Virginia 2012 Jail Cost Report VA Compensation Board 2013
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Commonwealth of Virginia COMPENSATION BOARD Report to the General Assembly Courtesy of Meherrin River Regional Jail – Alberta, Virginia FY 2012 JAIL COST REPORT ANNUAL JAIL REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES REPORT (INCLUDING CANTEEN & OTHER AUXILIARY FUNDS) November 1, 2013 PREFACE The Compensation Board is pleased to present the fifteenth annual Jail Cost Report in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 806, Item 75, Paragraph K. of the 2013 Virginia Acts of Assembly. The report presents known expenditures and revenues related to Virginia’s operating jails and jail farms. The report also includes a brief profile of each facility. As directed by the General Assembly, we have reported on inmate canteen and other auxiliary inmate accounts activity. The financial information and statements presented in the report for each jail are certified for accuracy by the respective Sheriff/Regional Jail/Jail Farm Superintendent and Chief Financial Officer/Chairman. Total costs related to Virginia’s jails decreased to $869.2 million in FY 2012, up from $829.6 million in FY 2011. The average daily population (ADP) in Virginia Jails increased to 29,192 inmates from FY11’s ADP of 28,287. Inmate costs per day vary widely throughout the state. Some of the factors that contribute to this variation may include jail size, age, capacity utilization, location, inmate programs and management practices. This year’s report shows that approximately 68.8% of the daily operating costs are attributable to personal services. For each facility, we show the number of Compensation Board funded positions (8,060 for FY 2012) and note whether the locality supplements the Compensation Board’s funded salaries for jail personnel. We also note the number of locally funded positions for each jail, if any. (1,277 for FY 2012) The Commonwealth’s percentage of costs funded (as a percentage of expenditures) for Virginia’s jails decreased to 35.6% in FY 2012 (36.1% for 2011). Commonwealth Construction Reimbursements increased to $8.7 million in FY 2012 from $5.7 million in FY 2011. The localities’ funding percent increased to 54.1%, from 52.4% in FY 2011. The report shows $48.3 million in Federal Funding received by jails. Federal funding accounted for 5.6% of all funding provided to Virginia’s jails in FY 2012, compared to 6.1% in FY 2011. Funding from “Other” sources accounted for 5.0% of all FY 2012 funding provided to Virginia’s jails, compared to 5.4% in FY 2011. Compensation Board staff would like to express their appreciation for the cooperation they received from Sheriffs, Regional Jail and Jail Farm Superintendents and Finance/Budget staff in Virginia’s cities and counties in compiling the data for this report. Questions or comments regarding this report should be directed to Robyn M. de Socio, Executive Secretary for the Compensation Board, at (804) 225-3439 or via e-mail at Robyn M. de Socio, Executive Secretary Compensation Board November 1, 2013 *********** I INTRODUCTION The FY 2012 Jail Cost Report is a compilation of revenue and expenditure data presented to show inmate cost per day and the percent of funding that the Commonwealth, Federal and Local governments, and other sources contribute to the operation of each jail. Debt service paid by the locality is also detailed as a separate item. The 2013 Virginia Acts of Assembly, Item 75, Paragraph K., requires accounting for all inmate monies and the reporting thereof. Reported inmate monies include canteen, medical co-payments, telephone commissions, investment/interest and other inmate collections/work release revenues and expenditures. During FY 2013, fifty-nine (59) local and regional jails and jail farms were able to send their FY 2012 information through the mail or electronically. During this time, Compensation Board staff conducted nine (9) on-site visits of local jails for the collection/verification of their respective data. As detailed on page 6, no new jails were added in fiscal year 2012, however two (Amherst & Appomattox) County jails were merged into Regional Jail Operations for Fy2012 reporting purposes. Once Compensation Board staff determined that all revenues and expenses had been reported according to the Jail Cost Report specifications, the respective Sheriff/ Regional Jail/Jail Farm Superintendent and Chairman/Chief Financial Officer signed a certification attesting to the accuracy of the data presented (Appendix G). *********** II FY 2012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Total Operating Costs The FY 2012 average operating cost per inmate per day increased to $72.99, up $0.51 from FY 2011. Jail operating costs per inmate day ranged from a low of $34.08 at the Piedmont Regional Jail to a high of $225.31 at the Loudoun County Jail. The average daily population (ADP) for all jails increased by 1.0% in FY 2012 to 29,192. During FY 2012, 10.7 million inmate responsible days were incurred by Virginia jails. Total expenditures (including capital costs) reported to house inmates in local and regional jails and jail farms in FY 2012 were $869.2 million. The Compensation Board provided funding of $300.4 million, with other state agencies providing an additional $9.3 million, including grants and capital costs. Virginia’s localities contributed $470.6 million to their jails and jail farms (including debt service obligations) and an additional $9.2 million to house inmates at other jurisdictions. The federal government provided funding of $48.3 million in direct grants and per diems. Other funding, such as inmate telephone commissions, medical co-payments, and investment income/earned interest, contributed $23.6 million. Work release funds generated by the inmates provided $8.2 million. Funding received for out of state inmates was negligible. For FY 2012, the twenty-one regional jails showed net revenues exceeded expenditures by $2.8 million, or $0.51 per inmate day. The Commonwealth’s share of total expenditures decreased during FY 2012 to 35.6%. The Commonwealth’s share of total expenditures ranged from a low of 12.5% for the Loudoun County Jail to a high of 68.1% for the Henry County Jail. Average operating costs per inmate day for the northern region of Virginia continue to be the highest at $97.64. The other regions of the state incurred costs substantially lower. The Central region was the next highest at $69.44, followed by the Eastern region at $68.85 and the Western region at $67.27. The locality’s share of total expenditures ranged from a low of 11.72% for the Northern Neck Regional Jail to a high of 87.0% for the Loudoun County. Where the localities’ share of expenditures includes “Other” funding sources (such as work release and other miscellaneous income) the average share for localities was 59.1%. Total Revenues Commonwealth construction funding in FY2012 for jail expansion totaled $8.7 million. The bulk of the funding activity was related to Prince William/Manassas Regional and Patrick County Jails, which received $3.1 million and $2.7 million respectively. The Arlington County Jail and Chesapeake City Jail accounted for the remaining $2.1 million and $0.8 million respectively. III FY 2012 Executive Summary, continued Total Revenues, continued Fifty-one jails received Federal revenue of various types, totaling $48.3 million ($42.0 million in federal per diems, $4.5 million in federal grants, and $1.8 million in other federal funds). The Northern Neck Regional Jail and Piedmont Regional Jail received 59.8% and 52.7%, respectively in funding from federal sources. The average federal inmate revenue per diem received by all Virginia jails was $65.35. The Commonwealth’s overhead recovery program returned $8.5 million to the general fund. Sheriff Operated Local Jail Costs During FY 2012 the local jails (43) incurred 5.3 million incarceration days, or 49.4% of the total for all Jails. Federal/Out of State inmate days accounted for 2.5% of the local jails’ total. Operating costs per day for housing inmates in Sheriff-run local jails were $85.97 (FY 2011, $84.58) and total costs were $92.25, or $11.32 per day higher than the average of $80.93 for all jails. On average, localities contributed 59.10% to their local jails’ expenditures, compared to the statewide average locality contribution of 54.1% for all jails, excluding “Other” revenues. Regional Jail Costs Regional jails’ operating costs were $60.14 or $12.85 lower per day than the statewide average of $72.99. These jails are the newest in the state and are designed with additional capacity for future population growth. When debt service and long-term capital costs are included, the regional jails’ total costs were $11.02 per inmate day lower than the statewide average ($69.91 per inmate day compared to $80.93, respectively). Regional jails were responsible for 5.3 million incarceration days, or 49.5% of the state’s total inmate responsible days. With an ADP of 1,396 federal inmates, regional jails held 79.3% of the federal and out of state inmate population. Jail Farm Costs The state continues to partially fund the operation of two jail farms. Jail farms accounted for the remaining 1.1% of inmate responsible days. The jail farm average operating cost per inmate day was $67.49, or $5.50 a day lower than the state average of $72.99 The jail farms incurred minimal capital expenditures/debt service costs during the year ($0.13 per inmate day). As a result, total expenditures per inmate day were 67.62. The jail farms did not hold any federal inmates nor receive any federal funding. IV FY 2012 Executive Summary, continued Additional Housing Costs Incurred at Other Localities For localities without a jail or membership in a regional jail, the City of Fairfax paid the highest amount at $1.0 million for housing inmates at other locations, followed by the County of New Kent at $0.7 million. For localities that operated a jail and/or were a member in a regional jail, Brunswick County paid the highest amount for housing inmates in other facilities (due to capacity limitations) at $1.5 million, followed by Loudoun County at $1.5 million. Canteen Fund & Other Inmate related Accounts Beginning with the collection of data for fiscal year 2002, a statement of revenues and expenses for inmate canteen accounts, telephone commission funds, inmate medical co-payment funds, and any other fees collected from inmates and investment/interest monies was required for inclusion in the Jail Cost Report. Jails continue to employ three different operations and accounting approaches. Maintaining a canteen operation and fund continued to be the most used method. The funds are accounted for on a (1) Gross Basis - costs and revenues received for the items purchased were recorded; (2) Net Basis - a net commission was received for the sale of the item purchased; or (3) Canteen items directly purchased from a local vendor with no funds accounted for at Jail Level – the items purchased were charged directly to the inmates at cost. The individual jail’s operating policy had a direct impact on the related size and amount of inmate canteen activity. Whether a jail sells tobacco products through the canteen, and how often inmates are allowed to make purchases, both greatly affect the funds reported. Similarly, the other inmate related accounts, including Telephone Commissions, Inmate Medical Co-payments, and Work Release and Investment/Interest revenue, were recorded using different accounting approaches. Most of the jails deposited the revenues into either an inmate canteen fund or with the locality/fiscal agent’s general fund. When these funds were maintained as separate accounts, their activities were reported by location in the Inmate Canteen and Other Auxiliary Funds Report found in Appendix D. Summary of Presentation of Funds Expenses and Revenues (Thousands) (Thousands) FUND NAME REVENUES EXPENDITURES INMATE CANTEEN $ 15,302 $ 14,094 TELEPHONE $ 13,684 $ 6,263 WORK RELEASE/OTHER $ 10,844 $ 4,755 MEDICAL CO-PAYMENTS $ 1,581 $ 1,625 INTEREST/INVEST MONIES $ 93 $ 93 *********** V TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE I INTRODUCTION II EXECUTIVE SUMMARY III - V TABLE OF CONTENTS VI - VII TOTAL VIRGINIA JAILS FY 2012 (66) 1 TOTAL VIRGINIA JAILS FY 2011 (68) 2 ALL LOCAL JAILS (43) 3 ALL REGIONAL JAILS (21) 4 ALL JAIL FARMS (2) 5 SUMMARY OF JAILS REPORTED - FY 2012 6 CHARTS FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES (BY SOURCE) 7 INMATE DAYS (BY TYPE) 8 JAIL FUNDING BY REGION (FUNDING SOURCE) 9 OTHER 10-12 JAIL STATISTICAL DATA JAIL COST PER INMATE DAY HIGHEST TO LOWEST BY REGION ALPHABETICAL HIGHEST TO LOWEST (OPERATING) FY 2010 – FY 2012 AND AVERAGE 13 15 17 19 PERCENT STATE FUNDING FY 2010 – FY 2012 AND AVERAGE HIGHEST TO LOWEST 21 23 PERCENT LOCAL FUNDING FY 2010 – FY 2012 AND AVERAGE HIGHEST TO LOWEST 25 27 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) PAGE PERCENT FEDERAL FUNDING FY 2010 – FY 2012 AND AVERAGE HIGHEST TO LOWEST 29 31 FEDERAL INMATE OVERHEAD RECOVERY 2012 CALCULATION HISTORICAL RATES 33 35 STATE FUNDING BY ADP (CUMULATIVE REVENUES) 37 LOCALITY EXPENSE TO HOUSE JAIL INMATES ALPHABETICAL THREE-YEAR HISTORICAL TREND 39 43 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: INDIVIDUAL JAIL REPORTS (66) ALPHABETICAL 46 APPENDIX B: TASK FORCE MEMBERSHIP 112 APPENDIX C: DATA DICTIONARY 113 APPENDIX D: AUTHORITY FOR REPORT 123 APPENDIX E: INMATE CANTEEN & OTHER AUXILIARY FUNDS REPORTING ACTIVITY 124 APPENDIX F: APA EXCERPT OF INMATE CANTEEN & OTHER AUXILIARY FUNDS SPECIFICATIONS 126 APPENDIX G: JAIL COST CERTIFICATION–EXAMPLE 132 *********** VII Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board Total Virginia Jails (66) Fiscal Year 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed Mixed 771 7,159 14,972 1835 - 2012 8,060 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 10,654,939 1,761 29,192 21,402 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other IN 000's LIDS Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch Expenses Per Inmate Day $50.25 $3.55 $7.10 $0.19 $0.66 $7.12 $0.91 $3.21 $72.99 Per Inmate Day $539,759 $38,107 $76,224 $2,044 $7,123 $76,309 $9,749 $34,600 $783,915 $5,295 $80,005 $869,215 $0.49 $7.45 $80.93 Revenue Per Federal (All) Inmate Day $0.06 $22.67 $5.86 ($0.79) $5.07 $0.25 (0.01) $3.91 $0.42 $0.16 $38.39 $0.85 $0.00 $0.77 $2.20 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $802,475 $74.74 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursement CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $58,433 $2,374 $8,708 $0 $871,990 $5.45 $0.22 $0.81 $0.00 $81.22 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of $2,775 1 Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day $593 $243,442 $62,948 ($8,533) $54,415 $2,643 (101) $41,982 $4,519 $1,787 $412,136 $9,189 $32 $8,239 $23,599 Revenues over Expenditures Mixed Mixed 1,277 Mixed Mixed Mixed OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 136% TOTAL 128% STATE RESPONSIBLE 10,740,657 10,740,657 (Except for LIDS Days) FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $65.35 35.63% STATE FUNDED 5.56% FEDERAL FUNDED 47.41% LOCAL OPERATING 6.72% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 4.99% OTHER FUNDED 100.31% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board Total Virginia Jails (68) Fiscal Year 2011 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Dates) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed Mixed 1,541 7,029 14,399 1835 - 2011 7,899 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 10,624,675 1,978 28,287 21,097 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other IN 000's Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch Expenses Per Inmate Day $51.00 $3.72 $6.32 $0.18 $0.72 $6.76 $0.71 $3.07 $72.48 Per Inmate Day $531,349 $38,738 $65,852 $1,872 $7,479 $70,426 $7,428 $31,985 $755,129 $3,149 $71,357 $829,635 $0.31 $6.85 $79.64 Revenue Per Federal (All) Inmate Day $0.05 $22.98 $5.85 ($0.94) $4.91 $0.22 0.05 $4.45 $0.25 $0.20 $36.82 $1.02 $0.00 $0.82 $2.36 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $772,343 $74.14 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursement CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $51,428 $1,275 $5,707 $0 $830,753 $4.94 $0.12 $0.55 $0.00 $79.74 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of $1,118 2 Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day $543 $239,355 $60,983 ($9,841) $51,142 $2,329 563 $46,309 $2,611 $2,057 $383,618 $10,655 $31 $8,527 $24,604 Revenues over Expenditures Mixed Mixed 1,673 Mixed Mixed Mixed OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 134% TOTAL 125% STATE RESPONSIBLE 10,417,826 10,417,826 (Except for LIDS Days) FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $64.19 36.12% STATE FUNDED 6.14% FEDERAL FUNDED 46.24% LOCAL OPERATING 6.20% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 5.43% OTHER FUNDED 100.13% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board All Local Jails (43) Fiscal Year 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed Mixed 274 2,493 7,680 1835 - 2011 4,311 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 5,249,511 365 14,382 10,246 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY 140% TOTAL 137% STATE RESPONSIBLE 5,308,669 $313,954,734 $18,919,754 $43,630,009 $1,307,068 $4,352,986 $33,523,848 $7,048,733 $33,646,306 $456,383,438 Expenses Per Inmate Day $59.14 $3.56 $8.22 $0.25 $0.82 $6.31 $1.33 $6.34 $85.97 Per Inmate Day $3,413,614 $29,918,853 $489,715,905 $0.64 $5.64 $92.25 5,308,669 $5,674 $133,169,232 $29,559,467 (1,638,291) $27,921,176 $368,756 (232,562) $10,802,543 $2,734,793 $538,269 $264,356,949 $3,596,145 $30,376 $5,083,883 $8,260,474 Revenue Per Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0.00 $25.09 $5.57 ($0.31) $5.26 $0.07 ($0.04) $2.03 $0.52 $0.10 $49.80 $0.68 ($0.00) $0.96 $1.55 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $81.31 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $456,635,708 $86.02 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursement CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $25,069,849 $2,373,564 $5,636,784 $0 $489,715,905 $4.72 $0.45 $1.06 $0.00 $92.25 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $0 3 Mixed Mixed 655 Mixed Mixed Mixed 34.07% STATE FUNDED 2.87% FEDERAL FUNDED 53.98% LOCAL OPERATING 5.12% LOCAL DEBTRELATED 3.96% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board All Regional Jails (21) Fiscal Year 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed Mixed 497 4,666 7,035 1935 - 2012 3,749 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 5,289,583 1,396 14,492 11,036 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Pos. Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY 131% TOTAL 119% STATE RESPONSIBLE 5,316,143 $220,744,003 $18,689,562 $32,341,501 $735,927 $2,692,334 $41,810,225 $2,698,644 $0 $319,712,196 Expenses Per Inmate Day $41.52 $3.52 $6.08 $0.14 $0.51 $7.86 $0.51 $0.00 $60.14 Per Inmate Day $1,881,705 $50,071,433 $371,665,334 $0.35 $9.42 $69.91 5,316,143 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $587,147 $110,272,612 $31,585,045 ($6,895,083) $24,689,962 $2,274,705 $131,967 $31,179,243 $1,784,595 $1,248,315 $142,068,941 $5,513,320 $1,855 $3,093,669 $15,173,977 $0.11 $20.74 $5.94 (1.30) $4.64 $0.43 $0.02 $5.87 $0.34 $0.22 $26.72 $1.04 $0.00 $0.58 $2.84 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $338,020,308 $63.58 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursement CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $33,348,748 $3,071,551 $0 $374,440,607 $6.27 $0.58 $0.00 $70.43 Per Inmate Day $2,775,273 $0.52 Per Inmate Day $61.19 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE 37.94% STATE FUNDED 9.21% FEDERAL FUNDED 38.22% LOCAL OPERATING Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 4 Mixed Mixed 513 Mixed Yes No 8.97% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 6.41% OTHER FUNDED 100.75% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board All Jail Farms (2) Fiscal Year 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed Yes 0 0 257 1941 - 1962 0 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED / OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 115,845 0 318 120 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENDITURES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Farm "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Pos. Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY 265% TOTAL 265% STATE RESPONSIBLE 115,845 Expenses Per Inmate Day $43.68 $4.29 $2.18 $0.01 $0.67 $8.42 $0.02 $8.23 $67.49 Per Inmate Day $5,060,574 $497,050 $252,835 $686 $77,540 $975,041 $1,978 $953,211 $7,818,915 $0 $14,740 $7,833,655 115,845 $0.00 $0.13 $67.62 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $0 $1,803,604 $0 $1,803,604 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,709,992 $79,823 $0 $61,240 $164,256 $0.00 $0.00 $15.57 $0.00 $15.57 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $49.29 $0.69 $0.00 $0.53 $1.42 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $7,818,915 $67.49 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursement CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $14,740 $0 $0 $7,833,655 $0.13 $0.00 $0.00 $67.62 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $0 5 No Yes 109 Mixed No No FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE 23.02% STATE FUNDED 0.00% FEDERAL FUNDED 72.89% LOCAL OPERATING 0.19% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 3.90% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Summary of Jails Reported - FY 2012 Jails included in the FY 2011 Jail Cost Report Jails added (closed) during FY 2012 Amherst County Appomattox County 68 -2 Total # of Jails included in the FY 2012 Jail Cost Report ********** 6 66 FY2012 JAIL COST REPORT FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES Local Debt 6.7% Other 5.0% State 35.6 % Federal 5.6% Local Operating 47.4% 7 FY2012 JAIL COST REPORT INMATE DAYS BY TYPE Local Ordinance, 157,200 1% Federal/Military/ Out of State, 642,800 6% Federal / Military / Out of State Local/State Responsible, 9,940,700 93% Local Ordinance Local / State Responsible 8 FY2012 JAIL COST REPORT JAIL FUNDING BY REGION 60.00% 55.00% Percent State Funding 50.00% 45.00% 40.00% Percent Local Funding 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% Percent Federal Funding 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% Percent Other Funding 5.00% 0.00% -5.00% Eastern Region Northern Region Central Region 9 Western Region FY2012 JAIL COST REPORT OPERATING AND TOTAL JAIL COSTS BY REGION $120.00 $110.00 $100.00 $90.00 $80.00 Operating Cost Inmate/Day $70.00 Total Cost Inmate/Day $60.00 $50.00 $40.00 $30.00 $20.00 $10.00 $0.00 Eastern Region Northern Region Central Region 10 Western Region FY2012 JAIL COST REPORT 10 YEAR HISTORICAL FUNDING BY SOURCE 60.00% 50.00% STATE 40.00% LOCAL FEDERAL 30.00% OTHER 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 11 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY2012 JAIL COST REPORT DISTRIBUTION OF STATE REVENUES* BY TOTAL JAIL SIZE (AVERAGE DAILY POPULATION) Smallest Jails 7 to 129 Beds (35) $51.2 Million 17.0% Largest Jails More than 550 Beds (11) $143.0 Million 47.5% Mid-Range Jails 130 to 550 Beds (20) $106.8 Million 35.5% 12 FY 2012 Jail Cost Per Inmate Day Operating and Total Expenditures (Highest to Lowest - by Region) Operating Costs Per Inmate Day Total Expenditures Per Inmate Day Fips Jail 107 013 059 510 153 157 047 061 163 069 003 165 171 137 493 139 187 Northern Region Loudoun County Arlington County Fairfax County Alexandria City Prince William / Manassas Regional Rappahannock County Culpeper County Fauquier County Rockbridge Regional Northwestern Regional Albemarle / Charlottesville Regional Rockingham County Shenandoah County Central Virginia Regional Middle River Regional Page County Warren County Northern Region Average $225.31 $187.91 $170.12 $156.28 $123.14 $98.03 $91.71 $79.43 $71.89 $71.44 $69.73 $57.61 $55.39 $55.17 $52.95 $47.45 $47.01 $97.68 $297.94 $200.72 $183.11 $156.28 $151.10 $98.03 $91.71 $79.43 $71.89 $77.08 $77.04 $64.02 $55.39 $55.17 $65.82 $47.45 $47.79 $107.06 041 053 103 087 490 730 460 117 760 485 193 630 037 135 Central Region Chesterfield County Dinwiddie County Lancaster County Henrico County Peumansend Creek Regional Petersburg City Pamunkey Regional Mecklenburg County Richmond City Blue Ridge Regional Northern Neck Regional Rappahannock Regional Charlotte County Piedmont Regional Central Region Average $109.12 $87.78 $85.39 $83.39 $81.23 $74.16 $67.74 $67.50 $65.50 $57.45 $54.80 $52.54 $51.47 $34.08 $69.44 $121.01 $91.69 $85.39 $88.52 $87.76 $74.16 $79.72 $67.50 $65.50 $65.27 $55.89 $58.98 $51.47 $34.08 $73.35 13 FY 2012 Jail Cost Per Inmate Day Operating and Total Expenditures (Highest to Lowest - by Region) Operating Costs Per Inmate Day Total Expenditures Per Inmate Day Fips Jail 023 161 067 143 141 005 770 520 121 690 494 480 220 590 089 492 Western Region Botetourt County Roanoke County/Salem Franklin County Pittsylvania County Patrick County Alleghany County Roanoke City Bristol City Montgomery County Martinsville City Western Virginia Regional New River Valley Regional Danville City Farm Danville City Henry County Southwest Virginia Regional Western Region Average $109.20 $108.80 $97.08 $85.52 $72.67 $71.41 $67.86 $59.55 $56.35 $55.56 $54.96 $52.15 $48.28 $45.92 $45.65 $45.41 $67.27 $122.81 $108.80 $97.08 $85.52 $218.81 $85.66 $69.47 $59.55 $56.35 $55.56 $73.52 $67.43 $48.28 $46.15 $45.65 $51.71 $80.77 131 119 250 175 550 073 183 700 475 740 470 810 025 001 650 465 620 491 710 Eastern Region Northampton County Middle Peninsula Regional Newport News City Farm Southampton County Chesapeake City Gloucester County Sussex County Newport News City Hampton Roads Regional Portsmouth City Virginia Peninsula Regional Virginia Beach City Brunswick County Accomack County Hampton City Riverside Regional Western Tidewater Regional Southside Regional Norfolk City Eastern Region Average $105.64 $89.60 $86.72 $81.67 $79.30 $75.35 $70.86 $69.52 $68.68 $67.52 $66.74 $65.91 $64.31 $61.76 $55.87 $51.95 $51.05 $50.31 $45.39 $68.85 $146.04 $96.96 $86.97 $81.67 $84.93 $75.35 $70.86 $75.12 $77.07 $67.52 $79.84 $69.41 $64.31 $61.76 $59.77 $68.61 $53.41 $57.34 $49.12 $75.06 TOTAL STATE -WIDE AVERAGE $72.99 $80.93 14 FY 2012 Jail Cost Per Inmate Day FIPS 001 003 510 005 013 485 023 520 025 137 037 550 041 047 590 220 053 059 061 067 073 650 475 087 089 103 107 690 117 119 493 121 480 700 250 Operating and Total Expenditures (Alphabetical) Operating Total Cost Per Expenditures Jail Inmate Day Per Inmate Day * Accomack County Albemarle / Charlottesville Regional Alexandria City Alleghany County Arlington County Blue Ridge Regional Botetourt County Bristol City Brunswick County Central Virginia Regional Charlotte County Chesapeake City Chesterfield County Culpeper County Danville City Danville City Farm Dinwiddie County Fairfax County Fauquier County Franklin County Gloucester County Hampton City Hampton Roads Regional Henrico County Henry County Lancaster County Loudoun County Martinsville City Mecklenburg County Middle Peninsula Regional Middle River Regional Montgomery County New River Valley Regional Newport News City Newport News City Farm $61.76 $69.73 $156.28 $71.41 $187.91 $57.45 $109.20 $59.55 $64.31 $55.17 $51.47 $79.30 $109.12 $91.71 $45.92 $48.28 $87.78 $170.12 $79.43 $97.08 $75.35 $55.87 $68.68 $83.39 $45.65 $85.39 $225.31 $55.56 $67.50 $89.60 $52.95 $56.35 $52.15 $69.52 $86.72 15 $61.76 $77.04 $156.28 $85.66 $200.72 $65.27 $122.81 $59.55 $64.31 $55.17 $51.47 $84.93 $121.01 $91.71 $46.15 $48.28 $91.69 $183.11 $79.43 $97.08 $75.35 $59.77 $77.07 $88.52 $45.65 $85.39 $297.94 $55.56 $67.50 $96.96 $65.82 $56.35 $67.43 $75.12 $86.97 FY 2012 Jail Cost Per Inmate Day Operating and Total Expenditures (Alphabetical) Operating Total Cost Per Expenditures Jail Inmate Day Per Inmate Day * FIPS 710 131 193 069 139 460 141 730 490 135 143 740 153 157 630 760 465 770 161 163 165 171 175 491 492 183 810 470 187 620 494 Norfolk City Northampton County Northern Neck Regional Northwestern Regional Page County Pamunkey Regional Patrick County Petersburg City Peumansend Creek Regional Piedmont Regional Pittsylvania County Portsmouth City Prince William / Manassas Regional Rappahannock County Rappahannock Regional Richmond City Riverside Regional Roanoke City Roanoke County/Salem Rockbridge Regional Rockingham County Shenandoah County Southampton County Southside Regional Southwest Virginia Regional Sussex County Virginia Beach Virginia Peninsula Regional Warren County Western Tidewater Regional Western Virginia Regional AVERAGE * Includes Capital Costs 16 $45.39 $105.64 $54.80 $71.44 $47.45 $67.74 $72.67 $74.16 $81.23 $34.08 $85.52 $67.52 $123.14 $98.03 $52.54 $65.50 $51.95 $67.86 $108.80 $71.89 $57.61 $55.39 $81.67 $50.31 $45.41 $70.86 $65.91 $66.74 $47.01 $51.05 $54.96 $72.99 $49.12 $146.04 $55.89 $77.08 $47.45 $79.72 $218.81 $74.16 $87.76 $34.08 $85.52 $67.52 $151.10 $98.03 $58.98 $65.50 $68.61 $69.47 $108.80 $71.89 $64.02 $55.39 $81.67 $57.34 $51.71 $70.86 $69.41 $79.84 $47.79 $53.41 $73.52 $80.93 FY 2012 Jail Cost Per Inmate Day FIPS 107 013 059 510 153 023 041 161 131 157 067 047 119 053 250 143 103 087 175 490 061 550 073 730 141 163 069 005 183 003 700 475 770 460 740 117 Operating and Total Expenditures Highest to Lowest - Operating Operating Total Cost Per Expenditures Jail Inmate Day Per Inmate Day * Loudoun County Arlington County Fairfax County Alexandria City Prince William / Manassas Regional Botetourt County Chesterfield County Roanoke County/Salem Northampton County Rappahannock County Franklin County Culpeper County Middle Peninsula Regional Dinwiddie County Newport News City Farm Pittsylvania County Lancaster County Henrico County Southampton County Peumansend Creek Regional Fauquier County Chesapeake City Gloucester County Petersburg City Patrick County Rockbridge Regional Northwestern Regional Alleghany County Sussex County Albemarle / Charlottesville Regional Newport News City Hampton Roads Regional Roanoke City Pamunkey Regional Portsmouth City Mecklenburg County $225.31 $187.91 $170.12 $156.28 $123.14 $109.20 $109.12 $108.80 $105.64 $98.03 $97.08 $91.71 $89.60 $87.78 $86.72 $85.52 $85.39 $83.39 $81.67 $81.23 $79.43 $79.30 $75.35 $74.16 $72.67 $71.89 $71.44 $71.41 $70.86 $69.73 $69.52 $68.68 $67.86 $67.74 $67.52 $67.50 17 $297.94 $200.72 $183.11 $156.28 $151.10 $122.81 $121.01 $108.80 $146.04 $98.03 $97.08 $91.71 $96.96 $91.69 $86.97 $85.52 $85.39 $88.52 $81.67 $87.76 $79.43 $84.93 $75.35 $74.16 $218.81 $71.89 $77.08 $85.66 $70.86 $77.04 $75.12 $77.07 $69.47 $79.72 $67.52 $67.50 FY 2012 Jail Cost Per Inmate Day Operating and Total Expenditures Highest to Lowest - Operating Operating Total Cost Per Expenditures Jail Inmate Day Per Inmate Day * FIPS 470 810 760 025 001 520 165 485 121 650 690 171 137 494 193 493 630 480 465 037 620 491 220 139 187 590 089 492 710 135 Virginia Peninsula Regional Virginia Beach Richmond City Brunswick County Accomack County Bristol City Rockingham County Blue Ridge Regional Montgomery County Hampton City Martinsville City Shenandoah County Central Virginia Regional Western Virginia Regional Northern Neck Regional Middle River Regional Rappahannock Regional New River Valley Regional Riverside Regional Charlotte County Western Tidewater Regional Southside Regional Danville City Farm Page County Warren County Danville City Henry County Southwest Virginia Regional Norfolk City Piedmont Regional AVERAGE * Includes Capital Costs 18 $66.74 $65.91 $65.50 $64.31 $61.76 $59.55 $57.61 $57.45 $56.35 $55.87 $55.56 $55.39 $55.17 $54.96 $54.80 $52.95 $52.54 $52.15 $51.95 $51.47 $51.05 $50.31 $48.28 $47.45 $47.01 $45.92 $45.65 $45.41 $45.39 $34.08 $72.99 $79.84 $69.41 $65.50 $64.31 $61.76 $59.55 $64.02 $65.27 $56.35 $59.77 $55.56 $55.39 $55.17 $73.52 $55.89 $65.82 $58.98 $67.43 $68.61 $51.47 $53.41 $57.34 $48.28 $47.45 $47.79 $46.15 $45.65 $51.71 $49.12 $34.08 $80.93 FY 2012, 2011 and 2010 Jail Cost Per Inmate Day Operating Costs - Historical (Alphabetical) FIPS Jail 001 003 510 005 013 485 023 520 025 137 037 550 041 047 590 220 053 059 061 067 073 650 475 087 089 103 107 690 117 119 493 121 480 700 250 710 131 Accomack County Albemarle / Charlottesville Alexandria City Alleghany County Arlington County Blue Ridge Regional Botetourt County Bristol City Brunswick County Central Virginia Regional Charlotte County Chesapeake City Chesterfield County Culpeper County Danville City Danville City Farm Dinwiddie County Fairfax County Fauquier County Franklin County Gloucester County Hampton City Hampton Roads Regional Henrico County Henry County Lancaster County Loudoun County Martinsville City Mecklenburg County Middle Peninsula Regional Middle River Regional Montgomery County New River Valley Regional Newport News City Newport News City Farm Norfolk City Northampton County FY 2012 FY 2011 FY 2010 Operating Cost Per Inmate-Day Operating Cost Per Inmate-Day Operating Cost Per Inmate-Day Operating Cost Per Inmate-Day $59.05 $64.99 $156.28 $67.53 $175.45 $58.79 $125.02 $52.35 $57.36 $55.26 $54.43 $75.18 $105.06 $96.66 $47.79 $42.50 $73.06 $160.35 $78.95 $91.71 $68.13 $74.81 $65.95 $79.43 $57.95 $75.36 $233.00 $52.56 $79.60 $82.77 $47.07 $60.46 $57.29 $65.38 $77.31 $58.23 $93.86 $53.55 $66.22 $146.75 $75.88 $157.31 $53.14 $138.53 $51.53 $54.83 $53.71 $51.49 $72.35 $112.13 $100.62 $52.45 $46.06 $72.25 $150.90 $73.76 $80.36 $78.58 $58.97 $65.03 $78.68 $40.38 $96.12 $178.00 $49.73 $77.08 $72.71 $43.78 $65.09 $49.86 $61.23 $128.01 $55.61 $86.65 $58.12 $66.98 $153.10 $71.61 $173.56 $56.46 $124.25 $54.48 $58.83 $54.71 $52.46 $75.61 $108.77 $96.33 $48.72 $45.61 $77.70 $160.46 $77.38 $89.72 $74.02 $63.22 $66.55 $80.50 $47.99 $85.62 $212.10 $52.62 $74.73 $81.69 $47.93 $60.63 $53.10 $65.38 $97.35 $53.08 $95.38 $61.76 $69.73 $156.28 $71.41 $187.91 $57.45 $109.20 $59.55 $64.31 $55.17 $51.47 $79.30 $109.12 $91.71 $45.92 $48.28 $87.78 $170.12 $79.43 $97.08 $75.35 $55.87 $68.68 $83.39 $45.65 $85.39 $225.31 $55.56 $67.50 $89.60 $52.95 $56.35 $52.15 $69.52 $86.72 $45.39 $105.64 19 3-Year Ave. FY '10 vs. FY '12 % Increase (Decrease) Per Inmate-Day 15% 5% 6% -6% 19% 8% -21% 16% 17% 3% 0% 10% -3% -9% -12% 5% 21% 13% 8% 21% -4% -5% 6% 6% 13% -11% 27% 12% -12% 23% 21% -13% 5% 14% -32% -18% 22% FY 2012, 2011 and 2010 Jail Cost Per Inmate Day Operating Costs - Historical (Alphabetical) FIPS Jail 193 069 139 460 141 730 490 135 143 740 153 157 630 760 465 770 161 163 165 171 175 491 492 183 810 470 187 620 494 Northern Neck Regional Northwestern Regional Page County Pamunkey Regional Patrick County Petersburg City Peumansend Creek Region. Piedmont Regional Pittsylvania County Portsmouth City Prince Wm / Manassas Rappahannock County Rappahannock Regional Richmond City Riverside Regional Roanoke City Roanoke County/Salem Rockbridge Regional Rockingham County Shenandoah County Southampton County Southside Regional Southwest Virginia Region. Sussex County Virginia Beach City Virginia Peninsula Region. Warren County Western Tidewater Region. Western Virginia Regional Average FY 2012 FY 2011 FY 2010 Operating Cost Per Inmate-Day Operating Cost Per Inmate-Day Operating Cost Per Inmate-Day Operating Cost Per Inmate-Day $51.48 $70.19 $58.65 $65.44 $107.79 $76.15 $97.83 $53.37 $87.82 $67.43 $113.00 $97.77 $48.31 $57.19 $58.31 $68.08 $116.49 $82.24 $56.83 $59.33 $82.58 $51.14 $45.05 $78.10 $65.13 $62.48 $47.92 $45.78 $50.51 $72.48 $48.93 $73.70 $53.90 $61.72 $77.85 $82.56 $95.13 $41.62 $75.70 $60.64 $114.60 $89.91 $48.56 $55.60 $59.12 $68.14 $117.99 $74.61 $56.13 $51.23 $83.87 $48.43 $46.33 $69.39 $67.99 $61.38 $51.67 $41.40 $57.69 $70.56 $51.74 $71.78 $53.33 $64.97 $86.10 $77.62 $91.40 $43.02 $83.01 $65.20 $116.91 $95.24 $49.80 $59.43 $56.46 $68.03 $114.43 $76.25 $56.86 $55.32 $82.71 $49.96 $45.60 $72.78 $66.34 $63.53 $48.87 $46.08 $54.39 $72.01 $54.80 $71.44 $47.45 $67.74 $72.67 $74.16 $81.23 $34.08 $85.52 $67.52 $123.14 $98.03 $52.54 $65.50 $51.95 $67.86 $108.80 $71.89 $57.61 $55.39 $81.67 $50.31 $45.41 $70.86 $65.91 $66.74 $47.01 $51.05 $54.96 $72.99 20 3-Year Ave. FY '10 vs. FY '12 % Increase (Decrease) Per Inmate-Day 12% -3% -12% 10% -7% -10% -15% -18% 13% 11% 7% 9% 8% 18% -12% 0% -8% -4% 3% 8% -3% 4% -2% 2% -3% 9% -9% 23% -5% 3.44% FY 2012 Jail Cost Report - Percent State Funding (Three Year Trend - Alphabetical) FIPS 001 003 510 005 013 485 023 520 025 137 037 550 041 047 590 220 053 059 061 067 073 650 475 087 089 103 107 690 117 119 493 121 480 700 250 710 Jail Accomack County Albemarle / Charlottesville Regional Alexandria City Alleghany County Arlington County Blue Ridge Regional Botetourt County Bristol City Brunswick County Central Virginia Regional Charlotte County Chesapeake City Chesterfield County Culpeper County Danville City Danville City Farm Dinwiddie County Fairfax County Fauquier County Franklin County Gloucester County Hampton City Hampton Roads Regional Henrico County Henry County Lancaster County Loudoun County Martinsville City Mecklenburg County Middle Peninsula Regional Middle River Regional Montgomery County New River Valley Regional Newport News City Newport News City Farm Norfolk City 21 FY '12 State Funding FY '11 State Funding FY '10 State Funding 3-Year Average 51.13% 34.69% 16.75% 41.32% 27.43% 47.93% 33.69% 49.78% 43.61% 31.78% 62.24% 28.41% 26.53% 43.53% 53.02% 35.11% 37.60% 16.63% 34.04% 29.13% 47.16% 60.64% 27.60% 30.73% 68.11% 59.57% 12.52% 64.27% 55.49% 31.04% 46.16% 45.52% 53.14% 45.95% 16.31% 58.68% 52.54% 37.18% 16.83% 39.69% 28.60% 45.71% 31.60% 55.20% 38.81% 30.83% 47.41% 32.48% 29.14% 36.47% 55.04% 37.48% 37.55% 17.89% 33.54% 39.50% 49.36% 52.63% 25.88% 32.79% 57.54% 66.59% 12.76% 65.05% 51.69% 36.60% 49.22% 48.31% 51.71% 44.06% 16.97% 47.68% 52.15% 37.27% 16.69% 44.59% 27.84% 18.82% 40.73% 61.37% 53.75% 32.86% 57.40% 31.42% 22.22% 48.21% 50.42% 40.62% 32.79% 17.41% 29.39% 42.20% 52.66% 69.69% 28.05% 36.54% 46.08% 57.42% 16.53% 71.34% 57.72% 35.95% 48.72% 49.94% 42.19% 41.29% 13.75% 51.24% 51.94% 36.38% 16.76% 41.87% 27.96% 37.49% 35.34% 55.45% 45.39% 31.82% 55.68% 30.77% 25.96% 42.74% 52.83% 37.74% 35.98% 17.31% 32.32% 36.94% 49.73% 60.99% 27.18% 33.35% 57.24% 61.19% 13.94% 66.89% 54.97% 34.53% 48.03% 47.92% 49.01% 43.77% 15.68% 52.53% FY 2012 Jail Cost Report - Percent State Funding (Three Year Trend - Alphabetical) FIPS Jail FY '12 State Funding 131 193 069 139 460 141 730 490 135 143 740 153 157 630 760 465 770 161 163 165 171 175 491 492 183 810 470 187 620 494 Northampton County Northern Neck Regional Northwestern Regional Page County Pamunkey Regional Patrick County Petersburg City Peumansend Creek Regional Piedmont Regional Pittsylvania County Portsmouth City Prince William / Manassas Regional Rappahannock County Rappahannock Regional Richmond City Riverside Regional Roanoke City Roanoke County/Salem Rockbridge Regional Rockingham County Shenandoah County Southampton County Southside Regional Southwest Virginia Regional Sussex County Virginia Beach Virginia Peninsula Regional Warren County Western Tidewater Regional Western Virginia Regional AVERAGE 45.19% 24.83% 38.66% 52.29% 30.42% 65.48% 51.84% 47.76% 22.65% 38.22% 54.67% 27.18% 51.17% 35.29% 46.53% 45.40% 40.89% 40.15% 59.12% 37.77% 44.87% 59.12% 45.09% 45.39% 36.15% 39.48% 42.08% 57.58% 35.38% 40.36% 35.63% 22 FY '11 State Funding FY '10 State Funding 3-Year Average 47.88% 23.88% 39.11% 49.03% 26.75% 41.48% 54.16% 43.92% 28.98% 44.23% 50.47% 29.55% 55.35% 33.81% 54.87% 47.15% 41.49% 34.35% 59.46% 38.33% 45.05% 58.84% 45.92% 44.04% 35.70% 40.61% 39.65% 62.97% 30.93% 44.33% 36.12% 40.85% 23.27% 40.60% 55.08% 27.93% 70.48% 54.39% 45.16% 36.20% 43.19% 47.88% 50.32% 51.88% 72.33% 47.88% 73.11% 41.04% 31.95% 60.89% 50.87% 59.90% 61.01% 47.36% 46.88% 34.74% 59.98% 40.23% 60.57% 40.48% 90.49% 45.15% 44.64% 23.99% 39.46% 52.13% 28.37% 59.15% 53.46% 45.61% 29.28% 41.88% 51.01% 35.68% 52.80% 47.14% 49.76% 55.22% 41.14% 35.48% 59.82% 42.32% 49.94% 59.66% 46.12% 45.44% 35.53% 46.69% 40.65% 60.37% 35.60% 58.39% 38.97% FY 2012 Jail Cost Report - Percent State Funding (Highest to Lowest) FIPS 089 141 690 037 650 103 175 163 710 187 117 740 480 590 139 730 157 001 520 485 490 073 760 493 700 121 465 492 131 491 171 025 047 470 005 770 Jail Henry County Patrick County Martinsville City Charlotte County Hampton City Lancaster County Southampton County Rockbridge Regional Norfolk City Warren County Mecklenburg County Portsmouth City New River Valley Regional Danville City Page County Petersburg City Rappahannock County Accomack County Bristol City Blue Ridge Regional Peumansend Creek Regional Gloucester County Richmond City Middle River Regional Newport News City Montgomery County Riverside Regional Southwest Virginia Regional Northampton County Southside Regional Shenandoah County Brunswick County Culpeper County Virginia Peninsula Regional Alleghany County Roanoke City 23 Operating Cost Per Inmate Day Percent State Funding $45.65 $72.67 $55.56 $51.47 $55.87 $85.39 $81.67 $71.89 $45.39 $47.01 $67.50 $67.52 $52.15 $45.92 $47.45 $74.16 $98.03 $61.76 $59.55 $57.45 $81.23 $75.35 $65.50 $52.95 $69.52 $56.35 $51.95 $45.41 $105.64 $50.31 $55.39 $64.31 $91.71 $66.74 $71.41 $67.86 68.11% 65.48% 64.27% 62.24% 60.64% 59.57% 59.12% 59.12% 58.68% 57.58% 55.49% 54.67% 53.14% 53.02% 52.29% 51.84% 51.17% 51.13% 49.78% 47.93% 47.76% 47.16% 46.53% 46.16% 45.95% 45.52% 45.40% 45.39% 45.19% 45.09% 44.87% 43.61% 43.53% 42.08% 41.32% 40.89% FY 2012 Jail Cost Report - Percent State Funding (Highest to Lowest) FIPS 494 161 810 069 143 165 053 183 620 630 220 003 061 023 137 119 087 460 067 550 475 013 153 041 193 135 510 059 250 107 Jail Western Virginia Regional Roanoke County/Salem Virginia Beach Northwestern Regional Pittsylvania County Rockingham County Dinwiddie County Sussex County Western Tidewater Regional Rappahannock Regional Danville City Farm Albemarle / Charlottesville Regional Fauquier County Botetourt County Central Virginia Regional Middle Peninsula Regional Henrico County Pamunkey Regional Franklin County Chesapeake City Hampton Roads Regional Arlington County Prince William / Manassas Regional Chesterfield County Northern Neck Regional Piedmont Regional Alexandria City Fairfax County Newport News City Farm Loudoun County AVERAGE 24 Operating Cost Per Inmate Day Percent State Funding $54.96 $108.80 $65.91 $71.44 $85.52 $57.61 $87.78 $70.86 $51.05 $52.54 $48.28 $69.73 $79.43 $109.20 $55.17 $89.60 $83.39 $67.74 $97.08 $79.30 $68.68 $187.91 $123.14 $109.12 $54.80 $34.08 $156.28 $170.12 $86.72 $225.31 $72.99 40.36% 40.15% 39.48% 38.66% 38.22% 37.77% 37.60% 36.15% 35.38% 35.29% 35.11% 34.69% 34.04% 33.69% 31.78% 31.04% 30.73% 30.42% 29.13% 28.41% 27.60% 27.43% 27.18% 26.53% 24.83% 22.65% 16.75% 16.63% 16.31% 12.52% 35.63% FY 2012 Jail Cost Report - Percent Local Funding * (Three Year Trend - Alphabetical) FIPS Jail 001 003 510 005 013 485 023 520 025 137 037 550 041 047 590 220 053 059 061 067 073 650 475 087 089 103 107 690 117 119 493 121 480 700 250 710 131 193 Accomack County Albemarle / C'ville Regional Alexandria City Alleghany County Arlington County Blue Ridge Regional Botetourt County Bristol City Brunswick County Central Virginia Regional Charlotte County Chesapeake City Chesterfield County Culpeper County Danville City Danville City Farm Dinwiddie County Fairfax County Fauquier County Franklin County Gloucester County Hampton City Hampton Roads Regional Henrico County Henry County Lancaster County Loudoun County Martinsville City Mecklenburg County Middle Peninsula Regional Middle River Regional Montgomery County New River Valley Regional Newport News City Newport News City Farm Norfolk City Northampton County Northern Neck Regional * Operating Cost Per Inmate Day FY '12 Local Funding $61.76 $69.73 $156.28 $71.41 $187.91 $57.45 $109.20 $59.55 $64.31 $55.17 $51.47 $79.30 $109.12 $91.71 $45.92 $48.28 $87.78 $170.12 $79.43 $97.08 $75.35 $55.87 $68.68 $83.39 $45.65 $85.39 $225.31 $55.56 $67.50 $89.60 $52.95 $56.35 $52.15 $69.52 $86.72 $45.39 $105.64 $54.80 48.14% 58.58% 54.17% 58.68% 69.45% 57.44% 66.22% 49.78% 56.33% 57.08% 37.76% 69.59% 71.80% 56.41% 46.69% 64.89% 62.31% 82.50% 65.96% 70.87% 52.81% 39.35% 45.35% 69.14% 31.45% 40.43% 87.00% 35.65% 44.35% 63.86% 52.29% 54.48% 53.99% 83.69% 34.07% 39.75% 54.78% 11.72% Percent Local Funding includes "Other" revenues 25 FY '11 Local Funding 44.71% 52.95% 51.80% 60.17% 70.93% 25.44% 62.49% 43.73% 61.11% 45.74% 52.30% 56.19% 65.93% 63.52% 44.77% 62.52% 62.36% 81.01% 66.46% 60.49% 45.29% 47.36% 41.78% 58.84% 28.29% 33.41% 56.23% 34.78% 48.18% 74.90% 19.66% 45.58% 43.13% 55.86% 83.03% 39.63% 52.07% -0.89% FY '10 Local Funding 3-Year Average 39.63% 52.77% 51.15% 43.44% 64.79% 47.93% 53.90% 29.79% 30.87% 14.88% 14.94% 52.56% 61.71% 46.97% 31.56% 51.05% 64.56% 74.05% 63.65% 44.21% 42.31% 31.27% 35.38% 62.18% 43.86% 43.75% 88.04% 24.17% 20.88% 55.27% 23.98% 44.84% 39.22% 56.23% 83.30% 37.41% 53.36% 10.10% 44.16% 54.77% 52.37% 54.10% 68.39% 43.60% 60.87% 41.10% 49.44% 39.23% 35.00% 59.45% 66.48% 55.63% 41.01% 59.49% 63.08% 79.19% 65.36% 58.52% 46.80% 39.33% 40.84% 63.39% 34.53% 39.20% 77.09% 31.53% 37.80% 64.68% 31.98% 48.30% 45.45% 65.26% 66.80% 38.93% 53.40% 6.98% FY 2012 Jail Cost Report - Percent Local Funding * (Three Year Trend - Alphabetical) FIPS 069 139 460 141 730 490 135 143 740 153 157 630 760 465 770 161 163 165 171 175 491 492 183 810 470 187 620 494 * Jail Northwestern Regional Page County Pamunkey Regional Patrick County Petersburg City Peumansend Creek Regional Piedmont Regional Pittsylvania County Portsmouth City Prince William / Man. Regional Rappahannock County Rappahannock Regional Richmond City Riverside Regional Roanoke City Roanoke County/Salem Rockbridge Regional Rockingham County Shenandoah County Southampton County Southside Regional Southwest Virginia Regional Sussex County Virginia Beach Virginia Peninsula Regional Warren County Western Tidewater Regional Western Virginia Regional AVERAGE Operating Cost Per Inmate Day FY '12 Local Funding $71.44 $47.45 $67.74 $72.67 $74.16 $81.23 $34.08 $85.52 $67.52 $123.14 $98.03 $52.54 $65.50 $51.95 $67.86 $108.80 $71.89 $57.61 $55.39 $81.67 $50.31 $45.41 $70.86 $65.91 $66.74 $47.01 $51.05 $54.96 $72.99 58.62% 47.67% 57.69% 34.47% 48.16% 50.38% 23.14% 61.65% 44.34% 70.90% 48.83% 54.70% 53.24% 60.41% 50.38% 58.58% 38.39% 58.22% 54.44% 40.87% 59.78% 50.26% 63.76% 55.92% 61.29% 42.40% 35.66% 56.96% 59.12% Percent Local Funding includes "Other" revenues 26 FY '11 Local Funding 48.07% 45.85% 37.52% 58.44% 45.84% 39.32% 23.07% 52.06% 43.64% 58.97% 44.65% 52.71% 44.80% 49.35% 49.91% 62.09% 37.73% 56.83% 54.26% 41.15% 54.98% 55.69% 64.21% 57.53% 58.44% 37.01% 18.76% 58.24% 57.87% FY '10 Local Funding 3-Year Average 47.31% 39.33% 45.93% 27.00% 42.96% 44.09% 1.46% 54.08% 42.84% 25.94% 46.04% 29.50% 47.05% 21.54% 47.21% 58.46% 35.46% 23.07% 34.05% 33.44% 34.25% 44.76% 62.33% 34.18% 51.47% 29.42% 13.62% 11.08% 45.78% 51.33% 44.28% 47.05% 39.97% 45.65% 44.60% 15.89% 55.93% 43.61% 51.94% 46.51% 45.64% 48.36% 43.77% 49.17% 59.71% 37.19% 46.04% 47.58% 38.49% 49.67% 50.24% 63.43% 49.21% 57.07% 36.28% 22.68% 42.09% 54.26% FY 2012 Jail Cost Report - Percent Local Funding * (Highest to Lowest) FIPS 107 250 059 041 153 067 550 013 087 023 061 220 003 119 183 053 143 470 465 491 005 069 161 165 460 485 137 494 047 025 810 131 * Operating Cost Per Inmate Day Jail Loudoun County Newport News City Farm Fairfax County Chesterfield County Prince William / Manassas Regional Franklin County Chesapeake City Arlington County Henrico County Botetourt County Fauquier County Danville City Farm Albemarle / Charlottesville Regional Middle Peninsula Regional Sussex County Dinwiddie County Pittsylvania County Virginia Peninsula Regional Riverside Regional Southside Regional Alleghany County Northwestern Regional Roanoke County/Salem Rockingham County Pamunkey Regional Blue Ridge Regional Central Virginia Regional Western Virginia Regional Culpeper County Brunswick County Virginia Beach Northampton County $225.31 $86.72 $170.12 $109.12 $123.14 $97.08 $79.30 $187.91 $83.39 $109.20 $79.43 $48.28 $69.73 $89.60 $70.86 $87.78 $85.52 $66.74 $51.95 $50.31 $71.41 $71.44 $71.89 $57.61 $67.74 $57.45 $55.17 $54.96 $91.71 $64.31 $65.91 $105.64 Percent Local Funding includes "Other" revenues 27 Percent Local Funding 87.00% 83.69% 82.50% 71.80% 70.90% 70.87% 69.59% 69.45% 69.14% 66.22% 65.96% 64.89% 58.58% 63.86% 63.76% 62.31% 61.65% 61.29% 60.41% 59.78% 58.68% 58.62% 58.58% 58.22% 57.69% 57.44% 57.08% 56.96% 56.41% 56.33% 55.92% 54.78% FY 2012 Jail Cost Report - Percent Local Funding * (Highest to Lowest) FIPS 630 121 171 510 700 760 073 493 490 770 492 520 157 730 001 139 590 475 117 740 187 175 103 710 650 163 037 620 690 141 480 089 135 193 Operating Cost Per Inmate Day Jail Rappahannock Regional Montgomery County Shenandoah County Alexandria City Newport News City Richmond City Gloucester County Middle River Regional Peumansend Creek Regional Roanoke City Southwest Virginia Regional Bristol City Rappahannock County Petersburg City Accomack County Page County Danville City Hampton Roads Regional Mecklenburg County Portsmouth City Warren County Southampton County Lancaster County Norfolk City Hampton City Rockbridge Regional Charlotte County Western Tidewater Regional Martinsville City Patrick County New River Valley Regional Henry County Piedmont Regional Northern Neck Regional AVERAGE 28 $52.54 $56.35 $55.39 $156.28 $69.52 $65.50 $75.35 $52.95 $81.23 $68.08 $45.41 $59.55 $98.03 $74.16 $61.76 $47.45 $45.92 $68.68 $67.50 $67.52 $47.01 $81.67 $85.39 $45.39 $55.87 $71.89 $51.47 $51.05 $55.56 $72.67 $52.15 $45.65 $34.08 $54.80 $72.99 Percent Local Funding 54.70% 54.48% 54.44% 54.17% 53.99% 53.24% 52.81% 52.29% 50.38% 50.38% 50.26% 49.78% 48.83% 48.16% 48.14% 47.67% 46.69% 45.35% 44.35% 44.34% 42.40% 40.87% 40.43% 39.75% 39.35% 38.39% 37.76% 35.66% 35.65% 34.47% 34.07% 31.45% 23.14% 11.72% 59.12% FY 2012 Jail Cost Report - Percent Federal Funding (Three Year Trend - Alphabetical) FIPS Jail 001 003 510 005 013 485 023 520 025 137 037 550 041 047 590 220 053 059 061 067 073 650 475 087 089 103 107 690 117 119 493 121 480 700 250 710 131 193 069 139 460 Accomack County Albemarle / C'ville Regional Alexandria City Alleghany County Arlington County Blue Ridge Regional Botetourt County Bristol City Brunswick County Central Virginia Regional Charlotte County Chesapeake City Chesterfield County Culpeper County Danville City Danville City Farm Dinwiddie County Fairfax County Fauquier County Franklin County Gloucester County Hampton City Hampton Roads Regional Henrico County Henry County Lancaster County Loudoun County Martinsville City Mecklenburg County Middle Peninsula Regional Middle River Regional Montgomery County New River Valley Regional Newport News City Newport News City Farm Norfolk City Northampton County Northern Neck Regional Northwestern Regional Page County Pamunkey Regional Operating Cost Per Inmate Day FY '12 Federal Funding $61.76 $69.73 $156.28 $71.41 $187.91 $57.45 $109.20 $59.55 $64.31 $55.17 $51.47 $79.30 $109.12 $91.71 $45.92 $48.28 $87.78 $170.12 $79.43 $97.08 $75.35 $55.87 $68.68 $83.39 $45.65 $85.39 $225.31 $55.56 $67.50 $89.60 $52.95 $56.35 $52.15 $69.52 $86.72 $45.39 $105.64 $54.80 $71.44 $47.45 $67.74 0.71% 1.37% 29.08% 0.00% 3.12% 0.35% 0.09% 0.44% 0.06% 22.78% 0.00% 2.00% 1.67% 0.06% 0.29% 0.00% 0.09% 0.87% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.01% 26.32% 0.13% 0.44% 0.00% 0.48% 0.08% 0.16% 0.00% 0.06% 0.00% 2.09% 0.06% 0.00% 1.57% 0.03% 59.81% 0.01% 0.04% 11.85% 29 FY '11 Federal Funding 0.82% 2.15% 30.68% 0.14% 0.47% 0.24% 5.91% 1.07% 0.08% 25.53% 0.29% 3.67% 1.43% 0.01% 0.19% 0.00% 0.09% 1.10% 0.00% 0.01% 0.22% 0.01% 28.93% 0.15% 14.17% 0.00% 0.39% 0.17% 0.13% 0.00% 0.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.08% 0.00% 1.21% 0.04% 63.36% 0.01% 0.22% 16.04% FY '10 Federal Funding 3-Year Average 0.11% 1.75% 30.00% 0.10% 1.91% 0.15% 2.29% 4.20% 0.15% 25.71% 0.00% 3.60% 1.09% 0.01% 0.79% 0.00% 0.07% 2.31% 0.00% 0.10% 0.73% 4.43% 25.60% 1.03% 1.12% 0.00% 0.42% 0.11% 0.08% 0.00% 0.08% 0.00% 0.00% 0.11% 0.00% 0.94% 0.02% 65.80% 2.26% 0.12% 19.31% 0.55% 1.76% 29.92% 0.08% 1.83% 0.25% 2.76% 1.90% 0.10% 24.67% 0.10% 3.09% 1.40% 0.03% 0.42% 0.00% 0.08% 1.43% 0.00% 0.04% 0.33% 1.48% 26.95% 0.44% 5.24% 0.00% 0.43% 0.12% 0.12% 0.00% 0.07% 0.00% 0.70% 0.08% 0.00% 1.24% 0.03% 62.99% 0.76% 0.13% 15.73% FY 2012 Jail Cost Report - Percent Federal Funding (Three Year Trend - Alphabetical) FIPS Jail 141 730 490 135 143 740 153 157 630 760 465 770 161 163 165 171 175 491 492 183 810 470 187 620 494 Patrick County Petersburg City Peumansend Creek Reg. Piedmont Regional Pittsylvania County Portsmouth City Prince William / Man. Reg. Rappahannock County Rappahannock Regional Richmond City Riverside Regional Roanoke City Roanoke County/Salem Rockbridge Regional Rockingham County Shenandoah County Southampton County Southside Regional Southwest Virginia Reg. Sussex County Virginia Beach Virginia Peninsula Reg. Warren County Western Tidewater Reg. Western Virginia Regional AVERAGE Operating Cost Per Inmate Day FY '12 Federal Funding $72.67 $74.16 $81.23 $34.08 $85.52 $67.52 $123.14 $98.03 $52.54 $65.50 $51.95 $67.86 $108.80 $71.89 $57.61 $55.39 $81.67 $50.31 $45.41 $70.86 $65.91 $66.74 $47.01 $51.05 $54.96 $72.99 0.05% 0.00% 0.01% 52.68% 0.13% 0.99% 1.36% 0.00% 16.97% 0.23% 2.68% 8.73% 1.27% 0.00% 4.01% 0.69% 0.01% 0.00% 1.62% 0.09% 4.60% 0.59% 0.02% 30.71% 3.49% 5.56% 30 FY '11 Federal Funding 0.08% 0.00% 0.00% 41.82% 0.11% 1.63% 1.93% 0.00% 23.99% 0.33% 0.58% 8.60% 8.60% 0.00% 4.84% 0.69% 0.01% 0.00% 3.09% 0.09% 1.86% 1.03% 0.02% 31.91% 3.11% 6.14% FY '10 Federal Funding 3-Year Average 0.13% 1.60% 0.00% 32.30% 0.17% 5.85% 1.91% 1.42% 9.80% 0.39% 0.12% 8.95% 1.42% 0.00% 5.76% 0.71% 0.04% 0.00% 3.34% 0.25% 0.81% 0.90% 0.11% 40.09% 0.60% 4.88% 0.09% 0.53% 0.00% 42.27% 0.14% 2.82% 1.73% 0.47% 16.92% 0.32% 1.13% 8.76% 3.76% 0.00% 4.87% 0.70% 0.02% 0.00% 2.68% 0.14% 2.42% 0.84% 0.05% 34.24% 2.40% 5.53% FY 2012 Jail Cost Report - Percent Federal Funding (For Those Jails That Received Federal Funding) (Highest to Lowest) FIPS 193 135 620 510 475 137 630 460 770 810 165 494 013 465 480 550 041 492 710 003 153 161 740 059 001 171 470 107 520 089 485 590 760 117 087 Operating Cost Per Inmate Day Jail Northern Neck Regional Piedmont Regional Western Tidewater Regional Alexandria City Hampton Roads Regional Central Virginia Regional Rappahannock Regional Pamunkey Regional Roanoke City Virginia Beach Rockingham County Western Virginia Regional Arlington County Riverside Regional New River Regional Jail Chesapeake City Chesterfield County Southwest Virginia Regional Norfolk City Albemarle / Charlottesville Regional Prince William / Manassas Regional Roanoke County/Salem Portsmouth City Fairfax County Accomack County Shenandoah County Virginia Peninsula Regional Loudoun County Bristol City Henry County Blue Ridge Regional Danville City Richmond City Mecklenburg County Henrico County $54.80 $34.08 $51.05 $156.28 $68.68 $55.17 $52.54 $67.74 $67.86 $65.91 $57.61 $54.96 $187.91 $51.95 $52.15 $79.30 $109.12 $45.41 $45.39 $69.73 $123.14 $108.80 $67.52 $170.12 $61.76 $55.39 $66.74 $225.31 $59.55 $45.65 $57.45 $45.92 $65.50 $67.50 $83.39 31 Percent Federal Funding 59.81% 52.68% 30.71% 29.08% 26.32% 22.78% 16.97% 11.85% 8.73% 4.60% 4.01% 3.49% 3.12% 2.68% 2.09% 2.00% 1.67% 1.62% 1.57% 1.37% 1.36% 1.27% 0.99% 0.87% 0.71% 0.69% 0.59% 0.48% 0.44% 0.44% 0.35% 0.29% 0.23% 0.16% 0.13% FY 2012 Jail Cost Report - Percent Federal Funding (For Those Jails That Received Federal Funding) (Highest to Lowest) FIPS 143 023 053 183 690 025 047 493 700 141 139 073 131 187 175 490 Operating Cost Per Inmate Day Jail Pittsylvania County Botetourt County Dinwiddie County Sussex County Martinsville City Brunswick County Culpeper County Middle River Regional Newport News City Patrick County Page County Gloucester County Northampton County Warren County Southampton County Peumansend Creek Regional AVERAGE 32 $85.52 $109.20 $87.78 $70.86 $55.56 $64.31 $91.71 $52.95 $69.52 $72.67 $47.45 $75.35 $105.64 $47.01 $81.67 $81.23 $72.99 Percent Federal Funding 0.13% 0.09% 0.09% 0.09% 0.08% 0.06% 0.06% 0.06% 0.06% 0.05% 0.04% 0.03% 0.03% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 5.56% FY2012 FEDERAL INMATE OVERHEAD RECOVERY CALCULATION OF PER INMATE DAY STATE FUNDING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Fips 001 003 510 005 013 485 023 520 025 137 037 550 041 047 590 220 053 059 061 067 073 650 475 087 089 103 107 690 117 119 493 121 480 700 Jail Accomack County Albemarle / C'ville Reg. Alexandria City Alleghany County Arlington County Blue Ridge Regional Botetourt County Bristol City Brunswick County Central Virginia Reg. Charlotte County Chesapeake City Chesterfield County Culpeper County Danville City Danville City Farm Dinwiddie County Fairfax County Fauquier County Franklin County Gloucester County Hampton City Hampton Roads Reg. Henrico County Henry County Lancaster County Loudoun County Martinsville City Mecklenburg County Middle Peninsula Reg. Middle River Reg. Montgomery County New River Valley Reg. Newport News City All Inmate Responsible Days 29,642 190,313 154,732 31,928 161,364 418,943 43,173 51,973 21,031 140,846 23,166 423,846 122,478 29,116 103,809 57,937 16,807 464,504 41,564 20,935 27,412 148,564 434,587 426,762 60,775 11,104 89,024 46,169 44,424 68,982 191,860 40,889 292,105 184,113 Grants $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $5,674 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $23,964 $0 $0 $55,000 $0 Salaries $801,607 $4,020,682 3,557,005 $942,006 $5,999,841 $10,656,034 $1,537,195 $1,246,513 $455,775 1,811,083 $518,545 $7,155,049 $3,396,113 $1,032,698 $1,968,466 $0 $481,622 $11,573,759 $910,276 $460,231 $820,521 $4,491,567 $8,711,228 $9,400,508 $1,600,279 $502,232 $2,736,890 $1,350,115 $1,402,207 $1,582,350 $4,301,043 $835,607 $8,172,020 $5,492,022 33 Office / Vehicles $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $80,711 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,000 $96,057 $451,115 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $25,267 $161,000 $0 Other ($4,404) ($10,298) (16,114) ($4,326) ($1,966) ($23,603) ($6,801) ($6,438) ($1,970) (4,353) ($2,244) ($32,014) ($10,264) ($5,365) ($7,261) $0 ($1,935) ($32,534) ($4,035) ($2,542) ($3,689) ($21,822) $25,495 ($44,935) ($7,038) ($2,269) $265,573 ($6,177) ($6,176) ($4,437) ($11,888) ($3,802) ($20,155) ($14,652) Net Commonwealth Revenues $797,203 $4,010,384 $3,540,891 $937,680 $5,997,875 $10,713,142 $1,530,394 $1,240,075 $453,805 $1,806,730 $516,301 $7,123,035 $3,385,849 $1,027,333 $1,961,205 $0 $479,687 $11,541,225 $906,241 $457,689 $821,832 $4,565,802 $9,187,838 $9,355,573 $1,593,241 $499,963 $3,002,463 $1,343,938 $1,396,031 $1,577,913 $4,289,155 $857,072 $8,312,865 $5,477,370 Per Inmate Day $26.89 $21.07 Exempt $29.37 $37.17 $25.57 $35.45 $23.86 $21.58 Exempt $22.29 $16.81 $27.64 $35.28 $18.89 $0.00 $28.54 $24.85 $21.80 $21.86 $29.98 $30.73 $21.14 $21.92 $26.22 $45.03 $33.73 $29.11 $31.43 $22.87 $22.36 $20.96 $28.46 $29.75 FY2012 FEDERAL INMATE OVERHEAD RECOVERY CALCULATION OF PER INMATE DAY STATE FUNDING 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Fips 250 710 131 193 069 139 460 141 730 490 135 143 740 153 157 630 760 465 770 161 163 165 171 175 491 492 183 810 470 187 620 494 Jail Newport News City Farm Norfolk City Northampton County Northern Neck Reg. Northwestern Reg. Page County Pamunkey Reg. Patrick County Petersburg City Peumansend Creek Reg. Piedmont Regional Pittsylvania County Portsmouth City Prince W' / Manassas Reg. Rappahannock County Rappahannock Reg. Richmond City Riverside Reg. Roanoke City Roanoke County/Salem Rockbridge Reg. Rockingham County Shenandoah County Southampton County Southside Reg. Southwest Virginia Reg. Sussex County Virginia Beach Virginia Peninsula Reg. Warren County Western Tidewater Reg. Western Virginia Reg. TOTAL All Inmate Responsible Days 57,908 514,441 30,754 137,787 211,348 34,553 155,714 25,583 81,995 103,669 271,444 45,388 149,546 316,367 8,820 501,743 508,089 508,183 227,158 49,528 35,224 127,227 34,561 35,339 74,835 609,544 27,117 534,867 144,305 50,223 242,052 266,295 Grants $0 $0 $0 259,085 $249,098 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 10,740,657 $ 592,821 $0 $12,275,059 $1,800,708 1,298,625 $4,919,366 $671,268 $3,594,590 $790,594 $2,602,022 $3,311,759 $2,030,900 $1,235,798 $4,504,111 $8,392,145 $393,535 $8,651,444 $12,485,882 $11,629,650 $5,891,486 $1,889,353 $1,301,971 $2,448,934 $690,332 $1,448,635 $1,419,311 $10,183,192 $572,013 $11,676,549 $3,877,077 $1,103,818 $4,483,425 $5,945,203 Office / Vehicles $0 $0 $0 0 $54,776 $0 $0 $0 $0 $66,614 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $121,694 $179,809 $1,141,483 $0 $35,361 $0 $20,470 $0 $0 $47,041 $50,000 $0 $0 $6,792 $0 $0 $100,271 Other $0 ($54,796) ($7,127) ($2,781) ($13,312) ($3,060) $124,668 ($3,795) ($11,955) ($9,042) ($5,728) ($5,643) ($18,457) ($20,930) ($1,957) ($21,841) ($5,420) $158,434 ($27,359) ($8,859) ($4,341) ($12,267) ($2,941) ($6,918) ($3,104) ($22,723) ($3,914) ($39,910) ($6,935) ($5,706) ($9,292) ($9,145) Net Commonwealth Revenues $0 $12,220,263 $1,793,581 1,295,844 $4,960,830 $668,208 $3,719,258 $786,799 $2,590,067 $3,369,331 $2,025,172 $1,230,155 $4,485,654 $8,371,215 $391,578 $8,751,297 $12,660,271 $12,929,567 $5,864,127 $1,915,855 $1,297,630 $2,457,137 $687,391 $1,441,717 $1,463,248 $10,210,469 $568,099 $11,636,639 $3,876,934 $1,098,112 $4,474,133 $6,036,329 $243,441,844 $2,643,461 -$100,595 $245,984,710 Salaries 34 Per Inmate Day $0.00 $23.75 $58.32 Exempt $23.47 $19.34 $23.89 $30.75 $31.59 $32.50 $7.46 $27.10 $30.00 $26.46 $44.40 $17.44 $24.92 $25.44 $25.82 $38.68 $36.84 $19.31 $19.89 $40.80 $19.55 $16.75 $20.95 $21.76 $26.87 $21.86 $18.48 $22.67 $22.90 2012 FEDERAL OVERHEAD RECOVERY SIX YEAR HISTORY FIPS 001 003 510 005 013 485 023 520 025 137 037 550 041 047 590 053 059 061 067 073 650 475 087 089 103 107 690 117 119 493 121 480 700 710 131 193 069 139 460 141 730 JAIL Accomack County Albemarle/C'Ville Reg. Alexandria City EXEMPT Alleghany County Arlington County Blue Ridge Regional Botetourt County Bristol City Brunswick County Central Virginia Reg. EXEMPT Charlotte County Chesapeake City Chesterfield County Culpeper County Danville City Dinwiddie County Fairfax County Fauquier County Franklin County Gloucester County Hampton City Hampton Roads Reg. Henrico county Henry county Lancaster County Loudoun County Martinsville City Mecklenburg County Middle Peninsula Reg. Middle River Regional Montgomery County New River Valley Reg. Newport News City Norfolk City Northampton County Northern Neck Reg EXEMPT Northwestern Regional Page County Pamunkey Regional Patrick County Petersburg City Mar-09 Nov-09 Nov-10 Nov-11 Nov-12 Nov-13 (20.00) (21.41) (22.36) (22.09) (25.16) (20.67) (23.61) (21.45) (24.78) (20.00) (26.89) (21.07) EXEMPT EXEMPT EXEMPT EXEMPT EXEMPT EXEMPT (39.57) (35.29) (22.60) (28.38) (24.77) (30.13) (37.23) (28.67) (25.65) (46.52) (28.82) (30.90) (27.57) (28.85) (24.39) (62.25) (28.05) (25.04) (32.58) (28.50) (22.37) (58.28) (25.77) (22.50) (26.00) (36.45) (25.05) (39.12) (24.28) (17.08) (29.37) (37.17) (25.57) (35.45) (23.86) (21.58) EXEMPT EXEMPT EXEMPT EXEMPT EXEMPT EXEMPT (26.12) (16.74) (24.61) (35.14) (28.33) (31.66) (22.81) (17.04) (24.06) (31.25) (23.51) (21.59) (20.75) (15.28) (40.29) (21.62) (24.37) (32.10) (18.21) (26.80) (24.48) (17.85) (19.24) (20.18) (30.68) (28.08) (17.85) (25.17) (38.69) (29.45) (21.67) (22.89) (16.10) (24.31) (30.58) (28.77) (22.28) (24.72) (16.63) (38.21) (29.52) (25.67) (36.19) (22.43) (19.49) (22.76) (20.14) (16.60) (21.08) (64.99) (30.14) (28.05) (27.00) (41.25) (14.98) (19.65) (27.03) (14.76) (23.41) (32.46) (33.14) (21.61) (22.36) (14.03) (33.87) (20.75) (35.41) (35.41) (23.37) (21.12) (23.35) (17.38) (20.48) (21.62) (75.52) (21.68) (17.20) (22.50) (41.81) (21.67) (18.24) (21.60) (15.08) (27.09) (33.92) (37.12) (19.92) (25.75) (11.46) (45.68) (32.89) (28.18) (35.72) (20.84) (17.94) (23.35) (20.81) (20.70) (23.72) (49.12) (16.90) (18.72) (26.70) (31.02) (21.16) (23.76) (25.55) (21.63) (29.37) (27.86) (36.35) (20.57) (21.68) (27.25) (44.35) (36.25) (27.67) (35.09) (25.26) (19.99) (24.23) (29.33) (27.11) (24.81) (49.84) (22.29) (16.81) (27.64) (35.28) (18.89) (28.54) (24.85) (21.80) (21.86) (29.98) (30.73) (21.14) (21.92) (26.22) (45.03) (33.73) (29.11) (31.43) (22.87) (22.36) (20.96) (28.46) (29.75) (23.75) (58.32) EXEMPT EXEMPT EXEMPT EXEMPT EXEMPT EXEMPT (69.61) (24.52) (22.96) (43.05) (27.20) (25.18) (22.32) (23.04) (46.51) (33.90) (25.93) (18.63) (22.84) (39.39) (36.04) (24.19) (22.75) (20.89) (58.58) (37.75) (23.52) (23.49) (21.72) (45.68) (34.78) (23.47) (19.34) (23.89) (30.75) (31.59) 35 2012 FEDERAL OVERHEAD RECOVERY SIX YEAR HISTORY FIPS 490 135 143 740 153 157 630 760 465 770 161 163 165 171 175 491 492 183 810 470 187 620 494 JAIL Peumansend Regional Piedmont Regional Pittsylvania County Portsmouth city Prince W'iam/Man. Reg. Rappahannock County Rappahannock Reg. Richmond City Riverside Regional Roanoke City Roanoke County/Salem Rockbridge Regional Rockingham County Shenandoah county Southampton county Southside Regional Southwest Virginia Reg. Sussex County Virginia Beach Virginia Penin. Regional Warren County West Tidewater Reg. Western Virginia Reg. N/A Mar-09 (33.45) (8.65) (26.27) (20.77) (26.04) (57.99) (16.25) (22.68) (20.12) (20.13) (29.17) (40.94) (28.95) (29.91) (33.15) (21.07) (22.60) (33.18) (21.82) (22.99) (22.77) (17.43) N/A Nov-09 (35.46) (8.82) (27.66) (22.40) (26.90) (42.88) (16.74) (22.68) (20.37) (24.08) (24.20) (44.93) (28.75) (33.40) (35.52) (24.05) (21.69) (29.42) (23.58) (25.17) (26.07) (17.97) N/A 36 Nov-10 Nov-11 Nov-12 Nov-13 (41.02) (10.06) (31.39) (23.40) (26.50) (34.92) (16.62) (23.72) (20.98) (22.53) (28.37) (45.74) (24.42) (24.91) (37.31) (20.33) (22.30) (21.96) (32.79) (22.55) (32.80) (16.62) N/A (37.69) (10.81) (26.02) (23.02) (25.60) (39.73) (16.69) (20.71) (23.77) (24.88) (39.74) (38.50) (26.77) (23.31) (41.98) (18.79) (18.76) (17.75) (25.77) (22.41) (23.74) (15.96) (27.80) (38.86) (8.75) (33.15) (28.72) (24.12) (48.48) (16.61) (25.80) (27.27) (26.35) (35.69) (42.54) (20.33) (21.30) (41.53) (19.27) (16.42) (23.09) (22.51) (23.25) (24.37) (18.22) (24.37) (32.50) (7.46) (27.10) (30.00) (26.46) (44.40) (17.44) (24.92) (25.44) (25.82) (38.68) (36.84) (19.31) (19.89) (40.80) (19.55) (16.75) (20.95) (21.76) (26.87) (21.86) (18.48) (22.67) FY 2012 STATE FUNDS BY AVERAGE DAILY POPULATION (LARGEST TO SMALLEST ) Fips 492 810 465 710 760 630 059 475 087 550 485 153 480 494 135 620 770 069 493 003 700 013 460 510 740 650 470 137 193 165 041 590 490 107 730 491 119 089 220 250 520 187 Jail Southwest Virginia Reg. Virginia Beach Riverside Regional Norfolk City Richmond City Rappahannock Reg. Fairfax County Hampton Roads Reg. Henrico County Chesapeake City Blue Ridge Regional Prince W'm / Man. Reg. New River Valley Reg. Western Virginia Reg. Piedmont Regional Western Tidewater Reg. Roanoke City Northwestern Regional Middle River Regional Albemarle / C'ville Reg. Newport News City Arlington County Pamunkey Regional Alexandria City Portsmouth City Hampton City Virginia Peninsula Reg. Central Virginia Reg. Northern Neck Reg. Rockingham County Chesterfield County Danville City Peumansend Creek Reg. Loudoun County Petersburg City Southside Regional Middle Peninsula Reg. Henry County Danville City Farm Newport News City Farm Bristol City Warren County Total Cumulative Cumulative % LIDS LIDS LIDS Jail Avg. Daily Avg. Daily Avg. Daily State Population Population Population Revenues 1,664 1,465 1,392 1,385 1,369 1,364 1,257 1,187 1,162 1,152 1,147 856 789 730 731 662 622 562 526 518 502 439 427 420 410 407 395 385 376 349 328 284 284 242 225 205 188 164 159 159 142 135 1,664 3,130 4,522 5,906 7,276 8,639 9,896 11,083 12,245 13,397 14,544 15,400 16,189 16,918 17,650 18,312 18,934 19,496 20,022 20,539 21,042 21,481 21,908 22,328 22,737 23,145 23,540 23,924 24,300 24,649 24,976 25,261 25,545 25,787 26,012 26,217 26,405 26,569 26,728 26,886 27,029 27,163 5.70% 10.72% 15.49% 20.23% 24.92% 29.60% 33.90% 37.97% 41.95% 45.89% 49.82% 52.75% 55.46% 57.96% 60.46% 62.73% 64.86% 66.79% 68.59% 70.36% 72.08% 73.59% 75.05% 76.49% 77.89% 79.28% 80.64% 81.96% 83.24% 84.44% 85.56% 86.53% 87.51% 88.34% 89.11% 89.81% 90.45% 91.01% 91.56% 92.10% 92.59% 93.05% 37 $14,306,130 $14,655,748 $15,829,393 $14,828,246 $15,483,023 $10,444,070 $14,136,492 $9,244,045 $11,608,263 $9,392,683 $13,101,382 $9,921,161 $10,467,069 $7,901,349 $2,095,781 $4,573,494 $6,453,649 $6,297,601 $5,828,494 $5,086,671 $6,354,904 $6,817,488 $3,775,986 $4,051,219 $5,519,783 $5,385,058 $4,848,075 $2,469,406 $1,912,621 $3,076,487 $3,932,810 $2,540,176 $4,345,363 $3,321,655 $3,152,247 $1,935,047 $2,076,201 $1,889,846 $982,052 $821,552 $1,540,470 $1,381,951 Cumulative State Revenues $14,306,130 $28,961,878 $44,791,271 $59,619,517 $75,102,540 $85,546,610 $99,683,102 $108,927,147 $120,535,410 $129,928,093 $143,029,475 $152,950,636 $163,417,705 $171,319,054 $173,414,835 $177,988,329 $184,441,978 $190,739,579 $196,568,073 $201,654,744 $208,009,648 $214,827,136 $218,603,122 $222,654,341 $228,174,124 $233,559,182 $238,407,257 $240,876,663 $242,789,284 $245,865,771 $249,798,581 $252,338,757 $256,684,120 $260,005,775 $263,158,022 $265,093,069 $267,169,270 $269,059,116 $270,041,168 $270,862,720 $272,403,190 $273,785,141 Cumulative% of Total State Revenues 4.75% 4.87% 14.88% 19.81% 24.95% 28.42% 33.12% 36.19% 40.05% 43.17% 47.52% 50.82% 54.29% 56.92% 57.61% 59.13% 61.28% 63.37% 65.31% 67.00% 69.11% 71.37% 72.63% 73.97% 75.81% 77.60% 79.21% 80.03% 80.66% 81.69% 82.99% 83.84% 85.28% 86.38% 87.43% 88.07% 88.76% 89.39% 89.72% 89.99% 90.50% 90.96% FY 2012 STATE FUNDS BY AVERAGE DAILY POPULATION (LARGEST TO SMALLEST ) Fips Jail 161 143 117 690 023 061 175 171 163 121 139 005 131 001 047 073 183 141 037 067 025 053 103 157 Roanoke County/Salem Pittsylvania County Mecklenburg County Martinsville City Botetourt County Fauquier County Southampton County Shenandoah County Rockbridge Regional Montgomery County Page County Alleghany County Northampton County Accomack County Culpeper County Gloucester County Sussex County Patrick County Charlotte County Franklin County Brunswick County Dinwiddie County Lancaster County Rappahannock County Total Cumulative Cumulative % LIDS LIDS LIDS Jail Avg. Daily Avg. Daily Avg. Daily State Population Population Population Revenues 129 124 123 121 118 110 97 94 94 91 88 87 84 81 76 75 74 70 63 57 53 47 26 25 27,293 27,417 27,540 27,660 27,778 27,888 27,985 28,079 28,173 28,264 28,351 28,439 28,523 28,604 28,680 28,755 28,830 28,899 28,963 29,020 29,073 29,120 29,146 29,171 93.49% 93.92% 94.34% 94.75% 95.16% 95.53% 95.86% 96.19% 96.51% 96.82% 97.12% 97.42% 97.71% 97.99% 98.25% 98.50% 98.76% 99.00% 99.22% 99.41% 99.59% 99.75% 99.84% 99.93% 29,192 $2,163,791 $1,483,594 $1,664,107 $1,648,712 $1,786,226 $1,123,873 $1,706,252 $859,035 $1,497,048 $1,048,717 $857,278 $1,130,112 $2,029,117 $936,111 $1,162,346 $974,215 $694,743 $931,121 $742,055 $592,086 $589,793 $579,508 $564,831 $442,471 $300,992,283 38 Cumulative State Revenues $275,948,932 $277,432,526 $279,096,633 $280,745,345 $282,531,571 $283,655,444 $285,361,696 $286,220,731 $287,717,779 $288,766,496 $289,623,774 $290,753,886 $292,783,003 $293,719,114 $294,881,460 $295,855,675 $296,550,418 $297,481,539 $298,223,594 $298,815,680 $299,405,473 $299,984,981 $300,549,812 $300,992,283 Cumulative% of Total State Revenues 91.68% 92.17% 92.73% 93.27% 93.87% 94.24% 94.81% 95.09% 95.59% 95.94% 96.22% 96.60% 97.27% 97.58% 97.97% 98.29% 98.52% 98.83% 99.08% 99.28% 99.47% 99.67% 99.85% 100.00% FY 2012 Locality Expense to House Jail Inmates (Alphabetical) Locality Accomack Albemarle Alexandria Alleghany Amelia Amhearst Appomattox Arlington Ashland Augusta Bath Bedford Bedford Bland Bluefield Botetourt Bristol Brunswick Buchanan Buckingham Buena Vista Campbell Caroline Carroll Cedar Bluff Charles City Charlotte Charlottesville Chesapeake Chesterfield Clarke Clintwood Colonial Heights Covington Craig Culpeper Cumberland Danville Danville Farm Dickenson Dinwiddie Emporia Essex Fairfax Fairfax Falls Church Fauquier Floyd Fluvanna County County City County County County County County Town County County City County County Town County City County County County City County County County Town County County City City County County Town City City County County County City City County County City County City County City County County County Local Jail $815,315 $12,936,349 $1,408,108 $0 $607,315 $428,777 $21,926,142 Locality Participation Regional Jail / Jail Farm $3,280,166 $645,342 $0 $15,401 $774,421 $255,231 $1,598,024 $91,194 $318,382 $1,316,944 $187,172 $3,332,430 $1,509,138 $597,137 $1,093,217 $16,613 $252,312 $2,995,685 $1,734,545 $1,058,296 $310,241 $105,431 $4,212,465 $23,506,741 $10,187,092 $9,630,850 $376,287 $2,224,280 $1,442,690 $8,162 $2,147,111 $1,759,980 $630,329 $1,227,004 $846,268 $67,863,558 $0 $2,036,339 $1,290,761 $380,622 $648,359 39 Sub-Total Expenses $815,315 $3,280,166 $13,581,691 $1,408,108 $15,401 $607,315 $428,777 $22,700,563 $255,231 $1,598,024 $91,194 $318,382 $1,316,944 $187,172 $0 $3,332,430 $1,509,138 $597,137 $1,093,217 $16,613 $252,312 $2,995,685 $1,734,545 $1,058,296 $0 $310,241 $105,431 $4,212,465 $23,506,741 $19,817,942 $376,287 $0 $2,224,280 $0 $0 $1,442,690 $8,162 $2,147,111 $1,759,980 $630,329 $1,227,004 $846,268 $0 $0 $67,863,558 $0 $3,327,100 $380,622 $648,359 Expense To Hold Inmates In Other Jails * $10,202 $1,280 $261,182 $1,546,920 $12,822 $640 $32 $105,703 $104,416 $122,820 $7,861 $11,536 $1,362,123 $832,624 $950,812 $521,006 Total Expenses $825,517 $3,280,166 $13,581,691 $1,408,108 $15,401 $607,315 $428,777 $22,700,563 $255,231 $1,598,024 $91,194 $318,382 $1,316,944 $187,172 $1,280 $3,332,430 $1,770,320 $2,144,057 $1,093,217 $29,435 $252,312 $2,995,685 $1,734,545 $1,058,296 $640 $310,241 $105,431 $4,212,465 $23,506,741 $19,817,942 $376,287 $32 $2,224,280 $105,703 $104,416 $1,565,510 $16,023 $2,158,647 $1,759,980 $630,329 $2,589,127 $846,268 $832,624 $950,812 $67,863,558 $521,006 $3,327,100 $380,622 $648,359 FY 2012 Locality Expense to House Jail Inmates (Alphabetical) Locality Franklin City Franklin County Frederick County Fredericksburg City Front Royal Town Giles County Gloucester County Goochland County Grayson County Greene County Greensville County Halifax County Hampton City Hanover County Harrisonburg City Henrico County Henry County Highland County Hopewell City Isle of Wight County James City County King and Queen County King George County King William County Lancaster County Lee County Lexington City Loudoun County Louisa County Lunenburg County Lynchburg City Madison County Manassas City Manassas Park City Martinsville City Mathews County Mecklenburg County Middlesex County Montgomery County Nelson County New Kent County Newport News City Newport News Jail FarmCity Norfolk City Northampton County Northumberland County Norton City Nottoway County Orange County Local Jail $0 $1,397,106 Locality Participation Regional Jail / Jail Farm $584,310 $2,257,881 $3,733,510 $2,820,743 $677,327 $1,009,600 $3,357,338 $534,389 $635,186 $720,727 $1,910,292 $3,051,586 $4,552,497 $1,255,979 $24,342,528 $763,457 $2,551,320 $835,173 $2,114,625 $392,354 $845,168 $848,155 $372,682 $22,841,749 $864,406 $56,087 $516,544 $1,260,080 $18,856 $5,484,852 $572,203 $2,822,118 $488,345 $838,493 $353,570 $1,499,032 $1,110,275 $6,965,030 $3,964,752 $8,265,669 $2,443,568 $744,397 $3,174,679 $573,086 $5,177,132 $7,552,710 $291,979 $76,109 $31,240 $1,000,737 40 Sub-Total Expenses $584,310 $3,654,987 $3,733,510 $2,820,743 $0 $677,327 $1,009,600 $0 $534,389 $635,186 $720,727 $1,910,292 $6,408,924 $4,552,497 $1,255,979 $24,342,528 $763,457 $0 $2,551,320 $835,173 $2,114,625 $392,354 $845,168 $848,155 $372,682 $864,406 $56,087 $23,358,293 $1,260,080 $18,856 $5,484,852 $572,203 $2,822,118 $488,345 $838,493 $353,570 $1,499,032 $744,397 $4,284,954 $573,086 $0 $12,142,162 $3,964,752 $15,818,379 $2,443,568 $291,979 $76,109 $31,240 $1,000,737 Expense To Hold Inmates In Other Jails * $3,840 $256 $391,230 $406,562 $12,750 $77,493 $1,491,635 $18,952 $9,800 $374,185 $726,705 $96 $24,683 Total Expenses $584,310 $3,654,987 $3,733,510 $2,820,743 $3,840 $677,583 $1,009,600 $391,230 $534,389 $635,186 $720,727 $1,910,292 $6,408,924 $4,552,497 $1,662,541 $24,355,278 $763,457 $77,493 $2,551,320 $835,173 $2,114,625 $392,354 $845,168 $848,155 $372,682 $864,406 $56,087 $24,849,928 $1,260,080 $37,808 $5,484,852 $572,203 $2,822,118 $488,345 $848,293 $353,570 $1,873,217 $744,397 $4,284,954 $573,086 $726,705 $12,142,162 $3,964,752 $15,818,379 $2,443,568 $291,979 $76,205 $55,923 $1,000,737 FY 2012 Locality Expense to House Jail Inmates (Alphabetical) Locality Page County Patrick County Petersburg City Pittsylvania County Pocahontas Town Poquoson City Portsmouth City Powhatan County Prince Edward County Prince George County Prince William County Pulaski County Radford City Rappahannock County Richlands Town Richmond City Roanoke City Roanoke County Rockbridge County Rockingham County Russell County Salem City Scott County Shenandoah County Smyth County Southampton County Spotsylvania County St. Paul Town Stafford County Staunton City Suffolk City Surry County Sussex County Tazewell County Tazwell Town Virginia Beach City Warren County Washington County Waynesboro City Williamsburg City Winchester City Wise County Wythe County York County Unidentified by Jurisdictions TOTAL Local Jail $662,785 $1,896,783 $2,861,276 $2,266,269 Locality Participation Regional Jail / Jail Farm $2,102,440 $0 $2,298,191 $4,198,452 $45,906 $1,940,080 $1,372,238 $1,596,687 $544,609 $24,022,479 $392,979 $16,634,437 $7,558,842 $2,279,692 $1,290,843 $3,437,920 $541,038 $3,328,825 $1,687,561 $1,528,217 $1,118,005 $947,037 $1,179,559 $1,023,292 $4,127,292 $5,787,169 $1,304,269 $2,604,493 $206,240 $1,179,869 $2,762,813 $18,450,679 $830,577 $1,857,002 $1,352,123 $1,283,658 $3,495,106 $2,156,887 $1,189,719 $2,635,530 $321,542,209 $149,017,516 * Data Recorded from the Other Jails' Revenue Reports 41 Sub-Total Expenses $662,785 $1,896,783 $4,963,716 $2,266,269 $0 $0 $6,496,643 $0 $45,906 $1,940,080 $25,394,717 $1,596,687 $544,609 $392,979 $0 $17,925,280 $7,558,842 $5,717,612 $541,038 $3,328,825 $1,687,561 $1,528,217 $1,118,005 $947,037 $1,179,559 $1,023,292 $4,127,292 $0 $5,787,169 $1,304,269 $2,604,493 $206,240 $1,179,869 $2,762,813 $0 $18,450,679 $830,577 $1,857,002 $1,352,123 $1,283,658 $3,495,106 $2,156,887 $1,189,719 $2,635,530 $0 $470,559,725 Expense To Hold Inmates In Other Jails * $26,070 $761,427 $1,760 $135,613 $390,576 $39,578 $64,137 $3,232 $5,240 $53,238 $737,098 $41 $27,221 $1,760 $2,592 $7,296 $29,434 $11,676,479 Total Expenses $688,855 $1,896,783 $4,963,716 $3,027,696 $1,760 $135,613 $6,496,643 $390,576 $85,484 $1,940,080 $25,458,854 $1,596,687 $544,609 $392,979 $3,232 $17,930,520 $7,558,842 $5,717,612 $541,038 $3,382,063 $1,687,561 $2,265,315 $1,118,005 $947,078 $1,179,559 $1,050,513 $4,127,292 $1,760 $5,787,169 $1,304,269 $2,604,493 $206,240 $1,182,461 $2,762,813 $7,296 $18,450,679 $830,577 $1,857,002 $1,352,123 $1,283,658 $3,495,106 $2,156,887 $1,189,719 $2,635,530 $29,434 $482,236,204 FY 2012 Locality Expense to House Jail Inmates (Four Year Historical Trend) (Alphabetical) Locality Accomack Albemarle Albemarle-C'ville Alexandria Alleghany Amelia Amherst Appomattox Arlington Ashland Augusta Bath Bedford Bedford Big Stone Gap Bland Bluefield Botetourt Bristol Brunswick Buchanan Buckingham Buena Vista Butts, Ga Cameron, NC Campbell Caroline Carroll Cedar Bluff Charles City Charlotte Charlottesville Chesapeake Chesterfield Chilhowie Clarke Clintwood Colonial Heights Coeburn Covington Craig Culpeper Cumberland Danville Dickenson County County Reg. Jail City County County County County County Town County County City County Town County Town County City County County County City City County County County County Town County County City City County Town County Town City Town City County County County City County Fiscal Year 2012 Total Expenses Fiscal Year 2011 Total Expenses $825,517 $3,280,166 $0 $13,581,691 $1,408,108 $15,401 $0 $0 $22,700,563 $255,231 $1,598,024 $91,194 $318,382 $1,316,944 $0 $187,172 $1,280 $3,332,430 $1,770,320 $2,144,057 $1,093,217 $29,435 $252,312 $0 $0 $2,995,685 $1,734,545 $1,058,296 $640 $310,241 $105,431 $4,212,465 $23,506,741 $19,817,942 $0 $376,287 $32 $2,224,280 $0 $105,703 $104,416 $1,565,510 $16,023 $3,918,627 $630,329 $877,961 $3,267,673 $3,092 $12,791,617 $662,745 $15,001 $965,552 $580,584 $22,599,593 $290,355 $1,873,574 $78,541 $342,846 $1,086,004 $0 $189,946 $1,952 $2,393,380 $1,234,238 $1,753,696 $1,422,246 $12,822 $189,492 $0 $0 $2,479,789 $1,652,422 $1,392,723 $0 $145,484 $530,175 $4,017,686 $15,974,661 $16,439,354 $320 $427,776 $32 $2,200,723 $0 $706,835 $104,416 $1,973,866 $7,701 $3,504,393 $676,299 42 Fiscal Year 2010 Fiscal Year 2009 Percentage Total Total Change Expenses Expenses FY '09 vs FY '12 $962,432 $3,059,727 $0 $12,627,936 $963,727 $15,501 $910,350 $149,534 $24,488,069 $224,142 $1,218,252 $67,138 $216,357 $1,012,415 $160 $236,163 $2,784 $2,274,295 $822,746 $1,392,163 $1,405,802 $11,194 $166,046 $0 $0 $1,694,058 $1,457,231 $1,138,347 $64 $390,394 $264,175 $4,114,585 $15,847,013 $17,181,508 $64 $397,675 $64 $2,428,063 $32 $122,592 $0 $1,505,538 $9,941 $3,460,052 $570,788 $1,009,219 $3,060,307 $0 $12,505,062 $1,132,886 $14,373 $1,029,091 $423,125 $21,648,465 $189,123 $439,342 $102,757 $298,856 $1,401,289 $352 $210,525 $8,096 $2,877,239 $779,484 $1,158,225 $1,029,544 $12,830 $193,076 $737 $200 $2,349,326 $1,149,404 $845,700 $704 $359,746 $206,236 $4,009,536 $19,348,993 $17,829,755 $0 $432,039 $224 $2,089,612 $0 $238,668 $104,416 $1,696,692 $7,447 $2,794,813 $596,887 -18.20% 7.18% 0.00% 8.61% 24.29% 7.15% -100.00% -100.00% 4.86% 34.96% 263.73% -11.25% 6.53% -6.02% -100.00% -11.09% -84.19% 15.82% 127.11% 85.12% 6.18% 129.42% 30.68% -100.00% -100.00% 27.51% 50.91% 25.14% -9.09% -13.76% -48.88% 5.06% 21.49% 11.15% 0.00% -12.90% -85.71% 6.44% 0.00% -55.71% 0.00% -7.73% 115.16% 40.21% 5.60% FY 2012 Locality Expense to House Jail Inmates (Four Year Historical Trend) (Alphabetical) Locality Dinwiddie Emporia Essex Fairfax Fairfax Falls Church Fauquier Floyd Fluvanna Franklin Franklin Frederick Fredericksburg Front Royal Giles Gloucester Goochland Grayson Greene Greenville Grundy Halifax Hampton Hanover Harrisonburg Henrico Henry Highland Hopewell Isle of Wight James City Jonesville King and Queen King George King William Lancaster Lebanon Lexington Loudoun Louisa Lunenburg Lynchburg Madison Manassas Manassas Park County City County City County City County County County City County County City Town County County County County County County Town County City County City County County County City County County Town County County County County Town City County County County City County City City Fiscal Year 2012 Total Expenses Fiscal Year 2011 Total Expenses $2,589,127 $846,268 $832,624 $950,812 $67,863,558 $521,006 $3,327,100 $380,622 $648,359 $584,310 $3,654,987 $3,733,510 $2,820,743 $3,840 $677,583 $1,009,600 $391,230 $534,389 $635,186 $720,727 $0 $1,910,292 $6,408,924 $4,552,497 $1,662,541 $24,355,278 $763,457 $77,493 $2,551,320 $835,173 $2,114,625 $0 $392,354 $845,168 $848,155 $372,682 $864,406 $56,087 $24,849,928 $1,260,080 $37,808 $5,484,852 $572,203 $2,822,118 $488,345 $1,678,088 $1,183,943 $878,725 $777,056 $56,308,049 $521,006 $3,456,096 $362,489 $534,293 $482,572 $5,692,560 $3,388,829 $3,213,870 $0 $831,816 $898,930 $464,695 $725,416 $553,256 $825,529 $0 $1,508,717 $7,149,146 $4,325,187 $1,080,232 $21,090,698 $855,832 $44,727 $1,959,372 $674,169 $2,126,648 $128 $460,157 $1,007,474 $985,593 $273,641 $1,079,152 $51,359 $13,683,174 $887,937 $18,952 $4,322,587 $431,160 $2,524,217 $510,120 43 Fiscal Year 2010 Fiscal Year 2009 Percentage Total Total Change Expenses Expenses FY '09 vs FY '12 $1,500,215 $834,669 $860,962 $777,056 $54,831,130 $521,338 $3,418,200 $341,507 $458,501 $214,286 $3,079,213 $2,644,578 $3,466,053 $1,880 $652,534 $963,474 $375,795 $683,375 $439,293 $496,807 $0 $1,261,268 $4,347,563 $3,758,980 $1,359,888 $18,585,963 $1,343,812 $28,258 $2,005,169 $410,531 $2,136,110 $0 $321,774 $974,516 $965,321 $401,335 $1,211,474 $53,773 $12,870,528 $817,213 $17,290 $3,744,294 $301,772 $2,560,390 $393,835 $1,699,883 $477,896 $780,523 $777,056 $59,915,863 $522,629 $3,522,210 $292,550 $172,296 $92,033 $1,858,971 $2,735,184 $3,208,835 $2,630 $586,029 $1,057,599 $219,960 $484,700 $161,125 $364,256 $32 $1,748,126 $5,454,157 $3,516,100 $1,583,737 $23,253,956 $1,291,617 $8,981 $1,922,126 $365,501 $1,981,797 $0 $459,131 $1,073,117 $1,083,551 $422,517 $1,188,288 $59,683 $21,797,515 $288,634 $17,888 $3,754,728 $107,066 $2,666,224 $514,276 52.31% 77.08% 6.68% 22.36% 13.26% -0.31% -5.54% 30.10% 276.31% 534.89% 96.61% 36.50% -12.09% 46.01% 15.62% -4.54% 77.86% 10.25% 294.22% 97.86% -100.00% 9.28% 17.51% 29.48% 4.98% 4.74% -40.89% 762.85% 32.73% 128.50% 6.70% 0.00% -14.54% -21.24% -21.72% -11.79% -27.26% -6.03% 14.00% 336.57% 111.36% 46.08% 434.44% 5.85% -5.04% FY 2012 Locality Expense to House Jail Inmates (Four Year Historical Trend) (Alphabetical) Locality Marion Martinsville Mathews Mecklenburg Middlesex Montgomery Nelson New Kent Newport News Norfolk Northampton Northumberland Norton Nottaway Orange Page Patrick Pennington Gap Petersburg Pittsylvania Pocahontas Poquoson Portsmouth Pound Powhatan Prince Edward Prince George Prince William Pulaski Radford Rappahannock Rappahannock Richlands Richmond Roanoke Roanoke Rockbridge Rockingham Russell Salem Saltville St. Paul Scott Shenandoah Smyth Fiscal Year 2012 Total Expenses Town City County County County County County County City City County County City County County County County Town City County Town City City Town County County County County County City County Regional Jail Town City City County County County County City Town Town County County County $0 $848,293 $353,570 $1,873,217 $744,397 $4,284,954 $573,086 $726,705 $16,106,914 $15,818,379 $2,443,568 $291,979 $76,205 $55,923 $1,000,737 $688,855 $1,896,783 $0 $4,963,716 $3,027,696 $1,760 $135,613 $6,496,643 $0 $390,576 $85,484 $1,940,080 $25,458,854 $1,596,687 $544,609 $392,979 $0 $3,232 $17,930,520 $7,558,842 $5,717,612 $541,038 $3,382,063 $1,687,561 $2,265,315 $0 $1,760 $1,118,005 $947,078 $1,179,559 Fiscal Year 2011 Total Expenses $416 $840,031 $519,469 $2,044,662 $718,333 $3,658,711 $487,184 $669,130 $10,150,856 $17,981,266 $1,050,801 $2,354,483 $86,042 $24,683 $920,207 $742,347 $858,299 $160 $4,300,316 $2,461,861 $0 $135,613 $7,752,120 $288 $374,471 $39,578 $1,586,708 $21,742,132 $1,942,180 $669,032 $345,046 $0 $3,712 $12,980,522 $7,005,974 $6,358,823 $713,561 $2,748,455 $1,712,854 $1,872,222 $480 $0 $1,046,767 $943,681 $1,135,841 44 Fiscal Year 2010 Fiscal Year 2009 Percentage Total Total Change Expenses Expenses FY '09 vs FY '12 $1,088 $631,764 $521,795 $1,754,501 $808,783 $2,869,748 $492,153 $487,490 $14,449,892 $13,965,812 $1,185,193 $307,723 $98,688 $25,204 $832,374 $586,633 $413,809 $32 $4,461,823 $2,480,145 $0 $122,057 $7,258,174 $192 $318,284 $47,352 $1,319,118 $21,836,365 $1,825,612 $655,204 $396,833 $0 $6,240 $14,940,670 $6,932,423 $5,948,039 $700,206 $1,281,821 $1,312,739 $777,455 $0 $1,792 $818,558 $645,390 $1,125,307 $0 $715,178 $468,314 $1,640,673 $881,532 $1,947,671 $488,754 $230,000 $13,768,282 $16,738,233 $2,725,470 $308,790 $112,061 $18,732 $324,569 $584,821 $400,931 $0 $3,896,476 $1,844,966 $64 $116,234 $6,718,906 $0 $383,874 $46,442 $980,646 $28,843,241 $1,651,525 $603,475 $379,994 $43,609 $7,488 $13,259,464 $5,353,113 2,941,586 $543,735 $1,720,899 $1,155,939 $1,095,035 $0 $224 $675,552 $579,674 $989,363 0.00% 18.61% -24.50% 14.17% -15.56% 120.00% 17.25% 215.96% 16.99% -5.50% -10.34% -5.44% -32.00% 198.54% 208.33% 17.79% 373.09% 0.00% 27.39% 64.11% 2650.00% 16.67% -3.31% 0.00% 1.75% 84.07% 97.84% -11.73% -3.32% -9.75% 3.42% -100.00% -56.84% 35.23% 41.20% 94.37% -0.50% 96.53% 45.99% 106.87% 0.00% 685.71% 65.50% 63.38% 19.22% FY 2012 Locality Expense to House Jail Inmates (Four Year Historical Trend) (Alphabetical) Locality Fiscal Year 2012 Total Expenses Southampton County Soutside Reg Regional Southwest Reg Regional Jail Spotsylvania County Stafford County Staunton City Suffolk City Surry County Sussex County Tazewell County Tazewell Town Union County Virginia Beach City Warren County Warrenton Town Washington County Waynesboro City Westmoreland County Williamsburg City Winchester City Wise Town Wise County Wythe County York County STATE-WIDE TOTAL $1,050,513 $0 $0 $4,127,292 $5,787,169 $1,304,269 $2,604,493 $206,240 $1,182,461 $2,762,813 $7,296 $0 $18,450,679 $830,577 $0 $1,857,002 $1,352,123 $0 $1,283,658 $3,495,106 $0 $2,156,887 $1,189,719 $2,635,530 $481,170,678 Fiscal Year 2011 Total Expenses $1,057,079 $4,150 $0 $3,586,267 $5,622,880 $1,500,847 $1,994,831 $177,415 $1,188,723 $3,199,747 $6,016 $35 $34,840,647 $653,043 $40 $2,034,436 $1,550,544 $150,096 $1,202,018 $3,557,480 $0 $2,147,797 $1,580,684 $2,699,855 $444,429,109 45 Fiscal Year 2010 Fiscal Year 2009 Percentage Total Total Change Expenses Expenses FY '09 vs FY '12 $952,652 $1,700 $215 $3,932,020 $6,467,461 $907,410 $742,045 $124,175 $1,154,610 $2,635,616 $2,752 $0 $14,622,802 $710,201 $480 $1,617,704 $985,905 ($1,694,940) $1,159,541 $3,199,651 $256 $1,879,640 $1,433,466 $2,684,854 $397,069,775 $833,953 $0 $0 $3,618,622 $5,246,159 $321,026 $306,654 $151,509 $1,201,053 $2,217,978 $27,788 $0 $13,322,847 $200,614 $660 $1,402,057 $353,280 $216,331 $1,069,356 $3,403,197 $64 $1,663,586 $1,146,575 $2,644,333 $412,448,880 25.97% 0.00% 0.00% 14.06% 10.31% 306.28% 749.33% 36.12% -1.55% 24.56% -73.74% 0.00% 38.49% 314.02% -100.00% 32.45% 282.73% -100.00% 20.04% 2.70% -100.00% 29.65% 3.76% -0.33% 16.66% APPENDIX A Individual Jail Reports (66) Alphabetical Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board ACCOMACK COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed Yes 0 0 46 1968 37 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 29,642 0 81 46 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 177% TOTAL 177% STATE RESPONSIBLE 29,642 Expenses Per Inmate Day $39.36 $3.81 $4.00 $0.00 $0.26 $8.56 $0.09 $5.69 $61.76 Per Inmate Day $1,166,670 $112,909 $118,694 $0 $7,661 $253,692 $2,528 $168,587 $1,830,741 $0 $0 $1,830,741 29,642 $0.00 $0.00 $61.76 Revenue Per Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $801,607 $138,908 $0 $138,908 $0 ($4,404) $0.00 $27.04 $4.69 $0.00 $4.69 $0.00 (0.15) $0.00 $0.39 $0.05 $27.51 $0.00 $0.00 $0.22 $2.02 $11,459 $1,600 $815,315 $0 $0 $6,472 $59,784 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $1,830,741 $61.76 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,830,741 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $61.76 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures No Yes 0 No Yes No $0 $0.00 46 51.13% STATE FUNDED 0.71% FEDERAL FUNDED 44.53% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 3.62% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board ALBEMARLE-CHARLOTTESVILLE REGIONAL FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other No No 32 120 209 1971;1994;2002 1971,1994,2002 123 Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch 189,005 10 518 329 OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 157% TOTAL 154% STATE RESPONSIBLE 190,313 Expenses Per Inmate Day $52.76 $4.61 $3.10 $0.59 $0.18 $8.48 $0.00 $0.00 $69.73 Per Inmate Day $10,041,126 $877,803 $590,660 $112,392 $34,927 $1,613,498 $0 $0 $13,270,406 $819,727 $571,535 $14,661,668 190,313 $4.31 $3.00 $77.04 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $4,020,682 $1,153,820 ($77,533) $1,076,287 $0 ($10,298) $187,451 $0 $12,810 $7,480,677 $21,719 $0 $58,061 $443,954 $0.00 $21.13 $6.06 ($0.41) 5.66 $0.00 ($0.05) $0.99 $0.00 $0.07 $39.31 $0.11 $0.00 $0.31 $2.33 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $13,291,343 $69.84 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $585,040 $0 $0 $0 $13,876,383 $3.07 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $72.91 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 31 Mixed Yes No ($785,285) ($4.13) 47 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $51.36 34.69% STATE FUNDED 1.37% FEDERAL FUNDED 51.02% LOCAL OPERATING 3.99% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 3.56% OTHER FUNDED 94.64% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board ALEXANDRIA CITY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Yes Yes 150 340 0 1987 112 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 153,316 175 420 340 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 124% TOTAL 72% STATE RESPONSIBLE 154,732 Expenses Per Inmate Day $119.02 $3.95 $15.43 $0.00 $0.98 $5.16 $0.00 $11.75 $156.28 Per Inmate Day $18,416,879 $611,160 $2,387,061 $0 $151,392 $798,122 $0 $1,817,422 $24,182,036 $0 $0 $24,182,036 154,732 $0.00 $0.00 $156.28 Revenue Per Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $3,557,005 $510,328 $0 $510,328 $0 ($16,114) $6,902,105 $123,447 $5,400 $12,936,349 $0 $0 $7,305 $156,211 $0.00 $22.99 $3.30 $0.00 $3.30 (0.10) $44.61 $0.80 $0.03 $83.60 $0.00 $0.00 $0.05 $1.01 Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $108.18 $24,182,036 $156.28 Per Inmate Day $24,182,036 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $156.28 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 75 Yes Yes No $0 $0.00 48 16.75% STATE FUNDED 29.08% FEDERAL FUNDED 53.50% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 0.67% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board ALLEGHANY COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Yes No 0 0 56 2001 24 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 31,928 0 87 56 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 156% TOTAL 156% STATE RESPONSIBLE 31,928 Expenses Per Inmate Day $49.94 $7.09 $2.39 $0.00 $0.55 $2.12 $0.00 $9.32 $71.41 Per Inmate Day $1,594,433 $226,279 $76,368 $0 $17,585 $67,804 $0 $297,508 $2,279,977 $0 $455,130 $2,735,107 31,928 $0.00 $14.25 $85.66 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $942,006 $192,432 $0 $192,432 $0 ($4,326) $0 $0 $0 $1,058,681 $91,184 $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $29.50 $6.03 $0.00 $6.03 $0.00 (0.14) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $33.16 $2.86 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,279,977 $71.41 Per Inmate Day $349,427 $105,703 $10.94 $3.31 $0.00 $0.00 $85.66 Per Inmate Day $2,735,107 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 0 Yes Yes No $0 $0.00 49 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE 41.32% STATE FUNDED 0.00% FEDERAL FUNDED 38.70% LOCAL OPERATING 12.78% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 7.20% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board ARLINGTON COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Yes Yes 0 474 0 1994 186 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 160,294 5 439 474 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed TOTAL REVENUES Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 93% TOTAL 92% STATE RESPONSIBLE 161,364 Expenses Per Inmate Day $146.45 $6.96 $20.43 $0.00 $0.61 $8.22 $5.24 $0.00 $187.91 Per Inmate Day $23,632,213 $1,122,805 $3,295,919 $0 $97,820 $1,326,954 $845,809 $0 $30,321,520 $0 $2,066,725 $32,388,245 161,364 $0.00 $12.81 $200.72 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $5,999,841 $868,294 ($48,681) $819,613 $0 (1,966) $152,286 $847,977 $11,359 $21,926,142 $521,006 $0 $29,752 $15,510 $0.00 $37.18 $5.38 ($0.30) $5.08 $0.00 (0.01) $0.95 $5.26 $0.07 $135.88 $3.23 $0.00 $0.18 $0.10 $30,321,520 $187.91 Per Inmate Day $0 $0.00 $0.00 $12.81 $200.72 Per Inmate Day $2,066,725 $32,388,245 $0 $0.00 50 Yes Yes 0 Yes Yes No FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $87.01 27.43% STATE FUNDED 3.12% FEDERAL FUNDED 67.71% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 1.74% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board BLUE RIDGE REGIONAL FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built 5 locations Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 10 959 858 1935:2011 450 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 418,810 7 1,147 832 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 138% TOTAL 137% STATE RESPONSIBLE 418,943 Expenses Per Inmate Day $41.52 $3.38 $4.01 $0.14 $0.62 $7.78 $0.00 $0.00 $57.45 Per Inmate Day $17,388,529 $1,416,275 $1,680,437 $60,372 $258,565 $3,257,564 $0 $0 $24,061,742 $0.00 $7.82 $65.27 $3,274,140 $27,335,882 418,943 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $10,656,034 $2,448,529 ($60,289) $2,388,240 $80,711 (23,603) $94,390 $0 $0 $9,274,192 $1,254,484 $0 $120,073 $1,422,440 $0.00 $25.44 $5.84 ($0.14) $5.70 $0.19 (0.06) $0.23 $0.00 $0.00 $22.14 $2.99 $0.00 $0.29 $3.40 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $25,266,961 $60.31 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $3,634,670 $0 $0 $0 $28,901,631 $8.68 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $68.99 Per Inmate Day $1,565,749 $3.74 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Mixed Mixed 29 Mixed Mixed Mixed 51 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $36.84 47.93% STATE FUNDED 0.35% FEDERAL FUNDED 33.92% LOCAL OPERATING 13.30% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 10.23% OTHER FUNDED 105.72% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board BOTETOURT FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 0 124 2008 51 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 42,944 0 118 124 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 95% TOTAL 95% STATE RESPONSIBLE 43,173 Expenses Per Inmate Day $62.86 $4.59 $1.37 $0.00 $1.24 $8.72 $1.38 $29.03 $109.20 Per Inmate Day $2,713,746 $198,123 $59,134 $0 $53,712 $376,522 $59,592 $1,253,475 $4,714,304 $0 $587,729 $5,302,033 43,173 $13.61 $122.81 Revenue Per Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $1,537,195 $255,832 $0 $255,832 $0 (6,801) $0 $0 $5,000 $2,751,421 $104,416 $0 $28,272 $38,969 $0.00 $35.61 $5.93 $0.00 $5.93 $0.00 (0.16) $0.00 $0.00 $0.12 $63.73 $2.42 $0.00 $0.65 $0.90 Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $0.00 $4,714,304 $109.20 Per Inmate Day $587,729 $13.61 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $122.81 Per Inmate Day $5,302,033 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Mixed Mixed 3 Mixed Mixed Mixed $0 $0.00 52 33.69% STATE FUNDED 0.09% FEDERAL FUNDED 51.89% LOCAL OPERATING 11.08% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 3.25% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board BRISTOL CITY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 0 67 1,970 42 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 51,973 0 142 67 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Mixed Local Salary Supplement Yes # of Locally Funded Positions 10 partially Air Conditioned No Houses Females Yes Operates Dispatch No OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 213% TOTAL 213% STATE RESPONSIBLE 51,973 Expenses Per Inmate Day $36.59 $4.34 $7.89 $0.00 $0.71 $4.97 $1.88 $3.17 $59.55 Per Inmate Day $1,901,841 $225,689 $410,024 $0 $36,766 $258,144 $97,525 $164,868 $3,094,857 $0 $0 $3,094,857 51,973 $0.00 $0.00 $59.55 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $1,246,513 $302,147 ($1,752) $300,395 $0 (6,438) 8,505 $0 $5,000 $1,501,191 $0 $0 $7,948 $31,743 $0.00 $23.98 $5.81 ($0.03) $5.78 (0.12) 0.17 $0.00 $0.10 $28.88 $0.00 $0.00 $0.15 $0.61 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $3,094,857 $59.55 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,094,857 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $59.55 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $0 53 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $0.00 49.78% STATE FUNDED 0.44% FEDERAL FUNDED 48.51% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 1.27% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board BRUNSWICK COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 0 24 1,991 17 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 18,848 0 52 24 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 215% TOTAL 215% STATE RESPONSIBLE 21,031 Expenses Per Inmate Day $47.91 $3.80 $3.17 $0.00 $1.43 $3.30 $0.19 $4.50 $64.31 Per Inmate Day $1,007,613 $79,886 $66,770 $0 $30,082 $69,423 $4,062 $94,697 $1,352,533 $0 $0 $1,352,533 21,031 $0.00 $0.00 $64.31 Revenue Per $0 $455,775 $136,528 ($540) $135,988 $0 ($1,970) $0 $0 $800 $697,137 $0 $0 $5,525 $59,278 Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0.00 $21.67 $6.49 ($0.03) $6.47 $0.00 (0.09) $0.00 $0.00 $0.04 $33.15 $0.00 $0.00 $0.26 $2.82 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $1,352,533 $64.31 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,352,533 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $64.31 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Mixed Mixed 0 Yes Mixed Mixed $0 54 43.61% STATE FUNDED 0.06% FEDERAL FUNDED 51.55% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 4.78% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board CENTRAL VIRGINIA REGIONAL FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Mixed No 150 0 242 1990;1995;2000 52 Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch 140,344 86 385 242 OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 159% TOTAL 123% STATE RESPONSIBLE 140,846 Expenses Per Inmate Day $37.15 $4.14 $2.82 $0.01 $0.47 $6.45 $4.12 $0.00 $55.17 Per Inmate Day $5,232,397 $582,760 $397,626 $2,034 $65,592 $908,888 $580,542 $0 $7,769,839 $0 $0 $7,769,839 140,846 $0.00 $0.00 $55.17 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $1,811,083 $662,676 $0 $662,676 $0 ($4,353) $1,769,592 $0 $0 $4,116,565 $0 $0 $97,634 $221,233 $0.00 $12.86 $4.70 $0.00 $4.71 $0.00 (0.03) $12.57 $0.00 $0.00 $29.23 $0.00 $0.00 $0.69 $1.57 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $8,674,430 $61.59 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,674,430 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $61.59 Per Inmate Day $904,591 $6.42 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $56.37 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures No Yes 53 Yes Yes No 55 31.78% STATE FUNDED 22.78% FEDERAL FUNDED 52.98% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 4.09% OTHER FUNDED 111.64% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board CHARLOTTE COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 0 29 1987;2002 16 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 23,166 0 63 29 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 219% TOTAL 219% STATE RESPONSIBLE 23,166 Expenses Per Inmate Day $37.51 $8.11 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.80 $0.05 $0.00 $51.47 Per Inmate Day $868,915 $187,786 $23,193 $0 $0 $111,131 $1,230 $0 $1,192,255 $0 $0 $1,192,255 23,166 $0.00 $0.00 $51.47 Revenue Per $0 $518,545 $225,754 $0 $225,754 $0 ($2,244) $0 $0 $0 $105,431 $224,640 $0 $96,461 $23,668 Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0.00 $22.38 $9.75 $0.00 $9.75 $0.00 (0.10) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.55 $9.70 $0.00 $4.16 $1.02 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $1,192,255 $51.47 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,192,255 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $51.47 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 4 Yes Yes Yes $0 56 62.24% STATE FUNDED 0.00% FEDERAL FUNDED 8.84% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 28.91% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board CHESAPEAKE CITY FISCAL YEAR 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other SUB-TOTAL OPERATING 2012 Yes Yes 50 240 303 1963;1987;1997 209 Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch 420,318 30 1,152 543 OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 212% TOTAL 207% STATE RESPONSIBLE 423,846 Expenses Per Inmate Day $49.71 $2.61 $8.75 $0.00 $1.60 $4.64 $8.19 $3.80 $79.30 Per Inmate Day $21,069,766 $1,106,058 $3,708,031 $0 $679,980 $1,967,591 $3,469,462 $1,611,413 $33,612,301 $0 $2,385,241 $35,997,542 423,846 $0.00 $5.63 $84.93 Revenue Per Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $7,155,049 $2,490,588 ($220,940) $ 2,269,648 $0 $ (32,014) $691,210 $0 $27,653 $21,121,500 $0 $0 $546,398 $997,142 $0.00 $16.88 $5.88 ($0.52) 5.36 (0.08) $1.63 $0.00 $0.07 $49.83 $0.00 $0.00 $1.29 $2.35 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $63.18 $32,776,586 $77.33 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related $2,385,241 Commonwealth Construction Reimbursement $835,715 Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed $0 TOTAL REVENUES $35,997,542 $5.63 $1.97 $0.00 $84.93 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Mixed Mixed 163 Yes Mixed Mixed $0 57 28.41% STATE FUNDED 2.00% FEDERAL FUNDED 58.67% LOCAL OPERATING 6.63% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 4.29% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board CHESTERFIELD COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed Yes 0 0 250 1994;2006 105 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 119,588 0 328 250 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 131% TOTAL 131% STATE RESPONSIBLE 122,478 Expenses Per Inmate Day $87.24 $3.17 $2.96 $0.00 $0.11 $10.46 $0.34 $4.84 $109.12 Per Inmate Day $10,684,486 $388,184 $362,312 $0 $13,851 $1,280,800 $42,212 $593,088 $13,364,933 $73,320 $1,383,414 $14,821,667 122,478 $0.60 $11.30 $121.01 Revenue Per $5,674 $3,396,113 $541,264 $23 $541,287 $0 ($10,264) $0 $0 $246,811 $8,803,678 $0 $0 $203,084 $251,870 Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0.05 $27.73 $4.42 $0.00 $4.42 $0.00 (0.08) $0.00 $0.00 $2.02 $71.88 $0.00 $0.00 $1.66 $2.06 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $0.00 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $13,438,253 $109.72 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $1,383,414 $0 $0 $0 $14,821,667 $11.30 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $121.01 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Mixed Mixed 74 Yes Mixed Mixed $0 58 26.53% STATE FUNDED 1.67% FEDERAL FUNDED 59.40% LOCAL OPERATING 9.33% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 3.07% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board CULPEPER COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions No No 0 0 37 1908;1986 35 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 27,687 0 76 37 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 205% TOTAL 205% STATE RESPONSIBLE 29,116 Expenses Per Inmate Day $66.07 $5.02 $5.71 $0.00 $0.24 $9.22 $0.05 $5.40 $91.71 Per Inmate Day $1,923,751 $146,045 $166,127 $0 $6,969 $268,545 $1,517 $157,143 $2,670,097 $0 $0 $2,670,097 29,116 $0.00 $0.00 $91.71 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $1,032,698 $139,523 ($4,510) $135,013 0 ($5,365) $0 $0 $1,600 $1,442,690 $0 $0 $9,605 $53,856 $0.00 $35.47 $4.79 ($0.15) $4.64 ($0.18) $0.00 $0.00 $0.05 $49.55 $0.00 $0.00 $0.33 $1.85 $2,670,097 $91.71 Per Inmate Day $2,670,097 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $91.71 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Mixed Yes 0 Yes Yes No $0 59 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $0.00 43.53% STATE FUNDED 0.06% FEDERAL FUNDED 54.03% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 2.38% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board DANVILLE CITY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed Mixed 0 0 254 1975--2002 59 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 103,809 0 284 213 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 134% TOTAL 133% STATE RESPONSIBLE 103,809 Expenses Per Inmate Day $26.57 $4.48 $4.07 $0.00 $0.62 $4.75 $0.02 $5.42 $45.92 Per Inmate Day $2,758,052 $464,701 $422,763 $0 $63,852 $492,814 $1,996 $563,039 $4,767,217 $0 $23,932 $4,791,149 103,809 $0.00 $0.23 $46.15 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $1,968,466 $579,989 ($1,018) $578,971 $0 ($7,261) $360 $7,757 $6,000 $2,123,179 $0 $0 $512 $89,233 $0.00 $18.96 $5.59 ($0.01) $5.58 $0.00 (0.07) $0.00 $0.07 $0.06 $20.45 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.86 $4,767,217 $45.92 Per Inmate Day $23,932 $0.23 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $46.15 Per Inmate Day $4,791,149 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures No Yes 3 Yes Yes No $0 60 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $0.00 53.02% STATE FUNDED 0.29% FEDERAL FUNDED 44.31% LOCAL OPERATING 0.50% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 1.86% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board DANVILLE CITY JAIL FARM FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed Yes 0 0 120 1,962 0 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 57,937 0 159 120 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 132% TOTAL 132% STATE RESPONSIBLE 57,937 Expenses Per Inmate Day $27.94 $5.05 $2.92 $0.00 $0.88 $4.95 $0.03 $6.52 $48.28 Per Inmate Day $1,618,747 $292,646 $169,005 $0 $50,744 $286,784 $1,651 $377,612 $2,797,189 $0 $0 $2,797,189 57,937 $0.00 $0.00 $48.28 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $0 $982,052 $0 $982,052 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,759,980 $0 $0 $3,790 $51,367 $0.00 $0.00 $16.95 $0.00 $16.95 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $30.38 $0.00 $0.00 $0.07 $0.89 $2,797,189 $48.28 Per Inmate Day $2,797,189 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $48.28 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures No Yes 36 No No No $0 61 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE 35.11% STATE FUNDED 0.00% FEDERAL FUNDED 62.92% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 1.97% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board DINWIDDIE COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Yes No 0 0 32 1972 16 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 16,807 0 46 32 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 144% TOTAL 144% STATE RESPONSIBLE 16,807 Expenses Per Inmate Day $43.63 $6.92 $14.59 $1.77 $0.64 $11.91 $0.00 $8.31 $87.78 Per Inmate Day $733,322 $116,361 $245,197 $29,811 $10,715 $200,246 $0 $139,621 $1,475,273 $65,800 $0 $1,541,073 16,807 $3.92 $0.00 $91.69 Revenue Per Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $481,622 99,880 ($59) 99,821 $0 (1,935) $0 $0 $1,400 $930,268 $0 $3,718 $2,732 $23,447 $0.00 $28.66 $5.94 ($0.00) $5.94 $0.00 (0.12) $0.00 $0.00 $0.08 $55.35 $0.00 $0.22 $0.16 $1.40 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $1,541,073 $91.69 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed Commonwealth Construction Reimbursement CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,541,073 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $91.69 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Mixed Mixed 6 Mixed Mixed Mixed $0 62 37.60% STATE FUNDED 0.09% FEDERAL FUNDED 60.36% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 1.94% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board FAIRFAX COUNTY FISCAL YEAR FISCAL YEAR 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES 2012 Mixed Yes 0 750 510 1978;1987;1998 391 Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch 460,133 9 1,257 1,260 OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 100% TOTAL 99% STATE RESPONSIBLE 464,504 Expenses Per Inmate Day $133.82 $4.71 $3.08 $1.02 $1.77 $12.75 $0.00 $12.96 $170.12 Per Inmate Day $62,159,691 $2,188,703 $1,432,773 $475,664 $821,065 $5,922,468 $0 $6,020,251 $79,020,615 $0 $6,034,394 $85,055,009 464,504 $12.99 $183.11 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $11,573,759 $2,674,496 ($79,228) $2,595,267 $0 (32,534) $261,122 $460,221 $16,082 $61,906,902 $795,336 $0 $631,884 $812,576 $0.00 $24.92 $5.76 ($0.17) $5.59 $0.00 (0.07) $0.56 $0.99 $0.03 $133.28 $1.71 $0.00 $1.36 $1.75 $79,020,615 $170.12 Per Inmate Day $5,956,656 $77,738 $0 $0 $85,055,009 $12.82 $0.17 $0.00 $0.00 $183.11 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 95 Yes Yes No $0 63 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $79.49 16.63% STATE FUNDED 0.87% FEDERAL FUNDED 72.78% LOCAL OPERATING 7.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 2.72% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board FAUQUIER COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 FISCAL YEAR 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed Mixed 0 0 56 1966 28 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 40,106 0 110 56 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 196% TOTAL 196% STATE RESPONSIBLE 41,564 Expenses Per Inmate Day $56.98 $4.75 $1.74 $0.00 $0.25 $7.15 $0.00 $8.56 $79.43 Per Inmate Day $2,368,217 $197,596 $72,333 $0 $10,260 $297,194 $0 $355,993 $3,301,593 $0 $0 $3,301,593 41,564 $0.00 $0.00 $79.43 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $910,276 $217,632 $0 $217,632 $0 (4,035) $0 $0 $0 $2,036,339 $0 $0 $95,650 $45,731 $0.00 $21.90 $5.24 $0.00 $5.24 $0.00 (0.10) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $48.99 $0.00 $0.00 $2.30 $1.10 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $3,301,593 $79.43 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,301,593 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $79.43 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 18 Yes Yes No $0 64 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE 34.04% STATE FUNDED 0.00% FEDERAL FUNDED 61.68% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 4.28% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board FRANKLIN COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 FISCAL YEAR 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 0 49 1937;1987 20 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 20,935 0 57 49 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES Jail "Books" Inmates Mixed Local Salary Supplement Yes # of Locally Funded Positions 0 Air Conditioned No Houses Females No Operates Dispatch No OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 117% TOTAL 117% STATE RESPONSIBLE 20,935 Expenses Per Inmate Day $64.94 $11.03 $2.31 $0.00 $1.65 $6.26 $0.12 $10.77 $97.08 Per Inmate Day $1,359,519 $230,932 $48,370 $0 $34,647 $131,127 $2,429 $225,383 $2,032,407 $0 $0 $2,032,407 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 20,935 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants $0 Salaries $460,231 Per-Diems (Gross) $135,128 - Overhead Recovery ($731) Per-Diems (Net) $134,397 Office / Vehicles $ Other (2,542) Federal: Per-Diems $0 Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds $0 Other $0 Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) $1,397,106 Non-Local Jurisdictional $0 Out of State $0 Work Release $15,854 Other $27,361 $0.00 $0.00 $97.08 Revenue Per Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0.00 $21.98 $6.45 ($0.03) $6.42 (0.12) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $66.74 $0.00 $0.00 $0.76 $1.31 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $2,032,407 $97.08 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,032,407 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $97.08 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $0 65 29.13% STATE FUNDED 0.00% FEDERAL FUNDED 68.74% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 2.13% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board GLOUCESTER COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 FISCAL YEAR 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 4 0 42 1984 31 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 27,405 0 75 42 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Yes Local Salary Supplement Yes # of Locally Funded Positions 0 Air Conditioned Yes Houses Females Mixed Operates Dispatch No OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 179% TOTAL 179% STATE RESPONSIBLE 27,412 Expenses Per Inmate Day $48.01 $4.15 $6.77 $0.00 $1.58 $4.11 $0.94 $9.80 $75.35 Per Inmate Day $1,316,088 $113,724 $185,485 $0 $43,330 $112,548 $25,725 $268,720 $2,065,620 $0 $0 $2,065,620 27,412 $0.00 $0.00 $75.35 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $820,521 $152,620 ($237) $152,383 $5,000 (3,689) $621 $0 $0 $1,009,600 $0 $0 $44,928 $36,256 $0.00 $29.93 $5.57 ($0.01) $5.56 $0.18 (0.13) $0.02 $0.00 $0.00 $36.83 $0.00 $0.00 $1.64 $1.32 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $2,065,620 $75.35 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,065,620 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $75.35 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $0 66 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE 47.16% STATE FUNDED 0.03% FEDERAL FUNDED 48.88% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 3.92% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board HAMPTON CITY FISCAL YEAR 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other 2012 No Yes 0 0 468 1962;1979;1998 158 Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch 148,564 0 407 468 OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 87% TOTAL 87% STATE RESPONSIBLE 148,564 Expenses Per Inmate Day $42.72 $3.13 $2.06 $0.00 $0.25 $6.14 $0.27 $1.29 $55.87 Per Inmate Day $6,347,116 $465,622 $306,703 $0 $37,517 $912,567 $40,108 $191,050 $8,300,683 $0 $579,003 $8,879,686 148,564 $0.00 $3.90 $59.77 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $4,491,567 $820,099 ($843) $819,256 $96,057 ($21,822) $975 $0 $50 $2,778,335 $0 $0 $360 $135,905 $0.00 $30.23 $5.52 ($0.01) $5.52 $0.65 ($0.15) $0.01 $0.00 $0.00 $18.70 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.91 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $8,300,683 $55.87 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $579,003 $0 $0 $0 $8,879,686 $3.90 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $59.77 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 1 Yes Yes No $0 67 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE 60.64% STATE FUNDED 0.01% FEDERAL FUNDED 31.29% LOCAL OPERATING 6.52% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 1.52% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board HAMPTON ROADS REGIONAL FISCAL YEAR 2012 FISCAL YEAR 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Yes Yes 0 0 798 1998 303 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 434,587 317 1,187 798 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 149% TOTAL 109% STATE RESPONSIBLE 434,587 Expenses Per Inmate Day $35.83 $2.72 $20.59 $0.00 $0.25 $8.91 0.38 $0.00 $68.68 Per Inmate Day $15,570,566 $1,180,734 $8,948,793 $0 $109,969 $3,871,692 163,564 $0 $29,845,318 $0 $3,649,681 $33,494,999 434,587 $0.00 $8.40 $77.07 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $8,711,228 $2,433,816 ($2,377,609) $56,207 $451,115 25,495 $8,797,146 $0 $20,235 $10,581,025 $0 $0 $0 $963,155 $0.00 $20.04 $5.60 ($5.47) 0.13 $1.04 0.06 $20.24 $0.00 $0.05 $24.35 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.22 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $29,605,606 Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $3,649,681 $0 $0 $0 $33,255,287 $68.12 Per Inmate Day $0.00 $8.40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $76.52 Per Inmate Day ($239,712) (0.55) Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $76.03 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures No Yes 0 Yes Yes No 68 27.60% STATE FUNDED 26.32% FEDERAL FUNDED 31.59% LOCAL OPERATING 10.90% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 2.87% OTHER FUNDED 99.27% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board HENRICO COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 FISCAL YEAR 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Yes yes 0 458 329 1979:1995 292 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 424,119 0 1,162 787 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 148% TOTAL 148% STATE RESPONSIBLE 426,762 Expenses Per Inmate Day $43.23 $3.22 $14.74 $1.56 $0.76 $8.54 $0.10 $11.24 $83.39 Per Inmate Day $18,447,296 $1,372,232 $6,288,675 $667,814 $323,399 $3,644,756 $43,913 $4,798,692 $35,586,777 $0 $2,190,125 $37,776,902 426,762 $0.00 $5.13 $88.52 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $9,400,508 $2,252,690 $0 $2,252,690 $0 ($44,935) $0 $30,421 $17,000 $22,152,403 $1,117,935 $0 $295,731 $365,024 $0.00 $22.03 $5.28 $0.00 $5.28 $0.00 (0.11) $0.00 $0.07 $0.04 $51.91 $2.62 $0.00 $0.69 $0.86 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $35,586,777 Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $2,190,125 $0 $0 $37,776,902 $83.39 Per Inmate Day $0.00 $0.00 $5.13 $0.00 $0.00 $88.52 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Mixed Mixed 21 Mixed Mixed Mixed $0 69 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE 30.73% STATE FUNDED 0.13% FEDERAL FUNDED 58.64% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 10.50% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board HENRY COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 0 67 1974;1991 45 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 59,866 0 164 67 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 245% TOTAL 244% STATE RESPONSIBLE 60,775 Expenses Per Inmate Day $32.27 $3.60 $0.81 $0.00 $0.50 $6.10 $0.07 $2.30 $45.65 Per Inmate Day $1,961,399 $218,674 $49,474 $0 $30,442 $370,845 $4,002 $139,821 $2,774,657 $0 $0 $2,774,657 60,775 $0.00 $0.00 $45.65 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $1,600,279 $297,119 ($514) $296,605 $0 (7,038) $10,018 $0 $2,200 $763,457 $0 $0 $8,911 $100,225 $0.00 $26.33 $4.89 ($0.01) $4.88 $0.00 (0.12) $0.17 $0.00 $0.04 $12.56 $0.00 $0.00 $0.15 $1.65 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $2,774,657 $45.65 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,774,657 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $45.65 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Mixed Mixed 16 Mixed Mixed Mixed $0 70 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $80.14 68.11% STATE FUNDED 0.44% FEDERAL FUNDED 27.52% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 3.93% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board LANCASTER COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Yes No 0 0 26 1978 14 Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 9,164 0 25 26 OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 97% TOTAL 97% STATE RESPONSIBLE ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other 11,104 Expenses Per Inmate Day 58.27 $7.30 $2.69 $0.00 $0.74 $16.40 $0.00 $0.00 $85.39 Per Inmate Day $646,995 $81,022 $29,831 $0 $8,166 $182,145 $0 $0 $948,159 $0 $0 $948,159 11,104 $0.00 $0.00 $85.39 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal 0 $0 $502,232 $64,868 $0 $64,868 ($2,269) $0 $0 $0 $372,682 $0 $0 $6,447 $4,199 (All) Inmate Day SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $948,159 $85.39 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $948,159 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $85.39 Per Inmate Day $0.00 $45.23 $5.84 $0.00 $5.85 (0.20) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $33.56 $0.00 $0.00 $0.58 $0.38 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 2 Yes No Yes $0 71 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE 59.57% STATE FUNDED 0.00% FEDERAL FUNDED 39.31% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 1.12% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board LOUDOUN COUNTY Fiscal Year 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Yes No 0 143 124 1993;2007 153 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 88,440 3 242 287 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 84% TOTAL 83% STATE RESPONSIBLE 89,024 Expenses Per Inmate Day $164.43 $3.40 $18.13 $0.00 $3.14 $15.05 $3.71 $17.44 $225.31 Per Inmate Day $14,638,219 $302,449 $1,614,180 $0 $279,745 $1,340,181 $330,601 $1,552,212 $20,057,587 $0 $6,466,273 $26,523,860 89,024 $0.00 $72.64 $297.94 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $2,736,890 $354,328 ($35,136) $319,192 $0 265,573 $125,685 $0 $1,400 $16,375,476 $0 $0 $103,162 $130,209 $0.00 $30.74 $3.98 ($0.39) $3.59 $0.00 2.98 $1.41 $0.00 $0.02 $183.94 $0.00 $0.00 $1.16 $1.46 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $20,057,587 $225.31 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $6,466,273 $0 $0 $0 $26,523,860 $72.64 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $297.94 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 92 Yes Yes No $0 72 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $102.94 12.52% STATE FUNDED 0.48% FEDERAL FUNDED 61.74% LOCAL OPERATING 24.38% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 0.88% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board MARTINSVILLE CITY AND ANNEX Fiscal Year 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed Mixed 0 0 79 1973, 1999 41 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 44,097 0 121 79 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates No Local Salary Supplement Yes # of Locally Funded Positions 7 Air Conditioned Mixed Houses Females Yes Operates Dispatch No OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 153% TOTAL 153% STATE RESPONSIBLE 46,169 Expenses Per Inmate Day $38.57 $3.16 $1.79 $0.23 $1.11 $4.49 $0.00 $6.20 $55.56 Per Inmate Day $1,780,947 $145,982 $82,712 $10,800 $51,305 $207,188 $0 $286,135 $2,565,069 $0.00 $0.00 $55.56 $0 $2,565,069 46,169 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $1,350,115 $305,321 ($564) $304,757 $0 (6,177) $0 $0 $2,000 $838,493 $0 $0 $33,512 $42,369 $0.00 $29.24 $6.61 ($0.01) $6.60 (0.13) $0.00 $0.00 $0.04 $18.16 $0.00 $0.00 $0.73 $0.92 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $2,565,069 $55.56 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,565,069 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $55.56 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $0 73 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE 64.27% STATE FUNDED 0.08% FEDERAL FUNDED 32.69% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 2.96% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board MECKLENBURG COUNTY Fiscal Year 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 0 68 1,961 42 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 44,417 0 122 68 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 179% TOTAL 179% STATE RESPONSIBLE 44,424 Expenses Per Inmate Day $48.26 $4.96 $4.09 $0.44 $0.22 $9.53 $0.00 $0.00 $67.50 Per Inmate Day $2,143,831 $220,428 $181,875 $19,516 $9,861 $423,307 $0 $0 $2,998,818 $0 $0 $2,998,818 44,424 $0.00 $0.00 $67.50 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $1,402,207 $268,076 $0 $268,076 (6,176) $0 $0 $4,800 $1,299,032 $0 $0 $27,491 $3,388 $0.00 $31.56 $6.03 $0.00 $6.04 (0.14) $0.00 $0.00 $0.11 $29.24 $0.00 $0.00 $0.62 $0.08 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $2,998,818 $67.50 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,998,818 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $67.50 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Mixed Mixed 4 0 Mixed Mixed $0 74 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE 55.49% STATE FUNDED 0.16% FEDERAL FUNDED 43.32% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 1.03% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board MIDDLE PENNINSULA REGIONAL Fiscal Year 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions No No 0 0 121 1973, 1999 53 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 68,461 0 188 121 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 155% TOTAL 155% STATE RESPONSIBLE 68,982 Expenses Per Inmate Day $58.63 $5.18 $6.14 $0.00 $1.07 $16.13 $2.46 $0.00 $89.60 Per Inmate Day $4,044,122 $357,162 $423,889 $0 $73,807 $1,112,710 $169,410 $0 $6,181,100 $0 $507,476 $6,688,576 68,982 $0.00 $7.36 $96.96 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $23,964 $1,582,350 $474,324 $0 $474,324 $0 (4,437) $0 $0 $0 $3,053,936 $0 $0 $630,122 $86,831 $0.35 $22.94 $6.88 $0.00 $6.88 $0.00 (0.06) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $44.27 $0.00 $0.00 $9.13 $1.26 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $5,847,090 $84.76 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $500,111 $0 $0 $0 $6,347,201 $7.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $92.01 Per Inmate Day ($341,375) -$4.95 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Mixed Mixed 26 Yes Mixed Mixed 75 31.04% STATE FUNDED 0.00% FEDERAL FUNDED 45.66% LOCAL OPERATING 7.48% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 10.72% OTHER FUNDED 94.90% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board MIDDLE RIVER REGIONAL Fiscal Year 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 0 396 2,006 135 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 191,860 0 526 396 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 76% TOTAL 76% STATE RESPONSIBLE 191,860 Expenses Per Inmate Day $40.16 $3.21 $2.46 $0.00 $0.47 $6.32 $0.33 $0.00 $52.95 Per Inmate Day $7,705,769 $615,266 $471,633 $0 $89,659 $1,212,607 $63,961 $0 $10,158,895 $0 $2,468,874 $12,627,769 191,860 $0.00 $12.87 $65.82 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $4,301,043 $1,539,393 ($54) $1,539,339 $0 ($11,888) $0 $0 $7,800 $2,749,667 $1,227,852 $0 $477,880 $596,144 $0.00 $22.42 $8.02 ($0.00) $8.03 $0.00 ($0.06) $0.00 $0.00 $0.04 $14.33 $6.40 $0.00 $2.49 $3.11 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $10,887,837 $56.75 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $1,553,125 $0 $0 $0 $12,440,962 $8.10 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $64.84 Per Inmate Day ($186,807) (0.97) Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures No Yes 2 Yes Yes No 76 46.16% STATE FUNDED 0.06% FEDERAL FUNDED 21.77% LOCAL OPERATING 12.30% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 18.23% OTHER FUNDED 98.51% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board MONTGOMERY COUNTY Fiscal Year 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other 2012 Mixed No 0 0 60 1953; 1988; 1989 29 Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch 33,113 0 91 60 OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 151% TOTAL 151% STATE RESPONSIBLE 40,889 Expenses Per Inmate Day $41.41 $2.86 $0.39 $0.00 $0.11 $6.16 $0.00 $5.42 $56.35 Per Inmate Day $1,693,297 $116,917 $15,880 $0 $4,521 $251,836 $0 $221,590 $2,304,041 $0 $0 $2,304,041 40,889 $0.00 $0.00 $56.35 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $835,607 $193,144 ($1,499) $191,645 $25,267 (3,802) $0 $0 $0 $1,110,275 $0 $0 $110,007 $35,042 $0.00 $20.44 $4.72 ($0.04) $4.69 $0.62 (0.09) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $27.15 $0.00 $0.00 $2.69 $0.86 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $2,304,041 $56.35 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,304,041 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $56.35 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 4 Yes Yes No $0 77 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE 45.52% STATE FUNDED 0.00% FEDERAL FUNDED 48.19% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 6.30% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board NEWPORT NEWS CITY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed Yes 0 0 248 1976;1990 170 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 183,405 0 502 300 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 167% TOTAL 167% STATE RESPONSIBLE 184,113 Expenses Per Inmate Day $45.64 $2.98 $7.71 $0.00 $1.22 $5.00 $0.50 $6.46 $69.52 Per Inmate Day $8,403,592 $549,055 $1,418,903 $0 $225,230 $920,533 $91,924 $1,189,962 $12,799,199 $0 $1,031,068 $13,830,267 184,113 $0.00 $5.60 $75.12 Revenue Per Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $5,492,022 $878,977 ($1,443) $877,534 $0 (14,652) $2,860 $0 $6,000 $5,933,962 $0 $0 $61,726 $439,747 $0.00 $29.83 $4.77 ($0.01) $4.77 $0.00 (0.08) $0.02 $0.00 $0.03 $32.23 $0.00 $0.00 $0.34 $2.39 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $0.00 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $12,799,199 $69.52 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $1,031,068 $0 $0 $0 $13,830,267 $5.60 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $75.12 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 17 Yes Yes No $0 78 45.95% STATE FUNDED 0.06% FEDERAL FUNDED 42.91% LOCAL OPERATING 7.46% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 3.63% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board NEWPORT NEWS CITY JAIL FARM Fiscal Year 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 0 137 1941---1994 0 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 57,908 0 159 137 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates No Local Salary Supplement Yes # of Locally Funded Positions 73 Air Conditioned Mixed Houses Females No Operates Dispatch No OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 116% TOTAL 116% STATE RESPONSIBLE 57,908 Expenses Per Inmate Day $59.44 $3.53 $1.45 $0.01 $0.46 $11.89 $0.01 $9.94 $86.72 Per Inmate Day $3,441,827 $204,404 $83,830 $686 $26,796 $688,257 $327 $575,599 $5,021,726 $0 $14,740 $5,036,466 57,908 $0.00 $0.25 $86.97 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $0 $821,552 $0 $821,552 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,950,012 $79,823 $0 $57,450 $112,889 $0.00 $0.00 $14.19 $0.00 $14.19 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $68.21 $1.38 $0.00 $0.99 $1.95 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $5,021,726 $86.72 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $14,740 $0 $0 $0 $5,036,466 $0.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $86.97 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $0 79 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE 16.31% STATE FUNDED 0.00% FEDERAL FUNDED 78.43% LOCAL OPERATING 0.29% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 4.97% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board NEW RIVER VALLEY REGIONAL Fiscal Year 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions No Yes 0 488 371 1,999 277 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 287,892 0 789 859 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 92% TOTAL 92% STATE RESPONSIBLE 292,105 Expenses Per Inmate Day $41.71 $2.72 $2.69 $0.00 $0.69 $4.34 $0.00 $0.00 $52.15 Per Inmate Day $12,183,070 $795,915 $786,743 $0 $200,141 $1,268,542 $0 $0 $15,234,411 $758,570 $3,703,833 $19,696,814 292,105 $2.60 $12.68 $67.43 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $55,000 $8,172,020 $2,099,367 ($163) $2,099,204 $161,000 (20,155) $0 $410,880 $0 $6,168,821 $0 $0 $48,246 $495,681 $0.19 $27.98 $7.19 ($0.00) $7.19 $0.55 (0.07) $0.00 $1.41 $0.00 $21.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.17 $1.70 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $17,590,697 $60.22 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $17,590,697 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $60.22 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 0 Yes Yes No ($2,106,117) (7.21) Per Inmate Day 80 53.14% STATE FUNDED 2.09% FEDERAL FUNDED 31.32% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 2.76% OTHER FUNDED 89.30% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board NORFOLK CITY FISCAL YEAR 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other 2012 Yes Yes 0 0 833 1962; 1989; 1997 404 Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch 505,413 24 1,385 896 OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 155% TOTAL 152% STATE RESPONSIBLE 514,441 Expenses Per Inmate Day $30.44 $2.02 $7.09 $0.00 $0.13 $2.62 $0.00 $3.10 $45.39 Per Inmate Day $15,657,814 $1,038,574 $3,649,281 $0 $64,576 $1,345,646 $0 $1,595,777 $23,351,668 $0 $1,917,724 $25,269,392 514,441 $0.00 $3.72 $49.12 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $12,275,059 $2,810,304 ($202,321) $2,607,983 $0 ($54,796) $386,327 $0 $9,200 $6,347,945 $0 $0 $562,026 $1,217,924 $0.00 $23.86 $5.46 ($0.39) $5.07 $0.00 (0.11) $0.75 $0.00 $0.02 $12.34 $0.00 $0.00 $1.09 $2.37 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $23,351,668 $45.39 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $1,917,724 $0 $0 $0 $25,269,392 $3.73 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $49.12 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 22 Yes Yes No $0 81 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $44.10 58.68% STATE FUNDED 1.57% FEDERAL FUNDED 25.12% LOCAL OPERATING 7.59% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 7.03% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board NORTHAMPTON COUNTY'S EASTERN SHORE REGIONAL JAIL FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 0 148 2007 59 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 30,754 0 84 148 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Yes Local Salary Supplement No # of Locally Funded Positions 1 Air Conditioned Mixed Houses Females Yes Operates Dispatch Yes OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 57% TOTAL 57% STATE RESPONSIBLE 30,754 Expenses Per Inmate Day $79.98 $6.41 $4.35 $0.00 $0.11 $12.35 $0.00 $2.44 $105.64 Per Inmate Day $2,459,658 $197,200 $133,724 $0 $3,453 $379,752 $0 $75,147 $3,248,934 $0 $1,242,335 $4,491,269 30,754 $0.00 $40.40 $146.04 Revenue Per Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $1,800,708 $235,536 $0 $235,536 $0 (7,127) $0 $0 $1,448 $1,201,233 $570 $0 $298 $16,268 $0.00 $58.55 $7.66 $0.00 $7.66 $0.00 (0.23) $0.00 $0.00 $0.05 $39.06 $0.02 $0.00 $0.01 $0.53 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $3,248,934 $105.64 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $1,242,335 $0 $0 $0 $4,491,269 $40.40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $146.04 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $0 82 45.19% STATE FUNDED 0.03% FEDERAL FUNDED 26.75% LOCAL OPERATING 27.66% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 0.37% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board NORTHERN NECK REGIONAL JAIL FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Mixed No 150 50 184 1995; 1996; 2000 39 Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch 137,197 216 376 234 No Yes 64 Yes Yes No OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 161% TOTAL 68% STATE RESPONSIBLE 137,787 Expenses Per Inmate Day $37.92 $3.64 $3.63 $0.05 $0.76 $8.21 $0.58 $0.00 $54.80 Per Inmate Day $5,225,471 $501,590 $499,580 $7,517 $105,047 $1,131,636 $80,456 $0 $7,551,297 Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other $0 $150,097 $7,701,394 138,027 $0.00 $1.09 $55.89 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $259,085 $1,298,625 $357,692 $0 $357,692 $0 ($2,781) $4,136,169 $0 $469,990 $0 $0 $0 $24,639 $586,032 $1.88 $9.41 $2.59 $0.00 $2.60 $0.00 (0.02) $29.97 $0.00 $3.41 $0.00 $0.00 $0.18 $4.25 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $7,129,451 $51.65 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $291,979 $0 $0 $0 $7,421,430 $2.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $53.77 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures ($279,964) 83 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $52.46 24.83% STATE FUNDED 59.81% FEDERAL FUNDED 0.00% LOCAL OPERATING 3.79% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 7.93% OTHER FUNDED 96.36% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board NORTHWESTERN REGIONAL FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other No No 0 320 236 1991; 2006; 2007 159 Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch 205,051 0 562 556 OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 101% TOTAL 101% STATE RESPONSIBLE 211,348 Expenses Per Inmate Day $55.20 $4.10 $5.67 $0.07 $0.31 $6.00 $0.09 $0.00 $71.44 Per Inmate Day $11,666,851 $866,978 $1,198,931 $13,864 $64,948 $1,267,737 $19,538 $0 $15,098,847 $0 $1,191,847 $16,290,694 211,348 $0.00 $5.64 $77.08 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $249,098 $4,919,366 $1,088,200 ($527) $1,087,673 $54,776 (13,312) $1,892 $0 $0 $7,703,817 $12,220 $0 $412,698 $227,304 $1.18 $23.28 $5.15 ($0.00) $5.15 $0.26 (0.06) $0.01 $0.00 $0.00 $36.45 $0.06 $0.00 $1.95 $1.08 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $14,655,532 $69.34 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $1,195,095 $0 $0 $0 $15,850,627 $5.65 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $75.00 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $90.34 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 33 Yes Yes No ($440,067) (2.08) Per Inmate Day 84 38.66% STATE FUNDED 0.01% FEDERAL FUNDED 47.29% LOCAL OPERATING 7.34% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 3.99% OTHER FUNDED 97.29% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board PAGE COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Yes No 0 0 34 1969 21 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 31,717 0 87 34 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Mixed Local Salary Supplement Yes # of Locally Funded Positions 0 Air Conditioned No Houses Females No Operates Dispatch No OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 256% TOTAL 256% STATE RESPONSIBLE 34,553 Expenses Per Inmate Day $29.21 $4.14 $6.42 $0.00 $0.74 $4.74 $0.10 $2.10 $47.45 Per Inmate Day $1,009,123 $143,058 $221,825 $0 $25,457 $163,801 $3,538 $72,573 $1,639,375 $0 $0 $1,639,375 34,553 $0.00 $0.00 $47.45 Revenue Per Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $671,268 $189,353 ($283) $189,070 $0 (3,060) $0 $0 $600 $662,785 $120 $0 $22,490 $96,102 $0.00 $19.43 $5.48 ($0.01) $5.48 $0.00 (0.09) $0.00 $0.00 $0.02 $19.18 $0.00 $0.00 $0.65 $2.78 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $1,639,375 $47.45 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,639,375 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $47.45 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $0 85 52.29% STATE FUNDED 0.04% FEDERAL FUNDED 40.43% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 7.24% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board PAMUNKEY REGIONAL FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions No Yes 50 290 0 1998 113 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 155,714 71 427 290 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 147% TOTAL 123% STATE RESPONSIBLE 155,714 Expenses Per Inmate Day $48.45 $2.59 $6.21 $0.00 $0.42 $8.09 $1.99 $0.00 $67.74 Per Inmate Day $7,543,670 $403,344 $966,392 $0 $65,856 $1,259,194 $310,032 $0 $10,548,488 $0 $1,865,770 $12,414,258 155,714 $0.00 $11.98 $79.72 Revenue Per Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $3,594,590 $613,529 ($556,801) $56,728 $0 124,668 $1,405,625 $0 $65,316 $4,814,653 $0 $0 $46,588 $603,692 $0.00 $23.08 $3.94 ($3.58) $0.37 $0.00 0.80 $9.03 $0.00 $0.42 $30.92 $0.00 $0.00 $0.30 $3.88 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $54.49 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $10,711,860 $68.79 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $1,696,800 $0 $0 $0 $12,408,660 $10.90 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $79.69 Per Inmate Day ($5,598) (0.04) Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 21 Yes Yes No 86 30.42% STATE FUNDED 11.85% FEDERAL FUNDED 38.78% LOCAL OPERATING 13.67% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 5.24% OTHER FUNDED 99.96% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board PATRICK COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Yes Yes 0 36 38 1927 26 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 25,522 0 70 34 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 206% TOTAL 206% STATE RESPONSIBLE 25,583 Expenses Per Inmate Day $48.52 $5.02 $3.87 $0.00 $0.00 $10.69 $0.00 $4.57 $72.67 Per Inmate Day $1,241,369 $128,379 $98,906 $0 $0 $273,501 $0 $116,998 $1,859,153 $3,274,494 $464,126 $5,597,773 25,583 $127.99 $18.14 $218.81 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $790,594 $144,322 $0 $144,322 $0 ($3,795) $0 $0 $2,600 $1,432,657 $0 $0 $2,604 $30,321 $0.00 $30.90 $5.64 $0.00 $5.65 $0.00 ($0.15) $0.00 $0.00 $0.10 $56.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.10 $1.19 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $2,399,303 $93.79 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $464,126 $0 $2,734,344 $0 $5,597,773 $18.14 $0.00 $106.88 $0.00 $218.81 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 0 No No No $0 87 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE 65.48% STATE FUNDED 0.05% FEDERAL FUNDED 25.59% LOCAL OPERATING 8.29% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 0.58% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board PETERSBURG CITY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 0 250 1968;1972 79 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 81,995 0 225 195 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Yes Local Salary Supplement No # of Locally Funded Positions 5 Air Conditioned Mixed Houses Females Mixed Operates Dispatch No OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 115% TOTAL 115% STATE RESPONSIBLE 81,995 Expenses Per Inmate Day $39.78 $4.89 $7.33 $0.12 $1.18 $10.24 $0.82 $9.80 $74.16 Per Inmate Day $3,261,397 $400,617 $600,952 $10,225 $96,782 $839,481 $67,572 $803,632 $6,080,658 $0 $0 $6,080,658 81,995 $0.00 $0.00 $74.16 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $2,602,022 $562,180 $0 $562,180 $0 (11,955) $0 $0 $0 $2,861,276 $0 $0 $0 $67,135 $0.00 $31.73 $6.86 $0.00 $6.86 $0.00 (0.15) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $34.90 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.82 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $6,080,658 $74.16 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,080,658 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $74.16 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $0 88 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE 51.84% STATE FUNDED 0.00% FEDERAL FUNDED 47.06% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 1.09% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board PEUMANSEND CREEK REGIONAL FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES Mixed No 0 40 0 1999 108 0 103,669 0 284 336 Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 85% TOTAL 85% STATE RESPONSIBLE 103,669 Expenses Per Inmate Day $64.13 $2.93 $2.97 $0.00 $0.12 $11.08 $0.00 $0.00 $81.23 Per Inmate Day $6,648,336 $304,073 $307,407 $0 $12,018 $1,148,703 $0 $0 $8,420,537 $0 $677,970 $9,098,507 103,669 $0.00 $6.53 $87.76 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $3,311,759 $976,032 $0 $976,032 $66,614 (9,042) $0 $642 $0 $3,466,954 $0 $0 $0 $470,499 $0.00 $31.95 $9.41 $0.00 $9.42 $0.64 (0.09) $0.00 $0.01 $0.00 $33.44 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.54 $8,283,458 $79.90 Per Inmate Day $646,013 $8,929,471 $6.23 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $86.13 Per Inmate Day ($169,036) (1.63) Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures No Yes 13 Yes Yes No 89 47.76% STATE FUNDED 0.01% FEDERAL FUNDED 38.10% LOCAL OPERATING 7.10% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 5.17% OTHER FUNDED 98.15% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board PIEDMONT REGIONAL FISCAL YEAR 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other 2012 Mixed No 0 0 181 1988;2002-2004 69 Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch 266,975 270 731 181 OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 404% TOTAL 255% STATE RESPONSIBLE 271,444 Expenses Per Inmate Day $23.19 $3.97 $2.48 $0.00 $0.64 $3.80 $0.00 $0.00 $34.08 Per Inmate Day $6,294,521 $1,078,933 $672,661 $0 $173,599 $1,031,938 $0 $0 $9,251,652 - $0.00 $0.00 $34.08 $0 $9,251,652 271,444 Revenue Per Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $2,030,900 $1,112,847 ($1,042,238) $70,609 $0 ($5,728) $4,873,791 $0 $0 $136,178 $1,447,564 $0 $193,998 $363,440 $0.00 $7.48 $4.10 ($3.84) $0.26 $0.00 ($0.02) $17.96 $0.00 $0.00 $0.50 $5.33 $0.00 $0.71 $1.34 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $49.38 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $9,110,752 $33.56 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,110,752 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $33.56 Per Inmate Day ($140,900) ($0.52) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 58 Yes Yes No 90 22.65% STATE FUNDED 52.68% FEDERAL FUNDED 1.47% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 21.67% OTHER FUNDED 98.47% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 0 36 1981 44 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 45,388 0 124 36 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 345% TOTAL 345% STATE RESPONSIBLE 45,388 Expenses Per Inmate Day $55.46 $4.58 $7.70 $1.39 $0.65 $7.64 $0.00 $8.11 $85.52 Per Inmate Day $2,517,025 $207,863 $349,303 $62,914 $29,595 $346,791 $0 $367,932 $3,881,423 $0 $0 $3,881,423 45,388 $0.00 $0.00 $85.52 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $1,235,798 $253,439 $0 $253,439 $0 (5,643) $0 $0 $5,200 $2,266,269 $0 $0 $74,552 $51,808 $0.00 $27.23 $5.58 $0.00 $5.59 $0.00 (0.12) $0.00 $0.00 $0.11 $49.93 $0.00 $0.00 $1.64 $1.14 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $3,881,423 $85.52 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,881,423 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $85.52 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 2 Yes No No $0 91 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE 38.22% STATE FUNDED 0.13% FEDERAL FUNDED 58.39% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 3.25% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board PORTSMOUTH CITY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed Yes 0 40 248 1969 128 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 149,546 0 410 288 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 142% TOTAL 142% STATE RESPONSIBLE 149,546 Expenses Per Inmate Day $39.99 $4.32 $7.80 $0.01 $2.35 $7.73 $0.00 $5.32 $67.52 Per Inmate Day $5,980,214 $646,242 $1,167,047 $1,003 $350,687 $1,156,005 $0 $796,264 $10,097,462 $0 $0 $10,097,462 149,546 $0.00 $0.00 $67.52 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $4,504,111 $1,034,291 ($162) $1,034,129 $0 (18,457) $0 $0 $99,811 $4,198,452 $0 $0 $108,127 $171,289 $0.00 $30.12 $6.92 ($0.00) $6.92 $0.00 (0.12) $0.00 $0.00 $0.67 $28.07 $0.00 $0.00 $0.72 $1.15 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $10,097,462 $67.52 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,097,462 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $67.52 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 1 Yes No No $0 92 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $65.00 54.67% STATE FUNDED 0.99% FEDERAL FUNDED 41.58% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 2.76% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board PRINCE WM./MANASSAS REGIONAL FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 265 402 1982--2008 250 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 312,341 9 856 667 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 128% TOTAL 127% STATE RESPONSIBLE 316,367 Expenses Per Inmate Day $90.69 $4.18 $6.22 $1.14 $0.72 $20.13 $0.05 $0.00 $123.14 Per Inmate Day $28,692,750 $1,321,909 $1,967,195 $361,170 $229,057 $6,368,534 $15,861 $0 $38,956,476 $0 $8,845,777 $47,802,253 316,367 $0.00 $27.96 $151.10 Revenue Per Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $8,392,145 $1,634,468 ($84,522) $1,549,946 $0 (20,930) $258,641 $0 $391,962 $24,261,390 $0 $0 $254,903 $531,477 $0.00 $26.53 $5.17 ($0.27) $4.90 $0.00 (0.07) $0.82 $0.00 $1.24 $76.69 $0.00 $0.00 $0.81 $1.68 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $78.73 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $35,619,534 $112.59 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $8,845,777 $0 $3,071,552 $0 $47,536,863 $27.96 $0.00 $9.71 $0.00 $150.26 Per Inmate Day ($265,390) (0.84) Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 87 Yes Yes No 93 27.18% STATE FUNDED 1.36% FEDERAL FUNDED 50.75% LOCAL OPERATING 18.50% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 1.65% OTHER FUNDED 99.44% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board RAPPAHANNOCK COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Yes No 0 0 7 1835;1991 12 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 8,730 0 24 7 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 342% TOTAL 342% STATE RESPONSIBLE 8,820 Expenses Per Inmate Day $88.14 $4.29 $2.76 $0.00 $0.00 $2.53 $0.32 $0.00 $98.03 Per Inmate Day $777,384 $37,813 $24,307 $0 $0 $22,271 $2,866 $864,641 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $98.03 $864,641 8,820 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $393,535 $50,928 ($35) $50,893 (1,957) $0 $0 $0 $392,979 $0 $0 $13,803 $15,388 $0.00 $44.62 $5.77 ($0.00) $5.77 (0.22) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $44.56 $0.00 $0.00 $1.56 $1.74 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $864,641 $98.03 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $864,641 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $98.03 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 2 Yes Yes Yes $0 94 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE 51.17% STATE FUNDED 0.00% FEDERAL FUNDED 45.45% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 3.38% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board RAPPAHANNOCK REGIONAL FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed Yes 0 592 432 2001 323 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 497,702 162 1,364 1,024 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 133% TOTAL 117% STATE RESPONSIBLE 501,743 Expenses Per Inmate Day $36.81 $3.45 $3.96 $0.08 $0.59 $6.26 $1.39 $0.00 $52.54 Per Inmate Day $18,471,186 $1,730,533 $1,988,401 $42,293 $298,324 $3,138,882 $694,222 $0 $26,363,841 $0 $3,227,672 $29,591,513 501,743 $0.00 $6.44 $58.98 Revenue Per Federal (All) Inmate Day $0.00 $17.24 $5.33 ($1.96) $3.38 $0.24 (0.04) $7.34 $2.50 $0.17 $21.62 $0.00 $0.00 $0.17 $5.02 $28,917,689 $57.63 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related $2,734,655 Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed $0 Commonwealth Construction Reimbursement $0 CAP Funds (Federal) $0 TOTAL REVENUES $31,652,344 $5.45 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $63.08 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $62.24 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $2,060,831 4.11 Per Inmate Day 95 Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day $0 $8,651,444 $2,676,617 ($983,838) $1,692,779 $121,694 (21,841) $3,680,594 $1,254,333 $87,656 $10,845,717 $0 $0 $86,087 $2,519,226 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Mixed Yes 53 Yes Yes No 35.29% STATE FUNDED 16.97% FEDERAL FUNDED 36.65% LOCAL OPERATING 9.24% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 8.80% OTHER FUNDED 106.96% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board RICHMOND CITY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 0 882 1964; 1991 403 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 499,819 3 1,369 882 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Yes Local Salary Supplement Yes # of Locally Funded Positions 14 Air Conditioned Mixed Houses Females Yes Operates Dispatch No OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 155% TOTAL 155% STATE RESPONSIBLE 508,089 Expenses Per Inmate Day $38.21 $2.83 $14.93 $0.00 $0.47 $1.94 $3.37 $3.75 $65.50 Per Inmate Day $19,415,255 $1,438,007 $7,587,280 $0 $236,802 $984,986 $1,709,869 $1,905,941 $33,278,140 $0 $0 $33,278,140 508,089 $0.00 $0.00 $65.50 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $12,485,882 $2,846,579 ($23,827) $2,822,752 $179,809 (5,420) $60,335 $0 $15,800 $16,634,437 $0 $0 $210,693 $873,852 $0.00 $24.57 $5.60 ($0.05) $5.56 $0.35 (0.01) $0.12 $0.00 $0.03 $32.74 $0.00 $0.00 $0.41 $1.72 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $33,278,140 $65.50 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $33,278,140 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $65.50 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $0 96 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $47.25 46.53% STATE FUNDED 0.23% FEDERAL FUNDED 49.99% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 3.25% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board RIVERSIDE REGIONAL FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 1,348 0 1997 438 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 508,143 30 1,392 1,372 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 101% TOTAL 99% STATE RESPONSIBLE 508,183 Expenses Per Inmate Day $35.57 $3.03 $4.88 $0.00 $0.25 $8.03 $0.20 $0.00 $51.95 Per Inmate Day $18,073,698 $1,538,409 $2,481,864 $0 $128,840 $4,078,330 $99,886 $0 $26,401,027 $0 $8,466,941 $34,867,968 508,183 $0.00 $16.66 $68.61 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $11,629,650 $3,159,859 ($260,033) $2,899,826 $1,141,483 158,434 $819,591 $0 $114,025 $18,965,451 $406,471 $0 $268,099 $1,424,685 $0.00 $22.88 $6.22 ($0.51) $5.71 $2.25 0.31 $1.61 $0.00 $0.22 $37.32 $0.80 $0.00 $0.53 $2.80 $37,827,715 $74.44 Per Inmate Day $0 $37,827,715 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $74.44 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 2 Yes Yes No $2,959,747 $5.82 97 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $74.26 45.40% STATE FUNDED 2.68% FEDERAL FUNDED 54.39% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 6.01% OTHER FUNDED 108.49% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board ROANOKE CITY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Yes Yes 50 0 409 1979,1996 181 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 227,158 81 622 409 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 152% TOTAL 132% STATE RESPONSIBLE 227,158 Expenses Per Inmate Day $41.34 $3.72 $8.87 $0.00 $0.67 $7.72 $0.00 $5.54 $67.86 Per Inmate Day $9,390,666 $845,632 $2,013,800 $0 $152,465 $1,754,013 $0 $1,259,457 $15,416,033 $0 $365,116 $15,781,149 227,158 $0.00 $1.61 $69.47 Revenue Per Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $5,891,486 $1,294,173 ($704,651) $589,522 $0 (27,359) $1,365,470 $0 $12,800 $7,193,726 $0 $180 $30,433 $359,775 $0.00 $25.94 $5.70 ($3.10) $2.60 $0.00 (0.12) $6.01 $0.00 $0.06 $31.67 $0.00 $0.00 $0.13 $1.58 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $46.44 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $15,416,033 $67.86 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $365,116 $0 $0 $0 $15,781,149 $1.61 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $69.47 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 4 Yes Yes No $0 98 40.89% STATE FUNDED 8.73% FEDERAL FUNDED 45.58% LOCAL OPERATING 2.31% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 2.46% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board ROANOKE COUNTY/SALEM FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed Yes 0 0 108 1980 60 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 47,219 0 129 108 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 120% TOTAL 120% STATE RESPONSIBLE 49,528 Expenses Per Inmate Day $78.60 $5.83 $4.12 $0.00 $0.71 $17.65 $1.90 $0.00 $108.80 Per Inmate Day $3,892,670 $288,532 $204,193 $0 $35,128 $874,018 $94,263 $0 $5,388,804 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $108.80 $5,388,804 49,528 Revenue Per Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $1,889,353 $247,936 $0 $247,936 $35,361 ($8,859) $0 $53,690 $14,800 $2,279,692 $737,098 $0 $44,785 $94,948 $0.00 $38.15 $5.01 $0.00 $5.01 0.71 (0.18) $0.00 $1.08 $0.30 $46.03 $14.88 $0.00 $0.90 $1.92 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $5,388,804 $108.80 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,388,804 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $108.80 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 4 Yes No No $0 99 40.15% STATE FUNDED 1.27% FEDERAL FUNDED 42.30% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 16.26% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board ROCKBRIDGE REGIONAL FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions No No 0 0 56 1987 38 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 34,188 0 94 56 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 167% TOTAL 167% STATE RESPONSIBLE 35,224 Expenses Per Inmate Day $54.29 $6.38 $2.19 $0.00 $0.21 $8.04 $0.79 $0.00 $71.89 Per Inmate Day $1,912,217 $224,643 $77,183 $0 $7,260 $283,127 $27,709 $0 $2,532,139 $0 $0 $2,532,139 35,224 $0.00 $0.00 $71.89 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $1,301,971 $199,685 ($267) $199,418 $0 (4,341) $106 $0 $0 $849,437 $0 $0 $60,433 $61,992 $0.00 $36.96 $5.67 ($0.01) $5.67 $0.00 (0.12) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $24.12 $0.00 $0.00 $1.72 $1.76 $2,469,016 $70.09 Per Inmate Day $2,469,016 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $70.09 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures No Yes 1 Yes Yes No ($63,123) ($1.79) 100 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $53.00 59.12% STATE FUNDED 0.00% FEDERAL FUNDED 33.55% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 4.82% OTHER FUNDED 97.51% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board ROCKINGHAM COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 20 0 208 1994 86 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 127,227 11 349 208 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 168% TOTAL 162% STATE RESPONSIBLE 127,227 Expenses Per Inmate Day $36.92 $4.27 $5.30 $0.00 $0.17 $6.54 $0.61 $3.82 $57.61 Per Inmate Day $4,696,743 $543,022 $674,199 $288 $21,500 $831,530 $77,139 $485,448 $7,329,869 $0 $815,275 $8,145,144 127,227 $0.00 $6.41 $64.02 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $2,448,934 $727,288 ($107,938) $619,350 $20,470 (12,267) $260,702 $59,298 $6,600 $4,178,242 $0 $0 $9,480 $147,773 $0.00 $19.25 $5.72 ($0.85) $4.87 $0.16 ($0.10) $2.05 $0.47 $0.05 $32.84 $0.00 $0.00 $0.07 $1.16 $7,738,582 $60.82 Per Inmate Day $406,562 $3.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $64.02 Per Inmate Day $0 $0 $8,145,144 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 15 Yes Yes No $0 101 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $64.93 37.77% STATE FUNDED 4.01% FEDERAL FUNDED 51.30% LOCAL OPERATING 4.99% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 1.92% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board SHENANDOAH COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 0 55 1969;1991 25 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 34,043 0 93 55 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 170% TOTAL 170% STATE RESPONSIBLE 34,561 Expenses Per Inmate Day $40.09 $3.42 $1.06 $0.31 $0.42 $3.49 $0.03 $6.58 $55.39 Per Inmate Day $1,385,465 $118,288 $36,583 $10,758 $14,445 $120,547 $877 $227,449 $1,914,412 $0 $0 $1,914,412 34,561 $0.00 $0.00 $55.39 Revenue Per Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $690,332 $171,644 $0 $171,644 (2,941) $0 $13,137 $0 $947,037 $0 $0 $56,817 $38,386 $0.00 $19.97 $4.97 $0.00 $4.97 (0) $0.00 $0.38 $0.00 $27.40 $0.00 $0.00 $1.64 $1.11 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $45.00 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $1,914,412 $55.39 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,914,412 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $55.39 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Mixed Yes 2 Mixed Yes No $0 102 44.87% STATE FUNDED 0.69% FEDERAL FUNDED 49.47% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 4.96% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 0 122 1950 51 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 35,339 0 97 122 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 79% TOTAL 79% STATE RESPONSIBLE 35,339 Expenses Per Inmate Day $61.98 $4.03 $2.40 $0.00 $1.30 $8.20 $0.08 $3.67 $81.67 Per Inmate Day $2,190,145 $142,375 $84,921 $0 $46,076 $289,943 $2,974 $129,752 $2,886,186 $0 $0 $2,886,186 35,339 $0.00 $0.00 $81.67 Revenue Per Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $1,448,635 $264,535 $0 $264,535 $0 ($6,918) $0 $0 $200 $1,023,292 $0 $0 $119,989 $36,453 $0.00 $40.99 $7.49 $0.00 $7.49 $0.00 ($0.20) $0.00 $0.00 $0.01 $28.96 $0.00 $0.00 $3.40 $1.03 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $2,886,186 $81.67 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,886,186 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $81.67 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 0 No No No $0 103 59.12% STATE FUNDED 0.01% FEDERAL FUNDED 35.45% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 5.41% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board SOUTHSIDE REGIONAL FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 0 100 1998 49 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 74,835 0 205 100 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES $207,303 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 205% TOTAL 205% STATE RESPONSIBLE 74,835 Expenses Per Inmate Day $33.31 $3.77 $3.69 $0.49 $0.17 $8.65 $0.24 $0.00 $50.31 Per Inmate Day $2,492,676 $281,800 $276,309 $36,409 $12,819 $646,991 $17,692 $0 $3,764,696 $0 $526,433 $4,291,129 74,835 $0.00 $7.03 $57.34 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $1,419,311 $471,799 $0 $471,799 $47,041 (3,104) $0 $0 $0 $1,040,562 $818,758 $1,855 $1,164 $176,372 $0.00 $18.97 $6.30 $0.00 $6.31 $0.63 (0.04) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13.90 $10.94 $0.02 $0.02 $2.36 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $3,973,758 $53.10 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $526,433 $0 $0 $0 $4,500,191 $7.03 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $60.13 Per Inmate Day $209,062 $2.79 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 2 Yes Yes No 104 45.09% STATE FUNDED 0.00% FEDERAL FUNDED 24.25% LOCAL OPERATING 12.27% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 23.25% OTHER FUNDED 104.87% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA REGIONAL FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 0 896 2000-2005 304 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 607,447 21 1,664 896 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 186% TOTAL 183% STATE RESPONSIBLE 609,544 Expenses Per Inmate Day $27.97 $4.00 $7.39 $0.00 $0.77 $4.93 $0.35 $0.00 $45.41 Per Inmate Day $17,050,391 $2,439,760 $4,504,559 $0 $468,388 $3,003,680 $211,748 $0 $27,678,526 $0.00 $6.30 $51.71 $3,840,990 $31,519,516 609,544 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $10,183,192 $4,252,552 ($156,891) $4,095,661 $50,000 (22,723) $509,925 $0 $0 $11,168,822 $34,464 $0 $164,432 $2,217,148 $0.00 $16.71 $6.98 ($0.26) 6.72 $0.08 (0.04) $0.84 $0.00 $0.00 $18.32 $0.06 $0.00 $0.27 $3.64 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $28,400,921 $46.59 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $2,257,067 $0 $0 $0 $30,657,988 $3.70 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $50.30 Per Inmate Day ($861,528) -$1.41 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $66.53 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes No 12 Yes Yes No 105 45.39% STATE FUNDED 1.62% FEDERAL FUNDED 35.43% LOCAL OPERATING 7.16% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 7.67% OTHER FUNDED 97.27% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board SUSSEX COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 0 28 1967 16 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 27,117 0 74 28 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 265% TOTAL 265% STATE RESPONSIBLE 27,117 Expenses Per Inmate Day $43.92 $5.13 $3.83 $0.00 $0.20 $8.29 $0.00 $9.49 $70.86 Per Inmate Day $1,191,031 $139,017 $103,881 $0 $5,292 $224,928 $0 $257,466 $1,921,615 $0 $0 $1,921,615 27,117 $0.00 $0.00 $70.86 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $572,013 $126,644 $0 $126,644 $0 (3,914) $0 $0 $1,655 $1,179,869 $0 $26,478 $18,870 $0 $0.00 $21.09 $4.67 $0.00 $4.67 $0.00 (0.14) $0.00 $0.00 $0.06 $43.51 $0.00 $0.98 $0.70 $0.00 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $1,921,615 $70.86 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,921,615 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $70.86 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 0 No Yes Yes $0 106 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE 36.15% STATE FUNDED 0.09% FEDERAL FUNDED 61.40% LOCAL OPERATING 0.00% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 2.35% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board VIRGINIA BEACH CITY FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Yes Yes 0 0 859 1978--2005 365 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 534,867 20 1,465 859 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems - Grants - Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 171% TOTAL 168% STATE RESPONSIBLE 534,867 Expenses Per Inmate Day $47.66 $2.38 $6.70 $0.00 $0.37 $2.68 $0.00 $6.12 $65.91 Per Inmate Day $25,490,758 $1,271,213 $3,581,020 $275 $197,318 $1,435,902 $0 $3,274,511 $35,250,997 $0 $1,871,972 $37,122,969 534,867 $0.00 $3.50 $69.41 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $11,676,549 $3,220,487 ($201,378) $3,019,109 $0 (39,910) $573,962 $1,127,386 $4,800 $16,578,707 $0 $0 $1,293,040 $1,017,354 $0.00 $21.83 $6.02 ($0.38) $5.65 $0.00 (0.07) $1.07 $2.11 $0.01 $31.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.42 $1.90 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $35,250,997 $65.91 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $1,871,972 $0 $0 $0 $37,122,969 $3.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $69.41 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 69 Yes Yes No $0 107 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $78.62 39.48% STATE FUNDED 4.60% FEDERAL FUNDED 44.66% LOCAL OPERATING 5.04% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 6.21% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board VIRGINIA PENINSULA REGIONAL FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed No 0 194 96 1997 112 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 144,305 2 395 290 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 136% TOTAL 136% STATE RESPONSIBLE 144,305 Expenses Per Inmate Day $45.04 $4.23 $7.23 $0.50 $0.56 $9.18 $0.00 $0.00 $66.74 Per Inmate Day $6,499,126 $610,090 $1,043,801 $71,716 $81,505 $1,324,482 $0 $0 $9,630,720 $0 $1,890,950 $11,521,670 144,305 $0.00 $13.10 $79.84 Revenue Per Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $3,877,077 $986,587 ($15,446) $971,141 $6,792 (6,935) $68,380 $0 $0 $4,476,246 $0 $0 $73,776 $786,906 $0.00 $26.87 $6.84 ($0.11) 6.73 $0.05 (0.05) $0.48 $0.00 $0.00 $31.02 $0.00 $0.00 $0.51 $5.45 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $93.67 $10,253,383 $71.05 Per Inmate Day $1,725,000 $0 $0 $11.95 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $83.01 Per Inmate Day $11,978,383 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 12 Yes Yes No $456,713 3.16 Per Inmate Day 108 42.08% STATE FUNDED 0.59% FEDERAL FUNDED 38.85% LOCAL OPERATING 14.97% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 7.46% OTHER FUNDED 103.96% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board WARREN COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES 2012 Mixed No 0 12 67 1950; 1989; 2001 35 Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch 49,135 0 135 79 OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 170% TOTAL 170% STATE RESPONSIBLE 50,223 Expenses Per Inmate Day $33.06 $2.88 $0.60 $0.36 $0.47 $5.82 $0.50 $3.33 $47.01 Per Inmate Day $1,660,123 $144,600 $30,000 $18,000 $23,537 $292,250 $25,000 $167,289 $2,360,799 $0 $39,271 $2,400,070 50,223 $0.00 $0.78 $47.79 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $1,103,818 $283,863 ($24) $283,839 0 (5,706) $0 $0 $600 $791,306 $3,840 $0 $136,147 $46,955 $0.00 $21.98 $5.65 ($0.00) $5.66 0.00 (0.11) $0.00 $0.00 $0.01 $15.76 $0.08 $0.00 $2.71 $0.93 $2,360,799 $47.01 Per Inmate Day $39,271 $0.78 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $47.79 Per Inmate Day $0 $0 $2,400,070 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 1 Yes Yes No $0 109 FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE 57.58% STATE FUNDED 0.02% FEDERAL FUNDED 32.97% LOCAL OPERATING 1.64% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 7.78% OTHER FUNDED 100.00% TOTAL FUNDED Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board WESTERN TIDEWATER REGIONAL FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Mixed Yes 80 0 552 1992; 1999 139 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 241,634 162 662 552 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Mixed Local Salary Supplement Yes # of Locally Funded Positions 14 Air Conditioned Yes Houses Females Yes Operates Dispatch No OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 120% TOTAL 91% STATE RESPONSIBLE 242,052 Expenses Per Inmate Day $34.70 $3.28 $4.16 $0.00 $0.34 $8.52 $0.05 $0.00 $51.05 Per Inmate Day $8,399,465 $793,890 $1,007,818 $0 $82,619 $2,061,860 $10,926 $0 $12,356,578 $0 $571,934 $12,928,512 242,052 $0.00 $2.36 $53.41 Revenue Per Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $4,483,425 $1,060,470 ($961,109) $99,361 $0 (9,292) $3,891,778 $0 $78,521 $3,732,759 $0 $0 $74,836 $512,036 $0.00 $18.52 $4.38 ($3.97) 0.41 $0.00 (0.04) $16.08 $0.00 $0.32 $15.42 $0.00 $0.00 $0.31 $2.12 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $65.82 28.88% LOCAL OPERATING 2.24% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 4.54% OTHER FUNDED 101.75% TOTAL FUNDED SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $12,863,424 $53.14 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $290,677 $0 $0 $0 $13,154,101 $1.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $54.34 Per Inmate Day Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $225,589 0.93 110 35.38% STATE FUNDED 30.71% FEDERAL FUNDED Per Inmate Day Prepared by Staff - The Compensation Board WESTERN VIRGINIA REGIONAL FISCAL YEAR 2012 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Food Service # Federal Contract Beds Direct Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision - # Beds Date(s) Built Compensation Board Funded Positions Yes Yes 25 0 605 2009 194 ALL INMATE HOUSED DAYS (LIDS) FED/ OUT OF STATE ADP TOTAL LIDS ADP DOC RATED OPERATING CAPACITY 266,295 33 730 605 ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 2. EXPENDITURES Personal Services Food Services Medical Services Inmate Programs Transportation Direct Jail Support Capital Accounts - Operating Other Jail Indirect Expenses SUB-TOTAL OPERATING Capital Accounts - Long Term Debt Service TOTAL EXPENSES ALL INMATE RESPONSIBLE DAYS 3. REVENUES Commonwealth Funded Grants Salaries Per-Diems (Gross) - Overhead Recovery Per-Diems (Net) Office / Vehicles Other Federal: Per-Diems Grants - Includes Fed. Stabilization Funds Other Local Jurisdictional - Operating (to balance) Non-Local Jurisdictional Out of State Work Release Other Jail "Books" Inmates Local Salary Supplement # of Locally Funded Positions Air Conditioned Houses Females Operates Dispatch OPERATING CAPACITY USE % 121% TOTAL 115% STATE RESPONSIBLE 266,295 Expenses Per Inmate Day $36.08 $2.88 $7.70 $0.11 $0.49 $6.83 $0.88 $0.00 $54.96 Per Inmate Day $9,608,066 $767,695 $2,049,619 $28,160 $129,394 $1,819,630 $233,097 $0 $14,635,661 $303,408 $4,639,513 $19,578,582 266,295 $0.00 $17.42 $73.52 Revenue Per Per Inmate Day Revenue Per Inmate Day Federal (All) Inmate Day $0 $5,945,203 $2,182,783 ($317,763) $1,865,020 $100,271 (9,145) $684,172 $118,740 $0 $7,182,072 $289,788 $0 $0 $463,730 $0.00 $22.33 $8.20 ($1.19) 7.01 $0.38 (0.03) $2.57 $0.45 $0.00 $26.97 $1.09 $0.00 $0.00 $1.74 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING $16,639,851 $62.49 Per Inmate Day Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional - Debt Related Commonwealth Construction Reimbursed CAP Funds (Federal) TOTAL REVENUES $3,216,625 $0 $0 $0 $19,856,476 $12.08 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $74.57 Per Inmate Day FUNDING PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE $56.99 $277,894 1.04 111 40.36% STATE FUNDED 3.49% FEDERAL FUNDED 36.68% LOCAL OPERATING 16.43% LOCAL DEBT RELATED 3.85% OTHER FUNDED 100.81% TOTAL FUNDED Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Yes Yes 0 Yes Yes No Per Inmate Day APPENDIX B Jail Cost Report Task Force Membership Jail Cost Report Task Force The Compensation Board utilizes the assistance and expertise of numerous individuals throughout the state, referred to as the Jail Cost Report Task Force, to provide on-going guidance and suggestions regarding the presentation of the annual Jail Cost Report. In addition, the Task Force is called upon as questions/issues arise that may affect the presentation of the report. Task Force Goal: To provide recommendations to the Compensation Board regarding the content and format of the Jail Cost Report, meeting the needs of the Administration and the Legislature without creating an undue burden on local governments or jails. Task Force Members include: Robyn M. de Socio, Executive Secretary, Compensation Board Anne M. Wilmoth, Chief Information Officer, Compensation Board Martha Mavredes, Auditor of Public Accounts Janet Areson, Director of Policy Development, Virginia Municipal League Beth Arthur, Sheriff, Arlington County Mary Ann Curtin, Director, Intergovernmental Relations, Chesterfield County Thomas Jones, Sheriff, Charlotte County Dean Lynch, Deputy Executive Director, Virginia Association of Counties The Task Force is assisted by: Nelson Cardwell, Office of the Sheriff, Charlotte County Dick Hickman, Senate Finance Committee Staff Kim Via, Auditor Senior Specialist, Auditor of Public Accounts Oliver D. Bradshaw, Audit Supervisor, Compensation Board Kari Bullock, LIDS Analyst, Compensation Board *********** 112 APPENDIX C Data Dictionary 1. FACILITY PROFILE Contract Medical Contract Medical Yes / No / Mixed Inmate medical care and treatment is provided under a contract service agreement rather than by jail employees. Contract Food Service Contract Food Service Yes / No / Mixed Inmate food service is provided under a contract services agreement rather than by jail employees. # Federal Contract Beds # Federal Contract Beds # Beds The jail has entered into an annual contract, with the United States Marshall Service or other federal agencies, to house a specified number of federal inmates (with the per-diem rate stipulated). Direct Supervision - # Beds Direct Supervision # Beds The specific style of management where the correctional officers intermingle with the inmates in the housing units, rather than observing inmate activity from within a secure control point. Indirect Supervision - # Beds Indirect Supervision # Beds The specific style of management where the correctional officers observe inmate activity from within a secure control point. Date(s) Built Date(s) Built Initial date of construction and all dates of subsequent building programs where the operating capacity was increased. Compensation Board Funded Positions Compensation Board Funded Positions # Positions Number of Compensation Board full and partiallyfunded jail positions, including the sheriff. Jail “Books” Inmates Jail “Books Inmates Yes / No / Mixed Jail personnel perform the criminal booking of the inmate prior to or simultaneously with the processing of the inmate for jail incarceration. The jail submits all required booking data to the appropriate criminal justice agency. 113 1. FACILITY PROFILE, continued Local Salary Supplement Local Salary Supplement Yes / No The locality supplements the wages provided by the Commonwealth with additional funds. Locally Funded Positions Locally Funded Positions Yes / No The number of full time positions that the locality has added to the number of Commonwealth full-time jail positions funded. Air Conditioned Air Conditioned Yes / No / Mixed Inmate housing is / is not / or partially air-conditioned. Houses Females Houses Females Yes / No The jail houses female inmates on a regular basis. Operates Dispatch Operates Dispatch Yes / No Jail personnel operate the locality’s Dispatch / Emergency 911 System in addition to their jail duties. All Inmate Housed Days (LIDS) All Inmate Housed Days (LIDS) Monthly LIDS Report The total of all categories of confinement – housed days as reported in the Local Inmate Data System (LIDS). The data can be found in LIDS, Option 5, Inquiry Screen 6, - Prisoner Status File Prior Months. Include the total of Line 1 - local (total days), Line 2 state (total days), Line 3 - (out of state), Line 8 (federal), Line 9 - (ordinance), and Line 10 - (military). LIDS is the system used by the jails to report to the Compensation Board their inmate population, by category. It is from this data that the jail’s State perdiems are calculated and paid by the Compensation Board. Federal / Out of State Average Daily Population (ADP) Federal / Out of State ADP Monthly LIDS Report The sum of the total federal inmate days, total contract inmate days and total private transport inmate days as reported in LIDS, divided by the days of the period. 114 1. FACILITY PROFILE, continued Total LIDS ADP Total LIDS ADP Monthly LIDS Report The total inmate housed days as reported in LIDS divided by the days of the period. Department of Corrections (DOC) Rated Operating Capacity DOC Rated Operating Capacity # Beds Capacity as determined by the application of the Board of Corrections square footage standards to the jail’s physical plant and as published by the DOC’s Local Facilities Unit in its “Jail Operational Capacity Report”. Should a jail’s capacity change during the year, the operating capacity would be the monthly average as reported by the DOC Local Facilities Unit. Operating Capacity (Total & State Responsible) Total Operating Capacity Percent State Responsible Operating Capacity Percent Total LIDS average daily population (ADP) divided by the Department of Corrections (DOC) operating capacity. Total LIDS average daily population (ADP) less the Federal / Out of State average daily population (ADP) divided by the Department of Corrections (DOC) operating capacity. *********** 115 2. EXPENDITURES All Inmates Responsible Days All Inmate Responsible Days The total of all categories of confinement - responsible days as reported in the Local Inmate Data System (LIDS). The data can be found in LIDS, Option 5, Inquiry Screen 6, and Prisoner Status File Prior Months. Include the total of Line 1 - local (total days), Line 2 state (total days), Line 3 - (out of state), Line 4 alternative (HEM), Line 5 - alternative (work release), Line 8 - (federal), Line 9 - (ordinance), Line 10 (military), and Line 11 - (HEM). This calculated number is used as the expense divisor to derive expenses per inmate day. Expenses Per Inmate Day The individual expense line item divided by “All Inmate Responsible Days”. Personal Services Personal Services All wages, salaries and benefit expenses for the staff employed by/assigned to the jail. Benefit expenses would include the employer’s share of FICA, health and life insurance, worker’s compensation, retirement – VRS, and unemployment insurance. Only the staff required to run the jail should be included, e.g., correctional officers, cooks, nurses, and jail clerical/administration. Correctional officers who also serve as communication/dispatch officers should be recorded in their entirety as a jail cost. Office of the Sheriff - Administration is to be fractionally included. Law enforcement, court security, process serving and community service work (D.A.R.E.) should be excluded. The federal income status of an employee determines his/her inclusion in this cost. When a W-2 has been issued, that individual’s costs should be included in the “Personal Service” category. When a “1099” federal form has been issued to an individual who works at the Jail, their expenses should be excluded from the “Personal Services” category. The Commonwealth supplement costs paid to a Sheriff from state funds for supervising a jail should be included here. The Compensation Board will identify Sheriff salaries/ supplements from published tables. The Locality salary supplement paid to the Sheriff should be allocated (e.g. 50%) by the Sheriff’s office to the jail versus non-jail as prescribed by the Sheriff annually. 116 2. EXPENDITURES Food Service Food Service Medical Services Contracted, nonpayroll related and “1099” Costs Inmate Programs Inmate Programs Transportation Transportation All direct, non-payroll expenses related to providing food for the inmates. Include “outside” contracted food service costs. The expenses of food service personnel to whom a “1099” federal income form has been issued should be included here. All direct expenses should be included. Catastrophic medical expenses should be included. Also, contracted “Outside” medical personnel service costs. (Contract or “1099” Outside Contractor federal income status) should be included here. All non-payroll expenses that are for inmate betterment programs. Inmate programs include, but not are limited to, general education, substance abuse counseling programs, etc. Also, contracted “Outside” personnel service costs. (Contract or “1099” Outside Contractor federal income status) should be included here. All transport, etc., vehicle expenses incurred by the jail. This would include, but not be limited to, vehicle purchases/leases, maintenance and repairs, fuel, lubricants, tires, and vehicle accident/liability insurance. Direct Jail Support Direct Jail Support All other expenses related to jail operations including, but not be limited to, office supplies expenses, office equipment purchases, utilities, insurance (Fire, other hazard & property), maintenance, trash removal, safety equipment and ammunition; training; communication equipment expenses of the jail; direct expenses for inmate and correctional officer uniforms, beds, bed coverings and cleaning & laundry supplies; Other equipment/facility maintenance. Charitable donations are an includable cost. Capital Accounts – Operating Capital Accounts - Operating All capital expenditures for property, (e.g. jail equipment; including computer and software and maintenance of a capital nature; food equipment. 117 2. EXPENDITURES, continued Other Jail - Indirect Expenses Other Jail Indirect Expenses All other indirect allowable jail expenses not otherwise described above. In addition, the allocation of the locality administrative (overheard) costs assigned to the jail. This is documented in its Overhead Cost Allocation Report. The cost incurred by the locality to house inmates in other jails should not be included. Also, neither the cost for funds paid to inmates for their services, (e.g. working a road clean-up crew or in the kitchen) nor a separate, stand alone pretrial office, in the sheriffs’ department. Capital Accounts – Long Term Capital Accounts – Long Term All expenditures related to the funding of an expansion and or major renovation. Capital expenditures that would later be reported as debt service should not be reported. Debt Service Debt Service All debt service expenses for the jail facility. This includes principal, interest and bond issuance expense. *********** 118 3. REVENUES All Inmates Responsible Days All Inmates Responsible Days (Same as Expenditures) The total of all categories of confinement - responsible days as reported in the Local Inmate Data System (LIDS). The data can be found in LIDS, Option 5, Inquiry Screen 6, and Prisoner Status File Prior Months. Include the total of Line 1 - local (total days), Line 2 state (total days), Line 3 - (out of state), Line 4 alternative (HEM), Line 5 - alternative (work release), Line 8 - (federal), Line 9 - (ordinance), Line 10 (military), and Line 11 - (HEM). This calculated number is used as the revenue divisor to derive revenue per inmate day. Revenue Per Inmate Day (All) The individual revenue line item divided by “All Inmates Responsible Days”. Revenue Per Federal / Out of State Inmate Day The total of Federal and Out of State Per-Diem Revenues divided by the sum of total federal inmate days, total contract inmate days and total private transport inmate days as reported in LIDS. Commonwealth Funded Grants All grant funds received from the Commonwealth. Grant funds received for the Sheriffs’ office stand-alone pre-trial programs are not to be included. Salaries Net revenue received from the Compensation Board for Jail, Food Service, Medical & Treatment, Booking, Classification, Treatment & Clerical staff positions. These amounts include funded base salary and benefits. Per – Diems (Gross) The gross revenue earned from the Commonwealth, payable through the Compensation Board for all inmates housed as reported by LIDS. Per - Diems: Overhead Recovery Revenue recovered by the Commonwealth through the Local Inmate Data System (LIDS) for Federal (e.g. US Marshalls, Home Security), District of Columbia, or contract inmates from other states. The calculation (explained in the Appropriations Act) stipulates a formula based upon the each jail’s current inmate days for the Federal population, by the proportion of the jails per inmate day salary funds provided by the Commonwealth. Per Diems (Net) The net Commonwealth General Fund revenue received from the Compensation Board for inmates housed PerDiems (Gross) – Per-Diems: Overhead Recovery. 119 3. REVENUES, continued Office / Vehicles Revenue received from the Compensation Board for office supplies and vehicle expenses. Other All other revenue received from the Commonwealth, e.g., emergency medical reimbursements. Percent State Funded Funding Percent of Total Expenditures State Funded The sum of Commonwealth funded grants, salaries, net per-diems, office/vehicles, other revenue and Commonwealth Construction Reimbursement divided by the Total Expenditures of the jail. Federal Funded Per-Diems All operating revenue received from federal sources for the invoiced daily care of all types of federal inmates, i.e., contract and non-contract per-diems to include the U.S. Marshall’s Service, military, Dept. of Homeland Security, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Grants All grant funds received from federal sources. It includes grants funded from federal sources administered by and or passed through by the Commonwealth. Other All other operating revenue received from federal sources for all types of inmates, i.e., Homeland Security transport fees, US Marshal inmate medical costs, Social Security Incentive Bonus, and noninvoiced military payments. Percent Federal Funded Funding Percent of Total Expenditures – Federal Funded The sum of federal operating per-diems, grants, other revenue and Cooperative Agreement Program (CAP) funds divided by the Total Expenditures of the jail. Local Jurisdictional - Operating Local Regional Jails Operating revenue received for holding inmates from local/member jurisdictions affiliated with the jail. Revenue returned to the member jurisdictions will be posted as a ( ). Local Sheriff Jails Net operating cost for holding inmates for the local jurisdiction. Any excess of revenues over expenditures generated by the jail will be posted as a ( ). Debt receipts are not considered operating revenue. 120 3. REVENUES, continued Percent Local Operating Funded Funding Percent of Total Expenditures – Local Operating Funded The operating revenue received for holding inmates from local/member jurisdictions for regional jails, or the net operating cost for holding inmates for a local Sheriffs’ jail, divided by the Total Expenditures of the jail. Non-Local Jurisdictional Non-Local Jurisdictional Revenue received for holding inmates from other / nonmember jurisdictions. Other Out of State Revenue received for holding inmates from jurisdictions not within the Commonwealth of Virginia. Revenue received for holding overnight extradition inmates in transit would be posted to this account. Work Release Revenue received from inmates on work release / electronic monitoring, weekenders and revenue received for their work. Only cash receipts will be included. Other All other allowed revenues booked to the jail accounts. Examples would include inmate fees from telephone, medical co-payments, booking, per-diems, testing and investment/interest income. Income from the canteen / commissary is to be specifically excluded from the Jail Cost Report revenue data as these funds are of a trust account nature and are to be used only for inmate betterment per the Code of Virginia. Percent Other Funded Funding Percent of Total Expenditures – Other Funded The sum of per-diem and debt related revenue received for holding inmates from other / non-member jurisdictions, out of state inmates, work release / electronic monitoring, non-local jurisdictional debt and other revenue divided by the Total Expenditures of the jail. Local Jurisdictional – Debt Related Local Jurisdictional – Debt Related Jurisdictional funds received to pay the long-term debenture payments of the jail during the year. For regional jails, this is the debenture payment made by the member jurisdictions. Debenture payments made by the regional jail itself from operating revenues are not an included item. 121 3. REVENUES, continued Non-Local Jurisdictional – Debt Related Non-Local Jurisdictional – Debt Related Non-jurisdictional funds received to pay the long-term debenture payments of the jail during the year. Percent Local Debt Related Funded Funding Percent of Total Expenditures – Local Debt Related Funded Total local revenue required to fund the payment of debt for the jail divided by the Total Expenditures of the jail. Commonwealth Construction Reimbursement Commonwealth Construction Reimbursement Revenue received from the Commonwealth through the Department of Corrections (DOC) for reimbursement of jail construction costs. CAP Funds (Federal) CAP Funds (Federal) Cooperative Agreement Program (CAP) – Funds received from the U.S. Marshall’s Service (USMS) for the renovation, upgrading, expansion and / or construction of facilities to meet nationally accepted conditions of confinement. In return, guaranteed bed space is available to the USMS for a predetermined period of time. *********** 122 APPENDIX D Authority for the Annual Jail Cost Report AUTHORITY FOR THE ANNUAL JAIL COST REPORT Chapter 806, Item 75, Paragraph K.1-3, 2013 Virginia Acts Of Assembly 1. The Compensation Board shall provide the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees and the Secretaries of Finance and Administration with an annual report, on December 1 of each year, of jail revenues and expenditures for all local and regional jails and jail farms which receive funds from the Compensation Board. Information provided to the Compensation Board is to include an audited statement of revenues and expenses for inmate canteen accounts, telephone commission funds, inmate medical co-payment funds, any other fees collected from inmates and investment/interest monies for inclusion in the report. 2. Local and regional jails and jail farms and local governments receiving funds from the Compensation Board shall, as a condition of receiving such funds, provide such information as may be required by the Compensation Board, necessary to prepare the annual jail cost report. 3. If any sheriff, superintendent, county administrator or city manager fails to send such information within five working days after the information should be forwarded, the Chairman of the Compensation Board shall notify the sheriff, superintendent, county administrator or city manager of such failure. If the information is not provided within ten working days from that date, then the Chairman shall cause the information to be prepared from the books of the city, county, or regional jail and shall certify the cost thereof to the State Comptroller. The Comptroller shall issue his warrant on the state treasury for that amount, deducting the same from any funds that may be due the sheriff or regional jail from the Commonwealth. ********** 123 APPENDIX E Inmate Canteen & Other Auxiliary Funds Reporting Activity FY 2012 INMATE CANTEEN & OTHER AUXILIARY FUNDS REPORT Inmate Canteen FIPS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 JAIL 001 Accomack County 003 *** Albemarle/Charlottesville RJ 510 Alexandria City 005 * Alleghany County 013 * Arlington County 485 */*** Blue Ridge RJ 023 Botetourt County 520 Bristol City 025 ** Brunswick County 137 Central Virginia RJ 037 Charlotte County 550 * Chesapeake City 041 Chesterfield County 047 Culpeper County 590 * Danville City 220 * Danville City Farm 053 ** Dinwiddie County 131 Eastern Shore Regional 059 * Fairfax County 061 Fauquier County 067 Franklin County 073 Gloucester County 650 Hampton City 475 * Hampton Roads RJ 087 Henrico County 089 Henry County 103 Lancaster County 107 * Loudoun County 690 Martinsville City 117 Mecklenburg County 119 Middle Peninsula RJ 493 Middle River RJ 121 Montgomery County 480 *** New River Valley RJ 700 * Newport News City 250 Newport News City Farm 710 * Norfolk City 193 *** Northern Neck RJ 069 *** Northwestern RJ 139 Page County Revenues $13,488 $392,907 $14,769 $151,702 $142,267 $24,333 $83,316 $0 $386,216 $43,185 $254,037 $97,195 $195,258 $32,794 $9,478 $49,125 $75,158 $323,475 $66,956 $6,032 $9,642 $185,870 $302,905 $927,850 $8,203 $0 $28,361 $15,370 $63,341 $131,366 $517,584 $109,429 $196,702 $104,239 $101,144 $111,762 $349,844 $596,520 $12,566 Expenditures $13,488 $371,225 $ 556,232 $4,286 $76,386 $218,008 $41,006 $80,078 $0 $362,992 $32,805 $249,195 $66,699 $180,314 $48,608 $9,138 $52,324 $84,642 $217,656 $58,271 $6,779 $0 $183,742 $343,815 $1,037,912 $16,209 $0 $137,420 $2,015 $69,244 $99,803 $465,714 $109,429 $225,971 $66,851 $128,874 $109,235 $321,756 $568,382 $20,112 * = Canteen Commissions - Contracted ** = Canteen not at the Jail Level *** = Transfer to Fiscal Agent (excludes Canteen Fund) Telephone Proceeds Revenues $35,882 $626,672 $423,557 $0 $3,861 $733,887 $25,491 $26,337 $19,343 $563,960 $15,006 $527,362 $73,309 $27,152 $51,091 $34,641 $9,666 $19,265 $706,235 $29,270 $20,551 $25,119 $111,893 $566,156 $171,678 $47,906 $3,432 $100,390 $29,311 $29,911 $117,920 $375,856 $25,355 $414,957 $345,603 $34,211 $672,000 $416,986 $296,995 $28,706 Inmate Medical Co-payments Expenditures $0 $626,498 $148,704 $2,446 $114,128 $0 $0 $26,337 $0 $640,055 $0 $0 $73,309 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $458,030 $0 $0 $0 $0 $566,156 $0 $0 $0 $0 $34,308 $59,470 $117,920 $365,615 $2,177 $414,957 $172,367 $0 $0 $0 $296,887 $0 124 Revenues Expenditures $19,295 $195,034 $84,493 $10,316 $7,273 $77,913 $8,938 $5,406 $1,904 $16,654 $105 20,675 $14,543 $2,298 $7,151 $0 $0 $6,295 $16,788 $7,273 $0 $0 $0 $0 $16,654 $0 $0 $14,543 $0 $0 $0 $85,229 $14,671 $4,559 $1,042 $5,614 $1,990 $2,216 $88,398 $8,197 $767 $6,018 $9,261 $3,388 $18,025 $24,107 $1,243 $35,566 $10,677 $0 $9,549 $14,897 $67,953 $10,493 $0 $12,664 $377,514 $4,559 $0 $5,614 $0 $2,216 $0 $8,197 $0 $0 $0 $4,639 $289,875 $24,107 $1,243 $95,294 $0 $0 $26,488 $0 $0 $10,198 Other Inmate Collections/ Work Release Revenues $11,079 $239,253 $4,909 $10,111 $31,909 $340,955 $32,812 $7,948 $38,032 $328,471 $103,581 482,857 $318,115 $34,012 $31,204 $3,790 $14,846 $9,911 $85,320 $107,552 $21,622 $40,208 $231,886 Expenditures $241,986 $704 $229 $0 Investment / Interest Revenues Expenditures $0 $8,100 $0 $323,176 $0 $0 $318,115 $0 $0 $736 $339 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $14 $0 $0 $0 $582 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,112 $78,160 $91,990 $0 $18,719 $177,248 $0 $0 $129 $0 $273,691 $0 $599 $14,409 $101,125 $33,512 $27,491 $812,295 $799,219 $118,265 $48,246 $61,726 $229 $526,026 $48,665 $412,698 $78,621 $14,409 $0 $14,366 $0 $817,972 $479,772 $199,419 $48,246 $0 $0 $0 $336 $1,159 $186 $0 $0 $0 $301,875 $49,454 $0 $310 $683 $183 $280 $0 $0 FY 2012 INMATE CANTEEN & OTHER AUXILIARY FUNDS REPORT Inmate Canteen FIPS 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 JAIL 460 */*** Pamunkey RJ 141 ** Patrick County 730 Petersburg City 490 Peumansend Creek RJ 135 Piedmont RJ 143 Pittsylvania County 740 * Portsmouth City 153 Prince William/Manassas RJ 157 Rappahannock County 630 * Rappahannock RJ 760 Richmond City 465 Riverside RJ 770 * Roanoke City 161 Roanoke County/Salem 163 *** Rockbridge RJ 165 Rockingham County 171 Shenandoah County 175 Southhampton County 491 *** Southside RJ 492 Southwest Virginia RJ 183 * Sussex County 810 * Virginia Beach City 470 *** Virginia Peninsula RJ 187 * Warren County 620 *** Western Tidewater RJ 494 Western Virginia RJ Revenues Expenditures $110,281 $180,713 $52,042 $46,100 $115,718 $101,245 $226,505 $219,381 $854,206 $906,808 $55,951 $51,770 $67,192 $27,186 $490,531 $384,243 $0 $0 $1,079,968 $864,083 $1,063,229 $929,983 $1,096,987 $1,155,381 $208,741 $223,659 $108,475 $116,237 $66,703 $64,954 $313,331 $244,147 $32,548 $99,951 $91,451 $72,456 $176,022 $207,450 $686,475 $0 $0 $0 $1,750,055 $1,098,714 $63,447 $70,113 $19,000 $18,000 $175,280 $209,511 $263,408 $164,888 $15,301,935 $14,093,590 * = Canteen Commissions - Contracted ** = Canteen not at the Jail Level *** = Transfer to Fiscal Agent (excludes Canteen Fund) Telephone Proceeds Revenues $282,025 $23,323 $46,651 $97,735 $486,943 $35,579 $135,449 $269,146 $5,556 $1,172,055 $338,499 $488,040 $288,709 $35,569 $44,400 $71,441 $23,341 $29,154 $88,051 $654,276 $34,955 $546,403 $121,192 $31,613 $328,007 $219,362 $13,684,397 Inmate Medical Co-payments Expenditures $0 $0 $219,068 $99,742 $213,279 $0 $119,357 $0 $0 $1,172,055 $0 $0 $216,883 $0 $0 $0 $1,458 $33,039 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $69,115 $6,263,360 125 Revenues $53,382 $6,999 $1,572 $14,871 $4,607 $5,385 $3,429 $42,299 $2,220 $183,634 $23,938 $28,277 $19,978 $4,680 $3,117 $10,919 $0 $5,496 $10,228 $135,876 $5,633 $31,650 $14,313 $6,602 $33,284 $32,813 $1,581,060 Expenditures $53,382 $0 $0 $14,871 $4,607 $0 $3,429 $42,299 $2,220 $183,634 $0 $0 $19,978 $4,680 $3,117 $11,120 $0 $0 $0 $135,876 $0 $31,650 $0 $6,602 $183,207 $0 $1,624,833 Other Inmate Collections/ Work Release Revenues $46,588 $2,604 $18,912 $76,570 $193,998 $84,739 $344,327 $451,541 $1,115 $165,845 $210,693 $519,010 $137,281 $99,392 $203,970 $74,084 $63,049 $121,791 $2,082 $162,385 $3,339 $1,293,040 $226,374 $142,825 $208,175 $103,788 $10,844,118 Expenditures $0 $0 $0 $76,570 $22,437 $62,873 $293,882 $451,541 $0 $165,845 $0 $0 $0 $153,033 $195,681 $143,898 $5,142 $16,691 $0 $0 $0 $12,074 $137,000 $991 $0 $4,754,560 Investment / Interest Revenues Expenditures $0 $0 $213 $0 $3,769 $19 $80 $405 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $11 $2 $0 $0 $550 $0 $4,592 $0 $0 $199 $0 $92,954 $0 $0 $213 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $92,785 APPENDIX F Inmate Canteen and Other Auxiliary Funds Specifications SPECIFICATIONS FOR AUDITS OF COUNTIES, CITIES, AND TOWNS TABLE OF CONTENTS (Chapter 2 only) Chapter 2 – Audit Procedures 2-1 General 2-2 Auditing Standards and the Audit Contract 2-3 Audit Scope 2-4 Property Taxes and Property Taxes Receivable 2-5 Intergovernmental Revenues 2-6 Intergovernmental Agreements 2-7 Inmate Canteen and Other Auxiliary Funds 2-8 Sheriff Office Internal Controls 2-9 Reporting 2-10 Comparative Reporting 126 SPECIFICATIONS FOR AUDITS OF COUNTIES, CITIES, AND TOWNS CHAPTER 2 AUDIT PROCEDURES 2-1 General This chapter contains required audit procedures for local government audits made pursuant to §15.2-2511 of the Code of Virginia. Chapter 3 contains additional procedures that localities agree to have performed, when they accept state grants, contracts or other state funding. The degree of testing on these state compliance issues may depend on the terms of the state law, agreement or other requirements of the program. Auditors should be thoroughly familiar with this chapter before planning and performing the audit and should incorporate these considerations into the auditor's plan and programs. The procedures contained in this chapter do not constitute an audit in accordance with Government Auditing Standards. The auditor should perform such additional procedures, as he deems necessary to satisfy those standards. Where appropriate, the auditor must meet the requirement of the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organization. No manual defining audit specifications can meet all the present and future needs of local governments or their auditors. Changes will be needed as new accounting and auditing pronouncements and/or as problems emerge. The Auditor of Public Accounts will periodically update these specifications as changes occur. However, responsibility for complying with professional standards remains with the auditor and the auditor should follow all new pronouncements. 127 Audit Specifications - General - Continue The auditor should familiarize himself with Virginia local governments including internal control and compliance issues. Available informational resources are provided in Chapter 1. Requirement: The auditor must document in the working papers the justification for changing specifically required audit procedures 2-7 Inmate Canteen and Other Auxiliary Funds (Contact: Compensation Board; Robyn DeSocio, Executive Secretary; Phone – 804.225.3439 [] [No Change for FY 2013]). Background Information: Most local correctional facilities, including jails, offer canteen services to their inmates. Facilities use various methods to sell these items to inmates, depending on the size of the facility and the number of times each week canteen services are offered. Any profits from the canteen operations must benefit the inmates in the custody of the Sheriff or Regional Jail Superintendent. Some Sheriffs also receive funds from other sources directly related to jail operations. These include telephone commissions, inmate medical co- payments, work release and other fees collected from inmates. The inmate canteen accounts and telephone commissions are public funds. The Code of Virginia requires that these funds be used within the jail facility for purposes to benefit the inmates. The funds should not be used for the sheriff’s personal gain or convenience. Some jails have established work release and medical treatment programs where inmates contribute to the costs. Inmate co-payments for medical services are a set fee that covers only a portion of the costs of the services. The medical co-payments should directly off set the costs for medical programs. 128 Audit Specifications – Inmate Canteen - Continued Annually the Compensation Board prepares a Jail Cost Report on jail revenue and expenditure data from all local and regional jails and jail farms that receive funds from the Compensation Board. Beginning with the collection of data for fiscal year 2002, the jails must include an audited statement of revenues and expenses for inmate canteen accounts, telephone commission funds, inmate medical co-payment funds, any other fees collected from inmates, and investment/interest monies for inclusion in the report. See additional information on the Compensation Board internet site at; follow the link for Publications and Forms (Jail Canteen Funding Audit Information). Allowability Requirement – Inmate Canteen Accounts In accordance with Section 53.1-127.1, the inmate canteen account profits are required to be used for purposes to benefit the inmates under the jurisdiction of the Sheriff or Regional Jail Superintendent. Allowable expenses include: Commissary-services, supplies, furnishings, equipment, training. Also, personnel services for time spent directly guarding or working in the commissary. [Note: these are all direct costs of the canteen.] The profits from the inmate canteen should not be used to fund the normal operations of the jail. They may be used for: Education & Recreation - services, supplies, equipment, furnishings, training. Library-services, supplies, furnishings, equipment, books, magazines, periodicals, newspapers. Indigent Inmate Care-stamps, clothing, personal hygiene items, vision, dental, medical, commissary items. 129 Audit Specifications – Inmate Canteen - Continued Inmate care/programs-safety equipment, workforce clothing, workforce tools, laundry equipment, supplies, hygiene items, medical equipment. Special Food Service-special meals or food items associated with holidays and/or specific events/occasions. Special Counseling/Pastoral Care-services, supplies, equipment, furnishings, training. The above allowable expenses are not considered all inclusive and funds should not be used for goods or services that can be provided to the jail at no cost. Additional expenses may be approved at the sole discretion of the Sheriff/Regional Jail Superintendent, provided that the expense is for the care and welfare of inmates. No expense shall be for the personal gain, benefit, consumption or use of any individual other than jail inmates. Allowability Requirement – Telephone Commissions Commissions on inmate telephone calls preferably go directly to the local treasurer and are used to defray the cost of the jail operations. In some localities, the commissions are received directly by the Sheriff and are included in the canteen proceeds accounts. The allowable costs for telephone commissions that are received in the inmate canteen account are described above. Allowability Requirement – Inmate Medical Co-payment Funds The inmate medical co-payment funds should directly off set the costs for medical programs. Allowability Requirement – Other Inmate Fees (Work Release, RAID and HEM monies) and Investment/Interest Monies All fees collected from inmates and all interest earned on inmate accounts must be used for the benefit of the inmates or deposited with the Treasurer and used to defray the cost of jail operations. 130 Audit Specifications – Inmate Canteen - Continued The auditor must obtain the Jail Canteen Fund Activity Report for the fiscal year under audit and perform the following: Agree the revenue and expense amounts from the Jail Canteen Fund Activity to the accounting ledger. Select a sample of disbursement transactions from the inmate canteen accounts. For each transaction selected, determine whether the disbursement benefited the inmates based on the allowable costs described above. Select a sample of inmate medical co-payment fees. Trace each fee to the general ledger to determine whether it defrayed the inmate medical program costs. Select a sample of other fees collected from inmates, and investment/interest monies. For each transaction selected, determine whether the disbursement benefited the inmates. *********** 131 APPENDIX G Jail Cost Certification (Example) 132 June 30, 2013 TO: Sheriff/Superintendent Mr/s. ,City / County Director of Finance / Administrator FROM: Robyn M. de Socio, Executive Secretary RE: CERTIFICATION OF JAIL REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2012 The 2013 Virginia Acts of Assembly, Item 75, paragraph K requires the Compensation Board to annually report to the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees and to the Secretaries of Finance and Administration by December 1st of each year jail revenues and expenditures for all local and regional jails and jail farms which receive funds from the Compensation Board. Local and regional jails and jail farms and local governments shall provide such information as may be required by the Compensation Board necessary to prepare the annual jail cost report. In addition, information provided to the Compensation Board is to include an audited statement of revenues and expenses for inmate canteen accounts, telephone commission funds, inmate medical co-payment funds, any other fees collected from inmates and investment/interest monies for inclusion in the report. Accordingly, we request that the Sheriff/Superintendent of the jail AND the Chief Financial Officer of the locality certify the attached information. Once signed, this memorandum must be returned to the Compensation Board, where it will be filed with the financial statements submitted by the jail. “I hereby affirm that the accompanying financial information complies with the 2012 Virginia Acts of Assembly Item 75, paragraph K and is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.” Sheriff/Superintendent Signature Date City / County Finance / Administrator Date Title Attachment *********** 133