Wadoc Medical Disciplinary Letter and Action for Beverly Traweek 1994
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·u. ..., · . , ~ • .::. ~." ~ • <;>." ""~ STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER fOR WOMEN P.D. Box 17 MS; WP-04 • 9601 Bu/acich Rd. N.W. • Gig Harcor, Washington 98335-0017 October 20, 1994 PERSONAL DELIVERY/CONFID~~TIAL Ms. Tra',.;eek: This is official notification that you will be reduced in pay within your present class of Registered Nurse 2, range N45, step P, $3,543 per month to step L, $3,216 effective December 1, 1994 through February 28, 1995. This disciplinary action is taken pursuant to the Civil Service Law of Washington State, Chapter 41.06 RCW, and the Washington Administ:r-ative Cede, Title 356'W;'.C (HSR),· and Sections 356-34-010 (1) (a) Neglect of duty; (b) inefficiency; and (h) gross misconduct, and 356-34-020 Reduction in salary-DemotionProcedures. Specifically, On May 14, 1994 Offenderlll, DOC#~hO has a hear~ disease, presented herself to y~~ith complaints of dizziness, lightheadedness and fatigue. In response, you admittedly took her blood pressure and found abnormally low blood pressures (less than 60 in the second figure). Subsequently, you failed to record the offender's complaints or blood pressures in the medical record or chart (Primary Encounter Repor~, DOC 13435). Furthermore, you did not info~ Dr. Christopher Badger, Medical Duty Officer, of the complaint or low blood pressures. Instead, you dis~issed the offender from the clinic, and she returned to her living unit without specific instructions. These incidents are described in more detail in the Employee Conduct Report (ECR) completed on September 8, 1994 which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment #1. Minimum Health Record Documentation Requirements effective September 3, 1993 states in pertinent part: "DEFINITION: ENCOUNTER: Any face-to-face contact made by a health provider/practitioner (other than those occurring in connection with a group session) with an offender, whether '1. ~ ~J. _ '"' '·0; , for diagnostic, therapeutic or instructional purposes, which is sUfficiently substantive in nature to require an entry in the clinical record, log or treatment record ••. HEALTH RECORD: The record which contains all healthrelated information about an offender to include, but not limited to, medical, mental and dental health items of an identifying nature, data bases, assessment, treatment plans, diagnosis, treatment, progress, clinical events, and discharge or other summaries ••. PROCEDURE: GENERAL DOCUMENTATION PRINCIPLES: 10. At the conclusion of each encounter, the health care document diagnosis, impression, and/or· assessment. " provider/practitione~ shall You understood it was your responsibility to thoroughly review each section of the health care manual as evidenced by your signature on the signature sheet dated October 30, 1993. Your signature on this sheet certified that you reviewed, understood and could perform each procedure outlined in the Health Care Manual. A copy is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment #2. As a Registered Nurse(RN) you have a duty to work efficiently, exercise sound medical jUdgement and comply with standard nursing practices which are a part of any basic nurses training. A trained RN should know that a physician should be made aware of any or all abnormal physical condition(s) found during a patient examination and that it is required .to record patient contact (i.e. vital signs) in medical charts and records whenever a patient is examined or treated. Recording requirements and standards were reinforced by clinic practices regarding medical record documentation as published under "Minimum Health Record Documentation Requirements" in the nurses procedures manual at this institution as stated above. You neglected your duty and were inefficient when you admittedly "forgot" to write the offender's complaints and blood pressure readings in her medical records on May 14, 1994 in order to be in compliance with standard nursing practices and the "Nurses Procedure Manual" located in the clinic. "Forgetting to record critical medical information related to the progression of a heart patients condition and treatment places the patient at risk for severe medical complications and thereby cannot be tolerated. You further neglected your duty, were inefficient and committed an act of gross misconduct when you failed to notify Dr. Badger, the Medical Duty Officer, of the offender's complaints and blood pressure levels. You state that you didn't contact Or.· Badger because the offender had shown abnormally low blood pressure in 0603 / the past. But, according to Dr. Badger, your actions could have had serious implications as stated in his memorandum to Donna Horgan dated May 18, 1994. (Attachment #1, page 5 of 9) in pertinent part: 1I • • • The occurrence of this episode is extremely disturbing because Inmate has significant ischemic heart disease for which she receives a variety of medications. The level of her blood pressure was such that she would be at risk for life threatening complication such as a heart attack or a ••• (stroke) as injury from a syncopal episode if the low blood pressure continued. Fortunately, Inmatelll is quite insightful regarding her illness and its treaement. She appropriately attributed this low pressure to her medication changes and discontinued the Prozac on her own. Fortunately, this was sufficient to correct the hypotension and there were ne adverse consequences. Her blood pressure on May '16, 1994, was 110/80 ..• " . III A review of your personnel file was conducted to assist me in determining an appropriate sanction. Overall your work performance was rated "normal" with a fe'li areas assessed as "exceeds". Other information from your personnel record which is pertinent to this review include: 1.) Letter of appreciation - reporting for work under extreme weather condition. 2.) Letter of commendation - actions resulting in saving a staff's life. Your work performance has been good in some respects, however there is a previous incident in which you failed to follow established written procedures and demonstrated indifference in complying with those reporting procedures. This incident coupled with your present actions begins to establish a pattern in your behavior which is of concern. In determining the appropriate disciplinary action in this case, I have weighted both your overall work history and your willingness in assuming responsibility for your conduct as expressed during our meeting on August 18, 1994. Therefore I am persuaded that a reduction in your salary is appropriate for these circumstances. The delivery of poor Health Care performance which jeopardizes patient care or safety cannot and will not be tolerated at this institution. You are warned that future acts of this nature may result in further disciplinary action inclUding dismissal. Under the provisions of WAC 358-20-010 and 358-20-040, you have the right to appeal this action to the Personnel Appeals Board. Your appeal must be filed in writing at the Office of the Executive Secretary, Personnel Appeals Board, 2828 Capitol Boulevard, Olympia, Washington 98501, within thirty (30) days 0604 • . . after the effective date stated in paragraph 1 of this letter. As an alternative, You may file a grievance under the provisions of Article 10 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Department and the Washington Public Employees Association/to appeal this action to the Personnel Appeals Board, you'may not pursue a grievance over the same issue. The WACS, Department policies and Collec~ive Bargaining Agreement are available for your review upon request. ~tf3~ Alice Payne Superintendent AP:rjt Attachments cc: Jennie Adkins, Director, DHR (w/o/a) Kathy Nolan, Division Chief, Labor & Personnel Division James Blodgett, Deputy Director, Command B (w/o/a) Donna Grazzini, Area Personnel Manager, DOC Robert Turk, Personnel Officer, WCCW Personnel file c:wp\displtr\traweek.d1 -" RECEIVED • JUN 0 7 1995 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT Of CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER FOR WOMEN P.O. Box '-7 M5: WP.o4 • 9601 8ujacich Rd. N. \Iv. • Gig Harbor, Washingron 98335.0017 June 1, 1995 Jennie Adkins, Director, DHR Kathy Nolan, Division Chief, Labor & Personnel Division Eldon Vail, Assista~t Director, Command B D~~#~nnel Manager, DHR TO: FROM: RObe~~~sonnel SUBJECT: Beverly D. Traweek Disciplinary Letter dated October Officer 20, 1994 The subject disciplinary letter has been reissued. Ms. Traweek's pay was not reduced during the period specified in the original letter. The attachments previously provided to you under the original letter remain the same. Attached is a copy of the revised letter. RT:jm Attachment cc: File 0606 ..5&4i!QP.!§'it. .( ! g t .. !2!iS.. J. @iAMMM.A4MAM&.J#M.44M4.¥.. . . UW.4#%.4thMAA.MR.z.®.@@i},&, . . ., Q.£t.J.M.&Pt•.t.&&JA£.J.&.t.Mi .. .itWW$4t rr-' STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER FOR WOMEN P.O. SOX, 7 MS:WP.c4 • 9601 aUjac:ich Rd. N. W. • Gig HartJor. WA 98335·0017 May 26, 1995 CERTIFIED MAIL/CONFIDENTIAL No. ::z. /99 ,rr" r 3.;l.. 0 Ms. Traweek: The disciplinary letter issued on October 20, 1994 is cancelled and superseded by this letter. This is official notification that you will be reduced in pay within your present class of Registered Nurse 2, range N45, Step P, $3,548 per month to step L, $3,216 effective June 16, 1995 through September 15, 1995. This disciplinary action is taken pursuant to the civil Service Law of Washington state, Chapter 41.06 RCW, and the Washington Administrative Code, Title 356 WAC (MSR), and Sections 356-34-010 (1) (a) Neglect of duty; (b) inefficiency; and (h) gross misconduct, and 356-34-020 Reduction in salary-DemotionProcedures. II Specifically, On May 14, 1994 Offender DOC; _ who has a heart disease, presented herself to you with com~of dizziness, lightheadness and fatigue. In response, you admittedly took her blood pressure and found abnormally low blood pressures (less than 60 in the second figure). Subsequently, you failed to record the offender's complaints or blood pressures in the medical record or chart (Primary Encounter Report, DOC 13-435). Furthermore, you did not inform Dr. Christopher Badger, Medical Duty Officer, of the complaint or low blood pressures. Instead, you dismissed the offender from the clinic, and she returned to her living unit without specific instructions. These incidents are described in more detail in the Employee Conduct Report (ECR) completed on September S, 1994 which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment #1. 06-17 Beverly Traweek Page 2 May 26, 1995 Minimum Health Record Documentation Requirements effective September 3, 1993 states in pertinent part: "DEFINITION: ENCOUNTER: Any face-to-face contact made by a health provider/practitioner (other than those occurring in connection with a group session) with an offender, whether for diagnostic, therapeutic or instructional purposes, which is sufficiently substantive in nature to require an entry in the clinical record, log or treatment record ••• HEALTH RECORD: The record which contains all healthrelated information about an offender to inclUde, but not limited to, medical, mental and dental health items of an identifying nature, data bases, assessment, treatment plans, diagnosis, treat~ent, progress, clinical events, and discharge or other summaries ... PROCEDURE: GENERAL DOCUMENTATION PRINCIPLES: 10. At the conclusion of each encounter, the health care provider/practitioner shall document diagnosis, impression, and/or assessment." You understood it was your responsibility to thoroughly review -each section of the health care manual as evidenced by your signature on the signature sheet dated October 30, 1993. Your signature on this sheet certified that you reviewed, understood and could perform each procedure outlined in the Health Care Manual. A copy is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment #2. As a Registered Nurse(RN) you have a duty to work efficiently, exercise sound medical jUdgement and comply with standard nursing practices which are a part of any basic nurses training. A trained RN should know that a physician should be made aware of any or all abnormal physical condition(s) found during a patient examination and that it is required to record patient contact (i.e. vital signs) in medical charts and records Whenever a patient is examined or treated. Recording requirements and standards were reinforced by clinic practices regarding medical record documentation as published under "Minimum Health Record Documentation Requirements" in the nurses procedures manual at this institution as stated above. • 06D8 . Beverly Traweek Page 3 May 26, 1995 You neglected your duty and were inefficient when you admittedly "forgot" to write the offender's complaints and blood pressure readings in her medical records on May 14, 1994 in order to be in compliance with standard nursing practices and the "Nurses Procedure Manual" located in the clinic. Forgetting to record critical medical information related to the progression of a heart patients condition and treatment places the patient at risk for severe medical complications and thereby cannot be tolerated. You further neglected your duty, were inefficient and committed an act of gross misconduct When you failed to notify Dr. Badger, the Medical Duty Officer, of the offender's complaints and blood pressure levels. You state that you didn't contact Dr. Badger because the offender had shown abnormally low blood pressure in the past. But, according to Dr. Badger, your actions could have had serious implications as stated in his memorandum to Donna Morgan dated May 18, 1994 (Attachment #1, page 5 of 9) in pertinent part: It • • • The occurrence of this episode is extremely disturbing because Inmatetllhas significant ischemic heart disease for which she rece~ves a variety of medications. The level of her blood oressure was such that she would be at risk for life threatening complication such as a heart attack or a ••• (stroke) as injury from a syncopal episode if the low blood pressure continued. Fortunately, Inmatelll is quite insightful regarding her illness and its treatment. She appropriately attributed this low pressure to her medication changes and discontinued the Prozac on her own. Fortunately, this was sufficient to correct the hypotension and there were no adverse consequences. Her blood pressure on May 16, 1994~ was 110/80 ••• " . A review of your personnel file was conducted to assist me in determining an appropriate sanction. Overall your work performance was rated "normal" with a few areas assessed as "exceeds". Other information from your personnel record which is pertinent to this review include: 1.) Letter of appreciation - reporting for work under extreme weather condition. 2.) Letter of commendation - actions resulting in saving a staff's life. Your work performance has been good in some respects, however there is a previous incident in which you failed to follow established written procedures and demonstrated indifference in complying with those reporting procedures. 06 J~ . 11* CONFIDENTIAL • • ~1E~[§aW[§Jfi' . l.!:J DEPARTME'NT OF CORRECTIONS DIS C I P L IItiCN:LA C T ION AUT H 0 R I Z A T I O!D d Secret2JY's - OCT 1 71994 RECOMMENDED ACT10N=V;::jC~ ~ Li " n ( ( OepillUII"" OJ Lorret1Klr.:: ___~(0_, ,- _-l Date Received at Hea quarters &veltu 11'2t\Ake ~ Employee's ~ e' , ,:--=-. Geducnon In !~ 'i Demotion to: I AP"'R OCT 0 7 1994 Of ATrORNE'!~";' 1:= &. p-:-'" ~., " _ \:EN.....AL ~N:K:' CfIJ!:iON rP'l- "'·'x· llJ/o! . ..........J m+V\.S . ~cI1.cngdll ----------(Job Classification) r~lNL~d- .. Suspension: Emplo e s Job Classification I \/VC. C 'v~/ Dismissal: Employee's Job Location _ ----------(Effective) The attached disciplinary action has been reviewed as noted below, "This information is provided under the anorney/client relationship and invokes that privilege, It should be considered CONFIDENTIAL in narure.• lnitialslTitJe Date Approve Disapprove Comments DHR Director AA/;j ~ Appropriate PLEASE HAND-DELIVER TO ALL REVIEWERS AND RETU1Uol TO KIUm WALTERS, DHR ROOR.lITH ROaR. UPON ~OMf)1jIrl . SUGGESTED CHANGES TO BEVERLY TRAWEEK DISCIPLINARY LETTER FROM LYNN WISE .-iIiist that 0612 TRAWEEK ECR DRAFT Date PERSONAL DELIVERY/CONFIDENTIAL RECEIVED OCT I] 4 1994 Degartr.lf{lt or ~rret.llOns Qivision of Human Resources Ms .; Traweek: This is official notification that you will be reduced in pay within your present class of Registered Nurse 2, range N45, step P, $3,548 per month to step L, $3,216 effective November 1, 1994 through January 31, 1995. . This disciplinary action is taken pursuant to the civil Service Law of Washington state, Chapter 41.06 RCW, and the Washington Administrative Code, Title 356 WAC (MSR), and Sections 356-34-010 (1) (a) Neglect of duty; (b) inefficiency; and (h) gross misconduct, and 356-34-020 Reduction in ~lary-Demotion Procedures. III, Specifically, On May 14, 1994 Offender DoCI _ who has a heart disease, presented herself to you with complaints of dizziness, lightheadedess and fatigue. In response, you admittedly took her blood pressure and found abnormally low blood pressures (less than 60 in the second figure). Subsequently, you failed to record the offender's complaints or blood pressures in the medical record or chart (Primary Encounter Report, DOC 13435). Furthermore, you did not inform Dr. Christopher Badger, Medical Duty Officer, of the complaint or low blood pressures. Instead, you dismissed the offender from the Clinic, and she returned to her living unit without specific instructions. These incidents are described in more detail in the Employee Conduct Report (ECR) completed on September 8, 1994 which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment #1. Minimum Health Record Documentation Requirements effective September 3, 1993 states in pertinent part: -0613 • • "DEFINITION: ENCOUNTER: Any face-to-face contact made by a heal.th provider/practitioner (other than those occurring in connection with a qroup session) with an offender, whether for diagnostic, therapeutic or. instructional purposes, which is SUfficiently substantive in nature ~o require an entry in the clinical record, log or treatment record ••• HEALTH RECORD: The record which contains all healthrelated. information about an offender to include, but not limited .to, medical, mental and dental health items of an identifying nature, data bases, assessment, treatment plans, diagnosis, treatment, progress, clinical events, and discharge or other summaries ••• PROCEDURE: GENERAL DOCUMENTATION PRINCIPLES: ••• 10. At the conclusion of each encounter, the health care provider/practitioner shall document diagnosis, impression, and/or assessment." ~e above requirements were individually distributed to all ' nurses and placed in the "Nurses Procedure Manual" located in the \ clinic. The manual is accessible to all'clinic staff on all <) shifts. A copy is attached hereto and incorporated herein as i Attachment #2. ~ Nurse(RN) you have a duty to work efficiently, exercise sound medical judgement and comply with standard nursing practices which are a part of ~ny basic nurses training. A trained RN should know that a physician should be made aware of any or all abnormal physical condition(s) found during a patient examinatioh and that it is required to record patient contact (i.e. vital signs) in medical charts and records whenever a 0614 • patient is examined or treated. Recording requirements and standards were reinforced by clinic practices regarding medical record documentation as published under "Minimum Health Record Documentation Requirements" in the nurses procedures manual at this institution as stated above. You neglected your duty and were inefficient when you admittedly "forgot" to write the offender's complaints and blood pressure readings in her medical records on May 14, 1994 in order to be in compliance with standard nursing practices and the "Nurses Procedure MaRual" located in the clinic. Forgetting to record critical medical information related to the progression of a $Pall! '.heart ~~ient~ condition and treatment places the patient at risk~ severe medical complications and thereby cannot be tolerated. You further neglected your duty, were inefficient and committed an act of gross misconduct when you failed to notify Dr. Badger, the Medical Duty Officer, of the offender's complaints and blood pressure levels. You state that you didn't contact Dr. Badger because the offender had shown abnormally low blood pressure in the past. But, according to Dr. Badger, your actions could have had serious implications as stated in his memorandum to Donna Morgan dated May 18, 1994 (Attachment #1, page 5 of 9) in pertinent part: " •.• The occurrence of this episode is extremely disturbing because Inmat~ has significant ischemic heart disease for which she receives a variety of medications. The level of her blood pressure was such that she would be at risk for -life threatening complication such as a heart attack or a ••• (stroke) as injury from a syncopal episode if the low blood pressure continued. Fortunately, Inmatelll is quite insightfUl regar~ing her illness and its treatment. She appropriately attributed this low pressure to her medication changes and discontinued the Prozac on her own. Fortunately, 061'5 . • this was sufficient to correct the hypotension and there were no adverse consequences. Her blood pressure on May 16, was 110/80., .• It r. Badger considered your actions in the realm of malpractice. I qree-;7your poor jUdgem~nt and carelessness jeopardized the ' Off~k's health and safety and placed the Department at risk of lit· for negligence in patient care. of your personnel file shows that on May 18, 1993 you received a letter of reprimand because on April 5, 1993 you . failed to ,report an offender complaint that her pregnancy was a result forced sex with an officer at this facility. Although this was not a "nursing standard" per se it demonstrates your indifference to the importance of reportin offender complaints. To your credit is the fact that you acknowledged your error and accepted responsibility for your actions. "This coupled with your sustained good performance record over the past 10 years persuaded me not to take a more severe disciplinary action. I11III ;§ -- .. _0. _. ':' =::: :7::a.~annot i,,4;i:~ ield thCQ " r bt:ti>A ie r,M! ~~- - •• _. .. •_ _ or safety ..-.. ¥:Fh, b!;~ .5;:;2 .." :: By &E is h J I h ea~!trl:::=:=5 and will not be tOlerated,A.a 2 S & c (j 0 ~ salel~. You are warned that future acts of this nature may result in further disciplinary action including dismissal. Under the provisions of WAC 358-20-010 and 358-20-040, you have the right to appeal this action to the Personnel Appeals, Board. Your appeal must be filed in' writing at the Office of the Executive Secretary, Personnel Appeals Board, 2828 Capitol Boulevard, Olympia, Washington 98501, within thirty (30) days after the effective date stated in paragraph 1 of this letter. As an alternative, You may file a grievance under the provisions of Article 10 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Department and the Washington Public Employees Association/to appeal this action to the Personnel Appeals Board, you may not pursue a grievance over the same issue. 0616 . • The WACS, Department: policies and Collective Bargaining Agreement: are available for your review upon request._ Alice Payne Superintendent AP:rjt Attachments cc: Jennie Adkins, Director, DRR (w/o/a) Kathy Nolan, Division Chief, Labor & Personnel Division James Blodgett, Deputy Director, Command B (w/o/a) Donna Grazzini, Area Personnel Manager, DOC Robert Turk, Personnel Officer, WCCW Personnel file 0617 CORRECTED COpy EMPLOYEE PROFILE DEPARTMENT OF CORREcnOHS Page One of Two . Narne TRAWEEK, BEVERLY Classiftcatfon o. REGISTERED NURSE 2 Current AangelStep Status Amount PID Dat~ (Alfeds?) $3548 NA N45/P Permanent PROPOSE) AcnON: DATES From RANGEtSTEP 11 _ .j _ From .... _._.- j 1 94 To I 1 45N/P S3548 To 31 j 95 No. of Months 45N/L $3216 .[I] TOTAL LOSS (S) 332 (S) 996 A. PEASONNELIPAY AC'TtONS lInfprm at lg n obtained !rom po? Qocyments): Original date 01 hire, date(s) of agencylinstitution transfer{s), dale(s) of prcmotion(s), date(s) of pay change(s) due to disciplinary adlon(s), etc. US: only infonnation which is relevant to the action being pmposod. I DISClPUNARY? EFFEcnVE DATE I TYPE OF AC'TtON 1 8/20/84 2 6124/85 I IProbationary Appointment "J~____._ OATE OF HIRE I j---~-j t 3 I I I 4 5 6 D No -----~_.... ~_.- I !J.bove sec:ion continued on Page Two B. EMPLOYEE PEHFORMANCE EVALUATIONS DATES (MoIYr) To From Ratings • Excseds RatIngs • Far Excseds •. I . A tol /31 /92 ~,O ~,B.E S 10 2(20/91 ~,C ~,D,E 0 A,B,D,E· A " A,B,D,E A D ~,B,C.E ~,C.E 14 R r A A ~/20/86 ta8/20/S7 8/20/86 V24/85 to,on4/Rli ,. ~ "'n.0 I=' }.bqve sec1icn continued on Page Twa • Ust PerlrJfr'iUnc. Dlman&/on&: A • Ac::omprlShment of Job Requirements 8 • Job Knowledge and Competene8 C • Job Rerlability Personal Relations E • Communicalions Skills F • Performance as Supervisor o• pa, I B,C,D,E a120/S7 to8120/88 D Type Comments (Nota If EPE Is of DIscIplinary Letter) ~ I ~/20/88 10 8/20/89 ~/20/85 Ratings • Falls MIn. A /31/92 tol0/1 /92 3120/89 Ratings • MInImum ~,B,C,D,E a120/92 to8/20/93 1/91 Ratings • Normal [] • Indlest. Typa of Evaluat(on: P • Probationary A • Annual T • Trial S • Spacial • . C. Plge Two 01 Two OTHER DOCUMENTAllON (Chronological Order) DATE 1 EMPLOYEE PROFILE CODe- 2 3 4/12/93 - 4 3/8/90 + 5 6/30/88 + a. part of previous disciplinary latter) patlent safety Findinas--Misconduct did occur. ~et~er ~: :r.efr~fand--Failure to complete incident reoort ~pC:lllt 4/1?/Q1 - 5/26/94 5/18/93 DESCIlIPllON (Note he,.. If Included ~~K--JeOpardlzlng '- ~T~rl-Fail~~e report :i Ii nne: __ Ii to cople~~rlindicent Ii n ...... II1'" etter of ADpreciation--~eport;ngfor f.nnrlHinnc: ~etter .- work under extreme weather of Commendation--Actions resulting in saving a staff's 1ife ._- 6 . 7 8 D Above sadlon continued below. • CODES: (+) • POSITIVE (LlIttllrs of commendation. lite.) ( .) • NEGAnVE (LattDrs of rllpninand. lItC.). ( .) • NEUTRAL DOCUMENTS (Tra!ning certificates. etc. - only if rllievant) COMMENTS ANDIOR SECllONS CONllNUEO FROM PAGE ONE ANDIOR PAGE TWO (If nlleded) •••• --------------------~---------_._-- THIS PRORLE PREPARED ai:-)e;'-r;l 117-- / / 7 2",.:« / rs ".' !L. S . - ""':"' DI!PAAT1&ENT OF CORRECT10NS . EMP~~YEE .CONDUCT REPORT tHIS FORM TO BE USED IN COMPUANCE WITH POUCY DIRECTIVE NO. 857.005 INSTRUCTlONS AND TIME UMITS; '0' 1. The person making the report ~hall provide a clear description the incident under ';OescripUon of Incident" and, with any witness(es) or person(s) having knowledge, shall sign in the space provided and submit to the supervisor the involved employee within fourteen (14) calendar days a'ter the date of discovery of ~n employee's alleged ~isconduct. ' .. 0' 2. The form shall be submitted to the employee involved who shall compiele the "Employee's Statement" and return the report to his/her supervisor within seven (7) calendar days 'allowing the date of receipt. 3. The appropriate supervisor shall review the facts of the incident, complete the "Supervisor's Report" and submit the report to the Office Head within seven (7) calendar days following the date of receipt. 4. The Office Head or designated representative shall review and within thirty (30) calendar days following the date receipt determine whether misconduct has occurred. This shall be reported under"Administrative Comments" and shared with the employee. When the supervisor and Office Head are the same person, the supervisor'S supervisor shall complete the Administrative Comments. 0' Health Unit IWashington Corrections Center for llornen I dav shift DAM DpM lMaY 14, 1994 ~OYU lHVO\,VEO Care OAGAHIZAno"ALUHlT l1QIlmu TlloI£ CF lHC:llE"1 IlAIi OF lHC:CiIfT Registered Nurse (RN) ESCRIPT10N OF INCIDENT: On Hay 14, 1994, you took a blood pressure on Inmatell, roc D ~ bas a documented strong history of cardiac disorders, and you failed to note it on the patient's health record. Secondly, you did not notify the Medical Duty Officer (MOO) of the blood pressure (88/54) or of the :i.:cmate' s ccmplaints of dizziness or light-headedness. These .acts clearly jeopardizes patient safety and indicates indifference for patient welfare ~ch could ultimately result in a life threatening condition. . Il1ATED BY: ....- ._._--------- U N ..:.~IP\.EAS~"_I!PR_IN...;.n..;..;;..=..;.:::;;....;;..._:.........;... 111'is IhJthSJ;" _ _. . POSlnlJ"/U1111.&:;l /'( ~ D :"-:=======================0 ~~no"n1\.£ ITMESS(ES): .we pcsmo" n1\.£ 4TT4rUMCMT (/\ o~~~ / _: /1 ~ ~I;.&&I. au LUI: ' " '6"1ClI' Actml ~-J- -,-- a:~' ~ SUD!!r'ldflOJ: DATE OB.JVEREO TO e.,. LOVEE bris Acfdi son, mt 3, YU"S STATEMENT: Signature 0' Employee: VISOR'S REPORT: DA TE RECClVCD BY Date:· SUP~VISOR BY: I""~D'~ C ~: Si'•• 0' SUpeNi!o!C! nSTRAnVE COMMENTS: DATE RECEIVEO BY OFFICE HEAO meeting was held on August 18, 1994. Present were Ms. Traweek; Julie Ann. WPEA ob Turk, Personnel Officer; and my~elf. ReQr~sentatjvQ; s. Traweek admitted she forgot to log the inmate's blood pressure in the inmate's record and n the Primary Encounter Report, DOC 13-435. acts substantiate misconduct did occur. :c: Corrective/Disciplinary action will he taken Bev Traweek . tC qt-l/od:.....\\-"J-~1.t~------s-i9-n8-tu-re-0-f rrl' ." ...... '1 Office Head: OlSlRI8UtICH: CItlGlNAL-&Il'\.Ove"$ PfASOfCNU. FU ....... ,..,.....,_~,.,..cc ----------------.;,----- . : ...._. .. . FROM: 0 lU OF OFF"CNUt:l'C ... ~.&;:) I I· I STATE OF WASHINGTON· DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS! DIVISION OF OffENDER PROGRAMS ! P.o. So~ .. r '27 • Olympia, W.stlington S8~.' '21' j August I, ]994 ! Supervisory In\le5tigation of an ECR filed by Chris Addison, RN3 on ~ev Traweek, RN. The ECR alleges that Nurse Traweek failed to note the blood pressure :reading on inmat~ in the patient's health record, when, in fact, the offenders history had jnc1uded cardiac problems. In addition, it alleges that she failed to notify the medical duty officer of A blood pressure in the log as 89/46, and in the ECR as 88/54. ~ Pinally, the ECR outlined a failure on the part of Nurse Traweek to register complaints expressed by inmate with regard \0 diZZiness and Iightheadedncss. It was the feeling of "the supervising nurse that patient safety, indifference toward patient 'tIelfare, an~ a liIethreatening condition all existed ~s a result of thcs~ actions. " III On the weekend ~ question, May 14 llnd 15,1994, inmate_had h~r blood pressure taken twice on Saturday by Nurse Traweek. Initially tl reading of 54/'44 wa~ obtained. Subsequently, Nurse Traweek used the wall mounted unit and recorded a re~ding o( 88.t54. ~ohnson took inmate_blood pressure on Sunday, with a readin.,g of 60/52. Inma\e_ medications'h:d7ecenUY been changed, with Protac being prescribed the previous Thursday. The inmate was concerned about her symptoms, and yet there was no documentation that she had ever ooen seen, let alone that any blood pressures had been taken. A memo qated May 18, 1994, by Christopher Badger, Medical Direct9r, to I?onna Morgan, Health Care Manager, expressed his strong concerns with regard to t~e manner in which this case had be~fl handled. Dr. Badger went on to point out that with in~l\ate_history of heart disease, s~e was al risk for life-threatening complications, such as he~rt attack or stroke. Inmate_herself, disconlinu'!d the Prozac which WdS prescribed (or her. Her blood pr!!Ssure is documented as being 110/80 on May 16, 1994. 1n this particular case~ the ECR had to be sent to the employee by Certified Mail on May 26, .1994, since she was "not able to receive it at home and had some diIfi~ulty going to the post office for It, even though tldvised to do so by Nurse Addison. She indicates that she finally received it Monday, June 6, 1994. Nurse Traweek indicates that during the period in question, she was extrenlcly busy, and while she did enter her findings in the 24-hour-log., she did not enter it in the medicZll CiJe. She raised question with regard to the seVerity of the blood pressure problem,·since lhis particular inmate has tl chronic history low blo04 pressure and had not been, in her mind, prescribed any medication for that problem. In r~ality, the hellrt disease experienced by jnmat. had led lo her to be on several medicati~ns, to include: Mediprol, a calcium blocker, "Nitrobid, and Prozac. These medications were tec~nical1y ordered for her heart, tlnd not specifically for hypotension, but they do effect blood pressure !lnd Medjprol is indicated for blood pressure probl~ms. . . I i : i 'fl6')2 .' ... ATiACHMENi (I) Page ~ of I i ~ i .., 4Ils? -.. • ..'. Supervisory Investigation: Bev Traweek, RN Page 2 June 10, 1994 In summary, it can be concluded that the necessity to repeat the bleod pr~sure ~t should . have led to a contact with the medical duty officer, as well as a review of the. file.in which it would have been noted that her medications now included Prozae. The prudent course of action was not taken in this case, and therefore it can be concluded that the patienes welfare was~~u~e~ . For the record, the union representative for Nuxse Traweek has asked that this ECR be dismissed as a result of the institution's failure to meet established time frames associated with' the report being delivered to the employee. My investigation of that situation has revealed that institution met its obligations with regud to that issue. ' the Robert R. Jones, Ph.D~ Health Care Coordinator , Division of Offender Programs nS?3 '-' ... ATIACHMENT (I) Pace t-f of ~ STATE OF. WASHINGTON DEPAATMENTOFCORAECTIONS P. o. May ~8, TO: Box WASHINGTON CORREcnONS CENTER FOR WOMEN t 7 MS:WP.(J4 • 9601 8ujat:ich Rd. N. W. • Gig HRtbor, WA 98335-00 t 7 1994 D~'}l'a~p~;Z:~ ~re Manaqer FROM: ~~o eriB~, SUBJECT: _DOC~~ M.D., Medical Director I saw inmate~on May 16, 1994, for evaluation of her right ankle ulcer which we are treating. At that time she related a . e r disturbing occurrence over the week-end. According to inmate she came to the clinic both on Saturday, May 14, 1994, and Sun ay May 15, 1994, complaining of dizziness, light-headedness and fatigue. She related that her blood pressure was taken by Bev Traweek, RN, with the automatic machine and a reading of 54/44 was obtained. A repeat was 88/54. She was released from the clinic without specific instructions. She continued to be symptomatic and again came to the clinic on Sunday, May 15, 1994~ Cindy Johnson, ~took her blood pressure at that time and'it was 60/52. Inmate _ was particularly concerned about these low blood pressures because she had had a change in medication including an increase in a beta blocker lopressor and institution of Prozac therapy both on May 12, 1994. She was again dismissed from the clinic without soecific instructions. Of partiCUlar concern is that there is no documentation in the chart that indicates the patient was even seen let alone these low blood pressures were taken. I was not informed either Saturday, May 14, 1994, or Sunday, May IS, 1994, that this had occurred. The occurrence of this episode is extremely disturbing because Inmate. has significant ischemic heart disease for which she receives a variety of medications. The level of her blood pressure was such that she would be at risk for life threatening complication such as a heart attack or a stoke as well as injury from a syncopal episode if the low blood pressure continued. Fortunately, Inmatelllllis quite insightful regarding her illness and its treatment. ~appropriately attributed this low pressure to her medication changes and discontinued the Prozac on her own. Fortunately, this was sufficient to correct the hypotension and there were no adverse consequences. Her blood pressure on May 16, 1994, was 110/80. I believe this is extremely poor nursing practice on the part of both Nurse Traweek and Nurse Johnson. I would consider this malpractice. CB: jac IM640396.CB2 [;624 ~ .. .. ~~ ATTACHMENT (/) Paqe ~of ~ ~EPARTMENTOFCORRECTIONS WASHIl ON CORRECnONS CENTER FOR we N I INCIDENT REPORT \/ ~ '" d- ooe lHVES1lOA11CN ASSIOHED 10: ClSlRBUnOH BY ASSCClAT1il stJPEJIINTENOEHT: a SUPEA1NT'ENOENT a SHJFTCOr.u..cANOER a SAFET'fOFFlCER ::. . :::., a INTULlGEHCEOFF\CER '~~'.:'•• ' e- "0· 0 0 0 0 ,. . . . _ _. _ ••_._. CUNIC.\L DIRECTOR OTHER _ OTHER _ OTHER _ • ( 62'5 WCC'NoS$oMA ATTACHMENT (/l Paqe DOC nona (91911. c,. of ~. - .. _.. , ...... .. ...~ .' ....- ~ ·.. k-:~.:-1 " ~~.~ 0.'. . :~_.4 ~ . --------------~------- .r ~ ~f:~~~ \::;~i'I-D~....:..;re---'~..L=.--L.+----1-F_Aa_UlY_...:.W-=--C-.;C:::...=.;W~ __C~~3=-=cJ~ ..-... l-- PlANBX- _ ', . .', o ~.. .'6: ~l" ~,: .:*~~~ :Iw~-:--::l'il-_------------------------------"'-::------------ ·.-ll:....·------------------------------+---------- \J1 I '"I .":' .··.~.t~·l:l:~~-------------------------------~'-----------.--.~. : r '~';-Il -:- .f;~~:;}t-' !:-:'. .. ;:-0.. ·'~f·';" ~; ~: ·r_·. --.: 'O,; .. ~.. , .'01- -:: ·r.·_·.~•:.:.~,..-.:: :;'~ ::..~ ~. _ -----------------------------+--------=---- . .r·. . -' "DATE:' . --1 a , ;~~:-::'.;: J (-~ PlAN ··l~··;L::..:..:..::...,:Z!.-L...!-..!..J.~-L--.L.----=~~-.:=-"'--:.=;.--~~--------+-----Wl.----- ,~ :,.;,;:.~-=>-. ...... ~=-~:: ..or··~ " . "\;.~-:.a.."1~~=__"'"7T-==:;.=-----:;-----:--::::=-r:-:;-f::-:-:----+----- .,-. :5i". V! ~-.. .... ...,t .~ !~:~ -: :."/ I fi ~. ... :":.: ...~ " ... ' ·"0· .. : ,....:. ".", PRIMARY;alCOUNTER REPORT t· . \ ATIACHMENT (I) Paqe 7 /IJI,U ". , ~ '. ..., .,-,,_0 ... _. ~ ~ •• '';'. :-:-:. Disciplinary Act-Health ProCessions 18.130.175 • p~ of this section and me persons entided to immunity slWl inc:ludc: " (1) An approved monitoring tre:ument program; (1i) The professional association oper.lling the program; (iii) Members. employees, or agents of the progr:1m or association; (1v) Pelsons reponing a license holder as being impaired or providing infonnation about the license holder's impairment; and (v) Professionals supervising or monitoring the course of the impaired license hol!icr's treatment or rehabilitation. (b) The immunity provided in this section is in addition to any other immu"nity provided by law. (8) In addition to healm cze profession:lIs governed by this chapter. this section also applies to phnrmacists under chapter 18.64 RCW and plwmacy assistantS under chapter 18.64A RCW. For that purpose, the board of phannacy shall be deemed to be the disciplining authority and the substance abuse monitoring program shall be in lieu of disciplinary action under RCW 18.64.160 or 18.64A.050. The bow of p~ siiall adjust license fees to offset the costs of this program. (1991 c 3 § 270; 1988 c 247 § 2.1 nontraditional treatment by itself shall not constitute unprofessional conduct. proVided that it does not result in injury to a patient or cre:ue an unreasonable risk that a patient may be luumed; . " (S) Suspension. revocation. or restriction of the individ~·~ license to practice the profession by competent authonty In any state. federal. or foreign jurisdiction. a c:nified copy of the order. stipUlation. or agreement being conclusive evidence of the revocation, suspension. or restriction; " (6) The possession. use. presaiption fer usc, or distribution of conuoUed substances or legend drugs in any way other than for legitimate or therapeutic purposes. diversion of controlled substances or legend drugs. the violation of any drug law. or prescribing controlled substances for oneself; (7) Violation of any state or federal Statule or administrative rule regulating the profession in question. including any statute or rule defining or establishing standards of patient c:u'e or professional conduct or practice; (8) Failure to cooper:ue with the discip.lining authority by: (a) Not furnishing any'papers or documentS; (b) Not furnishing in writing a full and complete eReYIscr's DOae: The lUtII "appIOYCl1Irl::IImcnt f:ICility' was dI.1ngCl1 to "approd Irl::ltm:llt PlOcnm' by t989 c:"270 § 3. and is .Jclincd ill RCN explanation covering the maller contained in the complaint 7o.96A.020(J). filed wilh the disciplining authority; or Lqlsilltive la1CDI-1988 c: ~7: 'Exi1ling law docs net provide for (c) Not responding to subpoen:lS issued by the disciplina pIOgnm for rdlabililation of hc:lllh prof.:ssionals whose compelency may ing authority, whether or nOI Ihe recipient of Ihe subpoena is be impaired due 10 !he abuse of :alcohol md other drugs. th~ accused in the proceeding; II is the inlCDI of Ihe legisl:uutC I~I the disciplining :authorili.:s seck (9) Failure to comply with an order issued by the ways 10 identify :and suppon lhc rehabililation of he:llh profcssion3ls "'hose pmticc or compelency may be impaired due 10 Ihe ~buse of drugs or disciplining authority or an assur:lDce of discontinuance aJc:cbol. 11lC legisl:llule inlends I~I such he:1hh plOfession3ls be lle:ted so entered into with the disciplining aUlhority; thaI Ihey C:IR return 10 or continue to pr:lcticc their profession in :a w:lY (10) Aiding or abetting an unlic::nsed person to practice which W'cguatds the public. The legisl:llu~ specir~ inlends I~~ lhe when a license is required: disciplining :authorilies CSI.:lblish an :llle:n:lIlye progr~m tD'lb~ Ir:ldlllOnal ~dminisU'aliy~ ?occ::llings :ag:ainsnucla.~pro(cssion:ls.· Il"9a~,': 2~7 (I I) Violations of rules established by any heallh agency; §LV ~'",.,) (12) Practice beyond Ihe scope of pr:lC:ice 3S defined by 18.130.180 Unprofessional conduct. The ~ Owing law or rule; nduct. acts. Or conditions constilUtc unprofess' conduct (13) Misrepresentation or fraud in any aspect of the. for y license holder or applicant under jurisdiction of conduct of the business or proiession; (14) Failure 10 adequately supervise auxiliary sr.1ff lo.the this cfia~ " (I) The-tommission--er ny act involving mOr.l1 turpiextent mat me consumer's health or safety is at risk; tude. dishonesty. or corruption relating to me pr.1ctice of the (15) Engaging in a profession involving cont:lCt with the person's profession. whether me act constitutes a crime or public while suffering from a contagious or infectious not. If me act constitutes a crime, conviction in a criminal dise:lSe involving serious risk to public health; proceeding is not a condition precedent to disciplinary (16) Promotion for personal gain of any unnec=ssary or action. Upon such a conviction. however. the judgment and inefficacious drug. device. treatment., proc=dure. or service; sentence is conclusive evidence at the ensuing disciplinary (17) Conviction of any gross misdemeanor or felony .hearing of the guilt of the license holder or applicant of the relating to the practice of the person's profession. For the crime described in me indictment or information, :1nd of the purposes of this subscction. conviction includes :111 instances person's violation of the statute on which it is based. For in which a plea of guilty or nolo contendere is the basis for ." the pwposes of this section. conviction includes all instances conviction and all proceedings in which the sentence has in which a plea of guilty or nolo contendere is the b:lSis for been deferred or suspended. Nothing in this section abrothe conviction and all proceedings in which the sentence has gates rights guaranteed under chapter 9.96A RCW; been deferred or suspended. NOlhing in this section abro(18) The procuring. or aiding or abelling in procuring. gates rights gUar3nteed under chapter 9.96A RCW; a "criminal abonion; (2) Misrepresentation or conce:lIment of a material fact (19) The offering, undertaking, or agreeing to cure or in Obtaining a license or in reinstatement thereof; treal disease by a secret method. procedure. tre:llment, or (3) All advertising which is false, frnudulent, or mismedicine, or the treating. operating. or prescribing for any health condition by a method, means. or procedure which the lcad~ ~ncompetence. negligence. or malpractice which licensee refuses to divulge upon demand of the disciplining resultS in injury to a patienl or which creates an unre:uonauthority; able risk that a patient may be humed. The use of a ~ (1991 La.a) :; an '1 So. 18.130 RCW-p. 7} " '- I. ATTACHMENT (I) PaQe q of q. . .. ' • HDlDroH REALll'R RECORD Paqe 1. of 1.0 DOCtJH:mrr~TION REQtJ'IREHmrJ!S PURPOSE: 1. To serve as a basis for documentation, planning patient care 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. and to insure continuity in evaluations of offender condition and treatment. The health record shall contain all siqnificant health information as related to inpatient care, outpatient care, emergency care, dental care and treatment, mental health care/assessment, specialty consultations, other related health information. The record shall contain sufficient information to identify, support the diaqnosis, justify the treatment and document the results accurately, and in a timely manner. To furnish documented evidence of the course of the offender's medical/dental/mental health care treatment and changing conditiQns during the offender's period of incarceration. To provide a .vehicle of communication bet"N'een the providers/practitioners and other health care staff who cont=ibute to the offender's well-being. To assist and protect the legal interest of offenders, the institution, and the Heal~~ Care Unit staff responsible for the offender's health care. To provide a comprehensive health infontation system and additional health data when reauested for outside resources. To provide data for continuing·education of Health Care Unit staff and research for audits and studies. To insure the maximum possible information is available for the professional Health Care Unit staff providing care using a unit recor~s system. , DUINJ:TION: Any face-to-face contact made by a health provider/practitioner (other than those occurring in connection with a group session) with an offender, whether for diagnostic, therapeutic or instructional purposes, which is SUfficiently substantive in nature to require an entry in the clinical record, log or treatment record. 1I ENCOUNTER: The parts or sUms of all actions taken to provide for· the medical, dental, or mental health or an offender to include preventive, assessment, and therapeutic. HEALTH CARE: A person licensed by the state to provide health care or related services inclUding, but not limiteo. to, dentist, dental hygienist, nurse, optometrist, pOdiatrist, chiropractor, physical therapist, occupational therapist, psychologist, pharmacist, and optician. HEALTH CARE PROVIDER: PRACTITIONER: (PA-C, PA, or A licensed physician or mid-level practitioner A&~). 06:2S ATTACHMENT ~ ) PageL.offL . HEAL'rH RECORD DOCUMENTATION 6/22/93 PAGE 2 of 10 RECORD: The record which contains all health-related information about an offender to include, but not limited to, medical, mental and dental health items of an identifying nature, data bases, assessment, treatment plans, diagnosis, treatment, progress, clinical events, and discharge or other summaries. JDmL'rK XBPA~~ENT: An individual receiving room, board, and continuous general nursing service. otnPA~~mrr: An individual recel.Vl.ng, in person, sick call/outpatient clinic based health care services for which the Health Care Unit is responsible. PROCEDURE: GENERAL DOCUMENTATION PRINCIPLES: 1. Health record shall be identified by offender, name and DOC number. 2. Documented notes shall include the date and time. 3. All entries shall be documented in ~~e SOAP format. (SUbjective, objective, assessment, and plan) . 4. Vital signs shall be ta~en on all offenders unless being seen only for treatment such as ear wash, dressing change, etc. s. Weigh each offender to establish baseline weight. 6. Time and date of laboratory tests and/or x-rays shall be documented as well as ~~e specific tes~(s} . '7. Date of last tetanus shall be documented whenever there is a break in the skin. 8. Allergy status should be clearly identified on the problem list of each offender, as well as on the outside of the health record, and medication records. 9. Note the mode of arrival and departure to the clinic when applicable (i.e., ambulance, Wheelchair, gurney, etc.). 10. At the conclusiop of each encounter, the health care provider/practitioner shall document diagnosis, impression, and/or assessment. 11. Follow-up plans shall be documented and shall include any verbal or written instructions the offender received. 12. Staff shall document disposition of offender L e., living unit, community hospital, etc. 13. An informed consent shall be completed and signed for any invasive procedure unless the situation is declared an emergency. The attending practitioner is responsible to inform the offender of a procedure or treatment and document this activity. 14. Offenders shall receive initial health screening at time of entry into the facility including but not limited to: a. Inquiry regarding present health status. b. Review medical requirements. c. Review available health record(s). 0630 ATTACHMENT l~} Page.8.ofLL: ·' • HEALTH RECORD DOCUMENTATION 6/22/93 PAGE 3 of 1.0 d. e. Physical assessment for recent trauma or sign of illness. Limited mental status examination for obvious psychological disorders, alterations in level of conscious, or conditions needing close observation. f. Screen for communicable diseases. 1.5 •. Record all trips to and from outside consultants, emergency treatments, etc. Include time left and time returned. MEDICATION ORDERS: 1.. Transcription to medication card: The drug will be identified by the name, strength, dose, date of order, prescriber, start and stop date, and the initials of the transcribing nurse. The signature identification slot must identify the nurses initials. 2. A prescription renewal or extension shall be considered a new order and will be transcribed as above in section 2. 3. Whenever a choice of doses is given i.e. 50 to 75 mg, it must be written as two separate orders with a specific reason for each order (i.e. Cemerol 50 mg po for pain, Demerol 75 mg po for severe pain). 4. All prn medications must state the reason prescribed (i.e. Motrin 60 mg po q6h prn headache).· The Motrin may not be administered for any other reason. 6. All medication cards must indicate any known allergies to medication. 7. All medication orders must have the practitioners signature and title within the segment of the form sent to the Pharmacy. 8. Document sites of all medications given by injection on the medication record. PRACTITIONER ORDERS: 1.. All orders will be noted by a full signature and title, date and time of the nurse "noting the order". With multiple orders, each order must be checked. 2. All telephone calls to a health care provider/practitioner regarding an offender's condition will be documented in the progress notes or primary encounter reports with the reason for the call. The provider's/practitioner's response will be written as a telephone order. Note date, time, health care provider's/practitioner's name and title, what was communicated in regards to verbal orders, follow-up, etc. 3. All verbal and telephone orders will be signed by the practitioner within 24 hours. It is a nursing responsibility to obtain this signature. 4. carefully document all questions and{ or concerns on orders and note that this has been discussed with the attending practitioner. ATTACHMENT (.;2.) PagQof.LL: ·. REALm RECORD DOCUMENTATION 6/2~/93 PAGE 4 of 10 5. The practitioners orders must be written clearly, legibly, and completely. The use of "renew", "repeat", and "continue orders" are not acceptable. . PROGRESS NOTES OR ENCOUNTER NOTE 1. A~~ documentation will be done in the SOAP format. 2. All entries will be dated, timed, and signed with a full signature and title. 3. All entries will be written in ink (preferably black). 4. No portion of the health record is to be obliterated, er=rl, altered or destroyed. No white-out or correction tape will be· used in.the medical record. S. No blank soaces are to be left on forms designated' for chronologicil sequential notes. 6. Each form must have the patient identification including last name, first name, and DOC number. On forms perforated in sections, each segment must be identified. 7. All entries must identify the facility. 8. If it becomes necessary to doc~ent out of sequence during a normal shift, document the date, and time of occurrence as well as the actual time of ent=y. 9. When documenting an entry at a later cate, clearlv identifY the date and ti::ne of the entry. Write "Late ent::'Y~t and dat~ and time of occurrence (i.e. 3/10/93 2:00 pm late entry for 3/9/93 1:00 pm). 10. Do not docUJ.L1ent an ent::y before an event occurs. 11. write a concise and accurate record of nursing care administered. Document pertinent observations, psychosocial and physical manifestations, incidents, unusual occurrences and abnor:nal behavior. Document non-compliance with medications or treatments. 12. Document all refusals of t::-eat:nents on DOC for:n 13-48. In addition, chart on the progress notes or primary encounter record the exact instructions given to the patient or the likely medical consequences of the refusal. Cite the specific medication or treatment refused. 13. Sign the bottom of every page when a progress note continues onto a second page. Repeat date, time and continued on the second page. 14. Document facts; avoid generalizations, vague comments, speCUlation and suppositions. 15. Avoid flippant remarks, jUdgmental remarks, and remarks intended to settle grudges. 16. Use only approved DOC abbreviations. 17. Document precautionary, protective, or preventive measures and teaching efforts. 0632 An~CHMENT {QZ} page±offt.. HEALTH RECORD OOctlMENTATION 6/22/93 PAGE 5 of 1.0 1.8. Document medication errors, notification of health care provider/practitioner and patient condition and followup. Complete all reports and/ or forms required by DOC Policy or Field Instructions. 1.9. correcting errors. 1.. Draw single line through error. 2. Initial and date. 3. Chart corrected information. 4. Do not write the word "error". An entry is documented each time the responsible health care provider/practitioner is contacted by telephone, requests information from another source, etc. regarding the offender's condition. The note shall include: a. Date. b. Time. c. What was communicated. d. Instructions given. e. Follow-up as appropriate. 20. MISCELLANEOUS FO~~S AND CEARTING 1.. Initiate Health Status Report fo~ DOC 13-41 on all patients requiring some exception to rules because of medical condition, or for equipment issued, pre-op or post-op instructions, discharge instructions, food handlers clearance or health status change. 2. Initiate communicable Infectious Disease form DOC 13-163 for all patients on precaution and/or isolation according to DOC policy 670.016. 3. Initiate Incident Report (DOC 23-110) for all altercations, II inmate down" calls, unusual behaviors, accidental injuries. Also, Field Inst--uction 400.301 must be followed and fo~s completed. 4. Initiate Labor and Indust=ies forms and complete A Report of Employee Personal Injury DOC 3-133 when appropriate. 5. Initiate consultation report for inmates going to community facilities for consultation, or emergency trips to emergency room. Each Consultation Request/Report shall contain a written opinion by the requestor/consultant that reflects, when appropriate, an actual examination of the offender and impression/diagnosis. All diagnostic/therapeutic procedures are recorded and authenticated in the health record. When a Consultation Request is completed, the report shall be reviewed and initialed by the requesting health care provider prior to being filed in the health record. 6. Record PPD, VORL, TB testing on problem list. 7. A written consent DOC 13-35 is required for the release of medical information unless otherwise authorized by the Uniform Health Care Information Act to receive information. 0633 ATIACHMENT (.;() Page£"ofLL: • HEALTH RECORD DOCUMENTATION 6/22/93 PAGE 6 of 8. 9. ~O. ~~. ~o ~3-250 must be completed prior to any surgical procedures. The attending health care provider/practitioner is responsible to inform the offender of the procedure and complete the form. Each appropriate section of the Informed Consent form shall be completed to verify the offender has been informed and agrees to the prccedure/treablent. Changes on the Informed Consent form shall be acknowledged by the offender I s signature or initials. Health Record of Inmate in Transit 13-22 is required on all inter-institutional transfers. The Inf~rmed Consent fo~ DOC 13-~38 is required prior to all HTLV III testing. original reports of pathology, lab tests, radiology reports, treatment reports, and other diagnostic/therapeutic reports shall be filed in the health record. All original reports must be reviewed and initialed by the requesting provider/practitioner prior to being filed. An Informed consent form INPATIENT REQUIR~S 1. An admission note is required by the practitione~ and nurse for each admission. The condition of the offender being admitted shall be clearly described .. a. The admission note shall be completed by the admitting practitioner and done at the time of admission. b. For administrativel custody admiss ion, f Iocr staff can complete the necessary note. 2. An admission note shall include, but is not limited to·: a. Identification of problem/mental health s~atus. b. Date of onset and details of present problem inclUding the offender's emotional/behavior status. c. Any findings related to ~~e problem. d. Factual information related to the problem. e. Admitting diagnosis. f. Initial treatment plan. 3. If the offender is being readmitted with the same diagnosis within one month of discharge date, an interim note is SUfficient. 4. A complete History & Physical shall be completed for each admission over 72 hours. This is done by an approved designated practitioner. If the offender is being readmitted within one month of discharge date, an interim note is SUfficient. 5. For an offender on the unit less than 72 hours, the Short stay form DOC 13-85 shall be used and completed. 6. A discharge note, discharge summary, and face sheet, must be completed by the attending practitioner. 0634 AlTACHMENT (t5Z.) Page.k.of // HEALTH RECORD DOCUMENTATION 6/22/93 PAGE 7 of 1.0 The discharge summary and face sheet are self-explanatory and each point shall be completed for all admissions over 72 hours. The progress note should include a concise recapitulation of the care and response to treatment for the offender's stay. A~~ 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.. relevant diagnoses established by ~he ~ime of discharge shall be recorded, using acceptable terminology that includes etiology, as appropriate. Inpatient unit staff shall also do a final discharge note. Information should include, but is not limited to: a. condition of offender on discharge in terms that permit a specific measurable comparison with the condition on admission. Vague, relative ter:ninology, such as lIimproved" should be avoided. All instructions given to ·the offender relating to b. physical activity, restrictions, medication, diet, and follow-up care. Identify the living unit the offender is being c. transferred. to. A comprehensive discharge summary is not recuired on the patients admitted for less than 72 hours. The Short Stay for:n DOC 13-85 should be completed inclUding the Short Stay discharge summary. Progress and response to treatment should be documented within 24-43 hours of admission and authenticated by the admitting practitioner. Progress notes should be made at least daily and more frequently, if necessary, on serious cases and no less than every 43 hours for patients that are under continuous care. Offenders that are placed in the inpatient units as boarders or for housing to accommodate special needs such as stairs, but require little service, minimal charting will be required. If served meals, medication, etc. charting can be done on the flow sheet. Entries in the progress note section should include but are not limited to: a. Pertinent observations and problems. b. Source. c. Incidents. d. Unusual occurrences. e. Psychological changes. f. Abnormal behavior. g. any physical problems or significant physical findings. h. w~en health education is provided, it should be noted in the progress notes. other. 1. "0615 AITACHMENT (,;l.} Page.1.o~/. HEALTH RECORD COCOMENTATION 6/22/93 PAGE 8 of 10 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. A note covering the transfer of responsi1:lility shall be entered on the progress note or the inpatient orders. All patients admitted to the inpatient unit will be seen within 24 hours by the admitting physician and every day of hospitalization except the day of discharge. A provisional diagnosis or valid reason for admission shall be recorded at the time of admission except in emergencies. In the case of an emergency such statement shall be recorded as soon as possible. The attending practitioner is required to document the need for continued hospitalization. The documentation must contain: a. Written record of the reason for continued hospitalization. A simple reconfirmation of' the patient's diagnosis is not SUfficient. b. The estimated period of time ~~e patient will need to remain in the hospital. c. Plans for post-discharge care. Patients shall be discharged only on a written order of the provider. INPATIENT NURSING SERVICES 1. A complete health record will be 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ini~iated on all inpatient unit admissions. A nursing history and physical will be completed on all admissions. A nursing care plan will be initiated on admission. Nursing staff will chart notes on each patient at least every shift and whenever else necessary. A nursing admission note will be done by the admitting nurse. A nursing adnlission/discnarge plan will be done on the nursing historY and assessment form. All new admissions will have vital signs, height and weight charted on the general purpose flow sheet DOC 13-422. If a weight is not possible, a "stated" weight should be charted. Obtain ~~e weight as soon as the medical condition permits. All patients on special diets will have at least a weekly weight recorded on the general purpose flow sheet. All patients on antibiotics will have a temperature recorded every shift during the course of the antibiotics and for 24 hours after the discontinuance of the medications. All patient with intravenous fluid administration, nasogastric feedings, or urinary catheters will have intake and output recorded on the general purpose flow sheet. When administering an IV the following shall be documented: ~~ount of solution/medication dose. a. site of injection. b. Type of needle or catheter. c. no'" ~ Medications added. d. '., JO ATTACHMENT (~) Pagei:.ofLL. HEALTH RECORD DOCUMENTATION 6/22/93 PAGE 9 of 10 Rate of flow. Changes in the rate of flow. change of site and reason. g. h. Document vital signs that are taken prior to administration of medication and changes in vital signs as a result of medication. changes to IV tubing, blood filters, etc. are noted by i. nursing s't.aff. w~en dccumenting IV mecicacion use onlv aooroved s~ols j . and abbreviations when char1:ina - or- - t=anscribinc: prac;:itioners orders. Document any adverse reaction e:cperienced as a result of medication or IVs including but not limit2d to: a. Infilcration. b. Rashes. c. Othe::. Notify t~e att=nding practitioner i~eciately if t~ere is an adverse react:cn and cha=~ ~~is notifica~ion. e. When a medication er=or is made: a. Ooc~ment the oc=ur::ence in a fac~ual way ~n ene health record. b. Document observation of the offender's condition. c. Doc~menc the not~r~cation of che provide::, in t~e 11. 12. 1) • 14. 15. 16. 17. inDa~ien;: heal~h recor~. Res:cr~ (DOC 13-42) for:u shall al·..; ays be completed and su~mitced to the i~ediate supervisor. All incident report shall never be filed in t~e healt~ record. :ie1d Inst::uc;:ion 400.301 shall ce followec to complete the Inscitution Incident Re;ort. All patients admitted on diuretics will have a daily ~eight recorded on the general purpose flow sheet. All diabetics ~ill have a r=cord of each meal recorded on the general purpose flcw sheet. Acid patients on hyper:::ensi'/e medication ,.... ill have at least a daily blood pressura recorced on the general purpose flow sheet. All oatiencs who have goals in nursing care plans to increase or decrease dietary inca)ce ..... ill have intake recorded on general purpose flow sheet. Routine vital signs will be noted on every shift and documented on the general purpose flow sheet. All oatients on mechanical restraints ~ill have documenta~ion of ~ho gave the order, type, ti~e of application, observation and removal time. Leather res~raints require every 15 minute observation and charting. All discharged 9atients must have a record of all discharqe ln~t=uctions given to the patient and patients acceptance and understanding of those instructions char~ed on the progress c.. ,)..., -,;,ccident/Inciden't. fJ63( ATIACHMENT (;!...) Page1..of II HEALTH RECORD DOCUMENTATION 6/22/93 PAGE 10 of 10 18. notes. written instructions are given to the patient on DOC form DOC 13-41 Heal~~ status Report. Have patient sign the form and place a copy in the medical record. All prn medications or treatments given must have a corresponding note on the progress sheet with the result of 19. the medication or treatment as given. All care olan revisions, undates, or amendments, or discontinuations of goals should have a corresponding note on the patient care plan. OUTPATIBYT NURSING SERVICES 1. All sic~ call appoin~ents and emergencies will have v~tal signs, bleed pressure, and weight recorded. 2. All emergency triage will contain documentation of encounter 3. All appoint:nents the patient does not:. keep _will have a orocrress note entry, date, time, "no show", fu~l signature and titie of pe=son making ent~. .'\l! If inmate down ll situations require an incieent repor~. Medication cards will be checked weekly for non-compliance. A memo will be sent to the practitioner wit~ a copy to the nu~sina suoe=visor and health care manager. All laboratcry d=aws will be documented on t~e laboratory log in SOAP far:nat. 4. 5. 6. sheet. 7. All inmat:s presen~i~g to the Out;a~ient Clinic as an eme=gency stall have an appropriate nursing note c~ar~ed, even if it is dec iced that no emergency ex~s~s and she is not seen bv a cractitioner. If recuired, the 1100 shall be contacted for orde=s ane follow-up care. 0633 ATIACHMENT <:Z) ?age.LL2.oftL· .. • , cc: Donna Horgan, HeaJ.th care Hanaqer Philip Stubenrauch, He Gary Hurlburt, PA-< Sene Stankovic,' PA Shelly petrinovich, RN3 Nursinq Supervisor Chris Addison, RN3 Infection Control Health Records staff Gr:i;;=e Hanua~ S 1 ieeazi· (S~ ATTACHMENT (~) PageLL.ofa: FCEIVc.- • SEP 2 11995 STATE OF WASHINGTON 2S28~piIOI Blvd. PO 10. ~"1 Olympi~ WA Oeparunent ot Corrections Division of Human ResQu,,· PERSONNEL AP~ BOARD '8504.0911 (3601 58fo.1481 FAX 13601 iS3..CJU9 ~~ September 19, 1995 ~/~O Marion G. M. Leach 124 lOch Avenue S.W. Olympia, Washingeon 96501 R~· Beverly Traweek v. Depa=ement Of Cor=ections, ReductionIn-Sala~f Appeal, Case No. RED-95-0036 Dear Ms. !.eac~: Enclosed is a ccpy of che order of the Pe=sor_~el Appeals Beard i.:l the a.bo're-refe:!':enced matte:!':. The order was entered by che Beard en September 19, 1995. KJ!./gmr:. ., E.."'lC 10 sure cc: Beverlv T:!':aweek, APP Lvn..1"l wise, AAG Jennie Adkins, PO aick Hall, WPE..~ C640 _._~_. \ 1 2 3 4 BEFORE THE !lERSONNEL AP!?EALS BOARD 5 STATE OF WASHINGTON 6 7 . BEVC'~Y 10 11 12 13 14 ) ) ) ) ) ) Appellant, 8 9 TRAWEEK, v. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, Respondent. Case No. RED 95-0036 MOTION AND ORDER OF DISM!SSAL ) ) ) --------------) The Appellant hereby notifies the !lersonnel Appeals Board that she wishes to withdraw the above-entitled appeal. 15 I 16 ., 17 ~, .~~+ ~mRION G. M. L~~~BA 18 19 Attorney for Appellant WPEA Staff Attorney 20 21 22 23 i15201 This matter came on regularly before the Personnel Appeals - Board on the consideration of the request of the Appellant to withdraw her appeal. The Board having reviewed the files and 24 25 26 MOTION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL - 1 0641 MARION G. M. lEAOi WPEA Staff Attornev Wuhmpn I'ubIic Emplo~ ~non 1:Z~IChloA_S.W. Olympoa. \Vaollittplft <l8S01 T~'lQoml • 1 records herein, being fully advised in the premises, and it 2 appearing to the Board that the Appellant has requested to 3 ~ppeal, withdraw her now enters the following: 4 5 ORDER 6 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Appellant I s 7 I 81 requests to withdraw her appeal is granted and the appeal is 9: dismissed. i 10 1 I DATED this 111 12 WASHINGTON STATE PERSONNEL AP~EALS BOARD 11 131 14/I 151 I 16 " 1 17 18 I 1, II 20 II 19 21 22 23 24 ,I 25 1 1 26 1 III MOTION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL - 2 0642 . MARION G. M tEACH WPEA Staif Attomev W.. hinpn PuIoIic E=oployon A~""" 114 10th A......"S.W. Olympia. Wul>"'S"'1\ i8501 Telephonw 943-1111 .... • l :CEt" c._ SEP 2 11~9S STATE OF WASHINGTON 1Ir.!8 upilOI Blvd. PO 80_ ~CJl1 Olympi., WA 98S0o&-ll,11 PERSONNEL APPE.~ o~~~ BOARD (360) S86-t481 FAX (360. i330413CJ J:.cv Q~ \:f~ September 19, 1995 Marien G. M. teach 124 lath Avenue S.W. Olympia, Washin~on Re: 9aso~ Beverly Traweek v. Department Of Cor=ections, Recuction!~-Sala~! A~peal, Case No. RED-9S-0036 Dear Ms. Leac::: E=clesec is a cc~y of t~~ cr:er of the ~ersc~~el A;~eals Bcare. l.:l the aJ:cYe-refere::.cec mat:.~er. The or~er was encerec by c=e 3car: en Se~temCe= 19, 1995. cc: Beve=ly Traweek, A?P LV':'..!l W:'se, A.~_G '",.:;"...•.1._ _ .... ,,", __.. ~... s, 00 a~ck Hall, W:?EA ~c..:c .- C643 .....z - -.. • 1 2 3 4 BEFORE THE I?ERSONNEL AP~EALS BOARD 5 STATE OF WASHINGTON 6 7 Appellant, 8 v. 9 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, 10 Respondent. 11 12' 13 1- 1 MOTION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL The Appellant hereby notifies the I?ersonnel Appeals Board that she wishes to withdraw the above-entitled appeal. I 1: I Case No. RED 95-003'6 --------------) I 14 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) DATED ~*-~ \\ '> I \~ 'i ~ " 17 ~< ·'4~L"" t-tAR!ON G. M~ ~"WSBA 115201 18 19 Attorney for Appellant Wl?EA Staff Attorney 20 21 22 23 .- T~is matter came on regularly before the I?ersonnel Appeals Board on the consideration of the request of the Appellant to withdraw her appeal. The Board having reviewed the files and 24 r64~ 25 MOTION AND ORDER OF 26 D!S~SSAL - 1 MARION G. M. lEAOi WPEA St:aif Attorney WuIIia\S"'" l'Wlllc =fIol-s AJIl>C&""1' 11' lCtll A_~W. OlY'l'l'Uo \V~ 9lISOl T........ oJU.ll:l 1 records herein, being fully' advised in the premises, and it 2 appearinq to the Board that the Appellant has requested to 3 withdraw her appeal, now enters the following: 4 5 6 71 "NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Appellant I s 8' requests to withdraw her appeal is granted and the appeal is 9 dismissed. DATED this 10 11 121 1 13 WASaINGTON STATE PERSONNEL p2~EALS BOk~ I 141 I I 1i-) iI 16 I II " 17 1 18 .- 21 22 23 i I 24 I I C6f5 25 26 1' I I I " MOTION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL - 2 MARION G. M. LEACH WPEA StUf Attorney WulWlpll Public Employws ~lic:In t:Z.llItIlA_S-W. • Olympia. Wulwtptt 9IS01 TolepiloM 943-1111 ·RE.CEI'Vc.. SEP 2 11995 28'Z8 Capitol Blvd. PO Boll .&0911 STATE OF WASHINGTON Olympi4.WA985~CJll Department of Corrections Division of Human ReSIll- PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD (360) Sl!6-1.;l1t FAX IJ60) m-otJ9 G,u-J September 19, 1995 'v~~ ~'~J ~ ~" Marien G. M. Leach 124 10th Avenue S.W. Olympia, Washington 98501 Re: Beverly Traweek v. Department Of Cor=ections, In-Salarf Appeal, Case No. 094-177 Recuc~ion Dear Ms. Leac=-: Enclosed is a copy of the or~er of the Perscr_~elA~;eals Board in c~e above-referenced matter. The order was entered by t~e Scard en September 19, 1995. E.."!c lesur= c~: "', Beverly Traweek, AE? Lvr.n Wise, AAG Jer_~ie A~~ins, PO aid<: Hall, W?E:A 0616 ··z··· • 1 2 3 4 BEFORE THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD 5 STATE OF WASHINGTON 6 BEVERLY TRAWEEK, Appellant, v. I DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, I --------------) 10 11: 121I 13 Respondent. !\ 14 No. 094-177 MOTION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL The Appellanc hereby notifies the Personnel Appeals Board that she wishes to withdraw the above-entitled appeal. 15 16 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) DATED I CSe 'P\S...........~ ., \\ '55-S 17 1 ~_~'f'n~~_ 18 I I 19 ! MARION G. M. LEA~SBA 115201 Attorney for Appellant WPEA Staff Atcorney I 20· " 21 This matter came on regularly before the Personnel Appeals 22 23 Board on the consideration of the request of the Appellant to I withdraw her appeal. The Board having reviewed the files and 24,1 25 11 26 1 1 II11 11 MOTION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL - l f64i MARION G. M. lEACH WPEA Slaif Attomev Wuhil\pn ~tic &lptoYftS ~noft 1%0& lath " ....... SOW. OIY'ft!l'&o WulIiItp.. 98S01 T~.943-lIIt • 1 records herein,' being fUlly advised in the premises, and it 2 appearing to the Board that the Appellant has requested to 3 withdraw her appeal, now enters the following: 4 5 ORDER. 6 71 NOW, THEREFOP~, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Appellant's s' requests to withdraw her appeal is granted and the appeal is 9 d i S m i s s e d . , J-- ' ~ 1 ;;;ii[ !' // DATED this day of ~uJ-L. /7' -- 10 , 1995. f./ 11 WASHINGTON STATE ~ERSONNEL AP~EALS 30ARD I 16 " \b. ',0""c., Q I ".f\ (, l&.A 17 18 1 19 20 21 22 23 24 0618 25 26 MO'r~ON AND ORDER OF DISM~SSAL - 2 MARION G. M. LEACH WPEA Staff Attornev WuIwl§lDn p..IbIic Em~ .~_ 124:01ll " ....... s.w, Ol~","" W&ll""~ 'MSOI T..~I00". ~3-1l2t . K E C E IVE 0 1 JUlia 1995 BEFORE THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD ~::tJT.er:tofCOll'edions Jr.".cII'I Rescurci STATE OF WASHINGTON • 3 l,; 4 s BEVERLY TRAWEEK, 6 Appe~ 7 ) Case No. RED 95-0036 ) ) NOTICE OF SCHEDULING ) ) APPELLANT'S MOTION FOR ) SUMMARY JUDGMEJ.'IT ) ) ) vs. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, 8 ResPondent. 9 ---------- .....1) 10 Notice is hereby given of scheduling the hearing on the appeal before the Personnel Appeals 11 Board. The hearing will be held in the Personnel Appeals Board Hearing Room. 2828 Capitol 12 Boulevard, Olympia, Washington, on Monday, September 11, 1995, beginning at 1:30 p.m. 13 14 If the services of an interpreter are needed. notify Personnel Appeals Board staff at least two 15 weeks prior to the hearing. The hearing site is barrier free and accessible to the disabled. 16 17 DATED this 17th day of July. 1995. 18 WASHINGTON STATE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD 19 20 KeIirieth J .!~ch, Executive Secretary (360) 586-1481 or SCAN 321-1481 21 ; 23 24 IS 26 cc: Beverly Traweek, Appellant Marion G.M. Leach, Attorney Lynn Wise, AAG Rick Hall, WPEA Jennie Adkins, DOC C6 :t9 Personnel Appe3ls Board 2828 CapilOllkluJevard Olympia. Washington 98504 (360) 586-1481 2828 ~pital Blvd. PO Boll 40911 Olympi~ WA 98504-0911 STATE OF WASHINGTON PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD June 21, 1995 (360) S~'481 FAX (360) 753.0139 /r ~~ '0Q. fP"~I2P~ Marion G. Leach Washington Public Employees Assoc. 124 10th AVc;nue SW Olympia, WA 98501 RE: Beverly Traweek v. Department ofCOrrectioDS, Reduction in Salary Appeal, Case No. RED-9S-0036 Dear Ms. Leach: This letter is to acknowledge receipt of your appeal by the Personnel Appeals Board on June 16, 1995. Sincerelv , ~r~ Executive Secretary K1L;py cc: Beverly Traweek Linda A. Dalton. AAG Aennie Adkins, PO Rick Hall, Rep. 0650 -·e-· o· ,. ~~©~uw~~' ~ JUN 16 1995 ~~~~BOAEID 2828 capito! Boulevard. P. 0. Sax 40911 Olympia, WA 98504-0911 PH: seN FAX: 321-1481 (206) 586-1481 (206) 753-0139 ?~~3Ci ::·{:L .~:='':-='::~ ;:·;.~RD lI2Jis fQC1 will help ~ pl:OVide aecessarf infOJ:Da.tion to the PeJ:::scmtel. ~ Bocu:d when you fLle an ~ You am mt. J:eqUi.J:ed.to use this foJ:m; hc'~, appeals ~ be filed. in ac:cqrdanc:e wi.th the requ:i.J::ement. set for-..b. in Ompt:er 358-20 vmc. If the space on the fcC is Usu:eicieat or if you Wish to provide additiocal infoca.tion, you may attac!:l additional pages. :£ttm! OR 'I:!!lS - SIGN eN l'AG: 2 PARI! I. mME: ~~TRA~w:e:.=.=El{==....._B~EyERL=-=~"='Y..lAill.:'=--_':""":"'::---:-~-:-~ (Last came, fi..::s1: came, IDiCCle i:ti.ti.al) SON: F.CME: ~..c~Ni ~ : ;""-_ _ Off-5ON: (!!'.Clu:.e a..-aa ccCe) (206) 858-4262 --- __..:D:..:E::P~AR::::.:.~=.::.T:....::O::.:F:....::C:.:::O~RRE~l:'::;cr:::.:.:I:.::O~N:.:::.S _ Name of a~! or age.ccies ~~a:t: took ~on yell are a~ea'" "s ~~ n. ~ 'IE' S ~'!E, AJ::OBE:SS MARION G. M. LEACH WPEA ST.AFF ATTORNEY 124 10TH AVE SW OI,WTA WA An ~ant ~ TST·?"=:.:.cNE: ~E:3: TELEPHONE: (360) 943-1121 Q8501 may a.ut:"'oJ:i.ze a ~..serJ::ac.ve to act in bis/he= bebalf. 'lhe EcazC. tm.1St' be ooC.tied of aIJ:'f cbaI:;e in :t:9pLesentac.oc. Cleek cne of 1±e follcw.i.ng t:J i -'L- a. b. c. do e. f. -e; cate ~ ~ of a~ ycu. are e, j "'s Ciscipli..ar-,r. (<±ec.~ applicable action(s». Dismissal, SUs~ion, Demot:!.on. -'L-,.BeC.uc:t::.cn in Pay. D::i.SabiJ ; tT sepa..""3.tion- Me.t:it: System Elule or State Civil Serdce Law Violacon (ccm;:lets ~A.~ IV. of to"'; S fO=t) BeC.u.ction in Force (cc:n;:leta ~.AE!t' IV. of t.i:!.s fo=1) Allccation (p::sit:.on classification) (cc.;.1ets SlART V. of t."-lis foc) . Decla.r:atol:y B1JllI:.g (see ~ 358-20-050) 0651 1 1828 Qpitol Blvd. PO Box .uJ911 Olympia. WA 98504-4)911 STATE OF WASHINGTON PERSON NEL APpEALS BOARD 1206) 586-1481 (SCAN) 321·1481 (FAXl753-D139 December 23, 1994 Rick Hall Washington Public Employees Association 124 - lOth Avenue SW Olympia, WA 98501 RE: Beverly Traweek v. Department of Corrections, Reduction in Salary, Case No. D94-177 Dear Mr. Hall: This letter is to acknowledge receipt of your appeal by the Personnel Appeals Board on December 21, 1994. Sincerely, bJdff E.,,<ecutive Secretary KJL:ph cc: Beverly Traweek j>athy 1. Nolan, ~G /Jennie Adkins, PO ., fS52 o DEC :.' ~FORM ~...sH!N:i'l'Qt ~ ~ EBSONNEL 2828 capitor Bculev.u:d.· P. 0. Box 40911 Olympia; WA 98504-a91~ EOAlm ~. FAX: 10°4 ..... PER~·>.. =:~ :.~RD SaN 321-1481 (206) 586-1481 (206)' 753-<1139 APPEJ1.LS : 'D:lis fo:m ~ help !OU p-'l'"OVide I1ecessaJ:y Urfoz:mation to the ~Ol:l:ne!. Appeals BoaJ:d when file an appeal.. You a--e g& ~ ~ .to 1JSe this fO%::l; haNeve:, app!als ~ l:e filed in accordance wi:t:h tbe ~""e'M"Tts set for..b. .in Cbapter 358-20 me. . !QUo ! f the SplCe on the fOOl is ir:s'llf-=4 c:L~ or i..f :you wish to prov.i.de acCi:t:iClJal infOI:Da.ti~ you D'I2rf attach additicmal pages. E!.~ A=o~ PARr I. mME: oa 'l!~S SIGN' eN ?AGEl 2 - :IDEm!!?!QelCN MAWe.e, k, (Last mme, d~ -F-: ("'J.J2J-€,2...L\..A" micc' e ~t::.al) 'Came, SON: ECME: _ (==!.cie a-.--ea code) ~~ ~0eCA-'~ _J -!-,-r.-J"f I- 0 I Ie Name of agea:y 0: age::c:.es T-at tcck action you a-.-a ~ .:; ,,".AtZ 7-/1,-" . . " f":)A..~ ~~ -- a.:;.;.~ t: P .... S NAM:::, ---RJc--k -H ~ll - ~ r" ADD~S ~e::o' ~ .,-:: iC;Q':. 11:.,,1./ oS ~ 'iI_ ! ·~h"CNE I ~UMEES: ~}~5. ;.:h';';:I~ ·&,·, :,:~:,:,/l.; ;:.,·~a. . : ;.: .,-.: :b. :.J. :. :;c,: :" ;~: :;":':.- 1~:. ;.L.: . ~.:;.; ;J;. ;e. :. .t.:;:,~. . .:.'Jk~A_.s; ;.;c:. ;.~:. ; ~:; ;.:h. . :. :-ta=-~'~!i-:-/;J. ~'f:-._lv~· .;J.:;.;-~ A~I}~t. . ;S;.•. . . : ( i~./. . J./ )"I'/~1. ....;;u..-;...J An .Ac:el.!ant: IIli'!.V at:"""='c"" "'e a Lsc-'0"'2Se::::-...ac:.ve to act i:l bisjb.e: '!he ECa::i must be .:oC..:5.ed of ~ ~ in ::e;rcesell;.atiC:l. Chec.." CIJe of f:"," The cw~=.g ~ Disc;..,J ~ "a-r. !:e;.,,.1": to i=.C:i:::ate t=le t:,vpe of appeal yeu a--a (c:ed~ a~c:a:cl.e act:!.oD.(s) _ ~,. ~ '1 $S-O J -g: Co .- DismiSsal Stsoers:'''''T'1 De..":CtiCIl, . ~CD. in ?av. '--~ Disamli7:f Se::a..-a-c.oIl Me..... ~ ~am B:u!.e or S'"..ate c::. vi-l Se-..-r-.ce Law Vicla~cn d. ~on e. .Allocation (pesi-:::'00. c.!.ass:'.f:!.cat::i.on) (c=....le-..a :A..~ V. of ~"'.f s ::O:=t) Dec.la...-atcl:y lbl' ~ -13' (see WAC 358-20-050) -- b. 'rV. of in ::'o=e '_ J eta :A..~ r..;. of (e:::t~eta ?A.~ (0 ... - -- ~'Io,.j s "''10,'; - ::c:n) S ::0=) 1 .. r653 2828 Capitol Blvd. PO Box oW911 Olympia. WA 98504-G911 STATE OF WASHINGTON PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD (206) (SCAN) 58601481 321-1481 (FAX) 753-0139 December 23, 1994 Rick Hall Washington Public Employees Association 124· 10thAvenue SW Olympi~ WA 98501 RE: Robert Love v. Department of Corrections, Demotion Appeal. Case No. 094-182 Dear NIr. Hall: This letter is to acknowledge receipt of your appeal by the Personnel Appeals Board on December 22, 1994. Sincerely, bJ~t- Executive Secretary KJL:ph cc: Robert Love Kathy L. Nolan, AAG ~nnie Adkins, PO " o ~~ ~ ©IE HI ~ ~ • ~'fORM ~...sEDmQt ~ PE:aSCNNEL. 2828 capito!. EloulevaJ:d.· P.o. BQx 40911 Ol.~ triA 98504-0911 Cr.:-'"_" ~ BOABD . m' ncr: ;~ ~ - "--, .~~~ SON 321-1481 (206) 586-1481 (206)" 753-<1139 .tis faI:Il will help !OIl pl:CVide necesscu:y infCJ::Da,tien to the !'e::som:.el A;:.peals E!oaJ::d ~ you file an appeal. You are ~ 1:eqUL""'Eld_to use tbis fcJ::D; bGwever, ~ ~ be filed in accordance ldt:h the ~-ement:s set for-..h in 0Japl:er 358-20 WAC. . . ! f 't:be space en tbe foz::n is ; nsu:E~~ dent: or i£ you wish to pr.Jv.i.de adC~ tiOlJal infO! 'Htion, you may att:acl1 aCCiticml pages. £"lUN:r OR 'l'!:E - SIGN ON ~ ~.=-SaN: SON: 2 S)z ?/-s Z. 511 i . ~ I....D /2/2.. e..::-TI" . .u ~ Name of ~ or aget:.eies ~"'at took ac"=ic; you a--s i!f.=-.....,; -g: ~J2;()A-I2.+/JU!...r!+ Or- arZ~fio~ O::1eck one of t:l.e follcwi:g to ~ be. d. e. f. aUv. . :t:ive to ac: i:l lot.; s /he: ::eb.al.:' c:2I:ce in .reoi:'esem::aCc:l. . ~ -c~ cate - ~ t:-Ipa of a;pea.l ycu a--e ..:;, ~ n~ Qisc::.::,'; "2-,r. (Qee.'t a;:p'; caele ~qn(sJ.)-Dismissal, ~ion. ~c::. _ReC:Jc:::.oc. in ~y. Ois--abf' ; "\:y se~a..-ation-- -Me.::.t System R1.:.le 0 : S-..ate Civil Se..-ti.ce Law Vicla:t:::.cn (c::::::::leta ?A.~ rv. 0: ~"''' s fc:::n) Force (el _, ete ?A.~ rv. of t"'.is fo::n) Allocation (;CSi t::.on classiiication) (c=le":a :A.~ v. of to"'' s fC::l) ~onin Decl.a-~to:y 3l1l..i::g (see WAC 358-20-050) 1 0655