperative the rest of the contact. Officers and suspect sustained no injuries. 09/14/2000 M Longmont, CO Upper Back Lower Back 2 5 secs 09/07/2000 M Seattle, WA Mid-Rt Chest Rt Calf 1 5 secs 09/15/2000 M 46 Long Island, NY Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 Dispatch advised police of a man wandering in and out of traffic who was suspected to be intoxicated. The man had blood about his forehead. An officer found the man next to a school and approached him. The officer noted a “wild eyed look” consistent with the use of illegal drugs. The man went over a fence. Police and fire personnel on scene pursued. The male stopped and crouched next to a tree in an unlit field. The officer announced himself and that he wanted to help the man. The man began to run away, and another officer chased the man. The man fell tripped and fell to the ground. The officer deployed the ADVANCED TASER on the man before he could get up striking him in the bare back. The suspect did not react to the TASER right away. It appeared that his reaction time was 2-3 seconds at which time he became angry and yelled at the officer. The man refused verbal commands. The officer applied a second 5second cycle and the suspect became aggitated and began cursing and yelling at the officer. A call was dispatched to patrol of a man with a gun. Officers arrived and found that the suspect did not have a gun. Instead, he had a knife to his throat. Seattle SWAT heard the call and responded. A crisis intervention officer arrived and attempted to communicate with the 30-year-old, 5’10, 170-lb. delusional and suicidal male. The suspect would not listen. The man was hearing imaginary voices and talking to imaginary people. The ADVANCED TASER officer, with lethal cover, closed to a distance of 12 feet. At that time the suspect appeared as if he was going to run. The TASER officer deployed the M26 from 1115 feet. Both darts hit the man in the mid-right back and the right calf. The suspect immediately went down. Arresting officers started to handcuff the suspect prior to the five seconds elapsing (the M26 was still activated). There were no injuries to the suspect or responding officers. Probes were removed on scene. Officer’s comment: The suspect stated, "What the hell was that?" OH @#&* ! I'm a believer! 09/15/2000 M 44 Long Island, NY Lt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Couldn't fight back at all. It was shocking! 09/15/2000 M 52 Long Island, NY Lt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Muscle weakness, fell off feet, unable to offer residence. 30 CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 42 09/15/2000 F 42 Long Island, NY Rt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 Total incapacitation- can't fight your way out of this. 09/15/2000 M 42 Long Island, NY Lt Hip Rt Ankle 1 0.5 I couldn't fight back. Totally incapacitated. 09/15/2000 M 33 Long Island, NY Lt Hip Rt Hip 1 0.5 Excellent. No way to fight back! 09/15/2000 M 29 Long Island, NY Lt Arm Lt Ankle 1 0.5 09/15/2000 M 29 Long Island, NY Lt Arm Lt Hip 1 0.5 I've never felt anything like this. There is no way I could have fought back. Unable to fight. I felt like I was hit by lightning. 09/15/2000 M 53 Long Island, NY Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 Immediately got my total attention. Incapacitated. Not a chance of resisting. 09/15/2000 M 40 Long Island, NY Lt Arm Lt Foot 1 0.5 Left side numbness, muscle contraction, left side to left foot stinging senstation. 09/15/2000 M 49 Long Island, NY Lt Hip Rt Hip 1 0.5 Burning on hips- no loss of any balance. 09/15/2000 M 27 Long Island, NY Rt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 Felt like a fire cracker exploded in my shoe, lost balance, muscular control of legs 09/15/2000 M 32 Long Island, NY Rt Hip Lt Hip 1 0.5 It hurt like hell! And I couldn't fight back. Burning on both hips, shocking. 09/15/2000 M 43 Long Island, NY Rt Hip Lt Hip 1 0.5 09/15/2000 M 38 Long Island, NY Front Pocket Rear Pocket 1 0.5 Very interesting and painful. 09/15/2000 M 32 Long Island, NY Lt Hip Rt Theight 1 0.5 It totally incapacitated me. 09/15/2000 M 52 Long Island, NY Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 Knocked me down. 09/15/2000 M 42 Long Island, NY Lt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Knocked me down. 09/15/2000 M 39 Long Island, NY Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 My muscles tightened up, all my contractions went to the pain, I couldn't fight back. 09/15/2000 M 35 Long Island, NY Lt Wrist Lt Hip 1 0.5 Pain in my left leg and left wrist, burning feeling in my left hip. 09/15/2000 M 44 Long Island, NY Lt Side Rt Side 1 0.5 I could do nothing but shout and fall. No chance of fighting back. 09/15/2000 M 32 Long Island, NY Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 It works! I was unable to initiate any movement, I just froze in place and collapsed. 09/15/2000 M 33 Long Island, NY Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 Immobilized left leg. No, I couldn’t fight back. 09/15/2000 M 33 Long Island, NY Lt Peck Rt Hip 1 0.5 09/15/2000 M 40 Long Island, NY Rt Bicep Lt Hip 1 0.5 Tightened all muscles, couldn't fight back, felt fine after 10 seconds. Couldn't fight back- just shocking. 09/15/2000 M 53 Long Island, NY Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 Couldn't fight back- loss of muscle control in area where probes were located. Loss of focus, other than wanting relief. 09/15/2000 M 30 Long Island, NY Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 09/26/2000 M 24 Gahanna, OH Lt Mid-Back Lt Buttock 1 5 secs. Wow! I can't imaging how anyone can stand more than 5 seconds. A 24-year-old, 5’6, 155-lb., male had pulled his vehicle onto a freeway over pass and threatened to jump to his death. Officer began crisis negotiations, containment officer deployed M26. After negotiating subject back onto road surface of bridge, he had been standing on the outside of the bridge holding on, an ADVANCED TASER M26 was used to gain control. Suspect started to pull his sweatshirt off over his head. When subject leaned forward to take off the shirt, and changed his center of gravity, the M26 was fired from 11-15 Feet away. Top probe hit left mid-back and the bottom one hit left buttock with both probes penetrating skin. Subject went to the ground where he was controlled by officers. Subject was secured and searched, subsequently taken by medics to a mental health facility. Probes were removed at scene. Suspect removed his shirt prior to M26 shot and had sustained slight abrasions from contact with road surface. No officers sustained any injuries. 09/22/2000 M 45 Fresno, CA Lt Hip Lt Arm 1 0.5 Muscle contractions through arm, I couldn't fight out of it. 09/22/2000 M 31 Fresno, CA Rt Bicep Rt Hip 1 0.5 Muscles tightened & I couldn't fight back. 09/22/2000 M 38 Fresno, CA Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Complete incapacitation. Caused muscle contraction. There is no way I could fight back. 09/22/2000 M 32 Fresno, CA Directs Stun Chest 1 09/22/2000 M 50 Fresno, CA Lt Bicep Lt Hip 1 0.5 Not able to function. Went down. Not Fun! No long term effects. 09/22/2000 M 35 Fresno, CA Rt Shoulder Rt Hip 1 0.5 Unable to control body. Went to floor unable to fight back. No injury after contact. Burning feeling to center of chest. I was knocked down without being able to resist. 09/22/2000 M 33 Fresno, CA Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 Loss of muscle control. Moderate pain. Inability to fight back. 09/22/2000 M 40 Fresno, CA Lt Hand Rt Hand 1 0.5 Painful disorienting shock. Could fight back after 30 seconds. 09/22/2000 M 41 Fresno, CA Lt Hand Rt Hand 1 0.5 Sharp pain in both arms, unable to stand, couldn't figjht back. 09/22/2000 M 49 Fresno, CA Rt Hip Rt Foot 1 0.5 09/22/2000 M 53 Fresno, CA Lt Leg Lt Foot 1 0.5 Once the system was actuated, I could not move. My only option was to go to the ground. My whole body was affected and I couldn't fight back. Couldn't fight back. Had a sensation of being hit. 09/22/2000 M 34 Fresno, CA Lt Hand Rt Hand 1 0.5 Incapacitated. Couldn't fight back. 09/22/2000 M 34 Fresno, CA Lt Hip Lt Foot 1 0.5 Immediately went to the ground and yelled out in pain. Excellent knock down and deterrent against any further actions. CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 43 09/22/2000 M 37 Fresno, CA Rt Bicep Rt Hip 1 0.5 09/22/2000 M 48 Fresno, CA Rt Shoulder Rt Hip 1 0.5 Couldn’t fight back. Disoriented. Tingling all over body. Intense tingling, inability to move. Couln't fight back. 09/22/2000 M 27 Fresno, CA Stun Stun 1 0.5 Incapacitated. 09/22/2000 M 38 Fresno, CA Rt Arm Other person 1 0.5 Linked arms with other person. Intense and quick. I highly recommend it! CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved. P. 44 CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE This document is intended for use by law enforcement agencies only. It contains proprietary specifications and information about the weapons systems described herein. Do not reproduce or distribute without the written permission from TASER International. © 2000 TASER International. All rights reserved.