Wadoc Admin Bulletin Revision to Drug Testing Sanctions and Treat 2001
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STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF CORRECTIONAL OPERATIONS-· MCNEIL ISLAND CORRECTIONS CENTER P.O. Box'88900 'Steilacoom, Washington 98388-0900' (253) 588-5281 ADl\1INISTRATIVE BULLETIN July 30, 2001 FROM:. All MICCStaff and hunates ~~ .... ~ Alice Payne, Sup rin~ SUBJECT: REVISION TO MICC 420.380 DRUG TESTING, SANCTIONS, AND TREATl\IIENT TO: The following change to MICC 420.380 Drug Testing, Sanctions, and Treatment is effective immediately. This change impacts requests for an extension oftime for drug testing inmates at MICC. This change will be made to the field instruction at the next review. DELETE SECTION(S): N/A CHANGE SECTION(S) TO READ: Page 4, Section V.D. D. Extension of Time for Drug Testing 1. All requests for extensions of time for drug testing shall be reviewed by the Utilization Review Committee (URC). Each request must be reviewed to determine medical need. Inmates may make more than one request. a. 2. Committee members shall evaluate the request and, based on clear documented evidence of a medical condition, shall make a recommendation. The written recommendation shall be sent to the inmate within 7 calendar days of the meeting. Process a. Health Care Manager 2 (HCM 2) receives a written request for an extension of tinie for drug testing from an inmate. . "Working Together for SAFE Communities" 1 j. All MICC Staff and Inmates Page 2 of2 July 30, 2001 b. HCM 2 notifies the URC Scheduler to place the extension of time request on the agenda for the next URC meeting. 3. ADD SECTION(S): N/A AP:cmt:Ol.30 cc: File c. The URC members review the request and make recommendations. d. The HCM 2 prepares the written recommendation approving or denying the request 1) If the request for extension of time is approv~ the HeM 2 shall send a copy of the written approval to the Superintendent A copy of the extension approval is also placed in the inmate's Health Record. 2) If the request for extension of time is denied, the HeM 2 shall send the denial letter to the inmate. A copy of the denial letter is also placed in the inmate's Health Record. All approved extension of time requests shall be monitored ~d reviewed twice yearly as a monitoring activity and as part of the Health Services Unit (HSU) Continuous Quality Improvement (eQ!) process. The HCM 21designee shall report findings to the cQr team twice yearly.