State of the Bureau - Core Values of the Bureau Family, DOJ BOP, 2006
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U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons State of the Bureau 2006 Core Values of the Bureau Family Correctional Excellence Respect We are correctional workers first, committed to the highest level of performance. We embrace diversity and recognize the value and dignity of staff, inmates and the general public. Integrity We demonstrate uncompromising ethical conduct in all our actions. This page intentionally left blank. 2 This page intentionally left blank. 4 Bureau of Prisons Fundamentals Mission Statement working relationship exists where employees maintain respect for one another. The workplace is safe, and staff perform their The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) protects society by con- duties without fear of injury or assault. Staff maintain high ethical standards in their day-to-day activities. Staff are satis- fining offenders in the controlled environments of prisons and community-based facilities that are safe, humane, cost-efficient, and appropriately secure, and that provide work and other selfimprovement opportunities to assist offenders in becoming law- fied with their jobs, career opportunities, recognition, and quality of leadership. abiding citizens. National Strategic Planning Goals Core Values The BOP uses a strategic planning approach to management that both reflects the President’s Management Agenda and is Correctional Excellence: We are correctional workers first, committed to the highest level of performance. tied to the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) objectives. Strategic planning is driven by the BOP’s Mission and Vision Statements, Respect: We embrace diversity and recognize the value and which are supported by seven broad correctional goals. Each goal is, in turn, supported by dynamic, specific objectives that dignity of staff, inmates and the general public. are created to help the agency achieve various milestones. The seven national goals are listed below: Integrity: We demonstrate uncompromising ethical conduct in all our actions. Population Management: The BOP will proactively manage Vision Statement its offender population to ensure safe and secure operations, and work toward ultimately achieving an overall crowding level in the range of 30 percent. The Federal Bureau of Prisons, judged by any standard, is widely and consistently regarded as a model of outstanding public administration, and as the best value provider of efficient, safe, and humane correctional services and programs in America. This vision will be realized when... The Bureau provides for public safety by assuring that no escapes and no disturbances occur in its facilities. The Bureau ensures the physical safety of all inmates through a controlled environment which meets each inmate’s need for security through the elimination of violence, predatory behavior, gang activity, drug use, and inmate weapons. Through the provision of health care, mental, spiritual, educational, vocational, and work programs, inmates are well-prepared for a productive and crime-free return to society. The Bureau is a model of costefficient correctional operations and programs. Human Resource Management: The BOP will have a competent, diverse workforce operating within a professional work environment prepared to meet the current and future needs of the organization. Security and Facility Management: The BOP will maintain its facilities in operationally sound conditions and in compliance with security, safety, and environmental requirements. Correctional Leadership and Effective Public Administration: The BOP will manage its operations and resources in a competent and effective manner which encourages creativity and innovation in the development of exemplary programs, as well as excellence in maintaining the basics of correctional management. The BOP continually strives toward improvements in its effective use of resources and its efficient delivery of services. Our talented, professional, well-trained, and diverse staff reflect the Bureau’s culture and treat each other fairly. Staff work in an environment free from discrimination. A positive Inmate Programs and Services: The BOP will provide services and programs to address inmate needs, providing productive 5 use-of-time activities and facilitating the successful reintegration of inmates into society, consistent with community expectations and standards. Building Partnerships: The BOP will continue to seek opportunities for expanding the involvement of community and local, state, and Federal agencies, in improving the effectiveness of the services it provides to offenders and constituent agencies. The active participation by BOP staff to improve partnerships will allow the BOP to carry out its mission within the criminal justice system and to remain responsive to other agencies and the public. The BOP will develop partnerships to focus the shared responsibility for the establishment of a supportive environment promoting the reintegration of offenders into the community. Counter-Terrorism: The BOP will provide for public safety and security by focusing on the prevention, disruption, and response to terrorist activities. 6 Internal Oversight In furtherance of the Bureau of Prisons’ mission to incarcerate offenders in facilities that are safe, secure, humane and cost- they apply to all Bureau organizational components and sites. Bureau staff work diligently every day to meet clearly-defined effective, and to provide offenders with opportunities for selfimprovement, the Bureau has several relevant core ideals that performance expectations, and their collective efforts have earned the agency a leadership role in the field of corrections. are ingrained in the agency’s culture. First, a recognition of the inherent dignity of all human beings; second, the expecta- However, that reputation can only be maintained through the continued dedication to public service, professionalism, and tion that correctional staff treat inmates fairly and with respect; and third, the recognition that offenders are incarcerated as exceptional performance of its staff. punishment, not for punishment. Finally, all staff are correctional workers first, with responsibility for maintaining safe Many external audit authorities have ongoing interest in Bureau operations and programs for the purpose of oversight, and secure institutions and for modeling society’s mainstream values and norms to help prepare inmates for a crime-free including Congress, the Government Accounting Office, and the Department of Justice’s Office of Inspector General (OIG). return to the community. These values are repeated to staff often beginning with the staff training provided to new hires The Bureau takes its role as steward of the public’s trust very seriously and welcomes the scrutiny. The agency uses results and reinforced annually through refresher training. from these external audits to improve operations. One of the key factors that contributes to safe and secure inmate management is direct and effective communication with The Bureau’s internal systems of checks and balances are designed to ensure compliance with applicable regulations, inmates. BOP staff are highly visible throughout every Federal prison and readily available to address inmate concerns or laws, policies, and procedures; monitor vital functions and operations; identify weaknesses and enhancements needed; questions, proactively preventing potential problems. Unit team staff members, who work most closely with inmates assigned promote efficient management practices; determine whether programs are achieving desired results; and enhance program to them, have offices in the inmate housing units to provide ready access, as well as inmate supervision; institution execu- quality. tive staff, including the Warden and Associate Wardens, department heads, and unit team members are highly visible The primary internal system of control is the program review process, through which the Bureau subjects each of its pro- throughout the institution and provide coverage of the dining room during meal times; and key personnel make regular visits grams or disciplines to a thorough examination by organizationally independent, trained Bureau subject matter experts. to the Special Housing Unit to provide inmates in disciplinary segregation with an opportunity to raise problems or issues. Program review guidelines are specific to each discipline or department and assess the strengths and weaknesses of a While laws establish minimum standards of care to which all particular program or activity and compliance with applicable policies, regulations, and American Correctional Association inmates are entitled, the Bureau has always worked to achieve the highest of standards with respect to inmate management. (ACA) standards. Of the 428 program reviews conducted in FY06, 74.3 percent achieved ratings above acceptable (either The Bureau now operates 114 prisons. Although these facilities range in security level from minimum to high, and some good or superior). Annually, institution teams review the same critical functions examined by the program review team to have very specialized functions such as medical centers or the Administrative Maximum (the Bureau’s “Supermax”), the allow the institution to identify and correct any potential weaknesses. agency remains “one Bureau,” with institutions operating under the same policies and procedures throughout the coun- In addition to the program review process, the Bureau’s senior try. Agency policies direct the internal systems of control and management team (the Executive Staff) exercises extensive for- 7 mal oversight of institution operations and performance. At its quarterly meetings, it examines the information obtained ers require notification of either a senior administrator, a Deputy Assistant Director, or Assistant Director in Central Office. In through all of the various oversight mechanisms (including program reviews and others detailed in this section) and care- this way, senior staff throughout the agency are made aware of serious incidents (e.g., escape attempts, serious assaults and fully reviews the performance of all institutions. Every institution undergoes examination annually. disturbances) and of the institution’s response. This information sharing allows the agency to make greatest use of knowledge that is gained in resolving these incidents. One of the most important tools used by management to gather information about institution operations is the Prison Social Climate Survey (PSCS). Administered annually since 1988, the Duty officers contribute to improved institution operations by reviewing and reporting on programs or incidents as directed survey provides an opportunity for staff to report their impressions about conditions and operations at the facility where by policy, the Warden, and other institution executive staff. To supplement the shift lieutenant’s daily tour of the entire they work, and to do so in a way that assures their anonymity. The survey items cover all aspects of the work environment, facility, the institution duty officer (IDO) must also visit areas of major activity or special interest daily. The IDO must visit from safety and security to job advancement to sexual harassment. Results are made available to all staff through the every area of the institution at least once during the week and report any significant concerns to the appropriate party imme- agency’s intranet, and are relied upon by institution executive staff in identifying areas of concern. The Bureau’s Executive diately. At the end of the tour of duty, the IDO communicates findings and activities to the Warden. Managerial coverage at Staff considers the results of the PSCS during its annual institution review. the institution level during non-regular work hours is provided by an Administrative Duty Officer, who is usually an institution executive staff member. Institution Character Profiles (ICP), conducted by a regional 8 team of administrators and the Regional Director, are completed every several years and provide a great deal of descriptive and The Bureau is fortunate to have relatively few major disturbances at our facilities, in part because of the agency’s efforts subjective information about institution performance. ICPs include direct observation of institution operations, interviews to proactively identify and resolve potential issues. Serious assaults, disturbances and other violent incidents having crimi- with randomly-chosen inmates and staff, and input from outside agencies and organizations. Review of data from the nal implications are referred to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for prosecution. Additionally, follow-ups of each such agency’s management information systems and speciallydesigned surveys provided to staff anonymously prior to the incident, “after-action reviews,” are conducted by senior level staff from other Bureau sites to examine what occurred leading ICP, provide a context for identifying prospective issues in advance of the ICP and for interpreting information obtained up to the event(s) and offer recommendations as to how to prevent future problems. Findings are shared with other senior during the ICP. Findings and recommendations are communicated to the Director. During FY06, 31 ICPs were conducted. level managers so that lessons learned can benefit the agency as a whole. The duty officer program ensures that significant incidents Staff are required and inmates are encouraged to report inci- that occur at Bureau facilities (including those affecting inmates in community programs or contract facilities) are dents of misconduct or otherwise inappropriate behavior. The Administrative Remedy Program is the internal grievance pro- reported to appropriate officials promptly and consistently. Depending on the seriousness of the event, some incidents cess through which an inmate may request consideration or review of any issue related to his/her conditions of confine- require immediate notification of the Director, while most oth- ment. An inmate must first present an issue of concern infor- mally to staff, and staff must attempt to informally resolve the issue before an inmate submits a formal request for Adminis- tive Staff regularly review progress toward specified strategic objectives and action plans. Members of the Executive Staff, trative Remedy. Per policy, each institution has established procedures for informally resolving inmate complaints. including the respective Regional Director and the Director, as well as Regional and Central Office Administrators, also fre- If an inmate views the issue as sensitive and is concerned that quently visit and tour the agency’s institutions all around the country. his/her safety or well-being would be compromised if the request became known at the institution, the inmate may sub- The Bureau relies on close and constant communication among mit the request directly to the Regional Director. If the request is determined to be of an emergency nature which threatens staff as an important means of furthering its mission and monitoring agency performance. The Bureau’s intranet serves as a the inmate’s immediate health or welfare, the Warden (or Regional Director) must respond promptly. The program primary means of communication with all staff and is used extensively to provide information relevant to operations across requires timely investigation and response, including redress as appropriate. During FY06, of the total number of requests levels. Staff can access agency-wide topics, such as national policies, employee resources and reference guides, training for Administrative Remedy answered by institutions (23,104) inclusive of all security levels, 7.4 percent were granted. Of and other work-related software applications, numerous information technology tools designed to improve work quality those appealed to the regional level and answered (14,829), 4.8 percent were granted. Finally, of the total number appealed to and efficiency, or information specific to the various Bureau facilities. In addition to ensuring a highly-visible means of the Central Office level and answered (6,829), only 0.03% were granted. communicating organizational processes and training staff, the ready access to information provided via the intranet makes it All allegations of staff misconduct, including allegations that possible for staff across the agency to track various institution events and performance. a staff member has abused an inmate, are referred to the OIG, which then refers back to the Bureau’s organizationally inde- But intranet communications are not simply directed from top pendent Office of Internal Affairs (OIA) those complaints that it wants the Bureau to investigate. The OIG also has a hotline down. The tool also includes a feedback mechanism through which staff may submit comments, ideas, and recommenda- available to the public for reporting any Department of Justice employee they believe has violated their civil rights or civil tions (anonymously if they so desire) for consideration by the Executive Staff. This mechanism provides another avenue for liberties. The Bureau takes all allegations of staff misconduct very seriously and investigates every allegation thoroughly. identifying issues and potential concerns. The agency does not tolerate any type of abuse of inmates. When allegations of serious abuse are accompanied by cred- While the focus thus far has been on internal review procedures, the Bureau also imposes various reviews by external ible evidence during the investigation, the staff member is removed from contact with inmates or placed on administra- agencies and officials by choice. These voluntary, solicited reviews supplement internal oversight mechanisms and help tive leave. When warranted, serious cases of staff misconduct are referred for criminal prosecution. the agency improve services and operations. The Bureau enhances the effective management of its institutions through The formal oversight processes herein described are supple- a process of accreditation based on standards approved jointly by ACA and the Commission on Accreditation for Corrections mented by a host of other mechanisms that provide additional checks on Bureau operations and performance. For example, (CAC). During FY06, 25 previously- accredited Bureau institutions due for renewal were re-accredited, and 8 received initial through the strategic planning process, the Bureau’s Execu- accreditations; 5 institutions were undergoing the process. 9 Where appropriate, Bureau facilities undergo accreditation audits by the Joint Commission for Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). Currently 98% of eligible institutions are JCAHO accredited. Eligible institutions do not include the 12 Care Level 1 institutions or recently opened institutions that have not yet undergone their initial accreditation. Since Care Level 1 institutions have a “healthy inmate” population, a decision was made for them to not be JCAHO accredited. During FY06, two Federal Correctional Complexes (Coleman and Victorville) received their initial JCAHO accreditation. At each site, medical operations are consolidated into one department that is responsible for health care services throughout the complex. Also during FY06, 24 institutions were re-accredited by JCAHO. In addition to these formal external oversight mechanisms, Federal judges, Members of Congress, and other law enforcement officials are welcomed to visit and tour Bureau facilities for a first-hand view of operations, as well as an opportunity to interact directly with the inmate population. The Bureau has been well-served by its ongoing strategy of reevaluating priorities, policies, and procedures to make sure these are optimally realistic and effective to meet the agency’s mission. The agency strives to be its own worst critic and to preserve a strong risk assessment capability. To that end, the Bureau is pursuing several new initiatives or directions: to make the program review process even more effective as a management tool, the Bureau is converting policy and program review guidelines to an outcome-based paradigm that is expected to further enhance the operational definition of our mission objectives; and the agency is further enhancing its automated intelligence systems, as well as staff training capabilities, particularly as these apply to institution intelligence units. Through critical self-examination, the Bureau is ensuring its readiness to meet future demands on the agency. 10 Correctional Leadership Establishing and maintaining core ideologies has been fundamental to the Bureau’s success over the years. Emphasizing ing success over the course of its history, and particularly over the past several years: “preserve the core [ideology], the importance of these values has been particularly critical over the past couple of years as the agency has had to stimulate progress.” The basics of sound correctional management (e.g., close inmate supervision, accountability, and undergo numerous major changes to reduce costs and live within the agency’s budget. The Bureau’s core ideologies have effective communication with inmates) have not changed over the years. The agency’s leadership has sought to maintain the helped the agency to maintain consistency, even when faced with shifting political currents and other external demands, essence of the BOP’s operations (i.e., performing the basics well), while at the same time implementing significant organiza- have kept resources applied to what is essential, and have anchored the Bureau’s national strategic plans. tional changes and improvements. Unifying Staff Effort The agency’s core ideologies also facilitated the management of the significant expansion of the Federal inmate population and the Bureau’s transformation into the largest correctional system within the U.S. During FY06, the Bureau’s total inmate population increased by 2.8 percent, reaching 192,584 inmates by September 30, 2006. Of that number, 162,514 were confined in Bureau facilities; privately-managed, state, and local secure facilities housed 22,501; and residential re-entry centers (RRCs) housed 7,569. To effectively manage the population growth, the Bureau continued its expansion program, adding 858 beds during FY06. The Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) - Butner II, NC started accepting inmates and two activations were underway: the Secure Female Facility, a unit of the U.S. Penitentiary (USP) Hazelton, WV, which is expected to start accepting inmates in November 2006; and USP Tucson, AZ (inmates are expected to start arriving in January 2007). Seven medium security Federal Correctional Institutions were in the planning, design or construction process at the end of the FY: Pollock, LA; Mendota, CA; McDowell County, WV; Berlin, NH; Yazoo City, MS; Aliceville, AL; and Letcher County, KY. At the end of FY06, Bureau institutions were at 36 percent above rated capacity overall, with mediums and highs at 37 and 52 percent, respectively. Since it was created, the Bureau has had major, comprehensive goals that have directed staff effort. The focus on professional staff training, the introduction of halfway houses to assist in community transition, the introduction of the unit management concept, the development of an automated inmate accountability system to ensure staff knew where each inmate was, the development of an objective classification system, and the creation of a division to conduct internal reviews of agency processes and functions are but a few examples of major goals that forever changed the Bureau, and in many cases, also changed the direction of corrections. More recently, the substantial fiscal challenges the agency has faced prompted the implementation of a major agencywide restructing and streamlining effort designed to ensure the agency’s ability to accomplish its mission, now and into the future. Bureau leaders and managers actively promoted openness to new ideas on how to improve the agency’s ability to maintain safe, secure institutions; enhance operational effectiveness and cost-efficiency; and increase the likelihood of successful community re-entry for releasing offenders. In part as a result of frequent and clear communication with them, staff understood the challenges the agency was facing and rose to the occasion by generating viable, innovative solutions and demonstrating remarkable flexibility and loyalty. In In their best-selling book Built to Last: Successful Habits of the end, the Bureau demonstrated that it is possible to adhere to a core ideology AND adapt to environmental changes and Visionary Companies, authors Collins and Porras (1994) articulate a principle that has been central to the BOP’s ongo- external demands. 11 Leadership Development and Succession Planning The Bureau has worked hard since 1930 to establish and maintain its reputation of excellence and outstanding public service, and has earned a leadership role in the field of corrections. The Bureau continues to promote in its staff qualities that are consistently present in individuals who have attained significant professional and personal success: excellence, respect and integrity. Positioning the Bureau to succeed under future leaders represents a well-planned, coordinated, deliberate effort on the part of the agency. And the agency’s approach to staff development starts immediately after a new employee begins working for the BOP. During FY06, a total of 1,723 participants received the Bureau’s basic training at the Staff Training Academy (STA) in Glynco, GA, in addition to institution familiarization training. STA also provided several additional classes in FY06, including, e.g., Disturbance Control Training and Self-defense Instructor Training. For FY06, the STA trained 2,247 staff in a total of 59 classes. Annual Refresher Training is provided at all Bureau sites to review topics requiring closer attention (e.g., new policies and their ramifications or developments relevant to the field), and further enhance existing skills. To ensure well-qualified individuals are available to lead the agency into the future, the Bureau’s Management and Specialty Training Center (MSTC) conducted 82 classes, 4 off-site classes for agency staff during FY06; and 2,207 participants received on-site training. A total of 188 participants of the Bureau’s Leadership Enhancement and Development (LEAD) program have now completed all requirements and graduated; and 175 participants continue to work toward program completion. Advanced executive training from various prestigious centers and higher learning institutions (e.g., Harvard University, the Center for Creative Leadership, Aspen Institute), supplement and complement that provided by the National Institute of Corrections (NIC), a component of the Bureau, and the Office of Personnel Management to ensure appropriate developmental experiences and challenges. Course work covers such topics as correctional leadership; management and executive development; strategic leadership and building performance based organizations; and senior managers in government. To better meet the needs of the corrections field, NIC’s executive developmental programs, which fall under the Leadership Management Development Initiative (LMDI), are designed for senior correctional managers working in jails, prisons and community corrections. NIC’s leadership programs at all levels address personal growth and professional development issues, as well as strategies for dealing with, for example, change, technology, multi-generational workforces and organizational transformation. NIC provided targeted, dedicated programming to 193 Bureau professionals during the FY, and an additional 44 Bureau participants received developmental training alongside corrections professionals from state and local jurisdictions. Another 105 individuals from state and local jurisdictions participated in the executive developmental programs. Leadership development training activities were supplemented by other unique initiatives, such as “Take the Lead,” an innovative program implemented by the Office of General Counsel (OGC) for Central Office staff. Designed to help staff build those skills essential for professional and personal success, this three-session class emphasizes three fundamental qualities needed for effective leadership: excellence, respect, and integrity. A total of 25 participants from OGC and the Office of Internal Affairs attended the sessions held from June - August 2006. Because of the very positive feedback received, this program is expected to be offered again next FY; future sessions may be expanded to include staff in other divisions. Looking to the Future The seeds of the future are always planted in the present – the trick is to identify which will germinate. The BOP is promoting innovative thinking on the part of its leaders (and prospective leaders), including the consideration of various potential future scenarios and how best to prepare for such scenarios; such thinking enhances the Bureau’s readiness to face the future. 12 The “nuts and bolts” aspects of corrections that are the basis of sound correctional management will never lose their importance. The Bureau will continue to ensure its staff are wellprepared to successfully accomplish the dual components of its mission. Reference: Collins, James C. and Porras, Jerry I. (1994). Built to last: Successful habits of visionary companies. New York: Harper Business Division/HarperCollins Publishers. 13 Advances in Corrections Effective correctional systems have two important components to their mission – protecting society by incarcerating criminals “correctional workers first” concept has been essential in allowing the Bureau to maintain these critical inmate programs and reducing recidivism for offenders returning to their communities upon release. The basics of sound correctional man- despite lean budgets. agement (e.g., close inmate supervision, accountability, and effective communication with inmates) have not changed over In 2005, the agency critically evaluated organizational structures, operations, and services at all Bureau Federal the years. While the Bureau, on a day-to-day basis, strives to perform those basics well, the agency’s leadership also actively Correctional Complexes (FCCs) to identify best practices, make recommendations regarding standardization across FCCs, and promotes an openness to new ideas that enhances the agency’s ability to maintain safe, secure institutions; improves opera- initiate policy changes as indicated. At FCCs, which became operational in the Bureau in the mid-1990s, institutions with tional effectiveness and cost-efficiency; and increases the likelihood of successful community transition for releasing offend- different missions and security levels are located in close proximity to one another in order to consolidate and share ers. basic administrative management and operational services. The Bureau currently has six complexes that were originally Staff are key to effective inmate management. Bureau institution employees are law enforcement officers; as such, designed and constructed with more than two institutions, and seven complexes that are the result of facility expansion. FCCs regardless of the specific discipline in which a staff member works, all Bureau employees are “correctional workers first.” reduce duplication of services, enhance emergency preparedness by having additional resources within close proximity, This means both custody and non-custody staff are responsible for institution safety and security, inmate enable staff to gain experience at institutions of many security levels without the need for transfers to other geographic areas, supervision, the good order of the institution, and modeling pro-social values for the inmate population. All staff are provide a vehicle for career development, and yield cost reductions for the agency. expected to be vigilant and attentive to inmate accountability and security issues, to respond to emergencies, and to Technology maintain a proficiency in custodial and security matters, as well as in their particular job specialty. As a result, unlike some correctional systems, classrooms, work areas, and recreation areas do not have a correctional officer in addition to the teacher, work supervisor, or recreation specialist. Using the “correctional worker first” concept has allowed the Bureau to operate with a custody staff-to-inmate ratio (1 to 10.1) that is more than double the average (1 to 4.7) of the five largest state correctional systems. This reduced custody staffing allows the agency to maintain a substantial pool of staff who provide inmate programs, through which offenders gain the critical skills and training necessary for a successful return to society. The Bureau’s success in reducing recidivism is due in large part to the effectiveness of its core inmate programs. And the 14 A broad variety of technological innovations greatly enhance the Bureau’s ability to maintain the safety and security of its institutions. The types of technology used range from closedcircuit television (CCTV) cameras to augment direct staff supervision of inmates, to radio frequency identification tags being tested as a means to track inmate files. The Bureau’s Office of Security Technology (OST) plays a key role in ensuring the Bureau is using the best technology available to support our mission. To that end, during FY06, OST continued researching and evaluating emerging technologies, placing priority on those designed to ensure or enhance staff and inmate safety and/or maintain a secure prison environment. Contraband detection continues to be a major effort for OST. Because inmates always look for ways to conceal contraband, Bureau staff must explore and evaluate new technologies to stop the flow of prohibited items into Federal Prisons. OST has played an instrumental part in the development and testing of new body scan x-ray systems, front-entrance cabinet x-ray systems, walk-through metal detectors (WTMD), and other During this FY, OST evaluated many other technologies, some of which (such as intelligent video tracking and suicide contraband detection technologies. prevention systems) are expected to save lives, while others (e.g., personal transportation vehicles and an electronic radio WTMDs used an entry points and other controlled access areas at secure Federal facilities must be certified to the latest frequency identification tracking system) are expected to facilitate or improve staff performance of their duties. National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Standard 0601.02, which requires high immunity to mechanical and electromagnetic In October 2006, the Bureau will begin to install non-lethal interference, excellent discrimination, and a high degree of sensitivity. The Bureau’s collaboration with the Department (stun)/lethal electrified fence systems at seven high security institutions. The system is highly versatile and incorporates of Defense (their funds and OST’s design) has yielded a robotic WTMD tester that is used to ensure new systems meet several new technologies to deliver the highest levels of system operational robustness. Features include immunity to NIJ’s standards. The Bureau and several other government agencies are currently using this equipment to test their the effects of climate change; compliance with international safety requirements relating to the deployment of electric systems. fences; and environmentally-friendly animal deterrence capability. The Bureau relies heavily on technology to support alcohol detection and drug interdiction efforts. For example, all secure Technological developments are significantly improving the facilities (low security and above) employ the Ion Spectrometry (IMS) device. These units are used to scan visitors’ clothes, delivery of health care in correctional facilities. For example, the Bureau used teleradiology to transmit digital radiographic identification cards, and other personal items for the presence of drugs. They can also be used for scanning mail and images to a team of radiologists who are available 24/7, 365 days a year, and provide interpretations within 2 hours. This conducting searches throughout an institution. has several advantages over using traditional film images: • Films must be transported manually to the radiologist for Cell phones present a significant problem in prison settings. Inmates attempt to use cell phones to continue their criminal reading, which can delay diagnosis by days or weeks, while teleradiology is time-efficient. activities from inside prison facilities, intimidate witnesses, and coordinate escape attempts and other illegal activities. Bureau • Digital radiographs can be enhanced or enlarged to provide more precise imaging than film, which assists the staff confiscate cell phones from inmates through physical searches. Electronic detection is difficult because cell phones • Teleradiology reduces problems associated with image use different protocols and frequencies, and continue to get smaller, less expensive, and easier for inmates to conceal. OST • degradation of film-based images. Digital storage of images with appropriate backups and staff worked extensively with state correctional agencies on cell phone detection and interdiction. Numerous types of • Finally, images can be accessed by any physician within equipment were evaluated and tested in operational environments; several are expected to be ready for use in the radiologist in diagnosis. recovery plans minimizes the risk of lost or damaged films. the Bureau as needed. very near future. OST has shared its expertise on cell phone detection with other correctional jurisdictions via workshops Teleradiology is currently available in 39 Bureau institutions, and the agency is moving forward to establish this capability at held during ACA conferences. all institutions within five years. Since 2004, approximately 45,000 interpretations have been completed via teleradiology, resulting in a cost savings of more than $570,000. 15 The Bureau also relies on the agency’s wide-area network infrastructure to provide telehealth services, which presently to community medical settings for services, reduce costs associated with staffing for these trips, and increase the consists primarily of psychiatric consultations. A psychiatrist can observe and interview patients long distance, review prior availability of on-site ambulatory services throughout the agency. Community standards of medical care increasingly treatment, and discuss future treatment and management plans with providers at an inmate’s assigned institution. Additionally, involve the use of ambulatory surgical pro-cedures to treat conditions that previously required inpatient hospitalization; a psychiatrist in one location can provide consultation services or training to staff in multiple institutions, thereby the Bureau’s decision to pilot the use of this resource is consistent with this shift. enabling our efficient use of resources. In conjunction with the President’s e-government initiative, during FY06, the Bureau continued the development and implementation of an electronic medical record (BEMR) system. This system will ultimately incorporate all medical, psychiatric, psychological, and disability information about individual inmates that is currently maintained in separate paper medical records. It will create a complete record of all health care provided by Bureau practitioners and make the data available to providers, regardless of where in the Bureau the inmate is housed. BEMR will enhance continuity of care, as well as reduce costs since duplication of tests and labwork will be avoided. Standardization of medical information in a structured format will allow for analysis of the effectiveness of treatment regimens and protocols, and digital storage of data with appropriate backups and recovery plans minimizes the risk of lost or damaged records due to catastrophic or other events. BEMR was deployed at 8 institutions by the end of FY06. The pharmacy module is nearing completion, and deployment is anticipated in FY08. By the end of FY08, complete deployment of the current modules of BEMR to all institutions is expected. During this FY, a mobile surgery unit pilot was approved for a limited trial in the Bureau’s Southeast Region. This type of unit is located on a standard 18-wheel truck base, with a trailer that is expandable to provide space for pre-, intra- and postoperative care. They can be customized for specialty procedures, e.g., eye surgeries and orthopedics. Designed for stability and self-contained for power, water, and hazardous waste disposal, these units will be able to move from institution to institution to serve a wide area. The Bureau expects this to enhance public safety by reducing the number of escorted trips 16 Technology is enhancing the agency’s ability to prepare inmates for release and re-entry to the community. For example, the Bureau is demonstrating the Inmate Skills Development System (ISDS), an automated web-based application that will integrate the agency’s release preparation efforts. It will be used to identify an inmate’s strengths and weaknesses (as these relate to release readiness) and help formulate a plan for improving deficit areas. By providing inmates with programs most appropriate to their identified deficit areas, the Bureau anticipates that they will be better-prepared and more likely to succeed in the community after release from prison. Dynamic in nature, the ISDS tool will incorporate information from a variety of sources, including a structured interview with the inmate, court documents, and behavioral observations. It will be administered at the beginning of an inmate’s sentence, with subsequent updates to the assessment information over the course of the inmate’s incarceration. Through automation, the ISDS will effectively streamline the compilation and generation of various case management reports (including progress reports and other release forms). It is also expected to facilitate the allocation of program resources to inmates with the greatest needs. And finally, the tool is expected to enhance information sharing and coordination between agencies with the ultimate goal to create a seamless transition between incarceration and community. Classification The classification of inmates based on risk factors, along with direct staff supervision, physical/architectural features, and security technologies, is critical to the BOP’s ability to ensure institution security. The Bureau’s security classification system is designed, in part, to identify and separate inmates who have a propensity for violence and abuse from those who do not. Inmates are housed in institutions in accordance with their individual security and program needs. The agency’s classification system is critical to providing a safe environment for inmates and the staff who supervise them, as well as to protecting society. The classification system is evaluated on an ongoing basis to ensure it accurately reflects changes in the inmate population that can occur with time. During FY06, the Bureau implemented several substantial changes to its classification system, including the incorporation of new scoring items for inmate age and education level, and adjustment of scoring cut-off points. Additionally, the agency formalized its practice of continually assessing the effectiveness of its inmate classification process by requiring the Inmate Classification Workgroup to annually report its findings and recommendations to the Director and Managing releasing inmates in the community During FY06, the Bureau renamed community corrections centers (commonly known as halfway houses) as residential re-entry centers (RRCs). The name was changed to more specifically communicate the primary objective of halfway houses – facilitating community re-entry for releasing inmates. The Bureau uses a network of 250 RRCs to place inmates in the community during the last part of their sentence just prior to release. RRCs provide a structured, supervised environment and release transition services to inmates, including support in job placement, housing, counseling, and other services. RRCs enable inmates to gradually rebuild their ties to the community while under close supervision of staff during this critical readjustment phase. Research has found that halfway house participants are more likely to be gainfully employed and less likely to commit crimes after release, when compared to inmates who release directly back to the community. The benefits are Executive Staff. particularly evident with inmates with extensive criminal records. During FY06, the Bureau enhanced its ability to effectively manage inmate health care by implementing the third phase of Since FY04, the agency has made a concerted effort to ensure the medical classification. Medical status, whether for healthy inmates or inmates with known medical conditions, is now a part of the designation process for all inmates; each inmate is assigned a care level based upon their specific health needs. The medical classification system relies on the Presentence Investigation (PSI) report for screening inmates for significant medical issues. Subsequently, care levels are determined by clinicians and depend on treatment modalities and inmate functionality, in addition to diagnostic categories, such as cancer, diabetes, HIV, and hepatitis. Care levels range from 1 (generally healthy, requiring the least amount of medical services) to 4 (having the greatest medical needs). Each Bureau institution also has a care level assignment (1-4 ) that reflects the medical resources available at that facility and in the surrounding community. Inmates are designated to insti- inmates with the greatest re-entry needs are provided an opportunity for placement in an RRC. Thus, there has been increased use of RRCs for high and medium security level inmates. Overall, in FY06, 77.5 percent of eligible inmates released via RRCs; 75.7 percent of all eligible medium security inmates and 73.4 percent of eligible high security inmates released through an RRC, exceeding goals set for utilization of RRCs. Managing high-risk inmates in the community is challenging. Many of these individuals have been separated from their homes and families for extended periods of time, and have fewer job skills, more extensive mental health problems, and higher incidences of behavioral problems, as compared to other inmates. As a result, the Bureau requires RRCs to provide more extensive services than they have in the past. tutions with the resources necessary to adequately manage their needs. By classifying inmates and institutions, the BOP The Bureau is piloting a transitional skills program in five RRCs can better serve the medical needs of the inmates. across the nation. This nine-week group counseling program is designed to address the very real barriers inmates encounter 17 during re-entry. Areas covered include dealing with authority figures, managing peer pressure, time management, developing realistic expectations and a support network. All future RRC contracts are required to provide this program. Over the last four years, the Bureau developed several treatment protocols using journals as a tool. These are based on the most recent research and literature on treatment programs for a correctional population and are thus considered to be evidence-based. The Transition Skills Journal will replace Basic Life Skills Training and will be used by all Bureau inmates entering RRCs, except those involved in transitional drug abuse treatment. To ensure consistency and continuity of care, the 9-10 hour cognitivebehavioral treatment protocol is similar to that used by the Bureau’s residential drug abuse program (RDAP). The journal targets nine areas identified by research as being especially difficult for releasing inmates, ranging from difficulty building healthy relationships and preparing for negative social influences, to managing anger and working with authority figures. Journals are used by staff to facilitate inmate discussions and interactions. Inmates incarcerated for sex offenses pose unique challenges with respect to transitional services. The Bureau is working to develop a network of a dozen or more qualified communitybased, residential sex offender treatment programs around the country that can be used when a releasing inmate’s treatment needs are beyond the capabilities of traditional RRCs. 18 Results Through Collaboration The challenges related to community re-entry demand that partners in the criminal justice system and community National Disaster Workgroup: OEP developed a workgroup consisting of representatives from all regions and Central agencies recognize some basic truths about what will be needed to succeed. First, no single agency or individual can Office to develop hurricane procedures and “all hazards” emergency plans to be used in preparing for, responding to, do it alone. Many agencies, both Federal and non-Federal, share some responsibility for ex-offenders. To create a and recovering from a variety of emergencies. seamless transition for releasing inmates and achieve optimal re-entry outcomes requires effective collaboration and OpsPlanner: OEP and the Office of Information Systems (OIS) secured approval from the Bureau’s Executive Staff to acquire communication involving all parties with a stake in the outcome. It is the Bureau’s responsibility to work with them the electronic web-based crisis management application called OpsPlanner, which will provide the agency with the most and share information effectively throughout the incarceration process to ensure continuity of those support services the advantageous solution to crisis management software needs. Its benefits are numerous: inmate may need upon leaving the institution and/or residential re-entry center (RRC). Second, agencies must make full use of • OpsPlanner is capable of making 1,000 notifications per available technology and automation to improve data flow within and across agencies and reduce redundancies. This (e.g., land lines, cellular phone, BlackBerry, pager, e-mails) per contact. All BOP facilities can be linked, and one section provides examples of intra- and interagency collaboration and the results achieved through these efforts. facility can activate another’s notification system in the event of a temporary loss of telecommunications. This will Collaboration and Bureau Operations eliminate the need for the Command Caller System, which can only make notifications. Intra-agency efforts hour, including simultaneous notifications to five devices • OpsPlanner will contain a searchable inventory database to assist with locating emergency equipment and/or Pandemic Influenza Plan: Staff from the Bureau’s Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP) and Health Services Division supplies (e.g., generators, mobile field kitchens, vehicles, portable lighting units). (HSD) worked closely on implementing a Pandemic Influenza Plan template for all Bureau facilities. The Plan will not only • The application will contain profiles of each facility with identify roles and responsibilities, but also provide direction regarding infection control procedures; use of vaccines, local hospitals, airports meeting specific criteria, and heavy equipment rental locations; staffing complement; medications, and diagnostics with staff and inmates; and surveillance and reporting procedures. The associated current available inmate bed space; emergency preparedness logistics inventories; crisis management teams; Communications Plan was developed by HSD in collabortion with two branches from the Information, Policy, and Public digital photos and floor plans. Institutions susceptible to natural disasters (flooding, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.) Affairs Division: the Office of Communications and Archives and the Public Information Office. • Each facility’s emergency operation and breaching plans National Incident Management System (NIMS): This system will be maintained in the system, which can activate the appropriate plan in the event of a crisis and then generate is being implemented throughout the Bureau as dictated by Presidential directives. NIMS integrates existing best practices and monitor assignments and tasks to be completed. This application will replace the outdated Rapid Start System. into a consistent, nationwide approach to domestic incident management; it applies to all jurisdictions, across levels and • OpsPlanner will maintain time- and date-stamped log specific information about local emergency responders; will be identified. entries related to the crisis event, and identify the author. functional disciplines. 19 eDesignate: During FY06, the Bureau worked closely with the Office of the Federal Detention Trustee (OFDT), U.S. Electronic Files (IBM Content Manager): Through a joint effort with OIS, the Inmate Services Management (ISM) Probation, the courts and the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) to continue implementation of the eDesignate system developed Branch/DSCC has developed an electronic J&C File utilizing the IBM Content Manager application. Select Bureau staff will by OFDT. The eDesignate system automates the designations process and electronically routes designation materials (Pre- be able to access the web-based J&C File, which includes the PSI, Judgment & Commitment Order, USM 129 and the Sentence Investigative Report [PSI], Judgment in A Criminal Case [J&C], Statement of Reasons [SOR], USMS 129 and other Statement of Reasons (SOR). This system will provide access to information not currently available via existing SENTRY- designation documents) to agencies involved in the process. It also produces management reports that enable monitoring of based applications. DSCC completed testing of the electronic file from June through August 2006, and the final version of the the timeliness of transactions and allows the agency to save documents electronically. The Bureau’s Designation and application is expected to be completed by November 2006. This electronic file will only exist if the sentence computation Sentence Computation Center (DSCC) plans to ultimately eliminate hard copy files and function completely paperless. has been calculated by DSCC. Interagency efforts By the end of FY06, eDesignate was being used in 33 judicial districts, and implementation in the remaining judicial districts is scheduled for completion by the end of calendar year 2007. Close collaboration with OFTD by Bureau staff at all levels has contributed to the success of this initiative. Feedback from Bureau staff at the DSCC and community corrections offices indicates that the user-friendly eDesignate enables efficient completion of the designation process. OFDT staff report that eDesignate has significantly reduced the time between sentencing and commitment to a Bureau institution, which is projected to save taxpayers millions of dollars in detention expenses. Automated 106s (Request for Movement): During FY06, the Bureau collaborated with the USMS, OFDT and DOJ’s Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System (JPATS) to streamline and automate the movement request process. The resulting automated application will be integrated into the eDesignate system. This new process will reduce [1] the amount of time a prisoner has to spend in a holdover facility after sentencing until reaching the designated facility and [2] the time required for staff to manually enter the data to generate a movement request. 20 Following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, staff from the Bureau’s OEP worked closely with numerous Federal agencies (e.g., Federal Bureau of Investigation; USMS; Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms, and Tobacco) to re-write the Bureau’s response capabilities under the National Response Plan Emergency Support Function Thirteen (ESF-13). For example, Federal deputation procedures were streamlined to enable Bureau staff to respond to emergencies in a more timely manner. Additional OEP staff efforts under ESF-13 led to the development of an Institution Evacuation Plan template for all Bureau facilities and state correctional agencies. The template addresses: • preparation/mitigation: e.g., roles and responsibilities, workforce preparation, physical site security and management, transportation; • response: e.g., implementing emergency plans, staffing, • activating crisis management components; recovery: e.g., returning to normal operations, site restoration, reconstitution of operations and services, critically reviewing the incident to identify lessons • learned; headquarter’s and regional responsibilities: e.g., identifying relocation site(s), coordinating deployment of additional resources; and • logistics: e.g., locating and coordinating movement of Bureau facilities during the FY. Representatives from local emergency equipment and supplies. Interagency Collaboration and Community Re-entry During FY06, Bureau institutions transferred 25,314 inmates to residential re-entry centers (RRCs). Slightly less than onethird of inmates participating in RRC programs (32.7% or 8,273) progressed to home confinement prior to release from service of their sentence, while 25,789 inmates were released from service of their sentence after successful completion of the RRC program. At year-end, 8,255 inmates were on home confinement. To put this in a larger context, the Bureau of Justice Statistics has reported that, at mid-year 2006, the total of number of state and Federal prisoners in the U.S. exceeded 2.2 million. Given these numbers and the fact that most offenders will ultimately release to their communities, collaborative efforts are key to ensuring a successful re-entry. Close interagency and intra-agency collaboration should start much earlier than one might think, i.e., before the offender arrives at the institution. With respect to the Federal prison system, the Bureau receives background information in the form of the Pre-Sentence Investigation conducted by U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services. USMS officers transporting detainees or sentenced inmates often provide input regarding observed behavior that assists staff receiving the inmates. During incarceration, staff must work together closely in support of each inmate’s programming to maximize carry-over of skills. And of course, a major part of re-entry is ensuring continuity once the inmate leaves the institution and the RRC. To that end, the Bureau provides inmates with release preparation opportunities that involve individuals or groups from the community. During FY06, a total of 3,740 inmates participated in 230 public works and community service projects in support of 17 Federal departments and agencies, and more than 130 state and local agencies and organizations. Programs and services were supplemented by a very active contingent of approximately 12,715 citizen volunteers, who each assisted at Bureau institutions a minimum of four times during the year. Additionally, 90 mock job fairs were held at community service agencies, along with 600 employers from the surrounding areas, volunteered their time to participate. Their involvement provided 1,800 inmates the opportunity to practice job interviewing and receive constructive feedback to help them further improve their performance. UNICOR’s Federal Bonding Program provides theft insurance to employers who hire Federal offenders. The Inmate Transition Branch (ITB) started administering this program as a pilot during FY06. To be eligible, an ex-offender must have worked in UNICOR for at least six months during incarceration in a federal correctional institution and seek coverage within one year after release. Each offender is entitled to coverage for one job after completing their residence/program at a halfway house. Employers who hired eligible ex-offenders after February 1, 2006, and those presently hiring may apply (on a standard application form) for the insurance that provides bonding coverage up to $5,000, at no cost to the employers or to the employees. The initial bond, paid for by UNICOR, covers the first six months of employment and is renewable by the employer at commercial rates. In the event of theft of money or property, this insurance will reimburse the employer up to the bond value. Corrections and treatment research demonstrate treatment support to offenders entering the community under continued criminal justice supervision (i.e., transfer to a halfway house, probation and parole) reduces recidivism; and during FY06, the Bureau continued to enhance operations or activities on the re-entry end of the spectrum to achieve this objective. Correctional systems must ensure continuity of care and services, particularly for offenders with higher needs. Since 1991, the Bureau has dedicated significant funding and staff resources to the transition of inmates with histories of substance abuse, and more recently, to inmates identified as having a particular treatment or service need, e.g., inmates with mental illness or health problems. In addition to coordinating the agency’s skills development initiatives, the Inmate Skills Development (ISD) Branch also 21 serves as the Bureau’s point of contact for agencies working to facilitate inmates’ re-entry. A number of initiatives are under Bureau and Probation and Pretrial Services points of contact for re-entry and OWD activities received partnership way with several Federal government departments, agencies and others. training on a regional basis. Performance evaluation measures were added to existing As a member of the National Offender Workforce • appraisal criteria for Chief Executive Officers at each Bureau component to ensure support of skills and part- Development Partnership (NOWDP), the Bureau works with U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services and the Administrative nership development efforts at their respective sites. Office of the U.S. Courts, the U.S. Department of Labor, NIC and the Legal Action Center--National Hire Network to NIC and the ISD Branch are working closely with the U.S. Departments of Labor and Veterans Affairs to develop a enhance career-oriented job opportunities for ex-offenders. To accomplish this objective, the partnership is engaged in proposal for a nationwide mapping system that will display locally-available community resources. forecasting which occupations are likely to remain in demand by the private sector, developing criteria for different levels of The Bureau continues its active participation as a member of skills needed for industry jobs, and addressing barriers to offender employment. FY06 saw the Bureau’s involvement in the District of Columbia’s (DC) Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee, which addresses issues related to offenders and the completion of various related tasks: • The ISD Branch and the Bureau’s Federal partners con- from DC. ducted various training sessions and workshops on offender skills development and partnership initiatives at DC’s Re-Entry Initiative is another example of the type of interagency collaboration that is needed to create a seamless the April 2006 2nd Annual Offender Workforce Development Conference, Western Region’s June 2006 commu- transition to the community for ex-offenders. This partnership, which supports the goals of the Bureau’s ISD initiative, nity corrections conference, and the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans’ meeting, also in June 2006. includes representatives from the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA), DC’s Departments of Health • A brochure providing guidance on developing and imple- and Mental Health, Unity Healthcare Inc., the East of the River menting local partnerships targeting offender workforce Clergy-Police Community Partnership and the Bureau. Since development, was produced and distributed to all Bureau institutions, Federal judicial districts and partnering agen- May 2004, DC’s ReEntry Center has provided one-stop access to comprehensive services for returning ex-offenders, referred cies. by various agencies and their families. Availability of • NIC created and launched a NOWDP section on its public representatives from various DC agencies at this one-stop website that provides resources, implementation guidance, and points of contact for partnering agencies. center, combined with participation from other stakeholders in the re-entry process, maximizes its effectiveness. • NIC, the ISD Branch and U.S. Offices of Probation and Pretrial Services jointly provided offender workforce development (OWD) training for more than 145 field staff and local community partners at targeted locations in Oregon, Texas, Virginia, Delaware and North Carolina. • Points of contact (i.e., Inmate Skills Development and Re-entry Coordinators) were established at each Bureau facility and regional office to support skills development and partnership re-entry initiatives at those levels. All 22 Impact on Other Correctional Systems The Bureau’s collaborative efforts also extend to providing services that support or enhance service delivery in other correctional systems. In FY06, NIC continued to offer training and technical assistance designed to improve the management and operations of the Nation’s prisons, jails and community corrections facilities. NIC provided training for 8,762 executives, trainers and specialists working in state and local adult corrections. A total of access an estimated 3,240,000 resource pages. Over 2,000 corrections professionals have joined NIC’s online corrections 4,324 corrections professionals also completed e-learning courses via NIC’s online learning center ( community network (, sharing information on such pertinent topics as pre-trial services, effecting cognitive- And under an interagency agreement with DOJ’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), NIC behavioral change, mental health services, working effectively with women offenders, managing offender behavior, jail and provided training to 883 practitioners working in juvenile corrections. prison administration, and re-entry. Direct supervision jails combine a specific physical plant de- Since August 2005, NIC’s Division of Prisons and Community Corrections has provided leadership, management, and tech- sign and an inmate management strategy that can virtually eliminate the violence, vandalism, and unsanitary conditions nical support to the Maine DOC and the Corrections Alternative Advisory Committee created by the State of Maine’s Leg- often associated with local jails. To better support local jurisdictions that operate direct supervision jails, NIC developed islature that same year. This criminal justice system planning initiative, unlike NIC’s traditional technical assistance services and piloted a new curriculum, Supervising Staff in a Direct Supervision Jail. NIC also piloted the implementation of its and cooperative agreements, operates under a unique reimbursable arrangement allowing Maine and NIC to pool and inmate behavior management strategy, designed for all jails regardless of physical plant design. The Louisville Metropoli- leverage sufficient resources to pursue a broad range of strategies aimed at enhancing efficiency and effectiveness across tan DOC in Louisville, KY served as the pilot test site. state and local government agencies. To this end, during the FY, NIC made available subject matter experts to plan, oversee, More than 51,600 corrections professionals and others nationwide viewed NIC’s satellite/internet broadcasts of training pro- and guide the work of the committee. NIC has also hired technical consultants to conduct studies and develop recommen- grams. These covered such topics as public and media relations, protecting people with disabilities who are under the dations in such areas as pretrial case management; the design, authorization, and funding of community corrections; and the care of the criminal justice system, offender employment specialist facilitator training, the Prison Rape Elimination Act of use of split sentencing and alternative sentencing options. 2003 (PREA), and victim services. One example was NIC’s 32hour satellite/internet program on “Achieving Excellence in This partnership’s informed and collaborative decision-making process has resulted in support for the use of video Correctional Victim Service through Collaboration,” offered in September 2006. The program’s goals were to identify and conferencing for arraignments and other forms of distance communication, development of an integrated information sys- plan effective strategies for corrections-based victim services in partnership with other justice and community stakeholders tem for recording and managing offender data, and pursuit of shared purchasing agreements to reduce pharmaceutical costs and to develop a plan for measuring the effectiveness of victim services provided in local jurisdictions. More than 1,450 par- and staff time. To augment this, NIC published Getting It Right: Collaborative Problem Solving for Criminal Justice, ticipants actively took part in this live broadcast at 44 locations across the U.S. in FY06. During FY06, NIC’s Information Center responded to approxi- NIC provided 243 responses to technical assistance requests from state and local corrections agencies during FY06. Addi- mately 10,000 requests for research assistance, specific documents or videos distributed by the Center. Approximately tionally, NIC awarded 54 cooperative agreements to support a variety of projects to advance state and local corrections, 660,000 unique visitors used the website during FY06 to including those designed to: 23 • support small jails by providing targeted training: e.g., to individuals with mental illness. Other initiatives are expected • • NIC co-sponsored training with the South Carolina Jail to influence correctional policies and practices to improve Administrators’ Association and the Kansas Jail Association in their respective states. In each case, participants outcomes for women involved in the justice system: • In FY06, NIC began the final phase of a three-year project completed NIC training programs that focussed on jails as part of the bigger picture of county government, small jail with the University of Cincinnati to construct and validate gender-responsive risk and needs assessment tools and administration and resource management. strengthen services and products for jail administrators protocols for female offenders and pre-trial defendants. This work includes classification decisions in community (e.g., a large jail systems assessment to identify factors associated with successful organizational changes and and custody settings, from pre-trial through parole stages. Two public domain instruments will be available in FY07. better service delivery strategies). assist jail managers and funding authorities in planning • Three of the eight sites currently involved in NIC’s Transition from Prison to Community (TPC) initiative began working toward developing a transition model that addresses, in a gender-informed manner, issues specific to and implementing effective risk management strategies. • address emergency preparedness in jail environments by female offenders. designing self-audit checklists designed specifically for jails will help managers better assess their readiness for managing the various types of emergencies that can occur in jails. Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA): In FY06, NIC continued to provide training, technical assistance and • create a “How To” guide for developing and implementing information on PREA to the corrections field nationwide. NIC jail standards and inspection programs that can be key to has received over 70 PREA-related requests for technical improving facility management and operations. assistance that ranged from how to disseminate information to • survey the incidence and distribution of jail suicides over assessment and intervention strategies. In FY06, NIC’s an 18-month period. This is the third national study of its kind conducted with the National Center on Institutions various activities included: • providing training on “Addressing Staff Sexual and Alternatives (NCIA), and the resulting report of findings is expected to serve as a resource tool for jail Misconduct with Offenders” and “Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders” to administrators, as well as medical and mental health providers. representatives from 14 jurisdictions, as well as training on the latter topic to 29 agents from DOJ’s Office of the Also during FY06, NIC posted Evidence-Based Practice: • providing training at several professional conferences, Principles for Enhancing Correctional Results in Prisons and Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Community such as those sponsored by ACA, the American Jail Association, Women Working in Corrections and Corrections: Quality Assurance Manual on its website. These documents assist professionals working in prison and Juvenile Justice, the National Organization of Hispanics in Criminal Justice, and the New England Council on Crime community corrections environments to effectively managing offenders under their care. and Delinquency. at the request of DOJ’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Inspector General (OIG); NIC was involved in several other major initiatives during Delinquency Prevention, presenting information on preventing sexual abuse of youth in custody at two FY06. One such initiative on mental health is designed to unite criminal justice and mental health policymakers to develop regional training conferences; in June 2006, hosting a three-hour satellite/internet strategies for improving the criminal justice system’s response 24 • • broadcast on PREA that reached approximately 18,150 viewers that also dealt with preventing the abuse of youth in custody; and • continuing its distribution of “Speaking Up: Discussing Prison Sexual Assault” toolkits designed to assist facility staff in educating offenders (male and female) on local sexual assault policies and practices, and the two-part video series on responding to prisoner rape. 25 Status report: Other Agency Achievements Financial Management and Fiscal Responsibility For the eighth consecutive year, the Bureau received a clean audit opinion on its Audited Financial Statements. Clean opinions are indicative of sound financial management. The requirement to produce annual audited financial statements atically and thoroughly examine all applicable policies, processes or duties to identify those warranting elimination. If a process cannot be eliminated, it will be reviewed for streamlining. The group will then conduct a structured risk resulted from requirements in the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990. analysis of all remaining processes and procedures. Various streamlining, restructuring and cost avoidance Agency Workforce: At the end of FY06, the Bureau had 35,466 staff carrying out its mission; 321 Bureau employees were on initiatives were completed this year, enabling the Bureau to live within its budget. Among those successfully concluded active military duty. during FY06 were initiatives involving management re-engineering; regional designators and community cor- Consolidated Employee Services Center (CESC) rections, as well as certain case management positions (i.e., case managers, counselors and assistant case management The activation of the Grand Prairie, TX Consolidated Payroll coordinators); elimination of intensive confinement centers; and four camp closures. Another restructuring initiative involved changing the security levels (and thus the inmate populations) of several institutions to better manage bedspace capacity and population needs: the Federal Medical Center at Fort Worth, TX completed its conversion to an FCI; and Personnel Processing Unit (part of CESC) was completed in FY06. To assist it in carrying out its missions, CESC hired 91 new employees during FY06, bringing total staff on board for that component to 141. It is now processing payroll and personnel actions Bureau-wide, completing 71,747 actions in FY06. and the Bureau initiated the conversion of USP Atlanta, GA and USP Marion, IL from high to medium security facilities. During FY06, CESC’s Consolidated Benefits Counseling and As of the end of September 2006, of the 3,404 total positions benefits; and military-related actions agency-wide. The Benefits Unit processed 562 retirements and 35 death actions targeted for abolishing as part of the agency’s comprehensive cost avoidance strategy, only 233 remained. Approximately $124 million in cost avoidance was achieved in FY06 as a result of the various streamlining and cost reduction initiatives, some of which have been ongoing and/or carried out over the last several years. Various initiatives are ongoing, such as the mission change for USP Atlanta (with the related staff change being accomplished through attrition); in FY06, all high security inmates were transferred out of the USP to effect this change. 26 duties. All disciplines will undergo REDMAP assessments, during which groups of subject matter experts will system- Processing Unit also completed activation. It now processes all retirement; health, life, dental and vision insurance; death during FY06. Activation of CESC’s Consolidated Staffing Unit (CSU) also continued. During FY06, it assumed responsibility for processing all non-bargaining unit positions for the Bureau and processed 1,710 jobs during that time. The CSU is expected to assume responsibility for bargaining unit positions and BOP-HIRES (a direct web-based hiring system for entrylevel positions) in FY07, at which point it will be responsible for all agency hiring and staff placement, except for warden and In July 2006, the Bureau’s Executive Staff approved the Reduction and Elimination of Duties Management Assessment associate warden positions. Project (REDMAP). Through this process, the Bureau will reduce the workload on staff by reducing paperwork demands In support of the President’s e-government initiative, funding was provided to initiate the conversion of paper official and eliminating both redundant processes and unnecessary personnel folders to an electronic paperless version. The creation of the Classification and Compensation Section (CCS) allowed the consolidation of position classification • the CLC concept has provided Regional Counsels a responsibilities for all Bureau locations; these are now performed in Central Office. mechanism for distributing the workload more evenly or transferring work from one CLC to another, when During FY06 the Bureau participated in a Human Capital (HC) necessary, ensuring that each institution is provided competent and timely legal services; Accountability workgroup with DOJ to develop measures for the DOJ HC Accountability Implementation Plan. The resulting which has increased productivity; • finally, legal staff have been able to focus the majority of their time to dealing with legal issues, as opposed to plan will ensure adherence to merit system principles and other laws and regulations governing human capital management. It institution operations. will also provide for monitoring, assessing, and reporting on progress toward achieving HC goals and improving the Inmate Programs and Services: effectiveness and efficiency of human resource programs. In support of the agency’s national strategic plan objective that is designed to close skill gaps in the Bureau’s 12 core job series, as well as the HC strategic plan, the Bureau revised 76 training courses that target 19 identified skill gaps. The revised training activities resulted in 80 percent of the targeted job series showing improvement in closing 25 competency gaps during FY-06. The Bureau developed and implemented several recruitment and retention strategies during the FY that were effective in further enhancing diversity in its workforce. These efforts resulted in a 4 percent improvement in overall minority group representation, a 14 percent improvement in Asian/Pacific Islander representation, and a 21 percent improvement in Native American representation agencywide for the period ending July 2006. Training on recruitment strategies was provided to more than 375 Special Emphasis Program Managers and Affirmative Employment Committee chairpersons. With respect to legal services, the Bureau’s experience with Consolidated Legal Centers (CLCs) has confirmed that the agency derives significant benefits from this organizational structure: • the Bureau has been able to avoid adding new legal • positions to activating institutions; locating legal staff together in CLCs has provided a builtin forum for discussing difficult issues and sharing ideas, Drug education, non-residential drug abuse treatment, and counseling are available at every institution. Treatment includes individual and group therapy, group counseling, and other skills-building strategies aimed at developing pro-social values and preparing inmates for transition to the community. The objective is to reduce the likelihood of inmates relapsing to drug use. The Bureau is mandated by law to provide residential drug abuse treatment to 100 percent of the eligible population. The Bureau’s residential drug abuse program (RDAP), the most intensive treatment available, is located at 58 institutions. The TRIAD study showed that inmates who participate in RDAP are 16 percent less likely to recidivate and 15 percent less likely to relapse to drug use, compared with non-participants. There is enormous demand for residential services in part because of the potential for some (non-violent) offenders to earn a reduction in sentence following successful completion of the program. RDAP is ultimately completed in the community through continued drug treatment. The community transition drug abuse program continues the inmate’s drug treatment when he or she is transferred to an RRC. Program staff monitor inmate progress, provide treatment interventions and coordinate with U.S. Probation to ensure the inmate continues with the same treatment provider when moved to supervised release. This ensures continuity of care into the community, as well as supervision, to support lasting change. 27 The number of inmate participants in substance abuse treatment programs during FY06 were as follows: addition, minority groups that are at the greatest statistical risk for recidivism benefitted more from industrial work participa- • drug education: 23,006 tion and vocational training than their non-minority counter• non-residential treatment: 13,697 parts. • residential drug abuse program (RDAP): 58 program sites • 28 served 17,442 participants and yielded 14,652 successful Education programs help inmates acquire literacy and related program completions transitional drug programs at RRCs: 16,503 skills to help them obtain employment after release. BOP institutions offer a broad range of educational programs to Work programs not only facilitate inmate management, but meet the wide-ranging needs of our inmate population. Research has found that inmates who participate in education also teach inmates marketable skills and instill a sound work ethic and habits; in so doing, work programs enhance the programs are 16 percent less likely to recidivate than nonparticipating offenders. All Bureau institutions offer likelihood of successful community re-entry. Inmates who work for Federal Prison Industries (FPI or trade name UNICOR), literacy classes, English as a Second Language (ESL), adult continuing education, parenting classes, library services, one of the Bureau’s most important correctional programs, gain marketable skills in business areas such as electronics, textiles, wellness education, and instruction in leisure-time activities. services, recycling, fleet management, and vehicular repair. FPI work assignments pay a base wage of 23¢ to $1.15 per hour; On any given day during FY06, 34 percent of the inmate population was enrolled in one or more education programs. A but much like the regular workforce, inmates can earn overtime and may be eligible for longevity pay. These jobs are so total of 22,432 inmates were enrolled in GED as of the end of September 2006; and 5,547 GED completions were recorded highly-desired that there is a waiting list for them. As of September 30, 2006, UNICOR employed 21,205 inmates (or 18 over the course of the FY. percent of the eligible inmate population) in its various factories throughout the Bureau. Every Federal correctional institution has vocational and occupational training (VT/OT) programs. Inmates can learn a Inmates who participate in the FPI program and have court- wide variety of skills in both traditional trade areas and emerging occupations. On-the-job training is an important ordered fines, family support, and victim restitution must contribute 50 percent of their earnings toward these component of the occupational training program. Given the recidivism-reducing effect associated with participation in obligations. In FY06, approximately $2.57 million of inmate earnings were contributed to meet their existing financial these programs (participants are 33 percent less likely to recidivate than non-participants according to PREP), staff obligations. make every effort to match inmates with a VT program that most interests them. During FY06, the Bureau offered 337 Research has shown that inmates who participate in the FPI program are less likely to revert to criminal behavior and are occupational/vocational education, 542 apprenticeship and 148 advanced occupational education (AOE) programs, with more likely to be gainfully employed following release from prison. The Post-Release Employment Project (PREP) com- 11,623 completions. As of the FY-end, nearly 10,000 inmates were involved in occupational training and apprenticeship pared inmates who worked in prison industries with similar inmates who did not participate in the FPI program. PREP programs. found that inmates who worked in FPI were significantly less likely to recidivate than inmates who did not participate, for as The inmate population completed approximately 44,500 release preparation classes sponsored or taught by Education staff much as 12 years following release. Inmates who participated in FPI were also less likely to engage in prison misconduct. In during FY06. Bureau Components W hile the primary business of the Bureau of Prisons is operating correctional facilities, many who monitor contract compliance and coordinate the Bureau’s privatization management efforts. administrative, policy, training, program review and other supporting functions are carried out by the Central Health Services Division (HSD): manages the health care pro- Office, six regional offices, and the BOP’s training centers. grams of the Bureau; ensures that Federal inmates receive essential medical, dental, and psychiatric services; and is Central Office responsible for the Bureau’s safety, environmental, and food services programs. The Bureau’s headquarters, or Central Office, is located at 320 First Street, NW, Washington, DC 20534. Central Office is divided into eight divisions and the National Institute of Corrections. Human Resource Management Division (HRMD): is responsible Administration Division (ADM): develops and administers the and background investigations, labor/management relations, diversity management, and equal employment opportunity ser- Bureau’s budget, oversees financial management, and is responsible for the Bureau’s capacity planning initiatives, site selection activities, construction and acquisition of new Bureau institutions, and facilities management programs. Correctional Programs Division (CPD): develops activities and programs designed to help inmates develop the skills necessary to facilitate successful reintegration of inmates into their communities upon release and to assure institution security, safety of staff and inmates, and orderly institution operations. Programs include psychology and religious services, drug abuse treatment, programs for special needs offenders and females, and case management. CPD provides national policy direction and daily operational oversight of institution correctional services, intelligence gathering, the management of inmates placed in the Federal Witness Security Program, inmate transportation, receiving and discharge and inmate sentence computations, emergency preparedness, inmate discipline, and the coordination of treaty transfer of inmates with other countries. The Division coordinates the agency’s Victim/Witness Program and ensures the collection of court-ordered obligations through the Inmate Financial Responsibility Program. CPD also has responsibility for a variety of functions in the areas of contract residential re-entry centers, community corrections field offices, federally-sentenced juveniles, community-based drug treatment, liaison with the U.S. Marshals Service and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and secure privatized prisons. Division staff are responsible for direct oversight of field staff for recruitment, selection, training, and development of Bureau staff, as well as employee pay and position management, security vices. Industries, Education, and Vocational Training (IEVT): oversees Federal Prison Industries, also known by its trade name UNICOR, a wholly-owned Government corporation that provides employment and training opportunities for inmates confined in Federal correctional facilities; manages the Bureau’s education, vocational training, inmate transition, and leisure time programs. Information, Policy, and Public Affairs (IPPA): is responsible for managing the Bureau’s communication and information resources (including SENTRY, BOPNET, Sallyport, and, research and evaluation programs, security technology programs, public affairs, legislative affairs, and policy review. Office of General Counsel (OGC): provides legal advice, assistance, and representation to Bureau officials in the areas of legislative and correctional issues, commercial law, inmate litigation, administrative and discrimination complaints, ethics issues, equal employment opportunity law, Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act issues, labor law, and real estate and environmental law. Program Review Division (PRD): provides oversight of BOP program performance through the development of strategic plan- 29 ning initiatives and through the administration of program reviews that measure program performance; assesses the strength of internal systems of control; and evaluates compliance with laws, regulations, and standards. PRD coordinates the Bureau’s responses to audits conducted by the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) and the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), as well as the American Correctional Association’s accreditation of Bureau institutions. National Institute of Corrections (NIC): provides technical assistance, training, and information to state and local correctional agencies and to Bureau employees, and operates a clearinghouse known as the NIC Information Center. NIC has six divisions: Jails, Community Corrections/Prisons, Academy, Offender Workforce Development, Financial Management, and Communications and Publications. Management and Specialty Training Center (MSTC) National Corrections Academy 791 Chambers Road Aurora, CO 80011 303-340-7800 Fax: 303-340-7968 Regional Offices The Bureau of Prisons has six regional offices, which directly support the operations of the facilities within their respective geographic regions of the country. Under the leadership of a regional director and deputy regional director, regional office staff provide management and technical assistance to institution and community corrections personnel; conduct specialized training programs; give technical assistance to state and local criminal justice agencies; and contract with community agencies to provide offender placement in residential re-entry centers. NIC Headquarters 320 First Street, NW Washington, DC 20534 800-995-6423 Fax: 202-307-3106 NIC Academy/Information Center National Corrections Academy 791 Chambers Road Aurora, CO 80011 Academy: 800-995-6429 Information Center: 800-877-1461 Regional staff include administrators who are subject matter experts in all disciplines represented at the institution level (e.g., health services, unit/case management, correctional services, and facilities operations). By maintaining close contact with institution staff, regional staff ensure effective Bureau operations. Fax: 303-365-4458 Fax: 303-365-4456 Bureau Facilities Security Levels: The Bureau operates institutions of five Staff Training Centers different security levels (i.e., minimum, low, medium, high, or administrative) in order to confine offenders in an appropriate Training is an integral part of Bureau of Prisons employee development. Introductory training is conducted at the Bureau’s manner. Security levels are based on such features as the presence of external patrols, towers, security barriers, or Staff Training Academy, and specialized professional training is provided at the Management and Specialty Training Center. detection devices; the type of housing within the institution; internal security features; and the staff-to-inmate ratio. Staff Training Academy (STA) Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Building 21 Glynco, GA 31524 912-267-2711 Fax: 912-267-2983 Minimum Security: also known as Federal Prison Camps (FPCs), these work and program-oriented facilities have dormitory housing, a relatively low staff-to-inmate ratio, and limited or no perimeter fencing. Some FPCs are located adjacent to military bases, where inmates help serve the labor needs of the the base. A number of BOP institutions have a small, 30 minimum security camp adjacent to the main facility. Often referred to as satellite prison camps (SPCs), these provide Satellite Low Security Facilities: FCIs Elkton and Jesup each have a small low security satellite facility adjacent to the main inmate labor to the main institution and to off-site work programs. FCI Memphis has a non-adjacent camp that serves institution. FCI La Tuna has a low security facility affiliated with, but not adjacent to, the main institution. similar needs. Internet Access to Information: Low Security Federal Correctional Institutions (FCIs): have double-fenced perimeters, mostly dormitory or cubicle housing, strong work and program components, and a staff-toinmate ratio that is higher than that in FPCs. Medium Security FCIs: have strengthened perimeters (often double fences with electronic detection systems), The Bureau of Prisons’ public website ( maintains information about each of its institutions, offices, and training centers, as well as abbreviated contact information for privatelyoperated, secured facilities housing inmates under the Bureau’s jurisdiction. We encourage you to visit if you are interested in learning more about a specific facility. mostly cell-type housing, a wide variety of work and treatment programs, a higher staff-to-inmate ratio than that in low security FCIs, and even greater internal controls. High Security United States Penitentiaries (USPs): have highly-secured perimeters featuring walls or reinforced fences, multiple- and single-occupant cell housing, the highest staff-to-inmate ratio, and close control of inmate movement. Administrative Facilities: have special missions, such as the detention of pretrial offenders; the treatment of inmates with serious or chronic medical problems; or the containment of extremely dangerous, violent, or escape-prone inmates. These include Metropolitan Correctional Centers (MCCs), Metropolitan Detention Centers (MDCs), Federal Detention Centers (FDCs), Federal Medical Centers (FMCs), the Medical Center for Federal Prisoners (MCFP), the Federal Transfer Center (FTC), and the Administrative-Maximum USP (ADX). Federal Correctional Complexes (FCCs): At FCCs, institutions with different missions and security levels are located in close proximity to one another. This increases efficiency through the sharing of services, enables staff to gain experience at institutions of many security levels, and enhances emergency preparedness by having additional resources within close proximity. 31 Bureau Institutions Note: Population numbers effective 09/28/06. FPC Alderson AAALDERSONSON • P.O. Box A Glen Ray Rd. Alderson, WV 24910 304-445-2901 Fax: 304-445-7736 Staff: 166 Security Level: Minimum/Female Judicial District: Southern West Virginia Population: 1,104 Location: In the foothills of the Allegheney Mountains, 270 miles southwest of Washington, DC; 12 miles south of Interstate 64, off State Hwy 3. This area is served by airports in Lewisburg and Beckley, as well as Roanoke, VA; Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. Mid-Atlantic Region FCC Allenwood • AALLENWOODD P.O. Box 3500 White Deer, PA 17887 570-547-0963 Fax: 570-547-9200 FCC Staff: 846 FCC Security Levels: Low, Medium, High/Male Judicial District: Middle Pennsylvania Population: 3,933 Location: 197 miles north of Washington, DC; 11 miles south of Williamsport, PA; 2 miles north of Allenwood, on U.S. Route 15. This area is served by Williamsport-Lycoming County Airport and commercial bus lines. Northeast Region FCI Ashland ASASHLAND • Mid-Atlantic Region P.O. Box 888 State Route 716 Ashland, KY 41105-0888 606-928-6414 Fax: 606-928-3635 • Location: In the highlands of northeastern Kentucky, 125 miles east of Lexington, and 5 miles southwest of the city of Ashland. Off State Route 716, 1 mile west of U.S. 60. Staff: 279 USP Atlanta AATLANTA Security Level: Low with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Eastern Kentucky Population: FCI: 1,232 Camp: 331 601 McDonough Blvd., SE Atlanta, GA 30315-0182 404-635-5100 Fax: 404-331-2403 Staff: 568 Security Level: Medium/Administrative with adjacent Minimum Camp/ Male Judicial District: Northern Georgia Population: USP: 2,049 Camp: 549 Location: In southeast Atlanta, at the junction of Boulevard and McDonough Blvd. Off Interstate 20 (south on Boulevard) or Interstate 285 (north on Moreland Ave., left on McDonough Blvd.). This area is served by Hartsfield International Airport, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. Southeast Region USP Atwater ATWATER • P.O. Box 019000 #1 Federal Hwy Atwater, CA 95301 209-386-4701 Fax: 209-386-4635 Staff: 313 Western Region 32 Security Level: High with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Eastern California Population: USP: 1,290 Camp: 134 Location: On a portion of the former Castle Air Force Base. Approximately 130 miles from San Francisco. This area is served by Fresno Yosemite International Airport, Sacramento International Airport, Modesto City/County Airport (Harry Sham Field), Amtrak, and commerical bus lines. FCI Bastrop BBASTROP • P.O. Box 730 1341 Hwy 95 N Bastrop, TX 78602 512-321-3903 Fax: 512-304-0117 Security Level: Low with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Western Texas Population: FCI: 1,233 Camp: 182 Location: 30 miles southeast of Austin, 8 miles south of Elgin, and 8 miles north of Bastrop, off Hwy 95. This area is served by Austin-Bergstrom International Airport in Austin (25 miles from the facility). Staff: 242 South Central Region FCC Beaumont BEAUMONT • South Central Region P.O. Box 26035 Beaumont, TX 777206035 409-727-8188 Fax: 409-626-3700 FCC Staff: 845 FCI Beckley P.O. Box 1280 Beaver, WV 25813 304-252-9758 Fax: 304-256-4956 BECKLEY • Staff: 341 FCC Security Levels: Low, Medium, High with adjacent Minimum Camp/ Male Judicial District: Eastern Texas Population: 5,100 Location: On the Texas Gulf coast, about 90 minutes from Houston. From U.S. 10, take Route 69 and exit at Florida Avenue. Turn right on West Port Arthur Rd., then right on Knauth Rd. The area is served by the Southeast Texas Regional Airport, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. Security Level: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Southern West Virginia Population: FCI: 1,643 Camp: 405 Location: Approximately 51 miles southeast of Charleston, WV; and 136 miles northwest of Roanoke, VA. Institution’s street address is 1600 Industrial Park Rd. The area is served by airports in Charleston and Beckley, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. Mid-Atlantic Region FCI Bennettsville BENNETTSVILLE 696 Muckerman Rd. Bennettsville, SC 29512 843-454-8200 Fax: 843-454-8219 • Security Level: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: South Carolina Population: FCI: 1,481 Camp: 134 Location: In Marlboro County off Hwy 9; 86 miles from Myrtle Beach. This area is served by Florence Regional Airport (31 miles) and Douglass International, Charlotte, NC (89 miles). Staff: 289 Southeast Region BECKLEY • BIG SANDY USP Big Sandy P.O. Box 2067 Inez, KY 41224 606-433-2400 Fax: 606-433-2596 Staff: 355 Security Level: High with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Eastern Kentucky Population: USP: 1,540 Camp: 144 Location: In Eastern Kentucky, located 11 miles south of Inez, KY on Rt. 3 South; 18 miles southeast of Paintsville, KY and 15 miles northeast of Prestonburg, KY. The area is served by airports in Huntington, WV; Lexington, KY; and Charleston, WV. Mid-Atlantic Region 33 BIG SPRING • BIG SPRING South Central Region BIG SPRING BROOKLYN • FCI Big Spring 1900 Simler Ave. Big Spring, TX 79720-7799 432-263-6699 Fax: 432-268-6867 Security Level: Low with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Northern Texas Population: FCI: 1,618 Camp: 176 Location: Midway between Dallas and El Paso, on the southwest edge of Big Spring, at the intersection of Interstate 20 and U.S. Hwy 80. The area is served by Midland/Odessa Airport, a small municipal airport, and commercial bus lines. Staff: 240 MDC Brooklyn P.O. Box 329001 Brooklyn, NY 11232 Phone: 718-840-4200 Fax: 718-840-5001 Staff: 502 Security Level: Administrative/ Male, Female Judicial District: Eastern New York Population: 2,466 Location: In the Sunset Park section of Brooklyn, one of the five boroughs of New York City. The area is served by LaGuardia, Kennedy, and Newark Airports; Amtrak (Pennsylvania Station); and commercial bus lines (42nd Street Port Authority). Northeast Region BIG SPRING BRYAN • FPC Bryan P.O. Box 2197 1100 Ursuline Bryan, TX 77805-2197 979-823-1879 Fax: 979-775-5681 Staff: 123 Security Level: Minimum/Female Judicial District: Southern Texas Population: 900 Location: 95 miles northwest of Houston and 165 miles south of Dallas, in the town of Bryan at the intersection of Ursuline Ave. and 23rd St. The area is served by Easterwood Airport in College Station, and by commercial bus lines. South Central Region FCC Butner BUTNER • Old NC Hwy 75 P.O. Box 1600 Butner, NC 27509 919-575-3900 Fax: 919-575-4801 FCC Staff: 1136 FCC Security Levels: Low, Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp, Administrative/Male Judicial District: Eastern North Carolina Population: 3,556 Location: Near the Research Triangle area of Durham, Raleigh, and Chapel Hill; 5 miles off Interstate 85 on old Hwy 75. The area is served by the Raleigh-Durham Airport, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. Mid-Atlantic Region USP Canaan CANAAN • P.O. Box 400 Waymart, PA 18472 570-488-8000 Fax: 570-488-8130 Staff: 339 Northeast Region 34 Security Level: High with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Middle Pennsylvania Population: USP: 1,502 Camp: 155 Location: In the most northeastern county in Pennsylvania, 20 miles east of Scranton, and 134 miles north of Philadelphia FMC Carswell P.O. Box 27066 Fort Worth, TX 76127 817-782-4000 Fax: 817-782-4875 • CARSWELL Staff: 396 Security Level: Administrative with adjacent Minimum Camp/Female Judicial District: Northern Texas Population: FMC: 1,173 Camp: 270 Location: In the northeast corner of the Naval Air Station, Joint Reserve Base; 1 mile from Hwy 183 and 3 miles from Interstate 30. The area is served by Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, the Fort Worth Transportation Authority, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. South Central Region MCC Chicago 71 W Van Buren Chicago, IL 60605 312-322-0567 Fax: 312-322-1120 • CHICAGO Staff: 198 Security Level: Administrative/Male, Female Judicial District: Northern Illinois Population: 733 Location: In downtown Chicago, at the intersection of Clark and Van Buren Sts. The area is served by Midway and O’Hare Airports, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. North Central Region FCC Coleman LOS ANGELES L COLEMAN • P.O. Box 1023 Coleman, FL 33521 352-689-6000 Fax: 352-689-6012 FCC Staff: 1,229 Southeast Region FCI Cumberland CUMBERLAND • Mid-Atlantic Region • Location: In central Florida, approximately 50 miles northwest of Orlando, 60 miles northeast of Tampa, and 35 miles south of Ocala. The FCC is located south of the town of Coleman, off Hwy 301 on State Rd 470 in Sumter County. Security Level: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Maryland Population: FCI: 1,139 Camp: 324 14601 Burbridge Rd., SE Cumberland, MD Location: In western Maryland, 130 miles northwest of Washington, DC; 6 21502-8274 miles south of Interstate 68, off State Route 51 South. The area is served 301-784-1000 by the Cumberland regional airport, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. Fax: 301-784-1008 Staff: 279 FCI Danbury DANBURY FCC Security levels: Low, Medium, High/Male; Minimum Camp adjacent to Medium/Female Judicial District: Middle Florida Population: 6,713 Route 37 Danbury, CT 06811 203-743-6471 Fax: 203-312-5110 Staff: 246 Security Level: Low with adjacent Minimum Camp/Female Judicial District: Connecticut Population: FCI: 1,289 Camp: 220 Location: In southwestern Connecticut, 70 miles from New York City, 3 miles north of Danbury on State Route 37. The area is served by Westchester County Airport (45 minutes away), New York City airports (90 minutes away), and commerical bus lines. Northeast Region 35 FMC Devens • DEVENS P.O. Box 880 Ayer, MA 01432 978-796-1000 Fax: 978-796-1118 Staff: 411 Security level: Administrative with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Massachusetts Population: FMC: 998 Camp: 148 Location: In north central Massachusetts, approximately 39 miles west of Boston and 20 miles north of Worcester on the decommissioned military base of Fort Devens. Off of Route 2, exit 37B. Take the first right, and the the institution is 1/2 mile on the right. Northeast Region FCI Dublin • DUBLIN Western Region Security Level: Low/Female and Administrative/Male with adjacent 5701 8th St., Camp Parks Minimum Camp/Female Judicial District: Northern California Dublin, CA 94568 Population: FCI: 1,204 Camp: 282 925-833-7500 Fax: 925-833-7599 Location: 20 miles southeast of Oakland, off Interstate 580 (Hopyard/ Dougherty Rd. exit, proceed east to the Camp Parks Army Base). The area Staff: 241 is served by the San Francisco and Oakland airports and by commercial bus lines. FPC Duluth DULUTH • P.O. Box 1400 Duluth, MN 55814 218-722-8634 Fax: 218-733-4701 Staff: 85 Security Level: Minimum/Male Judicial District: Minnesota Population: 854 Location: On the southwestern tip of Lake Superior, halfway between Minneapolis-St. Paul and the U.S.-Canadian border; 7 miles north of Duluth, off Hwy 53 at Stebner Rd. The area is served by Duluth International Airport and commercial bus lines. North Central Region FCI Edgefield EDGEFIELD • P.O. Box 723 Edgefield, SC 29824 803-637-1500 Fax: 803-637-9840 Staff: 332 Security Level: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: South Carolina Population: FCI: 1,485 Camp: 557 Location: On the border of South Carolina and Georgia, northeast of Augusta. The FCI is located approximately 30 miles northeast of I-20, on Hwy 25. The area is served by air-ports in Augusta, GA and Columbia, SC. Southeast Region FCI El Reno • EL RENO EGLIN South Central Region 36 Security Level: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Western Oklahoma P.O. Box 1000 El Reno, OK 73036-1000 Population: FCI: 1,135 Camp: 237 405-262-4875 Location: 30 miles west of Oklahoma City. From Interstate 40, take exit 119 Fax: 405-262-7626 (Old Hwy 66), proceed 1.5 miles to the institution on the right. The area is served by Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City. Staff: 330 FCI Elkton • ELKTON P.O. Box 89 Elkton, OH 44415 330-424-7448 Fax: 330-424-7075 Staff: 334 Security Level: Low with satellite Low Facility/Male Judicial District: Northern Ohio Population: FCI: 1,825 FSL: 572 Location: In Northeastern Ohio, less than an hour from Pittsburgh, Youngstown, and Canton. The area is served by the international airport in Pittsburgh, regional airports in Youngstown and Canton, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. Northeast Region FCI Englewood 9595 W Quincy Ave. Littleton, CO 80123 303-985-1566 Fax: 303-763-2553 • ENGLEWOOD Security Level: Medium/Administrative with adjacent Minimum Camp/ Male Judicial District: Colorado Population: FCI: 810 Camp: 123 Location: 15 miles southwest of Denver, off Interstate 285. The area is served by Denver International Airport, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. Staff: 289 North Central Region FCI Estill P.O. Box 699 Estill, SC 29918 803-625-4607 Fax: 803-625-5635 ESTILL • Staff: 282 Security Level: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: South Carolina Population: FCI: 1,011 Camp: 300 Location: In Hampton County, off State Rd 321, about 3 miles south of Estill. The area is served by air and rail in Savannah, GA and Charleston, SC. The local area provides bus service to advance ticket holders. Southeast Region FCI Fairton FAIRTON • P.O. Box 280 Fairton, NJ 08320 856-453-1177 Fax: 856-453-4015 Staff: 303 Security Level: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: New Jersey Population: FCI: 1,399 Camp: 120 Location: 50 miles southeast of Philadelphia and 40 miles west of Atlantic City. Off State Hwy 55, at 655 Fairton-Millville Rd. The area is served by airports in Philadelphia, Atlantic City, and Millville; Amtrak in Philadelphia and Atlantic City; and commercial bus service. Northeast Region FCC Florence FLORENCE • 5880 State Hwy 67 Florence, CO 81226 719-784-9464 Fax: 719-784-5057 FCC Staff: 879 North Central Region FCC Security Levels: Medium, High, Administrative Maximum with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Colorado Population: 3,043 Location: On State Hwy 67, 90 miles south of Denver, 45 miles south of Colorado Springs, and 40 miles west of Pueblo. The area is served by airports in Denver, Colorado Springs, and Pueblo; Amtrak in Denver and La Junta; and commerical bus lines. 37 FCC Forrest City FORREST CITY • P.O. Box 7000 Forrest City, AR 72336 870-494-4200 Fax: 870-494-4496 FCC Staff: 556 FCC Security Levels: Medium, Low with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Eastern Arkansas Population: 3,671 Location: In eastern Arkansas, between Little Rock (85 miles east) and Memphis (45 miles west), near Interstate 40. The area is served by air and rail in Memphis, and Forrest City is directly served by commercial bus lines. South Central Region FCI Fort Dix FORT DIX • P.O. Box 38 Fort Dix, NJ 08640 609-723-1100 Fax: 609-723-6847 Staff: 589 Security Level: Low with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: New Jersey Population: FCI: 4,342 Camp: 424 Location: In central New Jersey, approximately 45 minutes east of Philadelphia., off Route 68; follow signs for Fort Dix/McGuire Air Force Base. The area is served by Philadelphia International Airport, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. Northeast Region FCI Fort Worth 3150 Horton Rd. Fort Worth, TX 76119-5996 817-534-8400 Fax: 817-413-3350 • FORT WORTH South Central Region P.O. Box 5000 201 FCI Ln. Glenville, WV 26351-9500 304-462-0395 Fax: 304-462-0396 • Mid-Atlantic Region • P.O. Box 4000 Greenville, IL 66246 618-664-6200 Fax: 618-664-6372 Staff: 276 North Central Region 38 Security level: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Northern West Virginia Population: FCI: 1,541 Camp: 147 Location: In central West Virginia, 85 miles northeast of Charleston and 150 miles from Pittsburgh, PA. The area is served by Pittsburgh International Airport and Yeager Regional Airport. Staff: 297 FCI Greenville GREENVILLE Location: In north central Texas, in southeast Fort Worth; north of Interstate 20 and east of Interstate 35. The area is served by Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. Staff: 283 FCI Gilmer GILMER Security Level: Low/Male Judicial District: Northern Texas Population: 1,483 Security Level: Medium/Male with adjacent Minimum Camp/Female Judicial District: Southern Illinois Population: FCI: 1,081 Camp: 354 Location: Approximately 43 miles east of St. Louis, MO and 63 miles from Springfield, IL. The area is served by airports in St. Louis, Mascoutah, Greenville, and Vandalia; Amtrak service in Alton and St. Louis; and commercial bus service in Vandalia. MDC Guaynabo GUAYNABO P.O. Box 2146 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00922-2146 787-749-4480 Fax: 787-775-7824 • Security Level: Administrative/Male, Female Judicial District: Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands Population: 1,177 Location: 6 miles west of San Juan, Puerto Rico, off Hwy 22 at the intersection of Roads 165 and 28. The area is served by San Juan International Airport. Staff: 252 Southeast Region USP Hazelton P.O. Box 450 Bruceton Mills, WV 26525 304-379-5000 Fax: 304-379-5039 • AAHAZELTONSON Mid-Atlantic Region Location: In the mountains of Preston County, WV in the community of Bruceton Mills; approximately 35 minutes from Morgantown, 45 minutes from Uniontown, PA; and 45 minutes from Cumberland, MD. Staff: 410 FCI Herlong P.O. Box 900 Herlong, CA 96113 530-827-8000 Fax: 530-827-8024 HERLONG Security Level: High with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Northern District of West Virginia Population: USP: 1,678 Camp: 143 Security Level: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Eastern California Population: FCI: 867 Camp: 121 Location: In the Sierra highlands of northern California, 50 miles northwest of Reno, NV, and about 30 miles north of Susanville, CA. Staff: 264 Western Region FDC Honolulu • HONOLULU P.O. Box 30547 Honolulu, HI 96820 808-838-4200 Fax: 808-838-4507 Security Level: Administrative/Male, Female Judicial District: Hawaii Population: 616 Location: Adjacent to Honolulu International Airport on the Aloha/ Hawaiian Airlines side. Staff: 201 Western Region FDC Houston HOUSTON • P.O. Box 526245 Houston, TX 77052-6245 713-221-5400 Fax: 713-229-4200 Security Level: Administrative/Male, Female Judicial District: Southern Texas Population: 942 Location: In downtown Houston at the intersection of Texas and San Jacinto Avenues. The area is served by George Bush International Airport, William P. Hobby Airport, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. Staff: 229 South Central Region 39 FCI Jesup 2600 Hwy 301 S Jesup, GA 31599 912-427-0870 Fax: 912-427-1125 JESUPUP • Staff: 330 Southeast Region FCI La Tuna P.O. Box 1000 8500 Doniphan Anthony, NM-TX 88021 915-886-6600 Fax: 915-886-6628 • LA TUNA Staff: 346 Security Level: Medium with satellite Low Facility and adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Southern Georgia Population: FCI: 946 FSL: 592 Camp: 155 Location: In southeast Georgia on Route 301, 65 miles southwest of Savannah, 40 miles northwest of Brunswick, and 105 miles northwest of Jacksonville, FL. The area is served by airports in Jacksonville, Savannah, and Brunswick, and by Amtrak. Security Level: Low with satellite Low Facility and adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Western Texas Population: FCI: 1,049 FSL: 454 Camp: 231 Location: On the Texas and New Mexico border, 12 miles north of the city limits of El Paso, off Interstate 10, on State Hwy 20. The area is served by El Paso International Airport, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. South Central Region USP Leavenworth LEAVENWORTH • Security Level: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Kansas Population: USP: 1,775 Camp: 474 P.O. Box 1000 Leavenworth, KS 66048 Location: 25 miles north of Kansas City on Hwy 73. The area is served by 913-682-8700 Kansas City International Airport (15 miles from the facility). Fax: 913-578-1010 Staff: 403 North Central Region USP Lee P.O. Box 900 Jonesville, VA 24263-0900 276-546-0150 Fax: 276-546-9116 LEE • Security Level: High with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Western Virginia Population: USP: 1,462 Camp: 140 Location: 8 miles east of Jonesville, off of U.S. 58 at the intersection of State Route 638. The area is served by the Tri-Cities Regional Airport in the Kingsport, Bristol, Johnson City, TN area. Staff: 366 Mid-Atlantic Region USP Lewisburg • LELEWISBURG Northeast Region 40 Security Level: High with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Middle Pennsylvania Population: USP: 1,489 Camp: 664 2400 Robert F. Miller Dr. Lewisburg, PA 17837 Location: In central Pennsylvania, outside the town of Lewisburg, 200 570-523-1251 miles north of Washington, DC, 170 miles west of Philadelphia, 6 miles Fax: 570-522-7745 south of Interstate 80, and 2 miles off U.S. Route 15. The area is served by Williamsport Airport. Staff: 505 FMC Lexington • LEXINGTON 3301 Leestown Rd. Lexington, KY 40511 859-255-6812 Fax: 859-253-8821 Security Level: Administrative/Male with adjacent Minimum/Female Camp Judicial District: Eastern Kentucky Population: FMC: 1,717 Camp: 287 Location: Seven miles north of Lexington on U.S. Hwy 421. The area is served by Blue Grass Field Airport and commercial bus service. Staff: 462 Mid-Atlantic Region FCC Lompoc 3901 Klein Blvd. Lompoc, CA 93436 805-735-2771 Fax: 805-736-1292 • LOMPOC FCC Staff: 522 FCC Security Levels: Low, Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Central California Population: 3,161 Location: 175 miles northwest of Los Angeles, adjacent to Vandenberg Air Force Base. The area is served by Santa Barbara Airport (60 miles south), Santa Maria Airport (25 miles north), Amtrak, and commercial bus service. Western Region FCI Loretto LORETTO LOS ANGELES L • P.O. Box 1000 Loretto, PA 15940 814-472-4140 Fax: 814-472-6046 Staff: 228 Security Level: Low with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Western Pennsylvania Population: FCI: 1,281 Camp: 158 Location: In southwest Pennsylvania between Altoona and Johnstown, 90 miles east of Pittsburgh, off Route 22, between Interstate 80 and the Pennsylvania Turnpike via Route 220. The area is served by Pittsburgh Airport, Amtrak, and commercial bus service. Northeast Region MDC Los Angeles LLOS ANGELES • 535 N Alameda St. Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-485-0439 Fax: 213-253-9510 Security Level: Administrative/Male, Female Judicial District: Central California Population: 969 Location: In downtown Los Angeles, off Hollywood Freeway (Hwy 101), on the corner of Alameda and Aliso Streets. The area is served by Los Angeles International Airport, Amtrak, and commercial bus service. Staff: 250 Western Region FCI Manchester MANCHESTER • P.O. Box 3000 Manchester, KY 40962 606-598-1900 Fax: 606-599-4115 Staff: 296 Security Level: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Eastern Kentucky Population: FCI: 990 Camp: 567 Location: 75 miles south of Lexington off Interstate 75, and 28 miles east of London on the Hal Rogers Pkwy, on Route 8 (Fox Hollow Rd.), off State Hwy 421. The area is served by airports in Lexington, KY and Knoxville, TN. Mid-Atlantic Region 41 FCI Marianna 3625 FCI Rd. Marianna, FL 32446 850-526-2313 Fax: 850-718-2014 MARIANNA • Staff: 336 Security Level: Medium/Male with adjacent Minimum Camp/Female Judicial District: Northern Florida Population: FCI: 1,107 Camp: 311 Location: In the Florida panhandle, 65 miles west of Tallahassee and 5 miles north of the town of Marianna, off Hwy 167. The area is served by airports in Tallahassee; Dothan, AL (35 miles northwest of the facility); and Panama City (54 miles south). Southeast Region USP Marion MARION • P.O. Box 2000 Marion, IL 62959 618-964-1441 Fax: 618-964-2058 Staff: 377 Security Level: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Southern Illinois Population: USP: 0 (undergoing mission change) Camp: 354 Location: 300 miles from Chicago, 120 miles from St. Louis, 9 miles south of Marion, off I-57 via Hwy 148 north, east on Little Grassy Rd. The area is served by the Williamson County Airport. North Central Region USP McCreary MCCREARY • 330 Federal Way Pine Knot, KY 42635 606-354-7000 Fax: 606-654-7190 Security Level: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Eastern Kentucky Population: USP: 1,573 Camp: 153 Location: In the southern part of Kentucky, off Interstate 75 via State Hwy 92 or via US 27. The area is served by the Lexington Bluegrass Airport and McGhee Tyson Airport in Knoxville. Staff: 316 Mid-Atlantic Region FCI McKean • MCKEAN P.O. Box 5000 Bradford, PA 16701 814-362-8900 Fax: 814-363-6822 Staff: 298 Security Level: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Western Pennsylvania Population: FCI: 1,169 Camp: 335 Location: In northwest Pennsylvania between Bradford and Kane, 90 miles south of Buffalo, off Route 59, 1/4 mile east of the intersection of State Route 59 and U.S. Route 219. The area is served by Buffalo and Bradford airports. Northeast Region FCI Memphis • IMEMPHIS 1101 John A. Denie Rd. Memphis, TN 38134 901-372-2269 Fax: 901-380-2462 Staff: 295 Mid-Atlantic Region 42 Security Level: Medium with satellite Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Western Tennessee Population: FCI: 1,083 Camp: 336 Location: In the northeast section of Memphis near the intersection of Interstate 40 and Sycamore View Rd. The area is served by Memphis International Airport, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. FCI Miami • IMIAMI 15801 SW 137th Ave. Miami, FL 33177 305-259-2100 Fax: 305-259-2160 Staff: 257 Security Level: Low with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Southern Florida Population: FCI: 1,068 Camp: 413 Location: In southwest Dade county, 30 miles from downtown Miami, off the Florida Turnpike (Homestead Extension, 152nd St. exit), 2.5 miles to 137th St. south. The area is served by Miami International Airport, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. Southeast Region FDC Miami • IMIAMI P.O. Box 019118 Miami, FL 33101-9118 305-577-0010 Fax: 305-536-7368 Staff: 278 Security Level: Administrative/Male, Female Judicial District: Southern Florida Population: 1,636 Location: East of Miami International Airport in downtown Miami, located at the corner of NE. 4th St.and N. Miami Ave. The area is served by Miami International Airport, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. Southeast Region FCI Milan MILAN • P.O. Box 9999 E Arkona Rd. Milan, MI 48160 734-439-1511 Fax: 734-439-5535 Security Level: Low, Administrative/Male Judicial District: Eastern Michigan Population: 1,566 Location: 45 miles south of Detroit and 35 miles north of Toledo, in the town of Milan, off U.S. 23 (exit 27). The area is served by Detroit Metro and Toledo Express airports, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. Staff: 305 North Central Region FPC Montgomery MONTGOMERY • Security Level: Minimum/Male Judicial District: Middle Alabama Population: 1,051 Maxwell Air Force Base Montgomery, AL 36112 Location: On Maxwell Air Force Base, off Interstates 65 and 85. The area is 334-293-2100 served by Montgomery Regional Airport, Dannelly Field, and commercial Fax: 334-293-2326 bus lines. Staff: 112 Southeast Region FCI Morgantown • MORGANTOWN Mid-Atlantic Region P.O. Box 1000 Morgantown, WV 26507-1000 304-296-4416 Fax: 304-284-3600 Security Level: Minimum/Male Judicial District: Northern West Virginia Population: 1,279 Location: In north central West Virginia, on the southern edge of Morgantown, off State Hwy 857 (Greenbag Rd.). The area is served by Morgantown Municipal Airport and commercial bus lines. Staff: 175 43 MCC New York NEW YORK • 150 Park Row New York, NY 10007 646-836-6300 Fax: 646-836-7751 Security Level: Administrative/Male, Female Judicial District: Southern New York Population: 879 Location: In downtown Manhattan, adjacent to Foley Square, and across the street from the Federal courthouse. The area is served by LaGuardia, Kennedy, and Newark airports; Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. Staff: 246 Northeast Region OAKDALE • • FCC Oakdale P.O. Box 5050 Oakdale, LA 71463 318-335-4070 Fax: 318-215-2547 FCC Staff: 463 South Central Region OKLAHOMA CITY • South Central Region FTC Oklahoma City • Location: In central Louisiana, 35 miles south of Alexandria and 58 miles north of Lake Charles, off State Hwy 165 on Whatley Rd. The area is served by Alexandria International Airport (40 miles) and by commercial bus lines. Security Level: Administrative/Male, Female Judicial District: Western Oklahoma Population: 1,514 P.O. Box 898802 Location: 3 miles west of Interstate 44 and 4 miles south 7410 S. MacArthur Blvd. of Interstate 40. The area is served by Will Rogers World Airport and Oklahoma City, OK 73189 commercial bus lines. 405-682-4075 Fax: 405-680-4041 Staff: 269 FCI Otisville OTISVILLE FCC Security Levels: Low, Administrative with adjacent Minimum Camp/ Male Judicial District: Western Louisiana Population: 2,568 P.O. Box 600 Otisville, NY 10963 845-386-6700 Fax: 845-386-6727 Staff: 286 Security Level: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Southern New York Population: FCI: 1,009 Camp: 127 Location: In southeastern part of New York state, near the Pennsylvania and New Jersey borders, and 70 miles northwest of New York City (NYC). The area is served by several airports (the closest is Stewart International in Newburgh, NY). Bus and train service connect Otisville to NYC. Northeast Region FCI Oxford OOXFORD • P.O. Box 500 Oxford, WI 53952-0500 608-584-5511 Fax: 608-584-6371 Staff: 290 North Central Region 44 Security Level: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Western Wisconsin Population: FCI: 982 Camp: 205 Location: In central Wisconsin, 60 miles north of Madison, off I-39 at the intersection of County Road G and Elk Ave. The area is served by Dane County Regional Airport, and commercial bus service in Portage and Wisconsin Dells. FCI Pekin P.O. Box 7000 Pekin, IL 61555-7000 309-346-8588 Fax: 309-477-4685 PPEKIN • Staff: 272 Security Level: Medium/Male with adjacent Minimum Camp/Female Judicial District: Central Illinois Population: FCI: 1,023 Camp: 289 Location: Located on Route 29 South in Pekin, approximately 10 miles south of Peoria, 170 miles southwest of Chicago, and 170 miles northeast of St. Louis. The area is served by the Greater Peoria Regional Airport, Amtrak, and commercial bus service to Peoria. North Central Region FPC Pensacola PPENSACOLA 110 Raby Ave. Pensacola, FL 32509-5127 850-457-1911 Fax: 850-458-7295 Staff: 100 • Security Level: Minimum/Male Judicial District: Northern Florida Population: 679 Location: 175 miles west of Tallahassee and 50 miles east of Mobile, AL, on Saufley Field, off Interstate 10. The area is served by Pensacola Municipal Airport, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. Southeast Region FCC Petersburg PETERSBURG P.O. Box 90042 Petersburg, VA 23804 804-504-7200 Fax: 804-504-7204 • FCC Security Levels: Medium, Low with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Eastern Virginia Population: 3,299 Location: 25 miles southeast of Richmond. From Interstate 95, take Exit 54 (Temple Ave./Hwy 144), proceed east approximately 3 miles, then turn left on River Rd. The area is served by airports in Petersburg and Richmond, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. FCC Staff: 562 Mid-Atlantic Region FDC Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA • P.O. Box 572 Philadelphia, PA 19106 215-521-4000 Fax: 215-521-7220 Security Level: Administrative/Male, Female Judicial District: Eastern Pennsylvania Population: 1,173 Location: In downtown Philadelphia. The area is served by Philadelphia International Airport, Amtrak, and commerical bus lines. Staff: 260 Northeast Region FCI Phoenix PPHOENIX • 37900 N 45th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85086 623-465-9757 Fax: 623-465-5199 Staff: 299 Security Level: Medium/Male with adjacent Minimum Camp/Female Judicial District: Arizona Population: FCI: 988 Camp: 301 Location: 30 miles north of downtown Phoenix, off Interstate 17, Pioneer Rd. exit. The area is served by Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, several regional airports, Amtrak (in Tucson), and commercial bus lines. Western Region 45 USP Pollock PPOLLOCK • P.O. Box 1000 1000 Airbase Rd. Pollock, LA 71467 318-561-5300 Fax: 318-561-5391 Security Level: High with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Western Louisiana Population: USP: 1,416 Camp: 129 Location: In central Louisiana between Hwys 165 and 167, approximately 12 miles north of Alexandria. The area is served by Alexandria International Airport and commercial bus lines. Staff: 380 South Central Region FCI Ray Brook RAY BROOK • Northeast Region ROCHESTER • North Central Region P.O. Box 300 Old Ray Brook Rd. Ray Brook, NY 12977 518-897-4000 Fax: 518-897-4216 Staff: 247 FMC Rochester P.O. Box 4600 2110 E. Center St. Rochester, MN 55903-4600 5507-287-0674 Fax: 518-287-9601 Staff: 433 FCI Safford ASAFFORD • P.O. Box 820 Safford, AZ 85548 928-428-6600 Fax: 928-348-1331 Staff: 165 Security Level: Medium/Male Judicial District: Northern New York Population: 1,179 Location: In upstate New York, midway between the villages of Lake Placid and Saranac Lake, off Route 86. The area is served by the Adirondack and Albany airports; the airport in Montreal, Canada;and the Burlington, VT airport; Amtrak in Plattsburgh and Albany; and commercial bus lines. Security Level: Administrative/Male Judicial District: Minnesota Population: 920 Location: In southeastern Minnesota, 2 miles east of downtown Rochester, off Fourth St. The area is served by the Rochester Airport and commercial bus lines. Security Level: Low/Male Judicial District: Arizona Population: 815 Location: In southeastern Arizona, 127 miles northeast of Tucson, 165 miles east of Phoenix, off Hwy 191, 7 miles south of the town of Safford. The area is served by airports in Tucson and Phoenix, Amtrak in Phoenix and Tucson, and commercial bus lines. Western Region MCC San Diego SAN DIEGO • Western Region 46 808 Union St. San Diego, CA 92101-6078 619-232-4311 Fax: 619-595-0390 Staff: 233 Security Level: Administrative/Male, Female Judicial District: Southern California Population: 989 Location: In downtown San Diego, adjacent to the Federal Courthouse. The area is served by the Lindberg Field Airport, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. FCI Sandstone • SSANDSTONEAE P.O. Box 999 Sandstone, MN 55072 320-245-2262 Fax: 320-245-0385 Staff: 236 Security Level: Low/Male Judicial District: Minnesota Population: 922 Location: 100 miles northeast of Minneapolis/St. Paul and 70 miles southwest of Duluth, off Interstate 35 (Sandstone exit, follow Hwy 23 to Route 123 east). The institution is 2 miles from the intersection. The area is served by commercial bus lines. North Central Region FCI Schuylkill P.O. Box 700 Minersville, PA 17954 570-544-7100 Fax: 570-544-7224 • SCHUYLKILL Staff: 289 Security Level: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Middle Pennsylvania Population: FCI: 1,254 Camp: 342 Location: 100 miles northwest of Philadelphia and 46 miles north-east of Harrisburg; west of Inter-state 81, off State Hwy 901. The area is served by Harrisburg International Airport, Amtrak in Harrisburg, and commercial bus lines. Northeast Region FCI Seagoville • SEAGOVILLE 2113 N Hwy 175 Seagoville, TX 75159 972-287-2911 Fax: 972-287-5466 Security Level: Low, Administrative with adjacent Minimum Camp/ Male Judicial District: Northern Texas Population: 1,858 Camp: 169 Location: 11 miles southeast of Dallas, off Hwy 175 (Hawn Freeway). The area is served by the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, Amtrak in Dallas and Fort Worth, and commercial bus lines. Staff: 297 South Central Region FDC SeaTac • SEATAC Western Region 2425 S 200th St. P.O. Box 13901 Seattle, WA 98198-1091 206-870-5700 Fax: 206-870-5717 • Western Region Location: 12 miles south of Seattle and 16 miles north of Tacoma, 1 mile west of Interstate 5 (200th St.exit). SeaTac International Airport is 1 mile from the facility. Amtrak and commercial bus lines also serve the area. Staff: 233 FCI Sheridan SHERIDAN Security Level: Administrative/Male, Female Judicial District: Western Washington Population: 979 P.O. Box 8000 27072 Ballston Rd. Sheridan, OR 97378-9601 503-843-4442 Fax: 503-843-3408 Security Level: Medium and Administrative with adjacent Minimum Camp/ Male Judicial District: Oregon Population: FCI: 1,353 Camp: 505 Location: In northwestern Oregon, 90 minutes south of Portland, off Hwy 18 on Ballston Rd. The area is served by Portland International Airport, Amtrak in Portland and Salem, and commercial bus lines. Staff: 331 47 MCFP Springfield SPRINGFIELD • North Central Region P.O. Box 4000 1900 W Sunshine Springfield, MO 65801-4000 417-862-7041 Fax: 417-837-1711 Staff: 608 FCI Talladega 565 E Renfroe Rd. Talladega, AL 35160 256-315-4100 Fax: 256-315-4495 • TALLADEGA Security Level: Administrative/Male Judicial District: Western Missouri Population: 976 Location: At the corner of Sunshine St. and the Kansas Expressway, off Interstate 44. The area is served by the Springfield/Branson Municipal Airport and commercial bus lines. Security Level: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Northern Alabama Population: FCI: 1,015 Camp: 371 Location: In northeast Alabama, 50 miles east of Birmingham and 100 miles west of Atlanta, GA; off the 275 bypass on Renfroe Rd. Staff: 280 Southeast Region FCI Tallahassee TALLAHASSEE • Southeast Region 501 Capital Cir., NE Tallahassee, FL 32301-3572 850-878-2173 Fax: 850-671-6105 • Western Region 1299 Seaside Ave. Terminal Island, CA 90731 310-831-8961 Fax: 310-732-5335 • 4700 Bureau Rd. S. Terre Haute, IN 47802 812-244-4400 Fax: 812-238-3316 FCC Staff: 666 North Central Region 48 Security Level: Low/Male Judicial District: Central California Population: 1,084 Location: In Los Angeles Harbor, between San Pedro and Long Beach; off Harbor Freeway (110 South) at the Terminal Island exit. Cross the Vincent Thomas Bridge to the Ferry St.exit. The area is served by Los Angeles International and Long Beach airports, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. Staff: 270 FCC Terre Haute THREE RIVERS TERRE HAUTE Location: Three miles east of downtown Tallahassee, on Hwy 319 at its intersection with Park Ave. and Conner Blvd. The area is served by Tallahassee Regional Airport, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. Staff: 281 FCI Terminal Island TERMINAL ISLAND Security Level: Low/Female, Administrative/Male Judicial District: Northern Florida Population: 1,548 FCC Security Levels: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp, High (includes Special Confinement Unit for inmates under Federal death sentences)/Male Judicial District: Southern Indiana Population: 3,140 Location: Two miles south of the City of Terre Haute, which is 70 miles west of Indianapolis on Interstate 70. The institution is located on Hwy 63. The area is served by Hulman Regional Airport and commercial bus lines. FCI Texarkana • TEXARKANA P.O. Box 9500 Texarkana, TX 75505 903-838-4587 Fax: 903-223-4424 Security Level: Low with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Eastern Texas Population: FCI: 1,430 Camp: 370 Location: In northeast Texas near the Arkansas border, 70 miles north of Shreveport, LA and 175 miles east of Dallas; off Route 59 south on Leopard Dr. Staff: 269 South Central Region FCI Three Rivers THREE RIVERS • South Central Region P.O. Box 4000 Three Rivers, TX 78071 361-786-3576 Fax: 361-786-5051 • VICTORVILLE VICTORVILLE Location: About 80 miles south of San Antonio and 73 miles northwest of Corpus Christi, off Interstate 37 on Hwy 72, 8 miles west of the town of Three Rivers, across from Choke Canyon Lake. Staff: 269 FCC Tucson TTUCSON Security Level: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Southern Texas Population: FCI: 1,062 Camp: 343 9300 S Wilmot Rd. Tucson, AZ 85706 520-663-5000 Fax: 520-663-5024 FCC Staff: 291 Security Level: Medium/Male; Administrative/Male, Female; High (activation underway) with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Arizona Population: 836 Location: In southern Arizona, 10 miles southeast of the city of Tucson, near Interstate 10 and Wilmot Rd. The area is served by Tucson International Airport, Amtrak, and commercial bus lines. Western Region FCC Victorville VICTORVILLE • P.O. Box 5600 Adelanto, CA 92301 760-530-5000 Fax: 760-530-5103 FCC Staff: 851 FCC Security Levels: High, Medium/Male with adjacent Minimum Camp/ Female Judicial District: Central California Population: 4,138 Location: In San Bernardino County, approximately 85 miles northwest of Los Angeles, on Interstate 15. The area is served by Ontario International Airport, Amtrak, and commerical bus lines. Western Region FCI Waseca WASECAA • Security Level: Low/Male Judicial District: Minnesota P.O. Box 1731 1000 University Dr., SW Population: 1,080 Waseca, MN 56093 Location: In southern Minnesota, 75 miles south of Minneapolis on 507-835-8972 Interstate 35; 13 miles west of Owatonna on State Hwy 57. The area is Fax: 507-837-4547 served by airports in Minneapolis and Rochester. Staff: 213 North Central Region 49 • BIG SPRING WILLIAMSBURG • FCI Williamsburg P.O. Box 340 Salters, SC 29590 843-387-9400 Fax: 843-387-6961 Security Level: Medium with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: South Carolina Population: FCI: 1,422 Camp: 135 Location: In Williamsburg County, off Hwy 521. Staff: 281 Southeast Region FPC Yankton • YANKTON P.O. Box 680 Yankton, SD 57078 605-665-3262 Fax: 605-668-1113 Staff: 106 Security Level: Minimum/Male Judicial District: South Dakota Population: 847 Location: In southeastern South Dakota, 60 miles northwest of Sioux City, IA and 85 miles southwest of Sioux Falls, SD; off U.S. Hwy 81. The area is served by airports in Sioux City and Sioux Falls. North Central Region FCC Yazoo City YAZOO CITY • Southeast Region 50 P.O. Box 5666 2225 Haley Barbour Pkwy. Yazoo City, MS 39194 662-751-4800 Fax: 662-716-1036 FCC Staff: 512 FCC Security Levels: Medium, Low with adjacent Minimum Camp/Male Judicial District: Southern Mississippi Population: 3,410 Location: 36 miles north of Jackson, MS off Hwy 49. The area is served by most major carriers at the airport in Jackson, as well as by Amtrak. FY 2006 Statistical Data Inmate Population Total population: 192,584 Inmates in BOP institutions: 162,514 Inmates in privately-managed, state or local secure facilities1: 21,069 Inmates in RRCs2: 9,001 1 includes inmates housed in facilities under contract with the BOP or with a government that has an Intergovernmetnal Agreement (IGA) with the BOP. 2 includes inmates housed in residential re-entry centers (RRCs) and on home confinement. Inmates by Security Level Minimum: 18.5% Low: 39.4% Medium: 26.6% High: 10.4% Unclassified3: 4.8% Sentence Imposed 3 Not yet assigned a security level. Inmates by Gender Male: 93.3% Female: 6.7% Inmates by Race White: Black: Native American: Asian: 56.4% 40.2% 1.7% 1.7% Ethnicity Hispanic: 31.4% Average Inmate Age: 38 Citizenship United States: Mexico: Colombia: Cuba: Dominican Republic: Other/Unknown: 73.0% 16.9% 1.7% 0.8% 1.7% 5.9% Less than 1 year: 1-3 years: 3-5 years: 5-10 years: 10-15 years: 15-20 years: More than 20 years: Life: Death: 1.8% 12.9% 15.8% 29.5% 18.8% 8.6% 9.4% 3.1% 41 Types of Offenses Drug Offenses: 53.6% Weapons, Explosives, Arson: 14.1% Immigration: 10.7% Robbery: 5.5% Burglary, Larceny, Property Offenses: 3.9% Extortion, Fraud, Bribery: 4.2% Homicide, Aggravated Assault, and Kidnapping: 3.1% Miscellaneous: 1.3% Sex Offenses: 2.2% Banking & Insurance, Counterfeit, Embezzelment: 0.6% Courts or Corrections: 0.4% Continuing Criminal Enterprise: 0.3% National Security: 0.1% 51 Staff Breakdown Staff by Gender Male: 72.4% Female: 27.6% Staff by Race/Ethnicity White (Non-Hispanic): 64.3% African American: 21.0% Hispanic: 11.2% Asian: 2.1% Native Anerican: 1.5% Other: less than 0.1% 52 Published annually by: Federal Bureau of Prisons U.S. Department of Justice Alberto R. Gonzales, Attorney General Harley G. Lappin, Director Thomas R. Kane, Assistant Director Information, Policy, and Public Affairs Judith Simon Garrett, Deputy Assistant Director Information, Policy, and Public Affairs Enriqueta Tercilla, Communications Director Office of Communications and Archives Information, Policy, and Public Affairs Federal Bureau of Prisons 320 First Street, NW Washington, DC 20534 202-307-3198 Bureau of Prisons website: The Attorney General has determined that the publication of this periodical is necessary in the transaction of public business required by law and the Department of Justice. Cover graphics design by: Office of Communications and Archives Printed by: Federal Prison Industries U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons Washington, D.C. 20534 Forwarding and Return Postage Guaranteed Address Correction Requested BULK RATE POSTAGE AND FEES PAID U.S. Department of Justice Permit No. G-231 Official Business Penalty for Private Use $300