Utah Department of Corrections - Execution Protocols
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TMF 01/01.00 GENERAL PROVISIONS TMF TMF TMF TMF Purpose of Technical Cross Reference Policy Definitions 01/01.01 01/01.02 01/01.03 01/01.04 REVISED 06/10/10 Manual UDC GRAMA Classified Public TMF 01/01 - pg.1 UDC GRAMA Classified Public TMF 01/01.00 GENERAL PROVISIONS TMF 01/01.01 Purpose Technical The purpose of this Technical Manual is to provide the Department's policies, procedures and post orders for planning and carrying out the sentence for the execution of a person convicted of a capital offense. B. This chapter shall procedures related Cross A. B. include to: 1. planning 2. execution 3. post-execution 4. security 5. witnesses 6. news media briefing; 7. delays, stays, 8. support services 9. briefing and 10. documentation, and policies and preparation; of the sentence; requirements and and process; control; and Post orders are others involved implementation, official access visitors limitations and and commutations; functions; training; and review and audit. included for the staff and in the execution planning, documentation and review. Reference Department Policies AGr05 FDr14 Media Inmate Other Authority UCA 77-19-6 REVISED 06/10/10 Manual A. C. TMF 01/01.02 of UDC GRAMA Classified Public and Procedures Manuals Relations Property Judgement of death-warrantDelivery of warrantDetermination of execution time. TMF 01/01 - pg.2 UDC UCA 77-19-10 Judgement of death~Location and procedures for GRAMA execution. Classified Who may be presentPublic Photographic and recording equipment. Return upon death warrant. Investigation of deaths by county attorney-Requests for autopsies. Deaths over which medical examiner has jurisdiction. Commutation Hearings for Death Penalty Cases UCA 77-19-11 UCA 77-19-12 UCA 26-4-6 UCA 26-4-7 BPPPM 3.12 TMF 01/01.03 Policy It is the of the Department that: A. execution of persons sentenced to death under Utah law by a court of competent authority and jurisdiction be carried out in the legally prescribed manner; B. the Department shall make every effort in planning and preparation of the execution event to ensure that the execution process: the 1. adheres 2. is handled in a manne·r negative impact on the and operational integrity 3. accommodates to information 4. reasonably addresses the privacy interests of those persons for whom the law, Department policy or coITLmonly-held principles of decency require such privacy; 5. provides sufficient staffing that unplanned problems can accommodated and overcome; 6. prepares for stays of commutations and other execution count-down; 7. REVISED 06/10/10 policy provides persons to the intent the of the law; which minimizes safety, security of the prison; need for concerning public access the event; to be ensure execution, delays in the an opportunity for interested to exercise their First TMF 01/01 - pg.3 Amendment rights against capital manner; C. D. 8. ensures a firm and adequate response unlawful civil disobedience, trespass, or other violations of the law by persons attempting to disrupt, prevent or other-wise frustrate the lawful process associated with the execution; and 9. anticipates and provides for sufficient support needs for the execution and the prison as a whole; the Department shall arrest and prosecution of persons, including limited to, those who: 1. violate 77-19-11 against filming, broadcasting or documenting the 2. trespass property clearance 3. participate 4. unlawfully prevent or execution; 06/10/10 unlawful attempt otherwise ,to unlawfully terrorize execution threaten, persons process; prison and or disrupt, interfere with 6. in the and Utah the demonstrations; being inmates, are involved disruptive, assaultive or proscribed behavior; or staff involved effort within these polices the State of encourage but not or otherwise enter upon without proper permission from the Department; in to UCA prohibitions taping, sketching, otherwise electronically death of the condemned; 5. 1. REVISED UDC to demonstrate GRAMA for or Classified punishment in a lawful Public in other intimidate involved in or the the execution make every requirements and limits procedures and the laws to: minimize the anxiety of the execution on inmate's family and the execution; the of of and negative impact the victim's and friends witnessing TMF 01/01 - pg. 4 E. F. TMF 01/01.04 2. display appropriate levels professionalism, restraint; in interaction with witnesses, demonstrators, news media, and other non-staff persons during the execution process; and 3. not permit interactions, emotion or intimidation to prevent their proper handling of missions and duties; the Department review performance of: the 1. the policies 2. the the Department execution; 3. members of allied with the execution; 4. statutes adequacy and procedures and staff other merr~ers agencies and and/or the employed; involved in assisting authority impacting the execution; and the evaluation of each execution event used to improve operational procedures the future. be for Definitions allied Attorney Office attorney REVISED 06/10/10 UDC ofGRAMA Classified and courtesy Public refers justice agency General's of record to another agency criminal staff at the Attorney or any General 1 s Office designated contract attorney approved to carry out the responsibilities described this technical manual in the condemned inmate 1 s attorney and other assisting legal personnel TMF 01/01 - pg5 broadcast media civilians refers media radio any person not a merr~er Department, allied law enforcement agency, nor aid agencies of the member who is assigned supervise the command post functions and activities commutation the change from lesser punishment conviction drug box or boxes each of which shall contain one complete set-up for lethal injection; with or without drugs injection execution building refers execution execution chamber to the mutual Command Post Director box REVISED 06/10/10 to UDC andGRAMA television Classified Public a greater after to to the area containing chamber the the immediate enclosed areas containing the condemned at the moment of execution TMF 01/01 - pg.6 a UDC GRAMA Classified Public mutual or personnel agencies fire medical, provide and other suppression, to the Draper services aid support site news magazines a national having magazines sold by news being circulation public to the general stands circulation and by mail news media to those refers collectively with news gathering involved news for newspapers, television radio, magazines, ............ U..L news media newspaper REVISED 06/10/10 that members ................ T,-, .l.l'C;'.1/VO .,-,r-,..,,.... OC:L ... --,,-, ,...,,..,.,-. V =4---_i.,,_~c:..::i over the age of persons who are primarily eighteen of in the business employed news reporting or gathering news for newspapers, or national magazines, or new services international stations or television radio by the Federal licensed Commission Communications for the purposes publication: of this TMF 01/01 chapter, - pg. 7 1. circulates general 2. publishes legal notices in the community in which it is located or the area to which it distributes; and 3. contains items of general interest to the public such as political, commercial, religious or social affairs pardon an act of appropriate exempting punishment press refers to the print media; also see "news media", generally reprieve the the temporary execution respite see "reprieve" security curtains the curtains which cover the viewing room windows in the executionchamber Warden warden site witness REVISED 06/10/10 UDC GRAMA Classified among the Public public; viewing the grace by an authority a person from for a crime suspension assigned areas from to of the which TMF 01/01 Draper the - pg.8 area REVISED 06/10/10 execution government witnesses witnesses UDC is viewed by witnesses, GRAMA inmate'sClassified and news media Public TMF 01/01 - pg.9 UDC GRAMA Classified Public TMF 01/02.00 PRE-EXECUTION CHECKLIST TMF 01/02.01 TMF 01/02.02 TMF 01/02.03 General Provisions Prior to Receiving Death Warrant of Death Warrant Receipt to Thirty Days Prior Execution Twenty-Nine to Fourteen Days Prior to the Execution Thirteen to Seven Days Prior to Execution Six to Three Days Prior to Execution TMF 01/02.04 TMF 01/02.05 TMF 01/02.06 TMF 01/02.07 REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/02 to - pg. 10 TMF 01/02.00 PRE-EXECUTION CHECKLIST TMF 01/02.01 General A. UDC GRAMA Classified Public Provisions Purpose of Chapter 1. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a checklist of procedures and events which should occur between the issuing of the death warrant and 24 hours prior to the execution. 2. Full detail will not be provided for each procedure or event in this chapter. For detail, reference will be made to Chapter TMF 01/05 and other chapters where such detail may be found. 3. This chapter the following will be divided time periods: to a. prior issued; b. issuing of death warrant prior to the execution; c. 14 to d. 7 to 13 days execution; e. 3 to and to the 29 days 6 days death warrant prior prior prior to to being to to cover 30 days the the the execution; f. B. Policy 1. REVISED 06/10/10 It is the policy of the Department that the count-down to the execution be completed in a systematic manner to ensure that all procedures and events which are necessary in the preparation of the execution are completed in a timely manner. TMF 01/02 - pg. 11 2. 3. TMF 01/02.02 Prior A. to UDC GRAMA Classified offering Public should be observed ·This count-down, though flexible application, and followed as written or adjustment is required out the execution. unless for deviation carrying The Executive Director/designee may direct deviation from or adjustment to the policies and procedures in this manual at any time when necessary for 1 the good of the Department s mission in carrying out the execution. Approval for the changes shall be documented in writing. Receiving Execution Death Planning Warrant Team When it appears an execution is imminent, prior to the issuing of the death warrant, the Warden shall select an Execution Planning Team. The Team mayinclude: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/02 - pg. 12 B. Involve Additional UDC GRAMA Classified Assistance Public Planning Other persons who may be invited to a meeting-by-meeting basis, include: attend on 1. a representative the Attorney 2. a representative County Attorney condemned; 3. a representative from Pardons and Parole; 4. representatives from the agencies which investigated involving the condemned; 5. representatives from law enforcement and other allied agencies who may be asked to assist with various aspects of the execution; and 6. any other persons deemed necessary appropriate by the Executive Director/designee, DIO Director or Warden. Develop or representatives General's Office; from which from the office prosecuted the of the the Board law of enforcement the case or Assignments· When it is reasonable to believe a death warrant will be issued in the near future, the Execution Planning Team and those additional persons deemed appropriate shall meet to: REVISED 06/10/10 1. review the Execution 2. make assignments execution; 3. develop 4. assign revision needed; 5. take any other steps necessary to prepare for the issuance of the a schedule Plan for the of (TMF 01); pending events; responsibilities of the Execution and related Plan, TMF 01/02 to if deathwarrant count down. D. TMF 01/02.03 Identify Execution Dates 2. Information concerning the Department's requests/concerns related to scheduling shall be communicated to the Attorney General's Office to be co"mmunicated to the sentencing court. of Death Warrant to Thirty of a death warrant following procedures be completed at least Receipt of Death Days Prior to from a competent shall be initiated 30 days prior to Warrant 1. Upon receipt of the death soon as practical thereafter, of the Execution Planning scheduled by the Warden. 2. The Execution Planning Team shall then coordinate the implementation of the procedures set forth in this technical manual under the direction of the Warden. Time and 1. Date The day REVISED 06/10/10 the The Execution Planning Team shall review the Department's schedule of events and identify favorable and unfavorable dates within the period of time in which the execution may be ordered. Upon receipt court, the and should execution. B. Possible begin 1. Receipt Execution A. and UDC GRAMA Classified execution Public Place of warrant and as a meeting Team shall be Execution date for the execution set by the sentencing shall judge. TMF 01/02 be that - pg. 14 2. UDC GRAMA Classified Public Time shall of Corrections The Departrnent the appointed within the hour, determine is executed." the judgment at which day, 77-19-6(3) 11 3. C. Condemned E. F. REVISED 06/10/10 of Witnesses be informed shall inmate The condemned religious he may designate that or relatives friends, representatives, in number five of total a exceeding not (2) 77-19-11 the execution. to witness (d)UCA 2. Refer to of Disposition TMF 01/07. Property Personal 1. be contacted shall The inmate the concerning instructions property. of his personal 2. Refer to of Disposition Funds The condemned instructions of the funds or administered Department. 2. Refer Organ to for disposition TMF 01/05.06. 1. in Inmate's Account for be contacted shall the disposition concerning controlled in any accounts or prison the by TMF 01/05.06 and an option TMF 01/05.07. Donation is Organ donation inmates. G. Choice Inmate's 1 .L • D. Location Disposition of not for condemned Body TMF 01/02 - pg. 15 1. 2. H. The condemned shall be asked instructions concerning the of his remains following the Refer Designate Execution 1. execution. TMF 01/05.08. Persons Required to Assist with Those persons necessary to carry execution shall be identified. a. out The Executive Director/designee, DIO Director or Warden shall responsible for identifying, selecting and obtaining the services of the executioners. TMF 01/05.03 and TMF 01/05.04. the be See b. The Public Affairs Director shall be responsible for coordinating the notification of the news media and selection of individual news media witnesses. See TMF 01.08.02. c. The Warden shall be responsible for designating those persons necessary to carry out and support the execution. 2. Redundancy in assignment may be developed for all vital or important positions. The Warden, DIO Director, and Executive Director/designee shall determine which positions require backup and shall ensure adequate coverage is provided. 3. "Compensation for members of a firing squad or persons administering intravenous injections shall be in an amount determined by the director of the Division of Finance." 77-19-10 (4)UCA a. REVISED 06/10/10 to UDC GRAMA Classified for Public disposition The Department shall negotiate the executioners and Division Finance the fee to be paid to executioners. TMF 01/02 with of the - pg. 16 UDC GRAMA Classified Public b. I. Other Approved Witnesses The Executive Director/designee shall designate other approved witnesses as outlined in TMF 01/07.03. J. Contact with State 1. Contact Medical Medical 2. The Medical to provide a. Medical Examiner shall be made withthe Examiner to coordinate Examiner's role. transfer inmate Medical Examiner direction State the shall be concerning: of custody of from the Warden Examiner; requested the executed to the b. C. 3. K. REVISED 06/10/10 Refer Support to TMF 01/04. Services 1. The Support Services Deputy Warden coordinates the functions of Support Services Section Personnel. 2. Support but not Services units be limited to: shall TMF 01/02 include, - pg.17 L. M. TMF 01/02.04 b. the Maintenance 01/05. 18) . The Correctional coordinates personnel. Brief Prison Services and Unit Unit (See TMF Medical Administrator functions of the Medical (See TMF 01/05.18) Unit Administrators 1. It is necessary to maintain as nearly possible a normal prison operation during the execution and the activities preceding and following the execution. 2. Prison administrators should be briefed as appropriate on plans for the execution, restrictions on access, crowd control, additional security procedures, etc., on an on-going basis. 3. Briefings should begin as soon as plans begin to evolve which will effect the general prison operation, and should continue until the operation returns to normal. to Fourteen Days Prior to as the Witnesses 1. 06/10/10 the Food 01/05.19); Twenty-Nine Execution A. REVISED a. UDC GRAMA Classified (See TMF Public The Executive Director/designee develop a final list of witnesses consistent with the requirements 19-11 (2) and (3) UCA. 2. Any changes list shall Director. 3. Each witness an agreement added to the to the Government be approved by the shall of 77- witness Executive shall be required to sign prior to being cleared and witness list. TMF 01/02 - pg. 18 B. C. D. 4. The Executive additions to necessary .. 5. Refer 1. Witness requests shall be received and processed by the Public Affairs Office in accordance with TMF 01/08.02. 2. Alternate members present handled Inmate coverage/accommodations for of the press selected to be at alternate site shall be consistent with TMF 01/08.03. Property and Accounts 1. Finalize arrangements the condemned inmate's accounts 14 days prior for disposition property and to execution. 2. Refer and to Disposition 2. F. TMF 01/05.05. News Media 1. E. to Director the witness UDC GRAMA Classified may make list when Public of Finalize, concerning Refer Selection TMF 01/05.06 to of if possible, disposition decision of the Executioners the selection back-ups. of 2. Refer TMF 01/05.03 and 1. Finalize consistent body. TMF 01/05.08. Finalize and their Medical/Medical TMF 01/05.07. Body 1. to of executioners TMF 01/05.04. Examiner arrangements for a physician with 77-19-l0UCA. 2. REVISED 0G/10/10 TMF 01/02 - pg.19 3. G. TMF 01/02.05 Practices to and TMF 01/05.08. Rehearsals 1. Initiate involved execution 2. Not all of the persons involved will practice together. Individual teams will practice as units, with inter-team practices scheduled, as necessary. Thirteen A. Refer UDC GRAMA Classified Public to Inmate practice in the event. Seven to sessions for persons various parts of the Days Prior to Property/Accounts All paperwork on disposition accounts should be completed days prior to the execution. B. C. D. E. REVISED 06/10/10 Execution Disposition of Body All paperwork should seven days prior to be the of at property and least seven completed execution. at least Food Services 1. At least seven days prior to contact the condemned inmate last meal. TMF 01/05.18. 2. Determine with the Warden, Draper Site Security Deputy Warden, and Public Affairs Director what beverage and food service will be needed at the various locations where staff will be working. Purchase Injection of Substances to 1. Purchase execution. substances 2. Refer TMF 01/05.11. Support to Be Used to be used execution, to arrange in Lethal in the Services TMF 01/02 - pg.20 F. involving arrangements all Finalize with the assistance Section Medical Administrator. Medical Correctional G. Allied Six with allied arrangements the C.iS.CL-Ut_;_uu. with A. Days Three to All 2. Brief should provided be shall be signed. to the: Director; Post (1) Command (2) Auditor-in-Charge. and agreements to sign refusing Persons to attend. not be permitted shall b. REVISED 06/10/10 Execution agreements witness a. C. to Prior agencies Witnesses 1. B. the Agencies Finalize assisting TMF 01/02.06 involving with arrangements all assistance Services nirPr~nr. Finalize Support Services UDC GRAMA Classified the the Support Public will for to the time requirements Exceptions of agreements signing delayed permit in from out-of-state. coming witnesses Allied Agencies 1. who have not agencies Members of allied or sessions in practice participated been briefed have not otherwise and their be briefed shall previously, explained. or responsibilities post 2. a detailed include will Briefings order, post of the individual's Inmate Property and Accounts unfinished 1. all Complete arrangements. 2. If the condemned arrangements, these review fails and paperwork in to cooperate notified be shall he TMF 01/02 _ nCT 21 J:--'6' _L that the property and disposed of according Department policy. D. money to state UDC GRAMA Classified will be Public law, and Executioners The W~rden shall: l. 2. E. ensure completion of all arrangements necessary for security of executioners and protection of their identities. Equipment Check/Inventory l. 2. Refer to 01/10.09 TMF 01/05.l0(Firing (Lethal Injection). Squad) and TMF 01/02.07 A. Observation Period 1. 2. 3. B. Refer Meeting of to TMF 01/05.12. Execution Planning Team The Team shall meet to examine preparation for the execution. The checklists shall be reviewed and immediate assignments made to bring all items current with the schedule of events. REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/02 - pg. 22 C. Procedures of review final Conduct D. TMF 01/04 of Review pre-execution execution execution post TMF 01/02 TMF 01/03 to to to Refer Refer Refer UDC GRAMA Classified checklist checklist Public procedure for Arrangements Pickup procedures. Executioners of 1. 2. D, F. Food Services 1. Verify last 2. Verify working beverage/food teams. preparation. meal preparations Comrnunications 1. of and test installation Verify for: equipment communications a. b. 2. G. 1. REVISED 06/10/10 to Refer Support Contact Center. Information c. TMF 01/05.10. Agencies Contact: Attorney a. the b. the State Office; Office; General's Examiner's Medical rrii\,rv J.l'lL n U 1 .l./ / n") VL. for 2. H. REVISED 06/10/10 c. allied and d. the law enforcement Governor's UDC GRAMA Classified Public agencies; Office. Verify that each agency fully understands its role and is prepared complete tasks. Equipment to Check 1. Complete equipment 2. All pre-execution check. systems should inventory and be tested. TMF 01/02 - pg. 24 TMF 01/03.00 EXECUTION CHECKLIST TMF TMF TMF TMF TMF TMF General 01/03.01 01/03. 02 01/03003 01/03.04 0::./03.os 0l/03.06 REVISED 06/10/10 UDC GRAMA Classified Public Provisions TMF 01/03 - pg. 25 TMF 01/03.00 EXECUTION CHECKLIST TMF 01/03.01 General A. Provisions Purpose 1. 2. B. UDC GRAMA Classified Public of Chapter The purpose of this provide a checklist events which should chapter is to of procedures occur and Full detail will not be provided for each procedure or event in this chapter. For detail, reference will be made to Chapter TMF 01/05 and other chapters where such detail may be found. Policy 1. It is the policy of the Department that the count-down to the execution be completed in a systematic manner to ensure that all procedures and events which are necessary to carry out the execution are completed in a carefully coordinated manner. 2. The execution shall be manner consistent with carried state out law. in a TMF 01/03.02 A. 1. 2. 3. Refer to TMF 01/05.12. B. REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/03 - pg.26 UDC GRAMA Classified Public 1. 2. C. Inmate Refer to TMF 01/05.12. Communication 1. 2. 3. D. 4. Refer Food RPrvirPs 1. The Warden/designee condemned to make final three meals. 2. The Refer to final to TMF 01/05.12. meal shall contact the arrangements for the shall be served. TMF 01/05.18. E. REVISED 06/10/1() TMF 01/03 - pg. 27 UDC GRAMA Classified Public 1. a. b. c. d. 2. F. Refer Equipment to TMF 01/03.03 and TMF 01/05.08. TMF 01/05.10 and TMF 01/05.11. Check 1. 2. Refer to TMF 01/03.03 A. Final Briefing 1. 2. The final briefing shall be attended by the Executive Director/designee, DIO Director, Warden, special teams and other persons specified by the Executive Director or Warden. The Warden shall conduct the meeting, with the Executive Director/designee and DIO Director providing policy decisions, as needed. 3. During a. REVISED 06/10/10 the briefing, participants identify problems, develop solutions and specify time and approve modified policy changes; TMF 01/03 shall: lines - pg.28 b. provide v. coordinate involvement; d. conduct status UDC GRAMA Classified Public reports; support and final services review of count down procedures. B. Food Services 1. The condemned Specifipnrimoc shall be fed at 2. 3. C. Refer to TMF 01/05.18 Visits l. 2. D. Restricting Access to Prison Property 1. a. b. C. d. e. 2. REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/03 - pg. 29 a. UDC GRAMA Classified Public b. 3. E. 1. 2. 3. 4. TMF 01/03.04 A. 1. a. REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/03 - pg. 30 UDC GRAMA Classified Public b. c. 2. a. '-- u. c. a. b. C. 4. a. REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/03 - pg. :31 UDC GRAMA Classified Public b. B. 1. 2. TMF 01/03.05 A. B. Pre-Execution Procedures 1. The Warden shall ensure that all countdown procedures for all required activities and actions are completed. 2. Immediate unfinished initiated. Execution action to required Site Teams complete procedur$S any shall be Assemble 1. 2. C. REVISED 06/10/10 Contact The will the Tie-Down Teams and their back-ups be positioned to await escort of condemned to the execution chamber. with the Attorney General's TMF 01/03 Office - pg.32 UDC GRAMA Classified Public 1. a. b. (2) 2. 3. a. b, 4. REVISED 06/10/10 TMF' 01/03 - pg. 33 UDC GRAMA Classified Public TMF 01/03.06 A. B. Communications with TMF 01/03.05,C, Refer to Final Sequence 1. Bringing Chamber The Attorney of a. 1 s Office above. Events: Preparation Condemned condemned General Inmate inmate shall to Execution be: removed from the observation by the Tie-Down Team; cell b. dressed in a clean jump suit (the color of the jump suit will be at the discretion of the Warden); c. d. 2. escorted Tie-Down 4. REVISED 06/10/10 Prepare the execution chamber. Procedures shall be tied 01/05.13(lethal 01/05.14(firing 3. to the condemned down as explained in injection) or TMF squad). Condemned Inmate for Execution The condemned execution: shall a. if lethal the I.V. 01/05.15); injection, by completing set-up procedure (See TMF or b. if firing squad, by completing firing squad set-up procedures TMF O1/05 . 16 ) . Admit be readied TMF for the (See Witnesses TMF 01/03 - pg. 34 a. Witnesses escorted b. The government witnesses shall enter first and shall be escorted to the go-:1er:n.111.ent 1",i tness area .. The escort shall remain with the witnesses. c. Following the government witnesses, the authorized witnesses invited the condemned, and the victim's witnesses shall be admitted and escorted to the designated witness area. d. shall be to assigned UDC admitted and Classified GRAMA viewing areas. Public by (1) If any of the condemned inmate's invited witnesses, or the victim's witnesses wish be on-site but not actually witness the execution, accommodations may be made for them. (2) The escort officers shall remain with the condemned and the inmate 1 s witnesses victim's witnesses. The last witnesses shall be the news representatives. (1) to be media admitted The members of the news media selected to witness the execution shall be escorted to the designated witness room. They shall be separate from thP cnnrlPmnPrl inmatP 1~ witnesses and the victim's witnesses. Escort officers shall remain with the news media witnesses and ensure their separation from the other visitors while at the execution site. (2) REVISED 06/10/10 The two pool photographers shall be escorted to a designated site, away from, and out of sight of, the execution chamber. They shall TMF 01/03 - pg. 3 S UDC inside the GRAMA Classified site until after Public and until such be secured designated the execution time that they are allowed to film the cleaned up execution chamber. C. Final 1. Sequence Staff a. b. 2. REVISED 06/10/10 of Events: Execution Witness Staff participating in the preparation for the execution exit the execution site. shall Staff members remaining to participate in and observe the execution shall include the: (1) Executive Director/designee; (2) Executive Director's (3) DIO Director; (4) Warden; (5) Executioners; (6) Escort (7) other staff as designated the Executive Director/designee, DIO Director, or Warden. Officers; back-up; and by Count-Down a. At the designated hour mandated for the execution, when everything is ready, the phone communication shall be terminated and the Executive Director/designee shall instruct the Warden to proceed with the execution. b. The Warden and DIO Director shall pull open the curtains covering the witness room windows. TMF 01/03 - pg. 36 c. UDC The Warden shall ask the condemned Classified inmate if he has any lastGRAMA words or wishes to make a statement. Public (1) The statement should exceed two minutes. (2) If the inmate uses foul language, the Warden should immediately proceed with the next step in the execution procedure. (3) If the statement exceeds two minutes, the execution shall proceed without waiting for the conclusion of his remarks. (4) J\11din r,=,,~,-,-,-,1-ing be used by the purpose defendant's Department destroy the under this later than completion not .::.q11-ipmont- m:=iy the Department for of recording the last words. The shall permanently recording made subsection not 24 hours after the of the execution. d. e. REVISED 06/10/10 The Executive Director/designee shall instruct the executioners the case of death by injection, the firing squad leader in the of a firing squad execution to proceed with the execution: (1) upon receiving the signal to proceed; (2) after verifying legal execution passed; and (3) if no instruction to halt been received from the Attorney General's Office. in or case Warden's the earliest time has TMF 01/03 has - pg. 37 UDC GRAMA from theClassified to Public f. Following the instruction Executive Director/designee execute the condemned inmate, the executioners shall immediately proceed with the execution as required in TMF 01/05.lS(if by lethal injection) or TMF 01/05.16(if by firing squad). q. If the execution is ordered delayed the Executive Director shall instruct the executioners to step away from the execution equipment and shall notify them that the execution has been stayed or delayed. The procedures set forth under TMF 01/06 shall then be initiated. REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/03 - pg.38 UDC GRAMA Classified Public TMF 01/04.00 POST-EXECUTION PROCEDURES TMF TMF TMF TMF TMF TMF TMF TMF TMF TMF General Provisions Certification of Death Removing Witnesses from Execution Chamber Removal of Executed Inmate Removing Executioners from the Execution Area Site Clean-Up News Media Re-Entry to Execution Site Returning to Standard Operation Audit of Execution Post-Execution Countdown Schedule 01/04.01 01/04.02 01/04.03 01/04.04 01/04.05 01/04.06 01/04.07 01/04.08 01/04.09 01/04.10 REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/04 - pg. 39 TMF 01/04.00 POST-EXECUTION PROCEDURES TMF 01/04.01 General A. Provisions Purpose of The purpose B. UDC GRAMA Classified Public Chapter of this chapter is: 1. to provide following condemned 2. to identify the responsibilities tasks to be completed; an9 3. to provide for the transfer of the condemned from the Department. the procedures to be the death by execution inmate; followed of the for of the body custody of the Policy It 1. is the policy the witnesses removed from of the to the Department that: the execution shall execution chamber be for the news media witnesses who shall be removed to a secondary location until permitted to return for a filming opportunity in the execution chamber; REVISED 06/10/10 2. the condemned inmate shall be examined by a licensed physician following the administering of the fatal drugs or the first volley by the firing squad to ensure that death has occurred; 3. the physician, when satisfied has occurred, shall certify condemned inmate dead; that death the 4. following the certification of death, the body of the condemned shall be surrendered to the State Medical Examiner; 5. after removal of the body, the chamber shall be restored and the news media permitted to return to photograph the chamber; TMF 01/04 - pg.40 6. UDC has been photographed, the chamber after GRAMA to theClassified be returned shall the news media other the area to brief designated Public merr~ers of the news media; assembled 7. 8. be will process execution the entire by the and evaluated reviewed a post-execution LO permit AuaiLbureau of the competence, examination TMF 01/04.02 A. B. TMF 01/04.03 REVISED 06/10/10 of Certification the After execution Pf feet ;:ind Pncy pffir-i o-f i ,rPnPsc: and procedures execution 01/20). th,=, (see staff TMF Death the have been administered/or drugs squad: by firing completed shall a maximum wait of 1. the Warden minutes; 2. the DIO then tell the Warden shall to summon the Director/designee to the condemned; physician attending and 3. the physician signs. vital are signs If there wait beside shall every signs vital cease. signs shall take three condemned's the the physician of life, and check the condemned vital until 60 seconds the C. and if after squad, is by tiring If execution from the first a maximum of ten minutes the of life, signs are still there volley, Warden The Warden. the inform will physician in TMF 01/05.16. the steps then initiate will D. are detected, signs When no vital in death certify shall physician practices. medical standard Removing Witnesses from Execution the keeping with Chamber TMF 01/04 - pg. 41 2. TMF 01/04.05 Removing UDC GRAMA Classified designee, for Public or his Examiner, The Medical certificate the death may issue at the prison. occur that deaths 26-4-10) 26-4-7, Executioners from Execution the (UCA Area A. B. C. TMF 01/04.06 Site Clean-Up A. team The injection injection}: lethal 1. shall (if execution was by and protective precautions use universal or other for blood to protect equipment materials; infectious potentially 2. 3. 4. 5. B. The Tie-Down 1. REVISED 06/10/10 Team shall be responsible for: and precautions universal using against to protect equipment protective infectious potentially and other blood and material; TMF 01/04 - pg. 43 A. After the certification of death physician, the curtains shall be the Warden and DIO Director/designee witnesses shall be escorted from viewing rooms UDC GRAMA Classified by the closed by Public the and the witness 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. The news media shall be escorted to an alternate location in the execution building until they can be returned for the filming opportunity after the execution chamber has been cleaned up. C. The condemned inmate's witnesses, government witnesses, and the victim's witnesses shall be escorted to waiting transportation vehicles D. TMF 01/04.04 Removal A. of After 1. Executed the Inmate witnesses have been removed: if the execution is by lethal injection, the IV should be cut by the executioners in order for the catheters to remain in Lhe execuLed inmate 1 s body; and 2. B. The State escorted 1. REVISED 06/10/10 Medical into the Examiner/designee death chamber The State Medical jurisdiction over at the Utah State shall be Examiner has all deaths that occur Prison. (UCA 26-4-7) TMF 01/04 - pg. 42 2. TMF 01/04.07 cleaning universal News Media UDC up the execution site,GRAMA using Classified precautions where appropriate. Public Re-Entry to Execution Site A. After news shall B. The photographers shall be permitted to tape/photograph the site and observation (if approved by the Warden) as required TMF 01/08. the site is restored media witnesses and be escorted to the and cleaned, the pool photographers execution site. cell in C. TMF 01/04.08 Returning to Standard Operation A. 1. 2. B. C. TMF 01/04.09 Refer to Review of Execution TMF 01/20. TMF 01/04.10 Post-Execution See Exhibit post-execution (Sample 04-1 for Countdown Schedule for period. Lethal proposed the schedule for the Injection) Execution REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/04 - pg. 44 UDC GRAMA Classified Public Date 0005 0005 0006 0008 0023 0024 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0034 DIRECTOR/DESIGNEE GIVES WARDEN OK TO BEGIN EXECUTION CURTAINS PULLED TO 0006 LAST STATEMENT BY CONDEMNED TO 0008 SIGNAL BY WARDENTO BEGIN EXECUTION SIGNAL BY EXECUTIONER THAT DRUGS HAVE BEEN ADMINISTERED DOCTOR BROUGHT INTO EXECUTION CHAMBER DOCTOR PRONOUNCES DEATH AND DEATH WARRANTSIGNED CURTAINS CLOSED TIE DOWNTEAM/MEDICAL EXAMINER INTO DEATH CHAMBER TO REMOVE RODY 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 CLEAN UP CREW INTO DEATH CHAMBER 0040 WARDENGIVES DIRECTIVE FOR MEDIA TO RETURN TO EXECUTION CHAMBER MEDIA RETURNED TO STAGING AREA 0100 REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/04 - pg. 45 (Sample for Firing Execution Time UDC GRAMA Classified Public Squad) Line Date 0005 0005 0006 0008 0011 0014 0015 0017 0018 0019 0021 DIRECTOR/DESIGNEE GIVES WARDENOK TO BEGIN EXECUTION TO 0006 CURTAINS PULLED TO 0008 LAST STATEMENT BY CONDEMNED SIGNAL BY DIRECTOR/DESIGNESS TO BEGIN EXECUTION DOCTOR BROUGHT INTO EXECUTION CHAMBER DOCTOR PRONOUNCES DEATH AND DEATH WARRANTSIGNED CURTAINS CLOSED TIE DOWNTEAM/MEDICAL EXAMINER INTO DEATH CHAMBER TO REMOVE 0023 0025 0026 0031 0050 CLEAN UP CREW INTO DEATH CHAMBER WARDENGIVES DIRECTIVE FOR MEDIA TO RETURN TO EXECUTION CHAMBER MEDIA RETURNED TO STAGING AREA REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/04 - pg. 46 UDC GRAMA Classified Public TMF 01/05.00 EXECUTION PROCEDURES TMF TMF TMF TMF TMF 01/05.01 01/05.02 01/05.03 01/05.04 01/05.05 TMF TMF TMF TMF TMF TMF 01/05.06 01/05.07 01/05.08 01/05.09 01/05.10 01/05.11 TMF TMF TMF TMF TMF TMF TMF 01/05.12 01/05.13 01/05.14 01/05.15 01/05.16 01/05.17 01/05.18 General Provisions Death Warrant Selection of Executioners by Lethal Injection Selection of Executioners by Firing Squad Designation of Persons Required, Permitted or Prohibited from Witnessing the Execution Disposition of Condemned Inmate's Property Disposition of Money in Inmate Account Disposition of the Body of the Condemned Equipment Check/Inventory: Lethal Injection Equipment Check/Inventory: Firing Squad Acquisition and Storage of Drugs for Lethal Injection Observation Period and Related Activities Tie-Down Procedures: Lethal Injection Tie-Down Procedures: Firing Squad Execution by Lethal Injection Execution by Firing Squad Pre-Execution Rehearsals and Practices Support Services Functions REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/05 - pg. 47 TMF 01/05.00 EXECUTION PROCEDURES TMF 01/05.01 General A. B. TMF 01/05.02 Death A. REVISED 06/10/10 UDC GRAMA Classified Public Provisions Purpoie of Chapter 1. This chapter provides the procedures which are used when the Department exercises its statutory responsibility to carry out an execution. 2. The topics which are include employed: those a. immediately prior death warrant; b. from receiving and during the c. immediately execution; d. during phases procedures to receiving the death execution; following and the warrant to the the debriefing and of the execution. audit Policies 1. It is the policy of the Department the procedures employed in preparing and carrying out an execution be comprehensive and clearly defined. 2. The procedures shall consistent with state be developed and federal that for law. Warrant Judgement of Death 1. When judgment of death is rendered, a warrant signed by the judge and attested by the clerk under the seal of the court, shall be drawn and delivered to the sheriff of the county where the conviction is made. 77-19-6 UCA 2. The Sheriff shall deliver the warrant and a certified copy of the judgment to the UDC Executive Director/designee at TMF 01/05 - pg.48 the time of the custody UCA 3. D u. The warr 0 nt states the conviction and judgment, the method of execution, and the appointed day the judgement is to be executed. The Department of Corrections shall determine the hour, within the appointed day, at which the judgement is to be executed. Return 1. Upon Death b. c. The "Certificate of Execution": (1) shall be signed and the physician; by the and (2) shall include the and official titles official witnesses. Warden full of names the The "Certificate of Execution" shall be submitted for review the Executive Director/designee. to Following review by the Executive Director/designee, the "Certificate of Execution" shall be returned the Warden. to 2. c-.h--, 7 ·1 hr.. The ;;Certificate of directed by registered mail to the clerk of the court of the county from which the individual executed was sentenced. 3. A return Ul.lCI....L...L the 4. REVISED 06/10/10 Warrant After the execution, the UDC Executive Director/designee shall make a return upon the death warrant showing the time, place and manner in which it was executed. 77-19-12 UCA a. TMF 01/05.03 delivering of the UDC the defendant GRAMA toClassified Department. 77-19-6 Public Selection receipt recipient. A copy placed of Lethal of in the the shall be certificate deceased Injection requested shall inmate's LJC: from be file. ExecutionTeam TMF 01/05 - pg. 49 A. B. Statutory Requirements 1. The Executive Director/designee shall ensure that the method of judgment of death specified in the warrant is carried out at a secure correctional facility operated by the department at an hour determined by the department on the date specified in the warrant. 7719-10 (1) UCA 2. When the judgment of death is to be carried out by lethal intravenous injection, the executive director of the department or his designee shall select two or more persons trained in accordance with accepted medical practices to administer intravenous injections, who shall each administer a continuous intravenous injection, one of which shall be a lethal quantity of sodium thiopental or other equally or more effective substance sufficient to cause death. 77-19-10 (2) UCA Selection 1. 2. REVISED 06/10/10 UDC GRAMA Classified Public of Execution Team If the judgment of death is carried out by intravenous injection, a minimum of two each trained to administer injections shall be selected team. Method of to be lethal persons, intravenous for the IV Selection a. The DIO Director/designee and the Warden of the Utah State Prison, Draper site, shall be members of the execution team by virtue of their official position. b. The Executive Director/designee, DIO Director/designee and the TMF 01/05 - pg. 50 UDC GRAMA a minimum of Classified members, other Public Warden shall select four (4) additional than the DIO Director/designee Warden, for the execution 1. Of the four (4) additional members, a minimum of two (2) execution team members will be on the IV team. 2. No member of the execution team, other than the DIO Director/designee and Warden, shall member without 3. 4. c. REVISSD 06/10/10 and team. bP n=,q11i rpn +-n of the execution consent. c,pr\TP ;::ic, a team The Executive Director/designee, DIO Director/designee, and Warden will designate one execution team member as the execution team leader. a. The execution shall not be Director/designee Warden; and team leader the DIO or the b. The execution shall not be IV team. team leader a member of the The Executive Director/designee, DIO Director/designee, and Warden shall review the qualifications of the IV team members according to requirements outlined in subsection ( 3) ( a through d) and other relevant information as to appropriate training and skills in administering intravenous injections. One IV team member will be designated as the IV team leader. Following the examination and evaluation of candidates, the Executive Director/designee, DIO Director/designee and Warden, shall TMF 01/05 - pg. 51 select d. 3. All execution team members shall read and understand the execution procedures. The Warden shall conduct a review of the execution procedures annually. a. At least two (2) members of the execution team shall be designated as the IV team for an execution by lethal injection. b. Each a: member l. Phlebotomist; 2. Emergency 3. Paramedic; 4. Military Each member 1. Have at least professional specialty; 2. Remain specialty 3. d. 06/10/10 execution IV Team Qualifications c. REVISED the UDC GRAMA Classified teaIT. members. Public Fulfill education specialty of the IV team Medical shall be Technician; or Corpsman. of the IV team shall: one (1) experience year in certified in his or profession; all continuing requirements or profession. of his and in his Prior to participating in an execution, the members of the IV team shall have participated in at least three (3) complete execution practices. TMF 01/05 - pg.52 4. Securing a. UDC GRAMA Classified Public Services The Warden/designee shall contact those chosen for the execution team to notify them of their selection and verify their willingness and availability to perform the duties of execution by lethal injection. 1. If any person participation, Director/designee, declines the Executive DIO nirPrtnrlrlPsignPe ~nrl w~rrlPn will select a replacement according to the processes outlined in this section. 2. If all of the execution team members agree to participate, their individual roles as execution team members shall be explained to them. b. TMF 01/05.04 Selection A. of Statutory 1. Executioners by Firing Squad Requirements "The Executive Director of Corrections/ designee shall ensure that the method judgment of death specified in the warrant is carried out at a secure correctional facility operated by the Department of Corrections." 77-19-10(1) of UCA 2. "If the judgment of death is to be carried out by firing squad, the Executive Director of Corrections or designee shall select a five-person firing squad of peace officers."77-19-10 (3) REVISED 06/10/10 his OCA TMF 01/05 - pg. 53 B. Selection 1. of UDC GRAMA Classified Public Executioners A five-person twoalternates chosen for execution team, plus and a team leader shall the firing squad. 2. The alternate(s) shall be selected to replace any member(s) of the firing squad who are unable to discharge their required functions. 3. Persons selected for shall be POST certified 4. Selected peace to demonstrate designated to a. the officers proficiency carry out be firing squad peace officers. will be required with weapons the execution. Under conditions substantially similar to those of the execution chamber, proficiency shall be exhibited by: b. 1. Firing 2. At a minimum each weapon. of 21 feet, accurately hitting the target of the same dimension as that which will be attached to the condemned. During the proficiency failure to accurately specified target with from each weapon fired disqualify the officer. test, hit the one round shall 5. C. Method 1. REVISED 06/10/10 of Selection The Executive Director/designee, Director and Warden shall be for the selection process. TMF 01/05 DIO responsible - pg.54 UDC GRAMA Classified Public 2. D. 3. The final choice of firing shall be the responsibility Executive Director/designee, Director and Warden. 4. The Executive Director/designee, DIO Director/designee and Warden shall review the qualifications of the firing squad, including required proficiency as outlined in section (B4) and other relevant information. Securing 1. squad members of the DIO Services The Executive Director and/orWarden shall contact those chosen for the firing squad, alternates and team leader to notify them of their selection and to verify their willingness and availability to perform the execution duties. a. If any person rescinds his original offer to participate, the selection team shall meet to select a replacement. b. If all of the selectees their individual roles explained to them, agree, shall be 2. TMF 01/05.05 Designation Prohibited A. REVISED 06/10/10 of Persons Required, from Witnessing the Permitted Execution The Utah Code limits and identifies persons who may attend and witness execution. ( See TMF 01/ 07. 03.) TMF 01/05 or those the - pg. 55 B. The Warden shall designate personnel to carry out the requirements of an execution. include: 1. 2. 3. Deputy Observation UDC GRAMA Classified Public the required statutory Staff should Warden; Officers · Tie-down Officers, 4. one Team Foreman Team; 5. executioners for the (reference escort/Tie-Down TMF 01/05.03 & . 04) ; 6. Clean-up Officers determined by the assigned to clean chamber immediately execution; 7. Guide Officers (number by the Warden/designee); (number to be Warden/designee), up the execution following the to be determined 8. 9. C. REVISED 06/10/10 The Warden/designee appropriate resources the requirements of designated individuals for: shall designate the necessary to carry an execution. The shall be responsible 1. advising medical 2. the preparation and supervision prepared during the observation and for the condemned inmate's meal; the Warden concerning supplies, etc.; TMF 01/05 out any of meals period, last - pg.56 3. 4. TMF 01/05.06 UDC Classified the picking-up GRAMA toPublic necessary etc., verifying, ordering, equipment, drugs, out an execution carry and injection; pronouncing inmate. of Disposition A. Contact 1. Condemned with At least execution contacted disposing of death Property Inmate's CnnrlemnPrl condemned the Tnmate to the scheduled 30 days prior should inmate the condemned for arrangements to discuss of his property. 14 days At least property-disposition be finalized. 3. to the seven days prior At least for required all paperwork execution be completed. should disposition final 4. is uncooperative, If the condemned propertywish to make specific doesn't or for any arrangements, disposition has not made arrangements reason other be notified he shall disposition, for of as be disposed will the property (1) UCA. 64-13-15 under required for Disposing of be to the execution should arrangements prior 2. Options REVISED 06/10/10 the by lethal Property 1. to an may be released Property or friend (family, visitor authorized the follow would release The attorney). procedures. release property normal 2. the U.S. through may be mailed Property Mail Unit The prison's Service. Postal consistent the mailing process shall Indigent mail procedures. with standard property-release does not cover status postage. 3. may be donated Property organization. to a charitable TMF 01/05 - pg.57 4. If the condemned property-disposition fails to option: UDC GRAMA Classified designate a Public "if property is not claimed within one year of death ... it becomes property of the state and may be used for correctional purposes or donated to a charity within the state . " 6 4 - 13 - 15 ( 1 ) UCA C. Release 1. 2. TMF 01/05.07 Disposition A. Contact Procedure Following condemned's be: a decision property, a. inventoried by b. transferred to TMF 01/05.08 the and property room. of Money with in Inmate Condemned for for Disposing Account Inmate for contact with property under of Inmate the Accounts 1. The condemned shall be required to complete a money transfer form releasing the money in his account to his next of kin or other person or organization of his choice. 2. If the condemned refuses or otherwise fails to complete the necessary forms, the funds shall be disposed of consistent with state law. Disposition A. REVISED 06/10/10 Options staff; The release will then follow according to the appropriate release procedures. Refer to FDr14, "Inmate Property" and FDr03, "Inmate Mail." Follow the time-table condemned outlined TMF 01/05.06. B. to release the the property shall Release of to the Body Medical of the Condemned Examiner TJVJF01/05 - pg. 58 1. 2. REVISED 06/10/10 UDC GRAMA Classified inmate is pronounced Public be released from After the executed dead, the body shall the restraints and removed execution charr~er. The body shall surrendered to Examiner/desiqne~. from the be immediately the State Medical TMF 01/05 - pg. 59 TMF 01/05.09 Equipment A. Check/Inventory: Lethal Responsibility 1. UDC GRAMA Classified Public Injection The IV team shall conduct a check equipment and materials necessary conduct the execution. of to 2. B. Inventory 1. 2. 3. a. b. 4. C. Bloodborne 1. REVISED 06/10/10 Pathogen Precaution As a precaution, all persons who may come in contact with the condemned's body fluids shall be issued rubber TMF 01/05 - pg. 60 gloves and protection TMF 01/05.10 Equipment A. bloodborne supplies Check/Inventory: The Warden appliances execution. UDC GRAMA Classified pathogen Public and equipment. Firing Squad shall ensurean equipment check necessary to carry out an B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. C. The execution responsible 1. team leader shall arrange for: .JO-caliber 2. 3. to live blank rifles; rounds rounds 4. practice sessions 5. ensuring operable; equipment and 6. back-up above. equipment D. prior 1. the executioners the execution Director/designee; be of of annltunj_t:.j_on; ammunition; and dry fire; is clean and for items 1, to the 7, execution: shall be escorted chamber by the DIO and ..Lt"l.L 3, U..L/ U.J into of UDC GRAMA Classified Public 2. E. Bloodborne Pathogens Precaution As a precaution, all persons who may come in contact with the condemned 1 s body fluids shall be issued rubber gloves and bloodborne pathogen protection supplies and equipment. TMF 01/05.11 Procurement, Storage Chemicals for Lethal A. and Accountability Injection of Purchase 1. the Lne pharmacist a memorandum warden shall provide to for his official records specifying: a. The drugs b. A copy and C. A copy of the 19-10(2) UCA of which the must be obtained; judgment state 2. pharmacist shall order the the vendor. Upon receiving the pharmacist shall: of death; statute. 77- the drugs from the drugs, a. b. Immediately the drugs notify the Warden have been received; that C. d. REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/05 - pg. 62 UDC GRAMA Classified Public e. 1. 2. 3. 4. f. 3. Storage and Handling of Drugs a. b. UTAH STATE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS and Materials Checklist: Execution by Equipment /-i r-.r,T·r-,r,r-,,---,. f"'I /' 1.\.LJV.J...VLlU UU/_LV/_LV See the next two pages Equipment and Materials r,, l'"'I for the Checklist. Injection r. J.L'JC \J.L/ \JJ - JJ8• -~"' Uv ~Quantity - UDC GRAMA Classified Public Code Item Sodium Thiopental (Pentathal), 500 mgm., w/diluent Pancuronium Bromide ( Paravulon), 50 mgm. Ampules Potassium Chloride, Ampules 240 miliequiv. Valium injection, 10 mgm I I Syringe, 60 cc Lur Lock Syringe, 10 cc Lock Syringe, 5 cc Lur Lur A A A A I r- Lock Needle, 18 Ga., 1 ½ Needle, 25 Ga., 1 ¼ Angiocath, 14 Ga., 2 ¼,., Angiocath, 18 Ga., 1 ¼" Angiocath, 16 Ga., 1 ¼fr IV bad, saline, Normal lOOOC Lidocaine HCL, 2% w/Epinephrine Lidocaine HCL, 2% w/o Solution injection Y-injection Extension set, site: set, Epinephrine 70" Travenol 35 ff long; long Code: Travenol 2 with #2C0005S Code #2C0066 Stethoscopes '1 >------- Boxes of alcohol Rolls of Kling preps Adhesive tape, 1 Adhesive tape, 2 ·scissors, ff ff bandage, Pr. Tourniquet Hemostat, Flashlight, Batteries, Ace wraps Needle sterile w/batteries flashlight, 3 ff holders 10 packs sterile containers Sharp REVISED 06/10/10 A A ( spares) gauze TMF 01/05 - pg. 64 ' ;' ! ~ i L__ ! BIO-Hazardous Extra. large IV hangars Mayo stand trash bags impervious gowns Terry cloth towels Goose neck light Blood spill kits UDC GRAMA Classified Public I Trash containers Electronic Heart TMf' 01/05.12 Monitor Observation A. (EKG) Period and Related Activities Access 1. 2. ,.., J. B. Preparation of the Observation Cell 1. a. b. C. 2. Stocking the Cell r"\1 rnl'l,Tr-i 1.t·11 .. V_L/ 1,,r V-.J a. b. The observation outfitted with ( 1) mattress (2) pillow ( 1) ; (3) pillow case (4) sheets ( 2) ; (5) blankets ( 6) towel ( 1) ; (7) soap, small ( 8) toilet ( 9) jump suit determined ( 1) ; paper, roll ( 1) ; ( color to be by the Warden) (1) ; (1 pr.); socks ( 11) shower thongs ( 12) pocket comb, (1 ( 1) Bible (2) magazine (3) new3paper pr.); and no metal the If requested, have the following new ( 1) . cell will also items purchased ( 1) ; and ohotoqraphs The following items request, as needed, (1) 06/10/10 ( 1) ; (10) ( 4) REVISED ( 1) ; ( 2) ; i c. cell the UDC GRAMA Classified shall be Public following items: toothbrush may be given on (1); TMF 01/05 - pg. 66 (2) UDC GRAMA Classified Public toothpaste (3) d. If the condemned mail the officer condemned inmate read the mail inmate receives shall allow the adequate time to f. 3. g. Additional approved Test Equipment property shall by the warden. be a. b. C. 1. 2. 3. REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/05 - pg. 67 UDC GRAMA Classified Public 4. 5. 6. a b. D. Securing Condemned Inmate's Property/Cell 1. 2. 3. REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/05 - pg. 68 UDC GRAMA Classified Public b. ( 1) (2) (3) ( 4) C. (1) (2) ( 3) ( 4) 4. Personal property shall be separated from prison property, and the personal property put into a suitable container and sealed. Each search team member shall initial the seal. 5. The designated sign for and the inventoried p:.:operty o[ [lce.c assume responsibility property. ::;hd.L.L for 6. a, REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/05 - pg. 69 UDC GRAMA Classified Public b. 7. 8. E. The personal property shall be taken the DIO property room for storage. Observation to Function 1. a. b. C. d. e. f. g. 2. a. b. REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/05 - pg. 70 UDC GRAMA Classified Public 3. 5. F. Activities During the Observation Period 1. 2. meal served, previously Unless shall meal, the last including period. the observation during service, be served 'J -.J. REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/05 - pg. 71 UDC GRAMA Classified Public 4. a. b. c. REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/05 - pg. 72 TMF 01/05.13 Tie-Down Procedures: Transfer Site 1. of Lethal Condemned UDC GRAMA Classified Public Injection Inmate to Execution The condemned inmate shall be escorted from the observation cell to the execution chaml:Jer bv the Tie-Down Team. 2. a. b. C. d. Positioning of rri A-r1r.,,rn Team 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. REVISED 06/10/10 Securing Inmate to Gurney TMF 01/05 - pg. 73 UDC GRAMA Classified Public 1. 2. a. b. C. d. e. f. g. 3. REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/05 - pg. 74 UDC GRAMA Classified Public 4. 5. TMF 01/05.14 Tie-Down A. Upon completion of the execution and as directed by the Warden, the Tie-Down Tearn sl-1all errter tr1e execution chamber and remove the straps in the reverse order as outlined above. Procedures: Bringing Chamber Firing Condemned Inmate The condemned inmate the observation cell by the Tie-Down Team B. Positioning the Squad to should to the Tie-Down Execution be escorted execution from chamber Team 1. 2. 3. 4. C. Securing the Inmate to the Chair 1. REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/05 - pg. 75 UDC GRAMA Classified Public a. b. 3. 4. 5. TMF 01/05.15 Lethal Upon completion of the execution and as directed by the Warden, the Tie-Down Team shall re-enter the execution chamber and remove the straps in reverse order as outlined above. Injection Protocol A. 1. 2. REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/05 - pg. 76 8. Preparation of UDC GRAMA Classified Public Syringes 1. a. b. C. 2. The execution team leader shall providethe drug box to the IV team leader. a. The IV team leader shall prepare each chemical in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and draw them into the two (2) sets of syringes. b. The second member of the IV team and the execution team leader shall observe preparation of the chemicals and verify that the instructions and procedures have been carried out correctly. '--'. 3. REVISED 06/10/10 The syringes containing shall be prepared and following order: the loaded a. Two 60-cc syringes, 240 milliequivalents Chloride in 50-cc syringes "Syringe b. Two 60-cc syringes, fifty (50) milligrams Pancuronium Bromide chemicals in the each containing of Potassium and label #3. each containing of in 50-cc and TMF 01/05 - pg. 77 label 4. 5. REVISED 06/10/10 syringes "Syringe UDC GRAMA Classified #2". Public c. Two 60-cc syringes, each containing three (3) gm of Sodium Thiopental in 50-cc and label syringes "Syringe #1". d. The secondary syringes containing each of the three chemicals are serve the following purposes. to 1. Secondary syringe of Sodium Thiopental is prepared in the event the condemned has not lost consciousness sixty (60) seconds after the first administration of the chemical. 2. Secondary syringes containing Potassium Chloride and Pancuronium Bromide are prepare_d in the event the condemned has not been pronounced dead after the first administration of the chemicals. Any syringes that are loaded injection chemicals that are during the execution shall: a. Be returned to execution team b. Be destroved with lethal not used the Warden leader; bv the by the Warden, Any unused chemicals that were not mixed in preparation of the lethal injection shall: a. Be returned team leader; b. Be destroyed to the by the Warden by the IV W~rden, TMF 01/05 - pg. 78 UDC GRAMA Classified Public C. D. E. F. The IV team leader: 1. IV team with the second along Shall, of sets labeled (2) two verify member, are chemicals (3) each of the three labeled; and clearly filled, present, 2. of each sets the two (2) labeled Provide in contained (3) chemicals of the three team the drug box to the execution with along verify, who will leader selected team member, execution another the team leader, by the execution have been number of syringes appropriate and labeled; and are clearly surrendered 3. Prepare IV Set-up the Procedure IV set-up. by IV Team l. (McGaw V1417 or equivalent) the bag of into inserted IV solution. REVISED 06/10/10 clamp Flo Trol control shall be shall Normal Saline above the "Y" located the flow of solution. 2. The site 3. (Travenol Set Extension A 35-inch be connected shall or equivalent) of the Administration adapter needle Set. TMF 01/05 - 2C0066 to the pg. 79 4. G. UDC GRAMA Classified into the additional Public The set-up for administration back-up IV site may require Extension Sets due to the additional distance. potential of 5. All connections should then be taped ensure they do not come apart during procedure. 6. The tubing shall be cleared of air by removing the protector from the needle adapter and opening the Flo Trol clamp letting the tube fill with solution. 7. The Flo and the adapter 8. Steps 1 through 7 shall the second set-up. Injection Trol clamp protective replaced. Procedure by 1. The Warden shall person escorted and strapped to 2. The the 3. to the shall then be closed cap over the needle be repeated for IV Team order the condemned to the execution chamber the gurney. IV team shall run the IV lines to condemned person by the following: a. Site line; and insert and one (1) primary IV b. Site line. and one (1) back-up IV insert The IV team members shall location of the IV sites the condemned person. determine the on the body of 4. a. b. C. d. REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/05 - pg. 80 H. IV Placement 1. 2. Process The angiocath vein of the To best \....I...L properly into members shall blood in the 3. The inner the needle angiocath. by shall primary onc11rn VJ..L>..J UDC IV Team GRAMA Classified into Public the be inserted IV site. +- a needle is inserted a vein, the IV team look for the presence of valve of the sited needle. -t-h-:, L-.L.LUL- \....- needle adapter is then withdrawn and is placed on the a. b. 4. I. 5. Step 1 through 3 shall the back-up IV site. 6. The Administration Sets at a slow rate of flow, ready for the insertion containing the injection 7. Both set-ups shall be team members to ensure patent and functioning 8. No further time. Lethal 1. REVISED 06/10/10 The flow of normal saline started and administered to keep open. Injection The execution action is shall be at a slow be repeated rate for shall be running to keep open and of syringes chemicals. observed by the they are both properly. necessary at IV this Procedure team shall: TMf 01/05 - pg. 81 2. UDC GRAMA Classified electrodes of Public to the a. Securely connect the the cardiac monitor condemned person; and b. Ensure the properly. equipment is functioning At the designated hour mandated for execution, when everything is ready: the a. The DIO Director/designee and Warden shall pull open the curtains covering the witness room windows. b. The Warden shall ask the condemned inmate if he has any last words or wishes to make a statement. 1. The statement should exceed two minutes. 2. If the inmate uses foul language, the Warden should immediately proceed with the next step in the execution. 3. If the statement exceeds two minutes, the execution shall proceed without waiting for the conclusion of his remarks. 4. The Department, for the purpose of recording the condemned inmate's last words, may use audio recording equipment. not a. The Department shall permanently destroy the recording made under this subsection not later than 24 hours after the completion of the execution. b. No form of duplication the audio shall be permitted. of The Warden, witnessed by the DIO Director/designee, shall REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/05 - pg. 82 any destroy recording. c. At or romo UDC audio GRAMA Classified Public of the remarks, the conclusion it when the Warden determines rn prnroon, rl then be given shall signal Warden to the Executive Director/designee. d. the by Director/designee The Executive team the execution order shall the administration to begin leader providing: of the chemicals 1. execution legal The earliest and time has been verified pa_.sseri; 2. e. is prPri,,rlngPrl has ;:rnc:i has to halt No instruction from the been received Office. General's Attorney from the the instruction Following to Director/designee Executive the inmate, the condemned execute shall team leader execution with the proceed immediately execution. f. 1. 2. 3. 3. REVISED 06/10/10 Upon the Executive to proceed, order begin shall leader Director/designee's team the execution the following TMF 01/05 - pg. 83 sequence: a. The the Flo flow of the normal arm shall be cut off Trol clamp. b. The clamp should to the "Y" site c. The 18 ga needle (three (3) gm of shall be inserted and the injection UDC GRAMA Classified Public saline into using be moved as as possible. the close of Syringe #1 Sodium Thiopental) into the "Y" site shall commence. 1. A steady, even flow of the injection shall be maintained with only a minimum amount of force applied to the syringe plunger. 2. When the entire contents of the syringe have been injected, syringe #1 shall be removed from the "Y" site. d. The Flo Trol opened fully 15 seconds. clamp should and allowed e. The Flo closed. clamps f. A period of sixty (60) seconds shall pass after the administration of the Sodium Thiopental and closure of the Flo Trol clamp. 1. Trol After (60) the passage seconds: then be to run for shall of then be sixty a. If it appears to the Warden based on his visual inspection that the condemned person is not unconscious: REVISED 06/10/10 i. The Warden shall notify the Executive Director/designee; ii. The Executive Director/designee TMF 01/05 - pg. 84 UDC will order the execution GRAMA team to Classified switch to the backPublic up IV site; iii, The F'.xPr11t i vP Director/designee shall order that the back-up IV site be used with a new flow of Sodium Thiopental (secondary syringe labeled Syringe #1); and iv. 2. g. R8V=SEJ 06/10/10 1ne Executive Director/designee shall order the remaining sequence of chemicals to be injected through the back-up IV site. If it appears to the Warden based on his visual inspection that the condemned person is unconscious after the first injection of Sodium Thiopental, the Warden shall notify the Executive Director/designee who will then order the execution team to continue to the next step in the sequence. The 18 ga needle of Syringe (fifty (50) milligrams of Pancuronium Bromide) shall inserted into the ~Y" site injection shall commence; #2 be and the 1. A steady, even flow of the injection shall be maintained with only the minimum amount of force applied to the syringe plunger. 2. When the entire contents of the syringe have been injected, Syringe #2 shall be TMF 01/05 - pg. 85 removed h. the After syringe #2 has the Flo Trol clamp should fully for 15 seconds. be i. The Flo closed. j. The 18 ga needle of Syringe milliequivalents of Potassium Chloride) shall be inserted the "Y" site and the injection shall commence; Trol clamp shall opened then be #3 (240 into 1. A steady, 2. When the entire contents of the syringe have been injected, Syringe #3 shall be removed from the "Y" site. even flow of the injection shall be maintained with only the minimum amount of force applied to the syringe plunger. k. The Flo Trol opened fully 15 seconds. clamp shall and allowed then be to run for 1. The Flo closed. clamp then m. An execution team member designated by the execution team leader shall start a stopwatch once the lethal injections are complete. n. The o. REVISED 06/10/10 from UDC GRAMA Classified "Y" site. Public been given, Trol execution team shall leader be shall: 1. Observe 2. Advise the attending physician electrical activity of the heart has ceased as indicated by a flat line on the heart monitor. the heart monitor; and The Warden shall notify the Executive Director/designee if it appears an additional set of lethal chemicals needs to be administered TMF 01/05 - pg. 86 due to the 1. does monitor Heart line a flat indicate or (10) minutes; 2. is not physician The attending of the time to declare able (10) minutes. ten after death In the event occurred; p. UDC GRAMA Classified not Public after conditions: following death has not 1. The Exe cu ti ve order will Director/designee in established the process this of f) ( 2) ( subsection and subsequent section the with to continue sections of syringes set secondary has occurred. death until by lethal the execution During the DIO injection, and Warden Director/designee q. J. REVISSD 06/10/10 shall: 1. for IV site Watch the primary the catheter leakage, failure, or any out of a vein, coming problem. other 2. an IV fails, that In the event comes if the catheter leaks, or any other out of the vein, the execution arises, problem to be ordered team shall IV. to the back-up switch 3. the execution In the event to to switch team is ordered IV, the DIO the back-up watch shall Director/Warden for site IV back-up the the catheter leakage, failure, or any out of a vein, coming problem. other Post Lethal l. When the Executive Injection Steps declares physician Director/designee, death, DIO TMF 01/05 - the pg. 87 Director/designee informed. K. TMF 01/05.16 and UDC GRAMA Classified shall be Public Warden 2. The the 3. The Executive Director/designee make appropriate contact with Governor and Attorney General them of the completion of the DIO Director viewing room Disposal of and Warden curtains. BIO-Hazardous ~hall close shall the informing execution. Contaminated Items 1. The execution team leader shall place items that have been contaminated with blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) that have the potential to puncture into a puncture proof container (sharps container). 2. The execution team leader shall place other types of blood or other potentially infectious materials in trash containers lined with a red BIOHazardous waste bag. 3. The Correctional Medical Ad.ministrator shall ensure that the contaminated waste is disposed of in the proper Dumpster. Execution by Firing Squad A. B. REVISED 06/10/10 1. Refer 2. The team leader shall and prepare to issue of the firing squad. 3. Two rounds weapon. 4. Care shall knowledge to TMF 01/05.10. shall be load the weapons them to the members loaded in be taken to preclude by the members of the TMF 01/05 each any firing - pg. 88 C. that direct The Warden shall over the be placed or target i nm;:i;-p' with an aiming condemned point hp;:, rt-_ Warden the target D. the above, C of Upon completion placed who person the direct shall chamber. the execution to exit E. is in the target After are secured, witnesses the viewing that direct F. the are completed, all preliminaries After of the condemned at the conclusion Warden, not exceed (which shall words last inmate's the should at any point and cease two minutes the place shall language), use foul condemned head. hood over the condemned's G. H. REVISED 06/10/10 c; UDC GRAMA Classified Public weapon the squad of who is issued cartridges. two blank 11 11 , and all place the Warden shall be room curtains may be used equipment of for the purpose words. last defendant's (1) Audio recording the Department the recording (2) destroy permanently shall The Department subsection this made under the recording the after 24 hours than not later of the execuLion. completion (3) No form of duplication be permitted. shall (4) by the 010 witnessed The Warden, any destroy shall Director/designee, recording. audio The 010 Director/designee, shall observers other chamber. exit of the by audio and Warden, the execution any room the executioners' When the Warden enters in or delay if no stay the door, and secures the Executive has been ordered, the execution the order imrnediately shall Director/designee cadence the begin to leader team squad firing to fire. for the executioners nff 0110s - pg. 89 I. A designated execution start a stopwatch once been fired. J. If the condemned inmate appears to be unconscious, upon the order of the Executive Director, the Warden and DIO Director shall re-enter the execution chamber after the first volley. 1. 2. REVISED 06/10/10 UDC member GRAMA shall Classified first volley has Public team the The Warden shall wait a maximum of three minutes after the first volley and then call for the physician to check the vital signs of the condemned. a. If there are signs of life, the physician shall wait beside the condemned and check the vital signs every 60 seconds. b. When no vital signs are detected, the physician shall certify death in keeping with standard medical practices. c. After death is certified, Warden shall direct that viewing room curtains be the the closed. If, after a maximum of ten minutes from the first volley, the inmate is unconscious but alive, the Warden shall direct the physician to make a final check of the condemned's vital signs. a. If on final check, vital signs are detected, the Warden shall order the physician to exit the execution chamber. b. The Warden and DIO Director re-enter the executioner's d. The Executive Director/designee shall order the firing squad team leader to make the weapons ready to fire. e. The Executive Director/designee shall immediately order the firing squad team leader to begin the TMF 01/05 shall room. - pg. 90 UDC GRAMA Classified Public second squad for the firing cadence volley. a second fire f. K. TMF 01/05.17 REVISED 06/10/10 ready shall and safe l. squad team leader The firing in a controlled the weapons manner. 2. shall squad team leader The firing do not see the executioners ensure cartridges. the blank weapon contains which 3. if the are ready, When the weapons conscious, obviously is still condemned members no staff ensure the 1i17arden shall chamber. are in the execution 4. Upon notice execution Executive the order the begin a to fire 5. After the from the Warden that the is clear, chamber irnmediatel~/ shall Director to squad team leader firing for the executioners cadence volley. second the second above . The Executive notitication and Governor Pre-Execution A. of the the firing After the Warden and DIO Director volley, the execution re-enter shall with paragraph and proceed chamber "J, l" , above . the is fired, volley the first after If, the conscious, obviously is condemned instruct shall Director/designee Executive to immediately squad team leader the firing again. to fire the weapons prepare "J", L. to volley, continue make shall Director death ot the condemned's General. the Attorney Rehearsals A minimum of three be conducted shall fashion in a timely and with to the Practices and practices rehearsals out an execution to carry the necessary maintaining TMF 01/05 - pg. 91 security. provided for Practice/rehearsal but will not l. briefing; 2. removing observation the be condemned cell; UDC GRAMA Classified shall be limited to: Public inmate from the 3. 4. escort 5. tie-down 6. approximate procedure 7. clearing execution and escorting site; 8. security curtains 9. condemned execution to execution chamber; procedures completed; time for (execution IV injection time approximate); witnesses opened inmate's table/chair; body and to/from closed; removed from 10. B. 11. clean-up; 12. debriefing 13. firing 14. ensure sufficient to minimize the exposure. Planning used to function outlined; of weapons; and precautions are taken risk of bio-hazardous backward from the execution develop realistic time lines involved in the execution. shall be for each C. 1. REVISED 06/10/10 Discrepancies, modifications concerns or proposed due to system problems TMF 01/05 - pg. 92 be shall V'7arden. immediately reported UDC Classified Public to the GRAMA ,., L, TMF 01/05.18 A. Functions Services Support Food Services 1. Observation Period Meal Service a. b. Director/designee The Food Services the condemned's confirm shall The meal. of a last choice be made 48-24 should confirmation to the execution. prior hours C. d. e. 2. Beverage a. REVISED 06/10/10 beverages Alcoholic nor used for served and Food Service not shall cooking. for be Staff of time many of the length Because to remain be required will persons to able being without on site to serve it may be necessary leave, to those food and beverages to the execution. assigned TMF 01/05 - pg. 93 UDC GRAMA Classified Public b. c. Food and provided beverage to: (1) the command (2) the Information (3) the food preparation area the building in which the execution will occur; (4) to the Draper site Security Deputy Warden for delivery perimeter posts; and (5) other services may be post; sites Center; as of to needed. d. B. Medical 1. Staff Receipt of Upon receipt Correctional shall: a. REVISED 06/10/10 Death Warrant of the Medical death warrant Administrator the review the medical procedures, post orders and equipment checklist and make recowmendations in writing to the Warden concerning any back-up or duplication of any medical TMF 01/05 - pg.94 paraphernalia out to carry b. 2. b. REVISE:D 06/10/10 with the Chief confer shall executionall and assign Physician to be completed. tasks related to Thirteen a. UDC Classified Public may be necessary that GRAMA and an execution; Seven Days to the days prior thirteen At least provide shall the Warden execution for his official to the pharmacist, to purchase authorization record, be in shall Authorization drugs. including: the form of a memorandum (1) the names of the be obtained; shall (2) a copy death; (3) a copy of (77-19-10 of the and the (2) drugs which of judgement state UCA). statute to the days prior seven At least shall the pharmacist execution from the vendor the drugs order TMF 01 /05. 11) . to chapter (refer (1) vendor prime If the state's the the drugs, deliver cannot make shall pharmacists with other arrangements to obtain or hospitals vendors the drugs. (2) be cannot If the drugs by the to the prison delivered or their vendor primary to the service delivery shall pharmacist the prison, the Correctional notify Administrator. Medical (2) Medical The Correctional make shall Administrator with the Draper arrangements to Deputy Warden Security site them accompany have an officer TMF 01/05 - pg.95 to the location other drugs may UDC GRAMA Classified where the be obtained. Public C. 3. 4. 5. a. b. C. 6. a. (1) REVISED 06/10/10 the sodium pentothal syringes shall be prepared by the pharmacist at the direction of the Warden when it appears the execution shall be carried out; TMF 01/05 - pg.96 UDC b. (2) a medical-response team shall GRAMA Classified be on standby to provide any medical attention which may be Public needed during the time of the scheduled execution; (3) a USP emergency equipment kit and a back-up kit shall be made available at the execution site; and (4) the Correctional Medical Administrator (CMA)/designee and a USP Medical staff with skills in intravenous injections, I.V. set-up, cut-down, etc., shall be available at the execution site to provide medical assistance in the execution chamber, if necessary. Equipment gathered following (1) and lethal drugs shall up by the CMA/designee the execution. The CMA/designee shall be responsible for the disposal of the medical equipment used for lethal injection in accordance with TMF 01/05.15. ( 2) C. Maintenance 1. Staff Receipt a. of Upon receipt the Deputy shall: (1) REVISED 06/10/10 Death Warrant of the death Warden Support warrant Services review the maintenance procedures and the equipment checklist and make recommendations in writing for changes, additional equipment, etc. as is viewed essential TMF 01/05 - pg.97 be UDC GRAMA Classified Public the Warden and provide such recommendations to prior to the exeCULlOn date; and (2) b. REVISED 06/10/10 scheduled confer with the Maintenance Director and assign all execution related tasks to completed. be The Maintenance Director shall then prepare a task completion calendar which shall be presented to the Deputy Warden Support Services for approval, including: (1) a review procedure checklist; (2) recommendations to the Warden in writing of changes, additional equipment, etc. as is viewed essential prior to the schedu~eu execution date; (3) identification of strategies to ensure that all systems, equipment, and mechanisms associated with the execution facility are functional and are readily repairable given an unexpected malfunction; (4) identification of emergency equipment, materials, and substances necessary to ensure that system, equipment, and/or mechanism malfunctions are expeditiously remedied; (5) establishment checklist and of the maintenance and the equipment of inspection time frames (a) the for facility designated the execution; (b) the observation (c) emergency backup TMF 01/05 cell; for: and systems; - pg.98 The UDC GRAMA Classified maintenance all in are Public trucks (6) that ensuring service/repair and condition good operational equipment, with supplied necessary and supplies tools, execution all to correct and emergencies; related (7) of identification necessary personnel day execution all emergencies. shall: Director Maintenance maintenance to address maintenance check and of a. a pre-inventory complete equipment; the necessary b. to the report a written complete of Services Warden Support Deputy repair, requiring etc. equipment, or duplications, replacement to recommendations including and time frame problems correct to make necessary necessary corrections. 3. The Deputy the direct shall Services Warden Support to: Director Maintenance a. c. conduct following an inspection equipment: of the chamber; (1) execution (2) observation cell; (3) emergency equipment. back-up and systems and 4. REVISSD 06/10/10 TMF 01/05 - pg.99 UDC GRAMA Classified Public a. ( 1) ( 2) (3) b. be check shall A pre-inventory is equipment to ensure completed working and in proper operational order. 5. a. ( 1) ( 2) (a) (b) (c) (3) b. emergency equipment. back-up and systems be shall equipment Emergency readiness to ensure checked execution. for the 6. a. the Complete in 5, above. procedures outlined as b. C. REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/05 - pg.100 UDC GRAMA Classified Public UDC GRAMA Classified Public d. ( 1) ( 2) ( 3) ( 4) (5) ( 6) REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/05 - pg. 101 UDC GRAMA Classified Public TMF 01/07.00 WITNESSES TMF 01/07.01 TMF 01/07.02 TMF 01/07.03 General Provisions News Media Witnesses Designation of Persons Required, Prohibited from Witnessing Witness Agreement TMF 01/07.04 REVISED 06/10/10 UDC GRAMA Classified Public Permitted TMF 01/07 or - pg. 107 TMF 01/07.00 WITNESSES TMF 01/07.01 General A. Provisions of purpose this is chapter and to the types permitted and to: number attend 1. identify witnesses execution; 2. requirements legal to provide of the execution. the witnessing of the concerning Policy It is policy the of that: Department the 1. witnesses for selecting procedures with conform shall the execution 11 UCA; 2. witnesses agreements attendance; 3. TMF 01/07.02 Chapter of Purpose The B. UDC GRAMA Classified Public News Media witnesses to prior written into enter shall approved being before and shall being be subject admitted. for to search be permitted Witnesses A. of Members to witness B. Selection Executive Refer to 77-19- to the the shall news media execution. lr,o VU V...l.../ T~!JF r11 of discretion be at the shall Director/designee. the ,.....T_T,..... ,...,....,,,.....rJ,-. 4=,.....,.,... ....... LVL llGY'J.._J lll\:_.;;\...,l...l...Ll procedures. TMF 01/07.03 Designation Prohibited A. REVISED 0,6/10/10 Required, of Persons from Witnessing or Permitted and identifies The Utah Code limits and witness who may attend persons execution. TMF 01/07 those the - pg. 108 1. 2. 3. REVISED 06/10/10 The his Executive designee Director shall: of UDC Corrections GRAMA Classified or Public a. cause a physician to attend the execution, 77-19-10 (5) UCA; and b. permit the attendance at the execution of members of the press and broadcast news media named by the Executive Director of the Department/or his designee, 77-19-11 (4) UCA. At the discretion of the Executive Director of the Department of Corrections/designee, the following attend the execution: may a. the prosecuting attorney, or his designated deputy, of the county in which the defendant committed the offense for which he is being executed, 77-19-11 (2) (a) UCA; b. no more than two law enforcement officials from the county in which the defendant committed the offense for which he is being executed, 77-19-11 (2) (b) UCA; c. the Attorney General or his designee, 77-19-11 (2) (c) UCA; d. religious representatives, or relatives designated defendant, not exceeding five persons, 77-19-11 and e. unless approved by the Executive Director, no more than five close relatives of the deceased victim, as selected by the Executive Director, but giving priority in the order listed in TMF 01/01.04. friends, by the a total of (2) (d) UCA; The persons enumerated in Subsection (2) may not be required to attend, nor may any of them attend as a matter of right, 77-19-11 (3) UCA. TMF 01/07 - pg. 109 4. 5. 6. ., I• The the REVISED 05/10/10 persons may UDC GRAMA Classified Public also attend for a. necessary as determined staff by the Executive the execution of of the Department Director and Corrections/designee; b. correctional three no more than that states from other officials but for executions, are preparing two correctional no more than may be from any one officials by the as designated state, the of Director Executive or his of Corrections Department (7) (a) UCA. 77-19-11 designee, by the designa~ed staff necessary Other of of the Department Director Executive be permitted shall Corrections/designee to the execution. a. include shall staff" The "necessary the in identified persons those in and procedures orders post TMF 01. b. not be shall staff" "Necessary of the Utah to members limited but may of Corrections Department agencies of allied members include execution. the with assisting and directed rules at persons is empowered The Department (8) UCA to adopt by 77-19-11 of the attendance governing the execution. -,,_,_ --·---~ l~U the B. following execution: For those execution execution }-Jt::L :C,Ull ··~--1---UllUt::L age of 18 may -. -I- -I- r---. ........ d.LLt:::llU execution. out the carry who shall persons in the roles in support or serve B, C. to TMF 01/05.05 refer area, TMF 01/07 - pg. 110 .-J TMF 01/07.04 Witness (See Rules of UDC GRAMA Classified Public Agreement following Conduct page for Witness Agreement.) for Witnesses Observing at the Utah State Prison an Execution 1. That you will not bring onto prison property anything constituting legal or illegal contraband under any applicable statute, rule, or policy including any firearm, dangerous weapon, implement of escape, explosive, spirituous of fermented liquor, medicine, poison, or any other item creating a threat to the safety, security, or management of the prison; 2. That you agree to submit to a reasonable search for contraband and other searches as considered necessary by the Department for entry to Department prison and staging area property; 3. That 4. That personnel you conduct yourself you comply with all while on Department in a lawful 7. to as That you understand provide mental health orderly lawful directives property; 5. That you will not bring to the photographic or recording equipment; 6. not and that the services execution and of site Department of to witnesses. manner; correctional any Corrections That you understand the Department of Corrections is record/report the names of all witnesses in attendance provide the information to media representatives. will required as well I have read the above rules and agree to abide by them. I understand that my failure to comply with the rules will result in my immediate removal from Department of Corrections property and that I may be subject to criminal prosecution. Signature UDC Representative REVISED 06/10/10 of Witness Date Date TMF 01/07 - pg. 111 TMF 01/08.00 TMF TMF TMF TMF TMF TMF TMF TMF 01/08.01 02 01/08 01/08.03 01/08.04 01/08.05 01/08.06 01/08.07 01/08.08 a REVISED 0S/10/10 NEWS MEDIA PROCEDURES Provisions General News Media Selection tions Coverage/Accornrnoda l\l ternate Execution the at News Media Attendance on Coverage Limitations News Media Briefing and Equipment News Media Support Agreement Media Representative TMF 01/08 UDC GRAMA Classified Public - pg, 112 TMF 01/08.00 NEWS MEDIA PROCEDURES TMF 01/08.01 General A. Provisions Purpose of The purpose of this chapter is: to provide the policies, procedures requirements for providing access execution and information relating the execution to the news media; 2. to provide the procedure a. releasing background b. releasing execution; information c. coverage of the and to the to for: information; during execution; to provide requirements for the institution and protected information. the and safeguarding Policy 1. It shall be the policy of the Department to permit press access to the execution and information concerning the execution consistent with the requirements of the constitutions and laws of the United States and state of Utah. 2. The Department is generally required provide no more access to the news media, to the inmates and facilities supervises and controls than that available to the general public. 3. REVISED 06/10/10 Chapter 1. 3. B. UDC GRAMA Classified Public to it The Department and the Utah Code recognize the need for the public to be informed concerning executions conducted by the Department of Corrections. a. The Department will participate and cooperate with the news media to inform the public concerning the execution. b. Information should timely manner. be provided TMF 01/08 - pg. in 113 a 4. S. 6. TMF 0::_/08. 02 UDC the is willing, If the condemned an opportunity may allow Department GRAMA Classified to speak with the news condemned forthe may: the interview If allowed, Public media. b. members of the additional include by the authorized media news more including but not Department, from the same than one reporter and agency; c. be held at determined a. riots; b. hostage c. fires or d. other inmate and location Department. been shall situations; other or disasters; disorders. AGrOS, Media Relations" to Chapter Refer to news media access for general and facilities. inmates information, 11 Selection Number in Attendance Authority to The Executive responsible REVISED 06/10/10 a time by the circumstances, exigent During may be temporarily communication has the situation until suspended circumstances Exigent stabilized. to: but not be limited include, shall 'i'he Department and broadcast press execution. B. the news the those include media selected execution; News Media A. members of to witness a. members of the permit the news media to witness Select for Director/designee the selecting shall members TMF 01/08 be of - pg. the 114 UDC GRAMA Classified to witnessPublic news media who will be permitted the execution. 77-19-11(4) UCA C. Selection Process 1. After the court sets a date for the execution of the death penalty, news directors or editors may submit a written list of news media witnesses (one per organization) and other news personnel needed at the execution, to the attention of the Executive Director at least 30 days prior to the execution. When administrative convenience or fairness to the news media dictates, the Department in its discretion may extend the request deadline. 2. Requests for consideration granted by the Executive Director/designee provided the following: contain a statement setting forth facts showing that the requesting individual falls within the definition of "member of the press and broadcast news media" set forth in these regulations; b. an agreement to act as a pool representative as described in these regulations; d. REVISED 06/10/10 they a. an agreement that will abide by all conditions, rules while in attendance execution; and 3. may be agreement that they themselves consistent press standards. the media member of the and regulations at the will conduct with existing Upon receipt of a news director's or editor's request for permission for news media witnesses to attend the execution, the Executive Director/designee may take such steps as he deems necessary to verify the statements made in the request. After verifying the information in the requests, selection TMF 01/08 - pg. 115 be made shall of witnesses Director/designee. Executive 4. shall Director/designee The Executive been have who members the media identify the execution. to witness selected on a be selected shall Media members from the following basis rotating organizations: Lake a. Salt b. tPlPvisinn broadcasting Utah; c. D. REVI SEO O6/10/ 10 UDC GRAMA Classified by the Public newspapers; daily lirPnsPd st~tinns daily in the of general one newspaper in the county circulation occurred; the crime station in licensed the State and of State which in and of Utah; d. one radio broadcasting and e. from a pool of the remainder and wire services print broadcast, operating news media organizations in Utah. 5. Director the Executive that In the event to name a news media witness is unable from each of the above-described name other he shall organizations, media members to attend. qualifying 6. than other No news media witnesses as the execution named to attend be shall chapter this in described execution. the to witness permitted Pool Photographers 1. be appointed shall Two photographers to photograph/film pool photographers clean following chamber the execution up. 2. The pool photographers other from agencies than may be those TMF 0l/0t3 those as selected - pg. 116 UDC GRAMA Classified Public represented execution. TMF 01/08.03 Alternate A. B. C. those witnessing the Coverage/Accommodations Additional Media Selected 1. The Executive Director may designate additional members of the press and broadcast news media who request and receive permission to be allowed at a location designated by the Executive Director on prison property during the execution. 2. The additional from both the Alternate media selected shall be print and broadcast media. Location 1. The alternate briefing area. 2. Media members must contact the Department's Public Affairs Director least 14 days prior to the execution date to make any special arrangements for hook ups or other necessary arrangements. Any expense incurred shall be borne by the specific news media requiring special equipment or hook ups. location shall be a press at 3. No special access nor briefings will be provided to members of the press who are not selected as witnesses nor selected for the alternate site. 4. The alternate site shall available to the selected news media at 1700 hours to the scheduled execution Bri~fing 1. REVISED 06/10/10 among Media at the be made members of the the day prior date. Alternate The Public Affairs arrange for: Director a. pre-execution briefings; b. distribution packages; of media Site shall briefing TMF 01/08 - pg. 117 2. TMF 01/08.04 News Media c. throughout briefings and event; d. post-execution news media execution. the briefings who witnessed executionUDC GRAMA Classified by thePublic the to the The news media witnesses to the media be returned shall execution from questions to answer area briefing site. at the alternate media members Attendance at the Execution the members permit news media, Director/designee to regulations, A. shall The Warden/designee and broadcast of the press by the Executive selected with these in accordance the execution. witness B. the attending Each news media witness prior searched be carefully shall execution chamber. to the execution to admittance 1. a. recording or mechanical Electronic but are not devices.include, moving picture still, to, limited tape recorders cameras, or video broadcasting devices, similar paraphernalia, or artistic devices, and drawing such as notebooks, pencils 2. REVISED 06/10/10 or pens! or etc. a b. is prohibition of this Violation 77-19-11(5) misdemeanor. B class c. (no larger notebook Only a small 4" x 6") and a pen or pencil than be shall by the Department issued permitted. members of the news Only the selected two pool and (witnesses media to be allowed shall photographers) TMF 01/08 _nrT118 JJSJ.. attend group room. the will pre-execution be escorted UDC briefing. The Classified into aGRAMA briefing Public a. b. C. 3. a. b. 4. REVISED 06/10/10 Persons execution statement institution requesting shall be or release or any to witness the required to sign a absolving the of its staff from any TMF 01/08 - pg. 119 from the resulting recourse legal UDC or other requirements of search exercise agreement. of the witness GRAMA Classified provisions C. anyPublic not exclude shall The Warden/designee in duly selected news media witness from regulations with these accordance as except execution the at attendance may the nor regulations, in these described media news a selected cause Warden/designee from the execution to be removed witness the media member: unless chamber to refuses as permitted 2. faints, allowed 3. a disturbance causes chamber; execution 4. D. E. F. REVISED 06/10/10 becomes to leave search a reasonable regulations; to submit in these 1. or ill during to be requests the execution; the within or to abide or fails refuses and regulations conditions the Department. by the set forth by so as be arranged shall chamber The execution news media for the attending space to provide have a shall arranged and the space witnesses with the site, view of the execution of: exception 1. a view squad, 2. if lethal directly execution, of if the members of or employed; the firing those is chosen, injection of the method administering from be concealed who shall so tr'1a t tJ:-1e vie1,,,1 of the ITLedia rnembers unknown. remain will identities their be shall news media witnesses The selected to the execution as a group transported and shall to the execution prior location the throughout there to remain allowed proceeding. oe a designate shall The Department to remain or representatives representative the with the media members throughout of for the purpose proceedings execution and escorting. supervising TMF 01/08 - pg. 120 G. H. News media witnesses shall execution area on the date execution only after: be set UDC admitted to the GRAMA Classified for the Public 1. proof of identification have been presented to the Public Affairs Director/designee at the staging area; 2. receiving Affairs 3. signing an agreement to abide by conditions required of news media witnesses to the execution. an orientation Director/designee; by the and Public After the execution has been completed and the site has been restored to an orderly condition, news media witnesses may be permitted to return to the execution chamber for purposes of filming, photographing and recording the site. 1. 2. Re-entry to the site only after the site an orderly condition, shall be permitted has been restored including: a. removal of condemned; the body b. evacuation administering of c. clean up of of the those involved the execution; the to execution in and chamber. Restoring the site to an "orderly condition prior to the filming opportunity shall not unnecessarily disturb the physical arrangements the execution. 11 3. REVISED 06/10/10 Media members permitted execution charober for recording of the site for to return to the the filming and shall include: a. the news selected media witnesses to witness the b. one pool television c. one pool newsprint who were execution; camera man; and photographer. TMF 01/08 - pg. 121 4. I. in not be used shall The film/videotape UDC made until broadcast any news or other ng participati agencies to all available GRAMA Classified the receiving All agencies in the pool. to Public be permitted will film/videotape and to retain in news coverage usethem footage. for file the film/videotape being after shall, News media representatives staging the to from the execution returned for other act as pool representatives area, the event. covering representatives media l. meet at shall The pool representatives provide and center media the designated shall and of the execution an account them to put questions all answer freely not be and shall media members by other of coverage their to report permitted respective back to their the execution the nonafter until news organizations the had have members media attending tives' representa of the pool benefit of the execution. account a. the attending News media members agree shall briefing post-execution room and in the briefing to remain with nor communicate not leave room briefing the outside persons over. is briefing the until b. end when the shall The briefing are news media members attending or after questions asking through comes first. whichever 90 minutes, 2. TMF 01/08.05 Limitations A. REVISED 06/10/10 on Coverage of the with the concurrence The Warden, these may alter Director, Executive conditions, additional to impose regulations on media and limitations restrictions when such of the execution coverage for the become necessary requirements TMF 01/08 - pg. 122 preservation safety or may be in B. TMF 01/08.06 If extraordinary circumstances develop, additional conditions and restrictions shallbe no more restrictive than required meet the exigent circumstances. News Media A. B. the to Briefing Pre-Execution Briefing Packets 1. The Public Affairs Director shall prepare a press briefing packet for reporters approved to witness the execution, or to cover the execution from the news media staging area. 2. The briefing press packet should be provided to news media representatives as they arrive at the staging area. 3. The contents of the press briefing packet shall include, but not be limited to, biographical information on the condemned, the list of official witnesses, pool reporters, family witnesses, execution procedures, sequence of events, and the history of executions in Utah. 4. Updates will generally be communicated and/or distributed to the press on an hourly basis beginning about 1700 hours the day preceding the execution. Briefing updates should include: Death 1. REVISED 06/10/10 of prison security, other legitimate interests jeopardy. UDC personal GRAMA Classified which Public a. a summary of activities the execution procedures sequence of events; and b. a summary activities hours. of the during related and condemned his final to inmate's 24 Announcement The Public Affairs Representative/designee shall read a prepared statement to the press, prior to the post-execution press conference, announcing that the execution has been completed. TMF 01/08 - pg. 123 2. C. D. shall The announcement to: be limited time a. the b. the time pronounced c. the Post-Execution of the the include, execution; condemned and dead; condemned's final not but UDC GRAMA Classified Public was words. Conference l. shall conference The post-execution the arrival following immediately begin from the execution reporters of the pool site. 2. shall Director Affairs The Public who of the press the members introduce and facllltate the execution witnessed conference. the post-execution 3. Director, Deputy Director, The Executive Division Operations Institutional and Warden may appear and/or Director press the at questions answer conference. 4. shall conference The post-execution or until minutes for ninety continue who of the reporters questioning has been the execution witnessed comes first. whichever completed; Travel the Routes 1. 2. E. Media 1. REVISED 06/10/10 Center The Media designated be shall Center area. staging located TMF OJ/08 in the - pg. 124 UDC GRAMA Classified shall assume press Public 2. The Public Affairs Director responsibility for routine briefings at the Media Center. 3. Press briefings conference will Center. 4. News media personnel may not access nor occupy any other part of the staging area. The media shall have access only to the designated media center. 5. Members of the news media may not speak to or interview any official visitor while at the staqinq area. and the be held post-execution at the Media seek, 6. TMF 01/08.07 News Media A. B. REVISED 06/10/10 Support and Equipment Telephones 1. The Public Affairs Director shall coordinate all telephone needs with the Deputy Warden Support Services at the Utah State Prison. 2. Each news agency requiring dedicated telephone lines, shall submit in writing its telephone needs to the Public Affairs Director 14 days prior to the scheduled execution. Agencies requesting dedicated phone lines will be responsible for the cost of those lines. 3. The Department shall install a reasonable number of telephones, for local use and collect calls only, for news media use at the Media Center. If the Department is unable to install collect-call only telephones, personal cellular phones may be used. Electrical Outlets TMF 01/08 - pg. 125 UDC GRAMA Classified Public needs its must communicate Each news agency Affairs to the Public power for electrical scheduled the to prior days 14 Director oyor11+- C. inn. Refreshments Affairs The Public a private having to for the media D. may inquire Director at the staging caterer items. purchase Vehicles Support News Media about area l. 2. TMF 01/08.08 Media Representative (See following ) agreement. REVISED 06/10/10 page Agreement for Media Representative TMF 01/08 - pg. 126 Rules of Conduct for Media Representatives at the Utah State Prison UDC GRAMA Classified an Execution Public Observing 1. That you will not bring onto prison property anything constituting legal or illegal contraband under any applicable statute, rule, or policy including any firearm, dangerous weapon, implement of escape, explosive, spirituous of fermented liquor, medicine, poison, or any other item creating a threat to the safety, security, or management of the prison; 2. That contraband Department property; you agree to submit to a reasonable search for and other searches as considered necessary by the for entry to Department prison and staging area 3. you That 4. That personnel yourself you comply with all while on Department 5. That you photographic 6. not conduct in a lawful and orderly lawful directives property; will not bring to the or recording equipment; That you understand that the provide mental health services execution of site Department of to witnesses; manner; correctional any Corrections and 7. That you understand the Department of Corrections is torecord/report the names of all witnesses in attendance as provide the information to media representatives. will required as well I have read the above rules and agree to abide by them. I understand that my failure to comply with the rules will result in my immediate removal from Department of Corrections property and that I may be subject to _criminal prosecution. News Organization Signature ----------- of News Agency REVISED 06/10/10 News Media Editor/Producer Witness Date Date TMF 01/08 - pg. 127 UDC GRAMA Classified Public TMF 01/20.00 REVIEWAND DOCUMENTATION TMF 01/20.01 General Provisions Review Assignment Documentation of Execution Retention and Safeguarding UDC Employee Questionnaire TMF 01/20.03 TMF 01/20.04 TMF 01/20.05 REVISED 06/10/10 UDC GRAMA Classified Public Documentation TMF 01/20- pgL3L TMF 01/20.00 REVIEW AND DOCUMENTATION TMF 01/20.01 General A. UDC GRAMA Classified Public Provisions of Purpose Chapter the is to provide chapter of this The purpose for and requirements procedures policies, process. execution reviewingthe B. Policy It shall of that performed Director. 2. assigned Auditors thesereviewsshall aspects designated executionpreparation. 06/10/10 access to in the reviewof participating Auditors in are not to be involved the execution but preparationprocess, the execution at all only and, act as observers shall they that way act in such a times, in possible disruption the least create process. that 5. documentation Appropriate be created, shall execution and retained safeguarded, and trail review adequate record. historical the collected, to provide a proper of an in be protected shall Documentation UCA. 64-13-25(2) with accordance ReviewAssignment Authority REVISED to perform beallowed of the 3. 6. TMF 01/20.02 of the Department be the policy be shall process the execution by the Executive as ordered 1. to Conduct a Review be shall Director if a for determining in each place take 1. The Executive responsible to reviewis execution. 2. selected The Auditor(s) shall, review execution for the upon direction TMF 01/20- p~233 UDC GRAMA Classified Public from the Executive Director, prepare a questionnaire to be completed by staff involved in the execution process. The survey shall be approved by the Executive Director and all responses shall be confidential. Only the Executive Director may grant release of the survey responses. TMF 01/20.03 TMF 01/20.04 Documentation to Documentation include: which be Retained shall be all other retained shall legal papers; 1. the 2. correspondence, both official unofficial, which is received Department of Corrections; 3. minutes planning 4. inter-agency S. intra-departmental communication; 6. logs, etc., 7. a newspaper and Execution 1. REVISED 06/10/10 Execution Documentation Retention A. of warrant and of meetings held or disseminating written and by the for purposes information; of coITLmunication; written journals, of key chronological locations; and notes, file. Safeguarding Documentation File An execution file for each condemned shall be organized should include: a. legal b. official shall be established person. The file into sections which documents; correspondence; TMF 01/20- pg.234 UDC GRAMA Classified Public unofficial d. intra-departmental communication; e. chronological and f. meeting minutes. 2. Each section have material order. of the filed 3. be which cannot documents All working or process the execution during filed and be copied shall after, immediately in the execution be placed copy shall file. 4. B. correspondence; c. notes, All intra-departmental have a courtesy shall file. execution File Execution written logs, etc.; file execution in chronological shall a communication copy to the Maintenance 1. 2. C. D. Access to Execution File Only those Executive Director, execution authorized individuals of Corrections, Director have shall or Warden, file. Long-Term Storage by the DIO to access the an concerning all documents that To ensure a to provide be retained shall execution historical and an adequate reviewtrail in be stored shall file the execution record, plan of the with the archive's accordance Department. REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/20- p~235 UDC GRAMA Classified Public TMF 01/20.05 UDC EMPLOYEE QUESTIONNAIRE Name of the Condemned INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete this questionnaire as each question completely and accurately. need more space. Complete and Corrections, Thank return 14717 this questionnaire S. Minuteman Drive, soon after Add as to the Draper, the execution many pages as AuditBureau 84020, by at as possible. necessary Utah if Department you. FULL NAME: ----------------------------------------TITLE: -------------------------------------------LOCATION: -----------------------------------------FUNCTION DURING THE EXECUTION: ----------------------------------------- 1. Were you provided adequate If you answered "No," beneficial to you. 2. Were Yes you adequately Did you Yes If K~VlS~U please trained for explain or your what briefed in area of responsibility? direction would your of area havebeen responsibility? No If you answered been beneficial 3. direction observe "No," please to you. anything that explain what you thought training was or not briefing adequately would have addressed? No you answered Ub/lU/lU "Yes," please explain. TMF 01/20- pg.Ljb Answer answers of UDC GRAMA Classified Public 4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions. THANK YOU! REVISED 06/10/10 TMF 01/20- pg. 237 TMF 01/21.00 TR.~INING AND BRIEFING TMF 01/21. 01 TMF 01/21.02 General Training REVISED 06/10/10 Provisions and Briefing UDC GRAMA Classified Public Components TMF 01/21 - pg. 238 TMF 01/21.00 TRAINING AND BRIEFING TMF 01/21.01 General A. UDC GRAMA Classified Public Provisions Chapter of Purpose the is to provide chapter of this The purpose and briefing concerning and procedure policy agencies members of allied of staff, training in an execution. involved and others B. Policy It is the and others execution: 1. 2. REVISED 06/10/10 that the Department an out in carrying of policy involved receive covering: briefings comprehensive and duties a. their b. of the specifics assigned covering c. communication d. overview activities and of staff responsibilities; post orders positions; of chain functions the during and execution; of post and assigned copies are provided duties the outlining of responsibilities command; orders positions; 3. and of briefing the level receive on the based necessary training duties; of assigned requirements 4. rehearse involve: functions and practice which timing; a. difficult b. a high c. of procedures and/or nature; d. moderately interaction degree of skill; a highly or difficult with others; TMF 01/21 critical complex and - pg.239 UDC GRAMA Classified Public 5. TMF 01/21.02 Training A. receive systems instructions to provide: a. problem-resolution b. policy d. information and assistance; Briefing requests. Components General 1. shall issuing all members participants a post assigned positions; include, but or other order for 2. providing covering operational 3. if necessary, detailed legal, operational or of assigned position; training technical 4. if necessary, rehearsal functions; and of an orientation assigned duties information; 5. REVISED 06/10/10 back-up decisions; Training and briefing be limited to: B. concerning T\li"":\-r.11-:) 1.·.1u1.1.uu...1... their or briefing and general l covering aspects job Tl'-1F 0 1 j_. Post Orders 1. Each member or other participant shall be issued the post order or instructions for his assigned position. 2. The post order limited to: a. the b. location(s) c. title position of shall not include, but not be title; of assignment; supervisor; TMF 01/21 - pg. 240 UDC GRAMA Classified Public C. REVISED 06/10/10 d. supervisory e. duties general f. emergency if role, any; and responsibilities-and and specific; role. 3. When appropriate, of TMF 01 may be order. 4. orders All post material) manual the completion one or more chapters with a post issued (and any accompanying at be returned shall event. of the execution Briefing/Orientation 1. be very will Most assignments of range a narrow involving specialized, For such positions, duties. be will sessions briefing/orientation to addition in required the training all and skills training the general assigned. of the persons experience 2. sessions Orientation to: not be limited shall but include of the execution components; operational a. an overview and process b. location c. of command chain information; d. of of the countdown an overview leading and procedures activities to the execution; e. of an explanation intervention crisis f. interaction g. of the specific a review and duties requirements, and elements; of post; assigned with and organizational and support systems; the news TMF 01/21 media; post other - order pg.241 UDC GRAMA Classified Public h. D. REVISED 06/10/10 a question-and-answer period. Training/Rehearsal 1. For assignments requiring more technical or complex functions, critical timing or interaction elements, or duties of a particularly difficult nature, more comprehensive training shall be required. 2. Team leaders shall be responsible training and scheduling rehearsals needed for team members. TMF 01/21 for as - pg. 242 UDC GRAMA Classified Public