Wadoc Report Staff Sexual Misconduct Taylor Pt2 2003
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STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WARNING THIS FILE IS THE PROPERTY OF THE WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER FOR WOMEN INTELLIGENCE & INVESTIGATIONS OFFICE CONTENTS MA Y BE DISCLOSED ONLY TO PERSONS WHOSE . OFFICIAL DUTIES REQUIRE ACCESS. CONTENTS MA Y NOT BE DISCLOSED TO THE PARTY(S) CONCERNED NOR TO COUNSEL, WITHOUT SPECIFIC AUTHORIZATION OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. . CASE TOPIC: Possible Staff Misconduct RE: Danny Taylor/Inmate CASE #: 04-23-03-FOl DATE OPENED: 4/16/03 DATE CLOSED: 4/25/03 sign and date at time of review or receipt IN OFFICE REVIEW CASE OUT REVIEW COpy AUTHORIZATION 121 CONFIDENTIAL Washington State Correction Center for Women \ Intelligence & Investigations Case File 04-23-03-FO1 \ ~ CONFIDENTIAL 122 CONFIDENTIAL Washington State Correction Center for Women Intelligence & Investigations Case File 04-23-03-FO 1 CONFIDENT;rAL 123 Washington Corrections Center for Women Intelligence & Investigations Investigative Case #04-024-03-FOI April 25, 2003 TO: Belinda D. Stewart Superintendent, WCCW FROM: Steven B. Baxter Investigator, WCCW SUBJECT: POSSmLE STAFF MISCONDUCT RE: CI CREW SUPERVISOR DANNY TAYLOR SYNOPSIS: O . 1.8/03~ CI ...' S ervisor Dann ..y. Taylor wrote an inCident.~r . ort (.see. attae.hm.ent 1, IR date.d 4/8/03) on IIM-....IDO~for tappingIIM. . . . . . . . . .DOCJ. . the chest and then CQmmenting she was clearing out 11M ~ L'lungs. Mr. Taylor then added to the report that ~ been counseled about intimj,dJiting other inmates before. GUS D. Bennett ations and interviewed ~ho stated there were was no incident in her investigated the~. opinion and IIM~dnot intimidate her. ' GUS Bennett during interviews with inmates present during the alleged incident received information that inmates on the CI Crew were flirting with male staff. On 4/15/03 (See Attachment 2, IR dated 4/15/03) IJM. . . .:tnade allegations to cgsBennegl.t inaifOPriate "stuff" was going on with the crew and said that she had observed IIM~~L . . come out of a bathroom with Supervisor Danny Taylor. I{M~li1so stated another time that she had observed Mr. Taylor and 11M. ".lIUder a table . . ..u mentioned was thatWhil~ ...". " at the and they wer.en't WOrlcin.g. Anotherin.cident that ~. Pierce county. J.·ail. Mr./1'.. .a. lor tOt. Inmate~ D-Wing then sent~ack and was alone with 11M ~ lstated that she was coming for-ward with this information because she was tired of the tmgerbeingpofiiied at her. . , ., ()ni4/16/03 (See attacjnnent 3IR~te44116/03) lntw1~ ... ," " ". ... .. ' .,'t w@ell1' ,. .r~@OlI'J ~~'., ent to MSU .{B.;I'as~~With allegations of sW'f miscondnc; between CI CreW,Supervisor Danny Taylor and Inma1 .mQ;~trhe allegations nlade'this night were: ' "Steml. . I ...' ,1 '1m' C.:r ,.. . ,.. ". . • • • V. ill: An Inmate had observed !!¥'lI1IIIIIIIPssing Mr. Danny Taylor That Mr. Taylor and IIM~ppear while on crewjobs for long periods of time Mr. Taylor has threatened iheIIimate's jobs if they tell of these incidents The above Inmates all made written statements and will be included as attachments. INVESTlGATIVE INTERVIEWS AND STATEMENTS: Inma~1!f_Inher'Fttenstatement (See Attachment 4) IIM_l;tated that every tini~;'.1"'1l\.tt'~I9t'serewthey are always Pllrtnered up and then th~\'P-~liIepffand are no where to be f6Utid,lIM.lllii1iiteslliat there are n",?erous tim~ she.bas tried to. fu,>d;oannyXlvlr. , Taylor) becaus~sh.eneede~\~,elp.;ind~as w,u'l!le to findhitn eVen calling out loud. for~. stated that she IS uncomfort:l\l!leWorl<ingWtthMr. Taylor and he bas toldher that II's allJUstBS,thiithe just likes working with liM" ,stated that shefeels like she had been . , 11MMIl!' ILJIJ.M Z" 124 Page2 Case 04-024-02-FOI RE: Staff Misconduct D. Taylor April 25, 2003 USediiEin a wa that she would believe him and not rat him out or convince everyone that nothing is going te that at first she was skeptical, but after closely watching them she knows it's true. on. It.M: I I M, i , ' • te, ~t~. Taylor is so obvious, and l i M " always hi~, sec,retary. On 4/17/03 ate ", as interviewed m M Bldg. at WCCW but had n~'further information to add to her statement except " .ame home from work on 4/16/03 and told her that lIM_chad caught lIM nd . Mr. Taylor kissing in a cubicle. Inm, Inmat ~rotea written statement on 4/16/03 (See Attachment 5) and , e always together at their job-sites, stated that shehad observed that Danny Ta,YIO,r and Inma~, most of the time working alone, offby themselves. ~te she had to search for Mr. Taylor due 'Siatedthat she had been told by another to needing help only to find him with lIM_-liM ?'iad been caught kissing at.the jobsite and had then threatened crewmember that Mr. Taylor and lIM ,,3, 'also stated that two of her the inrnste who caught him with losing her job if she told anyone. friends had quit CI because Mr. Taylor had threatened one ofthefrienaswith losingher job and the other !'was interviewed on 4/17/03 and because Mr. Taylor had tried to get together with her. confumed the information on her written statement. lIM" J . e d her two friends who quit CI because of~JiY.'.er,~~.Inmatesg " ,," X u d " l I M ZJldsostated that another inmate by the name 0, ~ light bl!veI#fcmnation on this subject. no first hand knowledge afMr. Taylor' and lIM'.emil physical in anyway, ' 't ' lIM','" mu T' I a ", , H liMtSJ "l'}lad Dl¢.D.. lnmate. . . . .,~as interviewed on 4118/03 and questioned on the reasons she had left cr.lDn:i~tateii that slJ,e had tired of CI and wanted something fresh. When asked if she had anyproblems with Mr. Taylgr~lied no but that she had heard the rumors that she had quit because he hit on her. lIM~aid tliat she hadnever observed any Diisconduct by Mr. Taylor. ' lnmate,~j)~~Was interviewed on 4/18/03 and stated that she had heard the rumors ~atenedtol!'!<9 her job and that Was the reason she had quit cr. ,lIM said that in reality she was friends with lnml1te',' ",lrand had been talked into changing jobs. ~also denies ever seeing any staff misconduct'by Mr. Taylor. ' . . . Inmat~Q~was interviewed at Pine Lodge Pre-Releas~ on 4/18/03 by AHCC 1&1 Investtgator HOoper who forwarded a written report (see Attachment 6). In this interview pames were not mentionedbllt upon hearing the interview was,about staJ.'fDiificonduct at WCCW lIM )£Ii.ad stated ''you m~dDanny Taylor?" According to ~ never actually tol4l:i6tthat something was going on with Taylor, but that the entire creW knew that there was. Inmate~e the following allegations: . ' , .. • While the crew was working at the University of Washington, ~d Mr, Tayloi would disappear together for long periods of time. One morning immedia!¢IYIlPon arri~g at the site the two ~~~:~_~~c~f~~on~~:;:~~A~~~;:'~.:~Z;=·lots • oflipstick and had arnvedthatIIJOmmg With a fresh a p p l i c a t i o n . > , One Day while on the V~c(>uver job site-she noticed that Mr. Taylor and ~.".e nowhere to be found. The site has a small office with bathrooms in it and that the door is always open. She and ~;f:'Xiwa'~.~:d~~!:So:~= ~;:~~~¢~::e~~~o~~~~~~_~ Mr. contacthad.taken p1liC.J, " ' 125 Page3 Case 04-024-02-FOI RE: Staff Misconduct D. Taylor April 25, 2003 ;>,0- ~tated that Inman I pad told her that Mr. Taylor had an affair with a friend ofhers and had visited her at PLPR afterher transfer. ~ stated that she had begun working the same time as ~d received.set raises after a set time. IIM ~tes that she noticed that IIM.was making $.35 more than her, • • Inmate"""'6eJ . "'was interviewed on 4/18/03 and stated that she had never seen anything out of the ordinary at anytime while working with CI and Mr. Taylor. IIM_tated that she did not want to be involved with this matter and just wanted to be left alone. When asked on 4/25/03 if she had seen Mr. Taylor and ~.e.aving the room as related by IIM _ S h e said no, when asked if she would take a polygraph ~~lIbe replied no. IIM~as hostile and uncooperative during the . entire interview process. Inmate . .... ;!~g~"finterviewed on.4/.18/03 and stated that she had never had any problem finding Mr. Taylor. IIM_had no further input on the subject. Inmat . "Dl;} ~' ' .' 'illave a written statement (see attachment 7) on 4/16/03 and was interviewed on 4/17/03. . . ' Stated that since working on the C1 Crew she has witnessed Mr. Taylor and 11M ~sappearing tOgether during the week on Job.sites. IIM "tated that on several occasions members of the crew attempted to find MR. Taylor only to have him return 10 or 15 mimnes.later with 11M '~ght behind that when oncrr::w with Mr. Taylor and IIM .. hat Mr. Taylor ." .• ff in a corner. I/M,~re~ted that on 4/16/03 while working at always works with 1. Vancouver that another Inmate had returned from!ITing to find Mr. Taylor and stated that she had walked into a cubicle and caught Mr. Taylor and IIM~sing. This inmate was later identified as 11M himtiJd-irtates 2 . . . . . . . . . . 'i>,'" ~ ., ,·~·V'-';O}i InnilI:te~<il~~was interviewed on 4/17/03 and stated.that on 4/16/03 while 11M _latCd that as she entered a cubicle with tall walls.hehad,bserved IIM ~'Sllpervisor ~.Ulg~l. ,crew. o n e; 'Vancouver Job she had gone to 10.0.k.. fO.r h.er.supervISor. D.~y ~aylor. II¥:. ",'" TaYlor. ki.·SSin.g. Ii.P.s to.lips, s!an din.·g. v.ery close togeth.,er., )rta.tedthat they quit when they saw her enter the cUbicle.IIM~ted that ~w,,'Wo ' g as her partner but didn't see anything~feSthatMr. Taylor up to her afterwards and asked "do I still have ajob?" and lIM _~lied "you ought to be ashamed of yourself, you have a wife and kids", and Mr,Taylor is reporte*'t6,fuivereplied "I know", 11M IIIII!II'tated that she would take a polygraph ifllMiIIJook one and passed, to prove that she wasn't lying. . cam9 / ""'0' '"co,':",:'" .\ ...•.. _.'.' ., ' ....•. ,..:: '...,::,::<... _, : •. , >',: Inmate . ..... dJ,)~n4117/03 inmatesllllllllllllwent to the CO in K-Unit and tgld aboultlie allegations aga1n&. ' .. lMi' -. ;'raYl.or (seea t~ .•,lR'.;.li.il<tedd4 '/17/0.3). Shortly afte -. ' r . '.' ,. ..,~. entered the office arid stated that Mr. Taylor had touched her the leg about two months ago. '.. •. , him tta6bInen. on was in.teIfiewed. o.n 4/17/03. an .. d re.lated that. whil .. · e gO.ing. o.ut on..... p.an ... e..l . Crew. o.n ..e.· sa.Y.. lIbe. was sea.tediirthe. '~tedth~tMr' Taylor ....hile backing middle of'the seat directly b¢hind the driver in the CI van. I!lv! up the van turned his body and placed his hand on herllpper/inD.i!fJlllgh. ~Plliinued to say that Mr. Taylor did not remove-his hand even.aft er reaJiiing ~t~e'Wa.s.touchin.~~~I1.~ID~stated . that it happened again during the trip to thejob site. IIM~agreeci to ~ pilili ifneeded. IIM tJl1sostli(ed tb.a~o!",e onjob site she had worked.withMr:;iTay,lor, IlD-d • \B,,,,ost of the day and~nsevc@oPcasl0ns observed Mr"Taylorhold IIM lllll..~swalS!tohola~er:w ,e, she worked on a Iadder.~lU~~ stated that Mr. Taylor would sendherbftcm for-parts andtool~ leaving~~ Taylor I 126 Page 4 Case 04-024-02-FO1 RE: Staff Misconduct D. Taylor April 25, 2003 and IIlM_alone for long periods of time. Inmatol! .O~wasinterviewed on 4/2.1/03 and stated that Mr. Taylor had never touched her even to hold or assist her during the job. IIlM r lso stated that shehad never observed Mr. Taylor alone with other inmates for long periods or had any problems locating him if needed. IIM _ , n o w works in the TRAC program. r . __ Inmate .D()d~tmade a written statement (See attachment 9) on 4/16/03 where . she _ e r e are some very inappropriate be~:~~.on with Mr. Taylor and IIlM _ _ IIlM .. ted that if you catch Mr. Taylor and ~ .._ _t you get threatened with losing your job. IIlM .' as interviewed on 4/17/03 and ststed that Mr. Taylor had never threatened to take her job that she had just heard of others that he had threatened. .2 .• Inmate . .,,~!iJMU' /Was interviewed on 4/17/03 and related that she had never observed any problems with . Taylor, that while he does work a lot with IIlM~ere are always other inmates present. IIlM· . ' feeist\1at the animosity between IIlM~dMr. Taylor may have a lot to do with the accusations. IIlM ". .. 'remembers the Pierce County Jail Job but does not remember leaving IIlM_imd Mr..Taylor alone. Inmate nOC""Made two written ststements one on 4/15/03 and one on 4/16/03 stated that she had seen a lot of (See attachments 10 and 11). In the statement made 4/15/03 lIM inappropriate behavior between Mr. Taylor and IIlM'_b • • • • Coming out of the same bathroom together Going off alone together for extended times Found under a tsble "working" without tools Going off together at Pierce Co. Jail In her statement on 4/16/03 IIlM,' .. ....Slllg:s that she was told by an inmate the she observed Mr. Taylor and IIlM~sing in a cubicle. ~oncludes her statement by saying that she fears for her job because Mr. 'Taylor has labeled her a troublemaker. IIlM, was interviewed on 4/17/03 but had no new information to add. C1 Crew Supervisor RJU!JlIl."SlL'if1gP~#wasinterviewed on 4/2.2/03 and related that she had never observed any undue closeness with Mr. Taylor and any inmates. Ms. Carroll did state however that many supervisors have certain inmates that are motivated and want to work and sometimes will pick them over others in the heat of getting the job done. Ms. Carroll was the other supervisor 011 the Pierce County Jail job and while shedoesn't remember the incident slated that it would not be unusual for another Supervisor to take some of'her crew if he needed them. Ms. Carroll stated that IIlM~ iked being secretary and was often it with her crew. CJ Crew Supervisor ~!\Y..IleArmbrllst"'::~asinterviewed 4/25/03 and stated that he had been on the job site on the day of the alI'eP1l'i]fa~mdnot on that day Orany day seen Mr. Taylor inappropriate with an inmate. Mr. Arm~Slllg:d that he had never had any problem locating Mr. Taylor. Mr, Annbruster confirmed that IIlM ~e to be the crew secretsry and often was when she went out with him.' . 127 PageS Case 04-024-02-FOl RE: Staff Misconduct I). Taylor April 25, 2003 ' Correctional Industries Supervis0E,,!l.QIg.!!l~pcI';was interviewed about the pay raise procedures with inmates on Panel Crews on 4/15103. Mr. Pidcock stated that it is a group decision betweenall the crew supervisors and that they can achieve monthly raises from a nickel to a dime. Pay records for Inmate"" and-.."ere reviewed (See Attachment 12) and no overt favoritism could be seen given to lnmat~ Inmate ;Q!!),C: 'was interviewed on 4117/03 and stated that the allegations ofher kissing Mr. Taylor were not true. l/M_did not think that Mr. Taylor worked more with her than other inmates and that they do not go off together. l/M denied that they had ever been in a bathroom together alone and that the reason that this has all happened is because lIM .'has it out for her. l/M ~greed to a polygraph and one was administered on 4/21/03 by GSR Polygraph services (see attachment 13). The results of the examination showed that l/M-.,as attempting deception when she answered no to the following questions: . • • Has Danny Taylor ever kissed you? '. Has Danny Taylor ever sexually touched you? , After the polygraph was completed l/M . . . .as told that she failed to answer truthfully according to the polygraph machine, IIM.......as reiDterviewed and asked if she wanted to change any of her answers. l/M .'began to tear up and would not answer but remained seated even after she was told she could return to her unit. After several minutes of interviewing IIM _admitted to kissing Danny Taylor on thst one occasion. CI Crew Supervisor Danny Taylor: was interviewed on 4/23/03 and questioned about the alleged incident. Mr. Taylor stated that on the day inqaestion he was helping l/M.. ..lift some ~ork surfaces and were moving a file cabinet when IIM . ., • walked in and 'said "you have a wife arill,pds you should be ashamed of yourself." Mr. Taylor did not know what she meant at the time. Mr. '[Jja~lJr does ilIiter. During this conversation Mr. Taylor stated" I Want to get admit to talking alone with IIM,' this over, I don 't want to lose my job.;' When questioned why he had said this to IIM ... . hhelltated it was something he was going to tslk to all the inmates about, meaning they had to get done. When told that IIM_had failed the polygraph and had recanted and said that they had kissed Mr. Taylorhad no reason why this would happen or she w011ld say that. Mr. Taylor denies ever touching any inmates and never went alonein a»athroom with ~According to Mr. Taylor that while on the Pierce County Jail job he had borrowed 1'W0 inmates from Ms. Carroll but that she had chosen them not him, and eveo when he sent IIM~ackthey had a Pierce County Officer escorting them. !hi!!b SYNOPSIS OF FINDING: Allegations and investigative results made by these inmates are as follows: • ~~~?a~r:~~ratidtMeritPIl:~s:;in~~;a;~~i:d~mm;re~lIenY tffi:rir~;a::'~~4alked later recanted her denial after flUilking. polygraph examination andstated that she-did kiss Mr. Taylor on that one 'occasion. 128 Page 6 Case 04-024-02-FOI RE: Staff Misconduct D. Taylor April 25, 2003 • • • • • Mr. Taylor and IIM ~ork together all the time and disappear from the rest of the crew On this point the inmates are split in their responses, of the inmates interviewed (current and former crewmembcrs) eight inmates claim they work together and disappear and six claim they bsve not observed that However CI Supervisors interviewed stated that Mr. Taylor does tend to work more with the inmates that he feels know the job and work hard. Mr. Taylor has threatened to take the jobs of anyone that tells -!l0 inmate interviewed could state that they had been threatened or give the name of anyone who would say they had been threatened. Mr. Taylor and IIM p''''re seen leaving a bathroom together - Two inmates make this allegation a third that was named by one of the other denies witnessing it and was hostile and uncooperative in the interview. Mr. Taylor had an affair with another inmate and saw her at Pine Lodge Pre-release during a CI . Panel job - This allegation could not be investigated completely as the name of the inmate could never be uncovered. Allegation stated this happened anywhere from 2-3 years ago. Mr. Taylor was unfair with pay .raises - a review of the pay records of inmates and1_do not reflectany favoritism towards .I .' 5 .T All other allegations were not confirmed by other witnesses and therefore must be taken as such. This case is closed pending other developments/evidence. 13 Attachments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7: 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. IR dated 4/8/03 IR dated 4/15103 IR dated 4/16/03 Written Statement by IIM_TIlated 4/16/03 Written Stktement by I I M , . t e d 4/16/03 I&I interview with Inmate(. . 'ciated4/l8/03 Written Statement by IIMf ~ ted 4116103 IR dated 4/17/03 Written Statement by 11M " 1M Written Statement by 11M Written Statement by 11M CI IiJn1ate Pay Records .s. GSR Polygraph results dated'4' ":S'rj'" ' 129 ' . 8 • ,_ STATE OFWASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INCIDENT REPORT PLACE/AREA OCCURRED Ci.oll~ CI/.. l C 'L DATEfTlME OFINCIDENT .1'.0) g USEOF FORCEINCIDENT? NO WITNESSES DETAILS: (Who was Involved, whallook place, how did tt happen, description of any injuries, damage, useof force, alc. Attach additional sheet, if necessary.) IL ~A'(:..~:· r::/No. _ " / (},J 4"/,.., iJ,;:!.. ~k _ 3 '1iM<U" ' • ;iJ"'" . ._",~.su f)"--_'---'.:'---=-'=------'-'='--'~-=--_ .:ru,Ak-V nPl@ CJ-ler B-u,A! ~ _ t " G o M " " E.,m::.D MdVl' U£Ae.AJG,.· I'<h't?- LlI,..J(;J DoF, 2/'/VI ANAJO'l4> . P.-11) . \AJ)(l" .,.~i$ IMMEDIATE ACTION TAKEN, CV S o ..",,\;).. rr ,,>,/~,OI'V), i.(-I/-U3 "..l.) D' 1"('<.\\ qy, '"\ c:: C --'1. I SY1''€I~, ... I.p ( f or \. / I ,I \~ lA.... C>.! ev ,.. . c·,jl,jy .1n~t:. +k . / "I';>'~ /-e.- . f;L '.J.-' I/rl;' / ~/'(fc- ORIGINAL REPORT TOASSOCIATE:SUPERINreN.OENT'S OFFICE INCIDEN"!'NUMBER OATEIllME RECEIVED INVESTIGAnoN ASSIG~ED 1P: DUE 6(, Dlsml~VT,?N .•. ~.•.~. ~IATESllPERINTE.NOENT: o SUPERINJE/'IDENT o SHIFT COMMANDER DsAFETYOFFICER 0 INTEWGENCE OFFICER ' /0 CUNIOALDIRECTOR 001l!ER _ - ' -_ _- , . _ DOTHER= o OTHER [JbTH~R _ _ Attachment ( I ) 130 /~ ... {~ L.Jr.It" . STATEOFWAsHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS .--: ,- INCIDENT REPORT P~£E'I AREA OCCURRED OFFENDERS INVOLVED DOC NUMBER C3 Office DATE /TIME OF INCIDENT 4115103 approx. 9:30 am USE OF FORCE INCIDENT 0 YES [g] NO .~~IJ WITNESSES Ariene Scott-Young, CC3, Sgt Barrett LIVING UNIT '.a Anne Shoemaker, CC3 DETAILS: Who was lnvolved, what took place, how did it happen, description of any injuries, damage, use of force, etc. Attach additional sheet, if necessary. On 4-11-03, CC3 Shoemaker and I interviewed inmate_bncerning an alledged incident that occurred with inmat~n the CI panel crew. Theinci(jemt was reported llY Danny Taylor, crew boss via an incident report alledging t h a i . had intimitated inmate_. Inmat~indicatedthere was no incident and shewas not intimidated by inmat~. On 4-14-03, Sgt Barrett infoFed methat he recieved a phone call from !4!na Carroll, CI ~~~wS~f.d.s:~~~~~~~i;:oa:~:rn~~:~~: i~::t:.m Illinj9~~~~~~i~m.:~. I .... .: Dan~~~i~~~n~~~e;;:tn~:~~a~~~~~:~tand - On 4-11-03, Sgt Barrett and I spoke with inmate .to see what the mood was of the CI crew. Inmate _,said it was her preceptionthat some of the inmates are trying to get inmat~.o:ffthe crew because she speaks her mind and lets them know when she thinks they are doing something wrong.lnmatellllltsaid some of the offenders on the ,.. crjew.aire flirting with the male staff. On 4-14-03 Roy from CI contacted me regarding the incident report written tin inmate III . I informed him that I had spoken to inmate- ..' . ~.and was comfortable With her response that there was no incident. I also informed him of the conve~?tion I had With inmat~ . He indicated ne was going to speak to the crewbossDanny. On 4-15-03, inrn?t!'I!Il.. 'lJ~sked if she could speak with me. At approx. 9:30 a.m. Arlene ScottYoung and I spoke with inmat~said there is inappropriate stuff going on with the crew and she was tired of them trying to point the finger at her. She said last Saturday she ob!\ervedinrnate~oming out of the bathroom with Danny Taylor. She)said another time she walked in a room and inmate_nd Danny were under a table and they weren't having a drill. ~also said when they were working at Pierce County jail that they had completed the workin D wing and moved to Bwing. and Danny took inmat~nd inmatEl!llback to DWing. She. said~as sent backand Danny an~j ,... ere :is<llocked in D wing together for 30 to 45 mlnutes.~aid she had spoken to both Danny andinmatabout their behavior and the preception that they had sometnih'g going on. I IMMEDIATE ACTION TAKEN: "oij~_'''''':!.ii,;,_&:. ) David Swisher, notified. Inmate~rbte a statement (see attached). ~TINGSTAF SIGNATURE r» C-::--.. -, ~ Donna Bennett A DATE 4-15-03 TITLE CUS . " ORIGINAL REPORTTO ASSOCIATE SUPERINtENDENT'S OFFICE INCIDENT NUMBER DATE /TIME RECEIVED INVESTIGArlON ASSIGNED TO BY DATE . Distriputlon. byASsociate Superintendent: Olnte1ligence iJflicer 0 Clinical Director 0 other«. o superintend~nt o Shift Commander o Safety Officer o Other o Other o Other , DOC 21-456 (F&P 10/1612001) WCCW Attachment (~..) 131 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INCIDENT REPORT _f_ -,.- PLACE I AREA OCCURRED Ser .BER"GUNIT ant's Office DATE I TIME OF INCIDENT 04-16-0312047 USE OF FORCE INCIDENT 0 YES IZI NO :~ WITNESSES DETAILS: Who was invoived, what took piace, how did it happen, description of any injuries, damage, use of force, etc. Attach additional sheet, if necElssary'[z, ... . . .. . . .... .. On the .13~<:>ve date and time InmaleS' '" ' .'.,. . ' ", ..' ,. ,. . .~nd ,. I game to my office ... Ith an'allagation of Staff misconduct itwolvihg CI crew supervisor Dany Taylor and Inmate . ' .... _ The statement was made the Mr. Taylor was seen kissing I/M~nd that on occasions Mr. Taylor and 11M. .'. isappear whiie on crew and are not able to be found". Aiso that Mr. Taylor has "threatened the other inmates with job termination if they(the Inmates) were to tell anyone about these incidents. They stated that they felt uncomfortable going out on crew with Mr, Taylor. £ IMMEDIATE ACTION TAKEN: Took witness statements from the concemed inmates, reported to shift Lt. Burton. . . DATE TITLE DATE / TIME RECEIVED INVESTIGATION ASSIGNED TO INCIDENT NUMBER BY DlstribuponbYAssbCia!6 Superlntetldeht" ., SUPElnntendetlt 'Dlntel\gence Officer ShiftCommander 0 QUnlcal Director Safety Of!icer '0 other o o o / DATE o o other DOther Other Attachment (3 ) DOC 21"4S8(F&P 10/1 S12001}WCCW 132 Attachment { 'i /A~,f ~/Ll(i:t:?wo()3 J 'diet/.e. t Dot hJ,cn r,a;i h t?'2-d c'J c r'c7CJ :"¢'~6;'Z: ~~d 4' 6:1/ Q ED () e i'll £.4. lair h / /-?qu~:;ill2.#?z, I- Okr I ,t/z CQ< J 1--1;;;- 1h~f/o'(]?' C _.7 G /rAJa)t.4- W PtA; G' d -e. . ,../ /£ :s: c5 . I7:!/" :J 6 ~4 z:;;:;~e r h0 ,.:2 ,;,1?4. e k . . h Q"""-- _ V7 '(iV ;:, tT Xl/r e U W<::> fA: f'd 133 Liz,.'" (.J S"c. «zze:7,. ./ 1 dA/U- 134 Attachment (.£) 136 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INTELLIGENCE AND INVESTIGATIONS OFFICE AIRWAY HEIGHTS CORRECTIONS CENTER 11915fWestSprague PO Box 1899 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: AirwayHeights Washington 99001-1899 Inv. Steve Baxter Inv, Shirleen Hooper 04-18-03 Inmate Interview Inmate: Report: On April18, 2003 I interviewed, 1 Pine Lodge PreRelease. I . initiated the interview by stating that her rime haa come up as someone who could . ~os~i~~ statements that h.ad., .....b.een.made about a WCCW s::aff member.At. thi.·s tunef~eplied "You mean ~d DannyTaylor?" According to Inmat~!~ ~ad never actually tol~l,9,er that something was going on with Taylor, but therentire crew knew that there was.lIIIsaid that when the crew was working at the University ofWashington-'and Taylorwould disappeartogether for long periods of time. One morning after arriving at work, the two of them went directlY t9tb,e back of a long line of mobil.e files that were al ..1.r.e.a.dy completed, so a~cording to........., there was no reason .• .ipstick was wiped off. for the two oftheIIl to~~ back there. When theyretuined, According to~ways wears lots oflipstick andHiiHarrived to work that morning with a'fresh afipiicatiop.. ~~idthat one day when they were on the Vancouver job, she noticed that Taylor . and,g: . ~erenowhere to be found; She said that in that bui1dingtPere is a small office with the men and women's bathrooms in it. The. door to that roo~Vv~ll1~a'ysgI1en~.1 On this particular day, after noticing that the two ofthem weregon~.··'i~lfIIsaw that th~d~.or was c1o~d. From.Wherethey were working they9i, .. ,j~~~llIi eY.e pn the door"".p~dafter 19-15 more minutes, Q1~~oor oPenec1 ~_,." ••.""ll T.aylo~caJIle out, Shes/lld1t Was ObVIOUS to eyeryonepll(t&.~QI'eWthatSOOle 1di'I ;otphYS1calcolltact ,had b~~gQ.Wg. ·on in-there, According t c. i . '.Waylqr j was swe~~g an.dre.din.the fac.e andthat"Was all flushed. Supposed!" afraid of worras.eo one of the other "....... ',,'; "'-"-.. -.. .. .. .. . : .. _.... .. ,' ..,-.e, :'.... ~",' '.',<e,._ ........'.' '. .. . .. .,' .' ., .Att;:1chment t 10 ) / 137 inmates made the comment to her "I guess you weren't afraid ofhis worm" . ~aid that~id not confirm or deny that anything had happened but had just said something to the effect of "don't go there". _Said that she had been told by an inmate. ·that Taylor had had an affair with a friend of hers. This friend had been transferred to PLPR and that Taylor had visited her there._"did not know the name of the friend. ~tated that she and~ started working on thatjob at the same time. They were to receive 5 cent an hour raises after a set time.~aid that one day when she was checking the payroll for her h0llrs, she noticed that while she was only making $1.3 5 br.-,.,as making $1.50. they should have been at the same pay rate and that Taylor was in charge of payroll and raises. _said All above information was given to this Investigator by Inmate voluntarily'-stated that she would be willing to cooperate with investigation into this matter. any . further End of Report 138 ·_____ _ ._ _..•....•_. ~ ---. ,,-_.. -_. . ---._-, "._._._--, ..• " _~ ..-'._. _._-- _.J / -.... 1./'IJ£~. '~l STAUOFWASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INCIDENT REPORT -'.. '-DQC·!>lUMBER !?bACE'1 AREA OCCURRED I STAFF OFFICE DATE ITIME OF INCIDENT 04/17/03/0730 USE OF FORCE INCIDENT 0 YES 0 NO WITNESSES LIVING UNIT DETAILS: Who was involved, what took place-how dld.lt happen, description of any injuries, damage, use of force, etc. Attach additional sheet, if necessary. ON 4/17/03, AT APPROX. 0730, II " 'CAME INTOTHE STAFF OFFICE AND TOLD ME THAT ,AIDTHAT I/~,. WAS KISSING CI CREW THERE WAS A PROBLEM IN THE C CRE'JII.IT~ AD ER YLOR YESTERDAY AND 11M.,.· .. ,:CAUGHT THE " . 1i' ' AID THAT 11M AID SHE WAS THEN THREATENED BY CI CREW LEADERTAYLOR' ,. T SHE WOULD RECEIVE A 55 INFRACTION AND GO TO SEGREGATIONIF SHE TOLD ANYONE. I/MIlaAND CI CREW LEADER TAYLOR HAVE BEEN VERY OPEN ABOUT THEIR RELATIONSHIP AND ITWAS OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE WHATWAS GOING ON. 11Mb .SAID THAT IT HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR A LONG TIME. AT APPROX. OB30, I/~AME INTO THE OFFICE AND SAID SHE HEARD ABOUT THE CI CREW SITUATION ANDTHAT SHE HAD BEEN TOUCHED ON THE LEG BY CI CREW LEADER TAYLOR ABOUT TWO MONTHS AGO WHILE ON A FILL IN DAY. I/~iALSO CONFIRMEDTHAT THE SITUATION WITH I/M~ND CI CREW LEADER TAYLOR HAD B"EEN"G'OING ON FOR A LONG TIME. " ~ I/M~AID I IMMEDIATE ACTION TAKEN: INFORMED SGT. STOUT, CUS BENNETT, AND INVESTIGATOR BAXTER. REPORTIN~ S I & E , -?v7 TITLE /1/ " p(I'..C+t DATE etc '-I//7/0S ORIGtN~;REPORTTO.ASSOCIA"IE·SUPERINT,eNDEN'I"S·OFFICE , DATE /TIME RECEIVED INVESTIGATION ASSIGNED TO INCIDENT NUMBER , BY Distribution by Associate Superintendent: 0 Intelligence Officer 0 Clinical Director 0 other o Superintendent o Shift Commander o Safety Officer DOC21-458 (F&P 10/18/2001)WCCW' DATE o Other oo Other Other' r, Attacbment (g ) 140 Hp7l //.pi~3 9 p.nL. . - - --- - - - -- -------- -". , -""'-"-'" .--'" ------.. - - -_ ..- - ..._--- ----- - --------- --- --------- - - ... _._--' ---c... -------- --- ----- .. -------- ... ...... . .. " .. __.. - ----------------------------\ ---- '_'_-"'_"_._-. ... ., --------~~----, ----~--~-- Attaehment-C1'.J---- ---_ ..:v ~::.. 141 . -', .... : '. . ..... . ':- .' .. ) .. . ) ' 142 Attachment ( I I) 143 _ July-02 - DATE IUIAL IUIAL REG. HOURS. OT HOURS 4.4 8.5 7/1/02 7/2/02 7/3/02 714/02 7/5/02 H H HOURS PAY 7/8/02 7/9/02 7/10/02 7/11/02 7/12/02 HOURS PAY 7/15/02 7116/02 7/17102 7118/02 7/19/02 HOURS PAY 7/22102 7/23/02 7/24/02 7/25/02 7/26/02 -. 12.9 $12.90 10 9.5 7 9.5 36.0 $36.00 9.5 9.5 6.5 4 29.5 $29.50 MON TUE WED THUR FRI $0.00 . MON TUE WED THUR FRI $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI $0.00 . HQURS PAY 7/29/02 7/30/02 7/31/02 0 0 . .... 9.5 9 7 6.5 32"0 $32.00 $0.00 8~5 MON TUE WED THUR FRI . 9.5 9.5 HOURS PAY TOTALS FOR MONTH: 27.5 $27.50 . MON TUE WED THUR FRI $0.00 {5 Goo&~ $137.90 1 SUPERVISOR'S SiGNATUR INMATE'S SIGNATURE: f Attachment (ll.,) 144 Aug-02 -~ DATE 1/0/00 1/0/00 1/0/00 8/1/02 8/2/02 HOURS PAY 8/5/02 8/6/02 8f7102 8/8/02 8/9/02 HOURS PAY 8/12/02 8/13/02 8/14/02 8/15/02 8/16102 , • TOTAL OT HOURS TOTAL REG. HOURS MON TUE WED THUR FRI 9.5 0 9.5 . $9.98 6.5 9 9. 9 0 33.5 $35.18 6 11.5 $0.00 MON. TUE' WED THUR FRI $0.00 , HOURS PAY 8/19/02 8/20/02 8/21/02 8/22102 8/23102 , 8124/02 HOURS PAY 8/26102 8/27102 8/28/02 8/29/02 8/30/02 - 17.5 $18.38· 4 4.5 6.5 5.5 8.5 10 39.0 $40.95 $0,00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT j $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI 5.2 HOURS PAY :rOTALS FOR MONTH: PAY RATE: $ 52, $5'46 MON TUE WED THUR FRI , $0.00 I '.$109.941 SUPERVISOR'S SIGNATUR . INMATE'S SIGNA1URE: \ 145 Sep-02 • .... #--, TOTAL REG. HOURS DATE TOTALOT HOURS 9/2102 9/3/02 9/4/02 9/5/02 9/6/02 MON TUE WED THUR FRI 5 5 HOURS PAY 9/9/02 9/10/02 9/11/02 9/12/02 9/13i02 HOURS PAY 9/16/02 9/17/02 9/18/02 9/19/02 9/20/02 HOURS PAY 9/23/02 9124/02 9/25/02 9/26/02 9/27/02 HOURS PAY 9/30/02 1/0/00 1/0/00 1/0/00 1/0/00 HOURS PAY 8 18.0 $19.80 5 8.5 13.5 $14.85 6.5 9 10 6 31.5 $34.65 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 22.5 $24.75 7 7.0 $7.70 . $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI . $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI $0,00 I MON rUE WED THUR FRI $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI ~_.- $0.00 -f TOTALS-FOR MONTH: I $101.751 SUPERVISOR'S SIGNATUR ..., INMATE'S SIGNATURE: 1 r 146 Oct-02 ....'#- , DATE 1/0/00 1011/02 ,1012/02 1013102 10/4/02 MON TUE WED THUR FRI 10 8.5 6.5 - 25.0 $28.75 HOURS PAY $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI 9 10/7/02 10/8/02 10/9/02 10/10/02 10/11/02 6.5 9 HOURS PAY 10/14/02 ,10/15/02 10/16/02 10/1.7/02 10/18/02 HqURS PAY 10/21/02 10/22/02 10/23/02 10/24/02 10/25/02, 7 12 40.0 $46.00 6 6.5 5.5 7 5.5 30.5 $35.08 8.5 7.5 3.5 $6.04 MON TUE WED THUR FRI $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI 8 HOURS PAY I - 24.0 $27.60 10/28/02 10129102 10/30/02 10/31/02 110/00 ; • ' TOTALOT HOURS TOTAL REG. HOURS $0.00 9 MON TUE WED 8 '7 THU~ FRI ', HOUR$ PAY TOTALS FOR MONTH: PAY RATE, .IS , " .... - 24,0 $27:60 $0.00, - .J " " , 143,.6' 1.15 1/1i16111;O II . 3.5 -;04 ~.(1'?2(j '-<" .~//j SLJPERVISOR'SSIGNATURh;' " 21/ " jJ I : INMATE'S SIGNATURE: 147 Nov-02 • "_'~i.· . TOTAL REG HOURS DATE 1/0/00 1/0/00 1/0/00 1/0/00 11/1/02 . 5 5.0 . $6.00 7.5 10 10 9.5 6.5 HOURS 40.0 PAY $48.00 HOLIDAY 7.5 8.5 8.5 5.5 12.5 HOURS 40.0 PAY $48.00 11/18/02 11/19/02 11/20/02 11/21/02 . 10 9.3 4 TOTALOT HOURS MON· TUE WED THUR FRI - HOURS PAY 11/4/02 11/5/02 11/6/02 11nJ02 11/8/02 11/11/02 11/12102 11/13/02 11114/02 11/15/02 11/16/02 , $0.00 MON TUE . WED THUR FRI 3.5 $6.30 MON TUE WED ·THUR FRI SAt . 2.5 $4.50 MON TUE WED THUR FRI .. 11122102 HOURS PAY 23.3 $27.96 ,,9;5 6.5 11/25/02 11/26/02 11/27/02 11/28/02 11129/00 HOLIDAY HOLIDAY HOURS. RAY . - .. $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR .. FRI . 1E>;O $19,20 . . • .., - $0.00 ) -r .\ 0 . MONTtHt:~~~~3!~~2:=~~@~ s 1.20 TOTALS FOR PAY RATE: SUPERVISOR'S SiGNATURE'· , ., " , ,j INMATE'S SIGNATURE: ( 148 Dec-02 • _J~ TOTALREG. HOURS DATE 1212102 1213/02 1214/02 1215/02 1216/02 12/7/02 1218/02 HOURS PAY 1219/02 12110/02 12111102 . , 5.5 7 9.5 9 10 10 12 40.0 $52.00 10 9 10.5 TOTALOT HOURS MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT SUN 23.0 $44.85 MON TUE WED THUR FRI 12112102 12113/02 . HOURS PAY 12116/02 12117/02 12118/02 12119/02 12120/02 HOURS PAY . 12123/02 12124/02 12125/02 12/26/02 12127/02 , 7 36.5 $47.45 10.5 8 8.5 3 5.5 35.5 $46.1.5 7 5 · $0.00 . MON TUE WED THUR FRI · $0.00 MON TUE· WED THUR FRI HOLIDAY 4.5 , HOURS PAY . 12130/02 12131/02 1/1100 1/1/00 1/1/00 " HOURS pAY 16.5 $21.45 10 7.5 17·5 $22.75 · $0.00 , MON rUE: WE:D . THUR FRI . $0.00 . TOTALS FOR MONTH: PAY RATE:. $ SUPERVISOR'S SIGNATU INMATE'S SIGNATU~: 149 Jan-03 DATE • TOTALOT HOURS TOTAL REG HOURS . 1/0/00 . MON TUE WED THUR FRI 4 7.5 12112102 HOLIDAY 1/1/03 1/2103 1/3/03 HOURS PAY 1/6/03 117103 1/8/03 1/9/03 1/10/03 HOURS PAY 1/13/03 1/14/03 1/15/03 1/16/03 1/17103 10 9.5 27.0 $36.45 7.5 7 8.5 7.5 7 37.5 $50.63 9 7.5 I. 10.5 8.5 $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI HOLIDAY 5.5 6.5 8 7 27.0 $36.45 10 10.5 6 8.5 9 40:0., $54;00 HOURS PAY . 1/27/03 1/28/03 1/29/03 1/30/03 1/31/03 HOURS PAY i. TOTALS FOR MONTH: PAY RATE: IS $0.00 .... 167'.0 . .45 '. 4.0 $8.10 i ' .. . (')'C SUPERVISOR'S SIGNATWRE: MON TUE WED THUR FRI . .~ 1.35 r. MaN TUE WED THUR FRI . 35.5 $47.93 HOURS PAY 1120/03 1/21/03 1/22103 1123/03 1/24/03 4.0 $8.10 . ,.' .1 8.01 I ,.$1,S(201 .,.;) yj(j, , J).:----;;' '0 I $241.651 I)jJ,"~ ) , INMATE'S SIGNATURE: 150 Feb-03 • . . . .#. . . . TOTALREG HOURS DATE 213/03 214/03 215/03 216/03 217/03 HOURS PAY 2/10103 2111/03 2112103 2113/03 2114/03 HOURS PAY 2117/03 2118/03 2119/03 2120103 2121/03 11 11 10.5 7 6 40.0 $56.00 4.5 8 7 7 5 31.5 $44.10 TOTAL OT HOURS MON TUE WED THUR FRI 5.5 $11.55 MON TUE WED THUR FRI · $0.00 HOLIDAY RECALL HOURS PAY 2124/03 2125/03 2126103 2127/03 2128/03 HOU~S PAY 7 6 4 17.0 $23.80 7 4 5 5.5 5.5 27.0 $37.80 MON TUE WED THUR FRI · $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI • $0.00 110100 1/0100 1/0100 1/0100 1/0100 ., J MON TUE WED THUR FRI HOURS PAY TOTALS FOR MONTH: PAY RATE: 1$ 1.40 . · $0.00 $0.00 115.5 :li161.70 5.5 I :li11.551 $173.25 1 SUPERVISOR'S SIGNATURE: , ... -. INMATE'S SIGNATURE: 151 Mar-03 • _!~ TOTALREG. HOURS DATE 3/3/03 2/4/03 3/5/03 .3/6/03 3/7/03 HOURS PAY 3/10/03 3/11/03 , 3/12103 3/13/03 3/14/03 I· HOURS PAY 3/17/03 3/18/03 3/19/03 3120/03 3/21/03 HOURS PAY 3/24/03 3/25/03 3126/03 3127/03 3/28/03 MON TUE WED THUR FRI 3.0 $6.53 MON TUE WED THUR FRI $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI 9 ·38.0 $55.10 7 HOURS PAY 3/31/03 1/0100 1/0/00 1/0/00 1/0/00 . 8.5 9 9 8.5 8 40.0 $58.00 5 4.5 4 6.5 4 24.0 $34.80 6 10 8 7 ·7 38.0 $55.10 10.5 9.5 9 TOTALOT HOURS $0.00 MON TU.E WED THUR PRI .. HOURS PAY - . 7.0 '.$10.15 $0.00 . 147.0 3.0 213 -,15 6.53 1,,;;.$::....-"1,:;;.4.;;,5o&....::::.:.;;.:,,:,:::L.._-"-....L...,...F.::::.I TOTALS fOR MONTH: PAY RATE: SUPERVISOR'S SIGNATURE4 0/ INMATE'S 'SIGNATURE: I $219. 68 1 July-02 _ C' ./.",} ~ "c _ c IUIAL OT HOURS IUIAL REG. HOURS DATE , 7/1/02 7/2102 7/3/02 7/4/02 7/5/02 ,MON TUE WED THUR FRI 4.4 8.5 H H 7/8/02 7/9/02 7110102 7/11/02 7/12/02 HOURS PAY 7/15/02 7/16/02 1 7/17102 7/18/02 7/19/02 . 12.9 $12.901 9.5 7 9.5 9.5 8.5 40.0 $40.00 6.5 7 9 HOURS PAY $0.00 , MON TUE WED THUR FRI 4.0 $6.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI , , HOURS, PAY 7/22102 7/23/02 7/24/02 7/25/02 7/26/02 7/29/02 7130102 7/31/02 0 0 MON TUE WED THUR FRI . ." $0.00 -. 23.5 $23.50. HOURS PAY . $0.00 34.5 $34.50 7 9.5 7 HOURS PAY TOTALS FOR MONTH: PAY RATE: 01$ - 22.5 $22.50 8.5 9.5 7 9.5 .. 133,41 31LN3,491 .' C:."I SUPERVISOR'S SIGNATURk' , '\ ~ .... MON TUE WED THUR FRI $0.0 01 ' ,',"'.> 1.00 , ' 4,0 se.eo ""'- •.~ ~1JQ, ., INMAtE'S SIGNAtURE.: I: ) I $139.401 . ( ---,- 153 Aug-02 • -~,,~, . ' TOTALREG HOURS DATE 1/0/00 1/0100 1/0100 ' 8/1/02 8/2102 HOURS PAY , 8/5/02 8/6/02 817102 8/8/02 8/9/02 TOTAL OT HOURS MON TUE WED THUR FRI 9.5 0 9.5 $9.98 0 9 6.5 9 - , '$0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI o' HOURS PAY 8/12/02 8/13/02 8/14/02 8/15/02 8/16/02 -, , HOURS PAY 8/19/02 8/20102 8121/02 8/22/02 8/23/02 8/24/02 HOURS' PAY - 24.5 $25,73 6 9 $0.00 MON TUE, WI;D THUR FRI - 15,.0 $15.75 4 6.5 4.8 6.5 8 10 39.8 , $41.79 ~ $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR, FRI I, SAT $0:00 8126/02 8127/02 8128/02 8/29/02 8130102 ' HOURS· PAY . MON TUE WED THUR '!=RI 4 4.0' ,$4;20 - ,I , . $0.00 . TOTALS FOR MONTH: PAY RATE: $' 0.00 sUP!:ORVISOR'S SIGNATUR INMATE'S SiGNATURE: 154 Sep-02 • ~.! TOTAL REG. HOURS DATE 9/2/02 9/3/02 9/4/02 9/5/02 9/6/02 MON TUE WED THUR FRI 5 HOURS PAY 9/9/02 9/10/02 9/11/02 9/12102 9/13/02 - 5.0 $5.25 5.5 $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI 4 HOURS PAY 9/16/02 9/17/02 9/18/02 9/19/02 9/20/02 • 9/23/02 9/24/02 9125/02 9126/02 9127/02 TOTAL OT HOURS HOURS PAY . HOURS PAY 9/30/02 1/0/00 1/0/00 1/0/00 1/0/00 HOURS PAY 6 15.5 $16.28 8.5 5 4.5 5 6 29.0 $30.45 $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI 5 6 7 7.5 25.5 $26.78 7 7,0 $7:35. - ~ $0.00 MON TUE WED . THUR FRI - .. $0,00 f'O~ 0.00 $86. 10 1 . TOTALS FOR MONTH: . SUPERVISOR'S SIGNATURE: lNMATE~S.SIGNATbRE: 155 _ .... Oct-02 • ' TOTAL REG. HOURS DATE 1/0/00 10/1/02 10/2/02 10/3/02 10/4/02 TOTALOT HOURS MON TUE WED THUR FRI 7 8.5 9 HOURS PAY 10/7/02 10/8/02 10/9/02 10/10/02 10/11/02 HOURS PAY 10/14/02 10/15/02 10/16/02 10/17/02 10/18/02 HOURS PAY 10/21/02 10/22102 10/23/02 . 10124/02 10/25/02 24.5 $26.95 9 6.5 7 7 8 37.5 $41.25 7 6.5 7.3 6 26.8 $29.48 6 $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI · $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI · $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI 10 HOURS PAY - 10/28/02 10/29/02 10/30/02 10/31/02 i/d/oo 16.0 $17.60 9 8 , HOURS PAY 17.0 $18.70 · $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI / · {.~ $0.00 TOTALS FOR MONTH: I $133.98 1 SUPERVISOR'S SIGNATU INMATE'S SIGNATURE: f I , r.! 156 - .. Nov-02 TOTAL REG. HOURS DATE 1/0/00 1/0/00 1/0/00 1/0/00 11/1/02 HOURS PAY 11/4/02 11/5/02 11/6/02 1117102 11/8/02 HOURS PAY 11/11/02 11/12102 11/13/02 11/14/02 11/15/02 11/16/02 TOTALOT HOURS MON TUE WED THUR FRI 5 5.0 $5.75 -c 7.5 10 10 9.5 $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI - 37,0 $42.55 $0.00 HOLIDAY MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT 7.5 9.5 8.5 HOURS PAY . 11/18/02 11/19/02 11120102 11/21/02 11/22102 HOURS PAY 11/25/02 11/26/02 11127/02 11/28/02 11/29/00 12.5 38.0 $43.70 9.5 10 9.3 4 . $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI .32.8 - ~$37.72 $0.00 9:5 6.5 MON TUE WED THUR FRI HOLIDAY HOLIDAY HOURS PAY , 16,0 $t814O .-c $0:00 TOTALS FOR MONTH: 21 $14 8.1 SUPERVISOR'S SIGNAT ! INMATE'S SIGNATURE: I 157 Dec-02 • "c~ , , TOTAL REG. HOURS DATE 10 12 40.0 $48.00 10 9 10.5 HOURS PAY 1219/02 12110/02 12111/02 12112/02 12113/02 4.0 $7.20 , MON TUE WED THUR FRI 7 fojOURS PAY - 36.5 $43.80 12116/02 12117102 12118/02 12119102 12120/02 ~ MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT SUN 5.5 7 9.5 1212102 1213/02 12/4/02 1215102 1216/02 1217102 1218/02 , TOTAL OT HOURS 8 8.5 3 5.5 25.0 $30.00 7 HOURS PAY 12123/02 12124/02 12125/02 12126/02 12127/02 . $0.00 MON TUE WED , $0.00 MON. TUE WED THUR FRI HOLIDAY 7.5 10 24.5 $29.40 10 8 HOURS PAY 12130/02 12131/02 1/1100 1/1/00 1/1/00 THUR FRI $0.00 MON rUE WED THUR FRI " - HOURS PAY 18;0 $21.60 ,,- " $0.00 , j""""j ' '1'44,.0',K'" TQTALS,FOR MONTH: . 1$," 1,.20 I, PAY RATE: :7, ( SUPERVISOR'S SIGNATUREt •• ) ,'~ ,A7,t, 0 t/;~-f/rt!g ~7' /r. 7 I $180.001 / '. . INMATE'S SIGNATUaE:' 158 Jan:'03 ~#DATE 1/0/00 12112/02 1/1103 1/2/03 1/3/03 HOLIDAY HOURS PAY 1/6/03 117103 1/B/03 1/9/03 1/10/03 '. HOURS PAY· 1/13/03 1/14/0~. 1/15/03 1/16/03 1/17/03 ., 4 7.5 .' . . • TOTALOT HOURS TOTAL REG. HOURS 7.5 9.5 24.5 $29.40 6.5 MON TUE WED THUR FRI 4.0 $7.20 MON TUE WED THUR FRI 4.5 9.5 7 27.5 $33.00 4.5 9 5 B.5 $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI I '. HOURS PAY 1/20/03 1/21/03 1/22103 1/23/03 1/24/03 - 27.0 $32.40 $0.00 HOLIDAY MON TUE WED THUR FRI 7 7.5 HOURS PAY 1/27/03 1/2B/03 1/29/03 1/30/03 1ml03 - 14.5 ., $17.40 7.5 9 11 $0.00 . 7 , HOURS. PAY . .3l\;fl. '$41;40 .......... ' MON TUE WED THUR FRI $0.00 . TOTALS FOR MONTH: SUPEFN!SOR'S SIGNAtu INMATE'S SIGNATURE: 159 Feb-03 . I • I TOTALOT HOURS TOTAL REG. HOURS DATE . 213/03 2/4/03 215103 216/03 217/03 2110/03 2111/03 2/12103 2113/03 2114/03 2117/03 2118/03 2119/03 2120103 2121/03 2124/03' 2/25/03 2126/03 2127103 2128/03 ) 6.5 11.5 6 HOURS 31.0 $38.75 . PAY 4.5 8 7 7 5 HOURS 31.5 PAY $39.38 HOLIDAY RECALL 7 6 4 HOURS 17.0 ,$21.25 . PAY 7 4 5 5.5 5.5 HOURS 27.0 PAY $33.75 1/0/00 1/0/00 1/0/00 1/0/00 1/0/00' $0.00 MON. TUE WED THUR FRI $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI . $0.00 . . TOTALS FOR MONTH: MON TUE WED THUR FRI $0.00 " HOURS . PAY PAY RATE: MON TUE WED THUR FRI 7 - . $0.00 $0:0,0 MON· TUE WED THUR FRI . 106.5 0:00 133.13 ..l,.;$:.........;1~.2:;;:5:.J..=::.;.:.~:""""_ ......L.....-=.;,;,;;;,I $133. 13 1 SUPERVISOR'S SiGNATURE: INMATE'S SIGNATURE: " ' 160 Mar-03 #-. TOTAL REG. HOURS DATE . 313/03 214/03 3/5/03 3/6/03 317/03 • TOTALOT HOURS 8.5 9 9 , , MON TUE WED THUR FRI 8 34.5 $44.85 5 4.5 8 6.5 4.5 28.5 $37.05 6 10 HOURS PAY 3/10/03 3/11/03 3/12103 3/13/03 3/14/03 HOURS PAY 3/17/03 3/18/03 - , 3/19/03 3120/03 3/21/03 $0.00 - $0.00 7 7 30.0 $39.00 HOURS PAY 3/24/03 3/:15/03 3126/03 3/27/03 3128/03 MON I TUE WED THUR FRI MON TUE WED THUR FRI , $0.00 MON TUE WED THUR FRI 9.5 9 3/31/03 1/0/00 , 1/0/00 1(0100 1/0/00 HOURS PA\ , TOTALS FOR MONTH: PAY RATE: IS - 18.5. $24.05 7, " HOURS PAY' 7·0 $9:10 " - ' t18J,5' 1.30: >:1>154\05 $0.00 - MON TUE WED THUR FRI $0.00 , , I< 1 - :1>0.00 1$154.05 ( SUPERViSOR'S SIGNATURE: INMATE'SSIGNATWRE: 161