WA DOC Contract -Securus Technologies, LLC 01-12-2022
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INCARCERATED INDIVIDUAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICES AGREEMENT DOC CONTRACT #K11720 BY AND BETWEEN WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND SECURUS TECHNOLOGIES, LLC Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000001 Page 1 of 6 21DH TABLE OF CONTENTS Preamble 1. Agreement Documents and Conflicts in Interpretation 2. Scope 3. Term 4. Entire Agreement; Modifications 5. Signature Page Attachments 1. Attachment A: Statement of Work – p. 7 a. Telephone Service / Call Management System b. AdvanceConnect c. Threads d. Investigator Pro e. ICER f. Securus Video Connect & Terminal Software g. Video Relay Service h. TTD/TTY i. Tablets j. eMessaging k. Installation and Deployment Schedule l. Service Level Terms m. Miscellaneous n. JPay Payment Services o. Data Security Requirements 2. Attachment B: Service Level Terms – p. 33 a. Friends and Family Support Procedures b. Incarcerated Individual Support Procedures c. General Information d. DOC Support Procedures e. Solution Performance Standards and Performance Credits 3. Attachment C: General Terms and Conditions – p. 45 4. Attachment D: IITS Agreement Schedules – p. 92 a. Schedule 1 - Definitions b. Schedule 2 - Change Order Form c. Schedule 3 - Deliverable Certification Form d. Schedule 4 - Insurance Coverages e. Schedule 5 - Support and Maintenance Services 5. Attachment E: Project Plan – p. 108 6. Attachment F: RACI Chart – p. 388 Documents Incorporated by Reference Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000002 Page 2 of 6 21DH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Original Procurement Notice Securus’ Response to the Procurement Notice The Approved OCS Design Review DOC Requirements & Securus’ Responses to the Requirements, including Pricing DOC Policies, which can be found at https://doc.wa.gov/information/policies/default.aspx. [Remainder of this page intentionally left blank] Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000003 Page 3 of 6 21DH INCARCERATED INDIVIDUAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICES AGREEMENT This Incarcerated Individual Technology Services Agreement (“IITS Agreement” or "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the Washington State Department of Corrections, an agency of the state of Washington, with a principal place of business at 7345 Linderson Way SW, Tumwater, WA 98501 ("DOC”), and Securus Technologies, LLC, a corporation with a place of business at 4000 International Parkway, Carrollton, TX 75007 ("Vendor”). DOC and Vendor may be collectively referred to as the “Parties,” or individually as a “Party” to this agreement. WHEREAS, in July 2019 DOC issued a procurement notice seeking vendors who could provide, implement, support, and maintain an incarcerated individual technology services solution (“IITS” or “Solution”) for the benefit of DOC’s incarcerated individuals, the incarcerated individuals’ friends and family, and DOC (collectively “Users”). WHEREAS, on August 5, 2019, Vendor submitted to DOC its written response to the procurement notice. In its response and subsequent discussions and communications, Vendor represented to DOC that Vendor was able to meet DOC’s requirements. WHEREAS, Vendor acknowledges that it had sufficient time and opportunity to conduct comprehensive due diligence on the IITS requirements and this IITS Agreement, including the ability to obtain a full understanding and clarification of DOC’s Requirements. WHEREAS, Vendor acknowledges that, in reliance on the representations made by Vendor to DOC, DOC selected Vendor and Vendor's solution over other prospective vendors to provide the IITS. WHEREAS, DOC and Vendor want to specify the terms and conditions under which Vendor will provide the IITS to Users. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree to the foregoing and as follows: 1. AGREEMENT DOCUMENTS & CONFLICTS IN INTERPRETATION 1.1 This Agreement consists of several Attachments, Schedules, and other documents identified in the Table of Contents attached to this agreement or incorporated by reference, collectively the "Agreement Documents." 1.2 Complementary Documents. All the Agreement Documents are complementary. If certain work, requirements, obligations, or duties are set out only in one but not in another, Vendor shall carry out the work as though the relevant work, requirements, obligations, or duties had been fully described in all, consistent with the other documents forming the Agreement and as is reasonably inferable from them as being necessary to produce complete results. 1.3 Conflicts in Interpretation. In case of any inconsistency, conflict, or ambiguity among the Agreement Documents and their provisions, they are to prevail in the following order, descending from most dominate to most subordinate, provided that, among categories of Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000004 Page 4 of 6 21DH documents or provisions having the same rank, the document or provision with the latest date prevails. Information being identified in one document but not in another is not to be considered a conflict or inconsistency. (a) Contract Amendments; (b) the final Agreement Documents, in the order: (1) Project Plan; (2) Statement of Work; (3) General Terms and Conditions and Agreement Schedules; and (4) any other documents attached to this Agreement or incorporated by reference. 2. SCOPE 2.1 3. TERM 3.1 4. This Agreement, including the Agreement Documents, shall apply to the provision of all goods and services by Vendor to Users. This Agreement shall commence on the date of last signature and shall expire on January 30, 2028 unless otherwise earlier terminated as provided in this Agreement. This agreement may be extended by mutually executed amendments. ENTIRE AGREEMENT; MODIFICATIONS. 4.1 The Agreement, together with its Schedules, Exhibits, Attachments, and Documents Incorporated by Reference, constitutes the final, complete, and exclusive statement of the agreement of the parties relative to Incarcerated Individual Technology Services and supersedes all previous or contemporaneous oral and written proposals, negotiations, representations, or understandings concerning such subject matter. The Agreement may be modified only pursuant to a writing executed by Vendor and the DOC signing authority, or her or his designee, to be effective against DOC. The parties expressly disclaim the right to claim the enforceability or effectiveness of any oral modifications to this Agreement or any amendments based on course of dealing, waiver, reliance, estoppel, or other similar legal theory. [Remainder of this page intentionally left blank] Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000005 Page 5 of 6 21DH SIGNATURE PAGE THIS AGREEMENT is executed by the persons signing below who warrant that they have the authority to execute this Agreement. SECURUS TECHN OLOGIES, LLC. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS (Signature) Russell Roberts (Printed Name) (Signature) Daryl Huntsinger (Printed Name) Contracts Administrator (Title) Chief Growth Officer (Title) 01/12/2022 (Date) Washington State Department of Corrections (Date) K11720 P-25419 000006 Page 6of6 21DH ATTACHMENT A STATEMENT OF WORK This Statement of Work (“SOW”) is by and between the Washington State Department of Corrections (“Department”) and Securus Technologies, LLC (“Vendor”) and is part of DOC Contract No. K11720 by and between the Parties (the “IITS Agreement”). This SOW is coterminous with the IITS Agreement. Vendor will provide the products and services described in this SOW during the Term of the IITS Agreement. Definitions may be found in Attachment D, Agreement Schedules. TELEPHONE SERVICE / CALL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NextGen Secure Call Platform. NextGen Secure Call Platform (“SCP”) allows end users to place calls through its centralized system without the need for conventional live operator services. SCP allows Department to (a) monitor and record calls; (b) prevent monitoring and recording of private calls; (c) limit the duration of calls; (d) maintain call detail records; (e) shut the system on or off. Vendor will be responsible for all billing and collections of calling charges. Vendor will store call recordings for a period of 12 months from the date of recording. The Department may download and store call recordings during that period. The Department is solely responsible for preserving any call recordings beyond that storage period by downloading them to a separate storage medium. SCP will integrate Securus Debit accounts prior to go-live. Securus Debit. A Securus Debit account is a prepaid account owned by an incarcerated end user which allows incarcerated individuals to call any number as well as maintain funds for media services and other items. Securus Debit is funded either through a transfer from a trust/commissary account or through deposits from friends and family. Once deposited in the Securus Debit account, funds become property of the incarcerated end user. Securus Debit accounts are associated with a personal identification number (“PIN”), and users are required to input a PIN at the beginning of every Securus Debit transaction. Vendor will invoice the Department on a weekly basis for all funding amounts transferred from facility trust/commissary accounts to Securus Debit accounts. The invoice will be due and payable upon receipt. Calling Rates. Vendor will charge the following calling rates, plus applicable taxes, fees: Call Destination Rate All Domestic Calls $0.05 per minute All International Calls $0.05 per minute (Plus the average cost of termination established by the called country) Vendor will provide two free 20-minute phone calls per incarcerated individual per week, provided that, for any given account, if the free phone calls are not used during that week, the end user will not retain such free calls for that account whenever the next distribution of free phone calls occurs. Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000007 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 1 of 26 21DH Calling Taxes, Fees. In addition to the rates above, Vendor will charge the following taxes, and fees in connection with telephone services: Fee Amount AdvanceConnect or Securus Debit Deposit – Family or Friend Prepaid Service $2.00 fee per funding event for up to $300 deposit is applied only on deposits from friends and family. Transfers from trust accounts to Securus debit from the incarcerated individuals will not be subject to these fees. *If paid by check or money order, the fee does not apply. AdvanceConnect Single Call – Family or Friend Prepaid Service $2.00 per funding event Securus Debit – Incarcerated Individual Money Transfer From Trust/Commissary to Securus Debit Account Pass through cost if charged by Commissary or Trust Provider (Syscon) Federal Universal Service Fund (“USF”) Charged per call based on regulatory direction Federal Cost Recovery Fee Charged per call based on regulatory direction Taxes As required by applicable law or regulation without markup. Commission on Telephone Calls. Vendor will pay a $0.02 per minute commission to the Department on each call placed from the Department’s facilities that are subject to charge. Regulatory charges; taxes and fees; federal, state, and/or local charges; transaction, funding, or cost-recovery fees; credits; charges billed by third parties; and promotional programs are excluded. Vendor will remit the Phone Commission for a calendar month on or before the 30th day after the end of the calendar month in which the calls were made. Calling Equipment. Vendor will install up to 1,720 telephones and the required components and equipment at the Department’s facilities. Securus agrees to install an additional 86 phones at the Department’s discretion. ADVANCECONNECT AdvanceConnect. A Securus AdvanceConnect account is a prepaid account owned by a called party, tied to their phone number, and allows the called party to receive collect calls from Incarcerated individuals and have the charges deducted automatically from their prepaid account. AdvanceConnect Single Call. The Securus AdvanceConnect Single Call service allows called parties to connect to their Incarcerated Individual in the event their AdvanceConnect prepaid account does not exist or does not have enough funds to complete a call, without disconnecting the call. Upon receiving an unbillable call from an Incarcerated Individual, the called party will be presented the option to enter a credit/debit card to pay for just Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000008 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 2 of 26 21DH one call or directed to set up or replenish their account at our website or other authorized funding mechanisms. They will be billed the contracted per-minute rate plus applicable government taxes and fees as well as the contracted credit card transaction fee. THREADS The THREADS application allows authorized users to analyze corrections and communications data from multiple sources to generate targeted investigative leads. THREADS™ has three main components: data analysis, data review, and data import. In addition, THREADS offers an optional “community” feature, which allows member correctional facilities to access and analyze corrections communications data from other correctional facilities within the community and data imported by other community members. The Department has not yet elected to opt into the community feature at no cost to the Department. INVESTIGATOR PRO Investigator Pro uses continuous voice identification technology to identify the incarcerated end user(s) speaking on a call, detect certain three-way call violations, and help investigators find correlations among calls. Incarcerated end users must participate in a supervised voice model enrollment process. ICER The ICER system provides authorized users the means to detect intra- and inter-facility communications between incarcerated end users from multiple sources to generate targeted investigative leads. SECURUS VIDEO CONNECT & TERMINAL SOFTWARE Securus Video Connect. Vendor will deploy Securus Video Connect (“SVC”), a web-based video conference system upon implementation. Video connect sessions will be stored for a period of 90 days from the date of recording. The Department may download and store call recordings during that period. The Department is solely responsible for preserving any recordings beyond that storage period by downloading them to a separate storage medium. Terminal Software. In addition to SVC and the ability to make telephone calls, Vendor’s terminals contain several other applications on either the terminal or the tablet. At the Department’s option, Vendor will deploy its Forms (Grievance), Handbook (.PDF), Third Party Vendor Commissary, Website Education (URL), Videos (.MP4), SelfOp Commissary Ordering, Emergency Visitation, Job Search, and Law Library applications at no additional cost. Similar applications are also available for deployment on tablets. Additional applications may be deployed by mutual agreement of Vendor and the Department. If applicable, Vendor will deploy a Third-Party Vendor Commissary Application, once an agreement has been executed by and between Vendor and the Department’s commissary operator for such application. Equipment. Vendor will deploy up to 269 terminals and the required components and equipment at the Department’s facilities to support Video Connect service at no cost to the Department. 13 additional terminals, components, and equipment may be deployed at Department’s discretion. Video Connect Rates. Vendor will charge the following video connect rate: Session Type Washington State Department of Corrections Rate K11720 P-25419 000009 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 3 of 26 21DH Remote $4.95 per 30-minute session The existing JPay contract includes a promotion (COVID promotion) that provides two free video connect sessions per month. This promotion is set to expire on December 31, 2021. Vendor agrees to extend this promotion until such time as SVC (Securus Video Connect) is installed under this agreement on a site-by-site basis as long as both parties are moving toward implementation of this agreement. Once SVC system is fully deployed, by facility, Vendor will provide the end users with four free video visitation sessions per incarcerated individual per month, provided that, for any given account, if the free sessions are not used during that month, the end user will not retain any unused free session(s) for that account whenever the next distribution of free sessions occurs. Video Connect Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges. In addition to the rates above, Vendor will charge the following taxes, fees, and surcharges in connection with Video Connect services: Fee Amount Taxes As required by applicable law or regulation without markup. SVC and Visitation Policy. It is the responsibility of the DOC to establish and communicate policies and processes around privacy of incarcerated individual communication. The DOC acknowledges that Securus provides a system that can be configured for private/privileged communications but by default all communications are recorded and stored. If the DOC intends to use the system for private or privileged communications, the responsibility for marking those communication events and or called parties as private/privileged is the responsibility of the DOC. This agreement applies to all forms of communication provided by Securus. With respect to video calling, the DOC acknowledges that the Securus Video calling product is intended to supplement in person visitation and is not intended as a replacement. Policies related to availability of in person visitation is at the sole discretion of the agency and are not defined by Securus. VIDEO RELAY SERVICE Vendor’s Video Relay Service application (“VRS”) provides a fully integrated video relay service offering into the Secure Call Platform (SCP) allowing critical call controls to be maintained. This service allows deaf and hard-ofhearing incarcerated end users the ability to communicate with friends and family via a videoconferencing service. VRS sessions will be provided at no cost to the end user, and Vendor will enable VRS functionality on up to 42 of the 269 ConnectUs terminals provided pursuant to this SOW. VRS may be deployed on more of these terminals if mutually agreed by the parties. The Department is solely responsible for (a) determining which individuals are eligible to use VRS; (b) configuring SCP to allow access to the VRS application on ConnectUs-enabled terminals; and (c) designating which VRS numbers for which calls are not to be recorded, by marking those numbers as “private” within SCP. Vendor’s third-party vendors shall have the right, in their discretion, to terminate VRS sessions for policy violations or disruptive behavior, including, without limitation, verbal or other abuse of the VRS interpreter. The highest operable part for any VRS unit must not be over 48 inches from the floor to support access by wheelchair bound customers. The cost of VRS was considered and included in offering the terms herein. Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000010 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 4 of 26 21DH TTD/TTY Securus will supply and install operational TTY/TDD devices and Captel for incarcerated individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. The Ultratec Superprint 4425 TTY/TDD phone model will be provided, including, but not limited to the following specifications: • • Electrical plug Rechargeable batteries TABLETS Vendor will upgrade the Department’s current tablet program to Vendor’s Unity tablet program, which will be provided on Vendor’s JP6 hardware platform as follows: Unity Tablet Program. Securus will provide a tablet to all Department-approved end users. Securus will deploy the infrastructure necessary to provide quality of service to support the users. The Department will own any wiring and network cable associated with this installation; however, any other infrastructure will be owned by Securus. The tablet will offer access to a variety of content, some of which is accessible at no cost and some of which is rented or purchased by the end user, including but not limited to eBooks, educational, religious, and vocational materials, songs, games, movies, podcasts, and television episodes. The tablets also offer access to other Securus services, such as telephone service, and eMessaging. Securus will provide Department designated staff with Securus command and control tablets or software solution for the purpose of management and control of the tablet system. Securus grants end users a limited license to use the tablets and content as contemplated by the IITS Agreement and this SOW during the Term of the IITS Agreement, but all tablets and content will remain under the ownership of, as applicable, Securus or its licensors. The cost of the devices and infrastructure was considered and included in offering the other terms in this SOW, including but not limited to the prices offered to end users in connection with Securus’ services. Securus will provide the tablets at no cost to the Department or to the incarcerated individual. Unity Tablet Rates. Vendor will charge the end user rates described in the following table: Rate / Description Charge JP6 Tablet Deployment) (Initial Rate Unit Additional Information / Clarification No cost Per Tablet Securus will provide a JP6 tablet to all Department-approved end users; there will not be a charge for the device itself. Each device will include one set of headphones, a case, and a charger. Charging carts will be made available in locations without access to electrical outlets. JP6 Tablet (Fee for Broken Unit) Washington State Department of Corrections $129.99 Per Unit In the event that the Department determines through the disciplinary process the JP6 Tablet is broken due to malicious use or intentional K11720 P-25419 000011 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 5 of 26 21DH damage by the user, the fee for replacement is $129.99. Gummy Earbuds with Microphone $14.99 Per unit JP6s 7” Power Adapter $15.99 Per unit Keyboard $19.99 Per unit $5.99 Per unit JP6s 7” Tablet Case $5.99 Per unit Additional Accessories Varies by accessory Per unit Additional accessories may be offered and sold with the Department’s approval. Music $0.69 - $1.99 Per song Users may access songs during the term of their incarceration. Available content is periodically updated / changed and is subject to third-party licensing agreements with content providers. Music Albums $0.99 - $14.99 Per album Users may access songs during the term of their incarceration. Available content is periodically updated / changed and is subject to third-party licensing agreements with content providers. Movies Free - $9.99 Per movie Users have 30 days to view the content and 48 hours to view the content once the “play” button is pushed. Available content is periodically updated and is subject to third-party licensing agreements with content providers. Television Episodes $1.70 - $2.28 Per episode Users have 30 days to view the content and 48 hours to view the content once the “play” button is pushed. Available content is periodically updated and is subject to third-party licensing agreements with content providers. eBooks No cost Per book Users may access eBooks during the term of their incarceration. Available content is periodically updated and is subject to third-party licensing agreements with content providers. Premium eBooks Free - $14.99 Per book Users may access eBooks during the term of their incarceration. Available content is periodically updated and is subject to third-party licensing agreements with content providers. JP6s 7” Protector Screen Device Washington State Department of Corrections Securus Security recommends that only Securus issued audio and voice components should be used on the Securus wireless devices. The use of non-Securus audio and voice components could compromise the quality of sound on Securus wireless devices. K11720 P-25419 000012 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 6 of 26 21DH Audio Books Free to $19.00 Per book Users may access audio books during the term of their incarceration. Available content is periodically updated and is subject to third-party licensing agreements with content providers. Games Free - $8.98 Per game Upon rental, users may access games during the term of their incarceration. Available content is periodically updated and is subject to third-party licensing agreements with content providers. Newsstand $5.99 Per month Upon rental, users may receive daily news feed for 30 days. Available content is updated daily during the length of the subscription. Law Library Access No cost Securus will provide access to the Department’s law library provider on all tablets, provided that the proposed integration is technically practicable and subject to agreement of terms between Securus and the law library provider. The Department is responsible for any and all costs associated with licensing the law library solution from its law library provider. Additional Securus Services Other accessible Securus services which have rates and fee structures otherwise specified in the Contract (such as telephone calling and eMessaging) will be offered on the tablets based on the rates and fees otherwise provided in the SOW for those services. Other Types of Premium and No Cost Content To be mutually agreed by the Department and Securus Music Content Transfer Incarcerated Individual Release and New Vendor Washington State Department of Corrections Securus agrees that tablet users need to access the music they purchased upon release or transition to a new provider. o Upon incarcerated individual release, a USB will be provided upon request with all available music. o Upon transition to a new vendor, available music will be converted into a transferrable mp3 format and transmitted using secured FTP to the new vendor. Securus will also provide the new vendor with the ISRC codes of the music held by Users. o The new vendor is subject to the license transfer terms and conditions of the content provider. K11720 P-25419 000013 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 7 of 26 21DH Securus agrees to review any changes in the content retrieval and delivery process with the Department on a quarterly basis. At Department’s option, and when commercially available, Vendor will enable subscription pricing plans for premium content. The pricing and compensation associated with these plans will be subject to negotiation and mutual agreement of Vendor and the Department at the time of deployment, but Vendor expects the approximate final pricing to be as follows: o OPTIONAL SUBSCRIPTION PRICING (WHEN AVAILABLE) Movies – 30 Subscription Day $12.46 Per 30day period Available content is periodically updated and is subject to third-party licensing agreements with content providers. Music – 30 Subscription Day $23.38 Per 30day period Available content is periodically updated and is subject to third-party licensing agreements with content providers. Games – 30 Subscription Day $9.34 Per 30day period Available content is periodically updated and is subject to third-party licensing agreements with content providers. Premium eBooks – 30 Day Subscription $23.38 Per 30day period Available content is periodically updated and is subject to third-party licensing agreements with content providers. Audio Books – 30 Day Subscription $30.00 Per 30day period Available content is periodically updated and is subject to third-party licensing agreements with content providers. Tablet Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges. In addition to the rates above, Vendor will charge the following taxes, fees, and surcharges in connection with tablet services: Fee Amount Automated or Live Deposit $2.00 per funding event Check or Money Order No Cost Taxes As required by applicable law or regulation without markup. Commission on Premium Content Purchases. Vendor will pay a 25.8% commission (the “Tablet Commission”) on the revenue earned through the purchase of music, albums, movies, games, TV shows, premium e-books, Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000014 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 8 of 26 21DH audio books and newsstand premium content on those tablets and excludes applicable taxes/fees/surcharges. Vendor will remit the Tablet Commission for a calendar month on or before the 30th day after the end of the calendar month in which the tablet transactions occur. Commission on Subscription Based Purchases. Vendor will pay 35.9% commission on the revenue earned through the purchase of 30-day subscriptions associated with music, movies, games, premium e-books and audio books and excludes applicable taxes/fees/surcharges. Vendor will remit the Tablet Commission for a calendar month on or before the 30th day after the end of the calendar month in which the tablet transactions occur. Tablet Hardware Refresh. No later than 36 months after full deployment of the JP6 tablets contemplated by this SOW, Vendor will replace the deployed tablets with Vendor’s most updated market-available model of tablet hardware. In order to share the cost of financing the tablet hardware refresh contemplated by this SOW, Vendor will assess $2.50 per Incarcerated Individual per month, based on average daily population for a total of 36months, to be deposited into a hardware refresh fee fund. This fee will be deducted from commission otherwise owed by Vendor under this agreement and will not be charged to incarcerated individuals. Securus agrees to provide a quarterly itemized report of the hardware refresh fee fund. DOC may request, and Securus agrees to provide, an audit of the hardware refresh fee fund annually. Any funds from the hardware refresh fee fund account not otherwise used for future hardware refresh will be remitted to Department. EMESSAGING eMessaging. Vendor’s eMessaging application (“eMessaging”) allows for two-way electronic communication between friends and family and an incarcerated end user. Users purchase eMessaging “stamps,” which are used to fund the transmission of an electronic message according to the following chart: Type of Message (When Available) Number of Stamps Notes Electronic Message (eMessage) 1 stamp per message Photo 1 stamp per photo Limit of 5 photos per eMessage; 3 MB / photo limit eCard 1 stamp per eCard Limit of 5 eCards per eMessage VideoGram 4 stamps per VideoGram Different types of attachments can also be combined in a single transmission. The facility can access a web-based portal that enables message review and can approve and reject a message or attachment based on the facility’s policies and criteria. Friends and family must send and receive messages using either the Securus mobile app or their inbox at www.securustech.net and must have a free Securus Online account to access. Approved messages and attachments are accessible through tablets and SVC terminals. Availability of eMessages: With the exception of those messages that the users have intentionally deleted, Securus will make available to all incarcerated individuals and friends and family all messages that the user has received, including those that were previously received on the JPay platform. Future Releases and Modifications. With the Agency’s agreement, Vendor may (a) issue future releases of eMessaging which contain additional features and functionalities; or (b) modify the pricing contained herein. Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000015 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 9 of 26 21DH Department Review of eMessages. The Department is solely responsible for review and approval of eMessages, including attachments (if applicable and permitted by the Department) , to ensure they meet Department policy. Vendor will use machine translation to translate eMessages written in Spanish into English for the sole purpose of the Department’s review. The Department acknowledges that machine translation is not 100% accurate and that such machine-translated messages may contain grammatical and other errors. Vendor makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or reliability of such machine translation. eMessaging Rates. Vendor will provide e-Messaging at no cost to the Department. Friends and family members can purchase a book of stamps specific to a facility in the following quantities and at the following cost: Number of Stamps in Book Stamp Book Price (Plus transaction fees and all applicable taxes) 6 $2.00 20 $5.00 35 $7.50 60 $10.00 Where available, using funds in a Securus Debit account, incarcerated end users can purchase a book of stamps in the following quantities: Number of Stamps in Book Stamp Book Price (Plus applicable taxes) 6 $2.00 20 $5.00 35 $7.50 60 $10.00 Vendor will provide each incarcerated individual with fifty-five (55) free stamps on the first of each month which must be used by the end of each month. Stamps will not roll over from month to month. Stamps are nontransferable and are not refundable. Free stamps will be allocated on the first of each month to each eligible incarcerated individual as determined by the WA DOC. Once the system is fully deployed, by facility, Vendor will provide incarcerated individuals with fifteen (15) free stamps in the first partial month of service which must be used by the end of the month. Stamps are nontransferable and are not refundable. Fifty-five (55) free stamps will be allocated on the first of next full month and each subsequent month to each eligible ii as determined by the WA DOC. e-Messaging Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges. In addition to the rates above, Vendor will charge the following taxes, fees, and surcharges in connection with eMessaging services: Fee Amount Automated or Live Deposit (Friends and Family) $2.00 per funding event Check or Money Order No Cost Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000016 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 10 of 26 21DH Taxes As required by applicable law or regulation without markup. INSTALLATION AND DEPLOYMENT SCHEDULE The IITS will be implemented in phases, with the first phase occurring at the two women’s facilities (WCCW and MCCCW). The first phase will be a “proof of concept” that will provide the Department and end users with important information about the adequacy of the Securus platform to address the needs of the Department, incarcerated individuals, and the friends and families of incarcerated individuals. Later phases of the implementation are dependent on the success of the proof of concept as further detailed in Attachment E, Project Plan. No products or services associated with installation and deployment schedule activities may be deployed/implemented until the Vendor receives a Notice to Proceed from the Department. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the rates and fees identified in this contract may only be implemented upon go live for each facility. Vendor will deploy the products and services in this SOW based on the installation schedule detailed in the Project Plan SERVICE LEVEL TERMS Vendor will follow the service level terms attached hereto as Attachment B, Service Level Terms MISCELLANEOUS THE PARTIES AGREE THIS CONTRACT AND ANY ATTACHMENTS REMAIN UNAFFECTED BY ANY CLICKWRAP AGREEMENTS OR UPDATES TO CLICKWRAP AGREEMENTS TO WHICH DOC IS SUBJECTED DURING THE TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT. Investigations Personnel. Vendor will reimburse the Department for the cost to cover the salaries and benefits of four investigators. These personnel will be Department personnel and will not be employed by or have any contractual relationship with Vendor. 1. Dedicated Service Technicians. Vendor will provide two field personnel dedicated solely to Department operations. No more than 50% should be gone at one time. 2. Tablet Administrators. Vendor will provide a minimum of five tablet administrators. One tablet administrator will be hired and ready to provide service at Proof of Concept facilities. Each tablet administrator will be assigned a work location/geographical region based on mutual agreement by Department and Vendor. 3. Ownership of Products and Services and Grant of License to the Department. Other than as specifically set forth herein, Vendor does not grant or otherwise convey any license or other ownership right in or to its software applications or any technology or intellectual property rights associated with its software applications. Vendor grants Department a personal, limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license (without the right to sublicense) to access and use the products and services solely as contemplated by the IITS (the “Department License”). 4. Additional Terms of Department License. In connection with the Department License, the Department agrees that (a) it will not resell, assign, or otherwise transfer the products and services or any portions thereof; (b) it will only use the products and services for lawful purposes and will not transmit, retransmit, or store material associated with the products and services in violation of any federal or state laws or regulation; (c) it will not 5. Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000017 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 11 of 26 21DH provide access to the products and services to third parties; (d) it will not connect the products and services to any products that Vendor did not furnish or approve in writing; (e) it will not create derivative works based on the products and services; (f) it will not disassemble, reverse engineer, decompile, or otherwise attempt to reveal the code, trade secrets, or know-how underlying the products and services or allow any third party to do so; (g) it will not remove, obscure, or alter any intellectual property right or confidentiality notices or legends appearing in or on any aspect of any products and services; (h) it will be responsible for distributing and assigning licenses to Department end users (e.g. Department staff and contractors. This does not include incarcerated individuals or friends and family); and (i) it will monitor and ensure that its licensed end users comply with these terms. Grant of License from Department to Vendor. The Department grants Vendor the exclusive right and license to install, maintain, and derive revenue from its products and services at all facilities under the Department’s authority now and in the future during the term of this SOW. Subject to the remaining terms and conditions of this SOW, and upon successful implementation of the IITS at all the facilities, Vendor and, as applicable, its subsidiaries, will be the sole and exclusive provider of incarcerated end user communications, whether fixed, mobile or otherwise, including but not limited to voice, video, and data (e.g., phone calls, video calls, messaging, prepaid calling cards, debit calling, and e-mail) and incarcerated end user software applications at all correctional facilities now or in the future under the authority of Department and to the exclusion of any other third party providing such services, including without limitation, Department’s employees, agents, or subcontractors. 6. Third-Party Software. The deployment of certain features and functionalities within Vendor’s products and services which utilize third-party content or services may require a direct agreement between the Department and the third party as a condition which must be fulfilled prior to deployment. For the initial deployment of goods and services the only third-party agreements thought to potentially require execution are with LexisNexis and a commissary provider, if any. 7. Private Communications. The Department may designate certain communications (for example, attorney or clergy communications) as “Private” within certain of the products and services. The Department acknowledges and agrees that it has the sole discretion, authority, and responsibility to designate certain communications as Private, and that Vendor has no discretion, authority, or responsibility to make such designations, unless done so at the Department’s instruction. 8. Implementation. This document describes the technology services and related goods provided by Vendor for the benefit of incarcerated individuals and their friends and family, and to the Department. Securus agrees to include housing units (cells), indoor and outdoor recreation areas (including yards and dayrooms), and infirmaries in the implementation of all goods and services as further detailed in the attached heat maps. 9. Adding, Removing, or Changing Goods or Services. Changes related to security features/services or emergency fixes will be communicated to DOC. All significant additions, removals, or changes to the goods or services provided under this contract shall be communicated to impacted users. If the addition, removal, or change represents an addition, removal, or change to what is in this SOW or elsewhere in the contract documents, an amendment will need to be mutually agreed and executed in writing between Securus and the Department. Pricing for goods and services may not change without an amendment to the Contract. All known changes will be reviewed and discussed during Quarterly Business Reviews conducted by Securus. 10. 11. Biometric Identifiers and Compliance with Washington Law. DOC is required to abide by RCW 40.26.020 and applicable DOC policy regarding the collection, storage, agency use and notification requirements regarding biometric identifiers as defined in RCW 40.26.020. In compliance with this law, Securus agrees to assist DOC in maintaining compliance by agreeing as follows: a. Securus shall have a verbal admonishment or contractual term prior to the connection of any call or any session with a Washington based incarcerated individual where any Biometric Identifier would be collected, the admonishment or contractual term must notify what Biometric Identifier(s) will be Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000018 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 12 of 26 21DH collected, specify the purpose and use of the Biometric identifier, and allow the individual to decline the terms and terminate the session prior to collection or accept the terms and continue with the call or session. b. Securus shall maintain records detailing which callers or users accepted the terms of Section 12. a. and will maintain this record on behalf of DOC for the duration of the retention of the Biometric Identifier. DOC may request copies of these records as needed to maintain compliance with RCW 40.26.020. c. Securus agrees not to sell or otherwise commercialize Biometric Identifiers so as to limit their use solely for the investigative or law enforcement purpose for which they are collected. d. Securus agrees to treat data containing Biometric Identifiers as Category 3 data and protect it consistent with Exhibit E: Data Security Requirements. 12. Representations and Warranties. Vendor represents and warrants that, unless modified in this SOW or other contract document, Securus will provide the goods and services as described in its response to Department requirements. 13. Clickwrap Exceptions for Incarcerated Individuals and Friends and Family (Third Parties). Notwithstanding the provisions of any clickwrap agreement between Securus and incarcerated individuals or friends and family of incarcerated individuals, should a dispute arise between these Third Parties and Securus, Securus agrees to allow Third-Parties the option to litigate or arbitrate under Washington state law with venue proper in any appropriate federal or state court in Washington. Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000019 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 13 of 26 21DH JPAY PAYMENT SERVICES 1. Payment Services. Vendor will implement and provide certain services to the Department to make available to individuals and organizations posting funds or satisfying obligations to the Department (each singularly, a “Payer” or collectively, “Payers”) for the duration of the IITS Agreement. Vendor hereby delegates any and all of the services to be provided or obligations to be performed (“Payment Services”) under this JPay Payment Services Exhibit (“Exhibit”) to its affiliate, JPay LLC (“JPay”) and the Department accepts JPay as an approved subcontractor. The Department understands and agrees that while Vendor shall be responsible for the performance of JPay, JPay will provide the Payment Services. JPay shall as applicable (i) provide the Department with training, implementation, documentation, and electronic and telephonic support at JPay’s expense; (ii) cause funds paid to be forwarded electronically to such account as the Department designates within two banking days after transaction authorization; and (iii) provide such other Payment Services as described herein. In the event of a conflict between the terms of this Exhibit and the terms of the Agreement, the terms of this Exhibit shall control. 2. Service Fees. Service Fees for Payment Services shall be charged as follows: Money Transfers from Family and Friends into Incarcerated Individual Trust Accounts Money Transfer Service Type Amount Transferred Fee Online/Kiosk/Mobile $0.01 to $20.00 $3.25 Online/Kiosk/Mobile $20.01 to $100.00 $7.25 Online/Kiosk/Mobile $100.01 to $200.00 $8.95 Online/Kiosk/Mobile $200.01 to $300.00 $10.95 Phone/IVR $0.01 to $20.00 $3.25 Phone/IVR $20.01 to $100.00 $7.95 Phone/IVR $100.01 to $200.00 $8.95 Phone/IVR $200.01 to $300.00 $10.95 Cash Locations (MoneyGram and Other) $0.01 to $5,000.00 $6.95 $0.01 to $300.00 No Cost Check or Money Order ALL SERVICE FEES ARE NONREFUNDABLE. 3. Reimbursement. In case of any duplicate, inaccurate, or erroneous payment by JPay to the Department, and upon notification by JPay to the Department of such duplicate, inaccurate, or erroneous payment, verification of which is provided to the Department, the Department agrees to promptly reimburse JPay for the payment. 4. Specifications. Card transfers can be made online at www.JPay.com, on JPay’s mobile app, by phone at (800) 574-JPAY, or at any walk-in MoneyGram location. If requested, JPay shall integrate with the Department's Case Management System software provider at no charge to the Department. 5. Banking. The Department authorizes JPay to credit/debit the Department’s bank account via ACH for all credit/debit card and cash payments. JPay shall assume full liability for delivery of all funds indicated in the daily payment report provided to the Department. 6. Enrollment. The Department shall provide such information or consents as JPay may require in order to establish the Payment Services. Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000020 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 14 of 26 21DH 7. Service Promotion. All services JPay provides under this Amendment shall be provided under the JPay brand. The Department agrees to work with JPay to promote the Payment Services through posters, flyers, and the Department’s website. 8. Fraud or Forgery. If any Payer is shown to have committed fraud or forgery in utilizing the Payment Services for currency, any obligation Payer attempted to pay or deposit Payer attempted to make by such fraud or forgery shall be deemed unpaid and due or owing to the Department solely and exclusively by Payer or such deposit shall be deemed invalid, as the case may be. 9. Disputes and Chargebacks. JPay shall be responsible for handling all transaction disputes raised by Payers associated with the use of the Payment Services. JPay shall further be responsible for all chargebacks initiated not more than 180 days after the completion of a transaction. If JPay determines that a chargeback may be inappropriate, JPay expects the Department to provide reasonable assistance in any challenge JPay makes to the chargeback. JPay reserves the right to adjust service and security levels as JPay reasonably deems necessary to maintain payment security and integrity. 10. Disclaimers and Limitations of Liability. ALL DISCLAIMERS AND LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT RELATING TO THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT SHALL APPLY WITH EQUAL EFFECT TO JPAY AND THE PAYMENT SERVICES GENERALLY. NEITHER VENDOR NOR JPAY GUARANTEES THAT SERVICES SHALL BE PROVIDED ERROR-FREE OR UNINTERRUPTED. NEITHER VENDOR NOR JPAY ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SECURITY OF DATA ON SYSTEMS OTHER THAN THOSE CONTROLLED BY VENDOR OR JPAY. VENDOR AND JPAY LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO PAYMENTS PROCESSED HEREUNDER IS LIMITED TO MAKING PAYMENTS IN THE AMOUNTS AUTHORIZED. OTHER THAN WARRANTIES EXPLICITLY MADE IN THIS EXHIBIT, VENDOR AND JPAY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE PAYMENT SERVICES. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RELATED TO UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS, USE, OR DISCLOSURE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, NO PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE DEPARTMENT BEARS RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS IT MAY TAKE IN CONNECTION WITH THE SERVICES PROVIDED UNDER THIS EXHIBIT. 11. Miscellaneous. There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Exhibit except for terms herein specifically related to treatment of incarcerated individuals or friends and family of incarcerated individuals by JPay. Any party is excused from performance under this Exhibit and shall not be liable for any delay in performance or nonperformance, in whole or in part, caused by the occurrence of any contingency beyond the control of the nonperforming party including, but not limited to, work stoppages, fires, civil disobedience, riots, rebellions, terrorism, loss of power or telecommunications, flood, storm, Acts of God, and similar occurrences. A waiver of any portion of this Exhibit must be in writing and signed by the party to be charged and shall not be deemed a waiver or renunciation of any other portions. Rights and obligations under this Exhibit which by their nature should survive will remain in effect after termination or expiration of the Agreement or termination of the Payment Services. In the event that any provision of this Exhibit is adjudicated by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, void, or unenforceable, all other provisions of this Exhibit shall remain in full force and effect. 12. Completeness. This Exhibit is the entire agreement between the parties and expresses the complete understanding of the parties, superseding all prior or contemporaneous agreements with regard to the subject matter herein. This Exhibit may not be altered, amended or modified except in a writing incorporated hereto and signed by the parties, provided, however, that JPay may revise the terms of this Exhibit if required to comply with law, regulation, or industry rules and JPay provides prompt notice to the Department of such change(s). Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000021 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 15 of 26 21DH DATA SECURITY REQUIREMENTS 1. Definitions. The words and phrases listed below, as used in this Exhibit, shall each have the following definitions: a. “AES” means the Advanced Encryption Standard, a specification of Federal Information Processing Standards Publications for the encryption of electronic data issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.197.pdf). b. “Authorized Users(s)” means an individual or individuals with a business need to access DOC Confidential Information, and who has or have been authorized to do so. c. “Business Associate Agreement” means an agreement between DOC and a contractor who is receiving Data covered under the Privacy and Security Rules of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. The agreement establishes permitted and required uses and disclosures of protected health information (PHI) in accordance with HIPAA requirements and provides obligations for business associates to safeguard the information. d. “Category 3 Data” is Confidential information is information that is specifically protected from either release or disclosure by law. This includes, but is not limited to: 1. Personal information as defined in RCW 42.56.590 and RCW 19.255.10. 2. Information about public employees as defined in RCW 42.56.250. 3. Lists of individuals for commercial purposes as defined in RCW 42.56.070 4. Information about the infrastructure and security of computer and telecommunication networks as defined in RCW 42.56.420. e. “Category 4 Data” is data that is confidential and requires special handling due to statutes or regulations that require especially strict protection of the data and from which especially serious consequences may arise in the event of any compromise of such data. Data classified as Category 4 includes but is not limited to data protected by: the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Pub. L. 104-191 as amended by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 (HITECH), 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164; the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. §1232g; 34 CFR Part 99; Internal Revenue Service Publication 1075 (https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p1075.pdf); Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration regulations on Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records, 42 CFR Part 2; the Uniform Health Care Information Act, RCW 70.02; the Washington State Criminal Records Privacy Act, RCW 10.97; and/or Criminal Justice Information Services, 28 CFR Part 20. f. “Cloud” means data storage on servers hosted by an entity other than the Contractor and on a network outside the control of the Contractor. Physical storage of data in the cloud typically spans multiple servers and often multiple locations. Cloud storage can be divided between consumer grade storage for personal files and enterprise grade for companies and governmental entities. Examples of consumer grade storage would include iTunes, Dropbox, Box.com, and many other entities. Enterprise cloud vendors include Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Rackspace. Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000022 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 16 of 26 21DH g. “Encrypt” means to encode Confidential Information into a format that can only be read by those possessing a “key”; a password, digital certificate or other mechanism available only to authorized users. Encryption must use a key length of at least 256 bits for symmetric keys, or 2048 bits for asymmetric keys. When a symmetric key is used, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) must be used if available. h. “FedRAMP” means the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (see www.fedramp.gov), which is an assessment and authorization process that federal government agencies have been directed to use to ensure security is in place when accessing Cloud computing products and services. i. “Hardened Password” means a string of at least eight characters containing at least three of the following four character classes: Uppercase alphabetic, lowercase alphabetic, numeral, and special characters such as an asterisk, ampersand, or exclamation point. j. “Mobile Device” means a computing device, typically smaller than a notebook, which runs a mobile operating system, such as iOS, Android, or Windows Phone. Mobile Devices include smart phones, most tablets, and other form factors. k. “Multi-factor Authentication” means controlling access to computers and other IT resources by requiring two or more pieces of evidence that the user is who they claim to be. These pieces of evidence consist of something the user knows, such as a password or PIN; something the user has such as a key card, smart card, or physical token; and something the user is, a biometric identifier such as a fingerprint, facial scan, or retinal scan. “PIN” means a personal identification number, a series of numbers which act as a password for a device. Since PINs are typically only four to six characters, PINs are usually used in conjunction with another factor of authentication, such as a fingerprint. l. “Portable Device” means any computing device with a small form factor, designed to be transported from place to place. Portable devices are primarily battery powered devices with base computing resources in the form of a processor, memory, storage, and network access. Examples include, but are not limited to, mobile phones, tablets, and laptops. Mobile Device is a subset of Portable Device. m. “Portable Media” means any machine readable media that may routinely be stored or moved independently of computing devices. Examples include magnetic tapes, optical discs (CDs or DVDs), flash memory (thumb drive) devices, external hard drives, and internal hard drives that have been removed from a computing device. n. “Secure Area” means an area to which only authorized representatives of the entity possessing the Confidential Information have access, and access is controlled through use of a key, card key, combination lock, or comparable mechanism. Secure Areas may include buildings, rooms or locked storage containers (such as a filing cabinet or desk drawer) within a room, as long as access to the Confidential Information is not available to unauthorized personnel. In otherwise Secure Areas, such as an office with restricted access, the Data must be secured in such a way as to prevent access by non-authorized staff such as janitorial or facility security staff, when authorized Contractor staff are not present to ensure that non-authorized staff cannot access it. o. “Trusted Network” means a network operated and maintained by the Contractor, which includes security controls sufficient to protect DOC Data on that network. Controls would include a firewall between any other networks, access control lists on networking devices such as routers and Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000023 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 17 of 26 21DH switches, and other such mechanisms which protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the Data. p. “Unique User ID” means a string of characters that identifies a specific user and which, in conjunction with a password, passphrase or other mechanism, authenticates a user to an information system. q. "Biometric identifier" means any information, regardless of how it is captured, converted, stored, or shared, based on an individual's retina or iris scan, fingerprint, voiceprint, DNA, or scan of hand or face geometry, except when such information is derived from: (i) Writing samples, written signatures, photographs, human biological samples used for valid scientific testing or screening, demographic data, tattoo descriptions, or physical descriptions such as height, weight, hair color, or eye color; (ii) Donated organ tissues or parts, or blood or serum stored on behalf of recipients or potential recipients of living or cadaveric transplants and obtained or stored by a federally designated organ procurement agency; (iii) Information captured from a patient in a health care setting or information collected, used, or stored for health care treatment, payment, or operations under the federal health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996; or (iv) X-ray, roentgen process, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET) scan, mammography, or other image or film of the human anatomy used to diagnose, develop a prognosis for, or treat an illness or other medical condition or to further validate scientific testing or screening. 2. Authority. The security requirements described in this document reflect the applicable requirements of Standard 141.10 (https://ocio.wa.gov/policies) of the Office of the Chief Information Officer for the state of Washington, WA DOC Policy 280.310 – Information Technology Security; WA DOC Policy 280.515 – Data Classification and Sharing; the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement; and all applicable state and federal laws in its treatment of WA DOC Data 3. Administrative Controls. The Contractor must have the following controls in place: a. A documented security policy governing the secure use of its computer network and systems, and which defines sanctions that may be applied to Contractor staff for violating that policy. b. Any data center security controls must meet or exceed those expected by the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) for low to moderate impact systems as described in FIPS 199 and 200, and in the most current release of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publications SP800- 53, including all other referenced NIST publications. c. Contractor warrants that all data collected, processed, routed, and/or stored by or through the service, or third-party service providers, remains at all times within the United States. d. If the Data shared under this agreement is classified as Category 4, the Contractor must be aware of and compliant with the applicable legal or regulatory requirements for that Category 4 Data. e. If Confidential Information shared under this agreement is classified as Category 4, the Contractor must have a documented risk assessment for the system(s) housing the Category 4 Data. Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000024 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 18 of 26 21DH 4. Authorization, Authentication, and Access. In order to ensure that access to the Data is limited to authorized staff, the Contractor must: a. Have documented policies and procedures governing access to systems with the shared Data. b. Restrict access through administrative, physical, and technical controls to authorized staff. c. Ensure that user accounts are unique and that any given user account logon ID and password combination is known only to the one employee to whom that account is assigned. For purposes of non-repudiation, it must always be possible to determine which employee performed a given action on a system housing the Data based solely on the logon ID used to perform the action. d. Ensure that only authorized users are capable of accessing the Data. e. Ensure that an employee’s access to the Data is removed immediately: (1) Upon suspected compromise of the user credentials. (2) When their employment, or the contract under which the Data is made available to them, is terminated. (3) When they no longer need access to the Data to fulfill the requirements of the contract. f. Have a process to periodically review and verify that only authorized users have access to systems containing DOC Confidential Information. g. When accessing the Data from within the Contractor’s network (the Data stays within the Contractor’s network at all times), enforce password and logon requirements for users within the Contractor’s network, including: (1) A minimum length of 8 characters, and containing at least three of the following character classes: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numerals, and special characters such as an asterisk, ampersand, or exclamation point. (2) That a password does not contain a user’s name, logon ID, or any form of their full name. (3) That a password does not consist of a single dictionary word. A password may be formed as a passphrase which consists of multiple dictionary words. (4) Password reuse is tracked against and prohibits the previous 24 passwords. h. When accessing Confidential Information from an external location (the Data will traverse the Internet or otherwise travel outside the Contractor’s network), mitigate risk and enforce password and logon requirements for users by employing measures including: (1) Ensuring mitigations applied to the system don’t allow end-user modification. (2) Not allowing the use of dial-up connections. (3) Using industry standard protocols and solutions for remote access. Examples would include RADIUS and Citrix. (4) Encrypting all remote access traffic from the external workstation to Trusted Network or to a component within the Trusted Network networks (using key lengths of 128 bits or greater) Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000025 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 19 of 26 21DH Algorithm modules validated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) are required. The traffic must be encrypted at all times while traversing any network, including the Internet, which is not a Trusted Network. (5) System application access prompts for re-authentication or performs automated session termination after no more than 20 minutes of inactivity. System application session termination values can be set on a per-customer basis. (6) Ensuring use of Multi-factor Authentication to connect from the external end point to the internal end point. Authentication mechanisms must meet or exceed those described in the most recent version of NIST SP 800-63 for information requiring assurance level 3 or higher. One of the authentication factors should be provided by a device separate from the computer gaining access. (7) Ensuring all system and service accounts use Enterprise Active Directory or a similar centralized authentication and authorization mechanism. If authentication methods such as SQL authentication are required by the system, Contractor uses credentials secured during transmission through encrypted sessions such as TLS1.2 (or greater) or IPSec, and in storage using a secure hash method validated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Within 72 hours of a request from DOC, Contractor must provide documentation showing how the credentials are secured during all transmissions using encrypted sessions such as TLS or IPSec, and in storage using a secure hash method validated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). i. Passwords or PIN codes may meet a lesser standard if used in conjunction with another authentication mechanism, such as a biometric (fingerprint, face recognition, iris scan) or token (software, hardware, smart card, etc.) in that case: (1) The PIN or password must be at least 5 letters or numbers when used in conjunction with at least one other authentication factor (2) Must not be comprised of all the same letter or number (11111, 22222, aaaaa, would not be acceptable) (3) Must not contain a “run” of three or more consecutive numbers (12398, 98743 would not be acceptable) j. If the contract specifically allows for the storage of Confidential Information on a Mobile Device, passcodes used on the device must: (1) Be a minimum of six alphanumeric characters. (2) Contain at least three unique character classes (upper case, lower case, letter, number). (3) Not contain more than a three consecutive character run. Passcodes consisting of 12345, or abcd12 would not be acceptable. k. Render the device unusable after a maximum of 10 failed logon attempts. l. Ensure the system/service supports single sign-on for state government employees, and external users by integrating the system's authentication mechanisms with the Washington State Enterprise Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000026 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 20 of 26 21DH Active Directory and Secure Authentication Gateways (post listeners are typically used for processing the gateway host headers). m. 5. Utilize application authentication controls that are consistent with those described in the most recent version of NIST SP 800-63 for information requiring assurance level 2 or higher. Protection of Data. The Contractor agrees to store Data on one or more of the following media and protect the Data as described: a. Hard disk drives. For Data stored on local workstation hard disks, access to the Data will be restricted to Authorized User(s) by requiring logon to the local workstation using a Unique User ID and Hardened Password or other authentication mechanisms which provide equal or greater security, such as biometrics or smart cards. b. Network server disks. For Data stored on hard disks mounted on network servers and made available through shared folders, access to the Data will be restricted to Authorized Users through the use of access control lists which will grant access only after the Authorized User has authenticated to the network using a Unique User ID and Hardened Password or other authentication mechanisms which provide equal or greater security, such as biometrics or smart cards. Data on disks mounted to such servers must be located in an area which is accessible only to authorized personnel, with access controlled through use of a key, card key, combination lock, or comparable mechanism. For DOC Confidential Information stored on these disks, deleting unneeded Data is sufficient as long as the disks remain in a Secure Area and otherwise meet the requirements listed in the above paragraph. Destruction of the Data, as outlined below in Section 8 Data Disposition, may be deferred until the disks are retired, replaced, or otherwise taken out of the Secure Area. c. Optical discs (CDs or DVDs) in local workstation optical disc drives. Data provided by DOC on optical discs which will be used in local workstation optical disc drives and which will not be transported out of a Secure Area. When not in use for the contracted purpose, such discs must be Stored in a Secure Area. Workstations which access DOC Data on optical discs must be located in an area which is accessible only to authorized personnel, with access controlled through use of a key, card key, combination lock, or comparable mechanism. d. Optical discs (CDs or DVDs) in drives or jukeboxes attached to servers. Data provided by DOC on optical discs which will be attached to network servers and which will not be transported out of a Secure Area. Access to Data on these discs will be restricted to Authorized Users through the use of access control lists which will grant access only after the Authorized User has authenticated to the network using a Unique User ID and Hardened Password or other authentication mechanisms which provide equal or greater security, such as biometrics or smart cards. Data on discs attached to such servers must be located in an area which is accessible only to authorized personnel, with access controlled through use of a key, card key, combination lock, or comparable mechanism. e. Paper documents. Any paper records must be protected by storing the records in a Secure Area which is only accessible to authorized personnel. When not in use, such records must be stored in a Secure Area. f. Remote Access. Access to and use of the Data over the State Governmental Network (SGN) or Secure Access Washington (SAW) will be controlled by DOC staff who will issue authentication credentials (e.g. a Unique User ID and Hardened Password) to Authorized Users on Contractor’s staff. Contractor will notify DOC staff immediately whenever an Authorized User in possession of such credentials is terminated or otherwise leaves the employ of the Contractor, and whenever an Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000027 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 21 of 26 21DH Authorized User’s duties change such that the Authorized User no longer requires access to perform work for this Contract. g. Data storage on portable devices or media. (1) Except where otherwise specified herein, DOC Data shall not be stored by the Contractor on portable devices or media unless specifically authorized within the terms and conditions of the Contract. If so authorized, the Data shall be given the following protections: (a) Encrypt the Data. (b) Control access to devices with a Unique User ID and Hardened Password or stronger authentication method such as a physical token or biometrics. (c) Manually lock devices whenever they are left unattended and set devices to lock automatically after a period of inactivity if this feature is available. Maximum period of inactivity is 20 minutes. (d) Apply administrative and physical security controls to Portable Devices and Portable Media by: i. Keeping them in a Secure Area when not in use, ii. Using check-in/check-out procedures when they are shared, and iii. Taking frequent inventories. (2) When being transported outside of a Secure Area, Portable Devices and Portable Media with DOC Confidential Information must be under the physical control of Contractor staff with authorization to access the Data, even if the Data is encrypted. h. Data stored for backup purposes. (1) DOC Confidential Information may be stored on Portable Media as part of a Contractor’s existing, documented backup process for business continuity or disaster recovery purposes. Such storage is authorized until such time as that media would be reused during the course of normal backup operations. If backup media is retired while DOC Confidential Information still exists upon it, such media will be destroyed at that time in accordance with the disposition requirements below in Section 8 Data Disposition. (2) Data may be stored on non-portable media (e.g. Storage Area Network drives, virtual media, etc.) as part of a Contractor’s existing, documented backup process for business continuity or disaster recovery purposes. If so, such media will be protected as otherwise described in this exhibit. If this media is retired while DOC Confidential Information still exists upon it, the data will be destroyed at that time in accordance with the disposition requirements below in Section 8 Data Disposition. i. Cloud storage. DOC Confidential Information requires protections equal to or greater than those specified elsewhere within this exhibit. Cloud storage of Data is problematic as neither DOC nor the Contractor has control of the environment in which the Data is stored. For this reason: (1) DOC Data will not be stored in any consumer grade Cloud solution, unless all of the following conditions are met: Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000028 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 22 of 26 21DH (a) Contractor has written procedures in place governing use of the Cloud storage and Contractor attests in writing that all such procedures will be uniformly followed. (b) The Data will be Encrypted while within the Contractor network. (c) The Data will remain Encrypted during transmission to the Cloud. (d) The Data will remain Encrypted at all times while residing within the Cloud storage solution. (e) The Contractor will possess a decryption key for the Data, and the decryption key will be possessed only by the Contractor and/or DOC. (f) The Data will not be downloaded to non-authorized systems, meaning systems that are not on either the DOC or Contractor networks. (g) The Data will not be decrypted until downloaded onto a computer within the control of an Authorized User and within either the DOC or Contractor’s network. (2) Data will not be stored on an Enterprise Cloud storage solution unless either: (a) The Cloud storage provider is treated as any other Sub-Contractor, and agrees in writing to all of the requirements within this exhibit; or, (b) The Cloud storage solution used is FedRAMP certified. (3) If the Data includes protected health information covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Cloud provider must sign a Business Associate Agreement prior to Data being stored in their Cloud solution. 6. System Protection. To prevent compromise of systems which contain DOC Data or through which that Data passes: a. Systems containing DOC Data must have all security patches or hotfixes applied within 3 months of being made available. b. The Contractor will have a method of ensuring that the requisite patches and hotfixes have been applied within the required timeframes. c. Systems containing DOC Data shall have an Anti-Malware application, if available, installed. d. Anti-Malware software shall be kept up to date. The product, its anti-virus engine, and any malware database the system uses, will be no more than one update behind current. These antimalware practices must meet or exceed those described in NIST SP800-40. e. The architecture must provide continuous monitoring of both internal and external activity for anomalies and identify, report, and defend against security intrusions before data is compromised. f. Contractor shall conduct penetration tests at least once every 24 months, system vulnerability assessments at least monthly, and application vulnerability assessments prior to the production release of any changes to source code. g. Contractor has implemented application/system development practices consistent with the current version of NIST SP800-64 for low to moderate impact systems, and warrants the software does not Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000029 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 23 of 26 21DH contain any of the Open Web Application Security project (OWASP) top 10 vulnerabilities https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Main Page h. Contractor will implement within 18 months of contract date a practice of systematic collection, monitoring, alerting, maintenance, retention, and disposal of security event logs and application audit trails. Logs and audit trails are written to an area inaccessible to system users and are protected from editing. At a minimum the logs and audit trails will provide historical details on all transactions within the system that are necessary to reconstruct activities. Including recording; type of event, date, time, account identification and machine identifiers for each logged transaction. Audit and log files can be analyzed by type in order to find emerging issues or trends. Contractor has settings triggering an immediate notification to appropriate system administrators for severe incidents. Logs are secured against unauthorized changes. At a minimum, logs must be retained for a period of 60 days. (1) The data centers are designed to withstand worst-case events and maintain 99.99% availability. The data centers, managed and staffed by a carrier-class data center host, meet or exceed the Telecommunications Industry Association’s (TIA) standard number 942 for Tier 4 (highest availability) data centers, including: - Multiple power delivery paths - Ability to withstand a 96-hour power event Critical data is stored on backups that are archived at a secure remote location to help facilitate a quick recovery in the event of an unexpected event that results in downtime or data loss. Backups are executed and rotated on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual basis. Backups are stored in three tiers: -On premise -Secondary data center -Offline/ Offsite 7. Data Segregation. a. DOC Data must be segregated or otherwise distinguishable from non-DOC data. This is to ensure that when no longer needed by the Contractor, all DOC Data can be identified for return or destruction. It also aids in determining whether DOC Data has or may have been compromised in the event of a security breach. As such, one or more of the following methods will be used for data segregation. (1) DOC Data will be kept on media (e.g. hard disk, optical disc, tape, etc.) which will contain no non-DOC Data. And/or, (2) DOC Data will be stored in a logical container on electronic media, such as a partition or folder dedicated to DOC Data. And/or, (3) DOC Data will be stored in a database which will contain no non-DOC data. And/or, Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000030 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 24 of 26 21DH (4) DOC Data will be stored within a database and will be distinguishable from non-DOC data by the value of a specific field or fields within database records. (5) When stored as physical paper documents, DOC Data will be physically segregated from nonDOC data in a drawer, folder, or other container. b. 8. When it is not feasible or practical to segregate DOC Data from non-DOC data, then both the DOC Data and the non-DOC data with which it is commingled must be protected as described in this exhibit. Data Disposition. When the contracted work has been completed or when the Data is no longer needed, except as noted above in Section 5.b, Data shall be returned to DOC or destroyed. Media on which Data may be stored and associated acceptable methods of destruction are as follows: Data stored on: Server or workstation hard disks, or Removable media (e.g. floppies, USB flash drives, portable hard disks) excluding optical discs Will be destroyed by: Using a “wipe” utility which will overwrite the Data at least three (3) times using either random or single character data, or Degaussing sufficiently to ensure that the Data cannot be reconstructed, or Physically destroying the disk Paper documents with sensitive or Confidential Information Recycling through a contracted firm, provided the contract with the recycler assures that the confidentiality of Data will be protected. Paper documents containing Confidential Information requiring special handling (e.g. protected health information) On-site shredding, pulping, or incineration Optical discs (e.g. CDs or DVDs) Incineration, shredding, or completely defacing the readable surface with a coarse abrasive Magnetic tape Degaussing, incinerating or crosscut shredding 9. Notification of Compromise or Potential Compromise. Contractor shall implement incident response practices consistent with NIST SP 800-61. The actual compromise of DOC Data must be reported to the DOC Contact designated in the Contract within three (3) business days of discovery. If no DOC Contact is designated in the Contract, then the notification must be reported to the DOC Contracts and Legal Affairs office at docclacontracts@doc1.wa.gov. Contractor must also take actions to mitigate the risk of loss and comply with any notification or other requirements imposed by law or DOC. 10. Data shared with Subcontractors. If DOC Data provided under this Contract is to be shared with a subcontractor, the Contract with the subcontractor must include all of the data security provisions within this Contract and within any amendments, attachments, or exhibits within this Contract. If the Contractor cannot protect the Data as articulated within this Contract, then the contract with the subContractor must be submitted to the DOC Contact specified for this contract for review and approval. 11. System Audit Requirements. Contractor has completed a recent independent security audit by a SOC 2 Type 2 accredited firm of their development and operational practices, or that an independent security Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000031 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 25 of 26 21DH audit by an accredited firm will be completed within 6 months after contract execution. This audit must include vulnerability assessments, and penetration tests, and confirm compliance with the security requirements herein. The audit should include any specific data center facility where the service is deployed, and all failover facilities unless those facilities provide their own SOC 2 Type 2 audit. 12. Disaster Recovery. Within 18 months of contract date, contractor shall document, test and maintain a disaster recovery plan including an alternate facility to assure the system/service is recovered within 24 hours of a force majeure event. The recovery plan must protect against more than 24 hours of DOC data being lost. Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000032 Attachment A – Statement of Work Page 26 of 26 21DH ATTACHMENT B SERVICE LEVEL TERMS Vendor shall provide Support and Maintenance Services for each component of the Solution in accordance with its general support offering to its customers and the terms set forth in this Service Level Agreements Schedule, provided that, in the event of a conflict between Vendor’s general support offering and the terms and conditions set forth in this Schedule, the terms and conditions of this Schedule shall control. These Service Level Terms shall only apply during the term of the Agreement. I. FRIENDS AND FAMILY SUPPORT PROCEDURES Customers can use Vendor’s toll-free number to either speak to a live agent or use an intuitive, automated interactive voice response system to help them with their needs. The call is initially answered by Vendor’s IVR system to help identify the caller’s needs. If needed, a caller can reach a live agent through menu options on the phone. Live agent support is available to friends and family members seven days a week, 24 hours a day, and 365 days a year. Vendor’s Friends and Family Call Center (SFFCC) has US-based personnel that provide customer service to friends and family members of our incarcerated population. Our Call Center operations are split between a 130+ seat call center located in Carrollton, TX, and an additional 60 associates that are sourced from our partnership with Televerde, which provides incarcerated women the opportunity to build relevant skills while providing services to friends and family. Vendor’s agents can help customers with Vendor’s services, including but not limited to the following issues: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Setting up and funding accounts Making payment arrangements Obtaining information on credit limits Resolving complaints Blocking and unblocking numbers Reviewing call durations and history Learning about MoneyGram® options Learning about Western Union® options Receiving information on new services Confirming originating facility Reviewing account balances Answering questions and helping customers with refund requests Managing account notifications Vendor offers both English speaking and Spanish speaking agents. Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment B – Service Level Terms P-25419 000033 Page 1 of 12 21DH Escalations Should an end user want to escalate a refund request or other complaint, they can ask to speak to a SFFCC representative at the next higher level who can further escalate resolution procedures: SFFCC Escalation Levels • Level 1 – Associate • Level 2 – Supervisor • Level 3 – Manager • Level 4 – Director Levels Time Periods Description Level 1 – Associate 10 – 15 mins from start of call. The Associate will attempt to de-escalate and resolve the call, before escalating to the next level. Level 2 – Supervisor 15 – 60 mins from start of call. The Supervisor will attempt to de-escalate and resolve the call, before escalating to the next level. Level 3 – Manager 2 - 6 hours from start of call. The Manager will attempt to de-escalate and resolve the call, before escalating to the next level. Level 4 - Director 24 hours from start of call. The Director will take the appropriate steps to solution the complaint for an end user. For added convenience, Vendor offers personal account access via www.securustechnologies.com, IVR, and the Securus mobile app. Online FAQ’s are also available to help friends & family members. Performance Standards Performance Standard SFFCC will answer 75% of all friends and family calls within two minutes or less after a live operator has been requested, with an abandonment rate of less than 10%. Performance Credit For any given month where Vendor fails to achieve the commitments, Vendor will provide one free telephone call and one free stamp per incarcerated individual in addition to the free call(s) and stamp(s) they will already be receiving per the terms of this agreement. Satisfactory User Satisfaction Score from Annual Survey (Friends and Family) Vendor will achieve an aggregate average satisfaction of > 85%. Failure to meet this standard will result in Securus being required to provide the Department a performance enhancement plan, detailing the actions that will be taken at 30, 60, and 90 days to improve customer satisfaction. A follow-up survey Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment B – Service Level Terms P-25419 000034 Page 2 of 12 21DH will then be initiated to determine if performance has improved. Damage, inaccessibility, or permanent loss to eMessages, photos, or videograms, not due to end user actions (example: user deleted content). 1 free stamp per damaged, inaccessible, or permanently lost item, not to exceed one hundred (100) stamps per account per calendar year. Credits for: • Video visit fails or overall performance quality is poor. Securus is responsible for investigating claims regarding failed video visits and/or poor video visit performance quality. Credits will be processed by Securus within 48hours. Should the failed video visit and/or video visit performance issue be something caused by Securus’ products, including hardware, software, and/or networks, or reasonably within Securus control, Securus will issue a credit equal to the value of the video visit. To request a refund due to failed and/or poor performance quality video visit, the customer will send a credit request form to Securus and Securus will investigate to determine if video visit was determined to have failed and/or was of poor Securus performance quality, a credit equal to the cost of the video visit will be issued within 48 hours. Failed video visit and/or performance issues determined to be related to family or friend network services, equipment, and/or actions are beyond Securus control and a credit would not be given. II. INCARCERATED INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT PROCEDURES Incarcerated Individual Reporting of Tablet Issues Incarcerated individuals can self-report tablet related issues directly to Vendor through the Services application on their tablets. Utilizing this app, incarcerated individuals can search a list of frequently asked questions that will help them resolve most issues themselves, or they can submit a Support Request that informs Vendor of the issue they are experiencing. Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment B – Service Level Terms P-25419 000035 Page 3 of 12 21DH Ticket Limit Incarcerated individuals shall be able to open 1 ticket at a time but may not have more than 10 open tickets at a time and only 1 ticket per specific issue. Incarcerated individuals will be provided an automated assistant to address routine issues. This automated assistant will be available 24x7x365 and will provide instructions on how to overcome basic service issues, as well as answer simple questions. The Service Level commitment for an incarcerated individual’s Support Request: Tablet Issue Type Tablet – Hardware Priority Levels P1 Resolution Timeframe Average five (5) days to resolve Tablet – Media/Other P2 Average five (5) days to resolve Details The ticketing CRM will prioritize hardware tickets over nonhardware issues. Any delays caused by WA DOC associated with the distribution of replacement tablets or other equipment/accessories will not be part of resolution timeframes. The ticketing CRM will prioritize non-hardware tickets after hardware tickets have been reviewed/resolved. Performance Standards Performance Standard The Service Level commitment for an incarcerated individual’s Support Request will average five days to resolve. Performance Credit For any given month where Vendor fails to achieve the commitments, Vendor will provide one free telephone call and one free stamp per incarcerated individual. Satisfactory User Satisfaction Score from Annual Survey (Incarcerated Individuals) Vendor will achieve an aggregate average satisfaction of > 85%. Failure to meet this standard will result in Securus being required to provide the Department a performance enhancement plan, detailing the actions that will be taken at 30, 60, and 90 days to improve customer satisfaction. A follow-up survey will then be initiated to determine if performance has improved. Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment B – Service Level Terms P-25419 000036 Page 4 of 12 21DH Damage, inaccessibility, or permanent loss to eMessages, photos, or videograms, not due to end user actions (example: user deleted content). Credit for: • Purchased content is unable to be downloaded within 48 hours or does not work as intended (e.g. music is missing, game does not start, music file is corrupted, etc.), not due to end user actions (example: user deleted content). Credit will be processed within standard SLA guidelines. 1 free stamp per damaged, inaccessible, or permanently lost item, not to exceed one hundred (100) stamps per incarcerated individual per calendar year. Securus will replace the content (e.g music) if the content is still available in which case no refund or credit will be provided. In the event the content is no longer available, the incarcerated individual will receive a refund equal to the original cost of the content and will receive 1 free credit for whatever content the requested refund is for. III. GENERAL INFORMATION Customer Service The Securus Friends and Family Call Center provides account establishment, account management and billing customer service to the friends and families of incarcerated individuals. Securus Correctional Billing Service has in-house trained customer service specialists on staff to handle customer calls 7 days a week, 24 hours per day. In addition, customers may also use a web-based customer service portal or check balances or fund accounts with our automated telephone support system featuring a state-of-the-art Integrated Voice Response (IVR) system. Service Availability. Securus will provide the infrastructure, goods, and services needed to provide consistent service availability including during high traffic periods. In no event shall services be noticeably impacted by high traffic, including impacts to making calls or consuming content. Refunds To obtain an account refund for telephone services, end users may contact the Securus Friends and Family Call Center by phone or by email at www.securustech.net. For all credit card transactions made by phone or website, full and partial refunds will be applied to the payment source last used. For full refunds on accounts last funded via Western Union, funds will be refunded to the customer through Western Union. For partial refunds on accounts funded via Western Union and for both full and partial refunds on payments mailed to Vendor, a check will be mailed via the U.S. Postal Service. Vendor does not charge refund fees. Securus will process refunds no longer than 48 hours from the time of request. The friend or family member can expect to see credit card refunds reflected in 1-2 billing cycles. Refunds by check take 2-3 weeks to be mailed. Refunds shall be processed in accordance with user agreements and in the event a refund is warranted. Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment B – Service Level Terms P-25419 000037 Page 5 of 12 21DH Securus will work with WA DOC to implement automatic credits for consumers who have experienced SVC service issues over a 90-day period that do not meet the committed uptime of 90% availability. Refunds are issued back to the original credit/debit card for which the transaction(s) was paid for. Once scheduled, a Video Visitation session must be attended during the scheduled time period. Failure to sign on at the scheduled time or signing on late will not extend the session time period for which the user paid. Vendor will comply with the DOC policies surrounding incarcerated individual missed visits and refund eligibility consistent with Securus Terms and Conditions. All purchased e-messaging postage is non-refundable. Unused postage will not be refunded. If family members transfer stamps to an incarcerated individual, they are owned by the incarcerated individual, must be used, and will not be refunded. If the WA DOC refuses to distribute a message or media attachment to an incarcerated individual, then no refund or replacement postage will be given. Vendor will comply with the DOC policies surrounding refund eligibility. An end user may not cancel a Money Transfer Payment to an incarcerated individuals Trust account once it has been processed. Under some circumstances, a Payment may not be completed, or the DOC may refuse to accept a Payment. In such cases, JPay will cancel the Payment transaction and refund the principal Payment to the Customer. Any disputes or refund requests relating to lost or misdirected payments must be submitted to JPay within sixty (60) days of the original transaction. All Service Fees are nonrefundable. Customer Service Feedback Customers shall be given the ability to rate all customer service interactions on a yes-no rating in the Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) system. The system will prompt the user to answer a simple question related to the ability of the customer service agent to solve the end user’s issue. Contractor shall report the average CSAT rating to the Department monthly. Customer service representatives who routinely provide poor service will be removed from providing service to Washington State customers. Ticket Resolution Customer service tickets may only be closed in two situations: 1) the customer has explicitly indicated that the issue has been resolved, and/or 2) the customer was provided a resolution and has not responded in 5 business days. Ticket Closure Tickets cannot be closed before they are fully resolved. A quarterly quality assurance audit will be performed between DOC and the Vendor in order to validate resolved tickets. Customer Service Reporting In addition to the reporting stated above, Securus will report monthly on the following: 1. User support desk ticket report must include the following: a. Number of tickets opened; b. Number of tickets resolved; c. Number of tickets closed; d. Average time to initial response; Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment B – Service Level Terms P-25419 000038 Page 6 of 12 21DH 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. e. Average time to resolution; f. Detailed comments for each ticket; SVC report must include the following: a. Number of failed video visits; Average customer feedback; Average customer feedback sorted by customer service rep; Number of failed calls separated by tablet based calls vs. hardware calls; A narrative of specific problem areas including statistics to support the narrative. All customer related reporting shall be made available to Washington’s Office of Corrections Ombuds and shall be made available to friends and family. Service availability and downtime by service type and facility. Yearly report on the Securus’ SLA performance and total penalties assessed. Quarterly Report Meetings and Dashboard Securus agrees to meet quarterly with the Department, a friends and family representative, and an Office of Corrections Ombuds representative to discuss customer service issues. Notice to Users Securus will use best efforts to notify users of planned downtime. Notice When Barred In the event that an individual will be barred or disallowed from service, it is expected that Securus will use best efforts to provide them written notification in advance of barring them. IV. DOC SUPPORT PROCEDURES Vendor provides customer service from its operations center located in Carrollton, Texas. The Securus Technical Support Center (TSC) serves as a single point of contact for facility staff to request service 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days per year. There are three ways to contact the TSC: Telephone: 866-558-2323 E-Mail: technicalsupport@securustech.net Fax: 800-368-3168 The TSC uses a call distribution system to manage the flow of inbound calls, automatically routing calls directly to our support technicians in a skills-based, platform specific manner. Vendor establishes response times and service level agreements that accomplish our objective of providing timely resolution to each request. Technicians assign each service request an initial priority level, each with resolution and escalation timelines. Every effort will be made to resolve the problem remotely within the designated timeframes, and Vendor resolves most service requests during the initial request. If necessary, a field service technician is dispatched to the facility to expedite resolution. Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment B – Service Level Terms P-25419 000039 Page 7 of 12 21DH The TSC uses an event tracking system that logs, tracks, manages, and assures appropriate response to all service requests. The service request generates a trouble ticket with priority level assignment that drives diagnosis and response processes. The support technician performs initial problem diagnosis and isolation procedures, determines the nature of the problem and either resolves the problem or engages an appropriate party for problem resolution. The TSC retains ownership of all service requests and is responsible for the escalation and update functions. Below are the applicable Service Response Times and Escalations associated \-vith: • • • Securus Telephone Service Securus Video Connect Service Securus Unity Tablet Service Securus Service Response Times and Escalations **WA DOC Expectations include individual units, areas of coverage, and/or facilities and not overall system capabilities across all facilities. Any indication of system failures describ ed in the below, affecting multiple individuals or areas must be addressed with the appropriate priority level described below. (Example: Securus receives multiple calls concerning the wi-fi system being dow n in the outside rec area ofMCC). Priority Level Service Priority D escription A Pl is any event or defect that significantly impacts the ability of users to use the solution or exposes the users to liability and there is no workaround. Examples: • Video visits completely degraded and/or not working • Phone service completely degraded and/ or not working. • Wi-Fi availability in a unit is Washington State Department of Corrections Response Time Customer Communication Guideline 2hours Securus Technical Support Center notifies the facility when the service issue is responded to and reviewed. H a service technician is required, then Securus Dispatch or a Field Service Technician contacts the customer with an estimated time of arrival. Resolution Time Escalations H response is delayed, escalation 24hours K11720 Attachment B - Service Level Tenns P-25419 000040 procedures within Securus' Management Team are activated to ensure appropriate resources are allocated to resolve the service request Technical Support Manager & Field Service Manager Director, Customer Success & Director, Field Operations Chief Operating Officer Page8 ofl2 21DH • degraded and/or not working. Media delivery system is not delivering service and/or not working. A P2 is any event or defect that adversely impacts the ability of users to use the solution or exposes the users to liability and there is no workaround. The system is able to be used, but there are adverse impacts to users. Examples: • A defect in the system is causing emails not to be received 24until hours after they should have been received. (Email receipt delay). • A defect that causes increased download time for movies or content. • A defect that causes information Washington State Department of Corrections 6hours Securus Technical Support Center notifies the facility when the service issue is responded to and reviewed. H a service technician is required, then Securus Dispatch or a Field Service Technician contacts the customer with an estimated time of arrival. H response is delayed, escalation 36hours Kl1720 Attachment B - Service Level Tenns P-25419 000041 procedures within Securus' Management Team are activated to ensure appropriate resources are allocated to resolve the service request Technical Support Manager & Field Service Manager Director, Customer Success & Director, Field Operations Chief Operating Officer Page9 of12 21DH to display incorrectly. A P3 is any event or defect that causes minor problems to occur that could be circumvented without difficulty or disruption to users. Something is out of order but can be resolved in a simple way with nominal impact. Examples: • A problem with a phone that could be circumvented by using another phone. • A problem with a terminal that could be circumvented at another terminal. If the problem is unable to be resolved in a simplistic way, it is elevated to P2. 12 hours Securus Technical Support Center notifies the facility when the service issue is responded to and reviewed. If a service technician is required, then Securus Dispatch or a Field Service Technician contacts the customer with an estimated time of arrival. 72hours If response is delayed, escalation procedures within Securus' Management Team are activated to ensure appropriate resources are allocated to resolve the service request Technical Support Manager & Field Service Manager Director, Customer Success & Director, Field Operations Chief Operating Officer IV. SOLUTION PERFORMANCE STAN DARDS AND PERFORMANCE CREDITS The Performance Standards set forth below shall apply to the functioning of the IITS Solution and excludes failures of network and equipment not in the control of Vendor. The Performance Credits set forth below are the amounts DOC can elect to assess Vendor. DOC shall evaluate each instance of non-performance related to a failure of Vendor to meet the Performance Standards, and will determine, in its discretion, whether to assess the Performance Credits. The remedies set forth below are not the sole and exclusive remedy of DOC for a failure of the IITS Solution to meet the Performance Standards. Additional remedies are set forth in the Agreement. In the event of repeated failures to comply with the Performance Standards, Vendor's Chief Technology Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment B - Service Level Tenns P-25419 000042 Page 10 of 12 21DH Officer and, if desired, Chief Executive Officer shall meet with DOC to discuss Vendor's proposed solution to the problem. Performance Standard Contractor will provide timely customer service to DOC based on the Service Response Times and Escalations noted above Performance Credit Assess $100.00 per day for each day past the applicable priority level time specified that a response has not been provided; 60-Day cap. Satisfactory User Satisfaction Score from Annual Survey (DOC) Vendor will achieve an aggregate average satisfaction of > 85%. For each facility, each facility's telephones shall remain operative (at least 90% of the phones are operative, other than for scheduled maintenance) Failure to meet this standard will result in Securus being required to provide the Department a performance enhancement plan, detailing the actions that will be taken at 30, 60, and 90 days to improve customer satisfaction. A follow-up survey will then be initiated to determine if performance has improved $500.00 for each hour that the failure continues beyond 6 hours. For each facility, each facility’s tablets and video connect systems (including terminals) shall remain operative (at least 90% of the tablets and video connect systems are remain operative, other than for scheduled maintenance). $125.00 per day if resolution is not completed within 24 consecutive hours; 60 Day cap. Vendor will comply with the Project Plan. For vendor-caused delays, delay credits shall equal $2,500.00 per calendar day for the first ten calendar days, and then $5,000.00 per calendar day for each calendar day of delay thereafter. In no event during implementation will delay credits exceed $100,000.00. Damage, inaccessibility, or permanent loss to communication records, including but not limited to Call Detail Records (CDRs) and recorded communications. $125.00 per record. Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment B – Service Level Terms P-25419 000043 Page 11 of 12 21DH Securus systems and interfaces shall remain accessible to the DOC at all times; except for those periods where scheduled or emergency maintenance is being conducted. Assess $500.00 for each hour that the failure continues beyond 6 hours. The Contractor shall provide training throughout the term of the Contract within 15 Days for each of the DOC’s request(s) for the training. The Contractor will be assessed $125.00 per Day for each Day past the 15 Day requirement. Note 1: For $ denominated support credits, no support credit shall exceed ten percent (10%) of the total gross revenue for the month(s) in which the non-compliance occurred. Note 2: For $ denominated support credits, any time more than one support credit is being applied, the total adjustment shall not exceed 10% of the total Gross Revenue for the month(s) in which the noncompliance occurred. Note 3: For $ denominated support credits, total support credits in a fiscal year shall not exceed 10% of the total Annual Gross Revenue in that fiscal year. Note 4: Support credits will not apply if non-compliance is determined to be a force majeure event as documented in the contractual agreement. Note 5: A single non-compliant event that implicates multiple support credits will be assessed at only the costliest performance measure. Note 6: Failure to meet any performance standards three times within a calendar year will result in Securus being required to provide an Executive Summary to WA DOC that includes a performance enhancement plan, detailing the actions that will be taken at 30, 60, and 90 days to improve the identified issues, including timelines for remedy. Washington State Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment B – Service Level Terms P-25419 000044 Page 12 of 12 21DH ATTACHMENT C GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 PROJECT SERVICES 3 1.1 Documentation Services 3 1.2 Project Management Services 5 Change Order Procedures. 9 1.3 Personnel. 12 1.4 Support and Maintenance Services. 14 1.5 DELIVERABLES, SOLUTIONS, TOOLS AND UTILITIES, AND TRAINING 15 2.1 Deliverables. 15 2.2 IITS License 16 2.3 Documentation. 17 Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions and Other Software-Based Deliverables. 2.4 17 Training and Education; Knowledge Transfer. 18 2.5 SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE 19 3.1 General. 19 3.2 User Satisfaction Surveys. 19 3.3 Technical User Satisfaction Surveys. 19 3.4 Satisfaction Survey Review. 19 Support for Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions and Software-Based Deliverables. 3.5 19 REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS 20 4.1 Functionality and Performance Warranties. 20 4.2 Services Warranty. 23 4.3 Open Systems Warranty and Covenants. 23 4.4 Third Party and Mobile Warranties. 24 Intellectual Property Warranty. 24 4.5 4.6 Warranty of Authority. 24 4.7 Pending Litigation Warranty. 24 4.8 Offshoring. 24 4.9 DOC Data. 25 4.10 Conflicts of Interest. 25 4.11 Compliance with Federal and State Programs. 26 4.12 Additional Representations and Warranties. 26 Material Misstatements or Omissions. 26 4.13 TERMINATION 26 5.1 Termination 26 5.2 Events of Default. 27 5.3 Rights and Remedies of Vendor Upon an Event of Default of DOC. 28 5.4 Rights and Remedies of DOC Upon an Event of Default of Vendor. 28 5.5 Transition Services. 29 State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000045 Page 1 of 47 21DH 6 7 8 9 10 LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY 29 INDEMNIFICATION 30 7:1 General. 30 Infringement. 30 7.2 7.3 Industrial Insurance Immunity Waiver. 31 7.4 Procedures for Indemnification. 31 DISPUTE RESOLUTION 31 8.1 Administrative-Level Issue Resolution. 31 8.2 Executive-Level Issue Resolution. 31 8.3 Voluntary, Non-Binding Mediation. 32 Redress in Court. 32 8.4 Continued Performance; No Tolling of Cure Periods. 32 8.5 DATA RIGHTS, CONFIDENTIALITY AND SECURITY 32 9.1 Ownership of and Access to Data. 32 9.2 Confidential Information. 32 9.3 Public Records Disclosures. 34 9.4 Legally Required Disclosures. 34 9.5 Information Sharing. 34 9.6 Notification and Mitigation. 34 9.7 Return of Confidential Information. 34 9.8 Security. 35 9.9 Compliance with DOC Security Policies and Procedures, Vendor Information Security Officer, and Security Certifications. 36 MISCELLANEOUS 37 10.1 Notices. 37 Definitions and Construction 38 10.2 10.3 New Products Through Acquisition. 38 10.4 Audits and Requests for Records. 38 10.5 Insurance. 40 10.6 Approval of Service Subcontractors. 41 10.7 Notice of Financial Impacts. 41 Agency. 41 10.8 10.9 Severability. 42 Waiver; Waiver of Non-Competition. 42 10.10 Governing Law; Exclusive Jurisdiction. 42 10.11 10.12 Binding Nature and No Assignment. 42 10.13 Counterparts. 42 10.14 Public Announcements. 43 10.15 DOC Policies. 43 PREA – Custodial and Sexual Misconduct 43 10.16 10.17 Compliance with Laws; Compliance with Civil Rights. 45 10.18 Waiver of UCITA. 46 Binding, Irrevocable Offer. 46 10.19 10.20 No Construction Against Drafter. 46 10.21 Attorneys’ Fees. 46 10.22 Third-Party Beneficiaries 46 Equality in Compensation 46 10.23 State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000046 Page 2 of 47 21DH 1 PROJECT SERVICES Documentation Services l.l 1.1.1 Statements of Work, Project Plan, and Joint Resource Plan. For all projects (implementations, upgrades, infrastructure changes, etc.) under this Agreement the Parties shall jointly create the following: A statement of work ("Statement of Work"), a project plan ("Project Plan"), and a joint resource plan ("Joint Resource Plan"). The Project Plan and Joint Resource Plan shall be updated and maintained by Vendor in accordance with the requirements in this Section and pursuant to applicable quality standards, and each updated Project Plan and Joint Resource Plan shall be subject to written approval by DOC. Additionally, changes to the Project Plan must be made in accordance with DOC's change control process. Changes to a Statement of Work shall be made through a Change Order or amendment, as may be agreed to by the Parties. Statement of Work. Each Statement of Work shall include, as applicable: (i) A general description of the Vendor services; (ii) A complete description of the scope and responsibilities of each of the Parties; (iii) A complete description of any assumptions applicable to the scope of services; any assumptions not initially identified cannot be later claimed by Vendor as an assumption in the project; (iv) Descriptions of Deliverables, including dependent Deliverables, in such detail as requested by DOC, and the Party responsible for creating and/or providing input to the Deliverable; (v) Other mutually agreed terms. Completeness of Services and Products Vendor represents and warrants to DOC that, as of the Effective Date of this Agreement: (a) Vendor has identified in the attached Statement of Work all software, hardware, services and other items required to: (i) implement the Incarcerated Individual Technology Services “IITS,” which is the combined goods and services as described in the statement of work and Requirements Responses; (ii) provide ongoing services to DOC, DOC Incarcerated Individuals, and friends and family of those individuals; and (iii) achieve the DOC Requirements, the Performance Standards, and other requirements as set forth in this Agreement. Special Provisions Relating to Scope The Parties acknowledge that there may be additional activities and tasks that are not reflected in this Agreement, but are nonetheless advisable, necessary, or required to successfully implement and provision of the IITS. If there is a disagreement as to which Party is responsible for a given activity, task or subtask, the matter shall be referred to the Vendor Account Executive and the DOC Project Manager for resolution, and they will use as guidelines in resolving the matter whether the activity, task or subtask was reasonably related and/or linked to a Party's stated responsibilities in the IITS Statement of Work State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000047 Page 3 of 47 21DH and/or IITS Project Plan. Assumptions The Assumptions set forth in the Statements of Work identify the complete list of assumptions applicable to the IITS and relied on by the Parties in developing the IITS Statements of Work. If an assumption is determined to be no longer valid, then a Party may assert that the assumption will result in an out-of-scope activity or event, entitling that Party to activate the Change Order procedures. Project Plan. Each Project Plan shall include all Vendor (including any subcontractors) and DOC (or its Third Party) activities and tasks. Each Project Plan will be agreed to by the Parties prior to project initiation, and shall include, as applicable: (i) Commencement and completion dates for the project; (ii) All Critical Milestone and Deliverable events and Deliverable Due Dates and Critical Milestone Due Dates (with such Critical Milestones being identified by a different color and with the phrase "Critical Milestone" in the Project Plan so that users can search on such term); (iii) All entrance and exit criteria for determining whether a critical milestone has been completed. (iv) All other milestones, activities, tasks and subtasks, along with their dependencies; (v) For each grouping or subgrouping of Solution components, identify the activities that are related to other groupings or subgrouping of Solution components, including any activities that affect another grouping or subgrouping, e.g., design activities of one grouping of application components may need to be designed considering the implementation of another grouping or subgrouping, etc.; (vi) Sufficient description of all activities, tasks and subtasks (including DOC-only responsibilities) to be performed by Vendor, DOC or responsible Third Party, and the location of such activities, tasks and subtasks; and (vii) The dates, duration, and locations of Project Status Meetings and contract compliance meetings. The initial Project Plan may be preliminary at the time of development, and accordingly, a more detailed Project Plan may need to be developed by the Parties as the project proceeds. Any such final IITS Project Plan shall be subject to the terms of Section 2.1.1. Securus will be responsible for managing and updating the Project Plan as changes are made to such Plan, and any updates to the Plan must be submitted with the Project Status Report. Changes to the Project Plan approved by DOC shall be made by Vendor. Any proposed changes to the Project Plan that are not approved by DOC shall be recorded by Vendor in the next succeeding Project Status State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000048 Page 4 of 47 21DH Report. Unless otherwise agreed by DOC, if Vendor proposes any changes to dates for any activities or tasks in the Project Plan, the original time interval for such commencement and completion of such activity or task shall be used for the proposed re-set commencement date. By way of example, if system integration testing stage is originally established with a 2-week timeframe between the commencement and completion dates, and the commencement date for system integration testing is required to be adjusted, the proposed re-set dates must honor the 2-week time interval and the adjusted completion date for system integration testing must be 2 weeks after the commencement date. DOC shall not be required to consider any proposal to compress timeframes for activities or tasks. 1.2 Project Management Services For any and all IITS projects now or in the future, Vendor shall act as the project manager and shall perform all customary duties of a project manager, including performing the day-to-day project management duties, managing the provision and coordination of the Services provided by Vendor, reporting on the progress of or delays involving Vendor and/or DOC, and managing to complete the project on-time and at no cost to DOC. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Vendor shall provide the following project management Services. 1.2.1 Project Management and Other Meetings On the dates and locations specified in the Statement of Work and/or Project Plan and other dates as reasonably requested by DOC, the Vendor Project Manager, the DOC Project Manager, and other appropriate representatives of the Parties shall discuss the status of the project ("Project Status Meetings"). In accordance with agreed to timeframes, Vendor shall create and distribute to all meeting participants, a meeting agenda, and send the Project Status Report electronically to DOC. At each Project Status Meeting, the Parties shall review the Project Status Report and discuss any existing or newly discovered Issues, Risks, and Defects impeding progress towards project goals, any proposed changes to Critical Milestones or Deliverable Due Dates and other Issues relevant to the project. Vendor shall keep minutes of the meetings and shall include such minutes in the next Project Status Report. In addition, Vendor shall create, maintain, update, and circulate to applicable personnel a separate schedule that identifies the time, place, location, and participants for all Project Status Meetings, other status meetings, team meetings, executive briefings, and other meetings relating to the project. For all Vendor-arranged or conducted meetings: (a) Vendor shall discuss and mutually agree with DOC on dates for meetings in advance with all key personnel from DOC who need to attend such meetings to avoid scheduling the meetings when there are scheduling conflicts, and conflicts of availability for key personnel of DOC; and (b) Vendor shall prepare all meeting materials and make them available to the meeting attendees sufficiently in advance of the meeting to permit time for review by the recipients. 1.2.2 Project Status Reports and Feedback. General The Project Status Report shall be signed by the Vendor Project Manager and include: (i) Excerpts from project Issue and Risk logs based on escalation criteria; (ii) A separate section identifying the accomplishments and Issues encountered since the last Project Status Report, and suggestions and proposed actions for dealing with and State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000049 Page 5 of 47 21DH resolving such Issues, including identifying and explaining actual delays and expected delays, and the impact of such Due Date delays and expected delays, relating to the Statement of Work, Project Plan, and Deliverable Due Dates and Critical Milestone Due Dates; (iii) A separate section identifying previously-reported Issues and Defects, the date such Issue or Defect was previously reported, and the action taken to address such Issues and Defects – if no action was taken by either Party, Vendor shall identify which Party was required to act and identify that such Party did not take action; (iv) The percent complete for each Deliverable, Critical Milestone and other milestones and the effort remaining and/or estimated number of hours required to complete each Deliverable, Critical Milestone and other milestones; (v) Thirty (30) and sixty (60) day forecasts identifying all the activities and tasks and estimated number of hours required of the project teams and the expected Deliverables and other outputs, which forecasts must be consistent with the timeframes set forth in the IITS Project Plan; (vi) A cumulative summary and status of each Change Request, Change Response, and Change Order, and a determination as to whether response time frame commitments are being met; (vii) Compliance with Deliverable Due Dates and Critical Milestone Due Dates, and whether any Delay Credits or other financial consequences are incurred, earned back or due; (viii) Status of any requests for additional Vendor Personnel; (ix) Status of any proposed changes to any other Schedules, Exhibits or Attachments to this Agreement or any proposed amendments to this Agreement; (x) Tasks and activities accomplished, and Deliverables completed since last Project Status Report, tasks, activities and Deliverables planned for completion and delivery between the issuance of the current Project Status Report and the next Project Status Report and the dependencies of such tasks, activities and Deliverables; (xi) A list of the action items that arose from the last Project Status Meeting and the status of such items; and (xii) Such other matters as one Party may request of the other. Issues, Risks, and Defects that may arise shall be timely reported by one Party to the other and logged. Vendor shall include in the Project Status Reports any delays by DOC and/or Third Parties or other circumstances as well as any Issues, Risks, and Defects that are reported by DOC to Vendor. For any delays caused by DOC (including any failures by DOC personnel to fulfill DOC responsibilities), Vendor shall identify the delay and/or the specific activity, task, or subtask in the Project Plan that DOC has not completed on time. DOC shall have the right to assume that Vendor is not aware of any Issues, Risks, and Defects unless Vendor specifically identifies such Issues, Risks, State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000050 Page 6 of 47 21DH and Defects in the Project Status Reports. No Issues, Risks, or Defects shall be deleted or removed from the Project Status Report, Issue and Risk Log, or Defect Log, respectively, until such Issue or Risk or Defect has been resolved to DOC's reasonable satisfaction and DOC agrees to remove the Issue, Risk, or Defect from the Project Status Report, Issue and Risk Log or Defect Log, as applicable. Feedback and Updates. DOC shall have the right, but not the obligation to provide feedback and comment on any Project Status Report provided by Vendor. If DOC provides written feedback and comment to a Project Status Report, Vendor shall incorporate into and address such feedback and comment in the next Project Status Report. 1.2.3 Issues and Risks Management. Vendor shall identify and report on all Issues and Risks, whether such Issues and/or Risks are identified by Vendor or DOC, which arise during the project. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Vendor shall: (a) Populate the Issues and Risk Log as soon as Vendor or DOC identifies an Issue or Risk; (b) For each Issue and Risk identified, propose to DOC a mitigation plan to eliminate or mitigate the Issue and/or Risk, and upon approval, Vendor shall include the mitigation plan in the Issues and Risk Log; (c) Monitor all outstanding Issues and Risks, and report on whether the previously approved mitigation efforts have been or are being undertaken and then assess whether the mitigation efforts are successful or need further revision; and (d) Provide the current, updated Issues and Risk Log to the DOC Project Manager on no less than a weekly basis, and such updated Log shall be included with the Project Status Report. 1.2.4 Defects Management. Vendor shall use a Defect Log to provide defect management Services. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Vendor shall: (a) Populate the Defect Log as soon as Vendor or DOC identifies a Defect and prior to the certification of any Critical Milestone; to the extent the Vendor's tool is used for the Defect Log, Vendor shall provide DOC with the ability to directly input Defects; (b) For each Defect identified, propose to DOC a corrective/mitigation plan to eliminate or mitigate the Defect, and upon approval by DOC, Vendor shall include the corrective/mitigation plan in the Defect Log; (c) Monitor all outstanding Defects, work with Vendor's resources and report on whether the previously approved corrective/mitigation efforts have been or are being undertaken and then assess whether the corrective/mitigation efforts are successful or need further revision; and (d) Provide the current, updated Defect Log to the DOC Project Manager on demand as well as on a weekly basis, and such updated Defect Log shall be included with the Project Status Report. State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000051 Page 7 of 47 21DH 1.2.5 Financial Status Management. DOC may create a project budget for use in managing a project. If DOC develops a project budget, Vendor will provide data inputs during the project as required to populate such project budget based on Deliverables, Critical Milestones, and milestones. 1.2.6 Contract Compliance Meetings Vendor and DOC shall meet approximately monthly to discuss the Parties' compliance with this Agreement and resolve any compliance or related Issues. 1.2.7 Addressing Inadequate Personnel Planning or Availability of Personnel. Inadequate personnel planning and/or availability of personnel can have a significant negative impact on the ability to meet Deliverable Due Dates and Critical Milestone Due Dates. Inadequate personnel planning can result from, among other things, Vendor not accurately representing the types or number of personnel needed by DOC to complete its tasks and activities, DOC not hiring or having its personnel available when needed, and delays on the part of Vendor that have the effect of requiring DOC to attempt to accomplish too many tasks in a compressed timeframe (e.g., in order to meet a Critical Milestone). If the lack of personnel needed to complete the tasks and activities for a given Critical Milestone is based on or linked to Vendor delays such as not completing prior activities when required, providing Deliverables late or other issues, then Vendor shall identify such Issue in a Project Status Report and work with DOC to determine whether: (a) DOC personnel can be effectively reallocated in a manner that will not jeopardize the ability to meet other timeframes or obligations in the project (current or future); (b) timeframes for any particular task or activity, other than the timeframes for completing any stage of testing the Solution, can be accelerated; (c) if time frames (other than for testing) can be accelerated, whether it is prudent or consistent with industry practices to do so (if it is not prudent or consistent with industry practices, then DOC shall be under no obligation to agree to any such acceleration); or (d) there is any other impact on the project. If it is determined that Vendor was the cause of the delay (based on any of the above reasons or otherwise), then Vendor shall be responsible for the additional costs and expenses involved in either hiring additional DOC-personnel, providing additional Vendor personnel to accelerate performance, or both. If the reason for the need for additional DOC personnel is attributable to DOC, then DOC shall be responsible for such additional costs and expenses, and if the solution is additional Vendor personnel, DOC shall only be obligated to the extent a Change Order is signed by DOC. 1.2.8 Implementation Delays. A Critical Milestone will be achieved successfully when DOC verifies in writing that the activities, events and/or Deliverables that comprise such Critical Milestone have met all applicable certification criteria and DOC has signed the applicable Deliverables Certification Form (Schedule 3). Subject to the further terms of this Section, if DOC reasonably determines that Vendor is likely to fail to meet a Critical Milestone Due Date or a Deliverable Due Date, or if Vendor already has failed to meet a Critical Milestone Due Date or Deliverable Due Date, then: (a) Additional Personnel. At DOC's option, Vendor shall provide to DOC, at no additional cost, additional Vendor personnel required or necessary to timely achieve the Deliverable Due Date and/or Critical Milestone Due Date, or, if Vendor has already failed to meet one (1) or more Deliverable Due Dates and/or Critical Milestone Due Dates, complete the Critical Milestone(s) or Deliverable(s) as soon as practicable, provided that any adjustment of a Critical Milestone Due Date shall not operate to adjust any future Critical Milestone Due Date unless specifically agreed to in writing by DOC; and State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000052 Page 8 of 47 21DH (b) Delay Credits DOC shall be entitled to receive credits in the amounts and pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the Project Plan for each day that Vendor fails to timely achieve a Critical Milestone Due Date on the original missed Critical Milestone Due Date ("Delay Credits"). The Parties agree that the Delay Credits are not to be construed as a penalty or an exclusive remedy. If a Critical Milestone Due Date is reset pursuant to a mutually agreed Change Order, such reset Due Date shall not operate or be construed to automatically waive any Delay Credits unless DOC specifically agrees in writing in connection with such reset Due Date that DOC waives the applicable Delay Credits. Vendor shall have the ability to earn back the Delay Credits associated with a Critical Milestone if the next succeeding Critical Milestone Due Date (on an unadjusted basis) is met. Delay Credits associated with Production Use and Project Completion cannot be earned back by Vendor. DOC's acceptance of additional personnel or Delay Credits as provided in Section 1.2.8 shall not be construed or implied to limit or constitute a waiver of any of DOC's rights as provided in Section 5. Vendor shall not be obligated to provide additional personnel at no additional cost or to provide Delay Credits to DOC to the extent Vendor’s failure to achieve any Critical Milestone is caused by DOC or its Third Party’s delays or a Force Majeure Event that was not capable of being mitigated. 1.2.9 Use of Vendor Implementation Methodologies Vendor has recommended using certain proprietary and non-proprietary methodologies for the IITS implementation ("Vendor Implementation Methodologies," as further described in the Project Plan). Vendor represents to DOC that, based on its due diligence conducted prior to the Effective Date, the Vendor Methodologies are appropriate, sufficient, and applicable to the services required to complete the implementation with quality Deliverables on-time. Based on such representation, DOC has agreed that such methodologies will be used in the implementation. However, if DOC or Vendor determine that one or more of the Vendor Methodologies are impeding the progress of the implementation or are negatively impacting the quality of Deliverables, on-time performance, or other considerations, then Vendor shall adjust, modify or change the Vendor Methodologies to address the negative impact on the implementation, and any such changes to the Vendor Methodologies shall be subject to a no cost Change Order in order to make such changes effective. 1.3 Change Order Procedures. 1.3.1 General. Strict project management control processes and the documentation of changes are all important components of project management discipline. Accordingly, with respect to any changes that will result in an out-of-scope activity, a change to a Deliverable Due Date or Critical Milestone Due Date, or a reduction in the scope of activities, a Change Order will be required pursuant to this Section and any additional change control processes as may be mutually agreed to by the parties. For purposes of this Agreement, an out-of-scope activity is an activity that is not identified or contemplated in the applicable Statement of Work or Project Plan, or otherwise addressed as part of the work to be performed in connection with an amendment. 1.3.2 Change Orders. Change Orders may be initiated by either party and shall be requested through a change request ("Change Request") and can be initiated by either party. DOC and Vendor shall each bear their own costs in preparing and analyzing the Change Request and Change Response. The form of the Change Request is attached as Schedule 2. State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000053 Page 9 of 47 21DH DOC-Generated Change Requests. Within three (3) business days following receipt of any DOC Change Request, Vendor shall acknowledge that it has received the Change Request and that the appropriate Vendor representative(s) are working on a response. Within ten (10) business days for a Change Request involving a request by DOC to change one (1) or more Deliverable Due Dates or Critical Milestone Due Dates and within seven (7) business days for all other Change Requests, following Vendor receipt of such DOC Change Request, Vendor shall update the Change Request form to include its response ("Change Response") describing in detail: (i) Any additional Services to be performed as a result of the Change Request and/or Services that are no longer required as a result of the Change Request; (ii) The effect, if any, that any such additional or deleted Services shall have on the Statement of Work and/or Project Plan; and (iii) Any other information relating to the Change Request that may reasonably be requested by DOC. If Vendor believes the Change Request is particularly complex Vendor shall provide written notice to DOC as soon as possible and no later than the initial seven (7) day period alerting DOC of the need for a longer period of time to respond and the additional time proposed. DOC shall, in good faith, entertain any such request for an extension, and may provide such extension at its discretion, provided that Vendor acknowledges that DOC is not required to provide an extension that would significantly jeopardize the overall project timeline or inability to meet a critical business timeframe. If DOC accepts a Change Response, the parties shall finalize the Change Response form and once signed shall constitute a "Change Order." If DOC rejects or does not respond to such Change Response, Vendor shall proceed to fulfill its obligations as originally agreed under this Agreement. Compliance with the timeframes set forth herein are important to ensure that Issues that need to be solved with a Change Order are processed on a timely basis. Accordingly, if Vendor repeatedly fails to abide by the timeframes, or fails to process any Change Requests relating to Critical Milestone or Deliverable Due Dates in a manner that will or may cause significant delays, then DOC shall be entitled to a credit equal to Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) per day (which credit Vendor shall pay directly to DOC), until Vendor provides the Change Response required herein. Vendor-Generated Change Requests. For Vendor-generated Change Requests, DOC shall review and evaluate such request and provide feedback to Vendor during the next succeeding Project Status Meeting. To the extent such Change Request identifies an out-of-scope Service not necessitated due to a DOC delay, additional valueadded Services or other similar items, DOC shall not be obligated to provide a written response to such request. DOC and its Third Party-Caused Delays. If DOC or a DOC Third Party fails or is unable to fulfill the roles specified in this Agreement when required, DOC acknowledges that delays may result which may require that a Change Request be generated and processed by Vendor. Recognizing that delays can have a significant impact on meeting timelines and costs, both parties will identify any DOC or DOC Third Party delays as soon as such party becomes aware of such delay or the probability that the delay will occur. Vendor shall State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000054 Page 10 of 47 21DH timely issue a Change Request not to exceed ten (10) business days from the date Vendor becomes aware the need to change a milestone, and DOC shall timely respond to such Change Request not to exceed ten (10) business days. Under no circumstances shall costs or expenses incurred by Vendor due to DOC or DOC Third Party-Caused Delays be charged to DOC. Delays Caused by Both Parties. If there is a delay in a project that results from a failure of both parties to fulfill their respective roles specified in this Agreement, and such delay, in the opinion of either party, results in the need for a Change Order, the parties shall meet to discuss the delay, including the events, facts and/or circumstances related to the delay. In making a determination on the relative contributions to a delay, the parties shall consider the degree to which a party's non-performance of predecessor responsibilities had on the ability of the other party to perform its responsibilities. By way of example, if DOC does not timely approve the testing plan needed for the testing of a Solution, any delays associated with the failure to deliver the Solution on a timely basis will be attributed to the earlier failure to timely approve the testing plan, and, if this Agreement specifies that Vendor was the party to test the Solution, the inability of Vendor to perform testing of such Solution within the timeframe provided will not be attributed to Vendor. If needed, the parties shall meet to discuss which party caused the delay, the events, facts or circumstances leading up to the delay, the accumulated effects (of both DOC, DOC Third Parties and Vendor) of prior missed dates for activities, tasks and sub-tasks, and whether a Force Majeure Event caused or contributed to the delay. Because of the impact of the determination of responsibility in causing the delay can have on the assessment of Delay Credits, if the parties cannot agree on the allocation of responsibility for the delay or appropriate Change Order, the matter shall be escalated to the Executive Sponsors for resolution. 1.3.3 Special Provisions Relating to Change Orders for Changes to Deliverable Due Dates and Critical Milestone Due Dates. Deliverable Due Dates and Critical Milestone Due Dates shall not be changed at any time prior to Project Completion without the prior written consent of DOC and pursuant to an amendment or Change Order, the form of which will be determined by DOC. Vendor-Proposed Changes. If Vendor proposes a change in a Deliverable Due Date or Critical Milestone Due Date, it shall submit a Change Request along with a detailed explanation of the basis for the Change Request, an updated Project Plan reflecting all adjusted dates, including the adjusted Deliverable Due Date and/or Critical Milestone Due Date and, if there is an impact on the scope of Services, a revised Statement of Work (or portion thereof), highlighting the proposed text change. If the Change Request is due to a DOC or a DOC Third Party caused delay, Vendor shall specify in detail the failure or inaction by DOC or its Third Party, provided, however, if the reason there is a DOC or Third Party delay is that predecessor responsibilities of Vendor were not performed which resulted, in whole or in part, in the DOC or Third Party delay, Vendor shall not be entitled to claim a delay on the part of DOC or the Third Party. If the Change Request is due to a Force Majeure Event, Vendor shall identify the Force Majeure Event and explain what steps or measures Vendor took to mitigate the effect of the Force Majeure Event. A Change Request is not complete, and nor shall DOC be required to review a Change Request without the foregoing information and revised documents. In addition, any delay by Vendor which results in a disruption to the allocation of personnel to be provided by DOC shall not be a basis for Vendor to claim delays on the part of DOC, and any such disruption to DOC personnel shall be identified in the Project Status Report. If the DOC Project State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000055 Page 11 of 47 21DH Manager disagrees that such Change Request is warranted, the matter shall be escalated to the Executive Sponsors for resolution. DOC-Proposed Changes. If DOC proposes a change in a Deliverable Due Date or Critical Milestone Due Date, the parties shall meet to discuss the proposed date changes and Vendor shall prepare a Change Request along with the items referenced in Section 1.3.4 Administration of Change Orders. The Vendor Project Manager and the DOC Project Manager or designee shall be authorized to administer the Change Order process set forth in this Section 1.3. '\ .4 Personnel. 1.4.1 DOC Personnel. DOC will appoint a DOC Project Manager and other project leadership as determined by DOC who will be responsible for coordinating DOC's resources and personnel and have overall responsibility for ensuring DOC's performance of its responsibilities. The DOC Project Manager may designate other DOC personnel or agents as their designees. 1.4.2 Vendor Personnel. Vendor shall provide sufficient, qualified personnel to perform Vendor’s obligations, including: (a) if necessary for the project given its size and/or complexity, a Project Director; and (b) one or more Vendor Project Managers. The Project Director and Project Managers are collectively referred to as the "Key Personnel". All Key Personnel shall be available as reasonably requested by DOC. At DOC's request, Vendor shall provide DOC with a list of Vendor personnel, which list shall include professional qualifications for each person listed. DOC shall have the right to approve, in its sole discretion, all Key Personnel, whether Key Personnel are providing Services on-site or off-site. If DOC does not provide such approval, then Vendor shall not assign such personnel to provide Services to DOC. 1.4.3 Experience of Vendor Personnel. Key Personnel and other personnel assigned by Vendor to provide Services to DOC (other than administrative personnel) shall have the qualifications listed below. If Vendor wants to assign personnel to DOC's account that do not meet all of the following qualifications, such assignment shall require the prior written approval of DOC, which approval may be withheld in DOC's sole discretion. If DOC does not provide its prior written approval of such personnel, then Vendor shall not assign such personnel to provide Services to DOC, whether on-site or off-site. Qualifications of Vendor personnel shall include: (a) At least four (4) years' experience in project management for project managers (certification as a Project Management Professional (PMP) is preferred), two (2) years' experience in project management for midlevel project personnel, and twelve (12) months of experience for basic project personnel as an employee of Vendor; (b) Specific experience with other customers in the Vendor Implementation Methodologies; (c) Participation in on-time, on-budget, successful projects of similar size and scale in the same role and with the same responsibilities as such personnel has under this Agreement; State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000056 Page 12 of 47 21DH (d) With respect to personnel assigned to technical matters, certification in the technologies used in the project, including the specific release or version levels of the software being implemented; (e) At least one (1) reference from a recent project of a similar size and scale stating that such personnel consistently met expectations and fulfilled their role and responsibilities effectively; and (f) Eighteen (18) months experience working with similar solutions. 1.4.4 Removal of Vendor Personnel by DOC. If DOC has concerns regarding Vendor personnel assigned to a project and DOC believes that the concern is capable of being corrected, DOC shall bring such concerns to the attention of the Vendor Project Director, and if the concern is with the Vendor Project Director , then with the Vendor Executive Sponsor. Vendor shall have a period of seven (7) days following such disclosure to resolve any concerns with respect to such person in a manner that is reasonably satisfactory to DOC. If Vendor is unable to resolve the concern within such seven (7) day period to DOC's satisfaction, then Vendor shall remove such person and provide a replacement as soon as reasonably possible thereafter, not to exceed fourteen (14) days following the seven (7)-day correction period, taking into consideration such person’s duties and responsibilities. Nothing contained in this Section shall restrict DOC from immediately removing Vendor’s personnel if Vendor’s personnel is engaging in a manner that is unlawful, non-compliant with DOC Policies, or other exigent circumstances exist that require immediate removal. 1.4.5 Removal/Reassignment of Personnel by Vendor. Except upon DOC's prior written consent, which consent may be withheld in DOC's sole discretion, Vendor shall not remove (other than upon termination of employment or a reason outside of Vendor's control) from a DOC project or temporarily reassign any Vendor personnel to another Vendor client until such time as such personnel have completed all of their assigned responsibilities under this Agreement. 1.4.6 Transition. In the case of a removal or vacancy of Key Personnel for any reason, the terms of Section 1.4 shall apply to any replacement personnel; the proposed replacement personnel shall possess comparable experience and training as the Vendor personnel to be replaced; and Vendor shall replace such personnel within eight (8) days. To the extent the replaced personnel remains employed by Vendor, the replacement personnel shall work with the replaced personnel during a mutually agreed transition period, the duration of which shall be determined based on the duties and responsibilities of the person actually to be replaced, and all costs and expenses associated with educating and training the Vendor replacement personnel shall be borne by Vendor. Additionally, following the transition period and for the pendency of the project provided the personnel continues to be employed by Vendor, the replaced personnel shall continue to be available by telephone to answer any project-related questions. 1.4.7 Key Personnel Vacancies. If there is a vacancy in a Key Personnel position beyond the timeframe set forth in Section 1.4.4, DOC shall be entitled to a credit in the amount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) per day, which credit Vendor shall pay directly to DOC. In addition, a vacancy in a Key Personnel position shall not be a basis for Vendor to claim any excused failure to meet a Deliverable Due Date and/or Critical Milestone Due Date. The Key Personnel for the implementation are set forth in the Statement of Work. 1.4.8 Vendor Personnel Listing. Upon the commencement of this Agreement, Vendor shall provide DOC with a comprehensive written listing of all Vendor personnel providing Services (including employees, subcontractors, agents, and State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000057 Page 13 of 47 21DH management and upper management personnel in oversight roles), which shall include: (a) An organizational chart and hierarchy diagram; (b) Names and titles of all such personnel; (c) The roles and responsibilities of all such personnel; (d) Contact information for all such personnel (e.g., address, e-mail, cell phone number, office phone number, etc.); (e) Work location for all such personnel; (f) Duration of assignment of such personnel (e.g., from and to dates, from and to milestones); and (g) Percentage of allocation of all personnel (in the event that any Vendor personnel are not full-time on DOC's account). Vendor shall maintain and update this listing as the information and/or personnel change during the course of this Agreement. 1.4.9 Identification Credentials. Each party shall have the right to require the other party’s employees, agents, representatives and subcontractors to exhibit identification credentials issued by such party in order to access the other party’s facilities. 1.4.10 Facility Rules. All Vendor employees, agents, representatives and subcontractors shall, while on DOC's premises, comply with all DOC Policies and facility rules, copies of which shall be made available to Vendor upon request. Vendor shall ensure that any of its personnel performing work on DOC's premises, or accessing DOC's computer systems do so with DOC's advance permission and according to all applicable security and workplace-related DOC Policies, including the Security Policies and Procedures. Vendor shall not stop, delay or interfere with DOC's day-to-day operations without the prior written consent of an authorized DOC representative. 1.4.11 Damage to Buildings, Grounds or Other Furnishings. Vendor shall be responsible for any damage or injury to the buildings, grounds, physical property or other furnishings of the State by Vendor’s employees, representatives and/or agents. Vendor shall report the occurrence of any such damages or injuries to the DOC building/facilities manager. 1.4.12 Collocation. Vendor personnel, including permitted subcontractors, may co-locate with DOC personnel, and any DOC subcontractors, in DOC facilities as available, as required by DOC and as set forth in this Agreement and, as reasonably determined by DOC after consultation with Vendor, such personnel will be provided a desk, storage cabinet, and connection to the Internet. To the extent Vendor personnel use their own equipment (e.g., laptops, PDAs, etc.) such equipment shall be subject to and require compliance with DOC Policies, including the Security Policies and Procedures. 1.5 Support and Maintenance Services. State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000058 Page 14 of 47 21DH Vendor shall provide Support and Maintenance Services for the IITS. To the extent Vendor's obligations include the implementation of a Third Party Solution, Vendor shall be responsible for causing and providing support and maintenance services from the Third Party Solution provider (such services are referred to as the "Third Party Support and Maintenance Services"). 2 DELIVERABLES, SOLUTIONS, TOOLS AND UTILITIES, AND TRAINING 2.1 Deliverables. 2.1.1 Review and Certification of Deliverables. Each Deliverable shall be in a form, format, and in such detail as is necessary to: (a) in the case of Deliverables in respect of which specifications have been developed, cause it to conform to such specifications; or (b) in the case of Deliverables in respect of which specifications have not been developed, considering the purpose of the Deliverable, cause it to be reasonably acceptable to DOC; and (c) be of fit quality (the applicable acceptance criteria for a Deliverable under the foregoing subsections shall constitute the "Certification Criteria" for the purposes of this Section). Prior to delivery to DOC, Vendor shall perform a systematic review of each Deliverable and shall, at the time of delivery to DOC, confirm in writing that the Deliverable conforms to the Certification Criteria. Following receipt of the applicable Deliverable and within the review period that is applicable to the Deliverable (or if none is specified, within a reasonable period of time) (the "Review Period"), DOC shall review the Deliverable. If the Deliverable does not conform to its Certification Criteria, DOC promptly will notify Vendor of the deficiencies, but no later than within the Review Period, and Vendor promptly will modify the Deliverable and resubmit it to DOC for its review. The process described above will repeat until the Deliverable conforms to its Certification Criteria, and once this condition is met the Deliverable will be certified by DOC. To the extent the failure of the Deliverable to conform to the Certification Criteria was caused by Vendor, Vendor shall perform its obligations relating thereto without cost or expense to DOC. The parties acknowledge that certain Deliverables and events, such as completing design and configuration documents, will be subject to further activities, such as unit, systems integration and user acceptance testing. If, upon testing or other confirmation process, a Deliverable or event that was previously certified does not meet the intended functionality due to a Vendor error or design flaw, then the corrections required will be provided by Vendor at no cost to DOC. If the previously certified Deliverable does not meet the intended functionality due to a change in DOC's requirements or a DOC error in communicating its requirements, then any correction shall be subject to a chargeable Change Order. Any extensions of time permitted by DOC where the Certification Criteria are not met do not waive any rights or remedies DOC has with respect to an Event of Default for failure of Vendor to meet a Critical Milestone Due Date. If there is substantial but not complete conformance to the Certification Criteria and Vendor wants DOC to partially certify completion of the Deliverable or event, Vendor shall submit a Change Request to DOC. Based on factors such as the degree to which the specific Certification Criteria have been completed, the progress of the project to date, the impact on the project or Solution if the project were to proceed without completing the Deliverable or event, the history in Vendor completing prior Certification Criteria on time, etc., will determine whether DOC considers the Change Request. 2.1.2 Certification Form. Upon certifying any Deliverable submitted by Vendor, DOC shall provide Vendor with written certification of such Deliverable by the signing of the Certification Form set forth in Schedule 3 by either the DOC Project Manager or designee. No other form of certification, such as email communications, oral State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000059 Page 15 of 47 21DH information or otherwise, shall be effective for purposes of certification, payment or otherwise, and shall not be effective against DOC. 2.1.3 Ownership of Deliverables. (a) Ownership of Non-Software Based Deliverables. Subject to Vendor's rights under Section 2.1.4, the Vendor will retain ownership of equipment (e.g. network equipment, phones, tablets, etc.) excluding cabling. (b) Ownership of Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions, and Other Software-Based Deliverables. If Vendor incorporates Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions, or other software-based Deliverables into its generally available Solution offering to its customers, then all such Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions and other software-based Deliverables developed by Vendor shall be owned solely and exclusively by Vendor. All other Integrations Interfaces, Extensions, or other software-based Deliverables paid for by Vendor will be owned by Vendor, otherwise the Interfaces Extensions, or other software-based Deliverables will be owned by DOC. (c) Work-For-Hire. In developing a Deliverable that is owned by DOC, the parties agree that such ownership shall inure to the benefit of DOC from the date of the conception, creation or fixation of the Deliverable in a tangible medium of expression, as applicable, and that all newly created copyright aspects of such Deliverables shall be considered "works-made-forhire" within the meaning of the Copyright Act of 1976, as amended. If and to the extent such Deliverables, or any part thereof, are not considered "works-made-for-hire" within the meaning of the Copyright Act of 1976, as amended, Vendor shall be deemed to have expressly assigned to DOC all exclusive right, title and interest in and to such Deliverables without further consideration, and Vendor agrees to promptly execute all such documents as may be requested by DOC to evidence and/or perfect DOC's Intellectual Property Rights therein. 2.1.4 Pre-Existing and Independently Developed Intellectual Property. Each party (and/or its Third Party licensors) is and shall remain the owner of all right, title and interest in and to that party’s Intellectual Property Rights that existed prior to the Effective Date and in and to that party’s Intellectual Property Rights that may be independently developed by such party on or after the Effective Date. 2.1.5 Third Party Agreements. Any agreement entered into by Vendor and a Third Party in connection with Deliverables under this Agreement shall include the same terms as those appearing in Section 2.1.3 to ensure that DOC obtains the same rights in the works generated under such Third Party agreement. 2.2 IITS License 2.2.1 Grant of License. Subject to the further terms and conditions of this Agreement, Vendor grants to DOC a non-exclusive, non-transferable (except as permitted under the terms set forth in Section 10.12), unlimited use, user and user type in connection with its business operations, non-assessable, worldwide, multi-site and Enterprise-Wide license for DOC and their Authorized Users to: (a) use the IITS and the Documentation; and (b) with Vendor’s consent and participation, which shall not be unreasonably or unnecessarily State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000060 Page 16 of 47 21DH withheld, adapt the Solution and combine the Solution with Third Party Solutions. For purposes of this Agreement and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the term "Enterprise-Wide" shall mean the right to use the Solution across the entire spectrum of business and operational activities involving DOC, directly or indirectly, including any and all growth of DOC. 2.2.2 Construction and Interpretation of License and Right to Use Terms. Furthermore, in the event Vendor develops future limitations, qualifications and/or restrictions in how it licenses the Solution to its customers, such future limitations, qualifications and/or restrictions shall have no effect on the scope of the Solution license granted herein to DOC, and Vendor expressly disclaims the right to claim otherwise. 2.2.3 Restrictions. Other than the rights granted to DOC herein, no Intellectual Property Rights to the Solution are transferred to DOC under this Agreement. DOC shall not disassemble, reverse compile, reverse engineer or otherwise translate the Solution. 2.3 Documentation. 2.3.1 General. For each component of the Solution, Vendor shall provide to DOC Documentation that is reasonably detailed and complete and that accurately describes the functional and operational characteristics of the Solution. Vendor shall provide to DOC updated versions of all such Documentation as soon as reasonably practical following its release by Vendor, but in no event later than ten (10) business days following delivery of any New Versions to DOC. Updated Documentation will be at least as detailed as the Documentation issued to DOC with any initial Solution delivery. For any Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions and other software-based Deliverables, the Integration, Interface, Extension or other softwarebased Deliverable shall internally document in the source code of the Deliverable, instructions and pointers on how the Integration, Interface, Extension or other software-based Deliverable operates, and replicates such instructions and pointers in separate written Documentation. All such Documentation must be written in sufficient detail to enable a reasonably skilled programmer to review the Documentation and enable the programmer to support, maintain, modify, compile and retrofit such Deliverables without the assistance of Vendor. 2.3.2 Additional Documentation. Documentation shall include detailed user level descriptions of the changes in a release and the impact of such changes, detailed, comprehensive and complete technical release notes that identify all changes in a release and/or New Version. Vendor agrees to continually work to improve and enhance the level of detail contained in its Documentation. 2.4 Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions and Other Software-Based Deliverables. 2.4.1 Development of Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions and Other Software-Based Deliverables. Vendor shall develop, deliver, install, test and implement at DOC the Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions and other software-based Deliverables identified in and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Custom-developed Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions and/or other software-based Deliverables shall be considered a Deliverable, subject to the terms of Section 2.1. Within ten (10) days after certifying completion of an Integration, Interface, Extension or other software-based Deliverable, Vendor shall provide Documentation to DOC that includes in the source code of the Deliverable, instructions, and pointers on how the Integration, Interface, Extension, or other software-based State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000061 Page 17 of 47 21DH Deliverable operates, and in separate written Documentation, all of the foregoing instructions and pointers as well as all API documentation, record layouts, design documentation, functional specifications, technical specifications, data transformations and data aggregations used in creating the Deliverable. All such Documentation must be written in sufficient detail to enable a reasonably skilled programmer to review the Documentation and enable the programmer to support, maintain, modify, compile and retrofit such Deliverables without the assistance of Vendor. DOC's receipt of such Documentation shall in all instances be a condition of Project Completion, and DOC shall not be obligated to make and/or shall be excused from making any payment due to Vendor at Project Completion until all such Documentation is received and accepted by DOC. To the extent Vendor's obligations under this Agreement include implementing a Third Party Solution, then during the pendency of such project and through Project Completion, Vendor shall retrofit, install and implement any previously developed and/or implemented Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions and other software-based Deliverables that are needed to be updated to operate with any New Versions of the Third Party Solution provided by the Third Party, all for no additional cost or expense to DOC. 2.4.2 Cooperation on Integrations and Interfaces. Vendor acknowledges that DOC is working with a number of Third Parties to develop, maintain and support various DOC systems and that it may be necessary to implement one or more Integrations and Interfaces between and among the Solution and such systems. Vendor shall cooperate and work with DOC and such Third Parties, as applicable, to implement and use standard Integrations and Interfaces or develop and implement custom developed Integrations and Interfaces, in accordance with the terms of this Section, as necessary to allow information to pass from DOC's systems to the Solution, and viceversa. Such cooperation may include, among other things, Vendor’s attendance at meetings with DOC personnel and/or Third Parties and making available to DOC and Third Parties Vendor's API specifications, data schemas and other Documentation required for the development of the Integrations and Interfaces. Vendor shall attend DOC-requested telephonic meetings upon two (2) business days’ notice by DOC and DOC-requested in-person meetings at DOC upon four (4) business days’ notice by DOC. All such cooperation and meeting participation provided by Vendor during the pendency of or in connection with any project concerning the implementation of a Solution (by Vendor or a Third Party) shall be at no additional cost or expense to DOC. 2.5 Training and Education; Knowledge Transfer. 2.5.1 Training and Education. General. Vendor shall provide to DOC, at no cost, training and education for the Solution pursuant to Vendor’s response to DOC’s training requirements. The timing and sequence of any training and education shall be incorporated into the Project Plan at such point in time or times where the training and education is appropriate and relevant to project activities. Training and education shall be provided at one or more locations as set forth in the Project Plan. At the conclusion of each class, Vendor shall provide each of the attendees with a survey to elicit responses as to the adequacy and sufficiency of the instructor, training materials, computerized facilities and other matters relevant to determine whether the class objectives were met and were otherwise satisfactory. Vendor shall compile the results and provide the results to the DOC Project Manager. Re-Performance of Training Classes. Using the responses from the surveys above, if a specific training course is not performed to DOC's reasonable satisfaction, whether because the instructor for the training course did not perform to State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000062 Page 18 of 47 21DH DOC's reasonable satisfaction, the training materials supplied by Vendor were not relevant to DOC's environment and/or the training was otherwise not satisfactory to DOC, then at DOC's request, Vendor shall promptly re-perform, at no cost to DOC, the class with a different instructor who is qualified to teach the subject matter and/or correct the deficiencies or lack of relevancy in the training materials. If Vendor disagrees with DOC's assessment, the matter shall be referred to the Executive Sponsors for resolution. 3 SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE 3.1 General. Vendor’s obligations to support, enhance, and maintain the Solution ("Support and Maintenance Services") are set forth primarily in Schedule 5 and Attachment B, Service Level Terms. Support and Maintenance Services obligations with respect to the Solution shall commence and shall be made available to Users commencing on the effective date of this agreement and shall continue for the longer of: (a) the term of this agreement and (b) as long as Vendor makes goods and services available to Users (referred to as the "Support Term"). 3.2 User Satisfaction Surveys. As part of Vendor’s annual ongoing Support and Maintenance Services, Vendor shall develop one (1) or more User surveys designed to elicit feedback from Users regarding their satisfaction with the Solution. Such User surveys shall be appropriately tailored to specific groups of Users and be subject to DOC's prior review and approval. User surveys for Friends and Family and Incarcerated Individuals will be provided to Office of the Corrections Ombuds for input prior to distribution. 3.3 Technical User Satisfaction Surveys. As part of Vendor’s annual ongoing Support and Maintenance Services, Vendor shall develop one (1) or more technical user surveys designed to elicit feedback from DOC's technical support staff regarding their satisfaction with the Support and Maintenance Services provided by Vendor. Such technical user surveys shall be subject to DOC's prior review and approval. 3.4 Satisfaction Survey Review. Vendor shall report the results of the User and technical user surveys separately by categories of respondents. Each year the Vendor Account Executive shall review the results of each survey with DOC within thirty (30) days following the mutually agreed deadline for completion and return of the survey. During each such review session, Vendor shall submit a communication plan to DOC for its review and approval that shall include, at a minimum, updates to the Users and technical users regarding the results of the satisfaction surveys. Not later than thirty (30) days following each review session, Vendor shall provide to DOC an action plan for addressing any problem areas identified in the survey results. 3.5 Support for Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions and Software-Based Deliverables. 3.5.1 Developed During Implementation to Meet DOC Requirements Existing as of the Effective Date. Included in implementation and without requiring an additional charge, are implementation Services and the development and support and maintenance of Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions and other software-based Deliverables needed or required to meet the DOC Requirements. State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000063 Page 19 of 47 21DH 3.5.2 Implementing New Versions and Retrofitting of Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions and Other Software-Based Deliverables to New Versions. Included in this Agreement and without requiring an additional charge, are implementation Services related to installing and implementing any New Versions of the Solution elected to be implemented by DOC. Vendor’s obligations include as part of its responsibilities under this Section and for no additional fee, the retrofitting and maintaining the compatibility of any Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions and other software-based Deliverables (whether previously developed and/or implemented, or to be developed and/or implemented) to or with such New Version. 3.5.3 Developed During the Implementation to Meet Changes Not Otherwise Covered Under Sections 3.5.1 or 3.5.2. For any changes other than those addressed by Sections 3.5.1 or 3.5.2, the parties will use the Change Order procedure to process any such changes. 4 REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS Functionality and Performance Warranties. 4.1.1 Solution Functionality. Vendor represents and warrants to DOC that the Solution: (a) shall operate in accordance with the Documentation, and shall perform all such functions without any Level 1 Defects or Level 2 Defects; (b) is designed to and shall not require multiple user sign-ons and forced signoffs within, across and among all product lines, including future components of the Solution from and after the Effective Date; (c) shall have the same "look and feel" within a product line; (d) shall either share a common database used across components of the Solution, or if there are multiple databases, the data among such databases is coordinated, synchronized or otherwise managed by the Solution without the need for a separate interface; and Vendor represents and warrants to DOC that the Solution shall, as implemented by Vendor, meet all the functionality requirements and shall perform all such functions without Material Defects. In recognition of DOC's desire to avoid having to determine in the case of a Material Defect, whether the Material Defect was caused by a Third Party Solution provider or by Vendor's implementation of the Solution, Vendor shall take such actions as are necessary to correct the Material Defects. If the Material Defect is caused by a Third Party Solution provider (i.e., a Solution-based Material Defect), Vendor will coordinate the submission of a trouble ticket with the Third Party Solution provider. If the Third Party Solution provider has a patch or other solution to the Solution-based Material Defect and such patch or other solution is readily or timely available, then Vendor shall directly apply such patch or other solution. If there is no readily available and/or timely patch or other solution to the Solution-based Material Defect, Vendor will take such actions as are needed to cure the Material Defect. Such cure may involve a temporary State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000064 Page 20 of 47 21DH workaround or fix if the Third Party Solution provider indicates that a future patch or solution may be available and then provides such patch or other solution, then, if elected by DOC, Vendor shall implement such patch or other solution. Services provided by Vendor to correct or provide a workaround to a Solution-based Material Defect shall not be chargeable to DOC if it relates to the Documentation or a DOC Requirement existing as of the effective date of the this Agreement, and otherwise shall be chargeable to DOC on a time and materials basis at the Project Rate or Service Rates, as applicable. For any Solution implemented by Vendor in which the Vendor or an Affiliate of Vendor developed, Vendor shall be fully responsible for correcting any Material Defects. The terms of this Section are effective on the Effective Date and shall remain in effect with respect to particular Solution for as long as DOC is paying for Support and Maintenance Services. 4.1.2 Solution Performance Vendor represents and warrants to DOC that the Solution(s) shall operate in accordance with the Performance Standards and in the event the Solution fails to operate in accordance with the Performance Standards, DOC shall be entitled, in addition to DOC's other rights and remedies in this Agreement, to the Performance Credits set forth in Attachment B, Service Level Terms. 4.1.3 Disabling Codes The terms of this Section shall apply to any Deliverables provided by Vendor, other than Third Party Solutions. Subject to the foregoing, and Except where required by DOC, Vendor represents and warrants to DOC that Deliverables provided by Vendor do not contain and Users shall not receive from any Vendor data transmission (including any connection to any Vendor website or bulletin board), any virus, trap door, back door, timer, clock, counter, time lock, time bomb, Trojan horse, worms, file infectors, malware, rootkits, boot sector infectors or other limiting design, instruction or routine including surveillance software or routines or data gathering or collecting software or devices that could, if triggered, erase data or programming, collect data in a surveillance or other capacity (except where required by DOC), have an adverse impact on the Solution, or cause the Solution or any component thereof to become inoperable or otherwise incapable, in whole or in part, of being used in the full manner for which the software was intended to be used (a "Disabling Code"). If Vendor introduces a Disabling Code, at its sole cost and expense, Vendor shall, as applicable: (a) take all steps necessary to test for the presence of Disabling Codes; (b) remove the Disabling Code; (c) install and implement a new copy of Deliverable at DOC, if applicable, without the presence of the Disabling Code; and (d) restore any and all data and programming lost by DOC, Incarcerated Individuals, and Incarcerated Individuals’ friends and family as a result of such Disabling Code (such restoration shall include, if needed, on-site technical assistance to extract data from corrupted data files, restoration of backup media, data log analysis, and the like). This warranty shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 4.1.4 Warranty Regarding Comprehensiveness of this Agreement and Sufficiency of Due Diligence. In order to avoid out-of-scope changes to the project to be performed Vendor makes the following representations and warranties: As of the effective date of this Agreement: (a) Vendor will provide all the software, services and other items required to: (i) implement the Solution described therein; and (ii) meet the DOC Requirements and Performance Standards (if applicable); (b) all such software, services and other items are included or referenced in this Agreement; and (c) there are no other products that are required to meet the Requirements or Performance Standards (if applicable). Vendor shall further represent and warrant to DOC that, upon entering into this Agreement, that it will have properly identified the amount of personnel resources required to complete its obligations; the Services to be State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000065 Page 21 of 47 21DH provided by Vendor are the only services required to meet the DOC Requirements and Performance Standards (if any); and there are no other services (i.e., optional or needed additional services) that are omitted but necessary to meet such requirements. Without limiting the applicability or generality of the foregoing, Vendor represents to DOC that, with respect to this Agreement, it will have performed sufficient due diligence activities to properly determine, subject to the Assumptions set forth in the Statement of Work, the software, products and scope of services required to successfully meet the DOC Requirements and Performance Standards. Vendor acknowledges that, subject to the Assumptions, the above representations and warranties are a material factor influencing DOC's decision to enter into, and that DOC materially relied upon such representations and warranties when it entered into this Agreement. 4.1.5 Exclusions. Vendor shall not be responsible for a breach of the representations and warranties set forth in Section 4.1 to the extent such breach is caused by: (a) any alterations of or additions to the Solution performed by a party other than Vendor or a Third Party not acting on Vendor’s behalf (such as a Third Party software manufacturer), at its direction or with its approval; or (b) use of the Solution in a configuration not set forth in the Documentation or an approved configuration. 4.1.6 Correction of Failure to Meet Functionality and Performance Warranties. Upon any failure to comply with the representations, warranties and/or covenants set forth in Sections 4.1.1 through 4.1.3, within forty-eight (48) hours following Vendor's receipt of written notice from DOC of a failure at a Level 1 Defect level and within ten (10) calendar days following Vendor's receipt of written notice from DOC of a failure at a Level 2 Defect level, Vendor shall: (a) for a failure to comply with Sections 4.1.1 or 4.1.3, repair, replace or correct, at Vendor’s sole cost and expense, the applicable component of the Solution or Deliverable, as applicable; and (b) for a failure to comply with Section 4.1.2, provide any additional Services, software or equipment that may be necessary to meet any agreed to Performance Standards; provided that with respect to a Level 1 Defect, within the forty-eight (48) hour period referenced above, Vendor shall provide a temporary workaround that alleviates the Level 1 Defect and within five (5) calendar days of Vendor's receipt of notice from DOC of a Level 1 Defect, Vendor shall provide plan of action, acceptable to DOC, for permanent resolution. The remedies set forth in this Section shall be in addition to any other rights and remedies that may be available to DOC. Upon any failure to comply with the representations, warranties and/or covenants set forth in this Section, within the applicable time frames specified in this Agreement or within five (5) days if such time frames are not applicable to the breach, in each case following receipt of written notice from DOC of such failure, Vendor shall repair, replace or correct, at Vendor’s sole cost and expense, the applicable component(s) of the Solution, including by providing any additional software and/or services that may be necessary. The remedies set forth in this Section shall be in addition to any Performance Credits and/or any other rights and remedies that may be available to DOC. 4.1.7 Certification of Third Party Equipment and Software. General. If DOC acquires any Third Party software and/or equipment to operate with the Solution that has been previously recommended by Vendor or previously certified by Vendor (whether for DOC or any other customer of Vendor) then such software and/or equipment shall be deemed certified by Vendor for DOC's use and such use shall not affect the warranties set forth herein. If DOC acquires State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000066 Page 22 of 47 21DH any Third Party software and/or equipment that has not been recommended by Vendor in a written configuration or previously certified by Vendor (whether for DOC or any other customer of Vendor), then DOC may submit such Third Party software and/or equipment for certification by Vendor in order to assure conformance with Vendor’s reasonable specifications. Certification of Third Party software and/or equipment shall begin as soon as reasonably possible, but in no event later than ten (10) business days following DOC's request. Upon certification by Vendor, such Third Party software and/or equipment shall be deemed qualified to operate with the Solution without affecting the warranties set forth herein. Technical Alternatives. If Vendor determines that the Third Party software and/or equipment cannot be certified, Vendor shall provide DOC with a written explanation detailing the technical reasons why the software or equipment cannot be certified. If the technical issues are addressable in a commercially reasonable manner (such as acquiring technical proficiency in the technology to enable certification to be achieved) and the parties can address such issues (or, in the case of DOC, DOC makes an offer to address the technical issue), then the certification will proceed and the software or equipment will be certified upon addressing the technical issues. If the parties determine that the technical issues cannot be reasonably addressed then the parties shall work to develop a modified or alternative configuration or technology so that certification can proceed, and upon the adoption of such modification or alternative configuration or technology by DOC, Vendor will provide its certification. Retrofitting Previously Certified Technology. If DOC migrates to a later release of a previously certified configuration or technology under this Section, at DOC's request and for an additional Service fee, Vendor will provide technical assistance to DOC and/or re-certify the configuration or technology. 4.1.8 Design and Scalability Limitations Vendor represents and warrants to DOC that there are no software design or scalability limitations that would restrict the transaction volumes presently and for a period of fifteen (15) years assuming a compounded growth of five percent (5%) per year. Vendor further represents and warrants to DOC that it has performed such due diligence as is required to ensure that none of these limitation are reasonably expected to be exceeded by DOC. 4.2 Services Warranty. Vendor represents and warrants to DOC that it shall perform all Support and Maintenance Services and other Services in accordance with industry practices and standards generally applicable to such Support and Maintenance Services; provided, however, that where this Agreement specifies a particular standard or criteria for performance, this warranty is not intended to and does not diminish such standard or criteria for performance. 4.3 Open Systems Warranty and Covenants. Vendor represents and warrants to DOC that, as of the Effective Date, the Solution (including Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions and other software-based Deliverables) is Compliant with current versions of IEEE State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000067 Page 23 of 47 21DH 802.3, 802.11(wireless), industry standards for wave form transmissions ANSI X3T9.5 (FDDI Specifications), EIA/TIA 568A (building wiring specifications), TCP/IP protocols, HTTP/HTTPs standards and other standards that may be set forth in this Agreement. Vendor covenants that the Solution and future releases and version of the Solution shall be Compliant with such standards, as such standards are updated from timeto-time. For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Compliant" shall mean that the Solution is compatible with the applicable standard and is able to utilize fully each and every feature and functionality of that release level without workarounds or additional programming. The representations and warranties set forth in this Section shall remain in effect for as long as this Agreement is not terminated. 4.4 Third Party and Mobile Warranties. Vendor represents and warrants to DOC that it has tested or shall have tested at the time of installation all Third Party Solutions supplied by Vendor and determined that such Third Party Solution meets the representations and warranties set forth in this Agreement. With respect to mobile and/or Third Party components of the Solution, Vendor represents, warrants and covenants to DOC that Third Party terms and conditions relating to the use of mobile devices are consistent with and do not violate any Laws, the Mobile Standards and/or DOC Policies. The representations and warranties set forth in this Section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 4.5 Intellectual Property Warranty. The terms of this Section shall apply to any Deliverables provided by Vendor, other than Third Party Solutions. Subject to the foregoing, Vendor represents and warrants to DOC that such Deliverables and DOC's use of such Deliverables does not and shall not infringe upon any Intellectual Property Right of any Third Party. Vendor further represents and warrants to DOC that there is, and there shall be, no actual or threatened suit against Vendor by any Third Party based on an alleged violation of any right specified in the preceding sentence that would affect the quiet use and enjoyment of the Deliverables by DOC, Incarcerated Individuals, and Incarcerated Individuals’ friends and family. This representation and warranty shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 4.6 Warranty of Authority. Each party represents and warrants to the other that it has the right to enter into this Agreement and, in the case of Vendor, there is not and there shall not be any outstanding assignments, grants, licenses, encumbrances, obligations or agreements that relate to any Deliverables (whether written, oral or implied) that are inconsistent with this Agreement and the rights granted or transferred herein. This representation and warranty shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 4.7 Pending Litigation Warranty. Vendor represents and warrants to DOC that there is, and there shall be, no action, suit, claim, investigation or proceeding pending, or the basis for any action, suit, investigation or proceeding, and to the best of Vendor’s knowledge, there is no action, suit, claim, investigation or proceeding, or the basis for any action, suit, investigation or proceeding, threatened against, by or affecting Vendor, its Affiliates or the Solution in any court, or by or before any federal, state, municipal or other governmental department, commission, board, bureau, agency or instrumentality, domestic or foreign, or before any arbitrator of any kind that, if adversely determined, might affect Vendor’s ability to enter into this Agreement and perform all of its obligations therein. 4.8 Offshoring. State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000068 Page 24 of 47 21DH Vendor represents, warrants and covenants to DOC that Vendor shall not, except as may otherwise be approved in advance by DOC in writing: (a) perform any of its obligations under this Agreement from locations, or using employees, contractors and/or agents, situated outside the United States; or (b) directly or indirectly (including through the use of subcontractors) transmit any User Data outside the United States; or (c) allow any User Data to be accessed by contractors and/or agents from locations outside the United States. If a Contract document provides that Services may be provided offshore, to the extent any Law enacted after the Effective Date or any policy or circumstances exist or are created which have, or may have, an adverse impact on DOC with respect to legal compliance or its relationships with the State, its unions or otherwise, Vendor acknowledges and agrees that, to the extent technically feasible and commercially reasonable, it shall change the delivery of any affected offshore Services in a manner which enables DOC to avoid such adverse impact; or if the foregoing objective cannot be met to the satisfaction of the parties, then the parties shall engage in good faith negotiations to arrive at a mutually agreeable reasonable alternative. Further, in any case where access to DOC Data is permitted outside the United States, Vendor shall: (a) comply with the Security Policies and Procedures relating to network and security; (b) implement software controls to permit "view only" access to DOC Data, which controls shall prohibit downloading, printing, copying and/or further transmitting or transferring DOC Data; (c) inform any personnel with access to DOC Data of the restrictions contained herein; (d) implement a program to monitor compliance with the terms contained herein; and (e) immediately notify DOC of any violations of these terms and conditions. To the extent that an Authorized User is physically located outside of the United States and requests access to the Solution or Support and Maintenance Services from Vendor, Vendor's provision of access to the Solution or Support and Maintenance Services to such user physically located outside the United States shall not constitute a breach of this Section provided that Vendor otherwise complies with the terms of this Section. DOC Data. 4.9 Vendor represents and warrants to DOC that it shall not collect, use, store, display and/or transmit DOC Data (including in a summary, extracted, redacted, or de-identified form) other than as necessary to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. Vendor shall not restrict in any manner, DOC's access or ability to download DOC Data, and shall provide any access or other codes to permit DOC to access and download at its option, at any time and without the requirement to notify Vendor. Conflicts of Interest. 4.10 Vendor represents and warrants to DOC that neither the Vendor, nor any of its Affiliates or authorized subcontractors, nor any of their employees, has, shall have, or shall: (a) Acquire, any contractual, financial, business or other interest, direct or indirect, that would conflict in any manner or degree with Vendor’s performance of its duties and responsibilities to DOC, Incarcerated Individuals, and Incarcerated Individuals’ friends and family under this Agreement or otherwise create an appearance of impropriety with respect to this Agreement. (b) Use the authority provided or to be provided under this Agreement to improperly obtain financial gain for Vendor, any of its Affiliates, any of their employees, or any member of the immediate family of any such employee. (c) Use any User Information acquired in connection with this Agreement to obtain financial gain for Vendor, any of its Affiliates, any of their employees, or any member of the immediate family of any such employee. (d) Accept anything of value based on an understanding that the actions of Vendor, any such State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000069 Page 25 of 47 21DH Affiliates or any such employees on behalf of DOC would be influenced thereby; and neither Vendor nor any of its Affiliates shall attempt to influence any DOC employee by the direct or indirect offer of anything of value. (e) 4.11 Pay or agree to pay any person, other than bona fide employees working solely for Vendor or such Affiliates or any of Vendor’s subcontractors, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, contingent fee, gift or any other consideration, that is contingent upon or resulting from the award or execution of this Agreement. If Vendor fails to comply with this Section, DOC shall have the right to either cancel this Agreement without liability to DOC or, in DOC's discretion, recover from Vendor the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage fee, contingent fee, gift or other consideration. Compliance with Federal and State Programs. With respect to Vendor and Vendor's employees providing Services to DOC: (a) Vendor represents and warrants that neither Vendor nor any of its employees is currently ineligible to participate in federal or state procurement or non-procurement programs because of being excluded, debarred, suspended or otherwise declared ineligible to participate. (b) Vendor shall immediately disclose to DOC if it or any of its employees is debarred, suspended, excluded or otherwise declared ineligible to participate in federal or state procurement or nonprocurement programs. (c) Vendor shall immediately disclose to DOC if Vendor or any of its employees is proposed for exclusion, debarment or suspension from participation in any federal or state procurement or non-procurement program. (d) DOC has the right to immediately terminate this Agreement for cause and without further liability to DOC if Vendor becomes ineligible to participate in federal or state procurement or non-procurement programs because of being excluded, debarred, suspended or otherwise declared ineligible to participate. If any of the occurrences described above, Vendor shall provide written notice immediately to DOC in accordance with Section 10.1. 4.12 Additional Representations and Warranties. Additional representations and warranties may be set forth in an amendment. 4.13 Material Misstatements or Omissions. No representation or warranty by a party that is contained in this Agreement or that may be contained in any amendment, Schedule, Exhibit, Addendum, or Attachment contains any untrue statement of a material fact or omits to state a material fact necessary to make the statements and facts contained herein or therein not materially misleading. 5 5.1 TERMINATION Termination State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000070 Page 26 of 47 21DH 5.1.1 Termination for Convenience. DOC shall have the right to terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part without cause and for its convenience and without further liability (except as provided in this Section) upon ninety (90) days prior written notice to Vendor. Upon Vendor's receipt of written notice of termination pursuant to this Section, to the extent not previously delivered, Vendor shall deliver to DOC all Deliverables developed by Vendor, whether completed or in draft form, and the terms of Section 2.1.3 shall apply. 5.1.2 Termination Due to Insufficient Funding or Resources If there is insufficient funding, DOC and Vendor shall meet and discuss adjusting the time frames for the delivery of the Services in a manner such that the Services can be provided to DOC, but with different time frames based on the projected future funding. The parties will negotiate in good faith for a period of up to ninety (90) days (or longer by mutual agreement). If, at the end of such agreed ninety (90) day period the parties have reached mutually acceptable terms, such terms will be memorialized in a written amendment to this Agreement. If the parties have not reached mutually agreeable terms, DOC may either elect to continue this Agreement with respect to the Services, or terminate this Agreement without further liability or penalty. 5.1.3 Survival. Any terms of this Agreement that would, by their nature or through the express terms of this Agreement, survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement shall so survive, including the terms of Sections 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.5, and Articles 4 through 10. 5.2 Events of Default. The following events shall constitute "Events of Default," and the occurrence of any one (1) or more of such Events of Default shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement that shall afford the non-breaching party the rights and remedies set forth in this Article: (a) Vendor’s failure to achieve any Critical Milestone or complete a Phase by the applicable Critical Milestone Due Date or Phase Certification date, which failure shall constitute a Vendor Event of Default unless such failure: (i) was caused by DOC or its Third Party's delays or a Force Majeure Event that was not capable of being mitigated; or (ii) is cured by Vendor within twenty (20) days after its receipt of written notice of such breach; (b) Vendor's failure to correct a Level 1 Defect or provide a workaround reasonably acceptable to DOC within the timeframes set forth in this Agreement, and if no timeframe is specified, then within five (5) days; (c) A party’s material breach of any other representation, warranty, obligation or covenant set forth in this Agreement, which material breach shall constitute an Event of Default by the nonperforming party, provided further that: (i) such failure is not cured within the applicable time frames, if any, set forth in this Agreement, or if no time frame for curing such breach is specified, then within twenty (20) days following the nonperforming party’s receipt of written notice of such failure; or (ii) if the breach reasonably cannot be cured within the time frames specified in the foregoing subsection (i), the non-performing party has failed to provide to the other party within ten (10) days following its receipt of written notice of such failure a written plan to cure such failure that is acceptable to such other party in its sole discretion; (d) Vendor's material breach of its Support and Maintenance Services obligations, which material State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000071 Page 27 of 47 21DH breach shall constitute a Vendor Event of Default; 5.3 (e) Vendor’s failure to secure and/or maintain insurance coverage as specified in Section 10.5, provided that such failure is not cured by Vendor within twenty (20) days following receipt of written notice of such failure, which failure shall constitute a Vendor Event of Default; (f) Vendor's failure to obtain DOC's consent prior to any assignment of this Agreement by Vendor as required under Section 10.12, which failure shall constitute a Vendor Event of Default; (g) A party's breach of its confidentiality obligations set forth in Article 9, which shall constitute an Event of Default by the breaching party; (h) The institution of bankruptcy, receivership, insolvency, reorganization or other similar proceedings by or against Vendor or any parent Affiliate of Vendor under any Law if such proceedings have not been dismissed or discharged within twenty (20) days after they are instituted; the insolvency or making of an assignment for the benefit of creditors or the admittance by Vendor or any parent Affiliate of Vendor of any involuntary debts as they mature; the institution of any reorganization arrangement or other readjustment of debt plan of Vendor or any parent Affiliate of Vendor; or any corporate action taken by the Board of Directors of Vendor or any parent Affiliate of Vendor in furtherance of any of the above actions, which shall constitute a Vendor Event of Default; or (i) If Vendor or any parent Affiliate of Vendor makes an assignment of all or substantially all of its assets for the benefit of creditors, or Vendor’s or any parent Affiliate of Vendor’s Board of Directors takes any corporate action by in furtherance of the above action, which shall constitute a Vendor Event of Default. Rights and Remedies of Vendor Upon an Event of Default of DOC. Upon the occurrence of a DOC Event of Default, Vendor shall be entitled to all of the remedies described below in this Section. In addition, if one (1) or more events as described in Section 5.2 occur that would give rise to a DOC Event of Default but DOC has effected a cure within the applicable time frames set forth in Section 5.2, if any, or thereafter, then Vendor nonetheless shall be entitled to the remedies set forth in subsections (b) and (c) below. (a) Subject to DOC's rights as set forth below, fully or partially terminate this Agreement; and/or (b) Any other additional remedies that may be set forth in an amendment. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, Vendor expressly waives and disclaims any right or remedy it may have under any existing or future Laws or otherwise to: (a) de-install, disable, or terminate DOC's use of or access to the Solution or any portion thereof or interfere with DOC's quiet enjoyment of the Solution, before a final, non-appealable judicial order has been issued terminating DOC's license or access and use rights; or (b) terminate, suspend or withhold any Services prior to any termination of the entire Agreement and expiration of the Transition Period, or exercise any other form of self-help remedy. 5 .4 Rights and Remedies of DOC Upon an Event of Default of Vendor. Upon the occurrence of a Vendor Event of Default, DOC shall be entitled to all of the remedies described State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000072 Page 28 of 47 21DH below in this Section. In addition, if one (1) or more events as described in Section 5.2 occur that would give rise to a Vendor Event of Default but Vendor has effected a cure within the applicable time frames set forth in Section 5.2, if any, or thereafter, then DOC nonetheless shall be entitled to recover damages from Vendor. (a) Fully or partially terminate this Agreement, a Schedule or Exhibit thereto, the Statement of Work or other document, or the affected line or category of Services being; and/or (b) Recover damages from Vendor; and/or (c) Obtain from Vendor transition Services in accordance with Section 5.5; and/or (d) Any other additional remedies that may be set forth in an amendment. 5.5 Transition Services. Upon an expiration or a complete or partial termination of this Agreement, one (1) or more Exhibits, and/or one (1) or more lines or categories of Services for any reason, DOC shall have the right, at DOC's option, for up to twelve (12) months (the "Transition Period"), to all or any combination of the following: (a) Continue to receive from Vendor all Support and Maintenance Services; (b) If DOC will be transitioning to a new system or software solution (irrespective of whether DOC's license to use any Solution has been terminated as provided in Section 5.3), receive from Vendor all Services reasonably necessary to effectuate an orderly transition to such new system or software solution, including: (c) (i) Providing assistance to DOC in transferring data files to an industry-standard format designated by DOC; (ii) Meeting with the successor system supplier, either in person or by telephone, as requested by DOC; (iii) Providing to DOC all data formats, data definition file layouts and schematics; (iv) Providing to DOC functional and technical specifications, and the source code and related documentation (including internally documented and separated documented instructions and materials) for Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions and other software-based Deliverables if any; and (v) Providing to DOC such other materials and information as may be needed or required by DOC to effectuate the transition; and Obtain from Vendor the transfer of Knowledge. All Services provided by Vendor during the Transition Period shall be provided at no cost to DOC. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if this Agreement, or an affected line or category of Services being provided is completely or partially terminated due to the occurrence of a Vendor Event of Default, Vendor shall provide such transition Services at no cost to DOC. 6 LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000073 Page 29 of 47 21DH 6.1 7 7.1 DOC‘s liability to Vendor for a given claim will not exceed the amount paid by Vendor to DOC in the 6 month period preceding the event giving rise to the claim. INDEMNIFICATION General. Subject to the further terms of this Section, Vendor (the "Indemnifying Party") shall assume all risk of and responsibility for, and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless DOC, the State and their respective officers, employees, contractors, officials, consultants, volunteers, representatives, agents, attorneys, successors and assigns (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties") from and against all claims, demands, suits, actions, recoveries, judgments and actual costs and expenses (including all attorneys', advisors and consultant fees and costs) in connection therewith on account of any Third Party claim arising out of or relating to: (a) bodily injury, including death, and real property and tangible personal property damage arising from or resulting directly or indirectly from the Solution, Services, or Deliverables provided under this Agreement and/or from the acts or omissions of the employees, agents or representatives of Vendor and/or its subcontractors; (b) any failure of Vendor or its employees, agents and/or representatives to comply with the terms of Article 9; (c) any failure of Vendor or its employees, agents and/or representatives to comply with the obligations set forth in Section 10.15; (d) Vendor's failure to deliver to DOC modifications to meet Regulatory Requirements as required prior to the compliance date of such Regulatory Requirements, provided that DOC has had sufficient time in advance of such compliance date to adequately test and deploy such modifications; (e) a breach of Vendor's obligations set forth in this Agreement which results in a fine or penalty to an Indemnified Party; or (g) the negligence or willful misconduct of the employees, agents or representatives of Vendor and/or its subcontractors in the performance of its or their obligations under this Agreement. The indemnity provisions in this Section shall not be limited by reason of any insurance coverage required under this Agreement. Vendor's indemnity obligations under this Section may be reduced to the extent DOC is found to have been contributorily negligent. 7.2 Infringement. Subject to the further terms of this Article, Vendor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties from and against any claim asserted or any claim, suit or proceeding brought by a Third Party against the Indemnified Parties alleging that the Deliverables or any part thereof, or DOC's use of the Deliverables constitutes a misappropriation of any proprietary or trade secret information or an infringement of any patent, copyright, trademark or other Intellectual Property Right. Vendor shall pay all damages awarded or agreed to settlement payments, and any actual costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees, litigation costs (including the costs and expenses of any appellate bonds) arising from any such claim and incurred by the Indemnified Parties; provided, however, that the Indemnified Parties, after receiving notice thereof, promptly shall advise Vendor of any such claim, suit or proceeding and, at Vendor's expense, cooperate with Vendor in the defense thereof. If Vendor reasonably believes that any such claim, suit or proceeding may be successful, Vendor shall, at no additional cost to the Indemnified Parties, either: (a) procure for the Indemnified Parties the right to continue using the portion of the Deliverables subject to such claim, suit or proceeding; or (b) replace or modify the Deliverables so that it no longer is subject to any such claim, suit or proceeding while maintaining equivalent or better functionality and performance capabilities. No undertaking of Vendor under this Section shall extend to any alleged infringement or violation to the extent that such infringement or violation arises from adherence to design modifications, specifications, drawings, or written instructions that Vendor is specifically directed by DOC to follow or relates to uses of the Deliverables in combination with other systems, furnished either by Vendor or others, which combination was not recommended or otherwise approved by Vendor, where the lack of the combination would not, in State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000074 Page 30 of 47 21DH and of itself, be infringing. 7.3 Industrial Insurance Immunity Waiver. Vendor waives its immunity under Title 51 RCW (Industrial Insurance) to the extent required to indemnify, defend, and hold the Indemnified Parties harmless under this Agreement. 7.4 Procedures for Indemnification. 7.4.1 General. Promptly after becoming aware of same, the Indemnified Parties shall notify Vendor of any Third Party claim covered under the terms of Sections 7.1 or 7.2, as applicable, for which the Indemnified Parties seek indemnification. 7.4.2 Defense. The defense counsel selected by the Indemnifying Party shall be reasonably acceptable to the Indemnified Parties. Vendor acknowledges that, as a State entity, DOC is represented by the Attorney General’s Office of the state of Washington which must approve of and appoint the Indemnified Parties' defense counsel as special assistant Attorneys General of the state of Washington. 7.4.3 Settlement of Claims. Vendor shall not settle any claim, suit, or action without the prior written consent of DOC and/or the office of the Attorney General of the state of Washington, as required. 7.4.4 Survival; No Limitations on Liability. The terms of this Section shall survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary, the terms of any limitations on liability clauses contained in this Agreement shall not apply to Vendor's indemnification obligations under this Article. 8 8.1 DISPUTE RESOLUTION Administrative-Level Issue Resolution. If a dispute relating to this Agreement arises between the parties, the Vendor Account Executive and a representative of DOC may, but shall not be obligated to, meet and attempt to resolve the dispute. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within ten (10) days after the initial request for a meeting, or if the parties do not agree to invoke this level of dispute resolution, then the parties may seek to resolve the dispute through an executive-level performance review as provided in Section 8.2. 8.2 Executive-Level Issue Resolution. For disputes that are not resolved at the level specified in Section 8.1, the Executive Sponsors may, but shall not be obligated to, meet and attempt to resolve the dispute. If such representatives are unable to resolve the dispute within five (5) business days after the parties have commenced negotiations, or ten (10) days have passed since the initial request for negotiations at this level, or if the parties do not agree to invoke this level if dispute resolution, then the parties may seek to resolve the dispute through mediation as hereinafter provided or, if the parties do not agree to submit the dispute to mediation, to seek any and all rights and State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000075 Page 31 of 47 21DH remedies that may be available to them as provided in this Agreement. 8.3 Voluntary, Non-Binding Mediation. If the prior levels of dispute resolution are not invoked or are unsuccessful, the parties may, but shall not be obligated to, mutually agree in writing to submit the dispute to non-binding mediation. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, mediation must occur within thirty (30) days after the parties agree to submit the dispute to mediation. The parties mutually shall select an independent mediator experienced in systems of the type in dispute, and each shall designate one or more representatives to meet with the mediator in good faith in an effort to resolve the dispute. The specific format for the mediation shall be left to the discretion of the mediator and the designated party representatives and may include the preparation of agreed upon statements of fact or written statements of position furnished to the other party. 8.4 Redress in Court. Informal dispute resolution under this Article shall not be a pre-condition to any action by a party to enforce its rights under this Agreement. 8.5 Continued Performance; No Tolling of Cure Periods. Except where clearly prevented by the area in dispute, the parties shall continue performing their obligations under this Agreement while the dispute is being resolved as provided in this Article, unless and until the dispute is resolved or until this Agreement is terminated. The time frame for a party to cure any breach of the terms of this Agreement shall not be tolled by the pendency of any dispute resolution procedures. 9 DATA RIGHTS, CONFIDENTIALITY AND SECURITY 9.1 Ownership of and Access to Data. Each party is and shall remain the owner of all right, title and interest in and to any data that it owned prior to the Effective Date, and in and to any data to which it may hereafter acquire ownership. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, DOC shall own all right, title and interest in and to DOC Data. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, no party shall be obligated to convey any right, title and/or interest in any data to the other. At all times, DOC shall have access to any DOC Data retained or held in possession by Vendor, and such data shall be exportable and downloadable at no additional cost or expense to DOC. 9.2 Confidential Information. 9.2.1 Uses of Confidential Information. The Receiving Party shall not directly or indirectly use the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information except as necessary to perform the Receiving Party's obligations and/or exercise the Receiving Party's rights under this Agreement. 9.2.2 Safeguarding Confidential Information. The Receiving Party shall exercise the same degree of care and protection with respect to Confidential Information that the Disclosing Party uses with respect to its own Confidential Information, but in all events at least a reasonable degree of care. 9.2.3 Disclosures of Confidential Information. Except as permitted under this Section 9.2.3, the Receiving Party shall not directly or indirectly publish, State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000076 Page 32 of 47 21DH transmit, release, disclose or otherwise make available the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information to any other person without the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party, which consent may be withheld in the Disclosing Party's sole discretion. Notwithstanding the foregoing: (a) the Receiving Party may disclose the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information only as expressly permitted under the terms of this Agreement; (b) DOC may disclose Vendor's Confidential Information to: (i) Authorized Users; and (ii) Third Parties who or that have a need to know in connection with the Solution or Services or the exercise or enforcement of rights or obligations under this Agreement, provided that each such Third Party has executed a confidentiality agreement with DOC that includes within the scope of the confidential information thereunder the portions of the Vendor Confidential Information that will be disclosed or, for Third Parties that have not signed a confidentiality agreement with DOC as of the Effective Date, such Third Party executes a Confidentiality Agreement and Non-Disclosure Agreement; (c) Vendor may disclose DOC Confidential Information to employees and approved subcontractors of Vendor that have a need to know in connection with the Solution or Services, provided that the employees and agents have executed: (i) a confidentiality agreement with Vendor containing confidentiality provisions no less protective than the terms contained herein (and including within the scope of the confidential information thereunder the portions of the DOC Confidential Information that will be disclosed); (d) Vendor may disclose DOC Confidential Information to authorized subcontractors that have a need to know in connection with the Services, provided that: (i) such subcontractor executes a Subcontractor Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement; and (ii) the employees and agents of such subcontractor have executed a confidentiality agreement with subcontractor containing confidentiality provisions no less protective than the terms contained herein (and including within the scope of the confidential information thereunder the portions of the DOC Confidential Information that will be disclosed); (e) the Receiving Party may disclose the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information to the Receiving Party's accountants, attorneys, financial advisors and other similar advisors that have a need to know such Confidential Information; (f) provided the disclosure is made in accordance with Section 9.3, DOC may disclose Vendor Confidential Information pursuant to a public records request; (g) provided the disclosure is made in accordance with Section 9.4, the Receiving Party may disclose the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party to the extent legally required to disclose; (h) provided the disclosure is made for the purposes set forth in Section 9.5, DOC may disclose Vendor Confidential Information to other states and governmental institutions. State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000077 Page 33 of 47 21DH 9.3 Public Records Disclosures. Vendor acknowledges that DOC is a public organization and that the terms and conditions of this Agreement and other Vendor information including Vendor Confidential Information, Documentation and Deliverables may be subject to disclosure under applicable Law, including Washington State's Public Records Act (RCW 42.56). If such a disclosure request is made of DOC, DOC shall, generally within ten (10) business days prior to release, notify Vendor of any such request, in order to provide Vendor time to seek judicial relief if it believes such information should not be released. Subject to a court of competent jurisdiction issuing an order prohibiting such release or the requesting party notifying DOC in writing prior to DOC's planned release that it has rescinded its request for disclosure, DOC shall release and disclose all requested information without liability therefore. 9.4 Legally Required Disclosures. If the Receiving Party or any of its employees or agents are requested or required (by oral questions, interrogatories, requests for information or documents in legal proceedings, subpoena, civil investigative demand or other similar process) to disclose any of the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party, to the extent permitted by Law: (a) shall not disclose the Confidential Information without providing the Disclosing Party with reasonable prior written notice of any such request or requirement so that the Disclosing Party may seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy and/or waive compliance with the provisions of this Agreement; (b) if, in the absence of a protective order or other remedy or the receipt of a waiver by the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party or any of its employees are nonetheless, in the written opinion of the Receiving Party’s counsel (a copy of which opinion shall be delivered to the Disclosing Party), legally compelled to disclose Confidential Information to any tribunal or otherwise stand liable for contempt or suffer other censure or penalty, the Receiving Party or its employees may, without liability hereunder, disclose to such tribunal only that portion of the Confidential Information that such counsel advises the Receiving Party that it is legally required to disclose; and (c) shall exercise its best efforts to preserve the confidentiality of the Confidential Information, including by cooperating with the Disclosing Party to obtain an appropriate protective order or other reliable assurance that confidential treatment shall be accorded the Confidential Information by such tribunal. 9.5 Information Sharing. DOC intends to share information with other states and governmental institutions to promote best practices. The types of information shared by DOC with other states and governmental institutions may include design documents, technical specifications, functional specifications, reports and report formats, workflow processes, policies and procedures, printed training and education materials, computer-based training and education materials, Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions, other software-based Deliverables, implementation strategies, configuration strategies and recommendations, screen shots and queries and job descriptions. Vendor shall permit DOC to share the above types of Vendor Confidential Information relating to the Solution with other such institutions for such purposes. 9.6 Notification and Mitigation. If the Receiving Party becomes aware of any unauthorized use or disclosure of the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party shall, within 48 hours of discovery, notify the Disclosing Party of all facts known to it concerning such unauthorized use or disclosure and shall mitigate any potential harm and further use or disclosure of such Confidential Information. 9.7 Return of Confidential Information. State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000078 Page 34 of 47 21DH Subject to the further terms of this Section, and except as otherwise permitted under this Agreement, at any time upon written request by the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party promptly shall: (i) return to the Disclosing Party, or at the Disclosing Party's request, delete or destroy, all Confidential Information (and all copies thereof) of the Disclosing Party then in its possession or control, in whatever form, or, in the case of a written request by the Disclosing Party, the Confidential Information specified in such request as then in the Receiving Party's possession or control, in whatever form; and (ii) unless the Disclosing Party otherwise consents in writing, deliver to the Disclosing Party, or at the Disclosing Party's request, delete or destroy, any copies, duplicates, summaries, abstracts or other representations of any such Confidential Information or any part thereof, in whatever form, then in the possession or under the control of the Receiving Party. Notwithstanding the foregoing: (iii) the Receiving Party may retain copies of the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information to the extent required by Law and/or to the extent otherwise permitted under this Agreement; and (iv) if any return, deletion or destruction of Confidential Information will have an adverse effect on a party's ability to exercise its rights and/or perform its obligations under this Agreement, then the parties shall discuss reasonably available alternatives to such return, deletion or destruction. 9.8 Security. 9.8.1 Data Security Program. Vendor shall maintain in effect at all times a comprehensive data security program that includes reasonable and appropriate administrative, technical and physical security measures designed to detect, prevent and mitigate the risk of identity theft and protect against the destruction, loss, unauthorized access, disclosure, use and/or alteration of data (whether or not encrypted), including DOC Confidential Information, in Vendor's possession or under Vendor's control, and which shall be no less rigorous than those measures that are required to be maintained by Vendor or DOC to comply with applicable Laws. Vendor will provide the data security program to DOC for its review, and DOC shall have the right to provide feedback and comment on Vendor's data security program. 9.8.2 Security Breaches. If Vendor discovers or is notified of the destruction, loss and/or unauthorized access, disclosure, use and/or alteration of information or any attempt to access Information that is reasonably likely to result in the destruction, loss and/or unauthorized access, disclosure, use and/or alteration of any information (each such event, a "Security Event"), Vendor shall without undue delay and unless prohibited by Law: (a) notify DOC of the Security Event within 48 hours; (b) investigate the Security Event and provide reasonable cooperation with DOC's investigation of the Security Event, including periodic updates with respect to Vendor's investigation of the Security Event; (c) if the source of the Security Event is not within the control of Vendor, provide reasonable cooperation with DOC's development of a risk assessment, root cause analysis and corrective action plan, including DOC's mitigation and remediation activities; and (d) comply to the extent applicable to Vendor's personnel, and provide reasonable cooperation with DOC in complying with, the requirements of all applicable Personal Information Laws and other applicable Laws. If the source of the Security Event is within the control of Vendor's personnel, Vendor shall: (e) promptly provide a written report to DOC that sets forth Vendor's risk assessment, root cause analysis and corrective action plan; (f) implement the corrective action plan and mitigate the effects of the Security Event as soon as practicable; and (g) provide DOC periodic updates with respect to Vendor's mitigation and corrective action efforts. 9.8.3 Personal Information and Data Breach Notification Laws. Vendor acknowledges that Confidential Information may include Personal Information pertaining to residents in Washington State and other states that have enacted Personal Information and Data Breach State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000079 Page 35 of 47 21DH Notification Laws. Having acknowledged the foregoing, in addition to its obligations set forth in Section 9.8.2, Vendor shall comply with the requirements of all applicable Personal Information and Data Breach Notification Laws. In the event of any unauthorized access, disclosure, or use of Confidential Information held by Vendor or its subcontractors, Vendor shall bear the costs incurred by DOC and/or any Agency in complying with its or their legal obligations relating to such unauthorized access, disclosure or use of Confidential Information, including the reasonable costs of providing notices, a toll-free call center/help desk, credit monitoring services and identity theft insurance to affected individuals for up to two (2) years. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to release Vendor from its indemnification obligations as set forth in Article 7. 9.8.4 HIPAA. If Vendor (or any subcontractor) will, or will likely, have access to protected health information (as defined in the regulations promulgated under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended, "HIPAA") of DOC, Vendor and any applicable subcontractor(s) shall execute the then-current form of Business Associate Agreement of DOC. 9.8.5 Survival. The terms of this Article shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 9.9 Compliance with DOC Security Policies and Procedures, Vendor Information Security Officer, and Security Certifications. 9.9.1 Compliance with Security Standards, Policies, and Procedures. Vendor shall comply with: (i) the security requirements and obligations required by applicable Law; (ii) the DOC Security Policies and Procedures; (iii) policies, procedures, and guidelines of the Washington State Office of the Chief Information Officer, which can be found at www.ocio.wa.gov/policies; (iv) Vendor's security standards, policies, guidelines and procedures, provided that DOC Security Policies and Procedures shall take precedence over any inconsistencies or conflicts with Vendor's security standards, polices, guidelines and procedures (subsections (i) through (iv) are collectively referred to as the "Security Policies and Procedures"). 9.9.2 Vendor Information Security Officer Responsibilities. Vendor shall designate a corporate officer ("Information Security Officer") who shall, at no cost or expense to DOC: (i) Be responsible to ensure Vendor's initial and on-going compliance with the Security Policies and Procedures; (ii) At least once every six (6) months, and at any other time requested by DOC, provide a written certification to DOC confirming Vendor's compliance with the Security Policies and Procedures; and (iii) Upon DOC's request, meet with the DOC Chief Information Security Officer to discuss Vendor's certification, the Security Policies and Procedures, or other related matters. The Vendor Information Security Officer's participation shall not be chargeable to DOC. 9.9.3 Security Certifications. Vendor represents and warrants to DOC that: (i) Vendor is certified under ISO (International Organization State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000080 Page 36 of 47 21DH for Standardization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) ISO/IEC 27000, series of Information Security Management Systems standards ("ISO Security Standards"); and (ii) the IITS Solution is certified and in full compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards ("PCI DSS"); and Vendor shall maintain such certifications on an on-going basis. Vendor shall provide DOC with a copy of such certifications upon request. Vendor shall provide DOC with full and complete copies of any ISO Security Standards and PCI DSS audits and reviews, and other security audits, reports and reviews, whether conducted internally by Vendor or through a Third Party, within five (5) days of a request by DOC and within twenty (20) days of Vendor's receipt of such audits, reports and reviews. If there are deficiencies cited and/or recommendations made, the Vendor Information Security Officer, the Vendor Executive Sponsor and other appropriate personnel from Vendor shall meet to review the deficiencies and recommendations and develop a plan of action to address such items. The implementation of any measures to address deficiencies and/or recommendations shall not be chargeable to DOC. 10 10.1 MISCELLANEOUS Notices. Any written notice required or permitted to be delivered pursuant to this Agreement (other than project-related notices that may be sent by email) shall be in writing and shall be deemed delivered: (a) upon delivery if delivered in person; (b) three (3) business days after deposit in the United States mail, certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid; (c) upon transmission if sent via email or fax, with a confirmation copy sent via overnight mail; or (d) one (1) business day after deposit with a national overnight courier, in each case addressed to the following address or to such other addresses as may be specified by a party upon notice given to the other party: If to DOC: Washington State Department of Corrections 7345 Linderson Way SW Tumwater, Washington 98501 Attention: Tom Fithian Email: tpfithian@doc1.wa.gov With a copy to: Contracts Administrator Washington State Department of Corrections 7345 Linderson Way SW Tumwater, Washington 98501 If to Vendor: Securus Technologies, LLC 4000 International Parkway Carrollton, TX 75007 Attn: General Counsel Email: legalnotice@securustechnologies.com State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000081 Page 37 of 47 21DH 10.2 Definitions and Construction Capitalized terms used herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in Schedule 1 or as defined in this Agreement. The words "include," "including," and variations thereof, will not be deemed to be terms of limitation, but rather will be deemed to be followed by the words "without limitation.” Any reference herein to a particular Article or Section number (e.g., "Article 7" or "Section 7.1"), shall be deemed a reference to all Sections of this Agreement that bear sub-numbers to the number of the referenced in the Article or Section (e.g., a reference to Article 6 includes Sections 6.1 through 6.15, and a reference to Section 9.7 includes reference to Sections 9.7.1, 9.7.2, etc.). The terms "hereof," "hereunder," "herein" and words of similar import will refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular provision of this Agreement. Definitions in this Agreement apply equally to the singular and plural forms of the defined terms. Unless otherwise expressly specified, all references to "days" without any designation of "calendar" or "business" will be deemed to be references to calendar days and not business days. All references to "business days" shall mean Monday through Friday, excluding Holidays. When calculating the time period before which, within which, or following which any act is to be done or step taken pursuant to this Agreement, the date that is referenced in calculating such period will be excluded (for example, if an action is to be taken within two (2) days of a triggering event and such event occurs on a Tuesday then the action must be taken by Thursday). If the last day of a business day period is a non-business day, the period in question will end on the next succeeding business day. 10.3 New Products Through Acquisition. Following the Effective Date, if Vendor acquires a company which has an existing agreement with DOC to provide services or products, DOC shall have the option to treat such services and/or products as being provided or licensed under this Agreement, subject to any pre-existing license restrictions associated with such products as documented in the contract between DOC and the acquired company. 10.4 Audits and Requests for Records. 10.4.1 Financial Audits. At any time up to and including six (6) years following the termination of this Agreement, DOC (itself or through its Third Party auditor or a State auditor) shall have the right upon reasonable advance written notice and on an annual basis to fully audit the books and records of Vendor to the extent reasonably necessary to confirm the accuracy and appropriateness of all invoices issued under this Agreement, including all supporting details, and to verify compliance with applicable Laws. All such audits shall be conducted between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. If any audit demonstrates that Vendor has overcharged or undercharged DOC, then either: (a) Vendor promptly shall refund the overcharges to DOC; or (b) following receipt of Vendor's invoice, DOC shall pay the undercharge to Vendor. Further, if any overcharge is in excess of five percent (5%) of the aggregate charges incurred during the period to which the audit relates, then Vendor shall reimburse DOC for the reasonable costs and expenses incurred to conduct such audit. 10.4.2 Operational and Security Audits by DOC. Upon prior written notice to Vendor, Vendor shall make available to DOC and its auditors and inspectors (including internal and external personnel) for the purpose of performing such audits or inspections access at all reasonable times to: (a) the data and records relating to the Services and Vendor's other obligations under this Agreement; and (b) Vendor's internal controls and systems as may be reasonably necessary to examine Vendor's performance of the Services and compliance with its duties, State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000082 Page 38 of 47 21DH responsibilities and obligations under this Agreement including the safeguarding of DOC Data and compliance with the Security Policies and Procedures and the terms set forth in Section 9.9. Vendor shall provide to such auditors such assistance and support as they may reasonably request. If any audit reveals deficiencies, Vendor shall review the findings with DOC. If DOC and Vendor mutually agree that there are deficiencies to be corrected, Vendor shall prepare and deliver to DOC a detailed plan that is reasonably acceptable to DOC for correcting all such deficiencies. 10.4.3 Washington State Audits. Any audits permitted by Law or permitted under this Section 10.4 may be conducted by the State or a Third Party on its behalf. Vendor shall provide to the State such assistance and support as reasonably requested. If any audit reveals deficiencies, Vendor shall review the findings with the State and DOC and Vendor shall prepare and deliver to the State and DOC a detailed plan that is reasonably acceptable to correct all such deficiencies. 10.4.4 Resolutions of Disagreements with Audits. If the results of an audit are disputed, the Executive Sponsors shall meet to attempt to resolve the matter. If the Executive Sponsors cannot resolve the matter, either party may require that the matter be submitted to an independent, nationally recognized, reputable auditing firm ("Independent Auditor") to review the results of the audit and whether the deficiencies in dispute exist. The cost of the Independent Auditor shall be shared equally by the parties. If requested by such Independent Auditor, each party shall permit such firm to conduct interviews of applicable personnel and engage in such other due diligence activities to verify whether such deficiencies exist and/or the audit findings can be confirmed. The Independent Auditor shall be tasked by the parties to issue a written opinion on its findings and such written opinion shall be binding on the parties with respect to the deficiencies cited therein. If the written opinion of the Independent Auditor confirms deficiencies with respect to Vendor, Vendor shall prepare and deliver to DOC a detailed plan that is reasonably acceptable to DOC for correcting all such deficiencies. Vendor shall implement all such corrections within the time frame set forth in the plan. Vendor shall bear all costs and expenses associated with correcting all deficiencies. Any audits shall be conducted so as to be non-disruptive to a parties operations and business. User-level access may be granted to DOC applications to support such audits, and if necessary, will be coordinated between the parties. 10.4.5 Maintenance of Records. Vendor and its subcontractors shall maintain books, records, documents and other evidence relating to this Agreement, including Vendor performance, Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise participation, protection and use of DOC Data and DOC's Confidential Information, and accounting procedures and practices which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature invoiced in the performance of this Agreement. Vendor shall retain all such records for six (6) years after the expiration or termination of this Agreement. Records involving matters in litigation related to this Agreement shall be kept for either one (1) year following the termination of litigation, including all appeals, or six (6) years from the date of expiration or termination of this Agreement, whichever is later. Where Vendor ordinarily and regularly in the course of business creates and maintains its books, records, documents and other evidence relating to this Agreement electronically, Vendor shall retain such electronically stored information in an electronic format that remains usable, searchable, retrievable and authentic for the periods set out herein, unless the parties specifically agree in writing to an alternative. Vendor shall incorporate in its subcontracts with subcontractors the terms and conditions of this Section. State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000083 Page 39 of 47 21DH Books, records, documents, and other evidence of accounting procedures and practices related to Vendor’s cost structure, including overhead, general and administrative expenses, and profit factors shall be excluded from DOC's or its auditors’ review unless the cost or any other material issue under this Agreement is calculated or derived from these factors. Insurance. 10.5 10.5.1 Required Coverages. At Vendor's sole cost and expense, Vendor shall procure and maintain in effect from and after the Effective Date and for the duration of the Agreement the insurance coverages described in the attached Schedule 4. Insurance may be maintained with one or more carriers, each of which must: (a) be authorized to do business in the State of Washington or be eligible surplus lines insurers acceptable to DOC and having agents in Washington upon which service of process may be made; and (b) have a financial strength rating of A- or better and a financial size category of A-XIII or better, each as reported in the most recent edition of Best's Insurance Reports (or any successor or replacement rating agency). Any insurance or self-insurance available to DOC shall be in excess of, and non-contributing with, any insurance that Vendor is required to procure and maintain. Vendor hereby waives its right of subrogation with respect to DOC, and each policy must include a waiver of subrogation in favor of DOC and the State. Vendor's insurance policies shall apply on a primary basis. To the extent that claims are paid under any insurance coverage resulting in a reduction of the remaining coverage amounts, Vendor shall procure additional insurance as needed to continually meet and maintain the coverage amounts set forth on Schedule 4. 10.5.2 Additional Insureds and Evidence of Coverage. By endorsement to all liability policies, except for the Professional Liability/Errors & Omissions and Internet Policies insurance and Industrial Insurance, DOC and the State shall be named as additional insureds for all liability arising from this Agreement. On or before the Effective Date, thereafter upon each insurance policy renewal, and otherwise promptly following DOC's request from time-to-time, Vendor shall provide DOC with certificates of insurance, together with copies of all applicable endorsements (by endorsement cross-liability of all insureds), evidencing Vendor's compliance with the requirements set forth in this Section 10.5. If at any time during the period when insurance is required by this Agreement, an insurer fails to comply with the requirements of this Agreement, as soon as Vendor has knowledge of any such failure, Vendor shall immediately notify DOC and immediately replace such insurance with insurance meeting this Agreement requirements set forth herein. Within ten (10) business days following Vendor's receipt of DOC's written request, Vendor shall provide (or cause to be provided) to DOC a certified copy of any insurance policies that are required under this Section 10.5. 10.5.3 Claims-Made Coverage. If and to the extent any insurance coverage required under this Agreement is purchased on a "claimsmade" basis, such insurance must: (a) cover the acts or omissions of Vendor and any subcontractors, as applicable, up through and including the date that this Agreement has terminated and any Transition Periods have expired; and (b) be continuously maintained by Vendor, with full prior acts coverage, for at least six (6) years beyond the date that this Agreement has terminated and any Transition Periods have expired. 10.5.4 Notice of Cancellation. Vendor shall procure (or cause to be procured) endorsement(s) to its insurance policies that identify DOC as a scheduled party to receive written notice thirty (30) days in advance of the cancellation of any State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000084 Page 40 of 47 21DH insurance required hereunder. 10.5.5 Subcontractor Insurance. If Vendor elects to have an approved subcontractor provide any Services to DOC, prior to providing any such Services, Vendor must furnish to DOC a certified copy of the applicable insurance policy or policies reflecting coverages of the type and amount agreed upon by Vendor and DOC. Additionally, if an approved subcontractor provides Support and Maintenance Services, Vendor's insurance policies must specifically cover all of such subcontractor's Support and Maintenance Services, and Vendor must provide documentation from the applicable underwriter, acceptable to DOC in its sole discretion, confirming such coverage. 10.6 Approval of Service Subcontractors. Vendor shall obtain DOC's prior written consent, which DOC may withhold in its sole discretion, before entering into an agreement with any subcontractor who may be retained by Vendor to provide Services of any kind under this Agreement. DOC may condition the approval of any subcontractor on the receipt of the proposed subcontract between Vendor and the subcontractor, to ensure that the subcontracted Services or other items are adequately covered. If DOC determines, in its sole discretion, that any previously-approved Vendor subcontractor is not satisfactorily performing its obligations, DOC reserves the right to require Vendor to replace such subcontractor with another subcontractor or Vendor to directly perform such obligations. Vendor shall ensure that all such subcontractor agreements include provisions naming DOC as a direct and intended third party beneficiary or otherwise granting DOC the right to directly enforce Vendor's rights against such subcontractor and provisions substantially the same as those set forth in Section 2.1.3 (where applicable) and Sections 7 and 9 of this Agreement. DOC shall not be bound by the terms of such agreements entered into by Vendor, and such agreements shall not contain any obligations with respect to DOC, including a guarantee of payments to such subcontractor. Any approval by DOC of Vendor's right to use a subcontractor shall be conditioned upon the following: (a) the agreement between Vendor and subcontractor not imposing or seeking to impose any liabilities or obligations on DOC, including the pass throughs of any termination fees, damages or costs in the event Vendor is required to replace the subcontractor; (b) DOC's ability to obtain a full assignment of such agreement upon written notice by DOC to the subcontractor following any default by Vendor under this Agreement; (c) all employees of the subcontractor being subject to the terms and restrictions of Article 1; (d) Vendor being responsible for managing all subcontractor relationships; (e) Vendor being liable for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor under this Agreement; (f) DOC and Vendor agreeing to the level and types of insurance to be obtained by subcontractor; (g) Vendor and subcontractor incorporating the terms required by Section 10.4.5 into their agreement. Vendor agrees that assignment of any subcontractor agreement to DOC shall in no way diminish, reduce, modify or affect Vendor's obligations and liabilities to DOC hereunder, and Vendor shall remain responsible for all such obligations and liabilities. Vendor further agrees that it shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties for the actions of its subcontractors. 10.7 Notice of Financial Impacts. Vendor shall provide written notice to DOC within five (5) business days following the occurrence of any event that will or may be likely to have a material adverse impact upon Vendor's ability to perform its obligations hereunder, including Vendor's breach of any significant contract, default of any credit agreement, denial of significant funding requests and/or the filing of a significant lawsuit against Vendor, and promptly (but in no event longer than ten (10) business days) thereafter shall meet with DOC to discuss Vendor's ability to continue to perform its obligations under this Agreement in light of such event. 10.8 Agency. State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000085 Page 41 of 47 21DH No party shall make any representations or warranties or incur any liability on behalf of the other. No party is the agent, representative or partner of the other party. The parties agree that Vendor is an independent contractor, that neither Vendor nor its employees, subcontractors and/or agents are employees of DOC and that DOC shall not, on their behalf: withhold income or other taxes; provide Industrial Insurance; participate in group insurance plans which may be available to employees of DOC; participate in or contribute to any public employees retirement system; accumulate vacation leave or sick leave; or provide unemployment compensation coverage. Neither Vendor nor its employees, subcontractors and/or agents are employees of DOC, and accordingly, none of them are entitled to any of the compensation, benefits, rights, or privileges of employees of DOC. 10.9 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such determination shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other part or provision of this Agreement. 10.10 Waiver; Waiver of Non-Competition. No delay or omission by a party to exercise any right occurring upon any non-compliance or default by the other party with respect to any of the terms of this Agreement shall impair any such right or power or be construed to be a waiver thereof. A waiver by any of the parties of any of the covenants, conditions or agreements to be performed by the other shall not be construed to be a waiver of any succeeding breach thereof or of any covenant, condition or agreement herein contained. Additionally, Vendor irrevocably waives any rights which it may have, by contract or otherwise, to require another person or entity to refrain from submitting a bid or proposal to, or providing products or services to, DOC or the State, and Vendor further agrees that it will not in the future, directly or indirectly, induce or solicit any person or entity to refrain from submitting a bid or proposal to, or providing products or services to, DOC or the State. 10.11 Governing Law; Exclusive Jurisdiction. The Agreement, and all the rights and duties of the parties arising from or relating in any way to the subject matter of this Agreement or the transaction(s) contemplated by it, shall be governed by, construed and enforced only in accordance with the Laws of the state of Washington, without regard to the conflict of law rules of any jurisdiction. Any claim against DOC shall be initiated by Vendor within one (1) year after the claim arises, or be barred. Any suit or proceeding relating to this Agreement shall be brought only in the State courts located in Thurston County, Washington. THE PARTIES EACH CONSENT TO THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE PERSONAL JURISDICTION AND VENUE OF THE STATE COURTS LOCATED IN THURSTON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. 10.12 Binding Nature and No Assignment. The Agreement or any of its provisions shall not be assigned, delegated or transferred, including a Change of Control which shall be deemed to be a transfer, in whole or in part, by either party without the prior written consent of the other party. The Agreement shall be binding on the parties and their successors and permitted assigns. 10.13 Counterparts. The Agreement may be executed in one (1) or more duplicate originals, all of which together shall be deemed one and the same instrument. State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000086 Page 42 of 47 21DH 10.14 Public Announcements. Without the prior written consent of DOC, which consent may be withheld in DOC's sole discretion, Vendor shall not make or publish, directly or indirectly, any statements, articles, public or private announcements (including any announcement made via e-mail or any posting on the Internet or any Vendor website), media releases, press conferences, advertising or similar publicity in any form relating to the fact that the parties have entered into this Agreement, the name, image or logo of DOC or any Agency (or any variation or combination of such name, image or logo), as well as the name or image of any DOC employee or contractor of DOC. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Vendor shall not, without DOC's prior written approval: (a) make any references to Third Parties that DOC is a customer of Vendor; (b) include or make any reference to DOC or DOC's name in any proposals to Third Parties; or (c) provide DOC contact information to existing or prospective customers of Vendor. 10.15 DOC Policies. Vendor, its employees, agents and permitted subcontractors shall comply with all DOC policies, procedures, orders and directives (whether in final or "draft" form) including those set forth in the State Travel Policy found in the Washington State Administrative and Accounting Manual (currently set forth in http://www.ofm.wa.gov/policy/10.htm) (collectively, the "DOC Policies"). Vendor personnel will conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with preserving DOC's reputation and their staff will not engage in any actions or behaviors that could result in negative attention from the public, press, legislature or DOC customers. Vendor acknowledges and agrees that the DOC Policies may change from time-to-time and that DOC may add, delete and/or change the DOC Policies in its discretion. 10.16 PREA – Custodial and Sexual Misconduct This Agreement provision shall apply to any person having contact with incarcerated individuals under Department of Corrections (DOC) jurisdiction. A. Authorities In the performance of services under this Agreement, Vendor shall comply with all federal and state laws and Department policies regarding sexual misconduct including, but not limited to, the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA); RCW 72.09.225, Sexual misconduct by state employees, contractors; RCW 9A.44.010, Definitions; RCW 9A.44.160 Custodial sexual misconduct in the first degree; RCW 9A.44.170, Custodial sexual misconduct in the second degree; DOC 490.800, Prevention and Reporting of Sexual Misconduct; DOC 490.850, Response to Investigation of Sexual Misconduct, and DOC 610.025, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Assault, and Staff Sexual Misconduct. B. Definitions 1. Sexual Misconduct includes, but is not limited to, offender-on-offender sexual assault, sexual abuse, and consensual sex acts. It also includes Custodial Sexual Misconduct, Staff Sexual Misconduct, Staff Misconduct of a Sexual Nature, and Sexual Harassment as defined below. 2. Custodial Sexual Misconduct or Staff Sexual Misconduct shall mean the following acts when performed by Department employees, contract workers, or volunteers and directed toward any offender under Department Jurisdiction. a. State of Washington Department of Corrections Engaging in sexual intercourse with an offender. Sexual intercourse shall include (a) vaginal intercourse, anal intercourse, and oral intercourse as well as the K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000087 Page 43 of 47 21DH penetration of an offender’s vagina or anus with an object, when such penetration is not performed for the purpose of providing medical care or is not authorized by Department policy for the purpose of maintaining security, or (b) allowing an offender to engage in sexual intercourse, as defined above, with any contract worker or volunteer. b. Without a legitimate penological purpose, intentionally physically touching, either directly or through clothing, the genitalia, anus, groin, thighs, or buttocks of an offender or the breasts of a female offender. c. Without a legitimate penological purpose, compelling or permitting an offender to touch, either directly or through clothing the genitalia, breasts, or buttocks of an employee, contract worker, or volunteer. d. Kissing an offender, or allowing oneself to be kissed by an offender, (this does not include an uninvited surprise kiss by an offender). e. Knowingly exposing one’s genitals, breasts, or buttocks to an offender. f. Observing without legitimate penological purpose an offender’s partially or fully naked body or an offender engaging in a sexual act with him/herself or another offender (not to include inadvertent or unavoidable observation). g. Making threats, bribes, or acts of coercion toward an offender for the purpose of causing an offender to engage in any of the acts prohibited in this section. h. Taking one or more substantial steps toward engaging in or performing any of the acts prohibited in this section. i. 3. Helping another person perform any of the acts prohibited in this section by acting or failing to act to aid in the commission of such act, with the knowledge that the action or inaction will promote or facilitate the prohibited act. Staff Misconduct of a Sexual Nature shall mean the following acts when performed by Department employees, contract workers, or volunteers and directed at any offender under Department jurisdiction for the purpose of gratifying the sexual desire(s) of any person or getting an offender to engage in staff sexual misconduct, or that have sexual undertones. a. Making any of the following: Comments about an offender’s body intended to abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade, arouse, or gratify the sexual desires of any person. Sexually oriented statements or gestures in the presence of an offender. Demeaning statements based on gender in the presence of an offender. b. Staff, contractor, vendor, or volunteer-on-offender sexual harassment; inappropriate relationships; exchange of personal information or items of financial or sentimental value; threatening, intimidating, coercing, or using abusive language towards an offender for other than legitimate corrections purposes; cross gender pat searches; and c. Failing to report suspected or known sexual misconduct or other acts prohibited by this Agreement provision; and discouraging, preventing, or otherwise interfering State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000088 Page 44 of 47 21DH with good faith reporting of sexual misconduct where an offender is the alleged victim. 4. C. Sexual Harassment shall mean deliberate or repeated, unsolicited verbal statements or comments of a sexual nature directed to any individual, including demeaning references to gender or derogatory comments about body or clothing, or repeated profane or obscene language or gestures. Vendor Requirements include, but are not limited to: 1. Adhering to the DOC zero tolerance standard for sexual misconduct, whether or not consensual. 2. Maintaining boundaries and professionalism at work and when in direct contact with incarcerated individuals. 3. Ensuring that all staff who have unsupervised access to incarcerated individuals under DOC jurisdiction have PREA/Sexual Misconduct training that includes: a. Department policies on Prevention and Reporting of Sexual Misconduct, DOC 490.800 and Response to Investigation of Sexual Misconduct, DOC 490.850; b. The meaning of Department jurisdiction; c. The prohibitions against engaging in behaviors described in Section B, Definitions, above; d. Signs of sexual misconduct in both victims and predators; e. Reporting requirements and investigation procedures for suspected or known instances of sexual misconduct; f. The resources available to offender/victims of sexual misconduct; g. The confidentiality requirements associated with assisting offender/victims; and h. The consequences of failing to conform to all requirements of this Section C, which include, but are not limited to: 1) Removal of person(s) from proximity to incarcerated individuals; 2) Removal of person(s) from contract work at DOC; 3) Agreement termination; 4) Criminal and or civil prosecution; 5) Liability for damages to the offender/victim. 10.17 Compliance with Laws; Compliance with Civil Rights. With respect to its obligations under this Agreement, Vendor shall at all times comply with all applicable Laws, including DOC Data breach notice statutes, RCW 19.255.010 and RCW 42.56.590, federal and applicable state nondiscrimination Laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq., the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") and Title 49.60 RCW, Washington Law Against Discrimination, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act ("GLB"), HIPAA, and all rules, regulations and policies promulgated thereunder, including the commitment to negotiate in good faith any sub-agreements that may be required to be entered into by the parties pursuant to such Laws, and any and all obligations to obtain similar protections in or institute safeguards with respect to any Third Party agreements and/or arrangements. Vendor shall comply with all Laws governing the importation, exportation or transfer of technology across national boundaries, shall obtain all necessary permits and governmental authorizations and approvals necessary to the performance of this Agreement. Vendor shall ensure that any of its personnel performing work on DOC's premises or accessing DOC's computer systems do so with DOC's permission and according to all applicable DOC Policies. Vendor’s noncompliance, or refusal to comply, with any applicable Law shall constitute an Event of Default pursuant to Section 5.2(c) and DOC shall have the rights and remedies set forth in Section State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000089 Page 45 of 47 21DH 5.4, additionally Vendor may be declared ineligible for further contracts with DOC or the State. 10.18 Waiver of UCITA. The parties agree that the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act or any substantially similar law enacted as part of the law of the State or any other state ("UCITA"), shall not apply to this Agreement and, to the extent that UCITA is applicable, the parties agree to opt-out of the applicability of UCITA pursuant to the opt-out provision(s) contained therein, if any. 10.19 Binding, Irrevocable Offer. Vendor agrees that the signed Agreement by Vendor constitutes a binding, irrevocable offer to DOC on the terms and conditions set forth herein which shall remain in full force and effect through and including December 31, 2021, or such later date as may be agreed to in writing by the parties. The Agreement shall only become an effective and binding agreement upon DOC's execution and delivery of a copy of this Agreement to Vendor. 10.20 No Construction Against Drafter. The parties agree that any principle of construction or rule of Law that provides that an agreement shall be construed against the drafter of the agreement in the event of any inconsistency or ambiguity in such agreement shall not apply to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 10.21 Attorneys’ Fees. In the event of litigation or other action brought to enforce contract terms, each party agrees to bear its own attorney fees and costs. 10.22 Third-Party Beneficiaries Incarcerated individuals and friends and family of those incarcerated individuals are third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement and, with respect to the goods and services intended to be provided to them by the Vendor, are entitled to the rights and benefits hereunder and may enforce against the vendor the provisions hereof as it they were parties hereto. 10.23 Equality in Compensation A. The Vendor must ensure that similarly employed individuals in its workforce are compensated as equals, consistent with the following: Employees are similarly employed if the individuals work for the same employer, the performance of the job requires comparable skill, effort, and responsibility, and the jobs are performed under similar working conditions. Job titles alone are not determinative of whether employees are similarly employed. Vendor may allow differentials in compensation for its workers based in good faith on any of the following: i. State of Washington Department of Corrections A seniority system; a merit system, a system that measures earnings by quantity or quality of production, a bona fide job-related factor or factors, or a bona fide regional difference in compensation levels. K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000090 Page 46 of 47 21DH B. ii. A bona fide job-related factor or factors may include, but not be limited to, education, training, or experience, that is: consistent with business necessity, not based on or derived from a gender-based differential, and accounts for the entire differential. iii. A bona fide regional difference in compensation level must be: consistent with business necessity, not based on or derived from a gender-based differential, and account for the entire differential. This Contract may be terminated if the Department or the Department of Enterprise Services determines that the Vendor is not in compliance with this provision. State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions P-25419 000091 Page 47 of 47 21DH ATTACHMENT D AGREEMENT SCHEDULES SCHEDULE 1 - DEFINITIONS Whenever used in the Agreement, including in any Schedules, Exhibits, Attachments, Addenda and other documents attached to the Agreement, the following terms shall have the meaning ascribed to them below. Other capitalized terms used in the Agreement are defined in the context in which they are used and shall have the meanings ascribed therein. The terms defined in this Schedule include the plural as well as the singular. “Affiliate” means any person, firm, corporation (including service corporation and professional corporation), partnership (including general partnership, limited partnership and limited liability partnership), limited liability company, joint venture, association, business trust or other similar entity that, now or in the future, directly or indirectly, controls, is controlled with or by or under common control with Vendor. For purposes of the foregoing, “control” shall mean the direct or indirect control of fifty percent (50%) or more of the voting power to elect directors thereof, or any other entity, the power to direct the management of such entity. Upon request, Vendor shall provide DOC with a list of entities qualifying as Affiliates of Vendor. "Agency" means any agency, office, institution, board, commission, or department of the State of Washington. "Agreement" is referenced in the preamble and means this Vendor Agreement entered into by and between DOC and Vendor, effective as of the Effective Date, inclusive of all schedules, exhibits, and attachments. "API" means an application programming interface. "Authorized Users" means: (a) DOC, any Agency, and their respective employees, and any and all staff, volunteers, prospective employees, vendors, business partners and employees of DOC, any Agency and other governmental organizations (e.g., the federal government) with whom DOC conducts business; (b) Third Party agents, consultants, vendors, auditors and other independent contractors performing services for DOC and/or an Agency; (c) any persons and/or entities to whom or which DOC and/or an Agency provides services; (d) any governmental, accrediting or regulatory bodies lawfully requesting or requiring access to data; (e) a facility manager or outsourcing or hosting services provider; and (f) such other persons as the parties may mutually agree. "Change of Control" means: (a) any transaction or combination of transactions as a result of which either a person, an entity or a group of persons and/or entities that customarily has acted in concert and that presently is in control of a party ceases to be in control of such party; or (b) the sale, transfer, exchange or other disposition (including disposition in full or partial dissolution) of fifty percent (50%) or more of the beneficial ownership (as defined in Rule 13(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) of the voting power of a party, or of the assets of such State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment D – Agreement Schedules P-25419 000092 Page 1 of 16 21DH party that constitute a substantial or material business segment of such party; or (c) the divestiture, in whole or in part, of the business unit or division of Vendor that has provided the Services hereunder. "Confidential Information" means: (a) information concerning the other party's business affairs, property and methods of operation that is marked "confidential" and/or "proprietary"; (b) in the case of DOC, regardless of whether such information is marked confidential or proprietary: (i) DOC Data; (ii) any information and materials relating to Third Party Vendors that have provided any part of DOC's and/or any Agencies' information or communications infrastructure; (iii) any information of DOC and/or any Agency that is maintained or stored by or through the Solution; (c) any information, including User information, defined as category 3 or 4 information by the Washington State Office of the Chief Information Officer, and/or (d) to the extent not covered above, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object code and agency security data, or other information identifiable to an individual, including Users, that relates to any of the foregoing types of information. Confidential Information shall not include information that was: (c) in the public domain at the time of disclosure to the Receiving Party; (d) after disclosure, published or otherwise made a part of the public domain through no fault of the Receiving Party; (e) in the possession of the Receiving Party at the time of disclosure to the Receiving Party, if the Receiving Party was not then under an obligation of confidentiality with respect thereto; (f) after disclosure to the Receiving Party, received by the Receiving Party from a Third Party who had a lawful right to disclose such information to the Receiving Party without any obligation to restrict the Receiving Party's further use or disclosure of such information; or (g) independently developed by the Receiving Party without reference to the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information. For purposes of this provision, information is in the public domain if it is generally known (through no fault of the Receiving Party) to Third Parties who are not subject to nondisclosure restrictions with respect to such information. "Critical Milestone" means those key Deliverables and key events, to be identified in the Project Agreement or Contract Supplement, as significant project-related milestones, deliverables and events, and can include, for a particular component of the Solution, by way of example, finalization of design, complete configuration, commencement and/or completion of Pre-Live Testing, Production Use and Project Completion. "Defect" means any non-conformance of the Solution to operate in accordance with the Documentation. "Deliverables" means Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions, other software-based programs, Documentation, designs, diagrams, configurations, functional specifications, technical specifications, data transformations, data aggregations, schematics, architectural renderings, prototypes, screen layouts and other documents and materials developed or prepared by Vendor, either alone or jointly with DOC. State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment D – Agreement Schedules P-25419 000093 Page 2 of 16 21DH "Disclosing Party" means the party that, directly or indirectly, has disclosed Confidential Information to the other party. "Documentation" means, collectively, and shall be interpreted in the following order of precedence: (a) first, features or functionality and any special provision relating thereto, if any, as described in a Statement of Work; (b) second, the DOC Requirements; (c) third, Deliverables other than the DOC Requirements; (d) fourth, any Demonstrations and Demonstration Materials; (e) fifth, any RFP Response; and (f) sixth, any user, operations, maintenance, repair and similar manuals that Vendor or other software and/or equipment manufacturers and resellers make generally available to its customers, that relate to the functional, operational and/or performance capabilities of the Solution, as applicable. "DOC" means the Washington State Department of Corrections and any successors and assigns. “DOC Related Revenue” means all revenue generated from DOC related operations and includes revenue from incarcerated individuals and revenue from the friends and family of incarcerated individuals. "DOC Requirements" means the initial DOC Requirements set forth in Schedule 2 of this Agreement except as amended or specifically altered in a Statement of Work. "DOC Data" means any and all data that Vendor, its Affiliates and/or subcontractors receive, generate, collect, store, maintain or process in connection with the performance of the Services or Vendor's other obligations under the Agreement, including Data Protected by Law, provided that DOC Data shall not include (a) Vendor’s software or other intellectual property associated with its products and services; (b) any items described in this section that Vendor is required to retain ownership of pursuant to applicable laws or regulations. "DOC Security Policies and Procedures" means the following security standards, protocols, policies and procedures: (a) DOC's security policies and procedures, currently located at http://ofm.wa.gov/ocio/policies/documents/141.10.pdf, including the Washington State Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Securing Information Technology Assets (Standard No. 141.10) dated August 19, 2013; (b) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publications 800-53 Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations (currently located at http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/drafts/800-53-rev4/sp800-53rev4-ipd.pdf); (c) NIST Special Publication 800-95 Guide to Secure Web Services (currently located at http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-95/SP800-95.pdf); (d) Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Guide to Building Secure Web Applications (currently located at http://www.um.es/atica/documentos/OWASPGuide2.0.1.pdf); (e) IRS Publication 1075 Tax In- formation Security Guidelines For Federal, State and Local Agencies (currently located at http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p1075.pdf) and FIPS 140-2 Security Requirements for Crypto- graphic Modules (currently located at http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips1402/fips1402.pdf); and the (f) Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) (currently located at https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/documents/pci_dss_v2.pdf), each of which as may be updated from time-to-time. State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment D – Agreement Schedules P-25419 000094 Page 3 of 16 21DH "Due Date" means the date by which a Deliverable or Critical Milestone must be completed. "Effective Date" means the date, if any, on which the Agreement is countersigned by DOC. "Extension" means a configuration or other programming, other than a change to the source code of an application, residing in the Solution to affect a function or feature that is not part of the generally available Solution. "Holidays" means those days on which DOC observes a holiday in a particular calendar year as published from time-to-time by DOC. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights in and to all copyrights, inventions, patents, trademarks, trade secrets and any other proprietary rights in or to tangible or intangible property recognized in any jurisdiction in the world, whether or not registered or registerable. "Interface" means the programming required to accomplish the coupling of one system, device or program with another system, device or program. "Integrate" or "Integrating" means the process of functionally and technically linking together different computing systems and/or software applications so that the linked systems and/or applications Interoperate as a coordinated whole. "Integration" means a software-based Deliverable that Integrates two or more components of the Solution. "Interoperate" or "Interoperability" means that computer programs communicate, execute programs or transfer data seamlessly, and without the use of a point-to-point interface or batch or similar process, by and among the other computer programs in which they are intended to communicate. "Issue" means any presently identified event or circumstance that adversely affects the ability of the parties to meet project requirements, or a Deliverable Due Date or Critical Milestone Due Date. "Law" means all existing and future laws, statutes, regulations, rules, administrative codes, ordinances, executive orders, polices, judicial opinions and/or decrees and other decisions having the effect of law (and any amendments thereto) by any federal, state or local government, authority, department or agency in any location that DOC or an Agency conducts business. "Level 1 Defect" means any Defect that significantly impacts the ability of Users to use the Solution, or exposes Users to liability. "Level 2 Defect" means any Defect that adversely affects Users use of the Solution. "Level 3 Defect" means any Defect that causes minor problems to occur with the Solution that can be circumvented without difficulty or disruption to Users’ operations. "Material Defect" means a Level 1 Defect or Level 2 Defect. "New Version" means any releases, versions, improvements, modifications, upgrades, updates, fixes and additions to the Solution, no matter how designated, classified or marketed, that the State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment D – Agreement Schedules P-25419 000095 Page 4 of 16 21DH Vendor or Third Party Solution provider makes available to their customers as part of its Support and Maintenance Services. "Performance Credits" means the financial consequences, if any, associated with failure of the Solution to conform to the applicable Performance Standards. "Performance Standards" means the standards for performance for the Solution. "Personal Information" means: (a) Data from which a natural person can be identified by reference to an identification number, including an individual's Social security number, driver's license number or Washington identification card number, or an account number or credit or debit card number, in combination with any required security code, access code, or password that would permit access to an individual's financial account; or (b) such other definition as may be set forth in Personal Information and Data Breach Notification Laws. "Personal Information Data Breach Notification Laws" mean any law that regulates the disclosure, handling and/or security of Personal Information, including Washington Revised Statutes Section 19.255.010 et seq. and 42.56.590 et seq., or any similar federal or state statute or regulation that exists as of the Effective Date or may be enacted in the future. "RCW" means the Revised Code of Washington. "Receiving Party" means the party that, directly or indirectly, has received Confidential Information from the other party. "Regulatory Requirements" means governmental and quasi-governmental Laws, regulatory requirements, ordinances, policies, administrative codes, edicts, rules, guidelines or standards, and shall include, for purposes of the Agreement: (a) all Laws related to the use and functions of the Solution; (b) the Civil Rights Act (Title VII), the Americans with Disabilities Act (Title I) and Personal Information Laws; and (c) all other standards or guidelines established by committees, agencies or other standards-setting organizations implementing the foregoing regulatory requirements. "Risk" means any potential event that could adversely affect the project's success (scope, resources, effort, quality or schedule) at a future point in time. The impact to the project could take the form of diminished quality of the end product, increased costs, delayed completion or failure. "Services" means any and all services provided to Users by Vendor. "Solution" means all software and hardware licensed or provided by Vendor to Users including: (a) all Vendor-proprietary software (including Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions, other software-based Deliverables, owned by Vendor); (b) all Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions and other software-based Deliverables provided but not owned by Vendor to DOC; (c) all Third Party Solutions; (d) all beta, pre-release or pre-generally available release versions of any of the foregoing; and (e) all New Versions of any of the foregoing. "State" means the state of Washington. State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment D – Agreement Schedules P-25419 000096 Page 5 of 16 21DH "Support and Maintenance Services" means the supporting and maintaining of the Solution and shall include, subject to any additional terms as may be set forth in these Agreement Schedules, the installation and implementation of New Versions of the Solution, and incident and defect resolution. Support and Maintenance Services shall include Third Party Support and Maintenance Services where applicable. "Vendor Implementation Methodologies" shall mean the methodologies used by Vendor to implement the Solution, which methodologies shall be attached to and incorporated into a Project Agreement or Contract Supplement. "Third Party" or "Third Parties" means persons, corporations and entities other than Vendor or DOC and includes incarcerated individuals and friends and family of incarcerated individuals "Third Party Solution" means all Third Party software licensed, sublicensed or otherwise provided by a Third Party or by Vendor to DOC under the terms of the Agreement, or any Third Party software that is implemented by Vendor. “User” means DOC, DOC Incarcerated Individuals, and incarcerated individuals’ friends and family. State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 Attachment D – Agreement Schedules P-25419 000097 Page 6 of 16 21DH SCHEDULE2-CHANGEORDERFORM Step 1: Change Request Description Title: Change O rder #: Phone # (Extension): Submitted By: Date: D escribe the Nature of the Requested Chan~e: In-Scope vs. Out-of-Scope Is this change within the Project Scope? Yes_ _No _ _ If Yes, explain basis for determination: Step 2: Initiation Approval Written Response by Vendor - Expected Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ DOC Signature:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Date: _ _ _ __ Step 3: Scope of Work, Impact Analysis and Cost Part I. Scope - Describe the Work to be Performed by Vendor (Attach Functional Specifications, As Applicable) D escribe the work to be p erformed by Vendor: State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000098 Page? of16 21DH Part II. Impact Analysis A. Impact on Critical Milestone Due D ates or Deliverable Due Dates? Yes _ _ _ No Com ments/Explanation: B. Impact on Other Milestone/Key D ates or Deliverables? Yes No Comments/Explanation: C. Im pact on D OC's Resources? Yes No Comments/Explanation: D. Update to Project Agreement or Contract Supplements: If there are new or revised specifications applicable to this Change Order, or you answ ered "yes" to any of the above items, you will need to update and attach to this Change Order one (1) or more of the follow ing documents (check w hich ones are applicable). □ Statement of Work □ IITS Project Plan □ Joint Resource Plan □ sow □ DOC Requirements □ Other (Please Specify) State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000099 Page 8 of 16 21DH Part III. Vendor Signature Submitted by: Vendor By:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ D ate: _ _ _ _ _ __ A uthorized Signature Print Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Step 3. Approval of Change Order by DOC Agreed To: Washington State Department of Corrections By:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ D ate: _ _ _ _ _ __ Au th orized Signature Print Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000100 Page9of16 21DH SCHEDULE 3 - DELIVERABLE CERTIFICATION FORM Deliverable Name: Critical Milestone Name: : Deliverable Number: : Critical Milestone Number: DOC certifies that the Certification Criteria for the above referenced Deliverable or Critical Milestone have been fully met. To be effective against DOC, this form must be signed by the DOC Project Manager (or designees). Print Name: State of Washington Department of Corrections , DOC Project Manager K11720 P-25419 000101 Page 10 of 16 21DH SCHEDULE 4 - INSURANCE COVERAGES [Remainder of this page intentionally left blank] State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000102 Page 11 of 16 21DH T ype of Insurance C overage industrial Insurance :M inimum Policy Limits Per . 0ccurrence/Oaim Per state law requirements . Additional Requirements Annual Aggregate The policy shall be written to meet the statutory requirements for the state in which the work is to be performed, including occupational disease. The policy must include a waiver of subrogation in favor of DOC. The policy shall cover all Vendors Per state law requirements employees, including as may be required of an "employer" as defined in 1itle 51 RCW, and shall be in full compliance with 1itle 51 RCW. • Each Accident: $1,000,000 Employers Liability Commercial General Liability • Disease, Each Employee: $1,000,000 • Disease, Policy Limit $1,000,000 $5,000,000 N IA $10,000,000 The policy must include a waiver of subrogation in favor of DOC. Crime Policy $3,000,000 $3,000,000 This coverage to include Employee Dishonesty and (when applicable) Inside/Outside Money and Securities coverages for property or funds owned by the State of Washington or owed to the State of Washington in the care, custody, and control of Contractor, to include electronic theft and fraud protection. Business Automobile Liability $1,000,000 $5,000,000 The policy must include a waiver of subrogation in favor o DOC. $20,000,000 $20,000,000 Must include coverage for Internet professional services, ASP, web portal, security/privacy. The policy must include a waiver of subrogation in favor of DOC. Professional Liability/Errors & Omissions and Internet Policies ID Theft and Cyber Extortion (included in E&O policy described in row above) Umbrella or Excess Liability $20,000,000 $20,000,000 $20,000,000 $20,000,000 State of Washington Department of Corrections Must include coverage for crisis management and public relations expense. The policy must include a waiver of subrogation in favor of DOC. Cyber Risk Liability, including information theft, computer and data loss replacement or restoration, release of private information, alteration of electronic information, notification costs, credit monitoring, forensic investigation, cyber extortion, crises management, public relations expenses, regulatory defense (including fines and penalties), network security, and liability to third parties from failure(s) of contractor to handle, manage, store, and control personally identifiable information belonging to others. For Industrial Insurance, Employers Liability, Commercial General Liability and Business Automobile Liability coverages. The policy must include a waiver of subrogation in favor of DOC. K11720 Page 12 of 16 21DH P-25419 000103 SCHEDULE 5 - SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Vendor shall provide Support and Maintenance Services for each component of the Solution in accordance with its general support offering to its customers and the terms set forth in this Schedule, provided that, in the event of a conflict between Vendor’s general support offering and the terms and conditions set forth in this Schedule, the terms and conditions of this Schedule shall control. The terms of this Schedule shall only apply during the term of the Agreement. Without limiting the foregoing, Vendor shall provide Support and Maintenance Services for Third Party Solutions that Vendor licenses to Users in accordance with the terms of this Schedule. 1. Scope of Services. Vendor shall provide Support and Maintenance Services described in this Schedule to ensure that the Solution functions in accordance with the applicable Performance Standards and to address Incidents as they may arise from time-to- time. 1.1 Solution Enhancements. 1.1.1 General. Vendor shall provide all New Versions to DOC, and shall develop and provide to DOC all New Versions necessary to: (a) maintain compatibility with all Third Party Solutions, including New Versions to such Third Party Solutions; (b) maintain compatibility with current, generally available versions of Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and other browsers to which Vendor then maintains compatibility (as described in the Documentation) or that are specified in the DOC Requirements to which Vendor has agreed; and (c) maintain compatibility with changes to database, operating system, and other software used in conjunction with the Solution (if applicable). To the extent technically feasible and functionally compatible, Vendor shall maintain compatibility between the Solution and the latest releases of software of Third Party vendors. Vendor shall ensure that all New Versions successfully complete the testing process set forth in Section 1.1.2 of this Schedule prior to delivery to DOC For purposes herein, Releases are classified by Vendor as of the Effective Date in accordance with the following taxonomy: "X.Y", where "X" represents a new version (a "Version") and "Y" represents a new release (a "Release"). If Vendor changes the taxonomy of its New Versions and/or the general time intervals in issuing Versions or Releases, then the parties shall apply the new taxonomy on a basis to align to the original taxonomy. For example, if Vendor begins to issue Releases quarterly, then subsection (c) above will be deemed to read "8 Releases behind" to align with the annual cycle, i.e., 4 Releases/year x 2 years = 8 Releases. Subject to the right of DOC to remain on back Releases as provided above, DOC acknowledges that future New Versions may require Vendor implementation of additional equipment and/or Third Party software. 1.1.2 Quality Assurance Testing. Vendor shall create and maintain one (1) or more test environments as appropriate or advisable to adequately test the Solution provided under the IITS Agreement (and such other Solution in the future as may be mutually agreed to by the parties) and any New Versions. Vendor shall test each New Version in the test environment prior to delivery to DOC in accordance with Vendor’s quality assurance process which, at a minimum, shall test for: (a) vulnerabilities and compliance with security obligations, which test results shall be provided to DOC; (b) State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000104 Page 13 of 16 21DH operation and performance of the New Version in accordance with the applicable Performance Standards; (c) browser compatibility in accordance with Section 1.1.1(b) of this Schedule; (d) database and operating system compatibility in accordance with Section 1.1.1(c) of this Schedule; and (e) any regression problems using existing DOC usage and test cases and test data. Vendor shall correct any Defects and other nonconformities discovered during such testing and shall deliver each New Version to DOC only after such New Version has been approved by Vendor’s quality assurance lead. Vendor also shall deliver or make available to DOC contemporaneously with the delivery of each New Version detailed Documentation describing such New Version. With respect to any New Version labeled in writing by Vendor as an emergency fix intended to correct a Level 1 Defect or Level 2 Defect, Vendor shall exercise all commercially reasonable efforts to test such emergency fix in accordance with the requirements of this Section, and in all events shall conduct sufficient and adequate regression testing. (i) Special Provisions Relating to Quality Assurance of New Versions. If, after Vendor delivers the New Version to DOC, DOC experiences Level 1 Defects or Level 2 Defects in a New Version ("New Version Defects") that have not been resolved in a reasonable time by Vendor’s standard Support and Maintenance procedures, then Vendor shall provide the following personnel and shall comply by the following terms, at no cost to DOC (including weekends) until the New Version Defects are fully debugged and corrected: (A) DOC and the Vendor will have daily status update conference calls until the New Version Defects are resolved. (B) If New Version Defects exist and cannot be resolved for a period of one (1) week or more, the matter shall be escalated via daily conference calls to Vendor’s head of engineering, to facilitate closure of such items. 1.1.3 Process Improvement. At DOC's request, Vendor shall provide to DOC a detailed description of Vendor’s quality assurance process and/or a plan for improving or remedying any problems identified by DOC with respect to Vendor’s quality assurance process. 1.1.4 Special Provisions Pertaining to Deliverables Including Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions and Other Software-Based Deliverables. At the request of DOC Vendor shall retrofit, and install and implement such retrofits for Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions and other software-based Deliverables to ensure that such then-existing items will be compatible with any New Versions provided by Vendor. 1.1.5 Obligation to Improve and Enhance the Solution. I n addition to correcting Defects and providing New Versions, Vendor shall make general improvements and enhancements to the Solution from time-to-time to extend the capabilities, functionality and features of the Solution, provided that the nature, extent and timing of all such improvements and enhancements shall be in Vendor’s sole discretion. If Vendor discontinues improving and enhancing the Solution as required in the preceding State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000105 Page 14 of 16 21DH sentence, then Vendor shall provide to DOC and implement, at no cost to DOC, the successor or replacement product (whether or not such product is owned by Vendor) that is substantially equivalent to the affected Solution in terms of functionality and performance capabilities and reasonably acceptable to DOC, and such replacement product shall be treated as a New Version under the terms of the Agreement. 1.1.6 Reductions in Functionality. If Vendor removes, reduces or disables any feature or functionality of Solution that is then being used and that existed prior to such New Version or modification, then at DOC's request and at no cost or expense to DOC, Vendor shall either: (a) provide substantially equivalent replacement functionality that is reasonably acceptable to DOC; or (b) modify, adjust or customize such Solution, and continue to provide Support and Maintenance Services for such modified or customized Solution, so that the applicable feature or functionality remains available to Users along with all of the other features and functionality of the enhanced or modified Solution, provided such replacement or modified or customized Solution shall be treated as an New Version under the terms of the Agreement. 1.1.7 Protection Against Product Obsolescence. If following implementation of the Solution, Vendor promotes and/or markets a replacement or successor product to the Solution (including infrastructure) then Vendor shall provide DOC: (a) a license to the replacement or successor product at no cost; and (b) all Services and equipment relating to the implementation of the product. 1.1.8 New Version Documentation. Without limiting the other obligations set forth herein, all Documentation for the New Versions shall comply with the terms set forth in Section 2.3 of the General Terms and Conditions. 1.2 Regulatory Requirements. Vendor shall provide Regulatory Modifications to DOC whenever such modifications are mandated or required to meet any Regulatory Requirements and are related generally to the then-existing features or functionality of the Solution. DOC shall notify Vendor of any new state or local Regulatory Requirements affecting DOC after becoming aware of such Regulatory Requirements. Vendor shall provide to DOC fully-tested Regulatory Modifications in accordance with Section 1.2.2 of this Schedule and within the time frames set forth below so as to enable DOC to adequately test and deploy such Regulatory Modifications. 1.3 Third Party Solutions. 1.2.1 General. Vendor shall serve as the primary point of contact for, and shall provide the Defect Analysis for, any Support and Maintenance Services requests initiated by DOC that relate to Third Party Solutions. If Vendor cannot resolve the Defect through its actions as an intermediary, Vendor shall facilitate direct contact between the Third Party and DOC. 1.2.2 Registration. If registration of Vendor customers is available by the Third Party product vendor, Vendor shall register DOC with such Third Party product vendor. Upon request by DOC, Vendor shall produce evidence of such registration. State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000106 Page 15 of 16 21DH 1.3 Support and Maintenance Services History Tracking System. Vendor shall maintain a DOC-specific Support and Maintenance Services history, including updated records of DOC's Solution configuration. Vendor shall provide DOC and State auditors with online access to and the ability to extract all such data from Vendor’s online issue management system ("OIMS"), which shall provide, at a minimum, the following information: (a) the number of User calls received by Vendor’s customer support center ("CSC") during the reporting period; (b) the date, time and the subject matter of each call; (c) the severity and urgency of the reported Incident or request; and (d) the resolution of each matter, including date and time resolved. All data history and other data related to DOC and residing in Vendor's OIMS or other support tools or trouble ticketing systems shall be and constitute data owned by DOC. 1.4 System Optimization Assessment. At DOC's request and at no additional cost to DOC, Vendor and DOC jointly shall conduct an annual audit comprising approximately one (1) week of work effort (involving both on-site and off-site presence) of the use of the Solution, the purpose of which shall be to identify opportunities for improving and maximizing utilization of the Solution ("System Optimization Assessment"). Upon the completion of such assessment, the Vendor Executive Sponsor and Vendor Account Executive and other appropriate Vendor representatives shall present Vendor’s findings to DOC. 1.5 Multi-Vendor Sourced Environment. Vendor acknowledges that the Solution is being deployed as one of several components of DOC's total technology environment. As such, Vendor shall cooperate with DOC and all Third Parties that have services and/or products in DOC's technology environment to minimize the disruptions, Incidents and Defects within DOC's technology environment and interfaced Third Party systems. 1.6 OWASP Certification. Every six (6) months and additionally within thirty (30) days of the delivery of any New Version to DOC, Vendor shall certify that the Solution meets applicable OWASP secure coding and testing guidelines. 1.7 Designated Support Contacts. DOC shall designate one (1) or more DOC staff to serve as the primary DOC contacts for Vendor's Support and Maintenance Services. 1.8 Backups and Procedures. Vendor will be responsible for performing all necessary backups, recovery and required Solution operating procedures. 1.9 DOC Assistance in Resolving Defects. DOC shall provide such assistance and cooperate with Vendor in helping to identify and address Defects. If DOC delays providing assistance, the total elapsed time of the delays shall be subtracted from the applicable time intervals in which Vendor is obligated to comply with respect to Performance Credits set forth in Attachment B, Service Level Terms. State of Washington Department of Corrections K11720 P-25419 000107 Page 16 of 16 21DH INCARCERATED INDIVIDUAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICES ATTACHMENT E - PROJECT PLAN DOC CONTRACT #K11720 P-25419 000108 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 1 of 280 Contents Securus Acronyms ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 Details and Resources ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Phase 1: "Proof of Concept" Project Plan, Deliverables, and Milestones ............................................................... 6 Predictive Heat Maps (WCCW and MCCCW) ....................................................................................................... 25 "Proof of Concept" Success Measures and Reporting ............................................................................................ 49 Phase 2: Project Plan Project Plan, Deliverables, and Milestones ......................................................................... 51 Predictive Heat Maps (SCCC, CCCC, WSP, AHCC, CRCC, MCC, CCCC, CBCC, OCC, LCC) ....................... 83 Timeline Delays and Credits ....................................................................................................................................276 Testing and Acceptance .............................................................................................................................................277 P-25419 000109 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 2 of 280 Securus Acronyms • • • • • • • • • • • ITS (Incarcerated Telephone System) SCP (Secure Communication Platform) SVC (Securus Video Connect) ICER (Inmate Communications Evaluation and Reporting) IPRO (Investigator Pro) THREADS COBP (Commissary Order By Phone) OVM (Outbound Voicemail) VRS (Video Relay Services) J to U (JPay to Unity) sBOM (scrubbed Bill of Materials) or BOM (Bill of Materials) P-25419 000110 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 3 of 280 Details and Resources Onsite resource needs and additional information for and during install: • • • • • • Kick Off Calls and Weekly Project Updates o Kick Off call will be scheduled to go over install plan. Attendees will be Securus Install teams, Contractors, Facility staff members and DOC Project Manager o Weekly updates will be discussed during the kick-off calls and agency can provide preference of updates (i.e. via email, Teams meeting, etc.) COVID Requirements o Company agrees, if applicable to the services within, to abide by the proclamation issued by Governor Jay Inslee On August 9, 2021, and amended on August 20, 2021, requiring, among others, contractors, vendors, suppliers, and volunteers who work on-site for state agencies (including the Washington State Department of Corrections) to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before working on DOC premises. The terms of the proclamation as amended may be found here: https:// www.governor.wa.gov/sites/default/files/proclamations/21-14.1%20-%20COVID19%20Vax%20Washington%20Amendment.pdf o Securus personnel, including any subcontractor personnel, will be required to show proof of vaccination at the point of entry to our facilities. Mobilization o Up to 3 weeks for install start Meeting Location o Facility to let us know where the teams should meet daily for entry Equipment Storage o Securus will need location of shipping address for equipment related to project o Designated location where we can store deinstalled equipment throughout the project until collection is arranged o Will there be ample onsite storage available? If so, where? Trailer o Are onsite trailer(s) approved to house install material in the outside parking lot or designated locations approved by site? • Escorts: o Maintenance Personnel with master set of keys to access various locations (i.e. electrical panel, MDF, IDF, roof, etc.). o How do we communicate escort needs? o Team lead will notify escort at end of shift of next day needs. We will send team schedule weekly as well as any cancellations will be communicated. o Generally: One (1) escort the first week and thereafter Two (2) escorts will be needed but based on the amount of team members, we may need a third escort. o When is the deadline (i.e. days, time) to submit an escort change/cancellation? • • Who will be our “Point of Contact” per location? Clearances: o Who is the contact to submit clearances? P-25419 o What is the required form? 000111 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 4 of 280 • o What is the timeline for processing and how do we obtain approved/denied clearance listing? Clothing o What are the approved clothing and colors? • Phone, Camera and Laptop Access o Team Lead phone and Laptop: These are needed to program equipment and contact remote resources during the project install. Camera is used to take photos of final installation related to close out document. o What is the process to obtain approval for team leads to obtain permission to bring these items into the facility? • Sample of Schedule o 1st day consists of walkthrough, confirm equipment locations (from original survey notes) and inventory. o 2nd day will begin install until completion o We will recap estimated install timeline and onsite hours o Are there limitations to onsite access (i.e. weekend work, overtime, 4x10 shifts, etc.)? • Final Walk throughs o These are completed at the end of the install and sign off from Facility Install point of contact that has reviewed and approve the status of the work performed. • Pre-Go Live Testing o Testers will need access to cellphone and laptop during sessions as well as in case last minute configurations are needed o Tablet testing will require access to less than 10 tablets o Pre-activation of tablets will require access to all tablets and an applicable testing location where wireless access points are located. We need enough room to unpackage and repackage tablets once completed. • Go-Live o Various team members from Securus may report onsite during go-live (i.e. Field Tech, Account Manager, Field Marketing Analyst, Trainers, etc.) dependent on the size of the go-live need. o Go-live team will need access to their laptop and cellphone during this time as they communicate to remote team members supporting the go-live. o Teams will visit all units/dorms during the go-live activities and may need to split up to provide coverage in multiple locations at one time. P-25419 000112 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 5 of 280 Phase 1: "Proof of Concept" Project Plan, Deliverables, and Milestones WCCW and MCCCW P-25419 000113 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 6 of 280 SECURUS led1'11Jlot1•e'.. WA DOC JPay to U nity Migrat ion Phase I - Exported Tasks WBS Ta sl( Number Name Core Project Pan Predecessor Pin Planned Pla nned Completion s Dur S18rt Dllte Dnte 204 Days 11/1/21 8/22122 Project M anager (PM) 2 Days 11/1/21 11/ 2/21 }- Assigned - 1.1 2 Acknow edge Ticket Assignment(s) 1.2 3 Search Workfront for Other Proj ects tor Agency (Refer to Workf ow Specia isl with conf icts) 2ss Project M anager (PM) 2 Days 11/1/21 11/2/21 1.3 4 Review and Confirm Scope ofWor1< (SOW) 2ss Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/1/21 11/ 2/21 1.4 5 Request to Te ecom Team for Eva ualion 4 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/3/21 11/ 4/21 1.5 6 Make a necessary updates to Project Detai s > Custom Forms 4 Project M anager (PM) 1 Day 11/3/21 11/3/21 1.6 7 Attach Temp ates in this order 4 Days 11/3/21 11/8/21 1.6.1 8 Attach Te ecom Temp ate Line 23 (ONLY F Te ecom says an order is needed) 1.6.2 9 Attach Equipment Ordering Temp ate Line 23 ( f Needed) 1.6.3 10 Attach Securus Debit Temp ate Line 23 ( f Needed) 1.6.4 11 1.6.5 12 1.6.6 13 1.7 14 1.7.1 15 Assign mp ementations Specie ist ( S) As Needed 7 1.7.2 16 Assign ntegrations team ( C and NT) As Needed 1.7.3 17 1.7.4 18 1.8 19 1.9 ~ I ---- 5 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/5/21 11/8/21 3 Project M anager (PM) 2 Days 11/3/21 11/4/ 21 3 Project M anager (PM) 2 Days 11/3/21 11/ 4/ 21 Attach Products & Feature Temp ates Line 23 (As Needed) 3 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/3/21 11/4/21 Add Additiona Sites to GO L VE tasks for EVERY product/feature 3 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/3/21 11/ 4/21 Updat e Project Pan, Change Project Status to 'Staffing" once Staffed Change to "Active• 11, 9 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/5/21 11/5/21 2 Days 11/9/2 1 11/10/21 mp e mentation Supervisor (SUP) 2 Days 11/9/2 1 11/10/21 7 ntegrations Supervisor 2 Days 11/9/2 1 11/10/21 Assign mp ementations Site Engineer ( SE) As Needed 7 mp ementation Site Engineer ( SE) Supervisor 2 Days 11/9/2 1 11110/21 Assign Fie d Service Tech resource As Needed 7 Fie d Service Manager (FSM) 2 Days 11/9/2 1 11/10/21 ntema Kick Off Ca (or Emai) 13fs+3d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/11/21 11/11/21 20 Externa Kick Off Ca (or Emai) 19fs+1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/15/ 21 11/15/2 1 1.10 21 Base ine Project Pan 20ss Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/15/ 21 11/15/21 1.11 22 Host Agency ntegralion Meeting ( f Needed) 20fs+2d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/18/21 11/18/21 1.12 23 ATTACH All TEMPLATES HERE 201 Days 11/1/21 8/17/22 --- I I St aff the Pan P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront ---- 000114 TagE t K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan <;.<ll! 2 21.>21~·44 pm EDl Pa_ge 7 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase I - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Tasl( Pin Dur Phinned Start Date Planned Completion Date 137 Days 11/16/ 21 6/ 2/22 1 Day 11/16/21 1V16/21 1 Day 11/17/ 21 11/17/21 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/17/ 21 11/17/21 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/17/ 21 1V17/21 5 Days 11/17/ 21 11/ 23/21 Project Manager (PM) 5 Days 11/17/21 11/ 23/ 21 Project Manager (PM) 5 Days 11/17/21 11/ 23/ 21 10 Days 11/ 24/21 12/9/21 m p ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 11/ 24/21 12/ 9/21 m p ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 11/ 24/21 12/9/21 10 Days 11/ 24/21 12/ 9/21 m p ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 11/ 24/21 12/ 9/21 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 11/ 24/21 12/ 9/21 1 Day 12/10/ 21 12/10/ 21 m p ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 12/10/21 12/10/ 21 m p ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 12/10/21 12/10/ 21 1 Day 12/10/ 21 12/10/ 21 1 Day 12/10/21 12/10/ 21 1 Day 12/10/21 12/10/ 21 3Days 12/10/ 21 12/14/21 3 Days 12/10/21 12/14/ 21 Predecessor WBs Number 1.12.1 24 25 EOU PM ENT-···set the predecessor of this Equipment Ordering task to Extern a Kickoff... 26 EOU PMENT: Request Heat Mapping 27 EOU PMENT-Request and Receive Heat Mapping (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) 25 28 EOU PMENT-Request and Receive Heat Mapping (Washington Corrections Center for Women 0/'ICCW) 25 29 30 EOU PMENT-Request and Receive Site Suivey (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) 25 31 EOU PMENT-Request and Receive Site Suivey (Washington Correction Center for Women 0/'ICCW) 25 32 33 EOU PMENT-Create S-BOM > get Fie d approve > attach S-BOM > 'update' PM > reso ve ticket assignment and WF (Mission Creel< Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) ) 30 34 EOU PMENT-Create S-BOM > get Fie d approva > attach S-BOM > "update" PM > reso ve ticket assignment and WF (Washington Correction Center for Women 0J'ICCW)) 31 35 36 EOU PMENT-Create NOS and Port Termination forms for project (M ission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) 30 37 EOU PMENT-Create NOS and Port Termination forms for project (Washington Correction Center for Women 0J'JCCW) 31 38 39 EOU PMENT-Assign P Addresses Subnet and submit BARFs for project (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) 36 40 EOU PMENT-Assign P Addresses Subnet and submit BARFs for proj ect (Washington Correction Center for Women (WCCW) 37 41 42 s Name Assigned Equipment Ordering and nsta 20 Project Manager (PM) EOU PMENT: Request Site Survey EOU PMENT: create S-BOM EOU PMENT: Create NOS and Port Term forms ----- EOU PMENT: Assign Ps EOU PMENT: Emai Port Term and p info to Fie d '°"'"'"'·'•" '°"'-'"', ""~"" '""'~c,.,.eo.,o;=c~"°'wom'" {MCCW) 43 44 45 EOU PMENT-Emai Port Term and P nfo to Fie d 0J'lashington Correction Center for Women 0/'ICCW) * 37 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) EOU PMENT: TABLET Network Design Review Meeting EOU PMENT-TABLET NSTALLS: Host tab et network design review meeting with SE, SR. S and ROC (Mission Creel< Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) Project Manager (PM) P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront 000115 Page2 33 ----- K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Sep 27 20214:44 pm EDl Page 8 of280 WA DOC JPay t o Unity Migratio n Ph ase I - Ex po rted Tasks (cont'd) Tasl( s Assigned Pin Dur Plenned StertDate Planned Completion D ete 34 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 12/10/ 21 12/14/21 1 Day 12/15/21 12/15/ 21 1 Day 12/15/21 12/15/ 21 1 Day 12/15/21 12/15/ 21 1 Day 12/16/ 21 12/16/ 21 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/16/ 21 12/16/ 21 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/16/ 21 12/16/ 21 20 Days 12/17/ 21 1/18/ 22 Predecessor Neme WBs Number 46 47 48 49 50 51 EOU PMENT-Create Sa es Order, Attach to Work1ront. Get nterna Approve (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) 48 52 EOU PMENT-Create Sa es Order, Attach to Workfront. Get nterna Approve (Washington Correct: - i 49 Center for Women (WCCW) 53 54 EOU PMENT-Submit approved Sa es Order to Purchasing via ticket; Equipmem shipped to site (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) 55 EOU PMENT-Submit approved Sa es Order to Purchasing via ticket: Equipmen1 shipped to site (Washington Correction Center for Women (WCCW) 56 57 EOU PMENT-Confirm a Equipment has been de ivered (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) 54 58 EOU PMENT-Confirm a Equipment has been de ivered (Washington Correction Center for Women (WCCW) 55 59 60 EOU PMENT-Schedu e Equipment nsta ation date/time (Mi ssion Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) 57 61 EOU PMENT-Schedu e Equipment nsta ation date/time (Washington Correction Center for Women (WCCW) 58 62 63 EOU PMENT- nsta Equipment at Site (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) 64 EOU PMENT- nsta Equipment at Site (Washington Correction Center for Women (WCCW) 1.12.2 65 66 Debit-...Set the predecessor of this task to Extern a Kickoff'.. 20 1.12.2 .2 67 Debit-Request appropriat e credentia s to access the data feed 66 EOU PMENT-TABLET NSTALLS: Host tab et network design review meeting with SE, SR. Sand ROC (Washington Correction Center for Women (WCCW) EOU PMENT: financia y Approve S-BOM --- EOU PMENT-financia y Approve S-BOM (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) 33,45 Project Manager (PM) EOU PMENT-financia y Approve S-BOM (Washington Correction Center for Women (WCCW) 34, 46 Project Manager (PM) EOU PMENT: Create Sa es Order and Get nterna Approve -- ----- I EOU PMENT: Submit Sa es Order to Purchasing/Equipment Shipped ~ 51 Project Manager (PM) 20 Days 12/17/ 21 1/18/ 22 52 Project Manager (PM) 20 Days 12/17/ 21 1/18/22 1 Day 1/18/22 1/19/ 22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 1/18/22 1/19/ 22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 1118/22 1/19/ 22 5 Days 1/19/ 22 1/26/ 22 Project Manager (PM) 5 Days 1/19/22 V26/22 Project Manager (PM) 5 Days 1/19/22 1/26/22 90 Days 1/ 26/ 22 6/ 2/22 EOU PMENT: Confirm De ivery EOU PMENT: Schedu e Team to nsta and Configure Equipment I EOU PMENT: nsta and Configure Equipment at Site ~ 60 Project Manager (PM) 20 Days 1/ 26/ 22 2/ 23/22 61 Project Manager (PM) 90 Days 1/ 26/ 22 6/ 2/22 37 Days 11/16/ 21 1/12/ 22 Proj ect Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/16/ 21 11/16/2 1 ntegration Specie ist ( NS) 3 Days 11/17/21 11/19/21 7 Securus Debit P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront - 000116 Page3 K11720 -Attachment E. Project Plan Sep 27 20214:44 pm EDl Page 9 of280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase I - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Planned Tasl( s Assigned Pin Dur Planned Start D ate Dnte 67 ntegration Specie isl ( NS) 10 Days 11/22/21 12/7/21 ntegralion Coordinator 3Days 11/22/21 11/24/21 Predecessor WBS Number 1.12.2. 3 68 Debit-Coordinate data with vendors 69 Debit-Request Greet P ains vendor D Name I l 67 Completion ( C) 70 Debit- NS Customization review 68 ntegralions Va idalor 3 Days 12/8/21 12/10/21 71 Debit-Provision Debit configurations: Account Prefix and SPP 70 ntegration Specie ist ( NS) 10 Days 12/13/21 12/28/21 72 Debit-Submit Customer Training Request 70 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/13/21 12/13/21 73 Debit-Order Marketing Materia s (15 days prior to go lve) 70 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/13/21 12/13/21 1.12.2 .9 74 Debit-Order Western Union refund information cards (on y if Agency has se ected refunds via Western Union) 70 Project Manager {PM) 1 Day 12/13/21 12/13/21 75 Debit-Verify vendor's permanent D matches Securus' customer acct for funding 71 ntegration Specie ist { NS) 1 Day 12/28/21 12/29/21 76 Debit- NS Configuration Review 75 ntegrations Va idator 3Days 12/29/21 1/4/22 77 Debit-Obtain Dia ing nstructions aocument from C, sen<l to Agency 75 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/29/21 12/30/21 78 Debit- ntegrelion Status Check ist 77 ntegretion Specie ist { NS) 5 Days 12/30/21 117/22 1.12.2 .14 79 Debit-Obt ain incarcerated roster with ist or P Ns 77 Project Manager (PM) 5 Days 12/30/21 117/22 80 Securus Debit Go-Live 3Days 117/22 1/12/22 81 Debit - Go-Live (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) 78 Project Manager {PM) 3 Days 1/7/22 1/12/22 82 Debit - Go-Uve (Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCw) 78 Project Manager {PM) 3 Days 117/22 1/12/22 1.12.3 83 141 Days 11/1/21 5/24/22 1 Day 11/16/21 11/16/21 ._ TS - New - NextGen SCP ,--- 84 TS-New - •·•set the predecessor of ttiis task to Externa Kickoff'" 20 Project Manager (PM) 85 TS-New - Submit Customer Training request 'NextGen SCP- Go ive training new customers• 84 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/17/21 11/17/21 86 TS-New - Request appropriate credentia s to access ftle data feed 85 ntegretion Specie isl { NS) 3 Days 11/18/21 11/22/21 87 TS-New -After you submit first SO, submit Customer Training request 'NextGen SCP- Pre Go live" 85 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/18/21 11/18/21 88 TS-New - Have Feature Review Ca with s to discuss Agency's desired SCP corrfiguralions ( TS cut Sheet) 85fs+5d Project Manager {PM) 1 Dey 11/29/21 11/ 29/21 89 TS-New - Create the Faci ity and Sites in SPP 88 mp ementetion Specia ist ( S) 3 Days 11/30/21 12/2/21 90 TS-New - Provision and ColJfigure items from Ille TS Cutsheet 89 mp ementation Specia ist ( S) 2 Days 12/3/21 12/6/21 l l P-25419 Q Adobe Workfront ---- ---- 000117 rage4 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan ~P 2 2021""'44 pm EDl Page 10 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase I - Exported Tasks (cont'd) WBS Tes!( Number 91 TS-New - Coordinate data feed with vendor 92 TS-New - Request Great P ains vendor D (if A gency wi t1ave Securus Debit) Predecessor s Neme I l 86 86 Pin Planned Planned Completion Assigned Dur Start Date Dete ntegration Specie isl ( NS) 10 Days 11/ 23/21 12/ 8/21 ntegration Coordinator 3Days 11/ 23/21 11/29/ 21 ( C) 93 TS-New - Request SCP Ca Prompts 88 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/ 30/2 1 12/ 2/ 21 94 TS-New - Get Do Not Record (DNR) ist from Agency 93 Project Manager (PM) 5 Days 12/ 3/ 21 12/9/21 95 TS-New - Obtain isl of personne from Agency w ho wi need SCP ogons 94 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 12/10/ 21 12/13/ 21 96 TS-New - Create User ogons m p ementation Specie ist ( S) 3Days 12/14/21 12/16/ 21 96 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/17/ 21 12/17/ 21 96 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12117/ 21 12/17/ 21 91 ntegrations Va idator 3Days 12/ 9/ 21 12/13/21 99 ntegration Specie isl ( NS) 10 Days 12/14/21 12/ 29/21 ntegralions Va idator 3Days 12/29/ 21 1/4/22 ntegration Coordinator 1 Day 1/4/ 22 1/ 5/ 22 1 Day 12/ 29/ 21 12/30/ 21 1 Day 1/4/ 22 1/ 5/ 22 ---95 I I I I-- 97 TS-New - Notify A gency t o ook o ut for Logon emai (NG SCP) 98 TS-New - Confim1 Agency has attended the Administrator training 99 TS-New - Revfew customization work 100 TS-New - Provision configurations and DNR ist 101 TS-New - Revfew configuration work 100 102 TS-New - Verify A ccount/P N format matches custo mer expectations 101 ----- 103 TS-New - V a idate Do Not Record isl (Data Va idalion - DNR Form) 100 104 TS-New - Sign Data Va idation - DNR Form and attach to project ( NT) 101 -, 7 ( C) m p ementation Specie ist ( S) -t('""" ,.,.., "' NS) 105 TS-New - Sign Data Va idation - DNR Form and attach to project ( S) 104 m p ementation Specie ist ( S) 1 Day 1/ 5/ 22 1/ 6/ 22 106 TS-New - Sign Data Va idation - DNR Form and attach to project (PM) 105 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 1/6/ 22 117/22 107 TS-New - Obt ain dia ing instructions from C, emai them t o faci ity POC 106 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day tn/22 1/10/22 108 TS-New - ntegrations Status Check ist is compete 107 ntegration Specie ist ( NS) 5 Days 1/10/ 22 1/17/22 109 TS-New - Compet e Hardware nsta ation nsta ation date/time... 59 m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 10 1/26/ 22 2/ 9/22 ._ Set Predecessor to - EQU PMENT Schedu e Equipment7 7 Days 110 TS-New - V erify Go Live Checl< ist rs comp ete 109 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 2/ 9122 2/10/ 22 111 TS-New - Set fag to active with accurate start dat e 110 m p ementation Specie ist ( S) 2 Days 2/10/ 22 2/14/ 22 112 TS-New - Order M arketing M ateria s 110 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 2/10/ 22 2/11/22 113 TS - Pre-Go Live Testing (which w i inc ude a 51 Days 2/ 25/22 5/ 9/22 TS features) P-25419 Q Adobe Workfront ----- 000118 f>age K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan <;,1p L 21.121~·44 pm EDl Page 1 ·1 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase I - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Predecessor s Assigned Pin Dur P111nned Start Date Planned Completion Date TS - Pre Go-Lille Testing (Mission Creek Corrections Ceflter for Women (MCCW) 117fs-10d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 2/ 25/22 2/ 28/22 TS - Pre Go-Lille Testing (Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW) 118fs-10d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/ 6/ 22 5/ 9/22 51 Days 3/10/ 22 5/ 20/ 22 Task WBS Number 114 115 116 117 TS-New - Go-Lille (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCw) 118 TS-New - Go-Lille (Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW) 119 120 ACsing eca -Provision AdvanceConnect Sing e ca 121 AdvanceConnect Sing e Ca - Go-Live 122 AdvanceConnect Sing e Ca - Go-Live (Mission Oeek Corrections Center for women (MCCW) 123 AdvanceConnect Sing e Ca - Go-Live (Washlngton Corrections Center for Women (WCCW) 124 125 COBP-Obtain Agreementfrom Lege 126 COBP- ntegrate COBP into Commissary VR/Ordering system 127 COBP-Provide Dia ing nstructions Name TS-New - Go-Live - 110fs+20d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 3/10/ 22 3111/ 22 110fs+70d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/19/ 22 5/20/ 22 118 Days 12/ 3/2 1 5/ 20/ 22 2 Days 12/3/ 21 12/ 6/21 51 Days 3/10/ 22 5/ 20/ 22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 3/10/ 22 3/11/ 22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/19/ 22 5/20/ 22 128 Days 11/17/ 21 5/ 20/ 22 Project Manager (PM) 3Days 11/17/ 21 11/19/2 1 ntegration Coordinator ( C) 30 Days 11/22/21 117/22 ntegration Coordinator 3Days 1/7/22 1/12/ 22 7-;,- AdvanceConnect Sing e Ca l 7 ,.,,."·,,, I Commissary Order by Phone (COBP) 118fs-1d, 120 m p ementation Specie ist ( S) I l 84 125 126 ( C) 128 COBP-Send Dia ing instructions to the Agency 127 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 1/12 /22 1/13/ 22 129 COBP-Ensure a items on check 1st are compete 128 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 1113/ 22 1/14122 130 Commissary Order by Phone - Go-Live 51 Days 3/10/ 22 5/ 20/22 131 132 133 134 CER-Get names/emai s of Agency personne who wi need ogons 135 CER-Provision CER and create user ogons 136 CER-Submit Customer Training request (you can inc ude it with SCP training request) Commissary Order by Phone - Go-Live (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) Commissary Order by Phone - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCw) ._ -- Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 3/10/ 22 3111/ 22 118fs-1d, 128 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/19/ 22 5/ 20/ 22 128 Days 11/17/21 5/20/ 22 l CER I P-25419 Q Adobe Workfront I 117fs-1d, 128 84 Project Manager (PM) 10 Days 11/17/21 12/ 2/ 21 89 mp ementation Specie ist ( S) 2 Days 12/3/ 21 12/ 6/ 21 135 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/7/21 12/7/21 000119 Paga K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan <; ;ip 2 2v2 1~·44 pm EDl Page 12 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase I - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Task WBS Number 137 CER-Ensure a items on check ist are 138 CER - Go-Live 139 CER - Go-Live (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) 140 CER - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Cent er for Women (WCCW) 141 Name comp ete - Predecessor s Assigned Pin Dur P111nned Start Date Planned Completion Date 136 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/ 8/21 12/ 8/21 51 Days 3/10/ 22 5/20/ 22 117fs-1d, 135 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 3/10/ 22 3/11/ 22 118fs-1d, 135 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/19/ 22 5/ 20/ 22 128 Days 11/17/21 5/20/ 22 2 Days 11/17/21 11/18/21 1 Day 11/19/ 21 11/19/21 1 Day 11/ 22/21 11/22/ 21 10 Days 11/ 23/ 2 1 12/ 8/21 (C) PRO ._ 142 PRO-Submit PRO licensing Request 84 143 PRO-Notify J LG which enro merrt option Agency se ected 142 144 PRO-Determine if SCP Data C eanup rs needed 143 Project Manager (PM) -tr. .-,. . . . Project Manager (PM) NS) 145 PRO-Communicate with vendor {ff SCP Data C eanup is needed) 144 ntegralion Coordinator 146 PRO-Order Marketing mat eria s and Language Scripts 143 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/22/21 11/22/ 21 147 PRO-Obtain a current ist of ACT VE incarcerated indivi dua s with housing unit 146 Project Manager (PM) 5 Days 11/ 23/ 21 12/1/ 21 148 PRO-Obtain a ist o f Agency users 147ss Project Manager (PM) 5 Days 11/23/21 12/1/ 21 149 PRO-Schedu e Enro ment Event d61:e (Supervised or Mixed) 147 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/2/ 21 12/ 2/ 21 150 PRO-Confirm with JLG 1hal icense is ln pace 61: the appropriate data center 149fs+5d m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 2 Days 12/10/ 21 12/13/21 151 PRO-Assign SCP permissions/category for PRO users (if needed) 150 m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 2 Days 12/14/2 1 12/15/21 152 PRO-Provision and Corrfigure PRO 151 m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 2 Days 12/16/ 21 12/17/ 21 - ----- ---- 153 PRO-Provision and Corrfigure enro men! phone(s) (if needed) 152ss m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 2 Days 12/16/ 21 12/17/ 21 154 PRO-Check popu ation dat a is correct (15 days before go Ne) 152 ntegralion Specie isl ( NS) 5 Days 12/20/21 12/ 28/21 155 PRO- ntegration Status Check is! 145 ntegralion Coordinator 1 Day 12/ 9/21 12/ 9/21 ( C) 156 PRO-Send go Ive dat e lo JLG for them to compete the sync (M N MUM 1 week before going ive) 154 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/28/21 12/ 29/21 157 PRO-Verify Go Live Check i st i s com p 156 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/29/ 21 12/30/ 21 158 PRO-Schedu e a needed parties for enro ment event 156 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/29/ 21 12/30/21 159 PRO-Submit Cus1omerTra1ning request ( PRO l s trained 30 days alter auncn) 158 -;.roject Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/30/ 21 1/3/22 160 PRO-Enro men! event (Supervised or Mbced on y) 117fs-1d, 156 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 3/10/ 22 3/11/ 22 ete P-25419 Q Adobe Workfront 1 000120 ,go=; K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan c,;ip L 20/1 ~·44 pm EDl Page 13 of 280 WA DOC JPay t o Unity Migratio n Phase I - Ex po rted Tasks (cont'd) WBS Tasl( Number 161 1 162 PRO Go-Live (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) 2 163 PRO Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center for women (WCCW) 164 165 OVM-Confirm Agency understands producis and w ants produci quantity defau ts 166 OVM-Provision OU1bound Volcemal 167 Pin Dur Planned Sf.art Date Planned Completion Dnte Project Manager (PM) 50 Days 3/11/ 22 5/ 20/ 22 117fs-1d, 144, 160 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 3/11/ 22 3/14/22 118fs-1d, 144, 160 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/19/ 22 5/ 20/ 22 128 Days 11/17/ 21 5/ 20/ 22 Project Manager (PM) 10 Days 11/17/ 21 12/ 2/ 21 mp ementation Specie ist ( S) 2 Days 12/ 3/ 21 12/ 6121 51 Days 3/10/ 22 5/ 20/ 22 Predecessor s Name Assigned PRO Go-Live ---, Outbound Voicemai (OVM) I l 84 7 165 Outbound Voicemai - Go-Live ... .1 168 Outbound Voicemai - Go-Live (Mission Creek Corrections Cent er for Women (MCCW) 117fs-1d, 166 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 3/10/ 22 3/11/ 22 169 Outbound Voicemai - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW) 118fs-1d, 166 Project Manager {PM) 1 Day 5/19/ 22 5/20/ 22 170 129 Days 11/17/ 21 5/ 24/22 171 THREADS-Obtain ist of users at Agency who wi need THREADS access 84 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/17/ 21 11/18/21 172 THREADS-Add THREADS to SCP d ropdown in SCN 171 m p ementation Specie ist ( S) 1 Day 11/19/ 21 11/19/21 173 THREADS-Create user ogons 172 m p ementation Specie ist ( S) 2 Days 11/22/21 11/23/21 174 THREADS-Submit Customer Training request (trained 30 days afler going ive) 173 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/24/21 11/ 24/21 175 THREADS - Go-Live 51 Days 3/11/ 22 5/ 24/22 176 THREADS - Go-Live (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Wom en (MCCw) 117, 174 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 3/11/22 3/14/22 177 THREADS - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW) 118, 174 Project Manager {PM) 1 Day 5/ 20/ 22 5/24/22 178 140 Days 11/1/21 5/ 20/ 22 5 Days 11/1/21 11/5/21 2 Days 11/8/21 11/9/ 21 51 Days 3/10/ 22 5/ 20/ 22 1 Day 3/10/ 22 3111/ 22 179 THREADS Emergency ca /Visit ~ EmerCa -Get Agency info rmation 180 Emerca - Provision Emergency Ca /Visit 181 Emergency Ca /Visit - Go-Live 182 ---Project Manager (PM) -,- 179 Emergency Ca /Visit on SVC - Go-Live (Mission Creek Corrections Center f or Women (MCCW) P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront 7 rage ---- 117fs-1d, 180 m p ementatio n Specie ist ( S) Project Manager {PM) 000121 >l K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan cep L 2021 -'1'44 pm EDl Page 14 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase I - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Tasl( was Number 183 1.12.4 184 Predecessor s Name Emergency Ca /Visit on SVC - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Cent er for Women {WCCW) -1d, 180 l~ Assigned Pin Dur Planned Start Date Planned Completion Date Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/19/ 22 5/ 20/ 22 163 Days 11/1/21 TABLETS-J-to-U - nsta 6/ 23/ 22 ,- 185 TABLETS-J-to-U -Obtain ist of JPay apps being used, identify gaps between those ,a nd Unity apps 270 Project Manager (PM) 3Days 11/17/ 21 11/19/21 186 TABLETS-J-to-U -Schedu e Meeting With GAMES Product Manager & Deve opment To Determine What Wi & Wi Not Transfer To Unity. 185 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/22/21 11/ 23/ 21 187 TABLETS-J-to-U -Schedu e Meeting With MOVES/TV SHOW Product Manager to discuss what won't transfer 185 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/ 22/21 11/ 23/21 188 TABLETS-J-to-u -Schedu e Meeting With MUS C Product Manager & Dev e opment To Determine w~ Wi & Wi Not Transfer To Unity 185 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/ 22/21 11/ 23/21 189 TABLETS-J-to-u -PM hosts Education Team meeting to deve op student data migration pan (if needed) 185 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/ 22/21 11/ 23/21 185 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/22/21 11/ 22/ 21 ntegration Coordinator 30 Days 11/23/ 21 1/10/ 22 ( C) T_ A_B_LET _ S_ J-to-U -Host Consumer Migration meeting w/So utions Architect (Account Manager, - 19 _0_ _.....,_ _ _ _ _ Sherwood, Stacey Guidry, Kathryn Go dstein, Sean North) 191 Mik7 TABLETS-J-to-U -Consumer Migration preparation activities comp eted (so F&F can ink JPay & Securus Debit Accounts) (Account Manager, Mike Sherwood, Stacey Guidry, Kathryn Go dstein, Sean North) 190 192 TABLETS-J-to-U -PM Confirms ntegrations has imp emented Consumer Migration p an 191 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 1/10/ 22 1/11/ 22 193 TABLETS-J -to-U -Host Securus Debit Conversion meeting w/Sr. Manager Enterprise ntegration (Bob Myers-Morgan) to design and communicate Securus Debit conversion 185 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/ 22/21 11/22/ 21 194 TABLETS-J -to-U -Confirm comp etion of preparation f or future Securus Debit conversion 193 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/ 23/ 2 1 11/ 23/21 195 TABLETS-J-to-U -Sa es provides accessories p an to PM (Earbuds, Chargers, Etc.) 185 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/ 22/21 11/ 22/ 21 196 TABLETS-J-to-U - Submit Customer Training Request - Po icy Prep Training. 185 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/ 22/21 11/ 22/ 21 197 TABLETS-J-to-U - Creat e the Faci ity and Sites in SPP (if needed) 270f s+10d m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 2 Days 12/3/ 21 12/ 6/ 21 198 TABLETS-J-to-U - Create Tab etPhone Group, Enab e P NS/PANS in SPP (if necessary) 197ss m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 2 Days 12/3/ 21 12/ 6/ 21 199 TABLETS-J-to-U - {After first SO is submitted) Submit Go Live training request 196fs+10d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/ 9/ 21 12/ 9/21 200 TABLETS-J -to-U - Schedu e Fie d and S to lnsta and configure servers 197fs+10d Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 12/21/21 12/ 22/21 201 TABLETS-J-to-U - (Securus Debit) Request appropriat e credentia s to access the data f eed ntegration Coordinator 3 Days 11/19/ 21 11/ 23/21 3Days 11/24/21 11/30/ 21 10 Days 11/24/2 1 12/ 9/21 ( C) ntegration Coordinator 1 Day 12/10/ 21 12/10/ 21 1 Day 12/ 9/ 21 12/ 9/21 202 - 270f s+2d --- -- TABLETS-J-to-U - (Securus Debit) Request Great P ains vendor D 201 - ----- ( C) ntegration Coordinator (C) 203 204 TABLETS-J-to-U - Communicate with vendor f or data feed 201 TABLETS-J-to-U - Check P N accounts and formats match across p atforms 203 ntegration Coord inator (C) 205 TABLETS-J-to-U - Obtain confirmation Po icy Prep Training was competed P-25419 Q Adobe Workfront 196fs+10d Project Manager (PM) 000122 Pagel/ K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Sep 27 20214:44 pm EDl Page 15 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase I - Exported Tasks (cont'd) s Assigned Dur Planned Start Date Planned Completion D ate TABLETS-J-to-U -·"'TABLETS-Configure Network Equipment (set predecessor to EOU PMENT- nst a Equipment at Site)... 62 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 2/22 6/ 3/ 22 207 TABLETS-J -to-u -Confirm onsite network equipment has been insta ed 206 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/3/ 22 6/ 6/22 208 TABLETS-J -t o-U - Configure network component s & verify network connectivity. Send network P info t o ROC via ticket Assignment. NOTE" When adding JP6s to a sit e, ENABLE 5Ghz wire ess channe . 207 Sr. nsta ation Support Tech (Sr. S) 5 Days 6/6/ 22 6/13/ 22 209 TABLETS-J-to-U - Verify ROC moved equipment behind firewa and network configurations are correct Sr. nsta ation Support Tech (Sr. S) 2 Days 6/13/ 22 6/15/22 210 TABLETS-J-to-U - Down oad fresh mporter Sheet from PROTOSS 199 ntegration Specie isl ( NS) 1 Day 12/10/ 21 12/10/ 21 211 TABLETS-J-to-U - Get P info from SE's Network Data Sheet to add to mporter Sheet 210 ntegration Specie ist ( NS) 1 Day 12/13/ 21 12/13/21 212 TABLETS-J-to-U - Conduct Tab et Cutsheet and mporter Sheet ca with Agency 211 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/14/21 12/14/ 21 213 TABLETS-J -t o-U - Confirm a information for mporter Sheet and up oad to PROTOSS 212 ntegralion Specia ist (NS) 15 Days 12/15/21 117/22 212 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/15/21 12/15/ 21 213 ntegrations Va idator 3 Days 1n122 1112/22 199 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/10/ 21 12/10/ 21 I'" Project Manager (PM) 15 Days 12/13/ 21 1/ 5/ 22 4 Days 11/ 22/21 11/ 29/ 21 Tasl( WBS Number 206 Predecessor Name ... ,_: - Pin -- 214 TABLETS-J-to-u - Fina ize Tab et Cutsheet, attach to project 215 TABLETS-J-to-U - Review configuration 216 TABLETS-J -to-U -PM provides information to agency: what needs to be posted on their pub ic website for F&F. (Ex. Funding ncarcerated Account s or Sending eMessages). 217 218 219 TABLETS-J-to-U -Deve op p an for SUBSCR PT ONS credits if needed 185 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/22/21 11/23/21 220 TABLETS-J -t o-U -Deve opp an for GAMES credits if needed 186 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/ 24/21 11/29/ 21 221 TABLETS-J-to-U -Deve op p an for MOV E/TV show credits if needed 187 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/24/21 11/ 29/ 21 222 TABLETS-J -t o-U -Deve op p an for MUS C credits if needed 188 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/ 24/21 11/ 29/ 21 223 TABLETS-J-to-U - PM Confirms SCP/ JPay to Securus Debit Migration s Competed (M ust Occur At The End Of A Month) 194 Project Manager (PM) 30 Days 11/24/21 1/11/ 22 224 TABLETS-J-to-U - PM verifies Lantern student dat a migration p an is estab ished and education team is prepared f or Unity conversion 189 Project Manager (PM) 30 Days 11/24/2 1 1/11/ 22 225 TABLETS-J-to-U - Activate and fund test accounts (48 hours ead time before testing) 215 ntegration Specia isl ( NS) 5 Days 1/12/22 1/19/22 226 TABLETS-J -t o-U - Creat e APP Provi sioning ticket assignment to T Operations- Support 213 Project Manager (PM) 3Days 1/7/22 1/12/22 227 TABLETS-J -t o-U - Create a Tab et s--0n y SO for Warehouse, (if needed) add accessories (earbud and chargers) order to the ticket 226 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 1/12/22 1/13/ 22 228 TABLETS-J-t o-U - Receive confirmation via ticket th6t Warehouse f ashed incarcerat ed and officer t ab ets and shipped to site 226 Project Manager (PM) 5 Days 1/12/22 1/19/22 - -~~-~· ""~"~.....,~""""' _.,.,..,. ,.,,,.. "'~"'"' U6CU$,-,O~ Sending eMessages). TABLETS-J -t o-U -Deve op Pan and receive approva t o issue any media credits needed ... P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront I 000123 P~gelO K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Sep 27 20214:44 pm EDl Page 16 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase I - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Planned Planned Completion Sfart Ollte Date 2 Days 1/12 /22 1/14/ 22 mp ementation Specia ist t S) 2 Days 1/14/22 1/18/ 22 230 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 1/18/22 1/19/ 22 TABLETS-J-to-U - in SPP add URL(s), Forms/Document s (PDFs) 208 m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 2 Days 6/13/ 22 6/15/22 233 TABLETS-J-to-U - n PROTOSS, va idate site configs are correct, confirm Private/Pubic Ps are entered, Load/enab e acceptance f orms 215 m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 2 Days 1/12/22 1/14/ 22 234 TABLETS-J-to-U - Submit assignment to request testing resource from T Operations - Tab els (5 days ead time) 227 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 1/13/ 22 1/17/ 22 235 TABLETS-J-to-U - Confirm t ab et accessories (earbuds, chargers, etc) have been shipped to site and site is ready to distribute them 234 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 1/17/ 22 1/18/ 22 236 TABLETS-J -t o-U -Load agency PDFS to viewer app. ( f PDFs are active on JPay, transf er them over) 232 m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 2 Days 6/15/ 22 6/17/22 237 TABLETS-J -t o-U -Confirm SLP s Fu y Ready, FortiGate & SLP Are nsta ed, Provisioning By ROC & Tab et Team s Compete, ROC Has Paced SLP Behind Firewa . Tab ets Are Onsite & Charged. Network Update Po icy For Tab ets To VPN, nmate Debit Active 234 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 1/17/ 22 1/18/ 22 238 76 Days 1/ 26/ 22 5/12/ 22 239 TABLETS-J -t o-U -Ensure agency has communicated med ia suspension pans to incarcerated individua s 240 TABLETS-J-to-U -30 Days Before aunch, Suspend Subscriptions (examp e: Newsstand) To Prevent New Subscriptions 241 TABLETS-J-t o-U -30 days before aunch, disab e purchasing of JPay GAMES that won't transfer 242 TABLETS-J-to-U -30 days before aunch, disab e purchasing JPay MOV ES and TV SHOWS that w on't transfer 243 TABLETS-J-to-U -30 days before aunch, d isab e purchasing new JPay MUS C if needed 244 Tasl( Pin Predecessor s Assigned our TABLETS-J -to-U - Obtain ist of any adcfJtiona Agency users who need SCP ogons to view t ab et transactions 226 Project Manager (PM) 230 TABLETS-J -t o-U - Create additions SCP user Logons (avoid Fridays if possib e) 229 231 TABLETS-J -to-U - Notify Agency to ook for ogon activation emai s 232 WBS Nurnber 229 Name --- 1 TABLETS-J-t o-u -Suspend Media Services as needed (Chris Doug as) 341fs-30d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 1/26/ 22 1/27/ 22 343fs-30d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/11/22 5/12/ 22 343fs-30d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/11/22 5/12/ 22 343fs-30d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/11/22 5/12/ 22 343fs-30d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/11/22 5/12/ 22 TABLETS-J -t o-U -Schedu e onsite network pre go ive testing and heatmapping to co nfirm infrastructure is ready. 234 Fie d Service Manager (FSM) 1 Day 1/17/22 1/18/ 22 TABLETS-J -t o-U -Conduct onsite network pre go ive testing and heatrnapping to confirm infrastructure is ready. 244 Fie d Service Manager (FSM) 1 Day 1/18/22 1/19/ 22 - I - 245 - 246 TABLETS-J -t o-U -Schedu e tab et app testing session 237 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 1/18/22 1/ 20/22 247 TABLETS-J -to-U -TABLETS-Con - Conduct Tab et Testing Sesslon(s) 225,246 m p ementation Specia isl ( S) 5 Days 1/ 20/ 22 1/ 27/ 22 248 TABLETS-J -t o-U - Suspend Test Account s in SCP after t esting is comp ete 247 m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 1 Day 1/27/ 22 1/28/22 249 TABLETS-J -t o-U - Conduct nterna ca to ensure everybody is a igned and ready 247 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 1/ 27/ 22 2/1/22 P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront I - 000124 Page 11 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan r Sep 2021 4:44 pm EDl Page 17 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase I - Exported Tasks (cont'd) s Assigned Dur Planned Start Date Planned Completion Date Pin Predecessor TIISI( Number Name 250 TABLETS-J -to-U - Verify Go Live Check isl s Compete 249 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 2/1/22 2/ 2/22 251 TABLETS-J-to-U -Confirm Agency Is wi Ing to disab e phone app on Day 1 (to improve setup performance) 250 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 2/ 2/22 2/3/ 22 252 TABLETS-J-to-U - Order Marketing Materia s nc uding Materia s That nform Customer To Link JPay = & + 50 Securus Debit Accounts (Engage Account Manager, Mike Sherwood, Stacey Guidry, Kathryn Go dstein, Sean North) Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 2/ 2/ 22 2/3/ 22 253 TABLETS-J-to-U - ssue approved credits 1 Day 5/12/ 22 5/13/ 22 254 TABLETS-J-to-U - ssue approved credits for GAMES 241 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/12/ 22 5/13/ 22 255 TABLETS-J-to-U - ssue approved crecfrts for MOV ES 242 Stephanie Sanchez 1 Day 5/12/22 5/13/ 22 256 TABLETS-J-to-U - ssue approved credits for MUS C 243 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/12/ 22 5/13/ 22 257 26 Days 11/ 22/21 1/3/22 TABLETS-J-to-U -Communication Center ------ 7 258 TABLETS-J-to-U -CommCenter-Venfy incarcerated are a owed to submit Tab et Ticl<ets 185 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/ 22/ 21 11/ 22/ 21 259 TABLETS-J-to-U -CommCenter-Add to Tab et Cut Sheet 212, 258 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/15/21 12/15/ 21 260 TABLETS-J-to-U -CommCenter-Configure Communications Center - Ticketing in Staging 259 m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 10 Days 12/16/ 21 1/3/22 261 151 Days 11/16/ 21 6/ 22/22 262 TABLETS-J-to-U -3rdPartyURL-Contact Product Mgr, compete Exhibit and Lega s ignoff 185 Project Manager (PM) 10 Days 11/ 22/21 1217/21 263 TABLETS-J-to-U -3rdPartyURL-Contactvendor to get cust om URL 262 Project Manager (PM) 10 Days 12/8/ 21 12/ 21/21 264 TABLETS-J-to-U -3rdPartyURL-Send custom URL to Network Engineering for Testing 263 Project Manager (PM) 10 Days 12/22/ 21 117/22 265 TABLETS-J-to-u -3rdPartyURL-Provision and Enab e Connectus con 264 m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 2 Days 117/22 1/11/ 22 266 TABLETS-J-to-U -3rdPartyURL-Verify Go Live Check isl items are compet e 250, 265 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 2/ 2/22 2/3/ 22 267 TABLETS-J-to-U -Commissary 3rd Party URL - Go-Live 75 Days 3/8/22 6/ 22/22 268 TABLETS-J-to-U -Commissary 3rd Party URL on TABLETS - Go-Live (Mission Creek Corrections Cent er for Women (MCCW) 269 TABLETS-J-to-U -Commissary 3rd Party URL on TABLETS - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW) 270 TABLETS-J-to-U -Commissary 3rd Party URL 266, 341fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 3/8/22 3/9/ 22 266, 342fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 21/22 6/ 22/22 TABLETS-J-to-U - - set the predecessor of this t ask to Externa Kicko~ 20 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/16/ 21 11/16/2 1 271 TABLETS-J-to-U -Cosing Activities 272 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 3/10/ 22 3/11/22 272 TABLETS-J-to-U -Confirm Regu atoryand Bi ing Tab e assignments are Reso ved 341 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 3/9/ 22 3/10/22 P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront l l 000125 Page l K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Sep r 20214:44 pm EDl Page 18 of 280 WA DOC JPay t o Unity Migratio n Phase I - Ex ported Tasks (cont'd) Pin Dur Planned Start Date Planned Completion Date 162 Days 11/1/21 6/ 22/22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/1/21 11/1/ 21 ect Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/1/21 11/1/ 21 ect Manager (PM) 5 Days 11/ 2/21 1118/ 21 mp ementation Specia ist ( SJ 1 Day 11/ 2/21 11/ 2/ 21 276,277 m p ementation Specia ist ( SJ 4Days 11/9/21 11/12 /21 F&G-(tab ets) add F&G to Tab el Cut Sheet 278 Project Manager (PM) 5 Days 11/15/ 21 11/19/21 280 F&G-Verify F&G check ist is compet e 278fs+3d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/18/21 11/18/ 21 281 F&G Go-Live 75 Days 3/8/22 6/ 22/22 282 f&G Go-Live (Mission Creek Corrections Center f or Women (MCCW) 280, 341fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 3/8/22 3/ 9/ 22 283 f&G Go-Live (Washingt on Corrections Center for Women (WCCW) 280, 342fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 21/22 6/ 22/22 284 147 Days 11/ 22/21 6/ 22/22 285 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG-Review eMessaging Configuration Options with Agency 185 Project Manager (PM) 5 Days 11/22/21 11/30/ 21 286 TABLETS-J-t o-U -eMSG-Add to Tab et Cut Sheet 212 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 12/15/21 12/16/ 21 287 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG-Bul d site in https://emadmin.corp.securuslech.net/ 197 m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 2 Days 1217/21 12/ 8/21 288 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG-Provision eMessaging ink in SCP to eMessaging 287ss m p ementation Specie ist ( S) 2 Days 1217/21 12/ 8/21 289 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG-Submit Customer Training Request for eMessaging 288 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/ 9/ 21 12/ 9/21 290 TABLETS-J-t o-U -eMSG-Post the Tab et PDF in Secure Services app 288 m p ementation Specie ist ( S) 2Days 12/9/ 21 12/10/ 2 1 291 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG-Create Faci ity User accounts (if neeoed) 287 mp ementation Specia ist ( S) 2 Days 12/9/ 21 12/10/ 21 292 TABLETS-J-t o-U -eMSG'Confirm Bi ing Tab e has oaded stamp rates ~f needed) 250, 288 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 2/ 2/22 2/3/ 22 293 TABLETS-J-t o-U -eMSG-set Agency t o "Active• 250, 292ss mp ementation 2 Days 2/ 2/ 22 2/4/ 22 294 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG-Verify Go Uve Check ist tems are compete. Verify A Uni ty Services Ale Reachabe 250, 2 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 2/ 2/ 22 2/3/ 22 295 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG-Order Marketing Materia s 250 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 2/ 2/ 22 2/3/ 22 Tasl( Predecessor s WBS Number 273 274 F&G-·-Set ttle predecessor of this task t o Extema Kickoff'- 275 F&G-Submit Forms & Grievances Customer Training request 274ss 276 F&G-Obtain additions SCP user names (if needed) from Agency 275 277 F&G-Enab e ncarcerated Forms product 275 278 F&G-Enab e Grievance Administration f eature in SCP, create f onn. enab eon termina s 279 Name Forms and Grievance - l ~ TABLETS-J-to-U -eMessaging I -- ---- ~""';,;•I~ P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront Assigned 000126 Page K11720 -Attachment E . Project Plan cgp L 2021~·44 pm EDl Page 19 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migratio n Phase I - Exported Tasks (cont'd) WBS Tasl( Number 296 297 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG on TABLETS - Go-Live (Mission Creek Corrections Cent er f or Women (M CCW) 294, 341fs1d 2 298 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG on TABLETS - Go-Live (washington Corrections Center for Women (wCCW) 294, 342fs1d 299 300 FY -Request and Receive List of Users From Agency 301 FY -Provision agency into Ille Agency Document Manager porta https;//agencydocs.securustech-net/mgr ndex.php 302 FY -Review names on Agency user isl t o ensure each nas System/Cust ody Account permissions in SCP (makes changes if necessary). Planned Completion Date 75 Days 3/8/22 6/ 22/22 Project M anager (PM) 1 Day 3/8/22 3/ 9/ 22 Project M anager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 21/22 6/ 22/22 147 Days 11/ 22/21 6/ 22/22 Pin s Dur Assigned TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG - Go-Uve l FY -FY app with Agency Document Manager (not avai ab e on JPay) l -I 303 304 FY -Send Agency Document Manager porta instructions to POC 305 FY -Verify Go Live Check ist terns are compete 306 FY - Go-Live 307 FY on TABLETS - Go-Live ((Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) 308 FY on TABLETS - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center for Women (wCCW) 309 310 TABLETS-J-t o-U -JobView-Add to Tab et Cut Sheet 311 TABLETS-J-to-U -JobView-Add to Tab et Management Too 312 TABLETS-J-to-U -JobView-Ensure a items on check isl are compete 313 TABLETS-J-t o-U -JobView - Go-Live 314 TABLETS-J-to-U -JobView on TABLETS - Go-Uve (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (M CCW) 315 TAB LETS-J-to-U -JobView on TABLETS - Go-Live (Washingt on Corrections Center for Women (WCCW) 316 317 ... FY -(tab ets) Add to Tab et Cut Sheet and create ticket assignment to Production Support - 5.4 7 185 Project M anager (PM) 3Days 11/ 22/21 11/24/ 21 300 m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 2 Days 11/29/ 21 11/30/ 21 301ss m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 2 Days 11129/ 21 11/30/ 21 ---- 301 Project Manager (PM) 3Days 1211/ 21 12/3/21 302,30 3 Project M anager (PM) 1 Day 12/6/ 21 12/ 6/21 304 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 1217/21 12n 121 75 Days 3/8/22 6/ 22/22 Project M anager (PM) 1 Day 3/8/22 3/9/ 22 Project M anager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 21/22 6/ 22/22 132 Days 12/15/21 6/ 22/22 250fs+24d 250fs+98d I l TABLETS-J-to-U -JobView 7 l 212 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 12/15/21 12/16/ 21 310 m p ementation Specie ist ( S) 2 Days 12/17/ 21 12/ 20/ 21 250, 311 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 2/ 2/ 22 2/3/ 22 75 Days 3/8/22 6/ 22/22 Project M anager (PM) 1 Day 3/8/22 3/ 9/ 22 Project M anager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 21/22 6/ 22/22 147 Days 11/ 22/21 6/ 22/22 10 Days 11/ 22/21 1217/21 I - TABLETS-J -to-U -Lantern l 312, 341fs-1d 312, 342fs1d l TABLETS-J -to-U -LANTERN-Engage Education Program Manager P-25419 Q Adobe Workfront Planned Start Date Predecessor Name 185 ---- l Project M anager (PM) 000127 Page 4 K1 1720 -Attachment E - Project Plan r Sep 202, ~-44 pm EDl Page 20 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase I - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Predecessor s Assigned Pin Dur P111nned Start Date Planned Completion D11te TABLETS-J-to-U -LANTERN-Request test student be created for app testing 317 Project Manager (PM) 4 Days 12/ 8/ 21 12/13/21 319 TABLETS-J-to-U -LANTERN-Request Education Team provision Lant ern to Tab et s 318 Project Manager (PM) 4 Days 12/14/2 1 12/17/ 21 320 TABLETS-J-to-U -LANTERN-Education Team creates user ogons 319 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 12/2 0/21 12/ 21/21 321 TABLETS-J-to-U -LANTERN-Provision and Configure insta ed equipment 320 m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 2 Days 12/ 22/21 12/ 27/ 2 1 322 TABLETS-J-to-U -LANTERN- F Ash and U, track expenses 321 Project M anager (PM) 2 Days 12/ 27/21 12/ 29/21 323 TABLETS-J-to-U -LANTERN- F Ash and U, generate invoice 322 Project M anager (PM) 2 Days 12/29/ 21 1/3/22 324 TABLETS-J-to-U -LANTERN-Go-Live Check isl terns are Compete 250 , 323 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 2/ 2/ 22 2/3/ 22 75 Days 3/8/22 6/ 22/22 Tasl( WBS Number 318 Name ---, TABLETS-J-to-u -Lantern - Go-Live 325 326 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lantern on TABLETS - Go-Live (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) 324, 341fs1d Project M anager (PM) 1 Day 3/8/22 3/ 9/ 22 327 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lantern on TABLETS - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW) 324, 342fs1d Project M anager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 21/ 22 6/ 22/22 328 147 Days 11/ 22/21 6/ 22/22 329 TABLETS-J-to-U -LAWL BRARY-Get A ddendum executed (on y if Securus ls paying) 330 TABLETS-J-to-U -Law library I 185 Project M anager (PM) 10 Days 11/ 22/21 12/7/21 TABLETS-J-to-U -LAWL BRARY-Obt ain custom URL from vendor 329 Project M anager (PM) 5 Days 12/ 8/ 21 12/14/21 33 1 TABLETS-J-to-U -LAWL BRARY-{tab ets) Add t o Tab et Management Too. (Enter Site D, Customer D and URL For Each Entry) 330 m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 2 Days 12/15/21 12/16/ 21 332 TABLETS-J-to-U -LAWL BRARY-Add to Tab et Cut Sheet 33 0 Project Manager (PM) 3Days 12/15/21 12/17/ 21 333 TABLETS-J-to-U -LAWL BRARY-Verify Go Live Check ist is compete 250 , 332 Project M anager (PM) 1 Day 2/ 2/22 2/3/ 22 334 TABLETS-J-to-U -LAWL BRARY- Go-Live 75 Days 3/8/22 6/ 2 2/22 ---- ---- 335 TABLETS-J-to-U -Law library on TABLETS - Go-Live (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) 333, 341fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 3/8/22 3/9/ 22 336 TABLETS-J-to-U -Law library on TABLETS - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW) 333, 342fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 21/22 6/ 22/22 33 7 75 Days 2/ 23/ 22 6/ 9/ 22 338 TABLETS - PRE GO-L VE TEST NG (Mission Creek Corrections Center f or Women (MCCW) 341fs-10d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 2/ 23/ 22 2/ 24/22 9.2 339 TABLETS - PRE GO-L VE TEST NG (Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW) 342fs-10d Project M anager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 8/ 22 6/ 9/ 22 340 76 Days 3/8/22 6/ 23/ 22 ---- TAB LETS - PRE GO-L VE TEST NG TABLETS - GO-L VE P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront 000128 Page' K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan ~p 2 2021~-44 pm EDl Page 21 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migratio n Phase I - Exported Tasks (cont'd) s Assigned Pin Dur P111nned Start Date Planned Completion Date TABLETS-J-to-U - Go-Live (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) 250 fs+24d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 3/8/22 3/9/ 22 342 TABLETS-J-to-U - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Cent er forWomen (WCCW) 250f s+98d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 21/22 6/ 22/ 22 .3 343 TABLETS-J-to-U -PLAN TO HAND OUT TABLETS N THE AM & CONDUCT 3 WALKTHROUGHS TABLETS GO L VE 252 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 22/22 6/ 23/ 22 344 TABLETS-J-to-U -Disab e Phone App On Day 1 to improve / abi ity to down oad media content 251, 341, 342 Project M anager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 22/22 6/ 23/ 22 345 TABLETS-J-to-U -REENABLE and TEST Phone app before t eam departs sit e 344ss Project M anager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 22/22 6/ 23/ 22 1.12.5 346 37 Days 6/ 22/ 22 8/15/ 22 Tasl( WBS Number 341 .2 Predecessor Name I l TABLETS-J-to-U -Deinsta Existing Hardware ._ 347 TABLETS-J-to-U -PM Coordinates With Warehouse To Detem,ine f O d JPay Equipment Wi Be Recyc ed Or Returned To The warehouse 342 Project Manager (PM) 30 Days 6/ 22/ 22 8/ 4/ 22 348 TABLETS-J-to-U -PM Schedu es Deinsta ation With Agency POC, FSM, FST 347 Project Manager (PM) 5 Days 8/ 4/22 8/11/22 1.12.5 .3 349 TABLETS-J-to-U -FST/FSM Notify PM Once Deinsta alien s Competed . PM Confirms Agency POC s Satisfied With Deinsta ation Work. 348 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 8/11/22 8/12/ 22 1.12.5 .4 350 TABLETS-J-to-U -PM Notifies ROC/ SE/NOC/Tecfl Support That Equipment (Le. Merakis. Rockets. Nanos. et c.) Have Been Deinst a ed 349 Project M anager (PM) 1 Day 8/12/ 22 8/15/ 22 1.12.6 351 TABLETS-J-to-U -Project Wrap-up 2 Days 8/15/ 22 8/17/ 22 1.12.7 352 SVC - New nsta 158.5 Days 11/1/21 6/16/ 22 350 ---- 353 SVC-New - w•set the predecessor of this task t o Externa KickoffW• 20 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/16121 11/16/2 1 354 SVC-New - Submit Customer Training Request - NextGen SVC - Pre Go Live Webinar 353 Project M anager (PM) 1 Day 11/17/ 21 11/17/21 355 SVC-New - Create site (SPP for NG; SVC for C assic) 353fs+7d m p ementation Specie ist ( S) 3 Days 11/30/21 12/ 2/ 21 356 SVC-New- After ntegrations ca , request appropriat e credentia s to access the data feed 354 ntegration Coordinator 3 Days 11/18/21 11/ 22/ 21 10 Days 11/23/ 2 1 12/ 8/21 (C) 357 nt egrations Va idator 3Days 12/ 9/ 21 12/13/21 356 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/ 23/2 1 11/ 23/ 21 359 Project M anager (PM) 2 Days 11/24/2 1 11/ 29/ 21 360 Project M anager (PM) 1 Day 11/ 30/21 11/30/ 21 361 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/1/2 1 12/1/ 21 360 m p ementatio n Specie ist ( S) 2 Days 11/ 30/2 1 12/1/ 21 (C) 357 SVC-New - Coordinate data feed with vendor and configure 356 358 SVC-New - Review SVC configurations 359 SVC-New - Schedu e ca w ith agency for ST to discuss and compete SVC Schedu er 360 SVC-New - Request ist of Agency users who wi need SVC ogins 361 SVC-New - After you submit your first SO. submit customer Go Live training request 362 SVC-New- Send inform ation to Agency on how to open their firewa for SVC monitoring 363 SVC-New- Creat e SVC user Logons (avoid Fridays if possib e) ~ I l P-25419 Q Adobe Workfront - ntegration Coordinator 000129 P'lge 16 K1 1720 -Attachment E - Project Plan ~ p r 2021-'l:44 pm EDl Page 22 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migratio n Phase I - Exported Tasks (cont'd) s Assigned Pin Dur Planned Start D ate Planned Completion D ate SVC-New - Get Terms and Conditions from Agency 360 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/ 30/21 12/ 2/ 21 365 SVC-New- Provision Terms and Conditions 355, 364 m p ementation Specie ist ( S) 2 Days 12/ 3/ 21 12/ 6/ 21 366 SVC-New- Submit Terms and Conditions to be posted on our site 365 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 1217/21 12/7/ 21 367 SVC-New - Submit Rates to be posted on our site 366 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 12/ 8/ 21 12/ 9/21 368 ntegration Coordinator 10 Days 12/14/21 12/ 29/21 WBS Tasl( Number 364 Predecessor Name -----, SVC-New - Provision the product configurations 358 I I I- - ._ 369 SVC-New - Configure network equipment 370 SVC-New - Va idate a SVC data and confjguralions - ast review before go ive 371 SVC-New - Agency confirms they made firewa changes 372 SVC-New - Add new site in SVC Report Manager (this ists Agency on Securus on ine) ....._ -- - 373 SVC-New - ntegrations Status Check isl is compete 374 SVC-New - Comp ete Hardware nsta alien •- Set Predecessor to - EOU PMENT Schedu e Equipment nsta ation date/lime•.. .... 375 SVC-New - Test SVC and a ConnectUs apps BEFORE go ive I 376 SVC-New - Test SVC and e ConnectUs apps BEFORE go ive (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCw) 377 SVC-New - Test SVC and a Connectus apps BEFORE go ive (Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW) 378 SVC-New - Verify Go Live Check isl is compete 379 SVC-New - Order Marketing Materia s 380 SVC New nsta - Go-Live 381 SVC - New - Go-Live (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) 382 SVC - New - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW) 383 I l - 368 Sr. nsta alien Support Tech (Sr. S) 1 Day 12/ 29/ 21 12/30/ 21 368 ntegrations Va idator 3 Days 12/ 29/ 21 1/4/22 362f s+20d Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 1/3/ 22 1/4/22 370 m p ementation Specie ist ( S) 2 Days 1/4/ 22 1/ 6/ 22 371 ntegration Specie ist ( NS) 5 Days 1/ 5/ 22 1/11/22 59 m p ementation Specie ist ( S) 5 Days 1/ 26/ 22 2/ 2/22 373 m p ementation Specie ist ( S) 81 Days 2/3/ 22 5/27/ 22 381fs-15d m p ementation Specie ist ( S) 1 Day 2/3/ 22 2/3/ 22 382fs-15d m p ementation Specie ist ( S) 1 Day 5/ 27/22 5/27/ 22 1 Day 1/12/22 1/12/ 22 1 Day 1/13/ 22 1/13/ 22 81 Days 2/ 23/ 22 6/16/ 22 373 378 ---- ---- i-2;="'""' ~"' ect Manager (PM) 373fs+30d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 2/ 23/ 22 2/23/ 22 373fs+110d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/16/ 22 6/16/ 22 158.5 Days 11/1/ 21 6/16/ 22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/1/21 11/1/21 384 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/ 2/2 1 11/2/ 21 385 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/3/21 11/3/ 21 Video Re ay Service {VRS) ---- 384 VRs-··-set the predecessor of this task to Externa Kickoff'- 385 VRS-Submit Customer Training request 386 VRS-Confirm whether an integration with JMS or Commissary is needed, or if Agency wi designate e igib e inmates P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront l ( C) moo~ ~ 000130 Dage K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan ~ep 2 2021~-44 pm EDl Page 23 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase I - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Predecessor s Assigned Pin Dur Planned Start D ate Pla nned Completion D ate VRS-Request AN s (30 Day Lead Tlme) 385 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/ 3/ 21 11/3/ 21 388 VRS-(if an integration is needed) Communicate with vendor for dat a feed 386 ntegration Specie ist ( NS) 15 Days 11/4/21 11/ 24/21 389 VRS-Receive confirmation AN s were insta ed during change coritro 387fs+30d Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 12/ 20/21 12/ 21/21 390 VRS-Provision in SPP 389 mp ementetion Specie ist ( S) 1 Day 12/22/ 21 12/ 22/21 390 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/ 23/ 21 12/ 27/21 81 2/ 23/ 22 6/16/ 22 WBS Tasl( Number 387 Name ------ 391 VRS-Confirm a items on Go Live check ist are comp ete 392 VRS - Go-live ---- Days 393 I VRS - Go-Live (Mission Creek Corrections Cent er fo r Women (MCCW) 381fs-1d, 391 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 2/ 23/ 22 2/ 23/22 382f s-1d . 391 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/16/ 22 6/16/ 22 158.5 Days 11h121 6/16/ 22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/1/21 11/1/ 21 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/2/ 21 11/ 2/ 21 ---, 394 VRS - Go-live (Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW) 395 396 SVC- ""Set the predecessor of 1/lis task to Extema Kickoff'- 397 SVC-Discuss SVC w ith Agency (Schedu er Ca } l ncarcera\-ed Schedu ed Vioeo Connect\ SVC) 396 ---,-- 398 SVC-Provision ncarcerat ed Schedu e Video Connect 397 m p ementation Specie ist ( S) 1 Day 11/1/21 11/1/ 21 399 SVC-Confirm a items on Go Live check ist are compete 398 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/212 1 11/ 2/ 21 400 ncarcerated Schedu ed Video Connect - Go-uve 81 Days 2/ 23/ 22 6/16/ 22 401 ncarcerated Schedu ed Video Connect - Go•llve tMrssion Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCW) 381fs-1d, 399 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 2/ 23/ 22 2/ 23/22 402 ncarcerated Schedu ed Video Connect - Go•Uve (Washington Corrections Center for Women (>NCCW) 382fs-1d , 399 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/16/ 22 6/16/ 22 1.13 403 1 Day 8/19 /22 8/ 22/22 1.13.1 404 Confirm Regu alory and Bi ing Tab e ticket assignments are Reso ved 23fs+2d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 8/19 /22 8/ 22/22 1.13.2 405 Cosing Activities 23fs+-2d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 8/19 /22 8/ 22122 Project Wrap-up P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront I 000131 Page 18 K 11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan ~r 2 20,1 ~·44 pm EDl Page 24 of 280 Predictive Heat Maps WCCW and MCCCW P-25419 000132 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 25 of 280 Washington Corrections Center For Women, WA Predictive Heat mapping 5/17/2021 Purpose To Simulate adequate coverage in the designated area that where selected by the facility. The simulation has been created to demonstrate RF coverage of a specific area to give you a prediction of what the signal strength could be with the selected AP placement. This is only a prediction and could change from an onsite survey due to the lack of structure information and what would be physically in the facility. The purpose of the survey is to determine the number and placement of wireless access points necessary to provide adequate coverage for the entire building. P-25419 000133 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 26 of 280 Contents Washington Corrections Center For Women, WA Predictive Heat mapping ................................................. 1 Predictive Heat Map ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Coverage areas ..........................................................................................................................................12 X Unit A/B 1st Floor ......................................................................................................................................12 X Unit A/B 2nd Floor .....................................................................................................................................13 J Unit A/B/C/D .............................................................................................................................................13 L Unit A/B/C/D.............................................................................................................................................13 K Unit A/B/C/D ............................................................................................................................................14 G Unit 1st FLoor ...........................................................................................................................................15 G Unit 2nd Floor ...........................................................................................................................................15 G Unit 3rd Floor............................................................................................................................................16 Z Unit 1st Floor ............................................................................................................................................16 Z Unit 1st Floor ............................................................................................................................................17 W Unit .........................................................................................................................................................17 U Unit Gym .................................................................................................................................................18 AA Unit Infirmary .........................................................................................................................................18 Outdoor Coverage ......................................................................................................................................19 P-25419 000134 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 27 of 280 Predictive Heat Map Below is the predictive wireless test t hat was performed to provide coverage. The bar signal level was brought down to -60dBm. The antenna on a tablet will be slightly weaker, so you can add a buffer of about -10 to -1 SdBm to estimate what the tablet wi ll be receiving from the Ruckus device. The dark grey locations display the areas that are not receiving proper signal strength, and this helps us determine direction for designing of the site. The grey locations are called dead zone and help us better place the APs. Note: this is a predictive survey and is not 100% accurate. The Maps displayed are layouts for X Unit, J , K, L, and G Unit. The build ings are grouped because they are identical in structure and design and was not necessary to produce more than one heat map per structure. Some units are 2 tier and will need to adjust height on AP . NOTE: Total AP count for site 81 . G Unit East & West 3 levels open center 1st floor under overhang in nema box if needed.2APs per side 4 APs total for 1st level. • I I J I .., Q - 10 ·20 -30 -40 . 50 --60 -70 .., -80 -90 - 100 ~ t'H,tllJ ~ P-25419 000135 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 28 of 280 3rd Floor in G unit AP will be hung 5 ft from ceiling and 10-15ft from walkway. to cover 3rd and 2 nd level 1 in programs 2 APs per side 5 APs total. J, K, & L Unit 1 level building with 1 AP per wing with day room area . J 9 total APs, K 8 total APs and L with 7 total APs. Any open bay living area will receive 1 AP per. Total for all 3 units are 24 total APs. :hannels Selected APs ·1 & P-25419 000136 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 29 of 280 X UnitA/B 2 tier building with 4 AP per wing with open area. 1 AP will be added in the lobby area. 9 total Aps for building. AP will be hung 5 ft from ceiling and 10-1 Sft from wa lkway. hannels Selected APs 16 ZUnit 2 tier bui lding with 12 AP that will cover cells and open area.3 A ps will cover outdoor rec area. 15 total Aps for building. AP will be hung 5 ft from ceili ng and 10-1 Sft from wa lkway. X Signal (dBm) 0 (36 ·10 ·20 ·30 ·40 ·50 ·60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000137 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 30 of 280 WUnit 1 level building with 3 AP to cover cells and open area. 3 total Aps for building. AP will be ceiling mounted. U Unit Gym 1 level building with 2 AP to cover classrooms ceiling mounted. 2 AP in gym will be mounted on wall with angle mounts 15ft-20ft high. 4 total Aps for building. X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 ·30 · 40 -60 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000138 K11720 . Attachment E - Project Plan Page 31 of 280 AA Unit Medical 1 level building with cells in medical area. 5 AP will be ceiling mounted to cover cells. 5 total Aps for building . X Signal (d Bm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 Outdoor areas J , K, and L unit will have 1 on each end of the building to cover outdoor areas. D and X will have 1 on the outside of their units. X and AA will have 2 on the exterior to cover outside areas. 1 AP wi ll be added in the lobby area.12 total Aps for all outside coverage area. X P-25419 000139 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 32 of 280 Coverage areas Living area, day rooms X Unit A /8 1st Floor ~ ........,.. McOUM ¥L\.!Nm _.11 !IOCIMI Q01'1111 tO"'- .K~ U:1 ....Al't•UCAI. P-25419 000140 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 33 of 280 X Unit A/8 2 nd Floor '/fCYJI,• CUIJJ'"lf.fG "1fD1L M -:rra.:r r ~ -=-o:-.., j ~';)o::;..ao lo - •l :!;..'.U- !Ill c;~.=i,i,:- - WlGW - 6UJLCIIJG _ l,flf. ~ .:,;.J,..!n 11~:: ,H:; --r L Unit A/8/C/D Living area and day room P-25419 000141 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 34 of 280 \\.ct:W -C I C! ..t;I l.ldl S!i..01!:JTT i.lOO~it,: r .X V • C,:.C, 10 · 1-lGU" l:'V P-25419 000142 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 35 of 280 G Unit 1st Floor Living area and day room G Unit 2 nd Floor Living area and day room P-25419 000143 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 36 of 280 Z Unit 1st Floor Living area and day room WUnit Living area and day room P-25419 000144 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 37 of 280 G Unit 3rd Floor Living area and day room Z Unit 1st Floor Living area and day room P-25419 000145 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 38 of 280 U Unit Gym Gym and classrooms AA Unit Infirmary P-25419 000146 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 39 of 280 Outdoor Coverage P-25419 000147 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 40 of280 Mission Creek Corrections Center, WA Predictive Heat mapping 5/10/2021 Purpose To Simulate adequate coverage in the designated area that where selected by the facility. The simulation has been created to demonstrate RF coverage of a specific area to give you a prediction of what the signal strength could be with the selected AP placement. This is only a prediction and could change from an onsite survey due to the lack of structure information and what would be physically in the facility. The purpose of the survey is to determine the number and placement of wireless access points necessary to provide adequate coverage for the entire building. P-25419 000148 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 41 of 280 Contents Mission Creek Corrections Center, WA Predictive Heat mapping ................................................................. 1 Predictive Heat Map ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Coverage areas ........................................................................................................................................... 7 Mission ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 Bear ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Gold ............................................................................................................................................................. 8 Outdoor coverage ........................................................................................................................................ 9 P-25419 000149 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 42 of 280 Predictive Heat Map Below is the predictive wireless test that was performed to provide coverage. The bar signal level was brought down to -60dBm. The antenna on a tablet will be slightly weaker, so you can add a buffer of about -10 to -1 SdBm to estimate what the tablet will be receiving from the Ruckus device. The dark grey locations display the areas that are not receiving proper signal strength, and this helps us determine direction for designing of the site. The grey locations are called dead zone and help us better place the APs. Note: this is a predictive survey and is not 100% accurate. The Maps displayed are layouts for Mission, Bear, and Gold. The buildings are grouped because they are identical in structure and design and was not necessary to produce more than one heat map per structure. Some units are 2 tier and will need to adjust height on AP . NOTE: Total AP count for site 23. Mission 1 level unit with 4 wings 1 Aps per wing with day room and 2 for open areas. 6 total Aps for building X P-25419 000150 K11720 . Attachment E . Project Plan Page 43 of 280 Bear and Gold 1 level building with 1 AP per wing with day room area, 10 total Aps for building X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 Gym 1 level building with 2 AP to cover gym floor. 2 total Aps for building P-25419 000151 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 44 of 280 Outdoor Coverage 2 on building 5, 2 on building 4 and 1 on building 1.5 tota l Aps for outdoor ground coverage. X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000152 K11720 . Attachment E - Project Plan Page 45 of 280 Coverage areas Living area, day rooms Mission Bear Living area and day room P-25419 000153 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 46 of 280 Gold Living area and day room P-25419 000154 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 47 of280 Outdoor coverage P-25419 000155 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 48 of 280 “Proof of Concept” Success Measures and Reporting Duration: Securus will first deploy the Securus solution as described in the SOW and requirements documents including the deployment of the new JP6 tablets for each eligible incarcerated individual at Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCCW) and Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW) as determined by DOC policy. The proof-of-concept evaluation period is anticipated to be no longer than 90 days. During the deployment phase at MCCCW and WCCW, Securus will also begin implementation activities at other facilities to pre-position infrastructure and equipment. Following the up to 90-day proofof concept period, Securus will implement services at all remaining facilities. Securus will have deployed one (1) tablet administrator for the purpose of interfacing with incarcerated individuals regarding tablet issues and troubleshooting network related service issues. Securus will complete all required integration, as proposed, with Washington DOC inmate banking and commissary systems as well as the offender management system to ensure full interoperability between Securus systems and WA DOC legacy systems. Required Results: During the Proof of Concept installation and implementation period these metrics will be delivered on a monthly basis during the weekly status meetings (unless frequency is otherwise specified below). After successfully meeting the requirements of the Proof of Concept, Securus will report these measures during the quarterly business meeting. Customer Service – Friends and Family • Friends and family portal: Securus will provide 99% monthly uptime of the Securus portal for friends and family members • Securus will report the average Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) rating to the Department monthly. Customer Service – Incarcerated Individuals – reporting on a monthly basis • Incarcerated individual’s Support Request resolution times to match annual SLA terms. Customer Service – Facility Technical Support • Service response times and resolution will be achieved as outlined in the Priority 1, 2 and 3 requirements of the Service Level Agreement • Reporting on a monthly basis o User support desk ticket report will include the following: Number of tickets opened; Number of tickets resolved; Number of tickets closed; Average time to initial response; Average time to resolution; Unity Tablet Program • Wireless Access Points (WAPs) will provide 99% monthly uptime • E-Messaging: all emails will be delivered within one hour of availability in the Securus email system; assumes auto release email o E-Mail gaps should not exist, unless deleted by end user P-25419 000156 • Securus will provide monthly reporting validating the previous months free stamp distribution data K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 49 of 280 • Music, Games and other previously purchased content will be delivered to new Unity tablets o Content gaps will exist o Incompatible content will be identified before installs with like content being made available o Credits will be issued to incarcerated individuals for any previously purchased content not able to be delivered NextGen SCP – Incarcerated Individual Telephone Calling • Securus will ensure that all Configurations, Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions, and all other softwarebased deliverables required to be included are deployed. • A check list of all deliverables included in the Project Plan will be validated and accepted by the Department within 30 days of implementation Securus Video Connect (SVC) • Securus will provide monthly reports showing performance measures • Securus will provide SVC metrics monthly that show overall visits and percentage of visits with issues o Better than 95% of visits free of issues on facility side NexGen SCP: • 99% uptime guarantee SVC: • 99% uptime guarantee ConnectUS: • 98% uptime guarantee Call Center: • 99% availability guaranteed Tablet (back office): • User interface: 99% uptime guarantee • Network: 99% uptime guarantee • Platform: 99% uptime guarantee Mobile Apps: • 99% uptime guarantee NOTE: Uptime percentages are on a monthly basis for a rolling 12-months. P-25419 000157 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 50 of 280 Phase 2: Project Plan Project Plan, Deliverables, and Milestones SCCC, WSP, CRCC, AHCC, MCC, CBCC, OCC, CCCC, LCC, WCC P-25419 000158 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 51 of 280 SECURUS h c h'11Jlot1•e'.. WA DOC JPay t o Unity Migratio n Ph ase II - Exp o rted Tasks WBS Tasl( Number Plenned S18rt Date Planned Completion Date 328.25 Days 9/26/22 1/15/24 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 9/26/22 9/27/22 2ss Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 9/26/22 9/27/22 Predecessor s Name Core Project Pan ~ I Assigned Pin Dur r--- 1.1 2 Acknow edge Ticket Assignment(s) 1.2 3 Search Workfront for Other Projects for Agency (Refer to Workf ow Specia is! with conf icts) 1.3 4 Review and Confirm Scope ofWor1< (SOW) 2ss Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 9/26/22 9/27/22 1.4 5 Request t o Te ecom Team for Eva uation 4 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 9/28/22 9/29/22 1.5 6 Make a necessary updates to Project Detai s > Custom Forms 4 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/28/22 9/28/22 1.6 7 Attach Temp ates in this order 4Days 9/28/22 10/3/22 1.6.1 8 Attach Te ecom Temp ate Line 23 (ONLY F Te ecom says an order is needed) 1.6.2 9 Attach Equipment Ordering Temp ate Line 23 ( f Needed) 1.6.3 10 Attach Securus Debit Temp ate Line 23 ( f Needed) 1.6.4 11 1.6.5 I I 5 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 9/30/22 10/3/22 3 Project Manager (PM) ,-.- 2 Days 9/28/22 9/29/22 3 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 9/28/22 9/29/22 Attach Products & Feature Temp ates Line 23 (As Needed) 3 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 9/28/22 9/29/22 12 Add Additiona Sites to GO L VE tasks for EVERY product/feature 3 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 9/28/22 9/29/22 1.6.6 13 Updat e Project Pan, Change Project Status to 'Staffing" once Staffed Change to 'Active• 11, 9 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/30/22 9/30/22 1.7 14 2 Days 10/ 4/22 10/ 5/22 1.7.1 15 Assign mp ementations Specia ist ( S) As Needed 7 2 Days 10/ 4/22 10/ 5/22 1.7.2 16 Assign ntegrations team ( C and NT) As Needed 7 ntegrations Supervisor 2 Days 10/ 4/22 10/ 5/22 1.7.3 17 Assign mp ementations Site Engineer ( SE) As Needed 7 mp ementation Site Engineer ( SE) Supervisor 2 Days 10/ 4/22 10/ 5/22 1.7.4 18 Assign Fie d Service Tectt resource As Needed 7 Fie d Service Manager 2 Days 10/4/22 10/ 5/22 r I St aff the Pan mp ementation Supervisor (SUP) ,- (FSM) 1.8 19 ntema Kick Off Ca (or Emai) 13fs+3d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/6/22 10/6/22 1.9 20 Externa Kick Off Ca (or Emai) 19fs+1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/10/ 22 10/10/22 1.10 21 Base ine Project Pan 20ss Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/10/22 10/10/22 1.11 22 Host Agency ntegration Meeting ( f Needed) 20fs+2d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/13/22 10/13/22 1.12 23 ATTACH All TEMPLATES HERE 325.25 Days 9/26/22 1/10/24 I P-25419 Q Adobe Workfront 000159 TagE t K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Sep L ] •«1 .. .J9 pm EDl Page 52 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) WBS Tasl( Number 1.12.1 24 25 TElfCOM-..•Set tile predecessor of this task to "Request to Te ecom Team for Eva uation,... 26 TELECOM-Request Te ecom So ution/So ution is de ivered 27 28 TELECOM-Emal Tech Support and Te ecom Esca ations team that TTU is occurring and equipment may be temporari y down 29 TELECOM- nsta and Provision circuit 30 31 Predecessor s Neme ........._ Assigned Te ecom Transport De lvery 5 TElfCOM-Request Te ecom So ution (Airway Heigtrts Corrections Center (AHCC) TELECOM-Notify NOC that Te ecom TTU is compete and new te ecom circuit is on ine and in use Plenned StertDate Planned Completion Dete 47 Days 9/30/22 12/7/22 1 Day 9/30/22 9/30/22 45 Days 9/30/22 12/5/22 r Project Manager (PM) 1 25ss Project Manager (PM) 45 Days 9/30/22 12/5/22 27 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/6/22 12/6/22 1 Day 12/6/22 12/6/22 Fie d Service Tech (FST) 1 Day 12/6/22 12/6/22 Sr. nsta ation Support Tech (Sr. S) 1 Day 12/7/22 12/7/22 172 Days 10/11/22 6/15/23 1 Day 10/11/22 10/11/22 1 Day 10/12/22 10/12/22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/12/22 10/12/22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/12/22 10/12/22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/12/22 10/12/22 Proiect Manager (PM) ,--- 1 Day 10/12/22 10/12/22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/12/22 10/12/22 Project Manager (PM) 1Day 10/12/22 10/12/22 3 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/12/22 10/12/22 33 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/12/22 10/12/22 I TElfCOM- nsta and provision circuit {Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) Ptn Dllr f, 0 ---- 1.12.2 32 Equipment Ordering and nsta ____. --- EOU PMENT-•..set the predecessor of this Equipment Ordering task to Extema Kickoff'.. --~ 33 1.12.2 .2 34 35 EOU PMENT-Request and Receive Heat Mapping (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 33 1.12.2 .2.2 36 EOU PMENT-Request and Receive Heat Mapping (Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) 33 37 EOU PMENT-Request and Receive Heat Mapping (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 1.12.2 .2.4 38 EOU PMENT-Request and Receive Heat Mapping (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 39 EOU PMENT-Request and Receive Heat Mapping (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 1.12.2 .2.6 40 EOU PMENT-Request and Receive Heat Mapping (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 41 EOU PMENT-Request and Receive Heat Mapping (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 1.12.2 .2.8 42 EOU PMENT-Request and Receive Heat Mapping (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) 43 EOU PMENT-Request and Receive Heat Mapping (Monroe Corrections Comp ex (MCC) 33 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/12/22 10/12/22 1.12.2 .2.10 44 EOU PMENT-Request and Receive Heat Mapping (Ca am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) 33 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/12/22 10/12/22 45 5Days 10/12/22 10/18/22 46 Project Manager (PM) 5Days 10/12/22 10/18/22 Project Manager (PM) 5Days 10/12/22 10/18/22 Project Manager (PM) 5Days 10/12/22 10/18/22 3 Project Manager (PM) 5Days 10/12/22 10/18/22 33 Project Manager (PM) 5Days 10/12/22 10/18/22 --- EOU PMENT: Request Heat Mapping Project Manager (PM) - r;- ~ ~ 3 - EOU PMENT: Request Site Survey EOU PMENT-Request and Receive Site Survey (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) L::_ 47 EOU PMENT-Request and Receive Site Survey (Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC)) 33 48 EOU PMENT-Request and Receive Site Survey {Larch Corrections Center (LCC)) 49 EOU PMENT-Request and Receive Site Survey (St afford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 50 EOU PMENT-Request and Receive Site Survey (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) P-25419 Q Adobe Workfront - ~ - 000160 Page2 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Sep 2i 2021 4:49 pm EOl Page 53 of 280 WA DOC JPay t o Unity Migration Ph ase II - Exp o rted Tasks (cont'd) Predecessor s Assigned Pin Dllr Plenned StertDate Planned Completion Dete 33 Project Manager (PM) 5Days 10/12/22 10/18/22 Project Manager (PM) 5Days 10/12/22 10/18/22 33 Project Manager (PM) 5 Days 10/12/22 10/18/22 33 Project Manager (PM) 5Days 10/12/22 10/18/22 33 ,--- Project Manager (PM) 5Days 10/12/22 10/18/22 10 Days 10/19/22 11/1/22 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 10/19/22 11/1/22 47 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 10/19/22 11/1/22 EOU PMENT-Create S-BOM > get Fie d approva > attach S-BOM > 'update' PM > reso ve ticket assignment and WF (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 48 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 10/19/22 11/1/22 60 EOU PMENT-Create S-BOM > get Fie d approva > attach S-BOM > 'update' PM > reso ve ticket assignment and WF (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 49 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 10/19/22 11/V22 61 EOU PMENT-Create S-BOM > get Fie d approva > attach S-BOM > ' update' PM > reso ve ticket assignment and WF (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 50 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 10/19/22 11Iv22 62 EOU PMENT-Create S-BOM > get Fie d approva > attach S-BOM > ' update' PM > reso ve ticket assignment and WF (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 51 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 10/19/22 11Iv22 63 EOU PMENT-Create S-BOM > get Fie d approva > attach S-BOM > ' update' PM > reso ve ticket assignment and WF (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 52 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 10/19/22 11/V22 64 EOU PMENT-Create S-BOM > get Fie d approva > attach S-BOM > ' update' PM > reso ve ticket assignment and WF (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) 53 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 10/19/22 11/V22 65 EOU PMENT-Create S-BOM > get Fie d approve > attach S-BOM > 'update'' PM > reso ve ticket assignment and WF (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 54 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 10/19/22 11/1/22 66 EOU PMENT-Create S-BOM > get Fie d approve > attach S-BOM > ' update' PM > reso ve ticket assignment and WF (C a am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 10/19/22 11/1/22 67 10 Days 10/19/22 11/V22 1.12.2 .5.1 68 EOU PMENT-Creete NOS and Port Termination forms for project (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 46 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 10/19/22 11/1/22 1.12.2 .5.2 69 EOU PMENT-Creete NOS and Port Termination forms for project (Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) 47 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 10/19/22 11/1/22 1.12.2 .5.3 70 EOU PMENT-Crea1e NOS and Port Termination forms for project (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 48 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 10/19/22 11/1/22 1.12.2 .5.4 71 EOU PMENT-Crea1e NOS and Port Termination forms for project (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 49 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 10/19/22 11/1/22 1.12.2 .5.5 72 EOU PMENT-Crea1e NOS and Port Termination forms for project (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) F mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 10/19/22 11/1/22 WBs Tasl( Number 51 EOU PMENT-Request end Receive Site Survey (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 52 rou eMa« • ..,,.,, ,_, • ~ S<o So=y (Co,o" "'9• 53 EOU PMENT-Request and Receive s,te Survey (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) 54 EOU PMENT-Request end Receive Site Survey (Monroe Correct1ona Comp ex (MCC) 55 1.12.2 .4 56 57 EOU PMENT-Create S-BOM > get Fie d approva > attach S-BOM > 'update' PM > reso ve ticket assignment and WF (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) ~ 58 EOU PMENT-Create S-BOM > get Fie d approva > attach S-BOM > 'update' PM > reso ve ticket assignment and WF (Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) I 59 Neme -- '°"""'""' ,~,., (C«cq ~ EOU PMENT-Request end Receive Site Survey (Ca am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) EOU PMENT: Create S-BOM _1 EOU PMENT: Create NOS and Port Term forms P-25419 0 Adobe workfront ~ 000161 Page3 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Sep 27 2021 4:49 pm EDl Page 54 of 280 WA DOC JPay t o Unity Migration Ph ase II - Exp o rted Tasks (cont'd) Assigned Pin Dur P1enned StertDate Plenned Completion Dete mp ementalion Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 10/19/22 11/ V22 mp ementalion Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 10/19/22 11/1/22 53 mp ementalion Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 10/19/22 1V1/22 EOU PMENT-Create NOS and Port Termination forms for project (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex {MCC) 54 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 10/19/22 11/1/22 EOU PMENT-Create NOS and Port Termination forms for project (Ca am Bay Corrections Center {CBCC) 55 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 10 Days 10/19/22 11/1/22 1 Day 11/2/22 11/ 2/22 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 11/2/22 11/2/22 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 11/2/22 11/2/22 70 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 11/2/22 11/2/22 71 mp ementalion Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 11/2/22 11/ 2/22 mp ementalion Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 11/2/22 11/2/22 mp ementalion Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 11/2/22 11/2/22 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 11/2/22 11/2/22 mp ementalion Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 11/2/22 11/ 2/22 76 mp ementalion Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 11/2/22 11/2/22 77 mp ementalion Site Eng ineers ( SE) 1 Day 11/2/22 11/2/22 1 Day 11/2/22 11/ 2/22 Predecessor s WBS Tesl( Number 73 EOU PMENT-Create NOS and Port Termination forms for project (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 74 EOU PMENT-Create NOS and Port Termination forms for project (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 75 EOU PMENT-Create NOS and Port Termination forms for project (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) 76 77 78 79 EOU PMENT-Assign P Addresses Subnet and submit BARFs for project (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 80 EOU PMENT-Assign P Addresses Subnet and submit BARFs for project (Cedar Creel< Corrections Center (CCCC) 81 EOU PMENT-Assign P Addresses Subnet and submit BARFs for project (larch Corrections Center (LCC) 1.12.2 .6.4 82 EOU PMENT-Assign P Addresses Subnet and submit BARFs for project (Stafford Creel< Corrections Center (SCCC) 1.12.2 .6.5 83 EOU PMENT-Assign P Addresses Subnet and submit BARFs for project (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 1.12.2 .6.6 84 EOU PMENT-Assign P Addresses Subnet and submit BARFs for project (Airway Heights Corrections Center {AHCC) Neme F EOU PMENT: Assign Ps ~ - 69 ' F ,--- 85 86 EOU PMENT-Assign P Addresses Subnet and submit BARFs for project (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) EOU PMENT-Assign P Addresses Subnet and submit BARFs for project (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) 1.12.2 .6.9 87 EOU PMENT-Assign P Addresses Subnet and submit BARFs for project (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 88 EOU PMENT-Assign P Addresses Subnet and submit BARFs for project (Ca am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) 89 90 EOU PMENT-Emai Port Term and P nfo to Fie d (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 91 EOU PMENT-Emai Port Term and P nfo to Fie d (Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) 92 f 74 - I EOU PMENT: Emai Port Term and p info lo Fie d EOU PMENT-Emai Port Term and P nfo to Fie d (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) P-25419 Q Adobe Workfront 74 I - - 68 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 11/2/22 11/2/22 69 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 11/2122 11/2/22 mp ementation Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 11/2/22 11/2/22 F - -- 000162 Page4 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Sep 27 2021 4:49 pm EOl Page 55 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Assigned Pin our P111nned Start Date Plenned Completion Dete mp ementalion Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 11/ 2/22 11/2/22 mp ementalion Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 11/ 2/22 11/ 2/22 mp ementalion Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 11/ 2/22 11/2/22 74 mp ementalion Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 11/ 2/22 11/ 2/22 EOU PMENT-Emai PortTerm and P nfo to Fie d (Wasllington Slate Penitentiary (WSP) 75 mp ementalion Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 11/ 2/22 11/ 2/22 98 EOU PMENT-Emai PortTerm and P nfo to Fie d (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 76 mp ementalion Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 11/ 2/22 11/ 2/22 99 EOU PMENT-Emai Port Term and P nfo to Fie d (Ca am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) 77 mp ementalion Site Engineers ( SE) 1 Day 11/ 2/22 11/2/22 100 3 Days 11/ 2/22 11/4/ 22 101 EOU PMENT-TABLET NSTALLS: Host tab et network design review meeting with SE, SR. Sand ROC (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/2/22 11/4/ 22 102 EOU PMENT-TABLET NSTALLS: Host tab et network design review meeting with SE, SR. Sand ROC (Cedar Creel< Corrections Center (CCCC) 58 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/2/22 11/4/ 22 103 EOU PMENT-TABLET NSTALLS: Host tab et network design review meeting with SE, SR. Sand ROC (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 59 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/2/22 11/ 4/ 22 104 EOU PMENT-TABLET NSTALLS: Host tab et network design review meeting with SE, SR. Sand ROC (Stafford Creel< Corrections Cent er (SCCC) 60 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/2/22 11/4/ 22 105 EOU PMENT-TABLET NSTALLS: Host tab et network design review meeting with SE, SR. Sand ROC (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 61 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/2/22 11/4/22 106 EOU PMENT-TABLET NSTALLS: Host tab et network design review meeting with SE, SR. Sand ROC (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 62 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/2/22 11/4/ 22 107 EOU PMENT-TABLET NSTALLS: Host tab et network design review meeting with SE, SR. Sand ROC (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 63 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/2/22 11/4/ 22 108 EOU PMENT-TABLET NSTALLS: Host tab et network design review meeting with SE, SR. Sand ROC (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) 64 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/2/22 11/4/ 22 109 EOU PMENT-TABLET NSTALLS: Host tab et network design review meeting with SE, SR. Sand ROC (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 65 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/2/22 11/4/22 110 EOU PMENT-TABLET NSTALLS: Host tab et network design review meeting with SE, SR. Sand ROC (C a am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) 66 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/2/22 11/4/ 22 1.12.2 .9 111 1 Day 11/7/22 11/7/22 112 EOU PMENT-Financia y Approve S-BOM (Washington Corrections Cent er (WCCM) Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/7/22 11/7/22 1.12.2 .9.2 113 EOU PMENT-Financia y Approve S-BOM (Cedar Creel< Corrections Center {CCCC) Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/7/22 11/7/22 Tesk Predecessor s WBS Number 93 EOU PMENT-Emai PortTerm and P nfo to Fie d (Stafford Creel< Corrections Center (SCCC) 94 EOU PMENT-Emai PortTerm and P nfo to Fie d (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 95 EOU PMENT-Emai PortTerm and P nfo to Fie d (Airway Heigllts Corrections Center (AHCC) 96 EOU PMENT-Emai PortTerm and P nfo to Fie d (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 97 Neme EOU PMENT: TABLET Network Design Review Meeting ~r - F- r r EOU PMENT: Financia y Approve S-BOM P-25419 0 Adobe workfront 71 ~ " 102,58 I 000163 Page 5 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Sep 27 2021 4:49 pm EDl Page 56 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Predecessor s Assigned Pin our P111nned Start Date Plenned Completion Dete EOU PMENT-Financie y Approve S-BOM (Lerch Corrections Center (LCC) 103, 59 Project Manager (PM) 1 Dey 11/7/22 110/22 115 EOU PMENT-Financie y Approve S-BOM (Stefford Creel< Corrections Center (SCCC) 104, 60 Project Manager (PM) 1 Dey 11/7/22 11/7/22 116 EOU PMENT-Financie y Approve S-BOM (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 105, 61 Project Manager (PM) 1 Dey 11/7/22 11/7122 1.12.2 .9.6 117 EOU PMENT-Financie y Approve S-BOM (Airway Heights Corrections Center {AHCC) 106, 62 ,--- Project Manager (PM) 1 Dey 11/7/22 11/7/22 118 EOU PMENT-Financie y Approve S-BOM (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 107, 63 Project Manager (PM) 1 Dey 11/7/22 11/7/22 1.12.2 .9.8 119 EOU PMENT-Financie y Approve S-BOM (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/7/22 11/7/22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/7/22 11/7122 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/7/22 11/7/22 1 Day 11/8/22 11/8/22 was Tesl( Number 114 Neme - ~ " 120 EOU PMENT-Financie y Approve S-BOM (Monroe Corrections Comp ex (MCC) 1.12.2 .9.10 121 EOU PMENT-Financie y Approve S-BOM (Ca am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) 122 1.12.2 .10.1 123 EOU PMENT-Creete Sa es Order, Attach to Worl<front, Get nterna Approve (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 112 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/8/22 11/8/22 1.12.2 .10.2 124 EOU PMENT-Create Sa es Order, Attach to Worl<front, Get nterne Approve (Cedar Creel< Corrections Center (CCCC) 113 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/8/22 11/8/22 1.12.2 .10.3 125 EOU PMENT-Creete Sa es Order, Attach to Worl<front, Get nterna Approve (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 114 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/8/22 11/8/22 1.12.2 .10.4 126 EOU PMENT-Creete Sa es Order, Attach to Worl<front, Get nterna Approve Stefford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 115 Project Manager (PM) 1 Dey 11/8/22 11/8/22 1.12.2 .10.5 127 EOU PMENT-Create Se es Order, Attach to Worl<front, Get nterne Approve (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 116 Project Manager (PM) 1 Dey 11/8/22 11/8/22 1.12.2 .10.6 128 EOU PMENT-Creete Se es Order, Attach to Worl<front, Get nterne Approve (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 117 Project Manager (PM) 1 Dey 11/8/22 11/8/22 1.12.2 .10.7 129 EOU PMENT-Creete Se es Order, Attach to Worl<front, Get nterne Approve (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 118 Project Manager (PM) 1 Dey 11/8/22 11/8/22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Dey 11/8/22 11/8/22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Dey 11/8/22 11/8/22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Dey 11/8/22 11/8/22 20 Days 11/9/22 12/8/22 Project Manager (PM) 20 Days 11/9/22 12/8/22 65 110, 66 ,--- - EOU PMENT: Create Se es Order and Get nteme Approve ,-- 1.12.2 .10.8 130 EOU PMENT-Create Se es Order, Attach to Worl<front, Get nterne Approve (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) 119 1.12.2 .10.9 131 EOU PMENT-Create Se es Order, Attach to Worl<front, Get nterne Approve (Monroe Corrections Comp ex (MCC) 120 - I f ,--1.12.2 .10.10 132 1.12.2 .11 133 134 -.... EOU PMENT-Create Se es Order, Attach to Worl<front, Get nterne Approve (C a am Bay Corrections Center (CBCCJ 121 EOU PMENT: Submit Sa es Order to Purchasing/Equipment Shipped EOU PMENT-Submit approved Sa es Order to Purchasing vie ticket; Equipment shipped to site (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 123 I 135 EOU PMENT-Submit approved Se es Order to Purchasing vie ticket; Equipment shipped to site (Ceder Creel< Corrections Center (CCCC) 124 Project Manager (PM) 20 Days 11/9/22 12/8/22 1.12.2 .11.3 136 EOU PMENT-Submit approved Se es Order to Purchasing vie ticket; Equipment shipped to site {Larch Corrections Center {LCC) 125 f Project Manager (PM) 20 Days 11/9/22 12/8/22 P-25419 Q Adobe Workfront 000164 Page 6 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Sep 27 2021 4:49 pm EDl Page 57 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Assigned Pin Dllr Plenned Stert Date Planned Completion Dete Project Manager (PM) 20 Days 11/9/22 12/8/22 •oa•,~ ""' 20 Days 11/9 /22 12/8/22 8 Project Manager (PM) 20 Days 11/9 /22 12/8/22 EOU PMENT-Submit approved Sa es Order to Purchasing via ticket: Equipment shipped to site (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) F Project Manager (PM) 20 Days 11/9 /22 12/8/22 141 EOU PMENT-Submit approved Sa es Order to Purchasing via ticket: Equipment shipped to site (Washington state Penitentiary (WSP) 130 Project Manager (PM) 20 Days 11/9 /22 12/8/22 142 EOU PMENT-Submit approved Sa es Order to Purchasing via ticket; Equipment shipped to site {Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 131 Project Manager (PM) 20 Days 11/9 /22 12/8/22 143 EOU PMENT-Submit approved Sa es Order to Purchasing via ticket; Equipment shipped to site (C a am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) F Project Manager (PM) 20 Days 11/9 /22 12/8/22 1 Day 12/9/22 12/9/22 WBS Tasl( Number 137 EOU PMENT-Submit approved Sa es Order to Purchasing via ticket; Equipment shipped to site (Stafford Creek Corrections Center {SCCC) 138 EOU PMENT-Submit approved Sa es Order to Purchasing via ticket; Equipment shipped to site (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 139 EOU PMENT-Submit approved Sa es Order to Purchasing via ticket; Equipment shipped to site (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 140 ... 144 145 Predecessor s Neme -- I 126 ~ r. , - EOU PMENT: Confirm De ivery EOU PMENT-Confirm a Equipment has been de ivered (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 134 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/9/22 12/9/22 146 EOU PMENT-Confirm a Equipment has been de ivered (Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) 135 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/9/22 12/9/22 147 EOU PMENT-Confirm a Equipment has been de ivered (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 136 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/9/22 12/9/22 148 EOU PMENT-Confirm a Equipment has been de ivered (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 137 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/9/22 12/9/22 149 EOU PMENT-Confirm a Equipment has been de ivered (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/9/22 12/9/22 .6 150 EOU PMENT-Confirm a Equipment has been de ivered (Airway Heights Corrections Cerrter (AHCC) Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/9/22 12/9/22 1.12.2 .12.7 151 EOU PMENT-Confirm a Equipment has been de ivered (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/9/22 12/9/22 152 EOU PMENT-Confirm a Equipment has been de ivered (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) 1 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/9/22 12/9/22 1.12.2 .12.9 153 EOU PMENT-Confirm a Equipment has been de ivered (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 142 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/9/22 12/9/22 154 143 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/9/22 12/9/22 1.12.2 .13 155 10 Days 12/12/22 12/27/22 156 EOU PMENT-Schedu e Equipment nsta ation date/time (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 145 Project Manager (PM) 10 Days 12/12/22 12/27/22 157 EOU PMENT-Schedu e Equipment nsta ation date/time (Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) 146 Project Manager (PM) 10 Days 12/12/22 12/27/22 158 EOU PMENT-Schedu e Equipment nsta ation date/time (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 147 Project Manager (PM) 10 Days 12/12/22 12/27/22 159 EOU PMENT-Schedu e Equipment nsta ation date/time (Stafford Creek Corrections Cerrter (SCCC) 148 Project Manager {PM) 10 Days 12/12/22 12/27/22 1.12.2 .13.5 160 EOU PMENT-Schedu e Equipment nsta ation date/time (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) Project Manager {PM) 10 Days 12/12/22 12/27/22 -- EOU PMENT-Confirm a Equipment has been de ivered (Ca am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) 139 ~ r EOU PMENT: Schedu e Team to nsta and Configure Equipment P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront ~ - r:; 000165 Page 7 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Sep 2i 2021 4:49 pm EDl Page 58 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Tasl( Number Name Predecessor s Assigned Pin our P111nned SlllrtDllte Planned Completion D11te 161 EOU PMENT-Schedu e Equipment nsta ation date/time (Airway Heights Corrections Center {AHCC) 150 Project Manager (PM) 10 Days 12/12/22 12/27/22 162 EOU PMENT-Schedu e Equipment nsta ation date/time (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 151 Project Manager (PM) 10 Days 12/12/22 12/27/22 163 EOU PMENT-Schedu e Equipment nsta ation dale/time (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) 1 152 Project Manager (PM) 10 Days 12/12/22 12/27/22 164 _ _ _E_O_U _ P-MENT-Schedu e Equipment nsta ation date/time (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 153 Project Manager (PM) 10 Days 12/12/22 12/27/22 1.12.2 .13.10 165 154 Project Manager (PM) 10 Days 12/12/22 12/27/22 166 120 Days 12/27/22 6/15/23 167 EOU PMENT- nsta Equipment at Site (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) Project Manager (PM) 60 Days 12/27/22 3/22/23 168 EOU PMENT- nsta Equipment at Site (Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) 157 Project Manager (PM) 35 Days 12/27/22 2/15/23 169 EOU PMENT- nsta Equipment at Site (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 158 Project Manager (PM) 20 Days 12/27/22 1/25/23 1.12.2 .14.4 170 EOU PMENT- nsta Equipment at Site (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 159 Project Manager (PM) 55 Days 12/27/22 3/15/23 171 EOU PMENT- nsta Equipment at Site (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 160 Project Manager (PM) 25 Days 12/27/22 2/1/23 1.12.2 .14.6 172 EOU PMENT- nsta Equipment at Site (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 161 Project Manager (PM) 60 Days 12/27/22 3/22/23 173 EOU PMENT- nsta Equipment at Site (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 162 Project Manager (PM) 65 Days 12/27/22 3/29/23 174 EOU PMENT- nsta Equipment at Site (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) Project Manager (PM) 120 Days 12/27/22 6/15/23 175 EOU PMENT- nsta Equipment at Site (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) Project Manager (PM) 110 Days 12/27/22 611/23 176 EOU PMENT- nsta Equipment at Site (C a am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) Project Manager (PM) 105 Days 12/27/22 5/25/23 37 Days 10 /11/22 12/2/22 1.12.3 EOU PMENT-Schedu e Equipment nsta ation date/time (Ca am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) -----,----------- EOU PMENT: nsta and Configure Equipment at Site ____ 177 I ._ r,;- F I 164 l:_ I Securus Debit 178 Debit-' ..Set the predecessor of this task to Extema Kickoff... 20 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/11/22 10/11/22 179 Debit-Request appropriate credentia s to access the data feed 178 ntegration Specie ist ( NS) 3 Days 10/12 /22 10/14/22 180 Debit-Coordinate data with vendors 179 ntegration Specie ist ( NS) 10 Days 10/17/22 10/28/22 181 Debit-Request Great P ai ns vendor D 179 ntegration Coordinator (C) 3 Days 10/17/22 10/19/22 182 Debit- NS Customization review 180 ntegrations Va idator 3 Days 10/31/22 11/ 2/22 183 Debit-Provision Debit configurations: Account Prefix and SPP 182 ntegration Specie ist ( NS) 10 Days 11/3/22 11/16 /22 184 Debit-Submit Customer Training Request 182 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/3/22 11/3/22 185 Debit-Order Marketing Materia s (15 d ays prior to go ive) Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/3/22 11/3/22 186 Debit-Order Western Union refund information cards (on y if Agency has se ected refunds via Western Union) Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/3/22 11/3 /22 r--------- P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront 000166 Page 8 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Sep 2 2 •«1 Page 59 of 280 49 pm EDl WA DOC JPay t o Unity Migratio n Phase II - Exp o rted Tasks (cont'd) Assigned Pio our Planned Start Date Planned Completion Date ntegration Specia ist ( NS) 1 Day 11/17/ 22 11/17/22 ntegrations Va idator 3 Days 11/18/22 11/ 22/ 22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/18/ 22 11/18/ 22 189 ntegration Specia ist ( NS) 5Days 11/21/ 22 11/29/22 189 Project Manager (PM) 5Days 11/ 21/ 22 11/ 29/ 22 3 Days 11/30122 12/ 2/ 22 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/ 30/22 12/ 2/ 22 190 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/30122 12/ 2/22 Debit - Go-live (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 190 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/ 30/ 22 12/ 2/ 22 196 Debit - Go-Live (Cedar Creek Corrections Cent er (CCCC) 190 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/30/ 22 12/ 2/22 197 Debit - Go-Live (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 190 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/ 30/22 12/ 2/ 22 198 Debit - Go-Live (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 190 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/30122 12/ 2/22 199 Debit• Go-live (0 ympic Corrections Cent er (OCC) 190 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/ 30/ 22 12/ 2/ 22 200 Debit• Go-Live (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 190 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/30/ 22 12/ 2/22 201 Debit - Go-Live (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 190 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/ 30/22 12/ 2/ 22 202 Debit- Go-Live (Washington St ate Penitentiary (WSP) 190 Project Manager (PM) r-- 3 Days 11/30122 12/ 2/22 203 Debit - Go-live (Monroe Corrections Comp ex (MCC) 190 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/ 30/22 12/ 2/ 22 204 Debit - Go-Live (Ca am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) 190 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/30/22 12/ 2/22 1.12.4 205 291 Days 9/ 26/ 22 11/16/23 206 TS-New - ...Set the predecessor o f this task to Ext erna Kickoff'"' 20 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/11/ 22 10/11/ 22 207 TS-New - Submit Customer Training request "NextGen SCP- Go ive training new customers• 206 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/12/22 10/12/22 208 TS-New - Request appropriate credentia s to access tile data feed 207 ntegration Specia ist ( NS) 3 Days 10/13/22 10/17/ 22 209 TS-New - After you submit first SO, submit Custo mer Training request "NextGen SCP - Pre Go Live" 207 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/13122 10/13/ 22 210 207fs+5d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/ 20/ 22 10/ 20/ 22 211 TS-New - Create the Faci ity and Sites in SPP 210 mp ementat,on Spec,a 1st (S) 3 Days 10/ 21/22 10/ 25/ 22 212 TS-New - Provision and Configure items from the TS Cutsheet 211 mp ementation Specia ist (S) 2 Days 10/ 26/22 10/ 27/22 WBS Task Num ber Predecessor s 187 Debit-Verify vendor's permanent D mat ches Securus• customer acct for funding 188 Debit- NS Configuration Review 189 Debit-Obtain Dia ing nstructions document from C, send to Agency 190 Debit- ntegration Status Check i st 191 Debit-Obt ain incarcerated roster with ist of P Ns 192 Securus Debit Go-Live 193 Debit - Go-Live (Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCWJ 190 194 Debit- Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW) 195 Name 7 r - - TS - New - NextGen SCP TS-New - Have Feature Review Ca with Sheet) s to discuss Agency's desired SCP corrfigurations ( TS cut P-25419 Q Adobe Workfront ~ 000167 Pane • K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan ::.eD LI ] ,.,1 Page 60 of 280 49 pm EDl WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Pin our Planned Start Date Planned Completion Date TS-New - Coordinate data feed with vendor 10 Days 10/18/ 22 10/31/22 214 TS-New - Request Great P ains vendor D (if Agency wi have Securus Debit) 3 Days 10/18/ 22 10/ 20/22 215 TS-New - Request SCP ca Prompts Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 10/ 21/22 10/ 25/ 22 216 TS-New - Get Do Not Record (DNR) isl from Agency Project Manager (PM) 5Days 10/ 26/22 1111/22 217 TS-New - Obtain ist of personne from Agency who wi need SCP ogons Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/2/22 11/3/ 22 218 TS-New - Create User ogons mp ementation Specie isl 3 Days 11/ 4/22 1118/ 22 Tasl( WBS Number 213 Predecessor s Name Assigned (S) 219 220 --- TS-New - Notify Agency to ook out f or Logon emai (NG SCP) Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/ 9/22 11/9/ 22 TS-New - Confirm Agency has attended the Administrator train ing Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/ 9/22 11/9/ 22 221 TS-New - Revfew customization work ntegrations Va idator 3 Days 11/1/22 11/3/ 22 222 TS-New - Provfsion configurations and DNR ist 221 ntegration Specie isl ( NS) 10 Days 11/4/22 11/17/22 223 TS-New - Revfew configuration work 222 ntegrations Va idator 3 Days 11/18/22 11/22/ 22 224 TS-New - Verify Account/P N format mat ches customer expectations 223 ntegration Coordinator 1 Day 11/23/22 11/23/22 --- (C) 225 TS-New - Va idate Do Not Record ist (Data Va idation - DNR Form) 222 mp ementation Specie isl (S) 1 Day 11/18/22 11118/22 226 TS-New - Sign Data Va idalion - DNR Form and attach to project ( NT) 223 ntegration Specie isl ( NS) 1 Day 11/23/ 22 11/23/22 227 TS-New - Sign Dat a Va ldation - DNR Form and attach to project ( S) 226 mp ementation Specie isl 1 Day 11/ 28/ 22 11/ 28/ 22 (S) 228 229 227 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/ 29/ 22 11/ 29/22 TS-New - Obtain die ing instructions from C, emai them to facr ily POC ~ Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/30/22 11/30/ 22 230 TS-New - ntegrations Status Check ist is compete I ntegration Specie ist ( NS) 5 Days 12/1/22 12/7/ 22 231 TS-New - Compete Hardware nsta ation ·" Set Predecessor to - EOU PMENT Schedu e Equipment nsta ation date/time•.. mp ementation Specie isl 10 Days 12/ 27/ 22 1/11/ 23 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 1/11/23 1/12/ 23 232 mp ementation Specie isl (S) 2 Days 1112/23 1/16/ 23 232 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 1/12/23 1/13123 153 Days 3/29/ 23 11/ 2/ 23 1 Day 4/19/23 4/ 20/23 1 Day 4/5/ 23 4/ 6/ 23 _,_ TS-New - Sign Dat a Va ldation - DNR Form and attach to project (PM) 155 (S) ~ 232 TS-New - Verify Go Live Check ist is comp ete 233 TS-New - Set fag to active with accurate start dat e 234 TS-New - Order Marketing Materia s 235 TS• Pre-Go Live Testing 236 TS• Pre Go-Live Testing (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 237 TS - Pre Go-Live Testing (Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) 248fs-10d P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront 229 P;ige Project Manager (PM) 000168 1(1 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan ,;;;p ~, 2 «1 Page 61 of 280 49 pm EDl WA DOC JPay t o Unity Migratio n Phase II - Exp o rted Tasks (cont'd) Predecessor s Assigned Pin our Planned Start Date Planned Completion Onie TS - Pre Go-Live Testing (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 249fs-10d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 3/29/ 23 3/ 30/ 23 239 TS - Pre Go-Live Testing (Stafford Creek Corrections Cerrter (SCCC) 250fs-10d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/ 24/ 23 5/25/23 240 TS - Pre Go-Live Testing (0 ympic Corrections.Center (OCC) 251fs-10d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/3/ 23 5/ 4/23 241 TS - Pre Go-Live Testing (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 252fs-10d Project Manager {PM) 1 Day 6/ 27/23 6/ 28/23 242 TS - Pre Go-Live Testing (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 253fs-10d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/12/23 7/13/ 23 243 TS - Pre Go-Live Testing (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) 254fs-10d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/ 4/23 10/5/23 244 TS - Pre Go-Live Testing (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 255f s-10d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/ 27/23 9/ 28/23 245 TS - Pre Go-Live Testing (C a om Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) 256fs-10d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/1/23 11/2/ 23 246 153 Days 4/11/23 11/15/23 247 TS-New - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 232fs+78d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/ 2/23 5/ 3/ 23 248 TS-New - Go-Live (Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) 232fs+68d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 4/18/23 4/19/23 249 TS-New - Go-Live (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 232fs+63d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 4/11/ 23 4/12/ 23 250 TS-New - Go-Live (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 232fs+102d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 6/ 23 6n/23 251 TS-New - Go-Live (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 232fs+88d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/16/ 23 5/17/ 23 252 TS-New - Go-Live (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 232fs+126d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/11/23 7/12/23 253 TS-New - Go-Live (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 232f s+136d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/ 25/23 7/ 26/ 23 254 TS-New - Go-Live (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) 232fs+195d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/17/ 23 10/18/ 23 255 TS-New - Go-Live (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 232fs+190d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/10/ 23 10/11/23 256 TS-New - Go-Live (C a am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) 232fs+215d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/14/ 23 11/15/23 257 268 Days 10/ 26122 11/15/23 258 2 Days 10/ 26122 10/27/22 153 Days 4/11/ 23 11/15/23 Tasl( WBS Number 238 Name TS-New - Go-Live --.- r AdvanceConnect Sing e Ca ACsing eca -Provision AdvanceConnect Sing e ca 211 mp ementation Specia isl (5) -----AdvanceConnect Sing e Ca - Go-Live 259 260 AdvanceConnect Sing e Ca - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 247fs-1d, 258 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/ 2/23 5/3/ 23 261 AdvanceConnect Sing e Ca - Go-Live (Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) 248fs-1d, 258 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 4/18/23 4/19/ 23 262 AdvanceConnect Sing e Ca - Go-Live (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 249ts-1d, 258 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 4/11/ 23 4/12/ 23 P-25419 Q Adobe Workfront r 000169 Pag" 11 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Sep 2 2 •«1 ,. 49 pm EDl Page 62 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Assigned Pio Dur Planned Start Date Planned Completion Date 250fs-1d, 258 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 6/23 6n/23 AdvanceConnect Sing e Ca - Go-Live (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 251fs-1d, 258 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/16/ 23 5/17/23 265 AdvanceConnect Sing e Ca - Go-Live (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 252fs-1d, 258 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/1V23 7/12/23 266 AdvanceConnect Sing e Ca - Go-Live (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 253fs-1d, 258 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/25/23 7/26/ 23 267 AdvanceConnect Sing e Ca - Go-Live (Washington Stat e Penitentiary (WSP) 254fs-1d, 258 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/17/ 23 10/18/ 23 268 AdvanceConnect Sing e Ca - Go-Live (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 255fs-1d , 258 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/10/23 10/11/ 23 0 269 AdvanceConnect Sing e Ca - Go-Live (Ca am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) 256fs-1d , 258 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/14/ 23 11/15/23 270 278 Days 10/12122 11/15/23 271 COBP-Obtain Agreement from Lega 3 Days 10/12/ 22 10/14/22 272 COBP- ntegrate COBP into Commissary VR/Ordering system ntegration Coordinator (C) 30 Days 10/17/ 22 11/ 29/ 22 273 COBP-Provide Dia ing nstructions ntegration Coordinator (C) 3 Days 11/30122 12/ 2/22 274 COBP-Send Dia mg instructions to the Agency Project Manager (PM) r-- 1 Day 12/ 5/ 22 12/5/22 275 COBP-Ensure a items on check ist are compete Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/6/22 12/ 6/22 276 Commissary Order by Phone - Go-Live 153 Days 4/11/23 11/15/23 277 Commissary Order by Phone - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Cent er (WCCM) 247fs-1d , 274 I,.,,~ "'"'"' .., 1 Day 5/ 2/23 5/3/ 23 278 Commissary Order by Phone - Go-Live (Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) 248fs-1d, 274 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 4/18/23 4/19/ 23 279 Commissary Order by Phone - Go-Live (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) -1d, Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 4/11/23 4/12/ 23 1 Day 6/6/23 6n/23 Task Predecessor s WBS Number 263 AdvanceConnect Sing e Ca - Go-Live (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 264 Name ... Com missary Order by Phone (COBP) I,.,,~ "'"''~ l™l 206 F I 272 ~ 4 f ~ 4 280 Commissary Order by Phone - Go-Live (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 281 Commissary Order by Phone - Go-Live (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 251fs-1d , 274 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/16/ 23 5/17/ 23 282 Commissary Order by Phone - Go-Live (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 252fs-1d, 274 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/11123 7/12/23 283 Commissary Order by Phone - Go-Live (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 253fs-1d, 274 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/ 25/23 7/ 26/23 P-25419 Q Adobe Workfront "'"·~-~ 274 ,~ "'"'"' l™i 000170 Page " K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Sep2 ] «1 Page 63 of 280 49 pm EDl WA DOC JPay t o Unity Migratio n Phase II - Exp o rted Tasks (cont'd) WBS Tasl( Number 284 Name Com missary Order by Phone - Go-Live (Washington stat e Penitentiary (WSP) 285 Com missary Order by Phone - Go-Live (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 0 286 Commissary Order by Phone - Go-Live (Ca am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) 287 288 CER--Get names/emai s of Agency personne who wi need ogons 289 CER-Provision CER and create user ogons Predecessor s Assigned Pio our Planned Sf4rt Date Planned Completion Date 254fs-1d, Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/17/ 23 10/18/ 23 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/10/ 23 10/11/ 23 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/14/ 23 11/15/23 278 Days 10/12/22 11/15/23 Project Manager (PM) 10 Days 10/12/22 10/ 25/ 22 mp ementation Specie ist 2Days 10/26/22 10/ 27/22 I 214 __, _ 255fs-1d , Ir214 l 256f s-1d , 274 CER (S) 290 CER-Submit Customer Training request (you can inc ude it with SCP training request) Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/28/22 10/ 28/ 22 291 CER-Ensure a items on check ist are compete Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/ 31/22 10/ 31/ 22 292 CER - Go-Live 153 Days 4/11/23 11/15/23 293 CER - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 247fs-1d, 289 MM09<' ""' 1 Day 5/ 2/23 5/3/23 294 CER - Go-Live (Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) 248fs-1d, 289 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 4/18/23 4/19/ 23 295 CER - Go-Live (Larch Corrections Cent er {LCC) 249fs-1d, 289 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 4/11/23 4/12/ 23 296 CER - Go-Live (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 250fs-1d, 289 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 6/ 23 617/23 297 CER- Go-Live (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 251fs-1d, 289 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/16/23 5/17/ 23 298 CER - Go-Live (Airway Heigh1s Corrections Center (AHCC) 252f s-1d, 289 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/11/23 7/12/ 23 299 CER - Go-Live (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 253fs-1d, 289 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/ 25/23 7/ 26/23 300 CER - Go-Uve (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP} 254fs-1d, 289 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/17/ 23 10/18/ 23 301 CER - Go-Uve (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 255f s-1d, 289 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/10/ 23 10/11/ 23 0 302 CER - Go-Live (Ca am Bay Corrections Cent er (CBCC) 256f s-1d, 289 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/14/ 23 11/15/23 303 278 Days 10/12/22 11/15/23 304 2 Days 10/12/22 10/13/22 I ~,,., --.- I PRO PRO-Submit PRO Licensing Request 206 P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront Project Manager (PM) 000171 Page K 11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Sep ,_7 1 «1 49 pm EOl Page 64 of 280 WA DOC JPay t o Unity Migratio n Phase II - Exp o rted Tasks (cont'd) Predecessor s WBS Tasl( Number 305 PRO-Notify J LG which enro merrt option Agency se ected 306 PRO-Determine if SCP Data C eanup is needed 5.4 307 PRO-Communicate with vendor (if SCP Data C eanup is needed) Name I 304 ~ 6 Assigned Pin our Planned Stert Dete Planned Completion Date Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/14/22 10/14/ 22 ntegration Specia ist ( NS) 1 Day 10/17/ 22 10/17/ 22 ntegration Coordinator 10 Days 10/18/ 22 10/31/22 {C) 308 PRO-Order Marketing mat eria s and Language Scripts 305 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/17/ 22 10/17/22 5.6 309 PRO-Obtain a current ist of ACT VE incarcerated in<liviaua s with housing unit 308 Project Manager (PM) 5 Days 10/18/ 22 10/ 24/ 22 310 PRO-Obtain a ist of Agency users 309ss Project Manager (PM) 5 Days 10/18/ 22 10/ 24/ 22 311 PRO-Schedu e Enro ment Event date (SupeNised or Mixed) 309 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/25/22 10/ 25/ 22 312 PRO-Confirm with JLG that icense is ln pace at the appropriate data center 311fs+5d mp ementation Specia ist (S) 2 Days 11/ 2/22 11/3122 5.10 313 PRO-Assign SCP permissions/category for PRO users (if needed) 312 mp ementation Specia ist (S) 2 Days 11/4/22 1117/22 5.11 314 PRO-Provision and Configure PRO 313 mp ementation Specia ist ( S) 2 Days 11/ 8/22 11/9/ 22 315 PRO-Provisfon and Configure enro ment phone(s) (if needed) 314ss mp ementation Specia ist (S) 2 Days 11/ 8/22 11/9/ 22 5.13 316 PRO-Check popu ation data is correct (15 days before go ive) 1 314 ntegration Specia ist ( NS) 5Days 11/10/ 22 11/16/22 317 PRO- ntegration Status Check is! r ntegration Coord inator 1 Day 11/1/22 11/1/ 22 {C) Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/17/ 22 11/17/2 2 318 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/18/22 11/18/ 22 307 318 PRO-Send go ive dat e to JLG for them lo comp ete the sync (M N MUM 1 week before going ive) 5.16 319 PRO'Verify Go Live Check ist is com p ete 320 PRO-Schedu e a needed parties for enro menl event 318 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/18/22 11/18/22 321 PRO-Submit Cus1omer Training request ( PRO is trained 30 days after aunch) 320 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/ 21/22 1112 1/22 5.19 322 PRO-Enro ment event (Supervised or Mixed on y) 318 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/18/22 11/18/22 Project Manager (PM) 153 Days 4/11123 11/15/23 316 .-- ...-- ,PRO Go-Live 323 1 324 PRO Go-Live (Washing1on Corrections Center (WCCM) 247fs-1d, 306, 322. Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/ 2/23 5/ 3/ 23 2 325 PRO Go-Live (Cedar Creek Corrections Cent er (CCCC) 248fs-1d, 306, 322 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 4/18/ 23 4/19/ 23 3 326 PRO Go-Uve (Larct1 Corrections Center (LCC) 249f s-1d, 306, 322 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 4/11/ 23 4/12/ 23 4 327 PRO Go-Live (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (sccq 250fs-1d, 306, 322 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 6/23 6n/23 ---- P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront 000172 Page ,4 K 11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan >81l £1 1 •«1 ,.49 pm EDl Page 65 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) WBS Task Number Name PRO Go-Live (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) Predecessor s Assigned Pio Dur Planned Start Date Planned Completion Date 251fs-1d , Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/16/ 23 5/17/ 23 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/11/23 7/12/ 23 --------Project Manager (PM) 1 Dey 7/ 25/23 7/ 26/ 23 1 Day 10/17/ 23 10/18/ 23 1 Day 10/10/23 10/11/ 23 1 Day 11/14/ 23 11/15/23 278 Days 10/12/ 22 11/15/23 Project Manager (PM) 10 Days 10/12/22 10/ 25/ 22 mp ementation Specie isl 2 Days 10/26/22 10/ 27/22 153 Days 4/11/23 11/15/23 Project Manager (PM) 1 Dey 5/ 2/ 23 5/ 3/ 23 ject Manager (PM) 1 Dey 4/18/23 4/19/23 249fs-1d.- 336 Project Manager (PM) 1 Dey 4/11/23 4/12/ 23 fs-1d, Project Manager (PM) 1 Dey 6/ 6/ 23 6/7/23 Project Manager (PM) 1 Dey 5/16/ 23 5/17/ 23 5 328 6 329 PRO Go-Live (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 252fs-1d, 306,322 7 330 PRO Go-Live (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 253f s-1d, 306, 322 8 331 PRO Go-Live (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) 254fs-1d, 306, 322 Project Manager (PM) 9 332 PRO Go-Live (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 255f s-1d. Project Manager (PM) 10 333 334 335 OVM-Confirm Agency understands products and wants product quantity defeu ts 206 336 OVM-Provision OU1bound Voicemei 335 306,322~ --.- 306,322t : PRO Go-Live (Ca am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) 256fs-1d, 306, 322 Project Manager (PM) I Outbound Voicemei (OVM) ( Sl 337 Outbound Voicemei - Go-Live 338 Outbound Voicemei - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 339 Outbound Voicemei - Go-Live (Ceder Creek Corrections Certter (CCCC) 340 Outbound Voicemei - Go-Live (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 341 Outbound Voicemei - Go-Live (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 342 Outbound Voicemei - Go-Live (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 343 Outbound Voicemei - Go-Live (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) r 252fs-1d.- - ~ 336 ject Manager (PM) 1 Dey 7/11/23 7n2/ 23 344 Outbound Voicemei - Go-Live (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) f 253fs-1d.- - ~ 336 ject Manager (PM) 1 Dey 7/ 25/23 7/ 26/ 23 345 Outbound Voicemei - Go-Live (Washington Stale Penitentiary (WSP) Project Manager (PM) 1 Dey 10/17/ 23 10/18/23 ;;~f s-1d,_ _ ,_::ject Manager (PM) 1 Dey 10/10/ 23 10/11/ 23 256fs-1d , 336 1 Dey 11/14/ 23 11/15/23 f 247fs-1d, 336 f f 251fs-1d, 336 ....... 346 Outbound Voicemei - Go-Live (Monroe Corrections Comp ex (MCC) 0 347 Outbound Voicemei - Go-Live (Ca am Bey Corrections Center (CBCC) P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront ~ 248fs-1d,- - ~ 336 I r 000173 Page " K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Project Manager (PM) L, ] Sep •«1 Page 66 of 280 ~ 49 pm EDl WA DOC JPay t o Unity Migratio n Phase II - Exp o rted Tasks (cont'd) WBS Tasl( Number Predecessor s 348 349 THREADS-Obtain ist of users at Agency who w i need THREADS access 350 THREADS-Add THREADS to SCP d ropdown in SCN Name Planned Start Date Planned Completion Date 279 Days 10/12/22 1V16/23 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 10/12/22 10/13/ 22 mp ementation Specie isl 1 Day 10/14/22 10/14/ 22 mp ementation Specie isl (S) 2 Days 10/17/ 22 10/18/ 22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/19/ 22 10/19/ 22 153 Days 4/12/23 11/16/23 Assigned THREADS 206 ______________ (S) 351 352 THREADS-Submit Customer Training request (trained 30 d ays after going ive) 353 THREADS - Go-Live 354 THREADS - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 247, 352 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/3/ 23 5/ 4/23 355 THREADS - Go-Live (Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) 248, 352 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 4/19/ 23 4/ 20/2 3 356 THREADS - Go-Live (larch Corrections Center (LCC) 249, 352 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 4/12/23 4/13/23 357 THREADS - Go-Live (St afford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 250 , 352 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 358 THREADS - Go-Live (0 ympic Correctfons Center (OCC) 2 51, 352 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/17/ 23 5/18/23 359 THREADS - Go-Live (Airway Hefghts Corrections Center (AHCC) 252, 35 2 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/12/ 23 7/13/ 23 360 THREADS - Go-Live (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 253, 352 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/ 26/23 7/ 27/2 3 361 THREADS - Go-Live (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) 254, 352 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/18/ 23 10/19/ 23 25 5,352 Project Manager (PM) --,- 1 Day 10/11/ 23 10/12/ 23 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/15/ 23 11/16/23 291 Days 9/ 26/ 22 11/16/23 Project Manager (PM) 5 Days 9/ 26/ 22 9/ 30/2 2 mp ementation Specie ist 2 Days 10/3/22 10/ 4/2 2 153 Days 4/12/23 11/16/23 _.. THREADS-Create user ogons F F __r~ Pio our 6/8/23 ,- 362 THREADS - Go-Live (Monroe Correctiona Comp eK (MCC} 0 363 THREADS - Go-Live (Ca am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) 364 365 EmerCa -Oet Agency information 366 ErnerCa -Provision Emergency Ca /Visit r 256 . 3 52 Emergency Ca /Visit 365 (S) 367 368 Emergency Ca /Visit on SVC - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 247, 366 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/3/ 23 5/ 4/23 369 Emergency Ca /Visit on SVC - Go-Live (Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) 248, 366 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 4/19/ 23 4/ 20/ 23 370 Emergency Ca /Visit on SVC - Go-Live (Lorch Corrections Center (LCC) 249, 366 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 4/12/23 4/13/ 23 371 Emergency Ca /Vis it on SVC - Go-Live (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 250, 366 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 372 Emergency Ca /Visit on SVC - Go-Live (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 251, 366 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day Emergency Ca N i sit - Go-Live P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront 6/ 8/23 5/17/ 23 5/18/23 000174 P:ige , K1 1720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Sep"' 1 «1-.49 pm EDl Page 67 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Predecessor s Assigned Pin our Planned Start Date Plenned Completion Dete Emergency Ca /Visit on SVC - Go-Live (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 252.366 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/12 /23 7/13/ 23 374 Emergency Ca /Visit on SVC - Go-Live (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 253,366 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/ 26/ 23 7/ 27/ 23 375 Emergency Ca /Visit on SVC - Go-Live (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) 254, 366 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/18/ 23 10/19/ 23 376 Emergency Ca /Visit on SVC - Go-Live (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 255. 366 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/11/23 10/12/23 0 377 Emergency Ca /Visit on SVC - Go-Live (Ca am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) 256. 366 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/15/23 11/16/23 1.12.5 378 325.25 Days 9/ 26/ 22 1/10/ 24 379 380 381 382 Tesl( WBS Number 373 Neme TABLfTS-J-to-U - nsta --------- TABLETS-J-to-U -Obtain ist of JPay apps being used, identify gaps between those and Unity apps 472 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 10/12/22 10/14/22 TABLETS-J-to-U -Schedu e Meeting With GAMES Product Manager & Deve opment To Determine What Wi & Wi Not Transfer To Unity. 379 Project Manager (PM) 2Days 10/17/ 22 10/18/22 TABLETS-J-to-U -Schedu e Meeting With MOVES/TV SHOW Product Manager to discuss what won't transfer 379 Project Manager (PM) 2Days 10/17/ 22 10/18/ 22 F Project Manager (PM) 2Days 10/17/ 22 10/18/ 22 TABLETS-J-to-U -Schedu e Meeting With MUS C Product Manager & Deve opment To Determine What Wi & Wi Not Transfer To Unity ,--- 383 TABLETS-J-to-U -PM hosts Education T earn meeting to deve op student data migration p an (if needed} 379 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 10/17/ 22 10/18/ 22 384 TABLETS-J-to-U -Host Consumer Migration meeting w/So utions Architect (Account Manager, Mike Sherwood, Stacey Guidry, Kathryn Go dstein, Sean North) 379 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/17/22 10/17/22 385 TABLETS-J-to-U -Consumer Migration preparation activities comp eted (so F&F can ink JPay & Securus Debit Accounts) (Account Manager, Mike Sherwood, Stacey Guidry, Kathryn Go dstein, Sean North) 384 ntegration Coordinator (C) 30 Days 10/18/ 22 11/30/ 22 386 TABLfTS-J-to-U -PM Confirms ntegrations has imp emented Consumer Migration pan 385 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/1/22 12/1/22 387 TABLETS-J-to-U -Host Securus Debit Conversion meeting w/Sr. Manager Enterprise ntegration (Bob Myers-Morgan) to design and communicate Securus Debit conversion 379 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/17/ 22 10/17/22 388 TABLETS-J-to-U -Confirm comp etion of preparation for future Securus Debit conversion Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/18/ 22 10/18/22 389 TABLETS-J-to-U -Sa es provides accessories pan to PM (Earbuds, Chargers, Etc.) 9 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/17/ 22 10/17/ 22 390 TABLfTS-J-to-U - Submit Customer Training Request- Po icy Prep Training. 379 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/17/ 22 10/17/ 22 391 TABLfTS-J-to-u - Create the Faci ity and Sites in SPP (if needed) 472fs+10d mp ementation Specia isl (S) 2 Days 10/ 26/ 22 10/ 27/22 392 TABLfTS-J-to-U - Create Tab etPhone Group, Enab e P NS/PANS in SPP (if necessary) 391SS mp ementation Specia isl (S) 2 Days 10/ 26/ 22 10/ 27/22 393 TABLfTS-J-to-U - (Alter first SO is submitted) Submit Go Live training request 390fs+10d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/1/22 11/1/22 394 TABLETS-J-to-U - Schedu e Fie d and S to lnsta and configure servers 391fs+10d Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/11/ 22 11/14/22 395 TABLfTS-J-t o-U - (Securus Debit) Request appropriate credentia s to access the data feed 472fs+2d ntegration Coordinator 3 Days 10/14/22 10/18/ 22 ----- f ~ f (C) 0 Adobe Workfront P-25419 000175 Page 17 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Sep 2i 2021 4:49 pm EDl Page 68 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) WBs Tasl( Number 1.12.5 .18 396 Predecessor s Name TABLETS-J -to-U - (Securus Debit) Request Great P ains vendor D 395 Assigned ntegration Coordinator Pin Du r Planned Start Date Planned Completion Dnte 3 Days 10/19/ 22 10/ 2V22 10 Days 10/19/ 22 11/1/22 1 Day 11/ 2/22 11/2/ 22 ( C) 1.12.5 .19 TABlfTS-J-to-U - Communicate with vendor for data feed 397 395 ntegration Coordinator ( C) TABLETS-J -to-U - Check P N accounts and forma1s match across p atforms 398 397 ntegration Coordinator ( C) 399 TABLETS-J-to-U - Obtain confirmation Po icy Prep Training was competed 390fs+10d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/1/22 11/1/ 22 400 TABLETS-J -to-U -...,.ABLETS-Configure Network Equipment (set predecessor to EOU PM ENT- ns1a Equipment at Site)•.. 166 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/15/ 23 6/16/ 23 401 TABLETS-J-to-U -Confirm onsite network equipment has be en insta ed 400 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/16/ 23 6/19/ 23 402 TABLETS-J -to-U - Configure network component s & verify network connectivity. Send network P info to ROC via ticket AssJgnmenl NOTE' When adding J P6s to a site, ENABLE 5Ghz wire ess channe . 401 Sr. nsta ation Support Tech (Sr. S) 5Days 6/19/ 23 6/ 26/23 TABLETS-J -to-U - Verify ROC moved equipment behind firewa and network configurations are correct 402 2 Days 6/ 26/ 23 6/ 28/23 TABLETS-J-to-u - Down oad fresh mporter Sheet from PROTOSS 393 ntegration Specie ist ( NS) 1 Day 11/ 2/22 11/ 2/ 22 ntegration Specie ist ( NS) 1 Day 11/3/ 22 11/3/ 22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/4/22 11/ 4/ 22 ntegration Specie ist ( NS) 15 Days 11/7/22 11/ 29/ 22 6 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/7122 11/7/22 407 ntegrations Va idator 3 Days 11/30/ 22 12/ 2/ 22 393 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/ 2/22 11/ 2/ 22 Project Manager (PM) 15 Days 11/ 3/ 22 11/ 23/ 22 4Days 10/17/ 22 10/ 20/ 22 --- 403 404 405 406 TABLETS-J -to-U - Conduct Tab et Cutsheet and mporter Sheet ca with Agency 407 TABLETS-J-to-U - Confirm a information for mporter Sheet and up oad to PROTOSS 408 TABLETS-J-to-u - Fina ize Tab et Cutsheet. attach to project 409 TABLETS-J-to-U - Review configuration 410 TABLETS-J-t o-U -PM provides information to agency: what needs to be posted on their pub ic website for f&f. (Ex. funding ncarcerated Accounts or Sending eMessages). 411 TABLETS-J-to-U -PM confjrms inf ormation on the agency pub Jc website is updated Accounts or Sending eMessages). 412 TABLETS-J-to-U -Deve op Pan and receive approve t o i ssue any media credits needed 413 TABLETS-J-to-U -Deve op p an for SUBSCR PT ONS credits if needed 379 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 10/17/ 22 10/18/ 22 414 TABLETS-J-to-U -Deve opp an for GAMES credits if needed 380 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 10/19/ 22 10/ 20/ 22 415 TABLETS-J-to-U -Deve op p an for MOV E/TV show credits if needed 381 Project Manager {PM) 2 Days 10/19/ 22 10/ 20/ 22 416 TABLETS-J-to-U -Deve op p an for MUS C credits if needed 382 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 10/19/ 22 10/ 20 /22 417 TABLETS-J-to-U - PM Confirms SCP/ JPay to Securus Debit M igration s Compet ed (Must Occur At The End Of A Month) 388 Project Manager (PM) 30 Days 10/19/ 22 12/1/ 22 418 TABLETS-J-to-U - PM verifies Lantern student dat a migration p an is estab ished and education te: : - - r 383 i s prepared for Unity conversion Project Manager (PM) 30 Days 10/19/ 22 12/1/ 22 419 TABLETS-J-to-U - Activate and fund test accounts (48 hours ead time before testing) ntegration Specie isl ( NS) 5Days 12/ 5/22 12/ 9/22 --- TABLETS-J-to-U - Get P info from SE's Network Data Sheet to add t o mporter Sheet 5 I P-25419 Q Adobe Workfront ~ ~ I I 410 Sr. nsta ation Support Tech{Sr. S) I 409 000176 f:'agel8 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Sep 27 2021 :49 pm EDl Page 69 of 280 WA DOC JPayto Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) was Tesl( Number 420 421 Neme --.......__ TABLETS-J -to-U - Create APP Provisioning ticket assignment to T Operations- Support TABLETS-J -to-U - Creat e a Tab et s-0n y SO for Warehouse, (if needed) add accessories (earbud and chargers) order to the ticket I r Predecessor s Assigned Pin our P111nned Start Date Plenned Completion Dete 407 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11/ 30/22 12/ 2/ 22 420 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/ 5/22 12/ 5/ 22 422 TABLETS-J-to-U - Receive confirmation Ilia ticket that Warehouse f ashed incarcerated and officer tab ets and shipped to site 420 Project Manager (PM) 5Days 12/ 5/ 22 12/ 9/22 423 TABLETS-J-to-U - Obtain ist of any addition a Agency users who need SCP ogons to lliew t ab et transactions 420 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 12/ 5/ 22 12/ 6/22 424 TABLETS-J-to-U - Create additiona SCP user Logons (avoid Fridays if possib e) 423 mp ementation Specie isl ( S) 2 Days 1217/22 12/8/22 424 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/ 9/ 22 12/ 9/22 402 m p ementation Specie ist ( S) 2 Days 6/ 26/ 23 6/ 28/23 mf ementation Specie ist (S 2 Days 12/5/ 22 12/ 6/ 22 ,- 425 TABLETS-J-to-U - Notify Agency to ook for ogon activation emai s 426 TABLETS-J-to-U - in SPP add URL(s), Forms/Documents (PDFs) 427 ... I TABLETS-J -to-U - n PROTOSS, 11a idate site configs are correct, confirm Private/Pubic Ps are entered, Load/enab e acceptance f orms F 428 TABLETS-J -to-U - Submit assignment to request testing resource from T Operations - Tab els (5 days ead lime) 421 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 12/6/ 22 1217/22 429 TABLETS-J-to-U - Confirm tab et accessories (earbuds, chargers, elc) have been shipped to site and site is ready to distribut e them 428 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/ 8/ 22 12/8/22 430 TABLETS-J-to-U -Load agency PDFS to viewer app. ( f PDFs are active on JPay. transfer them over) 426 m p ementation Specie ist ( S) 2 Days 6/ 28/ 23 6/30/23 431 TABLETS-J-to-U -Confirm SLP s Fu y Ready. FortiGate & SLP Are nsta ed, Provi sioning By ROC & Tab et Team s Compete. ROC Has Paced SLP Behind Firewa . Tab el s Are Onsite & Charged. Network Update Po icy For Tab ets To VPN, nmate Debit Active 428 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/ 8/ 22 12/8/22 432 TABLETS-J-to-U -Suspend Media Services as needed (Chris Doug as) 36.25 Days 9/ 26/22 11/15/22 433 TABLETS-J-to-U -Ensure agency has communicated media suspension pans to incarcerated indillidua s Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/ 26/22 9/ 26/22 434 TABLETS-J-to-U -30 Days Before aunch, Suspend Subscriptions (examp e: Newsstand) To Prevent New Subscriptions 609f s-30 d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/14/ 22 11/15/22 435 TABLETS-J-to-U -30 days before aunch, disab e purchasing of JPay GAMES that won't transfer 609f s-30d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/14/ 22 11/15/22 436 TABLETS-J-to-U -30 days before aunch, disab e purchasing JPay MOY ES and TV SHOWS that won't transfer 609f s-30d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/14/ 22 11/15/22 437 TABLETS-J -to-U -30 days before aunch, disab e purchasing new JPay MUS C if needed 609fs-30d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/14/ 22 11/15/22 438 TABLETS-J-to-U -Schedu e onsite network pre go i11e testing and heatmapping to confirm infrastructure is ready. 428 Fie d Service Manager (FSM) 1 Day 12/ 8/ 22 12/8/22 439 TABLETS-J-to-U -Conduct on site network pre go i11e testing and heatmapping to confirm infrastructure is ready. 438 Fie d Service Manager (FSM) 1 Day 12/ 9/ 22 12/ 9/22 440 TABLETS-J-to-U -Schedu e tab et app testing session 431 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 12/ 9/ 22 12/12/ 22 P-25419 Q Adobe Workfront 000177 Page19 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Seo 27 2021 4:49 pm EOl Page 70 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Assigned Pin Dur Plenned Start Date Plenned Completion Dete 419. 440 m p ementation Specia isl ( S) 5Days 12/13/22 12/19/ 22 TABLETS-J-to-u - Suspend Test Account s in SCP after t esting is compete 441 mp ementation Specia isl ( S) 1 Day 12/ 20/ 22 12/ 20/ 22 443 TABLETS-J-t o-U - Conduct ntema ca to ensure everybody is a igned and ready 441 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 12/ 20/ 22 12/ 22/22 444 TABLETS-J-to-U - Verify Go Live Check ist s Compete 443 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/ 23/ 22 12/27/22 445 TABLETS-J-to-U -Confirm Agency Is wi ing to disab e phone app on Day·1 (to improve setup performance) 444 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/27/ 2 2 12/ 28/22 446 TABLETS-J-to-U - Order Marketing Mat eria s nc uding Materia s That nform Cust omer To Link JPay & Securus Debit Accounts (Engage Account Manager, Mike Sherwood, Stacey Guidry, Kathryn Go dstein , Sean North) 444 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/27/2 2 12/ 28/22 447 TABLETS-J-to-U - ssue approved credits 1 Day 11/15/ 22 11/16/22 448 TABLETS-J-to-U - ssue approved crecfJts for GAMES 449 450 451 452 TABLETS-J-to-U -CommCenter-Verify incarcerat ed are a owed to submit Tab et Tickets 379 453 TABLETS-J-to-U -CommCenter-Add t o Tab et Cut Sheet 454 TABLETS-J-to-U -CommCenter-Configure Communications Center- Ticketing in Staging 1.12.5 .62 455 456 TABLETS-J-to-U -3rdPartyURL-Contact Product Mgr, compete Exhibit and Lega signoff 457 TABLETS-J-to-U -3rdPartyURL-Contact vendor to get cust om URL Tasl( Predece ssor s WBS Number 441 TABLETS-J -to-U -TABLETS-Con - Conduct Tab et Testing Sesslon(s) 442 Neme I- - I 435 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/15/22 11/16/22 TABLETS-J-to-U - ssue approved credits for MOVES 436 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/15/ 22 11/16/22 TABLETS-J-to-U - ssue approved crecfrts for MUS C 437 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/15/22 11/16/22 26 Days 10/17/ 22 11/ 21/22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/17/ 22 10/17/ 2 2 406, 4 52 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/7/22 11/7/22 453 m p ementation Specia isl ( S) 10 Days 11/8/22 11/ 21/22 325.25 Days 9/ 26/ 22 1/10/ 24 Project Manager (PM) 10 Days 10/17/ 22 10/ 28/22 Project Manager (PM) 10 Days 10/ 31/22 11/11/ 22 Project Manager (PM) 10 Days 11/14/ 22 11/ 29/ 22 mp ementation Specia isl ( S) 2Days 11/30/22 12/1/22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/27/ 22 12/ 28/22 149.5 Days 6/ 6/ 23 1/10/ 24 TABLETS-J-to-U -Communication Center TABLETS-J-to-U -Commissary 3rd Party URL ,-379 ~ L:_- ,-- 458 TABLETS-J-to-U -3rdPartyURL-Send custom URL to Network Engineering for Testing 459 TABLETS-J-to-U -3rdPartyURL-Provis ion and Enab e ConnectUs con 460 TABLETS-J-to-U -3rdPartyURL-Verify Go Live Check ist items are compete 1.12.5 .62.6 461 TABLETS-J-to-U -Commissary 3rd Party URL - Go-Live 462 TABLETs-J-to-U -Commissary 3rd Party URL on TABLETS - Go-Lrve (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 460, 599fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 26/23 6/ 27/ 23 463 TABLETS-J-to-U -Commissary 3rd Party URL on TABLETS - Go-Live (Cedar Creek Correctfons Center (CCCC) 460, 600fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/13/ 23 6/14/ 23 P-25419 Q Adobe Workfront 7 444, 459 000178 Page 20 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Sec 2 2 •«1 -. 49 pm EDl Page 71 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Assigned Pin our Plenned Start Date Plenned Completion Dete Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 6/ 23 6n/23 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 8/1/23 8/ 2/23 460, 603fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/1V23 7/12/23 TABLETS-J-to-U -Commissary 3rd Party URL on TABLETS - Go-Live (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 460, 604fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/ 5/ 23 9/ 6/23 468 TABLETS-J-to-U -Commissary 3rd Party URL on TABLETS - Go-Live (Coyote Ridge Corrections Cent er (CRCC) 460, 605fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/19/ 23 9/ 20/ 23 469 TABLETS-J-to-U -Commissary 3rd Party URL on TABLETS - Go-Live (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) 460, 606fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/12/23 12/13/ 23 470 TABLETS-J-to-U -Commissary 3rd Party URL on TABLETS - Go-Live (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 460, 607fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/5/ 23 12/ 6/23 0 471 TABLETS-J-to -U -Commissary 3rd Party URL on TABLETS - Go-Live (Ca am Bay Corrections Cent er (CBCC) 460, 608fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 1/9/ 24 1/10/ 24 472 TABLETS-J-to-U - ..,Set the predecessor of this task to Externa Kickoff'- 20 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/11/ 22 10/11/ 22 473 TABLETS-J-to-U -Cosing Activities 474 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/ 27/ 22 9/ 27/ 22 1.12.5 .62.9 474 TABLETS-J-t o-U -Confirm Regu atory and Bi ing Tab e assignments are Reso ved Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/ 26/ 22 9/ 26/22 475 325.25 Days 9/ 26/ 22 1/10/24 ~ ="'"'"'""' 1 Day 9/ 26/ 22 9/ 26/22 1 Day 9/ 26/22 9/ 26/22 ~ ,= "'""' '""' 5Days 9/ 27/22 10/3/ 22 p ementation Specia isl (S) 1 Day 9/ 27/22 9/ 27/ 22 478. 479 m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 4Days 10/ 4/22 10n/22 WBS Tesl( Number Predece ssor s .3 464 TABLETS-J-to-U -Commissary 3rd Party URL on TABLETS - Go-Live (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 460, 601fs1d 1.12.5 .62.6.4 465 TABLETS-J-to-U -Commissary 3rd Party URL on TABLETS - Go-Live (Stafford Creek Corrections Cent er (SCCC} 460, 602fs1d 466 TABLETS-J-t o-U -Commissary 3rd Party URL on TABLETS - Go-Live (0 ympic Corrections Cent er (OCC) 467 Neme ,- ,- -------, ,- Forms and Grievance .......__ 476 F&G-·-set the predecessor of this task t o Externa Kickow- 1.12.5 .63.2 477 F&G-Submit Forms & Grievances Customer Training request 476ss 478 F&G-Obtain additions SCP user names (if needed) from Agency 477 479 F&G-Enab e ncarcerated Forms product 480 F&G-Enab e Grievance Admini stration f eature in SCP, create form, en.a b e on termina s 481 F&G-(tab els) add F&G to Tab et Cut Sheet 480 Project Manager (PM) 5Days 10/10/22 10/14/22 482 F&G-Verify F&G check isl is compet e 480fs+3d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/13/ 22 10/13/ 22 1.12.5 .63.8 483 F&G Go-Live 149.5 Days 6/ 6/ 23 1/10/ 24 1.12.5 .63.8.1 484 F&G Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 482, 599fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 26/ 23 6/ 27/ 23 1.12.5 .63.8.2 485 F&G Go-Live (Cedar Creek Corrections Cent er (CCCC) 482, 600fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/13/23 6/14/ 23 ect Manager (PM) Im I -------.- P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront 000179 Page 21 K"11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan ;:,ec L 2 •«1 .. 49 pm EDl Page 72 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Assigned Pio our P1enned Start Date Plenned Completion Date 482, 601fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 6/ 23 6n/23 F&G Go-Live (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 482, 602fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 8/1/23 8/ 2/23 488 F&G Go-Live (0 y mpic Corrections Center (OCC) 482, 603fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/11/23 7/12/23 489 f&G Go-Live (Aiiway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 482, 604fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/ 5/ 23 9/ 6/23 490 f&G Go-Live (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 482, 605fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/19/ 23 9/ 20/ 23 491 F&G Go-Live (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) 482, 606fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12112/23 12/13/ 23 492 f&G Go-Live (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 482, 607fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/5/23 12/ 6/23 1 Day 1/9/ 24 1/10/ 24 310.25 Days 10/17/ 22 1/10/24 Tesl( Predecessor s WBS Number 486 F&G Go-Live (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 487 Name --.- --.--.- ... 0 493 494 495 TABl fTS-J-to-U -eMSG-Review eMessaging Configuration Options with Agency 496 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG-Add to Tab et Cut Sheet 497 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG-Bu1d site in https://emadmln.corp.securustech.net/ 498 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG-Provision eMessaging ink in SCP to eMessaging 499 ..,,"''"· I"''~ "'"'"" f&G Go-Live (Ca am Bay Corrections Cent er (CBCC) 1d l™l TABLETS-J-to-U -eMessaging ----379 Project Manager (PM) 5Days 10/17/ 22 10/ 21/22 406 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/7/22 11/ 8/ 22 391 m p ementalion Specie isl ( S) 2 Days 10/ 28/22 10/31/22 497ss mp ementalion Specie ist ( S) 2 Days 10/ 28/22 10/31/22 TABLETS-J-lo-u -eMSG-Submit Customer Training Request for eMessaging 498 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/1/22 11/1/22 500 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG-Post the Tab et PDF in Secure Services app 498 mp ementation Spec ia isl ( S) 2 Days 11/1/22 11/ 2/22 1.12.5 .64.7 501 T ABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG-Creat e Faci ity User accounts (if needed) 497 mp ementalion Specia ist ( S) 2Days 11/1/22 11/ 2/ 22 502 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG-Confirm Bi ing Tab e has oaded stamp rates Ot needed) 444, 498 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/ 27/ 22 12/ 28/22 503 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG-set Agency l o •Active• 444. 502ss mp ementalion Specia isl ( S) 2 Days 12/ 27/ 22 12/ 29/22 504 TABlfTS-J-to-U -eMSG-Verify Go live Check isl terns are compete. Verify A Unity Services Are Reachabe 444. 503ss Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/27/ 22 12/ 28/22 I f ....I--;11 50 5 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG-Order Marketing Materia s 506 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG - Go-Live 0 Adobe Workfront 444 P-25419 000180 PagP2,l K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/27/ 22 12/ 28/22 149.5 Days 6/ 6/ 23 1/10/24 >80 2 2 •«1 ,.49 pm EDl Page 73 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Assigned Pin o ur Planned Start Date Planned Completion Dnte Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 26/ 23 6/ 27/ 23 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/13/ 23 6/14/ 23 504, 601fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 6/ 23 6n/23 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG on TABLETS - Go-Live (Stafford creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 504, 602fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 8/1/23 8/ 2/23 511 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG on TABLETS - Go-Live (O ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 504, 603fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/11/ 23 7/12/23 6 512 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG on TABLETS - Go-Live (Airway Heights Co rrections Center (AHCC) 504, 604fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/ 5/ 23 9/ 6/23 7 513 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG on TABLETS - Go-Live (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 504, 605fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/19/ 23 9/ 20/ 23 8 514 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG on TABLETS - Go-Live (Washington St ate Penit entiary (WSP) 504, 606fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/12/23 12/13/ 23 9 515 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG on TABLETS - Go-Live (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 504, 607fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/5/ 23 12/ 6/23 0 516 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG on TABLETS - Go-Live (C a am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) 504, 608fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 1/9/ 24 1/10/ 24 517 310.25 Days 10/17/ 22 1/10/ 24 518 3 Days 10/17/ 22 10/19/ 22 Predecessor s WBS Tasl( Number 507 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG on TABLETS - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 504, 599fs1d 2 508 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG on TABLETS - Go-Live (Ced ar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) 504, 600f s1d 3 509 TABLETS-J-to-U -eMSG on TABLETS - Go-Live (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 4 510 5 Name ,- --.- --.- FY -FY app with Agency Document Manager (not avai ab e on JPay) ----FY -Request and Receive Li st of Users From Agency 379 Project Manager (PM) , 519 FY -Provision agency into Ille Agency Document Manager porta https:t/agencydocs.securustech.nettmgr ndex.php 518 mp ementation Specia ist (S) 2Days 10/20/ 22 10/ 21/ 22 520 FY -Review names on Agency user ist to ensure each has System/Custody Account permissions in SCP (makes changes if necessary). 519ss mp ementation Specia ist (S) 2Days 10/20122 10/ 21/ 22 521 FY -(tab els) Add t o Tab et Cut Sheet and create ticket assignment to Production Support 519 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 10/24/22 10/ 26/22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/ 27/ 22 10/ 27/22 r Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/ 28/22 10/ 28/ 22 149.5 Days 6/ 6/ 23 1/10/ 24 1 523. 599fs- Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 26/ 23 6/ 27/ 23 ,-- 522 FY -Send Agency Document Manager porta instructions to POC 523 FY -Verify Go Uve Check isl t erns are compete 524 FY - Go-Live 525 ---- 0 Adobe Wol'kfront 1 520, 521 522 FY on TABLETS - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 1d 526 FY on TABLETS - Go-Live (Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) 523, 600fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/13/23 6/14/ 23 527 FY on TABLETS - Go-Live (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 523, 601fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 6/ 23 6n/23 P-25419 000181 j.lage 2 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan ;:,ec "- 2 «1 -. <l9 pm EDl Page 74 of 280 WA DOC JPay t o Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) T11sl( Number Assigned Pin Dur P111nned Start Date Planned Completion Date 523, 602fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 8/1/23 8/ 2/23 Predecessor s Name on TABLETS - Go-live (stafford Creek Corrections Cent er (SCCC) 528 FY 529 FY on TABLETS -Go-live (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 523, 603fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/11/23 7/12/23 530 FY on TABLETS - Go-Live (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 523, 604fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/ 5/ 23 9/ 6/23 531 FY on TABLETS - Go-live (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 523, 60 5fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/19/ 23 9/ 20/ 23 532 FY on TABLETS - Go-live (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) ; ;3, 606~fs- Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/12/23 12/13/ 23 533 FY on TABLETS - Go-live (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 523, 607fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/5/23 12/ 6/23 0 534 FY on TABLETS - Go-Live (C a am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) 523, 60 8fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 119/ 24 1/10/ 24 535 295.25 Days 11n122 1/10/ 24 536 TA6lfTS-J-to-U -JobVieW-Add to Tab et Cut Sheet Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11n122 1118/2 2 537 TABLETS-J-to-U -JobView-Add to Tab et Management Too 536 mp ementalion Spec ia ist (S) 2Days 11/9/22 11/10/ 22 1.12.5 .66.3 538 TABLETS-J-to-U -JobView-Ensure a items on check isl are compete 444, 537 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/ 27/ 22 12/ 28/22 1.12.5 .66.4 539 TABLETS-J-to-U -JobView - Go-Live 149.5 Days 6/ 6/ 23 1/10/ 24 1.12.5 .66.4.1 540 TABLETS-J-to-U -JobView on TABLETS - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 541 TABLETS-J-to-U -JobView on TABLETS - Go-Live (Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) I 1.12.5 .66.4.3 542 TABLETS-J-to-U -JobView on TABLETS - Go-Live (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) r;::,•-oo,.. 543 TABLETS-J-to-U -JobView on TABLETS - Go-Live (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) r 544 --.- --.- TABLETS-J-to-U -JobView I 406 I 538, 599fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 26/ 23 6/ 27/ 23 538, 600fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/13/23 6/14/ 23 I""•~· •."',~,., 1 Day 6/ 6/23 538, 602fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 8/1/23 8/ 2/23 TABLETS-J-to-U -JobView on TABLETS - Go-Live (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 538, 603fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/11/23 7/12/23 545 TABLETS-J-to-U -JobView on TABLETS - Go-Live (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 538, 604fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/ 5/ 23 9/ 6/23 5 46 TABLETS-J-to-U -JobView on TABLETS - Go-Live (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 538, 605fs- Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/19/23 9/ 20/ 23 547 TABLETS-J-!o-U -JobView on TABLETS - Go-Live (Washington State Penit entiary (WSP) . "'"'· 1 ....,~ "'"''~ ""' 1 Day 12/12/23 12/13/ 23 P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront -.- f; 000182 ~'age Z4 K·11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan ,,9,:, L ::m«1 .. 49 pm EOl Page 75 of 280 WA DO C JPay t o Unity Migratio n Phase II - Exp o rted Tasks (cont'd) WBS Tasl( Number 548 TABLETS-J-to-U -JobView on TABLETS - Go-Live (Monroe Correctione Com p ex (MCC) 0 549 TABLETS-J-to-U -JobView on TABLETS - Go-Live (C 6 am Bey Corrections Center (CBCC) 550 551 TABLETS-J-to-U -LANTERN-Engage Education Program Meneger 552 TABLETS-J-to-U -LANTERN-Request test student be creeled for app testing 553 TABLETS-J-to-U -LANTERN-Request Education Team provision Lantern to Tab ets 554 Predecessor s Assigned Pin Dur Planned Start Date Planned Completion Dnte 538, 607fs- Project Manager (PM) 1 Dey 12/5/23 12/ 6/23 r; ."'"•· I,.,,~,•oa•,~ ""' 1 Day 1/9/ 24 1/10/ 24 310.25 Days 10/17/ 22 1/10/ 24 Name TABLETS-J-to-U -Lantern ----379 Project Manager (PM) 10 Days 10/17/ 22 10/ 28/22 551 Project Manager (PM) 4Days 10/ 31/22 11/3/ 22 552 Project Manager (PM) 4Days 11/4/22 11/ 9/ 22 TABLETS-J-to-U -LANTERN-Education Team crea1es user ogons 553 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/10/22 11/11/ 22 555 TABLETS-J-to-U -LANTERN-Provision and Configure insta ed equipment 554 mp ementation Specie ist (S) 2 Days 11/14/ 22 11/15/22 556 TABLETS-J-to-U -LANTERN- F Ash and u , track expenses 555 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/16/22 11/17/22 Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/18/22 11/21/22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/27/ 22 12/ 28/22 149.5 Days 6/ 6/ 23 1/10/24 - ,-- 557 TABLETS-J-to-U -LANTERN- F Ash and U, generate invoice 558 TABLETS-J-to-u -LANTERN-Go-Live Check isl tems are Compete 559 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lantern - Go-Lille .1 560 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lantern on TABLETS - Go-Lille (Washington Corrections Ce mer (WCCM) I 556 ...-- 444. 557 F - Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/26/ 23 6/ 27/ 23 ~ Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/13/ 23 6/14/ 23 d .2 561 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lantern on TABLETS - Go-Lille (Ceder Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) d f s- 562 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lantern on TABLETS- Go-Lille (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 558, 601fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 6/ 23 6/7/ 23 563 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lantern on TABLETS - Go-Lille (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 558, 602fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 8/1/ 23 8/ 2/ 23 .5 564 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lantern on TABLETS - Go-Lille (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 558, 603fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/11/23 7/12/23 .6 565 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lantern on TABLETS- Go-Lille (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 558, 604fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/ 5/ 23 9/ 6/23 .7 566 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lantern on TABLETS - Go-Lille (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 558, 605fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/19/ 23 9/ 20/ 23 567 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lantern on TABLETS - Go-Lille (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) 558, 606fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/12/23 12/13/23 .....,__ ___ .9 568 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lantern on TABLETS - Go-Lille (Mornoe Correctione Comp ex (MCC) 558, 607fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/ 5/23 12/ 6/ 23 0 569 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lantern on TABLETS - Go-Lille (C 6 am Bey Corrections Center (CBCC) 558, 608fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Dey 1/9/ 24 1/10/24 Q Adobe Workfront P-25419 000183 Page 25 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan ;:,SCL. ] •«1 c.49 pm EDl Page 76 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) P111nned Start Date Planned Completion D11te 310.25 Days 10/17/ 22 1/10/ 24 Project Manager (PM) 10 Days 10/17/ 22 10/ 28/ 22 571 Project Manager (PM) 5Deys 10/31/22 11/4/ 22 TABLETS-J-to-u -LAWL BRARY~eb ets) Add to Tab et Management Too. (Enter Site D, Customer D and URL For Each Entry) 572 mp ementetion Specie ist (S) 2 Days 11n/22 11/ 8/22 574 TABLETS-J-to-U -LAWL BRARY-Add to Tab et Cut Sheet 572 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 11n/22 11/9/ 22 575 TABLETS-J-to-U -LAWL BRARY-Verify Go Live Check istis compete 444, 574 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/ 27/22 12/ 28/22 576 TABLETS-J-to-U -LAWL BRARY- Go-Uve 149.5 Days 6/ 6/ 23 1/10/ 24 577 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lew Library on TABLETS - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 575, 599fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 26/ 23 6/ 27/ 23 578 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lew library on TABLETS - Go-Live (Ceder Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) 575, 600fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/13/ 23 6/14/ 23 579 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lew Library on TABLETS - Go-Live (Larch Corrections Center {LCC) 575, 601fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 6/ 23 6n/23 580 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lew Library on TABLETS - Go-Live (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 575, 602fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 8/1/23 8/ 2/23 581 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lew Library on TABLETS - Go-Live (0 ympic Corrections Cent er (OCC) 575, 603fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/11/23 7/12/23 582 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lew Library on TABLETS - Go-Live (Airway Heights Corrections Cent er (AHCC) 575, 604fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/ 5/ 23 9/ 6/23 583 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lew Library on TABLETS - Go-Live (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 575, 605fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/19/ 23 9/ 20/ 23 584 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lew Librery on TABLETS - Go-Live (PWeshington State Penitentiary (WSP) 575, 606fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/12/23 12/13/ 23 585 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lew Library on TABLETS - Go-Live (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 575, 607fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/5/ 23 12/ 6/23 0 586 TABLETS-J-to-U -Lew Library on TABLETS - Go-Live (Ce am Bey Corrections Center (CBCC) 575, 608fs1d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 1/9/ 24 1/10/ 24 587 150 Days 5/16/ 23 12/19/ 23 588 TABLETS Pre Go-Live Testing (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 599fs-15d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 6/ 23 6n/23 589 TABLETS Pre Go-Live Testing (Ceder Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) 600fs-15d Project Manager (PM) 1Day 5/ 24/23 5/ 25/ 23 590 TABLETS Pre Go-Live Testing (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 601fs-15d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/16/ 23 5/17/ 23 591 TABLETS Pre Go-Live Testing (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 602fs-15d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/12/ 23 7/13/ 23 Tasl( Predecessor s WBS Number 570 571 TABLETS-J-t o-U -LAWL BRARY-Get Addendum executed (on y if Securus ls paying) 379 572 TABLETS-J-to-U -LAWL BRARY -Obt ein custom URL from vendor 573 Name TABLETS-J -to-U -Lew library TAB LETS PRE GO-L VE TEST NG P-25419 Q Adobe Workfront Assigned I Pin o ur 000184 PagE' 26 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan ;:,ec ~ 1 •«1 Page 77 of 280 49 pm EDl WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Predecessor s Assigned Pin o ur Planned Start Date Planned Completion Date TABLETS Pre Go-Live Testing (0 y mpic Corrections Center (OCC) 603fs-15d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 20/ 23 6/ 21/23 593 TABLETS Pre Go-Live Testing (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 604fs-15d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 8/15/23 8/16/ 23 594 TAB LETS Pre Go-Live Testing (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 605fs-15d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 8/ 29/ 23 8/30123 595 TABLETS Pre Go-Live Testing (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) 606fs-15d Project Manager {PM) 1 Day 11/20/ 23 11/ 21/23 596 TABlfTS Pre Go-Live Testing (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC} 607fs-15d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/13/ 23 11/14/23 597 TABLETS Pre Go-Live Testing (Ca am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) 608fs-15d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/18/23 12/19/ 23 598 261.25 Days 12/28/22 1/10/ 24 599 TABLETS-J-t o-U - Go-Live (Washington Corrections Center {WCCM) 444fs+127d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 26/ 23 6/ 27/ 23 600 TABLETS-J-to-U - Go-Live (Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC} 444fs+118d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/13/ 23 6/14/ 23 601 TABLETS-J-to-U - Go-Live !Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 444fs+113d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 6/ 23 6n/23 602 TABLETS-J-to-U - Go-Live (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 444fs+152d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 8/1/ 23 8/ 2/23 603 TABlfTS-J-to-U - Go-Live (0 ympic Corrections Center {OCC) 444fs+137d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/11/ 23 7/12/23 604 TABLETS-J-to-U - Go-Live (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 444fs+176d Project Manager {PM) 1 Day 9/ 5/ 23 9/ 6/23 605 TAB LETS-J-to-U - Go-Live (Coyote Ridge Corrections Cent er (CRCC) 444fs+186d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/19/ 23 9/ 20/ 23 606 TABLETS-J-to-U - Go-Live (Washington Stat e Penitentiary (WSP) 444fs+244d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/12/23 12/13/23 607 TABLETS-J-to-U - Go-Live (Monroe Correctiona Com p ex (MCC) 444fs+239d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/5/ 23 12/ 6123 608 TABLETS-J-to-U - Go-Live (Ca am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) 444fs+262d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 1/9/ 24 1/10 /24 609 TABLETS-J-t o-U -PLAN TO HAND OUT TABLETS N THE AM & CONDUCT 3 WALKTHROUGHS TABLETS GO L VE 446 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 12/28/22 12/ 29/22 1.12.5 .70.11.1 610 TABLETS-J-to-U -Disab e Phone App On Day 1 to improve / abi ity to down oad media content 445 Fie d Service Manager (FSM) 1 Day 12/28/22 12/ 29/22 611 TABLETS-J-t o-u -REENABLE and TEST Phone app before team departs site 610ss Fie d Service Manager (FSM) 1 Day 12/ 28/22 12/ 29/22 612 233 Days 9/ 26/ 22 8/ 25/23 613 TABlfTS-J-t o-U -PM Coordinates With Warehouse To Determine f O d J Pay Equipment Wi Be Recyc ed Or Returned To The Warehouse Project Manager {PM) 226 Days 9/ 26/ 22 8/16/ 23 614 TABLETS-J-to-U -PM Schedu es Deinst a ation With A gency POC, FSM, FST Project Manager (PM) 5Days 8/16/ 23 8/ 23/ 23 1.12.5 .71.3 615 TABLETS-J-to-U -FST/FSM Notify PM Once Deinsta ation s Competed. PM Confirms Agency POC s Satisfied With Deinsta ation Work. Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 8/ 23/ 23 8/ 24/23 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 8/ 24/ 23 8/ 25/ 23 WBS Tasl( Number 592 1.12.5 .71.4 616 Name TABlfTS - GO-L VE ...-- TABLETS-J -t o-U -Deinsta Existing Hardware l --...- TABLETS-J-to-U -PM Notifies ROC/ SE/NOC/Tech Support That Equipment (i.e. Merakis, Rockets, Nanas, et c.) Have Been Deinsta ed ...1 615 P-25419 Q Adobe Workfront 000185 Page 27 614 ----- K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Sep2 ') «1 49 pm EDl Page 78 of 280 WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Tasl( WBs Numbe, 617 1.12.6 618 619 Predecessor s Name Assigned TABLETS-J-fo-U -Project Wrap-up - SVC - New nsta SVC-New - ... Set the predecessor of this t ask t o Externa Kickofr• 20 Project Manager (PM) Pin our Planned Start Date Planned Completion Date 2 Days 9/ 26/ 22 9/ 27/ 22 299.5 Days 9/ 26/ 22 11/30/ 23 1 Day 10/11/22 10/11/ 22 ,-.- 1.12.6 .2 620 SVC-New - Submit Customer Training Request - Next Gen SVC - Pre Go Live Webinar 619 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/12/22 10/12/22 621 SVC-New - Creat e site (SPP for NG; SVC for C assic) 619fs+7d mp ementation Specie isl ( S) 3 Days 10 /21/22 10/ 25/ 22 622 SVC-New -After ntegrations ca , request appropriat e credentla s to access the date feed 620 ntegration Coordinator ( C) 3 Days 10/13/22 10/17/ 22 ._ 623 SVC-New - Coordinate dat a feed with vendor and configure 622 ntegration Coordinator ( C) 10 Days 10/18/ 22 10/31/ 22 624 SVC-New - Review SVC configurations 623 ntegrations Ve idator 3 Days 11/1/22 11/3/ 22 625 SVC-New- Sched u e ca with agency for ST to discuss and compete SVC Schedu er 622 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/18/ 22 10/18/ 22 1.12.6 .8 626 SVC-New- Request ist of A gency users wno wi need SVC ogins 625 Project Manager (PM) 2Days 10/19/ 22 10/ 20/ 22 1.12.6 .9 627 SVC-New - A fter you submit your first SO. submit customer Go Live training request 626 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/ 21/ 22 10/ 21/22 1.12.6 .10 628 SVC-New- Send inform ation to A gency on how to open their firewa for SVC monitoring 627 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/24/22 10/ 24/ 22 1.12.6 .11 629 SVC-New - Create SVC user Logons (avoid Fridays if possib e) 626 m p ementation Specie isl ( S) 2 Days 10/ 21/22 10/ 24/ 22 1.12.6 .12 630 SVC-New - Get Terms and Conditions from Agency 626 Project Manager (PM) 3 Days 10/ 21/22 10/ 25/ 22 631 SVC-New- Provision Terms and Conditions 10/26/22 10/ 27/22 632 SVC-New- Submit Terms and Conditions to be posted on our site 1 Day 10/ 28/22 10/ 28/ 22 1.12.6 .15 633 SVC-New - Submit Rates to be posted on our sit e L ~-..,.,.,.,., 2Days Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 10/ 31/22 11/1/ 22 634 ntegration Coordinator ( C) 10 Days 11/4122 11/17/ 22 635 636 SVC-New - Va idete e SVC data and configurations - est review before go ive 637 - 621, 630 SVC-New- Provision the product configurations 624 F SVC-New - Configure network equipment mp ementation Specia ist ( S) --- Sr. nsta ation Support Tech (Sr. S) 1 Day 11/18/22 11/18/22 634 ntegrations Va idator 3 Days 11/18/22 11/ 22/22 SVC-New - Agency confirms they made firewa changes 628fs+20d Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/ 22/22 11/ 23/22 638 SVC-New - Add new site in SVC Report Manager (this ists Agency on Securus on ine) 636 mp ementation Specie isl ( S) 2 Days 11/23/22 11/ 28/ 22 639 SVC-New- ntegraUons Status Check isl ls compete 1 637 ntegration Specie ist ( NS) 5Days 11/28/22 12/ 2/22 640 SVC-New - Comp ete Hardware nsta ation •·• Set Predecessor to - EOU PMENT Schedu e Equipment nsta ation date/time·.. 155 m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 5Days 12/27/ 22 1/ 4/ 23 P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront 000186 Pagi:c )8 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan >8D ~, 2 •«1 Page 79 of 280 49 pm EDl WA DOC JPay t o Unity Migratio n Ph ase II - Exp o rted Tasks (cont'd) Assigned Pin our Planned Start Date Planned Completion Dnte mp ementalion Specia ist ( S) 151 Days 417/23 11/ 8/23 m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 1 Day 4/27/ 23 4/ 27/ 23 655fs-15d m p ementalion Specia ist ( S) 1 Day 4/14/23 4/14/23 SVC-New- Test SVC and a ConnectUs apps BEFORE go ive (Larctr Corrections Center (LCC) 656f s-15d mp ementalion Specia ist ( S) 1 Day 417/23 417/23 645 SVC-New- Test SVC and a ConnectUs apps BEFORE go ive (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 657fs-15d mp ementalion Specia ist ( S) 1 Day 6/1/ 23 6/1/23 1.12.6 .23.5 646 SVC-New- Test SVC and a ConnectUs apps BEFORE go ive (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 658fs-15d mp ementalion Specia ist ( S) 5/1V23 5/11/ 23 1.12.6 .23.6 647 SVC-New- Test SVC and a Connectus apps BEFORE go ive (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 659fs-15d m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 7n/23 7n/23 1.12.6 .23.7 648 SVC-New- Test SVC and a ConnectUs apps BEFORE go ive (Coyote Ridge Corrections Cent er (CRCC) 660fs-15d m p ementalion Specia ist ( S) 7/ 21/23 7/ 21/23 1.12.6 .23.8 649 SVC-New- Test SVC and a ConnectUs apps BEFORE go ive (Washington State Penit entiary (WSP) 661fs-15d mp ementation Specia ist ( S) 10/13/ 23 10/13/ 23 1.12.6 .23.9 650 SVC-New- Test SVC and a ConnectUs apps BEFORE go ive (Monroe Correctiona Comp eK (MCC) 662f s-15d mp ementalion Specia ist ( S) 10/6/ 23 10/ 6/ 23 651 SVC-New- Test SVC and a ConnectUs apps BEFORE go ive (Ca am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) 663f s-15d m p ementation Specia ist ( S) 11/8/23 11/8/ 23 652 _ _ ...,_____s_v_c -New - Verify Go Live Check ist is comp ete 1 Day 12/5/ 22 12/ 5/ 22 1.12.6 .25 653 151 Days 4/27/ 23 11/30/ 23 654 sVC - New - Go-Live (Washington Co rrections Center (WCCM) 652f s+114d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/17/ 23 5/17/23 655 sVC - New - Go-Live (Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) --- 652f s+105d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/ 4/ 23 5/ 4/23 1.12.6 .25.3 656 sVC - New - Go-Live (Larch Corrections Cent er (LCC) 652f s+100d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 4/27/ 23 4/ 27/ 23 657 sVC - New - Go-Live (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 652f s+138d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 21/23 6/ 21/23 658 sVC - New - Go-Live (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 652f s+124d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/1/ 23 6/1/ 23 659 sVC - New - Go-Live (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 652f s+163d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/ 27/ 23 7/ 27/23 660 SVC - New - Go-Live (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 652f s+173d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 8/10/23 8/10/23 661 SVC - New - Go-Live (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) 652f s+232d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/2/23 11/ 2/23 662 SVC - New - Go-Live (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 652f s+227d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/ 26/23 10/ 26/ 23 663 SVC - New - Go-Live (Ca am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) 652f s+250d Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/30/23 11/30/ 23 Predecessor s TIISI( WBS Number 1.12.6 .23 641 1.12.6 .23.1 642 SVC-New- Test SVC and a ConnectUs apps BEFORE go ive (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 1.12.6 .23.2 643 SVC-New- Test SVC and a ConnectUs apps BEFORE go ive (Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) 1.12.6 .23.3 644 1.12.6 .23.4 0 Adobe Workfront Name SVC-New - Test SVC and a ConnectUs apps BEFORE go ive 639 I,,..,," i r G:: 639 SVC New nsta - Go-Live - Project Manager (PM) -- P-25419 000187 Page29 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan - I ,iep 2 ] •«1 Page 80 of 280 49 pm EOl WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) WBS Task Number Predecessor s 664 665 VRS-..'Set the predecessor of this task to Ext erna Kickoff•- 666 Name Video Reay Service (VRS) Assigned Planned Start Date Planned Completion Date 299.5 Days 9/ 26/22 11/30/ 23 Pio our t- Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/ 26/22 9/ 26/22 VRS-Submit Customer Training request 665 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/ 27/22 9/ 27/ 22 667 VRS-Confirm whether an integration w ith JMS or Commissary is needed, o r if Agency wi manua y designate e igib e inmat es 666 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/ 28/ 22 9/ 28/22 668 VRS-Request AN s (30 Day Lead Tlme) 666 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/ 28/ 22 9/ 28/22 669 VRS-(if an integretion is needed) Communicate with vendor for dat a feed 667 ntegration Specia ist ( NS) 15 Days 9/29/ 22 10/19/ 22 670 VRS-Receive confirmation AN s were insta ed during change contro 668fs+30d Project Manager (PM) 2 Days 11/10/ 22 11/11/ 22 1.12.6 .26.7 671 VRS-Provision in SPP 670 mp ementation Specia isl ( S) 1 Day 11/14/ 22 11/14/22 1.12.6 .26.8 672 VRS-Confirm a items o n Go Uve check ist are comp ete Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/15/ 22 11/15/22 t. 673 VRS - Go-live 151 Days 4/27/ 23 11/30/ 23 674 VRS - Go-live (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 675 VRS - Go-live (Cedar Creek: Corrections Center (CCCC) .3 676 t. ~ r "' -t: 654fs-1d, Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/17/ 23 5/17/ 23 655f s-1d , 672 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/ 4/ 23 5/4/23 VRS - Go-live (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 656f s-1d, 672 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 4/27/ 23 4/ 27/ 23 677 VRS - Go-live (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 657fs-1d, 672 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 21/23 6/ 21/23 678 VRS - Go-live (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) :ll"'"·~ Joct "'""' ('Ml 1 Day 6/1/23 6/1/ 23 .6 679 VRS - Go-live (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) 659fs-1d, 672 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 7/ 27/ 23 7/ 27/23 .7 680 VRS - Go-live (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 660fs-1d, 672 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 8/10 /23 8/10/23 t. 681 VRS - Go-live (Washington St ate Penit entiary (WSP) 661fs-1d, 672 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/2/23 11/ 2/23 t. 682 VRS - Go-live (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) .1 0 683 VRS - Go-live (Ca am Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) I r "' -t: ------ 662f s-1d,- - Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10/26/23 10/ 26/ 23 663f s-1d, 672 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/ 30/23 11/30/ 23 299.5 Days 9/ 26/ 22 11/30/ 23 1 Day 9/ 26/ 22 9/ 26/22 ,-- 684 685 I ncarcerated Schedu ed Video Connect ( SVC) svc--•set the predecessor of this task to Externa Kickoff"' Project Manager (PM) P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront 000188 ,v Pagi:. K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan >8P .,, 2 •«1 Page 81 of 280 49 pm EDl WA DOC JPay to Unity Migration Phase II - Exported Tasks (cont'd) Planned WBS Tssl( Number Predecessor 686 SVC-Discuss SVC with Agency (Schedu er ca 687 SVC-Provision ncarcerated Schedu e Video Connect Neme J s Assigned Pin our P111nned Start Date Completion Dete 685 Proiect Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/ 27/22 9/ 27/ 22 mp ementation Specia ist (S) 1 Day 9/ 26/22 9/ 26/22 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 9/ 27/22 9/ 27/ 22 151 Days 4/27/23 1V30/ 23 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 5/17/23 5/17/ 23 J= MM,,.. (PMJ 1 Day 5/ 4/ 23 5/ 4/23 656f s-1d, 688 ProjectManager (PM) 1 Day 4/27/ 23 4/27/ 23 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/ 21/23 6/ 21/23 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 6/1/ 23 6/1/ 23 J= MM,,.. (PMJ 1 Day 7/ 27/ 23 7/ 27/23 ~ ---.. 688 SVC-Confirm a items on Go Live check ist are compete 689 ncarcerated Schedu ed Video Connect - Go-Uve 690 ncarcerated Schedu ed Video Connect - Go-live (Washington Corrections Center (WCCM) 691 o~,~,~ """'""' v•~ CoMoct -Go-U~ (C"'" c"" co~<>~, c~" (CCCC) 687 I ' 654fs-1d, 688 I "'"""-~ 688 692 ncarcerated Schedu ed Video Connect - Go-Live (Larch Corrections Center (LCC) 693 ncarcerated Schedu ed Video Connect - Go-Uve (Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) 657fs-1d, 688 694 ncarcerated Schedu ed Video Connect - Go-live (0 ympic Corrections Center (OCC) 658fs-1d, 688 695 ncarcerated Schedu ed Video Connect - Go-live (Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) """"~ 688 I 696 ncarcerated Schedu ed Video Connect - Go-Uve (Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CRCC) 660fs-1d, 688 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 8/10/23 8/10/23 697 ncarcerated Schedu ed Video Connect - Go-Live (Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) 661fs-1d. 688 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/2/23 11/ 2/23 698 ncarcerated Schedu ed Video Connect - Go-live (Monroe Correctiona Comp ex (MCC) 662fs-1d, 688 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 10 /26/23 10/ 26/23 0 699 ncarcerated Schedu €d Video Connect - Go-Uve (Ca am Bay Corrections Cent er (CBCC) 663fs-1d, 688 Project Manager (PM) 1 Day 11/30/23 11/30/ 23 1.13 700 1 Day 1/12/24 1/15/ 24 1.13.1 701 Confirm Regu atory and Bi ing Tab e ticket assignments are Reso ved 1 Day 1/12 /24 1/15/24 1.13.2 702 C osing Activities 1 Day 1/12/24 1/15/ 24 Project Wrap-up I P-25419 0 Adobe Workfront I,,,,.,, --f2'-M•o•,.,"", 23Is+2d Project Manager (PM) 000189 Page 1 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Sec 2 1 «1 Page 82 of 280 49 pm EOl Predictive Heat Maps SCCC, WSP, CRCC, AHCC, MCC, CBCC, OCC, CCCC, LCC, WCC P-25419 000190 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 83 of 280 Stafford Creek Corrections Center, WA Predictive Heat mapping 5/5/2021 Purpose To Simulate adequate coverage in the designated area that where selected by the facility. The simulation has been created to demonstrate RF coverage of a specific area to give you a prediction of what the signal strength could be with the selected AP placement. This is only a prediction and could change from an onsite survey due to the lack of structure information and what would be physically in the facility. The purpose of the survey is to determine the number and placement of wireless access points necessary to provide adequate coverage for the entire building. P-25419 000191 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 84 of 280 Contents Stafford Creek Corrections Center, WA Predictive Heat mapping ................................................................ 1 Predictive Heat Map ..................................................................................................................................... 3 F building ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 Wellness ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 Health care .................................................................................................................................................. 6 Outside ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 Coverage areas ........................................................................................................................................... 8 G Building as well as H1, H2, H3, M4, H5, AND H6 Building ........................................................................ 8 G 1 A B ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 H 1 A B .......................................................................................................................................................10 H 2 A B .......................................................................................................................................................11 H 3 A B .......................................................................................................................................................12 H 4 A B .......................................................................................................................................................13 H 5 A B .......................................................................................................................................................14 H 6 A B .......................................................................................................................................................15 Wellness .....................................................................................................................................................16 Healthcare ..................................................................................................................................................16 North and South ..........................................................................................................................................17 North and South 2nd FL ...............................................................................................................................18 P-25419 000192 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 85 of 280 Predictive Heat Map Below is the predictive wireless test that was performed to provide coverage. The bar signal level was brought down to -60dBm. The antenna on a tablet will be slightly weaker, so you can add a buffer of about -10 to -1 SdBm to estimate what the tablet will be receiving from the Ruckus device. The dark grey locations display the areas that are not receiving proper signal strength, and this helps us determine direction for designing of the site. The grey locations are called dead zone and help us better place the Aps . Any 2 tier locations with Aps should be hung 5ft from ceiling . Note: this is a predictive survey and is not 100% accurate. NOTE: Total AP count for site 84. The Map displayed will be the same layout for G Building as well as H1 , H2, H3, M4, HS, AND H6 Building. The buildings are 2 tiers and house 136 personal per unit. 56 total for site. X hannels Selected APs 16 P-25419 000193 K11720 . Attachment E - Project Plan Page 86 of 280 F building 6 Aps for south and 12 Aps for North. 18 Total Aps for these 2, 2 tier buildings. X Signal (dBm) 0 -1 0 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000194 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 87 of 280 Wellness 2 Aps total to cover gym style area . X Signal (dBm) 0 - 10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000195 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 88 of 280 Health care Coverage medica l area with 6 tota l Aps . X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000196 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 89 of 280 Outside Outside coverage 1 AP on H 1 and 1 on H2 X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 1~0 -90 P-25419 000197 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 90 of 280 Coverage areas G Building as well as H1, H2, H3, M4, HS, AND H6 Building Sleeping areas. P-25419 000198 K11720 . Attachment E - Project Plan Page 91 of 280 G1AB P-25419 000199 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 92 of 280 HlAB P-25419 000200 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 93 of 280 H2AB P-25419 000201 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 94 of 280 H3AB P-25419 000202 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 95 of 280 H4AB P-25419 000203 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 96 of 280 HsAB P-25419 000204 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 97 of 280 H6AB P-25419 000205 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 98 of 280 Wellness 5~CC 5 - Gene....,I \Veilne:e I = i,S-0" Healthcare 5 CC.:- P-25419 000206 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 99 of 280 North and South ~ 0\~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ·, I h - 7 0 ! •• EB 0 ~ P-25419 000207 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 100 of280 North and South 2 nd FL ~c, " ~~ ~~ 'I _ !! ~ i; - ·1 a ~ ~ C< 2 ~ EB 0 P-25419 000208 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 101 of 280 Washington State Penitentiary, WA Predictive Heat mapping 6/16/2021 Purpose To Simulate adequate coverage in the designated area that where selected by the facility. The simulation has been created to demonstrate RF coverage of a specific area to give you a prediction of what the signal strength could be with the selected AP placement. This is only a prediction and could change from an onsite survey due to the lack of structure information and what would be physically in the facility. The purpose of the survey is to determine the number and placement of wireless access points necessary to provide adequate coverage for the entire building. P-25419 000209 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 102 of 280 Contents Washington State Penitentiary, WA Predictive Heat mapping ...................................................................... 1 Predictive Heat Map ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Delta, Echo, Fox, and Golf Unit .................................................................................................................... 4 Victory & Williams ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Coverage areas ..........................................................................................................................................14 Adam Unit ...................................................................................................................................................15 Baker Unit ...................................................................................................................................................16 Rainer Unit ..................................................................................................................................................18 Victor Unit ...................................................................................................................................................20 William Unit .................................................................................................................................................21 Delta Unit ....................................................................................................................................................22 Echo Unit ....................................................................................................................................................23 Fox Unit ......................................................................................................................................................24 Golf Unit ......................................................................................................................................................25 6 Unit ..........................................................................................................................................................26 8 Unit ..........................................................................................................................................................27 10 Unit ........................................................................................................................................................29 Activities Center ..........................................................................................................................................30 Gym B-80....................................................................................................................................................30 IMU .............................................................................................................................................................31 Admin Section .............................................................................................................................................32 Health Services ...........................................................................................................................................32 K-81 Recreation ..........................................................................................................................................33 Outdoor Coverage ......................................................................................................................................34 P-25419 000210 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 103 of 280 Predictive Heat Map Below is the predictive wireless test that was performed to provide coverage. The bar signal level was brought down to -60dBm. The antenna on a tablet will be slightly weaker, so you can add a buffer of about -10 to -15dBm to estimate what the tablet will be receiving from the Ruckus device. The dark grey locations display the areas that are not receiving proper signal strength, and this helps us determine direction for designing of the site. The grey locations are called dead zone and help us better place the APs. Note: th is is a predictive survey and is not 100% accurate. The Maps displayed are layouts for Delta, Echo, Fox, and Golf Unit. Victory, and William Unit. 6, 8, and 10 Unit. Adam, Baker, and Rainer Unit. The buildings are grouped because they are identical in structure and design and was not necessary to produce more than one heat map per structure. Some units are 2 to 3 tier and will need to adjust height on AP. NOTE: Total AP count for site 197. Adam, Baker, and Rainer Unit 3 levels open center.2APs per dorm 6Aps per unit 18Aps total. X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000211 K11720 . Attachment E - Project Plan Page 104 of 280 Delta, Echo, Fox, and Golf Unit 2 tier building with 5 AP per wing (West and East) with outdoor area. 12 total Aps per Unit 2 outside. 5ft hanging from ceiling 2 outdoor directional to cover rec area. 48Aps total for all 4 units X S1gnal (dBm) 0 - 10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000212 K11720 . Attachment E - Project Plan Page 105 of 280 Victory & Williams 2 tier building with 4 AP per wing (North and South) with outdoor area. 10 total Aps per Unit 2 outside. 5ft hanging from ceiling 2 outdoor directional to cover rec area . 20 Aps total for all 2 units X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000213 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 106 of 280 6 Unit 3 tier building with 5 AP per side, 2 up top, 1 in middle, and 2 below with open area.12 total Aps for building to include 2 in Dayroom. X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000214 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 107 of 280 8 Unit & 7 Unit 3 tier building with 5 AP per side with open area, 2 up top, 1 in middle, and 2 below with open area. 2 Aps 1 per dayroom. 12 total Aps for building. X P-25419 000215 K11720 . Attachment E . Project Plan Page 108 of 280 10 Unit 2 tier for one area and a 1 tier building with 3 AP per wing (6 wings) with open area and 2Aps for dayroom 20 total Aps for building X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000216 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 109 of 280 IMU 2 tier and outdoor cover areas.4 Aps for West side with 3 outdoor Aps for rec. area and 4 Aps for East side with 3 outdoor Aps for rec. area. will be hung with 5ft of conduit and rec. area will be mounted on wall. 1 Ap just outside rec. area in hallway. 15 total Aps for building. X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000217 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 110 of 280 Admin Section 2 tiers with 2 Aps per Pod 6 per building will be hung with 5ft of condu it. Pod 1 A, B, C, Pod 2 D, E, F, and Pod 3 F, G, and H. 18 total Aps for building. )( Signal (dBm) 0 -20 -30 -40 -60 -70 -80 P-25419 000218 K11720 . Attachment E - Project Plan Page 111 of 280 Health Services 1 level with 2-3 Aps per Wing and will be mounted in center on ceiling.12 total Aps for building )( Signal (dBm) 0 ·10 ·20 ·30 -40 -60 P-25419 000219 K11720 . Attachment E - Project Plan Page 112 of 280 Activities Center 1 level with 4 Aps will cover multiple rooms and mounted in the center of each room .4 tota l Aps for building )C Sign al (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -10 -60 r -70 -80 -GO Gym 8-80 1 level with 2 Aps to cover the whole court and will be mounted on wa ll. 2 total Aps for building )C 1sni;,1e (m8b) 0 or- 08- oa- P-25419 000220 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 113 of 280 K-81 Recreation 1 level gym 2 Aps total X Signal (dBm) 0 -20 -80 -40 -60 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000221 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 114 of 280 Outdoor yards 5-yard areas with 2 Aps per yard area dayroom. 10 total Aps for all yard coverage. Outdoor Airfiber for coverage P-25419 000222 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 115 of 280 Coverage areas Adam Unit Living area, day rooms 2nd Floor P-25419 000223 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 116 of 280 Baber Unit 2nd Floor P-25419 000224 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 117 of280 3rd Floor """11 "" '..t"l" • 3rd Floor P-25419 000225 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 118 of280 Rainer Unit 2nd Floor P-25419 000226 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 119 of280 3 rd Floor .,,.,... " I• I ~ P-25419 000227 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 120 of280 Victor Unit Living area and day room 2nd Floor P-25419 000228 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 121 of 280 William Unit Living area and day room 2nd Floor P-25419 000229 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 122 of280 Delta Unit Living area and day room ;,~~,.:cl, .- -~o•~ .;1.. •• .:,:,,=,c 2nd Floor :c,s,i:,,1,,..,, --=----"¾,o,-=e,r ~a,1--~!),P~ Is; • • ::r,,.._,.. P-25419 000230 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 123 of 280 Echo Unit Living area and day room 2nd Floor I .c,s.c...,., ,o_~.--~ . ... ~.. ~~~ ..., . - - - - - - - - - .l"'•u C.J,f,CIS.• • _;~ P-25419 000231 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 124 of 280 Fox Unit Living area and day room 2nd Floor I .... .c.s.c.o:.~__ _.....,=-=,,-~ ,~ ~E.J1P,C ~ P-25419 000232 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 125 of280 Golf Unit Living area and day room 2nd Floor P-25419 000233 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 126 of 280 6 Unit Living area and day room 2nd Floor P-25419 000234 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 127 of280 3rd Floor a Unit Living area and day room P-25419 000235 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 128 of 280 2nd Floor 3rd Floor P-25419 000236 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 129 of 280 10 Unit Living area and day room 2nd Floor 3rd Floor P-25419 000237 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 130 of280 Activities Center Living area and day room , .. e""° '~fj>•--...W:,ffl'IC· ~"!!!~ ;..:,,c' -•t:O Gym 8-80 1sr Floor ~., ...~\,l!!,C:41t ,_ -:,:,:,••1.,-., c.-r. P-25419 000238 K 11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 131 of 280 IMU 1sr Floor living area and day room Ei ! ...11( 2nd floor t P-25419 000239 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 132 of280 Admin Section Pod1-A, B, C, Pod 2-D, E, F, Pod 3-G, H, I Health Services 1sr Floor P-25419 000240 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 133 of 280 K-81 Recreation gym P-25419 000241 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 134 of280 Outdoor Coverage --- - □ t ===::l ~ C70 P-25419 000242 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 135 of280 Coyote Ridge Corrections Center, WA Predictive Heat mapping 5/19/2021 Purpose To Simulate adequate coverage in the designated area that where selected by the facility. The simulation has been created to demonstrate RF coverage of a specific area to give you a prediction of what the signal strength could be with the selected AP placement. This is only a prediction and could change from an onsite survey due to the lack of structure information and what would be physically in the facility. The purpose of the survey is to determine the number and placement of wireless access points necessary to provide adequate coverage for the entire building. P-25419 000243 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 136 of 280 Contents Coyote Ridge Corrections Center, WA Predictive Heat mapping .................................................................. 1 Predictive Heat Map ..................................................................................................................................... 3 A-Unit Seg ................................................................................................................................................... 5 J-Unit ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 Services Gym............................................................................................................................................... 6 Outdoor Area ............................................................................................................................................... 7 Coverage areas ........................................................................................................................................... 8 B-Unit........................................................................................................................................................... 8 C-Unit .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 D-Unit .........................................................................................................................................................10 E-Unit..........................................................................................................................................................11 F-Unit ..........................................................................................................................................................12 G-Unit .........................................................................................................................................................13 H-Unit .........................................................................................................................................................14 I-Unit ...........................................................................................................................................................15 Camas ........................................................................................................................................................16 Sage ...........................................................................................................................................................17 A-Unit Seg House .......................................................................................................................................18 Recreation ..................................................................................................................................................19 Gym Camp ..................................................................................................................................................20 Outside Rec Areas ......................................................................................................................................21 P-25419 000244 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 137 of 280 Predictive Heat Map Below is the predictive wireless test that was performed to provide coverage. The bar signal level was brought down to -60dBm. The antenna on a tablet will be slightly weaker, so you can add a buffer of about -10 to -1 SdBm to estimate what the tablet will be receiving from the Ruckus device. The dark grey locations display the areas that are not receiving proper signal strength, and this helps us determine direction for designing of the site. The grey locations are called dead zone and help us better place the APs. Note: this is a predictive survey and is not 100% accurate. The Maps displayed are layouts for Camas and Sage but are no located on main campus . B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I Unit are on main campus. The buildings are grouped because they are identical in structure and design and was not necessary to produce more than one heat map per structure. Some units are 2 tier and will need to adjust height on AP. NOTE: Tota l AP count for site 133. B,C,D,E,F,G,H,&IUn~ 2 Tier open center 4 APS per side 8 Aps per building, with 5 ft hanging from ceiling .64APs in total. X Signal (dBm) -30 -40 -60 P-25419 000245 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 138 of 280 Camp Unit Cama & Sage 1 level building with 1-2 AP per wing depending on open area or rooms. 1 AP per in day room .12 APs for Sage and 12 APs for Camas with a total of 24 APS. X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000246 K11720 . Attachment E - Project Plan Page 139 of 280 A-Unit Seg 1 level 2 with 6AP's per wing with 5 wings and 3 in round about. Total of 33Aps in Seg unit. X 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -60 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000247 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 140 of 280 J-Unit 1 level 2AP's to cover gym are. Total of 2Aps in J unit. X Services Gym 1 level 2AP's in gym area and 1AP in rec are. Total of 3AP's. X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000248 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 141 of280 Outdoor Area Rec area coverage 3 for Camp yard and 4 for main unit. Tota l of 7Aps for outdoor faci lity. JC Signal (dBm) 0 - 10 -20 -30 -40 -60 -60 -70 P-25419 000249 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 142 of 280 Coverage areas Living area, day rooms 8-Unit 1st level of tier B-Unit 2 nd level of tier P-25419 000250 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 143 of 280 C-Unit 1st level of tier C-Unit 2nd level of tier P-25419 000251 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Page 144 of280 0-Unit 1st level of tier D-Unit 2nd level of tier P-25419 000252 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 145 of280 E-Unit 1st level of tier E-Unit 2 nd level of tier P-25419 000253 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 146 of 280 F-Unit 1st level of tier F-Unit 2 nd level of tier P-25419 000254 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 147 of280 G-Unit 1st level of tier G-Unit 2nd level of tier P-25419 000255 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 148 of280 H-Unit 1st level of tier H-Unit 2 nd level of tier P-25419 000256 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 149 of280 I-Unit 1st level of tier I-Unit 2nd level of tier P-25419 000257 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 150 of280 Camas Living area and day room This area is a double unit with 8 wings. 20 P-25419 000258 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 151 of 280 Sage Living area and day room This area is a double unit with 8 wings. 20 P-25419 000259 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 152 of 280 A-Unit Seg House Living area and day room This area is a single level with 5 wings. ci:cc - DUILDIMG A Seate 3/32" = I ·-O' P-25419 000260 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 153 of 280 Recreation Gym style area. JBLDG-CRCC 3/32 11 ==- I 1-0 11 20 P-25419 000261 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 154 of 280 Gym Camp P-25419 000262 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 155 of280 Outside Rec Areas Field areas. OYOTE RIDGE ORRECTlONS E TER SITE PLAN BIJILOING LEGEND: M,\jfj \.. \lPllli i~~GA.TQ~~fr tJtcOtU._. S l:'.c:uwrv ttOlJS..NG \U-Gt\JMSE:;:UruTY •t1Ut.Nll MEO!Uhl .$£CufUN UOUSi.NG W~UM "':au,,n t,c.1l} NQ ~YBRID '100-SWG tlYt\A'lll OO!nlNQ ~!lR!D H()USING li'IDll'!O HOUS.INL. IIE~UTlON CHAPEL rooo KA\il("E4t.!L~TN,.. , ,.,..,.,, N,M,tt!PROGRAMSf,ITM;[. Cl~~R0t & ~ ITWO t40T usrn Ct)Mt t.Tllh\l ON°"STRIQS ~AINTENN+CE I, CLEI\N ROON VE~lC.L.£ 'SA.LLV POA'f OIJTSIOC """41Ntm<ATION NFO~MArla,,,, l'Et:.rt JWm~lt(J(M \MT'l.flTA'CAll.H~,,,,. N/111£1◄CMJSE QQUR-r~TION POOl "EIT UHtf HOU.SINS, tA'1 \14(iT ttOUltNr, WAA£"'10Us.i AO.,.INICfl\~ f'1l\trc OINlNG SEGREl;;I\HON F000 !l'l'ORL• WARtlCCM.E HEM Tl, SER¥'•CES CUAPU MINIMUM CAMP !.liClJR£0 ltOUIJ.-.,G ..,htAl'E..'YJ\..-ibJ:~ ov,.tN/\SI\IM GRAP HIC SCI FARKJNG vcQr-nt#'LO PHEASANT FA.RM V.SltDAA'N L..... TRJ\fll~CCHTER ~£0.'lClllits 0 TI;IC"M..RC,:,M F'tlrATOSTOJV.~ P-25419 000263 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 156 of 280 Airway Heights Corrections Center, WA Predictive Heat mapping 9/21/2021 Purpose To Simulate adequate coverage in the designated area that where selected by the facility. The simulation has been created to demonstrate RF coverage of a specific area to give you a prediction of what the signal strength could be with the selected AP placement. This is only a prediction and could change from an onsite survey due to the lack of structure information and what would be physically in the facility. The purpose of the survey is to determine the number and placement of wireless access points necessary to provide adequate coverage for the entire building. P-25419 000264 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 157 of 280 Contents Airway Heights Corrections Center, WA Predictive Heat mapping ............................................................... 1 Predictive Heat Map ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Coverage areas ........................................................................................................................................... 8 C4 & 5-Unit .................................................................................................................................................. 8 N-Unit .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 K-Unit..........................................................................................................................................................10 L-Unit ..........................................................................................................................................................11 M-Unit .........................................................................................................................................................12 R-Unit .........................................................................................................................................................13 T-Unit ..........................................................................................................................................................14 C6 Gym-Unit ...............................................................................................................................................15 D5 Healthcare .............................................................................................................................................16 Building E- Programs ..................................................................................................................................17 Building D3- Seg .........................................................................................................................................18 Outdoor Coverage ......................................................................................................................................19 P-25419 000265 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 158 of 280 Predictive Heat Map Below is the predictive wireless test that was performed to provide coverage. The bar signal level was brought down to -60dBm. The antenna on a tablet will be slightly weaker, so you can add a buffer of about -10 to -1 SdBm to estimate what the tablet will be receiving from the Ruckus device. The dark grey locations display the areas that are not receiving proper signal strength, and this helps us determine direction for designing of the site. The grey locations are called dead zone and help us better place the APs. Note: this is a predictive survey and is not 100% accurate. The Maps displayed are layouts for C4 and CS but are no located on main campus. K, L, M, N, T and C6 Unit are on main campus. The buildings are grouped because they are identical in structure and design and was not necessary to produce more than one heat map per structure. Some units are 2 tier and will need to adjust height on AP. NOTE: Tota l AP count for site 100. K, L, M, N, R, & T Unit 2 Tier open center 4 APS per side 8 Aps per building, with 5 ft hanging from ceiling.48 APs in total. X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -90 P-25419 000266 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 159 of 280 C4&C5 1 level building with 1-2 AP per wing depending on open area or rooms.1 per day room 113 APs for C4 and 13 APs for CS with a total of 22 APS. X P-25419 000267 K11720 . Attachment E - Project Plan Page 160 of 280 C6Gym G m area and classrooms with tota l of 5 APs in buildin X -10 -20 -so -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 03 Seg unit Seg area will have 2 Aps per wing with 1 AP in rec area per side. total of 6 APs in building. X 0 - 10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000268 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 161 of 280 05 Healthcare/Infirmary Medical area with 4 APs and 1 AP outdoor area . with total of 5 APs in building. )( Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000269 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 162 of 280 Building E - Programs Gym area with tota l of 2 APs in building. X Outdoor Rec areas will be covered that was designated. with total of 6 APs for outdoor areas. X Signal (dBrn) 0 - 10 -20 -so -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000270 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 163 of 280 Coverage areas Living area, day rooms C4 & s-Unit 1st level of tier C4 & CS complete unit P-25419 000271 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 164 of 280 N-Unit 1st level of tier N-Unit 2 nd level of tier P-25419 000272 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 165 of280 K-Unit 1st level of tier K-Unit 2nd level of tier P-25419 000273 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 166 of280 L-Unit 1st level of tier L-Unit 2nd level of tier P-25419 000274 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 167 of280 M-Unit 1st level of - ,. L - 2.c M-Unit 2 nd level of tier P-25419 000275 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 168 of280 R-Unit 1st level of tier R-Unit 2 nd level of tier P-25419 000276 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Plan Page 169 of280 T-Unit 1st level of tier T-Unit 2nd level of tier P-25419 000277 K11720 -Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 170 of280 C6 Gym-Unit 1st level P-25419 000278 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 171 of 280 D5 Healthcare 1st level 20 P-25419 000279 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 172 of 280 Building E- Programs 1st level AHCC Bu ild ing E - Program Activil ScaJe: 1" -= 25 1-0" P-25419 000280 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 173 of 280 Building D3- Seg 1st level tier AliCC Eluitding 03 • Admimstraiive Segreg~tioll Sc~le: 1 " : 2s·-0• D3-Seg 2 nd level of tier P-25419 000281 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 174 of 280 Outdoor Coverage Rec areas 20 P-25419 000282 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 175 of 280 Monroe Correctional Complex, WA Predictive Heat mapping 9/21/2021 Purpose To Simulate adequate coverage in the designated area that where selected by the facility. The simulation has been created to demonstrate RF coverage of a specific area to give you a prediction of what the signal strength could be with the selected AP placement. This is only a prediction and could change from an onsite survey due to the lack of structure information and what would be physically in the facility. The purpose of the survey is to determine the number and placement of wireless access points necessary to provide adequate coverage for the entire building. P-25419 000283 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 176 of 280 Contents Monroe Correctional Complex, WA Predictive Heat mapping ....................................................................... 1 Predictive Heat Map ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Coverage areas ..........................................................................................................................................13 WSR- A, B, C, D with A/B & C/D Dayroom ..................................................................................................13 WSR medical ..............................................................................................................................................15 WSR Gym Hobby/Craft ...............................................................................................................................16 MSU A &b-Unit............................................................................................................................................17 MSU C & D-Unit ..........................................................................................................................................18 TRU A-Unit .................................................................................................................................................19 TRU B-Unit .................................................................................................................................................21 TRU C-Unit .................................................................................................................................................22 TRU D-Unit .................................................................................................................................................23 TRU-Service..................................................................................................................................................24 TRU-Service Sec.5..........................................................................................................................................25 SOU E-Unit...................................................................................................................................................26 SOU F-Unit...................................................................................................................................................27 SOU H-Unit ..................................................................................................................................................28 Outdoor Coverage ........................................................................................................................................29 P-25419 000284 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 177 of 280 Predictive Heat Map Below is the predictive wireless test that was performed to provide coverage. The bar signal level was brought down to -60dBm. The antenna on a tablet will be slightly weaker, so you can add a buffer of about -10 to -15dBm to estimate what the tablet will be receiving from the Ruckus device. The dark grey locations display the areas that are not receiving proper signal strength, and this helps us determine direction for designing of the site. The grey locations are called dead zone and help us better place the APs. Note: this is a predictive survey and is not 100% accurate. The Maps displayed are layouts to cover all building in complex. Not every unit will be covered in complex area. There are 4 areas for coverage WSR, MSU, TRU, and SOU. Each area has its own entrance. The buildings are grouped because they are identical in structure and design and was not necessary to produce more than one heat map per structure. Some units are 2 to 4 tier and will need to adjust height on AP. NOTE: Total AP count for site 171. Complexes to be coverage 20 P-25419 000285 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 178 of 280 A, B, C, D unit, A/B Dayroom C/O dayroom, and Medical Unit 4 Tier for A, B, C, and D center 4 APS to cover 2 levels 32APS total. 2 AP per landing 8APs total. 1 AP per dayroom and 2APs total. 2 APs in Medical area 44 APs in total. X 0 - 10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000286 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 179 of 280 WSRU Cell Block 3 4th Floor Hospital APs down hallway. 5 APs in total. X 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000287 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 180 of 280 WSRU Receptions Cell Block 3 & 3A 1st tier building with 6APs for cell block 3 per row and 2 for cell block 3A building. 8 APs in total. P-25419 000288 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 181 of 280 MSUA/B&C/0 1 level building with 7APs per building. 28 APs in total. X P-25419 000289 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 182 of 280 TRU A, B, C, & D Unit Each unit has 10 APs per building. 40APs in total. X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000290 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 183 of 280 TRU Services 1 AP in each Room. 2APs in total. X S1gnal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 1~0 -90 P-25419 000291 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 184 of 280 TRU Services 5 2 AP down each hall and 1 in a room and 1 in open area. 6APs in total. X P-25419 000292 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 185 of 280 SOU E, F, & H Unit E and F Unit each unit has 10 APs per building. 20APs in total. X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 H Unit has 5 APs per building. 5APs in total P-25419 000293 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 186 of 280 Outdoor coverage Facility rec yards. 13A Ps in total. X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000294 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 187 of 280 Coverage areas Living area, day rooms WSR- A, 8, C, D with A/8 & C/D Dayroom 4 tiers for A, B, C, and D and dayroom A/Band C/D open \ 10.- W'Sli iJ Ccl· F.;,cx,,:.2V,..t.,.C I O - ,.,,-2 P-25419 000295 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 188 of 280 WSR -Cell 3 & 3A - A, B, C, D 1st floor ,K. C - ~-=JJ f-~tic-n C.: J1 Eu.;..:,. 5 s 2- .. 7..,-:r ::m l,=: •1.T 5 P-25419 000296 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 189 of 280 WSR medical 4th floor Cell block 3 P-25419 000297 K 11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 190 of280 WSR Gym Hobby/Craft 1st floor ,'I:~ -...-:1,111 it.# Chit 1'• 70f7 P-25419 000298 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 191 of 280 P-25419 000299 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 192 of280 MSU C & D-Unit P-25419 000300 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 193 of 280 TRU A-Unit 1st level of tier IN', 11'..I •t,3,....,,..~ 1., . ~.,c_! :-, A-Unit 2nd level i'i'CC i,11 t1c.1. '"'l ♦ Ji, (►I 11~11 ./\ ; e , 11+.«•i• !i>rr t\ J ....,..,t1 P-25419 000301 K11 720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 194 of 280 TRU 8-Unit 1st level of tier "-"X /,',I "'!l .1m-, C a ;J ~0.;.!11 i;. • • . • "'l'" ,.. , ;..,,.,. ft B-Unit 2 nd level of tier , .... t,t ! 11", ► •n:~ I , ••• • f\ ~ " ' J► to1 f" 11" Uni':', t J ",vw:r. P-25419 000302 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 195 of280 TAU C-Unit 1st level of tier \'C: 11"'..J r-~-.:,r"" V111t~ C i r; ., .. • ;1 1- ~ f1 "IC: " ' C-Unit 2nd level t~CC- ~RU Ho....:.nr--5 Un rL I- •· e, - Soc::.n, 1 1,-,ts.ina Jn ti:. r t )~.,.\/...~, P-25419 000303 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 196 of280 TRU D-Unit 1st level of tier • 1 • 11 ::::".~,u,.,~"t.,! ::, , "'"'t t 1 D-Unit 2nd level of tier ,.,re: !<ti hc1 1""'1"1"') I lt11• A • ~ s.-~-, t• lt.•11N111 ..1 'Jrllt'\ (. f i) ~,....."C""'5, P-25419 000304 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 197 of280 TRU-Service 1st level gym P-25419 000305 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 198 of 280 TRU-Service Sec.5 1st level 20 P-25419 000306 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 199 of 280 SOU E-Unit 1st level of tier ~~ e,...,,t. t-\,J!IJr~ E-Unit 2 nd level of tier P-25419 000307 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 200 of 280 SOU F-Unit 1st level of tier F-Unit 2nd level of tier P-25419 000308 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 201 of 280 SOU H-Unit 1st level of tier '-ICC- :.OU -.,1lo1r~ M lrn ~\.e r .~1!¥' , , P-25419 000309 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 202 of 280 Outdoor Coverage Facility Rec areas 20 P-25419 000310 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 203 of 280 Clallam Bay Correction Center, WA Predictive Heat mapping 5/6/2021 Purpose To Simulate adequate coverage in the designated area that where selected by the facility. The simulation has been created to demonstrate RF coverage of a specific area to give you a prediction of what the signal strength could be with the selected AP placement. This is only a prediction and could change from an onsite survey due to the lack of structure information and what would be physically in the facility. The purpose of the survey is to determine the number and placement of wireless access points necessary to provide adequate coverage for the entire building. P-25419 000311 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 204 of 280 Contents Clallam Bay Correction Center, WA Predictive Heat mapping ...................................................................... 1 Predictive Heat Map ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Coverage areas ........................................................................................................................................... 7 A, B, C, and D building ................................................................................................................................. 7 E, and F building .........................................................................................................................................11 MSU............................................................................................................................................................12 P-25419 000312 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 205 of 280 Predictive Heat Map Below is the predictive wireless test that was performed to provide coverage. The bar signal level was brought down to -60dBm. The antenna on a tablet will be slightly weaker, so you can add a buffer of about -10 to -1 SdBm to estimate what the tablet will be receiving from the Ruckus device. The dark grey locations display the areas that are not receiving proper signal strength, and this helps us determine direction for designing of the site. The grey locations are called dead zone and help us better place the APs. Note: this is a predictive survey and is not 100% accurate. The Map displayed will show layouts for A & B, C & D, E & F, and MSU buildings. NOTE: Total AP count for site 67. AB, and CD building -Will have 13Aps per building. 5 ft hanging from celling to cover 21evels. Total AP count 26. X P-25419 000313 K11720 . Attachment E - Project Plan Page 206 of 280 E & F building -Will have 6 Aps per floor, 12 per bui lding total 24 Aps. X 0 -I 0 -20 -90 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 MSU-Will have 3Aps per unit G, H , I, and J with total of 12Aps.This will cover living area. X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000314 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 207 of 280 Rec Building -Will have 3 Aps per floor, total 3 Aps. X Signal (dBm) 0 - 10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000315 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 208 of 280 Outdoor area -Will have 2 Aps coming off rec building, total 2 Aps. D -1 0 -20 -30 P-25419 000316 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 209 of 280 Coverage areas A, and B building sleeping areas, Day room, and program area. c.co: rl1,11~ ~U•••l~ Afl'\ ~,,e~ l"lc,,:,,, ,·~w-o A, and B building Level 2 sleeping areas, Day room, and program area P-25419 000317 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 210 of 280 A, and B building Level 3 sleeping areas, Day room, and program area 20 P-25419 000318 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 211 of 280 C, and D building Level 1 sleeping areas, Day room, and program area 20 C, and D building Level 2 sleeping areas, Day room, and program area 20 P-25419 000319 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 212 of 280 C, and D building Level 3 sleeping areas, Day room, and program area 20 P-25419 000320 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 213 of 280 E and F building Level 1 Living area 20 E and F building Level 2 Living area 20 P-25419 000321 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 214 of 280 MSC G and H Level 1 Living area 20 MSC G and H Level 2 Living area 20 P-25419 000322 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 215 of 280 MSC I and J Level 3 Living area MSC I and J Level 4 Living area P-25419 000323 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 216 of 280 Rec Building 20 P-25419 000324 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 217 of 280 Outdoor coverage CLALLAM BAY CORRECTIONS CENTER SITE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE: T S CAl.E. l" = 200· LEGEND 1 SUPPORT BUILDING 2 HOUSING UNITS A, 6 3 HOUSING UNITS C, D (TAC) 4 HOUSING UNITS E. F 5 RECREATION 6 WATER TANKS 7 WASTEWATER TREAMENT 8 HELIPAO 9 WAREHOSUE 10 RECREATION 11 MSC UNITS G, H, I, J 12 FAMILY VISIT 13 MOTOR POOL 14 SECURITY TOWERS (5) 15 WEAPONS STORAGE/ERT "ARMORY" 16 GREENHOUSE 17 RECYCLE P-25419 000325 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 218 of 280 Olympic Correction Center, WA Predictive Heat mapping 8/9/2021 Purpose To Simulate adequate coverage in the designated area that where selected by the facility. The simulation has been created to demonstrate RF coverage of a specific area to give you a prediction of what the signal strength could be with the selected AP placement. This is only a prediction and could change from an onsite survey due to the lack of structure information and what would be physically in the facility. The purpose of the survey is to determine the number and placement of wireless access points necessary to provide adequate coverage for the entire building. P-25419 000326 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 219 of 280 Contents Olympic Correction Center, WA Predictive Heat mapping ............................................................................ 1 Predictive Heat Map ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Hoh .............................................................................................................................................................. 3 Clearwater ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Bogacheil ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 Ozette .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Clearwater gym ............................................................................................................................................ 7 Ozette Rec ................................................................................................................................................... 7 Outdoor area ................................................................................................................................................ 8 Coverage areas ........................................................................................................................................... 9 Ozette .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Hoh .............................................................................................................................................................10 ClearWater..................................................................................................................................................11 Bogacheil ....................................................................................................................................................11 OCC Rec ....................................................................................................................................................12 Clearwater Rec ...........................................................................................................................................12 Outdoor areas .............................................................................................................................................13 P-25419 000327 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 220 of 280 Predictive Heat Map Below is the predictive wireless test that was performed to provide coverage. The bar signa l level was brought down to -60dBm. The antenna on a tablet will be slightly weaker, so you can add a buffer of about -1 0 to -1 SdBm to estimate what the tablet will be receiving from the Ruckus device. The dark grey locations display the areas that are not receiving proper signal strength, and this helps us determine direction for designing of the site . The grey locations are called dead zone and help us better place the APs. Note: this is a predictive survey and is not 100% accurate. The Map displayed will show layouts for Clearwater, Hoh, Bogacheil, and Ozette buildings. NOTE: Total AP count for site 40. Hoh Will have 9Aps for the building that will cover living area and day rooms. X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000328 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 221 of 280 Cleatwater Will have 4 Aps and will cover living areas 1annel, Selected APs 8 P-25419 000329 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 222 of 280 Bogacheil Will have 3Aps and will cover living area and day room. X 0 -10 -20 -80 -~o 60 40 70 80 .flO P-25419 000330 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 223 of 280 Ozette Will have 1 OAps and will cover living area, day rooms, and program areas. P-25419 000331 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 224 of 280 Clearwater gym Will have 2Aps and will cover gym area. X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -60 -60 -70 -80 -90 Ozette Rec Will have 3Aps and will cover all of rec area. P-25419 000332 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 225 of 280 Outdoor area Will have 5Aps for Ozette complex, and 4Aps for Clearwater Complex. With a total of 9Aps for outdoor coverage. X Signal [dBr(l) 0 · 10 ·20 ·30 ·40 ·50 ·60 0 70 ·80 ·90 P-25419 000333 K11720 . Attachment E - Project Plan Page 226 of 280 Coverage areas Ozette s leepi ng areas, Day room, and program area. P-25419 000334 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 227 of 280 Hoh Living area and day room P-25419 000335 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 228 of 280 ClearWater Living area 20 Bogacheil Living area 20 P-25419 000336 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 229 of 280 OCC Rec Cleaiwater Rec o - -.... 'CJ .a P-25419 000337 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 230 of 280 Outdoor areas OLYMPIC CORRECTIONS CENTER SITE PLAN GRAPH IC SCALE: j' SCALE. \"' =--250' LEGEND - DZ.ETTE COMPLEX 1 ADMINIS.J r!ATIOH 2 OZETTE LIVING UNIT 3. L S 6" 7 3" Q GYMNASIUM FOOD SE'R VICE ~ INTENANCE ~t,OPS GASSHACK WAREHOU~ I LAUNDRY HOH LIVING UNIT FIR,E TRA jLQR SH.ED 10 RECYCLE CENTE.R, LEGEND· CLEARWATER CDMPLE OfllR ADMINISTRATION CLEARWATER UVINGUNIT "1 2 ,:, CLE4.RV✓ATER GYMNASIUM 4, EXTENDED FAMILY VISIT EDUCATIONAL , MEDICAL 5 ':I 7 ·S0 CHAPEL HOBBY SHED GLASS SHOP ONR COMPOUND LEGEND· WASTEWATER T REATMENT 1 LABORATORY 2 DEWATERING ~ SLU'DGE STROAGE 4 AERATION BASIN 5 GnEE'NHOUSE 6 T 8 0 P-25419 RAS PUMPS FILTER BUILDING COMPOS! ClJRiMG t:OMPOSTl"IG 000338 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 231 of 280 Cedar Creek Corrections Center, WA Predictive Heat mapping 8/26/2021 Purpose To Simulate adequate coverage in the designated area that where selected by the facility. The simulation has been created to demonstrate RF coverage of a specific area to give you a prediction of what the signal strength could be with the selected AP placement. This is only a prediction and could change from an onsite survey due to the lack of structure information and what would be physically in the facility. The purpose of the survey is to determine the number and placement of wireless access points necessary to provide adequate coverage for the entire building. P-25419 000339 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 232 of 280 Contents Cedar Creek Corrections Center, WA Predictive Heat mapping ................................................................... 1 Predictive Heat Map ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Cascade....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Olympic ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 Timberline Programs .................................................................................................................................... 5 Gym ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 Outdoor ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 Coverage areas ........................................................................................................................................... 7 Cascade....................................................................................................................................................... 7 Olympic 1st Floor .......................................................................................................................................... 8 Olympic 2nd floor .......................................................................................................................................... 8 Timberline 1st floor ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Gym ............................................................................................................................................................10 Outdoor area ...............................................................................................................................................11 P-25419 000340 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 233 of 280 Predictive Heat Map Below is the predictive wireless test t hat was performed to provide coverage. The bar signal level was brought down to -60dBm. The antenna on a tablet will be slightly weaker, so you can add a buffer of about -10 to -15dBm to estimate what the tablet wi ll be receivi ng from the Ruckus device. The dark grey locations display the areas that are not receiving proper signal strength, and this helps us determine direction for designing of the site. The grey locations are called dead zone and help us better place the APs. Note: this is a predictive survey and is not 100% accurate. The Map displayed will be a layout of Cascade, Olympic and Timberline. Olympic is a 2-level structure with the same lay out so only one floor plan is necessary because they are identical. NOTE: Tota l AP count for site 38. Ca scade 3 wings and Day Room total 12 Aps for bui lding. )( Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000341 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 234 of 280 Olympic A 2-level structure with 14 Aps for the Building and 7 Aps per level. X P-25419 000342 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 235 of 280 Timberline Programs Are common areas such as Library, classrooms, and meeting room. 4 AP for this Building on the 1st floor X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 Gym 2 Aps to cover gym area. P-25419 000343 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 236 of 280 Outdoor Outdoor area to cover rec and common areas. 6 Aps total for outdoor coverage. 20 P-25419 000344 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 237 of 280 Coverage areas Cascade area to cover living area and day rooms. P-25419 000345 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 238 of 280 Olympic 2 nd floor P-25419 000346 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 239 of 280 P-25419 000347 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 240 of 280 Gym 20 P-25419 000348 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 241 of 280 Outdoor area SCALE: 1' :- 150' ARKIMG ,T OFF1CE CONTROL llKIT M LfJ!T tS.HU IHEARINGE OG. SJP1., F'ftAJICE, MAIL , ..trt, R " ECORD! \\tARE:HoUSE, v: HICLC. MJJrflE.N.ANCE. UtLO'! "G: EOIJCA1l0 1', O"'IAPE.L, L◄6~Alff, l C P..M. COP.1POST /C0 / =>6~·c.n CCAHTEl?IA USES I TlLAPI.AfFRCG.$ Tf TRAtMNG /TR.AfH , GnouNDSSHOP PENT ER'S SHOP ;.,. 19 GYM/RECREATION 20 6UILOl}G MAJNTENANCE :n l'IM&ERlANO S UIL~tN<kTAAllil NG .£. DNI, O ~ tCI= ~ MAJNTENANCE 23 W,'NT P 2◄ P-25419 COMPC;-f ' ACt.Jr( 000349 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 242 of 280 Larch Correction Center, WA Predictive Heat mapping 5/4/2021 Purpose To Simulate adequate coverage in the designated area that where selected by the facility. The simulation has been created to demonstrate RF coverage of a specific area to give you a prediction of what the signal strength could be with the selected AP placement. This is only a prediction and could change from an onsite survey due to the lack of structure information and what would be physically in the facility. The purpose of the survey is to determine the number and placement of wireless access points necessary to provide adequate coverage for the entire building. P-25419 000350 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 243 of 280 Contents Larch Correction Center, WA Predictive Heat mapping ................................................................................ 1 Predictive Heat Map ..................................................................................................................................... 3 H Style Dorm................................................................................................................................................ 3 Building 13 ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Building 5 9 & 27 .......................................................................................................................................... 4 Outdoor Coverage ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Coverage areas ........................................................................................................................................... 6 A 1st floor Silver Star ................................................................................................................................... 6 A 2nd floor Sliver Star .................................................................................................................................... 7 B 1st floor Elkhorn ......................................................................................................................................... 7 B 2nd floor Elkhorn ........................................................................................................................................ 8 Building 13 ................................................................................................................................................... 8 Building 5, 9. & 27 ........................................................................................................................................ 9 Outside Coverage Area ...............................................................................................................................10 P-25419 000351 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 244 of 280 Predictive Heat Map Below is the predictive wireless test t hat was performed to provide coverage. The bar signal level was brought down to -60dBm. The antenna on a tablet will be slightly weaker, so you can add a buffer of about -10 to -1 SdBm to estimate what the tablet will be receiving from the Ruckus device. The dark grey locations display the areas that are not receiving proper signal strength, and this helps us determine direction for designing of the site. The grey locations are called dead zone and help us better place the APs. Note: this is a predictive survey and is not 100% accurate. NOTE: Total AP count for site 38. H Style Dorm The Map displayed will be the same layout for Silver Star living unit as well as Elkhorn living unit. The two units have two story units with an upper level and a lower level. Total AP count for site 24 12 per unit. )( Signal [dBm) 0 ·10 ·20 ·30 ·40 ·60 ·60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000352 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 245 of 280 Building 13 This area will have 1 AP per section to cover sleeping area and 1 per living/dining area. Total 4 Aps Building 5 9 & 27 Rec areas will have 2 APs for 5, 2 Aps for 9, and 3APs for 27. Tota l 7Aps for all 3 buildings. X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000353 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 246 of 280 Outdoor Coverage Yard coverage will come off building 3 and building 13. Total of 3Aps. X Signal (dBm) 0 - 10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000354 K11720 . Attachment E - Project Plan Page 247 of 280 Coverage areas Dayroom and sleeping areas. A 1st floor Silver Star P-25419 000355 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 248 of 280 A 2 nd floor Sliver Star B 1st floor El~horn P-25419 000356 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 249 of 280 8 2 nd floor Ell:?horn Building 13 n.. l . - - -l Fl lE EL P-25419 L- - L E l£ £L 000357 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 250 of 280 Building 5~ 9 . & 27 LCC Pecre:rt-1.on 5.u,ld,r~q I ' = I G.'-0' . P-25419 000358 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 251 of 280 Outside Coverage Area 20 P-25419 000359 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 252 of 280 Washington Corrections Center, WA Predictive Heat mapping 5/7/2021 Purpose To Simulate adequate coverage in the designated area that where selected by the facility. The simulation has been created to demonstrate RF coverage of a specific area to give you a prediction of what the signal strength could be with the selected AP placement. This is only a prediction and could change from an onsite survey due to the lack of structure information and what would be physically in the facility. The purpose of the survey is to determine the number and placement of wireless access points necessary to provide adequate coverage for the entire building. P-25419 000360 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 253 of 280 Contents Washington Corrections Center, WA Predictive Heat mapping .................................................................... 1 Predictive Heat Map ..................................................................................................................................... 3 2 Aps on back wall to cover rec area. Total 2 Aps for area. .......................................................................... 7 Coverage areas ..........................................................................................................................................11 IMU- A, B, C, D, and E dorm .......................................................................................................................11 Evergreen Wing A/B, C/D, E/F, and G/H .....................................................................................................13 Cedar Wing A/B, C/D, E/F, and G/H ............................................................................................................14 R-4 Wing A/B, C/D, E/F, and G/H ................................................................................................................15 R-5 Wing A/B, C/D, E/F, and G/H ................................................................................................................15 R-6 Wing A/B, C/D, E/F, and G/H ................................................................................................................16 R-1 A/E, B/F, C/G, and D/H .........................................................................................................................17 R-2 A/E, B/F, C/G, and D/H .........................................................................................................................18 R-3 A/E, B/F, C/G, and D/H .........................................................................................................................19 14 Building/ Multi-purpose ...........................................................................................................................20 Gym/rec ......................................................................................................................................................21 G Building ...................................................................................................................................................22 Outdoor Coverage ......................................................................................................................................23 P-25419 000361 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 254 of 280 Predictive Heat Map Below is the predictive wireless test that was performed to provide coverage. The bar signal level was brought down to -60dBm. The antenna on a tablet will be slightly weaker, so you can add a buffer of about -10 to -1 SdBm to estimate what the tablet will be receiving from the Ruckus device. The dark grey locations display the areas that are not receiving proper signal strength, and this helps us determine direction for designing of the site. The grey locations are called dead zone and help us better place the APs. Note: this is a predictive survey and is not 100% accurate. The Maps displayed are layouts for Evergreen/Cedar, IMU, R6, R1 /R2/R/3, R4/R5, Building D, Building G and Gym. The buildings are grouped because they are identical in structure and design and was not necessary to produce more than one heat map per structure. Some units are 2 tier and will need to adjust height on AP. NOTE: Total AP count for site 137, Evergreen and Cedar 1 level unit with 4 wings 4 Aps per wing , 32 total Aps for building X Signal (dBm) 0 - 10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000362 K11720 . Attachment E - Project Plan Page 255 of 280 IMU 2 tier building with 1 AP per dorm and 3 for rec area. 9 total Aps for building X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000363 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 256 of 280 R1, R2, & R3 R buildings are 2 tier with 2 APs per unit 8 APs 1AP in dayroom. Per building total 27 X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -90 P-25419 000364 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 257 of 280 R4, & RS 1 level unit with 4 wings 4 Aps per wing , 32 total Aps for building. X Signal (dBm) 0 - 10 -20 -30 -40 -60 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000365 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 258 of 280 14 Building/ Multi-purpose 2 walls outdoor directional APs will cover whole gym. Tota l AP count 2 x; Signal (dBm) 0 - 10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 Selected APs 4 G Building 2 Aps on back wall to cover rec area _Total 2 Aps for area. X Sig'nal (dBm) 0 - 10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000366 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 259 of 280 RS 1 level unit with 4 wings 4 Aps per wing , 16 total Aps for building X Signal (dBm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000367 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 260 of 280 D Building Coverage for Medical area. Total of 7 Aps for building. 1 in_= 23.14 ft Dimensions(X x Y) : 161 .98 ft x 253_18 ft Signal (dBm) 0 - 10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 Zoom : 47% P-25419 000368 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 261 of 280 Outdoor Coverage Rec yards coverage for each Dorm area designated locations.10 total Aps . X 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 P-25419 000369 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 262 of 280 Coverage areas Living area, day room and gym IMU- A, 8, C, D, and E dorm P-25419 000370 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 263 of 280 IMU level 2 P-25419 000371 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 264 of 280 Evergreen Wing A/8, CID, E/F, and G/H Living area and day room P-25419 000372 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 265 of 280 Cedar Wing A/8, C/D, E/F, and G/H Living area and day room P-25419 000373 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 266 of 280 R-4 Wing A/B, CID, E/F, and G/H Living area and day room R-5 Wing A/B, C/D, E/F, and G/H Living area and day room P-25419 000374 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 267 of 280 R-6 Wing A/8, C/D, E/F, and G/H Living area and day room P-25419 000375 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 268 of 280 R-1 A/E, 8/F, C/G, and D/H P-25419 000376 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 269 of 280 R-2 A/E, B/F, C/G, and D/H P-25419 000377 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 270 of 280 R-3 A/E, 8/F, C/G, and O/H P-25419 000378 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 271 of 280 14 Building/ Multi-purpose P-25419 000379 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 272 of 280 Gym/rec P-25419 000380 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 273 of 280 D Building P-25419 000381 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Pl'an Page 274 of280 Outdoor Coverage SITE PLAN ORAPHIC SCA.LE. SCALE..- f - Y:D 1..~GetD ·•"~ ·e·ew M•"'IQ,._1111 M ..1 1 ~ t d V11t<.11 ·welilU. MY1inR:0-.01,,1J,Q:, r~ -.o·Ui!U. H11alll'lCl:n. Dental •F" ~ Elb:11lbll,Ufl~. G ~ ~G."~ JC!f~t.....l'dtt. ~ <I RN;;,1h.:,'l ~1J(1A A• 1&-R.J- 1'(;. HI) HA A:U"'lll'ltlodJn;i R ..S R u11nt:r.GlhQ ft.8 ~Ul'l~.Hl'IQ ~ -7 ,C Ul'll~flollJ.l"IQ • ' ,.'' ""',. ,. C...- H;i!Mll f/nlffllol,• Ma,aa.m•ni U1·1 .. ;i...,_Ci»Ho,... IOL'w,Ww'tho1tW' Cm'oo,t11:tar>D B.utO"'G 11 17 11 Sleam~ 1!1-]0 M.e.w, Equ~ ...-IIIN. 81AC a111~• 11 EA' IE-•""dF.afllf\ \11Ml1 .2' G·c~.-:diiW'dllQII 2l 0~~•-« PoiN, C. f!.dldfflet 11.aDl\li ~ ~ R6W Saf'l(OftnOlrNf\. 1311~4JI 1'FtAAi Rt,HII~ !&I R.IU,Q,,OWi CcN• fT o~ 0-:.dn_:t O.-e,, 18 n Al:IH..-, CU .2'3 fl 11 Stt,!'f9tl'!:At: ..l'l!Sl5 ~ A e. C! P-25419 5WJrlf, f ~ '!'I.it! P-a'VIIJ LQS Vllltor P~IV'IO l..t!I '!.ftll-ct ~ \ O f ' 3Lift .:J"Ml'f,;.r ',le~ • ~1 lliltl~ ll' Hf:" 'ft.il11f fa-,Q,l'r, ti ff.~• 000382 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 275 of 280 Timeline Delays and Credits For vendor-caused delays, delay credits shall equal $2,500.00 per calendar day for the first ten calendar days, and then $5,000.00 per calendar day for each calendar day of delay thereafter. In no event during implementation will delay credits exceed $100,000.00. P-25419 000383 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 276 of 280 Testing and Acceptance General. Implementation of the Solution may be accomplished on a component by component basis, a grouping of Solution components basis and/or in "Phases," as specified in a Statement of Work. Statements of Work may set forth testing processes and procedures that are in addition to the processes and procedures described herein. Test Plans. Vendor shall lead the work effort to develop a specific test plan for each test stage ("Test Plan"). Vendor will identify previously developed test materials in Vendor’s possession that may be useful in the testing of the Solution. Vendor shall tailor those materials into DOC-specific test materials, including test plan models, test scripts, test scenarios and test data (collectively, "Test Materials"). Vendor shall create the initial drafts of the Test Plan and Test Materials during the design of the Solution and such documents shall be further developed by DOC with input from Vendor during the build and configuration phases of the implementation. Vendor shall ensure that the Test Plan and Test Materials are sufficiently comprehensive to confirm the operation of the Solution in accordance with the DOC Requirements. If adjustments are needed, the Test Plan and Test Materials will be updated. The initial Test Plan and Test Materials and any updates thereto are a Deliverable, subject to the terms of Terms and Conditions Document Section 2.1.1. As part of developing the Test Plan, Vendor will propose the criteria for commencing and concluding ("entrance" and "exit" criteria) the various activities within Pre-Live Testing as described below, all as are required to test whether the Solution is operating according to the DOC Requirements and applicable Performance Standards. The entrance and exit criteria will be subject to DOC's approval. During the testing process, Vendor and DOC will determine whether such entrance and exit criteria have been satisfied, and if the criteria are satisfied, the Pre-Live Testing may continue to succeeding activities. If the criteria are not satisfied, DOC can require Vendor to address any Issues with respect to such non-satisfaction of the criteria. Vendor shall provide to DOC copies of all test data results and analyses generated by Vendor during its performance of any testing processes and procedures for the project. The Test Plan may include testing processes and procedures that are in addition to, but not inconsistent with, the testing processes and procedures set forth in this Section and, once finalized, shall be deemed to be a part of this Agreement. Pre-Live Testing. Pre-live testing for each Phase ("Pre-Live Testing") shall be performed by the parties in accordance with the responsibilities allocated to each party in the Statement of Work and shall commence on the date, and shall continue for the period of time, specified in the Project Plan and, if no such period is specified, generally will be a period of sixty-five (65) calendar days. DOC may elect, in its sole discretion, to reduce the number of days for Pre-Live Testing. Vendor shall ensure that all configurations, Integrations, Interfaces, Extensions and other software-based Deliverables required to be included in the applicable test are prepared in advance of the testing process. DOC shall have the right not to initiate a particular portion of the Pre-Live Testing for a component of the Solution, grouping of components of the Solution or Phase, as applicable, if the required configuration, Integration, Interface, Extension or other software-based Deliverables is not prepared in time for such testing. In addition, in accordance with Terms and Conditions Document Section, DOC shall not be required to consider any changes to the testing timeframes as established by the original Project Plan. Pre-Live Testing shall test (in stages) and validate, as against the DOC Requirements: a) The functional capabilities of the component of the Solution, as applicable, for each Phase (functional and unit testing); P-25419 000384 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 277 of 280 b) The accessibility capabilities of the Solution (accessibility testing): c) That Integrations, Interfaces, and information flows seamlessly as designed among the various components of the component of the Solution and the Solution, as designed, meets DOC's enterprise data integration requirements (system integration testing); d) Regression testing incorporating, at DOC’s election, any or all previously installed software/modules, to ensure that the software/module being tested does not impact or impair the functioning of the previously-installed and/or tested software/module, and that such tested software/module Integrates seamlessly with the previously-installed software/module (regression testing); e) User acceptance testing, including achieving acceptable performance response times and availability of the Solution, as applicable (user acceptance testing); f) The processing of high-volume data in a production-simulated environment in accordance with performance and scalability criteria to demonstrate acceptable performance of the Solution to DOC (performance testing); g) Security features and functionality and hacking/penetration testing (security testing); h) Corrections to any Level 1 or Level 2 Defects (including any required regression testing of such Defect corrections or workarounds), and with respect to Level 3 Defects, Vendor's corrections or workarounds acceptable to DOC; and i) Any other criteria that may be specified in the Statement of Work or as may be agreed to by the parties; "Level 1 Defect" means any Defect that significantly impacts the ability of Users to use the Solution, or exposes Users to liability. "Level 2 Defect" means any Defect that adversely affects Users use of the Solution. "Level 3 Defect" means any Defect that causes minor problems to occur with the Solution that can be circumvented without difficulty or disruption to Users’ operations. All testing is to verify and confirm that the Solution operates in accordance with the applicable DOC Requirements. Prior to completing Pre-Live Testing for each applicable Phase of the project, Vendor shall provide to DOC the Documentation specified in Terms and Conditions Document Section 2.4.1. If DOC notifies Vendor of any Defects discovered as a result of Pre-Live Testing, Vendor promptly shall correct such Defects. When all failures to operate in accordance with the DOC Requirements identified during Pre-Live Testing for each Phase have been corrected by Vendor, the Solution has operated without any Level 1 Defects or Level 2 Defects during Pre-Live Testing for fifteen (15) consecutive calendar days during the final period of the Pre-Live Testing period, and all Deliverables have been provided to DOC, Vendor shall provide DOC with written certification that it has met all the criteria for Pre-Live Testing. If Vendor issues a certificate indicating completion but DOC disagrees with the certification, DOC shall provide written notice to Vendor and the parties shall meet to review the areas of non-compliance and any continued or unresolved disagreement shall be referred to the Executive Sponsors for resolution. Once the parties agree that the criteria for Pre-Live Testing have been satisfied with respect a component of the Solution, grouping of components P-25419to 000385 of the Solution or a Phase, as applicable, such Solution shall be ready for Production Use in accordance with K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 278 of 280 Terms and Conditions Document Section 4.4, and such status or state shall be referred to as "Ready for Production Use." Production and Post-Production Period. Following successful completion of Pre-Live Testing for a component of the Solution, grouping of components of the Solution and/or Phase, as applicable, DOC will deploy the applicable component of the Solution in production in accordance with the process set forth in the Statement of Work ("Production" or "Production Use"). Once in Production, and subject to Terms and Conditions Document Section 5.6 below regarding quarter and year end processing, there shall be a stabilization period of not less than ninety (90) calendar days ("Stabilization Period") in order to correct any residual and/or new Defects, and an optimization period subsequent to the Stabilization Period of at least ninety (90) calendar days ("Optimization Period") (the Stabilization Period and the Optimization Period is collectively referred to as the "Production Use Period"). The above time periods for the Stabilization Period and the Optimization Period may be changed by the parties in the Statement of Work. Stabilization Period. During the Stabilization Period, Vendor shall correct any Defects that were present in the Solution at the time of Production or that have arisen after the Solution was placed into Production. If any Defects exist are later discovered during the Stabilization Period, DOC shall report such Defects to Vendor, and Vendor shall promptly, using its continuous efforts, correct such Defects. The process described in this subsection shall repeat as often as necessary until all Level 1 Defects or Level 2 Defects have been corrected by Vendor and the Solution has operated in Production without any Level 1 Defects or Level 2 Defects for at least thirty (30) consecutive calendar days. If such Defects are not resolved within the Stabilization Period or there are latent Defects arising near the end of the Stabilization Period, such Stabilization Period shall be extended to the extent necessary to demonstrate that the Solution has operated in Production without any Level 1 Defects or Level 2 Defects for a period of fifteen (15) calendar days. Optimization Period. During the Optimization Period, Vendor shall: (A) address any adoption Issues and negative user experiences that have occurred prior to the commencement of the Optimization Period; (B) examine configurations, workflows and processes that were designed and configured into the Solution for purposes of determining whether such configurations, workflows and processes need to be changed or improved; (C) lead any changes or improvements to configurations, workflow, processes and the Solution that are approved by DOC; and (D) ensure the transfer of knowledge to DOC in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Certifying Completion of the Production Use Period. If the requirements of this Section are satisfied, the DOC Manager shall complete and provide the signed Certification Form to Vendor within ten (10) business days after the date such conditions have been satisfied. If DOC has not provided the signed Certification Form within the time period and Vendor believes it has satisfied the conditions set forth above, Vendor shall provide written notice to DOC indicating that it believes the conditions have been satisfied. Vendor shall not be permitted to provide the above written notice to DOC if there are any outstanding and unresolved Level 1 Defects or Level 2 Defects. DOC may reject Vendor’s written certification within ten (10) business days after receipt of Vendor’s written certification. If Vendor disputes or disagrees with DOC’s rejection, the matter shall be referred to the Executive Sponsors for resolution. Once the parties agree that the criteria for Production Use have been satisfied with respect to a Solution or Phase, such Solution or Phase shall be ready for certificationP-25419 in accordance with Terms and Conditions Document Section 000386 4.7. K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 279 of 280 Suspension of Testing. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, DOC shall have the right to suspend Pre-Live Testing and/or Production Use at any time, and the time periods for conducting such testing for a Phase shall be extended on a day-for-day basis to account for the period of suspension. If the reason for the suspension is related to failed testing processes, a non-chargeable Change Order will be required to reset applicable project dates. If the suspension is due to DOC delays and/or not involving a failed testing process, a Change Order will be required. Quarter, Fiscal Year End and Other Periodic Processes. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section, to the extent any component of the Solution contains quarterly, fiscal year-end or other periodic processes, the Production Use Period shall remain open until the Solution has operated such processes in Production Use without any Level 1 Defects or Level 2 Defects. Solution Component and Phase Certification. The following conditions are required for a component of the Solution, grouping of components of the Solution or a Phase to achieve "Solution Component Certification" or "Phase Certification," as applicable: (a) the criteria specified in Terms and Conditions Document Section 5.4 have been satisfied with respect to the applicable component of the Solution or Phase; (b) Vendor has provided to DOC all Documentation and other Deliverables relating to the components of the Solution; and (c) the DOC Executive Sponsor, or her or his designee, has provided her or his written confirmation that the conditions specified in subsections (a) and (b) of this Section have been satisfied. If the requirements of subsections (a) and (b) of this Section are satisfied, the DOC Executive Sponsor, or her or his designee, shall promptly (but in no event longer than ten (10) business days following Vendor’s written certification that the requirements of subsections (a) and (b) of this Section are satisfied) provide her or his written confirmation required in subsection (c) of this Section. Nothing else, including DOC’s use of the Solution, or any component thereof, in a live, production environment shall constitute Solution Component Certification or Phase Certification, affect any rights and remedies that may be available to DOC and/or constitute or result in "acceptance" under Law. Project Completion. The following conditions are required for the project to achieve "Project Completion": (a) Solution Component Certification and/or Phase Certification has been achieved for the entire Solution or Phases, as applicable, included within the project; (b) Vendor has provided to DOC all Documentation and other Deliverables relating to the Solution; and (c) Vendor has fulfilled its obligations relating to the transfer of Knowledge; and (d) the DOC Executive Sponsor, or her or his designee, has provided her or his written confirmation that the conditions specified in subsections (a) through (c) of this Section have been satisfied. Nothing else, including DOC’s use of the Solution, or any component thereof, in a live, production environment shall constitute acceptance or completion, or affect any rights and remedies that may be available to DOC under Law. P-25419 000387 K11720 - Attachment E - Project Plan Page 280 of 280 RACI CHART ATTACHMENT F Tasks/Milestones/Key Decisions Securus Business Manager Present Securus Implementation Plan for approval to WA DOC including WIFI C C C A R C C C I Review/approve Securus implementation plan for all services C C I C C R/A C C I I C I A R C I C I I C I R A C C C C Identify order of tablet deployment by site C C C I C R A C I Present tablet deployment/testing plan to DOC for final approval R C I R A C I C I present/communicate deployment plan to identified facilities contacts R A I C C C C C C create/document tablet inventory management process with WA DOC R A I C C C I C C Confirm intitial Tablet Inventory arrival on site at each facility or distribution point I I C I R/A I C C I Establish WA DOC TA roles and responsbilities R C I I C A C I I Identify Tablet administrators for WA DOC I I C I I R C C I Conduct site visits to insure appropriate network enginneering and capacity availability for all services identify and document specific WIFI coverage area for each site; including identification of no coverage areas Washington State Department of Corrections Securus Securus Account Tablet Manager Admin. Securus Securus Implementation Project Manager Manager P-25419 WA DOC Contract Manager 000388 K11720 Attachment F Washington DOC Tablet Administrator WA DOC WA DOC Imiplementation site contact Manager Key= R= Responsible A= Accountable (only one person can be accountable) C= Consulted I= Inform 21DH Page 1 of 2 RACI CHART Identify Tablet Administrators for Securus, intial and ongoing ATTACHMENT F C C R A C C I I I I I C A R I I I I Distribute/update tablets based on deployment plan at each facility C A R C C I C C C Confirm successful connectivity to network for each ii tablet I I C A R I C C I Confirm all ii content migrated from existing device to new device when applicable I I R C A I I C I Monitor WIFI Network operation and quality of downloads I I C R A C I C C C R I C A C C i I Conduct onsite ii town hall meetings at each facility I R C I I C C I C Confirm process for integrating new tablets into existing property management processes is in place C C I Confirm Securus ii support is aware and available to assist ii with tablet support during cutover and ongoing initial ongoing Identify, document and communicate new/replacement device process after initial deployment Washington State Department of Corrections C I I I P-25419 R 000389 K11720 Attachment F A 21DH Page 2 of 2