Usdoj Vanyur Statement Re Prison Radicalization Are Terrorist Cells Forming in Us Cell Blocks 2006
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STATEMENT OF JOHN M. VANYOR ASSISTANT DIRECTOR CORRECTIONAL PROGRAMS DIVISION FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS BEFORE THE· COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND·GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS UNITES STATES SENATE . .. CQNCERNING i ••.. . .. PRISON RADICALIZATION: rnTERRORIST CELLS FORMING IN U.S. CELL BLOCKS·· . . " " "." . PRESENTEDON ..... SEPTEMBER 19,.200~ . STATEMENT OF JOHN M. VANYUR ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, CORRECTIONAL PROGRAMS DIVISION FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON. HOMELAND SECURITY AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS September 19, 2006 Chairman Collins .andMembers of the Committee: I am.pleasedto appear before you tbdayto discuss the efforts the Bureau of Prisons is taking to ensure we are pr~ventirig the recruitment of terrorists and extremists in our Feciera1 prisons . . Of the roughly 2.2 million incarcerated persons in the United States, the Buieau ofPiisons (BOP) is respons{~l~ for the custody and care of 192,000 inmates confined in 113 Federal prisons and in facilities operated by private companies and by State and ·local·governments. Our mission is to protect society by confining offerid~rsin the controlled environments of prisons "andcommunity-based faci:litiesthat are safe> hUIl1:~ne, 'cost..... : .. ' . 'eiii61erif),·a~ci.~ppropil~tei:y secui~;and topr6vide . work ..... ; and . 6tl1erseif~impiQvement opportunit.ies toas$ist offenders ·in becominglaw-~biding·citizeris. The·BOP is cOmIn:i,ttedto providing inmate$ wi ththeopportunl.ty to pia~ti~e'theirfaith while at the same time. ensuring that Federal 1 prisoners p're not radicalize,d or recruited for terrorist ca_uses. The support that has been provided by the FBI,- the agencies represented on the National Joint Terrorism Task Force (NJTTF), other components of ,the Department-of Justice, and many other members of the law enforcement and"intelligence communities has ,been invaluable in our efforts in this area. :Wellricterstand the" importance of controlling and, preventing the ." .:.' ' . .'. . . recruitment of, ininate~into terrorism. We also acknow'lectgethat -this is an evolving issue, especially as it relates to the -relationshipsbet'1een terrorism, certain-radical or extremist . . , ideologies, and the penchant of those who adhere to these -ideologies to recruit others to their positions. - , We know that inmates are particularly vulnerable to radical recruitment and-we must guard against the spread-of terrorism and extremist ideologies. '" : Our practices in institution security arid - -:irlIU9-,te managementa,regearedtowarcl the preventionof:any _ . .:, . r·~~1~_tenf~f_--<?rittlin1:1_bella.viqi,--dlsruPti ve '~~havior,_>Or qther -_:th-J:'~a:is to: in~titutio~security or pUblic safety, includlngthe :__ :. . "- : radicalization of ,- inmates. - ' - Over the last several years, our agency has taken a number of' -s{gnifi~an:tmeasures, and we are activelyengag-ed in several ongoing initiatives to ensure that Federal inmates are not __ recruited to support radical Drgartizations or terrorist groups. For example, we have eliminated most inmate organizations in order to control the influence that outside entities have on Federal inmates. We also have enhanced our information arid monitoring systems, our intelligence gathering and sharing capabilities, and our identificatiOn and management of disruptive . inmates. For over a decade, we have been managing inmates determined to . have ties to terrorism by confining therp in secure conditions and by closely monitoring their communications. We have established .a strategy that focuses on· the appropriate levels of' containment. . and isolation to ensure that inmates with terrorist ties do. not have'the opportunityt.o radicalize or recruit other inmates . . AII inmates determined to have terrorist ties are clearly ident~fieqand.trackedin our :information systems. .... ,.... ·\:'da:hg.-e~~usierr()ri.stsare .. :" :..... - '-'" . "':'" '..' :::'66riditions . -' ... " . '. ": The most .. c6nfined·· the most~est;ictive' . .' . -'. allo~ed, .' ~nd' many of these' inmates are house.d in our-. ". . . ", . . ," ' ' . inostsecurefacility, the Administrative Maximlim United States "'Penitentiary in Florence, Colorado ~ 3 'We' moni tor: and record all telephone communication (except attorney-client conversations) involving inmates with terrorist ties and, following established procedures, we share any relevant 'information with the FBI, the NJTTF, and o,ther agencies. In addition, our institutions work closely with the local Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) to share information and intelligen6e about these inmates. , The,Bureau has worked diligently, particularly since 9/11, to enhance our intelligence gathering and sharing capabilities in order to ensure a seamless flow of intelligence informati,on . ' . . 'between our agency' and' other law enforcement ,and counter~terrorism agencies. ,We have two full-time employees assigned to the NJTTF to facilitate our involvement on thlstask 'force and 1:0 coordinate the exchange of intelligence related to corrections. These two members of the NJTTF also manage the Correctional "Tntell:i:gence Tili tiativ,e{CIT), a "' nationwide 'N:JTTFs:pecial project ':,irt;6i~ing:correctional, agencies,at the'Fede~al,Sta~e~andl0caT :.'; '-. ", - ' .. " . '. ,".. . "te'vel~,de'signedto' detect, deter, and disrupt the ' radicali.zation ancibecruitlng of inmates . This initiative involves .training O'f' "dorrectfohal administrators by eadh 10CalJ;TFFexcharige Of . inteLLigence; communicating best practlces to "local JTTFs in: ' 'orciEkrto detect, deter, and disrupt radicalization; and 4 coordinatien of liaison and intelligence'--sharing activities-between local JTTFsand corrections agencies. Most importantiy,throughthe ell, intelligence regarding any attempts by inmates, religious providers, or others to radicalize any segment of the population is gathered and shared, and appropriate interdiction action is taken by the proper , ' cbrr$Gtional~uthority. In addition to containing and isolating inrnates who couldatterript, to radlca1.ize other inmates, we help inmates become less vulnerable to any such attempts. Experts have identified, the societal marginalization of inmates as a key factor in their becomingr'adicalized. The Bureau of Prisons provides inmates with a broad variety of programs that have been proven to as'sist in the development of key skills, ',thel:'eby minimizing the likelihood of the inmates, being . .: ". .~::. .' ~~i'g~naiize~:i.~' . . ,". '. ' .....: . -:~. '.'.~' ::: . '.-' Thei·p~ogTams . ;".' we provide include work in prison industries and . other ',insti tution" johs" vo~ational't~~ining, education," sUbs~ance .: .... :.. . ..... ,,': .... :., ::. 'abuse}.:i::'eatment, r.eligiousprog~ams, and other skills-building and pro'--sociaivaluesprograms. . Moreover ,we are well aware of the important role religious __ programs can play in preparing inmates to successfully reintegrate into society following release from prison. Religious programs and chaplaincy services are provided to the approximately30 faiths represented within the Federal prison population. Within the constraints of security, we provide worship services, study of scripture and sacred writings, and reli.giouswol;"kshops; and we make accommodations to' facilitate observances. of holy days. Full-time civil service chaplains in the Bureau of Prisons lead worship services and provide pastoral care and spirit~alguidance to inmates, and they oversee' the breadth·of religious programs and monitor the accommodations provided by contract'spiritual leaders andcommuhityvolunteers. The overwhelming majority' of inmates participate in'religious programs in a positive, healthy,. and productive way. We screen· all Of our civil service staff, volunteers, .' a.nd '". ~ \' '-:". ,.; . ,. ..": ",·i· ,. 'cqnt-r:act.6rs' " .. ~: to'av.~id, hiiingorcantracting '.' pOse\a threat ,.toiristitutiori security. . .". -'. . wi th: 'o' • ~ny()ne' who would Each BOPclvil service . chaplain must'nl'eet all the requirements. for employment as a. F~derallawenforcem~ntofficer,.' includin.g _: ': criminal ba~~groundclieck,'. reference. check, a. ,fieidinve~tigation, drugsc:r::eening, a pre-.employment sllitabllity interview,· ahd a panel interview. 6 In addition, chaplains must meet requirements unique to their employment and the scope of their duties. Like all BOP 8111ployees, chaplains are strictly prohibited from using their :position to condone, support, or encourage violence or oth~r inappropriate behavior. Our religious contractors and volunteers are also subject to. a • :variety of security' requirements prior to being granted access to the institution including: criminal background checks; law enforcement agency checks to verify places of residence and places of employment; a fingerprint ch~ck; gathering information from employers from over. the previous 5 years; and drug testing. The Bureaucontinu~s to work closely with the FBI and the NJTTF . with regard to the screening of religious service providers. Informatlon on staff chaplains and on contractors and volunteers {whether the contractor or volunteer is being considered to help providereligious<s~rvices.orriot}·is checked against,da~aba'ses '.' · ..~uPP'bFted· '. ',:.~" by.\:~e,.~B:i<··w~h~~e.also· . -':, enhanced the .supe~visionQf. .. programs arid activities that take place in our chapels Qver the rec6gnizingthe signs()fp~te~'tial radfcalization .. 7 Chairman Collins, this concludes my formal statement. I would be pleased to answer any questions you or other Members of the Corrunittee may have. 8 Fede~l Bureauof In~estigatio~ _rongressional Testimony Page 10f5 .' Congressional Testimony Contact Us Statement of DonaldVan Duyn Deputy Assistant Director,· Counterterrorism Division . Federal Bureau of Investigation . Before the . Senate Committee 'on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and Related Agencies September 19, 2006 . - Your Local FBI Office - Overseas~Offices - .Submit a CrimeTip . - Report Internet Crime .... More.. Contacts · Learn About Us - Quick Facts - What We .Investigate -. Nat!. Security Branch _.Information · -Technology ·- Fingerprints & Training ·-: Laboratory Services - Reports.& Publications -History . - More About Us Get Our News - Press Room . · ..: E-mail Updates 1m - News . Be Crime Smart· - W~nted by the FBI - More Protections Madam Chairman, Ranking Member and members of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to speak to you on the issue ofprison radicalization in the United .States. Top. Story Recent Stories National Press Rl TopLocal News Local News by 0 Congressional Testimony - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 -2004 Before I begin, I would like to emphasize that Islam itself is not the problem but rather how Islam is used by violent extremists to inspire andjustify theiractioris. Additionally,.' the FBI doescnofinvestigate individuals for their religious beliefs. Rather, we investigate the activities of individuals who want to do harm to the citizens and interests of United States and those of our allies abroad The FBI fully . recognizes and is committed to protecting prisoners' civil liberties, including religi6us rights. These activities have. led uS to believe that prisons Gontinue to present opportunities for. the proselytizing of both Sunni and Shia forms of radical Islam. Moreover, domestic groups such as white supremacists recruit in prisons as welL - 2003 - 1002 - 2001 Major Executive Radio - FBI This We~1 - Gotcha ContactS . - FBI Headquar - FBI Local Offil - 'FBIOverseas' The U.S. Prison Environment Backgrounders . Use 'Our Resources - For.Law Enforcement ·- For Communities . ....... .... . •;, FO[Re~~~r~~rs . ·:'More·Services: ........ .".'yisit{)urKfds" Page " . FBI and the Bureau of Prisons analysis shows that radicalization and recruitmentin U.S. prisons is still an .". ongoing concern. Prison r~dicalizationprimarily occurs . through:ailti;;U.S;sermonsprovidedbYcontract; volunteer. , or:~taffimams,;radicalize9' inmates \vho gain.religious .• · influence; and exln3rilisfmedia. ·Ideo!ogiesthat radicalized . inmat~s appearmostoftentoembraceinclt..ideor are . influenced by the Salafi format Sunni Islam (including '. revisionist versions commonly "prison .Islam") and .' an eXtremistviewofShia Islam similar to that ofthe governmentaf Itanand Lebanes(3 Hi~ballah. . . . ' . ".",",".", ," - FBI Priorities - FBI History . - RepOits&Put .- .FOIA an~~e~ Room" . There are two groups ofconcern irivolved in'prison . . radicalization and recruitment. '.' ·The first group consists of inmates, the. majority of Whom are· · minority group members. Although most are converts to .. Islani,there is' a smaller number who were born into the Muslim faith. These radicalized inmates either feel discriminated against intheUriited States or feel thatthe United States oppresses minorities and Muslinis overseas. The feeling of perceived oppression, combined with their 101112007· ... ~ " Federal.Bureau·of Investigatior'yongressional Testimony , Page 2 of 5 . , limited knoWledge ·of Islam,'especially for the converts, makes'this a vulnerable population fOr extremists.lookingto radicalize arid recruit. Radicalized inmates are of concern fora number of reasons:, • ' Influential inmates could urge other prisoners to ' attend certain mosques or Islamic centers in the United States or .overseas upon their release from prison that n1aypresent opportunities for the proselytizing,of radicalls'lam. • Influential inmates could also pose a risk to prison security by urging. inmates under their influence to disobey prison authorities and possibly incite violence ,Within the facility. ,' , : .' .. . ' " '. Inmates who have acquired skills used in terrorism ' activities coUld pass them on to other prisoners. .. '. ' The second group consists of contract, volunteer, arid staff , personnel, the majority of which are imams, who enter , correctional, facilities with the intent to radicalize and recruit. Particularly for Muslim converts, but also ,for those born into , ,Islam, anextremistimamcan strongly influence individual belief systems by speaking from a, position of authority'on religious issues. Extremist imams have the potential to', influence vUlnerable followers atvarious locations of opportunity;' cal) spot and assess individuals who respond to their :messages;'and can potentially guide them into increasingly extremist circles. Aside from individuals proViding radical messages'there is 'also extremist media, in the form of literature and videos being circulated Within the prison population that appears to , ,be a sig!lificant factor in prison radicalization.' , 'lfl$Orn~(}as'es, .thes~radicalization'efforts exparidbeyond", ,,' " "pdsonWaIJ$~r~sultingJn potentiafthreats to, sOCletyaf large::' , ..., . . .,...-'. . .' . : . .~ ..,: ' ' ,'. , '. .' .. " .. ' nieThreal ,',' lile majority of Cases in~olvingprisonradicalizationand ," ' recruitment have not manifested themselves as a threat to" have been, however/instances,' , where;cnarismaticelements within prison have,LJsed the call ofGlobal Jihad as a source of inspiration to recruit others for 'the purpose ,of conducting terrorist altacksinthe United, ,States. ,,', , : ' '.;' '. : .. ' " '. In July 200S,the FBI became aware of a Bunni ,IslamiC extremistgroi.ip in California operatingprimarilyhstate ,prisons,\vithouf apparent connections or direCtionfrorTI ' "outside the UhitedStates and with no identifiable foreign " power nexus. Members of this group, the Jam'iyYat UI..:lslam Is~Saheeh (JIS), or the "J\uthentic Assembly of Islam,"were . . '. ; httn·If\X1~imj fhi ahv/rnnOT;';'~<:lrnncrrp:~<:flhlv~ntil1vnflQ1Qflflhtm 101112007 . Federali3 tireau of Investigation: .yongressional Testimony .\ Page 30f5 ;/ involved in almost a dozen armed gas station robberies in . Los Angeles with the goal of financing terrorist operations in furtherance ofJISgoals. JIS founderKevin Lamar James, an inmate in the California prison system, was the principal recruiter for the group~' . Hecruitmentof participants to the Los Angeles JIS cell began in prison with the recruitment of Levar Washington by .James in December 2004~ James allegedly instructed Washington to recruit five people to train in covert operations, acquire firearms with silencers, and find contacts with explosives expertise or who could learn to make bombs that could be activated from a distance. Upon release from prison; Washington recruited other coconspirators,Gregory Patterson and Hamad Samana, to begin fulfilling James' wishes. On August31,2005, James, Washington, Patterson,and Samana were· indictedby. a federal grandjury for conspiracy to levy war against the U:S.govemnient through terrorism and conspiracy to possess and discharge firearms in furtherance ofcrimes ofviolence~ Washington,Patterson, . and Samana Were also charged with conspiracy to kill membersoftiJe U.S:· government uniformed services and conspiracy to. kill foreign officials. Washington and Patterson were further charged With interfering with commerce by . robbery and for .using and carrying a: firearm in connection with a crime otviolence. All members are currently in custody awaiting trial. . '. The JIS case .provides valuable insight into an increasing phenomenon in many of our terrorismcaseshere in the United States,as well as those around the world; and highlights the importance of cooperation at all levels of the law enforcement community horder to effectively fight terrorism. . The Response ".-' . The FBI and the Bureau;ofPrisonshave been actively '.. .eng~ge«( in effort~todeteCt,deter;anddisrupfeffortsby. ..... :extrerTlisfg·~o'Upstcira'dica:llze and recruifinU:Spi"isoi)S; ..' siriceFebriJary 2003~these'activities'have been organized through 'tlle' Correctional Intelligence Initiative (CII).· . .:'. -'" . ., . . ," . TheCllprOgram' focuses on: )Ii inb?lIigence' collection. . ..... . • DeteQting, deterring;a.nddisrupting efforts by _ · terrorist, .extremist,onadicalgroup~ tQ' radicalize ot .' ·recruiLin federal, state, local;territorial,tribal,or . · privatize9.prisons.··· .. ~nd ..... .• Providing training support materials that can be used by field offices and .JointTerrorism TaskForces · (JTTFs)fortrainingandoutrea:ch at state and local · correctional institutions. . . '. . httn:llwwwJhi.{!ovicon2Tess/conQTess06/vanduVn091906~htm ·101112007 .. Federal13ureau of Investigation' -(:ongressional Testimony I Page40f 5 . > J All of these elements have helped identify numerous factors responsible for the spread of radicalization and recruitment in prisons. A recent comprehensive assessment based on a survey of nearly 3,000 state and local correctional facilities identified the following' trends: ill Most cases ofprison radicalization and recruitment appear to be originated by domestic extremists. with few or no foreign connections~ •. Some radicalized Islamic inmates are current or former members of street or prison' gangs,indicating an emerging "crossover" trend from gang member to Islamist extremist. • Radicaliz:ation activity levels appear to be higher in high population areas on the West Coast and in the. northeastern. United States. . ;. Asid~ from trends, the assessment identified "best . .practices" for correctional institutions to follow to combat the' spread of radicalization arid recruitment Some of these are: • Establishsystern-wide vetting protocols for all contractor and volunteer applicants; •. 'The FBI provides assistance by conducting .. ". criminal history checks against all FBI-indices for contract, volunteer, and staff personnel' entenngcorrectional facilities. Relevant' .. .information is passed on tocorreetional officialsfor appropriate action. • Create system-wide databases of contractors and volunteers providing direct inmate services: . . . • Improve monitoring capabilities; • COor~:lina:teinrll<ite tran~fers; . :'-:-:,";, :<.:-' .....::-:' . -:': >,:".:".< '.:,- :......... .. ·.~·i.~shki~i~f~hnaii~~amo~g:~Ii I~velsot,d\V .. . .. , ",~. enfqrcemEm.tandcorrectional persorineLFBI Joint .. '\Teimrism T~sk.Forces can facilitate this process.. .. .. . .. - ' "" ' '. Numerous FSra.nalYtlcal products,aswell as operational . higtllights;have been disseminated to foreign liaison . ..' partners; from classified produc;ts·tounclassified· '. ..... . assessinemtsmeantfor a wide audience. The feedback from' tne"liltter. ilashelp~d usbetterdrive analytical perspectives' ,'andidehtifY;services/where hi-lateral exchanges couldpr6ve benefidaJ on thisissue;" . . .. . . ... '. .' . ~o com~ittee for the .Atthis time; I would like thank the opportunity to address tnisimportant issue. ." . .:" .~ Hl/1 ho{n