West Virginia police officer decertifications
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Revocations NAME Date of Revocation Last Employing Agency LEPSIS ID # Certification Related Action Surrender Revoked Reactivation Denial Redford, Phillip T 23-Feb-17 Wheeling Police Department 3837-6803 Williams, Matthew W Cowden, Mark A Streets, Dennis E 23-Feb-17 8-Dec-16 30-Jun-16 Roane County Sheriff's Office Hancock County Sheriff's Office Berkeley County Sheriff's Office 9780-7418 0206-8304 5087-2612 X Monroe, Robert M Ward, William H 30-Jun-16 28-Apr-16 Charleston Police Dept Wheeling Police Department 9589-2512 8496-0818 X Miller, Steven W 25-Feb-16 South Charleston Police Dept 4342-1085 X Bradshaw, George Pearrell, Craig Saunders, Christopher Stemple, Matthew Shockey, John E 28-Jan-16 28-Jan-16 28-Jan-16 10-Dec-15 29-Oct-15 Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Berkeley Springs Police Department West Virginia State Police Monongalia County Sheriff's Office Petersburg Police Dept 1670-5717 4454-6481 0502-1278 9916-0009 1705-9329 Davis, Christopher Whipkey, Heath A. Whipkey, Leonard S. Shrewsbury, Aaron G Meadows, Ryan D Coleman, Raymond H Henning, Charles R. III Ware, Patrick D 24-Sep-15 25-Jun-15 25-Jun-15 25-Jun-15 26-Feb-15 29-Jan-15 30-Oct-14 26-Jun-14 Boone County Sheriff's Office Gauley Bridge Police Department Gauley Bridge Police Department Fayette County Sheriff's Office Kanawha County Sheriff's Office Charleston Police Department Shinnston Police Department Berkeley County Sheriff's Office 0580-5937 1979-1560 6786-8959 2226-7350 0749-5635 2956-6037 9846-5725 8935-2784 Atterson, Bryan M. Brand, Johnathan D. Cordle, Randy K. Totten, Bradley C. Hawkins, John W Burgess, Randy D. 29-May-14 24-Apr-14 24-Apr-14 24-Apr-14 27-Feb-14 30-Jan-14 Beckley Police Department West Virginia State Police Concord University Police Department Pocahontas County Sheriff's Office Barbour County Sheriff's Office Raleigh County Sheriff's Office 3149-3653 5313-2999 1821-0400 2645-4522 0731-3444 6737-5348 Slack, Miles J 31-Oct-13 Clay County Sheriff's Office 6342-2496 Smith, Timmy R. Puskas, George M. II 29-Aug-13 29-Aug-13 Clarksburg Police Department Ripley Police Department 1829-1832 1162-3124 X X Unknown/Old Record Currently on Appeal X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Goff, Marshall H. 25-Jul-13 Clarksburg Police Department 9785-7972 Shirley, Robert E. 30-May-13 Jefferson County Sheriff's Office 7414-3462 Thompson, Bryan L. Vensel, Joshua A. 31-May-12 31-May-12 Clarksburg Police Department Parkersburg Police Department 0559-2463 9270-1120 X X Anthony, David L. II Carpenter, Conrad M. Pauley, Shane R. Lewis, Willard L. 29-Mar-12 29-Mar-12 26-Jan-12 27-Oct-11 Mason County Sheriff's Office Montgomery Police Department Princeton Police Department Elkins Police Department 5152-6756 8918-7904 3150-3283 2640-8490 X X Bowen, Foster G "Pete" Thomas, Denver H. Lynch, Eric J. Feltner, Jack M. 25-Aug-11 25-Aug-11 30-Jun-11 24-Feb-11 Huntington Police Department Ripley Police Department Montgomery Police Department Fayette County Sherrif's Office 7188-2595 1933-4346 5356-2508 6479-1191 Chapman, Ronald M. Pearson, Derrick R. Patrick, Sean P Bennett, Richard L. 26-Aug-10 27-May-10 25-Mar-10 28-Jan-10 Saint Albans Police Department Logan County Sheriff's Office Charleston Police Department Mason County Sheriff's Office 2375-0187 2703-4431 0448-7525 6588-7053 Conley, Raymond O. Leavitt, Matthew A. Shafer, Chad W. Dunn, Franklin D. Davis, Wade C Barnes, Micheal T 28-Jan-10 24-Sep-09 30-Aug-07 27-Jul-06 31-Mar-05 27-Jan-05 Dunbar Police Department Montgomery Police Department Richwood Police Department McMechen Police Department Kanawha County Sheriff's Office Williamson Police Dept 2658-1391 3196-5365 9868-4060 4895-2340 6301-0232 4182-6933 Brown, David A Marcum, Charles E Snuffer, Shane S 27-Jan-05 9-Dec-04 9-Dec-05 Ravenswood Police Dept 2978-6812 West Virginia Natural Resources Police 6751-6699 Cedar Grover Police Dept 8546-0367 Messick, Dennis W 26-May-05 Berkeley County Sheriff's Office 3876-7496 X Marshall, Robert M Hart, William H 31-Mar-05 24-Feb-05 Wheeling Police Dept Charleston Police Department 6723-0985 2523-5760 X X Pierce, Tyrone L Justice, Robert C 24-Apr-03 31-Jan-02 West Virginia State Police Delbarton Police Dept 9161-6853 6156-7238 Rapp, John K. Messenger, Gary L. II Lambert, Darrell A Greiner, Stephen F Schubert, James K 27-Sep-01 29-Mar-01 24-Sep-98 9-Sep-87 Unk Athens PD West Virginia State Police Charleston Police Department Wood County Sheriff's Office West Virginia State Police 4776-8577 7778-6838 9850-9298 9346-6240 1243-9857 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X Page 1 of 1 Reason for Certification Action Taken Plead to Exhibiting Material Depicting Minor Engaged in Sexual Explicit Conduct Agreed to surrender as part of criminal plea to entering without breaking Federal conviction involving abuse of prisoner Felony conviciton for embezzlement Agreed to surrender as part of resignation and in lieu of criminal prosecution Plead to domestic battery Agreed to surrender as part of resignation and in lieu of criminal prosecution Failure and misrepresentation of FY15 in-service training shortfall Diversion Agreement - resitution of money and Plead to federal drug charges - distribution of oxymorphone Pre Trial Diversion - Domestic Battery Fraud investigation (charges dropped) Dishonesty & conduct unbecoming - admitted the commission of a crime involving sexual conduct and physical violence Plead to alteration of public record Plead to alteration of public record Dishonesty - willful falsificaiton of informaiton Convicted of battery Conduct unbecoming - use of force Plead to obtaining/possessing controlled substances Plead to DUI and providing false information to WVSP Pre Trial Diverson - battery. Officer is appealing revocation at this time, can not work unless resolved in his favor Plead to obtaining money by false pretenses Convicted of sexual abuse by a parent, guardian or custodian Plead to sexual abuse by a parent, guardian or custodian Plead to insurance fraud Plead to domestic battery Plead guility to interception and disclosure of wire or oral communications Color of law violation and related false statements (charges dropped) Plead to possession of child pornography Color of law violation and related false statements (charges dropped) Plead to a charge of deprivation of rights under the color of law Pre Trial Diverson - Battery and Neglect of an Incapacitated Adult Plead to battery Plead to embezzlement, fradulent shcemes, and brandishing and firing a weapon Plead to felony fradualent credit card Plead to simple larceny Plead to harrassment Former Htng PD officer (by news articles) who was sonvicterd of multiple counts of child molestation in 2011. 25 Aug 11 mtng Subcommittee members elected no action as no verification of prior certificaiton due to age of indiv, 80+ at time, and that he was in jail. LEPSIS file created and flagged. Plead to contributing to delinquency of a minor Plead to fraudulent use of credit cards Plead to fraudulent schemes Plead to possessing firearms and ammunition in violation of a DV order Convicted of battery Plead guilty to soliciting a minor Plead to embezzlement Plead to a charge of deprivation of rights under the color of law Plead guility to violation of civil rights Plead to charge of accepting gratutities Plead to sex abuse Felony murder conviction - located during old record review False swearing Plea to two misdeeanor charges of petit larceny and possession. Indcaited possible desire to have revoaciton reviewed in 2005, but never sought an appeal Plea agreement - Forgery and uttering of govt documents Plea to impersonating a police officer Plea to misdemenor related charges of failure to arrest and a DUI charge redcued to reckless. Subcommittee reviewed at his request, reaffirmed revocation action during 30 Aug 07 mtng Felony pleas - Sexual assualt and sexual abuse by a custodian Federal conviction involving theft of cash Pretrial diversion agreement to an original charge of making false statement to HUD Plea to bribery/obtaining money under false pretenses Plead to Sexual assault - third degree and contributing to the deliquency of a minor Convicted of deprivation of rights under the color of law Plea to battery/assault against a person in custody Informaiton unavailable Unknown