Tdcj Agenda for Regular Meeting Medical Experiments 1968
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fiB ~ - t14 - -- . ~ .. . fIj. TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Huntsville, Texas I rIt I I IJ I lfJ AGENDA FOR REGULAR MEETING ~ OF THE it J TEXAS BOARD OF CORRECTIONS ., 11 II .~ ~ HOUSTON, TEXAS on ~ j 1 No"ember 4, 1968 302nd :\Ieeting s--.._"_~ ~_o4'''' - I -~~-~--_._----------_._----------------...,---~ rn CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT November 4, 1968 .i ~ ; HUIfTSVILLE UNIT ~ I. The gralnd f'loor level of' the main kitchen and dining room is complete and in \\se. '!'he tirst tloor level is neari~ completion. ~ 2. The Industrial Department's material storage warehouse is about 95 precent complete. , I I I I I I I ~ ~ IW ~ OOREE UNIT » m 1. The horse barn complex is complete and in use. I m RAMSEY UNIT 1. The 30,000 bushel ear corn storage and grinding bUilding at Unit No. 2 is complete and in use. 2. Work 1s to start soon on the conversion of' a trusty dormitory at unit No. 1 1nto two air conditioned living areas tor rhino-virology research by the Ba¥lor University, College ot Medicine. Materials and eqUipment tor the conversion are being obtained by theuniversity. 3. The 10,000 sq. f't. f'urniture repair warehouse at Unit No. 1 is co~ldte and in use. 4. Prel1m1nary site preparation work has started at Unit No. 2 f'or the additions to and the remodeling of the main facility. Many thousand cubic yards of' common excavation must be moved betore the building construction can be started. ,·; I: m. :'i. [ i l I r t I \, ~ 76 I I I I I I I I TABLE 1 Summary of Research Programs Conducted By Baylor University School of Medic~e Number of Inmates Study Hong Kong t'~u 37 Rhinovirus 35:3 vaccine 130 3-11-69 AdenovirUs vaccine 43 7-22-69 Adenovirus vaccine 13 7-24-69 9 7-26-69 10 7-26-69 5B 9-27-69/ ~denov±rus J, 5 cha11enge j 1 '> 1.1.1. 1.1-08-69 Blood draw 46 1-27-70 study 55 5-29-70 46 9- -7°)' p1ague pool 55 9-10-70 Paraint'l.uen.z& 37 3-.17-71 Influenza j -69 Flu - influenza vaccine <Equine f~u study i I I J .12-24-6B program A/Z Hons' Kons flu ) Date Z < MYCOPlasma. pneumoma vacCUle study Rhinov.iZ'us' type 15 Mycoplasma pneumon:La hall study 116 10 '5-19-71 \ Adenov:Lrus vaccine study 15 5-19-71 X-32 vaccine ha11 study 4 6-13-71 ./ /' I I I I I I I I I i i I I » a , 77 TABLE ~ Number o£ Inmates study - (Continued) Date Mycoplasma pneumonia 72 6-~2-7~/7-04-7~ Influenza vaccine study 58 1~-2'-7~/2-07-72 Adenovirus vaccine study 70 1-08-72/4-28-72 Adenovirus challenge study 61 4-08-72/5-06-72 Volunteer blood donors 47 7-22-72 Influenza study 47 7-08-72/8-05-72 Influenza study 48 9-16-72/10-14-72 4 Blood donors 75 Influenza study 4 Blood donors Influenza vacc~e study Naturally occurring influenza study 4 265 12-02-72 10-26-72/22-26-72 12-~2-72 11-08-72/12-08-72 1-04-73/2-11-73 Blood donors (tuberculin skin test) 4 1-17-73 Blood donors 4 1-24-73 66 2-24-73 Blood samples J 3-21-73 Blood donors 4 4-18-73 Blood samples 4 4-25-73 Volunteers nasal secretions . - Hycoplasma pneumonia study Blood donors 56 2 5-12-73/6-03-73 5-25-73 -78 TABLE 1 (Cont~ued) Number Study of' Date Inmates /Virus 22 9-24-73/10-23-75 \ . Virus 1.5 8-13-73/9-10-73 Blood donor .5 11-14-73 Blood donor 482 10-31-73 B1.ood donor 1l 1-08-74 Influenza/virus 61 12-06-73/1-06-74 Adenovirus 77 12-16-73/1-13-74 X-38 vaccine stUdy 16 11-09-73/12-07-73 Blood donor 11 2-01-74 / Virus study 5 2-06-74 "\. Virus study 419 2-07-74 Blood donor 55 2-14-74 16 2-12-74 Parainfluenza study 29 :3-11-74/4-07-74 M. pneumonia 20 3-11-74/4-14-74 GORO 14 2-2.5-74/3-25-74 Blood donor 29 4-27-74 46 4-28-74/6-02-74 < Adenovirus blood donor < ---..., MYcoplasma pneumoniae Blood donor 7 5-29-74 GCRO 1.0 5-06-74/6-05-74 Adenovirus vaccine 12 5-10-74 r, ~ I L ., rn ....."'~.'/.' , " 'f'" ... '- .. .~ I 79 TABLE m I I I I I I I i I I 1 , 1. Number of Study I Blood donor (Concluded) Inmates 19 / Blood donor 548 Date 5-28-74 . 6-02-74 GORe 10 6-0'J-74/7-01.-74 Adenovirus hal.1. 12 5-~1-74/6-07-74 Blood donors 7 5-1.5-74/5-29-74 s. donors 50 6-15-74 Blood donors 5 7-17-74 40 6-29-74/7-20-74 N. x-4l/X-42 bal.1 study Blood donor 6 7-22-74 GCRC 10 7-01-74/7-29-74 Virus study 42 8-10-74/9-08-74 B1.ood donor 4 9-26-74 Blood draw J 10-31-74 TOTAL 71 4,291. 12-24~68/10-Jl-74 80 TABLE 2 Summary 0'£ ReseaJ:'ch Programs Conducted By University 0'£ Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Number Study of' Date Inmates Cholera H-3 180 4-67/4-68 Cholera H-4 104 5-68/1-69 Cholera H-5 171 9-68/1-69 Cholera H-6 113 7-70/9-71 Cholera H-7 74 10-70/2-72 Cholera H-8 98 1-73/2~74 Cholera H-9 ---* 10-73 TOTAL 6 '140 4-67/2-74 *Study in progress. f I