Wa Prison Phone Contract With Att Amendment3 1997
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. ·. ' . . AMENDMENT NO.3 TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ii' . AND AT&T CORPORATION The AT&T Commission Agreement entered into as of March 16,1992 ("Agreement"). b$eeD AT&T Communications, Inc. acting on behalf of the Interstate Division of AT&T Corp. (formerly Ameri~ Telephone and Telegraph Company) and the AT&T Communications interexchange companies ("Contractor" o~rAT&T") and State of Washington Department of Corrections ("~epartment") is amended, effective upon signing by bOlf parties, as follows: I WHEREAS, Department and Contractor entered into an Agreement on March 16, 1992 fltr the Installation and Operation of an Inmate Telephone System at State Correctional Institutions and Work Facilities, bearing Contract No. CD0P2681 (the "Agreement"); * WHEREAS, Department and Contractor entered into an Amendment No.1 to the Agree. ent on November 30. 1994 for the purpose of modifying certain terms and conditions relating to Contractor's subcontractor . TE Northwest Incorporated (GTE); WHEREAS, Department and Contractor entered into an Amendment No.2 to the Agreement on August IS. 1995 for the purpose of providing for the addition of certain call control features for calls carried by Contractor and for an increase in commissions on calls carried by Contractor; WHEREAS. the parties now wish to further amend the Agreement to change the expirati~n date of the Agreement. . subcontractor, and to include T-Netix Inc. as the station provider; to increase the commissions, to delete Telephone Utilities of Washington, Inc. dba PTI Communications (PTI) as a NOW. THEREFORE. Department and Contractor do mutually agree as follows: 1. Department and Contractor agree that the term of the Agreement is extended and willli~ June 30, 1999. 2. Commencing on the 16th day of the month following the signing of this Amendment by D+artment. the monthly commission rate paid by Contractor under the Agreement shall increase to Forty-five percent (4S%) on billed revenues from operator-assisted interLATA and international calls carried by Contractor from a11location5. Also. Contractor shall pay Department a monthly commission rate of Forty-rlVe percent (45%) on billed revenues from operator-assisted intraLATA calls from the following facilities only in PTI territory: Oallam Bay Corrections Center, Washington Correction Center for Women. Olympic Corrections Center, Pine Lodge Work Pre-Release, Coyote Ridge Corrections Center, and Larch Correctional Center. 3. Upon execution of this Amendment. US WEST Communications, Inc. (USWC) shall pay to Department an increased monthly commission rate of Forty percent (40%) of billed revenues from operator-assisted local and intraLATA calIs carried by USWC during the term of the Agreement. 4. Upon execution of this Amendment, GTE shall pay to Department an increased monthly commission rate of Thirtyfive percent (35%) on all local and intraLATA GTE generated revenues for the term of the Agre~ent. 5. Upon execution of this Amendment, T-Netix. Inc. shall pay to Department a monthly com. 'ssion rate of Twentyseven percent (27%) on local calls only, for the term of the Agreement. from the facilities in PTI t. rritory referred to in . ! . paragraph 2 above. , 6. The Independent Contractor Agreement between AT&T and PTI entered into as of Ma , 16, 1992, under which PTI agreed to act as subcontractor to Contractor for the provision of local service, inmate telepho , e equipment and monitoring and recording equipment to correctional facilities operated by the Department in PTI rritory in the State of Washington, and in support of Contractor's obligations to the Department pursuant to the A nt between the Department and AT&T for Installation and Operation of an Inmate Telephone System at State Co'rrectional Institutions and Work Release Facilities, is hereby terminated in its entirety. 7. Any rate .change will be effective beginning on the 16th day of the first calendar month of;~e 'reneWal period. washinl!ton doc ·llnS,/96 ., ... ..... .,p . : .=/ 's. In the event of an inconsistency between the terms of the Agreement and this Amendment, the terms of this , i\mendment shall prevail. REVISED ATTACHMENT A: REVISED ATTACHMENT B: YES YES _NO NO STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS 4~'-~\ GaryJBanning Typed or Printed Name Contracts Administrator ntle 2/3/97 Date 360-753-5770 Con~ Telephone Contract # Number -il------- AgentID Location # _-+- _ Approved as to Form: omCE OF THE·ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE OFWASBINGTON G<.. <..,'-z tl-Bi~L{ ~:i.r"-7 &1.\ Authorized Signature -r-J .-. 7 hOr"1.CL 5 J- I \/ bVt1 A~_ Typed or Printed Name! A':05'" ;) ktA'·{ ftfh r(I.Ll-I (;, -er.lft:1 Trtle Fi.byt,.iVf...,tv! J. 3. 11 t; 7 -- ATQT· washinl!ton doc", '12~!'l1; .. - ~ o•• :_:=.,. :'....- ATr.T Standard Delegation Of Authority ~ ua~ (7-8' J Note: Part A is used by the principal to appoint an in-charge durtng his/her abse~ce: Part B is used by·the supervisor of the absentee to appoint an in-eharge of the absent principal, Reiponslbi11lY Code 1AX200000 Part A . Ouring my absence from charge. of 2/10/97 to 19 2/14/97 Consumer Sales Division -=:.:::.:.i~~~:.u. 97 inclusive. will be and may exercise all auhorlty delegated to me in the Schedule of Authortzations and appropriate Oepartmental Instructions. Approve Authority Del~Rtad To: .,.~£L, ~ ..... Nama Oonna Title/Salary Grad. Bow~n _ _S~G~-:::.I6~......I:BL....QB..ai'~n,gd Soelal Saeur1ty No. ~;.;:4::.1a~-.941Z8ioL1601.._ _ T1t1a/S~ary _ Soda! Seeurlty No• .J.:.~~:.::.:;",;u;;L;L..------ Oata Grade -10-"",1 _ Febru ry 10 t 1997 Part B Ouring the absence of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from ------- ..... to will be in charge of 19 indusiv8, +-~---------- +- and may exercise the authority delegated to _ in the Schedul.e' of Authorizations and appropriate Departmental Instructions. . Authority Delegated To: S I ~ M t u r ' Approvad: _ Slgn.vI Name _ ----!t-----------,+.j Name _ I T1t1I1/S~ary Social sacurlty No. _ .' 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