Wadoc Report Staff Misconduct Titus 2005
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STATE OF WP,SHII>JGTOI'J DEPARTIIIIENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF CORRECTIONH OPERATIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER FOR WOMEN P.O Box 17, IvlS WP-Otl· 960l Bujactcn Rd NW . Gig Harbor WJ.,98335-0017 April 26,2005 TO: Jane Parnell l.'.. Associate supe.rinte.n , . d.e.nt1 / ,. ( FROM: Kelly )(etlf~ /~1'.\CD~ ~k~L' j Correct1on~l~st1gafu~) SUBJECT: . Possible Staff~isconduct RE: Correctional Counselor 1 Horticulture Program Melissa Titus CASE WCCW 04-043-05 Svnopsis On March 22, 2005, Intelligence and lnvesti ation Unit was contacted by Lieutenant Alex Simmons who said that Offende had written a letter that stated Correctional Counselor 1 (CC1) Melissa Titus a pushed her twice in the hallway of the MI School. Offender 1 conducted an interview wit~, on April 20,2005, she stated that on April 20,2005. She was standing in the hallway of the Education Bldg. talking with another offender when CC1 Titus was walking bye and said, "move", then pushed her left arm. Offender. said, she told her "Don't touch me." Offender"said that CC1 Titus then told her "then get out of my way," and pushed her upper left shoulder. Offender _ t a t e d that she then told CCI Titus "man I asked you not to touch me." She said that Ce1 Titus said, "1 bet you'll move next time." Offender_aid that she has never interacted with CC1 Titus before. Upon returning to her unit she told Sergeant Richard Smith what had occurred with eC1 Titus. 1 asked her if she would take a polygraph and she said, "Yes." (See attachment #1) Offender 1 conducted an interview with Offender , on April 20, 2005. Offender_ said that she was coming out of the computer class in the Education building when she heard Offender say "Don't touch me. "Working To;tether for SA.FE Communities" 945 WCCW 03-011-05 2 1 said don't put you hands on me." She then heard someone say, "next time you'll move out of my way." OtIender-"aid that she did not see the incident only heard what was said. Correctional Counselor 1 Horticulture Program Melissa Titus On April 26, 2005, 1 conducted an interview with Correctional Counselor 1 Melissa Titus. She said she was walking down the hall to the Horticulture Classroom the halls filled with offenders returning to the unit for the 1600 count. She said that an offender she did not know had stopped directly in front of her. She said, "Excuse me, please move," then again repeated "Excuse me, please move." She said that the offender"was talking very loud to another offender who was a little ways down the hall. CCl Titus said she had to direct the offender to continue to move, CCl Titus said that Offend~id not comply but simply continued to stand blocking her and talking to another offender, She said she then lightly touched Offender Rutter with a diskette to gain her attention and that the offender then turned around and faced her and CC1 Titus advised her to disperse. I asked CCl Titus if she had pushed the offenders left ann. She said, "Absolutely not." Then 1 asked if she had pushed her upper left shoulder. CC1 Titus said, "Absolutely not." She said that if necessary what she should have done was to have her stand for a pat search and notify the Shift Lt. that Offender refused to disperse, however she did not. (See Attachment #2) Conclusion: On April 24, 2005, Polygraph Examiner William Tuff GSR Polygraph Service administers a polygraph examination on Offend 0 verify or refute the subject's allegation of the situation, which occurred on Wednesday, April 20,2005, involving Correctional Counselor 1 Melissa Titus. The polygraph Examiner asked the following question: 1. Did Correctional Counselor Titus push you twice in the hall of the school on April 20, 2005. Offender~as not attempting deception when she answered "yes" to the following relevant question. 2, While you were standing in the hall ofthe school did Correctional Counselor Titus us her hand to push you, Offende~as not attempting deception when she answered "yes" to the following relevant question. Based on the above information CC1 Titus did admit that she lightly touched Offender ~ith a diskette to gain her attention. In the Employee Handbook page 8 & 9, it 946 WCCW 03-011-05 3 states that you are not allowed to engage in verbal assaults, threatening behavior, or physical assaults against staff, offenders, or the public. Attachment: • • • Letter Offende~dated 4-20-05 incident Report Correctional Counselor 1 Melissa Titus dated 4-20-05 Letter Offender 947 ... Page 1 of ."" View All Photos '" DOC Number: _ Name Please click on the picture to enlarge it. PHOTO DATE Of PHOTO SOURCE Of PHOTO 9/26/200312'30'45 PM TAS . 9/26/2003 1230,30 PM ht-t-n·//rl/""'lf'_ll' h 1 /ntT"Pnd?r Phnrox/ViewA II Photos. aspx TAS 5/10/200212,49,53 PM TAS 5/10/2002 12A8,20 PM TAS 3/20/2000 UJ,Z7 PM TAS 3/20/2000 j'23,If PM TAS 412412005 /76 \"tJ I I 1" /0 I/Oi/L S (?Ci-j/ vii D -filS) _:JeA 0 0 ~. '\ t:./ -d2 0 - OS {.3 .so? ;nJ /1.2 a c/ //75 ()/7 p;1£d, (lnd C~~C/LS (tJ,-/f,t//l a/"707 /v?7 //7/nA iL 7 r-f' c! hc-5S/1i/5 . --r;/U5 t1a,/YUl {y-J -lAx ~ /1 a -: .". Sh tJJ?/,1 TO.fO btj v~r oJ /7lockf? U/l c/J./u~l0d . 4g-o. -L -//Ifl n 5t;1- /~ rpn 'I IClA C A/J(Y '. d /7 c/ 5'~ .Yc / 0/ 11:v)'1 tf};2 /VU/ I; )1 6~'1- /- u~, lYj ~U0, 1 ~/ a~ /cJ )1p .{!:j{u/!. )/1:5)v qO/J/ d --l..5UL/J, 7 .r: d'S )to d 1;0V )lu/ 16 - -?4: /L JYl2 i2 0 oJ .6 -5c,v 'c~ I I I hu2 ( 1/() LA / I ) /lIt; !!.£} X I ;1;' J/1Y T -? . I '/71 { /ic. o.r , 00(2... /./0 /'(rS!~ it J, /h,rJ) /5 ;Z u J h p /JlD~5/ ,I • fuef !.{QliJUZ~!L ()I!~;(!Q('s d II c/ /';) /YZt~ ~ i1 F} Ix LAf LA 0'1 ttl? r///1ij f o r: ISy a Ire A {A.JL; h () Ct::L/ [1(;)1 I 949 950 ;/'(1£""'''''"'.'\ 'I i STATE OFWASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INCIDENT REPORT o Confidential DATErriME OF INCIDENT LIVING UNIT 04/20105 - 1552 LOCATION WITNESSES C-Building Hallway NIA USE OF FORCE INCIDENT? 0 YES [8J NO DETAILS: Who was involved, what fuok place, how did it happen, description of any injuries, damage, use of force, etc. Attach additional sheet, if necessary. • At recall I was walking down C-Building (MI School) hallway to the Horticulture Classroom #10. The hallways were filled with offenders leaving their classrooms enroute to their units for the 1600 count. Stopped directly in front of me was an offender with her back turned to me. I stated, g very au y 0 ano er 0 enoer farther down the school hallway. I "Excuse me - please move" twic~, She was tal then directed her to continue to move as it was recall. She did not comply and continued talking with her back to me. I then lightly touched her shoulder with the diskette in my right hand to gain her attention. The offender then whirled around and faced me. I advised the offender to dispurse. At thattime she began walking down the hallway to the exit door. End of report. IMMEDIATE ACTION TAKEN: Finished escorting visitor to Public Access. On the way out spoke to Mi School Officer D. Gordon about the inmate. Determined the inmates identity a Spoke to MSU Sergeant Richard Smith about the interaction with the inmate. Wrote written report. • CC1- 04/20/05 Horticulture Counselor STAFF SIGNATURE (Please Print) TITLE DATE TO BE GOMPLETED.·BYCHIEFINVESTIGATOR DATEITIME RECEIVED ' .' INCIDENT NUMBER OATE BY INVESTIGATION ASSIGI,ED TO .. ouonc The contents of thiS document may be eligIble for dIsclosure. Socral Secunty Numbers are conSIdered confident/at Informat/on and WI/(be redacted in the event of such a request., This form is governed by Executive Order 00-03, RCW 42.17, and RCW 40.14. ,.~-- r- - .. r c o'~,i 1;';-":!':IVi~i-'~! Distribution: WHITE - Chief Investigator DDC 21-917 109110104) •• CANARY· Executive Team Member PINK - Originator /" I ,,/~) I;J, - - - - / cr .-'-v,...-,·~) ~-l.. ~J':":.t...- .;.:.::-. .. GOLDENROD - Immediate Supervise" 95 1 I~I: ;-;i,;=-\-~;T C3'} -, F\'._~~~':I~'-' ~;. 952 GSU ."OL\'GUA."II SEU\'ICES William D. Tufts tl1 1409 1S Ave cr. SW Puyallup, WA 98371 .·OI,YGUA."II EXAMINATION UEI"OUT TO: Investigator Kelly Kelly Department of Corrections Washington Corrections Center for Women 9601 Bujacich Road NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Subject: Examination Date: 04/24/05 DOB: Offense: Statement Verification Requested by: Purpose of Examination: T ~ r refute the subject's allegation Officer Titus used her hand and pushed the sUbje~twice. Prior to the polygraph examination, the subject was advised of her Polygraph Rights and waived these rights by signing the attached form. CONCLUSIONS A polygraph examination was administrator to the subject on the above issues. Based on the physiological responses produced by the subject on three (3) polygraph charts, in the opinion of this examiner, she was not attempting deception when she answered "yes" to the following relevant questions: 1. Did Officer Titus push you twice in the hallway of the school on April 20, 2005? 2. While you were standing in the hallway of the school, did Officer Titus use her hand to push you? Examiner: William D. Tufts April 24, 2005 Date of Report 953 POLYGRAPH EXf\lvIINA TIOI~ STATEMEI'H OF COI~S ENT 0JCJ!.. W r:\"rnln"'IOnOr~ _ I. cdmlnICtcred by G S R 's DClng conducu d c anrio: be required polvgr~ph W CC- ~ services lor the cOnCerrllfl'~ W1~ l),utl ~CC4~ I also u ndr rstnnd 'hell (0 subrnu {Q a polygrwph ex arrunauon Wilholl[ my consent ,c..,dditionJII: I hold G S R polygraph services and William TullS harmless and lree lrorn anv hJrmless :lny rersons or <lgencies rrom a nv ::md all c\rl\ms or \i::\bi\itics allegt'd to result lrorr, C': anse our of uus examinauon Understanding 11m I have rnc unqualified righl 10 rcluse , do hereby. this date, voluumri l y arid without duress. coercion, \lnl~wrul indur cmrn: or .nf ormauor. obraincd during lhis process \\1'111 not be relellsed to me Do 1e -= ' -_ _----''--_ _ _ 954 GSR POLYGRAPH SERVICES INVOICE # 05-017 FederallD 532626194 William D. Tufts ]409 18" A ve Court SW Puyallup, WA 9837] 04/24/05 Department of Corrections Office of Correctional Operations Attn: Kelly Kelly 9601 Bujacich Road NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335-0017 Attn: Investigator Kelly A polygraph examination was administered to the following subjects: 04-24-05 $200.00 Total Examination Fee $200.00 We appreciate your business! GSR Polvvranh SeTV1[;p:s 14091Rtb Ave, Court SW PJ,v811nn WA 9R'l71 2~1-770-1477 955 State of Washh.#~on Form A l!J°:lA VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION {REV. 1/91) AGIiNCY NUMBER LOCATION CODE 310A veneer Nllmllllnd Addreat LTO A(lENCY P.R. OR AUTHORIZATIOO NUMBER G2 AGENCY GSR Polygraph Services William D. Tufts 1409 18th Ave CT. SW Puyallup, WA 98371 tU<M~ I<ND LOc..o.TION WA CORR CENTER FOR WOMEN PO BOX 17 GIG HARBOR, WA 98335-0017 RE(;I:I~EOUY DATERECElVEtI Investigator Kelly UBE SPI\CE BELOW A6 1\ WORKIIHEET TO DEVELOP 011 EJ<PLl\lH THE 000D6 OR IIERVlCEtl pURCHAIIED PREP....RED BY 5-4-05 SlAPtJ;.INIIOlCE6 ON UACK DATE DI\TE Kelly Kelly VENDOR NUMBER DOC.DI\TE. \'IORK CLASS DOC '" TRANt BUF CODE COUNn BUDGET ALl.DC UBI NUMeER AIIIOUNT 200.00 ACCOUtmNl.I APPRO~I\L FOR PAYMENT INVOICE NUMBER UNIT DATE 05-017 WARRANT HUMBER 200.00 956