Wadoc Report Staff Sexual Misconduct Crockett 2003
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STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CQRRECTIONS WARNING THIS FILE IS THE PROPERTY OF THE WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER FOR WOMEN INTELLIGENCE & INVESTIGATIONS OFFICE CONTENTS MA Y BE DISCLOSED ONLY TO PERSONS WHOSE OFFICIAL DUTIES REQUIRE ACCESS. CONTENTS MAY NOT BE DISCLOSED TO THE PARTY(S) CONCERNED NOR TO COUNSEL, WITHOUT SPECIFIC AUTHORIZATION OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. CASE TOEIC: CASE #: Staff Misconduct: CO Crockett/lhmate~t 01-05-03-F01 DATE OPENED: 29 Jan 03 DArE CLOSE.P.; sign and date at time of review or receipt IN OFFICE REVIEW CASE OUT REVIEW 49 Washington State Correction Center for Women Intelligence & Investigations Case File 01-05-03-FOI 50 • Washington Corrections Center for Women Intelligence & Investigations CASE# Ol-OS-03-FOI February 14, 2003 TO: Belinda D. Stewart Superintendent, WCCW FROM: Steven Baxter Investigator, WCCW SUBJECT: Staff Misconduct RE: CO Michael Crockett Synopsis: On 1129/03 during the course of another investigation, cbrono entries on Inmate (lIM) ~lQE.1~erebrought up and it was discovered that she had reported to her CCO on 1/17/03 that she was pregnant by a WCCW Officer. This information was report.ed to Acting su~dent DianneDoonan who reported it to Superintendent Belinda Stewart. ~CCO JohnTulloch (360-748-2183, ext. 229) of the Chehalis Community Corrections Officewas contacted and an appointment with 1~~was scheduled for Friday 1131103. . Investigative Interviews: Inma~;@Ji)~ Inmat~was interviewed on 1131103 by Investigators Baxter and Kelly at the Chehalis CCO offic~stated that she was pregnant by an officer at WCCW. I/M~pat first refused to disclose the name of the officer and just stated that he.was African-American, graying hair, married and in his late thirties or early forties. I1M~ater changedthis age to in his forties. During the interview with ~she finally stated that the officerin question was CO Crockett. I~stated that she had run into CO Crockettin Seattle, gave him her phone number and later met with him and had sex. At this point in the interview Investigator Kelly continued the interview alone. (See attachedreport.) 51 PAGE 2 Case Number 01-0S-03-FOl Staff Misconduct RE: CO Crockett 2147/03 CO Crockett: ,was interviewed on 1131103 andrefuted any contact with Inrnate_ On the day in question 12/18/02 CO Crockett states that it was his day off andhe worked all day volunteering at the Lakewood CommunityCorrections. A Check with that Office showed he had only worked until 1200 or 1300 hrs. that day. When asked why he thought 11M _::might be making these allegations against him CO Crockett stated that it might'be because he had infracted her and ~;after catching them in the education bldg. bathroom last year, 1nma~J!).@.€!_ was interviewed and stated that CO Crockett had been interested in IIM"'while she was here and was jealous of the relationship between herself an~!l~tated that on the day that IIM~ greensheeted thatci5"CfOckett had tried to giv~his phone number." ' h a d refused the offer. lIM . ~also stated that CO Crockett would come to segregation to see ~and again would bejealous if~as also in segregation and talking to ~ ~:also stated that on one occasion CO Crocketthad offered ~his cross but that ~ad refused the gift. ~stated she would take a polygraphto the above informationbut then changed her mind while ~g it. ~jg~ve the reason she would ~ot take the poly~er all was she Just wanted It over and didn't want to get anyone into trouble. ~stated that the incident that Crockett is talking about in education was the day that ~was . greensheeting and Crockett was mad tha~had not accepted the phone number. CO NlUl~poDZales: CO Gonzales was interviewedand remembered the incident when CO C~karjff~1fiSlie could look into the education bldg. inmate bathroom. CO Gonzales stated that CO Crockett stated that he thought two inmates might be with each other. CO Gonzales entered the bathroom but does not remember seeing two inmates nor did she infract any inmate during this incident. Lt. ~.!:!l\f.!t!~,PJr.~P.;.::Wasinterviewed and reviewed his records for the year 2002. Neither CO Crockett nor Gonzales wrote an infraction on Inrnate~.'l)~on the year 2002. Physical Evidence: None Investigative Notes: Later testimony received by Investigator Kelly from I1M_i stated that_\nd CO Crockett had gone to a Days fun Motel to have sex. A check was' made of all Days Inns from south Seattle to Tacoma with negative results on the days in question. I1M~as been uncooperative during this investigation giving out only partial information. . 52 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER FOR WOMEN P.O. BOX 17, MS: WP*04 • 9601 Bujaclcn Rd. N.W.• Gig Harbor, WA 98335-0017 February 19,2003 TO: Belinda D. Stewart Superintendent FROM: Kelly Kelly Correctional Investigator SUBJECT: CASE 01-05-03 FOI On January 31,2003, Intelligence and Investigation received information that an offender on active supervision had indicated to her Community Corrections Officers that she was pregnant by a Correctional Officer currently employed at Washington Correctional Center for Women (WCCW), shortly after her release to the community. Correctional Specialist Steven Baxter and I interviewed offend~ DOC _ , at the Chehalis Community Correction Office on January 31, 2003. On February 3,2003, I conducted an interview with the offender at·the Chehalis CommllIlity Correction Office; Ms.~tated that she was 7 weeks pregnant and was going to terminate the pregnancy on February 6, 2003, at the Eastside Women's Clinic in Olympia. . M~'was released from prison on December 16, 2002: Upon release she attended it concert in Seattle with a girlfi1.en. . . where they remained until December 18, 2003. Ms._said she and her friend stopped at a Grocery Store just before leaving Seattle, sometime between the hours of 6pm and 7pm, for hygiene items, where upon she came into contact with Correctional Officer Michael Crockett. After she initiated a conversation, they talked for awhile and then she gave him a phone number where she could be reached. During the course of their conversation, Officer Crockett asked if Ms.-.,..,anted to go to a hotel. She and Ms~en followed Officer Crockett for approximately 45 minutes to the Days Inn in Tacoma. Ms"'only· recollection of the vehicle Officer Crockett was driving was that it was "a grayish silver" but couldn't remember the exact make. Upon arrival at the hotel, Office Crockett went inside and then came back to the vehicle and asked if she was ready. Ms.~tatedthat once in the hotel room, she and Officer Crockett drank Henessey and Coke and talked about the time she got caught with .... ~.., recycled paper "Working Together for SAFE communmee" 53 02-05-03FO1 Page 2 in the bathroom before having sexual intercourse. Later that evening M s - , said she and Officer Crockett had sexual intercourse twice; the first time he wore a condom and the second time he did not. Ms~said the only reason she had sexual intercourse with Officer Crockett was because she had not had sex in 2 years and he treated her like a woman. Ms._remembered one particular event while at WCCW. She was housed in Close Custody unit and had gotten out of the shower and returned to her cell and found her toilet had been running. She then called the officer in the booth, Joe Luckett, who said Officer Crockett would be there to fix it. When Officer Crockett arrived he was able ·to stop the running of the toilet and said,''ls that better baby girl," and then touched her breast. Ms. said Officer Crockett would often let her out on early outs. On one occasion she fronted him offbecause he would not let her out early. He then made her "cell in" and then announced on the speaker that she "should not front him like that in front of the other offenders." M_.also added that when she was housed in the segregation unit, Officer Crockett would come and visit her. At the end of our meeting I asked Ms"if she would be willing to take a polygraph test and she declined stating that she did not want to get Officer Crockett in trouble, and that the sex was "consensual." I asked her if she would consider providing a sample of fetal tissue, and she responded in the same manner and ~tated that she was terminating the pregnancy. ' and no Upon conclusion of this interview, I attempted to contact person lived at the number that was provided. My supervisor and I also visited several hotels within the area of the Days Inn and there was no record of Officer Crockett or 54 p/ /N 21 IISO.O.O.2. . . DOC NO: , b BED NO: NAME:". COUNSELOR: CURRENT LOCATION: BIRTH : ~1977 SSA NO: FBI NO: SEX: F AGE: 25 RACE : WHITE SID NO: HISP ORIG: NO HIm: NOT :REQUIRED P U L H E S D X T REG OFFENDER: NO 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 DATE: 07/31/2001 NAMES: ( liD") 01/31/03 07.27.59 PAGE 1 .("C" ) STATUS: INACTIVE DOSA c 2 RMI:RMC ARD 12/16/2002 MXED: 07/10/2003 MNED: ERD : 12/14/2002 ADJ.: 12/14/2002 NRD : 07/25/2002 SCORE: 00 CDS.: MED MFED: 07/25/2001 VW ELIGIBLE:YES COMM.PLACEMENT: NO DNA : REQUIRED LSI-R: 30 AND LSI LEVEL : MODERATE COMMUNITY CONCERNS (Y/N): N VICTIM WRAP AROUND (Y/N): N INMATE RECORD SSA NO: IRTH: _ 1 9 7 7 (TRUE) (AKA) AKA) (AKA) P. PREL: DENY INST INFRACTION P. MFED: DENY INST INFRAC P. WTR: DENY INST INFRACTION P. REL: N/A 56 P//N2_ IIS0002 DOC NO: _ NAME: 01/31/03 07.27.59 (CONTINUED) PAGE 2 STATUS: INACTIVE COM. COUNTY GTL TIME START RECEIVED OC MIN. TERM CC CS REL.DATE STATUS 2Y 1M OD 12/14/2002 EXPIRE #C#N LEWIS 33 07/25/2001 07/25/01 73 V OC CNTS MIN. TERM CC CS MANDATORY JAIL CMP. CO. /CAUSE OFFENSE DESC. ,RESIDENTIAL BURGLA N 73 1C 2Y 1M OD OY OM OD 45 N 76 2C OY 8M OD 1 OY OM OD 45 FORGERY TOTAL MONETARY OBLIGATION: ORDERED $***2023:35 ;AS OF 01/31/03 PAID $******0.00 SCHEDULE: 0 SET BY: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: YES STAT MAX: 06/10/2011 ******************************************************************************* . #D#N LEWIS . ~ 33 07/25/2001 07/25/01 76 OFFENSE DESC. V OC CNTS .FORGERY N 76 1C POSS STOLN PROPERT N 78 2C 1Y OM21D C 03/27/2002 EXPIRE MIN. TERM CC CS MANDATORY JAIL 1Y OM21D OY OM OD. 48 1Y OM21D OY OM OD 48 TOTAL MONETARY OBLIGATION: ORDERED $***1990.00 ;AS OF 01/31/03 PAID $******0.00 SCHEDULE: 0 SET BY: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: YES 57 P/lN 2_ . II~ DOC N O : _ INMATE RECORD ("e") NAME: CMP. CO./CAUSE OFFENSE DESC. 06/07/2006 STAT MAX: v OC CNTS 01/31/03 07.27.59 (CONTINUED) PAGE 3 STATUS: INACTIVE MIN.TERM CC CS MANDATORY JAIL ******************************************************************************* COMMENTS: DOSA/ASUS/LEVEL III 08/01/01__ TO WR 110801 LR 10017 11 12/30/~0~1~7~08~------ACCEPTED @712 3-5-02.SB 10557 11 07/02/02 F01 MOVEMENT 07/25/01 10/31/01 10/31/01 11/06/01 12/30/01 12/30/01 01/21/02 01/21/02 DATE & TYPE NEW COMMITMENT TRANSFERRED TO IN TRANSIT AT IN TRANSIT TO ESCORTED LEAVE RET.FM.AUTH.LV. ESCORTED LEAVE RET.FM.AUTH.LV. DESTINATION W.C.C.WOMEN PINE LODGE PRE W.C.C.WOMEN PINE LODGE PRE SPOKANE PINE LODGE PRE SPOKANE PINE LODGE PRE CONDo ACCPT @ PHWR CD TX PRIOR 10017 11 12/30/01 708 WR PKT TO ECHWTR 2/14/02 RA. 10051 36 05/02/02 708 10576 63 08/07/02 F01 REASON FOR INITIAL CLASSI. GOOD ADJUSTMENT GOOD ADJUSTMENT ACPTD IN PREREL MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL COMPLTD MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL COMPLTD ORIGIN LEWIS W.C.C.WOMEN WCCW MINIMUM WCCW MINIMUM PINE LODGE PRE SPOKANE PINE LODGE PRE SPOKANE 58 p/ /N 2 Ell • IIS0002 DOC NO: . . MOVEMENT 03/15/02 03/15/02 04/11/02 04/11/02 OS/23/02 07/02/02 07/02/02 12/16/02 NAME: DATE & TYPE ESCORTED LEAVE RET.FM.AUTH.LV. ESCORTED LEAVE RET. FM.AUTH. LV. TRANSFERRED TO ESCORTED LEAVE RET. FM .AUTH. LV. CC RELEASE HOUSING DATE & LOCATION 07/25/01 F01 R133B 07/25/01 F01 R133B 08/29/01 F01 MB142L 08/29/01 F01 MB142L 10/31/01 F03 KB17 11/06/01 708 TM23 12/30/01 708 TM24 02/06/02 01/31/03 07.27.59 INMATE RECORD (CONTINUED) PAGE 4 ( " C" ) STATUS: INACTIVE DESTINATION SPOKANE PINE LODGE PRE SPOKANE PINE LODGE PRE W.C.C.WOMEN PIERCE W.C.C.WOMEN LEWIS REASON FOR MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL COMPLTD MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL COMPLTD PREREL TRMNATED MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL COMPLTD CCI TRANSFER COUNSELOR ORIGIN PINE LODGE PRE SPOKANE PINE LODGE PRE SPOKANE PINE LODGE PRE W.C.C.WOMEN PIERCE W.C.C.WOMEN WORK ASSIGN. SUPERVISOR POSITION GD40 POSITION GD40 POSITION 0057 POSITION GW21 POSITION GW21 POSITION I 2 59 P//N 2_ IIS0002 . DOC NO: j 01/31/03 07.27.59 INMATE RECORD (CONTINUED) PAGE 8 STATUS: INACTIVE ( " C" ) NAME: EARNED EARLY RELEASE DATE & TYPE EARNED TIME 05/01/02~-06/01/02 C 06/01/02--07/01/02 EARNED TIME C 07/01/02--12/16/02 EARNED TIME C INFRACTION DATE & TYPE 02/20/02 657 4 GENERAL INFRA. CELL N DOC 5.17 5.17 5.00 5.00 28.00 22.60 DOC 0 ISRB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ISRB 0 STATUS LOCATION PENDING PLPR PENDING WCCW PENDING WCCW STATUS APPLIED SANCTIONS EXTRA DUTY 30 LOCATION PLPR * FOUND GUILTY OF 4 MINOR INFRACTIONS W/I 6 MONTHS. 03/03/02 659 SEXUAL HAR/STAFF N 20 20 APPLIED DENY GCT * OVERHEARD MAKING STATEMENTS TO. OTHER OFFENDERS ABOUT A MALE C/O. 04/11/02 658 FAIL TO PERFORM N 10 10 APPLIED DENY GCT CUST. /PGM WRITEN ORD * FOUND OUT OF BOUNDS WHILE ON DORM RESTRICTION. 07/11/02 654 COUNTER./FORGERY N 0 0 APPLIED WKEND CONF PLPR PLPR WCCW -J,-Z -'" {r.J4/"~'-7If /M-c!;.;?o;.,"C.. - /'-,.....--rC---C-</ Tv-G> 60 P//N 2 IIS0002 DOC NO: a J INMATE RECORD ("C") NAME: INFRACTION DATE & TYPE CELL DOC ISRB 01/31/03 07.27.59 (CONTINUED) PAGE 9 STATUS: INACTIVE STATUS SANCTIONS LOCATION 12 21 SUSPEND 10 90 * ALTERED A HEALTH STATUS REPORT IN AN ATTEMPT TO HAVE AN UNAUTHORIZED PPAIR * OF SHOES ISSUED TO HE N 0 0 APPLIED EXTRA DUTY WCCW 07/11/02 654 COUNTER./FORGERY 40 0 APPLIED LOSE PRIV. WCCW 08/17/02 714 POSSESSING> $10 N o 30 WKEND CONF 03 * LOANED HER RADIO TO ANOTHER OFFENDER 0 APPLIED INVOK PREV WCCW 10/05/02 558 STAFF INTERFER. N 0 MAX SECUR. 10 MAX SECUR. 05 61 P//N 2.~. IIS0002 DOCNO:~ ~CORD NAME:--.-r ("C") 01/31/03 07.27.59 (CONTINUED) PAGE 10 STATUS: INACTIVE CELL DOC ISRE INFRACTION DATE & TYPE STATUS SANCTIONS LOCATION INTERFERRED WITH DUTIES OF UNIT STAFF BY NOT BEING FORTHRIGHT WITH • HERIDENTITY AND THUS CAUSING STAFF TO BE RELIEVED SO IDENTITIES COULD BE * CONFIRMED N 11/01/02 658 FAIL TO PERFORM o APPLIED 21 SUSPEND WCCW o 10 30 * WAS IN LEISURE AREA WITH ANOTHER INMATE WHILE ON CELL CONFINEMENFlNEMENT 11/13/02 658 FAIL TO PERFORM N 0 0 APPLIED INVOK PREV WCCW 21 SUSPEND 10 MAX SECUR. 20 * WAS CAUGHT HIDING BEHIND A COAT IN ANOTHER INMATE'S CELL WHILE ON CELL * CONFINEMENT N o o APPLIED WKEND CONF WCCW 12/01/02 657 4 GENERAL INFRA. 02 * FOUND GUILTY OF SIX MINOR INFRACTIONS BETWEEN 9/8/02 AND 11/13 /02 * 62 P//N 2 IIS0002 DOC NO: b 17. . . CUSTODY DATE 07/30/2001 10/01/2001 01/29/2002 OS/22/2002 11/25/2002 01/31/03 07.27.59 (CONTINUED) PAGE 11 STATUS: INACTIVE NAME: SCORE 45 57 62 50 00 TYPE INITIAL REVIEW REVIEW PLC ELIG PLC ELIG ASSIGNED 08 21 2001 10 31 2001 03 11 2002 05 22 2002 00 00 0000 CUSTODY MEDIUM MINIMUM MINIMUM MEDIUM OVERRIDE LOCATION W.C.C.WOMEN W.C.C.WOMEN PINE LODGE PRE PINE LODGE PRE W.C.C.WOMEN IISUI012 NO WARRANTS OR DETAINERS FOUND IISUI015 NO HOLDS FOUND IISUI005 NO OUT TIME FOUND IISUI009 NO ISR BOARD INFO FOUND 63 ....... , Ol/29/03 14.55.45 OFFENDER CHRONO SCREEN PAGE OOl COMMUNITY CONCERNS: N LOCATION: 362 CHEHALIS OFFICE OFFICER/CNSLR: 2076 TULLOCH, JOHN 09/28/l999 VICTIM WRAP AROUND: N 01/l7/030P 08 FATHER OF HER BABY IS AN OFFICER AT WCCW. P STATED THAT SHE KNOWS THE DOC POLICY ON RELATIONSHIPS AND STATED THAT SHE GOT A HARASSMENT CHARGE WHILE SHE WAS AT WCCW. AFTER BRIEF DISCUSSION P DISCLOSED THE FOLLOWING: P STATES THAT SHE MET THE OFFICER OUTSIDE OF WORK WHEN SHE WAS RELEASED. THEY HAD DINNER TOGETHER AND THEN THEY HAD CONSENSUAL SEX. P STATES THAT THEY HAD A FLIRTING RELATIONSHIP IN THE: INSTITUTION. P STATES THAT THE OFFICER IS IN HIS LATE 30'S. P STATES THAT THE OFFICER HAS ATTEMPTED TO CALL HER ON TWO SEPERATE OCCASIONS. P STATES THAT SHE DOES NOT WANT TO HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM AND THAT SHE DOES NOT, CONT .. 01/17/03 J TULLOCH Ol/17/03 OP 12 PLAN ON HAVING THE BABY OR TO CONTINUE A RELATIONSHIP WITH THE OFFICER. P STATES THAT SHE HAS AN APPOINTMENT WITH DSHS ON THE 23RD OF JANUARY. 01/17/03 J TULLOCH 01/2l/03 OP 04 P REPORTED THIS DATE AND WE DISCUSSED THE LETTER THAT WAS SENT TO HER. OFFICER O'NEIL FROM DSHS DEPARTMENT OF FRAUD QUESTIONED P REGARDING HER LIVING ARANGEMENTS. P HAS APOINTMENT TO TAKE HER PF7-BKWRD ENTER-FRWRD (PUT CURSOR ON DATE, GO TO UPDTE) PFll-ADD 64 01/31/03 07.31.41 ADMIT/INTAKE DATE: OFFENDER CHRONO SCREEN PAGE 037 COMMUNITY CONCERNS: N LOCATION: 362 CHEHALIS OFFICE OFFICER/CNSLR: 2076 TULLOCH, JOHN SICnM WRAP AROUND: N 05/30/02 JX 04 pIS PF7-BKWRD ENTER-FRWRD (PUT CURSOR ON DATE, GO TO UPDTE) PFll-ADD 65 ~,!!~.I'" 01/n/03 07.38.31 OFFENDER CERONO SCREEN PAGE 041 COMMUNITY CONCERNS: N LOCATION: 362 CHEHALIS OFFICE OFFICER/CNSLR: 2076 TULLOCH, JOHN 09/28/1999 VICTIM WRAP AROUND: N 12/02/02 CM 04 P SENT ME A KITE REQUESTING TO REMAIN INCARCERATED AT WCCW UNTIL 12/16/02. P SAID HER MOTHER,WHOMWHICH SHE'LL BE RELEASING TO, IS OUT OF TOWN DUE TO A FAMILY EMERGENCY AND WILL NOT RETURN UNTIL 12/15/02. P IS A DOSA OFFENDER AND WILL NOT BE RELEASED ON THE WEEKEND. pIS MOTHER COULD NOT BE REACHED FOR CONFIRMATION OF HER OUT OF TOWN STATUS. I CALLED SUSAN SMITH/WCCW RECORDS AND PASSED ON P' S REQUEST. P' S REQUEST WAS GRANTED ANF HER ARD IS ADJUSTED TO 12/16/02. I CALLED CCO ELAINE NUNNEH (36.0) 748-2185AND LEFT A VOICEMAIL ADVISING HER OF THE CHANGE AND REQUESTING A RETURN CALL. BUSINESS OFFICE NOTIFIED ALSO. 12/02/02 D WHITE 12/17/02 OP 04 P IN OFFICE AS INSTRUCTED. SHE WAS RELEASED 12/16. TOLD P TO RETURN 12/17, FOR INTAKE. 12/18/02 g R+NGROSE 12/18/02 OP 04 P IN FOR INTAKE ON LEWIS CO CAUSES RES BURG, FORGERY X 2 AND t. FORG, PSP2ND X 2. WENT OVER J&.S AND CONDITIONS WERE EXPLAINED AND SIGNED. SET P UP WITH $10 LFO PAYMENTS ON BOTH CAUSES STARTING IN 3/03. EXPLAINED TO P THAT SU ENTER-FRWRD (PUT CURSOR ON DATE, GO TO UPDTE) PF11-ADD PF7-BKWRD n' 66 01/31/03 07.34.17 OFFENDER CHRONO SCREEN PAGE 045 COMMUNITY CONCERNS: N LOCATION: 362 CHEHALIS OFFICE OFFICER/CNSLR: 2076 TULLOCH, JOHN ADMIT/INTAKE DATE: 09/28/1999 VICTIM WRAP AROUND: N 01/10/03 TP 04 CONTACTED P BY PHONE AND INFORMED HER THAT I STAFFED THE ISSUE OF GOING TO TEXAS WITH SUPERVISOR ALBERT AND IT WAS DECIEDED THATSHE WOULD NOT BE GIVEN PERMISSION TO TRAVEL TO TEXAS. CPS WAS CONTACTED AND IT APPEARS THAT pIS CHILDREN WERE TAKEN AWAY AND CUSTODY WAS GIVEN TO THE FEW FAMILY IN TEXAS. NOT ALL INFORMATION IS KNOWN. P WAS INFORMED TO COLLECT ALL INFORMATION REGARDING THIS ISSUE TO CLARIFY WHAT IS GOING ON. P ALSO DIRECTED TO GET INTO TREATMENT AS SHE HAS NOT COMPLETED IT. P STATED THAT SHE WILL BE CONTACTING PERRY AT OLY. WORK RELEASE AND SETTING UP AN APPOINTMENT. P REPORTED TO A DSHS EMPLOYEE, CATHY PICKUS, CONT .. 01/10/03 J TULLOCH 01/10/03 TP 08 CHEHALIS OFFICE THAT SHE IS 7 MONTHS PREGNANT. P STATES THAT THE FATHER IS AN OFFICER AT WCCW. P WOULD NOT GIVE THE DSHS EMPLOYEE THE OFFICERS NAME. 01/10/03 J TULLOCH 01/14/03 OP 04 P REPORTED THIS DATE AND FILLED OUT OFFENDER REPORT. CCO DID NOT HAVE CONTACT WITH P. 01/17/03 J TULLOCH PF7-BKWRD ENTER-FRWRD (PUT CURSOR ON DATE, GO TO UPDTE) PFll-ADD 67 Government Pages uflwBatdB)(.oom 97 State COn m ued From Last Column ContinuedFrom PreviousPage WASHINGTON STATE OF- HINGTON STATE OF~t At Arms Legislative Bg __•••_.,rOlYMP\A 360 786-7560 RS. l!"Albert Leglsl,tlve Bg Rm 406 . . OLYMPIA 360 786·7696 II Don I NewhOUse Bg Rm 109·B .._.•__..• OLYMPIA 360 786·7632 UsaJohn A(herberg Bg Rm 33B _ OLYMPIA 360 786·7604 Jerallta Uerll 'ACherbe" Bg Rm405 • OLYMPIA 360 786·7674 . OLYMPIA 360 786·7626 Alex LeglSlatIV, Bg Rm 401 toVJohn ACherbe" Bg Rm 406 __ OLYMPIA 360 786·7658 Darlene Cherbe" Ig Rm42S ._.•_. . 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Or _._.__.. .•._ .._.._. ._._._. Adult Protective ServlcesAdult Proteettve Services Toll Free ._. .. ._._.. .... •.__._. 8DO 672·7091 800 737·7931 • 360 664·7575 ..._. ._. 8DO 462·4957 TTY (Hearing 6 SpeechImpaired) ._ BOO 672·7091 Fadlltv Abuse/Neglect Hotline .__•. ._.._. 800 562·6078 Aging 6 Adult Services AdministrationInformation 6 R.eferral ..__. 360 725·2300 Toll Free • . 800 422·3263 lTV orav IHearlng 65peecllimpairedl __.._360 493·2637 Alcohol & Substance Abuse Olv [)fOlvmpla .~ . ._ 360 438·8200 Toll Free Dial I 6 Then .. .__ 877 30'·4557 TTY onlv (Hearing & SpeeCh Impaired) __ 360 438-8203 TTY Relay Operator Toll Free-Dial I 6 Then __..:.•.__. •__ 800 833-6388 Alcohol 6 Drue 24 Hour Helplln~Wlthln Washington Only- Toll Free·Olal1 6 Then _. Vocational OpportUnltv Training & Educatlon·(VOTEI __... ..__ 800 562·1240 . 206 464-791. OIIselg Rm 112 ._._ _ OLYMPIA 360 786·7606 Child Abuse &' Ne9.1eet/Proteettve.Servlces- . OLYMPIA 360 786·7630 IRDsemarv b Bg Rm 402·A OLYMPIA 360 786·7600 n OLYMPIA 360 786·7694 Bg Rm 115·0 OLYMPIA 360 786·7612 houseBgRml10 _ OLYMPIA 360 786·7650 IgRm422 _ _•_ _ OLYMPIA 360 786·7664 . Rm 419 Ilvn bn409 _. 'OLyMPiA 360 786·7616 , OLYMPIA 360786·7602 Ig Rm 202 OLYMPIA 360 786·7660 Bg Rm 109·A OLYMPIA 360 786·7608 'LegISlatlveBgRm401-C .. OLYMPIA 360 786·7622 Ii Rm 100·A. _._._.•_ OLYMPIA . "gls atlue Bg Rm 410·A ••. OLYMPIA ISla~ve Bg Rm 408 .__. OLYMPIA Ig Rm412·B _._. OLYMPIA laWe Bg Rm 31 I __... OLYMPIA :LeglSlatlve Bg Rm 312 ._. OLYMPIA 360 786·7620 360 786·7644 360 786·7668 360 786·7640 360 786·7636 360 786·7678 ~"'Bg Rm 105 .... •._ OLYMPIA 360 786.7676 seBgRml03·A •• . OLYMPIA 360786·7638 Ir.km414 ~ve BB nn 302 OLYMPIA 360 786·7628 OLYMPIA 360 786·7610 'In'B eg Rm 205 .,309 ----.•-. OLYMPIA 360 786·7654 _ OLYMPIA 360 786:7652 ~Ma~03 -'-.-•.- .• OLYMPIA 'D'01_,_,,_._ OLYMPIA 9B501 mLOPMENT CENTER ;'~.H. - ' - OLYMPIA 9B501 ., SERVICES DEPT OF'on6 Rererral ~..l.. 360 786·7634 360 664-0200 360753'5616 360 902·8400 " dl!r,Headlng Of'Adult ProteetlVeSeivltes ':'Jee;UnderHeading Of Domestic Violence _ _-Under !-leadingOf ChildAbuse, & Neglect etvlces DIVISion- -' , .serviCes ._._ 360 664-6130 5 - ' - - - - -.•.---..- •..--- 360 664-61 DO ervlees _.~ _ _._.__.. 360 664--6200 roo:::. rServlces .;__. 3'60 664-6111 _~tlnued Next Column , 562-6078 664-7575 Ucenslng . . .• •.__ 360 725-2420 Or Toll Free- . . • •__._._. BOO 422·3263 TTY Toll Free IHearlng 6 Speech Impaired) '",Bg Rm 204 BIlRm 316 902·7968 562-5682 577-4038 BDO 462-4957 ._ 8DO 422·3263 Boarding HomeInfDnnatlon 6 Referral .._ . Toll Free .• • ._. Licensing ••~_. •. . Abuse & Neglect Reporting Hotline _ _ TTY IHearlng & Speechlnpalredl . capital Programs OffIce- alona 664-611 S 664-6110 664-6097 Informatlpn ._. Child Abuse Reoorttng(24Hour.;I ChildCOre ueensme- Child5UPPPrt EnforcementOlvmpla Ofl'Ite 6135 Martin WaYP 0 80x 9209 Olympia 98504-920. 360 902·8155 360 236-7050 Information • Out Of Local Area • NewHlre·Report TTY (Hearing 6 SpeechImpaired) TTY Toll Free (Hearing & SpeechImpaired) _'--~. 422·3263 725-2420 562-6078 737·7931 . _ 888 822·354' •__. centers~HDmes 360 725-2420 800 360 800 800 .. 360 800 800 360 664-6900 345-9964 562-0479 438-8906 . 877 564·32'0 Admlntstratlve Office 712P!arSt-' POBOX.,62 Olympia Wa98504 Information _. . 360 664-5000 HeadQuarters , .360664·5000 OutOflocalArea •_ _• • 800 457·6202 Child 5UOPol'l Re~lstrY ._. 360 664-5000 New Hire Reportlng • 800 562-0479 lTV (Hearing 6 Speech Impalredl _ .._ . 360 664·5011 TTYToll Free' n=-----.---.--' 877 47B·6373 Children Pond Famllv ServicesOlympla,Admlstration .OfflceInformatiOn ....". 360 902·7920 lTVlHearing 6 Speech Inpalredl .• ... 360 902·7906 OIYl11pla::FleldOfflt:e 5000 capital Blvd SE lumwat!!r-: Information 6 Rererral ._~ •__.__ 360 236·7000 . TT'( onl\i:IHeatlhg 6 speech Inpalredl _._ 360 664-0144Adoptlonservlces, C:hlldcare Ucenslns- ......... .360236·7013' cenl:ers·complalh15·Homes __~._. __ 360 236·7050 C:hlldrenPr,oteetlVe.Servlces .••_._•._._.888 822-3541 FamilY Recondtlatton Services .~. ._ BBB 822-3541 Fos~er."care Ucensln; _;..-'.. .. 360 ·236·7044. ReglOn'AdmtnlstrBtton ,. . Ctff\ce-l.aceyuevernment CenterInfOrmation' -".;...;,;.;._.._ ._.__._ 360 413-3400 ' Community Relations- InfOrmation ...'--~..~_. ._.•_. communlW Services omre (C50~ . Olymllla:CSOSOOOC3llltal Blvd SE lumwater- .. 360 .02·7828 .. .' Inform~~on 6 Rererral. - -..z-.--.--. 360 753'.5983 ( TTY; fHearing & speech Impalrea). .._.• 360 586~0226 . .• . lTV Toll Free "~ __..._.._ .. . 800 348.9091 Region6'Admlnlstratlonomce 112 HenrvSt NEOlvmPlr'> .. ',_ Information· ~ c_. •• 360 753-4148 Workt1rst 1009 tollege·St SE LaceyInfOrmation ...:.-.-...-=:r.-....----- 360 413-3376 Constituent Itelatlcns/Servlcescemmuntsv servlces,ot'ftce _., ~_. __ BOO 865·7BO, Contl.nued Next Page , .•• i. •" ~: • ~ ... ~ '-~-'"-~-...-"-,..,..--.,,.------- Government Pages 98 U5we5tdex.Gom State Continued From PreviousPage Continued From last WASHINGTON STATE OF- WASHINGTON STATE OF-'·,r!. SOCIAL ANOHEALTH SERVICES DEPT OFCOnstituent Relations/ServicesChildren'S Issues . •. DSHS Deneral . Fraud Complaint Toll Free-01a11 6 Then . DavcareUcenslng •. • 800 723-4831 800 "7-0617 SOO S62-6906 . See Child care Deafservieee- Infonnation 6 Refemal (Hearlns 6 Speech Impalredl .•.__ . Onlv(Hearlns Ii Speech Impaired} Toll Free-Olal 1 6 Then _ .••.. 360 902-S000 360 7S3·0699 SOO 422·7941 SOO 422·7930 m m Developmental Disabilities serveeeOlvmPla·Bldg6 Alrdustrlal ParkInfannatlon _. TTY IHearlng6- Speech Impaired) Toll Free __. . HeadQuarters";' InfOnnation • ._. 360 753·4673 •. 360 586-4719 800 339·B227 360 902·B444 • 360 902·8455 BOO 562·6025 . TTY (Hearing & Speech Impaired) Domestic Violence HotlineToll Free _. . FamllvRecondllatlon ServlcesInfOnnation • •• Toll FreeFinance Dlvlslon- 360 236·7000 BBB B22-3S41 ACCOUnting Services omces Of FInancial RecoveryOfficeOf (Obligations Owed ToTheStatel Toll Free·DIaI 1 Ii Then ._._. 360 Information-COmplaints 360 236·7044 FoodStamps • Foster tal'! Ucenslng- 664~5800 360 664-5700 BOO S62-6114 See CommunltvServltesOfflce Home 6 communityservices 6131 caPttol Way Tumwater- Infannation . _ 360 664-7575 Adult Protective Services 360 664-7575 Adult Residential Placement 360 664-7575 TTY OnlvfHearlng & speech Impaired) ._ 800 672-7091 Toll FreeDial 1 6 Then __._._. 800 462-4957 Region 6 Administration 360 664-7592 0 _ _ Juvenile Rehabilitation Dlv OfMain omce-p 0 Box 45720 Olympia 9BSO'l-5720InfOrmation . .. Regionomce-3704 Cirlffln Lane Olvmpia 9BS04-5721Infannatlon .• • • Group Homes Hotline eireen Hili Training School-3?S SW 11lh StChehalis9B532Information TTY IHearing 6 speech Impalredl Ma~e LaneSchool·20311 Old H hwav 9 Sw Centralla-. .0 360 902-8499 ._ 360 407·7145 800 933-9122 ..;.. 360748-0131 .•_ 360 748·23SB In rmatlon ._.__• ~ __• .__ 360 273·9845 Leglslatlve,Relations OSHS OlvmPla _ OLYMPIA 360 902-7811 L1censesChild Care I.lcenslng.•.__•••• ._ SeeChildCare ueensms Foster care.Ucenslng ••_. SeeFoster care Ucenstng MedicalAssistance._ BOO 562·3022 Client Assistance6 Information _. Provider ineutnes . BOO 562·6188 Disabllltv Determination Services._ 800 843-4440 King ceunw 6 North Western WA Pierceccunw South West WA 6-Peninsula Area •••••._ _._"_•..•.•.•_••. .••..••..__ .__ BOO 562·6074 BOO 572-5299 EasternWashington • Mental Health ServlcesInfonnadon .•...•._. . .._._. . •.. 360 902·B070 Toll FreeDial 16Then .• ._...:. .__._._ BBB 713~60'O consumer Affalrs._._••__• • .800 446·0259 Nursing Home ServlcesAbLise/Negleet Reporting Hotline .;;.;;. ._ 800 562~6078 Information 6- Referral _•..•.•.__._.__.•..•_.__ 360 664-7575 Or, TOil Free .._•..•.•.•. ._._.•••_ .•._. 800 .422·3263 •._. 360··.664-7575 Placement..••_._.• ._..•_•.••_•• OrTolI Free . ._......_.__•.•.•_ •••.•. .800 462·4957 1TYToll Free lHearlng 6 SpeechImpaired) .' --c--c•••c ._"_. •__• • gOO 672·7091 ._. 800 737·7931 OrTolIFree •.•••._ ••• ~_.•••__ ,•._. ._. Nursing Assistant RegistrY ._.•• ._.. 360 725·2570 OrToll Free .c. ----•• CC.--.;_. ._. 800 422-3263 PUbllcAsslstam:e _....•.••.•.;.._ SeeCommunitYservices OffIce Research And Data AnalvslsInformatlc:m...• __._...,.•••••__._.•_.•_ •. . 360 902-0107 ..' Residentialcare Services"'" AbOse,Neglec:t Reporting Hotline •..•__...._. 800562.6078 , AdUI.t Home,Llcenslng ••__ ~ .;.__._. 360-725·2420 Boardl,h9 HomeUcenslng .••._._•._._•..•_. •. 360.'725·2420 . 360 ,&64"7575 Fadllt)' Plac:ements. _ .•;.-.__ ~..;.... TTY fHearlhg&"Speech Unpalredl _._,.,~_. __ 800·.737-7931 SecretarvOffice OfThe. .', i Information _.~_.-'-••;~., __••..• •__ 360 902-S400 Social Services Payment System (SSPSI _.•__ 800 523·2301 Victim/Witness Notlflcatlon PtogramOlympia ..:..•__.•_. ._••.._. ._..••_.•.• 360 902·7833 .•_•.•~_. __.•.__._. BOO 422-1536 Toll Free-DIal 1 6Then __._.c.__ COntinued Next COlumn SOCIAL AND HEALTH SERVICES OEPi'o;.., Vocational Rehabllltatlon-·"lJ",l 720 sieeeer Kinney se Suite R Lac:ev-:;. InfOrmation _ mdQuarters-iTff'S-V-OI=ce"l- - ' Rehabilitation Coundl-1009 College se Lacey 98503InfOrmation . -;===~ Toll Free " State Independent Uvlng ", \~~ Counc:IH009 CoUege SeLacey 98 . InfOrmation . ::~;;;;~ ...,;_ Toll Free ..•.•.• ._. • _ . .• Seetarmn Welfare • Welfare Fraud:'f~-:' Information _._________ .,"~ Toll Free _. , _ S~B.~W6NSE24_HREMERtE"t:~~~ . STATE CAPITOL M U S E U M · 2'1W21st .: OLYMP CoachHouse 214 W22d _ _._ OlY STATEEXAMINERZ1011lhAVSW OL STATEUBRARY '"""'" STATE PATROLEmergency _. .-;;;;;;;;:) Non·Emergencv ;:; AdmtnlStrative Headauarters GeneralAdrnl Receptionist ----r::==~--' Martin Wav OffIces 4242 Martin Wv EcolllstonRecords •• ::;;:;:=~ EQUipment& Standards _ Fleet seeeen . PropertY'Management SeCtIon Supply SeCtIon -==="""Ei;a;;;;d Academv 631 WOavto, AIIPOItRd sHaron-. Commerdal vehtde Division ',:to Gene'a1 Adm Bldg . Ot CrtmeLaboratorv·Dlvlslon HCI . ,~ 621 Woodland SQuare Loop SE •__ LACEY,' Human.Resources,IPersonnell 621 Woodland Square l.ooD SE • _ TrY IHearing 6 Speed1lmpalredl Identification Section 3000Pa'ln, Ave OLYMPIA: . Trame Investigation Dlvtslon _ " mlHearlng &'5peech Impaired) Toll Free"DI.11 6 Then .____ . . Vehicle-Inspection S t a t i o n : '. 243093d SW • OlYMPIA, 11-5 Exit 991 STATUTE LAW COMMITTEE ~ 51iil'~.I!~1eB~DEN'r(jFPUBUC - - - 01. INSTRUCTION-EDUCATION 600 SWashln Oldcapl~1 Building '. ~~~~~f~~~~ E"iiiiCit1onAndcertlftcatlo' EXecutive, servlc:es -;;;; AgenCVOperatlons ..•_ ..__._._. State Board Of Education . SUPREME COURT:,. 'ott C1erk'Supreme Court, T~mpl~ OrJustlc~ S9 .•_._. _ Administrator For The Courts 1empleOfJUStice Bo ._.__• _ of JUStleesJemple orJustIce Sg.. ._. AlexanderDerrv L • • _ Bridge Bobbe J DllV Richard p. .• • .. Ireland.'Falth •.._...:~_..••_..__ Johnson.Charles W ..-,,:,_._,_•._ MadsenBarbaraA ..__•__•._ Sandel's Richard B _._._. ._ _ ShiltilCharles Z .._. __._.__.• _ Talmadge Philip A __ . .•_. • State Law Ubrarv Iemple orJustice SuInfOrmation _._•.•..•__ ~.•_.__.•.•. •__ TAXES'" .,\ FuelTaXAudlts And Compliance .---.~: ~~:tt;~~tl~ln~ln·giBoiid5·'-:=:~-=-~_- ;' Fuel Tax Refunds, .~~ •._.__.•._.,_...•__ . " proratlohMd Re~prOdlV IIRPI _. .' TaxA'JJpeals.Boar Of . YMPIA To('1l'i~~i~,rdRiiiAtioNj.jOT[jNE OL . i~ TDtLFREE-DIAL '1' 6 THEI'l ._-,.__._ TOXICOLODYLAB . "lf6GI2'~~~~~N6Mic-DEVe~op~r$b . .;";'SeeCo'mmunltYTrade And Eeonomlp , ge TRAFFIC SAfETY COMMISSiON PIA 10005 Cherry. __••••_, "•••:••,. ••.OLYM . ':'1 TRANSPORTATION COMMiSSION --.-E-R:' TRAN5PbRTATION DEPT HEAOOUART Receptionist TransPQrtatlOnBg . ' .... Ol,. Continued Nextp;ge GSR POLYGRAPH SERVICES WIlliam D.Tufts 1409 1Sth Ave cr. M Puyallup, WA98371 POLYGRAPH EXAMINATION REPORT TO: Investigator Steve Baxter Department of Corrections Washington Corrections Center for Women PO Box 17 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Subject: DOB: Dec. 3, 1978 Requested by: Investigator Steve Baxter Examination Date: 02112103 Offense: Statement Verification Purpose of Examination: To verify or refute the subject's allegations that she heard Officer Crockett offer to give Inmat~pis phone number two days befo~eft the Corrections Center, CONCLUSIONS A polygraph examination was not administered to the subject due to her refusal to take the examination. NOTE: When the SUb.I.·ect arrived f.or.h.er polygraph exa.mination she comPlaine .d d. ~ ~~~c:!o.~ut ...err. blood pressure being high and was coll~med about that affecting the exam.~as informed it would have no affect. . . . . . . . .~hen stated she had some doubtS about takingthe exsm. She was told tlla! she did not have to take the exam, and she would not be placed into the "hole". _ . _ ',\IV\IV~a. l!l!.,."..99jyiVEen.thel Pol ..ygraPh examination state. ment of consent form and was told to read~~as left alone for approl<imertel1y .5 minutes to decide if she wanted to proceed with toe process. After the 5 minutes, _ s t a t e d she warned to continue with the procedure and signed the consent form. . . ted the only thing she knew fora faclwClS that she During the pre-test interview; ' . is.phone number two days befor4lllieft the over heard Officer Crock!:!!L .,'e,r;lnrilSte: Corrections Center, ~t ,..... ". ~told her about the necklace, and~ Crockett stands too c~inmateS (invades their space). According t~!that was al\, she knew. . After getting all the questions estabIiShed,_aS again concerned abou~ taking the exam. She stated she.d.i.d not.. wa..nt to. ~.' .. ,.a.'.:.if' .. ; .".llllnCl wh~Ii~le portt~~llh.e. kn.e..w in.ay cause her more problems than it was worth. ,~as agam~s to make up her the 5 minutes,~ecidednot to take mind onwhether or not to 'lakethe exam.: the exam...'. • s , . . ,. .. '. ' ~ ~. Februarv 12. 2003 Examiner: William D. Tufts Date of Report \i:S'o''2"> • A'fter 70 POLYGRAPH EXAMINATION STATEMENT OF CONSENT Date;2 -12--0.3 Time Examination of administered by GSH polygraph services' lor the-,i-==:..::t-_J,..<.=~---lo""--_:"": ~ is being conducted concemingo....:¥!'t1~~:::!:L...Jc.'i:!.~(!}.~~~also understand that I cannot be required to submit to a polygraph examination without my consent. Additionally, that if the answers during the examination show deception, I may be asked to explain. I hold GSR polygraph services and Wi lliarn Tufts harmless and free from any liability for any acts or omission by any other parties or agencies and release and hold harmless any persons or agencies from any and all claims or liabilities alleged to result from or arise out of this examination. Understanding that I have the unqualified right to refuse, do hereby, this date, voluntarily and without duress, coercion, unlawful inducement, or promise of reward, agree to submit to a polygraph examination. I further understand that the information obtained during this process will not be released to me. Witness, ....::..._--""......""'"'~ .S ignatu Datec7~. 71 INITI,.L. SERIOUS INFRACTION Rt.t'ORT DATE OFINFRACTION: I MATE NAME (LAST, FIRST) DOC NUMBER HOUSING ASSIGNMENT 04/28/03 ceu RULE VIOLATIONS: WAC 552 TIME OCCURRED: PLACE OFINCIDENT (BE SPECIFIC): UNK DATE OCCURRED: _-Bldg 02/14/03 WITNESSES: WITNESSES: NA N/A DAYS OFF: WITNESSES: DAYS OFF: WITN SSES: N/A N/A DAYS OFF: DAYS OFF: NARRATIVE: (STATE A CONCISE DESCRIPTION OFTIlE DETAILS OFTHE RULE VIOLATIONS, COVERING ALL ElEMENTS AND ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS OF: WHEN? WHERE?WHO? WHAT? WHY? ANDHOW?; DESCRIBE ANYINJURIES, PROPERITDAMAGE, USEOF FORCE, ETC.; ATTACH , ALLRELATED REPORTS) , In the course of an investigation into poooible staff mioconduct, Inmate: member that when checked showed that Inma 'gave information on a staff OC# as in segregation at a time she claimed she was in education • and wito..sed certain events. This information gave ~edence to other information already received and caused this staff member to be proceeded against. , INS REPORTING STAFF(pRINT NAME (LAST,FIRST) Steven B, Baxter I EVIDENCE TAKEN: none I DAYS OFF SIS . SHIFT EVIDENCE CASENUMBER NA DISPOSmON OF EVIDENCE IF NOTPLACED INLOCKER I I EVIDENCE LOCKER NUMBER PHOTO SUBMITTED NA " PLACED IN PRE·HEARING CONFINEMENT? yes RELATED REPORTS ATTACHED (SPECIFY) REPORTING STAFF SIGNATURE: INFRACTION REVIEW OFFICER SIGNATURE: ~ ~ _ ------------- 72 El ~As-,-- 'S ref €.G..J ()Me-~'-5 eLf >'VI C ?43-SJ:Z 7 .C. e A-e",-+ ( sCc-<-~ gco- 5:"<3 - ?v c?5"-S:~. . .• £'3/' lo . ~ ~6-0 \; 0fi- (""C . . ;) k . (;Q'£-"7 .....(cFAii- .J! GSR Polygraph Services 140918th Ave sw Puyallup. WA98371 -'1 o ~I 13 _ f; 9 ----------- --_.- ,.:; PH ~ ,~ 0 s -] J s-:> -... -~-~---. Investigator Steve Baxter Deportment of Corrections Washington Correction Center for Women POBox 17 Gig Harbor. WA 98335 ~ .. :a.~"S-~'O'\.:'l ~ .;,- ...., .... 11,1" I•• '", /I t ,II,.1,1.11., ,1/.", •• Ill." I, •• /11, ••1. 11••1 t --=-~