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To a Bureaucrat

To A Bureaucrat

You are as irrelevant

to my future

as I am to yours.

I have no power over you

and I seek none.

But, you are unhappy

to be likewise.

You pretend

to have influence

with the big people

enabling you

to pull the strings

of my destiny.

I am relieved

that you pretend.

Once we move on

from our present abode

YOU are, as I,


What will separate us

and, thankfully, distinguish

you, from I,

is, Of course,

your craving for the means

to control my life.

I am not important

you calmly agree.

That you are not important,

you furiously dispute.

Okay, then,

you are important but...

only to yourself.

--Anthony Mclntyre Long Kesh

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