Tx Board of Criminal Review Connally Unit Prison Escape 2001
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Mac Stringfellow Chainnan San Antonio February 13,2001 Ms. Yolanda M. Torres American Civil Liberties Union North Texas Region, Dallas Chapter 4000 Republic Center, Tower II 325 N. St. Paul Dallas, Texas 75201 Dear Ms. Torres: In response to your Open Records Request, dated February 8, 2001, enclosed are the, following documents: 1. Internal Review on Connally Unit escape (provided to the legislature on February 7, 2001): At the February 7 hearing Mr. Vasquez, a former TDCJ Captain, provided a draft version of the agency's Administrative Incident Review on the Connally Unit escape. A copy of that draft report, as well as, the agency's final report are provided (enclosures one and two). Note: Both reports are minus their last attachment - wanted posters of escaped offenders. 2. Formal Report on the escape: A copy of the Serious Incident Review on the Connally Unit escape, distributed January 11, 2001 is provided (enclosure three). Regarding a February 2001 Death Row Plan, I understand Carl Reynolds has addressed the nonexistence of this document with you via the Internet. c~tJ~ Susan McHenry Executive Assistant spm attachments (three) o 2135 LHildebrand • San Antonio. Texas 78209· (210) 930·2525 J2fP£;. Box 13084 • Austin, Texas 78711· (512) 475·3250 1 I I "' .. . . TEXAS DEPARTMENT .... '" '.' ....' ..: . '. l' . '~f:' . .': .' 0 ," . " . CRIMINAL JUSTICE .... 1 .Institutional Division J . :. I J ..... I . . . " ' :..,. . ., < .~-:.: ..::.:.:::7"~:.'" .:, : ~:.::." , ..' .. ..I ' .SERlPUS INCIDENT REVIEW . . ".: .-. '.. . -":.:,:::C~hhaIlYU nit" . .. . . ". .. -~' ...... _.. ., . ., . . ":. -.~:'. .. . ....", ...,'.. Date oOf Incident: . ..' . ", .. ' •• • ,0 .. .. Dece:mber 1,~,. ,2000 :': . ' • •0 .0 • ~ '. .. .. • ..'.0 :~ . ... ..", .., .... ...... ;'.- -. ... .. ..... ........ . . ' ':' _.... '.' .... . -. . . - . .': :..... .' ' . ;, • . . . . : . . ."" •••.• 0'" ... .. ;,.. '... ...... . ., . \ . . . . . . . . ,'0 ~., ." ... . '. ... • • • • 0°, ." ... .' . . . : . . . :... • • •• " . . . ... : ... ..,. • .... :: .' 00' •o... :.' .-- ... .... -- '. •• ;, ".. .:.. . " .' ...;. ~.:" \:. : . ::. •••• ...... .. .:, '.' , - .... . : : Date of Di~tribl.:ltion:· J.~·rll~~ry 11 ~ 2~.01.. .. ". . . , ." . . . : ,'Date of Review: ':b'ecem'b's'r 19~ 2000'.. ; " "'~'. - ... •• '.. ....... ... . .. ..... . . .' • ... 0 .. , .' . .. --:. :. o ••• ' .. • ':. :- • .. I. TEXAS DEPARTM.ENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE ... I" Institutional Division . I . SERIOUS INCIDENT REViEW . . . ,. .... -.: ....... .. . ,. .. 'GaIyJohnson' .. • 'Noi~ Direct ,TDCJ- D. 1\ ~ ~ \' .. :DA~E:·. TO:. ....... __ .:.!_~.,.. _.. __ ~'.. _.__.• _ 1 . . Jan,le Cock~ Deputy Direc THRU: I '-'L_..... . . .- ~'0.9. . . . , 0.· . ,.... Region III Director I. . or. ~~ty ' . G~~ Gom~~ FROM: ' ··December 19, ~ooo ,..... _ :...:... __ ' . Serious Incident SUBJECT: Connally~Unit '. December 13,2000 • 1" ...: .. •• 0 ••• __ . •••• _ BACKGROUND , '0. .. ... ' . - •• _ :..._ _• • • • : ••••• - _ . --- . . -... ...... ..,. _.... '•• _ . _ _0•• .. .. ~ -_.- ._ .... _ • __ . . _ - ; - _,_ • . • • __ • _ ..,.... . ..' •••_ . __ • .... _ ,. _ .' approximat~I/':;~'120 •• _ ._. __ • _ ••• _ .. •• _ _ •••••••••• . . . . . . 0' • _ _- . _ ' ' ' ' 0 .. , ~even On December 13. 2000. at ho·urs•. offeflders assigned to the' , Connally Unit. a·maximuri1:':security'facility. overpowered and restrain~d nine maintenance supervisorsj·four correctional officers and three uninvolved offenders';: and, escaped from .tbe· .facllity\·:::...Ao..lncident -Review.Team was'Jqrmed :at .the 'request "ot" 'Gary; Johnson . Director., TDCJ-:lnstitutiorial Division. The team was comprised of th'e following 'members: .. . ' , J • \ GarY Gomez. Director. Region III • ~ R. C. Thaler; Se~'lior,Warden. Estelle Unit • :David Doughty. Senior: War~en. Stiles Unit .. I I .. . . . .. Elizabeth Burns. Assistant WarCfen. Ramsey"1II c C:'::7. :'" . =":"~::7i' ::,pafrick79'Sli,~ug,lirie~sy'.'~~.~~;'-~~~:-o.:~~H~F~~~o;,iii~:i!1speciCirGer.;iai:: ':,:~: :';'::::. . • ' Micky Price;Area Direct~r. F~cilities Op~rations & Mainte.nance . .' : t.:· .. :::-'.' t:~~~.~,~II~~~,~~~tra~~~T~c,~~~~I~n~~~~~~~. ~ervl~~ ..,::.; , .:,:'c: .':.: . .' . .·.:Willtam ·H..Mqody.·Meml:?er of.tlie-'-exas of Cnmlnal JL!stlce. served as .. Bo~ra [:,:.:': .:-:~. ~,::~h~_I\~~~~,:~tp;~{~~~~~~::~:,'~~'=:::~~~_~:-':~~~~~_ <,':.:,:..'=',.;.' ',:' . . . t.". I. SqppE '=''::' =-__.'.-::-": •.•' _ :-.... '.- .,. -: .•AND_OB~EC.TJVES :-::_°-:.7.;:::-° ,":",-:-::-0 •• °-::-:.:.:".7." -:-.: -:--_0 '. .~'.~:.~',,:,,"_'.~~'.:~':.' • . 0:'.' . ... . 0 _...~ ::-:':.•. ~"'.-.-.".::.':"". ".~"-: ... ".' .. 0., ...... The':scop'e ~of tti'e'''re~i~w' was' to ~examine th'~"~~it 's~~urity operations :and procedures.· ...maintenan·ce ·.procedures. : eme'rge~cy- resp~nse " plan.'· unit' staffing. : and· the .u~it '. classificati'on .process•.: The objec~i~~~L9Lt~e. Jeapj .w~f~Jo .i9~n~ifY·p[oqe.dut~s jhat 'rn'ay - ...: '.~ p~~v~~(~§~fa.~:~~'~~~!~,~ff~l1]..~~~r~n·g· i~'~~~ .~Li~.~(re. :~ng:to':qffe~ regQmm.~n9.ati6·~s.}md .~::. correctiv.e actions to the Connally Unit Warden: The team u~ed visual. inspections of the '. . .. ~. ··incident ·.:scene.·.· .interview~L.with~;staff.·.~.and. s··· rE!vi~w ... o(.al(··appJicaple· documents an~L ". . ". . ' d " :'.' m":" 't't "t ' :-: .....-: .. :'':'.'':'._._, :..:- ...•,:_. :_'., .~ ~.:~.' ..":'_:' .;._..::.: ...._:.......:...;.:..::_... ':'':'''-' _.. ' . ... '-:;." proce ur~s.p.e _ o.er).. O hl~ ~~cap~.·:. _.:,,:..:: :'::::.~ ..:. .., .'.;....:. ": _ _'.: '. . :... :. .:.'. .: ~.:: : . . . ;..,~':" :.:::~:.:-~~.: .; ?·~~~f~~:"~~::.~~:7:;: :~.':':-:-.'~~'~ ~~~~:·:·~7~?;:~:~:.·::~~~· .:-:-;,~''' .. . ." ~ • '. ~.~. . - ~ ••: • • • • •_...... ~ ••. :_... . • .'; • • IF· -. . ',' '-.-' .: -.':' .. :. .- . I " Serious Incident Review - Connally Unit December 19, 2000 INCIDENT REVIEW I . . PARTICIPANT SUMMARY i I I I I.. Victims . Etnploye'e~' , . , Patrick'Moczygemba, Maintenance Supervisor V Mark Burgess, Maintenance'Supervisor IV" Alan Camber, Maintenance Supervisor IV Mark Garza, Maintenance Supervisor IV Martin Gilley, Maintenance Supervisor IV Ronny Haun, Maintenance Supervisor IV .. -: Lester Moczygemba, Maintenance Supervisor IV. Terry Schmidt, Maintenance Supervisor IV ... _ _ Manuel Segura, Maintenance Supervisor IV,'. Randy Albert, Correctional Officer III, Field Force Lou Gips, Correctional·Officer·IVj Backgatei Picket· .... . ' Vernon Janssen, Correctional Officer IV, Bac~gate Alejandro Marroquin, Correctional Officer 1II;'Maintenance Paint Squad ,_.,.~ 1_.... .:..::. =-_ . . . Offenders' :: , .: . ~' . -;'. . '. David Cook; #435179, W/M, Door Closer.Mec~anic ...:: Roger Fishwick, #604792, W/M: Door Closer Mechanic Ambrosio Martinez, #648556, HIM, Plumber ... ."_ -... ': .' ........... ....... .. ...... _... -_. -- ... - ...... ... .. .. ' Assailants / Escapees .. Joseph Garcia, # 774391, Maintenance Department Material Handler, HIM, serving a 50 year sentence for Murder out of Bexar'County. . . . - . , -:' _. ._.. Ran'dy-~i-Iaipriiii'1#7~Ef259t~Mai~ten~nCeDep.~rtmeiifM~feria(Handier:' \iv/M,' serving -a :30 .. ,';~~: . ... : year sentence for {nJury to a Child out of Tarrant County. .'.. I: ~., ..L~rry:..,atrp~r,· #8d~191500"'~f\JI?linte~at' a .. ... ~ .. ... • • •••• ... • • • • . . . . . . . ·oo • nc.e, ·~epa~mlt.enl t..~at~tri~I'fHAC[lndler,Wt d1MS" serVi,nA.9_ a 30 .,.. ' ..' -y.ear sen. en~e an year sen el1ge lor.mu IP ~ cO.':.Jn so, ggrava e ...exua ssau 1t '-. ' ".. ut-' "f EI P . C" n',' . ~. . '. ' . . _:~' o. 0 aso oun·.r·'-···7··': .:-: ..:-_.. ::'.. :.;~., ' ".::.'::.. '." .- . .· ·. I. ' .. . • • • • • • • • • • _, ••• :._._ •• .. .. ... . ,.. .... --_.'•.••••••• - ••• _._. . - _ ••• -_._._ •• _ O' •• ' _ . ' . _ _ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • _ _• • • . •• _ . __ Patrick Murphy, #386888, Maintenance Department Carpenter, W/M, serving a 6 year ~:-:~~:...:. "~": sentence for Burgla~'of a ~~~lld·i.n~',~and a ~~o y'e~~.sent~.nce ~or Aggra:vat~d,·~exual Assau~t ~' ~. __ . outo~D~.I~~sC?~.no/.; ,-.- .. _ _..__ .,....... ..: :.. .:.:_.-:-:-._ .. •••• 0 .. . ..... _ . _ - .. .. . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • _ . ... .".0'." '.. .. . .. • Serious Incident Review - Connally Unit December 19, 2000 . George Rivas, #702267, Maintenance Department Support Service Inmate - Clerk, HIM' serving a life sentence for multiple counts of Aggravated Kidn'apping, Aggravated RObbe~ and Burglary out of EI Paso County. . Michael Rodriguez,.. #698074,·lnside Yard Squ·ad,·H/M, serving a life sentence for Capital . . ... .. .... . .... Murder out of Be?<ar County.· '.' .. . . .. ... . . .... '. , . . . . .... .. ·CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS ~. ' ' "" On December 13, 2000, a~ approximately 1120, the employees of the Connally Unit Maintenance Department returned 20 offenders that were assigned to the MaJntenancer Department to their housing areas and went to lunch. Patrick Moczygemba, Maintenance Supervisor V, arranged for a group of five offeJ'1ders: Joseph Garcia #774391, Randy Halprin #786259, Larry Harper #861910, Donald Newbury #824.631; and George Rivas #702267, to stay in the Maintenance Department to seal the floor in -the warehouse.· It was not uncommon .for- these offenders to ..-be assigned to special projects in' the _._ .... _.- Maintenance' .Departm.ent:····· Mark Blfrges's~' Maintenance Supervisor' IV also' gave per~i.s~i~.1). ~o~_:.~n.~;gf ·N~.. off~nd,er~,_J~9.~r19~. :.M~rphy.#38.6888,· ~o stay in for lunph. to . complete an ongoing project. ·Mr. P; Mqpzygemba agreed to stay and supervise the offenders. . <'.:" . (" . At approximately .1130,. Mr. P.· Moczygemba was working in ·the office when Offender Rivas .askE!q·hirnJ9 qqme back into.,the wa(ehouse. Offende( Harper asked him '.' : . to look at a motor that. was. unaera table. The .offeflder~ we~e cle~ring .the· f1o.or. to begin· sealin'g arid clai~ed that 'they were"unsure' of what they should do with the. ~otor. As Mr.' P. Moczygemba leaned down to look at the motor, one of the offenders struck him in the head with what was later discovered to be an axe handle, and· he was rendered unconscious. When he regained consciousness he began to struggle with the offenders. Offender Garcia held a hand-made knife to Mr. P. Moczygemba's neck and told him that a few more years wouldn't 'me'an ·anything.to their sentences and they would kill one of the employees if they needed to. The offenders removed Mr. P. Moczygemba's pants and shirt, tied his hands and legs, and placed a gag in his mouth. A pillowcase was placed ~ ~.::'" _over..:his :heaet.and :he:was ~carried ]0 :.the _electrical :.room .at .the back :of:the:warehouse .'~'~ ... .. where he was forced to lie face down on the floor.' .. - _... . . . . . .... . " .. . . . Offemder 'M,ichael Rodriguez #698074, was as~igned t9 the insid~ yard squad on the day ·.cif .the 'incident.· Due.. to inclement·weat.her·c6nditionsj· ·the inside yard. squad - .:.'.~ .. ,~.: offenders'~dj'd ·riot·turn~bGffor:work. Po'ssibly in' anticipation the.weath·er relcite'd ~work .. '.: H.:' ..... restrictiO"n,. Offend'er 'Rodrigiie'z'~haq' a'n ~ppointmerit 'vlslfthetunit law the ~7'·''':'::~' ,:: "morning 'ofthe 'iriclCleJiC.:Th·e]aw"libia-ry 6he6k~iii'l6g co'nfirmed that Offender Rodriguez. - -::---- - attended his a,:ipbintJii'snt' a'fid 'checked out at 0940.. Although we cannot verify the exact ~ ;"_',"';" . time.~9ffender,Rodrigu.ez.g~ili.~d:~c~~ss:to:.the;~aint~na~ce:afea, it ·is the opinion of the B· _. review. team that Offender ROQriguez was inadvertently allowed through the gate at A ,. - ..:.... . ... Turnout.. Sever?1 erriployees rep'o~. ·s.eeing Off~l"!der Rq,driguez sitting on a bench in fro~t of the Maintenance Departri1.ent at v~rious times that morning. After Mr. P. Moczygemba . . was :J:iUpOued. :..Offender .~R.odriguez entered ..the .:. Maintenance Department where he ... _~~=~:'~'bec~l1le'aTJ c;lctive participcmUn..tt)e.e.scap.e:-:~::':..: ~f;'~:~.-' :'~--:-'- .:..:..... ':';~; : '.: -. "'.:' ~ .......•.:.' a' ' . ' '". "At approxiJT1ately.1145; Alan C.atnber, MaiJitenance Supervisor IV, and Alejandro ! .",:,'.' '._':"_ Marroquin, :.Corre:~t!6h~I.o~~erl.I~,·ent~r~p~h..~·I1J~i~t~iiahceofficeand each sat qown at a I . ..:'" I 1 I: ,; . I .. ' . I i ·to of ·Ubra·iy. on' . . {~~~~t;: ~~~?~Y:~:::::~f::~:~J~~~:Oji~-;;':':7?~:.,pa~~·~·:'~~':'.~:' : .'. :~:. '~ :..'.:.:' . . . Serious Incident Review - Connally Unit December 19, 2000 desk in the' office as they began talking. Offenders' Rivas, Halp'rin, Harper, Murphy, and Newbury came into the office and began talking with them. Offender Rivas walked behind Officer Marroquin ·and grabbed him in a bear hug from b~hind ...Officer,Marroquin began struggling as Offende~s Halprin, Harper and Newbury helped Offe.nder. Riva~ .force 'Officer MarroquJn .tq the floor. The offenders bound Officer Marroquin's hands .and, legs with plastic ties ·and duct tap~ and attempted to place a. g.ag ir:' hi~.mouth.- .Officer Marroquin ,refused to ,operi his mouth to be gagged and' Offender Newbury ~truck .him in the nose with a closed .fist forcing Officer Marroquin to' allow. the offenders to .gag him. :. officer Marroquin was then carried to the electrical room where he was placed on the floor next to Mr. 'p~ Moczygemba. " . .-., '" .:- .,- - . -00. "7':- .--.-::--••.--:-.,-.:..- . - ---;- _. ,. • ,_., ...." ~ .. Simultaneously, Offender 'Murphy was ,asking ·Mr.. Camber about a part for a, vacuum chianer, when Offender Garcia attacked him from behind. After subduing Officer Marroquin, Offender Rivas assisted Offender Garcia in- forcing Mr. Camber to the' floor. Offender Garcia pla~ed a pointed object in Mr. Camber's left ear, t~r~atening to .apply force. Mr. Camber, in fear of his life,· stopped struggling. Trye offenders bound Mr. Camber's hands with plastic ties and duct tape and removed his boots and jeans.· He was then dragged' into the. electrical 'room:where the 'offenders ~struck ,his' head '·agairtst..;the electrical ,con.duit on t~e 'wall causing {lim to)ose CO':l.S9!C?U~~~ss...:The. offe~d~rs ~~en." . .. . 'placed a' gag in his mouth; 'a pillowca~e: overhi~ 'head and wrappe'd 'quet tap's-aroUha his' , ,.. eyes outside of the pillowcase. . "':~.';.' . .... . . . .... ., At approximately 1200•. Mr. Manuel Segura. Maintenance Supervisor l\i•...and Mr.. Mr. Mark Burgess. Maint~nance 'Supervisor IV ·returi1.~d to ttJe Mainten~n,ge,.pep~J1mEmt. . "Offender Riv?~fcahi~ hito the' office attd told "'1r:' Burgess that Mr. P; M"oczY9,erttba .was in . 'the warehouse. 'Mr. Burgess enter.s·d the warehouse but ijid 'nbt see Mr:'P:.-Moqzyg'emba:· ~.. , Offender Halprin followed Mr. Burgess into the warehouse and knelt down t>esidea box and asked Mr. Burgess to come look at a motor. As Mr. Burgess approached Offender Halprin. he was struck in the back of the h~ad by one of the offenders. 'As he regained consciousness. Mr. Burgess felt a sharp point at th~ back of his neck, another in his back, and one below his righ't armpit. Offend~r Rivas stated "This is no joke, we go home and you go home. or not, it's 'up to you. n . ()tfender Halprin removed Mr. Burgess' clc;>thing, bound his feet and hands with tie straps' and duct tape. placed a gag in his mouth'. and . placed duct tape over his eyes.. ~, Offenders_Rivas..and _Halprin ..then ..car.ried him. to,Jbe..:~., __ ... --electricario"om an-a forced hfni'to"lliedlooi: -OffenderGarcTallien praced~a:Sfia.rp~ pb)ecfiJ'- -':.'Mr. Burgess' .left and to appIY·.force: :A was tt"len placed . . . . Mr. Burgess' he~d and secur~d with ducttape.....'... " .' .... ' ..., . . . '. :':.: .' ,.;.:.' ... •. , Imniedi~tely afJer·Mr:.~,t.irge$S was's~ba.u~d':0ft~o~er ~iY?~...2a~I~.d M.r. 'p~g~r~ljnto . '. '. --the wa~ehou~e and told. him that Mr~. P. Moczygemba n~~~ed hlm.at the.b~q~ 90ck:' As, he ..' , walked into the warehouse,:Offenders'Newbury'and .Rivas ,grabbed:himfrpm be,hiriq ~rid' ~:-. :., ..., forced him to the floor.' .The 'offe'nders'bound, his wrists ·with plastic:ties :and :place.d ~a :gag '. " , : if) J:li~ moutf:1.. Offender Newbury the!) rel1)oved fy1f. ~eg~r.~·s ~o,~~s, ar:t d. Jea.T1s .~~djh.~.~ " .. . . ··'taped his ankh3s"together with duct tape. ~He-was-'c~iiTied'to the.·s'lecfrical'rociin·:where-s'· , ' ' ,. "pillowcase. was' placed ov~r his head.· ~Offende.r.Riva.l:!:"tQ!q. ~im th?t.if he. ~~In1~~ _c;J.o~n· ~?n.d stayed qUiet,'nothing would happen to him... ~~_~: ..~:,-.: -';'.':'-~_:' ::'.... ':'. , '. ,. ~l.:.:·,:·.' . ....:: ,_. , .....,':' . At apprOXimately ~220, Mr. Jerry McDowell•. Recr~~tiol1al prqgr~m ,Special,ist IV.. I. entered the Maintenance DepartiTient.'::Offeri,aers~Riv'as::;H~lpriJi' and .M~rphy ·.were ;.sitti.':ig .; .. :".. I . in the 6ffice·~:·:· Mr.. McDowell asked then:iffe:riClerS why t"'ey',we're J~16!ie.::·-9fferide( Rivas . ! told. him :that ·.Mr~,P..: ~09zY9~,lllb~.,.Y{~ri.L~9_ ~.8J?.9l]11:··· .Mk..Mp'pgY.{~!Jh..E?!Lf~qu.e.~t~c!.Jo. .:, i . .. . ~h~C?~-Ql!t."t~~ .:3 :Gym. :t2~!~_9~~i;,Qrre~.~.~r rv1Y.fph~h~.~~~.J!1}c? ~~h~ =~~·r~h9.u~e_:§~~ '!?ro~gbt ,::.:' "':.- .: e~r I . I. .'.: ,. I threat~ned pillowc~se ov~r :: . ':.-" - .... ---.' .......-:- ...: ::.,' '.:":':. -=-.;.; :.. P~~~'4':'.:~':'.,,::.., :. . :"'. .... .. -: ". '::'.. "':-':""'--;0"._ '.:, ':",- "-':' -=.:" .. ". ' . ' .,. .. Serious Incident Review - Connally Unit December 19, 2000 back the toolbox and the check-out log. Offender Murphy handed the tool box and the log to Offender Halprin, who in turn handed it to. Mr. McDowell. After signing the check-out log, Mr. McDowell turned and walked out of the Maintehance Department. Offender "Rivas followed him and asked him'to'come'back into' the shop, but Mr. McDowell refused' arid 'Ieft the area. . ." ._. ... .' ." . _.. . .. . At approximately'1225, Mr. Mark Garza, Maintenance Supervisor IV, Mr. Martin Gilley; ·Mainte"n·ance· SuperVisor IV, .·and Mr. Roimy Haun·,··. Mainf~'ri~ri'ce Su'pervisor IV returned to the Mai~tenanc$ Department. Jy1r. Giliey ~ent into the electric?1 'shop-and Mr. Garza sat down at a desk in the office. Mr.' Haun walked into the wareh.ouse where Offender Newbury asked him to' come and look at something on the shelf.. As Mr. Haun approached the shelf, Offender Newbury grabbed him and placed him in a headlock. Offender Rivas assisted Offender Newbury in forci~g Mr. Haun to the floor and attempted to place a gag in his mouth. As Mr. Haun struggled with the offenders, Rivas struck him in the nose twice with a closed fist and forced the gag into' his mouth. An unknown offender approached them and put a plexiglas knife to the back of Mr~ Haun's left ear. The offenders secured Mr. Ha4.n's legs ahd arms with duct tape and placed'apillowcase oVer his head' and .wrapped .it with duct tape. Mr. Haun was dragged ·to ·tlie electrical room 'where the- offenders' unbound his legs, removed his' boots ancf jeans, and then 'rebouncf his _. ._ legs using plasticzip.ties..-_.. :.~ .. :_-.'-.~~"._ ::._:_-'..:.,_ .. ;~_:.' __ :~' :._ _.'. . As this was occurring, Mr. Garza wa§ sitting in the maintenance office.· Offender Harper came into the' office and asked Mr. Garza to come into the warehouse to look at a motor. ' Offender Rivas' approached Mr. Garza from behind and put a sharp object to the .front of his neck..·.Mr.Ga.rza pushed the object' away .from .his neck as 'Offenders Halprin . and Ha.rper attack~d .him forcing:~Jm t~.. th~ ~oor~ ·Jhe ~ff~n~~r~ pJac~ctp'l.as~igJieJ?~rQund .. Mr> Garza's' a-mis aild legs' and dragged him to the electrical room. A gag was placed in Mr. Garza'a mouth and a pillowcase was placed over his head and taped.. - '.' After Mr. Garza was subdued, Offender Garcia walked into the electrical'shop and asked Mr. Gilley if he wanted something to eat. Mr. Gilley declined the offer and Offender Garcia left the shop. Offender Murphy entered the electrical shop' and told Mr. Gilley that - .. Mr. P.· Moczygemba wanted to see him in the warehouse. Mr. Gilley entered the warehouse were he was· attacked by Offenders Garcia, Halprin,'Newbury and Rodriguez. Offender Halprin tol~. Mr. Gilley not to resist and that he would not be hurt. Offenders !~~::.. :..:=.. Newbury .:~and :Garcia· held: hand..:made knives "behind ~e'ach-of.::-Mr:-:-Gilley's .eafs~The' .. I. -: " .... offenders removed his·.pants and bound his Jegs using plastic straps.' 'A pillowcase was placed over Mr~ Gilley's 'he~d and taped. The offeridersJorced Mr. Gilley. into the electrical . roo~.w~~·re.~~~y pla..?~~~~gag 'in, .~i~·.mciuthan~.ti~d his.h~Q?~. b~hi~~. ~is'b~ck u~Jng ':. .". ~: pl?stl~ t!es. ~ :".:-. :.~ ':.:::' :.:.~ ~~:..::.:...~. ~ ~<.: . . :~ ..: .' .. :... ;:' :"..' ~:~ ~ .' -,,: .. '.' ._ ....... -, __ ._. _ . :.~.". At .appr9.~imat~~y:-t~40,"-.M~.-TeiTyS9hrn.idt;· ~ai.ntena[)ce ~uperyisor 'IV, returned . l·~- _.~._ fr.of!l.-I~h~h~·~.~_9~~nff ~~,. 9~e~d~fs, . D.a~k:l Cook Jf4~~17~ :~m-9 Roger. Fi~nwj~k'fl9 04792, from '18 Dorm to the Maintenance Department. Mr. Schmidt was leaving maintenance ·--,with 9fferiders f.ishwi~kand C~o~;when OffenderRivastold him that '~r~' P;·M~ciygemba , wanted to :talk to him in the shop>' Mr. Schmi~t ·went,. int~. ~h~_ m~in1~~~l1ce .w~rehouse ... _. where several'offe'nders attacked 'h'im from behind.. One 'of the 'offenders held a hand,: .. made .knife.to Mr.' Schmidt's' head and ·told him "to shut up:- :The 'offenders' pUshed' Mr. . Schmidfto the floor and tie!d·his.·hands and .feet with plastic straps·.. ··Theyplaced a g~g:.1D_ I : . -<:;.. ;.:',-: .;::.. .;.:. -:. ..;.::..... ... . ·'· I ". _. I.~~_:·. ~:~·~· .M~ijlti~:;~1;~~h~~.~;~?~~~r:~~~n~~~~M~~~~ ~Id ~:~~1h:f1~e·~ff~:re~~:~iri·~.:~~::~· .':'.:.-:- h!fm6uth·.a·ri(ap'~II.ow6~s~_~~~~r~~i~~tJ~?d.~i1ci 1 'diigg~d' hf~ t~t.he-efectiidal ro-orri.:~·~~·· ~:·:. :···::.7~: .. :.~.~:,.:~.~~_:,:·.~,,~.~:-~·.::~':~:7.~~·::~-:::3.~~:::;;::.,~ .~;.:. 'P~g~"5~:' • . . ' • • ••• :., I ::.'. 0' ~ ':~ ~'';':':-.;:.. ' :~:~ ~ • • ,.~ • ::.' ' :.' ~:. ~. ~: : • '.- • .. ' .. • '.. .•. -. • MCt=P't Z _ R3 ?1ri W AS• •" JSMaM5+:*'iS1ii. e 9 Serious Incident Review - Connally Unit December 19, 2000 spread in the back and to fix themselves a plate. Offender Cook immediately went to the back of the warehouse. Offender Cook was 'struck in the face by 'Offender Rivas as he approached the .back of the. warehouse. ,Offender .Cook swung back at Offender Rivas .stri~ing him in the .face. An. unk~own offende~ app~oachec! .Offel)d~r. Cciqk from behind and struck him in the back of the head with an axe handle. The offenders· then bound ,Offender Cook's arms and legs and ciragg'ed him into the elecfricalroom. .... : ..... _.,_., .., , .' Offend~r Fishwick at ,firstde"cl,ined the, offer to' eat with :the other ,offenders, but, Offender Rivas in'sisted that he join them... As he was walking toward the warehouse door Offender Mu.rphy began pushing' him inside, the wareho~se. Offender Rivas grabbed Offender Fishwick' and' pUlled 'him"into' the warehouse. "Offender Fishwick was struck in the back of the head with an axe handle: Offender Fishwick was forced to the floor where he saw Offender Cook lying on the floor at the back of the warehouse. The offenders bound Offender Fishwic~'s hands and feet with plastic ties and covered his face wfth duct tape. A pillowcase was placed over his head and he was taken to the electrical room. At approximately 1245, Randy. Albert" '; Correctional' Officer. HI, entered the maintenance office to get a hitch for the unit's utHity Vehicle (Gato"r)., He was assigned to the field force and was.supervising·the trash crew that day"and ·wanted to-usethe·Gator ' to haul some lumber. Qfficer Albert entered the office ,and saw only offenders. He asked where Mr.-P.-Moczyge'mba was and was told .that he was'in therwareh'ouse~~'6fficerAlb'eft' ,. walked into the warehouse where he agairf"~~\v only offenders. He noticed a 'handheld radio and a set pf keys on the floor and knew something was wrong, but was then attacked from benind by three offenders and forced to tt:J~·'floor. One the offenders " placed a knife to Offiqe.r Albert's .faqe and told hitn"liot to mbv<?: Officer Albert ~jr~bbed 'the knife with his left han'd and was .able to bend 'the blade.. ·~One of the' offenders thei'-'struck him in·the head with an axe handie. The offenders handcuffed him with the handcuffs he was carrying and bound his legs with rope and tape and dragged him to the electrical room. . " , At approximately 1300, Mr. Lester Moczygemba, Maintenance Supervisor IV, returned from the boiler room with Offender Ambrosio Martinez #648556, to dispose of a piece of metal.· Mr. L. Moczygemba notic'ad that the maintenance truck was pulled in.to the shop and the overhead door was closed behind it and locked. 'Offender Newbury approached Mr. L. Mpc~ygemba aod bran.dish~d_a.flptple..Q~_QLr:o~.tal.a .appr9ximately :10- ..:.... , . , 12 inches'ln l~fng~I1.:)lJi9. §~~rp~ii~:~rQr.fboth:sid,eS:-'''Mf.-.~: 'M6ciyg~iiiDa-push'8"9'-Offe naeY' '.. ',:', Newbury's h~nd aw,ay and ~ol~ him to stop. 'Mr. L. Moczygemb.a turned toward .Offender Martinez. Ashe turned, Qffe'nder N~wbury came up behin~ h.im, and put the hc;ind-made , kn~fe to.. ~is..th(oat. " 9ffend.er.J:~~w.P.4n' .tol.d, him tna.t. ~.~_Wc;i( ~eri9ti,s .and J1~ _dJ~, nO,t .want to. . hurt nim, but h~ would ,if he . did'.not)je,down> f\<1r:'L;' MoczYge.mba'laid down on the floor· and .Offender Halprin and Offender. NewburY :tied his -hands ·and .feet ·with· plastic jies- and duct tape and placed a·sheet over his~head.· The ·offenders·then· took Mr.··L,.,Moczygemba to the electrical room. ". .. . .~', '.. '.' .,. .... . .. ,. . ,,' .. : '. 'As'thls'\vas"oc6i:Jt/'ing~~Offefjde(Martine~'was;'att~i6kei:f b{Offehd'er''Mi.irphY; ·who sta~bed him, 'on' '~is :J~ft :r!ng finger.. '. OffEmd~rs', ~!va's: ,a.nd:.Gar.C?i~ ,plac~d. '.qffeflae~, ~artiflez's,:ha,nds.·behi.l19 hi~.. bac~_ alld bpund .l1ls arms and legs with plastic straps. arid· duct tape. One of the assail~nts then dragged Offender Martinez to the electrical room. . :. ~:,:' _:_After.the last victim 'Was .takerft9 .the-electrical room','.the ,offenders secured the, do'or ' ... from the·outside.'· Mr: Schmidt was':able ·to·free himself of his-restraints 'arid beg'an helpin~r-' the others. Mr. Garza carried.a pocketknife that ~as not discovered by.the assailants.', Mr. . Schhlidt .was'to~~us-e ~th~.~pockefk"nife ~ ~tie '~hostages": arms"{and ,:Iegs 1he"· .. or I I I I· I... I. 'to free .abie' I .' .,:. :.,.. . . . :.:.: .~<.~·7.~~~~~'?~~~~~;:~~i~:~·'~.·,~~~g~:~:~~~":; ~ ~:.~~\?._:~ . . ~ ~}~~.<:.:".,~:~:~,:", ::.-.,.:~::- _7., •• .. : :.. :;'. ., -,from ...::., ::;~', .. a Nt'Srnn-,zc=' Serious Incide~t Review - Connally Unit December 19, 2000 restraints, except for Officer Albert who was handcuffed. The victims began to prepare themselves in case their assailants returned. They began tearing electrical conduit from ,the walls using it to barricade the door a'nd potentially for their, own defense. When the as~ailants realized that the victims had removed their restraints, one of ·the offenders attempted to regain e!1try in~o the room. When his attempt was unsucc~ssful, he tried to seal the door. s9 ·that .the ~ictirns could not exit. .He secured the door using·a hand, .' operated winch (t;:bnie:a~long) to winch the door G~osed.· '., .' . ' . .. .' . . At' approx!mately'1305, qfficer Perez who· was assigned ·.to Ce'ntral 'Control, telephoned the Maintenance Department anq asked to speak with a supervisor. Offender Rivas, who answered the call, .instructed another offender'to' come to the' 'phone' and impersonate Mr. P. Moczygemba. Officer Perez informed them. that it was count time.. The offender impersonating Mr. P. Moczygemba returned the phone call to Lieutenant Carr and advised that there were ten offenders in the Maintenance Department. To ensure that the count would balance, the offenders were careful to include the three offenders who were subdued in the eleGtrical roqm and Offender· Rodd9u.~z who did not work in the department. :Lieutenant Carr, had no· reason to believe that the· person providing the count V{as an· inmate and ·believed ,:that··the ·count· he ·was -given ,Was accurate. Earlier d.uririg the incident, an offender; now believed to be Offender Rivas, ' ···imperson-ated su'pervisor"arld :calied' th'e'A' officer, the 3 Building :desk- 6ffice{r~"~-:~' -~ and the 18-19 Turnout offi~er... He notified'~~De'm that only a skeleton crew of" offenders would. return to th~ir job a.$~ignroents ~fter lunch. ' " . . ' , . ". .. At.approximately 1.319, Lou Gips, Corr~c;tioDal Officer IV, was.working theb~ckgate picket (S-Radio Tower). Officer Gip'~ 'received a call from a person claiming to' be from ,the· .. Maintenance· Department/ informing' him· that maintenance :.employeesv-iere ·.coming 'to install mtmitors 'in the picket: The telephone call and the description of ·the work order seemed legitimate to Officer Gips, because a' similar installation was recently made on one of the other pickets. At approximately 1;3::W, Vernon Janssen, Correctional Officer IV, who was working the backgate sallyport, received a similar call. He wa~also informed that a crew of maintenance employees would be installing monitors at the back gate. MeanWhile, in attempt to call for Help, Mr. Camber was able to set off the fire alarm from within the eleptrical room. At approximately 1335, Ce~tral Control was alerted' by a ·._'. ..... ,.. flashing J.ight..ol1.th~ ..control.p.anel.that .the_fir.e.alarms were activated .in the. Maintenance ...... .:-. ::.._ .. q~part~ent:."·Offi~e.r p'eJe~-attefJ1p.tfiq· to :C9n'~a:cf JIi·s.- pepaitmen(by Jeleij:ihQti~,~puftflere---~.' was no answer. .. . . ' .' . '. , '. . : At.· appr.o~!~~t~:ly 13~O •. two_ males· wea.r:i~g "civilian· cl~thing ,and. ,~ales 'in ... .... offend~~.:c~othing .ap'pr9~ch£:l~ ::!I:l~_~b~p~g~t~: i6. ~h~ :.~?l~or.!:~=:Ih.e_~ tw9..: IT1~1~~ .JIJ••C?ffEm.~~r. . · .,. . . qlot~'r!g .99t out.qf:ths··vehiple .a·nd. w~lked to t~,e p~qestrian.gate.. J"he.offenders knew.tnat ....: .... . . . . .' they were not allowed to' exit 'through ttle vehicle gat~ and. c9mplied to keep the situation ._.-." ·····from· .s~~ri1il1g :.susp.iciou9.-:~'9ffiger: GJps; :convinged ·by -.t~e·ear!ie~ telephone .. call··and· expecting maintenance workers, open~dth~ ~~lk-~~ro~g~ gate allow!ng the offe!1.q~rs).ntc? ·;.....'~' ... ;: the 'fenced area behind tlie"'g'ateh6Us~: '~qfflcer Gips'then opened the v'shicle gate allow , .' " . the Gator into the vehicle area. ~ .Officer Ja'nssen' was inside the gatetiouse and not aware ·.:.. ~'.... .~~a( 9fffge'r GlpS had op~p~d .~h.e~ g·at.~ .~l1owtng'lbe~offender~: in~o·Jhe~. ven'icl~ c;i~ea .. The [ .' m.ales dressed. as civilians .carrieq rJ:lonjto~:s, and :le9trical, Ylir~ with them. as they ~Xite~ th~. ... · ...-:.:"~- ~ehicle and walked .into ,the; 9?teORl:lse. ·;.::rh~y:opened ,the back door. of t~e g~teh0l:Js~." - '.' allowing·.the two dressed in pri~)Qn;W~ites·to-entt?r~· Before OfficefJansse"n"could 'ask for . .id.enti~~~ti~n,. ~...CJv~Ii.~~:..~r~~~~~ o.ff~~~_ef :~~~.~~ .. ~~~~.i.~!ng .~f1 el.~9tr!9al o'=!tlE?t.-.th?l! ~~~ .., · ::::.-::' ... ~~~r.:.t~.~ ,d.£:ls.~.!n ..the:o!!lc~ .~~~~.~~1~.~.,:~el~'phC?p~;.t.h.~t ~~~.. ~I}t~.~ .~.e~k ~C!ng .?~~.t~.E}-~~y'I!!~r ...... a Turnout tWo to. "0 ..: ".-- I '. '...," ":' . r • I .~' ........ ' • ;._ . . . . . ..:..--.. ..;.__ ...... - ~ . . • • • • ~:.~~... :~:~ .•~p.~~.~:; • • •. Il. •• " , . .:',:' ."', .. .... .... .... '.. "." ., Serious Incident Review - Connally Unit December 19, 2000 dressed offender answered it. The caller, impersonating an employee, was one of the offenders who remained in the Maintenance Department, calling to" verify that the offenders had arrived to tneir destination at the back gate, ,The offender that answered the telephone, then handed the telephone receiver to Officer Janssen telling him that the call was for him: As' officei:Janssen leaned over to take the' receiver, one of the civilian dressed ,'offenders grabbed' him from behind putting. his .aim' around ,6fficerJanssen's , , throat and fgrcing him to the floor...Th.e' offenders r~moved, Janssen's uniform pants and, shoes, bouhq his arms, and legs, 'a'nd taped his mouth with' duct tape, They' piciced Officer _ " Janssen in th~.r~stro9m in the gatehouse and secured the door, At approximately 1345, 'one -of the offenders, '~ressed in civilian' clothing, exited the' gatehouse, walked up to the exterior gate, and identified himself as "Maintenance,", ' Officer Gips remembered seeing the maintenance supervisor earlier that day, wearing the' clothes and the hat that were now worn by the offender, and from his vantage point, thought that it was the same person. Officer Gips looked around to make sure that there were no offenders in the area and opened ,the outsiQe gate allowing ,~his 'peirson to exit the compound. He subsequently' opened the picket door"fallowing him to eriter the tower.' As , the offender was coming, up ,the stairs', ~the picket telephone rang. The calle'( identified ' hirns~Jf as a m~intenari~e supervi~pr. al)d as~~dJf.Are? ~~~nt~,J:laJ'1c~. ~t~.ft.h.a~, a.rrived. ,. :The offender reached 'the top of the 'stairs 'and :took thedelephone call.' .He then 'remoVed his jacket and placed it on the chair in the' pic~i, 'grabbing a .357 revolver that Was lying on the desk. , The offf;mder, who was later identified to be Offender Halprin, held ,Officer Gips at gunpoint and told l1imthat it.was an escape.' One of the. offenders,,~till in offender "clothing, later dis~ovei"~d to be Offender Murph5';-Y~lIed from' the 'ground ,to 'op'errt~e 9a~e. . Offender Halprin, liot.Jamiliar,with,·the·.'picket controls, threatened Off!cer, Gips"life- arid forced him t6 provide instructions on how to open the picket door and the vehicle' gate. Offender Halprin asked Officer Gips what kind of guns were in the picket and, their whereabouts. The field force's guns and th~ transportation officer's guns were stored in the bottom of the picket. This was 'not the unit armory. After.collecting the guns, Offender Murphy instructed Officer Gips to go downstairs. When they got to the bottom of the stairs.. Offender Halprin used Gips' belt a'n8 one of his shoestrings to bind his hands and tie him to a structure within the picket. Tho offenders then exit~d the tower with the guns, '.. ', '. _.... .lmm.ed!~tely.aft~~Jh~ _Qffeoders exited the picket, Officer Gips. freed himself and ran. ,. ~_ ..,. -·-t;Jjf 'the-st?ti($~·td:- the--t6p- of ~t~e -~pidke~;-The-tliree6ffenqcfrs' 'tti~t 'had' remaine,)' hi" th-e . Maintenance 'Department drove the maintenance·truck ·through 'the open' vehicle gate '.. where they picked up the weapons and their four accomplices'and e?Cite~ the compound, .. _~ .::~',Th~, :J!1~~!!lt~~_ance. t~6.k ~had. :,b~.el1:· br~ught· inside .J~~, ~,cqmp9un~earlier ' :th~t :, ~~y 'In . ". ,.. antJcip~tiolJof an afternoon trip for syppIles., A(approximately '1358" -Officer' Gips' used his .. ',' ':_ "': ' handheld radio'to' request assistance'; officer' Gips reported at 'that time that he could 'see -~...,th~ maintel')an~e truck driving past 19 Bliilding outside 'of the, compound: . , '. ,.' , .'. ", Warden' Keith· was' in ,the' 'company of, ~~ !Q.9.§LJ~~ e!1f.orcement.offic~r on the', .-::-,' ..;com'polinc(\:Vliefi"he" heard Hie~ dist"ress"call::-: The' 'office'r inimediately"notified othe'r local '::-:.. . lawenf6~cement to be'on the lookout for -i white truck. retu'rning to the unit at approximately 1400, 'Officer Barton, Olsen, .assiglJed 'to,. thec9mmunity ,work squad;' , reported seeing' the white maintenance, truck in the downtown area of Kenedy. in the ' ':"~:'''.vicinitY of City--HcilJ.-:lmmeaiately afte"-seeiri~ffrie'vehi,cle, Officer"Olsen heard a' caliCiii the: ,'. -:-,-- -- hand held 'Fcldi6 and respon'ded with-airections to wnereh'e-had seeri'the'vehiCle, . . - .' __ "_~-,..._'. _As ~J1 i1'1t~n.siye s~~r9.l1_csmRQ,L!~d, ~t ,app.r9~iJTl~~~ly J~OO, a w~ite TDC~ pickup was .~~:,~::·:.:J.9.!,m9 ,~~~,"!d~~~q ~e~i.J1~. :~!l~~W~J-!Y1~rtJflJ~eD£;}dy.:'~:Bas~d,:ori ..filr:n, footage recorded ..by, :,:::~. -~ ~/~ ~-::··~C- ~-;'::~.::~, ~a~~ {,::. ~~'~ .: ," ..•" . ~--- - - ... .. ..... . - ... .. .. .. ro'cj '-".. - . . . '.. ,' : -;:': 'While M 51 'i Pi WhO Serious Incident Review - Connally Unit December 19, 2000 . an automated teller machine camera in the Wal-Mart parking lot, it is believed that the' escapees left the area in one or possibly two vehicles that were left in the parking lot by an unknown .ac~omplice on. the morning of the incident. A task force formed by.the··.Office of the Inspector Ge~~~~]. wi!h th~. ~ssistance of state and local law enforceme!1 t. agencies has been investigating leaqs to the whereabouts of the fugitives, As of the date of this .. Tevie~. the escapees st~1I rema.in at larQe, .... . . . . .. .. . - . . . • . ··r PIS90V~RY Security Operations and Procedures The Connally Unit security procedures were evaluated ,through a review of all applicable documents, on-site inspections, and interviews with unit security staff, .'. Findings. . ... -_... ... .'. . ._..... -_ ...... _. ... ..- ..• _... --........ . . . • A review was conducted of all post orders and .other policies relating to staffed positlons"involved in tlits .incident: : Backgate~ Officer' 'Post :Order ·07~054;Backgate .... Picket Post Order 07.048; Perimeter Piq1<~t Post Order 07.046; TumoutDoor Officer. Post Order 97.103; Maintenance Officer Post Order 07.0~3; ..and .A~r:nlpis~~atiye .. Directive 03.2~~. The team found tQat the'above post. ord~r~..Vfere in. place, current. and available for staff review at each identified ·post.:··· . . -.... . . : - : .. _. :'" ~.'.:.. : :__._ _- .. : .. -'._- .. -. _ ~:.:.. + Post Oider 07.048 provide~ guidelines for backgate picket procedu;es..· 'The post ord~r states that the backgate picket officer shall ensure all persons entering or exiting the unit through the backgate are properly identified and must present their photo identification card. Additionally, Administrative Directive 03.28 instructs that. all uniformed' and non-uniformed personnel will be required to show their TDCJ identification card prior·to admission or exit from the fa~i1ity. , I I I ...'. _ ' ;'" ....'. _. '-' to . ~ .. . •..:.The. b.ackg9~e pick~t .0ffic~r,.~lIoW~d ..an. in.divid~aJ to. P~l=i.~. th.ro~gh. th~. epq~~iQr .g~te ..9.L..... ' ·_-_··· .. ,the backgate'sallyport without properly'and ·pb~.i~!~~~Y"..ide~tifyin~rthe pers~r'CThis h;-ii11 violation of Post Order 7. 048. The backgate picket officer then allowed this unidentified person to enter the picket wh~re weapons afe stor~d and gate controls are .s~cure~.: '.' The .Buil~lrig Major ~h_a,d.·~e~n·C?r:t ~h!~ ..p!~~et;,yi~~·.·~~.~i~.~!f!~er! ,wi~hin .the . . ';'.'::. . :. previou's nl<;mth of ttiis' hicident,"'·pfovi.ding 'him 'sp~~ific training on Pfope~ pr0ge.dur~sf~r-:'.• '. -_: ..'.... the backg'ate picket~. - .~ :,.':"'~=._:_.:-:,,:,,: _:..:..': :: ' ~ : "':'.. '. . : , : '. . ............. _. . --- . __ _-_ _.. .. ... --:- - _..: -- -_. - ._._---- --:--.- ._- ---_._._._--_ .. • A review of the Agency's post ord~rs indjcates that th'ere are .sp~cific. instru9tions.or ... procedures that· outline identification or' allthcirizatiori" reqiJirements ~prior t6 'allowing '-. in.~ividuals into ~ perimeter ~ick~t: ~~.'.' ..:: : . '. '.-::::: ~ ':~ -,': .:" :':_ ''"::: '.' ':.;"-~.~' . I·..": '. ;' 1· . _·.· · '.' .,. . . . __ -~- . .._ - -_. __. .. . . --_._ .-, . ,. . . n9 1..:. ._ J bff~nd~~R6driguez '~as a~i~ t~ ~;ai~"~bc~~s :to. Mai~t~n'~ricie' Departni:e'~t :. ._._'.•.... an . ._-. ~ctiv~ 'participanUn and become this incident: .: '-.":... ~ :.:-~ :.:.....:. ::.::::.". ~:. -i..; •••~:_:. :: ';••~:'::::~:3.:. ;'. ':'~:".::'. ~ ..: .'.~ .... -~ -: . . '...- ... ~'; ..-. :.•-;- - .:•._;. _.. - -.;. ...::..•..._..•.'-_ •. "...__. . .-:-- .~---:--:-.=:--:---:- :.- :--.-=-':-. :.- . . .,'._".!.: ."""'l"';';'~"."o'";' .....: ...: ' .... ~ .- • • o. •. .,..... .:,". • . . . ~. _.' :..:j, Serious Incident Review- Connally Unit December 19, 2000 + The maintenance truck had been moved inside the compound on the morning of the incident, at approximately 1037, to be utilized by a staff member for a parts pickup in the afterno0!1' There was no need for this vehicle to be inside the compound,' + Mr. McDowell went to the Maintenance Department to check-out the 3 Gym toolbox. Offender Riv8stold -Mr.. McDowell that Mr. P. Moczygemba was. in 1.8 Dorm and that there :were no other superVisors in' the, depl3rtmenl.: Mr."McDowell retrieved his'tools, ' left the area and '~fid not report to security staff that he had encountered offenders that' ' were no~ u~der .s,up~r:vi~~~n. + An offender that was not assigned to the tool room issued Mr. McDowell his toolbox.· Although the contents of the toolbox did not include sensitive tools (bolt cutters, cutting torches, etc.), Administrative Directive 03.19 states that only offenders assigned to a tool room and authorized personnel shall be permitted access to too's. , .', + Having taken Mr. P. Moczygemba's keys, the offenders were abie to gain access to the Maintenance -Department's sensitive tools that are kept in the tool room. . Sensitive tools. include any .toolsor .equipment likely to be. used in an ,escape attempt or that poses a threat to-unit -securitY:· See Attac~ment G for a'list '01 tools' th'cifwere taken from the tool room. . ::.~., .'.. . , . . + The victims set off the fire alarm from' within the .Maintenance Department at·. .. approximate'ly: 13$5. TheControi Picket officer was altered by.the activated" alarm and call~d' the '.Maintenance· bepirtment: when there' was no'· answer~' sheoosifenced 'the' alarm on her control panel. . + Two officers are normally assigned to the Central Control Picket and were on this date. However, one of the officers had left her post for a period of time and .was not in the Central Control Picket when the fire a.~arm went off. (This remains under'review.) .... . + The pillowcases that'were placed over the heads of the,victims, were the containers _.;;...'.... d~Ii~~r rag~.t9 ~~E!.,d~partf'!l~n,t§)..-=-~-:- ... -:- ..-' .'.-;._', _. . that were ._ ..'_ used __by . the.0 .•laundry _ _.__ . deRart~e!1toot9_ - -_ .. . Recommendations .::,... .:..... ~ ...."-:. .~: .:.:.~. '.' '. ,..... " ...···:.~:·.o·:·:··:.~ ....: ", .: ...~~ . , -. .: ~"':..... "': ,",.:.~, •..,-. ,. ,.... :'" .:!, ~ :'~"~> ~.' .':::: _..- .+. Althougn routine practice is fortt]e ~ackgate'<;»fficerto ~ssis~ th~ .. ~' .:. . -. ::~', . backga~e' picke~ officer ~,::,,~~,,::.' . in the identification of persons entering and exiting the backgate, Post Orders 07.048 . -.---" -_. :. and ·07.054 ·should ·h.ave specific guidelines' requiring these actions' af·uhits ··that· have " ., both a babkgate picket officer and a backgate officer.. ' :.=. .•.:_: __.• _.:..-= . ,., , '. '00. • ~'.;~ '.::'.:":,.' .e- _" .. _ :_::_." ._ • , • . ~ _ •• , ~.,_~':.=-.-.... .- + Ail cu~ent perimeter picket po~t or~ers should he revised to inClude basic requirements o~ perimeter' picket officers 'to only aHow authorized personnel into the picket and orily _.. after such personnel has been propetly identified by the picket officer. . With the exception. of .the "relieving' officer ",up6n shift: change; anyone needing. access: to 'a perimeter picket must be" given au~horization by a security supervisor.··· ... _- ._-- .... ..- ..... .- .. -_ '.' .~ ~. .. _.. .~:_::._;::::.~~:: . ~~:::.: - - .;.-j7:-~-::~~·.-~-" .... • _ _ ... " - - - _ • • , . .;._ .: .... .. • ..... . _ . '. • ... •• - •• '.-. e' • • • • • • _, ... - " 7.. . ~ ~ -; .. .. ••• '. , . :- .: . :.:~-.,.:~~~~ ..... . •• .. oO· , . " .,-,.:': :~. :,,:, :.. . .:.-: . .." ••••• - - , , ,.. - 'Page'10 ~. - - - • • • • -. . ' ' ~ .. . .... ._. , : 'Hi' fuM it gg §' Serious Incident Review - Connally Unit December 19, 2000 + The unit administration should review turnout door procedures and ensure only authorized offenders are allowed passage through this area. + All departments s~ould adhere to the unit' adminis~ra~ioJ:l's instruction and the guidelines outlined in Administrative Dir~~tiv~. 93,,28, :which requires ·th.at vehicles remain outside the. compound unless vehicJe' entry ,is n.ecessary to perform a specific '. function~ 'In such .cases· that vehicle should be'inside the compound only so long' as is. . necessary to perform that service and only while 'an employee attends' it and then immediately removed from the compound. . . .... - .... . ..... + Mr. McDowell should have reported immediately to security staff that the offenders in, the Maintenance Department were unsupervised. Unit administration should ensure that all employees ?re aware of their responsibility to alert security staff upon detection of this type of situation. . , .'. + Unit Administration should ensure that all employees are· a~are ·of 'the, guidelines outlined in AdminisJrative Directive· 03:~ 9.·'-. Only· employees· and ',offenders, that ·~re .. assigned to a tool "room .should have access. Additionally, employees ,should not accept tools 'from' unauthorized personnei' offenders:: but 'shouidlmmediateli'report . : ..... the violation to a supervisor. ' . <t:,· ' Of· + In ac~ord~~~~~witti the' Coh~ally' Unit Fire Plan, th'e Cohtroi Picket ottjcer sho'~ld have immediately l10tified a security supervisor. .. . .-... , ..' -." . . ....... .. . . . . . I' • _ . ...:..-.. _. .... _.. ..• . ..:;.._ . " Maintenance Procedures Information concerning Operation and Maintenance procedures was obtained through onsite inspections, interviews with staff merpbers and a review of all appl.icable documents. .... , , .. Finqings .__. - . -_.- - •. _._. - --._.-.----- -_..---- ..__ . --"-- ... _---_._-._----------. _-.._------.._._._.._--_._- _e. _. .. ..... . - -_ .. : .'.~.' =-_- ._. .~.... ... + Through an on site .inspe·ction. of th~' Maintenance Department, it was discovered that the telephone in the Maintenance. Supervisor's Office' had outside .calling ·~apapili.ties .. Th.e '~fficE;! rernai.lied loci<~p. at ~IJ~h1Jes;.;~ow~v~r,. when theC?ffem~~r~ ~ubqued, Mr..P . 'MocZygemba they:'acqulred :the...k~y·.to.·the o·ffice~'"Although·.there .is .no.evidence:. to' support this theory; it was ~he observation of the revieW team thCit the assaHants' could . have used. ~hi~ acce~_s ~q' r)]~~e: 9.9Dt~qt ytiJtdtJel( ?~q9rnplj,?e~. '~o.. giy'·~j'1~J~~9ti9.~~·9n the_.... time a.nd pl~ce to 1~C!v~ t~e drop. ~a~"· ~ '. ,'. _. . " . '. ": ' . .. ..-.'.- .. ::.. :--::.: =:'.':.~" =,;,,:,,::,:• ..:.:.;."::':'.::~.-: •• ~.~~••••••• ;,,::- =::' :'-:-:::. :".~':::: .:.:'".:.~ .:.:-:':'';_''.'':"_:.'':.. ~~.'.• ~.;:: ':. .•. ::",,:,:~: :..'- :a:":",,,.:. . . :~ :'~."""": .::-:';-__.:': .~:" .. + An offender i~perso~ati~g' ~ ~ainten.a~~~'-~l1,1p!9y~e notifl.ectthe .pJcket C?f.fi.t?~r.~.,J~at " Area Maintenance was coming to'lnstall r:nonitors in the sallyport and backgate pickets: . .. . ~..... . . _.. . . ...,. .,... .' .... ..... .... .... -.,. _... _.- .. ....._._ .. - ,.':,:... ::;' ..... .... . . . • ' . - ." _. ,'0; ••.~ •• ~~"!. ;" . ::'-;::··7·.~:· '-:":':.:..:.' .....•.. =.-:.-::':. :t"_-=-=- "':.: . ~~'.'.. ~.: ... , . . . . . ..__: ~ . .. _ .. '._- _._ .. - -.__ ..-- ". __ · - : ' :.; _ .' ..::.::: ....•.. '.~-7:":;" - .-_ .. _.. - -_._.. . . . .!.:; :, :.-.; .:.:'-:. --.o _. :.' '.-.~ . . -:.: -7 .. ~ •.; -;;...::::.~ ..:: '.-:-.-.•....: ..-.::. P~-~;11 ·~ ~~-. .. .. " :.~ ".~:.. ... '. .:":: :.. ;.;"";~. ~-:... •....--:.-'-_. ..:.--._- .':_--_..--_..•. : .•.. -lI;:::.":;.-...:_': •••~:.~..::·..·:.~~:"~~ •.. :.~.:_.: .• : .• ~ '''::''':':::::_';~-=.:::'::_-:.''-=''':'-.=:.:.:.::.:-~ .:.":.:.~ . .. ..:: .... . ~., . ~ ~:. .. ',.. ':'. '-.:.' ...• ~.: .. . ". .' _-' _.... ~ ..:. .•..._ .... _.• '" •••..:' •..•,." '. • _:.~ '_ .. " .;- -, :...... . ,:: :' .. . '. lIZ nr'p Serious Incident Review - Connally Unit December 19, 2000 Recommendation + The Agency should review the feasibility of..9iscontinuing outsi~e .calling capabilities to telephones in areas frequented by offenders. If the discontinuation is not feasible, the Agency should review the availability of technology for limiting access to those lines. .+.' All CU;f~ntP:erimeter pi9~et:po~t ~·id·er~·~~~uld·b·~·r~Vised t.o i~~lud~.b~~i~· ~eq'~ire~'ents . of perimeter pi9ket offipers to only allow authorized' personnel in~o th~ pic.ket and only' after .~u.ch personnel lias been properly identifi~d by the picket officer. . . Emergency Response Findings + The implementation of the facility's 'emergency response plan.: was 'reviewed and it showed that the escape~ plan was current. complete. and extr~mely well coordinated. The unit a~minist[ation responded lrriiTl'sdiately and de"cisively in initiating' 'and .... lmpl~menting the ~~it's escape plal1. deploying appropriate .staff. and 'establishing .. . .- - ..... search areas and perimeters:·' The "c;o6rpin~ted effort by the 'unit administration with' law enforcement entities and support'staff.'from surrounding facilities and within the . agency was e~ceptiqnal. . Recoinrriemdation . . -.. .. -, '-.- .. :....... . ' . ' -- . . _. • ·None. ...... • _. _.- _._ .. -._.,_ .,l.", _ . __ ,.. - .. - . .•••-.' ' • •,. • - - •.•. - - - - - -,,-- ... _--- ...__ ._-_.... --._.-.. , .... _.... -- Cc;mnaUY Unit Staffing Plan ·.anocate~ 526 C6,rrectionaJ .0ffiC?er .pq~itions. Of the . . .. .. . ".. ... 52~ pos~ion~; we~ Y~.c,aF)t. on. th~.:~~Y ~f ~~'e i~~id~pt. ~ A~9i~i9J:·i~!,y..· 1~: ·9~.r~ec~!~n.al. :. ~".:-: :". ' '. Offiq~rs ..werJ;LQ.n. ~~.enq~d $ipkJ~.a~e 'qn th~.day pf th~ Inclderlt.. ::" .:. . : : .' .: . . ,.... ... . : _. . .....;... :. .'..... ". .. . .'.: .. .: '. . .. : . -.- . . - . . ' ..-. . . + Th'~ _., -!.7 \, .~.~:: _.:._ ~.~ .f~~ ~9~rin~I'y ~qryif5s~·s-ti!ffi~_-~~i~~a~~~"j?i~~f.r.e~cl!~~?i·.qifiq~r :p'~si~i~~$·~·'~:qrL~.~i~~.~~~ ..~ .. of the ..incident. a'ccording tci card schedules. there were 106 Correctional Officer. Positipl"!s a$sign.eq to 1st shift. Of those :1 06. 96. were actually 6D dUty at the tinie of the ._. .. .. _._- incident. . . . .. . .. . ., , . =-:"~'.'." :. -. , - .. . . ... . .. .. . .+ . Ther~ '~ere .16 l'Daintenance ~mploYe.es assig.n.e~ to the' Maintenance Department. on . ~._.: . the 'day of ,the incidenf... 3 maintenahce 'employees :tai1e:d to report 'for duty due :~~ :.:..':' .. -:_. -_.. ':~~~~~~: ... severe'~weather coiiaiti6ns; ':1 'empr6yee- ai~~#o( rsport 'for- dufy ~ due .io·-i1iness~- and 1- .: ..... ...... ~'. .. empfciyee assigiie~ i!1~s~h/i9~ t.f.?Jning..:. . . . . '. . : . . . ~,;;._:. -".: .,- . _. "......:.. .... ". ..."":': .:. : .. ~'. ..: ... :. :.••.~':':-:-.:.:~-~ ... .... .... - . ... :." ::: .. ; . V(as' " , . to ., , ' '.' ."-..-,-:::~::-" . . /'. "-::.' '':::«>~~:~ -.. - ~. . . .. --_. . - ._,_ ' , .. " ' . ". a :: 1 Serious Incident Review - Connally Unit 1 ., ' December 19, 2000 + Prior to t~e incident, in the morning hours, there were 11 maintenance supervisors and 26 offenders working in the Maintenance Department. This offender to employee ratio was more than, sufficient., When the incident began there was .1. supervisor and 6 offe~ders ~orki~g in ,th~ MaiT.ltenance Department which is ~on,sider~d ad~quate. . , + . Th 7 back" gate ·,an~..the:bacl<gat~ picket were .staffe~ ·appro'p.iiate)Y,ofl the day of the incident., '... , ,:' .'.. : . . .'.. '.' .', ...,. • • o . . . : . .. o . ' • +': Unit 'staffing was' not fOUfid t9 b~ a c~>ntributing factor i.n thi~ 'i,ncident. Recommendation + None. .', Classification . • ... .. . ' •• o. •• •• .. • • • _' .. . ' ' revi"ew o. • , _ ••••••••• - • ._ _ The Serious 'Incident'~evrew-fe'arri conducted 'a"'ttiorough~ o"f the 'classification .recor.ds.of.the.offenders, involved jn ,the Incident. ..-'.:.. ._':.:~ .:-_.,:~: :'::::":'.::':_-::'':'-:: '..:..:':: ..:... :~,: ' : ' .---... , . " ::~:.~..... • a, Fi':ldlng~. , • .: • ·... Offender Garcia,'Jc5~eph ·c.;·"iOCJ #77439'1, was' re·celved-Febi~~~:·1(),:.1·9:97~'·0~· ~"56':'--" year $e'n~en'ce for Murder with a 'De~dly Weapon from Bexslr' Co'unW::':He 'is:a' 29 year ...... old Hispanic male.' Due to the natu're of his 'offense and the length of his sentence, he was assigned to the Connally Unit, a maximum-security facility. on January 27. 1998. Offender Garcia had no history of assau,ltive or violent behavior while' incarcerated in the TQCJ - Institutional Division. At the time of the inclden.t. Offender Garcia was classified as a Minimum-In. State Approved Trustee III offender and was assigned to the Connally Maintenance Departmenfon May 26. 2000 as a Material Handler. . .. +' _Offender.. Rivas...George.' TDCJ _#702267., was •received ,April.20•. j995,70n ~ a·life~·--.:... .' . Kidnapping (5). :Aggravated Robbery'With a Deadly Weapon (1). Aggravated' Robbery . (2). and Burglary ota,Habitation (1). from ErPaso Couflty. 'He,is a,.30 year' old Hisp~nic '. '..' .':.:.. '" . male~':' 'Due .to :the' ,nature ·'or'. his .: offense, and tna' length :'of his.'sentence'. he was ." .. :,,-,; -"~~~igried"to "tRe C'on l:J.a' Unit.a:m.ax!niur!l-se~o·~ .facllityl-·o·~· ojuiy ·13~'·f99~". Off~n~er.·. ' .. -: ., , . Rivas had no histoiy of assaultive or violent behavior while incarcerated In the TDCJ .. , .., .. " Institutional Division.·· At,the time' cif ·the 'Incident;· Offender . :clas'sffied- 'as · . ~ ..:.:.._. ~i~i.mu.~-:I~, ?t~t~ ~ppr~y~~ TI}J.s.t~,~..I.1.!, ..:offe~,q~.t~ii~.~~_s.}~~~!gr:t~.q 'to..t~~ ..c~rp~aily '.. ~ " · _..... - - ':'Malnteriahce Departms°tit ori'Octcil5eF19.·1999 as'a Support Service Inmate: ".' · . --~ ._-..- -s~ri~~n9~,~Jor~A9gfcfyatecr.=-Klariap~irrig-:· Y'ifli~DeacnY·-:Wesip6n~18).~'_Aggravated ,y. 0 Rhias \vas . ".' . . . : ......:~. ..:.;: ... =..... :._· ....: . : ...:.~'~;.;::·::a: . .. ::~~._.~.::~~.-.~:· ·~._~_~:~_.~ ~~.~:_a.>:: a...- ..... _:.. ~~ ...:: .. : :a.... ~ ·:.a.... ~... ,':- .:.' _ .... , ... Offender Rociriguez~ Mfch ae', Anth'ony; TDCJ #698074;-wa's- receivedM~fch "16,'1995, , ," on a life sentence for Capital Murder with a Dead~yWeapon from Bexar County. He is ". _..: .:'::':'"·a :3~ ~yefar 'old :Hispariic)tiale-.:·· ~Due '~()".the:na:t~re~of: ~is offense :ahd ·the .length."Of· his -.-.-::.~ , ._-,_..__.,.. sentence~ lle"w8!Hassigned to the C6hnally'Uriit;'s maxiniuiri:securilY' facilitY; on July' 8, " ~ .. :~~,;.:. ~19~.9: .': .QffeI1P~r ;.RC?dQg~~1i.~ h~~ 'otlq '~,~i~t~rY.":~f .:ass~(J!tiv~ 'Pf .;y'i~'.em,. b,e.~~y'~o~: ~.t:ti.l~ . ~,=,' .:~::~ ,:>~:...':::':":::~::·i::·~:~r:::~:f:~ft~~.~~:1?~~.~35~:~ :.'::::".. . :~t~~f- '. :': ..'.' '. '.. . ~ ..-: :.:.::.,'.~:; incarcerated In .the -TDCJ.-~Institutjonal .; Division.:' However he was. charged with an "':' .. : ", . . Serious Incident Review - Connally Unit December 19, 2000 attempted escape on June 10, '1995 'while assigned to the Coffield Unit. He was placed in Administrative Segregation from July 7, 1995 until September 5, 1996 when he was released as a close custody offender to general population on .the Coffield Unit. Offender Rodriguez was reclassified to medium custody on December 12, 1996 and to minimum on March·31,·1997. At "the time' of the incident Offe'nder Rodriguez was classified' as. a Jv1ir:tirnu'm-ln,' Stat~ Approved Trustee III offender and was assigned ·to·.. . the .coimaI!Y· Uni~ inside ya~d, squad onAprir.~ 9, 2000.· .' . . .... .' + Offender Halprin,' R€mdy Ethan. TDCJ '#786259, was received May 3D, 1997, on a 30 year sentence for Injury to a Child" S.erious Bodily InjurY with' a Deadly Weapon' from Tarrant County. He is a 23 year old white male.,' Due to the nature of his offense and the length of his sentence, he was assigned to the Connally Unit, a maximum-security' facility, on June 1, 1999. Offender Halprin had no history of assaultive or violent behavior while incarcerated in the TDCJ - Institutional Division. At the time of the incident, Offender Halprin was classified as a. lylinimum-In, Stat~ Approved Trustee III offender and was assigned to the Connally Un'it Malntenan.ce Department on February 9, 2000.as a Ma~erial Handl.er. . _ , . ,:. ,... "" :, . _. .. . ,. .. + Offender .Harper, Larry 'James~ TDCJ #86.1910, was received March' 9,'1999,'on 'a ·50 .. ,. year sentence for Aggravated Sexuat..A~~~~lt (6) and Aggravated Sexual Assault with a Deadly Weapon (3) from ~I Paso CountY~ He is a 37 year old white male.. .Due to . the' nature of 'his offense arid the lengtli of his' senfen~ce',-' he 'was "a's'slgnecf it> 'the" .. Connally U!1it, a maximum-security facility, on April 8, 199~ ... (~)ffender J-jarpe'r had no . hi~t~ry. of ~s$aultive or violent behavior While incarcerated in .the.TDCJ ~.Jnstitutional. Division. At the time of the incident, Offender Harper was classified as.a Minimum-I n, State Approved Trustee III offender and was assigned to the Connally Unit Maintenance Department on April 10, 2000 as a M'aterial Handler. .. . . + Offender Murphy, Patrick Henry Jr., TDCJ #386888, was received November 13,1984, on a 50 year sentence for Aggravated Sexual Assault' with Deadly Weapon' and Burglary of a Building from Dallae County. He is a 39 year old white male.. Due tothei nature of his offense and the lel")gth of his sente!1c~,. ~~ .~~~.§s~i.g!1esf..!() .~.~~ ..g9,r:J_n..91!Y .::. Unit,' a" maxiriium:"security"'facllitY, o'ri July ?8; 1995. -Offender Murphy'had no history'of' ,.. :-. assaultive 'or 'violent behavi6i"while- hlcarcetated in 'the TDCJ- 'InstffLitioriai ·Divi"s·io·rl. .At . the time the{ inciden(·.Qffender· Murphy was classified as Miniirium:ln,' State ...... Approyeq ~rus~ee III -anc;l was.a.ssigf!ed to:t~e.Ccmnally. Unit.Main.tenance Department' _':"~ dfl··~uly 23, 1997:a5 a 'CatpetifEit::' ,', .' '~.' :::" .. '.::'. . ~.~ .."" -~ .,~-: .:., .. a of .. ': .: "0: .':. • • . . . • . .. •. a ..' • : • .0 .. ". 00. ..: . . • • • '''~.'..'.... ~;,. '0.:" ......,.", • •• _ ••• _ . • - . ° 0 • 0 ._ .: . . .,: : _;0:-.-:..•:.:.••.•:.:.: '. ',; • • .. :. •• .~. , . ' ::'.:'~_,'::~~:'_.':' . ~._ Qff~nsJer Ne~b.t..IIY, DprJald, TDCJ "#.824631. was received May.:t5, .1998, on a 99.year. ~ ser:'lt~nce for Aggravated Robb~ry with·a Deadly Weapon' froITi Travis CouritY. Me is a . '38 :year: old· white "male, . Due'. to :the 'nature :Of 'his"offense' '~ftld' tlie leftgth "'6f his-' sente.n.ee, he ~~s as.sign~d to_ tDe. Connally Unit, a maximum-security facilitY, 6n' July·1,. '. 1998.. He had .no history of assaultive or violent behavior while in'caiceraled .in the .. . . TOCJ .:.. .Institutional Division. However, in' 1987 ~Offen.qe·CNewb·urY··ancrtWo: fellow ... ; o~~.'!9.~r~. . ~~~ll]P!~~ _!?_~s~~.~~ f!.9'!1. Jtt~ ~lf~xis .Q9..l:'J!~ ","~~i1._' Tb~y~.9.'i~nJ.9_'-i~f~q.J~Q ~_ .. -: ... ·~0(re.9tion~1.. officers and took t~errt hostage;' The escape failed.'·' At'th~ ti.me 'pf t~e' incident Offender Newbury was classified as a Minimum-In, State Approved Trustee III. -:- .. . ... '.".: . . . ~:. . . ~ ;'.'~'. ::~~~.~>~~~ ~ ;:-;. ;: ~:.~~. ::''. i,'.>:"..~'.. '.' ..,.:.. :: .;~. ~'''.~ .....'~ :i:·. ~~..~.:~~ .~~~,;~:.~~~~~yi~~.~~~~~~i~.~: ~:~.-~~.??. :.~~: ....... ".:'" """''-' ........ ~ .. ":... page·14···-··-"·_ oo , -".,~.. :~_.~ ' : :• •- . . . . . .. new' = ,r.-. Serious Incident Review - Connally Unit ":2: -." • " . December 19, 2000 offender and was assigned to the Connally Unit Maintenance Department on August 5, 1998 as a Door Closer Mechanic. + The Connally Unit is a maximum-security unit ,with a capacity of 2,848, which is an appropriate"un'it of assignment for the above named offenders. The offenders were '.. assig'iu3'd ·to..housing ciri'd jobs within the .ConnallY Unit compound. 'In accordance with : :the Texas' ,Department of Crimjnal Justice ~ lristitutiqnal Division' Classification: 'Plan . 'the above named offenders were appropriately reviewed a:nd classified as Minimum-In offenders. Qfft;mders assigned to minimum:in custO.9Y !ive and .¥Jerk .unp~r, supervision inside a secure perimeter. : All seven of t~e offenders who escaped lived inside the' unit's secure perimeter and were assigned to jobs that required them to work inside the ' . . unit's secure perimeter. ' • • • ., • • I. • • • • • . • • Recommendation .'. + None. .'0' ___ ... 0'.... .. '0' . . . e.. .0· •• .•. _ .•.•• .. •• _ .. . •• .' ~ .. 00 ••.•••• • • , • • ••••• ••• .0 .. ...... __ • •••_. - CONCLUSION ••• 0 _ . _ ••• ... . ~ ~:~", ,"0 • . . . . Upon review of the circumstances and events that contributed to' the' escape; it ., .. became evident to ,,,the .. review .. te.am members. that the esc;:ape .was .well : planned.,'., ." "Moreover, non-p6mpliarice with Agency policy contributE;ld. to t~.e succe~sfuFescapefrom ... .. .. ~th'e compound. : .':' :'." - .'''' .'. , : '. , . . ' . A thorough review of the Classification Plan disclosed that the offenders were properly assigned to the unit, were classified appropriately, and were assigned to appropriate work assignments. It should be noted, that although the offenders were classified as Minimum-in, the Connally Unit is a maximum-security facility. The unit staffing rosters for the day, of the' inCident we-re reviewed thorolighly by the team members. It was determined that the escape was not a result of lack qf security staff and that ,all posts in the area were manned that day In accord?nce, with' the guiqelin~s. . . :- .•_... , . established 'by the Security Staffing 'Plan;.:'; ..:.~:.... ~'''':.::.~'' '.::::::.' ::~:: '::'. :.'. '.:::;'~ ~::.~.'~ .:-:..::::, :,-.:'.-:'-" :,-.-.-, :.... " ~..,.... -, It appears that .approximately two arid half-hours lapsed between the time the' ". inciqent b.egan and the ~ime th~ incident .was reported. The Incident began at . . ..: ..: aPBro~ini~~~I~J1f~ .~~~n.,~taff ~~~ ,o~e~~e!S. a~sign~~ ,~,~'t~~~ ..M_~.t~~!3n~~.q~ pepartmen.t; :".. : : ~',', wen! .19. {lJm:Q; '; ~t W~~ _oQrma,l p.rQ.Q~9.uLe.J9~c.I.Q~~, tl:\E;LM~lntena~c~,.O{3p~rtmen~.for ~n 'hour ~'.:.~ ~. :~ ~for)~~ch:' ~,eli~vi~gJhat. ~~'nten~nce\v.~~ closE!d, th~te ~ould be no reason to ct:t~ck"oh .' ._.. " the departme'nt during ..this time period. At approximately 1230, it would be common --,' "'~"p'radlce for·ihe·offeriders assigned to'the' Mafritenarice Department to' retur'n to their work =.:.:~:.:",~..~ assignmelJts; however, 'an offend.er impersonated a maJnterianceempl6yee and made 'a ~. ,.. - - call to' the A Turnout Officer, to notify them that only a skeleton crew should ·return after ., . '-:-=" .. !linch: ·The"i.irilfbegan their count at 1300 and count was called'in from the Maintenanc~ ..... . ' Department, leaving no' reason to physiqally check on 'the department at this time... During , the ~ime·.period of the escape, there was no need forany.s~aff, bther than maintenance::.: . . __ -:.-:-~~. employees;"tci"tis in the-ars'a:-',Also,' due'to vlealheYcOhdltions', some routine a'Ctivities 'hac' ··.7.~ . • :. '~'. :.:'. b~e,n. ca'ncelled "ca'l:Jsirig '~v~n·. ie~s; activitY-in 'the' areE.1~ ~ t~~e~~ap~. oc6u,rr~d .d~rJng ..the .. :::~-::' lunch and .count time.·:, :~" '., '.::' ::: .:.... ::,: _7- '; ._. __·"::::.:sloWest .•, __ .,period ._.__ .• of.the _._._. day!., during __. _ . _•• _._ •.. "._.at .• __ " ' . ' a :<".::: .-.'F~~j~·~~:'·:~: -: ,-~ ..... ,.. _. >..: .c~ ro• • • • ~?::,}:.:::~.~:7<:'~~':.'. ~::':.,~:-:;:-~==~t.-::. , , ••••• • .' _ .. __ ._-, .•...•.•. -. - Serious Incident Review - Connally Unit December 19, 2000 Upon notification of the escape, the' unit administration. responded in a timely manner and in accordance with the Emergency Response Plan. The assistance of local law enforcement was requested immediately, the appropriate ·staff was ·deployed, and search are~s and..perirnet~~s "Vere.e~tablished.:.. . _ _.. " '" ._ .. The Unit AQminI~~rati9..n ~J1i~i~~~d ,an investigation immedi.ately after the incident .occ!-,rred.. Pursuant to the findings of the Serious Incident Review and the Unit In.cident·, Review of the escape; the unit Warden will 'initiate 'appropriate cOrr~ctive action to include .'. '. ' 'administrative disciplinary action. . .. . .. _... _. '- . _._,...- -. ....-';. .. • 0' _ ". . ......... ... . . :_._ " _ " _ ' ._ _ . _ ••• _ •• _ . •.. __ • _ . •• :~:.~:. : .' . . . ••••••• .I• • • • • • _ •••••• • • • • • - • • • • • _ _ • • •_ _. • __ . .., _. . _ _ _ ... -." •••• ..... . ",- . . _ • • • •_ . ....-:- .:-_ _. _.0 4,~. "'_ -.: .... ..... -_... -_... __ ._- ..... --_._----------_.•.. _------.-.... _-._-_._-_.. - - - - - -•• - - - - -...... _ ........ _ ...........__ ••.••-.- - ~;' ''':' .' •• , . T .=~.~.';"';;; ..: - .:" ~.:.' " ••• - , ·.0.. - . " . . . ' .~:._: . . . . . oo _. :: •..... ~~_ .'._.'•••_ _ .~_ : '_.-:-7- -.. '0'. ~'.:' •• -.- _ .. , _-_ -_ ._- _-----_ . .. _ . . .... .. -... . . .... -_.. .. _ • ,,--.~ .""oJ .... ...,! ..:-:' '.:':'.' -:-_ .. - '---"_ .. . .. - :. : .• :. ::-." _....... _.~. ":' . -'-;-.. _-_:. ~".-." ~ :' -;' ' . ' . -. ... . ....: .. '. 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"0 ...... ....... - •.• _ .•.. - "": ••. :....... ~ :.-: ... - •.:.:: : •.••=..::•.. ~_:.;"''';''' •• :: :~..=::~.:- •.:..::~ :-.• '':';:- .;.:.-_..~':~.~..; .... ::...:. -- •.~~.:: •.. : -. ...... - .. -- •••. _ •• ' . o. -_._=__ ;.::-':::'::"':':"_2::·~~.~'::::~:":':";~:':'~ . ... . -. '--:'.-' _ _._ ..__ -.- . -.. · ,... .. ". ' .. - ;.~. .Ii Executive Summary I i i On December 13; 2000, at approximately 1120, the employees of the Connally Unit Maintenance Department returned 20 offenders that were assigned to the Maintenance Department to their housing areas and went to lunch. -Patrick Moczygemba, Maintenance SuperVisor V,' arranged, fora group of five offenders•. .Joseph Garcia #774391,' Ra·n.dy'H~lprio #7862,59, Larry Harper #861910; Donald Newbury #824631, and George Rivas #702267; to stay in the' Maintenance Department to seal the floor in the warehouse. It was not uncommon for these .--, offenders to' be "assfg'iiecl"to spedal projects' in the- Maintenance' Department. Mark' Burgess, Maintenance Supervisor IV also gave permission for one of his offenders, Patrick Murphy #386888, to stay in for lunch to complete an' ongoing project. Mr. P. Moczygemba agreed to stay and supervise the offenders. At approximately 1130, Mr. P. Moczygemba 'was working in ,the office when Offender Rivas asked him to come back into the warehouse. .Offender Harper asked him to look at a motor that was under a table..The offenders ""vere clearing the .floorto begip sealing and claimed .that they.were·unsure of.what they should do with the motor. As Mr. P. Moczygemba leaned down to look at the . :··motor,·one of the offenders struck'him in'the head with what was':later'discovered to be an axe handle, and he was rendered~iun~nscious. When lie regained consciousness he began to strtiggle with·tbe·:offenders. Offender Garcia held a. hand-made·knife. fo Mr... P. MoczYg'emba's' neck and told him that a few more ' ..years wouldn't mean"anything to·their sen~e.nces and .they.would ·kill one of the' : ,~mploye!=!s if they ,~.~~~e,d. !o... The. 9.1fe[ld~r~ .. r~m.9¥ed .Mf. ,.P..Jv'9czygemb~'s , pants and. shirt, tied his hands "and legs, and. placed a gag in·, his. mouth. • A pillowcase was placed over his head and he was carried to the electrical room at the back of the warehouse where he was forced to lie face down on the floor. Offender Michael Rod~iguez #698074, was assigned to the inside yard squad on the day of the incident. Due to inclement weather conditions, the il)side yard squad offenders did not ·turn out-for work. Possibly in anticipation of the weather related work restriction, Offendef'i~odriguez had an appointment to visit . the unit law library on the morning of the incident. The law-library check-in log ,:".:-.;.:": ,·9~:mfln:Q.~_dJb?.t_Qffef.lq~l,B~~!i.gl!~,?;~~!!~nQ~9 hi§,~PP.Qintr:n~lJt§DsJ,~.Il~_q~§,9 .9.!!t .~t.:. , 0940... Although. we, cannot ,verify.the' eX!=lct ..tim~ ..offend~r Rodriguez gained access to the niajntenance area, it is the opinion of the revif;!w team that Offender Rodrigue~. was' inadvertently 'allowed ,through ,the gate at·A Turnout .' Several ,,__ '., ef!1P',qy~.es,;rep9rj.~~~ing·Offe~.de(Rodriguez,sitting ':on a ,.bench: in 'front 'of ~h.e ".. ,_. Mainte~a,n~e:,.Department "at:' .v~rious:::tim~s.-Jhat~~,morrilng"".--:After :-Mr.-·, P.· . :-:-:- ":.'. Moczygemba:·was .-subClu'ed,": Offender:;Rodriguez.:-, entered ;'the·.. Maintenance ---.Department where he became an actiye:participant in the escape :..._.._ :. - --. At approximately 1145, Alan· Camber,' Maintenance ,'$upervisor'IV, and -=:::=..' '.'':;;' Alejandro Marroquin; C6iTectio-nal Officer:III,"en"tered the maintenarlce"office'and '. .:-~' .. ":' each :sat down at a desk'Jn the office'as ,they~began 'talking',-.' Offenders Rivas...· ,';" . ·,Halprin, HarPer,' Murphy, and Newburj"came'.inbj"the' office and beg'an talking ._.....:- 'with 'them'- ':Offender Rivas:wa!ke,d 'behiild Offiee'r Marroquin 'and grabbed him in ._::':.~.?.J?~~r:_~yg .JrQIJl. ~.~.bi,rr~·.:::...O.ff!9~i':~~?-.JI.qql:l!n·::~.~g~.n .:.~t~ggling ;Ps.:-:Qffen9~rs ' ' :~':-:":':'':. ~alprin,"Harper'and NewbUry h~lp'eq, ,Offender::Rivas force 'Officer'Marroquin to' , t· I l I ~ I I i It I . ~ .Executive Summary the floor. The offenders bound Officer Marroquin's hands and legs with plastic ties and d.~ct tape and attempted to place a 'gag in his. mO(Jth, .Officer Marroquin refused to open his mouth to be gagged aJ1.d Offender Newbury ~truck. him in the nose with a plosed .fist forcing Officer. Marroquin t~ allow the .ott:enders to gag . him. Officer Marroquin was .then '~rried ;t9 the .el~ctr!cal·ropm where ·.he was . . placed on the floor next to Mr. P. Moczygemb~:' '.' . .. . . Simultaneously, Offender'Murphy was asking Mr. Camber about a part for .a vacuum "·cleiuier,·· when Offender Garcia attacked him'from -~behind.-~~After _..:. ... . .. subduing Officer Marroquin, Offender Rivas assisted Offender Garcia in forcing Mr. Camber to the floor. Offender.Garcia placed a· pointed· object ··in ·Mr. . Camber's left ear, threatening to apply force. Mr. Gamber, in ·fear of his life, stopped struggling. T~e offenders bound Mr. Camber's hands with plastic ties and duct tape and removed his boot~ and jean~. He was the~ dragge.p into the electrical room where the. offenders struck his head against th~ ~lectricalconduit on the.~.~.11 c~':Jslng.~irn. t~.lo.~e ~nsci~u~.ness. Th~.offel':'der~tt:te~ p~?1.~CL? ,gag. In his mouth, a pillowcase over his head and wrapped duct tape around his eyes :.' ..': : ' .:. . outs 'Ide of the p'lllowcase '-." '.' ". At approximately 1200, Mr. Manu~L~egura, Maintenance Supervisor l,v, and Mr. Mr. Mark Burgess,' Maintenance' Supervisor 'IV returned·· to .the Maintenance Oepartment. Offender Rivas· came into the office and .told Mr• . Burg~~s ~~atMr...P•.N1oczygemba was il1Jhe. warehouse: . M~•. Burges~ .~nt~(~d· tt)e warehouse b.ut did not see Mr. P.. Moczyg~mb~ ... Offend~r~alp~~.fo.l.rpw~d . Mr. Burgess into' th~ warehouse and knelt down" ~esid·e·abox and asked Mr~' . Burgess to come Jook at a motor~ As Mr. Burgess approached Offender Halprin, he was struck in the back of the head by one of the offenders. As he regained consciousness, Mr. Burgess felt a sharp point at the back of his neck, another in his back, and one below his right armpit. Offender Rivas stated ~hls is r:'l0 joke, we go home and you go home, or not, it's up to you." Offender Halprin rery10ved Mr. Burgess' clothing, bound his feefand hands with tie straps and duct tape, . placed a gag in his moutn, and placed duct tape over his eyes. Offenders Rivas . and I-:Ia'pri~. ~.he.n. ~rn~.~_hirt). tq..the .~Iectrica' ..r9qrrL@l)dj9rge~ .bim .!9JQ~.. flqoI.. _.~. . __ _. . Offender: Garci~ -then· place~' a ·sharp·"o.bject· 'in 'Mr;- Burge~s' ··Ieft·~~ar·~and -_.: __ . threatened to' apply force.. A pillowcase wa's then placed over Mr. Burgess' head . ..,. ' .. and secured with· ducttape. . .... ..' .JmIT!egi~~~ly·aft~r ~r.·I3.~rgess.:was.~ubdu.e~, Off~J:lde~.I~iv~s called ·~ . :.Segura into the 'W~rehc;)ljse and told .him thatMr.:P..·Moczygemba n~eged."~irri·a1 ~_. - :.the back dock.: As. he walked .into'the Warehouse, 'Offenders Newbury.and Rivas" . ._'_. grab~¢d him ffOflJ b.e~il}d)il]~, forced nim .to .th~ ·floo~ •..TJ1~LoffendE?Js_.b9U(Jd.his.:..... wrists with plastic ties and placed a gag in his mouth. Offender Newbury then . removed Mr.. S~giJr~'s· 'boots and jeans and then tap.ed his ·ankles·together.with ' duct tape... He .was carried to the electrical room where a pillowcase was placed over his head." Offender Rivas told him that if calmed down and stayed quiet, .. nothing would happen to him. .. .' :: '. : ". '. . . . . . . .... At ...approximately·: .1220,'. Mr: _Jerry ... McDowell, .. Recreatjonal.~. p(ogram....' Specialist JV,'~entered ·the.·Maint~nance. Department:::-·OffEm·ders:Riva·s',-~Halprin .. : --: ~. -' .. " and Murphy were 'sitting in the o.ftice.·.. Mr~ McDowell asked the offehders Why .: ~: : -:~ - : .-:.::- ~ .. :., ..-..::-:; ~. . :_::- .. ::. . ~.... ;-:~ : ~ ~ .: ~::.:~ _: : : '':. • .. .. ., ,.. •• • • _ _...... •••• .". .. .-. " • • . • • • .o . _• • _ . _ _ •• _ . - Mr.. •. : . he .,' .. ... . -; ", _ .• : .a_ .••·.· :~ .........' _~. ... ' ~ .•.~ -- _ ..;.. : .. ·· :.:·:·.<·:.:::::..:~:n . .. ....:-~ . ,'. ",. ' -'. . . r'~·.~ ~ ·~·.a:.····."._.:· .~ :.~ .. .. .: Attach~enrA~2" .' ..... " . .... '.. . . ;: £'._ ~ .. :.•.•:•.... _::t-.. : -_._.:_.~.: =:-...••..•.':.:_~~.;'.:'._'~:.'_'.•_:•.•.......•... ~,:~;..:.~ ~ _. . . -:": .:':.~.-·~~·:::::"7:.:",7.<.:· ..:.·_ . ... : ..:.:. ' .. •• . a··~ ... •• _ Executive Summary t~ey were alone.' Offender Rivas told him that Mr. P. Moczygemb'a went to ·18 Dorm. Mr. McDowell then requested to che,ck-out the 3 Gym toolbox. Offender Murphy went into·the·Warehouse and brought back the·toolbox·and the'check':'o'ut log. Offender Murphy handed the ,tool. box and the log to OffenCler Halprin; who in turn' handed it Mr:. McDowell:"Aftersigning the check~6lifk)g'; Mr>McDowell turn.ed and walked out of the Mainte!1ance Department. 'OffE;lnder Riv~s followed . him and asked him to 'come back into the shop, but Mr" McDowell refused and .Ieft.the a'rea. '::.":'.' ~_......:.::. ......:.: ..__:. ~ ... :... . .... : .... :." " .. . _'... .. . .. At approximately '1225, Mr. 'Mark' Garza, Maintenance Supervisor IV, Mr. Martin Gilley, .Maintenance Supervisor IV, and ·Mr. Ronny Haun, Maintenance Supervisor IV retumed to the Mainten'ance Department. Mr. Gilley went into the electrical shop and Mr. Garza sat down at a desk.in tli'e office. Mr. Haun walked into the warehouse where Offender Newbury asked him to come anp look at something on the shelt· As' Mr. Haun approache9 the sh~lf, 0ffenqe'i.'·Newbury . grabb~d him.. al1dpl.a9~d ·him. in a' headlock: Offender ~ivas' .a·ssisted :.OffE?nder .. Newbury'in forcing ·Mr.··Haun to ·theoof\oor and attempted to place a gag 'in his' ... mouth.· ,As Mr. Haun struggled with .the offenders, Rivas struck him in the nose twic~-With-a··cldsEfd fi$r~na 'forced-the-g-af)' irlt.6 his mouth':-Ari"urikflown-6ff€naer" .. . ... approached them and put a plexiglas' kn~ .to the back of Mr. Haun's left ear.. The offenders"secured Mr; Haun's 'Iegs and arms with duct tape and placed a pillowcase ,over his head .and wrapped it with duct tape: Mr. Halm. wa:s"oragged ' to' the,electricarroom·wher~·theoffenders-unbound his legs; removed his·.boots and jearis:'and them rebound his legs using plastic'zip ties.... ,: , ... :. : :'.: .....:... :,. '. , ..' . . As this was occurring, Mr. Garza.was sitting in the !TIaintenance office. ' . Offender Harper, came into the office and asked Mr. Garza to come into the warehouse to look at a motor. Offender Rivas approached Mr. Garza from behind and put a sharp object to the froht of his neck. Mr. Garza pushed the object away from his neck as Offenders Halprin and Harper attacked him"forcing him to the floor.. The offenders placed:plastic ties around Mr. Garza's arms and legs and 'dragged him to the electrical room. A gag was placed in Mr. Garza'a .' . mouth and a pillowcase was placed over his head and taped. ,0:' .:~::~:~ ".: :'::-"::':::'::'After:Mf.::Garza:was:subdLied,:. Offender:Garcia walked into·.the :electrical ,.. shop and asked Mr.·Gilley if he wanted som'ething to eat. Mr. Gilley declined the· offer,and Offender Garcia. left.the ,shop~ . Offender Murphy entered the electrical '. : shop'snq told .Mr.. ··GilJey that··Mr. P. ·,MoczYgerl:tba .w~nted to'see him in' the .. " wareho'u~e:··· -M,r.- GilieY"'~:Emte'red ~.the ::~arehouse ·were··. h~" was: 'attacked by":'" ~dfferiders G~ircia,' Halpr.in, Newbur'y"··and··R6driguez': :::OTfender Halpiir(fold 'Mr. .' .'.~ -- Gilley-riot to-resist and·th-afhenIJoLild 'nofbe hLirt.· Offenaers Newbu'ry-and Garcia . , - held 'hand-made knives' behind 'ea'ch of Mr. Gilley's ·ears.' The offenders removed ... " •." ~l~ P~.~t~ p:O~!ld_lj.i~.l~gs):!~ing· pl?1.stiq straps. A. piJlowcas~ wa~. plac!3 d.qyer.. . Mr. Gilley'sJle!3d .an~ .tapE;!d. :.:Tb~ ~qffer)d,~rs forced Mr. Gilley into the electrical ", ." .' room where they'placed'a gag :in ,his'm9uth and tied his hands behind his back :.•... '., .. . ':',: ' . , : .. usin"g 'plastic ties. ··.·.7.- ';':.:':; -:'.:.: ..-~"-:.~ .':' ..~' _ . .- ..... At'·apprcixiniately ·~240, :Mr.' Terry' Schmidt, Maintenance Supervisor IV, . : ~':...:..;,.: refum·e.~ .from .hjri~h- es¢ortin'g ;tWo: 9ff~riaers>. David·~C6.ok :#435179 and· Roger' .:; . . - Fishwick #604792, 'fidiil'18 D6rm'to tlie-Mainte·nance·'Departrilent.~· Mr.: Schmidt. . . . , . , . to' aric! ............ _. -.. - .... , ~; •• : -:. ••• _. I : • • • '. , . .._.; . ; I, i 4, t·Re ~n~\rHcSL~5""Qiri""~~~'''':'''''''==S~''",&;Sj CiSS \ . ! Executive S~mmary , was leaving maintenance with Offenders Fishwic~ and Cook, when Offender Rivas told him that Mr. P. Moczygemba wanted to talk to ~im in th~ shop. Mr. Schmidt went into the maintenance warehouse where several 6ffe'nders attacked him from behind. One of the offenders held a hand-made knife to"Mr: Schmidt's head and told him to shut up.. The offenders pushed, Mr. 'Schmidt to 'the floor and ti~d his hands and'.feehvith plastic ·straps. TheY"placed ·'8 gag in his mouth and a' pillowcase over his head and dragged him to'the electrical room. Offenders Fishwick· and· Cook"enteted the· maintenance· office- where _. Offender Murphy approached ,them. , Offender Murphy told them that ,they_were having a food spread in.the back and to,fix themselves a.plate. Offender Cook immediately went to the back of the warehouse. Offender Cook wa~. struck in the face by Offender Rivas as he approached the back of the warehouse. Offender Cook swung back at Offender Rivas striking. him in the face. An unknown offender approached Offender Cook from behind and ~truck him'ln the' back of the head with an axe han~dle. The offenders then bound Offender Cook's.arms and legs and dragge.d him into the electrical room=--':~, " ,." ...., ",-' '" _.:.,-_..- .... , . Offender Fishwipk at first declined the offer to eat with the other offenders, .bUt Offender Rivas' insisted that' he 'jol.n- thefri~' ". As' he" was-Walkifig'''toward .the' warehouse door, Offender Murphy begani,)jlishing' him inside the warehouse. Offender Rivas grabbed Offender .Fishwick and pulled him into the .warehouse... Offender Fishwick was struck in the' back of, the head with an axe handle~· . Offender Fishwick was forced to the floor where he saw Offender Cook"lying"on' the floor at the back of the wa"rehouse.·: The offenders bound Offender Fishwick's-~ hands and feet'with plastic ties and covered his face with duct tape. A pillowcase was placed over his head and he was taken to the electrical room. At approximately 1245, Randy Albert, Correctional Officer III, entered the maintenance office to get a .hitch for the unit's utility vehicle (Gator). Hewas assigned to the field force and was supervising the trash crew that day, and wanted to use the Gator to haul some·lulilber. Officer Albert entered' the office and saw only offenders. He asked where Mr.' P. Moczygemba was and was told . that he was in the warehouse..,Officer'Albert walked into the warehouse where .. he again saw only offenders':: .Hi:i noticed a' handheld radio' arid ,a 's'et :of-keys:on-·~·--:'7"·: the floor and kne~ something was wrong,'but was then attacked from behind by . three offenders and forced to the .floor. : One. of the offen~ers placed a knife to .Officer Albert's face aDd·told him not to move.. ,Offiqer Albert grabbed the knife. with his' left· hand :'and -was able'· :berid the 'blade. ~":One '. of the 'offenders··then·· struck him in the head 'with anaxe:'hahdle~:'rhe "offenders'hailci6uffe(rhim :With .. . the handcuffs he vias carryiri'g -and ·'bo'iirid' his 'Iegs -with' rope and' tape::'and '. dragged him to the electricaIi'06ni:::"·::-.-·-:;.:. :-::::- ,~:: ::::-.: ~ ..: .. ~.:-.,,-~ ': .~-- " .. _- _. ':.~ ~ .:.... ~ .. ...., '.'~" Atapp~oxir:nately,1300, Mr. Lester.Moczygemba, ,.Maintenance Supervisor ,." IV, returned from .the boiler Joom .with.Offender Ambrosio Martinez #648556, to_ dispose of,a piece of meta1. Mr. L. MocZygemba 'noticed ttl'at the maintenance-truck was pulled into the shop and the overhead door was closed behind it and .Iocked. Offender Ne:~bury :~ppr~a~~eE. Mr.~ ,L..;M9~~geJ:T.l~~ .. al1d.bf~n.dished a.. . . _.. flat piece of metal, approximately·1.D-12·inches In length,-·and sharpened on hoth ' . .. ,sides: Mr. L Moczygemba pushed 'OffeJich3r'Newbury's haiid away' iiJio 'told him'- I to • '.': ..•••••• _ . _ - • .. •••••• .. " . ' • •' . .: .". I_.~ : " ;.;.:- • __ __ •• _ •• _",: _ ' • e. .._ ,•• , : ~ '_.:._.":" " ••••__ • • • ,_ • • '.' ~..:._- •• .:. ••: •.: _:. : .:....'_,_~-:..•.:.:.:.~:_ _ •• .. - : : . ••, _ .;,; _ • :., •• , •.••. ...;. • • _ . : . . . . . . '. : .:,-. -::'.:. ·:7-.-,·-::"':'"':-:::-;.. •·...:··.. : .. :· _: ..a-:.,_.. :~ .• .:..;.~.:'..; ...'~:.' ••••,':.:, •• ,'.~ .••'.•. _: . . . • •. _' _.. ...•_ ....... ,..••._ •. '_._ .• __,.a_. __._., ••. _. _.'_. __ . _ •..... _ ..... '. , ... ~ -;' ~: .. ~·Atta~hm~n·t A-4 ,'; ,.: .:~..~." . . :. .,' /.:-":'::......"~-:.: :. ;.... .'.- .. ; . :. '.' - a .•••. ·w· • '7' .. Executive Summary to stop. Mr. L. Moczygemba turned toward Offender Martinez. As he turned, Offender" NewburY' came up behind him and put the hand~iiiade 'knife to his throat.·, Offender Newbury told him that he was serious an'd he did not want to hurt him, but he.woulg if.he did not lie down. ,Mr. L. Fy10Gzygemba laid down on . the f1.00~ ~~d~,Offenqer Halprin and Offend~r~~Y'~u~t~eq .his h?inds,and feet with. plastic ties and ,duct tape ·and placed a'sheet oyer hIS .head. The offeflders'then took Mr. L. Moczygemba t6 the ele'ctrical room. ." ...: .::,As .thiswas, occurring, ·.Offender . M~rtinez was :ptta~~~d by, OffE;!nder Murphy, who stabbed him on his left ring finger. Offenders Rivas and Garcia placed Offender Martinez's hands behind his back and b6undhis arms and legs with plastic straps 'and duct tape. One of the assailants then dragged Offender Martinez to the electrical room. After the last victim was taken to the electrical room, the offenders secured the door from' the outside. Mr. Schmidt was able to free himself of his ,. ., r!3~~rain~sand began helping the others..:"Mr>Garza 'carried a pOCKetknife that , was not--:discovered ·by,·the· assailants; ",..Mr., Schmidt ,was able to· use the , pocketknife to free the hostages' arms. and. Ieg~ ,fr~J11Jh~ ,res~~aints, except for . Officer Albert who was handcuffed:' The victims began to 'prepare themselves in 'case their assailants returned. They t>egah,tearing electrical conduit from the walls using it to ~arricade the door and potehtially for their own defense. When the assailants realized that the victims had removed their restraints, one of the'· .offenders :attempted,··to 're,gain' ,entry.Jnto,the··room...' When-his .attempt ·was. _. unsuc~ssful,'he tried to seal the door so ,that :the victims could .not exit."· He; secured the door using a hand-operated which (com.e-a:"lorig) to winch the door closed. At approximately 1305, Officer Perez who was assigned to ,Central Control, telephoned the Maintenance Department and asked to speak with a supervisor. Offender Rivas, who answered the call, instructed another offender to come' to the phone. and impersonate Mr. P.· Moczygemba. Officer Perez informed them that it was count time. ,The offender impersonating Mr. P. , ' '" Moczygemba returned the phone call to. Lieutenant Carr and advised that there ":_'. :~':~:':'Were':,teh·J)ffenders:in the '·Maintenance.·Department. ',~ To '.ensure:that ·the count.:. .. ........ . would balance,· the offenders were careful t6 include the' three offenders who were subdu'ed in.tlie electrical room and Offender Rodriguez who did not work in . ,. the. departrl;ent: .~Ueuter.lant 'C~rr: l1a~ '·no. 'rea~on . tq ·believe that the person . 'provic~irig thedount wa~ 'an iri ti1 ate and believed that the dount he'was' given was .. accurate:::.Earlier "c;hjririg··thEdncide-rl,t;·~ari.-offen~er) 'now'belieyed to be Offender" :.::;' Rivas,:impersonated a supervisor. and cal.l~d the ATumout officer"the'3 BUilding desk officer,; and the 18-:19 Turnout officer~ '~e notified them that only askeleton" . . '. _. _'.....clew ~fjJlf~!1~e~. woiJl~, re~um t~ the.~r job al?sJg~m'~l)t~ ~ft~r ~urich. '. .' ' _.. . :':':.' --,.~- :-'I\t approxinicitely'1315, Lo'u Gips;' Correctio'nal Officer IV,' was working the , .' ·.··.backga.te pJ~ket (B-Radio"rower)-:' Offi9~~ ~ips-re'c~Jved a '~Irfrcim.a ·p~rson . _,claiming . to..: be· from ·the':. Maintenance", Department,'~; ,inf.olTTJing· ~ him .,that·, maintenance employees.~were coming to 'Install monitors in the picket. ,The .:...: .. ,-.. telepho~'e"call,and the description of the' work'order seem~,d legitimat.e·to'qfficer .... . . .. : Gips: ~~eca~se :'a' similar .installation ::was .recently made:. on: one.•of. the other . . •; .. !-" - • • • .. .~:~.: ...: :'.-': ......::::~·~.~.:.w.:.- ..• :-_:.,__ .• ~.-:-:-.;•• : - ' " .'.~. : - : :-:~"'.-:' . ..•• ::~':-': •••. ":.:'::..:......::.. .•.•:•..: '":.0:' '';'' ~ ..' ..,... '. ., :" ~'. - ":__ . . • . . ~':"::_~":"_:•.: : ' : : - : .':. " ... . ... . ," ':", :.::"'~~ " . "" • .. . . . ,,:-.~'Attachm~nTA:5--:~"" . ' .. 00_." -: -;- " - ....... ", .... -.... Executive Summary pickets. At approximately·1320, Vernon Correctional Officer . . . .Janssen, , . . . . . ... IV _.. , who .. was working the backgate sallyport,' receiyed a similar call. He was also informed that a crew 'of maintenance employees would be installing monitors at .. , _ -- '" '., , .. ...'., .- . . the back .gate . . '.' . Meanwhile, in attempt to .call. for help, Mr. C~imber' was -abr~-to'sef off the fire alarm from within the 'electrical rooin. At approximately 1335, ·C·e·ntral Control was alerted 'by a flashing light on the control panel that the fire 'alarms were activated in the Maintenance Department. .. Officer. Perez attempted to contact the department by telephone, but there was no answer. .. At ?pproximat~ly.1340,~o l"flales wearing civilian clothing and two males in offender clothing approached the backgate in the Gator. The two males in offender clothing got out of the vehicle and walked fo the pedestri.c:iii gate. The offenders knew that they were not allowed to exit through the veliicl£;l gate and complied to keep the sit~ation from seeming suspicious. Offic~r. Gipl('convinced by the earHer telephone call and expecting maintenance workers,' opened the walk-through ':'gate ':'aliowing ·the':offenders' i'nto' -the -'fenced -'area ~behind'·' 'the' . gatehouse.·. Officer,Gips then opened the vehicle gate to allow the Gator.into .the.. vehicle area:"~'Officer Janssen Was' inside .the 'gatehouse': and npt"awa're that·· Officer ·Gips had opened the gate aliowt~g 'the offenders into the vehicle atea. The males dre$sedas civilians calJ"ied monitors and electric~l.wir~.)Vithjbem. ~s_ they exited the~vehi~Ie .and ..walked into the gatehouse. They 'opened the ba'ok Ir. __ • • • • door of the gatehouse allqwing the two dressed in prison whites·toenter.::' Before'· :. Officer Janssen :cpuld :ask: for identifieation, a .civilian· dressed .offender began"· examining '~m 'electrlcal outlet that was ·near the desk in' the office ·area. The' I. telephone that was on the desk rang and the civilian dressed offender answered it. The caller, impersonating an employee, was one of tlie offenders who remained in the Maintena~ce Department; calling to verify that the offe.nders had (. arrived to their destination at the back gate. The offender that answ'ered the telephone, then handed .the telephone ;receiver to Officer Janssen telling him that the call was for him. As Officer J::lnssen leaned over to take theJeceiver, one of' . the civilian dressed offenders grabbed him from behind putting his arm_ ~~9un~ . ·=.·: '._. ~-, ~':.' Officer-Jansse~'s .thro~t :a~d ~forcing ..him .to .the -fJoor:'::::T~e :offenders-.removed ::-.-. '.-::-:.- - -':.,:. .: Janssen's .:.uniform pants' and 'shoes,' bound :his arms and legs, and taped his· .' . mouth with dUct· tape. They placed Officer Janssen in the restroom in ·the gatehouse and secured the door. . . :........ .' .' - ;.. . . .. ._-,--_:..... :. ~.~. ~·. At 'approximateiy 1345,·:.one 'of,the offe.nders,·:'~res'~~d in ~ivflian cJbthir:t9,'" ..... --_.., ..... . . exit¢d the' g'atehouse,"walked .'uJ:i-'to· the eXterior'gate,-:a-nd ~identified hini·self. as . ~Maintenance. n.: '.. Officer. Gips: remembered 'seeing ;the' 'maintenance. supervisoe.. . _ earlier that'~ay,:wearing ·t~e.·clothes'and thehat·tha! were"now worn by·the' . .__. . .. offe~der, ~nc!. f!~m .~.is..v:~t'!~~gf? _pC?JnJ, Jh.C?~.gh.t.:~!:!~t..it W3_~ . ~h.~,:.~~m~ .. p~f~on ... pm.cer Gips.19q~~d arqund to rnal:<e sur~.1~at there .~e~e nq.offenders,in ~n.e area. _. and opeDed the.:outside gate allowing' this 'person to exit the compound.'. He . subsequently opened the picket door 'allowing him' to enter .the tower: As'the' offender was comin"g up the stairs, the picket telephone rang.'. The. caller . .~ ...__._-~ id elitified' himself as'-a'mairitenari6e '~sup'erVisor" and asked if Area' Maintenance'~, .. '- -. . ... _. , ..... .. staff had '.irnved. .. 'The 'offender ·.··reached the top- of the" stairs -and to'ok the . . l l ::_.. r '.. l-- . ... [:-.~.:~.L:"'~;: ~ ·5i:i;:;;~~:E:::;~-;i~:-:::~~~~f.~:~~~~~t;-.):~~L~~::~~:.{~>·~~i~;~~':~'~~':: .: ; . '. . ':- -.- r ...... ".", . -. .. ..-. Executive Summary . . telephone call.. He then .remoyed· h,is j~cket and .plaC?e.d ito.n tn.e .cha·irin the picket, grabbing a .357 revolver that was lying on the desk. The offender, who was later identified to be Offender Halprin, held Officer"Gips at"guri'p6irit -and told him that it was.an escape. One of the offenders, still in offenderclothing;-Iater' disyoverec( .to" be' 6ffe.[Id.~r.· Murphy';' yel.is·d··from the "~r6u~~ ·to-.operl ~the 'gate:' . Off~nde~ Halprin, not familiar ~ith the picket controls, threatened D.fficer Gips' Iif~ . and forced him to provide instructions on how to 'open the picket door and ·the .. vehicle gate..Offender Halprin asked Officer .Gips what kind of guns wer~ in the _.'" picket and their whereabouts. The field force's .gun$ ..and. the: tr~nsportation . officers guns were stored in the bottom of the pick.et. This 'was not the. !Jnit armory. After collecting the guns, Offender Murphy instr~cted 0tfi.cer Gips to go downstairs. When they gqt to the bottom of the stairs, Off~nder Halprin used Gips' belt and one of his shoestrings to bind his hands and tie him to .a ~tructure within the picket. The offenders then exited the tC?wer with. the' guns:' .: .:. ., Immediately after .th~ : c;:>ff~r:td~rs exited ~he picket, Officer Gips freed himself and ran up tl}e stairs to the top 'of the picket. The three offenders that had .remained in t~e ~_aintenance~ D~partment drove the maintenance. truck .thrql:Jgh. . ·the open- 'vehicler'gate" whefre ..the~·· pic~e.CI :up ·"the 'weapons"ariCl ·theif-folfr······· - : accomplices and exited the compoi.Jnd~:"/ The maintenance truck had been brought inside the compound earlier thafday in anticipation .of anaftemoon:trjp .. ....__ ,. for supplies. At approximately 1358,' Officer Gips used his' handheld radio' to request assistance.' :Officer Gips. 'reported at that time"'that he -co'uld 'see-the-~""" - .. ' maintenance ~~ck driving' past 19 Building C?utside of the compound.. ..:.., ._..:~._ .... '.~., :..... . ..... . ..Warden Keith was' in the company of a local law enforcement officer on the compound, when he heard the distress call. The officer immediately notified other local law enforcement to be on the .lookout for a white TDCJ truck.' While returning to the unit at approximately 1400, Officer Barton Olsen, assigned to the community work squad, reported seeing the white maintenance truck in the downtown 'area ~f Kenedy, in the vicinity of City Hall. Immediately after seeing the vehicle, Officer Olsen heard a call on the hand held radio and responded with .directions to where he had seen the vehicle. . .~=.~'. '-':.'.~~ '. ',": . ·':"·-;;.As an .intensive search'continued;;ar-approximately ·1600,·~·i:I white' ·TDCJ -:- - ....:.:~.~. .. pickup was found abandoned. behind the Wal-Mart in Kenedy. Based on film" . . .' footage recordea by an automated teller' machine camera' in tlie Wal-Mart· '. par~ing lot, it is believed that the escapees left .tile area in' .~>ne or. possibly two_: . . ~ >vehicles .that· were .left ·i!1·:~.the parking ·~lof·l::ii· an Unknow':laccomplice'on' ·the .~' .. --_. -- .. .. : . mo'rrilng-6f ·the·iricident... ·A :task:'force' fOrrl1ed by-the-Office"of the Inspector: .... General, 7'with ·the'~assistaiic·e "of ·state "and 'local 'Iaw enfo'rcememt 'agencies has' '.' ..::..:: .. '. . . . been investigating leads to the whereabouts' .of the' fugitives:' AS"bfthe -date 'of "-.-- - '.. , .. .;.:..>'. :.. t~~~ r~vie~, th~ ~~c~pe,~~.slj.!J.{~m?il].?l~.!~rg~~,:.-_~ ; . .: '.~' :.. . . ..0·... :"0 . 'J •••• ''l. .- •'.1 __ .--_ _ • • • • • • • • •••••• • .... '0 .- .... - ~ . . •••• , - . eO • • • ' . . . • ••• ... . _. " - : ... ~ l 'J ", .- ...:.~'.~.:' ...... :... -:" ~ ~.-:~:::~ :-~ :.: ~.:._~~. ::.~~:.~ :.:.~ _: '~.~ ...:.':::-:.:.:.'::."-,,: .~:~:,_." .-:-:...: ~_ . _._...:.- .':: ~ ~:.::: .. .. .- . .-" ','._ . .-:....:.... 0 .. . .. -. .:. .. w ••••• :_;.- ' • •_ • _' • •_ . • • ::. _...:. _ _ • • ~_. •••••••••• ~:. • _. - • ~':" -~..::. .- :-_:.:.: ::':=--:'.:~_::;~-~':=':::".~. ~. .~: _0..••..• -__ ·~_I_ .. --_ ...••.•- _.._ _ -- .•• -" . -. ..-. . . . ...... I.-~~ = '.7 _. _ ~ Texas Department of Criminal Justice CONNALLY (CY) 10 .. Prison 1, Unit Address/Phcine:" He' •• "''l. = . . .; ", -_.... 67 Box 115;Kenedy. Texas 78119/ (830) 583~003 "(**0~'8)"''':'_'_'''' •••• . Unit J.Qcati~n: .~ .. . ..... . ••••• j •• .0 . 2 miles ofKeriedyon ~wY.18·1 .' ..'so~th ..' . . ..' ; Date Unit EstablishecllOn j. Une.:~· '. • _ .".-. - - . " ._- '.' -, _ - ._. _ ••••• _ ,'0 July 1995 Total E.mploy,e¢~ ,- 743 ...N.:. on-Security Emp. I~y.~.es.*:.~. '~05 Security Employees*: 547· i" . Eri1ploye~!.:.· :20 Contra~t Medical ErTiplciy~es*:' I: :~.~- ~~;:~~er: ~.~~~;~;i~~~!~~~~~~.: .2·;~~i~~i~ WindhamlEducation I 71' -'. :~:"-:=::~.". _.. :: .'.-- = =~'.~~-~:'::=:~.::~.~~..',,: '. . Maximum Capacity*: 2.848 Custody Levels tioused:: Minimum, Medium, Close. Ad~in~~!ve Segrega~on .... :l t •. •.• r- oo.-. . Approximate Acreage: ' 818.'·· -_." .... _.. _~ .. -".". .... . . ......... • 'O .... _ ·-oo .. _.... .... .. O'.,... •.•• . ... _.·0.0·. - ... ": ..:-.. - _. ,.'.. _ .... _.... .oo ~. _ ... ., .... ,. '....•_•......... ...... .__ ~ _.~ . Agricultural Operations: Contract.Orazing, Security HorsesIDogs, Garden, Unit Food Bank Garden . Ui1it ' I I. Industrial Operations: None I Facility Operations: Unit Maintenance ~edical Capabilities: .Basic medical. dental and psychiatric services to include pharmacy. radiology. j. ': :" .: :':':': ': : .-.::.~. '.: .~: :.: -'~.:.::_~ : -:~.-.. ': I ~.':.' , . .:. .. •••••••••• -' Regional Director: ···Doug Dretke, "Region IV i :..... to PM 632 i~ K~'es"Cotinti ... . .. .... . . . .. . '. .'.'. Se~·ior Warden~ Timothy B. Keith . . .... .. .. ...... ... . .. - ... . .... •• 0 . ..... .. :. . . ~. ~ - . - laboratory and emergency care; chronic disease clinics; substance abuse services; preventive medicine services; and referrals to other units and/or community based ..r~~!l!~~ ~ ~PR.~~~riate' ..~!:illed. n~ing cm.:~. a~ailap.l~_~~ g91!~S. ~.9~Y~ ...- _..,.-- . .. _.-._-- - ._---_ ............ __ .Literacy/OED, CHANGESlPre:Release~ 'English as a Second Language, CogiUtive . Intervention, Project ~O . '. ." . . .' . .. ~. Career and Technology Programs: .Computer Maintenanc~ Technician, . .. '; ;' .': .... ::~'Gonstruction ~entiy. Di'esei·MechaiiiCs;Ele.c.tiic~l :r~desj PipmgTiadesi <' :: ..:' .Plumbing;,Small J!ngiDe Repair. : :.~.. ~; ~.: , . ~ducatioriat ,Programs: . . .. . ... ~. :;, " .,.. . , . .. - '.' . '. .·t·.···· - ., 0 0 - :• •- 0'7-' ..• ' . : . ' '.'-. j ~~~ . ~-'~-~ : . :~':.~' ~~: ';~dditi~ri'~t';ro;ra~;:.~~.S~b~~~e·A~~i.~~~~~~;~~~~;~;~r~~E~~;~p~1~fGr~wa{p~~~:~~ ".-: ~:. . Career Day, Crime Stoppers . .. . •..- -"-- - ,- .._.' i'~~:' ~:.:~~~~~.-.CO~;;;~~i~ ~~~;k P;~j~~::' ~~~~'~r~~d~~(i~·ci;Y~~d ~~tfag~~~i~~:ih~'co~~it;t~~~ir~is~~~"~ ~.:.~ .~ ..~ :'.~ . . . : . . ......... ,- ... - . ': .oo ." • .. . . . Central Texas, and Texas Deparbnent ofTransportation: :"Unlt garden 'benefits the .. ~. . ': non-profit orgaiii2:atioU: South'TexSs'Children's Home.:-.'· :" .. :-00 . - • . :. . • ••.• __ ._ ..... _ •••, __ .•••.__.• - ..... -: .. _•• ' .••._... . ••..•.•••.•• i >, ~ . 010._. :.' . . ( :' ... " '. : '.: ~ :.~;! : - .,:, r. '. ~ .. ... .! ! I ! t. I i i ! Maintenance Department i --- I I , ! I I I ,This photo 'shows the 'riiainten~lnce office. ·.The door labeled ~Wa'rehouseD-isth'edobr~ __ , __ ":' - tha't the victims were prom 'ted tliio'u h and then "cIoseel" behind them. ,-_.:~. " ;"6' This photo" is of the-area.irfth's-warehbLise'that thevictinisweri:fslibduea, \The 'cleared ' . , , area of the floor was used _0_.':"-"':'-_._"':as a take down area. : " .. ".':: " .. . . ••' -,'0-:' __ , •. :-.;,: __ '••• .:::.:-= = _ _ :,.:. _:. _ • ': •.-"':'_. . ~.'~.' ~ -=:.:::.::-==:~...:... ~ '.~ ~.: ...~ ~:·~··;-?:::/~~:~~~}~~'t.c.!.i;:~?t.:~~~;:~:\(_:~~~:[~~:1ti:~~c~iJ.·~': ;:"i' • • • .' . .. , ;, • ':- ::.~::~--. • . , . ,- , ""'' ' . .' .... ... .: . •••• " .~" p . ..- • . : This pnotos shows the inside of ~he _. pepartment tool.room. ..Maintenance :- : •.. " .: ": . - ._ . ~ . .. •.. -•. _ Attachment C:2 . . .- '>.:' ~ •... - . . ., 0" ..Z%m;::;; .( (3. .. ( M2&Mii( . ....0.'.-3.«,., (,. • .. .. .d.. . .J.:;.ow.c,.wA.:;.:wMZA . Maintenance Truck =:::!=':'!;".".<:=~=:::: This Ph.o~o)ihqws the front eftha'Maintenance Department-'This photo was taken ~s a , reenactment 'ofttied'ocation of the maintenance truck arked within the ~com'pourid, ,.~.:~, .... '. :... , ,:" < ~ : : :-.:.',. .'. .... .. -:.., ..... ". " , ~- , .. ..... . . ' \ This photo Was' taken 'as .a' reenact~ent of lhe venicte..!?ftEEL o!fel').~~,rs _~~cked it into 'the . shop area: ,The back of the tru6~ was filled Witli plywood a{ld bo.x~s t~'at five-of the':~-, -, ,, , ..., offenders hid under as they exited the ·compound. . ' . . MUM. Hi ( . ~.' ' ' . ' .. Views From Backgate Picket .. •• _'. - e"';" ••• _0. _...... • °0 .,. A view of the Con'n~lIy Unit Maintenance £?~partment from the backgate picket.·J"his photo depicts the limited visibility of.the departm.~nt py t~e backgate picket officer. . ..:. . .-.-- ;~-;,,,:,,,:,._._.'-._ ..~. --"'-~.:._,.::"':"_: .. :-~~~~~:.:.-=-': .. ~_ . --- .. :__.. -- -=."..-...-". • _.=-_.~ ~-'-~.::_- .... . _. . -.'. - . 0 • • '. _ _ •• _ _ • . ...... ~'- ~ .... •• _ _ • o • • • • • • •0 .. _ _ •• . •••• _ . _ . •.... __ ._0 .•.....•.. _ •. .-. -' .:'~::' -: Attachment e-4.-.:..:' .. '-:'~.' _O' . . • - ~ ••••• - - ... 0 'I~ --'J Backgate Gatehouse 5:;,_ A view ofthe Conl'!aUY~fli~.t?~9~9§.t~g~J~ligu~_~._.I~is p~oto, shows the desk that was next t~the'electrical b"utlet that the'civilian dress_e~ offenders pretended to examine. ' ... /~ -' "';.'-: f:,i~~~i .. " ~'. ""-;-' ':-·:·h;f?i:~:;.tL-~- :;'? ~ '.... .:. -=..:..._. ': ... 0..:._: A view of the restroom located in _. _,.the gatehouse.This. photo, __ _·-·--'shows the 'area Wh'e're the'-_. ba~kgate off]c~~w~s_ ~~.strai~ed. o - ~ ,00 , _. .. .. ----_.- - ---.-..... .. '1 ~- • , .7:-~ .-:.~:' .~.~.:~~·,-;:..-.:::~:::.;-:;o..:.:- ~:;_=-:3~~;,o;~~:: ~. _.!l-;___ .0. o--~' .. \-.~'::7- h-o ••• -. -ro,'L,,·' J:~- '7!:': 0 ,. ' . -.: • • " ... ;.-'. •• • • oo .,. _::: -.":':::- =-:.-- ---.. '" _..:~ --- Attachment G-S .•' 0 '. •• _. ~,'.~:~.:: "0: •.':. :.- __ 0_--.-' • • . - ':=.:~"._.:..~.-_~~~~>._~~~~.: .... ~:.:. -::::" .•:....: ;,.:.~~-:::-:-~-:'':': .:.:~.:=:-:. ~'-.-:,:~-:.. ~-"7 o. .~."~: ~ >.: . ....- .". :.1 '." .• " - - .. - . ,,0.,::. '\.',:._.... . . - -- ... .- : " ~ .... '': s photq, iIIustrat~sperimeter road where the maintenance vehicle Was traveling when' ::.. the backgate' picket officer used the handheld radio to report the escape. ".~ .'-:"::-'-' -'~'.:.-~' .... _~"- 'Atl~~hmentC~':~~'""-:~' . .'~. • ••• o. 0 ~~~g~I~~~~~f'.{!.111Itlt!t!~f~~~,· • \." '-"r.e::i::.• i',o:.. • 0 ' ,.' M"'''''~ ·~~,~,,,, .... ",,,"'I";r~'t: ;,I:;;.:.c... ' .. .",k';,IGQ."..·.,·~~.\' ••:>~..........\,:;;'~ ~·'~~l'»B~~.~%~· .. ~*-..;;, .. ..,.-J.:t·"""'-·· ~~..,...., . f··~;0~~~~1:~~!~~~~K~~~~;r¥~.~~~¥r~~~~~~i~~~l~~P;~~~~t¥~ .~,.~ -.~ -.r.: .. ~T-. .L.,~ ~~ .-<...... ');.~~cr.-:+~~~~~; ,.i1:tc~~~~:--~~._ .~_ ... _ _ - 4 _ u......... ... ... _ ' \ .. -PS:::t... ....? . . . . ' - . " " \ - : -.. . J • ... I...... V..,.._ .. ..r.... !!.!~!f!~!!!§1i-~i!. :.;~s..~~~\~; ~!·l:r=~:.~~:-..·! ';:'.:'-;, :~;;~!C, ·~;"~~~~:'~W.r:.~~~"~ ..!l!.;~.?~.K;~7$;::~~~~~~:·';:~~~'g~· '';~~~'S,;!'~~'''Y:;f\ ....~·.~,:r'" :::., ~~~ ~~:-.-.~ ".:"·T~"" .:..;,~_-_~~.,,..~. ~~ .-;-rrf·""'?;;;"· ~"" _._ ..., _ •. ......" .. ,,: .. ':......."...,.,.:: .~,: .. '"""'t:.~: .• ..... .. -_.I.• .... ... r-=- ...;,-,;...4",. '. "-':;:::.. ~ ,... . • ."".. l .-.!.~ •• , .:0. .1-;~ ",on.' ': -:' t....-=.J,....- jo,." .J4•• -_•.,. .., , , I~-m- ~:..;.' -~~r:o;;.-":"'~.,,~;-"'.:~, .. • .,.~ ·~':""":r:-':-:. ~ -::-:-i-{~ ';·l;:~i'~~-i;,,;~:1:~t:!-: ;j#&';;;;:. .. ~ ..L;,.. • ----.:-.- .. _ ~:::: J .. \.". .. ,.~-~. ..... ~~~~~~4~~1~f6.fJ~l4~al'ii~i~~!!!?b~~·~~e~· rI .. '" ......_._. \ l i f 1-= '1 \ i ',' I . . ... 'Route From Maintenance To Backgate I w· rD- C'>. I.·! . - ~'liI ·I·_··_··~~ l .... " ". ... ~ Z '-1":-- fTl .. ; • I . , r . I ' ... ,,• . t / • . ,, • I , I I . ~ ,, .. .,. - . ,• •• ". .... ., . .' ..-.... ', .... . .: " '.~ ' . ' .. , ;' '-*'-....--lll......:.,,.:......-,........ ..• •........,-...~·._•."'~·titlh:~ .... .' ........... -'-~:.....·II~·,-~~_N.;;....~.q.""'H ".. ... _~! -"'.: , . .. '. . '" ..,.. '.. -'" _ .00 I,., ... • y' . '. '! . .;,,~. . .,~.':....-:- . • .4 a "'~, "" . . " . "'';, ";'~ ·r--3·T~~·~7'~~:" . j~,_;::- .~::~ ·i.--·:·:.-.:.-·.~:·: . _... :.. :....... _:_' . . . . . '.. -0 . '.. J . -.,- . . .n. _0" '... . .., ~(/). .' ...... --.... J I l {'J t.1l .. + .... -.;, .~ ~. . . ... I..e,..,........ . ... I '., ... -' ...... 'to.. . .t I .. , . .. f. ....... .... . ., ..: 4JW£ dO .• ••••,.~"--~..... ... ~. .. ~ •.,..... .~ ; XWA w $"" ., ( . .&0.::* .J.v'i J.Mi """"!i!Mt.4. .((.'N.NA z.. &ZZ&.4·'· HandMMade Weapons ,; .: ~. . :':"'~~''l . ~~; ~ , ", ';'. .' :." '. '.' " An 11 n iron rod club wrapped in biack A small flathead screwdriver with a handle ,fashioned - . . . ,out of bl,ue .tap-e. . ~plastic,tap~. ", ..... .,. " ,~ 0& ~~~.~~::":.~ •• ....... __ " '. "':' ... a . ' A 12" metal hand-made knife' with hanclle' made. from tape a~d f~bn:c . ... -.- . .... ... ...... "-. -.. ' . .-:~ .";- .- Attachment E (2) Flat pieces of metal. .. '.' . -.:-' :'~'.j' ":-~ • - ..... _ .. "'r-- .'"- I., o • .,' ,I I i .i I , TEXAS DEPARTMENT ..~ NUl\1BER: AD-03.19 (rev. 1) DATE: November 5, 1999 ' OF . , ':CRIMINALJl,JSTICE , , PAGE: ,lof3 , ' , ,SUpERSEDES: AD.03.i9 , December 3, 1997 ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE SUBJECT: CONTROL OF TOOLS/SENSITIVE ITEMS ,', AUTHORITY: .' : ~ Sections 493.001, 493.006, 494:.001, and.. 494.002 :(a); Texas Government Code ' Reieren~: American ,Corr~qtiona1 Association (ACA) Standard 3-4188 '."0 • - . • •' • . • _ • • • _. ... •• 0.. ,,_.,.,,0 .._·~-_.:-oo -.. ~.~.t .~;.. __ ...... _._-... -- .0 .. OO' - - .- '. - • APPLICABILITY: Inst~tutional.(ID) and State "iail (SID) Divisions .•'The purpo~e '~f this directive, is' to establish procedures to ensure 'strict ,accountabiiity for' all . tools', l:ltilized in unit/facility operations.. :" The ,procedures ,set fot:th "in this directive '~e 'intended' to beminiinum requirements in,the areas of 'tool' control. Individual units/facilities or departments may add (but not lessen) requirements in regard to said control . to address their unique situa~ons. POLICY:' .... ".: PROCEDURES: '. 1. "'0 ...., .' ", 0 - ' . ••• •_... .0 :. " :,::',:::~ ,:' '. '," . . • ... . :., ., ,. " ' , . . . . . .., ":~'~'i:..-,'" :.::...~~ :'.:. , ::~~:". ',;'~:_~.~.".:..:~'-_._ ....' • •••••~ ~'-:~•.:. .. ~ ' Attachment F-1 :..", .. , ' . . . . . . ' _-" -·.0 ..'":. .... . ...... 00' .' : ' . . ., ,\0.03:19 (rev, 1) Page 2 of3 D. To ensure accountability .of all tools issued, maintain an ongoing tool control log with the following information: requester's printed name and signed initials; description of the to~l; ~'1d ti'!1e of issue/return. Unless special arrangements are m2.de~ tools shall be turned in at clC?se of each day. Tool logs shall be keot for a minimum of 12 months. .'", . . . E. II. . A list of all tools kept in tool boxes an.d pouches shall be made, and used to inventory the items. Pouches and portable tool boxes shall be inventoried daily ." while larger tool boxes sha~l be inventoried at least weekly. Sensitive ToolslItems Any tool or equipment likely to be used in an escape attempt or that"poses a threat to unit/facility security should be considered "sensitive." Exampl~ are: bolt cutlers, hack saws and blades; ftles; portable grinders; k1eins; cutting torches; utility knives, ladders; ropes, and other similar equipment. The list of sensitive tools may be expanded as deemed necessaiyby the Warden. . . A. :,;' . . C. A thorough inventory of "sensitive" tools shall be maintained. Separate tool logs and tool destruction logs shall also be maintained, as detailed in Sections 1. D. and .0".' III. B. -_.~ III. Toxic, abusable and poisonoUs fluids shall be stored, secured and disposed of ..... _..'aoprop"n"ately' . ''..:,,_."'-_.:.. ~.-:: ... : ..... . : ......._.... : ...:.. DamagedlMissing Tools A. i;. I uSensitive'l tools shall be stored separately from other tools in an area where offenders do not have access or there is constant staffobseIVation and be ~aintained under lock and key. These tools shall be issued by a designated employee far use by offenders that are working under their supervisic;m. No-offerider aSsigned to a crew using "sensitive" tools shall be allowed fa leave the work area until said tools· are accounted for. D. .. .' . B. wh~~ to'ois '~e di~cover~' mis~ing,' th~'~ers~n i6 -~hom th~':tooi w~. issu~ is . : re5J'o~ibl.e .for immedi~t~ly. v~rbally notifYing' the- appropriate' dep2r',n;ent head control of the tool). ." .. -- (having .- _. B.' ".'.., The department head '(haVing control of a tooi) shall be notified in writing of any damaged, broken or missing. tools by ·the .end of the workday. Broken or unserviceable tools sh2.11 be secured in locked storage until destroyed. Destnlction shal1 be by ctitting, breaking, crushing, and other similar methods and then promptly .. discarded according to unit/facility procedures. If a tool is destroyed, the following infurin\moJi shoUld be r·ecOrded 'on' a: '~ool 'deStruction log": name of olii,,!,r ".. ".". ; .. _.... . - ...- -'" ... - ... .. - ... ..."_._._. - -- -'- . . AD-Q.3.19 (rev. 1) Page 3 of3 witnessing destruction; description of tool; and date des·troyed. Tool destruction logs shall be kept for a minimum of 12 months. .. ::~ NOTE: In the event a tool is a TOe] fixed asset, departmental policy regarding . . . fixed asset deletion . .and'. disposal must be followed.: The verbal ~otifiCation' shall be followed' up wit4 a written report to the department head, submitted by no later than the end of the work-day, fully detailing the incident (Le., tool description; 'circumstances; employee or offender responsible; and' other similar information). A copy of that report shall also be submitted to the Warden or' designee. . C.' Gary . Jolmson, Director Institutional Division' . '. ..0.. .__.._. .. ...-..- - _ - r· . . '. i··· .- .. • ." ' 0 ' .0 • . 'r" '. i: .. .. 0':.0(.-: . , , ,". " I· • I L \' l,.. >'<,~.,.:, • •O' .. :':..':' >"'':-',':' , ._.. . .... . . . ';:: ...'. ...", .: " • •• •• • .0 • _" _ :.:.. '" .. :.0 ;" •.. - .:: ":.: • "::, •• : . .' .. . • .'O ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE SUBJECT: . PROPER· ·~t~·~'ENTIFICATION SUPERVISION PROC~DURES OFFICERS . AUTHORITY: . ·§§493.001, 493.002,493.004,493.005, 493.00s"i, 493.006, 494.00~, and 494.002 (a), 1;'~?,as.Ooyernment Code _.. _. BQard Rule 37 T.A.C.J~?1.21 . .. AND VEmCLE FOR .. GATEIPICKET " APPLICABTLuY: Institutional Division, State Jail Division, and Parole Division .' . .. : .. '.' :. ., - . . .The purpose'of this .directive is to r~i~~ra~e sC?curity proc;edures for obtaining prop.er ident~fication for persons and vehicles entering or exiting a facility. To outline. procedures to be utilized in supervising and controlling delivery trucks that enter the facility for delivery or pi.ckup. These procedures apply to Backgate Officers, Industrial Plant Managers, Commissary .Managers, Department Managers receiving truck deliveries, Shift Utility Officers, and Texas Department of Griminal Justice (IDeJ)·· employee and o~eQ.der ~~k drivers. , - '\ ..: ..__ .: .... ': .. ...:.:~,-,_._ .. ,: .--.,....:.',...:: ~~ .... ~'.':;:' :':.' :: : ,. ",: .. .....:.: .:.:. :.:..: .:.,' ~ ..: ~ :'. '.:: ::',~' .. PROCEDURES: Officers asSigned to gate/picket locations wIll ensure that the . :fb~owing proc~dures are impleme~ted~. POLICY: :: '. " .' I.' '. '. Person~i"id~ntfu~u~~ :.':. '.: :...... '. ': '.:. ': ." . . /~. ", '. .•..•.• _.:~. . . . . . _.,;.::~••_ . ! - ~ •••. ..... ; •• : : - . : •.: •• "'• • . • • • . • • • •; •• - : ••: - - - - : . _ ••.. _ . . . . . . .,' .:.. . - ~.' ..... -:- ••.• A..... All uniformed or non-Uniformed perSonnel will be required to show their .... TOCJ identification card prior to admission t6 or exit from the facility. ,. '. . . : - ::'. • • .':' . 0 •• . , •• :. • ••• ••• •••• •• • • • • • • ~ • • • . :..,; • • ":.~• • • • • :.'. B.' . : No~-ID6·~~ployees will be required to show a valid driver license prior, to admission or exit from the facility. 'When..a.visit9r does not have a valid . driver lirense, the WardeolFacility Administrator will be contacted and determination for entry made.. o~ .an indi~dua.\ .bB:Si~. Approval. for . _: . '.. _~.' .: :~ ,.. ...:..:." :.0·." . . ..-. , _ : .. ~ ;.:: "'! . .. . .. :". ::~.:.'; - ' - '. .. .. .... .... .... ... . :.'O. .' •.._'. . • .... .... .- .. .... - ,. : .' I : l I AD-03.28 Page 2 0[6 admittance will be obtained from the WardenlFacility Administrator or his designee prior to admission to the facility. , c. . During normal hours~ when offenders may receive visitors~ officers Will follow prescribed facility guidelines. .for identification ofsuch visitors. ~1! , Ris a f~16ny under T~xas .Penal Code~ ·§46.035, for a per~on licensed to a a. carty 'handgu,n under Article 4413(2gee), 'Revised Statutes, to carry handgun on the premises of a correctional facility, regardless of whether . the handgun is'concealed. For securitY reasons; all weapons, even those of law enforcement officers, niust be checked at the picket. .. -. . -_. A. Before allowing any vehicle to enter an area, the officer ~ll ascertain the purpose for the entry and the "{ehicle's destina?on and. note .the·~.· .. -'- _,..z~ inforjnation .on the appropriate log. Only those vehicles with authorized officiBl business will be. allowed entrance. No private vehicle will be allowed within thcf pe~e.t¢"~ 'unless sp'ecifically authorized by" the ....." WardenlFacility Administriior or designee. B. All vehicles will be searched .pqor to entering or exiting through the facility compoun~ perimeter. fence:' '. .requir~d inf~imation :will .be recorded on' the vehicle log. Searches .will be'conducted for weapons, contraband, drugs, unauthorized personnel and any items not authorized by TOC] or by facility policy. The ~earch will include, but not be limited to, the following areaS of every :vehicle: _-_.... ..':\- .- ""c_••• . '_ u _.....t -'w, .... II. _...:; )jehicle Identification and Supervision ..... .. :The' ... 1. Engine ComParwtent 2. 3. 4. Tnmk Interior .Glove CompartmentS ..- -'5." ... Uridei;Seats' - ....- ._. ':: . .. \ :c. . ..' 6. . Body and Bed . 7.... pnd~rcarri~ge .' . . .' .. . . . .: '. '. ,.: -. .'.. '.. .. .'..~ .'. . . .'. .. . .Addition8I resPoD.sigiliti~ fg.r offiCer~ 'aSsigne4 to th~~ posts are outlined . in the individual post orders, (e.g., Backgate Officer) Frontgate 'Officer~ Highway Picket Officer). All facilities will develop special orders that responsi~iM-~~ d:u:tl,es._.C?f...~~~rs t? .~ese ._ ".. .... . . expand . upon . . the '. .. ....~d ..'.... . ...assi~~ . areas. f , '., '-' 'L':: j' - .~ .. .' ... "':... .. ' .. . I L ... ..... . ' , .'. _ , _. - _.. _. -- .".:..- '.. . .-,. .- . ~_. - ._- - .. .,. . I . .. . _. '. . .~' I' : I i AD-03.28 Page 3 of6 III. Delivery Trucks - N9n-TDCJ Vehicles A. , A non-TOeJ vehicle is any vehicle authorized to se~k access at a mC] facility, such as a vehicle used by a vendor or delivery service, which' is not o':VIled and operated by TDCJ. ." .' B. C. D. ' Whe~ a 1l0~-1D CJ ~eliv~r;. arrj.v~s' at. the~1fackgate;':th~ B'ackg'ate' . 9~cer will aScertain the delivery truck's destination and then notify the' department to send an employee to the backgate to escort the truck. If an employee is unavailable, the manager 'will request the securitY shift supervisor to send a Utility Correctional Officer to the backgate. ' tru6k . Non-IDCJ delivery trucks will not be allowed into~~~.."Sallyport until an escort arrives at the backgate. .: " ::' -:~'., .': .. . A search of all delivery vehicles will be acc9~plished.... Drivers will be asked ~o vac;ate the vehicle and open or unlock all compartments 'of the vehicle' <t.I'u:nks, sleepers, tool boxes, and other similar compartments) for search pUIposes;' 'The Backg~~~:Officer and the escort will participate in. the search. ',. ,'..:'.,. E. Athorough search of all are~ will be ~o~ductedfor controlled substances, weapons of any nah;U'e, or any material thought to be' h~dous t9 :the . ·facilitY. If dOUbt. arises concerning ~y material entering the facility, the ~ecurity shift supervisor should be consulted. ' , . F. The Backgate Officer will utilize a mirror to check the undercamage of aU vehicles. If any questions arise, the officer will need to physically get under the vehicle to ensur~:~thoro~.&h search has been conducted. G. A ladder will be utilized to view the tops ofall vehicles. H.'· ' . Wh~~ s~~~~~ '~ebicl~ itS con~en~~ the officer will u~e' e~~m~ caution' and comply with all.safeiy regulations. (See IDCJ ED-IO.61) ·the •.••• ·r i . " ,IV , I .::' ' ... -.. '-. • '. 'Deli~~~Troc~ .:·mCJ:' • . .' 0°.·. and • ". ·'0 : . . : .'',' :'..0'.:.., .•',_-: .,.. . ~. " '. ::" .... ,.: ', .." '..'. '0 ... A: .' . Wh~n.~; wei ~~ploy~e-dri~en deliverY truck ahiv~ at the b'ackgate, the . ... ' officer assigned will ascertain the delivery truck's destination and :then • notify that department that the truck is en route. . . . . .... . :" .. .... . .. .. - .... : . '.~' l' i .... ' ; B., Ali IDCJ deli~~ty trucks Will be searched in the same 'manner as stated aboye for Jlon-IDCJ delivery trucks. 'l-~} . '. .~ • •~!-J -:.:- # •• ~ ,J...... . • '. •••• "~'. _..... > 0 . , ... .: .. til' ..' 0' " 0 • I' : , ......... ~ -- ... _ ... . ., ... ' ... '_._" i AD-03.28 .. • i Page40f6 C. ... "~ Under nonnal circwnstances, mcr delivery trucks will not require an escort.' However, at the WardenlFacility Administrator or designee's discretion, an escort may be utilized in special situations (e.g., after no~.al delivery hours, in the event of a field force working near the delivery area) or for other specific security c~ncems. Th~ escort, when ~tilized, will not cause ui:u1ecessary delays. . . . . farm .' D. '. Ali trailers, such as .agriculture' and shop tractors~ ar~ to'be ~earched in th~ s~~ .~a.nD:e~, as passenger and cargo type vehicles. E. V. -~ Delivery TrucI,<s - TnC] Offender Drivers me]. . . ... Offender' trUck 'drivers" are,}ollowed to' their 'destination by' ~. employee truck driver' (COhVOY style). There may be more than one 'delivery truck driven by an offender in the convoy. It may be necessary · for the IDC] employee driver to ~rop offender ~ck drivers off at-one or to continue to another location :in the immediate area: . · more locations . .'.:' .. . ..... . ..... B. Wh~m a TnCJ delivery truck driven by an offender trUck driver arrives at A. .. The Food Service Refuse.-Trailer (slop wagon) will be probed with a rod' to detect contraq~d or~:-~ff:ender escap~ attempt. The same procedures will be utilized fqr€i'!ll ~ash trucks, dump trucks, and other similar · vehicles. Safety prooootions must always be used when searching these . ' '.. .. vehicles. .". and ' ': the backgate, the officer assigned will ascertain the delivery truck's destination and then notify that department to send an employee to the backgate to meet the truck. If an employee is unavailable, the manager will request the security..shift sup~rvisor to send a Utility Correctional Officer to the backgate. C. . D. . 'I, :. t '. . --- .... .. .. ,E. Offender truck drivers will not be ~lo~ed i:nto. ~~. sallYPQr:t until, escort. amves' atthe backgate. .. .. . . Offender tiilckdrivers will be strip-searched before being allowed to ieave :the sarlyi;~rt ~ea..; ..... ',. '.' .. , '." '.. . . '. :'::~ffend~r~dri~~~' ~e~~~ry tru~ks wiil b~~s~ched in' the 'same ~anner ~ '. .stated above' for non-IDCJ trucks and IDCJ employee-driven delivery' trucks. F.' \. .. ~ :, ) Offender truck drivers Will be escorted into the facility by ~ employee or . superVispf from the department receiving/shipping the load. .. .. _- ... - ..__ ..... _..._- '_"';i,l I· II . '. .~. __._ .._..... ... " .. .- ...- ....... ~ '.' Texas Department . I PO-07.046 (rev. 2) Number: ,. February 25, 1999 0 AD-03.28 Page50fG G. If the offender truck driver has been dropped off by a IDCJ employee truck driver, the truck will remain in the vicinitY outside the backgate area (locked and properly secured). The offender truck driver Will return to the backgate and remain under supervision until his IDC] transportatio~ supervisor arrives to esc~rt him to the nl?=:ct location. No offender driver will be alloy/ed to leave the compound without an escort. . • r' o VI. ' : . ", • ':'.. ", • . .: '. . : '.' • Loading/Unloading Procedmes A. _ The e'scort (if needed) will ride in the truck cab to the ioading dock. . . Ojfender traffic (i.e., yard squads, work squads, and other offender work "~;-:E!:..eJ:vs) should be avoided en route to the loading dock, ifpossible. B...... ;...~:The TDCJ employee truck driver, manager and escort are responsible for' . the secllrity of the vehicle, products' and offend.ers whi!.eloadhiglunloading •... ._C1L~e driver is a non-employee or an offender, the m~ager and ~cort are" . responsible' for security). Adequate . supervision . for 'offenders loadingiunloading is the sole responsibility of the department receivirig/shipping the load. ~I offenders'not loadliigiiinioading' the" tru~k will be removed from the area." All doors and gates in the area should remain locked. The employee truck driver willloc~ the cab and remain at the ofgoods. .the loading I.. . dock .. . in order to .supervise . . . loading/unloading . " . .-... .. o. ~- ' .C. "kangements will be made to acco~odate ~o~~ than"bile 'aeli~eIy:~~k at a time when dock space is available. D. When the trailer is loaded/unloaded it should be by the TDC] employee responsible for the vehicle or applicable department manager and escort (when TDCJ offender d.Qyers and non-IDCJ drivers). The offenders should be counted and returned to the department ·manager. The" department manager must validate the c~unt of the offender loaders and 0., 0 ..••..._. ." .. :. -'_0.": ..._:.. :.: :.::.::..::0_ :'.".. ..the offenders.-.in-the.dep~~nt. . ...~ E. of each ~CJ department that loads trailers shall be " responsibJ~ for obtaining s~s and keeping ~em ~ stock .for the p~os~ "" " :. of secUl'iQg all ~ers·with product a~o~d.. °The:sea1:nuniber should be "~' "",' noted on·the olltgoing;freight bill or envelope•. This is to allow the driver" . ". to verify that the load is intact and secure before leaving the lo~ding or staging site. Shippers with multiple drops may choose to send a seal fori . .each drop. The driver will res~ th~ trailer ~d .do.c~ent each ~e the_ . seal is broken.:· . ... o. The. ni~ager o : 0 0 " " _ '. . :. t f· '""/~~ , , i PIo~edUIe VII. : 1 An-03.28 Page 6 of6 for Exiting the Facility A. The escort or TDCJ employee driver will call the Backgate Officer to alert . him to their return. The department manager will immediately call the backgate .as sqon.as the count is clear. When the backgate is clear, the drive~ ,anel .esc~~·Or TDCJ .employee driyet: ~lLretum ~o the' backgate, , avo~ding offender tr~c, when po~sible. B. O~ce inside the sallyport, the Backgate Officer will obtain the seal number on the trailer and contact the department manager. receiving/shipping the load to verify that the numbers match. If the numbers match, it will not be necessary to break. the seal and search inside the t.'aik;r~· ,The Backgate Officer, and escort (if needed for TOC] ,offendel':;~i:iYers or non-TDCJ drivers) will search the carriage" of the truck. AIf'compartments in the carriage will be unlocked and s~aIched. (See Section II.B.) , any If th~ .numbers on the sear do not match or if secUrity issu'e arises~ th~ seal will be brq~en.. ~d .a searc~ of the trailer will be performed. The., , . 'Back:gate Officer and the .~pyer will sign the freight bill noting that the seal was broken. After the 'seal is broken, the driver will use padlocks to . ,maintain security until the load is totally searched. C. '0 .... ~ i' , • .~! .' .. • : .: •• -_.. - _---_ .. _--_._ .. 0 0 · • • • •0 ' . ' '. ;".' .".. " " ~ . '0'.. .. . '. ... " . , ,. . . L .- ........-". .1 , .. ..... , " .. . . - ....... .... . . .. .' .. .. • ....... • .. . . • - \ -- ... • -_ ~.I ••••• • - .- ••• 'O .- .... ~. . " ••• _-;- Texas Department .. .; ~ .. Number: PO-07.046 (rev, 2) of Date: February 25, 1999 Criminal Justice Page: 10f5 '. P6-07,O~6 (rev.. i) July 1;1996 , '. Supersedes: .. Gary L. J ohnsoD, Director' Institutional Diyision Authority: ,POST OP.J)ER ..: SUBJECT: PERIMETER PICKET .. .. . . AUTHORITY: ~ex:as Gov~.~en~ C~~e § ~~~.O~ 1 PURPOSE: To establish the duties·'J:nci 'responsibilities ·of staff assigned to Perimeter Pickets, Specific orders for all pickets are in attachment form. .. ........ "'- .. DEFINITION: . . .... Perimeter Pickets: Structures 'that circle the building or unit/facility area and provide outside security to the unit/facility, preventing unauthorized egresslingress to the area. PROCEDURES: Perimeter Pi~k.ets are 'responsible fC?r the security perimeter of the Officers assigned facility, preventing offenders from escaping or attempting to escape over.the walls or fences ~d ~d.ing h~·~c preyent~~~ an9..contr.9I._of_4~s~P.?!19~J!~~~~:::~:::·: ..... :· ".'." "'" .~.' .' .:" -'." to 1. II. All . Perimeter Pickets . shall be manned 24 hours day, seven. (7) days per week. .. ,. . . . .. per '.. Exceptions to.~s.policy shal! be approved by ~e Deputy DIrector of ~ecurity.. ' s.~ ........".' ... I.. - ' m.-:·::;'~~~~~~o~~·~~~~~ .....':':. ,.>"::;. ".. ,~ .'>:: :. ~:~~: :~~: ..... ~. '...~ ,...... ' -~ ", ' A.' The relieving offiCer' shall inspect the' post and' equipment· for damages and cleanliness. Any dis~~epancies ol:?s~rv~.~d, ~~untabi~ity ~f equipm.ent.shall,.be. noted on ~e post log. B. Th~ rel'ic:ving officer' shal~ inspect all :w~po'ns, anunUIiition and other equipme~f assigned to that post. The daily inventory log shall be signed by the relieving .... ,:. -..officer indicating that' all weapO.nsianimunition are 'aCcounted for and' in working '. . .. order. Any' weaponslammunitio'n not'aCCounted f<?r or not in working order shall be . . . . .immediately reported to the Shift Supervisor. . " , , .. • .. , - ......... .. • " ., . -,~ • __ "':'~. .' __ ~ ..- ::: ":' '... .'. '_;.:: :: : .It. • -.. -.::..:._ .. ':'Atf~6nrTientF-3 . . : ,:' •• : . ' : . ...... .. !.' ". J . i . un.> ..'i.. t.hv d; $; ; t&* h P ..t..t..t.t.#.hut. XV.5. . .:...w..,'i.Q..t."9..C... ,/.i.t..c:;h- .. ( Q•• , . iWII( ." q·.AAM.4.lQi@} ..l.M.AW ((i.. PO·07.046 (rev. 2) Page 2 of5 : 1. If an 'officer fails to report damage or loss of equipment, he shall aSswne financia~ responsibility for the ~amage or loss. . '. I~ i~ i~~e~ati~~~~t officers ·report. th~ assigned to this post. 2. . . . C. The officer shall observe and be aware of all activity around or near this pos,t" D. Officers assigned to this post between the. hours of dusk to dawn shali call the central control picket every 30 minutes. E. IV. condm~n ~f \\'~apon.s ami equipment Offi~rs assigned to this post from dusk to dawn shall no.t re~af~ inside the post for more than 30 minutes at any given time, with the.exception of the front gate picket. Dwing periods'ofinclem~nt w~at'ler, the officer may remain'inside, but must ensure .there is a cl~ar liq~ of.si~ht to .~y a?j~C?~~~ p~~met~~~. ',.:. .. . .. .. ... Weapons and Ammunition A. There shall issued. to.- this post: . be a .minimum of two (2) ofthe follo~i~g . .weapons ..... 2. Colt AR-15 Riflel.308; and 3. Remington 870·P Shotgun. . '.: .... B. Amrmiilitiorr . . :.. 1 .. . 6 roundSIevo'1ver • •• .. . ! i. v. L.. I . " - - - -..-----.-..... -._..",. -"'-'-"- ..- __ . _ 0 _ • • _... • •• •••• ._ , ._.... ••••• •••••• 00 .._. _ __ 00 .. " •••. • 15 rounds rifle 2. '. ~~.:. .' 0 <: S~9~d'~ shot~·(.OO ~r .04 btickSh~t) :0.· .; . . • ~ • .: ° o. '. • • • •0 • • Use ofFirearms Whenever the use of fireanns is necessary to prevent .escapes; to q~el1 a rebellion, rio~ qr . disturbance in which loss of life or serious bodily injury to any person is. inuninent and , where lesser means of.major foree .have failed to achiev~ the queUing of such rebellion, Ti~t, or disturbance; or to prevent serious-bodily injUIY to a person, the officer shall take action 1~ • accordan~ with the Use ofF..orce Plan.:. ,.. .. . " ..... . . .. ...... - ..... Preven~on A. ..... o· • :- . ..... '_." ...;. _. O' ........ ofEscapes - ...._ .. - - .: •... 0.. • .__ .. , " " ° :.' • : ..,..- . _. : •• -.. • •••• . .. . . '..O_ . . " - ,;.. •••..• _ • .- . _.. - .. '. "- " . • : . ..... . • ••• •• _. PO-07.046 (rev. 2) Page 3 of 5 : Whenever us: of fir~s is iI:nmediately necessary to prevent an escape. the officer must, lfpractlcaI, shout for the offender to halt and if that fails. fire a warning shot. ' Th~ officer must fire on the offender only when it appears , " prqpable th~t, th~ off:~nd~r Wi~~ el~d~ immediate effort ~for recapture. The followi~g ·~equence. shall 'be' foll?~ed if sufficien( time permits;: how.ever," e'~capes must be prevented. ' 1. a. The officer must give a verbal command to "Halt". b. If the offender stops, the of¥cer shall give a verbal command to lie down and remain still. . If the offender conti~ues .an attempt' to' es~a~~ 'after the verbal command, the officer shall flIe' a warning shot, if possible, in a safe direction. " .. ,... '" c. .. I'· .. 0.0 o. • • •• •• • •••• _.. • 0 ... • • d. If the offender stQPs; the officer shall giv~'~ verbal co~and to'iie down and rema{ri:still. e. If th.e offend~r continues. the attempt, to e~cap~ and.the: offlcer believes thert? fs'rio physiCal fQrce short ~f deadly force, ~v~ilable or likely' to. be effective' to' :stbp the' offender :and 'the" ciffenq,er 'is attempting to climb a perimeter fence, the' officer must fire at the offender. . f. When the offender halts, the flIing shall immediately cease and the incident shall be reported to the officer's supervisor. . 2. ' .. :~~~~~. sh~i·~~~'f.ue '6Ii ~"9if~ri~erif,the f~g will,e~d~g~r'th~'lives of others. .', ,...... '. . .... . ' ' .. ' .; , .: , ;, : , The officer shall not flIe at an offender who is climbing a fence or wall other ··-than ·a· perimeter fence 'or . who is .loosi;dnside _the, security:penmeter.:-_On ,units/facilities equipped With' double perjmeter security fences, the two (2) fen~ ~e considered one (1) fen~ . 'b'fflcers aiert'other' 4. .Picket wuf Unit/facility personnel as soon as possible of . the escape attempt by sounding an alarm, shouting or a telephon,e gill!. . .. , 5. Situation reportS Will be provided to supervisors by the Picket Office~s, as ·EJ.uickly and frequently as time pennits. . !" I .' . i' I . .. Wheri6ver .;o~sibi~;' shots fued -at offend~is should be.' direct~ 't~ .dis.~bl~· L- 6. rather than to kill. I .I : "......... ~.. , . • • • •• 0 ••• , .. . • ••• ...... 00 • _. • 0 • '. . . .. , 0_ • •••••: _... .. . 0 •• .: • ••• '. : . ' ••••• - . : _ •••• .' 0 • 9. . . : • -... .0.. I, . ;r;:;;;;w" . .. 6. .. . .~.hw .. C." ( ,(, ' ... vAal . . . . . .O.. ;:; •. i4.t.w.C.o;;.Q ..... ' . . . . .(i.v.C.h .. "..Huw.Q"»::( ? .'w. . ?<.IW.Qw:WH,<' ""::;P;:;:;;;:". . " Q.c . . B. PO-07.046 (rev. 2) Page 4 of5 Assaults Dw:i~g an assault, .the officer shall use all means available before firing. V~rbal coi:nn?~ds and a.w~ng ~h~~, ifpracti~al, will precede firing at the 1. offender. '.' .' ',': , , 2. The officer must .see that the off~n~er possesses a weapon capable of inflecting serious injwy or death before the officer utilizes firepowe~ .. 3. Officers shall not fire upon an offender if the firing will endanger ·the iives ofothers. 4. Whenever possible, shots fired'at,an offender s~~uld .be"inrected to disable rather than to kill. '. 5. ?icket Officers shall alert other unitlfacil~ty personnel as soon as possibi~ t~ough 'the use oran alaqn,.s,hout{ng, or-telepho'ne c~ll.'''' .. '. , .: ..~ . . " . 6.'. Authorization for use of deadly force shall be ~made by' the Assistant 'Warden or higher authority; however, in case of emergency', personnel may exercise' deadly force without the consent of a higher authority if the situation does not permit the time to seek higher authorization. C. Standard Rules and ~egulations VI. fo~l\,ll Perimeter Pickets Officers are not perm~tted to sleep, read or engage in activities that shall distract , ._.....- . " . .... _-.. ..:.. _.. .. ." . ,. ., ....., ... A. , Situation reports shall be provided to supervisors as quickly and frequently as time p~nn.its. ., .. , , :_:1ht:h' .attention. ....•. ..' - _ '. -_ -.. ". , 1.. '. , . Reading ~ateria1s and personal radi9s are not allowed on this post. , :. 2~ . '''O~~rs sh~l iiotenga~e '~ ~y typ'e :or' ~~~sic~le~~iCis~ ac.~vitY while on . .,.' . , ' 'their' posfthafdisfracts from their officia) 'duties. : .. ' " . '. . ..,. I .:, '3. . r' can i : I' t:.. , I. I \.~ Officers shall not' bring 'articleS to this post not' directly related to the perfo~ance of ~eir official _duties~ . _Exceptions s~all, be: flashlight, : binoculars and thennos bottles. Wardens authoriie other items as deemed n~sa.ry for their unitifacility. . . . .., . .. :. .. .. _ .... - .-". .. B., . . , Weapons sha+1 not b~ surrendered to any person except the authorized relievin:g "offi,~r. :-..;.. ,: ..,. - '.. : ' -, . ~ ..:' .. . C. : '., .We;apons shall be'examined for.obvious dam~ge and <?leanl4J.ess. . ... .. .. -. ..... .... -. . . . -, ...... .: .. . . ..... . .... . .' =* .i k ..1.44.4. it. ttl .. ' , ~' " • • W. . . at., .30 1 C... k cst. ... .'m. :;.:;,.J.G..hw.o.:;,Q4 .. I •••• _ " •• ~ .~ ••••••• w.t.b.c.&.:x:A .. v:i.J (W.t ,I.( $•.. ,.w:.m.,.((,.c.:;.:;.< ,:;....9iQ.Q.QiQ.Q.Q.QiQ.QiQ.QiQ. .. .i8J.J.w.s.W.UJ.W;;I. ,. M.MIU.. w.w MI :;,!WI=.WIQI»' .. PO-07.046 (rev. 2) , Pag~ 5 of5 : D. Tampering with weapons, amm~tiori or other equipme~t is prohibited. All weapons "i~ actiye statl.:ts. shall be .cleaned ~d oiled by designated personnel ,'only: ., . ' .'- "'. . ' " ..:. . , .. " .' '; .' .' . ," .', . " . " E. F. Sidearms shall be ca.nied in the holster attached to pants belt. G. The use of personal weapons by on-duty personnel is strictly prohibited. H. The relieving officer shaH report to the Shift Supervisor at the designated time and area specified in the sp~,Li nr-der. 1. Near the end of each shift, the officer on duty -shall cleaq. the post thoroughly and report any.damagp..s and repairs needed to the Shift Supervisor. An entry shall be recorded on ~e post log ofthis action. ;';.'• ,"i: - ••••• - oO •• __ •• ••• _.. .. . . . . . _ ••• _ .•• ~ .' • oO' .. "" .. J. Telephone use is restricted to ~fficial :calls only. A complete and up-to-date list of telep~one extensions shall be prominently displayeq i~ ,each post. K. , If doubt arises coneenung any emergency, the officer shall inunediatelY contact the Shift Supervisor for instructions. ..". ' , . . L. Shouting shall be the normal method for gaining an offender's attention. Warning shots shall not normally be used for gaining an offender's attention.. M. An incident report must be sl;1~mitted in the event of a round being flred, lost or damaged. The incident report' must be submitted before leaving the facility.,. '.' .: ... ! I . • N. " The ,Building Major.shall ensure that.his designee (a C.O. JII.,or,abcve) inspects, ,_ - 00_ ... each 'post at'least w~k1y;'t6 ~nSUie thaJ"8.ll 'directives pertaining to the post" are adher~ to. Any discrepancies found during the weekly inspection shall be reported inwrlting ~o. the Building Major.forappropriat~,ac~on. , .• 6.:.: ,- ~I ~~P.I~;~~~' ~I.b~ ~~t~ t~ ·the ;~ti~-;;'g·~aj~~fr~~ the !?hift S~p~;;;i;or for approp~ate review and.handling..: . " ' . - " ,. : P. The ,officer s~aq supe~so~.· I,. be ". respo,~i~le . _. ." for, any" other duties ,. ,-. ", 'l ' .' ."'i·· .. ' . \'.' ... I.. ' ','. ". . " ......... -- .... .'. ... .' -.. .... ._ ...•. . .,. '. as might be assigned by a ' .. ; ; Texas Department of . Criminal Justice NUMBER: PO-07.048-Rcv 3 DATEj August' 1, 1997 PAGE: 1 of 6 Instit~tional Divisi~.n SUPERSEPESj PO-07.o.48-Rcv 1. . March 1,.1997 AUTH: Gary Johnson, Director H~ Institutional Di.ViSion POSTORDER {I, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-1.--0.. SUBJECT: BACK GATE PICKET AUTHORITY: Texas Government Code § 494.00~ Executive Directive 01.21 •• PURPOSE: 0' • • ~\~ \''1 -. .~ •• To es'tablish the duties and responsibUitid of officers assigned to the Backgate . . . .. Picket. Specific orders for all p'ick~ts are'in attaclunent form." ~~c~;~· DEFINITION: . Perimeter Pickets: are that encompass the building or Unit area and' provide outside security to the Unit. '. PROCEDURES:' " . I. Officers assigned to Perimeter Pickets are responsible for the security .of the institution, preventing offenders from escaping or attempting to escape over the walls or fences and aiding in the prevention and control of disturbances inside. " n. All Perimeter Pickets shall be m~ed (24) hours per day, seven days per week. to this policy shall be approved by the Deputy Director o( Security. "... --'-m-' ..,c· . - .... ··l-O..ffi ..·_·--_·· ..· ~::.....:.-.:;:::-:...::~:::.:-::~:-::-:~-:-.::-:-::.- .. ----:-.. .. . .. -.. orrectlona cers Exc~ptions .. _.. _... _-- .. . A. .. ~ .' i \ .. ... '.' 0° .' B. 'Pie re~ieving. officer ~hal1.. inspect the PO$t and .equipment·. for d~~g~. ~d ·cleanIin~s.. Any .discrepaqcies observed·.!ll1d accountability of'Cquipment s~all be ,noted on the postlog... ' :." ..: ...., ". " ",', ..'. "~-' . ~ ':, ...: '. . . : .. .. .. . . .. .' . . . ' . The' relieving' -offi~~ s,wI inspect~ ali 'w~pons, aInmunition and other equipment assigned that post. The dally inventory log shall be signed by the relieving o.fficer. indicating that all weapons/ammunition are .accounted for' and in working order. Any weapons/ammunition not accounted for or not in working order shall be immediately reported to the Shift SuperViSor'. . . .. to 1. If an officer fails to report damage or loss of equipment, he/she shan assume f'manClal ~esp~~i~ility f<?F .~~ da..mage .or loss. .' '. . ,'" " : Attachment F~.: . .. I . .. ...... PO-07.048-Rev 3 Page 2 of6 2, It is imperative that officers report the condition of weapons and equipment assigned to this post. ,C, ; The officer'shall 9bserve ,flIld be aware of all actiyity ,around or near the post. D. " offi~er~ '~s~i~~e~ :p~st Sh~il c~il ~e:c~nt~ai ~o~trOl ~i~k~t e~ery (30) minute's to"this from dusk to'dawn. ' " Officers aS,signed to this post shall not remain inside the post for more than (30) minutes at any given time: During periods of inclement ~eathert the 'officer may', remain inside but must ensure there is a clear line of sight to any adjacent perimeter. Conditions causing diminished visibility will be reported to the Shift Supervisor. .. .: Weapons and Ammunition E. , IV. A~ J, a There 511a11 be ini.Dinium of two of the f<?llowing weapons issued to this post: 1.-' i' ~. .308 Caliber Bolt Action Rifle; 3. Re~gtoIi 870-P S~otguri; 'an~ .' ..... '.,- .. AR-15. I .~ . 4. B. ., .. • 0.0 ••• .' ~.' . ',:_ . Ammunition 6 rounds revolver 1. '. .... 15 rounds .308 caliber ~ 2. 3:'"-::~': _:5 rounds'shotgUn (.OO'or;,04 buckshot) .' " 4. ,', 'IS rounds .223 caliber . '. . " ' . .' '.I , " ',.' ," C. " :<..308 Cau~erBoltActi~riR#i~iAR~l~, • '." .0" ", 1. ' o. .f . . ' .... •••• • • ":... • . • • ,".:''' . . ... ~ .. - ' ' .......... . _... '0" ,' .. ... . .... .• _" . . . . . . _ "0 - • •': •• The' ,308 Caliber Bolt Act jon rifle IAR:'lS shan remain in the cabinet at all times 'andQn1y be 'removed' when' necessary to prevent eScapes, stop assaultive behavior when an offender is threatening serious iIljury toward , .. other 'offe~der5, staff·or' citizenS, 'to prevent arson. .. . . or ' , : , ' , , , '2. : .. I ~ : I': :', ',.,. . 'Each. Cabinet wiUhave a seal on the cabinet hasp. Each officer assigned to' the picket will inspect the cabinet for damage to and/or a broken seal. In th~ .event the seal is damaged or broken the' ·following' procedures shall ~, complied with;:: . ~ . ., . "'. ,8.. ,~.~' ."Date' ~~'tinie o~ insp~tion ~Oted on Pick~t Inspection Log; .. _ ..::-: .. : .. . .., ~- ~.:::..:.:.:~ .~ _"." ~ .. .: I PO-07.048-Rev 3 Page 3 of6 . Shift Supervisor c. ~hift S,:!pex:visor w~U ~ubmit. a written report. ~to .!he Buil~ing 'Major 'and ~nit Warden detailing ~e,.reasons for $~ damage or,broken seal on the..308 Caliber Bo~t, Action 'Rifle ~abjnet; and ' " . ", will be notified of damage; b. d. The Unit Armory Officer will.be responsible for replacing the seal and re-zeroing the .308 Caliber Bolt Action Rifle and/or the AR-15. , This procedure will apply only to Units equipped with the .308 Caliber Boit' , Action Rifles with scopes. v. Use of Firearms - Picket Officers :. \ When the use of fIrearms is immediately necessary to prevent an esc.ape. stop assaultive behavior when: an offender is threatening serious injury toward C?ther .offenders, staff or .citizens. or to prevent arsori. 'the officer ~hall' take action in acco~dailce'with "~e' Use' of' Force Plan. . ,::~.. '.' . ,., A. Prevention of Escapes . . 1. , " Whenever ~e of.firearms ,is immediately .neceSsary', to prevent an' es~ape. the .. . officer must. if practical. sho~t for th~ offender to halt and if that fails, fire a wartting shot. The officer must fire a warning shot. The officer must fire on the offender only when it appears probable that the offender will elude immediate effort for recapture. The following sequence .will be followed if sufficient time permits; however. escapes must be prevented. .. .... ' a. , b... The officer must give a verbal command to "Halt". ,If the offender stops, .the pfficer,will give a' Yerbai command to ,lie·· ,. ~., -:"; . , 'down md 'remain $till. ' . . . .. .' , c.," If~eoffepder c9ntinues .an attempt, to' escape" after' ~e verb~·. " . :. :,'~:-." command; the officer'"shau fire'8":yI~g shcit,'if possibie,'in a's'afe" '..... .:-. ' " . '. direction' . :'... -:. ..-. : ,.' .' . ... . ,, . ". , . . •• • 0 • '. , ... d. - _.~ ,. If the offender stops, the officer will give a verbal COIImland to lie, . do~ and remain still. : . ' ... . .. , '. . e. I' L. .. . ... " . f.- ':. , If the offender continues the attempt to 'es~pe and "the. officer believes there is not physical force short of deadly force available .or likely to be effective to stop' the' "offender' and . the offender is attempting to climb a perimeter feD;ce, .the officer mqst' fl!~. a~ th~ offender. ,'. .,:. .....;. - .". , '. ':: ,;.::..:_. '., .. , .....:... " .... When the 'offender Palts',' fIring will immediately' ~~.:m14 ~~::: :~' ... _"incident will be !"¥Po!!~ to. t1i~.Qfflcez:~s sUperVisot:_, ... ::',>'.... ':":: ~:~: .', .' ' '. .. - _.:.. .... ... . .. .' ... . ... .. . the ~. ,. ~ " I , t i XW",((J!GX4SW .. 0@·Xt. ".. .d..QO.c.....J"G..&ZQ( n n h !! rx;/.< /,..t..i t.&.· ., i PO:'07.048-Rev 3 Page 4 of6 ,'. 2. The officer will not fire at an offender who is climbing a fence,or wall other than a perimeter fence or who is loose inside the security perimeter.. On .' Units ,equipped with double petirrie.ter"securit;y fences the two' fences are ,considered one fence.' '. . ' , ". . . . >' 3. Officers will not fire on an offender if the firing will endanger the li~es of others. 4. Picket Officers will alert other Unit personnel as soon as possible of the'. escape attempt by sounding an alaml, shouting or a telephone call. 5. Situation reports will be provided to supervisor& by quickly and frequently as permits~ .. "..: .. $~ Picket Officers as " "Whenever possible, shots fired at' offenders should be: directed' to disable' "rather than to kill. 6. ' tinie " B. ..::.1.0.• 1':.' Assaults ,. • I 1'. " During an 'assault, the officer will ~xhaust ~l other means ,before' 'fuing. , 'Verbal cOIIlII1:ands and 'a w~g shot, if practical, will' prece4e fuing ':' ~t the offender. ' . ,,, ..:, .. : .. , . . , , , 2. The" officer ,must see that the offender possesses a weapon capable of inflicting serious injury or death before the officer utilizes firepower. 3. Officers will not fire :upon an offender if the firing will endanger the lives of others. :.0•. 4. Whenever possible, shots fired at an offender should be directed to disable rather than to kilL·· .-'" . : :.:-'~::'::,_ ..::""..... ::,,:...:'.... ;:=_.. :,. . : ... _,~ :._,':".._...-..... :' . 5. '. ,'Picket Officers ,will ~ert other ~nit perso~el as soon as possible through ': the'use o(an 813IIJJ., shouting.9r telepho.ne ~.", ,... ' ", ' :', ";,', ',"" . . "." .. 0 . . . " . " . . :._: .: ". " '.w ....._ • • __ • .' .'O:' . 'Situatio~r~~~tfs"'~ili~'proVidedto '~~erV~ors as quickly an~(ft~q~~~tiy .~~ ,--, .' . ,6. " , tim~ peIIDits: . . , ... , , . ...... .,_ ..,. .' , , Authorlzation for use of deadly force shall be ma~e by the ranking supervisor on . ,. duty; however, in case of emergency, personnel.may exercise deadly force without . ; ... the -consent of higher authority if the situation does not pennit the time to see~, .: higher:au!lo!ization. . , ,.. ... ' " . C. L.., VI. • • I L -. " • their attention." .. •••••• .'O ,'O~. • ':':' .. , : : :.:'. .• • , • ' ••••• - .• - ._. .- ' • Offi~rs are n~t pemiitted to sleep, read or engage in activities that shall distr~~t, ' A. I ' j. - .. Standard Rules 'and Regulations for All Perimeter Pickets,' :.' ... - ..:- ';:' _10 •.. -._. .•. - ••_ •• , •••• '::'. ,: :..... :~..: .: '.':, ~"••_a.•• -: :'. , :;"> , _ .•._, _:..,•• ~ ..:.. :.. , a·_ : '.: ~.:, '. . PO-07.048-Rev 3 Page 5 of6 1. Reading materials are not allow~ on .this post. . . and/or personal radios . 2. Officers shall not engage fu any type of physical exercise activity while their post that distracts from their ~ischarge of duly. \". ," .. ., .'. " • . . ' o • • Officers 'sh"a~l '~ot ~ring' articles to.' thi~ post. not ciire~'tiy r~lated to the perfonn'anceof their official duties', exceptions shall be: flashlights, binoculars and thennos bottles. ynit Wardens can authorize other items as deemed 'necessary"for their Unit. 3.- '. ~. " B. Weapons shall not be surrendered to any.person except the authorized ~elieving officer. C. Weapons shall be examined for obvious dama&.e and clea¢iness:' .' D. Tampering with weapons, ammunition or other equipment is probibited... E. All weapons in active status shall b~· cleaned and oiled by des~gnated p:eis<iriiiel only. . .. ;. . :.... , ::::~'.'. _ ~;. , F. Sidearms shall be carried in the haister attached t?pants belt. G. The use of personal weapons by on-duty personnel is strictly prohibit~d:'· -..: '. " 4" on ... the Shift '~pervi~or at the d~i~~~t~d' time and H. The relieving officer"' shati "report to area specifie<i in"the special order. 1. Near the end of each shift, the officer on duty shall clean the post. thoro~gh1y and report any damages and repairs needed to the Shift Supervisor. An entry shall be recorded on the post log of U1.is action. J. Telephone use is restricted to official calls only. A complete and up-to-date list of ~el~phone extensions shall be l?~~~~I!~y..~~pl~Y!4_in AA.~h post. :.... _:..:.: .: .~:.::_~ _.~._.. -..... ;.~. . - .. _. - -.. _ . .. . .. • • • • • • •, •••••• K. If 4oubt" arises concerning any emergency, the officer shall immediately contact the ... . Shift Supervisor f()r instructions..· '. '.' . . .. . .. ' ': ..' ., '.~: ... ::.... ::. ,.•.• ': ..~'.: :... ::. :. ...:.. .. '" - .. ':'.' .' ,.... . .. . L..... Shouting' shall be the ~I#!al. ~eth~. fo~ ~aining an offehde~!s attention.. Warilirig . shots shall not normally be used for gaining an offender's attention. ' '. -. -., ..-. -'. . . . .. .. ._ __. . - _ -_ . M. An iil~ident ~~p~rt" must be submitted iIi. eve~t of a round being fIred, lost .~r. damaged. The incident report must be submitted before leaviDg the institutio~:" . ,' . ' '.' " ' ... ...... ' " '. the .:. N. The :eundin~'MajO~ shall ensure that hislher d~i~ee (a c.o. m'or 'above) inspectS" each post at least weekly. to ensure that all directives pertaining to the post are adhered. to. Any discrepancies found duriIig the weeJdy ·inspection sl!~ b~ .t:eport~ ... in writing to the Building MajorJor appropriate acnOn.. _.... '-' ' ... , '.. ... : . . • !. . .0. ,.. •• ' . - _. -e-'. • •• •• . ' . :.. • . e. . -0.... '" All completed forms shaIl be roUted ~o Jhe Building Maj~r from the' S~ ~perv~g{. .. 'for appropriate review' and handling:':~:: '.:: .::__ . . .- .: ." . , ..-" .., .. • ",_ • . . . . . . • . . . . :. ·0 ;.. .•.-.~_._-_.•• '~.-'''-:':--:-.~--~.• . :.:. .. e.:'. : ~ . ' :I . 1 IJO-07.048-Rev 3 Page 6 of6 P. The officer shall supervisor. be responsible for any other duties as nlight be assigned by a ' VII.' . Back Gate P~qcwuies A.. The Back'Gate Picket Officer'shall ensure all persons 'entering or exiting the Unit through the Back Gate are appropri~t.e~y i~en~ifi~~. All employees and visitors shall . preserit theii photo identification card. Individuals unable to produce appropriate identification must receive approval from the Unit Warden to enter through the Back ' ~~. . . B. The officer shall visually search aU vehicles entering the Unit. C. The officer shall stimd on the catwalk with weapon' ill his possession observing when ~y group of offenders is in the Back Gate area. . - ,.,. ... _. .:. a . D. On those Units where the Back;G~te Picket Officer controls the gates to:th~ Back' . Gate area. the officer shall ensufe~at only one gate is opened at a time. . . ,'. I E. The officer shall be responsible for the issuance of weapons assigned to the picket. The officer must: . . .,...... ' . 1. 2. ' ... Maintain log of weapons issued and returned; and 3. Refer to Weapons Policy. ..... The officer shall be observant of all activities in the area of the Back Gate and shall assist the Back Gate Officer in the operation of the back gate. . ._--_._ ' F. VIII. . The' officer shall 'be' ~espo~i&ie-for'aiy~~tiie~:~~ti~'~":~~ht~~~ "~~i~~ci to 'the' p;~tsupervisor•. -. .,... ..'" . '. .. .. . . .. ..•..... .. '': I .' ~ ' • , bY' ~ . '". ... • ••• I .. o. _ ' .. " ., .. _ - .. .. , .... .' .. - . L\. .... .r. . . . '.... .. .'.: .:t.:·: ., i.~ ' .. ' , :... :.:.. •...• _- .. : .. ~ - _ . , _. - -.0: ._.;.:. ._."~::~~'.:::' :. :., .-=-.~~ :..."-::... .... . _ ... .._.... ' - . . .. ...' . .., ." , . ., ~ .. ~:... •• ""!' I ,' ) ••••• ., ••• , •• .,' ' . . .' • • •, io·". •. :-''::..:r.' • Texas Department of CrhniIial Justice : .... " ...... -.: - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •~~~.:••~..'C:....==----:l.~--;;O' NUMBER: PO-07.0S3-RevI DATE: .July 1, 1996 PAGE~ Iof2 .. Institutional Division ··'SUPERSEDES·:· PO-'07.0S3. AUTH: Jerry Peterson, Deputy Director for Security POSTORDER SUBJECT: MAINTENANCE OFFICER AUTHORITY: Texas Govermnent Code § 494.001;' Administrative Directive 01.21 PURPOSE: .TQ. sp~cify .'. - at~ .J~uties .of the Mai~~enance .Officet: in supervising. inmate .work squads perfoIll1ing maintenan~~, on the Unit. . ... . PROCEDURES: . .r. The" officer' soall rec~ive his/her daily iruitiucdcin from' the 'Mainte~ance Supe~vi~or.· ". A. After receiving instructions, the officer shall call for his/her squad of inmates. B. The officer shall count the squad befor~ proceeding to the work area. c. The officer shall maintain a running count of the ,work squad during work hours. ·--D.·7.~~The officer. shall maintain.visual sight .ofthe_work squad at all times while on a ... - work site. ...... . II. Tools 'and Eciuipm~nt .. : :.. ".:.' :.\~:' . .' .' ::.,:-..:'.. : ::~.~.~~:- .. :~ :./'~:':'~ ,~'.:.: ":'.. ' .: .. .,.. . . A. ... The officer shaiI .be 'responsible for· the accountability of all tools and equipment. . used by the work squad. The'officer shall: ... ~ . ..' . . .. ,- - .. _ ' ' . -'_.' 1. ':... Issue tools and equipment and .maintain a record of too,l issuance; and.,' ... 2. . . Ensure thata~l to~l.s and equipment are·returned.. . '. B. . T~~ offi<7~r s~all ..ensure .the tools .and equipmen~ are not used for the purpose. of . ~a~~~g <:<?nt~b_~p.d. or y;eapons: ' ~ ;. ' , .._ .. . .. ... ... .__ .... . .-. . .. ............ .. ...... _0 . ••••• • • •• ..... Attachment F-5 '. '-':: • • _ •• ;- :_ .. : : I PO-07.053-Rcvl Page 2 of2 III. Other Duties and Responsibilities A.' The officer shall search all inmates in the work squad before releasing the inmates to ~rn-in. riue to 'the 'nature of main~eIJance work: the officer shall b~ respon~ible for any other duties assigned by the supervisor. ", , : 'B. .... ...... . .~ ~ , .. .... : , ~- ... v.. .. .'. • • .... _ ..' . ~ . . :.' ... . - , . , " ".... r '." ',' "-;' . .. -.:-.: .. :.. -:: , ' : : '. : ••••• • i' ,'.~ -- , ' a . . . . 0& .' ~ ..':', .. '.- , L 1..., '. .. _.•....:..... - -.. .. -. 0& •• : : . .,' • • • • • • • _ 0& ••• '.' ~ a ••• : ••••• ••• _ ••• _ •••• r .. ~IJMBER: Texas Department.' of Crimin'al J:ustice .""'~ . DATE: PO-07.0S4-Rc\' 2 August 1, 1997 ,PAGE: ' lof6·.. _.•. Ins·titutionaI Division 'SUPERSEDES: PO-07.054 . AUTH: :;0;'. .POST ORDER SUBJECT: BACK GATE OFFICER • AUTHORITY: . Texas Government Code § 494.001; , -. , Execu'tive "r>irective Oi.2,t:" ;:' ....' ".' ,.. ~ PURPOSE: " ..:: . To establish guidelines and procedures in the operations of the Back Gate. To ensure no contra!?and aE1icl.es .ar~ il)tro.~uc~d into the. Unit .either, on' a" persori or in a'vehic"e: and to ensure each 'person is propedy id~ntifieq before' allowing passage. " " , ' , . ". •• - DEFINITIONS: • - •.•.• ' •••• • . • '0" " #. • Turn-Out· Roster - A list of offenders by name, TriCJ-ID number, job assigrunent and housing area. . " Level of ~upervisio~..- The required level of security in reference (armed or unanned) to offender custoqy. '" / PROCEDURES: _.: _.....~. ' . --- .•.•: ~.;. ::':':-:':-':::.::=::-=._.::::::: . ::.--.:.:::.:..-.."-::::.::..:... ~ ~ 1. ...,,,,. .... , ~' '" .. . ~-_. ~ .:_".":' -:-:":-~:-:-.-'" ... The Unit Administration shall provide the Back Gate Officer with an accurate turn-out roster .on a daily basis, listing each offender authorized to enter and/or exit through the Back Gate: '~ ". ' ' : •••• :'" •• ' ~~... •••• ,......:. 0.. • ; 00 '... '..: A., " Toe' officer must ensUre" proper :. identification , passage in and/or out of Unit. ' " . , . , _.. of offenders' before allowing - B. 'After ensuring the offenders identity and noting the time in and/or out On the "roster, the'offender will be searched (pat or strip), , .• n. -_ .... - ..... .:;.. I, ' • 0.-' .• • • • • .".. _ _.. - •• .. • - _••. : -• • ~.' 0 • • ...... ••• Offenders wh;se names do not appear on the approved turn-out roster will not enter and/or exit the compound through the Back Gate, wit~ the following exceptions: ... ' _ :••... _._ ..t: . . A. ." Incoming/Outgoing chain; and . ,. , '. B.' ::- 'A written authoriiation f~~ril an apprcipr~~~~· authority. . .:' , " '; Attachment F-6 ' ', PO·'O~.054-Rev 2 Page 2 of6 III. All offenders shall be strip searched upon entering the compound and pat searched and/or strip searched when exiting the compound. All offenders shall be escorted with the .requ'ired level of superVi~ion as indi~ted b~l~w. ' ' . . . : Line'Class I. II. III. SAT 3. SAT 4 --- Direct Armed Supervisio'n outside the A. co~PC?un.d p~rim~ter. B.' SAT II Restricted security_ p~rimeter. C. SAT'II -:--- (to include Line I minimum-out) Sight minimum when outside the security perimeter. ': ,'. Direct unarmed supervision at all times outside the ," ° 0 S:~T' I '" , .:.... Under frequent unarmed supervision outside the' peririteter.'during appropriate ... --work _hours. .. _ _.. _. .-~. once per hour at a. .. . D.' ch~ked ' ' - . Note: All offenders must ~e th~:root traffic sally port. Th~ Back Gate Officer' sh~I.1 .. i~ent~fy an4 dC?cum~n~ all ~taff/y~sito~, traffic.' and identify and thoroughly search all offender/equipment 'traffic to control contraband. , ' . ..: ... : ._. . ... . . . . . .. . . ." .. IV, '.' i , '-,-::-' ,_.'::.., _. "'_ , .... ,:'.. ' A. The offender shall be identified through the photo identification card. B. Texas Department or-Criminal Justice employees and visitors shall present their photo identification card. Individuals unable to produce appropriate identification must r~ive approval from the Unit War4en to enter through the Back Gate. " ..., I ' C.~. . ...: . ~ _'... V~s!~9.rs:~~e.f~u,ir~~_t9 .. ~ign.iqJlI1~.out,oIi,th~ "Visitors'Log" which '.... mreflect -: their destination, vehicle' identification, driver's name and license number. A' '. temporary visitors pass or badge may be issued while on the Unit which will be sUIJendered upon their departure. ' . . , ' ," , . . . ~. . '.' ',. , " , D~ " All personai items 'shall t>e' re~o:Ved :from any" vehici~ 'entering the Unit for " .." repair. The only items perrnittea shall be a spare tire and jack. The .Back Gate .. , 'will not store anyooexcess items for anyone. V.·' . Vehicle Traffic: Aii .pas~~~~e~~ ~hether'offender, employee, or' free-world vendors .. , will be politely asked to exit the vehicle.': _00. _..... , r • L i t_ A. Authorization to enter the Unit ... . . . . . - ". 1. The Back Gat~ Officer ~u~t dete~e the'destination and purpose of Che vehicle prior to permitting any vehicle to enter the sally port. '. -' .. ... ~. ..... _: ,. .... . •• .... .,. ~. " 2," , , .' 0" eo' • ":.. " , B~fo'~~ '~ll~~i~g ~~s t6 the' tliui. 'the officer' ~ust lo~ the t~e: vehicle PO~07.054-Rev 2 Page 3 of6 proper log. Only those vehicles with authorized official business will be allowed entrance. . 3. , No ';privare ~ehicle :will be· ~-.l(owed wi~in the per~eter unless specifically authorized by the 'Warden/Facility Administrator or designee. . 4. , Authorization must be obtai[)ed from the Senior Shift Supervisor 'or a Department Head such a~c;ommissary , Food Service, etc., who shall be responsible for escort. :-:,...:' " .- - . ,'. 5. Offender truck drivers: will not be allowed into the sallyport until escort arrives at the back gate.' ..... t. • .• - . . . . ~: ....., Qf(~nd~r.. t(l1ck ~rivers will, be strip searched .before..,being allowed to leave the sallypo,ti area. . .... . ..... ~. B.. Search Procedures Inside the Sally Port ..- , ~. , . . The, 'driver will be, as teed to open, ,or unlock all comp~rtme~ts of the vehicle (tninks, sleepers, tool boxes., etc.) for search purpos~, 2. A 'thorough search of all areas will be conducted for controlled substances, weapons of any nature or any material thought to be " . · hazardous to.-the Unit. If doubt arises, consult the Shift SuPervisor who .. will get in touch with the Unit Safety Officer. 'The search will include: but not be limited to. the following' areas of every vehicle: ~ - - - .~::. _-:_~ ..: _-:.:~:=-...=: :..:--~ ':':':' :;.. .: _ __ ' :.__ .. -.. ._.'.." __ - -..- .. a. Engine Compartment b. Trunk· c;' .. Intenor .'. . ... :d.' : ".. ,Glov~ 'Coinpa~e~(_ . Unde'r'Seats,: . '. ": ' : f." ", Body and Bed ... -- . .. .. g.' ., "'Undercarriage' "'. , ., .. " . . "' ", ' :. e. . .... i . ,I 3. L 4. When searching the vehicle and its ,contents, the officer shall use extreme ... , .':. ','·Caution- and co'mplj'.with all safety regulations. ' A ladder shall be ut!lized to view the tops of dll vehicles. . I 1 .. · The Back Gate Officer shall utilize a mirror to check under th~ carriage · Of the 'vehicle: . .. .... ... I. : :.. .. : . '.,',. ~.. ~ .. ,:. .., '. ,,' . t, , ... , • • , ,,~ .. _... ' 5. ",:' . A~l,','triiilers~ ~uch as agnculture and fann' shop tractors. ~re 'co be searched in 'the same manner as vehicles. . . lM .mam .! .t ..' . .t.t..e.c.&IUIhU&: .c.L.Qd.6M .3%%UJ.&t. ht,5.&..i),t&5.n.QwJ.t,snc.e.w... . d"w.O"........ W.&i6Mu:h« ; 3 1(.t..JiJ.t.t.sw t ( "OM (JJ... =.%i%.O:::i«l"ww(WX!i(MiiJX!iQ.. PO·07..054·Rev 2 Page'40f6 . The Food Service Refuse Trailer (slop wagon) shall be probed with a rod to detect .cpntraband or an offender escape attempt. The same procedure . . shall: be ut~li~9. for .all tr~h t~C~t d~mp .tI:uc~:· etc. .Safety 'must . . always be used ·.whe~ search~ng these vehicles. . :.. .. 6. When a vehicle attempts to depart. the Unit, the. sam~' process for. allowing a vehicle to enter the Unit shall be utilized. 7. •' 8. I ... - .~ .. .. VI. 9. Field Force A. The Back Gate Officer will be notified 'prior to the line force tum-out from the building at which timf;' the officer will clear the Back Gate of all traffic. . up in pairs at the foot sally port. I B. ._:. .' ;C. discrepancy benveen .the. exitmgientermg of. th~ linecount"MUSI be:' ~elay. :";' ' .. ~.. ":.'" .. Any r~ported tej"the imm~iate s~perVisor .. • : "._• • ......1". • D ~. VII. i" A. ''''':''_ ••• _-~ •':0.- . without 0... '" . "•.•• . ... . . . . . " Line force offenders require the presence of armed and mounted staff prior to.. ' .exitin$ the institution through the Back Gate. Chain Bus 'w . '. Both gates to the foot sally port shall not be opened 'at the same tin'ie unless . . .written instructions have been given to do so~ . . E. . Line force offenders will be lin~ The Back _ Oate o.fficer.will count allUne force offenders as they·exitlenter.the foot"sally:'~: p~rt. An accurate count will be maintained. and logged on the proper form. . .... PO·07.054-Rev 2 Page 5 of6 .. ~ 2. The Back Gate Officer shall ensure the travel card, transfer roster and . medical.records acc;ompany each offender I>rior to pennitting the chain bl,l~ to exitthe sally pO,rt~ , . 3. Any problems, unusual.i~c!dents or delays that occur will be reported to the Shift.supervisor irnmCdiately. " . The Back Gate Officer will' be responsible for incoming and outgoing mail from the chain bus. . .... Security Precautions 4. B. ; I· The Back Gate Officer' shall immediately notify the Shift Supervisor ' upon the arrival of ~e ~hain bus. The Back Gate Officer shall ensure. that the Chain B11$· Officer' riding security' has properly secuCed all weapons prior to'~mutting entry into the sally port.' ,. , 2. The double gates for vehicle and foot traffic will not be .open' or unlocked ' ' during the loading and unloading offenders." ,- '. of . vm. . Sally Pon Gates A. ' Only one gate to the vehicle sally port will be open at any given time. When,the vehicle h~ bee~ completely searched and authorization to. enter the' .Unit has been granted. the Back Gate Off~r shall open the main sally port gate and permit the vehi~le to ~n~er.. .':'.. .. , . ., . - ..... B. 0' •••• 0 • •••••••••• • .. ' ,- • C. '. If Support Service Offenders are utilized to assist in operating Back Gate, the fol!owing requir~me[lts mus~ be me~:, '. .. . ... -.. . -. -. . . '. 1. .:·No-offender p¢desttian traffic' may' pass through these gates: ', ~ I. ," • '" 2. Support Service Offenders assigned to the Back Gate do not handle keys. 3. ,All g~ieS are unlocked and locked"by 8: staff'me~ber after which Support, Service Offenders are peimitted to push open and close the gates: : 4. Support Service Offenders assigned to the Back Gate receive direct supervision a staff -, . . from ... .... member whenever they operate the gat~. ,: 5. All Support Servi~ Offenci~rs must be approved by the Class~fiC3:tI~n and Records Officer. "'. ~ .' ' . ~. I.', 1'''''.1 '. -- ••• - -- PO-07.054-Rev 2 Page 6 of6 A. ·At least one hand-held metal detector should be assigned to the Back Gate. B. The officer shall use the metal detector to search packages, bags, clothing, lirien and c;c;m~iners thaf cannot be seafched ~roperly by hand or visu~ily., ." C. The officer shall use the metal detector to assist spot clothing searches and any time there is reasonable' belief' that metal contraband may be 'hitlden 'o'n ~an' offender. ...:O! ~ . x. . Counts _.. - . ,.. , " . .... ----offe'n~er Prior to any formal count, the ,officer shall cease ,all Back Gate. '" B. The officer shall then count his roster to determine the number and location of all offenders who are ou~ide, the Unit or at the Back Gate. " .., ' . ,. C. This count shall be ',' call~\~~o the supervisor in charge of the coUn,t. . " Shift Changes andlor Relief The officer assigned to the Back Gate shall assume respo~ibility for the count of offende~, name of supervisor and location of all offenders outside of the Unit. The relieving:officer shall confum this information,from the officer being , relieved. All special instructions and Q~er pertinent information 'shall be exchang~ a,t ~i~ t~~. . .. ' ,. . . . . _ ,. ,. ,' .. ,_~_,_,_:.:.., A. I traffic through the Normal Back Gate operations shall not resume until the officetis'ri~tified thit the count.is clear, unless otherWise'instructed by Unit Policy: ' .. ' L ' , 'D. ~ . A. c' XI. . .. • B. - ._ •• .. ' •••••• • •• _ .•••••• _': "'0 • • : : ' •• : : . ' _ • •', • • • _ . _ . _ •• _ .• _ _ '~•• ' At the end of each 4ay's operation, the Back Gate officer on duty shall ensure' · that the offender, roster used that day, is turned in to the proper officer.. The, . .ros[et:.'serves ,as documentation ,of offender movement through.the Back'Gat~ for 'that day. .~<' .' "..,.,. , . ','" . . . ' .... · , ..' : ' , ,! B. : . .. C. The Back Gate Officer s.h~li ~'~~po~ible to Perform any and aU' actciitibnal . duties that may be r~quired by ~ ranking s~ri~ supervisor.·,,' ,......' ,The officer is respq,nsible. for supervising . any .S!1pport Service Ot:fenders assigned to the'Back Gate in acco~ance with 'the established gUidelineS in the: . · Support Service Offende~ "ComplianCe" Agreement and, in 'keeping' with-- .. · n ....... olI'Il ........... _ _ • n_t:_: -..1 n -...:.J_~ _ = .:t:::::e=:: PO-07.103 Texas Department of .. Criminal Justice -.; .InstitutionalDivision , 0 • 0 DATE: July 1, PAGE: 10f3 • " 199~ " SUPERSEPES: . J'lone AUTH: Jerry Peterson, Deputy Director: for Security POST -ORDER . ... ~.: SUBJECT: TURNOUT DOOR OFFICER AUTHORITY: Texas Government Code § 494.001 Administrative Directive 01.21 PURPOSE: To specify the duties ofthe_r~out Door Officer in insuring that ,an accurate accounting of all inmates who'enter or exit the Unit through tqe back door is kept and recorded, that no contraband articles are introduced into the Unit and to 'ensure that each person is properly ic;lentified before allowing ·passage. '.-: - : • . " .. 0 PROCEDURES: I. , Inmate Traffic A. ., ~ • The officer will be provided a roster by the Unit Countroom containing the name, Texas Department.9fCrirninal Justice number andjob assignment. of each inmate who is allowed to'~xit the Unit through tl1e Turnout Door. . . 1. The ..officer mus~ ensure proper identification of all i~ate(s) ~~fore . . .=allowing·passage•. Prop~ridenti:ficationconsists of: ," -... , .. "- ..,'." •. " . ~C!-. ~ . .o Verification In card; . .' . us4tg . pictur.e .... . ~ .. . .. b.... ~;. .. .. Verifi~tionby shift S~peryi~or;~4 : o 0 0 0 0 • ' . • , .. c. 2: Pers~nal recognitio~. " ", After properly identifying the inmate; the officer will'document his-or her" ingress/egress 'using specific Unit .tracking' procedures. . . L. ! In I. , Inmate work squads' will be p~red and physically count~d to reflect , accuracy of~e turnout r o s t e r . . ' . _ ... .. . ". Turnout times are.to b~ established by unit staff. 3. _. B. o • o. . , • O. 0' ••••• • .: . Attachment F-7 _.. ' . . . .- " .~ ••... :_0.. " : c. When an inmate who has been outside the building enters the back door the officer shall: I. Properly ident~fy 'the inmate; . 2. Strip search the inmate; 3. Ensure no contraband is introduced into the building.br the inmate; 4. Ensure the roster reflects entry into the building; and 5. II. PO-07.I03 Page 2 of3 Units utilizing more than one Turnout Door shall requ.ire inmates to enter through the same door they had exited frOIn' earlier" (Le., inmates who exited through the South Turnout Door, must enter via the South Turnout . Door, not ·the North Door). This will not apply to maintenance work' . . squads being carried by Maintenance Supervisors unless they are turni~g . . in:····_· .. - ..: :' . . -. ' ---.----.. - Staff and Visitor Traffic ., A.. ..... . . ,All persons entering or departing thr~ugh the Turnout Door will produc~ proper identification b~fore passage is pe~itted. Proper identification consistS of: 1. Texas Department of Criminal Justice -ID card; 2. Driver's License; .' . .... ' 3. Visitor's Pass; and 4. Identification by Security Supervisor. . . . 0 ' • •.. . Ill. • 00 ••.• _ ••• --..... . .. _ •••••••_ •••• _ • •~• • • - Counts '. I"~ '~fficer will c~as;e ali '~te ·~c. thfO}lg~' the ,: .A. . .Prior tO~'ariy fo~a1 coUnt, the Turnout Door. B. The officer~will then count the inmates checked out on the roster to determine'.,,~ the number and location of all inmates who are outside the Unit or at the Back Gate.... '.' . ... ~ . . ,. . " ...... , C. This count will be count. . called into the supervisor in charge ofthe . D. Norinal turnout 'operations will not resume uritii the officer is notified the cowit is clear. I - " I I 1_ . . • '0 . . .. PO~07.103 Page 3 of3 IV. V. Shift Changes and Relief A. The officer assigned to the Turpout Door will assume responsibility for the cou~t and location of all inmates outside the building. The relieving officer will confirm this' information with the officer being relieved. All special and pertinent information,will be excpanged at this time. B. At the end of each day's operation, the Turnout Door Officer on duty will ensure that the inmate roster used that day is turned into the proper office. .The roster serves as documentation of inmate movement through the Turnout poor for tha~ day. Other Duties and Responsibilities A. The officer shall be responsible for supervising any in~ates assigned to the Tumout Door area. ... , , 'B." . . The Turnout Door ·Office.cs.hall be responsible for' performing any and additional duties that may if~ assigned by a ranking officer. ali . . -.: .... • •• 0 ___ .0 •.. _._ .. ~ ' .. _.. ... _--.- .. _---... '0 ...... , .. . . ' to. .... .' • . .... " .! I' ......... - ,... . • ..0.... " j' .. .. .. _ . - ,...... . .. -.~ '0' .." '"0 •. ~r~'l!t'i.u~;~~:l!~~I~:t~~;tZl.~"':'_~":"-t~:.~':f';.~.,. :.: ~ \ ;~~,.#;~~~~;~~~~. ....- ..~. ~'l"" "1f"'~$<':v_ ·.. )r'G~~ ....~·. -.. ~ u.;-t~·~.'F,·'7.;.!;li~·~"'~'-.~~~.:~'::~t..:;;~;:!\*·'::t"C~~~:~ . ~~~. : _::: ~~~~7,~~::;-F~~';::~:;£c':f~;~~,?·~~~~rr;~f!#~: .... .. "~,:;;qX.··":f··,.U,1~~~~"i,.<S:IO.:-·"''''r~ ..~,,·····r:-_·,. .. _>t?$.~~I~' _... f.'' ... ~~~~~-;'~.~4~~:t~t~~;iI~~S .. ·.. .!.~·.t1-!£.-;:"~f~~t;'i~~~r.'."~:~:t.f~-t . . r=-~"y'",.~.;;r~ir..;7.': ~F4::.;;~gr::~~·~~·~~tt::~'!.~4~£r~:~re.~~-Rr. t-. • :.~t: ,,!!t~}·'!:"""~~~~~~~~?:f,·~·:;.i~~).rrt1W=r-~= .-.~' '-::-."~w=~~ ~.:-:>:.:, ·,,~·~7.:-'.~~:-~:;~~.:;;;.:~~~..:.'''.. n ~ ~+- ';'.~~~< ••• .,.. ~..: :;.. :":~. -~~. ~N;. -.- ...:.,.._"-.": .. ::<:"'.?~-~:"';~:;:::i~~-.~~- . . ~_. -_.•_......- .. ~- :';: .•':._':.:: ~.;; . _. =';'\:' ._--...... - ...... Ii . , i ; . . .... - . -... --, - ..- -_.. _,-------• ••• .- - ~ . ... ' • • - •• - _o. .' • • o. • ••• .. ~- ... - .••.•,;. •.•.;.,.,., .. - ~ .. -,0. y:"-'- - . . :..: . ~. : Tools Taken From Tool R'oom ", D~scription Count 1 -. Pliers - Slip Joint ..... .r. 1 Pliers - Needle Nose Ball-Peen Hammer 1 Claw Hammer 1 Vise Grip Pliers 1 ... , -, 1 10" Channelock Pliers -, ., 1 25' Tape measure 10 pc. Allen Wrench Set ' •• ._o':'C: 1 2 Cordless Drill '. 4" Flat Screwdriver 2 .. ... . 1 - 5" Flat Screwdriver 1 "3" Flat Screwdriver .. ,.. .. 1 #2 Phillips Screwdriver .. - . ...0 .• #1 Phillips Screwdriver 1 . 7/16" Hex bit; 1/4 extension F/Hex Bits 1 ADDITIONS .. Manhole Cover Hook 2 . -. 6" Crescent Wrench 2 .. Allen Wrench Set . . 144 pc. Socket Set 1 ,.eO ! ~ ~ -ill: ..: ~ -.;.. 11 : - :.... .- -.. .. 0_. .'. ..... . • • . : ' . , ... ': ° 0 --- .. , ....... : : - i.. ..... _....• - . .. " . ,- lI \ .- - . ' •••• __ .: • . . :• • • • • • • • • • -- .... •• • • 1.• Attachment G-1 "0 .. .0 •• .••• ... • " .- Tools Taken From Sensitive Tool Room Count 2' 1 .1 " 1 I 2' 2 1 1 . Description 511 Dyk~ Cutter Pliers 711 Dyke Cutter Pliers 7" KHen Cu.tter Pliers 811. Klien Cutter Plierir . " Hacksaw Striker Utility Knife Bolt Cutter .... .... _~ .. , . " ,', ... ... ". . ••~. '0\ : ' .. ...; .. -' . ~ .' -.~' • 0• • ,"J ! .. I .... "0: ··r·--·_··· . ·· . .! r::. i ~ ~ .' , .. ~ .... ' . " . ,i I , . , ... ' .... 0, • • ' .- ... . " . " .. " i: L' ,L', .. ,- ...... ' . ' , .:::::::;;;;::::k.w.,c:Wiwi.LJiS Q. ... Qi;;,Ji:;:Q.Q .. d.. . $,a..S, :;.J.t.v.Z..3.v.S.Q"S.«.t..wm3.v.t.tiw.U£.t.Q.Q..:;,:;.M,M..UG... . c.g... J..J.d.-hJi .. J :;. .1 ,) CUt.si:.. , t .MMt.hb.. b.J.ku...J.'.c!.; '.. ((.J • .t3.v.vl&&&Qu:::i9<lWi .@,lA.am.v ?.M..C,,/,Q.J,; ., '" ill ,h i&.OXW.?»:iN.v: .. l4Q Tools Recovered Descrip~ion Count 1 2 1' , ,2 -" ,1 2 1 Bolt Cutter Hacksaw Utility Knife Small Wire Cutters (5" Dyke C~tters) Side Cuttet Pliers'(8" Klien Cutters) . Strikers Ball-Peen Hammer .. I. ' .. .... I • 4:'>. ;.'. :_0 " ,: ..~ "0 . •• " ", • 0 0 ... i 1. . " , L •• o • Attachment G-3 " • ," o "0' • '0' _ : .• • • _ - _ ••.• O' . . . .- Tools Still Missing (Tool & Sensitive Tool Rooms) Count 1 1 1 1 ',1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1' . 1 2 2 1. 2' 1 1, ,.." " . . '. .. , , Description Pliers - Slip Joint . . Pliers - Needle Nose . Ball-Pe~n Hammer ,.Claw Hammer, . , . ..... , Vise Grip Pliers . 10" Channelock Pliers 251 Tap.e measure 10 pc. Allen Wrench Set . Cordless Drill 4" Flat Screwdriver 5" Flat Screwdriver .' . 3" Flat Screwdriver #2 Phillips Screwdriver #j Phillips Screwdriver 7[16" Hex bit; .1/4" extension FIHex Bits ...._., ..... _.... , Manhole Cover Hook' . 7" Dyke Cutter Pliers, -;;1, 7" Klien Cutter Pliers 6" Cresc~nt Wrench . . '. . . Allen Wrench Set, ' . :.' '. - .' .. , .......... .: : .... ;....!:.:. ..:~.': .. 44 pc. Socket Set- ., '. , ' ' , " " ,', ' ' ' . ' '- " ~ ' , ~ " ~'. " " .... ".: " •° 0 • ' . . .. 0.:.:.' .~. .•. . '. .' ,0" . .. . • .. ... -0 . . _• • • • _ _ .-.. •• . .... ••••• .... . . _• • • • • • _ . .. _. • • •_ . .. . ..':" ........ _. .... '. ' ........ _ .... " . . . ,. . , .... , . " ':' .'..... ," , , i L.: o' "0 tOO • • • • __ •• ., ... . ....'.- . ..•... ... .... .... . ... '0, i :' . '. .. . !l, '• : Attachment G-4 .. " - •• ... •• . '. '- . '..' . ,' ., ." .. .... •. '" '.0 :- .0. ....... ·... ., '"0:":... '''' .~. . _ _• •• .- "W .... .- - ~.. ;~ • - I t i I I I \ . -... .. I I. 'l"'-. " ••~ .. ;.;....~;~ -:0'- ••.•.•" " . - - I i I i :·::·:~~{~~~~~ltJci1M~fitl~~~:;~~~~J~·· -=:::f . ::.. _.. ._.' :.. ~:,;:~~,~;,~,~,~:"~-:::~,;,:~. .- ";., ==:i'~::: :.~.~::. ~.= ~- ~ .::-~~':-='=~-~- . :~':::'.':':::'--:~~-=:_=~£~:';":"":- :~~~=:~--.: . ..:.~ ~. •••••• - : . . . . ~~:.:...,.:"'_ . . _••••••'l. •.: ~ • .: ••••• ,.- ~- ;-.~.: ••• _: :~ -.~ ~~~_••••• -.. ••- . : •• _"::-:-;::.:= - '7;::'':-::.:':':.:::';;::,-:: _.- .--- ':.;:::~~~~~~·~~~:';:-¥~·~#<~~;;.~~:;~:ii_~;;~;~~~~~;:~j:}~~:~':~;:~~~,Z'ii~~~i~:?:~"';:~~-~~~~i:=:~: i ... _. _. .. -. ." - '---." • " • .(.-,.-. : _. "0 _ •• . ~~ ~-.~7·-.-. -:::::-=~~~'--=:-:::~~:-::.~.-:::::..-::?:":i:-=-:~-'-'-' ...~. _ _ ~_ .._:. -.--.-.-_ ••••' _ ••• __ -::: _ _ •. --'.'" t i !, • I f f ! l ! Missing Weapons and Amniunitio~ Description Count 1. ' RemingtO-I1.:..SZD-~ Express 12 gai.Jg~ pump ,~hotgun with 14 rounds of12 -gaug~-OO buck~hot l' AR-15 Colt Sport Target Model .223 caliber with 15 rounds of .233 caliber 55 grain bullets '.14 .357· Magnu~-avolvers, Smith & Wesson Model 67 and approxima~~~·,!1 0 rounds of 38 special 158 +P .-: ammunition' .' . . - , _... - --_.- ..... , --":".. - .•. - .... r •.....• .<.~~ .' :.': . .... · .- .. ._._ .. _. _.'-_.- -_ " _- _ .. . . . . . - ..... _.-. ._- --_._-_.-.-'--.",-' l·~·~ . f~~~-·, '.. . . ,.' ~. ., . '. ••• " 0 \, •• ··. ,, I' I L_ ... I .. L • • I . . -. . ' .. - .. ' . . ' • ,:"0' .' .. _. .. " ': •• - • . : :':. :.. -: :'. Atta~~m~~~ !:'.: :'~ ,~:', .~ ..~ . • : ' • • .' • '.0 ...' - . _ _ .. '0._ •. _-_ • • . . - .-- ... -:. '':..'" . . .... ,'''. * '-' • ,.' : ' ~.i:;~5iii~~~i\it[iB1n.:(~~~~Y~Ti1.~~~-~ "':'--, . _.. ~~.:'~;,:.:~~~~~~~- ~'.,;..-=-:::;.:-:.~~y.~0"~~.==<,::--~ _',~~=""~,,-~,,, ~'-~~~' ~.=~ ~~."'=.':;~ '-:~~~':~:-"-" --.__._----.-----------_..:..-. --..~-_. --_._._--~-~-=.:.:.-.-=:.....::....:=:~~=-.:-.:, . .' .. '.... .. ....o... ,'.. .". '•..• ' ..... '.'1. _,,,,...:_ • _\. "'_ w.' _, '0. __ • , ".~ ••- -------------- 0 - .- .•• _ ~ '0 • • • • • • _.,;0, __.'_~.'" •• _ _ .e - .. ~ .•.• ... ; __ ~ '~l':-."'':': ••.•.•. ~.~,. . • • _ _ •••• _ ;:,i.:-_._._:._.,,: •• ~ •• __ _-":"-_0'.11.- J •• _'~_' . _ ... _ ··0· _, _ •• ~.,-~__:·•• -~"!"'r.-.· -~~;..: ••: : . . : -• • • • • ':" •• __ ~ - .-. ••• " ,_'. _ __ ._._ "!,,,o .. - - - , " ; , -• ..,~,.,,- .,....·.C.~-.-._:"_:; ._ ••••••••• --_. ~ .~,. ---."! _ ,.,::_.- •. ., _ ' •.. ~~__,-·: ....,.- - ,.. "-..•.. -.;" ~ :':'~.' •.... -'.-:', . ... :.." ~~;12!!f:~~I;T.~m~§~!10T~~12~}:~~~;:r· ;-:..~':.: •..:..__• ~~..:.......~·.4It.··t _......~.~~~;.':..- -:- .~. · ~~tji~~?4~22;4t;:~i~it;:~i~fti:t:.rJt::~:~~~~~~ ~"'.,~:.~~ .. ' :.~~~~~:?:-_- ~~."':C t ,·::t'-..··.:':-.s-;/:.:l..i ...k,.i~5f :~ ...... --;'tC-.!l.,.~. ~~ ...... 1_ i:.r . ':'. .~_._._-;,..:..:......;,.-- - . '~":~-~:.-: ::~::·~~~i~. ·~f-;::: .~. ': -~ ~ .., "0 ... -" OJ ,,4 ·r;..·· Time Line 11:20 Maintenance employees returned their offenders to their housing assignments and went to lunch. Mr. P. Moczygemba remained in the Mail1t~nange Department with 6 ~ffenders. _ . . .. . .. . 11:30 Mr.' P. .. 11:45 Mr. Camber and Officer Marroquin returned to the Maintenance Department and were subdued by the offenders. . 12:00 Mr. Segura and Mr. Burgess returned to the Maintenance Departm~nt and . were subdued by the offenders. . 12:20 Coach McDowell went to the Maintenance Departinent•. r~irieved his tools. .... . . and left the a r e a . ' ... 12:25 Mocz;ge'~b~ w~~ ~'Ub~u~dbY the'. 9fferide~s. . • • ..' ••• 'O Mr. Garza, Mr. GiJley, and Mr. Haun returned to the Maintenance Department . 'and were sub"dued by the off~nq~rs. . .... ----..-.;. ~--- ....•_.. '.- .. ... - . - .. ~ • ..0; ." .0, 12:40 Mr.. Schmidt escorted two offenders to the Maintenance Department. Mr. ScHmidt and the offenders were subdued. Officer Albert went to th~ M~intena~ce'Oepartment osubdued by the offend~rs. . . 12:45 1:00 ~ .' 1:05 ~ 1:15 '~ . . ! ~ I . -,..... . '.... ..• __ . _.. ..._..:."0 0 . Offic.er Gips reCeived a call from someone in Maintenance tha.t they were . __: •..:._..:..•.._ .. _.~_ _' . 1:40 '. '. called .. Fire alarms' went off in the Maintenance Department.· Officer Perez the Maintenance Department but received no answer. ': ';.:.. ". - .. Two males wearing civilian clothing and two males wearing 'offender clothing approi1ched 'the backgate. The individuals were allowed into the sally port . arE~a an~ walked in~9 the gatehouse~ Offic~r Jan~se~ was subdued. •• . .' ....... Attachment 1-1 iI ' • Officer Perez calls the M~rntenance Department and asks to speak with a supervisor. Officer Perez notified a person whpJdentified himself ~s "Moczygembaft that it was count time. -. _ - : '... .... . -:.... - ... ::'. .. . ' 1:35 L .- going to install monitors in the picket.. ..:. ;' .. ', . ':. ~...' :.' : .. . . ' . ' .: '. . : - , -- .. .:- _.;' :' . .':' -:; -". . : " . -Officer J~nssen receJved a cal~Jrom someone in. M~intenance .that they were' going to iJ:!~t~II monitors in the backgate g~tehouseo' . ..... _. - '. . ..;. . I.. to. get'a to~i and was" Mr. L. Moczygemba and an offender returned to the Maintenance Department. Mr. L. Moczygemba and the offender were subdued. ...•_ "':_', , • ._. • ••••••• 0 _ Time Line 1:45 . A male wearing civilian clothing approached the gate exiting the compound and asked to enter the picket to take measurements. Officer Gips Was subdued. " . ". ":. '..,. .::.' .... Officer Gips broke 160se, returned fa the top ofthe ~tower'arid requested assistance over the radio. OfficerGips tep'ort~d that he saw the white ... ' maintenance truck on the perimeter road, goi~g pa.s.t 1.~~B.u!!~J~g. 1:58 2:00 While returning to the unit, Officer Olsen saw the white truck in the downtown area of Kenedy. 4:00 The maintenance truck was found abandoned behind Wal~Mart in Kenedy, Texas. . . : ' " . . ,':',. . ~:~ ... ,0. . " . • .' • ':.~.; . . :: .. . ' .:.. ~ , . . • • • • .' . '" \ o· .' ' . "0. ~.' °0 .~: • .... ·f ".: ''0. ,.- ._ .. -- . . . . . • • • • _ ... _ • • • • _ • • . • • • _. '.0_0- •••• , .•• - .. . . • .. - '.' ... ", :~., ., • "0. . ,.. • • '. , ",' '- ..... .•. __ " '" ,"... .. . ... 0:. . : _. " . .: . Attachment J-2 ' . .... ' . • • •' - •. 0 • _0 • • • ..... . , .. ': . ::•• ' .. -. . ...... - . _. ..... ..- ....... __ .. _.. . .' . ',' .....: '-"''"---:- Items Taken From The Victims The following items were taken from the staff members during the offenders' escape: .... Mafnteriarice staff: . . Pants, jacket,steel-toed'boots, socks, wallet containing: Security Card, Texas Drivers License, Visa credit card, · phone card, TDCJ ID card, work keys (inCluding' master key), Timex watch, $15 - $20 cash. Ronny'Haun: Terry Schmidt: Black boots, tan baseball cap, watch, keys Martin Gilley: Blue jeans, jacket, brown boots, felt cPwb9y'hat, leather gloves, pocket knife, watch, $10 - $20 cash. keys (work .& home). Manuel Segura:" ~:. - Blue'Jeans~ brown boots. camouflage hat, belt, waIletcontaining: Ame'~i~n Express credit card, Visa credit card. Texaco credit card, Fina credit card, TDCJ 10 card, $3 - $4 cash. Patrick Moczygemba: Wrangler,blue jeans, gray & black flannel shirt. (2) btue ' . . . TDCJ coats, brown Red Wing boots, sunglasses, camouflage cap, blue ski cap, watch. keys, wallet containing: Diamond Shamrock credit card, Chevron credit card, Texaco credit card, Visa credit card, TDCJ 10 card. $25 - $30 cash. ' .. .... Lester Moczygemba: TDCJ 10 card I •.•• _ • Mark GarZa:.'·· "" - . ·~I~~k W[~llgler jea!1 s• Ra.n.g~~ ~~I.t~ browry .bo,?~~, G~r~e~' , pocket knife, key~, wallet containing: TDCJ 10 card, hunting license, $6~ cash. . . .Alan Camber: . ,0': .... Gold:ch~in.withreligiou~nieda!lion, wall~t 'cOntaining: ATM cqrd, Texas Drivers License, Sam's C.lub . membership card, Biockbuster membership card. ! Mark Burgess: I i. ·Black sweatshirt, maroon long sleeve shirt. gray sleeveless undershirt, gray Canvas coat, Georgia Giant· boots, wallet containing: TDCJ ID card, Texas Driver's Lice~se, Soci~l. Secl:lrity Card, Visa credit card. 1_ • • I. Attachment j ~ 1 Items Taken From The Victims Correctional Officers: Randy Albert: • : I -Prescription eyeglasses. Leatherman multi-use tool. , watch. cash~ , , . .keys, leather gloves, $1 00 . . '. ' Alejandro Marroquin: TOCJ uniform pants I shirt. cap. black shoes. jacket.'long , sleeve gray shirt. belt, 'G-Shock watch. keys. TOCJ 10 ,'card; $65 cash. " , TDCJ uniform pants, boots, wallet Vernon Janssen: :~. " .'0, •..••••. _ , I.:.. ~ -. " , . . ' •••• __ •• e._ e •••• _ •• _ -. .... _ ... ":0.--,-. - ,. ._- .' ., . •• _ ~._-- ..... , ' i, !, ... :0•• .:. , _0 I. _ . Attachment J' -'2 '.' .. _.0 ._. .... • . : ...... ~... ., . Timothy ~? !'I:ilh O:ary Johnson Ins'liNtion~1 Senior \\t..l'tul:n Division Director : Admln:stratlve Incldcnt R.evIew AD.02.1S ~ . -.:.. ... • • • • -l1li\ • - t •• '" ... TEXAS DEPAF<TMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE Jo 'In ~. Connaily L . [Iece~ber 13, 2000 _ Emergency Atlill!1 Center .. : TO: -" ., I,." THRU: Mr. Douglas Dr rtke Region IV Direc tor SUBJECT: ESCAPE Maintenance Dc pamnenrJBackgateJB-Picket PERSONS INVOLVED: MOCZYOEMBA, Patrick SSN 464-33-1239 (Mall1lenQ."te S 'Pervisor /Y - ASSl. MaCnfenanee Mgl".) CAMBER. AlaJi SSN 458-47..7987 (Mainte1lemce S IpervisoT IY - HYAC) BURGESS, Ma -x SSN 460·23·5136 (Malnle1tQ1lc, S lpervuo, IV-Carpenter/Lock Tech) SEGURA., Man:el SSN 458-04-8875 (MaintBlIDIJa S .peruuol" IV';' Plumber) MOCZYGEMEA, Lester SSN 461.80·5599 (Mallllenam:r S~']J~rviS(JTIY - Boiler Tech) HA.HN, Rot!J1y SSN 460·27-0309 (Mf!{ntena7Jce S''!pervisor IV-Lock Tech) I,. ..' . . • ..... ' .. . .... ". . .."... -, ...- . . .. . • I. " .',- ... ••• ' • ~ .~v~8 2001 11:02 FR SENATOR MIKE MONCRIEF 512 4753745 TO 99362169 P.02/18 GARZA, Mark (Ma;mell(J}fce SUjlarvisor IV- General Mafnrenance) SSN 465-43-9536 OILLEY, Martin SSN 4GO·90-4749 " (Maintenance SUjI:rvisor IV - Plumber) SCHMIDT, T~' (MallltenQJJce Sll~)ervl.ror IV- Lock Tech) MARROQUlN,.I\lejandro (Correcl(ona] O.ti~er III -PaInt Squad) ALBERT9 Rand) (Correc/lonal 0t;cer /11- Field Force) SSN 452-43-4123 SSN 460-35-6313 JANSSEN, Vern"i SSN 457-88-1398 (Correctio11al OJ)cel' IV-Back Gale Security Officer)· GIPS, Lou SSN 457-52-6732 I('~,. ••'.'t;'!!~.:~! O''lc<-'' !V - R,:di(J Plct;PI $e",rity .. . . Officer) .. - . .\ ,, OFFENDE..~S INVOLVED: ~canees:. RIVAS, George NEWBUR" t Dc nald TDCI-lD #702267 TDCJ-lD #824631 TDCJ.. JD #1862S9 .- . l1ALPRlN, Ranc.), MURPHY, Patri:k GAR.ClA, Josep:l HAR.PER, Larry -J' •• _1 TDCJ·ID #386888 TOCJ·]0 #774391 TDCJ-JD #8619) 0 ROORJGUEZ. ~1.iehael TDCJ-ID #698074 Vicl.;11l.~: TDCJ-lD #604792 TOeS-tD #648556 . TDCJ·ID #435179 FISHWICK, Richard MARTINEZ, Al nbrocio COOK,David SUMMARY: On Wednesday. December 13, 2000, at approximately 1355 bours, seven offenders escapc~d the custody of the John B. Connally Jr. Unit in a State vehicle, identifi:-d 8S 8 White 1994 OMC 1500 !4 ton pickup, TOC1 .. identification # )2592. license plate number 660..358. The offenders overpowered a total of thineen employees' and three offenders then escaped throug,' the backgate. The offenders are identified as the follo'wing: • RIVAS, George #702267: Maintenance Worker, boused in3C-09T NEWBURY. Donald #824631: MaJntcnance Worker, housed in 19Y..89 HALPRIN, Ran:'y #786259; Maintenance Worker, housed in 19Y·37 MURPHY, Pan-.,:k#386888; Maintenance Worker, housed in 19Y-43 ".~RCI.~; ]t:'ser h ~i14J9J: '-o{z:nf:':1!!7('C V.lnrker. ht\\lE:ed in ! 9Y·0$ . . • • • • ' .:: .. .. . . . . ....... "'. ,.'" ••• L .... .. ...... .of " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ••• .. :. FEB 08 2001 11:03 FR SENATOR MIKE MONCRIEF 512 4753745 TO 99362169 Pa:e] Th~ P.03/18 well-plannetJ escape began in maintenance at approx.imately 11:30 n.mo, when the ~ aintenanee Department began its normal lunch hour. Mr. P. MOCZYGEMBA. AssistAnt Maintenance Supervisor was left behind iri . lh~ Maintenance Department ,wilh the aforementioned offenders, on the ~ pretext of having to complete some work and having their own food :, pr~p;lred in an offender style "spread". while [h.c remaining maintenance 1\ staff went to ea' lunch. Almost immedialely. Mr. P. MOCZYGEMBA ~as assaulted. by an unknown offender and knocked unconscious momentarily. \"?on regaining consciousness. Mr. P. MOCZYGEMBA was threatened by offender GARCIA with a llomemade weapon and staling they ....'e1 c prepared to kill The we3pon Was described in the various account! as a homemade "shank" and/or a sharp pointed object). Mr. P. MOCZO.:MBA was then tied' with his hands behind his back and... his pants were liLkcn. Ailor securing his legs, the orrenders untied his hands, took ri~ ;~irt· and then re-secl!l"~d hin,. A ~;nt:\\·,=~~,: \,\,'~s ~12ced Q\'er nlS head an, Jhe was taken to the electrical room and laid on the floor. 4 Officcr MARROQUIN and Mr. CAMBER were the second and third victims. Office I' MA~.OQlJIN was taken to the floor by offenders RIVAS. HALPFlN, HAR.PER. and NEWBURY. bound with plastic lics, gagged and take 'I to the electrical room. Mr, . CAMBER. who hid returned to maintenance with Officer MARROQUIN, was attacked fron" behind by offcndt:fs R.IVAS and GARCIA. Offender GARCIA threatened to kill Mr. CAMBER with his homemade weal/on. Mr. CAMBER was secured with duct tape. and twist tics. His black ·Nrangler jeans and Wolverine work boots were taken and he was then lakl:n to the electrical room. Once;n the electrical room, the offenders stnJck Mr. CAMBER's bead into some conduit causing him to lose consciousn :55. '-"hen Mr. .cAMBER regained consciousness he had hOld a gag placl:d in his mouth and a pillowcase placed over his head. Later. offender RODRlOUEZ wrapped additional duct tape around the hood over Mr. CAMBER's eyes. '. .. Mr. BURGESS was the fourth to faU victim to the offenders' escape plol Upon his rcturr. to maintenance, he was struck in the head from behind \\'hiJe being dis =acted by offender HALPRIN and knocked into a semiconscious state, Mr. BURGESS did Sec offender NEWBURY with a homemade WC3:)On, descn'bed as a "shank". He (BURGESS) did suffer a puncture wounc ~o his right arm pit are3. Mr. BURGESS wag slJipped to his shorts by of enders RIVAS and HALPRIN and was bound with plastic des and duct tap=_ M:- ~T,r.:t"::!=,C'&: '.:.. ", . : ...~ ••• , • • '.:' ••: .: ,• .:·, ..t 41 • t.,.,· _1" 0 t' 1_ .....:.. ~ '0 .~u ,,'•..•, ••• t.• • • ••• ' , .. . .. .. I '. ••. ' .. "4O_4O • • _ ••••••• ~EB , 08, 2001 11:03 FR SENATOR MIKE MONCRIEF 512 4753745 TO 99362169 P.04/18 .~- room, offender GARClA placed his aforementioned homemade weapon in Mr. BUROESS' ear and threatened to kill him by stabbing him in the .. head. The fifth victim I~r the escape plot in maintenance was Mr. SEQURA, ~ When Mr. SEGURA returned to maintenance from his lunc.h break, he ',\ was attacked and taken to the floor by offenders RIVAS and NEWBURY. Mr. SEGURA '$ :lBnds were then secured b~hlnd his bac~ with plastic ties, he was gaSgcd i nd his legs were bound with duct tape. His boots and state ~dio (Mfllorola Model GP-300, serial #174FVA518S; TDCJ #(0 4 625) were :::\ken and he was dragged to the electrical room. A pillowcase was :,laccd OYer .his head and offender GARCIA placed his homemade weap: n in Mr. SEGLJ~A '~ ear and threatened to kill him in the same manner as lIe had with Mr. BURGESS. TI, •. ..t,.tonn'n"d t however based o~ their own time estimates it would-be as f~llows: viclim #6 R. HAHN, #7 Mr. GARZA, and victim #8 Mr. GIllEY. ~.1.,. t\~ -_. •• -. f"'" ~ ••••:......... :~.:--,. ".,.,. •• •• • •• , ,.~ , _ .. '-n ~ ~ -.-_~:~o'.' • • • • • • ~.'" - II '- Mr. HAHN wa i attacked by ofrcndc~ NEWBURY and IUVAS and restrained. His ~.hoes, jeans and jacket were taken and he was se.cured with plastic ties !.nd duel tape, as well as being gagged. Mr. HAHN was then taken to the electrical room. '- Mr. GARZA, an(:r returning to maintenance from lunch, was assaulted by offenders RlVA:;, HALPRIN, and HARPER with the aid of a homemade weapon described as Hsharp", Mr. GARZA was bound with plastic lies, a pillowcase duel tape and gigged, dragged to the electrical room placed over his tcad. ' and Mr. GILLEY. Ilftcr ~eing informed by offender MURPHY that Mr. MOClYGEMB.l, w8nte,d to see him in the warehouse and going to that location, Wa.!I BSiaulted by offender.; GARCIA, HALPRIN, NEWBURY. and RODR.IGU.~Z. Both offenders NEWBURY and GARCIA held sharpened weapons to Mr. GILLEY's heati, cutting him by either ear. Mr. OILLEY's pant.! and shoes were removed and he was bound with nylon tic stnps. As 'Y:th the others, was gagged, a pilloWC8;SE: placed over his head and he'was dragged into the electrical room with the other victims. . Mr. SCHMIDT entered the Maintenance Department with offenders COOK and FISIlWlCK. After being lured to the warehouse., again on the pfCtext that Mr . MOCZYGEMBA wanted to speak with him. he 8ssau}t '-..d • " 1'11I _:.. r..... m •1,,,"':.. -4 •~~d ? lo.,,_ •••••••:.... ::1,,-• ••• 1 •• 11._. .- '" • • • • • II -, . : ' .. ,., I" .. ..... .. , II..,. ,,,'. 'Ill. '. : S • • .: ." •• _'. ,-,, Ill.·.. ••••I" "'. • III ". II .1." .,- (I I ' I' II "••, . I' " "I' ••••••••• ," " • ::.... head, and dmgglld into the clc:~trical rOo~ with the others• 01. • •• 'll.. .' •••••• • • •. WBS " I, : ". III .' "" •••• ••• .' FEB 08 2001 11:03 FR SENATOR MIKE MONCRIEF 512 4753745 TO 99362169 Pa:e: S t· P.05/18 The next two vic ims in the plot were in fact the two offenders assigned to work with Mr. SCHMIDT. offenders FlSHWICK and COOK. Both offenders were h::ed back to the warehouse individually with 1hc promis~' "of some food. Offender COOK was struck by offender RIVAS and ~ knocked unconsr'1aus, when he was beginning LO remain consciousness, .• \ offender HARPER. was placing ducl tapc around his fect. Offenders RlVAS and HA'..PRIN then threatened to kill offender COOK with the wC3pons they were holding, described as a "knife" and a "round sharpened =-:;,c'·. ':~F:"-:-=\:.:~1 -. .A.: ,"it~ t~,: ':-:-::- JO\·=~s . ~ff..:::c:!' C'('0K ·.V!,~ ~'::~!"1 hand and foot, gigged. a pillowcas~ placed over his head and dragged to the electrical ra ~m. Offender FISHWICK was assaulted by offenders MURPHY. NEvrBURV an~ lUVAS and struck with an axe: handle in the: h~~~. 0~ft~:!~: ~'=W91'RY ~!.!t h!F ht'l'nemadc weapon to offen den:-, FlSHWICK's th"oal and threatened to kill him if 11e conHnued to resist. Duct tape was p'ilCeQ across his eyes, he was bound - band and foot with wire e.nd duct t!.pe and dragged to the electrical Toom with the ather victims. Offender FlSHWlCH was repeatedly kicked and hit on his left knee during this process. " : ~ . The tenth victim was Officer R. ALBERTt in charge of the trash crew that dilY: only went t~ maintenance to get a ~~Qator" tractor. He was informed by ~c offendels in the (rant that Mr. MOCZYGEMBA was in the warehouse. Seel:ing hint. Officer ALBERT proceeded lo the warehouse and was attac:k·;d by three offenders who wrestled him to the floor. Officer ALBER'f was threatened with a homemade wC3pon and struck on the head with a metal bar. Officer ALBERT was then bound.hand and foot, (his own :.andcuffs were uti1i%Cd). gagged, bad duct tape placed directly over hi: eyes and dragged to the: cJeetrical room. At this point, offender RODFIOUEZ put a weapon to Officer Al.BER.T's head and stated what had been stated to other victims before. '"just three pounds of pressure and it will go through your head". Officer ALBERT had his keys, his watch, and 5100.00 taken from him. The eleventh, L:1d final employee victim in maintenance was Mr. L. MOCZYGEMBA. When Mr. MOCZYGEMBA and offender MARTINEZ c:t tercd the shop, they saw the maintenance trodc .parked insidc the sbop with the rollins garage door down. The trUCK had earlier ii' the dB>' been driven into lhe compound by Mr. HAHN, at the direction of Mr. P. MOCZYGEMBA. ostensibly to pick up some supplies from tev-on. Mr. 1- !-I':>CZYOEMBA WElS immediatel)' approached by offender NEWBURY. W.10 displayed his weapon. described as ten to twelve inches in length. ~ 0 r an inch wJde and sh~;;:~~~d ~:1 ~?t~ ~:~~~. ~I... L. MOCZYOEME A h3d the weapon placed to his throat and was threatened. ·FEB 08 2001 11:04 FR SENATOR MIKE MONCRIEF 512 4753745 TO 99362169 P.06/18 - rQgr: u He wns then tied ind a sheet placed o"'cr his head and forced to hop to the eleeuicDI room arlU they took his boots. Mr. MOCZYGEMBA did sec orf~nder OARCI'" dressed in blue jeans, black tennis shoes, and a dnrk'" ". shirt or jackel. \ ~\ Offender MART ,NEZ, who h&1d accompanied Mr. MOCZYGEMBA into the Maintenance Depa.rtmenc was subbed in the hand during his assault. He also was riel 1 and taped then placed in the electrical room. In th~ course of an hour and a half, there were eleven employces and three offenders taken ilnd being held in the electrical room. The approximate tin,e wu 1300 tc 1310 hours. It shoL:ld be: nClre = t"'t!.f ,!,,~th!r eJ'!1t)JCI~~t'c. CO:!lch JeM)' Mc:DOWELL. \Venta.., to 'the !~,,_.r •• c::.~: I:\: .."cj)~nmeri\ ~~ Approx.imately 1220 hours, 5poJ;.e Wi1h offendr:r~ ~lvA~. MURPHY. !:'ld HALPRIN for epproxin1E1.\cl)' five -' m "lnUICS, -&~r""·"-·J ,,"."••• • • • . - • • • ' -- .: ' - - .-. ~..;.\' • J • ".-., ,.. . members. Whit.: in the maintenance department, the coach was 'invited' bllCk into the sh=,p. but did not go and hurriedly teCt. It should also be _ noted that the of: enders pnoyed in their o\'m count pretending to be staff. " ' For the next stajC of the escnpe plot, the offenders utilized lhe clothing they had taken f-om the maintenance staff and maintenance cquipml:nt in the a'rca. To prepare their way. the offenders. pretending to be staff. telephoned the backga.te and the radio pieket informing them that Southwesl Arca Region Maintenance would be coming out to install some camera! and n:onitors, as had been done recently in Administrative Segregation. . At approximate1)1 1320 hours, two offendcrs dressed as civilians and two offenders in prllon whites. drove up to me backgale in a "Oator''. The offenders carrier! \\lith them tools. wire!. cameras, and monitors continuing their ruse 10 gaill access into U3C backgo.tc area. Offieer GlPS. in the radio picket, beUevin!; the lwo to be whh aren maintenance, opened the vehicle gate while the two uoffenders"', proceeded into the walle-through gale. Officer .JANSSHN, the baekgate officer, then received another telephone can~ with the e:l11er asking for Q1e area maintenance nun, described as approximately:' 10" and thin. The other "civilian" is described as slightl)' bigger. than the nTSt with what appeared to be long bla.ck hair. Afltr speaking on the phone for a few moments the first "civilian" told Officer JANSSEN that" tho party on the other end of the line wished to speak to him. When, 0 ;'cer JANSSEN took tbe phone he was assaulted from behind. threatlmed with a weapon and subsequently handcuffed. The .......ca"'••" .""..., ' .....·k I.:c: I.·v'·, .-." ",••;r,,-"\ "1T"tll:' c........ ,.~ '"(~ ~,.: .., 01 .. -, It "~,-",, ..... _~ _ _ fI _ __ '4.p~1 ,,:I.jlP~ I • of ... ••• If I • • It ..... .1 .. __: •..:.. ::.••••L:-_ ...:_." L. •••.=, lhe bathroom, C oslng the door after him. •• •••.:. : • • •• "' ="Ill. • • • •••• .:.•.:.._~~.:. ••••~ • •~.~J 1\ ..FEB 08 2001 11:04 FR SENATOR MIKE MONCRIEF 512 4753745 TO 99362169 P.12I7/18 IlIcld~nlIJl-U031.J2·DO Page 7 One of the eivj ':an-dressed offenders then bluffed his way out of \he backsale area all:i into the radio picket carrying a box. \\'hile Officer, OIPS was dislral':cd by another phone call. in which Ih~ caller·was a.sking~· for the area me inlenanee man, the offender took Officer GIPS' .357 \ revolver, which was laying on the desk. This offender's description is \. 6'2". about 230 pounds dark hai.f. olive complexion. After infonning I \ Officer GIPS tr.tLt this was an escape and threatening to kill him. this of£'ender openec the weapons locker and took oUl an AR.. lS (sr:rial #034152: TDCJ #31326) and a loa~ed Reminglon &70 P Express shotgun (serial #B17S39 OM; TDCJ #31944). A second offender. dressed in whitts wilh l:\ gr :en jaeket. described as ~hi[e male, tall and slender build lhen entered the rndio pickeL Several (14) Smith & Wesson Revolvers \"'t'''~ th~:'1 ~lac:c d in a box (see 1I.\t1le:}\C'~ liJ:l f(,T !=r.. i~, PllJmbe·t:"\ wi!:h..., :lpprO);imDtely ;~oo l'ounds of ammun••• ,:,n. Officer GlPS was then escorted c!ownsl ,jrsl'~ ~ ~ • The civilian-dre:.scd offender had, during the course of this had opened Lhe vchicle gate 3nc allowed the maintenance truck. with the three remaining escapees Imo an:' lhrougll,l~ backgate.. OI£iecr GIPS was tied wit}; Do belt and one of his ~hoestrings·and then tied to the framework of the picket with.another belr. As saon.as the radio picket door was closed and locked Officer GIPS "1lS able to free himself. Officer GIPS immediately ran back upstairs and managed to see the maintenance truck going around the outside perimett r road by the dom1S. Officer GlPS then called out on the rodio a '10-98'. offender escape in progress. The reported time was 1355 hOUTS. Unit staff' jrnmf dialely responded to the bae1c:gate. Sergeant It. AVll.A and Officer D. ORNELAS discovered Officer JANSSEN in the bathroom. Officer ORNElAS removed the bane restraints, Sergeant AVILA cut off the duct tape lnd medical staff was ca11ed. Officers ORNELAS end SAUCEDA thell proceeded 10 the radio J:li~ket and relie.ved Officer GlPS and an invcntoJ:' of the missing weapons 'was immediately initiated by the annot')' officer, JRNELAS. Meanwhile, in the electrical room in the Maintenance Department, the: employees and ;off~ders were able to free themselves with a pocketknife which was OVIl1'\oolccd in Ml, GARZA Y s pocket. Officer ALBERT, howe'lcr rcmDhl,:d in his handcuffs. The assailant offenders discovered the employees, while they were freeing themselves and attempted to reenter the elecD'I :al room but were held offb)' the employees and offenders inside. Finan)', the escaping offenders secured the door to the electrical :'Ot;l!n with Wirf 2nd TiH'~et! a rh~n:' boC'by Tra~ b~f(\T'e de?e.rtiT!~ in the ._•••••:.::.Z'....,.:. t.J &. -.:k. •\. ~"",-.J _,.; ••~ • _.: _~ :...: .: .'.: . ,FEB 08 2001 11:04 FR SENATOR MIKE MONCRIEF 512 4753745 TO 99362169 rQSe~ P.08/18 that the trnpped p:rsoMel in the maintenance electrical room were able to lrip the fire alarm, ancmpting to alert security staff. The alarm was silenced and reSI ~ at approximately 1335 to 1345 hours by the Central" . Control Officer, A. PEREZ", who was relieving the primary Central \ Conuol Officer. Several minutes later it again went off and was aga.in =\. silenced and Te! ct by the Central Control Officer. Officer PE.REZ 1 \, attempted to tel,:?hone maintenance•. the bac:kgate and radio picket \0 inquire about the alarm but no one ever answered. It was at this time that Officer GIPS sounded the '10-98'. W2~d:n QUTEP.R:Z. at this tint: ordered the Uoit to be immediately rackcQ up and aspcC:l&.i count initlC\led. Spc:~:~. I.olJ~!.~ .j';c:".: ::".. -:.:.~ h~'... i~ and ended at 155: hours. Building searches were conducted. ...., Lieutenant J. At XI.ij.R, one of the starr responding LO the bac'kgate after the alarm was s :unded, heard the fire alann going off and along with Captain T. SAMANiEOO and additiona.l staff responded to the Maintenance Del,~u'\me-nl The escaping offenders bad placed debris in the • door locks thro\ Ghout; s~cyrity had to break into the building. What appeared to be a boob~' trap consisting of two a"cty1c:ne bottles hooked to an electrical wirt was in front of the electrical room. Lieutenant AUXIER climbed up to a "~nt and found out who was trapped inside and whom the escaping offendf rs \Vere wbich was quickly disseminated. Due to there being offenders inside the room with the cn1ployee~ a fivc:..man team with vests and hc:lmcl$ was assembled. The employees and offenders trapped in the room were instructed to kneel down and the team cntcT'Cd placing all the individuals in hand restraints and esconing them ouL After the identitY of each :,crson was determined the band restraints were removed and they were escorted to tho Medical Department for immediate treatment for d:eir injuries (see attached SAF..Q4 Injury Reports) and subsequently 12ke-n to Otto Kaiser Memorial Hospital. Mr. P. MOCZYGEMB.~ was kept overnight for further observation. With the escapee offenders identified, staff was immediately dispatched to their housing arHl and the offender's propeny was sccured. The only cellmatc, offender CROSS, John rDCJ #341998 (3C-09B; offender RODRJOUEZ's -:cllic) was placed in Pre-Hearing Detention (PHD) and his property sec ued as well. The three offenders who had been trapped with the officer~ also had their properly picked up and two ",ere placed in PHD. Due to DrreDdcr COOK's injUI)'. he was placed in a hospital cell. All were subscq u~nt1y interviewed by internal Affairs Division (lAD) that evening. : ,FEB 08 2001 11:05 FR SENATOR MIKE MONCRIEF 512 4753745 TO 99362169 P.09/18 rQge~ Upon the discov( ry of Officer- JANSSEN in the toilet in the backgate the escape plan was fully initiated. State and loca.l law enforcement, as well. as neighboring l nits were notified and their assistance was requested," . Kennel teams an:1 additional stafe from the following units: 'Stevenson, ~ Brisc:oeJ Garza But, O~rz3 'Vest, T~ining Acaden,y, McCoMel!. TOf'!"es, .\, Ramsey, and Datrington. responded and were deployed on the roads in the l' surrounding 'area on the possibility the escapees were: stilt in the area. Roadblocks of tt c highways leading out of Kenedy were established by law enforcement ,)fflclals but to no avail. It has since been leamed that the escapees had some sort of outside assistance and at. least one vehicle "It::.:"" r,. • .'-_-~t. I " • I •• • It should be noted thal at approximately 1400 hours, Officer B. OLSON." a.nd Officer W. ~rOSKO. while returning to the unit with the community work squad in the 'unn bus, observed the mai~t~·;~..::.:..: t."'Uck wi.~ tbe escaping offenders heading west on Business 181 in downtown Kenedy. It was not until a :nLnule Of so later that Officer OLSON became aware of Ih~ significance of the truck and was able to alert the unit about its • position and dir.:etion of travel. Confusion in the communication led searcl1ers. howe":or to believe tbe escaping vehicle was funher west than it actually was. It \.as not until 1600 hours, however, that an off duty officer (G. MARTIN, C:> Ill), who resides In an apartment compJex next lO the local \Val-Mart (,bserved tile parked maintenance truck behind Wal·Mart and notified the l nit With rOlating shifts of officers the area deployment continued until the following day, 1 hursday, December 14, 2000, al 1400 hours, when the immedIate area search was called off. The unit lockdawn continued through Sunday, December 17. 2000, when it was lifted the foHowing morning. . A Serious Incidc I,t Review Board began conducting an investigation on Tuesday, Decem:ler 19,2000. At this' tiptc the seven escapees remain al large. EMPLOYEE ACTION/INACTION: Employee inaction/negligence was identified and all appropriate 'employees will be disciplined according to Agency policy and procedures. . .•FEBo· 08 2001 11:05 FR SENATOR MIKE MONCRIEF 512 4753745 TO 99362169 . ATTACHMENTs: P.1121/18 TNG-93~ IncidenLReport Copy orE-Maillt(cssage Time Line , '. . Participant Stater:enls • I . ••a-:--... • ••••• ." ='" ..",,- . ..,.~ • .,.~ . . _ i" '- ~ . ••••••• :" ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW: Jf'arden 's Comments: . .. .\ •• .. . Timothy B. Kei .::/ Date Regio1lal Director's COmmIIlU: Douglas Drctke, Region IV Direc;lor Date OFfENDERS INVOLVED: Offe'nd~r MURPHY, PiltriCk, TDCJ-ID #386888, is a 39 year old While mate serving a. SO year scn'cnCl: for Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, Burglary of' a Building :·ut of Dl7.1las County. His sentence began on Marcb 22) 1984, and his TDCJ-lD receive date is November 27, 1984, Offender MURPHY was, at the time of the ir cidmt, assigned to Minimum custody. , . · .FEB 08 2001 11:05 FR SENATOR MIKE MONCRIEF 512 4753745 TO 99362169 JJagl: 1/ P.l1/18 Offender NEWBURY. DonQld, TDCJ-1D #824631, is a 38 ycar old White male serving a UFS sentence for Aggravated Robbery with a Deadly Weapon oUt of Travis County. His sent~nee began on August 19. 1997, and his TDCJ-ID receive'·· da\e is May lS, 1998. :>ffcnder NEWBUR.Y was, at the time of the incident, \ assigned to ~ijnimum C'Hitody. .\ I .. Offender HARPER, L~nyr TDCJ-1D #861910~ is. a 37 year old White male serving a SO year senle~ICC for Aggravated Assault, Aggravated Sex.ual Assault out of SI Paso County. :-lis sentence began on A}:)ril 02, 1994, and his TDCJ·!D receive dllte is March :'9. 1999. Offender HAPJlER was, at the time of the incident, assigned to Mj ,imum Custody. Offender HALPRIN, Ehndy, TDCJ-ID #786259, is a 23 year old White male..) -: sCr'\'I n. t' ~. .I.J = .• I .: •••• "'I./' .-".- "",. : .. ' .... " . • •• "'1.j".='d ••••• . .. _ " , 1 ' .....,._.,-~"..... O~... tt. • . , '1- _ -__. ) sentence began on Septr::llber 04, 1996~ and his TDCJ-lD receive date is May 30, 1997. Offender HALPJJN was, al1.he time oflhe incidcnl.. assigned to Minimum Custody. Offender JUVAS. Oeolge, TDCJ,.rp'#702267, is a 30 year old Hispanic male serving a LIFE senlenc.: for Aggravated Kidnapping out of EI Paso County. His sentence began on Septc'mbcr 22. 1991. and his TDCJ-ID receive date is April 20, 1995. Offender IUVA:; was~ at the time of the incident, assigned to Minimum cuslody. . • Offender RODR.1GUE2: Michael, TDCJ..ID #698074. is a 38 year old Hispanic male serving a LIFE :entence for Capital Murder 'out of Be~ar CO\lnty. His sentence beglln on lanutry 30, 1995, and his TDCJ·ID receive date is March 16, 1g9S. Offender kOD ?JGUEZ was, at the time of the incident, assigned to Minimum Custody. Offender GARCIA, JO!l~P~ TDCJ-ID #774391. is a 29 year old Hispanic male serving a SO year sen'cnce for Murder with a Deadly Weapon out of Bexar County. His sentence 1:cgan on February 07. 1996, and his TDCJ~ID receive date is February 10, 1997. Offender OARCIA was. at the time of the incidr::nt, assigned to Minimum Cuslody, Offender FISHWIeK, ~chard, TDCJ-ID#604792, is a 46 year old White male serving a 30 year scnt~nce for Possession of a Controlled Substance out of Aransas County. His.$'mtcnce began on June 01, 1991. and his mel-ID receive date is Janu81">' 09, 199::. OffenderFISHWICK Is currently assigned to Minimum Custody. ...FEB 1118 201111 11: 1115 FR SENATOR MIKE MONCRIEF 512 4753745 TO 99362169 P.12/18 Offender MARTlNEZ, ,~mbrocio) TDCJ-lD #648556. is a 39 year old Hispanic: male serving a 30 year $enlenCe for Aggrava.ted Robbery/Aggravated Robbery with a Deadly Weapon cut of Bell County_ His sentence began on December 18," , 1992, and his TDCJ-ID receive date is September 23, 1993. Offender " MARTINEZ is currently Rsslgned to Minimum Custod}', .\ : , Offender COO~) David. TDCJ-!D #435179. is a 36 year old White male serving n LIFE sentence for MUfilcr out of Harris County. His sentence began on luI)' 04. 1986, and his TDCJ-ID :-ecetvc date is October 28, 1986. Offender COOK is currentI}' assigned to Mir :mum Custody. I~ .. ,.- . _.' oil" . FEB 08 2001 11:05 FR SENATOR MIKE MONCRIEF 512 4753745 TO 99362169 ...... ~----- COCE TYPE OF INCIDENT I CY ~C2l)e 1:?-13-;-~ eo ,,:.,..~ :;; • I "'0 I MOTlVE: Janie CocKrell NO . . 1'"" ' .-. " -. 1 .."./- '. , .. ..-.._.. GANG IOEPolTIFICATION \ ~ I .\ l-p. EMPLOYEE INFO. SHiFf: NAME yes _ REPORTED BV 14~58 GANG RELATED AS ;e:'~~i~':.-a DRAPE 12-13-00 SPECIAC LOCA"OPI -X-W< l'J GANG CATE I TIME REPQRTEO UNIT DATE I TIME OCCUR P,13/18 CON FlO E N T I A L FOR JFFICI.~L=-:U:.::S::.::E:-::O:N~L=Y~ SSN _~""='='=~~~='="""' I!.~ nl)~ , 'IT ::Jl":'lt 1.-.1 RANK _ _' RACE _ _ SEX AGE _ DISPOSITION: Seven (7) M! eus!:ody offenders suce.essfully esea~ed from t:he unit Bac.keate S.n a state truck. A manhunt is in progress util1~ing all R~gion IV resources. ,\ INMATE • NAM~ Ne,~burv RA~r TDCJ, SE I 4702267 V~ HI!': B51910 774391 386888 786159 69S07G wIt'. Rh wI!': \J/r. Hit': 824631 Donald Rivas. Geor2e Marcel'. Larrv JoseDh Murphy. Patrick :labrin Janey IRodriQuez. Michael Ga~cia. 9 H~FO • .lOS ~~ggT 38 HI INJUAI~~ ~ ·~I .tIt 37 HI 29 39 23 38 ! A.V I Un'know N/A Uz::Ucnown I HI Unknovo N/A N/A N/A HI Unknovn N/A. I til HI Unknown N/A 'N/A I Unknown ' . Unknown I , I I I I I I WEAPON: DESCRISe IN DETAIl: (TYPE) ~'EAPON INFO. Unknow ~ Staff states sh.a,;;eened metal rods were used by offenders to threaten them - thesa ~eaEons we~e CUSTODY eoce -:N""""V.&.:.A_ _ not recovered I:lEATH INFO. NAME OF INMATE,~N/r..LA.:....--r.::==..........:::'I"":ror:::r.="'7"':: - RACE Iiit naml! I ~GE N/A SEX, N/A CAUSE OF DEATH _ _..:;,.,N:..;/A~ DISPOSmON OF BODY _ _~N/~A-=--~exr tOCJ*__·--"I'N~/ACIoo- 11..-' riiirie 1m, UNrr__....No¥/...A~ N/A DIED AT OR IN AOUTE TO _N....:./_A WHO DeCLARED DEATH ~_ _ N:..;/A~ AUTOPSY N/A YES N/A _ _ _ N/A NO OF KIN NTFD yeS CJ NO CJ ey: ·LOCAL _AW ENFORCEME~:ri '1~': ':I:~~-" :"", i:-::-::-: _=.c.=-:.:";, WiLl. AESpONO AGENCY CAse, .·,.1':'~'w' ,: .. ; - .- YES ~1'j.NAM£ OF INVESTIGATOR , .. . .' ., , .' , . ;,,;&,),'4' ;,,,-.. ;.., .: ..:~-~.::' • -' -::-::============:: REMA~~~,"""";""', , .... . --- · FEB 08 2001 11:06 FR SENATOR MIKE MONCRIEF 512 4753745 TO 99362169 P,14/18 'f.Lr.~ IDr 100H' FC1LO£P. Hil EAO DATE, 12/1-+/00. Tun:: lQi07u . DANltL5. DILL AU'l'ROw: CYUNT~9 SUBJ£CT I !-HuH· 12-00 ON 1 "A' 1~ r i.- ~-\'V ",,1 SECUR!!fi . - - ••••• '. ..!. ·~·fIII· f.::r. ..... :!.=.l:. ... £ NUliBt:R ~57-S1·'H2, .-.- ., .~1I0 :l"H~::' I 40. _ _ • &.., C'...I J._", ••• , ~"'';':'i:.1.. • •...• ._-,:, \14;'''', !NK1~£S "E~E ESCAPl~G iN A SrATE STAFF lMM£DIAiELY ~,StONDiU TO THE SC~~E rOUND THE 8ACiOAT£: OFFICER, V. J.A HS SEN • SOClt.L SECURITY NUMBER VEHICLE TflROUCH THE BACKGlTE. ~.ND -- "'tr~I.!.;t 1'HE B 'iCH£P. p.lnIO PIC1.'ET OFFICER, RADIuEO A DISTRESS tALt fHA' SEVERAL 451·68-13~8IBOUNO W1TH DUCT TAPE, !HE lmn wAS lKilEtlUTELY LoeKED ~O\fll U~D A S?ECIAL cOt'NT IUB,'IATED. THE EHEAGENCY/ESChrE PLkN wAS IT WAS SHO~fLY Dl~~O~£r.~u i~: :,-: ~::~:- THAT A CiOU~ Qr s£vtN lNKA~ES ~h .i.~ M..UUT£HANlJE DEPARTJHllT HAD ASSAUUED ~Ktt OVEiPOY£F.ED NINE MAnlTElL\NCE S1AFF, TWO SECUilfY OFF!CEBS AND TH!!E INHAf£S. BOUNDIFO ~p.~~ ?'~' SP;C 1JRiNrJ tREK Iti 1. IlA\:I ROOt{ Itl THE !HIN'lENA1N£ JjEPARTti£ttT. hllJi INAATES, tWO DRESSED IN FREE ~ORtD CL)rHES ESCOnrINO T-O INHAT£S DRESSED IN ~HITES, ~HEN FiOCEEDEU TO [HE BAO!C!T~·CAP.?YINQ TOOLS, ~iiES. CA~r.RAS lND ~ONITOF.! USEING TH~ RUSE THAT 'HEY WERE SOUTH~EgT ARIA KiINTEriAHCE InER£ Tv IHST~LL THE £QUI?~IN1. AllEe CAINING ACCESS to THE ~ACKC!tE vFFICER , O~PICEJ JANSIEN WAS 5UfFERUiG A fOS~!B~£ Fl.AC'fURSD r.ICilT OFFICU CiI1S THEW OPE"rlED 1111£' DOOi or A~SAULTED AND SUBBUlD, ':i\Ja~ UTD $WELt.lliO to 'IHS ir'lnST~. '~AE ;;~DIO·PI0J.E! TO AL£,O\1 THE ~L?tIEQ ~2QH THE HAINTENANCB WOP.~E~S INSIDE. (ijE PJLD BEEN CALLED DEPA~THErIi' INFORiHiHi !!!!! :rUAT 'rUE J:QU PHENT WAS :re" BE INSTA!:LED) HE liAS $iJSOiJEli, SUS'U.UiI!iG NO H!JUiiES. ON.e:: !l{SliiE B 1'0,;'1:1, W"!lICH ALSlj SEnvss AS. A SUB-AiUl0ilY 1 TH~ HUlA'lIS S"OLt OH& ,1) }.l~·lS RIFLE \lIrQ 15 r.O\iNDS OF AKtli.nU!lo)H, 1 12 CiAUCE SHOTI.UU lHiR 19 iiJUUDS Of:' l.1'lKiJl\l'1ION, .. ANn H BiiITii AriD 11l:SS0fl .35" REVOLV£el. AliD APPTiOXlrsATELY iOO iOUHDS or .pJiHiJ1U'II ON, THE THREt P'£gAINIHt INMATES IN THE !SfAPE i:~UCK CONSPIF~CY THEN D~OVE tHE to 'i'itt, DACF.Cl\'fE, PIer-ttl UP 'fH! F0\12 l~~~ES ALREADy THEBE ~~D D~uVI lVAY I~O~ ~H~ UNIT,· Si'J.TE K!lNi'Eli!JiiJE ?iCr." UP CirFl~Ep. 011':; 1U.1UCED 'to FREE llUlSt:Li lITHl1f KUiUlIB$ A.a;D RAIS~ti i:HE ALARM. THE S!VII~ INMATES lU.VE 1:lEZN Il ::;NT!FltD AS. u ~iE,,-aERiil. nONALO 191-8' 2) HALPRIN, wnE . !~2·H31 LU:! G- • lH L~s - ACE J8 P,AN~Y .18~159 w~lTl HA~E i l - 1§? LBS - 19"1'-37 ~) )lUP'fBY, PA?P.ICV. UY-43 4:) OUCll, JOSE:PH l~Y-uS S) # Hli?ER. LARRt AGE 2~ i38i666 4HITE liLl !iI, 143 .LBS- AO~ 3i • 714Hl. ms? n.ALt S' 11 19& LBS - AGE ~9 ~8iti10 ~~Ife KALE S'11 165 LSS - AO£ 3' FEB 08 2001 11:06 FR SENATOR MIKE MONCRIEF 512 4753745 T~ 99362169 P,lS/i8 H/\iJ::'rfr IJ1Ut;U .'!'HU!!UUI,:ttLl t:X.UUtU;U tit ~tC\llH'l't S'rA'ff FOR l\N"'i PO'!ENTU.L C1UE~ ~$ A}~ TO THE INKATES FLAN5 OR DtS1:NAJION, ALL CORRESFONDANC£ WAS P£~TIHANT lN~OR!AT10N i£L!NC~UlSHEO ~O THE INTERNAL AfrAliS DEPT, ~AINT£HA~CE DIPARTMENT THE ELEVEN EKPLOY£ES ~ln S!AFf P.ESPONDED !O fHE THREE IliKA'ftS 'lP.APPED III THE iACF. iOCli. .A1EA lUtN~EN!..NCE HAD TO BE ~!LL£u lU. IN OiDER FO~ 'rktb 1'0 iE tl EED. ).I.L EMPLOlE£S Alii) T1iE TliR"eE WEftS rOUND P.£&ULT sUrF£~[D 1~IJURl~S AS A OF ~H£ ASSAULT £stAPEtSI OilU om: R£~1J1RIN(; (ll~RiU{;}lT liosnTALUAlf'lulL !itrl!C~L STiFF W1S F~ESENT AT SCEH£. THE SK?LOlEES WHO H~D BEEN ASSAULTED AND u~CXED IN THE STORE ROO~ A~Et I~MATES &~ THE 1) i\iP.Ci~g, ~i HAVE ~v SSCli: o+eo-2,g-£.ld& ID.il ~OC!Y~~~BA. . ?ATP.!CI ~OQ2YtiEM9A. LES~,: -:) 1;:rL1C:Y. tlA!T!N SS~iit TO LEFT 55N~ ~~4-jJ·:t39 ~~~~ 1~1~;'~·~: ~S CuNTUSIONS TO HijL~IPLE C:QilTUSloNS to BOTH ~.RS,NOSE L~E'l' EU~ AND L~CLih~Ivr( L~CERATION ~o . 't. FOR~AP~. LEFT t:OlJTUSIONS Ttl HEAD, LEFT 1.~CERATlijN. aEHlNl) 460-90-4: 14' LEFT EAR, TO LtFT HJaliD f LACERllTH'll 110 RT Ei\F. •• ;II~SHLE ,fR}.Cr-URED HOSE. S~OLL'E}; ~ID RICH! iRISTS, ~ON~USlON TO Len tHAD ~s'"* "S t-i 3 '~U3 SliID!;ii tFiHSTS. POSFJI&LE. FR~CrUp.ED ~, THVKB, rOSSlBLj ~~SE E~tjijRE, CO~~USION3 TO tiii'i'B EYES Bi S'tcU!1 1 KAN\iEL s~li!iIn!. ;:i:iUrt 1v) CUBER. AtLJ,;N ssw- iS9-04 .. aB?G sSl~- 1!t SCiiTCii 1M ·H7-g&-H6i net SriN- Jc S8 .. 47 .. B Ij 7 SSHJt ·HS··U-'S3G Y.P.l~DS NUM& ~!J t. EFT Hum, P1IN to U.Cl: gUPERFl¢I1L • L~C£PJltl0N TO L£Ft Aun .:1 CRT YJ:UT9. ABf.lSION RICYf lLiuw rop 1U CARZA, iU.Rr. I~ ilCHt YP.lS!S ~tD H~PJ.SluN &) ~.P.ROQiJi}l'. AL£JA~DR/) \ iint1nUu WOUND TO LEfT UPPER CHE:S'l', Al?~SlON ~IS'l' BRUISED Si . l. tHt rOPEHE~D 3> '. or H~'D AND RIGH~ LEF'r ¥.R!S'i' $WOLLEti EYE AREA FEB 0e 2001 11:06 FR SENATOR MIKE MONCRIEF 512 4753745 TO 99362169 3) ~ARTINE'. AHaEO~lO " ALL ~FfEcrED ALL YI~P, llLt - a LACEf~TIOHS TO RIGHt WIn STS PoEt/VI RING tHESE THREE IllKA1:ES flii: nIV£Sn{1UIOi~. ArFAIRS. '6~65SG • )!~RE lHPLOY£~S ~~CEIVED PLACED In P••• D lHD POSt SU!Uf<£~ !tA!UTAIN :rHE INTEl:iHt-i OF Tlj INTERVIEWED &1 INtt~NAL tEaK UNIT AND REGION Usso IN~ATES Wtl~ tP.lU~ SUiPOiI STAff I rilE ES~lP£ fLAN WA5 FULLY INITlATED W£i£ NOtIfIED. DErLOY£ll HI t~E A~D !LL AiFkO?RlaT£ Avr~ORIT!~S U!u:r J;ENliEL fll1!S, STAt': AriD LOCAl, LAY. ENFORCEMENT WERE tttJ£tft/KAiHES 01 Ti' AiEl!. 'tin" AREJ./UiU TS PkOYIDiN{,: VALUED HlNPOWER ASoISTANCE, I AT AJPiOXUIATEL-i 1&30 HOURS THE UNIT HJ.IH'ftNANCE lfP.lJC& 'WAS FOUNt! rAP-KED EEllINO THE LOCkL ~At-NAR~ AND A SIOH1INO uF TH~EE !NHltES OM TR£ Cnomm IN !BE lREA WAS REPOiTED. A PEf.I~BtEP. HAS BEtH £5TAiLlSH£O AND THE stARCK IS ON GOINO AT THIS TIKE. ..~.. iBE EnERGENey ACTION t£NTEi HAD DEEN N~Tl~l£D AND INelDtNT i t·l~Oji-l~·OO ~AS ISSuED~ KOPt INFu~iATlvN AV1~ut.I1Y: TO FOLLOw AS IT .. DEe~~~s AV~lL~5LE, " . • • • t' • CAfl, T,S. HINiL£ JOHN a, CONN~tLY P.16/18 .UnI1 (ttl) . .'. \ \1"\ P.17/18 Wa,na Scali Eucu\Jvc OireCtor '. B\ TimothY KiClh Senior \1(~rdcn O,'y JClhn.scn InstlluLioROlI Oivisiaft Director I ... Adminlstr9 tive Incident Review AD..02.15 , TNCIOENTNUMBER: 1-14032-12-00 TEXAS DEPARTMI:N1 OF CRIMINAL JUSTJCE John 11. tqnnally Unit Dec::mber 13, 2000 .. -'" Emerge"c::Y Action Cent:r TO: 'THRU: DtJuglQS Drellcs Region IV Director INSTITUTIONAL LCtCKDOWN LIFIED Cannany'Unit SUBJECT: PER.sONS INVOLVED: . John B. Connally Jr. St 1ff' OFFENDERS INVOLVED: See Attached SUMMARY; On December 13•. 20QO at approximatelY 1355 hours, the John B. Connally Unit. was placed on Lockdo' ~n clue to a escape that oc;eurred JUSt minutes prior. A total of2.806 offenders wet'll aff'ectcc! by the Institutional Loclcdown. ... TIl C E'......•i-. ::. . . .• . -.. ..'..=.- 0 - ,.... 00 \\las cstablisbecl. II". • ~" • • , II'. • - ~." ••.-" . , ... .. .. ... ,.. .. ....I • _ .... ,. • •- •• - r.1 other authon'tlCS were nut11ltCl II . .. . . , . II . . . 1 • • • --- ... .~ • • • _ ... 11'1clUdlng .£10'11'. Drl:tk~. Region JY Director. He I' Bax 115 J6&JMJW%" .(i. MJW.:;:... ......&« x( . 1i1i liMa WA4MiQ;:q;.J. ..t.¥b.ut, .5..,3, .. w.¥.... H •. c t<Dm;dr, .. u. . $..J. .A Tau 781" :.&.41$$45.s..n:...am.w.p· . FEE 08 2001 11 :07 FR SENATOR MIKE MONCRIEF 512 4753745 TO 99362169 P.1S/iS Page 2 The following is a ncial bre ~.kdown of the entire loc\:down: .·0 On December 18, 2000 a: 0500 hOUTS, all offenders affected by the Institutional Lockdown 1..14032-12-00 "ilere released from Institutional Loc1cdown and all nonnal activities resumed. EMPLOYEE ACTIONnNACTIoN: ALI employ~e actio7tS were in guidelines with TDCJ Policy om I P7Dcedure!. ATTACHMENTS: E·Milil. TNG·93 " I .. ADMINISTRAnVE REVIEW: Warden :r Comme1lt.r: .. No commtnts. _'l..Q(}L~ Timothy B. Keftl\ Senior Warden Date Regional Direclor's Comments: Douglas Dretke, Region IV Director .tP ..hU.t.J."t,i Date ,.J.4.Qi.. QiQ. JdMt .t. ..t.tWIQ. &.!. J.V:.Q.V.V.Q.QwMl iUJ_APt AC, ....... ..th ., . .. ",I, 1.l'5! 7!J \l ,AM, ...,- ...... "'''''''''40''''''4\.00 '-_ ........ - -- ... " # TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUS:rICE r.o. Box 99 , Hunbvillc, Texas 77342-0099 .. Gary. Johnson' In6titutio~1 Division Director Tinlothy B, I"eith Senior Warden Admlnistratiye In~ident Review AD·02.15 INCIDENT NUMBER: 1-14032-12-00 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE , John B. aritnally'Unit I . December 13/.qOOO -. TO: Emergency Action Center • U- _,... _- .. -_ -\ ...--;1 m:f·- r-" 6'~ tE& iJ "if @.:~ I:";i --·.... n',1' lll/ '\ THRU: .' Mr. Douglas Dretke Region IV Director , ..... _._~ '. ' . ,~ I I ' II: I' "1 .'./.: IlPi; . Iu !.) ESCAPE Maintenance DepartmenrIBackgstelB-l?icket PERSONS INVOLVED: MOCZYGEMBA, Patrick I L.. . L____ SSN 464-33-1239 .(Maintenance Supe,...;lsr:r IV -Asst. Maintenance Mgr.) ' . CAMBER, A l a n ' · . SSN 458-47-7987 . (Maintenance SupervfJor IV:" HV.AC) BURGESS, M~k SSN 460..23-5136 (Mainlenance Supervisor n~ - CarpenterlLock Tech) SEGURA; Manuel . . SSN 458-04-8875 (Maintenance Supen'isor IV- Plllmbel') MOCZYGEMBA, Lester SSN 461-80-5599 (Maintenance Supervisor IV-Boner Tech) HAHN, Ronny . (Maintenance Supervisor IJI-Lock Tech) SSN 460-27-0309 !JOM. !s. C(Jnrwllg :Jr. 'Unie II; 1., il' ,I IiiId,);in; I JAN 1 7 2001 I SUBJECT: . -:1! • I -~ 1;;-" il ,.... ~ ~ • . -l U~/UO/U~ ~~.vo ! . , lncUicnl#J:14qJ2-12-00 Page 2 , " OFFENDERS INVOLVED: -""l". GARZA:, Mark SSN 46~-43·9S36 ,(Maintenance ,supervisor IV-General Maintenance) GaLEY. Martin , 'SSN 460-90-4749 .(M~intenance Supervisor'IV -Plumber) .' ' . . SCHMIDT; te~ : SSN, 46.7-96~ 7687 (Maintenance Supervisor lV -Lock tech) MARROQUIN, Alejan,dro SSN 452-43-4123 (Correplional OfficeI' ]/1- Paint Squad) ALBERT, Randy SSN 460-35·6313 (Con-eeltonal Officer m- Field Force) JANSSEN, Vemon SSN 457-88-1398 (Correctional Officer IV-Back' Gate Security Officer) GIPS, Lou SSN 457-52-6732 (Co1'1'e~tio'LaT Officer IV- Radio Picket Security Officer) - Escapees: .. RlVAS, George NE\V13URY. Donald HALPRIN, Randy MURPHY, Patrick GARCIA. Joseph HARPER, Larry RODRIGUEZ. Michael TDCJwID #702267 TDCJ-ID #824631 TDCJ-ID #786259 TDCJ-ID #386888 TDCJ-ID #77439 i TDCJ-In #861910 TDCJ-ID #698074 Victims: FISHWICK. Richard MARTINEZ, Ambrocio COOK, David TDCJ-!D #604792 TDCJ·!D #648556 TDC]·ID #435179 SUMM:ARY: On Wednesday, December 13, 2000, at approxin'lately 1355 hours. seven. of offend~rs esca~ed the custody the John B. Connally Jr. Unit in a State vehic~e, identified as a White 1994 OMC 1500 ~ ton pickup, mC] identification' #52592, license plate l1un1ber 660-358. The' offenders overpowered a· total of thirteen employees and three offenders then escaped through the backgate. The offendcl'S are identified as the following: . RIVAS, George #702267; Maintenance Worker. housed in 3C-09T . NEWBURY. Donald #824631; Maintenance Worker, hOllsed in 19Y-89 HALPRIN, Randy #786259; Maintenance Worker, housed in 19Y·37 MURPHY, Patrick #386888; Maintenance Worker, housed in 19Y-43 GARCIA. Joseph #774391; Maintenance Worker, housed in 19Y-08 HARPER. Larry #861910; Mainten;nnce Worker, housed in 19Y·10S RODRIGUEZ, Michael #698074; Inside Yard Squad, housed in 3C·13B . t. ,tJb.v.d .. •,&MW.@§EA4J@Q(( ,it Y Ct . . Q •• v.viM( ... M4@ ..&.&..t.t.t.z.. &.s.c &.v.v.3.Q... ..••. ..J.J@ IU, ..M....'.. . .".. #.4.."J. ":h",ltt""Wmmmn, ;im;ll~'. Incident #1-14032-12-00, Pag~3 t. '. The well-planned escape began in maintenance at approximately. 11 :30 a.m., when the Maintenance Department began its normal lunch hour. Mr. . P. MOCZYGEMBA, .A!\sistant Maintenance Superv.isol: WElS lc·ft behind in . 'the· ¥p.intenanj:"e Department with the aforementioned offenders. on': the pretext of having to complete some work and having their oWn food prepared in an offender style l&spread". while the remaining maintenance staff' went to eat lunch. Almost immediately.. Mr. P. MOCZYGEMBA was assaulted, by an unkrlown offender and knocked unconscious ~gaining consciousness. Mr. P. MOCZ¥GE:MBA was threatened by offender GARCIA With a homemade weapon and stating they wt:re prepared to kill. The weapon W3S described in the momentarily. Upon various accounts as a homemade "shank" and/or a sha.rp pointed object). Mr. P. MOCZGEMBA was then tied ~ith his hands behind his back and his. pant.c; were taken. 4,iter securing bis legs, the offenders untied his - hands, took his shirt and then re-secured him. A pillowcase was placed over his head and he was taken to the electrical, room and laid on the floor. Officer MARROQOIN and Mr. CA.MBER were the second and third victimS. Officer MARROQlJIN was taken to the floor by offenders RIVAS. HALPRIN, HARfER. and NEWBURY, bound with plastic :ties, gagged and taken to the electrical '(oom. . . Mr. CAMBER, who had returned to O1aiutenance with Officer MARROQUIN. was ottncl(ed from behind by offenders rov AS and GARCIA. Offender GARCIA threatened to kill Mr. CAMBER with his homemade weapon. Mr. CAMBER was secured with duet tape and twist ties. His black Wrangler jcans and Wolverine work boots were taken and be was then taken to the electrical room. Once in the electrical room, the offenders struck Mr. CAMBER's head into some conduit causing him to lose cOll~eiousness. When Mr. CAlvrBER'regaIned consciousness he had had a gag placed in his mouth and eo pillowcase placed over his head. Later, otfender RODRIGUEZ wrapped additional duct tape around the hood over Mr. CA:MBER·s eyes. . '. Mr. BURGESS was thc fourth to fnll victim to the offenders' escape plot. U pOll his rernm t.o plaintenance, be was strock in the head from behind while being distracted by offender HALPRIN and knocked iato a semi- . conscious state. Mr. BURGESS did see offender NEWBURY with a homemade weapon, desoribed as a "shank·~. He (BURGESS) did suffer a. puncture wound to his right arm pit area. Mr. BURGESS was stripped to his shorts by offenders RlVAS and HALPRIN and was bound with plastic ties and dtlct tape. Mr. BURGESS also was gagged and blindfolded with due ~ tape, and then carried to the electricaL room. Once in the electrical Incident #1-14032.12-00 . Page 1/ .~ . room. offender GARCIA placed his aforementioned homemade '(YeapC!D in ~nd threatened to kill him by stabbing him in the head. Mr. BURGESS' ear .' . . " the fifth Victim. of the escape plot in maintenance was Mr. SEGURA. When Mr. SEGURA returned to' maintenance from his lunch break, he was attacked and takenlo (he noor by offenders RIVAS and NEWBURY. Mr. SJ;GURA:s hands were then secured behind his back with plastic ties; he was gagged nnd his legs were bound with duct tape. His boots and state radio (Motorola Model GP-300) seria.l '#174FVA5185; mel #104625) were taken and he was dragged tQ the electrical room. A pillowcase was placed over his head and offender GARCIA placed his homemade weapon, in Mr. SEGURA's ear and threatened to kill him in'the same maMer as he had with Mr. BURGESS. or ., - The order the next three. victims tannot be precisely determined: however based on their own time estimates it would be as follows: victim #6 R.. HA.HN, #7 Mr. GARZA, and victim #8 Mr. GILLEY. Mr. HAHN was attacked by offendtrs NEWBURY and RIVAS 8Ild and he was secureQ. with plastic ties and duct 'tape. as wel~ as being gagged. Mr. HAHN "W~s then taken to the electrical room. restrained. His shoes, jeans and jacket were taken . Mr. GARZA) at\er returning to maintenance from lunch, was assaulted by offenders RIVAS, HALPRIN, and HARPER with the aid of a" homemade weapon described as ··sharptt. Mr. GARZA was bound with plastic ties, duct tape and gagged, dragged to the electrical room and n pillowcase placed over his head. Mr. GILLEY, after being informed by offender MURPHY that Mr. MOCZYGEMBA wanted to see him lit the wareho\lse artd goIng to that location, was assaulted. by offenders OAR:CIA, ~PRIN, ~WBUltY, and 'RODRIGUEZ. Both offenders NE\VBURY and· GARCIA held sharpened weapons to 'Mr. 'OllEY's head, ~utting him by either c.ar. -Mr. GILLEY's pants "and shoes were removed nnd he was bound with nylon tie straps. As with the others. was gagged, a. pillowcase placed over his head and he was dragged into the electrical room with the other victims. Mr. SCI-Th1IDT entered the Maintenance Depanlnent with offenders COOK and FISHWICK. After being lured to the warehouse, again 00 the pretext that Mr. MOCZYGEMBA wanted to speak with him, he was assaulted from behind and a homemade weapon, a I&shank", was held to his head. Mr. SCHMIDT had his watch, shoes and keys takenJ he was bound hnnd and feet with plastic straps, gagged, a hood placed over his head, and dragged into the electrical room with the others. U",*VO .. Q .. v.o"" Inc!dBnl #1·14032·12·00 PagsS ' ... . The next two victims in the plot were·in fact the two offenders assigned to work. with Mr. SCHMrpT. offenders FISHWICK and COOK.. :Soth offenders w¢re :iured back ~o the w!1I'ehouse individually with the p~omi~e, of some food. Offender' COOK was StruCK by offender' RlVAS and knocked unconsdous. when he was beginning '~() rem'am consciousness, . offender HARP1?R was placing duct tape around his feet. Offenders J:UVA$ and HALPRIN then threatened to kill offender caoI<; vd,th the weapons they were holding, described as a uknife" and a "round sharpeneu. rod", respectively. As with the employees. offender COOK was boundhand and foot. gagged. a pillowcase placed over his head and dragged'to the electrical room. Offendet: FISHWICK was assaulted by offenders MURPHY. NEWBURY and RIVAS and struck with an'axe handle in the head. Offender NEWBURY put his homema.de wea.pon to offender FISHWICK's throat an.d.rthreatened to kill him if he continued to resist. Duct tape was placed across his eyes) he was bound - hand and foot with wire and duct tape and dragged to the electrIcal room with the other victims. Offender FISHWICH was repeatedly kicked and hit on his left knee .during this process. .• The tenth victim 'wa.c; Officer R. A:t8'ERT; in c~arge of the .trash cre~ that day. only went to maintenance to get a: "Gator" tractot'. He was informed by the offenders in the front that Mr. MOCZYGElvrBA was 1he warehouse. Seeking him. Officer ALBER.T proceeded to the warehouse and was attaclc:ed by three offenders who wrestled bim to the floor. Officer ALBERT was threatened with H homemade weapon and struck on the head with a metal bar. Officer ALBERT was then bound hand end foot, (his own· handcuffs were utilized). gagged) had duct tape placed directly over his eyes and dragged to the electrical room. At this point, offender RODRIGUEZ put a weapon to Officer ALBERT's head end stated what had been stated to other victims before, "just three pounds of pressure and it will go through your bead", Officer ALBERT had his keys. his wat~h. and SI.QO.OO taken from him. m The eleventh, ·and final emp~oyee vicnm in maintenance was Mr.' L. MOCZYGEMBA. When Mr. MOCZYGEMBA and offender MARTINEZ entered the shop, they saw the maintenance ·truck parked inside the shop with the rolling garage door down. The truck had earlier in the day been driven into the compound by Mr. :HAHN. at the direction of Mr. P. MOCZYGEMBA, ostensibly to pick up some supplies "from town. Mr. L. MOCZYGEMBA was immediately approached by offender NEWBURY, who displayed his weapon. descnoed as ten to twelve inehes in length, ~ of an inch wide and sharpened on both sides. Mr. L. MOCZYGEMBA had the weapon placed to his throat and was threatened. :<. as. $iQi.i3.WiiV:W' .;. Q.Q.Qi • @.tWu ( ..QQi • h. t .&&tM.«=.QiQiQ.WiQ.Q'S' t .... ..£6.&1&.6$ .. Uk.... . nhO. .. 4iJ.h.Qi .. d .g.Q. . AWl, . A.. . t.t.¥.i..3iQ,dWZJ¥Q . mWWk. VI.I VOl V... ..."' .... v lncidrml #1-14032.12·00 Page 6 , I ," I ••• He was then tied ~1d a sheet placed over his head and forced to hop to the elc:~trical roqm, afte~. th~y took his boots, Mr. MOCZ'Y,GEIvIBA did see "offender GARCIA ch:e~sed in blue jeat\$, blac~ teI111is shoes/arid a .dark shirt or jacket. ' :, ' . ," . . '. .. " Offender MARTINEZ, who had acc:ompailied Mr. MOCZYGEMBA into the Maintenance Department was stabbed in the b:!nd, during his assault. He also was tied and ta.ped then placed in the electlical room. In the course of an hour and a halt: ther~ were eleven employees and threc offenders taken and being held in the electrical room. The approximate time was 1300 to 1310 hours, It ShO\lld be noted that another employee, Coach Jeny McDOWELL, went to·the Maintenance De~ent at approximat~ly 1220 hours, spoke 'Yith - offenders RIVAS, MURPHY, and HALPRIN for approximately five minlltes, reportedly checked ·out some tools, ~d never saw any Staff members. While in the maintenance department, the coach was 'invited' back into the shop, but did' not go and huniedly left. It should also be noted that the offenders phoned in their own eount pretending to be staff. . , , , " "For the n~xt stage of the 'escape plot, the offenders utilized the clothing they had taken from the maintenance staff and maintenance equipment in the area, To prepare their way, the offenders, pretending to be staff, telephoned the backgate and the radio picket infomling them that Southwest Area Region Maintenance would be coming out to'install some cameras and monitors, as had been done recently in Administrative Segregation. At approxlll1ately 1320 hours, two ot!enders dressed as civilians and two offenders in prison whites, drove up to the backgate in a HOator", The offenders carried with them tools, wires. cameras, and monitors continUing their rose t~ ga~n ace~!ls into the ~ackgat~ urea. Officer GlPS, in the radio pi~~et, believing the two to b,e ""vlth area'ma~tenance> opened the v~hic.1e gate while thc two "offenders", proceeded into the walk~througb gate. Officer JANSSEN, the backgate officer, then received another telepbone call, with the caller asking for the area n,ail'ltenance man, de~crlbed as approximately S' 10" sad thin. The other "civilian'~ is described as slightly bigger than the first with what appeared to be long blac~ hah'. Alter spenldng on the phone for a few moments the first "civilian" told Officer JANSSEN that the party on the other end of the fine wished to speak to him. When 'Officer JANSSEN took the phone he was assaulted from behind, threatened with a weapon and subsequently handcuffed. The , escapees then took his boo13 and unifonn pants, gagged him with duct tape, wrapped around his head covering his mouth and dragged him into the bathroom, closing the door after him. •• U~/UO/U,L ~"''''.''' __ 6 _ ~ ... L,);,LU Incidenl #/-14032-12-00 Page? t-: •• One of the ,civilian-dre.!lsed o'ffenders then bluffed his way· out of the backgat~ aI:ea and into the rarlio picket cCIfYing ~ box. Wbil~ Officer GIPS disttacted by another paone cj!ll, in which the, caller asking for the area maintenance 'man, the 'offender took Officer GIPS' '.357 ' revolver. which waS laying 'on the desk. This :offender' 5 description is 6'2", about 230 pounds 'dark hair, olive complexion. After informing Offic~r GIPS tbat this was an escape, al}~ threatening to ,kill b.j.m, this offender opened the weapons locker and took out an AR-15 (serial #034152; 'FDC] #31326) and a loaded Remington 870 P Express shotgun (serial #B17839 OM; TDeJ #31944). A second offender, dressed in whites with 11 greenjaekct, described as white'male, tall and slender build then en.tercd the radio picket. . Sevel'a! (14) Smith & Wesson Revolvers were then placed in a box (see attached l,ist for serial numbers) with approximately 200 rotmds of oo:nmunition. Officer OIPS was then • escol1ed downstairs. I was was • The civilian-dressed offender had, during the course of this had opened the vehicle gate and allowed the maintenance truck with the three remainlng escapees into and through the ba.ckgate. Officer GlPS was tied with a belt and one of his' shoestrings and tqen tied to the framework of the picket with anotber belt. As soon as th~ radio picket door was closed and ~ocked Otlicer OlPS was I1ble tp free himself. Officer GIPS immediately l'an back upstairs and managed to see the malntellance truck going around the o\ltsid~ perimeter road by the donns. Officer GIPS then caUed out on the radio a. & 10-98', offender escape in progress. The reported time was 1355 nours. ' Unit staff immediately responded to the backgate. Sergeant R. AVILA and Officer D. ORNELAS discovered Officer JANSSEN in the bathroom. Officer ORNELAS removed the hand restraints, Sergeant AYfLA cut off . the duct tape and medical staff was called.. Officers ORNELAS and '. SAyCEDA then pro~eeded to the radio picket and relieved Offieer GIPS and an inventory or the·missing weapons was imtnediatcly i~itiated by thtl armory officer, ORNELAS. Meanwhile, in 'the electrical room in the:' Mainten;mce Department, the employees and offen~ers were able to free themselves with a pocketknife which wa.~ overlooked in Mr. GARZA's pocket. Officer ALBERT, however remained in his handcuffs. The assailant offenders discovered the employees, while they were freeing themselves aod attempted to reenter the electrical room but were held off by the employees and offenders inside. Finally, the escaping offenders sccured the door to the electrical room witb wire and rigged a phany booby trap before departing in the maIntenance truck. It should be noted at this time -_.-. Illddcmt #!-J4032·12-UO Pa~8 . .' '. that the.trapped personnel in the maintenance electrical room 'were able to trip the flI'e alarm,. attempting to alert secu.rity staff. The alo.rm was silenced and reset, at nppr9ximately 1335.to 1345.hours by the Central Contro~ . qrficer) A. PEREZ, who' was . relieving the' primary Central Control Officer. Several minutes later it again' went off and Vias again silenced and reset by the Central Control Officer. Officer P~REZ attempted' to ~elephone maintenance, th~ backgate and radio p!cket to inquire about the alann bl.lt no one ever answered. It was at this time that Officer GlPS sounded the '10-98'. Warden GUTERREZ, at this time .ordered the Unit to be imrnediatc;ly racked up and a special count initiated. Special Cal-tnt began at 1425 hours and ended at 1550 hOllrs. BUilding ~earches were conducted. , .."., Lieutenant J. AUXIER, one of the stafi' responding to the bac'kgate after - the alarm was sounded, heare tbe fire alann going off and along with Captain T. SAMANIEGO and additional staff tesponded lo the Maintenance Department.' The escaping offenders hed placed debris in the door Jocks throughout; sec}lrity had to break into the building. Whnt appeared. to be n booby trap consisting of'two acetylene bottleS hooked to 'an elec~cal wite was in front of the electrical room. Lieutenant AUXIER clin,.bed up to a vent and found out who was trapped inside Bnd whom the . escaping offenders were which WIlS quickly disseminated. Due to there being offenders inside the room with the employees,.a five-man team with vests and helmets '!Vas assembled. The employees and offenders trapped in the rootl'l were instructed to kneel down and the team entered placing all the individuals in hand restraints and escorting them out. After the identity of each person was determined thc hand restrai~ts were removed and they were escorted to the Medical Depo.rtment tor immediate treatment for their ix\juries (see attac}led .SAF-04 Injury. Rep9rts) and subsequently taken. to Otto Kaiser' Memorial Hospital. ·Mr.. P. MOCZYOEMBA was .kept overnight for tiJrther obscryation.. \ • • .'. • • 0" . • • With the escapee offenders identified, staff was inunediately dispatched to their housing area aod the offender~s property was secured. The only cellmate. offender CROS~, John -rDCI #341998 (3C-09B; offender RODRIGUEZ's ce::lIie) was placed in Prc-Hcnring' Detention (PHD) and his property secured as well. The three offenders whe· had been trapped with the offic:ers also had their property picked up and two were placed in PHD. Due to offender COOK's injury, he WDS placed in a hospital cell. All were subsequently interviewed by Internal Affairs Division (lAD) that evening. Incident #1-14032-12·00 Page!J . .. , . , ''''! •• Upon thc discovery of Officer JANSSEN in the toilet in the backgate the , escape plan was ~lly initiated. State and local law enforcement, as well ," ,'as 'neighboring units 'were', notified and ~beir assist~ce w~s 1'equ~ted. KCWlcl teams' and adClitional staff from the folloWing units: . Stevenson• Briscoe, Garza Ea:st~ Cta17,a West, Training Academy, McConnell, Torres, Ramsey, nod Darrington responded and were deployed on the roads in the surrounding area on the possibility the escapees were still in 'the area. Roadblocks of the highways leading out of Kenedy were established by law cnforcement officials but to ovail. It has sincc been leamed thal the escapees had some sort of .olltside assistal1ce and at least one vehicle waiting for them. :', no It should be noted that at approxima.tely 1400 hours, Officer B. OLSON and Officer. W. YOSKQ,-while returning to thc unit with the' eonununity • 'Work squad in the unit bus,.observed the maintimance trUck with the escaping offenders heading west on Business 181 in downtown Kenedy. It was not until a minute or so latcr that Officer'OLSON became aware of the significance of the tiilck and was able to alert the ,unit about its position and direction of travel. Confusion in the communication led searchers. however to believe escapingvchicle was further. west than it actually was. It was not unti11600 hours. however, that an off duty C?fficet . (G. MARTIN, CO'ill), who resides in an apartment complex nex.t to the local Wal-Mart observed the parked maintenance truck behind Wal-Mart and notified the licit. the With 'rotating shifts of officers the area deployment oontinued until the following day, Thursday, December 14. 2000, at 1400 hours, when the immediate area search was called, off. The unit lockdown continued through Sunday. Decenlber 17, 2000, ,when·it lifted the following morning. was A Serious Incident Review Bo~d b~gan conducting an inve~tigation on Tuesday, .December 19, 2000. At this ,tim? the seven escapees at lorge. ' remain EMPLOYEE·ACTIONIINACTION: Bmployee inaction/negligence was identified and all appropriate employees will be disciplined according to Agency policy and procedures. V'/UO/UJ, D.l,IlIi '01 - ""-' ''''.L. !neitler.' #/.}4032·/2-00 P4g~10 ATTACHMENTS: TNO-.93. Ipci4entF,.eport ,Copy' Qf.l~-Mail Message . .' Time'Line .. PlU'ticipant StatementS WANTED Posters of Escaped Offenders AD~!ST:R.A TIVE ItEVIEW: Warden's Cantme7tts: . -. ..., Upon completio/J 01tJre se.,.iou$ tncidtm review tVJy jil1ding.slraco!ll7ltendatiolU will be t:tddreS$~d CJnd correcet.ve actions taken. • . '?,n1 IQO Date Regional Director's Comments: ~ .-iI-4' ~, . rctke 1 Region rv Director "~0 ~te '. '. OFFENDERS !'i't"'VOLVED: Offender ~RPHY. Patrick, TDCI-Io #386888, is a 39 'leu, old White mate servula a '0 ~ar sentence for Aggravated' Assault with a. De:.a.dly \Veipon, of a Building out of Dallas COUl'\ty. His sentence began on Match 22, 1984, Q%\d his TDC1-ID receIve date is November 27. 1934. Offender MUP.PHY was, at the time of the incident. assigned to Minimum custody. .Burglary - II-I)':' # . ' ... ' , An fn-deptl} ,written account and critical assessment of the incident was , 'performed/conduct~i:f by Mr, Gary Gor:nez, Region IIJ pirector ·Serious JncidentReview ChaIrman", ' " . ' . The Region·1V Directors Office wiI\ provide a 90 day review and follow-up into the Implementation of the recommendations Identified In that report. . T~~ I~t( ~nu~~ DOUgra~ Region IV Director • ':. ", ... " ui:.1 VOl U.L ... .LoJ, ..... ........ -....__ . -,- ." Int:ident #1-14032-12-00 p(Jgc ]J ..... Offender NEWBURY, Donald, TDC]·ID #824631, is a 38 year old White male serving a LIFE sentence for Aggravated Robbery with a Deadly Weapon out of 'TraviS County. His sentence q~gan'M August 19" 1997. and his TDCJ-LD receiv.e date is May 15, 1998. Offender'NEWBURY, "(as, at 'the tiine" of the'incid,ent, .. ,assigned to Minimum Custody. Offender HARPER, Larry, TDCI·!D #861910.. is a 37 year old White male serving a 50 year sentel1ce fot' Aggravated Assault, Aggravated Sexual Assal.\lt out of El Paso County, His sentence began on April 02, 1994, and his TDeI-In receive date is March 09, 1999. Offender HARPER was, at the time of the incident, assigned to MillinlUnl Custody. I ' Offender HALPRIN, Randy, TDCJ-ID #786259, is a 23 year old White male 30 year sentence f~Injury to a Child out of Tarrant County. , His sentence began on September 04, 1996, and his TDCI·ID receive date is May 30, servi~g a 1997. Offender HALPIUN was, at the time of the incident, assigned to Minimum Custody. Offend~r RIVAS, George, TDCJ-ID #702267, is a 30 year old Hispanic, rnate serving a'LTFR sentence for,Aggravated Kidnapping out of El Paso County. Hi,S sentence began on September 22. 1991, and his TDCJ-ID receive date is, April 20, 1995. Offender RJVAS at the time of the incident. assigned to MinimuIIi custody. was. Offender RODRIGUEZ, Michael, TDCJ-ID #698074, is a 38 year old Hispanic male serving a' LIFE sentence for Capital Murder out of Bexar County. His sentence began au January 30,'199.5, and his mel-In receive date is March 16, 1995. Offender· RODRIGUEZ was, at the time of the incident, assigned to Minimum ,Custody. , " Offender GARCIA, Joseph, TDCJ-ID #774391, is a 29 year old Hispanic male , serving a 50 year sentence Jor ~urder with a Deadly Weapon out of Bexar County. ~l~ sentence began on FebrUary 01, '1996, and ~isTDCJ~IP reeeiye date is February 10, 1997. Offender GARCIA was, at the time 'of the incident, assigned to Minimum Custody. Offender FISHWICK, Richard, TDCJ~ID #604792; is a 46 year old White male serving a :30 year st:otence for Possession of a Controlled Substance out of Aransas County. His sentence began on June 01. 1991, and his TDCJ-ID receive da.te is January 09, 1992. Offender FISHWICK is cUlTently assigned to Minimwn . Custody• ....,. .tima! t .&IPn"Q66iQ.Qi . l1th ...J .L.w.6' . . . . iQiQiQii ... c.s.-w.W( ...... J.i.t..x.d...itA...... v..v.Qii . . .... .../J.:»< .. ... . #. , ..»<1 li( . . . :.c.iv:d,:;ii( . twiJ.J. , "."--.--_. _.- -..",--., . - '.. ~ Incident #1-140J2-12-00 " . PageJ2 . , Offender MARTINEZ, Ambrocio, roCJ·In #648556, is a 39 year old Hispanic . male serving a 30 year sentence tor Aggravated RobberylAggravated Robbery With a Deadly W~apoD ou~ 'ofBell CO¥ntY- His sentence began on Decemoer'18,' . 1992: ind his :TDCI-ID rece;ive 'date is Septe'mber 23, 199~. Offender MARTINEZ is currently assigned to Mininium Custody, . . , Offender C00K, Dav.id, TDCJ-LD #435179, is n 36 year old White male serving a LIFE sentence for Murder out of Hams County, His sentence began on July 04, 1986, and his TDCJ-ID receiv~ date is October 28, 1~&6. Offendez: COOK is currently assigned to Minimum Custody. ..... • .. .... '. .._. --------- CONFIDENT'IAL JFFICJ.~L FOR UNIT DATE I TIME eocE TYPe OF INeICert' REPOATEO I Cy Escape OATE I 11ME OCCURI$O 12-13·;..;< ..OTlVE: ,~_r,= --<·..cd AS SPECIFIC LOCATlOP> ... ;i:'~~g,~:= :;; o RAPE; USE ONLY I REPORTEe BY 12-1.3~O 14~5B GANG RELATED Yes ....G NO . . . r I, I :: I;. ~I 1'\ - Janie Coc:\crell '. , GANG IOENTIFICATION \ ~ I .-.... -_.. .\ to;. ~ EMPLOYEE INFO. SHIFf: NAME -"r.:la:~!rt-::f\':":il"""=-=":""':/~""'=-:r"=:.F=":'lt'~/~t":::"I.J--- SSN - - - - - _ AANK _......;. RACE _ _ SEJ( _ AGE _ DISPOSITION: Seven (7) 'H! eu.s~ody offertders succ.essfully esc:atled from tone unit Backeate. j.n a state truck. A manhunt is in progress utili~ing all ~egion IV resources. ,\ It~MATE H~FO" • RACI: TOCJ , NA",£ SEC a.Qe erdgg' HI 824631 g~ 38 Rivas. Georee I ~70226? H/~ Ha r:'D aT. larry 861910 wIt'. Ne,~burv. Donald INJUl:lIES A.\I UnKnQ'm N/A Unknown Unknown . N/A N/A Unknown rAlA Ga't'cia. Jos~,h 774391 RI~ ~ '~I_m 37 29 HI Mumhv. Patriek 386888 7862.59 W~ 39 HI Unknoun N/A \J/~ 23 MI Unknown N/A 698074 H~ .'38 HI Uromown KalDrin, Randy Rodriauez. Michael 1m . N/A ""EAPON INFO. WEAPON: DESCRIBe IN DETAIL..: (TYPE) Unknclwo ~ Staff states sharDaned metal offenders to threaten them - these wesEons CUSTODY eoce ...:N:..1..:.:A:..-__ ve~a not N/A SEX. TOCJ #__",;,..'N~!A~ ~Ge N/A CAUSe OF DEATH _ _..:::N:;:..I.;.;;A DlsPosmON OF BODY recov8~ed I:lEATH INFO. . NAME OF INMATE_N:.;j/:.:.A=---r--:r:::::=:::"'T'T:'l:T""::l:,=,=:-r= Gil nama I h~L nama 1m. RACE reds vere used by . N/A UNrr__....~::lL.IQ.A _ 'N/A DIED AT OR IN AOUTE TO --.,;.N,;.../A WHO DeCLARED DEATH _ _--.;..:N/:..;;,A.~ 'AUTOPSY . N/A YES N/A _ _ N/A' NO ~exr OF KIN NTFD YES [J NO [J BY: 7:1:;: 1:;";,= WI~\. ·LOCAL ..AW ENFORCEME~:ti'\~ ... ':l,:~~-,. J......, ........." - : . . -;,,;,-~, RESPONO AGENCY CASE II . . . -.., YES, .. __.. _._. ••• ~.:~_\ .: .. i-:' ~I'~NAME . .. . .. . •• ;c,·=J..: i ;,,;,!.),,.-, OF INVESTlGATOR . • .. - . ." ~_ - =========-= ReMAF!~~. -:-.- :••:-:::._::.. .... :- :.:-::-::-: ; ~_:. .!. .. """""" ..... IM!. r~.u __ ........ 'l'J.L~ IDr 10~SH AUTHOR; CIUNT~9 " - _. . . . . _ . . ••• -- FeiLOER IOI - DANl£LS. EAI~ DILL SUBJ£CTI '. AI ':: ••••• ,.;,~.~.\••• - •••-- - •• -:-. C···· • n_.r.,.l••• .J,.:I,J.~ .... l .c:'-o :1\1\1.::, ...,rr.a.\",..t.:'t ..... V-l:V, .JJ. • .:., SECURITY NUHBEB ;5 ?·S 1· 61 H, THE B lJ:CHEP. RAnIO PIClET oFn O~R, 11\·1~-('v O ~~ n.a RADIuED A DISTRESS tAL~ fHA' SEVERAL !HKlTes WEuE ESCAP1~~ . ~".":.:.J:.L IN A STATE VEHICLE TlUcOUCH TEE I!AI~i\GA.TE, STAFF "lHMErrIllfELY P,ESiiQNOEU TO THZ SCE..l1E lJ..ND FOUND T1I£ BACH!ATt iiFFICER, V, JAHSS[H. SOCIJiL SEGURUY NUMBER ~5?·~a·13~8.iOUHD tHE milT THE W1TR DUCT TlPE. li~.S lKMEIIlATELY £AEr.G~p.CY/!SChr£ IT YAS LCJeKEO "DOH"tl PLAN wAS SHO~TLY Dl~~u~Lr.~u i~: ~.HD :.-: A S?ECIAL cotmT IH1!rIATED. !::~:- lnAT A tgOUf or SEvEN lHHAT~S ~h ~~~ llUUTENAHi1E D£PAR'flHlIT HAU ASSAUI:'r£D ~Nrf OVERPOWERED NINE MUWtElaNCE $'fAFF I TWu SECliilfY (ti'FICEPS AND 'l'B!Ee INMATES, EOUnDI~O ~'E~io! 1UY, SEOlJRiNG I[REM IU A SAC!: RoOtt IH THE h \tN'l£NA1~~E uEPAT<Tti£rtT. • U\.:s IN!ATES. ~WO DRESSED IN FP.Et ~ORtD CL)~HES ~SCORTINO T-O INMATES DRESSEO !H RHltES, frttN FiOCEEOEO TO [NE BAOKC!TE·C!P.~YINQ TOOLS, ~iRBS. eA~£RAS lND XONITOeS USEING !H~ iUBE THA~ 'HEY WER! SOUT:HVE8T ARiA ~IN'fEtiAtiGE nU:RB IN IH3TAt..r.. THE EqUIPliZNl. Ai''IEE! CA:nlIil~ AtC!ESS 1'HE ~AOKO!'1'E CrFFlI:£R, O~PIC'ER JAMS ;EH \lAS ~SSAULT£D AND SU!Dtii:iJ, 5UffE:R1ri G A POSSIBLE FiAI~'fURED ?.!OilT '~iWil& UtD ~WELL!~~ to IJ:BE w""RISTS. OFFICi:fl eli'S THEN OPE"tlED 11}1E'DOOR or '~AE i:ADIO·PI0lE': to ALLOY THE . ro WOP.JE~S INSIDE. (HE ~~D BEEN CALLED ~L?tl£H ~eOH TR£ NAIN~,NANCB DEFAP1'iiErlr INE'OiHitH: HIM l'fiAT '!'US lqU PHEN't WAS fO BE INSTALLED) HE \lAB $iJBDiJEO ~ SUSfUliUiG 110 H1JUP.I£S. ONC:: n~SliH: B tOWEi~ \l"IlICB ).~Slj SEnVES AS A SU!t-AiUW!!Y. THE nW.TES S·'OLE OHE: \ 1) All-iS 'RIFLE \11 'l'H 15 r.-O\l1iDS OF A!\tiiJiUTlo)H, j, 12 CiAUCE SnO~I,UU illii! 19 Romms O~ ),l'lIUJi\l'l'ION I ANtl 1+ 5jUTii AriD '.Ji:~SO~ .357 REVOLV£P.l, A~tD APPROXlnATELY ~OU !!OUHD5 OF l'JiHU:~I TI ON, THE THREE BE~AtNINt INH1TES IN TllE £ScArE CONSPlRACl THEN DF.OYE tHE STurE H!lNfE11A1iOE ?Iei" UP f£UCK to 'rill D!Cf.CA'l'E, PIer-ttl UP THo! FOlll: InK~~ES ALREADy tHEBE ~iD DRuVE ~WAY ,~o~ fH~ UNIT,· I OrFl~Ep. OIF~ K!lU~ED ALA~H. !O FREE HlaS~LF lITYIN KINU~!~ THE SIVEN lNKATES ~v£ ~EEN I(lNT!FIE~ AS. \) NEftBERttt, nONAL~ . ~~2~631 YHlt£ ~At! " 2) ftALFP.1N, P,AN~Y ~18~iS9 ~lll~~ 191-a~ 19Y·31 3) )tUr-EliY. PAtRICK liY--?J ~) CUC11, JOSEilK l~~·uS 5) HA&?Ei. LAiR! JL~D RAts EO i:HE • 1;~ L8s - ~CE 38 HA~E i' - l~t 1:3666&6 tlHI'fB til.LE S' 7 143 .n~ggl. IllSP. IlAtt SIl! 19ts ~8itil0 ~dIfe KAtE SIll 165 LBS • ~G& 23 LBS • AO'6 3~ I:BS • AGE 29 LBS - AGE 3' .. I __ """_ .... _ • ltl~J::Nl'IJ~.Lt;U.'l·tlU1!UUVi:tLX CLUES ~$ 'to T1!E Il~lUTES l:Ul!.ltt~U tn ~1:\;lJla'1'i :StAn eVI\. MH l'lJ"'''hUl\LI PLMIS I}R AlW CORP.£SfONDANC£ WAS STAFF RESPONDED ~O fHE 'l'HR£E UiKA'l't:S C1LL£u lN, IN DtS~ :NArIO~~. U~L lNFCJ~!A'rlON P£IiTlUANT R£LINC~UISKEO ~O THE lNTtRNAL ~rfAliS DEPT, ~AINTtHA~CE TR£ ELEVEN EMPLOYEES ll~D 'lP.A~P£n Hi THE i~CF. ROCli. AlH lU1N'iENlliCE HAD TO BE ORDER FOR !k£b ro ~E FiEtD. ~LL EMPLOYEES AND T~E THR~t DEPARTMENT IlHIATES WE~S f(JUUO TO HAVE sUrr£~ED nIJUp.IE~ ~S A P.UUtli' OF 'rH£ ASS1ULT &'t Tnt: £seAP£ts, Oln.Y om; RtQ.1JITH'rot(; {lli:RkU{;}lT UOSPlTALHA'UulL M.![IIC~L ~tArF ~AS F~tStNT AND ~~CXED AT ~Ht S¢~NE. THE IN THE STORE ROO~ A~E; 1) ~CP.CESg, ~j ~Oc!YC~~nA, ll~~l SSN= rATP.!CK ~EO·13-G1J6 S~?L01E£S ~HO H~D iinlCTURE TO ~OUNu BEEH ASSAULTED LEFT UPPER CH&ST, Al ~SlOH TO Ltn AlUi lUCHT WP.ISTS S5N~ ~G~-jJ·:~3S CuNTUSIONS Tv Hij~TIPLE FOPEHEAD L~tT ~';:i~ ';~l·tlJ·~:'~ to BOTH ~uNTUSI0NS EJ.2S,NOS£ AND 3) !iOQZ',OEM;A, LES~c.r. EI\~ L~(;t:ihnvH LACERA~10N ~O , '. Lt:r'i' FOrf£.APiL tOlJ'US10NS TO JlUD, bEFT ~lST 9RUISED .!:) \;::LLa'£~, ~!.!T!N S) ALEETfr, eANDY SS~i~ "6\'-90-;i~9 1,~ttRAnvN. ~EnlNn LEFT E~R, H::'PJ.S10N to LU''r HAliD, L~CERAT1Clrl Ito RT UFo •. sSlic -!'~Q- 35- ~ ~ 13 ;11~Slf!LE .fK}.CTU"RED HOSE, S~OLLE}; LJEEl' ~In RIOHT MRiSTS, ~O~TUStON TO UlAD 6) ~~RvQiJirr, AL£JANDP.O SS'ti* I,S ,-of 3 '+113 sl;iU'~ii "US'fS, ,.OSSIiiLE . Fn~CrVp.ED ~~ ~KVKB, rOSSlBL~ N~S£ E~CTUi&, CO~tUSION3 TO ~OTE EYES 111 SCilT~H 'Cli fAct AlIll U.C;Y ttr! rum, Pl1N to OJ lv) CANB~R, AttEn SS~. '. 456·47-7967 SUFEert¢iAt ~lCHT Wklj~9, L~CEP~tl0N TO L~~t AltO ABP~SI0N RIC~r ~L~Ow rop or RUD AND RiCHl' E'fE AREA 3) nARTIN£Zt AH6~O~!O·i6~655G ~ • HI$P, tlL£ • 2 LACSRATIOHS TO P.IOH1 WRISTS P.EQUIRING SUtURES niESE ifF-REf IUKA1E3 ¥.!?E PL),CED Itl P••. II TO JtA!UT!IN 'l'JiE INT£ORITI OF Tilt UJV ESn CAlf IOn • ALL ~FfECTED .HFlIRS. STAFF I lND !ijrLOz£~S ALL f<ECEIVED POSt' Tnt ESCAPE fLAN l~MATES lp.~lJt1!. WEIZ IH7£P.YIEWED !Y SUlPORt ~A5FVLLY 1~lT1ATED A~D !LL EEO~ INT£~NAL \ \1\ UNIT Mlu REGIOH USSO A~r~O?RI!TE AUT~OR1T!ES W,il: NOUEI EO. OHIT' J;EtflfEL fE!.!tS, ST! U AriD LOCAL LAW ENFORCEIH:NT 'r!ERE DErL(})"£lJ n~ i'BE Y.EH£tJY/RARU£S Cl'1'[" lith \itTH k.RE)./UiiI'fS P~O'iIDIN{: VALUED HANPO~ER AsalSTAHOE, , AT A.rrRO~UIATEL·i 1630 HClURS THE UNIT IH.IUTE:NANCE TP.I1CK lUS FOUNt! FAP-KED B£UltlO THE LOCAt. lfAL-H.AR5: A.NO A SIOHUtiO OF THREE ItiHA!E$ OH Cnomm IN THE AREA WAS f,EPOiTED. tHE SEARCH IS ON ! Pff,IHE~EP. AT TRIa TIHE. GOIN~ ...'. THE EnERDENe~ ACTIUH tENTEi RAD DEEN N~Tl~l£D AND INelDENT I·1~Oj2-1~·OO WAS ISSuED, MO~~ INFu~~ATI0N TO FOLLOw AS IT 4 AvtEDt.liY: :rlU~ HAS BEEN .ESTAuLISY£O AND i DE¢O~~s AVA1L~5LE. " ~ , • •" • CArl. T,S, HINKL~ JOHN B, CONNA~LV .UNlr ( co) S!!nt tOr .. Page 2 The foUowin= is a racial bre l'.kdown of the entire lockdown: -. I On Do=ember 18, 2000 a: 0500 hou};, all offenders affected by the Institutional Loc:kdown 1·14032-12-00 ~Iere released from Institutional Loc:kdown and all Donnal activities resumed. EMPLOYEE ACTIONIINACnON: All employee actions were in guidelines wilh TDCJ Polley ane I P7ccedul'e.r. ATTACHMENTS: E·Milll. TNG·93 .. , • . I ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW: Warden's CommenlJ: _')..2{}Lbe KeJth Senior Warden Timothy B. .. No commtnts. t Date II s Regional Dlreclor Comments: Douglas Drctb; Region IV Dir~tor Date ** TOTAL PAGE. 18 ** P.O. Wayne: Scoll ~x ~~ HunlSvillc, Tens 77342.0099 Exec:utivc: Director '. Ci~')' Johr.son JnslhuLlonlll Divisign Duccla: Tirnnlhv 13\ Kitlh SCllicu ~~fdcn I \, Administra tive Incident Review AD.02.1S . INCIDENT NUMBER: 1-14032-12-00 TEXAS DEPARTMENt OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE John B. tqnnally Unit Dec::mber 13, 2000 .. 't •• J' " TO: 'THltU: SUBJECT: . Emergency Action eem!f Douglas Drelke Region IV Director INSTITUTIONAL L(ICKDOWN LIFTED Connany 'Unit PERSONS INVOLVED: . John B. Connally Jr. St 1ff OFFENDERS INVOLVED: Sec Attached SUMMARY: On December 13•.200,0 at approximate1y'13SS hours, the John B. COMally Unit " \1IIS pla.ced on Lockdo"u due to a escape that occurred just minutes prior. A total of2,806 offenders Weftl affected by the Institutional Loc:kdown. The •. ! ••: ••• ,., •••••• •• ~'rn--~o-"" •• ~. f:. ~ .'. - .: - •• ., " ••• - '•. ••• : :-.t- •• - . •W".'-: • • was establishe(\. 1-.1 other a\\thOr1'tlcS were: nU\UltCl Including ltl:Bion IV Dirl:ctor. 00 . : He II' BOll 115 . KDn~. • ~"':'-.' • •-- lYlr. Pretk..:, Teucu 7811i