Taser Supervisory Use Report 2009
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SUPERVISORY TASER USE REPORT Suspect Name: Report Date: Location: Booked: Charges: Officer’s Name: Sgt.: Supervisor TASER Serial #: Medical Facility: Doctor: OR#:: Fire DR#:: Date of the Incident: Location of the Incident: Officer(s) Involved: Nature of the Call or Incident: Type of Subject: Human Time of Incident: Animal Type of Force Used in addition to TASER (Check all that apply): OC/Chemical Physical Impact Munition Baton Firearm Nature of the Injuries and Medical Treatment Required: Admitted to Hospital for Injuries: Admitted to Hospital for Psychiatric: Medical Exam: Summary of the Actions of Officer(s) Involved: Was an Officer, Law Enforcement Employee Injured?: Incident Type [check appropriate response(s) below] Civil Disturbance Violent Suspect Warrant Service Suicidal Barricade Other Age: Height: Build: Heavy Sex: Race: Medium Trim Suspect wearing heaving clothes: TASER Application: Actual Use Arc Display Only TASER Use Mode: Dart Probe Contact Display Only Touch Stun Contact Type of TASER Device [check appropriate response(s) below] TASER X26 ADVANCED TASER M26 If ADVANCED TASER M26 what type of batteries (not TASER X26) [check appropriate response(s) below] Rechargeable NiMH Alkaline Type of AIR CARTRIDGE [check appropriate response(s) below] 21-Ft Standard 21-Ft XP 15-Ft AC 25-Ft Standard 25-Ft XP 35-Ft AC F TASER Incident Report 5/22/2009 25-Ft Standard 25-Ft XP 35-Ft AC Was a TASER CAM Attached to the TASER X26? [check appropriate response(s) below] TASER CAM Used NO TASER CAM Approximate target distance at the time of the dart launch: Need for an additional shot?: Did dart contacts penetrate the subject’s skin?: Regarding the TASER X/M26: Did the application cause injury: If yes, was the subject treated for the injury?: DESCRIPTION OF INJURY: APPLICATION AREAS - Points of contact Head Face Neck Neck RS LS LS RS Up Back Chest R Arm L Arm L Arm Abdom RH Groin R Arm Low Back Buttocks LH RH LH R Thi L Thi L Thi R Thi R Leg L Leg L Leg R Leg RF LF LF RF SYNOPIS: Need for additional applications?: Did the device respond satisfactorily?: If the TASER deployment was unsuccesful was a DRIVE STUN followup used? Describe the subject’s demeanor after the device was used or displayed? F TASER Incident Report 5/22/2009 Suspect Under the influence: Confirmed by: Describe the danger present: Describe other means attempted to control the subject: (If not used, explain) Chemical Spray Used?: Explanation: Baton or Blunt Instrument?: Explanation: Authorized control holds?: Photographs Taken?: If not, explain: Report Completed by: X ________________________ Signature (Hard Copy) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Save this file to your hard drive. It will not email properly until after being saved. 2. Submit this report to the national TASER technology incident database. Email to: Andrew@TASER.com Click "File" -> "Send" -> "Mail Recipient" (send to: Andrew@TASER.com) 3. If you cannot email, please fax this report to: (480) 991-0791 Attn: Andrew Hinz, 800-978-2737 ext. 2048 4. Save a copy of this report to your department archives. 5. Print and sign a copy of this report and deliver to supervising officer for filing in department records. F TASER Incident Report 5/22/2009 F TASER Incident Report 5/22/2009