Usdoj Olc Torture Memo 2 Aug 1 2002
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~T!I 1. Intelligence gained using the saved lives .and ot.oert: f has proceed. only w;Lth a clear: of aU the legal and policy :lr,terrogation techniques, including' Aucust 2002 DoJ opinion stating that III intettogat!.on techniques violate the Tortu:C.B Sta1:;u'te:-. • Th.e United States uses theConstitutioMI standards of conduct described above to implement Artiel", 16 of the CZ£1' within its- j,urisdj_ct.ion~ "Tl1e·"ioDIs -stated pol-icy i.-s ""'to t:..r.=eat all detainees and conduct a-ll interrog<:i;t.ionsj Nhez-ever t,hev may OCClU', i.n a mannez consistent \.;ith ["the-] commitm",nt" made by the United States under Article 16. (Emphasis added) e The President's 7 februaiy2lf02memoranclu;lt to th" Vice· .President t th.e 'Se,creta;r:Y·0f :De;fen'$~',<' tne DCr. and ot.he r.s, "ddressing the .Arme4 t'orc"s supportior the G"neva Conventions, which states i4 pe:ttit,ent part, "·o.£eou1'se, our values as a Nation . • . call ior us to treat d.etainees J;mJl\anely, including those "ho sre 1)"t· legally entit.1ed to such t~e~trnent . ~ '~ . ,As a .matt€ycf pclicJf the Armed Forcea,,)!a 1). cohtinU<i to tr€';at detainees humanely and, to the extent approp:riat.B and witl;l military neces.sity, in a manner oonsistent with the principles of,r~ . It , The Dl,lrbin amendPent to the FY 2005 Hational Defells" AlfthorizatJon Aot, which recently passed the Senate, but is not, 'asof'no'i<t r lm·t,. sta.eestha,t :"\!l2-Person in the custody 9r uncle!' the physicaLcontrol of the\Jn,ited States shall be subject to tortut'e or' cruel , Lnhnman , or desrradin9" treatment err. pUl?-i.?pment that is' prohibited, by the :co.nstitut.iofl f layrs, Q1: tre:a.ties of tbe US. J"l (Etnp.f!a'sis. udded} ·ti:Tne, ,$uprelu.6 Court's decisi:on in Rasul ''fl.. Busht 542 lL,'$,. {20.04'} , ·v,rhich raise..s. pos.s Ib le concerns ilbQ,ut: fl,Jture us 5u.d-ici'al review 'of the Prog,rami- and these Lssues .