Special Report - Taser, Law and Order, 2001
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CED ER ., ..... lASER International takes the laser to ahigher level BY EUGENE NIELSEN T ASER ~ bI!l hmlllI (or OO"rf ~ Ibollimt It IIu ndnS "p allllM'd ruord. "The UOoer.~ liN IIIIlroduco:d 10 1M low ~ o..na, enfOieclll><'U C'OInIIIUII,t) ,n 1974 T...... ;". fOr Tbomas A SWIft EI«tt1c MIlk. ..,,,,,,n, n•.noW ~Il"," Tom 5.,(, or II", popul:ar "morican children' ~ lW.h'cnlure ",nes of the 19205 aM JOs. T.....,fl are c:ondOClCd energy '"'''''llOO$ thnl fi~. C:lMndllC ,,,'0 snlall ~ (d~l 011>1 arc I:CfInOCted to IIll' "'UpOn by htgb·,oIr:ore, ill<ublf/d ",re Wh",,!hI: P"fIbc:s ~ Iht WIft. !be) "-'W' va)' >hon dllnlllOIL, hllf! mcfJ). do<:u>aII PlI1-" thr .ueo. 10 ....·_iIdm Iht "'''h u.c _ , 1ltf\'WS $~.-cm.... I" ~ Aw-,h Q5a" _ III'CliIodoc' Ilti pIOmI 'Utlf .. lilt rlC'ld ... _ ,n.-aIuoblc 1eq·1ctltII 100II. lfl,m, lIo>c btm nllllleroU. II'IUlIIlC:r\ "hfno Iho: _ 'y"""" 1M,,, f'lilcoJ .... ..... "'''Il\lIIolCl. guaI.....-s lDI!I,idUab;. \10-110 all r....... 1llc Itodne)- Km,: ~ lo ..., cil'«II.mna or otua qteealI ~.lUJlna from n .. 'llrlYfdlvt (HYPO ""iIImI' ..0 ..\ '.Ic8M$aflrIIUll5'J-dl_~I. . T.' bUIll, RCCOl'"('''' lhal c"en • ""1'" failul\' 10 SlOp IS Ofk" fail...., 000 mlUl), Taocr Ino..-1OfIaI :Set OUI ,n carly 199'6 UI CInIt I- leu-1eIhaI $)_m thai an SlOp fot"llliCd CO<IIbaanls. Tho ADVANCED TASER .... tilt ...,..11. TM ..t........ ". other laWn: Tho -.h'3llttd Wotr dlrkn from om".,. QIWr :and ...... <)'nlnnll On I numbel- of ""',., II ~ all 18 10 26 W:lIt dec1llQ/ <ignal IhlIl O\'cmd<:. the ttntr:lll """"'<No ')SICm to di~lly «lIIlrol tile $~clel.1 muS("!a, Hatliu device) orrn1e in lhe r,,·c 10 14 Wall range and may I\Ol he df<l'l:l,ve on tubjcc1~ "ho nrc e>lltt:lIlCly Boal-oricnlN or I\igh un drugs 01 -. worb II) smdinJ ..... IoCflI'f of decW1lJW~ .., called T·W.,... and _ ~ .. _ , ~ 10 I!le elecv1ca1 MpaI~ IMd to) I!Jlo I;nmlOoomp",_,,"blbebod) lbe 181026 .... a1TW.,n oou<e .. l........w.t.:. r.o:oc<a:IlnJl~ rooIni:;bOIl ollhc ll'IlNle l1'l.We l1xy'll'~ of ~»Q1I)' do::btl~!he "'bJ«'I R'pnl~ of Iu. "",IIUJ fOC1lO Of pal" ~ T&lO:'r IlllmY\tllnal 11::,", III 1M plllmle<l I«MoIogy t i EIo<:Ir() MlIK'Ular o.SlIIJIIIkJq (F.MDJ. PrIOr 10 !hi! ..._ of !he ......mcal WCf. tll of the 'The ad.~ Wief 1riCJlI ... pab. "1'Ilo<- $I .".il,hl. ",,,·I<lh.1 tedUlologi", ha,c ,.hcJ '''' _,on", tom, of f>'Iin rompli.""". di."mc1"'" phys'c,1 ,m,llOI:>,h"_'lwn 10 .",,,,,,1 ~ ,.hj""<1 I'.'frc. lhey 1.. 1. (}fkn thin~ klh.1 f.....·• ",he: ollly 01";'"'. Tase, In,.rn'll<)n,1 Ill:l""r""t",,,, ,h,ee nlO<kJ" I>r lhe ••h'anced t.",r: M IR. 1.1 IRL lUId M26, l1Jc M26. wh,ch i' wId onl),o I"'lIc. and ~o''''mfOenl "gon.i",. h... 26 \\1'1( '''''pUI. Th" M J8 ",1<1 1>1 IRL h."e .n 18 W." ""Iru' All of the ,,,,>dcl, .'" It!<nll<-.I In lhei, "~'.m.1 "I~",aran<e. l1Jc od,,,,,,,cJ ddr.", [ro", .. her ""'" ,k>ign, IIQl Q11ly ,n ils bul in it> ph)'''''' <I.~ign os "cll. It" ooignetl 10 handl. an<l f"''''lInn m""l1 "lc, ,Iond.,d dUly pisl"l. m"~'ng tilt .y>t"m ,mull"'c nnd •• 'y to U"'. I\S 11 doc,n', requ,re lhe d..-d,-,!,",.nl of ""mpl.,t. new moWr skill,. I",mlllg lin", "k,,,,n,,d. '111< omeer .,n" .nd f,res ,frc ".'1"'" ""n~ lbe 5:I",e musel. n",,""'} nnd ll\Olions Ih", h,,.,, b«n '",I,II.d Ihm..gh m,n:try handg..n I",ining '0" QU'P"' <lfr",,,,,, I."", Th. eomlr..diOIl The ad"'nced '""'" " eoo"mc,ed nf , propri.wy poly ....' lh,l', .Jc"gncd ,," "'."mum loogh""" 11><: ...f"ly is lhe only ""W'"ll JXlrt "" the "'e.p'''' Dc'lgn.d r<>r .",bi<le"mu, """ro!lon, lhe ",ftty i, >in"l.,. ,n l"e'I"'" ond OJ"'ral,,", "r lhe ",fCly t" Ih"1 of the M<J2I96F The lrigge, 1)[ ~ rubbe, "'''~tN I""~"'"tl'" ,~II.h i...."'ed i",ide the Intl!", g..".d in ih. '"'''''' kJc~Il"" II> ~ fi",arm, 1'he s"""h i, ...·t".IOO hy ,1;ghl p.-.....,"", .nd doc,n'l II "'e,gII< OGly 18 Th" MI':uH:ed lase, "''''' deSIgned '" fx: ",1I"bl. and *eop proof." ,\cc..ding I" T,,,,r InlOrn,,,,,,,.!. II can wilh,lOad d"'l" or "ver Icn fcct ,,"1>001 d.","$" I'ro<locl Ilkr'"lI'" pm, "led by the roml"'ny .11(1'" ,,""'og dm'en "" ..... by , 4.WO lb. spor1 ""Illy ,-"hIde. To I"",'elll i, f""'1 bemg m",l1I<." for. le!h,r "'.01""'. • u"......"'''.II.J bnghL ~'cll"", eolor kit i, "",,,,,led "',Ih lhe ",copon Ir,1I >,gc""y <0 de""". i, 0'11 01.'1'1 be <1""',"1 ordered ," 0 bn~hl ),.II"w poly .... , 10 o'ere",n" a"y "I,~,l, III:<:" h"ndg"n·· '!'he fin ,lid blodc .ighl' '"' Ih" lld,"oced laser "'" simil", "' lhe I"'" >lgl,,, "n duly p,,,ol, Thc ~126 ""d M 181. h"" " hu,II·;n I,,,,, "in""g ,Ie, k. 1,,(,.1«1 "II<krne.'h lhe ",e:q><m "I f"lOl "r Ihe lngger g"an! 10 angment lhe fin .l1li hl:l<k "ghIS In add";",, 10 ,,' <""" .. • 'nrr"'me"llIl .. mlog devitt. ,lie 10"'" '),,0 "",,,de, a "'''''''''g to sub,..." Iho, C.n po!enli.lly de.c.",.I"c IIo>ltl" "''''"onS ""hout "'C' ",-,,,ally finllg. The la,", " .UI"""lIcall)' ".')\"lcJ "h.o Ih. "''''1''"' is "ff ",re. The", is no ·'llil ,"',I,'h" '0 d".bk lhe I..... '. """'e"",-. in .,ilU.lln", ",he", iI', deemed 'n ~ '''''''''ally .....,i"'bl. ",n ," cmploy tilt 1"-5<'1'. ifs ••imple n'""<T II> hind lbe I.$<r ,*"h , finger .. r ,he '"1'1"111 h:lnd or by rolli"g blllCl d'''I"""lt.pc ""0' il. The M26 ;, '"""I(',,,,,e.,o.- """Iroll<-<I: lhere·, un ""l>u:1rd .... 1llOr) Ih", ,eennh the dille., ,,,Id limes of Ihc "'''M rec""t 585 "m.,. lhe n",,', beell 'rhc M26 ha, a 9519~ ro",polible d,t"l""'11..11 ,11,,,,,, the JOl' '" he '''''''nloodcd 10 a PC """g 0 'Jl<'<'IOI ll<bpI"r cobk Th.. I.olore. ,,·In.b ",,', ""Iilohl~ on the .\11 ~ 3l1d M i81_ .""hb • low .lIf""'.n"'''1 .g.ney '" lI~mil," n,",gc n""'I1' 0"''''''' "",,,,Ily ",,"'. 00"",,,. ""J"'''''''''' "_,,.,,<I"n! w,"'''',,', r,rro 1>al1cm,. 11 bbo help' proI<:CI off...,,, from any "nfullI"kd ./Iarg« or mi,..", of ["",e. Tile IIol0porl 01<0 parllits the M26 '" be fi",J "'''''''.ly. T"" lelln,,-, bal. ""'nbe, ..I 111<.11.11 arrh.:lI""". F.... In":mc". llIe ,\126 can he """,nled "" a l:><tkol ,nf'leiU,,,,,e .y".m, ,od "' • SEAKCIlCAM. for ..", dnring t""tie,1 emri~, <It on tHbut,. eltlfy whicks. The ad'·.nced ,.",,," """',,m! by e,ghl AA baUt"... The h."",,<> are hou>ed In. ba'lery pock thai filS In,ide lhe grip of the w.:1jl<Itl. It 11:>, "" tED ballery ".'us Indie..", th>! informs Ihe office, of the of ,he ball.ri., ot I glo"",,. ".Iu, The ,\ir T..., T'hc a<h'.necJ I.,." n,.,. lhe ..." .. Ai, Cwt"dllt"S ., T.",r l"'ern."on.l', AIR TASER JJO(K)..","", we.pon•. The.If c""odg'" us.c """,pre,s.cd llltn)~Cn as. 1""1'"11.", I" ",pel Iw" hatl",d pmllO< that,,", '1"••1led '" ",_'"Ioted ""c,. F.-..:h lO' c:utridge ronl:>lnS probes. It·"" llIld 0 nitrog." .bMgt:.. Unlil" the origin.ll""". "hieb 0"'" g..n P"w<le, IS I pr(IpolllUl'. ,he ad ...... d 1"-<0' Ind "" 1"-"" ""''''I <!a"ifte<.l a, by lhe U,S no",.u of Airohol .nd (SA TF). They ",ay be pun:bosctl and f"'>"""s.cd In the It'i,htltlllbe ",,,,iOI,,"" "''',obed 10 fi",,,rm,, The Olt """ridg~l"" ....iloblo in 11"0 ''Onion,,'' 21 fOOl ." """"dg. f.... 1,1" ""force""""t and g"vem"",,"'''''' and u 15 ""n au c.""dg•. They.", di"in<:lit'<!y m.,ked r.......y "jen,if""o"on of .""h '"'n,,,n. e.cry c:utridge burs a" Ind;· ,',d"al ""rial n"mbe, "Il<! an .,pir.tIIon 1101"_ they h... 0 >b.lr life_ E.p""d ".""dg.> ,h""I~n'l be employed ,n the field bul "",y be nsed foe,,,,i,,,"g~. Loading .nd unloading me ad"anced """,r I. halh 'In,d and in,tt""""". l1Jc .ir ••nlidge' <lmpl)' ""1' 1111" 1'1 ........ The ad,'onced '0"" w,ll f"...,,,-,,, 0' • b.1<:k ... p '(KlI:><t 'IOn 110'••1"'" with Of withoul' "a",idg" in pi""c. with ,he ""p". bilil~ nf ",,,ding T_W..·.,. di ....lly into II.. hod) nr "n n",.m" I",,,,.m,, ""'es Ii." )"" a..a\I,,,,, Wh,l. ,t ."" be .mploy"d (,,,,,, p(Hnl blltJlk '>til I" lhe i,', recn",mat"""1ll rollge "r lhe connJgc (I S ,,,. 21 "",,,tied ,he lld" ....ed to...., shoold he Ii",d from at leall Ihre. r""l ow,)" from the ,"bje<" in onk..,.IO g",~ II"" I'f"bc' a lmlc '''''I'' 10 '1"".:1<1 'p""-, The boIl""1 p<tobc i, dc>rg'><d 10 I"wel ~'.n eigbl 'kgrc<: doltnw"rtl angk.•lIowing the ""h',,,,,.d 1lIS«, 10 inject lhe T·\\Ia.'O$ "'Ill 0 g"'''.r ""'. uf lhe , .. bj«I. r""O. ,\.cnr...,. oml.",r.ly ""'g' ,\«",diog 10 To"" 1"I.rn'''""o!. ,he "p"mn'" f<>r II'oc :I<1v:ult'ed ."., "'Jlh lhe 2 I l"uol Olt ,,:utrid~c i, 12 tn )~ f«l. Inili.lly. IIIe opIimu," rungc w"' C<lIlsi,lcrcd '" he """" 10 ten fccl. 1M "'"~ """otled as the ",_'ull or f.. ld nperirnc~. TIn: a..."o"",y I>r the :><i,uno.:d laSc:r i~ e~",II.nl. ",u.h Iha" OIt"", la,.",. OIhe, 10"'''.''' aimed mucb lil". nU>bhght. m.,k,ng .,n"ng d,fficull In eontr.o>1. lilt ' o"ns jO'1 li~~" hlUldg..n <""I"ht"" to the od.-.n""J illlprt,,,,,d ur"')", The,lI c,nridge, uttlize. longe, I'fobe IIll'n oIde, lllOdel I......r ."""dge,, "The I""ger probes pro",de ll",'te' slObillly ill n,ght Alw, "'l1n It.: _'I"'="d I>r ",ghl degree' .."u, T...tlron·s 12 dogn:e ,preM. the I"" probe."", nlOn.' li~.ly u' hil "cnle, or m:lSl. be"", rn<''''' t" Althoogh ,lie ad"ane.... t.SN >oouk! be .inoed ., ,he .."n,er of tl>< subj<'<l'. chest. hit any"here OIl the body can be <ffeeli,-e, l1Ic pn>tts don't h",c t<> pcnc'''''c ,he ,~in ,lI C'ose injul)' '" "M l1Ic T·W.,-« of ad,'.l\Ced 'ase, COI' pc""lrale o"e, tWO cu,"ol.""e inche, of clolhll,g, i""luding le.the, j.d.ts, l1Ic T_W.,-e, will pc""',,"e ..'''''' ..,f, body 'nn<:>r. wi,h .. ,'ef.1 """,blc nC<l"i"n" l1Icy n.,·c diffi"ully pene'f.,ing Spectf.-Shield p"""I, ,ince IIIe p"'''k covering ""1' lile.n insulator, "The T· W",'", .Iso woo't pcnet",'e """'" come", wi,h • rubberi,cd c,-""ing or 'hnlOgh cc",mi" pl",,, on "C,"" ""'aroll i, .Iso difficult p'''''''''''''. "The T-W.ve. OIen'l t",n.felTed to .nollle. person in phy,ic,,1 with ,"" ,ubjcot if I>:)lh pn.b,,, a", in the 'obJCCt. 110,,'<>'<t, if """ probe i, ,n the 'ob)CCl .nd ,he seoond probe i. in another person, tl>< cbarge "'ill be ,ransre""d I>:.. h i",lividu"l> if 'hey.", io ph)"ical "'i,h nne 'nolhe,. The eha'ge will be lr.In,fclTed .nolhct person if that person directly ,ouches ,he probes Of be,"'.. n the probe•. om",,,, lin .n .m:.<l Ie.m can ph)·,"',,11y ",,,,,,in • "ubj<'<' while the probe_' .re "110I"" "'i,oou, .ny fear of the clwgc be,"g ".nsfc......... p,mi<kJ the .bow ",,"e.ls are h...lcd, •\ I"jor S'e". Ij.mes of tile Sf"lngfidd. ,\10, l'olice O<partmelll SWAT Ie.", re<emly lined uI' len uf the 'ea""> officcrs .m, '0 arm. "ilh ,11 of 'llc "mee" in phy,ic,1 con'act wi'n each ",bet, One of ,he pn>bc> wa' taped '0 lhe offieer on one end of ,he llnc and the Sctond probe "., t.ped ,he '0 eI'"""" '0 .1"" ron'ac' '0 doc.n·1 haw the bc""r" Ill' lC"'" or fidd use. the ""fc'y ",,,ng ha, becn c"cn,i,.., In dc,<l"plUg ,he ad,'anced ,."".., T."" In,em.lIon,1 chose to follow the san.. approach ,hat', u>Cd in the ph."",•.:eolic,1 and medie.1 de,'ice indY"ric,. n.c e""',nc.1 'lO'fIO" of ,he ><1,,,,,,,,-'<1 ,,,-,,or 're ,,,II "'ell ",thin the saf. 1",<1. defined by ,"'e,",,"on.1 "nnd...-<l,_ U,ing '."""" ,"cnad"","' ''''.., Icodll'g e'pen, in ,'."k", ",fety rnon,l ,he ..h',nced tase, has no a,h'erse effect on hem' rh),thn", 1l>c ,e"ing eondi,ion. were e"",n>c. Indu<lll\g ,llc adrnini"""i"" IIf d,ug' '" '"'"~ 'ubjet" 1.",",,1'1 ,h,1 made ,hem mn,e ,oscepl,ble to elcct"eal ",no· ublion, mulliple "moll""'''''' "'",r hits. "n" eWII t"e 'rrli· <'a,ion nf the 26 Watt M16 ,,,,,put dlltt,ly 'n ,he "orf",,, of tl!<' be.n. ".., e1ectri",1 ""'fIOts of the od"a""cJ ,."', fall ,,'011 wllhln ,he ",fe b'd, dcfi ....... by IO'e=,,,,,,.1 'landaok. Medical e_,pe'I> "00 ,,'ere con,YI,oo dem', f'Me"'" nny incre"cd '''' '0 p."Cllb w"h c"he' !",cem.ke" ".. ,mpl."lObl< ,Idibrill""",_ T."" lntem.""n,1 w,lI pro'ide I.\\, enforrcnlrn' 'ge"",« w"h cx,cn..,... in-<lq>lh n>cdlenl ",fc,y Il1f",IO'"'''' OI"llc od"al>ced ,."', ul"-"' re~uc". Ow, SI)) human ",Iun',,,,,, "",I <u<pec" In ,he fidd h',,"e been ",hj""'cd '0 lhe ><1,"""00 Ul<C'. In all Ca"". II",re h.s tn."n '"10.1 I [I()<"l, in"on, i'>L.p",-'iUl'''", when Ihe od"a,><c<l ,,,"', h", heen .'''I'11l)',>J ",,,hili ", 'ntended llc>lgn !",ramc'el'l, Ewn the o"""t loru",d C",IIt)at ",,"ed ,ndi\l<lu"" h,,'e tn.",n 1I""",di.,eI)' ,,,,ppcd, f(CCOWI)' IItne. from the enCC1' of the 3<I".nce<l l.se, ""II '0 ,he office, " ,I\e ",he, end nf ,he """_ Wilen ,he ;"h'.~ tasec w"' ac",·.,oo ,t i'''tIIed,.'c1y <In'I'J'Cd .11 of ,he offi,'cc'. Sin,ibr re,ul" "ere ,"""iooJ by the Alb"'l"""1"". N~l. Police Ikpa""",n, .,hcn 11 lined up.J..l of ,ts omcers arm to .nn "' a d.i,y ('ha,n. FI'Mh of the 'e,", '''ere ,i,k~lI.l"-oJ and ,he T."" In,."",,,o",1 Web .l1e .1 may he ,ie"'.'<1 w",·w.cTASER.com, The T·W.,·« are nu'",nOlieally di",b.,ged inln ,11c subjec, fOf r,"e second> the a,h,nced "'$.' i, r,red. The timed .u'omatie dlschargc fe.ture <llInln.'e> a 11I,)or cau", nf failu", wllb fi"l gener.,i,," T,\SER ")','em,- acciden,.lIy CUlling off the powc.. bef..... 'hc ,Ubjecl w., fully Im",obili,oo by inad"'''elltly rcie.""g the ,rig,gcr. ".., design of the ad,'a~l Ia",r I"""ent' ,hi, f",", """un-ing. If offlcec c"""",,, '0 lum ,he unll off befo'e ,be five """on<! discharge eyde '" ""m"ICled he can "'''u''e lhe ad,,,,,,,,,d '.ser, ",fe'Y. Sm.ll iden,Ific3,inn 'ag' ealloo "M'II:>o- are ejected for ,\nti ,,'henev.. an air conridge is fimJ_ ,\1'11) I'd,," Idc,,,ifico,i,," O<,ice .• nd ,here.re 20 '" 30 AFlI)« in e.th c.nridge, he')' AI'Il) 'ag i, imprin'ed "'i,b lbe ",rial numbe, of lbc c""ridge, .llowing I.... cnr""'emenlll.l!e",,;", '" dc'em,ine "00 wa_ i"oed 'he e.nridge ,hal WI' r,red. a' "he" ,he "ond._ I'bl,klll em'elS Gi"eo ,od,{s li'igi,"" "'>cie'y. the ,afe'y of 'my ie<,lothal ,,'capon is ob,'iou,ly or «"",cm '0 I.... cnf"",c"",ot ",c""i«. While ,he ",h'"""cd ",-"" is • neW dc,'i,'e Ih.t .::.1__ ___.j ·us " .;: ·PS ...··;.~ - ·I':a-r....s+ ---':} Zons,S c.'" 5Jp£aY$ 'l'ASZIt "".wm.lDV1 "'I)' from ,nd,,'irlu.1 to ,ndlV,du.1. "ge.e",lIy ,okes from _,",..,...1 "'c<>nd> a fe'" ""nules for fulll'CC\)"e')' aftc, being "nit"" ","h the T· Wu,"'" fnMn .n od,-.neoo fiye scc'lOd e)'ele. 11Icre h3\'en"t been .ny long term eff""I> Of injuries from IIIe tase, in any orille "Olttllleers and IU'llect<. AI Ihe ,,"'" ,here b.., 'M,ly been ,,,,,,Ie mino< ,~In im,.,;,,,, .imita, '0 m,ld ,u"bum re,ulting from it. Fro", " pr.ICllc.1 S1andpoilll. the OI,ly Te,I ri,k, of phy,i"31 injul)' ",,,,,,i. led wi,b ,he u'" of lhe advanced '."" are .....- '0 to"", ""ina ,'U"n~ fro'" falhn~ ,~ Ili, in ,he f~e with a prt>bc!. ~ ri.b IrJIly ,,, Olhrr "'..... .u ,",.11 Wh,Ie no 'y...'" 1, ,,-uhou, "'~. ,II<: ".h fn"" ,he ""'plo)'mml of tht od"""'ed ~ on: "''''l>lIli:aJly I<~ than fn"" Olllefoum:ndy .'''''~ ...... k1ha1 ,"'nplII ,y>lc..... Tht M26 tin ~'her b<ea purc'-l by. '" I> ~"'" ,lftIl,ry "''CO""" r",ld '0"'''1 _ ~r.. ""k '"''''I III 10 donMntnu"" ~I ... """"". t_ "",11, ......" 400 li.S. "'.... Tasn I~~ ...,11 ......d<. nron:etneM ~on """,,~. RCf"l'U a<1U3I r",kl ..... of thr od..~ I:OlCf ~ ....1IbIc "" Iho T-..ll11laB>1'" .... dI ..... Ahllooo:P ~..... . ' . . . . rnd,"omlly ~ (III/)' 10 la<ll<3l _ OW "",",""'Y pa'" L ""'f """'" 1bm:·~.,......,~"''''II~· __ FIN''" .... .'JI!llltJblr ...,..,.. ' I l _ """ ,;......... 1,',->" r.......... I0...,. Ilfr,"" _ """" f~ d< ... ' "C••"., . . lcpI h>l>ibly n:qa1lmlttlU of ~ ... _ ~ by r... ~ "'<TO "'l<h .... f<'ftI<S. W.... ~ IICIXJlI .. ~'"'" .,(fan 10 ho bolh rnolEd'" ~ 10 laI.c ~"""" ,,,,,,~•.,• ..m'l III.... • lro."",~ DDaIbtr of ......,.. on: -na: """'~ 10 p<Ilrollhat "'.. ,"""",'ed for la(tocal h<faof''''' ,~. an C'"tt ''''''''b'''l"Urnbn '" ",me"" . . '-'JII~ Jcu·1rthaI di'«1ly 10 p>IU'lII <lfflccn )(> lhey "'ilI bot ""mI'd""l) .,...l.t>k lO lim 1IIIl... Ai pArt ' " th.. ,,'C""""" -~ "The SanmclI'o. CA. von;'t -/1 / "r ~T;2VLWHO~ In your handcuffsjustto lTlIake thelTll lighter! Th~ \.11~ ( (tralllf" { hain lI:md~uff '0 p''''.'' " r.mutt .,.. tcqK>L "The Id>~ ta§Cf 1'01 IAnl pbwc ~~ -u..: E.\IO "''''' "- cak. ,...,. ....... ~ ~ -..a_ -.aI -.I "- u--. CDoR01'ot QsIttoftaI "-""tUOiltS.:!took. K)1X,.......... <iauopilrI.IPC MiapIcr ailk for Iht 1'0126 For ..r _ "" tho AI)VAI'CED T ASER c:caan TASER 1.........-.... 13J9 Eo E _ IloId. scoo....... AZ IJUIO USA. Call (800) 41 -92&l; F.. fol801 991-f17')1. or ...... d>c _ ....1)•• , Web <Ole 01 ........TASER....... IIlnl:l-.I lIandoJIf CHOOSE TilE ULTRA LIT £0_ 'o#l_ ............, SERJES tWf!he 1O"e'rh of elr.," .3 on A._ 5«11.,. ca,,, M.~:!(llll _ If, .. "- 1:oJ< ..... loICel h""dcuIr~ ",til rompw1>bl<: 621""W.tItIUMUf:M ....... I.,,,,. *'" • Thf \·:;:;11 1II,,,til.. """"". f'illicc I).pan","nl I, (lilt .",,11 og.""y "The: S""..."",""o PO 11,,-, """,,,,"ecd " .. ,II ""..... 1\126 '0 ,,""h I""rol ofr...... "'Id dcICCI"" in 'ht dt~"",nl. Dcl""y CIIid AI!l<n NaJcr.l S'aIN. "'rhis 'S Ih" ".,.• or ,he fn'u", ....1we:lf. ":>rtlng 011.1 ot lhr r""" "flM pacl" Tht Albuqu.rq.. Policc [)cp.n".. n, h.. .Iso '"c,,"'ly 1II'lOUneed lila' il "'ill he ;.sUII., ,he M26 10 .11 oil!> olr"",rs.. "',......y Ii I<gh\ fur fOO>l "ll"...,oe<. s.".t::LI Itod"'l ~ <lbwI1o:d _ y fUfld lhe dcplo)'"""lI 01 lcI-,-lcIIW ~ dlrauP..-.. 1'hc Sac , I'D dtpIoy..... 0( <he ••-.CUI Q1Cf n, rundc<l b¥ "- ....... from <he coJ,r Oq-t_ 011""," lnfonna_ OIl TASF.R I """'-'·J 'i'<ft"l pQI ~"'I .'....lobIc 10 II ....-.. u"......., rro- dw _ "'" ..,.....,.,.... _ ........., , ......._ --a. of .... .t-....... s."-",,, /u< ,_- '_6 tASI£I'j_.,/u<_.~u"1fk"