Training - Tactics and Troubleshooting, Taser Intl, 2001
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TASER® International COMMAND STAFF DEMO ADVANCED TASER M26 VERSION 1.0, June 2001 ADVANCED TASER (Click in area above to start video) REDUCE OFFICER AND SUSPECT INJURIES BY STOPPING THREATS FROM A SAFE DISTANCE Example: Orange County, FL Sheriff’s Dept Injuries to Deputies Dropped by 80% After Deploying the M26* *Source: “TASER Works, so its use increases,” Ripple, Amy C., Orlando Sentinel, July 29, 2002 DESIGNED TO FILL THE VOID BETWEEN HANDS ON AND OC SPRAY MYTHS & URBAN LEGENDS ÞRodney King ¾ Not the same weapon used in that incident ¾ Earlier 7-Watt system of another mfg. ÞWill not cause heart or pacemaker failure. ÞWill not cause defecation or urination ADVANCED TASER M-26 Constructed of impact resistant sonic welded polymer. Ai Cartridge Laser Sight Batte ry Indicatolr ~ Battery Cov,er Dataport Battery Cover Pin How The TASER Works • Utilizes 8 “AA” batteries • Generates 50,000 Volts and 26 Watts of electricity (0.162 Amps) • Achieves EMD to incapacitate the subject in 0.5 to 1.5 seconds • Cycles for 5 seconds Stun vs. EMD (Click on image above to start video) NOTE: The subjects above are extremely focused defensive tactics instructors. They were given a goal to turn around and get to the instructor. This video demonstrates the effects of the EMD system even on these elite individuals. Note that the stun can be overcome and that the EMD overwhelms the ability to conduct coordinated action. Weapon Management Technologies ......... Tll··UJ A.", 1\ ~:llIJ I -un ," ,11.0 , ••1 ~.". 01••1 I MUll tn •• r ..alti ... nAlw·. 'I'"" • Dataport • AFID ID Tags – 20-40 fired with each cartridge – Allows tracking of which officer discharged weapon – Stores time and date of each firing (last 585) – Protects officers from unfounded allegations – Officers accountable for use – Allows remote firing from robots Automatic Timing Cycle • Window of opportunity! • Increases effectiveness and stops accidental trigger release – 5-second discharge – Can be reactivated by simply depressing the trigger after each 5-second discharge Medical Safety (8) <" E 10 100----------------= lI) ...E • UL Limit for Ventricular Fibrillation (US) IEC 479 Threshold for Ventricular Fibrillation (Europe) ADVANCED TASER M26 AIR TASER 34000 ...-.. '"-" t: 10 ~-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ~ L. ~ U ~ 102b---------~~=..::..------------~ o CO • 1O"""'""-....a........I..............LI.I.I.a--a-.a--............-.... - -..............1--..... -01--......-..... - -. ....- ~ 6 5 10. 10. 10-4 10.3 Pulse Width (s) ..............~_.a--a.-a.......... - -...... -- 10.2 10.1 Medical Finding Heart/Drugs/Pacemakers • Heart Failure: The Univ. of Missouri tested the 26Watt ADVANCED TASER M26 applied directly to the chest of test animals. • Using “worst case” scenarios, tests found the M26 caused no interference with the heart rhythms -- even when the animal subjects were given drugs (epinephrine & others similar to PCP & cocaine) which make the heart more susceptible to electrical stimulation. • Pacemakers are designed to withstand 100’s of times more electrical power. Comparison of Injuries TASER Technology Reduces Injuries 80% 78% 78% 80% 70% 60% Suspect Injured 60% 50% 45% 36% 29% 29% 30% 20% 21% 16% 20% 18% 11% 10% Chemical Spray Kick Misc. body force Baton Punch Flashlight 0% Sw arm 5% 0% 0% Officer Injured / Affected TASER 40% Force Type Source: Study of Use of Force at Los Angeles Police Department, Greg Meyer. Statistics are for 7-Watt TASER technology deployed at LAPD. Original Study Available at on the internet. RCMP Testing of M26 Pain versus incapacitation (Click in area above to start video) Aftereffects • • • • • • • Dazed for several minutes Involuntary muscle contractions Disorientation / Vertigo Critical response amnesia possible Temporary tingling sensation No permanent injuries Medical treatment may be required for probe removal or subsequent injuries due to falls Los Angeles Sheriffs Analysis of Potential Savings •Los Angeles Sheriff’s Deputy Mike Harding compared 3 liability cases prior to M26 deployment with actual field uses •Conclusion: Had the M26 been available in these three cases, injuries and death to the subject may have been averted. Potential liability savings: $2,500,000 Proven Success Use-of-force breakdown for the Orange County Sheriff's Office (Florida) Chemical force Physical force Firearms K9 Impact weapons Impact munitions Taser Total* 1999 300 78 5 62 27 0 2000 263 75 13 60 21 1 2001 221 52 4 48 13 2 2002** 64 29 0 29 5 0 Down 79% Down 63% Down 78% Down 53% Down 81% - 0 410 3 383 228 527 201 295 68% of all force 295 NOTE: Impact weapons include batons, nightsticks and truncheons. Impact munitions include bean-bag rounds. * The total can include more than one type of force used during an incident. ** Reports filed through Friday. SOURCE: Orange County Sheriff's Office Are there any Questions? Chief Instructor Hans Marrero and Steve Tuttle, Director of Gov’t & Law Enforcement DID WE ACCOMPLISH OUR MISSION TO: “REDUCE OFFICER AND SUSPECT INJURIES BY STOPPING THREATS FROM A SAFE DISTANCE?” Success Percent by Level of Firing Total number of reports 448 Percent Successful: 93.08% _________________________________________ Darts Fired at Subject: 257 92.61% Laser Only: 100 98.00% Spark Demo 13 100% Stun Gun Application 69 85.51% Out of Events 439 Distance of Firings 1-3 Feet 3-7 Feet 7-11 Feet 11-15 Feet 16-21 Feet 21 90 89 47 1 8.43% 36.29% 35.88% 18.95% .04% Some of this information was not provided and will not add up to 257 (248). Success Percent by Distance of Firing Distance # of Incidents Success Rate 1-3 Feet: 22 95.45% 3-7 Feet: 92 95.65% 7-11 Feet: 91 91.21% 11-15 Feet: 52 90.38% 15-21 Feet: 5 100.00% * The total number may vary from the other slides as this data query was run at a later date, with a larger number of uses in the database. Length of discharge 1 seconds 1 2 seconds 8 3 seconds 11 4 seconds 3 5 seconds 103 More than 1 cycle 99 Number of probes that hit the suspect 1 Probe Hit 2 2 Probe Hit 60 3 Probe Hit 5 4 Probe Hit 1 Type of Incident Involving the Use of M26 Officer Assault Warrant Service Civil Disturbance Barricaded Suicidal Resisting Arrest Violent 3.35% 5.36% 6.70% 8.71% 20.98% 41.29% 44.42% There is more than 100% as each event may involve one or more types of incident Threats Involved Deadly Assault 2.68% Defensive Resist 9.82% Active Aggression 23.21% Verbally Non-Comp 31.03% Total Incidents 448 This was the most heavily “edited” section and required thorough followup. Types of Weapons Used by Suspects Blunt Weapon 2.23% Firearm 4.02% Edged Weapon 13.84% Suspect’s Influence PCP Misc. Drugs Cocaine Meth EDP Alcohol 1.34% 3.13% 5.58% 6.03% 34.15% 42.86% Type of Incident Involving the Use of M26 Officer Assault Warrant Service Civil Disturbance Barricaded Suicidal Resisting Arrest Violent 3.35% 5.36% 6.70% 8.71% 20.98% 41.29% 44.42% There is more than 100% as each event may involve one or more types of incident Failures in Stun Gun Mode Low Nerve/Muscle Miss Single Dart Weapon Problem 9 2 1 4 56.25% 12.50% 6.25% 25.00% Note, this includes all failures. For example, the probes may have been fired, and missed, but then the stun gun was applied. Failures when Darts Deploy Door Closed Dropped/Broken Low Battery Unknown Weapon Problem Cartridge Failure Miss Propped Up Operator Error Single Dart Low Nerve/Muscle Clothing 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 5 7 15 2.38% 2.38% 2.38% 2.38% 2.38% 4.76% 4.76% 4.76% 9.52% 11.90% 16.67% 35.71% Total of All Failures Door Closed on Wires Low Battery Unknown Decided Not to Use Cartridge Failure Dropped/Broken Propped Up Miss Operator Error Weapon Problem Single Dart Clothing Low Nerve/Muscle 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 5 6 15 16 1.67% 1.67% 1.67% 1.67% 3.33% 3.33% 3.33% 6.67% 6.67% 8.33% 10.00% 25.00% 26.66% Location of Use Indoor Jail / Hospital or Indoor + Jails 125 29.76% 82 19.52% Outdoor 213 50.71% 207 49.29% This represents 420 events (some reports did not disclose location) Injuries to Suspects Minor 56 13.56% (Puncture wounds from probes & misc. cuts) Moderate 5 1.21% (Abrasion, skinned knee, carpet burn, testicle shot, penis shot, cut to mouth, cuts from falling onto glass) Severe 3 0. 73% (Dog bites, self-infliction, officer battle) None 349 84.50% Injuries to Officers Minor 20 4.76% (Officers involved with fighting suspects or arresting them) Moderate 1 0.23% (Knife thrown at officer cutting arm) Severe 0 0% None 399 95% Reno Police Use Quote • 8/21/00 M26 shot fired at suicidal man with shard of broken glass. Subject slashed wrists, ignored verbal commands and rushed Sgt. Pittman. Subject dropped by M26 safely. • “The attending ER physician removed the probes and commented on how little damage was done in comparison to the damage he usually saw after a subject was involved in a physical confrontation with officers. Probes and self-inflicted slash to left wrist and no injuries to officers.” Comparison of Injuries TASER Technology Reduces Injuries 80% 78% 78% 80% 70% 60% Suspect Injured 60% 50% 45% 36% 40% 29% 30% 20% 16% 18% 11% 10% Chemical Spray Swarm Kick Baton Punch Flashlight 0% Misc. body force 5% 0% 0% Officer Injured / Affected TASER 20% 21% 29% Force Type Source: Study of Use of Force at Los Angeles Police Department, Greg Meyer. Statistics are for 7-Watt TASER technology deployed at LAPD. Original Study Available at on the internet. DID WE ACCOMPLISH OUR MISSION TO: “REDUCE OFFICER AND SUSPECT INJURIES BY STOPPING THREATS FROM A SAFE DISTANCE?” YES Are there any Questions? TASER® International, Inc. Troubleshooting and Tactics ADVANCED TASER® M26 RMCP MASTER INSTUCTOR BETA Overview • • • • • • In-Custody Deaths Troubleshooting perceived field failures Troubleshooting M26 product Troubleshooting Dataport TASER Quality Control Electrical Theory In-Custody Deaths In-Custody Deaths • The ADVANCED TASER has never caused a death • In-custody deaths have occurred minutes to hours after M26 use • Medical Examiners have declared the M26 safe • Electricity kills during application (not after). None have died during T-Wave application. In these cases, combinations of cocaine, drugs and alcohol have been the cause of death • It is key to provide the media M26 medical studies In-Custody Deaths Hamilton, OH • Man swallows bag of 8-ball of cocaine during vehicle pullover • Several hours later, the subject becomes violent • He fights emergency medical technicians • Police apply two applications of M26 touch stun to scapula • Suspect is cuffed, walked downstairs and placed on gurney • Subject codes in ambulance and dies at hospital • Medical Examiner rules death as “cocaine abuse/accidental” In-Custody Deaths Hollywood, FL • A violent man goes wild in hotel lobby and is having difficulty breathing through tracheotomy • Subject is verbally non-compliant and no longer speaks English • Police fire M26 at subject to subdue him. First shot is one probe hit but second is successful • Officers subdue and arrest subject • Suspect stops breathing and dies • Headlines: “First Time Police Kill Man with TASER” • Medical examiner finds cocaine overdose cause of death and rules out M26 In-Custody Deaths Philadelphia, PA • Police called to house of frequent domestic violence. Man is naked and brandishing a 7-inch knife in sub-freezing weather • Officers use pepper spray without effect • Officers deploy M26 (no details on shot provided) • Subject is “ranting and raving” during drive to hospital • Subject later dies when arriving at hospital • Newspaper reports: “Man TASERed Dies” • Medical Examiner rules cocaine overdose as cause of death and rules out M26 In-Custody Deaths Nassau Co, FL • Police serve drug warrant on extremely overweight man who is mowing his lawn • Subject runs 200 meters to an abandoned house • Subject swings a headboard at officers, is shot by M26 with both probes and becomes incapacitated • Headboard falls and breaks M26 wires • Subjects and officers fight. Touch used to subdue. • After cuffing, the subject codes and later dies • Headline: “Second Man Dies in FL from TASER” • Medical Examiner rules cocaine and coronary disease as cause of death In-Custody Deaths • Get as much info as possible regarding – TASER effects – Distance fired – Duration of cycles – Subject’s influence – Time of death is critical – Circumstances regarding arrest – Medical Examiner’s contact info • Contact Steve Tuttle, TASER Int’l’s Dir. Of Gov’t Affairs: 800-978-2737 x 2006 In-Custody Deaths • Provide press with TASER web site and phone numbers: • Instruct media with as much info about ADVANCED TASER • Dr. Robert Stratbucker is available as a consultant and court recognized expert if necessary Troubleshooting Perceived Field Failures Failure Checklist • • • • • • • • • • • • What happened? Get it from operator. Probe placement (one or two probes) Distance Spread of probes Batteries, battery tray & pulse rate Temperature Quiet or loud pulse Duration of applications Clothing worn or metal involved Subject’s complete reaction Countermeasures Malfunction Case 1: Interpretation • Suspect had knife held to throat • M26 deployed with probes • Upper probe hit in throat and the 2nd 8 inches lower in the chest • Full 5-second cycle administered Case 1: Interpretation • Officers statement: M26 “did not effect the suspect” • Suspects statement immediately following 5 second cycle: “Get these damn darts out of me” • Officers interpretation: “He wanted the barbs out because they stung only and he didn’t want to be shot again” • Suspects post statement: “he felt nothing” Case 1: Review • M26 was deployed point blank • Upper dart hit just below the throat • Second dart hit 3 inches lower • Suspect froze in place but did not fall • Officer looking for “blockbuster” type hit Case 1: Review • Suspect dropped knife and was taken into custody without further escalation or incident • Success or failure? Case 2: Interpretation • Suspect in shower shot with M26 • 10 separate cycles administered with same cartridge • Success or failure? Case 3: Interpretation • Suspect with boat anchor • Shot with M26 • Suspect frozen in place • Officers perceives failure and don’t move in • Success or failure? Troubleshooting the M26 M26 Troubleshooting Problem: Dim or no laser sight Possible cause: • Electric spark to laser from pulse coil • Damage due to dropping • Component failure Possible solution: Return M26 to factory M26 Troubleshooting Problem: Laser sight on but no battery indicator light when weapon is activated Possible cause: Indicator light burned out or faulty Possible solution: Return M26 to factory M26 Troubleshooting Problem: Laser sight on when the weapon is activated with steady battery indictor but pulse rate is slow Possible cause: • 1 or 2 batteries installed in reverse +/• Batteries are dead or non-approved brand Possible solution: • Check batteries for correct +/- order • Try a new fresh set of Duracell Ultras M26 Troubleshooting Problem: No laser or spark when the weapon is activated but the battery indicator light is steady Possible cause: • 3 batteries may be installed wrong +/order • The batteries are dead Possible solution: • Check batteries for correct +/- order • Try a new fresh set of Duracell Ultras M26 Troubleshooting Problem: No laser, battery indicator or spark Possible cause: • Batteries installed incorrectly • Defective battery tray or no contact with springs • Safety switch weld is broken • Internal component failure Possible solution: • Check battery installation, battery tray • Check battery points of contact • If batteries check out, return M26 to factory M26 Troubleshooting Problem: Intermittent pulse rate during cycle Possible cause: • Defective battery tray springs • Pulse coil failure Possible solution: • Replace battery tray with new tray • Contact factory to demonstrate spark rate over the phone • Return M26 to factory M26 Troubleshooting Problem: Batteries get extremely hot or melt and the unit does not function Possible cause: Internal component failure of FET Possible solution: Immediately remove batteries and return M26, batteries, and battery tray to factory M26 Troubleshooting Problem: During activation pulse rate changes speed - slow to very fast. Possible cause: Internal component failure of capacitor Possible solution: • Contact factory to demonstrate spark rate over the phone • Return M26 to factory M26 Troubleshooting Problem: During activation the unit begins to make an internal pop, whine or crackle. There is no spark emitted at all through the 5 - sec. cycle Possible cause: Internal component failure of capacitor or coil Possible solution: Return M26 to factory M26 Troubleshooting Problem: Upon activating the unit begins to make an internal sizzle or crackle then emits the spark after about a second delay Possible cause: • Capacitor is charging (note: this may self correct after first activation) Possible solution: • Prior to field deployment spark the unit • Contact factory M26 Troubleshooting Problem: Laser and battery indicator function, however the unit does not fire / cycle Possible cause: • Defective trigger or broken wire • Internal component failure Possible solution: Return M26 to factory Cartridge Troubleshooting Problem: One or more of the wires break during dart deployment (not caused by subject) Possible cause: • During application of the wire insulation, the wire was stretched and break but was held together by the insulation • Operator error during door welding Possible solution: Return cartridge to factory for replacement Cartridge Troubleshooting Problem: Front blast door has fallen off Possible cause: • Nitrogen capsule seal is not properly seated • Cartridge was hit or exposed to heat • Contamination during sonic weld process Possible solution: • Return cartridge to factory for repair • Tape doors in place using Scotch tape and use cartridge for TRAINING ONLY Troubleshooting Dataport Dataport Troubleshooting Problem: Dataport displays “no response from device”. No indicator light on M26 or green light on converter. Possible cause: • Batteries are not installed • Safety switch position • Broken internal dataport connection wire Possible solution: • Install batteries in the M26 • Try safety switch in ON & OFF positions • Contact factory service representative Dataport Troubleshooting Problem: Dataport displays “missing acknowledge from device” Possible cause: • Wrong comm port selected • Connection between M26 & computer • No battery in M26 Possible solution: • Select alternate comm ports • Check connection hardware • Install batteries in M26 Dataport Troubleshooting Problem: Dataport reads “expecting record size” Possible cause: Revision of the M26 does not match the version of the download software Possible solution: Try using software version 1 or 2 (available on 7.0 & higher versions of TASER CD) Dataport Troubleshooting Problem: Dataport reads “comm port in use or busy” Possible cause: Comm port is currently being used by another program Possible solution: Exit other comm port program and re-try Dataport Troubleshooting Problem: Upload device data contains corrupt or inaccurate information Possible cause: • Some Windows® ‘98 versions have caused incompatibility problems • Computer chip is corrupted Possible solution: • Run program on computers with NT / 2000 • Return unit to factory for download attempt or chip reset (reset will erase memory) Dataport Troubleshooting Problem: Clock and information displayed reads all zeros Possible cause: Clock battery is defective and no information available Possible solution: Return M26 to factory Dataport Troubleshooting Problem: Serial number does not display on download information or reads [X’s] Possible cause: • Using v.1 dataport software to read v.2 M26 • M26 is v.1 and is not serial number capable • [X’s] when S/N is not initialized at factory Possible solution: • Switch to v.2 dataport download software • If [X’s], return to factory for setting Dataport Troubleshooting Problem: Saved download information as a file but unable to open Possible cause: Data is saved as a “.dat” text file Possible solution: Open Notepad or Word, choose file open. Go to directory where file is saved. Select all files in the files type prompt of the open dialog box. Select the “.dat” file and click open. TASER Quality Control Quality Control • NiMH batteries, battery tray, all components including the pulse coil, capacitors, and circuit board are independently tested prior to installation Quality Control • When all components are installed, the M26 is fired over 40 times before leaving TASER Int’l. These firings are noted on dataport download when the units arrive to the end user. Quality Control • All Air Cartridges are X-Rayed Electrical Theory Electrical Output Analogous to Water Flow ." The Variables Batteries Flow = Amperage 168 mA Pressure = Voltage 50,000 V Mass & Pressure of Pulse = Energy 1.76 Joules Capacitor Energy per pulse & # per second = Power 26 Watts Low Battery = Low Pulse Rate .- Strong Battery = High Pulse Rate ." EMD vs. Stun: Stronger Pulses 7-Watt Stun 26 Watt EMD Why Pulse Rate is Important c e Co a' -·0 5 e I econd 2: sec Tim Why Pulse Rate is Important sc e Co· _ract- 0 10 pu e I econd 1 2 sec ime Why Battery Indicator is only for Alkaline Batteries at e '12: V 't:===~:=:::=;;:====:;;~:=~--- '9~6 v I ~ '1'1,.'1 c NiMH’s Perform Better Over Time oer Out t G) o E #I of Uses NiMH’s Perform Better at Low Temperatures Po e Output By e erat re Range o a. aOF mper lure ·30 F Are there any questions? TASER International Ausbildungspräsentation ADVANCED TASER M-26 Version 8.0, Stand 25.06.2002 Übersicht • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Warum ADVANCED TASER Das Waffensystem im Überblick Funktionsweise Elektrische und Medizinische Aspekte ADVANCED TASER Daten Rechtliche Aspekte und Vorschriften Handhabung Taktik Anwendung gegen aggressive Tiere Vorbeugung und Analyse von Mißerfolgen Praktische Übungen Zubehör und Wartung Freiwilligenversuche Lernkontrolle Sicherheitsregeln • Nie auf etwas richten, auf das man nicht schießen will • Sicherung aktiviert lassen, bis die Waffe in eine sichere Richtung (auf das Ziel) deutet • Nie den Finger in den Abzugsbügel bringen, bevor die Entscheidung zum Schuß gefallen ist • Nie eine Hand vor die Waffe bringen, vor allem nicht beim Kartuschenwechsel (Klick auf den Bildschirm startet Video) Warum ADVANCED TASER? ZIEL: VERRINGERN DER VERLETZUNGSGEFAHR FÜR DEN BEAMTEN UND DEN TÄTER DURCH STOPPEN VON BEDROHUNGEN AUS SICHERER ENTFERNUNG. ADVANCED TASER • Besonders effektiv, selbst im Vergleich zu Schußwaffen • Sicher • Stellt keine Gesundheitsgefährdung für Täter und andere Einsatzkräfte dar • Einfach zu gebrauchen und zu warten Der ADVANCED TASER ist kein Ersatz für den Schußwaffengebrauch. Allerdings haben viele Situationen, die auf einer niedrigeren Eskalationsstufe beginnen, das Potential, um bis zur Notwendigkeit des Schußwaffengebrauchs zu eskalieren. Der frühe, aggressive Einsatz eines nonletalen Einsatzmittels wie des M26 wird in vielen dieser Fälle diese Eskalation verhindern. Der ADVANCED TASER hat die größte Wirkung auf die Sicherheit der Einsatzkräfte, wenn er bereits den Streifenbeamten zur Verfügung steht, die als erste vor Ort sind. Handwerkszeug für den Streifenbeamten (Klick auf den Bildschirm startet Video) Das Waffensystem im Überblick Definitionen Conducted Energy Weapons sind nonletale Waffen, die über verschossene Kabel auf ein entferntes Ziel Energie übertragen, welche das zentrale Nervensystem eines Körpers aus der Distanz beeinflußt. AIR TASER® und ADVANCED TASER® sind Markennamen für bestimmte Conducted Energy Weapons, die von TASER International hergestellt werden. Geschichte der Taser-Technologie • Der ursprüngliche TASER mit Schießpulver als Treibmittel wurde 1966-1974 entwickelt und als Handfeuerwaffe eingestuft. • Er erwies sich als schonendes Einsatzmittel, das aber eine starke physiologische und psychologische Wirkung sowohl auf Menschen als auch auf Tiere hat. • Der ursprüngliche Tasertron TASER ist ein 7-Watt “Schock”- System mit 86% statistischer Erfolgsquote. • TASER International, Inc. entwickelte 1994 das 7Watt-System AIR TASER, das nach US-Recht nicht als Handfeuerwaffe eingestuft ist. • TASER International, Inc. stellte im Dezember 1999 den ADVANCED TASER vor. Über 1.400 Dienststellen weltweit setzen den ADVANCED TASER zur Zeit ein. Weshalb es funktioniert • Das menschliche Nervensystem kommuniziert mit Hilfe einfacher elektrischer Impulse. • Der ADVANCED TASER nutzt ähnliche elektrische Impulse, die als TASER-Wellen bezeichnet werden. Jamming the Nervous stören System Das Nervensystem Nervensignal Nerve Signal or oder „Hirnwelle“ "Brain Wave II TASER-Welle Taser Wave or oder T-Welle liT-wave II Weshalb es funktioniert • Conducted Energy Weapons sind wirkungsvoll, weil sie diese elektrischen Impulse überlagern. • Mit 18/26 Watt kann der ADVANCED TASER das zentrale Nervensystem des menschlichen Körpers stören. • Er beeinflußt sowohl das sensorische als auch das motorische Nervensystem. • Er ist in der Wirkung nicht davon abhängig, daß Schmerz empfunden wird, ist aber schmerzhaft. Schocker gegen EMD • Elektroschocker-Systeme -- Die 7 Watt TASER der ersten Generation stören das zentrale Nervensystem mit elektrischen Störgeräuschen. Damit wird nur das sensorische Nervensystem betroffen. Leistung: 5-15 Watt • EMD (Electro-Muscular Disruption) -Systeme stören UND überlagern das zentrale Nervensystem und erzeugen so unkontrollierbare Kontraktionen von Muskelgewebe. Der ADVANCED TASER beeinflußt sowohl das sensorische als auch das motorische Nervensystem. Leistung: 16-26 Watt Schocker gegen EMD Zentrales Nervensystem Schaltzentrum (Gehirn und Rückenmark), verarbeitet Informationen und trifft Entscheidungen. Sensorisches Nervensystem Nerven, die Informationen von den Sinnen zum Gehirn transportieren. Berührung, Temperatur, etc. Schocker wirken auf diese Nerven. Motorisches Nervensystem Nerven, die die Befehle vom Gehirn zu den Muskeln transportieren, um die Bewegungen zu kontrollieren. EMD-Systeme beeinflussen sowohl das sensorische als auch das motorische Nervensystem. Schocker gegen EMD (Klick auf den Bildschirm startet Video) ANMERKUNG: Der Proband ist ein hochmotiviertes Mitglied eines SWAT-Teams. Seine Aufgabe ist, die Faust vor ihm zu greifen sowohl unter Einwirkung des Schocker- als auch des EMDSystems. Das Video demonstriert die hohe Effizienz des EMD-Systems selbst bei ungewöhnlich fokussierten Individuen. Schocker gegen EMD (Klick auf den Bildschirm startet Video) ANMERKUNG: Jeder Proband hatte die Aufgabe, den Ausbilder zu erreichen. Dies zeigt die Wirkung des EMD-Systems auf diese hochmotivierten Selbstverteidigungsausbilder. Zu bemerken: das Schocker-System kann mit entsprechender Motivation und Fokussierung überwunden werden. Wie es funktioniert Faustregel: durch den Abwärtswinkel des unteren Pfeils von 8 Grad erhöht sich der Pfeilabstand um je ca. 15cm pro Meter Abstand zum Ziel. ObererTop Pfeil: Waagerecht Probe Straight 2. Pfeil: 8 2nd PrObe 8 Degree ° nachDown untenAngle Wie es funktioniert • Die Pfeilführungen der Kartuschen stehen jeweils in einem 4°-Winkel. • Der Kartuschenschacht des ADVANCED TASER ist 4° nach unten abgewinkelt. • Dies senkt den oberen Pfeil um 4° auf 0° und Rule of Thumb: 1 foot of spread for every 7 feet fügt dem unteren 4° zu seinen eigenen 4° hinzu = 8°-Winkel nach unten. Wirksam in Nahdistanz Einsatzdistanz Kontakt 0,3 – 1 Meter 1 – 2,1 Meter 2,1 – 3,3 Meter 3,3 – 4,5 Meter 4,5 – 6,5 Meter Gesamt Einsätze % Erfolg* 215 81 269 214 123 24 1159 92.09% 97.53% 95.54% 92.06% 91.06% 83.33% 94.13% * Erfolg ist definiert als Überwältigung des Täters ohne weitere Eskalation. TASER-Welle • Der Elektroimpuls kann INSGESAMT bis zu ca. 6,5 cm Kleidung oder Luftspalt überwinden. Ohne direkten Kontakt eines Pfeils bedeutet dies ca. 3,2 cm pro Pfeil. (Klick auf den Bildschirm startet Video) Wirkung auf Schutzweste (Klick auf den Bildschirm startet Video ) Elektrische und medizinische Aspekte Elektrische Daten M-26 • • • • Hohe Spannung: 50.000 Volt Leistung: 26 Watt Niedrige Stromstärke: 0.162 Ampère Sichere Energie: 1.76 Joule pro Impuls (Medizinischer Defibrillator hat mehr als 150 Joule pro Impuls) • Die Übertragung von Elektrizität in den menschlichen Körper liegt bei 1/100 des Gefahrengrenzwertes • Hohe Spannung + Hohe Leistung + Niedrige Stromstärke = Sichere & wirksame Waffe Elektrische Theorie Medizinische Sicherheit • Tests mit dem ADVANCED TASER haben ergeben: – Keine Auswirkung auf den Herzrhythmus • Erprobt in Tierversuchen – An über 3000 menschlichen Freiwilligen getestet – 99% sofortige Stopwirkung in weniger als einer Sekunde • Keine Langzeitschäden – Die elektrischen Impulse sind sicher innerhalb der Grenzwerte nach internationalen Standards. – Leichte Hautirritationen bis Blasen Medizinische Ergebnisse bzgl. Herzschrittmachern • Moderne Herzschrittmacher widerstehen elektrischen Defibrillatoren, die einige hundertmal stärker sind als die ADVANCED TASER-Impulse • Bei direktem Kontakt mit dem Herzschrittmacher kann dessen Rhythmus vorübergehend ohne Gesundheitsgefährdung verändert werden. Medizinische Ergebnisse bzgl. Herzversagen/Drogen • In Versuchen der Univ. von Missouri wurde der ADVANCED TASER direkt auf den Brustkorb von Versuchstieren angewandt, ohne Herzversagen erzeugen zu können. • Führende Experten der Kardiologie stellten selbst bei der Simulation ungünstigster Umstände fest, daß keines der beiden Systeme den Herzrhythmus beeinflußte • Es erfolgte auch keine Beeinflussung, als den Versuchstieren Drogen verabreicht wurden (Epinefrin & andere, die PCP & Kokain ähneln), die das Herz anfälliger für elektrische Stimulation machen. Verhalten der betroffenen Täter beeinflußt durch: Ergebnisse aus Realeinsätzen • • • • • • Alkohol Geistige Verwirrung Methamphetamin Kokain Sonstige Drogen PCP 37,5% 23,0% 3,8% 4,6% 1,0% 1,0% Täter unter PCP (Klick auf den Bildschirm startet Video) Bisher wirkten alle nonletalen Waffen über Schmerzimpulse, die durch Drogen Alkohol, geistige Verwirrung oder starken Willen überwunden werden können. Der ADVANCED TASER ist nicht von der Schmerzwirkung abhängig, um das Aufgeben des Täters zu erreichen. Er überlagert das zentrale Nervensystem und macht so angriffsunfähig. Vergleich der Verletzungen TASER reduziert Verletzungen 80% 78% 78% 80% 70% 60% 60% 50% Täter verletzt 45% 36% 40% 29% 29% 30% 20% 20% 21% Anwender verletzt 18% 16% 11% 10% 5% TASER Pfefferspray Schwarm Fußtritt Gewalt sonst körperl Schlagstock Faustschlag 0% Stablampe 0% 0% Eins atzm itte l Quelle: Studie über den Einsatz von Gewalt beim Los Angeles Police Department, Greg Meyer. Statistik bezieht sich auf 7-Watt TASER Technologie, die beim LAPD im Einsatz ist. Original Studie erhältlich unter im Internet. ADVANCED TASER-Tests der kanadischen Polizei Vergleich: Schmerz gegen Muskelimpulse (Klick auf den Bildschirm startet Video) Medizinische Zusammenfassung • Studien haben gezeigt, daß durch TaserTechnologie keine Langzeitfolgen entstehen. • Eine Studie des University of Southern California Medical Center stellt fest, daß der 7-Watt TASER 0% Langzeitverletzungen hinterläßt. • Tests des ADVANCED TASER an über 3.000 Freiwilligen ergaben ebenfalls 0% Langzeitschäden. • Vorübergehende Verletzungen können durch den Sturz verursacht werden. (Die bisher schwersten waren Schürfwunden und blaue Flecken.) (Klick auf den Bildschirm startet Video) ADVANCED TASER Das Gerät ADVANCED TASER M-26 Hergestellt aus schlagfestem Polymer Sicherung Visierung Optionale Farbmarkierung Abzug Ai Cartridge Kartusche Laser Sight Laserzielgerät ry Indicatolr Batte Batterieladestandsanzeige ~ Battery Cov,er Batteriefach- deckel Battery Cover Pin Batteriefachdeckelsperre Dataport M-26: Dataport Sicherung / Abzug Þgesichert (Aus) Þentsichert (Eingeschaltet, Laser an) Ladestandsanzeige • LED-Leuchte aktiv wenn ADVANCED TASER entsichert ist • Ladestandsanzeige funktioniert nur mit alkalischen Batterien -- nicht NiMHAkkus Ladestandsanzeige • Für alkalische Batterien: • Blinklicht = Batterien voll genug • Dauerlicht = Batterien zu leer (Gerät kann noch funktionieren, das kann sich aber jederzeit ändern). Überprüfen, ob Batterien richtig eingelegt sind (+/-) • Kein Licht = Batterien ganz leer Ladestandsanzeige nur für alkalische Duracell® Ultra at e '12: V 't:===~:=:::=;;:====:;;~:=~--- '9~6 v I ~ '1'1,.'1 c Batterie-Test für NiMH-Akkus • Ladestandsanzeige ist eingerichtet für alkalische Batterien und wird im Betrieb von Akkus nicht korrekt anzeigen. • Bei Akkus wird immer ein niedriger Ladestand angezeigt, selbst wenn sie voll geladen sind. • Prüfen des Ladezustands der Akkus durch Entnahme der Kartusche, Entsichern, Betätigung des Abzugs und Überprüfen auf eine hohe Impulsfrequenz. (12-15 pro Sekunde) • Wieder sichern und Kartusche wieder einstecken. Kartuschentypen 5m-Kartusche (gelb = schußbereit) Zivile Variante 7m- Kartusche (gelb = schußbereit) Behördenvariante Kartuschentypen Verbrauchte Kartusche Mündungsdeckel fehlen. ohne Pfeile und Kabel Zurücksenden oder zum Training verwenden. Schußmechanismus • Stickstoffkapsel mit Druck von ca.125 Bar, nichtentflammbar • 2 Pfeile verschossen mit Geschwindigkeit von ca. 60 m/s • Höchstreichweite: ca. 7m (21 Fuß) Kabel • Kabel bestehen aus isoliertem verkupfertem Stahl • Kabel können reißen, wenn Sie gezogen werden oder darauf getreten wird • Unbeabsichtigter Kontakt mit Kabeln oder Pfeilen während der ADVANCED TASER aktiviert ist kann zu Stromschlag führen • Der ADVANCED TASER-Schütze muß die Zugriffsbeamten anweisen, während der Festnahme die Kabel zu meiden Pfeile • 7mm lange sterile Angelhaken “ Größe 8” mit Widerhaken • Bauartbedingt kann der Pfeil nicht tiefer als 7mm eindringen, selbst in Kontaktdistanz • Können eine kleine punktuelle Hautverletzung oder leichte Hautrötung ähnlich Sonnenbrand bis zu kleinen Blasen verursachen Kartuschenhalter (Zubehör, nachrüstbar – ersetzt Batteriefachdeckel) Kartuschentasche • DeSantis Gürteltasche für 2 Ersatzkartuschen, Leder Praktische Anwendung Bereit... • • • • TASER aus dem Holster ziehen Finger vom Abzug In sichere Richtung halten Entsichern (Sicherungsflügel hochschwenken) Zielen... • Ziel erfassen: Mitte Brustkorb, oder Beine • Laser/Visierung kennzeichnet Treffpunkt des oberen Pfeils • 2. Pfeil trifft gerade darunter mit 8° Versatz Vertikales Ziel Gewinkeltes oder liegendes Ziel Schießen: Automatischer Zyklus • Einzelne Betätigung des Abzugs löst die Abgabe von Elektroimpulsen für 5 Sekunden aus • Weitere Abzugsbetätigungen während des 5-SekundenZyklus beeinflussen die Dauer nicht, wenn nicht dauerhaft gehalten • Wird der Abzug über die Dauer der 5 Sekunden hinaus gehalten, dauert die Abgabe von Impulsen an, bis der Abzug losgelassen wird. • Der ADVANCED TASER kann 10 aneinander anschließende 5-Sekunden-Zyklen abgeben, ohne unter Trainingsbedingungen die Lebensdauer des Gerätes durch Überhitzung einzuschränken. Im Einsatz kann diese Zahl im Bedarfsfall deutlich überschritten werden. • Wenn möglich Gelegenheit zum Abkühlen des Geräts nutzen • Bei ungewollter Schußabgabe SOFORT abschalten! Wichtig beim Einsatz: • Der Elektroimpuls des ADVANCED TASER ist relativ leise im Einsatz am menschlichen Ziel • Der ADVANCED TASER ist im Gebrauch mit den TASERZielscheiben laut, weil der Strom Lichtbögen in der Luft schlägt • Wenn die Pfeile Kontakt zur Haut bekommen ist die elektrische Entladung relativ leise, weil die Energie direkt in den Körper fließt. • Wenn die Elektroimpulse beim Realeinsatz laut sind und der Täter nicht reagiert, hat der Strom wahrscheinlich einen kürzeren Weg gefunden als durch das Ziel und ist somit nicht wirksam – nachladen und 2. Schuß auf andere Zielfläche (z.B. Bein) Effektive Trefferflächen Sprays ADVANCED HandfeuerTASER waffen Pfeile Pfeile vorher & nachher “Sensibler” Treffer Taktik nach dem Schuß • Der ADVANCED TASER-Schütze muß darauf vorbereitet sein, den Abzug gedrückt zu halten, solange der Täter festgelegt wird • Täter ist nur solange beeinträchtigt, wie der Elektroimpuls fließt – das Zeitfenster für den Zugriff • Die Sicherheitskräfte sollten dem Täter während und nach der TASER-Anwendung klare verbale Anweisungen geben • Die Sicherheitskräfte müssen ohne Zögern fixieren und fesseln – Pfeile und Kabel nicht berühren oder darauf treten Einsatz als Kontaktgerät • Der ADVANCED TASER kann auch als Kontaktgerät eingesetzt werden, nachdem die Pfeile verschossen wurden • Der ADVANCED TASER wird eine geladene Kartusche immer verschießen, wenn er bei eingesetzter Kartusche aktiviert wird (Klick auf Foto startet Video) Einsatz als Kontaktgerät • Für den Gebrauch als Kontaktwaffe geladene Kartusche entfernen Ohne Kartusche Einsatz als Kontaktgerät Im Kontaktmodus zu Selbstverteidigungszwecken den ADVANCED TASER pressen gegen: • Halsseiten • Unterleib • Oberschenkelaußenseiten Bei Personen, die sich im Stadium einer psychischen Krise, unter dem Einfluß von bewußtseinsverändernden Substanzen oder in einem sehr entschlossenen Geisteszustand befinden, kann die Schmerztoleranz eine so hohe Stufe erreichen, daß die Wirkung des ADVANCED TASER als Kontaktgerät eventuell eingeschränkt sein kann, da hier im Gegensatz zum Einsatz der Pfeile durch die geringe Spreizung hauptsächlich der Schmerzreiz als Mittel der Überwältigung dient. Erfolgsrate bei 267 erfaßten Einsätzen: 92.1% Batterie- und Kartuschenwechsel Batteriemagazin entnehmen Sicherung aktivieren • Kartusche abnehmen • Batteriefachdeckelsperre mit Stift oder Handschellenschlüssel eindrücken • Deckel herausziehen • Batteriemagazin entnehmen und laden Batteriemagazin entnehmen mit Kartuschenhalter • Sicherung aktivieren • Stift oder Büroklammer benutzen (Handschellenschlüssel ist zu kurz) Sperre eindrücken Deckel abziehen Entnehmen des Batteriemagazins • Sanft den Boden des Griffstücks auf Oberschenkel klopfen • Magazin mit der Handfläche fangen. Einlegen der Batterien • 8 AA-Mignonzellen einlegen, V-Form beachten • Batteriemagazin einführen mit Kontakten nach oben und Führungsschiene nach hinten • Batteriefachdeckel einlegen • Batterieladestand prüfen -- Entsichern • Wieder Sichern • Kartusche einsetzen Zugelassene NiMH-Akkus • Erfolg und Aufhaltewirkung hängen entscheidend von der Qualität der Batterien ab, da sie auf ihrem höchsten Leistungsniveau genutzt werden. TASER® NiMH-Akku 1500 mAh, 1.2 Volt NiMH Speziell für ADVANCED TASER entwickelt Energizer® ACCU Rechargeable™ 1200 mAh up to 1800 mAh 1.2 Volt NiMH Zugelassene alkalische AA-Mignonzellen 1. Duracell® Ultra 1.5 Volt AA Nicht die einfachen „Kupferkopf“ Duracell verwenden. Ultras haben ein blaues Band. 2: Energizer® E2 ™ Titanium 1.5 Volt AA Akkus gegen Duracell Man hört den Unterschied Ausbilder aktiviert TASER® NiMH Akkus. Man beachte 15-20 Impulse pro Sekunde Ausbilder aktiviert Duracell® Ultra Batterien. Man beachte 12-15 Impulse pro Sekunde bei frischem Satz Auswahl der Batterien • Wenn NiMH-Akkus verwendet werden, die nicht vom Hersteller zugelassen wurden, können Probleme entstehen. Bei einigen NiMH-Akkus liegt das positive Ende nicht völlig frei (siehe roter Pfeil) • Die Federn des Batteriemagazins könnten keinen vollständigen Kontakt bekommen, was zu Fehlfunktionen führt. Die Erschütterung des Abschusses kann für einen Sekundenbruchteil der +/- Kontakt abreißen, so daß die Impulsabgabe sofort unterbrochen wird. • Die Mittlere und Rechte werden funktionieren, da die positiven Enden ganz frei liegen. • Die Kunststoff- oder Pappummantelung zu entfernen kann die Batterie UND das Gerät beschädigen. Auswahl der Batterien • NiMH-Akkus erbringen die größte Leistung und eignen sich auch für Minustemperaturen. Sie müssen oft aufgeladen werden (Alle 2 Wochen). Die Batterieladestandsanzeige funktioniert nicht mit NiMH-Akkus. Entladene Batterien haben ein Versagen des Gerätes zur Folge. • Alkalische Batterien sind wesentlich haltbarer. Allerdings ist die Auswahl der Batterien SEHR wichtig. Es wird nur eine Batterie zur optimalen Wirkung des Gerätes empfohlen:die DURACELL® ULTRA. (Auch hier ist dringend auf das Verfalldatum zu achten.) NiMH-Akkus: lange gleiche Leistung oer Out t G) o E #I of Uses NiMH-Akkus: bessere Leistung bei niedrigen Temperaturen Po e Output By e erat re Range o a. aOF mper lure ·30 F Kartusche laden • Sicherheit geht vor!! • Behandeln als geladene Schußwaffe • Hauptaugenmerk: – Immer sichern (Sicherung nach unten) – Finger weg von Mündungsdeckel – Waffe in sichere Richtung halten – Finger vom Abzug Kartusche laden • TASER sichern • Verschossene Kartusche entnehmen und wegwerfen – Verschossene Pfeile in sicherem Bereich plazieren • • • • • Ersatzkartusche aus Kartuschenhalter nehmen Waffe in sichere Richtung halten Finger vom Abzug Neue Kartusche einstecken Kartusche kann nicht falsch eingesteckt werden Rechtliche Aspekte und Vorschriften Rechtliche Aspekte • TASER International Inc. wurde nie auf Produkthaftung verklagt (Stand 19.05.2002) • Der TASER allein war bisher für keinen Todesfall verantwortlich • Andere Faktoren, die zum Tod führen können: – Drogenüberdosen – Schußverletzungen – Brennbare Stoffe (z. B. Benzin) – Sturz aus größeren Höhen Schußwaffe Würgetechniken Stop Sticks Diensthund Wuchtgeschosse Schlagstock geschlossene Faust Reizstoffsprühgerät TASER offene Hände Verbal Anwesenheit Eskalationsreihenfolge der Einsatzmittel (Beispiel) Analyse von Einsatzberichten: Umstände des Einsatzes • Gewalttätig • Widerstand gg. Festnahme • Suizidal • Verbarrikadiert • Störung der öffentlichen Ordnung • Zustellung Strafbefehl • Angriff auf Beamte 32,28% 29,36% 16,23% 6,02% 11,61% 5,65% 4,44% Die Auswertung enthält in der Summe mehr als 100%, da einige Situationen mehrere Kriterien erfüllten. Fall 1: Potentieller Einsatz • • • • • • Chandler PD, AZ Sept. ‘98 115 kg, männl. Erregt, außer Kontrolle, unbewaffnet Behauptet, HIV + zu sein Kleiner, beengter Raum, Ergebnis: „Schwarm-Taktik“ – ein Beamter gebissen, Täter Kiefer gebrochen • ANMERKUNG: Der Einsatz eines TASER hätte die Verletzungen und das Infektionsrisiko sowohl der Beamten als auch des Täters in einem solchen Szenario auf engem Raum wesentlich reduzieren können. Fall 2: suizidales Mädchen • • • • 13-jähriges Mädchen Im Badezimmer eingeschlossen 2 Fleischermesser Attackiert die Beamten mit hocherhobenen Messern • ADVANCED TASER eingesetzt, sofortige Angriffsunfähigkeit, niemand verletzt • “Alle Beamten vor Ort sind sich einig, daß das Mädchen ohne den ADVANCED TASER heute tot wäre.” Fall 3: Einsatz im Strafvollzug • Mecklenburg County Sheriff, NC Aug. ‘98 • 60 Beamte verletzt durch Strafgefangene im vergangenen Jahr • Das neue Gefängnis wurde durch Aufstände erheblich beschädigt • AIR TASER wurde erfolgreich in 6 Zellenräumungen eingesetzt • “Jetzt haben wir das friedlichste Gefängnis in North Carolina” Fall 4: Zellenräumung (Klick auf den Bildschirm startet Video) Taktik Dauer der Anwendungen im Einsatz 1 Sekunde 9 2 Sekunden 20 3 Sekunden 31 4 Sekunden 18 5 Sekunden 443 Mehr als 1 Zyklus 279 Beinhaltet nur tatsächliche Einsätze des ADVANCED TASER basierend auf 800 Einsatzberichten. Yuma PD Video, Klick auf Bildschirm Zielen mit dem ADVANCED TASER • Zielen wie mit der Dienstpistole • Nutzung der Visierung oder des Lasers • Beachtung der üblichen Sicherheitsregeln für Schußwaffen Verhältnis der Distanz zum Pfeilabstand Faustregel: durch den Abwärtswinkel des unteren Pfeils von 8 Grad erhöht sich der Pfeilabstand um je ca. 15cm pro Meter Abstand zum Ziel. Distance Distanz zum Ziel : Abstand der Pfeile: 0.5m 10cm 1.5m 23cm 2m 33cm 3m 45cm 4.5m 66cm 6.5m 90cm Richtiges Schießen • Idealer Schuß = 3 bis 5,5 Meter Distanz • Mindestschußweite = 1 Meter (Sicherheit des Schützen/Pfeilspreizung) • Zielen wie mit der Dienstpistole = Mitte Brustkorb oder Beine • Senkrecht halten – kein Verkanten im „Antonio Banderras-Stil“, es sei denn, das Ziel liegt • Wenn möglich bewegen und auf den Rücken des Täters schießen • Kleidung liegt enger an • Überraschungsfaktor • Stärkere Muskeln – noch sicherere Kontrolle • Gesicht, Kehle oder Genitalien können nicht getroffen werden • Einsatz aus der Deckung und mit Sicherung durch Schußwaffe Einsatzergebnisse 1.645 registrierte reale Anwendungen des ADVANCED TASER • Erfolgsquote • Entfernungen – 0,3-2 Meter – 2-5 Meter – 5-7 Meter 94,6% 487 477 29 49,0% 48,0% 2,9% In 377 Fällen wurde die Distanz nicht angegeben. Taktische Aspekte • Hauptsächliche Schwierigkeit : Lose fallende oder sehr dicke Kleidung – Dorthin zielen, wo die Kleidung dichter anliegt – Kleidung liegt meist am Rücken enger an – T-Welle kann EINIGE ballistische Schutzwesten durchdringen, aber nicht alle. – Maximale Durchdringung von Kleidung ist 6cm oder 3cm pro Pfeil • Eindringen der Pfeile in die Haut ist nicht erforderlich, weil die elektrischen T-Wellen zum Körper überspringen. Einsatz beim Toronto SWATTeam (Klick auf den Bildschirm startet Video) Durchdringen von Kleidung Taktische Aspekte • Gebrauch des gesunden Menschenverstands • Geeignet für Einsatz in geschlossenen Räumen / räumlicher Enge • Einsatz zur Abwendung gewalttätiger Konfrontationen • Die Kabel sind leicht isolierte Drähte, die leicht reißen können, wenn man darauf tritt oder wenn ein laufendes Ziel getroffen und dabei der Abstand der Kabellänge überschritten wird. („Den Hund an der Leine führen“). Taktische Aspekte • DER VOLLE 5-SEKUNDEN-ZYKLUS SOLLTE IMMER OHNE VORZEITIGE UNTERBRECHUNG AUSGENUTZT WERDEN (ES SEI DENN DIE ÄUSSEREN UMSTÄNDE ERFORDERN ES) • JEDER 5-SEKUNDEN ZYKLUS BIETET EIN “ZEITFENSTER” FÜR DAS ZIGRIFFSTEAM, UM DEN ANGREIFER ZU KONTROLLIEREN UND ZU FIXIEREN • WEITERE AUSLÖSUNGEN SIND MÖGLICH, SOLANGE DIE KABELVERBINDUNG BESTEHEN BLEIBT. DAMIT KANN DER ANGREIFER AM BODEN GEHALTEN WERDEN, BIS HILFE EINTRIFFT. Zeitfenster • Kann das Zugriffsteam diesen Täter festnehmen? • Würden die Beamten betroffen? Ist der Impuls leise? (Klick auf den Bildschirm startet Video) Taktik: Zwei 5-Sekunden Zyklen (Klick auf den Bildschirm startet Video) Taktische Aspekte • Nichts ist wirklich 100% effektiv • Zugriff innerhalb des 5-Sekunden Zeitfensters • Der Anwender sollte generell darauf vorbereitet sein, bei Versagen eines Einsatzmittels auf einen anderen Plan zurückzugreifen. • Der Anwender sollte wann immer möglich Deckung und Abstand zum Angreifer nutzen, um seine eigene Sicherheit zu gewährleisten • Ein physisches Festnehmen des Angreifers sollte nur dann erfolgen, wenn der Anwender nicht allein ist. Ansonsten warten bis Hilfe eintrifft oder Nachladen und Rückzug unter Androhung des erneuten Einsatzes. Taktische Aspekte • Umgebung und Hintergrund des Täters beachten • Vor dem Einsatz “TASER! TASER!” oder Ähnliches rufen, ein reflexartiges „Mitschießen“ anderer mit der Schußwaffe zu verhindern. • Wenn es sinnvoll erscheint, kann vor dem Einsatz mit dem Lichtbogen gedroht und so ein Aufgeben des Täters bewirkt werden. • Wenn es sinnvoll erscheint sollten verbale Kommandos erteilt werden. • Der Einsatzbefehl sollte nicht „Feuer“ oder „Schieß“ lauten (“Einsatz!”, „Taser!“ etc.) • Anwendung eines weiteren 5-Sekunden-Zyklus, wenn der Täter sich widersetzt • Auf Änderung im Verhalten des Täters achten Taktische Aspekte • Im Einsatz sollte eine 2. Kartusche stets griffbereit oder ein 2. ADVANCED TASER verfügbar sein. • Taschen der Kleidung können für das vorübergehende Bereithalten genutzt werden. • Wenn der erste Schuß versagt oder nicht trifft: – Zum Nachladen Deckung nutzen oder auf andere Taktik zurückgreifen. – Wenn der Täter angreift ausweichen und den ADVANCED TASER aggressiv als Kontaktgerät einsetzen. • Wenn die Kartusche versagt, sofort mit einer frischen Kartusche nachladen und erneut schießen. Nicht erneut versuchen, diese Kartusche zu verschießen!! – Sofort Taser Intl. informieren und Kartusche einschicken Was kann schiefgehen? • • • • • • • • Kleidung dicker als 6cm Schwache Batterien Trefferbereich mit wenig Nerven/Muskelmasse Nur ein Pfeil trifft Defekte Kartusche / Versagen des Geräts Bedienfehler Fehlschuß Reaktion des Täters / Erwartung des Schützen – Täter bleibt unbeweglich stehen: erscheint nicht beeinträchtigt • • • • Kabel reißen Batterien falsch eingelegt oder entladen Zielwinkel – Position des Täters Treffer auf Reißverschluß, Niete oder Knopf Was kann schiefgehen? • Treffer stimuliert nur wenig Muskelmasse: – Ein Treffer in einer Körperregion mit wenig Muskelmasse oder Nervenbahnen kann den Täter eventuell nicht umwerfen. Der Täter kann aber dadurch trotzdem bewegungsunfähig gemacht werden. – Ein Treffer aus kurzer Entfernung mit nur geringem Abstand der Pfeile könnte nicht genug Muskelmasse betreffen um den Täter umzuwerfen, wenn dieser stark zielorientiert, geistig verwirrt oder unter Drogeneinfluß ist. – Wenn der Täter stehen bleibt, wird ein Schuß mit einem 2. ADVANCED TASER auf einen anderen Körperbereich empfohlen, während der ursprüngliche Impuls fortgesetzt wird. Bereiche mit eingeschränkter Wirkung Unvorhersehbares Auf Verhaltensänderung achten ((Klick auf den Bildschirm startet Video) MURPHYs Gesetz Fall der kanadischen Polizei – 1. Schuß trifft Kapuzenband • Schwingt weg vom Körper • Unterbrochener Effekt – 2. Schuß trifft Brieftasche • 8 Lagen Plastik • 2 x 5-Sekunden-Zyklen abgegeben • Täter erstarrt, die Beamten nehmen an, daß keine Wirkung. Täter gibt auf, um dritte Entladung zu vermeiden und sagt aus, daß er während der ersten beiden Zyklen bewegungsunfähig war. – Erfahrung/Lehre: • Erwarte das Unerwartete • Alternative Ziele müssen erwogen werden, wenn das Durchdringen der Kleidung bei einem Treffer in der Körpermitte mißlingt oder fraglich erscheint – z.B. Beinschuß o.ä. • Es ist nicht sicher daß keine Wirkung da ist, nur weil der Beschossene nicht sofort zu Boden geht. Impulse fortsetzen und dabei Anweisungen erteilen, „Legen Sie sich auf den Boden!“ o.ä. Die Entscheidung zum Einsatz • NUR EINSETZEN, UM EINE BEDROHUNG ZU BEENDEN • NIEMALS FÜR KÖRPERLICHEN ZWANG VERWENDEN • Vor dem Einsatz warnen, wenn es sinnvoll erscheint • Versuche, den Täter mit geringeren Mitteln zu überwältigen, waren erfolglos – Oder werden in der Situation wahrscheinlich erfolglos sein Wirkung des ADVANCED TASER • • • • • • • • Täter kann sofort zu Boden fallen Er könnte rufen oder schreien Wird unwillkürliche Muskelkontraktionen haben Täter kann unbeweglich mit „verriegelten“ Beinen stehen bleiben Täter könnte für einige Sekunden bis Minuten benommen sein Er könnte sich schwindelig fühlen Er könnte kurzzeitigen Gedächtnisverlust erleben Evtl. erinnert er sich nicht an Schmerz Reaktion des Getroffenen (unspektakuläre Wirkung) (Click on image above to start video) Reaktion des Getroffenen (vollständige Verriegelung) (Klick auf den Bildschirm startet Video) Reaktion der Getroffenen (Beide von je 1 Pfeil getroffen) (Klick auf den Bildschirm startet Video) Was TASER eventuell tun • Kann leichte Hautirritationen ähnlich Sonnenbrand bis zu kleinen Blasen verursachen • Wenn direkter Kontakt mit einem Herzschrittmacher besteht, kann dieser vorübergehend beeinflußt werden, ohne daß dabei ein gesundheitliches Risiko entsteht. • Kann Augen verletzen, wenn zu hoch gezielt wird • Verursacht Muskelkontraktionen • Kann zu Verletzungen durch den Sturz führen (ggfs. problematisch bei hochschwangeren Frauen) Was TASER eventuell tun • Könnte Benzin oder andere leichtentflammbare Stoffe entzünden Was TASER nicht tun • Schädigt nicht das Nervengewebe • Verursacht keine ernsthaften Verbrennungen • Es ist kein Fall bekannt, in dem ein ADVANCED TASER einen Todesfall verursacht hat • Elektroimpuls nicht gefährlich für Kinder im Mutterleib (aber der Sturz könnte schaden) • Läßt nicht die Schließmuskeln versagen • Kann in feuchtem Medium eingesetzt werden ohne die Gefahr einer tödlichen Verstärkung der Elektroimpulse (Der ADVANCED TASER ist spritzwassergeschützt -- nicht wasserdicht) Was nach dem Schuß zu tun ist • Das Zugriffsteam kann den Täter anfassen während der ADVANCED TASER aktiviert ist. - Nicht Pfeile, Kabel oder den Bereich zwischen den Pfeilen berühren - Nicht auf Kabel treten • Anwender sollte auf 2. und 3. Zyklus vorbereitet sein • Schnellstmöglicher Zugriff, sobald der Täter angriffsunfähig ist • Entstandene Verletzungen fotografisch dokumentieren • Verwendete Munition einsammeln und archivieren Beispiel für Vorschrift zum weiteren Umgang • Pfeile entfernen oder Kabel nahe der Pfeile abreißen • Wenn erforderlich dem medizinischen Personal die Einschußstellen zeigen • Nur Ärzte dürfen Pfeile aus sensiblem Gewebe wie Hals, Kehle, Gesicht, weiblicher Brust oder Genitalbereich entfernen • Entfernung aus anderen Bereichen unterliegt der Entscheidung des Einsatzleiters und der Zustimmung des Getroffenen. Umgang mit gebrauchten Kartuschen • Pfeile, die die Haut erreicht haben, sind als infektiöse Nadeln anzusehen und zu behandeln (Handschuhe!) • Die Pfeile können aus der Haut entfernt werden, indem man sie fest greift und ruckartig gerade herauszieht. Desinfektion des Einstichs mit Jod oder Alkohol. • Pfeile vorsichtig mit der Spitze zuerst in die Kartusche zurückschieben, dort mit Klebestreifen sichern und so aufbewahren, daß niemand versehentlich die Pfeile berühren kann. Einzeltreffer / Entfernen der Pfeile (Klick auf den Bildschirm startet Video) Wirkung auf Tiere • Tiere: der ADVANCED TASER ist bezüglich seiner Wirksamkeit beim Einsatz auf Tiere noch nicht vollständig erprobt. Er ist aber auf jeden Fall eine Option im Umgang mit aggressiven Tieren, und Realeinsätze gegen Tiere waren bisher sehr erfolgreich. • Zu Beachten: die bisher getroffenen Tiere wurden bewegungsunfähig, aber erholten sich nach Beendigung des Impulses schlagartig. Die große Mehrzahl der Tiere flohen sofort vom Einsatzort und zerrissen die Kabel. • Wenn der ADVANCED TASER auf Hunde angewendet wird, sollten diese während der Impuls einwirkt mit einer Fangzange oder anderen Fixierungen festgelegt werden. Tiere Pitbull mit ADVANCED TASER beschossen. Ein Beamter legte während des 5-Sekunden Zyklus eine Fangschlinge an. “Tritte, Schlagstock und Pfefferspray waren erfolglos. Pitbull biß einem Polizeihund in die Kehle. ADVANCED TASER wurde eingesetzt, um das Leben des Diensthundes zu retten.” ADVANCED TASER Stärken • Effektive Trefferflächen • • • Sprays ADVANCED TASER Schußwaffen • Im Gegensatz zu Reizstoffsprühgeräten kann ein Treffer an einer beliebigen Körperstelle effektiv sein, aber nicht auf Kopf oder Kehle zielen Einfache Handhabung & kaum Wartungsaufwand Kann bis zu 6cm Kleidung durchdringen, inkl. Leder & EINIGE Schutzwesten (Unterschiedliche Ergebnisse mit Westen) Große Abschreckung durch Lichtbogen und Laser Wirkt gegen Täter unter dem Einfluß von Drogen oder Alkohol Dataport, Zubehör und Wartung Maßnahmen zur rechtlichen Absicherung STUNGUNS: A LOOK 1!4. T E M26 Pollooarol.!incl the ootJ1ntry are ~j)r,Qr1l'1g to subdll ng,ous suujects. Itrtern(l,t orlial's latest Sl.Ul1lgun title M26. IS one suoh 'iH)apon. Ear.h M20; oosl.S $400.. PRDBIES illon-le1!tlalaltern(li~ives lwo 1:J~lIb~c1llmI)es fim from tfit~ Ml26 up to 21 fe~u,O 'del i"{:I 1!he- chal*, I .1'41 'I' :Itu .. ·It ••1 ~.1.1 .. ...duD _ , ••1 '.11-' 11 IJ"W•• !,I1U .1 The 'I$i;lrge ci;ll'll:Je IhJoug)l l~ inche$ of clothing. (lali~ DA1A~ p.oR.T A1llo'll$ 81 i!;omp -,~r t{lacce~:s ~e • AFID Identifikationssystem – 20-40 Plättchen werden von jeder Kartusche mit verschossen – Ermöglicht Rekonstruktion, welcher Beamte wo geschossen hat (li:schar* historyo-f ~~ weapon. Me my i!;81n holl1 ~eli~ an(l'da,te of mom ~an Sas. (li:scha r$S. BAnERIES Operaleson 8M baUelJes In ltJ.e 'iH)apoil's grip. SCM.II;:CI;.S: t"""lf .m~nrllliiorn;;;; [litll"'l Putlit Silreti Sull'lit1; /Ja~'.!ls ,~tIl.l<J8 lieW'S ~ I ta$e,. sighfing TAGS Jlny r:dernUf1oa'~JOii'l rogs alreeleased 'Ii en Ute 'o'ea POfl fs flre-d. EaGil'ltag s rnalked wllth ' l.I1.e senlal number of tm.e ,caFU1dge l.I1al~reclfQr greale a'tco llnrob Jlty.. LAYNE - Mr V SIMi' Gr:l:JJlOC Dataport • Dataport – Speichert Zeit und Datum jeder Aktivierung (die letzten 585) – Schützt Beamte vor unbegründeten Anschuldigungen – Beamte können für Mißbrauch verantwortlich gemacht werden – Stets durch Gummistöpsel schützen – Erlaubt Fernauslösung (Roboter) Dataport • • • • Hardware und Software sind Sonderzubehör Windows® 95, 98, 2000 & NT kompatibel Stromquelle ist eine separate Batterie Speichert jeweils Uhrzeit und Datum der letzten 585 Betätigungen des Abzugs– nicht die Dauer der Aktivierung – Bei vollem Speicher werden die ältesten Daten gelöscht durch die neuesten die gespeichert werden • Grundeinstellung ist Greenwich Standardzeit, bis Ortszeit programmiert wird Dataport Download Kabel PC Interface Kabel DAC Converter M26 Interface Kabel Dataport Benutzeroberfläche I I I I I ADVAN CE D TAS ER Serial Interface First a valid Communications port needs to be selected xxx xxx A Valid Passord must be entered to interact with a Device Communications port [CO M1] initialized Your password has been verified This operation will take about 45 seconds to complete Data Format: MM/DDIYY HH:MM:SS Day Line 001) 06/12/01 20:23:38, Tuesday Line 002) 06/12/01 20:24:54, Tuesday Line 003) 06/12/01 20: 25: 09, Tuesday Line 004) 06/12/01 20: 25: 29, Tuesday Line 005) 06/12/01 20: 25: 37, Tuesday Line 006) 06/12/01 20: 25: 51, Tuesday Line 007) 06/12/01 20: 26: 06, Tuesday Line 008) 06/12/01 20: 26: 13, Tuesday Line 009) 06/12/01 20: 26: 26, Tuesday Line 01 0) 06/12/01 20: 51 :59, Tuesday Line 011) 06/12/01 20: 52: 14, Tuesday Line 012) 06/12/01 20: 52: 20, Tuesday Line 013) 06/12/01 20: 52: 27, Tuesday Line 014) 06/12/01 20:52:35, Tuesday Line 015) 06/12/01 20: 52:41 Tuesday Line 016) 06/12/01 20:52:50, Tuesday Line 017) 06/12/01 20: 53: 01, Tuesday xxx Enter Password Clear Screen HELP . c.-".-,,·· xxx Batterieladegerät Gelbes Licht = Stromversorgung Rotes Licht = Ladevorgang Grünes Licht = Laden beendet Batterieladegerät Batterien können direkt im Handgerät oder in der Ladestation geladen werden. Wird beides genutzt, erfolgt das Laden nacheinander, nicht gleichzeitig. Direktes Laden des ADVANCED TASER Ladestation Batterieladegerät • Das intelligente Ladegerät lädt nur soviel, wie der tatsächliche Ladezustand der Akkus vorgibt • Das Ladegerät erhält durch Abgabe geringer Ströme nach dem Aufleuchten des grünen Lichtes nur noch den Ladezustand, um ein Überladen zu verhindern – Fertiggeladene Batterien entfernen • Die Akkus im ADVANCED TASER laden zuerst, danach die in der Ladestation • NiMH-Akkus alle 2 Wochen laden • Pfropfen wieder in die Ladebuchse des M18 stecken, wenn Ladevorgang beendet ist Wartung/Pflege • Fallenlassen vermeiden - sensibles, teures, elektronisches Gerät (wie Handy behandeln) • Batterien regelmäßig überprüfen • Verfalldatum der Kartuschen regelmäßig überprüfen • Der Gummipfropfen muß in der Ladebuchse stecken, wenn diese nicht gerade genutzt wird • Nur vom Hersteller zugelassene Akkus oder Batterien verwenden • Sicher aufbewahren, wenn ungenutzt • Nur im geeigneten Holster führen • Nicht ohne Holster in Taschen der Bekleidung tragen Reinigung/Pflege • Der Kartuschenschacht sollte ab und zu mit einem trockenen Tuch ausgewischt werden, da das Verschießen vieler Kartuschen geringfügige Rückstände hinterläßt (vor allem nach umfangreichen Ausbildungsveranstaltungen). Sonstiges • TASER-Zielscheiben nutzen sich nach mehreren Schüssen schnell ab – Man sieht, daß die weißen Linien nach jeder Aktivierung breiter werden • Um die Lebensdauer der Scheiben zu verlängern nicht immer auf die Ringe im Zentrum zielen. Funktionsfähig Keine Lichtblitze mehr (Klick auf die Bilder startet Videos) Zusammenfassung • Reduziert Verletzungen bei Beamten UND Tätern • Am effektivsten bei Ausstattung der Streifenbeamten • “Saubere” Lösung (auf beengtem Raum) • Keine Auswirkung auf Unbeteiligte • Elektrischer Strom + Laser = Abschreckung • Reduziert rechtliche Risiken • Niedrige Kosten je Einsatz Gibt es Fragen? Abschlußbesprechung & Test Weitere Informationen: International: Deutschland: Exklusivvertretung für Deutschland Lars Lipke Waffenhandel Röntgenstr. 9, 42489 Wülfrath Tel.: 49-(0)2058-910302 Fax.: 49-(0)2058-910301 DVD INSTRUCTIONS The TASER International Version 14.0 Training DVD can be run on a PC with a DVD-ROM. 1. The DVD contains: • Power Point Presentations of : a. The M/X 26 instructor course b. The M26 user course c. The X26 user course d. Combination M26/X26 user course e. One command demo f. Corrections course g. Gulla’s Angled Drive stun h. Scenario Worksheet guide • A Video Library • Training Documents • Support Materials NOTE: Your PC must have a DVD-ROM to read and interact with the disc. If your PC only has a CD-ROM, it will not be able to read the disc. 2. Running Version 14 materials on a PC • Insert the Version 14 disc into your PC’s DVD-ROM drive • If your Auto-play is activated on your PC a “pop-up” window will ask you what action you would like to take. Select “Open folder to view files” to view all contents of the Version 14 disc. • If auto-play is not activated, go to “My computer” and double click the DVD-ROM icon to view the Version 14 disc contents. The training PowerPoint’s are located in the “V-14 Presentations and materials” folder. Here you can select the PowerPoint you need. 3. Downloading training materials to a PC (This is highly recommended as the PowerPoint’s run smoother) • Insert Version 14 disc into your PC’s DVD-ROM drive. • If auto-play is activated on your PC a pop-up window will ask what action you would like to take. Select “Open folder to view files” to view all contents of the Version 14 disc. • If auto-play is not activated, go to “My Computer” and double click on the DVDROM icon to view the Version 14 disc contents. • Using your mouse right click and hold the “V-14 Data Files” and drag and drop the folder onto the desktop or a destination of your choice on your PC. This will copy the entire contents onto your hard drive. The PowerPoint’s are located in the “V-14 Presentations and Materials” folder. From there you can select the PowerPoint you need. NOTE: If copying the DVD training programs to a hard drive, you must copy the entire training folder. If the entire folder is not moved, the PowerPoint presentations will be unable to “link” to the video clips in the PowerPoint. 4. Instructor Course: This is the course used by Master Instructors to train instructors as part of the 16-hour instructor course. 5. User Courses: User courses are provided for both the M26 and the X26 as separate courses and a combined course. They are to be used by TASER International certified instructors to train end users. Instructors are encouraged to add department policies and tactics as part of the course material. 6. Command Demos: The single demo provides assistance for instructors in conducting command demos. 7. Corrections Course: This folder contains a PowerPoint presentation which addresses the specific areas of Corrections and is to be used as an addition to the Instructors and user courses. The folder also contains Corrections videos. 8. Gulla’s Angled Drive Stun: This PowerPoint shows how the drive stun may be more effective if used on an “angle” to create NMI in a 3 point deployment. 9. Scenario Worksheet Guide: This presentation gives instructors guidance for setting up and running Live Simulation scenarios. 10. Video Library: The associated video clips will play automatically when the instructor “clicks” the mouse on the appropriate PowerPoint slide. In addition, you can play a specific video clip at any time by clicking on the video icon in this folder. 11. Training Documents: This folder contains documents used in the instructor certification course, including tests, answer keys, user and instructor applications, pre-deployment checklists, checklists to be used before and after training courses, certificates, and forms that must be completed and returned after each instructor’s course. 12. Supplemental Materials: This folder contains multiple sub-folders with additional information that may be valuable to instructors, users, and their departments. Instructors should refer to these documents, as there are multitude of resources for training, ineffective use analysis, in custody death information, model policies from PERF and the IACP, and much more. INSTRUCTOR PREPARATION CHECKLIST Always check the Law Enforcement/Training link at within 72 hours before your class to ensure you are using the proper lesson plan and to review all Training Bulletins. Also, every Master Instructor is required to get in touch with the contact person from the hosting agency at least one week prior to the training to confirm all details regarding the class and facilities. Essential Equipment Required For Training: • • • • • • Classroom suitable for size of class Proper mats Power strip & extension Computer with DVD/ROM or a DVD player. Speakers PowerPoint compatible computer with PowerPoint 2003 minimum software Ensure the computer can successfully play the PowerPoint AND that the videos PLAY onscreen via the projector prior to the course. Media Player 10.0 is required to play the videos. Suggest making Media Player the default media player If you don't have Media Player, you can download this for free at: Internet Explorer 6.1 or greater • • • • • • Projector White board to project upon and for writing or drawing if necessary First aid kit with multiple bandages, rubber gloves and alcohol wipes Corkboard or suitable backdrop for firing stations TASER equipment TASER devices TASER Cartridges Targets Safety glasses Lesson Plans TASER Simulation Suit Latest version of the training DVD Preprint the appropriate Answer Key for the test to be used during the class. Suggest having students grade each other's tests to expedite the grading. © 2007 TASER International, Inc. TASER®, Shaped Pulse™ and the Globe & Lightning Bolt Logo are trademarks of TASER International, Inc. INEFFECTIVE DEPLOYMENT QUESTIONS • • • • • • • • • Obtain as much info as possible from the actual operators regarding the incident Immediately contact TASER Int’l for guidance and assistance: Andrew Hinz or Matt Grimm at 800-978-2737 x 2048 or 6338 or or Circumstances regarding arrest Distance fired, probe spread, location and duration of cycles TASER ECD effects (any change in behavior?) Subject’s influence (drugs, alcohol, EDP) Any other use of force used? Hospital or medic exam information (if conducted) Take time to analyze the situation and the potential causes of ineffective deployment prior to drawing any conclusions MEDIA INFO: • • • Prepare media statement and provide media with as much info about TASER non-lethal weapons if possible Provide media the following contact info: Steve Tuttle, TASER International’s Vice President of Communications at 800-978-2737 x 2006 & Should an ineffective use occur, the following should be answered: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • What was the subject behavior and demeanor prior to use of force? Did the operator hear the TASER deploy? Was it loud or quiet? Distance from TASER operator to subject? Location of probes on the body? Did the probes penetrate skin? What type of clothing was on the subject? Distance between probes? Did the TASER ECD change the subject's behavior? How? Was the subject incapacitated? What was the subject's reaction after the TASER cycle? Were attempts made to apprehend subject during TASER cycle? If not, why? Were other control techniques used such as hands on, pepper, baton, K-9, etc? If yes, what was the subject's reaction to these techniques? Were any additional cycles applied (how many?) to the same Air Cartridge probes or were additional cartridge(s) fired? Was there an Air Cartridge loaded in the secondary cartridge carrier? Was a separate TASER ECD deployed? Did the subject pull the probes out? If yes, after the cycle? If no, did the subject break the wires or were the stepped on or tangled up on the subject? Was the Air Cartridge taken as evidence? What was the pulse rate of the M26 or X26 (strong and fast, slow and dying?) Was the TASER cycle loud during the cycle? What type of batteries were used? (NiMH or alkaline if M26) Was a dataport download conducted and saved? Was a drive stun application attempted? If yes, what area of the body was this applied? © 2010 TASER International, Inc. TASER®, Shaped Pulse™ and the Globe & Lightning Bolt Logo are trademarks of TASER International, Inc. SUPERVISORY TASER USE REPORT Date/Time: _________________ TASER Officer’s Name: _______________________________ E-mail: ____________________________ Department: ________________________________ Dept Address: __________________________________________ Phone: ________________ On Scene Supervisor: ___________________Officer(s) Involved: _________________________ ® TASER Model (check one): ___ TASER X26 ___ ADVANCED TASER M26 If an ADVANCED TASER M26 Was Used, What Battery Type: ___ Alkaline ___ NiMH Rechargeable TASER Cartridge Type(s): ___ 21-ft Standard ___ 21-ft XP ___ 25-ft Standard ___ 25-ft XP ___ 35-ft XP ___ 15-ft TASER Serial #: _____________ Medical Facility: _____________ Doctor: ________________ Nature of the Call or Incident: _______________ Charges: __________________ Booked: Y / N Type of Subject: ___ Human ___ Animal Location of Incident: ( ) Indoor ( ) Outdoor ( ) Jail ( ) Hospital Type of Force Used (Check all that apply): ( )Physical ( )Baton ( )Impact Munition ( )Chemical ( ) Firearm Nature of the Injuries and Medical Treatment Required: _________________________________ Admitted to Hospital for Injuries: Y / N Medical Exam: Y / N Admitted to Hospital for Psychiatric: Y / N Suspect Under the influence: Alcohol / Drugs (specify): ______________ Was an officer/law enforcement employee injured other than by TASER? Y / N Incident Type (circle appropriate response(s) below): Civil Disturbance Suicidal Suicide by Cop Violent Suspect Barricaded Warrant Other Age: _______ Sex: _______ Height: _______ Race: _______ Weight: _______ Was a TASER CAM in use? Y / N TASER use (circle one): Success / Failure Suspect wearing heaving or loose clothes: Y / N Number of cartridges fired: _________ Number of cycles applied: ___________ Usage (check one): ( ) Arc Display Only ( ) Laser Display Only ( ) TASER Application TASER: Is this a dart probe contact: Y / N Is this a drive stun contact: Y / N Approximate target distance at the time of the dart launch: _____________ feet Distance between the two probes: ___________ inches Need for an additional shot? Y / N Did dart contacts penetrate the subject’s skin? Y / N Probes removed on scene: Y / N Did TASER application cause injury: Y / N If yes, was the subject treated for the injury: Y / N DESCRIPTION OF INJURY: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ APPLICATION AREAS (Place “X’s” where probes hit suspect AND “O’s” where stunned) SYNOPSIS: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Need for additional applications? Y / N Did the device respond satisfactorily? Y / N If the TASER deployment was unsuccessful was a DRIVE STUN followup used? Y / N Describe the subject’s demeanor after the device was used or displayed? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Chemical Spray: Y / N Baton or Blunt Instrument: Y / N Authorized control holds: Y / N If yes, what types: ____________________________________ Describe other means attempted to control the subject: ____________________________________ Photographs Taken: Y / N _________________________________ Report Completed by: _________________________________ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. Save this file to your hard drive and for your department archives. Submit this report to the national TASER technology incident database. Results of uses are reviewed by TASER Int'l to adjust training issues and concerns as well. Email this copy to If you cannot email, please fax a copy of this report to: (480) 991-0791 Attn: Andrew Hinz (Ph: 800-978-2737 ext. 2048). ADVANCED TASER® Pre-Deployment Checklist ____ Develop Department Deployment Policy An example policy is included on the TASER International CD-ROM. While this policy may be used to form the basis of your department policy, department management should ratify and modify the policy for your department's specific requirements. ____ Develop Use of Force Guidelines An example policy is included on the TASER International CD-ROM. While this policy may be used to form the basis of your department policy, department management should ratify and modify the policy for your department's specific requirements. ____ Develop Supervisory ADVANCED TASER Use Report An example report is included on the TASER International CD-ROM. While this report may be used to form the basis of your department policy, department management should ratify and modify the policy for your department's specific requirements. ____ Brief Relevant Community Services It is recommended to notify relevant interest groups in the community prior to or concurrent with ADVANCED TASER deployment. The following community groups should be considered: • • • • Fire Battalion Chief EMTs Local Hospital Staff Media TASER International, Inc. personnel are available to assist in media relations. Media education prior to deployment will serve the department best by ensuring more accurate understanding of the ADVANCED TASER and the reasons for its deployment. Further, media education provides an opportunity to educate the public about the steps the department has undertaken to reduce liability and injuries to both officers and suspects. ____ • • • Establish File for ADVANCED TASER / ADVANCED TASER Certifications All officers must pass certification course prior to deployment of ADVANCED TASER. Signed certification test must be kept on file for all officers using the ADVANCED TASER. All certified officers should receive printed copies of the following documents at time of certification: Department Deployment Policy Use of Force Guidelines Supervisory ADVANCED TASER Use Report ____ Establish File for ADVANCED TASER Use Reports Every use of the TASER technology should be documented using the department's established report (as modeled in the training manual). If possible, part of the filing procedure should include a fax of the report to TASER International to establish a national usage database that will be submitted to the International Association of Chiefs of Police Use of Force Database. Fax to 480991-0791, attn: Law Enforcement Affairs. Please mark reports as confidential and strike names as appropriate. U:\taser\Version 9.0\Documents for 9.0\Product Info\Predeployment_Checks.DOC PROTECT L I F" E TASER® X26 / M26 Pre-Deployment Checklist ____ Develop Department Deployment Policy Example policies are available from TASER International. While these policies may be used to form the basis of your department policy, department management should ratify and modify the policy for your department's specific requirements. ____ Develop Use of Force Guidelines Example policies are available from TASER International. While these policies may be used to form the basis of your department policy, department management should ratify and modify the policy for your department's specific requirements. ____ Develop Supervisory TASER X26 / M26 Use Report An example report is included on the TASER Int'l training DVD. While this report may be used to form the basis of your department policy, department management should ratify and modify the policy for your department's specific requirements. ____ Brief Relevant Community Services It is recommended to notify relevant interest groups in the community prior to or concurrent with TASER device deployment. The following community groups should be considered: • • • Fire Battalion Chief, EMTs and Local Hospital Staff Media and agency spokesperson/PIO Civilian Police Review Board, Police Commissions, and/or City Councils/County Supervisors TASER Int'l, Inc. personnel are available to assist in media relations. Media education prior to deployment ensures more accurate understanding of the TASER technology and the reasons for its deployment. Media education provides an opportunity to educate the public about your department's steps undertaken to reduce liability and injuries to both officers and suspects. ____ • • • Establish File for TASER Certifications All officers should pass a certification course prior to deployment of TASER devices. Signed certification tests should be kept on file for all officers using the TASER devices. All certified officers should receive printed copies of the following documents at time of certification: Department Deployment Policy Use of Force Guidelines Supervisory TASER Electronic Control Device Use Report ____ Establish File for TASER X26 / M26 Use Reports All TASER device uses should be documented using the department's established report. This procedure should include online entry of the TASER Int'l use of force submission at website. If you do not have access to the Internet, please fax a copy of the report to TASER Int'l at 480-515-6363, Attn: Gov't Affairs. This data drives the changes in the next training DVD based upon lessons learned from actual use. In addition, this data is used to establish a national usage database submitted to the National Tactical Officers Assn (NTOA) Use of Force Database. Please mark reports as confidential and strike names as appropriate. © 2007 TASER International, Inc. TASER®, Shaped Pulse™ and the Globe & Lightning Bolt Logo are trademarks of TASER International, Inc. SUPERVISORY TASER International USE REPORT ® Subject’s Name_______________________________________________Date/Time_______________ Location______________________________________________________Booked: Y / N Where _____________________ Charges___________________________________________ Officer’s Name ___________________________________ Sgt. _________________________ Lt. _____________________________________________ AIR TASER Serial # ___________ Medical Facility___________________________________Doctor ______________________ OR#: ______________________________ Fire DR#: ________________________________ Date of the Incident: _________________ Time of Incident: __________________________ Location of the Incident: _______________________________________________________ Officer(s) Involved: ____________________________________________________________ Nature of the Call or Incident: __________________________________________________ Type of Force Used (Check all that apply): ( ) Physical ( ) Less-lethal ( ) Firearm Nature of the Injuries and Medical Treatment Required: ____________________________ Admitted to Hospital for Injuries: Y / N Admitted to Hospital for Psychiatric: Y / N Medical Exam: Y / N Suspect Under the influence: Drugs / Alcohol Summary of the Actions of Officer(s) Involved: ____________________________________ Was an Officer, Police Employee, Volunteer or Citizen Injured? Y / N Incident Type {Circle appropriate response(s) below}: Civil Disturbance Suicidal Violent Suspect. Barricade Warrant Service. Other. TASER INTERNATIONAL LESSON PLAN p. 1 Age: _____ Sex: _____ Height: _____ Race: _____ Build: ( ) Heavy ( ) Med. ( ) Trim Suspect wearing heaving clothes: Y / N Actual TASER application: _____ Arc Display Only _____ Display Only _____ TASER: Is this a dart probe contact: Y / N. Is this a stun gun contact: Y / N TASER® weapon used: ( ) AIR TASER 34000-series ( ) ADVANCED TASER M-series Approximate target distance at the time of the dart launch: ____________________________________________________________________________ Need for an additional shot? Y / N Did dart contacts penetrate the subject’s skin? Y / N TASER: Did the application cause injury: Y / N. If yes, was the subject treated for the injury: Y / N. DESCRIPTION OF INJURY: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ APPLICATION AREAS - Points of contact SYNOPIS: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ TASER INTERNATIONAL LESSON PLAN p. 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Need for additional applications? Y / N Did the device respond satisfactorily? Y / N Describe the subject’s demeanor after the device was used or displayed? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Was the subject under the influence of drugs or alcohol? (confirmed by) ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Describe the danger present: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Describe other means attempted to control the subject: (If not used, explain) Chemical Spray: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Baton or Blunt Instrument: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Authorized control holds: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Photographs Taken (yes) (no) If not, explain: TASER INTERNATIONAL LESSON PLAN p. 3 ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Fire Department Report # _______________________________________________ Report Completed by: _______________________________________________ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ TASER INTERNATIONAL LESSON PLAN p. 4 Training Weapon Malfunction Report TASER International maintains a specific inventory of training weapons. These weapons are exposed to extremely high levels of use including multiple continuous firings, dropping, shipping damage, etc. If you have a weapon that does not perform properly in class, please submit this form (with as much detail as possible) in the box with the returned weapons so we can ensure the weapon is not sent to another class without the necessary repairs. Master Instructor: Date: Class Location: Weapon Serial #: Type Weapon (circle one) M26 X26 Type Weapon (circle one) M26 X26 Type Weapon (circle one) M26 X26 Type Weapon (circle one) M26 X26 Type Weapon (circle one) M26 X26 Details: Date: Class Location: Weapon Serial #: Details: Date: Class Location: Weapon Serial #: Details: Date: Class Location: Weapon Serial #: Details: Date: Class Location: Weapon Serial #: Details: TR-FORM-TRWMALF-001 Rev: A July 6, 2007 Copyright© 1999–2007 TASER International, Inc. All Rights Reserved Page: 1 of 1 TASER® International Training Weapon Malfunction Report Taser International maintains a specific inventory of training weapons. These weapons are exposed to extremely high levels of use including multiple continuous firings, dropping, shipping damage, etc. If you have a weapon that does not perform properly in class, please submit this form (with as much detail as possible) in the box with the returned weapons so we can ensure the weapon is not sent to another class without the necessary repairs. MASTER INSTRUCTOR: DATE: CLASS LOCATION: WEAPON SERIAL #: TYPE WEAPON (circle one) M26 X26 X3 Details: WEAPON SERIAL #: TYPE WEAPON (circle one) M26 X26 X3 Details: WEAPON SERIAL #: TYPE WEAPON (circle one) M26 X26 X3 Details: WEAPON SERIAL #: TYPE WEAPON (circle one) M26 X26 X3 Details: WEAPON SERIAL #: TYPE WEAPON (circle one) M26 X26 X3 Details: ©Copyright 1999-2010 TASER International, Inc. All Rights Reserved TASER® Unintentional Discharge/Injury Report NOTE: This form must be completed by the Master Instructor for ANY injury to instructors, students, or observers received during the conduct of a TASER International instructor course. Contact the TASER International Training Coordinator at 1-800-978-2737 and report the incident as soon as possible, then fax this report to 480-905-2034 Attention: Training Coordinator. Master Instructor Name: Date of Incident: Class Location: Name of Injured Party: Injury Occurred During (Circle One): Classroom Voluntary Exposure Firing Drills Scenarios Type of Injury: Specific Points of Probe Impact (If Applicable): Describe in detail how the injury happened. Please be as detailed as possible and use the back of this form if necessary: What treatment, if any was provided in class, or was any outside medical attention received: How can this type of injury be prevented in the future? List witnesses to the incident on the back of this form. TR-FORM-INCID-001 Rev: A June 1, 2007 Page: 1 of 1 © 1999–2007 TASER International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Globe & Lightning Bolt logo is a trademark of TASER International, Inc. PRODUCT SPECIFICATION SHEET Model: Model #: Power output: Power input: Power supply: Aiming mechanism Mechanical: Optical: Housing Dimensions: Material: Safety levers: Material: Activation switch Material: Laser lens Material: Other features On board memory: Battery indicator: Yellow coloration kit: Air Cartridges: M26 ADVANCED TASER® 44000 50,000 Volt (est.); 26 Watts; 162mA (Irms) and 1.76 Joules per pulse energy 12 VDC: 4-6 A 8 AA Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 1.2-Volt rechargeable batteries or hi-output 1.5-Volt alkaline batteries, self-contained inside polyethylene battery tray, with reverse insertion prevention feature. Fixed front and rear “fin and blade” sights, optimized at 13 foot range. 650 Nm vawelength, daytime laser sight, optimized at 13 foot range. 6.5” x 1.4” x 5.9” (inches). Bayblend T 85 MN 901510 (PC/ABS Blend). molding process. Ambidextrous safeties Bayblend T 85 MN 901510 (PC/ABS Blend). molding process. No mold release used during No mold release used during High durability black Santoprene, shore A Optically clear polycarbonate. Fast recording EEPROM chip records 585 firings, date and time. High visibility red LED calibrated for alkaline batteries. Left and right side yellow polycarbonate decals with P.S.A. that adheres to sides of the weapon, in order to mark it as less-lethal. 21-foot and 15-foot interchangeable cartridges made of polycarbonate plastic. Uses 1800 P.S.I. compressed nitrogen. Wire is proprietary insulated copperclad steel. UNLOADED LOADED W/ AIR CARTRIDGE 6.5 7.7 5.9 6.7 4.3 5.1 1.4 7860 E. McClain Drive, Suite 2 * Scottsdale, AZ 85260 USA * 480-991-0797 * Fax 480-991-0791 * FAQ about AA Batteries and Battery Chargers ® Is battery selection really important? Yes. The ADVANCED TASER is a powerful device requiring high drain batteries. Batteries are run at their maximum capacity by the ADVANCED TASER and are critical to the success of the ® ® ® stopping power. After extensive testing, we recommend Energizer ACCU , GP , & TASER brand Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) rechargeable batteries as the single most powerful types of batteries available. Alkaline batteries are the second recommended types of battery. Duracell Ultra® and Energizer Titanium E2® are the approved alkaline batteries for our products and each has expiration dates. If non-approved alkaline or NiMH batteries are used, problems could arise. Some NiMH batteries don't have complete exposure of their positive end. The battery springs may not completely contact and could result in malfunction. Shouldn't Heavy-Duty or Super Heavy-Duty batteries work? No. Unfortunately many terms used by the battery industry can be very misleading. “Heavy Duty” batteries are often the least powerful batteries you can buy and are a step down in quality. The term used to refer to zinc chloride batteries that had 50% more capacity than traditional carbon zinc batteries -- but that was 50 years ago! Calling zinc chloride batteries heavy duty became misleading once alkaline batteries with 300% more capacity than zinc chloride batteries became available. Stick with factory recommended batteries. Will installing the batteries wrong do any damage to the ADVANCED TASER? Yes. If all batteries are installed in reverse you can actually reverse polarity of the unit and short it out. Even if only one battery is installed incorrectly you will experience weapon failure and rapidly drain the power of these batteries. Instruction diagrams are on the inside of each battery tray. It is very important to follow those instructions. Insert the batteries using the "V-shape" technique as noted in the manual. How many AA batteries do I need? 8 AA alkaline or NiMH rechargeable batteries are required to operate. It is also ® 2® recommended that you keep a spare set of Duracell Ultra or Energizer Titanium E available. What is the real world difference between alkaline and NiMH batteries in the ADVANCED TASER? Fresh Duracell Ultra® or Energizer Titanium E2® batteries will provide a rate of 12-15 electrical pulses per second. Fully charged NiMH batteries provide a rate of 15-20 pulses per second. NiMH batteries give the strongest output, and perform much better in cold weather. However, undercharged batteries will cause weapon failure. Battery failures with rechargeable batteries in older TASERs have resulted in escalation of force because officers had to move up the use of force continuum. The recommended alkaline batteries have a stronger shelf life (4-6 years). Again, the selection of the battery is very important. The trade off is better pulse rate versus maintaining a fully charged set of NiMH batteries. Alkaline batteries are 1.5 Volts and the NiMH batteries are rated at 1.2 Volts, why the difference? NiMH batteries are ideal substitutes for most high drain electronics. There is no need to worry about the apparent voltage differences. Even though alkaline batteries are rated at nominal 1.5 Volts, they only deliver 1.5 Volts when they are fresh. In fact, over the course of their discharge, alkaline batteries actually average about 1.2 Volts. The main difference is that an alkaline battery starts at 1.5 Volts and gradually drops to less than 1.0 Volts. NiMH batteries stay at about 1.2 Volts for most of their discharge cycle. Should I be concerned about the mAh (milli Amp hours) rating? Yes, but only when considering NiMH batteries. Alkaline batteries typically have a capacity rating of over 2,500 mAh and NiMH have rated capacities of only 1,200 to 1,800 mAh. But, when actually powering an electronic device like the ADVANCED TASER, the NiMH batteries will run the device for two to three times longer. Alkaline batteries were not designed to meet the very high power demands of today's electronic devices. Alkaline batteries have a high rated capacity, but they can only deliver their full capacity if the power is used slowly. With NiMH batteries, the higher the mAh number, the longer the charge will last. Also, the higher the mAh number, the higher the price! A rating of 1200 mAh is more than sufficient and ratings of 1400, 1600 and 1800 just increase the length of the recharge. What is the self-discharge rate of alkaline and NiMH batteries? Alkaline batteries stored at "room temperature" (70 degrees F) self-discharge at a rate of less than two percent per year. However, if they are stored at 85 degrees F they lose about 5% per year, but at 100 degrees F they lose 25% per year. NiMH batteries self-discharge at a much faster rate than alkaline batteries. In fact, at "room temperature" NiMH batteries will self-discharge approximately one percent per day. This is the primary reason behind our recommended two-week check and charge schedule. Because the voltage of an alkaline battery drops at a very predictable rate it's possible to estimate the amount of capacity left in an alkaline battery based solely on its voltage. (1.5 Volts - fully charged, 1.25 Volts - 50% charged, 1.0 Volts almost fully discharged). But a NiMH battery stays at about 1.2 Volts until it is nearly completely discharged. Page 1 of 2 This makes it almost impossible to know the amount of capacity left based on its voltage alone. It also leaves you very little warning when it's time to change your batteries! Moreover, the NiMH will provide little audible warning when they are near their end of capacity. Alkaline batteries will begin to slowly fade out causing the pulse rate to diminish. The NiMH’s will provide a rapid pulse and then rapidly plummet in pulse rate. What is "memory effect" and should I be concerned? "Memory effect" is a term used when rechargeable batteries experience voltage depletion (reduced capacity) over their life. In other words, the battery is not able to hold the same capacity as it did the first time it was charged. This is true with all rechargeable batteries, but some have a very high rate loss. NiMH batteries are virtually memory free and do not need to be fully discharged before recharging. Keep in mind that this is the amount of charge the batteries will hold not the quality. NiMH batteries can be damaged from heat by overcharging, but is easily avoided by using a high quality, microprocessor controlled battery charger such as our factory recommended battery brands. How many times can rechargeable batteries be recharged? The quick and easy answer is hundreds of times. The reason we can't be more precise is because this is a more complex question to answer than it might seem. The number of times a battery can be recharged depends on how the battery was used. Every time a rechargeable battery goes through a charge and discharge cycle it loses a tiny bit of capacity. Not to mention if you accidentally overcharge the batteries or if you repeatedly completely discharge them. Therefore, it would be impossible to give you an exact number. Today’s NiMH will generally last 300 -1,000 charge / discharge cycles. Does rapid charging reduce the life of batteries? No. So long as it is done using properly designed, "smart" chargers, most NiMH batteries can be recharged in about an hour without any damage or reduction in their life. However, NiMH batteries must be rapid charged with a charger specifically designed for charging NiMH batteries. Chargers designed to charge only Nickel cadmium (NiCad) batteries can overcharge NiMH batteries. Even a standard or slow NiCad charger can damage NiMH batteries. Many inexpensive NiMH battery chargers are simply NiCad chargers that have been modified slightly. We do not recommend this type of charger. While it is less expensive to manufacture than a smart charger, it can lead to overcharging and battery damage. Most NiMH "smart" chargers have actually been designed to detect when a NiMH battery is fully charged and then shut off or go into a trickle charge mode. Because of the more complex circuitry, this type of charger costs more to manufacture, but should lead to greater battery life. Do I have to purchase a brand specific charger for my NiMH batteries? Any good NiMH charger should be able to recharge any good quality NiMH battery without any problem. Just keep in mind that a "smart" charger is better than a "dumb" charger. The TASER NiMH "smart" charger charges through the use of the dataport plug. This feature allows you to charge the NiMH batteries without having to remove both the battery tray and each battery out. In addition, there is also a place for a battery tray to charge in the base of the charger. Can a battery charger damage a battery? Yes. The most common cause of premature battery failure is overcharging. The chargers most likely to cause overcharging are the 5, 8, or 15-hour chargers. The problem with these chargers is that they really don't have a charge control mechanism. Most of them are simple designs that charge at their full charge rate for a fixed period of time through a timer, and then shut off or switch to a trickle charge rate. Each time the unit is either unplugged or batteries are removed, the timer begins at zero and recharges the batteries for another lengthy recharge. If improperly used they can shorten a battery's useful life. Suppose that fully charged or partially charged batteries are put into the charger. The charger has no way to sense this, so it will give the batteries a full charge it was designed to deliver. Do this enough times with one of those battery chargers and the capacity of the battery will start to drop. Why does my indicator light on the AVANCED TASER have a steady light when I use NiMH batteries? The battery indicator light is calibrated for alkaline batteries (1.5 Volts per battery) and will not function properly with rechargeables. Rechargeable NiMH batteries (1.2 Volts per battery) will always indicate 'low" even when full charged. The battery indicator cannot distinguish between the 1.5 Volts and the 1.2 Volts. Since the unit was designed originally with off-the-shelf batteries, the indicator measures for 12 Volts (8 X 1.5 = 12 Volts) as the maximum and indicates low battery based upon a decrease from the 12 Volts. Freshly charged NiMH batteries start at 9.6 Volts (8 X 1.2 = 9.6 Volts) and immediately register as low on the battery indicator, even though they are not low. To check the NiMH battery strength, remove the Air Cartridge and check for a fast spark rate of 15-20 pulses per second. On alkaline batteries, if the LED light is blinking, the batteries are good. If the LED is solid red, the batteries are low and should be changed. The red light stops blinking when the charge drops below 70%. If there is no light at all or is barely visible, the batteries are dead or have been installed improperly. Recheck that the batteries are installed properly. About how many 5-second cycles can I get out of each type of battery (alkaline vs. NiMH)? Testing indicates approximately 15-20 cycles out of a fresh set of approved alkaline batteries before a dramatic drop in battery performance. The batteries may still fire the unit beyond that number, but at a reduced pulse rate. A fully charged set of NiMH batteries provides approximately 100 cycles. But, it is important to keep in mind that you will not be given the same type of pulse decline warning given by alkaline batteries. Number 101 could give you absolutely nothing! Page 2 of 2 7860 E. McClain Drive, Suite 2 * Scottsdale, AZ 85260 USA * 480-991-0797 * Fax 480-991-0791 * “AA” Nickel Metal Hydride Battery Charger Operating Instructions for Model: 44710 WARNING: READ THIS BEFORE USING • Batteries must be charged prior to using. • Charge only rechargeable Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries in this device. Charging other types of rechargeable Nickel Cadmium (NiCad) or non-rechargeable alkaline batteries may cause them to leak, rupture or explode, resulting in personal injury and property damage. • This device is intended for indoor use only. • Avoid dropping the charger to prevent damage. • Never connect the ADVANCED TASER to the charger unit with an Air Cartridge installed. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS The charger unit includes: (1) power transformer, (1) base unit, (1) RJ11 dataport cable. The battery charger is a four (4) hour “smart” charger. A fully drained set of NiMH batteries will take no longer than four (4) hours to completely charge. The smart charger does not run on a timing cycle. Because of the more complex circuitry, this charger is designed to detect when a NiMH battery is fully charged and then shut off. If the NiMH batteries need only one (1) hour of charging, then that is all it will take. This helps prevent overcharging damage to your batteries. There are two methods for charging: Plugged directly into your ADVANCED TASER dataport, or with the battery magazine placed in the charger base. In fact, you charge two sets of NiMH batteries overnight – one in the weapon and another set in the charger. However, please note that the charger will intelligently charge the weapon first and then the set in the charger. The charger base unit is equipped with color-coded LED’s that indicate when power is on, when charging, and when charging is complete. When the power transformer is plugged into the rear of the base unit, the yellow LED light will illuminate. This indicates that power is being supplied to the charger and should remain lighted the entire time the charger is plugged into the power source. To charge the ADAVANCED TASER, remove the dataport rubber stopper. When you connect the charger unit to the dataport or place a set in the base for charging, the red LED light will at first blink, indicating batteries have been connected for charging. Once the charger verifies the batteries are “OK” to charge, the red LED will stop blinking and remain on during the reconditioning and charging cycle. Once the batteries have fully charged the red LED will turn off and the green LED light will illuminate. The green LED light indicates the batteries are fully charged and the unit has stopped charging. Remember that the yellow LED light will continue to illuminate the entire time the unit is plugged into the power source. Replace the rubber stopper in the dataport when charging is complete. • It is recommended to disconnect the ADVANCED TASER and/or remove the batteries from the charger once the cycle has been completed. • It is recommended to recharge the NiMH batteries every two weeks. • It is normal for the bottom of the charger base to become warm during the charging cycle. SPECIFICATIONS Model: Input: Output: Charge Time: Battery Type: 44710 DC 15V 950mA from standard 110V house current DC 9.5V – 14.5V 4 hours maximum Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) ONLY For more information, visit our website at: or call 1-800-978-2737 “AA” Nickel Metal Hydride Battery Charger Operating Instructions Model 44710 WARNINGS • Ensure the safety switch is in the ON (SAFE) position and the air cartridge is removed before connecting the ADVANCED TASER to the charger unit. Verify that the wires (pins) are not bent, crossed or touching inside the data port. • The only valid indicator of adequate battery strength is a spark test. Perform a spark test per department policy. • Never charge more than one set of batteries at a time. Use EITHER the battery tray charger base or the data port adapter but not both at the same time. • Charge only rechargeable Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries in this device. Charging other types of rechargeable batteries including Nickel Cadmium (NiCad) or alkaline batteries may cause them to leak, rupture or explode, resulting in personal injury and damage. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS • Batteries must be conditioned prior to use by charging three (3) separate times. • NiMH batteries must be “reconditioned” every six months or after heavy use (e.g. a training session with multiple firings). • It is recommended to recharge the NiMH batteries at least once every two weeks. • Always replace rubber data port stopper when charging is complete. • This device is intended for indoor use only. Avoid dropping the charger to prevent damage. • It is normal for the bottom of the charger base to become warm during the charging cycle. • Yellow LED light indicates power is connected to the charger. • Red LED light indicates batteries are recharging. • Green LED light indicates batteries are fully charged. The battery charger is a four (4)-hour “smart” charger. A fully drained set of NiMH batteries will take no longer than four (4) hours to completely charge. The charger is designed to detect when a NiMH battery is fully charged and then enter a trickle state. It does not work on a timing cycle. The green LED will illuminate as soon as the charger detects that the batteries are fully charged. Since the smart charger will not overcharge the batteries, there is no requirement to remove the batteries once charging is complete. BATTERY INITIAL CONDITIONING AND RECONDITIONING (EVERY SIX MONTHS) 1. Verify the charger is powered (yellow LED illuminated). 2. Verify the M26 safety switch is in the ON (SAFE) position and the air cartridge is removed. 3. Remove the data port plug from the M26 and insert the charger cable OR remove the battery tray and insert in charger base. 4. Verify the red LED illuminates to indicate batteries are recharging. The light will blink for a few seconds while the charger verifies the battery connection, then illuminate steady for the remainder of the charging cycle. 5. Charge for a MINIMUM of 12 hours regardless of when the green LED illuminates. 6. Remove the batteries (or cable) from the charger for approximately 10 seconds (green LED extinguishes). 7. Reinsert batteries (or cable) and charge until the green LED illuminates. 8. Repeat steps 6 & 7 for one additional charging cycle. NORMAL CHARGING 1. Verify the charger is powered (yellow LED illuminated). 2. Verify the M26 safety switch is in the ON (SAFE) position and the air cartridge is removed. 3. Remove the data port plug from the M26 and insert the charger cable OR remove the battery tray and insert in charger base. 4. Verify the red LED illuminates to indicate batteries are recharging. The light will blink for a few seconds while the charger verifies the battery connection, then illuminate steady for the remainder of the charging cycle. 5. When the green LED illuminates, the charging cycle is complete. 6. Replace the rubber stopper in the M26 data port. SPECIFICATIONS Model: 44710 Input: DC 15V 950mA from standard 110V house current Output: DC 9.5V – 14.5V Charge Time: 4 hours maximum Battery Type: Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) ONLY For more information, visit our website at: or call 1-800-978-2737. © 2005 TASER International, Inc. TASER®, Shaped Pulse™ and the Globe & Lightning Bolt Logo are trademarks of TASER International, Inc. EN-INST-BATCRG-001 Rev: A August 15, 2005 Page: 1 of 1 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. 7860 E. McClain Dr., Suite 2 * Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 * 800-978-2737 * Fax 480-991-0791 * ADVANCED TASER M26 & ACCESSORIES ADVANCED TASER M26 DeSANTIS SWIVEL CLIP HOLSTER Includes: Integrated Laser Sight, Dataport, & Color Kit Material: Kydex Model #44000 (black) Model #44005 (yellow) POLICE AIR CARTRIDGE Model #44810 (Right or Left) Model #44811 (clip only) DeSANTIS HIGH RIDE DUTY HOLSTER 21-Foot Range (yellow/black door) Material: Kydex Model #44200 Single Shot Model #44228 Box of 28 Model #44820 (Right) #44825 (Left) Model #44821 (loop only) TRAINING AIR CARTRIDGE DeSANTIS NYPD DROP BAG 15-Foot Range (yellow door) Material: Kydex Model #34200 Single Shot Model #34228 Box of 28 Model #44880 Model #44881 (clip only) SECONDARY CARTRIDGE HOLDER THIGH HOLSTER Material: Ballistic Nylon Holds 1 Air Cartridge on the M26 (replaces standard battery cover) Model #44830 (Right ) #44835 (Left) Model #44831 (clip only) Model #44860 (black) DATAPORT DOWNLOAD KIT WAIST PACK Includes: Software & Adapter Windows 95 & 98 Compatible Material: Nylon Model #44840 Model #44500 NiMH BATTERY CHARGER 8 PACK NiMH BATTERY & TRAY Capable of charging the M26 utilizing the dataport connection & also a battery tray in the base Specification: Recharable AA 1.2V 1500 mAh Model #44710 Model #44700 ADVANCED TASER M26 - A New Era in Less-Lethal Technology PRODUCT SPECIFICATION SHEET Model: ADVANCED TASER® M26 BladeTech Holster with thumb break and TEK-LOK™ (locking, removable and adjustable belt clip mount). Model #: 44855 Dimensions: 1.94” W x 7.5” H x 3.2” (inches). Material: Holster body is a proprietary blend of Polypropylene. Thumb break extension is 8% glass filled Nylon. TEK-LOK & TEK MOUNT is 33% glass filled Nylon Thumb Break straps are Santoprene. Thigh rig thigh plate is KYDEX. Optional Air Cartridge carrier is KYDEX. (Soon to be of 8% glass filled Nylon). Other features: TEK-LOC can mount duty and pant belts up to 2.27" in height and is adjustable for smaller heights up. The width is .25" Optional Air Cartridge carrier available in future. TEK-LOK Patent TEK-LOK U.S. Patent: 6145169 for locking, removable belt clip. Patent Abstract: A belt clip for supporting an object on a user's belt includes an inward portion for insertion between the user's belt and body, having a first hinge portion on one edge thereof and including a pair of spaced-apart, flexible wings located at the other edge thereof, wherein each wing has a first locking structure thereon; an outward portion for attaching an object thereto, having a second hinge portion thereon and having a second locking structure thereon; and a hinge pin for joining said first hinge portion and said second hinge portion together in a moveable condition. TURBO CHARliE Your ADUANCED lASER Introducing the ADVANCED TASER® NiMH Rechargeable Battery System Save up to $8,000 in batteries* Recharge & reuse batteries up to 1,000 times. Improve TASER® Performance Holds peak power for up to 100 discharges (vs. only 10-15 for alkaline batteries) Consistent performance in cold weather to -20 0 F (alkaline batteries must be > 40 0 F for best results) Convenient Charge batteries in weapon through data port, or Charge batteries in magazine, or Charge both at the same time Recharge once every two weeks Intelligent quick-charge system charges in 1 to 4 hours * Assumes $1 per battery for standard alkaline batteries, 8 batteries per magazine, up to 1,000 battery changes. TASER" Certified Batteries Unlike older Nickel-C3dmium (NK:ad) batt.... ies. the lASER Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) batlenes -..ill ...-, develop a "OOOIIOl~ problem. You don't haW! to ""OrTy about futy discharging baneries beIont..charglng. III lad. !he TASa! ballefy thargef USGS an inteligenl llie1opooet_ to calibrate !he baMries carefully 10 - - ' ~ and I!fl$U<l!! a quick, 3<X1r.I1e. lui c:lI:atge - . , time. Fur1hef. lASER baltCty tenno\iIIt ... oertiIiIId ...... ,ipkai( ....." .... AlNAHCEOTA$€R bilttey~_ CAlJ1lON: Some other brand NiMH b;ottl!'ries ~ Iuve a nono<:onductive Iltrmln.al_ ~ can calise weapon failure. Convenient Charging 'Ibu l3fl rech8fge 2 ways: P"Wed <lncttr ~ ycu' ACN'AHCEO TASER. or....m!he batlery m;>gllUICI placed in .... chargef. po-, and .... iOIl"e S8I in tile ct>arver (!he charger ..... Color coded lED'$~ when ~ IS o n , - ' In lad. )IOU can c:hlorg8 lwo seIs of ba1l8f111S CMlrflIghl- one in !he" elleligeoollycharge the WOO!X""Iirst. 1Ilen .... exn batt¥y ~ ) . d'Ialg,"g. and when char'gWIg is ooo',,*,le. TASER Battery Charger Model #44710 Set of 8 TASER Batteries Model #144700 Complete Rechargeable TASER Battery System Model #44705 Irw:UIes bIIllery dIarger base. Inc*.Jdes 8 NiMH balteriel plus a 110 V spiWe balleoy ~ powl!If .. "' U" »hsb mer (220 V \.Ip(WI reqlMSt). and dab CompaWe -.. rroosl M NiMH BatlOOes. pori ct.",.OU CiIIbIe. 8aIleMI lOlled '" 1500 mNI M 1.2 V. Temw>als are carefully '1+ ""4d 10 ...... oompatIllility ...... ADJANCED lASER. TASER International, Inc. IncllIdes 8 NiMH bailer;"", spare - ballety mBgiWIl$. c:t-gcr, - !IansforfTw' and claIa port chargong 7860 E. McCl;)in DrMl. S<.rIe 112. SCOIl$da"'. Anzona 85260 USA. (800) 978-2137 • (480) 905-2000' F3Jl (490) 991-0191 www.TASERcom·5alesOTASERcom T"'~"'~"" CI :lOO'. TAst:R Io,""",",""" Ill<. 'no GloI>o & UII"nng loQo oro ~_ .. <JI T.o.$ER "",<11._. ADVANCED TASER M26 Field Use Reports Analysis Overall Success Rate: Total # Reports: 1645 SuccessRate: 94.59% Success By Level of Deployment Level Success Total - No 1 - Yes 63 Darts Fired at Subject No 63 Darts Fired at Subject Yes 957 Laser Only No 3 Laser Only Yes 238 Spark Demo No 1 Spark Demo Yes 35 Stun Gun Application Stun Gun Application No Yes Distance of Firings Distance Number of - 377 3-7 Feet 358 7-11 Feet 311 11-15 Feet 166 1-3 Feet 129 15-21 Feet 29 21 246 Success By Distance Distance Success NUMBER - No 15 - Yes 362 1-3 Feet No 5 1-3 Feet Yes 124 11-15 Feet No 13 11-15 Feet Yes 153 15-21 Feet No 2 15-21 Feet Yes 27 3-7 Feet No 18 3-7 Feet Yes 340 7-11 Feet No 21 7-11 Feet Yes 290 Length of TASER Discharge Duration - # of 463 1 sec 9 2 sec 20 3 sec 31 4 sec 18 5 sec 443 B More than one cycle 1 279 OC vs TASER OC Performance Effective # of Incidents TASER Performance (Yes = Effective) 14 No 55 Yes Ineffective 19 No 94 Yes # of Shots Fired Shots fired # 1 902 2 59 2D 58 3 14 4 3 5 1 # of Probes That Hit Suspect # of # of 1 57 2 615 3 5 4 1 Types of Incidents Involving M26 Officer Assault Warrant Service Barricaded Civil Disturbance Suicidal Resisting Arrest 73 93 99 191 267 483 4.44% 5.65% 6.02% 11.61% 16.23% 29.36% Violent 531 32.28% Suspect Force Levels of Incidents Deadly Assault Defensive Resist Active Aggression Verbally Non-Comp 34 346 453 467 Total Incidents 1300 2.6% 26.6% 34.8% 35.9% Types of Suspect Weapons Involved in TASER Incidents Blunt Weapon Firearm Edged Weapon 40 53 203 2.4% 3.2% 12.3% % of Total Uses = 1,645 Suspect Influences PCP Misc. Drugs Cocaine Meth EDP (Emotionally Disturbed Persons) Alcohol 16 15 75 63 379 617 1.0% 1.0% 4.6% 3.8% 23.0% 37.5% FAILURES – Stungun Mode Failure Cause Low Nerve / Muscle # of Incidents 10 Weapon Problem 4 Low Battery 2 Miss 2 Clothing 1 Single Dart 1 FAILURE PROBLEMS - DARTS FIRED Failure Cause Clothing # of Incidents 23 Single Dart 14 Miss 13 Unknown 10 Operator Error 6 Low Muscle Area 5 Low Nerve / Muscle 4 Low Battery 3 Animal Use 2 Cartridge Failure 2 Dropped / Broken 2 Propped Up 2 Door Closed 1 Weapon Problem 1 FAILURES: Of All Uses Failure Cause Clothing # of Incidents 24 Miss 15 Single Dart 15 Low Nerve / Muscle 13 Unknown 10 Low Muscle Area 6 Operator Error 6 Low Battery 5 Weapon Problem 5 Decided not to use 3 Dropped / Broken 3 Animal Use 2 Cartridge Failure 2 Propped Up 2 Door Closed 1 Location of Incident Location # of Incidents Indoor 405 Jail / Hospital 188 Outdoor 894 Suspect Injuries Suspect Injury Level # of Incidents None 1443 Minor 176 Moderate Severe 19 7 Officer Injuries Office Injury Level # of Incidents None 1565 Minor 74 Moderate 5 Severe 1 Data Port User Manual V.16 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 1 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual TASER INTERNATIONAL, INC. Version 16 Copyright 2000 - 2006 WARNING!!! Note: Failure to follow safety precautions and instructions contained in this document may result in serious injury and/or damage to equipment. TASER International, Inc. assumes no liability for not following established procedures. Pre-Installation Information: • Uninstall all previous versions of the X26 dataport software and FTDI USB drivers before installing the latest version. See page 24 for instructions for Windows 98se and Windows ME. See page 29 for instructions for Windows 2000 and Windows XP. • The installation is a two-step process. The X26 dataport software is installed first and followed by the driver installation. • Driver installation instructions vary slightly depending on your Windows operating system. To determine your operating system, see MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS on page 4. • Windows XP users: The workstation must be disconnected from your LAN prior to installation. • Administrative privileges for the workstation are needed when installing X26 dataport software and USB drivers. Contact your department help desk if you receive an access denied message during installation. • This document is intended to provide basic operational instructions for more detailed information and technical support, contact TASER International at 800-978-2737 or email us at or view the X26 Download Troubleshooting Guide at • Downloading and/or saving data from the X26 does not erase the data from the X26 memory. There are no options for users to erase data from the X26 memory. • Ensure the computer time and time zone information is correct prior to downloading. . IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 2 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ............................................................................................... 4 MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS........................................................................... 4 INSTALLING X26 DATA PORT SOFTWARE ................................................................. 5 INSTALLING USB DRIVERS: WINDOWS 98se, ME, 2000 ............................................ 6 INSTALLING USB DRIVERS: WINDOWS XP ................................................................ 8 CLOCK OPERATION AND INFORMATION ................................................................. 10 DOWNLOADING DATA FROM the X26 ....................................................................... 11 VIEWING A PREVIOUSLY SAVED RECORD.............................................................. 22 UNINSTALLING PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF THE X26 DATAPORT SOFTWARE AND DRIVERS ................................................................................................... 24 Windows 98se, Me ............................................................................................. 24 UNINSTALLING PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF THE X26 DATAPORT SOFTWARE AND DRIVERS ................................................................................................... 29 Windows 2000 and Windows XP........................................................................ 29 INSTALLING X26 DATAPORT SOFTWARE FROM THE INTERNET:......................... 34 INSTALLING USB DRIVERS FROM THE INTERNET: WINDOWS 98se, Me, 2000 .... 34 INSTALLING USB DRIVERS FROM THE INTERNET: WINDOWS XP........................ 37 TASER INTERNATIONAL USB DOWNLOADING TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE....... 40 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 3 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Prior to Inserting USB cable into the X26, complete the following steps: 1. Ensure that the X26 Safety is in the down (SAFE) position. 2. Remove the TASER Cartridge from the X26. 3. Do not attempt hardware installation if the USB cable is damaged. MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Software Components Operating System: Internet Explorer: Disk Space: Communications Ports: Windows 98se/ME/2000/XP with latest Service Pack Version 5.5 or Higher 100K of available disk space 1 available USB port Hardware Components X26 USB Interface Kit Copyright 2000–2006 TASER International, Inc. All rights reserved. TASER® is a registered trademark. TASER International 17800 N. 85th St. Scottsdale AZ 85255-9603 Internet: Email: IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 4 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual INSTALLING X26 DATA PORT SOFTWARE 1. Close all running programs. 2. Windows XP users, unplug from the LAN. Your network cable is similar to a phone cord but has a larger jack and a thicker cord. 3. Insert The CD, and after a short delay the setup program will appear. Click Install Taser X26 Software (Figure 1). Note: If the X26 installation screen does not appear automatically, click My Computer and double-click the CD drive titled TASER. If the installation screen still does not appear, download the software from the TASER Web site or contact customer service for a replacement CD. Figure 1 4. Follow the onscreen prompts to complete the software installation. 5. Plug the USB cable into the USB port. Do not insert the USB DPM into the weapon until the USB driver installation is complete. 6. The USB cable DPM will illuminate red and the FOUND NEW HARDWARE WIZARD window will appear. IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 5 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual INSTALLING USB DRIVERS: WINDOWS 98SE, ME, 2000 1. Click Next to continue (Figure 2). Figure 2 2. Select the CD-ROM drives check box, clear all other check boxes, and then click Next (Figure 3). Figure 3 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 6 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 3. Click Next (Figure 4). Figure 4 4. Click Finish to complete the hardware installation (Figure 5). Figure 5 5. Installation is complete. You can remove the CD. IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 7 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual INSTALLING USB DRIVERS: WINDOWS XP 1. In the Found New Hardware Wizard dialog box, select Install the Software Automatically (Recommended) and click Next (Figure 6). Note: If the system displays a prompt asking if you want to connect to the internet for a suitable driver, select No, not at this time and continue. Figure 6 2. Select FTDI FT8U2XX Device and click Next (Figure 7). Figure 7 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 8 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 3. In the Hardware Installation dialog box, click Continue Anyway (Figure 8). Figure 8 4. Click Finish to complete the hardware installation (Figure 9). Figure 9 5. Installation is complete. You can remove the CD. 6. Reconnect your network cable (if applicable). IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 9 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual CLOCK OPERATION AND INFORMATION • The clock in the X26 is an industry standard clock using a crystal similar to clocks in other electronic devices. While the clocks are generally reliable, the clock can drift several minutes per month. This is normal and is inherent in the design of the clock. The clock is not intended to be extremely accurate similar to an atomic clock. • The X26 internal clock is set to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) only, The download files will include both GMT and local time.. • When a download is attempted, the software compares the clock time and the time zone settings on your computer (Date and Time Properties) to the hour setting in the weapon. Note: The time zone selected on your computer represents the number of hours between local time and GMT. For instance, if the computer is set to EST, the software will look for a 5-hour difference between the hour setting in the weapon and the hour setting on the computer. • The software will then compare the minute setting on your computer and the minute setting in the weapon. • Finally, the software will check to see if you have selected the “Are you currently on Daylight Savings Time” box on the Welcome page and adjust the hour comparison accordingly. For instance, in the above example, if the DST box is checked, the software will look for a four hour difference instead of five. Note: Selecting the Daylight Savings Time box on the computer has no effect on the download software. The software only looks at the DST box on the Welcome screen. • If the date, hour, or minute comparison does not match (within ±10 minutes), the software will display a “TIME DISCREPANCY” message. • Most often, this is due to the drift of the computer clock. The software will prompt you to double-check the time and time zone on your computer to ensure that it is accurate. If the computer time is accurate, the weapon clock may have drifted, or it might have been synchronized to a different computer with an inaccurate time. • TASER International highly recommends using one computer for downloading unless multiple computers are connected to a network that synchronizes the computers to minimize the chances of a time discrepancy. • The time recorded in the download data log represents the end of the firing cycle, not when the trigger is pulled. The X26 only records the total duration of each firing, not each trigger pull. If the trigger is pulled multiple times in one cycle (e.g., double tapping), this will not be indicated in the download data. IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 10 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual DOWNLOADING DATA FROM THE X26 GENERAL OPERATING NOTES: • THE X26 INTERNAL CLOCK IS SET TO GMT (GREENWICH MEAN TIME). DOWNLOAD FILES WILL INCLUDE BOTH GMT AND LOCAL TIME BASED ON THE TIME ZONE SETTINGS ON YOUR COMPUTER AND THE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME. CHECK BOX ON THE X26 WELCOME SCREEN. • THE TIME RECORDED IN THE DOWNLOAD DATA LOG REPRESENTS THE END OF THE FIRING CYCLE, NOT WHEN THE TRIGGER IS PULLED. • THE X26 ONLY RECORDS THE TOTAL DURATION OF EACH FIRING, NOT EACH TRIGGER PULL. IF THE TRIGGER IS PULLED MULTIPLE TIMES IN ONE CYCLE (E.G. DOUBLE TAPPING), THIS WILL NOT BE INDICATED IN THE DOWNLOAD DATA. • DOWNLOADING AND/OR SAVING DATA FROM THE X26 DOES NOT ERASE THE DATA FROM THE X26 MEMORY. THERE ARE NO OPTIONS FOR USERS TO ERASE DATA FROM THE X26 MEMORY. • THE FIRST TIME THE DATAPORT DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE IS USED YOU MUST ENTER THE “DOWNLOADED BY” INFORMATION. THIS INFORMATION WILL BE STORED FOR ALL SUBSEQUENT USES (Figure 10). 1. Verify that the computer time and time zone information are correct. 2. Click the Taser X26 Dataport desktop icon. Note: The first time the dataport download software is used, you must enter the “downloaded by” information. This information will be stored for all subsequent uses (Figure 10). 3. Insert the USB cable into the computer. The USB DPM will illuminate red if the cable is connected correctly. 4. Ensure the X26 safety switch is in down (SAFE) position and remove the TASER Cartridge. 5. Insert the USB DPM into the X26. After a few seconds the USB DPM illumination will change from red to green and a ‘U’ will appear on the X26 CID. Note: If the cable does not turn green, remove and reinsert the cable in the computer and X26. IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 11 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 6. Select the Daylight Savings Time zone check box if your time zone is currently on daylight savings time. 7. Click the Download X26 button (Figure 10). Figure 10 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 12 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 8. If the ALERT Time Discrepancy dialog box (Figure 11) appears, the date/time on your computer is not within ±10 minutes of the weapon time. See the CLOCK OPERATION AND INFORMATION section and perform the following steps. You will not be able to proceed until resolving the time discrepancy. Figure 11 a. Check the computer time displayed on the ALERT page. If the computer time is incorrect, click Change Computer Time to open the Windows Date/Time box and adjust the time. Proceed to step 9. b. Check the X26 time displayed on the ALERT page. If the X26 time is incorrect, click Change X26 Time. IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 13 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual c. A PLEASE CONFIRM dialog box (Figure 12) will appear to verify that you want to change the time in the X26. Changing the time requires the (case-sensitive) password located on the CD case. You also can obtain the password by contacting TASER International Technical Support at 1.800.978.2737. Figure 12 d. Type the password and click Continue. Note: Changing the time on the X26 does not change the time stamp on previous firing records stored in the X26 and both the old (FROM) and new (TO) times are displayed on the firing record. IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 14 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 9. Select the desired date range or DOWNLOAD ALL FIRING DATA and click Continue (Figure 13). Note: If the date range is selected, time change records that overlap dates outside the range may be inaccurate. Figure 13 10. The Download Progress dialog box will confirm download progress (Figure 14). Figure 14 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 15 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 11. The X26 Dataport Download screen provides options for refreshing the weapon time, viewing, printing and saving data (Figure 15). Figure 15 Notes: • The X26 only records each firing, not each trigger pull. If the trigger is pulled multiple times in one cycle (double tapping) it will not be indicated on the report. • The time recorded in the download data log represents the end of the firing cycle. • The temperature is the internal X26 temperature. • Time changes provide a log of all changes to the X26 internal clock. If the X26 internal clock has never been updated, this area is blank. 12. There are three options for viewing information: Zoom Out, Print Preview, and Save Encrypted Record (Figure 15). IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 16 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 13. The Zoom Out option (Figure 15) provides an expanded view of the recorded firing data and time change records in separate lists (Figure 16). Figure 16 14. The Print Preview option (Figure 15) provides a preview of printed records in the print format. A dialog box will appear with the option to combine the time records with the firings records in one chronological list (Figure 17). Figure 17 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 17 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 15. A partial screen will appear showing the heading section of the printout. You can scroll through the entire report if desired (Figure 18). Figure 18 Note: If the X26 Dataport software cannot download the data associated with a particular firing cycle, “Incomplete Data” will be displayed under the GMT Time column (Figure 19). Figure 19 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 18 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 16. Click Print (Figure 15) to print the firing report (Figure 20). Figure 20 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 19 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 17. The Save Encrypted Record option (Figure 15) stores the record for future access. The file name defaults to the weapon serial number and may be modified if desired. The file is saved as an “.x26” file and can only be viewed using the download software (Figure 21). Figure 21 18. The Refresh Time option (Figure 15) updates the current time on the download page. Normally, the time on this screen does not increment while viewing. 19. The Sync Time option (Figure 15) synchronizes the X26 time to the computer time regardless of the time difference. This feature allows synchronizing the times when the difference is less than 10 minutes. The Alert Time Synchronization screen will appear and the instructions are the same as previously described (Figure 22). 20. A PLEASE CONFIRM dialog box will appear to verify that you want to change the time in the X26. Changing the time requires the (case-sensitive) password located on the CD IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 20 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual case. You also can obtain the password by contacting TASER International Technical Support at 1.800.978.2737 (Figure 22). 21. Type the password and click Continue. Note: Changing the time on the X26 does not change the time stamp on previous firing records stored in the X26 and both the old (FROM) and new (TO) times are displayed on the firing record. Figure 22 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 21 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual VIEWING A PREVIOUSLY SAVED RECORD 1. To view a previously saved record, select View Saved Record from the initial program screen Figure 23). Figure 23 2. Select the desired file from the appropriate folder (Figure 24). Figure 24 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 22 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 3. The remainder of the screens function the same as during a download (Figure 25). Figure 25 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 23 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual UNINSTALLING PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF THE X26 DATAPORT SOFTWARE AND DRIVERS Windows 98se, Me 1. Click the Start button (located on the lower left corner of the screen). 2. Click Settings and then click Control Panel (Figure 26). Figure 26 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 24 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 3. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon (Figure 27). Figure 27 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 25 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 4. Select FTDI USB-to-Serial Converter Drivers (Figure 28). 5. Click the Add/Remove button (Figure 28). Figure 28 6. Click Continue on the FTDI Uninstaller confirmation panel (Figure 29). Figure 29 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 26 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 7. Select Finish (Figure 30). Figure 30 8. Select Taser X26 then click the Add/Remove button (Figure 31). Figure 31 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 27 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 9. Click Yes on the Uninstalling Taser X26 confirmation panel (Figure 32) and click OK when the uninstall is finished (Figure 33). Figure 32 Figure 33 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 28 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual UNINSTALLING PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF THE X26 DATAPORT SOFTWARE AND DRIVERS Windows 2000 and Windows XP 1. Click the Start button (located on the lower left corner). 2. Click Settings and then click Control Panel (Figure 34). Figure 34 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 29 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 3. Double click the Add/Remove Programs icon (Figure 35). . Figure 35 4. Click the “Change/Remove” button (Figure 36). Figure 36 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 30 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 5. Click Change/Remove in the FTDI USB Serial Converter Drivers section. (Figure 37). Figure 37 6. Click Continue on the FTDI Uninstaller confirmation panel (Figure 38). Figure 38 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 31 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 7. Click Finish on the FTDI Uninstaller confirmation panel (Figure 39). Figure 39 8. Select Taser X26 on the Remove Programs page (Figure 40). Figure 40 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 32 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 9. Click Yes on the Uninstalling Taser X26 confirmation panel (Figure 41). Figure 41 10. Click OK when the uninstall is finished (Figure 42). Figure 42 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 33 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual INSTALLING X26 DATAPORT SOFTWARE FROM THE INTERNET: 1. Go to Click the LAW ENFORCEMENT button, click Support on the left side of the page, and click the USB Dataport download link. 2. Click “USB Dataport (current version)” to download “” to your desktop. 3. Close all running programs. 4. Windows XP users must unplug the computer from the network (LAN). Your network cable is similar to a phone cord but has a larger jack and thicker cord. 5. Double-click the file on your desktop. 6. Double-click the setup.exe file and the installation program will begin. 7. Follow the on screen prompts to complete the software installation. 8. Plug the USB cable into the USB port. Do not insert the USB DPM into the weapon until the USB driver installation is complete. 9. The USB cable DPM will illuminate red and the FOUND NEW HARDWARE WIZARD window will appear. INSTALLING USB DRIVERS FROM THE INTERNET: WINDOWS 98SE, ME, 2000 1. Click Next to continue (Figure 43). Figure 43 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 34 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 2. Check the Specify a Location box, uncheck all other boxes, and then click Next (Figure 44). Figure 44 3. In the Found New Hardware Wizard dialog box, click the Copy manufacturer’s files text box. a. Type the following line into the text box: C:\Program Files\Taser X26\X26 Usb Drivers Figure 45 b. Click OK (Figure 45). IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 35 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 4. Click Finish to complete hardware installation Figure 46). Figure 46 5. Proceed to the DOWNLOADING DATA FROM the X26 section on page 11. IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 36 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual INSTALLING USB DRIVERS FROM THE INTERNET: WINDOWS XP 1. In the Found New Hardware Wizard dialog box, select Install from a list or specific location (Advanced) and click Next (Figure 47). Note: If the system displays a prompt asking if you want to connect to the internet for a suitable driver, select No, not at this time and continue. Figure 47 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 37 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 2. Select Search for the best driver in these locations and select the Include this location in the search check box. a. Type the following line into the text box:. C:\Program Files\Taser X26\X26 Usb Drivers b. Click Next (Figure 48). Figure 48 3. In the Hardware Installation dialog box, click Continue Anyway (Figure 49). Figure 49 IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 38 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual 4. Click Finish to complete the hardware installation (Figure 50). Figure 50 5. Reconnect your network cable (if applicable). 6. Proceed to the DOWNLOADING DATA FROM the X26 section on page 11. IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 39 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual TASER INTERNATIONAL USB DOWNLOADING TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE When the USB cable is plugged into the computer, the USB DPM does not illuminate red. OR Symptom When the USB cable is plugged into the X26, the USB DPM does not change from red to green and/or the X26 CID does not display a "U". Verify the USB/X26 device is connected and that the X26 is powered up. Possible Cause The USB DPM cable may be damaged or a good connection might not have been made between the X26 and the USB DPM. Disconnect the USB DPM from the weapon and the computer. Wait a few seconds and reattach the USB DPM to the computer and then to the Remedy X26. If the problem persists, please contact TASER customer support at 800-978-2737. Removed CD before completing the driver installation. OR Symptom When the X26 Dataport Download software starts one of the following error messages is displayed: “Error: Can't load USB device driver.” or “FT_OPEN is not valid.” The driver installation was unsuccessful or was not performed during Possible Cause installation. Please refer to the X26 Dataport Download user’s manual or contact TASER customer support at 800-978-2737 for help with correct driver Remedy installation. When “Download X26” is selected the following error message appears: “USB device and/or X26 not found.” Verify the USB/X26 device is connected and that the X26 is powered up. The USB DPM cable may be damaged or a good connection might not Possible Cause have been made between the X26 and the USB DPM. Or, the driver installation was unsuccessful or was not performed during installation. Disconnect the USB DPM from the weapon and the computer. Wait a few seconds and reattach the USB DPM to the computer and then to the X26. If the problem persists, please refer to the X26 Dataport Download Remedy user’s manual or contact TASER customer support at 800-978-2737 for help with correct driver installation. Symptom IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 40 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual Department/company policy prohibits disconnecting the computer from the network (LAN). This applies to Windows XP users only. Windows XP users must disconnect from the LAN to prevent the Possible Cause Windows software from attempting to find software drivers on the internet. The LAN cable is typically blue, and is connected to the computer with a jack similar to a standard phone jack. Contact your computer support personnel if unable to determine the proper cable. If department policy Remedy prohibits disconnecting the computer from the LAN, contact TASER customer support for Tech Support on installing drivers using an alternative procedure. Symptom When I “zoom out” to view firing records, it appears that some sequence numbers are missing. This is not an error. The sequence numbers are chronological, and each firing record requires a separate sequence number. In addition, each Possible Cause time change requires two sequence numbers – FROM and TO. Missing numbers in the firing record correspond to time change records. Select the “Print Preview” option, and then select “Yes” to combine time changes and firing records into one sequential display. This format will Remedy show all sequence numbers in chorological order. Symptom When I load, print, and view previously saved records, the X26 weapon software version number on the printout indicates OO. For X26 Dataport Download software versions before 15.5, the weapon Possible Cause software version is not saved with the download file. Upgrade to the current X26 Dataport Download software version available on the TASER International web site or from TASER Remedy International customer support. Symptom The “Time Discrepancy” dialog is displayed. The computer clock and the weapon internal clock differ by more than Possible Cause 10 minutes. Most likely, the computer clock time is wrong, or the computer time zone is incorrect. Follow the on screen prompts to change computer time or time zone. If computer time and time zone are correct, select “Change X26 Time” to change the X26 internal clock. A password is required to change the Remedy weapon clock and can be obtained from your administrator or by contacting TASER customer support at 800-978-2737. Symptom IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 41 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library. X26 Data Port User Manual Data could not be written to this memory location and was therefore moved to the next available location. A corruption occurred during the firing cycle that prevented the software Possible Cause from recording the firing record. There is no correction available for this problem. Other records are not Remedy affected, and new data will be recorded normally. Symptom The “Error: Time Still Not in Sync” dialog is displayed after attempting to synchronize the X26 internal clock. A good connection might not have been made between the X26 and the Possible Cause USB DPM or between the USB cable and the computer and/or an older version of the dataport download software is being used. Disconnect the USB DPM from the weapon and the computer. Wait a few seconds and reattach the USB DPM to the computer and then to the X26. Upgrade to the current X26 Dataport Download software version Remedy available on the TASER International web site or from TASER International customer support. If the problem persists, please contact TASER International customer support at 800-978-2737. Symptom When I click the print button on the “Print Preview” page, nothing happens or the dataport download program and /or Windows locks up. All available updates for Windows have not been installed from Possible Cause Microsoft. Connect to the internet and connect to Download and install all available Remedy updates for Windows. This may require administrative privileges and if unable to install updates, contact your computer support personnel. Symptom IT-INST-X26DPUM-001 Rev: D October 26, 2006 Page: 42 of 42 This document contains proprietary and confidential information and may not be distributed to others in any form, without written authorization from TASER International, USA. This document is for training and reference only. The master copy is controlled in the document library.