Taser M26 Field Uses 2000
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FIELD USES OF THE M26 FIELD USES OF THE M26 USE: #1 - M26 STOPS EMOTIONALLY DISTURBED (EDP) USE OF M26 BY VICTORIA PD 4/8/00: Police were dispatched to attend a local hospital in our area for a report of a naked section 28 Mental Health Act patient who was extremely violent and out of control. Upon police arrival, the male was waving his arms, swearing, making threats to kill both the police and everyone else in the hospital. Verbal attempts at obtaining voluntary compliance proved to be impossible at which time the M26 was deployed from approximately 6-8 feet. The patient then challenged officers to a fight, deployed sunglasses (to stop any OC) and placed himself in a fighting stance. Subject was shot with the M26 for 5-seconds, fell to the ground and was immediately controlled at which time he became very compliant allowing medical staff to further chemically restrain him without further incident. No injuries occurred to police, medical staff, and the patient in this incident. USE: #2 - SUICIDAL ON COCAINE AND ALCOHOL WITH KNIFE USE OF THE M26 BY VICTORIA PD 4/9/00: Police were dispatched to assist an outside police agency for a report of a male armed with a knife. Upon police arrival it was learned that the suspect male had consumed a large quantity of both alcohol and cocaine and had just assaulted a taxi driver and kicked out a window to a vehicle. It was also learned from a friend of the suspect that the suspect was a skilled martial artist who was not afraid to fight with police. After breaking the window the suspect male, who was only wearing jeans and nothing else, scaled a building onto its roof. When police attempted to verbally talk him down, the suspect stated that he had a knife (none was seen) and that he would kill any officer that attempted to climb up to get him. The suspect further stated that he would also take an officer's gun if they attempted to get to him. Once our ADVANCED TASER M26 officer were on scene, a plan was put together to distract the suspect male thus allowing the M26 officer and his cover to scale the wall behind the suspect. As police distracted this male with the use of a ladder, which the suspect pushed at several times, the M26 officers were able to climb to the rooftop undetected. Once the suspect was far enough away from the ledge, the M26 TASER officer deployed the darts without warning from approximately 14-15 feet away to the suspects back area. The top dart hit the suspect in the file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (1 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 upper right rear shoulder, while the second dart hit him in the right buttock area. Upon the darts making contact the suspect was able to stand for about 1-2 seconds at which time he immediately fell to the ground where he was handcuffed without further incident. After being handcuffed the suspect stated "Holy fuck, what was that?" when he was advised that he had been hit with the TASER, the suspect further stated, "I never want to be hit by that thing again, next time I will do whatever you tell me to do." In this incident, police and the suspect were not hurt. USE: #3 - SUICIDAL, KNIFE USE OF THE M26 BY VICTORIA PD 4/02/00: Members were dispatched to a home in our area for a report of a suicidal female, 23, 226 lb., threatening to kill herself and her sister. Upon police arrival, the suicidal female had just finished choking her sister at which time she fled to an upstairs bathroom armed with a knife when she saw the police. Members on scene attempted verbal negotiations with the female in an attempt to have her drop the knife without success. Due to the fact that this female was not exhibiting voluntary compliance, an M26 TASER officer proceeded to point the M26 at the suspect, at which time she began to turn to her left. The M26 darts were then deployed. The top dart hit the female in her upper right front shoulder, while the second dart hit her in her bottom right forearm. This was the same arm that was holding the knife. Once both darts made contact, the knife arm immediately locked out, hand opened, and the knife dropped to the ground. The female then fell backwards into a bathtub, at which time she was safely taken into custody without further incident or injury to either her or police. USE: #4 - EDP USE OF THE M26 BY VICTORIA PD 3/31/00: Police were dispatched to attended the Psychiatric Intensive Care security lock down cell of a local hospital for a report of a Section 28 Mental Health Act patient (male 22-yr.-old, 5’10" 175 lb.) who was totally out of control and extremely violent due to the fact that he was off his medications. Police were advised that this male was martial arts trained and had fought with police a week before, and on this date he was kicking his metal security room door so hard that the locking mechanism was bending. Upon police arrival, members attempted to obtain voluntary compliance with the male without success. In fact, this male stated several times that he wanted to fight with police and was not afraid of being hurt. It should be noted that this male had in fact fought with the police one week prior to this incident where he was sprayed with OC and struck with an ASP baton several times, both of these force options had no effect. It took a total of five officers on that occasion to swarm this male to finally control him, which resulted in a nurse getting hurt. Officer’s comment: "We have the first VERY EXCELLENT use of the M26 in Canada." file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (2 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 In this incident, members noted that the male was wearing very large sunglasses which members learned later from the suspect, he had purposely put on to defeat the effect of OC to his eyes. Members proceeded to use the laser sighting system on the M26 as a force presence and advised the male patient that if he did not voluntarily comply with verbal demands he would be hit with 50,000 volts of electricity. The male said go ahead and then took a fighting stance. The ADVANCED TASER officer then deployed the M26 from approximately 10 feet away which resulted in the top dart hitting the upper right center chest area and the bottom dart struck the bottom left hip area. Once both darts made contact the male immediately fell to the ground at which time he rolled into a face down prone position on to a mattress that was on the ground at which time handcuffs were applied without further incident. Members allowed the M26 to cycle for a full 5 seconds to ensure best results. The M26 officer In this incident, who has also used the old Tasertron units on three separate occasion prior to our switch over to the M26, stated that he was extremely surprised at how fast the M26 immediately controlled this male when compared with the Tasertron TE-95 that he had used in the past. Once the subject had been medicated, he also stated how surprised he was at how fast the M26 worked to control him. He further stated that he had been electrocuted earlier in his life and that the M26 was far memorable, and that he would never want to be hit with the M26 again. Subject stated if he was confronted with a member with an M26 again, he would give IMMEDIATE VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE. No officers or medical staff was hurt in this incident. USE: #5 - EDP USE OF M26 WITHOUT FIRING BY VICTORIA POLICE 3/2/00: Deployed M26 against Sec. 26 (unstable) man who cut a hole behind a refrigerator and hid. Victoria PD discovered him as he made sounds. VPD confronted the man with verbal commands and laser sight. "His eyes went wide as silver dollars and we gained immediate voluntary compliance. The M26 performed great from a force presence perspective." USE: #6 - EDP, SUICIDAL, KNIFE M26 USE BY FAIRFIELD PD, CA: During our Test and Evaluation, the unit was deployed on an emotionally disturbed person with a knife. The approximate date the M26 was deployed was around the last week of January. The call was a distraught man threatening suicide with a knife. When we arrived, the subject refused to come out of the house. During the course of trying to make contact, the subject’s wife broke through the police barricade and ran into the house. A decision was made to make entry. We had a four-man entry team, assigned with different levels of force. I had the M26, we file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (3 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 also had specific officers assigned for chemical agent, impact weapon, and the SGT had a SAGE gun. When we made entry, the perimeter officers spotted the subject in the backyard. The team went to the back yard and confronted the subject there. He was still holding the 10" knife and it was obvious he had sliced his wrists. The subject refused commands to drop the knife and kept walking towards us. I deployed the M26 from about 10 feet, one probe hit him in the chest just below his right breast, the second probe hit him in the lower abdomen, just below his belt line. The effects were IMMEDIATE incapacitation. The subject curled in, similar to a fetal position, then flew backwards, falling to the ground, face down. He dropped the knife within a second of the probes hitting him. I deployed the unit for about 5 seconds, and then officers handcuffed him. He was then taken into custody with no further injury to the subject or officers at the scene, and then officers handcuffed him. Unfortunately, we do not have it on video. The only thing I can add is that I have deployed both the Tasertron and the AIR TASER and it did not compare to the M26. The effect of the M26 was immediate incapacitation. When we took the subject to the hospital for his self-inflicted wounds, he was very remorseful, thanking us for not shooting him or hitting him with batons, and saying he was sorry. When the doctor asked him what happened, the subject said, "I've had a shocking experience." He made everyone laugh. I interviewed the subject more about the effects and he said there was no way he could have fought back. He said it felt like he got punched in the gut, and the pain did not stop (until I turned off the unit). His parting words, "that is a very good weapon." USE: #7 - PRISON ESCAPE MARION COUNTY SHERIFF'S, FL 2/21/00: Just an update on the use of the ADVANCED TASER M26. We had an attempted escape on 221-00. The inmate climbed into the ceiling area of one of our pods. After a short search he was located and confronted by two correction officers. The inmate attempted to stab one of the officers with a heavy piece metal he found in the ceiling. The other officer deployed the M26 striking the inmate in the side and leg. This was the end of the incident. I can assure you that without the ADVANCED TASER this would have resulted in the officers having to physically restrain the inmate and could have resulted in injuries to both the inmate and the officers. There were no injuries to any one involved and the incident was brought to a successful conclusion. Thanks Capt. C.I.Macdonald, Marion County Sheriff's Dept., Ocala Florida USE: #8 - M26 LASER STOPS POTENTIAL FIGHT MARION COUNTY SHERIFF'S, FL 2/27/00: "We had another incident last night. The inmate was in a holding cell and was attempting to file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (4 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 fight any one who entered. The M26 was brought to the area and the laser was pointed on his chest. The ramifications of his next move were explained and he complied. Probably another fight stopped. Thanks, Capt. Macdonald" USE: #9 - EDP WISCONSIN DEPT OF CORRECTIONS USE OF FORCE 1/21/00: Man in a wheelchair went berserk and began throwing his wheelchair against wall. Male, 36, approx. 6'-6'2" although not real sure as the man previously had been in a wheelchair the entire time. Medicals prevented MK9 spray from being used because of a respiratory problem. Staff did not want to get near this subject due to the strength of his throwing the wheelchair. The man was standing (without the need for a wheelchair). A WI DOC Captain opened door 45 inches to show M26 w/o cartridge and used verbal judo to explain what the M26 was. Lots of FUs replied. He sparked the M26 and aimed the laser. The inmate replied with several FU statements. Air Cartridge loaded and fired at right shoulder/breast bone area and near upper right thigh from 7-8 feet away. Capt. Molnar said the response of the inmate was: "Went to the floor immediately. Seemed like 8-10 seconds, but it was only the 5-second discharge. He went down fast. He's been much quieter ever since." No injuries to correctional staff or inmate occurred. Video taped, but unclear if it captured the scene and he's checking on sending us the tape. First use of TASER in WI DOC. USE: #10 LASER SIGHT SUCCESS FOREST GROVE POLICE, OR USE WITHOUT FIRING PROBES: "I want to thank you and your company for responding quickly and professionally to our requests for the trade in. We have already deployed the M26 ADVANCED TASER and, while we have not utilized it on anyone yet, we have had reactions to it. Just recently, it was present during a confrontation with a violent subject. When the subject merely saw the M26 his response was 'what the f__k is that?' He was advised that he did not want to know and to comply with all commands. The subject did and was taken into custody without incident. During his time in our holding cells, he continually inquired about the M26 and what it would do. Suffice it to say our first deployment was a success without firing a shot. Again, thank you for your assistance in providing us with the M26, I have heard nothing but rave reviews regarding its design and appearance." Officer Kevin R. Ellingsburg, Director of Planning, Research and Training, Forest Grove Police Department USE: #11 - INMATE WITH ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS CLACKAMAS COUNTY JAIL M26 USE (CONTACT: LT. TODD ROLLINS) 12/31/99: file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (5 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 At about 0125 hours, 20-yr-old, male, 170 lb., Milwaukee Police Department lodged inmate in the Clackamas County Jail for disorderly conduct. During the interview, inmate continuously told officers and deputies present how tough he was. He claimed that he was a kick boxing champion and could take any of us. At one point inmate jumped up, and started to threaten the arresting officer. Clackamas County Deputies X and Z restrained inmate and handcuffed him to the bench. Inmate was placed in isolation #1 and told to relax and just go to sleep. Inmate started to press the emergency alarm call button. Inmate was told repeatedly to stop. Inmate then started to kick the door. I decided to place handcuffs back on inmate to stop his disruption of the booking area. I had deputies X and Z line up to the left with restraints and deputy Z open the door to the right. I stood back, and center, with the M26 ADVANCED TASER. Inmate was crouching on the bench in isolation #1, and started demanding to be fed. I told inmate to sit on the floor with his hands out to his side. Inmate made no move to comply, and continued to make demands. I ordered inmate to sit on the floor with his hands out to his sides, or I would TASER him. During this time I had the laser sight of the M26 ADVANCED TASER aimed at his chest. I decided due to inmate’s aggressive nature and stated combative expertise, to use the M26 ADVANCED TASER to gain his compliance. At 0330, I fired the M26 ADVANCED TASER at inmate, striking him in the right little finger, and left leg to gain compliance on arrested subject. Inmate went in to a prone position. I discontinued power after a few seconds. I again ordered inmate to sit on the floor. He replied, "F*** you" and made no move to comply. I re-engaged the power, and held it for a few more seconds. Inmate then complied, and was hand cuffed by deputies present. Due to inmate’s hand being so close to the tank door, I pulled the M26 barb from his finger. The one in his leg was just attached to his pants. I contacted medical and had a nurse come and check inmate. She wiped his puncture and put a Band-Aid on it. She told me he was OK. I had the restraints removed at 0455 without incident. ACTIONS RECOMMENDED: Two additional M26 ADVANCED TASERs be acquired for use. Users aim a little lower on their targets. When used properly, the M26 ADVANCED TASER proved to be a very useful tool. USE: #12 - SUICIDAL, FIREARM (.22) USE OF THE M26 BY SUWANNEE COUNTY SHERIFF 5/17/00: A 63-year-old subject involved in a domestic dispute fired shots outside of his girl friend's house, returned to his residence and barricaded himself inside of his house. The subject refused to come out of his house after numerous negotiation attempts. The subject came out onto his front porch with a .22 cal revolver in his hand and stated that we were going to have to come in and get him. The subject then went back inside and locked all doors. The SWAT team and SRT team members were notified and arrived quickly at the scene. SWAT and SRT members made entry at the rear of the house. The subject was in bed with the .22 cal revolver file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (6 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 in his hands. SWAT and SRT members with ballistic shields swarmed the subject after deploying a flashbang grenade. The M26 ADVANCED TASER’s Air Cartridge was removed and the M26 was applied as a touch stun device on the subject’s right side. The subject cried out and released his hold on the gun. It was very effective in incapacitating the subject long enough to remove the revolver from his hands. No members of the entry team or the suspect were injured during this incident. The .22 cal revolver was loaded and ready to fire. USE: #13 - PCP USE OF THE M26 BY LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFFS 5/23/00: A man suspected under the influence of PCP held his wife hostage while standing behind an open refrigerator door. An officer trained by Rick Smith demonstrated the sparks of an M26 to get attention of suspect. He then added the Air Cartridge and turned the laser sight on to the man. The man asked, "Why are you pointing a gun a me?" The officer then deployed the M26 firing into the back for 2.5 - 3 seconds. The suspect instantly froze and went in to a fetal position. His arms were "Jell-O." The suspect was handcuffed and taken to a hospital (SOP). The hospital staff informed the suspect that two probes had to be pulled out. The suspect had no clue that he had two probes in him and didn't remember what had happened. The officer reported that despite his training, he was somewhat reluctant to fire the M26, as he was the first to deploy the M26. He also said he shut the unit of early to let the arresting officers put handcuffs on the suspect. Now that he has deployed it, he has "complete confidence" in the M26. No injuries to officers or suspects occurred. The reporting officer added that the only other option was using physical force against the suspect in a very confined area and that someone very likely would have been hurt. USE: #14 - UNRESPONSIVE TO VERBAL COMMANDS USE OF THE M26 BY JACKSON COUNTY, OR SHERIFFS 5/1/00: An intoxicated male was being booked at the jail for Domestic assault. During the process, he refused to remove a ring from his finger, stating he would fight anyone who tried to remove it. The shift Sgt. responded with the M-26. The suspect saw the TASER and the laser, and immediately became very cooperative. USE: #15 - M26 IN ARC MODE ONLY STOPS EDP USE OF THE M26 BY JACKSON COUNTY, OR SHERIFFS 5/13/00: A known mental patient was being booked for warrants at the jail. During a prior incarceration, file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (7 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 the subject had fought with 3 officers and broke the finger of one of them. The suspect became agitated and began to throw his food and yell at the deputies. When contacted, he became even more aggressive and charged at the deputies. The Sgt. who responded took the M-26 along and "sparked it". The subject immediately became compliant, and was escorted to a more appropriate setting. Comment: Suspect stated, "he did not like electricity." USE: #16 - SUICIDAL/DRUNK EDP WITH EDGED WEAPON USE OF THE M26 BY, CLARKSTOWN POLICE DEPT., NY 4/8/00: A male 5’11", 160 lb. 23 year old, intoxicated EDP armed with a box cutter demanding that police shoot and kill him. M26 deployed from 11-15 feet away by supervisor and subject fell on bed. Subject was hit for 5 seconds. Suspect said "God damn that hurt" and thought he was shot with a gun. Probes hit center of lower abdomen, and upper thigh. One probe penetrated skin; the other only penetrated clothing. Probe was removed by medical. There were no injuries to the suspect or officers on scene. USE: #17 - ARMED ROBBERY SUSPECT USE OF THE M26 BY ALBUQUERQUE PD 3/8/00: The subject was an armed robbery suspect. When confronted by detectives, he refused to comply with verbal commands to place his hands up and turn away from officers. Suspect was shot once in the chest with the M-26 TASER, however he was wearing a large down jacket and the barbs did not penetrate to the body. The suspect was given a full five-second burst and did not react in any way other than to say "OK" and place his hands up. He was given a second burst with no apparent affect. The M-26 was reloaded but the suspect complied before he could be shot in the legs. We did not get the effect we wanted which was a twitching, convulsing bad guy but he did comply which is the ultimate goal! Note: The M26 probes failed to incapacitate on the first shot due to clothing thickness over 2.5". Compliance was gained prior to taking a second shot at areas of lower clothing thickness. USE #18 - SUICIDAL EDP WITH MEAT CLEAVER USE OF THE M26 LASER SIGHT BY FRANKLIN COUNTY WARRANT, 5/17/00: A 5' 8'', 45 yr. old, with heavy build, mentally ill male subject was found hiding in basement with meat clever that was reportedly violent and afraid. Subject was ordered out of the basement but refused. Subject was highly resistive and unpredictable. He displayed violent outbursts and file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (8 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 was assaultive. Due to the presence of the meat cleaver this could have escalated into a deadly force situation very easily. It was determined that due to the presence of the meat cleaver, pepper spray would have been disadvantage to the officers present as they could have been blinded by the spray as well in confined quarters. No batons were used, as it would require getting too close to the subject with an edged weapon. Control holds were never even considered. Two officers advanced into the basement with ADVANCED TASER M26 and lethal force backup. An M26 was laser was activated on the subject's chest. Subject displayed fear and confusion but more responsive to verbal orders. He inquired as to what the red light was and was afraid the weapon would shoot him. The subject immediately surrendered himself and the meat cleaver without any injuries to subject or to officers. The TASER International M26 is the most worthwhile non-lethal weapon we have in our arsenal. The above listed situation could have been a much different outcome if it were not for the TASER M26. USE: #19 - SUICIDAL EDP WITH KNIFE USE OF THE M26 BY AMARILLO POLICE 5/28/00: At approximately 12:50 am on 5/28/00 I heard a call go out at Mesa Verde on a suicidal subject with a knife. I arrived at that location at approximately 1:06 am along with Officer Chadwick, Anderson, and Ulch. We approached the residence and the front door was ajar. Upon Officer Chadwick getting to the front door he advised there was a person in a chair with something in his hand, and then Officer Chadwick advised it was a knife. Sgt. Ottoson arrived a couple of minutes later. I got upon the porch along with Sgt. Ottoson. I could see that a white male, 5'10", 210 lb., who was sitting in a chair, had a small knife in his right hand and had it pressed against his wrist. The white male was saying "make them stop" and was getting agitated and started to press the knife against his wrist harder. Sgt. Ottoson deployed his ADVANCED TASER M26 but one of the darts missed the subject and struck the chair he was sitting in. The other dart hit the subject in the chest. I then deployed from my M26 from 7-11'' away. Both darts struck the subject in the left arm for a 5-second cycle. The effect of the M26 was complete immobilization of the subject. I set the M26 off two times to allow Officer Ulch and Officer Chadwick to lay hands on the mentally deranged subject. Once they had a hold of him they stood him up and handcuffed his right hand. I told the subject to do exactly what they said or I would set the M26 off again. He complied. Officer Anderson gathered the two spent M26 Rounds for booking. I advised Officer Chadwick to advise the hospital staff that the mentally ill subject had been shot with the M26. Injuries: Minor puncture from probe, no bleeding. USE: #20 - SUICIDAL EDP WITH, SWORD USE OF THE M26 LASER SIGHT BY FRANKLIN COUNTY ORDER OF PROBATE 5/9/00: file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (9 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 Order of detention indicated that a male 53 yr. old, 5'10", with heavy build suspect had a history of mental illness and would resist officers. It was also reported that the suspect had a sword and would use it. Upon approaching the front door the suspect opened the door and started shouting wildly and incoherently at the officers. Subject slammed the door causing officers to forcibly enter the residence. The suspect's right hand was hidden behind a drapery and he would not show it. The M26's red laser light was activated and placed on his chest. After seeing the red laser beam, subject became very quiet and placed both hands on the wall. Subject immediately surrendered but did not have a sword. Wristlocks were authorized control holds that were applied during handcuffing techniques after the laser light activation. He answered all questions and cooperated until being handcuffed. After being cuffed he went berserk and had to be carried to a cruiser. He was transported to mental health center without injury to him or officers. Chemical spray and blunt instruments were not used since this would have placed officers too close to harms way if a sword was available. This could have been a very dangerous situation if the mentally ill subject did have a sword under his control. Only one day earlier a Columbus Police officer was attacked by a man believed to be mentally ill. This man had a sword and cut the officer before being shot and killed. Luckily the Columbus Officer was not seriously injured. Situation was high risk due to report of mental illness and the possibility of a sword. 24 hours earlier Columbus Police Officer shot and killed a suspect with a sword so there was high media coverage on this one. So far, on high-risk situations, the activation of the laser light has caused our subjects to stop hostilities and become passive. If this continues, I feel that this is without a doubt the best $500.00 our department has ever spent. USE: #21 - NONCOMPLIANT CELL EXTRACTION USE OF THE M26 BY WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS 6/11/00: Capt. Molnar: Last evening, I had another occasion to utilize the M26 to cause incapacitation of an unruly offender that had been dousing Correctional Officers with urine. The youthful (approximately 18 years old) offender was within a segregation cell and continued to be disruptive and defiant of staff orders to comply with restraint procedures. Because of the offender's continued disobedience, the M26 was utilized to cause incapacitation so that staff could safely enter the cell and apply mechanical restraints. The M26 was discharged at a distance of about 12 feet and struck the subject in the lower extremity causing immediate dysfunction. The target subject was anticipating the M26 use and made a feeble attempt to block the projectiles using a pillow. When the laser was raised, subject raised pillow exposing lower extremities allowing for target acquisition. I fired the unit for the full 5-seconds duration plus another five seconds. Inmate said, "That shit ain't nothin' nice." We had just completed file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (10 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 user certification training for 4 staff members prior to the application. I wonder what he would have said/done if the batteries were new. The video is pretty good. USE: #22 - SUICIDE ATTEMPT WITH BOXCUTTER USE OF THE M26 BY GAHANNA POLICE, OH 6/13/00: A suicidal, heavy, 40-yr-old male, 5'11" was holding a boxcutter to his throat threatening to kill himself. He was sitting in the driver’s seat of a van with the windows down. The driver's door was open and window of the passenger door was down. Negotiations were not progressing with subject becoming more and more agitated. Subject would not lower or rid himself of the knife. Decision was made to use the M26. Officer speaking with subject was given a visual cue that M26 was to be deployed, he moved out of the way. The discharging officer then fired the M26 through the open window of the passenger door. M26 was deployed from 6 feet away causing subject to drop the boxcutter and to be taken into custody without injury to officers or subject. Probes hit subject and penetrated skin on right mid-chest line and right hip. The subject dropped the boxcutter as he reacted to the discharge. Subject was then moved onto the ground during the 5-second discharge. No injuries occurred from penetration. After deployment, subject was handcuffed and searched but was very clam and cooperative with medics and officers. EMS removed the probes. Subject was taken to the mental health facility at a local hospital. Stated he had two beers. Danger was to himself and to our officer who was negotiating and wave very close (6" to 1 ft) from subject. Chemical spray was not used because subject never removed boxcutter from neck. Deployment of any other less-lethal or physical/chemical methods may have resulted in subject cutting himself or others before being able to bring under control. Subject was taken to the hospital for psychiatric care. Subject on way to the hospital said that it felt like his "guts" were on fire. Said he never wanted to be hit again. USE: #23 - EDP COMPLIANT DUE TO M26 PRESENCE USE OF THE M26 BY AVONDALE POLICE, AZ 6/14/00: A 6'3", 280 lb., 37-yr-old emotionally disturbed male was suicidal. Subject had a background in security enforcement. He was non-compliant with officers and refused any commands until the presence of the M26 was used. Just the presence of the device was enough to gain compliance. USE: #24 - M26 STOPS MAN WITH GUN ON LIVE TV USE OF THE M26 BY PHOENIX, AZ, 6/20/00: file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (11 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 Channels 3, 5, 10, 12, & 15 filmed Phoenix Police shooting a man with M26 live on TV. Phoenix Police went to a Circle K at 67th & McDowell about 4am after getting a call from a convenience store across the street. There was a report of gunfire being shot in the air. Police found an unusual dynamic scene with Woodrow Ballengee, slight build, mid 30-s, 140 lb., struggling with his girlfriend, over a .380 semi-automatic pistol. It appeared the woman had a graze would to her foot and that both were either alcohol or drug intoxicated. That led to a standoff at the store with PHX Tactical Services Bureau. Ballengee was being bearhugged by his girlfriend. He beat her about the face but she continued to hold on to him expressing fear that he would be shot with firearm. He wavered his gun. He oscillated the gun back and forth by pointing the gun at her head and then his own head. At one point Ballengee asked negotiators for water. Special Assignment officers surrounded him with lethal cover. When he walked over to get the bottle, tactical officers sneaked up behind him with a M26 ADVANCED TASER M26. Ballengee was hit with two probes. He wore no shirt. The probes hit in the upper shoulder and left buttock. He was immediately incapacitated during the 5-second cycle of the M26. During the arrest, he began to resist and underwent another 5-second cycle. He was arrested without injury to himself or officers. Lt. Markley noted that this was a situation where the M26 saved Ballengee's life as he pointed his gun several times at his girlfriend. USE: #25 - SUICIDAL CHARGES OFFICERS WITH KNIFE USE OF THE M26 BY ALBUQUERQUE POLICE DEPARTMENT, 4/9/00: SWAT officer responded to a violent, suicidal, 5'11", 190 lb., 28-yr. old male subject who was threatening to jump off of a two-story roof. The subject was also armed with a large butcher knife and on unknown types of drugs. He was not complying with officers' orders to drop the weapon or to move away from the roof. The subject was delusional and without warning, he stood and walked towards officers and stated "Here take it" and pointed the knife at the officers. Officer XXX shot the subject from a distance of 7-11 feet with the M-26 ADVANCED TASER and delivered the full 5- second burst. Probes hit subject near right chest and right beltline. The subject immediately dropped to the ground and yelled "Get off, get it off!" He was handcuffed and probes were removed on scene at that time with no injuries and without further incident. Subject's final comment: He asked what had just happened. USE: #26 - ONE PROBE HIT STOPS MAN WITH GUN USE OF THE M26 BY ALBUQUERQUE POLICE DEPARTMENT, 4/10/00: SWAT officers were activated in reference to a domestic dispute with a male, 50, subject armed with a firearm and shots fired. The subject came out of the house and a police K-9 was file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (12 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 deployed to subdue the subject. The dog took the subject to the ground, however he was kicking the dog and was not complying with the officers’ orders. The M-26 was then deployed at 7-11 ft with one probe striking and penetrating him in the upper chest area. The second probe did not penetrate his clothing and bounced off to the side. The M-26 delivered a 5second charge that was able to render the subject's upper body incapable of continuing with his aggressive behavior at which time he was taken into custody. Subject received moderate injuries from dog bites as a result of the use of a K-9 however there were only the probe wounds as a result of the use of the TASER. Medical staff removed probe. No injuries occurred to officers. USE: #27 - M26 STOPS MAN AFTER RESISTING ARREST DESPITE K-9 BITE & 40mm KINETIC ROUND USE OF THE M26 BY ALBUQUERQUE POLICE SWAT TEAM, 6/22/00: APD Field Officers pulled a male suspect, 43,175 lb., over for traffic violations and during their investigation suspect refused to cooperate. Suspect believed Police had no authority and was anti-government. At some point during the initial investigation suspect rolled up his windows on his camper truck and officer's observed a handgun and two bayonets. Officer's at the scene then moved to a position of advantage and attempted to make P.A. announcements to try and get the suspect to exit his vehicle and surrender. After the suspect ignored all commands given and began moving about in his camper causing a great safety concern the SWAT team was activated. The SWAT team was called for a barricaded and armed subject and upon arrival team members took their positions. After several attempts to negotiate with the subject he attempted to drive off into the neighborhood where he was stopped. As his vehicle went forward a spike belt flattened his tires and gas was deployed into the camper. The vehicle did stop and the suspect made no further attempts to drive off, but still refused to come out or talk with negotiators. As time went on the suspect finally exited his vehicle with his hands clear, but it was still unknown where the handgun was. The suspect was very violent acting and began yelling while attempting to walk away from the area. A Police dog was then deployed and had a bite on the suspect's left forearm. The suspect who was still on his feet seemed to be unaffected by the dog despite injuries to his arm. A H&K 40-mm foam baton round was deployed. The t-shirted suspect again was not affected, so using cover, two SWAT officers equipped with the M26 TASERs advanced. The first TASER deployed only had one probe attached to the suspect's upper middle chest that had no effect. I immediately deployed my ADVANCED TASER right away and both probes made contact on the subject on upper center chest and lower center chest. Right away he went to the ground and after letting the M26 cycle the full 5 seconds. Officer's approached suspect. The suspect started to again refuse to cooperate so the TASER was activated again at which time the suspect did compile and was handcuffed. No injuries occurred to officers. Comment: Suspect made comment to medic that he didn't remember the dog bite after the TASER was deployed. file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (13 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 TASER International, Inc. Comments: Tactically, having two M26s present may have saved injuries to officer and suspect as this was an example of a one-probe hit that was ineffective. However, having had a second M26 immediately available stopped this suspect. USE: #28 - SUICIDAL EDP DETERRED WITH M26 LASER USE OF THE M26 LASER BY NASSAU COUNTY POLICE ESU DEPT., 4/15/00: Suicidal male, 46, held up in a local hotel room. After several attempts to have subject open door, door forced. Subject was going to challenge the arrest until he was lit up with ADVANCED TASER M26's laser sight. Subject's aggression ceased when lit up with laser sight from TASER. Subject resisted arrest upon cuffing, minor defensive actions need to then control subject. Subject's comment: "Don't shoot man, I don't want to be hit with that thing." No injuries occurred to officers or suspect. USE: #29 - SUICIDAL EDP DETERRED WITH M26 LASER USE OF THE M26 LASER BY NASSAU COUNTY POLICE ESU DEPT., 4/15/00: Emergency Services Unit responded to assist Hempstead Village Police Department with violent, EDP, non-compliant subject in apartment complex. OC spray and M26 deployed with laser sight aimed at subject. Subject surrendered without any confrontation. Officer's comment: None in relation to the use of the M26. USE: #30 - SUICIDAL EDP DETERRED WITH M26 LASER USE OF THE M26 LASER BY NASSAU COUNTY POLICE ESU DEPT., 4/14/00: Crew responded for a call, violent, suicidal, EDP, male, 30, hitting himself with a screwdriver. Subject was non-compliant until the arrival of ADVANCED TASER M26 with its laser sight aimed at his center of mass. Subject then became less agitated and responded with all verbal commands. Officer's comment: None but did not take his eyes off the Officer operating the M26 with the laser sight illuminating the subject's center body mass. USE: #31 - M26 LASER DETERS BURGLARY SUSPECT USE OF THE M26 LASER BY NASSAU COUNTY POLICE ESU DEPT., 4/11/00: Burglary suspect, male, EDP, 27, was barricaded in second floor apartment. Subject refused all verbal attempts to exit and was aggressive. OC spray delivered under door and entry file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (14 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 forced. M26's laser was sighted on subject but not fired. Subject taken into custody without further incident. No injuries occurred in relation to ADVANCED TASER. USE: #32 - M26 LASER STOPS BARRICADED EDP USE OF THE M26 LASER BY NASSAU COUNTY POLICE ESU DEPT., 5/28/00: A male, 42, EDP refused to exit premise. Entry gained through top floor on home. Subject illuminated with ADVANCED TASER laser sight and complied with officers' demands. Suspect stated he did not want to be TASERed and would do anything we asked but "Don't hit me with that thing." USE: #33 - VIOLENT EDP DETERRED WITH M26 LASER USE OF THE M26 LASER BY NASSAU COUNTY POLICE ESU DEPT., 6/26/00: Responded to a violent male EDP resisting arrest and fled on foot to a local supermarket. Once inside subject annoyed customers and employees who called 911. Located subject who aggressively resisted Police presence. Two ESU units on scene deployed two ADVANCED TASERs and illuminated subject with laser sight. Subject started to comply with the officers until the laser sight was turned off to cuff the subject. This led to a short scuffle and the subject was physically controlled. M26 laser sight was not taken off the subject but the officer felt firing the M26 at point blank range to be unsafe. Officer's comment: Subject cursed out the officer with the M26 and challenged him multiple times to fire his M26. (The officer controlled the subject with his M26 laser sight and verbal commands.) Subject arrested without injuries to officers or suspect. USE: #34 - M26 SPARK DEMO STOPS VIOLENT EDP USE OF THE M26 LASER BY NASSAU COUNTY POLICE ESU DEPT., 5/28/00: At scene assisting paramedics with violent female, EDP, 39, refusing to enter ambulance for transport to medical facility. An ADVANCED TASER was used to control psychological behavior of subject. Subject complied with paramedics requests after seeing M26's ability (M26 was sparking was demonstrated by officer) and explanation of use of TASER. Suspect's comment: Foul language used in reference to the use of the M26. USE: #35 - M26 STOPS SUICIDE/SELF MUTILATIONS USE OF THE M26 LASER BY OTTAWA-CARLTON POLICE DEPT, CANADA, 6/27/00: file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (15 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 At approximately 21:36 hrs, officers attended an attempted suicide call involving a knife. On arrival the roommate of the subject met officers in the lobby of the apartment building. The roommate stated the subject was upstairs in the apartment stabbing himself with a knife. Officers made their way to the apartment, opened the apartment door and observed the male standing in the washroom. The floor of the apartment was covered in blood. Officers told the male to drop the knife. At this time the subject started to stab himself in the neck with a 7-inch bladed knife. Cst Mark Barclay deployed the ADVANCED TASER M26 at the subject. The subject dropped the knife and was immediately incapacitated. The M26 was activated for approx. 2 seconds and fired from a distance of 7 feet. The top probe struck him in the chest area, bottom probe in the waist area. Two follow-up activations were required, as the subject was noncompliant. Once the subject was controlled, the full extent of the self-mutilation was observed: numerous stab wounds to the stomach, throat and slit wrists. The officers at this scene stated the subject was extremely motivated and intent on killing himself. Paramedics were on scene and dealt with his injuries. Subject was transported immediately to hospital. There was no alcohol or drugs involved with the subject, just a straight EDP-Suicidal. Comment of the ADVANCED TASER M26 operator: "I think the TASER saved his life. Thanks to Sgt. Darren Laur of Victoria City Police for bringing this life saving technology into Canada." USE: #36 - M26 STOPS SUICIDE INVOLVING KNIFE USE OF THE M26 LASER BY OTTAWA-CARLTON POLICE DEPT., CANADA, 7/4/00: Occurrence Number Two: At 20:45 hrs, Tues 4 July 2000, Officers attended an attempt suicide call involving a knife. Two constables made their way to the apartment, opened the apartment door and observed the 39-yr-old, male subject sitting on a couch in the living room. He was holding a 12" filet knife and had a pillow across his lap. The subject had been drinking and was depressed over the fact he had recently experienced a stroke. The subject would not put down the knife and started poking himself in the chest area (over his heart) and along his throat. He asked officers where he should cut himself. The pillow blocked a clear front shot, officers had to reposition themselves to obtain an angled shot. The M26 was fired from a distance of 15 feet. The top dart struck the subject in his left forearm; the bottom dart struck the pillow. The circuit was completed momentarily until the subject moved the pillow. The M26 shooter reloaded a second cartridge. At this time, the subject started using the pillow to block any follow up shot. The second constable distracted the subject; this enabled the M26 shooter to take a second shot. The top dart struck subjects left armpit area; bottom dart stuck his left hip area. The M26 went through the first full 5-second cycle before shutting off. The subject still kept the knife in his hands and would not drop the weapon. A second full 5-second cycle was activated. The knife was dropped immediately and subject complied with the demands of officers. The subject was controlled and handcuffed. The M26 caused no injuries to suspect or file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (16 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 officers. The subject was transported to the hospital where three probes were removed. The subject was admitted for psychiatric assessment. Comment of the M-26 operator: Using the M26 was "...like turning a switch on and off. The effects were 100% incapacitating while it was on, but when shut off he was fine. I could not distinguish any residual effects." USE: #37 - M26 LASER SIGHT STOPS MAN WITH KNIFE USE OF THE M26 BY JACKSONVILLE PD, 7/9/00: Officers were dispatched to a 911 call where the caller could be over heard over the phone that was lying on the floor, "Don't hit me again, Stop hitting me." Further information came in from another caller, who fled from the residence, that the suspect was armed with a knife. As officers arrived, all the parties involved came outside of the residence yelling. The first officer went to the right and the M26 officer went to the left. The third officer approached also to the right. As officers approached the suspect, from about 18 to 20 feet away, the M-26 ADVANCED TASER was turned on and the laser dot was placed on the male, 39, suspect, 5'10", 160-lb. This suspect, who in the past has always fought with police, immediately saw the dot on his chest and without hesitation raised his hands and advised officers he has 3 knifes on his person. He was taken into custody without incident. No injuries occurred to officers or suspects. Officer's comment: After being handcuffed, the suspect stated "is that one of those TASERs I read about in the newspaper" The officer stated yes. USE: #38 - M26 STUN STOP SUICIDAL EDP MALE USE OF THE M26 BY JACKSONVILLE PD, 7/13/00: Officers were dispatched to an EDP, suicidal, violent, 45, male, 200 lb., 5’11", who was or already had taken some type of drugs. As officers were attempting to reason with the suspect, he jumped up into the contact officer face and started to take a fighting stance. The cover officer then unholstered the M26 ADVANCED TASER and as the suspect became more combative, cover officer then brought the M26 on to the target. As the TASER came onto the target, the suspect started to charge the cover officer. The cover officer fired the first M26 at the suspect and the top probe struck the suspect in the chest and the bottom missed the suspect. The contact officer then unholstered and fired the second M26 at the suspect striking the suspect in the back and left arm. The suspect managed to tackle the cover officer. The cover officer then made contact with the M26 to the suspect's back. As the suspect and the file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (17 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 cover officer went down, the contact officer then made contact to the suspect's buttock area. The contact officer then made contact with the M26 to the left side of the suspect's neck. The suspect finally went to the ground and officers manually got control of the suspect and cuffed him. The suspect stated that he wanted officers to shoot him. Subject’s comment: If officers don't kill him then he will. Officers considered the M26 a successful tool. No injuries to officers or suspects and only one probe penetrated skin that was removed on scene. AFTERACTION REPORT conversation with M26 shooter on 7/18/00: Definitely a "Suicide by Cop" situation w/ the Sgt. Deploying a M26 out of holster against violent EDP who wanted to be shot and killed by a firearm. Sgt. shot top probe between nipples. 2nd probe missed or didn't stick. Sgt. thinks his M26 may have been canted at an angle as this was a ‘quick draw.’ While in the air to tackle Sgt., suspect shot w/ 2nd M26. "Looking back on hindsight, the guy tackled me right as he was hit." Suspect was aiming for a high tackle but went low probably from the effects of the M26. Suspect fell on Sgt. and he used his own M26 against the buttock and then against the neck where it was immediately successful. "The neck shot shut him down. He went fetal; stick a fork in him. He went to mush. His hands were mush when I went to cuff him. It took the fight out of him until about an hour later." His Chief is very happy with 4 of 4 laser sights stopping suspects (especially effective in stopping one of the local men who will fight every time the police are called out. He's notorious for fighting and the laser sight stopped him. This M26 incident makes it 5 for 5 in success. Note his swivel holster was removed during fight. He put it in his back pocket at one point to keep it secure. His partner threw his M26 and the Sgt. told him that the women that were present could have used it against the officers. USE: #39 - M26 STOPS MAN WITH STEEL PIPE USE OF THE M26 BY DANVILLE POLICE, IL 6/13?/00: Suicidal, male, 5'9", 200 lb., manic depressive subject made threats of bodily harm to officers and himself and obtained a large steel pipe, attempting to batter officers. M26 fired from 7-11 feet hitting subject in center chest and center beltline penetrating skin and cycling for 5 seconds. Use of the M26 was immediate success - subject dropped item and dropped himself. According to the report, suspect was only momentarily down and was easily controlled after one M26 shot. Probes removed at medical. No injuries occurred to suspect or officers. USE: #40 - M26 LASER STOPS MAN DURING ASSAULT USE OF THE M26 LASER BY YUMA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, 7/16/00: Yuma County Sheriff's Office officers responded to a residence in reference to an assault in progress. Suspect had dragged victim into house. While clearing the residence a verbally file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (18 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 aggressive subject was located. This new subject 22, Male, 5-10, 175 lb., refused to verbally comply with officers commands. M26 was activated. The subject noted the laser dot and complied physically, but was still verbally non-compliant. The suspect that was involved in the incident was located at another location in the house. No injuries to officers or suspect that was laser sighted by M26. USE: #41 - M26 STOPS MAN DURING KNIFE ATTACK USE OF THE TWO M26s WITH BEANBAG USED BY ABBOTSFORD POLICE DEPT, 7/3/00: Officers received a 911-disturbance call to a house trailer. The subject’s mother requested removal of an emotionally disturbed subject who was intoxicated with cocaine and dying of AIDS. Officers on scene found male subject, 34, located in living room / kitchen area. Upon refusing to comply and walking away and towards the hallway and bedroom area the M26 was activated but unfortunately the air cartridge malfunctioned. Air cartridge was removed and replaced with same bad cartridge but subject retreated to the bedroom. The subject did not respond to negotiations and was verbally noncompliant. Other officers arrived on scene including one with a second M26. Negotiations were unsuccessful with subject. Officers made entry with the M26. The second M26 and a beanbag officer simultaneously deployed the second M26 with the addition of a beanbag round with very successful results. Subject immediately went into a fetal position during the 5-second cycle while other officers arrested him. M26 officer was hurt when subject threw a knife immediately prior to being shot by M26 and beanbag round. (Knife was never seen during entire confrontation). Officer was injured with knife in forearm. Subject was uninjured and probes were removed at Jail/Hospital. USE: #42 & 43 - M26 LASER STOPS EDP TWICE IN JAIL USE OF THE M26 BY ABBOTSFORD POLICE DEPT, 6/3/00: #42: Male, subject, 34, in cellblock causing problems refused to leave the cellblock. Upon deployment of ADVANCED TASER (laser only) compliance gained. M26 laser was successful. No further problems at this time. No injuries occurred to suspect or officers. #43: One week later the same subject was violent, actively aggressive and resistive was shot by M26 with a full 5-second application that was very successful. No injuries occurred to suspect or officers. USE: #44- M26 STOPS VIOLENT SUSPECT IN JAIL USE OF THE M26 BY WASHINGTON COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE, 7/16/00: file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (19 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 A male, 32, 6-ft, 180, suspect was arrested for Assault 4 Felony/Resist arrest and assaulting a Police Officer. Suspect become assaultive and disruptive once placed in holding cell. Suspect began yelling, kicking and punching cell door. Suspect refused to comply with orders given to stop. Suspect was danger to self. Sergeant on duty authorized the ADVANCED TASER M26 and CERT team called out. Suspect was given one last opportunity to comply with verbal orders but refused and continued punching and kicking cell door. Cell door opened and the M26 was deployed to center mass of suspect from 7-11 feet away striking the subject in upper right chest and mid-left chest. CERT team entered and restrained suspect. Suspect received 2 cycles of 5 secs. Medical staff saw suspect and removed probes. No other injuries to suspect or Deputies involved. Officer’s comment: Suspect was passive and non-combative after the M26 was used. Suspect was on cocaine, alcohol and meth. Event was videotaped. No injuries occurred with suspect or officers. USE: #45- M26 STOPS EDP WITH KNIFE USE OF THE M26 BY JOSEPHINE COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE, OR, 7/18/00: Report of a suicidal subject with a knife. Male, 45, 6’2’’, 225 lb., subject was sitting in his truck with the door open. Would display a knife when we got close to him and was verbally noncompliant. When we backed up he would put the knife away. We were able to talk him out of the cab of the truck. However, we were unable to get him to leave the truck. Subject turned his back to me and reached in to the cab of the truck. I thought he was getting the knife, so I deployed the TASER from 7-11 feet away striking the subject at upper mid back and the lower right back for five-second cycle. Medical personnel removed probes. Suspect had minor injuries with skinned knees from fall to the ground. No officer injuries occurred. Subject’s comment: "I was just getting a cigarette." USE: #46 - M26 STOPS INMATE FIGHTING USE OF THE M26 BY LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE, OR, 7/12/00: A violent, male suspect, 20, 5’11", 200 lb. was attacking another inmate in a cell. He ignored repeated verbal commands to stop fighting. The M26 was fired from 3-7 feet for 5 seconds and dropped him in mid-punch. The probes hit him in the middle of the back and right buttock/thigh penetrating skin. Medical staff removed probes. No injuries occurred to inmate or officers. Comment: The suspect was interviewed on tape after the incident. Ironically he stated that he worked as an electrician on the streets. He said it felt like he grabbed a live 110-Volt wire. USE: #47- M26 STOPS SUICIDE ARMED WITH SHOTGUN USE OF THE M26 BY NEW ORLEANS POLICE SWAT, OR, 7/14/00: file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (20 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 New Orleans SWAT responded to a barricaded suicidal male subject, 30, 5’9", medium build wearing no shirt armed with 12-gauge shotgun. Subject was ex-Marine sniper who had just broken up with girlfriend. After several hours of dialogue with negotiators, subject exited the garage where he had barricaded himself to speak with a friend. The subject requested water at which time a bottle of water was thrown to where the subject was. 12-gauge sawed-off shotgun was 10 feet away. As he moved forward to retrieve the water, the ADVANCED TASER officer deployed the M26 from a concealed position from 8-10 feet away. The TASER immediately took effect causing subject to fall to the ground, screaming as if in pain. Originally suspect was combative and belligerent, but became submissive after M26 application. The apprehension team moved in and took subject into custody without injury. Probes penetrated skin at the midchest and the upper inner right thigh. Incident began at 3:28 am and subject was apprehended at 10:42 am. USE: #48 - M26 COMBINED WITH BEANBAG ROUND USE OF THE M26 BY AVONDALE, AZ, 8/7/00: At about 1907 hours Avondale Police Units responded to assist Goodyear Police Units with a violent male, subject, 20, 5’7, 140 lb., who was in possession of a knife and syringe. Subject was wanted for felony charges and refusing to drop the knife. Subject was verbally noncompliant, violent, resisting arrest, assaultive to officers and on heroin. OC spray was deployed and ineffective. The ADVANCED TASER M26 was deployed on the subject, he immediately dropped a syringe he had in his possession and began walking backwards. Fire from 7-11 Ft with probes hitting upper middle back and lower middle back. One probe penetrated skin and the other to clothing. Probes were removed at medical. No injuries occurred to suspect or officers. A five-second burst was given to the subject after he did not drop the knife. Goodyear Police also fired two beanbag rounds striking the subject in both legs. Subject then went to his knees and subject was taken into custody. (Officer’s Note: Batteries in the M26 were not fully charged and were being ready to be replaced prior to incident. From a force compliance issue, the M26 was still successful.) USE: #49 - M26 COMBINED WITH BEANBAG ROUND USE OF THE M26 ST. GEORGE PD, UT, 7/29/00: St. George PD officer detained a male subject, 45, 5’6, 150 lb., that was a convicted/deported felon sex offender who had re-entered the U.S. Subject resisted detention and was verbally non-compliant while officer waited for a response from INS and walked/ran away from him. Officer pursued and pushed the subject down, but lost control of his flashlight in doing so. The subject gained control of the officer’s flashlight and used it to effectively blind the officer. Giles retreated and tried to deploy OC spray. OC deployment was not successful and the subject file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (21 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 advanced, still using the light. The possibility of unseen weapons existed and the subject also had an effective impact weapon in the flashlight. Giles deployed his ASP Baton and tried to strike the light and/or subject's hands and arm. The strikes landed, but not effectively and the subject still advanced toward the officer. Giles deployed his OC spray again, this time with better success. The subject stopped advancing, but still held the light and would not obey the repeated commands of the officer to, "Get on the ground!" A backup officer arrived to assist. He saw the officer with ASP Baton still deployed, and the subject in a standoff. The backup officer ordered the subject to the ground. The suspect did not comply. The backup officer aimed his M-26 ADVANCED TASER 7-11 ft at center mass of the subject's chest. The subject fell back against a fence and then to the ground during a 3-second cycle. All resistance stopped. The subject was taken into custody without incident. The probes only penetrated clothing hitting the upper mid chest and lower mid-chest. He became combative again at the hospital and jail. Suspect also suffered minor ASP strike to the hand, and OC contamination. Officer’s comment: The subject was under the influence of alcohol and blew a .3 BAC. Subject had no memory or even knowledge of being hit with the M-26 ADVANCED TASER. He did not recall being hit with the ASP Baton either. He did remember the OC and stated it burned his eyes and face. No injuries occurred to officers. USE: #50 - M26 LASER STOPS SUICIDE ATTEMPT USE OF THE LASER BY UPSON COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPT, FL, 8/2/00: Two young men were spotted in a growing crowd outside a pool hall. Officer on scene anticipated a fight in progress, but instead found two men were in progress of slashing their wrists in an apparent suicide attempt. One man slashed his wrists in the presence of the officer. The officer then pointed an ADVANCED TASER M26 at the other youth and prevented further mutilation by aiming the M26 using verbal commands. Both men were taken into custody and transported to medical for treatment. No injuries to officers. Officer’s comments: "When confronted with the choice of being exposed to the TASER gun versus cutting his wrists, the young man wisely chose to drop his razor. It’s nice to have a non-lethal weapon that prevented someone from harming themselves. In this case it prevented law enforcement from possible injury." USE: #51 - M26 STOPS RESISTANT DRUNK USE OF THE M26 BY LONGMONT PD, CO, 7/29/00: A 30 yr-old, male, 5’8 heavy to medium build DUI suspect became upset upon learning of his arrest. The suspect became verbally and physically aggressive in a dark parking lot. Officer was alone for seven minutes until assistance arrived. Confided area and family members came into the area. Subsequent to handcuffing subject became verbally aggressive and wanted to know why he was being arrested. The M26 was pointed at the subject with the laser sight on file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (22 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 his chest. He became more aggressive and threatened the officer. He became more aggressive and the officer put the M26 in his pocket and grabbed the suspect’s right arm and wrist. Subject tensed up and resisted arrest by struggling. Another officer used knee strikes to leg using PPCT on common paronial area without success. Wrist locks and arm bars were also unsuccessful. Suspect continued to struggle and was not able to place under arrest. The officers backed off and activated the M26 from 18 inches away. Suspect immediately slumped to the ground during the 5-second cycle. Suspect landed on his back with the probes in his upper right shoulder blade with a few inches of spread. Subject immediately complied with verbal commands. He was handcuffed and became combative again. Supervisor removed probes on scene. No injuries to officers were sustained. Suspect suffered minor probe wounds. USE: #52 - M26 STOPS DRUNK FIGHTER/VICTIM USE OF THE M26 BY LONGMONT PD, CO, 8/11/00: A 22 yr-old, male 5’8, medium build renewed his fight with another male subject. Suspect was thought to originally be the aggressor of an assault per witness. An officer got between the two fighting males. The ADVANCED TASER M26 was deployed and pointed at one of the suspects and ordered to get on his knees. Suspect ignored verbal commands and balled his fist up and stepped toward the officer. At 10 feet away, the officer shot the advancing suspect. Both probes struck the suspect, one in the middle of his chest and the other in his abdomen near the belly button. The suspect screamed and his hands shot upwards. The suspect tangled the wires with his upward moving hand. The officer let the M26 cycle for 2-seconds, but feared the suspect would break the wires by accident. He then "speed loaded" a 2nd Air Cartridge in the event another shot was required. The M26 was pointed at the suspect and told not to move or he would be fired upon again. The suspect cried out, "No mas, no mas! (meaning no more). The suspect was on his knees moving, but not trying to get up. He followed commands was cooperative and was arrested without further incident. The M26 caused no injury to suspect or to officers present and photographs were taken. As it turned out, the suspect was a victim in the original assault but became agitated when the two were reunited and the victim tried to get even. USE: #53 - M26 SINGLE PROBE HIT STOPS PCP’er USE OF THE M26 BY LA SHERIFF’S 8/approx12/00: A suspect was under the influence of PCP. A M26 was fired at him. One probe hit in the earlobe and the other in the back. Two activations were cycled without knocking him down and then he pulled it from his earlobe. Suspect took three more activations with one probe in his back and he was noticeably impaired until he fell and was arrested without further incident. No further injuries reported. file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (23 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 USE: #54 - M26 DRUNK INMATE WITH SHANK USE OF THE M26 BY LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF’S CUSTODY DIV. 6/28/00: The 5’9, 21-yr-old, 160-lb., male inmate in question was drunk on pruno and gassing sworn personnel. (Pruno is jail made alcohol. The inmates hoard fruit and then allow it to ferment. Gassing is a legal term in CA and is a crime. Any time an inmate throws fluids or substances on a deputy, usually his own waste, this is considered a gassing). Inmate also had access to a shank. Two short bursts of Deep Freeze (CS/OC) blend were directly sprayed on him. This failed to gain compliance. The ADVANCED TASER M26 was fired through the cell bars from 711 feet away. Both probe probes penetrated skin: one in his groin and the other in his back. The inmate experienced a full 5-second cycle, but the configuration of the cell caused him to be propped up. It was obvious that his left side locked out and he cried out in pain. When the cycle completed the M26 was activated again prior to the cell extraction teams entry. A 2second burst was applied and was discontinued when the team approached and subdued inmate due to concern that the deputies might be effected due to the fact that the cell floor was covered with water. The feeling of those present was that the M26 was completely effective and videotaped it. The cell extraction team secured the inmate with no further incident. Officer’s comment: The inmate made no comments about the M26. He was in pain from the lingering effects of the Deep Freeze and was more concerned about receiving relief from this discomfort. He appeared to pay little attention to the removal of the darts by medical personnel due to his discomfort from the chemicals. Deputies couldn’t figure out how the inmate got one dart in his groin and the other in his back either, but that's where they removed the darts. Obviously he was twisting while being shot although this is not that obvious from the tape. USE: #55 - M26 STOPS RESISTANT INMATE USE OF THE M26 BY NASSAU COUNTY SHERIFF’S, FL 8/18/ 00: Due to overcrowding at the County Jail, a 30-yr-old male 5’11, 180 inmate was instructed to put on handcuffs and shackles so that he could be transferred to another facility. The inmate then stated that the only way he was going to leave the jail was to be unconscious. This inmate has been in several altercations with correctional officers, other inmates and has known to resist arrest with violence on the streets. The inmate was told twice to put on the shackles and handcuffs twice and refuse, taking a defensive stance. He was then shot with the ADVANCED TASER M26 with both probes penetrating the skin in the middle chest and stomach. He immediately fell. The M26 was only deployed once and it was estimated that it cycled app. 3 file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (24 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 seconds. There were no injuries to the inmate or the correctional officers that were involved. Probes were removed on scene. This was the day after we had nine officers trained as instructors. Inmate’s comment: "What the hell did you do that for? All you had to do was tell me what you wanted me to do. Please don't shoot me again." USE: #56 - M26 STOPS VIOLENT FORMER BOXER EDP USE OF THE M26 BY NASSAU POLICE ESU, NY 8/18/ 00: Responded to assist Glen Cove City PD with call of a violent emotionally disturbed person locked in his private residence. Police Officers at scene could not control subject (he is a former boxer attempting to knock out anyone who would challenge him). Emergency Service Unit deployed two teams with a supervisor and entered the residence. The 46 yr-old. 275 lb., 6'3 male, subject resisted control techniques and physically overpowered the teams. At this point the ADVANCED TASER M26 was deployed from 7-11 feet away. Both probes penetrated skin, one in the upper mid-chest and the other in the abdomen. The subject bent over and fell to the floor. The M26 cycled for the full 5-seconds. It got his attention anyway. the subject was then handcuffed and removed to an ambulance. In route to the hospital the subject was escorted by an ESU officer with M26 probes in place if further control was needed. By the officer and ambulance paramedics own words, this subject stayed calm knowing he could get TASERed again. No injuries to officer or suspect were sustained. Medical staff removed probes. Officer’s comment: (Prior to being TASERed, the subject did not care what the police officers said or did. When the laser sight was put on the subject he laughed and continued to challenge all personal with physical harm.) When TASERed the subject said "Oh... OH..." (Moaning) He screamed in pain, got his senses about him ten to fifteen seconds after deployment cycle. He said, "Don't do that again. O.K, I'll give. Don't do that again." Officer’s personal comment: "It was a great feeling to see it work Yes ...full five seconds. Thank you for a great product. My guys got their faith back in TASERs (yours of course). Bob" USE: #57 - M26 LASER STOPS EDP USE OF THE M26 BY FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF’S, OH 8/15/ 00: A Probate (Mental) warrant was issued for the 40 yr-old, male, 6’00, 215 lb., subject for the second time in a year. The first time several means of force were used to restrain the subject (i. e. pepper, baton, swarm, resulting in subject being stitched at the hospital, but causing no officers injuries to officers.) This time subject reportedly had obtained a shotgun. After entry was gained, subject ran to a closet and jerked the door open. Laser was activated and subject was ordered to stand still with his hands in the air. When he saw the red light in his chest he immediately raised his hands and complied with EVERY order given to him. Comment: Subject stated he thought the LASER was attached to a handgun and was afraid he was going to be shot. (No shotgun was found in the residence.) file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (25 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 USE: #58 - M26 LASER USE USE OF THE M26 BY CALAVERAS COUNTY SHERIFF’S, CA 8/2/00: A 25 yr-old 5’10, 226 lb. male suspect has long history with Sheriff's Department and usually resisted being arrested. Chemical sprays or swarms are used to subdue him. On this occasion the suspect was violated for parole violation. Deputies contacted suspect who was belligerent. Due to past history, alcohol intoxication and the likelihood suspect would resist secondary officer displayed laser to the ground in front of suspect. Suspect saw laser and appeared dumbfounded, calmed down and was arrested without further incident. Officer’s comment: Just the usual death threats received from the suspect. USE: #59 - M26 LASER USE USE OF THE M26 BY LAFAYETTE PD, CO 8/28/00: Officers were dispatched to a domestic where a violent 5’9, 275 lb., 22 yr-old male suspect assaulted both his spouse and child. Upon arrival the suspect ran inside the residence barricading himself within, refusing to come out. After several verbal attempts to have the suspect exit the residence, he did so. When suspect exited he continued to advance toward officer. He was given several commands to stop and refused all. The M26 was deployed and the laser was placed on center mass of suspect. Suspect noticed the laser on his chest and quickly placed his hands in the air and complied with my commands. He was taken into custody without any problems. Suspect was known to be a gang member. Officer’s comment: While in custody the suspect continued to ask what was that, does it hurt. USE: #60 - M26 LASER STOPS VIOLENT MAN USE OF THE M26 BY LAFAYETTE PD, CO 7/13/00: Police were called out to home involving an incident with a male choking a 14-yr-old female. A knife was supposedly in possession. The suspect was former corrections client, 5’8, medium build client with past history of resisting arrest and assaults was under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Suspect was in bed, violent and would not comply with verbal commands. Officer aimed the M26 laser from 10-15 away and pointed it at the subject’s chest. Suspect gave up after seeing laser and raised his hands in the air. USE: #61 - M26 STUN GUN EFFECT UNKNOWN file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (26 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 USE OF THE M26 BY WESTMINSTER PD, CO 00: At 0200 an officer arrived on scene where two officers were actively struggling on the ground to arrest a 5’9, medium build, 22 yr-old male who had been stopped for a traffic violation/fight. The subject actively resisted as the officers attempted to place him in cuffs and a hobble restraint. While the subject was on his stomach, the ADVANCED TASER officer removed the cartridge, yelled clear and made contact with M26 stun gun on the upper mid-back. Although the officer could hear it activated, it did not appear to have any effect. The officer activated the M26 touch stun again and it did not appear to have any effect as the subject continued to fight. Officers were able to get the cuffs on the subject and place hobble restraints on him. Even in this position the subject continued to struggle and curse at the officers. It was necessary to carry the subject to the patrol car and into the booking area. While on the floor of the booking cell, the subject continued to curse at and threaten officers while being searched. During the search, the subject had a small plastic container with marijuana and a jock strap containing more marijuana. After being searched, the subject was left on the floor for several minutes. At 0230, the officer looked at the area where the M26 stun was applied and there were two red marks. Officer asked the subject if he was injured or if any medical attention was requested for any reason. The subject said no. Subject was still defiant and photos were taken of his body. Officer reported that the subject had heavy clothes on and listed the M26’s effects only as "unknown." Officer’s comments: "Subject seemed unaffected. May have been blocked by clothing. Very possible" under the influence of drugs and alcohol. None of the officer present heard the M26 officer yell "clear TASER." USE: #62 - M26 STOPS DRUNK NON-COMPLIANT USE OF THE M26 BY RENO PD, NV 8/21/00: An intoxicated male sliced his wrists with a piece of glass and ran from police. Covered in blood, the man hid in some bushes and refused to obey police commands. An officer stood 4 feet away and fired an ADVANCED TASER at the subject. The man fell immediately to the ground during the 5-second cycle. Officer’s comments: "He was very non-compliant and very drunk. Even in that state he wanted no more. He said, ‘I’m not going to move. Don’t electrocute me again.’" The man was taken to a medical center where a doctor examined him and found no injury. The man was given a CAT scan to determine whether the darts and electricity caused any tissue damage. Subject suffered cuts from suicide attempt but no injuries from the TASER. USE: #63 - M26 LASER STOPS INMATES BEFORE FIGHT USE OF THE M26 BY ANDERSON, SC 7/21/00: At 1200, officer received call of a jail disturbance and told to bring ADVANCED TASER. The file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (27 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 officer was instructed to move 3 state inmates in Cell 4 to the Federal side. One inmate complied and two didn’t. The inmates were given 3 chances to move peacefully with a 5-10 minute period between each encounter. At all encounters, each inmate stated they weren’t moving even if the CERT Team came. Each stated they were willing to fight. The exterior door of Cell 4 was opened, two inmates dropped sheets and they had towels wrapped around their necks, mouths and noses. They were more than ready to combat any OC product. The M26 laser was aimed at the inmate on the left. The inmate was asked if he was ready to move and his reply (paraphrased): Sure, I’ve got my stuff packed—let’s go. The other inmate also agreed to move to the other cell without further incident. Officer’s comments: "I truly feel without the aid of the M26 there would have been a physical altercation wit the high probability of one officer and one inmate sustaining injuries. USE: #64 - M26 DROPS NUDE NON-COMPLIANT INMATE USE OF THE M26 BY ANDERSON, SC 8/15/00: At 1600 a male, 6’1 294-lb. 24-yr-old inmate demanded recreation time. Inmate was improperly dressed to go outside for recreation as he had ripped his uniform to shreds and had rags draped on his body. His genitals were exposed. His bed was overturned on its side and was feces on the floor where he had urinated. Inmate complied officer directions after six officers were present in a forceful authoritative state. Inmate was transferred to new cell so his bed could be bolted down and room cleaned. While in the new cell, the inmate was instructed to dress in another jumpsuit. The inmate failed to comply and the M26 was used in the stun mode on the inmate’s lower back. Inmate tried to move away but the officer followed him with the M26 so the full 5-second cycle would be felt. Inmate broke contact only briefly. Inmate again refused to dress in the jumpsuit and the M26 was applied. The inmate quickly dressed and was instructed to sit with his back to the door and place his hands on his head. The officer went to retrieve another jumpsuit as the one provided already was torn and the officer didn’t want the inmate tearing another suit. While the officer was out, he heard other officers yell "BINGO" and the inmate was sprayed with Freeze + P chemicals. 30 minutes later the cellblock had been cleaned and the bed bolted to the floor. Officers went to retrieve the inmate who was walking around the cellblock. A M26 was armed during the entry. Inmate refused commands to sit down. When he didn’t comply, the officer fired the M26. One probe went in the lower back just below the shoulder blade. The other probe hit the left side of the stomach. The inmate dropped immediately, screamed and rolled around. The probes were 8-10 inches apart. Inmate was transferred to his cell with an arm bar hold. Inmate and officer sustained no injuries. file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (28 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 USE: #65 - M26 LASER DEFUSES MAN WITH GUN USE OF THE M26 LASER BY LONGMONT PD, CO 7/23/00: A violent 50-yr-old male pointed a gun at his neighbor during a dispute concerning the neighbor’s dog. The gunman then retreated to his home. Police were called out to the gunman’s home for a felony menacing charge. Suspect hung up on police dispatcher and refused further contact. Shortly thereafter officers surrounded his residence and the suspect came outside to confront the officers. Subject saw laser sight light displayed on his chest and became very cooperative following all commands and was taken into custody without further incident. (Note: A less-lethal beanbag shotgun was also pointed at the suspect as well as several handguns. USE: #66 - M26 LASER STOPS VIOLENT EDP INMATE USE OF THE M26 LASER BY SEBASTIAN COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT, AK, 8/28/00: A violent EDP, male, 35-yr-old, 5' 09, 180-lb., inmate has a combative and violent history with other deputies. Inmate refused to lockdown in his cell following an argument with on-scene deputy. Upon arrival, the supervisor drew his ADVANCED TASER M26 and turned off the safety. From approximately 10 feet, the laser dot was placed on the inmate’s chest as he was yelling with his arms flailing. Subject was instructed to lockdown as other deputies began to arrive. Inmate lowered his arms, turned and walked into his cell. His door was closed and safety was restored. Officer’s comment: Upon entering his cell, he turned and stated "Mr. Garrett, don't shoot me in the eye with that, please." - Maybe meaning the Laser, but it worked! No injuries to officers or inmate occurred. USE: #67 - M26 STOPS VIOLENT MAN ON ALCOHOL USE OF THE M26 LASER BY TORRANCE DEPT, CA, 8/16/00: Police were called to a domestic violence situation and found the 35-yr-old, 6’2, 240-lb., male suspect at phone booth. Suspect was on alcohol and tried to leave the location. Police then verbally instructed the suspect to sit down which he did. Suspect then got back up and started to take an aggressive stance towards the sergeant telling him he didn't have to do what the sergeant said. This suspect had a prior contact earlier in the evening with officers and was earlier subdued with the threat of pepper spray. At this point the suspect was non-compliant and the sergeant deployed the M26 firing at suspect from 10 to 12 feet. As soon as the suspect was hit with the M26 he went down. Immediate results. After a few seconds, he started to get up again, the sergeant asked if the suspect if wanted to be hit again and suspect replied, "NO!" Probes were right arm and right upper thigh. One probe penetrated skin. file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (29 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 Suspect was cuffed and placed in the county hospital for probe removal as required in General Orders. No injuries occurred to officers or suspect. Officer's Comment: Sergeant was very impressed with the results. USE: #68 - M26 STOPS VIOLENT EDP GRABBING KNIFE USE OF THE M26 BY FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPT., OH, 8/31/00: A stout, 185-200 lb., 45-yr-old, female subject was served a warrant for transport to a mental health facility. When deputies were in the apt. to put her in custody, she suddenly went very violent and physical force was tried. She threw 2 officers against the wall. She broke away from 2 officers and ran to kitchen area. After trying to grab a kitchen knife, the officers backed off and sprayed the women with pepper spray. She laughed. She continued to go for a knife, when an officer fired a M26 from 3-7 feet away at her while she was turning to get to a knife in a drawer. The probes hit her near her left side and the other near her left hip area. The spread was 6-8" apart and both had penetrated through clothing and into skin. During the first 5-sec cycle she did not go down, said, "turn that damn thing off," and was not subdued. When the cycle ended she tried to pull out one of the probes while reaching for a knife with her other hand. A second 5-second burst was applied at which time she went to her knees and she was handcuffed. The M26 shooter stated that the woman trembled with minor pulsings and clinched her hands during the cycles. The woman was given verbal commands to get down. The 2nd cycle stopped her from getting to the knife. After the 2nd cycle she then complied with the officers commands, but was not knocked to the ground by the M26. Rick Smith & Steve Tuttle interviewed Sgt. Gene Wise, who later showed on scene after this event as a supervisor. We spoke with the supervisor, M26 the shooter and briefly with the Chief. Supervisor had concern that the woman didn't go down to the deck. Toward the end of the 2nd cycle, the M26 shooter said the woman became more compliant. Supervisor inquired what might have happened. Note: New Duracell Ultras were new out of the package on Aug 30th w/ exp. of 2006. There was trace amounts of blood on the probes upon inspection. The M26 shooter said the arcing "seemed kind of loud." However, it still sounds like there was good connection. The probes may have hit the area identified by the RCMP’s testing as a weak point for muscle contraction -- the side torso area between hip and armpit. The RCMP testing on human volunteers has found that while hits in this area are highly uncomfortable, this area is characterized by lack of major muscle groups. Hence there is insufficient muscle contraction to drop a focused combatant hit in this area. The M26 shooter and supervisor confirmed that the probes were close to that area. Supervisor had requested 6 more M26s for his use, but we will send a loaner M26 so that two M26s could be fired if a similar situation occurred. Tactically, we couldn't see any problems given the nature of a small room, chaos, a potentially lethal situation and officers who were file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (30 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 doing all the right things. We could only suggest shooting at the back (impossible at that time) and shooting to get more spread (impossible because of space restrictions) and having a second M26 used (impossible, as they didn't have a 2nd one). One deputy was disabled by pepper spray and the woman had two small puncture wound. Officer’s comment: At the mental facility Subject was ask about her really bad day. She told the Doctor her day wasn't so bad and that she had been having fun all day. Overall, the use was considered a success in that the M26 stopped her from getting to the knife, and obtained compliance without the need to escalate to the next level of force. USE: #69 - M26 STOPS VIOLENT SUICIDAL USE OF THE M26 BY ST. GEORGE’S POLICE DEPT., UT, 8/21/00: Officers responded to a male suspect's house on report of a suicidal subject. Officers found the 26-yr-old, 195-lb., 6’4 subject had destroyed the interior of the house with a baseball bat. Subject was under the influence of alcohol and retained access to the baseball bat. He drank rum as the incident progressed. Subject was extremely emotionally as he recently had his wife, then his girlfriend leave him. The house he destroyed had been repossessed. Glass and broken items were strewn all over the house. This created a risk of injury to the subject and officers if they tried arrest control tactics, due to possible injury on the broken items if the fight were to go to the ground. The subject still had access to the bat, which negated use of a baton, and too much distance for use of OC spray. After an hour (+) of negotiations, the subject turned his back on officers and he was shot with the M-26 in the back from 7-11 feet away. The M26 cycled for 5-seconds. He was not wearing a shirt and both probes penetrated the skin into right upper chest and right middle abdomen. He immediately fell to the ground and was taken into custody without incident. Probes were removed at medical center. No injuries sustained to officers and minor injuries received by subject from broken glass, but not any from the M26. Officer’s comment: Subject stated he, "knew we were coming in to get him and all he could do was watch and "twitch." He stated he felt fear and pain. No control of his muscles at all. Post custody interview was videotaped and covers suspect's reactions to the application and shows probe removal. Officer’s Comment: "Thanks for an awesome tool!" No injuries sustained to officers and the suspect landed on some of the glass and cut his leg. USE: #70 - M26 SUCCESSFUL IN CELL EXTRACTION USE OF THE M26 BY LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF’S CENTRAL JAIL, CA 8/31/00: A mentally disturbed 34-yr-old, 175-lb., 5’11, male inmate became combative after a visit. He file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (31 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 was located inside a locked visiting booth. After all efforts to talk the inmate out of the area failed the M26 was deployed. The inmate was standing on the visiting seat. The M26 was inserted through the pass through in the door several feet below where the inmate was standing. The deputy used the laser sight only from 1-3 feet away. The first Air Cartridge was fired. The top probe of the first cartridge struck the inmate in the middle chest, but the lower dart missed. A second cartridge was fired. This second shot struck the inmate in the right midback and the right mid-arm. After the first five-second cycle the inmate stepped down off the seat and put one hand out the pass through to be handcuffed. The inmate was slow placing his second hand through so another five-second cycle was applied. He was fully lucid and totally cooperative after this point. No injuries to inmate or officers and the two probes were removed at medical. The incident was videotaped. USE: #71 - M26 STUN STOPS VIOLENT MALE USE OF THE M26 BY PUEBLO POLICE DEPT., CO 8/12/00: Police officers made contact with a violent 44-yr-old 5’10, 170-lb., male intoxicated with cocaine and alcohol. Suspect was threatening several persons with a large piece of plate glass. Suspect became combative and was shot with M26 from 6 to 10 feet away. One probe hit below the pectoral muscle. The bottom probe hit above the belt line. Both probes penetrated skin. The probes were 6-8 inches apart. Sparks were heard according to the shooter. Suspect retreated back but was able to break leads from probes. He then attacked officers in a fistfight. The officer used the M26 as a contact stun device. The officer hit subject in the lower back with the stun contact - it was immobilizing him, but as soon as the officer released the unit, he started fighting again. The suspect was physically subdued by the officer who got the contact stun on the subject for 5 seconds after being stunned 4 to 5 more times in stun gun application, finally gaining compliance. The probes fired remained embedded in suspect's torso, after he was able to snap wires from probes. Suspect sustained minor injuries from swarm with swelling to face and minor probe entry points injuries from the M26. Officers sustained minor injuries from swarm tactic. Supervisor’s comment: Deploying officer should have used a second cartridge on suspect. Probes were removed at medical. Dataport plug will be in place during all M26 use. Officer’s Comment: Contact stun was on lower back, in the muscle near the tailbone; very effective. "When I hit him with the last contact, it took the fight out him and we were able to cuff him." Note: the officer felt a shock to his hand as he disengaged the M26 from the contact stun. The rubber plug was not in the dataport. This can happen only in a very specific configuration where the one of the electrodes from the M26 is touching the target, the other is disconnected, the user is touching the target, and the dataport plug is not in place. It generated a small static discharge from the dataport. From here on out, dataport plug will be kept in place. USE: #72 - M26 STOPS VIOLENT MALE file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (32 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 USE OF THE M26 BY PUEBLO POLICE DEPT., CO 8/6/00: A violent 20-yr-old 5’8, 165-lb., male on alcohol was assaulting female with a golf club. First officer intervened with baton strikes. The baton strikes to suspect had no effect. The suspect shot once with ADVANCED TASER M26 from 3-7 feet away and immediately fell to ground during the 5-second cycle. The probes hit the suspect’s left mid-back and middle lower back with only one probe penetrating skin. The suspect refused verbal command to stay down and was subjected to second 5-second discharge, which gained full compliance. Suspect’s comment: Did not know what hit him. Suspect sustained moderate injuries with swelling to back of hand from other tactics and a minor entry wound from the point of probe. The one probe was removed at scene. USE: #73 - M26 LASER STOPS VIOLENT MALE USE OF THE M26 BY GLENDALE POLICE DEPT., AZ 8-29-00: A 200 lb., 5’10, 38-year-old, male subject was to be committed to county psych but refused to comply. Subject barricaded himself in his apartment and threatened to assault officers with a screwdriver if they entered. Officers provided a distraction at the front door while another officer and myself gained entry through a rear window. We came into the front room where the subject was and identified ourselves. He turned around, saw the M26, and the laser centered on his chest and he immediately dropped the screwdriver and complied with commands. Officer’s comment: Subject stated that he did not know what the weapon was but he felt that it was going to hurt because of the laser sight. He also stated that the yellow and black markings on the end of the cartridge were rather intimidating also. USE: #74 - M26 LASER STOPS FOOTBALL PLAYER USE OF THE M26 BY HARRISONBURG POLICE DEPT., PA 9-10-00: Officers responded to a fight in progress at a local fraternity house involving twenty to thirty people at approximately 0330. Upon arrival the victims stated that numerous individuals had broken into their residence and physically assaulted them. Two of the victims were taken to the ER for treatment of the injuries. The victims described the suspects to be very large individuals (University football players). A search for the suspects led to a foot pursuit by an officer that observed a large individual running through the yards in the area. The officer chased the suspect to the front door of a residence and attempted to detain him, but the 6'4" 270-lb. 20year-old male football player resisted. (Suspect was under the influence of alcohol.) Another officer joined in the melee, and both officers struggled with the suspect ordering him to stop resisting. Due to the suspect's huge stature, he was impossible to subdue. A third officer arrived equipped with the ADVANCED M26 TASER. The officer unholstered the M26 and file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (33 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 aimed the laser to the center of the suspect’s back, but could not obtain a clear shot due to the other officers continuing to struggle with the suspect. The officer equipped with the TASER yelled, "If he is still resisting, let him go and I will shoot him with the TASER. Move away and I will shoot him with the TASER!" The suspect, hearing these commands, immediately yelled, "Please don't shoot me with the TASER", and instantaneously went limp. The two officers were then able to successfully handcuff the suspect. The individual was identified as one of the assailants, and charged with B&E with the intent to commit an assault, and assault by mob. A search of the residence was conducted for the remaining suspects. An officer used the M26 to clear the basement area. During the search, the officer found a second suspect hiding in a storage room. The officer ordered the suspect from the room, as the laser was engaged center mass of the suspect. The officer explained that if the suspect did not comply he would be shot. Officers and suspects sustained no injuries. USE: #75 - M26 STOPS VIOLENT RESISTANT SUSPECT USE OF THE M26 BY MAMMOTH LAKES POLICE DEPT., CA 9-12-00: A 5’10, 170-lb., 39-year-old male suspect under the influence of alcohol had assaulted his girlfriend sending her to the hospital to be stitched up. Suspect fled the scene prior to officers arrival but returned several hours later. Suspect attempted to hide in a nearby parked car and initially refused to exit when ordered. Numerous verbal directions at gunpoint finally led to suspect exiting the car. Suspect was Verbally abusive/assaultive and continued his noncompliance. Suspect wore a heavy hooded sweatshirt which concealed waist area etc. (The suspect was not known to be armed but nobody assumed that he wasn’t armed.) Suspect fairly well contained between two parked cars. Only two officers available to handle situation: one armed with a handgun and OC spray, (water based) the other with a M26. The suspect was OC sprayed twice with no apparent effect. The laser sight was also directed at the suspect’s chest and he was verbally advised of the pending TASER shot. This had no impact although he did look down at the laser several times. The suspect then turned slightly away from the officers and dropped his right hand below his shoulder level at which time the TASER shot him from 7-11 feet away. The reaction was immediate as he dropped to his hands and knees as the 5-second cycle was employed. The probes penetrated skin in the suspect’s upper right back and mid right back. The suspect was then cuffed without further difficulty and transported to the local hospital for treatment (SOP for both the TASER shot and OC spray). The victim/ girlfriend and two uninvolved citizens witnessed the incident. All were supportive of the PD action. This was our first use of the M26 and the probes were left at the hospital with the treating doctor for training of his staff. Both probes had penetrated the heavy sweatshirt and lodged in the suspect’s skin. Treatment consisted of swabbing the area with a disinfectant only. Officer’s comment: The suspect was unaware that the TASER had shot him. He thought he had voluntarily dropped to his hands and knees as directed by the officers. He did not believe he had been TASERed until the doctor removed the two embedded probes at the hospital but did complain that "you stuck something in my back." Officers and suspect file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (34 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 sustained no injuries. USE: #76 - M26 STOPS SUICIDE ATTEMPT USE OF THE M26 BY AKRON POLICE DEPT., OH 9-13-00: EMS called to "Man Down." When EMS arrived, the 37-year-old, 5’7, 180-lb. male was bleeding profusely from a two-inch gash in his forearm where he had cut himself deeply. Suspect was under the influence of alcohol, emotionally disturbed and violent. The suspect kept stating that he wanted to die. He held a straight razor to his own throat. EMS called for a TASER Officer. Officer arrived shortly and tried to talk to suspect. Suspect would not talk to him. Officer moved close enough to deploy M26. Suspect stated, "Are you going to shoot me with that?" Officer responded "Yep," and in fact did. After 5-second current suspect was still very verbal but not aggressive. The M26 current caused immediate incapacitation. The man fell backwards to the ground, stiffened up and made the razor drop from his hand and far enough away from him that officer could secure it before handcuffing suspect. Top probe penetrated the skin exactly where laser was pointed. The M26 was fired from 10-15 feet away and the probes hit the suspect mid chest and lower right thigh. Bottom probe went two feet below top probe and did not penetrate the skin. It did however embed itself in pant leg fold. Officers’ supervisor, who was on scene, was very impressed. Suspect's Comment: "What the hell did you shoot me with?" Subject stated he was depressed and on numerous medications. Officers sustained no injuries. Suspect sustained cuts from his razor prior to police arrival and was transported to hospital. USE: #77 - M26 STUN STOPS VIOLENT BAR FIGHT USE OF THE M26 BY PUEBLO POLICE DEPT., CO 9-10-00: Police were called to a large bar disturbance. A violent, 28-year-old, 5’8 180-lb., drunk male suspect was one of the combatants. Actively resisted when placed under arrest. Officer locked in wrestling match and deployed first stun application of the M26 that caused the suspect to stop resisting but continued after stun stopped. Suspect was stunned 2 more times with the last cycle being 5 seconds, which gained complete compliance. Officers and suspect sustained no injuries. USE: #78 - M26 STUN STOPS COMBATIVE USE OF THE M26 BY PUEBLO POLICE DEPT., CO 9-9-00: Police contacted a suspect abandoning his vehicle. The 17-year-old, 5-7, 170-lb., male suspect was combative, suicidal and under the influences of alcohol and marijuana. OC spray file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (35 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 was ineffective. At one point, suspect was wrestled to the ground. Suspect continued to fight and was stunned with a contact deployment. Suspect immediately complied and remained cooperative the rest of the contact. Officers and suspect sustained no injuries. USE: #79 - M26 LASER STOPS JAIL FIGHT USE OF THE M26 BY SEBASTIAN COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPT., 9-5-00: Upon responding to a fight in the felony inmate's recreation yard, a sergeant drew and displayed the ADVANCED TASER M26. Both inmates involved were bleeding from their facial area. Both inmates stopped initially when the M26 was drawn, but the smaller 25-year-old, 5’8, 175-lb. inmate decided to advance again who was pumped up with adrenaline. The sergeant placed the laser sight on inmate’s chest and held the inmate with his left hand in a jugular notch restraint as other deputies put on protective gloves. Both participants were removed from the area and the yard was cleared without further incident or injuries. Officer’s comment’s: "Word is starting to get around the jail about the TASER. The pod usually clears upon entry to an incident." No injuries were sustained to officers. Inmates had minor injuries from fighting. USE: #80 - M26 STOPS INTOXICATED EDP USE OF THE M26 BY LONGMONT POLICE DEPT., 9-14-00: Dispatch advised police of a man wandering in and out of traffic who was suspected to be intoxicated. The man had blood about his forehead. An officer found the man next to a school and approached him. The officer noted a "wild eyed look" consistent with the use of illegal drugs. The man went over a fence. Police and fire personnel on scene pursued. The male stopped and crouched next to a tree in an unlit field. The officer announced himself and that he wanted to help the man. The man began to run away, and another officer chased the man. The man fell tripped and fell to the ground. The officer deployed the M26 on the man before he could get up striking him in the bare back. The suspect did not react to the TASER right away. It appeared that his reaction time was 2-3 seconds at which time he became angry and yelled at the officer. The man refused verbal commands. The officer applied a second 5-second cycle and the suspect became agitated and began cursing and yelling at the officer. At this point, the second officer on scene was able to place handcuffs on the suspect and turn him on his stomach. In handcuffs the man continued to curse and yell and he was placed in leg restraints and kept on the ground until paramedics arrived. The officers noted that the man’s eyes were fully dilated even in a flashlight beam. The suspect continued to yell and make no sense. The suspect’s mouth had white foam around his lips. There were also two small TASER probe puncture wounds and a few small cuts. Suspect was placed into protective custody and mental health hold. No age, weight, height provided. file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (36 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 USE: #81 - M26 STOPS INTOXICATED EDP USE OF THE M26 BY SEATTLE POLICE DEPT., WA 9/7/00: A call was dispatched to patrol of a man with a gun. Officers arrived and found that the suspect did not have a gun. Instead, he had a knife to his throat. Seattle SWAT heard the call and responded. A crisis intervention officer arrived and attempted to communicate with the 30-yearold, 5’10, 170-lb. delusional and suicidal male. The suspect would not listen. The man was hearing imaginary voices and talking to imaginary people. The M26 officer, with lethal cover, closed to a distance of 12 feet. At that time the suspect appeared as if he was going to run. The TASER officer deployed the M26 from 11-15 feet. Both darts hit the man in the mid-right back and the right calf. The suspect immediately went down. Arresting officers started to handcuff the suspect prior to the five seconds elapsing (the M26 was still activated). There were no injuries to the suspect or responding officers. Probes were removed on scene. Officer’s comment: The suspect stated, "What the hell was that?" USE: #82 - M26 STOPS SUICIDAL SUBJECT USE OF THE M26 BY GAHANNA POLICE DEPT., OH 9/26/00: A 24-year-old, 5’6, 155-lb., male had pulled his vehicle onto a freeway over pass and threatened to jump to his death. Officer began crisis negotiations, containment officer deployed M26. After negotiating subject back onto road surface of bridge, he had been standing on the outside of the bridge holding on, an ADVANCED TASER M26 was used to gain control. Suspect started to pull his sweatshirt off over his head. When subject leaned forward to take off the shirt, and changed his center of gravity, the M26 was fired from 11-15 Feet away. Top probe hit left his left mid-back and the bottom one hit left buttock with both probes penetrating skin. Subject went to the ground where he was controlled by officers during the 5-second cycle. Subject was secured and searched, subsequently taken by medics to a mental health facility. Probes were removed at scene. Suspect removed his shirt prior to M26 shot and had sustained slight abrasions from contact with road surface. No officers sustained any injuries. USE: #83 - M26 STOPS SUICIDAL SUBJECT USE OF THE M26 BY DELTA POLICE DEPT., BC 9/18/00: A local police force requested our department for the use of the ADVANCED TASER M26. Our member attended the apartment of a violent and drunk suspect emotionally disturbed about his marital breakup. The 244-lb., 6’1, 42-yr-old, male suspect was sitting on his couch holding a 10" kitchen knife up to his throat and was threatening to kill himself. Also, called to the scene was a trained negotiator. When negotiations failed, our member was allowed to use the M26. A file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (37 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 verbal warning was given to the suspect. The suspect in turn said "do it" and put his knife to his throat. The M26 was fired striking the suspect in the chest and the upper leg from 7-11 feet away. The probes hit the mid upper chest and mid-beltline. The resulting effects: Suspect moaned, froze, dropped his knife and fell off the couch and landed face down on the floor. While the back up team was moving in for handcuffing. The suspect's arm twitched and being that the knife was still under the suspect, the M26 was activated for two more seconds. The suspect was then easily handcuffed. One probe penetrated skin and was later removed at medical. In conclusion, the M26 is a very effective tool and its use in this deadly force situation was valuable. No police members were hurt and the suspect is alive and well. Note: Suspect was shirtless and the dart was removed by a doctor. Some stitches were used to close the wound after the dart was removed. USE: #84 - M26 STOPS VIOLENT SUBJECT USE OF THE M26 BY BOGALUSA POLICE DEPT., LA, 10/02/00: A 52-yr-old, 6’0, 270-lb., male mental patient committed aggravated assault and was taken to Mental Health Clinic where he became violent towards mental health personnel and officers. M26 TASER was used on subject. M26 was deployed on subject from 7-11 feet away. The probes hit the subject on his mid-chest and right hip. Both probes penetrated the subject's skin and he did not comply until after the fourth burst. After four 5-seconds M26 bursts he finally said he would comply. Probes were removed at medical. No injuries were sustained to officers or suspect. USE: #85 - M26 STOPS SUICIDAL SUBJECT - OC FAILED USE OF THE M26 BY ABBEVILLE POLICE DEPT., LA, 10/4/00: K-9 Unit was called out and advised they had a 49-yr-old, 6’, 170-lb. male subject barricaded under a house and had refused to come out even after being sprayed with approx. 2 cans of OC pepper foam. I was advised the subject was suicidal and had already cut his wrist and other areas of his body with a broken bottle. Subject threatened officers on scene and stated he would kill someone or kill himself before he came out. Upon arriving, I was taking out my K9 partner, but was advised by the supervisor to bring my ADVANCED TASER. I laid on the ground and tried to talk the subject out from under the house, but he refused to listen. The subject was lying on his right side with his back to me approx. 12 to 14 feet away. I went around the house to face him and I pointed the M-26 laser on his face and advised him if he did not come out I would shock him with 50,000 Volts and he stated to me I would have to kill him to get him out. I learned the subject was warned twice earlier to stay away from the house he was at and he came back causing trouble again. Upon officers attempting to arrest the subject he assaulted officers and fled under the house. I continued to try and talk the subject out and he continued to refuse to come out and again turned his back to me. I went back to the file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (38 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 other side of the house where I was originally and again the subject turned his back to me. I observed the subject break another bottle and put it to his throat and at this time I had a clear view of the subject's back so I took the shot with the M-26 turned flat to the ground so both darts would make contact. The darts hit the subject on the right side of his back one just under the right shoulder blade and the other approx. 12 inches below. As the current went through the subject during the 5-second cycle he released the bottle that was in his right hand and also released a piece of a shovel he was using as a weapon to keep officers away from him by swinging it at them. I observed the subject stiffen. I went under the house to get him because he wasn't coming out despite verbal commands. The subject seemed as if he was going to kick me when I grabbed his leg so I zapped him for a another 5 seconds. This time the subject went totally out (unconscious). I had to grab his legs and pull him inches at a time scooting back at the same time while I was on my stomach in a crawl position and he was on his back. I got to the point where I had no more arm strength to pull so I had other officers grab my legs and pulled me and the subject out as I held on to his legs. The subject was apprehended. Probes were removed at medical. Offices and subject sustained no injuries. Officer’s comments: After I asked the members of the shift if they had any doubts about the M26 and they all agreed if it had not been for the M-26 we might have had to use deadly force against the subject. I asked if they believed in the M-26 and they all agreed it worked to perfection. I keep thinking about what would have happened if I would have deployed my K-9 partner on him under the house and the end results would not have been nice for the subject. I really feel blessed to have the etaser. I spoke to the supervisor at the lockup and he told me the next day he was able to speak to the subject. The supervisor stated the subject, who's name is Alton Plowden, told him when the probes hit him it stung him so he was trying to pull them out, but he couldn't move nothing. Alton stated after the shocking stopped he was dazed, but could hear me screaming at him, but still couldn't move. Alton stated when I grabbed his leg he thought I was going to shock him again so he pulled his leg and he felt the shock again then when he woke up he was in a jail cell. If you remember I reported we brought Alton to the hospital and after he was treated he was medicated and brought to lockup. Alton woke up the next day just before lunch. Thanks E-Taser. USE: #86 - M26 DROPS SUICIDAL SUBJECT USE OF THE M26 BY NASSAU COUNTY PD EMERGENCY SERVICE UNIT. NY, 10/02/00: A 35-yr-old, 5’9, 220-lb., violent, suicidal emotionally disturbed subject on cocaine barricaded himself in the kitchen of a private residence. Subject had cut himself with a knife multiple times, attempting to start the residence on fire and wanting to fill the residence with natural gas. Subject had ransacked house and broken out most of the windows. ESU made entry through front door while subject was distracted by precinct supervisor, entered kitchen area file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (39 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 and deployed ADVANCED TASER M26 contacting subject in back region (bare skin) from 711 feet away. Probes penetrated skin at his upper and lower mid-back. The subject, who was caught off-guard by the entry team and the M26, dropped to the floor incapacitated. The subject become immediately compliant and was taken into custody without any further resistance. The M26 cycled for the full 5-seconds. The subject transported to hospital for dart removal. No injuries were sustained by officers Officer’s comment: After the subject was hit by the M26 and controlled by the entry teams, the subject asked, "what did you do to me?" USE: #87 - M26 STOPS SUICIDAL SUBJECT USE OF THE M26 BY RENO POLICE DEPT, NV, 8/21/00: At approximately 0408 hours, officers were dispatched on a report of a violent, drunk, 30-yrold, 5’9, 165-lb., male threatening suicide with a piece of glass. Officers made contact with the subject, who had slashed his own wrists with a broken piece of glass and presented blood borne pathogens as a risk to officers. Officers gave verbal commands to the subject, but he ignored the commands and made a rush at Sgt. Nuttal. Sgt. Nuttal fired his ADVANCED TASER M26 from a distance of about 3 feet, striking the subject with both probes in the upper right and mid-right side of his torso and penetrating skin. The subject was immediately incapacitated and dropped to the ground. After the 5-second cycle, the subject was ordered to stay on the ground for handcuffing. The subject replied that he would do anything, but requested that we not "electrocute" him again. The subject was taken into custody for a mental evaluation without further incident. Local paramedics transported the subject to an area hospital, as is policy during our T&E phase, for a medical clearance. The attending ER physician removed the probes and commented on how little damage was done in comparison to the damage he usually saw after a subject was involved in a physical confrontation with officers. Probes and self inflicted slash to left wrist and no injuries to officers. USE: #88 - M26 STOPS SUICIDAL SUBJECT USE OF THE M26 BY RENO POLICE DEPT., NV, 9/1/00: At 1330 hours, officers were dispatched to the El Dorado Hotel/Casino on a report of a 43-yrold male suspect armed with a knife, threatening suicide. Officers made contact with the suspect, who made verbal threats to kill himself if officers approached him. Officers talked to the suspect from outside the hotel room, at a distance of about 30 feet, for more than two hours. The suspect told the officers he would kill himself if they stepped into the room. Sgt. Kachurak turned on his ADVANCED TASER M26 to prepare for deployment if needed. The suspect saw the laser from the M26 and retreated further into the room, hiding behind a large indoor spa tub. Officers entered the room and found the suspect laying face down on the floor with the knife pressed against his chest. The suspect attempted to force himself onto the knife, but he flinched in pain when the weight of his body forced the knife into his skin. Officer Goins file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (40 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 kept negotiations open with the suspect as Sgt. Kachurak moved closer to the suspect. The suspect thought people outside the windows of the room were watching him. Officer Goins distracted the suspect as he opened the curtains to show the suspect that he was not being watched. As Goins opened the curtains, Kachurak moved to within 7 feet of the suspect and fired the M26 from 3-7 feet away, striking the suspect in upper mid-right back and right buttocks with the two probes. The probes only penetrated clothing. The suspect was immediately incapacitated, dropping the knife and quivering from the electrical current. Officers moved on the suspect, taking him into custody without further incident. Once the suspect was in custody, officers discovered a large sum of money in the room that was stolen in a recent robbery. Neither dart penetrated the suspect's skin, but he was still transported to a local hospital for evaluation, as is our policy during the T&E phase of our program. The suspect was held for mental evaluation, then later booked for the robbery. Officers and suspect sustained no injuries. Subject’s comment: "What was that?...That hurt like hell." USE: #89 - DAMAGED M26 STOPS SUICIDAL SUBJECT USE OF THE M26 BY ROCK HILL POLICE DEPT., NC, 10/8/00: SWAT officers responded to a possible suicidal 6’2, 200-lb., 47-yr-old, male suspect who was barricaded in his residence. The suspect's daughter stated that she did not know of any firearms in the residence and stated that she believed that the suspect was armed with a claw hammer. Officers on scene had prior contact with the suspect and knew that he had been treated for mental illness in the past. Officers knocked on the door and announced themselves and advised that they had a warrant for his arrest. Officers breached the front door in an attempt to introduce a throw phone to establish communications. The suspect made an aggressive move towards officers and was swinging the hammer in an attempt to strike the officers. The suspect was struck in the upper chest with a beanbag round which briefly knocked him back. The suspect again advanced towards officers in an aggressive manner and the suspect struck the ballistic shield twice with his claw hammer, also striking the M26 TASER. The officers did notice that M26 was damaged and that the Air Cartridge was now loosely attached to the M26. The M26 was deployed from 3-7 feet away at that time, knocking the suspect back into the residence approximately 8-10 feet. One probe penetrated in the suspect’s hand and the other in suspect’s clothing located in the center torso. After approximately two seconds, the suspect pulled at wires, which pulled the Air Cartridge from the TASER where he had previously damaged it. Officers then utilized physical force to subdue the suspect and take him into custody. The suspect damaged the M26 with his hammer and the suspect was advancing toward officers and it knocked him back and then he pulled on the Air Cartridge out. He screamed. He got two seconds. Officers sustained minor injuries from the hammer strikes. The suspect sustained no injuries. Probes were removed at medical. Officer’s comment: "It really did help us. It gave us a tactical advantage of knocking him back into the room where we were able to get more 9 officers had it not knocked him back… otherwise would only have had two or three officers there in the doorway. We wouldn’t have fired a 2nd file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (41 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 shot as we immediately resorted to the swarm tactic." Officers weren’t aware the M26 had been damaged. AC now pulls out easily and will be replaced. NOTE: SWAT Officers had taken above emotionally disturbed individual into custody and had previously deployed an air cartridge. The subject was being transported by EMS personnel for evaluation by Mental Health Officials. To ensure that the subject remained compliant, officers performed a spark demonstration in front of the suspect. Officers had no further problems from the suspect. comment: The suspect stated that he was not going to try anything after the spark demonstration. USE: #90 - M26 TOUCH STUN STOPS VIOLENT SUBJECT USE OF THE M26 BY ROCK HILL POLICE DEPT., NC 9/30/00: Officers were attempting to lead the violent drunk, 174-lb., 5’8 22-yr-old, male suspect to his cell when he became aggressive with the officer. The suspect was non-compliant and began aggressively coming at the officer. The officer deployed the M26 from 3-7 Feet away and only one of the darts hit its intended target penetrating skin. The probe hit suspect’s mid-torso. The officer then utilized the M26 as a stun gun with compliance being gained. The suspect was placed into his cell with no more problems. The probe was removed at scene and officers or suspect sustained no injuries. USE: #91 - M26 STOPS DRUNK VIOLENT SUBJECT USE OF THE M26 BY ROCK HILL POLICE DEPT., NC 9/27/00: A 5’7, 170-lb., 33-yr-old, male suspect was incarcerated in the jail on public drunken charges. The suspect would not comply with any of the requests made by the officers and then became aggressive attempting to kick the officers. The M26 was fired from 7-11 feet away hitting the subject in the mid-upper back and mid-lower back with both probes penetrating skin. The first shot deployed caused the subject to fall to his bunk. After the first burst, the suspect again attempted to attack the officers and a second 5-second cycle was deployed. The suspect again would not comply with officers’ requests and a third 5-second cycle was deployed. The suspect then complied with all of the officers’ subsequent requests. No officers were injured and the subject sustained minor lacerations caused by the probes being deployed. Suspect pulled one of the darts out himself; the doctor at the hospital removed the second. USE: #92 - M26 NOT USED TO STOP SUICIDAL EDP BASED UPON PREGNANCY CONCERNS USE OF THE M26 BY SEBASTIAN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, AR 10/1/00: file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (42 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 A 30-ish, 185-lb., 5’5 female suicidal subject kept yelling and beating on her padded cell door. Deputies respond in an attempt to calm her and the Shift Sergeant displayed the M26 laser in an effort to gain compliance. The subject stood and stated "Come on and use it. I'm pregnant." Another Deputy then sprayed the subject with OC, somewhat incapacitating the subject and allowing the Deputies to exit without escalating the incident. However, the OC didn't last but a couple of seconds as she continued to beat on the door after the Deputies left. Officer’s comment: After seeing it stated: "Come on and use it. I'm pregnant." Manufacturer’s comment, the M26 could have been deployed, but was not because of department policy. USE: #93 - M26 NOT USED EFFECTIVELY DESPITE 6 TAKEDOWNS BY M26 IN CELL EXTRACTION USE OF THE M26 BY LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF’S JAIL, CA 9/30/00: A 24-yr-old, 5’10, 180-lb. male mentally disturbed male loosened his waist chain and was swinging it like a weapon While in his cell. He also spread urine and feces on the floor and walls and was threatening suicide as well as the staff. Due to previous successful deployments with the M26 the deputies did not suit up in Emergency Response gear. The inmate was hit with the M26 from 7-11 feet away and driven back, but after the five seconds he quickly recovered and refused to cooperate. The probes struck the subject mid-chest and right hand penetrating skin. The M26 was reactivated an additional five times. Each time the inmate was impacted but after each use he refused to cooperate with staff. Finally, the staff entered and wrestled the inmate to the ground and secured him. The inmate suffered minor injuries during the altercation with the staff. A number of deputies received minor injuries securing the inmate. OC was deployed without effect. The M26 worked, but the staff's expectation was that being shocked by the M26 would lead the inmate to submit to handcuffing without force. The inmate was incapacitated each time the M26 was activated, but no effort was made to handcuff him during these activations. Probes were removed at medical. Officers and inmate received minor injuries from swarm tactic. USE: #94 - M26 LASER STOPS RESISTANT DRUNK USE OF THE M26 BY FRESNO POLICE DEPT., CA 10/4/00: Officers called to scene of a drunken disturbance between brother and sister. On arrival, a 20yr-old, 5’10, 165-lb. male was extremely drunk, and refused to sit down. He continued to argue with the sister, despite officers’ presence, and refused commands to sit down. Sgt. deployed M26 laser and suspect sat down. He was then arrested and handcuffed for PC 647F (Drunk in Public), but officers released him to family when an "Officer needs assistance" call came out. Suspect’s comment: "You have no right to put that shit (laser sight) on me. I know my rights. file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (43 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 That's messed up." USE: #95 - M26 ONE PROBE HIT INEFFECTIVE ON VIOLENT DRUNK USE OF THE M26 BY FRESNO POLICE DEPT., CA 10/20/00: A 225-lb., 5’10, 40-yr-old, drunken male threatened to fight with officers and "kick ass" after being refused entry at a local bar. Officers backed off and requested a supervisor with the M26. After display and refusal to comply with several commands, the M26 was applied from a distance of approximately 12 feet. Top dart struck suspect in the mid abdomen, but the second dart hung up in suspect's shirttail. The deployment had no apparent effect on the suspect, despite two five-second applications. OC was then applied to the suspect's eyes, causing him to close his eyes but remain combative. Front snap kick to groin was applied, causing suspect to fall to the ground. Suspect continued to fight with officers during handcuffing, and M26 was applied in "stun gun" fashion twice to suspect's upper back, with no effect. Officers used control holds and physical force to handcuff and hobble suspect. Officer’s comment: Suspect stated he never felt any electricity, and did not realize he had been TASED. He stated the OC burned his eyes, and the front kick to the groin dropped him, but felt no ill effects from the taser application. He did not realize that the M26 "stun gun" applied to his back twice during handcuffing. Injuries: Puncture wound to abdomen from top dart. Eyes flushed for OC exposure. Checked and cleared for front kick to the groin. USE: #96 - M26 LASER STOPS VIOLENT DRUNK AFTER OC AND SWARM UNSUCCESSFUL USE OF THE M26 BY DELTA POLICE DEPT., BC 10/1/00: A 20-yr-old, 5’10 male suspect was checked by patrol members and was under the investigation for DWI. The suspect/driver gave a false name to our member. The suspect/ driver then fled the scene as to escape lawful custody. The suspect jumped into a river slew and evaded members for several hours. At one point a member used his pepper spray on the suspect/driver but its use had no effect on the suspect. A resident who reported a male wanting to use their phone later located the suspect. Again members attempted to arrest the suspect and a foot chase ensued. The suspect was arrested after a combination of arm and wrist holds and with the M26's laser that was directed at the suspect with verbal commands of being shocked. The suspect was then taken into custody. Later it was discovered that there were many outstanding warrants for the suspect. No injuries occurred. USE: #97 - M26 STUN STOPS EDP file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (44 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 USE OF THE M26 BY SEBASTIAN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, AR 10/6/00: During the intake process a 190-lb., 5’11, 27-yr-old detainee, refused to remove a silver wedding ring to be place with his property. The Deputy began to explain the property inventory process and the subject became irate and refused and said, "You come and get it!" The subject clenched his other fist as another deputy attempted to take the ring. Another deputy saw the fist and took the subject to the ground and restrained him as the first deputy attempted to take the ring. The subject grabbed one of deputy’s fingers. A M26 deputy initiated a 2-3 second contact stun to his upper back for him to release his finger. The subject yelled, but refused to let go. I warned again, then gave a 5-second charge in the same area. The subject then began cursing and yelling, "Kill me now" and stating he wanted to die. The subject was warned again. The subject received a contact stun from M26 to his kidney area and gave two consecutive 5 second hits. After the end of the second hit, the subject released deputy’s finger and opened his hand for his ring to be removed as he continually stated "OK..OK..OK". With each stun, I could hear the deputy muttering something next to me. After the incident, he told me he was somehow receiving a slight secondary charge from the M26. He said it was minor, kind of like holding onto a spark plug. I asked Dep. Parsley if he felt anything since the contact area was only 2 inches from his knee - he did not. We attributed it to the fact the subject was holding Dep. Chrisman's finger and the charge came through the ring somehow. Officer’s comment: I later interviewed and took pictures of the subject. He continuously apologized and was very compliant and respectful. I asked him if he would ever want to be tased again to which he stated "No way man. I'll do anything you want." Suspect’s injuries: Small red contact marks showing slight swelling with a pale "bullseye" in the center of each mark. No injuries sustained by the officers. USE: #97 - M26 STUN STOPS VIOLENT DRUNK USE OF THE M26 BY SEBASTIAN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, AR 10/6/00: An intoxicated 45-yr-old, 5’5, 150-lb. male detainee in our Detention Center refused to remove an earring during his intake process. The intake Deputy attempted to remove it and a physical altercation ensued. I responded and observed the subject on the ground with deputies attempting to retrieve his right arm, which the subject had placed underneath him. I drew my M26 and initiated a 2-3 second contact stun to the subject's upper back area. The subject cursed and continued to refuse to cooperate. I then gave the subject a full 5-second charge and the subject stated, "OK, OK, I give up!" The subject gave his arm to the Deputy and his earring was removed. The subject was placed in the holding cell without further incident. Officer’s comment: I interviewed the subject the following day and took pictures of his injuries. He stated he would never do that again if he ever came back to our jail. Minor "burn" marks with slight swelling surrounding the contact area - similar to a hornet sting. Video was made. Officers sustained no injuries. file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (45 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 USE: #98 - M26 STUN STOPS VIOLENT DRUNK USE OF THE M26 BY SEBASTIAN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, AR 10/2/00: A combative 175-lb., 5’10, 30-ish male subject was brought in by the Ft. Smith PD that began to fight and attempted to spit on our detention deputies. Once the subject was taken to the ground, he continued to resist. The Shift Sergeant removed the M26 Air Cartridge and initiated a contact stun on the subject's upper back. The subject stated "I give up, I give up," but continued to resist after the 5- second cycle ended. Another 5-second cycle was given and the subject calmed enough to be searched and placed in the holding cell. About 2 hours later, the Deputies took pictures of the injuries. As they attempted to place him back in the cell, he became combative again and was taken to the floor. As he was kicking the deputy's legs, the Shift Corporal sprayed OC in the subject's facial area, allowing the Deputies to roll him onto his stomach, but he continued to resist. The Shift Sergeant responded and gave two more 5second contact stuns to the subject's back. This allowed the Deputies to place him into the cell without receiving any major injuries. Suspect received minor "burn" marks on his upper and lower back where the M26 made contact. Video was made of incident. USE: #99 - M26 LASER STOPS VIOLENT DRUNK USE OF THE M26 BY SEBASTIAN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, AR 9/21/00: The Fort Smith PD notified us prior to arrival that one of their officers needed assistance with a combative, 20-yr-old male subject that was attempting to transport to our jail. Upon arrival, the subject was extremely combative and was advised not to resist the deputies. The subject refused to comply and yelled that he would kick all our asses when the handcuffs come off. Upon removal of the cuffs, he continued to be combative. The Shift Sergeant pulled his M26 and advised the subject not to resist or he would TASER him. The subject's demeanor immediately changed and he began to comply. Officer’s comment: Upon seeing the M26, the subject actually began to physically cry and begged the Sergeant not to shoot him with the TASER. During the begging and sobbing, he pleaded to the Sergeant by asking "Why man, what did I ever do to you?" The officers or suspect sustained no injuries. Video was made of incident. USE: #100 - M26 LASER STOPS ROBBERY SUSPECT USE OF THE M26 BY ALBUQUERQUE POLICE DEPT., NM 10-11-00: An 18-yr-old, 5’7, 150-lb., male suspect was wanted on a parole violation for an armed robbery. Initially he fled from officers by jumping from a second story balcony and then hid in a nearby garage. An officer tracked him to that location and confronted him at gunpoint. The file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (46 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 suspect failed to comply with verbal commands. Instead he started toward the officer to pass him. The officer holstered and drew his baton seeing his hands were free. A parole officer arrived and the suspect was cuffed in the front initially. Then as the two officers attempted to recuff in the rear the suspect got a hand free and tried to fight and run. The two officers managed to take him down to the floor but were struggling to recuff the loose hand. I arrived and turned on the M26 laser and advised the suspect to stop fighting or he would be shocked. He saw the laser pointed at his chest and immediately complied. The only injuries the suspect received occurred during the physical take down. Suspect sustained a bloody nose and bruising from physical resistance prior to display of M26. No officers were injured. USE: #101 - M26 LASER STOPS ROBBERY SUSPECT USE OF THE M26 BY CALAVERAS COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT., CA, 9/30/00: Deputies responded to welfare check/suspicious circumstance and found that the residence involved was being burglarized. Four male juveniles (14-18-yr.-olds, 5’10-6’) and one adult had a stolen vehicle. Suspects were confronted and detained by two deputies and advised that if they were to run the M26 TASER would be used to stop them and the laser sight was deployed on ground in front of them. The suspects after seeing laser said they would comply. Officer's comment: One suspect said he had been hit by one of those before and "I ain't going anywhere." No injuries occurred to officers or suspects. USE: #103 - M26 STOPS EDP INMATE FIGHT USE OF THE M26 BY SEBASTIAN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, AR 10/15/00: While responding to a fight in progress in one of the felony segregation units in our jail, my deputies and I entered the unit to find two inmates (one consistently violent and the other a former escapee of our facility) engaged in a physical altercation. As we entered the unit, one of them began to run at the other and was in the process of swinging at him when I shot him with the M26 from 7-11 feet away hitting him in the upper right shoulder blade and mid-right back. The 28-yr-old, 180-lb., 5’11 male immediately dropped and his forward momentum slid him across the floor and into the wall. As I let the M26 continue it's 5-second cycle, my other deputies immediately subdued the other inmate and placed him in his cell. Deputy Parsley and I cuffed our Tased inmate and we escorted him to the nurse's station. I easily removed the darts and photographed his wounds. They were so small; I had Deputies point to the entry holes. The TASER was great and my deputies were great. I don't think we could have pulled it off better if we practiced for weeks! Officer's comment: On the scene right after I shot him, I waited to see if he needed another application before we cuffed him so I asked if he wanted anymore. He just sat there with his mouth open and shook his head no. He then looked up me and said, "What was that?" I told him it was the TASER and asked if he would fight anymore. With his mouth still open, he slowly shook his head and said "No Sir, Mr. Garrett." He told me file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (47 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 later "You can't do nothing. Don't hit nobody while you got the gun on them, 'cause they can't do nothing. You can't move." Suspect’s Injuries: very minor. Small puncture holes. No bleeding or swelling. Probes were removed on scene. No officers were hurt. USE: #104 - M26 LASER STOPS INMATE FIGHT USE OF THE M26 BY SEBASTIAN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, AR 10/12/00: While responding to a large physical altercation in a day area of one of our felony housing units involving 15-20 inmates, I turned on the laser sighting system to prepare for a possible use for the M26. During the lockdown process, this 22-yr-old, 5’6, 160-lb., male, individual became verbally non-compliant as we were breaking up the incident. I placed the M26 laser on his chest to gain compliance. The individual jumped back, turned his head, and placed his hands up in front of him in a defensive manner. He then complied with our orders and went to his cell. No injuries sustained by officers or inmate. USE: #105 - M26 LASER STOPS VIOLENT SUBJECT USE OF THE M26 BY FRESNO POLICE DEPT., CA 10/1/00: Police contacted several subjects at the scene of a domestic argument/battery. A 43-year-old 5’5, 140-lb. male under the influence of alcohol was standing in the front yard behind a locked 4' chain link fence, and displayed objective symptoms of alcohol intoxication. He ignored officers' commands to walk over to the fence to be searched. After continued refusal to cooperate, laser sight deployed on suspect's chest, and he was told to look at his chest. On seeing the red laser sight on his chest, Suspect’s comment: "Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. No problema. Esta bien." USE: #106 - M26 STUN STOPS VIOLENT DRUNK USE OF THE M26 BY SEBASTIAN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, AR 10/7/00: A highly intoxicated 160-lb., 5’6, 20-ish male subject was admitted into our Detention Center. He became very unruly and began to resist the deputies attempting to pat him down during the intake process. A physical altercation ensued and sergeant initiated a contact stun with his M26 on the subject's lower back. The subject dropped to the ground enabling the responding deputies to place the subject in arm bars to control him. The subject began to resist shortly afterwards and the M26 stun charge was applied a second time, gaining compliance. The subject was then taken into the intake shower for a strip search and began to fight again. The subject again was hit by the M26 contact stun for a third time. The subject then cooperated and did not resist any further. Officer’s comment: "No visible injuries at all!" Officer’s sustained file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (48 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 no injuries. USE: #107 - M26 Drops Subject on Methamphetamines, Alcohol and Marijuana USE OF THE M26 BY ALBUQUERQUE PD, 9/10/00: At 2145 hours officers responded to investigate reports of a naked 24 year male chasing cars. The male was under the influence of alcohol, meth and marijuana. Officers deployed pepper spray at the subject using the large fogger model. No affect. M-26 was deployed from 10 feet with the upper probe striking the left rear shoulder blade. The target went to the ground immediately. M-26 was turned off before the five second cycle had completed. The lower probe came loose before officers could secure the target. Officers swarmed the target and completed the handcuffing without injury. Sergeants comment; trigger much to heavy. Unit had good results. USE: #108 - Subject Surrenders after Officers Discharge M26 (Shot missed) USE OF THE M26 BY AMARILLO PD, 4/17/00: On Monday, 04-17-00, at approximately 10:20 p.m., Officer A. and I were dispatched to 3407 S. Hill, to assist Officer H. and Officer W. in regards to a mental call. Upon arrival, I heard the front door to the residence slam shut and the porch light turn off. Officer H. knocked on the door and a male subject told him to go away. I then heard what sounded like a fight inside the residence. We made entry into the residence and a male subject ran into the southwest bedroom and held the door shut. The subject's wife advised us that he was armed with a pocket knife. We were unable to get the bedroom door opened due to the fact that the male subject was holding the door shut. At this time I went outside the residence to a window looking into the southwest bedroom along with Sgt. S.; Sgt. S. instructed me to break out the bedroom window so that he could discharge a Taser at the subject. I broke out the window and Sgt. Schlong discharged the Taser missing the subject. At this time the subject raised his hands into the air showing that he was unarmed and stated "I give up." He was taken into custody by other officers on the scene. USE: #109 - M26 Laser Illumination Stops Suicidal Woman From Cutting Self with Knife USE OF THE M26 BY CLARKSTOWN PD, 4/23/00: Emotionally disturbed suicidal female was cutting her wrists with a knife. She was under the influence of alcohol and prescription drugs. Initially failed to comply with verbal commands but complied when file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (49 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM] FIELD USES OF THE M26 laser of M26 was activated. Click here to return to eTASER.com file:///U|/taser/M26/2000/M26Uses.htm (50 of 50) [6/9/2009 1:34:12 PM]