Taser Pueblo Co Pd Policy 2000
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16:39 POLICE DEPT-CHIEF OF POLICE ~ DEFAULTCSID NO. 384 • PUEBLO, COLORADO POLICE DEPARTMENT OPERAT'ONS BUREAU MLMl>FA1'ff)uM TO: ALL PERSONNEL FROM' D.C. "OHM P. ERCU SUBJECT. AIR TASER POLICY OATE, 1215100 A comprehensIVe policy covering tho use of less lethal weapar1S Is In tlte works. That polley will cover, among otller things. the USB of the all' lasers. In advance of the Issuance 0' that pOII(;)', thls memorandum will set forth the gulclellnea for use of the lasers, whIch will be acfdro5$cd tIy' the policy. 1. All officers will be afforded the appDrtonity to rKelye training In the use of the all' lasers. The training will begin (in fact, has begun) on each of the Patrol Dlvotslon watches. The traIning will be MANDATORY for POlIto' and Trafftc DIvision office,.,. OffIcers assllned to other divisions and sectlon8 may naake arTangements with one of the waloh commanders, ;lind tltGlr own char.. of command. to attttnd one of the trainIng suslon5. Eventually, the Tralnlnll section will be offertng the taser training, sa every ufftcer will have the opportunity to attend. ONLY THUS': OFFICERS WHO HAVE ATTENDED A TRAlNIMG SESSION, WILL BE PERMITTED, BY POUCY, TO CARRY OR USE THe Alit TASl!:ft, however, It will probably be mandatory for every officer who routinely respDnds 10 calls for service to have an air tase" readily available. 2. The lasers will ONa..V be deployed end used I" a manner consistent with the tralnlnl provided. A verbal wamlng will be ,hIe" BEFORE deployment, not only to warn the Individual and encouraQe compliance, but to advise other af'fIcers present that a LESS LETHAL weapon. as oPJlosed to it firearm, Is being deployed. The tasers should ALL b. conslflcuously ma"ked wtth the bright yellow decals Indicating -less lethal". 002 12/15/2000 • 16:39 POLICE DEPT-CHIEF OF POLICE ~ DEFAULTCSID "".384 • 3. In m05t cases, the police officer who uses the taser, will remove the barbs from the In.dlvldual against whom the taser was deployed. Orlly when a barb enters a sensitive area of the body (head, face. neck. groin, et~.) will medical attetdlon be sought for removal of the barb. In those case5, the Individual should be taken, by the otfieer(s), to one of the emervency rooms, where the barb can be remo¥ed by medical authOrity. Fire Rescue personnel and personnel employed by prtvate amt-ulances. will NOT, by their QW'1'I pOlicy, remove the baltt&:. Fire Rescue MAY be summoned to cvaluillto a person shot with it taser, If that person Insists on a mecUeal evaluation. or If the crffh;er ar supervisor detennlncs treatMent Is necessary. It Is NOT necessary to calf Fire Rescue EVERY time the laser Is deployed. 4. A supervisor shall be notlfled EVERY TIME a taser Is deployed, and that supervisor should respond Clulckly to the soene when possible. All uses of the laser shall be documented by a "SubJee.t Management- report. If possible, photographs shall be taken of the Individual and the marks caused by tho ta.ser bart-s.. CoplQS of the photogr~phs. and the disc, shall be tumed In wtth the sut-ject manageMent report. 5. Once removed 'rOM the Individual, the used barbs. shall be treatH as any contaminated Item. They shall be handled w1lh cara, and reasaublo measures should be taken ta prevent blood bOme contamlnatlDn. The barbs shan be safely placed In tbe launching capsule, and both shall be dep,oslted In one of the blo-hazard waste receptacles at the police station, for disposal. Tho•• who have been ttillned In the use of the alr·tasers may begin G3rrylng them. and using them In accordance with the dlreotlves contalnecl herein. ""3