Taser Longmont Swat Use 2001
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laulder, CO CAMERA IItnwf- hullllll' - LOllIImolll Mol "'.. MY 20!:, 2001 11111 OW IIIlllllllll [i Qlli nlnlrarQ UIL!IUJLI!I.lU' u c P1578 {I. c.~ tI,,, SWAT TEAM APPREHENDS MAN PlIIll. AIKEN I DIIl7 e-. Juan Rosales, SC'.ued, yells ou[ in pain after being shot with a Taser stun gun at the end ofa six~hour standoff with authorities in Longmont on Monday. Lo 2 schools locked down as SWAT team searched for man wanted on warrants LONGMONT - Children at two elementary 9Chools hid inside classrooms, and nearly 50 apartment.s buildings were evacuated as a SWAT tcarn attempted 10 apl)rchcnd a man Monday wanted on several warrants. ont standoff resolved Juan RosaIe5. 28, o( Longmont, barTkaded himgelf inside of • Stonhedge Pt-ce apartment (or !It'.t,al hou~ before a police negotiator outstanding warrants includ- bert, one of I!le.e, al officers at ing a domestic violence ioti- th< ~bool. dent, !IeCODlkIegree kidnapThe officers and teachers ping and carrying a conc:eaIed ensured thai the lIOfOe ISO """""children who oonnaDy walk talked him into coming outTwo nearby elemenwy home were picked up by par. side aI about 6:30 p.m. schools. Columbine and ro... Once outstde the building, Rocky Mountain, were orMaria PeiIa was at Colum600 Martin St., Rosales point- dered locked down about bine to pick up her 9-ye-ar1>k1 "..~ ed II cell phone at officen simW~ Columbine Elementary ulating II gun and was immedi-My kid never came home, ately subdued with II TiI!Ier School was approximately thret: block!! from where and there are cops all OYer the stun gun. SWAT officers found Rosales. place: she said. -It's a scary No one was hurt during the situation.· "We are just telling them nearly six-hour effort to locate there is a problem in the Co~tad Christopher A~de,.. and arrest Rosales. neighborhood and that the JO~ at (303) 473-1355 or a~ He was wanted on several school is safe: said Jacki Shu- demmc@lhedail,camero.com. Longmont. CO nt1El-CALL Delmr- 90l1lder _lolIgmonl Mol .... TunlllJ II 211,D1O MA'l' 22. 2001 - Police train thol, --. "'of as "''''''00 _........ "'-.._. """ ",-by. """"~ -. •••·e•••p.OI.,;. 00 ""~"m,mQ;'L apaIlment poIloe at bay Flo""- brlelly and _ was .. tho ""~ arrested and Boo"" County Jail. Manarres after s Schools locked down during six-hour ordeal an atquaint8.oce or tiers her apartment through an By Am.ndll Arthur and Tra.vl. Henry ~ lMty r_s-C4II WNGMONT A Lonamont man was arrested after he lwarri· caded hirru;elf in an apartment and teptpolice at boly for more lhan SIX ...... Juan RolIlIles, 211, 1II'8lked uninvited into an apartment in the Stone- hed3e P","ce a.Jllutmenl comple1. at 600 Martin Street, around 12 )0 after a police olTICeI" spotted . in the comple:%, Longmont P0lice Cmdr. Cnig EartJart said. t:- "The officer saw him go into one of the apartment5, and bel'ore lbey could get a good perimeter set up, he apparently ~ to a secood apartmenL Now we believe he went into a lhird apartment: heAid. RolIlIles was belirved to ha\"e visited aputmentll-47 and 1-49, he !laid. Ro5ales b not a resident or the apartment complex. Jody Beach saki Rosales - who is doff entered unlocked door around 12:30. "' was slee:;.ing and he came in.... 1 didn't kr\(IW anything was wrong until the pollee came to the door,' she Aid. She left tbeapartment with olfiterJ, but Rosa)er; relused to leave, aile laid. Longmont police SWAT tflllm 1I1flll. ben; and patrol offiterll set up both in, ner and outer perimeten of the scene. Earhart said. "We set up.n inner perimeter with SWAT to make lItIn! he doesn't get .way and then an outer ~er to make llUft 00 one comes mto the atH and possibly is hann«t: he Aid. Police had beet! looking for Rosales lor .some time, he said. "He'll got multiple warrants, live or sO: of them, with boIKb tlltalina m,ooo.~ he Aid. .See smHOOFF / A3 \ ,. From the Front ST ~:ill:== OFF: Long record • COlltlnued from Ai The WHl'rllllls included charges of carrying II eonceoled weapon, laced an "tocktlown" during the encideut, he Sltid. Columbine Elementary and weeks carlier. lnllinl reporlll indicated ROSlIlel \\'115 in possessioo of II weapon, bllt 1~lIch s.11<.1 when he nrrived Dll~r Rocky Mountain Elementary wert! both locked down, and buses tnmsporting children who live in the IlrM - e diverted. Some student$ from Hentage Middle SdIooI were prevented from returning'" their homes after school Earhart aid stuMnU from the diverted buses were taken to the Longmollt YMCA. C<Jlllml>ine WIt! locked down lit Ilpproximately 12:30 p.m., and 8tll,limts went to It [M"e-dclcrmiIlCfI Nlfo llron In 1IM1lr cIlt!l.'1nM""S; ull IIf the ,1onr1; were locked, Silid st.. V... in Valley School District Spokeswoman Nllncy IIl':1"berL Columbine princiP.B:i Brett [)rob. ney said that the chIldren rt!SpOIIlded well when the on:ier f(lf" Il Iockl!ownnme, 'We have practiced these drills bt>tore," Drobney aid. "11M! teach· ers kept them calm." Wilell school was scheduled to let n"t at 3 II.m., students who art! l>"sed outside or the area were elIe<>r1ed tn their buStl'S by police orfi- home, lie WilS unarmed. ~ Officers eYllCUllted severlIIl btllldmss near the apartment Rt'>!i. a\@soccupied but met some res.ls. lanct!! from known POI memb«s, Elirhart said. The sang members refused to leave their apartment unUl pollee litter arrived with It search warrallt, Earhnrt &/tid. lie sait! police believed Rosalell had the possibility of hidmg in lJoth 1-47 arid 1-49 with access to both through a crawl space that joined the apartments. Nearby so:hoo!s In the aru were "We relNsed tids who needed to go home on buses,. Herbert said. "11ley were not in the restricted &KOlld~ kidnapping relaloo 10 domestic violence, traHie 01femes, failure toappear in court 10 race c... ,,~ and obetmcting jllsti«, he ••"d. 011lo5e aren't pIlrtlrnlarly dan_ gerous,· he said Ro6all!!$ does, however, haft an 6tensive criminal history that includes lQUI" counts of assault, olle cOllnt of rnelladng and one COllnt of can'ylng II concealed weapon, according In Colortlll0 conrl nH~,ls. IlIlSlIlc!1 also ,\<I<'" allcgo..~ll)' ,lan~1 II pollee olrt"er to shoot lIim a' the scene of II reported knife fight in September 19M, ac:cording 10 po. Ike reports. Earhart said police look special precautions when lacing ROSIlles, because they had received reporta that RGSaIe.'l rnlgllt haw: beeu car rylng II C<lllccoled weapon tWIl .~. Parenti who arrived at the lICbooI were allowed to pick up their children aner they ....ere POSItively identified by officers; the same situlttioll took place at Rocky Mountain Elementary. Studcnts who walk home or whose parents hadn't arrived at the school yet were treated t.o snacbl and ll1(IYies in the gymnllsi· 'm. Ollt of tlle 4~5 student.s Itt Coll1ml>ine, Drol>ney estimated that UO were kept on the school grounds after tile lockdown until their parents arTived. Drobney said that school ~ ""'1'« orlicen kept a pIItro1 01 thot! ..hooI lrounds .nd ~ in con$bot contact with school olflCials. "We felt absolutely sate," Drabney aid. "It certIlinly is nice to !mow people acted a~iately in a time of emergerocy. Parents said the situatioll was a little chaotic but not horrible. °1 called the school and they tald mo it W1lS fHllockdnwII '11M'y Nllid I elM,I,1 ...~"tlC Iliek IllY kills 111'," Uenl/ldelte Gaffin tlli'l Garno is also a resident or the Stonehedge Place tomplex. -'l1lt!n I come home and it's all goirc on here," she said. ' _ _ lJpJon_ EJrhart said negotiat.on; from the SWAT team established COlI· Polke lurround Juan Ro• • • tact with Rosales via telephone after they used 8 T8Sef on I*n allli worked diligently as Rosales after he emerged from a six-hour "both escalated lint! de-escalated st<WXloff In a Martin Street tho sitlllllion" at times. apartment Monday. lto&alea gave himself lip t.o offi· cers jllst :tfter &:J(l II.m. amit! 110 said 110 believed ltnsnlcs UlrelltS Ul.~l he might commit sui· _lid pos.sibly race Ilkhtinnal eide, t::"rhart SlIid. dwtrgesol raistlni arrest. was a bit of I slniggle .A1thoush the situation may not ....hen be (RosaJesl cameoul. of the have been al dangeroosllS Initially ~" he said. "He "".I very .Sreported, Ombney didn't f.ItINIj(lIT gress,ve and pointed • conIlesa the police department's actions. phone at oIfi~ 10 they used • °1 can't 5flCOnd..guesI law enThser to subdue hIm." Pulice did not find II weapon on forcement. I am not a trained police.officer, I /1m a trained princi· Rosales. Hesldcnts were Illinwed to retllrn 11111," Drobney 8111d. "!Is n dllll, 1 to their nl1.1rtments at about 6:45 wfM!ld want Ihe priucipallu act like I acted. Lock it llown and keep ev· pm Earhart said Rosales would be eryone 8IIfe.· booted at the Longmont Police De- _~_",""_",3I»11epIIrtment and tafen immediately n.o•. . .loL715._IDt'._"'_ . . . '... to the BOtIIder Coonh' .'"it "'Ief't') __ I ,,• , ( , , J