Vandalia Prison Il Fy 2006 Audit
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STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Performed as Special Assistant Auditors For the Auditor General, State of Illinois STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Center Officials Management Assertion Letter Compliance Report Summary Accountants’ Report Independent Accountants’ Report on State Compliance, on Internal Control Over Compliance, and on Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes Schedule of Findings Current Findings Prior Findings Not Repeated Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes Summary Fiscal Schedules and Analysis Schedule of Appropriations, Expenditures and Lapsed Balances Comparative Schedule of Net Appropriations, Expenditures and Lapsed Balances Description of Locally Held Funds Schedule of Locally Held Funds Schedule of Changes in State Property Comparative Schedule of Cash Receipts and Deposits (not examined) Analysis of Significant Variations in Expenditures Analysis of Significant Lapse Period Spending Schedule of Changes in Inventories Analysis of Operations Center Functions and Planning Program Average Number of Employees Employee Overtime (not examined) Inmate Commissary Operation Annual Cost Statistics Costs Per Year Per Inmate (not examined) Ratio of Employees to Inmates (not examined) Cell Square Feet Per Inmate (not examined) Food Services (not examined) Medical and Clergy Service Contracts (not examined) Service Efforts and Accomplishments (not examined) 1 Page 2 3 4 6 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 19 20 21 25 27 28 30 30 31 32 33 33 34 34 35 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 CENTER OFFICIALS Warden Mr. Steve Mensing Assistant Warden - Programs Ms. Patricia West Assistant Warden - Operations Mr. Gregory Schwartz Acting Business Office Administrator Ms. Belinda Francois The Center is located at: Vandalia Correctional Center Rt. 51 North P.O. Box 500 Vandalia, IL 62471 2 Rod R. Blagojevich Illinois Governor Department of Roger E. Walker Jr. Corrections Director Vandalia Correctional Center / Rt. 51 North / P.O. Box 500 / Vandalia, IL 62471 / Telephone: (618) 283-4170 / TDD: (800) 526-0844 MANAGEMENT ASSERTION LETTER September 29, 2006 Glass & Shuffett, Ltd. Certified Public Accountants 1819 W. McCord, Box 489 Centralia, IL 62801 Ladies and Gentlemen: We are responsible for the identification of, and compliance with, all aspects of laws, regulations, contracts, or grants that could have a material effect on the operations of the Center. We are responsible for and we have established and maintained an effective system of internal controls over compliance requirements. We have performed an evaluation of the Center’s compliance with the following assertions during the two-year period ended June 30, 2006. Based on this evaluation, we assert that during the years ended June 30, 2006, and June 30, 2005, the Center has materially complied with the assertions below. A. The Center has obligated, expended, received and used public funds of the State in accordance with the purpose for which such funds have been appropriated or otherwise authorized by law. B. The Center has obligated, expended, received and used public funds of the State in accordance with any limitations, restrictions, conditions or mandatory directions imposed by law upon such obligation, expenditure, receipt or use. C. The Center has complied, in all material respects, with applicable laws and regulations, including the State uniform accounting system, in its financial and fiscal operations. D. The State revenues and receipts collected by the Center are in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the accounting and recordkeeping of such revenues and receipts is fair, accurate and in accordance with law. E. The money or negotiable securities or similar assets handled by the Center on behalf of the State or held in trust by the Center have been properly and legally administered, and the accounting and recordkeeping relating thereto is proper, accurate and in accordance with law. Yours very truly, Vandalia Correctional Center Steve Mensing, Warden Belinda Francois, Acting Business Office Administrator STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 COMPLIANCE REPORT SUMMARY The limited scope compliance testing performed during this examination was conducted in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and in accordance with the Illinois State Auditing Act. ACCOUNTANTS’ REPORT The Independent Accountants’ Report on State Compliance, on Internal Control Over Compliance and on Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes relates only to those chapters of the “Audit Guide for Performing Financial Audits and Compliance Attestation Examinations of Illinois State Agencies” (Audit Guide) which are identified in the report as having compliance testing performed. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Number of Findings Repeated findings Prior recommendations implemented or not repeated This Report 1 0 Prior Report 1 1 1 0 Details of findings are presented in a separately tabbed report section. SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS CURRENT FINDINGS Item No. 06-1 Page 9 Description Lack of segregation of duties PRIOR FINDINGS NOT REPEATED Item No. Page 06-2 10 Description Failure to collect debt owed to the State 4 EXIT CONFERENCE “Center management waived an exit conference per a letter dated December 28, 2006.” Response to the recommendation was provided by Mary Ann Bohlen, Accounting Manager with the Department of Corrections, Division of Finance and Administration in a letter dated December 27, 2006. 5 GLASS AND SHUFFETT, LTD. Certified Public Accountants Members: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Illinois Society of Certified Public Accountants 1819 West McCord P.O. Box 489 Centralia, Illinois 62881 (618) 532-5683 FAX (618) 5684618 Associate Office 961 Fairfax P.O. Box 322 Carlyle, Illinois 62231 594-4737 INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS' REPORT ON STATE COMPLIANCE, ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER COMPLIANCE, AND ON SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION FOR STATE COMPLIANCE PURPOSES Honorable William G. Holland Auditor General State of Illinois Compliance As Special Assistant Auditors for the Auditor General, we performed a limited scope compliance examination of the State of Illinois Department of Corrections - Vandalia Correctional Center’s compliance with the requirements listed below, as more fully described in the Audit Guide for Performing Financial Audits and Compliance Attestation Engagements of Illinois State Agencies (Audit Guide) as adopted by the Auditor General, during the two years ended June 30, 2006. The management of the State of Illinois Department of Corrections - Vandalia Correctional Center is responsible for compliance with these requirements. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the State of Illinois Department of Corrections Vandalia Correctional Center’s compliance based on our examination. A. The State of Illinois Department of Corrections - Vandalia Correctional Center has obligated, expended, received, and used public funds of the State in accordance with the purpose for which such funds have been appropriated or otherwise authorized by law. B. The State of Illinois Department of Corrections - Vandalia Correctional Center has obligated, expended, received, and used public funds of the State in accordance with any limitations, restrictions, conditions or mandatory directions imposed by law upon such obligation, expenditure, receipt or use. C. The State of Illinois Department of Corrections - Vandalia Correctional Center has complied, in all material respects, with applicable laws and regulations, including the State uniform accounting system, in its financial and fiscal operations. D. The State revenues and receipts collected by the State of Illinois Department of Corrections Vandalia Correctional Center are in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the accounting and recordkeeping of such revenues and receipts is fair, accurate and in accordance with law. E. Money or negotiable securities or similar assets handled by the State of Illinois Department of Corrections - Vandalia Correctional Center on behalf of the State or held in trust by the State of Illinois Department of Corrections - Vandalia Correctional Center have been properly and legally administered and the accounting and recordkeeping relating thereto is proper, accurate, and in accordance with law. 6 Our limited scope compliance examination of the Center was limited to the following areas of the Audit Guide: Chapter 8 – Personal Services Expenditures Chapter 9 – Contractual Services Expenditures Chapter 11 – Commodities Expenditures Chapter 18 – Appropriations, Transfers and Expenditures Chapter 22 – Review of Agency Functions and Planning Program Chapter 30 – Auditing Compliance With Agency Specific Statutory Mandates The areas of the Audit Guide not examined at the Center have had procedures performed on a Departmentwide basis through the compliance examination of the Department’s General Office, and accordingly, any findings from the results of those procedures have been included in the Department of Corrections - General Office compliance report. We have also performed certain procedures with respect to the accounting records of the Center to assist in the performance of the Auditor General’s financial statement audit of the entire Department of Corrections for the year ended June 30, 2006. The results of these additional procedures have been communicated to the Department of Corrections - General Office auditors. Our examination was conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants; the standards applicable to attestation engagements contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; the Illinois State Auditing Act (Act); and the Audit Guide as adopted by the Auditor General pursuant to the Act; and, accordingly, included examining, on a test basis, evidence about the State of Illinois Department of Corrections - Vandalia Correctional Center’s compliance with those requirements and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our examination provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Our examination does not provide a legal determination on the State of Illinois Department of Corrections - Vandalia Correctional Center’s compliance with specified requirements. In our opinion, the State of Illinois Department of Corrections - Vandalia Correctional Center complied, in all material respects, with the aforementioned requirements during the two years ended June 30, 2006. As required by the Audit Guide, immaterial findings relating to instances of noncompliance excluded from this report have been reported in a separate letter to your office. Internal Control The management of the State of Illinois Department of Corrections - Vandalia Correctional Center is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal control over compliance with the requirements of laws and regulations. In planning and performing our limited scope compliance examination, we considered the State of Illinois Department of Corrections - Vandalia Correctional Center’s internal control over compliance with the aforementioned requirements in order to determine our examination procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on compliance and to test and report on internal control over compliance in accordance with the Audit Guide, issued by the Illinois Office of the Auditor General. We have also performed certain procedures with respect to the accounting records of the Center to assist in the performance of the Auditor General’s financial statement audit of the entire Department of Corrections for the year ended June 30, 2006. The results of these additional procedures have been communicated to the Department of Corrections - General Office auditors. 7 Our consideration of internal control over compliance with the aforementioned requirements would not necessarily disclose all matters in internal control that might be material weaknesses. A material weakness is a reportable condition in which the design or operation of one or more internal control components does not reduce to a relatively low level the risk that noncompliance with applicable requirements of laws and regulations that would be material in relation to one or more of the aforementioned requirements being examined may occur and not be detected within a timely period by employees in the normal course of performing their assigned functions. We noted no matters involving internal control over compliance that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, the results of our procedures disclosed another matter involving internal control which is required to be reported in accordance with criteria established by the Audit Guide, issued by the Illinois Office of the Auditor General and which is described in the accompanying Schedule of Findings as finding 06-1. As required by the Audit Guide, immaterial findings relating to internal control deficiencies excluded from this report have been reported in a separate letter to your office. Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes Our examination was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on compliance with the requirements listed in the first paragraph of this report. The accompanying supplementary information as listed in the table of contents as Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes is presented for purposes of additional analysis. We have applied certain limited procedures as prescribed by the Audit Guide, as adopted by the Auditor General to the 2006 and 2005 Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes, except for the information on the Comparative Schedule of Cash Receipts, and Deposits, the Employee Overtime, the Annual Cost Statistics and Service Efforts and Accomplishments on which we did not perform any procedures. However, we do not express an opinion on the supplementary information. We have not applied procedures to the 2004 Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes, and accordingly, we do not express an opinion thereon. This report is intended solely for the information and use of the Auditor General, the General Assembly, the Legislative Audit Commission, the Governor, Center and Department management, and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. Glass & Shuffett, Ltd. September 29, 2006 8 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Current Findings 06-1 Finding - Lack of Adequate Segregation of Duties The Center’s procedures for handling cash removed from debit card machines did not provide for an effective segregation of duties. The responsibility of collecting cash from the machines, counting and verifying the cash received to reports generated from the machines, preparing of receipt forms and deposit slips, and depositing the funds collected were all performed by one individual. Good business practices requires the Center to maintain adequate segregation of duties in order to help ensure the safeguarding of assets, prevent improper expenditures, ensure the accuracy and reliability of accounting data, and promote operational efficiency. Center personnel had assigned responsibility to another individual to agree the deposit amount to the receipt copy but failed to realize that the machine totals were not being independently verified. A lack of segregation of duties increases the possibility that an irregularity could occur and would not be found in the normal course of business. Cash received through the debit card machines during fiscal years 2006 and 2005 totaled $234,649 and $119,414, respectively. (Finding Code 06-01) Recommendation We recommend the Center provide an adequate segregation of duties over debit card cash receipts. An employee independent of cash collection and depositing functions should be assigned responsibility to reconcile debit card system sales reports to actual cash received, deposited, and postings to the general ledger. Center Response Recommendation implemented. The facility has reassigned the duty of reconciling cash collected to an employee not responsible to collect the cash. 9 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Prior Findings Not Repeated 06-2 Finding: The Center failed to follow prescribed procedures to timely collect a debt owed to the State. Disposition: Recommendation implemented. The Center received payment in full of the outstanding debt on November 3, 2004. (Finding Code 04-1) 10 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION FOR STATE COMPLIANCE PURPOSES For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 SUMMARY Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes presented in this section of the report includes the following: Fiscal Schedules and Analysis: Schedule of Appropriations, Expenditures and Lapsed Balances Comparative Schedule of Net Appropriations, Expenditures and Lapsed Balances Description of Locally Held Funds Schedule of Locally Held Funds Schedule of Changes in State Property Comparative Schedule of Cash Receipts and Deposits (not examined) Analysis of Significant Variations in Expenditures Analysis of Significant Lapse Period Spending Schedule of Changes in Inventories Analysis of Operations: Center Functions and Planning Program Average Number of Employees Employee Overtime (not examined) Inmate Commissary Operation Annual Cost Statistics: Costs Per Year Per Inmate (not examined) Ratio of Employees to Inmates (not examined) Cell Square Feet Per Inmate (not examined) Food Services (not examined) Medical and Clergy Service Contracts (not examined) Service Efforts and Accomplishments (not examined) The accountants’ report on the Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes presented in the Compliance Report Section states the auditors have applied certain limited procedures as prescribed by the Audit Guide, as adopted by the Auditor General to the 2006 and 2005 Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes, except for the information on the Comparative Schedule of Cash Receipts and Deposits, the Employee Overtime, the Annual Cost Statistics and Service Efforts and Accomplishments on which they did not perform any procedures. However, the auditors do not express an opinion on the supplementary information. The auditors have not applied procedures to the 2004 Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes, and accordingly, do not express an opinion thereon. 11 12 $ $ 31,116,600 $ 28,968,225 24,806 1,921,980 15,132 1,329 53,737 115,078 1,559,871 1,476,853 3,190,445 5,490 1,640,700 1,553,600 4,005,400 5,800 27,800 1,990,400 15,400 11,200 53,800 130,600 311,552 340,100 20,020,539 271,413 $ 271,600 21,070,200 $ $ 2,128,565 2,951 68,344 257 9,793 15,486 80,465 76,659 814,182 221 28,513 - 1,031,694 LAPSE PERIOD EXPENDITURES JULY 1 TO AUGUST 31, 2006 Note: The information reflected in this schedule was taken from the Center's records and reconciled to records of the State Comptroller. Total - Fiscal Year 2006 GENERAL REVENUE FUND - 001 Personal services Employee retirement contributions paid by employer Student, member and inmate compensation State contributions to State Employees' Retirement System State contributions to Social Security Contractual services Travel Travel and allowances for committed, paroled and discharged prisoners Commodities Printing Equipment Telecommunications services Operation of automotive equipment PUBLIC ACT 94-0015 APPROPRIATIONS NET OF TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES THROUGH JUNE 30, 2006 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF APPROPRIATIONS, EXPENDITURES AND LAPSED BALANCES For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006 $ $ 31,096,790 27,757 1,990,324 15,389 11,122 53,737 130,564 1,640,336 1,553,512 4,004,627 5,711 340,065 271,413 21,052,233 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 14 MONTHS ENDED AUGUST 31, 2006 $ $ 19,810 43 76 11 78 63 36 364 88 773 89 35 187 17,967 BALANCES LAPSED AUGUST 31, 2006 13 $ $ 32,158,623 $ 29,933,356 3,358 1,595,889 16,750 73,147 101,697 3,134,510 1,430,528 3,116,665 3,913 3,307,000 1,513,800 3,679,500 16,300 3,400 1,796,900 22,900 98,300 122,800 236,608 280,000 20,176,669 43,622 $ 43,623 21,274,100 $ $ 2,039,566 167,902 390 23,295 16,979 161,001 74,095 543,136 372 26,676 - 1,025,720 LAPSE PERIOD EXPENDITURES JULY 1 TO AUGUST 31, 2005 Note: The information reflected in this schedule was taken from the Center's records and reconciled to records of the State Comptroller. Total - Fiscal Year 2005 GENERAL REVENUE FUND - 001 Personal services Employee retirement contributions paid by employer Student, member and inmate compensation State contributions to State Employees' Retirement System State contributions to Social Security Contractual services Travel Travel and allowances for committed, paroled and discharged prisoners Commodities Printing Equipment Telecommunications services Operation of automotive equipment PUBLIC ACT 93-0842 & 93-0681 APPROPRIATIONS NET OF TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES THROUGH JUNE 30, 2005 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF APPROPRIATIONS, EXPENDITURES AND LAPSED BALANCES For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2005 $ $ 31,972,922 3,358 1,763,791 17,140 96,442 118,676 3,295,511 1,504,623 3,659,801 4,285 263,284 43,622 21,202,389 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 14 MONTHS ENDED AUGUST 31, 2005 $ $ 185,701 42 33,109 5,760 1,858 4,124 11,489 9,177 19,699 12,015 16,716 1 71,711 BALANCES LAPSED AUGUST 31, 2005 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION COMPARATIVE SCHEDULE OF NET APPROPRIATIONS, EXPENDITURES AND LAPSED BALANCES For the Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2006 P.A. 94-0015 GENERAL REVENUE FUND - 001 Appropriations (net of transfers) $ 31,116,600 FISCAL YEAR 2005 P.A. 93-0842 & 93-0681 $ 2004 P.A. 93-0091 32,158,623 $ 34,149,900 EXPENDITURES Personal services Employee retirement contributions paid by employer Student, member and inmate compensation State contributions to State Employees' Retirement System State contributions to Social Security Contractual services Travel Travel and allowances for committed, paroled and discharged prisoners Commodities Printing Equipment Telecommunications services Operation of automotive equipment Total Expenditures 21,052,233 271,413 340,065 1,640,336 1,553,512 4,004,627 5,711 21,202,389 43,622 263,284 3,295,511 1,504,623 3,659,801 4,285 20,556,030 1,817,860 359,381 1,060,221 1,510,879 4,278,202 10,500 27,757 1,990,324 15,389 11,122 53,737 130,564 $ 31,096,790 $ 3,358 1,763,791 17,140 96,442 118,676 31,972,922 22,954 2,564,814 14,113 11,204 88,757 115,378 $ 32,410,293 LAPSED BALANCES $ $ 185,701 14 19,810 $ 1,739,607 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION DESCRIPTION OF LOCALLY HELD FUNDS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 The locally held funds of the Center are grouped into two fund categories, Governmental and Fiduciary Funds. These are nonappropriated funds with the exception of the Travel and Allowance Revolving Fund, which is an appropriated fund. The funds are not held in the State Treasury and are described as follows: 1. Governmental Funds General Revenue Fund The Travel and Allowance Revolving Fund is a cash imprest fund located at the Center and is used to provide travel and allowances for discharged residents/inmates. The Travel and Allowance Revolving Fund is replenished from the Center’s General Revenue Fund appropriation on a monthly basis upon submission of a duly authorized voucher. Special Revenue Funds Special revenue funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for specific purposes. Most Centers maintain four special revenue funds. The Employees’ Commissary Fund and Residents’ Commissary Fund are used to maintain stores for selling food, candy, tobacco, health and beauty aids and other personal items. The residents’ commissary sells solely to residents and the employees’ commissary sells to employees. Profits derived from Commissary Funds’ sales are allocated 60% to pay the wages and benefits of employees who work at the commissaries and 40% to either the Residents’ Benefit Fund for sales from the Residents’ Commissary or the Employees’ Benefit Fund for sales from the Employees’ Commissary. Residents’ Benefit Fund and Employees’ Benefit Fund are used to provide entertainment and recreational activities for residents and employees. The Employees’ Benefit Fund is also used to provide travel expense reimbursement for correctional officers while travel vouchers are being processed. During fiscal year 2006 the accounting and expenditure processing of the Residents’ Benefit Fund were transferred to the Department of Corrections General Office. 2. Fiduciary Fund Agency Fund An agency fund is used to account for assets held as the agent for others. The Center maintains one such fund, the Residents’ Trust Fund which is a depository for the residents’ money. The Residents’ Trust Fund is used to account for the receipts and disbursements of the resident’s individual accounts. 15 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF LOCALLY HELD FUNDS - SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 Employees' Commissary Fund REVENUES Income from Sales Interest/Investment Income Miscellaneous Entry Fees Other Total Revenues $ 87,992 67 Residents' Commissary Fund $ 1,196,694 873 Employees' Benefit Fund $ 5,656 19 Residents' Benefit Fund (Not Examined) $ 1,116 1,096 89,155 1,197,567 1,591 6,970 14,236 6,872 7,988 81,303 2,365 83,668 965,212 6,229 971,441 3,042 7,384 175 5,699 16,300 21,529 18,130 3,571 43,230 5,487 226,126 (2,064) (35,242) 5,487 (5,487) 226,126 (226,126) 1,099 1,099 91,662 91,662 Net Change in Fund Balance - - Fund Balance July 1, 2005 - - EXPENDITURES Purchases General and Administrative Contractual Sponsored Events Donations Equipment Other Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfers In Transfers Out Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Fund Balance June 30, 2006 $ - Note: Schedule is presented on the accural basis of accounting. 16 $ - (965) 56,420 8,892 $ 7,927 170,325 $ 226,745 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF LOCALLY HELD FUNDS - SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS For the Year Ended June 30, 2005 REVENUES Income from Sales Investment Income Miscellaneous Entry Fees Write Out Income Other Total Revenues Employees' Commissary Fund Residents' Commissary Fund $ $ EXPENDITURES Purchases General and Administrative Contractual Sponsored Events Non-operating Expenses Equipment Donations Write Out Expense Other Total Expenditures 74,659 45 823,086 575 Employees' Benefit Fund $ 6,027 32 Residents' Benefit Fund $ 9,015 216 1,707 76,411 823,661 1,468 9,627 17,154 28,457 113 37,801 68,031 2,359 70,390 653,253 5,957 659,210 5,134 12,778 60 2,766 9,435 30,173 765 3,002 35,869 7,740 30,262 29,850 32,986 140,474 6,021 164,451 (13,019) (102,673) 6,021 (6,021) 164,451 (164,451) 2,408 2,408 66,370 66,370 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfers In Transfers Out Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Net Change in Fund Balance - - (10,611) (36,303) Fund Balance July 1, 2004 - - 19,503 206,628 Fund Balance June 30, 2005 $ - Note: Schedule is presented on the accural basis of accounting. 17 $ - $ 8,892 $ 170,325 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF LOCALLY HELD FUNDS - CASH BASIS For the Year Ended June 30, 2005 2006 Travel and Allowance Rev. Fund Balance - July 1 $ Receipts Investment Income Inmate Account Receipts Appropriations from General Revenue Fund TOTAL RECEIPTS Disbursements Inmate Account Disbursements Disbursements for Released Inmates TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 16,153 $ $ Residents' Trust Fund 1,139 $ 42,852 589 1,210,774 - 1,212 1,682,201 30,142 30,142 1,211,363 85 85 1,683,413 - 1,203,161 - 1,644,875 45,156 45,156 1,203,161 1,224 1,224 1,644,875 $ 35,239 Travel and Allowance Rev. Fund - Fund Transfers Fund Transfers In Fund Transfers (Out) TOTAL TRANSFERS Balance - June 30 Residents' Trust Fund 1,139 (589) (589) $ Note: Schedule is presented on the cash basis of accounting. 18 42,852 $ - (1,212) (1,212) $ 80,178 19 4,707,542 $ 28,866,240 113,910 $ $ 3,444,500 97,933 34,936 12,891 14,175 159,935 6,784 169,912 136,400 4,024 22,704 Equipment 3,434,523 $ $ Land Improvements Note: The property balances at June 30, 2006 and 2005 have been reconciled to the property reports submitted to the Office of the Comptrolle $ - Deductions: Transfers-out: Intra-agency Scrap property Surplus property Demolished Traded-In Adjustment Total Deductions Balance, ending - - 113,910 - Buildings 28,980,150 - $ - Land 4,707,542 - $ Additions: Purchases Capital Lease Transfers-in: Intra-agency Employees' Commissary Fund Residents' Benefit Fund Donations Adjustments Total Additions Balance, beginning 2006 - - - - - - $ $ 37,018,282 97,933 34,936 12,891 113,910 14,175 273,845 6,784 169,912 136,400 4,024 22,704 Total 37,122,215 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN STATE PROPERTY For the Years Ended June 30, $ $ 4,707,542 - - - - Land 4,707,542 $ $ 28,980,150 - - - - Buildings 28,980,150 $ $ 3,434,523 31,569 58,687 19,819 110,075 27,026 3,736 299 124,150 93,089 - Equipment 3,420,448 2005 $ $ Land Improvements - - - - - - $ $ 37,122,215 31,569 58,687 19,819 110,075 27,026 3,736 299 124,150 93,089 - Total 37,108,140 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION COMPARATIVE SCHEDULE OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DEPOSITS (NOT EXAMINED) For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, FISCAL YEAR 2005 2006 RECEIPTS Jury Duty $ Dormant Inmate Accounts 256 $ 275 2004 $ 356 1,154 - - Contraband Cash - 495 - Funeral Furlough 791 2,550 6,053 Medical Services - - 11,701 Repayment of Lump Sum - 2,137 - Postage - - 8,431 13,610 17,701 5,865 - 51 174 Inmate Restitution Miscellaneous TOTAL RECEIPTS REMITTANCES General Revenue Fund - 001 $ 15,811 $ 23,209 $ 32,580 $ 1,410 $ 2,490 $ 2,781 Department of Corrections Reimbursement Fund - 523 14,401 20,719 29,799 TOTAL RECEIPTS REMITTED DIRECTLY TO STATE TREASURER $ 15,811 $ 23,209 $ 32,580 DEPOSITS Receipts recorded by Center $ 1,410 $ 2,490 $ 2,781 Add: Deposits in transit - Beginning of year Deduct: Deposits in transit - End of year DEPOSITS RECORDED BY THE STATE COMPTROLLER $ 35 821 (266) (35) 1,179 $ 3,276 (821) $ Note: The Deposits reconciliation section of this schedule is a reconciliation of the Center's General Revenue Fund receipts to the Comptroller's General Revenue Fund deposits only. The Comptroller's records do not provide a detail breakdown of deposits into the Department of Corrections Reimbursement Fund #523 by Center. 20 1,960 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF SIGNIFICANT VARIATIONS IN EXPENDITURES For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Fiscal Year 2006 A comparative schedule of significant variations in expenditures (20% or more) for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2006, and June 30, 2005, are shown below: FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30 2006 2005 EXPENDITURE ITEM Employee Retirement Contributions Paid by Employer Student, Member and Inmate Compensation State Contributions to State Employees Retirement System Travel Travel and Allowance for Committed, Paroled, and Discharged Prisoners Equipment Telecommunications Services $ 271,413 $ INCREASE (DECREASE) AMOUNT % 43,622 $227,791 522.19% 340,065 263,284 76,781 29.16% 1,640,336 5,711 3,295,511 4,285 (1,655,175 ) 1,426 (50.23)% 33.28% 27,757 11,122 53,737 3,358 96,442 24,399 11,122 (42,705 ) 726.59% 100.00% (44.28)% Center management provided the following explanations for the significant variations identified above. Employee Retirement Contributions Paid by Employer This appropriation was virtually eliminated for fiscal year 2005. Employee retirement contributions that were paid from this appropriation were charged to Personal Services in fiscal year 2005. Only a small amount was paid by the State in fiscal year 2006, as per union contract. Student, Member and Inmate Compensation The increase in student, member and inmate compensation was attributed to a higher inmate population in fiscal year 2006. State Contributions to State Employees Retirement System The significant decrease in State retirement contributions resulted from a decrease in the required employer contribution rate from 16.107% in fiscal year 2005 to 7.792% in fiscal year 2006. Travel Due to budgetary constraints, travel expenditures were kept at a minimum in fiscal year 2005. Some travel for mandatory training was put off until fiscal year 2006. 21 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF SIGNIFICANT VARIATIONS IN EXPENDITURES (CONTINUED) For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Travel and Allowances for Committed, Paroled and Discharged Prisoners The Center utilized its discontinued travel and allowance imprest fund to pay for travel and allowances in fiscal year 2005. In fiscal year 2006, travel and allowances were vouchered from the Center’s travel and allowance appropriation. Also, due to a higher inmate population, more travel and allowances were incurred in fiscal year 2006. Equipment Equipment expenditures are based on an amount allocated to each Center from the General Office. No money was allocated in fiscal year 2005. Telecommunications Services Telecommunications charges from the State Telecommunications Revolving Fund for the last quarter of fiscal year 2006 were not paid until fiscal year 2007 resulting in the significant decrease in telecommunications expenditures. 22 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF SIGNIFICANT VARIATIONS IN EXPENDITURES For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Fiscal Year 2005 A comparative schedule of significant variations in expenditures (20% or more) for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2005, and June 30, 2004, are shown below: EXPENDITURE ITEM Employee Retirement Contributions Paid by Employer Student, Member and Inmate Compensation State Contributions to State Employees Retirement System Travel Travel and Allowances for Committed, Paroled and Discharged Prisoners Commodities Printing Equipment FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30 2005 2004 $ 43,622 $1,817,860 INCREASE (DECREASE) AMOUNT % $(1,774,238 ) (97.60)% 263,284 359,381 (96,097 ) (26.74)% 3,295,511 4,285 1,060,221 10,500 2,235,290 (6,215 ) 210.83% (59.19)% 3,358 1,763,791 17,140 - 22,954 2,564,814 14,113 11,204 (19,596 ) (801,023 ) 3,027 (11,204 ) (85.37)% (31.23)% 21.45% (100.00)% Center management provided the following explanations for the significant variations identified above. Employee Retirement Contributions Paid by Employer This appropriation was virtually eliminated for fiscal year 2005. Employee retirement contributions that were paid from this appropriation were charged to Personal Services in fiscal year 2005. Student, Member and Inmate Compensation The decrease in student, member and inmate compensation was attributed to lower inmate population in fiscal year 2005. State Contributions to State Employees Retirement System The significant increase in State retirement contributions was the result of an increase in the required employer contribution rate from 13.439% in fiscal year 2004 to 16.107% in fiscal year 2005. Also, in fiscal year 2004, the State did not pay contributions for the last four months of the year. 23 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF SIGNIFICANT VARIATIONS IN EXPENDITURES (CONTINUED) For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Travel The significant decrease in travel expenditures in fiscal year 2005 was the result of budgetary constraints requiring a reduction of discretionary travel. Travel and Allowances for Committed, Paroled and Discharged Prisoners In fiscal year 2005, the Center’s imprest fund that was used to provide travel and allowances was discontinued. The balance of the fund was spent down in fiscal year 2005, in lieu of requesting funds from the appropriation. Commodities Commodities expenditures decreased significantly in fiscal year 2005 due to a lower inmate population. Printing Due to budgetary constraints and uncertainties regarding the possible closure of the facility at June 30, 2004, orders for printing supplies were delayed until the next year. Equipment Equipment expenditures are based on an amount allocated to each Center from the General Office. No equipment monies were approved for expenditure in fiscal year 2005. 24 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF SIGNIFICANT LAPSE PERIOD SPENDING For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Our testing of lapse period expenditures for fiscal year ended June 30, 2006, disclosed two appropriation line items with significant (20% or more) lapse period expenditures as scheduled below: EXPENDITURE ITEM Contractual Services Equipment Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006 TOTAL LAPSE PERIOD EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES PERCENTAGE $4,004,627 11,122 $ 814,182 9,793 20.33% 88.05% Center management provided the following explanations for the significant lapse period expenditures identified above. Contractual Services The Center’s medical contract requires adjustments based on the level of inmates served and types of services provided, resulting in significant payments in the lapse period. Equipment Purchases of equipment were delayed until the end of the year pending availability of funds. 25 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF SIGNIFICANT LAPSE PERIOD SPENDING For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Our testing of lapse period expenditures for fiscal year ended June 30, 2005, disclosed one appropriation line item with significant (20% or more) lapse period expenditures as scheduled below: EXPENDITURE ITEM Telecommunications Services Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2005 TOTAL LAPSE PERIOD EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES PERCENTAGE $96,442 $ 23,295 24.15% Center management provided the following explanation for the significant lapse period expenditures identified above. Telecommunications Services Lapse period spending was due to timing of billings from the Department of Central Management Services for telecommunications services used during the fiscal year. 26 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN INVENTORIES Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Balance July 1, 2005 Balance June 30, 2006 Additions Deletions $ 1,720,606 276,578 204,859 21,259 24,593 20,013 $ 2,267,908 $ 1,734,271 295,255 214,597 21,420 24,634 24,256 $ 2,314,433 $ $ $ $ GENERAL REVENUE FUND General Stores Mechanical Stores Resident Clothing Officers' Clothing Office Supplies Postage Surplus Inventory $ $ 242,094 183,502 94,978 2,600 1,207 6,119 8,016 538,516 $ 228,429 164,825 85,240 2,439 1,166 1,876 8,016 491,991 LOCAL FUNDS Employees' Commissary Fund Residents' Commissary Fund $ $ 6,166 62,705 68,871 79,849 979,478 $ 1,059,327 Balance July 1, 2004 81,303 965,212 $ 1,046,515 $ 4,712 76,971 81,683 Balance June 30, 2005 Additions Deletions $ 1,437,203 276,123 215,900 12,067 32,317 18,600 2,789 $ 1,994,999 $ 1,448,483 277,663 201,206 12,226 34,284 29,054 12,396 $ 2,015,312 $ $ $ $ GENERAL REVENUE FUND General Stores Mechanical Stores Resident Clothing Officers' Clothing Office Supplies Postage Surplus Inventory $ $ 253,374 185,042 80,284 2,759 3,174 16,573 17,623 558,829 $ 242,094 183,502 94,978 2,600 1,207 6,119 8,016 538,516 LOCAL FUNDS Employees' Commissary Fund Residents' Commissary Fund $ $ 3,848 55,696 59,544 $ 70,349 660,262 730,611 $ Note: The inventory balances at June 30 were reconciled to the records of the Center. 27 68,031 653,253 721,284 $ 6,166 62,705 68,871 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 CENTER FUNCTIONS AND PLANNING PROGRAM The Vandalia Correctional Center is a minimum security correctional institution for adult male offenders, which opened in 1921 and is located on 1,715 acres of land in Vandalia, Illinois. In 1980, the Center opened a work camp, which housed up to 50 inmates, and was expanded in 1996 to a 400 bed site. Inmates at the work camp provide services such as mowing, clean-up projects, and public service projects on institutional grounds and to nearby state and local governmental agencies and nonprofit organizations. The Center was last accredited in 1999 by the Commission on Accreditation for Corrections of the American Correctional Association for a three-year period. Authority The Unified Code of Corrections (Chapter 730 ILCS 5/3-2-2) mandates the Department to “accept persons committed to it by the courts of this State for care, custody, treatment and rehabilitation”. Within this framework, the Department offers the residents a variety of programs designed to return them to the community with skills to make them useful and productive citizens. These programs include GED classes, vocational training and Junior College level academic courses offered by Correctional School District #428. In addition, the Department strives to create a healthful environment by providing a variety of services such as medical, dental, religious, counseling and library services as well as recreation programs. Planning Program The Center has established formal written long and short-term goals with respect to its functions and programs. The formal plan contains a statement concerning the Center’s operational and program philosophy. In accordance with this philosophy, the Center has established specific intentions and objectives with which to achieve each goal. On an annual basis, key personnel responsible for implementation meet to update the plan, assess progress in the attainment of goals and objectives previously established, and to determine if plans are being implemented in accordance with the time schedule set forth. The annual goals and objectives of the administrative staff, as well as department heads, are formulated to comply with the Center’s functions and planning program. The goals and objectives of these employees are reviewed and revised as necessary on a quarterly basis. 28 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 CENTER FUNCTIONS AND PLANNING PROGRAM (CONTINUED) Our discussions with Center personnel indicated that alternative approaches are considered in developing goals and objectives, and that plans adopted are geared to authorizing legislation and the needs of State citizens. Center officials feel their goals and objectives are coordinated with those of other Centers providing similar services and that considerable progress has been made at implementing programs pursuant to plans. Auditors’ Assessment of Center’s Planning Program Vandalia Correctional Center appears to be effectively using their planning program to improve their current management of the Center and has established adequate operating programs to meet their defined goals and objectives. Agency Head and Location Steve Mensing, Warden Vandalia Correctional Center Rt. 51 North P.O. Box 500 Vandalia, IL 62471 29 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 AVERAGE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES The following table, prepared from Center records, presents the average number of employees, by function, for the past three years. 2006 Administrative Business office and stores Clinical services Work Camp Recreation Maintenance Utilities Laundry Correctional Officers Dietary Medical/Psychiatric Religion Total 7 12 16 20 2 12 8 1 305 10 13 1 407 Fiscal Year 2005 7 12 15 23 2 12 7 1 312 12 13 1 417 2004 6 17 13 23 3 13 4 1 334 10 12 1 437 EMPLOYEE OVERTIME (not examined) Certain employees are eligible for overtime if the hours worked during a day exceed the employees standard work hours. Correctional Officers receive a ¼ -hour of overtime for each day they stand for roll call. The roll call overtime is paid at straight time for all but Correctional Lieutenants who receive 1 ½ times normal pay. Overtime is to be distributed as equally as possible among employees who normally perform the work in the position in which the overtime is needed. An employees’ supervisor must approve any overtime. In most cases, except for roll call, employees are compensated at 1 ½ times their normal hourly rate for overtime hours worked. Employees have the opportunity to be compensated either in pay for the overtime or receive compensatory time off. 30 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 EMPLOYEE OVERTIME (cont.) The following table, prepared from Department records presents the paid overtime and earned compensatory time incurred during the fiscal year 2006 and 2005. 2006 Paid overtime hours worked during fiscal year Value of overtime hours worked during fiscal year Compensatory hours earned during fiscal year Value of compensatory hours earned during fiscal year Total paid overtime hours earned compensatory hours during fiscal year Total value of paid overtime hours and earned compensatory hours during fiscal year 2005 3,703 9,085 146,953 $287,445 11,141 6,967 $292,575 $169,592 14,844 16,052 $439,528 $457,037 INMATE COMMISSARY OPERATION The Center operates a commissary for the benefit of the inmates. The commissary purchases goods from outside vendors and then retails the items to the inmates. The commissary purchases goods at wholesale prices where possible. Effective January 1, 2004 the Unified Code of Corrections, 730 ILCS 5/3-7-2a, was amended to change the mark-up of cost on the goods purchased for resale in the commissary. Effective January 1, 2004 the selling price for all goods shall be sufficient to cover the cost of the goods and an additional charge of up to 35% for tobacco products and up to 25% for non-tobacco products. The financial transactions of the Inmate commissary are recorded in the Residents’ Commissary Fund. A summary of the financial activity of the Residents’ Commissary Fund for the years ended June 30, 2006 and 2005 are presented on pages 16 and 17 of this report. As part of our testing, 50 inmate commissary products were selected and their sale price recomputed to determine compliance with the Unified Code of Corrections regarding the statutorily required mark-up. As a result of our testing we noted that all 50 inmate commissary products tested were marked up the required amount. 31 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 COSTS PER YEAR PER INMATE (not examined) Comparative costs of inmate care, prepared from Center records, for the fiscal year ended June 30, are shown below: 2006 Fiscal Year 2005 2004 Rated population 1,100 1,100 1,100 Inmate population (as of May 31) 1,505 1,445 1,133 Average number of inmates 1,488 1,106 1,436 Expenditures from appropriations Less-equipment and capital improvements Net expenditures $31,096,790 $31,972,922 $32,410,293 11,122 $31,085,668 $31,972,922 11,204 $32,399,089 Net inmate cost per year $ $ $ 20,890 28,909 22,562 Net expenditures for computing net inmate cost per year represent total expenditures from appropriations less equipment expenditures divided by average number of inmates. The rated population and inmate population noted above was taken from the Illinois Department of Corrections’ quarterly reports to the State legislature. 32 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 RATIO OF EMPLOYEES TO INMATES (not examined) The following comparisons are prepared from Center records for the fiscal year ended June 30: 2006 2005 2004 Average number of employees 407 417 437 Average number of correction officers 305 312 334 1,488 1,106 1,436 Ratio of employees to inmates 1 to 3.7 1 to 2.7 1 to 3.3 Ratio of correctional officer to inmates 1 to 4.9 1 to 3.5 1 to 4.3 Average number of inmates CELL SQUARE FEET PER INMATE (not examined) The following comparisons are from a report issued by the Department of Corrections to the State legislature: Approximate Square Foot Per Inmate 33 2006 2005 2004 28 30 38 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 FOOD SERVICES (not examined) The following table, prepared from the Center records, summarizes the number of meals served and the average cost per meal. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Staff Meals Vocational School Meals Total Meals Served Food Cost 2006 196,138 471,470 346,764 147,966 4,432 1,166,770 Fiscal Year 2005 179,519 449,291 342,884 145,967 4,367 1,122,028 2004 219,302 482,465 382,795 163,644 4,949 1,253,155 $1,470,700 $1,192,985 $1,891,379 $1.26 $1.06 $1.51 Cost Per Meal MEDICAL AND CLERGY SERVICE CONTRACTS (not examined) The following table, prepared from Center records, summarizes what was paid to vendors for medical and clergy contractual services for fiscal years 2006, 2005 and 2004. Fiscal Year 2005 2006 Medical Services: Wexford Health Services Health Professionals, Ltd. $ 1,808,287 $1,808,287 Clergy Services: Masjid Wali Hasan Lubabitch Chedar $ $ 34 3,141 540 3,681 $ 625,419 966,999 $1,592,418 $ $ 7,163 1,125 8,288 2004 $ 2,376,632 $2,376,632 $ $ 7,119 1,375 8,494 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 SERVICE EFFORTS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS (not examined) 2006 FISCAL YEAR 2005 2004 WORK CAMP SERVICES Days of Work Completed by Residents: Outside Institution Inside Institution 17,770 8,767 20,716 8,321 20,708 8,362 Total Days of Work Completed 26,537 29,037 29,070 Outside Institution: Hours of Work Performed by Entity Type: Disaster Governmental Agencies Local & State Parks Non-Profit Highway Youth Services Special Projects 444 44,480 23,449 29,908 1,890 973 5,480 66,244 27,724 21,063 3,510 3,513 2,244 576 55,578 36,781 21,842 9,129 339 - Total Hours of Work Performed 106,624 124,298 124,245 52,602 49,930 62,715 159,226 174,228 186,960 Inside Institution: Total Hours of Work Performed Total Hours of Work Camp Services 35 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VANDALIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONS For the TwoYears Ended June 30, 2006 SERVICE EFFORTS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS (not examined) - Continued 2006 CLINICAL SERVICES Work Release Applications Processed Transfer Reports Processed Mandatory Supervisory Release Placements HEALTH CARE UNIT SERVICES Inmates Seen for Treatment, Sick Call, Etc. On Site Specialty Services (Clinics, Dental, Etc.) EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Full and Part Time Students Served Inmates Receiving GED Certificate Inmates Receiving College Vocational Certificates Inmates Receiving Associate Degrees WORK CAMP AND GARDEN HOUSE Value of Fresh Garden Vegetable Grown and Provided for Daily Meals $ 36 FISCAL YEAR 2005 2004 3,002 1,159 2,463 3,086 1,182 2,482 3,118 1,198 2,525 36,008 7,334 26,572 4,542 19,130 2,519 2,377 93 74 - 2,079 45 69 - 1,760 139 77 12 32,497 $ 32,355 $ 33,125