Taser X26 and Pacemakers Cleveland Clinic(2)
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Do Electrical Stun S Guns G (TASER (TASER( S -X26 ®)) Affect ff the Functional Integrity g y off I Implantable l t bl Pacemakers P k and d Defibrillators? D fib ill t ? Lakkireddy D, D MD*; Wallick D D, PhD†; Atul Khasnis MD; Antenacci J, J RN BSN†; Kowalewski W, W BA†; Martin D, D MD†; Chung M, M MD†; Wazni O, O MD†; Patel D D, DO†; Vanga SR, SR MBBS‡; Natale A, A MD†; Tchou P, P MD† *The Richard and Annette Bloch Heart Rhythm Center Center, Mid America Cardiology @ University of Kansas Hospital Hospital, Kansas City City, KS; †Cleveland Clinic Clinic, Cleveland OH; ‡St. St Luke Luke’ss Hospital, Hospital Chesterfield, Chesterfield MO MO. Background & Objective •The use of neuromuscular incapacitation p devices ((NMIDs)) is ggaining g popularity over traditional lethal and non-lethal weapons by law enforcement personnel internationally • Implantable cardiac devices are susceptible to malfunction as a result of electromagnetic g interference (EMI). ( ) EMI can result in many y undesirable consequences, including damage to internal circuitry, oversensing, undersensing, failure to pace, failure to capture, power on reset (POR), triggering of elective replacement indicators (ERI) and inappropriate defibrillation therapy Results R l Methods Electrical stun device: The TASER® X26 is a 26-watt pistol-like device that shoots two tethered andd delivers up to 6000 volts 1500 h h d darts d d li l (typical ( i l output about b volts) of peak electrical potential in rapid pulses (19 pulses per second) over 5 seconds. The average g net current is < 2 mA ((I = Q Q/t = 100 µ µC/ ((1/19s)) = 1.9 mA,, i.e <2 mA). The energy per pulse is about 70 mJ so the average output power is < 1.5 W (P = W/t = 70 mJ/ (1/19s) = 1.33 W, i.e < 1.5 W). Table 1: Pre and post shock evaluations of ICD systems Make Model R PT Pre Post Pre Post Pre DFCI DCL LI CT Pre Post Pre Post Post Guidant Vitality DS 3.20 3.20 9.3 7.1 1.4@0.5 0.4@0.5 394 369 54 52 178 7.6 Guidant Ventak MS 2.58 2.58 8.0 7.8 0.2@0.5 @ 0.2@0.5 @ 389 397 50 49 160 5.4 Guidant Vitality DS 3 19 3.19 3 19 3.19 80 8.0 6 9 0.2@0.5 6.9 0 2@0 5 0.2@0.5 0 2@0 5 352 354 50 52 154 49 4.9 2 93 2.93 2 93 2.93 80 8.0 7 0 0.2@0.5 7.0 0 2@0 5 0.2@0.5 0 2@0 5 367 348 54 51 169 84 8.4 5.16 5.16 7.5 7.5 2.0@0.4 2.0@0.4 500 474 59 59 210 5.6 3.10 3.10 4.2 4.9 0.2@0.5 2.2@0.5 395 380 44 44 196 5.2 3.00 3.00 4.3 4.4 0.2@0.5 1.0@0.5 355 375 46 46 165 4.3 Guidant Medtronic •The effect of a standard shock from an electrical stun gun (TASER-X26 ®, TASER International, Scottsdale AZ) on the functional integrity of PMs and ICDs is unknown. Bat V 7273 (PT) sensing thresholds (ST), (ST) pacing impedances and The mean pacing thresholds (PT), defibrillation coil impedances of the ICD lead were similar before and after the shocks. shocks Similarly, PTs, STs, and impedances of the PM lead were not significantly different before and after the shocks. No significant change was noted in battery voltage and projected longevity. longevity ICD generators detected the NMI impulses at a mean cycle length of 176+20ms with detection to charge time of 5.9 5.9+1.5 1.5 seconds. Shock delivery was aborted in all tests as tachycardia detection abruptly p y terminated at the end of the 5 second NMI application. pp None of the devices exhibited power on reset (POR), elective replacement indicator (ERI) or noise mode behavior after the shock. ICD memoryy record of NMI discharge g St. Jude St. Jude •This study y evaluates the immediate effects of NMID discharges g on the function of implanted cardiac PMs and ICDs. Photon VR Mean 3.31 3.31 7.0 6.5 0.6 0.9 393 385 51 SD 0.84 0.84 2.0 1.3 0.8 0.9 50 42 5 50 176 5.9 5 20 1.5 Table 2: Pre and post shock evaluations of pacemaker systems Device testing: A prepectoral subcutaneous pocket that lies in between the darts was created to house the generator. generator A 70 cm long, long transvenous, transvenous bipolar, bipolar dual-coil, dual coil St. Jude SPLTM cardioverter defibrillator lead (Model # SP SP-01, 01, St. Jude Medical, St. Paul, MN) and a 52 cm long St. Jude Isoflex (Model # 1648T, Jude Medical, St. Paul, MN) transvenous, bipolar, passive-fixation, pace-sense lead were placed l d in i the h right i h ventricle i l through h h the h left l f internal i l jugular j l vein. i B h Both leads were tunneled from the neck into the pre-pectoral pre pectoral pocket and were connected to a ppacemaker ((9)) or ICD ggenerator ((7)) Discharges were delivered through the darts to the above-mentioned sites sites. All the g animal and each of the devices was tested with devices were tested in a single three standard NMI discharges of 5 seconds duration each. g and sensing g thresholds as well as ppacing g and shocking g coil impedances p Pacing were determined before and after each of the three NMI discharges. The average value was considered for final analysis. Defibrillation threshold testing (DFT) was not done. The generators were monitored for abnormal behavior, behavior including oversensing, oversensing undersensing, undersensing failure to pace, pace failure to capture, capture power on reset ((POR), p ) elective replacement p indicator ((ERI)) and inappropriate pp p defibrillation therapy. Make Model Bat V R Pre Post Pre Post PT Pre LI Post Pre Post Medtronic Insync 2.95 2.95 8.0 8.0 0.5@0.5 0.5@0.5 422 409 St. Jude Enpulse 2.75 2.75 5.6 5.6 0.25@0.52 0.75@0.52 417 423 St. Jude Identity DR 2.73 2.71 5.0 5.3 0.25@0.5 0.25@0.5 334 356 St. Jude Affinity DR 2.75 2.75 7.0 7.0 0.25@0.8 0.25@0.8 374 374 St Jude St. Integrity AF 2 75 2.75 2 76 2.76 62 6.2 6 4 0.25@0.4 6.4 0 25@0 4 0 25@0 4 0.25@0.4 401 383 St. Jude Affinityy DR 2.76 2.76 7.0 7.0 0.25@0.5 @ 0.25@0.5 @ 373 403 Medtronic Insync 2.77 2.77 8.0 8.0 0.5@0.5 0.5@0.5 426 422 2.78 2.76 5.7 5.3 0.3@0.5 0.3@0.5 410 400 2.86 2.85 5.1 5.8 0.2@0.4 0.3@0.4 380 380 Guidant Guidant Mean SD Pulsar Max 2.79 2 79 0 07 0.07 2.78 2 78 6.40 6 40 0 07 1.15 0.07 1 15 6.48 6 48 1 07 1.07 0.3 03 01 0.1 0.4 0 4 02 0.2 393.00 393 00 394.44 394 44 30 15 30.15 22 71 22.71 Pre ‐ Preshock, Post Pre Preshock, Post ‐ Postshock, Bat V Postshock, Bat V– Battery voltage in V, R Battery voltage in V, R – R waves sensing threshold in mV, PT R waves sensing threshold in mV, PT – pacing threshold in V @ms, LI –Lead impedance in Ohms, DFCI – Defibrillation Coil Impedance, DCL – Detected cycle length in milliseconds, CT – Charge time in seconds. This interrogated electrogram strip from the ICD memory after the NMI application shows onset of rapid rate detection with initiation of the application. l Th The ddevice responds d bby starting to charge h its capacitors. However, H prior to shock h k delivery, d l the h application l is terminated d and d the device aborts the shock delivery. Note that detected cycle length corresponds best to the detected NMI pulses rather than the ventricular electrograms l even though h h accelerated l d ventricular i l capture can bbe appreciated i d visually i ll at cycle l llengths h around d 240 ms. Conclusions C l i • NMI discharge does not affect the short-term functional integrity of implantable pacemakers and defibrillators even when the darts are placed in a manner to sandwich th generator. the t • The standard NMI application pp duration of 5 seconds should not trigger gg an ICD shock in devices programmed to a non-committed shock delivery mode. This study was funded educational grant from TASER International, Scottsdale, AZ. The funding source had no input on the study design, organization, results and manuscript i t preparation. ti N None off th the contributing t ib ti authors th hhave any kind ki d off financial fi i l or any other th conflict fli t off iinterest t t with ith th the ffunding di source.