Taser Oh In-custody Death Certificate 2001
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Reg. Dist No. DO HOT WRITE 'N MAIlG'N Il{SfIlll£O 'OR DOH Primary Reg. DiSl. No. CERTIFICATE OF DEATH _ Registrars No. OATACOO'HG Ohio Department of Health VITAL STATISTICS _ 1. Oeceden!"s Name (F"st Middle, LAST) a. _ b. _ c. _ d. _ e. _ Stale File No. TYPE OR PRINT IN PERMANENT BLACK INK _ 2. Sex 3. Date of Death MALE 4. Social Security Number Sa. Age-Last Birthday I-'Sb::;-:.U",n.:.::d:;:e.:. r.:.D:.:;ne,_y.:.:e;;:a::..r_-+:::;:,==....:..:~,-.,_-l Months /Years} 286-68-1094 DB:. 17, 2001 7. B.rthplace /CIfr, """'Y iIld 5'.. or For.." eo...ryj (Monrh,II.1y. Yur/ Days 27 (Month. Dar, rur) 11, 1974 HAMILTON, 00. 8. Was Decedem Ever in U.S. Armed Forces? 9a. Place of Death (Check Dn'r One/ hH"o:-:"s":"'pitc:a:7I----------------r;;:;:-:-:----------------------- 0 o Inpatienl 0 0 ERJDulpatient 0 ReSidence Other (S~cly/ 9d. County of Death FORr HAMILTON HOSPITAL 10. Mantal Slatus- Marrlf4, ..., Morn... W....... Door,.. HAMILTON 12a. Decedenl's Usual Occupation II. Survivong Spouse (II W4e, /SpecJr/ 12b. Kind of Bus.nessilndustry (GIve kmd o(work done dUflng most of working Isf, 00 no' use RetJre-d) G,ve Malden Name' If DEATH OCClMUD IN INSllTUTION. GrvE IIIESIDEHtE I£fO",( ADMISS'OH -+ 13a. ReSidence-State 13b. County OHIO 13c. City, Town, Twp., or Locaoon HAMILTON 13e. InSide C,ty Um.IS' 13f. ZIP Code 11458 FITCHBURG Ik"'lli FOREST PARK 16. Decedenfs Educatoon 14. Was Decedent of Hispanic Dngln? 0 Yes (If Yes, Specify Cuban, Me"c.n. Pueno RIcan. etc.) 0Cl Yes 0 45240 No 17. father's Name BlACK ame (F"st MIddle, Last! I ""hen «J1y G(~d. ComcJtr.4/ OemenlarylSecondary 10-121 conego 11-4 or 5.1 11 (f"st MIddle. Ma.rlen Surname) JOHN KNIGHT 19a. Informant's Name I' 19b. Malhng Address (TypeIPrlllri BARBARA HENDRIX 20a. Method of OlSpos'Oon Bur..1 0 CremallOn DonatIon lJ Other (Sue., and NumurOf Ru"l Route Number. City or Town, S,.te.lJP Code) 11458 FITCHBURG lANE, CIOCINNATI, OHIO 45240 lOb. Place of DIspOSition (Name o( Cemetery, Crem.wry. or Olio., PI.ce/ o Removal from Slate 2Oc. Locaoon HAMILTON, OlUO ISPIClly, 2Od. Date of Disposition 21a. Name of Embalmer 'I 21b. License Number (First Middle. Lasrl 6151A OONAlD H. JORDAN, SR. 22b. License Number (oIlJcensee/ 23. ame and Address of facrllty 25. Date fded (Month, Dar. Y.a,/ Signalure of Person Issuong Permll g._--- ---- 28a. Ceruller (J (Chock Dn'r One) (Include CIty, Stare and llP code) GREEN, HALL & JORDAN MEM)RIAL CHAPEL 532 soum SEXX)ND STREEI' HAMILTON, OHIO 45011 5164 h. City 0' Town. Stall 26b. Dist. No. 27. Date Permit Issued Certifying Physician To lhe best of my knowledge. death occurred at the tune. dale. and place. and due to the cau.seh) and manner as suted. ro Coroner On Ihe basIS 0' eaaminatlOn and/or InveStlgatlon. in my opinion. death occurred at the tMl'le. dale. and place; and due to the 28b. T,me of Death ~1 9:07 k.. m (Month, D.y. December 17, 2001 M causeh~ and manner as stated. rearl DNo _ 28g. Date Signed (Include City. State .nd lJP cod.1 _ Burkhardt, M.D., Coroner, 315 High St., Suite 650, Hamilton, OH _ p._--q---- (Month, Day. re.r) Jan. 25, 2002 35-027548 _ n. 0. 28c. Date Pronounced Dead (Fmal dlSelJse Of condlCJOn -+ I Onse' .nd Dea'h E855.2 Cocaine abuse fI$uJrmg In death) 45011 ApprOXimate Interval Berween Part t Enter the diseases, mjuries, or complications that caused the death. Do not enter the mode of dying, such as cardiaC or resprratory arrest. shock. or hean faliure. List only one cause on each line. Tyoe or orin! in oermanent black ink. a. Immediale Cause b. Due to (0' as a Consequence ofl Sequenllarty hst cond.uon.s. u. _ If any. leadIng to the mmedlate c. Due to (or as a Consequence of) cause. Enter Underlyi"9 C~u.s. Last (D,jeiJSe Of mJury that Ift/tlated events resulting Part II. SH 'NSrlllJCTIONS ON R£Y[IIS£ S,oE 1ft Other s;gn;(;canl cond;l,ons conlflbulong to death but not resuh,ng rn the underlyIng cause gIven rn Part!' Other undetermined factors 32 Manner of Death o Nalural )C Awdenl HEA1711 5152 R.v 21'31 d. Due to (or as a Consequence ot) death) o SVlclde o Pendong IrwesllgalJOn U Could NOI be Oetermtned 0' CilUSli! of Death' ~Yes 0 33d Describe How Inlury Occurred 33b. Time ot Inlury 33a. Date of InJUry pprox (Month, Day. rear/ 12-17-2001 31a. Was an Autopsy 31b. We,e Autopsy F.. dlngs Performed? Available Prior (0 Compleoon 1: 50 AM M 33e. Place of Inlury - AIHocn•.f.. m.S..... f"IOrf.Ot'c.B~.•" street 0 )Q}Yes 0 0 drug abuse 33t. Locallon ISue.' and Number or Rural Rou,e Number. Cily or Town. S'ale' East Avenue at Sycamore Street, ~T.:>mi't-,...,n_ ()1-l