Wadoc Report Staff Sexual Misconduct Fewkes 2005
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STATE OF WASHII,JC:jTOhJ DEPAP;TIIIlEIH OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF CORRECTIONAL OPEFII',TIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIOI,S CENTER FOR WOIVIEN P,C box 11' IvlS Wp·04 . 860-1 Bujacrcr, lid hUN' GIU Harbor Wf.'.,9833!>0017 June 7, 2005 TO: Belinda D, Stewart Superintendent) r>; J!) / ,;:;JJt ~""''V':,'\'''V I FROM: SUBJECT: ' .' '" J KellY(Kellyd,i (II ,r, , v 1. /'1 ' correotiQI1~Jp1stl'or.J ~ ~ -, Possible Staff Misconduct RE: Construction and Maintenance Supervisor Steve Fewkes Case WCCW 05-046-05 Svnopsis yestigation office received a witness statement from Offender. stating that her boss, Steve Fewkes is always talking about sex, She alleged that on several occasions he has made comments about her "sucking his dick." She stated that it bothers her and makes her very uncomfortable, Offender I conducted an interview with Offende She stated that on May 2nd, she was working on a shed near began talking about sex and how he wanted offende asked her if anyone else heard him, she said Offende didn't think she would admit it. She said that Mr. Fewkes talked about his personal life, how sex was with his wife and they would have sex all night long, Offender_aid that on May 10,2005 she and Mr.Fewkes were working in the old se!,'Tegati=:iding grinding off a cuff port, while working he (Fewkes) kept talking about his little dick and how he wanted Offende~osuck it. She said that he must have asked her four or five times to suck his dick. Next she said that she was in a kneeling position grinding off the cuff ports, while Mr. Fewkes was holding the door. He made a comment that she was at the perfect height for sucking his dick. Next she said that she was still in a kneeling position when Mr. Fewkes went behind her to get another tool, before he came back around, she could not identify if "Working Toqetner for SAFE Communities" 957 WCCW 05-46-05 2 it was Mr. Fewkes hand or a tool that had gone up the back of her upper leg. I asked her if she had said anything to Mr. Fewkes, she said "no she didn't know what to say." Offender I conducted an interview with Offender , on May 1] , 2005. I asked her if she worked on May 2, 2005. She stated that she was working on a storage shed by p-bldg, with her boss Steve Fewkes and Offende ] asked her while she was working if anyone had engaged in a conversation about sex. She said that Offender ~as saying how she had sex with seventy-six guys. I asked her if her superv~aged in the conversation. She said, "No". She said that no one except Offende'" was talking about sex. Offender I conducted an interview with Offender , on May] ],2005. She said that she never heard anyone talking about sex at work. She did say that today at breakfast offende~old her that her gate card had been pulled and that she didn't like working with her boss Steve Fewkes because he was a pervert. Offender I conducted an interview with Offende She said that she has never heard staff or offenders talk about sex. , on May] 1,2005. Offender I conducted an interview with Offende on May] l , 2005. She said that at no time has she heard anyone talking about sex. She also said that if anyone were talking about it she would know.. Offender I conducted an interview with Offender n May 1],2005. She said that her first day working with the maintenance crew was on May 10,2005. Offende I conducted a phone interview with Offende n June I, 2005. She said that whenever she was by herself with Mr. Fewkes was nice, and seemed interested in what she had to say, whenever anyone else was around he was mean. She said that Mr. Fewkes would say "stupid stuff' like having quick hands will come in handy for Valentines Day. He once told her, when she leaned over in the truck to get a pair of gloves off the seat, you're going to get me in trouble _ _ 958 WCCW 05-46-05 3 On another occasion she said when she was outside his office she had seen a naked lady on his computer. Offender_ said she talked with Plant Manager Denise Carron and requested to be removed ~r. Fewkes crew. Construction and Maintenance Supervisor Steve Fewkes I conducted an interview with Construction and Maintenance Supervisor Steve Fewkes, on May 24, 2005. I asked the following questions. Question: On May 11 tI, what offenders were working with you on the storage shed byP-buil~ Answer: Offender_I can't remember the other Offender's name she has curly hair and pockets on her face, oh, yeah, Offender" Question: Answer: Did you talk about sex with the Offender's? They were talking, that~ady and the Offender on Gordon crew were talking about having sex with seventy-five men. Question: Answer: Did you ask Offender_ _ she would give you a blowjob? No, I take a lot of offense to that. I'm a family man I coach little league. Question: Answer: Where was Mr. Gordon when the offender's were talking about sex? He was off somewhere else, I was watching his offender. Question: Answer: Did you inform the offenders that their behavior was inappropriate? No. Question: Answer: Did you report their behavior? No. Question: Did you tell Offende~ that you and your wife had sex all night long? That is none of their damn business. Answer: Question: Answer: Question: Answer: Did you ever talk about your wife and how you had sex all night long while offender's were present? No. Did you talk about your personal life with the offenders? The offenders would ask me what J did on the weekend, J tell them that I watched my kid plays baseball. 959 WCCW 05-46-05 4 Question: Answer: While you working in segregation with Offender.? • •would you talk about your little dick? No. Question: Answer: Was Offende~alking about sex? No, I can't remember what we were talking about. ] know in the Recruitment and Retention room Offender_had seen some coffee and kept asking me for some, she said nobody will know. Question: Answer: Did you touch offender_on the back of her upper leg with your hand? No, I don't touch offenders. Question: Answer: Did you touch her with a tool on the back of her upper leg? No. Question: Answer: Do you know why these allegations are being made against you? No, I consider myself a real stand up guy. J don't put myself in those positions. I informed Construction and Maintenance Supervisor Steve Fewkes that I was finished with his interview and ifhe had any questions for me. He said, "no." Conclusion: On May 23, 2005, Polygraph Examiner William Tufts Polygraph Service administered polygraph examination on Offender_to verify or refute her allegation against Mr. Fewkes, Mr. Tufts asked the following questions: 1. Regarding the conversation you had with Steve Fewkes, has he told you to suck his dick? . 2. Has Steve Fewkes ever touched the back of your leg? Based on the physiological response produced by the subject on three (3) polygraph charts, in the opinion of this examiner, she was not attempting deception when she answered "yes" to the above relevant questions: At this time there is insufficient evidence to determine that there was misconduct on Mr. Fewkes part. It is concluded that conversations, sexual in nature did occur in the presence of Mr. Fewkes, which he choose not to address, however the allegations that he suggested sexual favors cannot be substantiated due to a lack of witnesses to collaborate the allegations. 960 WCCW 05-46-05 5 Attachments: • • Offender~itness Statement dated 5-10-05. Polygraph Examination Report dated 5-23-05 961 Kelly, Kelly M. Hill, Michael D. Wednesday, June 15, 2005 7:30 AM Kelly, Kelly M. RE: GO Lane From: Sent: To: Subject: thanks 0) -----Original Message----From: Kelly, Kelly M. Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 5:18 PM To: Hili, Michael D. cc Parnell, Jane L Subject: RE: CO Lane GUS Bennett· has laken several actions against Officer Lane when I was 'In the Grievance position for the way he spoke with Offenders. -----Original Message----From: Hill, Michael D. Sent: Thursday, June 02, 20052:34 PM To: Kelly, Kelly M. Ce: Parnell, Jane L. Subject: CO Lane Heads-up ... Dana Carroll, CI crew supervisor, reported to me that the above is verbally abusive, inappropriate and usingprofane language when in-processing offenders from CS and CI crews. She said other staff have witnessed, but "look the other way". I told her to document specific information in an incident report &get it to me. 962 1.l"""'1ll il.:::lil:l ;~l STATE OF WASfJlNGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS I. ,:: WITNESS STATEMENT FACILITY NAME OF OFFENDER(S) TO WHICH STATEMENT REFERS DOC NUMBER OFFENDER DESIRES WRITTEN STATEMENT CONCERNING THE FOLLOWING • • • • • • • • • II.II • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • all • • • II II.SI DATE NAME OF PERSON OBTAINING STATEMENT TIME DAM.DPM NOTE: This statement should give a factual account of the events witnessed. Of particular importance is information as to what was observed, where and when it occurred, who was involved, what other witnesses there were to the event, and if possible, any factual information relative to the possible reasons for the incident or misconduct. II. II. II. II. II. II. • II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. • • • • • • • • • • STATEMENT (Use back of this page if additional space is required.) ;j. ([1 OX),)) [C['-t' 4-".(· .. \ iG:,J _L'J On .., I __ . • .>: !,u/ . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • II / 111 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I1 • • • • • • • • • • • • 11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11 . I have read the above statement and affirm that it is based on personal observation of the event(s) described herein and that it is, to the best of my knowledge, a true and accurate statement of fact. SIGNATURE OF WITNESS Distribution: WfJlTE-Hearing Officer, PINK-Offender DOC 05·094 (Rev. 3/2000) POL DOC 320200 964 View All Photos Page 1 of2 cc '" C7' DOC Number:_ Name: Please click on the picture to enlarge it. DATE OF PHOTO PHOTO SOURCE OF PHOTO 2/21/2003 9:20:55 AM GENIE 11/24/2004 2:07:36 PM TAS 11/24/20042:07:24 PM TAS Close • l ............ /lri ~ ~ .. .i-, '"1 Developed and Maintained by DOC's IT Web Applicalion Unit. In-Ft-.."" ...... rI prPh"tn<;l/Vi pH/A 11 Pho ro s asnx 5/1 0/2005 :::4 ~~~Il!!!.. RECORD NAME: BED N O : " COUNS ( IlABII) L ~ I.';jl J);,4 CURWCATION: WCCW BIRTH : 1975 SSA NO: SEX: F : 29 FBI NO: SID NO: RACE : WHITE HISP ORIG: UNK HRR: P U L H E S D X T REG OFFENDER: NO 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 DATE: 01/10/2005 . SENTENCE STRUCTURE HOLDS EARNED TIME OUT-TIME COMMENTS (DT02) (DI63 ) (DI45) (DI47) (DTOS) MXED: 04/08/2008 MNED: ERD : 02/21/2007 ADJ.: 02/21/2007 NRD : OS/25/2005 SCORE: 67 CUS.: MIP MFED: 11/24/2004 VW ELIGIBLE:YES COMM.PLACEMENT: NO LSI-R: 39 AND LSI LEVEL : MED/HIGH COMMUNITY CONCERNS (Y/N) : N VICTIM WRAP AROUND/SENSITIVE: N N MEN U * * * MOVEMENTS (DI43) CUSTODY (DISS/S9) GEN STjV WIT (DI50) ISRB (DI54) JOB/WRK ASG (DE10/12) * * * OS/23/05 07.36.04 PAGE 1 STATUS: ACTIVE RMI :RMB DETAINER/WARRANT (DT03) INFRACTIONS (DI46) BEDS/CLSR (DI44) NAME/DOB/SSN (DT04) HISTORY 1=CURR/2=COMPLT ENTER AN 1=CURRENT/2=HISTORY ON ANY OR MORE ABOVE ITEMS TO VIEW DESIRED INFORM 966 P//N 0'- IISO~ ~CORD OS/23/05 07.36.15 PAGE 1 STATUS: ACTIVE DOCNO:_ NAME:_ COM. COUNTY #AB#N CLARK CMP. CO. /CAUSE GTL TIME STRT RECEIVED OC MIN.TERM CC CS REL.DATE STATUS 33 1l/24/04 11/24/04 51 3Y 6M OD 02/21/2007 ACTIVE OFFENSE DESC. V OC CNTS MIN.TERM CC CS MAND JAIL Y 51 1C OBBERY 1 3Y 6M OD 50 OY OM (IIABII) TOTAL MONETARY OBLIGATION: ORDERED $***1970.00 ;AS OF OS/23/05 PAID $******0.00 SCHEDULE: o SET BY: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: YES LIFE STAT MAX: ******************************************************************************* 967 GSU "OLymtAI'1I SEU\'ICES WlIJiam D. Tufts th ')4-09 '8 Ave a. SW Puyallup, WA 98371 I·OI.\"';UAl·III~AMINATION ItEl·OI~T TO: Investigator Kelly Kelly Department of Corrections Washington Corrections Center for Women 9601 Bujacich Road NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335 SUbject: ,1975 DOB: Requested by: Examination Date: OS/23/05 Offense: Statement Verification Investigator Kelly Kelly Purpose of Examination: To verity or refute the subject's allegation Steve Fewkes told her to suck his dick and that he touched her on the back of her upper leg. Prior to the polygraph examination, the subject was advised of her Polygraph Rights and waived these rights by signing the attached form. CONCLUSIONS A polygraph examination was administrator to the subject on the above issues. Based on the physiological responses produced by the SUbject on three (3) polygraph charts, in the opinion of this examiner, she was not attempting deception when she answered "yes" to the following relevant questions: 1. Regarding the conversation you had with Steve Fewkes, has he told you to suck his dick? 2. Has Steve Fewkes ever touched the back of your upper leg? Examiner: William D. Tufts Mav 23, 2005 Date of Report 968 1'01_ YC RA PH EXAIYlll~ATIOI~ STA,TEMEf~T OF COI~SEi~T /2?Jo F\l"nI113'IOCi Ol_-------~ . underSI~\nd oJ poly~r;q)h e;::lmlll,l\'UI'i "om,nlSlered by G S R polvgroph services IDr lht--;') v0CC-~ _ 'D~tng conducted conc e rninv STt4+e ~r V-..tIL f., ~ also unlit rst;ll1d lIn! I t r hold G S R polygraph services ano William Tults harmless ana ':-:bi\IlY for i1ny <lets or orn.ss.oo by ,Iny other parue s or flgencles ~ncl I·ree l r orn on\ rele::\se nno hoid Undcrsl:1nding \h;.Jt \ neve \he unqu~lil\ed ngnt to relusc' cia hereby. Ihis dare , YOlunt:lrily arid without duress. coercion. uniawiui promiSt_' 01 rcw ar d ~\grt'C to subnu: \0 Z\ po\ygr<lph ex arninnrion -= Dl1le _ _ Illc!lJC'l'!lH'IJ( \ lunhc r urid crst ano or th~\t lr:c: _ 969 Kelly, Kelly M. From: Sent: To: Subject: Beck, Susan R. Wednesday, May 11, 2005 9:52 AM Kelly, Kelly M. Maintenance Workers--05-11-05 Here you go: \j Sue Beck CPM -I\1SC Secretary Administrative weew RPM Coordinator. weew Offender Job Coordinator Washington Corrections Center for \Vomen 9601 Bujacich Road NW. MS: WP-1l4 Gig Harbor WA 9833~-8300 (253) 858-462] Office (~53) 858-4619 Fax srbeck(f{,~doc l.wa.gov 970 Kelly, Kelly M. From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Delano, lynne N. Wednesday, May 25, 2005 8:07 AM Kelly, Kelly M. Stewart, Belinda D. RE: Allegation of Staff Misconduct Thank you. I'll refer this to our PREA Investigators, loa. ----~Original From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Message----Kelly, Kelly M. Tuesday, May 24, 2005 4:19 PM Delano, Lynne N. Stewart, Belinda D. Allegation of Staff Misconduct Currently o f f e n d e ' - ' - - h a s made allegations regarding a staff member who made sexual comments and h~~lely on her back upper leg. On May 23rd the offender passed a polygraph that was administered by GRS Polygraph services William D. Tufts. The staff member was interviewed and denied the ailegations. There are still other offenders that will need 10 be interviewed. I will keep you informed of the outcome. Kelly M. Kelly Chief Investigator Washington Correction Center for Women 9601 Bujacich Rd. MS: WP-04 Gig Harbor, WA 98332 253.858.4689 971