Wadoc Report Staff Sexual Misconduct Aguirre Pt3 2006
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ai. According to Ms. •unselor Aguirre has 3 children _ _ an~er birthday is 2-21-65 and she Just turned 41. Ms. proof of M Suirre's ! l l i iunwanted A atte~n~lude cards and letters. Counselor Aguirre c se Ms. "girlfriend", to lose he~ Ellensburg when she called the employer and told him of Ms. exual orienta Ion. ccording to Ms. . . .Ms. Aguirre has promised to make her life "miserable". ounselor Aguirre has been to her mother's home as well as her aunt's home. ~ move 0 nd she can be reached via cell phone at o. Caro ina. . Her aunt, The mother is has since M_estified that she was denied Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative treatment while in the institution, as Cou e or Aguirre wanted her to remain in the unit where she could clean her office. Since her release she has seen Counselor Aguirre and she offered Ms. _drugs and alcohol. Ms. •said Internal Affairs Officer, Steve Baxter caller her home, but she would not talk to him. All this information is on the tape of the hearing, and was witnessed by Community Corrections Officer Brenda Clark. I will be completing my report on this hearing next week (but will not include this personnel information). The tape will be forwarded to the CRS at that time if you want to make a copy of it. Ms. •old me she informed her Community Corrections Officer in Ellensburg of this harassment, but she would not give him the name of the employee as she wanted to wait until she got an attorney. There was nothing In the chronos which referred to this contact. nvestiqator Steven B. Baxter 3 .jepartrnent of Corrections Special Investigations Services Tel. 360.239.9926 0553 Baxter, Steven B. From: lent Delano, lynne N. (DOC) Friday, March 03, 2006 8:28 AM Donald Wilbrecht; Hector Rodriguez; steven Baxter; Timothy Thrasher .0: FW: Subject: I don't know if you have this info already. Please keep Mary L-B informed as to status of investigation. Thanks! -----OriginaJ Message----From: Leftridge Byrd, MalYv ..(DOC) Sent: Thursday, March 02, 20066:06 PM To: Bouta, Kathy N.; Wright, Earl X. (DOC); Adkins, S. Kaye (DOC) Ce: Del . 1' •• - ' •• l l ... ~.·I· ." l:j • • • • ~ Subject: RE: nda D. This relates to a series O f _ . 'first saw ~ when Lori Ramsdell-Gilkey provided info o n - " " (sic) the name is actually e DOC #~onfirms that this is the same woman. ( I will ~ lynne advised a PREA inves Iga Ion ad been initiated as to the allegations,; by copy I will ask if this investigation includes . - - if not can the scope be expanded as there is no doubt a relationship between the claims of these women. ----·Origlnal Message--··From: scuta, Kathy N, Sent: Thursday, March 02, 20064:55 PM To: Leftridge Byrd, Mary V. (DOC) Cc: Wri Subject: FW FYI -----Original Message----From: Littrell, Marjorie R Sent: Thursday, March 02, 200611:23 AM To: O'Dell, Jacquelyn E. (Johnnie); Bouta, Kathy N. Cc: Adams, Karen P.; Baxter, Steven B.; Adkins, s. Kaye (DO RE: Subject: My involvement in responding to an inquiry came at the request of Mary Leftridge Byrd so I believe this needs to be forwarded to her for review. I did forward, through Kaye Adkins, the response from Simon Barr. -----Or'lginal Message--~~From: O'Dell, Jacquelyn E. (Johnnie) Sent: Thursday, March 02,200611:15 AM To: Bouta, Kathy N. Cc: Littrell Ma tone R' Adams, Karen P.; Baxter Steven B, Subject: RE: Importance: Belinda has been out-of-state and just returned today. Unfortunately, her Secretary is out of the office until 3/7/06. e reviewed this series of e-rnails, as well as another series of e-mails regarding offender As best we can tell from the content of both of these e-mails, there is nothing that we should be IS end at this point. If this is an incorrect assumption, would you please let me know. Johnnie O'Dell AM nvestigator Steven B. Baxter Jepartment of Corrections Speciallnvestlgatlons Services Tel. 360.239.9926 1 0554 ~----Origina! Message----From: Bouta, Kathy N. Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 20066:46 PM To: Stewart, Belinda D. Cc: Littrell, Marjorie R; Adams Karen P Subject: FW: Importance: Hig Karen and I talked about this when I. met with her Monday on what or how we proceed. We are making a brief chrono reflecting options given to this offender to address this situation. She is aware of PREA. I am forwarding to you for your info and possible investigation. The offender has been unwilling to discuss further, only stating this is why she has absconded. Thanks. -----Original Message----Adams, Karen P. Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:54 AM To: Bouta, Kathy N. SUbject: FW: From: Kathy I am going to call you to discuss a couple of issue regarding this situation that aren't referenced in the e-mail. Karen -·---Original Message~·-~- From: Riley, Robyn A. Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:05 AM To: Baxter, Steven 8. Cc: Adams, Karen P. SUbject: t her home. She had been on abscond status since late September 2005. At that time she and ad lust been given permission to ITR from Ellensburto Y she had not reported as directed by ceo Everett. Prior ceo was S i . 30-05 and she said "several reasons". I aSK a information and she informed me "she and had been harassed and "stalked" by a ceo while in Purdy. She said she would not give me the name a e person who she was speaking of because she felt "all DOC employees stuck together and she was afraid of retaliation. She also informed me she had told ceo Barr all about it. I advised her no one could help her if she was not willing to file a report or at least contact someone in upper management in DOC. I also stated she had been living in Ellensburg for quite some time and if this event was so traumatic, how could she continue to report to ceo Barr. She informed me she had proof of the stalking and mentioned a letter, and some flowers. I advised her to turn herself in and report the incident. 8 and inform of the situation and he stated he had I called Steve Baxter on 2-21-06 at attempted to get this information fro dl or the past two years and they were unwilling to provide any names or da es for him. H e would try again and thanked me for reporting it and requested this e-mail Robyn Riley 1iIjIr- 3.- '1vestigator Steven B. Baxter Jepartment of Corrections Special Investigations Services Tel. 360.239.9926 2 0555 Baxter, Steven B. From: "1ent: Delano, lynne N. (DOC) Friday, March 03, 2006 8:30 AM Baxter, Steven B. RE: ,0: Subject: Talk directly to Mary Leftridge-Byrd (Dep Secty of Community Corrections) -----Original Message----From: To: Baxter, steven B. Friday, Marcil 03, 2006 6:41 AM oetaro, tvnne N. DOC Subject: FW: Sent: This seems to be getting out of hand with too many hands in the pot I sent the email to Kathy Bouta as you requested telling her that we had the case, the extra people involved at this point and the Chrono entry made by the eeo at the request of her supervisor could hinder the investigation, the suspect in this case has access to OBTS and I'm sure keeps track of the offenders, I requested at the time of notification for them not to make any chrono entries at this point What to do? ----Original· Message----~ From: Littrell, Marjorie R Sent: Thursday, March 02, 200611: 23 AM To: O'Dell, Jacquelvn E. (Johnnie); Bouta, Kathy N. Cc: Adams, Karen P.; Baxter, Steven S.; Adkins, S. Ka e Subject: RE: My involvement in responding to an inquiry came at the request of Mary Leftridge Byrd so I believe this needs to be forwarded to her for review. I did forward, through Kaye Adkins, the response from Simon Barr. -----Original Message----O'Dell, Jacquelyn E. (Johrnie) Sent: Thursday, March 02, 200611:15 AM From: Bouta, Kathy N. Cc: Littrell, M.erjorie R; Adams, Karen P.; Baxter, Steven B. Subject: RE: Importance: To: Belinda has been out-of-state and just returned today. Unfortunately, her Secretary is out of the office until 3/7/06. linda an e reviewed this series of e-mails, as well as another series of e-mails regarding offender _ As best we can tell from the content of both of these e-mails, there is nothing that we should be g on this end at this point If this is an incorrect assumption, would you please let me know. Johnnie O'Dell AA4 -----Original Message----From: scuta, Kathy N. Sent: weonesoev, March 01, 2006 6:46 PM To: Stewart, Belinda D. Cc: Littrell, Marjorie R' Adams Karen P, Subject: Importance: Karen and I talked about this when I met with her Monday on what or how we proceed. We are making a brief chrono reflecting options given to this offender to address this situation. She is aware of PREA. I am forwarding to you for your info and possible investigation. The offender has been unwilling to discuss further, tvesttqator Steven B. Baxter 1 .eoartrnent of Corrections Spedal Investigations Services Tel. 360.239.9926 0556 only stating this is why she has absconded. Thanks. -----Original Message----From: Adams, Karen P. Sent: Wednesday, February22, 200610:54 AM To: Bouta, Kathy N. Subject: FW: Kathy I am going to call you to discuss a couple of issue regarding this situation that aren't referenced in the e-mail. Karen -----Origlnal Message----Riley, Robyn A. Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 20069:05 AM To: Baxter, Steven B. Cc: Adams, Karen P Subject: From: On 2-10-06 I contacted Ms. e had been on abscond status since late September 2005 At that time she and d just been given permission to ITR from Ellensburto hy she had not reported as directed by c e o _ o 9- n Everett. Prior ceo was Simon arr. I asked 30-05 and she said "several reasons". I aske or more information and she informed me "she an e had been harassed and "stalked" by a ceo while in Purdy. She said she would not give me the name 0 person who she was speaking of because she felt "all DOC employees stuck together and she was afraid of retaliation. She also informed me she had told ceo Barr all about it. I advised her no one could help her if she was not Willing to file a report or at least contact someone in upper management in DOC. I also stated she had been living in Ellensburg for quite some time and if this event was so traumatic, how could she continue to report to ceo Barr. She informed me she had proof of the stall<ing and mentioned a letter, and some flowers. I advised her to turn herself in and report the incident. alll!f . of the situation and he stated he had I called Steve Baxter on 2-21-06 at attempted to get this information fro nd/o or the past two years and they were unwilling to provide any names or dates or him. He s a e e would try again and thanked me for reporting it and requested this e-mail Robyn Riley 3.- 38 'nvestiqator Steven B. Baxter .repartrnent of Corrections Special Investigations Services Tel. 360.239.9926 2 0557 Baxter, Steven B. .o: Cc: Littrell, Marjorie R Thursday, March 02, 2006 11:23 AM O'Dell, Jacquelyn E. (Johnnie); Bouta, Kathy N. Adams, Karen P.· Baxter Steven B.; Adkins Subject: R From: ';ent: My involvement in responding to an inquiry came at the request of Mary Leftridge Byrd so I believe this needs to be forwarded to her for review. I did forward, through Kaye Adkins, the response from Simon Barr. -----Original Message----From: O'Dell, Jacquelyn E. (Johnnie) Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 11: 15 AM To: Bouta, Kathy N. Cc: Littrell Subject: RE Importance: Hig Belinda has been out-of-state and just returned today. Unfortunately, her Secretary is out of the office until 3/7/06. e· and I have reviewed this series of e-rnails, as well as another series of e-mails regarding o f f e n d e r _ As best we can tell from the content of both of these e-rnails, there is nothing that we should be do~ en at this point. If this is an incorrect assumption, would you please let me know. li Johnnie O'Dell AA4 -----Original Message----From: Bouta, Kathy N. Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 20066:46 PM To: Stewart, Belinda D. Cc: Littrell Subject: FW Importance: Karen and I talked about this when I met with her Monday on what or how we proceed. We are making a brief chrono reflecting options given to this offender to address this situation. She is aware of PREA I am forwarding to you for your info and possible investigation. The offender has been unwilling to discuss further, only stating this is why she has absconded. Thanks. -----Original Message----From: Adams, Karen P, Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:54 AM To: Bouta, Kathy N. Subject: FW: Kathy I am going to call you to discuss a couple of issue regarding this situation that aren't referenced in the e-mail. Karen -----Original Message----From: Riley, Robyn A. Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 20069:05 AM To: Baxter, Steven B. Cc: Adams, Karen P. Investigator Steven B. Baxter Department of Corrections Special Investigations Services Tel. 360.239.9926 1 0563 Baxter, Steven B. From: Sent: To: Subject: Payne, Alice (DOC) Friday, June 02,20065:23 PM Baxter, Steven B. Questions 1. Was s mother incarcerated at Geiger Correction Center? If so the times and crimes. 2. I interviewed Beth Rietema and asked her if Stephanie Aguirre had ever discussed an emergency call tor _ , if offender was more trouble than others. ~terviewed Theresa Jackson and Arlene Young-Scott Did they notice any thing unusual about the relationship between Stephanie Aguirre and . - - : . . 4. The date the mother came to ~ . 5. Fran is callin Denise Doty to verify if Stephanie was one of the Identity theft victims back in 200012001. 6. When tephanie's son) pulled over for driving Stephanie's car. Where was she living at the time and why he wa er. place addresses to see if Stephanie was in the whit.pa es. 7. Check both B. Can the Step-:ratner idenrny&8phanie in a picture line-~ ever visit Offender WCCW? 9. Get the e-mail records and phone records from Offendellllll-.rmother and Offende Aunt. 10. Interview Debra Gordan to see if Stephanie does/did have a tattoo as described in the investigation. 11. Is there a seven-eleven around the corner from Stephanie's apartment in University Place. 12. Go to the jewelry store to see if Stephanie bought more than one ring, and see if we can get a detailed descriptionof the ring that belongs to the receiptlinspectiDn card. If she did buy more than one, were they all sapphire. Find out what ring was shown to the manager of the store when she wrote the confirmation on the store tetterhead. u icture to the pawn shop to see if they remember if Stephanie was the one who purchased the ring 13. Take theiline after Offende ad pawned ·it. See if they can identify the ring. 14. Find out access to Liberty was given to Counselors in Institutions, when did DOC start using Liberty. i~ 5. Call MF to see if Offender ~as ever employed there and if they ever rec'd a i phone call r er character from Stephanie Aguirre. 16. Have et phone records from Ellensburg Telephone Company. 17. Get n g size rom jewelry store. /18 Get scan line records on Etephanle I 19 Asked George to check inmate phone records for hits o~anle's home numbers. f 20 CheckWith neighbors in~o see if they remember~laYlng With the children In the neighborhood, who were the children _and_ I o I I might Interview ~ w::: tCI {\ c.y, an 4 J1 e 4 /1 <; C( ~/ IvU CJL7 so let me know if you do so we don't double the /"e <:. '.-c.-,/( L,.A/,f Go /.5 (,,/(~/(;~. ..J,._."..(. /l,. . ..] Investigator Steven B. Baxter Depaltment of Corrections Special Investigations Services Tel. 360.239.9926 0564 Store Locator - Federated Department Stores, Inc. Page 2 of2 I ',;;~1\~V~'(J~(·,.qT-'/" ,300n;j [ Directions -, 900N,. I 54 East Main Street ,'tl ""'Tho/~ll" r 0 ; ",-?/ ;"", \ / ,e:!> ~ \~)\':I'- •.}..""";\~)~"". 'k.. . ·~~ Walla Walla. WA 99362-1941 US l'\~~~'::(?~Y\ Phone. 509/527-6000 ""'~ - J,~ "\,,,, .."'~ ~ . Distance: 02005 MapQuBlSl.com, lnc.; 02005 GDi,' 118.14 miles from the center Inc, ~'lilt;l~c~O/~""~:()~O 9~im KElIJDeVViCkFurnitureGClUElrY(l\/Iacy'~ '·CM·.. ·~~ ......,• / '.',£ {Y, " I 40" --.....!, Richland, WA 99352 US 100. - I ..-~ ... -!~t'eI D 1310 Tapteal Drive ·'tt<ib ,'.I:"j.' C2005 MapOuest.ccrn, tnc.: C2005 GO" " Directions . Phone: NULL Distance: 130.33 miles from the center ""Af'o.VE'5''1""::'-~~,---·T'-'-----'--- 01.:0 300m 9, D9ScllumSOOft sn T:':"~~~~-':~::-':::~ Columbia CeDter_MalliMELGY'?J aT~.a\·0ve ---C""' 400 Cotumbia Center ','''''::::::.::tl "'ApPlel'L;;--' WoO!- />.~. \11 K~O'C!'_.-j "-oi 02005 MapOuesl.oom, Inc.; 02005 CD" Inc. ~:' A~. V£'5't"~ "l0i ~" S\'~_/' ~i ,-, ' 28 Kennewick, WA 99336-1164 US Phone' 509n34-6000 D' . 131 . 27 ml'1es t,rom th e center istence: ,,_/ 1200m 10, \ s0O!' ~~c '--y ~\~~~" '\ ¥¥;&~j~~hJa~~~k:~;'§) \':l"O:~~""""""'" '..c-> 0:2005 MapOu••t.corn, jnc.: 02005 GD'T, Inc. L Directions] Wenatchee, WA 98802-4833 US Phone' 509/881-6000 D' . 134. 72 Ttll'1es from th e center istence: etQ004 Federated Department Stores, lnc., 7 West Seventh St., Cincinnati. OH 45202. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Review the fds.com privacy policy and legal notice. Site developed and designed by .s.~l1g~.r1l!_f;R.Y ..P_~.§.ig.n., Cincinnati, OH. 0565 http://clients.mapquest.com/fds/mqinterconnect?screen=results&link=map2&&closestn=1 ... 611 5/2006 • '; ':' .. FAX COVER SHEET STATE of WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT of CORRECTIONS SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS UNIT Office (360) 725-8738 FAX (360) 586-2638 FROM: Investigator Steven Baxter NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: 1 TO: Helzburg Diamonds Corporate Office Attn: Tina Comments: I am requesting any information available on a ring bought at your Tacoma, Washington store (225) on 7/20105. The information is needed in the pursuit of a possible felony conviction on Case Number HQ 02-16-06-FOI from our office. This ring was SKU#1353092 a 14 KY 9BGSAll2RD 7RW CH BD. Possible information that would be of help in this case would be the vender markings on this ring and any special markings on your rings that would make it different from similar rings from other jewelers. Thank you for your help. 0566 Law Enforcement and/or Criminal Justice Agencies intend this FAX for receipt and use. Unauthorized use, copy or distribution is expressly prohibited. 0567 '. .,'" '';:', " , ;r. ',41 -. • ,fW!. 'a.,. , ,'Of ~"Il" -If ,,. 0568 Store Locator - Federated Department Stores, Inc. Page I of2 Federated Site Map DEf'AnTMENT ~'·URES. IflYC I Contact Us STORE LOCATOR. N£;wt llJHECT • I Legal Notice MAtl~WlVUllliJllo~1I1 1li:bISl111 • I COMPANV • INV.STOR RElATIONS ~ COMMUNlTV/FOUNDAnON • CllREEH DPPl\IllUNlllES • nETA1UlP,EIlhlIDNS • SUPPORT D~aUlll , , " . l I' . STORE LOCATOR If • 10 Closest Starers) ",,:,'t. "'Q.IJI:"Jfillto,' ''''''jl!iioll! 1 ;.':';'~ , JflI0'i!'~i';1;1"''';';';';H··,!6:O.ottt· . ,u I _"J~[~ka~I~\~[a;n"l'i.l!~~",~~~~%OiZ£j-~i~~~EDEl CMgc;Ys) -.,~;" I lw Riv,,'Is\~! !'..~I __,,_ Spokane, WA 99201-0015 US II~..-".. _ ..·~-_·~ . rI·.~_ ,tAve Phone: 509/626-6000 ~~~~~QMaPQu.'l.oom, Inc.; 02005,1'-' '~M"je\JsEi,~l~"t;~0, "~t- . Distance: 0.14 miles from, the center ,,20010 2. 60'\= t-;lQrtbJovvn Mall G\i1a_cy's) -T-I Direction 1 j W.II"sl" A.,,·----, -=""_.Y-=---,, \._".lO'P' II[[Bofl\"an"A'E: I N 4770 Division Spokane WA 99207-1402 US Phone' 509/482-6800 ~:$~~C1MaPClu.'l.oom, Inc, 02005~,,---"i-_ Distance: 3 00 miles from the center ==~~- - "'APQ.V£"'~~,-' ......-~.\l\ .: ,;to~m 3. J~".~~~"",' §..Qokane Valley Malli..rvL~9"s) ..~. c, 02005 MapQuesl,com, lnc.: 02005 IMV1'EQ " " JI • ",,...r¥J.I 'S ." - \I' I: ..,.;: i 14740 East Indiana Ave. Spokane, WA 99216-1814 US Phone: 509/893-6000 Distance: 10.28 miles from the center ?,,~~m 01 - 4. 'i!~ 6lz...."+(::9El_lJU:l'6J€:,IJ..E?JII1-ClJLi Mgc;J~s) ': . - I 'Ec~_n~ft,,~\~ '\~ t i;';:~;gOA1e~~~jDA;;~~~_6703 US rrz.: ~ II I i Phone' 208/772-8700 ~~$~~QMaPCluest.ccrn, lnc.; 020051;- Dista~ce: 30.00 miles from the center ": "'A"'Q.VI:i"""~ \ ,300m 5 'sOOftpalouse EmRire MaIIJIll1acy-'-~) __,,__ 2132 West Pullman Roed I. LE '''-\~----,l J Moscow, 10 83843-4011 US I-t+-.........- ~~~~?:ar£~§,'.~", ..,+.",,_+,.;j-+-~""t ot"" . ;::::::: B Phone: 208/892-6000 C>2005 l~pClu••t.com, Inc.; 0'2005 GDT, Distance: 66.61 miles from the center Inc. -.~-~ ~~~r:J ~- ;"-~";~h A~} f~!~i}1~~~~~r~~:::~~MClCY'S) :I"""'~" IJ£15-T"',o i L 1.1 1 r--T- I ! 300ml 6 'stlott"" . Phone: 208/798-6000 ~~.005 trAapQU8st.oom, Inc.; 02005 GDTI~ Distance: 89. 13 miles from the center 0585 - 7. Downtown VYaJlg Walla, (Macy's) \_.... ~ 11." ..._ . _ 1.e.J _ I .. 1. 0 l' 1 1111111I1I1II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I P, 01 I I TRANSACTION REPORT I I JUL-12-2006 WED 10:58 AN I I I I FOR: DOC EDUCAT ION I I I 360 586 7273 I I I I I I I I ~~ DATE START I RECEIVER TX TI ME JUL-12 10:58 AM 8-8166271577-3262854 PAGES TYPE 17" 1 FAX TX NOTE M# DP OK 343 I I I I I I I TOTAL : I 17S PAGES: I I I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 FAX COVER SHEET STATE ofWASHlNGTON DEPARTMENT of CORREcrIONS SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS UNIT Office (360) 725-8738 FAX (360) 586-2638 FROM: Investigator StevenBaxter NUMBEROF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: 1 TO: Helzburg piamondll Corporale Office Attn: Tina . .nfi ration available on aring bought atyour Tacoma. Comments: I am requesting any 10m. f rmation is needed in thepursuit ora Washington store (2~5). on 7~g~~'N~;b~~Q 02-16-06-FOl from our offi~e. Thisring possible felony conVlchon 0 9BGSAl12RD 7RW CHBD. Possible informauon that . was SKU#13S30~2 a ~4 KY uld be the vender markings on this ring and any special would be of help m, this Chase wold make it different from similar rings from other markings OD your rings t atwall jewelers. Thank you for your help. steven Barter 5peclallnvtlSli!lillpr . . 1 Justice Anepcics inteud this FAX (or receipt and L w EnforceUlent and/or Cs-tmtna . b Whited. • U Ih "'''c:d nse CDPY or dutributioD Is expressly pro usc. nau 0·... .. 0586 FAX COVER SHEET STATE ofWASHJNGTON DEPARTMENT of CORRECTIONS SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS UNIT Office (360) 725-8738 FAX (360) 586-2638 FROM: Investigator Steven Baxter NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: 1 TO: Helzburg Diamonds Corporate Office Attn: Tina Comments: I am requesting any information available on a ring bought at your Tacoma, Washington store (225) on 7/20/05. The information is needed in the pursuit of a possible felony conviction on Case Number HQ 02-I 6-06-FO I from our office. This ring was SKU#1353092 a 14 KY 9BGSAl12RD 7RW CH BD. Possible information that would be of help in this case would be the vender markings on this ring and any special markings on your rings that would make it different from similar rings from other jewelers. Thank you for your help. Steven Baxter Special Investigator Department or Cortecucns Special Investigators Unit 73<1S Linder son Way S.W. MS·, <11108 Tumwater, WA 98501 (360) 725-8738 Cell: (360) 239-9926 Fax: (360) 586-2638 subaxterw doct.wa.qov Working Toqether for SAFE Communities Law Enforcement and/or Criminal.Justice Agencies intend this FAX for receipt and use. Unauthorized usc, copy or distribution is expressly prohibited. 0587 ~ FAX COVER SHEET STATE of WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT of CORRECTJONS SPECIAL INVESTIGAnONS UNIT Office (360) 725-8738 FAX (360) 586-2638 FROM: Investigator Steven Baxter NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: 1 TO: Helzburg Diamonds Corporate Office Attn: Tina Comments: I am requesting any information available on a ring bought at your Tacoma, Washington store (225) on 7/20/05. The information is needed in the pursuit ofa possible felony conviction on Case Number HQ 02-l6-06-FO 1 from our office. This ring was SKU#1353092 a 14 KY 9BGSA/I2RD 7RW CH BD. Possible information that would be of help in this case would be the vender markings on this ring and any special markings on your rings that would make it different from similar rings from other jewelers. Thank you for your help. Law Enforcement and/or Criminal Justice Agencies intend this FAX for receipt and use. Unauthorized use, copy or distribution is expressly prohibited. 0588 0590 ',/ best1.gif besLgif montage3.jpg montage4.jpg Montage5.jpg Montage9.jpg Montagel0.jpg Montagel1.jpg Monlage12.jpg Montage13,jpg untilledl.gif untilled5.gif aguirre.jpg 0592 , 0594 ,0595 0596 0597 (l59B HOLIDAY INN ISSAQUAH HOTELS I SEATTLE-ISSAQUAH I Official Hotel Site Page 2 of 3 Amenities Downtown lnforrnatioi • • Outdoor Pool High-speed Internel Access • • • • • Whirlpool On-site Guest Self-Laundry Facilities (washer/dryer) Kids Eal Free Dedicated Lounge (or 24 Hour Lounge) Iron I Ironing Board • Coffee Maker • Hairdryer • • Ale Public Areas SEATTLE (15 MI / 24.14 Area Airport Informati Seattle-Tacoma • • • mtematrom Distance: 17 MI / 27.36 K Taxi Fee: $45.00 (USD) Time: by taxi: 30 minutes Area Convention Cen1 Information Hotel Features Meydenbauer Center 100 Guest Rooms 91 Non-Smoking Rooms 30 Double-Bedded Rooms 70 Single-Bedded Rooms Suburban 2002 Last Renovation Date WA0294 FEMA Property Number 2 Floors Cocktail Lounge 1 Restaurant e • • • • • • • e • Convention Distance 8MI Taxi Fee $25.00 (USD) II • Local Information • • It Golf within 5 MI I 8.05 K~ Shopping within 1 Mi / 1.£ Tennis within 2 MI I 3.22 Personal Services Attractions • Ale Public Areas • • • • • Dry Cleaning Pickup/Laundry Free Local Phone Calls lee Machine Seattle/Qwest & Safaca Fi, (15 MI / 24.14 KM) .. Costeo's Headquarters (0.: KM) On-site GuestSelf-Laundry Facilities • Siemens I Space Labs I M • Campus (0.5 MI / 0.8 KM Salmon Day's Festival (1 ~ KM) (washer/dryer) • • Room Service Safety Deposit Box available at Front Desk Business Services • Snoqualmie Pass SkiArea • 56.33 KM) Microsoft Headquarters (H KM) • Tiger Mountain Hiking Trai • • 4.83 KM) Copying Facsimile • Parking Information • • Number of Parking Spaces: 147 Ample parking, no charge Press Office I Phone & Email I Hotels I Terms Of Use Bellevue J Bellevue Sq She Mi / 11.27 KM) • Redmond (10 MI / 16.09 i • North Bend Factory Oullel 24.14 KM) • Boehm's Candy Factory (2 KM) • Space Needle (15 MI / 24 • Lake Sammamish Stale Pi 0.8 KM) • T-Mobile Offices (5 MI / 8 • North American Energy Se /032 KM) I Priv8J;.Y Statement 4/25/2006 HOLlDAY INN ISSAQUAH HOTELS I SEATTLE-ISSAQUAH I OfIicial Hotel Site Email or Priority Club #: Page] of 3 PIl-.J# [ ] Don'! remember me. , ReserVation Desk I Meotings & Grllups See IHG's Lowestln!ernel Rate Guarantee - If you find a lower rale on anotr beal it! Book Online or Call: 1 a68 HOLlDJ RESERVE THIS HOTEL Hotel Home fu9JWS I Meetings Optional Travel Information Check-In Date: MAp- I Directions Holiday Inn SEATTLE-ISSAQUAH Holiday Inn SEATTLE-ISSAQUAH 180112TH AVENUE NW ISSAQUAH, WA 98027 UNITED STATES Check-Out Date Adult(s): Cllild(ren): Rooms: o 1 Hotel Reservations: 1 888 HOllO; 1-425-392642 Hotel Fronl Desk: Hotel Fax: 1-425-391465 Rate Preference: "Best Available""''' Corporate 10: Add lATA #: Email: holiday@hiissagyah.9QOJ Check-In Time: 2:00 PM Check-OutTime: 12:00 PM Quality Performer: .C_9mm"enQ~ble Local Time: 8:27 AM PDT Group Booking Code: WELCOME ':"\ii~!MOdifY !9anbel ReSijIvEiuons~.' .''I Information on Using Wireless Welcome to Issaquah's Only Premier Full Service Hotel, earning multiple the last 8 years for service and quality. The Holiday Inn Hotel Issaquah i, foothills of the beautiful Cascade Mountains. Conveniently located within distance to Lake Sammamish and Costeo's World Headquarters and ani' are Siemens Medical and Zetec Corporation. Whether your visil brings you to us for business or pleasure the Holiday I ready to serve you! Throughout the holel, you are sure to find beautiful ft paintings with 100 graciously designed guest rooms catering to the corp' leisure traveler. The outdoor salmon shaped swimming pool is seasonal. We specialize in corporate meetings, banquets, weddings or any special tour of our accommodations, services, facilities and our group/meeting w [iolid..ayJnn@ Hot~ls & Resorts Home learn more about the services we provide. While in Issaquah there are m do and see. You can visit the Salmon Hatchery any time of the year, but popular the first weekend in October during the Salmon Days Festival. T, Boehm's Swiss/Austrian-inspired chocolate candy factory. Visit the Coug Zoological Park, catch a play at Village theatre September through June. Gilman Village is aiways popular with 40 unique stores and restaurants h historic buildings connected by a wooden boardwalk and brick paths. Our hotel staff speaks: English. Spanish 0603 1111n·/Iv..,u.rvl/ 1rhn1'P.l ccrrum r.om/h/d/hi/1 /~n/h(J/sefli(] 4/25/2006 ;. ',"":;, , , ", ". . ,~ .! ., '",' = - 0604