Taser Ul - Electric Shock Analysis, Bulletin Research, 1955
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L-, , SECTION VI: p. 1 J .[ • I L· ,• ! , L I • L ;":"-.========-===-===-=.=='===,'':"':'':'''-:':'----:='''':''':.=='.'. BULLETIN OF RESEARCH --=====.---"--" ------.. - -... -----==--'-=-= - - = _._~- _. •• L I j--- TO N '-- .- - ~ ELECTRIC SHOCK 1-_f_;~~:\1. AS IT PERTAINS T"" lGC • 'T--i-- ;-;----1 L THE ELECTRIC FEN¢E"::: L : JMS L L , L L L L L- , OFrlCE.S AND TESTINC STATJONS '. . 1JJi I::"'", Oillu Sl'''rt, CI,iCl'RO 11.111. I .2,', )'1 l)lInJ"'r HOI.II. 161 Si.l1, A\· I\'J. 2~7. Nal,1.luool... III. IbS~ 1",.",' Yo,),. 13. N. Y. Senti I.", ~"",., CI",,,. Cal,f. I I L· L ••,11". 'tl • y ••, •• • [ L~ • • ---------•._-------_._ .. - . ._. ...._... · ·,. '. ~ ;..," .. ·W· '0(" • ." ,.....:;'". .' . .: "' . ,.. ",-: · ,. • t;" . .. -, " .. ~''''' ':: .. " "'\ , i ' . ' I ...., • ·• , , .. , ·,.'. .., · .".-. .. • ~. .::~ ...... ..... ~'H:.~f...: : .~ ..' ~~.., .;.,;!'I. 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JIlC.; (\'! jlllill a J'('PI/rl of a fatal dlTtrir icnt'(' accidl'nt; (II) (rul1l a fidd ~lIr \'l'Y IIi rqH1flCti t'xpt:ril'nc:c with fl·nn.'~ in U~l'. »;It:. ... , Ji ' .. , J7 ·[ ••• . •. .'\x • •••••• • • [ , • • • ' 4$ ,- •••••• ~:lil'ly {or a 4.' ...... ., .. -, ••• ~I. • · . . , . .. .'1 o [ ' ••• ••• '['" ••• • I I I , child \\11(,'11 ('xpn...C"d to ('onlO1e1 with all cJcrtric t""un.' is Ildl'f1l1ined II:' the il1\'C.·stit::uioJ1. anti i!' t1~l'(1 i1~ ;~ crill'J'joll ior Lahor,ltorjl'~' recollJlllc.'lHlalions as to safe ch:uacteri:;tics and op('mtion l\\'o·yrar·old of electric fence conIrollers of hoth the alternating,cllr"'nt and boller)'operated I)'pes, .'1 .'1 S.l • •••••• · . . • • . • 54 • ,,I Thi:-; lmllrlin <1('..rrih("~ an inVl'sti,::ation, OC'CllJlyill;;: idH'nn tllr('(' yc;trs, of dt'(f rir ~hll(,h- ., .. il Jwrt.lins 10 Ih(' dl'l'l rir (l'IH'('. Thr pl:w IIi 1hr ill\.t....1j. J.::lliflll illd\llkd ~tl1dit,~ of 11ll' n;IIlIn' ni dt'l'trie ~h,,"'k ,ml! jl~ ph., !'oil',i1 t'ri't'ft Oil ;llIilllaJ!'o ,illld hl1l11:I1lS, indwlillg hlldy ('h't·trkal rni~t:Ul(,(', :111I1 1;11"1111".. ~1JdJ ,I:; \'1.1ta~(>, {rc.'fJlICnry, t1111l'UI!II ,l1Id 1l:lll1r(' pf ('IITrCOIII pa!'l~inJ.: 1h1"01l:.:11 th...•..hfldy.. dllralion 01 n1rrl'II1, (Jural ion of "fl11" pc:riocl and c.·lt'l1lt'lIl oi '" • , ABSTRACT [ .....· .. · ELECTRIC SHOCK AS IT PERTAINS TO THE ELECTRIC FENCE , . J" " I, I , , I .. 7 ••• ••••••• [ • J •••• • • l I 9 [ ' ' •• No. .... • ", J>.J:e . . . . . ... , 0" ' ' : ' : ' ' ; ' ; ' ' I .... ... ... ,[ .... • • ,0', ...;... _.~ ... ~.o • ... · .'."1"!'''.,.. . . .·.--.. 4 ! . . . . . Il?.. Im-· £7..."'11"_ ..•. ·~""!~"" ... ~ .t.:.. ", ", " '. .:, .' ..:. • .,.... .' ',' .~; " • <if' ~ • ., ••~ r.' '. :' ~_ ~ - .. • , [, .. • " • / ~ 55 3 I -_......_---_._-----------------------,--_ •._----[ ~ •• L, ~ ., . ".' ... _-----, co _ ~ ... ~ · . .s:' .- L -:-t'"'" . 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'. 0'. ~, [ :•. • •. j. .. . · . •. ,.,~.;:.' '. .. • "" Elt • r . .' ...... ..... .... .. ',' ··... ~·:;..·..·.·I······ . \ '.'.:, . ", ·,··.. ·:'·,'~lld~'1 ..-.·.,_ ..•. ,.l' • , '.~ ..··;.:7;. ' .. ,.:... .1-:'•. "';:" ... ,.'; ~ .....-..' , . .... ,... -:. •..... -_, .... . .. ' { ..... : , ~ . ....... .. • • • • - ,'•. ,:.,' ••'10: .••••,.. :'~.' ~".' ' .. .. .•.. ; , . .'<1; .' .... ,,..---\~,., . "4(' .. ·.'rr .. '-. ' . -,..•.... - , • ' - , ., ... ...... "~............._----_......_-------------------_..----., •• 'g. ..... - ' , . ", ,'.-::. '1'· - ... ':"'" .'.' "";\,.'" ',"" ., ~,:' ,~ ' . , ~. '.. "".-, " t. ' • " '-"": ", ' $ • L • L ELECTRIC SHOCK AS IT PERTAINS TO THE ELECTRIC FENCE • [ By H. B. Whit.ker. ". I, , • • [ I INTRODUCTION [ [ [ [ [ 'fhi, h"lIe';n eO'''lil''le, 'hc third cd;,;"" o{ • rrp"rt (Sl'j"l'Il1h"r 19.W) on OIn ill\·C";g.l;n" o{ c!<-c'r;e ,h"ck "' ;, pe,.",;", I" Ihe declric {encc, eondncled by lilHl<r\\'ril"'" J.'I,.,ro" ... ;e., Jne. {.,,. the Prill1e (.ct"ri,,!: COll1pO")', Wi,..• "d X.';o".1 Corl",,, C ll1p."y, O o 1'\C\l' York, X. Y. The C nper.,",,, ."d '''PPOrt o{ Ihc,e "'.""{.clllr..., i. {"lIy .d "o\\' Jedl;eu. ~1;J\\o,,""" [ [ [, npj,Ii('.1:i"n~ ,,I , • •• I I .liIIe«1l1 ill ,It;ll ;, rO"'r.,l, .";Ill;'" I,)' "1(''''1> o{ (ear ro,h..,. :h"" I,)' !trelllo:fh or 'I." c';III~ing pOlin. 1'11(' dC'('nil' i"nrc i... ('ftlllptl!'l't! of 1\\"(1 dl~. IiI"" p"rl'.Il;"",'!). 'lie' imrc wire. ",,01 ,I ... ":""'1';, C"lllr":!",, "hi,h "'1'1' Ii,·, ('llt'I";':." J~k("rrir fC'lll'C' 1'''1-1,,111«:, :lIld [ • n( thr Ill(l,t rl'('('lll ,1Ild IIn\'rl n( rJ('("lririt." ill the ftlr,,1 :In'.1~ 10u:'I\'• i!'o 111(' drClril" (('IH'C", Pll\·... tilt' r]c't'lri, {ellCl' ,11£;'('1'0; irflO1 • if;.lh·. • o rllt' '·'IIJ1n'llIi llal tYpf> of Il;lrhc:t!·win· IIr Wfl\TII-\\"irc (n\l'(' in lL.. : ij j~ of :-.iJl:;'/t·r C'1l11~lrtlrlillJ1 (11 .. ",.11." !J;l\'ill;': Hilt' \\ifr) :1Ilt} doC's lIot fl'ljilin' lh,' IIh'dl;IUic,1l ~lrt'lJ;':ljl or !'olahilil." III lilt' older types. FllIll:tinI1;lli.". it i... OUl' th(' C:ln'lrir:l1 [ ~Iall\l' lit I • I '"l' fCllcr wil't', I •• I."pc i~ Illlln' ('I'II llliral, llo ('I;"','li\'c' th;m thr oTdill:Il-.\' il'nn', m:lIlllfat'ltlrrr,.. t"/:.iJ11 lh:ll l!lis in ....lIm..• ('f1~l''', IIIlIl"e , ""hil", rhe i,fra or ilppl~·ills.: rJrrtrir !'hnrk no,; a f("!ilfOiillint: I11rditll11 to hum:lI1s and :lIIilll,als ;50 not n("w, it j!' only withill the P.1"1 ((;'w )'rar:- (hal l11al1u(aC'tl1rn~ ha"c .'('\"(·Iopr<l t"i~ principle fill :l C'Ol11l1lcrcin,lll:l!'i!';, "'hik the :1C'1Ual IHUlIl'l')' uf mautI(n,C"lIUTr!' j!' nOI dt'linilel\' known. it i~ ('~Iimat('d • ,h". Ihcrc ......1 1r.'t lOO in Ihe Unitcd S'''I''s. Thc popnl.,.il)' "I the d\,\.~tric j\'Ut'(' i~ indiral('cl sOI11('\\,hn,t It)' a M.lICI11CI11 of Profl's.sor H. \Y, I~il,'\'• "I till' l'\ew York 51,ue C"lIeg e o{ A/:t'icuhure, Who eSlinlOted thot lh\."rlo W('n' pruhaLI)' l>ct\\'('(,11 50.000 and 100,000 UJ1it~ in operation at that .ill1e (19.'8).' ....., all nllnlh.., ..d ,C'f"U'li"'" 'f''' r;~I. p.Ct' $5. -,A... i"I." ••:I.... ,'u"l r.n,lnn,; IIn.l.., "Ilj,r,,·i.ion 0' It. IMer. bolh lJnd",..,il",,' 1.abora.oriu. nc:o 0' n, I ,,• II , ,• • . Sh"ra,d (drc:......d). £1..C'101:&1 £nc'. I 5 ! I, ! p--, --.,--._._--------,------._--------_._--_._.. __..• L . ", I •I L- :.,'... " . .~. ..... ':",' f. ;: · '.. ',' . " / • to ' •• I '.'-...,.J~ ··~-I· . ~""":J' ... ." .". ". • • ." '. r . [ 0 ~.... 0 ••• ' . ,. .\:.:. .." .. ,~;.. , :"-a. "~"'~'.\"":."" 't,.,,~ ~.,~.: ...;:·~cN :/~;.; ~ .. ",' . .., ,'\" ,.,...... ., , "'I. '1""-'''-: ~,.., >.",i';.·: .'I;;':"I"'!j ·c."'·.· !;1:i :.•••..•~;:,•. ~I;$}-.'·"-:' i< .- !¥."-'1'-" . . ,~ • [ .',... ''":'.' ./ • • l ., ".: . ' " ... .... ,,', '.' ' ." . j •• • *_.. .....i . . . , •• ,~ ~ "• • '\... ', ,".' _ . ~,,;t_ •.. . '",: ,':~' , . ',.. . t ....~ "'f;' '.,; ,'. . ' '.' ;"":" ., '.' :., "•." . .... ,'.,'..... .- .. ".,i. ._t~.'.,\' , ,_ .~, . ;.' . , . "', . -, " . .••. : •~_ _..'. .. iIIii&..·:;",;·'..'iI··..R .--• f. ".:' ',.. ". ~'- ... •' :. " , '... ,100...... .. , • t.r' . .. •. "'-~"''''' .. '' .1"..... , ~ .~ _-._~-- " ' ..,•••..-: ·.r '. • ..,·•., , •••• ~ ~ I ••••• J .. ' .' . 01..:,.·· • ...... 'f".: - ..,", ".,'. . ' It. . . . . ,., :; • -.~--_ "\',"~" 4:" ..• . J'It:.!.:":~.~"" ,::... ..-!"~t.' , . . , ..:.,... ~., ',- -:;I; '. '..: ~ '.~ " •.•.:~ ,. ....... '• . '. ........-' • '. . . ' ,. : .• ;;'J>"''''.r. • •• -·t ~ ·~ '. .j.. ;.... : ~,.1;····,i.:.:-· ' . ....: . ; '" '. " ..1. •..... ,,"; [ [. ~ ' f:· ,-···t······ . , ."l'" .. ' ·~.'\: .• ':":: r i'!\T": .,. .,.,; ". I'" ..... ' ~l~.. . " .'" .'" .,'-~ .... ,~ ~~_.' • '. ;,J" .••• ,.~ •• ~ .,., ' .'f.·'t'··' .. . , I . .. •• , . ..', ~., ',:" . " " . ,'" .\,'" ..,.._'. • , ...' : '. f , . .. .. ..... . . ,• . . r, •. , .;.:"," ••.• "., ' ... \,;..!.., ..... , • • • . ~~'" "'-"'J'.'. .. ,,·· ....··<t··"l··',.··,·· .. , ". ' . • . ·, " . , , .$__.. ;".,.. . . . ._ _ ......,,;, . •'. .' ..;, _ ,,~ .-. .. • D.ECTIUC SHOCK AS IT PEIlTAINS TO THE ELECTR'C FENCE , [ . " .. . ~ In Octob<r 1936. Underwriters' Loboralories reeei.-cd an application for in..estigation of an elcclric f.nce conlroller. The sa",ple of Ihe de..iee submitted ('onsistrd essentiall)' of a transformer and a current i11lrrrun!t'r which permittt<.J the translormrr to be rnrrJ::il{'d at rc.'~ular inttr\";ll.... f 1'1(' side of the transformcr !lircondar}' win<.JinJ: wa~ intc.'ntl"'l! for dirrl·t CUll' nrcti-on to ground. and the other•. through a h;~h s<:Ties-resist:ll1cc. to a one-straml barl>cd·wire f.nce. • • • [ • • • " '. 'j t'· • ; ',. .' •• # ,0:... :;, [ · .. -... , • • •• • , ;'- , • , The operatinG' principle of the .I.ctric fence is Ihat the 3nimal. in atte:mpiing to go throu~h the fence, estaulishes an electrical circuit thruugh its body to the I::'Toun<.J. ) n this position. the ::mimal Tt'cei\'rs the ell'ctrical sh04.·k ~l1pplied 1,y the: (·lel·tric fence runtrulll'r, Afh.'r recei\'ing :l IIUm"t'f of tht'5t: shocks the Jl~yd1Ulol;y of the ::mil11:1il i~ such th;lt it is inclil1ed to :l\'oi<.J further contttct with the fenre wirr, ha\'iuJ: leafnl'U that thl' fc.'lIce is the source of an 11Ilpleasallt sensation, •• • • •· .. -' , • . ! ''':,.-1 " [ • •• "In Scptc'.'l11hcr 193i, l'nu"'rwritrrs' LolhllrntOfil'~, Inc. rt"cri\"l·d nn apl'licnlion for the ill\'c!'iti~:ltioll of a 1h1t1l'ry-oper;ltrd t:lrC1ric (,,·tlce con• troller. The sampk of the (Ievice suhllJitlt'll CUll~i:'h'd ('ssepl1iall,\' of a transformer wi1h ::L "quirk-mnke anu break" t11ecll;ll1i!'nl COlll1ectetl ill the prill1;lf)' circuit. This unit deri\'cl.l its rllerJ,::}' from n ('-\'olt ury-rdl u:'lttrr)', a \'oJtage being int!uct,tl in the transformer $>rcond:uy windinJ: durin!.: the ··nlnking" and "uTenkillg" of the current in the primary winuillg'. Om' ~idl' of thc tr:1I1sfomlrr srculI(lar)' willding wns intl'1111"',1 fur dirrct C0l111l'Ctioll to l:rot1tJd, :md the othrr, to a onc,strut1<.J Larl.l'd-wire fence. • • [ • • [ [ ,.. '. • '. .'.'. • " I : '::-' '~O""" ,t.,. ,. ,';:. ~'. . I . • ',' -'. 1 1 .. - , ~ ., ;' · • '. . ., • Is j • f - ...' _. '':''..;. - 0 Thore arc units of other Iypes "1l()1 the l1lork,·t at the present tim• which ()" not necc!isariJ}' cmI.KM.J,· either (If the ~lJH\·t· cOllstructioll~. Th,,' principJc.· of :lJ.p'yill:: ",!uX'k as a restrainill~ II1rdium howc\,rr, is the same', reg3rc.Jlcss of the t)'IM: of unit 1"uppl,.i71J: the c:lc(·trknl cl1l'rgy. • '1"/0: '. .' ., .' . [ [ ." Thi!' rrport CO\'ers an ir1\~stigation of the cll'ctric shock hazard COlinectrd with the use of the elrctric fence. prrp;lratory to the invcstiJ::ltiol1 of the r1ertriC' fencr cOl1trol1er!i thr·.:~,:I\'('s, "h:~ n'plJrt is not intrud(..) to C'~tahlic.h the arcl'l't<1hilit), of :all)' t it'ctrie fC'l1l'c rontroJ)cr. hut l1lt'rrl~' Co rrt'~rI11 ,1<1t:\ and flraw c:onclusion~ on the Jmhject of electric .hock, ,iner this Jfrc.·~"'r1b the Imljur IUWtrcJ in the uperation or the dc\.icc• l '. :~ • 1 [. i ',:1 , • '1• ... Since il is nol l'0ssi),l. 10 concluc. lUIs ul><>n 11Inllan b.-inl:S 10 ,lcter• nline' wlull ('un.thute!' n Alre valut' or curffnt, ..afe thue of contact, t"1C'., it is nec~!i!iarJ' tn prf>s('l1t data SOn1(" nf which ha\'e nn diTtoct lH"nring Upoll the C':lse, but which muM be borne: in nlind in {ornmlatin4: ('ondu!lioll~. • " • C I " • L • 1• --. , • ..• • ..~. ·" • • • •• • .... > .' .' • , , ~ ...J - "'1;' • " ,~ as: ; ,• . .•..• . , I I ... . :.';';"~'t,;;."...i..:;........,;,·....._...'...__""" • • .. " '" ~.,"., .', . cd' P ot • Em . .:'~~ ;', ,.. ..... • 1t~,.~ ; : -"'!o •• •• •• • .~ • • L [ [ [ ..\ . ' . . .: ,,_ . ....... , ' ~. '~~.\ ,.: - . . ~~' '. ·, .... .. . •• • • '","" , • • . .,.' .' • '.' • • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.:::U~~:~.~!T£RS·LARORATORJEs. INC. PLAN OF INVESTIGATION 0 L I "'l.,... ._......... . . -. .:, , . - .,,' .',', "., .. ... ,..... . ... , -: .. .. ...:., .. ;: - _ . . . . . ;O" . . . . . . _ _ • L L • • -_ ••••• ill\',"~lig:uifin h:.l~ 1K'(,11 to cl"'!4'rl11inr 1 114' r urJlO5C o( this lhc 1I1:1:,<ill1lllll and If... nQl1Ir" Qi IhAI C'urrrni. whirh, whhill ('C'I'lbill limit. ur h'C'f,u"ury IUkl limc of ("WUolC't, ran he rOI1~idt·Tt·" :l~ 1101 I,t'inJ: h:l7.nnlml~ to Jl1l1n.'1I Jift'. )t i~ Jlrnp")~'(1 10 r~'i:lhli!"h ,h.11 ,·:tlllc tl~ HII(' whirh \\'il1l~ s"fe ",h~'u t"xJlrri"II('c'cJ b)' :1 I\\·ll-)·C:lr·ofll •."hild 1IIIcln lla' rundiliflllS 1110l'ot 1:lI\'orahJc: It') thc rrC'(.·ptinl1 of i:1II ch.·\'tril' shod... Jllfol'lIl:llinn which will he I'f(."5(.·ulr,1 lall'f il1t1ir.lh·:o; thai IIll' dlilcl i." IIIIIH' li:dll l. thall 111(.' ildult 10 i:lj1lr~' irulil a givcn ('Irctfie-al ~ht)c..'k. The Wur:o;l ('f1I1t1ilion~ lIndt'f which the child might Cont3C't :111 c1l't.'tritit·tI i('nec win' would indll,J,. Ihl' (ol. lowing: Thc chilu wrdooh.'J. ~t'lHdillg ill a pool oi watcr, or 1111111, ,Ill.) fi:lJJing 4C'rO!iS or KraspillJ: lile wire with t\\'l) \"l'l or ~wrilly hands. Ihc win'. w fur as the l'hiltl is ;rwarc, 1H..·ill~ all nrclill:lr)' 1I0IHolc'''''rifu.t1 (t'urc • • \"AfliC'. . .. " ~ . . • , •• • •• , • Ware. Tht~ clala prrt:linin..: 10 Ihi!'O ~1I"jt'C'1 arc' ';l\'ailil1Jlr chiefl)' from n'"it.w n( thr records of clcctrirut aecilkl1ls .mel h':o;l rcC'ord .. of Jaboraton' in\'csli. galiolls. ThC'sc Iwo sourCes ar(' rOI1~idl'r~'d jointly ill Ihe ("staiJli~llIIh'lIt of s.3ft· oper.uiuR char:let('ri:oitic~ oi d('flric i"'II(' l'oll1roll('n. • prt'Jimill~r)' ~llIdy of the eII'rlrir ("'"rr "'flllfrnllrr ;rlld Ihl' n:lllIr.... nf rl.....· .ric shuck clisdn~f'd 1h:ll Ihe (nllllwill;.:' rhar;ll·tt'Ti~lic:o; 11I't.'d III lit..' T\'ckulI"',l with in insuring 11ll' l'o:d.... 0l"ll'rilliull (Ii llw!'o(' dt'"ir('!'o: (1) \.lIlti'l.~I'. ,\ [ [ (2) irr"lIcl1C')', (3) ("urrna illld "on" p<'riod. alld (4) "ofT" p'.'rind. • ("M:I"Ii~hl1H'l1t oi ~:d(' lIj,cratil1J: rh:Hant'l'i"li('~ "i ,·t'·..· lrie f,'nee ((llitrlllkrs j~ Ih(' l'OIl!'oidt'raliol1 IIi a T('pon oj Ilw 'Ully ~lil)WII ii:lt:,lit)· which h:I:o' occurrcd willi it CUlIlIllrrrialJy-p r otlllcct! ell'rlrie .·\lso Jlf"rtiu('ut It) rhe I inlc," com follcr. [ [ A lif'1t) ~l1n·t.·)· W:l:" 011:0;0 Jl('C'(,,!i!iary III il1\·(·Slj~.ll(' r('ftain (C:lllln's o( lhe ".r('clrie fruct' not indil'atcd II)' the f(·\·icw oi i:lccid<'l1t r"'curcls Of lahof:ltor)' trsts. NATURE OF ELECTRIC SHOCK ~ illl!l)will;: a:..· nrrnl 5I;U('I11('1115 -rt..'J.,"::InJin;:- tl1(' natuTc "' h . shOt-k :If(" [ [ [ I till'S(" ,hlt:1. 1 oi CltC'lric (onsi,ll·II,.·I! lu he pcrtincnt ill (Ulllicctioll with Ihc !'Iud)' of De,"h (,·'.n rlretric shock nlO)' rcsllit (roll1 an)' one or cOll1hin.,ion o( the (ollowing callses' : • (J:, P.ral)'sis o( the respiratory mu.c1e•• producing. "eath (rom "'phy"ia. (.!) Ilelllorrhage. prOtlnce<.l h)' increasing bloo<l pre.sure <.Inring the '''''SlIge o( electric current. (3) Hea" (ailure, resulring (rom ventricular fibrillation. ( 4 ) Ne.pir"tory failure. due to ne,,'ous inhibitions or actu.1 <.I.II1.::e to .... .... ..•. _.n_ .. '1'· • ,···.\·0·· " . ,i ,• [. I I • [ •• . ·••.....-. .. . . '. • .' . .,.. .. - . . . ... '. • .· . .. ..... . ,' , . -: .•.. .. ':'.. .' .. . . . ... . . .... , " : .. .' . . • • • #;." .. :. •. '.. " .1.... .. :"t . ".;"'. .• . '.. '. . ............'" •• : ~ .'- ::.. ~ 0: :'I'....~::.; • ., •• ~". '.' " • , .. • I ••- •• .~_ I , - , ,'., ~,·r ,~:' ~ ... ' .~, .. _ "-' '. • .;'. .' ·----_~4_~b4 1,1.: sta - " '. ,• '., .'.'. . "..._.'·_0 .~ • ." . .-.... '.' . •• .' -_. .''.. ..," -~ ~ I , • • " • • .. ......' " '. • .' •••• ' •• • • • • •• ."'l . : "' ", .. .' ". -;,:-' .' • • L .. .-. ... .: ", ' . , · · •• • " '.• ..'•• • " . , ·. ,"." · ,. 1- -'," • . -, , ' ' . .. .. ,. .... '. .'...•., ., ... . ... : . . . ...'~ .. f • .•! · ~:, I",ov'.' " • " •• • • • . ,,'::fl·':i.,i.: .~-.::.. . ... I " • •• • " • , . '. • • , , • • .. • • .:" L • •• • • o " : - w~.. ' ~.... ~.... · .,'. ".iI.c o -.",., " :t .,.:,.', ~ .,. c.;'. " ;". • ' . ' '" • "':' • · .• ·t..; 1 . •••• . t!" .: ... :'. '.10': "-?'I,'" · ~ . ',. \. ",'. ,.'.'••' .. ~ "';'~" .. ,••, ,,,,,.:11. "'~·"'.r •. · .'.!.,., ...... - .'.!... ~~ .., .. ~".. ' .' ,.' . . .1\. '.' • . - .. ; ' , '., .. , . • _~• . .. .' . . . .. ...;,;·io·"-.' - -.......- -...- - -....- - - -...- - - - -....- - -.............;,...;·iii' ~.,~.~'......;.; ,, • ·1 J 1 :1 t l I, I l •• I, l 0 1 1 l J 1 [ , • '1 • j l , i 0 1 1, • 1 l • [, • • ' .. ' • • I I £1.£CTJUC .HOCK AS JT PE.RTAIHS _ (2) Hemorrhage: THE ELECTIlIC FL.NC£ As tho Cllrrflll. pa,s,'s Ihroll!:h .ho 1,1",,,1 s.i'rt·;l!lI. tht tITcet is to r:aisc the It·lIIpc:rature.· of 11I{" I,IoClcl :tI1l1 illnt'a"'c' th(' rrtSs'11re, with thr re~lIlt that the w:l.lIs uf Ihe hltM)(l \'t's!'(,'l~ 111'l'ak. Thi!' c~J1flition :l.t.'Counts ill part for the: \I"lIall," S~'\'t·rc.· ht'l11orr!J:t;.:~' ft,l:"" ill;': c.-1('ctri~·al an'it1l·nt~. (.1) Hrart Failure: This i!'> of (hid ('olhTrIl ~il1rc.· it j~ tlu' I'r;l11ar.\' (":ltl:-;e.· of t!(':lth ill tile JarJ:e:r 111:llll1l1aJ~ frPIll (onla(t with 4.'irnli,:-; whi(:l allow 11111," :1 rebtin'ly low \'alllt, of (urn'lll til P:I..... thfou~h tilt· viclim. \\·ntri t ·ll::11' lil,ril!:lIirlll i~ :t (,'lIllcli,illll ill \\hidl lilt: 1)(,':lrl 11111 .. \'11- li~lt'r ... in ...!t'illl IIf cO lltr:lftill;:: in :1 coordilla1(' l11i\1lllt·r. c,,'Cllltr;'lct s('l'ariltdy :1I11~ :1: ditTt,ft'1I1 t;lIlt·S. "'!It'll t!li~ t'olldllioll i.. Iln·~t·l1t. 11,t· ht'art ec.·al'i.t'~ til {11th 'i"" :l.s tllt· (,>i1'l'1I!i'l10r of Ihc' blond. TIl~' lIt'art i.. IlIl'o\\"ll ill10 \'t'lllril'llbr 1',1, ";1 lilln)l." llH' !,:lSS3J:(,' {If rl'l:ll;n·l.'" I",,' \;t!llt's IIf ("tlrrt'lIl thrllll~h tlw \Tll!lll ;I_~ SOI11(' :lllil1lals reCo\'rr ~Pl)lllilllt'"lbl)' from "("l1trictllar fihrilLt,i"'I. ,>11< C' the.' -':lInt'1I1 i!i ;ntt'rTllpl ('( I. SllTII~·. Oil Ihl' CIt ht'r lIa lid, dn IIl1t !"l'ClI\ t ' "1 "I'. tatH'IlI! .. !.'", :\~nl1 is ill thl' lalll" grullp. (4) Respiratory Failure due to Nervous Inhibitions or Damage to the Nrrvous System: Thcsc re..'~lI1ts IIf the.- pa"'s.'l:l· ()f lafl;c'l' :'1ll101lll1S e.lf curn'nt lhrHugh tl1l" ItOffy ;tn' t1MlOllly al'soriate.·d with higlll'f J1fltl'l1tiill~. \\'11l'11 the hody COIII&!rt~ :l cin'lIit ane! rl·(,t"i\'l·~ ~, high·illtt·lI~il)' ('Ie:rtric !thock, the 11l'T\'0l1S !i'~'~h'lIl il1\'oJ\,c,,'d ;11 th(' ~·\lrre.·nt path is te.'I11IM1r:tri1y par;I' 1)'Z('ll. TIlt.' must COll)I1IOII n:snh uf this p:tI':11.nis i~ rf'!"pir:ltof)' faill1fl,'. Brc:l.thillJ: nUl)' bt initiate.,.1 11)' the \lSe.· of artili,.. i;ll f'(·"'pir:l.tioll tlr till' 0I1'1'1i. ration of :t hodily .itllt llr j:II·. Tlu,' p:lrnlysis of (I11wf parts, (,f tht· 11".1)' i:-. !'ometil11ts, irl\'ol\'~cl and rl1:l)' Iwr~ist ftlr cCll1sillt'rahle perin'!'. :t~~t'r the.' current hn~ bern il1terrllpte.·.1. Tlw p;'lS~"J:e of a high current it'r (.'\'('11 :l short period of tim. urtell OIlUles lh. nenoe. to Ioae their irrit.bilil~· .n,1 ronducti"it\"• • (5) Skin and Flesh Burns: A,i.l. from the faot lh.l ,'I,',·lrir,,1 burns arc Api to he .Iel·pt'r bl1ll. thcrr(orC', more '~riul.ll thnn tlu-.\· fltlt. "'11')' \\'artlly appc..'ur, the.·y nre 1I0t .lirT,·rcnt frol1l olhrr bUfns. 11"lIally occur at the point of t'tlllt,It" of till' \·it·tim wilh the (·Jc·ctric.'al t·in·lIit, :l.IHI nrc the rC~\11t uf passilJ.:e.'s uf e.·urrc.·11\ lhrtlllJ,:1t all t'xtn'md)' hiJ.:h'I'c,,':..i~I:IUl·(, conlaCI. ," . ; To (I) ParalYlil of Reapiratory Muscles: The first of th••e call.O•. whiJe it may i~ itself be rr~pol1sihle for death. is, in OlOst case~. nS50t'iatrtl with Onr of the other causes. It is n rondition thnt re~ults from rotlti:1\lnll!' contraction of the muscle-s. ]11 thi~ condition, the Jun~~ fail to ftllh'li"ll lIur1113;1Iy, &l1H! the \'ictim suffocates. • L· .... " f •• ,,~ , '. j:~,~, . l [ -... j',', " •• L [ ".~ W ').:" ',. ~.l .- • L l .t.'S·"ji.. :... ... '.. ..... -,....' , ...."... .. ,."i','....", . "'.,. , .. , . . ·, .'. .. _~.-..:'X' ,I-A ." . ... ~: _ ...... ,~.. • •• , •• L'~ ." ",. ..'.. . •• .,~' ~;.\ , , "~""'":, "."~ ... : ,., . • . ;'" "';f:.~';'lo:"'.:"" ), ;~:' . ... .,. ." -..- " , .. '0 • . ~ . - • ..'.'l';':" -·.-':to" ·11.,··..-',.'(.. ' ...... ·0 '.' •• • • ., '~'-"' . ~~~ ,.:J.~_~.:J ,'.," ••' . ' . .~ ~• .:.i~~ lri.~ •..~: ...~, ': ", ... " .'. . .' '.., . ' . . .. ... , ;l,i.• , .:,~. + • oj ,',' ! "J.~ , • ' , ", '...... . -'''11·':.: , • • ,. . ,---~, ~'~ ... - ..• _ - _ _-, _ - - -..,- En .-!.... ., , .-.1.(.•••• ••• - • . . . . • ~. .,.. ~ .• _-------~'.'_.-.lfooo-...... _~...,_'~._ ..... ',. . I . ..' .. ·Il;· ,;,·~·· , ." " .. , • '_ '0 ,,0 L L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ", RECORD OF INVESTICATION GEl'mRAL 4;('llc'rall)' spc·:lkilll:. 1he f:artors ",hidl c1,,!t'r1nine the seriousness of coH""lri,oill Jihock arc.':II) 11••1)' ('I~<1 ril'nl n·,i'I'lIlrt. (2) Vuhll~C' illhl frc'(I'I('I1Cy uC til(' cinollit. (J, ..\ lIIu\lnl :imlnat lire.' o( ("urre'nt pn!'isillJ: 1hrol1;.:h 1he hody, (4) Part nf thc.'l)ucl)' 11lrul1J:h whidl thl'l'urn')}l pOisses. '':'' ° (5) ].('l1l:lh 4)( timr ('lInl'lll flll"'s IhrOllgh 1114' ),(111)", (6) Elc'lIltnt tlf a1Jtiripatioll o Each of theS<' ftlflllrs will I", ,ool1!'id''I"t'd SI'P;lI'OIIt'1y in the re"iew of 3,o,oitll'ul rc.'corus :mtl hll.tJl'OJlory tl'slS llt'l"'ssary to the e~tabJi.shllll.11t of ,..,fc IIJwriuillJ.: rh:lr,jlt'(t'l'islil'l'i ld c.. lt,t·lri,,' ft.'lh,"C comroJlers. • , REVIEW OF ACCIDENT RECORD!; A:-;n I.ABORATORY TESTS , BODY ELECrRlCAL RESISTANCE General oprf:ltinJ: <:h:ir:H'!lTis!ic~ of ('ol1!oidi'I;lli"ll oi ,ill' hl1l1lt1l1 lllldy oj!, ;1 (011' Xer("s,'u)' 10 11l(' tslnhlishlll('lIt oi 1111' ,'It·.'lrk f"lwc ("lllltrnlll'r:-o is ,11l"'1nr ni elc."t"lririIY :1 ':"i;'I' .'\~' ~ CU1Idurlor, thr hlllllan 111111~' i!' 1ll;lIlt' lip of 1wo par:JlI,·) p:l1hs. ()lIe ui Ihl'se, till' tlll1('r !'ol.:ill. i.. IIi n·blin·jy hi:.:h n.'~isl:tlln·, w!lt'rl'i1!'o tIll' ulllt'r. "'ompu!o\'c1 of aht' 11111lui "-111':011 :llid till' I."d.\· li!'sllt'S. i.. IIi I'l.l:tti\'dy lvw n'si~tilncc, J.:ahllratllr." 1I'!ols" han' !'hllWll Illal hllman li"sl\(', 01.'" :all (·In'trirat Cflll~ tlm·lin..: 1II('t1iul11, i... ~1l111('\\ h:11 :Illa1";':"I'" tll :1 t'ilTllil l'oll!'i!'lill~ clf .0. hiJ,:h rt'sisl:lI1tOC in polralh'l with n h.i~h r:lp;lril:lllfl'. TIll' chil'( n·si ...l:lIlce of the I)(}II)' in :m (')c'rll'il':d rirnlil i.. :11 ,Ill' plIi.,1 oi ('1111 1. It'! with 1111' rirl'llil. HI'~ 1K.":J.I,'d h'sts !I;I\'4' :-o1l"WII tli:l! IhlllllllJ,:hly ilry skill 011 thl' h:i1lds 11:1.. . il rC°l'ii:-oI:1l1Ct' of :lpproxilll:11t·':· 4n.()()o III :;0.000 1111111S J'l'r "fluan' C('lllilllt.tl'r. Thi~ TI'~i~lal1rc clrop:-o 111 a!o 111\\' OlS 1000 ohlll~ JIlT ~'l"arc l'l'l1tiuWl.-r whl'lI tht, hauel:" Olrc "'l't. SI'\"'rtll IlW:l!'l1rc·IIII·l1b-l· S flf hudy !"r:-oi!'I:1I1rt' tak(,lI durillJ.: rril11inal c'J~'~Otr''t.·ntiun~ han' !o!l\)WI1 Ihat with tIll' \bt.' of larJ,:c t:lectrndl.·S ;mu with apl'roximntel)' 2.000 ,'olt, pottl1lial .pplied. 8 to 10 amptrts oi Cllrrtnt 'low thruu..:h thC' 1k'fly. This would inc1il~:lte that under thc:-oc conditions the hlllllall bod)' h.s • n',istal1ct o( nl'l'roxilllatcl)' 200 ohms, Thi!' \'a111C' of lulCly rrsist.o.ncc h:ardly 5«'tns jt1~tifinhlc in connc-ction with Iht: t'lertric (l.'nl:l.' :.pplic.o.tiun lJl.'cOlu!'c it is not ])ossih1c to ohtajn a~ br~e an area of ('ontact with n ,!;inb'Je wire clc.,<,tric fence as can he ohtainec1 hy nw:ms uf wrist. he;ul. ant.l1('J.: ("Icctrodes such as arc cl11plo)'ecl in crilllin~l ~Ic:rtrorutions. Sinrc the an':. of cuntact dt'ICrlllin("s, to a I.o.r..:c exte.'nt , thc value of resi5tnncc rt'corut.'ll, ;he cOl1uitioliS of crimin.o.l clc....trocution are [ .. , , " / ,- . , , • • " [j _.---.. ,. .-b..'•.-----------.. [ '. . . ~..J , .' ." , '.. :: , , , , , ~. . . '.~ vt ," L . '. " . I ", , .. , ' . ."'; , ..•.. ....".., . . :~ , • .> , • , .', " . . . '. . . ... ~ , • •~' .. ' .•• ' .. oja .' "!"'.'~.' "; '.-;., :'. . ~ , ' , , ,. , ., ~. , , , • ., • . . ',' .., . " , ., ,.' . ..., -,'" .. . , ... . ,'," . . .., .. ~ , ' " ~ •••• ' ' {:.' • • • .' ' • .. I " ", ·....,·~.I#'".· ••.'·0;. . '.I'" ·0' .~; 's~ol, ~._'; • ...· . -. , , .... • •• #0 • ' , , . • •• L ~ ., '. ',.. ........ ", __..... or ·~.M_.:.''__ . 'M'."_~, ... ... - ,··- . ' : ' . , ... " ··':';:~~;;Ai~~:i·'~;':'~~I~/~:I·"':'~;:·lJI~~ · 4· .: ,,'t,~~tt~':I"~'~..A~I''~;o;"-"" ,,~'.'~" ,s .'\"~':':'~ ~ ..'" ...•, ',..,...,..: '· ..... ~'~_t.·. ...•. ',.. ..1.'". ;... ' .... .., . . #..,> .. .'........ ' . ......: ',' .' .. ,... 'e.,. . ,.•..• ','-. " .. . ':. .. ,ot,:._., . .,;.'. -.; ..~. . ".,.. ~ .•' . ;." .• • •• .. • ,..1 '. .•..,1~;,~.: ~;·:tt·,·" ·'··'·s , I .. . ••• " • .. . • '.. _I; .. '. • L " " . _ _ .. , ..;, .:'.' • • . , • • • .. • b . •, ,.; . .' . . ' .;..... • . s , . - ~-------_ .. ,I , I L - 10 I PERTAINS TO THE EI,,£CTIUC FENCE , • .' • • • L • - • • , •, L • .., • [ , • • , .. • .. , • .• The large antount of current uscd in crint;n:ll electrocutions :llso is another {actor which would trnl! to cause a lowrr vullle of resistancr. dtle to inrreafi,ecl tL'mptrOllllre of the IxKly, An :l\'ernJ:'t hody ttl11pt'rature of approxil113lcl)' JJg Ut'J.:'Tf'(;"S F'lhTt:llheil h:as lx-l'n rccordeu" t.IurinR' criminal elcctrocUlions. • • j • l j ~I [ • L [ L • , [. not sufficicntl)' COntl':lr:l"'c 10 those under which cont:lct with :In elcctric fence t;,:I)' I,. l1I:1de to w:l..:lnt :lcccpling lhe ZOO-ohnt \'alnc. Laboratory Tests [ Recause the contlitions of criminal f'1t'clrocntions are not fi,unit:it'llfly comp;trhl)lt,' 10 thost' of CUlltact with nn ('1c.'L'lrie' ft'lIct: to IX' IISt'd ill till" dt·trrllJill:lliutl of hUll)' rcsi~tal1ce. lIiuilahlc tl'sls Wt'n' conlhll'1t'd :tl thl" L11Jllratoril'~ for Ihl' ul'h:r1l1il1~tion of Ihis ":lIm'. Thc uuter sldn of an indi"idual oITt'rli Ihe gre:ltt'st rrsisr:lIlt·C' 1(1 thc' fluw of dt'ctric:d Cllrn·lIl. TIll'rdore it was 1lt'C'('ssar}' tu rl'duC't' III a~ J.:l'l'at a dt'g'n'l' as pos~i'Jh' till' effecl uf Ihe hiJ.:h ~l..in rl'~istant'c. In tlit, cll'l'tril.:' ft'lll"l' :lpplit::ltiull, Ihis i~ IIsu.ally OIL'C'Ul11plishcd ,,~. 111t':1Il" of n hi,:.:h \'ultar;:t' whil,,'h ha." IlIl' l,n-n't of llfl':lJ..inJ;: clown the.' ~kill n,..i..l;lll\ t •. The l't11Tl'lIt UlllPllt IIf till' tlt,"'ifl' i:oo Iillliled h)' inhl'l"t'lH impc'd:lIll.t'. . ~illCl' it wa~ not l",s..ih)(' Iu :lpl'ly n hi;.:h \'011:1;:(' with 111llilllilt'd fur. rt'lit a .. a 1l1t'<iIlS of t1t,!t·TlllillinJ.: lilt' hudy n,..i..l:ull·t·, th,' ~hill re~i:'<1.111('l" W:I';' fl·t!lICl'd ,,~- h:l\'illJ.: lIlt' sllbjn't illllllt... ~l.' his hand!" :11111 fl'l't in :a 20 1H'r n'm 50l\ltiltll of ,"oeliulII rlllflridt' prior 10 gra"l'itiJ.:' lilt· h:lIJd dt·l'lrodl.'~ :Ifltl prior tn stalltlil1J.:' 111"111 the (out l'In·lrul!\,. J'n'lil1lillary h'sts_ t1 .. ill~ this sullltillil. ilillirah-d 111:lt l!le' c·Jt·t:lroly ..is curn'lll (rolll haud (u 1I:llttl of an adult tlid Illlt l'XCl'('c! ap;JI"l.\illl:llt.::y 3.~ lIIicl'o.:Ul1pl·f(·:,<, if I1lt'a"lrl'tl ill series with a 3()(I().c,lllll J 1· ... i.. I:I1U:('. Silll'C 111(' I1It':lSl1rill:': l'lIrrt'lIl for childrcn "";'IS in 110 l'a~ k .. s Ih:lll J l1lilli:lll1pt'rt', and for adults 5 mi1li:lUlJlt'n's. the error uue to eleL'lrolp.is cnnt'111 coulc.J be con~icle.'rt·cI negJiJ,:ihlc, Pre:liminar)' tc:st~ indicatl'd Ihe: IKJdy rc.'sistaucc: Iu be inde:pt'mlenl of the value of ctlrrt'lIl ('mployl't! hl'1\"Cl'11 J nnll J5 milliamperes, pro\'idl'c! a cunst.. nt :Irc:a .. nd pn:~Sllrl' Itf ,:OIlI'll'l "'t'r(' nmintaim·cl, :lIId pru"idl'u the illt1h'idu:11 wet his h:llIt1s ill Iht- sohl1i!JtI l'adl litlle priur to h('illl.: 1I1(':lsltn"d_ The me::lsuring ClIrn'nl W:tS cil'ri'-cll frlml 12 "ulls of ury cell Lallcric'~ which were cOIll't'ctc:d c1irn'lly :Il·rUM' Iwu 3000-ohl11 series reSi:ilanccl', The potenti:al applil-d to tht' stlll,in'l wo.!'\ gradu:llly built np from 7.frO hy nW:lIIS of the pllh'l1Iio11lt't('r mt,thod Itlllil thr J1('cc'ss:tr~' curn'm '\'o.hlc was nl'laill('tl. The hod)' fl'si:..lal1cc was tllt'li L'aklllaled from rc:u.lillJ:s or tht, :lppfil'd '·ull:IJ.:C Dncl the resultalll nll'nonl, '"Iw h:ln,1 ~Jectrodt's t,-llll!'Oi:'<leci of two No. JO Awg bare cOJlpc.'r win's twisted tu;.:ctJwr and :"lIl'plJrlt.'d approximntely 6 inC'lles al)Drt all porn'l:lil1 ill_lIlnll1l·., "rhe: rtMIt t'lt'L'1t'odr wn" fl "OI'1'1('r plntt'. No. 30 ""'111:"_ "l'l'fll'ti. mOltel}' 14 indlcs l"III:U't', In IIIt·.I ..."l"iIl;': the INkl)' rt"siK'nnrc- frum hall" to h:md. III.., intli'i,lu.aJ lirllll.\· J.:'ra~pl'tI tilt l'I~~trudc!'i with hit' h:llld", \\ Ilidl [ [ D.LCTIUc: SHOCK AS rr .. , L II .. • • .~ • • • ~ I • • , • • i\ .. ·•• ,' . ( • • , '"• • • • , 7 '$ ~'e...,~~;~~'. .. . L _··ilIio'·· .... • '.', •••. • • . .. ·;4' __ • ,' ... . -, 'r"' .' . .•.. :.' . ", ••....." ".".' '::., '.' • : ~.. ~, '.' .; ."'.~:' .:;r"" , ".~."~ .: .. :."'- ~ . " . -. ••.. ",~' J. '-. -- .•.•.•.. ,_ ·or···.. - . , L L L [ UNDDWRITEAS' LABORATORI£5, INC. \I Itt' h;Jff pr('\'if)II~J)' iml1lf'r~'fl in Ih(' 11rjnc' ~1I111fitlll. In l11(':l!'ol1rillJ.:' the hOfly n o,.il"li:&1l\"\' from hilllll~ to iCCl, lhl' iudi\'illu~ll !'oIINIII UPt)J1 thl' Cupp('r plate. ho'''''illJ: Jlr('\'iulI!'o1" il1lnlt'r~l'll hit' fcrt in thc hrillc ,elution, am! gralptcl Ihe t'I,-rITUt)rs with his IltllltlS, whil-h he h:\l1 :Ll~o pre,·iou!"l)· iml11("rsed in .. '. I.at! liululiun. J'~limhl:lr)' Il''''''' iruliC':III',1 Ihat Ihe 10W'·... 1 \':l1l1e or col11a('t rCII.tance "':lS r,-corded Whl'l) the illui~idll:al J.:ra~pl'd IIll' wirl' l'Il'l·trudl' rath,oT Iho.u ",hl'lI :l prC:5SUrl' wa:'l :Ippli,'cl on I)' III IIlW sid\' o( till' win' tiS wOIII() be the cal\" ~hnllhl a Ilf.'r!"tlll I1IlTd)' Il':l11 aJ,:'ail1:<1t Ih,' f,·nl'l'. For thi!'o rca son each [ iUflh'itlll;11 was jllstrufl\'(1 to grip the wirl' linn1)' rall1l'1" than apply a rtmst:1Il1 pre~sure tn it. : The curr\.·nt cmplo)'('d wns 5 millinlllprres except in tho!lt C'a!Cots whtre tl)\' rcsist:mce was su hi;.:h :IS to make il ill1J .. ,..... i1,h·tu ohl:lin a flow of 5 miJIial11j",.e. with 11ll' 12-.-011 potential. [ r~suh~ J_"ll".raluric:~, &In' The [ il1tli\·hlltal~. of thrsr hosts ullon adult a.:i\'clI in Table] . c111plo).. ~es of the • [ [ L L [ L [ [. An eX::ll11in:tlion of T:lhlr ] indi\'ah's that fllr lht' Jil11itl·tl 1111111ht"T te~1ct1. thcrl' Cln: Ill) 1TC'lId~ fir rl'l:lliol1!'ohiJls ':~I:l1lli~h\·t1 11(.·1\\'(.·l·1I till.' huel)' rC!'oi!"l:lIIcC uf 1hI,' illdi\'idllals .1Iltl thl'ir !'l·X. :l;;:~" Iwight. IIr w,·i;.:ht. For this Tl';lSOI1, it W;I!'> ft'lt Ilt'l'('SSar)' ttl comluct llw!'o\' :-"llIll' tl,'!'>ts upon C'hilfln·lI. :J,~ tlh' rort::,:oill:': dala did lInl in(lkal" wlll·llu.'r Ill\' n·~i~I:lIICe of childn'lI ullch'r tlit' ~iH'1l l'ollcliliollS would he ;.:n·atl'f or Il'!'os than that n'l·orel,·,1 fur :Jdllll indi\'iduals. a~\' Similar U'!'oI!'o \\"1'1"" ('Clntlllf'h'd l1pQll a Iltilllht'r ui l"hildrC'1I r'iI1J.:C.' uf 3 ttl J S )",·ar!'. The n'MIl!lo urc ;.:i\·t·1l ill Tilh'\' 2. To pre\'t'llt • iI1lP:"lt'lil1~ ':"IIl)' !'(·n":ltioll In the loll1Jjl'l'I". 111\' 111l'astlrin~ ':111 :'t'ul in this l\t'ril'!'o or h'~I!'o !.lid lIul l'Xl'f."t·d I l1Iillial1ljl\·r\·. This vailic or t:'llrr,'111 was w",d in all COl:'l"!" eXl'ept Iho~c \\'h"l"l' the "'HI)" n'~islal1c(, "":IS ~II hi;.:h :lS nlll ttl lwrmil 1hi:o. Ilo\\' of l'urfl'llt frHIl1 the ]2~\'nlt potcuti;tl. Conclusions ,, I • A slud)' of the following labulaled data shows Ihal Ihe body resistance nf childrc:n. linck-I" 'he conditions of I1lCOlsurt.·lIlcllt employed. is higher than that of :lc1ults 11lt":lSlIfl'cl under the s:lme condition!;. 11 :appears safe to a~snl11('t tht.·fl·fore. thnt thc lo\\"tst hody rcsistancc which mi,::-ht 1Je reckoned with in connection with thc rl('clric fl'nc..: application would not he Jess th,n ~ nhms. In dClermining the nntput nf ,n elertric fence controller ...hich might he rereived hy an individual accidentally cOlllactin/: Ihe fence, il al'llC:lrs Ihat a lotal r..iMance load of nol Ic," th,n SOO ohms on Ihe '"'11'''1 side of Ihc controllcr should be used in series with the measuring calvanollleter. •• / [ ., '._-~-:---.....-.---------~--' . . . .~. . . . ... .. ..', c 'l' ~ ." • ~ L- , . "', ~. : .' ;,' ~." .~ ~'.' .. , • •. ~.. , ... ..:~:!;;::.~'".:~ , ._, .' ~. • •• • " . . e ' . '.' ~ , . ..... , " ~. :.;,.-;:t:..,~-:.~~:p-.~;.~ • ..... 'oc-" . . • ' •• .. :.':.':,...;'.':" . . '. , .'.. . ,"': '.'. • •• . .. . .. .. •• " • , ~., , ; '" .• _ . '••.•. : I :~I;,o",," ~ , " .f. .. ..•• , , .. ,~ ,_(,", ...... ·oe. .. ~.\..,"':~ ;~"".'''·I·' "J._ ' .. . ...\: ,.. . ".•. . ..~: '.:,~~~.r'~·:,·~'<l1!n~·~'. ·,: "'...:.,- ....~ ""~,~. .'.',. . ..'. ,,~ .' ~'f~' ',' . .. .. • • , , .' .• '", • ." •..• .. "'." ... : '.' ... .' .. 0:: .•.. . '. .. '. " ." .' r.'.... ... ~ • • . ,~'o.!. , . .. • .;: .• ,. . • I · . . · ," . " ',-.,. . • ,.: ..... I .• ' '(":.' · , i••.• ~·· • • • , , , ' .. _~.~_~ - , . • -', -~ • o. • _. -. - '. -"; - • ~ ... -; .' ;. ' , ... ~ . .i,o" • •• 4 L ., " ... r' .........:'\~.,":•• ,:..,~' ... , . . . :. . :I"", ' ...... j -'~"!l~'.'" .. - " ; '. '. " ..-:... i~, ,. · .. ,~'" . ..~,~:~.~ , ... ' , ,.,..: . . • -" ~ ' ' __ ;_ _-----_._---.,_ .. ". , ' '., .' . '. ....,. ,'~ '.~ - • • , . ~'., ' 0 •: •: . ' _ . . . ,'" ~ ~ t," ~ " " . ,"'.'. . :.... . . .':'':.;-'''._', .·.''.' ... . "'." · ...',,.,:• ,.'..•' , .- _ h ••• .••t...', "..! ~ ~/;·}",·.!tic:.:~·~;~'Y ...\:~ ,;.:;:...:.. -.:1ZI\\J:":.,. •••• ..,.. • .•' . ' - • '. . .~' ; . j •.• "',' . ... ,""." ,".. '". . . . .' ." .....•. / • • L .. . : '.- '.:. ::.: -, • ,.~ • .-J . _ .. _ _ . . _ _ • • • ~ " "" ." _-_ • . ":' , • ••••• ,;,...,;.:,,,,' _-------.;1'/ .. l • I. EUCTlUC SHOCK AS IT PEIlTA.NS TO THE ELECTIl.C PENCE l TABLE 1 BODY RESISTANCE OF ADULTS IUIIJECT l [ Ie. SubJ1'C1 • AI. OHMS RESISTA.NCE 'OR PATHS H.iIM W.II~t I Handl I 1 Rllht to rue Ito Hind' to F....l Hln" to Hand to H...d Handl/H••d w., _ _ .::".::o.~_\ . V"::;':'O.I.:'.::,,_-:'D:". Lbl, Drl Dfl "'t't '".t Wt't I --:7.:-1...,.:-:'.I - - - --16 F 40 5- 0 125 I J,4oo 1.,4/01 1,82lJ HJ" 1,220 II F 4.\ 5- 0 140 12,110' l.l,~IH' 1,9110 ;.'0 9.'0 20 'F 20 5- J.i 101 1I,80ll 5.4'N' 2,2/10 91lJ l,22ll '19 F 19 5- I 11K' 6,/l/'0 2,KIN' 1,820 8<00 1,21K' JI F 20 5- 2 119 IJ,IKIO 1,,520 2,440 9Hll 1,4ll0 F 25 5- 2 120 ,,/100 ' 2,2M' l,ll.'O 1,4~lJ 12 M J2 5- J 120 8,51" .1.120 1,1110 860 1,11,0 J8 F .14 ~- 3 J25 J2,1UO 1.1."',KIU,j2,f)W H10 l,lHO F 31 5- .1 J78 O,2(HI . 1,7MI i.lll l,f1,~" IS 32 F 27 5- J~ IHI 17,noo .~,c"HI 2,(lfKI 1,lNO, I.Q~H 17 F 2CJ 5- 4 I2ti 8,HINl .1".H II I 2,.lltO J •• HIO! 1.4,,11 14 F 14 ~- 4 !.l(, 7,UKI 2."'1~1 1,9.~0 il\O : 1.1111 3Y )1 5~ S- 4 180 J5,200 ...;"" 2..'''0 1(7n I l,l.tII 21( F 21 s- 4!·i 140 12.0UO "."'Oll 2,7111 1.21111 • -.1 11 .1 I F 20 5- 5 J19 JO,JUO ~.1111l I ,lUll 7."" ~,II~n 4 I ~1 J~ 5- 5 1311 ... , .... S,ll/it j.?O '11,:) 27 'F .'1, 5- 5 1.10 IJ,30(l 5.lutl I 2,~40 J.l'I'I. 1,f,7lJ .' 24 ,1(1' 5- 5 Ll1 I.l.lUlI ~ 1,~~11 i f)3f1 jIm' I.IIS0 35 ~I ,12 ~- 5 141 1O,41tO I 4,,"" I 1,8HO "Sfi ',210 40 ~1 13 5- ~ J45 15,~~" J.ifHI 11.':00 It(,O i 1.2MI 38 ~I .11 5- 5 16J JI,H5f1 4,1110 1,/,20 8f1f1 I,IIH' .to F 1M ~- b un 1.1,1(1(1 'I,'I!M';, 1,11111 Itllll J .wn • n [ • [ "0 1:\1 [ [ ~~ [ .I • l I l I , .· 2.~! .~-'I 2(, H I, J 1 5 10 2J 2 37 ! I . ~1 4i ~1 1.12 ,U ~1 2'" F ~I 2.~ :\1 I~' 311 24 19 26 .11 23 .1S 24 401 ~I ~I ~l I 'J ~1 At .M ~H 1M Maximuttl: Millin!!!,!!1 : •' • I .~ L !I .li- (, ! ~= ~ .~- l(~'i 5- 9 S-111 I 5-JO I .\-111 ~-w 5-11 5-11 ~-1I 6- 0 6- 0 {J - 0 6-!~ 6- I 12" 12,4"11 JJ,""" I'''' .Ii.SINI i 2.IIHI 1}1CI 2,1211 J 11111 .~,tI!ln! n: i::;:: I ~:~~::: ! ~:l::: J 175 9 SIIII I .l,U"1 "':""11 1 "'.iIHI 10,.11"1 .s,UOII III,(II"KI. _.. 18,IH" I 5,0'" «,240 ! .1.(IIKI 11,601' 4,2'.' ...... " S,8CK' 8,700 J,I •• ' 1,1,600 6,IIIll 9,1\()f1 J,f}11O O,HMI .1,(I'KI 1,2(KI : .1,0011 J4.'II""1 I .1,(11"11) 151 I ! 6- 1 ~.- 0 : I,l(W' 11)nCl I, I IH, J45 145 ISO 1/00 1/'1 110 1.l5 1tJ~ 1M2 JM 2U8 ----·1---1---:----1,---1-..;,,--, ..• " [ .l~ 9 21 " [, I'" I : : II ~l~ 3(, • l F .H I• I IF 2') • I 2flK 1If.,ItfMl ,I,l.Snn (',ftflfl ,I,s~n Ion 0 2,m-IO 1,'120 1,540 I • 1,1(10 1,/040 ....... 1,5211 1,920 1,750 1;7UO . 1.~·tO I I,K4fJ I 2,120 9.~U I I 1,2'.0 ! 1)1\0 :~~:: ! ~ :~j~:: Itsn; 1.IHtI iSlI 1 1,100 9111 7(111 f,,'fI MIU 1M. 8,10 6U' ~411 ()~n KJfI (,Ill ti21t 1,.1(,(1 I 1,1"" I 9.'0 'II,H,!) 1.110 1 I,UN' I 9H<1 I 1,1.'0 /1.11 11 1,11 11 I Ml" I 1•. 4111 ,'-'-- !.211t1· I."SO hi." l'\JU Ceneral V')LTAGE ]11 the conlidcr:uiull n( vnhnJ:t" rhnr:ll·trri,.lir5 uf (·It'\1ric (cnre.· ,,'011trollt"n, t\\'o clistitu.·' (m·ts 1,,"("11 In he ("MI:lhli"he.1. 111c' fi,,,t i,. wlWlhf'r nr nut the opt'Il-C,"irrnit \'flh:lJ.:'t' IIr ,hc' (,(durnll." 11"'"' 1M,.' limilt'll, prm·j.kl ! the c'urr"lIt OlltJlut "f tlu.· c,'flltlrullc.·r is limih'tl hy inet"rll.LJ il11l'I'II:CII~'c', Tilt' lC.'C'uncl hi the' f1mxinmm ,'niue- uC upr'nrO\OirC'uit ''CII.nRt" whh.·h ~":lll ht' 1','1'miUc.·t1, ns~t1nlillJ.: tht, ('tlrrt'm i" ill lUi "'3'- lilllih'll, t'xrrl'l ''''!'I1'Iilll.'" hy J~. :uIII'l"rt· hral1l,,·h·c:in'uit (u:oot'Ji in tht' liuPl'l)' c:irnlit. . 1 • .. .' • • ..-',,-:.',. . . ...·'.. : ' . " ., ".:. .'. • ,.' . I ." , 7 . L~ • • '!'fO' ". ;~-.;: .'. ...... - - ".. . . . • •:. '1~{"." '. ww .' ~~J."-" " • ..... ., ,"., ' . , • .:.! .!'" "", ..",..,· , • r' 1 " _ • ~;i'. '~ n .' , " . . :.' . , , •• .". ;. . , . " . ..•. , . .'" ..._. ·•._ _ W'_~"...__ . , • , ., ' * • n. " p L L UNDERWRITERS' LABORATORIES, INC. .. .. , TABLE 2 L • • L _ BODY RESISTANCE OF CHILDREN n _. lubjrct No. ,,~ [ XI 'N .., !ilc M 77 l Xl Inn.: if) 79 Jft.t l Xllc 5.1 1112 71 'I'} [ ',:'c ;~ 91 ''17.1 [ 14 XI", 'I]t' 74 ')~ [ ~.~ !ll i,. )1).... ".ft [ '",\ ," ~~ '.\ 9'. [ ~9 lie ~II 93 ,,,,n [ 72 /If 1111 [ - 78 [. • [ ,- , [ • "• ·• • .. ... • ,~ ' . .. . • • "" , • Ttt '7 ; _.. , , ~.) ,,.: . , ..• • , ~~., , , • ,. '.' ... . ~l: .......(~;.~~-'~.~ .. , ..:~'" .. , s, .•.•". , .' . . ,[. - : or [ : ;" ..•_--_ ..,----_.'--- . . , -. .: . ,. '. 'S , .. • • L , .... , ,'.' : ,. ' r - - - - - -.........- ------....---.- ." • , '4 , L . .. N. s L L • , l ,•, [ , IUCTltIC SHOCK A!J rr PEIITAINS TO TH£ £L£CTRIC FENC£ \Vhile there are no definite data available on the effect of electric shocks received from a source of constant current with different opencircuit voltages, .it is generally conceded Ihat, where the current is not limited, the only effect of lhe ,'oltage is to force more cllrrcnt throu!:h the circuit. N'ul11erons tests20 • 2S ha~ conclusively clell1on~tratf'd that the severity of electric shock is proportional 10 lhe Cllrrent flow throu!:h the \'ictim rather than to thc \'oltage :11 which the shock occurs, , As previously staled. the effect of the higher voltage. when the cur· rent is definitcly limited b)' inherent imJlellance of lhe dC\'ice, is to cause a breakdown of the hi!:h skin resistance. \\,ith the resllit that the illdi,'idual will not further re<lllcc the ulItJlllt of the <I..'ice 10 a poillt which woul<l nl:lke it jncfT~cti\'c. • ... , [ Dlle to the nature of the instal1ation of eltctric fences, there is autom:uic:dly estahlished a maximum opt"n·cin:uit \'o1t:l.J:c heyomJ which the unit cca)cs to fllllclion t'fTccti\"t;'I)'s The result of too high a \'oltal:e, with Jimitc(\ current flnw, is that the tnt ire output of the controller e)cnpes as curTclIt ll'ak:lgc :ltt/tll:: the f('l1ce wire, tht·re lJeillJ,:' no output :l\'ililaLle at the ·fnrthl'r extremities of the {cnce to restrain the animals. [ [ ]11 "il'\\' of Ih<.' nimH' fact __, it is nut rnl1siclcT(',1 necessary tn cSlaIJli!'oh a m;lxil1llllll opell-circuit \'olta~c nil those cuntrollers wlwre the CUnt'lIt output i!'o cldinitdy lilllitl'd I.y il1)u-n:llt illlpl'thl1lcC of the device, Till' l1Jaximum !'o;tfe \'uh:'l~c :illl'plil'fl hY:l de\'icc which docs nnt in· c0T))llralc l'lIrn·nt·\illlitill.t.: f(.':atnrt·~, is one nf sud, \'al\l(, th:l1 , in :ulclition til IIl1t l':tllSillJ.:" pcr~IHI;tl injury. it will :11... 0 I'l.'TlIlit the indi\'iduill to fTt'e hill1!'ot'H frll1l1 l'ont:ll"t with 1111' circui!. 111 thi~ cotlll('('liflU :I. rC\'iew of the elt-elrical :!(cif!c:nt rcctlrcl~ alld lahoralOT\' test!' \\';I~ c1l'l'IIU,:d :ad\'isalJIc. • [ [ [ Accident Record J 11 - eleclrical :l('cidcllt re('ords, it should he hornc in mimi Ih3t th,',o dat", in addition to brin!: vcr)' scarce, cannot usually br relied 11poll f(lr accllnlry. H!·f;lUse of the 013ny \":'IriahlC's il1\'oh'l'd, it is prac· ticall)' impussiblc to ch·termille uccnnllcl)' :al! comlitions pn'srnt :at the time of the a('cid~l1t. The time o{ contact with the electrical cin'uit, :lnd the amount of current rrrci\'cd by the \'ictim are srldoll1, if e\'er, aC(Ur:ltl''''• • known. [ [ con~ioering ,rhiJe t!wre aT<' re('()nJs of numerous I in~tanct.'s in whic.:h iwli,·ic!l1:tl .. h:1\"t rerch'cd fatnl shnrkt' At ] 10 "ohs or aho\'e. with the t'urr~l1t limiu:cl L)o· J 5.mnpcrc fu~es. thi~ Ktnd)' denls with the minitnnl11 vohaJ:('~ Jlrt'~l'llt in f:ltal :u:dclcuts. anc.l the following c3ses2 Drr. pfrflC:ntc.."<.I: [ (J) In 1':11,;1:'111", tllIt' fatality Imto rrMlht·d frum ('Qntaea with :'I rirc\l:', of (,5 "0111 a\ 50 o,'t'le., , (2) )11 Yil·11113. IIl1t· fnt:alit)· ha,. n'toUhl'.) hum cOlli art with a ,sirclli: vf 60 "olts at 50 cycle., " • .' , , " . .. ' ~ . • •• ,. • 7 • .'. • ~ , •. . :'. -~.~. '~;'. . ,.. ··,·· ..r:· ~. ....... . •. '" •• ,.. . • . t~. .. i,;,.'._~.-,. F .,: ." ,.' ,...._"'_--_.0_._._. . .. ~ ~ • I,·" • ' •..' . ~ --:;----..;;o;;"j.- - - - - - - - . , L UNDEaWRITU,S' LABORATORIES. INC. L reslllt~cI (3) In Italr. one (.t.lity ha. 0/5 yohs at 50 cycles, L II (rom eomact with a circuit o( '0$' • Laboratory Teots Iii 19.10. a scrirs of t('l'ts wn~ (,OIull1("lrll :'It 1 hhh'rwrittrs' Lnhnrntorit'~' in a" elTon to determine the m:ncil1luJ11 curn:llt th:u an indh·juuaJ could "'itllSland for a "hort time and 5till hn\'l' \"(l]nnt:lry (.·0I1tr01 of his 11111!'ocl("~. In the!i'e ttsts, nI\'mhcTS of the L1.horalori('s' :;tafT \\Tn: USl't! as suhj,·cts. L The c1«·t"Mles con,i>led o( plie," held in e.ch han,1. While the te.ts w,'re rccortletl on alternating ('uTrcnt. tests with clirect current imJicatc..'d slightl), hil:her ,'.I"es eoultl he withHood (or a short lime until a hot spot occurred at the puiut uf eont.cl. . )n these tests the ,'oh~~c, :loS w(·11 as the ClIrrent. was reC'nrdl,"'1. The reslllt. of these teslS ~re ginn in T.hle 3. [ [ TABLE 3 [ [ ","0 J\(J 4.1 J() 2..<00 2,lOO A II C 40.0 J2.0 2.<.0 200 20.0 J.I.O 21.0 30.0 I.U 6.0 10.0 29.0 .... ,0 3,62(1 .11.0 JO.O 21.0 (1.0 10.0 0.0 .5,ltIO .1.000 2..1.10 .;0.0 ~.O .1,750 0;0.0 20.0 10.0 6.0 27.8 7.~ b.6i'O 2,HO J.5,,o J: G /I I kl. ~l ~l.lximuln ~1mimum :\\'f'ra~e [ b,t,70 0I,2t,0 Ae VOIII,. E [ ",0 i.!i ""jocl J) [ MllIilmpere. C.lculel.d a."'d,n,.·OluD' - t),O J.4~O 3,500 3,000 I • :\n ('X:lmil1:llioll of 1hc :\I.o\'(' rr~lIlt~ illdicatcf< th:a the minimum '·OI1.l":l.' 1·('..~onlc:c1 UI1 Iltl.' JJ SUhjl'ct ~ h·~t('d was 20 \'ull S. [ [ [ TIlt' Inh'rl1:ttinl1:11 ]):tn'r~trr Co.· Ol1ce conducted tests to drl.ermine wh.1 Ytlltage eoultl he ••f,·I)' h.ndlcd b)' their men while working in ,wt boilera. In the~ tests, one sidl.' oi the circuit from n \,:a.rj:a.u)r transformer ,,".a~ "~(lnll('ct('c..I to :l sal\'al1i7.cd lmckct which ,,:as (I lied with wattr. The olher si.le o( the circuit w.s connretc" to a hand eleetrocle, which the subject hel,1. With Ihe frcc hond, the snhjcct then tried to pick III' 'n ohject immcrsed in lhe bncket o( walcr. Twenty-two men were snhjected to lIlt'se 'e~ts. Jt was founeI .hat under thf'se condition!' the maximull1 ,'oltal:'! an individual co"lcI withstand was between 12 and 20 volts. The re,"lts o( these tests J~d Dr. S. W, Johnson, who conducted the teslS, to state lhat r~gaTlJl.ss o( ;•. L:o!lcral health o( the mall, all)'lhing over l2 "olts ..'as extremel)' dangerous. [ [ .- [ • •• 52 • .,, .• ' , • ; • • • , • • L • •• .' • '. • • •• • • .. ~ :. . .$ $ • • •• CJ , ,, • . 1$ i2 • ~ • , $I , , $ 0 ,, 4 '0 • -.' $ • • • • •, 1\ • '. • • • ! •• • • • • i ". I i [ • .. . • • •• , , .# • • • • • • • • , • • • . . J~.,:, . · "('I~'l,'<t'" "'. ~ ,,~ .... -. .. ,...... " .•.:/.. ,... ..J.,., "· •.,..... • ~ ••• ,". " "'" " - - '." ,,\ ' ......a.'''t , 'I ,-, .,' ...•. :'~ .• ~':., ..... ," ~ ..t i .' . , ......... '.' · .- "'rt .1' .~ ." : . :....'.-.'. , . • " .' .. .. - L ."".,. • " '.' .:"" ' ... .. • ' '" . .' . ".r,'· -,• ~ . " • [ [ · ... :'.:.':" .,. • • r_ ' :._. . . .';,jj,;,'" " ' - - - - - ___ - - - - - - - - - - - -............... .~.' " , ,., .. • ,. L • [ [ EUCTRIC SHOCK AS IT PERTAINS TO THE £LECTIIIC FENCE In 1900, Prevost and lIalteJi' (ollnd that alternatillg-cllrrel1t poll'I1I;ol, as low as 15 to 25 volts, at a (rcrlll.I1cy or ISO c)'c1es, callsed ,le.th of <lop, In experinlcnts with direct currrnt. it WAs noltc.J that \'oha~('s up 10 SO wcre not fn~a' to (1(I~s nhhlluJ.:h tht' tiltH.' of (,'outn('1 was as l11\1rh as 5 secunds. Ahove 50 volts, np tu 550. the dirt,,·t ('urrcnt wns \lllifllTlllly r.tal. T. C. Gilbert 10 • [ poinll'U 01lt tll:lt El1rope.m trrhnicians have rstahli!'o!lt'd tht fact that circuit!> of pottminl!' of 20 to 24 volt~ arc: definitely ei:lllJ,:l'rtlIlS to. allinml!', Accor(lill~ tn thi!ii write-r. there aft ca!iies where nnil11;'lI!'o !J;i\-l" I>e<n killed nt potent;,!s th.t cOIl1<1 not h.ve exereded 24 volts ",h(,11 :til {actors werc lnktn into consideratiun, In ont' 'partiC'1I1ar case, it wac;, !'ot;lll'd that a pClt('lllinl J:r:1l1il'llt uJlon tht' l"lrlh'~ surface: of ,10 volts was t!lt' r:lll"l" of death of :m animal. Opinions [ ]ellinek,1J n11 c;'(rly \niler on the ~111,jrct of tlt-ctrie ~hod.. , llt'lit'n't!' that currCllt" resulting !roll1 ,"olt,lg,,''!!' ~n::ltcr th'lI1 2S ,'ults l'iholll.1 lit" 1'''11. sidcrl',1 d:lI1~l"ro\1s, • [ [ j Conclusions [ [ • [ TakillJ.: all the aIJo\'e f:u:ts intu cunsitlerntion, it !'f't"t11S thai for <'!t,\otfic fence cuntrollers, the (JIK'n~l"ircllit ,"oltage nerd Ilot he limitrtl prll\'itlcd the dr\'jcc il1corrornte!'O inhc.'rc11t current-limiting fl'ottnrcs, ,\\'hefe no inhrft'llt C'nrrrut-limitinR fratl1re~ :lre incorporated in 11Il' device, thl' IIIUxi1l1tll11 :-.;afl' \'nha;':l' to whid\ :111 inc1i\'iflunl may he snhj('rt('tl shoultl not exceed 12, Th isis holSCtl lI)1l1n t h(' t I"'or.v t 11.1t n Jllltt'II1 i:11 "f ]2 ,"olt!' or 1('55 wi1l r:lrdy, if l'\'t'r, \"mlSf,' " hrt'aktlu\\'11 \,f JIokin ft',sil'it:llK\' sufficient to permit n C'l1rrt°m fill\\' throllJ.:h the Locly of !Ouch intel1l'iity 01:-. to cause Jack of n1l15cuh.IT t.:(llitrol or phy)ical iujur)' to the prnC"n, . FREQUENCY General [. nat;I, whirh will Ilt, pn'''''lIh'll I'th-f, lo't't'111 to 1nc1i\Onte ,1I;lt fllr "'1110 (Ullil1tt.'rrllplt'll) \'\1rl'l'11t ;1 :-'1I1II('wll:ll hi.:htOr vaille.o flf c1inoc1 ':1;111 timl'JlI!'O :Ih\'nmtin&: ('Ufftllt nUl Itl' with:-.tlJud 1,~' th\O holl)' withuut ""ITlorill;': illlo,·(\,\'!. Tht" chit°f cfilTt'1'(°I1\°c,' in till' L:J,1\':-.il"jtl tI!s.'rt clirt't1., n~ "1'1"""'.1. III :aht,'rll:tlillg ('nfWt, i", th:" tll(' efire'tot ,'urn', t i l " " · ' 0' of th<.' mtt~t.'J('!'i to tlltO eX1t'1I1 ;lssu\'i;llt'c) wi 0 , , • IrrC"I1I, Lt;l<II;llofY [ nr c • • L Dr. A, Zimmrf11,l~ an rarly ("xpcril11('lIter with <'1rctric shod" !'o1;1!"t! t:IOlt a 1' 0 ll'lIlial or 65 \'f1h~ to groulld may C,H1SC ch'ath. 1 1'Oll"l'\',1. state-d tllnt 10 \'lIlt .. :ll'il!!,'d . :111 :mthor tll1 l1lC'dir:t!l'!t'l'tririt\', , for:l perilu! of 1 l'l'COI II 1 wOll1d plodlll'l' fihrillatitlll pfo\'itlt,cj tll\' 11";111 by in till' din:"'t pnth hl'!\n't:ll thl' I'!\'t:tfnc!es, .' -, , ........ • • . • . L·-----..ii~····....;.·. " ~.~ 'M ; 1 5 p $ p ' . . ........ " '. _.. _ _- -----'". j 7 L l l l [ [ UNDEJIlWRITERS' UaORATO'U£5, INC. I' "'st~ intlir:lIe th:u :1Il illfli\'j,hml r:m with"lan.l :t drritll~dh' hi£lwr ,'.;dlll' or dirt'''"'' lllilll nhlTu:uin.:..: ·":111'1"1'111 :1It,1;:rrn 11I;,illl •• i" "111111"111 tli hi .. Illll""'l,'~. :trlii~h"r ,:uJIOlI:('I', Ilh' "'lIl1lr:II'tiul! lit l~1tIl!'od;;' at II", lin". !!I 7-;i'jllat'l "'ilh .. dirttt.. curn.'111 l'irruil toO ,·jlllt'l) \:lS tu ha\'C the ~t- of a f·"IIt·1Ii1l1: hlu\\', TIlt' t"lIl1lr:u.'liHI1 :U'<iJli:t1i'j with d.!rC'l't turn'ul fIiITl'r~ from ah.u :as1tlln:u('l! \\·jlll :llh·rn.l1inl: curT.·n, ill tlmt the: c1ircrt-C'urr"I1( ('01111''''('.. liull ,,,'ellr. chidl\' "t 'h" liiiiC,~r mnkilll(. nllll~,r'/killJ.: th. rircllit 0'"1, tlu,ort'fun', is :IS stc;ul\' a "011lTtlrtIUI1 :I~ r('~n Is rom altcruolliuJ: current. , ..- ir / •• "! • is interrupted, ff'w d:&la arc n\'Ol.ilahle a~ to the .li'r\·n.·Il\·..·~ 1~lw\"'11 4Iin·t't :11I11 n!tcTn:uin;.: curn'ut in its cfTt'CI upun the he~I>" 11 h'15 IK'C'11 1:\'11\'1'1&11)' MIJlIK'~('eI2s lhat. as .the contact lime is !'ohOl'h·I1('el. :\1Icl dll' fn'cll1C'11C')' of intl'Tnllllioll js juC'rcast.t1, the "ahll's or dir\'C't :llhl ahcru:1liTl;O: currcnt Ih'c("ss~r>' lu 50el up \'e'ntricular fihrillatiun 1C:11c1 10 =,pproarh ,'oach other. \\'Iwrc th,' • "lIl"r"111 Laboratory Tests [ Two ill"lIls of jllt('rl'st in rrJ::':lrd to allilil)' 10 withM:lnd (Urn'lIIs were 11C1It'd ill rn·j\'willJ; Ihl' clala. [ of IJIC'ir ("xl IlTill l\'ll1S upnn 411);':!'i. found Iht' 3\·"'1':1;.:'<' \',dll'" oi rurrl'lll 11,,·C't·!'i~ry III 1'1'Ildl1l..'(' fibril ••. \ kui'lIl :11 a frc.·cJ1h'llr~· oi 11({) ryt'll':O; I~'r ~t'cCllld was 1I1\l1'l' Ih:\II t\\Th'c linH;'s th(" "aim.' at (,Q ",·..-Il'S, , J\.ullw,·uho\·\'II, [ [ tr..\rl'lol1\'Jl. 9 [ I Vi LIII.,I" :t!'o a rt,'!'illh JX~'-~. jOl1l1d ,1I;.t hc ('ould \\'ilh~lalld :Il1lil('I't'~ withoul ilJ l'Ii·l·n .... :It a In'flll<.'llCy "'hid: ranJ,:;l'\! l,WlI.OlIO C)'cles J'l'l" sccond. ill ;1'" mill'll as J irlllli ·UOO • 10 ConcJU5ions or lhe' ~(';lrril~' nr In "ic:w dir\'ct [ 11,",I,..'r. mtel hi;.:h.(n:tjll<'IIC')' ebla )Inl:tillillJ.:" til :-;1101'1 dllr:tlioll alld 10 the 1:lt'k of clara ill\'ot\'illJ,: ~11\lrJ,~ on ./ high<"r thall lh(' ("c)l11l11t'T("ial U) ('~'C'lt'!" p~'r !'ccond, 111<.'1'(' i~ no pn'~t'1I1 WOlfram fnr per. l11iuillJ: ~n.'atcr ";Ilm':o; of <"lInl'lIl than illdk:lh'd hCl'l"i1i r('J.:aTlJlt'~s oi the fTt'Cllrt.·IIC)' cmplo..n :d, Dill' Co th<.· c1itT<"r\'I1,,'C in the ph)'sic31 \·(;(,('t of direct ane! ah('rn3Iillg' currl'm, a sli~ht difTt'r('!H'(" in the "ofT" periO<.1 of the two 1)'1"'5 of conuolkrs appears 10 be warrameu. • CIIITt'Ut. frcfllll'II,,'jC'l'o CURll.ENT General [ In the e5t::ahli .. 1lI1wnt of ~{c clIrr('nt "alues lor elrctric {cnce con. troUers, it is nCt"\.'~s:lr)' 10 hc'ar in milld lhat current alone can not be considereu inuep<'nckm "f thc tillle" of cOlllaet, [ A safc vallie of curn'nt tha.t 11l3y be taken i11llclinitd,)' is 011<.' thai. jn Addition to not can!'ojl1~ JKHlily injury, would also J..:..... IiI, the il1di\'j.Jual 10 frf'C hinl5eJ{ from COllt:ll·t with the circuit, • [ • • [ • [ L , '.' . • ., ' ., ,. • • , • , •• . • . ' ' ,0, ". • , ' ,,, _.., . .. • • ' , ...: • .. •• • , '. , . • ." . .. - ----------------------------------·--·"~·!--_,t • • • • .. -' ••_ :~ ' •.' •... •• 4 • • _ . _ . '.":. •~-\..,.~ .'~ :r" __ :. [ ~• Os ",- ~. •• •••• . -.. _. " ",- ·· ... . .'., •' , r : n • • • " o • - .- ~.. " . $ _ • > 5.0 • 0 . .. ' . ."" c...i t • , ,.- . • $ .... '. - '. - ... : ':' ~ •• • • • 7 ", " .' , " we' 7 [ • .. .. • II c EU:CTIl'C SHOCK AS IT P£IlTAINS TO THE EU:CTIlIC FENCE • The allowabl. vallie ,-sl.bJis!",d for lhe output cllrrent 01 the illl , er mille III 1)1'" 01 e/cctric lence cUllIroll.r shollld be one Ihal will nol permit bodil)· injury. Thi. stalelllelll ••Sullles, 01 course, Ihat an ample "ofT" period is "rovi,I,-d which will I"'rlllit Ihe illdividual 10 frcc hilllscll Irolll conl:t.t with the circuit ~(ore rl·l'l·jvillJ.: n 5('C'und ~hock irnpnlsf'. .I [ • [ Accident Record [ III the consider.tion 01 electric.1 acc;'I,·nts, it should al:.ill be puinted Out that the :lcrur.ar)' of thc.:se .lara C:U1I1ot usually be Telit"u npOIl dtl~ tu the m~n)" ,'ori~IJJl'S ill\'oln'd ~t the time of the Dcciuc:nt. The difficuh)· of c1l'll'rJl1illillR whol minimum currents [ [ I ~ [ Ii , ,, , • [ ,I ,• , L han' ')('('11 f.,.1 is rcali.<<.1 Ly con,iol,·rin;.: the Ihree casc. poilll<<.I Dill prnioo,l.'" wh..e l",ol'le h.,oc I~·,·o I,ill"d Oil rxtrrlll<Iy luw.\'o!r:t;.:c circllil'. (~"e poge ]4,) L'sing!'OO uhl1Js ns the IJOlIy impedance of the sl1llj(.C'ts ('tllI_ sidereu in 111l'sc Ihn:e..' C:I.,(,s, the reSllh.1111 currt'nt wuuld be (l) ]30 llIil. li.mIX"'s, (2) 120 milli,u"l'en's, ,",1 (3) 90 ,nilli:tmperc<. rcspITli\'l'iy. L\ill;': 2.000 "hms. tl,,· !l·,,,llollt ,'urreots wOllld he (I) 32.5 lIIilliaml"''''', (2) 30 mil:ialllpere'. a"d (3) 22.5 miJIi.mp...., rC<'leCli"cl)'. It is oh"ious, tl1l'H'f u n', thai 1111 d(,"inite cunclllsions (,."0111 he drawn frulH tllne daln n!'o to \\II.1t 11Iinillllll lJ (IInt'lIt 111.1)' be..' f:It:ll, nl:\)' In the Pro((','dill,f/,f 0ll',,/J/"r JII"fJr;"fl uu Elrtlr;r "Ft"r,. Co,,'ro/lrrs. pllhli,l,,·,J "' the n',"!r 01 " 1I1l·,·,ill!: "I in"'r«led I'"rti<s in Sal,.",. Ore;,:"". il1 :\ll\"(,'IIII't'r H'36, ;In' rn'un!(,d lhl' folJu"'il1J.:' Ji<:ld eXJ)(,'ri(.'ncl's: (J) A thrt'e.'-)'e.."~lr old girl (":1111(," ill C'ont:lC't Wilh nn ele.'etrie fCI1Ct which was Jimiu.'u in output 11) 25 mifli:uHp('f('s. lIut which WotS 1101 pro\'icl('t! with .a current il1t\'rrUI'I('r. She W't:, 11II~1Jlc to relt"~se hcrsr1( frulII the wire until the circuit w.as hrol\('II. (2) The some thin,:: wo, e"I,,·riellc,...1 hy • yOllll!: lIlall 01 21 )'cors of aRe unc...ler simil.-r condilions, [ ~ [ I• [, f I • [ , I (3) 1\ YOIIIIJ: l11au "'.IS Illlal,le to (rr(" himsrlf from a ('ontiIlIl _ current circuit in which the l'l1rrent was limited tll JS miJJi'III1JlCr~!i., OtlS (4) A dog W:ts kill,·., loy Cllrrelll Irom a 1I0"'01t fence which w•• in serirs with a 7,$·\\";111 blllp, The.."orctiritl maximum currrlJl is (k.~ mit- V Ji:unpl'f('s, (~) J\ three·)·c.. "I" hl<) ",os Idll",1 h)· cnnt.CI with a 1I0"'nlt lellre in series wilh D 30-"'all I:lm», Thcurtticnl maximum curn:UI is 2;0 milJiumperes, The foHowin~ ncdd('llt~ "'rre.' rt°portC'cl to the L..,buratoritOs ill sUf\'r)' cOllchu:tt°c.J .a~ :l part uf this in'~!itil:':ltinn: :I fit'f,l (J) A IS.)·rar oM hny WU!\ llll:aIlJe.' tn r(·I"o"r him!'eU 'rom:1II ('!('c'lriC (t'ffec in ",hid. tllt° ('lIITC'lIt W:IS Jimih·d II)' n 2$-W:llt, J ID."1I1t 1:11111'. Thelln.,tic.11 • • • • • lI1~xinllllli l"UTCIiI is :IJIJlruxill1;lIl'1)' 230 milli::unpt'rt's, " • • _ ',-' _. 'i . ,'.. . o __ ,,,. ,',-. •• '_, •.~".4.'.: "J..... . ,. · ':.;.' ~l:'t:...'~ ." .;. " ' . ' ..'_ ... . .. - -."', .... , ," . .'.'. . ,,- . .' ..•.. .. ',.'." •••• • . _. ,. "0 ._,. 0':' . • •• • - _~ 0 • •• ' • , . ... . • ~ _.. - __,._00 ;.- - •• _.•·•••_.-.· .,·..k . h .. • ... . . " . -~'. L UNDERw"rrEIilS' L4.80AATO'UE5, INCo L [ It ~ow W:l~ el} ...\ kill"cl I.,.• ("ol1l:\ct wilh nn d,·C'tric fCllre h. which the curr"1II w~s lilllite.1 I,y .. 7$'\\'~Il, 110-'-011 lalllp. The de,-iee elllplo)"'<! DO ~urn:m illlerruptcr, :lutl the Ahock wns cxperi('urcu foJInwil1&: a hea\'Y .... ' rain•. Th(' thcorcti\.·.. 1 m:lxinl1lnl currellt is (~ 111illi:~mpcrcs, (.1) One cow wtllli unnhk to r('lc:a!'le hcr~eJ( from an r1('('trlC fence in "'lIicb Ibe currelll \\'~s Jimited by a 25,w~lI. 1I0"'0It J~,"p. There was no (urr,'..t interrupter provided. The maximum th('oretical c:urnout output i5 ~pllro"il\l~lely 230 milli:unpcres. [ Laboratory Tests [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ Continuous Current~The d~t~ gh'en in Tahle 3, page J 5. indie~te Ih:1t II", 111;I:'\,;iul1ll11 ('ontilHu·IlIS curn'ut, which aUY• oj Ihe inui"jJuals tested ('uuM Wilhsl:mJ aud )'l'l rCIOlin ,·ohllnar)' ('olllFII uf their muscJ(.'s, was JO milliampt:rcs. Till' minimum \':tllle r('rol'lkd '\',1" (, 1I111:iOlIIlI)(!reS amI the ~vet~ge {or Ihe 13 subjects testcd w~s 7.8 milli~Ill)lCr.s. Thompson,l! o( the Elcolrie"ITe.. i"l: L,horotorios. e"".luoltd an cxtcn~i"l' st.·ries of Icst!.'i upon a 11\11111 ...'r of iuJi"iduals and fllunu th... l fur \\'on1«.'11 the 3"\.'ra:;:c m:l:-\ill111111 toJ"rallll' value of rllrrrllt was 5,1.5 milli~ amp('rcs. The cone!'pnn,lillJ,: ,':due jor l11el1 W:1~ found 10 he 8.35 mil· liampcres. Th(" n",",tlJ.:c for:.lll wa!li i.l, and Ihe l11axil11tllll value recurJccl in this ~('rits of h.'~t~ W:1'" 20.0 millj"'111p('r('~. Gr:ap.on I6 r<.>pllrH.·IJ Ihal ~imjlar ICf-t!" pt'riUl"l1lcc] ujlon ~2 111\.'11 ilHl;".Ill'C1 that the 3\'cral:e 111:111 ('ould dCl('cl 1.2 millia1l1p"I"t'~. :1I)d t1wt 1I0lle could wilh"tancJ a ('urn'llt oj l111)n: Ihan 8 ll1ilJjal11prrc~ Wlthotll !'oniolls di~('tlll1rort. R, Corrie!' cfllldw':h'd ;1 !liimilar l·x})(·ril1lrlll. 1"""'rftll'111il1~ a It'st upon him~l£o lie fOil lid Ih:l1 .:Ii cunl'nl of 14 lI1i1JiaI111~'n's cau!'ot,'j! paralysis of 4:crtain ));lrt5 of his oo~l)', Gilhc.:rt,.l1 as a r(' ... lIlt of h'!"I~ I,) (}etl'l"11lillC till' !ll'(·dflc contaCI rc· 5i"I:llIl"C oi Ihl' h:llId .... {ollllli lh:n til\.' an'I":ll:c illlli,-idll:ll ('0\11.1 not easily free hil11~clf from a l'irnlit J:1'C.':lu'r th:lll 15 milli.11l11Icrcs. JJc: al!'oo foullu .;':11 the !ocnsatitlll!'io, ,·xltt.'ril·lll·l'd by Illl}:>ot. pl'oplc with the !'ou,mc current l1owiuJ:". were in J.:\.'IIt..'ru,l :ll:r~'1'l11l'nl, althlm~h the rCl>ist:lIICC "aricl! wilhin \\'idt limils. not only Wi1h c1itTcrcnt peopJe but with thr S0111lC )ll'rson. Quite recently. tl'SIS ha"e been condl1rt('d at the l~l1i"l"r!tit), .of Cali(ornia 19 to tlelrTll1il1e the nl:1>.:il111l111 '·aluc of current from a UQ.c)'C'1e circuit th~1 could he relo~s"d hl' Ihe a"erage in,li,-i,JII~1. The te.rs indiealed Ihal (or a 1'''111\\'~)' hantl-Io·h~nd. the l1l~xil1lul1l a\'er~ge loler~ble current (or 56 lIlen suhjeete,J 10 81 les" was 13.9 l1lilli~I1l)lCres. For the pOlhwa), or the cllrrelll throll!:h the hod)' (r,." olle h~nd to o'!e {OOI, the hand I:ripping ~ ~o. 10 Awl' wire, and the (oot pl~eed upon a flat ",etal disc. it was foulllilhat the a\'eraJ:'" maximum "release "alue" (or 42 mc:n slIhjeeled to $5 Itsls w~s 12.6 lIlilli~mpercs. It w~s also found lhat ril:hl.h~nded 1"""1'1< oonld r<k~se al'l'rll"il1l~lcly y$ milli~llll'eres more ..·jlh lise righl hand than with the Joft, • n. / • c c • . • L • •• • " .1 : • • • • • .. - , o • • ~' L' . , • , . ' ' , • . .... · ." • , " ': .. ' .' L S P_ • • • • - ---._:H . ........ , • --'-_ ....... .., , • ...,.... .., ' ~ , , • ..... - ' . , • ? 1.'$( L • . . • • , •• ~ '.... . ·... '.. ..... ..... , " •••• p •••••••••• -'.~.. ,. .' . ", "• L "-- f St, 'O··'S·' .. , • ? " • l 20 EUC'TlUC SHOCK AS rr rDtT"INS TO THE E.LECTRIC rENCE The ~I:' range 01 the subjoets was 20 to 40 )'ears, There was no m:ukeu di,Tcrcllcc IJctwccn Wct :mcl c.lrv• llallds, but wire ~ilC did have an errect, ha\'e no hC:lrill;.:' ill the e~I;I"'isI1l1ll'111 of a cOlltill\lOl1S \'nlue uf currl'nt which may be: con~idl'n'ci :IS nllt h:t1ardtll1!'o, the)' :'Ire illdudt,t! :It this point :lS a nUlltt'r of inlerl's!. Thl'!'oe IC!'ot n'stl!ls were r,'eure'"'l ill the /],;Ii.," Mrelirlll JOII"'"" o( fiJI 3, \\'hile the fo"o\\'in~ tl'st rrtilllts (I) III 1855, M~1l1l "ppli,',1 "'cctro,lcs .lin'ctl)' til th,- hlllll:'" I..."n n!t('fl1atillJ,:' l'tIrft'llI of ]"5 10 JV lIIifli;l1l1pCTl'S Iii" lIot :l11<1" '{Oil"" that ~1I1 nt!\'(.'rst'ly afTt'C'1 the hl'art's ;u:li"on, [ • [ (2) J)i.\l1l1'!'o ;llid :\1;lIIl1'~ I'Xl'll,,'ill1t'I1f!'o diM'!U,t'd Ih;lt :I ('1Il'rt'1I1 1:11"11:,:11 / the dh':oot of !roln IS 10 .'l0 millj;IIIIII('n':"> did 1I0t IIp,,,C'' thl' lu'an's ;u'li..11. (,l) TI"l)!Il'r {Ilnlld Ih~lt ;1 dirl'\.'l t'lIlTt'lll of 3$ Illilliall1pl'n', f'''"1 halld tu {CJllt wa~ III,t (;lIal. , :l Interrupted Current-Prc.·\·ost nncJ B:luc.·II,' in 1!J(X). fotllld that :It frC'llll·IK.\, of SO ttl (.0 c)'c:les, death n'MI!tC,'U from a Cl1rrc.'nt uf iO llIil. lial~ll<:Tl'S [ 1 I, , [ I• [ \\"),"" til<' ,iClilll (du!:) was ill COIII:,,'t with the circllit 1M ~ pCrJuJ of ~ tu 5 ~t·'"l1c1s. 11 W;IS :ll~o noled that 11I1-:'H... r ("tlfrcub wlluld Ilot Ill'l'(.'!"...arily .!-c't lip fihrillatiun. ),111 would in\'ari;I!,ly n'!'ollit In inllihitillll uf thl' rCS!,irall,ry !-y:-oll'll1. , , l , [ [ [ L hl't'lJ Ri\'t~11 to the.' snllj('l,t uf cIeetrir ~hnC'k 11)' ).\ollwCllho\'l'lI. L.t1lJ.:\\UltlIJ' nud Jfoukcr 20 nt Juhns IJop1.:ill" t:lli\'tT~it,\', In must uf thdr h,·~ts, rolts W('re usc:et for "t1hjects, "1'11(" r;ll is :l.TI :\IdllJal which rCl'O\'ers SI'UI1I:tllt'Ollsl}' frum \'("utricular filJrilhuiulI, The ulljt't.,t o( thl'SC tnts \\';:as 110t to clch'rminc till' mitlill1ul1J ('urrcnt that would ~l't up \'clltril'lllal' fihrillation, lll1t 10 pr,)ddl' .l'\'itlt'l1t'" ill s"!'!")!'! flf J,:I'!Il'ral thcoril's u( dl't:lrit.' :-olII1C:I\ whit-II haH' IK,t.'11 pn'\'aklll :ooilll.l,: ::It' ~.;tI"jn·1 \\':1:-' first sltlJil't1. 5111c1y h;l~ Hl'l';I1I:ooe or the fOlt't th'l1 nOIl(' of thc"s(, .Iat.. wunlcl hc :11'1'!iI';aI,ll' ill arrh'jlll-:" ;I{ lhe lIIotxilll1ll11 \':llnc of ('lIrrc,'lIt th:11 C':III 1M' c.:uH:-oidt'n'.1 :1' lIuf Iltlzanltlll:oo Iv 111111I:11I liit", thl'" .Ire: 1I0t tahulated Ill'n', Thc fullllwi1JJ,: 1o:"IIc"l'al • t I , Roughl)'. the tests C'on"il'h'd nf l\uhjrctinJ:' the mtl' tn IlfJtC'l1tilll" o( J 10, 240. 500 :11I11 1000 \'ulls fur 1K.'riods rnu;.:illJ.: (I'UIII I ",C.'l'UIIlI 'n 1 lIIilltllr, In these It.-sts, tile' rats Wt'rt' :lII:ll'StJll'tiz l'll. The ell'clrullc's \\'l'n,' 1'1;1('(,1/ "IM.III the hcnd nlllJ tnit Iti Ihe II11JjCCt, 1 V \\'<'i., :111<1 %"""",' ill l'n I, s!'l'lIred silllil:" 1"(',,,11, ill tl,,'i .. "',I. "'~ / clogs. A (,,'II1'n'nl of iu III 100 milliilllJpc:n's was (alaI Wlll'U :lpplic:d rllV 0111)' a few :-c(onds. The appJic:lIiol1 ll.f ~,~ III 40 lIlitJiitll1lK:H'S did lIot lilt't up fihri!latiun, lun Jlrodl1Ccu illhiltitioll u( rcsl'iratioll, "-- ~fore n'('("nt [ V .' J / 4 .. .L-__·_. ,_. rr r -_ ..•.. ,., ~ .... -. _.- , t _.,. .•. ... .. , , L II UNDDWRrTUS· URORATORIES. INC. L cnnC'lll~km!i' 'he L L L [ ph:t.~e \\,rr(' dr:l.wn, hnwf>\'rr. nll,l llrCI1l 11"1 1Ir r('1e\-:l.111 10 Ihis of inn~J'li~.uitlll: (I) Thr ] JO-220 \'1"111, ahrrnnlinJ.r-currC'111 C'irruiu arc mort" d:angernus 'n r.ll~ Ih:lII IIH.' ,lin..cl·currl'lII l"ircllits of the so111lc \'oltage, (2) The I()(X)-\·lIh. tlirrcl-CllrrCl11 circllil j" more c1al1l:"('rotl~ th:m Ihe ,'urrc!1Ipo1U Ii 1110: :.til crl1Dtillg·rurrcnl ci rCllit. (3) i\ large r.t can with.t.nd a gr••ter shock ,h.n a sm.ller r.tand still • ~\ln'I\·C. (4) 1"1",re i. no diITer'''''e in 'exes a. to "hility to withstand shock. (5) The longer the eOIll.ct with the circuit, the greater the chances oi dea,h heeome. . (Ii) "hc donger incrcas.s as the ,·olt.ge is r.ised. (Current not limited. ) The contraction of Ihe 1)011)' m1ll'oCnl;Jllll'c j~ grcnler wilh aherl1atinl-: current Ih:an with direct currcnt. (8) l'.r.I)·.is d"I","ds more upon the ,"olt.ge oi the initi.1 shock than UJ'OII the duration of it. (Cllnelll not limited.) L --11 .mpe'., [ L [ [ 10-.10 , M•• im\lm C(lnl.C! I- (5te) 10-48 ))0 ~c I ConlUI T,mt MIll.· yol.... SultJf'CI. L V TABLE 4 Nil. of [ T.mt'_ Yt'l R.co""tC1 (Sec.) 10 ; H'C"o\'f'rc.-d J di('d ) pa'OlI)'lct.! to('('-hCV('r(' .u .10 IW"C JJ 110 de 28.47 5060 20 21' r<Y'n\'crcl! 01 tJ iC11 J TMral)'I('(! 29 220 at 80-210 5-J5 t4 8 rrocovL'r("l:! 11 tJl('l! JO Imral)'zt'i! ,'I 22041\: 110.250 5-JO 5·10 J0 rl'C"ov('r('d 8 d;.~ J paral)'utJ 2~ 500 ae 2~0.490 I~ 4 Jn rceo\'crctJ J tlil"tJ IJ paralyzed 37 500 de 280·640 '·4 4 J8 reco\'ered J7di,,:d _ 2 par.')·ft~ I I, 7 recovered 20 ~ied.. 7 par.'yftd • kt'covcr)'. in ever)' c..sr, was brouahl about by artificial respiration, J~ 500.1000 I I •••",11'- 1000 d. 0.504 nont' lur\'j"f't! 1 ICC [, [ , [ • -. .~ • • ... • , L. . \. / LJ1"f l .. ,/ , - • .....• -- ."".i..,:/ ...... .. ., , • • . .. " . • • • '.' • , 1\ -' • ' . ' .. , , • ", _~." --, _... -- - - -.. ] .- .. • ......- ' - - _ ....a._.. . ." • • ' L L • • • ... • • 7 7 L .. • , .. u ELECT!UC SHOCk AS IT rElITA.INS TO THE n EC IRIC FENCE • L (9) The death of the rats in every case resulted from respiratory'; failure. . L (10) The injuries are not directly proportional to the amount of cur. rent that passes throu/:h lhe body. t\ot only must initial \'"Il;I~\' be taktn into account, hut also the ""r:ttion of the COn(ill't :lnd tilt' size of the tll1imol. [ In a later series of lests conducted at Johns Hopkins," t"inl: rat, as suLjccts, more attention was gh'(:n to the infllu:nce of time of ('01113('1. Thi" information is given in TaLle 4. '. -[ . Continuing the in\'cMig:uion of t'Jectric shuck, ](ouwCUhO\'l'l1 ;11111 l Langworth y 22 conduC'teu another Strit's of Irsls npon rats to c!<:h:rmilll' the ;mpUTI;lI1CC of the flaths of the ('urn'1I1 lhrol1,\;11 the bc')(I)'. ]11 tht'St, tl':..h, JOOO \·lIh~. hath altc:rn:ttiugo ~IICI cliTret Cllrrl'lIl~ Wt'Tt' 1I~('d. :\IIcl thl' tillle.: (Ii cont:u:t W;IS 2 St'..:unds. The I"C~lIhs ur Iln:~c tnts nrc t:i\'l"n ill TalJIt.. 5, • - l TABLE .5 ( I"~/' [ 0' EI.clfod•• -UCOItI OIntl l:ail POlllion .. J le'lIl l ;11111 "0, of Subj.Cla 6 100iI J<i~'11 ("rt."t',.: Oint! 13il 3 12 p' :' f•" < VltlA,e Ampe,•• .- 0, j .O.t'~ ae - - .. ---•••ulll - 2 fC"fU\'t"t,d .1 rlit'll t 11.1,.llr1I'" de 0.7,O.~4 03111111'" DC O.•. O.Xl 4 rt"·U\'I,rt,.1 )l/ .s dit'1l J II.lI,t1r.wd l H i.. hc (undf'& and tail " ' ", ,". 12 de 0.5· 1.00 5 '("Cul'corcli J e1ietl •• " .. (I;lr•• I)'zl"t.J Left (orrlrg and tail .. .."' [ [ 12 ae 0.6·0.84 .. f("Conrf'll 5 clied Left (orch:.: and tail J lIaral)'Zl'" 12 dc 0.5·1.00 ~ l\'cu\''-'rco,J ~ / Rieht and Irft (orele, Rj~ht and left hind Iq .. ae 7 ac • , , dice! .. paml)'ZCOcJ ... . nll :lnilll,lhl dil'l! / • on bot II Ole ilncJ de , 0.6-1.2 6 rtco\'crC'tf I died , [ J{i"tu arid Idl hind Jt1: 7 de 0.a.I.2 ~ n ..'m'l're'll 2 Ilie'll The "'K)\'~ rlo.l1lt" huliC'lIlc thht ""nth W:,,, more l'C0rlnill will"'" lin' current J»':l!loS~el thrult~h the lJr~il1 ur hl'art UI' "lIlh, These rt'l'Iult!'l :11..0 [ • L: .~. . . . . . a. _ _ • " ~--""-------~.:;: .. ~:. .~~--j , '." ' ........., - " - - .. --_ - _---;..- .- 'L~-----------~ L :u _ _ _ _ _ _ UHDF.RWIUT£RS' LABORATORIES, INC, ;;....o.;"'-'.;;.;.;;;""'-'=;;.;.;.;.;~:::...:;.:.::... ~ "u!"o':lill :I prc,'inll~ ffll1lt'Ulinn 11ml :I polt'lui:alo( 10M \'nlts. ,Iin'l"' clIITl·nr,.. i!\ IIlnr,' ')"adl,)' lu Ihl" filt Ih.m nhl'rllalillf: ('UUt'lll at Ihe "':Hl1e voltage. ." FII1"1llC'r shulit',. r:IHi,',J out with r.I':oi ilt Jl,lll1" iiopl,iillsz,; l'ond\l~i\"c1y ,1,.. u,nl",lwh'tJ thai n'p":Ul'll !\horl,;:- 0'11 illl'·I'\"IIl'i oj Ihn'C flay:; had 110 CI1111111... ;uh",' ,""'\'•. 11 i!\ 1101 ("Il 1I,'l"'l'il'i:tl"y 10 inl'ludt' ,h"l'ir fhua, howl'",.'r, as u "iluiJar ('um,'llisillll h.I!'o '"-'(.·u 111':1\\'11 from more n',,"'11l blllllics. [ V \ ,I \ .. '. CXIH.·rillll'lIt~ wcre." roruhlC'l,'tI II)' ),ol1w"llhov"I1, 11001,;,'1". tlilfl Lui,..... tu !t1l1tly tJu: e,Yeet IIf fr"'jlH'I1l')':iS it Itl'rtains 10 elel'tric ~hlK'}.;. In thi", parlkul:lr Sl'rt..,~ oi It'SIS. fllily ;m;j(.'~lIh,ti/.,'d c1tt~s weI'" lI~l·d. Thl'ir dl,·,.t:- \\'~.. rc opelH'd :1I1c1 \'If'C'lroc!es were I');t"('d upun the hC:lrt. It was 1<,"4,·.·... [ /l fOllnd. ns a result of these lests, th;]t with direct rl1rrent the dog's hC01rt is / must rc:;pollsi\'c to currents at a f rC(Jnel1c~:- vi ;10 III 100 i11lcrrtllrnnns J""'J' V ~cl-ullel. A~ the (requene)' of intcrruplioll is illl'ITasc,,'u Ocyond this r;lllgr, the IU';],TI i~ Jcs~ rt.·!"opol1~i\'e and rcql1irl's Rre;.&tl'r \'alues of currcnt til cstal,li~h .,·,·nu.!cular fih.Ii!I:lIion,_ "'jth ;llu'rlJ:llilli: rllrU'llt. t11l'r(' is liule. if ;.Ill)" "iguitic:lut ul7tt·n.'lIC'c in the n.'.a"tiuJl 'oi tile heart to shorkr, from 25 to (.a-C')'de circuits, 111 each lest the .currelll W:lS allowed to flow for :l 101:11 lime of 2 ",·cHllds. The result!' of this il1\'('!'tig-:J.lion Dore gi\'(,11 in ~ TnMe 6. ; [ [ [ TABLE 6 • . [ VI hit·. of FII,.. lI~lln. ("u"'''l in "',\hlmll~rC'1 F'PliII'"'I'lC¥ Jnletrulled O.C, AII"r"llInt (C,eI... pt'r Mc.) • --.t;;"n Mu.m,,", EO~ch¥e I - , - --2$ ~O [ ," L [ L [ [ [, ---IUi2 -_. _._-- 1.0~ O..B 0.> J 11.70 1)•.11 0,h2 O.i 1 n. 7 ~ .£~ . ) , I • • r (, , .' C'u"~"l MIJlnlUm ---- -1.1~ 1.00 1.0(j Ccnltil1l1il1;: Ilh·ir rCsC'ardl illln the lI~tllre oj C'l,~clrjc sh(,ek, l'r,llw,'n110'·'-11, Uu"J,;('r, and L"l.ng\\"nrlhyZ~ n'('('lllly pc:r(Orllll'J a 5o('l'i('~ of l'XpCrillh'lIlS Ie) tk'lerminc wh:l1 pt·r ('('Ilt of Ihc ll1t;']1 cl:rTl'nl rcC'cin·d dt:ring" ;111 I ,·l",·tric slutt:k ;ll"tu:IIJ~' P.1~~('·ll Ihrough Illc h('nrl. Tl,O> nccoillpli~h thi~, lnt~ \\",·r\.' rOmllll"ll'~1 IIpnn do;.:s :I~ subject!'. The C'lIrr.:'nl-111c;I~llrjl1~ deviC'cs \\",'r,' "mall Tif1~ Cl1rrl,:nt lr;,]II:'<oillnl1<.'r~ r;111;.:ill;': in 11llcrnal di:lllll'll'r:o. from ~ ~ 10 J~ inchc!>, Thc stlhjecls \n're anal':-lh..·ti1.c<l, their dH·"b op,·m'tJ. :m,) the current Ir:lI1~(ormers "'erc pJac('c1 nro\1nd the henri. in ~l1('h a manncr 615 to complctel,)' encircle iI, )'ft C3USt as Httle disturb:lllcc \ I ~s possible. T'rl'!ill1in~ry Sillily re\·.,lrtl th~l the eurrellt rlistri"nl;on thrnu!:h the "ntly ,,'/Il.iued eoust~ut for ~ perinI I of 30 minutes followin!: the de~th nl Ihe ~nim~1. This f~el "'os 1I1;Ii7.ed in eollecling the following d.ta. 11 W;l!' .,t~ found thnl in ~\'(,11 (':J.~('s thr 3\'CT;]:::,e ('lIrr('111 ncccs~nr)' tn induce lib,i";uion woo 8.6 ll1il1i~ll1pcres. The minill1um \'.lu~.~ ,I was (i Il1iHial11pl'rc5. the maximum IS. 1'hc time of COl1lact as S 1('( us, The results of this ;11\·esl;I:.';on nre giveu in Tal> ....:..7:...,..., I i • 7 7 ' .•.•• , •••.• - ••••• _ . _ - _ . . . . . . _ _• • • .. • :,.;, , - ''o. .' .' " 75' , ••• _., d • , ~ •' . '.- • ....~ . , " ' ... • • " L • ,,------------------- L [ •• •• • a..t:cn...c SHOCK AS [ IT PERTAINS TO THE El-ECTRIC nHC'E TABLE 7 H.," 'or 'ol'-"i., Pith•• ,. lin .'L! JlFL LFti LFL l LFt RHL RH:' LlIL It.r C.rl1 or 10 P...ift, Tlllrou,h Wo. Lk, Jo H I H H IH 1AFt __I.__I__ !I_T~.!JlJf~~:.~:'l-~;~ • I 2 3 8.0 160 X.O !! 9.! 170 ~. 1~:~ [ 9.0 9.0 mt{ 6 9.3 150 U J.~O 7 8 111.0 150 [ H! • • ;~} Q,4 It.S ...• 9.7 ~ 'iiiL ~~: T 1 . .. 1 I 08 Itg in :0.01:~i~1.5 :",i.;: :i.~: j ::l·Hf; I~:~'II f I II' U I I I.~! U ,~,.5 i .1.9 s..~ 14.; X.I X.7 X.3 6.6 7.5..........1.'1 1.1 9.7 10,M 9." 0.5 : n.~ 9 _,:...'_..1+1_'_°.1_1_0_.5_1' lOA Ao",~"l 1 .. , T ~ 7.5 6.7 6.3 6.5\.... " 6.2 7.0 4.7 ' " g) 7.1 0.0 14.0 ~,(l ! i.(1 ~ (l 10.3 •. 1 5..' I " 6.2 to.J 9,4 1.\) Il.l< I i.7 ~ :'.1) to 1,,"J!7,() 7.712.9 ;-l-;- The foliowillG legem! shollld ,><: lIs(.'ll ill intc,,'rprct:ltion uf thc uata ~i\'('ll .l!J(I\·c,,·: [ ~o. -llll'llli(H'utiull or IIUIIII,l'r uf !ollhjl·(I. 1<J1J.-'(iJ:ht hilllll,·,,:. Lb. -\\·t.,it:,111 uf iuhkl't ill IJ\'lIIHls. to [ II -'f.li!. -Tul~t J.J 11.-1.t'11 hind Jt..:. -J h·,1l1. I(FJ.-J(jJ,:.ht lurclt'G' LF I. - I.dl lurclcJ:. ("urn-Ill p,l!'>sill" lhtlllllo:h !Judy ill rniJli.l!lllll·!l·!O. J'n,h:lhly lhc IlIlI!'!t nfl'lIt ,·xl'l·tiIlWllh Tl·tarill~ to ('lc,,'ctric slllld< WCft' rlllldl1rfc,,·,l fly Fl" ri .. , I, ill~. ~pt'II(, :111,1 "'illi:IIIIS. 25 In thc!'o(, (·XJW· [ rill1('llh thc lilJriJlatill1l (J! lilt: 111..':11'1 C:I rc Ii (If,: 1':11 Ill. [ \\ a ... (leln'Ic,,',l hv• I11t::lIIS of the rlcctro- 'flit.· {I 1'1<11 Olle' of tht'!'!l' cXI't'rilll1.:III~ was t."Ullchll'lcc1 with n "icw lu • L [ dctcrlltjJJillg' lhe onlt.'r uf SllSCl'p:ilJilily of dilTtrclJl :tnil1lals to r,hriliatiufI . 111 the:)\.' le~ts the t'krtrodc,,'s wcre ;'Iltached to the right fore1t·~ :llld tu the left hillli leg o{ the ~lIjl11~l. The <lllr~tioll of Ihe .hock \\'~5 f second,. :111,1 the \'uhnsc Cl11p1u)·eJ was cycks, ;lhl'rI13tiu~ curreut, "fhc u:lla coJlcc.'h·t! in th('sc l("sts :lore fHII11111:1ri7l'11 ill TalJle 8. while the retation~lIip hl't wct.'11 the millil1ll1lH fibrillating \'nhlt:s Hl111 Ihe hOtly nUl) hl',art wri,:::ht~ arc ~IJOWIt graphiC:llly in Graphs :-\05. 1 "lil 2 re.peeth·e1y. ro '. [ ,. I _. S,.ci.-. [. No. t;uim'.1 I'il.: '(;IIlI,il ............ It ' • • • • • (';11 ....•..•.•..... ,)uat-········,···· . It:. . . . , . . . . . . . . , , I" ~Ilt ...·p .. C;I!( [ ' .. ' •. , . , •. ...••..•..• ,. • . ", L .- III. " III I" III _ TABLE ..8 ~""'Ii'. 1f","1 Il.dy ellm. Lb. .. ---~.- I,M ",K~ 'I.n fd~ •• .nUH 17~,1I11 2~ 1!.\ ."" t~·Utll I I ,1f1 I ~.n • lid.n III' 2..n .UKI.U Jill.1t 42U.U MinimuM "ihrilltli~ . I .. M"'lftiUm "fln(, "'111", - ',II' AY~II' • .. .. •.;~ I ·ii.J-'I' I ;n·uo I"~. • 1.21 '/ III I "'''I,hl - ---Cun,n'in Mm"un,..,,,,, JIl -I,..! .." '''.44 •t'l• I ~U·27() 2.\U )lhl,..'I-o .'In 1111... :11 I 21111 !-Ill }·11 • • - .. . . . - - _._.__. -_ _. ---' .L-----.""",,--------------.' l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _::U:.:N::D::£Il:;.;~T£R5· URORA_T_D;;..".;,''''[5:;;.,;;..';;..N'''C.;,, -. " -::.1: : ~ 1 :[:';1 i; 'j:: ~:: .._;••.. l .. _l:. •• ~ .• _; :..; ,. . C',oK n.tY II M : l r .. .. -. .. . -'" ... ..., ".. -... -. .10 - u· l [ W ... .. .. '1" :ii' ":!I:":'j"'" .1· .:::.,. !pJ~;; 140 ';:. II"'" [ c: S> ... e "•c: 110 [ :. . . .,. 1 'I':'" .:1 .. . : , -', :;:::~: 1: .,~:- .-~:.:: '''1' • -: ,, ," .... ~ "'j" .. ';. · .. 1:'::._ : .. ',' •. " . I" - .. I ,: ::1::::" 1.,:.1:,. . . ,..... ".. ',' • : ' "7:,4.I ....•. ' ···,,····1.""··1 ,.:. I. : - .• :.: .• -". z:..) ..: .... i._·J,::·;.::!~ :.:.' .... .. ~~, ~' -." I· .. ·'··· ... ; -" ,,- .. ."'. -"::.: '.'-.' . , !'- : . ' . ' : : .'- :",; I : ' ; ":'., ,.,.', ·t· .. I' " .. : .. : , . ' . ' _ ,.. I····· j .:. '1 .. ~ '. :. _ _ '. . , ' : .:: ':.:' " 1, : " ." " ' , .. " , . " ';"::1 ." _ .. _.. ,.,~ t . .. .., , .. . ' •. -,-" .:: , .•_ , .. , - .;'I" ,. '.'1 . . I' .. \. r --1 ~ .• •.••. .. ._ .. . , ••• -. · · · · · ·, ·. · '· 1 ·. ·· I ' .' 1 -.1 ~ .;J~:L: :::ihSF.;:'!; ;;;;; :::;J:i::;:/;";::::ri;' ,.. ,., _. :;~l~~:~~i;;::.i~: .., ,.,... ::::~-;LLit~ . ' .,,--c .;-;,", ....... _ '.. ' .. ' ' ..::L::. ", ~::r;;~J . . ,. '1 ;;;;I;"~ ;- ~ . ~:7.; :;;/;1TI:;',.::;: _II': ~;':;; :-:,;;:~;i: ;:::-, :,::;':i: :.;::: -"1' ::-:~.':: ;;'.: :.·i,::::! _., - .' -. ..-., - .. _ -- '''''.''r"' . --". _ _-, "",., ,.",." , •... . ' .••• ' ,.- 100 '"'' .. ...... .. , ' 10 - ,. , •.• , , , •. ,. ....• .. ,., " ' . ,.,. . '.. , ' • . • -• • , ,,':; .•.. ~ . :::;"~;." .• , ;',., . ......., _w·l_ -.. ::::.' \. :~:.. : .:: :,' :.. 1 :;:;:,: ...... -.. -.... .:~:i :: .. .._ I -;: ., . . ':,,' '~-.:..," I ...... , ,J J •.• - , . i.:::::::' . ,-: . ...... :mi· .':. ' :'::. .. .. ""." -_ .-. ~ 1;·:,';;:,1 : . J . 20 • 'f, :: 1 • I, ' 1 . ,.:::.:++--:. 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' '._- . :;::1::;;;;::::::':." - ,: .. : :: ::,:r ; -_:r. , ':::;1':;:1 .:."': , . -.'" - :-. ..' , L:,:1 • .;..;.;.;,;.j ~ [ ... ',"'- ,: , , ..: ~~:I ····1·····..··..··· . .. .. . . , ., ..• '::. 10 :: :.::. "::C·:." ",. ,..... ' . ' ","'1" . " .. '.,.. . - . 1'1 : , . : . . ', ;1,: ~ M ::;;';:; .:;+: ,; .. 1. :;1;.,:;;. . " . ' , .• !i!:'I',:~ ~: '_1.: :::-::'1,':..::1<'- :~:[~~I,iW!~;~I:' . !:j2G:.. ~.::: ;~~~l" T:~'!: :~: ~~j:~:::~ 100 10 ' ,.: ' ""l~~~:\ '~+':; Z";· , " ;. . , ;:; .:.:.:,' -.::.;.;: :,::;...... ··..;;·1;. :... ;; ...... ;: .. ".;,:,: I ":";'1 ::.:...... :.. :,1.:..;;..: .::........;.; ..... j . . . . I . . .... .... , ~ .;. :: ;. .~11:~~; '. :;:. .,'.:, .- . .. ,~t!I"" , .. ,'1" ';::1".: - " " . . ,... :;1:;"',; . ,. ... '.• .:...i.. 110 s ~nvl1 . ; . : :: .. ;_:1:;:11:;:::"1. - 1 , ""1'- ., ,.," .. ' ••• ::::,..:.. :;;:: . ., . .;:·1·,,: ."'" .' .. ' ,'. •.• '" ,.- -.. . ., " ,.'.. .. . . . . ,' 100 or I'lICHT [-; ; \1 'I8RJ1.LATIJr;C CURRDM' . ' .:;;.:: :::'1''': .:., . . : :;:;:· .. V:-;· I nuRATIo~or OF 3 SECO~" [:;: ::tn~ >~: ·;~(;j:~::1;?,:·!t~1 SHOCK .•.•. - r. e c lOti'!' .. ,,' 'i::.;...,.: ;:;j" :.;:. ,": '++"':-' c: [ .;~: ihjr;~!,': M M [ 1:;•• :.:1.':';; :::; ,,;. 'w:uuv.uw II ~ i;;; .::, ~ • •110 . ... ' .40 'i;:: ::: :;:.l·:.;L.:;!.J :::;: ii::!'_ I ,:: .. .;:.:.:1;; :::_; :.. :;;;~ i;~";: .. ;'::';'-'. Uo 1 .' .;.! .:' :,';'j .0. •. _. , .......'_ .. _ P. ...... .; . . . • .::':1 w ::; ' '":;;." l~O :00 .. :20 . _. . . '.:.' 2tO &60 • Body Wei&ht in Pounds FIG, I-nno\' Wf.lt.IIT OF ANlMAI.S VS MINIMUfo'! F'IBkll.LATING CUNIUNT F'l)k ~1I0Cti. nURATIO~ OF' J SECONUS. [ [ [ l II will Ill' IlIIll',I irolll (;1".'1111", XII". J ;111.1 1. whi('h nqu't'S~ the rd~· tinn!liohip 1H.·t\\"\·,·1I minimull1 (dl1"llbtiu,:.: ("l1Ht·1lt and Ill/dy wl·ight. and !JrI\n"'lIl11illil1ll1lll tihrillalill;': ('IITr,'1l1 :'llld lIt'art ",,"'ight t ITl'ol','ctin:ly. th;lt the ('urn'lIt req\lir~t1 tu proll11n' fihrillatiol1 \'3rit'l) 3PJlroxjm3tcl~' in direct propOl·tiol1 h> the bo<ly \\"t·i;.:ht ;:lI1d hr:ut wcight of the animal. For this rt':LMJIl, it W:LS ("01)('11Ide() that the tl'!Ots upon !theep. h:1\"ing- npproxim:uely lh~ s<lIne hocly wl'i~ht :l.1lcl h(':ut wci~ht as nn adult human, conltl he inter· pr('l('d as \\'hat might h(' l'xpectcil whel1 lI1an fl'ceh'cs a !limit'll' e1cctric .h<ll:k. Ph)'!'inIOJ:i!'u h~\·('. Ihrnl1~h "(,:irs ni lahoratory exp('rimcnt:ttioll. slillslmuinh'41 Ilw fart th:1I Ih\.' n.'~plll1!'C nf thr ~lear! of Ihc .!l",s and ~(,l'P to a ~i\'t'n "lilllult1!' i!O Iht' 1':ll11l' :l!lio Ihnl nf 3. hlll11:111 10 the foal1l\.' nat\lre and illl.nlily of stimulus. l· [ .: .. ., L~ • • I' '.- \ . . --'. .-. _----_ .....-. .- . • ... - .'., " , • , -~-~-' __.... •. '..;..--~ l L • L • • • q • .. J • I • L " -. L II ELECTltIC SHOCK AS 110 .... n:CHT 100 07' 'I!IND:UO.l FIIlRILL4TING II > 180 l u [ L ,•, I•, l I • II I• [ , •• [ 1 II 140. ' e 120 100 c .. .., c " .. ..-. --. c 80 ao 40 10 ,D ... .~ j [ l J [ •" •-c -'" o 40 80 120 lao &80 SIO sao 400 440 Heart Weicht in Crams FIG. I-HEART Wile liT OF ANIMALS VS, MINIMUM FIBRILLATING CURRENT rOR SHOC" DUJtATION or, SECOND$. TABLE 9 I "... 0' Anlmel. Electrode ....ition L" 140 ill 'fable 9. [. [ 100 Basill~ tlJt~ir work 1IpUli this fact, the experimenters next cOlluucu..d :l group of tC!'olS upon ~hl'l'P 10 (lc.'!l'Tmil1l' the efTl'ct of flifft'Trut Cl1l'rt'l1t p~lth!"+ ]11 thl'SC -lt~t~. flf.J·l"ydl', a!tl'TllalillJ,: curn'lll. \\'a~ lI~:d :111.1 tIll' peTiolI of shud; \\'m~ .1 !'il't"otHls. TIl(,' n'Sl1lts or th('~c tests arc t:tllll:atcd [ [ PERTAINS TO THE £l..ECTlt.JC FENCE • -". -. ...., lao -. .... --" -'" -.. . > rr , J, j , l J( i.: h1 (rollt It'l: :11111 I,·ft hillfl I"J: Iflllit r,',: ;tllil It'll 1... 111 I'·J:,. ' 1I"oul .• lu,I,·1t I.illli I"l:, . " J.dl (r"'fll 1,'1: :uhl ria.:hl dl""l ", .. " l~i~h1 allit h·ft J(i~'hl 0111111\'(1 hintlll·lo!' ...•...••.• l(i~ht ..... 1'1"'"" ..... ' ...... , " • , , , I • " '" .... ~O -I "'....., 1ft M11U........ "'aiRu,,,,... -.... A··,·c· "------- - Fi~ilhti 2~0 .llm III III .tCK) ~ • A•• r. III 11 Mllli,num "_"fil."IIII' " •• 240 11lO.,1·Kl .1nn.i.lO I.!CI." ,4(1 I ..U••4111) li(l... ln 2.aO .4hll .:"" :!1I11 "' , . NuAIJ,illOlliulI lip lu 12.-1 ;11111"".". 2'~1 .' _. - '.--- • ".. -.".- ..._-, - - '..... _...- •.._ ...._• . '* • -• .L._~.-.;..;._------~.- - - . • L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _U;:,:.;N;:,D:;:,ER.!"RJTERS' LARORATORIE.S, INC. L L L 011 Iht' ho1!'ii!"O ui tlh'~\' r"·!'iuh",. tilt' AUthors (1IIldlld!'d that a C'llrrrut in """"c'!':, "i. 1.<.~2..~}.!!!!i_~11:I.I~l·I~" 011 !..to...£U"""" :111 ('I"nal i;";g l'lIITl'UI. w h('11 p;J, ~~il1g frum halilltu tUtU ClJ ;111 IIllli\'idll;II, wHuM l'all!lC ;1 d;IIlRcrUIlS ~huck ii the tllIrnti'~JI ul (0I1tOl\'1 W:iS-OIiC licclni-d or l11Urc. Tbc Ik'X, (eMure of dt't"tric !'ohlK.'k jll\'c'sti~alt'fl was ,h,' 1·'T'·...l or the rr''fIIlC'lh'~'' TIll' p:llhway oi IIll' rurn'nt W:IS frlllll 11m: forelt';: 11) :111 oppo.ih' hilltl I"J:. The iU(lIrm:llioll ,,\.'Cul'\'ll from a ~l'ril':io of Il'!\ts Upllll tihrcp ItsillJ,: :1 ,11Ir-llioll of l'un1;u.'1 uf 3 Sl'l'omls is til1111111;lrizl'd 1" Tahle: jO. .. TABLE 10 L L L· L L L L T,.,.. of CU"••II - ,Ie_. (C,deI/Mc. -.... 2.~ a(' ftn ac L - ._-- ---'-_.---iO(l. 1.\00- til 320 250 - 1~ 1"n. "1m . 2~0 \"c'll1ric'lIlar fiilrillati'lIl. (H JiO ~hocl.; .. appJi,'.l In 3S ,!iITl'!"(,ll1 ~hn'p for 1"'rinds uf 0.12 !'>l·~·lllhl ... , 11I11)" one ",h,H.·)' ,1dillilt·I.\· 1.lIt!'oid(· lil.' partial r_'fr;l(,h)r~' pll;.;,!'o(.' (illtl'nill during whil'h tIll' ht';lrt i.. clJ;lIl;.:ill;': {!"1I1l1 Ctlll11":ICIII)11 to (,Xlilll .. i;;111 f('!'IlIll('cl 111 "clllric\I!:lrl"iT'mfJatioll, 'fllis 11:lrtial rt,' raCtory ph;I!'oc for !'>h"C')l constitutcs :lhOUI 20 l}('r C~'l1t of ;a C"omplrtc Ill'an eyet." For hlllll:lll!i, thi~ p:lrtial refr:lctory prl;a ..., l"lll1 .. tillllt·" ;l sumCa \,h~H I;lr~l'r prr cnH oi lhe hCOIrt cyell.'. "'jIb sl1l'(,p it \\'~I~ flll:nd th.lt ;a Cll1Tt,'1I1 oi 15 a1l1l'l'!"',s \,'<1S lIeCCSS.1r)' to induce flbriliOitioli outsiJc the varti~1 refractor)' JlhOlS~. It was definitel.'" r~t:Jh:i!ioh('d th;al the most critical linle ;al which shock (oulo be encoUJltrrt'd w~!'O at the ~inning oi the ~ni_;;1I.J:.ljra..£t~)', ph~~~. To stuuy Ihe cfiret of shocks tncountered for various durations of time • TABLE II Dur.lion ., Canlaci A,,~rlll" _. Wo. vI Aaimal. Bad)' W"'cht Lb•. (Soc.) II 10 11 !i 1.'11 0.0.1 0,0.\ 0.10 0.12 O. J 2 - • • 1.1 > 1til 12 1.'1 10 J.I~ , 25 - I~.I ., 12 ~ . - 0' Tune ., Cam"l..l.. ~r C..nl M••,I Beat - 6.(1 6.f1 1.90 , 22.0 2(1,4 ·0.4 ; 2'1'" 10.1,.1 ·.~.OO 61,0.0 1.1.0 o• I~ n. 1tl . , • . I.~O 1.20 • i' M inimYIIl Fib,lIlahn, CII"lnt (A.. . . . ) ---1.';0 [ L. 200 .~1)1I IhU· L[ IlIlO 2100 h mil)' IK' CUl1dlJllt·tI from Ihe "hove clnta Ih:1I ;1 J:fC.';ltrr r~II\lc of cI!!rct I ('urrrnt ,h;1I1 of :llIt'rl1:l!ing CU1:rClI_'- is l1l'CCSl\:lry tn inll11cc ,·cntrirpJar.fibril.. v . I )a,iuli. h i!io ;ll~n IWIt't1 th:1t ,here i~ sli~ht ditTercllcc Il!C't\\"rcll the dTect V of'"25 ,IUd of fJO-c)'l'k circuits ;as fl';"::1rds cirri ric !iohlldi, Th\.' 1I10~t si;':llifl('ant 1:1('t c1i!'odol'll'd hy thi~ !'>('ri,'~ of ('xjl('ril1wllt .. was II", -:.!I"l·t of 111., ll!J:I"l' of the catili'-iC c)'c1e of till' h.'art ;II tilt· time the !'ol!nd\ i:-- .·lIcCJITIH(·r~. :1I1d IIii' cillratillll (If tIll' !iolll~·k. ill llll' :"t.'llill~-t1J1 of L L Nil.•f "nlnla'. _- -- II .- .nd 'r."lIeftCf Cur'."I,n Mllluu"••r ... )II in. )'.brlU.11ft1 I "'a., )VontllHlllahnl. Man,,, A...rl,1 A ••' . , . ~ V / j ,..........1 ., "---"'-- -.~. p - - - - . - - , " .. ·"_·_"''''''b'~·nC~ .. • L L ., • .. L • Ie L • L L L [ .J I.. 1/ , • , • a.£CTIUC SHOCK AS IT P'DtTArNS TO THE I1.£C'TkIC nHCE beginning at this phos< of the cardiac cycle. tests were comJucteu anu data were recorded as inuieoted in Table I I . Per cent of time o( complete hean beat wos coleulateu llpon an a\'cragc pul..tion (or sh,-cp o( 132 kats per minute. Inter\'"' belwccn shocks on thc somc shccp \\'05 not less thon 5 minutes. It W:lS concJudrd from th~se" r~sults th:lt nhotlt It'n times Iht' C'lIrrC'11! is r('(}uirru to c.au~c tihrilJ:lliol1 if thl' cJuralion uf !ihoc:k is rt't.JIIC'Ctl {rom 3 to 0.10 scconus. It W:lS fnrtht.'r shown through Dnothe.'r ~rrirs (.If tt'SIS that ~uC'Ct'St;i\"(' shock6 at .5 minute il1len-.al!\ h.ul rittlr, if -nn)', C'Ul11ul:lIi\'r ('{TC'CL The cleclrOpcar"io~raph, in ('\'er)' C':I~, ~h()wed tlK' IW:tTl to 1)(' 111)1'111:11 within 5 mintltt's :dtl"r tlil" aJ'J,liratiol1 of tile C'lIrremt, prO\'idt'll fibri1J:llioll had lint Ul'el1 set uJ~. )11 nth'mptilll: til Illt<.'rprc.'t 111C' el:\ta prf'l;,{'l1frd :Ihnn' OlS th('y :Ipp!y In ~ I\\,o-Yl':n old ('hild, the f()~lo\\"ill~ inforll1:'1lioll:!f,,2: will hc..' tI~dlll: TABLE 12 [ A,---,.,--- , I • 1 j I j• ! [ I, A."'I' Bod, W.IIIU, Lbl, · , .. , ·, .., l1Cl-1H .. , It'" .r) 4 I~~.O h!).~O ;2,8 I I n ,II 2~.\.0 l1~·PO 20.0 .10, ~ 39.) 60,2 A~ Wl' h:\\'C j AU , !o ;'lO.lr" fO )"t',lIti Adu:t I! [ l[ 1.1.6 2 Vl'.ifS .3 '"C;If!'; l [ -10.6 Al birth 1 )'t',tr L L A""raltt Hun W'llht, Grams -_._-A ••,.,. PlIIu RII'_ p ..whon. P., M,n, -- ---1.tH.un · , 1)l)·100 Ji(I.l')tl / direct etalOl from which the rl'!:ltionship hl't\\'('rn lime of rOl1t:\('t :lnu minimum fiIJrillntiuJ;: curn.-lIf for:l two-ycar 01.1 l'hild C'~II be dcte.:rminl·d rcallil)', it is 11C"C'cssarr to make certain DSSUlllpliCll15 in deducing "ahlcs from D\'3ilahle data rclath'c to animals. To),l. 8 gi\'es minimum fibrill'llinl: current for animols o( diITcrent bod)' :lnd heart \\'C'i~hl~. when the cJurDtion of contact is 3 secolllls, 'l'hrse valucs l'1I1c.'n·,l ;as l'UilliS on the gral)hs, Fit::s, ] and 2, ilH.liC"I1f.> Ihal tht, rniuimulll fiuriJ!atill~ currellt for tlifTcrcllt sJlttics of fnll-l:rnwl1 :ltIilll:'lls ,is appruxi111~tcly in c1irecl proponion to their hotI)' allcl 11... 1111 \\'l'iJ.:hts, Gr:lph~ !\os. 1 :1I1c1 2 nrc strnh:ht Jines. drawn throl1J::h thr Itl\\'t'r fUr· rent \':1ItIc..·~ n'C'orlll'd I'atllt'r th:1I1 tllrolll:lI 111l':111 C'l1rrc,'111 \'~hf('~, 1\11111111;.:11 Ihl" :t\';li!:l'I~e' .1:11:'1 on the variatiun ur minimum rl1lri"~ltillJ.: (tlrre'llt wilh hod)' \\'\·il-!,hl for n silll:le sJ~cicli do 110t ('O\'('r the r:lI1J.:C' of wril:hh 1'I'l'rt·!'CIlIc'.) h)' h\lIIUUl!', it !'ren1_ .aft' to n"l'l1mc that thi.. \'ar;~lion in 111:'111 wiJI I~' ,,,,,11 :lhoH' tlmt rcprt'M'IIIt.>c1 h)' (;raph No, 1. Thi... :1"l1Il1ptioJ1 is !'illl'l'o1"Ic'd Ity Iht, f;at't Ihat the minimum "~II,rt·tlt 1K."t"t"!'~lr.\· III C';Il1St' fihri1l.lliClII ;11 :a1l tilt' :lI1ill1i1ls tC"h'cl. h:lvil1J: 1Jfltl~· \\'ci.:htM l")lh a:H',lh'r tll:1I1 :lIIcl kss th:1IJ 1110111, W:IS 1:lr":t'r than th:lt ftl)n.'scollh-cl h,. (;1':11'11 ~II, I. \\'1,.' mllst (urllll'r :""'11111" Ihat the ,.·1;II;UIIShip ht't\n'rn til,' IllillillllUIl tihrilhltilll; c..'IIT1'l'11I fur Ih", .WT... rclll bc.xl)' allt,1 IIl'art Wdblll~ \\ ill It,· u • ,, • , • I i' I• 11(1 .' .- , , ''----~---------• II L- . . " ••• •• '" ' .•. • • ' . ' ' ' _ . - • • • ", ._----------------~ , ow L L L UNDF.JlWRrrus' LAflORATORIU. INC. rUI1~I:I1:t III\:' ~h(l("k prrin.1 is thl' ~:tI11(' IlCrC'l'lIlaJ,:'<' of the IM'an "."fI,- Ilf c:lfh anilllal, :II1f1 ahe l-lIlld\ i~ iniliatt'd :11 the 5:'1l11l' puill1 in ,h.· 1I'-.lrI (·)'dc. F1iiill;: thc·!Fi.c :lS'UUl1pliflll!ii ",!Ii. :l r"'lOIis. tl1(' rdationship r:l1il) "0 ll1n;.: L L :1,,; 1!t'll·Ullilll·d. Thi!'O is :1l'l'oU1pli~Jll'fl • ·sillJ.: thC" li .....1 t.... ,y wf·i..:llI .:i"'·11 ill "1":1111(· ) 1. n:l1lll'I)', J25 Ilflll11fls, it i.e lIt1ft·.1 (rom (irOlph 1\0. J lIulI thl' millil11l1lJ1 lillrilhuinl: (Url"l'nt. "'hen the- .llIrmillll nl 1'Ih'H,'k is .~ !"C",:ol1ds, is J2(. llliJliaml'i..'rC'!Ii, This value is r~<.,,·,I,',1 "pl",il" 1 (a) "f 'ru"le 13, (S,'" pa;:" 30,) ..\Iso, {rom Graph Xo. J, it is 1I011't! th:ll (or :l hud)' wci,::ht or 20 ponl1d~. \\t·i;.:ht flf :1Il :n'l~f;1;':C lWu·)T:lT-old t'hiJd. l!l(' minil1lUIll Jihrill;l1ill;.:: t'nnrlll. Whe'li tt\(' dllralioll of shod, i., .1l'i('cond~. is,'U milliamperes. This \'~,hlt' is rn'IJrdl·d llJlpo~itt' 1 (I.) or '1":11.1(, 1.l [ Rrfrrri,,;: 10 T.hle I J, il i, nOled 'hal II", '!li"i",,,,,, (,,,.. ill.linl: rllrrrIH for a I!..~ ~\'('ibht of J.25 .J~)I!Il.d~ and !-ohock dllTilllUIi oi O.OJ S("COIlt!S is liDO milJi;J.I1I!)("rcs. This \'~i1l1c i~ rC(,,'ord"'d 0ppO!'oilC' J (:to) in Iht· if"ll1rth C'olul11ll oi Ttihl(' ] ,t • L [ L L ,,/ V V" H)· di,·idin;.: JJ It)' J2(t, :& T&.itio is t'~t;lilli~I)(.'d bt'IW('rn the minimulIl fihrill:l1in;.: curn'lIl flu' hud)' we11o:hts of 20 pounds and 125 p()ul1c1~. when th~ duration of ~ho('k is .1 seconds. This wtluc is givC'n in thl' thinl column of ".hl. 1.1 0l,,,,,il< I (h), L • in 1hc (ollowinl: II1nnnrr. [ L .. ''''1"'1''''1\ tim\.' u( "llllt;u" :m" minimum lihrill:uillJ.: ("tiTre-ill for n lWo-)'rur oM rlJild com he L .. .;:.i" "'\~SI1111in~ the r:lIin o( minimum filJrillalillJ.:' hod~' 311d h('~T1 \\'(·i;.:hh 10 1)(" ('0111\,1::'111 !"o 10llg :1.10 V - / flifTrr('ut 1I1l' ~h/lcl.: p<'riod o('C'upir" Ih(' Mmc I'('Tl'<'II1:I;':l' .d th..· hl':l.rt cyril', the.: Illillil111l1ll (d,rill:ltin;.: ('urrC'llt (ur :l tWl)'~'''':lr 0101 fhild, wl1<'11 Ih(' "hod.. duratioll C'lln.'l"l',J (,l. Jll'T n'm of Ih.., hC':11"I 1)(':11, i~ found hy 1111lItipl)'ill~ liDO lllilJldlllPlTt'.. Ity th.. . (':-'I;j"Jj~hc.1 r:l1in, O.2~f1, L'~ill~ till' ;I\"l'rage 11('011'1 r:J!t' illr a 1"o-y"aT old ('hilt! Ill' J J.5 ptllSali4l1l~ pC'r Illillll:l', it is «:a1<.'I1I;lt<.'1I that Iii..· linit' ('IIHt'''l'lilltlil1/o: to h6 Jl('r ....cml ui lht' t"tllllj,l"lt' hC:lrt In':11 i~ 0.034 "c(olllis. Thc"-l' clnin'd \':1hlc..'s (I( minimum Jihrilblill;": ('urn'llt ~nld linw (Ill' iI tWO-)Tar flld child ;Ire n.'cfll'd"d 0pJ!\)sil .., I ( 1 ) in th.... fourth :lIld ftith ("1l11l11l1l~ of T:1hlc..' 13. «.. urn'llI fllr two Fr"m Gr~l'h 2. il ic;, notrd thal Ihe l11inilll1l1l1 (ihrillillil1;: CUTrent haS<'d 011 Ih,' hl':ltt w('ight of :l I\\,o-)'('tir old child j~ 21) milli3111J)('H'S. This \'31\IC~ j~ !>Olllt'what Jl'S~ tl1;)1) the minimum ,jhrillatin;::, CU1'1'el1t of 31 milHamperes, 1)'1~rd on Ih<- hotly wl·i:;ht o( Ih~ h\'0~yc3r old child. It ib 10:ic01110 as~ume, Ihcrciorc. Ihat ii the ,";allies of minimum (jhrillalin~ current {or sho" ullr:uinn~ oi shl)('k had hc('n TC'corded on the h:J.~is o( he:J.rl wcighu, thr)' mi::ht h:l.\'c bC'<'l1 ~ol11ewh:lt Jower. and the deri\'C'u \'alucs {or the two-year h.\·~ !>ccn correspon<linl;ly JO\l"~r, For this reason, th. 01<1 chil,' would cJerh'(Otl \':11u(' o( minimum fihriJIatinJ::" current (or the two~)'e3r aiel child. namd)'. 418milliampo.." is now muhi)'lie" h)' th. ralio of 3] 1029,0.935, Th~ "'suit is 3\11 and this value is ..oorol.<1 c:·:'·'site ] (c) in Column" of Table 13. [. [ - • [ • L, .' , . -_ .._.- __•...... ... " --....,;_ .. _- • L • L .. L • • [ • 10 D.ECT1l1C 'HOCK ~ IT I'£IlTAINS TO THE ELECTIUC FENCE • TABLE 13 [ Mill. 'lb,iII.lla, Mia. PtbrlUaUD, C." •• IOI .. Sec. Con'ocl Bod)' W.ichl Lb. [ I. (.) 125 (h) 20 . (e) [ 2. (0) 1.1 11 • (h) 20 (e) - 1.~9 L e" ) IH 5. (" ) 1.12 (1,) 20 ee) 132 .11 6. (.d 1.14 (hi 211 (<) 1.15 31 31 • • MA • • • 0.246 • • • • • • • • • 0.223 liOO - • • • • • • • • • • 0.195 ·. , . .. . . . 0.217 124 31 • • • • • • • • • 0.2JS • • • • • • • 0.229 · . . .. . . . . 0.250 .... Com,I.,• H~"I 8.,1 • O.OJ .0.0.14 0.0.14 1900 424 0.01 0.0.14 0.OJ4 140(1 0.10 27J lUIS 2~S 0.115 1200 0.11 2hO 01.17 0.117 I flCM) 6.6 M 6.0 6.6 . 22.fl 22.0 2/1.4 ltJA 2tl..1 211A .'~2 fl.12 0.1.17 0.137 um 0.47 111J. ,1 41.2 O.~.IO IlU ..~ .10.6 0.5.10 .17" • Ti... ~ or 41R 3YI 243 7. Cal 12.1 (h) 20 (e) L •• • .11 14.1 (1.1 211 Cc) 4. • ., Conlacl .W(I k) L 126 .11 139 JI J. Ca) till (Ii) 20 L - MA Pto, C.fll et Cun.," 10' Con••lIOfldlfll T.... a.Ue lb) Co) 11.0 411.n .1iA .1.0n .1.44 .1.H - -- 'I,ofl.n (.(111.11 L IIC'.rt r.le for sheep of 132 11lI1"'ltitlns pcr lIlillnlc. 0.03 SCC()IHI~ is caJcuJolll'd to cOllfititut~ 6.6pt:r CI'ut of :t c"·ol11pll·tc hl';l1'1 OC:at. 11,is \'alue is recorlleu in Ihe I.Sl euhuuII uf Tohle 13. L The other ,'alues or nlininlUnl fibrilIaril1J: cnrrent and timt ,,( ront~ct for. two-ye.r olu chilu (20 lb.), showu iu Colnlllns 4 onu S of T.ble 13. are cJcrh'eu in a similar m::umer. L If the Jow~r \'all1e~ of deri\'e<l minimum filJril1:lting ct1rr~lIt for :t two.)'l·;ar old child, ::'11.; :he COrfrSllOncJing time of ('ont3ct as iucJic:ttl·d 011 Jines (l') in "Ollll1m3 .; undo S re~pl-cti\'c1>' uf Tnhll' 13 arc "'l'onll'c! on ftct:Ull:ul:tT coorclil1nte J'lGprr, Gnt! Il cltT\'e is drawn Ihron.:h tflr mr.:m ,'aJucs of tlll'M: IKJillts. it will he lIotcOfI IImt the ,,·I:ltinnshil' h"'I\\"I"'11 thc'Sl' "3Iu('s of millimmll fihrill:tting ("urn'nt :11111 font:lct time fulJlI\n r Oll J.:lIl>' Ihe curve uf u reclunEul.. h),l'crbul•. Usinl: [. [ [ L. • • • • 0 Shut'k~ cam.inl: minimulll fihriIJ:ttillJ: ('UTfl'lIls (or lime of rOIlI:u'IS rllr~ rt"spundillJ.: hi JIt':lrt l'I':lts ur 10.1..1 :11111 h/() 1N.'r l·C·III. :IS !'huwll ill "1':11.11' J I. cJid lIot IIc.:cssaril,)' .tart ~,t 11,,: 1k'Gilillin~ uf the 1~lrlial rdr:'fIUI')' pha!Ool' • -' .' , I, • . .... [ .. L i •, L ,r L I ...;>:.:.' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....;;U~(JCWMIT.!!'~A~lnNA ~~M~~~~~~::.. \ " ",' -.. -: .• -. ..... .It ..--'" -... •• :> L u L ~ ~ L L c c L .... :> .,c ---. [ c L ...•• [ -'" S> "-I"i c L [ L 1.0 1.0 , Contact 11... 1n Seconds 'IC. J_DtRrvID CURVE 0' CONTACT TIME VS. MII'fJ· "'UN ,.BRILLATII'fC CUieJl.EJlCT FOR a.YU.R OLD CHILD. nr Ilu.' C':1ffli:lC c,,°)'dc of 111(' ht":trt. 11 11l:t)' he Clll~Mion:lhlc. Ih('r('(oT<', wh("lhcr the \':thJ"~ rl'c,)rtlc.'d would h:wc hCC'11 lown if Ih(' ShOl'ks h;;I(J 513"«:11 Olt the I...·~illllill;.: ur tlu' partial r('(r3clnr,. I'h:t'ioc. On thr o1h('r h:mcJ. these \,Ollul':' uf miuillllll11 rlltrill:llin,:: Cllrrent :lTC ~ IIt'arl)' alike.' Ih.u it would ~C.'('M1 to in,lifoa'" ,h.u Ihe din-en.'nce is c="l'l:tilll'" I,)' Ihe di(ic.'A:l1cC ill bucJy wciblus [[ • L, ., .' ." ,;, , I j •.•-.__•..._-_.._.- .... .. - • _~- • L L • .. L • .. L D,4;CTlUC SHOCk ~ rr \ P£IlTAIN, TO THE £Lt,CT,U(": FENCE \ 70 'I, L [ -.. 60 -." . -. ~ iii~ «;ii i!,'; 'II; I;;nm~!+i;;;"!'i~H;: il;;j;lj~i;;;';~j~lj;',~;~i 1;1 jim ~'~;';'+'~'~'I; ~ ;f''l;'+';'H''''~';'+:';';'''~;'i';':'H''''~:~:~:':~:':; ~; HHHHl '1:• ..:'11' j l • ,• I 'ill " ITTI,'I .','1.' , . I".•", ..•:.. :;: ;.::,',',': ". ' GRA .. 1'1 J!:~:i::: '::1 ... " •.•• ::'SI'I::; 4 ,iiii vs. ",II:::: > [ .... ::r: >. ~ u ~ [ 50 ~ '"-., I (0 ..... . , :t ;: f,:i·':~:ii~;;;~f'l;:;:':'·il;·tH, .:~ :,::, :~~ ~i~ !~;..;, ::11,:,::,' • :!!: :::: .:Ii,':.::.,'-·:.:!;'I::;; .;::1:;:: ... , .... .... ,: •. " . " " ' " ' ' " .... ;;;;1";;: ;::: .. :: :1:;1 " ::::';':1'::':;;'; :,;::::': :::: .1:: :::i ~::::: :;1:1.;:1 , •. " "'" ,."'L; "''''1'' - .. ,'_. , . ." ...... .. II ;: . , ;;~J~ ;; ......... ":1'" ., .. ..' , .., !!PE:!: .... n!.: :n.,I, .'.',',' .... , :, .,,:,,: ,.. ; . . .... ...... :::;';::. :.",: .. .: ~~: ]~ .. . " .. , . ·.1.·'.'.•••,.· .. , ".: ~~: . -:!,,:', ,." '~~·1~~~1.:~~~ " / ·r' .. " . ,, .. .. ... .... "", , .. : l: : :ll:,:.·: ...... ... " , .... , " . H';":':H~;:,:,';,i:+:41;',',:;';';""'H':""H~,',:,"·;:i:+·;.i:;.l~~f: :: ':::::: ~: t'::'.:.:: . .. . ' , :',1: ,,:::1:::: .. .. .. :, ,; 1•' , :.,:1.:::. ::1:': .. :/ ' " , I .::. .•. , .... :1:'. ',1:: ::' . ::,:;:;,'.' ::",.".' ., ..... ;"~"'H""~';'~'~';'i'~'';","'~f','~' _ . .; . . . ... 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I;,':."", :;;1 • I:::.:. . .... :.;' '" :,',' ... ,., ;::;1:::' ... , .... :1::1: , ........ .... .. . ., .... ,,+~:··::~,:,;,,·,·,·,:,:t~·;·"~i"·"~'+·~';'i"'f'~f . ;:i:"':Hi:~"·~'+·'·H:i'+;·;·i·'·~f'i+;·f·~~+i'~~r.+~I ..., . 1 ............... ''!I,.... .. ·'1· ..· , .•.• ,, ...•., ' ..,.... ,' , , ,,, .. .. I'''' "" ......... ::::.::·';'f::'·":::.·::: '::;',;:;: :;:::::~:l :::: !':. :;:: :::: ..... .. '.. ii'!"·..· --.... :t:::·· , .... : --_. ".", ·..t . .···, , 1'.... . • • ' ':;1 . .'::.:1':: , ...., .:::;I:, '1" .• ' ." "., . ". ' ., .. .... j ..,.':.: ,, :I :::. f ..~:1::1: :~I: , ~~ [ , o c· [ [ 1 :.:1 ;:;: .. ::!:::: :;:::.:;' ::::,:::: ...... -. ~;.. ':~:"I': . ..... . : ,: .... 1'·1: 0.15 0.05 0.10 Contact 11"•. 1n Seconds rIc. c-CONT4CT TIME :::I~:: " 0.20 vs. "4LL()WAnl.F. c.:UfUIt.:wr" .·ok 1·\'1:4k ,It,· ULD «:1111." • 11t':,rl ;11 ",llldl t I h' jllili:I"''' ";111 Ill' II,l' rUIIIIII"h' ":1 n Ii:!l' l1u: ,Imalinn ..r ,'lIl1lad f.'\·dt". I { II Ie.' radII hd \",'('11 ,I... ";1 II It'~ I n'OI' kd r"r I0.1..1 I ''''" tllilli· • ( ,,·tlllll.kh· 11,';11'1 f)'de \ 11,0 IIlil1ialllJ'I'h'~} , .... 1' :ul'I ... ·I'·:'\o) .11I11 tll;11 111<' I'lIn,(· III·C l l·,·te·,1 '\ IU'II("'('" and • .' .' • III " . --------------------1 L" . -_.- ---------------_....:..-, •• •• , -, • • • • ' - - . _ - - _ _ .• _ #' ! I. L L • j .. ,·umpar,·.1 wilh ill;': '''.'.\ L L [ [ [. [ [ [ [ [ [ [ UNnUtWRITI".t4~· .. -- _.. . I.()". ,II,· rali" ",·i;.:IH1'o. "'hi~ :11'0 -- l.AnORATOMlf.\. INC. (lllril1afil1J.: ,·lIn','IlI .. of I"OlTt'''l'tllHl. Ity I ;l'al'h I, 111,· ratio "ill Ill' I.I.!!' :1;':;111""1 (til' tllillilll1l1l1 ",how II iu,li"";llt,!'l tll;11 lilt.' ill .. I\'l' 1'01:11,'111\'111 is :tPl'l'uxill1ah'I)' ..'I,,·r t"oll"illrfOllillll or Ihl' (;l,'llIi l'oilllrd ont in the pr"("IJillJ: p:lI"aJ:r;lllh!'l: iI "":,,, :lppan'lIl IhOiI (I", "xl'lC'!\!'<oiull of lhe I'chltioll!'ohip 1It'IWl'\'1I ",iuinllun 'iltrillillilll: nlrn.'l1l :lIld lillll' of (OI1I:I('{ fur :L l-ll'ar 01.1 ,:hil". •• "'hkh "'unltl )lrOlIIl4;\' lhC' lIlilxilllul1I of ~:'lf('l)' lor Ihusc IK.'I ilJd!'o of tillle IIJ.III \\"hi,,:h d:l1=a wcr,' lad. iIII-: would hc tl) 1',r111 111t" furv(" I.)' Iht' illll'r~",'I ...n III 1\\'0 5Ir~iJ.:JlI lill"s, T1I,' dir,'(liulI of ()Ill' hill' would I..., t1,'!t'rmill"d Il~' lilt" IU\\T~t \';lltll'~ ur tkri\'l·d fdll il/;ltillg fllrr"111 for Iho!'>C ~hlld,:-. illnll"ll'd .11,11,' hq,:illllillio: oi 111\· p;lrli:a1 ,l'ir;KIHly ph:l~t' 01 IlIl' f.anli;u: f)"'h', alld llh' di'-I"'lion ui th(" Illlll'r I,,' Iii,· IWII ch'ri"l't! \'alll":-' "i fihrilblillg C't\l'l"l'lll~ • wllidl ,'o\','n'd I)h' fOIIlI'I"II' (';trdi;lI.: f,rdl', Thi:s m"thud oi foll"Ulh,:t!lJll wUIII.1 "t'MIIl iu II,,· .... tald, .. llIIh·11I " j rill" 10\\'l'''1 po:s:,iIJIc \·allin. uj 1l1illill1l111l lihl'illaliuJ.:' fUrn'JUS t'II\"\'rilllo: Ilat· tillu: r.illbC "l"UI ",hid. lilt' dala wcrc 1..,d,il1J,:', This rdatioll:-.11il' IIl·l\\'l·t.'11 Illillillllllll tiLrilJaliu.: cuncul .tllll timc ui ,'unl:Il'1 for a 2-)'c:lr child, :IS illdic~tl't1 oppo!litc (c) in culun1Bs .; and 5 ul T."'" 13, is Iltll. cXl'n·,,,·d ill Cral'lt 1'0. 3. (Fig. 3). lJ:l\'illJ; ('M:llili ... ht,,j l1i(' lllillilllll111 ('llrrt'll1 thaI mihht 1.(' CXpl'{"lI'i1 III l':U1~C filJrill~ltiLJH ill tlil' hC:;lrl of ;J 2'Y";lr old fliilll ior Ihe tiolt' of (·01l1:&(t. .1) ilidil':Ut·c! 011 Gr:lph 1'\0, -' (Fi;.:, 3),:l1l ":lJlllw;i1.!c (IIHt'il!" (111"\'\: 1l1;ty lit: prncluCl'd ~il1lply Ly Ji\'idill;": tilt' IlIillillllllll lil,rillatillg ('lllT\.'llt \';t!llt'.. by IOllle (:leI or of ~;dcI)' .wl! 1'!IJllill;': 1111"0\' ;t':'::;lill .. t tla' rorfl·... I"I:I.llll;.: \.tl11t.~ of 1ime of conl:lCI. III fUI1MrUl'1iilli of:1II ";1110\\":111:(' {"\lIITlll" rlll'\"l', it \\:1'" :llhill;llih ,Icc:i-ll·\.llo Icnllillah' lhe flll"\"\.· at (•.~ 111:1 a!'o Ihfo: l11a,illHIIII :a1hm';dd,' l'llrl ,'lIt '·:lltlC.'. ;1IIc1 thc J11:1Xilllllll1 allu\\,;.!,h: oUlflltl a .. 4 111a·~C'c. It W:ls :tI:oo tkridt'cJ Ih:tl Ihc "0"" pcri,"1 of :111 ill!l'r111illt'lli Iype cUllirulk'r Sh'lilld nol \"X(\.'t.d 0.20 ~\.'\'. This rnuht'd ill 1l'f111ill;llill;": lilc It,\\'c.·r puint of lhl' (lIn,' 411 5 1Il;I, Tilt'" run'c ,kh·r1l1illt·t1 liy 11lc.·~\· puilllS ll1:lilll;tilllio .J sail'ly CU'1oT" of :lppIOximalc"r 6 II("1Wt'\'1} ll1c.' l1lillillllllJl lihrillalillg' 4\1111 ;llIo\\'ahk (lIIT\.'11I \'allll's, Sltd':1 clIn\.· i~ ~htl\\'ll ill ~:1;11'1l Xo.'; (Fi;.:. ~), The :aduptioll of :\ {:Iclnr (If (j lK't\\"C'cn lhc Cl1n'CS of ":\tillilllllll1 Fihrill:l1ill~ CUTr('llI" :mcl " ..\lIo\\':llllr ('"nclll" i~ I).,~ccl 011 Ihe f:lcl Ihal Ihert· :lr(" no :I\'3il:1hl" fbl:l on rq'l\""lt:d !'oho("k!'o :l1 I('s~ Ih:l11 .5 min. init'f\';lls, wlu:rc:ls Ihc nmjclrit), ni ric-ririe rt'IICl"~ ~ul'pl)" c.'It·clric ~htl\:k imptll~t'S at Ihe ral(" of approxim:ltl'1y (,0 pc..'r mill. "Isn. it hns lH:l'l1 Nhowl1 thal 110 arhilrar)· ··01T" (K'riod could JH: ('!'olalili ...!I('d which would, in :all (,:l"rs. ,:::",UaUl('c Ihal Ihc indh'iclllal fout.) frrc hil1l:-.rJ( from the l'Il'ctric {"II("C ))cfurc rc.·c('i\·inl: :l secont! :Ultl JlO~~ibly :111 indcfl1litc I11lmhcr of ll'hOC'k iI11P111~l.~. The faclor nf six :Ibn rcpr(,!tl'lIh :mel 1:.1.:('s into cOI1,;idcr:llioll n'l"lain p:lllmlol:iral C:l"~:o which could lint ).(' :lch.'(llI:ltc1y co\'('rcd ill .J\':..il:llllc· dala perlaininr 10 normal indivicJu.3Js. [. u [ L· "f1ITl'~l. • ., .' • " I • - •• - - - - ••- . _ • • w '_ L L t - l £L£CTftIC SHOCk AS ". ..UTAINS TO THE I1.[CTRIC rENeF. l ~o, Defore an allrmpt i. m.d. 10 illlerpr., Graph 4 a. il .l'l'lic, 10 !>allery-operaled 1111 iI>, fllrlh,'r rOIl,iu,'ralio" .hollid II< ,::i\'e" ,,, (;"'I'h No, 3, J f ,h. milli."'I'('r(,-'cco"d \'.h'es lor Iho•••h,><..I" whid, ;"iliOl.<I.1 thr "1,1,,, 1"r1i;d rdrarlllr)' ph;... of Ihc 11<",1( ..yd,' .n,1 rep"'><"led by Ihe 'WI i,'"1 Ji"e III Graph };o, 3 .r. l.h"I:III'.I, il w,lI be' found that Ihc '".xi","", valllrs occllr at approxi","Il'!)' 0,1 "'c. For . shorler a"d 10"l:er ,h"cks, • 'Ill"II,'r lllilli."'II<rc',cl"n"d ,h","'k wII"I" re'""h ill v""lri"III"r lil"ill,"io". lI, howC\'", "" r"r\'c is procJuc<d, illdicalill!: .11 'hc .hocks whirh ro"cred .pproxi",,,"'I)' 0"" co",. plele hearl r)'c1e or Ie», II,,· cur\'e Ihll. lormed will repre,ml, for li",c of cont:tcr of O.J StC' aile! 1-:'f<..·.Jlt:r. allprmciIllJtt'IY:J COlIst~lItt prodlh:t of t:lIrrC:ll{ :mu tlllle. hr,::i""i,,~ l [ prodll,'i,,~ I l 1 ""ri,,~ !l("('UJ nl:t·~·t·. [ I [ I In I'rl'l"'''i''.~ I'"r"~""ph, f." (or rllllfI'H!!n .. of this (.Ifl ,lItld till' f,'blinll_ il w;" .h'ci",",,, Ih"l ,II<' """i'''III'' \·it<\\, Io:'II""Y_"I"'''''I.,,, cO"lroll,." ,h,,"I" "", which Ilad ,'X'.... ,"_4 pC'riod 111"1\\'('('11 010 :llld O.!f) 1,'," I""" 0,10 ,,'r, II". "11",,,.1".' :111 "Oil" 1,,,, ... "'lr"II....., t C""I~ct Peak Currents-Tlll'rl' ;Irc nu elat.. tu cst:tIJlish the \':tri:ll iotl of - '\';I"~"i4'c.rs -, IIIj"illllJlIl (,"ri1l"ti"l: CllrH'1I1 \\'iil, rilll, of whell tI,c'tilll is so e 10 ue \!lIly • l'e.I;, " .hort '''''1 ill< cllrrcl!l [ L· J'hy~ioJlI;.:i(·t.ll dTl'l"1. I~'rill", J)uri,,~ '"r1, • "",i,,~ .." ",,"" 1~"i."1 HilII'll! \\ollid I", dC"ln",ill 'd II,\' 1II11ltil'JyillJ.: Ihf' ('lfnC'1l1 indic" ... 1 ill «;,."" XII. 4 I,) Ih" ",,,," "",i,,,1 (,i""· ..f "'''"''''1) I., d"l1''''';, ... ,,,.. ",dr,. ;lIl1l'tT l'·!'ol'l"lIl1c1 .. Ill'rtllillnl. "·c. c [ 10 11:1\'(' lin .ltil' ""'e" ill lh,· ,,11""."'1' ""'1"'1 L [. "\'<..,,.~c l'"lik. a-c IYl'r C'""r,,11,',,, """, 1',lIer.l'-ol','r.l.d <u"lr"II,'r, d" f101 "'.i":.,;,, " C""'I,,," ,'"rll'''1 ""'1"" Ih. "",," "'''I'h ,,,,,,II \'"It ... ;" I" of Ihe "0"" I~'ri,,", I!I<' ,11'l':,yi,,~ CllrrCIII is IIf L [ w."., I While it ;s l:ell('",II)' r""n'deo Ih., .Ih. ellrrelll-lill1c rcJ,'ioll,hil' "reviousl)' e1isclI'''''! f"I1"",. the "'orve of Ihc rl-cla"!:"I;,, hyper""I", Ih...c arc 110 d:lta to tll'fillitl'I)' prO\'l' this poilli. !-- --- I" rnie,," "f ,he",' ";11", il \\';" ""I"., Ih;1I ",.k curn'''1> ;.. hi~l, ,,, 5010 RO ;lIl1l!!:Lt.', "t • fno'I"""")' of (, to lQ l!h'l:"e)',· ". 1:1< '11','" "I<'.'IIr.'d -•• ¥: ~~it' ~:llioll~1! HUl"c';1lI of SI:lIId.ITd~:' i11 thc'it' stlhh' of the: l,lt"'lrk t"Ilal";'1" IIf th" 'p"rk .Ii'l'h"r~,' "f "'"""'"Ii,'" ; ,,,iIi,,,,' s " , S, H...·"II 'l' "f fhe: hi~1it'lln' 1I1\'oln'd. Ihc'~c: 4.11;1 art' IIU( nhO~'1hcr :11'pli4;;lltl ' 10 l ,I ,'\' the: , I /...Y. the ("fOttlhri"fiIIltIU o( :111 'lUOWlIhlc currC'nt llC'nk ill an C'leot"triC' ("IWf' ('1111. IToll4'r, 1'hc\' fld. Itm"t"'('r, indi(";lh' th:1I hi ... " t'urreOfU" n( .("XI""III.'!" ... !I1111 ~.--chlr.llillll h;I\'c hl"'11 e'!lM'ri.'lIt"'tl II.\' 1",,.:r;"I1~ iUtlUlllc.'r.,l.Ic tlllll'" \\ I:uolll ill dr,'rts, I , , ,/ , I I 1 , I I I . -- ,,• L '" 1 L L ---.----- __ ~!".~.,:aWR!!!~~·.!:_A.!.OR"TORI~"''.: ~C~. _. r_. - [ [ I ,• • r.I" fir ~:un..". III "·o"Inn'.f IN"'r 11.-. '1.....1.1.·1 1., -- llIe, ., Iu.,.". . - -_. " I" r" liul'" 1"",1)' ,I I II.·.·.. IIiI' lu ",,·/illf'.J 11".1)' T ..i1lo 1Il',ul 1t,ld.: tif h.-."llo lilif 1: 'tf ,., I •• il Shulll,It'r I .. f,lil ~li.l,lJC' u( li... '1.: III !,liI n.u· •1 4 5 4 I 4 4 4 Till,., [ On [ TABLE 14 ------- • II,{" J~1 .. i:or. tlr ..::: .. 111t.·~t· h''''lii. "...... ..... ,.. I .''''lll. - - .. • • ,I -- - f :....,1 ~ ~.... I .1 ....utel. AU... n ca"n. • •••• (~'''tli - ' __ M ~u, 1I.....oIC'.1 :\Ul 1It,,'.I.-.1 :\'111 .IIC,,·df'IJ ( ;Utl, I 1 0 I " .... I c;•• ,.1 0 :\"11111' SOil., F.,,'IIIe' II ,I ~U1U' F...·hl,,· 1'"'-"1,1., Filil.,.1 F.liI,'.1 F;lilt'.1 (~lJ, .. 1 1 F.IIIt-.1 I F'lil,',1 I .1 24 it 1I... tt fll& \\"',.1. ( ;.lUll C;u. ,d 4°. •..., 0 '-" YJ • I.l \\":1 .. ("OIIl'II1.I"d Ih:u IJU:h MI~ ;l(fl'Ct Ihe W'n'''"' 'l""·n1. \\'I,m Ihe "II",elll 1''''''',1 thruII"h Ihe elllire 1""ly from hc,;ul to tail, nOBt: tlf Ihr rOlhi survivcd, . r!:'prc~c.ut Wh,1r mi,L:hl II{' (·XI-.c:'rlrd in lh(' C':1)C. u( ~!!i!.!~:II!i l\~lll'I~I,) 11111 r~l"'l'.:.l·.r . .!"L,!tJlIt~U1C.'Otl~J)' (rolll lTlIlri(II!;lr fibrilla. tjUl!:~ Ihl'J' tlo in,Jii.';lh· 111: 11 a ... far :1 .. 1h(' -J'('ti.i!"~1~'2Y It-)· ... h'lll i... (Olln'rllcd, \\'hilt.' tl!('Sl' cJal:l clo no, [ :111 ('xll'I'lIl\'l)' Jar.:':t· ;1111,111111 of ftlrrl'111 r:m Itt' l':I ...lt-t'd 111111,:.:.:11 lht' IIIMI)' "'ilholll iujur)' jf Ih,· lilll t ' of (0111:l(1 i:oo illfillitt.... illl:l!. [ [ [ 1'1"I'\'U~1 :1Il,J [ [ il1dtlt'lilln u( ,'Iml:l.fl i~ c~ I~MlI~ 111:11 Ilh.· P"';'" lj.:..:;.:illll~ ill 1/11' n'l'lIrdi,li: til' Pt';IK 1'1lI'l"('I1Ic;, illclir';&ll") h·~·"I"·It·d \\';.....1'·Jtrlldnl1 111)1111 1Ill' (rc'(I'H'IH")' of 111(' J::II\'311- lly ill\·.· ... UI1I\'h''', Ih,· :1111011111 :1IIt! 'llI';llit)· of lie;ht "I1IJ1lo)'I'c1, Ihe t)"l't' of lilm IIM.. d, :1I1t1 Iht' ,':Irc ill dt'n'lupinl:', olhu (aclors (,(J"II:l.1. !Jrcause o( 111:111)' '·'lriahJl·!o, il th:1t the millill1l1lll (rrqucI1C)' 111('~e c'xl'n'i~t'd pc:~k ht'il1~ \\"a~ proJlO~tcl CIITr('1I1 be lil1litcu rathcr th::m the :ul1plitudc of current. As pre"iously pointcd OUI. the ha1.3rd connrcted witlt O!!'lsori:1lt·c.I wilh till' lito! 1X'~k c1eclric shock srenls 10 dccrease as the (requenc)' is incre"sed beyond Ihc (OI1"'flllional 60-c\'cl(' current, • 1":akil1&: ,h(" :1ho\"(' f:lC'I(fr~ i"lf') rnm.idcr:1tinn, it wt\~ ,)"C'i,J('d Ih:1t Ihe p-,;ak furrrlll of :III)' Ir:l.l1si,·nt :1......oci:l.t('t! o"itla 111(' Olllfllll of :111 r11'C1ric f,o.R·t' r""'lrnJJcr whl'n h·~lt·c1 with a 10:111 011 thc s('cond:u)' olltpllt circuit rUIIIII·uahlt" In Iht.' 111)11.\" n· ...iM;II1C'(" (If ;all ;lduh, u~illlo: 3S ;1 I11l'.Hil1rin;: cl('vicc a £ah'anolll,:,,'r h""inl: a n"tural ("''1ncnr)' or L in~ •·..il, "nol ....n,Il'll"" '"i'I'I)'i"~ , .. h,,~.·, r"n~ill., fr"lIl t~) I" .1l,OOO. 'h", / ,h,· •. /i'•.•. !> .. i Ih.· oI",·h"r,.·., lI'\Te illl'rVf,',rli';;1 ,,, i"·ilh.... 1h,· '·..h,,~.· n"r J i/ . th.· 'In:nni,)' .. i .-I...·lIi.. il)' 1,'"1 ,,' II,,· r~·<Iri .. <I"'I~" Inl.",,,,..01 in jOl'''''.\. {/~ ,\!'> Iht' 1111ralillll ui lilt, ~h"d.... \\':t~ .. pp~,il1lyJ(4y ella'e' 0111'.111"11"';111.1111 1.'(;1 ...l·r,me! "illl (·IItT;':." 'If :ll'pr'"illl:lldy )()X) jou!,·... IlCT ~h,h-l..:1I- WOi'.1,1 ~n:lII III ilillif:llt' Ih;H \·t'r.,· hi;.:h l'IIlTI'III~ ('aillH-' \\·lIh ... I"" .. 1 pro\,idt'.1 IJil' dlll"illillll 1'1'1'li",ill: [ l::lfldi" iUlllld. in (·X!lt'l'illll· n l .. 1111 e1'I;':". lI ... • aJlpro~illlalely .1,000 " • c)'dcs (u " 11/ l!/l- ' ••••• - -...... ~-.~ •• .. _.... ? • • . .. ".- "iJ! Tm PTEYFEi ...._..... . ~ ..-,~_....;-_ L L l .. • l II D.£CTJUC SHOCK AS "' fltllTAIHS TO THE E1.£CT.UC nNa: l I-.c."r M.·C, , ~h'mlcl I,." of ~Udl a n;Ullrt thou the tl:tpsc,'d time 1.... h\'(.('l1 III«.' ;lIorO";1I1: ,,"1 cl""",,-;1I1: Ollrrc'm "'" ... 1II0""rc'cl "I 300 III' 'ho"ld "01 eXl'.'tt! O.(X)U] M'e. I\SMll1Illl1o: Ih:u the ('urrcut W,3\'\' :at the 300-111:1 pOllit r('pr('~('lIts }~ cyril-. the.' Illillilll lllll (rl'(ltIl'IIC)' for p('al~ c,"urrc.'lIts :I~ hi;..:h 'I~ 300 rna I~ tlu,:rdJ." lilllitc.·d 10 ;IJlI'Tuxil1lalc.·')' liOO cycles pcr seC. l V • [ Opinions (o"()\\'in~ opinions of sc\·cr.:ll persons as rCl:ards the n1.1Ximunl ":llltc of ('tlTTnl{ that Can t.e cOl1sic.lcTCcJ as not bejn~ haz:lruollS to Iifc is of intC.'Tt'l'Il. 11 1Il1l~: 1)(: borne in mind that these ,03hl('s :t.rc unill1(:rrupteJ 1"11(' [ l lilllitc:d :l~ time of CoJltnct. Also, it sholllJ he Con!iid('fl't! t/):lt while ~Lllll<: of 1f1(:~c \'all1es :lrc :Jirri"cd .'It lJ\· rc\'iew of :letual • f<:~t H·...·o:d~. Itlh ...·r . . :tfl·. no dOtl"i, Illl'rcly :lTuitTO\ry <Ju:lIltitics selecleu 1.>)' tllc !o.Jlt'Ci:"ln! iudi\·j\!t:;t!s. ('UTH'lIt, ill 110 \\";1)' 10 Pro!. F. 1\. K:lrtak,JO DeJl:lrflllcllt of Ell·etri<."i'11 EII~illccril1J.:. '-hrH (1'1('Ul' l'lIi ·!:-.it,\·.... t;lfI·d 111:1( JU l1IiJlia11l1x.·rt.·~ will VTtlil1:lTiJ)' lIul Ill' ('.II~1. hut will C;I1I"l' :111 l'''lll'llldy 1Il1Colllfort:aulc Sl'IJS:ltioll, Thirty lIIilliaull'crcs is ('xli ('rlld," p;lill{lIi. :llId \\'hc:n inCrl':lSl'U 10 100 Ulillij,lWJX:[t's. :1 nlO~1 t!;IIIl,:nllll .. (olldi,illil l'.' 1"1-., JIt.. fllTllll'r ~t:lll'd 111;11 ~oo l1Iilli;llllw.:.u:~ WQulcJ"" IJ(· LII;d ill 1110..' r:I ..(.... • [ [ , [ a/ l'lft!. J'OllWl'II!10\'l'II Z uf Juhus Hopkins Uui\'f:n.it)" stated that 100 Jl)illi:IIIlPl'rc'~:1I (to cyrles may C'Ursc dC:\th, :mel Ihat (or lIormal pcrson~ tTiC:CUITl"ii W~hl- lIut 10 cxcl'cd 30 milli:lI1lJ.ercs, Doclor .I'dTcc,' ))01"rlll1<111 or P~lhulul:)'. CUllq:c or MocJkillO, VIIi "cr· sil)' of JJlillOis, in rl'\'icwing the C:lrl)· dal:l. upon e1eclric shock. slilIeu thou 70 tel R(l l1li!li:llnpcrcs, nhern:Uing tUrrelil. or 200 to 250 millial11J'l:Tcs, Ji"""l'l CIl'h:IlI, arc: d:Illt:ITUlI!Ii 10 :.a lIorlll:.a1 hUl1mn bc:il1J.:" l Duc,,"tor ~J. G. JJV\·t1. (If Ihe !'aliou:a1 BuTt'an of SI:1I1cl.mJs, ~1alctl • Ihal JO In 20 miIJii'1I1lPl'l'e, c:mnot be clltilIrrcl with comforl, th:lt Ctlrr('llt~ O"cr 2.~ l11i11i:UllPC'll" 111;1)' lte f:lI:1I, :ulfl curre'lI1s Illaillt:lill('cl :tt lIIutt. lh:lll lUO lIIil!iall1JK·n..·S ,an: ailltll!'t sun.' In be: f:l1:11. [ [ v \\'d... ':1 (':Irly '·XII4'1"itlH.'l1h'r with ~".'ctric Ii,lluc.°k. Iilnll't' 11"'1 :1 .."url't'lIl (If hVIII iO Iv 90 lI1iJli:ltll)l't"rCS is IICCCIl:.lr)' It) Ihrow Ihe I......,. inlu fihriJI:llion. ,"i\r:-n'I\';,I,t ul~l) :111 ."urly rxpc'ril1ll·lIh.·r. 1..:li"o'·c.,tI "Imt HXJ lIlilli:UI1J~'rl'!' "'otS 111'('1''''':0)' Iu fI('l "I' 'il.ril1nlioll. J F"nis, ~1"'lIt'I'. "'i1Ji:UIIS, :1IIt! J,ill~ :-1:lh'd. ill Ih,'if' "" .. 11"1. "I.:,r"l't til Ere-CHic ~llot'l, till till' Il.o:lrl,··'" Ihal III..• 1II:lxinllull t'lIrr('lIl In WIlli'll m:lII m:I)' l...· :o:tfl'l)' :Ofllljc·'.'h't' ftll" :olll",'''!'> vI I fri('l'ulId or Ilhll(' ill cluratillll j .. :"Illut IUU Illilli:II11I'"ro., L • I i' ." • § , .. . L:----- ••• • • : - .. ~ ..... ,- --"":"":'""- .....-._-..... ~ L -------- ------------ UNnUWMITr.RS· LAnOMATOkU:S. INC. L Conclusions 011 til,· IJa",i!" III lhe lnrc'l:-0illg-. il 111;1)' IIt'l'tIIlc)lIdc'd, (J) Thilt the 1II;I:\ill1l1l11 COntinuous (llllillll'rrIlJllc,'d) currrl1l 10 which:tn • illtli"iclu:11 ilia)' lx.' :\o1{('ly ~t1!Jjc'l"h'd is .5 lIIiJlial1lprrl's (c'tl'c,'C'li\.c L ""Incs) . L ThOl~ JU:l ximlllll illh'rrllpll'( I :11«-1"11:11 iiiI-: t'llrrrllt. :l!liiSlIIl1iuJ: t h~ iUh'rrllplillll i.. "lIliiri"'IIII)' 10111: to l'C'llIlil the' individual 10 n.'ll'asc ,",JIIlac'l wilh lhc' c'in'lIit hdorc n·("(:i\'ill.:": :1 S('('ollli shud... ~hnllJd Ihll L ('Xfl'c'.lth.., ":III",s ;1Ic1ir:lh'd 1111 f;I;ll,11 :\0.4 (Fi;.:. -I), lor the' rOITt·slltIlJtlin;.:' J""'riOt1s of ('OIlt:h'l. :11101 Ihal lin sitlJ.:ll' !'<IIOl'k impul"'l' :;.lIol1ld h;l\'c a dllr:ltiClI1 J:TC';llrr Ih;lIJ U.20 :'on:lIl1c1s. [ (.1) Th:11 rill' m:lxillllUI1 01111'111 p~'rrllifh'd {or 11;llh.'ry-opc,,'r;Jlt'd COli- trutlns :-hllllid lIot '·Xl"(,.'I'd ~ ltIi!li,1I11i"'Il"~I'nmds for "un" 1N.'riods hch"("'11 O.JO ;11I.1 0.20 .,lld ·Ih:lt lilt' Oillptil 1 : lfCt! for Mrllli "un" pcl'ioU!'ii Jc,,'S!'ii Ih:111 O.JO ~c,,·l·Olld.s !'ohotlld 1101 ~XCl.('tI Ihe currcllt- M'CUII"~, Xo. 4, a~.sllll1jlll:: thai the time hCIWc,,·c,,·1) "on" periods i~ ~unicil'lll:y JOIlS:: to perlnil the iudi\'idu;'Il to rt'll";'ISl' ('ont:aC't with t!le circlIit IK:iore r('('ri\'ing :1 s~colld shock. [ [ II." time prodlll'l c1clcrmill('tI from (;raph (~) Th:1t Ihl' ,illl l ' :l:"o!'oo("i,1h'd wilh pc,]}.; l'llfll'lll:"o :lIl1pt·rl·... !'ohlllll.1 11111 ('x('~'t'd OOOOJ :"on'''11o r... [ :ls hi;.:h '3 Y :lS 300 llIilli-I<- (0 [ [ G.ner~1 :1\.lil:l"I~· n..rOI,· Iht' Ihl;l nil tile' ;.:'\'11\'1';11 !'olllljl'\'1 tlf 1·11·... lrif !'ohod,;, tlal' m:lj,u'il_,' oi ",hidl ;11"t. Ila",~'" 011 !'oill;.:J...· jlll;llIl",(· ",h'ld,s, C:1Il lIe :.dapl ....d tn rlh' ";t"-II j(" fe·IIl·,· f' 111111 ,II,·,., whidl !'illJll'lh':"o !'oll('\·n.. i\·.... !'oh,.,'h::o;, :l1 :I)lpro:-.;- illl:ll.-Jy ,."...""" i""",,.;,I,. il is "I'r,""")" 'n "'''d,li'h a" "ofT" I....rio" \"':idl will [ [ [ [. ill~llI ...· Iii;,! lllld"r ordinary l'olldiliulIS til.... a\'(,'r:1l-: lIIul"(' thom tJll\.· ~huck ilJlpull\c. • ~OIl1C t'lectri(":l) {("IICt· 1I1:ll1u(:lClur('rs claim th:lt :J. current of sufficient jnrcl1sit), to cau~c COlltT:J.ction of the I11I1!tcle~ is n('('d~tI 10 provicle an ~fTeeli\'e {'·"ce. If ,,,d, i, Ihe ",'e. it i, lIl'n"'''>' Ihol the "ofT" period he on...• which will :allow tht: illclh'iclui11 10 (n'e himsdf (rnm thc circuit. :lsstilUillJ,: Ih;11 he has rc.·cein·c! an clcctric:tI f-hocl.; \\'lIi,.-1I woultl nnt permit him to rt'Je':lSC thc ftOu("c :11 the lim(' of rcCt·;villJ.: the.' impulse. ~OI1lC clccIri~ {CIICe: 1I};lIl1l{a\,'llIr('rlt :llso ~l~:,' 11::11 it is dc~ir~ll)lc :111,1 1Ic.'ces!tar)', to ;n5ure 4n clTc..·li\·c It·IICe.·, Ih:ar the "011" pe,'riotl lit: :IS !thon .as lK)s~ilJle. • • L" c incli\';du:l1 "ill I.· ahle ,,, H""a,,' hilll,.-Jf frolll Ihe eh-CII ira! circ"i, hclore recc;"i"l: IJ c y J .y /4tQ "OFF" PERIOD .' • ., .Y /0 • /Z.-f/l ~ :=. Ofy...,:..A :.-....... .,/ /ot.A ~ .....,.<-. my L , . ~" , . .."- .', ....-.. h_... . --''''b L L , [ , .. • [ DzCTltIC .HOCK AI [ Laboratory rr PEllTAIHS TO THE ",EC'RIC FEHa; Tell. To del ermine wh.t shollid conslitllte the millimllm "'ofT" reriod for .n eleCtric fCllec eOlltroller, lests were eOlldllele<l .t Underwriters' L,Oor._ tories, IlIe, 10 d"termille Ihe time reqllired for all .dult indi"idll.J to r.le. . . . lil:hl grip IIpon • wire, which h.<I be.n set up io simul.te the eleclrified fence condllclor. [ [ enoll~h \\'hil<- il w.s not pr.ctic.1 to ""SS current throlll:h the indi. vidllal'. 1,,,,,1.,' to C.II.e sllch Colltra,'lioll of Ihe "rm mu.ele•. as mil:hl resllit shollid • Cllrrenl in excess of 10 milli."'peres.•ltern.tilll: currelll, be 1'''''.01 continllollsl)' Ihrolll:h th.t p:>n uf til<' IJOd)', this condition w"s sil1lul:Ut'd lIy h,j,\'ing the.' illtli\'idu:1I lightly ,;rip wire (.'I~ctrot1l'~. [ [ Th,' hand det'lrw,'s were Lllilt 10 simlll,ue IlOrl"'d wire••11I1 e.,'h rUlIs;,t,'d or Iwo x", 10 A"'I: Lar. COpl"'r wires IwiSled to!:elher ""d 11<'101 in'. hor;",nl"l po,itiun Ly Iwo porcel.;n iusIII.lurs a"prn,d",afc!y 14 inl'h« ap.rt. The fOOl el"l'lrode w.s • g.I<·.ni7.e<l .herl'lllel.1 pl.le••I'p,ox;. nl:lh'J)' J-I jllcht·~ sqll:l.re. [ In the Irsts wh,·,,· the Cllrrellt p.th w.s fro", h.lld 10 fe.l. the indi. \·i<.lll:tl rl'IIIO\"c,'d hi~ f;.ho('~ LduTC SIC.'JlJlillJ.: UIH)II th(' foot dcclroclc. E.rh individllal W'I< ,"hj"ct"dtn Ihre<' h·'ls. In Ihe first f"sl, Ihe p.lh of the rmrl'lll Ihr""l:h Ih,· IJOfly w.s fro", h.nd to h.lld, III the serolld h'st, Ih(' C'urrent p:llh W:l.S from riJ.:'hl halld to huth (t-el, and in the third 1••1 the eurrellt path w.s from Jeft hand 10 bOlh frer. [ [ • [ [ ,! , While the individual wa, lil:htly gripl'inl: Ihe wire elect",les wilh dr)' han'ls, .n ,·I,'e'rir,,! stimulus was appli",1 to the individllal Ihrolll:h Ihe d,·(·tro<l.s, alld Ihe lillie necessory for Ihe indi,·ill".1 10 releasr his I:rip lipan the wire w.s recorded b)· nl.ans o( an o,cillol:r"ph. The .Iin1lllus was supplied froll1 a I:roup Of "n" Lalteries eonneclo"! in sories ,Er,'rll)' across. ,'ariahle resi'l.nee. The ,'oh.!:e arros< tho' I"r. Son 1H.'ill~ '. '~('d "'us \·:.ri....tl h)· 'the.' pOfc.'ntiul1lt'h:r l11..othud, sn :a~ to r"II~t" a enrr"111 ti,.", o( (rulII 610 10 lIIilli'''''J'''''s, d"locn"iuJ: Upon Ihe sen,ili"il)' of Ihe '''bjecI under te't. l'he leHlp was 'n nrraul:<'d th..1 it w"s ill1JX)S!'ii1JJc lor the indh'itJual In rt"C"C,"i\'(' U !ihock o( J:ftlatf" durnlinll lh:1I1 004.- s"con,ls. Uel:"r,Jle", o( lhe I"rk o( "·'Jwm,. of the intlivi"",,' I" Ih. stimlll"s, u.) c"rrenl iu ellce.. of 10 lIIilli.IIIJlCre. "'a, <'1"1'1,,)'.". Fur each parlk"Jar in"h'i""al, Ihe olilll"I". wa, I:ra'h",II). illo"....." in "o!t:lgC' {roll1 l.rru 10 Ih:u ft"fJuirt'(J to (":llIst lilt' indh'idU:11 I" withdraw his hand in\·olll1ll:lri1\· • \\'h~n the circuit "':Is mAd.., 'Jf l,r"lu-n. \\'hc'l1 n slintulus o( 10.,lIIi1Jiall1llC"·s was "01 1"lli";"llt t" ,'''''se Ihe ;"."I""llIry L • ., ." , 1:, _ _ . • ..::::.::::::-.:-·--~_._-_. ,.. "'. . _. ,. . .... • _ _ .... p Ie. ,L. l L L wilh.I1':l\\'iuJ,: Or tile' hawl, iI ,,",IS willhlr;IWII 0111"• nrler tIll' indi\'i,llInl h'1I1 cI,o,'ml'.1 it 1U",'l'lioSITJ Iltrutl;.:h Iii.· r";':l1lar 111011;.:111 proct'llilil. The \'olt:l;':c u,...·'·!'ol'OarJ· III l~;I1IM.· ahe ill\·I1II1I1IiIl." wilhclrawillJ: fir tht' hanel or the iudivi,hml. nr "'hkh \\'HlIhI rUIh... 10 llIillitll1ll'll'I'(," In nnw throlll:'h the I'uhjrrt, \\':,,, 'J"h·rmilu·d. Thl' ul'IdlloJ,:ral'h was 1111'11 l'UIlIU'l"lt'cJ in IICric.'s with Ihe 1...·..sllll. :mcl this \·"It'II:C \\':lS 511l11lcllly il1lpn.'.!'o~ru ltlNlIl the imlh'idual :'IS b.· lil:htl)' IIripp",1 Ihe drrlr,.les. tl", "'Sllllilll: drelli! being broken hy the I-.:r"uu'.. n:Jc:.!'Ic 01 Ih,' cl.o,'tfutl"'Jirl. 'fill' lill1e r"cluirc'cI to ,&:JenNe wal dcter:uil,,'11 h)' ("ol1lp:ariuJ,:' the dirc:C't-cl1rrt'nt \\';l\'C with a ()()-cyc1e timing wave, Iktth or whidl \\·t're.' phulographc.,tJ .0.1 Ihe time the circuit was closed throll~h th,' illllhi,llIal. L L L -fwCnl)'-ninc p('rSOI1S, (,Mlploy"(':" of L'l1d""rwrit('rs' L:.oor.o.lorielii, ]I1C. "'f're: slIl,j"l"h'" 1o Ihis Il'!\l. Thl' :1J.:t· r;lIl;':l' of ahe jmli\'iuuals teslet! \\'.0.) JlJ lu 42 )·C:lrs. [ l'he resulls or Ihese le.l. ore I:;\'e" ill Tnilles 15. 16 and 17. L L TABLE J5 Path ....• 2" [ I. I J.l 2', [ IS ? 10 12• [ 20 21 1-1 I"• • 17 [ IS 2 .1 II 2. [ S.. F F F ~l ~I F F [. W"i,ht in Pounds - - - -10\ I.~; 1.1~ 11~ ~I U~ F 12" F ~1 F ~1 ~I M F M M Hind SlImulu. Body Cutr,,", a".i"la"ce in O'une in MAo a"I".", Tim. ill S.c. .-1 ~.OOO I. . 0 J .1,0.\0 I' ; ,I iO J2,f.oo 10 ~.-IOO 9,J2~ X 10 6 ~ ..IOO 9,BO c..SiO X 2X .III 0.1 ih 0.210 0.17~ 0.229 0.212 0.219 ISO .1-1 .1-1 39 40 40 40 40 8 10 6 180 40 10 13.350 0.395 19 6 4.200 0.155 0.20.1 0.229 0.214 21'1 2') 2" I fl~ U.? 1.1$ )21 I;; 11-1 1-15 .10 311 IXl! 1-10 110 1J5 6 0.15.\ 0.2U 0.26 I 11.000 1.1..1.\0 4.200 10.2.\0 10.000 7.2.\0 10.000 7.250 11.250 12.680 8,3.10 8.000 12.100 -10' Millin,unl I 2.1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2; 2" 2" U-l ... I."" in Ye." ~~--I, Ufl 120 125 ~I ~I ~1 10 I Subi"U l\1)):imum [ - Hand I K II X "8K 6 A\"\!railt" lur Al:e Group 1(,.24 .....•....•.........•........•.•••.... : A\'eral:~ lor Agf' Group 21·.10 ".. j A"t:ril"l' lor All' Group2S·29 .•......... · .. · ....•.......•.•••• " ••• 1 0.2;'1 0.19-1 0.1 K-I O.ISO 0..156 0.296 0.261 0.395 0.21.1 0.21'19 0.229 0.274 0.255 • ~-----------~ • • L, • ., .' .. ._.~_.' '... T.-e. r •• ' .... -.-- _-_ - _._ , .t."•.•.._ . _ L L l • .. • , L 40 , racntlC SHOCK AS IT ~£ItTAINS TO THE n EC i RIC FENa; As Ihe age range co\'ereu U)' the lests recorueu in Taules 15, 16 3111! 17 was not sufficient to r('pre~el1t human l~il1gs A. Jargt, it was nf'cessar~' to derive::l corrchuiun betw('(,11 the times :H,"llI:llI)' rf'corc.letJ ane! wh:lt mit: ht Uc expectcu for .mall children anti for older inu;\'illnals. l l For this purpo~. data pt'ftailling to the \'i3riation of hum:1I1 reaction time with age Were re\';CWCU, DUel the fullowing ill{uml:ltion was uisclost"d. [ A series of tests W:lS once eOndUl"tc<1:1t the Vnh'c:rsity of ~Jilll1l'!'ont;I]1 for the purpOse of ut"termillinli the rd~tiollship th:u existed L.c:t\\'l't.>n the rrnctiun till1l' of all indi\'idu:tl :lIId his :110:'(', The UIiC ranJ:l' of the.' individual:, testeJ varied from"" to (j() )'ears, Thc IIl111lhcr or tHlhjccts wa~ tWC:llt)' ill each group ('xecpt Group F, whidl COlltail1l'u ten. There Wcre two c1iITt'rclit scts of tl'sts con<1uctc:d. One Sl·t of tl'Ms W:lS the determination or thl' n'aetiotl timc of the il1di"jt!u;J! tu ;1 lit;ht stimulus, tilt' uther W;J .. the tll'll"rmill;lliun or the reactiun time to :i SOtillU stimulus. The IIllml,c:r or 111;l1t'" in each gruup was 50 Jlt.·r CCIlt. The rt'stllts uf thl'se h.'sts 3rt. J.:i\'c"11 ill L [ TABLE 16 P.th- Ri«ht Hand to Feet ,.•. [ - 29 4 1 1.1 26 15 25 L [ M ~I F M F , " 17 22 18 J II 24 • M M M F M M M•• irnunl Minimuftl A'·l·"'I:e.- [ "M • , F F F F F F M 10 8 12 20 21 U 16 I') [ S.. ~I ~I 9 [ A"l"OlJ,:l' (or r;bj"Cl W"'lhl I Pound. 10~ 1.16 I.lii J.~!i 128 120 138 125 135 12 1} Ie,S 132 135 122 1.'.\ 11 tl I I- AI" In . Y•• ,. 19 Slimul". Cuu"nl in Mil, 6 6 21 2~ " 24 10 8 10 10 6 8 6 6 10 8 8 10 8 <, 8 10 8 8 10 8 2~ 25 25 26 26, 28 28 29 2') ,1C1 .',110 II~ U~ .1~ liO 180 110 J8 ,1~ 39 l,l~ I~O 40 40 40 1110 40 10~ I') I I .oO, a•• ce il'•• Jil Obm. 5.670 J.l.0~0 8,660 5,4~0 1',J70 5.700 4,600 5.1,70 7,0<10 10,320 7,1 iO 2,iuO 6,4.10 10,."10 3,~11O CI.NO 0.22~ O.;U~ O..~U() 0..t70 0.17~ 0.116 0.1,'2 O.1t~ 0.117 11.1 HJ O.J(I~ 0.1.1; O..~n'l 2h,tHl(l U. Ill; ",KiO 4,000 0.1'1; C1.1.?4 7,IlOO ',000 , O. t".ll 0.11!'1 6,_ .,870 O.!lb 10 2.,900 0..1iO <, 2,700 11.1.'2 J\v~r..J:.l' fur All' GrUUIJ 2~.2(J .•..••.•...•.............•.........•.. " --n.l.11S In S"c. II. !'I .... rur Aa.:c (;'UUIJ 21 •.10 ..••.•••...••..•............•....•.••. • 1"1",1,, Tim" 6.2.liO AKe Grout. Ib.201 ...•..••.............•...•...... '" .•• • L: • Tob:c l8. l [, , IUt,; 0.2.'.~ n••• ') \1) U..?!4 - '" JlErr wn L -----------------~ L L TABLE 17 --- L ... a•. • ._29 4 t. 27 13 2'. L [ ., UNDF.RWIUTERS' LA.GRATORJU. INC. I~ 211 21 I' I.l~ I 2~ 2.1 M;,~i1l1ulll - M inilUulII .tilll.. I... ~. In •• f. Iq 5,I«KI III (I,WO (,,1011 5.$110 112 F 12X 1211 I.IX 2~ 2~ 12.~ 2<. b 2t, 2M 2M 29 29 30 8 t, I.I~ 2~ I.\.ן 12" 16.'\ 1.12 J.l5 122 ~ •.Hfl (1,.'711 j, 12~ Jt,OHlI t, (,.I\.~O III 8 8 10 .1,1110 11I.~UI' 1~5 ,14 39 411 411 411 42 8 8 8 10 8 10 12..110 42 10 12,.no IRII F 11(1 M M M t.15 I ~f1 121 - - ----IMlI IUS 19 3,100<1 5,500 8 I .,t,ln (1,7,liO i ,.\1'11 A\,("r.1ll:'· lor Al:c (.rollp 1(1.2-1 , A\'('r.l~l· lor AJ:c (~roIlP 21 •.\0, A\'('f'i1I:.I' for A):l' (~ruull 2~·29 .. , , , .. " .. TABLE 18 All. 'n [ Group 'relrl .- [ ~- III .\ 1I·2l1 II I' 21·,~1 • [. • .11-40 41·50 51·60 J> E F I , - I _._, _. , . " . , - O. 319 . 'j . 0.1 ~ .1 0.218 0.2.\~ 0.240 - R;;tllOn TlfD. in sf:t-fliut. I Mil. A~!-. Lith! Sound Slimulul Slimulul - -0..l4 lI.2~ 0.22 0.2(. 0.27 0.38 O..I~ 0.23 0.19 0.24 0.25 0.37 - '.mll p_ A•• '.I:~ Sound Liahl I SllnlUlul S"mulul I -0,(.2 , O.~lJ CUI 0.2.1 11.2(. IUn O.H O..lU n.](. 0.3 I 0.42 0.44 The r('!'ill1t~ ~ho\\'11 in Tahle J 8 ilHlirale Ihnt tht' {n~t<·~t ,::roup n~ a wh"te wa. Ihal ha\'inl: an al:e ranl:e o( 21·30 years. If Ihe malrs an<1 ft'I1l:l)C's are ('ous.idrrt't1 to,::<"lh("r, the R\"cra,::e fnr Group C, which miJ:ht be takf'1l as a ha~e in compu1il15: the relath'e slowness of tht nther ,::roups would be: reaeli"n to lij;hl, 0.24 oecon<1s, reaelion to souml, 0.20 ...·onds. The relati\'e speeds of reaction ti11lc~ of the )'ounRcst aml ohk::.t groups compared wilh the (a'ies. sroup are given in Table 19. [ [ [ L: 1I. 2~11 3,H10 , 0.1 7.1 0.2 112 0.2 112 1I.2 2\ 1I.2 Xq 1I.2 2.1 0.2 n; 0..1 22 0.2 ~7 0.1 q7 0.2 9~ 0.2 ~7 (1.2 Ib (1.1 9.\ 0.2 ~II 0.2 12 0.2 47 1I..~ 1.1 O. 2<>1 1I. 2'1,1 O. 2-14 (',000 - .. n..J2fJ (I,(,on 6 • , (Il,lll JO .II • 4,QlHI I~S 1HI ;n (1,$00 III 25 Tiftl I. Ohm. t, t, HI III X ....• 1('1•• o. BftdJ MA 2\ 2.l 2.1 [ [ -- -C."l'ni a•• il'.",e 'ft t, 5.MCI I' M M 18 .1 11 - J.\(I M F M F M 17 [ 1M ~I ~I 12 If, 19 [ F F F M F 9 HI I~ [ Po..nd. .F M [ . "i,M F 2~ • - -~u~~_· - Path-L.ft Hand to Feet -• .: • i' ." , ... ".._. _ .... ~.__t.__ .'_._'~'''''''"''_~,_'.. __'_ ••__ L L • L , • • [ " • 41 [ a..ECnttC SHOCK , AS IT rDtTAtNS TO THE I1.£CTlttC FENCE TABLE 19 [ ~.J: • - 21·.10 21·.10 [ [ [ • [ C C Light 4·10 4·10 A A !1·60 !I·OO F Tl•• in s.coDd. B.ud on Croup C 0,24 0,20 1.00 1,00 J.i,ht Sound 0.48 0,47 2.00 2,35 J.i£hl Sound 0.41 0,40 1.70 Sounl) F 510.n.... , 1.011 TABLE 20 [ [ [. Sti_uIUil a.atlion In :mothtr stTies of ttst5, conutlcltd at Stanford Unj\·eniil\,.-1~ Illore att~nlion Was givcn to thc grotlpinJ.: by age limit. Tht::te tC.'SIS: ;\t're CUIl~ ducteu for Ihe purpu:-e of cltlerlllillil1J: how the rC:ll·tioll time varinl with the ::J.ge of :lc.lults. The :lJ.:"c.= r~lllJ.:"C hl'TC w.as from 25 to 81). Tht.· .-.Iillllllu!' emplo.red W.a5 Loth :luJiIOf)' :lllll "isu:,1. .' Test 1'\0. 1 con~j~tec1 of Iiftil1~ the finger :'It :l.11)' dcsirl'c1 1I101l1('lIt which the suhject wished .anti retuTllin,:: it as quickly as po~!"ihlt.· to it~ origin:!1 position. Test XII. Z cOIISi~h'd in appl)'illJ:" pressure with Ihe forefin,::er ::J.t the 1110l11rllt Ihe ~ti111l1111s W3S perceiveeJ. Test No. ~ C'C1Il"i ... tl·d of JiftillJ: the lilll-:l"T llpllll IIl'rn'ptioll of llle ~til1l11111~. Thc n'sults IIi thl· ...e t~sts 3rt' giv('n ill T:lh1c.' 20. [ [ G,oup 'uto, of I ,I A,,, illl No. of Y•• f. SVbl~C1' 25·29 30·34 35·39 40·44 H·49 !0·!9 00·09 70.79 80·.9 9 II Teat "0. a... ction Time in tMcondl J 0.14 O.D 0, J~ 0,15 O. ti 0.1.1 0.1" 0,20 0,20 • JJ I~ 17 9 II II 4 T••1 T... No.2 1\10. J 0.1! 0.2.1 0,24 0,23 0,21 0.2.1 0.20 O.1S 0 ..10 0,2" 0.12 0,21 0.21 tJ.l.1 0.22 n 1I•• CUh ().2.~ U~illg the re-artion timl' of the: ~roul' h:a\'ing :'In :.;::e r:\I1;':\' f: "1'1 2:' to 29 )'e:.r~.3s D. I~st.·, the rclali\'e n':ll'rioll time of till' slu\\'CSI gil' lj'. :,;.:e ranl:c 70·79 )'ears, is indical«J ill ·r:.h'c 21. TABLE 21 Ale lilY••,. __, .__, . ........ .,... ,__ I.!-~I "•. __ 25.29 ..•.......••...... ,..................... . ~'!!!--:!_ .!.It~~:..!-; 0.14 0.2.1 0.11 ·70.79 ..• , . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.20 Jo~a("cor of !iro"·lIn. Im,5('(1 UIW'ln At:I.· (;'0\111 2~·2l). ,1,.1.' 0..110 1.311 I,~" • .' n. ~tl , . - ... _... .. ,.- -.. ~ L,_------·-----~ L = UNllDlWIIITEU' U..~4=T.:;O=A:::':::E5=,~I:::N:C:.=_ L I'nnhrr \\'nr~'" ha. hern clone 10 deten,,;nr the "arialion of the rr:.ction lime for an aile r.nlle of 31'. years to maturity. In this series of tests, the llitnllll15 was hoth \'i~u:ll and auditor)'. and Iht, il1fli\·jdual's time response " ... recorded 1.0)' his prenure upon a key which interrupled Ihe recording nteans. L • The resnlt. of these lests Arc given in Tahle 22. [ TABLE 22 [ Aa. Jo Ye.,•. 50. _.&eliClI.I Tim" in Sec. J Io.. 31 , ~I.l. Frmal~ 0.5RO 0.622 [ 4 ~~ :\1aI~ F~llIalr n ~n(, 2H 0.015' 2Y 5~ S~~ Mal~ F~male O.J~ 54 51 61i Malt' F('ma!t' 4'" [ AI.lle o.,""1) , -S., FC"nlOI/t' 0.2t.1l ,14 29 S!, ~f.1I~ 1H F('nlale 0.2.10 0.2r,2 9~~ MalC! F .. male 0.244 0.205 1.1 9 Unlh /loth 0.229 0.19. 12 • BOlh 0, J j 5 56 ' '; !"2 I . 9!2 10 .2 I ~ II !. [ 0.414 29 34 "', , [ 27 21 0.2H2 6! 2 [ - 110. 0' C•••• Cc.dI,"It(' ~I ,,"(On I" 0.J09 12 , • It will he notrd from Ihe abo\'e lahlll:uinn 11mI the g'rollp h3\'iuR the f:lSh."st re:lC'lion lime as a whole j~ the one COnlPO!lcU o{ col1t·ge students, t:sing the rr.ctinn time of thi. group a. a base, the rel.ti"e speed of rr.ctioll time for the )'ounl:e.. age group, 31'. years, is found 10 be 3.43 . times as slow as the collelle gronp. al:e 16·20. [ [ This information is • [ ~hown in tabular fom, ill Table 23 . TABLE 23 F.cto' Clf 510..... .Mel •• CoJl"•• Stucl.n" [ 16-24 JJ,i 0.175 0.601 1.00 J.4.I [ u '. L ." ... . . _., . . _._-~, _.=-- L L • , , L L •• • .. L •• ELECTIUC SHOCk AS IT P£IITAINS TO THE UECTllIC FENCE If the average "release timc" (or each partirlllar a~e ~rolll', a••ho\l"1I Tahlrs 15. 16, alld 17 is caklllaled, il will he 1"'1IId 11,,1 lur thr a~l' . [ 111 grollp 16·24 it i. 0.2111 ..ronds. For the a~e I:rolll 21·30, it i. 0.2.14 secul1,ls. ,1IIi1 for the 011:'" J.:rOl1p 25..29, it is 0.22() Sl'C'OIlc!!'O.. [ Jf it i,. now .a!'~uml·«1 that the \'tlriatiol1 of rt:lt'nsl' timr with is ill the sallll' rtltiu as the \';Iriatiull of renction time to \·j!!lual "'Ill! <Huliton' titil1lt1lu~ with 'IJ:C. Ih\' rt'll"UJliC time uf un)' :l1:l' t:rU11P ('all hc.· \'akolah';1 lly m\lhiplyi~lJ.: tht" time flf the ha!'i.ic group 11)' the the J.:TOllp mulCT ('unsideration. [ (:ll'.or ttJ.:(' of JliltJ\\ IU'~S of • TIll'S" .lata nrc showlI ill Tahle 24. [ TABLE 24 • I, a.. ie Au [ Group in • YUII I --' I 21,,10 21.,10 2$_1 [ Sl....... .f SU~j.ct ..... on Ba.le G,o.., -- 3.4.1 - , ](1-14 [ 'acto, .r SUbj.ll A,. Group In r •• u I, 1) ;i,' oJ 4-111 2..1~ 2.... ~ 1.(,U ill- i9 1.43 •••,......1..... Ti.... in 5..,ond, • f Bu.e Grou, 'rom Tabl•• IS, 10, 17 O",••"d a.l..... Ti.... In S.con'• 'or A,,, Groll' Sho..n In Col. J 0.2\" 0.2.14 0.2.14 U,14M f1,.\.\f1 0,22(1 fUi,1 OA,Mi III ti,l' intl'rpn't<ltilll1 of tlil'St' 1101101, 1t !'>hlll1ld 1M.' lJorlll' ill mind that 111(: rt'artioll 1illl(: ill rdc.'asill;': 111c.' ft.'IIc.'c.' wire will Itl'iUl in\'oluntary rt'iU'lioll 1101 n .'fJllirill;': a t1' 0 tlght JlrIK ('!,>", whill- tIll' clala pn1alnillg til 11)(' \'ariatillil IIi n.':lftilll1 lilll(' wilh a;":l' an' lJa~t.',1 UpOIl n.':Ic.'liuns whit'll rc..'lltlin' " Ihllu;.:ht prulol'sS, :\1."0. it "liquid he: lH,rlll' in milhl tll:lt Ic.'stl'l 1!:1\'l' showll Ihat, ill 1:(,l1t'r:ll, thl' n'al,tioll 10 n tOUl'h stimulus uf ntll"I\1:IIC.' illll"l1silJ' will lit, r"Sll'r tl1&111 the rc..'at.'liul1 to an mulitory or visual stil11ulul\, O [ [ [ [. .-\!I' pn,\'iolls1y 1.0111h.'11 O\lt, the t'ontrnrtioll or the JII\I~1cs nssociau'd with dirl'\'I, as uppo!'>e.·t! to ultt"rm'tiI1Jt current, is Uot 11l'nrl,. so prnl1o\1lu·e.'ll, untl it Se.'e.'Ill:" jusli1iablc..', tht'rt"for(', that !'Clme .lifT('n.'lIt.'"l.' ill 11u: lime fl'· 'Iuin'd for :111 indi\'idual to {fl'C hilll~eJ( frum the: ('h,'e.'lrif (C:I1CC c:il'"l'uil It,: nllm\'t.·'1. The.' l1:LlnfC.' of the litiml1l11S Mll'pli(',1 hy the lIat1..'r~'·(lpe'rnl,'d ('l"'l·trk (1'lIn: c.'olll1'oll,·rs h. :u,tll:tlly :1 Iwak "lIrn'l1l 11:1\'11110:' :111 :I1111'1itlldl.' Sc.'\'l'ral lilll"~ thai of lile' 5 01'" )O-millial11l'l'n' sliuI1I1us 11!'il'd 111 Ih(' pIC'nodill.C h'~I:oi for n"'unlilll-: 1111,: n'al'licJII limc ur nc1ults, Sinn' Ihe tilll(' rt'qllirt ,! to pt'rct'i,'e the M'US::lliflu i, aomrwhut hl\'t'r"rl)' ),nIIHlrtiun:t1 to Ihl' til· 'cm"ih' flf lhe sliumlus, it i!'l rC:.lsotmblt to a~Slln1t.' lhou tht· tilll(' III I'"d,,:t ..,· the.' (":II"C.' win' will 11(' Il·"S\'n..,<I wlwn the ",I1l1lUIIIS i", ~IIJlpli("(1 1.,\' 111(' il'lIt C' o O [ [ • • ,in lilt" Cfll1tr:u:liul1 11!',.. ...~inh.. 1 willi llin'rl, a~ npl"I~c.'cl tit ahl'rn:ltilll-: ('lIrn'nl. \\'n~ "ho\\'11 in tt'lIlh h~' t'nuwc'lIh.,\TlI :llld Lollllo:Wflrlhy! who flllllltl. that with r:lI!I', till' ,'lIl1lr:u";ulI 1111 hi;.:.h·,o..lta:.,:,', ,lin"f't·,'urrl'l1t l'in'lIil" W:I" "''' ~c'n'rc.· 111:11 the' \,j"lil11~ \\'l'n' ..rlt'll Ill",,, II aWOl", inll1l ,Ill.' e.'ulltllIl'lt1rs, whill' UI1 ,h.., luw-,'"h:I;':" "ir,'lIil it \\a!' .. ih'll TIll' ("Inlrull..'r, • .' ., tlill'l'n'IIl'C' _. .. L L '" .~ _., _ -..-. _-_._--,._---- UND.EAWRIT£IlS· LADOaATOAJ£S, INC. 41 L jllll'n~:-iItJ,. tn It'l J:ll. \\"hilr tll,- t'urrrl11 :lS!'illfi;llt·cI with till' hight., \'oltaJ::c till .lIt· laallt·r,·.np,·r;:lh·cl ,""nlrullt'T" i!li 1101 of 111\' onlt'r u~l'd in Ihc~c t('$>(~. iI is n';lsnll:JhJc In bl1ppn~(' Ih:11 lin' hi..:h('r \'o!lal:c hn!ii a rCJlelJing ~trl'fl ,hlt {uUl~1 with the low-vollngc circuit. ConclUlionl • . flf lhc' nlH1\'(' (:H'tS. it M'('m~ f{':I!'ifll1:thlc 10 conclude lh:11 :m "nIT" JlCrioci (,i 0.00 1t('('f1l1ds ror nhCrl1i&1 inJ.:-l·urrtnt contro1lers and 0.75 S4.'\"C)JIc!S fur h:11 It'T)' -op<·ralt·" COlli fOnrrs wi II pt'rl11it' norm:!.I inclh'iflu01Is likt'l)' ttl fume in "0111:1('( wilh t'lc"('tric ("·Iln.·... !'illflit'if.'111 timc to free: tl1('ml't'ln.'s (rum the t'1c.'l·ll·it'al circuit IK'(on' n'ct,j\'illJ.: ;, 5('t'0l1d impulse shock. ()n tilt' [J ..~ h:H;j~ TOPPENISH ACCIDENT DESCRIPTION [J D [ [ [ [ [ [ The Idllo\\'ing acciflt>nt i~ hclj(,'\'etJ lu I,e jtl'rtiucm to the cOl1siueration 01 S('uins: up fttJuirClllcl1ts fur ft.a(t' toltetric ('I)CC controlJers since supJH'l"l'flly it i!ii the only arcifl<-m whirh ha~ ocrl1ffcd· wilh a controller con~lrlU'h.. 1 mid «Ii~ll"ill1lt(·c1 hy a r Oll1ll1rrcial 11l;11I1l(:lctl1rrr. The follo\\'in~ rt'I."rl .,( Ihe .:lcciclt-ilt \\':1!'o made by :\1r. \\'. H. Volhrye, Chief Eleclrical JlI"pt·\·tllr n( tilt' Slalt· o( OreJ,:oll. 10 Mr. -c. J I. Gral1l, COl1111li!lisioncr, Bun":lll o( I.•ahur. Sal\'I11, Orl'J.:on. "On XO\"'mht'T 22. 1193iJ l11r \nilC'1" m:lf!(' Y'al,ill1:l. \\';I~hiTl;':loll, rUl1Ihlill;': Ilu' 11(',"\111 o( 11"ip to TopPclli!'oh :111,) III Illal..l" :111 ;11\'(·!"li;.:atillll flf the Cin·ulll....lallC"l.s snr:l ~1:llIril-(' J l:lTl1l:\Il. f 1(1 yt';IT~ o( ilJ.:l'.] "This flt'ath \\';1" r:H1 .. t·d Ihrou;.:h :In'id''l1t:1! ("Ollllart with:LIl t'1cctrirall~'_ rharJ.:'t·d i"II\'l' wiTl'. Thl' huy's fOllljl:l1Iiol1!'i, .Iohll JII1I1P .:l1H1 Ste,'c MrCII1111,t'r. Mall' lhat lh('y Imel hrcll hUlIlill;.:' (111 the prop,·!"t)" o( ErueM HIIWI', .1 miJ,,!'i Wl·~t of Toppt·ni.. h. "·hill.· \\",111.. ;1110: alollJ..:" .:l \'cr)' JIllultly o w l" :t,l ay Itonkrjll~ a lil.,lcI ~lIrrollllch'cI hy :l !'iil1lo:ll' l'!n:lrirally-chargN) (l'un' wirl·. lilt' l'arlll:ln ho." slipp('c1 :mcl (l'!) CI\'('r tile.' win', ) It: grasped the wi ..., with hi~ h:llId~ alltl :l.ltt·ll1jlled In ... ·~:lilJ hi . . f'I"lill~. ])l1e In the "f'r)' 1IiIipJI(·ry ,'l1l1llitioll IIi Ih,' ~nlllll". 11(' f:likd til 1!1t !'iO aud callt'd 10 his (10111P:1I110110,; 10 tI .. ~i."1 IJilll. J\:nnwill:': thill the (l.·lh"t' was clmTJ.:t'll, IhC')' fear('c1 til Inndl him anti illlt'lllp1l'c!I0 ~('\'('r 1hc wire hy ftrillJ.:' their ShOI~l111S. Five !'ihob Wt're fin'd til c111!"C nll1gc without clltlil1l: the wire. Steve .McCumber then 'tm'l~d In tlw ){nwe hCII'" fnr help. Juhn Jnmp th~n allempted tn lift the lJarm,n h,,," from the fe'l<'e • his eo,t. He fOllnd this difficult • to do and "OI11C time' cJap~rd before he succeeded. By this lime Harman had ~e,.e,1 to strlll:l:!e. He was I:ospinl: fnr bre.:lth, and when Jump l'xilll1im'd hi!' pulse 1""3l, he fOI1I1<1 il 10 be \'l'ry fainl and irregular. He ~hcn 'lh'mille,1 10 ...tore broathing or pul.e beat. A car had heen brought from Ihe house and] lannan was placed in it and sl:lrtcd for Toppenish. He was dead wht'll Ih('\·• nrrivetl, • uv • [. • I - - - - - - - - -_ _ --..J [ L· .' '. • ,; • " • _ • L "--- ~ _. -..•_--------- ---- • L L •• • .. D • [J [ ~fr. \"olhe,.·)'e,.. :1I~o ~a;lh'd that 3n il1\·....!'itiJ.::lfioll elf the.' inslatlatioll n'. \"(.·alt·cJ tllal Iht'I'(' \\'l're 110 evident (;I("lors whirh \\'C111Id te.'n,) to f:lll~e an incn'asl'd life haz3nJ. The..' ele..·c.'trk ft'lIce..· e.·olllro1lcr 1,:lck pon.'h IJ( Ihe Huwe: rc.'siticilce. [ WOlS inslalled un Ihe "The pon:h W3S complete1)' ~cfl'<'II<,d, il1chlflin~ the SICI)S le3t1inl-:" to ground le\'c1. Entr;uu,'c to thl' kitdl<'11 W;IS ;,)so from this ('11(.1 of the porch awl th(' scn·in· callilll't w:t!ii 1)('1\\'('('n till' kitcht'l) clour :111I1 the.' ('ncl o( pun:h. Servin: conduit rxte..·ntlc..·tI to nc:trt·~t wall :mcl ",e.'n·irt· clrHp W:I!I' :Htat'llt'.l :'11 this puinl. "'iriug is e.·lInt'ralt·l!. Oppositl' «'lId of pllrdl tlSl'<1 for Ol Ill'cl. A JllIHt'I'lill n.'Cl·ptac..'le with duplex C\II·n'lIt tap \\'~lS l11oul1te..'cl 011 the \\,:111 ncar the 1.1('(1. Th(' cOlltrolh.. r W:lS h:lIlJ:inJ.:' 011 the sal1~ wal1 IN.:twt't'lI the recl'J>tode anel the ...nd of Ih. pore·h. Altholll:h Ihe corel hael ),...,11 di""oll' lI...ct...d ,., lime of im·....ti~alioll). it Imel e"ielentl)' "cell 1'1111:1:,,1 intu the currcllt tap. Two insnlatt'd wirt's were pushed throuJ.:h the )lOreh 5(.'r(,(,,11 and :ltlac11t'c1 to tltt' c.·Hlllroll....r. Onc o( tht'se was C'UIllt«tet.l to a grollll,1 roll drivcn into the l':lrth twar the house wan, the othcr W:t!l' ('unlle.'l'h.t! to hare wire rUl1nillg in opposite cJjrrc:tion. [ [ [ [ uThe wire ruuninJ: in the dirtction of the point of contact was sup. • c "Mr. W. M. Drake. Deputy Caroller at TUJllltnisll. who is also the undertaker who embalm...d Ihe bo,ly. stated Ihat h fOllnd no 1m.." Ihnt he ...oulel r...eo~nize as slIeh. H s.,id Ihat Ih...r... w... r slil:ht s...rntches all buth hallds and som... small bli.t rs. ~ot beilll: nil 1>1 .D.• h... did nol feel quali• fled 10 pass judgment. When Dr. W. II. Corver. the County Corolll'r. arrived from Yakima. he identified Ihe blisters as electrical burns. "Dr. Carver also I\al~ Ihat he felt Ihat Ihe conditions had been ne.rl)' l»trf~ct for :tn rlt"C'trOC'lItion tluc to the s.attlratc(l ('ondition of the earth, the IJrok~n skin UII the h:lIJcls, ami the f.l\". that tht· ho)"s cluthin,:: :lIul skin were very "'t·t. He 5.iJi«l th3t the 00,"5 skin \\'a~ "till wet \\'hrll hl' arriVt'd .mel t'X3I11illt't! the bod)" ] Ie st.lIed fllTllwr th~t ill his Opill"iull it JUWl" currelll value would ha\'e had \'er~' liu)e: IK'..rilll-: on the rl'!lulls in the C:I.. t', He;: S3i() fnrtht'r that hl' 1\IIc"'\\' of St','cral hunters who had lulIcht.'c.J Ihi~ wire \" ..ilhulIl injuf)·... [ [ EUC'nl1C SHOCK AS IT rEltT"'NS TO THE n EC' MOC FENCE ported 011 the fJ:lck wall of the I:.ral:. and barn and on several 10 or 12.f""t POSI!i until it rt:ached thc..' lidd which the fCIIl"e stlrrotll1tlc..'(1. Frulil this point 011 it W.IS suppurh·tI un ,.tilk('~ ul'prOxilll::J.tt·ly 34 inC'hc.'s hi",rh. Till' diOlanc. frum Ihe ho".... 10 Ihe field wno Dpproximoldy 1000 fret. Th... cJislallce arot1llll thr lit'ld \\':1." ftlll'rnximnttoly R)() 'toet and the' nt'rillt'nt occurrc.ocl nppl'mcimntdy 300 fret frurn this c.·xtn'mit). of the ltom Thc f('n('t" rXh'UII('d (rum the IlUlINC nl)proxilllah·ly 1700 (flet in the uppo..itc direction, Nu Jill~ wirt'l wrre tuuehiulo:' ur neur the It-nre wire:' O( ' , Pro('SSfJl" F. E. Prit°c... IIf the Ort'J:lIl1 Stnh' rlll1l'~e IIf A.:rinlhl1rt'• ...mint'll INJI''''t°l'sioll of the: unit aut) (ul"w;:lnlc«1 it tu Undt·rwrilc:rs o l":II")r3. turies o JIIC. (ur leil :mJ eXAmination. • . ~ • ,- .~ .. 1 L o UNDElIWltlT£IlS LAROltATOtUESo "'Co L u -.. - • ' u " • I g., ... .... ... .. - - .- • •• , 0 I • I • •I , • !, ~o ~ ,r-:;l~:....:. ~ ,•• , 'I 'I ! " 1 I I1 I:" l••..~ ;f@ ~;, , --, , • • .. .. ~ '• 1 . 'Ii···· ;I • I~ ::. ;. S '" '".IS: 'i It- ! , ~ - , .." . ,II •-- ~i "1 " . f tiUX1J, I .'" , I .iL@=di , • r, • ..-" D .! ..... [ e' :a>i ~ •"'l~ ,r ... I, • 0 I I • ' - • ci '¥tl)\.!.!>, I 0 0 [ , ,.; , • I II - II: , "• .' '1 II: 0 I I, u 0. lJI , ' II: II: ~-:" • , 0 I' "' ,. '':' o t: ~l!;", • ~ , • jJ) "'..' ,~ 0 " I,, [ I J I • , !, .j :: • 'J I I • I, •0 [ '0" - • , --~ ".- - - .. _.-, .... ---_. .'-, ...-• • e. [ • pO '::' e •• r •.L:' • e. • '-"- • I o d [ ! I • , i J • [ ~_J • tJ-----o- - - - - - - - - . J [ L· _.. _ ___ .J •, , o• D 0 r' 1 ,r J, o ~ , -.- . • , 0 - ·.. '". , .... , • i 0:_ ":": - , • C\ .' . .- _ " _". . - - " -.... ..... • • L .•• • • •• ELECnuc SHOCK AS JT PERTAINS TO THE ELECTRIC FENCE LABORATORY INVESTIGATION An examinalion of the unit disclo""d that it was of th. "hemalin!:current transformer type, the current int,'rruplion being pro\,j,I,'d by nll'"ns of a mercuT), tuhe: sWitch mUunlel1 un the ell' I uf n rt"\'oh'illJ:' !'<h:lft whil'h in turn was PTo)Jcllt'cl throURh n f,.:t"ar train h)' means of n slllal1 ~h;IlJc'II.plll,. imhu.,tion motor, Till' Cl1fre'll·interrl1pting IUe.IllS W:lS prO\'illc'd in till' st'coIH.hu)' circuit of th!' transfurmer. -The primar)' and st'l'oncl:ary of the transfurmer Wt're: \\'01111(1 fill lIieparate ttl's of tht "'or('. Tilt" c:lt"("lric:tl ronne..·tion of tit<' ullit W" .. S1H'h that the tr;lI1s(I'lrlllt'r ,lUti 11I01111' \H'rt· l'oIlTln'1t'(1 in pnr:ll1d 10 tht. I to-\'olt sollrce of suppl)'. A 6·foot 1c:11gth of Typt, pnSJ slIpply (:01'11 Wtls al1ac,.. ht·t! 10 tile' unit. alHI the COIlStTllftilll1 t'mplo.\'t'd W:l~ ~l1dl as to )lTl'\'Cllt tht· )l0 .. !'ti!>ility 'ii tl)(> primary Ilt'l'Olllillg grotlJldc'd 10 r:l, ...t', L [ Th,- unil W:IS t·.xalllil1c·c! t'art'full\', :mll thcrt" WOI~ l1u l',-itl"IIl'(' 1hOlt 1ht. • -~\1rrt'lIt iIl1t'rrllpling' 1I1t'all'" h,u1 hl'('11 !OlInnl"'tl out of the «.'in:'lit, tllIhougll this could )It tll'l'ulllpli~hl'd ll.'" goillJ: illsi(lt, tht' unit .mt! Iratl!'tI'H!'<illJ.: two • wires.. [ Tht rase itself wa~ m:uJe of ~heet steel, a.ppToximah'ly }iC inch ill thick- I [ 1 I I I• [ [ [ [, ne~s, nUtl pTo\'ielt'c1 with :111 o\"\·rJOIppillJ.: (Iollr which wlmlll, ,da'll c.:11I~(.t1. tl'ud 10 l'xl'hule Tain. tll(.' Ot1ll'l1t dl:lractlTistks of thi:; dl,\,in·. oSl'illo;.:r:lll1.. Wl·rt.' 1"l.;t·1I Imtl('r ,-"riou.. tClael c,:ul1c1ilioll.. on the S('Ctlllfl:ITr of till' Irall"'forull'r, In ~3l'h l'a!'>(' the (It.'\'ife w:'s "'ullllectt'«I to tl1«.' Lalttl!':ltll"i,·...• 120. • volt. altt.'rn.:lting.currcnt ~OUH'C of supply. mICI a M'rit.,s r(,!'ii!'ilalll't' cd :11 h'asl 200 ohms w:as pJac('c1 ht tlte: l-:'~ih'al1ol11t'tt.·r t'in'uit to rt'l"ord th,· 11(,li\'t'r(,tI output l"Urrrnt. By means of Do \'arl1t101 tll1tt' thl'rmu"'ouplt' :lIIti lIIilli. :ul1t"It'r. prrlimill.ilT\· ""tlmt r\':l.(li"..-::s tilkt'll with tltl' "'UTTt'n( iIl1,' rn1 1Ililtg ntrchalli~1I1 ShUllll'tI uut uf the: c:irl'uit illc1kOlh',l tlUlt tltt.· utltpll1 o( IlIl' devicf' WtlS the SOIlHe wilh :l 10:ul of c,jtlH'r 500 or 200 ohm.. III 11I·n'a,'1 in' re'si~talH.'e in th(' ~t'C'ol1c1arics of the trau!'iformc:r. \'.,riou!" ":lhw~ or rnp.1citnnce: were al!"o COI11tt"ctt,c1 in parallel with this rt'si~talll'l' to !"il1lt1latc 'To «1t'lt'rHlilH' ft'I1('t' l'npOlrit:U1rt', whkh is :apprflxil1l:ltd}' 0,015 lIlkl'(l(:lmd pC'T Illil,' 1(·I1l,:(", \\'1\('11 tIlt' illst:aJlatiotl i!'i :ll'pruxilllah·I.\' ., (l·t·1 al)ll\'t.' Ilw ;':1'1l111111. I IIr O~dll(l~rallls w,,'re takt'll 1111(1\,.. \':ariul1S h'st conclitiulls. :1I1c1 ,1Ic' :U:~'(II11. pnnJ'il1J.: reproduction (pft,::t' 47), it' rl'prt:'!'it:'lItalive uf the: rt'Mllts ol.t;1I1I(·11. . The complt'te re:'ttlhs (If tll('se tl',.,1s tire ilhu\\'tI in "f.lhll· 2:', . Aftt'r tht' unit hOll hl'l'n in npC'rntioB fur nl....ruxi!lInh.I~· two hnur!'>, :t,n alternntillJ.:·,,·urrt"111 IH'lt'uti:a! (If 9(X) \'nlts \\':IH imltn.°KM'tl Ik'I\\'("'1t tln' I'n· Inar\, :.. ul Sf't'tJfu1:,n·. ()nl' Aid" u( till' trtll1.. 'nTlII(°r \\'us "'"IIIIe'flt''' 10 •tile' • • rndnSlirt', Nn 11f\'nkclowlI CN."t'Ul'I'l'() clUl'illJ.: th., .1O-St'\'Ulhi Ilt'ri"d lhllllll: c whirh th. 1.'\ellli,,1 "'''s "PI,Ii••I, • ... 'o. I .. • , fE. j r• ] t r j j . r: r , t j r: .J .J r L~ J t E_J j r:----~ r ; ~ [ I ' 'r--.l , TABLE 2S-0SCILI.OCRA!'IS 0" TOPPE"ISR FE"CE U"IT - t.... U"~~~;~io~'~"[l~·~~"~==Ir::!~~i.;'=-lr~!j .. ; ;.;r, ..t.... I I -P.~ I I .t.....-O'" I -::===::;-;;::::===:=:=::=7=====,,5ft., 'Sec., ... r ) I 1-- -.-I I 1 I I ' 1~ _.. Q Ti I i ii:4 4,:i Iii:ooii : \ MellanDC Circuit Oiacrams 0 . RMS .~ " G , ~ RMS " I> 120V I> 4 • RMS , j~ , 1( • 120V 5. RMS '. 6 120V · ,;MS MU F 200 ' OHMS.> '20V 3. 3~ - I f) ~ G .~. 7 120V · RMS ; 04 . MU F I Troin. P.r le...1... 1"'1U1.... .... 2 I 2 2 2......... .~ OHMS. O.~ c:> ~5000. m _ G) OHMS ~ G 6 '> 0-:-01 MEG.' GO OHMS <- GO aMs ,.... (MAo' (Sec., Thi-. Ti•• (5ft.) • • 0.%5 - -- - 0 4.2 40.2 40.2 40.2 _ I 0,%5 05.0 2 05.0 I 101.0 2 . _ 101.0 I 0.1!6 0.0,8 0.125 0.008 • • • ••• 0.208 r c z - Ii:,. 0.016 0.100 E .......,. 0.10:; lilt 0.066 1:; ' 0.2 MU F :: I I 2......... 0.4.L I 2 MU F 2 I........· T I 0.01 2 I I 65.5 - ~ 40.2 0.101 40.2 o.on 0.016 45.2 O.OJJ , , :---,'--" 2 I , -====~======:!::===o===~ .Fil"!it implus~ I tl"('orltinl:: • I . . . ... • .. 0.116 d{'<lroyed br • l! : • • • ••• • ~ 0.199 • • '-1 ,- t....u ,. m gW~ ·.... ··1 g::~~ ~n I 71.4 2 95.0 in film. I --,-, I I • • • • • • 0.1"6 2 I l: _.~ I • • • • • • • ~ 0.1" 1 0.965 2 2 ..L MU FT I 0.%5 2 101.0 71,4 I 0.4 ..L MU F' I <. 200 Ca,,_t 'MAl 0.015 2' -__ 200' : 110> cO W.q . ImlMd_ "0. • • • DeicriDtlOfttllfiC;;-'dir I: I 1' I ,- 0.016 49.2 10.108 40.2 0.033 - I , _ • ••••••• 0.157 I , t • • 1 • • o.~,·,,---- 51 . L . _._.,,_ _-_ • , L l l • " 10 a.&c:T1l1C 'HOCK Four samples of the molars usrd uJlon this unit were then sf'Ctired. and suhjrcted to eunrnt leaka,;r and diclretrie strength lrsts. D One of the motors ",:is installecl in the origin:tl unit. a se-cond was placed inside the enclosure of the unit, and the remaining two wrre placed outside the enclosure. The unit with the two rxtra mOlors was thrn sralrd in a glass eOlllaiuer, ill which a constant lrmprrature of 90 de!:r.es Fal~re,!heit :tnt! :l r('131i\'t> humidit)· of 90 per cent wrre m~inI3ill('u (or :I prr",,! of 72 hOllrs. . D Ddore hc:illl: sultjected 10 Ihe moisture test, the insulation resist:mc(' mC3SUfrd octwc.'t'u 111(' Illotor windinl:s and the lamillations. on ('arh of 11It' (our s3mJlIc.-~, was ill (.'xn'ss of 450,000 ohms, The rc~i~t:,"ce nlt';'lS\lf('J lK-lweell the prilll;lry ('in'Hit o( the complelt.'ly :l~M'mhl(:d COlltrollt'r unit 311t1 the C3!'!t' W~~ :11.. . n ill 1·.X\·C,::"o~ of 450,000 ohms, u [ .FollowillJ,:' til(' eXllil:-'lIrc.' to moi!'\ctlrc, resi~tance 'nore rc,'r'll'llt,t!, tht.'~c 5al11r \':lhl('~ of in~\Ilatiol1 The motor MlIll'I n "'t're H('xt ~l1hjrctrtl 10 a dit'lC'clric ~trenJ::th 1r~t. Thr ~:l1l1"le th:u had 111'('11 plan'l! inside the ('nclusure inclic:'lh'd a Iln;:lkdown \'oltage or 13xO ,·,,11:0., while the s:l1l1ple Chat \\'a~ Ollbide the ('nell/SUfe )1:'111 a urcaktluwll \"O!l;I~(,' of J~20 \'lllt~. [ One of the molors, ",hid, h:ul IK'('11 ollf~itlr the case "lIfin~ the "xposurC', W'l~ allowed to run 1lllilllt'rrlll'lc.'d (Of a J2-honr pc"riod to (Irivr Ollt thr absorht.·(l moisture.' ...\ IIrt·al~dllwll \'ollaJ:c wa!\ then applirJ alll! was fonml to be I~OO ,"ult •. [ [ Defore nppJ)'illJ.:" tilt.' IJf('akclowu \·oha.:e, the three s:lInplcs urttpr:,hly withslOO<! a potellli,,) of 1220 ,"ults (twier rated prim"ry ,"oltage pins JOOO) appJicu (or 011('-l11illlllt' periods. [ [. PDTAI", TO THE " "TIlle FENc£ Thr voltagr Was Ihrn g","ually inerrasrd until at IS&> volts the inlulation brtwrtn thr motor coil winding and the lamination brokr down. The transfornlrr was uninjurrfl. [J [ .u rr CONCLUSIONS • In \'iew o( Ihe information nhtainc"d rt'J"rnnling the ac.:cidcllt, :lIlti in ,'iew o( th" te!l'C!' Ill li )1J 11w unit invoh'l'd. it is concluded th:lt n JG-yrar old 1)0'- ha«lI)(,,(,11 kill(',J a:'O :'l rc.'~nlt of eon101el with an Clt'('lrie (cl1rc il1 which the cu~rcnt W:'IS limih'cl 10 ~9,2 milli:1Il11M.'re.'S wilh til(' lime of c,':ldl :-.h"rk iml'l;'!'!r r:lII;;:ing (roll1 0.1 If, 10 0.20 ~t'",o;id~, TIl(' tlltal time of ('0111:1('1 with the iC'lCC circuit is not c1diuitc.'1)' f'stalJli!'hCtl. hilt it ('(luM hardJ)- han ll{'c'n Jes. thAn ri\'e minutt'!' if the: (urcgoing de~ril'liun or the A~dtlt'nt ill aeerpled. . It is alsn rnncllJllc',) II1:\t no nrllilran' "ofT" pt"rind rn.n be ~st:t'lli ..hc.'d which ,,-ill gllur.lI1lt"c tl1m lIIull', nll ('irr~I",Mtan~. the incii\'idwli wiJl be able to frtc hirn~c1f frUII1 the fcure circuit prior to rttt>h-in.: a f-econd shock illlpulsr. [ .' • L- . " _. I L - ... _... - ., ...·.··'7 :",.L. , • , L L L UNDEAW.UT£It5' U80R4TOIIUES. INC. II This ard''''nl 01"" d.monstl'lllrs thot a SO(N)' (octor hrtw«n th. clln', of minilllulII filJrilialillg curront (nr a Iwo,)'.ar old child, and the curv. of "..lIowahl. ClIrrenl" (or a two·)'.ar old child is warranled, .. FIELD SURVEY , l GINIIlAL A~idc from tht· ("I("("triral ~hock which i~ T('rt'i"ed when :111 iluli\'iclua1 • ("nnt:u'ls ~II t'lt,\'tric fc.'ucc, thrrc is also a (t'rt'tin physic:tl shock cJue to the ~lIddl·IltIC.·l\S of ~liIl1111atioll. ami thi!li as!Ii()cialt'd result of contact with the \·l'.'~lric {c.·nce; shou1c1 also be takrn into con..idc.'ratiol1 ill dcciJil11: whrtheT or not th('sc cJC\·jCl'!\ (':111 he considered, a~ not h("in~ hazarc.Jou!Ii to InJlm1l1 life. "'hil,' il i.. Tl'a1i1.t',1 th:u this is a (aclo)!" o\'~..r which it is not possihle 10 exc,.'rt illfJlIC.'IU.:c. it is rcculo:'l1h~t'd lh:ll ~lI('h a phf'1I0mCnOll docs exist. J'h)·sioJ0J:islsJ.. h01\'(' IUI1J: r('co~ni7.,·,1 till' fact th01I Ihe resi~I01I1CC o( Ih. skill varies with Ihc .mol;ol1.1 sl..e 01 thc indiviclu.l. Th. demenl of :mri~il''''lion i!i 'Illite a factor in m:m'!, ahilit)· to withst:lI1d the pasS3J::c of ('uncut' lhrnuJ::h hi" 11011\'. .lrllinck 5 lells of :l (':l~e wh...· rc a mall, 3CCUStt'l11t'd to UCI1IOl1str:l1inl: his alailit)' 10 wilh"t:md the pas~al:c of CUTTrlll from a 500-\'(')11, ,li r ecl-cllTTcnt potential. was killed wht'll he took hoM of the Jive wire, thinking- il de:lu. . FIELD EXPEIlIENCE c L L L • L In an aUt'l11pt to delt'rminc how l11uch of :t f:1chH" ~\Irrri~e is. a~ it r<'l:l1cs lu the "hilil)' oi the iUlli\'idll:l1 10 with.. talld n sudd.... u nut! UllCXJK'CIC<! c)t.,,-tric ~htlck. ~O l1~l·r,. of r1('clric {e!lC'l'S w('n' intl'n"il·wl·d. and l1U'ir {'xperit'net's toudliuJ.: Upllil Ihis puint wt'rc n'\,.'ordl'll. This fL,·r,1 ill\','!'li;.:atilln W;I!I' rnllolllC'h'd in 11ll' lllC':1Jity in whkh elt'ctric {(,I)('ill~ oriJ.:inah·d. ;11111 jll which all tyP('s of units h:'1\'(' hecn CII1Jlloyctl. :\1:111)' of IhC"!I'c unll" were I11ndc hy {arl11('r!' lhrll1!'cl\'('s and wrrc cap.1htc uf dl'li\'('rjll~ t'lIrr"nt:-, up to J amprrc :at 110 vult!'. In ('arh ra~,·. lIlt' {ar111C'r \\':l~ rnrotlrn;.:t·o In kl1 of !ipr<'ific insl:lIICCs where illdi\·jdtl:"~ hatl, unknowin{.:lr, touched the feuce and received an coIcctric ~hnck which cnmc 10 Ihr111 allo,::'cthC'r as a ~nrrrise. The farmer wos Ihell qllesl;oll~d as to Ihc condiliOIl o( the I:rolllld 01 th. tim., th. In'" o( cl<clric (~ncc IInil, Ihe al:' o( thc illclh'idll.I, and thc persoll's reaclion "l'on rcccivilll; Ihe shock. The 10101 el~clrk (ellcinl; in lise ill earh )'eor hy Ihis I:roup o( (armers was .pproximalely iO n,iles, In the Jimile,1 numher o( ca..s sh"wlI hdow, very YOIIIII; alld very old ;n.lividll.l. h."c accidentall)' r«eivec) all lInexjlerled shock due to contact with an electric fence undrr conditions most b\'orable to receiving a hi,h';nlellsily shock. Th... cases are sllmmarized ill Tabl. 26. [ [ . • , "".~ -----------------------------------------------------_u.'.n··......__ ...... ~-._--.... ·_.... _ ..'.r..... ' .'--_ .... _ - ....... w •• _" , l • • L " • I; n LJ ELECTIlIC SHOCK AS IT PEIlTAINS To mE EUCTIlIC FENCE TABLE 26 lJ 17.., I Mil•• ., f ..,. .f UN -DelCrI,tioft of Fenn Unit E'.rtriC '.Atinl -;;'7,';5';';\\;':"',"':,-;:,O::c\;';',-1- 5 - - " • 'n .rl 7 Shoe.....'i.nc. ~J;-'-I--;5~:::::;:',;_:;:"7;'"';'",::::'"'-:;;'1:-:-==;-,7,::r -\'l'otr 0 U (' II I 41('('1C l,'nl.1 tt'rl1lilll.'n t 1,:.., (e.'hC'I.'. (;'0111111 "'.1.. <,onl;lrh'j C' t'c. ,,·.'1 I," I C' hill"" h"'l .Ir)'. '(l"lnion-noiw.- :In,l fJui('k rd,',.,,,,, nu iJll'ITt.'CIS. 7,5 \I', 110 \' ( 'olllinuous 4 ',5 11', 111I \' J II u J}i "'' !Ii 7 C IlIh:rl1lith'1I1 6 1) 11', 1111 \' 2 IIlll-fllli I h'lI t .0 10 "I~l. :t~n \' E [ 1Il.1. I I I, .,. I , 2 un \' I I F ,l·\'l'3' olel dliltl aC'ritll'III;,lh' tOIlt'lI"" I"nn'. Child c l c1,~, J~I" 4·\'t·.I, fll,1 d,iJ.l ;1C'l'i,I"lllalh' luudll.d (1.111 .... (;;ullIlIl lin', I'hil" wun- .. 11;11':00. "('''1'''''''''_ ('hil,1 jIlIllPt·t1IM::k. 110 ill ,-11'''''1:00, UII', IIU V 5 2 11I"W''''11 31:"1\0 o( R ;l11t1 Ifl "'",,, ,,111I1'1... ill ;11I ;III\'11IJ11 '" 11,11I10: ",'1 "'wu INn'"" n·n,j,·,·,r' l'I\\illlllJilllo: "'"1 .. 111I ,·I'·('lriti'·11 1t'lIn' "lfl'. Jlu\':oo "t·rt· ";I'dUHle',I, ""uil!' \\I'r,· '\"1, 1'"1 t.:n;ull,1 (Ir~·. f~I'''PIJll!'oC,'-IKJY,," ;1lI1111l'.r ".11 '" in "urp,i",,· UpUll t(·q·j,'iu£ ",11110 "', Il\t\ tht.u J.lIlJ.,:h,·tl.lholll iI, :'\0 ill \'11''1'1:00. 7·\·'·;1r ole! d'il,'It"lllillJ: to 11.11I01 lit J,:I.I:OOI~·,I \\011I.11I ""(""i\'(, I"lIrp,i,,' [ t.:,tlllllcJ Iipon"'-("hild ht'('''lIu,' IlliJ:llIly f,(';U,." 1',11 110 UIl,lllt· JI.lllid~~' c.·oll,li,iHII, '10 lJillll ully in rl'll'i1:ooi"J: hllll:ood(, 110 ill "'kl'l~, til;' h'I"".I' I"llt'l' (",u:ooint.: ;lIlull III ,,"hlld~. :\llult I"I! 1'lIn,'II1 hut C'hilJ "PI'.lfl·t1t1y tJi,lllol. ~o ill (.O''l'lli Iu l.'i,hl·'. 25 \1',110 V T,,·o 2-\·('.lt ole! rhiltltl.'ll "'("'i\"'" .hOl'''''' n",·i,t","i•• II\'. ("Iilllt('n .'Ute.· ",hnl'''. f,:mtllul .'U" "'\'1. J~l'''I~m!lot'-no tliUil'uh,' ill ".1•.• 1_ ifl~. flU t·r)'ill~. nu p':lIIi,'k,! ('onrlilillll. 1111 ill [ t,n"'('h•. /I 7,5 11', 110 V 5 ('otltinuOUli L J I 10 \I', 110 V Continuou" [ '~I)n' ",hOl.·~, lht. ' IIIll-rlllill t 'lIt [ S-Yl'ar oM ('hiM D('c:idt·nl;III~· toudlt'.1 ("nCt', Ground ruoill. (n'. lin', Chil..1 ,,"ort.' ..hOl'IO. ){t"lollOlIloit'-("hilci ('rilJ, Iml flO t1itlj. e.·ull)· in rl"l''':ooill~, no I;,inlini:, no ill l.nl"l.t"', J 25 \I', I HI V JIIlcrmillcnl I 2 ,, J 'nIO\;\·O&h·t! lulul! iluli\'ilhml ",,'t'i""11 "litI·rij(· tohoc'''' ill Ir\' illJ,: to dimh O"e.'r ('1""1 riti,'d I"ne't", lol""'flOlI"l':-"'udtJ"1I "·1,·;1...·. .!OJ!'t', 1111 t no ill t·fT,,,",!,. 4·,c·.:It ulll "hiM ..1·I·ill,..... ;llh· t;1II illru t,I,.,'. IrifM'f1 'I'm,,·. t:rouu,1 .·'h' ',lid" clrr. 1<,.• "PCIUIIl'-('hiltl dHI 'lIn '11""'111' 1,IKIlll'n",1 ", rlllll·ril'III't· ItII)' .lilli"uII)· in 1:"11 i IIJ,: Illl "ill'. Nu ill t.·U('l·I•• 6.\'t';ar ",'.il,. oM d,,1II " ..·,·i,....1 uc...illt.ItI.II .. I"" '" "I":,,,. 11111)'ilitl "nIUtu' IIltil'" 111.11''-; FroUtul "'.1'1 \'("'" lUuiJil, '«'''''1 1111I ...... -.. .101 JUlUllIocf ILleL: ill tour"t;,..' '"11 lUI IhUll'UIt\" " C"\,"·t;t·UC"t...' in rd,·....illl: "ire.' ;11111 III' 1/1 [ t.'n''C'I". • ." .. , • 1 ,~ 4 4 ' _ 4 ' _ ' _ ' 4 '.~.',·4·. _. ..... ' L.--------------~ , UNDERW.UT£JIlS· LABORATORIES. INC. -- TABLE 26 (Cont'd) eo..,iP'i... U.., ., 'eace _ .-.. - [ K Y..,. U.it ., U.. Mile. of 11""1( reMill' , K ..:s:::.;;;:.:.,:S;:.:; ... ..:;h;:·.;;.;;;..:.... "-1---1---'-" • 7,5 \I', 110 V 7,511',110V Inh"lIIil"',·n. 4 _ I 4·\1'", •• I,II·hil,1 ..('I'i.h·IlI;"I" IHudll,.1 l'!t'('. IIi., '1'11.1' "Inl,' 1l1.I\illl:. j'n ... IIl'r 1;lIIk. 1<""Pflll~'_"hil" ,',i,·.1 and hl'(".U1IC "Ii~htl)· ~·u,,·.I. 11111 1111 illllll,,·r"'f.·fT«••. I A.lllh Inlt'fllii I h'n I u I. ;!n'i.l'·lll.dh' n'l"'«,'i\'c',1 llolrnnlo: rl("C"lrir ,.hul"1.; I.y li.. ill~ illin 1l>lrlK'II."j,,· 11'11(,1', ,;p h'lrll Jlil'rf"ill~ IhI' 'It..... h. ,,"hillo' nile 'Mild "'.... in \\.III'r Irtllllo:h, 1<c.'",lIOlI",,·-no trouhh.. ill rd";I..ill~. 110 ill ,·RC,'f'I", u I. i, W, 1111 \' 10 11l1"11l1I11C,'1I1 D 2 2·rc,·;I' 1t1,1 I'hilll, ":ltc-Ionl, Inlln'lloc,·.1 P."'("H ClIll ill'.' \';1,.1 ,111,1 C'01lI,1rll·,1 c.'Ic,·I"lrif' 1"II(,c ;U","j,I'·IlI;p"Il\,. f~';l"" "';l!'t "" ...'1 1<"~i'''I1'''" ~'hil.ll,·1 out "'illl cJ...' w, cry IlIIt "");~'ri(,IIf'('fJ no diuirult y in rdc.·.. "'in.,; "'ire. ~o .11 ('fT...,,,,•• -TII,'ur,'1 inlluu 11111 t of t"urn'nl- i ~ Yo ill I• (.~ mill i,lllllJl,'rl'!"; 10 Yo'OI 1I, 91 "I illiam(1C'~II; 2~ \\".111. 1.411Illilli.IIIlIIil"I'!'t; (I ".111, 2n.,HI milli,llllilil'n's, hll""llli I 'c,'ul-"Oil" ...ltl "otT" p'riu"!" fli .'on Imill" ;lppru,im:lldr J ~ ~ M'C'OIHJ~ C'1l'h. o o [ [ [ [ [ ,\ tfllal ]2 yf':!.rs oi a'=':t' h.ltI n'n'in'li IIIH'Xpl'\"I\'d dCl'lril' ~11I.d.; ..., H"IHlrt:o;. sl:llc.·.1 that in 1hl ,"a~(' wOl~ ;an)' dini\'l1h~' c'xpc'ri('lIcl'd ill rc·lt-a~ill;': Illl' i\'IIC'(' wir(', ;\I\y (ililllilllo:' 1111 tIle.' pari oi the "il·til11. or :1I1)' gn..':lt alllol\llt oj floar cxperi('nceu, HI' an}" illl'tr""I~ wh~Itc."\'t·r IIOh'll J:th'r on, ClI ]9 cX}H'ricnn:s W;Hi n'l'orckd wlll'l't'" C'hildrrl1 111111('1' Tit" c'x)l('ric'lwl'l'i or 30 adult il1di\'illll;d~. who lJad :d!'iofl r('I"Cin'c! III1("Xp""h'd :o-lltll'~:o- :I.." 111..• n,':ool1h of ('0111:1\'1 with d"C'lrit' (t'I1('C,'S, wrrc al~o rc:· ,·"nil·d. Ut'JlCll'll'i illdil·:'ltc.·d t'h:lI ill 110 ",a~l' wa . . :lI1Y diOirulty (·XIK"ricl1c."C,'d in l"I'I,,;t.. in;.: lilt' ("l1fc.' win.'. :'lll)' r;lil1lillio: 111"'1I lht' pari flf the: "i"tim, or :lIlr ;,'ar wilh :u''''''l1Ipall~'illJ.: lIt'r\'OIl:o,Il,·~~ 1'''I,,'ri''Il(('11, or :'lily ill I'fTcC't:oo what('\'c'r Ihlh·d Jal('T 011. OPINIONS ),1c.'')il·:tI :l1llhorilil'l'\ :at !\lIrlh\\'l'~Ic.'nl l·lIin·r~ity. Cni"(,T!'itics of )JJi. J1oi~. \\'iSflJllsin. ~J il1l1Cl'ioul:t, anti K:lI1sas. w('re ('tln~uht'<1 Ami their" opinions oIJl•• inc·.1 r<'~:1nlil1J: fright :1!' :l f:lC'wr in lhC' r('!'uhs of elerlric shock. It W:l!' the opinion or a1l of these authorities that irig-ht, regardless of the nature "i Ihe OIin11lluo, might cause an ill errect on the iudividual. All but one of Ih,'se men felt unahle to predict whelher fri!:11I, sufficient to adversely nfTe,'1 Ihe henrt (If a normal huli"idual, <01lld be <aused by an electric shock "" we;lk ao not to set up fibrillation iu the heart (If a two·)'ear old child, Oue authority expre..ed the opiu;on that such a weak shock was not C'aJt;lhlc or (':m~inJ: fright or surprisc th:!.t mil:hl in i.stlf he injuriouli to a l10nnal in<Ji\'itluaJ [ [------------.' • .. ...... .-. _. . _• • • a _ _ • • • . . . ._ _ . _ . . . ._ • ...... • __ . _• • •• • " L • • • .( •• • .. &U:CTlUC 'HOCK AS JT ~U.TAJNS TO THE ELECTJltIC FENCE CONCLUSION From the above statements ane.! rC'ports of fieM tXI~riencrs. it is COI1cluded th:u fright and surprise. whkh miJ.:'ht IK.· rxptritnccd h)' Tt'a!'oon (If rct'ci\'il1): an untXl~C'trd :o;hOC'k {rom :11) dtrtriflecl {tIlCt" hn\'inl-: lIutput t.. h:lr:u;trri~lics which are nut of :<iUnil'it'nt il1tt"lI)il)' to set up \'t'111riC'ular 'ihriJJ:ltion in the heart of a 1\\·o-\·..·:.Ir old c:hilcl. wiH nut be suOicicllt 1u • :ulvrrsel\' • afTert the individuaJ whu r":dyes Ihl' !tOlu.Jl'k. D RECOMMENDATIONS • D TakillJ: illtfl cOllsidt>T:ltillll :l11 the clal:1 prt'st'IIIt'd :md t1iM"l~M'd ht"TCii1. and lJt·arillJ.: in willd thl' c!t.'\·in' :1II11 !'IlIlIj('rt In whkh ,III :lIIt'lIlfll has 1H.,t'li madc.· 10 ad"pl llH.'l'ot" data, "'t' n.'l'Otllll1C,'lId tltt followill;': :t~ con!"tit1ltillJ.:' s:tfe eJt'l'tri4,.'al oper:tting' dmr:t~'tc-ri~tic~ (If t'I4,."\·lri~' f~'IH'(' C'ontro!lt'r~ : o l. VOLTAGE [ [ [ Th:t! where the current 01ltput is limited hy inherent iI11J)C't::tnre (If thl' dc:\·jn:. the 0Jlc,'J1·rircl1it vultage Ill"t"! nut h4,.' lilllitc"tl. 2. FREQUENCY Th:ll Tl'gard!c.·sJ' ftf the (retIUt'lIe)' emplo)'t'll, tIll' output c.·uHc:nl !tohall Hili C.'~H'('C.'" the values indiratetl ill J (:l) :111<1 3 (h) below, 3. CURRENT (a) Alternating·Current Type Controllers-That I..r int<rllli""111 typ4,.' c,'untrnIJers the output c.'urnllt sh:lll bt, il11t'rruptc,~1 in Slid, :\ ' 1II:I1II1t:'r as not to t'xt.'c,"(,',1 tllc,' Cl1rrellt·lillll' rclatiuliship c,'xpn'!'ts(,tl in (jraJlh Nn. 4, Fig. 4. (h) Battery-Operated Type Controllers-That I..r ;nl<rIll;"."1 t.'"J~' (tllltrollers the output c,'urrent !\Imll he iI11t:'rrnplc:d in SUdl :1 m:tfllll'r as uut to excrtcl the l'urrelll ..tilllc rt'l:ltiol1!tohip uf 4,0 milli:l1l1J't'l't'. st"C,'ontis fur "011" period,. het \\'t'("11 0.1 0 ancl 0,20 JiC,"CUlltlS, The output of controBers ha\'ing ··on" pt'rjncl~ Irss than 0,10 M'4,.'IIWI,., sh~l1 nnt ex4,.'e.'e.'ci tlml pt'rrnitlc,'c1 11)' J,:r:tph Nu, 4 (or lilt' lillu' [ ill\'4.1\'4:", (4:) Peaks-Th'll the tinlt." ns:"ul'ialt'd willi Itt'.,k "'lIrr('ltt~ Ol!'o Iti;.:h ~I" 300 l1IiIIi"'''l''''.' .h""I<I rx...~~1 0.0003 aec'~ICI •. ""I 4. "OFF PERIOD" [ (a) Alternating-Current Type ControlJera-"I1.., t the ....IT" "1'1";.,,1 lH:twC't'1l KU(\.'C'liKh'c ahud~ impul",('s iihall nut be k·.s 11I:.a1l 0.90 SC'4,.'Ullds. (11) Battery-Operated Type Controllera-"J'lml tht' ""n" Iwrilill Ill,t \\'t't'11 SU4,.'((,"ssi\'t' tihuc:k illlpuJ!'CJi shall JllIt lK: Je.'s,; 111:111 0,1' S(.",·oncJ.. . " • -. ,: r: 7f 'I:: H'TlT"" m,wwr:r"<'; ...,.---------------------------.-.---.-.•~.-.-.,-.-' ' ,..--_.-..- •.- --~ '._..~._,,_ . ,. ~ L·'-~·-_· I . •• \, , • • iL , [ • UNOEItWIUT&IlI' LABORATORIES. INC. I. I REFERENCES CITED IN TEXT • "Tlk' EI""lri( "·('111'(' SiltlOltinn'·. Howard \\', Nitey, 1\. Y. Still(' Cnlle'fi:(' of .'\RriC'ul. tnr,', . . . . BuU.tin No. 453, May J, J9.1H. I'. J. [ I"I~A'''''I u( ..:IC"t,tl'il· Slk... k". "flUV.·f:llhovt:n anll J.AI1~wnrlh)', Tranuction A..J.E.E•• ". It" Jafn.., r)· IlJ.tu. II. ,lIU. . '"I~l«lrM''' 5ttlllil.·" -I, Y. 55. July tl( .. l.i\·il1l Ti••n"'·. Cfnlrili. T('art·. :~OIQI:OInl. 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Jill>: 1~.11. I'. iN. 1.... . 1\'1 .. L'I1frar)' D'lJ:f.t. ". 9'' .....'I :1)':". • II'" " • 1·1 '.....I.. tn'·a .. fn, l'Il(... )'.:01, I': __•. u Mfdical Eitel ricH)' I..lIl1d.,n. J~.?1. u I" ",1.;) Sillf 1:1 il TCllI"('}'. \\'. H. S:llllltkr~ (II. J'Illl,;i' Idphi:l alII I IlIOEI,-rlrir ~hll,,·l.:-EfTn·1 til Frt·'IIl\·I1t'~·". 1' .."" ..·lIh",.... I\, 1,•• ,1.:,·r. 1.017, Electrical EncineeriD&. \', .!i5. Aillil 1::0 lJ (il )IJ.'c.. )I .•b\~. ··Sh....·t.: Thrr..'lOIt, I Fi, \'!to Jm,ulOlti, III R ('"i"li",,"\'", C;"1"I1..n "1" ,mp", Ill, Eifel I je.l World. ". lUI. Jun~ JI).t.1. 1', iY,l ....Tn·:11 I .. n\\- Y"hOlI:II,':o. \\ilh R\·~I ...'('I". A C (;rOl,""Il. Nation.l Satfl)' N.w., .... 23. ~1;I,dl J9,tJ. II. S~. I: "\\'jOil('uul'in <.11:lPI...,". New. BullftiD of tbe I.A.£.1., ", 11:. 1\11\"\"",'"'r 1936, p. .39. 1·"\\,lml p: ).IS. h a Safe' '·llh:lJ:"?··. ". C. (;illll.·'t, Elultic.al Rniew, ". 119. Jul)' .31. 19J(" 1'0 "J)iftll:;l.'r J'. l JO. • ul I-:It't·trinl ShOe'k". 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'0 • • • • - . . . . - - - • • • _ . _ _ . .' • --~._-.--.w.w_~~---w._ • I • PERTAINS TO THE r, Fel RIC fENCE ELECT1UC 'HOCK AS [ It ''The CurrC"nt I:'fnw Thrnu!:'1 Ihe lleou1l1ndt'r C"nnclilinnfl, or EIrt"lrir Shode", I'ou\"l'n,"1'"(,,11, ' ...~~. 1f1~"·orlhr. "nel l1ooker. American Joumal 01 Pbyliolocy, ", 100, Allril 19.12. I'.• 1~Ic ...tri,· Shock nn l'lf' lIr:ul", FrrriK, lricil EGlin••rlnl, v. 55. Alay 19J6. I'. ~q8. 1I··'::Irl'C'l of [ .. A....• PedJlitriCI, \V. n. MundeN Co.• l'iul:. Sl'lC'IlC'C', ani' Willialll!', Elec. Phil.. dC'I,.hin nntl London, 102.1, v. 2 .,ul 4. Uri!:'lt. Rnll \\'ei,hll of C"hiMH'1l lIn,lrr Child •.. lqJI.Welt.r. Series (it hooL) U. S. Chil,lrell'" It ttA''''r:lf,:CO l [J ~ix Ye,1rl' n( At:t""-Community HUll'oW nf ll. S. Ul'Pt. 01 Lahur , ric';l f Ch:l rill'l," o( , Ill' Silo' ri: OiJiof°h;l '5:c n( AIII nllllli i \'1' II: II iI ic III S)'1l1 rill Ii " . r('1 t'n. 1U hurn. lIalln('II, JoUnt.' of Reaearch, \'. 11), UnulJl'r If~Ji, p.40J. II ....: I. "hdurit'" Prutlu('('11 in Ihe Or':,1Ilian1 h)' Ihe Di""h:lrs::C' J:rnr, :\n lmpull'(' (;(,I1('r,llor", 19.11, I'.•126• au,1 LanG"'orth)', JOW'DaJ of Indulltial Hyciene, ", JJ, SO\'t'mhcr ~uu\l,t.'lIl1o\'t'r. .. ·'Jlllnl.UI '··;,..turlll ill Eh"C"'riC'al lOIl'ReYiew. Il).ltl, II, b. Injuri~.", r. ~'illw ;11111 ~hrnll"lol:i,.:\ I A~,:", (""rr,,11 J, '1 001(C";1I"' i.m I' Ik:l i.. , rroc:etdinll o( of £aperamentaJ Blol0D' ud Medlane, \'. JO, March 1933, p. ¥OJ. D D Prort"'~ ~1;lluril)'''. U ·'TIt,· J)1'\'I""IUUC'1I1 n( 1h(' Ur.u"li\"(· (rom Earl\' C'hil"huud III Flurclln: I.. (;'MHr"'1l01ll:h, Journal ot Ezperimenlal PlycholoCY \'. J8, 19,15, p, ~.II. I. ""11(' UC"I;II iuntihi!) OC"I W('('1i HOIMI .1(•• ~lt'I;lhuri!'oIll", , J~lc"cl rica I nilTl'r(,IlI'C''; Ilf l'ult'l:1 iOiI in 1h(' Sir; ill :til.! ~urlll:ll I'urrl)', JOhll!ol.)!!, Jh·.I,t1, Science, \', ;3, j.1I111,lry I), I 1 .11, I), 11 , I, OTHER RESEARCH BULLETIN S publishfd in this serifS b)' Vnderwrilers' Laborelories, Inc, ,"U, :'\ u, :'\:u, Xu. [ th. Soc,ety II ·'M"i"·lion ~P<'M And Aec", \\" R. Jl\ilf'l, Americaa .JOumal of P," ocy, \', 4.1, Jul)' I·',H, p, .li7. choJ D c Ii A, I(;lrt;f"', Wisconsia Elecuica' Inspec- Xu, XU, XU. Su. :\0. ,..t. •• • ~. runfr..! nf F'nalilllo: llui'>1 ill T('rmin;:1 f;r"i'l E1I'\'.llurll SIIoIIlI,Uh"'ll:o> llo:lIillllll ,Ill" iii'> r'r"':.'lIlitlll, Op,wil)' III \\',1"" III I~.ltliillll Ile',lt 1::'ll'II:Y. EII""I Hi (;,e"I:O>I' in ~I"I.II 111 ~h'I;11 Juiul. (III S,dl' 01'~:,.I'illll uf Explo. ..i,m,}' r•II ,( 1~1''''lrj.·,11 J':'lllillllWIII, ~. Fi...· E:lt.lllli»IJI" '1"':0>1'" II( 01.1 Fi,,'prUllfl',I \\'00,1 Il'H'rlo. I •. ,,"nt' E"p,~Ul" T.'lol'" .,( fJ1Ilin,ary \\"....... 1 J )\JIUi». • '. "ruP,ll:;llillll uf n.ulIl' ill (~.I"'Ulilll' \'.Ipor-,\ir ~li"lllr('i'> ,II I'lf'lollllll" Jl"J.,\\ :\IIIIII!'oI,II..'ri,', A. t;coul·r.lli.1Il .Il Sl.,tic E1C'"C"lridt" in Hlowt'r S\'MC"I11!'l, 9. Ell"\:lriCill :UllJ I'h)'Iit-al Chilrat'lrrillicl ul :\;llurilllr.A~(,ll Ullhht'r~ (-o\'('r('I' Wirt., So. 10. [ :\0. II. ":'C"I'I rvl)" i~' O~Yl:'('n Rn~ II )'IlrOl:('n "'ill1l flo and 'h,'ir O'H"r.1l jnn, Slu.ly 01 "113114: Dill"lacC-n1l'nl in eJC!'C'uic,al Cin'uill Irolll Lint'.lrl)' Ex. "'Otlt"tl li..""joull "-iI:UrN, !'io. 12. I)'clr.lulie FriClion l,•• rt in 1.1 -J·in, and 2!'.!-jn, COtlOIl J~llhhcr.lill('d Fire JflboC, No. 1.1. Fire E.polurc 1'esu ul l.oaded Timber Col ullin•• 1 [ ....·sa • ,all 411$ , [j .' • • L· • ." " • ,•. i I