Wadoc Report Staff Sexual Misconduct Young 2003
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. STATEOFWASHINGTON I DEPARTMENT of CORRECTIONS WARNING·· THIS FILE IS THE PROPERTY OF THE WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER FOR WOMEN INTELLIGENCE & INVESTIGATIONS OFFICE CONTENTS MAY SE DISCLOSED ONLY TO PERSONS WHOSE OFFICIAL DUnES REQUIRE ACCESS. CONTENTS MA Y NOT BE DISCLOSED TO THEPARTY(S) CONCERNED NOR TO COUNSEL, WITHOUT SPECIFIC AUTHORIZA TION OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. CASE TOPIC: STAFF MISCONDUCT EW LARllY nxJR; CASE#: OH}-()49-03-f01 DATE OPENED: 10/06/03 DATE CLOS~D: 10/16/03 sign .and date at time of review or. re~eipt " I ,.,-.. , -; . IN OFFICE REVIEW CASE OUT REVIEW ) 223 ,,:,.- """":~' ,- : /' . : -, ':'~ " ,",," CONFIDENTIAL Washington State Correction Center for Women ) Intelligence & Illvestigations Caie File ' 10..04.9-tl3~FOl . .. .. . .,. <}",'_: :....'.. :._. "..c.'. ". ' J. " 22'4 Washington Corrections Center for Women Intelligence & Investigations Investigative Case . #10-049-03~FOl October 16, 2003 Belinda D. Stewart Superintendent, WCCW TO: Steven B. BaxteIl'1rr~"'>'rw FROM: .Investigator, SUBJECT: Possible Staff Misconduct:RE: AC Cook Larry Y liang SYNOPSIS: On 10/06/03 a case of possible staff misconduct was opened at WCCW. This case involved accusations of sexual contact between Inmate !EWe W~ AC Cook Larry Young. Inmat. .came forward with the. acCuslitions to Food Manager ,~l&S.klJIR¥,,1lfter Mr. Young wrote. her all18ior infractionfor what he t)1o~ght,was a threat towards him in the serving line (see attachment 1- infraction and statements). Mr. Lamas then notified 1&1 and escorted her to the MI visiting room along with Aast Food Manager ~2l!i..~,~a!BI!!-"" . in:n~::. i!!iCIiiliiJ.~~~:as ill .'. 'on for c. . .tneir ~=:':e~~y;:~.~er , .,leho wollld coirlJim the accusationS. ACYoUDg was pl8CeCl on home 8S'!illtJ!''l~ on 10/07/03 • ::~c~~~~f~~: ~~~::~~~:::g::':hetoin~=~~;'s::;;~~~~OkLarry ';/, Young was returned to work on 10/16/03. INVESTIGATIVE INTERVIEWS: -:;'~:::"""if"'-";>,;':,~I,:",_",,,/:-::~,.,: .', • t] :.,t' .'A~Was , , " " ,', ' _" . interviewed on 10/06/03 and stated that she had been in . a .. relati6!isJIijnvl' E8n'y Youhg tor about three years but had ended it about a year before. Inma~. pi'!' stated that the following had occnrred daring that time: ' • Kissing by both parties • Touching by both parties • cp~~jS/Contraband tq ioclude perfume, chocolate,and body spray. " Inmate. enied ever having·sex with Larry Young during, this initial interview. Inmate , e !lhatshe had no notes.odetters from hiin nor had sheever made any phone calls to him u ill!! .~=o~~~~::~~n:;~~f~~=~w=~~:t~:"~:s : :Mr. r=rid, "Did you lcit nim tOuch you, I'll kick his ass." InmateflllllllJs .~. Of s would f~ceived a pOlygr~ph on 10/08/03 and was asked two relev~t~ti~ns with the . ~. ~Jf~il! wtlil,., :(~ ., ~:eJ~~e~on::J.'~r:,,':S_t!.9"·· ~;oo~e~i~~fa~:that P , ,.. S,.; slie was a:lt , , 'dee dOli • ."Has q. oUng e~';'llissed you?"~SULe;~he : ansVIetedyes { . .. " ' .~' !irid'es, p w:' attem:pilili'ae'¢epli~ ~~n she . , .' . '.I ....: ,. ©@IN1!F1l®[g1Nl1fll~~ >"':', -:)::::',,;:<i~::4~;:,,'-:',; !;":::;',;:",:,,";:,;:'<>:-i~" ::c ::: . '::',':::,',., ,-:: 225 Page 2 CAS~ #10-049-03-F01 Staff Misconduct RE: Larry Young 10/16/03 The polygraph was conducted by GSR Polygraph services and rechecked by a second examiner (see attachment 2 - polygraph results). Inma ." F stated during an interview with WCCW h\V~tjgatorKelly Kelly that Mr. Young ..', f_~~~i§E= the following: . . . • 1 lov""and "I would fuck with her ontlle.oJltside.", . • When asked if he would leave his wife fo ~. Young is supposed to have answered" 1 don'tknow." , - Inmate~eed to a polygraph exam., which was administered on 10/14/03 and was askedtwo relevant questions with the fo~o~r«SUlis: • Did y~u SCI' I1mm~ver rub Larry Young's leg? ~ults - she was not attempting deception when she~~9yes ~ •.•....•....• • Did Larry Young ever tell you tbat he loved Inma~#- Chart recordings were not adequate to form an opinion as to the truth ofher respOnse of yes. '~il!(llT"'. - stated that she had been told by Inmate folIdVili1g'llifo~liOli:" .• 'Relilti0nship had been on-going for three years . She had bali oral sex with Mr. Young, he had performed the act on her this occurred two years ago • on ber birthday • Larry told berthat he would leave his wife for her • Hadbr~~therp~and~~Y. . Had fiXed her watch on the outside and then brought it back in bad When questioned'on what she had seen for herselfInmate .. 'ltated that she had seen then leaY!ngthe freezer together and had se~:himhW' .• . on 6iie'occaafon'oh,tDe hips. l"'!'ateU .. , ~ver saw Mr. Yo~g giy~, . '" y of the conirabijtld' sta~d a~o~e hot:hWd any , ~endearment. lmililte, tate the she had 'f!Pijpg, ut When pre~sed for examPles shestl\~'d;' 'jou'" 0 • 06 ;joking arow:l.li;' . . ...." . . . '0 stated a thattheir had been a oontes~betweenhe~;Mr. Youngand'lmn . oscthe most weiiht. The bet that the loser would shave their'eYe~roWB off: ". " ' .,!-ot shave his eyebrqws,soiJ;lstead made,' .~O¢illl chicken dinner for the ki ' stated that~t track bft¥ contest On her oomputer. A~!._ and cOmPJlter cIisR!l'prol!uceda 3.5 diskwitli ~ file entitled LanY's an~Wel~h"€' file was created on Feb 13,2003 and last modified .onOct 8,2003.. . -C" a was rew. ic 'cis- was interviewed on 10108/03 'and stated that hi had never seen Mr. Young or , '. .ore inappropriate while in.ille kitchen. Mr. Nichols stated that on one occasion he , had fouiid'tlrefu" fu" freezer but where not 610se tGgetlier. ,', ::,::,:,.:..;"."'),::",, .. :.: " .... ',.: ..... ' : .... , ' "':'. ',.c, ..,··" ....•• 22.6 Page 3 CASE #10.049·03.F01 Staff Misconduct RE: Larry Young 10/16/03 Asst. Foo.d Manag~r~~-Ar~J.tk:.'I\'BS intemew~d on I ?108/03 ';"d statedthat while he had never seen him mappropnate wttll any mmate he had seen him makingfood for the inmates but not just for a few he would make it for the whole crew (see writtenstatement attachment 4). ' CCCC.Food ~.!&!ltJJ.£~~fi1!IJ!.n;~,~;:;;. was interviewed by phoneon 10109/03 and stated that during her time at WCCW sh"hAa neverseen Mr. Youngbe sexually inappropriate withany inmate although he had been writtenup several times for the wayhe talkedto the inmates - cussing etc. WCCW!2.o~,~,,;,,~ant~,!:tU!- was interviewed on 10108/03 and statedthat he had never seen Mr. Youngmappropna e Wl~any mmate. tes ",pl!,~,!!!;hed Inv. Baxter in the Mi Kitchen: • • • • • • • Theseinmates wan~ to saythat they had ~ workedin the kitchen for varying times from years to months andhad never seenMr. Young treat ~y different than anyotherinmate. They stated that' they bM never seen him flirt with her but JUSt "kicked" it withher like he doeswith all inmates. They did statethat he yells at thembut tjlat's just Larry. ~fyJ~;;~:1~~:;~:i~:?=~9 gave to her. .' . v>;...::........ ..., ... :. . .. ," ',,',' AC CooKLllrJ:YYoung wasinterviewed on 1017/03 and state!!~t J!e ,never had a relationship with =o1i,@~~ ,j ·:·~·d::fg.~~::~~~g1n~~!e ./S~~~::d%~:~~~~~:h~. If ' qst shCWdlillillliave her eye, 0 :'lf~~l~. c,. • oUld cookthem a special dinner, .Mr. • yOlil!-g::~!lia~)ie'llid 'lose ilnd'did cook j:he dinnerbut thatit )yQs for the whgl\; : . hen,s,taff not jm:tIIM ,1 )k..!ili/lt. young also deniedevet bringingany contrabllDd to ," .;': \:,·t::,':·',,;,:-~;::)·,·:,:'<.·_'::, ,"" .., ' . . . ".." . :,"',',.. -: ," :, _":,',,,.:,:" ,',,',,:.:-{fff!i'il' 1f·. Concluding Synopsis: Froniinformation and witnesses suj>plied by lim,,! ",~ e case of a ' physlcavseXUal. relationship with 'Mr. Young isinconc!iislv". bin:i~tii polygtaph exam showed she Was being decePtive biher to questioilS6£phy.icai ,,6ft 'p 'er.witnesses were not deeis,lve In lho:ir views ob. tl\e relatloxishlp. Erom,certaln witnesses ii,lnfg1lf6~;derl 'ed that certain tounbing might ha",ie occurred'b,\~ Viith-tli~ amount of lc"mat.e wOrkers,in " , !Kitchen to hRve etlly two comeJorwai'd witlrUrl'onnatlo~decre8se8,the viabilityof:lhelrc.lm, It , \\in how"ver that Mr. Young' ardi~iilfclpate illa weiglif loss contest arid when he ~ost' fuade aspehi , ,lor fOr tbeininMes in the ki~.·'WlmerOUs;iljm.tes,aS'il1entiotiediri'j:bis'itlveiilig~ti9Jl also state;tjial'~. Y;~tlhg Muld be verbally ~~~~~:Jliteilicii6liSwitlHliefuln the; kitbhen. ''t!l'is case'lS 6!6s~ jlefuliiigany furthei~eldpni~ts LatrY answer. CY,I. ,--"" :' i:"":li';;::-1.-',' 227 NOTE: An ECR investigation has been initiated due to four grievances from inmates and to look into the allegationsof the weight contestand his cooking dinner for the inmates \ 2003.3796 DO~#~ Offender Name ,. Hearing DatelTi,me 1018103 I Infraction Date TBA OBTS Codes 1012103 ----+---tl-I-- DataBase OBTS { () - £ . cJS •- . [ -'.tA~ 1J1V" Narrative INF Hold PjL~:'.JA':.... _ i6 -{- C13 Attachment (l ) 229 2003.3796 • STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS SERIOUS INFRACTION REPORT ~ on Correction Center for Women Neme: Number()fiUl~(~)Vi(,lat~d: _5",'b"'6'--- ~ Date: TIme: -- Place: Details in ~II: 10/2103 17:49 Dining hallMI ' IDOC,'~tated in the dinnerline "Did you remove my soy sauce from • ed 'That's alright, I've got something for you." I perceived this as a threatening At approximately 1749 hours, inmate. my salad?" I replied, "Yes, I did." Inmate' stlltemenl: Witnesses: Young, LarryD. REPORTING STAFF Young, LarryD. --::RE::P::O::'RTI~3NG==~ST=A::FtF :::SI=GN:7A:: ::::RE :: : - - - - - - - - - - - - - ru LEASE PRIN . , ) . Was,inmate informed of rightto remain silent? X Yes D No PLEA: NOTGUILTY: Dateof Hearing: -"10"'16"'1"'0"'3 -,-_ GUILTY: 506 Did theinmate make statementafter being informed of hislher rights? X Yes D No If so, whet? The stetement is, only In pert not ~II. lasKad him if he removed my soy sauce from my salad. He said "yes." I told him I WQulddeal with Mr. Lames aboutthis. I did notthraaten him h ~sii:icai1il~i:i';'~~:::;~~:=':7.":-.'~,:',..-:-.';;;-,..- il$lj"l!I!~;l;~!jl:~mi!~~::;··~fr_~'i:f.::.': Finding: NOT GUILTY: c-'i'50"'6'---~ I ------~ ..., . GUILTY: Facts and evidence found: 506 - NOTGUILTY finding based on written report and inmate statement. / ' , Sanction(s): Not applicable. Reason forsanction(s): Notapplicabie. D WILL APPEAL D NO APPEAL HEARINGS OFFICER SUPERINTENDENT , , J, Dlstribuilon: ,.. ",. ,:",':,.-:.:.' , DOC 20-051 GREEN. Offender >.: -. :,-, '" CANARYT Untt Sgt 'PINK ~ CUS / Counselor . I , , y , . GO~DENROD"" Hearings Officer :: '.', ';,:j\:-:,":",:L:,',':,} ,DOC451.000 230 2lIlI3.37llI STATEOF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS , ..j-" om'_lf'll .: ~ _~ "":~'''';;':;'''''':"_.:~ :'t·:.'.':'·'.,.,·... .: ..... :.:-' •.': ;:".;' : TIME OF DATE~G ... ~--'ff~ ::" DISCIPLINARY HEARING MINUTES AND FiNJ:lINGS , ... HEAlflWi DOC NUMB~, INFRACTION DATE / 10l2I03 1/1;1'2 W/WED 24 HOURS NOTICE WAIVED APPEARANCE '7 OFFENDER'S PLEA: GUILTY INTERPREJ:ER: " DYES STAFF ADVISOR: DYES COMPETENCY CONCERN: DYES ~ ~ NOT GUILTY ;= YES YES IV ~ l? NO $fJ{ , NAME: NAME: HEARING IMPAIRED: /'" DYES [iNO SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY (LIST WITNESSES TESTlFYING)/EVIDENCE USEDIFIND1NGSI REASONS FOR CONTINUANCES, DECISIONS, AND SANCTIONS/ANY RELEVANTINFORMATION~ 7316 INFRACTION NO. >7.17'.-;17;",- If ~'7 ,,t:?.htT ~' Pv/~ GUILTY SAHcnON(Sl: TIME ' Distribution: WHrre'C.~ttal Fli. CANARY·Heering OfficerPINK.Offend.r DOC 21·312 (Rov,'1l7105I2002) POL -, , '"- . ,, :~:::>\;:-;" . ',~" 231 .• ,, if " STATE OFWASHINGTON ' ~', 'DEP~ENT OF CORRECTIONS .'. INITIAL SERIOUS INFRAcTlor,fREPORT CL~"L--~~ ttt.sJ/.!3 • DATE OF INFRACTION " , 'RULE VIOI.Ano~ #(S) . '-. ',': '.'; '0 ( TIME OCCURRED o A:M;:;l'P.M. \: PI.ACE OF INCIDENT (BE SPECIFIC) ~r-N.. OATE OCCURRED ""-...\\. ~, \.<:::T 1::.'1-- 't;) 1>. WITNESS (1) DAYS OFF WITNESS (3) DAYS OFF WITNESS (2) DAYS OFF WITNESS (4) DAYS OFF .. ;r . ~ ,',. ,.' ,':; -,' . / ,, - - s---~. PHOTO SUBMITIED DYESDNO PI.ACED IN PRE·HEARING CONFINEMENT EVIDENCE LOCKER NUMBER YES NO D1S,~OSITldNOF EVID,ENCE (IF NOTPI.ACED IN LOCKER) :. ;'. '~:~ c' ( ....;.':' 'f..- ESDNO ',AELATEDREPORTS ATTACfjED , DATI: .,'L Q -;.;z -oh' ~-,-- --,- ---.-:- --==-- -;-__,_H'2 32 STATE OF WASHINGTO•• DEPARTMENT of CO~cnONS INFRACTION REVIEW CHECKLIST 1::1. Examine the infractlon to ensure that each field is filled in property and written legibly. B- Ensure the offender's name and DOC number areI"!lcorded correctly. l2r Read the infraction report narrative and ensure thefollowing elements are Included: o Who? o What? o Where? o Why? DHoW'? '. Q-- Check to be surethatthe infraction violations at the top of the reportcorrespond with the written Information and are' appropriate tor the Incident NOTE: The reviewer may; 1) require that the report be revised. rewritten. or reinvestigated by the reporting staff member to ens,ure the alleged fltctssupport the charges, or 2) add, dismiss. delete or reduce the indicated WAC violations as !Ippropriate, based upon the Information and/orevidence provided by the reporting staff and any ' mW~ng~~. Ensure the report is factual, without alilsumptions, feelings, beliefs or what the reporting staff"thinks' mayhave happened. EhsurethereportinclUdes supporting documentation if the incident Included: o Injunes? Medical Respo~e? OWitnelilSes? o property Damage? o Use of Force3 o TeleincldenlRep9rt'? DOtherSuPlJlementaJ Information? . o .: ' .\ !;:n~w:e ~Leviclence has been collected. secured. and logged property lnaccordence with polley and facility pl'9c8dUres.Did yOu document: • o Evl(jence tak~n? DEvi~l!ncl! sa~eNumber assigned? Dwt\etHer~rn9Uheevldence .wasplsped in an evidence locker? The clisp<>sttion of th~ eVidence if· not placed in locker? D'Ph919ssubmiltlld? ' lEI '... - " , Complete the "Placed in Pre-hearing Confinement" field by checking theI"Yes"or "No"boxes. ::<:." ,.... ",,:::': .: . .: "" " .: ' .. ' ,'. '0 . "",". ,,: ;..' ' .~ ", J If confidentialinform!l~onhes,bllllhsubmitted.ha\i.e you: o Reviewed the Information to ensure it is consistent with other reports? Checked to lll1s4reth~~dcici4!"~nts are m~iked or slalTJ:ped as ~90nfldenti~I"? . oo andfor'Narq Requested that tlie slathtil10 receIved the Information Initiate DOC 05- 392; Confldentiallnformalion Report ,illo CleSighatedfllcllity:stafr? .,' .. ' '.'~": OOC 21,961 (112003) ceo " ,': ,,:, , .. J .) • , ' ' .' PIll·1ol2 I I:d' TI TI U Tne InilJaJ Serious Infra!;:tlon report (with attachments, If any) Is complete. Sign and date the Initial Serious . Infraction Report on the line labeled "Infraction Review Officer Signature" (Signature must be legible). Send the infraCtion report and any supporting Documents to the hearing clerk or designated facility staff. . } . ' .. Tile Initial Serious InfraCtion report has been reviewed and is being returned for the following reason( s): Reaso~ . Prompjly resubmittile infraction report willltlle corrected I appropriate information, inclUding this Infraction Review ClleckJi~t. \, \ ' J .1 OOC21-961 (112003) ceo 234 ... . ---- .. STATE OFWASHINGTON DePARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS 2lIll3.3788. HEARING NOTICE! APPEARANCE WAIVER OFFENDER NAME '-. _ DOC~UMBE~ FACILITY DATE. WCON o DISCIPUNARY EARNED TIME " LED FOR: H o CLASSIFICATU$13 LOCATION / . TIME DA.M. DP.M. HMrina 0Ifice REASON FOR IiEARING (INCLUDE ALL ALLEGATIONS OF MISCONDUCT IF APPROPRIATE) CIwiJed with violation or 508 I HAVE m=N PROVIDEDA CERTIFIED SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER INTERPRETER NAME I DATE I HAVE SEEN PROVIDED WITH A SPANlSI;I TRANSI.ATION OF TIlE CIfARt:iI;S AGAINSTME ON SEME HA OAOO UNA TRADUCCION AL ESPANOL DE LOS CARGOS EN ME CONTRA EL alA DATE/FECHA TIMEI HORA OFFENDER SIGNATURE I FIRMA DE OFENSOR OFFENDER RIGHTS: ~ YOUHAVETHE RIGHT TO REIo'AIN SILENT ATTllE HEARI\'iG.IF YOU CHOOSE TO REMAIN SILENT;VOUR SILENCE MAYBE USED AGAINST YOU AND THE DECISION WILL BE BASED.ON THE EVIDENCE PRESENTED. Ef' YOlfMAY WAIVEYOURAPPEARANCE ATTHEHEARING. 0"" yOU MAYREQUEST WITNESS STATEMENTS: . .. ".;-" STAFFNAMe PosmON I2r CRIMINAL CHARGES MAYBE PENDING. STATUS OF CRIMINAL CHARGES: (Liat WItn_ Below) r£ NONE OFFENDER NAME ANYTHING YOU SAY HENCEFORTH MAY BE USED AGAINST YOU IN A COURT OFLAW Q1:lNKNOWN 0 PENDING IN 6YOU':tAVE'TJlE RIGHT TO REVIEW ALLRElATED REPORTS ANDA SUMMARY OF " DOC NUMBER ~~:FIDENTIAL INFORMAn:"GES ErYou MAYREQUEST A STAFFADVISOR (H approved by the HearingOfficer). 0 c;r"Ybu MAYREQUEST ~ INTERPRETER (If unable to. speak andlor unde",t;lndthe English language). 0 Id1tf~A:6~EQUEST AC~fl.TIFIED SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER IF YOUARE HEARING . 0 ~IVED F,lEQUESTED ~AIVED REQUESTED ~V~D REQUESTED - Q'YOUMA'C'APPEAL THE DI;<;:ISI9N ANDtOR SANCTIONS TO THE FACILITY SUPERINTENDENT/SUPEFlVISOR. . CY~oW~~~flE ~4N,~~~I~tM, ,~~Q~ ~i~~D ";'lTnIN, ~O.DAYS OFAN ESTABLISHeD RE~E DATE, A GUILTYFINDING 0' . . ·R. . INI G 'tid . . !ve MYRIGHT TO THE REQUIREQ 48 HOURS NOTICE PRIOR ON)HEARING OFFICE ANDAUTHORIZE THE HEARING ,AND EVIDENcePRESENTeD TOTHE HEARING OFFICER AS "/ . , . . ' ,. ";;WArvEMY RIGHT TO THE ReCl\JIRED24 HOURS NOTICE PRIOR "~~~':N~g~rc:~N~ ~~~*~I~~~~~ep~~i~~&~~ON =.,.,...""",,,,,,,,......WAlVE MY RIGHT T; ATIEND THIS SCHEDULED ~EARING. . I I 235 '. :: ._.. _-----_. ••••1; Im.",ralernoeded fpI'_...,Neeeallo Inl8",,,10 para ,-,'", " (languaga). (Idloma). .•:- .,I ! DAYS OFFl DIAS UBRES ~SPONSE RESPUESTA ( RESPONDER IPERSONAQUE RESPONDE , ."'. I. , 236 " .. ~ "~' . . ~~t() -{f/1 • =~=cno~s.·.. . . ,.,N"'ATE'S KIT,E PAPELETA DE. Pi:T1c:ION DI;L RECLUSO Interp.....r n..dad for Nece.1to lnt8rprstB psrs REASON /QUESTION RAZO~ .," .', ..' 'j I PREGUNTA ~. (Ianguaga). (Idi0nla)' ;±]A]wiAc( YY\Aj Qn~ 'vsou1 Y\Dt!{i;;;; SLo ptw.&z LO\'"\C\JfJ:;lf VK&j hlOJ\ (1-'' '-& RE$PONSE RESPUESTA \ ...., I OA RESPO~OER I PERSONA QUE RESPONO~ " .' • . . ,' .. " '............ TEl FECHA .........•...... > / .....,.... . ': ..' . .'. : . . ~ : ·.WHrrEIYELLQw~,YEu.~,lOotrilndwwlth Response..P1NK-O lfilnder keeps ~:·EIlAHcA1AIIARliJ.:A"PiInIOrie quit...,..., AM4,RIL.LA~1lilntCIutO con l'e8f3ueeta; ROs.we lei ~"~"""""'" ,,!" '.,;.' '. , DOC21'"473E1S.(11I1l1)OCO ( .237 GSa POLYGRAPH SEBVIOlS WIlliam D.Tu118 1409 18'" Ave cr.sw Puv~llup, WA 98371 POLYGRAPH EXAMlNA.TION REPORT TO: Investigator Steve Baxter Department of Corredions washtngton Corredions 9enterfor Women PO Box 17 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 ._,h Subject: Examination Date: 10/08103 Offense: Statement Verification C ,; DOB: -,'If 1967 ";' Investigator Steve Baxter Reqllested by: Purpose of Exarni!lation: To verify her and performed oral sex on her. or refute the subjeph allegations that Larry Young kissed Priorto the polygraPh. examination, the_subject was advised of her Polygraph Rigt1ts and waived these rights by signing the attached fOrm. . . . 1, CONCLUSIONS A polygraph examination was administered to the subject on the above issues. t Based on the physiolpgical responses prqducecl by the subject on three (3) polygraph charts, in the 0p'inionofthis examiner, she was'attempting deception when she answered ·yes" to the ) followmg relevant questions: ' 1. Has Larry Young ever performed oral sex on you? 2. Has Larry Young ever kissed . you? , . I .. ' .. .' . ' . .. . " ' , ' , A second examiner. !=.ric Killian, has reviewed this examination and concurs with the'numerical evaluation and'conclusions., ' " ' ',' J . '. Odabedt 2003 ' Dale!$lR~rl' GSR POLYGRAPH SERVICES William D.TUIIs 1+09'18th AveCT. SW Puyallup, WA 98371 POLYGRAPH EXAMlNA'DON REP8RT TO: Investigator Kelly Kelly Departn\ent of Corrections washington Correction Centerfor Women PO Box 17 Gig Herbor, WA 98335 Subject: 976 008: Requested by: Examination Date: 10/14/03 Offense: Statement Verification Investigator Kelly Kelly Purpose of Examination: To verify or refute the s\.lPj~:~>!III!l!SlilIion that Larry Youngtold you that he loved Inmate Altheimer and if you saw Inmat~1:l Larry Young's leg. Priorto.the pplygraph examination,the subjectwas advised Of her Polygraph Rights ,and waived these rights by sjgning the attached form. v ." CONCLUSIONS A polygrap~ examination was administered to the subjecton the above issue. ) Based on the physioloQical responses produced bythe sUbj~ on four (4) polygraph charts, in the opinion Of this examiner, she was not attempting deel:lption when she answered "yes" to the following relevant question: ' 1. Did you see , Inmat~r rub Larry Young's leg? ," ""T"'''' , Base9 on the erratic physiological responses produCEld by the subjl!lcl on four (4) polygraph charts, In the opinion Of tl')is ~min",r,chartrecoi'dings w~~not ~~fJate to form a definite oplnibn as to truth or deceptionwhen she answered "yes" to thefol1QWing relevantquestion: I~ved 1. ! ,Did La'rry Young evertell you that he Inmat" ' , ", . ,.,_,>:,\'><:,"-,." . _,' - ' .: ", ,"..- _.,.' ;., -. ','_ .. ',',_<,: ... ,Iy,:,:::"t---'):':i}}-t>,,: A second eXaminer; Eric Kiljian, has reviewed this. examination and conclJrs with the numerical evahJation and&ndusions. . ,,! .., ," ~!S;~~?::> "' October 1.5, 2003 i'" ':;"".< .;.. .',~~.,.' . ,;;.::(:;.:':-.:,,:.•.'",;:'/':.. :::~,.,,~, ;,;.. ".,',."'.:">,:, "'. ',,'.'. ' Dare" olRe~ri '=xarillher:W\llIam.,C); TUfts Attachment, ( 3) .' '':''-,.... 239 e. 'ye;t I 0 c c...0\ '5'> (cn I ka v e, .5;0 c.K€J, '1-0 Lc$..V'YY YOe.-LYl Cl.b~<--L.~ I=IX""o- -j-)',e frlf-C-h e ... W&v-Itev Food ;J:.";-eYV2S -I-i-a..-I- t\\-e.. ,vzo-r- O h j-:he.. n-: en i.A. 5 L.A.- C. c-; C< 5 p}~ {e. d C h , c ,ke_h ; "1 s-re« d a';:; /Ja ICed.;L Ac<-ve- /7':; of- S ee,t;t h¢fl1 f',,x,n.a- t.f-e'-5 Po Y d:u.:.-+ e n e I l - ' ] ~ -f-e.- b u: f- /0 yo -I-A.-E..... w4:, f€..S e u () i"'\ cr $h,F"-I-, ~ c.lov-c,f- bel "1 cr f Gr eecs e... knc~ 01 cv-.y l'7or vu'''''OS ye- f> c;cr-eJ, r /. , e -H /4A e- h. e, l-<. S e.. -1-1- e, f:-o r 5""-,,,-41' Pc-,.-WI rc-/,.... · IMiIt Wa s f-I.--e... deep Dlnne.r 5 Ufl~C).5'€:- 1:- ro r r» o€.r a5 s c. lA-' +-,hE.- lo/l Jo e... b.qlce.d t:J 0#1. Ot KI +-Ch-e-h C 4tc..ken -l: t.. e- . rYI en "',' i m. -, Attachment ( S., ' 240 241